> The Shadow Guard > by Theatre Pony 66 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A middle aged, grey coated unicorn with a black mane and tail looked out of the Castle window only to be greeted by the same sight of the frozen wasteland that had been there for centuries. He sighed to himself, before he walked over to his desk and looked at the various papers, scrolls, and books that were spread about it. His eyes reached a framed photo of him with a middle aged female pony that was holding a yellow baby foal. The unicorn let out a sigh before he heard a knock at the door. “Come in” The unicorn turned to watch his door open and a small yellow filly enter. “Citrine what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be taking your lesson… did you sneak out again” “No” Citrine quickly said. “Citrine…” The unicorn said in a stern voice. “Okay, fine. Yes, I skipped today’s lesson. I mean come on, you’re my dad! Why can’t you teach me this stuff?” “Listen; this it has been a while since we have had people your age in our organization, and I don’t want you to grow up without knowing anyone your age. I want you to at least have a semi normal childhood, because you know once you reach adulthood everything changes.” The Unicorn said as he trotted over to her and put one of his hooves around her shoulder. “I know dad. It has just been a little hard to focus since well you know.” “Yes I know it hasn’t been the easiest time since she passed, but it does not give you an excuse to skip your lessons and not make friends. I know this is not the ideal life, but it is our job to do as it was my father’s, and his father’s before… I am sure you can get the gist of where this is going.” The filly sighed before looking up at her father. “The stuff just scares me okay.” “Ah I see.” The grey unicorn said as he tapped his hoof against his chin as if he were thinking. “Well. the thing you have to remember is everyone is afraid of what we could have to face one day. Even me.” “Really?” “Yep, but the thing is the land of Equestria and everywhere else is counting on us to conquer those fears because they are counting on use to protect them.” “I thought you said people forgot about us?” “Yes, the knowledge of our organization has faded: now only a few ponies know of our existence. But it is still out job to protect every pony, unicorn, pegasus, and other creatures in this land. Do you understand?” the grey unicorn said as he looked down at his daughter. “Yes” Citrine said as she gave a week smile to her dad. ‘Okay now let’s get you back to your lesson. shall we?” “But Dad!” Citrine pouted “No buts. We will be heading back to the lesson as soon as possible. Do you understand?” “Fine.” Citrine responded. “Good.” The unicorn said as he turned to the door only to watch it suddenly swing open. Citrine and her father watched as a pony wearing a black and silver cloaked armor entered, and lowered his head in a bow. “Commander Greycoat I am here to deliver a message.” the cloaked pony said. “You may speak.” Greycoat responded. “I was told to inform you that Azure Glow has returned from his trip to Canterlot and requests you presence immediately.” the cloaked pony responded. “Thank you very much. I shall go and see him immediately.” Commander Greycoat then walked to the door and was about to exit when then he turned to the other pony. “Would be so kind to escort my daughter back to her lesson and to make sure she stays there?” Greycoat said exiting the room. “Yes commander.” the pony said before turning to Citrine who then let out a loud sigh and walked out of the door as the pony guard followed. **** The Commander trotted down the hallways of the old castle, as he approached the entrance doors to the castle where he saw a cloaked blue unicorn with a yellow mane and tail standing near the door next to a large crate. “Glad to have you back, Azure.” Greycoat said with a smile as he approached the unicorn who then lowered his head in a bow upon noticing his commander. “No need to bow, you said you needed to speak with me?” “Yes Commander, there are thing that we need to discuss.” “I assume it has to do with your meeting with Princess Celestia?” Greycoat said as he moved closer to Azure. “Yes it does. The journey was long, and tedious as usual, and it took me a while to get to the palace without being noticed by the civilians of Canterlot. Then I had to wait because, you know, she is the princess.” “That she is.” The Commander responded with a chuckle. “As I was saying, it took some time before she was free to see me.” “And what did you two talk about?” Greycoat asked in a curious manner. “Well first we made small talk, you know said hi, and I asked how everything was going with ruling Equestria, and what not, but once that was over I started to talk to her about some of our needs.” “And?” Greycoat asked. “Well she said that first she could defiantly work on sending us more food and living supplies.” Azure responded. “What did she say when you asked her about us wanting new recruits?” “Ah, you see I brought up the fact that our numbers are not what they use to be. I then asked if she had any guards or local orphans that were not getting adopted that she could spare.” The blue unicorn responded nervously. “And?” “She said that she did not see something like that happening at the current time. The Princess stated that her guards are needed for various job not only at the castle, but in Canterlot as well. Princess Celestia also said that she does not want us taking children out of orphanages as she says the times have changed. ” Azure answered with haste. “I see.” Greycoat responded and he leaned against the door frame “Soon you and me will have to have a proper meeting, so that we can discuss possible ways for us to get more members in the future. If she truly does not have anypony she can spare down the road.” “I’m not done yet.” Azure said as he moved closer to his Commander. “What do you mean?” Greycoat responded in curiosity. “Well. She felt bad that she didn’t have a single pony to help… so she gave me something else” Azure said as he turned his head to look at the crate. “What is in there?” “Glad you asked, commander.” Azure said with a smile as he trotted to it. Greycoat then watched with a sense of curiosity as he watched Azure’s horn glowed a shade of dark yellow. The lid of the crate slowly lit up, and watched as it moved to the ground, leaving the crate’s top open. “Go on take a look!” Azure said smiling. Greycoat slowly walked towards the open crate and peeked into the open top, then let out a quick gasp. “Impossible! Is that what I think it is?” Greycoat said in awe as he looked up at Azure. “Yes.” the unicorn responded as he walked over to the create “She told me that she felt that he would be better suited to help us then anypony she could send” “What is his name?” Greycoat asked eyes looking back at the crate. Azure reached the crate, and looked inside to also examine the purple and green baby dragon. “Spike, his name is Spike.” **** (There is the Prologue of my story The Shadow Guard. I would like to thank my Editors V-Pony, and Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope you enjoy the story.) > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (13 years later) A small purple and green baby dragon slept in his bed as the light from the sun illuminated his small, simple room. The dragon let out a light snore as he slept, clearly enjoying a peaceful dream when a suddenly a loud banging was heard at the door. The dragon slowly stirred from his sleep, slowly blinking his eyes as he tried to adapt to being suddenly awakened. The dragon’s eyes adjusted to the light as he looked around his simple room. He noted how it was fairly empty with a desk that that’s had papers, and candle for light and a few books on it. Suddenly there was another loud knock on the door. “Spike wake up, your needed in the kitchen” Spike sighed before throwing the sheets off himself and hopped out of bed landing on his feet. He then did a long stretch before walking to the door and opening it to see that the pony who was knocking was no longer there as he looked down the hallway and saw that it was empty. “Weird,” Spike said to himself before he shrugged and started to walk down the castle hall as he thought to why he was needed in the kitchen at this time. “Please don’t be dishes, please don’t be dishes!” Spike thought to himself as he continued to walk down the long hallway. **** Spike sighed as he looked at the massive pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. He then grabbed a sponge and then started to slowly clean them. “Well this is fun…” Spike whispered to himself as he scrubbed a giant pot. Each scrub had more anger seemingly put into it before he finished and went on the next dish. When he heard the door open and turned to see a brown earth pony with a dark green mane and tail, wearing the standard black and silver cloaked armor. There was an awkward silence as the pony and dragon stared at each other. The pony then spoke. “Hello.” “Hi… What do you want? I’m kind of busy at the moment.” The dragon asked “Commander Greycoat wants to talk to you.” The pony said as he leaned against the door. “What about the dishes?” Spike asked. “They’re not really going anywhere, are they?” The pony stated. “Okay, fine.” Spike said as he stepped away from the sink and started to walk towards the door before he stopped and turned to the pony. “I don’t think I have ever seen you around here before, are you a new recruit?” “No, I have been here for five years.” the pony responded. “Wait, really?” The dragon asked as he stood there looking at the pony. “Yes,” The pony as he walked towards Spike “I have a question for you.” “What?” Spike responded in annoyance. “If a tree falls down in the woods and if no one is around to hear it fall, does it really make a sound?” the brown pony said as he looked at the young dragon. “Ummm… Yes” Spike answered in confusion. “Well then. I am the tree that falls and does not make a single sound. Remember that piece of information; it could one day save your life.” The earth pony said before he turned and trotted out of the room, leaving Spike standing there confused. “Well that was weird, heck I didn’t even get his name!” Spike thought to himself before the baby dragon hastily walked out of the kitchen to meet with the commander. **** Spike approached the door to Commander Greycoat’s office and quickly knocked and waited for a response. “Come in.” said a voice from the other side of the door. Spike slowly opened to door and stepped into the room. He and looked around and saw that it was a lot simpler then he anticipated it to be. He noticed a bookcase, a large bed, and a large wooden desk with papers and scrolls strung about it, as well as the grey unicorn behind the desk that was staring out of the window. “You wanted to see me, Commander?” Spike asked as he approached the desk. “Yes,” the grey unicorn said as he turned around to face Spike. “I assume you do not know why you were called here?” “No, Sir.” “Well as you are probably aware our organization has been in service, guarding Equestria for nearly a thousand years, guarding the land of Equestria from the dangers that they do not know about, nor do they want to know about them. The point I am trying to make is that no one really remembers us, and as we fade more and more into obscurity it means the less likely we are going to get members to join our cause. This has led to our less than stellar numbers of members. This also means as time passes it leads to many different problems. One, if we need to defend the land the fewer numbers we have, the more likely we are to fail. Then two, the traditions and knowledge that we hold will fade away.” The older unicorn said as he let out a deep breath. “Do you understand?” “I think so, what does this have to do with me?” Spike asked with a hint of curiosity. “I was getting to that,” Greycoat said as he walked to the baby dragon. “I feel it is time for you to become a more active member of this organization. I apologize for making you do menial choirs at this young age but I needed to see if you were mature enough to become a member of our group and now I see you are ready. Spike, I have a very important request I need to ask you.” “Holy Celestia, he’s going to ask me to become a member of the guard. Yes, everything I have dreamed about is going to become true!” Spike thought to himself, as a smile slowly started to appear on his face. “Would you care to become the blacksmith’s apprentice?” the commander asked. “What?” Spike said as the smile quickly faded from his face. “Yes, Steel is only going to be getting older and he is going to need someone to pass all of his secrets to and take his place when the day comes when he becomes too old to make our weapons. So we need someone to take his place and that some is going to be you. So what do you say?” Greycoat said as he smiled at Spike. “I will gladly become Steel’s apprentice.” Spike said with a hint of both sadness and anger. “Good!” Greycoat said as he turned around and walked to his desk “I have already informed Steel about the situation and you are to go meet with him immediately. Do you understand? ” “Yes commander.” “Well good then, that is all we needed to talk about. I wish you luck in your new workspace.” “Yea, thanks.” Spike said before he turned and quickly exited the room **** Spike slowly entered the blacksmith workshop and looked around the room. He took note of the work bench with various tools and hammers on it. As his eyes panned over to an anvil resting on the ground before him, he looked up and his eyes rested on the large forge. Spike slowly approached the large stone, flames filled forge. Looking at the grey stone bricks that made up the forge it was clear that it had been in use for hundreds of years. As he grew closer to the forge he could feel the heat of the orange fire coming out of the forge, as he crept a little closer to feel the full warmth of the hot flames. “Impressive, isn’t it?” Spike’s head whipped around at the sound of the new voice to see who had spoken. His eyes quickly rested on an older unicorn who had a light white coat and a silver mane, he was wearing a black cloak with a brown backpack and stood at the doorway looking at the young dragon before he walked over to Spike. “Where are my manners, my name is Steel Slash. Pleased to meet you.” He said as he stuck his hoof out at Spike who then slowly took it with his hand and gave it a shake. “I’m Spike.” The dragon said. “I know.” Steel said as he watched Spike let go of his hoof and then looked closer at the dragon. “Where going to need to get you a little more in shape, but we can get to that later. Time for the tour.” Steel said as he moved past Spike and went to the middle of the room. “Well, as you can see that is the forge, workbench with all the tools, anvil, and that’s about it really. So do you have any questions?” “Umm, what will I be doing?” Spike asked in confusion. “Of course, you will be my assistant. You know, helping me with keeping everything in order, learning how to forge and make weapons, helping me make the weapons, cleaning up afterwards, and other similar steps. As well, as the fact that you have been told, I will be teaching you the tips of the trade." Steel said, giving a little wink before walking over to the workbench. “I see… well it sounds like fun.” Spike said in an unenthused voice. “So what are you going to be teaching me first?” “Well, truth is I wanted to show you something.” Steel said as he motioned for Spike to come over to him. Spike quickly walked over to the workbench and watched as Steel’s horn glowed a silver color and the bag lifted off his back and was suddenly dropped on the table with the sound of several clangs of metal heard. “Go on, open it!” Spike looked at the bad with curiosity before slowly reaching into the bag and pulling out a glowing white metal ingot. “Is this?” Spike asked in awe. “Yep. What you are holding is an ingot of Metalla Lux, or Metal of Light. What you are holding is basically the life blood of our organization. Our weapons and everything that we have done has been a direct result of that metal. It’s extremely hard to find, harder to mine, and extremely harder to melt.” Steel said as his horn glowed and several other ingots of metal came flying out of the bag. “So now what?” Spike asked as he set the ingot down on the workbench. “Well first I want to get to know a little bit more about my apprentice. So would you please tell me a little about yourself, Spike?” Steel asked as he started to inspect each glowing ingot. “Well, truth is there is not much really to say. As you probably know Princess Celestia sent me here when I was just a hatchling and I was basically raised by basically the Commander. I did a lot of cleaning up around the castle, doing a lot of choirs and what not, and now I am your apprentice. That’s really all that’s worth mentioning I guess.” Spike said. “So do you have any dreams?” Steel asked. Spike opened his mouth and then took a pause before he started to speak “Well, one thing that I really want is to become a member of the guard.” “Ah I see. Well maybe one day you can join the ranks of the guards, but for now you’re kind of stuck with me. So anything you want to ask me? “So what are you going to be teaching me?” Spike asked. “So you want to get straight to the point I see. Well the first thing I’m going to do is show you how to use the forge and smelt the metal.” The unicorn said before he walked to the forge and suddenly stopped and turned to the dragon. “Oh I heard somewhere that dragons are fireproof is that true?” “I don’t really know.” Spike responded. “Well there's really only one way to find out, isn't there?” Steel said as he looked at the forge. Spike eyes widened in realization before he looked at Steel who gave him a smile. “Fine.” spike said before he walked over to the forge and looked at the orange flames coming out of it. Spike took a deep breath before he stuck his hand in and suddenly let out a loud scream, before his hand flew out of the fire. “Holy Celestia! I am so sorry I thought-” Steel said apologetically before he was cut off by laughter which caused the Unicorn to look at the dragon who was smiling holding up an unburned hand. “Funny. Let’s get to work. Grab one of those Ingots will ya.” Steel said with a smile as he watched the dragon walk over and grabbed an ingot. Then he walked over to Steel ready to see what he had to show him. “Let’s get started.” Spike said. **** Greycoat sat at his desk, watching as the door to his office opened up and Azure entered the room. “Take a seat please” The grey unicorn said as his horn started to glow and an amber liquid filled bottle, and two glasses levitated on to the desk. “It that Apple Scotch?” Azure asked. “”Yep.” Greycoat said as he lifted the bottle and pored the liquid into the glasses and pushed one to Azure. “So what do you want to toast to then, commander?” The blue unicorn asked. Greycoat looked at his glass for a moment before lifting it up. “To the Shadow Guard!”. Azure gave a nod and lifted his glass and let it clink with Greycoat’s glass before both of them took a drink from there glasses. “So what’s the deal?” Azure asked. “Well, the truth is in a month I’m going to be sending the guards out to do a sweep across Equestria, just to be safe and see.” “Why? There has been no sighting in over seven hundred years.” Azure asked as he took another drink. “I feel we need to get ourselves out there. I mean the last pony that joined us was Cedar; and that was five years ago and by complete accident. We need more members. If by some mere chance the Shadows do return, we are not ready.” The grey unicorn said as he finished his glass. “I suppose you are right. I will start to make the necessary arrangements then as well as make sure that the guards have enough weapons and supplies for the journey, because some of them will have long distances that they need to travel.” The blue unicorn stated as he took the last swig of his him drink. “I shall work on making the teams between the guard members as well as giving them their locations. When they are away we can then plan on how we can attempt to get more members to join the guard.” Greycoat said as he levitated the bottle and refilled the glasses. “Sounds like a plan.” Azure said as he and Greycoat clinked their glasses and took a drink. **** (Well there is Chapter one of my story. I would like to thank my Editors V-Pony, and Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.) > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Three Weeks Later) “Okay; now take it out slowly and carefully.” was all Spike heard as his hands griped around the handed to the metal tong. He slowly pulled it out and he made sure that the tongs held on to the orange, white hot metal, as he put it on the anvil. “Okay, now grab that hammer and start shaping the metal into the blade.” Steel said as he watched every move Spike made. The baby dragon quickly grabbed one of the hammers off of the work bench, and then started to pound the metal with it. He saw the sparks come off the metal with each hit as the blade began to take shape. “Good, now make it thinner.” The white unicorn instructed, as he watched the dragon start to slam the hammer onto the middle of the blade several times until the metal began to slowly thin. Spike continued to hammer around the edge of the forming sword in order to give it the start for the cutting edge of the blade. He watched that with each time he stuck it with the hammer, the orange heat on the blade began to fade. Finally all the orange had faded and the dragon looked at the glowing white blade. “Now put it in the water to cool.” Steel said as Spike nodded and quickly placed the blade into the container of water. He heard a loud hissing sizzle, as the blade touched that water, and watched as the steam came from the water. “Well that was a work out!” Spike said as he wiped the sweat off of his forehead, before sitting down on a bench. “You’ve got to get used to it though my young apprentice. As you will probably be making several of these a day once I have taught you all that I know.” The unicorn said with a smile. “Great.” Spike said as he let out an exhausted sigh. “So, anything you want to ask me?” Steel said as he walked over to Spike and sat down next to him. “Um, well there was actually one question that I had. Have you ever seen one of the shadows?” The baby dragon asked looking up at Steel. “No, those things have not been sighted for several hundred years.” The unicorn answered. “Then why are we here doing this? What we are meant to be fighting have not been seen in like you said hundreds of years.” Spike stated. “We have to be prepared, I mean you never know what could happen. I mean in the last year or two both Nightmare Moon and Discord returned and wreaked havoc and chaos over the land. Also I heard the commander says something about a failed invasion that happened during a royal wedding or something like that. So with everything that has been happening, we are going to have to be preparing for the worst. Which is of course those things returning. Do you understand?” Steel responded in a serious manner and he looked at the dragon. “I guess,” Spike responded. “Well, I know it’s a little hard to understand it all. I was the same way when my pa basically told me the same thing years ago it will all make sense in the end.” Steel said as he let out a small smile. “Ya, so what’s next on the list of thing you need to teach me?” Spike asked and he pulled the now cooled blade out of the water and put it on the workbench. “Well truth is, since you have been working since six in the morning till midnight this whole week, I think I’m going to give you the rest of the day off.” Spikes looked up at the unicorn in shock and happiness at what he just heard. “So why don’t you go to the dining hall and get something to eat, I’m going to clean up around here so I expect you to be back here same time in the morning tomorrow got it.” Spike started at Steel for a moment in silence before a smile spread across his face. “Thank you, and yes I promise I will be here tomorrow.” Spike said as he ran out the door leaving Steel standing there smiling to himself. He magically closed the door and walked over to the workbench, then levitated a large rolled up scroll under the desk and unrolled it and looked at it with intensity. “Well I best get started on you then.” Steel said with a smile as he turned and walked over to the workbench still looking intently at the unrolled scroll. **** Spike opened the large doors to the dining hall and looked around to notice that first he was alone, before the large table piled with food took his attention. The purple dragon walked over to the table and gazed at all the food; trying to see what he was in the mood for when his eyes soon rested on a bowl of ripe red apples. Spike licked his lips as he grabbed one the apples and inspected it to make sure that it looked okay. He slowly brought the apple up to his mouth to take a bite when something quickly whizzed past his face. Spike’s head quickly turned to see what had happened and his eyes shot open when he saw and arrow lodged into the wall. “Drat, I missed!” A voice shouted as Spike turned his head in the opposite direction to see an angry yellow pony holding a bow. “Missed what Citrine? MY HEAD!” Spike screamed in disbelief and the yellow mare approached him. “Sorry, I was aiming for the apple.” She said as she walked past him to retrieve the arrow. “Well that’s a relief” Spike thought to himself as he sat down at the table still holding the apple in his hand as he watched the yellow pony pull the arrow out with her teeth and put it back in her quiver. She turned and walked over and joined him at the table. “So,” She said, “How has the blacksmithing been?” she asked awkwardly. “Work, work, work, and then like five hours of sleep.” Spike responded as he took a bite out of the apple. “You?” “Well I just got back from training it went as well as it normally does… absolutely dreadful.” The yellow pony said as she let out a sigh. “I’m sure if you work at you will eventually get it, I mean you have already improved a lot since you were a filly.” The baby dragon said as he gave a small smile. “Thanks.” The yellow pony said as she watched the dragon take another bite out of the apple. She gave a smile when she suddenly heard the sound of hooves running past the door causing her to look up, and see a few guards running past the door. “Hey what’s going on?” Citrine shouted causing one of the ponies’ to quickly run back. “Cedar is fighting Blaze!” he shouted before he quickly ran off. Citrine quickly jumped off the table bench and turned to Spike. “We have to go, I’ve got to see this.” She said in excitement as she grabbed Spike of the table and tried to drag him with her. “Who in Celestia’s name is Cedar?” Spike asked in curiosity as he followed the yellow pony out of the dining room, and down the hallway to the training courtyard. “He’s an earth pony who came here five years ago. You know brown coat, green mane.” She responded. “Oh him.” Spike thought to himself and he walked down the old hallways on the once forgotten castle. “If he is in a fight with Blaze he must be either really strong or the dumbest pony on the face of the Equestria.” The dragon thought as he and Citrine reach the door that lead outside. They opened it to see the snow covered ground outside the old castle as they both looked over to the training ground and saw a small crowd forming at the training ring. Spike followed as quickly as he could as Citrine raced to the group of ponies that were gathered at the ring. “Did we miss anything?” Citrine asked the group who then shock their heads as Spike finally caught up o the group and looked at the ring and his eyes widened. He saw the same brown coated green mane pony from the weeks earlier “So his name is Cedar.” Spike thought with a chuckle, and looked standing across from the orange coated, red mane unicorn known as Blaze. “So are you sure you want to do this and challenge me, The Great Blaze?” Blaze shouted as looked at Cedar who gave a quick nod. “Fine, then chose you weapon!” Blaze shouted causing both of them to turn around and run to the weapons table on their sides of the ring. The crowd watched as blaze levitated a short sword to him, while Cedar picked up an axe with his teeth. They both turned to each other waiting to see who would make the first move. Blaze then suddenly sent his sword flying at Cedar as it started to magically swing at him causing Cedar to use the axe in his mouth to block every stab and swing that has taken at him. The crowd of ponies and Spike watched as the sword weaved around, and around the earth pony trying to strike him in various angles, and swings as Cedar managed to parry every attack that was thrown at him. Spike watched in curiosity at the brown pony held his own against Blaze’s attacks which Spike could see caused a fare amount of distress to Blaze by the look on his face. Blaze then brought the sword back to him before he glared at Cedar. “Think you’re so tough with you axe blocking skills?” The red unicorn shouted with annoyance as he glared at Cedar before turning to look at the crowds reaction and give a smile. to them. Spike’s eyes quickly diverted to Cedar who used his front hooves to quickly take the axe out of his mouth and then threw the axe as hard as he could at the distracted unicorn. Blaze turned his head to see the axe flying towards him. “Holy Celestia!” He screamed as he ducked just before the axe hit him. He then looked at the direction it came from only to see cedar galloping towards him at top before the brown earth pony jumped into the air. The crowd watched in amazement as Cedar’s back hooves slammed into Blazes face causing the red unicorn to fly backwards and bounce across the training ground. As Cedar landed on his hooves and slid across the ground. “Did he just send Blaze flying?” Citrine asked in astonishment. “Yep.” Spike replied with a look of total shock and disbelief. The crowd’s eyes all quickly focuses on Blaze who slowly got up on this to support himself as he brought his hoof up to his now bruised section of his face and put pressure on it. Spikes eyes quickly moved back to Cedar who how once again gone into a gallop but instead of running to attack the disoriented unicorn he ran right past him in the direction of his discarded axe. Blaze realized this and quickly picked up his sword and turned to follow the brown earth pony. Cedar then quickly reached his axe and grabbed it with his teeth and turned around to see Blaze charging at him at full speed. Spike watched as Cedar prepared himself for the unicorns oncoming attack. As Blaze swung his sword, Cedar quickly used the head of the axe to block the incoming strike. Both stallions’ weapons clashed against each other started at each other for a moment before Cedar slammed the axe’s handle end into Blaze’s face. Then he attempted to swing the axe at him only to have Blaze slam his front hooves into the brown pony’s chest, causing Cedar to fly back into the ground. Blaze raised his sword to strike but Cedar quickly recovered and blocked the incoming attack. Both stallions proceeded to then swing their weapons at each other trying to get the upper hand. on one another, but Spike and the group of ponies just watched as the two just rapidly attacked, and parried each other’s attack. Suddenly both ponies jumped back and took several steps back and stared at each other almost as if analyzing the stalemate they were in. They then both raised their weapons in an attack position and then started out in a charge as they galloped full speed towards each other. They were just inches away from each other, raising their weapons with all their might, ready to stick each other as they were about to both swing and-. “ENOUGH!” Both stallions stopped dead in their tracks; their bladed just inches from each other. They and everypony else turned their heads to see Commander Greycoat standing at the top of the stairs that led to the castle. “Everypony in the debriefing room. NOW!” He shouted as he turned around and walked back into the castle, leaving the stunned crowd standing there in shock until they all slowly made their way up the stars and into the castle. **** Greycoat looked around at the small crowd of pony’s and one dragon that were standing in the hall before his eyes rested on Cedar and Blaze. “Both of you come forward and explain yourselves.” The grey unicorn stated as he started at the two stallions. “Well you see, it all started when I was just minding my own business and training in the courtyard when this earth pony came over and started to insult me.” Blaze responded which caused Cedar to roll his eyes. “Oh that’s not how it happened!” Blaze asked as he turned to Cedar. “You where bragging about how amazing you were it was distracting me from my reading and I asked you to keep it down a little bit.” Cedar stated as he turned and looked at the unicorn. “Whatever. Sorry my training interrupted your stupid reading, but me as the most skilled member of the guard I have to train everyday to keep my strength and fighting skill up. It’s not my fault you accepted my challenge.” Blaze responded as he glared at Cedar. “You screamed at me and said that reading is for people who can’t fight, and that I would in no way be able to last a minute with you... I took it as a challenge, and well, commander I’m sure you can figure out what happened next.” Cedar said as he watched the commander raise his hoof up to his face before he let out a deep breath. “Well, regardless of what happened I want to stress that it will not happen again. Do you understand me?” Greycoat stated while he started at the two stallions who in turn nodded their heads in agreement. “Well, now that this whole issue has been settled, I have a very urgent and important announcement to make... In a week I will be sending certain members of the guard to do a sweep across several parts of Equestria to make sure that there is no shadow activity as well as to try and keep up to date with recent events.” Greycoat announced which caused whispers and sounds of shock to spread throughout the crowd. “Now. In a few days I will be announcing who will be sent out and who their partners will be. Do you all understand?”Greycoat asked as he saw the guard members nod. “Very well then. The first order I have for all of you is to go and start the preparation for the trip. As the ponies who are chosen will likely have a long and dangerous journey ahead of them. So does anypony have any questions they want to ask me about this new development?” Greycoat asked as he scanned the room and saw Citrine raise her hoof. “Yes, Citrine?” the grey unicorn said as he looked at his daughter. “I know I’m not the only on thinking this, but what is the reason your sending us out. You don’t really expect us to find anything do you?” The yellow mare asked. “Well, with all the recent events that have been happening in the land of Equestria I feel that it would not hurt to go out and make sure everything is okay. As it is better to be safe than sorry and for the shadows to return and attack without us knowing.” Greycoat said as he looked at his daughter who slowly brought her hoof down. “So if that is it, then you are all dismissed. Have a good day.” The commander said as he watched the small group of ponies walk out as his eyes rested on a purple baby dragon that slowly followed them out of the door. **** Spike quickly entered his room and closed the door behind him as he walked over to his bed and sat on it. “Well this is great.” Spike stated as stretched out on his bed. “Not only am I exhausted everyday from working from dawn to midnight in the blacksmith with Steel, and now or course while I am stuck making blades and arrow heads my dream of going out and fighting the evils of Equestria as a member of the guard is slowly fading away into nothing as they are now being sent off across the land. Instead I am going to be stuck here doing basically working and cleaning... like I have been for the last nine years.” Spike thought to himself as he fell backwards onto his bed. thinking about the events that had taken place in the last couple of weeks; from him becoming Steels apprentice and learning about smithing to this moment right now with what had just happened today. “Well this is the perfect way to end the day.” Spike said to himself as he slowly repositioned himself on his bed. “I wonder what’s going to happen now?” Spike thought to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep when his eyes suddenly shot open. “Oh wait that’s right. Me and Steel are probably going to get like two hours of sleep each night because we will be blacksmithing all day to help make weapons for the guards for their trip.” Spike thought as he let out a long annoyed breath as he slowly drifted to sleep. **** (Well there is Chapter Two of my story. I would like to thank my Editor Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.) > Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greycoat looked at the group of ponies who were talking to each other that he assembled so that he could pair then up and send them off. He gave a quick cough so that he could get their attention as he watched them all look up at him. “Okay, so I assume you all realized why you are here. You are going to be sent out do to a sweep of Equestria and then report what you find as you already know. So now i will be telling everypony who their partner is going to be and were they are going to be sent. Do you all understand?” The grey unicorn asked as he watched the group in front of him nod their heads. “Okay then.” he said as he levitated a scroll, unrolled it and scanned it over. “So the first group will consist of Blaze Flair and Mach Breeze, and the location you will be sent to is Appleoosa, were you will be going to survey the town and the dessert.” Grey coat said as he looked at the two stallions. “ALL RIGHT!” Blaze screamed at the top of his lungs as he turned to look at the purple coated and blue maned stallion let out a loud and clearly annoyed sigh. “Of all the ponies.” he said under his breath as he did his best not to look at Blaze. “Okay the next group will be Citrine Arrow and Albion Hoof, and you will be going to Froggy Bottom Bog.” Greycoat said as he looked at his daughter and the Green coated and tan maned earth pony. “Thank you father, we will not let you down.” Citrine stated as Albion nodded in agreement. “And the final group will be Cedar Twig and-.” “I work alone.” Cedar said. “Well, I’m sorry but you're going to have to change how you-/” “I work alone, or I leave. Do you understand?” Cedar responded as he glared at Greycoat. “Fine then... Cedar you will be going to the Everfree Forest, and Light Feather you will be going to survey the surrounding area. Including the old villages both on the ground and in the sky.” He said as he looked at a red coated and maned Pegasus who gave a nod showing she understood.” “Okay you all have your partners and know where you will be being sent for your assignment. I want you all to go and start to prepare for the trip as I will be sending you all out later tonight, so I want you to have the day to prepare. You are now all dismissed” Commander Greycoat said as he watched the group of ponies nod their heads in understanding and then turn to leave the room, leaving him standing there thinking to himself on what was going to happen now. **** Spike watched as the hammer hit the thick piece of metal again and again as he continued to slam his hammer on to it until it was as thin as Steel told him it needed to be before Spike took it and placed it in the water, hearing the loud wisp as the metal cooled off before he took it out of the water and handed it to Steel who took the blade and started to sharpen it. “Why are theses ones so thin?” Spike asked as he watched the white unicorn cheerfully sharpen the edges of the blade. “Well my young apprentice these are used to make wing blades.” Steel said with a smile. “Wing blades?” spike asked as he looked as Steel with curiosity. “Yes, well you see we take a large about of these small blades and make then into a armor that a pegasus can slip onto their wings. The blades are made thing and light enough so it does not add a large amount of weight to their wings, so they can still fly with ease, but the blades are razor sharp so if a something is slashed by them with the pegasus going at top speed... let’s just say the end results are not going to be pretty.” Steel said as he looked at the dragon. “Oh but that reminds me! I have something for you, I want you to close your eyes for a second. Can you do that for me?” He asked. Spike slowly nodded in confusion and then closed his eyes. “Well this is weird, wonder what he wants to show me?” Spike thought to himself as he kept his eyes closed. He heard to sound of hooves moving around the room until he heard the hooves come in his direction before they stopped. “Okay you hold out your claws.” he heard Steel say, and Spike did so as his soon felt something with some weight to it being places in his claws. “You can open your eyes now.” Spike opened his eyes and looked at what was in his hands as his eyes widened when he saw the sword in a black sheath that had been placed in his claws. Spikes slowly looked closer at it so he could get a proper look at it. Spike looked in amazement at the silver hilt, and the sliver pommel in the shape of a dragons head with two small emeralds were the eyes should be. Spike slowly took his claw and touched the black leather grip of sword as his claw slowly wrapped around it to get use to the feel. He held it in his claw for a few seconds before he unsheathed the sword and he started at the glowing metal blade in shock and amazement.” “Amazing isn't it?” Spike heard causing him to look up at the smiling unicorn. Spike who was still at a loss of words only nodded his head to agree. “This baby took me a while; as you can see it can be used with one or two hands... depending on how you want to fight. I have also made a few magical additions to it.” Steel said as he walked over to the dragon. “What do you mean by magical additions?” Spike asked as he looked at Steel with a hint of curiosity. “Well it’s a good thing you asked. The first special things about that sword was that since you are a dragon and to be honest I have no idea how big you are going to be when you get older I made it that the sword will grow to the length and size that you need it to be.” Steel said as he pointed a hoof at the sword. “And the second thing?” Spike asked. “Could you do me small favor?” The unicorn asked as he looked at the dragon who gave a nod. “Could you burp on the blade for me, if you can? Steel asked which caused Spike to stare at him for a moment. “...Okay.” Spike said before he moved the blade closer to his face and let out a small burp which caused a small amount of green fire to come out of his mouth as it soon hit to blade and for a moment, nothing happened. Suddenly a green fire engulfed the blade as Spike watched in amazement as he held the now enflamed blade in his hand. “I also gave the blade the ability to catch fire with out it damaging the blade itself, thought it was appropriate for a dragon. Also there is the fact that you now have a blade that can use your dragon fire as well, and that in what I believe as the young ones say will make you look like a badass.” Steel said as he let out a smile as he watched Spike swing the blade in a mock fashion. “Please be carefully, that is a weapon not a toy as well as the fact that it is on fire.” Steel said as he glared at the dragon who looked up and stared at the white unicorn. “Sorry, um... How do I, you know?” Spike asked as he pointed to the still flame cover sword. “Oh, just sheathe it” Steel said as he watched Spike put the blade back into the the black sheath. “So, I take it you like it?” Steel said as he smiled at Spike who stared at the for a moment. “Thank you” Spike said with a smile. “Good, now let’s, get back to work.” Steel said as he watched Spike put his sword to the side of the room. He went back and grabbed another piece of glowing orange metal and started to hit it with a hammer. “So it’s going to be a bit different with all those guard members gone” Spike said as he let out a small sigh. Which caused Steel to look up at the dragon. “Man he really want’s to be a member of the guard.” Steel though to himself as he stared at the dragon for a minute before he returned his attention to the blade that he was sharpening thinking about what he was going to do next. **** “Please be careful when lifting and moving all of the weapons”. Steel said as he watched several members of the guards take the weapons that would be needed for the ponies that would be traveling across Equestria as he followed them out of his work shop and through the castle till they reached the doors that lead to the outside of the castle. As Steel looked outside he saw four carts that were packed with supplies with their respected ponies standing next to them he watched as Mach Breeze and Light Feather got received their wing blades. He watched with a smile as he saw Citrine being given a quiver of full of arrows and Albion received his battle hammer. He then saw Blaze get his short sword and let out a loud reaction that caused Steel to roll his eyes. Steel then noticed that there was one cart that did not have anypony standing near it. As he looked over to the side to see and brown earth pony taking a nap clearly get a some sleep before the trip. As he started at the pony he suddenly realized something. “I forgot Cedar’s axe!” Steel thought to himself as he mentally facehoofed. Steel turned around as slowly walked back to the castle. As Steel entered it the Castle he looked in the directions of his workshop when an idea suddenly came to him as he slowly weighed the many possible consequences of this idea as he walked towards his workshop to retrieve the axe. **** Spike starred the ceiling to his room as he lay awake on his bed unable to sleep thinking about what the adventures the guard members were going to be going on. When he then hear his door suddenly burst open. Spike in shock looked down to see Steel standing in the door way with a bag and a woodcutting axe hanging off his back. “What are you doing here?” Spike asked as he looked at the unicorn in shock. “Well you see somthing has come up and I need you to come with me so get out of bed.” Steel said as he watched the young dragon nod and slowly get out of his bed. “Oh and I need you to do me a favore and put these on.” The unicorn said as he levetated a black cloak and the bag to Spike who put it on qucikly. “Oh and grab your sword and then follow me.” Steel said as he watched the dragon qucikly walk over to his desk and pick up his sword before they both left the room and walk down the halls of the old castle. “Could you at least tell me what is going on?” Spike asked as he followed his mentor who then stoped and turned around to look at him. “Listen, in order for my secret plan to work your going to have to be quite and do what I say. Got it?” He said as he watched Spike nod showing that the dragon while confused, understood and they oth continued to walk though the castle till they reached the front doors. “Okay now keep quick and stay low.” The white unicron orders as he slowly opened the doors and pecked out before motining for Spike to follow his as they both walked out the door and qucikly travled down the started to were all but one cart remained. Steel looked around and saw he only pony in sight was the sleeping Cedar and qucikly walked over to his cart as Spike followed him. When they both reached the cart Steel turned to the younfg dragon. “Okay so in that bag there is some food: fresh fruits and vegtitables as well as some gems because I know you eat those. It also has scrolls containtg basic beginers sword fighting technqiues because you never knowwhat you may encounter on the road”. Steel said as he opened a chest on the cart and saw that it was farily empty. “I still have no idea whats going on I mean what is the poiny to all-” Spike said before he was suddenly lifted off of the ground by Steel and placed the dragon in the chest. “Listen im going to need you to shut up and be quite okay. Oh and by the way you owe me big for this favor.” Steel said smiling as he cloed the chest before Spike could open his mouth. “What are you doing?” A voice came from behind him causing Steel to turn around and see Cedar saning behind him. “Just here to give you your axe.” Steel said as he levetated the axe to Cedar who took it and ooked at the meal handel and glowling axehead, before he placed it in his wepons holder on his back. “Thanks you.” The brown earth pony said as he gave a nod to Steel before he moved to the front of his cart. and started to pull it with him away from the castle. “I wish you luck on your trip and be carefull! The Everfree Forest is a dangerous place! Steel shouted as he watched the cart move away from the castle. “Thanks you for the heads up!” Cedar shouted as he contunied to pull. Steel watched as the cart move farther and farther away, when he soon noticed the chest in the back slowly opened and he could see a pair of emerald green eyes looked out of it before it qucikly closed. Steel smiled to himself as he turned around and walked back up the stairs to the castel to get a much need good nights sleep as he would likely have to fact the incoming storm he would receive for this decision in the morning when Greycoat found out about the little stoaway. “Well that can wait until tomorrow.” The unicron thought to himself as he walked though the castle door and then quickly closed it behind him. **** (Well there is Chapter Three of the Shadow guard now this chapter is a little shorter, but I promise the next chatper will be longer. I would like to thanks my editor Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.) > Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cedar slowly looked down the pathway that lead to the entrance of the Everfree Forest. The earth pony took as deep breath as he slowly entered the forest pulling his cart behind him. Cedar slowly and carefully walked down the path as he took note of his soundings as he looked around at the tree’s to see if he saw anything out of the ordinary. As he started to travel deeper into the forest he stopped, realizing that he was deep in the forest. “Lets get this started.” Cedar said as he turned and started to walk off the path and into the unknown territory of the forest: looking for a place were he could possibly set up camp and then work on surveying the surrounding area. He pulled the cart behind him then came to a stop. Cedar looked at the flat and clear area of the forest in front of him. “Well this is a good place to set up camp.” He though to himself as he undid the reigns to his cart. As went to the back and grabbed the tent form the front and walked to the opening and started to set up the tent as he began to take not of the area around him. “I should probably make a camp fire soon.” He thought to himself as he but on of the tent spikes in the ground. He then pulled on a rope and brought the tent up and made sure that it saw fairly secure. He then started to walk away from his camp site to explore the surrounding area. Cedar then walked over to a tree that caught his eye. He looked up and down at the tree before he pulled his axe. He looked ah the glowing axe head before he stood up on his back hooves and using the axe in his front hooves began to swing repeatedly at the tree. **** Cedar watched as the flames wrapped around the burning pieces of wood as he felt the warmth of the fire reach him. He sat down at his camp site looking at a map of the Everfree forest. “Okay so tomorrow I will scout out this surrounding area.” The earth pony said to himself as he marked out locations on the map. He then let out a short yawn, causing him to slowly get up and turn in the direction of his tent. “I guess I should get some sleep.” Cedar though to himself as he entered his tent and laid down on his sleeping bag and closed his eyes. He slowly started to drift to sleep when hear something outside that caught his attention. As he listened he noted that it wasn't something moving, or even flying. Instead it was a loud, unmistakable sound of snoring. Cedar slowly got up and looked outside of his tent to see where it was coming from, and confusion hit him when he saw that it was coming in the direction of his cart. Cedar slowly stepped out of his tent and began to move as silently as he could towards his cart. As he approached it he realized that the snoring was coming from the back of the cart and made his way around it. Once he was at the back of the cart he listened closely and determined that the snoring was coming from the chest on the back of the cart. So he carefully brought both of his front hooves to the lid of the chest, took a deep breath, and flung the chest open. the brown earth pony slowly looked inside at the cause of the snoring and could only stare in disbelief at the contents of the chest. “You!” He said in shock as he looked at the slowly awakening baby purple and green dragon in his chest. “What are you doing in my cart?” He asked in shock at the dragon who in turn just rubbed his eyes and looked up the Cedar, and then fully grasped what was going on. “Happy, happy birthday from all of us to you! Happy, happy birthday its nice to see you to.” Spike sang as he started at the clearly confused and mad pony. “It’s not my birthday.” Cedar responded. “Still get points for trying.” Spike said as awkwardly looked down. “You still have not answered my question. What were you doing in the chest on my cart?” The earth pony asked at still glaring at the dragon. “Well, you see, it kinda just happened.” Spike replied. “What you mean it just happened? Dragons don’t happen to just appear in random chests on cart through out Equestria. Now tell me how you got into that chest.” Cedar asked. The purple dragon started at the pony for a few seconds before letting out a sigh. “Steel, you know, the blacksmith; he woke me up before you left, gave me supplies, and put me in the chest.” Spike as he slowly stood up and got out of the chest. Cedar watched as the dragon grabbed a bag and a sword out of the chest and hoped down onto the ground. “Well, thanks for the answer, now get going.” Cedar responded. “Where?” Spike asked. “Back to the castle.” Cedar said as he pointed his hoof towards the forest. “I have no idea where I am and how to get back to the castle. I think I should stay with you.” Spike said as walked closer to Cedar. “No, not going to happen. I work alone.” Cedar said as he gave a sharp glare to the dragon. “Well I'm not going back by myself so if you don’t want me here your going to have to take me back yourself.” The dragon said as he glared back at Cedar. The earth pony let out a sigh as he stood in the clearing, thinking about how he should deal with this situation before he slowly bent down and got to eye level with Spike. “Fine you can stay... But you can’t bring me down. I need you to swear it.” He said. “Fine I will not bring you-.”. “Swear it.” Cedar said cutting Spike off. Spike looked at the brown pony before he raised his right claw. “I Spike swear that I will not bring you down and will not distract you on your assignment that the shadow guard has given you.” Spike said as he lowered his claw and started at Cedar who nodded his head before turning around and walking back to his tent. “I advise you get some more rest, we are going to have a very busy day tomorrow.” Cedar said as he looked at the dragon before he entered his tent. “Wait, where do I sleep?” Spike shouted in confusion. “You have your chest.” A voice pointed out from inside the tent causing Spike to look at the tent in confusion. “Really?” Spike thought to himself as he slowly made his way back to the chest and climbed back in it and positioned himself and slowly closed his eyes. “I wonder what Steel is doing right now?” Spike thought to himself as he slowly drifted to sleep. **** “YOU DID WHAT!?” Greycoat screamed as he looked at the white unicorn standing in front of him. “I sent Spike with Cedar.” Steel responded as he watched his commander walk to his desk and pulled out a bottle of cider. Steel watched as Greycoat lifted the bottle up and took a long drink from it before he set it on the desk and turned back to the unicorn blacksmith. “Why in Equestria would you do that?” Greycoat asked as he started at Steel. “Well, the truth is that, I felt as his mentor that he would be better suited out helping the members of the guard.” Steel responded as he started at Greycoat. “So let me get this straight; you sent and untrained baby dragon stowed away on a cart with one of our highly trained guards, who was going to the Everfree forest to scout on the possibility that the Shadows have returned.” Greycoat said as he took another drink from the bottle. “We both know The Shadows are gone and are not coming back, and besides I think of this more as a learning experience for Spike and Cedar.” The white unicorn said as he walked closer to his commander. “What makes you think that?” Greycoat asked in confusion. “Well as you told me Cedar refused to have a partner, so I thought it would be good to put him in a situation were he would have to work with someone. As for Spike, I thought it would be good for him to get out of castle and, you know, get some real life experience that will help him out in the future. As for the whole not trained aspect, I gave him some basic sword techniques that he can learn on his trip.” Steel said as he learned against Greycoat’s desk. “Where did he get a sword?” Greycoat asked as he eyed steel. “I made him one. I mean as you said to me when I started as the blacksmith for the guard. Every member should have a weapon that they are familiar with.” Steel responded as he let out a small smile. Greycoat looked at Steel before he let out a deep breath and said. “Well, I do not in anyway agree with your decision, but there is nothing I can really do about it now. However I will be speaking with Spike when he returns, as I need to see my self what he has learned for what as you call it... A valuable learning experience.” Steel looked at his commander before he gave him a nod. “That is understandable. Permission to speak freely?”he asked “Yes.” Greycoat responded. “If you do not see the reasoning of me sending Spike out to learn and grow as a dragon; then why did you basically do the same thing for your daughter, as you basically sent her out for the same reason?“ Steel asked as he started at Greycoat “Two completely different things. I sent her out there because she needs to lean how to fight, as well as lead. Even though she is my daughter and I love her. She is not the best archer or fighter in the guard. One day she is going to take over my position as commander ad she needs to have both the skills to fight as well as the ability to lead. Which she currently does not!” Greycoat said as he took another sip out of the cider bottle. “I need her to at least be able to learn about what's it is like out there so she knows if one day the Shadows do return and I am not here, she will be able to know what to do.” Greycoat said as he looked at Steel. “I see, just don’t be hard on Spike when he returns.” Steel said before he moved away from the desk and then walked out of Greycoat’s office. Greycoat then lifted the bottle to his lip to his lips to take anther drink, only to see that it was empty, before he sighed and set the bottle on his desk. He looked up when he heard the sound of hooves as they approached his door and he saw Azure enter his office. “Azure, why are you hear?” Greycoat asked. “Well, you see I was wondering were Spike was?” Azure responded in a confused voice. “Ah well you see Steel kinda snuck him on one of the carts and now he is with Cedar in the Everfree forest.”greycoat said as he walked over to Azure. “Aren't you worried. I mean who knows what could happen? I mean if someone saw a guard member with a baby dragon... questions will be raised and we don’t want to draw to much attention to ourselves!” Azure sated in panic, causing Greycoat to place a hoof on Azure’s shoulder. “I am sure everything will be fine. Cedar has been with us for five years, and he is very good at keeping a low profile, and not drawing attention to himself. So we will just have to wait till they get back to see if anything of interest happened on the guards search across Equestria. Okay?” Greycoat said as he watched Azure give a low nod of agreement. “Good, now I need you to make sure that we have enough supplies for when everypony comes back. Got it?” Greycoat asked. “Yes.” Azure responded with a slight smile. “You are dismissed.” The grey unicorn said as his second in command nodded, then turned and exited his office. Greycoat then turned and moved over to his window and looked out at the light snowfall that was covering the mountains. He let out a sigh before he turned to see the photo on his desk. “Please be carefully, my daughter. I can’t afford to lose you as well.” He thought to himself as looked at his smiling self with the love of his life holding the new born yellow filly, in the old and worn picture that was on his desk. **** Citrine looked at the tree she was aiming for as she bought the the arrow back and took a deep breath before she let go and watched as the arrow sailed right past the tree. “COME ON!” She screamed as she stared at the tree and slowly moved her hooves as she went into the bog and retrieved her arrow and put it back in her quiver. She made her way back to the camp were Albion was sitting reading a book. Albion looked up as he heard her approached and saw a look of frustration on her face. “Is everything okay?” He asked as he watched her sit down at the camp site. “No.” Citrine said as she looked at her bow. “Well, I see you are still having trouble with the whole archery thing.” Albion said as he watched the yellow earth pony stare in frustration at her bow. “Really, I hadn't noticed.” She responded as she looked up at the green earth pony and shot him a glare. “You want some advice?” Albion asked as he looked at the yellow pony. “Yea, cause all of the advice I have had has certainly made an improvement in my fighting abilities...” Citrine said as she looked back at her bow. “Then may I tell you a little story then.” Albion said as he looked at Citrine who have hum a nod. “Well, when you got your archery cutie mark, you knew which weapon you were going to be fighting with. I to received a similar mark.” Albion said as he pointed to the hammer mark on his flank. “When I got this, I started to us the hammer as a weapon. That is what I thought it was; just a hammer that I would use to smash things with. Then when I actually got into a practice fight, I did not do that well to say the least. Then I realized something... I figured out that I should not just treat my hammer as a weapon, but I should also treat it as a tool and a part of me as the hammer is my talent. The same can be said for you. You are trying to hard to hit your target with an arrow then you are at letting the bow be a part of you and using it to your advantage. Do you get what I'm saying.” Albion said as he looked at the yellow mare with a smile. Citrine sat there thinking to herself before she got up on her hooves and walked back towards to bog. “Where are you going?” Albion asked. “To train.” Citrine responded as she walked he walked into the bog. Albion sat there before he turned his attention back to his book and started to read again. When he heard the sound of a bow being drawn back and then released, and quickly after he a loud and happy scream coming from the bog forest, as a smile appeared on his face. **** Cedar walked through the dark forest, hearing the footsteps of Spike as the dragon followed him. The earth pony turned and saw that the purple dragon was looking intensely at a piece of parchment. “What are you reading?” Cedar asked as he walked forward. “They are basic sword fighting techniques that Steel gave me before he sent me off.” Spike responded as he looked up. “I see.” Cedar responded as he continued to walk. “So what exactly are we looking for again?” Spike asked as he looked around the Everfree Forrest. “You know, anything out of the ordinary.” Cedar answered as he looked at his map of the forest. “Like what?” Spike asked as he he followed the earth pony as they walked deeper into the forest. “You know anything supernatural that would point to the Shadows returning.” Cedar stated with a hint of annoyance creeping into his voice. “Other than that, the forest is pretty safe right?” The young dragon asked with a hint of fear in his voice. “The Everfree Forest? Safe?! Oh no, there are numerous dangerous creatures that roam theses woods I mean you have Manticores, Timberwolves, Ursa’s, and numerous other dangerous creatures just waiting in the woods for the opportune moment to present itself so they can strike!” Cedar said with a smile as he turned his head to Spike, and noticed the the dragon had wrapped his right claw around the grip of his sword. “You scared?” Cedar asked as he looked at Spike. “No, I’m not scared.” Spike said as he slowly moved closer to Cedar. “Good, cause you never know what's going to pop out and attack you in this forest.” Cedar said he stopped moving and turned to look at Spike who was behind him and gave him a smile. Spike slowly smiled back and put the piece of paper he was looking at back into his backpack. Spike then looked back to see Cedar charging at him with axe in his hooves. Spike eyes widened as he ducked out of the way as he felt the axe swing over his head, before he backed away as fast as he could. “What in Celestia’s name are you doing?” Spike shouted as he started at Cedar in shock and worry. “What needs to be done.” Cedar shouted as he swung the axe again causing spike to jump out of the way. When the dragon landed on his feet he turned and ran as fast as his legs could take him. Spike ran through the forest as fast as he could as he heard the sound of hooves behind him as he looked for a way out of the forest as he ran. “Why are you running. A member of the guard does not run!” Spike heard Cedar say, not daring to looking behind him to see were the earth pony was. Spike’s leg then suddenly hit a root and he tripped face first into the ground. Spike quickly got up oh his feet when he heard a twig snap behind him and he slowly turned around to see Cedar with his axe in his mouth staring at him. Spike took note of the glowing white axe head as it illuminated Cedar’s face. Spike slowly started at Cedar as his claw griped the handle of his sword and the dragon slowly drew it out of his sheath and lifted it up as he wrapped his other claw around it as he held the glowing sword in a defensive stance. Spike started at the earth pony before Cedar charged at him and swung the axe at Spike causing the dragon to close his eyes and lift his sword up to block the attack. Spike heard a loud clang as he opened his eyes to see that the sword and the axe had meet as he saw Cedar gave him a glare as the quickly back away as he he swung the axe. Spike quickly lifted blocked the swing and pushed the axe away with his sword. Spike then quickly swung his sword at Cedar who dodged it with easy. “Is that all you got?” The earth pony asked after he took the axe out of his mouth and then wrapped his front hooves around it as he he stood up on his back ones. Cedar then stared at the Spike, waiting to see what the dragon would do next. Spike raised the sword over his head and charged as fast as he could as he brought his sword down in a swing, though cedar evaded it with ease as Spike felt the steel axe handle slam into the back of his head causing Spike to fall to the ground. As he lay there he heard the sound of hooves grow closer to him as he saw Cedar in the corner of his eyes. He tightened his grip on his sword as the young dragon suddenly turned around swigging his sword with all the strength he had. Cedar jumped back as he watched the sword swing past him and then used his front hooves to kick it out of Spike’s claws. He watched as the sword hit the ground with a thud before he turned his attention to the young dragon. Spike watched in fear as Cedar approached him with his axe in his hooves as the earth pony glared at the dragon. Spike closed his as he waited for Cedar to make his final blow. The dragon kept his eyes closed as he sat there for what seamed like hours when he then realized that he was till breathing. Spike slowly opened his eyes to see Cedar putting away his axe. “That was absolutely pitiful.” The earth pony said as he looked at the young dragon who was looking at him in utter confusion. “What are you talking about?” Spike screamed at Cedar. “Well first thing you did was run away the moment I started to attack you. Members of the Shadow Guard do not run away from danger. There was also the fact that you also have no knowledge on how to use that sword properly; you just swung it around trying to hit me. You had no technique or form of attack. Reading a scroll will not turn you into a master swordsmen, you need to practice and learn.” Cedar said as he approached Spike who was still laying on the ground. “Wait, your not going to hurt me?” Spike asked in confusion as he started at Cedar. “You still don’t get it do you. I was never going to hurt you, I was trying to test to see how prepared you were for a fight, and you failed miserably. So get up and grab your sword, because we need to get back on the path and make sure this section is clear. Then we are going to have a long talk about what I truly expect from you while we are out here. Do you understand?” Cedar asked as he started at at the young dragon. “SO YOU ATTACKED ME JUST TO SEE HOW GOOD I WAS!?” Spike screamed in shock at the earth pony. “Yes, now stop talking, get your sword and follow me.” Cedar responded as he watched Spike slowly get up in anger and watched as he stomped over to his sword and quickly sheathed it as he turned and sent a glare to Cedar. As the dragon walked to the earth pony and shot him a look. “Lets go.” Spike said as he saw the pony give him a nod and they both turned when they suddenly heard a loud howl. Both Spike and Cedar turned and looked behind them into the forest as they saw a pair of yellow eyes looking at them went suddenly another pair appeared, and the another, and another, causing both Spike and Cedar to look around. They noticed that they were surrounded by at least ten pairs of eyes looking at them from the forest. “What are those things?” Spike asked as fear creped into his voice as he watched Cedar pull his axe out of it’s container. “Timberwolves.” Cedar responded as Spike quickly pulled his sword out of his sheath looked around. “Listen to me Spike, do not run and follow my lead, and what ever you do , don’t look away from them. Got it.” “Y-Yes.” Spike said as the eyes slowly came closer in their direction. **** (Well there is Chapter Four of the Shadow Guard which is the longest chapter I have wrote for this story. I would like to thanks my editor Insane Guy of DOOM. Hope all you readers enjoy the chapter.) > Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike watched, as one of the pair of glowing eyes slowly grew closer to them until the Timberwolf stepped out giving him a better understanding of how they got their name. Spike watched in horror at the wolf as it slowly circled them, as several other members of its pack soon joined it as they encircled the pair. “Now what?” Spike asked as he looked at Cedar. “Simple we fight, don’t take your eyes off them.” Cedar responded as he placed his axe in his mouth. As Spike saw this he tightened his grip on his sword. Spike turned his head and stared into the eyes of one of the wolves. Spike watched in what seemed like slow motion as the wolf broke into a charge as it bounded towards him as he watched it grow closer and closer until it was inches from him. Spike suddenly swung his sword upward colliding with its jaw as he heard a large cracking sound sending the wolf inches back before it slowly got up and limped away. Spike quickly turned his head to see Cedar taking one of the wolves heads clean off with one swing from his axe as the earth pony turned to face another of the charging wolves. Spike watched as Cedar quickly turned and used his back legs to deliver as strong kick to the face of the charging wolf before quickly turning around and burying the head of his axe into the Timberwolf’s neck. Suddenly Spike felt a shadow come over him as he turned to see one of the wolves staring at him growling as it swung its paw at the dragon. Spike quickly raised his sword to block the oncoming attack colliding his blade as the wolf quickly steps away and circles the purple dragon. Spike watched as the Timberwolf circles him before it broke into a charge and jumped. Spike swung his sword and felt it chop into the wolves legs. While it hits the ground spike turns along with the blade and drove it through the wolfs head. Spike pulled the sword out of the wolfs head as he stared at the dead wolf laying on the ground, the sudden realization that he had just killed a living creature caused him, to freeze as he turned to see a wolf in charge just inches away from him the dragon froze as the Timberwolf grew closer when suddenly an axe flew into the wolf neck causing it to fall to the ground and Spike turned his head to see Cedar galloping in his direction and quickly pulled the axe out of the wolf and then delivered a final chop to the next causing the wolf’s wooden head to fall off. Cedar then turned to look at spike and the dead wolf he stood over. “First Kill?” He asked the dragon who in turn gave him a nod. “Well, the first kill can always be the hardest and hopefully you won’t get in another fight with a living creature again so buck up and let’s get moving.” “What about the other Timberwolves?” Spike asked as he looked at the brown earth pony, Cedar then pointed his hoof at spike who in turned looked around to see a large number of Timberwolves laying on the ground dead. “I see.” Spike said as he looked at the wooden carnage in shock before turning to Cedar. When he saw something charging out of the forest, and then what happened next seamed to happen in slow motion. Spike watched a Timberwolf jump on Cedar and sink it’s teeth into the pony’s neck as Spike screamed and ran with his sword in hand and ran to Cedar and drove his sword through the wolfs neck and watched as it unclenched it’s teeth around Cedars neck and fell to the ground. Spike then turned to look at the shocked Cedar who was standing there with blood dripping down his neck as he then slowly fell to the ground. Spike then ran over to Cedar and bent down to see if there was anything he could do as he watched Cedar slowly losing conciseness when suddenly he heard a twig snap. Spike looked up to see the outline of what appeared to be a hooded pony off in the distance. Spike looked at the pony with curiosity before the pony started to move towards them. Once the pony steeped out of the forest Spike was able to see that the figure was in fact not a pony but what appeared to be a zebra. “Hello, who ever you are, this pony needs help!” Spike shouted as he watched the Zebra approach them and bent down to look at the Cedar as it lowered her hood and Spike started at the zebra before she reached into her pouch and pulled out a bottle, uncorked it and pouted it contents down Cedars mouth. Spike watched as Cedar’s eyes suddenly shot open and he sat up in a heavy pant and started to look around in a panic. “What is going on, last thing I remember is a wolf charging at-” Cedar suddenly moved his hoof to his neck and took it away to see the red blood that covered it. “Holy Celestia that my blood isn't it. This is not good... wait who’s the zebra and why is she here. Wait am I dead I mean your her dragon to be honest your not the best fighter so I would not be surprised if a wolf offed you as well. “ Cedar said as he pointed his hoof to Spike. “No, you’re not dead.” Spike said as he glared at the pony. “As for her, I don’t know she just appeared and gave you a potion that caused you to wake up.” “The potion of energy does will not heal your blood loss. We must hurry to my hut or your life will be at loss. For there are potions of healing and life, and we must act soon to save his hide.” The zebra said as she started at the dragon and the wound pony. “Okay lead the way.” Cedar said as he slowly stood up on his legs and watched as the Zebra turned and erupted into a gallop and speed of into the forest as Cedar quickly followed her leaving Spike standing there in confusion as he sheathed his sword and then picked up Cedar’s discarded axe and he then ran as fast as his legs could go in the direction that Cedar and the mysterious zebra ran off in. **** Spike stopped to catch his breath as he started at the small hut in front of him as he approached to door and slowly opened it to see the zebra standing over Cedar who was in turn laying on the ground in a light slumber. “What happened to him?” Spike asked as he walked over to the zebra who turned to look at him. “A brew of healing he was given... but be warned the pain that he feels will be unforgiving.” She responded. “Aha, well I just wanted to say thanks for helping, I have no idea where we would both be if you did not show up. I don’t even know your name.” Spike said as he looked at the zebra. “Zecora.” She responded. “Nice to meet you Zecora, my name is Spike” The dragon said as he stuck out his claw and watched as Zecora take it in her hoof and gave it a shake. “Nice to meet you Spike the dragon.” Zecora responded as she moved her hoof out of Spike’s claw. “How long is he going to be out?” Spike asked as he turned and looked at Cedar’s resting form. “Asleep all day he will be, for all his fears he will soon see” Zecora responded as she moved to the large cauldron in her shack. “I see.” Spike said as Cedar started to toss and turn in his sleep as well as talk in his sleep. “Firestorm” The young dragon heard the earth pony mutter as Spike looked at the constantly shifting earth pony as the dragon let out a sigh. “I wonder what the other guards are up to right now.” Spike thought to himself as he stared at Cedar. **** Mach looked up and down at his map and he and Blaze stood in the middle of the San Palomino Desert just on the outskirts of Appleloosa. “Wow, I have never seen this much sand in my life, holy Celestia it’s everywhere” Blaze said as he looked around. “Yea I know, come on let’s focus this desert is huge and we have only just started to scratch the surface of our of our search for the shadows.” The purple Pegasus said as he looked at the unicorn. “So, where are we going to be headed next” Blaze asked staring at Mach who was still looking at the map. “Let’s start out in this direction.” Mach said as started to walk forward into the distance of the desert. As Blaze let out a sigh as he walked behind the pegasus pulling the cart. The pair walked through the dessert enduring the heat of Celestia’s sun as they continued their walk through the desert. “Should we be looking for some shade or cover?” Blaze asked as he looked at his partner. Mach stopped for a second and turned to look at Blaze before he gave him a nod and turned his head around and looked for possible areas to take a break from the hot sun. “How about there.” Mach said as he motioned to a rock formation in the distance as both of them started to trot over to it. Once they reached the shaded area Blaze released the cart and joined Mach who had already sat down. “So how long do you think this whole scout mission is going to take?” Blaze asked as he looked at Mach. “Well with the size of San Palomino Desert I would have to say at least a week at the most.” Mach reasoned as he looked at the questioning unicorn. “This is going to be so boring” Blaze responded as he fell backwards into the sand. “No one ever said this was going to be a fun mission. We are simply gathering information to make sure that the Shadows have in no way returned.” The pegasus responded as he glared at Blaze. “I mean we’re suppose to be training to protect Equestria not be sent on a long scout mission.” The unicorn said. “You do complain too much.” Mach responded with a snort. “What do you mean by that.” Blaze said as he sat back up. “That you whine to much. I mean look at the fight you had with Cedar if you just did not open your big mouth that fight would have likely never even happened.” Mach responded as he glared at the unicorn. “I would have won.” Blaze responded with a smile as he watched Mach roll his eyes and look away. “What you don’t think I would have won.” “No I do not.” The purple pegasus responded as he looked at Blaze. “Cedar is one of our best members and he would have won that fight. You see the problem with you is that you just get so aggravated so easily, and then you feel you have to solve all of your problems by challenging people to fights just to prove that you are the best. That attitude is not how a guard member should be acting.” “Yea, well what about you and your actions?” Blaze responded with a smirk. “What are you talking about?” Mach responded. “The situation you are in, that if I were to tell people could cause some problems for you.” The orange unicorn said. “What are you talking about, I’m not in any situation.” Mach said as he shot Blaze a glare. “Well then that means I know something you don’t.” Blaze responded. “Yea, and what’s that.” Mach said as he looked at Blaze “My room is next to Citrine’s” Blaze said with a smirk as he watched as the color seminally faded from Mach’s face. “What!” Mach responded in shock. “You heard me, and from what I can tell you really don’t want anyone to finds out about you and Citrine’s nightly activities would you.” “Do you think I’m scared of you?” Mach responded as he got up of the ground and slowly made his way over to Blaze. “No, but you’re defiantly scared of what would happen if Greycoat found out about what you and his daughter are doing together.” The unicorn said as he got off the ground and looked at Mach. “What are you getting at?” The pegasus asked as he looked into the eyes of the unicorn. “Well if you can keep your opinions about me to yourself, the I guess I can do the same.” Blaze said as he stared right back at Mach. “Fine, but don’t think this is over. I will find a way to get you back for using threats against me.” Mach said as he turned and walked away, when he then turned his head around and stared at Blaze. “Well, come on. We have got a lot of desert to cover and we have wasted enough time talking as it is.” Mach said as he glared at Blaze. Blaze glared right back at Mach as he slowly started to follow behind the purple pegasus into the large and vast desert. **** “Where am I?” Cedar though as he looked out into what seemed to be never ending darkness. The pony looked around in confusion before he slowly started to walk around to see if there was any sign as to where he was and how he could get out of there. As Cedar walked through the seemingly endless darkness he saw something out of the corner of his eye as he turned to see what it was. His eyes widened as he started directly at a wooden door. Cedar looked at in confusion as he slowly made his way towards to door and placed his hoof on the door and slowly pushed it open. Cedar carefully walked through the doorway to see that he was standing in what appeared to be a blank white room. The earth pony looked around when his eyes rested on a hooded pony like figures whose back was turned to him. “Hello.” Cedar said as he moved to the pony that said nothing in return. Cedar continued to slowly make his way to the hooded pony. “Do you know were we are, and how I can get out of this place?” the brown earth pony asked still not getting any response from the cloaked pony. As Cedar stood just inches away from the pony he heard the low wisping sound of a unicorns horn activating. Suddenly the whole room burst into blue flame as Cedar looked around in confusion as the realization suddenly hit him. “No, no, no, no.” Cedar thought to himself as he watched the pony turn to face him as the room became fully engulfed in flame. Cedar looked at the hooded figure as it lowered its hood, and cedar let out a scream when he saw the unicorns face. **** Cedar quickly shot upwards as he awoke in a sweat and looked around to see his surroundings. As he looked around the hut the events of what lead him there the day before came back to him as he suddenly felt pain travel through his body. Cedar let out a loud groan as he heard the hut door open as he turned his head to see Spike standing in the doorway. “Water.” Cedar groaned as he watched the dragon quickly nod and scurry over to a table on the other side of the hut and grabbed a jug and poured water out of it into a cup and walked over to Cedar. Who then grabbed the cup and drank the water in one chug. “How are you feeling?” Spike asked as he looked at the earth pony. “I’ve been better, but at least I’m alive.” Cedar responded as he laid back down on the bed and turned his head to look at Spike. “How long have I been out?” the earth pony asked as he looked at the dragon. “About two days.” Spike responded as looked at Cedar in confusion. “Damn, that sets us back in both he scouting we will need to do as well as the fact hat I need to train you.” Cedar said as he slowly looked around in silence trying to think of what would be the next choice of action for him and Spike’s scouting mission when suddenly his eyes shot open as he looked at Spike and said. “I have an idea.” “What is it?” Spike asked as he looked at the brown earth pony. Spike watched as Cedar gave him a smile. “Well I will be going out and scouting the rest of the forest with the aid of Zecora, since she lives here she can held guide me through this place. You however will be staying here and you will be during the training exercises that I will be giving your for obvious reasons.” The earth pony said as he watched Spike’s face slowly go into a frown. “WHAT?” Spike screamed as he started at Cedar in shock. “Yes, one we need to get you more in shape as you need to be able to have more energy and strength if your going to want to be an active member in the guard.” Cedar said as he looked at the purple dragon. “This is not even fair, you were the one that got mauled by the wolf.” Spike shouted as he pointed at the earth pony. “Well thanks for the reminder, and you know what for that let’s start your training right now. So I am commanding you to run twenty laps around this hut. So go.” Cedar said as he looked at Spike who just shook his head. “What makes you think that I am going to do any of that.” Spike said as he shot Cedar a glare. “Well, you could do that, but then I would have to tell Greycoat that you did not help in anyway shape or form during this mission and I wonder how he’s going to take that out on you. Cause let’s be honest who do you think he is going to listen to. You, the baby dragon who stowed away on a dangerous mission, or me one of the best member of the guard. Think about that for a second will you.” Cedar stated as he looked at the purple dragon to see how he would react. Spike stood there staring at the injured pony in shock and silence as he thought about what Cedar had said. “So, are your going to start you training?” Cedar asked as the looked at the young dragon who just stood there for a second before he slowly nodded his head. “I mean let’s be honest here. This whole Timberwolf incident is hopefully the only major set back we have during this mission I mean lets be honest what else could happen.” Cedar said as he watched the young dragon give a nod before he slowly turned around to start his training. **** Through the dead of night a small boat slowly moved its way across a large lake as it made it’s way towards the entrance of a vane in the distance. The two hooded pony’s keep absolutely silent as they made their way across the lake, making sure that there where no other pony’s around as there boat moved into the dark and forgotten cave. The boat traveled through a pitch-black cave as it slowly creaked through the pathway of water as they went deeper into the cave. “Are you sure this is the right way.” One of the hood ponies said in a male voice. “You doubt my magic and knowledge Lord Nuru.” the hooded pony said as she looked at the male pony and lowered her hood revealing her Amethyst cot and black mane along with the unicorn horn on the top of her head. “No, I just wanted to make sure that we’re on track.” The pony said as he lowered his hood reveling his green coat and dark blue man as he started at the unicorn in the front of the boat. “Everything is going as it should be.” The uniron responded as she turned to the earth pony and gave him a smile. The pair then grew silent as their boat continued its path deeper into the cave until they felt the boat hit something. The female unicorn got out of the boat and turned to look at the earth pony and motioned for him to follow her. The pair moved through the dark cavers of the cave in silence with each step they moved farther into the cave. Before Nuru turned his head to the unicorn as they walked. “Nerezza, where is your brother?” The earth pony asked as they walked. “He is not needed for this ritual to work so I felt it would be best not to bring him with us.” The mare responded as she continued to walk down the cave pathway. The pair continued to walk through the cave for several more minutes until they came to a large stone door. Lord Nuru turned to Nerezza as he watched her horn glow with a dark black aura that soon caused the large doors to slowly open, and the pair slowly walked through the doorway into the dark room. The pair stood in the darkness when suddenly Nerezza ignited her magic once again and the room was suddenly filled with several small black and purple flames, which slowly grew in size and started to illuminate that large circular room. “So what happens now?” Nuru asked in curiosity as he stared at the flames. “Watch, and you will see.” She responded with a large smile as her horn seamed to glow with more intensity. Nuru turned his head and continued to stare at the purple and black flames as he watched them seam to grow bigger as the shadows of the flames seamed to dance on the ground as if there were slowly coming to life. “It’s beautiful.” Lord Nuru said as he stared in shock and wonder at the magic that was taking place in front of him, as the first part of their plan was truly coming into fruition.