> It shouldn't be this hard! > by Moonlit Path > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Explosion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Almost" "Come on you can do it" Twilight cheered Sweetie Belle eventually collapsed to the floor in exhaustion after her third time attempting the invisibility spell. For the past hour she had been had been trying make a flower vase vanish, but the spell was a little to hard for the young filly. She has managed to make it translucent her second time, but that was the closest she got. "This is impossible!" Sweetie belle moaned, gasping from air, exhusted from her efforts "You are so close." Twilight soothed helping her up, and wrapping a foreleg around the little unicorn. "I know you can do it, but why don't we take a snack break?" She offered with a comforting smile. Sweetie Bell looked up with a grateful smile. "That sounds really good, thank you. I just want to try one more time." She said determined to get it right "I really don't think that's a good idea. The more exhausted you are, the harder it is to do the spell. Even if you do manage to do it, then it rarely comes out correct." She explained with slight concern in her voice, knowing exactly what was going through her students mind. "Ok Twilight." She sighed in defeat "I'll go get us something to eat. I'll be back in a moment." and with that Twilight left the filly alone and went to the kitchen. "I know I can do it. So why am I having so much trouble." It was then she noticed she was alone. "It couldn't hurt anypony to just look over the spell" she whispered to herself pulling out the spell book. "Oh I didn't see this part, that might be why it wasn't working." "Here we are." It was then Twilight saw what Sweetie was reading. "Do I want to know?" She asked a little confused It was then Spike walked through the door. "Twilight, I'm back. Oh hey Sweetie Belle I didn't know you were comming here today." he greeted the pair of unicorns "I figured out why the spell wasn't working. I just need to add in this variable." Sweetie said enthusiastically "What Spell?" Spike asked confused Twilight looked back at the book. "Sweetie, that isn't......." "I know what you are going to say." Sweetie interrupted "But I can do this. Just need to.." "WAIT!" Before Twilight could stop her, a aura engulfed Twilight and spike. In a instant Sweetie belle was blown into the statue of a horse head sitting in the middle of the library "Owwww." Putting her hoof to her head, she noticed she was bleeding near the top base of her horn. "Note to self, don't try that again. At least my hair can cover it" Feeling dizzy her and her vision swimming she tried to make since of what happened, to no avail. Sweetie heard the sound of crying before her world went black. "Sweetie, SWEETIE, SWEETIE BELLE!" "Uggghhhhh. What happened?" Sweetie groaned trying to get her eyes to focus "Are you ok?" a voice called out "Scoots? When did you get here?" "A few minutes ago. Me and Applebloom were coming to find you when we saw the explosion." Scootaloo explained "Explosion?" It was then Sweetie bell remembered what happened. "Wait that was supposed to be a disappearing..." she trailed off as she looked around the room, that looked like a sonic rainboom went off in it. "Wait, where's Twilight and Spike? They where in the room when.." "They are safe. We do have a problem though. Can you stand?" "I think so. Wait, are they hurt?" Sweetie Belle asked starting to hyperventilate "No, they aren't hurt. But they are....." Scootaloo tried finding the right words but just couldn't. "They are what?" "Sweetie, I think you just need to see for yourself." It was then they went into the kitchen. Sweetie bell stood in shock at what had happened. "I did that? But how? How do I fix it, what do I..." "Sweetie, I'm real happy your alright and all, but askin questions ain't ganna help us right now." Applebloom explained trying to control the situation. "There so little, and cute!" she said a little more in enthusiastically then she should have been. "How hard did you hit your head?" Scootaloo asked in concern and amusement "Hard enough." She admitted lifting her hair to reveal the gash. "SWEETIE! You're bleed....wait how did I not see that?" Scootaloo asked facehoofing herself "But yeah this is a small problem." The unicorn whispered "Ya think?" The other two chorused "Who can we get to help us?" Sweetie asked hoping one of the other crusaders had a idea. "We can see if Fluttershy can watch over Spike, but nopony can see Twilight." Scootaloo commanded "I like the idea of Fluttershy watchin over Spike." Applebloom agreed with a hopeful smile. "Applebloom, can you get him over there without anypony seein him? Me and Sweetie can watch over her." "No problem. He fits in my saddle bag." She squeed with a smirk "You can't put him in your saddle bags." Sweetie bell argued "Why not?" Scootaloo asked confused. "Because, because, it's wrong?" She offered before sighing "Thank you girls for helping me." "No problem Sweetie." Applebloom said with a smile. "Yeah you'd do the same for us" Scootaloo agreed with a smile Applebloom picked Spike up and set him in one of her saddle bags before buckling it on herself. "Wow he is light." She said giggling "are yall sure you'll be alright?" "What could go wrong?" "Scoots?" "Yeah?" "That is the worst thing to say in these kinds of situations." "Just go Applebloom. The sooner we figure out how to reverse this, the better." Scootaloo said pushing Applebloom out the door. "Alright, alright. I know. I'll be back in a little bit, and when I get back, we'll get ya cleaned up Sweetie." and with that Applebloom ran at full gallop. She knew her crusader friends had no experience with this sort of thing. As a matter of fact, neither did she. This was going to be entertaining. "Oh my goodness, what happened?" Fluttershy asked in shock seeing Spike. "Sweetie bell messed up a spell. Can you watch over him, and we can watch over Twilight? Please. We have a plan but we can't watch over both of them. Pretty please" Applebloom begged "Of course, but I need a few more details." The Pegasus asserted very confused. "Sweetie bell was having a magic lesson with Twilight, and her spell went wrong. When we got there, we found Spike like this, Twilight in the corner crying, and Sweetie Belle unconscious on the floor next to the horse statue." The farm filly deadpanned "Is Sweetie Alright? Maybe I should take a look at her. Also can you guess how old Twilight is?" Fluttershy asked in concern "She's fine, I'm goin to bandage her up when I get back. Celestia knows I have enough experience with that sorta thing. Then if she starts actin funny we will bring her here without delay." Applebloom promised. " also she is younger then me, but not like a foal. Maybe 3 years old. 4 at the most." "And are you sure you can handle foalsitting?" She was concerned remembering last time they were left in charge of something. "They can be a lot of work, especially unicorns. They have little control over their magic, and Twilight has a lot of magic being a alicorn." "We can handle it, until Sweetie can find the spell to fix this." Applebloom explained trying to sound confident. "What is your plan? Is there anything you need from me?" Fluttershy asked already seeing the distruction that was sure to come from this "If you need any help, let one of us know. I'd prefer if Applejack or Pinkie were there to help. They are both good at foalsitting" "We're still workin out the plans, but we got this. and thank yall for everything. I'll keep that in mind, now I really must get goin , no tellin what is goin on at the library. Last thing, yall have to promise not to tell anypony what happened to Spike and Twilight until we can get this sorted out, or you feel you don't have a choice anymore. Please it's important" "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." The pegasus recited with the hoof movements. "But I don't like it." "Thanks!" Before Fluttershy could say anything else Applebloom was gone. She took Spike who looked like he just hatched from his egg and set down in a small bed to let him sleep. After making sure he was comfy she went over to her desk and pulled out a two pieces of paper. Applejack Code 3. Stand by -Fluttershy Pinkie Pie, Code 3. Stand by -Fluttershy "Mail!" Fluttershy jumped a little at the new voice. "Derpy just in time." "I have a package for you!" She said with a huge smile. "Thank you so much, this must be the new bird seed I ordered." Fluttershy took the package and set it down by the door before handing her the two letters. "Can you please drop these off. It is really important." "Of course, I'll take them to them now." "Thank you." Fluttershy said relieved It was then they noticed Angel thumping his foot rapidly on the ground holding a box. "Thank you Angel, I completely forgot." She took the box from Angel and handed it to Derpy. "You asked for these next time I made them." Fluttershy explained "Muffins!" Derpy exclaimed trying to figure out witch one to eat first. "I hope you enjoy them, I'll make you more soon." "Thank you!" Derpy yelled flying away Fluttershy closed the door with a smile and looked back at the sleeping Spike. "Oh Angel, do you think they can handle foalsitting Twilight?" When the little white bunny shook his head she couldn't help but laugh. "Waaaa" "It's ok Spike." she soothed, picking up and rocking the crying dragon, until he was asleep again. "I know I should go and help them." Angels glare told her all she needed to know. "But come one Angel, I warned Pinkie Pie and Applejack, so they will be on guard. What could possibly go wrong?" > Gone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Girls, I'm back." Applebloom called out coming back into the Library Scootaloo ran out the door, tackling Applebloom. "Bout time. I need you. NOW!" The pegasus grabbed her friend and pulled her inside Applebloom looked around in shock at the destroyed library "What the hay happened here?" "First Sweetie Belle tried to use her magic to hold Twilight still because her magic was going crazy, and literally making Twilight bounce off the walls. After she tried using the levitation spell, she made a funny sound and fell unconscious on the floor, by the bottom of the stairs" Scootaloo looked over to her friend. At least she was nice enough to put a blanket on her because she was freezing. "I tried holding her, but she kept grabbing books and throwing them across the room and at me either saying back away, or pancake. So I took a hint and tried to make her pancakes but she somehow the oven caught on fire. Before I could put it out, I lost track of her." The Pegasus explained nervously glancing around "YOU LOST HER!?" Applebloom suddenly fell a little sick at the news. A lost filly in a library with who knows how machines, chemicals, etc. from Twilights experimenting. "Wait, what's that smell?" "THE FIRE!" Scootaloo shrieked, remembering she never put it out. Running in, the were amazed that all the flames where in a perfect orb. "Thank Celestia. Twilight was smart to put a emergency barrier around the stove." "I think Spike had somethin to do with that" Applebloom giggled. Suddenly in a flash, the orb and flames shrunk. Noticing this, the fillies took it to their advantage. Applebloom turned to Scootaloo with a idea, as she remembered something. "You stay here and see what happens, I'll be back. " And with that she ran out of the kitchen leaving a very confused Scootaloo A moment later she came back with a book. "Twilight showed me this when I started potion making. It's a list of all of the emergency spells she put up around the Library, or enchanted items. Flipping through the book, she found the oven. And started reading "The stove has a emergency security bubble around it, blocking any heat, chemicals, and flames from escaping in case of fire. If a fire does start, the bubble will slowly extinguish the fire. The only weakness is acid such as lemons or oranges." Scootaloo couldn't help but wonder what else this book contained. She had to be sure to make sure that the three of them read this later. "Ok, so we don't have to worry about this." Scootaloo said with a 'I know this could have been really bad' smile. "Wait check this out" Scootaloo pointed out to a seemingly random page. "There is a part of the library to keep you hidden. It is there in case of a break in, so they won't be able to see you." "But you can see anyone else inside of the area, as long as you in it yourself.:" Applebloom finished "It is hidden behind a secret door in the basements floor." "Ok, that enough of the book for now." Applebloom threw the book onto a nearby table. "We need ta find Twilight before she burns the library to the ground!" The Pegasus stood still for a moment with a look of fear on her face. "Oh yeah." They both started running around looking for the tiny alicorn. "TWILIGHT!" "TWILIGHT!" "Huh, what happened? Sweetie Belle looked around, fighting off her headache. That is when she noticed her friends. After a hour of searching, both fillies laid spread out on the floor. "What happened to you two?" "We have been searching for a hour. Where could she be!" Scootaloo yelled Sweetie squeaked "You lost her?!" "More like she lost herself." Applebloom groaned "Eeep" Twilight squeaked as she hid behind the bush. Twilight had been wondering around ponyville since the fire, scared to death. She didn't remember anything other then what happened at the library, but everything seemed so big to the small filly. All she knew was that she needed to go somewhere safe, and she didn't know who to trust. "Oooo maybe I can hide in there." Noticing the train. "No one is around here!" She exclaimed to herself excitedly. She quietly went up to the train, and looked around to make sure no one was watching before sneaking into the back car. "Perfect, now what? Where do I do now?" She wimpered. "Freindship Express to Canterlot. 1 minute. 1 minute." Twilight started shaking in fear hearing the loud voice. She looked around and couldn't find anypony. All of a sudden, the doors opened, and ponies started coming into the other cars, and four into hers. "What's going on" she hid as far in the back as the small Alicorn could manage, ears laying flat against her head. "I don't think I like this very much." She thought to herself. Thankfully, only the few ponies were in the back car, so she felt somewhat safe. "Why are they wearing those funny clothes?" She giggled watching the group of ponies. "Please hold on" Twilight started panicking. "Where is that voice coming from?" Standing up to try and get a better view, she soon regretted it. The moment the train started moving, she lost her balance and fell; hitting her horn in the process. She was scared, lost, and now hurt. She couldn't help but start crying. "Please somepony, I don't want to be alone." She whimpered as tears streamed down her eyes. "Twilight?" A soft voice asked in shock "Eeeep" She squealed, trying to get away from the stranger "Shuuu, shuuuu, it's ok Twilight. I am a friend." A large hoof reached out to stroke the filly's mane. "I know you are scared, but I'm here. I'll keep you safe." Praying she was telling the truth, and somehow feeling very safe with this mare, Twilight gave in and gave her a big hug. "Please help me." She whispered "You're safe now." The mare assured. A few moments later, Twilight had finally started calming down enough to stop crying. "Who are you?" "My name is Cadence. I am a good friend, you can trust. I promise." The pink alicorn bopped the purple alicorn nose causing her to giggle. Twilight put on her adorable thinking face at hearing the name "I think I have heard of you from the princess." Cadence smile brightened. "You remember Princess Celestia?" "Of course! I'm her student after all." She exclaimed proudly "How long have you been her Student?" "About two days? No, ummm." She thought for a moment. "Two weeks." She finally said happy she remembered the right word. "So you are four years old?" Cadence asked getting a better idea of Twilights mind set. "That is what mommy and daddy said." "Ok so she was reverted to when she was four. How though? I wouldn't have started foalsitting her, until the end of the school year." Cadence thought to herself. "So she wouldn't remember me, but she remembers Celestia. So she wouldn't know Luna, but she should remember." Cadence suddenly smiled coming out of her thinking process, only to notice Twilight looking at her curiously. "Are you ok Cadence?" She asked slowly backing away. Twilight still wasn't completely sure she could trust this mare. "If you stay with me, then I can take you back to the Princess. I am on my way to see her now. Your BBBFF should actually be there also." The mention of her brother made Twilight's face lit up, like it was her birthday. "Shiny is going to be there!" suddenly she got a look of fear in her eyes. "Twilight, what's wrong sweetie?" "Shiny is going to get mad at me for leaving the Castle! I don't even remembering leaving, and" "Twilight, calm down." Cadence interrupted, nuzzling her. Knowing too well the freak out that would come. "Can you tell me what you remember from today." "Ok. I remember star gazing with the Princess last night, and then I woke up in a library tree. I was scared, and two older fillies tried to help me. I didn't know what was going on, and them they gave me this drink that I really liked. I think it was called coffee, but it made my horn go crazy!" The alicorn swung her arms all around and fell on her back, causing Cadence to smile. "Then one of them tried to use her horn, and she fell asleep." Twilight giggled while remembering "Oh yeah? That was silly of her" Cadence laughed while tickling the small alicorn "Yeah! Then the other one started a fire, and I was told that if there is a fire to get out of the house and somewhere safe. I remembered that, and got out to get help. I didn't know anyone though, and I'm not supposed to talk to strangers. I had already ran so far, that I got lost. So I did the next best thing. I found somewhere I thought was safe, and had to stay until someone found me." She finally finished explaining with a yawn. It was getting late, and Cadence knew that meant nap time. Cadence carried Twilight over to a stack of pillows and started cuddling her, hoping to make her fell safe enough to get some sleep. "Sounds like you have had a crazy day." She nuzzled the little alicorn who was already falling asleep. "Yeah. Someone should tell the others I'm ok though. They are probably still looking for me." Cadence smiled, this was definitely younger Twilight. "I will let them know right away. Do you know their names?" "I remember one was Sweetie Belle. I like her name, it's pretty. Then there was Scout.. uh, Scoot." She mumbled trying to remember. "Could it be Scootaloo?" Cadence offered, knowing the answer already. Twilight just nodded as she fell into a deep sleep. "Princess? Do you want us to find them, and find out what happened?" A guard offered "Please. There should be Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom. They go by the name Cutie Mark Crusaders. They are sisters to some of the other elements. Applebloom is Applejacks; the element of honesty's sister. Sweetie Belle is Rarity's; the element of generosity sister. Lastly Scootaloo is Rainbow Dash; the element of loyalty adopted sister. Rainbow took her under her wing, because she thought that she needed a authority figure. "I know all of them personally." A blue maned Pegasus guard offered "Very well Flash." Cadence looked down at the sleeping filly and smiled. "Tell them she is under my care as of now, and find out how this happened. Nopony is allowed to tell Celestia or Luna. This is something they need to see first hand." She explained with a smile they knew all to well. "Yes ma'am." and with that Flash left out of a window back to ponyville. "Princess? Is there anything we can do?" The other two guards asked "No, I am going to take a nap. Weren't you guys playing cards anyways?" "Thank you Princess. We will wake you when we are almost to Canterlot." A few minutes later, the two alicorns were fast asleep. This is was going to be a very interesting adventure. > Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Princess Cadence?" "Huh?" Cadence looked around for a moment "Oh, hello. Are we almost to Canterlot?" "Yes ma'am. We will arrive in roughly 10 minutes. I wanted to give you some time to wake up first. We also wanted to talk to you before we had to wake her up" The guard explained motioning to the small purple alicorn "You want to know why I didn't freak out seeing her?" Cadence asked with a knowing smile All three guards looked at her surprised. "How did you?" Cadence slowly got up, making sure not to wake her quite yet. She met up with her guards at the other end of the car. "As for how I know; I would be asking the same thing as you. As for why I didn't freak out; I have seen a lot stranger from powerful unicorns." The pink Alicorn looked over to Twilight. "I have a feeling Sweetie Belle did this. It is rare, but there are unicorns out there that hold a lot of magic. They just have little control over, or it might be too hard to them to use it because their limited knowledge. This is actually more funny then anything" She explained with a giggle. "Twilight had trouble doing any spell past basic levitation at first. There was a burst of power, and it gave her enough strength to use her magic. That is a story for a later time." "What kind of strange things?" A guard hesitantly asked "Yes, that's you're only question from that" A different guard asked rolling his eyes "Things that would put Discord to shame." The princess deadpanned. Laughing at everyponys shocked expression. The third guard raised his hoof "Umm is that even.." "Sadly yes. That is possible." She finished. "Trust me, it took forever trying change the fish in the castle gardens back to normal. Thankfully nopony was eaten." She let out a small shiver "So many feathers." "Look there's the station. I'm guessing about five minutes?" The guard said trying to change the subject. "Oh, thank you." Cadence walked over to the sleeping filly and gently kissed her cheek "Twiley?" "But I'm not done looking at the stars Princess" She mumbled "Come on Twilight. Were almost there." Cadence giggled, nuzzling Twilight. "Where almost to the train station." Two purple eyes shot open. "Were almost there." She exclaimed jumping up. "Yep." She looked Twilight over, smiling at how she looked like she was in a tornado. "Lets brush you first though. We want you looking your best." "Oh right. I guess that might help a little." Twilight sat down in front of Cadence as one of the guards handed Cadence her brush. "Thank you." She said smiling. She quickly used her magic to help clean Twilight up a little before they arrived at the station. "3,2, and 1. All done." "Thank you Cadence." "You are more then welcome." "Princess, we have arrived." The conductor announced opening the door. "Lets go! Lets go!" Twilight squealed running out of the train. "Twilight wait up!" "Huh?" Twilight turned around to see a large pair of eyes, almost the same colors as her own. "Twilight, you can't go running off like that. Stay with me, promise?" "Yes Cadence." The filly let out a small yawn. It was a really short nap then what she should have had A solar guard walked up to the group. "Princess Twilight?" "Princess Twilight?" Twilight asked very confused "It's a long story." A crystal guard offered "Alright then. Your ride is this way." He motioned towards the chariot "Thank you." Cadence knew that it wasn't far to the castle and could have walked. She was exhausted though, and now had Twilight. They all sat down inside, and their escorts hooked up their harnesses. "Now Twilight, when we start moving I want you to stay seated. Ok?" She asked putting a wing around the small alicorn Twilight snuggled closer to Cadence. "I will." Cadence knew she was to comfy to move anyways. Twilight watched everything go by her as the adults were talking about something that sounded really important. Something about a bug named Discord, and cleaning a empire. It sounded like a fun bug though, so she didn't understand why she was so upset about it. "Ooooo pretty." She thought looking at a small garden. Looking at the others she was sure nopony was watching, and jumped out of the chariot. "What kind of flowers are these? Oh wow, a glass bird. It's so cute!" she thought to herself. She looked over her shoulder and a familiar animal caught her eye. "Ducky! Waddle waddle waddle..." "Twilight, what did I say before we left?" Twilight jumped at the voice. "Sorry Cadence, but look!" It was then she saw the garden and ducks. "Yes, they are very pretty. We really need to go though." She used her magic to pick up the filly and put her on her back before walking back to the others. "She likes running away. Doesn't she?" A guard asked smiling "She just gets distracted. Unless she has a book or something in front of her, then she will stay focused. For a little while at least." She explained giving the filly a -you know better- stare. "We just have to keep a close eye on her." "Hi Twilight, my name is Shimmer Steel. Question, do you want to ride on my back instead of in the chariot? You can see so much more that way." He offered with a warm smile "Can I Cadence? Pretty please!?" Twilight asked with puppy eyes Cadence knew that this way, there was no way she could run off again. "Of course." "Thank you." She sqeed climbing onto the guards back. "Alright hold on!" And with that they were off. Again. Cadence and the guards started talking again. She didn't care though, she rarely got to go anywhere like this, so she got to see a lot of different things. "Butterfly!" She whispered to herself. "Oh no you don't." Steel told her, feeling her try get off. "You can see more butterflies at the castle then you can count. We have to get there first." "Okay." She sighed, never taking her eyes off the flying creature. "She was so cute at this age. I wonder what Celestia did to make her like she is now." He whispered to his partner, making sure she couldn't hear him. Causing them both to laugh. "Well Hiya Flash. Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres, What can I do for ya?" "Hello Applejack. I was looking for you Applebloom and her friends. Have you seen them around?" Applejack bucked one more tree before walking to meet up with the guard. "I'm real sorry Flash, but I don't." The farm pony sighed "What did those three do now?" "There was a small accident with Princess Twilight. At least we hope it was a accident, but I need to talk with them. Princess Twilight is currently with Princess Cadence on her way to Canterlot." He tried to keep it as simple as possible for now. It was a very unique situation after all. " Oh, I also was wondering where Spike was." "I heard that my Sis and her friends might need help from Fluttershy. Maybe Check there? If not, I'd check the library next." Smiling, knowing he now had somewhere to start. "Thanks Applejack. Oh there is a small chance they will come to Canterlot with me. If they do I will be sure to let you, and the others know." "TWILIGHT!" "Well speakin of my sis." The farm mare groaned Flash let out a small laugh "That was easier then I thought it would be." Applebloom ran up seeing her sister "Hey Applejack, this might sound weird but have you seen..." It was then she noticed the guard. "See what Surgarcube?" "Umm, it's nothin. Really." "Applebloom, I know about Twilight." He gave her a warm smile "I do need to talk to you to find out what happened." He explained "I don't know the full story. If I can get my friends though, then we can s'plain what happened." She explained before getting a look of fear. "I ain't in trouble. Am I?" He smiled. You have to love when they are this age. "Depends on one thing." Applebloom took a step back, wondering what the question was. "What's that?" she asked shakily "Was it a accident? "I think so. I arrived after it happened. Only Sweetie Belle knows how it happened." She confessed "Then no your not." He ruffled her mane a little "Let's go find your friends?" "Ah huh." And with that Applebloom started running towards town "Thanks again Applejack. I will let you know what happens next. Right now I need to find out the whole story." "No problem." and with that, she went back to her daily work as Flash flew up to catch the little filly "Sweetie is still at the library lookin for Twi, then Scoots is going around town." Flash thought for a moment. "Ok, so we should get Sweetie Belle first, and then find Scootaloo in order to save some time. Also where is Spike? He wasn't with Twilight" "Oh, he is with Fluttershy." Applebloom explained running up to the library. "Sweetie! I know where Twilight is!" She called out opening the door. "Sweetie?" Looking around she noticed her friend knocked out on the floor. "Sweetie Belle!" "Let me look at her." Flash looked over the filly before noticing that her horn was slightly pink near the tip and she was running a fever. "What's goin on with her. This is the third time she passed out like this." Applebloom asked concerned for her friend Sighing in relief she picked her up on his back, and laid a wing over her to keep her safe and warm. "It looks like she tried a really hard spell, and ran out of magic. When unicorns run out of magic like this, they can get sick. She will be ok in a few days though." He explained "Fluttershy said if she started actin weird, to bring her to her right away." Applebloom confessed "Well I guess that makes since." She thought, but letting a little worry come through in her voice." "Let's go to Fluttershy's then find Scootaloo." He explained heading for the door. Sighing Applebloom knew he was in charge. "Ok Flash." > Suprise! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Cadence! Cadence! I see the castle!" "I see" Cadence giggled. She always loved seeing Twilight so excited "Are you sure Shiny won't be mad, or the Princess?" "Yes, I am sure they won't be mad, but they will be very happy to see you." Twilight jumped off the guards back and grabbed onto Cadences neck, trying to hug her. "You never told me how you know my brother." "I will explain that in a little while. I am sure it will be quite a shock seeing you." "Well I am the best at hide and seek." She said with a proud smile "Oh I have no doubt about that. Now listen, when we get there you need to stay close to me. The castle is very big, and it is very easy to get lost. "I know. That is why I have to stay with the Princess, unless I am home, or in class. I don't know why, If I get lost, I could just ask somepony where the Princess is. She always seems to find me first though." "What is your favorite thing about being the Princesses student?" A guard ask levitating the alicorn filly over to him, freeing Cadence "I get to learn so many new things, that the others don't. "Really? Like what?" A diffrent guard asked "Like how her hair moves, while our doesn't" "I always wondered that myself." Cadence admitted with a giggle "Oh it's simple. The princesses are friends with creatures called breezies, and the give them speciel dust that they put in their shampoo. It is increased by their power. They say it just makes it look really cool. If they are low on magic, or hurt then it will stop waving. It only will work on alicorns though." "Hahaha Aunty, I know your secret." Cadence wispered to herself. "Alright everypony, we are here." Their escort exclaimed "Yay! Let's go Cadence, let's go!" "Ok, hold on one minute Twilight. We need to get our stuff." "Hey Cadence, I need to talk to you." Cadence had jumped at that sudden voice behind her. "Sorry didn't mean to scare you." "It's ok Shinning." She giggled while turning around to hug him. "What's going on?" "Celestia and Luna were called to Baltimare to settle some kind of dissagreement" "What! One second." She trotted over to the guards. " Hey can you guys watch her for a second. I need to speak with Shinning Armor in privet, before he see's her." "Of course Princess." The guards recited in unison, while saluting. All except for Steel who was playing with Twilight. "Cadence? What's wrong?" The pink alicorn went back to her husband and put up a barrier around them. "Do you know when they will be back?" "No, they said it might be a couple days." As soon as he saw the shock on his wifes face, he knew something happened. "We should get our work done while we can though. Maybe that will take your mind off what ever is bothering you" He quickly offered. "I don't have any time anymore. I need to....." "Need to what?" "TWILIGHT!" Cadence dropped the barrier and ran to the guards. "Where is she?" "Umm, were playing hide and seek?" One guard offered "Please find her. Apparently Celestia and Luna are going to be gone for a few days, so she is our responsibility." With that said, all the guards disbanded to go find the filly, except for a crystal guard. "Also is there any update from Flash Sentry?" "Not at the moment. Would you like me to go find him?" "Yes please. He might need help dealing with those 3, and take a carriage with you; that way you can bring Spike back here also. Please send me a report when you find them." "Yes ma'am" "Why is Twiliy here? We're supposed to be planning her birthday party tomorrow when Pinkie Pie get's here." "That is going to have to be put on hold for a little while longer. Twilight is alrihgt, but we need to keep a close eye on her. Also, please don't freak out when you see her." Shining Armor took a few steps back "Why would I freak out?" Just then a guard came running up "Princess, we found her. Do you want us to take her to get some dinner? It's starting to get late." "Go on ahead and have them start making lunch. Salad would be good for everypony. Then ask for coffee for everypony except get her hot chocolate. Shining you stay here, I am going to go get her. She is really excited to see you. I should warn you that she thinks that you might get mad because she left the castle without asking. I told her you won't. Just play along please." "I'm scared to ask." The stallion turned around to see the guard heading for the front door and contemplated going with him Cadence walked into the garden where the guards were. "Twilight, what is this I hear about you running away again?" "I'm sorry Cadence. I saw a duck. Quack, quack, quack" Twilight stood up on her back legs and started wobbling like a duck until she fell "I'm going to take you to your brother. Then I have a few things to do with him, so after we eat I need you too take a bath, and wait in your room. Either me or Shinny will come in to read you a story. Ok?" "Ok Cadence. I'll be good." "You want to ride on my back?" "Can I?" Cadence reached a wind under Twilight and started tickling her. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't ok silly." Before the filly could even catch her breath she was lifted onto Cadences' back. "Where is my BBBFF?" "He is right over there" At the sight of her brother Twilight jumped off of Cadence. "Shinny! I'm so sorry I left the castle, I don't even remember! I had a busy day today though, and I met this really nice mare named Cadence. She said she knows you. Why do you seem bigger? Have you been playing a lot of hoofball lately?" "Twiley, slow down. We will have plenty of time for you to tell me all about your adventure." He chuckled giving her a small nuzzle. "I'm just happy you're ok. Now why don't you go get washed up for dinner, and I'll see you in there. Deal?" "Deal" Twilight jumped up and gave her brother a giant hug before a guard guided her inside. "I'm not sure what happened exactly. I found her hiding on the train like that, and she said something about Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom. I have Flash Sentry looking for them now. She is about 4, and that she's been at the school for two weeks. She doesn't remember me, but she know Celestia. She won't know Luna either" "Cady?" "Yes Shinny?" "I am not going to freak out, but I am going to go to my parents and see if they have any of her old toys. We're going to need them." "Good thinking. Maybe throw in a couple of her books?" Cadence started giggling "You don't want to take her with you, do you?" "Like a field trip?" "You might want to see your parents first to explain things." "Your coming with me then; Cady." "And leave her alone. Yeah right. She disappears faster then a shy ghost." "What about tonight after she's asleep. A guard can handle her if she is sleeping." "Deal, I'll send them a letter warning them that we'll be by late tonight." Shinning Armor started walking towards the doors "And I'll pack the coffee and first aid kit." *** KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Oh, um, hello?" "Hiya Fluttershy." "Oh hello Applebloom, and Flash?" "You remember me?" "Mm hmm. Twilight talks about you a lot, oh but I don't think I'm supposed to tell you that." "Yuck, stop with all that mushy stuff" A voice called from inside Applebloom looked inside to see her friend "Scootaloo! I was wonderin were ya disappeared ta." "Yeah, I couldn't find Twilight so I decided to stop by and check on Spike." "Fluttershy, can I talk to you please?" "Of course. Um, Applebloom, why don't you go play with Spike?" Applebloom ran into the cottage, as the pegasus closed the door. "Is this about Twilight? Please tell me she is safe." "Don't worry, she is safe" Flash assured her with a warm smile. "We were passing through Ponyville and Twilight decided to hide on the train. Thankfully Cadence found her, and was able to take control of the situation. They are currently in Canterlot. I am going to take Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle there to help out, and Spike so that the spell can be reversed." He explained looking over at the dragon through the window. "I have Sweetie Belle in the Library. I didn't want to risk moving her yet, but I did put a protection barrier around her. She's safe, but sick with low magic. I know you aren't a doctor, but is there anything you can do to make the trip easier on her?" "Of course. I helped Twilight a lot when ever that happened to her." "Thanks. I'm going to send a report to Cadence telling her what is going on, and see if we can get carriage." "I don't think you will need to." Fluttershy smiled as she pointed to a figure in the sky. "Cadence is always one step ahead." They flew up to meet the other guard, and get the situation. "Everyone is safely in Canterlot. Unfortunately Celestia and Luna called away." The crystal guard explained to Flash and Fluttershy. "I was told to bring Spike with me." "Spike was also reversed to a hatchling." Fluttershy interrupted "I have been taking care of him all day. Thankfully he can't use fire yet." "I also want to bring Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo along with me. The can fill in more details, and Sweetie Belle needs medical treatment. From what I gather she is the one that caused all of this." "Where is she?" "Golden Oaks Library." "Ok, can you two go check on her, and bring her back? I'll watch over these three." The crystal guard asked "Of course. Let's go Fluttershy." And with that Flash hooked himself up to the carriage and they headed off to town. Dear Princess Cadence, I found Flash Sentry. All three fillies are here. Sweetie Belle is hurt from the spell. We will be bringing all four with us back to Canterlot. We will be leaving within the hour. I will alert their sisters. Spike is also a baby like Twilight. If you know anything about taking care of a hatchling, I would love to know. Fluttershy has been taking care of him today. Awaiting any additional directions.