I'am the Eggman. It's what I am.

by DarkMagicEn-Forcer1

First published

A Displace Dr Eggman wants a perfect harmony. Even if he has to take over the world to do it.

(Displace story)

All I want for this world I was sent to is perfect harmony. The kind that's perfect balance of order and chaos. The kind where nobody will get scare of someone that's not the same races as them. The kind that the nobles will treat the commoners as equals. But theres only one way to do it. The whole world must be place under the rule of one empire.


Chapter 1

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(Dr Eggman P.O.V) (a random cave in a mountain) (present time)

Ok stop me if you heard this part of a story before if you are smart enough. A man or woman goes to a convention while cosplaying as their favourite character from a tv show, comic book or video game.

For me I went as my number one favourite video game villain ever. Dr Ivo Eggman Robotnik from Sonic the Hedgehog or Dr Eggman to simple things down for you.

Anyway this man or woman buys a item or items from a merchant who dress up as a merchant from a video game.

I brought the life size models of Orbot and Cubot Eggman’s most loyal robot minions.

After buying the item the man or woman blacks out and when he or she wakes up he or she discover that he or she is in Equestria a 1000 years in its past, while also discovering that he or she has become the character he or she was dress up as.

When I woke up in Equestria I had notice that the life size models of Orbot and Cubot had became real, that and I getting tons of ideas to build all kinds of machines.

Anyway the man or woman meets princess’s Celestia and Luna something bad happen alongs the way which result him or her being sealed in stone.

When I first met the Princess’s they didn’t trust me at first but they soon did since they are at war with the other nations. Thanks to me Equestria had made peace with the other nations with in the year of my first meeting the Princess’s.

Before I continue on how I got put in stone everyone in this version of Equestria are anthropomorphic just so you know.

For a time we live in peace and harmony but after the defeat of Discord I begin to see that the harmony that Celestia and Luna thought was true harmony has flaws…a lot of flaws.

These flaws make me feel a bit dissatisfied with how the Princess’s ran things. What kinds of flaws you may ask. Well the ponies get scared and go into a panic too easily specially when it comes to seeing someone thats not a pony which can make them hate that person. Which makes the ponies a bunch of racist hypocrites.

Then there are the nobles, no matter what nation you are in, they are the most biggest bunch of hypocrites I have ever seem. All of them think just because they are rich and have lots of “noble” titles gives them the right to act like they are superior than anyone else and treat the commoners like dirt.

So I decided to travel around the world in order to find a way to create true harmony. A kind of harmony that is a perfect balance of harmony and chaos. The kind that will stop the ponies from being so xenophobic toward other races of this world. The kind that will stop the nobles from acting all superior and have them treat the commoners as equals.

The first few months of searching I had no luck on finding a way even with the help of Orbot and Cubot. That all changed when I found two very odd looking gems that are giving off two different energy signals.

I had spend a week in my lab studying these two gems and this is what I had found.

The first one is a yellow diamond shaped gem that has the power to create anything you can imagine. This tells me that this gem has chaos magic.

The other one is a light blue acorn shaped gem that seem to give off the same magic as the Tree of Harmony. Knowing this I believe this gem could grow into another Tree of Harmony.

With two gems I ca— You know what? Explaining how I got stoned is taking too long. So let me shorting it down for you.

I started a cyborg army called the Egg Legion that will help me fix this flawed harmony that the Princess’s rule over.

The Princess’s then saw me as a threat to their flawed harmony and come after me with the Elements of Harmony. But thanks to one of my spy bots I was able to give my two gems and my blueprints to Orbot and Cubot and told them to take the Egg Legion and run and hide. I also told Orbot to have what on the blueprints builded, while making sure the Egg Legion is still around and under my command by the time I get free from stone.

After they all left the Princess’s show up saying something about me being mad and monster and then sealed me in stone. Instead of putting me in the stone gardens with Discord they put me in a cave of a random mountain.

And that’s where I was at for a 1000 years. Orbot and Cubot had found me a week after the Princess’s put me here. For a 1000 years Orbot and Cubot had been building the machines that are on the blueprints as well bringing new members of the Egg Legion to me. They will have the new members pledge their undying loyalty to me and to my cause before they get legionized.

Speaking of new members Orbot had just came into my cave 5 minutes ago and told me that they got a new recruit before he starts cleaning my statue. A unicorn mare by the name of Starlight Glimmer had just enter the cave with Cubot and she is walking toward me.

“Now Miss Glimmer please knee down in front of Dr Eggman’s statue so we can begin.” Orbot said in a polite tone of voice which Starlight did so with a look of determination on her face.

“Good Now then. Do you Starlight Glimmer pledge your undying loyalty to Dr Eggman and to his cause?” Orbot asked just like any other time they bring in a new member here.

“I Starlight Glimmer will pledge my undying loyalty to Dr Eggman and to his cause.” Starlight said sounding very determine just like the look she got on her face as Orbot continue speaking.

“Will you treat everyone in the Egg Legion no matter what cutie mark they have or what gender or race they are as equally as you will treat yourself?” Orbot asked to which I notice Starlight smiles at that question.

“I will treat them as I treat myself.” She said still smiling as Orbot asks the last question.

“Will you, within reason, do anything that Dr Eggman tell you to do if it helps bring the whole world into perfect harmony under the rule of the Eggman Empire?” He asked and Starlight’s smile get bigger in determination.

“I will because all are equal in my eyes in the Eggman Empire.” She said which make me feel proud.


Everyone stared at me shocked as my statue was cracking and breaking off of me.

“Ca-Can it be? After all this time?” Orbot asked to no one due to being shocked about me finally getting free.

With one final crack I finally break out of my statue with a laugh of freedom. “Mah hahahahahaha!!! Finally after 1000 years trapped in stone I the Great Dr Eggman is free!” I shouted with a triumph grin.

“BOSS YOUR BACK!” Cubot shouted as he and Orbot went and give me a hug while Starlight stare at me in shock and awe.

“Yes Cubot I have return. But now I am free it is time to show this world a what true harmony really is that the Eggman Empire will bring.” I said with a smile so big its creepy. I then notice Starlight is kneeing down and staring at me. “You may rise Starlight Glimmer.” I said to which she did right away without question with a grin on her face.

“Dr Eggman its an honor to finally meet you in the flesh.” She said to which I nod at. She will go very far in my empire.

“Oh no the honor is all mine since it was your desire for true harmony haded free me.” I said as I hold and kiss her left hand in respect which made her blush bright red.

“Th-Thank you Dr.” She said still blushing as I let go of her hand.

“Your welcome. Now then I do believe its time we go to the Death Egg to have you legionized Starlight. While we start my plans to take over the world starting with Equestria. Orbot if you be so kind to activate the warp ring.” I said as Orbot gets out a small golden ring.

“Right away Dr.” He said as he happily toss the ring ahead of us as it got big enough to walk through it as a portal to the Death Egg’s commend centre opens up. To which we enter in which the portal closes afterwards.

After we enter the commend centre all of the Badnik robots and Egg legion members stop and stare at me with awe. Then they all start to cheer in joy of my return and finally getting to meet me. I raised my hand to silent them all before I begin speaking.

“Thank you Its brings me great joy to be giving such a warm welcome from all of you just now.” I said with a joyful smile before my face turn serious as I continue. “But now isn’t time to celebrate my return. Now is the time to begin the plan that the Badnik robots and Egg Legion have been waiting for the past 1000 years. Its time to bring true harmony by taking over the world and place under the rule of one empire.” I pause for dramatic effect and shouted. “ THE EGGMAN EMPIRE!!!”

After my speech everyone in the room started to clap or cheered at my speech until I silent them again. “Now then that’s out of the way first things first Medic Feather.” I said as a male griffin with red tipped feathers , has robotic eyes and arms and wearing a light blue field medic coat step forward at the call of his name.

“Yes sir.” He said with a calm with a bit of crazy in his voice.

“Please take our newest member Starlight Glimmer to the medical centre of the Death Egg to be legionized.” I ordered to which Medic Feather nods and then leads Starlight out of the commend centre.

I then turn to look at a earth pony mare with a yellow fur coat, light green mane and tail, robotic arms and legs and wearing a standard Egg Legion uniform. “Apple Fritter what is the nearest town or city from where the Death Egg is flying in right now?” I asked as she check the map.

“Well sir ah’ reckon we are about 5 minutes away from the Crystal Empire.” She said with a southern accent as she show me a hologram image of the map of where we are at and where the Crystal Empire is at.

“Perfect. Have the Death Egg stop at right above of the Crystal Castle and have a anti-magic dome surrounding us and their empire. We don’t want anyone that’s down there to be leaving the party so soon now do we?” I said to which Apple Fritter and other members that was at the controls nods and did as I ordered. I then turn to Orbot and send him to tell everyone that’s in the Death Egg to prepare and wait for my signal to attack. I then turn to Cubot and I was about to send to go get a group of very special robots when the very group in question enters the room and stand in front of me.

These six robots are known as Team Metal. They are my perfect strike force team since I design them to complete any mission I give them without fail. Their power source come from the Elements of Harmony that came from the Tree of Harmony that Orbot and Cubot have grow from that Harmony Gem. I have design them to look like their comic book counterparts and their names are as follows.

Theres is E-123 Omega, Metal Knuckles, Metal Tails, Metal Amy, (I design her with legs instead of one big rocket like her counterpart has) Metal Sonic and finally the leader of the group Mecha Sally.

“We are here for your orders Dr.” Said Mecha Sally in a robotic version of Satam Sally’s voice which I smile at them for coming before I ask for them.

“Ah good to see you six. Ok in 3 minutes time the Death Egg will stop at the top of the Crystal Empire and incase us and the empire in a dome. When that happens I want you six to break into the castle and capture the Prince and Princess of the empire along with everyone else that’s in the castle. Once done called me so I can signal the attack. Got it?” I said and the six nod at me and ran out of the room and heading to the hanger bay. I then went and sat in my command chair and waited for my plan to begin.

(Mecha Sally P.O.V) (Death Egg hanger bay’s doors) (3 minutes later)

We watch as the hanger bay’s door finishes opening up as we then look down to see the Crystal Empire right below us. We then jump and activate our rockets and fly down and enter an open window without any of the crystal guards seeing us. Once we have enter the castle I then get the others attention so I can give them a task.

“Okay Metal Knuckles and E-123 Omega will deal with the guards.” I said and the two of them nods as I continue talking. “Metal Amy and Metal Tails will handle the cleaners, butlers and maids while Metal Sonic and I will go capture Prince Shining Armour and Princess Cadance.” I said which they all nod before we all go do our task.

(half an hour later)

Metal Sonic and myself have reach the throne room doors. Moments ago I receive a report from the rest of the team that they have done their task to which I told them to go and secure the Crystal Heart. We both look at each other for a moment then nodded before we both kick the door open at the same time which took the two royal ponies by surprise.

“What in Equestria are those creatures?!” Princess Cadance exclaims as her and Prince Shining Armour got up from their thrones and taking a fighting stances. Metal Sonic ran toward Prince Shining Armour as he try to cast a shield spell but his horn fizzy out. This caught the Prince off guard long enough for Metal Sonic to punch him in the face hard enough to knock him out cold before he hit the ground.

“SHINY!” Princess Cadance Shouted as she was shocked to see her Prince getting knock out so easily. This give me enough time to run behind her and then kick and pin her to the ground. She turn her head a bit and try to use her magic but her horn fizzy out like her Prince which make her stare at me in fear.

“That will not work. Your Crystal Empire has been incase is a anti-magic dome making yours and every crystal unicorn’s magic useless.” I said which make her go wide eyed at that.

“Wh-Why are you doing this?” She ask completely scared out of her mind as she can’t escape from under me.

“For the goals of the Eggman Empire.” I said as I punch her which knock her out conscious. Once that was done I activate my communicator to call Dr Eggman. “This is Mecha Sally of Team Metal reporting in. Everyone that’s in the Crystal Castle has been capture and secure Dr. Over.” I said as I hear Dr Eggman laughing through the communicator before he responds.

“Excellent! Have one of your team mates to go lock all of the doors and windows of the castle while have the rest of your team put all of the guards and maids in the main hall. Also I need you to keep a eye on the Prince and Princess until I get there. Is that clear? Over.” He said.

“Crystal Dr. Over and out.” I said as I end the call with Dr Eggman before I called and told my team the orders he has given to us. Once that was done I deactivate my communicator and tire the Prince and Princess up with rope I found behind their thrones. After that I saw a warp ring portal to the Death Egg’s labs centre open up as a minotaur and a swat bot bring in a roboticizer. I then turn and stare at the unconscious Prince and Princess until Dr Eggman gets here.”

(Dr Eggman P.O.V) (Crystal Empire outside of the Death Egg) (30 minutes later)

29 minutes ago I give the order for my Badniks and Egg Legions to attack the Crystal Empire and capture every last crystal pony that’s down there. I then jump into my Eggmoblie and flew out of the Death Egg so I can watch the attack from in the air. Right now a part from a few small fires half of the Crystal Empire’s ponies have been captured and it may take another 30 minutes to catch them all.

“You crystal ponies can run or fly but you can’t hide from my Badniks and Egg Legions.” I said to myself as Mecha Sally start to call me again as I answer it.

“Dr all of the roboticizers that was brought to the castle are set up and online. Over.” Mecha Sally said as I grin at this.

“Excellent. Have the crystal guards, cleaners, butlers and maids roboticized but don’t it to the Prince and Princess just yet. Over.” I said as she said yes to and end the call. I then went back to watching the attack knowing that the Crystal Empire is as good as my mine.

(25 minutes later)

I just got the report that all of the crystal ponies have been captured. My troops had place everyone in the stadium when they had the equestrian games. I ordered some of my swat bots and minotaurs to put some roboticizers in the stadium. When I flew my Eggmoblie to the castle’s front door a warp ring portal open up and a fully legionized Starlight Glimmer steps out. She now wears a standard Egg Legion uniform along with having robotic legs, arms, eyes and a ring at the base of her horn that will increase her magic power.

“Ah just the mare I wanted to see.” I said and she smile at me as I continue. “I need you to go to the stadium where all of the capture crystal ponies are at. Once there I need you to try to convince some of them to join the Egg Legion. Once you gotten the ones that wanted to join have the rest roboticized. Got it?” I asked which she nods at.

“It will be done Dr.” She said as she head to the stadium. After she had left I flew my Eggmobile into castle.

As I was heading to the throne room I saw all of the crystal guards, cleaners, butlers and almost all of the maids have been roboticized. I stopped to watch one of the ten remaining maids being push by a swat bot into a roboticizer.

Here a fun fact about the roboticizers. Aren’t like the real Dr Eggman’s roboticzers mine one doesn’t effect the people’s clothes while turning them into a tech-organic robots. These type of robots will still be able to eat and drink normal food and drink, it will just be converted into energy for them. They will still be able to feel and have emotions and free will except that they will no longer be xenophobic to other races, they will treat everyone as equals and they will be 100% loyal to me. Also they can still have sex with each other and the fembots can ever get pregnant and have a robot child.

I watched the maid scream in horror as she was being roboticizes. I then notice and blush at seeing the mare’s breasts and ass expands up a few sizes. Enough that it cause her maid outfit to rip in those areas. This alway happens to women when they are robotises for some reason that I’am not going to ask about as I then few off to the throne room.

As I got to the throne room the Prince and Princess are awake which the latter look at me in shocked.

“Dr Eggman!?” Princess Cadance shouted out of shock at seeing me. No question about it that her aunt, the royal Sunbutt, has told her all about me.

“You know this monster Cadance?” Asked Shining Armour which he gets a slap around the head by Mecha Sally.

“Called Dr Eggman a monster again and I will cut off your horn and then stuff it down your throat.” Mecha Sally said which make the Prince to shut up while still glaring at her in defiance.

“Now now Mecha Sally. Can’t blame him because of his xenophobia of calling anyone that not a pony a monster.” I told Mecha Sally calmly while Shining Armour was about to say something before I cut him off. “Now I do believe your wife still needs to answer your question.” I said which Cadance look at her Prince and answered.

“Oh right. Aunt Celestia had once told about him. On how he help Equestria make peace with the other nations of the world and how he betray Equestria by trying to take over the world.” She said while giving me a small glare.

“Yes and this time your aunts won’t stop me and I will take over the world. Starting with Equestria one city or town at a time.” I said with a very evil grin while they still glare at me.

“You won’t get away with this! Twily and her friends will stop you!” Shining Armour shouted adamantly at me. Heh the fool. Putting too much faith in his little sister and friends to stop me. Even if they have this rainbow power as Cubot had put it. Regardless it would be simple enough to convince to joining or robotises one of them to make that rainbow power useless.

“Ah yes. Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship and her five friends. I have read the reports about them and the foes they have defeated.” I said to them not losing my grin.

“Then you know they are going to stop you and your plans to take over the world then?” Cadance asked with a smug looked on her face. But I still haven’t lost my grin which made her a bit nervous.

I chuckle a little bit before I leap my face a bit closer to them. “I know but unlike their past foes, I won’t turn my back on them so they can pull a last minute victory. I won’t give them that chance.” I said which made the Prince and Princess lost their smug grins as I continue talking. “Just like I won’t give you two the chance to choose.” I said chuckling darkly as the royal ponies look at me a bit more nervous with a bit of fear.

“What do you mean by that?” Shining Armour asked still keeping a barve face but I can sense his fear.

“The choice was to even join my Egg Legion and helped the Eggman Empire to fixed the flawed harmony by taking over the world. Or be robotised and helped the Eggman Empire regardless. But you two are too loyal to the Sun and Moon Princess’s that I can’t trust you to not rat me and my empire out. So I am just going to have you two robotise right now.” I said as a minotaur by the name of Heavy Will has pick up Shining Armour and bringing him to the robotizer.

“LET HIM GO!!” Shouted Cadance out of panic for her husband. She try to get up but Mecha Sally hold her down.

“You will remain at this spot until its your turn to be robotised.” Mecha Sally said coldly as Cadance uselessly struggles but couldn’t get free of Mecha Sally’s grip.

Just then I get a call from my communicator. I then turn away ignoring Cadance’s screams of sorrow to answer the call. Which was Starlight Glimmer who was calling me.

“Ah Starlight. Hows goes your task? How many crystal ponies did you convince to join the Egg legion? Over.” I asked her not caring if she didn’t convince all of them to join the Egg Legion. I will be happy if she manage to convince a few crystal ponies.

“I only manage to convince a third of the ponies to join us. As for the rest of them. They are being robotised right now. Over.” Starlight said sounding very proud of what she had done. I not surprise at this she did convinced all of the town ponies from a place called Our Town to give up their cutie marks for her version of equality.

“Excellent. You have done me proud. Go to one of the Crystal Empire’s shops and get something for yourself as a reward. Over” I said which she respond with a thank you and ending the call.

When I turn back to see how things are doing I see a fully robotised Shining Armour walking up to me with a smile. Meanwhile I see Cadance siting on the ground crying.

“Hello Dr Eggman. I would like to say sorry for calling you a monster from early.” He said while offering a hand to shake which returned with a grin.

“You are forgiven. Now then I do believe its Cadance’s turn to be robotised. So care to do the honours?” I asked him which he nods happier as he picks up Cadance with his magic. All the while she struggles to get free.

“Shiny please! Fight this!” Cadance begged but it felled on death ears as she was placed in the robotizer. After that Shining Armour then press the button to active the robotizer. I couldn’t see it but I know that Cadance’s legs are being quickly robotised from under her dark pink dress. But when it came up to her ass and pussy it slow down. It did this so it can swell her now robotic ass up a size or two. This was enough to rip off lower part of her dress and exposing her purple panties. This cause Cadance to stop screaming in terror for a few seconds to moan in pleasure before screaming again. When the robotisation past over her chest area her now robotic breasts then swell up from a double D cup to a F cup size. This was enough to rip off what left of her pink dress and exposing her purple brb. This made her moan in pleasure again before her head get robotised.

The robotizer then turn itself off as a now fully robotised Cadance steps out and walk over to me with a happy smile on her face. “My Aunties are wrong about you Dr Eggman. Your not a monster. You are what our world needs in order to fixed our flaw harmony.” She truthfully said not caring that she is standing there only wearing her brb and panties.

“I am glad that you two finally see things my way. Plus am I right to say that you two will give me the Crystal Empire to do with as I see fit for the Eggman Empire?” I asked knowing their answer already as Shining Armour spoke.

“It goes without saying. The Crystal Empire is now yours to do with.” Shining Armour said as then it was Cadance’s turn to answer.

“As we are all now apart of your Eggman Empire. To help it cause for perfect harmony.” She said with a determine smile on her face.

“Good answers.” I said with a grin at their responds to my question. “Now then I do believe this calls for party to celebrate your empire joining my empire.” I said to which they both excited nod at.
And so everyone in the Crystal Empire (which I will now called it the Crystal Egg Empire) start celebrating of them joining the Eggman Empire.

After the party I went to my anti-dream walking spell bedroom to go to bed for the night. “First the Crystal Empire, next the rest of Equestria and then the world.” That was my last thoughts before I went to sleep with a evil grin of victory on my face.

To be continue.

Chapter 2 (crossover with Heroes of Equestria)

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(Heroes of Equestria)

(Princesses Luna)

“Ugh……….I’m board.” Said Luna as she fired a water balloon at a passing pony. “When will Saber be back?”

“Until the war is over which will be…...will very long.” Answered Gilgamesh.

“Ugh! It’s been about a week since she left, and nothing interesting is going on here in Ponyville.”

“Yeah and hitting ponies with water balloons is getting a bit boring.” Caster said as she hit a Blueblood with a balloon filled with paint. “I wish someone would summon us soon, because I’m getting bored real quick.”

“No surprise there dumbass.”

“What is this thing?” Said a mysterious voice that only Caster can hear as well as a feeling of being pulled.

“YES! Someone finally calling me!” Caster said as she grabbed Luna. “It’s time for Caster and Luna’s Awesome Adventure through the multiverse!”

“Well it’s better than anything we’re doing now.” Luna said as she and Caster were teleported off.

(I’am the Eggman. Its what I am.)

(Dr Eggman) (Death Egg few minutes early)

It has been a week since I took over the newly name Crystal Egg Empire and within that time I have taken control some small towns. Like Our Town and Hollow Shades. Right now I am in the command center watching the viewing screen as we are heading to Appleloosa. I then notice that Cubot was coming toward me with something in his hand.

“Doctor look what I found.” He said happier as he handed to me.

“What is this thing?” He asked as a portal open up and two figues fall out of it.

“Ow! Dammit! Why do I always land on my head whenever I get summoned?”

“Because you always use your head in certain events like the time you used your head on the house door.”

“What the hell?! Princess Luna and whoever you are? How did you get in here knowing I was free from stone?!” I asked while some of the Egg Legion that was in the room point their guns at the two in question.

“First of all I am Tamamo-Na-Mae, but you can call me Caster for short. And second.” Caster pulled out a talisman and made the guns that the cyborgs were holding disappeared into thin air. “You don’t point weapons at ladies like us.”

“But how did you two get in my base?” I asked glaring at them, then Cubot raised his hand.

“Oh oh. I know. I know. They came out of that weird portal thingy.” He said which I raised a eyebrow at this.

“Stand down.” I said to my Egg Legion which they did so.

“That’s better.’ Luna said as she pulled herself up from the ground. “To answer a few of your questions, one your friend just summoned us from our universe into yours. Two my servant here is called a displaced, a human that bought an item or clothing from a mysterious shady merchant and was sent to Equestria. And before you say anything no all Equestria’s are not the same.”

“Does it have xenophobic ponies that act like jerks to others races and nobles that treat the commoners like dirt?” I asked wondering if I could get them to help with taking over Appleloosa.

“Wait a minute. Do the ponies here care about their own kind and one else?” Asked Luna with an annoyed look on her face.

“For example do they care about the kirins, changelings, zebras, etc.” Caster said.

“Not just the ponies but other races are the same. Due to this world’s harmony is flawed.” I said with a frown on my face.

“.......Pray tell what did your world’s Celestia and Luna do to you?” Luna asked.

“They turned me in stone because they see me and my Egg Legion of the Eggman Empire as a threat to the world’s flaw harmony. And the only way I can fixed this harmony is by placing the whole world under the rule of the Eggman empire.” I said still frowning.

“Hm…..Okay will help you out in your crusade.” Luna said as she reached into her shadow and pulled a pony that looks like her, but was darker and was wearing a steampunk outfit. “Moony get our stuff we’re gonna be having some fun.”

“Are we in a universe full of racist ponies?”


“Should I get one of the elements of harmony to come here and help?”

“Bring Rainbow Dash she’s good when it come to hitting hard and fast.”

“Okay she should be here in about a few minutes or so.” Nightmare Moon said as she pulled up a digital screen.

“Okay. Your Rainbow Dash and you Luna will go to Ponyville and bring me my world’s Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Spike and Princess Twilight Sparkle. But make sure no one see you two. While Me, Caster and Moony will go to Appleloosa to take over that town and catch my Applejack and cmc. Does that sound like a plan?” I asked with a grin as I notice we are almost at Appleloosa.

“You might want to have Rainbow Dash and Caster instead of Moony. Mostly because we’re good when it comes to sneaking in without getting notice, plus we have magic.” Said Luna.

I think this over and I nodded my head in agreement. “Very well let’s do this.” I said grinning.


“So where is your world’s Applejack?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“She should be at this rodeo event she like to enter in.” I said as I encased the whole town of Appleloosa and the Death Egg in a anti magic dome.

“Well I know that but in where in Appleloosa is she in? Don’t get me wrong I have no problem helping you and all, but I wanna get this over with so I can get some snooze time.”

“Don’t you worry. Once I sent in my Egg Legion and badniks. She will be drawn out and fighting them. And that’s when you can get her while Caster rounds up the cmc.” I said while I climbing in my eggmobile.

“Hope she puts up a decent fight. The last Applejack I fought wasn’t as strong as she said she was.”

“Why do I have to round the cmc up? Those little bastards are evil.” Asked Caster.

“They should be easy for you if you use a spell to knock them out.” I said knowing what those three fillies are like from the reports I have read.

“Fine, but if you see me covered in wounds and a sword sticking out of my chest, I’m gonna blame you for this.” Caster said as she teleport off to Appleloosa.

“Noted. All right then. Lets begin.” I said as I press a button to signal the Egg Legion and Badniks to attack.

“This has better not be a disappointment.” Rainbow Dash said as she flew down to Appleloosa.

“Hopefully she will put up a little bit of a fight.” I said to myself as fly out of the Death Egg to watch the fight from above.

“Okay. If I was Applejack where would I be?” Rainbow Dash asked as she landed, and looked around for the country pony. “It can’t be that hard to find that country bumpkin.” Just then she sees a beating up badnik being sent flying over her head. “Whoa! Hey! Watch it buck head, you almost hit me with that!”

“Dash? Is that you?” Asked Applejack as she looked over to see Rainbow Dash.

“Well that didn’t take long to find her.” Rainbow thought as she appeared in above Applejack. “Sorry but I’m not your Rainbow Dash Applejack.”

“What are you talking Rainbow? There no time to be joking around. There these metal creatures and half metal freaks attacking the town.” Applejack said worried.

“Well I know that seeing how they’re wrecking the place, geez and here I thought that Caster was more destructive than that Eggman nerd.”

“And who in the hay is Caster and this Eggmane?” Applejack as she raised a eyebrow at Rainbow Dash.

“It’s pronounced Eggman and he’s the one that’s attacking this town full of jerkish ponies.

“What!?” Applejack said surprised before she glares at Rainbow Dash. “I don’t know what gotten into yer. But I am about to knock some sense into yer.” She said as she put up her fists.

“Easy Applejack. I told you before I’m not your Rainbow Dash, I’m from a different universe that’s like Equestria but different.”

“This Eggmane pony must have brainwashed you to think that.” Applejack said as she ran toward Rainbow readying a punch.

“Whoa wait a minute!” Rainbow said as she moved out of the way of the charging country pony. But then Applejack spin around and kick Rainbow in the belly. “Ow! Son of a bitch that hurt!”Then Applejack tries for another punch.

“Okay now I’m mad.” Just before Applejack could land the next punch, Rainbow moved out of the way and counter with lightning punch to her face.

“Ow that hurt! No matter once I knock you out. I will drag your flank to Ponyville to Twilight fixed you up.” Applejack said as she was about to do a roundhouse kick at Rainbow. Only for her to stop it and counter with a wind like punch to the stomach. Applejack fell over while holding her stomach for a bit before she gets back up.

“Huh? That normally would of knocked the wind out of most ponies.”

“Do you really think that will stop little old me?”

“No…..but how about a lightning bolt from a storm?” Rainbow asked as she snapped her fingers for a storm cloud to appear above her.

“What the bu--” Applejack hit by a lightning bolt that made her fell down out cold.

“Tch what a waste.” Rainbow said as she picked the knocked out Applejack up. “That Egghead better give me something good for helping him, because this Applejack didn’t put that much of a fight is she could be knocked out by lightning.”

“Well at least yours weren’t a pain in your ass.” Said Caster floating in the air holding the cmc and cover in cactus needles.

“What the hay happen to you?”

“Let’s just go and get these four to Eggman.” Caster said as she flew off. “Because after this someone is going to get bitchslap and it’s not gonna be me.”

“Ahh excellent! Well done you two for the capture of these four ponies.” Dr Eggman said as he leads them to one of the Death Egg’s jail cells to put the four in.

“We better get something in return for all this?” Caster asked as she tossed the cmc into the jail cell. “Because after getting thrown into a field of cactus, I’m pretty sure I’m not doing this for free anymore.”

“Of course. Here you go.” Eggman said as he give Caster a freeze ray gun and a bag of candy.

“YES! Finally my wish comes true.” Caster said as she fired the freeze ray at the field of cactus. “HAHAHAHAHAH DIE YOU BASTARD PLANTS!!!”

Everyone in the room sweatdrop that what Caster have done. Just then a robot that look like Rainbow Dash steps into the room. “And here’s your reward Rainbow Dash. A Metal Rainbow Dash that will serve, race or fight for you.” Eggman said grinning.

“Sweet! In your face Twilight!”

“Now that everyone in Appleloosa is capture it time to send in Starlight to convince some of them to join the Egg Legion while the rest get robotizered.” Eggman said as he quicky call Starlight and give her the task she need to do.

“That’s not gonna kill them or anything will it?” Asked Rainbow Dash.

“Don’t worry it’s not going to kill them. They will fine.” Dr Eggman said smiling as a flash of blue happens in the room.

“What was that?” Caster asked.

“I think that your Luna and Moony just come back.” Dr Eggman answered.

“We’re back and we brought you a gift from the gift shop in Ponyville.” Luna said show Eggman his world’s elements of harmony.

“Excellent. Did they give you two any trouble?” Dr Eggman asked as he put a anti magic ring on Twilight’s horn.

“No really until your world’s Luna say us.” Said Nightmare moon.

“WHAT!?” Dr Eggman asked out surprise.

“Yeah she wasn’t so thrilled seeing us.”

“And does she know I am free from stone?” Dr Eggman asked.


“Good. That means I still got time to prepare for fight against my Celestia and Luna. In the meantime tell me more about these tokens.” Dr Eggman said.

“Okay.” Caster summoned up a book that had the title Displaced humans 101. “This book will explain what a displaced human is, as for the token. Well it kinda like a calling card for when you want to summon said displaced.

“I see.” Dr Eggman said as he grabs a yellow mint tv like the one in Sonic X. “Will this do for my token?” He asked.

“Yep that will do, now make a small void to the multivese and wait to be called.”

“Ok let me just put my message into it first.” Dr Eggman said as turn on the recorder part of tv. “Perfect Harmony can only be reach with might. By bringing the whole world under the rule of one empire. I am Dr Eggman and if you need my help just press the self deduct button and throw it at your enemy and I will come and help.” He said before throw it into the void. How was that?” He asked Caster.

“Not bad.”

“Great. Now I do believe it’s time you four to go on back home. Now how to do that.” Dr Eggman Asked.

“Just say cancel contract and then we’ll leave.

“Ok. Caster our contract is cancel. See you next time.” He said a portal open up.

“Okay, give me a call if you need some help with Celestia and Luna.”

“I will thank you and goodbye.” Dr Eggman said as Caster, Luna, Moony and their Rainbow Dash enter the portal before it closes.

“Excellent. I will wait until my Mane six wake up before I robotized them. In the meantime I got some building to do.” Dr Eggman said to himself as he when to the Death Egg workshop.

(Heroes of Equestria)
[moment later]

“Well that was an interesting event you Caster had.” Said Celestia taking a seat next to Luna. “You think he’ll call you when he fights his world’s Luna and Celestia?”

“Maybe, but until then.” Luna picked up a water balloon and hit a passing pony. “We’ll wait and see.”

“Let’s just hope it’s soon, because I’m really hoping I get to fight his Celestia real soon.” Celestia said as she cracked hes knuckles and smiled.

To be continue.

Chapter 3 (crossover with I'am 120% Cooler!)

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(Dr Eggman P.O.V)

(Death Egg Workshop Lab area)

It has been a couple of days since Caster, her Luna and Rainbow Dash and Moony had returned to their Equestria. And during that time the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony have woken up and they were not happy about being locked up.

So one by one I had my Swat Bots escort the Bearers to my robotizer where they was all robotized. Of course that glitch my robotizers has with females has happen to the six giving them bigger ass, hips and breasts. As for the CMC and Spike I placed some nanobots into their brains in order to alter their minds into being loyal to me and my cause. I did that because they are too young to be legiontized or robotized.

Right now I am in my workshop giving the Mecha Six, a name I will be calling the Bearer’s group, a small upgrade. While I have sent some of my Egg Carriers to go take over the big cities like Manehattan and Cloudsdale. It’s going to take them a while for my troops to capture and legiontized or robotized everyone that lives or works there.

While I was busy upgrading the Mecha Six with weapons and other things I have been getting reports from my spybots that the Princess’s are sending out guards to hunt down Caster’s Luna and Moony in hopes to save the Bearers. Ha. Those morons have no idea that those two aren’t in this world anymore or that their attack dogs are now on my team. Anyway after listening to the reports I then send orders to all the places I now rule over to capture and robotized any guard or guards that is near the areas. After that have changelings replace those guards and return to Canterlot with nothing to report to the Princess’s.

“Are you almost done Doctor?” Twilight asked from the bed where she is lying. Which is a work bed since I am working on her horn since I have finished upgrading the rest of her body and the other bearers.

Now you may ask what kind of upgrade I give her. Well I have added rockets to their feet so all six of them can fly very fast or faster in Rainbow Dash’s case. I also modific theirs arms so they can transform them into guns or blades. But for some of them I added a bonus weapons that I think that will fit them just fine. Like for Pinkie I give her a flamethrower and a cannon that has the same colour as her party cannon. For Fluttershy I gave a medicgun so she can heal her friends and troops in since she doesn’t want to kill anyone which I can respect that. For Rainbow Dash I gave her a sniper rifle so she can shoot people from up high in the sky.

And finally for Twilight I am giving her a robotizer in blaster form that she will be able to shoot from her horn that I just finished working on. “Aaaand it’s all done. You can get up now Miss Sparkle.” I said to Twilight with my well known smile as she gets off my work bed.

“Please Doctor. Just call me Twilight. Miss makes me feel old.” Twilight said as she smiled back but I can see a little bit of a blush showing on her robotic face.

“As you wish Twilight.” I said to her with a nod as I continue. “Anyway. You can now robotized people by using your horn like if you were casting a spell.” I added while Twilight gave me a Pinkie size smile. It always warms my heart when I see the smiles on my cyborgs and robotic friends when I give them upgrades.

While I was thinking about this Orbot tapped on my shoulder which I turn to see him holding a datapad in his hand. “What is it Orbot?” I asked him as I quickly put some tools away.

“I am here to report that we have successfully taken over Cloudsdale as well as the Wonderbolts base and it’s academy. I also have a list of all the Wonderbolt members that we have robotized.” Orbot answered as he gave me the datapad so I can read the list of Wonderbolt member’s names.

“Excellent news Orbot. I think I will put Miss Dash in charge of the Wonderbolts.” I said grinning evilly at both from the news and giving Rainbow Dash her dream team of flyers to command. “By the way. How is Starlight doing at Manehattan?” I asked my oh so helpful little robot.

“Miss Glimmer is about 11% done talking to all of the ponies we have captured in that city. It’s going to take her a while in that city and other cities even with help Doctor.” Orbot answered which I nod in understanding. I know it is going to take Starlight some time to do this big task. After all, as an old saying back from earth goes ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ But regardless those cities and everyone that there are basically now a part of my empire. Which means Equestria is almost all mine.

“So how many places do we need to take before Equestria is completely a part of the Eggman Empire?” Twilight asked curiously as I look at Orbot wanting to know the same thing.

“Well there are only three places the Empire hasn’t taken over yet. The first one is the Everfree Forest where a female zebra and many other wild animals live. The second place is Ponyville. Home to our Mecha Six and lastly is Canterlot the home of the nobles and the Princesses of sun and moon.” Orbot answered after he had a quick look on the eggnet.

“Really?” I asked surprised since I didn’t realize that I have taken over so many towns and cities that the Princess’s and bearers home towns was all that’s left and that forest. “Well then. We should begin to prepare to attack and take over both Ponyville and Canterlot right away.” I added grinning while Twilight and Orbot just stare at me wide eyed.

“Ar-Are you sure that wise to do that now Doctor?” Orbot asked me in concern.

“Of course I am sure. With the Princess’s guards being slowly replaced by my Changeling troops and as soon as the anti-magic dome is over Canterlot. Beating the Princess’s will be easy as pie.” I said to Orbot to reinsure him and Twilight that everything will go as planned.

“Did someone say pie?” Pinkie Pie asked after popping out from under my work bed. I am not going to ask her when she got under there or why she wearing a red and black one piece swimsuit and leg high socks that make me think of Harley Quinn from Batman. But what she has in her hand is what I am going to ask.

It was a black guitar with green lightning on it with a picture of a blue rabbit and a pink cupcake with eyes. “Where did you find that guitar Miss Pie?” I asked the pink party pony bot as she looked at the guitar that she was holding before looking back with her same smiling face.

“Oh I have found it right under that work bed I was under Eggy.” Pinkie said happily as I sighed at the nickname she gave me. I put a hand out to Pinkie as a way to tell her to give me the guitar which she did without question as she did a cartwheel out of my workshop lab afterwards. Not going to go ask her why she did that because one she Pinkie and two I am hearing a message in my head.

“Yo this is Rainbine here and if you got trouble from bad guys or those who betrayed your loyalty just call me and I will put a bullet in their head.”

“It’s a token to a Displace Element of Insanity.” I thought to myself after I heard the token’s message. A minute later I get an evil grin as an idea popped into my head. “This will come in handy for our mission.” I said grinning while Twilight and Orbot just look at me confused.

“Uh.. How is a guitar going to help us on the mission?” Twilight asked me not understanding the plan I am hatching right now.

“You will see soon enough. But first we must prepare the troops. The sooner we take over Ponyville and Canterlot the better.” I said to Twilight and Orbot who both nodded as we walk out of my workshop lab and heading to the control room. “Today is going to be one for the history books.”

(Death Egg's control room an hour later)

We have just walked into the control room where we see everyone that works in this room is working hard as normal. Except for Cubot. He was busy playing poker with Metal Tails and Pinkie Pie. And from the looks of it Pinkie is winning. I didn’t bother to stop them from playing but I did let Orbot and Twilight join in on the game while I went over to Apple Fritter who is sitting at one of the controls.

“How far are we from Ponyville and Canterlot Miss Fritter?” I asked the mare who turn around to answer me.

“We are about to fly over the Princess’s old castle in the Everfree Forest. So we aren’t far from Ponyville.” Apple Fritter answered my question.

“Good. Have the Death Egg stop here for a moment while I summon a new friend to help us with this mission.” I Ordered as Apple Fritter and others that work at the controls did as they were told. After that I went and sat down on my command chair and raise the guitar up to my chest and played it as I call out.

“Rainbine. I the great Dr Eggman need your help for a mission.” After that I waited for this displace to answer my call.

(Third P.O.V)

Minutes after Dr Eggman played the guitar token a portal had opened up from the ceiling and Rainbine fell out and landed on her feet. The rainbow haired cyborg then had a quick look at the room she is in before facing Dr Eggman himself with a raised eyebrow.

“You rang Doctor?” She asked as she notices Eggman’s Pinkie walking off with a bag filled with bits leaving behind a annoyed Twilight, Orbot and Cubot. “I am guessing you want my help to take over your Equestria and ruled it with an iron fist?” She asked with raised an eyebrow at the doctor.

“Help take over Equestria yes. But I will be ruling it not with an ironfist like the real Eggman/Robotnik would but to fix it’s harmony that the Princess’s never bother to fix.” Dr Eggman answered with a small frown. While Rainbine just stare at him confused at what he meant by fixing harmony. So she tips her head to the side as her way of wanting him to explain which the Doctor got the message as he start explaining to her.

(A few minutes of explaining later.)

After Eggman explain everything to Rainbine she turns to look around the room for 30 second thinking before looking back at the Doctor with a grin. “Ok Doc. I will help you on this mission.” Rainbine said which made Eggman smile at the answer. He was about to say something but Rainbine raise a finger to cut him as she continues. “But I would like something in return for my help.” She added as she waited for Eggman’s response.

“Well I did rewarded some other displace I had summoned for helping me with a mission. So sure. I will have something made for you while we are taking over Ponyville and Canterlot.” Eggman said as he began to lead Rainbine to the hanger bay.

(Cadance P.O.V)
(Crystal Egg Empire) (Throne room)

It has been a week and a couple of days since the Crystal Em- I mean Crystal Egg Empire had became apart of the Eggman Empire and a lot of things have changed in that time. For starters the Nobles are no longer being spoiled brats and are now treating the comers as equals. Which is a big improvement for them since they all got robotized. The empire itself has been upgraded with all kinds of tech for defence and for everyday life.

As for me and Shiny. We are no longer called Prince and Princess but we are now known as Grandmasters of the Crystal Egg Empire. And while we are on duty during the day and night count or other things to do for the empire both of us must wear uniforms that look close enough to what Doctor Eggman is wearing. Right now me and Shiny are in the throne room reviewing reports of a new bot factory being built on the west side of the city. “How’s the report on your end Shiny” I asked my husband look back at me with a smile.

“Everything looks to be in order here.” Shiny answered as he gave the reports to a Eggprawn who also took mined and left us. “So when do you think Dr Eggman will allow us to go visit Twilly and her friends and give them the big news?” He asked while eyeing my robotic belly which I gave a happy rubbed.

“I don’t know Shiny. Maybe when he tells us that my Aunts have joined his Empire like he did when Twilight had joined we can go see and tell them.” I answered which made me think of what kind of funny reactions will my sister-in-law and her friends will have when we give the news.

Sadly those thoughts were cut short as a cyborg unicorn stallion by the name of Sunburst had ran into the throne room. He looked like he had just seen a ghost dragon or something.

“Princ-I mean Grandmasters! There's an emergency on the east border of the Frozen North.” Sunburst said in a panic which made me feel concerned on what kind of emergency it could be.

“Whoa calm down Sunburst. What is the emergency?” Shining Armor said in order to help calm the poor stallion down while getting him to explain what got him panic in the first place.

“There is an army of Caribou coming from east border and are heading toward here. If the spybot who had spotted them is correct.” Sunburst said calmly but he still look he’s going to wet himself from panicking.

But that doesn't matter as I slammed my robotic fist on the armrest of my throne in anger. “Dainn that foolish bastard. He is ignoring the warning my Aunt’s, Dr Eggman and the other world leaders has placed on his kind a 1000 years ago.” I said with so much venom in my voice. I then turn to look at my husband who nods at me knowing exactly what needs to be done as he looked back at Sunburst.

“Get the anti-magic dome online and as big as possible. It’s need to be big enough to fit two armies while still far away from here. Also tells the guards and any others robots that are built for battle to go out and destroy those vile beasts. But make sure they bring Dainn to us alive. I think Dr Eggman would want the honor of deciding that bastard’s fate.” Shining Armour ordered as I speak up to add something as well.

“Also tell the guards to save any or all non-caribou female slaves those beasts might of brought with them.” I ordered which Sunburst nods and ran out of the throne room as fast as he can to do his task. After that I then sat back down sighing while also thinking about how to explain to Dr Eggman about this mess.

“There goes my plans for the rest of the day.”

(Third P.O.V)

(Death Egg’s hangar)

On the way to the hangar, with an Egg-Carrier ready and waiting, both Eggman and Rainbine have discussing about the upcoming mission. “So do you understand what you got to do in Ponyville?” Dr Eggman asked Rainbine who just rolled her eyes at the question.

“Yeah yeah I know. I help your bots and borgs in taking over Ponyville and if there’s any guards in that town I can shoot to disable not kill them.” Rainbine said borely while Eggman just nodded and then showed the rainbow hair cyborg to an Egg-Carrier that is ready for take off.

“Good. Now take this Egg-Carrier to Ponyville to begin the mission and remember disable not kill.” Dr Eggman said as walk off to out of the hangar. While Rainbine just rolled her eyes again, after being reminded on what she shouldn’t do, as she flies inside the Egg-Carrier as it took off out of the hangar.

(Eggman P.O.V)

(Death Egg)

(Half an hour later) (same time Rainbine’s mission)

While Rainbine and Mecha Sally deal with the Ponyville mission I can now focus on taking over Canterlot. Home to the two Princess and hundreds of spoiled rotten brats known as nobles. I can’t help but chuckle to myself as the complete control of Equestria is almost within my reach.

“Sir. We are about to right above Canterlot.” Orbot said to me as I take a look at the viewing screen and sure enough we are now right above the city built on the mountain side.

“Is the cloaking field still working?” I asked Orbot which he responds with a nod. “Excellent. Then have the whole mountain incase in a anti-magic dome and prepare project Maria for me.” I ordered as Orbot look to his datapad to active the dome. But look back at me in surprise about the other part.

“Pr-Project Maria?! Don’t you think that’s a bit too much?” Orbot asked as I chuckle at his concern.

“Yes it is but I like to be prepared incase Celestia can still fight after all this time. She maybe magicless from the dome and a bit overweight from all the cakes she eats doesn’t mean I would get an easy win.” I said to Orbot as I got into my Egg-Mobile. “Just be sure it’s really before I reach Celestia.” I added as I turn on the intercom for the whole Deathegg.

“Attention everyone!” I said over the intercom which can be heard all over the Death Egg. “We will begin the attack of Canterlot right now!” I said as my troops begin heading to the city to follow my orders.

Just as I was about to leave the room Twilight and her friends were at the door. “Dr Eggman. What would you want us to do?” Twilight asked me sound a bit eager.

“You six can help out by rounding up all the staff that is inside the castle but leave Celestia to me.” I said which they nodded as we head our way to the last city of Equestria.

(Half an hour later.)

“This invasion of Canterlot so far was both easy and a bit disappointing.” I said to myself while flying through the halls of the castle as battle is still going on around me. I would have thought the Canterlot’s royal guards would have put up a better fight against my troops. But then again my dome is blocking their magic so there that.

Then there’s the nobles. Rounding them up wasn’t hard for my troops. But keeping the spoiled brats quiet is a different story. “All well. It won’t matter in the end. Once I have found Celestia and defeat her, Equestria will be 100% a part of the Eggman Empire.” I said as I fly into the throne room. Where I have found Celestia standing there in her golden battle armour and she doesn’t look happy.

“Dr Eggman. I should have known you were behind all this.” Celestia said as she picks her warhammer. I chuckle inwardly at her having a bit of trouble holding that thing.

“You should have known a lot things Celestia. But it doesn’t matter now.” I said giving Celestia my trademark grin as I continue. “Surrender now and be robotized or else I will have to beat you up and then robotize you.” I said already knowing her answer.

“I will never surrender to the likes of you. I will defeat you and free my ponies from your evil!” Celestia yelled as she come charging at me with her warhammer. Which I easily avoided in my Egg-Mobile and I active it’s wrecking ball to start swinging at Celestia. Call it. I knew Celestia would never surrender easily even when the odds are against her. Which is good for me because I will get to use project Maria on her. So for about the next five minutes or so I have been trying to hit Celestia with my wrecking ball while avoiding her hammer.

“Are you even tr-” I was cut off when Celestia use her hammer to send my ball at me and sending flying to the other side of the room.

“You were saying?” Celestia said with a smirk as she walked toward me while I was getting back up. Just then there was a crashing sound as project Maria fell through the ceiling and landed right between us leaving most of the dust cloud on Celestia’s side. “What in my name?!” I hear Celestia yelled out while I quickly into my mech and have it stand up just as the dust clouds clears.

“Now then Princess.” I said while smiling within my mech. “GET A LOAD OF THIS!” I said as I had my mech, which is called the Egg Beater, strike a pose at the Celestia.

I have built project Maria a.k.a Egg Beater to look and fight just like the one that had defeated Sonic in a one on one fight in comic issue 175. But unlike in the comic I give mine one stronger armour and some just in case extra weapons in hidden places. Some might say that’s overkill. I say it’s just necessarily in case I get out numbered.

“I will still defeat you Eggman. No matter how big of a metal suit you choose to hide in.” Celestia bravely said as she came at me with her hammer only to be blocked by my star bumper shield.

“Keep telling yourself that.” I said as I quickly took the hammer away from Celestia and throw it away. I then give her a quick kick to the stomach and send her across the throne room. “You know what. I was planning on beating you up with my Egg Beater before robotizing you.” I said as I pressed some buttons while Celestia slowly got back up. “But I think I will just send you to my special robotizer right now.” I said as I fire a teleporting beam at Celestia sending her off but leaving her armour behind.

“Dr Eggman?” I heard Twilight calling me by coms as I expected. Since I did teleport Celestia to where Twilight is to be robotized.

“Yes Twilight. Is it done?” I asked her while getting out of my Egg Beater.

“Yes Doctor. As soon as I saw Princess Celestia I robotized her right away and now she is standing by waiting for you.” Twilight answered with bride in her voice and I can’t help but chuckle.

“Excellent work Twilight. Now take Celestia to my Lab for me and go join your friends on finding anybody that’s still hiding.” I ordered Twilight as I end the call so I can call Orbot.

“You called boss?” Orbot asked from the coms as I got back into my Egg-Mobile.

“Tell Mecha Sally that I have taken over Canterlot and Celestia is now robotized. Also tell her to send Rainbine to Canterlot for me.” I ordered as I end the call and headed back to the Death Egg.

(third person P.O.V)

(Death Egg Hanger) (20 minutes later)

While Eggman’s forces begin preparing a party their latest victory Eggman and Rainbine meet up in the Death Egg Hanger for the last time. “I take it that your mission in Ponyville went well?” Dr Eggman asked while pressing some buttons on his datapad.

“It went pretty well. If it wasn’t for Mecha Sally I don’t think I would still have a head on right now.” Rainbine said while rubbing the back of her head. “That’s good to hear Rainbine. Now if you be so kind as to follow me? Your reward should be ready on the other side of the hanger.” Dr Eggman said as he start to lead Rainbine there.

Minutes later the two had at the other side of the hanger now looking at a black and green Egg-Carrier. Rainbine just stare at it with a jaw drop look to her face. (“It looks so awesome.”) Rainbow said while Rainbine was busy picking up her jaw from seeing their new ship.
“This ship has everything you would need to avoid or attack your Celestia. Weapons, food, beds, drinks, meds-” Dr Eggman continues listing things off while Rainbine still stared at her new ship.

(“Are you listening to what he is saying about our new ship?”) Rainbow asked wondering if Rainbine was paying attention or not.
“Yeah I am listening.” Rainbine said just as Dr Eggman finished listing things about the ship.

“Right now it’s time for us to part ways until next time Rainbine. So thanks for little help.” Dr Eggman said as he and Rainbine shake hands.
“It’s no problem Dr Egghead. I will see you around.” Rainbine said right before she flies into her Egg-Carrier while Dr Eggman look a little annoyed.

“It’s Eggman but whatever. Our contract is complete.” Dr Eggman said as Rainbine and her Egg-Carrier disappears in a flash of light.

(Dr Eggman P.O.V)

(Death Egg Hanger a minute later)

After Rainbine has left a cyborg dragoness came up to me. “What is it?” I asked her wanting it to be quick.

“Sir I just got word from the Crystal Egg Empire. They are dealing with Caribou invaders.” The dragoness said which made me sigh in disappointment. I was really hoping the Caribou would have changed after a 1000 years.

“How is it going over there? Do they need back up?” I asked wondering if the upgrades to the Crystal Egg Empire’s defends is good enough against the Caribou.

“No sir. The Caribou army is almost all wiped out. We did lose some robots but we managed to capture their leader King Dainn.” The dragoness said which has pleased me on the good news.

“Is he still alive?” I asked.

“Yes he is sir. The Grandmasters wants you to decide his fate.” The dragoness said which has a big smile on my face.

“Very good. Now go have a ship ready to go to the Crystal Egg Empire. So I can deal with this foolish bastard myself.” I ordered the dragoness which she files off.

After that I then turn to face an open hanger door while rubbing my hands together with a smile on my face. “It’s time to end a foolish king.”

To be continued..

Chapter 4

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(Eggman P.O.V)
(Crystal Egg Empire)

It took about an hour and a half for my Egg-Carrier to get to and land in the Crystal Egg Empire. And as I exited my ship I still saw many wounded and damaged troops being brought in from the front gates by the medics. Meanwhile the Swatbots are pulling the carts that have the non-caribou slaves in them.

“Dr Eggman sir.” I turned my head to the right to see it was Sunburst who called out to me as he ran to me. “It’s good to see you have come all this way here. Sir.” He added once he had reached up to me and stopped to catch his breath.

“Thank you Sunburst. Now would you be so kind as to tell me how the battle went.” I said to Sunburst as he and I began to walk toward the castle. As we walked, Sunburst began to explain to me the battle against the invading caribou. From encasing the battlefield in an anti-magic dome. Which stops the caribou from using their magic. To kill the last caribou soldier and the capture of their king. “How many did we lose on our side?” I asked Sunburst while dreading a high number of troops losted.

“We have lost about 100 swatbots in that battle. Most tried to capture King Dainn.” Sunburst said as are almost at the castle where the carts of poor women, who were enslaved by the caribou, are being parked.

“And how is the clean up going?” I asked. Wanting to know what they have done with the dead caribou. After all, we can’t have those dead bodies stinking up the front door of the Crystal Egg Empire now do we.

“We are having the diggerbots dig a giant hole that’s far away from the empire. We will then dump the bodies in the hole along with their magic items and then burn them.” Sunburst explained which put a smile on my face.

“Excellent, make sure not a single trace of caribou DNA is left from the fire.” I told Sunburst because I don’t want to take any chances of a cloner coming along and making a clone caribou army. After I told him we then stopped by the carts to see the medics giving the women a check up.

“Of Course Doctor. But first, what should we do with all these poor women the caribou brought along?” Sunburst asked as I looked at the women carefully.

They are in three groups.Wearing the exact same colour collars as the fall of Equestria fanfics back on earth. How did those foul beasts manage to capture this many poor souls without being noticed? Maybe these women were just unlucky enough to be too close to the broader Mossanten, the caribou’s homeland. There are also different kinds in the three groups. Like their ponies, zebras, dragoness, a mobian mongoose, gri-.. Wait what?!

My face went from shock to confusion as I stared at the group that wore the black collars. And sure enough there is a mobian mongoose among them. She has yellow fur, long purple hair and bright green eyes. She also has two silver earrings on each ear.

There is only one mobian mongoose I know of. And that she is none other as she is Mina Mongoose from Archie Sonic Comics. The ones I used to read back on earth. But how is she here in this world? And why is she so busty? Did the caribou use some drugs on her?

Regardless. I will need to find out if she is the real Mina Mongoose or a displace like me. Right now Mina has spotted me and has a mix of shock and fear in her face.

Before I can think more of this Sunburst tapped my arm to get my attention. “Oh right. Have the ones wearing black collars brought to the castle. Have them clean, clothed and their collars removed. And make sure they have as much comfort as they need.” I told Sunburst. But before he could ask about the ones with red and purple collars I added. “And have the rest of them robotized.”

Sunburst then looked at me in shock that I would give such an order. “But Doctor sir. Don’t you think that’s a bit hush on them? I mean they were just freed from the horrors the slavers have been putting them through.” Sunburst said as I put my hand up to calm him down so I can give reason for my command.

“The ones wearing the black collars are those who are the most recently enslaved and their wills haven’t been broken just yet.” I said as that group is being escorted into the castle. With Mina giving me a quick look back as she walked on with the others. “The ones with the red collars. Their wills have been broken after being raped by the caribou enough times. That or they have surrendered to the caribou without a fight. So there is a high risk that they would try to get revenge for their master’s deaths.” I explained as the red collar group was kept in place with magic.

“And the ones with the purple collars?” Sunburst asked as I gave a sad sigh as I looked at that group who is also kept in place with magic.

“They have been fucked by the caribou so many times that their minds have been destroyed. Now the only thing they can think about is having sex with anything that moves.” I said with another sad sigh. “I am hoping that by robotizing them I can reprogram the red collars and rebuild the minds of the purple collars.” I said as Sunburst nodded in understanding of my reason.

Before I say anything else. Orbot taps on my arm to get my attention. “Sir. Grandmasters Cadance and Shining Armour are waiting for you in the throneroom with the captured king.” Orbot said, reminding me of why I was here.

“Ah yes. Mustn't keep them waiting.” I said as I had left Sunburst to his duties as I entered the castle. It took me about 15 minutes to get to the throne room and what I saw there put a big smile on my face.

I see Grandmasters Cadance and Shining Armour sitting on their thrones while looking very angry at King Dainn. Who is at the centre of the throne on his knee, chained up and having about 32 guns pointing right at his nuts. As I walk by him I can see that he looks just as the fanfics described him as just with cuts, burn marks and bruises and a blackeye on the left side of his face. When Dainn noticed me he had a mixed look of surprise, anger and hatred on his face. Which has made me chunked a bit as I go to greet the two Grandmasters.

“Grandmaster Cadance and Grandmaster Shining Armour. How are you two doing? I hope I didn’t keep you two waiting long.” I said to the two while acting as if I hadn’t noticed Dainn was there.

“We are doing great, Doctor.” Shining Armour said with a small bow of respect. “We were just enjoying the troop’s handy work on this barbarian.” Cadance said with a smick which caused Dainn to look at her with more hate.

“Ah yes. The last king of Mossanten Dainn.” I said as I walked over to Dainn and looked down on him. “Your ancestor King Des Nuts was warned by me, Celestia and the other world leaders at the time 1000 years ago. That is if Mossanten invades another country. Then we will destroy every last caribou in Mossanten.” I said to Dainn like a parent to a rule breaking child. “So what do you have to say for yourself for dooming your people?” I asked as I removed the gag from his mouth.

“Buck you mare sympathiser! You and the other stallion traitors here will pay for stopping me and my army from putting the mares in their rightful place! Which is on their knees, naked and sucking on their master’s co-!!” Dainn yelled before one of the 32 guns fired and barely missed his left nut. Which has thankfully shut him up for me.

I couldn’t help but sigh and shake my head in disappointment at his answer. “It seems that the Mossanten caribou hasn’t changed one bit in 1000 years.” I said as I let out another disappointed sigh. “Well at least Des Nuts and all the other kings before you were smart enough to not invade another country up until now.” I said which made Dainn even more angry then he was before.

“My Father and everyone before him are fools to believe a 1000 year old bluff! Those weak world leaders don’t have the balls to wipe my country out. I am not a fool! I wi-!!” Dainn ranted before I stuffed the gag back into his dirty mouth in order to shut him up.

“That’s enough out of you.” I said as I turned to look at Orbot and Cubot. “Bring me a soul bullet.” I ordered my two robots, which took them by surprise for a moment before they came closer to me and opened the top of their heads. In Orbot’s head is an empty gun and in Cubot’s head is a roll of bullets that are giving off a light blue glow.

“Excuse Doctor. But is a soul bullet?” Shining Armour asked as I picked up a soul bullet with the label ‘caribou model’ on it.

“A soul bullet can do just as much damage as a normal bullet.” I said as I loud the soul bullet into the gun. “But when it’s used on a living target it can destroy the soul.” I said as I noticed Dainn was trying and failing to break his chains. Then I turn to look at the guards who are aiming their guns at Dainn’s nuts.

“You may fire when ready.” I ordered as I stepped aside so the guards could have a clear shot. Dainn was now trying even harder to break his chains. But not out of anger but out of fear for his royal jewels.


Was the only sound everyone in the room could hear. Before Dainn starts screaming through the gag in pain from having his nut shooted to bloody pieces. And while he was still screaming, along with a small pool of blood forming around him, I took aim at his head with my loaded gun.

“As you enter the after… Oh wait. You won’t be going to an afterlife. So I will just say goodbye.” I said with a big grin on my face as I pulled the trigger.


With that one shot to the head. Dainn's body becomes engulfed in blue flames. Burning his body until it becomes ashes. “Oh yeah. I forgot about the side effect of the bullet burning away the target's body along with the soul.” I said as I put my gun back into the Orbot's head.

“Orders Doctor.” Cadance asked me which I turn around to face her and Shining Armour with a serious look on my face.

“Send word to all of my working robot factories. To have a huge army of robots ready for the Egg Fleet within a week. We will be having Mossanten burned to the ground.” I ordered my two Grandmasters as I turned and walked out of the throne room.

“Now then. It’s time to have a word with a mongoose.” I said to myself as I head toward the castle’s medical wing.

To be continued.