> I DID A PRINCESS?! > by NoGoodUsrNames99 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > And I did her so hard! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna woke up in the morning, lying in her bed next to a tan Pegasus, with long brown hair, and a short brown tail. she slowly drifted from sleep to reality, then she remembered what she'd done..."Ugh...D-Did that really happen?" she asked herself, looking next to herself and seeing Butter Berrys asleep, holding an empty beer bottle. "Butter Berrys!" Luna said, using her hoof to shake him around. "Butter Berrys...wake up!" then Berrys slowly woke up. "mmm...what?" he asked irritated as he sat up. "You need to go." She whispered to him. "What Prince-PRINCESS LUNA!" He exclaimed, now fully awake. "Shh...we can't wake anyone else up." She whispered again. "What happened?" "Last night at the party, we apparently got drunk and...you know..." "Wait so...you're saying I DID A PRINCESS?!" "Calm down...you need to go!" "why?" "Because we can't let anyone find out about this!" Luna replied. "But why? I finally have a good story to tell!" "But I can't let anyone know I...uhh...you know..." "Banged me?" "Yeah..." "Hmp...Fine..." Berrys replied, crossing his arms and looking the other way. "I'm sorry, but you must go now..." Butter Berrys then got up off the bed, spread his wings, and flew twords the window then...SMACK! he slowly fell twords the floor. "Uhh...you forgot to..." Luna said, giggling. "I know I know..." he said, before opening the window and flying out. Butter Berrys flew twords Ponyville from the castle, with the wind blowing through his mane. "Ugh look...it's the greatest thing that ever happened to me, and I gotta keep it a secret to protect your royal reputation..." He thought to himself, he was completely pissed. "I cant believe it...I did a princess...I bet I did her so hard!" he thought to himself, smiling. "OUTTA THE WAY!" He heard the voice yell from his right side, then out of nowhere...Rainbow Dash smacked against him. causing them both to fall down right into ponyville, leaving a small crater. "Oww..." Berrys mumbled. he then looked next to himself and saw Rainbow Dash lying on the ground. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" He yelled. "Oww...heh...sorry..." She replied. "I was trying out a new move." "Well be more careful next time!" He said, through clenched teeth. "Alright, geez...you're more Passive than usual. what's getting you down?" "Nothing...at...all!" Berrys says, through clenched teeth again. "Well you could at least-" She tried to continue, but Berrys got up and stomped away. "SCREW THIS!" He screamed. "Alright..." Rainbow mumbled. "What's his deal?" Later at Berrys' house: Berrys opened the door to his rugged, broken-down house. as it creaked opened it then fell off the hinges. "Urgh...GREAT!" He yelled. the sound echoed through his empty and incredibly messy house. he then made his way upstairs, into his room and sat on the remains of his bed. "Damn you Luna..." he mumbled to himself. "you just don't want me to have a goos story to tell-" he then caught a whiff of himself. "Ulgh...is that me?" he pondered, right before smelling himself. "GROSS! I've gotta bathe myself..." he then made his way to the bathroom, and turned the shower on. he continued to scrub himself when the water turned off. "wait...shit I forgot to pay my water bill! DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT!" he thought to himself. he then proceeded to dry himself off, and go downstairs and sit on his ragged couch. as if he wasn't already in a bad enough mood, suddenly he heard a knock coming from the entrance. "Uh...Berrys...your door is kinda, gone..." Shouted Vynl. "Ugh...WHAT DO YOU WANT VYNL?!" he shouted down the hall. "I just came by to deliver some cookies that me and Octy made you!" she replied. "Oh, okay..." Berrys replied. he walked twords the door and took the plate of cookies from Vynl's hoof, before taking a bight out of one. "Mm...these are really good!" He said. "Good...well I gotta run, take care!" she said, lifting her glasses with her magic and winking at him. "Maybe these will take my mind off the fact that I banged Luna..." He mumbled. "Wait...what?" She asked, immediately turning around to look him in the eyes. "Nothing!" "I'm pretty sure you just said you...Banged Luna..." "Umm...heh...no I didn't! you're imagining things!" "Dude, I heard you clear as day!" Berry's then looked around the entrance, making sure no-one was around...and pulled Vynl into his house. "Okay...can you keep a secret?" Berrys asked. "Uhh...yeah?" She replied. "Okay...last night, there was a party at Luna's castle...I crashed the party and just showed up. but instead of kicking me out me and Luna had a couple drinks...and that turned into well...you know..." "you made love..." "...yeah..." Berrys then shook his head. "No...way...YOU DID A PRINCESS?!" "I know right?" "Now you finally have something interesting to tell ponies...congrats!" but berrys just looked upset..."Oh, she won't let you tell...right?" she asked. "...Right..." "Well that sucks..." "I know, right?" Berrys replied. "Well, I might as well finish these cookies..." he mumbled, picking the plate up and walking upstairs. "Here, you want me to stay?" Vynl asked. "You'd stay here...with me?" Berrys was shocked. "Of coarse I'd stay...I know how you must feel!" "Okay then, thanks!" "Let me go get my wubs...they'll make this more fun! Earlier that morning: Just after Berrys left, Luna stayed in her room. "Okay, I'll just have to sneak into the bathroom and clean myself up...I hope I can make it past Celestia!" she thought to herself. she then slowly opened the door, and snuck across the hall. the bathroom was right there, then of coarse Celestia stopped Luna right in front of the bathroom. "Good morning sis!" Celestia Exclaimed. "Umm...good morning to you too, sister!" Luna replied, putting a smile on her face. "Man...last night sure was a doosey right?" Celestia asked. "You sorta just dissapeared though, where did you go?" "I...uhh...you know..." she was looking for a reason to escape...but then... "Are...those slap marks on your flank?" Celestia asked, cocking her head. Luna's heart dropped, and in a state of pure panic she would use any excuse she possibly can. "I...uh...well it's a funny story I" "Wait...did you..." Luna then gulped, she was in a state of pure terror...knowing what was coming..."uhh..." Celestia then stood up, firmly looking down at Luna. a stern expression on her face. "Luna...YOU'RE NOT A VIRGIN ANYMORE!" she yelled in pure joy, leaning down to give her sister a hug. "Uh...yeah...I get it" Luna replied. no force on heaven or earth can match how humiliated she is right now. "Who was it with? was it fancypants? or-" Celestia interupted herself by taking a whiff. "Here, before any more details...go bathe yourself! "Alright...I will." Luna mumbled. She then walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. she then licked her lips and smacked her lips together."ulg...I can still taste it!" she mumbled. then then used her magic to grab her toothbrush and toothpaste, squeezing some toothpaste onto her brush, right as she was about to put it in her mouth before she realized...she's pregnant. "WHAT...I'M PREGNANT?!" The Next Morning At Butter Berrys house: Berrys woke up in bed...next to Vynl. he drifted awake and sat up, looking next to himself and seeing her. "wait...did I do Vynl? hell Yeah! To chicks two nights in a row!" he yelled. but then right before he woke Vynl up, Luna came crashing through his window. "BUTTER BERRYS!" She yelled. Berrys was just sitting there, looking terrified and confused. Luna then got up into his face, pointing her hoof against berrys chin. "You got me pregnant! and now look, you did it with another pony too...you whore!" she yelled. "I got you pregnant?" though he was confused, he was also a little happy inside. "Now what do you expect me to do?" she was 100% pissed. "Well...I uhh..." then, coming from Vynl she says: "Uhh Berrys...I think I'm pregnant!"