> Cupcakes Aftermath > by Alemandom04 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Your Number Came Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a few days after RainbowDash went missing. "Nopony knew what happened to her, nopony will." Pinkie had thought to herself. She knew who's number was next. Fluttershy's. A few months later, Pinkie Pie invited Fluttershy to come Sugar Cube Corner to help her make cupcakes. When she arrived, the shop was closed. She turned around thinking it was odd that it was closed. She blacked out and fell to the ground after being hit. Fluttershy woke up a few hours later, feeling. More light headed than ever. When she tried to move and flap her wings. They were fast flaps. "Is anypony there, pleease... somepony answer." Somepony walked up in front of the no longer winged pegasus. The figure looked familiar. She couldn't make it out in tie to find out she saw he wings in the ponys hooves. "Oohhh, your're finally awake." said Pinkie with a wierd smirk. "Where am I?" asked Fluttershy faintly. She couldn't see anything until a bright light shined. She squinted her eyes so her pupils could ajust. She gasped."Whats wrong silly, don't like the party setup." Fluttershy felt stinging down by her flank. "Sorry, but your number came up." Fluttershy woke up, feeling weak with a bit of energy left. She remembered the terrible in the room. Skulls made into hats. Horns made into necklaces. Also what seemed to be a stitched up RainbowDash. "Did ya sleep well?" said Pinkie. "What did you do to.... RainbowDash." "Well ya see. Her number came up and well, I don't make the rules, now do I." she said with a giggle. "You might not last as long as Dashie did. She's quite a fighter if I say so myself. But we did have so much fun, isn't that right Dashie?"."Yes Pinkie, I did. Those cupcakes sure were really good, why don't we let Fluttershy try one." "OHFF". Pinkie shoved a cupcake in her mouth. Fluttershy spit it right out. "Why are you doing this?". "For fun of course, why else not?". Fluttershy started to cry. "Aww, don't be sad. Fine I'll keep you alive.". "Really!" "I'll be back. Heres something to keep you from getting hungry." To Be Continued..... > Chapter 2: Buttercup > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few days later everypony noticed Fluttershy had gone missing. I believed she had found the answer to the case of the missing ponies. I had even made a report about it: Missing Ponies Buttercup Everypony else was invited to Pinkies shop the day they went missing. If Pinkie Pie invited Fluttershy to her shop. Then, Pinkie Pie just killed Fluttershy . We could still catch her and stop her today. ______________________ Sign Here It was kind of a fail because I only got one signature (It was mine). Thats because nopony believed me. When everypony was evacuated inside their homes. I decided to stay out. I hid from the authorities. When they were gone, I fled to all the near houses. I spent so many hours going to every door around town with the same answer...... NO. I had almost given up hope on the last door. When I knocked. There was nopony that answered. As I left, I heard the door creak. "I don't want any girl scout cookies." That colt closed the door. I knocked once more. "You again? I thought I told you--" He was cut off. "No. It's not that. It's just... can you help me expose someone." "Depends... what's in it for me?" He asked. "Uh... twenty bits is the best I can get you." I offered. "Not too much... but who am I kidding. I can't find any other way to earn bits. *Sigh* We... have a deal." He shook my hoof. I couldn't help but notice how soft his fur was. "By the way... I don't think I caught your name." I waited for a response. "Grovewells. But you can call me Grove. That's what my friends call me. If.. I had any. Anyways, what's your name?" "It's Buttercup." I stepped off from the porch. "That's a nice name." He complimented. "Oh. It's just an ordinary name." I scratched the back of my head. "Nah. It's special." He started to close the door again. "I have to go home. And remember. We have a plan tomorrow. See you tomorrow." I ran off. I shut the door behind me. I just couldn't stop thinking about that colt. Something was off about the way he acts. They kept laughing for a few minutes. She cried and ran to her room. Come on honey don't be sad. "Why don't you go by Sugar Cube Corner and get a cupcake. Here are a few bits for you." "No way i'm not going there, i'll be the cupcake." > Chapter 3: The Companion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey it's me!". "Huh?" Buttercups ran up to Grovewells. "Oh, hey." said Grovewells. "So what are we exposing, uhm. Kidnaping, Murder, Slaug......". "Yes murder." said Buttercup. "I was expecting more of a silly answer." said Grovewells. "Well you maaaay find this, silly." "So, Pinkie Pie kills ponies and makes them into cupcakes." said Buttercups. "What, that's absurd." said Grovewells. "Well its kinda the truth." said Buttercups. "No way." said Grovewells. "Can you at least help me get the blueprints to Sugar Cube Corner." said Buttercups. "Fine... Whatever." "Really? Oh thank you so much." said Buttercups. She danced and pranced. "So how are we going to get the blueprints?" asked Grovewells. "There in town hall." said Buttercups. "What, are you kidding me?! We can't just walk in there." "No, i'm not kidding you. Look, if you don't want in that's fine, But, please just don't tell anypony, you promise?". "Yeah, I promise I won't tell anypony. I've also changed my mind. I'll go with you." said Grovewells. "Ok then, we meet up in front of town hall at dawn." They both walked in the opposite directions. Grovewells and Buttercups met in the front. They saw some guards and had to come up with a plan to sneak past them."Grovewells, give me a bit." "What for?" said Grovewells. "You'll see." He gave Buttercups a bit. She rolled it past the guards."Hey look, a bit. A bit a day helps keep the parasprites away." The guard sang. As he was singing, Grovewells and Buttercups snuck past. When they were in, they searched for the room of records."Found it." said Buttercups. "Hurry lets go." said Buttercups. They searched all morning for the blueprints. They found the blueprints for the town."I found Sugar Cube Corners blueprints." said Grovewells. As they were leaving they heard a creak. It was the door. Town Hall opened. Someone was in the records room. "Hurry hide" said Buttercups. They ran to hide. They peeked to see who it was. It was, just the janitor. "Well that was close." said Grovewells. "Intruder. Intruder." said the janitor. "RUUUUN!" yelled Buttercups. The filly and the colt ran as fast as they could. They almost made it out when the heard a whistle. "Stop right there criminal scum." said a guard. They ran out the front. "One bit how lucky." said a guard. Grovewells ran out and snatched the bit."Thanks for the bit back." said Grovewells. "Aww man, I guess it isn't my lucky day." said the guard. "We need to hurry and get out of here." Yelled Buttercups. They ran back to Grovewells house."Good, we have the blueprints." said Buttercups. "Wait, what? This says they installed a basement on January 7th. Thats a couple of days before ponies started going missing!" To Be Continued.... > Chapter 4: Plan Failed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The filly and colt came up with a number of plans. "Maybe we can hit her in the head?" said Grovewells. "No, we might kill her. Then we'll look like psychopaths." said Buttercups. "Maybe we can use knockout gas?" said Grovewells. "Where are we gonna get that?" said Buttercups. "Oh." said Grovewells. "Or we could just simply dig a hole in front of the shop." said Buttercups. "That sounds good. I'll go get my shovel." said Grovewells. "You have a shovel?" said Buttercups. "Well yeah, just in case I need to dig up something." said Grovewells. "Ookay, let's go." said Buttercups. A few hours later the filly and the colt had already dug up the hole an hour earlier. They were still waiting."C'mon, let's just give up, she's not gonna be here." said Grovewells. "Oh trust me, she will." said Buttercups. So they waited for another hour to hear that there trap had been set off. They turned the corner and quickly grabbed the net. It was hard seeing that Pinkie Pie was 2x the size of them. They dragged her across ponyville until they made it to Grovewells house."We made it." said Grovewells. "Wait why does the bag feel lighter." said Buttercups. "She's gone." said Grovewells. When they found out she got away. They had better hopes of what would happen. They thought they were going to succeed."Well this sucks...." said Grovewells. Right after he said that, they felt bags go over there heads and saw nothing but the eyes of darkness staring into their eyes. They sat inside the bags for an hour. They didn't even bother with trying to get out because they couldn't even pull Pinkie Pie without help. The bags came off."Hey where are we?" said Buttercups. "Hey I know where we are. Were in Twilight's library." said Grovewells. "But, why?" said Buttercups. "Because you need to be more careful." said Twilight. "About what?" said Grovewells. "The murderer. she's still out." said Twilight. "You mean Pinkie Pie." said Grovewells. "Why, of course. Who else. She's a nutjob." said Rarity. "Also a psychopath." said Buttercups. "Why would she do this. This ain't like her. It's creepy." said Applejack. "Fluttershy is gone. She's missing." said Twilight. "We need to stop her." said Buttercups. "Isn't that why we caught her in the first place." said Grovewells. "You guys caught her?" said Twilight. "Well, yeah it was pretty easy." said Buttercups. "C'mon you guys, we've got a Pink pony to catch." said Applejack. > Chapter 5: Come on and Smile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack and the rest searched all over town. They looked for hours upon hours. "When are we gonna find her." moaned Grovewells. "I don't know. When we find her." said Twilight. "Wait, do you hear that. I hear giggles over there." said Buttercups. "Wait i'll go check it out." said Applejack. "Be careful" said Twilight. Applejack walked over to the ally. "See nothing to be scared of...." said Applejack as her head was cracked. "Oh my." said Rarity as she fainted. "You thought you were so smart?" said a voice. "Pinkie, what did you do?" said Twilight. "Oh, I just had a little fun. Meet your new friend Applecrack. What's that, you want to say something. Come on and Smile." said Pinkie Pie. "Go after her!" said Twilight. They all ran after Pinkie Pie. "Almost got her." said Buttercups. "Watch out!" said Grovewells But it was too late. Buttercups had already slammed into a wall. "Are you okay?" said Grovewells. "Yeah i'm fine. Lets go we gotta get Pinkie Pie..." said Buttercups. "Already got her." said twilight. "That was fast." said Grovewells. They walked Pinkie Pie to the library. "Where do you do it?" said Twilight. "Do what?". "Kill them". said Twilight. "Why would I tell you that?" said Pinkie Pie. "Because we'll turn you into the authorities." said Twilight. "Ok,Ok i'll tell you geez. Ok, behind the counter. There is a floorboard that is loose. Under that floorboard is a button. That button open a secret door to the basement." said Pinkie Pie. "Thanks, come on guys lets go." said Twilight. They ran to Sugar Cube Corner. They ran inside and went behind the counter. "Which one is it." said Grovewells. "It could be any one of these." said Buttercups. "Got it." said Twilight. They heard a stone door open. They walked down the steps. It was so dark they couldn't see anything."Find a light switch." said Twilight. They searched the basement and found a rope."I found a rope." said Buttercups. She pulled the rope and a light turned on. They looked around and what they saw was horrible. There was blood on the walls, organs used as decorations, and a banner that said "Life is a Party". "Anypony there?" said Twilight. "Here... help." said Fluttershy. "Fluttershy? Is that you?" said Twilight. "Yes help." They ran over to Fluttershy."Pinkie Pie.... she killed RainbowDash." said Fluttershy. "Over here look." said Grovewells. "Oh my goodness its, RainbowDash." said Twilight > Chapter 6: Cupcakes? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy woke up in the hospital."Your awake." said Twilight. "They said you weren't gonna make it, but you did." said Buttercups. "I'm glad i'm still alive." said Fluttershy. They all hugged. "The doctor said you're good to leave when you become unconscious." said Twilight."Let's take you home." They all walked to Fluttershy's house."Thank you for taking me home. You can go now." They left a few minutes later. Fluttershy was tired and went to bed. She fell asleep not long after she lay down. A few hours later she was awoken by noise in her room. "Hello is anypony there?". "Hello, would you like to help me make cupcakes?" The End