Flying Lessons

by EbonyDanger

First published

Learning to fly is not really easy. Also for the young Alicorn Luna. But luckly "Auntie Moony" is there to help her.

Celestia has a big surprise for her younger sister. She wants to teach her how to fly. Luna, of course, is happy and really excited. But sadly flying is not as easy as it looks like. And Luna seems to have her own special problems with it. Luckly Celestia is not the only teacher, Luna can rely on.

Flying Lessons

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The carpet drowned the room in smooth, comfortable darkness. Through a slit a small ray of light fall on the floor, painting a silver line. The chamber contained a large suitcase and a bed. On the bed laid a white Alicorn mare. Her long, rippeling pink mane floated over the pillow like syrup. She was sleeping. But not for long.

„Tia? Hey, Tia!“ The tiny voice came from a small Alicorn filly. Her fur was blue like the sky and her long lapislazuli mane fell in strands around her forehead. The horn was a small butt. The filly pushed at the mare's wings. „Tia, wake up!“
Celestia turned her head away and grumbled: „Luna, go back to sleep.“

„I can not.“ Luna jumped on her sister's back, making her flinch. She laid down on the soft, comfortable mane and laid an hoof on her forehead. „You said, we will do something exciting together today“, she whinned, „You promised!“
Celestia opened her dawncoloured eyes and peaked up at Luna. „Yes, when it is morning. And it is not.“

Luna snatched at her older sister's ear and started pulling. „But Mother is already rising the sun“, she called, „So it is morning. And you said, we will do something exciting together. A great surprise. You promised!“ The door opened a slit and in the light they could see a tall Alicorn mare. Her white fur gleemed in the darkness and her crimson red mane fell in soft, clean strands around her. The Cutiemark of that mare was a parchment role and a quill.

„And promised is promised, Celestia“, said Creator softly.
The Solar Princess groaned. „Fine, Luna“, she mumbled, „Just give me a few minutes. Please.“
„Yahoo!“, Luna cheered and jumped down off her older sister, who moaned once more. The young Moon Princess was happily bouncing to Creator.

The white Alicorn mare softly caressed Luna's back with her muzzle. „You seem rather excited“, she said.
„Yes.“ Her youngest daughter stretched her back and leaned her head against the warm cheek. „Tia promised me to show me a great surprise today. She said, she had a surprise for me.“ Her wings, small and feathery, opened in the excitement and waved around.

Creator looked at Celestia, who finally had climbed out of the bed and walked to them. „Well, then be a good mare and do whatever Celestia tells you to do“, she demanded.
Luna hopped around the two and laughed. „I promise.“

Celestia pushed her snout against her younger sister's flank and made her moving. She whispered sharply: „Says the mare, who ran into the Everfree Forest without my permission.“
Luna still sat on her butt, while the Solar Princess pushed her through the castle in the direction of the excit. She turned her head around and whinned: „But Tia, nothing happened! Moony watched after me, so you were worried for no reason.“
A sharp snort and a roll of her eyes. Celestia did not really believed in Luna's phanthom friend. „You could have been killed“, the mare explained.

Luna huffed a strand of her mane away and looked away. She was angry that nopony believed her, when she said, that Nightmare Moon – or Auntie Moony as she had nicknamed her – had been watching after her, while she had played in the forest. The Shadow-Alicorn had protected her against dragons, Diamond Dogs and put up with a rather annoying, but adorable filly.

But at the moment Luna was too excited to be angry about that for a long time. She wanted to see the surprise already. Is it a giantic cookie jar? Or a doll? Or a spaceship? Or...? The Moon Princess kept fantasizing about what it could be, when Celestia finally stopped. They stood on a large hill of green gras.

„So, Luna, here is my surprise for you.“
„Where?“ Luna looked around and even peaked behind Celestia.
The white mare opened a wing. „Well, here. Right in front of you.“ The Solar Princess smiled down at her younger sibling. „I will teach you how to fly.“


Luna's eyes widened. She turned around and looked at the wings on her back. They had grown over the past few moons just like she had. Nervously the young Princess opened them and waved them in the air. The feathers were larger by now, shimmering in a bright blue. Her mane still was fussy and full of strands.

Luna looked at Celestia and folded her wings again. „Do you really think I am ready?“ She had always dreamed about flying and now she was not only excited, but also scared. The Moon Princess had seen Celestia, Creator and Nightmare Moon flying in the sky like eagles. So free and majestic. It had looked impressive and had fascinated her since childhood.

Celestia softly touched the backside of her head with her snout. „Positive“, the white mare said. The Alicorn opened her own, majestic, white wings. „Okay, Luna“, Celestia explained, „It is actually quite simple. Jump into the air and flapp your wings. Like this.“ With one great leap she shot into the air, her wings bashed up and down, up and down, the wind played in her mane. Luna watched in awe as she saw her sister, flying a large circle, before landing.

That was awesome! Luna closed her opened snout. How much she wanted to do that as well! The filly bent down. She opened her wings and jumped upwards. Furiously Luna flapped. Sweat ran down her forehead and neck. She flapped and flapped, while wobbling in the air like some albatross, who did not had enough wind to take flight.

Oh my... Fearfully Luna waved her legs, while she swung back and forth. Her wings flapped feebly and weary. She felt weird, uncomfortable. Losing the ground under her hooves and dangleing in the air was so strange. It had looked so easy and peacefully, when Celestia had flown.

And why was it so exhausting? Her wings fought with all their strength to keep her body away from the ground. Her vision was blury. Luna was scared and worried. Celestia softly flew by her side. „You really have to flap them hard“, she adviced her. The Moon Princess nodded firmly. She concentrated herself and increased speed. Brrrrmmmmmsss! Her wings made a buzzing sound and became blury. Luna shot forwards like a cork out of the bottle.

Her flight was not really long. Luna slammed into the branches of the nearby tree. She hang there, stars flew around her vision and she felt dizzy. That was dreadfull. Shame filled Luna, when she looked at Celestia, who carefully landed on the ground. Her big sister sighted and eyed the pony in the tree. „Maybe not quite that hard.“

Celestia's magic carefully wrapped itself around her. Luna was levitated out of the tree and landed softly on the floor. Looking up at her sister, she blushed crimson red. I must be ridicolous! I feel like a foal. Which pony with wings dashed into the nearby tree during the first flying lesson? They had wings! They were born with them. They should know how to use them.

„Hey, don't make the long face, Lu.“ Celestia softly nuzzled her belly. „Come on. We try it again. Slowly, not too fast.“ Luna looked at her big sister and sighted. „Okay“, she mumbled. The Moon Princess stood up and opened her wings.


They tried. Again and again and again. But Luna did not seem to be capable of flying. It was as if her wings did not want to work in the way she wanted. There was more then one crash in a tree, on the floor, a few bumps in the bush and Luna even fell of the sky, when she shot through too many clouds and had a hiccup because of them.

Celestia tried to help her the best she could. She gave many advices, but no matter how hard Luna tried to follow these, she could not finish them. There were so many things, she had to keep an eye on at the same time! Her wings, which flapped unrhytmically. The way her body laid in the wind. The wind itself. She had to watch out for obstacles. Her head hurt from all the things, she had to keep track off.

The lesson went on, until the sun was about to set. „Enough for today, Luna!“, called Celestia, who landed on the floor. Luna was half buried in a bush. She fought herself through its long branches and shook of the leaves. The blue filly could see, that her sister was disappointed. Dissappointed in the failed lesson. Luna had not flown properly even once by now.


While Celestia made her way back to the castle, Luna pretended to follow her. But as soon as she found a big oak, she hid behind it and returned to the valley at once. The Moon Princess looked up at the sky. So large, so beautiful and yet so far. Would she ever be able to soar through the wind besides her mother and sister?

Luna put her ears back and closed her eyes, when she remembered Celestia's disappointed face. Her big sister had hung her head and sighted. I can do this. I will learn how to fly. And I will overcome my fear and weakness. I will make her proud! Luna was determinded to learn to fly until the sun rose the next morning. She wanted to surprise her sister by flying back to the castle at dawn!

She just had to learn it. Luna opened her wings and eyed them. Please, stop failing me. You grow on my back for a reason. To fly! Her eyes were wide with worry and she moved them back and forth. The feathers caressed the wind.

„Doesn't seem to have been working for you, eh?“ The familiar voice made her turn her head around. Luna's eyes widened in joy. Between the trees stood a large, black mare with a transperent, darkblue mane, shimmering and sparkeling. Cyan eyes rested on her and a benevolent smile caressed the mare's lip.

„Auntie Moony!“, shouted Luna. She closed the short distance between the two of them and threw herself at the Shadow-Alicorn's neck. Nightmare Moon grunted in surprise and tumbled back at the pressure. She sat down and wrapped her wings around the young Princess. The dark mare placed her head on Luna's neck. „Hello, cub“, she whispered friendly.

Luna's joy was washed away as she stepped back. The filly dropped her head, ears and wings. „Tia had tried to teach me how to fly today“, she mumbled, „And it didn't worked so well for me.“ Luna turned her head away and sighted. „I fear, I might never be able to fly. I really tried to follow her advices, but...“

Nightmare's mane softly travelled down to touch her chin and lift it, so both – filly and mare – looked into each other's eye. The dark force whispered: „Advices do not work, when it comes to flying, Luna. They can be helpful, but they only distract you, if you ask me. No.“ She smiled and booped Luna's nose. „Your body already knows how to fly. Your mind only has to allow it.“

Is it really that easy? Luna's eyes widened and a sheepish smile plucked at her lips. „Could you teach me that?“, she asked.
Nightmare Moon stood up and shook her head. „No, I can not“, she answered, before she laid a wing on Luna's shoulder. „But I can help your body to learn how to fly. Or moreover I can help you to overcome your own mind!“

„Really?“, squeaked Luna. She jumped around Nightmare Moon and sang: „Thank you, thank you, thank you.“
„Ah-ah-ah.“ Nightmare's fangs snatched after her neck and she stopped the filly from hopping around. „We are not there yet. So hold still.“

Nightmare Moon transformed herself into black mist and carefully wrapped herself around Luna. The dark cloud slowly rose from the ground and Luna squealed in surprise. She stretched her wings, while Nightmare flew higher and higher. This is amazing! „Can't I fly always like this?“, the Moon Princess asked.
„No“, responded the dark force, „Because you are not flying. I am just carrying you.“

They flew over the Everfree Forest and finally landed on the plattform of a nerby mountain. Nightmare materialized herself once more. Luna looked around nervously. The cliff was really high and the trees were green pens from up here. She could even spot the roofs of the nerby town in the distance.

„Ehm, what now?“, asked Luna meekly. She ducked down and pressed her ears against her head. Her tail twitched.
Nightmare Moon pushed her snout into the Princess' rips and moved her to the corner of the cliff. Her cyan eyes gleemed as she looked at Luna. „Jump“, she simply said.

What? Are you crazy? Luna panted in shock and shook her head. She could not jump. She would break her neck. She would die! Nightmare Moon bared her fangs. „Jump!“, she roared and knocked her head into Luna's side, flunging her over the cliff.


„Aaaaahhhhhhh!“ Luna fell down. The wind howled in her ears, crushed against her nostrils and into her lungs. She waved her arms around in hectic and panic. Her wings were pressed closely against her body. Tears ran down her face. Auntie Moony had gotten insane. How could she survive such a fall? She would probably end as a bunch of broken bones, blood, flesh and blue fur. Fur mush.

„Mooonnnnnyyyy! Help!“ Luna's high-pitched cry was ripped away from her. She closed her eyes in terror. Suddenly her fall ended and a sharp pain exploded in her shoulders, followed by the urge to tear up. Luna heard a loud flapping sound. What the?

Fearfully and curiously at the same time Luna opened her lids partly and peaked at her wings. They were flapping through the air. Not in hectic or panic, but powerful and in an unknown rhythm. Luna panted in surprise as she felt that her wings were holding her in the air. Her pant turned into happy, weary laughter. I am flying! I. Am. Flying!

„Moony!“, shouted Luna, „Do you see?“ She looked around. Nightmare Moon slowly glided towards her, her wings cut through the air every now and then. Her eyes glowed proudly. The dark Alicorn circled around the small Princess.
„I told you, your body knows how it works“, Nightmare Moon said, „You only had to allow it.“

She flew forwards and turned her head around. „Come, cub. Let's go back to your castle.“
Luna still looked in awe at her flapping wings. „Okay“, she stammered.
The filly carefully started to flapp stronger and moved forward. Nightmare Moon was flying besides her, but kept an eye on her. Unlike Celestia she did not give Luna any advice, but let her learn and explore on herself.

Luna's flight still was a bit shaky compared to the calm and focussed line Nightmare Moon formed. She also was a little bit unsure about the gliding thing. It was not so easy to catch the winds, she needed to move in the wanted direction. But flying up and down was rather easy.

Luna laughed and said: „Hey, I actually like this!“
Nightmare Moon smirked and licked her snout. „Welcome to the club, cub“, she mocked softly.
„Club?“, Luna asked, „The I-ran-off-home Club?“
Nightmare snickered and shot down towards the castle's nearby trees. „No. The Flying Club.“
Luna bent forwards and followed her with a loud "Yahoo!".

Celestia was walking up and down at the gates of her castle. She was furious with herself. Once again she had lost her younger sister. This could not go on! Celestia had promised Creator to watch after her. And now she even ruined a flying lesson. Celestia had only realized that Luna was no longer with her, when she had already reached the castle. Her sister had probably hidden in shame somewhere.

Creator stepped by her side. Unlike Celestia she did not seem to be worried at all. The taller Alicorn laid a white wing on her oldest daughter's shoulder. „Calm down, Celestia“, whispered Creator, „I am sure, she is alright.“
„But I lost her again!“, protested Celestia.
Her mother chuckled and rested her eyes in the sky. „And there she comes.“
„What?“ Celestia looked up as well. And her eyes widened.

A little blue ball shot through the sky towards the castle. This ball was Luna, who had placed her wings backwards to glide down. Only every now and then she flapped with her wings. Her ears trembled in the strong wind. Luna felt an exciting chill down her spine. Nightmare Moon had once again decided to hide herself in the garden between the trees. But Luna was too focussed on her flight to realize that.

Oh my, I have not practiced the landing!, she remembered scalding hot, Prepare for a rough landing! Luna shouted: „Incoming!“ Then the filly crushed down, bumped over the ground, rolled a few meters over the floor, before she slammed against Celestia's frontlegs. Perhabs she only pictured it, but she thought, she could hear Nightmare Moon laughing and calling „Nice landing, Smartass!“

Celestia looked down at Luna. She seemed to be surprised, shocked and happy. Luna smiled sheepishly and came to her hooves. „Eh, surprise?“, she called unsure.
Her older sister hugged her so fast and though, that Luna gasped. „Lu!“, called Celestia, „You can fly, my little sister! How have you been able to do that?“

Celestia let go off her. Luna shook herself and cleaned her fur. She snuggled against Celestia and Creator. „Oh, I just learned it“, the Moon Princess said and peaked into the direction of the trees, „From a friend.“ Nightmare Moon stood in the shadows, watched the small family and laughed quietly and amused.