The Stories about Ruby Heart, The Balloon Mare

by d3me

First published

A couple of stories about life, adventures and death (I hope not) of Ruby Heart, the mare of science, parties... and balloons. (warning: inflation fetish and inanimate TF present)

Sometimes a pony choose her adventure. Sometimes adventure choose its pony. And sometimes an adventurer is shipping you to adventure as cargo...
Ruby Heart lived a normal life and had a normal job on a toy factory. But one tragic mishap – and she became a toy to the fate, elements and some lusty stallions.

Author's note:
Well, here is it, my first story here. The idea was lingering for some time, but I really didn't know how to begin it.
Then I read The Dollmaker by birchwood and got myself a kick-start.
You may say Chapter One is continuation to this story, but it is done just to introduce to you my OC, Rubber "Ruby" Heart. Other chapters will focus on her adventures, ventures and mishaps; I don't want to create fetish-only story.
As you might notice, English is not my native language, so mistakes will be present, I'm afraid. I'll be glad if someone point them to me or proofread the story

Chapter 1: The Pony Who Make Dolls.

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“Boring,” said Ruby, watching ponies pass by her balloon stand.

She was standing here since morning and sold only two. What is wrong with this town's citizens? Are they forgot how to party?

“Well, duh! The Summer festival ended a week ago, nopony need your silly balloons now!”

She sighed deeply. It was the only thing she could do now, just selling balloons for a living.

“I wish I could return home,” she muttered, “but I can't. Not in this... state”.

The day was coming to an end. The sun started to go down, slowly and carefully. Princess Luna was not too proficient with it, so she exercise extreme caution. On the bright side, now everypony can enjoy the beautiful and long sunsets.

A pair of Night Watch guards passed by. One of them, big gray unicorn stallion, approached the balloon stand.

Ruby quickly shuffled her glossy puffy pink mane and put on playful smile.

“Good evening, officer!” she said. “You want something?”

“Just checking, miss,” responded stallion. “I suggest you to go home. It's late and this place could be dangerous”.

“Oh, come on! I'm a grown-up mare and surely can handle myself,” she giggled. “Say, how about a big and colorful balloon for your companion? I know how boring can be watching gray and blue for the whole day!”

“I'd like to!” shouted the second guard, gray athletic earth mare.

“We are on duty, Agent Seven!” stallion rolled his eyes and then turned back to Ruby. “Look, miss...”

“Heart. Rubber Heart. But you can call me Ruby...”

“Well, miss Heart… Ruby, what do you say if I reserve some of your balloons for Night Watch annual party and you'll leave this place immediately? Let's say I get a bad feeling about this place and you shouldn't stay here this evening?”

“Oh, typical Agent Six!” Agent Seven approached. “Always so enigmatic with his “bad feels”. Though you should consider his words, miss. This place is not safe”
Ruby gave another deep sigh. After mysterious disappearance of Princess Celestia, all of Equestria was flooded with Night Watch agents digging every lost pony case. They hired every professional scryer they could find, though princess is still out of their reach.

“All right, all right,” said Ruby. “I guess I could call it a day”.

“Great!” Agent Six smiled. “And about party proposition… It's still a thing. Here, take this bits and my card. Will you manage to do this task?”

“Of course!” Ruby smiled. It was her first big order in this town. She'll manage. And who knows, maybe she'll get herself a patronizer!

Agents left, carrying big rainbow-colored balloon (Agent Seven really liked it) and Ruby started closing her stand.

She doesn't notice a dark shadow watching her from alleyway…

Stallion was desperate. What gone wrong? He was successful entrepreneur who can satisfy any lustful stallion's need with his produce. His traveling sex toy emporium got itself a name and hundreds of clients. And no one knew his secret – how he's making his most popular product: sex dolls, lusty inflatable mares.

It was his special talent, to transform a living flesh into plastic with the intricate device he invented. Brutal? Maybe. However, he didn't thought like that. After all, he giving these poor mares a new purpose earning some nice money at the same time...

But he got reckless. Turning that white pegasus mare was his mistake. Who knew she is some kind of VIP, princess Celestia's protégé or something? Every town he visited greeted him with her face on “Lost” posters and sneaky Night Watch agents asking questions.

It's good he got rid of that accursed doll.

He canceled all orders, laid low for bit, but then Princess Luna informed Equestria about her sister disappearance and reinforced all town guard with Night Watch specialists. “Grays” was much more observant and meticulous unlike their aloof Day Watch colleagues. One of them almost caught him red-hoofed…

“This is the last time,” he promised to himself. “Then I'll go far-far away and start a new life”.

Stallion checked his notes. A client requested pink mare with puffy mane and tail. That one will do. Nice curves, big sweet rump and beautiful glossy coat. Light and bubbly, like balloons she selling. Judging from her cutiemark – heart-shaped balloon – it was her special talent. Well, things can change.

Stallion observed her quite for a while. She's living alone, with no close friends or relatives who can miss her. Ideal target.

He took flowers he bought earlier and “spiced” them with yellow powder from his box. One sniff – and she'll be paralyzed long enough for him to do his job. Usual plan.

“Miss, miss!” he shouted from a distance.

“Are you talking to me?”

“Yes! Miss, please, I'm in terrible need of your assistance!”

“Of course! What's happening?” she trotted closer.
Stallion smiled. Everything was according to his plan. Just get out of the streetlights… Done.

“Oh, miss, I'm terribly sorry! I guess I startled you. I just need a mare's advice”

“Ah, sure!” she giggled. “What kind of advice you need?”

“You see, I bought these flowers for my special somepony, but I'm terrible at picking them! Can you tell me if they are OK?”

“No they are not” pink mare replied.

“What? But you hadn't even looked at them!”

“I hate flowers. Too much meaning, too little fun! Nevertheless, I know a perfect gift for her! A balloon! And you're lucky, because I know everything about them! Let me pick a perfect super-duper romantic one just for her! How about a giant heart-shaped balloon that can make her float?”

“No-no-no, I'm terribly sorry, but I stick to flowers now,” he started losing temper. “Miss, could you at least tell me if they have a good aroma? My nose are little stuffy”

“I guess I could...”

She came closer, and reached flowers with her muzzle. Stallion smiled. Now she is in his power…

CHOO!!! Achoo! Achoo!

Yellow powder formed a cloud that quickly gravitated to stallion's muzzle. “Darn it!” he thought, “I must not breathe, or I'll wasted!”

“I'm terribly sorry!” said pink mare, taking a pause to blow her nose up, “It seems I'm allergic to this flowers' pollen”

Still standing breathless, stallion rubbed his muzzle with kerchief. He felt a strange stiffness in his limbs, but still could move them. It seems he sniffed a bit.

“Enough!!!” he shouted angrily “You stand still!!”

His horn began to glow and telekinetic aura enveloped his prey.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

“Holding you, of course! Don't shake; you'll only making it worse for you!”

He took a needle from his pack.

“And it goes there...” he said, levitating his tool to her side

“Release me!” she shouted, throwing her head back.

Magenta spark flared on her forehead, disrupting stallion's magic. Mare and needle fell on the ground.

“Darn it!” stallion thought, “She's unicorn? How could I overlook this? But yes, with this mane of hers it's easy…”

Mare moaned as she tried to get up. It seems magic exhausted her.

“It's my chance!”

His stiff legs were moving like stilts, but he managed to approach his victim. Then he fell on her, pressing hapless mare to the ground.

“You not going anywhere now! Accept your fate!” he groaned.

Stallion picked up a needle and plunged it to mare's side with all his magical force.

Nothing happened. Needle didn't even stuck in her body. It just bounced off.

“Darn it!” he shout, “Is it blunt?”

There was no time for picking replacement. He just need to push it harder, right?

Stallion put a needle to mare's side and pushed it with his forelegs. No effect.

“Please, don't,” the victim moaned.

Stallion went in rage. “Why! Won't! You! Pierce?!” he screamed on the top of his lungs pushing his accursed needle.


“The heck?!” he shouted, trying to calm down the ringing in his ears.

Instead of mare, he saw just a bunch of shiny pink rags.

“She… popped? But how? Mares don't pop like balloons! They do not blow to smithereens!”

He stood on his stiff legs. Strange, his body felt a bit lighter. And this strange sensation on his abdomen…

He checked himself up.

Cold sweat started running his neck. The needle… was in his belly, slowly transforming his coat into plastic…

“No-no-no-no! This cannot be! How did this happen?”

He felt strange arousal when his cock came out of the sheath. It became hard as stone, as the needle magic touched it, transforming his stallionhood into realistic heavy dildo.

“Darn it! What am I transforming into? Inflatable stallions are niche product! No one will buy it!” He cursed. Even in this state, he is thinking about business.

Plastic conquered his hind legs and turned his short tail into shiny plastic whisk. It crawled on his spine, creating a visible seam. Now stallion's body became fully paralyzed…

“Help!” he shouted. At least he could still speak, but plastic is almost crawled at his throat, making his words dull.

There must be somepony here. Someone who can hear his plea!

But there was nobody.

Then he noticed a whirlwind. It stormed through the alleyway picking rags, the ones that mare turned into. Strange, it doesn't pick anything more, not even papers and leaves. When all rags were gathered, whirlwind pressed them into a ball and then…


Well, technically it was not the same “POP!” stallion heard earlier. It was more like un-POP, as if the sound played backwards…

The mare appeared out of this “POP!” It was the same balloon stand mare, but now she was all glossy and semi-transparent. Her mane and tail looked like big latex tentacles bouncing with her every move. She was completely hollow inside, having only spacious connected pockets in place of her throat, vagina and rectum.

“Whew!” she said. “Almost thought I'm a goner!”

She approached almost-plasticized stallion.

“Help me,” he pleaded, “I'm sorry for all this...”

“Wow,” she said. “Is this what you wanted me to become?”

“Yes… but please, save me, I don't want to...” His words stopped. Plastic covered his mouth, making his lips puffy and soft, locking them in last position they were.

“Such an intricate magic!” she said in excitement. “You know, back when I was flesh and blood, I used to be a scientist of some sort. I researched rubber to make better inflatable toys. Your talent is so fascinating! Too bad you have to use living matter for your… creations”.

She looked into his pleading eyes. They became dull as transformation finished.

“Now what should I do with you? You saw my secret but I doubt you'll be telling it anytime soon. Oh, how I wish to run some tests on you!”

She touched his cock.

“Fascinating! However, I guess I really should call for help. I am law-abiding citizen after all. Oh, and would you mind if I take some of your instruments? I'm looking forward to analyze them. Ha, I knew you’ll say yes!”

Ruby's horn sparkled and she restored her normal pony appearance. “Lights and mirrors, a handy refraction trick my father taught me...” She sighed. “I wish I could return home…”

“This way!” Ruby galloped back with two familiar Night Watch agents.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” asked Agent Six.

“This maniac attacked me with some kind of magic device! It's good that I managed to use a protective spell to shield myself and counter his attack”.

“And he's busted,” said Agent Seven. “Or should I say “bloated”? Hey, I think I know him, he is that suspicious entrepreneur we were investigating a while ago!”

“Equestria is surely a tight place...” Agent Six smirked, searching through stallion's bag. “Yuck, it's stinking with foul magic. We have a culprit, Seven, and a big case. Thank you, Miss Heart; you deserve a commendation. Now please follow Agent Seven to our office to complete formalities. I'll “interrogate” the prisoner”.

“Don't get too easy on him, agent,” gray mare winked.

“Oh, be sure, I won't...”

“So, now we are alone”

Agent Six looked into the eyes of the inflatable stallion. The expression of fear froze in them.

“I guess you always wanted to know how your victims feels… So, are you satisfied? And I guess I should give yet another sensation to you, scum”.

Agent walked around culprit and looked at his rump. Toy’s anus looked like puffy plastic donut, tight but soft and elastic.

“Well, I think I deserved a little entertainment”, said gray stallion, mounting the toy…

Chapter 2: The Balloon Filly.

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“Mr. Latex?” said nurse. “You have a foal. A beautiful healthy unicorn filly”.

All ponies turned their heads to see a grown-up unicorn stallion squealing with joy like a little girl.

“Gosh! Can I see her?”

“Of course,” nurse smiled. “Your wife and daughter are resting now, but you’ll have a few minutes. Just please, try not to be… so excited”.

“Right, sorry. It is my first foal so I carried away a little”.

“It’s okay. We got used to proud fathers’ antics. Follow me”

It took them some time to travel down the long corridors of Canterlot hospital. At last, the nurse opened a door and Latex stepped into the ward. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest, as he approached his wife’s bed, levitating small flower bouquet and stuffed toy before him.

“Hi,” whispered Lava Heart, arguably the most beautiful mare in Equestria. His wife. “Hush, she’s sleeping”.

She carefully wiped milk from petite pink foal’s lips with napkin.

Smooth Latex looked at his daughter.

“Darling, are you crying?”

“No,” stallion wiped his tears. “It's just…”

“Liquid pride?” Lava Heart gave him her beautiful smile.

“Yes. Kinda… “

“I'm terribly sorry,” nurse said, “but visit time is over. Don't worry, soon you'll have all the time in the world for your gals”.

Smooth Latex walked away from hospital with the joy in his heart. He is father now! It's so exciting!

But one thought troubled him.

“She is pink from horn to tail. My coat is light gray, Lava's chocolate brown. As far as I know, we both don't have pink relatives…” He threw away this thought. After all, pony genetics are even harder to understand than quantum physics.

Ruby Heart was a very curious and outgoing filly. Well, it's not too hard to make friends when your mother is one of the best pastry-cooks in the city famous for her lava cakes (not made from actual lava much to Ruby's relief) and your father is a prominent researcher at the rubber toys factory, who can easily support her parties with stunningly beautiful balloons and not yet released prototype toys. However, her charm and playful nature – that's what helped her make lot of friends.

Much to Lava’s discontent, Ruby didn’t show any interest in cooking. She was spending much of her time with father, always asking him about his work and begging for new balloons for her new party.

“It seems Heart's pastry-cooks dynasty will end with me” said Lava once with a deep sigh.

As she spoke, Latex looked away with sadness in his eyes. Ruby had no clue why.

There was only one place in her family home that was off-limits to a little filly: her father's home workshop. What wondrous things he was creating there? Ruby's imagination pictured rainbow world with inflatable castles and beautiful balloons inside much bigger balloons inside even more of them… She must see it! However, daddy was vigilant and cut short each her attempt to visit his wonderland.

However, she found the way eventually.

It was one of those days when Latex and Lava were going to leave the house for a day for some business. They hired a foalsitter to watch over her.

Ruby did not like staying with foalsitters. They always tended to vocalize unneeded rules and hinder her party preparations.

However, this particular foalsitter was different. She was pink (just like Ruby), she had beautiful sparkly multicolored mane… And she was an alicorn.

“Hi, Ruby”, she said. “My name is Cadance. Care to show me what are you up to?”

It was the best day in Ruby's foalhood life. They baked cupcakes, sang songs and played games… Cadance even helped Ruby to prepare for the next house party.

“You are the best foalsitter!” filly shouted in excitement. “Please, Cadance, foalsit me every time!”

“We'll see, Ruby, we'll see”, she answered and then got distracted for a moment. “Oh, can you wait for a bit… Someone is calling me via magic spell”

Cadance exited the room, leaving Ruby alone. Filly sat on couch for a while but then noticed a light coming from under the workshop door. “Did daddy forgot to turn it off?” she thought. She approached the door and touched it with her hoof. It moved. Door was unlocked. Her wonderland was there and she can come there at last! However, she hesitated. Should she open it or not? Definitely, yes!

Door creaked as she pushed it.

She saw a mare inside. Her lifeless eyes stared right into Ruby's soul.

Filly gasped, but quickly calmed herself up. “It's an inflatable doll,” filly guessed, noticing a valve on toy's side, “pretty big and realistic” Maybe it was another prototype product, which daddy prepared as a surprise for her birthday? She quickly inspected the room.

Much for her disappointment, there was no inflatable castles and balloon cities. It was just an artisan's crafting place with table and instruments of the craft. “Wow, with these entire materials one can make gazillion balloons! Why did daddy hid this from me?”

Suddenly, a strange item caught her attention. It was cylindrical in shape with some strange veins and protrusions. “What is it? A rubber copy of tree trunk?” Ruby came closer to see that this “trunk” was connected to a pair of oval soft to touch cushions. “Oh, it must be some kind of magic wand! Or maybe not…” Ruby griped it with her forelegs but this thing stayed on its place. It seems this “magic wand” had a heavy-duty suction cup at its base…

However, one should never underestimate a power of a curious filly. Ruby pried harder and harder until she heard a satisfying “POK!”

With the toy disengaged, she flew head over hooves back to the main room right into Cadance's telekinetic hold.

“Whew, Ruby” said babysitter. “You flew so fast, I almost thought you are off to Ponyville. Where have you been?”

“I visited daddy's secret laboratory! And guess what I found? This!”

Ruby did not understand why Cadance's muzzle became dark red of a sudden but she noted a strange excitement in alicorn's eyes.

It was a nice summer day in Canterlot, and everything was perfect. As always, Lava was baking muffins for their future picnic, Ruby was playing with her balloons and Latex was doing something in his workshop.

A loud racket startled little filly. She galloped to the kitchen to see her mother laying on the floor unconscious with the grimace of pain on her face. A baking tray lied next to her and freshly cooked muffins was scattered around.

“Mommy!” she shouted. “What's happening?”

Ruby poked Lava with her muzzle. Nothing changed.

“Please, speak to me! I'm scared!”

Tears began to rain from filly's eyes as she fell helplessly on her mother's flank.

“What… What is going on?” asked Latex who just appeared in the kitchen. “Oh, my! Honey, hold on! I'll get you to the hospital!”

Smooth Latex had a long conversation with doctor. Ruby overheard a couple of scary words from it: “malignant growth”, “unforeseen complications”, “intensive therapy”…

“That's not fair,” she mumbled. “Mommy is healthy and strong as any other earth pony!”

“Don't worry, Ruby,” said nurse. “Everyone can become ill. But, as you said before, your mother is strong. She will get better”.

She lied. Lava Heart died after a week of unsuccessful therapy.

Ruby was silent on the funeral. She used all of her tears and simply could not cry more. She nodded to yet another condolence from a relative and gave a big sigh.

“Daddy, please, can we go home?”

“Of course, my dear”

It was hard to recognize Ruby Heart then. She canceled all her parties and tore down decorations from the wall of her room. She dismissed all of her friends and stayed in her room alone, staring at the wall. Even her puffy mane and tail became “deflated” and dull.

Latex found her in this state.

“Your friend Lyra sent a greeting card,” he said.

“Drop it in the box,” answered Ruby

“Ah, the box. You know, that box cannot be the answer to everything,”

“But what else can I do?”

“For starters, you should get out of the box”

“But how? Mommy is dead! I simply can't cope with it!”

“Me too, dear, me too,” sighed Latex. “Lava was everything for me: my muse, my motivation and the most special of all ponies… But we must move on. Perpetual sorrow is not an option”.

“You think I could do it?” Ruby sobbed.

“Of course! You carrying her family name, you are as strong as she was. Be sure, she is watching us right now from the heavens and she want us to continue living our normal lives”.

Ruby hugged Latex, wiping her tears.

“Thank you daddy. I will try”.

“That's my girl,” Latex smiled. “Say, how about a tour of rubber factory to lighten your mood? I reckon I never took you there…”

“Oh, daddy, I'd like to!”

It was an exciting tour. Daddy donned a hardhat and lab coat for Ruby and they took a walk through factory's sections. Filly was delighted to see the full process of transforming the bubbly latex mass into beautiful balloons. Then he showed her R&D department. A dozen of researchers were working there, experimenting with molds and raw materials to create new merchandize. One of daddy's friends even allow Ruby to make a mold for new rubber toy.

“Well, who do we have here,” said some rich-looking earth pony. “You brought your daughter to the work at last, are you, Latex? About time!”

“Oh, Ruby, let me introduce you to the factory's owner, Mr. Venture”

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Venture!” Ruby took a bow.

“Are you here for an inspection, sir?” asked Latex.

“No, actually I'm giving a tour to my son, Junior. He really need an introduction to our family business”

He stepped aside to show a shy unicorn colt.

“Say hello, Junior, and get acquainted with our prominent researcher Smooth Latex and his beautiful daughter, Ruby Heart. Their family is working at our factory for as long as it stands here!”

“Yes,” Latex nodded with pride, “it's my grand-grand-grandfather Caoutchouc who created a vulcanization formula and made this all possible”.

“Of course!” Mr. Venture agreed. “And it's my grand-grand-grandfather Risky Venture who believed this will end in profitable business! Well, kids, can you play for a bit? I'd like to discuss something with Latex”.

Junior was a shy colt, but Ruby managed to get his interest and made him talking. They even engaged the game of tag in the test chamber.

“Well, look at them,” Mr. Venture smiled. “Ten minutes pass, and they play like a best friends already. If everything will go that well in the future, our families' bond may become much tighter…”

“Daddy,” said Ruby, on their path home. “I really want to work on Mr. Venture's factory in the future!”

Latex looked at her flank. A shiny new cutiemark appeared on it. Red heart-shaped balloon.

“And you will,” he smiled.

Chapter 3: Gray and Blue

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"Staying late again, daddy?"

Smooth Latex lifted his head and saw Ruby Heart. After these many years, his cute little filly transformed into tall athletic mare. Two small ruby-encrusted barrettes barely contained her puffy glossy mane and her tail was flowing like molten bubble-gum river behind these ample thighs. She was a unicorn, yes, but she definitely took fine figure from her earth pony mother. Moreover, Ruby looked stunningly in her lab coat and protective glasses.

“Just got carried away, my dear,” Latex answered. “Working on this prototype for a while”.

“Ooh, look at the size of it! Where did you get a mold?”

“I have this mold for quite some time. Was afraid to use it though. I picked one farmer from Ponyville as a model. He was young, strong and big, but shy. He desperately wanted money to buy gifts for his little sisters and I was his final option”.

“You sure this is not his leg?”

“Absolutely. I almost dropped my jaw when I saw his goods in ready state. That is why I am hesitating. This thing can inflict severe trauma…”

“Oh, daddy, don't be so pessimistic. Let’s find out!”

She grabbed a toy and the fresh can of lubricant.

“Ruby, are you sure?”

“Why not? I'm doing it for science!”

She walked out to the testing chamber and closed the door.

At first, Latex heard quiet moans. Then the moans turned into loud neigh. Then there was a horrifying scream, which ended in silence.

Latex broke into a cold sweat. What was he thinking? Why did he left his only daughter alone with this… monstrosity? He rushed to the test chamber.

Door opened and he saw Ruby. She was standing unsteadily, levitating the toy before herself.

“Well, daddy,” she said, “I think you created your masterpiece. Whew, almost thought I'm a goner!”

She grabbed a towel and wiped the toy.

“Though, you really should add a few decorative “veins” here and here” she drawn few lines on the prototype with the highlighter. “It will also help to contain a lubricant. There is also a small chip on your mold, I think. Almost tore out my clitoris trying to pry the thing out of me. Though, we can advertise it as “Rough Love” edition”.

“Are you sure you are OK, daughter?”

“I'm fine, thanks. A little “overstretched” maybe, but it was a nice challenge. We can merchandise it under the name… let's think… Aha! “Royal Scepter”. Mares (and even some stallions) love “royal” things. It will also work as a warning, because “royal” equals “frigging big”. We can also launch a gossip that “scepter” is molded after prince Blueblood's goodies”

Latex lowered his head and smiled.

“Look at us, two mad perverts, playing with their dread creations…”

“We’ll become very hungry and tired perverts if you insist on staying here for a night. Come on, daddy, let’s go home”

Ruby turned off the lights in the lab.

“It’s cold out there, daddy,” she said winding a scarf on her father’s neck.

“Huh? Is something changed in your appearance?”

“Um, maybe,” Ruby smiled playfully.

“A new manecut? Makeup?”


“Ha-ha, just kidding. This beautiful white gold ring on your horn, is it what I think it is?”

“Yes! Junior made me a proposal today”.

“A wonderful news, darling! I am so proud of my little girl! Say, how about celebrating this at the café?”

“Lead the way, daddy!”

“So, what did he say?” asked Junior.

“You know my father,” Ruby smiled. “He was jumping all evening like a mountain goat screaming, “My daughter is getting married!”

“Whew, glad he gave his blessing”

“Were there any doubts?” Ruby nuzzled her lover. “He likes you. A lot. So, what about your dad?”

“Had not told him yet. He is on some business trip. Will return tomorrow. Don’t worry; he will be glad to hear the news”.

Ruby rubbed her rump against Junior.

“Say, dear, how about a little inspection of the test chamber?”

Junior collapsed on inflatable castle’s floor, breathing heavily.

“Whew, what did you put in this condom?” he asked. “Almost thought my erection will last forever!”

“It’s a secret experimental stuff, honey,” Ruby fell next to him and bounced few times. “And it’s working! Yay!”

“Darling, what did I said about using me as the test subject?”

“Oh, relax! We have a controlled environment here”

“Here? At the foal toys department?”

“Don’t you recognize this castle?” Ruby smiled. “It’s the same one we played hide and seek in when we first met”

“Whoa, really? I thought this product was discontinued”

“Yeah, yeah, it did not pass the cert, something about little foals getting lost in it. However, I found this only prototype at the warehouse; guessed we can use some nostalgia”

Their eyes met.

“You are the most exciting mare in my life,” said Junior.

“I know”

They nuzzled each other.

“So, want to grab a bite of something at the café?” asked Ruby.

“I’m terribly sorry, love, but there is some matters I must attend to. Father asked me to “entertain” some investors from Saddle Arabia. Do not worry, I’ll be back tomorrow. And keep that castle ready… for more inspections”

“I will keep our little love nest warm, honey” Ruby smiled.

“Whoa, daddy, what are you doing here, at the foal’s toys department?” Ruby asked her father.

“Is it a strange place to find me, dear?”

“Indeed. You are the prominent adult toys designer after all!”

“Oh, Ruby, one doesn’t need to limit oneself to only one line of work! Also, if my project will hit a major success, it will be beneficial to all departments”.

“Oh, daddy, you intriguing me! What crazy contraption do you have? And why is your own daughter doesn’t know anything about it?”

“Well, do you remember your foalhood dream? About balloons that can last forever?”

“Forever inflated and impervious to damage? Oh, come on, dad, we both know that it is impossible…”

“I think I know the way” Latex smiled.

“What? Are you kidding me?”

Her father reached for his saddlebag and took a small yellow balloon from it.

“Try it, dear,” he said.

Ruby started the compressor and put the balloon to its hose. She inflated it slightly and gave an inquiring look to her father.

“No-no-no, try to inflate it some more,” Latex smiled.

Ruby complied.

All was indicating that this small balloon was approaching its bursting point. Ruby laid her ears back and prepared to hear a pop...

However, there was no pop. With the loud creak balloon continued its expansion. Soon it became larger than Ruby.

“I think it's enough,” said Latex, turning the compressor off. “We don’t need it to be blimp-sized”

He tethered the balloon and pushed it to his daughter.

“How?” Ruby was shocked. “It is too small to inflate like this! Is it some kind of heavy duty latex?”

“No, dear, it’s just magic”.

“What? Magical matter compression? Rapid reconstruction spell? Controlled containment field?”

“Ah, let me show you”.

Latex took a book from his bag and placed it on a table. Ruby approached it.

It was a big research journal filled with myriads of hornwrited notes with diagrams and sketches. It seems the book was owned by some pony of science. Judging by general tidiness and small rounded letters, it was a unicorn mare. Ruby checked the bookplate and gasped.

“This lavender star… Is it what I think it is?”

“Yes, dear. It is the old research journal of princess Twilight Sparkle”

“Where did you get it?”

“On that trade fair at the Rainbow Falls. Princess was trading some old books; her crazy pink friend was jumping around speaking nonsense…”

“Don’t say you stole it!” Ruby shouted.

“Of course not! I left a generous amount of our factory’s gift certificates in its place. Judging by the sole fact that I am standing before you and not in some prison, it was a fair offer”

“Or she just forgot she had it. I doubt princess brought her journal to the trade intentionally. She can be a little absent-minded sometimes. It is dangerous to have this book, father. You should return it to owner. She is probably looking for it”.

“I don’t think so. Shortly after the fair, Tirek razed Twilight’s old library, burning all the books she had. Princess is definitely thinking the journal was destroyed”

Ruby sighed. She quickly looked through journal’s pages. Some of the older ones have strange gloomy gothic vibe. She checked the date. It seems princess wrote it while being a teenager.

“That phase”, huh?” Ruby giggled. “I wonder how princess looked in dark clothes with heavy make-up all over her muzzle”

“I put a bookmark on a spell I used,” said Latex.

Ruby checked it.

“Controlled replication spell? Wow, she used raw magic to form molecules out of thin air, using existing ones as a template! This spell can basically multiply any factory’s production rates!”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple,” Latex shook his head. “This spell is working fine with simple materials in a controlled environment, but…”

Balloon suddenly burst, spraying foul yellow goop around.

“…but molecules tend to destabilize if external magical energy surge is cut”

“Yuck!” shouted Ruby, trying to wipe the goop from her lab coat. “So, we back to square one. This is impossible”

“I don’t think so,” Latex smirked.

He turned lot of pages, back to Twilight’s “that phase” years.

“Here, look at this”.

“Everlasting spell? Are you serious? What’s next, a philosopher’s stone?”

“Please read its description. Sure, there is many teenage angst passages. However, the core of the spell – it is perfect self-sustaining matrix! We could weave two spells together and create a powerful combination”.

“But daddy, we are not good wizards, neither you nor me. Yes, you taught me some illusion magic, but we need much, much more! How can you possibly tamper with a spell invented by unicorn, whose special talent is magic itself?”

“Easy” said Latex calmly.

He took two sheets of tracing paper from his bag.

“Here and here”

Latex aligned both sheets on the table. Diagrams drawn on them connected, creating an intricate pattern.

“Both magical circles have similar components. They fit nicely inside each other. Do not forget, Twilight was very young when she created this. I am sure a mature unicorn can replicate her work”

“Oh, sure, “what can possibly go wrong?” Have you forgotten how the things done, daddy? We need to setup a safe test area and a controlled environment, notify the safety inspector…”

“We don’t need them. I am so close to a major breakthrough! Like our ancestor Caoutchouc, I will eternalize my name!”

Ruby took a step back.

“Who are you and what have you done to my father? Seriously, you never was so reckless, daddy! And what’s with that vanity speech?”

Latex lowered his head and sighed.

“You are right, my dear. Maybe I work too much. Wanted immediate results, got carried away”

He lowered his head and sighed deeply.

“That's all right, daddy,” Ruby touched her father's foreleg. “How about we call it a day and go home? We can continue tomorrow”.

“Yes, we could,” nodded Latex. “Please, can you bring me my coat from the lab? I'll clean up the mess here meanwhile”

“Of course, daddy”

He hugged his daughter.

“I love you, Ruby. Forgive me”

She felt a sting on her backside and her legs suddenly became weak. Latex caught her and put paralyzed mare carefully on the floor.

“Why?” she whispered.

“Sorry, my dear. It's blood moon tonight, the time of dark magic. I need as much as I can harvest to create what I was planning. I cannot risk you meddling with my experiment. I have only one shot to make everything right!”

He grabbed the journal and his notes and ran to the molding shop.

Ruby was laying paralyzed on the lab floor with the panic on her mind. What is wrong with her father? What is he trying to do? Why did he attack her, his precious beloved daughter?

She felt a magic surge, which gave her shivers. Her dad must have started the ritual.

Ruby dropped a tear.

“What have you gotten yourself into, daddy?”

She remembered dark letters from Twilight journal and it brought her some memories. “That phase, huh?” said once her schoolteacher. “Be careful, Ruby, it is the hard time for any teenager, especially for unicorns. So many possibilities, so many temptations. Stay out of necromancy, dear; it will do you no good”.

She must stop her father. At all costs.

Ruby checked her surroundings. Her bag was on the table. Latex injected her with the strong anesthetic, but it's a rule of a trade to have an antidote around. Luckily, she used it today and the antidote should be in her bag. She just need to concentrate…

Ruby lit her horn, extending her magenta magic aura to the bag. Carefully she pulled it closer and opened. Then she took a small vial and a syringe out of it.

Pouring the antidote into syringe was easy, but injecting it into her numb flank without having a clear line of sight was a lot harder.

Ruby sighed with relief when her muscles twitched. She carefully turned on her belly and tried to stand up. This attempt was unsuccessful, so Ruby started crawling to the lab exit.

“I must stop the ritual,” she thought and her determination gave her strength. First, the hind legs, then the forelegs…

Ruby limped to the molding shop to see her father doing a strange ritual near the molding machine, surrounded by the chalk-drawn diagrams. Strange symbols was glowing in the dark, giving shivers to Ruby's half-numb body.

“Daddy!” she shouted. “Please stop!”

“I won't!” Latex growled. “Please, daughter, you must understand! I'm doing it for you!”

“Whatever your true intentions, resorting to dark magic is not worth it! Please, daddy, undo the ritual!”

He turned his head to Ruby. She gasped. Father's eyes were glowing green and purple.

“I… can't! The ritual will proceed”

“No!” she shouted, limping to the machine.

Ruby reached the magic diagram's border. A powerful stroke of magic shocked her, throwing the mare on floor. Ruby screamed, trying to calm the convulsions that made her body trembling. It's good that anesthetic did not wore off completely; it abated the agonizing pain.

“Do not interfere, darling,” Latex spoke worryingly. “It will hurt you!”

“But… I… must!”

She stood on her trembling legs and lit her horn. Then she prolonged her magical aura to the invisible wall, projected by the diagram.

“What are you doing?” shouted Latex.

“A two can play this game, father. Let me in!”

“No, it's too dangerous! I don't know how the spell will react if two unicorns will sustain it!”

“So, let's find out!” Ruby gritted her teeth and jumped into the diagram.

Immediately her body was overflown with strange arousal. It gave her shivers down to her marehood. It was intense, even though anesthetic's dampening effect. A strange whisper invaded her mind, telling her unspeakable things and seducing promises.

Ruby raised her eyes to see her magic aura changing color from magenta to bluish-purple. Then this color sparkled before her eyes, covering them with flame-like magic emissions.

She turned her head to her father. He was screaming, but Ruby did not hear a sound.

“He is handsome, don't you think,” a whisper appeared in her mind. “And he loves you, just like he loved you mother… He did not want to lose you like her… So, how about you and him join together?”

She felt her juices wetting her hind legs…

“No!” shouted Ruby, fighting this awful temptation. “I'm sorry, daddy”

She blasted Latex with the magic ray, throwing him out of the diagram. The stallion hit the wall and fell on the floor unconscious.

She saved her father. She hoped so.

Ruby closed her eyes. She stuck here. Come what may…

The machine exploded into bubbling hot rubber. It burned Ruby's skin, but she did not felt almost anything. Rubber drops suspended in the air and started to grow, transforming into foam-like substance. Soon it form the column with the hapless mare inside. Then this column started to melt, transforming into semi-liquid goop, which washed away the diagram. Magic wall failed and the goop spilled all around.

Ruby opened her eyes. She was laying in the giant puddle of goop. Mare tried to stand up, but felt her legs fell out through the floor. She looked down and gasped. Her legs started to melt, adding their pink color to the surrounding colorless goop. She struggled to crawl out of the puddle, but only made it worse.

“No!” she screamed.

Her legs dissolved. She felt an awful sensation, as if something was opening her up like a wrapped present. It was her belly dissolving. She froze in utter horror, as her body started to spill into a pink puddle.

Only her head remained. She desperately tried to light her horn, just to do something, but magic failed. She was melting like a wax candle.

“Is this the end?” she thought just when her eyes started to dissolve, distorting her view.

Then was darkness.

“Father!” shouted Junior, trying to catch his breath. “I came as fast as I can! What happened? Where is Ruby?

With the somber look, Mr. Venture shove a tray to his son.

There was two ruby-encrusted barrettes and white gold horn ring, stained with some vile pink goop.

“Oh, no,” gasped Junior. “No, no, no! Ruby!”

His head fell on the table and he burst into tears.

“This ring,” his father asked him, “did you…”

“Yes,” sobbed Junior. “We were about to tell you today…”

Mr. Venture hugged him.

“I'm sorry, son. She… was a fine mare, beautiful and smart, just the one I want to be my daughter-in-law…”

“How did it happen?”

“We do not know much. Some strange sounds from the molding shop alerted our night guard. He summoned the city guards, but when they came, a massive magic explosion broke a hole in factory's roof, spraying molten rubber around. When all came down, they checked the factory and found unconscious Latex. He was severely injured and overexerted. He is in coma now. Unicorn guards checked the scene and found that he was performing a dark ritual of some sort. It seems, Ruby tried to stop him, but… she died during the attempt. This vile spell reduced her to a puddle of pink goop”

A worker came in.

“Sir, we found something strange there,” he said.

“What is it?”

“I think it's a doll”

“Molding shop produced a lot of dolls lately”.

“I know… But this one is so… lifelike, it gave me shivers. And I don't recognize which mold is used”

“OK, let's look at it”

They took a walk to the molding shop.

“We found… it under the wreckage of the machine. Almost thought it was a dead filly, but then noticed that she is made from latex”

The doll indeed was very lifelike. She looked like a young unicorn filly, entirely made from shiny pink semi-transparent latex.

“Huh?” said Junior, taking a closer look. “She's looking like one of the deluxe double-layer seamless blowup sex dolls we manufactured here. Extra sturdy, extra realistic. Molded genitalia, anus, and throat pocket for oral love… However, she do not have any valves, it's like she was blown-up and tight-sealed. She is indeed manufactured here, but since when we produce foalcon dolls?”

“We don't”, said Mr. Latex with disgust. “I hate such deviations and will never approve something like this”.

“Darn it,” said Junior checking doll's muzzle. “She is looking awfully like Ruby, when she was a filly. What the heck?”

“That's actually explain a lot,” said his father chilly. “Oh, Latex, you inglorious old pervert!”


“Remember his “Chocolate Muffin” model?”

“Yes, she was quite popular. We discontinued it a while ago, right?”

“That pervert molded it after his wife. And Penetrator Mark 7 dildo is molded after his own dong”


“I don't want to judge him, he is a brilliant scientist, but sometimes he just goes too far. A foalcon doll, molded after his own daughter? That's just too much. I'll have a serious talk with him, when that sick bastard wake up from coma!”

“What we should do with it, boss?” asked worker.

“Melt her. I don't need this filth here”

“Father, stop!” said Junior. “This doll is really unusual. Her material is different from normal latex… And there's something more…”

He lit his horn and enveloped the doll in his magic aura. With the quiet whoosh doll began to grow up, until she reached the size and proportions of the grown mare, now fully copying Ruby's body.

Mr. Venture and workers gasped


“I sensed a magic activator in her. She can change shape as much as her owner desire”

He concentrated and the doll changed shape again, turning into elegant Saddle Arabian mare, and then exploding into morbidly obese body. Then he turned her back into normal pony shape.

“Filly form is her default state, but I think she could be deflated even more for easier transportation. Sadly, only a unicorn can transform her. Still, don't understand, why she is shaped after Ruby… Father, I wish to study it some more. Maybe it will give some clues… ”

Mr. Venture sighed.

“Look, son, I know that this… thing is looking awfully similar to Ruby, but I don't want to have anything with it. Latex used dark magic to create it and this is the bad news. Maybe that's some seductive dark force shaped it like this. Moreover, what can you possibly learn from it? You are neither a scientist, nor professional wizard! Yes, you can use help from some of our resident eggheads, but what if it all come up? The last thing we need is some Night Watch agents running full examination over our R&D departments.

Junior lowered his head.

“I guess you are right, father. We need to dispose of her”

“Right choice, son,” Mr. Venture smiled. “Let’s melt this accursed thing!”

“No, father, we can't do it. We can't risk mixing its material with our normal rubber. We cannot throw it to trash either”

“So, what do you propose?”

“Our factory suffered a material damage. We need money to restore production. We could organize a warehouse sale with great discounts. Then we can sell this doll to someone without noting it in journal. We'll get a profit and a retain clean reputation”

Mr. Venture smiled.

“That's my son!”

Warehouse sale was a huge success. Hundreds of ponies crowded the place, buying discounted goods like there was no tomorrow.

“So,” Mr. Venture asked Junior, “got rid of that doll?”

“No, father. I don't want to sell her to a random pervert. You may say anything about Latex, but he gave a part of his soul to create her. I think it would be fair if I find a good owner for his creation, who can pay a nifty bag of bits for her”

“Son, a trade is a trade, and money is money. It's you the one who proposed to sell it. Or you changed your mind?”

“We can't sell her too cheap, or it will be suspicious”.

“Good point…”

“Wait for a minute,” said Junior, looking to the crowd. “Get her ready, I see a buyer”.

He approached some plain gray bespectacled unicorn with dusty gray saddlebag. That stallion surely didn't look rich. They shared a conversation then Junior invited him to the showroom.

“How did you know he is an archaeologist from the Royal Canterlot University?” Mr. Venture was surprised. “He paid a good money for this doll!”

“I know ponies,” Junior sighed. “Ruby taught me”

Dug Hole, the Royal Canterlot University archaeologist, checked his purchase. He was thinking of buying something simple to ease his “stallion tension” during the long expedition, but ended up with doll. That business pony surely knew how to handle his customers. Dug was reluctant at first, but salespony gave him a good point. He said this is one-of-a-kind prototype, which can morph into different shapes. It is sturdy enough to be used as inflatable mattress and even a flotation device. Moreover, it can be easily cleaned because its love holes are interconnected; he need only to pour a water to its throat.

He looked at the deflated doll's muzzle.

“Let's call you Rubber. Rubber Heart”

He put her to his worn and dusty gray travel bag, next to his blue travel journal.

“Well, off to the Pom-Bay, Hindia! Ancient mysteries won't uncover themselves!”

Chapter 4: The Curse of Slonyasha

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Dug Hole, the Royal Canterlot University archaeologist put away his journal and took off his glasses. He was investigating this temple ruins for quite some time already, but had not uncovered its secrets yet. Did he miss something? This writings on the wall… they won’t go away from his mind. Something eldritch, unconceivable… What dark gods the locals worshipped?

“Bah, I need to clear my head”

He took a shiny pink parcel from his bag. Touched by his magic, it started to unfold and inflate, taking form of a latex mare. Rubber Heart, his faithful companion.

Yes, he was really considered her his companion, not just a toy. His colleagues used to laugh about her, but where are they now? They threw a party in some shady Pom-Bay cantina with lots of booze and local prostitutes. One got nasty “dire crabs” and another something that their ship's doctor identified as Taint Pox. Both were hospitalized and recalled home, so Dug was quickly promoted to chief researcher on this University expedition. The problem is, he was left alone it this jungle temple with team of elephant workers.

Oh, darn, he hated them. These wrinkled giants was strong but too clumsy. Dug almost fainted when one of the workers destroyed a whole crate of ancient Brahmin vases. Poor researcher could not even properly scold him, because that darned elephant played fool and pretended he doesn't know Equestrian. Later, Dug Hole find out that elephants just pulled a prank on him: they replaced the vases with fake ones, just to see him freak out. They only resembled fools; in fact, elephants were cunning and devious. Moreover, they had perfect memory, so Dug Hole will be their laughing stock for years after.

Dug checked his tent exit. No one there.

“I find solace only with you, Rubber,” he sighed.

The latex mare was silent, as always.

Dug put on a condom and applied a lubricant on it. There was no reason to stain Rubber with cum here, in the jungle, where every measure of clean water is a treasure. He gently mounted her, slowly thrusting his dick into her vagina. A shivers ran over his spine as Rubber's tight ribbed love hole massaged his member. A good feeling. He pulled back and little latex spikes set against his dick, slightly impeding the movement and pleasuring him greatly. He thrust forward again, upping the rhythm. Rubber's love hole was squelching, inviting him to move as fast as he can…

Dug fell on the bunk, panting heavily. The condom on his dick was full of cum, inflated like a balloon.

“Whew! I must be overexerting myself!” he gasped. “Oh, Rubber, you were fantastic today”

As always, latex mare was silent.

Dug snuggled Rubber, transforming her into big soft body pillow and fell asleep.

“Sir! Sir!”

“Wha-?” sleepy Dug jumped up his bunk when he felt something touching his flank.

It was Aghad, the elephant brigade-leader. He drew his oversized trunk through researcher's tent curtains and rummaged its insides.

“What's all the commotion, Aghad?” Dug shouted.

He took Rubber away from elephant’s trunk. Strange, his latex companion was in her pony form. Maybe he changed her mid-sleep?

“I think we found something, sir! It's an underground room”

Dug grabbed his trunk with his magic, holding it in place.

“Give me a minute. I should check it up. And please, Aghad, don't ever put your trunk in my tent!”

He threw elephant's appendage out.

Such nerve! Oh, when this expedition end, he will do everything to make this impudent fellow's life unbearable!

Dug checked Rubber. She was OK and looked normal, but there was something odd. A strange moisture condensed on her eyes making them look weeping.

“Don't worry, my dear,” he said wiping her “tears”, “it will be over soon, I hope”.

Dug deflated her and put into his bag.

Archaeologist reached the digging site and found a big hole in the ground.

“Aghad, what is this?”

“… A hole?” replied elephant with the innocent look

“Listen,” Dug sighed, “I’m not in the mood for your jokes. How did this hole appeared? It wasn’t here before!”

“Dunno, sir. Workers heard a strange noise, checked it out. And found this”

Archaeologist growled and checked the hole. “A cave-in? Probably these lumbering oafs triggered it by their constant stomping!”

He sent a magic spark down there. It flew for a couple of seconds and disappeared in the dark. However, before fading it illuminated columns with intricate carvings.

Dug caught his breath. It is a major breakthrough! A week, whole week of fruitless labor and here it is the elusive underground complex! Just a dumb luck.

“All right,” he shouted. “I need you to construct something to bring me down. And send the note to Pom-Bay about our discovery”

“Aye, sir”

Two elephants from the brigade quickly installed some blocks on pit’s edges, knocked together a small wooden platform and tied ropes to it. Dug checked this makeshift elevator. Seems sturdy enough. He stepped on it. To adventure!

Platform slowly began its descend into ancient darkness. Dug lit his horn and gasped. This place was huge. Intricately engraved columns formed devious patterns, as if the architect of this place tried to avoid straight lines. Numerous painted bas-reliefs of elephant and Brahmin origin decorated the walls, giving them eldritch inconceivable look.

As the platform touched the rubble on the floor, Dug jumped off, laughing with excitement. A dream of his own major discovery was finally came to fruition! This temple is amazing! What secrets its creators hid here?

Dug set up lanterns along the wall. Certainly, he could use more of them. He raised his head and shouted:

“Aghad! Bring me more lanterns”

He stopped short. The opening on the ceiling, it was gone. Dug checked the platform and found its ropes scattered around, cut.

Archaeologist felt rage boiling inside him. Those crazy maniacs! They left him here! Surely, now they will wait calmly until he run out of obscenities and start to plead for rescue!

No. He won’t afford them this pleasure!

Dug took a deep breath and grabbed a lantern. He put out its flame and opened oil container. Then Dug added a drop of greenish bile from the small container that was stashed in his bag’s secret pocket. Then he assembled the lantern and lit it again.

With the loud “whoosh” the mystical green flame rose from its wick. A pure postal dragonfire.

Dug took a small parchment and wrote a letter.

“Dear vice-chancellor!

I regret to inform you that Pom-Bay jungle expedition met unforeseen complications. Our elephant workers brigade put numerous hindrances to our work, trying to sabotage our discoveries. Still, even in this… unhealthy atmosphere I managed to acquire a major breakthrough: a huge underground complex full of wondrous archaeological discoveries. I am attaching a few sketches for your acquaintance. Unfortunately, workers trapped me underground to hold as the prisoner of some sort. Please send help and more researchers. Meanwhile, I will continue my study.

Dug Hole, chief archaeologist of the Pom-Bay expedition”.

He put a seal on the scroll and lit it up with the green flame. Parchment transformed into puff of ashes and disappeared in darkness.

Dug expected an answer in one hour or so, but it took only twenty minutes for response scroll to appear next to the dragonflame lantern. Archaeologist rushed to it. It seems vice-chancellor really found his matters urgent.

“Dear Dug Hole!

I received your message, and, must say, I am confused. The expedition you mentioned ceased two weeks ago due to complications with Hindia government and the whole group recalled back. We expected your arrival today. Please, remain calm. I am pulling all of my strings to find out what is happening. We will get you out of there. Await further instructions via this channel.

Vice-chancellor Antiqua”

A shiver ran down Dug’s spine. What the heck is going on? The elephants told him that the rest of the group would join them later due to some complications with the luggage…

“You blind fool!” Dug cursed himself. “The whole “expedition” looked fishy the whole time!”

He sighed and turned his head to the ornate wall. Well, he stuck here. At least he can study this temple to ease his mind.

Dug took away his glasses and rubbed his eyes. How long did he worked? Here, in this sunless underground his perception of time was inaccurate. Nevertheless, he learn much from all this inscriptions and sexual-themed bass-reliefs. This temple’s constructors devoted it to some long-forgotten goddess of “unconceivable beauty and ineffable delights”, whatever this meant. Here they offered sacrifices and threw orgies in her name.

A sudden “whoosh” in the dark interrupted Dug’s thoughts. Another letter appeared out of dragonflame! Archaeologist unwrapped it with anxiety.

“Dear Dug Hole!

I must say the situation is dire. You mentioned elephant workers and this is the bad news. My contacts warned me about group of ex-army marauders raiding places of archaeological value. They capture clueless researchers and compel them to scout dig sites. Their leader’s name is Aghad the Long Trunk…”

Dug growled. This thug.

“I’ll try my best to get you out of there. Meanwhile, try to comply and do whatever you must to survive.

Good luck.

Vice-chancellor Antiqua”

Dug dropped on his rear. How did he end up like this? What should he do now?

One thing bugged him. If he is the hostage, why elephants leaved him here? They should watch on him, right? Dug checked the surroundings. The same darkness as before. Even a cat will have troubles navigating this place.

“Or they just want me to find an entrance they could use to loot this temple,” he noted to himself. “They won’t risk breaking their legs by using makeshift elevator”.

He took a piece of ship bread from his bag and munched it angrily. A rage was boiling inside of him, clouding his mind.

“I really must calm down”.

Fortunately, he still had Rubber in his bag…

Old altar could serve as the nice bed, especially in the temple specifically designed for a sex goddess.

Rubber unfolded before him, responding to a touch of his magic, presenting her goodies to him. She was so beautiful in this dim light. Dug smirked, feeling his member coming out of its sheath. Suddenly, a wild idea sparked in his head.

Dug touched his silent companion with magic, projecting a form he wished for her to take. Rubber’s body began to grow, taking a massive shape, her rubbery hair retracted into neck and tail dock, leaving her bald. Ears quickly transformed into pair of wide “locators”, upper lip and nose grew into long trunk. Dug took precautions and did not allow Rubber to grow too large.

His companion, now in the form of pink latex elephant calf, was standing before him.

“I’m sorry, my dear Rubber, for giving you this shape, but I’m up for a little roleplay now. You wouldn’t mind, would you?”

She was silent, as always.

He smiled, feeling a tension in his crotch. Without any words, he splashed a lubricant on his cock, jumped on the altar where he placed Rubber and penetrated her anus with all his force…

She was tight. Very tight. Overinflation surely added a new degree.

However, Dug was angry. He thrusted his shaft deep into her rectum so hard and fast that the air coming from her throat produced a gasping sound.

“Yeah, you like it!” he laughed. “It was only the beginning, though!”

Dug began to move, upping the rhythm. The mixed sensation of pain and pleasure wound him up causing to neigh from excitement. The air circling through Rubber’s other love holes produced moaning-like sounds as if she pleaded for more.

Stallion growled, releasing his load deep into her insides and fell on her back. Rubber’s legs gave away under his weight and she collapsed on the altar. Dug did not mind, her big body was comfortable like a velvet mattress. He just deflated Rubber a bit to make her softer.

Dug watched a stream of cum pouring from his companion’s mouth, spilling over the altar’s carvings. “Wow, it seems I filled her to the brim”, he thought. “How did I get so much? Bah, does it matter?”

Stallion yawned and closed his eyes. He certainly needed a little nap.

He was standing in a big hallway, surrounded by candlelight. It was the same temple but it looked… new? The hall festooned with flowery garlands, bowls with fruits and cups with sweet wine placed on decorated carpets. Everything is ready.

Where are the guests?

He shuddered when strange melody broke out from nowhere. It was soothing, but emotional, quiet, but bold.

Then the lights appeared. They approached him, revealing their carriers. Hundreds of mares, stallions, cows and even some elephants. They began to dance around the altar laughing and chanting unknown words.

Couple of mares approached him, giggling and nuzzling. They spoke, but he did not recognise their language. They gently shoved him through the ring of dancers right to the altars foundation. They put him on his back and one of them, beige earth pony with beautiful flowers in her mane stood over him, presenting her wet marehood to his eyes. He tried to object, but seductress kissed his erected cock and embraced it with her lips denying any resistance. The crowd noticed this and cheered, making him blush.

She certainly knew her job well. Her tongue, her deep throat… It all drove him to ecstasy.

A drip landed on his chest. He looked forward on her wet marehood. The magnificent smell drew him closer. He groped her ample thighs and tasted her pussy. It was sweet as cider and heady as wine. He wanted more.

The crowd cheered again, but he did not care anymore. The mare moaned when he pushed his tongue further, her hind legs trembled, but it did not stop her from pleasuring him

They continued enjoying each other until both reached the peak. He threw his head back and neigh in ecstasy when his cock exploded into a volcano of cum at her tender throat.

As he caught his breath, he heard a sound that did not belong here. Someone was crying. He carefully crawled from under seductress and looked at the altar. A bleak pink unicorn mare with long and straight paled mane was sitting on it, shuddering with every sob. She seemed familiar to him. He went around the altar to see her face but she covered it with her forelegs and turned away.

“Is something wrong?” he asked

She stopped sobbing for a moment and looked at him. Her gloomy pink irises sparkled from behind of her long bangs.

“Everything”, she answered, pouncing on him.

He braced himself for the impact. He watched in slow motion how mare's body started to melt, transforming into liquid. Pink goop spilled all over his face, invading his orifices, denying him of breath and vision. He tried to wipe it with magic and forelegs but this thing stuck tightly to his coat. He dropped on a floor, suffocating…

Dug woke up gasping for air. He checked his surroundings trying to calm panic. Yes, he is still inside the temple, laying on Rubber's back. A few of his lamps went out, but dragonfire one was burning.

“That's what you get for sleeping in the temple of sex goddess on an empty stomach,” he sighed, checking himself up. “Especially with your dick still stuck in latex mare's anus”.

A thick odor of sperm touched his nose. A cum stream from Rubber's mouth fully filled intricate carvings on the altar.

“Did I do this?” Dug gasped. “It seems my dream was kinda… wet. Well, Rubber, it was a nice experience, but I think we should… disconnect for now”

He tried to pull his dong out of her anus. No use. His erected cock stuck tightly in companion's ass as if something glued it.

“Oh crap”, he cursed. “It must have been swollen! What should I do?”

He gave a few more tries but to no avail.

Then he remembered that he could change Rubber's body. Laughing at himself, he touched his companion with magic. He will be free in no time…


Magic did nothing.

“What's wrong with you?” he shouted angrily, hitting Rubber with his foreleg. “I command you to change!”

Rubber turned her head.

“Why should I change, scholar?” she said in high melodic voice. “I am appeased with this form”.

She stood on her legs, still carrying Dug, then stretched straightening her back and trunk. Stallion gasped, feeling pain in his dick.

“Oh, did it hurt you, scholar? Don't worry, I mean you no harm”

“Right, I must be dreaming”, Dug shook his head.

“No, you are wide awake, I can assure you”

“Great, so I've gone crazy” stallion giggled maniacally. “Yes, it's the most logical explanation. I'm hungry, stuck alone in this darkness, so one should not be surprised that I started to talk with my inanimate toy”.

“So, this body is your toy? You certainly live in interesting time, mortal. For centuries, I waited in this forsaken place for someone who will set me free. At last, here you are, a curious scholar. Oh, how I love your type! You studied the writings; read the chants… completed the summoning ritual”

She poured her trunk into a puddle of cum.

“Ah, the primal seed of life, so much time have passed without me tasting this salty treat”.

Dug tried to bring together his exploded mind.

“Who… What are you?!”

“Come on, little scholar, you know who I am”.

A set of hieroglyphs sparked in his head. They were everywhere here, but he never wished to decipher them, as if his subconsciousness tried to ward him. He shuddered as his lips spelled the name.


It was only a whisper, but it echoed throughout the whole temple, shaking its walls and the very foundations.

“Ah, it's good to be back”, goddess smiled.

She expanded herself greatly, taking a form of elephant heifer. Dug uttered a scream, as the ache in his stuck member became unbearable.

“This body is fantastic!” Slonyasha said, completely ignoring the stallion. “It fueled by magic, changing at any whim of mine! Much better than flesh dolls I used before. Poor things, they tend to wither and die; some even could not survive my “improvements”. I like your offering, mortal. You deserve a reward”.

“I just want to leave”, Dug pleaded. “Please, end this torture”.

“Oh, poor little stallion. I am not a god of torture. I am the goddess of ineffable delights… Speaking of which…”

Dug shouted, as he fell through her body. Slonyasha’s latex skin encased him, squeezing his flesh and screwing his joints. This thin membrane tightly covered his head and neck, asphyxiating him.

However, just before Dug lost his consciousness, Slonyasha expelled his head from her underbelly. Stallion gasped for air, trying to catch his breath.

“Don’t you like it?” goddess laughed. “I love asphyxia. It is a very stimulating experience. Ah, that fear of dying, the rush of the blood to your genitalia…”

Stallion moaned. His cock-ache became unbearable, but the pleasure dimmed it, clouding his mind.

“You want more?”

“No!” Dug thought, but his mouth screamed “Yes!”

“That is what I like to hear”.

Slonyasha expelled him a little more, still encasing the stallion in her skin. Dug emitted a surprised shout as something long and twitchy invaded his rectum.

“Ageless classic, anal stimulation. However, this body allows some twists to it”

Dug shuddered when the thing she inserted inside him started to wriggle and pulsate. He blushed from embarrassment admitting that he liked this. Neighing with pleasure, he forgot about everything: the aching cock, his screwed limbs and hopeless situation.

When he reached his peak, Slonyasha forcefully bend him, placing the tip of his swollen dick into his mouth. Dug moaned when thick cum rushed to his throat; he almost chocked trying to gulp it down.

“How do you like my blessing, mortal? Your balls will never run out of cum. You may even drink it to sustain yourself”

She was not lying. His cock erupted whole gallon and he drunk it, quenching rumblings in his stomach.

“Good little colt”, she made his body straight again. “I peered into you mind during your sleep. There was an anger directed on some elephants. Where are they now? I want to show them my newfound glory”

“They are up there, mistress”, said Dug slowly. “They blocked the entrance, though…”

“Oh, don’t worry. I have a lot of power now and mere bunch of rocks cannot block my way. However, we must think what I should do with you…”

She pulled him from her body and held before her shining pink eyes.

“I will get you out of here and you may continue your boring mortal life. Well, actually, with my blessing it will not be as boring as before. However, I have a special proposition for you. Do you want to become my companion? You will witness my rise to power and all my future slaves will pleasure you. You will share my glory and followers, we will rule together forever. So, what do you choose?”

Dug’s mind and body was completely broken from all these “ineffable delights”. He just wanted to end this. Nevertheless, Slonyasha’s offering was tempting. He, as the immortal king of the world? Sounds good enough.

“Yes”, he said. “I accept your offer”

Goddess smiled.

“I knew you will not turn down my generous proposal. So be it. Prepare yourself!”

Dug screamed as the black latex encased him even tighter, mutilating his body into some wicked form. His bones crunched, but the pain transformed into pleasure.

Slonyasha put him on a ground and draw her trunk to his horn. Dug noticed a second mouth there instead of pair of nostrils. Soft lips enveloped his horn…

Stallion screamed feeling intense pain in his forehead. She broke his horn… and ate it!

“I’m sorry for this, my dear, but I can assure you, it won’t be needed anymore in your new role”

“What new role?” he shouted, trying to look down…

“Well, you know, this body need a special… limb. Surely, I can grow a surrogate one, but it will not give any jizz. So I have to make it from the flesh”

Realization shocked Dug. “Share my glory and followers”? “My future slaves will pleasure you”?

She was turning him into the pony-sized dick.

His backside transformed into a pair of enormous balls, his body was now a shaft with swollen pulsating veins. He felt something brewing inside him; it was like an urge to puke, but with realization that this action will give a pleasuring relief, not embarrassment.

Dark latex crawled on his head, locking it in upward position. He shouted as it covered his eyes, poured into his nostrils and mouth, forming the exhaust. Then, with the loud crack, membrane pressed his head into new blunt form. His transformation was completed.

Slonyasha admired her work. Enormous obsidian-black dick stood before her; she need only to attach it. Goddess embraced the pulsating erect member with her trunk and put it on her crotch, just under her pussy. Her skin enveloped it forming the sheath and locking it in place.

“Don’t worry, my dear”, said Slonyasha, pleasuring her new “equipment”, “by becoming a part of my celestial body, you were blessed with immortality. You will not need food, water, even air anymore; the pleasure is your only purpose now”.

Her cock answered with a thick stream of cum…

Chapter 5: A Gift.

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Six elephants, five bulls and one heifer, stood at the jungle clearing, looking at each other.

“Let us never speak of it again,” said Aghad.

Bull elephants nodded, agreeing to the words of their leader. Heifer was hesitant, though.

Aghad approached her and touched her trunk.


She pushed him away.

“I can’t, father!” she cried. “This… wretched monstrosity…”

“We all saw…”

He stopped short, catching her angry glare and corrected himself.

“We all… went through this nightmare, my dear”

Aghad winced, still feeling pain in his rear.

“Our cursed memory won’t let us forget this horror. We can only hope to bury it deep inside, under the heap of happy thoughts…”

She looked away and burst into tears.

Aghad never saw his daughter like this. A tomboy, a bully, she got used to earn respect through force and intimidation. A good matriarch material, they said.

This wretched thing changed everything…

Aghad grimaced as his memories started to unfold in his head, showing everything in vivid colours, smells, tastes and feelings…

They left this simpleton at the buried temple. Maybe he will find the way out, maybe perish. He is not their problem anymore. They got enough Brahmin vases and bowls to get a nice pay. Still, this underground temple looked… tempting. They surely could check it up… next time.

“All right, soldiers, good job! Pack this crap out; be ready to move at dawn”

“Aye, sir!”

Shushma approached Aghad.

“It seems you hesitating, father”, she said. “Feeling sorry for that egghead?”

“Don't speak nonsense, Shushma. It was a one-way trip for him. It's good that this cave-in happened. No need to dig a grave for his corpse. Still, I wonder what we can find down there”

“We done our job, father. No need to overexert ourselves. Besides, our friends in the government can't stall equestrians forever”.

“You right as always”

Elephants checked up the package. It seems they were ready to leave.

“All right. Rest for now, brothers. We'll get our pay tomorrow”

Aghad ears caught a strange rumbling underground, but it quickly ceased.

“Bah, nothing to worry about”, he thought.

Looking back, he should worry.

At the dawn, they took uncovered goods and went to location, specified by their customer. It was a long way, but they could make it until afternoon.

They walk steadily, not knowing about a monster who followed them…

They reached their destination ahead of schedule.

“Okay, guys”, Shushma said, “set up a camp here. Our customer will come soon. We'll get our money and off we go”.

She looked around. Something is missing. A sarcastic remark perhaps?

“Where is Chahel?”

“Darn it!” Aghad cursed. “Did he fell behind?”

“He was right behind me, chief!” said Dhiraj.

“Because you are only one patient enough to stand his constant jokes”, Ednit remarked.

“He probably took a leak somewhere”, Balbir grumbled. “No reason to worry about”.

“Chahel!” shouted Aghad. “Move your sorry flank here!”


“I don't like it, chief” worried Ednit.

“Calm down! What can possibly pose a threat to us?”

A loud noise from the bushes destroyed the silence. A pink heifer elephant came from the woods dragging the unconscious Chahel behind her. A bubbly white substance flowed under her semi-transparent skin giving her an eldritch look. She raised her shining pink eyes and smiled.

“Hi, boys…”

Balbir charged at her, roaring. With the insane speed, she sidestepped at the last moment, turned around and extended her trunk to his crotch…

“Got your balls!” she giggled.

Balbir emitted a surprisingly high-pitched shriek and fell on his chest.

“Two down, four more to go,” said pink heifer looking at other elephants. “Come on, boys, I know you want me”

Ednit moved towards her, swaying heavily. His eyes turned vacant, his enormous dick slid out of his dock and swelled heavily.

“I can’t control myself!” mumbled Dhiraj. “I… must… hump her now!”

With these words, he joined Ednit.

“What is happening, father?” Shushma said. “What is wrong with them?”

Aghad could barely stand. The heavenly smell tickled his nostrils, clouding his mind. The smell of female in heat, magnified hundredfold by some vile spell.

“Shushma!” he spoke, trying to hold himself together. “Run as fast as you can! Forget about us! Save yourself!”

“What? Father, I cannot!”

“You must, girl! For your own good! It is an order! Don’t let… it… catch you…”

He roared, as his will gave away and his legs began to move toward the monster.

His vacant eyes watched his two best soldier humping the pink heifer. Dhiraj took her from behind and Ednit put his dick into her willing mouth. He watch in awe how she pleasured both at the same time, moaning seductively. Both elephants came together and their semen created a ripple under her skin, distorting her form.

“The liquid inside her… it is cum!” realized Aghad.

She grew larger as the elephant unloaded their balls inside her.

Dhiraj and Ednit moaned, falling unconscious.

“Ah, it’s so refreshing!” monster said. “Their seed carry much power!”

She approached Aghad.

“So, you are their leader. Submit to me, your new master, Slonyasha!”

“N-no,” Aghad whispered.

“Yes, yes, you have a strong will! I like you. You deserve a special treatment. Let me introduce you to my companion… Oh, silly me, it seems you already know each other. However, we should deepen your relationships…”

Aghad gasped as the enormous obsidian-black dick emerged from her underbelly. For a moment, he saw something at its tip, something that looked like distorted stallion’s muzzle. A shiver came down his spine. It was that archaeologist!

“And now, a happy reunion!”

Slonyasha walked around Aghad, put her forelegs on his back and…

Aghad wriggled with pain, as the thick shaft invaded his rectum. Its inexorably firm tip moved apart his insides, making a way for itself. He groaned as Slonyasha pulled it and then pushed again with more force, getting into rhythm. Her wicked instrument pummelled his entrails like a hammer, but the pleasure offset pain. Aghad closed his eyes. He will endure it. He must. For his daughter…

“You stay away of my father!” he heard a scream. Foolish girl…

Slonyasha fell off his back, carrying him on the ground with her. Next moment the monster freed her leg from Aghad’s body and got up, but Shushma hit her again with the log she held in her trunk. With the angry roar, heifer mauled monster’s head, flattening it.

Shushma dropped her log and approached Aghad.

“Can you walk, father? Come on; lean on me, old bull! We must get out of here, before…”

She gasped. Her hind legs trembled as the long pink trunk stuck to her girl parts.

“I’m afraid, I’m not that fragile, young one,” giggled Slonyasha, restoring her form in one flowing motion. “M-m, the sweet nectar of a virgin womb, how long since I tasted it!”

Shushma shivered, feeling something long and wet rummaging through her vagina. That sensation paralysed her, rooting her trembling legs at place.

“Your name, Shushma, mean “fragrant”. Ah, yes, you live up to your name!”

“No!” said Aghad, trying to get up. “Leave her! Take me instead!”

“You have no use for me now, old one,” said monster in cold tone, “she, on the other leg… I have great plans for you. Come on, girl, let us… how do you, mortals, call it? Ah, yes, let us pop your cherry”

With the loud smack, Slonyasha pulled her trunk off Shushma’s pussy and mounted her. Heifer cried, as the obsidian-black dick begun its unstoppable onslaught to the deepest parts of her womb.

“Ah, it’s too big! You hurting me!”

“Don’t speak nonsense, dear,” Slonyasha laughed. “My dick is enchanted and can penetrate anything”

Shushma screamed feeling her vulva stretching unnaturally, accommodating to enormous cock’s girth. The strange unspeakable pleasure sedated the intense pain of this process and clouded her mind, leaving her craving for more. Finally, cock’s tip reached the end of her womb, but Slonyasha did not stop and pushed further.

“What… are… you… doing?” whispered Shushma dropping tears of pain and embarrassment.

“Just upping your capacity limits, darling. You are big girl, but I need you bigger”.

With these words, she pull her cock a little back and then trusted it forward like a battering ram. Heifer screamed, feeling her womb expanding and all entrails shuffling to make way for it.

“Yes, yes!” Slonyasha screamed ecstatically. “You are perfect!”

She started to move faster, striking poor heifer like a jackhammer. Shushma felt messed; it is as if a giant blender mixed up all her insides. However, the pleasure wave dimmed everything.

“And now, a final act! Release!”

Slonyasha made the last thrust and stopped. Heifer gasped, feeling warm stream hitting her mutilated insides. It kept coming and coming, filling her.

“I don’t want to spill my sacred seed on the ground, dear. You’ll be its keeper,” laughed goddess, touching Shushma’s belly with her trunk.

Heifer felt a spasm; her vulva embraced the dick tightly, not allowing a drop out.

Slonyasha kept feeling her. Shushma panicked, seeing her sides expanding like she was pregnant.

“Please stop!” heifer cried. “You… hurting me!”

“It’s only the beginning…” giggled goddess, upping the stream's intensity

Shushma screamed as the pressure became unbearable. Her legs gave up and she fell on her strained belly. Another tide of pain and pleasure stroke her, driving her mad.

“Yes, yes, I think that will be enough… What?”

Slonyasha voice trembled.

“No!” she gasped. “Stop it, you useless prick! My godly essence is not yours to use!”

Shushma was almost unconscious, but she still noticed her mutilator started to look… smaller. Slonyasha was deflating and her cock became stone hard, as if it sucking the goddess dry to fuel its enormous balls.

Strange, but heifer felt better. The cock was still pumping up her womb, but somehow it became bearable.

Goddess emitted a high-pitched shriek and her voice suddenly stopped…

Only thing that was left from Slonyasha's body detached from a monster cock and fell on the ground. Stream of cum stopped, but Shushma's vulva still held black dick tight. She closed her eyes.


Aghad stood up. His insides ached; each step was painful, but he must walk. He must help his daughter.

He gritted his teeth when he saw Shushma. That wicked monstrosity turned her body into amorphous sloshing heap of flesh. Moreover, this accursed black dick still stuck inside her! He must get it off…

Aghad held the thing with his trunk and started pulling it. Shushma's body began to wobble like a jelly, responding to her father's efforts, but black cock held tight inside her.

“Whoa, I have a wildest dream…”

It was Chahel's voice.

“I mean, a beautiful pink heifer approached me and… By the high Brahmin golden horns! What is going on here?”

“Chahel!” Aghad yelled. “Come here! I need your help”

Elephant approached, looking around and cursing.

“Fiery bowels of Tartarus! Is it… Is it Shushma? What happened to her?”

“Later, soldier! We need to pull this accursed thing out of her!”

“Yes, chief! Right on!”

Unconscious heifer moaned, when two elephants gripped the obsidian dong. They put all their force…

They pulled it off.

A smelly stream of cum burst from Shushma's pussy, staining Aghad and Chahel. It continued to erupt for the whole minute, flooding everything around.

At last it stopped.

Disgusted Aghad shoved black dick out of his way. Shushma looked bad. Sure, much of her fill spilled out, but her sides still was broad like she was pregnant with two calves, no less.

“Please, daughter, wake up!” Aghad said, touching her muzzle.

She moaned again, opening her eyes.

“Father… Father… I…”

“Hush, Shushma. Lay down for a bit. It's over now”.

“No, father, I… feel better now. It's hard to breathe, but I think I'll manage…”

“Shushma, dear,” Aghad sighed, “I know you always want to keep your cool and authority, but it's not the time. You are suffering. So drop the act and let your father help you. No one will judge”

Heifer froze for a moment. Then streams of tears ran from her eyes. Aghad hug her as she sobbed.

“Yes, my little girl. Don't hold it”

Chahel managed to woke up others. They stood together, shaken, confused. They didn't even had the look of seasoned ex-soldiers anymore. Aghad helped Shushma to get up. Heifer stood unevenly, her belly wobbled from side to side.

“What was that thing, boss?” asked Ednit.

“I don't really know. It seems that archaeologist unearthed something there and summoned an ancient curse of some sort…”

“Hey, what is that?” Chahel pointed at something pink, laying in the puddle of cum. “I think I saw it before”.

He took a closer look. Shiny pink doll looked like a filly.

“It's… that stallion's sex toy. I wanted to steal it to embarrass him even more, but he always carry her around”

“We need to destroy this cursed thing!” roared Balbir and charged.

“Stop!” yelled Aghad, but elephant didn't listen.

Balbir stomped the toy, but it only sprung out of his legs with the loud rubbery squeak. He grunted and stomped it again, splashing spilled cum around.

“Stop it you fool!” shouted Shushma, noticing that the black dick started to swell.

“I got it!” yelled Balbir, putting his leg on the toy. “Die, you wretched thing!”

Doll popped, turning into rags.

A tremor shook the ground, almost knocking elephants off their feet. Black cock raised its tip upward and swollen, increasing in size. With thundering racket, it emitted a fountain of cum and sudden wind spilled it around.

“We must leave now!” shouted Aghad. “Drop everything and move your flanks! Double time!”

They stampeded through the jungle without looking back…

Now they were here, at the clearing, trying to catch their breath.

“What should we do now, boss?”

“I don't know,” answered Aghad. “Maybe that was sign. We should drop our criminal ways and begin new lives. Have fair trades, just to be as far as possible from all this crap”

“You are right boss. As always” nodded Chahel.

“Sure, got enough already,” spoke Dhiraj. “Time to lay low”

“I got a place where I can settle down” Balbir sighed.

“So, I guess it's the end, guys?” Ednit said. “Are we parting ways now?”

“I guess, that would be better for all of us,” replied Aghad. “What about you, my daughter? Should we see a doctor?”

“No father,” heifer answered. “We need no doctors. They will ask questions and I don't want to remember this horror again. I will return to mother. Female tribe will give me any help I need”

“So be it. I will accompany you, just to be sure. Soldiers, dismiss. Farewell to you all”.

Shushma winced, feeling a strange spasm in her oversized belly.

“What is wrong, dear?” Aghad noticed it.

“Nothing. No, it's really nothing”.

Her father was silent for a while and then asked again.

“Daughter, say, were you in heat, when… it happened?”

“No, father, I was not”

“Good, good”.

Shushma sighed.

She lied.

Count Dorkaru of Meadlands was in the bad mood.

“Where is these thrice-cursed elephants?” he shouted.

“Don't worry,” answered Cork Helm Esq., hunter and hired gun extraordinaire. “We will track our package eventually”

Count grunted. This jungle is so… wet and noisy for his tastes. The Meadlands, a place where his family estate stand, is much tidier and calmer. Why did he even came here? Sir Cork Helm can retrieve the package by himself. However, good esquire was not proficient in apprehending the antiquary value of items and that devious savages could easily deceive him. Especially now, when Sinesian empire artisans flooded the market with masterfully forged fakes.

“I think I found something, sir!” a pegasus scout landed near them. “It seems they set up a camp at the nearby clearing”.

“As I said, you worry too much, count,” smiled Cork Helm.

“However, sir,” continued scout, “I must warn you. Something is odd there. There is signs of battle, but no elephants around”

“Darn it!” count cursed. “Why is everything so complicated?”

“Don't worry, my friend,” laughed esquire. “If they up to some fishy business, I'll teach them a lesson or two about fairness of trade. Free of charge, of course”.

He took his oversized arquebus, spread his wings and took off the ground. Esquire hovered in the air and put his weapon's telescopic sight to his eye. After a minute of quiet observations, he landed.

“Hm, it is sure interesting enough. I didn't saw aggressive monsters or ambush set-ups. However, the camp surely look abandoned. Moreover, they dropped all the goods”.

“So what, can we go and check it out?”

“Sure! Whatever scared them off is long gone now”.

They approached the abandoned camp.

“What. The. Heck?” said count.

The ground was wet and sticky. The smell was horrible. In addition, that strange totem in the middle looked wicked.

Count examined it. A big phallic shaft, made from obsidian or something like it. Strange pink filly was impaled on it; the totem pierced her all the way through, from anus to mouth.

“This sex doll is surely heavy duty one”, noticed Cork Helm.

“Why did someone put such… thing on this… relic? Yuck, is it stained with… what I think it is?”

“Yes”, esquire sniffed and made a wry face.

“Why? Why deface this piece of ancient art?”

“Elephants, my dear friend. They are savages. Or… maybe it's some kind of ritual?”

“We packed everything sir!” said one of hired carriers.

“Yes, good. We need to package another thing though. This totem surely worth a fortune. Just took this… thing off it and threw away. I do not want to see this dirty smelly horror”

Wry from disgust, carriers pulled the doll off the phallic totem and threw her out.

Cork Helm looked up.

“Strange, the storm is not scheduled for today”

Suddenly a lightning stroke totem's tip, sending shockwave that knocked ponies off their feet. A tremor rumbled, shattering the ground. Howling wind began to swirl around.

“What the heck is going on?” yelled count Dorkaru, trying to put a magical shield on himself.

“I have a guess!” answered esquire. “Return that doll to the totem”

“Yuck, I don't want to touch it!”

“It's too dangerous to approach the totem! You are the only unicorn here, so you can use your magic! Do it now or we are all screwed!”

Dorkaru sighed and concentrated. He reached for the doll with his magic and picked her up.

As he levitated it to the totem, he noticed an unknown magical tension inside his holding aura. The doll started to change, expand and morphed. He gasped.

The doll took a form of a tall slender alicorn, just like… Princess Celestia. Even her muzzle and mane changed to emulate her divine look.

“What are you waiting for?” yelled Cork Helm, trying to hold himself on a ground.

Count didn't listen. He pull the doll closer.

It was a long time since he first saw the Princess of the Sun, but he remembered it like this happened yesterday. Count Dorkaru was absolutely stunned by her godly forms and fell in love like a colt. He understood that such mare can't be his, so he looked for somepony like her. He met lot of tall unicorns, even tried some Saddle Arabian mares, but was not satisfied…

Now, his dream is floating before him. Well yes, she is pink, not white, but some scholars have these theories about Princess' original colors…

Count forgot about everything. He put a doll before himself and mounted her.

He considered himself an “experienced” stallion, but doll's pussy gave him many surprises. It gently embraced his dick, massaging it with rubbery spikes. A hundreds of small suction cups kissed his shaft, giving unspeakable delight. He moved back and forth, upping the tempo and doll's love holes started to produce moan-like sounds. Such pleasure! Screw everything! He must have her for himself!

He cummed hard, pumping his load inside the doll and fell on his side, breathing heavily.

Only now count noticed that the storm is gone, tremors ceased and everypony is watching him.

“Er… it worked!” said Dorkaru, trying to justify himself.

“What. Was. That,” asked shocked esquire.

“Well… I figured up… this doll is somehow attuned to the totem and is used for some… sexual ritual… and yes, to save us I… invented a makeshift equivalent… of some sort…”

“I don't want to know anything about it…” Cork Helm shook his head. “Let's pack what remain whole and get the heck out of here”

“Of course, but the totem must be taken too. Now that we knew it's magical, I can sell it to some of my… scientifically advanced neighbors like Dr. Frankenwurst or Professor Lightning Stroke”

“What if it activates again?”

“Well, it's good that I know how to stop it. Pack up and go, I'm eager to run… some tests on this rubbery mare…”