The Slumber Party of 'Shy and Discord

by The-Fluttercord-Fangirl

First published

Fluttershy and Discord have a slumber party

Fluttershy invites her best friend, Discord, to a slumber party. While he's busy she visits her friends. Then she and Discord have their much awaited slumber party. And they try to hide an important secret about each

WARNING: FLUTTERCORD STORY, don't like don't read. English is my second language.

I apologize for not updating in a few months, i have been busy with my own life.

Chapter 1: The Letter

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It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash was on her way to Twilight's, Rarity was sewing some dresses for herself, AppleJack was bucking some apples, Pinkie Pie was preparing a party with Cheese Sandwich, Twilight was reading, and Fluttershy... well, she was getting ready for a slumber party.
A few days before/Tuesday tea

"Oh Discord!" said Fluttershy, "These Tuesday teas are so much fun!"

"I know, right?" replied Discord, "We should do something else to spend time together, Flutters."

"I wonder what...." she replied.

"I KNOW!" said Discord excitedly, "How about we have a slumber party this Saturday?"

"That's a great idea, Discord!" replied Fluttershy in the same tone of excitement, "How about we meet at 2:00 PM?"

"Sure, why not?" said Discord, "Do i bring my own bed?"

"Of course!...Why do you ask?" Flutters asked him.

"Oh... nothing its not like I was thinking of... nevermind, ok!" he replied. 'Its ok... she's just a friend... its not like you could actually get to sleep with such a pret- no! she's just a friend, Discord!'

"Um... Discord are you ok?" she asked.

"Uh... yeah I'm fine... just thinking..." he said slightly blushing, "umm... OKTHENSEEYOUSATURDAY!" he said really fast just before poofing away.
Present day/Fluttershy's cottage

"Oh Angel I hope everything looks alright! Is the floor clean enough? Are the marshmallows in the fridge? Is my room not too messy? Oh I hope everything goes right!!!" she said while biting her hoof. Angel hit her. "Ouch!" she squeaked, "Oh you're right, Angel, I'm just overreacting... everything is perfect," she said, "or at least, i hope so!".

Angel was trying to say "Why are you so worried? It's just Discord! Pfft! Like HE would care about order. Stop overreacting Fluttershy!"

"Oh ok, I think everything is fine... just have to wait until he gets here!" said Fluttershy. Then she saw a flash of light and a scroll appeared next to her. "Oh I wonder who it's from, and what it's about" she said while she opened it.

"Dear Fluttershy," the butter-colored pegasus read.

"I'm sorry to say I wont be able to make it over in time. I might take a few more hours until I get there. I was really looking foward to our party, but Celestia needs me at a meeting in Canterlot, and I wont be able to go as soon as i hoped to. Don't worry I WILL come today.

Love,Your Friend," she blushed slightly "Oh my..." she said and looked at a mad Angel, "he's just a friend I'm sure he didnt mean for it to sound like that..."


P.S. want me to bring anything to our party?"

"Oh, well... Angel! Discord wont be able to make it until a few hours!" She placed her hoof oh her jaw while she tought. "Maybe I can go visit my pony friends!" She said in an excited tone, "That way I won't have to wait for so long!" then she stopped and realized. "But first! I have to write back to Discord!" she found a pen, dipped it in ink, and started writing back.

"Dear Discord,

I got your letter, and, I'm sorry you couldn't get here sooner! I understand the Princess needs you, so I will find a way to distract myself while I wait.

Your PFF,


P.S. You can bring anything you want! Oh, and maybe get some whipped cream? I forgot to buy some for the s'mores."

She put a nice bow on the letter and sent it.

"I'm gonna go see what Twilight's doing!" 'Shy said.
Twilight's Castle

*Knock Knock* "Um oh hi Twilight. Hi Rainbow" she said.

"Hey Flutters! What's up?" Twi said.

"Oh nothing, just came to see if you were doing anything interesting. Me and Discord were gonna have a slumber party, but then he told me the Princess needed him. So i just came here while I wait for him to finish. What are you doing here Rainbow?"

This caught RD's attention.

"Just getting my new Daring Do book..." she said mysteriously while turning around, "and that Discord BETTER NOT HURT YOU! Or he's gonna PAY! And he's gonna pay REALLY BADLY!"

"eep!" squeaked Fluttershy "Um... I don't really think he is that bad..."

"Of course he's bad! I'm gonna be watching him. And I mean literally!" said Rainbow.

"Rainbow! You should leave them alone," Twilight answered, "if Discord does something I'm sure Fluttershy will be able to tell us."

"Ugh FINE!" said an angry Dashie."

A few hours later at Fluttershy's cottage

"Oh... Discord still hasn't come... I'm starting to get worried!" 'Shy sighed.

"SURPRISE!" said Discord as he appeared and tackle-hugged Fluttershy.

"AAH!" she screamed.

"Oh, Im sorry are you ok Flutters?" said Discord in a worried tone while backing away.

"Yes... its ok you just scared me" replied Fluttershy while looking down with a tiny smile on her face.

Discord stared at her like an idiot 'Oh my Celestia she's soooo cute when she's shy', he thought.

Fluttershy was also thinking. 'I love it when he gives me that look he's just sooo hands- remember, Fluttershy... he's just a friend....'. She broke the silence. "Um so... did you bring the whipped cream like I asked?" he didn't respond. "Um... Hello? Discoooord?" she waved her hoof in front of his face.

"Uh? Huh? What?" he answered kinda puzzled. "Oh sorry, I was just... um... thinking... and yes I did bring the whipped cream", he said as he poofed it in front of her.

"Perfect! Thank you Discord!" she ran and hugged him.

"Oh... no problem" he said while hugging her back.

"Oh, Discord I love-" Fluttershy stopped talking and realized what she was about to say, "-when you do something nice for me," she resumed awkwardly.

Discord was kind of disappointed, he loved her and hoped she loved him too. "Oh...uh... me too" he replied.

They broke away from the hug after some time.

"So, shall we start our party?" Discord asked.

"Definitely!" Fluttershy answered just before giving him a peck on the cheek and walking away.

Discord put his paw on his cheek and smiled.

Chapter 2: Some More S'mores

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"Shall we start by making those delicious s'mores?" Discord asked.

"Sure." the butter-colored pegasus replied. She walked around her cottage, Discord right behind her, until they got to the couch. She sat down and shyly asked Discord, "So... How do we make these s'mores? I mean, I have seen them at Sugar Cube Corner, but I've never actually ate one, nor even less made one."

"Easy peasy, lemon squeezy" Discord replied.

"What?" said a confused 'Shy.

"Huh? Never mind" the draconequus replied "give me the Graham Crackers, the Hershey's and the marshmallows."

"Oh... Um... Ok..." she answered, "Angel! Can you get Discord that bag over there? Please?" she said while pointing at her kitchen's table.

Angel made a 'No way' gesture.

"Don't make me use the stare!" Fluttershy warned.

He kept a mad face.

"Well isn't that a bad bunny. Maybe his tail shouldn't be fluffed in a month!" Fluttershy teased.

Angel made a gesture, which was oviously trying to say 'PLEASE NO'.

"Then please get Discord the bag or your tail wont be fluffed."

Angel nodded no, like a bad kid.

Fluttershy sighed and then gave him the stare.

Angel scaredly jumped over to the kitchen table.

"I see you've learned from my assertiveness lessons, 'Shy." Discord said while he gave a smug smile and looked at Angel, which was in pain from having to do something for Discord, he oviously didn't want to.

Angel gave Discord the bag, gave him a death glare and threw a carrot at Discord.

Discord stopped the carrot with his magic, rolled his eyes and just went with it. "Thank you furball" he said in an annoyed tone and stuck his tounge out at Angel, making sure Fluttershy didn't see him, while taking the bag and opening it. "Now you take the marshmallows..." he said while taking one "... and you roast them over fire." he made Fluttershy's chimney's fire turn on.

"Roast them over FIRE?!?" the shy pegasus screamed in horror, "But... But! What if you get a really bad burn, and then have to be taken to the hospital and then something terrible happens and... and... and... you die!" she said with tears in her eyes. 'I can't risk loosing him! It would be so sad!'.

That kind of touched Discord, even tough he knew he couldn't die so easily, Fluttershy was just being silly, but nopony had ever worried about him that way. He went over and hugged her consolating her. "Don't worry your pretty little head over it. And I mean really pretty head..." he said while wiping off one of her tears.

"Huh?" 'Shy asked confused. Angel heard him perfectly and gave him a death glare. Again.

"Nothing! Never mind!" Discord replied awkwardly, "the point is, don't be silly, Flutters, nopony's gonna die over roasting marshmallows! Thats why these dowel... uhh... thingies exist!" he poofed one and put it in the marshmallow. Then he made them float over the fire. He repeated the process, this time, with a bigger marshmallow that looked like cotton candy. "That one's for me." he said pointing at the fluffy pink marshmallow.

Fluttershy giggled, while Angel looked mad.

'That giggle is so adorable...' the draconequus tought.

"So... Discord" Fluttershy snapped him out of his toughts.

"Huh? Wha? Sorry..." he replied awkwardly, "What is it?"

"Um... i was wondering when the marshmallows would finish roasting" the yellow pegasus said shyly.

"Just when you think they are perfect to eat!" he answered playfully, "HEY! That rhymed! Kind of... i don't know? Did it?" Discord asked while he shrugged.

"I think so," Flutters giggled, "At least to me it did!"

There were two or three minutes of silence. "The marshmallows are pretty roasted." Discord said as he took them out of the dowels.

"So? What is the next step to making these s'mores?" 'Shy asked.

"Crackers" Discord said and took the crackers out of the bag.

"What with the crackers?" the shy pegasus asked.

"You take one of the crackers and snap it in half," he showed her, "then, you put the marshmallow on it," he did so, "and now you take the Hershey's, and snap off a square, then you put it over the marshmallow, and then the other half of the cracker goes over it. And don't forget the whipped cream on top!" he said it really fast almost like Pinkie Pie. "... And you're done! You can eat!" he said with his mouth full of the s'more.

Fluttershy followed Discord's steps carefully, while Discord made another s'more for himself. She gave the s'more a bite. "Ow! It burns!" she said with her mouth full while trying to cool off with her hoof. "My tounge hurts!" she continued "it's so hot!".

"Oh yeah. That." the draconequus gulped down the s'more, "I forgot to mention to let it cool off, didn't i?"

"Mmhmm," 'Shy answered with her mouth full "it's delicious though!"

"I'm glad you like it Flutters." he answered, "But next time remember to let it cool." Discord continued with a small giggle.

Angel gave Fluttershy puppy eyes, a gesture meaning he was hungry.

"Oh, Angel? You want to try a s'more? Sure, why not!" Fluttershy made a small one for him and gave it to him.

Angel gave a smug smile and gave it a bunny bite and, out of Fluttershy's sight, spit out the s'more and made a sick gesture.

"Oh, so your little furball likes my s'cret s'more recipe." Discord said rolling his eyes at Angel, "Get it? S'more? S'cret?" he laughed.

"Yes i get it." she giggled then stopped, "But I thought you said s'mores had only one recipe..." Fluttershy said confused.

"Did i? Whatever, still, i showed you how to make them, so it counts as my secret recipe, right?" Discord answered.

"I... guess so?" the yellow pegasus said confusedly.

Angel made an audible 'sick' sound.

"Angel! Are you ok?" Fluttershy asked worriedly.

Angel pointed at the other half of the s'more he was eating.

"Oh no! I think he got sick from the s'more!" 'Shy said while taking angel in her hooves.

Discord raised an eyebrow with a serious look on his face while crossing his arms, "Seriously? You believe him?" Discord facepawed "Honestly, i thought you were smarter."

"What do you mean?" Flutters asked.

"He's faking, DUH!" Discord took Angel from Fluttershy's hooves and held him.

Angel forgot his whole 'pretending to be sick to make Fluttershy mad at Discord' thing and tried to get out of Discord's grasp.

"Oh." Fluttershy blushed "I guess i could be... smarter..."

"Your cheeks are pink!" Discord laughed all over the couch and handed Fluttershy a very weird-looking mirror.

Fluttershy looked at herself in it and giggled.

"Anyways!" the draconequus said excited while ending his laugh, "Let's make a few more s'mores and go onto the next part of our sleepover, slumber party, whatever... thingy, ok?"

"Uhh ok!" 'Shy answered and gave him a small, cute, warm, smile.

'Her adorableness is killing me...' Discord tought while he smiled back, happily.