> Coltaloo > by dinkyseviltwin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gotcha > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ha, gotcha!” Scootaloo said, pinning Sweetie flat to the floor. Sweetie wasn't really even trying to stop from losing. Not when it made Scootaloo smile like that as she finally got one up on Sweetie Belle. Sweetie had kind of wanted to do Cutie Mark Wrestlers today because she liked being close to Scootaloo, rather than to get her cutie mark. It had started about getting their cutie marks, but she was starting to enjoy it just because it was exciting and gave her an excuse to feel Scootaloo's warm body pressing against her, that didn't count as namby pamby since it wasn't a hug. So Sweetie smirked and struggled, and Scootaloo just didn’t have the weight in her thin frame to hold Sweetie down. Soon it was the adorable pinkish unicorn doing the pinning, holding Scootaloo down with her hips saying, “How d’ya like that!” They were alone in the clubhouse today, another indication that neither of them were doing this for cutie marks anymore. Scootaloo tried to lift Sweetie off of her, but Sweetie just sank her hips more firmly against the other filly's. Sweetie just loved everything about Scootaloo, from the way she felt, to her smell which had its own unique spice to it that other fillies didn't seem to possess. It was obviously not about cutie marks, because they hadn’t even really thought to invite Apple Bloom this time. Sweetie loved Apple Bloom, but she just felt different about her first friend Scootaloo. Apple Bloom had seemed kind of uneasy about how close they were getting anyway, and Sweetie didn’t want to weird her out or anything, by Sweetie's sneaky attempts to hug Scootaloo in cool ways. Scootaloo was blushing heavily at being pinned now. It was so adorable, Sweetie could tell Scoots was embarassed about being taken down so easily. Scootaloo looked up at Sweetie with those warm violet eyes, saying, “I uh, like it a lot. "I mean—sorry that’s dumb.” Sweetie kept looking down at Scootaloo in a more thoughtful expression as Scootaloo tried to save face by frowning and turning her head aside. The soft colored unicorn hadn't even thought about... thought that her friend might admit liking it too. Was it really that good? Sweetie didn't even have to ask herself that question; of course it was. Sweetie was just surprised that Scootaloo was so okay with this, with their bodies were so close together, and the other filly in such a helpless position. And Sweetie wondered if Scootaloo would mind if she just did it, but no that would be rude, so Sweetie Belle found herself starting to blush too, saying, “Scootaloo, is it alright if I ...k-kiss you?” “What? Where did that come from?!” Scootaloo said, too shocked to even struggle under Sweetie, her forelegs forgotten where they leaned against Sweetie’s chest. “I just I-I think it would be fun and you’re like this and,” Sweetie stammered nervously, “But I w-want to know if you um, I don’t want to make you feel bad.” She stared at Scootaloo saying in a more intense tone, “When you’re like this, I could just do it to you. Just have to...” Her head tilted down with her hungry lips almost trembling, “Just have to lean a little bit closer, and we’re kissing...” “M-maybe later Sweetie,” Scootaloo mumbled frantically, pushing the unicorn's head back. Sweetie frowned at that, but then Scootaloo grabbed her foreleg, and pulled Sweetie Belle around into a different wrestling hold... thing. The pegasus’s lithe body moved so easily in ways Sweetie Belle could only dream of. And that was it for a while. No kissing, no blushing, just enjoying each other. But whenever Scootaloo had Sweetie pinned in later days, Scootaloo would still joke about it, saying, “Ready to pucker up?” or “Uh oh, here comes my kissy face!” and it was really making Sweetie frustrated. Scootaloo kept teasing her, saying Sweetie Belle couldn’t do it to her, even though Sweetie Belle could! She said Sweetie didn’t even want to kiss her, when Sweetie Belle wanted to kiss her, more and more the more Scootaloo teased her about it! So one time, when Sweetie had the upper hand again, she just... held Scootaloo down and did it. And it was really scary doing that. Scootaloo was so vulnerable beneath her. The pegasus filly probably could have gotten out of it, but Sweetie just wanted her so bad, so she held onto her and hoped Scootaloo wouldn't escape. Sweetie Belle couldn’t even ask, because she knew Scootaloo would just joke about it again. So Sweetie Belle had to hold down her friend, and just without even asking, bring her lips down to close on Scootaloo’s pumpkin orange muzzle, kissing the other filly hesitantly, and then needily. It felt so good to touch their lips together. Sweetie’s had felt just... empty, and now they were full of sensation, the smell of Scootaloo in her nose, and even the taste of the salt on her lips, and... and they were soon just hugging each other and kissing deeply. Sweetie was pretty sure you were supposed to lick inside each other’s mouth, because that’s why you put your mouths so close when kissing, and it just felt really good the way So Scootaloo’s tongue warred with Sweetie’s own, and their saliva intermingled into one. It was enough to make Sweetie feel dizzy, and it happened so suddenly! That was all she had to do, just... do it without asking? It shouldn’t have been nice, but it was so nice, because Scootaloo was kissing her back! But then something weird happened. Scootaloo’s body would slide against Sweetie, whenever she moved, but down between Sweetie’s legs, something else was sliding against her. Right up against those weird fleshy petals that Sweetie had been born with, and past that up along her belly that she had been born with. Sweetie pulled back in shock, at the sudden fear that maybe there was a snake in here, or something. Scootaloo lay there with a silly look on her face, that just made Sweetie’s heart want to explode, but Sweetie warned the other filly urgently, staring at the thing between them... It wasn’t a snake. It was like a dark, fleshy... snake without a head? “Scootaloo,” Sweetie squeaked in alarm, “There’s something crawling between us!” She pushed off of Scootaloo, but the creature...whatever it was stayed right against Scootaloo’s belly, the surprised pegasus pushing up on her elbows, to look at Sweetie worriedly. And as Scootaloo leaned up, the snake thing tilted away from her belly, in a silent bounce, and then Scootaloo’s pupils narrowed. Sweetie expected Scootaloo to scream or kick it or something. What she didn’t expect was for Scootaloo to immediately sit on it, covering up the sight of it with her forehooves saying, “Oh no, oh no I’m sorry Sweetie I didn’t mean to.” “What do you mean?” Sweetie asked, completely lost at her friend’s reaction. “What is that? Is it safe? Is it your... pet?” “My—? No!” Scootaloo snapped, blushing hotly. “It’s my penis!” She then turned aside embarassedly, saying, “I-I don’t know why it keeps coming out at weird times. The kissing just made it... I wasn’t going to pee, honest!” Sweetie just... blanked on this one salient feature of Scootaloo’s flustered explanation. “Your... penis?” Sweetie Belle asked distantly. “Yeah, I know it’s gross, sorry,” Scootaloo mumbled, standing and crossing a hoof. “I didn’t mean to just start waving it around. It goes back in on its own just... just give me a sec.” Sweetie continued to stare blankly until Scootaloo sighed and added, “You fillies are lucky you don’t have to deal with this thing coming out,” at which point the pieces started to fall together for her. “But you’re a filly, Scootaloo,” Sweetie said emphatically. Then less confidently, she added with a bit of a squeak, “...right?” Now it was Scootaloo’s turn to blankly stare. Her—her? Sweetie didn’t know anymore. Scootaloo’s penis was distracting, the way it hung underneath her and moved and... and it did start shrinking up and going back inside Scootaloo, where Sweetie couldn’t see it. “I don’t believe this!” Scootaloo said suddenly angrily, turning fully away from Sweetie Belle and crossing her arms. “Even you?” Scootaloo whined over her shoulder. “Even me what?” Sweetie asked, taking a hesitant step toward her friend, and an equally productive step backward. “Am I really that girly?” Scootaloo asked, in disgust. “I’m not even little. Snips is even smaller than me! I thought at least my best friend could tell.” Scootaloo ended her sentence in a morose whimper. “But, but—” Sweetie said desperately trying to wrap her head around this. “How long have you been a colt?” “Since ever?” Scootaloo said curiously, looking back at Sweetie with some concern. “When did I ever say I was a filly?” “W-well, like when you say come on girls,” Sweetie offered desperate for some semblance of sense in this. “I’m talking about you girls,” Scootaloo chided her. “Plus, I don’t really know what you even say, if it’s both fillies and colts.” “I-I don’t think you have to,” Sweetie said bemusedly, “Since fillies are only ever friends with fillies, and colts with colts.” Scootaloo turned towards Sweetie entirely and there were actual tears in her... his... in Scootaloo’s eyes. “But who cares about that!” Scootaloo said in a frightened tone, “You won’t just make me go away because I’m a colt, will you? Who am I supposed to hang out with, Snips and Snails? I don’t wanna—” Sweetie cantered forward and pulled Scootaloo into a chest hug. “No, Scootaloo,” she said, “No, no no I would never make you go away, I would be friends with you even if you were a manticore. I don’t care about that at all you’re my friend forever!” Scootaloo’s tense figure relaxed against Sweetie as Scootaloo drew in a shuddering sigh. “I just hadn’t even noticed before,” Sweetie Belle said, separating from Scootaloo and standing before him in abashed guilt. “I didn’t even notice that only fillies hang out with fillies. It’s really weird! I just never thought about it. I wonder... I-I mean you’ve always been a colt?” “Yeah,” Scootaloo said, scraping a hoof frustratedly. “Everypony thinks I look like a filly though, and other ponies just tease me about it, when they find out. You were the first p-pony who really let me be friends with her.” “I never had any problem hanging around with you,” Sweetie Belle said comfortingly, sitting her rump right against Scootaloo’s there on the clubhouse floor, “So I don’t know why other colts and fillies aren’t friends with each other.” “Well, their parents kind of get um, upset,” Scootaloo pointed out. “I don’t have to worry about it since I live at the orphanage, but I mean, parents of other colts who think I’m a filly, or of fillies. But I’ve heard it’s really bad, when your own parents tease you about being friends with fillies. So maybe that’s why?” Sweetie paused to consider that. But it didn’t make a lot of sense to her either. Her father adored her, and she adored him, and her mother was a practical sort, not the kind to go teasing fillies just for something silly like being friends with a colt. Rarity might care, but... only if she’s making clothing. Clothing is really different for fillies and colts. Except, wait... Sweetie blushed heavily then, and said, “Oh no. So when we made you dress for the play...” Scootaloo tilted his head. “...yeah?” he asked cluelessly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you wear a dress!” Sweetie exclaimed to Scootaloo. “That whole play was my dumb idea, and I didn’t even think if you would be a colt.” Now Scootaloo was really puzzled. “What does wearing a dress have to do with being a colt?” she—no, he asked uncertainly. “It makes it harder to tell, since you can’t see under my tail, but who cares it’s only a performance, right?” Sweetie blinked. “Scootaloo, only fillies wear dresses,” Sweetie Belle said, hoping that Scootaloo’s mouth wouldn’t drop open in shock. Oh dear. “Now everypony thinks I’m a filly!” Scootaloo groaned thumping his forehead against the clubhouse wall. “Nopony told me about all that clothing stuff!” “W-well I only know, because... oh.” Sweetie swished her broomlike tail, unsettled in so many ways. “I guess I only know that because my sister makes dresses,” Sweetie said, “So maybe other ponies don’t know either. Or maybe it’s just something only Rarity thinks.” “I guess,” Scootaloo admitted reluctantly. “But it’s still pretty hard, when you’re a colt who looks kind of uncolty.” “Well I think you look beautiful,” Sweetie said without thinking. Then she blushed hard. Scootaloo turned towards her as if checking to see if she was joking. “I-I mean,” Sweetie stuttered, “It’s just like in my mangas. I mean,” she shut up, but Scootaloo was looking her head on now. “Those are like... comics, right?” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “Yeah, but they have really um... pretty... boys in them,” Sweetie said wanting to die of blushing. “Who sometimes wear...dresses.” She wasn’t sure if that last part was audible. Scootaloo was silent for a while, then said, “...is that why you wanted to kiss me?” “No!” Sweetie blurted, “I mean, yes, I mean, no. I just wanted to... I mean I like you a lot and—I mean—I didn’t even know you were a colt!!” Sweetie didn’t mean that last part to come out as shouting with her hooves waving overhead dramatically. “It just seemed really... nice,” Sweetie said pulling back in a more subdued manner, “And maybe I thought I’d just try kissing fillies first you know, to practice.” Scootaloo half smiled, and said, “Guess you dropped the ball on that one.” Sweetie had to laugh raggedly at that. “I’m sorry um,” Sweetie said, trying to put her thoughts together and say something that wouldn’t ruin their friendship, “I um, didn’t mean...” she had nothing she could say. Scootaloo took a long look at the miserably repentant unicorn filly and said, “...you want to try kissing some more?” ... Sweetie felt like she was going to pass out, not that she had a hard time breathing through her nose, but kissing was just such a dizzy pleasure. The two foals faced each other, and touched lips together, learning through contact about how to kiss each other. It was awkward at first, but increasingly confident as they stopped worrying about how to do it, and just started enjoying themselves. And, Scootaloo really was a colt. Her best friend really did have a penis, and could do anything a boy could. There was something so incredible about that, because Sweetie had never had a chance to be so close with a colt before, and she was really curious how they were different from her. Scootaloo’s penis for instance, the kissing made it come out. He could kind of control it himself a little, but mostly it was Sweetie Belle who did it to him. Her kissing urged him to slide it out of his body, and for it to rise up twitching and stiff. So his lips were like... a penis button, and Sweetie could kiss them whenever she wanted to make his penis come out. There were other differences, now that she knew about it, and Scootaloo let her get close enough to find out. But mostly it was his penis. He was just... the same Scootaloo she’d always known, she just never noticed he had a boy thing. It was amazing how few differences there were between colts and fillies. Fillies had smooth round bottoms, well not really smooth because part of hers was kind of weird and wrinkly, right where her pee came out, but Sweetie was pretty flat compared to the sheath and sack that Scootaloo had, with two little round things in it. You’d think it’d be more obvious, but from a distance it was mostly obscured by the dock of his tail, and didn’t really protrude from his butt or anything. Sweetie was fascinated by how Scootaloo’s penis could come out. He just had a unremarkable little lump there, and then it swelled and out came a fleshy tube. The thing he peed with! Scootaloo didn’t know what it was like not to have one, and Sweetie had to explain that she couldn’t make a big tube come out, and just had to pee straight from her bottom. It was really embarassing for Sweetie that she just sort of had to spill out instead of having a convenient pee-er, but Scootaloo seemed to like that a lot about Sweetie... and kind of weirdly, Sweetie felt flattered that he did. Sweetie didn’t really get to look at Scootaloo’s penis much though, since he was so shy about it, but she quickly came to know that the one thing that brought Scootaloo’s penis out every time was kissing. Not just kissing, but kissing her. There was something special about Sweetie Belle, that Scootaloo said made his penis come out, something that no other pony could do to him. A feeling like goose bumps was building up in Sweetie Belle’s tummy, just thinking about it. That had been happening more to her lately, especially when they were kissing. Just a weird nervous flutter in her tummy. She wasn’t as shy, so she asked Scootaloo, but he never felt anything like that. And Apple Bloom wasn’t sure if she had felt it before. She just... wasn’t as delicate with her body as Sweetie. And there was no way Apple Bloom was going to let Sweetie go exploring her belly! Even if Sweetie really would have liked seeing Apple Bloom, to compare, like if how Sweetie peed was a difference between fillies and colts, or if it was just Scootaloo. That’s just what she’d do. She’d get Apple Bloom and Scootaloo together, and raise both their tails so Sweetie Belle could nose around under there and see what they are like... Sweetie broke off kissing suddenly, as something wet started to trickle down her leg. “What’s wrong, Sweetie?” Scootaloo said worriedly, huffing at the unfamiliar feelings his penis was raising in him. “M-my um,” Sweetie turned in useless circles before going to the mirror leaning against the wall. “I-I better go,” she said anxiously. “I don’t I um I think I might have um I don’t want to pee myself.” Scootaloo gaped at her. “B-but... now?” she exclaimed. “Hurry up if you need to go, just, why now, not earlier?” “The kissing was making me,” Sweetie said hesitantly. “I don’t know why but I think kissing was making me ...leak a little.” “Ew!” Scootaloo said, reeling from the unicorn. “Well hurry up then, just use a tree.” Blushing horribly, Sweetie went down the ramp and did her business, until not a drop of urine was in her. She crawled back into the clubhouse mumbling with her tail low and her ears down, “I guess you don’t want to kiss anymore if I went and peed myself.” Scootaloo responded by kissing her. Just lightly, but enough to bring Sweetie’s eyes wide with surprise. Smiling rakishly, Scootaloo said, “Hey, no problem. Maybe it’s just a filly thing. It’s not like I’m kissing you down there. Plus you’re all peed out, so there’s no danger anymore.” Sweetie Belle smiled gratefully, and just walked forward to hug her friend. Then she pulled back enough to kiss Scootaloo, the so very pleasant touch on her lips making her give off a quiet moan. If only that was the end of it though, because Sweetie felt those goosebumps again, and a fluttery feeling in her tummy, and she tried to ignore it, so she would not have to stop kissing... But then something started to trickle down her leg. Sweetie broke free from Scootaloo, looking at her rump tearfully saying, “No, not again!” “What?!” Scootaloo said, circling Sweetie. Sweetie didn’t want Scootaloo to see her peeing though, it was too embarassing! So she turned her rump away as Scootaloo went around. “You can’t be peeing,” Scootaloo asserted to her as he tried to circle to see, “You just peed.” “I felt something wet running down my leg,” Sweetie said flatly, facing him, “Pretty sure that has to be pee.” “So try peeing,” Scootaloo said. “You can’t do it already, can you?” Sweetie tried releasing her bladder, only belatedly realizing that she was about to pee inside the clubhouse. But thankfully nothing came out of her round bottom, and she was thoroughly tapped out as far as pee. “It’s not... nothing’s coming out,” Sweetie said in a puzzled tone. “Why was my leg wet though?” “Lemme see, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said. “Maybe you just bumped a cup of water or something.” Sweetie was pretty darn sure she felt something coming from inside her, but she hung her head and said, “Fine, but don’t blame me if I smell like pee.” She turned her rump in Scootaloo’s direction and raised her tail and... her breathing started to deepen as a peculiar excitement filled her. Sweetie Belle was just lifting her tail, but there was something exciting about this. She was... exposing herself to Scootaloo, and that was... somehow really cool. “Sweetie you smell...” Scootaloo said back there, ruining Sweetie’s excitement with shame, until of course, Scootaloo added, “...incredible!” “What?” Sweetie squeaked, trying to see her own bottom again. “What do you mean?” “It’s like... spicy something, I dunno,” Scootaloo said, his slim nostrils flaring at Sweetie’s underside. “I started smelling it when we started kissing, and it’s coming right from your... uh...” A pause. “What do you call the thing that fillies have, where colts have a penis?” Scootaloo asked confusedly. “Um, fillies don’t have anything?” Sweetie said in puzzlement. “I don’t know what you call um... just a butt I guess? Bottom?” “But that’s your whole butt,” Scootaloo said engrossedly. “I just meant this part here,” and with that he lay a hoof on Sweetie Belle’s moist petals. Sweetie squeaked and her hips jerked right up at the feel of a soft orange hoof manipulating her soft folds. Scootaloo pulled her hoof away, saying, “I’m sorry, are you alright Sweetie Belle?” “I’m fine it just... tickled,” Sweetie said, turning her rear to face Scootaloo again in the way that she liked. “I mean... the opposite of tickled,” she corrected. “Like... it’s really tickly, and you scratched an... itch? I don’t know.” “Well there is something between your legs,” Scootaloo said back there. “It’s not a penis, but I don’t know what you call it. It’s like a slit or something, all blushy and wet.” Sweetie whimpered as more liquid trickled out of her down there unable to stop the force of gravity as it pulled the bead of moisture along her overly sensitive skin. “I-it’s just my pee place,” she declared uncertainly. “You mean below my um... poop hole, right?” Scootaloo paused, and snickered lightly. “Oh yeah, your poop hole is not what I’m talking about.” Then he poked Sweetie’s poop hole. Sweetie squeaked again, feeling like she was going to die of embarassment. Or of... tension, or something. She really was practically sticking her poop hole in Scootaloo’s face. But Scootaloo wasn’t even complaining, just teasing her and... and enjoying her smell. She... really hoped he didn’t enjoy the smell of that. He... A broad hot tongue lay against Sweetie’s untouched petals and slurped up her moistness. Her other hole forgotten, she realized shakily, “S-scootaloo, you’re licking me there!” “It’s not pee!” Scootaloo said in an excited headiness. “It tastes good! A-and you’re so soft there. I–I want to lick it!” He didn’t even wait for her to respond, just started hungrily mashing his lips against Sweetie’s bottom. Sweetie thought she was going to die of blushing, but... but it was an incredible feeling, that stroking lips and tongue. She didn’t know why, but Scootaloo discovered something that Sweetie Belle really, really liked. “Feels... really good,” she murmured. “Y-your tongue~” and there was that rush of feeling inside her again, that meant she was oozing forth more juicy Sweetie stuff for Scootaloo to lick up. ... “Ohh my gosh,” Sweetie said indulgently as Scootaloo started licking her pee place again. Except it wasn’t pee anymore. It was special juice that only she could make, that was driving her friend absolutely wild. Sweetie loved that she could make juice like that. Or, spit, or whatever it was. They’d been doing this more and more, not just kissing but licking. Sweetie was having the time of her life with this honestly, because Scootaloo was licking her once and Sweetie just jerked away and said, “Wait!” Scootaloo looked at her worriedly, and Sweetie said full of lusty conviction. “Y-you always lick me. That means... that means I get to lick you too!” “I-I’m not leaking though!” Scootaloo said unwillingly. “My penis comes out, but there’s nothing to lick up!” “You have to feel this though,” Sweetie insisted. “It’s not just... juice or whatever. Your tongue feels really good! Just let me... please, can I just try?” So Sweetie was having the time of her life, because when Scootaloo finally caved and let Sweetie under his tail, she got licking, and she quickly learned how much more effective that was at getting his penis out than just kissing on the lips. She couldn’t... exactly reach his penis with her tongue under there, but he had this sack with two oddly stiff marbles in it, and it was just full of his scent, and salty with his sweat. Sweetie just... really enjoyed it. And the more she licked Scootaloo, the more she started leaking behind her. Sweetie’d grown to enjoy that leaking, as a sign that she was making something that Scootaloo liked, and she tried to do it as much as she could when they were together. Sweetie even... licked his penis... just once. He yelped sensitively though, so she jerked her head back, and just nosed timidly at his penis base. He said it just surprised him later, but Sweetie didn’t get a chance to try again, before the next amazing thing that happened to them. ... One day Scootaloo had been licking Sweetie, and Sweetie had made sure to drink a lot, so she could have plenty of fluid to provide for him. He didn’t like her pee, so Sweetie made sure to get rid of that but the other stuff she made, he couldn’t get enough of. She wondered if he made something other than pee with his pee place... but she hadn’t been able to find it herself. All she could do was give him what he found in her, and whimper with delight at the fluttery feelings it was rising in her. She was disappointed then, when Scootaloo stopped licking suddenly. Sweetie whined and turning her head, only to have her pegasus friend outright climb on her back, wrapping his arms around her barrel with an almost frightened look of need in his eyes. “What are you—ohhh,” Sweetie had to moan, her eyes going wide as Scootaloo’s weight on her back did things to her that she couldn’t even comprehend. She turned forward again overwhelmed by the urges in her, to raise her hips and move her tail aside, as Scootaloo mumbled out vaguely, “Hug you so beautiful amazing Sweetie Belle. Your place is just so cool, and it smells, and I want to t-to...” His penis touched her vulva. Time ceased to have meaning for the two. Sweetie was amazed to feel what must be his penis. But she wasn’t feeling it with her hooves or her mouth this time. No, he was smacking it against her belly, and rubbing it on the very place he was licking before. He was humping against her so eagerly, she couldn’t imagine a more exciting experience. “S-sweetie!” he said excitedly, “My penis is touching your... that place!” “What are you doing, Scootaloo?” Sweetie whined. “It’s so hot and you’re hugging me and touching~” “Your bottom just feels so good!” he said intensely. “You’re so wet and slick and my p-penis it feels so good...” Then he found her entrance and pressed against it strongly, and... “Ohh Sweetie, that feels incred—” and he cut off in shock as his penis kept sliding forward, even though Sweetie Belle was right there in the same place his penis was. There was no way Sweetie could stop him from going forward. She just didn’t have anything there, like there was a way inside her, and he was delving into it. It was stretching her so gloriously, but it was hurting too! Sweetie winced and whimpered as he pushed past a tightness in her, trying to relax and accomodate him, but just feeling like she was going to burst instead. Scootaloo just kept pushing past her painfully tight spot, and then he pulled back out, and pushed more strongly, and then more strongly. Sweetie gave a frightened squeal as her tight... place flared in white pain, and she abruptly stretched in glorious fullness around his penis. Her nether petals were stinging so bad, but he was just filling her, making her feel like she was hugging a teddy bear. Scootaloo’s penis was doing this. Sweetie’s torn flesh smarted like crazy, but if he didn’t move, she could get... get used to it... “Scootaloo!” Sweetie said urgently, “Don’t move, j-just stay there! Right in there, don’t.. please...” And Scootaloo heeded her, his staff stiff within her and twitching very slightly with his heartbeat. Sweetie could feel everything about him it was incredible. It was like she was feeling him with her belly, because he was inside her belly. “Thank you...” she said gratefully. The pain she felt earlier was just sort of ebbing away, and she was afraid if she told him he’d stop but she sort of casually mentioned. “J-just was hurting a... little in there, so I just needed to get... used to you.” “Oh, Sweetie I can’t believe you... you go in there so deep!” Scootaloo moaned, leaning his head against her, while Sweetie shivered at the feeling inside her. “You’re... wet, and... you’re so hot inside!” he said passionately. “You... my whole penis it’s... Sweetie it’s incredible!” Sweetie couldn’t help it, her whole insides just clenched down on that glorious length, making her cry out in passion at the feeling of what her body was forcing her to do. And then he started thrusting, like it was a physical impossibility for him to stop. Just slight jitters at first, but when Sweetie didn’t caution or urge him to stop, he just kept sliding back and forth more, faster, and longer. Scootaloo’s pounding was so relentless, and it felt so good Sweetie could hardly even think. And he kept moaning about Sweetie’s incredible heat. As if something inside her belly was warm and toasty. It was inside her, so of course it was warm, but... she never thought somepony else would be enjoying that. Whatever that pain of stretching had been, Sweetie Belle now felt nothing but an incredible tingling sensation at the slick wet sliding motions. Her insides, her hot insides according to Scootaloo, who said they were hot and wet were just purring at the feel of Scootaloo pushing his penis into them. Sweetie tried to be as hot and wet for him as she could, imagining her bottom like an oven... or a juice... oven... she couldn’t think. Just needed more! Sweetie had fallen forward on her belly, but that only made it easier for Scootaloo to hump desperately into her. Sweetie didn’t know what was happening, only that Scootaloo was putting his penis inside her. Inside a thing Sweetie didn’t even know she had until Scootaloo discovered it. “Scoots!” she moaned, “What are you doi—” and a peal of desire stopped her from even finishing her sentence. Scootaloo was on her and around her and in her and she couldn’t even “I can’t—” Scootaloo grunted, trying to slow down the humping, but that only made the tingling even more overpowering. “I can’t help it!” he said, humping needily. He just had to make that penis of his feel better and better. He felt like such a stallion right now. Not even a little bit of a filly. Sure he was svelte and small, but the thing which defined him as a boy felt so good when it slid into the burning heat of Sweetie Belle’s insides. “Just... gotta do it... I can’t—can’t stop!” he just held onto Sweetie for dear life, not even realizing how quickly he was stroking himself to climax. “Oh, don’t stop Scootaloo!” Sweetie exclaimed passionately. She wanted to... to rock against him, to validate him somehow. Her inside place felt so confusing, so stretched by his penis, yet it kept closing down on it, and she couldn’t stop it! It seemed like Scootaloo was going to heed her at first, but then he stopped! He jammed up against her, shoving his penis so far in she could feel its flat head pressing against her core. Then... it started twitching, no, throbbing. Like it was thrashing inside her. Sweetie whined at the feeling, not sadly, but... it just felt so... incredible and frustrating. She was about ready to explode from the frustration that Scoots simply would not thrust in her anymore, just kept pinning her down, holding deep inside her doing this weird throbbing thing with his penis. “S-scoots, that’s nice but,” Sweetie said, surprised that her desire had even fallen to the point she could form coherent sentences again. “Could you slide more, instead of just twitching in there?” “I... I...” Scootaloo sounded completely boggled. He wasn’t even twitching in there anymore, just embedded in her and stock still. “What was that?” he said in wonder. Sweetie struggled to her elbows despite his significant weight, saying, “W-what? You were doing the twitching, not me.” “Sweetie your... your place did something to me,” Scootaloo said in amazement. “I couldn’t even... couldn’t even move. I just... that ‘twitching thing’ felt incredible! I’m freaking seeing spots!” “Wow, really?” Sweetie said in some amount of awe. She couldn’t see Scootaloo well with him mounted up on her rear end, but he did look pretty flushed, and was panting really hard. Was... was that boy really going inside her? He looked... stunned. She didn’t know she felt that good to Scootaloo. “W-well try sliding some more,” Sweetie prompted hopefully. “That way you can do that in me again. I don’t mind; you can be in there as much as you want .” “O-oh Sweetie you are so awesome,” Scootaloo said emotionally, hugging Sweetie even tighter if that were possible. “You’re the best friend ever!” He then started thrusting into Sweetie again, and Sweetie turned forward and smiled with satisfaction, as her inside place was stretched by him again and again, that curious tingle building up in her nethers. He only made it a few thrusts before hissing painedly and dragging to a halt. “Sorry Sweetie it—I don’t know what happened, but my penis is starting to kind of hurt when I slide it! I-it felt so good before, a-and I just don’t know what went wrong!” “The twitching thing must have done it!” Sweetie said turning over her shoulder in alarm. “You better pull out of me, and see if you’re okay. I don’t want that place to hurt you!” She couldn’t believe she was telling her friend to pull his penis out of her body, but there she was feeling Scootaloo way deep inside her belly, where he just pushed his penis into her without hesitation, into something Sweetie had never known was there. The feeling of separation was disappointing but also thrilling. Sweetie felt suddenly empty as the absence of his penis made her collapse down inside there. That empty feeling grew from her deepest part to her surface, whereupon Scootaloo popped right out, leaving Sweetie something of a whimpering mess. She didn’t know what she was feeling, but it certainly wasn’t pain, so Scootaloo’s problem was more important. They both looked with concern at Scootaloo’s penis, but it wasn’t abraded or broken or anything. It just was too sensitive to the touch. Prodding it with a hoof made Scootaloo wince again, and not in a good way. So they both had to watch morosely until it shrank down and retreated into his compact little sheath. “I guess you can only do it until the twitching thing,” Sweetie said dissatisfiedly. Already her lust was cooling off like sitting in a bucket of water. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling. “But what was that?” she asked Scootaloo. “You just got on top of me like wrestling, and you pushed me down, and then... how did you even know you could put it inside there?” “I didn’t!” Scootaloo remarked back amazedly. “I just... I just was licking and really wanted to hug you, so I did. And then our parts were all lined up, so I started putting them together. But Sweetie, no matter how hard I pushed, you just kept going in! It was like you had a tunnel in there!” “I guess I... do?” Sweetie said, hunching over and spreading her vulva to peer at it curiously. No gaping tunnel obviously, but... “I felt your penis stretching me,” she said, “Like a um, like a good stretch in the morning, except in there. So it must not be a tunnel but like a... bag or something, and when you pulled your penis out, it closed again, like a rubber band. Look, see you can even see the place, but it’s just all closed up!” She indicated where below her pee hole that she felt Scootaloo’s penis delving, where you could only see a smushed up wrinkle beyond her spread petals, that was her entrace. “Yeah I guess so,” Scootaloo said interested, though a lot less aroused than he was before. “I never knew fillies were so complicated down there!” “Well,” Sweetie hemmed, “I don’t know why you have those marble things behind your penis, so there’s that.” “Lots of complicated stuff, yeah,” Scootaloo added blankly. ... Sweetie Belle huffed as Scootaloo stopped thrusting and began throbbing inside her again. Him being a colt was just about the best thing ever. She loved how compatible they were. It was like her body was meant to take Scootaloo inside her, and Scootaloo meant to... put inside her. Scootaloo stopped throbbing, and just leaned against Sweetie Belle, forehooves loosely wrapping around her belly. “Thanks so much, Sweetie Belle,” he said relievedly in that scratchy ambiguous voice of his. “I dunno what I’d do without ya.” Sweetie responded by squeezing on him in there, feeling around in her bottom until she found the right muscles. It was getting easier to do so, and she loved how tender it made her feel. His pained gasp made her hesitate though, and he slid right out of her then, clopping to the floor saying, “Careful, Sweetie! Remember how sensitive this thing gets after.” “S-sorry,” Sweetie said with a blush, fidgeting on her hind hooves to ease her tickly bottom. “It’s so amazing that happens to you. Can’t believe just my insides can make you do it.” “It’s awesome! I dunno why it does that but it feels so good,”Scootaloo said settling back as his dick returned to its sheath. “I wish you could feel it too, Sweetie.” “Oh, I feel good too,” Sweetie said appeasingly, her tail bobbing just at the thought of Scootaloo’s penis being in her. “It’s so cool how you can just stretch me in there. And all that wet stuff I only make when I’m feeling really good.” “Yeah but,” Scootaloo rubbed a foreleg, “This is like, electric it’s just... I dunno, it just builds up in me and explodes. So good I can’t even think while it’s happening.” Sweetie nodded, reiterating, “And you just hold still, while your penis just starts shaking inside me like that all by itself.” “Yeah...” Scootaloo said fondly. “Wish I could do it more often. Not even thinking about how awesome you feel in there gets it to come out, after I did it.” Sweetie nuzzled Scootaloo saying, “Don’t worry, you just rest. We’ve got plenty to do besides my bottom, and it’ll always be there when you need it.” ... “Scoo... scoota... I can’t... Scootaloo! It’s... I can’t—!” Sweetie’s pleas got more frightened as the tingling started building up in her in waves. Every thrust, thrust, thrust of Scootaloo’s penis inside her was just making her bottom light up like a Hearth’s Warming tree and she just kept getting more and more excited, no matter how hard she tried to calm herself down. Sweetie cried out as it caught in her like wildfire, and Scootaloo shoved up deep, his hooves gripping tight on Sweetie Belle as he asked her “Sweetie... you... you okay?!” But Sweetie Belle couldn’t answer, because her groin felt like it was electrified. She couldn’t even move it felt so good, and she couldn’t even take a breath in before... it started. “Woah!” Scootaloo yelped as Sweetie’s inside place just started convulsing, ripples of pleasure ripping through her as she gasped out again and again. She couldn’t stop squeezing on Scootaloo’s penis! It was so incredible! Sweetie loved her inside place! “Sweetie, you’re gonna make me—why are you—” Scootaloo bit out with difficulty, as his penis threatened to go off right then and there. It was like Sweetie was pulling him in when he tried to leave, and she didn’t know why. All she could do was passionately moan, “I can’t stop it!” Scootaloo was just thrusting in her then, without a word of hesitation. Sweetie didn’t know where this experience ended and Scootaloo began, and before you know it Scootaloo too was thrashing inside Sweetie Belle, jerking up against her with that ancient rhythm, gasping out her name as he penetrated her receptive rear end, and orgasmed. Just as Sweetie was feeling the tension start to drain out of her, Scootaloo started doing that again, and she cooed at the feel of his beautiful penis moving inside her, like it completed her, and so perfectly in time for her to come to her senses again. They stayed there still for a while, before Scootaloo risked asking, “What was that?” “Sooo good,” Sweetie mumbled deliriously, from the limp, fucked puddle of unicorn she was, underneath Scootaloo. It wasn’t until Scootaloo pulled out of her, and she managed to rise shakily to her haunches that any of them got an explanation. Sweetie tried to explain it, that rising tingle, that the thrusting just kept doing more and more. She couldn’t even control it, her body was just running on autopilot when she started squeezing so rhythmically. And Scootaloo’s eyes lit up as Sweetie told her story, and he surged forward and actually hugged her! “You did it Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo cheered. “Fillies can do it too! Now you know how it feels!” “W-what feels?” Sweetie asked cluelessly, feeling a little dumb even as dazed as she was from the experience. “The twitchy thing!” Scootaloo said eagerly, “When my penis starts twitching inside you, it feels so incredible! And you can feel it too, because I rubbed your inside penis until it happened to you too!” “Inside penis?” Sweetie said a little disaffectedly. Scootaloo pulled her to hoof’s length and shook his head. “Whatever you have in there, the place where I put my penis. It can do the same thing I bet, the twitchy thing that makes me feel so good. He nuzzled Sweetie on her back and put his mouth down there, using his lips to pry her open, while his tongue spread her passage the way she loved him to do. “Lis’ ling heal ith lieg muh penthis,” he said, tonguing that really nice spot on Sweetie’s inner wall. She started to huff with passion, as Scootaloo’s tongue started making her tingle again. Could she...again?! Scootaloo pulled away so she could talk though. “The part my tongue was touching,” she explained. “It’s like a round wall, just like the outside of my penis. But for fillies it goes in, while for colts it goes out.” He nuzzled Sweetie distractedly while she bit her lip wondering if she should beg him to continue. “Same thing that happened to my penis, happened to your insides,” he mumbled. “Except way stronger. You were outright grabbing me in there! That’s way stronger than some little twitching.” “N-not a (huff) little twitching, it’s... it’s really good...” Sweetie corrected him, adding hastily, “C-can you keep... need you to lick me now. I-I want to do it again.” The only reason Scootaloo didn’t was to look Sweetie in the eye with amazement, saying, “You don’t want to go again! It’s totally sore after, from being all pumped up and stiff, and then it gets small again.” “Well...” Sweetie Belle pouted, “Maybe fillies do have an i-inside penis, but you’re the one who gets pumped up and stiff, and I d-don’t have anything that needs to get small again. I think I... really think I could do it again. But um... I know your penis is tired, so... just... please lick me a little?” she whimpered, unable to show even the slightest tact or restraint at the desire that was surging through her young little body. “Man, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said emphatically, dutifully putting his head down to caress his tongue on her folds, watching Sweetie with a careful eye as she had to tilt her head back and gasp into the air. Scoots pulled back again to say, “Now I wish I was a filly, because that would be incredible!” And Sweetie really just wanted him to stop talking, and continue. She should have considered his words more, as it seemed important, but she wouldn’t get a chance to until after she had orgasmed again. Sweetie didn’t even have to ask Scootaloo to continue, because Scootaloo just hungrily went down to where her legs came together again, and started pushing his tongue inside her, j–just like he pushed his penis, and he was doing~ it and It didn’t take Sweetie long to orgasm, again. Just the thought of Scootaloo being there for her was almost enough to set her off. It was so tender and intimate and tingly, and Scootaloo wasn’t one to back down from a challenge. Sweetie’s squeezy feeling was like the opposite of Scootaloo’s. Instead of it being harder for Sweetie Belle to do the thing a second time, it was easier! Scootaloo had her a mewling wreck in no time flat, pulling his tongue out and just watching with amazement as her little tunnel actually did open in front of him, and contracted, and just kept doing that, while Sweetie tried to find her breath and her sanity somewhere. He wasn’t experienced enough to draw it out very long, too engrossed in watching it happen to her, but that was itself sort of heart warming. Sweetie didn’t mind even one little bit, because she got to do it twice. Once she had a moment to think, she entreated Scootaloo that she is so very glad he’s a colt, because she really liked his penis and... he was just so good with it, that Sweetie didn’t know what she’d do if he somehow replaced it with an inside penis...whatever it was that fillies had. Scootaloo laughed and said he wouldn’t even think of letting her down, and that made Sweetie scootch up and hug him, and lay her head against his side tenderly. When Sweetie orgasmed the third time in her life, Scootaloo rode her through it like a bucking bronco. Scootaloo’s penis was inside her this time, because Scootaloo got better from resting it, and could get big again, and go inside her again. They had been wrestling again, sort of, and ended up with Scootaloo laying atop Sweetie Belle, belly to belly. They both realized that he could go inside her that way, because his sheath was right there. So Sweetie arched her hips up a little unnaturally, and Scootaloo just gazed into her eyes, grinding against her until his slippery shaft was laying over her special place for it. “Oh gosh, Sweetie!” Scootaloo said excitedly, kneeling back to lift his shaft with a hoof, stroking it to stiffen it and aiming it right for Sweetie’s spread legs. “You can see it go in this way, Sweetie!” he said, “Usually only I can see it go in!” “I–I don’t know if—” Sweetie was going to say she didn’t know if it would fit this way, but then Scootaloo demonstrated that it did. “Doesn’t it look so amazing?” he said tenderly, watching his thick shaft as he shoved it against Sweetie Belle. She gulped, knowing the feeling very well, but something about that orange soft yet firm member. Just seeing it—pointed right at her! It was incredible. It got bigger and bigger, until it might have reached Scootaloo’s belly button, if he wasn’t pointing it at Sweetie’s penis place. She saw it with her own eyes then. Scootaloo pushed up on his hind legs and pressed the flat tip against her petals and—she spread around it. His face was a mask of ecstasy as he felt Sweetie deeper and deeper. “N-no lookit the penis,” he corrected the gazing Sweetie Belle, directing her attention to her hips. Dutifully, Sweetie remained thrilled and attentive as she saw just how much of his shaft vanished into that passage within her. Sweetie felt a twitch—she felt a clench, and moaned as her whole bottom twinged around the secret that she was squeezing on. She could actually see herself moving. She could see herself taking it. And—she couldn’t look for long, though. Scootaloo kind of stood over her, rocking his hips to slide in and out, and that just made Sweetie loll her head back and relax into his motions, her tail curling around his own as the pumping thrusts filled her with tingling joy. It was abundantly clear that he wanted to throb inside her, just as much as she wanted to throb around him. That’s why it was so incredible this time, that Scootaloo didn’t start that intense final throbbing, even when Sweetie had finished it herself. He just held her rump, and gasped out triumphantly, “I did it—!” Sweetie wanted to ask more, but was still gasping for breath, and Scootaloo kept saying silly things, like he always did when he was inside her. “Still want to be inside~ you,” he said, “Haven’t done the... the twitching thing. Gonna do it, and and you did it too, but you’re a girl!” Scootaloo leaned into Sweetie’s shoulder, tenderly humping her if that’s possible. The sliding stretching feel of his shaft through her depths made Sweetie have a hard time listening, but she tried as he moaned out, “A beautiful filly who can do it and keep going. I don’t have to stop I can finish I want to a-and you want me to.” That was the jist of it, and she was sohappy she could give him what he wanted, and with that slide, slide, slide happening inside Sweetie Belle’s hips, every word he said just sounded beautiful to her ears. “I want you,” Sweetie agreed heartily, rocking back against him as Scootaloo thrusted harder. “All throbbing in me. Your penis will be so tired and hhappy, and I won’t even care, because I... because my body did it to you~ oh Scootaloo!” Sweetie convulsed around him, and Scootaloo’s breath hitched up, and soon he was throbbing in her helplessly, his penis doing that exciting dance that was somehow all the more special because it took so much out of him. They did it together! Just holding each other and panting intensely, as Sweetie did it around him, and Scootaloo did it within her. Sweetie didn’t know why colts were this way, but she felt so good for being able to relieve him so much, and even if his penis was tired, Scootaloo was more than eager to finish her, with his lips and tongue. Standing after that experience, Sweetie’s tail jerked right up in the air when Scootaloo’s tongue delved into her, and then he made her go off a second time. A-and once a third time, just a little, but Sweetie really was starting to get exhausted at that point. So they just fell asleep together, forehooves wrapped around each other in their forehooves’s chests. And in that quiet afterglow, Sweetie really wondered how she could ever explain to Scootaloo that, as amazing and electric that twitchy grabby thing is, she also really loved these moments of just being so close to her friend. What she wanted to do in the first place, she could now. Because of her penis place, the two of them could hug and caress, and neither of them was afraid of offending the other. ...but the grabby thing was really good too. > Scootaloo’s Ejaculation Matures > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fucking, fucking, just that lovely mindless humping, a little colt and a little filly discovering what they can do when they stop thinking and start feeling. Nopony knew what they were doing together in their tender intimate moments. Discovering each other, learning from each other in a confusing world of shame and secrets. Reveling in the joy that they could bring to one another, with absolutely no clue about what consequences this could bring in the future. Sweetie gasped, as Scootaloo’s familiar twitching suddenly started squirting against her flesh in there! Squirt, squirt, squirt, and then Scootaloo was just throbbing in her again. Sweetie was astonished, and a bit freaked out. She felt the familiar bulk of Scootaloo’s penis, but also a weird slimy feeling, deep inside where the shaft’s head pressed against Sweetie in there. The weirdest thing is Sweetie Belle was already slimy, like really slimy. She was perfectly slimy and wet, just like Scootaloo loved, and just like Sweetie had come to appreciate of her body. Sweetie loved making herself wet, because Scootaloo slid in so easily that way, like he belonged there. And he did belong in there! Just wet enough that they could feel the friction and the heat, Sweetie’s amazing inside place turned Scootaloo’s boy pole into a gleaming slick instrument of pleasure. Yet she still felt something slimy in there. Something that had squirted against her, in time with Scootaloo’s bobbing penis. And it was still in there. Scootaloo pulled his penis out, and Sweetie felt the slimy stuff move, like, dribble down her... something in there, before her place closed up and was as inscrutable as it normally was. Was it still there, deep inside her? Her bottom just felt normal! “What happened?” Sweetie Belle asked, when Scootaloo pulled out of her. “I felt something this time!” “I don’t know Sweetie, it felt like... something?” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “You were squirting something in me!” Sweetie said in a rising note of horror. “What?!” Scootaloo exclaimed, “No I wasn’t!” “You were!” Sweetie accused tapping his chest. “I felt some slimy squirts hitting me in there!” Scootaloo blushed, but was it because he was guilty, or because he was just thinking about how slimy Sweetie got in there? “When did I do that?!” Scootaloo said worriedly. “I was just sliding in you until my penis started jerking, I swear!” “When you were jerking,” Sweetie prompted him. “Every time you did, it was like a squirt gun in there. Right from that hole in it!” “A–a what?” Scootaloo said blankly. “I can’t make anything come out of my penis when it’s stiff. That hole is just for pee and I can’t—” “H-how do I clean in there if you peed in me?” Sweetie whimpered despondantly. “I can’t pee when I’m stiff, Sweetie!” Scootaloo said soothingly to the distraught unicorn. “There’s no way it’s pee. Only you can pee when we’re doing it, but my thing stays just... it just only twitches!” Sweetie sniffled, and looked at her pert little vulva. “I-it didn’t feel like pee,” she said mutedly. “Just all slimy and stuff.” “You sure it wasn’t just you, Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked uncertainly. “You’re the one who makes all that awesome slimy stuff.” “It was a different slimy!” Sweetie said. “I’m... why would I be able to squirt against myself in there?” “Because it feels good?” Scootaloo attempted. Sweetie started to correct him, but then paused, and shifted her hips thoughtfully. “It didn’t feel bad,” she concluded. “And it is already slimy down there. But what was that?” “I dunno, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said uneasily. “I didn’t mean to squirt anything in you. All I did was the sliding, and then the twitching. It felt really good this time, so maybe that’s... something?” Though they both inspected Sweetie’s hips, neither could see anything strange about them. Whatever it was, was lost deep inside her. They’d have to wait until Scootaloo’s penis recovered to get that deep again. Scootaloo forgot about inspecting the damage pretty quickly and just started slurping at her. Sweetie would have protested, but ohh my gosh did it feel good. And despite her legs piking and her squeals growing urgent, and her insides pulsing rhythmically while she lost her mind from the feel of Scootaloo’s tongue on her special button, despite all that, Sweetie didn’t feel any more squirts inside of her at all. It was just Scootaloo’s penis that did it. The penis Scootaloo couldn’t use until later. So they had to wait. ... Sweetie gasped as again Scootaloo started squirting in her! He was doing it every time now! “O-o-ohshi—” Scootaloo snapped out, heaving against Sweetie to pull himself out, but his squirting had already stopped and he just pulsed emptily in the air, huffing for breath, and staring at his own penis in shock. “I think I felt it that time, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said quietly once they stood together. “I was trying to not do it, and it just like... pools inside me I guess? I tried to pull out, as soon as I felt it!” “Well, you should have pulled out sooner!” Sweetie said frustratedly, rubbing at her tingling vulva. “I still don’t know how to clean it out!” “Y-yeah, how much have I put in you so far?” Scootaloo wondered, counting on his hooves. “You said it happened four times so far, and you haven’t um... noticed anything?” “Nothing came out at least,” Sweetie said. “Just my own juicy stuff.” “Well, next time I’ll stop even sooner but—but Sweetie, how am I going to do the jerking thing, without your place doing it to me?” Sweetie pondered, and then her eyes widened as she recalled something she wanted to try before Scootaloo started mounting her every time. She smiled devilishly and said, “I think I have an idea. Meet me at the clubhouse the day after tomorrow, after Apple Bloom is doing her chores. Your penis will be ready then, right?” “U-uh, well yeah I think so,” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “Man, remember when we started, we couldn’t even do it like once a week!” “Yeah, I guess you’re um... getting a better penis?” Sweetie said. “Like a workout or something?” “Just thinking about you makes my penis recover faster,” Scootaloo said giving Sweetie a gentle hug. Sweetie blushed bashfully and hugged him back. “I like thinking about you too,” she confessed. “When your penis is still too tired, and I um... need to do the squeezy thing.” “Hey, my mouth is never tired,” Scootaloo said enthusiastically, “We just have to find a quiet place to meet and I’ll make you explode twice!” Sweetie giggled, “My place is just insatiable,” she only half complained. “Sometimes it’s just easier to rub myself, and... think about you.” Scootaloo rubbed a hoof, but didn’t say anything to that. ... Scootaloo was thrusting in Sweetie Belle, and she had grabbed onto the chair with her forelegs to hold herself against Scootaloo’s powerful eagerness. Thump, thump, thump, the chair legs went as they slid together. Sweetie never ever got tired of it, well except when she squeezied, but then when they met the next time, she was all ready for Scootaloo, and Scootaloo for her! Scootaloo’s shaft swelled up inside her, and Sweetie’s pastel curls shifted as she lolled her head back, just loving that filled feeling and—oh shoot! “Scoo-OOtaloo,” Sweetie said unsteadily. “S-st-stop push-pushing into me!” Scootaloo didn’t even slow down. Sweetie didn’t want him to slow down! But if he didn’t then he would... she would feel like he was squirting inside her, but never be able to tell what’s going on! “Scootaloo!” Sweetie moaned mostly lustfully. “Stop, Scootaloo! We have to check!” “I can’t!” Scootaloo bit out, just shoving in her like his life depended on it. “C-can’t stop now! I’m almost!” Sweetie was getting scared now. Scootaloo couldn’t stop? He’d be messing up her inside place for sure then! Sweetie managed to get her hooves under her in front of the chair, but that rippling pistoning continued and she just wanted to stand there and take it. Sweetie clumsily knocked the chair over to get past it, trying to walk forward, but Scootaloo gripped his hooves around her thighs, pulling her back so he could thrust into her! Sweetie stood there being fucked, her lust addled mind not making it any easier to solve this conundrum. Finally with a passionate “Rargh!” she pushed forward strongly and swiftly, and Scootaloo’s forehooves failed to grip down on her. That slippery sliding feeling was in only one direction, then pop she was free. And you know what Scootaloo did? He tried to put it inside her again! “You are hopeless, Scootaloo!” Sweetie said, dancing her hips sideways even as he whimpered and tried to rear up on them. “I said stop!” “But I have to...” he mewled pitifully. It was very un-Scootaloo-y. That penis was just making him do the weirdest things! Much like her own rear end was making it very hard not to just crawl under that pegasus thrusting into the air and let him squirt in her even worse. She... she understood how he felt, but Scootaloo had to show some self restraint! “Just, calm down,” Sweetie said. “You remember, we need to do the twitchy thing with you outside, so it doesn’t put more sticky stuff in there?” Scootaloo’s eyes dawned with realization. “Ohh, right. I totally forgot about that! But then can I... I mean, can I just go in a little?” he whimpered, his hips rocking all on their own. “Oh sure,” Sweetie said teasingly, “But I’m gonna make you do the twitchy thing so much you’ll be tired for a week!” Scootaloo seemed to get that something was up then, from how Sweetie was sauntering around him. He rolled his eyes, saying, “Boy if only that was possible anymore.” Sweetie Belle craned her head down, and nuzzled under his belly. Bobbing there was his gleaming, fleshy shaft still covered in her juices, just waiting to go inside her hips. No, no she was going to use her mouth this time. Just like Scootaloo did for her. No more “behind” inside for Sweetie Belle, until she makes sure it’s safe to do so! “Trust me Scootaloo, this’ll work great,” Sweetie said, “When you do this to me, it’s way easier to do the squeezy thing, than when you just use your penis.” “Huh?” Scootaloo said cluelessly. “What’re you even doing down there?” Sweetie didn’t know exactly how best to do it, so she just went with what she would have liked if it was her own petals. She tenderly kissed the flat head of Scootaloo’s penis, pressing her mouth against it and letting her tongue flick against it. It was so soft. “Swee– tie~~” Scootaloo managed to gasp out. “You’ve licked me so much,” Sweetie responded, cradling his penis possessively in her hoof, “And now it’s my turn for a while.” He would thrust when she licked the side of his shaft, making his penis jutter away from her, but Sweetie was persistent. She mostly tongued on his head, which made Scootaloo cry out intensely. It was just like... just like Sweetie’s special button! Scootaloo’s entire tip must have been one big special button, way out separated from his groin. Sweetie focused on that then, and mouthed on it like it was a lollipop, and Scootaloo just shuddered in place, needing to push that penis forward whenever he felt it in moist warmth. It was like Sweetie was suckling him, but she suckled his penis instead of a mother’s teats. And he even tried to push his penis into her mouth! That penis just loved going into things. But unlike Sweetie’s button, the tip of Scootaloo’s penis had a very special hole in it. Her tongue explored its slight depression, making Scootaloo cry out even more desperately, so she tongued it and learned of it. This must be where he pees from! But... it didn’t taste like pee. It tasted like salt and musk and Scootaloo. Something Sweetie couldn’t get enough of. But her tongue remained cognizant of that hole, and what she was trying to do. It was easier to remember when Scootaloo’s mind was the one clouded with lust, while Sweetie got to suck on his dick more clear headedly. When he finally climaxed, with a shout from him, his penis just started jerking in the air, bobbing against where the tip of it was caught in Sweetie’s lips. If she didn’t pull off he was going to—in her mouth! Sweetie jerked back, but Scootaloo’s orgasm was thoroughly underway. He just stood there shuddering while his penis jerk jerk jerked, and before Sweetie’s eyes a stream of white erupted from the tip, right at the height of his penile contraction, splattering on the floor. His penis bobbed up again, and another squirt blasted out of him, and Sweetie jammed her hoof in the way with barely time to react before a third stream shot out and landed on her hoof, painting over it with white on white. From the fourth squirt on, Scootaloo didn’t have anything left in him, his glands not quite mature yet. So she watched and counted while he bob, bob, bobed that penis, pumping impotently, and finally it lurched up once deliberately, the way Scootaloo could stretch it on purpose, and then it went relaxed and limp. “H–how was that, Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked tiredly. Walking on three legs, Sweetie carefully brought her hoof to Scootaloo’s face, with an accusing expression on her face. “Toldja you squirted,” she said in a dissatisfied fashion. It had a smell to it, like the smell in the air before a storm, overlaid with Scootaloo’s own unique spicy musk. There was... just about nothing about it that was unpleasant. But the fact remained that Sweetie had been squirted into, and she didn’t want to hurt her inside place. “No I didn’t I... really?” Scootaloo said. Sweetie indicated her hoof, where Scootaloo looked carefully at the glop caught on her pastern. “T-that does smell like me uh... but... really? I totally didn’t feel anything!” “You squirted three times,” Sweetie pronounced, “It only happened three times, but you kept bobbing your penis after, for a while.” “Yeah I don’t bob it, it just does that on its own,” Scootaloo repeated. “I–I didn’t know it was squirting though.” “We can’t keep doing this, if you’re gonna squirt it in me!” Sweetie said disappointedly. “What even is this stuff? It’s all thick and slimy.” Scootaloo looked at her pastern, and squinted his eyes uncertainly, then took an experimental lick. Sweetie shuddered, gaping astonishedly at Scootaloo who rolled it in his mouth and said, “It doesn’t taste like anything really... just kind of goopy.” “Scootaloo, what if that was pee!” Sweetie exclaimed in alarm. “You can’t eat that!” “Hey, it came out of me, so why can’t it go back in?” Scootaloo said undeterred, taking another lick before Sweetie pulled her hoof away. “Pee comes out of you,” she said huffily, “A-and that stuff, whatever it is. And I don’t know if you’re supposed to put it in there. ...in me.” Scootaloo looked at Sweetie with a worried, hurt expression, and said, “But it feels so good! Why can’t we just... we gotta just... like, stop it coming out somehow.” “Well, until we figure something out, you’re gonna have to finish outside,” Sweetie insisted. “Yeah I guess...” Scootaloo admitted reluctantly. “I don’t want to pee in you or whatever,” He looked at the floor where the remaining squirts landed, and touched it warily, thankfully not licking it. “So this stuff is um... twelve squirts inside you. You feel it or anything?” “I–I can feel it when your penis is in there,” Sweetie said caught off guard. “It’s less sensitive when it um... cinches up though. Plus your penis was kind of smearing it against me, so yes I could feel it... every time.” “Where does it all go?” Scootaloo wondered. “It can’t just stay in there.” “W-well it better not!” Sweetie said. “Maybe I um... ate it? I don’t know if my inside place down there can eat things.” “Still, you’re right Sweetie,” Scootaloo said gravely. “I have got to start pulling out before I go and do that in you again. It’s just... no way around it.” “B-but didn’t me licking your penis feel even better?” Sweetie said, feeling nervous before him. Scootaloo eased her mind by grinning awkwardly. He said, “Yeah, um... yeah it felt really good and when you licked me I couldn’t stop going overboard, and doing the jerking, so that means it felt really good. But uh... you know how I lick you sometimes, and you’re like, ‘Oh, I want it so bad, Scootaloo!’ and you pull away and just stick your butt up in the air and just about beg me to get inside?” “Y-yeah?” Sweetie said carefully. “I mean, it feels good when you’re inside, so um...” “But licking feels better, right?” Scootaloo persisted. “Yeah, but you being inside me just feels more um...” Sweetie frowned. Scootaloo was right, the licking did feel better, so why was she always so eager to get penetrated? It was like the better she felt, the more she needed to be filled. “It feels more satisfying,” Sweetie finally settled on. “OK so, when I did the twitching outside you, I uh,” Scootaloo searched the room for the words to speak, “I wanted to say oh, I want it so bad Sweetie Belle! So it felt um... better, but it just makes me want to be inside you more.” He stomped a hoof, “And I can’t now that I went and um... penis throbbed. With the uh, squirting. I’m all soft now!” “You can still go inside once your penis comes out again,” Sweetie gave in appeasingly, “Just not when you’re doing the twitching thing. You can just slide it in me, until you’re about to, and I’ll finish you outside.” “I guess that sounds cool, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said uncertainly. Uncertainly, because something about it didn’t sound cool at all, and he couldn’t figure what it was. It was just... good to be inside Sweetie Belle when he was twitching. But how do you explain that to a filly, who’s never been inside someone else while it was happening to her? ... Sweetie pulled back, gasping for breath as Scootaloo started throbbing in her mouth. “Scootaloo, look!” she said hurriedly to the orgasming colt, who had his eyes scrunched shut and his head tilted back. Scootaloo snapped his eyes open and stared. That did nothing to even slow down what was happening behind his belt. He was laying belly up this time, so Sweetie could show him. Sweetie lifted his penis away from his belly with her hoof, shivering as it jerked rhythmically against her. Scootaloo inhaled sharply when a white squirt shot out of it, and then gave a confused moany sort of grunt when the second, and the third squirt emerged. And then a... whimper? He whimpered as he continued to twitch, his breath catching to the same rhythm of his bobbing dick. “Well?” Sweetie asked with a smug smile. “It never did that before!” Scootaloo said in astonishment. “I–I totally can’t pee when I’m like this. There shouldn’t have been anything!” “Well,” Sweetie said speculatively, still cradling that dick. “I make two um... wet things out of my bottom. One is pee, and the other is that um... slidey juice that you like to lick up. So maybe your penis makes pee, and also something else too.” “But it never did!” Scootaloo said in exasperation. “I just twitched like I was doing it, but nothing came out.” Sweetie blinked. “You mean you could tell, when you were inside me?” she asked uncertainly. Scootaloo shook his head, “No, I was just... it got big when I was thinking about you, and I started uhm... hitting my belly with it, until it filled up with the twitching feeling. I did that a lot at first, when we just started, until we had a good way that I could get some time to do it inside you. But I swear not a single drop of anything came out.” “But couldn’t you have done it inside me back then?” Sweetie said sympathetically. “If you weren’t making stuff come out, then it would have been totally okay.” “Y-yeah, just it was inconvenient, um...” Scootaloo scratched the back of his purple maned head. “A-and I just couldn’t stop thinking about you, and how you felt and stuff... it’s hard to resist when that starts happening. I was so much happier when I could do it inside you for real, though.” “I... I guess we both felt that way sometimes,” Sweetie said quietly. “I um... I don’t mind if you do that.” “R-really?” Scootaloo said unsurely. “But remember my penis gets tired, so I need to save it for you.” “I know how it feels though,” Sweetie assured him, hugging him around the shoulders for comfort. “I know when I think about you doing that... going in me, it makes me want to touch myself.” “Y-you want to do that now?” Scootaloo asked hopefully. Sweetie was about to hesitate, but then realized she’d actually trailed her hoof down to fondle at her groin. “You don’t um, want to lick me?” she asked, an odd sense of anticipation in her. “No, I wanna watch!” Scootaloo said excitedly. “You just do it to yourself, and I... I’ll tell you how pretty you look!” Sweetie laughed brightly. “You’re silly Scootaloo,” she said, but before her friend’s ears could lower in shame, Sweetie started rubbing her own vulva, quite happy to do it in Scootaloo’s presence, adding a soft, tender, “Okay...” Scootaloo was too speechless at the sight to tell Sweetie Belle how pretty she looked. ... Scootaloo popped out of Sweetie wetly. It was her wetness though, not anything from him. He was getting better at this now that he worked so hard at it, and hardly ever squirted inside her anymore. Sweetie was ...of mixed feelings about that, but that’s what they decided to do. And really, it was an amazing learning experience. Over the past year, Scootaloo’s penis had gotten longer and thicker, and the tip had broadened more. It was really cool how it was changing, as he got towards that age that every mother dreads. Getting better at fitting inside Sweetie, even as Sweetie was unknowingly getting wetter and more muscular, and more receptive to its penetration. The blood vessels in her little vagina were pumping strongly now when she was stretched wide, making it feel more exciting and awake in there. You could even sort of see it in how easily her vulva puffed up now with just a little attention from Scootaloo. But that was Scootaloo seeing it, not Sweetie Belle. And as much as Scootaloo was changing, he still shrank up into that conveniently inauspicious little sheath. And his prostate was growing, but his balls remained their small, compact size. So the maturation of their bodies was thus far a secret only between him and Sweetie Belle. Now that Scootaloo hung in the air, dripping and ready, Sweetie shivered as her insides reacted to his absence, twinging and closing down before Scootaloo’s eyes. She liked showing him when that happened, because something about watching where his penis went was... Scootaloo didn’t explain it really well, but he really liked her showing him stuff about her down there. Sweetie turned around as soon as she felt situated enough, and Scootaloo agreeably sat on his back, while Sweetie got to work on his penis. Sweetie Belle also liked swallowing his penis as far into her mouth as she could, from the way it made him groan, and from the tantalizing texture of his shaft. It was firmer on the sides than the tip, and very hot and smooth. And there was a ring in the middle, where his penis sort of doubled up. He would grow and swell up to that ring, and then more penis emerged from that ring growing and swelling as well. It all blended into one solid shaft in the end, but it was quite handy for when he deflated to naturally slide it up inside him. She couldn’t get her mouth to the ring, but she could rub her hooves down there, stroking her fur against his shaft and tickling him into that uncontrollable throbbing. Sweetie was still tingling all over, from her own uncontrollable throbbing just now. But she didn’t have as much to show for it as Scootaloo would. So she devoted extra effort into pushing Scootaloo over the edge, until he spat out a warning and Sweetie pulled loose, kissing and licking him as the throbbing started. “Here it goes!” Sweetie said as Scootaloo’s shaft started bobbing strongly. He stood there stiffly, grunting anxiously, as his twitching turned into a pumping, ropes of seed erupting from his penis and flying through the air. Sweetie was always captivated by the sight, and torn with a weird discontent at the knowledge that those powerful squirts could have been inside her. Once Scootaloo stopped squirting and his penis was just jerking, Sweetie did a mental tally. “You’re up to five squirts!” she announced to a relieved looking Scootaloo. “Five good ones too. A lot was coming out with each squirt.” “Heh...” Scootaloo smiled despite himself, “Well I guess I’m just getting better at it. It’s so cool how I can just squirt as hard as I want now, without worrying about it hurting you. You’re real nice Sweetie, helping me out. All I gotta do is stand here and squirt it out, and let you do it to me.” “Well now you know why I like licking too,” Sweetie said smugly. She got a sponge and started cleaning up the ropy excretion. Scootaloo grabbed one himself, and walked circles around the floor of the shed. They’d been doing it in an old supply shed lately, which had a smooth stone floor that was easy to clean. And also so it wouldn’t bother Apple Bloom, who walked into the clubhouse one day and was like, “Good gravy, what is that smell?” Sweetie Belle wasn’t sure if it was in reference to her or Scootaloo, but they had just now been fucking in earnest, until Sweetie saw Apple Bloom approaching through the window, as her head had rocked forward with Scootaloo’s thrusts. So it certainly was the smell of one of them. “It’s just boring mushy stuff,” Scootaloo said as Apple Bloom looked between them suspiciously. “You know, we’ve been like... doing stuff together.” “Yeah, all kissy and... humpy and stuff,” Apple Bloom said with what might have been disdain, but was actually a confused envy. “Gotta be honest, never thought you’d be into that sorta thing, Scoots. Especially with Sweetie! She’s like, the girliest of ponies. No offense, Sweetie.” “None taken,” Sweetie said politely. And it was especially embarassing to have to clean up the fluids while Apple Bloom was there. Sweetie’s bottom really liked to drool all over the clubhouse floor, while Scootaloo thrust it out of her. Scootaloo covered for Sweetie, saying it was just some juice they spilled. But Sweetie thought she was going to die of blushing when Apple Bloom took an experimental lick off her hoof and said, “Huh, marshmallowy.” And it was totally more like root beer than like marshmallows. So now they were in the shed over behind the tool barn, cleaning up Scootaloo’s spoo from the floor. No risk of Apple Bloom walking in on them, though they had to have the pretense of the three of them playing together. Sweetie and Scootaloo just needed to do their “kissy thing” first, and Apple Bloom was very understanding about that. So she just cooled her heels on the playground while Scootaloo and Sweetie went and did each other, and just said they were like, at the bathroom or something if anypony asked. That’s why Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo hurried up, and snuck out of the shed fast as they could, buckets in mouth. It was a messy way to do it, but it was the right way to do it, since there was no way that Sweetie was going to let Scootaloo make that many squirts in her. They stashed the buckets and ran to the playground, where Apple Bloom was waiting for them. And the three had the next week to play and learn together, and maybe even get their cutie marks, before Sweetie and Scootaloo felt the urge again and had the opportunity. Sweetie always wanted to ask if Apple Bloom wanted to join them, but she got so shy about it. Apple Bloom probably liked it better on her own, or something. Whenever Sweetie implied they could do it together, Apple Bloom just said she was going to be busy, or that she just wasn’t into that sort of thing. Scootaloo only squirted a little at first, but then it came out more and more. It wasn’t long before almost the entire duration of Scootaloo’s hot panting throbbing was taken up by the task of squirting stuff out of him. It was messy, but he always pulled out of Sweetie, and let her finish him with her hooves. They were pretty sure that if that messy sticky stuff got way up inside Sweetie Belle, there was no way they’d be able to clean it out! So they both got to watch him helplessly fountaining up into the air. At least, until he finally couldn’t hold himself back from doing it inside her. ... Sweetie whimpered as Scootaloo thrusted relentlessly. “I’m almost a-aalmost...” she begged. He had to stop or he’d... he’d squirt all that stuff inside her! “S-scootaloo you have to... you can’t squirt it in there...” she said in almost a disappointed tone. “I...I don’t care Sweetie,” Scootaloo said hotly, so disappointed that his penis started squirting, because he wanted so bad to stay inside there, when it did the awesome twitching thing. To feel those hot walls inside Sweetie Belle alongside his dick, while it was happening to him. “G-going to make you... do the squeezy thing... and feel amazing... and I won’t pull out even if it s-squirts... in you~” Sweetie came like a raging tide when he said that. Her whole bottom was jerking in place, and he was pushing into that insistently because he—he was going to make her insides—put his gross stuff in there! “S-stop...” she managed to moan, her cheek pressed against the ground. Scootaloo barely even slowed long enough to say, “No, g-gotta... just let me do it!” Sweetie whimpered into his thrusting, and she tried to argue, “B-but—” but she was having a really hard time even remembering why this was a bad idea. No, the gross white stuff! How would she clean it out? He couldn’t. “You can’t~” she moaned, her tail jerking as her insides squeezed around that penis that Scootaloo was going to use to totally mess her up. “S’okay Sweetie,” Scootaloo said soothingly, “Just let it happen... just stay in you, and it feels so good. Don’t wanna ever come out.” Sweetie whimpered and nodded, both terrified by the prospect of cleanup in there, and by the scary desire rising up in her. “Don’t want you to ever leave, too~” she sung achingly. She missed his throbbing so much b-but it would mean he— “You’re gonna make me so messy!” she almost screamed. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, she was doing it! “Scootaloo!” she cried out, as another orgasm crashed on her, the waves of pleasure shaking through her as his penis made her that way. He could make her messy forever, if she could feel like this! That gross white slimy goo, how it blasted out of his penis, so deep insi~de her! “Wanna do it,” Scootaloo bit out, pushing into the helplessly orgasming Sweetie Belle, pushing himself to orgasm too. “In you, wanna... d-do... it....!” And then he shoved into her, like that first fateful time, and for the first time in so long, Sweetie felt him thrashing inside her. Scootaloo’s penis started squirting, no pumping Sweetie Belle full of goo. That gross white stuff was all the way as deep inside her as it would go. There was no hesitation, just a crazed effort to fill her up! Sweetie tried to jump forward, to get it out of her, but he just pushed her down and shoved himself even harder against her. She scrunched her eyes shut, at the intense feeling every time he did it, his penis motions just making her so hungry to... to keep it inside, strange hot blooms within her with every ejaculation. “It’s going into me, Scootaloo~” Sweetie whined in both arousal and fear. “You have to... s-stoop...” and then, he stopped. Pumping, that is. Because he was all done, and still inside her. He and Sweetie stood there solidly in coitus, and that penis was still in her. Sweetie Belle couldn’t believe it. She saw all those squirts he was doing, right up into the air. She knew just how they came out of his penis, how they’d arc through the air and hit his chest. He squirted the whole time! She felt them now, each one just striking her inside. They were hot and slimy and—and slimy in a different way than she was. She felt so... finished. Her inner passage felt completed somehow. “I am so sorry, Sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo’s voice came from above her. Sweetie lifted her head in surprise, just as he pushed roughly off her in a panic, making her feel so weirdly empty as her body struggled to catch up to her now un-fucked state of being. “I was gonna pull out I really was!” he said in a panic. “I just... I pull out every time and a-and just this once, oh sweet Celestia I can’t believe I did that to you!” “I don’t know, Scootaloo!” Sweetie proclaimed in something of a fright, “You put every single squirt in! Why didn’t you pull out when it started?” She tried worriedly to look at her nethers, to see how far he did it in her. Maybe he just... no, she felt him do it really deep. “I just... I was so scared I’d have to squirt outside,” he said, staring at her bottom as much as his pale little unicorn friend was staring at her own. “I just held you and did it. Sweetie, you told me not to!” “I–I feel fine!” Sweetie said anxiously, hooves spread. “It wasn’t that bad, maybe I’m okay! M-maybe I need to—I can’t even see myself!” “Mirror,” Scootaloo said, trotting off to pull it out of the clubhouse closet, “I-I’ll get the mirror,” he said, shakily setting it up and standing it so Sweetie could see her nether lips. “T-that’s okay right? What do I do? I’ll do anything you say!” Sweetie didn’t answer, just looking at her pert little nethers. It looked so... normal. She was flushed down there, like she was any time Scootaloo went in her, but her moist vulva were just neatly shut, forming an inconspicuous muff south of her asshole. He... squirts! How many was it this time? And not one single drop outside of her. “You squirted everything only in me, and never out,” Sweetie said intensely. “And nothing’s coming out. Scootaloo, it’s all still inside me!” “Of course it—I mean I’m sorry!” Scootaloo almost corrected her. “I didn’t... I did mean to, but I don’t know what I was thinking! I just always wanted to feel those squirts inside you a-and now I messed up. Are you okay, Sweetie? I didn’t mean to hurt you!” “It doesn’t hurt, but,” Sweetie said unconsolably, “It feels all slimy in there!” she protested, looking at her rump that she could feel inside of. “I–I can still feel it.” “M-maybe we could clean it out? You never had to clean it before, you said!” said Scootaloo clearly out of his league as far as strategy goes. “I feel so weird, Scootaloo,” Sweetie whined, hiding her head under his. “You did it all in there and I feel—ahh!” “What?” Scootaloo asked in a panic. “What’s wrong?” Sweetie pulled away to look at herself in the mirror. “I c-can’t stop being all squirmy in there and—enh! Oh no!” There it was, the goopy white seed, just trickling out of her nethers. “Scootaloo, I’m leaking!” she bleated out in disarray. “I’ll get a—a cup,” Scootaloo gulped, darting off to where the water jug was. “Hurry, Scootaloo!” Sweetie said, cringing away as she couldn’t stop it dribbling down her leg. Scootaloo had the cup approximately positioned, Sweetie thought, from what she could see in the mirror. “Okay just—just push out as much of it as you can,” he said encouragingly. Sweetie whimpered and tried to focus on that... place. The sliminess was making her feel all fuzzy inside. It was once again somehow totally different from how she usually was in there. Of course it was different, it was a colt’s juice! She managed to get herself to squirm around it again, trying to tighten up as tightly as she... could. She felt so open, way deep up inside her. All full of him. Her vaginal flex made more of his semen dribble from her vulva, and encouraged by this Sweetie tried again. She was blushing so hard at how embarassing this was. Did she really have to sit here dribbling from her bottom? It was hard to get in the cup too, because it kept on clinging to her and wanting to run down the fur of her hind legs. She couldn’t believe he did that in there! Why was his penis even doing that, if he wanted it to be in there so much? It wasn’t long before the cup was... had Scootaloo’s stuff in it, and Sweetie couldn’t get any more out of her. “I still feel all weird inside, though,” she confessed, feeling guilty despite the fact that this was all Scootaloo’s fault. “Why do you keep wanting to put it in?” she whined, looking at him with liquid green eyes full of worry. Worry for her insides, and worry for Scootaloo, what his desires were pushing him to do. “I don’t know,” Scootaloo said with lowered ears. “It just happens, every time I squirt. Every time I have to think of you inside, and every time you see a squirt come out of me, I have to think ‘I wanna be in. I wanna be in. I wanna be in.’ It goes away when I’m d-done, but then the next time I’m in, I remember that, and... it’s just really hard to not do it. I just couldn’t stop thinking that just this once I could just... push you down and hold it inside you, so you c-couldn’t make me take it out.” “That was very mean of you, Scootaloo,” Sweetie said disapprovingly, “But there has to be a reason for it! Why do your squirts make you feel that way? You didn’t want to push me; you just had to, because I wouldn’t let you! Are you supposed to mess my bottom up? That was so embarassing! I was l-leaking like it just dripped out of me...” “It didn’t look bad,” Scootaloo said, rubbing a hoof on the head of his filly friend. “I really feel good when you squirm that place, remember? Even if I’m not big, and all squirted out, it still looks really beautiful.” “But it’s all slimy,” Sweetie said in a dissatisfied tone, turning away from his gaze. “Slimy is beautiful!” Scootaloo said again, pulling Sweetie to look at him. “Please Sweetie, it really is beautiful, because it’s you! It’s your bottom, and if you have to get all l-leaky and squirt my stuff out I–I still think it’s so beautiful. I mean, maybe it’s like how I have to do it?” “What do you mean?” Sweetie asked in confusion. “Well I have to squirt it out of me,” Scootaloo said. “And I don’t mind being all gross and messy, but it’s still gross and messy! So maybe it’s the same when you squirt it out of you! Is it so ugly and gross when I squirt it all over the place?” “No!” Sweetie said emphatically. “It’s beautiful! It’s so powerful! Your penis it just—squirts! I don’t know how to say it. It goes so... goes all over the place, because I ...rubbed you...” “And your place dribbles a bit, so what?” Scootaloo said knocking Sweetie in the shoulder. “It ‘goes all over the place’ because I put it in you. You can make m-my penis do that, so it felt the same for me when I made you... do that.” “I wasn’t getting the squeezies though,” Sweetie grumped glaring at her own bottom, still a bit put off at the whole idea. “I didn’t want to squirt it out like you do. You just love it squirting out so much, and all I felt was embarassed... and I still don’t know how I’m going to clean in there!” Sweetie was feeling... surprisingly normal again, oddly enough. Despite not cleaning out Scootaloo all the way, the weird slimy feeling was going back to the... normal slimy feeling. “Well,” Scootaloo cocked his head. “You just need like a... big long wet thing to wipe it all out. Like a... oh.” Sweetie stopped looking behind her and faced him worriedly. “Oh?” she said not liking the expression on his face. Scootaloo grinned eagerly... a bit scarily. “Just stand there, Sweetie,” he said. “I thought of a way you’re gonna be cleaner than even before I let it squirt in ya.” Sweetie was not liking that grin, but she knew Scootaloo would never hurt her. Just... surprise her sometimes. Surprises were fun. “Okay,” she said as he walked around her worryingly. “I just stand here? What are you going to doOOO?!” Sweetie’s cum lined passage was abruptly invaded by a long, seeking tongue. “Oh Scootaloo, that’s perfect!” she said passionately, facing straight to let him lick her, really really lick her. Sweetie loved it when he licked her, so of course that was it. That was how she got cleaned out. Her passage quivered and that special button she had was just tingling in anticipation, his tongue not sliding across her vulva but just pushing into her wrinkled entrance, spreading her and squirming in where his penis was before. Sweetie huffed and rocked against him, mashing his face with her messy petals. If he cared to protest, he couldn’t because he was too busy licking her so deep. Her little white unicorn butt was feeling so amazing. It was going to do the tingly squeezy thing. It wasn’t imminent, but Sweetie knew exactly how she responded to this treatment. She knew Scootaloo would never let her come down from this until she was squeezing. The real squeezing that did it on its own, that made her want to squeal with joy. He didn’t usually spend this much time licking her depths. She really liked Scootaloo licking the surface more, and saving in there for filling with a penis, and he didn’t like getting tongue cramps. But it was his job to clean her out, so in there he went. In a tingly haze of growing arousal, Sweetie realized behind her half lidded eyes that Scootaloo wasn’t just licking her. He was licking himself. That time that he licked his own white stuff, he said he didn’t mind. It came out of him, and now he was licking it all up! Sweetie didn’t—she wasn’t thinking too well. Everything seemed so incredible when this was happening to her. Once he tired of grooming every inch of her depths, not even leaving a single bit untouched, he licked her surface, where all her special things were. He even used his chin on her b-button. Wet fur on that felt so squeezy winky, it was just what she needed. The tingles went straight up her spine as her bottom place was so on the edge. She couldn’t have squeezed it if she tried, because it was getting ready to squeeze all on its own. It was quivering—it was—~! With a lightning signal in her brain, Sweetie’s convulsions started. She tried to cry out in passion, but her cry cut off into tight grunts as the heady arousal of Scootaloo’s licking, and his kindness and caring, just took her and made her do things. Made her stand there, squeezing for him. Helplessly winking as her insides rippled, stiff legged, limp tailed, and just staring forward, clenching her teeth and giving a high pitched, if guttural, “Enh! Enh Enh Enh...” It felt so good, even when the squeezes stopped. The tingles filled her and made her moan in relief, just swimming in the feeling of release. She couldn’t even move it felt so good. She just pursed her lips and just... stood there, being like this. She vaguely noticed Scootaloo walk around her bady, facing her unresponsive, disoriented expression. “You’re all clean, Sweetie,” he said gently, giving her a soft hug. She didn’t respond, but she did manage to lift a shaking hoof to his shoulder. He held her there, grooming at her ears comfortingly as she finished the... feeling thing. He knew she was done, because of the huge sigh of relief, as she sagged against him. He released Sweetie to stand on his own, and she sidled right up against him, leaning her head against Scootaloo’s and saying, “That one was really good. I didn’t think they could feel better, but they do keep feeling better. Just like with you~” “Heh heh, yeah,” Scootaloo said bashfully, “Better every time. That’s w-why it... that’s why I forced you to let me squirt it. I didn’t want to, but you were telling me not to, and I just really wanted to do it. It feels better and better, and makes me want to do it more, until I... just ignored you and did it. So... I’m sorry. I’ll try t-to do better next time.” “Did you enjoy it?” Sweetie prompted simply. Scootaloo gave her a wan glance. “That a trick question?” he asked. “You kept wanting to squirt in me more and more,” Sweetie tried to explain, “So when you did it, was it as good as you thought? Don’t worry about if I thought it was good or not. I’m just curious if you felt better than when you just squirt it into the air.” “Well, obviously,” Scootaloo said with an eye roll. “You just feel incredible in there in general, but it was even more than just that.” She looked at him curiously. “It was...” Scootaloo tapped his marely round chin, searching for the right words. “If you normally feel super amazing for me to put my penis in,” he said, “Then when I was squirting it felt super, awesome, ultra amazing.” “That good, huh?” Sweetie said, in a quietly impressed tone. “It’s like... I was in you,” Scootaloo said. “I was... all those big old squirts, and I had to do it in there. It was like I was making you... special somehow. Every squirt was a... a Sweetie Belle squirt, not just an air squirt. Your hips just took it and took it!” “Not like I had much choice,” Sweetie said dryly, flipping his nose with her tail. “S-s-sorry I shouldn’t have I mean, it wasn’t so bad was it?” Thoughtful, Sweetie looked out the clubhouse window at the sun dappled orchard outside. “You don’t have to hold me down,” she said with conviction, turning back to Scootaloo. “Next time you want to do it, just go ahead and do it. I’ll let you, so you don’t even have to hold me down, or tell me no.” “Y-you don’t have to do that for me, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said, lifting a hoof in sympathy for the squirted-in filly that he went and did. “I can do it outside. Really, I can.” “No, Scootaloo,” Sweetie said walking back to him. “What I mean is, it really wasn’t that bad. I m-missed you shaking around in there. It’s just so cute when you um... I mean, it’s really cool, but still cute when your penis starts jerking. I forgot how much I enjoyed feeling it, since you had to do it outside, until you did it to me today.” “So you...” Scootaloo looked at her hopefully. “Yeah,” Sweetie smiled sheepishly. “I think maybe I was overreacting a little. It didn’t hurt, and it was nice when you were doing it, even if I did feel really weird after, with your stuff in there.” At his motion to speak she said hastily, “Weird, but good. I think you’re supposed to do that. So you can do it for a while. We’ll just see how it goes. We can always stop if it starts bothering me. “And...” she finished shyly, “Maybe lick me all clean after, too...” “I will make sure there isn’t a single drop left in you,” Scootaloo said confidently. “And,” he added more smugly, “Make you all squeezy from it too.” Sweetie was totally blushing and hiding her face, but... she was also finding herself smiling. It felt like they finally figured something out between each other. They hurried down the stairs of the clubhouse, where Apple Bloom was waiting uneasily. “Sorry we took so long,” Sweetie said to the dissatisfied looking yellow filly. “We just had to talk about some stuff.” “Don’t worry ‘bout it,” Apple Bloom said easily. “Ah was just cleanin’ out the tater patch, and ah ain’t waited here too long.” She lifted a hoof saying, “Y’all smell uh... you didn’t mess up the clubhouse again, did ya?” Sweetie and Scootaloo looked at each other and gulped. Apple Bloom facehooved as the two apologized profusely and retreated, gallopping up the stairs, and the sound of a bucket and sponge could be heard. Those friends of hers were so weird lately. She didn’t expect Sweetie would be into making all sorts of gross gooey stuff. Apple Bloom was actually totally curious where the heck they got that stuff, but not curious enough to get it on her hooves, again. It was some kind of bath product thing, or a potion maybe. But who wanted something that was just gross and slimy? Her weird friends, that’s who. Apple Bloom was polite enough not to charge in, not that they showed her anything when they did. All she ever saw was Scootaloo jump right off Sweetie’s back, like massaging her or something. Apple Bloom would just roll her eyes at them then, just another weekend they liked to start out with their weird humpy massage thing. It couldn’t have been any weirder than what she had to do with the Zap Apples. > Sweetie Skips Estrus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo was true to his word, cleaning Sweetie inside and out from that day on, until she could barely squeak out his name, every single time he finished in her. And he finished in her every time. He never got tired of finishing in her. In fact, once they were trying to play around with just rubbing, and he had to jump up and say it was making him want to be inside. Sweetie didn’t want to admit the powerful urges her own insides were crying for, the more she touched them, so she just lay there with her legs spread welcomingly, and maybe a bit of an urgent expression. Scootaloo took care of her, put his penis in, and thrust to climax. He just stared intensely into her eyes, even as he throbbed beneath her, filling Sweetie Belle with his pulses of seed. Sweetie orgasmed from those vivid purple eyes alone, no less from what she felt happening inside her while she gazed at them. Sweetie couldn’t believe it herself, but she... started really enjoying making her insides totally messy. She didn’t want to admit it, but Scootaloo finally caught her feeling like that. It was one time that he finished his colt thing, and shoved against the quivering filly, starting to ejaculate into her. “M-more~” Sweetie moaned desperately, her plea answered with more delicious pulses inside her. “What?” he gasped breathlessly, making Sweetie wince self consciously, even as his squirts tapered off all too quickly, Scootaloo still holding himself hunched over her. Sweetie wanted to die from blushing. “I–I don’t know,” she said nervously. “I just really, really, really ...don’t mind feeling your stuff s-squirting in there.” “It sounds more like you really like it,” Scootaloo said in a wry, very unconvinced tone. “I really like it,” Sweetie let herself groan out. She didn’t understand why, not even when Scootaloo licked her and she begged him to leave it all inside her. Sweetie just found herself wanting to cry from the joy she felt when Scootaloo finally got those words to tumble out of her. It didn’t feel good, just slimy, but Sweetie Belle still really liked it, just the thought of being full of it as long as possible. Sweetie Belle thus stopped trying to get Scootaloo to lick it out from inside her. She confessed that to him the next time, after his seed filled the immature unicorn once again. Sweetie felt the hot blooms spread in her hips, and she felt that strange satisfaction again, at having that weird messy stuff inside her place. They were just cuddling after and he asked her if she really was okay being all messy like that, way up inside. “I really don’t know why I like getting so messy inside,” she confessed to him, touching noses shyly. “It just feels really... slimy in there! I don’t know I can’t explain it.” “You just like having a bit of my awesome in you,” Scootaloo said with a rakish grin. “Okay I won’t lick it out of you, then.” And boy did he lick everything else, though. Sweetie sort of changed her mind on the benefit of carrying Scootaloo’s goo within her, after she found that Scootaloo’s goo would dribble out unexpectedly at inopportune times. She swore she was just sitting in there class listening to the teacher, and then just felt a sort of ‘glub’ down there. Sweetie Belle was so embarassed and she didn’t even have any tissues with her. Writing paper was very bad it turns out, at absorbing Scootaloo stuff. It also crinkles noisily when you try to slip it subtly into that chubby round white V your pelvis makes, between your broad, white furred legs. You know, assuming you’re Sweetie Belle, that is. It was easy enough for Sweetie to start timing it so Scootaloo would do it on the weekend though. That way, Sweetie Belle could dribble and nopony would notice, except maybe Apple Bloom who was polite enough not to give her a hard time about it. Apple Bloom was kind of worried Sweetie was sick in fact, but Sweetie made sure her friend knew she was feeling absolutely fine. When they first started doing this penis thing, Scootaloo could only get it up for once a week or so at first, but as his penis was plumping up so attractively, he started wanting to do it more often. Sweetie was still okay with once a week, but even she started to feel sort of a teasing ache in her more often, for a certain pegasus’s special inside touch. Nevertheless, they usually did it only once a week, making their improvement at mating with each other slow and fumbling, but steady. When the darkest night came, Sweetie also lifted her tail for Scootaloo. It wasn’t like this bottom thing was all they ever did together anymore, but when that horrible demon said those horrible things, then just vanished into an oozing starry mist, there was a certain urgency to their actions. Both of the foals were completely convinced that they might never be able to do this again! When the three foals found themselves a hiding place on that terrible night, and Apple Bloom went to check outside, to see if any more star monsters were creeping their way, she returned to find Scootaloo just humping desperately into Sweetie. The two practically fell apart from each other, right when Apple Bloom came in, saying the coast was clear. Sitting there trying to cover their genitals, it just seemed so terrible to them the way Apple Bloom looked so sad and left out, when she turned away and said she would guard the door while they finished. Sweetie looked at Scootaloo, who looked at her equally unhappily. Then they started fucking again. They should have told her. If they were smarter foals, or knew more, or were aware of what they would later learn, Apple Bloom would have known in an instant everything that they were doing together. But they were just unsure, stumbling children, trapped in an endless night, with only the comfort of intimacy left to warm them in the absence of the sun. So Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo just quietly fucked, and once their urges were satisfied, brought Apple Bloom in, and just hugged her and huddled together, not even caring about their messy groins, and not even thinking that Apple Bloom’s groin might itself be feeling a hunger to be made messy. That might have been the morning when Apple Bloom learned the truth. But when the rays of the rising sun reached these little foals, they stumbled to their hooves and ran outside right away in excitement. The night mare had said the sun would never rise again, so when it did, it filled them with such joy and hope that the three forgot all about talking about what sort of secrets they’ve been keeping from each other. They just all gallopped as fast as they could to their folks and kin, and Scootaloo ran along too. No, Apple Bloom hadn’t found out, and now with a bright summer coming up, the need to tell her just didn’t feel as urgent as making big plans, for what they were going to do to get their cutie marks. It was only a once a week thing, anyway. The three of them played ball together a whole lot more than that! The coming summer meant less school and more fun days. It meant long days of bright adventure, and pleasant, warm nights. It meant not having to worry about a dribbly inside place in school. But even in their last days of regular education, Sweetie could still revel in what she and Scootaloo did together. That thought alone was enough to warm Sweetie’s tummy, like when she was sitting in class on her own. The thought came to Sweetie Belle unbidden, that there hunched under her own desk, inside her own white hips that looked totally clean and untouched, Scootaloo’s slimy stuff was with her always, even now. When all the fillies in Sweetie Belle’s class started to synchronize their estrus that summer, Rarity decided it was time for the birds and the bees chat. And she was ready to spare Sweetie no details, such that the filly wouldn’t end up making a mistake in her first fertility season. She cornered Sweetie away from her little friends to save the poor filly the terrible embarassment, on the guise of preparing Sweetie a new dress for the relatively distant Harvest festival. Sweetie looked absolutely radiant for such a little filly even in the way she wore the practice forms. It was obvious that estrus was already working its magic on Rarity’s dear little sister. Now the only difficulty was with getting it to... stop working its magic just short of the point that Sweetie ended up in a situation she did not want to be in. Thus, instead of walking into the private dressing room with a new dress for Sweetie to try on, Rarity came in bearing a rather important package, subtly concealed wrapped inside the ringlets of her tail. Sweetie saw no dress, and looked up at Rarity curiously, but before she could speak Rarity told her, “Sweetie, your teacher saw fit to mention to me something about your class today.” Sweetie’s ears tilted down, and she moaned, “Oh no, I don’t think we got in trouble. Was it because I spilled my milk? I cleaned it up really good!” “No, no Sweetie you are not in trouble,” Rarity confirmed to the relieved filly. “In fact, Miss Cheerilee came to me with some most wonderful news!” “Ooh, what’s that?” Sweetie asked eagerly. Rarity smiled, and answered simply, “Why, Miss Cheerilee told me that you, among other fillies in class were going into their very first estrus this year!” “Oh,” Sweetie said disgustedly. “That.” “It’s nothing to be ashamed of Sweetie,” Rarity told her gently. “You must simply adjust your behavior a good deal to keep yourself safe.” Sweetie shook her head, saying, “No, I’m not ashamed. It just was happening to Apple Bloom pretty bad. I think she’s starting to feel really bad.” Rarity’s smile firmed, and she said, “Yes it... well it can be bad I suppose, in some sense, but Apple Bloom is an Apple do recall. They don’t have large families for no reason, after all. Their estrus tends to be on... well, something of a different level. But don’t you worry, Apple Bloom has her sister, and her grandmother to make sure she knows how to manage herself and avoid any unnecessary accidents.” “And her brother,” Sweetie said in a gratified tone. “I bet he—” “NO, no no Sweetie,” Rarity interrupted a little hastily. “Apple Bloom’s ...brother can under no circumstances help with her estrus.” “What? Why not?” Sweetie asked with a frown. “Is he going to have to move out again this year?” “Yes, Sweetie, I’m afraid he is,” Rarity said with a sigh. “As wonderful as estrus can be, it is the one time of year when mares and stallions must not mix company.” “So... you mean like... hang out?” Sweetie asked uncertainly. “Yes. Hang... out,” Rarity said with a note of disgust at such a near vulgar way to describe the intricacies of pony romance. “I guess Big Macintosh moves out every year?” Sweetie asked in an odd note of disappointment. “Yes, he stays with a pony in town for estrus,” Rarity qualified uneasily. “Don’t you remember last year?” “Yes, but I don’t really remember before that very good,” Sweetie said somewhat glumly. “I remember my birthdays, and meeting miss Cheerilee, and Hearth’s Warming and... not much.” “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, Sweetie,” Rarity said. “Just cherish what memories you have.” “I remember my bottle,” Sweetie admitted. “That had to be a lo-o-o-ong time ago.” “You were weaned by 2, if I recall” Rarity said helpfully. “But you did return to the bottle now and then from there, until you were ready to drink from a glass.” “So okay, he always moves away,” Sweetie pondered regardless of Rarity’s nostalgia, “And I guess miss Cheerilee makes fillies and colts take a different recess when the estrus starts for us too. So... colts and fillies can’t be together, for some reason, because of estrus?” “Why yes, Sweetie,” Rarity said to the confused looking unicorn filly standing before her, glad to finally be able to introduce Sweetie to the wonders and terrors of marehood. “There is a good reason you cannot be with any colts for the duration of this month. Do you know how foals are made?” “I um... in mare’s bellies, I think?” Sweetie mumbled uncertainly, looking back at her own hindquarters briefly. “Well yes, that’s where the process occurs,” Rarity admitted, drawing her dearest little one’s attention back to herself, “But your belly won’t just start producing a foal just like that. Oh no, no. You see, colts have a special seed within them. I’m sure you’ve found the estrus you feel draws you more to their... male organ. The penis, that is.” “Yeah,” Sweetie said with a silly smile. “They’re amazing.” “Your belly won’t start producing a foal just like that, oh no no,” Rarity said, drawing Sweetie’s attention away from her own belly. She hadn’t really thought about it before, but if foals are made in mare’s bellies, then Sweetie’s belly might have one in it, when she was grown up and like Rarity of course! “Colts have a special seed within them,” Rarity continued. “I’m sure you’ve found the estrus you feel draws you more to their... male organ. The penis, that is.” “Yeah,” Sweetie said up to her sister with a silly grin. There was one penis in particular, that had been making her estrus really easy so far. She didn’t even feel flushed or itchy at all. “They’re amazing.” “Well—” Rarity said, lifting a flustered hoof, “As erm, ‘amazing’ as they may be, it turns out a colt’s penis is not simply for urinating. You see, he can produce urine, but in the right circumstances, he will produce something else entirely.” Sweetie blinked owlishly at Rarity. She knew all this time? Maybe she knew what the stuff was then. “It’s his fertile seed,” Rarity hoofily explained. “Not seeds like you’d find in a plant, but a rich white creamy substance, that has in it countless erm... tiny little things that carry his essence. What he will try to do is put his penis inside you. In fact, your filly parts have a place just for his penis to fit in! Good news if you wish to have a foal, but not good news if you are a little filly. When he has his penis inside you, that cream will come out of it in bursts, and the tiny little attendants in it will wriggle right up inside you and penetrate your egg.” “Without that male seed, your egg will never become a foal, as harmless as a little speck of dust,” Rarity continued. “But as long as the egg is there, and you are not yet pregnant, you will feel the heat of estrus. It’s your body’s natural desire to try and unite that egg with the seed it needs. Like every animal even we ponies feel the call of nature, and however we become pregnant, that is how the next generation of ponies comes to be.” Sweetie was feeling quite worried, as Rarity went and laid a hoof on Sweetie Belle’s belly, right where the end of Sweetie’s special inside place would be. “Right around here, you have a very fertile womb right now, and if a stallion’s seed meets with your egg, your estrus will cease, and a foal will begin to grow in there. And that is why you must not spend any time with either a colt or stallion during your estrus, because this is when your egg can potentially be fertilized.” Rarity strutted away, saying wryly, “You might think you could just... not put his penis in. It must sound terribly strange to think that you would ever take a fleshy organ like that and thrust it into your own body. But that’s the sneaky thing about estrus, is it makes you hunger to be filled. In fact, when in heat if I must be with a stallion, and refuse to allow him to impregnate me, I can tell you it is one of the most difficult things a filly can ever do. It’s more attractive than ice cream, jelly beans and chocolate combined.” Rarity then brandished a ...rather nicely slim looking box with a rather nicely slim looking dildo inside it. “Which is no problem, if you use this,” she said presenting it to Sweetie with a flourish. Sweetie took it on her hoof, looking at the picture on the front that resembled Scootaloo’s... fertile thing, with a growing amount of dread. “Consider it a gift from me,” Rarity said happily, “To celebrate how mature you are becoming! With this you can use this to satisfy your urges, and simply not interact with any colts until the season has passed. Without their pheremones addling your senses, estrus can be a very enjoyable experience. You must simply exercise some caution and care with who you end up in a room with.” “But I don’t think I even have any um... eggs inside me?” Sweetie said hopefully. “Oh, you certainly do dear. Perhaps not eggs like a hen, but simply quivering tiny bits of potential inside you,” Rarity said with a poetic mane toss. “You may not know of them physically Sweetie Belle, but you are in heat. As long as this season lasts, you will be producing quite fertile eggs, and you are in grave danger of becoming pregnant with a foal.” “What if he fills you and you’re not in heat?” Sweetie asked desperately, clutching the boxed dildo to her chest. Rarity blinked at that, and said, “Oh, well I suppose it doesn’t matter then, but you’re still quite young to be in a relationship like that. But yes, the only thing that matters is whether he puts semen inside you during the heat period.” “D-does it always work?” Sweetie squeaked out. “Well, no,” Rarity admitted. “You certainly might have to do it two or three times. But one certainly can be enough, it’s the luck of the draw really. You’ve only been in estrus for a week though, so surely you haven’t gone and presented your rear to stallions already?” Rarity blinked at the air, then peered at Sweetie Belle more seriously, seeming to notice the filly’s nervous agitation for the first time. In a flat deadpan she asked, “You didn’t, right?” “I think I know why I haven’t been feeling estrus now,” Sweetie whimpered. “How many?!” Rarity exclaimed suddenly in her face. Sweetie squeaked with alarm falling back and stammering, “H-how many what?!” “How many stallions?” Rarity asked intensely. “J-j-just one,” Sweetie said miserably. “Who?” Rarity said, practically shaking Sweetie Belle, “Who did this to you?!” No wait, literally shaking her. “P-p-p-please Ra-a-rity we di-idn’t know!” Rarity held Sweetie at hoof’s length critically, then pulled her into a crushing hug. “Oh Sweetie, you didn’t know, but the stallion surely did. I can’t believe some awful beast deceived my dearest little sister right under my nose!” “He didn’t though!” Sweetie protested, “He didn’t!” “Sweetie, the very idea that a stallion isn’t fully aware that he will—” “It was a colt!” Sweetie shouted. Rarity paused and... pulled away from Sweetie, facing her serously right on the floor of the kitchen there. “Even so, colts are warned as well by their parents. But perhaps they missed estrus coming too, and...” “H-he’s an orphan,” Sweetie said with a sniffle. “Then the orphanage,” Rarity went on, “Has a very good program for educating fillies and colts on what’s happening to their ...lower parts.” “He skipped it,” Sweetie mumbled. “W-we thought we already... knew...” “B-but that was months ago, Sweetie,” Rarity said faintly, “How long have you...?” “Since um... Fall...” “Last Fall? But that was almost a year ago!” Rarity exclaimed. “N-no the year before that...” Sweetie mumbled. “Who is this Sweetie?” Rarity asked desperately. “You haven’t been... all this time, but... what colts do you even interact with?” Sweetie Belle felt so guilty. It just made things so much worse, Rarity not knowing about this. Sweetie didn’t want Scootaloo to get in trouble, but... but if Scootaloo put his seed in her, then that means she’s going to have a foal now?! That’s like, a baby, that mommies have! Sweetie couldn’t just do that by herself! Even with Scootaloo, they both couldn’t handle that alone, not even together! Sweetie couldn’t have a—a foal in her belly. They needed help... more than she ever dreamed she would need. Sweetie swallowed, then admitted, “It’s Scootaloo.” Rarity looked blankly for a moment, before her face broke into a gentle smile and she said, “No, no Sweetie. It’s not dangerous for two fillies to be with each other, even if you are intimate. Only a colt has the seed that can fertilize you.” Sweetie Belle blinked at Rarity. “Scootaloo’s a colt,” she said frankly. “Scootaloo is a filly,” Rarity insisted pleasantly. “She and Apple Bloom are your two filly friends, and they have always been fillies!” “Ugh,” Sweetie rolled her eyes. “Scootaloo was right. This is really annoying.” “Ewha?” Rarity seemed nonplussed at Sweetie’s disgruntled reaction. “Everypony thinks Scootaloo is a filly,” Sweetie said in annoyance. “So he has some feminine features, that doesn’t mean he’s not a colt! Just because he’s my friend doesn’t mean he has to be a filly!” “You must be mistaken dear,” Rarity said appeasingly, with a desperate smile, “I think I would have known if Scootaloo had been a colt all this time.” “Trust me sister,” Sweetie emphasized, “I am one hundred percent certain that Scootaloo is a colt.” “one hundred percent...” Rarity said weakly. “It was an accident!” Sweetie exclaimed throwing up her hooves. “We were just I mean, we were just kissing and my bottom started... doing the filly thing, and Scootaloo loved to lick it. But he stopped licking and was just hugging me, and then our... things fit together. H-he didn’t even make seed at first, and I should have stopped then if I knew, but then it started to come out of him. He didn’t even want it to; he couldn’t help making the seed come out! A-and I liked it because it was so... messy when he did it... inside...” “We were just having fun,” Sweetie pleaded, “I don’t want to be pregnant!” Sweetie Belle looked at Rarity beseechingly. Then Sweetie blinked. Then Sweetie stood up, and trotted over to Rarity. Sweetie waved a hoof in front of her sister going, “Rarity? You okay? Raaaarityy?” Rarity’s reaction was suspiciously happy. Once she recovered from... that, Rarity smiled broadly and hugged Sweetie close to her, and said that Sweetie was such a lucky little filly to be experiencing this Celestial miracle of foaling on her very first estrus. Rarity promised Sweetie up and down that Sweetie Belle would never go for want while she had the child, and that Rarity would make sure her every need was cared for. “I don’t need that much!” Sweetie said in nervous irritation. “I don’t even feel different yet. Just not... estrusy.” “Estrosian is the proper Ratin term,” Rarity said smartly. “You will feel different though, very soon. With your foal planted inside you, you will feel a powerful need to care for the darling little thing. Just think of her as nestled up within you, needing your body to help her grow big and strong. You will have to eat more, and trust me you will be hungry enough to feed two ponies. And as you progress over the next year, you’ll start showing!” “Showing?” Sweetie said with a gulp. Rarity just raised a hoof to lightly lay against Sweetie’s all too sensitive belly, saying to her in a gentle tone, “Just a little bump at first, an extra tightness about your barrel. But then you’ll hardly believe you’re changing so much, not even feeling the changes as your belly grows more and more every day. At your size Sweetie, you’ll likely wake up one day and find the foal in you has made it near impossible to walk!” Rarity hugged Sweetie again, and said to her passionately, “But worry not. Your sister will be there to look out for you! You just say the word, and she will do whatever it takes to ensure that you and your foal get just what they need.” Sweetie hugged her sister back, and felt so loved and relieved that Rarity would do this for her, but also felt... strangely unsatisfied. Because Rarity would not say one bad thing about this. Rarity clearly hated the idea of Scootaloo doing... that inside her, but it was a good thing somehow, even if Sweetie ended up not even able to walk? And it didn’t just end there either. Sweetie would be so humiliated at school, and there’s no way a baby foal was going to be quiet and well behaved during her classes! Sweetie Belle loved her sister and her support, but kind of wished Rarity would be a little less... happy about it. Because that way, Sweetie Belle wouldn’t feel so insecure about her own unhappiness she felt inside her. The worst part is Sweetie Belle was really happy about it too. The way Rarity described that adorable darling little foal curled up inside Sweetie’s tummy all warm and safe, it made Sweetie feel all fuzzy and warm inside. Foals were so cute! But on the other hoof... let’s just say Cutie Mark Crusader Foalsitters did not go well. As it really started to hit Sweetie that somehow she and Scootaloo had gone and made Sweetie Belle a mommy, Sweetie Belle really didn’t feel good about being a mommy, even though she did. It was a really confusing feeling. That’s why Sweetie Belle remained silent to Scootaloo on the issue, until she lay there supine on her bed, giving Scootaloo an approvingly excited look, while Scootaloo eagerly hopped up on her, penetrating her like the colt he is. He was all ready to fill her up with the stuff that Sweetie now knew she shouldn’t have let anywhere near her inside place. Yet despite her dark thoughts on the subject, Sweetie loved being penetrated so very much, especially this way. Watching him feel it as he went into her, watching him do it between her own legs. A look of pure bliss crossed Scootaloo’s face as he sank into Sweetie’s welcoming depths, and Sweetie was sure that the same expression filled hers. Depths that were too welcoming, she knew now, but it was too late anyway. More seed wasn’t gonna put more foals in her. Rarity was clear on that, that Sweetie’s troublesome eggs would stop coming out, as long as she was already with foal, so she must under no circumstances do anything with Scootaloo ever again. Rarity wasn’t making all that much sense at that point. Sweetie did do it with Scootaloo again though, because she wanted to see if he’d do it. Really really do it, not just by accident. She wanted him badly, and she wanted his... support or something. When Sweetie thought of the consequences of having a foal, she still wanted a penis inside her, and secretly, guiltily to herself, she wanted Scootaloo to be that way too. Sweetie wouldn’t be the only one who was feeling stupid like this, if colts also felt this way. So Sweetie Belle had teased Scootaloo with her filly scented tail the moment they walked into the house, and snuck him into her safe little bedroom, and spread her legs for Scootaloo, so he couldn’t not put his penis inside. Sweetie Belle’s bedroom was unflatteringly safe, because her parents were away... again. Rarity and Sweetie still had access to the house, but Rarity mostly lived out of her boutique these days, and Sweetie... really didn’t like sleeping in an empty house, so she stayed with Rarity. It worked out good though, because Rarity was more than happy to help Sweetie with her struggles as a growing schoolfilly, and that meant when Sweetie Belle needed the private intimacy of a familiar safe place, to do the foal making thing belly-to-belly, she and Scootaloo had a nice soft bed to do it on, that nopony would walk in on or hear them doing it. Sweetie still preferred the convenience of that emptied out shed for just being mounted on top of, but for belly-to-belly nothing beat the smooth feel of her cool sheets on the fur of her back and hindquarters, as the loving pegusus spread his wings above her, and plunged his young shaft into her quiveringly eager nether parts. Doing this always made Sweetie feel good all over. When a penis was sliding on her in there, the rest of her felt so tingly it made sheets, and hooves, and tongues, and everything touching her all over feel good. She just liked hugging Scootaloo close to her, to feel his chest fur tickle hers, as her bottom’s inner action unlocked the good feelings in her whole entire body. Sweetie loved doing it face to face like this. It wasn’t as animalistically satisfying as letting him mount her from behind, but this way she could see his eyes, she could see him make those gasps and grunts, and she could see her own hips, devotedly penetrated by his sliding shaft. She didn’t just have to hear the cute little squeaks he gave, when she lusciously hugged his penis in there, the penis that gave her a foal. She could see him making them, being that way for her. How his penis felt was squirm inducing in of itself, but when she could see how her place felt, telegraphed in every inch of Scootaloo’s body, with every loving thrust he made in her, that just made her hips want to explode in pleasure. She could see how her legs wrapped around his thighs, how his thighs worked her so smoothly, how his belly flexed and pressed against hers, how his eyes looked so fiery with intense desire. And he too could see her half lidded eyes, and huffing breaths, and hunger to accept him into her. They could gaze at each other, or stare at the source of their union, lost in lust as they squished their hips together in that all important pistoning motion that would make Scootaloo push into her and start squirting white stuff. But for now, they kissed. Sweetie Belle liked kissing in general, because they were so close together, and her lips were so sensitive as his softness met her own. It was something they had in common. He was so different from her where he entered her down there, and so similar to her up here. Up here, she could touch her tongue to his, and he to hers, but down there only he had the thick fleshy key for fulfilling her inner needs. They could take each other, face to face, but groin to groin Sweetie felt more like she was being taken, the burden of motherhood thrust upon her, not an inch of her insides able to resist his hungrily pistoning shaft, spreading her around him heedlessly, seeking to seed himself deep within her. As they kissed, Scootaloo started thrusting right away. They had to break the kiss, for Sweetie to pant at the blissful intensity of her bucking hips, and for Scootaloo to gasp with the effort of pushing his penis in and out. It was an easy task physically, but this good of a feeling was exhausting in of itself. That was why sometimes, even after only a little bit of thrusting, and Scootaloo’s climax of course, he and Sweetie would sometimes drift off to sleep together right away, unconcerned about his softening rod still in her canal, and his seed dribbling out around them. But Scootaloo couldn’t sleep yet. Scootaloo couldn’t relax not even for one moment, because he had to... he had to put a foal in her. That sneaky penis Scootaloo had was making him feel so good, because he was a boy, and Sweetie Belle was a girl. Because of that, his penis, and her va...thing that Rarity called it, were both tricking them into making a foal. Sweetie knew now why Scootaloo had forced her to take his seed that time. The last time she ever tried to refuse him. He didn’t want to hurt her, Scootaloo was just too smitten by the feelings, that felt even better when he obeyed his urges. He just pushed Sweetie down and... and showed her how much she loved his seed. And he didn’t even know... It was scary, but also kind of thrilling to Sweetie Belle that Scootaloo didn’t know about this. He was sliding in and out and he had just the most adorably blissful look on his face; he looked so heart achingly innocent, doing this amazing thing to Sweetie Belle without any compunction. She was carrying his foal, and she hadn’t told him. He didn’t even know. He was a daddy and she was a mommy, and he didn’t even know it. Thanks to Rarity’s belated advice, for Sweetie now, they were making a foal. For Scootaloo they were just squirting in Sweetie’s hips, and making each other feel good. Scootaloo probably wouldn’t even do this penis thing with Sweetie Belle anymore, if he did know. He’d probably get mad at her, and tell her that she was bad for wanting it, even when she knew it would make her have to stop school and raise a foal and stuff. But as long as the magic womb inside her remained a secret, Scootaloo would thrust his penis into Sweetie with gusto. There wasn’t even a trace of restraint on Scootaloo’s girlish muzzle as he laid his hooves on Sweetie’s chest, and kneeled between her legs, thrusting his penis as fast as his hips could do it. Just like when he put a foal in her belly. She couldn’t even imagine how hard it had been for Scootaloo to pull out of her to ejaculate all those times, when he just wanted to be in there doing it. He’d lasted a long time, but eventually Sweetie’s softness was just too much of a temptation for him. The sheer gratitude on Scootaloo’s face was breathtaking, when Sweetie Belle in her ignorance let him keep putting seed inside her. He was so excited about ejaculating inside Sweetie, there wasn’t much else that even compared. Scootaloo tried to explain what it was like, and it did sound really, really cool, but really Sweetie was just content with the knowledge that her insides were a haven to him. She had a place that made him feel extra special when he was squirting stuff out, that made her feel extra special, so she always had something to give him whenever he needed it. She wasn’t so content with having to be a mommy, though. And Sweetie didn’t blame Scootaloo one bit, but she maybe wasn’t the happiest about the situation she’d been roped into by their tricky bottom parts. That’s sort of why she waited until he was inside her to tell him. She should have told him when she saw him, not done... this with him. She felt really... naughty in doing this. Scootaloo couldn’t do any more harm, that’s for sure, but Sweetie knew she was just going to blow his mind when she told him. He was all worked up and she knew his penis tingled like her place tingled, and then she’d tell him and he’d have to face the reality of it all at once. And then... if Scootaloo really liked her, he would... still put his seed inside, even if it made her pregnant. She wanted to know if he’d really do it to her, not just leave her to her own mess, but it surely wouldn’t hurt to wait until she’d orgasmed at least once, and he’d swollen inside her, making it that much harder for Scootaloo to stop himself. Sweetie’s soft cries rose in pitch at what Scootaloo was doing to her, and with a guilty relief, she felt herself rushing over the cliff of orgasm. Her legs clamped around his, and her insides clamped even more, and Scootaloo bucked against her as Sweetie moaned out, that inner caress she had to do over and over again filling her with stars and making her lose herself in shaking. Scootaloo had gotten so good at this, it was just impossible for Sweetie not to orgasm first. He just gave a shaky smile as her cries peaked and she started helplessly convulsing beneath him. She just looked up at him with adoring eyes while he nestled his stiff shaft in the storm that was happening deep within Sweetie Belle’s hips. He didn’t even thrust, just stroked her to climax and sat there enjoying the feel of it, the feel of what she had to do around him. It made Sweetie feel so used, yet so... useful! It was like Sweetie was floating on an ocean of pleasure as her squeezes relaxed, that was ever so slowly draining. That was when Scootaloo kissed her again. Sweetie usually took the initiative in kissing Scootaloo, but like this, she just had to sit there and take whatever he was going to give her. If he was going to kiss her, or if he was going to put his penis in her, or if he was going to put a foal inside her, it didn’t matter, because all she could think about was the pleasure, and his presence. Kissing pulled her out of her daze, and Sweetie moaned eagerly as his lips pressed against hers, arching up as his hips flexed against hers, and inside was that delicious slide, slide, slide that she knew was him. Her legs wrapped firmly around him as his penis filled her, and the kissing took her breath away. Her nose was full of his scent, and her inside place was full of his engorged phallus. Scootaloo swelled up, Sweetie had quickly learned. That was a thing his penis did. Ballooned up right inside her, and that was a sign that he too was ready to lose himself and start squirting out seed. Sweetie Belle felt it happen, a hearty moan in her chest as his throbbing length pushed wide every inch of her, with its need to fill her. Scootaloo’s thrusting was growing erratic with his penis like that inside her, and his breath was catching. She didn’t have much time left. She had to tell him! Sweetie huffed with the heavy plowing and lifted a hoof to touch his chest. “Scootaloo,” she said urgently. “N-need to... tell you something!” It almost seemed like Scootaloo wouldn’t even hear her, so lost in his animal passions. But he just hunched over her, deep inside, and took a few long hot breaths. “S-sweetie?” he said almost plantively, his turgidity ebbing within her as he did so. “S-sure, what do you... you can tell me anything Sweetie.” Sweetie bit her lip to hold back a dizzy, cagey grin, and whispered out, “Scootaloo, do you know where foals come from?” “Um... a mommy’s belly?” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “I–I think?” His hips were shivering against Sweetie Belle, so eager to finish the job that Sweetie had encouraged him to start. He held still though, for her. “You can go ahead,” Sweetie said, giving him an encouraging squeeze from within. “Just listen while I tell you,” she added breathlessly. Scootaloo started thrusting again, slowly and gently. But he wasn’t doing it so he could last longer. He was doing it that way so she could keep her wits enough to tell him. Holding out as hard as he could, with his nerves just on fire. Sweetie wasn’t going to make him hold out any more, not this beautiful colt friend of hers, who was stretching her insides so luxuriously. Not with the exciting tingle of a hard orgasm still spinning dizzily up from her loins. “Any filly can be a mommy,” Sweetie Belle said quickly, just about writhing in the conflictingly fluttery feelings this was giving her. “W-when fillies go into estrus, like our class did, they make an egg~ and if it... it gets fertile... then it becomes a foal, and grows in her until her belly is swollen, and she has to give birth and be a mother. “Any filly,” Sweetie Belle whispered huskily, tilting her hungry hips into his, “E-even ...me...” “Sweetie, you’re... you’re...?” Scootaloo managed to gasp out, swallowing dryly and trying to keep thrusting slow enough for her to speak. He was about to go off. Sweetie knew that fire in the back of his eyes, that teeny bit of fear back there, as he lost control of his body. She had to make this quick. “Your white seed... the stuff your p-penis makes, it’s the seed that fertilizes my egg,” Sweetie gasped out, squeezing her legs around his flexing hips. “Tha-hat’s why there is a mommy and a daddy because... if you put your penis in a filly and... and put the white stuff in her... you’ll make her a mommy, and you’ll~” Scootaloo actually stopped then, staring at Sweetie Belle in shock. This desperately horny unicorn filly he had been fucking came to realize, sadly, that Scootaloo wasn’t going do it after all. But Sweetie Belle had Rarity to rely on at least, and... and she had that dildo. She had that dildo, that wouldn’t... be... him. And they could still be friends, even when Sweetie was... all swollen up with foal, and Scootaloo resented her for being so foolish. But she had to tell him. “Scootaloo, if you let your penis... do that in me, you’ll make me a ...mommy,” Sweetie told him, trying not to let the sorrow well up, as she admitted what would make him stop doing this to her. “A-and you’ll be the daddy. Just start s-squirting in there, and it’s too late. I can’t stop it then, until our foal has grown.” “Sweetie I can’t... do that to you!” Scootaloo gasped, “Y-you can’t be a... I don’t—I don’t want to pull out...” Sweetie’s heart leapt. She leaned up to her lover and whispered, “So don’t pull out, then.” “But it’s not f-fair,” Scootaloo bit out bitterly. “You... we’re just playing! I’m not m-making you pregnant. It’s too hard!” He throbbed inside her. “It’s easy!” Sweetie claimed coyly, as casual as if he wasn’t blowing her mind from currently burying his cock in her. She traced a hoof delicately on his pumpkin orange chest, saying teasingly, “Just let your white stuff squirt in there, and I’ll be pregnant!” “Hard for you though!” Scootaloo begged, half sliding out of her. “I can’t hurt you!” Sweetie’s frustrated moan broke any casual demeanor she might have had. This wasn’t going how Sweetie expected it. Scootaloo really would have been... careful, for Sweetie’s sake? It’s like her friend didn’t even care that he would get roped into it too! It was so unfair. Why was it too late already! Why was Scootaloo so...good to her? But—Sweetie had to. She had to see him do it. She needed him so bad! “Maybe I want it,” she lied desperately. Or did she? Sweetie just didn’t know anymore. “Maybe it won’t hurt me, but what about you?” she asked, heavily stroking Scootaloo’s slim chest now. “Can you do it? Y-you know it’ll make a foal in me, so could you really even... could you still do it? Make me a m...mommy? Y-you don’t...” She lost his gaze, her eyes turning aside, murmuring, “You don’t have to let it start squirting in there...” Sweetie sighed inwardly, feeling like she was losing her friend, who was just such an angel. Scootaloo didn’t deserve to be saddled with her problems if he wouldn’t even do it. Sweetie gave a strangled yelp as Scootaloo jammed his penis into her, and almost fell against her, pushing off Sweetie Belle’s own huffing chest, to thrust into her wildly. Sweetie cried out in shocked passion, and her own hips just about bucked up against his. That thrusting so closely denied to her, suddenly it was filling her and filling her. She needed it... she needed it so bad, maybe even more than he did! “S-scootaloo~” she whimpered hugging him like an oasis in the desert. “I can’t—” he gasped, thrust, thrust, thrusting. “I can’t stop it!” he practically screamed. “I-it’s going to come out!” “It’s okay, Scootaloo,” Sweetie whispered to him, “Just let it happen...” somehow finding serenity in this hurricane of passion. Her insides were going to do it. He was going to do it! “I can’t—gonna... it’s gonna... n-no I I’m gunna—foal in— our f—gck,” Scootaloo could barely speak. His compulsive thrusts shuddered as his penis throbbed inside her, and then staring at Sweetie with such a look of desperate need, Scootaloo just jammed up against her, not pulling out of her, but going all the way inside her. And then Sweetie felt that familiar thrashing in her inside place. She looked up at him, and felt such affection for him. She reached a hoof up to just stroke his cheek, as Scootaloo began ejaculating inside her, hot pulses spreading in her with every wanton spasm of his rod. > Friends Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scootaloo stared down with wide open eyes full of fright, at a very receptive and eager Sweetie Belle. She lay before him with curls in disarray, in her very own bed, as his penis orgasmed and he didn’t pull out. Sweetie herself almost orgasmed again right then and there, when she knew that Scootaloo was orgasming. He knew, and he was still did it! Hot pulses started to flood her insides, Scootaloo’s penis blasting against her strongly in there. He grunted tensely with every spurt like it was being torn out of him. It literally was forcing him to do it. And still he looked down to her, and still he did it, and he knew what he was doing! “Scootaloo, I feel your foal~” Sweetie cooed to him senselessly. He just looked so scared—he was... she was... they were making a foal. Sweetie held Scootaloo steady while the climax took him over, making Scootaloo for the moment nothing but a quivering, frightened, orange furred, spurting machine. The only sound was the creaking of the windmill. He couldn’t stop it any more than she could now. She’d have to tell him soon that it had been out of their hooves long before tonight, but for now Sweetie was filled with the hope that he really loved her enough to do this to her. He wouldn’t get angry when he found out, and say he would never have done it if he knew, and leave her all alone. The evidence for that was a strangely pleasant squirming slime deep inside Sweetie Belle’s hips. Scootaloo’s slime, with Scootaloo’s seed in it. She told him, and he did it. The seed was planted within her, that made Sweetie from an ordinary filly into a fertile garden. Scootaloo put that in her. Maybe it would be okay then. Maybe she was just kidding herself. Yeah, she was definitely kidding herself. But with Scootaloo slumped against her exhaustedly, and his spent shaft still embedded in her passage, Sweetie couldn’t help but think that things were somehow going to be alright. Just for a moment they were in a perfect, peaceful serenity. “It’s in you,” he said after he’d become still, speaking with both wonder and fatality. Then Scootaloo began to cry. He pulled out of her slickly, as Sweetie Belle sat up, keeping her hooves on the suddenly distraught pegasus. She felt full of worry, concern and guilt, despite the satisfaction of dribbling his seed out from her passage messing the sheets down the edge of her bed. That could wait though. She knew she messed up, but what had she done that was that bad? He wasn’t even close to crying when she told him, but now his mood just flipped, just like that? “I-I’m so sorry Sweetie,” Scootaloo said, turning away tearfully, “I couldn’t stop. It just felt too good. I went and did that to you, and n-now you can’t stop it. I don’t blame you if you never ever forgive me. I let you down, I am such a stupid—” Sweetie hugged him as hard as she could, just about licking his tears away. “You’re not, Scootaloo!” she said to him urgently, “You’re wonderful, and you’re my best friend, and you never ever let me down!” Scootaloo didn’t even try to half heartedly push her away, saying miserably, “B-but you told me not to—” “I didn’t tell you not to do it,” Sweetie countered smoothly. “You actually want to be a mom?” Scootaloo asked tremulously. Sweetie hoped she hadn’t messed up again, because of the way Scootaloo stiffened against her, and turned to face her with a searching look in his eyes. “B-but you’re way too young!” he said, “It’s not something we’re s-supposed to do, and you might... I might hurt you and the foal and...” “I don’t want to be a mommy, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle sighed, shifting away from him in more of a defeated mood. “I only wanted to make you do that in me, because... I was scared you didn’t like me enough to actually do it. S-so if I told you I was pregnant, you would get mad and say you’d never have done it, if you knew. But you did just now, even though you knew, so you c-can’t say that.” She blushed deeply adding, “I should have t-told you before you were inside me. It doesn’t count if I waited until you already couldn’t hold back, to tell you. I just waited until you had to do it, because I was afraid you’d... I just wanted... I’m sorry...” Scootaloo wasn’t crying anymore, and that made one of them. Sweetie wiped a pastern across her own eyes to rub away those stubborn tears. He didn’t leave her side, or stop looking at her, just sort of awkwardly patted her on the shoulder, while Sweetie tried not to humiliate herself any more than she already had. She glanced at him and he looked at her like he didn’t even understand what was going on. “Sweetie, what’s this really about?” he asked in honest concern. “I-is this a prank or something?” She blinked at him. He... actually probably literally didn’t understand what was going on. “Rarity told me yesterday,” Sweetie answered, turning and staring forward lost in thought, “She told me all about the white seed, and colts and fillies. I s-should have gone into estrus last week, but I didn’t because... I didn’t even know until she told me. Because of what we were doing together. I’ve been p-pregnant for a week and never even knew. We just did it on accident.” She looked at Scootaloo sorrowfully, saying, “I’ve already got your foal in me. I was lying today, because I just wanted to know how you would feel. It’s not really a prank. Just... there was nothing I could do, since we already put tons of seed in me.” She sighed, rubbing her belly wistfully. “I-it’s just gonna get big now, and I’ll start making m-milk, so the foal can suckle on me, and I’ll feel all those mommy feelings. It’s not bad I suppose, b-but I’ll have to carry it to school, and get teased and... and maybe I can’t even go to school if the foal misbehaves too much, so I... I just wanted to know if you’d ...help.” “I got you pregnant?” Scootaloo said in flustered disbelief, “That’s what all that goop is for?” “Y-yeah, because foals need a daddy. R—” Sweetie collected herself, then said more calmly, “Rarity said egg um... potential things naturally pass out of mares during estrus... that means out of the place your penis goes in. But if a stallion—or...colt puts white stuff in there, it combines and turns into a foal. There’s no other way for a filly to get pregnant. S-so that’s why every foal has a daddy.” “Sheesh, I... never even thought about being a daddy,” Scootaloo said, shaking his head and staring forward, too. “I knew you wouldn’t like it,” Sweetie sighed, “So it’s okay if you don’t like me anymore, for making you be a daddy. I just don’t know what to do, and I really wanted to be friends with you and Apple Bloom and... I shouldn’t have tried to trick you into wanting it, t-too.” “Sweetie, seriously,” Scootaloo said in a surprisingly carefree tone, hooking a hoof around her shoulders. “You think it matters just because I did that whatever squirting thing in you? I was gonna help when you first said, even when I thought you just got pregnant by yourself somehow. It doesn’t matter at all if I did it to you or not. I’m your friend. Apple Bloom is your friend! We’d help you out, even if it was... even if Diamond Tiara was the daddy! You don’t need to trick me into w-wanting to make you a mommy. “I mean, unless you wanted me to want that,” Scootaloo added reservedly, turning to look at the floor. “It really... really made me want to do it, just... just thinking about a foal in you. I–I guess that really is how you make a foal, because I just... thinking that just made me want it so much more. I just had to do it, and it was just so exciting thinking I was doing something to you.” His hoof drifted too over Sweetie’s belly, as he said somewhat wonderingly, “All that white stuff, I never knew it was gonna... make a baby be in your belly. It really is kind of like a piece of me is in there, isn’t it?” Sweetie nodded solemnly. “They might even be a pegasus, just like you.” “Boy I hope not,” Scootaloo said with a roll of his eyes. And then there was Apple Bloom, poorly hidden there in the clubhouse, getting rammed like a filly in heat by that one greyish colt in their class. “Apple Bloom, noooooo!” Scootaloo cried out, tackling Apple Bloom from the side and going down with her in a heap, as the colt fell back, his cock sliding slickly out of Apple Bloom’s vagina with a sucking sound. “Consarnit, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom shouted, struggling with the frantic pegasus. “Get offa me! Ah saw him first!” “Did we get him soon enough?” Sweetie eeked, pushing the colt on his belly and grabbing his cock roughly and heedlessly, trying to see if he made the white stuff yet. “What’s going ooon?” the colt whined in utter confusion, his penis throbbing beneath the crook of Sweetie’s hooves. “Not you too, Sweetie!” Apple Bloom said with a desperate edge to her voice, as a shoulder check sent Scootaloo flying across the clubhouse, so that Apple Bloom could run up to her colt. “I–I gotta,” Apple Bloom said putting a hoof on Sweetie but just trembling at the thought of doing her harm. “Come on Sweetie, you cain’t take it from me!” she begged her friend, “That was incredible! He was all and now ah’m so empty ah gotta put him back in me Sweetie, please!” “Did he put stuff in you?” Sweetie asked intensely, climbing right off the colt to get in Apple Bloom’s face. “How many times did he put his penis in there?” “Ah dunno, a lot!” Apple Bloom said in honest distress. “He kept like goin’ in and out, and we were just huggin’ and then our undersides were goin’ together! Mah bottom has been so itchy all this whole week, and it’s aching for what he did!” “No, before now, I mean,” Sweetie said seriously. “Did he put stuff in you before now?” The colt in question was starting to edge toward the door out. “Oh no ya don’t,” Apple Bloom said, pushing past Sweetie to accost the colt. “You’re gettin’ right back in me, right now!” Apple Bloom was so driven, that she had her rear all turned around before Sweetie and Scootaloo both managed to drag her vulnerable entrance away from this mystery colt’s face. “You can’t, Apple Bloom!” Scootaloo shouted. “Ah gotta!” Apple Bloom shouted back, struggling. “You don’t know what it’s like! It was the best thing ever—it was—ah’m so hungry down there!” “Hungry.” That was enough for this greyish colt, who bolted, booking it right out of the clubhouse and down the ramp. “Aww hayfires!” Apple Bloom practically shrieked. “Now look what y’all did!” She shrank down to her haunches, just openly weeping now all of a sudden, saying, “It’s been s-such a terrible week! And he made it all better, and ah was finally feeling good. It was amazing why can’t I even have just a moment’s peace. Ah thought you were mah friends!” she shouted angrily at the two. Sweetie just wanted to cry too now. But Scootaloo shouted, “Just hear us out! Just calm down for one second and listen, a-and then you can go back to putting his penis in you, if you really want to.” “Ah...” Apple Bloom huffed. “Just say it,” she said tensely, “And ah don’t care what you say, ah’m still gonna do that again, because ah need it. There’s like an inside place in me and you caint tell me ah caint go putting his...” she paused and then said defiantly, “His penis all up in mah hoo hah! It’s supposed to be there!” Scootaloo facehooved. “You don’t know, so that’s a good thing,” Sweetie said urgently, hugging Apple Bloom, both to make her feel better, and worried her friend was just going to run away. “It means you haven’t done it a lot, right? You never had him squirting in you, right?” “Oh mah stars you girls... you mean he was lyin’ to me? He said he caint!” Apple Bloom said in an aghast tone. “He was all doin’ that just to pee in me? A-ah don’t want pee in there! Ah’m not a terlet!” Scootaloo rubbed his hoof against the bridge of his nose. “We really should have included Apple Bloom in this,” Sweetie said, looking guiltily to Scootaloo. “Uh, no?” Scootaloo said, looking under his hoof at Sweetie like she was crazy. “Are you crazy? Then she’d be in trouble too! And I’d be in double! Applejack would kill me if I made Apple Bloom pregnant!” Apple Bloom looked between the two of them fearfully, squeezing her back hooves together, saying, “Ah... ah don’t know what’s goin’ on, but tell me and hurry, because ah’m just so itchy down there. Ah caint even think. Y-you scared him off, so now you gotta help me!” She blushed horribly, saying, “Ah’m makin’ a fool of mahself. Ah’m sorry it ain’t civil to talk about b-bottom stuff but it’s just—he was really gonna pee in me?” Scootaloo fidgeted, standing there in the clubhouse. “He was gonna...” he started to say, and then stopped, nostrils flaring. “It’s like... it’s not pee, but it’s something else. I can’t even pee, because I’m all stiff like that.” “He’s right,” Sweetie put in. “We tried it once, and he had to finish before he could even think about peeing.” “But he’s still putting stuff in you,” Scootaloo asserted. “You girls been doin’ all this stuff without me!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, not a little indignantly. “All this time, and you had colts?!” “W—” Sweetie frowned. “You girls...” she recited quietly, and then the light of comprehension lit in her. “Oh for the love of pete,” she snapped, grumbling at the sheer stupidity of the situation. “I uh... never told her, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said nervously. “Heh...” He seemed really restless now, and good, because he’s been keeping it a secret from Apple Bloom. Well, not really keeping a secret, but just not telling her. Just like they weren’t telling her about all the kissing... and they weren’t telling her about all the secret inside fun... “Scootaloo is a colt, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said in resigned candor, to her confused filly friend, the only other filly in the room. “No she—” Apple Bloom tilted an eyebrow at an awkwardly smiling Scootaloo. “Yer kiddin’, right?” she said in calm astonishment. “We don’t have to be only friends with fillies,” Sweetie recited. “Scootaloo is still our friend, and he’s always been this way.” Apple Bloom struggled to her hooves, gaping openly at Scootaloo and saying, “B-but you look so... ah mean... you look so—” “Pretty?” Sweetie Belle suggested, drawing Apple Bloom’s attention again. “Scootaloo is Scootaloo, even if he’s not like one of the dumb looking colts. He just doesn’t have as square a jaw, and is skinnier and um... rounder.” “Yeah, sorry Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo mumbled with a blush on his face. “I uh, it’s just I didn’t want you to um... be less friends just because I was a boy.... Especially now, you’d think I was going to put it in and mess you up and stuff.” “B-but you look just... Scootaloo as ever,” Apple Bloom said. “You mean you really been a colt all this time?” Scootaloo didn’t answer, just turned sideways, and as he did, you could see his stiff, throbbing member hanging below his belly. It wasn’t just out, it was hard, just like Sweetie loved it before he ...went and put a foal in her, and gave her mixed feelings about it. “W-woah, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said uneasily. “You’re all the way out. Why are you... out? Was somepony touching it, or something?” “No!” Scootaloo said anxiously, “I don’t know why i-it came out. I just can’t relax for some reason. Ever since we came up here, I just... there’s just this smell that I can’t stop thinking about! Like when you get all uhm... all ready, Sweetie, but more intense. And kind of uh, appley.” “This is amazin’” Apple Bloom contributed, her eyes glued to that cock. She swiveled her butt around then, sticking it in the air and waving her tail around perkily. “Ah don’t care if you chased him off then,” she uttered happily. “Because you can do it too! Why didn’t you tell me Scootaloo? Ah wanna feel you all pushy up in there! Ah–ahh...” “Scootaloo’s not going to... wow, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said, seeing her friend’s winking, inflamed groin for the first time. “I didn’t know estrus was this bad!” “Why?” Apple Bloom snapped at Sweetie irritably, “Because you’re a colt too?” “No, because I’m...” Sweetie paused and bit her lip. “Because I’m pregnant,” she said firmly. “What?!” Apple Bloom exclaimed, spinning and staring at Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo almost seemed relieved that she stopped pointing her bottom at him. “Since when?!” “S-some time last week,” Sweetie murmured self consciously. “I only l-learned about it yesterday though. Rarity said that’s why I haven’t been having estrus, because the foal inside of me stops it from happening.” “Why would a foal in you stop you from having estrus?” Apple Bloom exclaimed, and then more exasperatedly, “And why aren’t ya puttin’ it in me already, Scootaloo? You a colt or ain’t you?” She pointed her rear end at Scootaloo again, and Scootaloo said, “I’m... um, not um... I’m not gonna I mean maybe... um...” and he actually took a shaky step towards Apple Bloom. Sweetie started to put two and two together. “You’re not gonna impregnate her too, are you Scootaloo?” she said accusingly to the mesmerised pegasus. That seemed to snap him out of it long enough to say, “No!” angrily, then, “I was just... you know with my... thing out, it just makes me think about it and, maybe I could just go in her a little bit?” “You remember before, Scootaloo?” Sweetie said, butting her head in between them. “You thought you were going to impregnate me, and you didn’t stop until you were all the way done! Do you think it’ll be any different if you’re in Apple Bloom?” “N-no...” Scootaloo mumbled, lifting up a hoof, looking so ashamed. “What does makin’ mah insides squeal have anything to do with bein’ pregnated?” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Ah don’t want no foal. Ah want a boy!” At least her bottom wasn’t pointed at them anymore. Sweetie faced Apple Bloom, and cleared her throat, saying clearly, “When a filly and a colt do the special hug, that means he puts his penis inside, it—” “Alright, just skip the lecture and tell me,” Apple Bloom snarled. Whoops, now she was presenting her vulva again. Pointing her bottom at Sweetie, no less! “Or maybe just stick it in, and then tell me!” And...nope pointing it back at Scootaloo again. She was practically shoving it in Scootaloo’s face, and Sweetie just... couldn’t figure out what to do to dissuade her! Sweetie worried that Apple Bloom was on such a hair trigger, because of this horrible estrus thing trying to trick her into getting pregnant. Sweetie fiddled a hoof on the floor, trying to think about ...things. She had thought her innards were deceitful and tricky, but this estrus thing was even worse! You could practically tell Apple Bloom the danger point blank, and she still wouldn’t understand. Not until she was satisfied, would she know to feel any regret, and it would be too late if the seed was already in there, wriggling right up into her womb. Unless... there were another way for her to achieve satisfaction. “Scootaloo,” Sweetie said earnestly, looking up at them, “I need you to—hey, stop!” Sweetie jumped forward, to where Scootaloo was busily climbing up on a smug looking Apple Bloom. Pushing Scootaloo off, much to Apple Bloom’s protest, Sweetie Belle said, “Are you crazy?!” “Yes!” Scootaloo exclaimed frantically. “I c-can’t stop thinking about it and I need to finish! And Apple Bloom is right there, and I can’t even stand it!” “But you’ve been with me all day, and you haven’t had a problem!” Sweetie protested. “You didn’t smell like this!” Scootaloo shot back. Sweetie started to retort, then paused, and inhaled through her nose. It did smell really tangy... and... appley. Maybe she was immune, but it was like, making Scootaloo go into a sort of... boy estrus? Oh that would be just devilishly clever, so it probably was true. Sweetie delicately leaned her nose under Apple Bloom’s tail and sniffed yep that was where the smell was coming from. “Apple Bloom, you have to calm down,” Sweetie said to Apple Bloom’s face of pained need. “Scootaloo does not want to put his penis in you, and you’re forcing him to.” “No ah’m not!” Apple Bloom said disbelievingly. “Ah’m just standing here!” “A-and moving your p-parts in and out,” Scootaloo said tensely, a shiver going through his body as he saw it happen. “I-it’s like you’re calling me in t-there.” “Ah am literally calling you in there, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said in a slightly unsettled tone. “But ah didn’t know that doin’ nng—this was like that too,” she demonstrated by winking, and Scootaloo actually reared up against Sweetie, but then pulled himself back. “Do it, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom shouted in limp maned, dissheveled, utter frustration. Sweetie pushed Scootaloo back again and he looked at her anxiously. “S-sorry Sweetie I’m trying,” Scootaloo said. “It’s just I... I don’t want to make Apple Bloom pregnant! What do I do?” Apple Bloom managed to see the two of them fighting to keep Scootaloo away, the struggle and Scootaloo’s frightened face getting through to her lust addled mind, and she asked waveringly, “Y-you really don’t wanna do this, an’ ah’m forcing you to?” “Estrus is forcing you to,” Sweetie explained urgently, “And you are forcing Scootaloo to. It’s like Scootaloo is getting estrus, because of what you smell like.” “What do ah do?!” Apple Bloom whimpered unhappily, the tip of her tail switching in the air. “Ah don’t wanna hurt nopony, ah just...” “Just trust me Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said. “First, just lower your tail. The estrus is forcing you to lift it, because how pretty you look down there, so it can force Scootaloo to do what he doesn’t want.” Apple Bloom did so, very reluctantly, and the way Scootaloo relaxed against Sweetie indicated that she was onto something about this contagious estrus thing. “Okay, okay I think I know what to do,” Sweetie continued curtly. “Scootaloo, you need to get out of here, so you’ll feel better when you can’t smell her anymore.” “D-dunno about better, but yeah, I’d feel lots less... climb uppy and shove inny,” Scootaloo admitted. “Well, don’t worry about that,” Sweetie dismissed. “Once we help Apple Bloom then it’ll be okay again. I need you to go to the boutique as fast as you can, and under my bed there is a box. And in the box is a... rubber thing, shaped like a penis. Rarity gave it to me for my estrus, and this is why I think.” She looked worriedly at the quivering Apple Bloom, who was trying to curl herself into a ball at this point as if she could contain the desire in herself just by physically closing herself off. “Just get the box,” she instructed. “And hurry. Apple Bloom really really needs a penis right now.” Apple Bloom mumbled something to the affirmative from where her hooves were covering her blushing red face. “A-alright Apple Bloom, don’t worry I’ll do whatever you need to get better!” Scootaloo said, and trotted out the door and down the ramp. With a buzz of wind, his wings engaged, and you could hear him taking his scooter straight out of Apple Acres all the way to town. Sweetie sighed, and sat down beside a still trembling Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle didn’t know if she could take care of a foal herself, but it sure made her life a lot easier, having one in there. She wondered if you could maybe just... pause one, or if a spell could pretend to be one, for any fillies who want to feel more in control of their actions. It’s funny, because Sweetie felt more in control of her actions than the trembling Apple Bloom, but Apple Bloom was more in control of her body than Sweetie Belle! Apple Bloom’s body was trying to take away control, sure, but Sweetie no longer even had control at all. Even though she just felt normal, she couldn’t stop growing a foal inside her. And she’d have to eat more soon, and she couldn’t stop that. And she couldn’t stop making milk for it. And then when the foal came out, as far as Rarity explained at least, Sweetie wouldn’t be able to stop pushing it out. She felt kind of sorry for the foal for that. She hoped she could teach her foal that she didn’t mean to push her out, that it just is something you have to do. Like a sneeze, sort of. Yeah, even foals could sneeze, so she’d be like, “Sweetier Belle, sorry I squeezed you so hard, but it was just like when you sneeze, so that’s why I couldn’t just let you stay inside.” Sweetie... was going to have to name the foal. She really didn’t look forward to that. Sweetie was absolutely terrible with names. Maybe Scootaloo would have a better idea than Sweetier Belle. Or if it’s a colt uh... Swaytie Ball... yeah definitely going to go with some other pony’s idea. Rarity might know a good one too. Sweetie Belle was her idea after all. The name, not the foal. Sweetie blushed heavily as she realized, and it really sort of never hit her before that even though she couldn’t remember it, Sweetie Belle had once been inside a womb too. She’d been all curled up inside her mother, just like the foal was inside her right now. It... he or she wouldn’t remember Sweetie Belle’s womb either, but the foal in Sweetie was going to be a real pony, just like Sweetie Belle. It was going to remember her, and the soft taste of her milk, and it was going to wonder about the foal in its belly one day. If it’s a filly, at least. Sweetie kind of wished that she could be the same age as her foal, so she could be friends with her, and tell her all about what she was discovering from day to day about... being pregnant and... stuff. “Oh, hurry up Scootaloo, please,” Apple Bloom exclaimed, snapping Sweetie out of her maternally bizarre thoughts. Bloom had gone to the window, leaning on it with her forehooves, and just quivering from the waist down. A trickle of moisture leaked from Apple Bloom’s turgid petals and trailed down her leg, to join the dribble she’d been leaking ever since her first penetration. Sweetie squirmed her own hips sympathetically. Apple Bloom was having so much trouble, and Sweetie knew the feeling, if not the intensity. And despite being so very horny, Apple Bloom wasn’t even rubbing it, oddly enough. Wait, she knew, right? “You can rub it, you know,” Sweetie suggested to Apple Bloom. “Rub it?” Apple Bloom asked, looking at her uncomprehendingly. “Yeah, your um... entrance, with all the tickly parts,” Sweetie said, astonished at Apple Bloom’s not having discovered this, but just acting casual for fear of upsetting her friend even further. “I did that a lot after Scootaloo made me um... go over,” Sweetie said, so casually. “Go over...?” Apple Bloom asked vaguely, and just... started rubbing her bottom on a... chair? “Ah guess this is nice,” she said uncertainly, “It shore is itchy! A-ah mean, um...” She blushed and looked away from Sweetie, saying “Ah get itchy, aind there ain’t nothin’ g-gross about it.” Then her humping knocked the chair over with a clatter. “Horsefeathers!” Apple Bloom exclaimed in consternation, as it fell away from her petals. “Here, let me help,” Sweetie said, trotting over and bracing up the chair so Apple Bloom could indent her messy folds on the painted wood. “But I just use my hoof so I dunno.” “Y— your hoof?” Apple Bloom grunted, the force of her shoving, practically bowling both Sweetie and the chair over. “Y-yeah, and I think you’re pushing too hard. You have to slide it gently,” Sweetie instructed desperately. “How do ah, um...” Apple Bloom paused, then stuck her forehoof experimentally between her legs, and started sliding it along her nether region curiously. “Oh... oh! This is nice!” she exclaimed, rubbing her hoof on her vulva, and smearing that slimy excretion all around them. “S-so ah just rub it?” Sweetie was really starting to get excited... between her own legs. It was weird, because she wasn’t even a colt, but from where Sweetie was bracing the chair, Apple Bloom’s humid slit was right there by Sweetie’s muzzle. Sweetie wondered if maybe fillies aren’t completely immune to catching estrus. It did have to be somewhat shareable, for it to be so synchronized, right? But one way or another, she found herself drawn to Apple Bloom’s clumsy unpracticed rubbing of her genitals. Apple Bloom was so horny that she just stood there, completely ignoring the fact she had her butt hanging right in Sweetie Belle’s face. She just rubbed away forgetting herself, with pleased noises ekeing out of her in little mumbles and grunts. Just a tiny distance away from Sweetie Belle’s soft lips... “I-I could... h-help...” Sweetie stuttered, and Apple Bloom shivered at that like she were struck by lightning. And Sweetie realized then, Apple Bloom reacted that way because when Sweetie said ‘help,’ her breath was blown right against her friend’s needy underside. That’s how sensitive Apple Bloom was feeling right now. Apple Bloom turned to Sweetie with wide eyes, and said, “Ah f-f-forgot you were there. S-sorry Sweetie, didn’t mean to, ah mean... you don’t mind? Ah mean ...what?” “I could um... help your bottom, by touching it too,” Sweetie mumbled. Apple Bloom looked hesitant, saying, “Is... that an alright thing to do? Ah mean... you an’ Scootaloo done that? I–I don’t rightly mind, and it does ah mean, ah dunno if’n you want to...” Sweetie responded by deliberately laying her hoof on the hindquarters of her sorely neglected friend. She stroked Apple Bloom gently, away from her folds, saying, “It’ll be fine, see? Just relax, and rub your teats.” “But what about mah... tickly rumply things?” Apple Bloom said, not pulling her hoof away from her vulva. “I...” Sweetie gulped. “I’ll take care of those.” Apple Bloom hesitated, but moved her hoof, her hot nether lips left free to hover before Sweetie’s giddily blushing muzzle. “Oh!” Apple Bloom then exclaimed in realization, “Because you can use a hoof too!” “S-something like that,” Sweetie said, licking her lips dryly. She hoped it wouldn’t be bad... Scootaloo sure seemed to enjoy doing it to her at least. The more Sweetie Belle smelled Apple Bloom, the more she liked this tart appley estrusy smell coming out of her friend’s most intimate place. And Apple Bloom’s bottom was sort of inflamed and throbby and scary looking, but... it was the same body parts Sweetie had, and you couldn’t be scared of your own bottom! So Apple Bloom removed her hoof, and tilted forward slightly, pressing her frog down on one of her teats, and sort of depressing it experimentally. “Uhn... that’s kinda nice, ah guess...?” she murmured. “I-it’s nice when your nipples stick up, if you um... rub them,” Sweetie suggested. “Anyway, j-just relax. Scootaloo will be here soon, and I can... help you until then.” Sweetie had never been this close... to a filly’s inside place before. Scootaloo’s penis place wasn’t wet or rumpled like this, and Apple Bloom didn’t have any balls to lick, but she sure did have a pretty slit that divided where her strong hips came together. And Sweetie sure did know what kind of licking a place like that loved more than anything. Sweetie’s own filly place was not something she could easily see without the aid of a mirror. Apple Bloom’s though, it was right there... just like Sweetie but—but Apple Bloom. And not pregnant, if that made any difference. “Okay, Sweetie Belle,” Apple Bloom said relatively evenly. The stimulation was calming her down, and making her feel more like herself. That’s exactly what Sweetie Belle wanted! She stuck her tongue out at Apple Bloom’s groin, and just took a nervously tentative lick. Apple Bloom stiffened from hoof to bow. “W-wow Sweetie,” she said, unsurely, “Your hoof felt all... soft...” Sweetie couldn’t help but grin at that. “My hoof...” she mumured, “Heh.” Before Apple Bloom could question her, Sweetie just started. She gave another tentative lick, and it was lots less gross than it should have been. Apple Bloom’s petals were so warm against Sweetie’s tongue. Did Sweetie feel warm to Scootaloo when he was licking her? Sweetie licked more strongly, and when she pulled her tongue away she realized she could taste that juicy sort of tangy sweetness, with a hidden undertone of something oddly metallic. It was something you could lick up and taste. Scootaloo had always said it was, and now Sweetie was confirming that, firsthoof. Sweetie brought her tongue, and lips, into play. She explored this mysterious groove in Apple Bloom’s hips, something Sweetie herself had, but had never been so able to explore. “S-S-Sweetie—!” Apple Bloom sort of coughed out in surprise, and Sweetie smiled at the thought that she was making Apple Bloom feel the same as when Scootaloo did it to her. She didn’t give Apple Bloom a moment’s pause though, not just yet. Apple Bloom’s wrinkly vulva were blushy red and puffy, and got even slicker, the more Sweetie licked them. Her fur ended on the outer ones, with nothing but bright pink flesh beneath it. What Sweetie found fascinating is that Apple Bloom’s vulva covered an area much broader than her actual entrance. There was a teeny depth you could penetrate into Apple Bloom with your tongue, that was just the protective surface lips. Underneath, was a smooth, pink, wet wall of flesh, firm to the touch but very hot. Sweetie’s tongue traced over two holes in it... a teeny little one, that made Apple Bloom squeak, and a scrunched up big one at the top. Sweetie loved this, but she only wanted to do it a little bit, since she didn’t really want to trick Apple Bloom into thinking that this was Sweetie Belle’s hoof. It was important that Apple Bloom understand what Sweetie was doing, as well as feel the relief from it. So Sweetie tongued the bottom of the area, right where Apple Bloom’s vulva came together, and sure enough there was a round nub there, for Sweetie Belle’s tongue to slide slipperily along. It was smaller than Sweetie expected, but the effect was not. A surprised shriek belted out of Apple Bloom when Sweetie did, and Apple Bloom just started shaking in place. That’s when Sweetie left her alone and pulled her mouth free from Apple Bloom’s lips. “Pretty good, huh Apple Bloom?” Sweetie said cheekily, peeking around Apple Bloom’s hindquarters. “Y-y-y-y-you were usin’ your mouth!” Apple Bloom said almost accusingly. “Mouths are way better than hooves,” Sweetie chirped. “And not just for holding tools!” “T-that... ah caint get mah mouth down there,” Apple Bloom whined insecurely. “But I can,” Sweetie countered in a chiding tone. “So... enjoy.” Sweetie retracted her head behind Apple Bloom again, and started grooming Apple Bloom’s vulva, sliding her tongue up the inside edge of one and down the other. If Apple Bloom felt confused or vulnerable or angry about this, it was too bad, because Sweetie was going to lick her so much she couldn’t protest. What Sweetie did was so validating to herself. Sweetie’s own petals had to be just as soft and wet as Apple Bloom’s here, and that meant Scootaloo’s tongue was just as pleased and not grossed out as Sweetie Belle found her own. She practically pushed her nose into Apple Bloom, whuffling excitedly as she explored the filly’s inner flesh, and also her own sexuality. Apple Bloom shuddered on her hooves as she started getting the Sweetie treatment, and said, well, barely managed to say, “A-ah don’t want colts no more...” Sweetie wasn’t sure if it was a joke, but... either way she was happy. Apple Bloom was so fun to lick down here! Sweetie Belle chastised herself again for never doing this before. Of course it would be fun. They were supposed to be all three best friends, not just two! Sweetie eagerly spread apart those petals with her lips, and then extended her tongue forward again. She laid it along that scrunched up entrance to Apple Bloom’s pelvis. The place where a boy goes, to make you pregnant. Not inside it, but just against it, sliding her tongue along its slimy surface. It quivered when Sweetie’s tongue touched it. Apple Bloom’s squeezy thing! It wasn’t really the squeezy thing, Sweetie knew from her own experience. But those flutters she felt inside her, when Scootaloo’s tongue grazed over her entrance, that was what Sweetie Belle was seeing happen to Apple Bloom right now. Sweetie really wanted to learn more about what was happening to Apple Bloom, deep inside. She loved it when Scootaloo did it to her, so Sweetie was confident in her efforts. She dipped her tongue in, finding Apple Bloom’s entrance as pliable and stretchy as you’d expect. Sweetie swirled her tongue around the edge of it, pulling it open even as it slid back when her tongue changed directions. “That’s—the colt was—your tongue is goin’ oh mah stars you’re stretching me!” Apple Bloom belted out, when Sweetie started tonguing her entrance. Encouraged by this, Sweetie started sliding in deeper, licking Apple Bloom’s juices deeper inside her. Sweetie now understood what Scootaloo meant about her insides being hot. Apple Bloom was like an oven in there. All slimy and syrupy, but just glowing with her body heat, hotter than you’d think the inside of a filly would feel. Sweetie could only go so deep into Apple Bloom. Oh no, ponies do indeed have very long and dextrous tongues. The only reason she had to stop because she found Apple Bloom’s inner limits. When Sweetie kissed up desperately close to her friend’s rear end, she slid her tongue in Apple Bloom as far as she could, and there it... just met a point of resistance, a pocket of flesh where Apple Bloom’s passage terminated. Tongues weren’t stiff like penises, so they couldn’t stretch you out as nicely, but they could sure get all the way to the back of you. Apple Bloom was just standing in place, leaning stiffly into Sweetie’s muzzle, wailing out senselessly, “Ah cain’t! Ah caint feel any better! L-lickin’ mah... Swee... what are ya doin’ ta me?! You’re lickin’ mah belly button! Ah cain’t—ah... ahh...” Apple Bloom was going to orgasm, immediately, that much was clear. A trick that Scootaloo liked to do to really make her squeal popped into Sweetie’s head though, and she moved quickly. With her tongue pressed right up against the back of Apple Bloom’s inexperienced, uncoordinatedly flexing vagina, Sweetie started flicking just the tip of her tongue, seeking that sensitive spot that—Apple Bloom orgasmed, hard. This was also a new experience to Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom hadn’t practiced enough to know much about squeezing down her inner passage, but the orgasm doesn’t take any practice at all. It just happens to you. So Sweetie was astounded to feel the quivering flesh she was licking suddenly become a steely wall, crushing her tongue in the tightest hug, and then going completely slack again, and then clenching down, and then going slack. It wasn’t just a uniform motion either. What happened to Apple Bloom rippled up from the outside to the in. And Scootaloo was right. It really did sort of pull you inside more, with every contraction. It made Sweetie moan, to think of her inside place, pulling Scootaloo in more and more, just begging to be filled up with Scootaloo’s seed. No wonder Scootaloo couldn’t hold back, if this was what Sweetie Belle’s passage did. Wasn’t only confined to Apple Bloom’s passage either. Apple Bloom’s thighs were twitching to the same rhythm, and her tail was bobbing up in a jerky motion. The rest of Apple Bloom was so still, not because she wasn’t excited, Sweetie knew, but because she was so wracked with pleasure, like a salmon in a waterspout. Apple Bloom couldn’t even move, was just trying to stand there and clench compulsively, without knowing exactly why she had to do it. Sweetie Belle was sure that what happened to her was happening to Apple Bloom, right this very moment. Sweetie could see Apple Bloom acting just like she did. She could watch Apple Bloom fall into those quiet paroxysms of pleasure, feeling those clenches of Apple Bloom’s in more than a little awe. Something so incredible to Sweetie, now she gave Apple Bloom that very same feeling. When Apple Bloom’s clenches faded to quivering again, Sweetie pulled her tongue out. Her muzzle was so wet with Apple Bloom’s juices, her chin fur was just about soaked! Sweetie didn’t lick Apple Bloom more just yet, but nuzzled her friend’s bottom encouragingly, letting Apple Bloom come down at her own pace. Apple Bloom still took a while to respond, but Sweetie knew from experience that Apple Bloom would come out of it slowly, as the pleasure faded gradually into a sense of relief. When she thought that Apple Bloom could respond, Sweetie peeked around behind the filly and repeated herself with a silly grin. “Pretty good, huh?” “That...” Apple Bloom said incoherently. “I... mah hips... all like... ah couldn’t even...” “It’s crazy isn’t it?” Sweetie gushed eagerly. “Don’t you just love when that happens?” “It...” Apple Bloom turned to look at Sweetie in absolute astonishment. “What was that?” she exclaimed heatedly. Sweetie blinked. “You didn’t know?” she asked uneasily. Self consciously, Sweetie rubbed her chin with the side of a hoof, smearing the Apple Bloom juice off of it. “Didn’t know?!” Apple Bloom said. “Ah was explodin’ is what that was! Ah ain’t never even felt mah ...in there before, and it was moving an’ ah couldn’t stop because your tongue was makin’ me do it!” “Oh Apple Bloom, that’s the best part!” Sweetie cheered. “Where your inside place squeezes all on its own, and you can’t stop feeling good. That’s why me and Scootaloo liked it so much. We just couldn’t get enough! You didn’t know you could... do that?” “If I’da known it felt like that,” Apple Bloom huffed, brushing aside a limply sweaty lock of cherry red hair, “Ah would begged you two to join!” “Sorry,” Sweetie said apologetically. “It... we should have told you about it. It just didn’t seem... I mean, it feels good, but also kind of embarassing.” “Embarassing nothing,” Apple Bloom insisted. “Ah cain understand if you were afraid to say, but you are kinda shy like that anyway. But Sweetie, that was the best feeling of my whole life. Ah cain’t thank you enough for makin’ me feel like that!” “That’s what colts feel like,” Sweetie mentioned shyly, “When they’re putting seed inside you. That’s why they want to do that. They’re not just being mean, they just really need to feel like you did, and when they do, it can put seed in you. The squeezing you were doing, for them it’s a pumping they have to do, pumping seed out of their penis. It feels so much better to do that inside you, so they put their penis in, then it pumps you full of goo. And then you’re pregnant.” “What?” Apple Bloom said still in vague misunderstanding. “Goo? Even you said he can’t pee in me, though!” Sweetie paused in consternation. “He can’t,” she said. “What happens is he can’t pee, or do anything, and his penis goes in and out of you. Then he feels just like you did back then, and it makes him push into you as deep as he can. Then he feels his penis start jerking, and he doesn’t know why, just like you were squeezing and didn’t know why. Something other than pee starts to be in his penis. It doesn’t pee out of him; it like... squirts out of him in bursts, and gets all over you in there. It’s really slimy and feels really good.” “Uh, if’n you insist Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said uncertainly. “That sounds kinda gross, but also kinda... awesome somehow? Ah mean if’n doin’ it made him felt like that I wouldn’t mind. Is it hard to clean out?” “It’s his seed, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said intensely. “It just dribbles out, but not all of it. Some of it goes into you, and puts a foal in you. “He doesn’t want to do it,” Sweetie carefully insisted. “He just feels it happen to him, and then you’re full of his seed. You can’t feel it doing anything then, but it makes your estrus stop, and that’s because you have a foal in your belly now, and you’re going to be a mommy.” Apple Bloom just stared back, not wanting to comprehend. “That’s how fillies turn into mommies,” Sweetie said. “When a filly is in heat, like you are, if a colt puts his penis in, she feels his penis in there like you did, and that’s fine. Then, if he stays in there, she feels the squirts too, and she’s all pregnant now. For the next eleven months, her belly is going to swell up, and then a foal comes out. Her foal. Because she’s a mommy now.” They were facing each other, Apple Bloom with a look of growing horror on her face. “Y-you mean Shady was gonna...” Apple Bloom seemed to be realizing just how close she’d gotten to courting disaster. “And then S-Scootaloo?” “Yeah,” Sweetie confirmed, “That’s why he had to leave. Would you put a foal in some filly, if you could feel like that when you did it?” “Gosh I—” Apple Bloom blushed, “Ah guess ah would, if I had some kinda pumpin’ thing feeling like that. I just had to stand there and let it... like... squeeze. So colts really feel that way, when they push their thing in?” “Well, remember it was only at the end you felt it. When they start actually putting the seed inside you, they feel like that,” Sweetie explained. “They stop being able to move, so they can’t stop seeding you, and it’s too late then. But even before, they get really hungry to be in you, and it feels good for them to keep sliding until they start squirting. Just like you, except colts want to go in, instead of put ponies inside them.” “Wow,” Apple Bloom said, swaying dizzily at the thought of that .”Wow. T-thank you for that,” she murmured, wiping at her brow. “Ah didn’t know Shady was gonna put somethin’ in me after all. Ah don’t even know why was ah even so dead set on gettin’ him inside me in the first place. He was gonna make me a mommah?” “Oh good,” Sweetie said in relief. “So it did help you.” Apple Bloom blinked, and looked herself over, and she smiled brightly saying, “Hey, yeah! Ah do feel a lot better! Ah was just so pent up; ah thought ah was gonna explode!” “You kinda did,” Sweetie pointed out. Apple Bloom just nuzzled Sweetie warmly, saying, “Ah caint thank you enough. This estrus ain’t nearly as bad now that you um... licked me until I went and did that... thing.” “W-well, there is one nice thing about fillies,” Sweetie said. “It takes colts a while to recover... but a filly can um... I mean you might feel even better if I did it a few more times.” Apple Bloom blinked, and then her eyes grew liquid and she squirmed her hindquarters indulgently, saying, “You’re right! That happened to me, and—and ah still got all that filly junk back there. Ah could feel that way again and again!” Sweetie nodded, asking “So, um, just to be sure, can I start... licking you down there again?” Apple Bloom squeed giddily and turned her rear end without the slightest trace of shyness left in her. > Meanwhile, Before the Last Chapter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Bloom wasn’t fine. She was all wiggly and squirmy and itchy and hot. Her girl parts were driving her up the wall, and she didn’t know what to do! All she knew is it was estrus, and her sister told her it’s merely a mare’s burden to bare, and nothing else! Apple Bloom didn’t want her body to go into estrus, but here she was stinking up the room and at her wit’s end. One thing’s for sure, a colt had something to do with it. Apple Bloom had always found colts fascinating, with their impish ways and their boy parts, but the more her girl parts heated up and tingled the more she started thinking about them. It was so easy to look at them, to be captivated by some desire or hunger in her. She resisted at first, because her sister told her that Apple Bloom would be sorry if she didn’t, and Applejack wasn’t one to lie, but Apple Bloom couldn’t understand. Why would it be so bad to look at colts, and to be with them, and to get up all close to them and feel them like? She wasn’t exactly a terror of the playground on estrus, but Apple Bloom was kind of maybe a little intimidating. She tried not to be, but her candor just got her every time, and the hunger she felt. With her weird drippy, wrinkly bottom making her dizzy with need, she wasn’t exactly coming up with the most comfortable topics of conversation, either. “Hey Featherweight,” she’d start all casually talking to a colt, “Wanna do something together? Maybe ah could touch your boy parts?” And they’d just put her in her place, saying, “No, Apple Bloom. That’s dirty! How did you even get in the colt’s restroom?” Apple Bloom’s new obsession with colts and that mysterious tube they had between their legs seemed to have no end. She wondered why they needed that big old thing to pee with. Were they just bad at aiming? She just cut loose herself, and the pee came right out of her bottom without needing a tube to wave around, a big, fleshy, hot looking tube, that she really would love to feel... where was she? Oh right, boy things. Apple Bloom knew a second pony was the key to this spicy desire she was quivering with, keeping her from sleep, because she knew what Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were doing together. Those two wouldn’t tell her, but Apple Bloom knew. They were doing some special thing, and all the mushy cuddling and snuggling somehow kept both of them from going into estrus at all! Apple Bloom caught them once; Scootaloo was sitting up on Sweetie’s butt all weird and stuff and humping at her. Apple Bloom couldn’t figure how that helped though, because she barely saw them before Scootaloo pushed apart from Sweetie Belle, and the two of them were just stood there blushing and hiding their privates, staring in opposite directions and pretending like nothing happened. Apple Bloom respected if they wanted their privacy, and she was way too shy to ask them to let her see it, at least she was before estrus happened. But now that she was stuck with it? She was happy that they could enjoy each other, however they did. But Apple Bloom just didn’t want another filly. She wanted a colt! For something! Estrus made her absolutely colt obsessed. She would have asked to join her friends more intently but... When Scootaloo and Sweetie did their mushy stuff, Scootaloo didn’t have a big fleshy beautiful penis between her legs. They were both fillies, so what did they even do together? They hugged, and humped for some reason and... stuff like that. Scootaloo got Sweetie dripping, long before estrus got them all. Apple Bloom didn’t bug her about it out of politeness, but when Sweetie and Scootaloo would walk outta their hiding spot, and Sweetie was all flushed and frazzle haired and just about glowing, her bottom would be all like slimy and stuff. Didn’t occur to Apple Bloom why Scootaloo wasn’t so obviously the same way. It was sort of like Scootaloo gave Sweetie Belle this temporary heat, and that helped somehow, but Apple Bloom didn’t want to be more slimy. She just wanted to get some relief! Long before estrus was a concern, Apple Bloom made sure nopony was around when she looked at her own bottom, trying to figure out what was so special about the little slit down there. It was never slimy like Sweetie Belle was, so Scootaloo must have done something special to get it that way. If Scoots could do it, why couldn’t Apple Bloom? But Apple Bloom couldn’t figure out what was the trick behind those curiously pleasant feeling petals. They were right where a penis would go on a boy, that was clear. Touching them was pleasant, but she started to feel all weird and tense after a while, like... swollen or something, so she never had the nerve to keep doing it. Then one day, Apple Bloom woke up thinking she wet the bed, and then every filly in school was as slimy as Sweetie Belle ever got, except all the time. Miss Cheerilee explained that it was estrus, and colts and fillies were going to have separate recesses from now on. It would have helped if she explained more, but the teacher seemed... troubled about estrus, like angry but not at anypony in particular. Miss Cheerilee’s subject material got awfully dark once estrus started, and Apple Bloom really wondered if maybe something was wrong with her. But all Cheerilee said on estrus was their parents would help them with it, when they got home. Yeah right, fat chance of that happening. And how was Apple Bloom supposed to find time to get any advice, right in the middle of apple bucking season? The last thing Cheerilee said was this was all a natural part of growing up as ponies, but Apple Bloom wasn’t so easily convinced. It couldn’t be natural to feel something this unpleasant, and not be able to do something about it! The wet ooze leaking from her groin wouldn’t have been so bad. It wasn’t unclean or anything, just a clear slickness that made her petals real slippery back there. It was a little sticky when it dried, but easy enough to wash off with a hose. No, it was the itchiness that got her. She didn’t know why all that wet stuff would make her so itchy down there, but she couldn’t work out the urge to scratch it. Apple Bloom just wanted to take a wire brush to the darn thing to get some relief, but her rumply pee place was lots more fragile than the rest of her, and she could barely touch it without feeling like she was all fired up. Yet no matter how roughly she rubbed herself on... things, and Big Macintosh once, the itch just wouldn’t go away. It made her feel giddily happy and irritated at the same time, and it was weird. It was like she felt good, but needed to feel better. She scared away another colt that way, trying to strike up a conversation by complaining about the way dripping made her folds so itchy, and she couldn’t stop rubbing on stuff. She was apologizing really, for trying to rub on him sort of accidentally, after having snuck out again to be at the colt’s recess. But he still wouldn’t even give her the time of day after that. It was so unfair! Apple Bloom seemed to be having so much more of a hard time than anypony else. There was Sweetie Belle who was just clueless and carefree as ever. And Scootaloo, who didn’t even seem to care about boys at all. Sweetie and Scootaloo clearly fixed each other’s estrus, but good! Apple Bloom kind of wished she could be like them about fillies, instead of obsessing over colts, because then they could be friends together again, without all that boy stuff making Apple Bloom too busy to even hang out with them. Apple Bloom found herself too busy for her friends, with what appeared to be pointless and fruitless pursuits. But she couldn’t stop thinking about boys! Diamond Tiara and her friend/accomplice Silver weren’t even sweaty, or all bow legged. They stood there gracefully glowing in their estrus, and happily teased Apple Bloom about it until she just exploded, the feeling making her all irritated and screaming at them and stuff. And... after that, colts avoided her even more. Twist said it wasn’t too bad an experience for her, she just really liked colts now, and made sure not to spend time around them, what little sense that made. Maybe if Twist did spend time around colts, she’d get bad as Apple Bloom, so that was a sensible reason to avoid it, but Apple Bloom felt that way already. It was driving her crazy! Well, we’ll see who’s crazy, thought Apple Bloom, after she gets a colt of her own so she can do for herself what her fillyfooling friends did, and be totally estrus-free. Apple Bloom was determined to convince a colt to help her out, just like her estrus was hinting to her. Then she could be all set for estrus, instead of being practically the most estrus ridden filly in the whole class. It runs in the family, Applejack said. Runs in the family. That was why Applejack spent all those long tedious hours bucking apples during estrus, on account of Apple Bloom somehow managed to be born in a family that practically inherits the heat of Tartarus. There was a reason, unknown to Apple Bloom, that the Apples were so numerous, despite being so foolhardy. For all her clumsy mistakes, Apple Bloom was still way ahead of the bell curve in terms of survivability. Several dozen youngers at the Apple Family reunion, and three elders, it doesn’t take a rocket pony to do the math there. Somepony somewhere is going to succumb to a more powerful estrus than others, and it ain’t gonna be the pony who comes from a small family who all live to a ripe old age. But all Apple Bloom knew was she wanted a colt, and she wanted this itch in her scratched something fierce. She wanted like... Scootaloo, but a colt! She even fantasized about Scootaloo with a penis, biting her pillow and squirming in the night, wishing she could stop thinking about it. That weird humping motion that the filly did, once atop Sweetie Belle, when those two thought Apple Bloom wasn’t looking. Apple Bloom was losing sleep over it! In the end, Apple Bloom didn’t tell her colt about how much she was aching down there. She didn’t try to nuzzle at his crotch right away, or even stick hers in his face. She was doing that a lot for some reason, whenever she broke out of the estrus pen and found her way into the colt paddock again. Apple Bloom didn’t do anything at all to scare this colt. She was real careful there, to get him to follow her, and to get him away from the eyes of the grownups, before they could separate her again and keep her from... finding out... whatever it was Apple Bloom wanted so much with colts. She’d figure it out on the fly. In the end, she just said, “Hey Shady, you wanna follow me?” The handsome looking Shady Daze, a grey on grey-blue colt with a beautiful smile and a dorky voice, Apple Bloom just needed to get him in her clubhouse. Then they could figure out what to... what you do then. He started to say “N-n..” but Apple Bloom waved her tail over his nose and slyly said, “It’s a secret,” and boy howdy did that convince Shady. He must really love secrets or something. So, together they stole away to the most private place she knew: the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse. Only Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo ever went there, and Apple Bloom thought smugly to herself as she pranced giddily beside her colt, that maybe they would walk in on her this time. Apple Bloom knew she wouldn’t jump apart and make it so they couldn’t see what was happening. They’d know everything, and that they didn’t have to hide from her anymore, and then they’d once again be the best of friends. And Shady too, but whatever. “Whatever” turned out to be really bucking important, because for all her well laid plans, Apple Bloom didn’t know what to do when they were standing there in the clubhouse, awkwardly sideways to each other. She struggled to collect her dazed thoughts, and say something that wouldn’t get him turning up his lip, or running out of the Acres fast as his little hooves could take him. “Ah need your help,” she said finally. It was honest, and innocent enough. “How can I help?” he said skeptically. “You don’t need me, you’re just all weird from estrus.” “But estrus makes me want colts,” Apple Bloom protested, then when he stepped back she said, “Ah mean, not like that, just you know... it’s a clue that we gotta do something together.” Shady put his hoof down and looked away, saying, “You know colts feel it too.” Apple Bloom blinked cluelessly. “Your smell,” he said. “Colts get the same way but only if they smell you. Like in this...uh...place. You’re really uh...” he blushed and lifted a leg and—and Apple Bloom couldn’t look away. There was his penis. It was so long and black, and it was twitching like a living thing. What was she saying? Of course it was a living thing! It was a warm living part of the pony she was with. It was Shady, the part of him that was a boy and a penis. “I dunno why,” he gulped at Apple Bloom’s spellbound stare, lowering his leg and shifting away self consciously. “But I didn’t come... I didn’t come here without feeling it too. I just want to... be with you I guess.” “Oh, so mah tail...” Apple Bloom said looking at her tail with a newfound respect. “Yeah,” he said guiltily. “I don’t know what it is, but your tail just smelled so good, and it was too easy to get... to get out of there and follow you. Is that why you brought me here, b-because I smelled too?” “N—” Apple Bloom started, but then she paused and flared her nostrils. “Y’know, ah think... maybe?” she offered. “Ah ain’t thinkin’ too clearly, this estrus just messes with me. Ah just wanna go down and smell your penis an’ sorry that was stupid ah shouldn’t have said that.” Her hot blush however, was answered with a nervous, “Um, okay.” Apple Bloom looked up and he gave a half smile, lifting his leg and saying, “We got away, right? Maybe we can find out just why we want each other so bad.” “Y-yeah that’s exactly what ah’m tryin’ to do,” Apple Bloom said cautiously. “So, you won’t run away, right?” “I uh, you’re okay I guess just... don’t do anything too crazy.” Apple Bloom felt like she was walking on eggshells when she slowly craned her head down to sniff at him curiously. And wouldn’t you know, he was right. His scent was intoxicating. It smelled like the best cinnamon spice, so very concentrated around his boy pole. She was so close to it, she never even seen one so close for so long before. It wasn’t just a pole. It had a ring around the middle for some reason, and the the end while broad and flat, was kind of a bit puffy rather than a flat plane. She could see his... the pee hole in it. She was... She was so freaking wet! She groaned as something moved inside her. She wanted it so bad, it was practically calling to her. Shady Daze’s penis looked... delicious... “You okay there Apple BLOO” Shady managed to say before Apple Bloom’s tongue grazed on the surface of his penis. It felt like the softest velvet to her, with a stiff turgidity beneath it, that only stiffened more as her tongue caressed along that spicy, salty shaft. She—! Apple Bloom scrambled back, face ablaze as she said, “Oh please don’t run, ah didn’t mean it. Ah don’t mind; ah love your penis! Ah mean, it’s fine, it’s... please Shady, you gotta help me out!” She might have been a... a little crying at this point. Shady just looked at her in alarm, and said, “Whatever you want, you better do it quick. You really don’t look so good!” The disarrayed Apple Bloom, even more heated than she’d ever been in her life from sheer proximity to this boy, stammered “Ah’m just sorry. Ah licked your... uhm... it just sorta occurred to me. It tasted real uh... smooth. Ah promise ah won’t hurt you!” “Uhh, no it didn’t hurt actually,” he said. “I don’t mind you licking it. You know penises like to be hot and wet, right? It’s nothing to worry about.” “R-right ah... no I didn’t know that,” Apple Bloom said, her mind on a certain other hot wetness of hers. “Y’know mah girl part, the place where ah ain’t got a penis? It gets so hot and wet.” She presented for him, saying, “See? Y-you think your penis’d like that?” her tail bobbed up high compulsively, as she whined, “Ah cain’t stop makin’ it all wet down there, ever since estrus stART” He practically drove his nose into her nethers, just inhaling deeply. “Wow, you,” he said inhaling again, “Wow... it’s making this smell.” “A-are ya teasing me?” Apple Bloom asked uncertainly, at the colt who was very distractedly nosing underneath her tail. “Ah know ah stink it’s just natchral ah keep clean enough. It just this dumb e-estrus...” She danced her hindquarters away from Shady, but not to discourage him, rather to ask him, “What’re ya smellin?” He looked pensive, so she hurriedly corrected and said, “Ah mean I don’t mind, so what do ah smell like?” “It’s so like... rose apples caramel...thing,” he said uncertainly, exclaiming “You just smell incredible! How could you even say you stink?” Apple Bloom was pretty red faced at the compliments saying, “W-well it is awful st-strong an’ ah... ah guess it ain’t so bad...” “Can I—” he said, nosing again at Apple Bloom’s blank yellow hindquarters. “Can I—” he repeated somewhat absently. “P-please do,” she said accomodatingly. He was actually asking her to present for him. “Ah guess if you like mah smell that’s why I gotta...” she faced away from him and lifted her tail it just bounced up all on its own. Because her estrus was making her do it, so she’d smell more for him! She—something shifted in her behind and she breathed harder as it made her feel so muzzy headed. Shady snuffled there, and told Apple Bloom just how wonderful she was, and Apple Bloom blushed as her nethers seemed to attract him so much. She thought she felt his... felt something wet on her petals, but it couldn’t have been that. It was too quick for her to really tell, on account of she can’t watch her own rear end. Her hungry rear end that was just going crazy at a colt being there and opening for him—she felt it flex back there again. “Y’like that?” she cooed, loving what he said about her scent almost as much as she loved his nose pressed against her. Apple Bloom wasn’t stinky after all. She was a special colt smell...filly. She wasn’t thinking so clearly, but she didn’t have to think clearly. She just knew that she smelled good to him, because she felt the sweet validation of his hungry snuffling just right up against her there. She bit her lip with anticipation, so giddy that her estrus was making him do this. She didn’t know why she was so happy! He suddenly stopped paying attention to her, leaving her wondering where he was, then his hooves came down heavily on her rump. ...what? “Shady, what’re ya doin?” Apple Bloom asked anxiously, looking back at the incensed colt climbing atop her. “Your thing was moving,” he said amazedly, “And I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Your filly thing. I can’t believe how hard I am... my penis, I mean. It wants you, Apple Bloom, I just... it aches just thinking about you! Smelling you. What is estrus? I just wanted to uh, I don’t know I’m just... “...hugging you? “I–I have to uh... s-sorry,” he said, abashedly, looking down at Apple Bloom’s rump as if he just noticed it was there. Starting to push off—no! “No, wait, this has gotta be it!” Apple Bloom said, intrigued now. She turned to face forward, stepping back to push her rear more firmly underneath Shady’s chest. “This is what Sweetie and Scoots were doin’” she called over her shoulder, “So it must be part of the estrus thing! It feels real... real good.” It did, too. Apple Bloom had never felt safer, or more secure, than when the reassuring weight of that colt came to load heavily on her hindquarters. “Ah like holdin’ you up,” she said, happily bouncing her rump under him. “We’re doin’ it right!” “If...if you insist,” he said. He held her like, hugging, but pulling himself closer to her, adjusting-like. Then he huffed and his penis it— it thwacked her genitals! “Sorry!” he said, blushing. “I-it jerks up sometimes.” “You can...” Apple Bloom’s eyes widened and her legs stiffened. “You can touch me down there, with your penis?” “Uh, yeah there’s not a lot of r-room back here, sorry,” he said. “But your penis likes hot and wet, you said!” Apple Bloom argued, feeling hungrier for being mounted, still not sure what she wanted, but sure that it involved this somehow. “And ah’m hot and wet. So maybe mah estrus made me ready, just for you!” “So I can...” he murmured. “Yeah, use mah hoo ha to make your penis feel good,” she suggested smartly. “Ah bet it’ll make my hoo ha feel good too!” Shady certainly wasn’t going to say no to that. He slapped her underside then shifted his hips to press the shaft against her at an angle, then started sliding it alongside her wetness, Apple Bloom feeling her sensitive slit part slightly to accomodate the broad side of his shaft. Apple Bloom quickly came to love the delicious velvety slidey feel of his shaft sliding against her, slicking down with her juices, and Shady loved it so much he gasped, the colt saying, “You’re so soft! Y-you feel so...” and then just fell to heated murmurs. “This feels so great,” Apple Bloom agreed, with a dreamy sigh, “This gotta be what we’re supposed to do. Just keep doin’ it, just like that!” They did slide together with some success, until inevitably the head of Shady’s penis wedged inside her. “Uh, it won’t slide...” he said in confusion. “Are you g-grabbing it?” “Just um... pull outta there?” Apple Bloom asked uncertainly. “Then you can slide again. S-sorry ah got places you could get caught on back there.” Shady did so, and Apple Bloom felt curiously disappointed at the feel of his tip parting from her folds, sliding alongside them once again. He kept rubbing on her all the way to the very tip of his shaft, and eventually he just stuck in her again. Apple Bloom knew her nether lips had a little space within them, between them and the perineum of her pelvic wall, and that’s all she figured it was. Shady was just pushed up against her pee place, and he’d gotten caught on those weird lippy things back there. But it felt so good to have her little petals wrapping around his shaft, she didn’t want him to just go back to rubbing again. “Shady wait!” Apple Bloom said before he could pull back and start sliding again. “Just stay in there,” she said with a giddy grin, “It feels real good when you do it that way.” “But I can’t slide,” he whined, unconvinced. “All I can do is uhm...” He pushed his penis strongly against her, and abruptly Apple Bloom was stretched tight around him! Shady unceremoniously pushed like an inch into her, driving her senses into complete confused disarray. “O-Oh, wow...” his voice came to a troubled and incensed Apple Bloom. “What are you doin’?!” she whispered harshly. He was pushing against her bottom, wasn’t he? It was like she wasn’t even there though. She couldn’t feel her own body getting in his way at all! “How are ya gettin’ so stuck in me?” “D-don’t know but it’s awesome,” he said, heaving forward. Apple Bloom didn’t know what he was doing. She looked upside down between her legs, but his penis was just aiming right at her pelvis and not sliding underneath her. She felt a terribly tenuous tension with her innermost vulva, stretched to their very limit around his shaft, but it wasn’t just the tip of his penis pressed against her anymore, but far down the side. His shaft had slid, edging past those stretched petals, and now almost half his penis was just about gone!. His shaft was sliding through her, like it was disappearing as he pushed it against her! Apple Bloom found her innermost vulva so painfully stretched around him, but somehow he just kept going past that without resistence. He felt so deep! She lifted her head and winced as he pushed against her, a whine creeping up in her throat. He couldn’t be going inside her? Was he boring a hole into her? Those inner petals were so tight around him, like painfully tight. She felt like he was pulling her apart! She felt like she was gonna ...break if he kept doing this. Apple Bloom tried to resist, tried to be... not be open deeper in there, but her estrus was running rampant, and the more she tried, the easier it was for him to slide in, and he took full advantage of it. She could only stand there helplesly as he shoved roughly into her, and she couldn’t stretch wide enough! “Shady wait!” she said when another persistent shove made that tight ring at her entrance flare painfully, like she was taut as a rubber band. “It hurts Shady!” she whimpered in alarm, “Ah don’t think we’re supposed... Shady, please!!” but he wouldn’t stop pushing. It was like he couldn’t even hear her, just push against her relentlessly. Then it felt so incredible, that Apple Bloom just couldn’t resist squirming with a strong convulsion of her insides around him, and that was it. She outright cried out in pain as she couldn’t hold herself together anymore, that horrible tension suddenly just gave and he freaking sunk into her. He tore her—her thing, just to get into that deep place! Shady’s dick was plummetting into a place Apple Bloom never even knew about, deeper than she ever knew was possible. He tore her open wide! Or... something? After that thrust made her squeal in pain, Shady didn’t move a muscle. She looked back at him, and he was staring at her fearfully. “What’d you do to me, Shady?” Apple Bloom demanded, with stinging tears running down her eyes. He was all shoved up against her butt! Did he even care? He looked surprised like... what did he do?! “Y’hurt me!” she squealed at him, “You gotta pull uh...” she had to stop and stare at her own fuzzy yellow butt uncertainly, trying to word just how he was to remove his penis from inside her. Trying to get her head around the fact that his freaking penis was inside her. “Stop... bein’ in ...there?” His paralysis broke at that. “A-a-ap—I’m so sorry!” he stammered out in a panic. He heaved against her deeper no, no, then he was pulling out—owww—dangit, he broke her hoo ha! He yanked out of her stinging petals, and clopped to the ground. “Are you okay?” he asked, nosing at her groin in worry, “I didn’t mean to I just—you felt so hot in there! I didn’t know it hurt that much! I just had to keep going in!” Apple Bloom turned herself around and inspected the damage to her rump in the stand mirror they had here at the CMC clubhouse. Pulling aside her vulva with a hoof, she caught a glimpse of her closing up vaginal passage in the mirror. There was a tiny trickle of blood from the inner ring of vulva that had been torn where she had been so unbearably tight, but all Apple Bloom could gape at was her own reflection gaping back at her. His penis just broke her uh... hoo ha, and made a hole there? But now it was closing? “Ah don’t even...what?” she said in bafflement at the sight of that, not sure why that was a hole in her at all at this point. Shady was also looking in the mirror, and he just shrugged at her, saying, “That’s where I... um... was. But it was only hard to push at first, until the entrance stopped being tight all of a sudden. I don’t know why it closed up again.” “Ah broke open, or something...” she said dazedly. “What did you uh... why were you pushin’ on me so hard?” “Well, I was goin’ in you,” Shady said thoughtfully, “And it felt really good, but you were really hard to push in. I–I couldn’t stop I didn’t know I was breaking anything. You just got really easy to push into once you, uh. I was already way in there when you opened up. It didn’t break open did it?” “It broke, alright!” Apple Bloom said to him angrily. “Stung like a bee!” “I–I–I’m sorry,” he said, sort of backing for the door. “Are you gonna be okay?” Apple Bloom started to shout, but then closed her eyes and just huffed an angry, frustrated sob, trying not to yell at him anymore. She couldn’t scare this one away. “I’m fine,” she lied. But actually... wait. “Actually,” Apple Bloom said in a surprised tone, looking at her blank rear with a sort of detached puzzlement. “Ah amfine. I don’t feel nothin’ anymore. Shouldn’t ah be like... bleeding and stuff?” She looked in the mirror again and... she was bleeding, but... he only broke her like, lippy things or something. No matter how she spread herself with a hoof, there wasn’t anything bleeding besides that little ring around the entrance to her new hole, and that didn’t even look too bad. Was it even bleeding anymore? If Shady had straight out punched that hole in her, she should be bleeding out, from a wound like that! Looking at Shady’s penis critically, Apple Bloom couldn’t fathom how a flat, squishy thing like that would just bore a hole inside her, no matter how hard he shoved it against her. That is... not unless she already had the hole in her. “When you pushed in, ah was skeered on account of I thought you were breaking me open deeper inside,” Apple Bloom said as Shady nosed with curious interest at her wet nether lips, “But the only thing that hurt was that lil’ part. Maybe ah had that hole in me before, an’ just didn’t know it? Huh, Shady? Shady?” Shady responded by mounting her rear end, and again bringing his penis to bear. “Shady, w-what are you doin’?!” Apple Bloom said in alarm, jumping forward skittishly as his swinging dick slapped her vulva. She felt so... reluctant to do so! She couldn’t hardly think, with the thought of him on top of her dominating her thoughts. Even when she slid free of him and he clopped to the floor again, he just came forward again, seeking out her backside as though mesmerised. “It’ll... it’ll hurt again,” Apple Bloom whimpered unconvincingly, pushing him back with a hind hoof, but her tail was lifting at the thought of what he was doing. What he was trying to do. “You cain’t just s-stick your boy thing in p-places.” “C’mon Apple Bloom,” Shady said in a hurt tone of voice, mounting up on the barely resisting filly again. She didn’t want to stop him. She just stood there, watching dumbly over her shoulder, while he gripped her thighs. What was wrong with her? “It felt so good,” Shady said with an amorous whicker, “It only hurt a little bit, you said. Come on, just let me do it some more!” “Ah don’t want you to—” her unconvincingly half-hearted plea was cut off, at the feel of his dick slapping her vulva again. He was gonna stick it in her again and—and she was gonna wrap around him. Apple Bloom didn’t want to hurt more, but she didn’t want to stop! “Shady please,” Apple Bloom said tearfully, “Don’t do this...” She pulled free from him with such reluctance, but her tail just would not stop flagging for him. She walked forward b-but her tail was up, and he could see her and... she just stood there trembling, feeling that weird movement in her nethers that got him to mount her, and just ...letting it happen. She just knew he was gonna climb up, and she remembered the... the thing his penis did. That was how it’d go, right? She shook her head trying to clear it. It didn’t work so well. Her bottom was just so drippy, and achy and he could see her—she winked. He reared up for her. That twitch down there was making him do it! She winked again, forced herself to wink again, even though it didn’t matter on account of he was already mounting her. Because she wanted it so bad! Why would she want him to hurt her, yet... he was on top of her and that was so incredible! Shady didn’t get put off by her desperation, thoroughly incensed himself. Nostrils flaring at her scent, at Apple Bloom’s weird smelly scent, he reared up and planted on her. “Look, do you want a colt or don’t you?” he said irritably. “Because I’m a colt, and I want to just go in like that. You said it didn’t hurt a lot. Can’t you just put up with it?” “Y’don’t unnerstand Shady it wasn’t—” Apple Bloom whimpered as he hooked in her underparts, just like before, and she couldn’t stop her body from just wrapping around him, and accepting him in. It was making her blush so hard, what he was doing to her. She hated the idea of him pushing free! “Oh golly Shady, ah dunno!” Apple Bloom said tremulously, as he started to slide into her, “I don’t want it to hurt again!” “No you don’t understand!” he snorted in frustration, “I n-never wanted anything more in my life!” he shoved as he shouted, and he slid into her—there simply wasn’t anything to stop him! “I want inside you so bad Apple Bloom, j-just let me... please, just... “I’ll be... careful...” he said with half lidded eyes. He knew she was letting him, and Apple Bloom didn’t know why but she just couldn’t bear to stop his advances. “Just tell me when it hurts and I’ll stop,” he said in a very focused tone. His penis stilled in her, then pushed deeper. Stilled, then pushed deeper. So careful, yet he refused to stop. Apple Bloom whimpered and faced forward, closing her eyes and anxiously waiting for that terrible tension she felt before. His penis was so gooey and sliding in there; it was really distracting. All she felt in her petals was a dull ache so far, but deeper inside, it was just so darned satisfying, as she felt stretching in places deeper than she knew she had. Apple Bloom’s eyes snapped open, as once again a strong urge surged in her down there to clench down, like being on the edge of a yawn. She was afraid to indulge the urge with his penis in there, but it was so hard not to do it, as stretched open as she was! Then his pelvis ground up on hers, a sudden flare in her pleasure as her more sensitive surface was suddenly stimulated by a hot colt body pressed against it. Apple Bloom couldn’t hold back then, and fell right over the edge, a low moan coming from her as she couldn’t resist squeezing and like stretching her legs in the morning, that mysterious inside place just clamped down on him so delightfully. It was a ripple inside her, that tightened and relaxed, and just as it affected her, Shady himself gave a surprised moan. “S-sorry Shady, ah just couldn’t hold that back. You’re stretchin’ me so wide ah—ah don’t even know!” Apple Bloom apologized confusedly. “That felt so good Apple Bloom,” Shady said. “You just got tight in there I... I can’t get any deeper at all. Oh Apple Bloom you feel so deep.” “Y-yeah,” Apple Bloom agreed nervously, trembling a moment, until her ears suddenly perked. He was buried in her as far as he could go. There was nothing more he could stretch open in there. And it didn’t hurt at all! “Oh mah Celestia, Shady,” Apple Bloom said, in sudden enthusiasm, her hips surging against his as she reveled in the sudden realization. “You caint get any deeper! It—it don’t hurt at all!” “What?” he gasped at the filly practically bucking beneath him trying to see herself down there. “But you said it would hurt!” “It did hurt!” Apple Bloom said in wonder at what was happening to her behind, “It musta been just the one time, though! Ah feel great now. Ah feel... great. Y’can... you can have this all you want, if’n it feels like this! Go ahead an’ go inta me. Ah love makin’ you feel good, Shady~” With the reassuring feel of his hooves on her hips, Apple Bloom didn’t even feel nervous at what was happening to her. This was fine. This was perfect! She gave the sweetest of nickers as she felt his thick hot length move inside her. Every inch he had put in had just seemed more satisfying than the last, and now she was so full. It was like a good meal, but it was his penis! It was better than Apple Bloom could have even imagined. She was made to have a penis in her! As if that didn’t blow her mind enough, she was well and truly astonished by how good it felt, when he tried to pull out. Emphasis: tried. It was just like he was shoving in, sliding in reverse along the walls of her empassioned canal. “Don’t take it... out yet Shady!” she huffed, unable to stop him from pulling out any more than she could stop him from pushing in. But helpless as she was, he listened to her. He reversed course, sliding up into her again. Apple Bloom loved him going into her. What was all this? Making Apple Bloom so deliciously filled, Shady shoved back in, in one delicious, smooth thrust. “I d-don’t wanna pull out yet,” he said huskily. “Stay in me...” she responded softly, hugging him with her tail. “It don’t hurt, ah love it so much. Y’can be in me long as you want... ah’ll keep your penis safe and warm,” “Ohh Apple Bloom, you feel so wet and hot in there...” he murmured atop her. “’s inside me, after all,” she speculated huffily, “Like a t-thermometer, lots hotter inside. Gotta stick it inside~” “Yeah, but, but it’s incredible,” he said bemusedly to her. “It’s incredible hot! I feel like my penis could be in there forever!” “You know what’s incredible?” Apple Bloom said in dizzy enthusiasm. “Is you bearin’ down on mah hips like that y’feel so steady and heavy and you’re like a big thick pole insidea me. Y’r stretchin’ me all around~ ah’ve a boy i-inside me!” They just stayed like that, unsure of what to do next, unsure of each other, or their own feelings. Just a movement away from hard rutting, not knowing what a dangerous game they played as Shady reveled in being inside Apple Bloom, and Apple Bloom got used to just having him inside her. “It doesn’t hurt anymore?” Shady asked incredulously, looking down at the filly he was penetrating. “Ah think that was just a temporary thing,” Apple Bloom said with a happy tail wiggle, as much as she could wiggle it with Shady all close against and inside her. “It weren’t even so bad,” she added. “Ah kinda liked it!” “You liked being hurt,” he said, doubtfully. Apple Bloom grinned nervously, “No, like it... uh... like a good stretch in the mornin’. Mah uh... inways thing needs a good stretchin’. But sometimes you get a Charlie Horse an’... ok bad analogy, but ah cain’t think, with your penis insidea me! You don’t even know it’s hahh...” she quivered and leaned into his pelvis, the colt clinging to her strongly as Bloom delighted in her hips shoved up underneath him, where he fit inside her like a key in a lock. It made so much logical sense now, why boys had a penis. It was to fit inside Apple Bloom. Just like his penis went out and got real big, her hoo ha went in, and took him and took him. He didn’t need a penis to pee. He needed a penis to fit inside Apple Bloom! To make her feel this good! He—wait. Apple Bloom closed her eyes, breathing hard trying to find words again. It was hard though, because their shallow, thoughtless, mutual rocking was just starting to turn into sliding thrusts. Apple Bloom managed to yelp out “Shady... you ain’t gonna... gonna pee in there, are you?” There was a terrible pause as both shuddered to stillness. Apple Bloom blushed horribly. Why did she ask that? That was so stupid. Now he was going to pull out, and think she was weird, and hate her! “W-what?! No!” Shady exclaimed in horror. “Why would I do that?” “Your thing is for peein!” she moaned in alarm. Why was she saying this? But he was gonna pee in her! “An’ it’s all stuffed inside me! Are you supposed to pee in there?” she whimpered, “A-ah feel like a holder for you. Ah don’t wanna think that... I mean, if you had to do it, I wouldn’t... “Mind...” Apple Bloom mumbled, shivering from bow to tail tip. That couldn’t be what this is for; there’s no sense in her just being a fancy filly... toilet! Did stallions have some special need she didn’t know about? “Oh please don’t pull out!” she said desperately. She was quivering in there. His whole shaft was just... she was all around him, and he pushed her wide! Why did that feel so incredible? “I... can’t,” he said in tense tones. “Huh?” Apple Bloom asked cluelessly, looking back at the stallion who was breeding her. “Can’t what?” she asked the handsome, practical looking colt. Who was breeding her. “I c-can’t pee when it’s stiff,” Shady explained. “When fillies do this to me, I have to... to wait for it to get soft. It’s really... I can’t pee in you. And I never would—you feel too good!” “Then why are you inside me?” Apple Bloom huffed out in consternated passion. “This is so intense ah caint... you feel so big in mah hips an... why are we like this?” “I dunno,” he said to her lowly, “But I love it.” Apple Bloom bit back a quiet squeal, as her insides decided to squeeze around him again, all on their own. He and her were both panting at the feeling of that. “S-squeezing good too,” he added faintly. “Sure is~” Apple Bloom purred, rocking her hips against his lustfully. He responded by rocking his hips against hers, and in mutual unconscious agreement, their thrusting had begun. “What are we doing?” he repeated hotly, as it started to happen, not even knowing why he was thrusting, but so very unwilling to stop. “Shady you’re slidin’ in me!” Apple Bloom moaned, impassioned. His jitters against her were thickening, and deepening, making the firm member within her tug her moist flesh back and forth with a slickened, sliding motion. “Oh Apple Bloom, yes...” he practically growled, driving himself to the task with purpose and desire, to slide in and out of Apple Bloom’s special inside place as much as possible, every stroke making the two ponies fall further into a haze of lust. Apple Bloom felt like she was curled around him in there, like a kitty around her adored catnip toy. She had a... a grabbylike thing in there, all around every part of him inside. When she was around him, and squeezing, she could feel him so starkly. And now those quivering tingly stretchy walls he discovered in her, his shaft slid along them slickly, pulling in and out. “Shady~” she whined urgently. “Shady, your slidin’~” Apple Bloom said, rocking her hips against him, “It’s—!” It was making her feel so good! She tried to make it happen more. She could do it too! All Shady had to do was stand there, and Apple Bloom would move her hips, churn him in and out of her special amazing wonderful place forever. But he didn’t just stand there. No, he pulled, and her quivering clutches begged him not to leave, and then he pushed and soon the flat head of his shaft smushed up against her deepest parts, and she opened for him deep inside. She shuddered as he slid in her, not from even a hint of pain, but just sheer overwhelming pleasure. He was so squishy, but so hard! She loved her inside thing getting all stretched open like that! And the sliding! He was like a hot, stiff, soft piston inside her. She didn’t think her tail was ever going to go down, after feeling like this! They quickly got into the rhythm, both foals eager to move in the way that would (after a certain very surprising ejaculation) result in freedom from estrus, followed by a gravid belly for Apple Bloom many months down the line. All she knew was that slick wet penis was plunging into her again and again, and there were no downsides to this whatsoever. Apple Bloom didn’t have to think. She just did, and was. There was no talking, only heated thrusting, and passionate whinnies split by quiet squeals of urgent pleasure. Apple Bloom was so gloriously satisfied by what they were doing. He throbbed in her so very— “Apple Bloom, noooooo!” > Emergency Contingencies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Having your friend’s muzzle mashed up against your vulva tends to make being shy a rather difficult thing to accomplish after all, and Apple Bloom was not a very shy pony. In heat, Apple Bloom was pretty much the polar opposite of a shy pony. Add having just experienced the unmistakable wonder of orgasm waiting here for Scootaloo in the clubhouse, and Apple Bloom was very a agreeable pony when it came to the idea of getting more tongue stroking up in her tingling petals; not hesitant at all to lift her tail, when Sweetie’s nose sought underneath. Sweetie gladly nuzzled Apple Bloom’s privates, and stroked the soft yellow hindquarters presented to her, feeling the slick fur against her firm white hoof, well lubricated with that juicy fluid that Apple Bloom involuntarily produced. Then, delightedly, Sweetie Belle started licking her friend again. Sweetie knew Apple Bloom would be close to orgasm now, and her special button would be less sensitive, so Sweetie could really start blowing her mind. So she did, and while eagerly tonguing Apple Bloom’s feminine petals, practically dancing around that twitchy clitoris Apple Bloom had, Sweetie’s eyes glanced up as Apple Bloom’s tail came down. It pressed against Sweetie’s slim back, then just sort of... tenderly curved over it, like Apple Bloom was hugging her. Apple Bloom didn’t say anything, but she didn’t have to. Sweetie Belle was right where she was supposed to be right now. Apple Bloom hadn’t managed the second orgasm before Scootaloo roared back into the clearing. Sweetie sort of wanted to draw it out, and ease her into the feeling, as raw as Apple Bloom’s nerves might be right now. But that meant Scootaloo was going to see this, and she was sure Apple Bloom would panic at the very thought of that. Sure enough, at the sound of the scooter, Apple Bloom immediately leaped away from Sweetie’s muzzle, standing stiffly, staring with terrible anxiety at the entryway into the clubhouse. It couldn’t be helped though; really it was no more embarassing to be all gooey under your tail than it was to have somepony licking you there, and Sweetie Belle was not going to let Scootaloo make the mistake of mounting Apple Bloom again. Sweetie just shook her head silently, put a hoof on Apple Bloom’s hindquarters, and guided her nose back between the yellow pony’s legs. If Apple Bloom could protest, with Sweetie’s tongue stroking her into hot tingles, the most Bloom gave out was a tense whine. In this fashion, Apple Bloom got to stand there shaking with insecurity, when Scootaloo walked in on them. “Okay, Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo shouted, trotting quickly up the ramp into their clubhouse. “I got the...thing...” There was the sound of a box hitting the floor. Sweetie didn’t look, just swished her tail playfully, and kept on teasingly lipping at Apple Bloom’s vulva. Apple Bloom herself seemed to feel obliged to say, “Oh h-hey... Scootaloo... w-we j-UH” That last part was Sweetie tickling the fun button with her tongue. It’d be better if Apple Bloom just took this, rather than trying to talk her way out of it. Plus that meant Sweetie could lick her privates more, and make her friend feel so good it left her speechless in the face of adversity. “Wow, you are really... that’s amazing...” Scootaloo said a heavy passion in his voice, walking up to the periphery of Sweetie Belle’s vision. The more Apple Bloom tensed up at his presence, the warmer her bottom felt to Sweetie. Apple Bloom was almost drooling out juices faster than Sweetie Belle could lick it up. And now Sweetie wasn’t the only one who could see this secret thing, that she was making Apple Bloom’s bottom do. Sweetie Belle really wanted to make Apple Bloom orgasm now. “I never thought of that!” Scootaloo continued, in unabashed amazement, trying to peer between the two, even as Apple Bloom’s tail came down again over Sweetie Belle, trying senselessly to hide her from sight. There was no hiding what was happening though, and Scootaloo exclaimed the truth, “She’s licking you, just like I lick her sometimes!” “Y-you do?” Apple Bloom whimpered, her breath hitching up. Sweetie was sure this was about it for her friend. No way Apple Bloom could stop what was rising in her now, not with Scootaloo, a colt, there watching her, not a ponylength away. Not with Apple Bloom’s arousal leeching away her ability to resist. Not with that tension within you that just makes it harder to resist the more you try. No, Sweetie was going to succeed a second time, because Scootaloo’s tongue taught her well just how to make a filly feel amazing. And there was no way Apple Bloom could resist, since Sweetie did everything she loved being done to her. She wasn’t sure what did it in the end, but between Sweetie’s teasing licks around Apple Bloom’s clitoris, just barely touching it, and sliding up into her colt hole again, and just... tugging Apple Bloom’s vulva so that it tugged at the clitoris, Apple Bloom’s hips rocked abruptly back against Sweetie Belle, as the filly fell over the peak of orgasm like an avalanche. Apple Bloom gave a cry that fell to wet gasps as the orgasm ripped through her. Sweetie pulled back while it happened, carefully leaving Apple Bloom untouched; seeing momentarily, her best friend hunched down, ass up, gaping and clenching secretly inside herself over and over again. Apple Bloom’s tail was bobbing along to that ancient rhythm, her breathing slow and ragged as she shuddered there, head hanging low. Scootaloo had dropped the box unnoticed and couldn’t stop staring at what was happening, at the sight of his two friends, one of whom was feeling the best feeling in the world. Sweetie then went in, and kissed Apple Bloom’s vulva, and the moment her tongue slathered that tortured clit, Apple Bloom cried out again, and her convulsions resurged in speed and power. And now Apple Bloom was feeling better than the best feeling in the world, just as Sweetie had hoped. It was so easy to make her do it. You just took what worked for yourself, and paid attention to Apple Bloom’s feelings and reactions, to adjust it to her liking. Apple Bloom was feeling so good from this, it kind of made Sweetie wish that Scootaloo would be able hold back on putting his penis inside so eagerly, so that Sweetie Belle could feel that sort of thing too. Not that she’d ever give up that penis for anything. She wouldn’t, would she? Sweetie didn’t know if pregnant fillies still wanted to put penises inside them, with a foal also inside. The foal came out of that same stretchy passage, so maybe it wouldn’t be fun to put a penis in there anymore? Sweetie hoped not. Right now, she was just starting out being pregnant, and she was still about drenched from the dock down, by her hungry birth canal. All that she’d been doing to Apple Bloom, made Sweetie Belle really want a penis. It was a desire she’d found, that inadvertantly put a foal in her. Sweetie just hoped this desire she’d found wouldn’t go away, as the foal started to get bigger. So with Apple Bloom insensate from the best climax of her life, that being the second climax of her life, Sweetie turned to Scootaloo and—ironically—felt a little shy. “I was just helping her a little,” Sweetie said, twirling a hoof on the ground. “Waiting for you to get back.” “Wasn’t that long, it’s only about ten miles,” Scootaloo said in an impressed tone. “You’re fast!” He walked up to Apple Bloom, looking at her curiously. “A-and you’re better at licking than I am. Can she even see me?” “Yes,” Sweetie said surely. “She can see you, and she probably wonders if you mind that she can’t say hello, until the good feelings let her go.” Sweetie paused, and added for Scootaloo, maybe a little vindictively, “Just imagine you were making a filly pregnant. Would it be easy to talk, then?” Scootaloo blushed, and his lack of answer was answer enough. Silence while they waited those precious seconds for Apple Bloom to recover. It was hard to tell whether Apple Bloom was still going, or just being thoughtful. But her shallow breathing evened out, and her tension relaxed, her body seeming to glow with a beautiful satisfaction. She turned her head to Sweetie eventually, and said bashfully, “Ah was kinda feelin’ like that, yeah...” She turned to Scootaloo saying, “Sorry Scoots, it was just... so like all...” Apple Bloom didn’t want to look Scootaloo in the eye, so Sweetie just hugged them both together, and said cheerfully, “Okay! We’re ready to really knock out Apple Bloom’s estrus now.” Apple Bloom gulped nervously at Sweetie, and said, “Are ya sure? A-ah feel fine ah mean, maybe we don’t have to you know go all crazy and all.” “I just want to make sure,” Sweetie insisted, picking up the box in her teeth and laying it in her lap. “I don’t want you to have to be pregnant too. It’s bad enough that I have to do it. Do the... making a foal thing, I mean.” “What is it like, Sweetie?” Apple Bloom asked her, while Sweetie fought with the packaging. “Oh, um,” Sweetie paused as she thought about it. “It’s... different. I mean, it is the same, but... I mean...” She scrunched her muzzle up. “If I wasn’t pregnant,” Sweetie said finally, “Then I would have gone into estrus too. But Scootaloo was so busy making me pregnant, that I didn’t even feel it. So, I feel normal. Just, really normal. I should feel like you do, all weird and itchy. So, that’s what feeling pregnant is like, just weirdly normal.” Getting the box open was kind of tricky because it was all taped shut. Sweetie would probably need scissors, so she just held it in her hooves and continued, “Um... but it takes a long time to make a foal, so I don’t really know. It’s only planted in me now, but it’s so tiny you can’t even see it. Maybe I’ll start feeling weird pretty soon, but mostly just hungrier. Rarity said I’d get really hungry, once the foal starts growing, and needing food to grow. Rarity said hungrier and um... glowier. I don’t know, she said something about skin products. It um... well, and I feel love for the foal, not like real love, but kind of like you feel love for a penis right now, Apple Bloom. “A-and I start getting bigger with just a little bump, and eventually it’s my whole belly,” Sweetie stated more shyly, lifting a rear hoof as if to cover the sight of her belly, but then deliberately lowering it so Sweetie was standing there side saddle to them, and they could clearly see she was nice and slim... for now. “That’s going to feel weird I bet,” Sweetie Belle declared, tossing her mane in exaggerated bravado, “But for now, I just feel really... normal. I haven’t even started making milk yet! “And also, I probably should be feeling more scared,” Sweetie finished a little morbidly. “I don’t know if it’s because I’m pregnant, or just still in shock about all this...” “Well ah don’t know about you,” said a mostly recovered Apple Bloom, sitting there right from where she’d orgasmed (twice), “But ah would be lookin’ forward to it. Especially the birth. You get all stretched open, and ah hear it feels real good to push down, to get the foal outta you. Kind of exertin’ though, but ah love hard work.” “...and you didn’t know that a penis can make you pregnant?” Sweetie said in a little bit of disbelief. Apple Bloom blushed. “S-sorry, it’s just ah just never really thought of how you got that way. Ah saw a cow givin’ birth once, and she sorta told me about what it was like when she did it. It was real gross ah’ll tell you that. B-but she didn’t say how the calf got in her, and ah just sorta assumed I’d... figure it out when the time came.” “What was it like?” Sweetie asked engrossedly. “Cows are sorta like ponies. Maybe it’ll be like that for me too!” “Well uh...” Apple Bloom thought to herself for a moment. “The calf came out in a big sorta sack, like a bag or something. Her mom said that was to keep the hooves from gettin’ caught or somethin’ an’ having to ask a unicorn to help her out.” “How did the... sack get in the cow’s belly?” Scootaloo asked in puzzlement. “Oh it weren’t a cloth sack,” Apple Bloom corrected herself, “It was kinda like real thin uh... skin. Ah did say it was gross, right?” Both others nodded. “Alright then, so this um, skin sack you could sorta see through, and it was like um... like your molting feathers, where you gotta take the sheathes off, except it’s a whole foal, not just a feather. So the doc um... cut it open, and the calf spilled right outta there.” “Wow, that’s... kind of metal,” Scootaloo murmured. “You have to cut it open? Like with a knife?” “It doesn’t hurt her, does it?” Sweetie asked frightfully. “Naw, no, it didn’t hurt her none at all!” Apple Bloom said. “Was a nice clean birth. The sack thing wasn’t even attached to her no more, just discarded like a hoof clippin’ or a pinfeather. That wasn’t even the really gross part though!” “What was the really gross part?” Scootaloo asked excitedly. For once, Sweetie Belle shared his excitement, albeit not his happiness at the prospect of such things. She was going to have to make a sack in her belly, and cut it open? “Well,” Apple Bloom said kind of conspiratorially, leaning towards them, “She was all done givin’ birth, with the calf outta her, but what’s it gonna eat when it’s inside her? Gotta have a special way to eat, right? So, you know how y’all have a belly button?” Sweetie Belle sat back and poked hers curiously. Those were kind of puzzling when you think about it. What were they for? “Well it’s like a food tube right to your stomach!” Apple Bloom said. “It was comin’ right outta the calf’s belly button, and still goin’ into the momma cow even though she birthed the calf out. The thing is, there’s like, this big meaty thing separate from the foal, which latches onto the momma’s insides, a uh, thing that tells her body to give its uh, blood to the calf. So it’s like, unborn foals eat your blood, not real food. Ah mean, it is real food, because that’s what happens to food after you eat it: food goes into your blood to get around your body, or to get to your foal.” Apple Bloom was really getting into it at this point, standing up and looking at them wide eyed as she told her spooky yet intriguing tale of birth and blood. “This big bloody thing manages it,” Apple Bloom said, “So you don’t hurt neither the mother nor the calf. It cain’t exactly reach her teats in there, so the momma needs this thing inside of her, in order to feed the calf. When the calf is out though, it can eat by drinking milk, and the big bloody thing is still in the momma’s womb, just waitin’ to follow suit!” Scootaloo gasped, “You mean it...!” “Yeah!” Apple Bloom said indulgently. “ Ah was so frightened ah hollered up a storm! It didn’t hurt ‘em none, but boy did it look scary! She just went like all... ploom and out came this big, bloody, messy pile of meat! It was even like, bleeding on the doc. An’ that’s right where the tube to your belly button goes. That’s it after that, nothing left stuck in the momma.” Sweetie really wished she could pale. “It doesn’t hurt her,” she whimpered, “To lose all that b-blood?” Apple Bloom actually gave Sweetie a long, calculating look. “Funny you should say that,” she said in a cautious tone, “Because that wasn’t even the really gross part.” “I don’t know if I want to hear it anymore...” Sweetie said miserably, crossing her hind legs and trying not to think about b-blood and stuff. “Yeah, we should— I mean, we should focus on estrus... colt penis things... and stuff,” Scootaloo asserted. “I-I’m ready to—” But Sweetie shook her head and admitted, “No, if it’s going to... happen to me I w-want to know about it. Even if it’s... scary...” Apple Bloom laughed, saying, “Well it was a lot less scary, but it was so gross!” Sweetie blanked on the idea of something being gross, but not scary. “That big messy afterbirth thing?” Apple Bloom said. “It’s called the afterbirth ah mean, the part that comes out after... yeah you get it. But the momma cow she went and took the afterbirth after the doc cut the calf’s belly button free, and she went and ate it!” Now Sweetie blanked just in general. “Cows don’t eat flesh though!” Scootaloo said, “Especially not raw bloody meat! Ponies eat more meat than cows!” “Well, this is the exception!” Apple Bloom stated officially. “The doc told me that the momma puts a lot of her blood and nutrition in the afterbirth, and she caint abs...eat it with her womb, so she’s gotta birth it out, and then eat it with her mouth! She gotta get back the blood she lost, after all. He said it was real important she eats it and real healthy for her, cause it was exactly the stuff that she needed. An’ it’s better than just leavin’ it to the wolves, or... somethin’” “She ate it?” Scootaloo repeated unbelievingly. “Ah never before seen the like,” Apple Bloom said in a note of wonder. “Ah wasn’t so good at speakin’ then, but ah caint forget a thing like that happenin’!” “I would never!” Sweetie cut in, in horrified announcement. “I wouldn’t... meat?! I wouldn’t eat meat! That’s so—gh, she just... that can’t be right. I’ll just... just leave it a-and not eat it a-and...” “Haw, ah would totally eat it,” Apple Bloom said smugly. “A pony eatin’ bloody red, raw meat? That’d be so wicked! Ah’d be like, ‘BRBRBRB Sweetie Belle, this is so tasty Sweetie Belle come, give me a kiss Sweetie on my big meat mouth!’” Sweetie shrunk back as Apple Bloom started marching to her like a zombie, with her tongue all hanging out. And—Scootaloo was about dying laughing. Sweetie frowned furiously at the two of them, saying, “It’s not funny to tease me! Eating meat is evil! I bet that cow was evil!” “It’s natch’ral, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom tilted her head and said, in attempt to appease her. “It’s like meat, but nopony died or even got hurt. It’s just a little extra and nopony ate it besides the one who made it. It was just sort of... part of her body that was outside of her for a little.” Scootaloo’s laughter had ceased, and he was rising up behind Sweetie Belle with the cheekiest grin. Apple Bloom continued to speak blithely, “You don’t have to eat yours, if you like, but there weren’t nothin’ wrong with that cow lady uh, cow. She’s perfectly nice, an’ it’s just a thing that nice ponies uh, cowies do.” “I’ll eat it, if you don’t want it,” Scootaloo whispered silkily into Sweetie’s ear. Sweetie was unable to stop the image of herself laid back and huffing and squeezing her tummy like she was doing situps, and her inside place is all goaaarsh and a big bloody pile of meat comes out of it, and Scootaloo is there with her and just bends his head down and takes a big bite, chewing it with the blood trickling down his— ... Sweetie Belle regained consciousness sometime later. A worried Apple Bloom was fanning her, while Scootaloo had run off for help. Which was doubly embarassing, because when Sweetie and Apple Bloom ran after, they had to catch Scootaloo with the nurse on the way back. And that meant Sweetie had to explain to the nurse that she had just fainted. And that meant Sweetie had to explain to the nurse why she just fainted. Fortunately, the nurse pony was gracious enough to tell Sweetie that she need say no more, the very moment Sweetie mentioned her friend telling her about a cow giving birth. Which... the nurse pony did acknowledge... was not much different at all from the experience of a pony. Sweetie really, really didn’t want to be pregnant anymore. That didn’t stop Sweetie Belle from jumping on Scootaloo the moment they had some time to themselves, just right there on the dirt behind some bushes, and riding his penis like Applejack at the rodeo. Sweetie was so freaking horny after what they did to Apple Bloom, all that fright and horror just adding onto her passion, so that merely the idea that maybe Scootaloo needed to climax was enough to make Sweetie utterly incensed with getting him inside her as soon as possible. She had to brace her hooves on his chest, curls dangling around her shoulders, and she had to lift her hips up and down, up and down, with his shaft right in her way. She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak, just had to stare along with him, at her own hips intensely, as she watched his shaft vanish into her again and again. On one end she felt her cool horn against his forehead. On the other, she felt inside her hips sliding around his stiff velvety cock. Sweetie lifted up, and a delicious, outward sliding between her legs exposed his beautiful length for both to see. She shoved down and a deepening, stretchy penetration filled her with lust as inch by inch he vanished inside her, his slick flesh rubbing her slick flesh, so far up inside her hips. Faster and faster, until she did it so quickly that she could hardly tell what was going on anymore. Sweetie couldn’t even tell if Scootaloo was helping, only that her own pudgy, candy white hips radiated more and more pleasure, as she finally slaked them by pounding atop Scootaloo. When his shaft ballooned up inside her, Sweetie’s throat tightened, her determined, delighted grunts rising in pitch and urgency. She had to lift her head and look away from her groin, just scrunch her eyes shut and focus on the feeling of the sliding down there. Of being filled by him as his penis kissing her insides obscenely, told her just how much he needed to squirt into her. Over and over again, she stroked him, coaxed him into giving her seed and spraying his foals up inside her again, feeling more incredible every time she did. Her belly would grow, with him in there. She would have his foal inside her! Sweetie Belle just collapsed flat on top of Scootaloo as she slid over orgasm and started convulsing around his penis. She could feel it in there could—could feel so amazing. She... Sweetie opened her eyes disorientedly, just rhythmically jerking her tail, and twitching against him. She opened her eyes, because he was moving her head, tilting it to match his muzzle, and his lips. Sweetie couldn’t stop him from shakily kissing her, and she looked at him, full of love. Those beautiful violet eyes. Then Sweetie’s eyes just rolled back at the feel of his spurts of seed surging in her beautiful cunt. She moaned into his soft lips, her clenches easing just as he began to blast seed into her. Sweetie squirmed her body atop him wantonly, while he tensed against her each time his penis pumped a jet of semen into her. They lay there like that, both foals completely wiped out. Sweetie hadn’t even thought about what she was doing, but it occurred to her now that they’d never done it with her on top of Scootaloo. Just an idle thought, as she drifted in satisfied bliss, the seed produced by Scootaloo’s softening shaft slowly oozing out of her cleft and dripping and sliding off of his groin. The next day passed uneventfully, with Sweetie taking her magic lessons, and surprising the instructor in her lack of attraction to him. He seemed even more disturbed when she said she was pregnant though, than the prospect of himself being unattractive toward mares who are probably a third his age or something. But considering what she was learning about pregnancy, it was starting to make a terrible sort of sense to Sweetie why ponies would be disturbed. She didn’t feel so good about being pregnant either. It wouldn’t be the end of the world, but she really didn’t feel like she was ready for that birthing ordeal. And she still hadn’t figured out how she was going to take care of a foal and go to school at the same time. Technically since Scootaloo was the daddy he could take care of it sometimes, but Sweetie really didn’t want to impose. Especially not since she was the one who was going to be eating and growing and pushing out this foal. Sweetie Belle knew that she wasn’t trying to do it any more than he was, but in her heart Sweetie felt more culpable, somehow. She did have these hidden desires, like the thought of nursing made her feel good, and she really liked cute things, just like foals, and she just felt this forbidden thrill at having something like that growing in her belly. She didn’t want to want a foal, but... it was just so easy to do so, when it was inside you, and you had all the parts of your body that are perfect for caring for it. Sweetie Belle loved being useful, and she was glad to have her womb being used to cradle a foal instead of just sitting there invisibly inside her. Even though it would be hard, and scary, and might hurt the ponies she loved, Sweetie Belle just couldn’t stop feeling good about it. But that wasn’t it. For all Sweetie knew, maybe Scootaloo was feeling foal stuff inside him too, like how he said that every time he squirted in, thinking about putting foals in Sweetie Belle made him do it harder, and feel better. So maybe he had these subtle desires too, that made it so enticing to have a foal in you, or to put a foal in somepony else in Scootaloo’s case. Sweetie’s clumsy experiments with him did give her the impression that he really cared about foals too, so that meant Sweetie Belle wasn’t alone in feeling weird about this. She was only a little worried about that. What Sweetie was really worried about was how Scootaloo was stuck with it. She imagined what it was like for him, feeling so lost and helpless while your friend changes and changes, making something inside her because of what you did to her. Sweetie could get a big, fat, pregnant belly, and parade it around him like a diva, and all he could do is sit there and watch. Sure Sweetie couldn’t stop her belly from getting like that, any more than he could, but it was still her belly. He must feel so detached from it, like he can’t even be involved anymore. Just stand there, passively supportive, while Sweetie Belle goes and does all the work. It was like he didn’t even matter anymore. How could she expect him to even like the foal, if he was relegated to such an unimportant role in its creation? Sweetie just couldn’t see herself squeezing out this foal, and just hoofing it off to him, saying, “Nope, nothing you can do about it forever. Shut up and take care of her now!” So, Sweetie hadn’t really brought up the subject, not since they... took care of Apple Bloom, yesterday. She saw Scootaloo in the afternoon, but it was kind of awkward between the two of them, both uneasy about the whole pregnancy thing. Sweetie ended up having all those thoughts stuck in her head, while she tried to sleep that night, a pregnant filly, no different than the un-pregnant filly she’d once been somewhere around half a week ago. She was left there alone to her thoughts and wishes, that maybe if she knew, then Sweetie could have waited, or that she’d wake up in the morning and pregnancy would have been nothing but a bad dream. She woke up in the morning feeling normal though, and not in heat at all. And therefore pregnant. Went downstairs, ate her breakfast with Rarity, just like she always did. Not much for conversation that morning, as Sweetie simply had so much on her mind. She went looking for Scootaloo as soon as she could get outside to go play, but when she found him, there was a far more pressing concern. Sweetie learned from him that something happened to Apple Bloom yesterday, that was serious enough trouble for Apple Bloom to call them all to the clubhouse, without even telling them what happened. “What’s this emergency meeting about?” Sweetie asked a frazzled looking Apple Bloom. She and Scootaloo were really worried for their friend who had... probably the worst estrus in all the fillies in class. Like, to the point that even Diamond Tiara had stopped teasing her about it anymore, just... kind of gave her a pitying look now and again. Sweetie had an idea of what this emergency meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders was about, but she hoped it wasn’t... the “too late” kind of emergency. “A-ah just um, you both helped me so much the other day, so ah wanted to um,” Apple Bloom stuttered nervously. “It’s okay, Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said in a mollifying tone. “You don’t have to worry, if it’s your bottom that’s being weird and gross. We’re totally cool with that.” “Well it’s just uh, you uh—ah caint figure out how to use mah hoof!” Apple Bloom cried in shame. Then she blushed, and shifted on her hooves. She just sort of... stuck her forehoof between her legs then, rubbing at herself saying, “See? Ah cain... ah cain go over th’ edge, but it’s really hard and ah was... uhn...” her eyes started to shut at the feelings her hoof was making. Sweetie physically hooked Apple Bloom’s hoof and pulled it away, saying, “Okay, focus. What happened? What’s wrong?” Apple Bloom planted her hoof shakily, and said to them, “Ah was... ah was tryin’ to get mah hoof to make me go over, an’ it just... it just made me want it so bad! The more ah touched ah just couldn’t stop thinkin’ about... about what Shady did for me. A-and how ah got to feel him inside me... and you, Sweetie Belle...” Apple Bloom shook her head fiercely, continuing in a frightened outraged whimper, “And ah just lost it and ran out and just... got under a stallion. A full grown stallion! Ah wanted him to do it so bad, and ah didn’t want to get preggers but ah couldn’t stand not havin... in me... stuff. He uh, held me down and g-got help until ah could calm down and not like... just go for another stallion but i-it was so close. Ah just couldn’t do it with mah hoof good enough. Ah need...” She blushed looking down at Sweetie Belle’s hooves saying, “Ah need you to lick me again.” Sweetie nodded seriously at Apple Bloom’s lowered head, the pink bow presented before the unicorn filly like an offering. Sweetie said in agreement, “I think that would be a really good idea. If not licking means you’re going to get pregnant, then you have to come to us, whenever it gets bad like that!” Scootaloo butted in a little too eagerly saying, “Yeah, and I could um, help and lick you um...” “Oh no,” Sweetie shoved Scootaloo away and shook her head, cutting that right off. “You can’t be the one licking her.” “Sure I can!” Scootaloo said hotly. “I never even got a chance to, before!” “Yes,” Sweetie countered, “That’s because—” “C’mon Sweetie caint he have a shot?” Apple Bloom asked wistfully. “He’s got a boy’s tongue, and ah bet it’ll work better!” “Yeah a boy’s... tongue,” Scootaloo said, unconvincingly, “I could totally lick her until she wasn’t even thinking about stallions.” Sweetie looked at the bobbing, erect shaft underneath Scootaloo’s belly with a meaningful stare. Neither picked up on it. “It’ll be fine, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said with a casual hoof wave. “Don’t be such a worry wort!” “I promise I will only lick her, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said with enthusiasm. “I just want to do it a little, just to keep her from getting pregnant. “Just let me—” Sweetie said in exasperation, only to be interrupted by Apple Bloom shoving her butt in Scootaloo’s face, and saying angrily to Sweetie, “No! I want him to lick me!” “Oh, this will end well,” Sweetie griped, rolling her eyes at Apple Bloom. Scootaloo blinked at her, and Sweetie just smiled and said to him in a syrupy voice, “Go ahead Scootaloo, lick Apple Bloom just like me, and help keep her from having to get pregnant!” And Scootaloo just did. He didn’t even hesitate a moment once those words left Sweetie Belle’s snout. The effect on Apple Bloom was no less than dramatic. When Scootaloo’s tongue touched down, Sweetie watched Apple Bloom’s whole body relax, and her eyes half close, and her friend said in a drunkenly self-satisfied voice, “S-see? I’s fine...” Sweetie didn’t blame them, honestly she didn’t. But boy was this estrus a powerful deceit. Only the presence of a pregnant mare—or filly—left Apple Bloom with any hope at all of not also getting pregnant. Sure it was perfectly fine at first, with Scootaloo enjoying himself immensely, and Apple Bloom just crying out gladly and excitedly, from the release that only another could give her. But inevitably, Scootaloo’s licking, snuffling and lipping turned into rearing, grabbing and climbing on top of Apple Bloom’s back, and just like that, he was mounting her and ready to impregnate her. If it was the only way they’d learn, Sweetie would have to show them how easy it was to get tricked. She just sighed at the two amorous foals. Scootaloo gave a satisfied grunt, as he found her entrance, and thrust his penis into Apple Bloom’s soft canal. Apple Bloom just murmured quietly, squirming her hips as he sunk himself into them. Scootaloo started pistoning in his friend immediately, and Apple Bloom didn’t even look back, just panted gladly, humping back against him with increasingly unfocused eyes. It was kind of... exciting for Sweetie Belle, to see it happening, since Apple Bloom was only a squirt away from being in Sweetie’s predicament. Sweetie Belle wasn’t the one in estrus though, so she easily ignored the immensely arousing sight of her friend being bred. E-easily ignored. Sweetie Belle waited just until they really got started thrusting into each other, when Apple Bloom’s face turned blissful, and her hapless filly friend was just cooing in pleasure, rocking back against Scootaloo’s pistoning dick. Scootaloo didn’t even hold back one bit. He said he wasn’t going to do it, and not only was he doing it, but he was ...really excited about going into Apple Bloom. S-sweetie kind of liked that. But the end result, she wasn’t so happy about. Soon as Scootaloo was good and engaged in fucking Apple Bloom, Sweetie moved forward, rearing up and leaning an elbow on Apple Bloom’s back all casually, like Apple Bloom was just a park bench. She stared up at the heaving Scootaloo and said in a wry tone of voice, “So, just gonna lick her, huh?” “W-what?” Scootaloo squeaked, staring back at Sweetie, far too aroused to form any kind of coherent rebuttal. “You’re sure doing a good job of making Apple Bloom pregnant,” Sweetie added venomously. “Just like you said you weren’t going to do!” But then, beneath Sweetie Belle’s elbow, her friend Apple Bloom was the one who gasped at that. The fucked filly beneath her tensed up suddenly, saying in a lost voice, “Oh no,” Scootaloo responded second, rearing up and backpedalling away from both of them, saying “Oh shoot! I didn’t mean to—” he shoved at Apple Bloom’s rump, to slide himself out with a slick pop, and backed up from her with a harrowed fear in his posture, a sort of dejected apology in his every movements, except that of the unapologetic, dark, glistening shaft beneath him. “You didn’t!” Apple Bloom whirled on Scootaloo, tossing Sweetie aside like a discarded pillow. “No!” Scootaloo said desperately. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t—I wasn’t going to—” “You’re safe, Apple Bloom! Don’t worry,” Sweetie reassured Apple Bloom, getting in her way again and looking with import into Apple Bloom’s frightened golden eyes, “But you can’t have him lick you. He can’t just not put it in you,” Sweetie Belle emphasized, “This estrus is driving both of you crazy. You’re lucky one of your friends is pregnant, or you’d be for sure!” Apple Bloom reared up on Sweetie’s shoulders, with a pleading expression in her eyes, saying, “I-it’s safe? Ah’m n-not... he didn’t make me preggers?” “I just wanted to show you that Scootaloo can’t lick you to feel better,” Sweetie clarified for her frazzled friend. “You weren’t listening, so I just let him start doing it. I only let him try to make you pregnant for like, ten seconds. Will you listen to me now?” Apple Bloom looked at her, and then at Scootaloo, and then tried to just walk past Sweetie Belle to get to Scootaloo. Sweetie reared up and stayed in her way, getting in Apple Bloom’s face again. She wanted to cry because it looked like Apple Bloom wanted to cry, so close to getting what she needed, yet so afraid of getting it. “I... mah gosh... ah am a wreck...” Apple Bloom croaked, backing up and staring at her own hooves as if seeing them for the first time. Hopefully, what Sweetie told her would take, this time. “You’re going to be okay, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said comfortingly, nuzzling at Apple Bloom’s ears. “You just need me to lick you, until you feel better again.” “I’m so sorry Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo spoke up miserably. “I just... I just wanted to put it in there. I... I’ve only been in Sweetie Belle before and—and I wanted to feel what you were like, just for a little. You were all hot and wet and wrapped around just like she was and—I’m not making sense.” He huffed frustratedly, and Sweetie shook her head sadly. “It’s okay Scootaloo,” she said. “It’s just this stupid estrus, making us think stupid things.” “I just sort of forgot what was wrong with it,” Scootaloo puzzled out. “It just seemed like... I couldn’t think of anything bad with just putting it in there.” “Just like when ah was gettin’ under that stallion...” Apple Bloom agreed, tiredly. “Y’know it’s wrong, but you just can’t feel that it is.” She turned to Sweetie Belle, saying apologetically, “Ah don’t know what ah was thinkin’ you’re right. O-only you can lick me, and Scootaloo’s gotta stay... away.” Her voice ended in a whimper. “I–I loved being inside you,” Scootaloo said emotionally to Apple Bloom, whose eyes noticeably widened at that. “You’re every bit as a-amazing as Sweetie Belle, even in your... foal place. I’m not sorry I... I am glad I got to go in there,” He turned to Sweetie and said, “A-and thank you for making me pull out, but... I’m just glad I got to feel what she was like.” Sweetie raised an eyebrow at that, saying, “So, how did she feel different than me?” “Well she—” Scootaloo blushed. “Uhm, she was hot and wet, oh but you are too. Um... she was... “...yellow?” Sweetie let a smile touch her face, and kissed Scootaloo on the nose. “It’s okay if we’re the same insides,” Sweetie Belle said understandingly. “That just means me and Apple Bloom have twice the hot pockets!” (a collective otherworldly groan) “B-but her pocket is too dangerous to be in, right now. You are going to put so much seed in Apple Bloom, after her heat is over, though.” Apple Bloom sucked in a breath at that, and Sweetie went on quickly, saying, “But for now, we can use... this!” Trumpets blared as Sweetie raised up a recently opened box, containing the mystical rod of dickery. It was actually called “A Filly’s Pleasure,” but close enough. Sweetie actually wasn’t... entirely sure how it would work. It was clear you put your hoof in the grip and could just... shove it inside you like a penis. But what was this control box with the optic wire coming out of the base? She flicked the switch to on. “Come on, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom whined with her round rear presented. “H-help me before ah make a d-dumb mistake again. Ah want Scootaloo’s seed all in me and ah caint have it and that’s okay, but please give me something!” Sweetie flicked the switch to off. Sweetie found herself doing her best Tardy Twilight impression, taking the turned off, depowered and quiescent phallus in her hoof, and leaving the control attached to Apple Bloom’s hindquarters where Sweetie could easily nuzzle its two sliders up and down. With an indulgent giggle she lay the silky blue silicone against Apple Bloom’s hot petals. “I-is that it?” Apple Bloom asked nervously, looking back. “Y-you cain put it in if’n you want ah don’t mind.” Yeah, estrus was really messing with her. Sweetie didn’t put it in for a bit though. She slid it up and down Apple Bloom’s folds, trying to pretend that it was a real penis, and have it do the thing Scootaloo did, where he had to hunt around for the entrance, poking at Apple Bloom enticingly and sliding up along her belly. Apple Bloom was pretty much reduced to a two word vocabulary by now: the words “Please” and “Sweetie”. The toy was getting slick with Apple Bloom’s juices, looking so perfectly like a colt’s penis... if a colt’s penis could be a uniform shiny blue. It felt squishy yet firm against Sweetie’s hoof, which was certainly what Apple Bloom needed inside her, if Sweetie was any judge. Sweetie pried open Apple Bloom’s nether lips with her... mouth lips, and stuck her tongue in Apple Bloom’s vulva, grazing around experimentally until settling on the puckered entrance. Sweetie’s tongue pushed into Apple Bloom, and the word “Thank” was added to her lust addled friend’s vocabulary. Just “Thank.” It would have been funny, if it wasn’t so incredibly beautiful to hear Apple Bloom reduced to tight whinnying pleasure. Sweetie loved this enticing humidity that just came from Apple Bloom, the trickling pleasure that Sweetie could lick on and push into, and nibble at, the complex filly parts hidden within such a conservative looking rear end. She loved making Apple Bloom beside herself with joy and need. And she loved that she, a filly, somehow had the power to blow through Apple Bloom’s estrus, like only colts were supposed to be able to do. It was a stroke of luck that Sweetie Belle got pregnant first, really. If Apple Bloom had been pregnant first, and Sweetie had been feeling like this, then... there would have been two pregnant fillies. And considering the size of Apple Bloom’s family, it would have been an even greater hardship to feed Apple Bloom’s foal, than Sweetie’s, whose parents were alive and loving, and whose sister was pretty well to do and so very generous. Sweetie really felt... supported in all this. She didn’t want it, but, she would just hate to see the sadness in Apple Bloom’s grandmother’s face at the news. Just... the light in Granny’s eyes dying, as she learns that the filly who could have saved the farm by taking up her part in apple bucking, was now going to be one less worker and two more mouths to feed. While Applejack used Scootaloo to fertilize her apple trees. But thankfully Sweetie was the one who took the plunge, and now she could ease her friend through estrus, and because she was pregnant, Sweetie had enough presence of mind to reign Scootaloo in, during a filly’s worst trials. “Ease” was something of a misnomer, because the effect it had on her friend was the diametric opposite of ease, when Sweetie stretched back Apple Bloom’s vulva with the lightest but firm bite with her teeth, exposing that secret entrance so that Sweetie Belle could orient the dripping blue phallus in her hoof to press against Apple Bloom’s entrance, then slip it inside. Then push. With the dildo sinking in her, Apple Bloom only got halfway through the first half of screaming out Sweetie Belle’s name, before she belted out a hearty whoop, and the dildo started shaking in Sweetie’s hoof. Sweetie watched with utter fascination, at the rhythmic jerking that struggled against her hoof grip as Apple Bloom’s insides tried to close down on that dildo again and again. Sweetie pushed firmly and insistently, sliding deeper into Apple Bloom with every clench, the jerking of the dildo getting less pronounced as more of it embedded in Apple Bloom’s hips and evened out her contractions. Sweetie bottomed out, before it was done. Apple Bloom was deep, but this dildo was just a little bit more than perfectly shaped. Obviously the Hoofbeats company who made this thing knew their stuff, because Apple Bloom even at her deepest and most aroused, could still get fully penetrated, and stretched as wide as a colt’s penis could do. “That is it,” Sweetie said indulgently, leaving it simply embedded in her friend, still silent from the waves of pleasure cresting over her. “Oh Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said passionately, once she could form words again. “It’s just like a colt! It’s so deep... ah caint b-believe ah felt that good. An’ you just kept pushing it in me!” Sweetie... almost flicked the switch on. In due time, she thought. Scootaloo too was looking with fascination at the amazing vanishing dildo, as Sweetie nuzzled Apple Bloom’s groin, leaving Apple Bloom silently filled for this timeless moment. “Just glad I could help,” Sweetie mumbled. “You’re so... amazing down there.” “C-can I do her?” Scootaloo asked tensely. “She’s all p-plugged up so I couldn’t get in her or anything, so could I just go in her for a while?” Oh, right, Sweetie had forgotten about her other friend who was addled with estrus. Boy estrus, at that. “Y-you can’t go in Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said, with an eye on Scootaloo’s entirely too prominent penis being waved in her face. “M-maybe you could just go... out....” she couldn’t say it. She just couldn’t tell Scootaloo to go outside. It was just too cruel to deny her friend access to what he so desperately needed. But it was also cruel to put a foal in Apple Bloom’s belly! What to do? “I don’t wanna go out, I wanna go in!” Scootaloo said unhappily. “I need to go in there. You don’t know what it’s like, Sweetie! She smells so good. I mean,” Scootaloo shifted focus, saying earnestly, “I mean you smell so good Apple Bloom,” addressing Apple Bloom directly. “I want to go inside you!” “A-ah don’t wanna be ya gotta go in Scoots,” Apple Bloom said senselessly, closing her eyes and grunting trying to just push that thing right out of her. “Ya gotta Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom told him in a pleading tone. “All up in me an’ an’... an’ foals!” She didn’t sound excited about that word, so much as an alarmed passion, like her own personal sword of Damocles. At this rate Scootaloo would just yank that thing out of Apple Bloom and do it! Sweetie didn’t... didn’t want that to happen, yeah. If only there was a way to get him inside... something then Scootaloo could be happy and Apple Bloom would be safe. Like a reverse dildo, maybe? How would that even work? Or—or maybe... Oh. Duh. “Hey, Scootaloo,” Sweetie said eagerly, “I know one filly you can put your seed in, and you’ll never make her pregnant no matter how much you do.” “You do?” Scootaloo asked in disbelief, turning away from Apple Bloom’s stuffed ass, “Who? I thought you said that it would make her pregnant!” “Well,” Sweetie said whimsically, turning around and coyly raising her tail for him, “What if you put your penis inside a filly who is already pregnant?” > Revelations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Silence. The three foals stood in their treetop clubhouse, whose floor could use a good cleaning now. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were both staring at Sweetie Belle’s white tush, from which she raised her tail, to make indubitably sure that Scootaloo got the message. He could go inside her. Sweetie still wanted it, and wanted it bad even if she wasn’t as crazy as Apple Bloom. And she could. “I cannot believe I didn’t think of that!” Scootaloo shouted frustratedly. “I’ve been t-trying to hurt Apple Bloom all afternoon, because my stupid penis wants to m-make her pregnant a-and I forgot all about you, Sweetie!” “But we do it all the time when Apple Bloom’s not around,” Sweetie said, turning over her shoulder. “Is it her estrus, making both of us only think about her?” “You do it all the time when ah’m not around?” Apple Bloom said in befuddlement. “Um... I was... really exaggerating,” Sweetie admitted. “But I shouldn’t be forgetting about my own bottom, because of your estrus. I’m a filly, not a colt!” “I–I dunno about fillies, Sweetie,” Scootaloo shook his head. “I am definitely having a hard time thinking a-about anything besides Apple Bloom t-though.” “It’s okay, Scootaloo,” Sweetie said, rubbing her own furry rear with an encouraging hoof, “I was only thinking about Apple Bloom too, and it’s silly. We were just doing the penis thing the other day, and there’s no reason we can’t do it together, just because Apple Bloom’s here.” Sweetie gasped delightedly then added another realization, “And if you get on me from behind, then I can keep licking Apple Bloom! It’s so perfect! You can do me, and I can do Apple Bloom, and then you’ll be done, and you can lick her then.” “I–I can?” Scootaloo asked unbelievingly. “B-but I’ll just mount her again,” he admitted bitterly. “Just put all your seed in me,” Sweetie explained. “Your penis gets tired then, and stops making you do things. Even if you lick Apple Bloom, you won’t have to do it, and she can use this to have something inside her.” To emphasize, Sweetie clutched the dildo and gave it a good pull, rocking it inside Apple Bloom in a way that Apple Bloom sure seemed to appreciate. “That’s awesome!” both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom exclaimed. “Aheh, sorry,” Scootaloo said, backing off. “Ah just meant t-that this big old thing in me is gonna help the licking like crazy,” Apple Bloom said, swaying her bottom experimentally, “A-and ah bet ah could even d-do it with mah hoof now. It feels so good not ta be empty! And after mah heat ah can even feel Scootaloo for real now, since ah know he’s a colt and what he cain do with me.” “And I really need to be in you, Sweetie,” Scootaloo said. “I just... it’s so much more intense. I just can’t stop smelling A—oh, hey! And Apple Bloom’s estrus makes her smell make me want it more, so it’ll feel even better if Apple Bloom is around for me to smell!” “Wait so...” Apple Bloom looked over her shoulder thoughtfully at Scootaloo already hovering nervously at Sweetie’s heel. “Y’all are gonna... do the same thing Scootaloo was doing to me?” “Yup,” Sweetie said. “And y’caint get any more pregnant, so Scootaloo’s gonna put all the foal goo in you, so it don’t go in me?” “And it makes my penis calm down,” Scootaloo added, “So I can lick you, and make you feel real good!” “B-but you’re just gonna climb up on Sweetie, an’ go in her just like that?” Apple Bloom said with an odd nervous edge to her voice. “Yeah... something wrong?” Scootaloo asked, fidgeting. “Ah wanna see that!” Apple Bloom exclaimed eagerly, “I caint see it when he does me, and ah never saw you two do it before!” She started to turn around and then wobbled, “Woah... th-that’s an awful big thing in me alright...” “You alright, Apple Bloom?” Sweetie Belle asked worriedly. “I can pull it out if you need.” “No it’s fine!” Apple Bloom said, exploring the limits of her body with a big fat thick thing wedged in her hips. “It’s great ah just... gotta get used to it. Feels way better than just bein’ empty. Forget lickin’ me even. Ah wanna see Scootaloo puttin’ his thing in ya!” She oriented herself to face Sweetie Belle’s... rear end. Sweetie felt a little on the spot at that, but she also felt excited, like she could show her friend something new. What exactly was so special about her bottom getting a penis in it, she wasn’t sure, but the last of Apple Bloom’s orgasm left Sweetie so freaking wet, that she didn’t care as long as she got one in there. Sweetie Belle may not have been thinking as clearly as she thought she was. So with Apple Bloom watching with fascination, no hint about her vagina’s contents other than the slim cord curling away from her rear, Sweetie once again made a show of swaying her hips, and lifting her tail, and winking for Scootaloo. It was... mostly show, that the thought of Scootaloo’s thing inside her made Sweetie Belle’s insides squirm in that in-and-out motion, that she knew looked like winking. When Scootaloo climbed on top of Sweetie’s rump, Apple Bloom gave a soft, “Oh...” at something she saw. It was so satisfying for Sweetie, to feel her unappreciated groin finally prodded with hot male flesh. And of course Scootaloo had to poke around there for a while. Sweetie took it resignedly. It was just hard for him to tilt his penis up at just the right angle at just the right moment that he made contact. “Havin’ trouble there Scoots?” Apple Bloom asked wryly. “Hey, it ain’t as easy as it looks!” Scootaloo protested, twitching his dick up and down and then going for another prodding...slide along Sweetie’s belly. She huffed, needing him so bad, but also loving the anticipation that his weight on her rump and his prodding around evoked. “C-can ah help?” Apple Bloom asked meekly. Scootaloo stopped. He looked at Apple Bloom, at Apple Bloom’s upraised hoof, that even Sweetie could see looking back down her side. “Y-you could,” he said in realization. “I have t-trouble getting it at the right angle sometimes, but you could just... please could you, Apple Bloom?” “A-ah get to touch you...” Apple Bloom whispered, her hoof reaching down there. “Put you in Sweetie Belle real good...” With Apple Bloom helping, Sweetie would be full before the next thrust! Sweetie faced forward in anticipation of rutting. She imagined Apple Bloom’s hoof down there, buoying up that penis. Scootaloo’s flat head prodded Sweetie’s vulva, and then shifted up and down against them, as if Apple Bloom was trying to find the right place. “At the bottom~” Sweetie whimpered, winking whether she liked it or not. S-she was going to get Scootaloo inside her! And Scootaloo pressed on Sweetie’s entrance. Sweetie’s scrunched up little closed passage, just like the one she saw in Apple Bloom’s vulva. It couldn’t remain scrunched up. Sweetie felt every inch of it stretched more and more, a relieved breath escaping her as the tension she didn’t even know she had was stretched wide by something hot and fleshy. By Scootaloo. Every inch that Scootaloo pushed in her, Apple Bloom could see it, could see what Scootaloo was doing to her. Sweetie whimpered beside herself, as her insides squeezed hotly around Scootaloo’s penis, for Apple Bloom to see. Scootaloo started thrusting almost immediately. Just panting and sliding in and out. “Oh man, when you did that, ah was just in heaven!” Apple Bloom said, possibly unaware that Scootaloo couldn’t really talk well while he was thrusting. Certainly not this hard or this forcefully. Sweetie Belle couldn’t really think well with Scootaloo in her, but she did have a very keen awareness of her situation. She was standing there, had to stand there on her own four hooves, while behind her a colt named Scootaloo grabbed her hips in his forelegs and filled them. His thrusting was rocking her in place, and all she could think to do was to look anxiously down at the floorboards. Where... the control for Apple Bloom’s new dildo was just about in reach. Apple Bloom was standing with her head at Sweetie’s rear, and so Apple Bloom’s rear was near Sweetie’s head, and her hooves. And out of the soft yellow folds in that rear came a little cord leading to a control unit cleverly velcroed to the fur of Apple Bloom’s thigh. Sweetie had to get that. She had to get that. Apple Bloom had taken her hoof back when Scootaloo got inside and was just watching them in astonishment. Sweetie tried to reach forward, but the unit was just out of her reach at that odd angle. The irony of her status as a unicorn was not lost on her, but even if she could summon a spark, there was absolutely no way she could concentrate with him grabbing her and sliding inside her. Sweetie tried to turn to reach, but Scootaloo just hauled her back onto himself, and Sweetie was finding it really hard to even move, now. She just felt fill, fill, filled and the sliding along her walls, the smooshing of his groin against her sensitive petals was just driving her crazy! Behind her, Sweetie couldn’t stop thinking about the penis sliding wetly out of her bottom again and again. Sweetie couldn’t conceal anything from Apple Bloom, neither she nor Scootaloo having any choice at this point besides to fuck each other. She didn’t even try to reach the control unit anymore. Just scrunched her face and rocked backward, concentrating on being filled, and being the best filly place that Scootaloo could fill. Sweetie wondered if it looked okay, or if she looked silly. She didn’t know how she should stand, or whether to curl her tail behind Scootaloo or not. But as self conscious as Apple Bloom watching her made her feel, Sweetie Belle’s mind was becoming dominated by the tingling waves emitting from those thick, sliding, stretching thrusts. She found herself caring less and less how she looked, just facing forward and gasping wetly, throwing herself into the act and damned be the consequences. “S-sweetie,” Scootaloo grunted out, tightening his hooves around Sweetie Belle’s barrel, and just piling into her. Sweetie was ready to orgasm already! For this amazing colt who was in her and going to put more foal stuff in her. His hot squirts and she’d take them and contain them. The squirts that made her a mommy. And he—and then he expanded in her already! Scootaloo must have been so worked up, and Sweetie just led him along this whole time. She was so glad he finally got to let it out, that she could do this for him. She hoped... she hoped even when her belly got big, she could still let him into her, and ease his tormented pole of flesh. It was only fair. He was making her... was making the tingles... rising up in her! Sweetie didn’t think she was going to orgasm when Scootaloo cried out, and shoved inside her. She was so close, like balancing on a knife edge. Then he started thrashing in her, and the first spurt of semen just sent her falling into orgasm, like a boulder rolling down a steep hill. His squirts fought with her inner convulsions. Squirt, Sweetie clutch, clutch, clutched, squirt, squiirt... he had so much! She was drooling her—her mouth was drooling, but her other mouth was drooling too, and squeezing, and jerking, and her tail was bobbing just like Apple Bloom’s. Scootaloo’s seed just started dribbling out of Sweetie Belle’s snatch back there, running down her groin, and still he put it in her. Every drop of seed that he had. Sweetie couldn’t contain it all. She would have such a mess to clean up. She was slimy and dripping and stuffed full and still twitching from her orgasmic clenches, and if that wasn’t the best feeling ever, Sweetie didn’t want to know what was, because she didn’t think she could feel any more incredible. Sweetie wasn’t sure what to make of the shocked silence from Apple Bloom after Scootaloo ejaculated into Sweetie Belle while she orgasmed. Once she got her voice back, and could breathe half normally, Sweetie Belle said to Apple Bloom weakly, “Pretty good... huh?” “You promise Scootaloo can do that after mah heat is over,” Apple Bloom asked Sweetie intently, getting right up in Sweetie’s face. Sweetie started to nod, and said, “You heard Scootaloo. He said he would.” “A-ah can deal with that t-then, but, but Sweetie,” Apple Bloom exclaimed, “He was dripping outta you! You were all twitching on him and he just held it in you, and his bottom part was all throbbing. He really pumps it in like that?” “Y-you could ask him, you know,” Sweetie said dimly. “But y-yeah. He’s never made... so much before...” “I can’t s-stop it from pumping,” Scootaloo explained. “It just... I just start feeling electric and then boom it’s happening. But I... it was so easy this time. All this... working me up, it just about jumped out of me. If I did that in Apple Bloom, it’d be like... pregnant city. Felt like a.. more like a squirt gun than just a pump. Sweetie... you’re so cool, you don’t even know.” “Oh, I think I have an idea,” Sweetie said with a grateful smile, giving a comforting hug with her vagina to the exhausted pegasus hugging her deliriously. Then Sweetie Belle walked forward, Scootaloo sliding out of her with a satisfying slurp, not even caring about his seed dribbling out down her leg. He was so slimy inside her and it was just beautiful, and now her target was within her grasp. “Hey, Scootaloo, check this out,” Sweetie said with a cheeky grin, lifting her hoof to the control unit on Apple Bloom’s leg. “You ready, Apple Bloom?” “W-what’s that thing?” Apple Bloom said, not quite able to see where the cord was going behind her, to the nice thick pliable dildo filling her young passage right now. Sweetie answered her question, by turning the switch. It started slowly, while Sweetie slowly slid up the slider. Apple Bloom blinked in surprise and lifted a hind hoof saying, “It’s mov—!” before she had to clop the hind hoof down and stare at Sweetie, at the little thing Sweetie’s hoof was on, that the unicorn was slowly turning up. “Haah! Ahh!” was soon the only thing Apple Bloom could say, not even looking at either of them anymore, just staring at nothing, consumed by the feeling deep inside her. “The hay is that, Sweetie?” Scootaloo asked in astonishment, at a suddenly lust ridden Apple Bloom. “It moves,” Sweetie said indulgently, trying out different speeds to see which seemed to affect Apple Bloom the most, the fastest. The filly’s pale yellow hindquarters were just about quivering, her bright red tail hiked high into the air as it could go. “It starts at the end,” Sweetie explained. “And it moves a lot there, just back and forth deep inside her, but then it moves further up, and faster, when I turn this. “When it’s all the way up she looks like this,” Sweetie demonstrated, her friend giving a high whine at the buzzing vibration at her surface. “And when it’s all the way down, she looks like this.” Sweetie turned the dial down, and Apple Bloom could breathe again, big gulps of air as she humped on nothing. “Sweetie!” Apple Bloom gasped at her with intense eyes, bucking in the air at what was happening inside her. “The buzzing!” she begged. “Ah need it, the b-buzz!” “It’s moving deep inside her now,” Sweetie patiently explained. “Just like it’s putting boy stuff into her. But I guess her button is outside, so this will make her orgasm.” “’gasm,” Apple Bloom agreed tightly, “Ah need it...” Sweetie turned the dial again, and as the movement crept to Apple Bloom’s surface, Apple Bloom stiffened and closed her eyes in concentration, breathing shorter and fiercely. “Yes...” she whispered. “Ye—!” she coughed out a gasp of pleasure. Sweetie turned the dial all the way to what she now knew was “button mode.” “Hahh! Ah... ah’m it’s ahhh!” Apple Bloom just belted out animal cries as the orgasm took her. It hit her hard, and the rhythmic bobbing of her tail was— “Sweetie stop—ah caint—ahhh!” Apple Bloom practically screamed, trying to look at Sweetie, but just loosing her footing and crashing on her side, arching in what looked like terrible pain. Sweetie fumbled with the control unit in panic, turning the switch off and stopping it, a desperate worry coming as she never thought it could hurt her friend! Was it broken? Oh no! Anyway... stopping it seemed to do the trick. Apple Bloom stopped keening, and just lay there on her side, twitching rhythmically, her mouth falling open into a sloppily delighted smile. “Um... oops,” Sweetie said in a quiet voice. “I t-think she’s okay now?” “I... I think it was hurting her to orgasm,” Scootaloo said soberly. “I didn’t think that ever happens,” Sweetie said uneasily. “But I never tried the d-dildo. I think she’s okay now?” Scootaloo sat down beside Apple Bloom with concern, and lifted her head to rest on his side. Sweetie sat on the other side of Apple Bloom, putting a hoof on Apple Bloom’s flank worried and unsure of what was going on in there, down between her friend’s now even more mysterious filly parts. That’s where they stayed until Apple Bloom just started laughing in sheer joy. “That was like the opposite of pain!” she said, writhing sensuously between them. “Ah didn’t know ya could feel too good!” Sweetie would confirm this later, not even being able to comprehend what Apple Bloom was saying when she told them it was basically the most excruciating good thing she ever felt, like her pleasure button was some kind of live wire. Buuuut it turns out that’s sort of exactly what it is. When you have taken your friend’s dildo, and inserted it inside yourself, delighted to control the deep shifting ripples, or the incredible vibrations on the surface, and when you start to orgasm you shift it all the way up to button mode, it doesn’t hurt at all, and it’s worse than kicking a zap apple tree! Sweetie was lucky Apple Bloom insisted on being there to shut the darn thing off, because she couldn’t imagine orgasming for more than one second with that thing eagerly resonating on her terribly most sensitive place, at that moment of utter mind blowing experience. So Sweetie lay there the time she tried it, just as spent as Apple Bloom had been. If not for her friend, Sweetie couldn’t have even hit the switch to turn it off. That’s how far it blew her past all semblance of control or sanity. She learned a valuable lesson that day, that the best orgasms are ones you reach slowly, and gently, teasing yourself over the edge, and then mostly letting yourself be, while your body takes care of the orgasm all on its own. It was a lesson Rarity probably could have taught her, if after learning of her sister’s pregnancy, she had thought that Sweetie was even going to use the dildo. But as frightening as it was being unable to make it stop by herself, Apple Bloom was there to help her, and Sweetie was pretty okay about it in the end. Two problems were solved in that emergency meeting. Firstly, Apple Bloom had a very, very effective tool to help her orgasm so well that she wouldn’t need to run under a stallion and present herself. And secondly, the three of them learned how to be truly intimate together again, despite estrus. Once Scootaloo had orgasmed, Apple Bloom could be pregnancy free, and he could eat her out to his heart’s content. She didn’t mind at all, that it took a long time for his heart to be content. Sweetie showed Apple Bloom all the cool, incredible things Scootaloo could do. Usually Apple Bloom just liked to watch while Scootaloo pumped Sweetie full of seed, using Apple Bloom’s estrus to supercharge their lusty relationship. But Sweetie also had Scootaloo do his squirting outside, like he had before, but this time it was to show Apple Bloom. The second time he went outside, Apple Bloom tried to do the rubbing, but she actually clamped her mouth down on the tip of Scootaloo’s penis, suckling it like a teat as he ejaculated. That’s how much her estrus wanted his seed! Sweetie managed to get them apart then, but she was scared now, that maybe his seed could get back to her womb, if it went down Apple Bloom’s throat. It didn’t end Apple Bloom’s estrus, so it probably was okay, but there were so many things Sweetie didn’t know. It was hard to teach Apple Bloom, for that matter. Sweetie Belle didn’t feel qualified when she explained how Scootaloo couldn’t orgasm twice, so he was safe after he re-impregnated Sweetie, but before that he would make Apple Bloom a mommy for sure. “There is a limit for fillies,” Sweetie said nervously to Apple Bloom. “But only if you get tired... I can usually do three. Colts are different. They have a... magic limit. They’re not even tired, but they stop feeling it after only just one.” “Now why would something silly like that be the case?” Apple Bloom asked, disappointedly and a bit sympathetically. “It’s lame,” Scootaloo grumbled, “It’s just because I can’t make any more seed come out. So it’s like, if I’m not ready to hurt fillies, I can’t even feel good!” “You didn’t hurt me, Scootaloo,” Sweetie told him soothingly. “I can... being pregnant has been more good than bad so far. It’s just, I mean... if you did it every time, every filly would have a new foal every year! But it wasn’t bad. You just didn’t know. Though when you mounted Apple Bloom, it was kinda bad.” Scootaloo blushed, “Heh heh, yeah I... I’ll try not to do that again.” Apple Bloom was counting on her hooves, and she got a puzzled look, saying, “Gosh, why ain’t there more foals? There’s like... ah know a lot of mares have foals, but usually only one, and they ain’t making one every single year!” “I really wish I knew,” Scootaloo sighed, shaking his head. “It’s totally hard, but maybe everypony is just really good about not doing it? I can’t ask anypony, or they’ll put me in the colt paddock.” “Granny don’t know enough either,” Apple Bloom said morosely. “Either that or she ain’t talkin’.” “Ponies all seem so touchy about this stuff,” Sweetie said. “It’s all icky and gross, and it does feel really good, but who wants to just tell some strange filly how you are supposed to do bottom stuff?” “If only there were some way where a pony didn’t have to tell you directly,” Apple Bloom pondered. “Like, a book we could read on it or something.” “I don’t think Princess Celestia ever said anything about it,” Scootaloo mumbled. “The texts they have in the orphanage are all... about being good, and friendly and true to your cause or something. Nothing about how it actually works.” “Yeah,” Sweetie said, “I even tried Rarity’s romance novels but they just talk about being faithful and how tragic it is loving a stallion who doesn’t love you, and then right when they get to the bottom part, it skips to the next chapter!” “Does Rarity know you are readin’ those?” Apple Bloom asked with misgivings. Sweetie blushed, “Of course not, but she’s bad at hiding them, a-and there’s no reason I shouldn’t read about all those beautiful stallions and noble knights. But even those books assume you already know...” Sweetie paused. “Maybe we could...” she murmured, in a somewhat haunted tone, “Those romance novels are books that aren’t Celestia’s words. There is one place that has... some other books that aren’t... you know...” “The library,” Apple Bloom realized, uneasily. Sweetie and Apple Bloom looked at each other in a pensive silence. Scootaloo looked between the two, then clapped his hooves around their shoulders. “C’mon, you girls are such scaredy-cats!” Scootaloo laughed, hugging the two of them. “It’s just books we’re technically not supposed to read. What are they gonna do, read us to death? Maybe they’re all just more romance novels.” “I guess it’s worth a shot,” Sweetie said reluctantly. “I don’t know anywhere else. We should be okay, as long as we don’t run into that crazy librarian.” Sweetie, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom warily crept into the strange living tree building that was home to the small library in Ponyville, where they were immediately accosted by that crazy librarian. As it so happens, there was nopony else in the library, and nothing to distract the librarian from paying attention to them. Furthermore, this mare was Rarity’s close friend, and Applejack’s. As such, she not only immediately recognized the three of them, and gravitated to the foals creeping into the tree library, but the librarian said in a bell-like smarmy voice, with a tone of barely concealed eagerness, “Oh, hello Apple Bloom! ...Scootaloo. ...Sweetie Belle.” The three shrank back at her approach, making the librarian hesitate on her hooves, and Sweetie couldn’t think of what to do, other than nervously fidget under Twilight Sparkle’s unnerving stare. “Welcome to the library?” Twilight attempted, smiling nervously at the cowed foals. “We need books,” Sweetie Belle blurted out anxiously, “On um... why ponies don’t have foals every year.” Twilight’s eyes softened as Sweetie spoke, and she said, “I see. Come on, they’re in the back room here.” She turned and trotted down the stairs in the back of the library. With no other options coming to mind, the three had no choice but to follow her into her lair. The spooky purple unicorn led the three of them back there to a dark room, where no other ponies were in direct earshot, the library walls thick all around them. The foals were sort of clustering together and quivering now, thinking that maybe they’ve made a huge mistake. Then, Twilight pulled Sweetie Belle aside, alone. Sweetie’s heart stopped as the unicorn crouched down and got in her face, blocking off Scootaloo and Apple Bloom behind a door before they could so much as protest. Whispering dreadfully to Sweetie, Twilight said, “Does Apple Bloom... know?” Know? Know what? Oh. Sweetie nodded numbly. She had a good idea what Twilight was referring to, just from that sad tension the librarian was expressing very powerfully. “Rarity told me about it,” Twilight said quietly, and less invasively, keeping to herself reservedly. “Is it really, I mean... how are you dealing with it?” “I feel fine so far,” Sweetie said tensely, “But Apple Bloom um...” she glanced at the door, not sure how to say it politely. “Oh... oh no,” Twilight realized unhappily, straightening up. “Not her, too!” Twilight pulled open the door to the alcove Sweetie had been cornered in, ushering in the other two, and facing the alarmed, and now confused young earth pony, saying to Apple Bloom, “Was it Scootaloo? You did know he was a colt, right? Was it some other pony? Were you even thinking about the consequences?” “What?!” Apple Bloom squawked at her. Apple Bloom stared at Twilight unbelievingly. Apple Bloom blinked. “Ah ain’t preggers!” Apple Bloom shouted hopping on her hooves, in tone angry enough that it seemed like it surprised even her. But when Twilight jerked back in surprise at her outburst, Apple Bloom reigned herself in, and admitted sullenly, more cooly, “Yeah mah friend Shady tried to get me preggers. But Scootaloo and Sweetie were there to stop Shady, and tell us about the dangers. And uh, Scootaloo tried to get me preggers, too. Sweetie only let Scootaloo go for a little, before making him back off.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Are you sure,” she said urgently. Then she said anxiously, “Ohh, you can’t do that! Why do fillies think they can do that!” “P-pretty sure, miss Twilight!” Apple Bloom staggered back at the unicorn’s odd reaction. “An’ a stallion named Caramel stopped me from uh... makin’ a mistake, and Sweetie’s been helping me ever since. Mah estrus would go away if ah was preggers, right?” “Well good,” Twilight said vehemently, floating a book in Apple Bloom’s face, “I’m glad. But you’re still going to read this.” Apple Bloom blinked at her, then looked at the book, whose title was on pony reproduction. “Out loud,” Twilight prompted. “Your friends need to know too.” “Alright—” Apple Bloom said, interrupted again when Twilight said, “I’ve highlighted the relevant passage. It’s very important.” Apple Bloom rolled her eyes, and just started reading the glowing part of the text. “The pre-a-jace-u-late emitted during aruhsal cain contain signifecant amounts of sp-sperm, that cain result in unexpested pregnayncies for cuples who prastise—practice c-coytus interrupt...us.” Apple Bloom didn’t see anymore to read. “I don’t get it,” Sweetie said flatly. “I don’t know all those words,” Scootaloo added uncertainly. “What’s tus, and why’s it coy?” “It was one word,” Apple Bloom cut in, with a puzzled look, “Coitus. Haven’t the slightest idea.” “Could you fillies please visit the library more often?” Twilight moaned exasperatedly. “This is basic sexual terminology. Coitus is, well, it’s when you... put the penis, in the vagina!” “What’s a vagina?” Scootaloo asked, even more cluelessly. “It’s my inside place,” Sweetie offered helpfully. “I um... forgot it was called vagina, but Rarity told me once.” “Well duh,” Apple Bloom said in frustration. “This dumb book just says if’n you mount up on a filly and start squirtin’ inside her, she’ll get a foal. We already knew that!” Twilight facehooved. “No, coitus interruptus,” she said, “Is where you try to avoid pregnancy by er, ‘mounting up’ and then pulling out before orgasm. You do at least know what orgasm is, right?” Three clueless looks and Twilight groaned. “I wasn’t going to sort the arthropology collection this afternoon anyway,” she grumbled, “Okay, listen carefully. The proper terminology is coitus, for the act of insertion, and orgasm, for the point ejaculation occurs.” “Ejacu-what?” Sweetie asked, wishing she had a dictionary now, instead of an angry librarian. Twilight just gave her a hopeless look, saying, “Ejaculation is when the semen comes out!” There was a silence, whereupon Scootaloo spoke up, saying, “What’s semen?” The other two fillies nodded to him in affirmation, looking to Twilight. “Maybe you should start,” Twilight sighed, “By telling me how you think a filly gets pregnant...” “Well,” Sweetie spoke up, being the foremost authority on pregnant fillies. “First the colt does the twitchy thing, because he’s sliding inside you. It doesn’t make any seed at first, but when he gets older he does. But he still wants to put the seed in your inside place, since it feels really good when he does. When you have seed in you, it wriggles up into your womb and unites with your egg. Then your egg turns into a foal, and plants in you. Um... then the foal grows bigger and... something about a bloody thing... and...” Twilight Sparkle lit up her horn, vanishing in a burst of purple magic. Through the walls outside the library the fillies could hear her screaming furiously outside at the top of her lungs, “Colloquialisms!!” Then with another sparkly poof she was back in the room, with a gentle smile on her face. “You fillies—er,” she glanced at Scootaloo, “Foals, could only learn by asking your parents—er,” she glanced at Apple Bloom, “Your family—er,” she glanced at Scootaloo again. “You know what,” Twilight realized somberly at the three foals, “You have not got the support network that most foals have. No wonder you have the terminology all mixed up!” “I have parents,” Sweetie pointed out innocently. The others nodded to her in affirmation. She added, “They just um... they’re on vacation right now... again...” and now she felt kind of sad. “What you three need,” Twilight said emphatically, “Is to spend more time at the library. There are plenty of books here that won’t use vague flowery terms like inside place and seed.” “I kinda like the term ‘inside place’” Sweetie said, somewhat resentfully. “Your mouth is an inside place,” Twilight said, undeterred. “So are your nostrils. So is the library. We’re inside an inside place right now! Nopony will know you mean that inside place, if you don’t use the proper terminology.” “Well, what’s the... proper terminology?” Scootaloo said, stepping to stand between the librarian and Sweetie Belle. Twilight frowned at him, but then smiled gladly. She was really not the easiest pony to understand sometimes. Though admittedly, she wasn’t nearly as creepy as any of the three had thought she was going to be. Her eyes didn’t even glow in the dark! “The seed you’re talking about is called semen,” Twilight said in a lecturey tone. “It contains motile haploid cells called sperm that... technically can be considered seeds, but mostly it is seminal fluid, a white viscous substance in which the sperm are propelled.” “Oh, so it’s not like, liquid seeds?” Scootaloo asked uncertainly. Twilight nodded to Scootaloo. “That’s right. The seeds are protoplasmic, not liquid. The bulk of the semen is a fluid they’re suspended in, which is... a protein soup. The best analogy I can think of is sinus fluid. It’s a thick, white viscous slime, the same sort of thing as what moistens your nasal passages.” There was a pause, after which Apple Bloom exclaimed, “Semen is snot?!” “Ssh!” Twilight said, “This is a private reading room, but it’s still a library!” Sweetie didn’t understand why Apple Bloom was so horrified. She just looked at Apple Bloom oddly, when Apple Bloom didn’t even finish her sentence. “Semen is not... what?” Sweetie prompted uncertainly. “No, snot,” Apple Bloom corrected her. “I didn’t say it was anything, though!” Sweetie protested. “No, like, snot,” Apple Bloom tried again, “Like when you have a cold an’ you sneeze white slimy goobers out.” “Oh no,” Scootaloo groaned, sinking down in embarassment. “ It totally is. I can’t believe I did that!” “Ah am never touchin’ a colt ever again,” Apple Bloom moaned sinking down with him sympathetically. “You sneezed in my vagina?!” Sweetie hissed accusingly at Scootaloo. “It didn’t make you sick,” Scootaloo countered desperately, “Just pregnant!” Sweetie blinked, and looked away from Scootaloo, at Twilight, asking, “Is pregnancy a kind of cold?” Twilight for her part, looked like she was going to cry at this exchange, but managed to restrain her tears. “No... no, it’s not,” she said quietly. “Pregnancy is snot too?!” Sweetie exclaimed with alarm. Twilight whimpered in consternation, hanging her head, saying “I just want you to use the proper terminology...” Apple Bloom walked up and touched the leg of the morose librarian, saying, “Sorry miss Twilight. Ah didn’t mean to interrupt. It was just kinda... upsettin’” “It totally is like sneezing too,” Sweetie admitted. “It tickles more and more, until you can’t stand it, and then it’s squeezing down on its own. Just with sneezing, it’s coming out of your mouth. And um... bottom squeezing goes in, not out.” “Orgasm,” Twilight said quietly. “What?” Sweetie asked. “Your bottom... squeezing,” Twilight bit out. “It’s called orgasm.” “What about my squeezing?” Scootaloo asked. “Uh, I mean, jerking... the stuff that makes the seedmen come out of me.” “That’s called orgasm too,” Twilight said. “And it’s semen, not seed-men.” “I toldja our bottom things were the same thing,” Scootaloo said cheekily to Sweetie. Sweetie smiled abashedly, and said, “Yeah, they kind of are.” “Alright, thus far we have the terms semen, vagina, sperm, coitus and orgasm,” Twilight summarized. “Quick quiz: the place where a filly goes inside is called...” “A vagina!” Scootaloo piped up. “Good!” Twilight smiled. “And coitus is...” “Ooh,” Sweetie spoke up, “It’s where he mounts on you and gets ready to make a foal.” “Very... poetic Sweetie,” Twilight said. “Now, the fluid Scootaloo emits is called...” “Semen,” Apple Bloom whispered tensely. “And inside that semen are little tiny...” None of them got it. “Sperm,” Twilight confirmed for them again. “When sperm penetrate a filly’s egg, she becomes with foal, and what that book was trying to tell you is if you engage in coitus, that is, even if you just put it in a little, your pre-ejaculate may contain sperm. It’s not safe to try pulling out early.” “Wait, so,” Apple Bloom said nervously, “You mean even just a little bit inside and—?” “That’s right,” Twilight sighed. “It’s... very rare, but it is a very real danger.” “What is this pre-ejaculate stuff?” Scootaloo asked frustratedly. “Nothing comes out of me except semen. You mean filly juices?” “Vaginal fluid,” Twilight corrected, “And no, I meant the stuff that drips out of er... emits from you as soon as you become erect.” Scootaloo blinked. “But nothing comes out,” he said. “I can’t make anything come out until the twi—the orgasm.” Twilight tilted her head. “Oh, I guess um,” she answered uncertainly, “Not every male produces pre-ejaculate... it really varies from stallion to stallion. You might when you get older, but um... the point is you shouldn’t put it in a filly at all, because it could end up with her pregnant despite your best efforts.” “Well that’s no fun,” Scootaloo said, rolling his eyes. “It’s fine, as long as you avoid estrus,” Twilight insisted snippily. “But estrus is the most fun!” Scootaloo protested. “I mean, Apple Bloom here just squeezy...gasmed, and she’s already making it come out again. Poor Sweetie is getting tired of me mounting her, and Apple Bloom is the one who really wants it!” “S’truth,” Apple Bloom mumbled, “This estrus is really the worst if’n ah cain’t have what Sweetie does... ah hate bein’ the only filly in the room who’s got it.” “You’re not the only filly with estrus,” Twilight grumbled, shifting her hind leg discreetly. “But other mares don’t have foals every year,” Sweetie cut in urgently, looking at her increasingly incensed friends, and at that librarian who was... something. “We just need to learn how they do it, and maybe how Scootaloo can help Apple Bloom. And I really don’t mind all the m-mounting it just makes me sad for Apple Bloom.” “Th’ month’s almost a quarter over,” Apple Bloom said wearily. “Ah cain hold out till then... it’s just hard, an’ all. Lots harder work than givin’ birth, ah’ll tell ya.” Twilight twitched an eye in Apple Bloom’s direction, drawling out wryly, “You have never given birth, I take it.” “Well no, but ah saw it once,” Apple Bloom said. “One of th’ cows let me watch, an’ she had a real good time of it.” “Well, while giving birth is rarely especially painful, Twilight said, “It is still a lot of work. I’ve seen no filly more exhausted than one who’s had a long, difficult labor.” “Yeah, but nopony’s birth took a month!” Apple Bloom protested. “Ah been havin’ problems for over a week now! I’d take a hour or two of huffin’ and puffin’ over that. Trouble is, ah cain’t take care of a foal. Ah just got started with the apple buckin’ an’ Granny caint even buck no more, so we got enough for us to eat, but a foal would mean we’d all have to go hungry, for I dunno how long! Until she grows up and has another foal, ah guess!” Twilight nodded, “Point taken. You’re right that... putting up with estrus is a small amount of effort over a very long time. It doesn’t get any easier, either...” “Have you ever given birth?” Sweetie asked Twilight curiously. Twilight blushed and stuttered, “N-no, I haven’t had a stallion fertilize me, yet. Um, nor do I plan to.” “Hope you don’t want me to,” Scootaloo said grumpily. “I don’t even know if I could get up that high.” “Actually, if I were to lay supine you wouldn’t have any problem with penetration,” Twilight pointed out. “...supine?” Scootaloo asked warily. “...on my back,” Twilight clarified grumpily. Scootaloo actually... blushed at that. “O-oh,” he said, “Yeah that would... um... work.” “I wouldn’t be opposed to the concept,” Twilight admitted, fidgeting her hindquarters again. “All this talk of t-terminology has certainly em... fired me up, so to speak. But it’s no big deal I can manage um... it.” “You’re in heat, too,” Sweetie said, in sudden realization. Which was kind of bad since Twilight literally said this to be the case, not ten minutes ago. “B-but you don’t want... you don’t want to get pregnant, do you?” “I... hm,” Twilight rubbed her chin. “I do in a sense,” she said, “But definitely not with Scootaloo. No offense, but I intend to be careful about my donor’s genetic compatability, and that’s not the sort of thing I can verify without a lot of blood work and calculation.” Scootaloo started to deflate at that, but by the end of it he was just too confused to tell exactly what she was talking about. “So... you don’t want to do it?” He asked uncertainly. “Oh no, I do, it’s just—” Twilight winced. “I mean, I didn’t mean to say you had to, but if you um, of course you would be willing but, I mean I’ve heard it feels um...” “Really good?” Sweetie attempted. “It’s really hard to say no,” Twilight spoke out, her purple tail flicking restlessly. “I er, I think I would want to for just about anypony at this point, just to get some... relief. N-not that I have anypony in mind. It’s just that this season is going to be a real doozy, you know.” “Figures mah first season would be a doozy of one,” Apple Bloom said bitterly. “Ah don’t wanna feel all like this ah just wanna be mahself!” Twilight smiled sadly, and there was a remorseful tinge to her voice when she said, “We took care of her as soon as possible, but the night of the last solstice was... really long. Maybe even a week. It’s thrown everything out of whack, including our biological clocks. To warm the earth, the princess had to lengthen the days earlier, and for longer, and you know what that means.” No foal volunteered this information, just blinking at her cluelessly. “Estrus is triggered by sunlight,” Twilight said disgustedly. “When the sun is up for long enough days, mares go into estrus. If your ovaries are too young it won’t do anything, but you fillies were just lucky enough that your ovaries started producing. On the year that with so many long days... well, let’s just say Ponyville is going to have to rethink its attitude towards contraception, and fast.” “What’s contra...ception?” Apple Bloom asked, working her mouth around the word. Twilight would have answered, but she was too busy pounding her forehead against the wall. Right where there was a conveniently well worn horn shaped dent on the wall, for her horn to fit in. Once she...got better from... whatever that was, she said, “You three should know about contraception. Every pony should know about contraception. If I could just... ugh...” Twilight looked at Sweetie Belle sadly. Sweetie didn’t like being looked at sadly. “If you had access to contraception, this would never have been a problem,” Twilight said to Sweetie. “I’m sorry you have to be pregnant, but contraception just means anything that prevents pregnancy from happening in the first place.” “I know I have to,” Sweetie answered glumly. “But Apple Bloom isn’t pregnant yet. Could she have contraception?” “What, is it like a cork or something?” Apple Bloom asked suspiciously, “Or like, a belt that blocks you off? Dunno how you’d do it for a boy.” Twilight laughed lightly at that saying, “No, Apple Bloom, contraception is much more than just that. There are chastity belts, but I can tell you that they work better at teaching fillies how to pick locks than they do at stopping pregnancy. No, there are other forms of contraception. There’s a medicine you can take to prevent implantation. There’s a shot you can take. And then there’s the IUD.” “IUD?” Apple Bloom asked reluctantly. “That a medicine, too?” “It’s my personal favorite form of contraception,” Twilight said happily. “But basically, it’s a way that you can safely um... raise your tail for colts, with very little danger of pregnancy.” “An’ they can go in, too?” Apple Bloom said looking more eager by the second. “Yup, the whole shebang,” Twilight chirped. “It’d be just like you had nothing at all. I mean,” she blushed, “Or so I’ve heard.” “Ah will do all your chores if—” Apple Bloom started to yell at her, but puzzled about saying, “That is, your librarian... duties or...whatnot, if ah cain have that!” Twilight stepped back from the eager filly, saying, “Oh, I dunno, Apple Bloom, your sister really doesn’t like those things. Many ponies here are very... traditional, and consider it kind of I dunno... evil.” Apple Bloom seriously hesitated at that saying, “But mah... but... you said...” Twilight corrected hastily saying, “An IUD is completely mundane, with not any dark magic or evil at all. It’s perfectly safe. Just a secret little trick that can keep your womb foal free for your estrus period. It’s just... your sister once said I was a um... dirty slut for having one, so she wouldn’t um... it’d be bad to tell her. And Rarity too, she wouldn’t even talk to me for a week.” Sweetie frowned worriedly. “Rarity too? Are you sure it’s s-safe? I don’t want to hurt Apple Bloom.” “Ah don’t care about gettin’ hurt ah’ll do anything if’n ah cain get that fillin’ again,” Apple Bloom said intensely. “You really don’t know Sweetie, it’s just like, ah’m all empty and alone and ah just... it just don’t go away!” “I wish I went into estrus,” Sweetie said, getting a bizarre look from Apple Bloom, clarifying with, “Because then I could know what you’re going through...” “Oh please, oh please miss Twilight, ah’ll do anything!” Apple Bloom said with big earnest eyes right at the purple librarian’s hooves. Twilight cracked like an egg. “Oh what the heck,” Twilight said. “If you three think you can keep a secret, you should be fine, and getting in trouble is a lot less of a hassle than getting pregnant!” “Thank you thank you,” Apple Bloom gasped, hugging Twilight right around the legs, making the librarian look quite awkwardly unsure of herself. “I wish I could have it,” Sweetie said resentfully. “But I don’t want Apple Bloom to get hurt,” she added more worriedly. “Are you a hundred percent completely hundred absolutely sure? Because Rarity wouldn’t um... get upset... okay, but Applejack wouldn’t get upset over nothing.” “I am absolutely sure that she will not get hurt,” Twilight told her. “Because I’ve already done the trick, for myself! Do I look hurt to you? Not one bit! That’s why Applejack said ...I was a slut. The reason she did that is, she’s just a bit... upset at finding out. She’s just worried for me, thinking it will hurt me, and it frustrates her so bad that she can’t do anything about it. She’s just mistaken, and can only think to protect me by saying hurtful things.” “Yeah, ‘slut’ must be something horrible,” Scootaloo said sympathetically. “It sounds like throwing up or something.” “Actually...” Twilight straightened, looking thoughtful. She speared Sweetie with a look, saying, “Slut is just a word for a mare who enjoys sex.” “Sex?” Scootaloo again asked, unknowingly. Twilight glanced at Scootaloo dimly. “You don’t talk to the older colts, I guess,” the librarian said quietly. “Sex is a slang term for coitus.” “Wait,” Sweetie said in confusion. “So what’s bad about that? I mean, besides um...” she blushed. “I guess finding out you’re pregnant is bad. I wish I didn’t have to be...” she mumbled shamefully. “Hey, I sympathize, really I do,” Twilight said rolling her eyes. “But even if it felt good, you should have known better. It’s not like you didn’t know what would happen, if you lifted your tail for Scootaloo.” Sweetie blinked at her. “Actually...” Sweetie said tilting her head at Twilight uncertainly, “I kinda didn’t?” “Of course you did,” Twilight said with a weird half smile. “Your parents would... oh, um... you knew, didn’t you?” “No, they f-forgot I guess,” Sweetie blushed. “And Rarity told me too late. Me and Scootaloo have been... coitusing together for a long time now.” Twilight stared at Sweetie. “Rarity... didn’t tell me that,” she said with a raised eyebrow. “Is that bad?” Sweetie asked worriedly. Twilight just frowned, and said, “You want to tell me exactly how you got pregnant? All she said was that you raised your tail for Scootaloo, here.” “I did!” Sweetie exclaimed. “I just didn’t know that’s what it did. She tried to tell me about um birds and bees, a few days ago. And I had already stopped going into estrus. I even had some of Scootaloo in me even when she was telling me! S-so it was too late when she... told me.” “How long exactly have you been pregnant?” Twilight asked, with a quiet light in her eyes. “I dunno, over a week,” Sweetie said confidently. “Estrus started for everypony...filly in our class a week ago, so that was when it... happened.” “It’s only been a week for you?” Twilight declared agog, right in Sweetie’s face. “F-fillies I mean, we’re younger so it came l-later, but it still did,” Sweetie squeaked nervously. Twilight vanished again in a burst of magenta light. Outside she could once again be heard screaming, this time “You ponies are all a bunch of barbarians!!” Then she teleported back in with a nice bright smile on her face, saying sweetly, “You really should come around the library more often.” Twilight added a bit more seriously, “This is more important than... well, let’s just say Rarity might not have been... entirely one hundred percent forward with you.” Sweetie just gulped and nodded as Twilight stared her down, looking darkly intense despite the library’s pleasant, sunny lighting. Scootaloo kicked Twilight in the flank with his forehooves saying, “Hey! Come on, she said she was sorry! You’re scaring her!” “This’s why they don’t want us comin’ to the library...” Apple Bloom said curling her tail around herself unhappily. “You’re kinda uh, no offense but,” “Weird,” Sweetie said from under her tail. “And a little scary.” Twilight got a look of guilty shock. She backed off, physically, at least. “Sorry girls...” Twilight said tiredly, “I mean, ponies. I’m not the best to um, teach you maybe, but... I don’t know anyone who could do it discreetly, and... they’re important life changing decisions, that shouldn’t be denied to you, just because you grew up in this... here.” Twilight sighed, and turned away. “You know you’re being misled,” Twilight stated, without addressing any of them directly, “When the first thing they teach you is to fear ponies who don’t fit in.” She shook her head, and turned back to the foals. “This is really too much,” she said, a very discomfited pony, “I can’t believe Rarity would... she’s such a nice pony she... ugh.” “Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said urgently, to the little filly who was just at the precipitous age that she could bear a foal, “You don’t have to be pregnant.” > The World is Sideways > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie felt as if the world were tilting sideways as she gaped up at Twilight. “W... what?!” she squeaked. Then she looked around nervously and whispered more quietly, “What?! But Rarity said—” “She doesn’t understand!” Twilight hissed back quietly. “She... she might not even know that you can terminate a pregnancy. I don’t know. I’ll... I want to make sure you have the best chance you can Sweetie Belle, so I won’t tell her if it would get you hurt, but if I can avoid putting you in danger, I will have very strong words with Rarity about this.” “But I’m... but she said there was already a foal in me!” Sweetie said aghast. “That’s why I’m not having estrus!” “There is, and there isn’t,” Twilight said cryptically. “The truth is a lot different. It’s not safe to talk even here. I don’t want to put you three all in danger. Just... I need you, only you Sweetie Belle, to meet me at the river leading to the Everfree. Not tomorrow, today after lunch. I’ll tell you then, but it has to be soon as possible. You could be okay, but the clock is ticking!” “What if ah get preggers?” Apple Bloom asked aside, in a hurt voice. “It’s a bit different, if you know about the dangers,” Twilight said flatly. “Sweetie said she didn’t even know what she was doing, and that’s just... completely not fair, and kind of evil to force on somepony. You um... you won’t need to worry about it either, because I’ll share my contraceptive trick with you.” Apple Bloom still looked resentful, so Twilight added, “Think about it. If you ignore my advice, and refuse my trick, and go deliberately get yourself impregnated, even if you are under the influence of estrus, who would you rather be pregnant, you or Sweetie here?” “Ah guess...” Apple Bloom mumbled. “You won’t do that,” Twilight assured her, “But if you heard of some mare or... filly who did, you’d think she was pretty silly. Getting her just desserts!” “It would be awful silly,” Apple Bloom admitted with a half smile. “Y-you really think ah’ll be okay?” “Only one way to find out,” Twilight said with a bit of a delighted hoofy dance. “Experimentation!” Apple Bloom looked at her blankly. “Don’t you remember? Scootaloo!” Twilight clarified eagerly. Scootaloo jerked up from where he’d gotten distracted with rubbing at his turgid length hungrily. “O-oh um, heh heh, sorry I was listening, totally listening yeah, I was just, heh.” Twilight didn’t answer at first, just reclined on one of the recliners in the reading room, shuffling herself and spreading her legs invitingly to reveal her glistening vulva. “I really could use your help,” she said abashedly. “Nopony, I mean... this heat is really kicking my tail too and I haven’t had a stallion to help me with it. You still up for showing Apple Bloom how safe it is?” Scootaloo stared a second before saying, “Y-you mean the... coitus?” “Yes, that word exactly,” Twilight said heatedly. “And you know what happens when you engage in coitus, right?” Scootaloo shivered, saying, “S-semen?” Twilight’s lip twitched and she said, “Close. I meant the word, ‘ejaculation’.” “What’s ejaculation?” Apple Bloom asked wonderingly. Sweetie agreed it was an amazing sounding word. “When Scootaloo orgasms,” Twilight explained, breathing harder from doing so, “He ejaculates. Ejaculation is the process by which his penis contracts, and ejects his semen from his body.” “I-i-into you miss Twilight?” Scootaloo asked hopefully. “Well, I hope so,” Twilight said wryly. “I’d hate to have to not share my trick with Apple Bloom because you chickened out at the last minute.” “I won’t chicken out!” Scootaloo said hotly, stepping forward. Then he hesitated, and then he just trotted forward eagerly, and buried his muzzle hungrily in Twilight’s dripping petals. “Oh—!” Twilight squeaked caught seriously off guard, her head snapping back. Scootaloo furiously applied himself, clearly not minding the older mare’s broader and fuller mound at all as he sucked and licked at her just like Sweetie Belle had trained him so well to do. “Psst,” Sweetie whispered to Scootaloo. “Don’t forget to give her a break once and a while!” “Unmh,” Scootaloo mumbled as distracted as he was by Twilight’s groove. He lifted his head though, and Twilight lay there panting, not from an orgasm, but just from the sudden unexpected licking. “Right, Sweetie,” he said, then went in more carefully, before Twilight could raise her head, teasing and nibbling at her vulva more softly. This of course had the opposite effect of calming her down and Sweetie could clearly tell that Twilight was already on her way to orgasm. She truly did have estrus just as ...Apple Bloom did. Apple Bloom wasn’t looking so good, staring at them in anxious gnawing hunger, and rubbing her vulva frantically. Scootaloo pulled back then, to let Twilight catch her breath, and said in puzzlement, “Why do you taste like... grapes?” “Juice...” Twilight said between pants, and the explanation seemed to excite her even more than the licking. Was she just... like that? Sweetie wondered. “Good for... grape juice, for the phenols... and... good for my coat... Scootaloo where did you learn that?” “We practiced,” Sweetie said beside Scootaloo proudly. “He knows everything that feels good because I told him. A-and I know all about how to lick him too.” “You...” Twilight moaned, rubbing her vulva with a hoof, “Experimented~!” “C’mon, Twilight,” Scootaloo whined pushing at her hoof with his little orange ones, “That’s my job!” Twilight smiled in surprise and indulgence, happily moving her hoof away as Scootaloo went down to lipping at her groin. The smell of Twilight’s sex was coming to dominate the room, but surprisingly Scootaloo’s as well. When he got excited he just... smelled more. Sweetie liked it, but didn’t really understand where he got all that smell from. It was one reason that having him inside her made the room fill with both their scents, by the time Scootaloo got done fucking Sweetie. And of course in those times that they mated, with Apple Bloom beside them, half passed out from Sweetie’s licking, Apple Bloom’s own scent inspired Scootaloo to be that much more eager and hornier. And... Sweetie took another look at Apple Bloom, here and now in the reading room with Twilight. Poor Apple Bloom was just dying at the look of this. Sweetie knew her own groin was melty enough, between that bobbing penis under Scootaloo’s eager hips, and the hot licks of his tongue in a strange mare who they’d only been looking for books from. But Apple Bloom had estrus, and Sweetie had no estrus because... well, Sweetie suspected she could call her condition pregnancy, but Twilight threw some doubt into that just now. The lack of estrus gave Sweetie an advantage though, which is that she could walk around freely, instead of quivering there staring blankly at Scootaloo’s ballsack, attacking her soaking vulva with a hoof, the way Apple Bloom was doing. Sweetie didn’t even move Apple Bloom’s hoof out of the way. She just started licking around it, figuring she could coax the filly’s hoof away with teasing from her tongue. It worked, Apple Bloom giving a sharp needy cry, before clumping her hoof down on the ground and closing her mouth, trying to quiet the incensed whimpers that were escaping her. Whimpers that Sweetie Belle was causing with her tongue and lips. Sweetie started gently stroking Apple Bloom’s underside with a hoof, where the sensitive nipples on her teats were swelling and perking up. The main event was a messy affair at first, because Sweetie had a lot of deliciously appley girl juice to clean up. She could lick faster than Apple Bloom’s body could make more though, so soon Apple Bloom was gleaming and smooth on her fur, not the slightest bit sticky, and her pink innards were throbbing against Sweetie’s tongue, winking out at her just like Sweetie’s did when she was feeling so good. Sweetie loved making Apple Bloom feel so good. “Bite on this,” came Twilight’s tense order, after Apple Bloom couldn’t hold back a quiet creaky squeal of delight. Sweetie ...gave Apple Bloom a break, looking up over her friend’s rump to see a ...book floating in front of Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom snatched it out of the air and chomped down on it, her voice much more ...muffled that way. Sweetie was about to go back down, but there was a battle before her, of Twilight hunching to get Scootaloo’s muzzle pressed into her hot box, and Scootaloo struggling to climb up onto her so he could get his penis in there. That was another great thing about licking is, when Scootaloo did it until he couldn’t hold back, he said it felt a lot better to put his penis in. Licking a filly made the penis thing, the coitus feel better for him. Scootaloo won the “battle” as soon as Twilight realized what he was trying to do, instead reaching out a hoof to help him up onto the recliner. With Scootaloo’s wings buzzing in the air, it wasn’t hard for him to get up that little bit and lie on Twilight’s belly. “I–I’m gonna do it,” Scootaloo said urgently. His penis was flat against Twilight’s folds and sliding there. “Need to... inside I can totally squirt, I... can I?” “You try and make me pregnant as hard as you can,” Twilight said huskily, with half lidded eyes. “We have to show Apple Bloom I’m serious about stopping pregnancy, after all.” Apple Bloom whimpered at that, but it looked like she wasn’t willing to spit out the book for fear of losing it and having to cry out loudly again, whenever Sweetie got around to once again licking her. Sweetie smiled indulgently, watching Scootaloo with relish for once, while he penetrated another mare. She usually had to watch with trepidation, and pull them apart before Scootaloo had any fun. But now Scootaloo could go in there and stay in there until he was done, thanks to Twilight’s magic thing. And it wasn’t Sweetie Belle he was penetrating. There was something... insufferably exciting about that. Sweetie really felt like a load was off her shoulders. Considering Scootaloo usually mounted Sweetie Belle from behind, it might be better to say a load off her rump. He wasn’t mounting anypony from behind though. Twilight Sparkle, the librarian was flat on her back in a soft recliner, while Scootaloo lay on top of her belly and dragged the tip of his shaft down to her entrance. A needy whimper escaped him at the feel of it dragging there. Sweetie would have gone back to licking Apple Bloom, but she wanted to wait for just the right moment. When Scootaloo found it, that way into the librarian, and he said “Can I— can I—” even as he pushed his way into her, that was when Sweetie lowered her head and laid her tongue against Apple Bloom. The moment Apple Bloom saw Scootaloo penetrate Twilight, Sweetie made sure to be there, licking Apple Bloom’s leaky holes and soothing her burning tissues and then like Scootaloo, pushing her tongue in, licking Apple Bloom all the way inside her. “Oh Scootaloo, this is—you’re... you’re quite... big!” Sweetie heard, only able to hear their words from here while Apple Bloom watched, helpless not to watch as long as Sweetie licked her into staying still. Scootaloo’s voice came saying, “You... you’re deep m-miss Twilight. I can’t reach your bottom like I can Sweetie Belle~” His girly voice was so loving at the sound of Sweetie’s name. Sweetie just redoubled her efforts on Apple Bloom, feeling like she was glowing from warm appreciation. “More...” Twilight said breathlessly, “More distracting than I... than I thought. Q-quite sensitive whoo... when I...” “You think that’s distracting,” Scootaloo said cheekily. And then he was thrusting. Sweetie knew because of the sound of Twilight, saying, “O-oh–oh-o-oh.” Well, trying to say something at any rate, but it quickly faded into shocked senseless vocalizations as Scootaloo really got going. Sweetie hardly had to even lick Apple Bloom anymore. She just tried to delve her tongue in roughly to the sound of Twilight’s surprisingly quiet grunts and sighs, trying to make Apple Bloom feel like it was Scootaloo back here too. Apple Bloom was just so incensed by the sight of Scootaloo fucking that grown up mare, that it sent her right over to orgasm land. In fact, come to think on it, this had to be incredible for Apple Bloom right now, no matter who Scootaloo was inside. Apple Bloom couldn’t watch Scootaloo fucking Sweetie Belle while Sweetie was licking her. She had to either watch, or be licked while looking the other way. But this way, Apple Bloom got hit from both sides, with the arousing sight of her friend’s shaft diving into a mare’s passage in front of her, and a long hot tongue slurping on her inner passage, and soft lips probing her rear. There was the muted sound of a filly screaming into a book as Apple Bloom’s insides quivered and tensed, and Sweetie knew what that meant. With her bottom lip, she softly toyed with Apple Bloom’s fun button, before the inevitable squeezy thing began. Doing that made your orgasm turn into a big one, far as Sweetie knew. Apple Bloom didn’t just crest over the edge of orgasm. Sweetie just about kicked her flying off the cliff of orgasm! Apple Bloom’s whole bottom was jerking in its relentless assault on Sweetie Belle’s tongue in there. Apple Bloom’s tail was bobbing frantically and—oh shoot, she started peeing again! Sweetie... really didn’t mind getting peed on. It was easy to clean up, and it didn’t really smell that bad when it first came out. And it was a fluid Apple Bloom could produce, and... well, when that hot, flooding, gushing started to run down Sweetie’s muzzle, she whimpered but held steady. She had to be there for Apple Bloom, so Apple Bloom wouldn’t have to go so far as to get pregnant, just to feel a little better. Sweetie really hoped miss Twilight had some towels and... paper towels, that you could take somewhere and bury. Apple Bloom usually remembered to pee beforehand, but not this time! Sweetie honestly... knew the feeling. She didn’t want to know the feeling, but one time when Scootaloo was licking her, she started orgasming and had forgotten to pee, and... she didn’t even realize she was peeing. She was just feeling so good, and then there was the odd sound of Scootaloo spluttering back there like something was blasting all over him. It was... really embarassing. He wasn’t as upset about it as Sweetie had feared though. Maybe because after she cleaned off his face and coat, he got to just mount up and put it in. That always made him feel lots better. It was apparantly impossible for Scootaloo to pee during orgasm, but for a filly, well... there were two holes, so there was no need to block the pee, so the seed could get out. So Sweetie had nothing stopping her from peeing when she orgasmed. And very little muscle control. Scootaloo’s penis didn’t even block her pee place. When she did it, it splattered above his penis and on down his groin. When you were an orgasming filly, it was devilishly easy to not even notice your bladder joining in on the fun, and next thing you know you’re going all over the floor, and your friend. It was a bit of a guilty pleasure for Sweetie, but, sometimes when Scootaloo’s penis was in her, and not his face, she deliberately let herself pee when she orgasmed. Something about the combination of mind blowing tingling, and release and relief, it really... well it made her feel special about it, enough to do it, even when Scootaloo’s groin was right there in the way. She hadn’t told him, just was obsessive about... cleaning him off after. So if Scootaloo knew what she was doing, at least he didn’t protest. There was no way Sweetie was going to pee right now, though. She wasn’t even close to orgasming, and the library floors were wood, with rugs on top of the wood. She wasn’t going to add to the problem, but... they sorta did have a problem to deal with now. But—but Sweetie couldn’t just leave Apple Bloom hanging like that! She would have blamed Apple Bloom, but Apple Bloom couldn’t have known they were going to be up and orgasming at the library. Just a silly accident. Sweetie Belle carefully retracted her tongue from Apple Bloom’s passage, and closed her lips tightly before pulling away from Apple Bloom’s groin. This was a lesson she learned the hard way, the day before yesterday. She pulled back and said, “Oh boy, we got a bit of a pee problem, Apple Bloom.” “W-wh—? N-no...” Apple Bloom managed to whimper, still quivering in the grips of her powerful climax. “Miss Twilight, do you have a um...” Sweetie said looking at the completely ecstatic unicorn who was currently orgasming, while Scootaloo bucked against her trying to thrust into that to make himself climax. “Oh, right,” she said disappointedly. Instead she stroked Apple Bloom’s back, and whispered to her, “You were so good back there, it was beautiful. You couldn’t even hold back a little bit. So glad I could make you do it.” Sweetie didn’t really need to say anything sensible, just quell Apple Bloom’s fears, so the little filly could enjoy her climax without anxiety. It worked well, because after Apple Bloom relaxed enough from her orgasm to move, she leaned heavily, and tenderly against Sweetie Belle’s side, giving a happy contented sigh. Apple Bloom did remember though, and once she’d got her wits about her she said softly, “Oh boy...” and then more clearly, “Oh boy.” She turned and looked at the wet spot she’d left on the rug, which was both of her juices, not just the good tasting stuff. “Oh golly, okay, okay. Okay we gotta, um...” “Just a sec,” Sweetie said distractedly, fwapping Apple Bloom’s shoulder to draw her attention. “I think Scootaloo’s just finishing up.” Indeed, Scootaloo was jerking in and out of a very dreamy looking Twilight, hanging onto her folded forehooves to pull himself against her. And with a “yes... yes, ye–s!” he jammed it in that purple unicorn’s cunt, and held it in her. His hips rocked in shallow thrusts as he pushed himself wordlessly over the edge. Eyes closed in concentration, Scootaloo was putting everything he had into filling that mare. “Amazin!” Apple Bloom whispered. “Go, Scootaloo!” Sweetie cheered. And... Scootaloo opened his eyes and looked right over at them, even while he climaxed. He had such an urgent look on his face, that turned into a needy wince as he grunted from the feeling of his penis again and again spurting out thick glops of semen deep inside. Scootaloo’s tail twitched in a gentle rhythm, with every potentious spurt hidden away deep inside Twilight Sparkle. Sweetie Belle felt like there was something so cool, about seeing Scootaloo just... riding his own penis, and letting it pump away, while he tried to deal with the feeling of it. Twilight herself just looked at her own groin as Scootaloo pumped into it, remarking, “Fascinating... it is volumnuous enough to feel, and so different from my own mucus. The neutral pH kind of... tickles?” Scootaloo blushed once he realized he was staring, and looked away turning towards Twilight again. “T-there,” he said to Twilight. “That’s all I got. You promise you won’t get pregnant?” Twilight Sparkle lay back from where Scootaloo was penetrating her, just looking luxurious in repose. She stared forward at him seriously, and lifted a hoof, drawing it across her chest twice. Then she waved her forehooves in the air demonstratively, and finally carefully pressed one against her closed eyelid. “Uh... what?” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “Oh, you don’t know that one,” Twilight said with an awkward grin. Repeating the gestures, she said aloud, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” “Are you... teasing me, miss Twilight?” Scootaloo exclaimed unsurely. He seemed divided over even whether to stay in or pull out. Normally he stayed in, and he and Sweetie relaxed together until he naturally softened out of her. But in this case... what? What was this crazy pony even doing? “It’s a promise,” Twilight said, “It means I promise I won’t get pregnant. Not even with... all that you put in me. The books really don’t do justice to just how much semen there is.” Scootaloo blushed and said, “I–it didn’t even squirt out the sides though.” “Oh, it usually does?” Twilight asked curiously. “You’re bigger, Twilight,” Scootaloo said self consciously. “I–I think that’s why. When I do it in Sweetie it um...” Sweetie walked up to the two of them saying, “Ever since Apple Bloom went into heat, Scootaloo has been so excited by it that he just makes too much to fit in me. It’s fun though, and really great that it can go in me instead of Apple Bloom.” Twilight looked at Sweetie thoughtfully, a hoof laying idly against Scootaloo’s back as he continued to lie there relaxedly on top of her. “You mean to say that you’ve utilized your pregnancy to mitigate the effects of heat on your friend’s friendship?” Twilight asked. “I um... I used my pregnancy. Is that what you meant?” “Sorry,” Twilight said, “Twelve years in Canterlot university will put some crazy words in your lexicon, I’ll tell you that.” Sweetie nodded half understandingly, whatever a lexicon is. “Then yes,” she asserted, “Because I was p-pregnant, then Scootaloo could go in me and it would finish him off. That way he wasn’t trying to mount Apple Bloom all the time.” Apple Bloom walked up next to Sweetie, still bumping into her affectionately. Twilight got an even more thoughtful look, saying, “And that was when you figured out about licking Apple Bloom, wasn’t it?” “Licking was Scootaloo’s idea,” Sweetie said. “He started licking first, before he even put it in. But y-yeah usually when they need it, he mounts on me, and Apple Bloom um... presents her hindquarters for me to lick.” She smiled. “I enjoy it a lot too.” “But...” Apple Bloom cut in, “But miss Twilight, when you—ah caint see Scootaloo when Sweetie’s lickin’ me. He’s like, mounted up back there and ah just gotta imagine it. But with you here, Sweetie could lick me, and ah could see him. Ah mean, Scootaloo you were... awesome, and... ah just kept pretendin’ it was you in there, watchin’ your penis going in an’ out. It was...” “Harmonizing?” Twilight suggested. “Yeah!” Apple Bloom said. “It was like everything was buildin’ on everything else!” “I was kinda pretending I was Scootaloo too,” Sweetie said bashfully, “Glad it um... worked.” “How are you doing, Sweetie?” Twilight asked her. “You haven’t had any attention so far.” “Oh, um... but I’m pregnant, so I don’t feel as much estrus,” she pointed out. “As much?” Twilight asked skeptically. “Well a little,” Sweetie said. “But um... Apple Bloom changed to needing it a lot, when estrus started. But I still liked it before estrus, and I feel pretty much the same.” “I’ve never had a chance to talk with a pregnant filly so candidly about it,” Twilight said happily. “You three are really something special, you know?” “Well, glad to um, help, but,” Sweetie said nervously, “You can do something about... it though, right?” “It should be fine, if we hurry,” Twilight said. “Just find a way to meet me at the river by yourself. I’ll wait there at lunch if you can do that. Or sometime tomorrow, but it has to be during the day.” “I um...” Sweetie shifted nervously. “I’m supposed to be in a sewing class after lunch today, but if it’s really—” “And tomorrow?” Twilight asked. “Tomorrow I have, um... no, it’s just afterschool time,” she said. “Yeah, tomorrow would be good.” “Whew,” Twilight said in relief. “Just be sure not to forget. You will be raising a foal if you wait too long.” “How long...?” Sweetie said nervously. Twilight sighed. “Depends who you ask really. Some ponies say one second is too long, but I honestly think they’re wrong, and really bad ponies for believing that. Others say a week, but they have a really flimsy argument for it. Mostly they’re just trying to make things difficult for fillies. And um... others say um... 3 months... but that does start becoming problematic. Point is, if you can do it before a week’s up, you’re probably good.” Sweetie fretted, saying “I don’t want to wait another day it might be too late then...” “Well, technically estrus didn’t start popping up until the afternoon, that Monday,” Twilight said, “And even given an exponential synchronization, it’s quite likely you didn’t release your egg until at least the next day. The fact it was your first estrus plays a large factor too. Given it’s been a full week and two... and almost a half days, that puts you right on the deadline, um... today.” Twilight added, “B-but tomorrow will probably be fine, you just have to get in before the implantation.” Sweetie blinked. “You mean my foal hasn’t even implanted yet?” she asked in puzzlement. “Of course they told you it was implanted,” Twilight rolled her eyes in disgust. Sweetie didn’t have it in her to admit that she didn’t exactly know what they had meant by implanted. “Twilight, I um...” Sweetie ducked her head a bit. “I want to play hooky today,” she said nervously. “A-and take care of it... I don’t want to wait until tomorrow.” Twilight sat up and looked at her, and then at Scootaloo who had gone right to sleep in Twilight’s lap. The librarian sighed and said, “It would be a good idea, and it is an emergency so I’m quite happy to take you right away.” “Well, why didn’t we do it right away then?” Apple Bloom asked anxiously. “All this time we spent uh... coitusizing.” “Just... fucking,” Twilight said with a face hoof. “Just call it fucking, and you didn’t learn that word from me.” “That’s a lot simpler Twilight, thanks!” Apple Bloom said brightly. “Anyway,” Twilight said, “The reason is because I wasn’t feeling myself, and you needed some assurance that you were going to be pregnancy free for this heat period. And really I don’t want to push Sweetie or anything, she just... it’s just really bad timing... I was horny, okay?!” “What does being a unicorn have to do with fucking?” Sweetie asked in puzzlement. Twilight buried her face in both hooves. Scootaloo yawned, and curled up in a contented ball of orange. “Alright...” Twilight said softly, looking over at Apple Bloom, saying, “I also need you to meet me at the hospital sometime.” “H-hospital?” Apple Bloom squeaked, “But ah thought we were—” “They just keep them at the hospital,” Twilight explained. “I can probably get an extra one. Normally your family would get you one, but... well, the Apples think it’s a good idea for a filly to get pregnant in estrus, even if she doesn’t want to, and they say it’s her fault if she raises her tail for a stallion. I don’t mean to badmouth your family, they just... have some outdated notions, that... well, there’s a better way now, and a lot of ponies just don’t like... change.” “That ain’t just outdated though,” Apple Bloom said unhappily, “You gotta be joking. Was estrus different before or something? Because ah caint not raise mah tail for a stallion. Ah couldn’t blame nofilly who went and did that. And when was it ever a good idea for a filly to get pregnant when she didn’t want to be?” “I’m just paraphrasing the Apple Farmer’s Almanac,” Twilight said defensively. “It just... nopony really knows why it got that way. Just... mistaken notions cropping up over the generations. Some say it goes all the way back to the windigoes. You um... I suppose you’re old enough to know, but... when the windigoes came almost every pony died. There were so few who survived... and there’s only one way to turn a few ponies into a lot of ponies.” She paused to grumble at the wall for some reason, saying, “Only. One. Way.” Sweetie’s eyes widened and she said, “You mean—if they didn’t get pregnant, then there wouldn’t be enough ponies! And the land, and the rain and...” “You got it, Sweetie.” Twilight said. “There was a time when if you didn’t get pregnant, you were looked down upon, because we just needed so many ponies to care for the world, who just weren’t there. It’s a lot different today. But... old ponies don’t like to admit they’re wrong, and new ponies don’t like to disagree with old ponies, so it just keeps... look, my point is that you probably shouldn’t tell your folks about it, Apple Bloom. I know Applejack gave me a hard time about it, and that she respects tradition. That’s usually a good thing, except when... old ponies don’t like to admit that they were wrong.” Twilight shrugged. “Then, mistakes are made, and keep being made.” “Ah’ll try, miss Twilight...” Apple Bloom said looking down miserably. “Well, you could always just spend every month this time of year trying not to get mounted,” Twilight pointed out. “Ah’m in,” Apple Bloom said confidently with a steely stare. “When do ya need me to be there?” “Tomorrow good?” Twilight said. “I have to deal with Sweetie here and all, and that’ll really throw off my schedule, not that I mind or anything just, it’s better to do it tomorrow.” “How ‘bout right after mah afternoon chores?” Apple Bloom said. “Ah usually go to school, and it’s summer now, so if I start them early, it’d give me plenty enough time to run to the uh, hospital.” “Even better,” Twilight smiled, “Meet me by the candy shop just down the hill from the school. Er, not for candy. I’ll go to the hospital myself, and just bring it there with me.” “Bring what?” Apple Bloom asked curiously. “The... I’ll show you when you get there?” Twilight said. “How long’s it gonna take?” Apple Bloom asked uncertainly. “Ah got like a half hour maybe at best before anypony suspects somethin’.” “It should only take a few minutes,” Twilight said. “It’s really easy, in fact! Sweetie here will be... a little bit more time, but that’s mostly from the walking... and the preparation.” Sweetie blushed anxiously, once again wanting this all to just be a bad dream. Except Scootaloo squirting in her, she wanted that to be a good not...dream. “Alright,” Twilight said, teleporting out from under Scootaloo to appear just a few feet away. Scootaloo in curled position poffed down gently in the chair, waking up from his daze to look around muzzily. “Here’s what we’re going to do,” Twilight said, “First, Sweetie and I will go for a walk and if she’s okay with it, she might not be pregnant later, and it will be a complete coincidence nothing I had anything to do with.” She winked meaningfully at Sweetie Belle. “Second, at three hours before sunset I will meet Apple Bloom and help with her heat issues,” Twilight listed off. “Apple Bloom, you have to promise me you can at least hold out until then. No raising your tail, and no letting colts start or finish in you. And in fact no colts at all. You’ll be safe once we’ve taken care of it.” “Ah made it so far,” Apple Bloom said confidently. “Ah cain make it just one more day.” “Yeah, and I’m good for at least a day,” Scootaloo offered. “Even if Sweetie’s busy I can always lick I mean, me and Apple Bloom lick too, but only when my penis is finished in Sweetie.” Apple Bloom smiled fondly, saying, “Maybe after tomorrow, you cain finish in me...” Scootaloo blushed at that saying bashfully, “I um... would really like that um...” “Aww,” Twilight said with an adoring look their way. “Just be safe you two, and only be together if you can promise me that you won’t be able to become erect.” Scootaloo started to agree, but looked aside saying, “I’ll uh... we’ll do any licking right now, and I won’t do anything with her in the afternoon, just in case. Um.” “Yeah, Scoots kinda...” Apple Bloom paused, “He still gets big sometimes, but it takes him a day to really wind up again. He cain just like, not put it in, but once he’s wound up he just has to.” “Just... be careful,” Twilight said uneasily. “You’ve been doing so well, I’m going to trust that you’ll be free from any semen exchange until you’re ready for it.” “And final order of business, you three need some serious tutelage!” “Tute-what?” Sweetie asked uncertainly. “Exactly!” Twilight said. “I would like to arrange it that you three can study with me over here at the library, where I can teach you some of the things you’ve been missing out on.” Apple Bloom looked at her sideways. “Why?” she asked. “We ain’t no—” “Because you are three of the most cleverly brilliant fillies I have ever known, and this entire town is wasting your talent,” Twilight said obstinantly. “Uh,” Scootaloo raised a hoof. “I’m a colt.” “Two fillies and a colt then,” Twilight said in an unsatisfied tone. Sweetie gasped and looked at her hindquarters... no cutie mark. The rest of them did that too (except Twilight.) “What would a talent...talent look like?” Scootaloo wondered. “Like that!” Apple Bloom declared, pointing at Twilight’s star cutie mark. “Eheh,” Twilight winced, “My talent is magic, not ...talent. But um, better luck next time? We can try out lots of possible talents, if you want to find out what your cutie marks are. “But my point still stands,” Twilight stated, “I’ve actually been considering helping with foal education for some time, knowing your families and your... dubious accomplishments endangering the town. We really need to get you some tutoring in the real Equestria.” Sweetie’s cheek dripped. “Oh! Um... I need to use the toilet,” Sweetie said, in as small voice, raising a hoof and then quickly trotting to the door of the reading room. “It’s on the ground floor, behind the Roaman bust,” Twilight said. “But remember you and I still need to talk in private.” “Thanks, I just need to wash off... something,” Sweetie said with a meaningful look at Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom’s eyes widened and her face flushed, but she turned to Twilight and said, “Miss T-twilight ah done an’ had a uh... accident, ah need your help with.” Sweetie didn’t wait to see the aftermath of that, just hurrying off to the toilet. It was a one room toilet, with a standing bowl, and a little sink. Sweetie went to the sink first off, twisting the spigot and rinsing off her face and the bridge of her muzzle until she felt satisfied she was clean enough. The acrid urine smell washed away easily, and she could wash away the sort of flowery smelling residue left behind with soap, but she didn’t really feel a need. Before she left, Sweetie turned and gave the toilet a look. Then she trotted back and stood over it, lifting her tail and releasing her bladder. It was kind of gross what she kept making Apple Bloom do, but it did give Sweetie a different perspective on things. As the tickly trickle through her vulva turned into a steady stream, Sweetie was more aware of what she was doing when she peed. It wasn’t just this mysterious squeeze, and smelly liquid squirting out of her bottom somewhere. Sweetie knew roughly where the hole was now, and how it would be nestled beneath her outer lips, right between the clitoris and her Scootaloo place, vagina if she recalled from what Twilight and Rarity said. Sweetie could kind of imagine the pee coming out of her from there, the way it came out of Apple Bloom, and that made it a little less... weird? Less weird, to pee. It also made wiping easier. Sweetie hadn’t been sure if her pee came from the vagina or not, or whether she should wipe in there, not until that first time Apple Bloom orgasmed under her tongue and started peeing. Sweetie had been horrified at first; some even got in her mouth! And backing up and spitting until she saw her friend’s dripping soaked gushing hips flexing in orgasm that Sweetie wasn’t there to help her with. Sweetie didn’t lick it then, but she did rush back and spread Apple Bloom with her hooves to see the soaking trickle resolve itself into an unsteady stream, wavering with the rhythm of her vaginal contractions, that arced out of Apple Bloom’s hindquarters from a mysterious hole hidden in her pelvic floor. Sweetie... didn’t know why she did that: half curiosity, half wanting to make sure her friend felt good through the whole orgasm, pee or no pee. That gave Sweetie a very good idea of how peeing worked, even if Apple Bloom always insisted on peeing beforehand after that, just to be sure, because occasionally Apple Bloom would forget in the heat of passion. Sweetie got to explore that hole, and how it was the source of Apple Bloom’s urine. As such, Sweetie knew when she wiped herself, to slide the tissue along the inside of each of her nether lips to get any traces of urine down there, and also along the fleshy floor where her entrance was, but nothing more than that was needed. Sweetie returned to the reading room, where the other three still were, Apple Bloom with an awkward smile on her face, and Twilight telling her something about fillies and colts, and Scootaloo still conked out. No trace of urine or other fluids could be seen anywhere. “All set, Sweetie?” Twilight asked once she came in. “We can walk and talk, if you don’t mind.” “You’ll be okay, Apple Bloom?” Sweetie asked. Apple Bloom nodded. “Ah’ll take care of this here orange silly. You just go with Miss Twilight an’ get yourself not pregnant or... whatever you’re doin’.” > Into the Wild Woods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With each of the three foals satisfied... in various ways, they left the library. A few books had been perused, and a few other sources of knowledge had been plumbed. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo left for Apple Bloom’s afternoon chores, leaving Sweetie to walk with Twilight Sparkle, the odd yet fun Ponyville librarian. The gangly mare and the filly made their way smoothly eastwards and to the south, towards a terrifying woods. Someone resided somewhere near there, who might have the only hope for Sweetie Belle’s salvation. “So um...” Sweetie mumbled, her smaller legs having to work faster to keep up with the older mare’s more sedate pace, “They’re gone, so could you tell me about... am I pregnant? I thought I was, but you said something and I didn’t really understand, but it sounded different.” “Yes, you are pregnant,” Twilight answered, making Sweetie’s ears dip down. “I gather you don’t want to be pregnant, and you see no way to stop it until you’ve given birth?” “And after,” Sweetie pointed out. “I have to give milk and raise the foal and... take her to school I guess. I can’t go to school anymore ever without a foal. I’ll be old by the time she’s ready to live on her own!” Twilight listened quietly while Sweetie got a little more horrified, saying, “And if she has estrus when she turns 12 or 14 or... whenever it happens for her, then she’ll have a foal and I have to take care of both of them!” “It was the life of ponies not long ago, evolutionarily speaking,” Twilight said in a sad way. “Once a mare went into estrus, she was able to do nothing but raise children for the rest of her life. She couldn’t have time to study and learn, or build things, or form strong friendships. The pre-unification mare would be for the most part constantly pregnant, with only a month or two of relief before she went into estrus again.” “They did have foals every year?” Sweetie said in horror. Twilight nodded. That would be... Sweetie couldn’t do that; she’d never be able to do anything at all herself, ever again! Which was... exactly what Twilight said. “It’s not true anymore,” Twilight insisted firmly, letting Sweetie perk her ears at that. “We have a stable population, so there’s no obligation for mares to give birth every year. Disease and famine are almost unheard of, so we don’t have foals dying and needing to be replaced on a regular basis. But estrus hasn’t gotten any easier.” “F-foals were dying?” Sweetie squeaked. “They said the tribes were hungry but but dying? Why couldn’t they just... rest until they were better?” “Sorry Sweetie,” Twilight said in an embarassed tone, dipping her head a bit. “Your teachers don’t want to scare you, so they just... um, lie to you a little, say it wasn’t as bad as it really was. It was... the end of the world.” She trailed off into a thoughtful silence then, somehow making Sweetie even more worried than hearing that her lessons were wrong. “So mares had to get pregnant again,” Sweetie said agitatedly, “Because they gave birth and then their foals died? And they just... made more? Like they didn’t even love them? I can’t even imagine...” “That, and they had no birth control,” Twilight stated grimly. “You came to the library—if I recall—asking why ponies didn’t give birth every year. Part of the answer is the magic of Harmony and the defeat of the Windigos, but the other part is birth control. You didn’t come seeking information all by yourself, did you? Apple Bloom was with you, and you were there for her sake.” “Yeah, she...” Sweetie blushed nervously, thinking about all the troubles Apple Bloom has been having, and confided in Sweetie so trustingly, yet so desperately. Or, more like she got caught by Sweetie, with a colt hip deep in her. Sweetie didn’t know if Apple Bloom would be okay with telling some strange mare all the details about how she sort of accidentally made foals with someone she barely knew. “It’s kind of embarassing; I don’t know if I should say...” Sweetie offered hesitantly. “You can probably tell me, Sweetie,” Twilight assured her wryly. “If Apple Bloom minded me knowing, well... I think she would have objected earlier than this, rather than gushing all over the floor, while Scootaloo copulated with me.” Sweetie blinked at that. Had they really just done that? They had, hadn’t they? But it just seemed... natural to do so. One thing just led to another, and Twilight had been so helpful ever since they... stopped treating her like a pony to avoid. This librarian was just an ordinary mare it turns out, not like that scary evil zebra witch that Rarity said Sweetie should never approach. Once Sweetie and her friends gave Twilight a chance, suddenly they had so much more knowledge, no, not knowledge but connections. They had a... a new friend. Sweetie had to laugh at the thought. Estrus had Apple Bloom and Scootaloo so worked up, they just... satisfied their urges without worrying about Twilight being scary or anything. Sweetie’s muzzle twisted in confusion though, and she said, “So, by gushing you mean how she peed, right?” Twilight nodded. “Gushing is colloquial for a filly who urinates during orgasm. A lot of ponies will try to sugar coat it, say it’s some special orgasm fluid, but there’s only one organ down there that can contain that much fluid. It’s natural though, as long as you keep clean. Urine actually contains a lot of pheremones that can make... colts more aroused.” Twilight turned to give Sweetie a surprised look saying, “Say, weren’t you performing cunnilingus at the time?” “What’s cunni...thingus?” Sweetie asked uncertainly. Twilight smiled and looked forward reciting, “Cunnilingus is a portmanteau of cunt and linguo or language. Cunt is a term for your general vaginal area. And you use your lips and tongue to make language. So put your lips and tongue together with Apple Bloom’s vagina, and...?” “Ohh, cunni... linguo,” Sweetie said in understanding. “lingus,” Twilight corrected her. “Cunnilingus,” Sweetie recited. “Kind of tricky to pull away before your partner starts peeing, right?” Twilight asked with a wry smirk. “Pull away?” Sweetie asked, shaking her head. “Oh no, she doesn’t orgasm as much if I stop licking her.” Sweetie ended up a few paces ahead as Twilight stopped in her tracks. Turning to face her, Sweetie was about to ask when Twilight said in surprise, “You mean, she... you didn’t pull away?” “Yeah, she kinda gets it all over me,” Sweetie said bashfully, “It’s not so bad though. You can wash off the yucky part of it really easy.” “Yucky part?” Twilight asked faintly. “Yeah, the really smelly um... yellow part? The only thing left over isn’t bad, it sort of smells like flowers.” Twilight leaned down to Sweetie Belle, and took a cautious sniff. “So, what I’m smelling now, is...” she said reluctantly. “It’s not bad!” Sweetie protested. “I can wash it off if you really want me to...” “But it is Apple Bloom’s... scent?” Twilight prompted. Sweetie half nodded, then shook her head. “Apple Bloom smells differently than her pee. She’s more musky and dark, not as flowery as um... this.” Twilight ruffled Sweetie’s mane with a hoof, saying, “Don’t worry about it. I’m just really curious what you’ve been up to.” She started trotting again, letting Sweetie catch up from behind. “I’ve never had a chance to see a pony marked by another pony before,” she said in an intrigued tone. “You don’t feel especially submissive towards Apple Bloom, do you?” “Submissive?” Sweetie asked uncertainly. “I usually only submit to Scootaloo. Or, am I using the word right? I let him put his penis in, and he does most of the work.” Twilight couldn’t hold back a snort of laughter, “I guess that might count as submissive,” she said. “But I meant if you feel a need to obey what Apple Bloom tells you to do. Her scent is on you, after all.” “I don’t... think so?” Sweetie offered in confusion. “She doesn’t usually tell me to do anything... but I guess I would? I mean, she’s my friend? What do you mean marked anyway?” “I said earlier that urine contains pheremones,” Twilight stated. “That would be the ‘flowery’ smell you detected, after washing away the urine. It arouses colts, but it also... identifies the pony in question. Anypony who knew Apple Bloom’s particular scent could easily tell that she was the one who peed on you. So it’s like marking you, with an Apple Bloom stamp.” “Huh...” Sweetie said her brow knotting in concentration. “So, me and Scootaloo are marked with Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo is also marked with me um—that is... y-yeah, marked with... I did sorta pee on him a...little. I just need to mark Apple Bloom and we’ll all be—um—” she felt like she was blushing from head to toe. Did she just say she was going to pee on Apple Bloom on purpose? “What’s fascinating is that marking has been a way to establish dominance or hierarchical authority,” Twilight said, “But here you’ve used it to establish non-hierarchical directed graph connections of friendship, and it doesn’t seem to be conflicting with your instinctual blah blah blah” Sweetie Belle just kind of... followed the talking unicorn at that point, with her with her head down, letting Twilight say all those big words that half made sense, but not enough to make sense sense. One thing is for sure, they fully made Sweetie feel embarassed and uncomfortable about what she had thought was just an innocent, accidental sort of thing. But also it had Sweetie a little intrigued. Did ponies really think she was Apple Bloom’s... um... something, because she smelled like this? “Sweetie?” Twilight said for the third time, making Sweetie jerk her head up. “Huh?” she said cluelessly. They’d walked out of town and down the road, ambling towards the border of the Everfree. Sweetie shuddered as she looked at the scary forest. Never again. She hoped wherever they were going, they would get there soon, because they were getting awfully close to that spooky forest. Where did this path lead, anyway? “Sorry, I got a little... sidetracked,” Twilight said to Sweetie walking alongside her. “I really do have something important to tell you. About your pregnancy.” “O-oh right, that,” Sweetie said, her tail going down a bit guiltily as she remembered how this whole thing started. “We’re going to... fix it, right?” “That’s the plan,” Twilight said agreeably, “But you need to know what it means by fix it, before you make a decision.” “Well, I’m pregnant now,” Sweetie ventured, “And then I... won’t be? I guess I’ll go into estrus, and I’ll feel like Apple Bloom. But you said you knew something for that too, so that’s okay. I don’t really mind. Except for the pregnancy, it looks like a lot of fun. You know Apple Bloom, er...” Sweetie sighed. “When Shady showed Apple Bloom about her inside place, we almost didn’t catch them. She didn’t even know what she was doing, just wanted to sneak off with him and cuddle and stuff, but by the time we caught up he was already on top of her! She was so excited about it, that it just happened to her like magic. And we pulled him out in time, but she started trying to get Scootaloo to do her next. We were going to use the dildo, but I managed to use my tongue to get her calmed down first. “I guess my point is, she was so excited it just looked thrilling. I’m kinda envious, because I never felt that strongly.” Sweetie paused to flag her tail up in the air and wave it around experimentally. “Just wanting the boy inside, not even thinking about anything else. When Scootaloo—” Sweetie cut off then, but just to trot ahead, prompting Twilight to resume motion and once again take the lead. “When Scootaloo tried licking Apple Bloom,” Sweetie admitted while she followed along in Twilight’s hoofsteps, “He couldn’t stop getting on top of her, and I... waited until they were doing it. Apple Bloom was just so... happy. She knew it would make her pregnant but I think... she was just so excited she didn’t even realize they were making a baby. It’s stupid, but...” “No, it’s ...fine,” Twilight said, turning her head up there, looking at the trees they were passing, to decide which fork in the trail to take. “I teased Scootaloo to remind him,” Sweetie said with a guilty tail droop. “Like he was forgetting, but then Apple Bloom actually said ‘Oh no’. I think she just... actually forgot what would happen if Scootaloo went in her. I just... I just wanted to show them how sneaky estrus was. Apple Bloom didn’t even know she was making a foal, even though she was doing it! So I let them um... penetrate, and that was how Apple Bloom learned how easy it was to make a mistake.” “Didn’t think it might make her pregnant already,” Sweetie said a little tearfully. “I really wanted Apple Bloom to... I was jealous that she got to feel so...crazy and excited, and I should have pulled them apart right away. I wanted to see her just taken that way. But I almost got her pregnant, because you said it can happen if he just puts it in, not always if he squirts in there. “So, I’m sorry Miss Twilight,” Sweetie concluded unhappily, “It really was my fault we did the pulling out t-thing. We won’t do it again, I promise.” “That’s... quite a story, Sweetie,” Twilight said bemusedly. “But I think you have the wrong idea. You shouldn’t apologize for separating Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. You really did save her from becoming pregnant, because if he ejaculated, the chance of success would be much, much higher. When I said it was wrong, I meant... that some ponies think you can do nothing besides just pull out early, and you’ll never get pregnant. That belief is wrong, not only because sperm could be in the pre-ejaculate, but because you saw yourself how easy it is to forget, once in coitus, and before you know it you have ejaculated, and your mare is... that is, your friend is pregnant. If you only do it in emergency, you’re doing the right thing. I just don’t want you to think that you can always do that, and not bother protecting yourself.” “But I don’t think that!” Sweetie protested. “We didn’t even do it again. I just had to show Scootaloo once, and then they were scared enough to be careful.” “Exactly,” Twilight said in a satisfied tone, “So you have no reason to apologize at all.” She added on a more serious note, “I can’t even imagine if poor Apple Bloom got pregnant. Her family has been through such hardship. And you saved her from that. So no, Sweetie, I don’t think you did bad. In fact, thank you very much for saving one of my best friends from having serious family problems.” “O-okay, but I still won’t do it again,” Sweetie said hesitantly. “That’s probably a good idea,” Twilight admitted frankly. “Though, we’re all curious when Rarity is going to foal.” “R-rarity?!” Sweetie squeaked. “She has her own boutique,” Twilight explained, “She has some very lucrative customers. She’s done very well with her life, and she is very capable of raising a foal right now. So if she can raise a foal, and she wants to raise a foal, I’d be happy to see her pregnant! “You, I’d be less happy to see pregnant,” Twilight continued, “And Apple Bloom or Applejack would be just... awful.” “I suppose if it’s okay for Rarity, then I could have another... sister...” Sweetie said thoughtfully. Twilight shook her head at that. “Not any more than the foal in your belly would be your sister. Rarity’s foal would make you an aunt!” “Huh,” Sweetie said not sure how she felt about that. “I sort of... did want my foal to be my sister though,” she admitted. “I know not really, but if it could happen I mean... I wanted to teach her about all the things I’m going through. So s-she wouldn’t make a mistake like I did...” “That’s very noble of you, Sweetie,” Twilight said kindly. She said a little less kindly, “I wish your parents had felt the same way.” “They told me about... stuff,” Sweetie protested weakly. “They’re just really busy and... um... away and stuff. Rarity taught me a lot, just she was too late because I was so eager to get under Scootaloo all the time.” “I still have to have a talk with Rarity,” Twilight said in a dissatisfied tone. “She should have told you about Cannensis estroga. That is a special flower which can induce ovulation and prevent implantation, by convincing your body that you’re not ready for a foal yet.” “O-oh, so,” Sweetie said in realization. “Yes,” Twilight said flatly. “You were pregnant the moment Scootaloo ejaculated in your vaginal passage, and you are pregnant right now, but you probably do not yet have a foal in you. It’s still in the blastocyst stage, er... it’s still just a little... ball? My friend can really explain it better.” Sweetie thought she understood, maybe, saying, “So if I eat those flowers, then...” “Then it will stop the blastocyst from implantation,” Twilight said gladly, “And you’ll be as foal free as a filly who’s never put so much as a carrot in there!” “You can put carrots in there?!” Sweetie blurted with wide eyes. Twilight blushed and smiled nervously, turning to face her path, saying, “Er, um, usually there are devices called dildos which are much more sanitary, but you can” “Oh, I have a dildo,” Sweetie realized. “I gave it to Apple Bloom though, because she needed it more.” Twilight blinked at Sweetie Belle in the shady indirect light. “Where did you get a dildo?” Twilight asked curiously. “Rarity gave it to me,” Sweetie said somewhat sadly. “She hoped it would help with my estrus so I wouldn’t have to do what... Apple Bloom was doing.” Twilight stared at her, saying in intolerant surprise, “She gave you a dildo and she didn’t tell you about the possibility of aborting your pregnancy?” “I would never abort!” Sweetie exclaimed looking at Twilight in sudden horror. “That’s murdering the foal!” Twilight’s ears just immediately went flat. “I... just...” she said with a very strained... almost smile. “And Rarity told you this was true?” she asked. “No, she didn’t say anything,” Sweetie said nervously. “But it was Miss Cheerilee. I-it was horrible, she said they just stick a... a metal claw up there and just grind up the... and she was so mad she said we should never get pregnant or that would happen...” Sweetie whispered, “I couldn’t tell her I was already pregnant. I just had to pretend that I would be good, like the other fillies in estrus. She never ever showed us pictures like that before. It was horrible. A-and there was so much blood, and the little hoof... it was...” Sweetie couldn’t continue. Twilight’s ears remained flat though, and she just trotted on grumbling very quietly to herself, something about “Cheerilee,” “murder” and “in her sleep.” Unfortunately, this downtime gave Sweetie a chance to notice her surroundings. “Why are we in the Everfree forest?!” Sweetie Belle shrieked, drawing up short at the oppressive, swampy jungle pressing in on her from all sides. “Ssh!” Twilight said, spinning on her hooves to berate Sweetie Belle. “This is timber wolf territory, and they’re quiescent by day, unless you wake them up! Normal tones of voice, please.” Sweetie couldn’t answer because she was still trying to make herself breathe. The dark rustling in the bushes, the eyes in the darkness, it was just as scary as the last time. They were on a path but... everything beyond it was hidden behind fronds and leaves. Twilight sighed at Sweetie Belle, and sat down, pulling the paralyzed filly against her comfortingly. “Don’t worry,” Twilight said, clearly trying to sound soothing, but coming off more as annoyed. “I come this way all the time. We’re just going to see my friend. She is an experienced herbalist and potion maker, who has the tincture you need to abor—to stop being pregnant. It’s okay, she lives here.” “She lives in the... the...” Sweetie said disorientedly. “Where else are you going to find the best ingredients?” Twilight quipped, standing up beside the filly. “Don’t worry, her house is probably the safest place in the whole forest. We’ll go talk to her, and she can tell you about what you can do. “Well, or you could stay there while I go on ahead,” Twilight added teasingly, walking a few paces. Sweetie was instantly under her legs and trembling. Somehow Twilight coaxed Sweetie into continuing, if only from the promise that her friend’s house was not the Everfree forest. Sweetie had heard so many scary stories about here, about foolish foals wandering off and never being seen again. It almost happened to her once too. She’d been so foolish, and then only her babysitter could save her and her friends! And Twilight brought her into this place... Sweetie was fully convinced that she had followed a madpony into the jaws of death itself, once she saw Twilight’s friend’s house. Of course it had to be a tree. Clearly madponies always lived in hollowed out trees, even if they lived in the middle of town. But around the tree house hut were these wooden painted... things that looked like horribly distorted pony faces. There were weird charms and bangles hanging off the branches that clinked in the eerie breeze that seemed to have no source to it. “Don’t worry Sweetie,” Twilight said admonishingly, “This stuff keeps the monsters away. These are just masks they wear them for ceremonies. Yes they look weird, but this one by the door? It means welcome! You think those big square... green lip things look evil? I think it looks kind of silly. Sweetie, calm down you’re going to be fine. Deep breaths Sweetie, deep breaths.” Sweetie had just about calmly collected her wits, and was totally calm, cool and collected when the door swung open, and, illuminated from within was a Sweetie Belle shrieked and ran from the evil zebra witch, who was going to eat her whole and—she couldn’t run! She was being lifted off the ground! The dark foliage held deadly creatures beyond measure, and behind her was an evil enchantress! Was Twilight Sparkle even real? Maybe the librarian was an evil enchantment, who just looked like a unicorn! “Sweetie,” Twilight said to the frantic unicorn bawling her eyes out and pedalling in the air. “Sweetie I can’t let you go, because you really could get hurt if you just run off into the Everfree. Sweetie, she has stripes what is so bad about that?” Sweetie couldn’t answer, so they foalnapped her. They dragged her kicking and screaming into the house, and locked the door, and left her huddled beside it, a drooping mess of terror. A stoneware cup of what smelled like chamomile and lemon floated in an ordinary unicorn’s magic down to the floor in front of her hooves. Sweetie just stared at it dumbly, and looked up at the evil monsters, one disguised as a pony and... and one as a not pony, both just staring at her uneasily. Evilly. “This is my friend Zecora,” Twilight stated carefully. “She is not evil.” It didn’t work. “Care to try your tea?” Twilight asked Sweetie, while the zebra Zecora remained silent. That’s how Sweetie knew this tea was poison. She had to get out of here! “N-no I’ll just be going, thanks!” she said tightly. Nopony moved to open the door. “She’s not evil, Sweetie Belle,” Twilight said angrily. “But she’s a w—” “Zebra, yes,” Twilight interrupted her. “And you’re a pony. A zebra is just an animal like any one of us.” “But the masks!” Sweetie protested, swinging a hoof to point at the scary things. “I just said they weren’t evil,” Twilight said in a pained grimace. “At worst, they’re masks telling monsters to stay away. They look strange, because they’re from far away, where ponies... zebras have different art styles.” “But the forest...” Sweetie whimpered. “Greetings, little miss Sweetie Belle,” the evil enchantress said suddenly, in a deep commanding, melodious voice, “I must say you don’t look so well. But is it me you truly fear, or is it what you merely hear? I am but a simple mare. I have done no evil, here nor there. Is it so hard for you to think that I may not be evil? That those who say so, lie?” Zecora and the crazy librarian were just sitting on stools at a little table, like they were having an ordinary tea party, in this crazy hut full of bottles and masks and tied up leaves, and jars, and a big bubbling cauldron. And Sweetie was backed against the door... with a teacup at her hooves. Zecora continued to talk to the silent as death Sweetie Belle, as if it were just a normal average conversation, in that thick, powerful voice of hers. And always rhyming. “As for why I live in the forest, Everfree, the reason should be easy to see. You flee my home, you run and scream, if your father saw, what would he deem? Would he let me live in Ponyville, or would he chase me away, intent to kill?” “M-me?!” Sweetie blurted aghast. “I only did that because you’re an evil enchantress!” she shouted, pointing at the zebra accusingly. The evil witch seemed to... wilt at that for some reason. Twilight spoke for her then, saying to Sweetie, “But your father wouldn’t know that. He would just hate her, without any evidence she was evil at all. All he saw was you scream for no reason.” “But, no he knows. He knows the evidence!” Sweetie exclaimed. “What about our crops that one spring?” “Would that be the spring little rain came, and nopony knew why?” Zecora pondered. “How did I overcome the strength and courage of all pegasi? I make but a simple brew. Change the clouds, I cannot do.” “You can’t prove that!” Sweetie protested hotly. “What about when Big Macintosh and Cheerilee fell in love?” Twilight cut in unexpectedly, staring daggers at Sweetie Belle. “Was that Zecora’s fault?” Sweetie looked away saying, “N-no that was our... my fault. But I apologized for that, and I’ll never do it again!” “Are you sure it wasn’t Zecora, Sweetie?” Twilight said in a syrupy voice. “Maybe you’re lying and it was her all along.” “I’m not lying!” Sweetie said standing up angrily. “I did it, and I apologized, and it was okay! Because nopony ended up en...chanted.” She sat back down. “But you can’t prove she didn’t!” Twilight said in mock shock. “So that must mean she did! I guess everything bad that ever happened is Zecora’s—” “Twilight Sparkle, cease your rant,” Zecora interrupted glaring at the purple unicorn mare. “Subtle as a charging elephant. Let Sweetie Belle go on her way. I cannot help if she will not choose to stay. If she wishes to hate me in her heart, then our ways must forever part.” Twilight crossed her hooves and refused to move. Zecora made to rise, but stopped, then sat on her stool again, looking at Sweetie Belle worriedly. Sweetie looked back and... she just wanted to... she had to... she had to ask. “Do... you always rhyme?” Sweetie asked nervously. “No,” Zecora replied smoothly. Sweetie glanced down at her tea and back to Zecora. “You... promise this isn’t poison?” she said trembling. “Chamomile with a touch of mint,” Zecora responded, “Is all that I have put in’t.” “If she was going to poison you,” Twilight said irritably, “She would wait to poison your regular food, not the tea she—” “Twilight Sparkle, if only all it was you lacked,” Zecora interrupted again with a snort, “Was your complete and total lack of tact.” Twilight looked at Zecora, and then at Sweetie, and then back at Zecora and blushed. “Sorry,” the purple unicorn said abashedly. “Look, how about this?” Her magic enwreathed Sweetie Belle’s cup, and Twilight took it to her lips and made a very deliberate act of swallowing a sip. Then she returned it to Sweetie saying patronizingly, “Mmm. See? Not poison.” Sweetie took the cup in her hooves, and took a sip... by the door. The tea was starting to get lukewarm. She took another sip. Twilight told Zecora most of Sweetie’s story, while Sweetie stayed there not talking, but... calmer. She watched with big pale green eyes, as the zebra’s ears sank with sadness, then brightened with happiness, as they got to the good and bad parts of the story. It was just as if Zecora was a real pony. Her coat wasn’t even a color though. It just had black and white stripes all over, conforming to the shape of her body. Then again, Sweetie was sort of that color too, just without black stripes. Zecora’s mane wasn’t even flowing though; it was stiff and bristly, and cut short. But it was still a mane. The only time Sweetie got really scared after that, was when Twilight told Zecora about when Cheerilee taught her about abortion. Sweetie had been thinking the zebra wasn’t anything special, and wondering if those stripes were paint or maybe even burns, but when Twilight said what Cheerilee had shown them, Zecora got really mad. When the unicorn told of those pictures way, way more terrifying than anything else Cheerilee ever had shown them before, Zecora got so mad that the air seemed to shrink with tension, and a fire glittered in her eyes. And that was it. She calmed down then, and was just... normal again. Sweetie didn’t understand. Zecora wasn’t going to explode like Rarity, or like... um... like Rarity? “Sweetie, you must see, what you were taught is not reality,” Zecora said first off to the confused unicorn filly. “The foal you saw so gruesomely killed was likely 9 or more months fulfilled.” “9 or more?” Sweetie asked, from the door, just in case. “Why would they do it after 9 months? That’s just evil! They could have just waited a little, and she’d be born!” “Not every mare can bear a foal,” Zecora said, “It is an act that takes its toll. In rarest cases her health will wane, no longer can she her child sustain. We kill the foal, and no other, only when to wait will kill the mother.” “Even fillies can have foals, with no complications,” Twilight assured a frightened Sweetie, in a sudden hurried tone. “You are very stretchy, and you will most likely not die from giving birth. What Zecora said only happens to ponies who are very ill, or have very, very rare medical conditions that prevent their bodies from sustaining a foal.” Sweetie was still trying to get her mind around the “die” part. “What um, happens that could... make the mother die?” she squeaked. “Her veins can swell and her heart can fail,” Zecora said seriously, “Her womb can draw too deep, her death very pale. To an infection she alone can drive from her, the burden of a foal will overcome her. Sometimes, the foal you can save. Other times, for both of them, a grave.” Okay Sweetie really, really, really didn’t want to be pregnant now. “That has happened a tiny armful of times, over many centuries,” Twilight said to the terrified little unicorn filly. “You have no signs of anything like that, and if you ever do, it will not kill you, if you act swiftly to ab—ah... separate yourself from the foal. Zecora is saying this because... because where did Cheerilee get those pictures from?” “Indeed,” Zecora responded sagely, “These rarest times of greatest woe, they are not pretty, you know. Whether child or mother dies, the ugliest of deaths beset our eyes. What your teacher showed you that day, without an abortion would have happened anyway. Vile curs, who mothers revile, will snatch up photos of these deaths, while they take them to little miss Cheerilee, and tell her this is the way every abortion shall be.” “She was... lied to?” Sweetie said faintly. “T-those pictures weren’t real?” “Most abortions are painless, and clean,” Twilight responded. “If you gave somepony moldy hay, and told them hay was always like that, yes you would be lying, and yes hay is sometimes moldy, but you would still be lying, and ponies don’t have to be afraid of hay!” “In Twilight’s words I am agreed,” Zecora said, sipping at her tea. “What you have within you, cannot even bleed.” Sweetie blinked. “My foal can’t... bleed? What?” “Twilight Sparkle, if you would,” Zecora said with a strained look. “Seeing her foal would do her good.” Twilight looked at Zecora and brightened, “Of course! A teleprojection spell would... why didn’t I think of that?” She seemed puzzled. “Why didn’t I think of that?” she repeated. But she shook her head, and said, “Oh well, anyway it’s a great idea. That’s why I have friends like you, Zecora!” “I may have not your skill of mind,” Zecora said with a blush, and apparantly zebras can blush, “But sometimes a friend can new ideas, find.” Twilight stood from the table and walked around it, saying, “Sweetie, can you come over here? I promise it’s nothing dangerous, just a simple spell. Well, not simple, but very very harmless. I just want to show you what your foal looks like inside your body.” Sweetie couldn’t stumble to her feet fast enough. “You can do that?” she squeaked, trotting over. “In my belly you mean? But my belly is in the way! You can see in there? I don’t even know—” she stopped in her tracks and looked frightfully at the zebra who was still sitting across from Twilight after all. Zecora didn’t make any sudden movements. Not taking her eyes off her, Sweetie uneasily continued, saying, “I don’t know what’s in there even, just that it’s a foal somehow. I don’t even know if it’s a colt or a filly!” “Relax Sweetie,” Twilight said, attracting Sweetie’s attention with how Twilight went and lit up her horn. “Without resistence, I should be able to get in your... yes, there we go.” Sweetie tilted her head, then glanced back at her flank the others were looking at, where her belly was glowing in Twilight’s magic. “Ooh,” she said engrossedly. “Ha, that’s nothing,” Twilight said cheerfully. “Check... this out!” and with a... weird weaving in the air, the mare’s horn called forth a flat projection of a vague circle of really pink... gooey stuff. “What’s that?” Sweetie said, gasping as the projection moved the moment she did. Just twisted around all weirdly. What the... “It’s a remote projection spell,” Twilight explained. “I cast my magic into some place in your body, and what is in there appears visible out here. What you are seeing now is your abdominal wall, and... diaphragm if I don’t miss my guess. “My um...” Sweetie said still uncertainly. “Your muscles, Sweetie,” Twilight said. She patted Sweetie’s belly and when it twitched so did the... muscles on the projection. Sweetie watched fascinated that she could make parts of that weird pink stuff tense up and loosen by clenching her abdomen. “Oh, it’s just like my inside place!” Sweetie declared. Then blushed, and said, “I–I mean, it’s not weird, just it’s pink like I am inside my... um...” Zecora finished for her, saying, “We may have different fur, you think, but inside we are all a wet, fleshy pink.” “Yeah...” Sweetie said gratefully. Why was she even scared of this zebra lady? It was just like she was a pony, like anypony else! “Okay, I’m going to go deeper,” Twilight announced. “This might tingle a bit, but I want to try to find your womb.” Sweetie’s heart was fluttering from the anticipation. “Yes please,” she said, torn between looking at her glowy belly, and the projection of her insides. Twilight concentrated, and the matching glow on Sweetie Belle moved deeper inside her, so just her skin was glowing from within, like a magenta light bulb. The projection meanwhile showed more pink, and... more pink, and then a pink cavern of flesh. “Hm...” Twilight said pensively, “No that’s your stomach, I need to go lower.” She did and a... like a little sphere of pink flesh showed up, though the pink looked more striated than the rest of her, and with a tingly pop, the projection switched to inside the sphere. “There we go!” Twilight said cheerily. Sweetie wasn’t sure what she was looking at. “It looks like a red... golf ball?” she asked hesitantly. “Hold on, let me up the magnification,” Twilight muttered, concentrating and making the light narrow in Sweetie’s belly, and the tiny circle of red expand to the size of the full projection area. Now Sweetie could see that it was a... a space, of some sort, like a cave, and the walls were covered in some sort of red fronds. “This is your womb, Sweetie,” Twilight told the fascinated filly. “You can see the uterine lining, which is where a foal would embed itself. The foal isn’t embedded yet though, or you’d be able to see a spot that was more flushed and redder than the rest.” “The foal em-beds in those?” Sweetie said. She was on her back at this point, which didn’t seem to disturb the projection, poking at her belly where the light was glowing from. So that was exactly right where her womb was. Wow... “You know,” Twilight said amiably, “Implantation. The foal latches onto your uterine lining, and starts growing within you.” “Oh, okay,” Sweetie said looking at the projection again. “But... I don’t see the foal. She’s in my womb, right?” “Not... necessarily,” Twilight said. “Let’s see if we can find your oviducts.” “Oviducts?” Sweetie pondered, “Ohh, like egg ducts. Where my egg comes from?” “Yep,” Twilight said. “The er... ‘foal’ spends a while in those before finally popping out into the uterus. Okay, that looks like one. If we’re lucky, we can find it up there.” Sweetie was looking at a slight part in the uterine lining, just a dimple really. “I’m going to up the magnification again,” Twilight said. The dimple zoomed forward as the light concentrated inside Sweetie’s belly almost to a point, until her uterine lining looked like a giant canyon wall, and the dimple led mysteriously further inward. Twilight obliged Sweetie’s unspoken curiosity and moved into the oviduct, which was a big... pink tunnel. More pink. “Okay, I’m going to add a genospecific filter,” Twilight said. Doing so made blue speckles appear all over the walls. “What’s that?” Sweetie asked. “Some harmless bacteria most likely,” Twilight said without concern. “They keep infection from establishing itself... which is good news because we’re deeper inside you than Scootaloo ever managed to get, so good luck cleaning that out! We’re looking for a much bigger speck though. At this magnification it’d be about the size of a hemp seed.” Sweetie looked closely, and the projection slowly moved down the tunnel revealing more and more of her oviduct, until... it just spread out further than you could see. “Well, not this one it looks like,” Twilight said unsatisfied, “But would you like to see your fimbriae?” Sweetie had absolutely no idea what those were, so she said, “Okay?” Twilight zoomed the magnification down again, and the distant edges of the oviduct revealed themselves as wavy fronds, like the tube itself was fraying out into delicate strands of flesh. The area around her oviduct was strangely empty, considering it was in Sweetie Belle’s tummy. “Cool...” Sweetie said amazed at all this complex stuff in her. “You think that’s cool, you should see Apple Bloom’s!” Twilight said wryly. “When a mare is in heat, they will move around, brushing her ovaries to catch any eggs coming out.” Twilight zoomed over to a fleshy sort of... sheet that Sweetie Belle’s fimbrae were floating over, and said, “That’s your ovary.” Sweetie Belle’s ovary looked like a lump embedded in the sheet, that the fimbrae dangled over as if in a fluid. “Those are what make eggs during estrus!” “Wow...” Sweetie said. “My eggs just pop out of that?” “Yup,” Twilight chirped. “Then they go down your oviduct, and wait for the sperm there.” She added as an afterthought, with a wink to Zecora saying, “Actually, you’ve seen something very similar to that already, Sweetie Belle. Your little coltfriend doesn’t have ovaries, but he does have testes. You see where my light is in your belly? That’s where your ovaries are.” Sweetie looked down at that glowing sphere deep within her belly, then back up at the projection. “They’re pretty deep inside, huh?” Twilight prompted. Sweetie just nodded shyly. “Scootaloo has two very fertile little lumps too,” Twilight continued, “But the inside of his body is too hot for sperm, so his lumps have to be outside of him, in a little sack.” Sweetie was starting to understand, but it was still Twilight who said, “You may have seen them before, down at the base of his penis. Two little somewhat firm lumps.” “Oh, yeah!” Sweetie said, looking at the projection again. “So that’s why I don’t have anything down there, because my... lumps are inside me?” “Yep,” Twilight chirped, so pleased as punch to be actually understood. “It’s weird how everything for me goes inside,” Sweetie mused, “But everything for him goes outside. Like his penis goes out, and my vagina goes in. And I guess my ovaries go way in, but his um... boy-ovaries—” “Testes,” Twilight reminded. “His testes,” Sweetie corrected herself, “Have to be outside of him too. And even when he’s—!” She paused, looking at them unsurely, saying, “Um... doing me, it has to come out of him, and go into me.” “It’s really poetic, I think,” Twilight said. “Stallions and mares have so much in pairs, and the stallion’s goes one way, while the mare’s all go the other.” “Yeah,” Sweetie said with a small smile at that. “Scootaloo is a very outward kind of pony. But um... so is Apple Bloom and... so, what are we looking at again?” she turned to stare at the projection, trying not to blush. “Your ovary here produces eggs,” Twilight explained, “Just as his testes produce sperm. If they ever get from his lumps to yours in there, the two unite and produce a blastocyst. And from there, a foal is formed!” “So his lumps make the white stuff,” Sweetie said thoughtfully, “And it has to connect with my eggs in there, which is why he has to squirt it up in me.” “That’s very um... candid,” Twilight responded squirmily, “But the er ‘white stuff’ is mostly his prostate fluid. From a gland deep inside his pelvis. It fills up over time, and when it’s full he can, well, squirt it out! His testes only release the sperm when he’s ready to do it, bunching up all close to him and squirting a teeny tiny bit of fluid, that his prostate fluid picks up when he ejaculates.” “Oh so that’s why his...” Sweetie paused thoughtfully. “Scootaloo complain...er...says sometimes that right before he ejaculates, his um... balls get all tight. I guess that’s when he’s adding in the sperm?” “I’m mentioning this,” Twilight said, “Because a colt who doesn’t want to impregnate any filly only has to block that tiny bit of sperm, but not the vast majority of his semen. Then, he wouldn’t make any filly pregnant at all, but it still feels exactly the same.” “Because his prostate...thing?” Sweetie guessed. Twilight nodded eagerly. “Exactly, it’s completely indistinguishable!” “Some crafty stallions,” Zecora put in, “Make estrus less of a toll. Courting mares, who cannot tell they are not yet with foal.” Sweetie was getting excited now, saying, “So Scootaloo could—” “Well, the problem is it’s sort of permanent,” Twilight interrupted. “Stallions should only do that if they are very sure they never want to have any foals.” Sweetie frowned, and couldn’t imagine Scootaloo ever actually wanting to have foals. But then again, he really wanted it whenever he did it in her, so maybe he would someday? “An IUD is the very best way,” Zecora stated somberly, “But there are many other ways to keep foals at bay. Each way having in them both good and bad. No filly today need ever give birth, sad.” “If only ponies would get with the times...” Twilight grumbled. “Those blasphemous Celestials are everywhere these days.” Zecora kicked her under the table. “Oh! Um!” Twilight said looking at a re-scared Sweetie Belle, with nervous eyes. “Don’t worry Sweetie I know you’re Celestial. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s just a political um...thing I’m sort of helping the princess with here. I’m just arguing about silly nitpicking, y’know, about what the princess wants, what she can do, whether she likes tea, eh heh.” “The princess protects,” Sweetie said seriously, like she was supposed to. Twilight hesitated, but she and surprisingly even the zebra bent their heads and said, “The princess protects.” So, they couldn’t be witches or Crystatologists, or they couldn’t say those words, but they weren’t Celestial? This was making Sweetie’s head hurt. Twilight spoke somewhere between embarassment and irritation. Sweetie could kind of understand why the irritation, since the librarian’s horn was still active. Sweetie Belle couldn’t use magic yet, but she at least understood how unpleasant an achy horn can be. The older unicorn said embarrittably, “Let’s just wrap this up. I really want to show you that blastocyst.” “What’s a blasto-cyst?” Sweetie asked, glad to focus on simple, mundane things like a magnified, magical projection of her ovary hovering in front of her. “Foal,” Twilight corrected herself. “Let’s find your foal.” Zecora rolled her eyes for some reason. The zebra was remaining mostly silent through the whole process though, clearly letting Twilight’s lecture take center stage. Except when Twilight needed to be kicked under the table. Zooming back down the oviduct, Twilight panned around inside Sweetie’s uterus, until Sweetie saw a second dimple, saying, “There! You just missed... yes, there!” Her second oviduct was in a different direction, as Sweetie could see in her own abdomen, from the brilliant bright spot travelling up in a slow arc within her. Sweetie didn’t watch her own belly a lot though. First she had to watch the projection, to find a seed sized speck of... something that would be blue colored. All too quickly, there it was, a little blue ball just floating in there. “It’s quite close to the exit,” Twilight said nervously. “Not too much longer and we’d be dealing with abortifacents and lining removal. But there you have it, Sweetie. Your foal.” “Um...” Sweetie gave Twilight an odd look. “Where? Is the blue speck an eye, or... something?” “No, that’s your entire foal,” Twilight said. “It’s called a blastocyst. Let me up the magnification to 400 now.” She did so, and zoomed right up to the bigger blue speck, until it resolved itself into a ...bubble... or something? It just looked like a bubble. Twilight explained to the dumbfounded Sweetie Belle, for what good it did to help her understand. “Approximately once a day, the blastocyst divides all its cells, clustering the ones intended to be lower body at the bottom, and upper body at the top. That’s pretty much all it can do at this point. It starts growing bigger once it’s implanted in your womb, and can draw from your blood to feed itself.” “But it’s just a... um... bubble,” Sweetie said uncertainly. > Worth It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “But it’s just a... um... bubble,” Sweetie said uncertainly, as she gazed at the projection through Twilight Sparkle’s magic that showed her what was, ostensibly, the foal in her womb. The zebra’s hut was mostly forgotten for the interesting display here, part of Sweetie Belle that she never even dreamed of being able to see before. “When does it turn into a foal?” she asked. Twilight bit her lip, saying, “I’m not really sure, but it’s a while...” “If resemblance of a foal you seek,” Zecora spoke up suddenly, saying, “Look again, on the eleventh week.” “11 weeks?” Sweetie responded skeptically. “That’s like... almost 3 months.” She looked at the bubble again, saying, “I guess I can see why.” “Don’t knock it just yet, Sweetie,” Twilight cautioned. “This little bubble is inside you, and it’s what’s going to latch onto your uterine lining, and trigger all sorts of things, probably making it difficult to walk at your size by the end of it. It’s a fascinating process, and as long as this is inside you, it’s just waiting to start happening.” Sweetie nodded seriously, looking at it again. It still looked kind of... boring. But it was sort of like a ... a foal bomb? Like it blew up, but then it was a foal instead? Except taking 11 weeks to blow up is boring... but that glow in her belly and Twilight’s projection showed that they found it. Right where that light was, was the thing that could totally change Sweetie’s future. Just sitting there innocently quiescent, but one or two more days and it’d be sticking to those red fronds, and feeding from her. “I didn’t know it was the size of a hemp seed,” Sweetie said in a less than impressed tone. “It isn’t even really a foal, it’s just... going to be a foal. But that’s like saying Apple Bloom is pregnant, just because Scootaloo is standing next to her, because he’s going to try and put it in.” “No, Sweetie,” Twilight corrected, “I said it was the size of a hemp seed at 50 times magnification. This is the real size of it.” Then her projection zoomed out and... zoomed out, until Sweetie’s oviduct was a tiny little curvy pipe, and the blue bubble was... she couldn’t see it. “Um... I think you zoomed out too much,” she complained. “Nope,” Twilight said curtly. Her horn flashed, and Sweetie’s entire oviduct disappeared, leaving only a blank grey canvas... on which there was a very tiny bright blue dot. Sweetie had to get right up close to the projection to see it, ignoring the fact that her belly was glowing to do so. “Just that little teeny dot,” Sweetie said skeptically. “Just that, yep,” Twilight confirmed, “Smallest thing the unicorn eye can see.” “That’s not an abortion though!” Sweetie exclaimed with growing conviction. “It’s not even a foal yet. It’s not even a anything yet! Rarity told me it would be a foal! I can’t believe she lied to me!” Twilight’s horn went out, and the projection, and the tingly glow over Sweetie’s belly faded, and Twilight said, raising a hoof in hasty appeasement, “Rarity didn’t lie to you. I don’t think she did, at least. She just probably... doesn’t know. And it is a foal technically, if you’re one of those ponies who decided that a blastocyst should be included in the definition. A lot of ponies think um... they try to convince others that even if you let that blastocyst leave your body unharmed, and it dies because you didn’t let it stay inside, then you murdered a foal.” Twilight gave Sweetie a steady look then and added, “A lot of ponies are stupid.” “I guess they must be...” Sweetie said reluctantly. “I’m not even that smart and it’s just obvious. I just didn’t know. I thought... it was like a foal foal, not a technical foal.” Twilight sighed. “I’m sorry Sweetie,” she said with an embarassed hoof twiddle, “I just—ponies are probably not that bad. I just get so mad at them sometimes, because it really is obvious. But when you walked in here, you thought it was... grinding up foals in metal claws. The teacher who showed it to you likely thought the same thing, and even if she was lying, well... “You told me how hard it was for Apple Bloom to control herself,” Twilight told Sweetie Belle in a darkly forbidding tone, “Perhaps Cheerilee was trying to keep fillies from getting pregnant, the only way she knew how. If you lied to Apple Bloom and told her her head would fall off if she engaged in coitus with Scootaloo, and you made some fake pictures of ponies without heads, or found ponies who died from their heads falling off, and Apple Bloom believed you, do you think she’d be as eager to make herself pregnant?” “Maybe she wouldn’t,” Sweetie said without satisfaction, “But I would never lie to her like that. And what would work better is having me there to keep Scootaloo from going inside. And your... um... thing that she’s going to get.” “You’re absolutely right, Sweetie,” Twilight nodded. “And I’m going to... talk with Cheerilee. She’s my... friend, and she probably is just... she needs some advice, on how to deal with fillies in heat. She’s a schoolteacher, not a madame. And Cheerilee is going to talk to whoever gave her those pictures, and tell them that there has to be a better way, besides scaring fillies needlessly.” “I do not want to criticize, but showing those pictures is most unwise,” Zecora added. “Fillies who fear such horror undue, will do nothing until their fears come true. They could have stopped with neither blood nor pain, but now any hope of that is in vain. Instead of deceiving and mistrusting your youth, pony folk should prepare them, with the truth. “Father taught me well the truth of birth,” Zecora added almost as an afterthought. “One of the few lessons, of which I give him worth.” Ignoring the scary masks, and the bubbling cauldron which was... lunch apparantly, and the dangling boney things, and the fact that she had stripes, it was actually a really pleasant afternoon Sweetie Belle spent with Zecora and Twilight. They were deep in the Everfree Forest, but there wasn’t a cockatrice to be seen! She got to learn so many cool things about herself, and something that had traumatized her not long ago didn’t seem to have the same edge that it did before. Everything was working out for her, and when Zecora asked her to seriously consider whether she wanted to birth a foal or not, Sweetie downed the bitter tasting tincture in one gulp. It’s not that she feared those terrible birth complications, but she just really, really didn’t want to have to deal with a foal if she could help it. Twilight said the dangerous complications probably wouldn’t happen, and it didn’t seem like Twilight was the sort of pony who lied about well... anything she was teaching, even if it was horrifyingly bizarre. But that still left Sweetie’s life utterly over, all for sake of a little game that they didn’t know not to play. “What’s going to happen the um... blastocist?” Sweetie asked, a little belatedly. “If it can’t stick to me, I mean.” “It will come out of you the same way,” Zecora said with a quirked eyebrow, “As a ordinary chick hen would lay.” “Oh, s-so...so...” Sweetie’s brain kind of broke at the thought. “You saw how tiny it was,” Twilight said to alleviate her confusion. “That’s why nopony knows that ponies lay eggs just like chickens, or any animal. As long as you’re in estrus, and not pregnant, you’ll be laying eggs. But you saw how small it was. How would you even notice, whether it came out or re-absorbed into you?” “At least it answers my question,” Sweetie said, with an uneasy wiggle of her hindquarters. “I guess I will be giving birth after all,” she added wryly, “To just a tiny speck!” Twilight frowned and looked to object, but Zecora said equally mirthfully, “A birth that we could all have missed, to a brand new baby blastocyst.” Sweetie had been looking forward to being pregnant, in fact. To growing big in her belly, and feeling the foal in there, and even having a little foal running around at her feet. It was just such a warm and fuzzy feeling to think about. But she was so young, that she didn’t even have enough legs for a foal to run around. Rarity said she’d help, but it’d be such a terrible burden on her. Sweetie Belle didn’t even want to think of what her parents would think, of Sweetie being a parent herself. She just... didn’t want to look at Mother and Father as equals, and... no longer as their daughter, who hadn’t birthed her own daughter. With her newfound friends, through Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie knew a lot more about birth, and giving birth, and what a foal really is. She was fairly sure that if she worked hard and studied and found her special talent, and got really good at it, then it would be the perfect time to have a foal. If Twilight was right about the birth control things, then Sweetie could just look forward to giving birth until then, pretend that she was making a foal as much as she wanted, and when the time came to make her belly heavy and milk from her teats, she would never have to fear for the safety of her foal. Zecora warned that some cramping might occur, but Sweetie was lucky enough not even to have that. Just a painful twinge or two. She’d never even felt her womb before, so it was a novel experience. Just a sore golf ball in her pelvis. Sweetie was instructed to wait until she felt estrus for the first time, whereupon she could hurry to Twilight, who could help her the same way she did Apple Bloom. There were a few ponies at the hospital who could perform that procedure, but of course you needed your parent’s permission for that, and what Twilight said were a few months of time to process the paperwork. Twilight said she was going to clean up this town’s inefficiency or die trying, but clearly she hadn’t yet. And actually there was a loophole; you could take a train ride to nearby Ponydale, and have “the procedure” done without any requirements to prove yourself, since you were just an Equestrian citizen there, not a member of the town. Whatever happened, Sweetie was determined to do the right thing, and live her life without regrets. Meanwhile, Scootaloo was fucking Apple Bloom. Okay, go back a bit. Scootaloo was going to meet Apple Bloom in their Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. Wait, no, no. Scootaloo didn’t think he was going to meet Apple Bloom in their Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse. Apple Bloom was doing her chores, he thought. He was just going to work on the wobbly wheel on his scooter, he thought. And she thought that her sister just didn’t understand, when Applejack kindly gave Apple Bloom the morning off on account of her estrus, saying they could make it up later after she’s cooled off a bit. Apple Bloom had been counting on the morning chores to help her not think about what she was going to do with Scootaloo that afternoon. Take her mind off of how much she’d been missing what she saw, and what marely desires she was having. Without those chores, Apple Bloom had only one choice. Well: two choices, go cool off in the creek and feel like road apples all day, or go find somewhere private to... let out her tensions, where she wouldn’t have any opportunity to throw herself under a stallion, when her lust drove her to do it. There was no plan for the CMC to meet today until the afternoon, so she figured she could use the clubhouse for that purpose. Her only saving grace was he didn’t stumble upon her sitting on the hammer, a contentious whine in her chest for her heated passage working the stiff polished wooden handle to a slippery sliminess that she couldn’t stop producing. No, the hammer was strewn aside, leaving a trail of juices where she’d kicked it; Apple Bloom had practically drained the water cooler. Now she was just using her hoof, fiddling her clitoris, trying to make herself orgasm so hard that she wouldn’t even think of Scootaloo doing her, until she was safe, and Twilight’s thing had made her pregnancy free. So that’s what Scootaloo trotted into. Apple Bloom scrambled to her hooves faster than she could squeak, and of course one of them slipped on the floorboards, because it was so very obviously matted with filly juices. “Scoo—Scootaloo!” she said in frenzied alarm. They both stared at each other, frozen in shock. Except... one thing between them that wasn’t frozen. Apple Bloom’s eyes darted down to part of Scootaloo that wasn’t frozen in shock at all, emerging from his sheath at the mere sight of Apple Bloom there. Her scent was heavy in the air, no doubt making him extend that shaft and twitch it where it dangled, his body preparing to impregnate her. “A-ah’m not safe yet,” she said in worried clarification. She was trying to tell him to go, but just the thought that there was a stallion here to fill her up made Apple Bloom terrified of him leaving. “Yeah,” he said dumbly, looking down, but not running away like he should. “Ah’m in heat,” she said to him equally dumbly. Her scent making his dick come out, just the possibility that he’d mount her made her quiver inside. With fear but with a crazy hope. “I know,” Scootaloo gulped. But he didn’t leave! He just... twitched under there. And thickened. “If you go in me, you’ll make me preggers,” Apple Bloom said faintly. “Yeah,” he said seriously, looking at her with those vivid violet eyes. “Ah don’t wanna be preggers,” Apple Bloom explained. “I–I know,” he said shakily. They stared at each other a moment longer, and then Apple Bloom just turned and presented for him. It was so easy to do. She just lifted her tail, and showed him her filly parts. He didn’t even need to say a word. He just climbed up onto her rump, bore down on her and her vulva felt the sweet kiss of his penis. And then Scootaloo was fucking her. It was so quietly urgent, and she felt so guilty about it, but that incredible sliding feeling kept her going. She let him do it, let her passage tingle and twinge at the feel of that shaft sliding in there. He just plunged in her, and she faced forward. Simple. Sliding up in her body right now was a penis, that was gonna fill her full of foals. It felt familiar to Apple Bloom now, not strange. She let Scootaloo put it in there, and she wanted it in there, and she didn’t want him to stop until he was done and it was too late. “We should stop...” she said quietly, feeling so thick with what they were doing. Her words sounded loud in the intense silence of their mating. Her rump was just full and moving, and holding him, her hooves square on the ground so she could be spread wide open with a boy’s fleshy tool. “Yeah...” he agreed, “Can’t... can’t splooge in you.” He slowed, but he was still fucking her. Apple Bloom wanted to be fucked. Her inside place was thanking her with every driving thrust. When he fucked her, she stopped needing, and wanting. She felt perfect. Just the thought of him splooging in there made her desire flare up wild, and crazy. “You’re gonna!” she gasped in crisis. “You caint just... be in me and not do it. Feel y’all ready to ...squirt!” She saw him in her mind’s eye, saw his penis doing the thing, outside into the air, and then into Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom hadn’t never felt one drop squirt in her before. She felt his dick, and she knew that feeling, but she never felt what it could do! She wanted to feel it! Maybe she could just quietly let him keep going, until she finally got what she craved. “I–I have to stop,” he said, teasing his shaft slowly, but hungrily to orgasm, with Apple Bloom’s sweet, needy insides, regardless of any wisdom or sense. “Y’gotta,” Apple Bloom said sorrowfully. Scootaloo slowed and... stopped. Scootaloo was in her. Oh, he was in her! She didn’t want him to pull out! “On t-three, okay?” Scootaloo said tensely. “Okay,” Apple Bloom parrotted numbly. She tried to prepare herself for that feeling that... empty feeling of wanting him, and not letting him do it. She wanted him to just do it, and she could finally feel his seed in her. But she couldn’t... she just couldn’t! “One, two...three!” Scootaloo exclaimed, rearing off of her. Apple Bloom stepped shakily forward until she was empty, so empty and dripping. She was standing there with her rear all alone. She heard Scootaloo’s gasp as he slipped out. She started to back towards him again. Had to make him do it, go inside her. He... He walked up alongside her. “What are we doing, Apple Bloom?” he asked, in a wavering tone. Bloom said nothing, just turned her head away from him in shame, her bow ruffling in the air. “We gotta wait till this afternoon,” he continued insistently. “You won’t get pregnant then.” “But ah wanna be pregnant!” she said in a heartbroken tone, looking at him earnestly. He looked her in the eyes again with the most incredulous look. “No you don’t,” he said, “This is just that estrus. Your family—” “Ah know,” Apple Bloom said. “We been... Apples’ve been losing Ponyville for generations... we’re all that’s left! If ah went and got mahself pregnant... we’d have to... we’d lose everythin’, but ah want it so bad!” She turned to face him fully, feeling like she was confessing, as Apple Bloom said to him tearfully, “Every time! Every time we played it safe, and your penis s-squirted up in the air, ah wanted to feel that inside me. Ah know what a dick feels like inside me but I never even once felt the squirting! A-ah got in heat, and ah wanted you so bad, an’ you always finished in Sweetie Belle instead! Ah’m so g-glad you did, but ah still wanted you. Ah had to watch you, fuckin’ Sweetie Belle, an’ all ah could do is touch mahself! Saw your seed drippin’ outta her girl hole, makin’ her a mommah, an’ ah... “I wanted to be her,” Apple Bloom said in earnest entreaty. “I-it’ll be too late this afternoon. Ah don’t just wanna feel you splooge in me, ah wanna feel you make me pregnant! Ah want what... S-sweetie Belle had. Want it to happen to me.” She was shaking now. “I-it’s like magic; she looked the same, but she was so different! She felt her body gettin’ ready to make the foal, and... and one squirt an’ you can do that to me! “An’ after this afternoon,” she concluded dismally, “You caint. Ah want you to do it now, before it’s too late!” She presented for him, just winking helplessly at her need to feel that incredible significance that happened to Sweetie Belle, when Sweetie missed her estrus cycle. “If you do it now, ah’ll be a pregnant mare!” she urged him. “A-ah’ll feel mahself turn into... be that way, feel your seed makin’ my body ready for the foal!” She blushed and said, “N-not really, but it’s just... you’re here an’ we can do it. Nopony needs to know!” “Apple Bloom, please...” Scootaloo whimpered. She felt so guilty, forcing him to fuck her with the swaying of her hips, the raising of her tail, that tender winking of her girl parts that spattered her juices on the floor. He didn’t want to do it to her... but she didn’t want to do it either. She needed to do it. It weren’t fair that only Sweetie got to feel that way! His hooves touched Apple Bloom’s rump making it pike—his hooves left her rump. She slid her head around he was just standing there / she felt so hungry. Then he lurched forward and his tongue hit her, and Apple Bloom just convulsed helplessly as she gasped for breath, her insides on fire from his muzzle pressed hard against her fertile petals, tongue laid desperately against the clitoris that set her nerves aflame. He made her cry out, reaching forward for nothing at all. Apple Bloom knew what he was doing, when he did it. Scootaloo knew what he was doing. He stopped licking her, to climb on top of Apple Bloom’s rump again, panting and shoving that dick against her. Apple Bloom looked over her shoulder at his urgent form, and begged silently for her hungry, empty, needy vagina to be filled. So many times she saw that shaft ejecting its virile contents into the air, always wishing it was doing that in her instead, so she could feel it. And now he had no choice. She had no choice! She couldn’t resist her estrus anymore. Today Apple Bloom knew she would feel what it really means to be a mare. Scootaloo hit home, and Apple Bloom’s whole body shuddered at the intense feeling of his hungry, potent shaft pushing into her inch after inch. “Dammit, Apple Bloom!” he shouted dizzily above her, holding onto her as Apple Bloom fought to breathe, so full of his sliding shaft. Compared to this immense satisfying penetration, her past orgasms weren’t nothing. This is what Apple Bloom wanted. This is what she needed to happen. “You’re so incredible!” he said, leaning against her back, and fucking that turgid channel in her hips with a desperate vigor. “I can’t stop. It’s all going to go in you, and you’re gonna be pregnant!” he moaned out bitterly. “Ah...ah’m gonna foal” Apple Bloom whimpered, so full of that sliding shaft, every motion reminding her of what it was going to do to her in there. She’d seen Scootaloo orgasm into the air, and now all that was going to shoot up deep inside her. “Ah’m gonna feel it... just like Sweetie,” she whispered, “Oh Scoots ah need you to do it ah don’t even care ah don’t... pregnant...gonna feel it...” Scootaloo slowed desperately, holding himself at the edge of climax. Apple Bloom could feel that flat broad head against her insides where it was so sensitive. She had it in her and he was gonna squirt. He couldn’t hold back, and Apple Bloom was gonna be full of foal just like Sweetie Belle was. “Just...do it,” she begged in a bittersweet moan. “Ah cain’t stop making ya do it... so just let me have it. Ah wanna feel what it’s like so bad! “...to become a momma,” she finished in a hoarse whisper, her ears going down in shame. Scootaloo shoved against her hard then, and she gave a cry of alarm as she felt something squirt her in there. He was doing it! “Oh Scootaloo ah cain feel you doing it!” she cried passionately, “Makin’ me a momma with your seed!” “Th-that’s—not it...yet...” Scootaloo hissed through clenched teeth. “H-happens sometimes, right before I... I... this is so bucked up.” He thrust in her again, his shaft sliding along her clutching walls, driving Apple Bloom wild with a hungry curiosity. Was she pregnant yet? What was he going to do? “I’m gonna put it all into you,” he grunted passionately, “M-make you feel like Sweetie... Belle. A-apple Bloom you’re gonna feel it... a-and then you’ll have my... my foal...” Apple Bloom climaxed hard. It took her like wildfire. She was so worked up she didn’t even, and then she was just wailing on him in there. Just like Sweetie Belle, she was gonna be—! Her body was shaking from the effort, her hooves planted as she grunted helplessly in the grips, blissful convulsions radiating through her. Scootaloo, that wonderful Scootaloo, drove his penis into her and held deep inside her, so every ripple Apple Bloom felt in there could caress that beautiful velvety pole. He nuzzled her, he—he licked her ears. She felt like a newborn babe, helpless before the feelings sweeping through her. A filly’s squeezing lasts longer than a stallion’s ejaculation, and when that squeezing stops, those feelings continue. Apple Bloom was hardly sensate, just delirious with pleasure when he assumed her climax was at an end and started thrusting again, not knowing that she was still feeling it. Apple Bloom didn’t tell him, because she wanted him to thrust while it happened to her, keeping her nerves atingle and her insides like the most beautiful and brilliant of starscapes. When Apple Bloom could talk; when she could rock against him again, loving him for what he did to her, and what he was going to do, Apple Bloom murmured senselessly, “You’re so slidey in mah hips... up in there, in mah foal place, in mah birth canal.” She couldn’t think, just babbling with her tense breaths, driven out of her by his pistoning phallus. “You’re gonna stop, a-and when you... do it’ll be squirtin’ in me. Scoo–scoootaloo~ mah womb... ah don’t wanna foal but... ’s goin’ anyway. Ah... ah feel you Scoots!” She knew she could simply just walk forward again, and Apple Bloom would be free, but she wasn’t going to free herself. She was gonna stand there until Scootaloo was done fucking her, and filling her up with his seed. She was going to feel it squirting, and she was gonna let it squirt in there. She was going to take his phallus inside and feel those squirts, until she was all pregnant with a foal. Apple Bloom could only imagine what that shaft in her would feel like, all squirting as she’d seen before, but all she needed to know was that it was gonna happen. She wasn’t gonna miss it this time! Apple Bloom didn’t want a foal; she couldn’t be bearing a foal, but she just felt she had no choice. This estrus had taken her. She just couldn’t fight it anymore. She couldn’t bring herself to care about anything more than the glorious anticipation of that hot shaft mashing against her deepest parts. What was the squirting going to be like? This thrust, squeeze, mush, thrust, would somehow combine with those hot jets of seed she saw. Her vagina quivered. She wanted to know... It was almost a physical need to know that, a need to feel herself turning pregnant for real. So Apple Bloom tempted Scootaloo when they met in the clubhouse. Apple Bloom took Scootaloo into her, and rocked against Scootaloo purposefully, instead of pulling away. She slid his shaft in and out of that amazing place in her hips, just as he drove it in and out, driving her stretched inner parts absolutely wild. She knew she shouldn’t do this, but she did anyway and the more she did, the easier it was to do it, to just ignore what she wanted, and be the fertile, receptive mare for her stallion, that Apple Bloom had turned into. She was tired of being that mare. She wanted to be the momma instead! “Trying... to hold back,” Scootaloo said making another slow delicious thrust. “C-can’t stop though. Don’t want to make y-you mom, but it’s c-coming out so... hope you enjoy it.” “Ah’ll remember this moment for all mah life,” Apple Bloom told him lovingly. He was trying so hard to stop the inevitable, but he felt the driving purpose to make babies in her hips as much as she did. Apple Bloom just gave into it, and cried out gladly when his thrusting sped up, and then she saw Sweetie Belle there in the doorway, hoof shoved between her thick, candy white legs, dripping with arousal at the sight of them. From that state of the puddle, it looked like Sweetie had been standing there for quite some time now. Apple Bloom didn’t know what to say. She looked at Sweetie with fearful, guilty eyes, silently begging her to help somehow, to save Apple Bloom from Scootaloo, to save Apple Bloom from herself. Sweetie just stood there with a sorrowfully apologetic look on her face, biting her lower lip, while Apple Bloom had to just stand there and grunt anxiously at the hot thrusts of Scootaloo into her lust soaked behind. That was better than Apple Bloom deserved for doing this to herself. At least Sweetie could find pleasure in seeing her friend impregnated. She shouldn’t help, because it was Apple Bloom’s fault, and if Sweetie wanted to pleasure herself instead of helping, that was just fine. Sweetie was going to see it, the moment everything changed. All this, and Apple Bloom realized she wasn’t pregnant. She was being fucked, and she didn’t have a drop of seed in her. It was the last moment in her life that Apple Bloom would ever just be her normal, average self. Scootaloo was going to do it, and Sweetie was going to see it, and here was Apple Bloom in the turbulent middle of it all! Scootaloo’s shaft swelled up in her like a balloon, and his thrusting grew erratic. Apple Bloom sucked in a breath, focusing on her passage, spreading and spreading. She felt so vulnerable. She couldn’t stop feeling that shaft that reminded her: one squirt from it, and her life would change forever. Was this really gonna happen to her? Was she really here, doing this, and going to have Scootaloo’s foals? His penis was gonna make her pregnant, and there wouldn’t be anything she could do. She had to pull him out before it happened... why was she just letting it happen? Apple Bloom’s pupils shrank when Scootaloo said, “Here it... comes...!” Apple Bloom stumbled forward again, as he hurled himself against her, and held inside her, moaning as it happened to him. The orgasm. She should escape—she didn’t want to! “Ah’m gonna feel it!” Apple Bloom just about sobbed, telling Sweetie as that thick shaft started thrashing inside her. “Sweetie help he’s in me he’s gonna...ahh!!” And then she felt it. It was a hot gooey strike inside her. It slimed along her in there it was... it was squirting over and over again! Deep within her, his penis started thrashing, pumping into her, just like it did in Sweetie Belle. These were real squirts, not just squirts, but like she was getting blasted in there! Apple Bloom’s eyes widened as, for the first time in her life, she felt her vagina begin to fill with hot, slimy seed. Though she first shared gazes with the lust ridden Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom turned, consumed by curiosity, to look back at her own hips. To make sure it was actually happening to her. Scootaloo’s orange fuzzy rump was there pressed against her fuzzy yellow rump, and within her yellow rump, she felt his thick throbbing penis, and hot squirts. His eyes were squeezed shut, and his expression so intense, as he did it and did it in her. She could feel hot rushes blooming from within, where she knew the flat head of his penis was pushed up against her deepest places. Where he was pumping it out of himself hard as he could. Pregnating her. “...ah’m pregnant,” Apple Bloom told those hips in shock. She just... mentioned it, in a tone filled with wonder and dread. She glanced at the pegasus who was doing this to her. Inside her, and on top of her, it didn’t seem even conceivable, but there was Scootaloo, clenching his teeth intensely, and pumping her full of seed, changing Apple Bloom even as she stood there watching it happen. He was pulsing deep inside her, making a strange gooey slime flood into her vagina, transforming her into a pregnant mare. Just a moment to see him doing her, then Apple Bloom looked forward, back to her masturbating best friend, and just let it all happen to her. An immense relief washed over Apple Bloom, as she stood there passively like a good little mare, and Scootaloo ejaculated into her like a good little stallion. She didn’t have to watch to feel it, because it was her hips he was filling, not Sweetie’s. Apple Bloom was the one becoming pregnant now. Apple Bloom knew ever very jerk and throb of his penis, every a pulse of hot semen, because it was all going into Apple Bloom herself. Apple Bloom found her hot inner flesh welcomed it, like he was coming home with every spurt. She was made for these spurts. She felt what it was like, at the worst possible time in her life. It was amazing. She couldn’t believe that she was a filly who was pregnant now. Just one squirt woulda done her, and he did so many. It was such a shock of realization that she was a momma. It wasn’t just a dream or a desire anymore; every inch of her in there felt covered with his strange ooze. Apple Bloom could feel Scootaloo’s seed, and she was downright full of it. As far as she could conceive, that meant she was pregnant as any mare could be. So full of Scootaloo... changed by his gooey boy stuff, into a momma. Scootaloo whimpered then, and Apple Bloom just reached up, and caressed his back with her tail, comfortingly. She wished she could comfort him, at least. She wished someone could comfort herself. His squirting was done, it seemed. Apple Bloom felt like she melted from the waist down. She could feel him inside her still, feel his slippery shaft moving and sliding in there with every little shift of his body, but the deed was done. His penis was inside a fertilized vagina, and Apple Bloom couldn’t forget the feel of his seed shooting deep inside her. She looked forward at Sweetie Belle, who had practically collapsed in an orgasm, her cheek pressed to the ground as her hips jerked rhythmically up in the air. Good. That meant Apple Bloom wouldn’t have to try and explain just yet. Not that she could ever explain. “Gosh Scoots,” she said a bit breathlessly, “Y’made me pregnant as a sow, but ah ain’t blamin’ you. Ah made ya do it, an’ mah estrus made me do it.” “S-still don’t regret it,” Scootaloo said, shivering despite the temperature of the clubhouse. “You hadn’t even f-felt it yet. So now you do.” Apple Bloom looked back somewhat fearfully, as Scootaloo started to pull out of her. Her vagina had never been this way before. It felt so slimy and gooey, and when he drew the head of that thick shaft out, Scootaloo’s penis smeared up all against Apple Bloom there, as if it could spread out over her whole rear. His penis... Apple Bloom had actually felt Scootaloo’s penis inside her, and its absence when the only thing he left in her is his slimy fluid, busily turning an egg up in her hips into a tiny foal. It didn’t feel like nothing was happening up there, but the book said his critters were just wiggling up into her womb and doing it, even as she stood there before him. Apple Bloom was blushing up a storm, and she couldn’t figure out how she felt about what happened. She wanted to get pregnant so bad, but now that she was, she felt scared and insecure about herself. She tried to lower her tail, and thought better of it, because something had happened between her legs that she’d never had to deal with before. Apple Bloom just couldn’t stop staring at it... at Scootaloo’s work. “Ah did feel it,” she said cautiously. “A-ah wish I didn’t, but ah did. Mah... your seed’s all in mah vagina, just like the book said. Caint believe you... we all went and did it. Am I really a... a momma now?” “I–I will try to be a daddy, but I just couldn’t stop,” Scootaloo said. “You don’t have to be a... a mom if you couldn’t stop, right? But it’s just gonna grow in you now. Oh man, we screwed up...” “I wasn’t even gonna do this with ya until ah was safe,” Apple Bloom said quietly, feeling oddly serene despite her worries. “B-but we kinda ran into each other, and... aw cornfeathers I can’t say it was bad. Y-you made me feel so incredible. Scootaloo, ah could feel your penis! You were shovin’ it way up inside me! A-and then all that goo. I loved it so much, but ah ain’t never b-been a momma before it’s weird.” She looked at Sweetie who was starting to come out of it, and with a sad smile Apple Bloom said, “Sorry Sweetie, ah just couldn’t hold back. It’s mah fault for makin’ Scoots do it to me.” “No it’s my fault for doing it,” Scootaloo argued. “I–I wanted to do it with my tongue, but then I just said buck it and put it in you, and it felt so much better but... but I had to make you pregnant.” “It’s estrus’s fault,” came Sweetie’s dazed, surprisingly bitter mumble. “It wouldn’t even let you wait until you had the thing. It had to make you hurry up, so it would be too late. And it also had to make m-me want... it.” “Ah guess,” Apple Bloom said morosely, looking at her gross bottom with a curiously detached indifference. “Figures ah’d get preggers right when it was too late to stop it. That contracepty thing sure won’t work no more, will it?” Scootaloo blinked in shock at what she said. “Wait,” he replied skeptically, “Why wouldn’t it?” Apple Bloom tilted her head at him, and said, “Because mah egg’s already all foaled up and stuff?” “Yeah, but maybe it isn’t,” Scootaloo said, with a somewhat desperate edge to his voice. “It’s just like a couple hours right? Maybe you still have time.” “Y’know, ah think you might be right,” Apple Bloom said in an intrigued tone, looking at her bottom again. “If she’s gonna give me a thingy to stop the sperms, it don’t matter if’n there’s a sperm in there already. We just gotta do it before ah get all planted!” Sweetie got to her hooves, looking at Apple bloom worriedly. Apple Bloom just hugged Sweetie saying, “Thanks so much! For lettin’ him pregger me ah mean, because ah really needed it. It was so weird, but... but it was good! And a-ah promise I’ll do whatever ah cain to not ruin it by gettin’ preggers.” “Won’t Twilight be mad, though?” Sweetie asked worriedly, her cheek smushed up against Apple Bloom’s. “She said that somepony who did it, and knew they would be pregnant, was more um... guilty or something.” “Shucks that’s silly now that I felt it,” Apple Bloom laughed heartily, releasing Sweetie to stagger on her own. “It was like a million times harder to stop, knowin’ ah’d be bearin’ a foal than if ah didn’t. There’s less choice involved, if you ask me. Ah guess I really do want foals, at least when Scootaloo’s in the middle of doin’ me. But ah never asked to want it, or be a filly all fulla seed and too sexy for th’ boys to resist.” Bloom paused to bat her eyes at Scootaloo and gave a coy butt wiggle. Scootaloo just blushed and looked away from her gaze, and he certainly didn’t deny her allure. “I don’t know if that would go over so well,” Sweetie said with a frown. “When she finds out, she might not even let you have it!” “So don’t let her find out,” Scootaloo said intently. “What happens in the clubhouse stays in ... here. You’re not really pregnant yet, you’re just like, dripping with my stuff. Clean it up, and nopony’d know. Uh...h-how’d it feel, by the way?” “Amazin’” Apple Bloom told him with a satisfied sigh. “It was somethin’ ah been wanting every time I saw you squirtin’ up into the air. Wanted to feel it all inside me instead. Just all ploom inside me, like you were fillin’ me with gooey slimy joy. When y’did it outside, that meant ah wasn’t gonna be with foal. Mah insides wantin’ it, and watchin’ you do it out. That’s frustratin’!” She turned to Sweetie and said more agitatedly, “An’ then when you got preggered, Scoots had to do it in you to save me. Ah wanted him to pregger me so bad, and ah had to just watch while your insides got all slimy and drippy with his goo. Ah was so curious what it would feel like if I did it.” Bloom flipped the tip of her tail up, smiling and saying, “An’ Scootaloo didn’t disappoint. That was really amazin’” “You really thought you were gonna... have his foal, though,” Sweetie said hesitantly. “You tried so hard to m-make sure that it would happen to you. A-and now you’re really okay with n-not doing it?” Apple Bloom blushed and shifted on her hooves, staring at them. “Ah... ah dunno what t’say Sweetie. Ah couldn’t stop an’ ah couldn’t even think, with his boy thing in me. I’d love to have Scootaloo’s foal, but... but ah cain think now, and it don’t bother me that there could be a... better way.” Apple Bloom shook her head sadly. “Much as ah’d love to have your foal Scoots, it’d cause way too much strife. Ah do wish ah could let it go and go until ah had an adorable foal of mah own, all nursin’ on me. And ah feel... bad for you, Scootaloo.” “Me?” Scootaloo said confusedly. “It’s your foal too!” Apple Bloom asserted. “You gotta just sit there and wish you could have a foal, while I get rid of your only chance. Ah wish ah could give you one, and instead ah gotta disappoint you!” “Hey, there’s nothing disappointing about this, Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo said generously. “I would be so upset if something bad happened to you, and I could care less if—I mean, I care about my f-foal, and I promise I’d be a good daddy, but I care about you more. You’re our best friend!” Sweetie didn’t say anything, just nudged Scootaloo more towards Apple Bloom, as if trying to imply he should do something. “But—ah mean, look at me!” Apple Bloom said, still unconvinced, standing there facing them square on her four legs, and feeling so weird right now. Behind her was the same pert mound that had always been between her legs, but now it was full of seed, in estrus. It was all slimy, and... and slimy deep like it ain’t never been before. “It–it’s all inside me,” she explained anxiously, “Your stuff is makin’ me a momma, right now! Apple Bloom the momma, that’s what you’re lookin’ at! I’m not a momma right now, but any minute and poof, all the things come together in there! Ah could be just standin’ here, and i-it’ll happen in me. Ah could get a thing to stop it, but if ah didn’t, it’s already done. Mah belly gets all bigger, a-and mah teats start leakin’ for th’ foal. These ones down here. A-and this belly right here! Then ah’ll be pushing out your filly, o-or colt. And it don’t bother you, that tomorrow ah’m just gonna be back the way I was?” “Well when you put it that way,” Scootaloo said critically, “It would bother me, because I don’t think you’ll be back the way you were.” “B-but the contracepty thing,” Apple Bloom said uncertainly, “Makes me all uh, not pregnantable.” “Yeah but—” Scootaloo huffed and scuffed his hoof on the ground. “Apple Bloom,” he said in a bothered tone. “When I was... h-holding you and pumping it all into you, I could see your whole... I could see what it did to you. You really enjoyed that.” “Ah feel like night and day,” Apple Bloom agreed happily. “Mah hoo ha ain’t never been so happy, even before estrus. You made me feel better’n ah ever felt before, when ya squirted like that. Ah needed it, an’ you gave it to me!” “So there’s no foal,” Scootaloo said dismissively, “So what? You’ll always have that... um... feeling. I got to show you how good it feels, and even if you’re not all swollen up and pregnant tomorrow, you’ll still remember what I did. I could just wink at you one day, and you’d be like ‘Oh yeah, his squirts felt totally awesome!’ I could sit there and...” Scootaloo glanced worriedly at Sweetie Belle, and then looked at Apple Bloom thoughtfully. “You felt different,” he said to Apple Bloom, out of the blue. “Sweetie is softer, and you’re wetter, and you have more of a... rubby thing on the bottom, like I was sliding against it. Sweetie squeezes a lot harder, but she has practice I guess, and you’re sorta more open when I get really deep, while Sweetie’s more like... huggy in there. My point is—” he lifted a hoof anxiously. “My point is that a million years from now I’m still gonna look back and remember, not just because you’re my friend, but because you’ve got this incredible filly place, that I’ll never forget, and... well, you sorta, changed me. I won’t be pregnant, but I won’t be back the way I was at all. I helped you w-with estrus, even though I wasn’t supposed to, and that makes me feel really... special. Changed. Like, I can have trouble with the school assignment, but at least I’ll always know that I... did that to my friend. That I could make her feel so good. “I–I don’t know how many more fillies I could take,” Scootaloo confessed. “You two are incredible! You’re so... you know. And when I did... it in you, you made me feel it like a million times more. I don’t think I could take feeling this way about many more ponies. It just makes me feel all warm and... sappy and stuff. “You changed me from Scootaloo who likes going into fillies, to Scootaloo who’s... full of going into fillies. I needed it more when I couldn’t do you, but now I feel just perfectly fine with you, and Sweetie and.... maybe one day Rainbow Dash...” Sweetie looked at Scootaloo with thoughtful concern. “So, um...” he said insecurely. “You changed me, Apple Bloom, and I think I changed you too. You don’t need to have a foal to be special and changed. You just need... you know... friends...” Apple Bloom was trying not to cry, and it just wasn’t working. “You’re mah very best friend too Scootaloo,” she said emotionally. “Ah... ah don’t need no foal to tell me that.” She shifted on her hooves, wanting to hug him fierce. But she knew Scootaloo wasn’t into sappy things like hugs and Apple Bloom certainly didn’t want to ruin the moment. “Just hug already!” Sweetie blurted out impatiently. > We are the Champions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie stood shakily between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Scootaloo’s shaft had since shrunk back down inside him, but his payload still remained in Apple Bloom’s hotly fertilized hindquarters. He had went and mounted her like an idiot, after she went and presented like an idiot, and Sweetie had to sit there and watch, schlicking furiously... like an idiot. It felt pretty incredible to be an idiot, as it turns out. None of them were too upset about it because, through sheer stupid desperation, they all concluded that Apple Bloom would be fine if she got her IUD, despite experiencing a colt’s intromission in her while she was still dangerously fertile. And Sweetie’s two very best friends were just not figuring out that they should have been hugging each other. They were just hugging a minute ago, but hugging in the way a colt hugs a filly when he wants to be in her, not a real hug. And now Apple Bloom and Scootaloo both had to hug too, or they would be sad, and Sweetie might have to bust a gasket. They just looked so scared and lost, standing there, alone and alienated in their serious situation, about 2 feet away from each other. “Just hug already!” Sweetie blurted impatiently. The two looked at her in surprise, and then at each other. Sweetie blushed and lifted her hooves to hide her face after saying that. Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a slight eyebrow raise, and Scootaloo’s eyes brightened and with a sneaky smile he winked back. Then they both turned on Sweetie Belle, walking forward and grabbing the little unicorn filly, and hugging the living daylights out of her. Then hugging each other. Then just laughing together and being together, and maybe giving Sweetie another orgasm. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were both wiped out from that mind blowing fucking thing, but Sweetie was really ready for some attention, after seeing them going at it. And oh, the way they gave her that attention! It wasn’t long before Sweetie was pretty wiped out herself. Besides the both of them licking and rubbing at her special places, they teased her with the very same white seed that was coming outta Apple Bloom. Told the horny Sweetie that it was the same stuff that made her pregnant. When Sweetie was on her back, hooves curled in front of her, orgasming helplessly, she got to watch with big eyes shrunk to pinpricks, while Apple Bloom let it drip out of her right onto Sweetie Belle’s vulva, and Scootaloo used his tongue to smear it around her filly place. Of course Sweetie just took the contracepty thing, so she wasn’t gonna get pregnant just like that. But they sort of pretended she was, and... it sort of worked! Sweetie got so worked up thinking about it, that she was out of it for like... a minute, after her friends pushed her over the precipice, with those sweet touches and sultry words. It was kinda funny really. They lay on either side of her, and it was kind of like Scootaloo: Wow, she’s really out of it. Apple Bloom: Hey Sweetie, you with us yet? Sweetie Belle: (inarticulate moans) Yes, they were all quite thoroughly satisfied. They lay there into their free afternoon, that Applejack had ignorantly granted Apple Bloom on account of—well—on account of exactly what took up their morning. Estrus. “Maybe estrus’ll stop me from wantin’ an IUD,” Apple Bloom speculated idly at the ceiling. “Dunno though, ah feel lots more clear headed now. It was when ah was gettin Scootaloo’d that it all crashed down on me, and ah couldn’t stop wanting that foal. So, unless you’re gonna mount me while I ask Twilight for it,” she gave a cheeky grin to Scootaloo, “Then ah think ah’ll be just fine in gettin’ one.” Sweetie Belle giggled and sidled alongside Apple Bloom, brushing over her friend’s belly with a hoof. “Guess now I’m the one who gets to imagine the foal growing in your belly.” Apple Bloom blushed and said, “Yeah ah was really puttin’ it on thick, uh, sorry Sweetie. It f-feels weird to think that ah’m the same way now.” “I won’t tease you,” Sweetie said seriously. “I know how it feels too, and I want you to know you’re still Apple Bloom. I know you said you’re different, but you’re still Apple Bloom. Scootaloo could make foals in your bottom all day, and you’d still be you.” Apple Bloom had to look at Sweetie Belle with an unexpected gratitude at what Sweetie was saying. Apple Bloom was... pregnant, and still Apple Bloom. She didn’t know what to say to that, or how to thank Sweetie for saying it. “Not that I would!” Scootaloo cut in irritably, saving Apple Bloom the trouble of speaking. He blushed a little and said, “Uh, except for estrus um... when you stick your butt up like that. Okay maybe I would. But remember I can only do it once!” “Once is all it takes,” Apple Bloom remarked morbidly, with a tail wiggle to see if more of Scootaloo’s goo would drip out of her birth canal. It was pretty much staying inside her at this point. Making her all pregnant in there. “Ah felt practically like an inflatin’ balloon with your ‘once,’” she teased Scootaloo, “There was so much sperms in me, that it cain’t miss mah egg.” “Yeah, well once is all you get, until you get that IUthingy,” Scootaloo announced haughtily. “I won’t let any of you fillies get me this easy again, until you’re both safe.” “Good enough motivation for me,” Sweetie Belle agreed emphatically. Twilight Sparkle smiled brightly as Apple Bloom approached that afternoon where she waited out by Sugarcube Corner, the filly’s ears tilted in a curiously guilty position. “Y’got the thing?” Apple Bloom asked conspiratorially, tip toeing sideways to look sly as she approached Twilight. “Right here,” Twilight said, brandishing in her magic a little... copper Y thing. The cute little filly had an expression on her face like, that was it then? Little Apple Bloom crossed her eyes to look at it confusedly, as Twilight hovered in there front of her nose. “It’s called an IUD,” Twilight happily explained without prompting. “Copper inhibits the progression of sperm and egg, and while it’s inside your womb, it’s simply impossible to become pregnant.” “Mah womb...?” Apple Bloom whispered. “So that’s goin’ inside there?” “Well, where else would be better for stopping pregnancy?” Twilight rolled her eyes. “You didn’t think I was just gonna bring a cork or something, right?” “Oh,” Apple Bloom said with a relieved smile. “Good. That means that it’ll... be uh...” she scratched a hoof on the ground for some reason, and said with a nervous smile, “It’ll work real good.” “It’s got an over 99% success rate, provided it’s used properly,” Twilight said happily. Apple Bloom just blushed and looked away. “Used properly, sure,” she said mutedly. She seemed reluctant for some reason. Unsure of herself? “Well, are you ready to be relatively foal free?” Twilight asked testily. Apple Bloom nodded slowly. “Will it hurt?” she asked, eyeing the metallic thing with worry. “I can’t even feel mine,” Twilight assured her. “It’s pretty much asymptomatic.” “Well ah guess,” Apple Bloom said, putting a hoof down to feel her lower abdomen. “In... in there? That’s where Sweetie said mah womb is.” “Yep, that’s right,” Twilight nodded. “So, you’re good?” “Just... yeah ah guess,” Apple Bloom agreed reluctantly. “How hard’s it to stick up my HOOHAW” Then she blinked, “Somethin’ just like, poked me in there,” Apple Bloom exclaimed. “I... uh... what?” “All done,” Twilight said with a smile. Apple Bloom blinked again. “You uh... don’t have to stick it up mah hoo-ha?” Apple Bloom asked uncertainly. “No silly,” Twilight said pointing a hoof at her horn. “I just teleported it! How would I even get it past your cervix, if I just tried to put it in?” “Cervix?” Apple Bloom asked unsurely. “The way from your vagina to your womb,” Twilight confirmed. “It’s a sensitive spot almost in the deepest part of your vagina. You’ll feel it above, and slightly off to the side. It’s pretty tightly closed, with just enough room for sperm to squeeze in there. But certainly not enough room for an IUD!” “Not teleporting,” Twilight laughed, “The very idea.” “Ah was wondering about what that spot was just earlier today, though,” Apple Bloom said happily. “Thanks, miss Twilight! Ah learned something!” Twilight smiled beneficiently. “Yes, you sure did.” Her smile faltered then, and she said, “Wait, why were you wondering about the spot if you weren’t putting any phalluses in there?” “Oh, no reason!” Apple Bloom said hastily. “Just curious is all! Y’know, curious!” “Annnd you didn’t mate with some colt,” Twilight prompted uncertainly, “Like I specifically told you not to do?” “Well, ah gotta find Scootaloo and tell her—uh—him the good news,” Apple Bloom said cheerfully, trotting away from the uneasy unicorn. “See ya, miss Twi!” And, at this point, Twilight really didn’t want to ask any questions. She facehooved and said, “I swear those fillies are either going to get themselves killed, or save the world.” They actually hadn’t recovered from what they’d done, by the next day, so they held off on doing it until the day after, when Scootaloo had a full load in him, and then the day after that, when Apple Bloom’s estrus returned with a vengeance. Apple Bloom wanted the whole deal, and her estrus didn’t give her as much of a hard time for waiting just one more day, long as she was aiming at getting herself foal’d. Even if that IUD thing kept it from taking, just the thought that Scootaloo could go to town on her kept Apple Bloom lucid for most of the day, despite a humpy melty groin. But before you know it, they were spending another beautiful afternoon of summer vacation in the clubhouse fucking each other silly. Apple Bloom was so excited and it was silly, because she hadn’t been able to hold back two days ago and at that time she had pretty much experienced everything there was to experience about Scootaloo, penis, and inside you. But there was one thing very different from last time. This time, Scootaloo didn’t have to hold back. There were no hard feelings, no reluctance or hesitation. She presented for him almost immediately when he came in the clubhouse, her heated nethers so responsive, thinking about how almost pregnant he’d made them the other day. He just said, “Well, hello to you to, Apple Bloom!” Yeah Apple Bloom deserved that. Blushing with embarassment she lowered her rump and turned to face him and said, “Right, sorry. Hi Scoots. Um... ah was waitin’ for ya so ah just thought we could get right in on it.” “Let’s wait for Sweetie,” Scootaloo said cheerfully. “And then I can totally mount you, and the foal stuff, and stuff.” Apple Bloom smiled at that. “Yeah, she’s been torturin’ herself over just watchin over us mess up for this long. She kinda deserves to see you an’ me doin’ it right. “Doin’ us right,” she added, making a pass and trailing her tail under Scootaloo’s chin. Apple Bloom actually um... kind of couldn’t hold it, and started rubbing her itch right there saying apologetically, “Sorry ah just caint... y’know.” “At least you need to use your hooves,” he grumbled in response. The reason for that caught Apple Bloom’s gaze, and made her rub harder. Her own little scent, and nothing more than that, had given Scootaloo a hard-on. She knew that was what did it. He said it himself how it worked. Apple Bloom’s kind of cool but weird smelling stinkiness, was just what Scootaloo needed. And that made Apple Bloom feel like she was just what Scootaloo needed. And that made her feel powerful, useful, and very horny. She cut off masturbatingadjusting herself, when Sweetie soon came in, much to Scootaloo’s disappointmentrelief. “Hey you two!” Sweetie chirped bounding up the ramp into the clubhouse. “Did you do it yet?” “Waiting for you, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said amiably. “We’re gonna do it now though.” “We better,” Scootaloo said with a snort, “Or I think Apple Bloom’s gonna have another freakout.” “It was not a,” Apple Bloom said indignantly, “Okay maybe it was a little freak out, but it’s completely natch’ral.” With her bright red tail flipping over her back, Apple Bloom presented her rump for him, waving her hoof in demonstration saying, “Ah gotta foal place, an’ ah’m in heat, so ah’m gonna just go crazy for anything that could give me a foal.” “Minus removing the IUD,” Sweetie said seriously. Apple Bloom snickered at Sweetie, saying, “What IUD? Ah don’t recall no IUD. Ah’m just a helpless, fertile filly, waitin’ for a stallion to sow his seeds in mah field.” Prancing her rear in front of Scootaloo she cooed, “Gonna foalify me? Mah belly’s gonna get all big an’ all you gotta do is that white squirty thing, but up in mah foal place.” Sweetie rolled her eyes, but Scootaloo just kind of grabbed Apple Bloom by the rear end and started climbing up on her, his hungry penis slapping her groin before she knew it. “Oh mah,” Apple Bloom exclaimed in surprise, her desires awakening slower than he could penetrate her. “That really worked, huh?” “Y-y~” Scootaloo said articulately, and Sweetie walked up. Just as his penis sank into Apple Bloom’s cunny, with a wince and a huff of breath for both of them, Sweetie said, “Wait a minute. You gotta lick her first. It’s better that way.” Scootaloo, he ignored Sweetie Belle and kept shoving in. Apple Bloom grunted, and took him and took him, refusing to back down now. With another gasp she was bottomed out, and Scootaloo’s shoved against her, just pulled her rear into his clinging forelegs. “Ohhh wow,” Scootaloo exclaimed dreamily. “Always wanted to try that.” Apple Bloom’s ear flicked and she licked her lips. “Try what?” she asked uncertainly, not sure if she should even speak with her nethers presented, and filled with a penis. “Just like, stick it in,” Scootaloo said a bit self consciously. “Felt way different. You’re not as wet in there, but you’re still really hot.” “Ha, guess not,” Apple Bloom said amiably, as amiably as she could with a penis spreading her wide. “Gotta get a lotta warmup t’get mah juices goin’. This ain’t nothin’ like real mating. We could have a conversation like this!” “Boy, math sure was cool today,” Scootaloo said sarcastically, leaning heavily on her rump and twitching his penis in there so dang distractingly, “I really liked the algebra no, no, hey, let’s get feeling even better, already.” He leaned forward and nuzzled Apple Bloom’s ear saying, “It is really cool though, even like this. You’re such an awesome friend.” Apple Bloom blushed silently at that. She winced again when Scootaloo pulled out of her, sliding slickly but not that slickly. She was already lubricating, but hadn’t really gotten going. That would change when Scootaloo buried his face in Apple Bloom’s muff. Now this was something Apple Bloom was intimately familiar with. He and Sweetie had both helped her with her heat this past week, and the only difference from Sweetie’s attention was that when Scootaloo did this, he couldn’t resist climbing up and mounting Apple Bloom again. Eventually. It was funny how good it felt to have your rump mounted. Sweetie even tried to mount her once, and Apple Bloom actually found herself going along with it, feeling pretty intense about the filly climbing up and gripping Apple Bloom’s hindquarters, until of course Sweetie was hanging on there without a penis to provide, saying, “Okay... I’m just gonna go back to licking.” But until Scootaloo couldn’t hold back from doing his colt thing and mounting her, Apple Bloom got to be licked like an ice cream cone, by her friend with a dick. That was just nothing but good, making her breathe heavier, and heating up her nethers. Sweetie said it even looked like she was blushing back there, and Apple Bloom couldn’t be happier to have a blushing bottom. Scootaloo’s lips would tweak her clitoris in a way that just made her squeal, and his soft yet firm palpitating tongue just relaxed and deepened her breaths as she felt herself just about ooze on the inside. It felt like she was melting when she did that. It was a weird tingly melty feeling inside her, like she was gonna gush out all over—wait, shoot! She forgot to pee beforehand. Apple Bloom didn’t care though. She’d just do it when he was inside her, and nopony would probably notice at all. No, she didn’t care about anything, because her insides were melting, and her other insides were twitching, and that twitchy, slimy, melty feeling just filled her with such a delicious hunger. She was gonna get a penis in there. Just like she wanted, just like she was desperate for. Her estrus was forcing her to ache to be filled, and Apple Bloom couldn’t be happier to indulge it. She felt Scootaloo’s will run out, by the way he reared up and climbed on top of her. A lusty whinny escaped Apple Bloom as she so docilly shifted her rump into his embrace, her tail already turned aside, and her foal place now twitching in that winky way, and gleaming wet from saliva and other fluids. With visions of foals dancing in her head, Apple Bloom took Scootaloo’s penis, and opened for him, firming her hooves and facing forward as she felt her rump back there getting filled with his dick, an incredible sliding sensation. Apple Bloom was seeing stars it felt so good. Scootaloo didn’t thrust at first, just saying, “Woah!” “Wh...what?” Apple Bloom asked with difficulty. “Ah’m so ready,” she begged. “Don’t wait, just do it. Ah want you so bad Scoots.” “I will, just,” Scootaloo said tensely, “You didn’t go this deep like 10 minutes ago.” Apple Bloom raised her head at that, but shook it slowly. “Ah caint tell how mucha your penis is in me, Scoots. Just that it’s all the way in~” “No, I think he’s right,” came the much more calm voice of Sweetie Belle from... beneath Apple Bloom’s belly. “It’s past that ring thing, and his um... balls are pushing against you.” “Oh they so are~” Apple Bloom moaned, shifting on her hooves to really feel him. Scootaloo started to pull back to thrust and Apple Bloom had to—oh no, Sweetie was down there! Apple Bloom couldn’t dare pee like that! But if she orgasmed, she totally would! “Sweetie, get outta there ah gotta pee!” Apple Bloom confessed in alarm, blushing as she said it, but unable to take it back or do much of anything, because Scootaloo was thrusting in her now. Apple Bloom tried to respond more, but she couldn’t do nothing but stand there. Apple Bloom could only take that sliding pressure, by bracing heavily on her four hooves, and squeezing her eyes shut at the tremendous feeling welling up in her vagina. There was a clunk. Apple Bloom opened her eyes in puzzlement as Scootaloo slowed, and Sweetie faced Apple Bloom with a pleased smile. “Go ahead and pee, Apple Bloom!” Sweetie declared. “What?” Apple Bloom said breathlessly. It was... surreal to be standing next to Sweetie Belle. Sweetie was standing there just like Apple Bloom was, but instead of the usual situation, Sweetie was the one whose rump was unmolested, and Apple Bloom felt just felt filled to the brim! Scootaloo weighed heavily on her horny hips, and it somehow made her so different from when she was just standing around like Sweetie was. Sweetie could talk easy, and Apple Bloom could barely stand the pleasurable stretching filling her senses. “Go ahead and pee,” Sweetie said evenly to a blushing, heaving, huffing Apple Bloom. “It’ll go into the bucket, then I’ll just pour it outside.” “R-right now?” Apple Bloom asked fearfully, looking around to see—Scootaloo! She could see Scootaloo hunched over her hindquarters. He had a strained look on his face of such pleasure, and it was Apple Bloom’s body making him feel that way. She could hardly believe it, but there it was on his face: Scootaloo had a penis; he could feel his penis, and it was Inside Apple Bloom right now! His resolve faded as she gazed at him, and he started sliding in and out, faster and faster. Almost looked like he was in pain, from how much he needed to do it. But boy did it feel amazing! Apple Bloom’s cherry red tail was flopped sideways around his pumpkin orange hips, as Scootaloo hungrily shifted them back and forth, producing that incredible sliding and filling sensation within Apple Bloom. He was—moving his—Apple Bloom loved his penis!! She could also see their metal bucket had gotten slid under her, right between her spread legs. “It’ll come out anyway when you orgasm...” Sweetie offered noncomittally. “Okay Sweetie I... oh mah gosh ah ...cain’t even think ah...” Apple Bloom faced forward, grimacing. Faced Sweetie, and getting fucked. She couldn’t talk no more. Scootaloo was just driving her straight to orgasm. Before he got there, she fought to remember how to pee. Yeah that’s how zonked his penis was making her: even remembering how to pee was a difficult thought. But Apple Bloom just bit the bullet and squeezed her bladder hoping for the best and... Well now wasn’t that the weirdest feeling ever. Apple Bloom’s cunt spread deep and wide, the rising tingles in her from that stiff velvety fleshy shaft, from the weight of Scootaloo’s belly on her, and his forelegs wrapped around her, it was all offset by that peculiar relief of emptying her bladder. She felt both relieved and excited, as she emptied and was filled. The more she peed, the more intense it was. It gave her a... powerful desire to squirt out as much from her bladder as possible. “Ah... Ahh!” she called out, as the flow increased to a hissing spray. Sweetie was clearly catching it in the bucket from the metallic sound of it. That meant Apple Bloom didn’t have to hold back. She could squirt it all out! She could— Was this what it felt like to be a colt? Well, her bladder wasn’t unlimited in capacity, and her ability to “ejaculate” like a boy diminished to a trickle and some wishful thinking. But you know, this thing about having Scootaloo on, around, and in her, sliding like a dynamo, was a good trade for that. Apple Bloom couldn’t believe she just peed and... and she felt so good, and now there was nothing left that Apple Bloom had to do, besides... orgasm. She was so busy p-peeing she didn’t even notice how close she was! She couldn’t stop the orgasm, because he was thrusting and thrusting! “Oh Celestia it’s happenin’!” she gulped out. “Don’t.... don’t stop Scoooot–ahh! hahh! Caint stop ah’m, ah’m—AH’M—!” her words turned into a desperate howl as the pleasure exploded behind her, and her rump jerked in place, as she started helplessly convulsing around that dick. Apple Bloom got that desirable, needed, primal squeezing, and not only was the penis in her, it was sliding in her. She just jerked there senselessly, calling out Scootaloo’s name, not even sure what direction was up or down. All she could care about were the beautiful ripples coming from her beautiful cunt that was making the whole world a beautiful place to live. Apple Bloom didn’t have to say anything. Scootaloo just kept on thrusting with abandon, wildly and erratically. “Oh Apple Bloom!” he managed to shout out, hanging onto her for dear life as he fucked the living daylights out of her. Apple Bloom wanted to speak, but she could barely get out a syllable for how he was hammering her starstruck birth canal. And then he shoved so deep into her, and gripped hard around her thighs. And then he stopped. Apple Bloom sighed in pure joy, as hot pulses started to rush into her, her best friend grunting urgently above her with every bit he pushed into her. She really paid attention to what he did this time, what it did to her in there. He wasn’t trying to pull out, or hold back anymore. It was so forceful, it squirted right up the sides of where she was stretched around his shaft, and trickled right down her filly lips. Now this was how you got preggered! “Your seed,” Apple Bloom whined gratefully, shuddering under his determined pumping. She was tingling and twitching—she was going to orgasm again! His seed was making her! “Ah can feel it!” she cried joyfully, “Oh Scootaloo, more~” “P-pregnant... Apple Bloom...” were the only words Scootaloo husked out, but it meant so much to her. This was how you made a foal. When a filly felt this, it meant she was gonna be a momma. Gushing in her, like an oasis in the desert, Scootaloo was working so hard to put a foal in there, and Apple Bloom could feel every drop. It really blasted on you in there, until you were so full that it could only pump it up and outta you, dribbling down your crotch in hot rivulets. “So-o-o worth it,” she moaned, stretching out a hoof, and succumbing to the sweet temptation of Scootaloo’s ejaculation deep inside her. Apple Bloom would learn later more about IUDs and her eyes would widen in horror as the implications hit her. Not that she killed a foal, oh no. But that her impregnation, mere hours before her visit with Twilight, was not guaranteed to be stopped by that IUD. Deep inside her womb, Scootaloo’s little wigglers had been working just fine, doing their best to get her egg and make it pregnant. When an IUD unceremoniously appeared in there, it began diffusing copper into the fluid of her womb, which damaged, slowed, and stopped the sperm within her. Once the copper was at a high enough concentration, there was no way any sperm was going to get past her womb, to reach the egg way up deep in the follicle tube. But if a sperm had got past the womb before that occurred, there would be nothing to stop it. Apple Bloom would have been prancing along as not pregnant as she wanted to pretend she was, until she started swelling up and leaking and getting all maternal, and feeling sick from the drain on her, as that foal latched right on and started suckling on her life blood. A couple hours was not nearly enough time for Scootaloo’s sperms to make that journey, but Apple Bloom was still cutting it awfully close without knowing it, and... to be honest, stranger things have happened than some lucky squirt of sperm getting in just the right location to impregnate you, super fast. But instead, she went right back into a raging lust when her next egg went and popped off, and quenched it with Scootaloo as much as she could, until Sweetie started to need it too, really bad. Apple Bloom then learned how hard it was to put the demands of two fillies on one colt, and frankly Scoots and Sweetie just looked too adorably beautiful together to even think about getting in between them. So Apple Bloom had to spend some time finding... another colt to satisfy her loins. And so she did. Big time. Then, she went and saved the farm, with a little help from her super smart grown up wizard friend, Twilight motherbucking Sparkle. After the fallout had cleared up, from the dreadful disaster that occurred thanks to the events of estrus that year, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would go on to remain together, right through primary school graduation, a perfectly odd perfect couple. A romance out of a storybook really: two childhood friends remaining true to one another and as a bonus, fucking each other’s brains out. Apple Bloom and her six foals would remain with the farm and the family, but Sweet Apple Acres would be a very different place thanks to her, a librarian, and either some very good luck, or uncanny planning. Only those two ever really knew for sure. What surprised nopony was that Sweetie Belle’s special talent was singing. What surprised everypony was that the musical tastes of Equestria would change so much in one generation. You see, Sweetie Belle was not the lead singer. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo would form a legendary rock band, where the growly timbre of Scootaloo’s raspy voice would lead many a filly to swoon before the loving crowds. With Dinky on drums, lead guitar Noi, and Babs on the bass, the five were an unstoppable musical sensation, while also discovering their true destiny as the chosen champions of Equestria, defeating evil and fighting crime when they weren’t filling whole arenas with song, sound and adoring fans. In her meteoric rise to fame, one would think Sweetie would never be foolish enough to have a child, now that it was her choice not to do so. The stage is no place for a foal, many ponies would say. Some ponies would even call her evil for doing so, but those were mostly the same ones who also claimed she was an evil enchantress, hypnotizing ponies into hating Princess Celestia with her unconventional music. But Sweetie appeared completely calm and confident, when the young teenage unicorn announced before the crowd that before they started the show, she wanted them to know she was with foal. It was carefully timed too, no doubt at the advice of her mysterious agent working for her fame in the background, known only as Purplescale. The announcement came before anypony could even think to consider Sweetie might be pregnant, yet after Sweetie was showing enough that, one look at her slightly swelling, taut abdomen, and you knew. And when her son would ask her why she went through with it then, how she knew everything would work out so well, Sweetie would confess to him that she didn’t. She had the resources and the ability to support a foal, so she just did it, and made herself a colt. She didn’t embellish heavily on this, but the look on Scootaloo’s face was absolutely priceless, when his hot squirts blasted in her vagina and, wrapped in celadon magic, Sweetie Belle’s IUD floated up to hover in front of his face. She made sure her son understood the feeling though, on... several levels. What she did emphasize was that everypony thought it was a bad idea, but everything that anypony said was bad all seemed to boil down to the anxiety of child rearing. So Sweetie just made a decision not to worry about anything, and that fixed all the bad things. Her son wouldn’t be so easily convinced, as they huddled together for warmth, protected by the storm only by a hastily erected shelter of thick packed snow, but when they saved the others and he was the one who had to drive the self propelled steam sled roaring across the frozen plains away from the charging penguin hoards, so his mom had time to push them back with a triple G... he maybe started to feel like he was beginning to understand. > Wait, Go Back a Bit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...but first Sweetie Belle had to deal with Rarity. After that fateful trip to the library, when it was getting on in the evening, Sweetie Belle finally snuck into the boutique, her home away from home. She wanted to just sneak quietly up to her room. She didn’t want to confront Rarity, for reasons that may or may not be overly obvious: for today, Sweetie had done something to stop herself from getting pregnant, and she planned on doing more in that regard, none of which she thought her sister would approve of. “And just where have you been?” Sweetie froze mid-step. Rarity was standing right there in the boutique, as if waiting for Sweetie Belle to skulk in. Sweetie Belle’s ears went down, and she said, “I kinda uh... lost track of... time...” “Did you not want sewing lessons?” Rarity asked haughtily, “You should have said so! Instead of leaving everypony else in the dark.” “I’m sorry, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said as earnestly as she could. Inwardly she was sweating bullets. She had a great alibi, but if she had to tell the truth, she didn’t... she couldn’t imagine Rarity seeing Zecora in any sort of positive light. And that would ruin that poor librarian’s friendship with Rarity, just because of a disagreement that Sweetie Belle forced between them. No, pretty much everything was counting on her alibi. It was a good alibi though, and she had to just remain calm and confident that it would work. “Then where were you instead?” Rarity continued her voice full of worry. “You certainly weren’t at any of the candy stores. Nor could you be found, or had been seen at the playground. Sweetie Belle, what if something happened to you?” “I was with Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle blurted out. “Yes, but what were you doing with—” Rarity said in an unconvinced tone, that cut off with a tight little undelighted squeal. It may have been Rarity’s voice, or it may have been the sound of tiny rail brakes inside Rarity’s brain screeching to a halt. “We um... got carried away,” Sweetie lied abashedly. “It took a while and... um...” “And you continue to...” Rarity said distantly, not really seeing Sweetie Belle. Sweetie frowned at that, saying, “Well, it can’t make me more pregnant, so what’s the problem?” “And you always have been...” Rarity said even more distantly. “For a... year or... two, yeah,” Sweetie admitted reluctantly. “And all those sleepovers were because...” “Yeah...” “When I wasn’t watching you, you...” Sweetie flinched. Maybe this wasn’t the greatest alibi after all. “Sometimes, while you were watching,” she admitted with a red face. “Let’s just... talk about what we’re going to have for dinner today!” Rarity said, with a very cheerful smile. “I think some noodles in vinagrette tossed with olives and perhaps some parsley, and kale. Doesn’t that sound good Sweetie? It certainly does to me! Oh silly me I’ll be right back. Hmm hm hmm~” Rarity’s amazingly convincing act was somewhat disturbed by the frantic sound of gallopping hooves, just after she turned the corner, followed by the sound of a mare repeatedly screaming her lungs out into a pillow. “Well, that... worked,” Sweetie concluded. “Still, who’s going to make dinner now? Oh, I know!” Rarity was so proud of Sweetie Belle, when thanks to her diligent effort, the pizza pony arrived at their door, bearing a steaming hot, fresh and edible meal. With the immediate danger of her Everfree adventure being exposed out of the way, thanks to a little prevarication about just how rambunctious she and Scootaloo were, Sweetie Belle returned to a relatively normal life. Relatively because first off, Zecora’s warning of cramping was making itself known, with painful twinges in what she was now thoroughly aware was her womb. That put Sweetie in a somewhat bad mood, as she quickly grew tired of the constant soreness, and her friends were all lusty and heedless, while she couldn’t actually be with Scootaloo in the vagina way. Not until they were certain this contraception worked, and Sweetie Belle hadn’t gotten pregnant after all. Twilight outright refused to do the IUD thing while Sweetie may have had a foal implanting in there. It was an odd sort of moral divide, but it really made sense in a way. The sooner you could get an IUD, the better, and if you waited too long maybe it was just less trouble to have the foal anyway? Regardless, Sweetie couldn’t so much as magically lift a feather, much less perform the insertion process herself, so she relied on the help of of all things a librarian. Twilight wasn’t supposed to do it either. She could really get in real trouble if she did something that resulted in the foal dying, even if it was just a bubble. It was Sweetie Belle’s responsibility, and if she couldn’t be the one to stop something or... somepony from growing inside her, she’d rather be pregnant than put her new friend at risk. Sweetie Belle could really understand why Twilight was trying to be so careful with IUDs, because it wasn’t just Sweetie who’d get in trouble if they did it wrong. Really, being pregnant didn’t sound so bad. You just eat more, so the foal can grow in your belly, and it seemed like it’d be hard to walk near the end, but it was kind of cool. Sweetie just liked the thought of her belly swelling up, with an adorable little foal in there that just appeared in her, like magic. Like, boy magic. And Sweetie was totally curious what it was like to be nursed from. Her teats wouldn’t produce milk until she was good and gravid, well unless milking was her special talent, but Sweetie Belle certainly doubted that to be the case. The What’s Happening To My Body Book for Fillies that Twilight let Sweetie borrow had a picture of a foal standing next to a mare and nursing from her. Sweetie didn’t remember nursing, herself, so it’d really be a new experience for her. In particular, she wasn’t sure how a foal could possibly get low enough to nurse from Sweetie considering how short her legs were. But that could be worked around, and it left nursing a mild curiosity rather than a serious concern. No, what Sweetie was concerned with was what to do with the foal after she came out. Foals need a lot of attention, not just nursing, so Sweetie wouldn’t have as much time to play with her friends. She didn’t even want to think what it would feel like, if her foal started crying while Sweetie was still trying to finish her homework. For that matter, foals had to be taught, and Sweetie wasn’t as smart as Twilight liked to think. Sweetie still had a lot to learn in school, and learning about foals on top of that would even further limit her. She didn’t know the first thing about how you’d teach a foal to read and write. And what if they were a pegasus, like Scootaloo? Sweetie didn’t know much about pegasuses at all, beyond that they didn’t have horn exercises. Finally, foals were heavy. Sweetie couldn’t just leave it alone while she and her friends were crusading. She’d have to carry her foal, and not only could that be dangerous, it might stop her from finding her special talent! Sweetie didn’t want to be all grown up, telling her Sweetie Belle aged foal that it was her fault Sweetie was still a blank flank. Sweetie would feel just awful if her own mother never got into baking cookies because she was too busy carrying a baby around, though realistically only Rarity was old enough to have a potential effect on that moment in her mom’s life. Without bearing a foal, Sweetie got to have the summer she wanted in the first place, sort of. She still felt estrusy, but besides that the days were open and the nights were safe. Sweetie felt like she could do anything during summer, without even having to go to school every day. It was kind of boring sometimes, but there was always that freedom. She could go to the lake, or play with her friends, or maybe even figure out what their cutie marks are going to be. There were places to explore, and creeks to follow, games to play and foals to play with. And adults to play with, if you counted Pinkie Pie. Sweetie was looking forward to midsummer festival, because that pink mare always added something special to it. So, even if being pregnant was fun, Sweetie wasn’t going to do that to a foal, and she wasn’t going to do that to her future, just so she could feel pregnant. If it didn’t work and the bubble still implanted in her, Sweetie was perfectly content with remaining pregnant, if her foal was so determined to be born, but she was quite willing to let a little bubble die before it had to go through the trouble of becoming a foal. She never even thought about being a mother, before this first estrus forced the issue. Really, it didn’t seem so bad. A mother carries you inside her, and feeds you with her body, and gives birth to you, and she’ll never forget how it felt the moment that penis created you inside her. That was all pretty special, but it didn’t mean she’d stop being Sweetie Belle. It was more like she’d have something new, instead of being something new. It was her child who got to be a new pony, while all Sweetie had to do was adapt. Or, Sweetie figured it would go something like that at least, if her mom was any indicator. Come to think on it, Scootaloo had actually seeded her a bunch of times since estrus started, so Sweetie Belle had no idea which time had made her pregnant. Things started to get a little hairier when Sweetie’s estrus really started catching up to her. She knew what to expect, perhaps more than other fillies in Ponyville. Her experience with pregnancy had made her cautious and curious enough to study estrus, and she had seen her best friend Apple Bloom going through it herself for a week already. This didn’t allay Sweetie Belle’s worries though, but rather increased them. She saw Apple Bloom knowingly present, get mounted, and get penetrated, and inseminated, all the while knowing it would be a horrible idea that she would totally regret. If Sweetie was going to feel that way too, she was going to end up more pregnant than a mare in the red light district in Los Pegasus. Not that little Sweetie Belle was aware of that analogy, but she figured she’d be really really super ultra mega pregnant. She’d have something happen like seven colts doing her, one after the other, right in front of class, no matter how the teacher shouted at her in horror. Then Sweetie would wake up covered in sweat, and unable to be horrified since she was so incredibly turned on. Estrus was working her like a two bit rube, and she may have jumped Scootaloo’s bone, demanding that it was perfectly okay; she could just murder foals, until her lust was satiated. But Scootaloo was true to his word, and also faster than her, and before she could figure out a way to corner him like Apple Bloom did, Twilight Sparkle was sort of... suddenly standing behind Sweetie Belle, questioning quietly why Sweetie didn’t show up to get her little bit of birth control. Because it was perfectly fine if Sweetie wanted to pass on that, Twilight said, as long as she wasn’t you know, stalking some poor colt who might accidentally end up being forced at hornpoint to impregnate her. But after the IUD was finally applied, and Scootaloo was coaxed out of hiding with sweet treats, Sweetie Belle’s fears were finally set to rest, and she loved everything about estrus, everything was wonderful and cheerful again, all day, every day. Sweetie Belle still had to figure out how she was going to manage to do seven colts in a row, though. The only remaining problem is... Rarity was getting really suspicious! Sweetie Belle was pregnant, the official story went. That means she wasn’t supposed to have estrus. When Sweetie did go into estrus, she thought she could conceal it from Rarity, by quietly taking care of it with Scootaloo and not letting Rarity know she had an IUD. But it was just impossible! Rarity seemed to think Sweetie could hold out, so all Sweetie had to do was pretend she was using the dildo and avoiding colts. But Rarity kept catching her trying to meet with Scootaloo. Or worse, succeeding at meeting with Scootaloo! The confrontation was inevitable really, and one day when Sweetie was staggering home, with a blissful, dazed look on her face, Rarity was there in the door. “Oh Celestia Scootaloo~” Sweetie had said to herself as she pranced along, secure in the knowledge that her womb was safe from foals, and her stallion was inside her right now, if only in liquid form. “What a beautiful day!” she said to the grey overcast sky in the middle of summer, “Oh, that was so amazing,” she sighed happily. “I needed it so much, and now I’m happy because he gave it to me!” she sang joyfully, swaying on her still tingly legs. “Gave what to you, now, Sweetie?” Rarity’s pleasant voice cut through her fog, like a jagged knife through the fabric of an inflated balloon. “Rarity!” Sweetie startled. She looked up at Carousel Boutique. “Oh! Um, of course. Because this is your store, where you are!” she said with a nervous smile. “That still doesn’t answer my question,” Rarity said with a very wan look at her itinerant little sister. “I... um... well... Scootaloo?” Sweetie tried with a gulp. “That won’t work on me twice, dear,” Rarity said, looking like she really could use a stiff chaser. “You’ve been acting strangely since yesterday. Not just your little... thing with Scootaloo. Tell me dear, I won’t judge you but, have you gone back into heat?” Sweetie shrunk guiltily and said, “I... um... I never went in the first place, so this is the first um...time...” Rarity spirited Sweetie Belle into the boutique so fast, you would think she was a foalnapper. Sweetie found herself set at the kitchen table, with a bowl of double chocolate ice cream pushed in front of her. She... wasn’t going to say no to that. But... “Rarity?” “Oh Sweetie I’m so sorry,” Rarity said tearfully, holding Sweetie’s chin up on a hooftip, as if Sweetie Belle was going to evaporate into a mist of broken dreams and bad memories. “She was going to be such a lovely filly too, I just know it! What a cruel, cruel world we live in!” Sweetie ate her ice cream slowly, watching Rarity uncertainly as her older sister flung about her sorrow on her exquisite fainting couch. “I’m sorry Rarity,” Sweetie said eventually, in a lull in her sister’s theatrical despair. Sweetie knew Rarity well, and it may have looked totally fake, but she was pretty sure Rarity was genuinely upset here. “I didn’t mean to, but it was just a—” Rarity rushed up to Sweetie, prostrating before her and squeezing Sweetie’s cheeks in two hooves urgently. “This is not your fault, Sweetie!” she asserted intensely. “You did nothing wrong, but were only a victim of the tragedy of... of...” Rarity turned away, saying, “I can’t even say it!” Sweetie took the opportunity to finish her ice cream, in case she had to run for her life. Rarity got...funny this time of year. Actually, estrus would explain that pretty neatly. Sweetie took another look at her sister, a more understanding one, given Sweetie’s... slightly excessive reaction to being unable to do Scootaloo right away. “It’s okay, Rarity,” Sweetie said placatingly. “It’s just—” “Miscarriage!” Rarity exclaimed in horror. “How can you say it’s okay? Your dear, sweet foal has been lost to the cruelties of nature! If only I had taken more care of you. If only you hadn’t eaten those pickles for lunch! If only” “Rarity!” Sweetie interrupted, getting a vague look from her frazzled sister. “What’s miscarriage?” And now Rarity was crying. “It’s...” she sniffled, wiping at her eyes with a handkerchief, and blowing her nose. “It’s almost too terrible to say,” she asserted dreadfully. “When a filly becomes pregnant, sometimes the foal... sometimes she just... doesn’t make it.” “Sweetie, your foal is dea-hea-head~!” Rarity sobbed, collapsing at Sweetie’s ...seat. “Rarity, it’s okay!” Sweetie said desperately, putting a hoof on her distraught sister, feeling distraught herself. “It’s just a bubble! It wasn’t a foal yet.” “Just a bubble?” Rarity said straightening and looking at Sweetie in shock and alarm. “How can you say that, when at the center of the womb is a dear sweet little foal!” “It doesn’t even look like a foal until the fourth month,” Sweetie pleaded. “And it’s really ugly too! I mean, that came out wrong. It doesn’t even look like a foal Rarity, please!” “With his little hoofsies, and tiny little eyes, and he loves his mommy...” Rarity wept inconsolate. “It doesn’t have hooves. It doesn’t have eyes!” Sweetie almost demanded. Her sister didn’t seem to understand. “It’s just a bubble at first!” “No it isn’t!” Rarity said in a disparaging tone. “It’s an adorable little pony foal!” Sweetie blinked. “...what?” “Your dearly departed foal may have been small, but she was as beautiful as the day she was born,” Rarity said. “With hooves, and eyes, and a lovely little nose, and a teeny little smile and” she was starting to cry again. “Please Rarity, don’t cry,” Sweetie said, practically hanging onto her sister by now. “I saw it! It was just a bubble, the size of a speck!” “You saw it?” Rarity asked looking at Sweetie with enough intrigue to interrupt her tears. “Yes, miss Twilight showed it to me,” Sweetie said a bit irately “And you said it was a foal, but it was just a speck!” “Twilight?” Rarity said almost incomprehendingly. Then her eyes dawned, and waved a hoof going, “Oh, pfff, Twilight is a Canterlot unicorn. She spends all her time reading dusty old books. How is she to know how the world works?” “But the world does work that way!” Sweetie said with righteous ire. “The books have so much in them, and a lot of ponies who thought about all of this really hard, and made really sure that they were right!” Rarity just rolled her eyes. “I’m quite sure even my silly fashion magazines tell me much more than any book is going to,” she said derisively. Sweetie just... didn’t even. Rarity hugged Sweetie, and patted her on the head, saying, “I’m sorry dear, but I fear Twilight may have been trying not to hurt your feelings, in telling you that you’ve lost your child. She can be so... ununderstanding at times.” Sweetie actually paused at that. She really only had Twilight’s word to go by. Maybe Twilight was lying about that speck being her foal? There wasn’t anything else in there, but maybe... the real foal was still inside her, and Sweetie was still pregnant, and she wasn’t having estrus? Wait, no. “There can’t be a real foal in me,” Sweetie said insistently. “Because there’s only one way for the foal to come out! I think I would have noticed if a real foal came out of there!” “Well, perhaps... you are mistaking something else for estrus,” Rarity said unrelenting on her position. “You might not be having estrus at all, and your child is safe!” Sweetie Belle wasn’t sure what Rarity was talking about this time, as Sweetie’s older sister fussed around Sweetie Belle there in Rarity’s little kitchen, and the little white unicorn at the table tried not to hunch too guiltily at being treated so nicely over a strange misunderstanding. Sweetie wanted to console Rarity, but she couldn’t make a foal suddenly appear in her tummy. Well, not any more at least. She tried not to feel smug about that, as she worked on figuring out what Rarity wanted her to say. “I’m having estrus, Rarity,” Sweetie said flatly. Wait that wasn’t very consoling. “I don’t mind, really,” she asserted quickly to her sister, “But I know I’m feeling it. I had a dream about ...things... and um... it’s kinda embarassing, sorry.” “Sweetie, dear, you know you can tell me anything,” Rarity said soothingly. “I realize you’re in season, and I won’t judge you for any strange... feelings you may have.” Sweetie looked at her skeptically, and said, “I... think you would.” “I promise on my honor, I shall not waver at your little ...filly love dreams,” Rarity said with a hearty laugh. “Even if this especially strong estrus is brought on by our ill timed rescue mission, it can’t be as bad as all that.” “Well...” Sweetie glanced at her empty ice cream bowl. Safe enough, she supposed. “I guess...” Rarity smiled and used her forehoof to tousle Sweetie’s curls kindly again, saying, “Now tell me how you’ve been feeling from this... dream of yours.” “Well,” Sweetie said thoughtfully, “I was dreaming about what estrus would be like, and nothing could make it feel better. Not even Scootaloo.” “Oh, em... well, as he is the father of... was the father of... did he re-impregnate you already?” Rarity asked incredulously. “In the dream?” Sweetie asked right back. “No, I couldn’t even find him in the dream. So I had to go to school instead.” “Are you quite sure this is an estrus dream?” Rarity said. “It sounds like normal anxiety to me.” “I’m sure!” Sweetie said feeling a little insulted. “I had to stand there in front of the entire class, while Featherweight mounted me, and everypony was watching! He did so much I was even leaking! But it didn’t help, I still felt it. So Truffle said he would do me. I hardly even know him, but I let him, and then Snips and Snails came, and they did it both at once I don’t even know how! I was just so needing to be full. And even the vice principal came, and he was way too big but I couldn’t even care. I just wanted it more and more,” “All my second favorites did it,” she said wistfully, “I just wanted Scootaloo, but they kept coming at me. And I let them! I didn’t know estrus felt like that! Rumble and Button and Snips and Snails, and it felt amazing, just like they were really doing it, but it also was just a dream. I’m just a filly, so I couldn’t make the semen I needed, just because I’m dreaming about it,” “And then I woke up, and it was like nopony ever put seed in me!” she whined. “It was terrible! I went to find Scootaloo right away, and I couldn’t even think! I... I couldn’t stop chasing him, even though he said no. I thought he was just silly, or that I could prove him wrong. This wasn’t a dream though. It wasn’t until way that afternoon that I got him to come out, and even when he mounted me, I still just needed more. Only all his seed made me feel any better at all!” “So yes,” she told her unresponsive sister with a frustrated snort. “I am quite sure it is estrus!” Sweetie blushed then, and considered that she wasn’t to tell Rarity about the IUD, yet she just confessed to Scootaloo pumping her full of foal goo. “I guess he did re-um...impregnate me,” she admitted sheepishly. Sweetie took another look at her sister. “Rarity?” she asked, to no response. Waving her hoof in Rarity’s face, Sweetie said “Raaaaarity,” but got no resp ... “You told her about foursomes?! Fivesomes?! Sweetie, how many was it?” “Seven,” Sweetie mumbled guiltily, after Rarity had dragged her by the ear into the Golden Oaks library to accost the unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle. It was a beautiful day. The very rare overcast was starting to break up, much to the disgust of mares around Equestria. Vague echoes of ponies talking with each other as they trotted together down the streets were filtering in through the dim library walls. And on that flat, wooden floor, Rarity was staring daggers at Twilight Sparkle, not sure how, but sure that somehow this was all her fault. “Sevensomes?!” Rarity exclaimed at Twilight in consternation. “I didn’t tell her anything like that!” Twilight defended herself angrily. “You told her all about it, in that silly little Twilight Time you’ve started,” Rarity said huffily. “How many foals have you—” “None!” Twilight said angrily. Then in a more level tone, she stated, “Twilight Time is an activity on how to use the library to learn about your special talent, nothing more than that. Yes I told Sweetie what semen is. She already knew what it was. I only corrected her grammar, and gave her sensible, practical advice for dealing with this year’s oeuestrus!” “I don’t get it,” Sweetie put in, “Seven sum what? Shouldn’t it be seven mountings?” There was a strange sound of two surfaces grinding against each other as Rarity said, “Not now, Sweetie...” “I stand by my claim, as...” Twilight grimaced, grinding out herself, “...Celestia is my witness... I did not teach anything sexual, or perverted to these foals. What they know that might be unacceptable to modern society they largely figured out all on their own.” “So you told them nothing about estrus?” Rarity accused unbelievingly. “I’m a librarian,” Twilight retorted disgruntled, “They want information, I find it for them. I don’t force information on anypony without a very good reason, and I don’t withhold information from anypony, without a very good reason. Do you know what your sister came to talk to me about?” “Wait let me guess, sevensomes, that she figured out all on her own,” Rarity suggested in a very unamused manner, her face a mask of lidded discontent. “Apple Bloom,” Twilight said in response. An ear flicked, but otherwise the somewhat scrawny unicorn mare maintained her composure, and stood her ground. She got a silent stare as a reply, so Twilight said, “Just as Sweetie Belle did, Apple Bloom went into heat, and even I know about her family. These three came asking me why ponies don’t have foals every year. Because she already knew how to make a foal, already knew the consequences of sex, and already had her own body urging her to do so for a good solid week before even coming to me. That’s why I started Twilight Time, not to tell these foals things they should not know, but because they were already learning those things, and I had to do something to stop them from hurting themselves! “They had a very close call with Apple Bloom,” Twilight patiently seethed, “That they wanted to know how to avoid. So I told them. And that’s it. They didn’t even know what semen was!” “And how did you tell her to avoid these close calls,” Rarity asked in a dangerously quiet tone. Sweetie knew that tone. The only indication Twilight gave that she was thinking of an answer was a slight switch of her tail. Then she said, “I told them not to practice coitus interruptus.” “Coitus what, now?” Rarity asked, skeptically. Twilight facehooved. “When the stallion pulls out, before he—” “Twilight, not in front of the foals!” Rarity declared, moving forward trying to zip her mouth. Twilight backed up in response, defending herself with the phrase, “These foals came into this library, after they practiced coitus interruptus!” “They... what?” Rarity asked blankly. “Scootaloo is a colt,” Sweetie burst in behind her, explaining angrily, “And they were coitusing, so I interrupted them. And since I pulled Scootaloo off of Apple Bloom, she’s not pregnant!” Rarity looked at Sweetie uncomprehendingly. “I knew that I was pregnant and I knew how,” Sweetie insisted, “So that’s how I knew to stop Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. And miss Twilight just... told me why it was dangerous, and why it was a good thing. You were the one who told me how, Rarity! You told me, not miss Twilight! That’s why I made Scootaloo go in me instead, even though I was already pregnant, because you taught me how it would make Apple Bloom pregnant! “You...” was the only word Rarity managed to get out, before her eyes rolled up in her head, and she slumped to the floor. After a slight hesitation, Twilight stood up straighter and tilted her head saying, “Well I didn’t expect that reaction.” Sweetie just lay her head across, over her sister’s neck and stayed with her. “You want a pillow, or...something?” Twilight asked, looking at the two of them worriedly. Sweetie managed to nod a little bit. With Rarity’s head laid upon the pillow, her shallow breathing evened out, and she merely gave a sigh as she came to, saying, “Oh Sweetie, I thought I had been preparing you for estrus, but all this time it’s been me who’s the problem.” Sweetie didn’t know what to say, but Twilight offered gently, “That’s very brave of you to say Rarity. And now that it’s cleared up, we can work together to get through this season.” “I should never have told you a thing about estrus and pregnancy,” Rarity said guiltily, standing up and brushing herself off. “Then, maybe you wouldn’t have continued to descend into a life of debauchery.” Sweetie’s ears went down at that, and “What?!” yelped the purple librarian. “If you hadn’t told her anything,” Twilight said hastily to Rarity, “Then Apple Bloom would be pregnant! Apple Bloom!” “Better than my sister whoring herself out right in front of some estrus ridden filly!” Rarity retorted. “She could be scarred for life from this experience!” “Are you even listening to yourself?” Twilight gaped, “That’s the worst thing to do! How is it a good idea to make more fillies pregnant?” “I don’t expect you to understand, Twilight,” Rarity said with a sniff. “Some things are simply scurrilous, and all your rationalizing can’t make them right. It is not the right thing to do, to teach young fillies about pregnancy so soon. You saw the consequences!” “It is so a good idea!” Twilight answered, butting Rarity in the forehead. “You know the consequences are worse if she doesn’t know!” “It is not a good idea!” Rarity said simply, butting right back. “Is!” “Not!” “Is!” “Not!” “You want Applejack to lose the farm?!” “You want Sweetie Belle to be some kind of common whore?!” “Funny you should say that, considering her mother, Rarity!” Twilight shot back, pawing the ground. Rarity gasped, stomping the ground and shouting, “My parents are the most true and virtuous ponies to each other, Twilight!” The librarian smirked and said, “Yeah. Now.” “Excuse me?” Rarity replied, glaring daggers at Twilight. Sweetie Belle was completely lost at this point, sitting between the two mares and trying to figure out just why they were so mad. Was it just estrus? Does estrus make you feel this—okay yes it makes you feel this way, but couldn’t Rarity at least be civil? And what was Twilight talking about? Sweetie felt like she was insulting their mother, but over what? “And what about her sister?” Twilight persisted, making Sweetie’s ears perk up, “You know your aunt is still a—” “We do not talk about that in front of Sweetie Belle!” Rarity outright shouted. Sweetie wilted then as Rarity looked at her and said in a kind, polite voice, “Sweetie, can you please leave? Twilight and I need to discuss something ...in private.” Rarity’s tail lashed like a whip on saying at that. “But I want to—” Sweetie managed to say, before Rarity cut her off with, “Sweetie. Out.” Twilight was the one to react to that, sinking her head and saying, “No, I’m not going to talk about that. I know you don’t want me bringing up old problems. I just... how about you both leave the library? Then we can just pretend this conversation never happened.” Rarity gave a slow, silent sigh. “Very well,” she said, turning and walking out of the library, tugging on Sweetie with her magic saying, “Come along, Sweetie Belle.” “I’m sorry, miss Twilight,” Sweetie said for her sister, not sure why but still very, very sorry about this. “It’s okay, Sweetie,” Twilight smiled at her, though her eyes weren’t into it. Sweetie half nodded, then turned, looked back, then trotted off to catch up with her sister. Sweetie wished that were the end of that, but Rarity was still pretty mad afterwards, saying things like, “That unicorn can be just, rrrgh!” and “I can’t believe she’s been teaching you about whoring and gangbangers,” “I don’t even know what those are,” Sweetie retorted petulantly, “She didn’t teach me about the dream. It just happened!” “I refuse to believe you came up with the boorish notion of entertaining seven colts without pause, all on your own!” Rarity said to her sister, as they left the library to walk together down the road, Sweetie’s smaller legs moving quickly to keep up with Rarity’s leisurely clip. “Somepony must have set you up! You are such a sweet innocent little darling. How could that many colts have plagued your dreams!” “Well there are seven colts in our class,” Sweetie tried explaining. She didn’t control her dreams any more than Rarity did, but it seemed relatively obvious. “How do you explain the vice principal then?!” Rarity retorted, triumphantly offended. Sweetie blushed. “He is kind of ...cute...” she uttered shyly. ... Meanwhile, by some miracle of fate, Rainbow Dash still didn’t know Scootaloo was a colt. > Rainbow Dash is a Lesbian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So, I hear you have been helping Sweetie Belle with her estrus,” Dash said confidently, causing Scootaloo to startle in place. Dash had to laugh; the poor filly was so nervous at being discovered. Rainbow Dash knew what she heard though, right through the library window. She’d never let Twilight know she just happened to hear Scootaloo talking like she was gonna make Sweetie’s estrus smooth as silk, but Rainbow Dash knew just what to do about it. She thought about surprising those two fillies at their little clubhouse or whatever, but this way would totally be better. Rainbow Dash was gonna blow her little filly fan’s mind, once she was done with her. Dash didn’t do things part-way, and Scootaloo was at that perfect age where she needed, like, a mentor who could show her every way in Equestria that one filly could pleasure another. “I-it’s that obvious, huh?” Scootaloo said with a guilty smile. “They say we shouldn’t, but I don’t let them tell me what to do! “Just like you, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said with a dreamy smile. Oh yeah, this filly had it bad. “Well you know what?” Dash said proudly, “Ponies will tell you you can’t do it, or that it’s wrong, but who cares what they think? What’s important is what you think.” She hovered there, elbowing Scootaloo in the arm, orange fuzz meeting blue, saying “Sweetie’s a real cutie, not surprised you’re into her. I bet she has a lot more bite than she looks.” “D-d-d-ash~...” Scootaloo tried to admonish, looking aside and blushing hotly. “Hey I don’t judge,” Rainbow said confidently, standing before her fan with a deliberately dramatic swish of her brightly striped tail. “If you like fillies, then that’s fine with me. What I wanna know is...” Rainbow then lifted up her tail, and showed for her, and said like in the most alluring voice ever, “If you’re into mares.” To say Scootaloo was captivated was an understatement. Rainbow swished her tail down, dancing her hindquarters away from the filly with a coy wiggle. “I got some free time after my workout this afternoon. You wanna meet me behind the old Apple barn? I can give you a lift back to my house and,” in a husky voice she finished, “I know all the ways to please a filly.” “But... but Dash I–you want me?!” Scootaloo said in an adorable squeak. “Hey, I get estrus too, and I think you got just the thing I need to take care of it,” Rainbow said with a toss of her vibrant mane. “I–I can’t...” it was like Scootaloo was trying to say no, and she just couldn’t. Dash had Scootaloo in such a lust, that the filly couldn’t even bring herself to say no to the older mare. And yet she was trying, because it was wrong for two fillies to love each other. Dash almost wanted to cry, with how this brave filly was being laid low with insecurity, just because she loved other fillies. So ashamed of her feelings towards Dash, even though they couldn’t hurt anypony. This town was so Celestial, it was sad. “You know what you need, squirt?” Rainbow said, releasing a wing to wrap around Scootaloo and pull her close. “Self confidence! All those ponies telling you you can’t do it, you gotta tell them no! You don’t gotta tell them anything! Just be yourself, and don’t let them tell you what to do. You gotta assert yourself!” “Assert myself?” Scootaloo said, blushing under that sky blue wing, now that she knew what closeness with Dash could mean. That filly almost looked like she was going to orgasm, merely from Rainbow nestling to her closely. Estrus sure was hitting Scootaloo hard this year. “Yeah,” Rainbow said, slyly letting one of her feathers tease along Scootaloo’s wing root. “Sometimes you gotta take the storm by the horns. If ponies try to take what you have with Sweetie away, just to keep you from being happy, then you just gotta go in there and take it back! Nopony’s gonna mess with you; you’re Scootaloo! “My biggest fan,” she added smugly, letting off the aroused filly’s wings so Scootaloo could just quiver there, not just in shame, but in pent up arousal, a life’s worth of looking up to Dash, only to finally see that Rainbow was a sexual being too. Scootaloo was gonna cream so hard when Dash got done with her. Rainbow pulled free and flapped off then, leaving Scootaloo to her lusts, letting the estrus draw her to Dash like a moth to a flame. Except less burny. Shouting cheekily over her shoulder, Dash said, “Old barn, this afternoon. Be there, or be square!” And then she was gone, leaving only a little filly Scootaloo wondering what the buck just happened. That afternoon, Dash saw Scootaloo buzzing up, and just leaned on the side of that barn. The old thing creaked, even under her weight. It was definitely gonna have to come down pretty soon. Scoots stopped on the other side and just inched around to see her. Rainbow didn’t want the little filly to be so hesitant around her, trying to plan her approach. Fortunately, Scoots took a deep breath, and walked confidently right out from around the corner, saying in a false bravado, “Hey Rainbow... Dash!” “Squirt, you made it!” Dash said in genuine glee. “You ready for me to show you all my secret tricks?” “It would be incredible!” Scootaloo said looking up at her with honest desire. “I–I never knew you thought about me that way. I really want to... I’ll do whatever you say, Rainbow Dash!” “Well I say you do what you want,” Rainbow admonished the filly. “Don’t be so insecure. It’s downright colty I swear. Is this estrus season, or isn’t it?” “It totally is,” Scootaloo said with a giddy smile. “I didn’t even think how it’d make you feel. If I could help... help you with your estrus, that’d be so freaking awesome!” “It would, wouldn’t it?” Dash said smugly, puffing up her chest. She looked down and added, “But it’s not just about me, remember. You get hit by season just as much as any filly.” “Yeah,” Scootaloo said in a somber note. It really must have been hitting her hard if she felt that serious about it. “It’s different,” she said, “But I do feel it too... I feel it a lot sometimes.” “Oh, I dunno about that,” Dash said, swishing her tail across Scootaloo’s nose. Boy did that get her attention. This had to be the most lesbian filly Dash could remember seeing before. “Why don’t you come show me, just how different you are from the ...other fillies?” she said with a sly wink. “You really mean it, Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo said in gobsmacked amazement. “I’ll do whatever you—I mean yes, a million times yes!” “Hop on, then,” Dash said, extending out a wing assist for her little filly lover to hop onto her back. Scootaloo climbed on eagerly, and Dash made Scootaloo get that cute blush again, by saying, “I can show you another way to ride a pony, that I think you’ll like a lot.” Before Scootaloo could stammer out an answer, Dash was aloft, her wings beating easily to steer her towards her beautiful cloud home. On the way, Dash continued tantalizing Scootaloo with some teasing tidbits of filly orgasmic SCIENCE. “You ever seen a dildo?” Dash asked just casually. “You don’t need to be a colt to have a penis with one of those. I got like seven. One’s even unpackaged... why I bet any filly could just use it on themselves.” “I–I know what a dildo is. Sweetie used it on Ap–I mean... Apple Bloom needed one before I helped um...” “Jeez mare, how many fillies have you been with?” Rainbow laughed. “Don’t worry squirt, I know those two are your best friends. You sure showed them a thing or two about estrus, huh?” “Yeah and they showed me a lot too,” Scootaloo said modestly. “Any other fillies I should be worried about?” Rainbow asked with a humorous tone. “I got a lot of competition it sounds like!” “No filly could be as amazing as you Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said, sort of... hugging her back tenderly, and nuzzling her neck. Boy was Dash falling for this kid. Nothing Scootaloo didn’t love about Rainbow Dash, and nothing caught Rainbow’s desire more than being loved by another filly. It being such a fresh, inexperienced filly, that made it all the better. And for a filly who desperately needed this experience, for the sake of her and her friends, who needed to know the right way to make a filly orgasm, it was just about the best thing ever. “Twilight Sparkle,” Scootaloo mumbled interrupting Dash’s gay train of thought. “Whassat again?” the flying pegasus asked distractedly. “There was just one other filly I um... did,” Scootaloo said. “T-the librarian. Twilight Sparkle.” Rainbow Dash almost dropped out of the air. “Her?!” Rainbow exclaimed, swooping strongly to recover. The terrified Scootaloo clinging to her back didn’t answer, but she said anyway, “You gotta be crazy! Twilight is as hard to figure out as a whole city of unicorns! You didn’t really... her?!” “Yeah,” Scootaloo said, gripping Dash’s flank tightly. “Don’t worry squirt, I won’t let you fall,” Dash told her tenderly. Scootaloo relaxed some and said, “You’re friends with Twilight... right?” “Not friends with benefits!” Rainbow said unhappily. “I couldn’t turn her on at all. Not even the patented Rain-Blo-Dry had any effect! Uh, that is, I mean you can’t give her flowers; she just eats them. You can’t tell her how pretty she is—she goes and starts pointing out it’s not true with bell curves and statistics and—I mean she’s such an egghead!” “Plus I really kind of thought she was straight,” Rainbow grumbled. “Always talking about genetic whatevers, how she’s gonna find the perfect donor or something. It’s like jeez mare, just get laid already.” “Well she got laid,” Scootaloo said hesitantly. “I mean, it really wasn’t hard. She said it was an experiment, and she was having estrus too, so it was really easy to um...convince her...” “Maybe if you’re a stallion,” Rainbow rolled her eyes. “N-no, she wanted a stallion, but she actually liked me pretty much just the way I was,” Scootaloo said. “It didn’t matter I was small. It was the teaching that made her ... want to do it. She taught us stuff, and that really made her... I mean, I don’t know if that was what made her wet, but you could... try that?” “Experiments, huh?” Rainbow pondered. “I didn’t think she’d be so kinky like that; maybe you’re right though. She sure doesn’t understand a straightforward approach.” “Let’s just talk about you now,” Scootaloo said uncomfortably. Dash shook her head at herself. Was she really trying to pick up a filly by bringing up her ex-girlfriends? It was so great Scootaloo was giving her the benefit of the doubt, because Dash never wanted to repeat the Raindrops incident again. And her blundering here was coming awfully close to doing just that. “Well alright,” Rainbow Dash said hastily, “But we’re almost there. Lemme tell you about this special spot on my left wing. If you get it just right...” Scootaloo was pretty much spellbound for the rest of the trip. Rainbow didn’t even pause to land when she flew through her door of her house, the opaque cloud walls around her delivering a privacy that filled her with excitement and relief. She just flew straight into her bedroom, really wanting to free up her wings so Scootaloo could try that—that thing that Dash told her would get her winking without even touching her groin. Rainbow really loved that spot. There was so much to do though, maybe just take things nice and simple at first. They could always do this again, and again. Ohhh Scootaloo was going to love this almost as much as Rainbow Dash would! “Wah!” Scootaloo yelped as Dash bucked her off to land softly on Rainbow Dash’s bed of clouds. “What are we gonna do on the bed?” she asked, looking up so innocently at that. A pause, and she added, “We always just did it standing up, before.” “Laying down really lets you relax into it, take your good sweet time to orgasm,” Dash explained, striding across the room to her toy chest. “Can’t always do it pony style,” she added, rooting around for that unboxed dildo. “Fomefimes goffa foo if minofaur fyle,” she said articulately, prancing back to the waiting Scootaloo with her prize in mouth. Moving it to a hoof, Dash showed it to the filly saying, “Pretty good, eh?” To the Mega Orgasmator 9000, Scootaloo said, “Uh, I guess so? It looks like a penis. Apple Bloom used one but it was blue and um, not as big.” “Don’t worry it’s adjustable,” Dash said excitedly, “So you can put just as much as you want in.” “However much you want,” Scootaloo said with emphasis, hoofing the box of dildo back to her. “Yer gotta—nfh—think about your needs, squirt!” Rainbow said, tearing open the box, and extracting her prize from within. Or rather, Scootaloo’s prize. “I can take care of myself,” she added, balancing the big red and yellow striped dildo on her hoof. “You gotta remember that the hottest thing for anyone you’re doing this with, is how you feel.” Dash jumped up next to Scootaloo on the bed, waving the filly penetration tool between them for emphasis. “I’ll tell you just how incredible you’re making me feel, and you’ll love that to pieces,” Dash instructed. “I know you will, squirt, because you like me, and that’s cool. “But I like you too!” Dash said, with a hesitant nuzzle to Scootaloo’s soft fuzzy neck. Scoots turned her chin up, baring for her so vulnerably. Resisting the urge to nip, Dash’s tongue came out. The filly shivered under Dash’s attention, as she left a trail of saliva down to that flat chest , and brought a hoof around behind her, to ply against Scootaloo’s tiny but very sensitive wings. Rainbow teased at the foal’s wing roots, while hovering about her nether regions with that dildo in hoof, looking solidly into Scootaloo’s half lidded, dilating eyes. It would look like she was platonically hugging the filly, if Rainbow didn’t have one hoof on Scootaloo’s quivering wings, and the other hoof crooked around a big brightly colored dildo. “If you forget to tell me how you feel,” Dash murmured, “It’ll only be half way, so you gotta tell me. Does this make you feel good?” Her hot breath on Scootaloo’s ear ended in the most tender, lightly teasing nibbles. “Y-e-s-s~” Scootaloo said somewhat articulately, staring at Dash and arching up into the air hungrily. Both of their aroused scents were filling the room now, Dash’s own groin even more a mess than usual, from the really cool exotic scent Scootaloo had. Scootaloo was really something special, Dash was absolutely sure of this. Scootaloo said to Rainbow, “Need you to touch my—” But Dash put a hoof to her lips. “Ssh, ssh,” Rainbow said knowingly. “I know just what you need.” So Rainbow Dash brought the dildo to bear, sliding it down to tease at the filly’s tender entrance. She let the bulbous tip just barely slip insi—wait, that wasn’t working. Dash didn’t want to look away from the needy gaze, of her quivering lipped filly Scootaloo. Scootaloo was just putty in Rainbow’s hooves, from mere touches and ear nibbles. But just blindly, Rainbow simply couldn’t find that filly’s entrance! She tried to put on an air of knowing what she was doing, pulling back to look down critically, at where her dildo was teasing at those puffy nether lips, trying to push them aside so she could— ... “You gotta be kidding me,” Dash exclaimed in abject disbelief. “What?” Scootaloo whined a little breathlessly. “Come on~ Dash quit teasing me. You’re making me so hard, I–I wanna go in you already!” Hard. He was hard alright. He was hard, alright. Rainbow Dash’s hind leg was laying seductively over a thick mottled penis coming right out of Scootaloo’s groin. Those weren’t puffy lips. They weren’t lips at all! Dash stared at Scootaloo’s... it twitched. A shiver went through Rainbow Dash as her estrus flared in her. Rainbow scrambled back in a panic, and her foot slipped—she—she tumbled right off the side of the cloud bed with a squeak. “Dash!” Scootaloo said, poking his–her–hi-he–his head over the edge, at Rainbow’s sprawled form of total flustration. “Are you okay?” “Y-y-y-y-y” Dash said intelligently. “You’re a colt?!” she blurted out dumbly. Scootaloo’s eyes widened and he—he started to cry! “You too?!” he said in heart wrenching anguish. “Every pony thinks I’m a girl! Every—” Scootaloo’s head vanished over the edge of the bed, but she could still hear him fighting not to cry. Desperate to salvage something out of her completely ruined image, Rainbow scrambled to get to her feet, to say something, to do something to get that filly—that colt’s face from falling into such betrayal and despair. “Listen, squirt,” she started hesitantly. “You always call me ‘squirt’!” Scootaloo said in a hurt tone. “I thought that meant you knew!” “Yabu squirt isn’t a nu... a boy’s nu—name” Dash said in the most sophisticated fashion, forehoof trembling in the air. “No, but I do squirt!” he said in outrage. “Because I’m a boy. I squirt and fillies um... take squirts. I thought that’s what you meant!” “I...gehah...” “I even told you!” Scootaloo accused her, Dash’s ears going right down, with her wings tight against her body, as if he was her dad shouting at her, even though he was just a kid. He was a colt though! How could he be—Scootaloo had a freaking dick!! “I never tell anypony what me and Sweetie Belle do,” he said to Dash’s rising alarm. “She doesn’t need any more teasing, or—or hatred! I told you Dash, I said I was doing them. I was filling them up good, and you weren’t—you weren’t gonna be angry with me. Why did you think I was a filly? Is it really that bad? I–I’m colty. I swear, I am! N-not just a mollyfilly!” “You’re... you’re fine Scootaloo,” Rainbow said desperately. “I don’t have a... a problem I just... you’re a... “...colt?” Rainbow just barely squeaked out. “Yes I’m a colt, and I have a penis,” Scootaloo said, crossing his hooves and sulking. “E-even if your other penises are better,” he mentioned with an insecure glance at Rainbow’s toy chest. She never showed that to a colt. She...wait. “Ohmygosh, Sweetie Belle is pregnant!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in sudden shock. “Of course, she’s pregnant! I didn’t think how she... you... you. You’re the f-father?” Scootaloo’s face froze. “I... yeah...” he said, turning away and grimacing guiltily. “It was an accident!” he said in a woeful tone. “We didn’t know it would do t-that. Make Sweetie have a b-baby in her belly. We should have, but I just skipped the class of the orphanage. I thought I knew all about Sweetie’s...thing already. But I... it wasn’t just that. I did Apple Bloom too and I couldn’t stop, so I probably would have done it even if I knew. But I didn’t!” “Sorry, run that by me again?” Dash said with her brow twisting in confusion as Scootaloo’s sudden confession spilled out of him. Scootaloo took a deep breath. “You have to promise you won’t tell anypony,” he said. “I don’t want to hurt Apple Bloom and Sweetie. You know how their... how Apple Bloom’s family is. I-if they knew, they’d kill me. Or worse!” Dash walked back toward the bed this... colt was on. There was a colt on her bed! That made her bristle. “Look,” she said, “Applejack is my friend, so you know I trust her. But... yeah I also know how she can ...be. As long as you didn’t actually hurt anyone... but you did! You made both of them pregnant? Your best friends? How could you?” “Well, with Sweetie it was an accident,” Scootaloo said. “She just didn’t go into estrus, because we were already doing... it a lot, and we figured it out at first on accident, just because we were practice kissing a f-few years ago and I started to m-um... mount her. That’s how I could with Sweetie. And with Apple Bloom, she was... touching her filly thing, trying to make herself feel better so she could wait. I just walked in on her I... accidentally walked in on her. But she smelled so good and my—my penis needed her so bad. I should have told her no, but once we were there, I just had to... so that one is my fault. Plus we weren’t being a good friend to her. Sweetie got to be the pregnant one, all splooged in and stuff, and Apple Bloom only got to watch, and it just drove Apple Bloom crazy so she couldn’t stand it.” “Man, both of them are pregnant,” Dash said with a dazed thump of her posterior on her cloud bed. “I could take Sweetie, but Apple Bloom... does anypony besides me know? They really can’t afford another foal right now. I–I mean, Applejack is trying her best, but so much of her family’s moved out, a-and you know Apple Bloom’s parents are dead, right?” “Y-yeah,” Scootaloo said mutedly. “Without them, they’ve just... I mean I haven’t grown up with them, so I didn’t see how bad it was before, but they really need some more ponies for their farm now. A-and being pregnant would do that, but they’d lose the farm waiting for their foal to get big enough! You know how it is, right?” “I think Apple Bloom misses her mother,” Scootaloo said quietly. “She... of course she does, are you loco or something?” Dash responded boldly. “No, I mean,” Scootaloo bit his lip, hanging his hooves over the edge of the bed. Dash had to notice he wasn’t erect anymore, and his manhood was... really subtle. Dang if he didn’t look just like a filly, if you didn’t know to look for that little swell of balls, and his lack of any noticeable vulva, nor thin fur where a filly’s teats are. Ponies sure didn’t have as showy of sex organs as sheep or babboons. “It was just that she really wanted to be a m-momma,” Scootaloo said guiltily. “Apple Bloom’s estrus was just crazy, but I mean, I think she wanted me to do her, so she could like... be like her mother, and... save the farm I guess? Neither of us was really thinking good. It was just so messed up. “She misses her mom,” Scootaloo repeated. “She was way too young to remember when it—I mean... but she still misses her. I kind of wish I could... I wish she could have a foal, so she could be a mom. She feels like her family’s missing something without a momma and a d-dad, and it is! And she wants to foal, so that she can be the momma, since they all need a mom right now.” Dash couldn’t stand it. She gave Scootaloo a big freaking hug. Not a sexy kind of hug, but a holding this filly or colt or whatever hug so that she/he wouldn’t feel so sad and you kind of needed to feel that way too...hug. “Sorry Scoots,” she said tightly, “I... that’s terrible I feel so bad!” Both of them sort of... felt so bad for a while. Some liquid pride being shed. They were both laying dazed in the bed, when Dash firmed her lip, and sat up, announcing, “I’m gonna quit the weather team.” “W-what?!” Scootaloo exclaimed, as somewhere in left field, there was a field, and its left field had another field, whose left field this statement might have come out of. “Applejack’s my friend,” Dash said. “I can’t let her down. There are like five dozen pegasi on the weather team. A-and just two ponies, picking all those apples. It was gonna be three, but with Apple Bloom all like, weak and stuff, and they just need all the help they can get. “What if they have to miss cider season?!” Rainbow said tearfully to Scootaloo. “I have to do something!” Scootaloo frowned in thought, and then said seriously to Rainbow Dash, “I’m gonna work too.” “Uh, huh?” Dash said to Scootaloo uncomprehending. “But you’re just a kid!” “So is Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo responded challengingly, “And she was gonna have to work next year, a lot! I don’t have a f-family I have to help, just the orphanage, so I can just help Apple Bloom out, and they have to let me do it too!” “I guess, but I mean... they’ll just let you help out?” Dash said uncertainly. “They usually keep the child labor in the family, some sort of labor laws or something against hiring orphans to pick your seasonal crops.” “Yeah, well,” Scootaloo said defiantly, “I made Apple Bloom pregnant, didn’t I? So I’m just as f-family to them as... “As... “Wow, I actually have a family now!” Scootaloo exclaimed, in belated surprise. “I guess that’s kinda literally true,” Rainbow said. “But sheesh what a bombshell. You’re a... a dad that’s so weird. You’re an Apple too! I’m still quitting though, because I won’t let that happen to Applejack; that farm is everything to her. With Apple Bloom out of commission, you’re not gonna be able to do it all on your own. I mean no offense squirt, but she’s way stronger than you.” “Why would Apple Bloom be out of commission?” Scootaloo parroted uncertainly. “Uh, pregnant?” Rainbow said back. “You know, big belly, fragile little foal in there. They don’t want you working hard so that you don’t have a miscarriage?” “A mis-what?” Scootaloo continued being clueless. “It’s where you lose the foal,” Rainbow mumbled. “When a mare’s under too much stress and stuff, she kind of... drops it out early, and it... dies.” “Wow, that sucks,” Scootaloo said honestly. “She even has to give birth, and it just dies?” “Well it’s usually really early,” Dash admitted, “So it’s just like poof and she’s not pregnant again. And then everyone starts wailing and having funeral parties, in this town at least. Ponies around here are pretty certain on the fact that it’s a foal, even if you’re giving birth to something too tiny to see. But uh, a miscarriage can be a whole big uh, almost foal. You remember that one abortion presentation, they had in your class a while back?” Scootaloo looked ill. “But in those they killed the foals, because they were evil ponies,” he said in disgust. “You’re acting like it just happens, even when nopony is trying to do it.” Dash rolled her eyes. Scootaloo gave her a skeptical look and she said, “You should watch those again. They’re just trying to trick you. They’re like ‘abortions kill a million foals a year. In these miscarriages, the foals look totally like they didn’t want to be aborted. Oh how cruel ponies can be!’” Scootaloo blinked at her. “...what?” Scootaloo said blankly. “They couldn’t even find any abortions,” Dash said with a sarcastic drawl, “So they just used miscarriages that happened on accident, and tricked you into thinking they were on purpose.” Scootaloo was silent on that, so Dash continued, “Believe me, those scared the pants off of me too.” “But you don’t wear pants,” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “Exactly!” Dash said curtly. “But up in Cloudsdale, they have this thing called opposing viewpoints, and there was a mare who went up and told us all about how that was just to scare us into not mating, and they weren’t real abortions.” “But why would they...” Scootaloo seemed at a loss for words. “I thought that was like, evil bloody death ponies who were like... evil! It was just an accident?” “Yup,” Rainbow said lightly. “She said it was cause they were scared of pregnant fillies, but just between you and me,” she leaned closer to Scootaloo and whispered, “I think they just don’t want fillies to have any sex.” “But fillies having sex is hot!” Scootaloo protested. Then blushed, and flopped back on the clouds saying, “It’s true though!” “Yeah I don’t really get it either,” Dash said. “I guess some mares just like to have this super secret club, and they can’t call it a secret club, if they can’t keep some ponies out of it.” “Mares are weird,” Scootaloo commented. “Yeah they—” Dash glanced at Scootaloo. “You really aren’t a filly,” she said in just... reluctant acknowledgement. “When I say it, it’s a joke, but when you say it, you really don’t understand mares. You never even had a dildo in you!” “W-well neither has Sweetie Belle,” Scootaloo said self consciously, “But y-yeah. Fillies have this crazy stuff between their legs, and it just... goes inside them, and squeezes, like they’re squeezing with it, but sometimes it just does it on its own. They get all wet, just from looking at a colt or thinking about it. They get like how I get hard, but they don’t even know it until they feel it sliding down their legs. Sweetie says it’s like goose bumps on the inside, but I mean... there’s really no parallel right? “I can tell her that she feels so nice on me, how hot and wet she is, and how incredible it is to just... be somewhere deep inside her, but Sweetie can’t understand why being hot and slippery feels nice. I can’t describe how... special I feel when I’m in her. She squeezes me because she likes doing it, and she likes me feeling it, but she doesn’t have any way to know why my penis likes it so much. I sometimes wonder what my uh...” Scootaloo hunched over, staring at his hooves, “I mean, it’s really indescribable how she feels about my ...stuff. She says it’s slimy, but a different slimy than her, and she loves it squirting in there, especially when I get really worked up and it comes out hard. I get all that. But it really satisfies her, in a way other slimy stuff doesn’t. I can tell it does, just watching her taking it, but I can’t really understand how being satisfied like that feels, that sorta difference she can’t describe.” Dash didn’t know what to say to that, so she just went back the subject, muttering, “Can’t believe those two little fillies are pregnant.” They shared a quiet moment of contemplation—Scootaloo interrupted it, saying, “Uh, wait. They’re not pregnant.” Dash blinked, and sat up again. “...you said they were pregnant,” she told Scoots evenly. “They were!” Scootaloo declared. “It was terrible! But Apple Bloom’s safe now, and so is Sweetie Belle. I dunno about any of the other fillies. Those two had like, the worst estruses.” Dash just kind of... squinted at him. He hastily explained, “They have a thing in them that stops pregnancy now. I-it’s a complicated um... metal thing. That they have. In them.” “Those don’t really work, do they?” Dash said skeptically. “They always seemed so tiny and stupid, and don’t you need a unicorn to get it inside you?” “They work, I think?” Scootaloo said, suddenly worried. “A-at least Apple Bloom only did the IUD, and she went back into estrus. I dunno about Sweetie.” “Those don’t even make you un-pregnant though,” Rainbow persisted, “They only work if you do it before.” “Yeah that’s... right,” Scootaloo said, suddenly more reserved for some reason. “They um... I made Apple Bloom pregnant like 2 hours before she got one, but i-it didn’t have time to take. We were really scared, but she’s in heat again, so it’s okay now. And Sweetie uhm... “... “...miscarriaged...” “W—really?” Dash said in surprise. “She couldn’t... what happened? Is she okay?” “She’s fine. It wasn’t like... those miscarriages,” Scootaloo said sticking his tongue out. “She sorta cramped up for a little, and um... she was mostly just irritated because she had to wait while me and Apple Bloom were fuc—doing estrus stuff, but it was fine because it was a taste of her own medicine since she made Apple Bloom have to watch before. At least until that ugh...dream...” “Dream?” Dash asked uncertainly. “Sweetie had a dream,” Scootaloo said recalling the past week of insanity, “And uhm... it was like, a dream about colts doing her a bunch of times, but she never got to finish. She felt so bad that she kinda went a little crazy that day and uhm... well, it was fine, when Twilight caught her and... helped Sweetie be safe.” Dash laughed and said, “Lemme guess, Sweetie was trying to corner you, in a room somewhere. Stick her face in your butt and get herself good and hammered?” “She sure was! I felt kinda bad for her actually,” Scootaloo said, “Not that I was coming out of hiding or anything. Not until she had the IUD in her and was safe.” “Oh, so she didn’t have it yet,” Dash said in cautious awareness. Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, Twilight—I mean... the doctor said Sweetie had to wait until her estrus came back, to make sure she didn’t have a foal that an IUD could hurt. “Sweetie was only really crazy ‘cause I had to tell her no,” Scootaloo pondered. “She was just like that close to getting seed in her when she woke up, and really couldn’t think about much else until she had it for real. Like when I’m just about to squirt, but opposite. But I didn’t want to risk what happened to Apple Bloom again, so I told her no. And she just smiled and said that I was going to um... I don’t want to talk about that part. Once Sweetie was safe, we really did it good, and she felt so much better she was even crying I swear.” Rainbow Dash chuckled, saying, “That’s kind of... sweet in a way. Sweetie sure is a cutie. Even if she’s like... so super straight, that she was into colts before she even got her cutie mark.” “What do you mean by straight, anyway?” Scootaloo asked in puzzlement. “Oh, that’s a term for... heh eh...” Dash flicked her tail anxiously. Right, Scootaloo is a colt. Rainbow didn’t want to actually address the elephant in the room, but... “It means she’s a filly who likes colts, and goes straight for ‘em. Or a colt who likes fillies. A filly who likes fillies doesn’t go straight for the colts, but turns around and goes back to do the fillies!” “But fillies don’t have penises,” Scootaloo said skeptically. “How’s she gonna do anything if they’re both fillies?” “Doesn’t matter if she can or not,” Rainbow shrugged. “It’s just what she wants. All she knows is she likes those fillies way better than some dumb colts. She just has to figure it out then. But I’ll tell ya one thing. You better think twice if you think fillies don’t have any penises.” Reaching over she waggled the dildo in front of this cute colt’s nose going, “I got seven, remember?” Scootaloo startled up in shock, almost whacking himself with it, saying, “Oh, so—!” Rainbow gave a guilty smile and said, “Yeah...” Dash sighed. It was going to be so hard to tell this colt that she just wasn’t interested in him. He really thought she was gonna do him, and she just... messed up and thought he was a filly. “So when Sweetie licked Apple Bloom, while I was doing Sweetie,” Scootaloo said excitedly, “That made me straight, and Sweetie... not straight? Going back to the fillies?” What? What did that have to do with Rainbow having to shoot this poor kid down? Rainbow actually didn’t know the answer to that. “...yes,” she attempted testily. “Oh, I see...” Scootaloo said thoughtfully. “Look. Kid,” Rainbow said, leaning towards the colt in her bed. “I... I don’t do colts.” Scootaloo looked at her in surprise. “Why not?” he asked. Such an innocent question, but so hard to answer. So Dash bluffed. “I got a r-reputation to maintain! And besides, I don’t even like stallions. Mares are way more fun.” “But you like me, don’t you?” Scootaloo asked worriedly. “I still I... still wanted to ‘do’ you if I could.” “No can do, kid,” Rainbow said with a sigh, heaving off the—Scootaloo lunged over and held his hooves on her thigh looking up plaintively and asking, “Why not? I’m fun, I promise! I won’t let you down, Rainbow Dash!” “Sorry,” Rainbow said, turning away from the uncomfortable feel of his colt hooves all over her cutie mark, not having the heart to throw him off. “I just... can’t. Not if you’re a colt.” “But you liked me, Rainbow Dash!” he begged even tearfully, “You really liked me! We were gonna... you were really gonna do it with me! I love you so mu— “...much,” Scootaloo completed with a lame, scared smile. “It’s no big deal,” Rainbow said casually, reaching over and... pushing Scootaloo’s hooves off of her hindquarters. Edging away from that spot. “You can find tons of fillies who’ll let you do your uh, colt thing,” she said helpfully. Scootaloo just shook his head, saying, “Nopony is you, Rainbow Dash! I... why can’t we? I don’t mind. I c-can get Sweetie if you need a filly. Please Rainbow Dash I need you to... I mean I really really would like it I mean, you even had me on the bed... it was going to happen, and you just...” Then he turned away from her, shuddering. It hurt way more than Rainbow Dash would’ve liked. “C-come on, squirt,” she said, trying to cheer up the despondant fill—colt. “You really wanna see me with some big dumb stallion?” “I’m not dumb,” Scootaloo said hotly, turning to look at her with sudden anger. “I just look like a filly, a-and I always have. You don’t even care about me, do you! You only liked me b-because you thought I was a—! “F-filly...” he concluded, turning away again and hunching over, wrapping his tail around his p-private place. He looked just like Dash did, when she... he just looked really sad, okay? “Look, I’m a filly who likes fillies,” Dash said, stalking on the floor beside her bed. “It’s as simple as that. You can do me but I won’t even—” she froze mid sentence, then firmed her lip and kept going. “I won’t enjoy it like a real filly would. L-like I mean, like a filly who deserves... I mean, I might not like it, so you can still um, we can’t tell anypony but uh” Scootaloo interrupted her well reasoned argument, saying with a bizarrely hopeful tone in his voice and a sniffle, “Rainbow Dash... you’re ...a colt, too??” “What?” Dash blurted snapping her head around to stare at him in shock. “No. No! No. No. no. No.” she told him, punctuating her nervous hoof steps. “I did not mean to imply that. I just got kinda I mean, you know what it feels... actually no, you don’t. Or maybe you do?” Scootaloo stared at her uncomprehendingly. “I’m a... uh...,” Rainbow Dash said uncertainly, “It’s like... the opposite of a mollyfilly. I don’t... do filly things. It just doesn’t work for me. I don’t like fancy dresses, and tea parties are boring, and I don’t care if my neighbors are having foals, and I don’t care about my stupid family, so I just—some ponies think I don’t count as a filly, that I can’t... y’know, that having a thingamadoodle isn’t good enough.” “Thingamawhat?” Scootaloo said, with that weird expression on his face. “...vagina,” Dash said after some thought. “Oh,” Scootaloo said with relief, nodding. “I think that totally makes you a real filly. I mean, it’s not broken or anything? I could still go in it right?” “No, you can’t—I mean, I just said... you can... augh!” Dash shook her head roughly, stepping away from the bed. She didn’t run away, she just... needed to stand a bit further away that’s all. “You’re lucky, you know that?” Rainbow said soberly to Scootaloo behind her. “I wish I was like you. You got a... you got all the equipment to be a boy. Nopony tries to get you into dresses.” “Uh, actually...” Scootaloo said quietly, but Dash was on a roll. “You can be tough like me,” she said, “You can be cool, and daring, and have fun like me, and do everything I like to do, and you won’t ever have these filly parts in you, just trying to make you all... all weird and stuff. I... I don’t want this stupid weird feeling making me d-do things. You know estrus, right? It’s not fair!” Scootaloo’s voice drifted from behind her, saying in his scratchy, girlish tones, “Having a colt thing makes you all weird and stuff, too.” “Oh, how so?” Dash said a bit defensively, half turning and giving her colt a challenging look. “We saved her in the end,” Scootaloo explained, “But I made... I made Apple Bloom pregnant.” “Yeah, you mentioned. Not your best moment, squirt. Definite dick move, there,” Dash stated somewhat critically. “I know,” he said guiltily. “I feel terrible about it. It was so scary. But I mean, I felt terrible about it, while I was doing it! Uh, sort of. It was really hot. But it wasn’t like with Sweetie. I really truly knew it was going to make Apple Bloom pregnant, and hurt everypony, and I just did it anyway! I knew her estrus was making her all weird and stuff, and she didn’t really want to. But I just couldn’t hold back! It was so easy... “I felt way different after I did it in her,” Scootaloo said with downcast eyes. “I wouldn’t have even touched her then, even if I could. But it was too late, I did her until she was just freaking...dripping!” Dash tried to pretend the thought of that didn’t make her quiver in anticipation. “As long as I haven’t squirted, I just...” Scootaloo shook his head confusedly. “It changes me, so that I have to do her and do her. I couldn’t even see why it was so bad anymore, until it was too late and it let me think again, and... she might have had to move, Rainbow Dash! If they lost the farm, I might have never seen Apple Bloom again! “So...” he concluded mutedly. “Colt things make you feel weird too, a lot. It’s just that filly things do it first, and then once the filly is feeling weird, his colt thing does it second. It’s like magic when me and Sweetie do it. She just does that to me. But it makes it really, really hard to stop. Or say no. Or um... stop smelling you... Rainbow almost didn’t catch that last part. She thought he meant the fillies at first. But the way he was blushing at her, and his nose was twitching, and the way he was hard as a timber pine, it was pretty obvious Scootaloo was talking about her. In this nice little enclosed room, exactly the way fillies in estrus like to trap colts with their scent, so they can’t resist, and Rainbow had... “Oh, my scent—” Rainbow Dash realized, looking under her colorful tail. “Oh darn it, Scoots I didn’t mean to... I’ve been standing here this whole time, making you stay here, and you’re a colt. Of course it’s messing with you! I didn’t even... and now it’s too late, and you’re all... colty now.” “I don’t even bucking care,” Rainbow Dash said furiously, turning and backing right up to the bed on which Scootaloo precariously perched. “I won’t like it or anything,” she said irritably, “I don’t even care. Go ahead and put it in there. You can do it and really do it. You want me, you can have me. I’ll still do fillies, but just this once it’s okay, so just do it already.” It felt weird to raise her tail, like, scary, while also satisfying. Dash hated being controlled like this, but she was the one who stupidly went and practically stuffed her muff in his face. Now Scootaloo’s boy thing was all crazy, and it was Dash’s responsibility to... to make him okay again. She knew how it felt to be that horny, and she couldn’t stand the idea that Scootaloo would have to suffer like that, for something she messed up on. “C’mon Dash, stop kidding me!” Scootaloo said in a nervous warble. “I’m not kidding,” Rainbow insisted firmly. “You’re a colt, you got a penis, fine. I get that. So put it in me, and enjoy yourself. I don’t mind, if it’s... you.” “I’m not gonna put it in,” Scootaloo said with a frustrated huff. Dash turned all flustered to look at him. “But you’re a colt!” she said in aggrivation. “My mare stuff made you all weird, you said it yourself! What happened to not being able to stop?” “You said,” Scootaloo retorted, “It’ll only be half way, if you don’t feel good too. I can’t just... my boy thing isn’t that bad. I did it because Apple Bloom wanted to be pregnant, so bad! And if you... if you don’t like me, I just... I don’t wanna do it.” Dash practically collapsed on the floor. Or literally, more like. “I can’t believe you!” she wailed, unable to comprehend his strange behavior. “You know what happened the last time I did that for a colt?” she accused him. Scootaloo didn’t, but Rainbow Dash was going to tell him anyway, whether he liked it or not. “He was in me before I could even turn my tail!” she said in frustration. “He said ‘You’re a lucky mare, Rainbow Crash,’ and then he started doing it. It was stupid, and I was in heat and I didn’t care, and—” “Who the buck calls you Rainbow Crash?!” Scootaloo interrupted in utter astonishment. Dash looked at him a while, and said. “...a lot of ponies call me Rainbow Crash. I crash. A lot.” “No you don’t,” Scootaloo said emphatically. “I’ve seen you go supersonic, without even crashing! You can turn on a dime, right in the middle of a dive!” “Yeah, but I do crash sometimes,” Dash corrected him. “Doesn’t everypony?” he asked. “Other ponies don’t crash as much as me!” Dash shouted. Why was she so worked up about this? She was Rainbow Crash! Dash! She meant to think Dash! “Other ponies aren’t doing a sonic rainboom!” Scootaloo protested right back while Dash jumped to her hooves, the fillycolt sounding a lot more confident than she felt. “If they tried,” he said, “They’d crash so much, that they’d never even do it! You crash way less than other ponies!” “Yeah, well,” Dash huffed and said... no wait, that sort of made sense. “Well, yeah,” she said thoughtfully. “I guess I do crash less than other ponies.” “Your stunt average is three nine six,” Scootaloo said seriously, “You’re the best flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale.” Rainbow Dash had to smile at her own phrase turned right back at her. “Heh, I guess I am,” she said with a tingle of pride in her very aerodynamic breast. She looked at Scoots there all... he was saying all that while his thing was stiff as a pole. No wonder he hadn’t jumped down yet! So he had a hardon, because of her stupid estrus, and he was telling her he wouldn’t do it. And that she wasn’t stupid and clumsy like dad always... Rainbow shook her head. She wasn’t going to let him just not be a colt, like his body wanted him to be. She knew he wanted it, and this kid deserved it like ten times more than all the jerks who put their dick in her back when she was littler. Why did they get to do her and he didn’t, just because Rainbow Dash had made some stupid mistakes? She backed her rump to the cloud bed again, lifting her tail and firming her hind hooves on the floor. “C’mon then,” she said jokingly, “Let’s try my newest trick: making your boy thing disappear!” “I j-just said I don’t wanna,” Scootaloo said staring underneath Rainbow’s bright tail, where she was all making him feel hot for fillies. “If you don’t enjoy it!” he asserted, tearing his eyes away to look at her with such an adorably disapproving look for such a silly looking little ...colt. “Hey, you know, I said I wouldn’t,” Dash said trying to wiggle all sexily, “But I dunno, maybe I will enjoy it! I thought you were different if you were a colt, but you’re just like, still Scootaloo. I mean it’s dumb; I know you are. Just, I don’t know, maybe I might enjoy it! You never know if you don’t try, right?” “That’s true...” he said doubtfully. “I could just t-try a bit. If you don’t like it we can stop. I really want to make you feel good though.” “Me too, squirt,” Dash said with more emotion in her voice than she expected. Facing forward and bracing her legs she said, “Well, come on. Get started already. You got plenty of height from that bed, so just go to town whenever you want!” A giddy sort of anticipation filled her, not that she was turned on or anything but she just was kind of curious if Scootaloo could do anything for her. She guessed she’d find out when he mounted her. Jeez, Scootaloo that adorable filly, and she was a he, and here Dash was ready to take him right up her thingamadoodle! Scootaloo’s penis felt really soft and wet. It was weird because he managed to hit Dash with it on her mare parts before his little hooves even came down on her rump. Good grief, why was his penis so wet and curvy. It was sliding all around her back there like he couldn’t figure where to put it in. And then it pinched her clitoris between his lips. Dash felt all her hair standing on end. He was a colt, right? Right?? She tried to turn and tried to ask, “What,” but she just couldn’t with how eagerly he was... he was totally licking her! Lipping her! He was licking her and Celestia, did he know how! She... she needed to track down Cloudchaser sometime, get herself another screaming orgasm. He was tugging on her vulva just like... oh Celestia he wasn’t stopping! She couldn’t even stand it, the sheer irony of the situation. She thought her biggest fan was just another colt, and here he was doing her like a filly. She thought only fillies could do this, because they didn’t have to stick it in. She felt weak kneed from his attentions back there. It wasn’t something she was unfamiliar with, but sure as Tartarus is lonely, it wasn’t what Rainbow Dash was expecting! She was about to climax and he just stopped licking her! Her tail was practically slapped down on top of him as she shouted out needily, “Keep—keep licking! I need it, you gotta you gotta!” His tongue came back then as she growled an anxious affirmative. She couldn’t see him back there... she would totally do this belly up with him, if just so she could see that—that colt who adored her so much sticking his tongue—augk he was sticking it in her she was > Rainbow Dash Was A Lesbian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some legends would say that Rainbow Dash made a noise like “Glah,” when she orgasmed. Those legends would be dirty, dirty lies, and not even true at all, because she was way cooler than that! Somehow he... he was like a lesbian colt or—or something! He just wouldn’t stop. She couldn’t stop! She was shaking on her hooves. Even her wings were tingling, and spreading and... she just had to huff hotly at the ground, helpless to do anything while Scootaloo of all ponies blew her mind harder than she’d felt since Blossomforth. “Hey, don’t stop licking!” Dash exclaimed again in alarm, as Scootaloo’s tongue left her still tingling folds. She looked back, trying to find his muzzle so she could jam her crotch against it, only to see and feel Scootaloo pull himself up desperately over her flank, hanging on and staring at her with liquid eyes, hugging her tight and jerking his hips all... he was mounting her! Dash didn’t want him to stop. “I gotta put it in Dash,” he said urgently, and she felt it press against her. Damn if it wasn’t practically calling to her. She was feeling a dick, his dick and he was pushing it against her with a purpose. Dash couldn’t even compare the feeling to a tongue; it was so different. But it wasn’t just shoving into her like the other colts, and just jiggering about in there until it went off. She felt it just... it sort of started to penetrate, but then he pulled it out! Scootaloo just slid it against her! “Please, let me do it...” he whined plaintively. He was holding back. Why was he holding back? It was making him so... so freaking hot! The hottest thing was his urgency. He just had to do it, and she didn’t know how he could hold back, but it made him more and more desperate. That was making Dash crazy with desire herself, pushing back so hard he was wedged up against her cloud wall. A desire burned in Rainbow Dash, to wipe that pleading look off his face, and give him something to really smile about. So freaking hot—he was just a kid! This estrus was screwing with her head! Rainbow loved her head getting screwed with. Wait no, that was the estrus making her love her head getting... the thing! She wanted dick! No, wait, stop it dad—stupid estrus, augh! Even such a young colt was frightening Dash, the old memories coming back of her stupid family, and stupid father. But strangely, she didn’t feel scared. She knew it was just her estrus, but... but it was so cool! Scootaloo was prodding at her entrance like a filly—er—a colt possessed. But he wasn’t going to get mad at her, and tell her what a little shit she was, but he was still totally crazy about doing it! Her own junk was making Rainbow Dash feel unready and insecure. Her! Rainbow hadn’t had a dick in... a freaking long time, and it was always so boring and stupid when she did. So why was she so... excited now? He wasn’t even in her! There was no catch, is the thing. Scootaloo was just doing it, not saying anything to make her feel powerless. He wasn’t making it complicated, no conditions or caveats she had to worry about. The only condition he seemed to have was that she enjoy it, and Scootaloo didn’t even care about that anymore. Rainbow got him to start, and now he couldn’t even stop if she wanted to. A stallion’s singleminded desire was so boring usually, but Rainbow was so worked up, and she wanted it sooooo bad. She didn’t want Scootaloo to be anything other than a colt who needed to stick it in, and he was so intensely being that colt that he was gonna do it, no matter what! Rainbow could see it in his eyes. An intense fire that sent chills down her spine. She never even suspected Scoots had a penis, yet here he was, a he, and more than ready to shove it into her. Without another plea, eyes half lidded and rear legs pressed against the wall, Scootaloo started to slide it into her. Before he could get too far inside, and... do the thing that colts did, Dash tugged her hips away, making Scootaloo find his mark again. Then she challenged him, dancing away from him crouching low as she could so he could reach, but not otherwise helping. He followed climbing up behind Dash’s flagging tail, and again her crotch slid against his dick. Scootaloo was there. The mare was dripping with lust, not just in her voice when she said, “I bet if I told you not to put it in, you’d still do it.” Scootaloo whimpered and didn’t answer. “I bet you can’t stop,” Dash said with a smug tone to her voice. “Even if I told you not to, you’re a colt and I’m a filly, and you’re still gonna put it in there.” Scoots was just intensely mashing against her and twitching that thing of his, and slipping in—Dash jerked in place, dancing away again so he wouldn’t... not yet. He followed her singlemindedly, both of them utterly engrossed in the task at hand. In a stroke of inspiration or luck, Dash lay a hoof on the kitchen chair, poising her rear over it and waving her tail his way. Thinking she meant him to do it (and she totally did) Scootaloo just climbed up, and put his hooves over her thighs, not quite able to get his dick in place before Rainbow Dash caught his chin in the crook of her rainbow tail and pushed him back. Dash gave the horny colt a level look, and there was fear in Scootaloo’s eyes as she said quietly and unflinchingly, “Don’t put it inside.” Scootaloo, to his credit, managed to stop. But trembling, he finally spoke, saying, “Please Rainbow Dash... you want me to, right? I need it, please...” “I told you not to put it in, and I meant it,” Dash said firmly, feeling so strange like... she was outside of herself or something. She could feel his penis—he was...going to put it in her! “I won’t let you put it in,” she said, as he looked at her like a crazy mare. And Celestia but he was right. She was so turned on by this she couldn’t even believe it! “I want you in there, but I’m not gonna let you,” she said with deadly eyes at the colt clinging to her backside so hotly. “I won’t give it to you. You gotta take it. So are you gonna push in anyway, after I told you not to?” “D-dash please I don’t want to...” he practically whined, so vulnerable even though his colt dick was already pushing against her, the thing he was gonna fuck her with. “I’m not gonna say yes,” she said almost casually over her shoulder. “If you wanna fuck me, you’re gonna have to ignore me, and do it anyway.” The briefest pause and Dash continued, remarking, “Take your penis offa me. Don’t push it all the way into my cunt. I can feel you there, all ready to do it. You know what I feel like in there. All you gotta do is push.” “I’m... not...” he slipped in her, and Dash didn’t stop him this time. She shivered at the feeling, at what he was doing. “Please, Dash” he said, he still said on the brink of wildly fucking her. “Won’t allow you to do it, no matter how much you ask,” she refused stubbornly, facing forward and flicking her rainbow tail carelessly, feeling that damn teasing need. “You listen to me,” she said, “And you’re gonna g-get off and go home, and you’ll never feel this mare from the inside! Or you could just... do it.” Rainbow had to look at him again. She had to—had to see his hidden colt urges taking him. “Just one push,” she teased, “And it’ll happen.” And against his better judgement, Scootaloo started to push himself inside her. Penises were so unlike dildos. Dash never really had a chance to appreciate that; her experience with the things was admittedly lacking. The stiffness Scootaloo put in her was still somehow velvety soft, and it beat with the warm heart it was sustained with. It was part of Scootaloo; it was the thing he wanted. Dash was giving it to him, and he was... giving it to her too. “Dash I—I can’t—!” Scootaloo bit out, just quivering as he couldn’t stop embedding himself in her hips. Dash refused to allow him. She made him make her! It was freaky crazy and she loved it. This colt Scootaloo; he was too crazy with lust to pull out anymore. With a frustrated huff, Scootaloo gave in all at once, and just pulled his hips back and then drove them heavily forward. Rainbow couldn’t stop him. She couldn’t even slow him down anymore! He pushed every inch of that turgid penis into her filly hole. Even as over her shoulder she saw him, watched it happen to him, she felt her insides purring with delight, his boy shaft fitting squarly between the twin signs of rainbow lightning on her azure hindquarters. There in her place for boys, that Rainbow almost never used the way it was intended, Scootaloo was in there. She could feel him, so very— softfull! “There you go,” she said at last comfortingly, feeling so warmhearted and downright gentle as Scootaloo bottomed out, grinding needily against her. “Just let it out,” she murmured to the colt, “That’s right.” “Dash~” he moaned desperately, “I’m gonna—!” “You’re gonna... whoo... splooge already?” Dash said, feeling dizzy from the feelings flowing from her groin. She wasn’t going to cum again was she? How long could a colt even last in there? He had barely even started thrusting. This wasn’t exactly what Dash thought of as thirty seconds of silent humping. “I’m—” Scootaloo looked her in the eyes with such an intense need. “I’m going to fuck you!” he shouted emotionally, while Dash tensed at the intensity of his words. With a purposeful look in his eyes, he slid that penis right back out of her, faster than Rainbow’d slide a dildo, and then jammed back into her. His whole rear pushed against against her, her wings flexing with the need to feel him. Good grief did it feel good! He wasn’t like a dildo he was like a... a skin kissing her skin with every inch that he slid past her. There was just enough of a loose resistance for the hot skin on his penis to drag her own vaginal walls to exquisite heights of pleasure. Dash wanted to feel this feeling forever. “I-I’m not gonna stop,” Scootaloo repeated petulantly, moving it in and out. It was so distracting! Dash just wanted to face forward and let him do it, and just feel him in there. But she had to see this. She had to see him say what he was gonna say. Rainbow was hunched and sweaty, half bent, still looking at him. She had to see Scootaloo doing this to her. “I don’t care if you say no,” he said in utter thick voiced lust. Scootaloo said this. Oh the things his penis was doing to him. To her! Dash could watch that pegasus being such a young, scrawny little stallion all day. “I-I’m gonna do it in you, even if... because, I need to do it.” He leaned against her and his hips just...oh man ah jeez. Dash had to huff, facing forward as his inexpert thrusts became an intense steady pounding. “Rainbow Dash!” he moaned even as he hugged close to her and thrust like his life depended on it. “I need you so much!” That was it for Dash. She couldn’t take attention like this without a huge reaction from her. Rainbow Dash realized now that she didn’t even know how to use a dildo. It wasn’t how it went deep in there, wasn’t some vibrating thing on the top. It was the sliding, pistoning unrelenting thrusts, the feel of a virile male driving into her again and again, outside of her control. That’s what made a dildo feel good! Just like he was doing it to her! She was doing it to him! She felt like he was kissing her in there! She couldn’t stop squeezing couldn’t stop— The hapless mare known as Rainbow Dash orgasmed long and hard around the thrusting Scootaloo. Her voice cracked as she cried out in mindless passion, just breeding with him with no thought or decorum. Her head tilted back and looked sightlessly above her. Scootaloo lost his hoofing on the chair then, and Dash hardly noticed, the colt hanging to her for dear life as her climax took her. Vaguely Dash realized Scootaloo had fallen off entirely, and she lifted her head, breathing hard as she looked over her shoulder again at the dazed colt. “Bed,” Dash whuffed muzzily, staggering around to pick Scootaloo up, and throw him over her back, outright flying to her bedroom the urgency was so great. Plenty room, plenty hoofing, plenty inside stuff. He was gonna cum for sure this way! Dash shoved her rump into his groin, and Scootaloo obliged, leaning over, and pushing in her again. She still felt so good from—he made her go twice! It made Dash crazy to think about her greatest fan, her favorite filly now a colt, was gonna be cumming his brains out, inside her. Scootaloo didn’t have any trouble doing Dash. He was up on her cloud bed and—and she couldn’t even lift her hooves, from the rippling electric waves flowing through her. She felt his shaft alive in her. Rainbow hugged it and kissed it, and winked hungrily around his attentive thrusts. Dash felt him flare in there, that expansion so meaningful to her. “Y-y’ready to go... kid...” she gasped, at his increasingly driven thrusts. “You feel so good inside,” Scootaloo moaned, flaring harder, and clutching her close. “Have to... it’s... gonna... huhh... hunh...” Scootaloo said, thrusting for all he was worth, in the final moments of their eager copulation. Scoots was grinding so hard, in light, shallow strokes that hardly came out of her at all, when with a throaty huff from his chest, it started. Rainbow’s eyes widened at the sudden feel of Scootaloo’s climax. He was quivering against her and his flared dick was thrashing in there. She cracked half a smile; she was totally gonna make him do it, way up in there—yes! Rainbow Dash felt something hot and slimy blast into her back there, and then again and again. It had to be coming straight outta Scootaloo’s dick! This was it. They did it! Rainbow Dash stood there by her bed, with triumphant approval in her heart, as she got front row seats to see and feel Scootaloo cum inside her. “Uh! Unh! Nh enh...nh!” the little pegasus grunted eagerly, his eyes scrunched shut as if it was too much to look at, or if he was concentrating on what it felt like for him to cum inside her. Driving those hot jets of seed into her, as powerfully as he could muster in him. Dash couldn’t believe it, but the pulsing inside her was undeniable, that spreading warmth deep in her cunt. Scootaloo had a penis, and he was letting it all out. And in her! Dash took it with gusto. “Aww yeah kid,” she moaned, “That feels awesome!” As she felt her hungry cunt satisfied by his thick spurts, Rainbow leaned back against his ejaculating crotch, pressing him deep as she could get him. Scootaloo’s freaking jizz was inside her. He was totally doing it to her! She didn’t remember a colt feeling this crazy! Dash didn’t feel bad about it this time, she felt incredible, and so full of that colt’s purposefully pumping cock. And his breath hitched as he did it, he did it saying, “D-d-d-dash... Rain...bow dash you...nhh!” giving those slimy squirts, just for her. His dick stilled. Standing there impaled by the quiet Scootaloo, Dash felt so totally gooey inside. He was in her, and—and his stuff was in her! Rainbow Dash was definitely going to have to get one of those dildos that squirts out aw heck dang it never mind. She was just going to have to be bisexual, because Scoots doing it in her felt better than anything, not because it was weird squirts, but because it was his weird squirts. Because he wanted to do it so bad, that he hammered her until it happened to him, Dash couldn’t feel anything but amazing as he did. Dash felt like she was filling up with him. Deep within her cunt, Dash didn’t just have goo; she had a part of Scootaloo in her, and she had to squirm around it, feeling what he did in her. It did things to her that she couldn’t even put to words. Scootaloo freaking... Scootaloo freaking made her bisexual! And get this. This colt this... Scootaloo was so crazy for her, she turned him on so much, that he practically turned into a filly after he climaxed. After he jizzed in her, Scootaloo hung onto her for a while, and then she was like “C’mon, get off. I gotta see this.” She figured that was all he had. But she couldn’t believe what he just did! What she just did! She really did have to see it to believe it. Dash was laying next to Scootaloo on her bed and looking, and she was all gooey and stuff down there. Like, like not her usual gooey, but the depressing gooey she felt whenever she made a stupid mistake. It was kind of awkward how Scootaloo still had that penis, even though it was softening up and stuff. It was slick and gleaming, and Dash couldn’t get out of her head that that thing had been jammed up her cunt not a minute ago, unloading into her. But somehow she couldn’t feel bad. She wasn’t hiding behind a pillar this time, and crying her eyes out while it dripped out from behind her. She was... like, she was the one who wanted it this time. It made a difference or something. And Scootaloo was still here. He didn’t just fly off—well... okay granted she kind of had him technically trapped up here, but he sat with her on the bed, and just had this huge smile on his face, and nuzzled into her chest and it was... it was really freaking adorable. The two of them had been getting closer, ever since Rainbow Dash unofficially adopted the filly as her sister, and... Rainbow really thought today was going to be the day that they went to being more than sisters. But... well, they totally did it, just not in a way Dash had expected. She wasn’t even sure if... she was pretty sure this was all a really terrible idea, but somehow it was okay, even if he was a colt. Laying there together on her own cloud bed, Scootaloo being there and watching with fascination as Rainbow Dash played with herself down there, that had to make up for any sort of terribleness about getting him to fuck her. Her uneasy hesitation slipped away even further, when Scootaloo reached out his little orange hoof and started playing with her himself. She didn’t know what to say, he was just... doing what she’d been doing, messing with herself. Rainbow tried to deal with the fact that the filly she really liked was a boy, and Scootaloo... “Heh, you... like that, don’t ya?” Rainbow said nervously, as Scootaloo explored her filly parts. “I really...did a lot in there,” he said distantly. “You like that, right Dash?” “Yeah, I don’t—” she paused to actually think about her words for once. “I don’t usually,” she said carefully. “But uh... yeah I feel really... good right now.” “Sweetie says it makes her all tingly inside,” Scootaloo offered, the soft frog of his hoof not any different than when a filly did that, but Dash was full of his weird... stuff right now, so it was a lot different. He could spread it around down there, and it really did feel kind of tingly. “She’s your fillyfriend, right?” Dash said, blushing at the feel of somepony besides her touching her filly flower. “She’s gonna love whatever you do, I bet.” “So... you don’t?” Scootaloo said insecurely, turning and looking at Rainbow with worried eyes. Dash’s own eyes softened and she said, “I feel it, kid. Big time. You uh... I really liked that. I bet she feels just the same way. I uh, didn’t know you could get that copper thing in Ponyville, but if she’s got it then I think it’s awesome if you and her are... I’m really sorry.” “Huh?” Scootaloo said, again turning from her petals to look at her questioningly. “What we did, it wasn’t... I mean, I won’t tell Sweetie. Don’t worry,” Dash said, biting her lower lip, and putting an apologetic hoof on Scootaloo’s shoulder. She was starting to think that maybe she really fucked up here. “I just kind of messed up,” she admitted, “I don’t want to mess up you and her or anything, I mean.” “Why would I be worried though?” Scootaloo asked uncertainly. “You can tell her if you want, just... don’t embarass me too much, okay?” “You really want your fillyfriend coming after you, because you did it with me?” Dash asked the colt in puzzlement. “You don’t even care if she gets upset? This is Sweetie Belle, right? You want to see that filly upset?” “What? No!” Scootaloo said aghast. “Why would she get upset? You let me do it in the end, so it wasn’t bad. I mean maybe she’d be upset if I had to like... if you didn’t like me. But it’s okay, you did in the end!” “And what about when she finds out you have the hots for me?” Dash asked him harshly. “She’s just gonna be like: ‘That’s okay, I don’t mind?’” “N-no I guess not...” Scootaloo admitted unhappily. Dash sighed. What was she even thinking, messing with this poor kid’s relationship? “She was more like, ‘Well duh,’” Scootaloo continued. “I mean it’s kinda obvious I like you Rainbow Dash. Like, like like. Sweetie wasn’t just okay with it. She said you’d totally be up for it, and I told her I would ask, but I was just kind of... too shy. “And you just took me like that!” Scootaloo went on with passion. “It was like a dream come true! Y-you showed me all the things to pleasure a filly, and... and we’re here, in your house, and you’re the filly. Mare, I mean. You’re... I guess you knew all along, so thanks for finally n-noticing me.” Dash looked at him a bit blankly. “Your fillyfriend knows about this?” she asked in confusion. “What? No!” Scootaloo said even more confusingly. He clarified though, saying, “She thinks I’m just meeting you behind the old barn, and... and maybe doing something. I can’t wait to tell her how good it really went!” Dash shook her head incredulously, saying, “I... guess if she doesn’t have a problem with it, I mean go ahead if you’re really sure she’ll be okay with this. I don’t know that filly very well, but I’m starting to think maybe I should.” “Why would she have a problem though?” Scootaloo asked innocently. “With you bucking another filly?” Dash said. “Well obviously it’s... I mean I don’t exactly know why but... I guess she’d be worried you wouldn’t have enough stuff in you to do her, after I got done with ya?” “Oh,” Scootaloo said, looking down a bit mutedly. “Yeah, we were kind of having that problem with Apple Bloom.” “And not me?” Dash asked, feeling oddly self conscious at that. “Of course not,” Scootaloo said confidently. “You’re Rainbow Dash! I bet you can get tons of colts, whenever you want! I–I mean, or fillies if that’s what you like. But Apple Bloom didn’t have any other colts, so I had to be the colt for both of them this estrus. It was getting kind of... exhausting.” Rainbow tried to hold back a snort. “But it’s great now,” Scootaloo said confidently. “We found a colt for Apple Bloom in Twilight Time and she’s gonna corner him any day now. “Uh,” Dash said with some reservations about that. “Yeah I know, but it’ll be great,” Scootaloo said. “Colts are kind of... you know, wishy-washy. It’s hard to really get how much fillies need it, and especially Apple Bloom. When she didn’t stalk colts, they’d just run away when all she said was she wanted to consume their man-meat or something. So she’s not stalking him, she’s just being careful. He’s gotta see how much she needs it. Plus he kinda...” Scootaloo lowered his voice to a whisper, “He kinda doesn’t know yet, about the filly thing. Apple Bloom is just dying to see the look on his face! Heck I am too. It’d be hilarious if he didn’t know about a filly’s inside place!” Rainbow had to snicker. “Y’know, that would be an awfully good prank, and it’d be a once in a lifetime sort of thing. If only it didn’t have so many consequences to it.” “Consequences?” Scootaloo asked. “Like what?” “Well, like... oh right, she has a contraceptive doesn’t she?” Dash puzzled a bit. “I was gonna say if he had a fillyfriend already, but then he’d already know all about fillies and doing them. So, I guess... none?” “Yay!” Scootaloo said joyfully. Rainbow wasn’t so sure though. Something about this topic was bothering her, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it. But she can’t force him, understand?” Dash gave Scoots a serious look and said, “He has to want it. If she tries to hurt him or threaten him, if he won’t do it, I don’t care how bad her estrus is, it will mess him up so she can’t force him. And she has to really like him. She can’t just pick a colt she doesn’t care about.” “S-she knows him pretty well,” Scootaloo said nervously, nose-to-nose with Rainbow Dash. “He’s one of the other foals Twilig—the librarian in Ponyville has been giving us lessons in... cutie mark stuff. They were working pretty good together, so Sweetie had the idea they could get together, and this colt doesn’t have any sort of other fillies going after him, which is perfect.” “He’s uh... like me,” Scootaloo said, glancing sideways. “Doesn’t even care about it though. I think he likes being mistaken for a filly. He’s kind of quiet in general though, except when he and Apple Bloom are working on their project. And... on stuff.” “More of you colt/fillies?” Rainbow asked in astonishment. “What the heck is in the water in Ponyville?” “It’s not that uncommon!” Scootaloo protested. “There’s only two that I know I mean, counting me and... and it’s not that I look like a filly. It’s that ponies think colts can only look weird and ugly!” Rainbow’s ears shrank down at that. “Colts look just as pretty as fillies sometimes,” Scootaloo asserted hotly, “And they aren’t all just dumb jerks. Some are really smart, and they’re just as good as any mare!” “Yeah... you’re right,” Dash admitted. “I just... never really thought about it that way. Guess maybe I gotta uh, rethink some things.” “Uh, okay, g-good.” Scootaloo said, uncertain of the emotional state of his friend and mentor. Dash just lay back, not bothering to clarify it all that much. Scootaloo came to lay against her, looking up at her for a while, worriedly, then fondly. Then, he put his hoof down, and started messing with her filly parts again. It was so freaking ticklish, Dash just had to giggle. “Hey, cut it out, squirt!” she said teasingly. “Am I that irresistable?” “Oh, sorry. I can’t do you more?” Scootaloo asked disappointedly. Dash gave him a long look. “S-sure you can,” she said hardly daring to hope. “Just, not so light! You gotta be assertive when you’re with a filly. If you just barely tickle her it’s no fun at all. Really get your pad into it!” Scootaloo nodded eagerly, and looked at his hoof, then put it against her more strongly. Dash felt the pressure on her groin, and the wet slip of her nether lips underneath his frog, or she wouldn’t have believed a colt was trying to clop her off. “Sweetie likes it soft sometimes,” he mentioned quietly, “But like, right after she orgasmed. Apple Bloom just goes right for it, but Sweetie uh... I mean I don’t mind I’m just... still trying to figure it out...” “Pull on my—next to my lips, to pull them apart,” Dash suggested with a tense huff. Scootaloo did so, and then without prompting he traced his hoof on her exposed inner vulva just so exquisitely. His pad came down firmly then, his flat hoof pushing into her spread lips, squishing into her underparts. “That’s... good...” she sighed happily. He started stroking her he... he watched Rainbow’s eyes while he stroked her, and whenever she started to tense up he’d slow down, and when she relaxed he’d speed up. He was finding just the perfect rhythm to slide his hoof on her sloppy messy—jeez, his own jism was all over his hoof! Colts didn’t do that! They didn’t... they don’t stay with you! Dash was so confused as she started to quiver, her well worked clit practically orgasming itself, as she compulsively winked it up against Scootaloo’s hoof. Dash couldn’t believe a boy knew how to send her over with just his hoof. It wasn’t rocket science, but... but nopony ever even bothered to when she asked the jerks who were... she asked the colts who were jerks, because that’s the only kind of colt Dash even really thought about. She was so freaking... stupid.....! She coughed out a “Yes!” her voice breaking as her groin arched up, practically throwing Scootaloo off the bed. She was so freaking aroused, that her hot clutches were practically squelching and—and that was ‘cause she still had his jizz in her! Dash couldn’t stop rippling on that inner jism, dribbling out of her as she did so. Scootaloo let that happen and he smeared it around. Dash just huffed and curled her hooves and felt it, and felt like she was on top of the world. His hoof was smearing her spasming groin in his own seed, all gross and all over her down there. She wasn’t literally on top of the world though, not until later, when in the quivering jitters of her post-orgasm, Scootaloo started to go down on Rainbow Dash. Dash couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Her estrusy filly parts were all drippy and smelly, and completely full of the kid’s cum! There was no way he would—yet he was! She didn’t even dare to move, just breathing heavily, braced on the clouds, staring down at herself, trying to comprehend that this colt was slobbering all over her fleshy petals to lick up his own jism. He was laying—his lower torso was lying sideways, where his dick... it wasn’t even erect. He was spent! But it was still outside of him, and laying there, like a statement about how he felt about her. He wasn’t using the darn thing! He was slurping up his own Dash was so tense she was practically hovering over the bed at this point. She couldn’t stop squeezing—it was putting more of it into his mouth! He was sticking his tongue in there! In there where he filled her with gross boy goo! Why was he—when did he— she just squealed senselessly, cumming her brains out, while Scootaloo hung on for the life of him, dangling there and driving his muzzle dedicatedly into her tumultuous nethers. He knew how to lick—how did he know? Rainbow Dash could only jerk and pulse and yelp wetly, for her biggest by a million billion light years fan. Rainbow Dash would come to understand one day, that it was personality that really turned her on, not gender or ability. She would try and become disgusted with colts again, then find a colt who really understood her and experience mind blowing orgasms, and then it wouldn’t work out, and she’d get disgusted with colts again, and she’d find a filly who really understood her, and once again could get her over the moon just from the thought of her friend going down on her with the Mega Orgasmator 9000 rumbling away in there. And then Dash would start to understand. A caring personality gave you that ineffable something that made you utterly irresistably sexy. And it meant you were open minded enough to learn what she needed, to do that weird stuff that her body demanded for satisfaction, that a one night fly boy grunting on top of her couldn’t achieve. Then there would be that incredible threesome, well foursome after Cloudchaser barged in on them, and then that thing with the cyborg wombats—that last one was a genuine crisis not a sex technique—and then Dash would understand how her body worked, and why Scootaloo made her feel so incredibly loved, to the point she couldn’t even squeak out his name with what he was doing to her. But not today. She couldn’t understand anything now, other than that feeling. She didn’t even notice when Scootaloo finally slipped, and tumbled to the floor. She just drifted in a daze, as reality slowly reasserted itself. She felt like she was floating. She was uh... hovering outside her window? When did she get out here? And what was her tail caught on? Dash opened her eyes and looked around in confusion, while Scootaloo, her tail securely in his mouth, carefully towed her back in through the window, back into the sex soaked smell of her own bedroom. Rainbow flipped upright and landed, and even her hooves clopping on the cloudcrete felt ridiculously sensitive. “Sorry, squirt I...” she said, in a dissociated bemusement. “I know Dash, it’s okay,” Scootaloo said, nuzzling her side. “That means you really liked it. Sweetie does too, but she doesn’t have to worry about literally flying out the window.” He looked up with some concern and said, “You are okay, right?” “Sweetie,” Rainbow Dash mouthed silently, then she looked at Scootaloo in a new understanding, saying, “Sweetie Belle taught you how to lick a filly.” “Yeah, she’s better at it though, but I totally am going to catch up,” Scootaloo said happily. “It’s easy after I orgasm. I can just lick and lick without having to stop until she...” he paused and said a little quieter and shyer, “Until you orgasm....” “But you–your jizz you...” Dash couldn’t even imagine it. “You mean that cute little Sweetie Belle stuck her butt up, and you went and mounted her and jizzed in it, and then with your jizz all over her butt, you kept licking her until she was going again?” “Well, I can’t exactly not make it,” Scootaloo said in a bit of a dissatisfied tone. “When we started, I didn’t even make any, and could just orgasm in her without getting a drop of goop in her. Her bottom was as clean as um... it was just a normal bottom. It was... it was terrible, because that stuff just started coming out of me, even when I tried not to, and then my stuff made her pregnant and... well... once we took care of the foal problem, it’s actually lots of fun to make that stuff. When I pulled out before, her butt was just normal, but now when I do it–it’s like, full of me and all gooey. I’m not just jerking around in there; I’m like, filling her up. And she just loves it when she gets to orgasm with that stuff inside her. It makes it like, squishier or something.” “Yeah, it... it really does,” Rainbow said in a note of realization herself. “So... she taught me how to lick her after,” Scootaloo said hesitantly. “And plus it cleans her up, on the outside at least. She doesn’t like me licking my stuff from inside her ‘cause reasons I dunno. But Apple Bloom totally does. I... I did good, right?” “Yeah, you did,” Dash said, focusing on him at last. “Scoots, you... know most colts won’t even touch their stuff. You were licking my... I mean it wasn’t just my juices down there. It doesn’t taste good, does it?” “Oh, no it doesn’t,” Scootaloo said complacantly. “It’s pretty neutral actually. It’s like snot uh... no offense or anything. It’s just what Twilight said. It’s a... protein soup or something.” He gave a happy sigh and said, “But just knowing I did it in a filly, every time I find another bit of it left on her, or in her. It’s just so cool how I went and put it in there. I can find all the places I touched her with it. Just...thinking about it inside you Rainbow Dash,” he blushed heavily. “It’s just...a fuzzy inside sorta feeling. I... I’m really glad you let me put it in and... and let me lick you.” Dash just shook her head and smiled at him. “Care to give it another shot?” she asked, with a suggestive hip wiggle. “Again?” he said in surprise. “You’re not tired?” Rainbow paused, then smirked. “I’m a mare, squirt,” she said turning her sopping hindquarters his way. “I got a bit more sex drive than some little filly. You can lick me all you want. You really think you got what it takes to make me climax again?” Scootaloo stood smartly and said, “I’ll try my best, Rainbow Dash!” The corner of Dash’s mouth twitched. “Just, don’t keep at it if you get tired,” she said. “Now come on, see how much of that tongue you can get in me.” Soon Dash was half lidded and panting again, with the rising tingles of her well worked cunt. His cunnilingus stopped enough for him to say, “Oh Dash, you’re so beautiful~” “N-nice hview back there... huh...” she said between breaths. “Your hips are so firm,” Scootaloo moaned. “And you’re so soft, and your cutie mark is so bright. You’re just perfect, Rainbow Dash!” “Well don’t just stand there,” Rainbow said teasingly. “Get licking that perfect ass of mine.” “I um...” “Tired already?” Rainbow asked feeling a bit disappointed. “It’s okay squirt, I can take care of myself.” “No, that’s not... it,” he said in an odd tone. Rainbow Dash turned around to look at him in puzzlement, only to find that Scootaloo lying belly up looking at her with trepidation. And between his legs, his shaft wasn’t so floppy anymore. He was freaking... no freaking way... “It got hard again...” he whimpered. “I c-can’t mount you because you’re too tall. But um... can I still be... in there again?” “How about I mount you?” Rainbow said, smouldering at the sight of this colt like this. She straddled him without a word, Scootaloo entirely beneath her, his turgid shaft almost high enough to reach her if she stood straight, almost. “How ‘bout I do you?” Dash sort of repeated, crouching enough to smear her juices on his dick. “You can’t stop me now,” she teased rhetorically. “I can put you deep up in there, and there’s nothing you c-can do to...tooo...” she struggled to get him inside, finally slamming her hips triumphantly against Scootaloo’s smaller ones as he cried out in shock. “Nothing you can do about it,” Dash repeated, letting her hot passage clench around him in there. Rainbow was hunched over him. They were pelvis to pelvis. That little colt, that little colt was inside her. Scoots stared up at her, and seemed to come to a realization. He whispered something under his breath, and Dash hardly noticed for how softly he said it. “What was that?” she asked the nervous colt. Scootaloo whispered not very much louder, and in a very unconvincing tone, “Don’t do it.” “Don’t do what, squirt?” Dash teased, rocking her pelvis against where she’d trapped the colt in there. The Scootaloo. “You’re not a-allowed to put me in you,” he said, making Dash’s eyes widen. He was trying to look brave, as his sensitized dick was gently stimulated by her moist hips. “I won’t let you do it,” he said looking at her with a seeking expression. “You don’t have... permission.” Rainbow was too shocked to smile at first, but her grin bordered on manic as she started humping on top of him freaking hard. “You can’t tell me what to do,” she purred hotly, at the trembling colt she was heartily fucking. “I’m gonna do it... whether you like it or not,” she said dangerously. Scootaloo didn’t answer, just put his shaky hooves on her chest, and his hips rose to meet her hot filly thrusts. “You have to jizz in me,” Rainbow said to her colt, stroking herself with him, with abandon. They just pushed together and grunted and gasped there on the floor with Scootaloo pinned under the sex hungry mare. Rainbow was giving into her instincts big time, just thinking about that gross gooey squirty stuff. He better have more to put in her! That was the stuff she hated, and now she tried to get it into her as hard as she possibly could. She was gonna be a sloppy freaking mess! She already was! “Da-a-ash~!” he managed to moan out creakily. “You can’t... don’t take my seed but then you just do it!” “You’re gonna gimme it all,” Dash said greedily, heaving herself on the colt’s tool, blowing his mind. Her mind was gonna... man, all that licking. She was gonna do it! She could feel it happening in her! That fluttery crazy electric feeling that meant she s-she. “All your hot boy stuff in me,” she managed to slur out. “I won’t let you out... y’have to do it. In... meee~!” Her last word turned into a wet gasp as her body convulsed, and her cunt convulsed harder. Her hips collapsed engulfing him, just shaking and cumming. She probably was too heavy but she didn’t caaare and she just hung over him, panting hoarsely and riding her climax, regardless of a little colt under there who could watch every rise and fall of her chest, and feel every hot contraction around him in there. It was... saying it was perfect timing didn’t give it enough credit. Scootaloo just... went off so well. Rainbow Dash had finally eased to stillness, just breathing over him still. She barely cracked open her eyes, to see that colt in between her forehooves, his own hooves folded before his chest, looking up at her with these big liquid needy eyes. “Mmm...mn~” he vocalized not even moving enough to open his mouth. He couldn’t stay silent though, because the moment Dash realized she had stopped squeezing around him and bucking on top of him, the moment she found herself relaxed to a perfect glorious stillness, that was when he started jerking inside her silently, all on his own. Rainbow just... stared at him. Stared into his eyes, his eyes that knew what he was doing in her. They were such a striking violet. Scootaloo didn’t, or couldn’t, even say a word as he started to ejaculate into the silent Rainbow Dash. He breathed hard and slow while his penis flexed on its own inside her. While they stared at each other, both of them knew that behind them their groins were very busy. Dash received a hot spurt and she inhaled, then another and she exhaled and another and she inhaled, and then a spurt-ish thing, then he was just jerking inside her. And she was panting so hard. She didn’t know colts could do it a... a second time. He barely could get three spurts into her. Scootaloo was practically empty, and he still did it to her, his dick still wanted to be in there. Because he loved her so much, because of what she meant to him... what she was doing to him. Dash... she wanted to treasure those spurts in her. They meant so much, they just seemed so precious. Something she never knew before, this little colt he gave it to her. Because... because he loved her so much. Rainbow Dash pushed up to lift one hoof from bracing on the ground. If Scootaloo minded more punishment on his groin, he didn’t complain. Dash brought that hoof down and ruffled Scootaloo’s purple swoopy hair—short like a colt’s. “Love you too, little ...bro,” she sighed to him. They just... they just hugged each other then, side by side, until Scootaloo naturally slipped out of her, and his colthood returned to its sheath. They didn’t need to say anything more. They just talked about dumb stuff, anything that occurred to them. It was getting later anyway, and whether he was Rainbow Dash’s brother, or sister, he still had to get back to the orphanage before curfew. Considering how exhausted Rainbow Dash was from what just happened to her, she could understand why a young colt like Scootaloo wouldn’t complain about having that nice warm bed to look forward to. Dash said she didn’t know if—after estrus and all—if they were gonna do this again, but Scootaloo said it was okay, and he just was glad he got to be with her. Like, glad to be part of her life, not necessarily in her. He said he’d remember this day for his whole life. Rainbow Dash couldn’t... she couldn’t remember a time she’d gotten fucked, that she wanted to remember that badly. So Dash felt unusually proud and self satisfied, as she sank down happily on her cloud bed, returning from dropping Scootaloo off on the ground below. As Scootaloo buzzed his way on back to the orphanage, to get a very restful sleep before school tomorrow, Rainbow felt like she was going to drift off herself. Between her legs, the cloud fabric clung moistly to Scootaloo’s seed, still leaking out of her cerulean pelvis. If it was from before, or if it was that... second time, she wasn’t sure, but it didn’t matter. That strange stuff oozing out of her was more comforting than she could have expected. It didn’t feel shameful. It felt... redeeming. Colt or filly, Dash had to admit that kid was really something. She flopped on her back, wings spread, staring serenely at the roof of her little bedroom. She could still smell him in here. Be a while before she replaced her walls, given that. “And to think colts could be this awesome,” Rainbow told herself with a contented sigh, “All this time I’ve only been doing fillies. I didn’t even have to bother with any contra—” Rainbow Dash’s face fell into utter, mortified shock. > Unstable Equilibrium > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story of how the Cutie Mark Crusaders ended up with their unusual fourth for estrus and afterwards is a tale that begins with waiting. Some time, but not long before Rainbow Dash noticed Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle hated waiting. Sweetie was grumpily horny, but resigned to the inevitability of her aching nethers in the estrus month. Grumpy, because it was Apple Bloom’s turn this time, yet Sweetie’s body was ready, and uncomfortably ready to be colted again. She’d been taking a walk to clear her head, waiting for Scootaloo to finish up with Apple Bloom back in the clubhouse, and catch up to her, when Sweetie heard some very familiar noises coming from around behind the flower shop, noises that most ponies were trying to pretend they didn’t hear, or to avoid. Well, not Sweetie Belle! There in the back alley, Sweetie found that no good Shady Daze, mounted up on another pony! It was that unicorn filly in her class, the purple haired blueish one, Tootsie Roll or something. Sweetie immediately leapt into action. “No, you can’t!” she shouted, pushing at Shady’s chest. “What—?” the fucked filly said woozily, turning her head at Sweetie Belle’s sudden presence. Ignoring Tootsie for now, Sweetie said to Shady angrily, “Don’t you know what this will do to her!” Shady hung there atop his filly, panting hoarsely, surprise turning to outrage, and then he said, glaring at Sweetie in flat irritation, “Yes, and no thanks to you! I was gonna do this with Apple Bloom, but you got all huffy about it. So now I’m doing it with Tootsie, and yes I know what it will do.” He started thrusting again, the filly beneath him giving nervous squeaks as his shaft did the filly thing to her. “I k-know all about it,” he huffed, “It feels better and... better, and then white stuff comes out!” “White stuff~” Tootsie moaned sympathetically, rocking back against his thrusts. “A-and I can fill Tootsie with white stuff because she really likes it,” he continued in an offended tone, “And you can’t pull us apart because—because we want to do it!” “Oh for the love of Pete!” Sweetie exclaimed, tugging desperately, but ineffectively at the determined colt. But he just kept doing it and doing it! Sweetie wasn’t strong enough to push him off, but she could probably scare him off if she bit him. ...she really wanted to bite him. “Stop pushing!” she told him furiously. “You can still do the white stuff, I promise! Stop doing the thrusting just for one second, so that I can tell you something!” She bit on his tail and tried to pull him back, and it didn’t really work too well, but he stopped thrusting nonetheless, looking back at her in frustration. “I-I can still put white stuff in her,” he insisted. “And I will. Just... hurry up, and say it. It’s hard to—to stop.” “Fillies go into estrus, because it’s when we can get pregnant,” Sweetie hastily told Shady, and that Tootsie filly. Shady looked on in confusion, and Tootsie in horror, as Sweetie scrambled back from the two, babbling quickly, “The white stuff is what makes you pregnant. She’s gonna have to be pregnant for a whole year almost! And her mom’s gonna see it, and her dad’s gonna see it, and everypony in town will know she got pregnant. A-and then, after a year, foals are a lot bigger than—than penises are! She has to push the foal right out of the same place, and it can really hurt a lot, especially if you’re y-young! And then she’s gonna have to carry her baby to school every day, for her whole life, and everypony will laugh at her!” “So go ahead put the white stuff in her,” Sweetie stomped, “And you’ll be her baby’s daddy!” Shady pushed off Tootsie so fast, the filly stumbled forward with the force of it. He backed up from Tootsie, despite his twitching dick hanging below him, gaping at Sweetie saying, “But we... but we already... I didn’t mean to! You’re joking, right? It does not do that!” Sweetie frowned at him, saying, “I know because I was pregnant, remember? I had to learn about it, but after it was too late!” “Is that why you pushed me off of Apple Bloom?” Shady exclaimed anxiously. Sweetie had to blink at that. “We didn’t tell you?” she said, with a wince. Shady shook his head alarmingly, saying, “No, and you just chased me off, like everypony does when I get to a... a filly, and—and I did it in her! I did it in Tootsie Flute! We didn’t want to—we were just playing!” Sweetie wanted to say that the fat, swollen penis swinging between his legs looked like a lot more than just playing. But instead, she shook her head, saying, “I didn’t mean to be mean to you like that. It was just an emergency! We weren’t gonna stop you from having that much fun with Apple Bloom, if there wasn’t a really good reason for it.” “We already did it two times!” Shady whimpered, tears in his eyes as he looked full of worry at a quiet Tootsie. “I didn’t know, honest! I don’t wanna make her pregnant!” “Didn’t your parents tell you?” Sweetie asked Shady, adding a little resentfully. “I thought most parents would tell you.” “My dad has his hooves full raising two colts,” Shady admitted, “But he uh... he’s not that nice of a stallion, so maybe he just... didn’t.” “And your mom?” Sweetie prompted anxiously. “Dunno she’s living in Vanhoover right now,” Shady said mutedly. “I get to visit her on vacation sometimes.” “I knew,” came Tootsie’s quiet admission. Both Sweetie and Shady looked at the off blue unicorn, whose purple bangs had come to shade her eyes as she hung her head in shame. “I—I knew it would d-do that,” Tootsie said, where she lay there still quivering from the penetration. “My gran told me never to do it, but it was so hard. And I–I just started wanting a f-foal. I didn’t tell you because—because you might stop doing it if I did! “I don’t want a foal,” Tootsie told the two of them in her chirruppy voice that didn’t sound right when it was sad. “But I want you in there, again and again! A-and I don’t care if it makes me fat and sinful. I need it! Can’t you see?” She waved her hindquarters at Shady, saying, “P-please, I don’t want to—I need it, but I don’t want it, but Shady please, help!” Contrary to a stallion’s desires, Shady was rather backing up in fear from Tootsie. “I–I’m sorry I—” he stammered, and that’s all he got out before an absolutely livid blue green unicorn filly was in Sweetie’s face, squealing and snapping at her. Wait—what?! The blood flowed down Sweetie’s cheek as she jerked back in shock, finding herself quickly backed up against the wall by the suddenly enraged Tootsie. “Stop!” Sweetie cried, as the filly reared up and smacked her hooves down on Sweetie, who tried to protect her head with her own hooves. “What are you doing?!” Sweetie might have gotten seriously hurt, had Shady done what he did before, and run away. But this time Shady was just there, pushing away an increasingly confused Tootsie, and putting himself in between her and Sweetie Belle. “I should never have done it in you!” he shouted at Tootsie. “It made you all crazy!” “It’s her!” Tootsie shouted back, trying to get around Shady to get at the cowering Sweetie Belle. “She ruined everything! You were doing it to me! You really liked me! And she just blabbed to you how horrible I really am. I—I didn’t mean to! It was going to be fine! I–I was going to figure something out!” The filly was thankfully calming down as she vented. And Sweetie could sort of understand why Tootsie was so mad. Especially since Tootsie just had Shady inside her. That’d just make you feel like exploding at just about anything that went wrong. But... but her cheek was stinging... Sweetie tried not to cry. “A-and now you won’t even touch me,” Tootsie continued telling Shady, crying now herself, “Because I’m a stupid mare of sin, and this stupid tainted womb is just gonna get a big fat foal in it, and that means you can’t touch me! It feels so good when you do, I need it! But I can’t b-because I had to be a mare, with all the stupid mare things, not just the good things.” Any thought of crying died at the sheer anguish Sweetie heard in this poor filly’s words. “Okay, okay, I’m not going to stop you from mating with him,” Sweetie emphasized, struggling to her hooves. “You already spoiled it!” Tootsie told Sweetie spitefully, “Now he knows what I h-have to live with every day.” “I think I can help you!” Sweetie stated as firmly as she could. “But you have to listen to me. How many times did he finish in you?” Tootsie looked at Sweetie, almost uncomprehending, stuck in-between the emotions of sadness and anger. “2,” she finally sniffled. “And... 2 where I made him pull out first. B-but then, I just couldn’t stand it.” “N-no I made you do it,” Shady said kneeling down beside Tootsie. “I didn’t know but—but I just held you down, even when you said to pull out. I thought you were just being a s-scaredy pony. I couldn’t—I didn’t know... I’m sorry...” “Are you still in heat?” Sweetie asked. Tootsie looked at her incredulously. “Don’t answer that,” said Sweetie flat-eared. “Okay, so he finished inside 2 times? How long ago was the second one?” “Y-yesterday,” Tootsie said unhappily. “We’ve been doing it every day since he... since we ran away from home to d-do it.” “It doesn’t always make you pregnant,” Sweetie said seriously. They did what?! She wasn’t ready for this! “You’re probably not pregnant. If your e-estrus goes away, then you’ll know you’re pregnant.” Her mind was racing. Should she send Tootsie to that zebra not-witch? That was totally illegal! Or it was... probably illegal? Anyway, Sweetie would never ever take Tootsie through that horrible forest. What was that herb Zecora used? Sweetie could—probably ask Twilight. And they could ask Twilight too! Because the library was open now, ever since that unicorn moved in! “You girls can—” Sweetie looked up to see Shady once again mounted up and thrusting into a panting Tootsie. “Stop!” Sweetie Belle shouted. Not too loudly though. She didn’t want to know what would happen if this attracted attention. “I—have to!” Shady said bucking into his filly. “You don’t know it—feels. I need it too! I don’t want to—foals, but I need to... white stuff!” “Ah—Shady!” Tootsie said for her part, eyes closed and head tilted back in ecstasy. “You know, and you’re still—you’re still doing it!” Sweetie quietly touched her own cheek. Yeah, it was about time for that. “I said stop!” she shouted, climbing atop Tootsie from the other direction and—well Sweetie wasn’t very good at it, but she tried biting Shady’s shoulder and he gave a pained squeal, so Sweetie figured that was good enough! She tried not to think about how he could do it back, just lashing forward at the colt who was paying very much attention to her teeth now, backing him up until he was off Tootsie, who just crumpled to the ground weeping as he left her. Shady stood there shoulders hunched guiltily, the grey-on-grey colt’s flared penis swaying in the air. “Okay, before anything else, we’re gonna take care of you both,” Sweetie said practically, getting between Shady and Tootsie and raising her tail. “You can do me instead of Tootsie, Shady,” she said tensely. “I have a special trick where I can’t get pregnant. Just—put all your white stuff in me, where it’s safe.” “What about me?” Tootsie said desperately, struggling to her hooves. “I can share the trick with you,” Sweetie hoped, “And then it’ll be okay for you to do this!” The scent of sex was heavy in the alley, and Sweetie tried to work herself up with a hoof, but it was clear this was still gonna suck, at first. “But later,” she snapped, “Now Shady has to get his colt juice out of him, so that you two will be safe, until you can get help.” “But—but I need it!” Tootsie whined anxiously. “My underside is just—it’s so itchy, and empty and achy! What am I gonna do now?” “Just... okay, Shady Daze,” Sweetie said, looking back at the confused, yet aroused colt. “You just mount me whenever you can. T-that’s where you get on my butt and go inside me. No matter what I do, you can just do it whenever you want.” Then she faced Tootsie and said seriously, “Now present to me.” Tootsie looked at her in hurt and cluelessness. “Turn your butt to face me,” Sweetie explained disgustedly, “And raise your tail.” “O-okay,” Tootsie said uneasily, turning and flipping her tail up so fast that one could swear the sound of a whip crack was heard. Sweetie walked forward then ignoring Shady, and just dove into Tootsie’s muff. The other unicorn was so wet from the fucking, that there was a ways to go before Sweetie could clean off all of Tootsie’s tingly juices, but it wasn’t anything worse than Sweetie had seen with Apple Bloom. It was... beautiful really, in a terrible way, for how hot and soft she was down there, and for what it did to her. Tootsie for her part lost her breath with a gasping squeal, as Sweetie thickened her tongue and grazed the inside of this filly’s needy petals. Tootsie tasted... more like daisies than Apple Bloom. Sweetie didn’t understand it, but she didn’t care. There was a filly to take care of here! And then Tootsie was entirely into it when it happened, shoving her rump back against Sweetie so strongly that Sweetie stumbled backwards, herself. Shady figured it out then. Sweetie Belle felt his weight as he clambered on top of her, holding her firmly in place while Tootsie pushed back, smearing girl juice all over Sweetie’s muzzle. By the time Tootsie gave up in her impotent pushing, gasping and relaxing, Shady had already bobbed his dick around underneath Sweetie Belle until he hooked inside her and penetrated. Sweetie lost her breath as his penis just jammed inside her. Her rump felt—Shady didn’t hold back, and Sweetie wasn’t exactly ready. She bit her lip, as she was rubbed in there by a penis that felt more clingy than velvety. And she wasn’t ready to stretch yet! Sweetie tried to relax, and just take him, until that thick phallus in her rear end would start her juices going, but it was like sticking a hoof up your nose. Trying to ignore the rough shoving inside her back there, Sweetie just focused her energy on Tootsie. The other filly’s clitoris practically leapt out at Sweetie Belle, but Tootsie needed a good long, hard release, not just a quick explosion. Ignoring it, Sweetie pressed her lips against the unicorn’s vulva, spreading them, and giving her tongue access to ply Tootsie’s depths. The unicorn’s sharp musk was filling Sweetie’s nose, as she pushed her tongue in deeply, and tried to swirl it around in that way that felt so exotically different from a penis. Moving it within Tootsie not like a pole, but like a living thing. When Tootsie had gotten good and husky breathing again, Sweetie stopped battering her insides and gently lipped at Tootsie’s vulva, tugging on her clit and craning her ears to hear when Tootsie’s squeaks got too pained... or eager. It was hard to even think, with the horny colt pounding her from behind. Sweetie’s eyes were half closed, and her breath was coming hot, despite trying her best not to be distracted by it. How do you not get distracted by a big, strong colt with a fat, hot shaft plumbing your depths? Leaving Tootsie’s insides entirely, Sweetie lay her tongue flat on the other unicorn’s receptive round pelvis, conforming to its shape and sliding all over her down there. And right where Tootsie’s legs came together were her sensitive nipples, that nibbling at at made her sigh with pleasure to touch, made Tootsie roll her hips in the air like they were being mounted, the way Sweetie Belle was. That’s when Sweetie heard the words, “What the heck are you doing, Sweetie?!” The words came to her ears, loud and clear, from the pony trotting up right next to her. There weren’t many ponies investigating down this unused alleyway. Most who heard anything had just looked the other way and hurried off to find business elsewhere. But there was one who certainly would be searching for Sweetie Belle after he left the library, and this pony was not afraid to get involved when heavy stuff was occurring. Both Tootsie and Shady stiffened at Scootaloo’s approach, and Sweetie tore herself from the sensuous palpation of Tootsie’s nethers to hiss at Scootaloo, “Get out! Filly in heat!” “Well, good thing I already did it, then,” Scootaloo said proudly. Oh—oh right, Apple Bloom! Sweetie relaxed at that; it was a real relief knowing Scoots had put it in Apple Bloom. No amount of egging on from Tootsie could get seed to come out that wasn’t made yet. “What’s she want?” Tootsie whined, glaring at the pony who’d interrupted her sudden, forceful introduction to cunnilingus. Sweetie would have answered, but Shady just shook his head and started thrusting again. And, oh Celestia did that feel good. Sweetie’s entire rear end was so hot and tingly, weighed down, and full. Sweetie barely managed to say, “She’s meeting me—he’s meeting me after he goes to the—ungh Shady you... you won’t stop~” And Shady wouldn’t. Not for anything. Sweetie was so good and soaked now, that he squished pushing into her soft white bottom. She loved squishing. He was so deep inside her, and he kept flaring! Like, more than Scootaloo did! Not that there was anything wrong with Scootaloo, but yes! More! Sweetie couldn’t even think about licking Tootsie, losing it to her inner convulsions. Her hormone addled body started climaxing just from Shady’s eagerly insistent penetration. Maybe she would have to get to know Shady better. As Sweetie’s pupils narrowed, and her hips heaved urgently, Scootaloo pulled the eager Tootsie away from Sweetie’s face, leaving Sweetie a few precious moments to focus on the male who was filling her before she just freaking—lost it. So Sweetie stood there in a glorious daze, grunting with each inner contraction as Shady cried out, that she was doing something. Of course she was doing something. She was getting plowed. Sweetie didn’t even have to move, watching almost lazily as the rushing tingles flowed through her of a satisfying climax, watching Scootaloo eating out Tootsie. Tootsie was so close, she started gasping higher and higher in pitch. That anxiousness Sweetie knew well, and she didn’t have to feel it anymore, because her vagina was already doing it! But Tootsie wasn’t long to go, before she joined Sweetie in bliss. Shady was saying something and Sweetie was too out of it to care much, but what she did care about was the twitching, then bobbing of his penis. Then strong spurts inside of her. “Making me a mommy, Shady~” she cooed as his seed started oozing down her pelvis, drooling out of her around his thrashing dick. “All your white stuff~” “What—but you said—but—” he gasped, starting to rear back as his climax ended the fast way that boys did. “I’m kidding,” Sweetie emphasized. “It’s part of the trick... I can pretend to be a mommy all I want.” She wiggled her hips in satisfaction, glorious satisfaction. She had a dick in her. “Allll your seed filling me up.” “T-the white stuff is... seeds?” he said, uncertainly. “It’s got sperms in it,” Sweetie said, “Those seed a filly, and make her bear fruit. You can turn fillies from a flower into a big fat, round apple.” “H-hey, what’s your friend doing?” Shady said, again starting to pull off. Sweetie opened her eyes, and... wasn’t sure what she was looking at. Tootsie wasn’t exactly sobbing, and was definitely orgasming, just shaking as she stood there, giving out animal cries of pleasure. And Scootaloo was mounted on top of her rump, with his penis no doubt plunged in her—! “Scootaloo, no!” Sweetie exclaimed, charging forward with two difficult steps before Shady slid out of her and the sucking sensation in her rear ended, then charging over to where Scootaloo had mounted the hapless filly. “Chill, Sweetie,” Scootaloo told her a bit too calmly. “I just—I’m all empty. I just did it to somepony else. But I—got hard again, so I just put it in Tootsie, because...” He looked down at the filly, who’d been reduced to quivers and breathy whinnies by now, her entire rear end rocking rhythmically pressed tight against Scootaloo’s groin as her hooves moved restlessly, senselessly. “Because you fillies like something to orgasm around,” he said affectionately. “And I love it too. Man Tootsie, you’re really going. It’s like you never even did this before.” There was a pause, whereupon hesitantly trotting up beside Sweetie Belle, and staring at the blissful Tootsie, Shady asked, “Is she... doing something?” Sweetie turned to stare at him. “Oh my Celestia, you don’t know,” she said in shock, looking from Tootsie to Shady. “You don’t know?” she asked Tootsie. “You never did this before?” “It never felt like this,” Tootsie said drunkenly, with a silly smile on her face. “I’m... oh it stopped. I was... squeezing an’ it wouldn’t...” “You couldn’t stop doing it,” Scootaloo prompted helpfully, clopping to all fours beside the filly. “She orgasmed,” Sweetie said to Shady, “Fillies can do it too. The squeezes your penis makes, that make the white stuff come out, it happened to her!” “B-but, she doesn’t have any...” he said in pitiful confusion. “Just—just try to go as long as you can, next time,” Sweetie advised, “And always lick her first. That way she can...” Sweetie trailed off, sidling up beside Tootsie, who was standing alone since Scootaloo unmounted her. “Sorry, it can be kind of... overwhelming,” Sweetie said to the flushed filly, “But at least now you know how Shady feels, when he... does you.” “It’s... it’s okay, I...” Tootsie laughed dryly, hunching her shoulders wearily, “I never felt like that before in my life! You...” she wheeled her head groggily around to gaze with adoration at Shady, “You feel like that every time you do the white stuff?” Shady rubbed his head uncertainly. “I, uh... it feels really good but Tootsie, you just... lost it,” Shady said looking at her with honest concern. “I don’t sit there just... neighing, and pawing the ground. I mean... it was really, really cool.” “Colts like it,” Scootaloo said smugly, to a confused Tootsie. “When you orgasm, you get even more beautiful. It seems goofy to you, but it really does look really cool.” “I... guess so?” Tootsie said, focusing on Scootaloo as if for the first time. And then tilting her head. Then, crouching low on her hooves, Tootsie exclaimed bug-eyed, “You’re a colt!!” Scootaloo blinked at her, then turned over his shoulder and gave Sweetie a pleading look. Sweetie just grinned helplessly and shrugged. Scootaloo turned back, to face a red-faced Tootsie. “I suppose my penis tipped you off?” he suggested dryly. “Oh my Celestia, I can’t believe I said that,” Tootsie groaned, sinking to her belly and covering her face with her hooves. Sweetie would have chided her, but there were more important things to take care of, and at least for now, Tootsie was safe. Those two, they’d been hiding out for all week, apparantly. Mostly from Tootsie’s grandma, who sounded real mean, but what drove them to it was (of course) estrus. With ponies doing weird new things, like mounting each other and stuff, it was just too weird to risk the wrath of those who seemed determined not to teach them about it. Tootsie’s grandmother tried to keep her away from Shady, and they just... ran away together and hid. Well, Scootaloo filled them in, and Tootsie wanted to cry when she heard about it. “It’s not fair!” she protested bitterly, “We were so happy, and now we can’t even do it! And I could be pregnant. Why did I do that?! Why do I even have that thing back there, if it’s gonna make me do stupid stuff like... that!” “I didn’t know your grandma was telling you you would literally go to Tartarus for doing that,” Sweetie said with a frown. “It’s just not true. And it’s natural! And you don’t have to do it, either! It’s hard, but it’s not impossible!” “Why didn’t you tell me?” Shady said on the other side of the increasingly weepy Tootsie. “I would have not done it in you if I knew.” “Because I just really wanded it,” Tootsie bawled, “I’b such a horrible pony!” “You’re not a horrible pony,” Sweetie reassured her frantically. “If you knew,” Scootaloo said poking Shady in the chest, “That some sweet filly was gonna just say no and make you stop putting it in her, you wouldn’t even be a little wanting to not tell her about it?” “No!” Shady claimed hotly, “I... no! I mean, maybe a little... it just kept getting really bad and it was our first season!” “Okay, don’t tell anypony about this, because she could get in big trouble if you do, but I know a pony who can help you,” Sweetie said to them. “She doesn’t think you are evil, or that you have to stop doing what you were doing. She just really knows a lot of stuff, and she can show you what you need to do.” “Who?” Tootsie asked in a harried tone. “I know it might sound weird,” Scootaloo put in, “But you gotta go visit the library. The librarian knows all about like, everything there is to know, and estrus is one of those things. We’re not supposed to tell,” “But you two really need help,” Sweetie finished, “Do you know anypony else who... who ran away?” “I didn’t really run away,” Shady said uncomfortably, “I don’t think my dad really notices I left. He’s fine with me staying um... out for a week or now and again. But Tootsie’s gran, she...” “She just hates me,” Tootsie said in a terrible confidence. “I just couldn’t let her know that I was doing this. She’d stop me a-and she’d be right about all the horrible things she said.” “Talk to the librarian,” Sweetie assured her. “I bet she has books on... mean grandmas or something. If she can’t help you, she will find somepony who can. That’s her job. To find out how to help you.” “Yeah, we’re just... I mean we’re all just a bunch of foals, really, so I dunno any more than you do,” Scootaloo said uneasily. “It’s hard to find grownups to trust, but all you need is one, and then they can teach you um... stuff about other grownups.” “I... I don’t know. That library is supposed to be cursed,” Tootsie said nervously. “My gran always said that—” she cut herself off, frowned and looked down at a greenish blue hoof. “Okay, maybe it’s not really cursed,” she admitted, “But it is awfully spooky.” “So what, you’d rather go and have a foal instead of just going into some creepy tree building?” Shady accused unbelievingly. “Sorta, yeah!” Tootsie retorted in angry response. “I can’t help it! I just get so h-hungry for it. I also don’t want a foal though, so I’m gonna... try...” “Just be gentle with her,” Scootaloo advised. “Miss Twilight seems scary, but she really cares about others and she really wants to not be scary. She just gets excited sometimes. So not even she’s perfect, but just remember she’s a pony just like us, and has feelings and stuff.” There was a pause, whereupon Shady said, “Maybe only I should go.” “No,” Tootsie protested firmly. “We’re both going. This is my bottom at stake too. “I...I’m sorry, Shady,” Tootsie added, turning her nose down before the colt. “I should have told you right... away. B-but it was gran, so I... I didn’t know how to tell you.” “I guess,” Shady said unenthusiastically. “I forgive you. But if you have a foal, you’re gonna do it yourself. I didn’t even want one.” “Do you want one now?” Sweetie asked Shady, giving Scootaloo a wink. “No, I... I mean I guess it would be cool, but I’m way too young!” Shady said. “Would they be like... a mini-foal, or something?” “Well, supposedly no, Tootsie just swells up really big,” Sweetie said waving a hoof, “I dunno how that would even work though, because I got an IUD when I was... um... okay again.” Tootsie held a hoof under her belly, laughing nervously, saying, “F...foals are really big for a filly. I could really fit one in there? How will I even walk?” “You don’t know if you have one just yet,” Scootaloo cautioned her. “Just ask the librarian, and do it right now, before you have to try again.” “I dunno if I’ll ever have to try again, after that,” Tootsie said with a relaxed smile. “I just never finished, and wanted to more and more... but now I feel amazing.” “It’ll come back if you’re not pregnant,” Sweetie cautioned. “But yeah, if you never did the orgasm, you’d just... never be able to stop wanting it.” “I will orgasm you every time,” Shady promised boldly, “And I’ll even go to the library with you, even if the librarian is... even if the rumors are true, I’ll still do it.” “We’ll introduce you,” Sweetie said helpfully, “Just gimme a sec to talk with Scootaloo. About um, Apple Bloom.” Scootaloo’s ear twitched at that, and Sweetie was definitely concerned, if Scootaloo was gonna be able to handle all this estrus taking all his friends away to loopy town. He seemed fine with it, but... it was a lot to ask him to put up with. “Maybe we should talk after,” Scootaloo said to Sweetie uneasily. “I really think this is more important than me being a colt to you and Apple Bloom.” “Still can’t believe you were a colt, all this time,... Tootsie said appreciatively, walking around Scootaloo and looking at him in amazement. “Yeah, well... believe it,” he replied dimly, folding his ears fully and failing not to blush. Poor Twilight Sparkle, she about flipped when she saw the dirty, dissheveled and dehydrated state these horny foals were in, and learned just what had brought them in that state. She was already so stressed out, even if she seemed relieved to finally have some way to vent her frustration. She even sent a letter to the mayor of Ponyville! Who apparantly owed her some favors for saving the town or something. Twilight was helpful and explanative, and the two left a lot less scared and confused than they entered. Tootsie might be pregnant, but at least she knew why she kept doing that to herself now. Tootsie was supposed to go to a place called “Foal Services” which was actually having something to do with the orphanage, even if she wasn’t really an orphan. And Shady not in any danger at home, was told to return there and hide out, and not let any fillies get him alone until Tootsie got back in touch with him. The librarian also showed Tootsie a flyer about an organization that had a place in Ponydale where she could trust that they would give her good advice about her pregnancy, or... possible pregnancy. Twilight wouldn’t let Tootsie take the flyer though, saying that the unicorn filly could get in trouble if certain ponies found her holding onto something like that. Sweetie said that she thought Foal Services were the good guys, but all Twilight would say to that was, “It’s... complicated.” The rest of the foals the three of them knew seemed... accounted for, at least. Hopefully nothing scary like two running away to have babies would happen again. And all that left was dealing with Apple Bloom. So the three had an emergency CMC meeting, in their clubhouse, with as clear heads as they could possibly manage. “Alright Crusaders,” the little yellow filly known as Apple Bloom said up on that wooden podium that they’d built for important announcements that... never were needed for just three Crusaders. But it was fun! “This’s the situation,” she went on seriously. “First, there’s two of us fillies, and only one of us a colt. Ah know th’ book said gender ratios and some odd, and we all can manage it this way, but if something goes wrong we’ll be in trouble fast, and ah dunno if Scootaloo can take both our rumps if neither of us are gonna get preggers an’ go outta heat. Oh, actually that was the second thing, whoops. “So secondly, Scootaloo doesn’t recharge twice as fast as the both of us. Plus mah estrus is just crazy pants. Sweetie’s ain’t goin’ so easy on her either. And don’t you protest, Scootaloo. Ah already know you’re gettin’ confused about the whole thing. Last time you even shouted out Sweetie Belle’s name, when it was me you were doin’!” “Yeah, sorry I—” Scootaloo hoofed the floor and said, before Apple Bloom interrupted going down her scroll, saying, “Thirdly, Scoots ain’t been there when Sweetie needed him. She had to go get under Shady before she got any satisfaction!” “I was doing that to help Tootsie!” Sweetie protested. “I mean I knew Scootaloo would be all boyed out that day, but I would have been fine. I just... well... maybe I would have done something different if I knew Scootaloo was gonna be there.” “I’m trying Sweetie,” Scootaloo whined apologetically, “I even was gonna check after the one with Apple Bloom to see if you’re okay, but you were already taking care of it!” “I know. I just...” Sweetie nervously curled her tail around herself. “It just could have been worse,” she concluded, “If you wanted me and I was already um... Shady. I don’t want you to have to get into fights because of me.” “Fights?” Scootaloo asked in a puzzled tone. “Yeah, that’s how my cheek got cut,” Sweetie said, touching the sore spot and wincing. “Tootsie thought I was getting in the way of her and Shady, and she just was really upset about it. So, if you wanted to get in there, and Shady was already in the way, I just thought you might feel that way too.” “Pff, as if,” Scootaloo said, rolling his eyes. “Tell you what: if we’re doing it right now then, and he comes and pulls us apart, and tells me I can’t do it in you anymore, then I’ll kick his tail. That’s what happened with Tootsie, right? But don’t worry about it, if you’re just helping somepony. I trust you, Sweetie. I know you’ll always be my friend, and we’ll help each other out, no matter what, if it’s estrus, or whatever.” “And I know you’ll always be there for me,” Sweetie said with a little blush. “I know I can’t be as good as Rainbow Dash, but...” “Oh, uh... yeah...” Scootaloo lowered his wings and sighed. “I don’t think you need to be as good as her. She’s just incredible! I just... I’m not really her friend. I’m just her... extra. But you’re my friend. Being with Rainbow Dash is always superawesomextramazing, but she doesn’t... need me, I guess. I can actually help you, so it’s not just what I like. It’s also what I can do for someone. Dash is just... way out there, and you’re right here...” Scootaloo nuzzled Sweetie’s cheek. “...with me.” Apple bloom cleared her throat uncomfortably, before they could start gazing moonily into each other’s eyes. “Anyhow, so something has gotta be done. We been spending so much time with this estrus thing, we’ll never get our cutie marks at this rate! So ah propose that we get another colt involved. Somepony we can trust. He can take care of me, so Scootaloo can focus on Sweetie Belle, and that’ll give us time on the side to try to find out what our special talent is.” “Are you sure, Apple Bloom?” Scootaloo said uncertainly. “You know how many fillies there are compared to colts. Would it really be fair?” “Come on, you two told me about Tootsie, an’ she’s still walkin’ on air,” Apple Bloom said in a consternated huff. “What we feel ain’t the same scale with most fillies. They just get kinda clingy, and creepy, and uhm... well, okay maybe they do feel on the same scale, but it’s not like we gotta get a colt all to ourselves. Just somepony to help me out when ah need it, so I cain stop butting in between the two of you.” “You’re not intruding, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie Belle assured her. “Me and Scootaloo both like being with you. Don’t just go looking for another colt because you think we don’t like it! Because we do! I do, at least. You do, right Scootaloo?” “You bet!” Scootaloo confirmed with a hoof pump, adding less securely, “Though uh, I dunno if you really do, Sweetie. Remember that time last week when you were so itchy you just pushed me down, and I couldn’t even get it up?” Sweetie blushed at the memory, saying, “Yeah, but—” “An’ remember that time our butts were practically warrin’ over Scootaloo’s boy thing?” Apple Bloom put in. “It musta looked awful funny, but it felt seriously bad. There weren’t no way he could get us both, an’ it just ain’t as satisfying if’n you don’t get a boy in ya.” “Okay, fine, so we have some i-issues that Scootaloo can’t always fix,” Sweetie admitted glumly. “Estrus isn’t all year though, maybe we can tough it out?” “Ah know we can tough it out,” Apple Bloom contested confidently. “But why should we, if we cain’t just find a colt who can keep up with us?” “That’s the other thing,” Scootaloo said, pacing back and forth on the clubhouse floor. “Colts are all so... wishy washy! I know I’m technically one, but it’s true. I like playing filly games, not silly little colt things, and that’s fine, but who else is gonna be like me? Dart? Snips? When I told him we were going to try for a bear hunting cutie mark, he fainted! Who does that?” “Well I wanted to get a bear hugging cutie mark,” Sweetie pointed out, “But either way, we’re not even friends with any other colts, are we? Are we just gonna randomly go ask a colt to be our friend? Because I’m pretty sure he has to be your friend before he goes and promises to help for the whole month? I don’t even know if Shady would do that for me again! “Relax, you two,” Apple Bloom said confidently. “Ah can find another colt too, an’ then we’ll all have special someponies!” “They’re not exactly easy to find, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie remarked in a unapproving tone. “You can’t just go pick a colt off of a colt tree.” “Don’t you worry, Sweetie,” Apple Bloom said, rubbing her hooves together. “Ah have just the colt in mahnd...” They looked at her for a while, and Scootaloo finally said, “So... are you gonna tell us who it is?” “Oh! Right!” Apple Bloom said with a startled snort. “Ah was gettin right to that. See, you know how we been goin’ to the library more often since estrus started, right? Not for estrus, but for miss Twilight’s Twilight Time thingy. Well, why not somepony from there?” “Shoeshine?” Scootaloo asked uncertainly. “No, the one like you!” Apple Bloom whispered all conspiratorially. “Like me?” Scootaloo wondered, “You mean... no.” “Oh, right, we did find another colt who’s all fillyly,” Sweetie realized musingly. “That colt? No,” Scootaloo reasserted firmly. “He doesn’t even say anything!” “Well he talks to me,” Apple Bloom said somewhat grumpily. “Ah think he’s perfect!” “He’d run for the hills, the moment you even mentioned estrus! He’s like the quietest most unassuming colt in the whole school!” Scootaloo protested insistently. “Ah think he’s real nice, and ah think he’d go for it!” Apple Bloom said huffily. “He just thinks he’s a wimp, but he’s real tough when it counts! An’ I think he likes me!” “There is no way, or even a little chance,” Scootaloo said, waving his hoof for emphasis, “That you are going to have any luck with” Pastor Tightbottom gazed happily at his herd gathered before him. Ponies from all over town came to him for help and guidance, and guidance he gave them. Teaching them about Celestia’s Word, and the way to be straight and true. They trusted him, and he deserved that trust, because for so many years he’d led the congregation closer to paradise. And with the miracle of this year’s estrus, they had never been closer to that beautiful, pristine purity. “My Friends, I would like to tell you the story of a Sun touched colt, who alone could resist the temptations of fallen fillies in estrus,” he told them. He usually gave his sermons in the form of a story. Some prominent character in Princess Celestia’s lofty and lengthy history, carefully chosen to bring his herd to the conclusion he was duty bound to lead them to. He told stories of colts who survived estrus clean and untouched, of fillies who knew their place, and what happened to the ones who didn’t. He told of the angelic purity that he had spent his whole life discovering, that the innocence of youth was the key to salvation, and the fruit of knowledge was the first step to unforgivable, ineffable sin. Some weren’t strictly the Word of the Princess herself, but he made a good effort to include her words as much as possible, and it’s not like anyone was in a position to question him. They knew only he had the spiritual purity needed to understand the words of Our Princess without falling into the sins of doubt and cynicism. Only he had the isolated, cloistered lifestyle that protected him from being corrupted by the sins of the material world. That gave him an incredible freedom, that he was grateful for every single sermon. The Princess said she would never lead them to Paradise, but by carefully couching his words, and emphasizing how wonderful it is if a colt or a filly remains innocent of estrus until they’ve grown beyond it, Pastor Tightbottom could lead them to paradise, himself! “Blessed is the child, who suffers not the fire of knowledge within her loins,” he would tell his herd. “Who remains pure and chaste, the shadows of her birthright unable to wrack her mind and body with sinful desire. For how can she lust after what she has been protected from? How can she desire that which she knows nothing of?” As he spoke, he scanned the gathering, taking a mental tally of who was present, and what it meant. That troublesome unicorn filly was still attending. Her family was good and faithful, but she’d been something of a problem this year. If he didn’t do something, she might infect more blessed innocents with the taint of understanding. She may have been in her first estrus, but she was far too young to understand how innocently trying to help somepony understand is the very act that curses them with uncontrollable sexual desire. He couldn’t act directly, as her family was in very good standing with the church, but he could subtly imply that she was a bad little filly for hurting others by telling them the sins that librarian... that librarian had put into her sweet little head. The librarian, who... never attended his congregation. He was sure she was a foul minion of the Moon, sent to test his faith, and foment unrest and confusion in his flock. He prayed in his time alone, that he would be able to expose that mare for the evil influence she represented, but the Nightmare is if nothing else unerringly crafty, and Tightbottom was no divine princess, just a simple stallion, with a simple agenda. The Apples were here in force: loyal attendees since before Tightbottom had even been a colt in the church choir. They were always a good source of dumb, pliable worshippers, either by the size of their clan, or the size of their brains. Though the orange mare had been asking too many questions lately, no doubt still traumatized by the passing of her parents so many years ago. And the little ketchup and mustard filly barely looked like she was paying attention, but most foals were that way, as what he said was above their understanding. The orphanage brought its colts and fillies to take part as well, under strict supervision and on their best behavior. No problems there. There were schoolteachers and bakers, farmers, and farriers, all listening rapt in attention, as he colored another story for them. If he were more discerning, he might have noticed some worried faces among those smiling in bliss, looking at him with a concern they hadn’t shown before somepony told them to be wary. But Pastor Tightbottom was but a simple stallion, and on his pulpit, he always felt like he could do no wrong. Celestia Herself spoke through him, and if he found himself wanting things to be a certain way, then it was as good as if she spoke those words herself. As he spoke, the pastor thought fondly of the devotational colts attending his church, how earnestly he would protect them from estrus. He wouldn’t include it in his speech here, as it was technically illegal, but he knew the secret to getting a colt through estrus untouched and pure. Only the touch of a stallion could stay their nacent desires, and ensure they had no sinful urges towards fillies, and Tightbottom was all too happy to provide. Though they wanted to know what it was he was doing for them, he was firm in ensuring that they remained innocent and pure. They liked what he did for them anyway, even if they didn’t think that was true, yet. Perhaps this time, perhaps this estrus was the one where some sweet, innocent colt or filly would make it through the entire time without anypony trying to warn them, or teach them what sins lay buried in their psyche just waiting for them to commit. Perhaps the chosen of Celestia would come from his very church, where his tireless devotion enabled the Unsullied Foal to rise up, and join the princess in the holy war against the Night that was to come, in the trying days ahead. The pastor could only humbly guide his flock in that direction, and hope against hope that when the sun fell from the sky forever, again, that they would be ready to accept Princess Celestia into their hearts. > Dinky's Day Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Heya, Dinks!” Apple Bloom said again, near scaring Dinky out of his sweet little wits. “H-h-hi Apple Bloom,” he said, unsure of just how she found out he was a colt. When he asked, Apple Bloom said she just had gotten a more discerning eye for these things. It was that stupid estrus is what it was, making him more and more different from the fillies, as it drove them absolutely off the wall batty. Dinky just wanted to blend in with the other foals, but the fillies, they kept sticking their butts at colts, and trying to be friendly to them when they would otherwise turn up their noses. Even the meanest fillies were a cooing melty pile of affection it seemed, where colts were involved. He kind of liked how they kept doing that butt thing, where their weird filly parts would move, but it was just so strange for his own classmates to be acting that way. Dinky figured his gender neutral appearance and low profile assured that they wouldn’t do anything to him directly, but Apple Bloom... While the other fillies were all going after the obvious colts and leaving Dinky to himself in peace, Apple Bloom was making for Dinky like a colt seeking missile. And she wasn’t just friendly with him. She was downright aggressive! What’s worse is she kept teasing him terribly with the fact that she knew all about her estrus and he did not. Dinky wanted to go to the library and read about it, but it was bad enough the pastor said learning was bad, there was that scary pony there that he wasn’t going to get anywhere near. Certainly none of his school textbooks had anything about estrus, or why Apple Bloom said she was just “showin’ off” for him. He really wasn’t sure. What was clear was that it was making his penis act... very uncooperative. It normally only got stiff in early hours of the morning, and sometimes he’d wake with a mysterious sense of relief and a big freaking mess to clean up. He didn’t really know what was going on, and his mother, bless her heart, was just too confusing to really give him much advice. It was bad enough he had to learn how to speak from learning to read at school, but everything she said was implications, and Dinky just wasn’t experienced enough to know all the weird references she made. Plus, estrus wasn’t limited to fillies alone, so even his mom got touchy and bottom shakey this time of year. He usually got the house mostly to himself, while his mom pointedly avoided both stallions and colts, hiding off somewhere so they couldn’t... something about teacups and balloons? Dinky really didn’t understand his mom’s thinking process. What he did know was that Apple Bloom could draw out his colthood at the flip of a bit, making Dinky instantly stand out from everypony around. When she flashed her nethers, he tried really hard to keep it from coming out, but it was a losing battle. She’d spread her flowery petal things down there with a hoof, and tickle his nose with her tail. He always ended up running away from her, and just dunking his groin in the stream to try to ease the swelling...whatever it was that was happening to him. Apple Bloom seemed to know there was nothing wrong with it, but Dinky wasn’t nearly so confident. How did she know so much about estrus stuff anyway? Did fillies have a special class or something? In the end, his most reliable source of information about this mysterious month was Apple Bloom. He just didn’t trust any other sources, and especially not the other colts who said something about going to Tartarus and being pure, stuff that seemed completely unrelated to a penis problem. He was pretty sure they didn’t have a clue either, and he couldn’t often approach them, what with how they were already beset by aroused fillies. But Apple Bloom, something just gave Dinky a hunch that she had real insight into what was going on. So he said, “H-h-hi, Apple Bloom,” instead of running away once, and started trying to figure out how to ask her, without getting teased for it. But it wasn’t long before she was making fun of him again. She caught him alone again; she had an uncanny ability for doing that. No other ponies could see them here around behind the building Dinky had been taking a shortcut past. There in the alleyway, Apple Bloom raised her tail dancing into the air and said, “Welp, time t’ get your thing out again!” in entirely too cheerful a tone. “Stop teasing me!” Dinky said with a wince, covering up his already shifting groin with his forehooves. Her custard yellow rear end still had those mysterious folds in it, that Dinky found so fascinating in fillies. It was like somepony had taken a colt, and just pulled the penis out of him like a lego brick, with only the coupling for it left behind. Both he and Apple Bloom had the same asshole, but that... filly place was just so different. And it kept moving. “W-why are you doing this...” he whimpered. Not whimpering because he wanted it to stop, though he did, but because he wanted to be more confident, and demand that Apple Bloom tell him what the hay she is teasing him so much about. “Ah dunno, maybe y’oughta find out,” she said coyly, sauntering past him with a little hip sway. “Ain’t estrus just terrible, makin’ me all feel this way? Oh if only there were a colt who could help me out!” “How am I supposed to help you when you just walk like... that, and don’t tell me anything!” Dinky exclaimed in exasperation. This was just getting out of hoof. He had to talk to her, to tell her... something. Think, Dinky! What words had he read, that would be the right thing to say? “C’mon,” the bold yellow filly still teased, hanging her humid rear before his face. It looked um... tasty. That’s silly though. And it smelled a... a lot better than he’d have thought, not at all like pee, or feces. “Ain’t this doin’ anything to ya?” she asked, in a bit of an exasperated tone herself. “Yes!” Dinky said with a grimace. “It’s making my p-p... my thing hard.” This was the strongest she’d ever come on to him, and it was overwhelming! Her sheer smell was just intoxicating, and a drop was trickling out of her dew dappled folds. And now he was blushing because his penis was hard, sticking up between his legs like a pole. It felt so tense! He wished some of the blood in his face would get taken out of it, but when Apple Bloom danced before him, there was little he could do about it. “An’ you feelin’ like doin’ anything with it?” Apple Bloom asked leadingly, without turning around, “Like, to a filly in heat, perhaps?” He scrunched up his muzzle, and said, “I just want you to stop tea—” “Ah’m not teasin’ you!” she interrupted before he could even say it. “Ah’m asking you an honest question. Ah always have been! Just... just answer it straight, okay?” “How are you not teasing me?!” “How am ah teasing you?!” “I um...” Dinky was putting the pieces together, if slowly. Clearly her estrus was making his penis feel like this, and clearly she knew he was supposed to do something to her with it. That was as far as he got though. “I don’t know!” he exploded. “I don’t know and you won’t tell me! It keeps getting hard, and I just—I just stare at your bottom and it’s all fillylike and stuff, and I just don’t know what to do!” “Please, you have to stop doing this,” Dinky about begged, having difficulty even standing like this. “It starts to hurt after a while! Do you really hate me that much? Just stop sticking your b-butt at me, so it can go back to normal already!” Apple Bloom, surprisingly, did. She turned to face him with an aching, and searchingly serious expression on her sweaty face. “You really don’t have any idea?” she asked in disbelief, “What you’re supposed to do? Nothin’ naturally occurin’ to you?” Dinky felt very unsure of himself, because here was his tormenter this month, suddenly hurting and vulnerable and practically speaking her soul to him through her vivid orange eyes. He didn’t know the words, he... answered honestly, like she requested. “I get some um... thoughts, but they’re stupid.” “Try me,” Apple Bloom said in a deadpan. “Your um... butt looks sort of... tasty?” Dinky says. “I know it’s not food though, it just sort of um... I sort of want to hug you? It’s just too confusing, I’m sorry...” “A-ah guess it really don’t come natural then,” Apple Bloom said in a surprisingly subdued tone, with an uncertain lift of her hoof. “Why don’t ya hug me then, and if’n I look like food go ahead and lick me?” At least she wasn’t teasing him anymore, but this was worse! He wanted her even more, now! “I–I–I can’t do that would be horrible,” Dinky said with a growing note of horror. “I don’t eat any meat, honest! Okay fish sometimes, but my mom is a pegasus what do you expect? You really want to get... eaten?” And Apple Bloom just kind of stared at him like she wasn’t really looking at him, but realizing something. “Okay, ah know ah’ve been bad to you so far,” she said to Dinky urgently, “But ya gotta meet me at the old cotton barn tomorrow. Ah have it all planned out. Ain’t got any chores, and your mom said you’re as free as a melon, whatever that means.” “She speaks around her ideas,” Dinky explained lamely. “But why should I—” “Ah promise you,” Apple Bloom said with a hand on his chest. “You will not regret it. No more teasin’. I thought you’d be like the other boys and just figure it out, but you just caint, an’ that makes me want to help you even more!” She turned her head away and said a little ashamed, “Ah didn’t even think that you wouldn’t figure it out. All that teasing an’ all ah’m doing is hurtin’ you.” “S-sorry I didn’t figure um... it out,” Dinky said half apologetically. “You might notice I’m a little less colty than the other colts, so maybe they just have something I don’t.” “Oh that ain’t it, trust me,” Apple Bloom said more assertively. “But you gotta remember, after lunch meet me in the old barn. You only gotta wait one day, and I can clear up all the problems you been havin’ about estrus.” “Wait, wait, you wish to teach me about estrus?” Dinky asked in disbelief. “Of course!” Apple Bloom said with a stomp. “How else are ya gonna help me with mah estrus! A-ah mean, maybe you don’t wanna know, but this’s real important!” “I thought you were just teasing me!” Dinky said, whipping his tail in frustration. “I was trying to think how should ask you!” “...oh. Well why didn’t you say so?” Apple Bloom said, her own tail twitching for... reasons, as she clearly was staring at his stupid, stubborn colthood. Dinky just didn’t know what to tell this infuriating filly with her incomprehensible motivations. “You... know about this stuff,” Dinky said evenly. “I need to learn about it, and I really would be grateful if you’d teach me. B-but the teasing doesn’t teach me, it just teases me for not knowing.” “Ah’ll teach ya everything I know,” Apple Bloom said earnestly, “Tomorrow after lunch in the old cotton barn.” Tomorrow, after lunch, in the old cotton barn, Dinky was pretty sure this was a huge mistake. But he said yes. How could he not, with her looking so... hurt by whatever was bothering her? So vulnerable? Apple Bloom left him alone in that alleyway, which let Dinky calm down some, but when Dinky got to his hooves, his penis slapped against his belly. That felt... really good for some reason. But he just blushed then, and waddled for the nearest creek, to take down the odd swelling again. That... worked, but it left him tingly all over, and trying to itch himself on things. So, tomorrow after lunch, against his better judgement, Dinky was about to be at the sole mercy of a filly who did nothing but torment him for the past week, without even any adults nearby if she decided to rough him up. He didn’t trust her, but he didn’t have any choice. She had the answers and he kind of... really wanted to help her, if she’s been needing something all this time. He felt so... pent up, that he just had to release this tension, if there was any chance at all they could help each other. In the barn, the scent of an excited filly doing lusty things with herself filled the air, not that Dinky knew that. He didn’t know precisely what he was smelling, but he was sure of two things: it was Apple Bloom, and it smelled incredible. His eyes quickly dilated to adjust to the lower light levels, and Apple Bloom was already in there, trotting right up to Dinky. “You came!” she exclaimed happily, butting noses with him. “I...yeah,” he said turning his head away. “M-my um... boy stuff really is... hard to deal with too, so even if I don’t get um, estrus so maybe we could help each other? I kind of think you know what to do to help me out? And you won’t tease the ideas right in front of me?” “Oh, tease!” Apple Bloom exclaimed suddenly. “Like I was danglin’ the ideas right out of your reach, even though ah was in your reach. You didn’t mean like, makin’ fun of you.” “No, I mean to tease me, with the stuff I don’t know,” Dinky confirmed hesitantly. “I get the words wrong sometimes, sorry.” Apple Bloom was being so communicative and not trying to stick her nose under his tail, Dinky was starting to feel better about this already. Maybe she had stopped teasing him, and he finally would learn what he was supposed to do with her. “Sorry, this—” Apple Bloom put a hoof on her forehead, “—estrus gets to me sometimes. Makes me wanna all stick mah butt at you, an’ prance around like ah was tryin’ t’get you to follow me.” “Should I follow you?” Dinky asked uncertainly. “Well, um, yeah in a sense,” Apple Bloom vaguely confirmed. “Ah’m not askin’ you to trust me, but... ah swear as crazy as some of this sounds, I am telling the honest truth.” Dinky squinted his eyes at her, then said insistently, “Pinkie Pie swear?” “Ah’m tellin’ the truth,” Apple Bloom said, ritualistically pantomiming, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my ow!” Dinky offered hesitantly, “You know you’re not supposed to actually...” “Ah know, ah know!” Apple Bloom said in embarassment. “Alright, I... guess I have to trust you then,” Dinky says. “Now, why does my penis keep getting stiff like this around you?” “Uh...” Apple Bloom looked around as though hot pink vengeance would erupt from the shadows at any moment. “Well it’s hard to esplain, so it’s better if we just do it, now that we’re alone here. So ah’m just gonna show you how it works,” she said slyly, turning her butt to face him. Apple Bloom raised her cherry red tail and ohmygosh did the sight of her butt make his penis just throb. She had strong hips, already widening from the apple bucking she helped out with. Apple Bloom was going to be a big pony down there, just like her sister. And between those thighs, beneath the ubiquitous anus, she had that inscrutable... something. It danced at him even as he watched. “You’re not teasing me,” Dinky said uncertainly, unable to stop staring at this beautiful filly’s rear end. “You just want me to... figure it out?” “Ah’m showin’ you,” Apple Bloom said. “Right where ah’m a filly and you’re a colt. It’s like a... pop quiz like. Makin’ your penis stiff, and then what?” “S-s-so it’s okay if I’m... stiff,” Dinky said carefully, “And I do... something with your bottom?” “Yeah, try lickin’ it,” Apple Bloom repeated stiffly, as if it were obvious and she was getting impatient. “But I told you—” Dinky said in frustration before Apple Bloom interrupted saying, “You’re not gonna eat it! Just lick it. Ah really n-need you to lick it...” “You... need me?” Dinky said, standing behind her to regard that needy, needy bottom. “Nghyes,” Apple Bloom said, “Shady’s all y’know and ah told Scoots ah’d get your help and... ah just need a colt right now, and you’re my friend, so ah been wanting yours, more and more.” “My what?” Dinky asked. It took Apple Bloom a beat to answer, when she said definitively, “Your tongue!” “My tongue?” Dinky repeated dumbly. “It feels real good when you lick me down there,” Apple Bloom said wiggling her hindquarters eagerly. “So so hurry it up and then you’ll get to the real special part.” Dinky hesitated, took one look at Apple Bloom’s slimy, moist vulva, and then just cautiously, anxiously, lay his tongue on one of her buttocks, and groomed the fur flat there. “No you gotta lick mah vulvas,” Apple Bloom immediately corrected him. “Not just on mah butt.” “What are vulvas?” Dinky asked innocently. “It’s the filly parta me,” Apple Bloom explained. “Looks kinda like a pocket? Where it gets all wrinkly and pink inside. You know, the parts I was uh, dancin’ for you.” With a grimace, Apple Bloom managed to make herself wink right beside his cheek. “Like that,” she said with a curious intensity to her voice. “B-but you’re all slimy down there!” Dinky exclaimed. Then he blushed saying, “I–I mean no offense but you might have something—” “Ah swear to you, that you won’t mind lickin’ even the slimiest thing ah got down there,” Apple Bloom said hotly. “Your tongue is slimy,” she contested. “It don’t feel nothing but good!” “You Pinkie Pie swear?” Dinky repeated. Apple Bloom sighed, lowering her tail a bit. “No, ah caint Pinkie Pie swear that, because you’re the one who has to decide in the end, but every colt I been with seemed to like it just fine.” “How many colts?” Dinky asked hesitantly. “Two,” Apple Bloom said impatiently, “An’ ah want you to be three, because the one’s busy with mah friend, and the other’s scared of me. Ah’m tryin’ not to scare you too, but come on my lil’ lips are right there, you just gotta lick ‘em, please!” Dinky stared at Apple Bloom’s needy, quivering, lust addled form, and the only thing he could say is, “Okay.” He was hesitant at first, just lightly touching his tongue to those weird slimy wrinkled lips and... oh ew, she was even dripping to the ground. Just how slimy did she get down there—! And that’s when Apple Bloom just gave a harsh cry and shoved her snatch needily into his face. Dinky pulled back somehow, but he was feeling pretty woozy too. Her scent–her slime was all over his muzzle. It was just doing things to him that he didn’t understand, and it only started with the penis between his legs. He pulled back, and crossed his eyes, touching his muzzle which felt... pleasantly slimy? “Sorry, I’ll lick you now, really,” Dinky said, blushing hard as he moved toward her filly parts. And she was right, he liked this just fine. Dinky thought his hesitant tongue touches were driving Apple Bloom wild, but that was nothing as his confidence grew. He came to realize that Apple Bloom’s gross wrinkly insides felt like the softest velvet, her slime tasted like apples, and she smelled incredible. It was that wonderful scent she had, and the air in the barn had, but concentrated at the source, dizzily overpowering, and making his penis thicken, and throb fiercely, feeling lonely between his legs. Dinky licked more and more. The more he licked, the more Apple Bloom’s tense cries turned into a relieved, heavy panting. He felt like he was getting lost, in the need to clean out her every crevice with his tongue. His dick ached so dearly deep inside his whole groin, making Dinky want to be closer to her. How could he be closer to her though? They were muzzle to groin! Dinky really wanted to hug her close. He couldn’t think. He just climbed up on her back and hugged her tight and... ...what was he even doing? “Umf, sorry Apple Bloom I don’t know why I... up here on top of you,” he said, pushing off her rump and scooting back to put his head between her legs again. “I’ll lick you, like I’m supposed—” “No, no do that again!” Apple Bloom shouted urgently, almost in a panicked tone. “...climb up on you?” Dinky asked skeptically. “Yeah, just like you just did,” Apple Bloom said with an excited quiver. “Your body was tryin’ to tell you something, an’ you gotta listen to what it says!” “I... I guess so?” Dinky said uncertainly. He reared up and held Apple Bloom’s hips in his forehooves tenuously but tenderly. What was he feeling about her? Apple Bloom seemed so much more than just somepony he knew. It was like they had a connection together, like they were fast friends, or like she was his family, or... mom. At the thought of a filly version of ‘mom’ standing with her rump under his hooves like this, Dinky’s dick just freaking smacked his belly. He didn’t know why it was feeling so good, but if Apple Bloom said it was okay, maybe he didn’t even have to go drown this swelling in cold water! “Scootch up a lil’ closer,” Apple Bloom said slyly. Dinky did so, walking on his hind legs to better grip around her haunches. “Lil’ closer,” Apple Bloom repeated, and Dinky did so. “Just a bit more,” Apple Bloom insisted. Dinky was so close to her he was practically wrapped around her by the time she was satisfied. Her round, yellow body was soft and warm beneath him, from the rump his forehooves were straddling, up the curve of her back, even to the soft pink bow wrapping up her tomato red hair. Dinky’s dick twitched at the sight of the filly beneath and against him, and with a gasp he had to pull back, because it smushed right up against Apple Bloom’s slimy lip things. And that felt incredible! “S-sorry,” he said blushing hard. “I didn’t mean to hit your... thing, I just... it just happened.” “Well, ah guess if we’re gonna be close like this,” Apple Bloom said snidely, “Then it’s gonna hit there an awful lot! Who knows what could happen?” “You said you weren’t going to tease me,” Dinky told the filly underneath him in a disgruntled tone. Despite being the pony holding down the other pony, he didn’t feel like the one in control here, not the least. “Oh, g-gosh, sorry,” Apple Bloom said in an abashed tone. “T-this darned estrus needs you, and ah just... never mind. Just... okay, no teaisng. U-use mah vulva to make your penis feel good. Rub it all over. It’ll feel real good for me too, just like it feels for you, except backwards.” Dinky wasn’t sure Apple Bloom made a lot of sense, but he knew he was supposed to use his... stiff penis somehow, so maybe it was like licking? “Are you sure I can...?” he said, his breath catching as he experimentally slid his pole along the unbearable wetness of Apple Bloom’s nether lips. “Yeah!” Apple Bloom yelped. “Y-yeah, just... y’feel good against me, but now ah feel like I’m the one being teased. P-please just... more?” Apple Bloom’s breathing evened and her body relaxed more as Dinky started steadily stroking his penis in her vulva. It was great too, because she was telling the absolute truth. It felt incredible to rub her vulva on his penis, and the wetter and slimier they got, the better it felt. His penis was downright tingling from the feeling of it! He got a bit greedy then, not even asking the pony as he shifted around trying to find creative ways to make that tantalizing tingle even stronger. His tip seemed more sensitive so he stopped sliding the whole thing under Apple Bloom’s belly and just prodded her vulva with that oh so deliciously sensitive flat tip at the end of his penis. He rubbed on her and he pushed, and he moaned, and she moaned and he rubbed as deep into her as he could... go? How deep did those wrinkly lips get? He still hadn’t found the bottom that he found with his tongue, that stiff pink fleshy wall his tongue had pressed up against. It couldn’t be further though, because his penis felt like it was being practically wrapped around, by the panting filly beneath him. He pushed forward again and he sank into her. “W-what’s...” he stammered as his penis sank into the moaning filly’s hips. He pushed; he had to push. He must have been inside her entire abdomen, somehow. She just kept going in! His penis was quickly surrounded on all sides by the quivering texture of Apple Bloom’s vagina, and her yellow hips concealing them within. “How...” he managed. “I-is this... okay??” “Ohh, y’...” Apple Bloom slurred emotionally, “You figurred it out!” “I’m... what?” Dinky said his mind muzzy with the greater tingles spreading from everywhere Apple Bloom touched him from inside herself. “Yes, this is okay,” Apple Bloom said urgently between deep breaths, “Yes you figurred it out. Yes ah want you in there. Oh Dinky you’re just incredible in there. How do I... how do ah feel?” Dinky couldn’t process this. His... penis was tucked under Apple Bloom’s tail, and sticking into her like she was a... sheath, a very wet sheath, and he was the sword. “Y-you like me being in there?” A pause, and Apple Bloom took a deep breath, then stated calmly, “When ah feel you fillin’ me up, I wager... feels just as good as you do right now. Don’t ya feel so unh... good, Dinky? Ah’m all wrapped around you b-because ah have to be.” “If... if you like it then I love it,” Dinky said beside himself with fascination, “I’m gonna... you feel like I do, and it doesn’t hurt?” “Ah’m the opposite of hurt!” Apple Bloom said. “You’re doin’ just perfect, everythin’ ah dreamed you’d do!” “H-how about this?” Dinky said, indulgently sliding his penis further into the secret passage concealed in Apple Bloom’s hips. “Oh golly,” she breathed in response, “More. Give me it all! Just freakin’ shove it in there!” Dinky shoved so hard against her, he was worried he broke Apple Bloom at first. But she was just feeling so very good that she couldn’t speak in anything but a tight squeal at first. That’s what she told him, when he was afraid to continue. “Ah’m just feelin’... so good can’t talk... you feel it tooo.” And Dinky did feel it. His penis was hot and slimy and deep, and his heart was racing. He didn’t know why he was inside Apple Bloom, or what these rising tingles were, but he couldn’t believe how good it felt. He never wanted to leave! He told her that, as he hugged her rear to him desperately, “I never want to leave from inside you!” Dinky lay upon her, seeing only the filly’s mane all tied up in a pretty pink bow, and framed by fuzzy soft yellow ears. That beautiful bow looked a bit dissheveled from Apple Bloom’s state of wild disarray. It seemed unreal, but there was no distinction between the filly he gazed at, and the yellow rump his own purple forehooves were wrapped around, a rump which was in turn wrapped around him inside there. Her tail was even wrapped behind him, shifting slightly. “Y’have to pull out,” Apple Bloom said with a lusty shift of her hips against him, his own conforming flat against hers, not a single part of his shaft that Apple Bloom wasn’t full of right now. “B’cause that’ll let you push in me even more.” “You... really want that...” Dinky mentioned breathlessly, amazed at how much Apple Bloom loved just being filled like this. The joy Dinky felt at those sweet, hot, wet confines, somehow Apple Bloom felt the same way about his penis? Dinky’s penis wasn’t wet, or hot, or tight. Just painfully stiff, a pain that evaporated once Apple Bloom’s snug confines enclosed his turgid member. Somehow, Apple Bloom’s soft yellow, smoothly curved pelvis cried out to be filled, just as much as Dinky felt his penis love filling it. Because she was a filly and he was a colt. That was why her estrus... why everypony’s estrus made them that way, because of how incredible she felt when she got him to do this. If she felt like Dinky did right now, then—then she could put her butt in his face him all day, and he’d understand why she wanted it so bad. The pink bowed filly ground her fuzzy yellow hips against his lavender ones. She slid him inside her with her intense rocking. Her insides quivered all around him needily. Heck she teased him into doing this, all this time, for no other reason than so Apple Bloom could have a penis pushed into her, in that precise place. What was Apple Bloom feeling right now? What did she feel, that made her lift her tail, and present her rear, and groan with such an immense relief when Dinky finally, accidentally pushed in? There was nothing amazing about Dinky for her to feel, yet she wasn’t satisfied until she felt it in there, and now that he was inside her, Apple Bloom was tossing her cherry red mane, and rocking against him, and he was rocking against her. It was making him slide in her, in and out in shallow thrusts. The feel of Apple Bloom’s moist walls sliding along Dinky’s shaft was even better than the satisfaction of penetrating this filly. They made a tingle rise in his shaft, like he was scratching the deepest itch inside him. As for Apple Bloom, even her scarlet tail was hugging around behind him, his own plain blonde tail simply bent down, with the effort of just being inside her. Apple Bloom didn’t just enjoy what was happening; she was as intoxicated by the feeling as he was, from whatever she felt when his penis pushed into her filly parts. It was too overwhelming. He... he was scared to go faster. “Ah want y’ to do it so bad,” Apple Bloom moaned senselessly, inflaming his unstoppable desires, rocking against him so hard he had to hold her tight just to stay inside. “Want y’in there, and you are!” Somehow Apple Bloom wanted it... she wanted him in there. Dinky had no way to comprehend that desire, but it matched perfectly with his powerful need to provide it, to be there for her, to stroke himself inside what felt like the most delicious moist petals, inside the place in her hips that Apple Bloom needed him to be. Dinky had to stop thrusting, just so he could think enough to ask, saying in confusion, “Not hot and... I’m not wet, or hot, a-and I can’t squeeze. You don’t have a... penis! How could I make you... so good?” He wanted to tell her how beautiful her unbridled desire made this filly friend of his, but he couldn’t even put it to words. Apple Bloom’s own motions stopped, and they rested there in a silent, but tense moment of attempted thought. They had barely begun coitus, their shallow humping together a distraction from the reality, that Dinky could now feel in stark detail. He was inside her. As for Apple Bloom, she was for the first time really considering the sensations her body felt right now, when she was mounted upon and penetrated, trying to put to words what she was feeling in there. Somewhere in their lust for each other, Apple Bloom decided to trust him, that she wouldn’t scare him away, if Dinky knew, really knew the intensity of her estrus. “Ah get hungry,” Apple Bloom admitted quietly, reluctantly, standing passively beneath him, feeling that divine serenity of a mare, filled. It didn’t look like she had any problem holding up his weight. “I-it aches when ah need it,” she said, “Feels so empty and wet a-and needin’ t’be stretched. Caint think nothin’ else, just penis, penis, penis. Cain’t stop lookin’ at you, an’ wantin’ it in me. Don’ care ‘bout wet; wet’s for you. Ah need stiff an’ fat an... so soft’n smooth like. Y’re stretchin’ me open with that, just makes mah toes curl. You’re a lifeline Dinky, feel so full and ready, a-ah feel so good holdin’ onto you. I need to... n-need to...” Apple Bloom shuddered as her cunt contracted around him firmly in there. Perhaps she could have communicated better, if she didn’t decide to confess while she was in the process of being mated, but the gist of the message got through, and it certainly didn’t make Dinky want to run away. There was no place he’d rather be right now, than penetrating this hungry filly. “You think about what you want,” Apple Bloom said in a suddenly tender voice, passion filling her voice as she started rocking back against him, the penis sliding happening deeper, and even more intensely. “Ah got just what ah wanted,” she explained hastily, “Y’ figurin’ it out, and usin’ mah vaginer to feel good. Ohh you feel so good Dinky ah caint even...” “I-I never felt this good before, Apple Bloom,” Dinky told her shakily, holding onto the senselessly heaving filly. “You’re so wet and hot. Everything amazing there... keep squeezing me and—” Dinky was thrusting again he—he couldn’t stay still when she squeezed like that. It felt too good to stop, and he wanted her to feel so good. “Y’let me do that,” she murmured unsteadily, in an increasingly distant tone as his shaft began pistoning into her body. “Ah love doin’ that squeezin’ withha... withha boy in there... Dinky started answering Apple Bloom’s hungry thrusts in turn, because it was driving him crazy! “Sliding in there,” he moaned, wanting to feel the sliding more an more. He couldn’t hold himself back! “I,” Apple Bloom gasped breathlessly. “Ah love sliding too, so much. An grindin’” she growled, trapping his groin hungrily against hers. “What’s happening to us?!” Dinky panted intensely, while the guttural feeling of fucking his filly suffused through him. “Y’don’t even know,” Apple Bloom panted heavily, pushing against his virgin thrusts with vigor, “Yet you gotta keep doin’ it...” “I...” he said, and thrust his penis into Apple Bloom. “I...” he said pulling out and thrusting again. He thrusted and thrusted. Even though he didn’t know why, he didn’t stop. He kept doing it! “I do,” he both admitted and realized, holding Apple Bloom tight so he could thrust into her. “In you and in you,” he moaned, with each hot thrust that he did, plunging his penis into her glorious juicy core. “I have to do it.” And then she was squeezing again! Dinky’s heaved against her, eyes crossing from the feeling. Secret muscles in his pelvis were tensing and preparing for ejaculation already, but all he could feel was a curious immediacy, like leaning forward on his hoof tips, but confined to that tingling pelvis he was needily fucking Apple Bloom with. This unicorn may have been several years pent up, or just slow to mature mentally, but he had a full load inside him that he didn’t know was there, just itching to flood into a filly and make her good and pregnant. He didn’t know what he was feeling, or what he was going to do, only that it was rising in him, his heart thudding and his hips moving as if on their own. “I can’t—!” he said anxiously, huffing as he tried to words without slowing down. “It’s rising up it... better and better! Apple Bloom~!” he hugged her close, and just hammered his hindquarters against hers. “Let it rise!” she squealed under him in fiery passion, “You’re doin’... it’s right! Make it better’n better! Do it in me!” But how much better could he feel?! Dinky got his answer after Apple Bloom orgasmed. Not to speak highly of his endurance. Apple Bloom was just very warmed up already, and just on the edge of going over. And in heat. So Dinky barely told her it was rising in him, before she belted out, “Yes! Ah can feel it! Oh, keep goin’! You’re makin’ me do it—yes!!” And then, Apple Bloom didn’t just squeeze him, oh no. With a primal squeal ripped from her throat, her insides practically became alive around him. She was squeeze-squeeze-squeezing him! Her whole body was shuddering, while her vaginal walls writhed around his penis. It was like she was rippling inside of her, those powerful muscles he was surrounded stroking his shaft, as if to coax it deeper inside her. “Apple Bloom,” he gasped, “This feels... good! Apple Bloom!” When she remained quietly shivering, he said, “Are... you okay?” She still didn’t respond. She was just standing there, breathing hard, as rippling around his penis inside there evened out and quieted. Was she in trouble? Apple Bloom’s head was hunched, but her ears were up, and she had enjoyed it so much up to this point! She couldn’t even talk? She... She was feeling so good, Dinky realized with a shock, that Apple Bloom couldn’t even talk. Whatever she was feeling, she was standing there not speaking, because what she was doing felt too good to speak. This rhythmic inner flexing of hers was so good for a filly to feel, a-and his penis motions made her do it. He did this to her! No wonder she wanted him to do it so bad! Apple Bloom looked... resplendent with joy. With uncharacteristic intensity, Dinky started thrusting in Apple Bloom again, determined to make her feel as good as she possibly could. It was the least he could do for her persistence in getting past his shell, and showing him something so incredible. She gave another savagely demanding squeal at his thrusts, lurching against him as hard as he was against her, their hips pumping together for the singular purpose of sliding his shaft in that passage, stimulating each other more and more. “You’re gonna do it insidea me!” she moaned desperately. Dinky would have asked, but he couldn’t ask at this point. He could only thrust. Their words died, and they just grunted and gasped and thrusted against each other, no thought in Apple Bloom’s mind besides getting filled and breeded again, and as for Dinky, his whole groin was tingling, and his balls were tensing up against his penis for some reason. Every time he pushed, his glistening shaft descended into Apple Bloom, somewhere underneath her tail, a hot warm place inside her that could squeeze him. He didn’t ever pull back until he felt Apple Bloom’s warm hips pressed tight against his own, the slimy oozy mess she was exuding squishing between them as he did so. He clutched with his light lavender forelegs firmly around her thighs, pulling his hips to conform against hers, feeling that beautiful pressure that was this filly, no his friend’s soft, round rear. Whenever his hips were solidly against her own, beyond her hips his penis was in her hot, wet tunnel, that Apple Bloom had been determined to share with him, a penis that made Dinky feel hungry to be deep inside her, again and again. Dinky huffed, and pistoned, and the hot sliding of his penis made the tingling in him turn electric. Apple Bloom tossed her head and rocked back against him, the penetration that made him feel so incredible changed her into an intoxicated creature of desire, desire for him to be in there. Every millimeter of Apple Bloom’s intriguing vagina was setting his nerves on fire. Then, unbelievably, Dinky couldn’t not stop! He was thrusting and it just took him, and he couldn’t thrust anymore. He tried to keep thrusting, but it felt so incredible, that he just had to hold onto her like a lifeline, and shove inside her so deep as the feeling overwhelmed him. He felt like the tingling was crashing on him like an ocean wave. “You’re—!” Apple Bloom shouted, as Dinky hilted in her, breathing raggedly. With her warm hips pressed tightly against him, his penis just started... jerking in there. “You’re gonna—!” Apple Bloom moaned. He tried to thrust. His penis was—! Hunched urgently over Apple Bloom, Dinky started helplessly ejaculating hip deep in her birth canal. With a sigh of immense relief from Apple Bloom, the filly looked over her shoulder and said to Dinky in a nervously faked casual tone, “S-so, you gonna keep doin’ that, or what~?” Dinky was—something was coming out of his penis! What was he doing? Was he peeing? This didn’t feel anything like peeing! It was jerking inside her! Why was he doing this? Why was this happening inside Apple Bloom? He couldn’t stop pumping it into her! “I can’t stop doing it!” he wanted to say, but around the mind blowing throbbing, he could only get out “I–I–I c—” So he just gave in, breathed into the quiet of their coitus, and concentrated on pumping Apple Bloom full of... whatever his penis was putting in her. He only had eyes for the pony in front of him, who he couldn’t stop filling up for the life of him. He was practically licking her back, he was so into it. He couldn’t stop it, and he didn’t care. It just felt too good to throb, throb, throb deep inside her. Apple Bloom didn’t say anything more, just turned forward and stood there serenely, while Dinky naively filled her fleshy depths with his seed. It appeared to be serene at least, but he couldn’t see her eyes narrowing, or her muscles tensing, until barely a second later, halfway into his climax, with a ragged breath, and a sudden yelp, the little yellow filly was convulsing around his penis too, lost in another orgasm, driven by the reality of his hot slimy seed. Dinky’s stuff squelched slimily all around himself, even as he couldn’t speak and just felt what his penis started doing to her. He didn’t understand what was going on. He felt so incredible... he couldn’t even move. Just regular, rhythmic waves of pleasure, radiating from his groin, an uncontrollable rhythmic throbbing inside the base of his penis, and something spurting up his shaft from deep within him, unerringly blasting into the place that he shoved his penis into, in Apple Bloom’s hips. Matching her contractions with his hot pulses. Dinky was doing stuff inside those hips. At the moment of his ejaculation, when Dinky had to shove up against her and hold his spurting shaft deep inside her, Dinky couldn’t even see what his penis was doing when this incredible something hit him. Apple Bloom’s custard yellow hips were keeping their secrets hidden. They were enveloping him, this incredible feeling happening entirely inside Apple Bloom’s plain, unmarked, unremarkable, exquisitely, achingly beautiful posterior. Dinky had never seen anything more beautiful in his life, than a little filly named Apple Bloom, who took into her hips every drop that rushed out of him down there. Apple Bloom had barely begun to orgasm, when Dinky was tapped out. Dinky felt the waves of pleasure, the twitching throbbing pumping lessen, and semen stopped erupting from the tip of his shaft. Apple Bloom’s inside place stopped getting plumper and fuller, and slimier. That feeling of seed blasting out of his tip faded to a trickle, until he was hugging to her in mere shock, still amazed at her regular contractions around his now spent shaft. While her climax took her, Dinky just held against her perfectly still, goosebumps all over his body for what they’d done. Somehow, Dinky didn’t feel scared at all. He felt so utterly fulfilled. And Apple Bloom... was still orgasming. She quivered helplessly as her squeezes kept going around him, repeatedly pulsing around his suddenly sensitive shaft, and making him wince in surprise at how sensitive it was. She told him though, Apple Bloom told him she loved squeezing like that with a boy in there, so Dinky was going to be that boy, even if his penis suddenly decided to be uncooperative. Dinky didn’t know what was happening to her, but he nuzzled at her ears comfortingly, and held her through it, until Apple Bloom too was still. And dripping with his gross slimy stuff down there. Why did he... why did he even put it in there? “I... sorry, I...” he said in harried confusion to the sweaty, relieved filly ahead of him, from where he still held her hindquarters underneath his hooves. “Sorry, huh,” Apple Bloom said a bit breathlessly, not even turning her head. “Don’t... don’t kid me ah... ah know how good that feels.” “You do?” Dinky asked dazedly. “I-it was like when you squeezed, except I... I put something in you. I couldn’t help it; it just started coming out!” “Supposed to do that,” Apple Bloom said briskly. She flicked an ear and did turn to face him then, a bright, friendly smile on her face. “Ah’ll tell you all about it, now that you done did it in me,” she said with a wink. “All about what now?” Dinky asked, uneasy that Apple Bloom might want to continue, because he just felt like collapsing at this point. When did he get so weary? Hadn’t he just been shoving in her recklessly a moment ago, as if his life depended on it? Dinky sure hoped she was done now, because he didn’t know happened to that driving, urgent feeling. “We’re done now,” Apple Bloom said in a carefree tone of voice. “But you did really, really good. Ah mean, I ain’t exactly the expert on it, but wow... you could even give Scootaloo a run for his money.” “Scootaloo?” Dinky repeated uncertainly. “He’s a... a colt,” Apple Bloom said, with a tinge of embarassment. “He’s like you, sorta. I uh... he showed me all this stuff, an’... some friends too. I sorta came on t’you, because of how good he made me feel. He opened my eyes to what a colt could really be. N-not that it’s the only reason, just... ah mean... thanks for puttin’ up with me.” “It’s no problem,” Dinky said in an easygoing tone, “As long as you don’t—” he realized— “Oh no, it’s... getting soft again!” “Told ya we’re done,” Apple Bloom chided happily, with a flip of her cherry red mane. “Once you put your stuff in me, your penis is all done with what it was tryin’ to get you to do, so it just gets soft again and goes back inside.” “Oh so that’s...” Dinky remarked, pulling back like he was going to thrust, but just sliding completely out of her this time, dangling wetly beneath her nether lips in the cool air. “So that’s why it was getting hard,” he continued, “To make it easy for me to push it into... you.” “That’s right,” Apple Bloom said pleasantly. “So you don’t have to worry about it no more, because now when you get stiff, you got something better to do, besides go finish in the river, and cry.” A pause, and she added, “Uh, sorry for spyin’ on you by the way.” Dinky really didn’t have anything he could think of to say to that. “Lemme go,” she grunted, walking forward out of his grasp. When Dinky pushed off of her rear to stand on four comfortable legs again, Apple Bloom quickly shoved her posterior in his face. “Oh no, estrus still getting you?” he exclaimed, in sympathetic consternation. “Wh—no. What you did knocks it out for a good day or two at least,” Apple Bloom clarified with a frustrated blush. “But ah want you to take a look at mah rear end, to see just what you did in there!” “O-oh,” Dinky said reaching a hoof forward. “So I can...” “Y-yeah,” Apple Bloom mumbled. “If’n you have to ask t’touch it at this point, ah don’t know how I can say yes more clearly.” Raising an eyebrow, Dinky touched Apple Bloom’s drippy reddened vulva. They seemed to have corners at the top and bottom, so pulling sideways spread them open. He had become familiar enough with them from that... licking, so he was surprised now to see something else: a thicker white substance trickling out from a gaping hole at the top of Apple Bloom’s pelvic wall. That hadn’t been there before! “It’s... I made a... a hole in you?” he asked in complete puzzlement. “Heh, you cain see where your penis went,” Apple Bloom said in a satisfied manner. “It’s all like that, because ah ain’t—! Oops, sorry, ah’m tryin’ to not cinch up yet... or however that works.” Indeed, that’s what Dinky saw before his eyes, is the hole quiver and shrink like a closing iris, or the inside of a squeezing tube of toothpaste. “No it’s okay,” he said, utterly fascinated with how complex Apple Bloom really was down there. “I... I want to see you do it,” he asserted, “If it’s what you’re supposed to do.” With a smile and a relieved sigh from Apple Bloom, she wiggled her tail base, and her... remainder closed up even more, and soon was visible only as a scrunched up little rumple in the top. “Oh, I see,” Dinky said in quiet realization, going to poke that entrance he hadn’t even noticed before. “You just... open up there, you get... you really do get stretched open!” “Ah sure do!” Apple Bloom said with a tinge of pride. “Your boy tool can make me all wide open as—!” Apple Bloom eeped, interrupted when his hoof touched her entrance, and when he did touch it, the... the potential passageway sort of quivered there, with more of that thick white goop flowing out of it. “This is...” Dinky took some of the stuff on his hoof, swiping the filly’s messy groin to do so. It smelled like himself, and not like pee at all. “This is what came out of me?” he asked thoughtfully. From facing away from him, it was tricky to see if Apple Bloom was nodding. She sure didn’t seem especially eager to get his hooves away from her filly place down there. She did bring her tail down though, when Dinky fully backed off so she could turn to him, and they could talk to each other face to face. “Pretty neat, huh?” Apple Bloom said, her cheeks still flushed with excitement. “Were ya surprised when you could stick it in me? Huh? Were ya?” “Very surprised,” Dinky admitted. “That’s what you wanted to show me?” “Must be so confusin’ to ya, squirtin’ out all that stuff and not knowin’ where to put it,” Apple Bloom mused, looking appreciatively at her own sopping wet behind. “Ah didn’t wanna tell ya, because I read that colts just know where to put it, like magic, and wanted to see if it’d happen to you. And it did!” “Y-you kind of told me, but only a little bit,” Dinky said to her with a grateful feeling in his chest at the warmly friendly, and much calmer filly. “I don’t even know how I did it, I just wanted to... hug you, and I climbed up there. Is that really because I’m a colt?” “All that heartache and yearnin’,” Apple Bloom said wistfully, “When it happens to ya and you squirt all over the place. It’s yer coltiness feelin’ sad you caint climb on me an’ go to town. Ah feel it—every time ah touch myself it makes me wanna lift mah tail and show it off for ya. That’s what a filly feels! So every time you do the belly thing and squirt it out, if you gotta filly in front of you, you’re gonna climb up on her and just jam it in!” She finished with an enthusiastic hoof pump. “An’ now ah’m so messy back there it’s plum gravy,” Apple Bloom said with a giddy giggle, walking in circles to look at her well used rear end. “You do know that stuff came out of my, um...” Dinky blushed horribly, stammering out, “P-penis, right? I-it didn’t just appear in there. T-there was um... I felt my penis s-sorry I mean, it felt like something was coming out of it, a lot. Y-you’re all messy from something that came from inside my um... from where I pee.” “Yeah, that stuff’s your seed!” Apple Bloom announced happily. “Aren’t you glad you put it in me, instead of just wastin’ it?” “My ...seed?” Dinky said, not quite understanding how you draw a parallel from squirty white goop to a seed. It was still sort of smeared on his hoof, some sort of white gooey fluid. He’d retrieved it from her backside, after pumping it into her. What the heck was going on here? “It’s stuff that comes outta your penis when you orgasm,” Apple Bloom said matter-of-factly, pointing her nose right at it. “Orgasm?” Dinky asked cluelessly. Apple Bloom glanced at him. “That’s what ah was showin’ you,” she said cautiously, “I gotta special secret place to put that stuff, instead of you just havin’ to squirt it out on your belly. You know, when you colts start squirtin’ your seed out? Orgasm?” “Okay, so that’s called orgasm,” Dinky said a bit self consciously. “I just didn’t know what it was called.” That had to be the most unintuitive name that he could imagine for a... pumpy squirty lightning thing. “Wait, you at least orgasmed on your own before, right?” Apple Bloom asked, her brow knotting in confusion. Dinky gave a strained smile, saying very convincingly, “O-o-of course I have!” > Professional Courtesy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dinky was facing Apple bloom in the old cotton barn, after he did what was possibly the strangest thing he’d ever done in his life. Somehow Apple Bloom had tricked him into, sort of... accidentally putting his penis inside her? Dinky sure didn’t think that’s what a penis is for! He just figured it out, fumbling his shaft against her. The coy pert folds that her bottom had, instead of balls or a sheath, they concealed a deep... place. And Dinky just felt like he had to shove his penis in there. Apple Bloom may have been soft yellow fuzz on the outside, but you barely got in before she became fleshy, slimy and hot. His penis had never felt better in his whole life. Then she taught him slide in and out of her, and that was it. Whenever he even tried to stop, he just shuddered and did it harder, a frightening need rising in him to feel her... inside flesh rubbing on his shaft. He just did it and did it, until with a thrilling rush his penis started to move all on its own, and he felt something come out of it. It was insane because his penis was as deep inside Apple Bloom as it could go, so every spurt that jerked out of him was inside her now. He had to just... watch her hips just filling up beneath him, with his penis’s hot spurts that he just had to do. Dinky really wasn’t sure what on earth just happened. What he did know is it was freaky but cool somehow, to have Apple Bloom show him why his penis kept getting big, and why fillies smelled so good. She taught him to mount on top of her, and thrust in her, and stood there receptively beneath him when those hot jets were coming out of him, making sure that they’d be penetrating herself. She did that to him, that incredible thing! And now she seemed utterly shocked that he hadn’t ever done that before. “I did orgasm!” Dinky claimed shakily, “In your filly place. It was really good too; I couldn’t believe it!” He found himself filled with enthusiasm, just thinking about what he did. “My penis was just... poom, and it was... jerking or something, and it just kept washing over me, every time something squirted out!” He approached and nuzzled the stunned Apple Bloom, worriedly but gratefully, trying to comfort her as best he could. “Thanks so much for showing me a feeling like that,” he said in wonder. “Your filly parts are amazing!” “You really never squirted before that?” Apple Bloom murmured, looking at him with an awed sparkle in her eyes. Dinky wasn’t sure why that was such a good thing now, but he scrunched and looked the other way, and admitted, “It never did that before, no.” “But didn’t it get all hard, and ya couldn’t stop slappin’ it until ya y’know, the squirting?” Apple Bloom repeated, seemingly unable to believe that this was so hard to imagine. “Ah couldn’t not orgasm after estrus started!” “I don’t really feel it unless there’s a filly around to um... huh.” Dinky looked up at Apple Bloom in understanding, saying, “Of course I never had to, because you had to have to, first!” He blushed, “S-sorry that didn’t make sense. I mean estrus made you orgasm, so that you’d make me do it. Colts don’t need to feel ...it all on their own, if fillies get hit with it first.” “Makes sense,” Apple Bloom said with a critical look at his groin, “But Scootaloo’s been doin’ it for years an’... oh ‘cause he and Sweetie yeah, she was kinda makin’ him. You really never felt anythin’ at all, before... me?” “I-it gets stiff sometimes, yes, and I thought it felt a little uh, good I guess, but I can’t pee when it’s like that, so I’d just try to get it to go down again,” Dinky explained with embarassment, that he’d have missed something like this for years. “It wasn’t really bad until our class went into estrus this year. If I knew, I’d have done it. Sorry if I’m too dumb to even figure it out...” “Oh c’mon Dinky, don’t be like that,” Apple Bloom said, sidling up and rubbing his cheek comfortingly. “Ah feel so special, that I could show you something like that!” she said. “I’da shown you years ago too if’n we uh, knew each other back then. But you’re okay now. Just because of little old me, you got to feel the best feelin’ in the whole wide world!” “It did feel ...really good,” Dinky said adoringly curling his neck over hers. “Like you said, I couldn’t move it felt so good, and it just kept going in you, so I let it keep going.” “Yeah, you sure filled me up good,” Apple Bloom said, pulling away to admire her groin with a self satisfied air. “I–I’m really lucky you wanted that,” Dinky said feeling a blush coming on. “Because I didn’t even think, I mean I didn’t ask, I um... I think I would have done that even if you were yelling at me. It just felt so good I couldn’t stop for anything.” “Because y’couldn’t pull it out, right?” Apple Bloom asked, a bit too eagerly. “You were all like, needin’ to push it deep, until every drop was all squirted in me?” “I...yeah...” Dinky blushed harder. “I...was supposed to do that, right? I–I mean it was really... intense.” “Somethin’ boys feel,” Apple Bloom said with a coy flick of her tail, made a little less elegant because of her messy, slimy groin. “You caint help but push it deep when that happens, holdin’ it in the filly, lettin’ that seed fill her up good.” “I tried to keep s-sliding, but I just couldn’t,” Dinky said with a bit of a starstruck gaze. “It was so amazing, just holding you, and feeling it pump into you...” “Fillin’ me with alla your seed~” Apple Bloom agreed earnestly, with an indulgent wiggle of her messy hindquarters. He sighed happily, adding, “It really was a magical moment, feeling that squirting out of me, into you. I just sat there holding on, and... let it happen in you, and really enjoyed it. You seemed to... really like it too. I-it made you start that squeezy thing, and... you liked it.” “Oh ah did,” Apple Bloom said with passion, to Dinky’s relief. “When you start fillin’ me up it’s just like... ah made it! You colts don’t get the hungry side of the estrus but it just makes me want nothing more than a colt’s seed up mah hoo hah. My vaginer. The place your penis goes. Ah caint even rest until your penis is in me, an’ ah feel it splooge all over mah deepest parts. Even if I’m not orgasmin’... which is the squeezy thing for me, it still feels like ah’m the most beautiful filly in the world when a colt starts puttin’ his seed in me.” Dinky smiled at her, and she smiled back. His smile brightened as he added in inspiration, “You really do look like the most beautiful filly in the world right now.” She may have been a frizzy haired, tired, sweaty, limp-bowed mess, but the satisfaction that filled her every movement just practically glowed, and Dinky was feeling so... so good about her right now. She just looked at him with liquid eyes and moved forward and hugged him. Dinky hugged her back. It felt so good to hug her back, in a different way than the thing they were doing, but one no less satisfying. “Sorry I had to stop,” he said, pulling back, sighing and resting his head apologetically on Apple Bloom’s shoulders. “I m-mean yes it was the best most incredible thing and... well I guess I ran out, or something? My penis was suddenly less um... pushy inny. It even felt different!” “Yeah, you really went the whole way an’ finished up good,” Apple Bloom agreed. “Your colt thing stops you when you run out of semen, so you can just be normal again. Fillies don’t got no semen to run out of, so I cain keep goin’ but that’s totally optional. I still feel way more normal with just the one. Ah don’t even feel like teasin’ you anymore! We can just talk all friendly-like, like usual, since our colt and filly parts are taken care of.” “Yeah, I was kind of noticing...” he said thoughtfully, feeling really unusually good about sliding his lavender side against Apple Bloom’s yellow, in this dizzy post-coital haze he was feeling. “It’d be terrible if we had to keep do that, like... forever.” Apple Bloom laughed at that, a bright high peal, and pulled back to stand on her own again. “Don’t worry your head,” she said teasingly, “We’re all done with that business. Ah’m all settled, thanks t’you. Oh hey on that note... “Scoots, Sweetie, y’can come out now!” she called out over her shoulder, at the doorway out of the barn. Dinky looked at her puzzled, then his eyes widened. “There are more?!” he said, backing flat hooved from the door in horror. “I can’t do any more! It’s not even hard again!” Apple Bloom tried to stifle the laugh this time with a pff, “No silly, you’re not doin’ them; they just wanted t’see you doin’ me. Scootaloo’s a colt, remember!” “Oh, right,” Dinky said relievedly. Then he tensed up again. “Wait, they were watching?!” Apple Bloom just ughed and rolled her eyes. “Yeah, an’ ah was sure if they did, you’d run for the hills,” she said disapprovingly, “So they just stayed out by the window, so as not to disturb ya.” Dinky had been doing all that stuff right in front of... he hadn’t even held back! He just sort of... and humped her all weirdly and ponies saw him doing that? He stammered to her, “Oh I h-hope I did—um—I mean they w-wanted to? It must have looked awfully silly. I-I never did anything like that, before. I’m sorry.” Dinky wanted to sink into the floor and vanish. The other foals in class saw him—and when he had to squirt, and was just doing it all stupidly. He even had his tongue out! “C’mon you two,” Apple Bloom said, her back turned in ignorance of Dinky’s embarassment. “Come out, already!” She walked over to the doorway out of the barn, and paused. “Oh,” she said quietly looking outside, “Whoops.” Well, between embarassment at something he couldn’t take back, and curiosity, the latter was a far more powerful force in Dinky’s brain. He crept up to Apple Bloom anxiously, saying, “What’s going on? Are they really... um...?” Dinky could see Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, but they weren’t even at the door. They were over in the clearing, by a picnic table, one on top of the other, and both of them had such intense expressions of urgent need on their faces. Scootaloo was sitting on Sweetie’s rear and rolling his hips in a strangely mesmerizing rhythm. Just like Dinky did, when he... “Oh,” he realized. “They’re doing it too!” “Y’think that looks silly?” Apple Bloom said smugly at his fascination with the mating foals below. Dinky took another look, and it... it should have looked silly, with Scootaloo up there all humping energetically. But it looked just incredible instead. It was their expressions, really, and the smooth, wavelike motion of their bodies together. There was nothing silly about it, the two of them totally consumed with the need to do what they were doing. “Guess we musta looked better than you thought,” Apple Bloom said, slyly elbowing Dinky in the flank. “They liked it so much, they hadta go do it too!” “Yeah, um...” Dinky swallowed dryly. “Wow. Were we really doing that?” “C’mon, let’s go see ‘em,” Apple Bloom said, strutting out the doorway and looking back at him. “C’mon,” she urged, “They ain’t in a position to say hello exactly, but y’wanna see it up close don’t you?” “It’s really ok?” he squeaked tensely. “Oh, sure! Scoots and Sweetie love it when ah watch,” Apple Bloom said casually, cantering down the ramp, followed by a more hesitant, but curious Dinky Dew. “Gives ‘em somethin’ to focus on besides dick in vagina.” She gallopped laughing up to the mating pair, shouting, “Hey y’all! You were right, Dinky is awesome!” Dinky blushed at that, but still he approached. He really wanted to see this. Scootaloo was indeed sliding his penis repetitively into Sweetie Belle’s hips. That humping motion was purposeful for how it made that shaft piston in and out wetly. It was so peculiar how it just seemed to vanish between them, whenever Scootaloo drove forward, and she backward. Sweetie was just totally swallowing it up. Dinky didn’t get to see much, before Scootaloo opened his eyes and slowed, coming to a stop nice and deep inside his unicorn friend. “Oh... man Apple Bloom, it was so good,” he said breathlessly, leaning on Sweetie for support. Both of them were practically gleaming with sweat. “He just kept going and filled you all up with his seed!” Sweetie’s beautiful eyes fluttered open, and she bit her lip looking at Dinky. “W-we waited until you were all i-impregnated,” Sweetie said cryptically, not speaking to Dinky though? “But then we just couldn’t wait! I... you were so cuddly in there, so we just d-did it... away...we are doing it~” “S-sorry,” Dinky stammered out nervously, backing up a step. “No wait!” Sweetie said, seeing him with suddenly wide, imperative eyes. “You’re fine!” she said, to Dinky this time, “Come look behind me.” Sweetie’s eyes got more liquid as she really felt it, and Scootaloo’s hips started shifting just a little bit. “Come see,” Sweetie said eagerly, “What you did to Apple Bloom. What Scootaloo is doing to me~e” Sweetie Belle closed her eyes and tilted her head back, so her pink and lavender curls scrunched against Scootaloo’s chest, huffing with passion as Scootaloo started thrusting steadily into her again. With another nudge from Apple Bloom, Dinky moved forward, going behind Scootaloo, who was kind enough to lift his own tail so Dinky could really see what was happening. Dinky remembered it all too clearly, but seeing it was something else. Sweetie’s groin didn’t even look like filly parts anymore. That wasn’t a tiny little muff, with a teeny little slit in it. It was stretched wide around Scootaloo’s shaft, a warm blush in her flesh beneath the fur there. Scootaloo didn’t have any trouble plunging in and out of that, but Sweetie Belle’s soaked, white furred flesh still tugged back and forth around his shaft with every stroke. Dinky got to see everything from a new perspective, just by inching around them. He wasn’t the one overwhelmed with feelings this time, though the excitement was overwhelming in of itself. He missed a lot from his own performance, how neatly his hooves hooked into the curve of Apple Bloom’s thighs. Scootaloo practically pulled Sweetie against him. He remembered Apple Bloom’s tail hugging him so tenderly, and saw Sweetie doing it to Scootaloo. Dinky didn’t think his tongue coming out would be so attractive looking, but it wasn’t all that prominent, and the way they were going at it was just thrilling. Scootaloo’s expression of unrestrained drive, and Sweetie’s expression of woah Apple Bloom kissing Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom was kissing Sweetie Belle. No, no not just that. Sweetie was kissing Apple Bloom. They were really kissing. They were kissing like they were well familiar with this practice, and when Apple Bloom pulled back so Sweetie could gasp and breathe, she curled her neck over Sweetie Belle’s, comforting the unicorn tenderly as Sweetie made unsensed animal noises. Her eyes were shut and she was really out of it, the unicorn filly that is. More than the mating, she was just standing there and... and incredible somehow. Scootaloo wasn’t thrusting suddenly, and the only movement was Sweetie’s senseless open mouthed squeaks, and the rhythmic twitching of her tail, in its firm hug around Scootaloo’s hindquarters. When Sweetie’s eyes fluttered open, Scootaloo began thrusting again. Apple Bloom took a critical look up at Scootaloo and stepped back, leaving Sweetie to stand there alone with slitted eyes, giving cute but intense little grunts at the thrusts happening in her making her rock back and forth onto the pegasus who was mounting her. So she remained, until Scootaloo’s thrusting got as erratic as Dinky’s, the moment before all that incredible pumping occurred. Then Apple Bloom caught Dinky’s attention, giving him a wink, and turning to Sweetie, and... Apple Bloom cupped Sweetie’s chin in a hoof, lifting Sweetie to look into her eyes. Once Sweetie focused, Apple Bloom put her hoof on Sweetie’s shoulder and took Sweetie in a hug. Sweetie lifted a shaky hoof to match on Apple Bloom’s shoulder, and her chin on the other shoulder, a nervous excitement in her expression, not even looking at anything, just feeling. When Scootaloo stopped thrusting, he shouted out gladly into the air and jammed up against Sweetie’s butt. Dinky could guess what that meant. As he watched, Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened, her legs stiffened, and Scootaloo’s tail started just bobbing rhythmically in the air. Did Dinky’s tail do that? He couldn’t remember if he did. But it was abundantly clear even before ejaculate started leaking down Sweetie Belle’s groin, that Scootaloo was doing inside her the same thing Dinky did in Apple Bloom. Sweetie gave a gratified gasp and shifted once, then held serenely still. Scootaloo wasn’t moving either, aside from his tail. Scootaloo just stared intensely down at Sweetie Belle while he did it, while it happened to him. Why was this so incredible? The fillies were just hugging, and nopony was moving all that much, and Scootaloo’s ejaculation should have been just weird and icky! But seeing Sweetie’s hoof tighten around Apple Bloom, and her eyes widen then grow liquid as she relaxed into the insemination, while Scootaloo gave urgent noises atop her, and somewhere in there, his penis was doing what happened to Dinky, that was incredible. When Dinky looked, there was a subtle steady flexing in the root of Scootaloo’s penis, rippling on its own to pump Sweetie Belle full of seed. Dinky had done the same thing, had felt the same thing, at the root of his own penis. Dinky was astonished, not astonished at the act anymore, but at how incredible it looked. Meeting Dinky’s astonished stare, Scootaloo shakily grinned and said, “P-p-p-pre–cool–h-huh...hnh nh—!” Scootaloo closed his eyes, and turned to align with Sweetie Belle, head turned down in such a serious expression for the wild looking pegasus. Then his tail’s bobbing eased to stillness, his frown broke, and he tilted his head back with a widening smile of open mouthed relief, “A-a-ahh...” Yeah, Dinky was... not embarassed at all about doing that to a filly anymore. In the silence, bare moments after being inseminated, still under and stretched by Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle to Dinky said in an eerily calm voice, “You looked so adorable when you finished, we didn’t want to disturb you.” “Yeah,” Scootaloo said a little more breathlessly and less exquisitely serene, “We had... you really did it. Made... made us both want to do it.” “Was it really that impressive?” Dinky asked, sort of getting the idea that it was. “This is really impressive,” Sweetie said emphatically, looking up at Scootaloo. “It’s just the more a filly or a colt watches it, the more they want to do it too.” “So yeah, we kinda snuck away and...um...” Scootaloo gave a sheepish grin and pushed off of Sweetie, the filly giving a wet gasp at the feeling of his dick sliding out of her. “I totally jumped on her.” Sweetie’s filly parts did close up once the tension had released, but remained hanging somewhat open just a moment, until they started to tighten up with a pleasant nicker from Sweetie’s speaking end of things. “So cool that you’re safe now,” Scootaloo said to Sweetie, then craned his head down to her groin and... his tongue came out?! “Yeah it—” Sweetie paused looking almost thoughtful as Scootaloo started licking her filly parts. Her eyes relaxed then and she said, “I suppose we can... do that...” “He’s makin’ her orgasm again,” Apple Bloom pointed out practically, walking up beside a unicorn colt who appeared to be victim to the crime of serial astonishment. “Lickin’ her is like puttin’ his penis in, but his tongue does the slidey thing, and he ain’t got to put seed in her.” “Wow, she’s...” Dinky paused and looked at Sweetie Belle, “I-I mean you’re really enjoying this.” “Nngh, yeah, feels nice...” Sweetie said in a distracted tone. She turned to look at Dinky, and her vivid green eyes were really... they weren’t really looking at him, there above her ecstatic smile. Dinky looked at Apple Bloom thoughtfully, saying, “Do you want me to...?” “Nah it’s okay,” Apple Bloom said, flashing him a glance. “Ah’m fine now. It’s more a spirit of the moment thing, anyways. You can try out licking me, and I promise you’ll love it, but maybe sometime when your own semen ain’t all over me back there. And insidea me!” “My colt parts are... erg, pretty messy,” Dinky said, inspecting the damage to his groin. “But I sorta want to clean them up. You sure you want all that stuff inside your...?” “Vagina,” Apple Bloom prompted. “Vagina,” Dinky responded amiably. “Oh ah’m sure alright,” Apple Bloom said wiggling her tail above her tush. “Ah love the feelin’ of that stuff, and it serves a very important purpose!” “What’s that?” Dinky asked innocently. “Well...” Apple Bloom glanced Dinky’s way. “Let’s just watch what happens to Sweetie first. I can tell ya later.” Dinky nodded, not the least from how Sweetie’s pleasure just looked so fascinating. It was subtle but it really made him feel on a level he didn’t quite understand. The little purple unicorn looked at the little white unicorn, and he didn’t know how the subtle arch to her back, or the raising of her tail was just the sort of thing that would turn him on. All he knew was she looked like she was really enjoying it. Well, sort of. Sweetie Belle was breathing harder, and tensing up as Scootaloo worked her clitoris, and teased the entrance he’d just filled without so much as disturbing its confines. It almost looked like an effort for her to even stand, but also a compulsion, her hooves braced firmly in place, needing to go no further. Obviously she’d escape Scootaloo’s tongue if she walked forward, and that would feel like if Dinky pulled out from being inside Apple Bloom, or something. “He’s licking m-my button,” Sweetie said tightly, quivering as she tried desperately to focus on the colt who was just staring at her engrossedly. “I–I have a b-button that it’s just a little bump it’s—” She winced and hissed, but then relaxed slightly, eyes wider as she finished her sentence. “It feels so good b-but... he knows when not to...” “It’s like pokin’ your eye when you do it wrong,” Apple Bloom said with a thankfully only abstract demonstration. “But it’s so freakin’ sensitive it’ll make ya squeezin’ before you can say hullabaloo!” Scootaloo didn’t seem to mind not being part of the conversation, especially since Sweetie Belle’s ability to form complete sentences seemed to be fading with every moment his tongue slid against her. She was trying so hard to talk though, looking at Dinky with an uncanny urgency, saying, “Love the s-s-squeezing I’m gonna...gotta because... licking me! he’s in me he...he is!” “What Sweetie is tryin’ to say,” Apple Bloom offered frankly, “Is when ya lick a filly, it’s like puttin’ your penis in it—” “No,” Sweetie interrupted hastily. “H-his seed i-in...” She squeezed her eyes shut, shuddering from the tail base up. “Oh, sorry,” Apple Bloom said shaking her head and turning to Dinky. “She’s saying that Scoots put all his seed in her, so when she orgasms it’s gonna be all slimy in there. That feels like, real good, like... comin’ home or winnin’ a trophy or something. ‘cause you know you got a colt’s stuff in you.” “She orgasms?” Dinky asked looking at Apple Bloom. “I only know about the squirty lightning thing that I did. What’s her orgasm?” “Well think Dinky,” Apple Bloom said tapping his head, “Think how you were actin’ when your penis was squirtin’. Was there any point that you noticed me actin’ like that?” “Oh, the squeezing...” Dinky said remembering that incredible time that Apple Bloom grew so quiet, yet so alive inside her. She couldn’t even move it felt so good. “Got it in one,” Apple Bloom smiled. “When ah orgasm ah gotta like, clamp down on ya over and over again, just like when you orgasm, you gotta pump out seed over and over again. It’s like you got hit by lightning, an’ you just keep squeezin’ and squeezin’” “Lightning hurts, though,” Dinky contested. “This was a lot more gentle than lightning.” “Fair ‘nuff,” Apple Bloom admitted agreeably. “It’s pretty powerful for me though, and just t’let you know, it keeps goin’ after the squeezin’ stops. Colts keep fuckin’ after that, and you’re still goin’ it’s like, ah couldn’t even talk ah just had to holler and buck. Well, not buck you off though.” “What’s fuckin again?” he asked. “Fuc-king,” she pronounced more carefully, “Is when you slide your penis in and out. It’s a bad word, so if you say it when grownups are around they might take a whoopin’ to you. But it’s secretly a good word, so you can say it to anypony who actually likes fuckin’. Ah know it’s not a real bad word, because ah learned about it from miss Twilight.” “She knows about this?” Dinky said incredulously. “Who d’you think set you up with me?” Apple Bloom said with a nuzzle to his cheek. “Ah didn’t even know she matched us up, thought we were just doin’ a project together. But you were all nice and smart and right helpful. See ah been havin’ uh... colt problems.” Apple Bloom dropped her gaze. “Colt problems?” Dinky prompted. An urgent noise from Sweetie Belle gave Apple Bloom an excuse. “Ah think she’s about there,” Apple Bloom said. She turned to the quivering Sweetie, saying with a sly smile, “We been talkin’ bout fuckin’ so much right in fronta you; you wanna show Dinky how a filly orgasms?” The purple and lavender haired unicorn didn’t... couldn’t answer. She could barely give them just one more frightened look before she inhaled sharply, yelped, then squeezed her eyes shut, ducking her head and breathing in short, shallow breaths. She looked so... she was so intense! Her tail started bobbing in the air to a steady rhythm. Just the same way Scootaloo’s had! Sweetie Belle was so still, but she was having something incredible happening in her. Dinky could just feel it. With a bewildering transition, Apple Bloom dragged Dinky back over where Scootaloo was, just about shoving the pegasus aside to say, “Look under her tail! It’s happening to her!” Underneath the orgasming unicorn’s tail was her asshole, followed by the graceful curve of her round bottom, divided by a slit that pulsed and winked at him so incredibly. To the exact same rhythm of the root of Scootaloo’s penis, to the exact same rhythm Dinky had pumped Apple Bloom full of stuff. Dinky couldn’t... he wanted to touch that. Apple Bloom did first, putting a hoof on Sweetie’s rear, and sliding it sideways to spread apart Sweetie’s vulva. The orgasm was much more stark with Sweetie Belle spread apart, and from her dizzy moan more powerful too. Her passage that admitted a penis was much more obvious now, gaping and contracting around a white burbling—! “You can touch her, if you don’t mind my goo,” Scootaloo said tilting his nose at Dinky’s half outstretched hoof. When had he started reaching for Sweetie Belle? Dinky blushed and hesitated, but then firmed his lip and put his hoof forward, and Sweetie was moving against him then, her groin alive beneath his pad. That entrance she had so perfect for a penis was clutching around the tip of Dinky’s hoof. He really didn’t care if... if there was goo down there. It was just really cool. The motion of her... parts wasn’t the really incredible thing though, as captivating as it was, making Dinky wish he could stiffen up and drive in there until he... well, what he did before, pretty much. What was really incredible was after it had quelled, the pleasure in Sweetie Belle’s eyes. Apple Bloom said she still felt it, and she was right. Sweetie could hardly focus on them, a silly smile on her cute round face. Scootaloo had Dinky stand on her left, both of them pressing close to her, so she could be ‘surrounded by colts’ or something. The closeness really seemed to help her, though Dinky doubted his flank was all that different from a filly’s flank. Sweetie came out of it slowly, like an unfolding flower, her breathing evening out and her tail shifting more animatedly, her head seeking the colts aside her less and less vaguely. “Oh Scootaloo,” Sweetie said, at last leaning on the colt to her right. “That was so incredible!” “That’s what you always say,” Scootaloo chided her, though with his proud smile he didn’t really look all that upset. “And you!” Sweetie said, swivelling to the colt on her left. Dinky’s eyes widened. “You saw me!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed in astonishment, then twisted her brow and said, “I mean, I didn’t expect to show you all this.” She looked from Scootaloo to Apple Bloom again, saying, “We were just going to show you about mounting. She looked at Dinky again, saying, “You didn’t run away!” “Second only to Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said to Dinky’s left, “Dinky’s just about the bravest colt I know! Twilight’s so good with her formulas an’ matchup things, it’s downright uncanny.” “I–I’m not brave,” Dinky denied, coming to the awareness that while Sweetie may have two colts to either side, he was himself now quite thoroughly flanked by two adorable fillies. “I was just curious I... other colts really run away?” “Or get disgusted,” Apple Bloom said, leaning her head fondly against Dinky’s. “We’re some kinda improper or some such, lots of colts think we’re too young, or we ain’t worth the time.” “Just because we don’t have our cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle said in a frustrated exclamation. “What’s so great about being older anyway?” Scootaloo speculated. “I’m gonna be just as awesome a stallion as a foal! “Can’t improve on perfection,” he added smugly. “Say, is that Rainbow Dash over there?” Apple Bloom remarked, without looking anywhere. “Where? Where?” Scootaloo said suddenly with open mouthed eagerness, buzzing into the air long enough to fall heavily back to the ground. “Oh, ha, ha,” he said rolling his eyes at Apple Bloom. Dinky had to hold back a snicker. Wait, Dinky? Wow. He wasn’t usually the one laughing. They didn’t remain standing together, but they went instead to show Dinky their clubhouse. As somepony who’d helped them out, even if unknowingly, and a blank flank to boot, they really wanted him to join up with their club. Dinky said he’d think about it... but he really did want to. Outside the clubhouse, they remained laying together, four ponies side by side, leaning against one another. With their hooves curled overhead, and tails splayed lazily out before them, they rested there on the sunny summer sun-dappled grass of the meadow the CMC clubhouse overlooked. They were quite left alone for that early afternoon, no urgency to clean up or to remove the evidence of sex from their bodies. They just talked about stuff, like the differences between fillies and colts, or the lack thereof. Like how Dinky was a blank flank, something that came as a surprise to none of them since they’d known each other for weeks. But the other three were really intent on him joining their club sometime, something about going on adventures to find your cutie mark. It sounded really fun! If a bit dangerous. No more dangerous, though, than being at home when mom tries to fly through the window again. And, with him thoroughly buttered up and calmed down, Apple Bloom gave Dinky a look, and said with a twinkle in her fiery orange eyes, “Hey Dinky, do you know where babies come from?” Dinky hmmed. “The... oh, the,” his eyes lit up in realization, and then suspicion as he said, “From the same place that you wanted me to put my penis.” “Wow, you knew?” Apple Bloom said with a surprised blink. “Even mah sister won’t let me know that stuff, an’ ah’m a farm filly!” “Yeah my mom um... I asked where I came from once,” Dinky said with another blush. “She um, showed me. She can be very direct sometimes.” “Oh,” Apple Bloom with a disappointed glance at her crotch. “So you knew ah had a... secret passage back in there.” Dinky started to nod, but then started to shake his head, but then his eyes lit up in realization again and he threw up his hooves to the sky and exclaimed, “Oh that’s what she meant by a hallway!” “...huh?” was all Apple Bloom could say. “No I...” Dinky facehooved. “No, I had no idea. You um... you got me good. Mom just stuck her rear in my... she just showed me, but not that her filly parts went inside, or that my penis could go in there. I was just as surprised as y— as you would have been, I guess, with the first colt you did this with.” “Aw, that was Shady,” Apple Bloom said, looking up with a dismissive hoof wave. “Ain’t so special, ask him sometime he’ll back me up on that. Sure it surprised me and all havin’ his penis goin’ in a place ah thought was just a solid bottom. Ah thought his penis was like goin’ under me at first, or somethin’, except ah felt all slidin’ all around him. But, it kinda hurts your first time, if you’re a filly. Not that a filly in estrus can even care about a little pain.” “It wasn’t too bad out of estrus,” Sweetie said. “Scootaloo did it to me, and it hurt my littlest lips like stretching open like you said, but he just stayed still in there until I calmed down.” “Such a raw deal that fillies have to have these hymen things,” Scootaloo said shaking his head. “Can’t just push in and have fun, oh no.” “Well it is pretty incredible though,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “It was scary more than anything. But the feelin’ of getting broke open just does something to you. And not somethin’ bad. Like, you changed a little, I guess? Makes you feel more open, less like, tight. It’s a good... a not so horrible feeling, as long as you know what it is, and you don’t think he really did bust a hole in you.” “I’m lost,” Dinky said. “What’s a hymen again?” “A hymen is a fleshy membrane,” Sweetie recited. She blinked, and then repeated herself more simply. “It’s the smallest part of your cunny lips. I mean mine. Those foldy things back there are smaller around the uhm, entrance and stuff. I have plenty of room deeper inside me, but a penis can’t really fit past just the ring at the entrance. So when you’re i-inside a filly, be careful. The part right where you start to go in is really tight, and easy to t-tear open.” “I could hardly even feel it,” Scootaloo said authoritatively. “But she could. I on accident did Sweetie’s and you really do gotta be real careful, since it’s so easy to miss if you’re a colt. You gotta just be careful and slow until she’s all stretched out, even though you wanna go fast. Only she can tell it’s done, from the...breaking open feeling. And then you’re both feeling good.” “That’s stupid,” Dinky whined, “Why is only that part too small for a penis? I don’t want to hurt anypony!” “An’ you won’t,” Apple Bloom said, flicking Dinky in the nose with her bubbly tail. “Ah already got it from Shady, and ah’m all properly penis shaped in there now.” “It won’t grow back or anything?” Dinky asked skeptically. “Well, mahn didn’t,” Apple Bloom said smugly. “An’ neither did Sweetie’s. It’s just like any stretchin’ exercise, at first you’re gonna be stiff and sore, but once you’re limbered up you can do better at it. Dunno about the tearin’ thing though, but it’s just a one time deal.” “Maybe it’s to help colts who respect you,” Scootaloo suggested, “Instead of just jamming it in and not caring.” “I dunno,” Apple Bloom said hesitantly, “Shady did that, an’ ah’m fine.” “You’re not friends with him though,” Scootaloo said leadingly. “Yeah bec—oh, huh,” Apple Bloom puzzled a hoof into the air. “You think the hymen thing made me not like him so much? He was bein’ awful rude about it, but we both were so ah don’t blame him, but... yeah I guess?” “Either way,” Sweetie pointed out, “Dinky never even had to worry about it, and he could just put it in as hard as he wanted, and if you’re wet enough, it won’t bother you at all.” “Gosh,” Dinky said faintly, “I didn’t even try to go slow or anything. If you had that... thing, then I’d be dead meat!” “Iiiit was also kind of our fault,” Sweetie admitted, “For pulling him out of her so he couldn’t do it.” “Yeah,” Scootaloo said with a shudder. “Remember how you felt in there, Dinky? Now imagine somepony pulled you away before you could orgasm.” “Huh,” Dinky said thoughtfully, “I... I don’t know. It happened so fast. I don’t really know how I felt, just that I had to keep moving in her no matter what.” “Well maybe the second time you go in me,” Apple Bloom said teasingly, swaying her tail before a wide eyed Dinky, “Then you cain pay more attention, an’ really feel what it’s like.” “I—I could do it again!” he realized. “I could? I mean, I can’t... um... feel it right now, so...” “It’s ‘cause you’re empty,” Scootaloo said instructively, “You gotta make more semen in your prostate before you can do it again.” “Semen?” Dinky queried. “Yeah, the stuff that came out of your penis,” Scootaloo said. “Yours is coming out of Apple Bloom, and mine is coming out of Sweetie Belle.” “Heh...” Sweetie said blushing and crossing her hind legs. “More important than comin’ out,” Apple Bloom suggested, “Is that it’s inside us in the first place.” “What is that stuff, anyway?” Dinky asked curiously, nosing at Apple Bloom’s hindquarters, earning a giggle and a dancing away for his trouble. “I just had to keep putting it in and in,” he stated in wonder, following along with Apple Bloom who seemed content to stay side by side with him. “My penis just made it all of a sudden! Or... my prostate?” He gave Scootaloo a querying glance. “Don’t you worry none, Dinky! You were supposed ta do that,” Apple Bloom reassured him, reaching over to pat at his short blonde mane. “You did everything ah could’ve hoped for. Ah cain’t thank you enough for fillin’ me up right nicely!” “It’s your seed that you put in her,” Sweetie told Dinky in a conspiratorial tone. “That’s what your penis is for, to put seed inside a filly’s vagina. That’s why it gets all big, and made you want to put it in Apple Bloom’s vagina.” “But I mean...” Dinky reached a hoof back behind Apple Bloom, touching her slick bottom to a shiver from her, saying, “It’s just this sort of... goop! What does it even seed?” What a fluttery eyed Apple Bloom said to him then was somewhat surprising, as she pressed the issue she brought up earlier, saying, “So, you know how a momma gets a baby in her belly?” “I um... I guess, no, not really?” Dinky said uncertainly, pulling his hoof away from her rear. It was rather awkward to talk to Apple Bloom here at the grassy meadow beside her clubhouse thing, with your hoof mashed up against her ass. “She uh... it grows in her belly. I know that. Um... she... eats something?” Apple Bloom laughed despite herself. “Ah thought that too!” she said, “But readin’ about the womb and the digestin’ tract, you figure it out pretty clear. Everypony’s gotta eat, but only fillies get foals in their belly, so we all have a poop hole, but only me and Sweetie Belle got a vaginer. That place you put your penis is the only way ah’d ever get a foal in me.” “But–bu... but it’s way too small!” Dinky said in sudden realization. Sweetie Belle snorted, but managed not to laugh. She and Scootaloo were together with him and Apple Bloom, after up in the clubhouse Dinky had felt his penis so incredibly pumping Apple Bloom full of ...stuff, and then down here saw Scootaloo do the same thing to Sweetie Belle. Scoots and Sweetie were lying together on the grass, while Dinky faced a standing Apple Bloom giving him an amused expression. “Oh!” Dinky said in another sudden realization, “But the foal grows in the filly’s belly, so maybe it fits up inside, when it’s still small.” There. Let no foal say Dinky wasn’t a smart cookie! Scootaloo sat up, and just gave Dinky a raised eyebrow. With flatter ears, Dinky attempted a guess, saying to his new friend with the inside place, “So, what you’re trying to say, Apple Bloom, is... you put a mini-foal up your ...vagin-er, so now you’re gonna um... be a mommy?” “Y’don’t put a foal into you!” Apple Bloom laughed heartily. Then she stopped cold, and frowned, saying, “Well, actually... sorta. But ah mean, y’think ah cain just go to the store an’ buy like a instant foal kit. Just add water an’ stick it in your hoo ha?” “It does sound kind of silly,” Dinky admitted, “But I’d really like if you just tell me, so I don’t have to sound silly anymore.” Apple Bloom nodded seriously, then answered with a question. “Y’know how chickens lay eggs, right?” Dinky nodded. “Pony eggs are the size of a teeny tiny speck,” Sweetie Belle blurted wonderingly to the sky. “Fillies can’t see when they lay them, because they’re so tiny, but estrus is proof that they’re there. It just sneaks outta your vagina, and nopony notices.” “But why are they so small?” Dinky asked her. “You can’t... and baby ponies grow inside the mother, so there’s no real egg,” he insisted. “There is an egg,” Sweetie Belle insisted right back. “It’s so small at first, because it doesn’t leave the mother. If it’s a fertilized egg, it stays inside her, and gets bigger to grow a foal in it.” Sweetie touched her own smooth belly with a hoof, saying, “Here inside me is my womb. Only fillies have one, which is why colts can’t be pregnant. That’s what you saw swelling up a mare’s belly. It wasn’t her stomach, but her womb. A special little place that grows with the foal, where a fertilized egg can grow from a tiny little speck into a full sized um... foal.” “That’s what miss Twilight showed me,” Sweetie concluded, removing her hoof with a bit of a nervous huff. “So any filly who gets her egg fertilized, she’s gonna be a momma,” Apple Bloom said casually waving a hoof around. “Me, Sweetie, don’t matter. Could happen to any filly. Once an egg has been fertilized, it latches onto the momma, an’ then you’re pretty much lookin’ at a pregnant filly. Her belly’ll swell, and she’ll be givin’ birth in 11 months, just like clockwork.” “This all doesn’t ...bother you?” Dinky asked the three of them incredulously. “Nope,” Apple Bloom answered with an unreadable smile. “Okay, so now I think you’re trying to tell me your eggs got fertilized somehow,” Dinky deduced, “And... I mean, you can have a foal I really do not mind, but you’re kinda young. Are you sure you’re gonna be safe? Won’t it ...hurt coming out? Y-your vagina, right?” “They say more like effort than pain,” Apple Bloom said thoughtfully. “The vaginer gets all... big like. They didn’t have pictures, but ah remember pretty clear. Makes sense; you see a filly’s belly stretchin’ all big, and you can bet the way outta that belly is stretchin’ all big too. You saw how stretchy ah was after just five minutes of you. If you got eleven months to stretch, you could probably fit a bowling ball through there!” “There are books on training for it,” Scootaloo added helpfully, “And exercises and workouts, for getting your muscles strong so you don’t pull anything with the strain. It really sounds totally wild.” “If you don’t exercise, the foal still has to come out,” Sweetie said chastisingly to the two. “And you can’t stop pushing until it’s done even if you get hurt. So it can hurt, but only if you aren’t ready, or something goes wrong.” Apple Bloom did blush then, there next to her hapless lover, in some spare modicum of modesty. “Sweetie’s right, and we are kinda... little ponies still. Our hoo ha’s might not be able to get big enough for a foal to fit through easy. It cain hurt, ah’m sayin’, but it’s mixed results. Some ponies even have a special talent at it! “Aaanyway the point is,” Scootaloo concluded for them, “I don’t think you realize just how an egg gets fertilized.” Dinky thought about it, but was still coming up blank. “Um...” he said intelligently. “So, every pony has a daddy as well as a mommy,” Sweetie Belle prompted patiently. “Right,” Dinky nodded over to her Apple Bloom put in, “And every chicken farm needs a rooster.” “I guess?” Dinky said, tilting towards her. Apple Bloom continued, giving him a very meaningful look. “And when they want fertilized eggs, they turn the rooster loose.” “I uh...” Apple Bloom stood up to tell it right to Dinky’s nose with this dangerous grin on her face, telling him straight “So the rooster, he goes up to one of the chickens and jumps up on her back, when she sticks her butt at him, sticks his thing against her and bam, fills her up with seed.” “...” “Her egg ain’t fertilized until it gets all that seed all over it,” Apple Bloom continued, prancing around blithely, holding a leg out to emphasize her bare slim yellow hindquarters. “An’ then out from the egg comes a brand new baby chick! Puttin’ seed in a female is what makes you a daddy. The sperms that go fertilize that egg, and then the hen’s a mommy and the rooster’s a daddy.” “...” Sweetie was standing now, failing to conceal a smile at Dinky’s current internal and external state of mind. “It’s like that for ponies too,” she said indulgently, “Except ponies have a way to make sure it gets nice and deep.” When did Scootaloo stand? Why was he patting Apple Bloom’s hindquarters? Why was he saying, “Yup, it can stay right up inside here, where Apple Bloom’s egg is waiting to make her a mommy.” “Gettin’ me as fertilized as possible!” Apple Bloom said with a delighted hip wiggle. Her groin was starting to get sticky because she didn’t c-clean it o-off... “Don’t worry, Dinky,” Sweetie told him seriously. “It can’t happen to a filly, unless she happens to be in estrus,” “Heh!” Apple Bloom laughed at Sweetie’s joke, her big joke because it is a joke there must be something wrong with this line of reasoning because it can’t make sense that daddies because mommies have a vagina that the sperm go in and the foal comes out no no, completely senseless because you could just do that on accident! “Buncha little wigglin’ critters in your seed called sperms. You pumped ‘em all up in me,” Apple Bloom purred, rakishly waving her tail. “They’re all ready to burrow their way into mah egg, over the next day or so. Why, ah might just end up pregnant as any mare whose ever foaled, and it’ll make you a daddy.” Dinky contributed intelligently to the conversation. “In about a week, her new foal will nestle up all snug into her womb,” Sweetie continued fondly, and heedlessly, “Then she will start eating more, and the foal will grow in her.” “And her belly starts getting bigger!” Scootaloo put in, offering a visual demonstration by bowing his hoof underneath Apple Bloom’s belly. “Gotta start thinkin’ ‘bout diapers,” he said, “And makin’ milk come outta her. Lots of stuff like that.” Apple Bloom started to laugh, but then gave a quick squeal and danced away when Scootaloo poked her t-t-t-t “Mah milk makers ain’t makin’ yet!” she admonished Scootaloo with a teasing sway, “Won’t be long now though. We won’t even have graduated! Maybe won’t even have our cutie marks!” “Just hypothetical of course,” Apple Bloom concluded over her shoulder cheekily, and Dinky was far too disarrayed to pick up on that. “I’M NOT A DADDY!” he bleated, scrambling to his hooves, eyes wild as he tried to deny the obvious. “With all that seed inside-a me?” Apple Bloom cooed coyly, laying a hoof over her vulva and stretching out a hind leg luxuriously. “Ah don’t know, would you rather be called daddy, or pa? Or maybe father?” “It’ll be weird seeing you coming to school with a foal on your back, Apple Bloom,” Sweetie said to her seriously. “I wonder what all the other foals will think?” “I’m sure Dinky will stand up for her,” Scootaloo said smartly. “He’ll take good care of his foal. He can even kiss her good night.” Apple Bloom smiled pleasantly at Dinky, saying, “You think it’ll be an adorable lil’ filly? Or maybe a colt, like you?” Dinky fell over with a quiet thump. Sweetie Belle stood up, and walked over to the fallen Dinky. “Uh oh,” she said uneasily to the unicorn under her gaze. “...I think we overdid it,” Scootaloo said, also coming to look over the unconscious unicorn colt. “Guess he was just plum tuckered out?” Apple Bloom offered with a nervous smile. “...what?” Some time later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were spending the rest of their afternoon playing on the jungle gym, swinging from platform to platform on the tire swing array. “You think Dinky will be okay?” Scootaloo said while swinging past Sweetie Belle. “He’ll be fine,” Apple Bloom said swinging past Scootaloo. “Maybe we should have stayed with him,” Sweetie said uncertainly, swinging past Apple Bloom. “I don’t wanna be there,” Scootaloo said swinging past Sweetie Belle, “When he wakes up,” Scootaloo said swinging past Sweetie Belle the other way. “It’ll be fine,” Apple Bloom said likewise swinging past them both. “Once he reads the note I left, it’ll...” “...All be cleared up.” A pause, then Sweetie swung past saying, “Did you really have to stick it on his horn?” Dear Dinky Dew, I am not pregnent. Repeat, no foal in me. U not daddy, congrats :) - AB P.S. I have special thingy in my woom tht keeps me safe. No foals 4 me till oldr Wanted 2 shw U b/c any other filly and U might hav been out o/ luck. Overdid it, srry. if U do tat peens thing we ded in filly who not safe, U will be daddy so dont. most filles in town not safe, so B careful! me = safe, them = daddy. talk 2 U l8r P.S. sorry for teasing