Welcome to the Royal Family

by Darkblaze15

First published

A new member of the Royal Crystal family is on its way into the hearts of Equestria.

When Mrs. Cake reveals a secret about Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, Pinkie Pie has a difficult time keeping this privileged information to herself. Later, Twilight discovers that something terrible has happened to the royal couple and attempts to put it right. Afterwards, the time has come for the Prince and Princess' surprise to come into the world - but can everypony keep it together or will their plans come crumbling down?
Note: This is a trilogy of stories that showcases how I would introduce the concept of Shining Armor and Princess Cadence having a foal into the MLP series. This is semi-based on certain spoilers about the upcoming episodes of Season 5 that have surfaced which point towards certain suspicions. I'm not saying this will happen, but if it it does, then I cannot help it.
Another Note: These stories should be treated as three separate stories instead of one long one.

Chapter 1: Pinkie's Secret

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One day, Pinkie Pie is at Sugarcube Corner whisking away at some batter for a very special cake. Today marks Twilight's birthday, and she and her friends were planning a surprise party to celebrate this auspicious occasion. Twilight, however, was told that the party was to welcome Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, who were stopping by for a visit, so as to avoid any suspicion. Pinkie, however, is humming to herself and not paying attention to what she is doing, and thus proceeds to get batter all over herself and Pound Cake, who squeals with delight. When Mrs. Cake comes in carrying Pumpkin Cake on her back, she gasps at the sight and sets to work cleaning up Pinkie's mess while scolding her for not keeping a tidy workspace.

"But I can't possibly sit still today!" Pinkie explains, "Today is Twilight's birthday, and I want to make sure everything is going to be perfect!"

"Well, that's fine, but that certainly doesn't mean you can't take care of messes that you've caused," Mrs. Cake rebuttals. "Now, could you please tidy up while I clean off my precious Pound Cake?"

"OK!" Pinkie says cheerfully and places her batter in the oven then cleans off her workspace. As she does so, she uncovers an order form for a cake - from Princess Cadence and Shining Armor! "Ooooohh, what's this? An order for a double chocolate cake with yellow frosting, blue and pink carnations, and a baby carriage on top," Pinkie exclaims, "what could this be for?" Suddenly, Mrs. Cake snatches the order form away from Pinkie's hooves.

"You weren't supposed to see that!" she shouts and tries to hide it from Pinkie, but she is insistent.

"Why do Princess Cadence and Shining Armor want a cake like that? Huh, huh? Why can't you tell me? Is it a secret? Tell me, tell meee!" Pinkie volleys at Mrs. Cake. Realizing that there was no other way out of the situation, Mrs. Cake tells Pinkie about the form.

"Ok, I'll tell you, but you must promise not to tell anypony else," she says urgently, to which Pinkie makes her famous "Pinkie Promise" code of silence. "Well, Princess Cadence and Shining Armor . . . are going to have a foal!" she says, not bothering to hide her excitement.

Pinkie Pie gasps and shoots into the air in a rain of confetti and streamers. "Ohmygoshohmygoshomygoshohmygosh!!!! They're having a foal?!?! This is the best news ever, I can't wait to tell Twilight!" she screams as she scoops up Pound Cake and Gummy in exultation.

"Sssshhsh!" Mrs. Cake whispers, "They don't want anypony to know because they will reveal it at Twilight's party later today. It's top secret, and you promised you won't tell, so don't, got it?"

Pinkie promised, but she still could not hide her excitement as she trotted out to Sweet Apple Acres to check on Applejack, who would be catering for the party. As she arrived, she witnessed Big Macintosh, Applebloom, and Applejack piling all their goodies into a large wagon. "Wow, Applejack, you look like you're all ready to go!"

"'Course we are, Pinkie. Wouldn't want this shin-dig to be spoiled," Applejack says proudly. "You, on the other hand, seem even more excited than usual; if I may, what else has your spirit higher than clown on stilts at the rodeo?"

"I just found out that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are --" Pinkie blurts, but stops suddenly.

"Are what?" Applebloom asks.

"I can't tell you, it will ruin the surprise," Pinkie Pie says secretly.

"Aw, I'm sure its nothing we can't handle," Applejack says, to which Big Mac replies "Eeyup".

"Well, alright, but you have to Pinkie Promise not to tell anypony else, especially Twilight" she says ominously. Once they take oath, Pinkie blurts "Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are going to have a foal!" Everypony whoops and hollers with delight at the news.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Applebloom says, "I can't wait to congratulate them at the party."

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie replies, "Come on, let's go tell Twilight the good news!"

"Hold on, now," Applejack says, "I thought we were't supposed to tell Twilight?"

"Oh, that's right," Pinkie Pie says sadly, "But I'm just so happy, I want to tell anypony I see, and keeping secrets from Twilight makes me feel weird. How am I going to survive until the party?!" she screams exasperatedly.

"Well, why don't you just avoid seeing her until then, if that's the case?" Applejack suggests. Pinkie Pie considers, agrees, and carries on with checking on the rest of the preparations.

As the day wears on, however, Pinkie finds it increasingly hard to avoid telling Twilight, as she seems to pop up everywhere she goes - at Carousel Boutique, Pinkie has to hide quickly and keep quiet when Twilight trots right into Rarity's preparing the decorations for the party. Then again at Ponyville Town Hall, where Pinkie runs for the hills when Twilight steps in on Mayor Mare's overseeing the set up for the reception. As the time draws nearer and all the ponies gather in the town square to welcome the royal couple, Pinkie Pie is visibly having difficulties with keeping her end of the promise, practically squirming with excitement. Soon, the Prince and Princess arrive and everypony cheers as they make their way up to the steps of the hall.

"Hello everypony," Princess Cadence begins. It's so nice to see such friendly faces on such a special occasion. Now, if I may, can Twilight Sparkle come up here, please?" Twilight makes her way through the crowd and asks what it is that Cadence needed her for. Cadence and Shining Armor both tell her to turn around, and when she does, everypony in town screams and shouts, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TWILIGHT!!!!!"

Twilight Sparkle, with a shocked expression on her face, stammers"What's this about?"

"It's a surprise birthday party. For you!!" Pinkie Pie shouts as she let off a volley of party cannons.

Twilight starts to tear up with heartfelt joy. "And, were you two a part of this, as well?" she asks the royal couple, who both nodded in agreement. "Thank you everypony," Twilight says, expressing her deep gratitude for their efforts. "now, let's have a party!" and everypony files into the Town Hall. Once inside, everypony partakes in and enjoys the festivities Pinkie and the rest of the Mane 5 put together; Pinkie, however, upon seeing Twilight with Cadence and Shining Armor, suddenly remembers the secret, and races over to them.

"Did you guys tell her yet?" Pinkie asks excitedly, to which she receives shocked expressions from the royal couple.

"Tell me what?" Twilight asks innocently.

"Oh, just, well, um," Pinkie Pie stumbles on her words, "Just, just how much work went into putting this together? Tons of hard work from all your closest friends!" Pinkie Pie says, smiling nervously.

"Well, no, but I appreciate you telling me, Pinkie. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday party, thank you," Twilight says and smiles, while Pinkie and the royal couple breath sighs of relief. Suddenly, Twilight points something out, "Hey Cadence, you hungry or something?" she comments jokingly on the amount of food in front of the royal princess. "I don't remember you eating this much even as a filly."

"Well, I guess I'm just hungry from the flight. It's a long way from the Crystal Empire, after all," Cadence offers, donning a nervous smile as well. Twilight thinks nothing more of it and goes off to talk to some other ponies. Cadence suddenly whips around to face Pinkie, "You know?!" she asks.

"Well, yes," Pinkie Pie admits, "and I'm so happy for the both of you!"

"Thank you, Pinkie Pie," Shining Armor says, "but if it is alright, we would like to make the announcement ourselves. We're not sure how Twilight would take it if she found out one of her closest friends was with-holding news from her - especially news as big as this."

"I will try," Pinkie says; upon receiving some stern looks from the couple, she corrects her statement "I mean, I definitely will. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

When it comes time to make the announcement, however, all the excitement and happiness inside Pinkie Pie reaches its breaking point, and she is trying her hardest to keep it together, but to little avail.

"Greetings everypony," Princess Cadence announces, "I just wanted to say that it has been an honor being able to put this together for my sister-in-law. Happy birthday again, Twilight," to which she offers her thanks. "Now, to add to all this happiness and good cheer, my husband and I have some very exciting news. But before we--" suddenly, all of Pinkie's pent up energy explodes out of her; she fires off from the ground like a rocket, leaving a trail of confetti and streamers in her wake, and lands on the stage.

"When will you tell them that you're having a foal?" she screams to the couple without realizing that al eyes and ears were upon her. Everypony gasps while Applejack, Big Mac, and Applebloom face-hoof themselves. Cadence, Shining Armor, and Twilight, however, are frozen where they stand, too stunned to speak. "Ooops, I'm very sorry, I just couldn't help myself anymore," Pinkie apologizes.

"Well, I guess the damage has been done," Shining Armor finally says as he and his wife trot over to Twilight, who is still frozen with shock.

"Twilight, are you alright?" Cadence asks, worried about her sister. "We wanted to wait until we came to your party to tell you personally, but I guess Pinkie found out before we got the chance. I hope you're not upset with us."

Twilight, however, remains unresponsive; finally, she asks "You're . . having . . a foal?" Shining Armor and Cadence nod their heads in unison. "I'm . . going to be . . an aunt?" she asks again, receiving another combined nod. Suddenly, she breaks into the biggest smile she's ever made, "How could I be upset? That's the most wonderful news I've ever heard!!!" and everypony cheers over Twilight's acceptance.

As the party continues, everypony takes turns congratulating the royal couple on their latest development while Twilight expresses her joy to Cadence as they talk about events like the baby shower. Just then, Pinkie Pie trots up to the trio.

"Hi everypony. I'm sorry I spoiled the surprise for you," she says solemnly. "I hope you can forgive me one day."

"What are you talking about, Pinkie?" Twilight reassures her, "You didn't spoil anything for me. I'm just as surprised as if Cadence and my brother had told me themselves!"

"Yeah, we were more worried about Twilight's reaction," Shining Armor says, "but, seeing as she's taking it well, I'd say everything's fine."

Pinkie Pie beams from ear to ear and races over to the microphone. "Come on everypony, let's dance!" She shouts and jumps out on the dance floor as everypony else joins her. Shining Armor embraces his wife with joy as they watch everypony dance and celebrate the creation of new and continuing life.

(To be continued)

Chapter 2: A Painful Loss

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Morning in the Crystal Empire

Twilight Sparkle just arrived in the Crystal Empire, her face brimming with excitement and anxiety, with her trusty assistant, Spike, at her side.

“Relax, Twilight, it’s just a presentation. It’s not like you haven’t given speeches before,” Spike says to try to calm her nerves.

“But this is a very important presentation," Twilight says, "Cadence and Shining Armor want me to talk to the Crystal Ponies about the magic behind cutie marks - it's imperative that this goes without a hitch!"

"And I'm sure you'll do just fine," a voice says behind them; Princess Cadence and Shining Armor trot over to the two friends. Cadence's stomach had bulged quite a bit since Twilight saw her last, with her being with foal, yet it did little to curb her enthusiasm and pride in her sister. "This is a big honor for you to be chosen for something as special as this."

"Yeah, Twilight," Shining Armor says, "don't over think that and you'll do great!"

Twilight smiles. "I'm really lucky to have siblings like the two of you," she says as she hugs the royal couple. "And I'm especially lucky that I will be an aunt soon," she adds as she gives Cadence an extra hug.

"Come on, Twilight, you don't want to be late, do you?" Spike says jokingly and motions towards the Crystal Empire Amphitheater.

Twilight rolls her eyes and trots over to Spike. "Good luck with everything!" she calls back to the royal couple.

"See you soon!" they call back as Twilight enters the Amphitheater.

Just outside Crystal Empire

Twilight wasn't sure of the full extent of Starlight Glimmer's spell had as it spread through Equestria. She has already witnessed the effect Starlight's stopping the first Sonic Rainboom had on the rest of her friends, but she doesn't know what to expect as she enters her brother and sister-in-law's abode. As she walks through the doors she can sense an eerie quietness, as if no pony had been inside for a long time; after a short while, however, she hears voices and rushes towards them.

When she enters the room, she sees a sad sight; Cadence is lying on their bed sobbing her eyes out while Shining Armor tries to console her. "I know how hard this is for you," he would say.

"Shining, what happened here?" Twilight asks. When he looks up, she can see that he had poured his share of tears, as well.

"Oh, Twilight," he began, "we . . we . . lost the foal." It takes Twilight a moment to comprehend his statement, but soon she too shares Cadence's sorrow.

"What? I . . I . . why? How did this happen?" she asks as she begins to tear up as well.

"Well, we were on our way to the amphitheater to greet you when it suddenly went up in flames," Shining Armor explains, "As ponies rushed outside, we hurried inside to find you. When we opened into the hall, we saw you up on stage struggling to move, as if something was on top of you. I couldn't reach the stage because of fallen debris, so Cadence had to fly up to get to you, which was difficult for her in her state. She eventually freed you and prepared to take off again, but a beam supporting the roof came crashing down and pinned the both of you to the ground. Fortunately I could get the both of you out in time, but . . the doctor said that . . the trauma . . too much . . no hope for survival . ." he finished as he chokes back a sob.

"It's all my fault!" Cadence wails in sorrow, "I should have been more careful, but I was only thinking about getting you out of there rather than watching my surroundings. It's all my fault," she repeats as Shining Armor tries to comfort her.

Twilight can not believe what they just told her, and almost joins her brother in trying to calm his wife, but she suddenly realizes something; the last she remembered, there was no fire after the presentation, she and Spike had made it back to Ponyville safe and sound. She has a sudden realization that Starlight Glimmer had a hoof in causing the fire, either directly or indirectly, and a deep anger rises from within her.

"That does it," Twilight says to herself, "You can take away my past, my livelihood, and my friends as many times as you want, Starlight Glimmer. but taking the life away from a pony who hasn't even been born yet - that's crossing the line!" She looks one more time at her brother and sister-in-law embracing one another, and whispers in their ears "I will put everything right again," before racing out of the room to find Starlight Glimmer.

In Ponyville Center

A celebration is held in honor of Twilight's efforts to stop Starlight Glimmer from continuing her plan for world domination and restoring the vitality of friendship in Equestria. Nopony, however, is more proud of her than her six closest friends, who put together the whole parry and whose pasts had all been repaired. As the festivities continue, however, Twilight suddenly remembers Cadence and Shining Armor and immediately sets off for the Crystal Empire to see if all trots of life had been restored. When she arrives, she immediately hurries into the castle, where she finds Cadence lying on the bed again, but this time, she's not crying.

"Twily, you're here!" Shining Armor says as he enters the room. "We would have come to Ponyville, but with Cadence being in her state, we didn't want to risk travelling any great distances." Twilight is confused, but when she sees Cadence's bulging stomach, she realizes that everything in Equestria had been restored.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you guys, I don't care that you missed one measly celebration!" she says as she brings the two of her siblings into a hug. "I missed you two," she adds.

"But, we just saw you yesterday," Shining says, slightly confused, but Twilight dismisses his comment to enjoy this happy moment in their lives.

Chapter 3: Welcome, Princess Skyla!

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Princess Cadence wanders aimlessly around the Canterlot Castle courtyard as she contemplates everything that had happened to her recently. As she entered the last stages of her foal-bearing, Shining Armor wished for her to be moved to Canterlot so she would not be alone in the Crystal castle; she objected, claiming she would be fine, but he had insisted. So, a few weeks ago, with the help of her friends and the other Princesses, she had been moved into Twilight's old home in the Canterlot Library, which had been spiffed up for her arrival. For the first few days, she had enjoyed living amongst the books, being able to read to her heart's content, but after a while she grew bored and began to leave the library in favor of seeing the sights of Canterlot.

One particular day, Cadence is enjoying her morning trot as ponies greet and congratulate her as they always have, and she returns the gesture. Soon, however, she decides to turn back to the library; the longer she carries her foal, the more fatigued she believes she becomes during her morning trots. Upon her return, she notices Moon Dancer lying on a couch avidly reading what must be a good book. Ever since Twilight gave her the key to the library, she has popped in and out every so often, even occasionally helping the princess with whatever she needs. As Cadence says hello, Moon Dancer whips her head around in alarm and almost falls out of her position.

"Oh, sorry princess, I thought you wouldn't be back for a while," Moon Dancer says sheepishly while blushing.

"You should know by now, it's quite alright, I really don't mind the company," Cadence says softly, "Yes, I thought I'd be gone longer, too, but I seem to be getting more and more tired as the days go by."

"Well, to be honest, in your condition, I'm surprised you're still up and moving," Moon Dancer says sounding concerned, "You should take it easy from here on out."

"Don't worry about me," Cadence softly chides, "I'm going to do as much as I still can until the day - AIEEE!!" she suddenly screams.

"What's wrong, Princess Cadence?" Moon Dancer asks anxiously.

"Ooh, ah," Cadence winces, "I . . I think it's happening."

"The foal?! It's coming?" Moon Dancer asks; Cadence nods through her pain.

"Ohmygodohmygod. I don't know what to do, what should I do?" Moon Dancer asks Cadence frantically.

"Call . . Twilight . . now," Cadence moans urgently; so, Moon Dancer writes a letter to Twilight as fast as she can manage and magically sends it to Twilight's castle.

In the castle, Twilight is enjoying a good book while Spike naps in the corner of an armchair with a book lying over his head. Suddenly, a scroll appears out of nowhere in front of Twilight; startled, she jumps off the couch, causing Spike to wake up from his reverie.

"Wha' happen'?" Spike asks groggily.

"I don't know, this scroll just appeared in front of me," Twilight says as she begins to read. "I can't make out exactly what it says, its all scribbled in a hurry, but it looks like it's from Moon Dancer. All I can make out is 'it's happening now' . . ." Twilight has a sudden realization about the content of the letter and begins racing around, preparing things to take with her, like a baby rattle and blankets.

Spike, watching all of this, has the same realization Twilight did; "Cadence? The foal?" he asks as he helps to pack her bags.

"Yes, we have to hurry!" Twilight says urgently, "Spike, send a letter to all our friends to meet us in Canterlot as soon as they can!"

"Right!" says Spike as he hastily writes five scrolls and sends them one at a time.

"Good, come on! I don't want to miss this!" Twilight says as Spike hops on her back and together they fly off to Canterlot.

When they arrive at the library, they see Moon Dancer trying to comfort Princess Cadence, who was lying on the floor shaking and wincing every so often. Twilight and Moon Dancer exchange a brief greeting before Twilight asks Cadence how she's feeling.

"About as good as I can be, given the circumstances," she replies as another muscle spasm passes through her body.

"Alright, everything is going to be fine," Twilight says, "Spike, send a letter to Celestia, Luna, and Shining Armor and tell them what's happening," she commands her assistant, who willingly obeys. Have you tried contacting the Canterlot Hospital?" she asks Moon Dancer.

"I tried, but I haven't gotten a letter back, yet," she says; suddenly, a member of the Royal Guard races into the library.

"I have two . . pieces of news . . for Moon Dancer," he explains panting, "The first is . . the Princesses and Prince . . are at a convention . . of national leaders, . . but say they . . are on their way," he finishes to catch his breath.

"Well, that's good, at least," Twilight says with relief, "What's the other news?"

"Well," the guard says, "I've received word from the Canterlot Hospital; they say that they're extremely overbooked and can't take anypony else."

"Moon Dancer and Twilight gasp; "Did you tell them that this concerns the foal of the royal couple?" Moon Dancer asks.

"Of course, but they said they cannot make any exceptions," the guard replies.

Twilight, almost ready to lose her nerve, calms herself down and asks Moon Dancer to help her carry Princess Cadence into her old bedroom. Moon Dancer complies and together they gingerly lift Cadence from the floor using their magic and place her on Twilight's old bed.

"Ooh, where's my Shining Armor?" Cadence pleads as they set her down, her spasms becoming more frequent.

Just then, another guard gallops in, almost crashing into the first one. "Sorry for the interruption, but I've just received word from the Princesses and Prince that they have been caught up by something else and may not get here until later."

"Great, just great," Twilight says, "What else could possibly go wrong today?" she asks rhetorically.

Almost as if on cue, Rainbow Dash races through the window and crashes into Moon Dancer. She apologizes and hoist herself up.

"Rainbow Dash? What are you doing here, where are the others?" Twilight asks the rainbow-haired pony.

"That's why I'm here. We got on the train for Canterlot when it broke down just outside of Ponyville," Rainbow explains, "I raced ahead to tell you that everypony else is making their way here, but Rarity's teleporting spell can only get them so far."

Twilight groans, "Ugh, I don't even want to say it. Why in Celestia does everything have to go wrong on today of all days?!"

"Did somepony say my name?" says a familiar voice behind them. Everypony spins around and bows when they see Princesses Celestia and Luna standing on the balcony outside. "Don't worry, Twilight, everything will be fine. I've heard about the situation with the hospital and have contacted my personal nurse; she should be here shortly."

Just then, Shining Armor materializes in the room; "Where's Cadence?" he asks immediately, "where's my wife and child?" He hears Cadence moan from the bedroom and races in to console her. Almost at the same time, the rest of Twilight's friends appear in the room and rush over to greet Twilight - all except Rarity, who had fainted from the amount of magical exertion she had to endure.

"I'm so happy you all could make it!" Twilight says to her friends.

"Are you kiddin'?" Applejack says, "We wouldn't miss this for the world!"

"How is she doing?" Fluttershy asks when he hears a scream from the other room. "Oh, I guess that means 'good'?"

"She'll be doing a lot better now that we're here," comes a voice from the doorway. Celestia's private nurse and her assistant walk through the door and usher the royal princesses inside the bedroom. When Twilight and her friends try to enter, she stops them, "I'm sorry, but I don't want anypony else in this room, as having too many of you in the room might make her tense, which is something we do not need at this stage of development."

"But she's my sister!" Twilight protests.

"I know, and we'll take good care of her," the nurse reassures the group, "We appreciate all that you've done already," she adds before slamming the door shut.

Twilight, Moon Dancer, and the Mane 5 sit waiting in the library lobby for news of the delivery. "Oh, I hope everything goes well," Twilight says nervously, "I wish we could see what's going on."

"Now, listen here, sugarcube," Applejack says soothingly, "I'm sure everything will be just dandy, you wait and see!"

"She's right, Twilight," Moon Dancer says to comfort her friend, "if this nurse is good enough that Celestia trusts her, then she must be doing a great job."

Just then, the nurse pokes her head out of the door to the bedroom; "The procedure is finished, would you like to see the latest member to the Royal family?" she asks.

"Of course!" everypony says and piles in through the doorway. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stand off to the side, and Shining Armor and Cadence are holding hooves with one another, while Cadence holds the most beautiful creature the Mane 6 had ever laid their eyes on. The foal was a bright pink unicorn with a curly purple and yellow mane, sleeping peacefully.

"Wow, Cadence," Twilight marvels at the newborn, "she almost looks just like you!"

Cadence smiles, "Maybe, but she has her father's eyes," she says as she nudges Shining with her muzzle.

"Well, be lucky she got away with your good looks," he jokes and returns the gesture to his wife.

Everypony chuckles; "Of all the creatures I've met in all of Equestria, I've never seen something as precious and charming as she," Fluttershy says warmly and asks to hold her.

"Do she have a name yet?" Rarity asks as Fluttershy carries her over to the group of friends.

"Yes, I think we've decided to call her Skyla," Shining Armor answers.

"Well that's just a beautiful name for such a beautiful lil' filly," Applejack says.

Everypony son has the opportunity to see the foal up close - even Pinkie was more reserved around such a delicate creature as Skyla - before she was returned to her parents.

"I'm so proud of you both," Twilight says as she embraces Shining Armor and Cadence in a warm hug.

"We're so proud of you and all that you've done for us to prepare for this day," her brother says. They smile just as Skyla opens her eyes and gargles something of a greeting, which melts everypony's hearts.

"Welcome to the royal family, Skyla," everypony says softly as they gaze upon the newest member of the Crystal family.