> To Forgive a Nightmare > by BronyDad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nightmare Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun disappeared beneath the horizon, Princess Celestia sat back on her haunches and sighed deeply. Turning her gaze to the blanket of stars far above, she smiled. There was a certain degree of serenity in these first few moments after her day had ended, but it was always accompanied by a small measure of heartache. The pale surface of the moon slowly began to rise over the city, and with it rose Celestia's sadness. She remembered all those nights that she had risen the moon herself; all those nights that she had spent alone. At that moment, Celestia would have done anything to make those memories fade away, never to return. It seemed wrong to her that so many happy memories, such as those of her one hundredth birthday, had grown so faint, and yet the painful ones stubbornly remained crystal clear. But then her thoughts strayed to Luna, and the sadness dissipated as quickly as it had come. Her smile returning, Celestia looked up at the moon, knowing that her sister was gazing upon it as well. She wasn't alone anymore. When she sat on her throne, Luna sat by her side. When she walked the castle's corridors, Luna walked alongside her. When she slept at night, Luna watched over all. After a thousand years of feeling isolated, Celestia finally had her sister back; finally had somepony to share her life with, and there was no other feeling in this world that could compare. With these happy thoughts, Celestia leaped from the tower she had been perched on and spiraled down to the castle gardens. Her smile widened as she pranced among the beautiful wildflowers and hopped over a small stream. She always enjoyed the night because it helped her feel closer to her sister, but tonight was a special night. Celestia had been looking forward to this night for a long time. Tilting her horn, she opened the gates and exited the garden. As she followed the path toward the castle, she heard a rustling in the nearby brush. Celestia slowed to a stop and perked up her ears. After a moment of silence, she heard another rustle and the faint sound of a hoofstep. "Who's there?" she called as she straightened to her full height and cast a light from her horn in the direction of the noise. As she swept the light over the numerous trees and bushes, she demanded, "Show yourself!" There were very few that would dare to sneak up on her in the dark. It could be an adoring citizen, on the castle grounds illegally and now too afraid to approach her, or it could be somepony with ill intent. She could not act too brashly for fear of the former, but she could not become so lax that the latter might strike effectively. Her ears flattening against her head, and her eyes narrowing, Celestia took a step forward. "NIGHTMARE MOON'S GONNA GOBBLE YOU UP!" Luna shrieked as she sprung from the darkness. With a shout of alarm, Celestia raised a protective barrier around herself. Luna grinned ear to ear as she reared up and placed her forelegs on the barrier. "Got ya! You should see the look on your face!" She tapped the barrier with her hoof and then laughed so hard that she fell over. Amused, Celestia lowered her shield and watched her little sister slowly gain control of herself. "Happy Nightmare Night, Luna." Ever since she had paid Ponyville a visit and had learned how much ponies loved her and enjoyed Nightmare Night, Luna had become extremely festive on this particular night. Celestia really didn't mind, even after last year's debacle; a little bit of cleaning up was worth it just to see her sister this happy. "And you as well, sister," Luna said as she climbed back to her hooves. "Are you excited about tonight's dinner party?" Celestia smiled as Luna began trotting in place anxiously. "Not as much as you, apparently." "Oh, Celly, I can't wait!" Luna took her hooves in her own. "It's going to be so much fun!" "I'm sure it will." Celestia cocked an eyebrow. "And no pranks on the dinner guest this year, correct?" Luna's cheeks grew crimson. "Do not worry, sister. I learned my lesson last year." Satisfied, Celestia nodded and led the way back to the castle. They swiftly trotted through the corridors decorated with fake webs and rubber spiders and made their way to the royal quarters. As Celestia opened the door to her room, Luna suddenly asked, "What are you going to wear tonight?" Celestia shrugged. "I'll probably wear the same dress I wore last year." Luna rolled her eyes. "I knew you were going to say that." She indicated her room. "So I made you a special costume." "A costume?" Celestia repeated, surprised. "It's Nightmare Night, Celly," Luna said as she opened her door. "Get into the spirit!" Celestia scowled. "I am in the spirit. Didn't you see the decorations in the halls? Or the throne room? I've been looking forward to this night as much as you." "Then come try on your costume," Luna urged as she entered her room. "Luna, I haven't worn a costume on Nightmare Night for over a thousand years," Celestia stated as she followed her sister inside. "Nopony expects me to dress up anymore. And besides...it will feel...strange." "You just need to get used to it again." Luna grinned jovially. "You haven't worn a costume in a thousand years because I wasn't here to make you. But now I'm back! And here's your costume!" Celestia stared at the large yellow ball that sat on Luna's bed. "What is it?" Luna laughed. "I think you of all ponies should recognize it. It's the sun, Celly!" "The...sun?" Luna levitated the costume into the air so she could get a better look at it. Sure enough, it was a large yellow sun, complete with a ring of triangular flaps glued around its diameter. "You want me to wear this?" Celestia blinked. "I'll look...foolish." "No, you won't," Luna argued. "You'll look cute." Celestia shook her head. "Can't I just wear my dress, and you can dress up? Like last year? I don't mind. I enjoyed myself plenty watching you have fun. It really meant the world to me." Giving her a pouty face, Luna pleaded, "Oh, come on, Celly! Last year was fun, but I want to celebrate with you. We're together now, and nothing will ever come between us again. I want you to have fun with me tonight." With a frown, Celestia studied the costume as it gently floated back onto the bed. Her sister was right; tonight was worth celebrating. After the last one thousand Nightmare Nights in which she had hosted the costume party with a terrible emptiness inside, she could finally cut loose and enjoy herself. She needed to let go of the past and begin living in the present. And besides, her sister had made this costume for her, and had been excited about its reveal. The least that she could do was humor her. "All right, Luna. I'll wear it." Like a torch being lit, Luna's face instantly brightened. "Let's put it on!" Before Celestia could reply, the costume was soaring straight toward her. She caught a brief glimpse of the chicken wire frame through the opening, and then her vision was obscured by the yellow vinyl fabric. "Lower your head a bit," Luna instructed. "Oh, watch your horn! There you go, how do you like it?" Celestia turned and faced the mirror. She looked very...round. The yellow ball engulfed all of her body, leaving only her head, shoulders, legs, and tail visible. As she shifted her weight, the triangular flaps flopped about almost comically. "It's very...prominent." Giggling, Luna nodded. "You'll definitely be the center of attention tonight." She beamed. "Just like the bright shining star that you always are!" Despite her misgivings about her costume, Celestia smiled. "I love it. Thank you, Luna." As Luna opened her closet, Celestia asked, "What are you going to be?" Instead of answering, Luna fastened a cape around her neck and then turned and showed her a pair of fake fangs. Popping the fangs in her mouth, she lifted her cape and drew it over her face. Gazing at her over the edge of the cape, Luna hissed. "I am a vampony! A creature of the night, and I vant to suck your blood!" Without warning, she leaped forward, and galloped a circle around Celestia before skidding to a halt and baring her fangs. Celestia smirked. "Well then, Miss Vampony, I suppose you wouldn't be a very big fan of me." She lifted an eyebrow. "The sun?" "Ah, it burns!" Luna cried, and then she bounded out of the room. "See you at the party, sister!" Laughing, Celestia headed out of the door, but the laughter quickly died as she got stuck in the doorframe. She attempted to force her way through, but immediately stopped when she felt the costume's frame begin to bend. Not wanting to damage it, she slowly started to back out, but again felt the pressure on the wire frame. "Oh, for the love of..." With a flash of light, Celestia teleported into the center of the hall. Checking to ensure her costume was still in one piece, she sighed. "I look ridiculous." She trotted to the end of the hall, and as she rounded the corner, she heard somepony shout "Boo!" as several rubber bats and spiders suddenly dropped on her head. With a cry of surprise, Celestia fell back onto her haunches as the rubber pests bounced wildly on their strings. Further ahead, the two guards standing watch began to snicker. "Nice prank, Luna," Celestia called with a hint of annoyance. Somewhere from the darkness above, she heard her sister laugh. Shaking her head, Celestia started down the hall, but came to a stop in front of the chuckling guards. "Please don't encourage her." Still smiling, the two bowed their heads obediently. Obviously, Luna had come to the decision that since she couldn't prank the guests this year, she'd settle for pranking just her. Celestia supposed that she should have seen this coming; Luna enjoyed this night too much to simply give up her pranks. This realization brought with it the knowledge that the way to the dining hall was sure to be filled with additional pranks. After a moment's hesitation, she elected to take a shortcut through the library. She doubted that Luna would have anticipated that. She continued down the hall and took the first available right. Moving at a brisk trot, the large double doors of the library soon came into sight, but just as she was nearing them, the torches all extinguished. "Welcome...to the Shortcut of Doom!" came Luna's voice from somewhere behind her. She only strained to see in the near perfect dark for a moment before lighting her horn. Casting the light around her, she found that she was alone. A sudden creaking caused her to jump, and turning, she found that the library doors had opened. Rolling her eyes, she stepped into the library. "Luna, this isn't—" The doors slammed shut behind her, causing her to start. "This isn't funny." The library was dimly lit by a small fire that was burning in the fireplace. The fading light cast ominous shadows along the far wall, and as she watched, one of the shadows unexpectedly moved. Celestia spun and shone the light where she believed the shadow originated from, but found nothing. Without warning, the fire behind her suddenly roared to life, filling the room with bright light and a fierce heat. With a cry, Celestia whipped around in time to see the fire die back down. A moment later, she heard a fluttering sound behind her. As she turned, a floating book slammed shut right in her face, eliciting a gasp. Smiling brightly, Luna waved at her sister before slipping through a door on the opposite side of the room. Her brow furrowing, Celestia galloped after her. This was getting ridiculous. Celestia had never minded pranks in the past, and had even been known to play some on others from time to time, but Luna needed to tone them down. She was going to catch up to her and— And she just got stuck in another door. Grumbling under her breath, Celestia once again disappeared in a flash of light and reappeared in the center of the hall. Without even sparing a glance at the costume, she headed toward the large door at the end of the hall. She considered taking the costume off, but knew that Luna would be disappointed if she arrived at the dinner party without it. As frustrated as she was with her sister, Celestia would never do anything to upset her on this night. The door swung open and she passed through without incident. The corridor beyond was a straight stretch that led to the dining hall. It appeared that she had braved her sister's gauntlet and was now in the final stretch. Relieved, Celestia smiled at the two guards that straightened at attention as she passed. But then she heard Luna's voice. "Ooo-ooo." Suddenly, the jewelry box that she had gotten Luna for her birthday was floating in front of her face. With a sigh, Celestia said, "Luna, I can see your magical aura around the box." "Ooo-ooo," Luna repeated insistently as the jewelry box gently bumped Celestia's muzzle. "What? Do you want me to open it?" Celestia rolled her eyes as her magic enveloped the box. "Okay, fine. I don't know what—" A dollop of custard fired out of the box and splattered onto her face. With a shout of surprise, she stumbled backward and wiped at her eyes as the box clattered loudly onto the floor. The sound of laughter echoed throughout the empty hall, and Celestia turned a scathing look at the two guards. Immediately, they composed themselves and straightened once more. After a brief moment of awkward silence, one of the guards cleared his throat. "Uh, you look very nice in your costume, Princess." "Yeah." The second guard nodded. "It really shows off your figure." The first guard snorted and struggled to keep a straight face. Celestia's eye twitched as she glared at the two of them. Ordinarily, she didn't mind the occasional wisecracking guard; in fact, she welcomed them as a pleasant diversion from the mundane routine of royal life, but there were times when they could be inappropriate. As she straightened to her full height and prepared to reprimand the guards, she suddenly remembered that it was Nightmare Night. These two were just in a festive mood, and had no idea that Celestia was so frustrated. It would be unfair for her to punish them when she herself had encouraged the jovial atmosphere that had gripped the castle this night. Her thoughts must have been plain on her face, for she noticed the guards' smiles had faded. "As you were," she said with a small smile. She heard their relieved sighs as she turned and trotted toward the dining hall. Entering the dining hall, she found that most of the guests had already arrived. The room echoed with excited chatter and laughter as the costumed visitors seated themselves. Numerous torches burning in their brackets illuminated the room brightly, and each of the long tables held five golden candlesticks placed over the silk tablecloths. The ceiling of the room was decorated with streamers, banners, and several floating carved pumpkins, and an assortment of rubber spiders, bats, and ghosts dangled from the chandeliers. The castle steward turned to her as she entered, and with a frown, he said, "You have something on your face." "Yes, I'm aware," Celestia mumbled as she grabbed several napkins from a nearby table and levitated them over to her. Quickly wiping away the custard, she asked, "Has everypony arrived?" He nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty. The servants are helping the last of them to their seats and we will be ready for the feast." "Good." She was anxious to start the feast. Once Luna and herself were seated, then maybe they could start enjoying each other's company. "Have you seen my sister?" The castle steward smiled. "She sure is full of energy tonight, isn't she? She's right over..." he trailed off as he indicated the head table. While several members of the royal family were seated there, Luna was nowhere to be seen. "Well, she was right over there." For the next several minutes, Celestia gazed around the hall for a glimpse of her sister as the guests finished finding their seats. She didn't know where Luna was, but she knew that she was in here somewhere. Her sister had been much too excited about this night, and Celestia knew that she would not risk missing it. Finally, it was time for Celestia to address the guests, and she moved to stand in front of the head table. The hall went silent as she stepped forward, and she gazed around at all the amused faces staring at her. She couldn't believe that she was standing in front of all these guests in such a stupid costume. Pushing her embarrassment aside, she began her speech. She welcomed them all to the castle, and told them all how much this night meant to her. She told them of the emptiness she used to feel, and how Luna's return had brightened her life. She then thanked them all for being here and sharing this moment with her. As she spoke, Celestia's heart warmed up to her sister. Already, her frustration was melting away to be replaced with the love that she felt toward her so often. By the time her speech was over, she was smiling heartily and wondering how she could have let something as little as a couple of pranks upset her. "Now, please everypony, enjoy your meal," Celestia said as she took her seat at the head table. She then waited expectantly for the food to appear on their plates, but blinked when nothing happened. Where was the food? She had arranged for it to magically appear on everyponies' plates just after she spoke those words. What could have went wrong? Several guests suddenly began to ooh and aah. Glancing up, Celestia was surprised to find the food spiraling over their heads. One by one, the platters gently sat themselves down on the tables. Celestia rolled her eyes. She should have known that Luna was behind this. Not that she minded, the guests seemed to be enjoying the little show. But she soon grew worried as the platters of food began to flip and spin, urged on by the applauding ponies below. She slowly rose to her hooves as images of last year's mess flashed through her mind. "Luna, I think you need to tone this down a bit," Celestia called. Just then, two casseroles collided with each other, and one slipped off its platter and landed directly on Celestia's head. Her body went rigid and her eyes grew wide as she felt the gooey cheese cling to her mane and run down the back of her neck. With a shudder, she lowered her head and scraped off the largest portion of the casserole onto the floor. Suddenly, laugher broke out among the guests. Perhaps they thought this was part of the show, or perhaps they just found humor in a platter of food being dumped on their princess, but whatever the reason for their laughter, it caused Celestia's heart to hammer and her face to grow hot as she was filled with indignation and anger. She turned her gaze upward and spotted Luna hovering far above, a hoof over her mouth and her face a mask of horror. She couldn't believe that this had happened. She had warned Luna of this very thing, and still, Luna had caused another mess. Never before had she lost her temper in front of an audience, but now, she was frighteningly close. Spinning on her hooves, she quickly trotted to the castle steward, who was staring at her in shock, and instructed him to make sure the dinner went as planned. Then she hurried out of the dining hall. Back in the corridor, the two guards that had laughed at her misfortune earlier gasped as she came into sight, and rushed to her aid. But before they could say a word, she teleported and reappeared in her room. Looking in the mirror, she felt a new wave of anger at the sight of herself. She turned and tried to enter the bathroom, but got stuck in the doorway. With a shriek of rage, she teleported the detestable costume off of herself and let it crash to the floor on the other side of the room. She then spent the next half hour washing her mane and scrubbing the back of her neck. Finished, she started back out into the hall, but paused as her eyes landed on the costume. A wicked grin suddenly formed. Her sister wanted to play pranks, did she? Well, two could play at this game. Scheming her revenge, Celestia disappeared in a flash. She suddenly appeared in the kitchen, where a servant was setting various cakes and pies in a line for dessert. As the servant gasped in surprise, Celestia lifted a large cream pie from the table. "I need this. Thank you." "But Princess, that's for..." But Celestia had already disappeared. The servant harrumphed. "I swear, those princesses and their appetites!" Entering Luna's room, Celestia pondered where she could leave the pie. Her first thought was to dump it on Luna's bed and cover it with the blankets. She knew that Luna would be exhausted after the night was over, and would undoubtedly climb into bed without looking. After several minutes of debating, she finally decided to leave the door slightly ajar and set the pie carefully on top. Celestia grinned as she imagined Luna walking in unsuspectingly and having the pie splatter all over her head. She would be so weary, and would have to take the time to clean herself before she could get to bed. Stepping back to admire her work, Celestia's eyes fell on an open book on Luna's vanity. Recognizing it as a journal, she began to turn away when she caught sight of the date. Her breath catching in her throat, she moved closer. It was Luna's journal entry on her first night back in Canterlot. She hesitated only briefly, and then began to read. I'm not sure where even to begin, I am so overwhelmed. I have just raised the moon for the first time in one thousand years. Celestia is asleep now, she has left me to watch over the night. She trusts me so much already, despite all that I've done. I was just in her room, watching her sleep. I lost track of how long I was in there, watching her slowly breath in and out, completely at peace. And I cried nearly the entire time. It seemed so surreal. I cannot describe in words how much I've missed her, and watching her sleep filled me with both an incredible joy at seeing her at ease and knowing that she will always be here with me, and a deep sadness for all the time we have lost. I am so ashamed of what I've done, so ashamed of the pain I have caused her, and I shall never forgive myself. And yet, Celestia has forgiven me. For this, I love her more than words can express, and I vow here and now to never hurt her again. She has given me something that not many ponies are given, a second chance. I want to thank her, to do something to show her how much I love her, but there is nothing I can say or do that won't pale in comparison to her forgiveness. And so I will try something else. I will do my best to overcome the guilt of what I've done, and I will live a happy life. That is the best way to honor her gift, to honor her and everything she stands for. I will always stand beside her, I will always be there for her, and I will be happy. Because I love her. Tears ran freely down Celestia's face as she lightly ran a hoof over the page. She had always known that Luna loved her and was thankful for her second chance, but to see it expressed in such a way affected her profoundly. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, Celestia retrieved the pie and stepped back out into the corridor. She shut Luna's door, and then returned to her room. She set the pie aside and quickly pulled her costume back on. Finished, she turned and looked into the mirror with a smile. She knew now why Luna had chosen the sun. To her sister, the sun represented a new beginning, a new chance, and that was what Luna saw when she looked at her. It wasn't just a stupid costume made of chicken wire and vinyl, it was a beautiful creation made of love and admiration. Celestia wiped her eyes. It was perfect. Gathering her magic, she teleported to the dining hall. As soon as she appeared, the guests began applauding, happy that their princess had rejoined them. She turned from the crowd to find Luna hurrying toward her. "Celly, I'm so sorry. And after you warned—" Celestia placed a hoof to her mouth to silence her. "You have nothing to be sorry for, sister. It was just an accident." Luna blinked. "You're not mad?" When Celestia shook her head, she pushed, "Celly, you don't have to hide your feelings from me, I know my pranks were frustrating you. And I saw the look on your face when that casserole landed on you." Favoring her younger sister with an amiable smile, she lifted her hoof and lightly touched her cheek. "You may frustrate me from time to time, Luna, but I love you far too much to stay angry. And as for your pranks, well, let's just say that they were a vast improvement over last year." With a giggle, Luna said, "I love you too, Celestia." "Now, go mingle with the crowd and enjoy yourself." As Luna started off, Celestia suddenly remembered something. Pulling out the box she had stashed under the head table earlier that evening, she called for Luna to return. "I nearly forgot to give you this." She removed a party hat from the box and placed it atop her sister's head. "This is your night, after all." Luna beamed. "Thanks, Celly!" As Luna pranced away, Celestia snickered when she noticed several of the guests pointing at her hat and chuckling. Luna spoke with them and laughed as well, completely unaware that the word 'dunce' was written on the hat. Celestia grinned. She loved her sister very much, and had completely forgiven her for her earlier grievances, but that didn't mean that she couldn't still have a bit of fun. Happy Nightmare Night everybody!