> Chaos Falls > by Black Hailstorm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes That Cannot Be Undone The supernatural. A world of mystery and strangeness Pleasant isn’t it? Some believe that the world of supernatural exists outside the boundaries of our own world, others believe it to merely be another myth. I however, have had the unfortunate chance of not only learning about it, but for meeting it, and discovering what it truly is. A being who could easily tear my own world apart from the inside out or just as easily from the outside. Disturbing is it not? Anyway enough with the small chatter. My name is Hailstorm. And right now, this is my conscience speaking. “There done!” I said with a smile, as I readjusted my glasses. Getting up with a grin I studied the circle I had drawn on the floorboards of my very own bedroom. Not too bad if I do say so myself. And as I stood there staring at all 9 symbols I had drawn into each section of the circle I couldn’t help but notice that for once this was actually the first or maybe second time I’ve ever been able to draw such a perfect circle free-handed. “Strange” I muttered to myself, and merely shrugged. I immediately got onto one knee and drew in the last symbol required to complete the ancient strange relic of symbolism. Glasses. Double checking my work just to make sure I hadn’t completely messed up I began drawing the main piece that would finish this circle completely. The living triangle or being known as Bill. You see allow me to explain something to you. I don’t know how. Nor do I care much about why, but for some reason I’ve had the strange ability to peer into other worlds or even a single world that does not relate to my own when I’m asleep. I don’t know why it happens. It just happens. And you see for the past couple of months I’ve been seeing these strange symbols in my head over and over and over again, every time I go to sleep. Not only that but I’ve seen some pretty strange things. Like gnomes chasing a golf cart, seeing ghosts and zombies, and constantly hearing the name “Pines” over and over again when I’m asleep. I sure as hell don’t know what these “Pines” fellows have to do with me a simple 18 year-old boy beginning to make his way through the world but whatever they were doing it was worsening my dreams. “Every night I have to wake up in a cold sweat due to the multiple horrors I see. The world burning, chaos ensuing, monsters taking over! I’m sick and tired of seeing it every single night” I said with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes. But that all changed when a fellow called Bill met me as I watched him ruining the world. And he offered me a solution to my problem. He told me to write down these symbols, then summon him. Obviously I didn’t want to. But when I initially refused my head began to ache with such a force I thought for sure it would kill me. That’s when Bill had a smug little look in that eye of his and said. “It’s the only way to end your living hell Hailstorm.” How he knew my name I will never know, but I decided if this guy could do anything to rid me of this horrible curse, I’d take it. So I agreed. I didn’t shake his hand like he offered but I agreed. And here I am, “Drawing him on my very own apartment floorboards” I stated as I drew the eye of the being. “And now I believe I can finally be free” a smile, touched my lips as I drew in Bill’s pupil with the chalk in my hand. Standing back up on my two feet I backed up a few inches. No sooner was I at a safe distance did the symbol glow a luminescent blue. Then suddenly, I could feel the very fabric of time and space freeze, the world around me turning grey. The birds chirping outside eerily slowing down to an inevitable stop. The symbol I had drawn to summon Bill evaporating into the air in a sparkle of blue dust, before spinning in the air fusing into a ball, and then suddenly creating a small dot that extended into what appeared to be...a pupil. The pupil blinked at me. I stood there staring back, calmly waiting to see what would happen but at the same time my body and nerves on edge in case something else would happen. And for awhile in that grey world nothing did happen. There was just that floating eye that stared at me in silence, and me staring right back at it. Then it blinked and suddenly part of my wall collapsed into a triangle forming the eye’s body. Staring at me now was Bill. Bill Cipher. And for some reason I could get the feeling that he was quite pleased to see me summoning him. Bill laughed for a few seconds before shrinking his massive form and floating towards me. “I knew you couldn’t resist for long. Let’s face it Hailstorm you knew you’d eventually cave in and submit to your desire to get rid of this curse” he said with the utmost confidence. I didn’t reply. “So” he said turning towards me. “Do we have a deal? I take away your curse. But in exchange you do something else for me” I hesitated, staring at the outstretched hand before me. Seconds passed and I still hadn’t made my move. Bill’s eye gave me a look of displeasure. His hand retracting back to his side. “I see, looks like you called to waste me time” he said pulling out a pocket watch. “Now if you don’t mind, only call me when you have a real” his eye flashed red, before turning back to normal. “Reason to call me.” Raising his hand the interdimensional being was about to snap his fingers and disappear out of existence but a firm hold on a wrist stopped him from doing so. “Wait” I said, my hand tightening on his wrist. “I’ll...I’ll do it, but you have to promise me. Not to take over my world when I shake your hand.” Bill’s eye narrowed as he stared at me, noticing I still had my hand firmly grasping his wrist I released it. “Alright then” he said rubbing his wrist. “I agree” his hand glowed with a burning blue flame. “As long as you agree to my conditions, your curse is gone.” “And what are those conditions?” I asked with a skeptic look through my glasses. My hand was now up but it was away from the powerful being’s hand. Bill chuckled, “Hailstorm. You know I don’t do things that way.” His voice suddenly growing dark with the next words out of his nonexistent mouth. “Now do we have a deal? Or not?” I bit my lip, sweat slowly forming on my brow. What choice did I have? I couldn’t deal with this curse for another couple of months, they were too much. My parents had nearly sent me to a mental hospital because of them. Then do it my conscience advised. Do it and get it over with, you’ll be free-- we’ll be free. No more worries, no more pain, no more screams of agony into the night. You won’t wake up in a cold sweat several times into the night one day, and refuse to get some sleep on others. You won't need to stress anymore on those images of suffering, those symbols in your head. It'll all be over if you just shake his hand. So JUST. DO IT! I closed my eyes and exhaled. Dropping my hand next to Bill’s the being’s eye seemed to gain a more cheerful mood. “It’s a deal I said.” Bill quickly grabbed my hand before I could change my mind, and shook it. The blue flame burning a bit brighter between our hands as we shook. “Good” his voice said. Then a burst of blue flames encompassed my apartment. In shock I watched as everything around me, slowly melted or burnt away into nothingness as the flames revealed a growing portal behind Bill. “What are you doing?” I turned to him in anger, his hand still firmly grasping my own. Bill’s laugh only got darker with every cackle. “I’m abiding to our deal. You said I couldn’t take over your world. But you never said, they couldn’t take over your world” he said with maniacal laughter. And as I looked into the portal I peered into it to see that indeed heading towards us were vehicles made of nothing but what I could assume to be bones. And they were all on fire. “You tricked me?” I said unsurprised but fury still in my voice. “Of course Hailstorm” the being said as he grew larger. “I’m a trickster, it’s what. I. DO!” he said releasing my hand with another laugh. I snarled in rage, the vehicles were coming closer and I was running out of time. The portal didn’t look stable enough yet. Maybe if I..! A thought popped into my head. Moving towards the ever laughing Bill I grabbed a steel baseball bat banging on my wall and swung it directly into the being back. He let out a painful yell as he fought to reach the burning mark that the bat now left on him. I glanced over to the portal. My plan had worked, in that brief moment of agony Bill had let his control of the direction slip. And now the portal showed a completely different world altogether. A castle that seemed to be suspended in the mountains. The portal had changed dimensions or rather worlds it would lead to. I dropped the bat, Bill was starting to turn red. If I did nothing now he would lash out at me with every fiber in his being. And I, being a human could do nothing. Taking one last glance at the castle held by mountains I crouched into a tackling position, and waited till his body was slightly turned towards the portal. “When I get out of this Hailstorm I’m going to rip you limb from limb!” he shouted through the tear that fell from his eye. I gulped. He was now directly in front of the portal. I only have one chance. Slamming my foot on the ground I propelled myself forward, rushing at the interdimensional being with as much speed I could muster in that large bedroom, Bill was still in slight pain from the bat to the back so I was in luck. I leaped forward allowing the laws of friction to do it’s work as I propelled myself forward. Using my shoulder like a spear I jammed my entire weight on Bill’s body propelling us both into the portal, and as we flew through I watched the portal slowly close with a burp, then fade out of existence behind us. ....”There goes home.” Bill and I were falling through the sky, the interdimensional being was obviously in a daze. I was still falling to the ground and my entire body was stretched so that way my descent would slow down as best it could. Bill turned to me, veins on his body as his eye glowed red and his pupil glowed green. His voice resounded with others that accompanied it. “I’m going to kill you one way or another for sending me into the world of Equestria Hailstorm.” But then quite suddenly he calmed down. Realizing something. “The world of Equestria...” he thought touching his none existent chin in thought as we continued to fall towards the castle. “Yes...This could work” Bill muttered to himself his expression brightening. “Hailstorm! You insufferable genius I could strangle you!” he said patting me quite hard on the back and making my descent even faster. Tears had now begun to fall behind us, since the air had been whipping my eyes, and my glasses didn’t really serve as the best windshield. “What did I do?” I asked with fear barely audible due to the wind speed. Bill gave me a smug look. “Why, you’ve given me another world to conquer! And it’ll probably be, ten times” -he brought ten fingers into existence- “as fun as laying waste to your world and Gravity Falls! And I’ll even get to mess with someone who used to be into this kind of stuff like I was!” he said with a small chuckle. Fear and anger rocketed into me as I turned my body in the air and began trying to grab the floating being beside me, but he easily evaded. From there he simply stayed above me, watching me fall to what would most likely be my death. “Once again Hailstorm I must thank you for giving me such an entertaining opportunity!” he said waving goodbye. “Oh yes and in exchange allow me to give you a present.” His finger glowed orange, and he shot a beam of light at me. Instantly I felt pain surging through my body, as I could feel my skin peeling off, and my hands and fingers collapsing and crunching into what I could now see as hooves, I watched my entire body go from human...to horse. NO! I mentally screamed, but judging from Bill’s look he seemed pleased as he could watch me fall to my doom as the animal he most likely now saw me as. Waving goodbye with his hat the triangle zoomed towards me his entire body glowing red. "I’ll see you later Hailstorm, that is if you survive this fall!” Bill’s body slammed into me, I went spiralling out of control as my shoes fell off what were no longer feet but hooves, and I could now see the castle’s balcony no more than 15 feet in view. This truly was my end. And what was worse I would die a horse and not a man. I sighed, feeling pain shake me to my core, as I realized I would never be able to fix the wrong I had just layed out to the people of this world, called Equestria. The pain I had felt now extending, the rest of my skin peeling off, I passed out, the last thing I could hear were the sound of wings, then it was lights out. The only thing that went through my mind as I thought I was dying was one word. “Sorry.” My eyes shot open. I was in a bed, and it was strangely warm outside. I froze not sure where I was then looked around to see my room. “Strange” I said. “Was that just a dream?” I got up but froze to look at the mirror. I still had my body. My human body. “...Was that really a dream?” I thought, but my thoughts were soon destroyed by an explosion that shook the entire building. I quickly put my shoes on, and rushed outside only to see that my world was in utter chaos. No longer were the streets, clean and well established, but broken and shattered with the debris of various homes that seemed to be no where as nearly well constructed as the homes we had on earth. I heard a scream and turned to look behind me. Floating there in front of what looked to be two queens or princesses were two winged unicorns. A fuchsia gray one, and a dark blue one. Both were severely injured and beaten. Both were being held in the arms of two cyclops. Floating in front of them was Bill Cipher himself as he stared at them then pointed to a group of younger looking equines beneath them. My eyes followed his point. Right there, were six mares. A yellow pegasus with a butterfly tattoo. A cyan pegasus, with a rainbow mane and cloud tattoo. A white unicorn with a posh mane and diamond tattoo. “What is with the tattoos?” I asked but brushed it aside. A bubblegum pink mare who was shaking uncontrollably, she had balloons for a tattoo on the same spot as the others had their own tattoos; their rumps. Or at the very least somewhere close to their asses. Finally leading the group was a younger looking princess with a lavender coat. She glared at the interdimensional being with a look of both hate and fear in her eyes, for laying at her forelegs was what appeared to be the body of a baby dragon. “Why are you doing this?!” the young alicorn asked as she gingerly held the unconscious dragon’s body close to her embrace. Bill seemed to give a chipper expression. “Why because I can Twilight Sparkle.” “We don’t deserve this you know!” the white unicorn yelled, and the rest of the group shouted their agreement. Bill continued to give them that creep chipper expression. “Of course you don’t Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy” Bill let out another chuckle. “But if you want to blame someone. Blame him.” Bill pointed to me, the person standing at the foot of the stairs where the group of mares were trapped and two others were suspended by their prisoners. The group of mares stared at me with a look of both pain and hate in their eyes. The pink one who had now stopped shaking stared at me with tears welling up in her eyes. “Why...” Pinkie Pie asked. “We just wanted to help...but you didn’t do anything to help us...what did we do to deserve this Hailstorm?” she sniffed. “Why did you leave us to die?” My heart leapt to my throat. I was frozen. My body shook, with either fear or rage I could not tell. I took a hesitant step forward only to be yelled at by the mare I had now come to discover was Rainbow Dash. “Don’t come any closer” Dash yelled. “We trusted you! And you-” she turned away slamming a hoof on the ground in disgust. My eyes widened, and for some reason I could feel pain hitting me in the chest, despite the fact that I did not personally know these mares. The orange equine with the stetson lifted her hat up a bit to reveal her tearstained face. “We don’t even know if we can ever forgive ya for this Hailstorm.” That sent the knife into me. And when I looked back at my hands I saw that I now had hooves. Bill had been watching silently with great interest. “I’m sorry to ruin this little moment” he said as the cyclops dropped the two regal equines on the ground. “But I have a world to roll in chaos, and this is cutting into my time.” Bill pointed at the mares, a spark of blue light left his finger slowly growing into a ball of light at the tip of his index finger. “NO!” I shouted in attempt to move, but it was too late. The light exploded from his finger and enveloped the group of ponies in it. I watched in horror as the sentient aliens were evaporated into nothingness. Bill floated towards me, patting me gently on the back, my look of shock still present. “It’s alright Hailstorm. They don’t know it’s your fault” he said with a reassuring pat before leaving my side. “That is they don’t know it’s your fault. “YET!” he turned his eye red, his triangular body steaming, and then a flash of light. Everything went dark soon after, and I couldn’t help but hear voices. “He’s coming to give him some room!” I gasped, reality soaking into my vision as I looked around. I was on the ground. Wait. “I’m on the ground?” I said perplexed. The sound of clicking made me take notice of my surroundings. Standing in front of me was the cyan pegasus I had seen seconds ago in my dream. Beside her was the orange country equine as well, both having looks of concern on their faces. “Rainbow Dash! Did you catch him?” I heard a familiar voice, ask with great concern. The voice was gentle, soft and kind...meek almost. A yellow pegasus landed by her two friends side. Looking at me with nothing but concern. “Oh thank goodness you’re alright. We were quite surprised to see a earth pony falling from the sky like that” she said moving towards me. Applejack let out a small weak chuckle. “What were you trying to do fly?” I didn’t respond. My mind was probably still in shock from that what I had just experienced. You know, watching these same ponies die and all just to have them casually walk up to me after they had just blamed me for their own world’s destruction. A lot to take in when you just wake up. “Is everything alright here?” I heard another voice say behind me. I lifted my head to look up and see the smiling face of one of the regal ponies staring at me. “Princess?” I asked, the alicorn smiled. “Call me Celestia” the princess of the sun said. “I’m glad to see you are unharmed, though” the tall white alicorn said with concern. “You gave us quite the fright when we saw you falling out of the sky. Luckily Rainbow Dash here is our best flier” she said with a smile to the rainbow maned pegasus. Rainbow Dash merely waved her hoof with a giddy smile. “No problem princess. Anytime.” “Which brings to question” Rarity said trotting up with the baby dragon and Twilight in tow “Why were you falling from the sky?” That was the million dollar question wasn’t it. Why? Why had I done something so stupid like make a deal with the devil himself, when I knew that it would only lead to large consequences. Even now as I stared into the faces of the equines that had by luck alone managed to save me, I couldn’t think of a clear answer to it. A voice brought me back from my thoughts. “Um sir? What’s your name anyway?” the baby dragon asked. Twilight seemed to have shot the dragon a glare for the manner he had asked but he either noticed and didn’t care or simply didn’t care. I licked my dry lips, as I struggled to find ground on my hooves, before after a few feeble attempts I was able to stand and look at them. “I’m...my name’s Hailstorm.” The group smiled. I tried to do the same, but only managed a very small one. “Well Hailstorm, we’re glad you’re alright. But you must be quite shaken up after that plummeting to your near death experience. Why don’t you come to the castle and rest a bit?” Celestia offered. Slowly I nodded, the group smiled in return leading me towards the castle that was only a few feet away. And as I climbed up those steps and went into the castle I swore I could hear a voice whisper in my ear. “I'll be watching you.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ode to Disturbances Canterlot castle. This is the name of the castle on mountains I ended up in after I ended up forcing Bill Cipher, an interdimensional being to join me in my attempt to save my world. Sadly it seems like I’ve ended up bringing trouble with me into this one. “So” a voice said. I looked up to stare at the young alicorn called Twilight Sparkle, she seemed nice. Wasn’t too bad on the eyes that’s for sure, same could be said for her friends but I suppose right now isn’t the best time to have my mind wander on unnecessary things at this moment. “So why were you falling from the sky like that?” Twilight asked as she and the others lead me up to what would be my temporary room. At least that’s what I presumed since I very well couldn’t stay in a room with royalty in this castle all day. The Princess- I mean Celestia hadn’t really elaborated on how long I would be staying in this room. She simply told me to get some rest with that kind smile of hers and then excused herself from us stating she had other royal matters to attend to. These group of mares I’d witnessed die moments ago were now leading me to my soon to be resting quarters. “Um Hailstorm?” Twilight said. I stopped noticing the look they were all giving me. Looks like I let my mind wander again. “Yeah sorry, what was the question again?” I asked with a small smile. “Why were you falling from the sky like that?” she reiterated. I shrugged, not really sure what to say. Unlike pathological liars I don’t have the ability to come up with a easily believable and convincing lie in a matter of seconds so there was not much I could say at this moment. And I highly doubt telling these equines I’m a human from an alternate dimension would help either way. Twilight and the others waited for me to say something aside from just my shrug. Sighing, I shook my head. “Is my room up ahead those stairs?” I asked using my head to gesture towards the stairs in front of us. The group of mares didn’t respond immediately, Twilight and Applejack both looking displeased with how I had switched topics, so quickly but for their sake and my own I’d really rather not wander in my greatest blunder ever. “Yeah it’s just up ahead” Twilight said with a frown, turning around she continued to lead the way up the stairs. I caught a skeptical look from the cyan pegasus named Rainbow Dash before waiting till they were a few inches ahead so I could maintain my distance. Once up the stairs Twilight’s horn became caked in orchid aura, turning the knob and opening the door for me to see. I whistled, the room was rather quite large. Even if I had been in my human form it still would have been somewhat large. Not as large as my room back on Earth, but just sufficient enough to live in even in human form. “Thank you. And” I turned to Rainbow Dash. “Thank you especially for saving my life. I’m indebted to you and your friends, including the princesses for giving me this room to stay in temporarily.” Rainbow Dash smiled, I could see a faint sign of blush hit her cheeks. Strange with the way her body language came off I thought she was the boastful overconfident type. Oh well this side is just as cute as well I suppose. “It’s not a problem” the white unicorn said with a smile. “We’re just glad to see you’re alright. Now Twilight we really must go, the princess said she had something she wanted to discuss with us before we return to Ponyville tomorrow.” “Right, of course let’s go girls” she said turning around, but not before she gave me another long look of curiosity as I watched her and her friends head down the stairs all saying their goodbyes. The pink one called Pinkie Pie had said she wanted to throw a party for me later, for my rescue and welcome to Canterlot. I humbly declined, much to the mare’s disappointment, but reassured her that I would certainly join her in a party another time. She seemed to have regained her bouncy attitude immediately. Shutting the door, and laying on my bed I simply let out a long due sigh. Silence passed for a few seconds which allowed me to gather my thoughts. So...this is Equestria huh? From what I can tell this world seems to be full of Equines and other mystical creatures as the dominant sentient race. Obviously they seem to have their own systems considering the fact that they seem to have a diarchy, and aside from that this world seems to have magic. Although that last bit was pretty obvious since Twilight was able to open my door with her horn. I wonder what else they can do in this world a yawn escaped my mouth as I stretched. I suppose having a near death experience and saving your home world at the same time, while dooming another can make anyone pretty sleepy in a few minutes. Getting as comfortable as I could in the bed as I layed on my back I tried to let my muscles relax a bit. It took a while but eventually my tense muscles relaxed a bit and loosened. I sighed again, recalling that skeptical look Rainbow Dash had given me when I didn’t answer the question on all their minds. “I suppose I’ll need to give them some sort of explanation eventually huh?” I shook my head staring at the ceiling again. “I should really stop talking to myself”, another yawn. “It’s not right.” Stretching one last time I could feel sleep working it’s way into my system before eventually my eyelids began to feel heavy. I blinked a few times, before finally shutting my eyes. “Hopefully I won’t have to worry about any nightmares. After all...how could they get any worse?” ///O\\\ Laughter. The same creepy insidious laughter that I had heard before that reminded me of only one being in existence the could hold such a natural laugh, that gave off such a dark and disturbing feeling. Bill Cipher, was somewhere in my dreams. It was dark at this moment, I couldn’t see anything at all. That is till I heard something drop and dangle in front of me. “Go on, pull the switch” a voice said. I shrugged. I’m already in hell so why not? I pulled it and the entire space brightened. Standing before me was me. In my human form. And surrounding us was a house or rather wall of mirrors. Each reflecting a version of myself, either in human form or I suppose what I should call pony form. At the moment my dreamself was in human form, why that was so is beyond me but I assume I’ll find out as I continue through this dream. The mirrors had all of a sudden disappeared and so had the human version of myself when I came to the realization I had reverted back to human form. Moving onward through the abyss, I could see a light ahead. I walked towards it, but every step I took seemed to only lengthen the distance between me and the light. Minutes passed and it only continued, to stretch farther and farther away from me. This was starting to get annoying, as was that annoying laughter that seemed to echo throughout this domain. “You better run Hailstorm!” Bill’s voice stated. “You’ll never reach the light if you don’t make a dash for it!” I growled, going into a jog. Surprisingly the light stopped. No way. “Yes way” Bill’s voice responded. I picked up the pace. The door of light got slowly closer. No f-ing way! I picked up the pace some more, now breaking into a run. And I don’t know when it happened but I had suddenly reverted back to my pony form. The light had was now only a few feet away. I was almost there. Then it hit me. The light enveloped my vision, everything went blindingly white and then I found myself in a room, that was devoid of anything save for the single light that shined directly on me and only on me, leaving everything else dark outside the light. Raising a hoof to block the light so I could clearly see I found once again my glasses weren’t the greatest shield against these kind of things so raising a forehoof to block the light a bit was my best chance. Squinting through the brightness I could now see a figure in the shadows. It looked like a smaller version of a horse. A foal maybe? My ears twitched when I started to hear whimpering coming from that very figure, surrounded by the shadows. In what I could only assume would be said to be the shadow realm at this point. The whimpering and sobbing was still present, but it wasn’t as creepily loud as I had expected it to be in this empty space. “Strange” I said pushing my glasses up with my hoof. I didn’t move, continuing to listen to the sobbing foal that was being covered in shadows. There was only one clear reason why I wouldn’t move. Every sense told me not to. I’ve seen enough movies, been through enough of these nightmares and apocalyptic scenes through these dreams to know what happens every single time someone or something cries in the dark in a plea for help to know what exactly is coming. I’ll get shocked awake, or see something much worse. However this curse seemed to have different ideas because the next time I blinked, I wasn’t as far away from the crying foal as I had been. She was just an inch or two away from me, her purple aquamarine tail being the only thing I could see. I sighed, taking a step towards her, the light illuminated the weeping foals body as I drew nearer and on it I saw no marks of injury on her. I felt relief, at least she was not hurt. “Hey” I said gently, my hoof now a hand as I gently touched the filly’s shoulder. “What’s wrong why are you crying?” The foal sniffed, and looked at me. Her coat looked very dirty, the kind of dirt that only accumulated when you were on the run or running away from something. I felt kinda bad for her so I knelt down on my knee gently patting her head. “What’s your name?” She sniffed. “Starlight” “Starlight? Well you’ve got a nice name. What are you doing here, aren’t you scared?” The foal shook her head as she dried her tears. I raised a brow in confusion. “Then why were you crying?” The foal sat up and scooted closer to me, seeming to relax a bit when I patted her head a bit more. “It’s because I had a plan ruined, but that doesn’t matter right now. I’ve got something to tell you. A message.” “From who?” She remained silent for a few seconds staring at me. I could feel the awkward tension rising as well as strangely the heat in this space, till it felt like the place was actually on fire. That’s when Starlight smiled, a wide smile that to me seemed more fake than amiable. “From Bill.” My hand froze on her head, my eyes immediately trailing down to the young filly’s cutie mark to see a triangle with a bow-tie and eye on it. The filly however gently moved her hoof under my chin and turned my shocked face towards her sweet smiling face. And as I stared into her persian blue eyes, I noticed that she now seemed older. Almost my age or possibly just as old if not a little older. She cleared her throat, the light that had been shining on us went out, replacing the entire domain with a ruined Canterlot castle around us, and destroyed areas everywhere. Flames erupting from the surface around us as if to make sure they had ensnared us in it’s trap to prevent any form of escape. Starlight gently patted my chin, making my eyes turn away from the destruction around us towards her. “You don’t need to worry about that” Starlight said. “If my plan goes through then everything will be perfect. No one will have to worry about-” “What-- is the message?” I asked with now narrowed eyes. Whether the unicorn cared or not for my interruption she did well in hiding it with her smile. She nodded, then shut her eyes. And then they glowed yellow. Reflexively I moved away seeing Bill now had possession over the mare’s body. And so the two began speaking, as one. “Day by day it draws near,” Bill laughed and it echoed throughout the ruined city as he and Starlight continued. “You’ll come to see that which you fear.” The mare said moving closer to me as I backed away at the glowing yellow eyes moving towards me like a predator trapping its prey. “For as you wait, you will see, Those once your friends are now your enemies- The Elements of Harmony. Challenges come your way while I watch from the sky, Because soon enough you’ll watch their demise.” Bill had now left Starlight’s body and divided himself around me so I could not retreat any further. Feeling both fear and anger starting to course through me as I watched that eye- those eyes and the mare’s nearing me I began to feel my heartbeat quicken just a bit faster. I moved a hand to try and stop the advancing mare from coming closer but she caught my hoof, inching to my once again pony form with a pleasant smile on her face. As Starlight’s muzzle stayed inches away from my own. She continued the message, every word, every syllable allowing me to feel her warm breath on me. “And then all alone you will be. For it is simply your destiny. Trapped in this world filled with doom. “For you shall stand before many fallen tombs” Bill finished for her. And as the mare continued to hold my hoof and stare at me with what I could only assume was a reassuring look that all would be alright. Bill’s body grew and grew till his shadow was well cast over me. “Remember Hailstorm” he said to me, his body and voice growing darker by the second. “I’ll be watching you.” A bright light flashed, before my eyes consuming my vision, as both Bill and the mare called Starlight disappeared with it. In a matter of seconds all was lost, and I could feel myself returning to the real world. Damn I hate being right. ///O\\\ *** ***** *** I felt a tap on my shoulder and lurched out of bed, with a start. I had to rub my eyes since I still could feel lingering sleepiness around me, but when I looked around I could see standing before me was the dark winged unicorn I had seen defeated in my previous dream before awakening in front of the castle. “Are you alright?” Luna asked with concern. I was stunned, looking outside I could see that it was quite dark out and the only source of light in my room was the moonlight that came from a window only a few inches from my bed. I turned my attention back to the worried winged alicorn before me, she was uncomfortably close to my face so I backed up. Holding both hands out to warn her that I was not used to this kind of close contact. I froze, now seeing my own hands. I had hands? Indeed I did, flexing all my fingers, then my toes I had indeed regained my human form. It was...uncanny, disturbing almost. Ok, so it was really disturbing, I clearly recalled being a stallion when I went to bed, and possibly dying a stallion in that dream before I awoke. The winged unicorn was still staring at me with concern, she had something suspended in her magic and it was floating towards me. “Here, your glasses” she said. Thanking her I took them putting them back on to get a clear vision of who I was looking at. “Wow” I accidentally said. “You look beautiful.” The mare smiled, waving a hoof with a confident grin and very faint red touch to her cheeks. “It is not everyday we get complimented, especially by such a creature of your stature. However”, her kind smile retracted into a serious stare. “We wonder why we were unable to peer into your dreams.” I blinked my mind still adjusting to the regal being before me, but clicked when she said ‘peer into dreams.’ “Wait” I said raising a hand. “You’re telling me you can look into others dreams?...Can all unicorns do that or is it just?” She smiled. “It is only me, do not fret Hailstorm.” “You know my name? I suppose Princess Celestia informed you?” “My sister did indeed.” No surprise there. “Forgive me for asking but what is your name?” “You may call me Luna.” “Well” I bowed my head slightly in appreciation. “Thank you for waking me Luna. I have had quite the night terrors in the past but none so bad as this.” “Oh I agree” Luna said moving closer to me. “We have never seen an equine change into a different form the way you did, tonight. Unless you are some sort of changeling?” she asked me with a raised brow and somewhat cold look in her eyes. I shook my head. “I do not know what Changelings are but I assure you I’m not one of them now...what do you mean by ‘change’?” Luna pointed to my feet with her forehoof, and I moved them away to the ground so she could sit on my bed. “You see as the princess of the moon” she said with a small gesture to her flank. “It is our job to make sure we overlook the dreams of all our subjects.” “Isn’t that stal-” “We have checked and it is not stalking.” I raised a skeptical brow, but she ignored it. “We were trying to look into your dreams. But found we couldn’t, something blocking us from doing so. It was something we had never seen before. “So we decided to check up on you, see how you were going thinking you were awake. Only when we looked at you from above we found a light coming from your room.” “I see...so I suppose whatever that light was, is what had me change back into a human.” Luna nodded, still sitting by my side. And after a few minutes of silence the mare said. “What did you dream about?” both concern and interest in her voice. Glancing over at her through my glasses, I didn’t respond immediately. “Would you believe me if I told you?” Luna let out a small rather cute giggle. “Before I would not, my sister telling me that an earth pony falling from the sky was something I had trouble wrapping my head around. But after meeting this pony in person and watching him revert into, well this new form I must say it wouldn’t surprise me at all.” “Fair point” I replied. “I suppose I will tell you then.” Crossing my legs and turning to Luna I began explaining the dream to her. What I saw, stressed a bit on the mare to see if she knew who that was, and continued on to the end even going as far as to restate the message. “Day by Day it draws near, You’ll come to see that which you fear. For as you wait, you will see, Those once your friends are now you enemies- The Elements of Harmony. Challenges come your way while I watch from the sky, Because soon enough you’ll watch their demise. And then all alone you will be. For it is simply your destiny. Trapped in this world filled with doom. For you shall stand before many of tombs.” Once done reciting and writing it down I studied the dark blue alicorn’s expression. It was very grim. “This is quite disturbing Hailstorm.” “Tell me about it, I just had to experience it.” She went silent for a couple more seconds before hopping off the bed. “Did you come up with an idea?” I asked as I watched her head towards my door. Luna looked back at me with a small smile. “Perhaps, tomorrow you will be heading with Twilight and the rest of the bearers of the elements.” “That reminds me, what are the elements of harmony?” The look I received upon question, made me wonder if I had asked a foolish question. However the surprised look the dark alicorn gave me was soon dismissed when she seemed to take into account I was most likely not from this world. “The Elements of Harmony are the strongest form of the magic in our world. They are the friendship of magic. And these elements: honesty, loyalty, generosity, kindness, laughter, and magic are wielded by six mares.” “Those mares being Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity. Am I right?” She nodded. “You are correct. But one thing is not clear to me Hailstorm.” “What’s that?” “Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of the bearers do not know you that well. What do you think it means that you will become enemies?” A burst of light suddenly enveloped the room, and Luna had to shield her eyes, with a wing as my body reverted back into it’s pony form. With a sigh I tossed my glasses over to the bed my vision now much clearer without them on. Looking out to the city of Canterlot I heard Luna’s silver like regal shoes click on the ground till they came to a halt beside me as we both stared on outside to the night. “In all honesty I’m not sure” I said after a few minutes of silence. “But whoever Starlight is, and whatever Bill plans to do I need to make sure I keep an eye on those mares when I leave with them starting tomorrow.” Luna nodded patting my shoulder gently with a warm smile. “And if you need any help do not hesitate to ask.” Returning her smile I nodded back and watched the alicorn beauty trot out of my room, before the door closed on it’s own. Most likely with Luna’s magic. Turning my attention back outside I stared at the night sky for a few more seconds before retiring back to bed. “Looks like I won’t be getting anymore sleep for the rest of the night.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nutcase “Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me those tattoos are called cutie marks?” I asked as Canterlot’s train directed us back to Ponyville. Twilight nodded slightly perplexed that an earth pony with a cutie mark of his own had no idea what a ‘cutie mark’ actually was. “I’m sorry darling but where did you say you were from again?” Rarity asked. “It’s a far off place you’ve probably never heard of,” I stated. “Which would be where now?” Applejack asked. I cleared my throat. “So about these cutie marks. You say that when you find your special talent, or I suppose as Fluttershy so kindly explained, when you find what you’re truly interested in and are passionate about, then you get a tattoo- sorry, a mark on your flanks?” I asked pointing to Rarity’s cutie mark. The group of mares nodded as did the dragon. “You’ve really never heard of a cutie mark before?” Spike asked. I nodded. Of course I haven’t. In my world we don’t have cutie marks we have tattoos! And well, if people could get a tattoo on their asses like you guys are saying you’re able to, by simply discovering your true passion then hell every human on earth that thinks tattoos are cool wouldn’t mind having whatever chemical within your brains or whatever thing within your bodies creates these marks for you. Without, having to go through all the pain it takes to get one. “That is very strange, considering you have your own cutie mark” the fashionista stated upon pointing to my rump. Somehow I managed to move the tail I still didn’t have control of over to my side to cover said cutie mark. “How did you get yours anyway?” Pinkie Pie asked, moving my tail aside so she could get a better look. “I know I’ve never seen anything like it before.” “Neither have I” I muttered. “I’m sorry?” the pink mare said, I shook my head to dismiss her question then turned my attention back to the rest of the group. “In all honesty I’m not even sure what my cutie mark symbolises. I mean I haven’t really gotten a good look at it till you mentioned it-” A mirror was shoved in my face. Glancing past it I looked over at Rarity whose horn was glowing. “You carry a mirror with you everywhere you go?” “Beauty needs care darling. Now, though I find your statement quite hard to believe I’d rather you take a look at your cutie mark now. At least that might be able to jog your memory on how you got it” she said with a smile. I hesitated, noticing how all eyes were on me. I didn’t really like the idea of me showing my bare naked bottom even if I was a pony to the opposite gender. Plus it felt kinda weird seeing how all their eyes were so fixed on me as I got out of the seat and turned to the side so the mirror could easily show on my flank. “Hmm” I heard Twilight say. My eyes were on my rather amazing rump’s reflection at the moment, so I didn’t notice a snapping sound before glancing over to Pinkie and see her pop a camera back into her mane I ignored it turning back to stare at the mirror and the image on my flank.. “Strange” I said staring at the cutie mark. The mark that had now by some mystical element that defied any logic my mind could conjure, consisted of four swords. All four touching at the hilts, creating a diamond like shape around a shield behind it. Two letters seemed to be engraved in the white shield, both letters consisting of a light blue: B and A. My eyes now moving over to the four different swords that created this large diamond like shape I could clearly see two of the swords on the left side had black blades. Dark black blades. It sent a small shiver up my spine because that very same dark color reminded me of the abyss I had, had the unpleasant chance of staying in the night before Luna awakened me. The other two swords were regular, their blades being silver and holding white handles. Each blade touching at the very tip, just like the hilts to complete the diamond form around the shield. “Very strange indeed” I said, lost in thought. If this was another one of Bill’s tricks to mess with me he was doing a good job in keeping my curiosity focused on this new mark that I had failed to recognize upon my arrival in Equestria. But I suppose that could be argued on since I nearly died when I arrived. Suddenly feeling something touch my butt, I looked away from the mirror to see that mares and dragon were all staring at the mark on my right side alone. “Um...Hailstorm” Applejack said grabbing my attention. “Is there a reason you have two different cutie marks?” It took a second for me to catch on to what she was saying, the hamster running the wheel in my brain as I began to catch up with what she was stating. Cutie marks are meant to be identical. Mine wasn’t. I had everything on my left side, but on my right I was missing the shield that had accompanied it. The swords were present on my right, but at the same time the shield was gone. Replacing the shield was something completely different than what I had thought would just be a different mark that depicted a talent. Instead I found a multicolored bullseye, with B and A being it’s target. Eyes narrowed I stared at the mark with great curiosity taking over once again. Just what are you planning Bill? A sudden stop, and slight shake of the train caused me to tilt forward and promptly fall into Rarity’s lap. I smiled apologetically and quickly rose away from her only to catch Spike glaring darkly at me. “LAST STOP PONYVILLE!” the conductor yelled from outside. Making our way out of the train station I began my slow and steady journey following the group back to Ponyville, all the while listening to Pinkie Pie babble about how great it was that I would be coming to stay in Ponyville with them. I couldn’t help but smile at the mare’s energetic attitude, honestly if anything I could use it given the fact I didn’t get much sleep last night. It only took a few minutes for us to reach Ponyville and everywhere I looked I was met with smiles, and waves. It was different I’ll say for sure in comparison to back home where most people just pass by each other like neither one even existed. Refreshing I should say. And then that’s when it happened. The strangest encounter I ever had the privilege and possibly the misfortune of meeting. The very accident that happened in countless cliche movies, tv shows, and almost every single anime I’d seen back on Earth. A girl bumping right into me; albeit in my case it was more of this mare running into me, sort of like a football player tackling the runner with the ball if anything else. Bump would be an understatement with the way I found myself on the ground in mere moments afterwards. “Hailstorm!” I heard Applejack’s voice call with concern. “Are you alright what happened bac-” she paused. Why did she pause? I should mention that at the very moment I could not see, because whoever had bumped into me, had placed a foreleg over my eyes in the process. Slowly I felt the pony’s body that had rammed into me, rise off my body along with the foreleg that had been covering my eyes. Blinking once then twice as reality slowly eased its way back into my vision I stared straight ahead at the mare looking down at me with a scrunched up muzzle. She wore a hat, the first thing I noticed when she came into view. That being she had a violet coat, and her mane being amethyst with white highlights. And then the strangest thing of all, were her eyes. Granted I am not one to judge on appearances but this mare, her eyes were...bizarre. She had no pupils from what I saw or if she did they blended well with her purple hypnotic looking eyes. These very same eyes I could now see were scanning me with great curiosity. A voice interrupted our little staring match. “Ahem” Rarity said, out of my line of vision. “Pray tell miss, but who are you miss and why did you run into our friend like that?” “Do you know this mare Hailstorm?” Pinkie asked her head popping into my sight just above the mare’s head whose face was inches away from my own. I didn’t reply. I know this is cliche but I must admit I was, lost in this mare’s eyes. There was something about that hypnotic look about them, the swirling they had that...transfixed- enamored me to no end. “Hailstorm?” Rainbow Dash said, snapping me out of the trance. Clearing my throat, still being pinned down by this mare to the ground I tilted my head back to look at the group of seven a few inches away from me now. Then I looked back at the mare with a raised brow and confused look. “In all honesty. No, no I don’t know her, but as Rarity said, woman who are you?” The strange mare that had been staring at me so silently backed her head away from me after a few seconds my question seeming to make a connection in her head. She smiled, then got off of me, helping me up in the process. Once on my hooves again I noticed her eyes went in two different directions much like the mailmare I saw earlier as we gallivanted through the small town. “So what’s your name?” I asked her. Slowly yet steadily the mare held her smile as she got uncomfortably close to my face, the mane six and Spike watching on to see what she would do. It wasn’t until we bumped noses that the weird mare stopped her antics before saying with a rather large smile. “My name’s Screwball, and it’s a pleasure to finally meet you Hailstorm.” Screwball, was her name. And though I’d quickly come to learn that most of the inhabitants of this world had names that blended well with their talents or their personalities in general, I couldn’t help but find it stranger beyond my imagination why parents would give their daughter such a bizarre name. “So Screwball” Twilight said as we sat in her common room. “Was there a reason you rammed into Hailstorm like that?” The mare however had been bouncing around the entire room aimlessly, not listening to a word Twilight was saying, with that cooky grin on her face. If I didn’t know any better I could assure you for a fact that her and Pinkie Pie were related with the energy she seemed to display. “Um Screwball” Fluttershy said trying to grab the hopping mare’s attention. And she did. For only a fraction of a second though. Screwball stopped, looked at Fluttershy with a smile waiting to hear what she had to say, but before the pegasus could get a word out the violet earth pony had shot off to the center of the common room. Tapping her hoof on the ground as she gave the floor a curious stare she hit the center of the star hard. “Hey!” Twilight said. “What do you think you’re-” A whirring sound from underneath occurred and quickly jumping back to my side was the bizarre mare as she watched with glee as the cutie mark map emerged from underneath the ground. Everyone in the room gave her a surprised and confused look, that asked: How did she know?! Moving towards the rather large map that sat in the common room. Her eyes carefully taking in every feature with joy, the mare’s strabismus eyes soon turned away from our surprised reactions and looked on to the map. “Oooooooh” she said smiling, her eyes focusing together and staring at the map that displayed their world. “Hey what’s this?” she asked with a wave of her hoof, her eyes never leaving the map. “That’s the Cutie Map” Twilight said. I tried not to cringe at the name. Too disgustingly adorable of a name for a map that displays your entire countryside and more. “What does this map do?” I asked restoring my facial expression. Twilight brightened up a bit moving over to Screwball’s side, seeming to forget that the mare had discovered something she very well couldn’t have known about since she had never been to the castle before. “Well this map shows us where we need to go in case of a friendship problem, in that specific area.” “Ah yes! You mentioned that you were the princess of friendship, correct?” She nodded her assent. “I see” rubbing my chin with a hoof, I moved closer to get a better view of the map, ignoring the strange mare who was poking the holographic images on the map as if they were real. “So, with this it will direct you anywhere there’s a problem then? Like a GPS?” Twilight nodded once more. Interesting. “I get that the map is cool and all but are we going to ignore the fact that this chick who we’ve never met before just happened to know we had a extremely rare, never before seen artifact in here aside from us who knew about it? And somehow managed to know how to open it as well!?!” Well when you put like that Dash it’s hard to. “She does have a point though” turning our attention to the mare, with the hypno eyes who was still trying to grab the hologram, I poked her side with a hoof. She twitched, then slowly turned her head in our direction, her eyes appearing lopsided again no longer focused. She smiled, we all smiled back though it was more forced than the natural way she had presented hers. “So” Twilight said with some awkwardness as she rubbed her foreleg. “How exactly did you um...know how there was a map here? We haven’t exactly met before have we...” the young alicorn froze then glanced at Spike, sitting beside her. “Have we?!?!?!” she whispered to him with increased worry. Spike shook his head to relax her, and Twilight sighed a breath of relief. “Since we haven’t met before we were just wondering how did you know how to activate and summon the Cutie Map.” I cringed again, but this time it was internal cringing. I wanted to hear this. That mare had known my name despite me never giving it to her. At the same time she stated she had been expecting me I don’t know what it means, but I was getting that feeling in my gut that told me that this was going to eventually end badly. The mare’s chipper expression seemed to fade into a frown, her hair doing slightly the same. Something I’d only seen Pinkie’s mane do. “You...You guy’s don’t remember me?” Screwball asked with a very sad note in her voice. Twilight looked at the others who were all starting to look away as if they’d brought up a rather fragile topic that no one wished to discuss. Feeling bad herself Twilight got off her seat and slowly approached the dispirited mare. “No, I’m sorry” she said gently. “We don’t...where have we met before?” Screwball sighed, her expression switching from that sad look to a more chipper frown before she hopped forward and hugged Twilight. “It’s ok!” she said in a forgiving tone. “It doesn’t matter” Screwball said with her casual smile. “I-It doesn’t?” both Fluttershy and Twilight asked. “Nope!” Screwball said firmly, but kindly. “It doesn’t.” I gave the mares and dragon a confused look not sure how to take this reaction, till I heard clicking hooves coming towards me and saw the eccentric mare pop up in front of me. “Hailstorm!” she said beaming me a smile. “...Yes?...” “We’ll talk more later okay?” she said patting my shoulder gently with a hoof as she reached into her mane digging through the hat that sat on her head. I nodded my approval. Once that was done, before anyone else could get another word out of the strange mare she took something out of her hat, dropped it on the ground allowing it to explode and create a smokescreen before her and us, she disappeared without a sound. Everyone coughed in the room, as Rarity and Twilight used their magic to open every window in the room so the smoke would disappear. “W-Who was that mare Hailstorm? You sure you don’t know her from anywhere?” Rainbow Dash asked in between small coughs. I raised a hoof for her to wait while I released an onslaught of coughs and a sneeze before regaining regular stature and being able to speak. “I already told you girls, I have no idea who she is.” “And judging from what she said she said she’s met us before” Pinkie said with worry. “Has she Pinkie?” Spike asked opening the last window the two unicorn’s magic wasn’t able to reach. The mare bit her lip searching her memories for this Screwball mare that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. After a few seconds, and once the air had cleared Pinkie spoke up with a dour look on her face. “No, I don’t know a Screwball. I can’t recall ever seeing a mare like her around Ponyville” she said sadly. “Is she new in town?” Rarity asked. “She might be” Pinkie said. “But then why did she say she’s met us before?” Applejack asked. The entire group shrugged, each wondering who this mare was and why she claimed on knowing all of us despite none of us having any recollection of meeting her. I could tell it gave the group a bizarre feeling like they were missing something important here. Clicking my hoof on the ground to get everyone’s attention I nodded once everyone looked at me. “Right then, we’ll worry about her later. For now” a grumble escaped my stomach. “Let’s go get something to eat.” Hours had passed and it’s been roughly four hours since the girls, Spike and I all went out to grab a bite to eat. With the sun now setting we all split up to our own destinations, me heading over to Twilight’s since apparently the three princesses had decided it would be best if I stay with her. Once shown my room I followed the alicorn down to the library. At the very least I could get some reading down on the ways of this world. So once Twilight and I had gotten to the extremely, unnecessarily large library I had her show me books on Equestria’s history, along with any other countries nearby. I learned quite a lot. Not only had Luna been a former tyrant and posed a threat, but she had apparently planned to create eternal darkness so that her subjects would admire her night, and the work she put on it. Have to say I did feel bad for her. But to me it was obvious that during this sudden increase of magical power to the younger regal sister she hadn’t noticed that creating eternal darkness would ultimately kill off her entire species. That and I’m a hundred percent sure even if they came up with a method for their vegetables and other vegetation to grow in the night, the equines of this world I’m pretty sure wouldn’t like it if they could no longer have light. Especially the Griffins, Deers, Diamond Dogs, and other sentient life forms on this planet. The Griffon Kingdom’s fall was indeed sad, but ultimately sort of pathetic in my opinion. However I had learned from Twilight that Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie’s trip there had helped improve the situation so that was good to hear. Minutes later passed and I eventually grew tired, glancing back at the clock I saw it read 2:30 a.m. Hm didn’t think I had been reading that long. Glancing over to Twilight I saw that she was staring at me in silence while I had been absorbed with my reading. I knew that look, she was curious. “Something you want to know?” I asked making her jump a bit, releasing the book she had suspended in her magic. I chuckled. “Well since you mention it, yes there is” she said. I waved my hoof in a gesture for her to continue. She did. Gladly. “You still haven’t told me where you’re from” Twilight said pointing an accussing hoof at me. I shrugged. “Must I be obligated in telling you everything about myself before your suspicions or interests are quelled?” I asked. She hesitated. Perfect. “Look Twilight” I said before she could get another word in. “I understand you’re confused, wondering who I am, where I’m from and why I don’t know these things despite being an equine. But I can only tell you, with the given amount of time. Because I’m still trying to figure stuff out just as much as you and your friends are about me.” Silence passed for a few seconds, I continued to stare at her in silence, as she took in the what I had just said. Finally her expression relaxed, and she nodded with a small smile. “Alright” she said. “I’ll wait, when you’re ready. But I do have one question that I need you to answer before you head upstairs.” “What’s that?” “Why do you have two different cutie marks?” I froze. She was right, the cutie mark thing. Despite looking like a pony on the outside I had something that was extremely erratic to the pony kind. Owning two different cutie marks. Granted the only real reason I may have two different cutie marks is because of Bill, since I originally was a human before he turned me into a equine, but then again that may not be entirely true, since as they said cutie marks are derived based off a special talent, interest or other form related to you. Relaxing after a few seconds I told her I couldn’t answer that. She seemed to be content with that, for now at least. Moving towards the door, I was about to step out of the library till Twilight’s voice called me back in. “Yeah?” My glasses floated up to me. “You forgot these” she said with a warm smile. Having her put it on my back I carefully made my way up to the room that was just a few feet away from Spike and Twilight’s. Once inside I closed the door and sighed. “What a day.” “I’ll say!” a soft high voice stated where my bed was. Turning the lights on I saw Screwball sitting on the small table meant for the lap she now held that illuminated the room and gave her face a slightly menacing look. Hopping off, the mare jumped down and put the lamp on its table while doing so. “Hey there Hailstorm!” the mare said with glee. I simply stared in awe. “Hey are you alright?” she asked trotting up to me and feeling my forehead. I shook her hoof off and looked at her quizzically. “Screwball” exasperation leaking with her name. She smiled at me, but there was no way I’d let that cute smile distract me from the undeniable question that plagued my mind at this very moment. “How the hell did you get in here?!” Her smile widened and she pointed towards the open window. “I used your window.” Bewildered by what she just told me I moved towards the window slowly, keeping my attention on the still smiling mare till I got to the window and glanced down. The only thing she could have used for leverage was the window sill. Nothing more, nothing less. There were no branches on this crystal-like tree castle. No roots for her to grab onto even hoist herself up past the door. “...Did you say you came from the window?” my eyes still staring at the impossible thing I was being told. “Yup!” she said with a smile. Slowly I turned to the violet mare, and stared at her. “Screwball?” “Mm-hm?” “I’m on the second floor of this castle, forty feet off the ground...how did you, another earth pony climb up a castle with no holes or openings in its structure make it all the way up to this floor with no other appendages, wings, or magic, but those hooves that aren’t even capable of holding a cup, without even breaking a sweat or without any other materials?” Silence ensued between the two of us. Then the erratic mare did something I never expected. She pulled a cup out of her mane and held it to me. “You mean like this?” she asked sweetly. “...” I give up. *** ***** *** “So what did you come here to tell me?” “Hm?” the mare asked sitting on my bed while I stood across from her. Agitation would sooner or later work it’s way into my system if I kept up with this stupid game. “You said we’d talk more later before you left so suddenly, what did you want to talk about?” “OOOOOOOOH!” Screwball said with a sheepish smile, her eyes focusing on me now. “I didn’t come here for that” she said frankly. My eyes narrowed. “What did you sneak in here for then?” “Originally it was to come and watch you sleep but since you’re awake that kinda ruined my plans” she said sticking her tongue out in a derp like fashion. “...You’re ser-” “Yup” she nodded. An awkward silence passed while I stared at the smiling mare. She's quite the strange one... Her smile widened and I strangely enough found myself smiling back. That is till she gasped rather suddenly scaring me, and then pointing to my right flank. “You’re butt is glowing!!” she screeched. “What are you-” “HAILSTORM!!!” Twilight yelled from downstairs making me jump a few inches into the air. “WHAT?!” I yelled back. “Come down here!” she called back calmer. I felt a tapping on my shoulder and looked to see Screwball pointing at my glowing flank. I looked. The bullseye cutie mark that resided on my right flank was the only one glowing. Well that can’t be good. A glint caught my eye as well. Screwball’s mark had started to glow as well. “What the heck is happening?” “Hailstorm!” Twilight called once again. I sighed heading down to see what the ruckus was about. “Tonight’s going to be a long night.” Once downstairs I saw Twilight’s flank was glowing just like the cutie mark on my right, and Screwball’s cutie mark as well. Twilight was standing in front of the glowing map a look of worry crossing her face. My flank was still glowing till strangely enough I felt a small tingling sensation and watched the bullseye mark float off along with Screwball’s cutie mark towards the map. There the marks stayed hidden by Twilight’s body. “Twilight?” I asked nearing her. “What’s going on?” Twilight moved aside silently, allowing me to see the map. Hovering over an island separated from Equestria was Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, my own, and Screwball’s cutie marks floating on top of a certain land. Kangaroo Isle. Without turning my vision from the map I studied it for a few seconds before asking. “Has anything like this happened before?” Twilight shook her head. “No” With a heavy sigh I placed my glasses on my head, as my mane kept it in place, all while ignoring Screwball as she hopped around me with glee that she would be going on a adventure. “Looks like we’ve got a mystery to solve.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kangaroo Isle Location: Kangaroo Isle; Hopperrusa Temple. A single mare trotted up to the ruins of an old abandoned temple located in a nearby forest off the shores of an island. Stepping into the ruined temple the mare began to move through the foyer slowly, with both interest and caution as she made her way through. The old ruin of Hopperrusa had gained quite the many tales in the past century. Tales that foretold of the old ruin that held a mystical artifact given to the ancestors of this country many many many years ago by a being said to be from another world. From recent rumors this said artifact held a message of utter importance that could unlock unforetold secrets. And this particular mare was going to find it. Trotting through the foyer in silence as the mare gazed at all the Macropus inscriptions that had been made on the ruined wall eons ago, the pegasus with a compass for a cutie mark didn’t realize that she had stepped on a tile, before it was too late. Click! But nothing happened. Daring Doo stared in silence her wings up, her brows furrowed as she prepared herself for something to happen when she least expected it. But nothing happened. Seconds passed. But still nothing happened. Minutes passed. Still nothing happened. Finally unable to take this trivial waste of precious time the adventurous pegasus moved towards the door opposite her but had to jump back when she heard something slide open near the door’s entrance. A slot emerged at the very front of the stony door, emitting only darkness, which the mare could not see through. Then she heard something, a whirring sound, like something had been thrown at her. Instincts and years of experience going on dangerous adventures through ruins kicked in as the mare ducked in the nick of time only to turn her head and see that she had dodged nothing but a...boomerang? That’s right. It was a boomerang. A simple throwing device made out of wood, however the boomerang having been shot out of whatever contraption launched it at the mare was released to hard. And ended up hitting the side of one of the column’s nearby the courageous adventurer. The result from the throwing device was, less than satisfactory. Upon touching the column said boomerang exploded, tossing monary, rock and dirt at Daring Doo’s hiny also forcing the mare forward and causing her to lose balance and fall completely to the ground. Looking back at the now smoking column that had no real infrastructural value the mare gained a look of great terror, that she had nearly just been blown up to a billion pieces since she was planning on grabbing that device. CLINK! Daring Doo turned her attention back to the explosive sling trap of death before her. She glanced at the door. If I’m quick I should be able to get through that. Standing up on her hooves the mare pushed her hat back up on her head. Then broke into a gallop. Boomerang, after boomerang, after boomerang was shot at the mare in quick consecutive motions, if it weren’t for her being used to such traps then she surely would’ve been caught in the last two launches that came extremely close to touching her. Her ears twitched, the door had begun to shut. But Daring Doo simply grinned. Classic. Dodging one more boomerang, as she picked up the pace to avoid the ones closing in behind her the mare quickly slid under the closing stone door and with a loud clunk, the mare heard it shut behind her, followed by the rather meager sound of explosions soon enough. Sighing a breath of relief the light gold pegasus rose to her hooves and dusted off her hat before placing it back on her head, taking a look around. The mare saw nothing but statues of bucks lining the walls. That and a few skeletons, along with weaponry that layered the ground. Facing the very end of this chamber was one exit, an exit that required going through a small or in a pony’s case large flight of stairs before being able to get in and cross to whatever lay beyond. The only thing offering a source of light, illuminating the dark grey chamber was the sun from the skylight about twenty three feet above her. The mare didn’t move. Her eyes scanned the area. She expected another trap to activate but none such thing occurred. And so she took a step, then another, her eyes shifting from statue to statue as she passed each one. And just as Daring Doo’s left forehoof crossed over the threshold of the line of jack statues, she heard movement. Turning to see what had been activated Daring Doo froze upon what she saw next. Before her eyes, the jacks- male kangaroo statues that guarded either side of the large chamber, had come alive. A total of 6 teenage looking kangaroo statues, eyes glowing blue, began to move from their stony clamps that held them to the ground. And almost at the same time each stone kangaroo turned its head at the mares direction, staring at her as she stood staring back in surprise. For a few seconds Daring didn’t move lest she activate something else to put her in an even tighter spot. And for those few tense seconds everything seemed fine. Then their eyes went from a cool light blue...to a dark blood red. Time to bail! Turning on a hoof Daring Doo began galloping through the chamber in the direction of the stairs only a few more feet away, as she sensed one of the stone figures had just come free of its position. She stopped, an arrow imbedding itself directly where her hoof would have been on the very first step had she placed it there. Turning her head in the direction of the one free jack- for now- she saw a bow in the bucks hand as the stone figure prepared to load another one from it’s pouch. Daring Doo scowled, turning her attention back to the stairs the mare began the long awaited climb. Arrow after arrow flying by her, some nearly hitting her hind legs as she just barely managed to quickly lift them up onto the next step. Daring’s breath was growing heavy, the steps were taking more time than she’d thought as they were built by the kangaroos of this nation. The light gold mare had just cleared the first flight of steps halting for only a second to catch her breath, her ears alert in the case of any more arrows being fired. None were, but a single shadow flying over her. With a powerful crash, that shattered a part of the landing where Daring Doo stood, just inches from the second flight of stairs that would mean freedom, the mare looked up to see one of the stoned statues had actual bandages around its wrists going up to the knuckles. She raised a brow, the stone jack looked down at her it’s eyes glaring red, before it raised its fist. Daring gulped. POW! The stone jack hit the ground with mind shattering force, missing the mare by only an inch, looking up the jack saw that she was now above it. Daring Doo sighed, but something caught her eye. Number three stony, that was beside the archer out of arrows had a slingshot in it’s hand, it loaded up, sending something in her direction. Her hat fell to the ground, and as it fell Daring could clearly see the hole in it that would have been her head had she been two inches higher up in the air. “HEY!” she yelled at the stoned figure actually causing it to flinch from the sudden shout. “That thing’s pricey so watch it!” The stone figure looked at it’s comrades. They all shrugged, then they turned their attention back to the mare in the air. Daring gulped. Her hat was falling to the ground and if she was fast she could snatch it up before the close combat statue was able to free it’s fist. Tilting her wings, the mare zoomed in for her hat only to slow down when suddenly the fourth member of the group of statues hopped right into her blind spot. WHAM! The stoned figure brought its tail down on the mare hard, before landing to the ground safely beside the closed combat fighter. Daring now lay on the far side of the ground, completely knocked off course from the stairwell her hat landing inches away from her hoof. She moved to reach, but winced. Slipping a hoof into her coat she pulled out a bent piece of large gold coated metal that had been in her jacket’s pocket, tucked to her side where the four hundred pound hopping beast had struck its heavy tail on her. Daring stretched her wing. By a miracle it was alright, but she wouldn’t be if she kept stalling. Tossing the metal shield aside the mare, ignored the small pain she felt in her side and rushed for the hat throwing it back on her head before she took off once more, managing to avoid a spear and several more shots from the slingshot jack and the javelin jack. “This is a waste of time I’ve got to-” she paused seeing something on the ground. Daring Doo looked at her exit, then looked at the guards, the close combat and agility one now moving towards her. Please let this be something I can use, dropping her wings to her side Daring dove down to the ground where she spotted the object hidden underneath some of the sand that surrounded the stairs. The mare could hear things whizzing by her. “Just a bit closer” she muttered as she narrowed her eyes, focused on the small glinting black object underneath the sand. Her eyes caught something. The javelin jack had gotten another spear from the ground, near a unicorn’s skeleton and tossed it right in the path of Daring Doo and the object she so desperately wanted to grab. Time slowed, Daring’s eyes widened. One wrong move and she would be skewered by the flying spear point that could either impede her path completely or kill her in the process if she wasn’t fast enough. Should she stop she could see the slingshot kangaroo ready to shoot her down, and by some cursed luck the archer had found another arrow. The swordsbuck that had made no movement as of yet could do something as well, and the close combat and agility based statues weren’t far away from her either. Daring’s eyes narrowed a grin slowly crossing her face. Challenge accepted. With her wings spread open, Daring gave one powerful flap to increase her descent, the mare dove right into the ground, rolling in the process to avoid the spear, and single rock or stone that had been shot at her. She quickly looked at what she had in her hooves. It was a shield, and despite it looking slightly old it was still in tip top condition, barely any scratches on it save for the few on it’s front. Daring grinned. “Oh yeahh.” The agility jack launched at her, doing a spin in the air and sending its tail downward directly towards the mare. Daring was prepared, quickly slipping her hoof into the strap she jumped back her rump hitting the wall, as the tail slammed into the ground sending sand in the air. Agility, looked around. It could not find it’s target the sand had spread and now acted as a smokescreen. It’s ear twitched, then looked up, before something crashed into it with a force that made the entire statue crumble. Daring Doo now stood on the rubble of Agility, her new shield under her left forehoof, as she examined the strong shield not shattering despite the speed she had descended upon to crush the statue. This wasn’t the time to celebrate though as she could see the Combat statue was now hopping quickly towards her, since having seen it’s fellow guardian had fallen. Daring jumped into the air ready to take flight with the shield now once again strapped to her hoof, she was too slow. Combat grabbed her right hind leg then raised its fist with the other hand ready to crack every bone in the mare’s body. Quickly she rose the shield, and to her amazement it withstood the hit. Combat didn’t give up the slamming its fist into the shield hit, after hit after hit, pushing the mare back a bit further towards the wall once more. “Now!” she yelled when she felt the kangaroo draw its fist back for another strike. Swinging her shielded hoof around the mare managed to slam the shield right into Combat’s stony face, a crack formed as the stone statue fell to the ground, paralyzed temporarily. Slingy over there had prepared another stone to fire at the mare, but she had protection this time. Lifting the shield up the mare charged towards the archer, and slinger as they fired all their rounds at her, all bouncing off her sturdy shield with ease. The two figures obviously weren’t the smartest, because they failed to realize they could have easily jumped out of the way, but instead met their end as Daring rammed her shield right through them gaining a new shade of grey in not only her mane, but her coat as well. Daring sneezed, then felt her legs give way as a tail swept her legs from under her. The Javelin statues eyes beamed a red glow above her as it advanced towards her, spear in hand. Jab left, jab right, jab, jab, jab! The statue tried to hit the mare with it’s spear over and over again, but even with her back on the ground the light gold, now dusty pegasus was able to dodge the hits. Slipping her hoof in front of her as the shield blocked the spear the mare heard a snap from above. The next thing she saw was the spearhead fall to the ground. “The shield broke it?” she asked perplexed. But she shook her head, suddenly feeling the weight on her leave. Quickly getting up Daring looked to see Javel now backing up its eyes still red but a look of surprise on its face. The pain once again came back to Daring as she shifted her weight, when the stone statue began to move towards her once again. Gritting her teeth Daring charged with a scream that echoed through the chamber as she pounced on her attacker. Javel dodged her, then the two circled each other. Daring’s rose eyes staring into those red magic powered ones. A strong hop and Javel launched towards her, but with quick reflexes the mare dodged, managing to avoid being crushed by the four hundred pound weight. Tossing her shield into the statues back when it imbedded itself in the wall that had been behind her the mare watched the statue shatter into tiny pieces. She sighed, feeling exhausted and now noticing the pains she felt in her body. Glancing over to where the frozen Combat statue lay the mare moved back to the remains of Javel, took her shield in her hoof and then moved to the fifth statue. Standing over it she stared as the frozen statue, remained motionless for a few seconds before she sent the shields pointy edge into it’s back. Combat shattered into dust like the other four. Spreading her wings the mare flew to the second floor where the exit was, and landed weakly with exhaustion. Then she froze. The swordsbuck that had remained motionless throughout the entire fight and had only moved to get off it’s clamps was now in front of the only exit out of this chamber and on to the next stage. It had two straps around it. Two swords behind it’s back, it’s eyes closed as it stood there silently waiting for the mare to make a move as it guarded the exit. Daring Doo, lifted her shield up with a determined look in her eye, despite the exhaustion she felt. Lifting the other hoof a small smile cracked on the mares lips, as she stared at the motionless final statue. She moved it in a taunting manner. “Bring it.” The swordsbuck or Steel Stone as Daring now considered him, was probably the toughest one out of all five of the jacks she had fought so far. The kangaroo had flown directly towards her, not even caring how easily the shield had destroyed it’s comrades and drew its blade in one swift motion that the mare had nearly lost her head had she not ducked in time. Now in the air Daring Doo watched the buck from a great distance, high enough in the sky she was sure that the buck couldn’t jump up to reach her, but not high enough to exit from the skylight. Steel Stone, stood with his blades out, his posture lax but his red eyes in the mares direction. The jack stood a few feet away from the door, enough that Daring could easily slip through if she were fast enough, but also enough for her to be easily cut down. So Daring circled from above, the jack following her movement below with caution. Then she dove right towards the door. Steel Stone anticipating this launched into the air with his powerful legs, and in one swift motion brought the sword in its right hand down upon the light gold mare, Daring blocked, but was knocked a few feet away by the force of the swing. Once the mare had been able to gain control of her flight pattern again she maintained her position, watching the stone jack return to guard the door. Daring’s eyes narrowed. What on earth is so important that these guys don’t want anyone to see? She thought as she looked at all the fallen skeletons that littered the certain parts of the ground below. Turning her attention back to Steel Stone the mare decided to land in front of the jack, prepared in case he were to attack. The statue did no such thing, and simply watched as Daring Doo landed before it. She peered behind the statue to see the exit waiting for her, calling out to her, but it was blocked as the statue shifted its weight to block her gaze, Daring shot it a look but the statue remained impassive. With a heavy sigh she knew there was only one way she was going to get through this: Outsmart it. Lifting her foreleg up and tightening the strap against it to assure the shield wouldn’t fall off, along with her hopes of getting through that door and her life the mare got back down on all fours, staring down her opponent. A few seconds of silence passed between the two. Kangaroo versus pegasus as they sized each other up. Then they charged. Left swing, duck, right swing, block, tail ascend lightly into the air. Strike after strike, blade swing after blade swing, each time the sword was swung Daring Doo found it tougher and tougher to block and avoid getting sliced in half. But she continued to maintain her ground waiting for an opening. Steel Stone bounced onto its tail and sent the mare back with a powerful kick from its legs, blocking it but still feeling the wind knocked out of her, when she hit the ground on her back. Rolling to the side as the statue brought a sword down in her direction, she scrambled to her hooves and jumped out of the way when Steel Stone brought the other sword in her direction. A stinging sensation filled her wing and Daring looked to see she had been cut, not deep or large but just a small line. The fight continued, Daring managing to continue dodging most of the hits till she finally saw an opening when the jack raised his arm to deliver a strong right swing. Leaping through the opening while lifting the shield up to her side, Daring felt the weight of the sword slam into the shield, then quickly slide off. Using her weight to push up against the jack’s side as fast as she could before Steel Stone could lift another sword at her she forced the jack to the side, then made a mad dash for the exit. Steel Stone had stumbled, because of it’s massive feet and was now fighting for balance, but upon seeing the mare beginning to reach the exit the guardian began launching it’s swords at her. Daring turned her head just in the nick of time, managing to jump and turn the shield up only to have the shield actually get pierced through by the sword, inches away from the strap where her right foreleg was. She spread her wings flapping backwards in the direction of the exit, now just a few feet away from her. Another sword came at her but it embedded itself deep within the wall inches away from her. Sweat had begun to form on her brow. She was inches away from the door. She just needed to get this shield off her wrist so she could make a mad dash through it. Quickly leaning into the shield the mare began to fiddle with the strap, trying to release it with her mouth. It clicked. “Yes!” she yelled. Flinging the shield off her foreleg, she looked up just in time to see that the statue had once again regained its balance and was now standing a few feet away from her with something in it’s hand. Daring froze when she got a look at it. Daggers. Four daggers were in each of the kangaroo’s hand. It remained motionless as Daring was now inches from the door. All she needed to do was cross it and take cover. But the question was who would be faster? Her? Or Steel Stone’s blades? Daring’s eyes narrowed, her wings still flapping, she glanced at the door then glanced back at the final statue in her way. It shook its head. Telling her “Don’t do it.” She grinned. “Watch me.” Daring flapped hard, ignoring the pain in her wing, she flew through the doorway, the statue swung its arm diagonally sending four daggers in her direction. The door had begun to close from the sides. WHOOM! It shut, but before it did leaving three of the daggers in it’s wake the mare watched one single dagger sail past her face and slice through a single hair off her mane cutting her cheek just a bit, before it imbedded itself all the way on the other side of the wall. She went limp, her wings relaxing as she came to a steady descent landing on the ground and leaning against the door, with a sigh of relief. “Talk about close calls” Daring said tiredly. Taking a few minutes to relax the mare remained sitting there in silence before she got up once more and focused on what was ahead of her. The only thing in the room that was once again illuminated by the sunlight from the sky, was a single podium that held something in the very center of it. Moving towards the virtually empty room Daring climbed the two steps that led to the podium in the center before she glanced down at what it contained. A horseshoe shaped mark lay on it’s surface. With a raised brow Daring Doo placed her hoof on the mark. Upon doing so the surface of that podium caved in, fell into the ground and a few feet away from it another podium a couple inches shot out before the horseshoe one was sucked underneath the floor. She moved towards it. Taking it slow as the pain decided to rear its ugly head on her wing and from her side. Once there she moved towards the podium and saw a strange print on it. It looked like it was the hand of a minotaur...except it had six fingers instead of four? Daring squinted staring at the print. Right next to it there was a switch with the very same hand print that required it to be used in order to activate whatever released the secret of this temple. She placed her hoof in it to get a better look, but froze when the room began to shake. Instantly everything in that chamber closed in on her. Like a prison cell being shut, several newly formed walls closed around the room, then blocked out the skylight so that no one could fly out or jump out. The lamps were lit to offer light. Daring Doo scowled, slumping by the side of the strange relic that had trapped her in this new room with no way out. She was stuck here. “Great.” Location: Kangaroo Isle, Macropulian City. “We’re finally here” I said with a sigh of relief. After having to go by train, then chariot in what was most likely a three hour ride from Ponyville to this island we had finally arrived in the kangaroo based culture. And boy were there a lot of equine based tourists around here. “Guys!” I turned my attention along with Rarity, Fluttershy, Screwball, and Applejack to see Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight heading in our direction. At the moment we were now sitting in front of a large building made out of wood, the kangaroo folk passing us by with nods of their head. Some leading tourists others going about their daily business. Upon our arrival I had suggested we look for a guide and after asking around we had managed to make our way to this city called Macropulian, and from the looks of it my friends seemed to have been able to find an escort from the grin on Twilight’s face. “I’m guessing you found our guide?” Twilight nodded. “He said he’ll show us to the temple the map instructed us to head towards.” “Great” I said with a smile. “Wait...where is he?” the three mares looked confused. Turning behind them they saw no one there but the civilians of this city passing by. “Weird. I thought for sure he was behind us” Pinkie said. “JERONAMO!” a shout echoed from above, startling us and a few others nearby as a kangaroo came sailing from the rather large tower in our general direction. Are those sunglasses? I thought as the jack got closer. Catching the teenage jack in her magic, with some effort Twilight managed to lower the jack safely to their side, before sighing from having to drop that weight. “Oi, mate that wasn't very nice now was it? I had been practicing all day ta get me that kinda entrance and you just gone and ruined it” the tanned buck stated with a frown from its dark shades. I gawked, Rarity, AJ, Twilight, and Fluttershy looked confused. Pinkie Pie probably wasn’t sure how to take this considering her reaction. And Screwball and Dash were staring at the jack with admiration in their eyes. “That was-” “AWESOME!” Dash stated cutting Fluttershy off. “Jumping off a building like that without any sort of protection! That’s insane!” she said with a grin. The buck shrugged with a smile. “I wouldn’t have been harmed. We macropi have strong legs, and tough bodies. A jump from that height wouldn’t even bother us.” Twilight gawked. “B-but... that building is forty three feet tall. With the jump you lept off about forty-eight feet into the air, there’s no way you could have.” The buck snorted with a chuckle. “Looky here missy, I’m a kangaroo, I think I know my own species better than you do.” Ignoring the frown the buck looked at me and smiled. “Well would ya look at that, the only male aside from me in this group huh? What ya ‘ere for mate? Planning to just stick with the girls here because ya want a lil action” he nudged me with a wink. I rolled my eyes. “No we’re here for-” “I know what ya ‘ere for mate. Names Swift Strike by the way. I’ll be your tourist and help while we head towards the old Hopperrusa Temple.” I nodded. “Appreciate it. Name’s Hailstorm, and these are-” “The elements of harmony. Yeah I know ‘em. Who doesn’t you’re famous” he said winking at Dash who grinned back with glee. “Even out here?” Twilight asked genuinely surprised, as we followed our guide. “Of course out ‘ere. Everybuck that’s a buck knows who you are.” “That would explain all the staring” Applejack said with a small smile as a group of kangaroos waved when they passed by. “Yeah, well what ya gonna do. Fame is fame” he said with a grin. “Now off we go! Oh! Hold it one sec now” Swift Strike stated stopping before he hopped off. “I should warn you guys” his expression grew serious now. “Whatever you do don’t touch anything in that temple. Our ancestors held magic that’s been lost to us for an entire millennia, and that temple has quite the defenses. So I’m warning ya” he leaned in causing Twilight and the others to lean back while I simply stood watching. “Don’t touch anything. Ya got it?” They nodded, I shrugged. “No promises with her around” I said pointing a hoof back to the violet mare hopping around me. Swift Strike, stared in silence for a few seconds then chuckled. “Your funeral then mate. Alright then, off we go!” And so we moved in the direction of the temple. And for some reason as we neared our target I couldn’t help shake this nagging feeling I had in the back of my head. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ancient Artifact “We’re almost t’ere mates. Just a few more hops and we’ll be in the temple’s site.” Twilight was grinning happily at this. It wasn’t everyday that she got the opportunity to visit an ancient temple that had played an important part in the kangaroos history. “So what’s the story behind this temple?” Rainbow Dash asked. Swift Strike grinned, the scar that ran just a few inches short across his left eye crinkling a bit. “Well I’m mighty glad ya asked t’ere mate.” “Ya see now old Hopperrusa Temple’s our most famous tourist attraction. Ponies of all races, griffons, wolfs, and even the strong Deer of Deerheim come from all over the world to take a look at it, as it’s probably the closest relationship to the basis of what all our technological advancement is based off of.” “And if you don’t mind me asking, but what in the hay is that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked with a raised brow as we now entered into the thickness of the forest that surrounded the temple. “Well I’ll tell ya. Ya see a long time ago about around the time Discord had been throwing the world into chaos. Just before he got imprisoned in stone, we had ourselves a little major event of our own.” It was my turn to raise a brow. “And what was that?” Swift Strike chuckled. “Why it was the appearance of a creature you’ve probably never seen before. The being had the body of a minotaur, but lacked the lower half of one. He had feet just like us, but they were much smaller and weren’t built for hopping around like we can.” I gulped, but Twilight and the others were fascinated by this. Even Screwball was keeping an ear open as she looked around the surrounding area. “Ya see we never really got a hold of this guy’s name. He kinda disappeared one day, but he did leave whatever important artifact is in that temple for us behind. He even gave us knowledge on some of the devices that eventually became developed into the technology we have now.” “Wait wait wait.” Rainbow Dash said with an incredulous look on her face. “You’re saying that all of our technological advancements come from some guy who just happened to appear one day in this world, then disappear the next without even a trace of his existence.” Well to be clear, I’m in the same boat. I did make about a 200 ft drop from the sky before you guys found me. Swift Strike rolled his eyes, “‘Without a trace’ is a bit much don’t ya think t’ere mate. I mean look at all the things we have. Shovels, carriages, radios, and what not. I’m not saying that we couldn’t have developed them before. I’m just saying it would have taken a lot longer for us to get there if it weren’t for our bipedal friend.” “Now that you mention it” Twilight said with a hoof to her chin. “Scrolls in Starswirl’s writings did state how he ended up meeting a being who called himself what was it again. Oh yes, “human!”” she said with a confident nod of her head. The others hadn’t noticed but I was starting to get uncomfortable. If they had looked back they would have noticed my coat starting to get a little damp with how much perspiration I had begun to release. Screwball having seen this however giggled, at my uneasiness. I ignored her, I’d come to realize that the mare enjoyed getting my attention, even if it wasn’t in the most positive light. “But that doesn’t make any sense though” Twilight said. “If this person like you say came here around the end of the Chaos Era, how come Princess Celestia and Luna never sensed a magical disturbance?” Swift Strike shrugged, turning his attention back to the temple that was slowly coming into view. “‘Ell if I know mate, maybe he came around the exact moment that they unleashed the power of the Elements of Harmony. I have a unicorn friend around here who’s an archeologist and she’s done some background checks and informed me of something I think you all will find quite interestin’.” “And please pray tell what that might be?” Rarity said not even bothering to hide the interest clearly displayed in her voice. “Well according to my friend’s research, magical disturbances of equal magnitude or size can cancel each other out. So that basically means-” “That when Princess Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to stop Discord, neither her or her sister could have sensed the magical disruption since the magical magnitude was of equal quantity!” she said with a slight touch of joy in her voice at having learned this new piece of information. “Smart one, that one is in’t she?” Swift Strike asked with a small grin my direction. I nodded, he wasn’t lying. Twilight was pretty darn smart. Something I’d come to notice quite quickly during my time reading up on this world’s history. History which she easily explained to me when there were things I couldn’t understand or simply come to fathom. “Crikey!” Swift Strike shouted in surprise drawing my attention to the temple in front of us. “What the bloody 'ell is this now?!” he stated in anger. And with one hop the kangaroo landed in front of the entrance to Hopperruse Temple, leaving us at least three yards behind. “What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked as we trotted up towards him. Then we saw it. The entire front entrance to the temple had caved in, “Someone’s been through this temple already!” Screwball yelled, gaining everyone’s look at her. She smiled and waved. The others shared a confused look, while I passed them and took a close look at the debris that blocked our path into the building. “Great!” the kangaroo said with a shake of his head. “The mayor of Trumpdale’s going to be quite steamed when he finds out that the guards here were ditching their duties.” “This place is supposed to be guarded?” Dash asked. Swift Strike’s groan told us how annoyed he was at that question. “This happens every single time we get tourists. The guards feel like nothing bad will happen so they shirk their duty to keep this place protected. Even more so when we’ve got ponies and what not comin’ on in from other countries. “I’ve told the Isle guards to work on better security but they never hopping listen to me!” he stated with annoyed snort, as he slammed his foot into the ground out of annoyance. I coughed, dust rising into the air as Swift Strike stomped. “Um..” a cough and sneeze followed soon after. “Swift Strike, could you please stop stomping. You’re kicking up quite a bit of dust” Fluttershy said. The kangaroo stopped. Having taken into account what he was doing he smiled sheepishly at us. “Sorry bout that mates. It’s just quite frustrating to see this happen every time we have tourists. I just hope whoever went in got out there alive.” “What?!” the whole group shouted, including Screwball. Swift Strike cringed at the seven mares gaze, while I just shook my head, and forced myself to go back to inspecting the stones that blocked our path. If I was right, and if TV had done anything for me, there should be some sort of switch here. “What do you mean “got out there alive?!” Applejack asked, not bothering to hide the fury in her voice. “This is a tourist attraction and you let ponies come through a death trap like this?!” she asked with a wave of her hoof at the old temple. Swift Strike motioned for her to back up a bit. She didn’t still staring daggers at the kangaroo so he backed up by himself. “Look this site here. It- It holds quite a bit of treasure in it. And there’s something that was given to us by our human friend, that was meant to be protected! Sure, it’s a tourist attraction and it can be dangerous, but that’s why we the kangaroos are there to guide them through it. The traps aren’t activated unless a pony goes in there unattended. It was magic our ancestors placed on the temple so that no one would get hurt.” “But what if somepony get’s lost or left behind” Fluttershy said now looking over at the temple with fear. “We’ve taken precautions on that by turning off the display completely, especially after a couple years ago with what happened to the last group of ponies and griffons that thought they could sneak in here and loot the place,” Swift Strike said, his tone growing rather dark at this statement. Rainbow Dash actually gulped when she heard this. “W-What happened to them?” Swift Strike let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s...It’s best you don’t know.” The conversation continued with the six mares now asking questions about the sorts of traps in the temple, with Swift Strike being only able to answer a few. The temple was designed to have a multitude of traps, depending on how one entered. The main entrance was the only entrance that was visible. But Swift Strike had learnt that there were several other entrances and exits. Each offering a different trap, of sorts or somewhat similar yet more dangerous. While listening to this a glint on one of the slabs of debris caught my eye. A button? No wait, that’s a print. “Hey guys!” I shouted, grabbing their attention. “Come here I found something.” Moving over to allow the light to shine fully on the imprint on the giant stone Swift Strike stared at it in silence before his eyes widened. “Well ain’t that a surprise t’ere mate! You found one of the switches to activate the entrance.” “I did?” The jack merely nodded then moved forward to activate. “Way to go Hailstorm!” Pinkie Pie said wrapping her forelegs around my neck. I smiled, appreciative that I’d been able to help out. Screwball soon appeared to my side offering me the same chummy grin. “Alright there she is” Swift Strike said hopping back to our side. “I’ve activated the switch and any second now the entrance should open a new. But I should warn ya the challenges in this could be completely different than this one. And I’ve not got a clue what to expect so stay close.” The seven mares nodded. And I stood tall expecting the unexpected. Because everything at this exact moment was telling me anything could happen. But strangely enough nothing did happen. So I and the others stood there. Waiting and waiting...and waiting. Seconds, then minutes passed until finally I looked up at the kangaroo by my side and asked: “Did you activate the entrance?” Swift Strike, leaned forward and looked. The hand print designed for kangaroos was glowing. So he nodded. “I could’ve sworn it would just take a second.” “Well we don’t have time to waste” Screwball said. “Right now there could be a pony in there hurt, injured waiting for help that could possibly never arrive. We need to get in there!” she said confidently. Applejack nodded. “Screwball’s right. Now Ah don’t know about y’all but I’m gonna smash my way through there.” “NO!” Swift Strike yelled. “You can’t do that! It’s government property. This temple is something that all macropus hold in high regard. If it goes down, then there will be entropy in our country! And if you end up being the cause of it then that’s very well a declaration of war!” Applejack fell to her flank, her eyes wide with fear. I swallowed, my lips having gone dry from that sudden realization and declaration. “Thanks for saving my flank there” she said looking at the kangaroo with a weak smile once she’d regained composure. “Not a problem mate. Just do be careful. You’re actually the first group of ponies I’ve come to like since I took up this temporary gig. Now let’s see what we can-” “Oh!” Pinkie exclaimed. I turned to look at her. “What’s wrong Pinkie?” Screwball lifted the mare’s shaking tail up. “Her tail is twitching.” “I don’t know what to make of that” I said genuinely. But upon seeing the frightened reactions of the rest of the group I could see this wasn’t Screwball telling a bad joke. “Pinkie Sense?! Right now!?” Twilight said looking around in fear. “What- What is it?!” The five mares suddenly zipping to Pinkie’s side, in fear looked around. Screwball however remained at her position watching the others shake was apparently funny to her, as she seemed to offer a goofy smile that fit her misguided eyes. “Um. So what does Pinkie Sense mean?” Swift Strike asked. “It’s when she can foretell something dangerous is going to happen. Or something unexpected” Applejack explained. I simply stared waiting once this statement was. Made, and given the fact that I could see Screwball slightly vibrating as she kept a hold of Pinkie’s tail. I could tell whatever was about to happen was going to put us in quite the predicament. “So what does twitchy tail mean again?” I asked. “It means something’s going to fall” Pinkie said, her eyes glued towards the sky. But then it happened. Something that to this day I still can’t believe happened at such a better and worse time. The ground opened up right underneath us, and out of the corner of my eye I saw that the print that Swift Strike had used to activate the entrance was now flashing green. It was another trap. With the ground open beneath us we all fell through the hole, before hitting something solid only a few feet below. Nothing was broken, thankfully, but we didn’t have time to consider that when I suddenly felt myself sliding forward in a rather erratic manner, like I was on a slide. “Oh no” I heard the voice of our kangaroo friend say from a few feet behind me. “Swift Strike, what in Celestia is happening?” Twilight asked, her voice echoing throughout the tunnel like spot we had landed in. “We’re in...The Tunnel.” “The Tunnel?” “The Tunnel.” He said with finality. “And what exactly is this ‘Tunnel?’” Rarity asked. A sudden drop in the tunnel’s structure made us slowly begin our increased descent down this “Tunnel”, and as I felt myself moving down this sudden slide like structure, I couldn’t help but feel a great sense of deja vu occurring for some odd reason. “The Tunnel, is a slide.” Swift Strike said. “And no one knows where it leads to. Rumors say that this slide” our descent grew as we came to very edge of the slide where a great drop was below us. “Leads to death.” And with that we plummeted down the slope. The only thing I could hear echoing through the tunnel as we made our speedy descent through the twists and turns, were the screams of my comrades. Seconds, passed or maybe minutes, in all honesty I’m not really sure. There was so much shouting in that tunnel, that I couldn’t even tell where I was anymore. Then finally we passed a lit area by torch light, showing us where we’d meet our fate. And with the help of the torch light I could see that the giant opening that lay ahead of us was completely pitch black. And we were closing in fast. Rainbow Dash who was at the very back of the slide bit Twilight’s tail, spread her wings and pulled. Twilight caught the message and did the same. Before I knew it, Applejack was biting onto my tail and we were all slowly coming to a stop,before we could reach whatever lay ahead of that entrance. Slowly we came to a stop. Then before I knew it my forehooves were inches away from entering the only exit out of here. “Phew” I heard the muffled voices of the mares say. Sadly, that moment of safety was short lived. Because crashing into the cyan pegasus moments later was Swift Strike, who sent all of us hurtling into the dark hole that had waited so patiently to swallow us up. THUD! I landed roughly on the ground, then soon enough I heard several more thuds on the ground followed by groaning. My head ached. My body was now sore from landing so roughly on the cobblestone floor, and the room we were now in seemed to be completely barred up. Just like a cage. Or a prison cell. “Who’s there?” a voice asked. The groaning of my comrades suddenly went silent when they heard the voice. “I said who’s there?!” the voice asked again, hostility seeping into her voice. “Daring Doo?” Rainbow Dash asked in a perplexed voice. To be honest if anyone should be perplexed I should be. “Daring Doo?” are you kidding me? Of all the pony names I’ve heard so far this one is the best! “Rainbow Dash?” the mare asked coming out of her hiding spot. “What are you guys doing here?” “The Cutie Map” -I reflexively cringe- “Brought us all the way out here. It said there was a Friendship problem we needed to take care of” Twilight explained. “But I didn’t think it wanted us to come all the way out here just to bail you out.” “Um Twilight” Fluttershy said. She looked over at her pegasus friend who pointed to her flank. “I don’t think that’s the problem.” “Well what on Equestria is the problem then?” Rarity stated in miffed tone. “My mane’s a mess and I’d rather we just leave this death trap. The colors don’t really do that well, with these walls.” “These ‘walls’ Rarity” the light gold pegasus said. “Are what are keeping me trapped in here. How did you guys even get in here to begin with?” “I’d thank Swift Strike here.” I said pointing to the kangaroo hopping up towards us. To my surprise the mare immediately took a defensive pose then relaxed after a few seconds when she saw our macropulian friend meant no harm. “Sorry, I thought you were one of those guards.” Swift Strike waved his hand dismissively. “It’s all good mate. If you made it all the way to the end of the temple, then you have my praise. A mare such as yourself must be quite the fighter to make it all the way here, with just a few bruises.” Daring grinned, puffing her chest out confidently. “Well I am called Daring Doo.” I cleared my throat, breaking the calm moment before anymore conversation could be started. “I hate to break this little moment, but we’re trapped in an ancient temple with no way of getting out. Now is not the time for us to be praising Daring Doo’s actions. Although I do agree, well done” I said to her with a smile, she returned it gratefully. “So how are we supposed to get out of here exactly?” AJ asked. Swift Strike looked around, a hand rubbing his chin. “Well it looks like there is no way out, unless you’ve got a minotaur somewhere we’re trapped here.” Screwball tapped the jack’s back, causing him to turn and look at her. “Yeah missy?” Screwball pointed to me, a pleasant grin creeping it’s way to her face as her hypnotic eyes focused on me. “Hailstorm’s glowing.” I’m what? Looking down at my hooves I could see a faint yellow glow emanating from my coat, and that very same glow was growing brighter by the second. I looked up at the mares and kangaroo who were all staring at me with confusion. “Hailstorm? You alright?” Rarity asked. I was about to answer, till a small shot of pain went through me.The pain seemed to grip my throat preventing me from speaking then forcing me to buckle over and fall to the ground, with a grunt. My body glowed brighter, and brighter every second. I could hear the voices of my friends but I felt too far away, from them. The light grew stronger, and so did the pain coursing through my body. Then an explosion of light, filled the room. I blacked out. Waking up I definitely felt different. And that was no doubt because I had hands again. In fact my entire body was back. I suppose that’s possibly what that dream meant when it showed me those different reflections of myself. That’s when it hit me. If I return back to my human form, without clothing...then that means. My eyes widened, and to my shock my comrades were all staring at me in equal surprise. None of them knowing what to say or even do at seeing my new form or rather what was my true form. Looking down to my waist, I saw that I had somehow managed to regain my jeans, but aside from that my upper body was completely bare. Taking the glasses that had rested on my mane the entire time that was now back to being my hair, I slid them back on to my face and let the shocked reaction of each mare and kangaroo wash over me. Screwball however, not to my surprise was looking me over with a glint in her eye. I decided I’d worry about that matter later. Smiling sheepishly at the shocked reactions of the equines I raised my hands to offer the best surprise gesture I could give them. “Ta-Da!” I was met with silence. Oh boy. Surprises. They come in many shapes, sizes, and forms. But out of all the things I’ve learned since coming to this world it’s that people. Especially equines of this nature and even kangaroo’s don’t like surprises. “Hailstorm, my goodness mate you look just like- like-’ “Like a human” Twilight finished for Swift Strike. The eyes the mare gave me at this exact moment were far from what I’d consider pleased. “When did you plan on telling us?” I stared in silence. What could I say? What could I tell them to convince them that I had planned to tell them when the time was right? I am no genius at lying, I can tell a lie just like anyone or anypony else but not on the spot. So I stood there, allowing the silence to do its work. Tension began to fill the air, higher so than in any room I’ve ever been in where drama seems to be boiling to the point that someone seemed ready to commit murder. Thankfully Screwball came to my rescue. “I think our friend here. Has the solution to our freedom” she said pointing a hoof at my hand. Twilight was about to speak, and draw us back to the matter at hand here, but I ignored it taking Screwball’s opportunity, and made my way to the relic. The groups eyes followed me all the way there where I stopped and merely stood, staring at the perfectly shaped hand that though appearing slightly bigger than my own seemed to be the perfect fit. Lifting my hand up and placing my hand on the handprint the hand glowed blue, then switched to an emerald green before the walls that blocked the skylight above and sealed off the rest of this chamber slowly slid back into place and faded through the cracks they had emerged from. Then my body glew again. Glowing the same bright yellow, before I reverted back into my pony form just like before. Once the light had disappeared, I turned to face the stares of my comrades, only to see that they weren’t looking at me. But were staring at the object laying in the hands of a statue that materialized from nowhere. In the kangaroo statue’s palm was...a small device. It was small, triangular in shape, and had a blue glowing button on it. It was then that all our flanks minus the jack and Daring Doo. But even this seemed to go ignored No one moved immediately, for fear of another trap being activated but Swift Strike being with us moved towards the device and took it up in his palm. Holding it like it was a baby, a carefully making sure that it was secure in his two hands before he moved slowly towards us. It was understandable after all. This device had been left in their care for over a thousand and more years and now and if it was important enough for other races to risk their lives over then whatever secrets it held must be radical. “Alright then, here goes” Swift Strike said, after a drop of sweat slid down his cheek. Pushing the blue button a voice began to speak. “Hello, people of Kangaroo Isle, or if you are not from there then hello whoever else this is. My name is Stanford Pines, and if you are listening to this then congratulations for making it through the dungeon the macropus and I set up for you. You’ve done well. However whatever you think you would hear about the mystics of this world and it’s magic, I’m afraid is nothing more than a farce. “I was able to gain some small info during my time here, but I didn’t put it in this dungeon. You will however learn something else, rest assured your hard work will surely come paid off. I am willing to convey a few bits of my knowledge here. “First of all I have learned that the magic of this world is strong. Strong, but at the same time also set with a few some of rules. One of them being that beings from other worlds are not affected by the cosmic make up of this world. Meaning that the reason I or any other human that may come to this world stays a human is because we are not affected by the law that abides to this world. “The second, thing, being that chaos magic and harmony magic or somewhat intertwined. Or at least related in some strange shape or form, with chaos magic being somewhat superior in certain aspects to harmonic magic. I don't know how or why but I doubt I'll ever get the chance to truly understand how it works. Nevertheless chaos magic has a sporadic outcome in comparison to harmony magic which is pure and based off mutual relationships. Chaos magic derives off, multiple things. The following of which consist of turmoil, angst, depression, suffering, arguing etcetera. I had learned that there was being here who was said to have the powers of a god, but it seems I will never get the opportunity to meet that person, as my chances of returning home will disappear along with my life if I decide to wait for the right moment to speak to such a being. “Now finally this is a warning. A warning of which I had hoped to never use. But in any case by assuming the simple fact that you and your new ally who helped open this lock for you is by your side I must warn you. “Beware of him. Human, you know who he is. He is always watching, always planning. And always one step ahead of you. If you let Bill win, it’s game over. And if you’re hearing this now then that means that you’ve been tricked, duped or made to come to this world beyond your reasoning. Now human, whoever you are. This is my warning to you:” The light on the recorder turned green and then instantly zapped Swift Strike, Twilight and the others unconscious, leaving me awake. I stared stunned as the device fell from the jack’s hand forcing me to move for it and catch it in my hoof quickly before it fell to the ground. The voice of Stanford continued, “Stay strong, don’t let him see you at your weakest. And for the love of all that is good, don’t let him turn your allies, your family and your loved ones against you. He’ll use it, bend it, and churn it to his gain. If you let your friends and family doubt you. Then he’s already won. “This is Stanford Pines, signing out.” A small pause before the voice spoke one last time uttering the words I knew I didn’t want to hear: “And good luck kid...you’ll need it.” With a glitch and crack the light hummed before static emitted from the recording device and smoke began to float out of the surface. It had crashed, leaving me in silence to ponder over the warning’s and what I’d just heard. Looking around at the passed out state of my friends, I sat down in silence. Feeling a much stronger load falling onto my shoulders than I had ever thought I had before. About five minutes passed and everyone had begun to wake up one by one. Erasing the feelings of guilt that had been working their way through me I followed everyone slowly out of the temple, before we all stopped a few feet away. Going around and facing the main entrance, I lethargically moved towards the ponies and kangaroo waiting for me. They hadn’t said a word, each one probably pondering the information they had been allowed to hear so far. Swift Strike broke the silence first. “Well at least the temple is still okay” he said with a smile. We all offered a small smile. Before turning around and heading back in the direction of the boat that would take us back to Equestria. Swift Strike stated he would be accompanying us there as well so that sounded like it would be fun. However thoughts of “fun” weren’t on my mind at the current moment. I was thinking about what Pines had said. The Pines had always been mentioned in my dreams. And I still don’t understand why they were connected to me so strongly. But whatever the reason was I felt like with that warning I just received I would be finding out soon enough. “Oi!” Swift Strike said waving us over. We were now at Macropulian City, waiting at the docking site for our kangaroo friend to get us the ship we’d need to sail back to Equestria. “Good news mates. Looks like there’s a boat heading for Equestria right now.” “That’s great!” Rarity said with a cheerful tone. “I’d be more than happy to leave and get a spa treatment. Come along girls.” Following the group of mares towards the boat, I felt Swift Strike’s hand stop me with a gentle touch on the shoulder. “Oi, Hailstorm” he said gently. “I don’t know what’s going on but whatever ya had your reason to not tell anyone about what you really are” he said with a small smile. “I understand. Not everyone gets why we do certain things we do” he said lifting a hand to brush back his hair and reveal the scar across his left eye. “If ya ever need help mate. I’ve got your back.” I smiled, feeling a bit better that I had someone I could trust now. “Hey you two!” Pinkie’s voice called. “Get over here the captain’s leaving!” “We’ll be right on over t’ere!” the kangaroo called back. Looking at me with another smile the jack patted me on the shoulder before hopping on to the boat. Following him in, I felt a bit better, if only a little bit. Now it was time to head back to Equestria, hopefully the mayor of this town won’t be to upset about the artifact after we learned what it held. With shake and sway, the ship pulled off towards Equestria. And it looked like it was going to be another long day, with Daring Doo and Swift Strike now in our company. The truth is though, after today. “I just want to go lay in bed.” > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Glimmer That Flickered “Nobody likes you” a voice whispered into her ear. “Nobody cares about you” the voice said in the other. “You think you have friends after the stunt you pulled? You really think the ponies of this village actually forgave you for what you’ve done? Ha! That’s hilarious!” the voice echoed in her head. “You think anypony that had the knowledge she had would just let you go scot free like the way they did?” “Well? Hm?? Answer me Starlight Glimmer do you?! Do you think for a second any of these equines, Double Diamond, Party Favor and the rest don’t remember how you suckered them into your charade?” No. “Open your eyes you idiot. Some of them might have forgiven you, but not everyone will! In fact I bet they’re plotting how to get rid of you right now!” Be quiet. “It’s amazing how stupid you are. Really it is. Did you think that after throwing the world into different timelines over and over again for your own purposes of revenge, that karma wouldn’t catch up to you?” I said be quiet. “Maybe it’s a good thing Sunburst got his cutie mark and left you behind. If he’d stuck with you who knows where he’d be now?” SHUT UP! Starlight was trembling with rage as she looked around in the darkness that surrounded her, and the only light she had shone on her. “Where are you!” she called only to have her voice thrown back at her. A light appeared in front of her, the yellow ball grew, and grew until it was the size of a house. Then the ball of yellow light opened it’s eye, and stared at her. Starlight jumped back in surprise, and the eye shrunk along with it’s body appearing out of nowhere. “Hi there Starlight” the triangular shaped being said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, name’s Bill Cipher. And I will be here to ruin your day.” Starlight stared at the being with a look of confusion and fear, but soon replacing it was anger as her horn glowed when she moved towards him. “How dare you?!” “How dare I what?” Bill asked with a shrug. “You have the gall to tell me that nopony cares about me?!” “Well it’s true isn’t it?” Bill asked. “What pony would care about the mare that nearly ruined their lives?” Starlight looked on in disbelief. “I d-didn’t ruin anypony’s-” “Shhh” Bill said touching her lips with a finger to silence her. “I understand, you were just trying to help” he said gently, which the mare nodded her assent to. “It’s okay” Bill said with a nod. “I get it, you meant no harm at all right?” Starlight nodded. “And besides, you were expecting punishment for your actions” he said an image of her gulping when she was called in to the common ruin of the element bearers appeared directly behind them. “Right?” Starlight nodded once more. Bill moved his fingers away from the mare’s lips floating away from her as he watched the image of Starlight talk to the rest of the mane six. A few seconds passed. Starlight was still angry, but she felt maybe that by watching this, this being would let her get back to normal sleep. Cut her some slack for the large amount of angst she’d been through for the past few days Bill was still staring at the events watching them unfold in silence. Then raising his hand and with a wave of his wrist the image disappeared, leaving only the darkness that surrounded them plain in sight. Starlight waited. Staying in her spotlight till she was allowed to leave. Looking around the mare saw that she was really in total darkness. Turning her attention back to where the being called “Bill” would be, instead she found him now extremely close to her face, forcing her to jump back in surprise before she gave him a glare. “I see. You really are changing for the better aren’t you?” Bill said with a sympathetic eye. “Of course I am!” she said defiantly. “I’ve learned from my mistakes and I won’t be making the same one’s again.” A small chuckle escaped the being as he circled her, his eye never leaving her from his view. “Well then. We’ll see just have to see about that. Won’t we?” a snap of his finger echoed throughout the domain then everything went black for Starlight. And with a start, the mare woke up in a cold sweat at her home back in Little Village. She looked out the window, it was still night. Going to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water to drink the mare went back to bed to get a little more sleep before she began moving around to see what she could do to help her new friends out today. Once asleep Starlight Glimmer, fell into a dreamless and sound sleep. And not another dream came to her that night. Birds chirped, awakening the unicorn mare from her dreamless slumber. Rising from her bed, Starlight Glimmer yawned, stretching only a bit before she slowly got out of bed with more effort than she thought was necessary. Going to her bathroom and brushing her teeth the mare, thought about the events that had unfolded the night before. What a strange dream...Who was that anyway? She couldn’t bother to recall the name as she rinsed her mouth and spat into the sink before turning off the tap. Staring at her reflection for a few more seconds Starlight couldn’t shake off that nervous feeling about what the being had said to her. “You think they forgive you?” the voice echoed in her head, but was silenced with a shake. A determined look crossing over her face. “They do. I’ve changed” she whispered to herself, more than to the reflection. “They accepted me back home, the only solution is they must be willing to give me another chance.” A second or two passed by after she said this, her nerves calming if only a little. With a nod to her reflection the mare turned around, and left the building, only to see a letter at the foot of her stairs. She opened it, quickly scanning the letter and it’s contents. Dear Starlight Glimmer, Certain events have caused my friends and I to journey to another country to solve a friendship problem. It is unclear as of yet when we will be back, but I will be sure to inform you when, so that we may continue your friendship rehabilitation. Your Friend, Twilight Sparkle. Starlight smiled, though weakly. She nodded folding the map and teleported it to her room where she would store it in a drawer later. Twilight and the others really are the kindest ponies I’ve ever met. Giving me a second chance like this . She smiled happily as she began her trot through the town, where she could see what she could do to help. At the very least she had to make herself useful now that she was back. But as the mare troted through the small town she noticed something. No pony was out and about enjoying the sunny morning that Celestia and the pegasi had so kindly given them. It was strange considering how the ponies of this small town preferred to be outside busying themselves with things than staying cooped up in their houses. So she began knocking on doors. First trying Tea Set’s place. Knocking on the earth mare’s home Starlight Glimmer waited for a few seconds, which turned to minutes expecting the coffee mare to come out holding a usual cup of coffee with slightly disheveled hair. But no such response was given in return. “Maybe she went out?” Next she tried another house nearby. There was no response here also. Starlight’s brows furrowed as she began to frown. “And I guess, Trick Show isn’t here either.” She tried a few more, but all yielded the same result. Each house that seemed to be empty or void of any form of life that had lived there the day before sent a chill up Starlight’s spine. Something’s not right here. She turned on a hoof, and galloped down the line of houses straight to Party Favor. Pausing for a second to take a breath the mare raised her hoof, and knocked. There was no response. Dread began to take over. “What happened to everyone?” She knocked again, louder, each knock echoing into the emptiness of the town. “Hello!” she cried, trying to keep strength in her voice. “Party Favor are you there?!” She continued knocking, and knocking and knocking, till she heard the tumblers of the door unlock and open. Starlight jumped back surprised and frightened by the sudden act but relaxed to see a tired Party Favor trotting towards her, with a tired and annoyed look. “Starlight? Ugh” he said lifting a hoof to his head. “What- What’s wrong why all the noise?” “What do you mean why?” she asked anger now taking over. “There’s no pony here! I’ve knocked on almost every single door in this town, only for no response to come in return. The only houses left are yours and Double Diamond’s!” Party Favor’s headache seemed to immediately disappear at this statement as he looked at her with concern. “Really?” Starlight nodded, worry still clear in her eyes. “Cmon” Party Favor said. “Let’s go check on him, I don’t like this one bit.” And so the two left the partying stallion’s house in the direction of the unicorn’s home. It only took a few seconds to get there since it was directly next to Party Favor’s. Starlight knocked. There was no reply. She bit her lip concern taking over, ready to knock again till Party Favor held a hoof for her to wait. She did, and Party Favor lifted his hoof up turned the doorknob and watched it slowly open with a ominous creak. The two looked inside. The room was still neatly set. No papers or anything of the sort around. All the equipment Double Diamond used to inspect the best of gems, diamonds and jewels neatly up on the wall. Party Favor entered, leaving the concerned unicorn behind for a second before she quickly followed. “I’ll check upstairs. You look around here” he said before trotting towards the staircase and heading up to Double Diamond’s bedroom. Starlight looked around. The place was well organized, as she would expect from Double Diamond. Looking at all the equipment that hung on the wall behind a glass case, she now took note of how much work Double Diamond put into his job. She frowned. And to think I took all that away, something glinted from the window of n adjacent room the at reflected off the glass panel. Turning around and moving towards the room Starlight opened the door and looked inside. What she saw made her choke up. Right before her eyes, was a breathtaking beautiful teardrop shaped gem, that glinted so beautifully from the light that came from a window nearby. Starlight felt her eyes begin to sting and a lump fill her throat. “It’s so- so beautiful” she sniffed, placing a hoof to her chest as if she had just been proposed to. “Oh my goodness Double Diam-” “STARLIGHT!! GET OVER HERE!” Party Favor yelled, making the mare jump. The sound that came from Party Favor was not one of anger or great fear, but another note she couldn’t put her hoof on exactly that greatly disturbed her. Casting one last glance at the beautiful gem in the room Starlight closed the door and made her way upstairs. Upstairs was Double Diamond, Party Favor sitting a couple of inches away from him about a hoof’s distance, when Starlight joined them Double Diamond turned his head in their direction before he faced his attention back to the window in silence. Starlight could feel the tension in the air rise. “Diamond?” she said silently. The unicorn did not move, but his ear twitched at the call of his name. “What’s wrong with him?” Starlight asked with concern. Party Favor shrugged, his face reflecting the worry off hers. “I don’t know, he just won’t talk. Asked if you were here and told me to call you up here so he could tell you something. He’s just been sitting like this for minutes, maybe even all night staring out the window.” Party Favor backed away, allowing Starlight to move towards the white stallion. As she approached she could feel something in the air that she recognized but could not tell or recall what that name was. She sat a few inches away from Double Diamond, staring out the window he looked at. “Um..Diamond, what’s wrong? And where is everypony else?” Silence ensued for a few moments. Before the sullen looking unicorn looked at Starlight with a look she had seen and an emotion she had felt so strongly days ago. Anger. Starlight flinched. “Diamond, c’mon say something what’s wrong? Where is everypony?” her voice was rising to a small shout. Diamond didn’t reply. He merely stared at her in silence. His eyes mirroring the anger, the hatred she had held so strongly for Twilight and her friends days ago. Then he licked his lips, slowly. Before speaking. His voice hoarse, but not lacking in the coldness that she felt kissed her with every word. “They left Starlight. I tried to get them to stay. I spent days trying to convince them, but some wouldn’t listen. The rest ended up packing up and leaving last night. They’re all gone.” Starlight felt her heart skip a beat, fear squeezing her “W-What do you mean they’re gone? Where did they go?” Double Diamond shook his head, his disheveled mane falling over his eyes, before he brushed it aside with a hoof the anger not leaving those eyes. “I don’t know Starlight. All I know is that they left. They wouldn’t listen. But I can’t blame them, anyone would.” Starlight’s fear now mixed with fear. “What do you mean they left? Diamond you’re not making sense, why did they-” He held a hoof in silence then turned his body around now facing her completely before he leaned in close to her face. His eyes growing colder by the second as they took in her scared and worried form. “They left...they left because of you.” It was like she’d been shot at point blank rage with a gun, the words of the triangle being echoing in her head once more. “Do you really think they’ve forgiven you for what you’ve done? HA! That’s hilarious!” Starlight Glimmer woke up with a start, in cold sweat. Her breath was heavy, but slowly relaxed as she heard the birds chirping in the light of day. She looked around, to see where she was only to find she was back in her room. Shaken, was an understatement for how she felt. Getting up and going to the bathroom the mare thought about the events that had unfolded the night before, as she began brushing her teeth. Was I having two dreams in a row? she shook her head, a sheepish smile crossing her face as she dabbed her lips and spat out the toothpaste in her mouth. “No, I’m just stressed is all” she said to her reflection. “Yeah...that’s it.” With a nod to her reflection the mare turned around, and left the building, only to see a letter at the foot of her stairs. She picked up ready to read it till she froze. ...I’ve done this before...haven’t I? In that dream? No, she said with a shake of her head. Just deja vu. She opened it reading the letter. Dear Starlight Glimmer, Certain events have caused my friends and I to journey to another country to solve a friendship problem. It is unclear as of yet when we will be back, but I will be sure to inform you when, so that we may continue your friendship rehabilitation. Your Friend, Twilight Sparkle. Starlight smiled, though weakly. “Just deja vu” she said to herself. Zapping the letter it disappeared towards her room before she began her descent down the stairs and her rounds in search of other ponies. It was still early in the morning so she decided to head towards Tea Set’s and see what the mare was up to. Halfway up the path though, she stopped dead in her tracks. “...Maybe I’ll try Trick Show’s place first” she headed in the earth stallion’s direction. Once reaching the home she knocked. No response. “...Just a coincidence I’m sure” she said to herself as a bead of sweat began to form. Turning around and sprinting towards Quick Sprint’s house the unicorn, rather roughly banged on the door repeatedly in the form of a knock. No response. Anger, fear, and annoyance began to take over Starlight as she tried the house next to it. No response. She tried again. No response. A fourth time, still. A fifth. No response. A sixth, nothing. Finally she stopped. Her breath heavy. She was tired from running house to house and banging on the doors to get a response. “Fine!” she shouted, her voice echoing through the town. “I’ll just ask Party Favor and have him tell me where you all went!” She turned her attention in the direction of the house but froze. To see a stallion at the end of small town, the town’s very entrance staring off into the distance. It was Party Favor, and on him he had a saddlebag that was loaded with tons of other things. She gulped, adrenaline kicking into her bloodstream as she went from a slowly disbelieving stride to a quick gallop. WIthin seconds she had covered the distance, a feat of which she wouldn’t have been able to perform under normal conditions. Skidding to a stop, she watched Party Favor turn in her direction, a sad look on his face. “Party! Party, oh thank goodness you’re still here!” she said wrapping a foreleg around the stallion. A hug which he didn’t seem inclined to return. “Party?” she said, but the stallion merely remained standing his ground. Starlight broke the hug, looking at him with concern. “Party...what’s wrong?” she asked fear creeping into her voice. Party Favor averted his gaze from the mare, ignoring how she seemed to show the look of pain on her face. “Party Favor please..where is everypony? Please” Starlight implored. Party Favor sighed, a tired sigh. His voice weak with sadness, his eyes wet with tears. “I’m sorry Starlight.” Starlight’s look of concern went down the drain as a stunned look crossed her face, her ears wilting. She laughed. It was forced, as Party Favor backed away at it. “Sorry?! For what?” she asked, “Go on tell me. Where is everypony?” His response was pointing down the trail that led out the city, in the distance Starlight could just barely make out the shadows of something being pulled. “I’m sorry Starlight, but they’re gone. All of them” his voice weakening as he continued. “This town’s dead Starlight, everypony left. We tried to convince them to stay, that you’d changed for the good, but” he looked away. Starlight stared at Party Favor in disbelief. Many emotions mixing, brewing within her. She thought they’d accepted her. Or was this another dream? Would she wake up again in her bed and have to endure this again? But it all feels so real she thought as tears began to well in her eyes. “Please...Party Favor, we can we can get them back. We’ll convince them. I’ve changed, please” she said grasping both the stallion’s hooves. Party Favor smiled weakly. A glint in his eyes that was not lost on Starlight, she smiled at him hopefully tears still in her eyes. “I wish I could Starlight. But I don’t think they’ll come back” he said moving his hoof away. “They all think you haven’t changed. They still think that at the drop of a hoof you’ll go back to your old ways. “I’m sorry Starlight, but..they can’t forgive you.” He looked back at the now empty town. “Double Diamond left not too long ago, he said he wished he didn’t let you back in if he knew things would end up like this.” Party Favor brushed a tear away as he turned towards the cart and latched it on around him. “And I’m sorry to say but...I wish I hadn’t agreed either.” Starlight Glimmer woke up with a start, in cold sweat. Her breath was heavy, but slowly relaxed as she heard the birds chirping in the light of day. She looked around, to see where she was only to find she was back in her room. Tears began to sting her eyes once she realized where she was. Again? she asked. I don’t deserve this! I know I deserve punishment but this?! she placed a hoof on her heart. It felt like it was being torn apart. Taking a deep breath the mare relaxed herself, brushing the tears away. Determination taking over as all other emotions began to continue to brew within her but conviction being the strongest. “No!” she said as she quickly slid out of bed, brushing her teeth in a hurry and moving on out of the room. “Twilight said if I wanted friendships to last, then I have to work to make sure they do!” “I can fix this!” she said with determination and trotted out. And so she moved on, going from building to building. Knocking on the doors. With no response coming from each one. And every time she knocked, she felt her determination rise. Then her ears twitched as she heard noise coming from one of the homes she had so seriously knocked on. It sounded like...somepony had dropped something. Quickly Starlight galloped back knocking on the door desperately in attempts to get a reply. She did. “Go away!” the voice called. It stung but she pushed on. “Please let me in. I want to make things right! I want to show you I’ve changed!” “Changed?! Pfft- Yeah right! You were always serious and strict when it came to equality, why would you change so suddenly!” Starlight froze, her banging ceasing. The pony within the house had a point. She had changed and to them it may have seemed quite sudden, but they hadn’t seen her in months. It was understandable. The words Twilight spoke to her echoing in her very being. “Please give me one more chance! I’m just asking you for one! Please!” she begged. Silence resumed in the house. Minutes passed and no one opened the door, Starlight felt hurt, broken. If she had any shred of confidence left it had been greatly afflicted as she turned around and began her slow walk away from the home. Then a click came behind her. Quickly turning around. Starlight felt hope rise in her as the pegasus mare came out looking around before she approached the pale heliotrope unicorn. Starlight smiled, hope filling within her as Quick Sprint came closer to her. The pegasus stopped in front of her staring at Starlight with a small smile of her own. “Let’s go see where the others are” Quick Sprint offered. Starlight nodded a new hope filling her, as she and the mare moved towards Double Diamonds house only to find the unicorn packing up. “Double Diamond we have a-” she paused, seeing the unicorn packing all of his stuff. “W-Where are you going?” she asked hoping that he was on a trip. “I’m leaving Starlight.” The confidence she held dropped. But not completely. “But, but Quick Sprint offered to help. Look she’s-” Starlight paused as she saw that the light yellow pegasus, was no longer by her side, but instead was now packing everything, trotting down the path with all her belongings in a cart. “What? But she was right here just now.” Double Diamond threw the last of his stuff into the cart then latched it on. “Sorry Starlight. But no one wants to stay here. I tried, but I’m tired of trying to convince. It’s been days since you got back and since then I’ve done my best. But if everypony’s leaving then I can’t stay in an empty town.” Anger began to fill the hope that had once filled the mare, and kept her going. All feelings of determination now gone, and all other emotions of fear, anger, depression that had been kept in place by the confidence she held bubbling over. Till finally, Starlight couldn’t take it anymore. Collapsing to her haunches she watched as Quick Sprint, Trick Show, and several other people of her town leave, tears slowly cascading down her face as she watched them all leave. Then she heard it. She heard his voice. “I told you Starlight. They wouldn’t forgive you. You were naive to think they ever would consider it, but hey look at it this way” Bill’s voice said. “At least they tried.” She shook her head, her heart aching, the tears flowing more fluently. No, I’ve changed “Please” she said in a whisper as she watched all of her so called friends leave her. As she watched all the townsfolk of their little home leave, everyone leaving the vicinity till only Double Diamond and Party Favor remained. “Sorry Starlight. We tried. We really did” Party Favor said sympathetically. Moving over to her and brushing his fetlock over the mare’s face Starlight swatted the hoof away in anger. “It’s just” Double Diamond sighed before he turned his back to her. Moving down the path out of the city, with Party Favor looking back at her with sad eyes. “They just can’t forgive you.” Then she saw it. The mares that had accepted her despite her blunder, despite her major mistake. She saw them. The six mares and dragon standing at the very end of the road waving the ponies of her home to pass on by. Not even trying to stop them. Starlight’s eyes widened in horror. Her lips trembling, and with a shaky voice she managed to say. “I thought you forgave me. I thought that you would help me!” she shouted. Applejack tipped her hat downwards so that it covered her eyes, as the rest of the group looked away with pained expressions. “We tried Starlight. But we can’t make these ponies stay if they don’t want to.” “We can’t force them to stay.” Twilight said with an apologetic look. Starlight couldn’t believe her ears. Her breathing quickened. Tears began to flow even more, she was sweating, scared and most of all angry. Darkness consumed, surrounded her. Then a yellow light formed way from above. Bill Cipher watched the trembling Starlight from the shadows. “Hmm...maybe I went a little too far” he muttered as he heard her whimper. But upon hearing a sob, he shrugged it off. “Then again maybe not.” Starlight froze. She heard the voice again. “No one cares about you, no one forgives you, no one wants you. And that’s why Sunburst left you.” Anger rose within her. She turned towards the yellow light above and screamed: “Leave me alone!!” A cold cackling laugh was the only response Bill gave before the light enveloped her. The last words she heard was: “As you wish.” A blinding light enveloped Starlight, all the darkness fading away before her, as the light grew closer and closer. So bright that she had to shield her eyes. Bill’s laugh echoed in her ears one final time, “Nopony cares.” Starlight Glimmer awoke in a cold sweat. She heard the birds chirping, tears stained her face and she was no longer sure if this was real or if this was fake. “Starlight!” a worried voice said to her. She spun in place to see that it was Double Diamond and Party Favor, three other ponies looking in through the door and window to see what was going on. “Starlight what’s wrong? We heard you crying in your sleep” Party Favor said with deep concern. Starlight simply stared as another tear left her eye. Is this real or not? she asked herself. “I- I” she stuttered. Party Favor and Double Diamond’s worried expressions increasing as the mare struggled to say something. Then she felt a hoof quickly wrap around her neck and pull her into an embrace. Double Diamond holding the mare tightly to his chest as he shushed her. Party Favor went back to tell the others to give them sometime to settle this. the concerned group of townsfolk complied leaving the other two stallions to deal with the issue. Starlight continued to sob, for only a few seconds before she pulled herself together. “Starlight” Party Favor said gently. “What happened?” Starlight lifted her tearstained face to the stallion only to see the kindness in his face that he had showed her, just like in the dreams. But this time it felt different. Double Diamond released the mare and backed away to give her some space as Starlight calmed herself and looked at the two stallions before smiling weakly. “I...I’ll tell you later.” Her horn glowed, then she disappeared right before their eyes. Reappearing near Double Diamond’s house Starlight quickly left the town heading in the direction of Ponyville, in the distance she could hear the concerned calls of her real friends shouting out to her to return. *** ***** *** ///0\\\ Darkness was the only thing I could see. No doubt I was back in those dream phases again. However I couldn’t dwell long on where I was as something else caught my attention. I could vaguely, just vaguely make out the shape of a common room. Moving towards the figures the place seemed to brighten just a bit, enough for me to see easily now if I focused hard enough. I was back in Twilight’s castle. My eyes narrowed, trotting forward I moved through the castle till I came to my own bedroom where I felt for some reason I had been drawn to. I opened the door, only to see a window shining on a single mare. The mare had a purple mane with aquamarine highlights and also had a heliotrope coat. I moved towards her. “Excuse me” I said. She didn’t move. “Who are you?” Quite suddenly she began to sob. This disturbed me greatly. “Um are you alright?” I asked after a few seconds of silence. She shook her head and turned to stare at me, my eyes falling on the mark that was just above her horn. Bill Cipher’s eye glowed on the mare’s forehead. The mare stared at me with tears streaming from her eyes before she said. “He’s always watching.” ///0\\\ “Hailstorm! Hailstorm wake up mate!” I could feel myself being shaken before I quickly opened my eyes and sat up on my haunches. Swift Strike kneeled over me, a look of concern glazing his face. “Hey mate we’re back in Equestria” the train we were in shook as it bounced on the tracks. “Twilight and the others told me to come check on you, but you seemed to be having a bad dream.” I blinked running a hoof over my face. “Thanks. Thanks for uh, waking me up.” He nodded with a smile. The train lurched forward before coming to an easy stop. Soon enough I heard the clopping of hooves on the carpeted floor before Screwball popped her head inside her eyes focusing on me. “Cmon you guys, Twilight and the others want to get back to the castle quickly to check on Spike.” I nodded sliding out of the bed I had slept in moving towards the door, with Swift Strike following behind. Screwball walked by my side as I followed the others outside, as we left the train station I could feel her eyes staring at me, before she asked gently. “How’d you sleep? Have any interesting dreams?” I froze. Watching her walk by me with that same wacky grin, before she winked following after the others. Swift Strike threw a grin my way. Now nearing Twilight’s castle all I felt was tired. The warning’s Stanford Pines had told me about were still fresh in my head. And the recent dream I had just gotten was no comfort either. Twilight opened the door and everyone went up the steps to the common room. I was the last to follow. When I got up there I immediately noticed the tension in the air. Climbing the steps I saw how each mare stared ahead with a look of worry on their face. Twilight especially who had begun sweating. I turned my attention to what, or who they were looking at. Spike stood there, his claws behind his back looking just as nervous as the others, minus Swift Strike who simply held a confused look, and Screwball who held a blank expression. Sitting in front of the table was the unicorn I had seen in my dream. Her mane dishevelled most likely her hasty rush down here, she seemed exceptionally tired. Beside her. The princess of the sun herself stood tall, her wings spread. The look on her face was not a welcoming one. “Hailstorm, Twilight and company. We need to talk, now.” > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Confrontation Princess Celestia was not happy. In fact the word “happy” would be an insult to how she felt right now. The mare of the sun was frankly, displeased. Staring at the hazel stallion, the eight mares and the kangaroo she honestly wasn’t surprised to see them all, having learned from Spike that they went on a mission by request of the map. However the news she had received hours ago, was what brought her here to Twilight’s castle in the first place. And she had also had the strange pleasure of meeting Starlight Glimmer, who had refused to say anything past a “hi princess” before the two had waited in silence. “Is there a problem?” Hailstorm asked. Princess Celestia merely frowned. Of course there is. “Yes, in fact there is a problem. I received word from the mayor of Macropulian City two hours ago that their temple has been vandalized and an ancient relic has been destroyed. They do not know how or why it happened but they have reason to believe that it is based around a certain group of ponies” she said her eyes now directed on Twilight and the others before turning back to the former human. “And I want to know why” she said her frown disappearing and taking on a more serious look. “Twilight I believe I have taught you enough about the laws of other countries and how to respect them have I not?” Twilight’s ears wilted in shame. “Yes, princess.” Daring Doo stepped forward. “It’s my fault they got dragged into this mess.” Celestia raised a brow at the light gold mare in question. “And you are?” “Daring Doo, your highness. Also author of the-” “Of the Adventures of The Daring Doo” Celestia said with a somewhat amused smile. “I see. So you travelled to the Kangaroo Islands to study their treasure did you not?” Daring nodded. “I made sure I was granted permission before entering.” “I see” Celestia said her eyes turning back to the ponies whose heads were now bowed in shame. “However it seems some ponies did not do the same.” “Excuse me” I interjected. “Yes?” “Princess, if you please we had a tour guide. Twilight and the others didn’t blindly walk into the temple they had our friend here Swift Strike” I pointed at the kangaroo who merely grinned and waved back. Celestia merely stared at the kangaroo in consideration. A few seconds of silence passed before the jack broke it. “They’re right your highness. I was wif ‘em the entire time. I work part time with a organization that helps guide the tourists to the temple, as well as through it. These ponies were merely trying to help their friend here who simply got stuck in the temple’s traps.” And as an afterthought he added, “I can reassure you, they were with me the entire time. The organization knows and they have ties with our governmental system, so the buck of Macropulian City should’ve known” he stated. A few more seconds passed before Celestia’s stern gaze softened if only a little. “Very well then. However that doesn’t answer one question.” “And what’s that princess?” asked Pinkie. Celestia’s gaze turned on me. “How did you activate the temple to get the device?” Everyone in the room froze. It was as if the room temperature in the room had dropped from 60 degrees to a chilly 32. Screwball took a step forward in what I could only assume was an attempt at my defense. “Princess, what do you mean the device was already-” “Screwball is it?” Celestia asked with a kind smile. Screwball actually froze and nodded slowly. Celestia’s smile did not falter. “I understand you are trying to protect Hailstorm. But I need to know how he did it.” “But Princess” Twilight began only to be cut off by Celestia raising a hoof for silence. “My little ponies, I have traveled to many countries and nations in my time. I have visited the macropulian race before. I know of their temple because I have seen it myself. I also know that there is one and only one way to get to the device the mayor mentioned in his letter. None of you could have activated it.” Her magenta eyes turned towards me. “Which means you are the only solution.” I could feel everyone’s eyes now fall on me at Celestia’s statement. And if I had wanted to fake any form a heart attack right now, I couldn’t help but feel now was the best moment to do so. “Hailstorm” Celestia said softly, my attention turning back to her. “How did you open the gate?” She took a step towards me, and like a fool I took a step back. My heart had begun racing. I could feel it pounding in my chest at this very moment, I didn’t know what to say, and now that I thought about it, when I had reverted back everyone including Swift Strike had seen my true form. I glanced over to Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Daring Doo, AJ, Pinkie and Dash only to see all their eyes reflecting the very same curiosity that the princess of the sun had in her own as she crossed the room towards me. My eyes glanced over to the mare I had seen in my dream, not once but twice Starlight Glimmer’s face now completely void of tear stains -no doubt through magic- and now she was moving towards me with the same curiosity her peers held. Swift Strike I could tell was behind me, but I was sure he didn’t know what to do in this situation, because I had heard him move and to me it sounded like he was extremely uncomfortable at this moment. And Screwball...she was nowhere to be seen. “Well Hailstorm, How did you unlock the relic that no known creature in Equestria has been capable of doing since it’s creation?” Celestia asked dragging me out of my thoughts as I tried to plan a way to answer this question. “Um...uh” I stuttered, a few beads of sweat slowly sliding down my face. “You see-” I was never able to finish the sentence, because the next thing I saw was smoke envelope my vision along with the others. Shouts between Twilight and the others occurred before I could see a faint glow of gold aura, but before anything else could happen a blur zoomed towards me. Then the next thing I knew I was back in my room, pinned to the ground and looking down at me with a slightly increased pace of breath, her disposition screaming concern. Was Screwball. Screwball’s eyes were no longer cross-eyed as they’d been before but were now focused as she stared down at me with a heavy breath. I honestly was at a loss for words by the mare’s quick movement and ability to drag me all the way upstairs to my room so quickly before I’d even noticed what had happened. I waited for her breathing to relax before asking her to get off me politely. She hesitated at first, I noticed a sly grin cross her lips, one she quickly brushed away before moving off of me and allowing me the chance to get up. Once on my hooves the mare’s focused eyes looked at me with concern. I didn’t know what to say, especially by how quickly she’d brought me up here as if to protect me or even say something of extreme importance. So I simply stared back in silence. This continued for a few seconds before I heard Dash’s voice say. “Where’d he go?!” “I think I heard his door slam shut” Spike called directly across from my room. Wow Spike. Just wow. “That’s it I’m going up there!” I heard Dash say annoyance clearly displayed from the tone of her voice. Screwball turned to me the concern still in her eyes as she stared. “Look Hailstorm, I don’t know what to say but, I know you’re hiding something. And I also know you’re not from this world” she said speaking as quickly as she possibly could, when the sound of a loud thump slammed into the door. “HAILSTORM!” Dash yelled. My eyes raised up in the direction of the raging pegasus who was know tapping her hoof against the door frame. “Open this door!” she yelled. The sound of hooves from below had now come to join her. Screwball turned my attention back to her, tilting my head back in her direction. “Hailstorm listen to me” she pleaded. “I don’t know why but-” she bit her lip, her face contorting into one of confliction like she was struggling with herself to say something yet at the same time refrain from saying so. “What? What is it?” I asked, the look on her face only making the anxiety that had been building up clearly show on my face. “Tell me Screwball, what is it?!” Screwball’s ears wilted when she looked back at me. Her eyes losing their focus on me and going back to their cross-eyed state, before the door knob turned. “I’m sorry” was the last thing I heard her whisper before, something fell out of her tail crashed into the ground and blinded me with the light the that emerged from it. Rubbing my eyes after the flash bomb had exploded, I fought for visual till the door swung open, revealing the foggy image of the princess and a ticked off Rainbow Dash all staring at me with her friends. Screwball was nowhere in sight. My eyes were squinted as Rainbow Dash’s triple figured image came flying at me and pinning me to the ground for a second time, the three versions of her each glowering at me menacingly in silent fury. And as the three Dash’s collided into one Rainbow Dash, the mare’s glare never left her face as I blinked her back into normal perceptual imagery. “You’re not getting away from us that easily.” Rainbow Dash had, had enough. The mare had saved the stallion’s life during his tumble to death and not only had he refused to tell them anything about who he was, he was also a fraud considering he had transformed before their very eyes, and even now attempted to escape from them. The very mares who thought they were his friends. In all honesty she couldn’t speak for the others, seeing as they seemed to still show concern for the stallion, especially Swift Strike who had scolded her for being so forceful upon bringing Hailstorm back to the common room, but she could say for sure that her trust in the stallion was slipping. As for Screwball, she didn’t have the time to bother where that bizarro was, and why Starlight was here was even less of a topic for discussion. Right now she just wanted to know why the stallion had tried to run. She could still remember the last thing that strange device had said before the group had been knocked out by some kind of electric shock. “This is my warning to you.” the words resounded in her mind as Rainbow stared at the stallion who now sat in the center of the elemental seats. Princess Celestia having been brought a seat of her by Spike, and Swift Strike having been content with using his own tail as a sort of cushion. “Hailstorm why did you try to run from us?” Fluttershy asked gently. Dash watched the stallion shift uncomfortably in his seat at the center before he replied, “I didn’t run. I got dragged.” Dash scowled, more lies. “Now can you tell us how you were able to open the door Hailstorm?” Hailstorm sighed. “They can tell you what happened Your Highness, Isn’t that right AJ?” Dash turned her attention to the farming earth pony who looked taken aback having been given the spotlight. “Er, yes. Yes Ah can.” She coughed to clear her throat before continuing. “Ya see princess, when we found Daring Doo trapped within the temple, something mighty strange happened.” “And what was that?” Celestia asked from her seat beside Twilight. “Well, that’s just it.” Applejack’s attention turned back to the hazel stallion. “We don’t know. All we do know is that he started to glow and then became something akin to a minotaur.” Dash scoffed, getting a few glances from Twilight and the others. “Is something wrong Rainbow Dash?” the princess asked. “Yeah there’s something wrong. Princess, this guy’s a liar!” she said raising her hoof at me. “Don’t ya think that Ah would be the best one to tell if he was lying Dash?” Applejack asked with a raised brow. “Well you’re not doing a good job are you?!” she fumed turning her attention back to Hailstorm, with a scowl. “Rainbow Dash darling what’s got you so upset? True I don’t quite agree with our friend here hiding things from us but calling him a liar because he didn’t tell us he could do that is a bit...much don’t you think?” Rarity said. “Of course not! Look, girls, princess, Hailstorm’s hiding something. He obviously didn’t intend for us to find out that he could do” she waved her hoof around him. “That!” she spat. “I mean C’MON! We all saw his reaction when he changed into that human or whatever, and who knows if he’s just some kind of shape-shifter that came out of the Everfree!” Silence. Hailstorm’s ears were wilted and at the moment the stallion wasn’t looking up. Good, Dash thought her rage still boiling. Teach him a lesson to hide something of that importance from his friends next time. An angered snort left her nose. “Now I can quite understand why ya’re so upset Rainbow Dash” said Swift Strike. “But, I can also understand why Hailstorm, would want to keep something like what we saw a secret.” “Yeah but why?” Daring Doo asked. “He must be hiding something big if he’s willing to hide something like that.” “I can only assume it was so he wouldn’t cause panic” Twilight said with a hoof to her chin. “He’s, still here you know” Spike caustically stated, drawing the group’s attention to the grimace the stallion was trying to restrain. “Sorry about that Hailstorm” Twilight said with an apologetic smile. “Don’t apologize!” Dash exclaimed shooting the stallion another glare. “Settle down.” Celestia said calmly. It seemed to work because the mare was no longer on the edge of her seat, slouching back down into her chair with an annoyed pout on her face. “Hailstorm” Celestia said drawing the stallion’s attention. “Please tell us, what you are.” A few seconds of silence passed as everyone waited to see what the stallion would say. If he really were a changeling Dash wouldn’t hesitate to lash out at him for deceiving her, her friends and the princess. But if he told them the truth, maybe, just maybe, her faith in him would return. Even if it was small. So they all sat waiting in silence as Hailstorm shut his eyes blocking them all out and contemplating what would be the best course of action. Pinkie had now started to bite her hoof a bit in anticipation and worry for her friend, afraid he would do something to ruin the friendships he’d made with them, but Dash kept her eyes focused on the stallion. Eyes slowly narrowing as if she expected him to attack. A couple more seconds passed, and Celestia simply remained patient. Waiting for whenever he was ready to speak while, Daring Doo simply sat in silent patience as well, just as curious to see what the strange stallion would say. It had been almost an entire minute, and Dash felt she would explode any second now if the stallion didn’t snap out of his statue like state immediately and tell them what they all wanted to hear. The truth. Then they all heard him rise. His eyes opening and revealing those light brown eyes that stared at all of them before they heard him say: “I am a human.” I waited, my attention now away from the others and focused on the princess who now stared at me with an inexpressive face after my declaration of what I really was. To say I was not nervous would be a lie. Dash’s reaction alone had told me that I had already messed up despite the warning’s I’d recieved from this Pines fellow, and what was even worse it wasn’t even my fault. However this didn’t change the fact that I now have to be extremely careful in what happens from now on. Because if Dash was willing to throw me to the shark’s because I had accidentally revealed my true form. Then who knows what sort of thoughts was going through the others minds. I pushed those thoughts away, actively listening and focusing all my attention on the princess as she had not spoken in what felt like minutes but was possibly seconds in reality. I suppose pressure really does change your concept of time. She smiled. “A human” she said almost nostalgically. “It has been a long long time since I have seen one, but to see one in such a form as this is probably the most astounding thing I’ve seen aside from the elements here” a wider smile crossing her face as she glanced around at Twilight and the others. Turning her attention back to me, Celestia’s smile seemed to drop a bit. “However if you really are a human Hailstorm. How did you get here?” That was the million dollar question wasn’t it. Not how, but more of a why I was here. I couldn’t tell them the truth. Not now, it was too early. There were still too many things I needed to take into account. My dreams being one of them. “The princess is right. How did you get here?” Starlight asked me with a raised brow. And once again all eyes were on me. My eyes looked in the direction of the mare that had just addressed me. I’d been told her name was Starlight, as for her exact connection to the group of mares I hadn’t been told much except she was being reformed. Or at least had been reformed. Why and for what she’d done to make her go through such a process I’d been left in the blank but if it was any consolation it seems she was the same mare I’d seen in my first two nights on this planet. I walked up to her, ignoring the question she had asked me, since I personally didn’t want to answer. Instead I decided I’d gain their attention a different way, by creating a distraction. So I did just that. I changed the sway of conversation by doing the one thing I knew I’d come to regret the second I’d done it. I trotted up to Starlight, and since I was generally taller than her and the others I merely goaded her back a bit away from the others with every step I took. She seemed to be intimidated as I proceeded towards her, I’m not surprised though with my rugged looks any girl of any species would back away. That or slap me. So as I moved towards her and she moved away, I noticed the groups attention had turned away from the direction of the conversation and back to what I was currently doing. Perfect, I thought with a small smile. Starlight simply looked confused by what I was doing, so she tried to go around me but I confronted her with a sidestep and blocked her path. It was then I noticed her cutie mark. My eyes widened at the realization that she didn’t have the same one I’d seen in my dream. And then I did the exact thing that turned everyone’s attention away from the topic of where I’d come from and what I was. I did the thing I knew, I’d come to regret, but not as much so. I touched Starlight’s flank, all due to my surprise of seeing her actual cutie mark instead of the one I’d seen in my dreams. And no sooner had I touched her flank did the mare whinny, scowl her cheeks taking on a crimson than drive a hoof squarely across my face, knocking me back as she did so. I had just been slapped by a horse. As I nursed my horseshoe marked face, I did my best to ignore the chuckles that came from Dash and Spike and the looks of disdain Rarity, Twilight and Starlight gave me. Fluttershy seemed to have been too embarrassed to even look at me, so it seems I may have lost points with her as well. Celestia held an amused smile but said nothing more on the matter. “As I was saying-” she paused, the sound of hooves clicking on the stairs, making a hasty rush towards us now that silence had once again taken over. And then quite suddenly emerging into the room and bursting open the doors was Screwball, out of breath, looking tired and rather a tad frightened she dashed into the room and began speaking insanely fast. The likes of which none of us could understand. “Hold on Screwball, I can’t understand what you’re saying speak slower.” Pinkie chimed in at this point. “She said and I quote “The Everfree Forest is acting up!”” “The forest that does stuff on it’s own?” I asked Screwball nodded. Then my eyes widened. “Wait! Didn’t you say there was a zebra that lived in the Everfree.” Twilight’s eyes widened as my words began catching her attention. “Zecora!” I didn’t waste a second afterwards, to get any orders. Instantly dashing out of the room and leaving the group of mares behind I barked orders out to them as I left them in my wake. “Screwball, Pinkie Pie and Dash, with me! Twilight, Daring, AJ and Rarity find Zecora!” Pinkie, Screwball and Dash quickly joined my side. “What are we going to do?” Pinkie asked as we burst our way out of Twilight’s castle and on to the streets of Ponyville. “We’re going to investigate the problem. And find out what’s causing this.” Although I have a pretty good idea what or who is. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trouble in Everfree A zebra looked out from the safety of her treehouse at the mist that now consumed the entire forest. It had started no less than a few minutes, possibly five or so before the mist had quite quickly begun to spread throughout the forest. The sounds of the creatures of the Everfree Forest and their wails and whimpers resounding back to the zebra every now and again as the mist only thickened with time. Zecora’s eyes narrowed as she stared out at the mist, that she knew quite well held some sort of dark magic in it. No doubt it’s effects was what was causing the creatures of the Everfree to feel so distraught. Trotting over to her cauldron and stirring it a bit, to add in some warmth to the room, Zecora glanced outside once more. Unable to shake this dark presence she could sense. “I truly hope they will not go through this haze. From what I can tell, it’s designed to be just like a maze.” Zecora shivered a bit when the cold air blew through her home, from the window. Trotting once more out to it she stared out into the blurriness that was the fog. Her eery feeling of that dark presence only growing as the fog grew thicker. “I hope Twilight and the others don’t get attacked. For whatever this fog brings with it, there’s no doubt it will fight back.” Heavy breathing. That was the only thing I could hear as I galloped down the dirt road towards the strange forest that I had been described, acted just like the weather and forests back on my world. “Whoa!” I felt a tug on my tail. Pinkie pulled me back, Screwball and Rainbow Dash waiting by her side, as Twilight and the others came behind us. “What Pinkie?” I asked with annoyance. This wasn’t the time to be stopping if my hunch was correct I needed to get to Zecora immediately. She could be in danger. “Ah know yer worried there Hailstorm, but rushing in blindly like that won’t help anypony” Applejack said trotting towards us. “Applejack’s right, Hailstorm look at the forest” Rarity instructed. I did as such, and now I could see why they had stopped me. Emanating from the forest’s entrance and only the entrance, was a thick white fog. If I had charged in as blindly as I had I’d probably not have realized it till I was probably too far gone. “Oh” I said, blandly. “Your welcome, darling” Rarity said with a smile. “Any idea what’s causing it?” Spike asked from his seat on Twilight’s back. The young alicorn merely shook her head in confusion. "None whatsoever. The Everfree Forest has always been an anomaly to ponykind, there’s no way for me to understand why there’s a fog of this quantity so thick out here. Especially when there’s been no clouds or rain out to create evaporation.” That sentence right there just proved my suspicions. “Bill” I whispered, Pinkie however heard me. “Who’s this Bill guy you keep talking about?” she asked with concern at my hardened expression. I did my best to restrain the signs of guilt on my face, but it didn’t seem to work that well. “And why do you always look like you’re in pain when he’s mentioned?” Twilight asked. “That’s right!” Rainbow said recalling something. “That guy on the thing said his name also! Remember right before we passed out!” her stern glare returned with vengeance as she stared at me. “Who is Bill?” Screwball stepped in, before I could speak. “Look girl’s, now’s not the time to do 42 questions-” “42?” Applejack asked, but was ignored as Screwball continued. “Now’s the time for us to take action. Zecora’s in there right?” the group of mares and dragon nodded. “Then we need to get in there and save her before those scary monsters get to her. Now who’s with me!” She threw her hoof in the center, waiting for the rest to join in. Daring Doo, flapped down with Princess Celestia accompanying her, Swift Strike deciding to stay in the castle just in case the zebra managed to turn up. “I’m in” Daring Doo said placing her hoof over Screwball’s. She looked at the others. “Well?” It took a few seconds but eventually the rest of the mares and Spike threw a hoof and claw in, before breaking. Princess Celestia smiled, before we all turned our attention to her. “Alright my little ponies. I will be keeping track of you all with this spell” she said as her horn glowed and touched each equine, myself included with a light gold badge that faded away into our coats, and Spike’s scales. “If anything happens I will sense it and be able to contact you on how to leave. Understood?” We all nodded. “Good. Then go, and please be safe.” With that we turned our attention towards the foggy forest, taking one hoof towards it at a time. “Alright then.” I said. “Daring Doo, I need you to go with Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight and Spike to find Zecora.” They all nodded forming a small group as we began our descent into the haze. “And what about me?” AJ asked. “You’re coming with me, Dash, Pinkie and Screwy also.” “Aw you gave me a pet name” Screwball said. With the fog still being pretty light, I felt her rub against me with a small purr. I’d be lying if I said this equine form didn’t find it somewhat arousing, but it was immediately pushed aside and out of my thoughts. “Anyway, AJ, Dash, Pinkie, Screwy let’s go.” “What are we doing?” Dash asked. “I told you. We’re going to solve this problem. Now Twilight-” I turned to Twilight’s group who should have been behind us, only to find them gone. This isn’t good. “Where’d they go?!” AJ asked with concern. I placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Hey, hey. Look at me” I said gently. “They’re fine alright. Twilight and Daring Doo are with them. And from what I’ve learned Fluttershy’s extremely good with animals. Plus they’ve got Spike’s fire. They’ll be fine, and Rarity’s good with identifying stuff right?” AJ nodded, a small smile creasing her lips before she patted my shoulder. “Thanks Hailstorm.” “No problem, now let’s get moving.” With that said and done we turned our attention to what may or may not lay straight ahead. Pushing into the thicket of the forest as we moved along, staying as remotely close as possible. Minutes had passed and I had told Rainbow Dash to stop flying, being the fact that I didn’t want to lose her. Especially not in this fog. She agreed, but said nothing else to me afterwards. I suppose she was still debating on whether she could trust me again, Applejack however seemed fine with me as she was keeping close to my side like I’d instructed, Pinkie and Screwball as well. We continued to trot through the forest in silence, only seeing the basic outline and shapes of trees, bushes, some branches that would get in our way along with a vine or two and shrubs. I was beginning to wonder if this fog was just it. Fog. And nothing else, we had been walking for what I guesstimated to be maybe six to seven minutes now and nothing Screwball had said at the castle seemed to trigger any alarms. That is till Pinkie started to shake. “Pinkie!” I whispered to her in a hushed shout. “We are trying to be stealthy, quit shaking!” “I-I-I’m soooo-rr-r-rrrr-yy-yyy. But I-I-I ca-ca-can-can’t! P-P-Pin-Kie- S-Sens-e!” “What?!” Dash said. “In this weather?! How are we supposed to see if something comes at us?” “Ah’m starting to think we should use the Princess’ spell to get us back out of here Hailstorm” Applejack said with concern. “If Pinkie’s shakin, then that obviously means there’s gonna be trouble.” I remained silent while I weighed in my options. They were right. If Pinkie was shaking, then that means something unexpected was going to happen. And if something unexpected did happen, then we couldn’t defend ourselves if it turned out to be dangerous. I turned my attention to Screwball, or rather I called for her to come towards my voice. It wasn’t long before I felt a hoof gently touch my chest. “Screwball?” The hoof rubbed my chest so I took that as a yes. “Alright, I want you to tell me what exactly you said was causing this trouble. If it’s urgent then we’ll have to leave and let the princess handle it or wait till this fog dies. We still need to get Zecora though just in case. But I need you to tell me what you heard or saw, out here that you feel could cause trouble.” The hoof that had been fondling the muscle on my chest moved away, much to my joy as I felt extremely awkward by the whole thing. Screwball spoke in my direction, her voice almost sounding secretive or quiet, much unlike her as she spoke. “It wasn’t what I saw. It was what I-” A shake in the bushes ahead of us, cut her off mid-sentence. We all went dead silent, waiting to see what would happen. I heard AJ snort at the opponent, then heard the flap of Dash’s wings. It looks like we were going to have ourselves a fight. All of us immediately took up defensive positions waiting in front of the rustling bushes, for our opponent to come out of it’s hiding spot. Seconds passed, these seconds became tension filled moments where I could clearly hear the heartbeats of my team. A sense of nervousness flowing through all of us equally as we waited, practically blind to our enemy, save for the sound that it may give. Finally the beast leaped out. My ears twitching and honing in on the creatures direction I charged as the figure slowly came into view. Raising a hoof I prepared to strike AJ, Dash, the vibrating Pinkie and Screwball right behind. Only for all of us to freeze in place instantly as we gazed upon the creature before us. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a frog. A frog had been the very thing that scared us so badly, the amphibian croaking before it hopped away into the sheets of white condensation. I should probably have been glad I didn’t ask Fluttershy to be on my team because who knows what she would have done to me if I had actually landed a hit on the thing. “Wow” was the only thing I said after the creature had hopped away. “I can’t believe we got frightened by a frog” I said with a small chuckle. But my merriment died as quickly as it had came. I could no longer sense the presence of the four mares by me, or anywhere near me any longer. “Guys?” I said, feeding the concern that threatened to destroy the calmness I now held. No response. “Guys?” I said again. No response. “...” Oh this is really bad. If I were to say I was angry, that wouldn’t be correct. I wasn’t mad, furious or even upset. I was downright disturbed. I continued to walk through the forest wondering just where on earth or rather where on this forest these four mares could have gone. Now that I thought about it, if this fog was actually magical and had the potential to do something like this then perhaps this was what Screwball was trying to tell me. But why hadn’t she said so sooner? Was she distracted or was it because she was simply just as sporadic and random as Pinkie? That mare really was a mystery. Pinkie I was starting to get. She was just Pinkie, but Screwball? She wasn’t just Screwball she was...strange. At times I’d get this sense or feeling that the reason she stays so attentive to me is because I either have her interest or...there’s something else compelling her to stay by me. Then again I could be wrong, she had done nothing but aid me since getting here. Doing a bit more than I can say the mares excluding Dash have done, granted I am grateful for what they have done in helping me so far. But, right now I should focus on finding those mares. Especially Pinkie Pie. She was vibrating like, well. A vibrator. I’ve got to find her fast before something bad happens to them. *** **** *** No longer shaking as much as she had before the pink mare, Pinkie Pie makes her way through the thick fog, squinting to see anything that may be ahead of her. But Pinkie wasn’t that worried. Why should she? She has her Pinkie Sense, but there was the fact that she’d been shaking rather violently just a few seconds ago. That still weighed heavily on her as she trotted through the forest. “Guys! Hailstorm! Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack? Anypony!!” she yelled only for her voice to echo back to her. “This forest is stranger than usual” she says with furrowed brows. Moving in silence now the pink mare continues to push on through the fog of Everfree, keeping a suspicious eye out for anything that may move or come near her. Seconds passed before Pinkie stopped seeing a figure up in the distance through the fog. She moved closer, though hesitant at first before she picked up the pace a bit recognizing the form. “Applejack?” she asked with a hint of hope. The pony turned towards her, nodding it’s head despite it still being tough for Pinkie to clearly see her friends face. “Applejack have you seen any of the others?” Pinkie asked now looking around as she stood beside her friend. However when she glanced back to her farmer friends the mare wasn’t responding but moving towards her. Pinkie moved to meet her halfway to see if she was alright till she stopped dead in her tracks. A horrid stench had hit her nose. Scrunching up her muzzle in disgust and shaking a hoof in the air to wave away the awful smell Pinkie looked around for the source. Are we near a swamp or something? Pee-Yuu! Her eyes began to water as AJ was now only a couple of inches away from her,becoming a bit more clear as the fog around the pony seemed to lighten up. “Applejack can you smell that? Ugh, it’s awful” Pinkie stated, she felt the annoyed snort of AJ hit her mane, pushing it back a bit. Pinkie turned to her friend with an apologetic smile. “Oh no no. I’m not talking about you Applejack, I was just saying that whatever that smell is it smells a lot like...a...” she backed up a bit as the image of AJ before began to fade along with the thickness of the fog that surrounded the mare, revealing what stood before her as it’s true form. Eyes glowing in a sickly green light as they glowered down at the mare. There stood an adult timberwolf, growling as it stared at Pinkie, fully understanding how it had been insulted by her. Pinkie let out a small nervous and frightened chuckle as she looked behind her for an escape, the rancid smell of the nature wolf assaulting her sense of smell in the process as the timberwolf stalked her as she went back. “Um, hey” she said waving a hoof with a very weak smile. “I didn’t mean what I said just a few seconds ago, you know” she laughed nervously. “I was just saying that this swamp. This uh swamp here it stinks and it’s making you stink.” The timberwolf growled in response to that, Pinkie gulped in return. “Hehe, not that you stink or anything it’s just that it smells really bad right now and um...uuh” her eyes darted around before she quickly spun on a hoof and bucked the beast in it’s jaw, sending the creature flying backwards before it landed on the ground with a thud. Pinkie wasted no time in taking off in a random direction, any direction that would get her away from that horrible smelling creature. No sooner had she taken off, the timberwolf shook it’s head standing back on it’s paws and took chase after the mare it’s fangs bared and ready for a meal. Pinkie moved quickly, her senses tingling as she dodged branch after branch, tree after tree and occasional rocks here and there as she gallopped through the forest her heavy breathing mocking her as she ran away from the gaining pursuer. The chase continued for a couple more seconds. Pinkie losing stamina with every sharp turn she made but the timberwolf persistent on getting it’s rude target. And just as Pinkie planned to climb a tree, she ended up slipping on a banana peel, falling on her back before looking up with a groan, only to faintly see the teeth of the timberwolf above her. The timberwolf looked at her, savoring her form with hungry eyes as it leaned forward and sniffed Pinkie. She didn’t move, fearing if she did so the beast would finish her instantly. A wise decision. Drool had now begun to drip on Pinkie’s forehead as the beast watched her, waiting to see if she would make another move, but as she was Pinkie was too tired to make another hasty retreat blindly through the forest. Only to possibly escape and maybe come across something much much worse. So she did the next best thing. When the wolf howled into the sky, she brought back her forehooves and drove them straight into the creature’s throat. It instantly turned into a pile of sticks. Getting up Pinkie slowly rose to her hooves, stretching a bit as the trip had made her feel somewhat sore now. Slowly the mare walked past the pile of twigs, logs and leaves calling out to her friends as she did so. Only to freeze when she heard clunking. CLANK! A low growl sounded behind her. Pinkie slowly turned her head in the direction of the sound, only to stop and get breathed on by the awful breath of the timberwolf. She looked up, her eyes meeting the sickeningly glowing eyes of the beast that stared at her. She smiled sheepishly before attempting to escape, only to be tackled to the ground by the predator it’s fangs bared. “Please don’t eat me” she begged, but the wolf merely roared in her face. She whimpered, fear now completely taking over as she realized that this could be the end for her. “Somepony, anypony. Please!” she wailed as the wolf opened its jaw ready to sink into her. Pinkie shut her eyes, knowing the beast was there. Knowing her day had met it’s end. Knowing that she was going to die here and that none of her friends would ever find her, and even if they did she wouldn’t want them to see her mangled remains afterwards. Another whimper escaped from her as the beast howled one last time before leaping on her for the finishing blow. Pinkie waited. And waited. And waited. But that death blow never came. She opened an eye, only to faintly see two figures wrestling on the ground. One obviously belonged to the timberwolf. The other, to a minotaur like creature. “Pinkie!” it yelled. The slightly injured mare, rose to her slightly cut leg, ears twitching as she recognized the voice. “Hailstorm?!” she yelled with concern. The human didn’t respond as he lifted something up from the ground and slammed it into the nature based creature’s form. The pink mare was able to catch one more word before watching her friend get tackled to the ground. “Run Pinkie! Run!” > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sounds in the Mist In hindsight tackling something made out of wood, logs, twigs and leaves was not my best idea. In fact it was my worst idea yet. “Run Pinkie! Run!” I felt the wind get knocked out of me, as I felt my feet leave the ground, before I landed with a slam on my bare back to find the timberwolf now on top of me. “Hailstorm!” Pinkie called with concern rushing towards me. The timberwolf however wasn’t having its meal get interrupted again. Turning around the beast slashed at the mare, forcing her to nimbly jump out of the way. Drawing back a paw quickly before it could be interrupted the beast attempted to gorge me in the chest. I stopped it with my hand, struggling as it brought its other paw out to deliver the deathblow. I stopped that one with my other hand. Now the beast of nature and I struggled on the ground. The timberwolf leaning its fangs towards me and trying to sink it’s teeth into my neck. I could smell its putrid breath every time it gnashed at me, every time it’s drool dripped onto my bare chest I could feel my my heart beat increase, then possibly skip a beat. The wolf struggled, rolling both itself and me who had firmly gripped its wrists, around two times before it landed on top of me once more. With a swift movement the beast somehow managed to free one claw from my grip. I froze for a millisecond, as time slowed down. Watching the timberwolf raise its arm ready to deliver a blow into me that could most likely prove fatal. But not before I would get one hit in for myself, and for Pinkie. Just as the paw moved up above the timberwolf’s head I immediately shot up into a sitting position, with my left hand clenched, shot a left jab directly under the beast’s maw. The levels of shock and pain my nerves sent to me was simply amazing. The timberwolf snarled from the hit to the maw, not hesitating to bring its slowly descending paw crashing down against my shoulder. Slashing firmly against my left shoulder and drawing blood in the process, before it quickly hopped off me, retreating just a few inches away to nurse it’s jaw. I rose quickly as well, seeing my chance and preferring not to be pinned down again I ignored both the blood and the pain that seethed in my left shoulder, raising both my arms and taking up a defensive poise. It took a second, then another. Both timberwolf and I injured. Or maybe it was just me, in all honesty I still didn’t understand how their physiology worked, but that didn’t matter right now. I quickly glanced around, looking around for any sign of a pink blob that may be around in this barely visible haze. I didn’t see her; Pinkie was safe. Good. I turned my attention back to the timberwolf that snarled at me, demanding I pay attention to it. The creature was just a couple feet away from me, but I could still make out it’s appearance, if just barely. If my glasses hadn’t fallen when the thing tackled me I wouldn’t have a problem, but beggars can’t be choosers I suppose. So the beast and I circled each other, slowly, cautiously, meticulously. Waiting for the other to make the move. I could hear something, voices maybe. For a second I was sure I heard Twilight or possibly Rainbow Dash in the distance but judging from what I saw when I had rushed to Pinkie’s aid this could just be the fog playing mind games with me. The timberwolf and I continued to circle each other for a few more seconds. Waiting, watching. I took a step forward, it took a step back. It took a step forward I took a step back. Both our eyes narrowed, adrenaline flowing through my veins, my heart racing, my breath gaining speed. A feeling of both anger and guilt by what had nearly happened to Pinkie, what could have happened to Pinkie. Then the beast howled loudly into the sky. And that’s when I saw two more pairs of sick green eyes peek out from the misty shadows that surrounded us. Crap! was the only thing I thought, as the two other timberwolves joined their leader. I backed up, they advanced slowly and stalkerish. This wasn’t good. If I ran I could probably still make it. If I was fast enough and trust me I know how fast I can run. I could get out of here. My eyes glanced back to where we’d rolled from. Possibly where Pinkie was looking for me. Possibly where the others were looking for us, for each other. I couldn’t leave. I can’t leave. If this mist is playing tricks on Pinkie then there’s no doubt in my mind it’s doing the same to the rest. And that means the others could easily get sucked into a trap like this one. Sweat slowly slid on my brow as I glared back at the timberwolves, now pushing me back in Pinkie’s directions. I have to make a choice now. “Do I run and alert Celestia before it’s too late. Or do I stay and protect them?” Rainbow Dash’s ears twitched. The mare had lost sight of her friends in the blink of an eye and it had done more than greatly disturb her, but completely frighten her. Every time she called out to them, her voice would only be rudely thrown back to her by the echos of this accursed forest. And personally she was starting to get really , really angry. “Guys! C’mon say something already! There’s no way you can’t hear me!” she bellowed into the haziness of the forest, floating by trees and roots as she went down the path. “Guys! C’mon say something already! There’s no way you can’t hear me!” her voice echoed back a few seconds after. “Nrgh! Stop that!” she yelled. “Nrgh! Stop that!” the voices teased. “That’s it!” she said beating heavily with a fury before taking off and soaring into the air. Shooting off into the sky the cyan pegasus soared high through the fog, seeing a bright flash of light in the distance. Breaking through the cloudy shroud of fog Rainbow Dash soared above the fog from above, staring down at the barely visible enigmatic forest. Damn she thought. “I can’t see a thing from up here” she muttered with a scowl, scanning the ground to find any sign of her friends. Her ear twitched. Rainbow Dash’s keen hearing had picked up on a sound down below. Her eyes scanned the area but the fog was to thick to see through, so she’d have to rely on her hearing. Dash grinned, I like those odds. Ceasing the flap of her wings, the mare plummeted back down into the forest and it’s hazy smokescreen, the sound coming closer and closer as she fell through the air. Dash kept her eyes closed the entire time she fell like a rock to the ground, waiting for the right moment. Her ear twitched, the sound was growing stronger on her left. Once the mare was a few feet from the ground and looked certain she would fall to her death she spread her wings, the wind catching her in its embrace and lifting her up as she pulled and sailed with a sharp left turn, picking up speed as she could sense she was reaching her target. A sniffle. That sounds almost like...! Dash’s eyes narrowed as she realized who it was she was hearing, the sound now requiring her to make another left turn before she zoomed straight ahead to the faint sniffles. Sniff. Dash stopped, almost passing the sound, and as she did so some sand and small pebbles that had been following her after her acceleration came to a stop almost directly behind her hooves, before she landed, beside the whimpering pony before her. “Pinkie?” Dash said with some concern. “What’s wrong, have you seen the others?” The pink mare turned to face her friend, a few tears running down her muzzle. She sniffed, “No...well, actually yes” she said wiping her nose with a hoof. Rainbow Dash stared at her bizarre friend with a cocked eyebrow. “What are you talking about? Have you seen the others or not?” “I’ve seen Hailstorm” Pinkie replied rising to her hooves, her sad demeanor still present. “And where did he go?” Dash said her reaction now becoming suspicious as she looked around. “Dash!” the cyan pegasus jumped hearing Pinkie’s angered shout. “What?!” she said in surprise, rubbing her ear. “Jeez did you have to yell like that?” The bubblegum mare’s stern stare however didn’t falter as she glared at her friend, who practically began to cringe under the glare. “What Pinkie?” “Hailstorm saved me, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t start throwing suspicions at him!” she chided, then lifted her hoof to show the cut she had received. “See this, if he hadn’t came to help when he did I probably would be in a worse situation than this!” Pinkie said her voice starting to rise and echo throughout the area. Rainbow Dash’s ears wilted, she averted her gaze to the ground not bothering to look up fully knowing that Pinkie’s heavy stare was still on her. “Look I’m sorry I just-” “You just what Dashie? I get you’re concerned, because he lied to us, because he’s well not who we thought he’d be, because of all the things he’s hiding from us. But don’t you think he has a good reason? I mean if he really wanted us dead or do us harm, he’s had multiple opportunities to do so.” Dash frowned, fully accepting the fact that she had jumped to assumptions and conclusions too quickly. Probably something she should try working on at a later time. Her ears perked up though when she realized something. “Wait you said you had seen him, and if he saved you what exactly did he save you from.” It took only one second for Pinkie to digest what her athletic friend had just said to her before her eyes widened in shock. “Hailstorm!” she yelled in the last direction she remembered him being in. “Dash we’ve got to-” “I know” Dash said pawing the ground with a snort. “Let’s go find our friend.” Applejack now made her way through the haze, her eyes squinted, as she peered around the Everfree trying to locate her missing comrades. There were a few instances where she’d seen the figure of one of her friends and called out to them, only for that figure to turn in her direction and morph into something completely different. She’d wisely chosen to stay away. Now the mare had no idea where she was going or if she was even going in any right direction anymore, this continued for minutes and minutes as she walked in silence before she finally couldn’t take the tear clenching silence that threatened to drive her insane if she didn’t hear something. “Is anypony out there?!” she called, her voice echoing back to her. A few seconds of silence and the mare stomped her hoof on the ground in frustration. “Con, found it where is everyone?!” She froze. Turning around, the mare could hear something approaching her. And whatever it was it was gaining and quickly. She could hear it's voice The breathing was fast paced, whatever it was that was coming her way it was coming fast. She couldn’t tell if it was being chased or not, but whatever was happening Applejack had the feeling that if she ran she’d only get even more lost. So she did the next thing she thought was the best course of action. She stood her ground, tilted her hat up a bit to cover her eyes ever so slightly and took up a stance ready to face the foe. The mare didn’t expect to see the form of a minotaur like being rushing towards her through the haze. Her guard dropped and she squinted. “Is that...Hailstorm?” The choice I had made was obvious. Protect the others. But I couldn’t do that if I was dead now could I? So I ran and ran and ran, not bothering to look back when I heard the wolves howl and give chase their meal. Despite somehow regaining my shoes and pants every time I revert back to my original form I could still feel the ground underneath my feet as if I were running barefoot. It was very annoying. With my vision horribly impaired at the moment unlike my equine form and my glasses missing, I couldn’t tell if there was something ahead of me or not, but if there was something ahead of me and I saw it’s shape I told myself to take action first and ask questions later. Something that wasn’t my style of attack. As I ran, I could hear the howls of my pursuers right behind me but what was really on my mind was whether the others were alright, and if Bill was having a ball watching me run for my life. “...Hailstorm?” I heard ahead of me. I turned my head in the direction of the voice only to see Applejack directly in front of me. And just like the emergency brakes of a car I slammed my heels into the ground, slowing to a stop as the rough terrain tore into the leather of my shoes till it was full of scratches. Applejack and I stood there, side to side staring at each other in surprise. The mare now staring, eyeing my human form with surprise to see I had changed again and looked ready to speak but was cut off by a distant howl growing closer. Shit! my heart began to pound once more. At this rate that heart attack I had recently asked for in the past would become real if I didn’t slow down, but I couldn’t. There were three of these things out here and possibly a loads more of others that were pursuing. If I stayed and let Applejack fight with me there was a chance we could easily beat them. No, we’d be sure to beat them. But then there was the fact that this was a wolf based lifeform. And if it had easily been able to call its allies out from the shrouds of this fog like that, then there was no doubt others would be nearby I reasoned. “Hailstorm what’s happening?!” she asked, another howl followed by two maybe even three more others coming towards us. I bit my lip, staring at the mare with concern who looked at my shoulder with a glint of fear in her eyes. “You’re hurt” she whispered. I merely nodded. Waiting for Applejack to get close enough I knelt down and patted her shoulder comfortingly, like I was going to tell her something. She smiled warmly. I smiled back. Then I shoved her. Watching the mare tumble backwards down a steep hill she hadn’t noticed was behind her I slowly rose back to my feet. She fell to the ground with a light thump her hat falling off her head after she came to a stop. Shaking her head, to get out of her daze the mare glared daggers at me with those green eyes of hers. “What in the hay was-” She looked up to see my back facing her. Running back in the direction I came I grabbed the nearest stone I could find and hurled it in the direction of one of the timberwolves. It went straight down one of their throats and the thing exploded immediately. “Huh” I said with a slight amused smile. “Lucky” the two other timberwolves though howled at me, snarling in rage before giving chase. I quickly glanced back at Applejack who seemed to have understood what I had shoved her for before taking off in a completely different direction, calling out to the wolves who quickly gave chase after me. “Come on out uglies. If you want your meal you’re going to have to work for it!” I yelled as I picked up the pace. All the time I ran, I could hear Applejack shouting as she began the climb up the steep hill in failed attempts to grab the nature based life forms attention. I grinned, knowing the timberwolves now had me as their sole target. There was only one thing I had to worry about now knowing Applejack was safe, I really hope I don’t pass out from the pain in my shoulder. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friend Vs Foe Adrenaline. Probably the greatest hormone in existence ever secreted into the bloodstream of humans and animals alike. If it weren’t for this hormone that had been secreted from my adrenal glands ever since the timberwolf slashed at my shoulder there was not a doubt in my mind that I would have long been dead. My senses had all heightened greatly, now that the real chase had begun. I could see a bit farther than usual. I could hear things much clearer and almost tell where the exact location of somethings were despite the fog. Every time my feet slammed into the ground as I ran I could feel the vibrations of the earth, and almost sensed some things ahead. It was quite amazing. That is till the howling of my two followers soon drew my attention back to those beasts. I glanced back, the timberwolves were still a good couple of inches away but I was seriously starting to get tired of running. Now that I thought about it actually I changed forms a few seconds before I found Pinkie. It was just like the temple and again when I met Luna. I guess these transformations could be called spontaneous considering the fact that every time I changed back into my human or equine form I’d emit a yellow glow before changing and they could occur at any random time. That and whenever I changed back into a human I would feel extreme pain throughout my body. This must have something to do with one of the points Stanford made in his studies here on this world. How humans didn’t seem to follow the laws of this world or rather this particular universe, hence the reason why I didn’t transfigure into one of the dominant species of this world when I tackled Bill through that portal. Because my body was immune to such laws. Maybe that was why I felt pain every time I transformed, and maybe because some of the laws of this world didn’t affect me maybe that would also explain why I was still running for my life despite the fact that I was dead tired and didn’t really feel like running anymore. Or maybe that was just my “fight or flight” instinct kicking in. Either way, enough running. It’s time to face these things and fight. Skidding to a stop, the sound of my heart pounded in my ears as I turned to face my only two foes. Mr. Timby and Mr. Twig. I grinned silently to myself. Naming things never felt so right. My two adversaries confronted me, both circling me. Both eyeing the muscle on my body and the blood that trickled down my shoulder and onto the ground. My eyes narrowed as one of them licked their lips when the drop of blood hit the ground. I can’t give them a chance to call for more or else it’s game over. At this point both had surrounded me on either side, my eyes now glanced around the area for anything I could use as a weapon, because using my bare fists as my still sore hand reminded me was not an option that I could use. Then I spotted it. A thick tree branch that had fallen to the ground a few feet behind me. I needed to time this right if I wanted to stand a chance. Taking in a deep breath as the two predators watched my movement and prepared to pounce together I exhaled, before focusing my attention on surviving. “It’s life and death now you two” I said as the two growled at me. “Show me what you’ve got.” 3...2...1...NOW! The twin nature wolf brothers launched at me from either side, I ducked rolled out of the way ignoring the coldness of the earth on my bare back and sprinted towards the branch, as I heard both wolves collide into each other then break apart into twigs. Yes! I’m gonna make it! What I didn't realize was how wrong I was. As I neared the only weapon I had I suddenly felt myself stop dead in my tracks. Now inches away from the blunt object that seemed sturdy enough to deliver a few deathly beatings before it would snap. “What’s happening?” I muttered quietly. My form frozen as the object just lay merely inches away from my grasp. Why can’t I reach?! I thought straining my body to move forward, but it would not move. “What the hell is happening?!” I shouted, my voice taunting me as it played back the question I’d just shouted in my rage. Then I heard it. His voice. “Oh Hailstorm” Bill said with gentle mockery. “Will you never learn? You can’t escape a Parolysis Arachnid’s web!” Bill said in my head with laughter. “The only way you’ll be able to escape is if you strain every single muscle in your body! And even then it’ll take a good 6 minutes for you to get free hahaha! And judging from the sound of that clanking” Bill’s voice whispered in my ear. “You’ve only got two minutes till that spider comes back and those mutts make a meal out of you” Bill said silently with glee. “Have fun!” “BILLL!!!!” I yelled as his voice faded. Damn it! I mentally shouted. What web I don’t see a web! There’s nothing here but fog! suddenly it dawned on me. My eyes twitching in an attempt to widen, but couldn’t due to the venom freezing most of the muscles in my face save for my mouth. “The fog” I whispered as fear gently embraced me. “The fog had provided a cover or smokescreen that blinded me to the silver lining of the web” I said, my eyes now seeing strands upon strands of silver lines now falling to the ground around my feet. I tried moving again, my foot twitched in response but I didn’t move an inch and the clanking of the two twin nature wolves as they repaired themselves behind me was getting louder and louder by the second. “That son of a MMM!” my outstretched hand that was six inches away from the blunt object twitched, but it was a very weak one. Okay I told myself, as the fog thickened around me. Calm down, think, don’t panic. Panic causes stress, stress increases the heart rate which increases blood pressure, which in turn jumbles up the rationality of the human mind. Remain calm and I can find a way out of this. A final clank told me that the two timberwolves had finished repairing, and would soon be heading in my direction if they were able to see through the thick wall of smoke that separated us. Alright maybe think a bit faster! my conscience yelled. “Ok! So the Parolysis Arachnid, judging from its webbing, the moment prey comes in contact with the web they are frozen instantly. The webbing then proceeds to disassemble from it’s structure, though what that means exactly I’ not sure.” Okay that’s good I know what the webbing does. But that doesn’t help me figure out a way out of this mess. The sound of the wolves were getting farther away. Good, they hadn’t seen me. Yet. C’mon Hailstorm, think! Think! There has to be a way out of this! I tried moving my body again but the poison was still in effect. The only thing I managed to get was a small shudder, and the slight twitch of my outstretched right index finger. Not an inch was made in progress. I tried again. This time my foot slid a few inches across the ground, pushing me forward just a bit, but not by much. Success! I thought, but then my foot tapped a pebble. Curses! the two timberwolves that had been growing farther away from me in distance had now heard my fourth major blunder since coming here and were moving towards me once again. I could smell their putrid breath, that was now feet from me and closing in. “Come on!” I muttered harshly perspiration beginning to form around my body. “Come ON!!!!” my body shook this time, then stopped. I tried again. My left hand’s twitched and then clenched for a second before losing feeling. For crying out loud cut me some slack here! The universe had heard my cries and gladly slapped me in the face before shutting the door in front of me. The next thing I heard was the clicking of pincers. Having been able to regain some feeling in my face and neck I looked up, before being frozen in place once more. My eyes actually widened this time. Above me, hanging from the tallest branch under the tree I was under, still trying to reach for that blunt object was the Parolycik spider. A giant bug that looked to be generally the same height as a metal fold up chair, yet big enough to ride on like a horse. If I could have swallowed now was the time, I now had the timberwolves closing in on me, as I could sense their glowing eyes getting closer. And this six eyed beast that hung from above, ectoplasm or whatever was seeping from its pincer like mouth fangs, as it closed in on me dropping down from it’s web. In all honesty I had to admit. I was toast. And not the kind of toast you slap a pound of butter on, oh no. I was royally burnt to utter cinders toast. A sigh managed to escape my throat, as I quickly forced my now numb body which had begun to regain some feeling back towards the object I had been so desperately trying to reach. A twig snapped. My eyes snapped in the direction of the sound ahead of me, and with some force I was able to see who it was that was. Screwball. It was Screwball. All sense of fear, concern for my own well being and rationality left me as my eyes locked with the mare who now stared at me in return. What are you doing?! I mouthed, not bothering to make a sound as I could tell the twins had turned their attention to the her. She mouthed back Looking for you! Facepalming was not an option. The Parolycik spider was now getting closer to me and Screwball had turned her attention away from me, her eyes gaining that focus in them once more before turning her attention to the two timberwolf’s that had begun to blindly approach her direction. At this point my body was now numb and I was starting to regain some feeling in my arms, but not my legs. Flailing my numb left arm in a manner for her to get out of here and save herself the mare completely ignored me as she pulled a whistle out of her mane. My eyes widened in shock. “What are you doing?!” I yelled in a high pitched voice. The two timberwolves snapped their attention to me and came rushing over at full speed. Screwball ignored everything and blew into the whistle, allowing the piercing sound to echo throughout the foggy domain, then through the entire forest. “I found him!” she yelled once she’d finished blowing. By this time the twin wolves had stopped caring for distractions and now seeing me in their sights, and their approaching rival, the Parolycik spider nearing me the two quickened their pace towards me while I just struggled to reach for that blasted blunt object so at the very least I could clobber one of these things before I died. Everything happened so fast after that. Instantly the sky along with the fog, tore open as two pegasi came crashing down upon the timberwolves, both planting their hind hooves firmly into the creatures backs the moment the two had pounced towards me. I heard wood shatter when the hooves connected before a whimper then just like that the two wolves shattered into pieces. My legs suddenly deciding to regain feeling in them and lose their frozen state, gave out under me so I fell to the ground with a thud, now within reach of my blunt object. Parolycik spidy now noticing the danger, dropped down on top of me the moment it saw the two nature twins die, then quickly leaning in to inject me with whatever mess was dribbling from it’s gross mouth the six ruby eyed creature moved in for the kill. However it didn’t count on me grabbing the branch and thoroughly swatting it upside the head like a fly and dazing it. It was then I felt a force wrap around my back and drag me out from underneath the spider into familiar embrace. The next thing I saw was flash of light; one orchid paralyzing, the other one turquoise hit the spider, lifted it into the air then cleanly tossed it clear out of the vicinity. Instantly trying to wrench myself free of the hooves that had gently wrapped themselves around my shoulder I felt the legs around me tighten before Rarity’s voice said soothingly: “Everything’s alright there’s no more danger calm down!” It took a couple seconds, but my brain hadn’t fully registered that I was out of danger and I still had adrenaline coursing through me. My eyes frantically looking around as I watched Daring Doo and Rainbow Dash land beside me with kind reassuring smiles, before I saw Twilight and Starlight trot up to me once they’d made sure they had dealt with the spider. I looked up to see the mare that had me tightly in her embrace was Pinkie and Fluttershy in between them was Applejack, all whom had a warm smiles on their face and Fluttershy having a small wetness to her eyes when she saw the mark on my shoulder. Screwball was the last to trot back to me after I watched her crush every single piece of the timberwolves collapsed form for good measure. “How you feeling?” she asked with concern her eyes still focused and now looking at me. I smiled as best I could, all the extra energy, all the bruises, the cuts, and the slams my body had taken during the run now make their presence known as the adrenaline faded out of my system. With a shrug and chuckle I said “I’ve been better.” Turning my head in Twilight’s direction I opened my mouth to ask her a question, but couldn’t get a word out when my body suddenly started to feel warm. I noticed how Screwball’s eyes reverted back to their cross-eyed state before she quickly made Pinkie and Fluttershy release me, much to their confusion. I don’t know how she knew, but my body suddenly began to burn like it was on fire. The branch I had been using as a weapon even started to singe with my grip on it. “Is he supposed to be doing that?” Starlight asked Twilight. The young alicorn simply looked in confusion shaking her head slowly. With my body growing hotter and hotter by the second the branch had now begun to release even more smoke, making me release it. No sooner had I dropped it did it turn to ash. If that wasn’t bad enough the pain in my shoulder and the rest of my body began to double. “Hailstorm what’s wrong?” AJ asked with worry, but the pain being too much for me to respond I merely grunted, before crawling away from the others. They tried to approach to help, but I yelled at them to stay away. A faint yellow glow soon started emitting from my body as Screwball became the only one who dared to trot towards me, stopping a few inches ahead of the others. While everyone else looked at me with confusion and concern, Screwball was the only one who seemed to have some look of understanding in her eyes at what was happening to me. The yellow light grew brighter and brighter till it had completely surrounded my body, once it had done that a burst of light exploded from my body. Dispersing into the air and leaving small particles of yellow light after I had reverted back into my pony form, I slumped onto my haunches feeling even more tired than after I had been able to relax. My vision became somewhat foggy as the pain and seering heat my body had been emitting returned to a normal more natural body temperature. The pain throughout my body and shoulder though not ceasing in the least. “Let’s get him to Zecora” I heard Twilight say. Screwball took a step towards me in an attempt to secure me, but I mistook it as some form of hostile attempt. Most likely from the pain in my body I reflexively stood up on my hind legs and tried to kick, forgetting I was no longer in human form, I fell to the ground with a thud and heavy breathing. Daring Doo and Dash soon floated over to me, both lifting me up from under the pits as they hovered me off the ground. The last thing I recall being said was Screwball saying: “Let’s get out of here. I don’t want us to stay here any longer than we have to. Especially with not how Hailstorm is currently. “Twilight, please lead the way.” > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Snap of Justice The door to Zecora’s hut was thrown wide open as the zebra escorted the seven mares and the unconscious stallion inside. Going into her room Zecora instructed Daring Doo and Rainbow Dash to lean Hailstorm up against the wall, while she retrieved a mat from her room so he could lay on it. Fluttershy watched all of this with a growing sense of worry. The injury Hailstorm received across his shoulder was still there, even after he had reverted back to his equine form and now his hazel brown coat was now starting to take a darker tone of color as the wound continued to bleed. Zecora emerged out of her room seconds later with a large bedsheet in her teeth. Fluttershy watched as the zebra signalled for Dash and Daring to place the stallion on the sheet as she set it up near her cauldron. Once done Fluttershy flinched when Zecora called her name. “Fluttershy I’ll need your help, the others can maintain watch through the window while we get this problem dealt” she stated nodding at Twilight and the others. Fluttershy glanced over to her friends who all nodded for her to go before they all stepped outside to give the two more time to work. Screwball was the only one who seemed to stay behind staring at Hailstorm’s wincing figure as the pegasus and zebra began examining him for anymore severe injuries. Fluttershy noticing the worried look in the mare’s eyes, smiling at her warmly before saying with reassurance, “Don’t worry. We’ll make sure he gets better. I promise” she stated placing a gentle hoof on her shoulder. Screwball hesitated, tentative about leaving but nodding at Fluttershy feeling confident the mare would be able to help their strange friend. Screwball briefly embraced Fluttershy in a thankful hug, one which made the mare eep out of surprise before she relaxed and draped a wing over Screwball in return. Zecora cleared her throat drawing the two’s attention to her. She held a warm smile but she gestured with her head at the increasingly pained expression that the stallion was starting to give on his face as he lay there. Fluttershy nodded, her and Screwball exchanging a look that spoke words of reassurance and trust to each other before the two went their separate ways. Fluttershy joining Zecora’s side as the two began examining Hailstorm’s body for more injuries and Screwball leaving, casting one more glance in the former human’s direction before she frowned and turned to join the others outside. Good luck you two. Daring Doo had seen a lot of things. She’d fought mummies, faced off against tigers, and beaten Ahuizotl more than once foiling his grand schemes and attempts for world domination or destruction. And now for the first time in her entire life Daring Doo wasn’t really sure what exactly it was she’d seen. Her travels had given her the opportunity to see tons of different creatures, tons of different magical artifacts and different beings, but this. This was the first time she honestly had to say she was surprised. When Hailstorm had morphed into that, well being or monster he called ‘human’ she hadn’t been able to see it as clearly the first time back at the temple. But this time she’d been able to see him just fine. His appearance was as the others had told her when they entered the forest; the close resemblance of a minotaur minus the hooves, horns, aggressive nature and the extra large bulging muscles with that strong powerful smell that screamed TESTOSTERONE or in other words “I AM MAN.” Granted Hailstorm’s body had seemed fine to her but what really surprised her was how quick he’d been able to move even though he was injured. And what came off as even more surprising was the whole burning thing that went on. Screwball had explained the reason she stopped Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie from supporting him was because his body had begun to heat up. When they had questioned her on why it would even do that, if it was dangerous to Hailstorm’s health or how she even knew that, the mare with the propeller hat had only answered two out of three of their questions. Obviously the last one went unanswered. A lot of things didn’t make sense right now to Daring Doo and she could tell Dash and her friends were feeling just as confused as her with the large amounts of mystery that shrouded their “human” friend. But if there was one thing that she knew she was really good at it was solving puzzles. And Hailstorm was one giant box of different puzzles just waiting to be assembled. Daring smiled to herself, when Hailstorm woke up she’d ask him what the deal with the whole burning branch thing was and try and get more useful information out of him afterwards. Hearing hoofsteps, Daring turned her attention to the lilac mare now coming out of the zebra’s home. Screwball. Screwball herself was a strange anomaly and Daring Doo had long since figured out from the beginning that this mare knew things that none of them could even begin to imagine. It was also quite clear that the mare was quite good at keeping things a secret. When they’d been lost in the fog trying to locate Zecora’s place it was Screwball that had located them. The mare was like Pinkie Pie but possible two times more energetic, yet at the same time extremely more focused than the hyperactive party planner. The group had been able to locate Zecora’s place in a matter of minutes with Screwball’s help making it all seem so very easy. While as when they hadn’t been with Screwball, even with the aid of Twilight’s magic and Rarity’s discerning eye, the fog kept leading them astray. The explorer had even tried taking to the skies to see if she could locate the hut, but ultimately found nothing. That is till she saw a blue blur dive into the haze that pervaded the forest, immediately realizing that something wasn’t right. Daring Doo recalled how serious Screwball had gotten quite suddenly after they’d found Zecora and she had informed her about Dash’s dive. How she’d just suddenly lost all that cheery randomness that bordered on the insane just a bit, gaining a more serious strict look. Now staring at the earth pony as she trotted by her, Daring still couldn’t put her hoof on it but she knew for a fact that Screwball had some kind of seventh sense or something that gave her the ability to locate others quickly. Like a tracking spell of sorts in her head, because even with her and Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Applejack and Rarity along with Fluttershy and some of the animals in the forest the yellow pegasus had gotten to help with the search Screwball had once again been able to locate the stallion, when all of them a total of possibly twelve or more searching the forest were unable to do so. Even with Pinkie and her Pinkie Sense, the fog kept beating the mare and her somewhat as Daring had now came to accept as unique ability, Screwball had still managed to find Hailstorm faster than all of them. Daring’s eyes now slanted with both suspicion and curiosity as Screwball sat down a good three feet or so away from her and the others. “Just what are you hiding Screwball? What’s your connection with Hailstorm?” Daring asked herself, a hoof under her chin thoughtfully. “Because whatever it is I can’t wait to find out.” Pinkie Pie kept her eyes glued on the window as she watched Fluttershy and Zecora work. Now having a bandage wrapped around the cut that had been on her front foreleg, the party planner kept one ear on the others and surrounding area, the other focused on Hailstorm’s unconscious form as she watched Fluttershy and Zecora, wipe sweat away from the heavy breathing stallion’s face. “Hey Twilight” Pinkie called behind her, her eyes never once leaving the three in the hut. “What do you think is wrong with him?” she asked with concern. Twilight who was actually more worried about the fog itself in the moment didn’t hear Pinkie the first time, so Rarity who’d been sitting beside her gave her a gentle nudge. Her wings flinching and herself jumping from the rather meek scare, Twilight shot Rarity a small glare for distracting her, but Rarity who clearly couldn’t have cared less simply pointed to Pinkie with her hoof. Realization coming up and flicking Twilight’s nose, the young alicorn’s annoyed look faded into a frown as she got up and trotted towards her friend. “Pinkie...” Twilight said stopping directly behind her. She took note of how Pinkie’s ear flicked in response to her name. Twilight looked into the window Pinkie had been staring at since they’d been asked to stay out, while the sage and caretaker worked. Hailstorm’s pained expression increased as Zecora tilted his head up and made him drink a green liquid that had no doubt came from whatever mixture the zebra had brewed within her cauldron. Internally wincing when he began trying to spit out the liquid, the two watched in silence as Zecora let Fluttershy keep Hailstorm’s head up then leave her side to grab something from a nearby table only to shove the two leafy like objects up his nose and make him chug whatever medicine was within the bowl, as he gasped for breath. “Okay Pinkie, I think we should let them get back to work” Twilight said deciding that watching this would only hurt her friend even more than being able to do nothing while they relied on Zecora and Fluttershy to get the job done. Pinkie complied, Applejack and Rarity moving towards the two and comforting the earth pony whose expression had grown sadder when she saw them force feed him medicine. “Do you guys think he’ll be alright?” Pinkie asked. Twilight bit her lip. She didn’t know much about Hailstorm’s human anatomy or physiology so she couldn’t say. The gash he’d received across his shoulder and slightly down his chest, along with the other small hits he’d received along the way weren’t life threatening, but they sure looked painful. Even more so now that he was back in his pony form. “I’m sure he’ll be alright” Daring Doo stated when no one said anything. “After all, he made it all the way, through the forest even after getting chased down by two timberwolves-” “Three actually” Screwball corrected. “and still had some fight in him against a Parolycik spider” Daring continued as if never being interrupted. “He’ll be fine, he’ll need rest but I’m sure he’ll be fine” she said moving up to Pinkie and patting her gently on the back. This seemed to work as Pinkie smiled a bit. But since the universe was a jerk and just loved proving people wrong, just as things seemed to get better it decided to prove everyone wrong. A shout from Hailstorm came from Zecora’s hut, immediately all six mares rushing to a window to see what was happening. Fluttershy had a solemn look on her face as she was applying some kind of weird liquid on the gash across Hailstorm’s shoulder and the small part of his chest, while Zecora held both his hooves to the ground so he didn’t try to escape. Another pained shout made them all wince, before Fluttershy eased off with the ointment done being applied, gently running her wing through Hailstorm’s mane and whispering apologies to him as the stallion’s breathing slowly steadied again and he slowly faded back into sleep. “That’s it!” Dash said jumping into the air looking ready to barge through the door. “Dash what the hay are you doing?!” Applejack asked. “I can’t sit here and do nothing, while Fluttershy and Zecora are in there helping our friend! I need to do something.” Before she could get the gusto to take off through Zecora’s front door though, before Rarity’s horn could even ignite to stop her, before anything really happened to start a protest everypony froze. Their ears perking up at the faint sound that came at them through the foggy smokescreen. “Uh Twilight” Applejack said with uneasiness. “You wouldn’t happen to know what exactly is making that noise would ya?” Twilight shook her head as her and the others took up defensive positions. “Not a clue.” Slowly slithering out from the confines of the fog was a serpent like creature with wings. It’s appearance appearing more draconic with the wings only aiding it’s appearance. The snake like creature’s tongue flicked out and hissed silently at the group as it’s nostrils flared, the violet eyes of the creature studying each mare in silence. Then it spoke. “Were you the ones that awoke me from my slumber?” the large serpent with wings asked. It’s voice deep and smooth, yet at the same time harsh and cold. Daring Doo stepped forward, her eyes locking with the large serpent that towered them. “We don’t know what you mean, we only came here to check on a friend. If anything woke you up it certainly was not us.” The serpent said nothing merely staring at the pegasus in silence before it closed it’s eyes then opened them again, both eyes radiating an intensity that made the explorer wary of the level of danger. Without turning her head, without even looking at the others, AJ whispered “We’re going inside. Now.” Dash who’d landed next to the others pawed the ground in defiance. “I’m not going anywhere.” The slam on the ground from AJ’s hoof though told Dash, Twilight and Rarity how serious she was though. “Inside, now. Ah’m gettin a bad feeling about this and I don’t think we should make any rash actions towards this here fella.” The ground shook for a brief moment making all three mares return their attention towards the large serpent that had been watching them in silence, Daring Doo now backing away wisely as the serpent stopped the tremors that shook the earth below. “I do not like being ignored, mortals” the serpent stated with venom. “I have awoken due to the small bursts of imbalance here. There was by far a much stronger source, but I can no longer detect it’s presence. I demand you tell me what is the cause of this.” At this mention Screwball bit her lip with concern. “I think we should go inside now.” “If you go inside that hut you invite my wrath.” The beast stated with a hiss, its large wings flaring briefly before folding back into his side. “And who are you to demand such a thing from us!” Dash asked with a accusatory hoof. “Just who do you think you are, talking to the-” “Bearers of the elements” the serpent stated. “I know who you are. I do not need a crash course lesson in the present Rainbow Dash” the serpent chided. The noise had drawn Zecora who was carrying a very annoyed look on her face as she stepped out to look at the others. “What causes all this noise-” she froze seeing the serpent that towered in front of her home. At that moment the zebra’s jaw dropped at the serpent she stared at. “My eyes deceive me, for this cannot be” Zecora said. “What is it?” Twilight asked not liking one bit of the tone in the zebra’s voice. “A dragon whose height, rivals the extent of his vast knowledge, power and sight. Jormanzir, the dragon god of serpentine.” Dash’s confidence fell at this statement, “What?” “God of Serpentine?” Starlight asked with genuine interest at the large red and gold serpent. Jormanzir actually smirked, glad to see at least one creature on this planet knew of him. “Zecora, the wise, I believe. Not surprised you know of me, but now I have a reason for being here. Since Discord isn’t the one causing this problem then whatever it is must be coming from that hut” he stated his massive tail swishing to the side. “And what do you plan to do with the cause of this imbalance?” Rarity asked. Jormanzir smiled a smile that only made him appear more of a threat, his violet eyes flashing with a vengeance, his form only appearing more menacing as the fog masked his figure all except his bright violet eyes. “I’m going to get rid of it.” Discord lay staring at his slightly disheveled floor, his bed upside down on the ceiling just the way he liked it. And with some annoyance he felt another shiver work it’s way into his body. For the past two days he hadn’t been to Equestria, he’d simply stayed home in Chaosville not really feeling like he should go out for a multitude of reasons, the main one being he was lazy. Though now for the past two days he’d found small reasons to pop in for a visit. Wanting to see what was going on and why he kept sensing magical imbalances and disruptions of the magical flow in Equestria. At one point when it all began he had felt an extreme wave of powerful energy that gave off the sense of another draconequus or being with his level of magic or just as much level of power. A very powerful being indeed. The sense was different though, familiar almost. Something he knew he had sensed before possibly a millennia or so ago, but right now it didn’t matter. What did matter was why he had just felt another pop in the balance of magic that was in Equestria. “This is seriously starting to get annoying. What are they doing out there?” he muttered floating off his bed and landing on his floor. “I mean honestly are they having a magical showdown there or something? What’s causing all these small breaks in the magical balance?” he thought with both interest and slight annoyance. “I do love a good prank and chaos now and then but this is ridiculous!” he thought. “And more so what was that familiar power surge I felt earlier” he said aloud, thoughtfully stroking his beard. I know I’ve felt that kind of power before but I just can’t place my hoof on it he thought, speaking of which his hoof leg was now hopping away. Discord sighed, snapped his lion paw and got his leg back instantly. “I’ve told you multiple times to stop doing that” he said reprimandingly to his leg. “Now!” he stated straightening out. “It’s time I go see what on earth is-” he froze, as a shudder traveled gracefully up his tail, through his spine, shook his entire body and made his pupils wobble in his eyes for a brief second. Grabbing his head and shaking it, Discord regained focus of his eyes as he sensed a new strong presence emerge in Equestria, particularly in the Everfree Forest. Which now that he had recalled had been giving him a tingly feeling in his tail for the past few hours. With a sigh, Discord trudged over to his wall and stabbed it with his eagle claw, running his index finger along the surface a thin line appeared which expanded into a small window, that window showed him the one thing he hadn’t expected to see. The ruby and gold body of a serpentine dragon. Discord’s eyes widened a bit as he touched the window like a touch screen and moved the view away from the large being and onto the group he was staring at. It was Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Daring Doo, AJ, Pinkie Pie, and... Screwball?! Hmm haven’t seen her in a long time he thought with some surprise. She must have sensed the disturbances also and followed them along to see what was- A gasp escaped Discord as he realized that the only reason this guy would be awake was because of all the magical disruptions. And if those five were out there and possibly in danger then that meant. “Fluttershy!” Discord exclaimed. Clapping his hands together the portal grew wider till it was large enough for Discord to walk through. Donning a helmet, knight’s armor and holding a sword, Discord let his horse leg paw the ground as he gained a staunch smile. “I’m coming Fluttershy! And the rest of the gang!” he stated charging in, with the portal belching loudly before it shut with a burp instantly as Discord went through. Jormanzir, watched the group of mares take up defensive stances once more at his statement. In all honesty it was cute, foolish. But still cute. “What are you doing elemental bearers? Where is the element of kindness, perhaps she may be more willing to bring the object that has awoken me from my slumber.” “Please Jormanzir, sir” Twilight said, taking a slightly shaky step forward. “Our friend might be the cause of all your sleep being disturbed-” This only made Jormanzir slam his tail into the ground, literally uplifting everyone on the ground and uprooting a tree or two. “Bring your friend to me” he ordered.. “You don’t understand!” Screwball stated desperately. “He’s not from this world!” At this everyone looked at Screwball. The mare’s eyes were focused once more and now they stared into the god’s eyes. An amused chuckle escaped the serpent as he leaned his massive figure towards the mare who as he could tell seemed to have remnants of chaos in her very being. “Then explain to me” Jormanzir stated. “What does that have to do with awakening me from my slumber?” he said his nostrils flaring as he breathed hot air onto Screwball. Screwball backed up a bit, her confidence not dropping, but obviously understanding it would be wise not to anger the sixty-four foot tall dragon serpent. “I’m afraid we cannot let you destroy our friend” Zecora stated before Screwball or the others could put another word in. “But if it is a battle you want then I must tell you, you will surely meet an unpleasant end.” Jormanzir’s eyes looked at the zebra, narrowing in rage before he rose his massive figure up. His eyes once again being the only thing visible through the fog. “So be it” he stated as a flame illuminated his menacing stare. “Your magic is nothing compared to what I can do when enraged. I will forget this happened if you give me this friend of yours that causes these disruptions every now and then. It will save me time, and will save you all the pain.” Starlight who didn’t really know Hailstorm much still didn’t like how god or not was talking to them. And so with a snort she stated: “We’re not giving you Hailstorm.” A dark chuckle escaped the serpent. “Then die.” All five mare’s powered up. Going into their elemental forms, while Starlight’s horn ignited with a powerful light of magic, Daring Doo who seemed up for the challenge spread her wings ready to take off. Zecora however being the wisest decided to go back inside and see what else she needed to do for her patient, Fluttershy now dabbing sweat off his brow back in the room. “Let me know the results. I’ll be back in my hut and the door will be shut” she stated going inside. Screwball nodded before turning her attention to her allies who were all ready to face off with the god. “Ready?” Twilight asked everyone. A cheer was the response she got before they all pawed the ground in unison. “Good, now let’s show him he shouldn’t look down on us ponies!” Jormanzir, not at all impressed but now actually starting to grow annoyed by this trite corny show spread his massive wings menacingly, fire leaving his mouth as he spoke. “If you believe you can face against a god. Then do what thou see fit” he ordered his eyes narrowing. “But it will be your end.” With that six vs one glared at each other before a few seconds of silence passed. The god of serpentine, staring down the adventurer, the enigmatic erratic mare, and the five elemental bearers that blocked his way. “CHARGE!” Twilight yelled all of them floating towards the beast, with Screwball somehow managing to do the same with her propellor cap. And just before Jormanzir unleashed a burning flame, hotter than the pits of tartarus. Everyone became blinded by a giant ball of light, that snapped into existence. “My, my” a voice said. “I leave for two days and you all throw a party?” Fluttershy’s ear perked up when she heard the familiar voice from within the hut. “Discord?” “The one and only” Discord stated with a smile as he emerged from the bright ball that had stopped everyone in their tracks. “Discord” Jormanzir hissed with annoyance. Discord smiled at the serpent god before turning his attention to the others another shiver traveling up his spine due to the fog. “Brr, chills” he said. “Are you all doing alright?” he asked with a raised brow. “We’re all doing fine, thanks” Twilight said with a confused look. “What are you doing here anyway?” AJ asked. “Same thing he’s doing here” he said jabbing a thumb at the massive serpent, who’d now shrunk his size to twelve feet. “I came because of the disturbances.” “Do not try to stop me draconequus” Jormanzir stated. “I am going to put an end to this annoying nuisance once and for all.” “And what exactly is causing this?” Discord asked turning to the others. “It’s Hailstorm” Screwball stated. “It might be because of his...that thing he did earlier today” Starlight said. “His transformation I suppose.” Discord stroked his beard thoughtfully nodding. “I see.” Turning back to the serpent god Discord, floated up to Jormanzir’s face and smiled. This made the serpent god snort smoke in his face, making Discord cough. “Nice to see you as well old friend” Discord said in between coughs and a slight smile. “We are not friends” Jormanzir stated with annoyance. “You woke me from my sleep on two different occasions during the Chaos Era, and I swore to you if you ever did that again I would burn this world to the ground, whether you tried to stop me or not I will not be awoken during my sleep. The alicorn sisters know of this as well.” “Understandable” Discord said with reassured gestures. “But how about we do this” he said increasing his own size so he could place an arm around the serpent. “What if you go back to sleep. I try and solve this problem. And we don’t mention this to any of the other gods okay?” he said with a smile. Jormanzir’s tail smacked Discord’s arm away from him as his violet eyes moved towards the elements of harmony. His face expressing one of thought, as he considered this. His wings folding back to his side, Jormanzir slammed his tail into the ground once again uplifting everyone on it. A shout from within the hut, showed that Hailstorm had hit his head on something, as Fluttershy stuttered apologies to him. “Fine” Jormanzir stated with a pleased smile. “I will retreat for now” Discord smiled, glad he didn’t have to actually use his powers to subdue a wrathful god like Jormanzir. “But” the serpent god stated with warning. “I may retreat for now, but if these disturbances do not stop” he said his eyes now back on Discord. “You know the others will not take this kindly, especially those that have had their eyes on this world for awhile.” Discord’s grin faded becoming understanding. “I understand. I’ll see what I can do.” Jormanzir nodded, his eyes once again turning towards the group of mares. His figure returning to it’s giant size as he slowly began to fade out of the area. “Ponies” his voice boomed down on them. “Watch your friend carefully, for there is another force that rivals not just mine but Discord’s power as well. And if you want to make sure nothing bad happens to your faire land” he stated with sternness. “I suggest you ask your friend what is really going on” he stated. “And make sure he does not awaken me a second time. There will be hell to pay, Discord’s power may be enough to temporarily stop me but you can’t banish a god from their own domain forever” Jormanzir stated, as he leaned his violet eyes close to the mares who all gulped. “And if it comes to that you do not want to see me here again. Understood?” Everyone, including Discord nodded. “Good” he stated his body fading almost completely now, but before he completely vanished his eyes glanced over to Discord who smiled weakly at him. “And Discord, do something about this annoying fog.” “Will do sir” Discord stated. And with that the serpent god was gone. Discord let out a relieved breath. “Well that went better than I thought” he said with a smile. The others were still looking surprised and slightly scared. “Wait” Starlight said. “You’ve known what’s been happening the whole time?!” she asked with anger. Discord nodded. “Yes, now let’s go see what’s with this friend of yours shall we” he said ignoring all the looks being thrown at him. “Discord” Dash said, he turned and looked at her with a raised brow as Screwball went ahead inside to the hut. “The fog?” “Oh yeah” he said with a chuckle. With a snap of his lion paw a burst of magic cascaded into the area, the fog disappearing with it. “Now then” he said when all the fog was gone. “Let’s meet this friend of yours.” With a snap he was inside Zecora’s hut. > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaotic Meetings “So this is the guy causing all the chaotic disruptions huh?” Discord said with an extended lower lip in consideration. “Yeah, his name’s Hailstorm” Twilight said. After dealing with the god of serpentine, Discord and the gang now all sat around Hailstorm’s sleeping figure. Fluttershy and Zecora had given him medicine that would numb the increasing pain that had been travelling through his body since changing back to normal. The substance Fluttershy had applied to the stallion’s injured shoulder as Zecora had explained was both a antiseptic and a sort of bandage. Taking out any forms of infection that may have come from the wound while also stopping him from bleeding anymore. Zecora had mentioned that she was surprised he’d had enough strength to fight the medicine they’d been trying to get him to drink to numb the pain. Judging from her and Fluttershy’s examination, his muscles should have been sore enough for him to be in enough pain that he should have been incapable of moving. “A tough stallion indeed” she had said with a slight smile when Discord and the others came inside. Now sitting around and watching the former human sleep, every now and then Fluttershy would mop the sweat that trickled down his face, threatening to soak his mane. “How long has he been asleep?” Discord asked after a few seconds of silence. “Not long” Fluttershy replied. “He just passed out right before you guys came in after he hit his head on Zecora’s roof from the aftershock of that last earthquake.” Discord slowly nodded, staring silently at the stallion. Multiple things about the stallion were off. One main thing being he could sense three different forms of magic embodied within Hailstorm. The first one was most definitely Hailstorm’s natural earth pony magic. Though it seemed weaker, not as strong in comparison to what could be considered a natural earth pony’s level of magic. It was strange, bizarre almost how low it was and the feeling it gave him. Discord grinned then glanced over to Screwball who was sitting directly in front of him by Hailstorm’s head. Every now and then the mare would occasionally move a lock of his mane so Fluttershy could dab up the sweat beginning to form there. His little apprentice of chaos had been slacking off recently but whatever this stallion had about him it had certainly grabbed the little chaotic entity’s attention that was for sure. Discord turned his attention back to Hailstorm who had just let out a weak cough. Sounded dry. Discord grinned. “Twilight” he said looking up at her innocently. “Twilight looked up at Discord, brows raised in quizzical questioning. “Yes?” “Would it be alright if we get Hailstorm a glass of-” in a flash Twilight had both her forehooves over Discord’s maw, her eyes radiating venom and practically daring him to finish that sentence. “A glass of what?” she said through firmly grit teeth. Trying to finish and say “water” the sound that came out of Discord’s mouth sounded more like “Mmpasdhsd.” Twilight smiled to herself contently. “That’s what I thought.” “So Discord” Pinkie Pie said. “You have any idea why Hailstorm’s causing those whole magical ouchies in the magical balance?” Discord looked at Pinkie with a raised brow. More at the way she had phrased the question instead of the fact that she had actually asked the question. Pinkie Pie was always an easily distracted mare, but she definitely had her moments when she wanted. What really made him stare was the fact she had said “ouchies” instead of “disruptions.” Throwing those thoughts away for later reflection Discord turned his attention back to Hailstorm, still having not answered the party planners question. “Well I can say for a fact that your friend, is different from the average pony.” “Ya don’t say” Applejack said with a roll of her eyes. Discord ignored this. “And I’m sure Twilight over here” he said stretching both arms and pinching the young alicorn’s cheeks, “will be interested in knowing that Hailstorm has more than one magic aura.” “WHAT?!” she and Starlight exclaimed. Everyone instantly covered their ears but were too late to protect themselves from two mares shout. Discord smiled with smug innocence as Rarity gave Twilight a displeased stare, rubbing her ears. Twilight smiled sheepishly and apologized when Zecora’s head poked in through a nearby room with a frown. “Anyway” she said hurriedly. “What does him having more than one magic aura mean anyway?” Fluttershy asked, noticing the scowl that had formed on the sleeping stallion’s face. “It means-” Twilight began only to be cut off by Discord’s cough. She looked at him, he gave her the expected “I was going to say it” face. Her wings drooping by her sides and her ears flopping on either side of her head, Twilight nodded and with a wave of her hoof Discord began explaining. “Thank you Twilight. Now as I was about to start saying, having more than one or two magic aura(s) without the aid of an ancient artifact is basically an impossible law of our known universe” Discord stated. Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity stared in confusion. “Could you please be a bit more explicit?” Rarity said. “He’s saying that any creature on our planet that has more than one or two natural aura(s), ranging from three or more without the use of ancient artifacts is a paradox in itself” Pinkie explained. “So you’re saying Hailstorm is extrinsic?” Daring Doo asked. “In a sense yes” Discord replied. “That does explain his whole transformation thing” Starlight said. “But that still doesn’t explain anything else about him.” “Well from what we know that ‘transformation’ of his, at least according to Hailstorm himself is known as a species called human” Twilight replied. “We still don’t know anything else about him though” Rarity said sadly. “Yeah and what was that whole deal with the God of Serpentine, warning us to make sure we question him. He’s been keeping a lot of secrets from us but if a god is telling us to question him than something big is definitely going on” Dash said. “I’ll say” Discord said with a chuckle. Hovering from his seat between Rarity and Rainbow Dash, Discord floated above the sleeping stallion and leaned his face over Hailstorm’s. Carefully deducing what he was sensing between the three forms of magic that this stallion held. “There are two aside from his earth pony magic that I can’t tell are what” he said after a few seconds of silent thought. “One is..familiar. Potent almost. It feels exactly like the first magical disruption before all the others began. The second is well, I honestly have no way of saying but it’s definitely been with him for quite a while.” “So what does that mean exactly?” Screwball asked, being the first to speak in a long time. Discord stared at his minion, subject, servant he supposed would be the better term. The room fell silent as draconequus and the enigmatic pony stared at each other. And after a few seconds of taking note of FLuttershy’s slightly concerned look, along with the feeling of tension rising in the air from the others Discord landed beside Hailstorm and shrugged. “Not a clue, but I guess that’s what I’ll be going to find out.” “What do you-” before Fluttershy or anyone else could ask another question Discord simply touched Hailstorm’s forehead with his paw and in an instant the draconequus was out. ///O\\\ A buzz. A small annoying electric buzz came off a flickering light in a less than decent, messy hotel room. I don’t know why but here I was. For the past -I looked at the clock with the shattered glass frame to check the time- hour or so I’d been asleep. My dream self has been stuck in this messy hotel room ever since I passed out back at the forest. Every now and then I’d wake up. I could clearly recall the last time I’d awoken. A clear sense of pain had hit my shoulder like I’d been stabbed where I could clearly remember the mark of that timberwolf hitting me. Also I tasted something extremely sour, felt like I was drowning when I couldn’t breath for a brief few seconds. The most recent out of them all was when I had abruptly awoken to my head hitting wood. Man that was painful. From all of this I’d simply have to assume I’m currently with the others at Zecora’s place. Hopefully whatever had caused that quake when I awoke earlier was not something that would put everyone in danger. I’d already caused enough trouble as it is, inviting more would just be plain awful. Rising up on my hooves I looked around the room. There was a door, but I still hadn’t been able to open it. It was strange, especially this place. Why Bill had decided this run-down hotel was the next place he’d torture me was beyond me, but for some reason something told me that this little setup wasn’t meant for just me. But for someone else. Suddenly the whole room shook. Pieces of stone that made up the ceiling above me chipped off and fell to the ground. The light bulb that had been illuminating the entire room and buzzing with annoying incessance exploded into glass particles, ditching its core components along the laminate ground, and spraying me with a few pieces of glass as well. Luckily I wasn’t harmed. A few seconds pass, giving my eyes a second to adjust to my new dull room and the sudden loss of light. I look around, taking in the darkness that filled the room. In all honesty I was starting to feel a bit nervous. Time moved slowly in this plane, so to me minutes could pass when hours had actually passed in the real world. Other times whenever I fell into a dream phase, especially when it involved this place called “Gravity Falls” hours sometimes even days would pass for me, but in reality it was just a few minutes no shorter than an hour or even two. I sighed, my ears dropping to the sides of my head. “Wish I could get out of here.” My ear twitched, one rising to get better hearing. Something had moved in the room. I waited for a minute, possibly two, then I heard that familiar hum from above. Instantly the there was a new bulb that replaced the old broken one. As soon as the light turned on I was able to gain a short look at something large and puffy laying on the extremely dirty old mattress, I had refused to touch. Blinking a few times so my eyes could adjust I stared at the large brown puffball...with a tail. Stepping over the glass and anything else that may be on the laminate floor I moved towards it. As I got closer I noticed the puffball was actually alive. It had a lion’s paw and a eagles claw. “A draconequus?” I said slightly bemused. I lifted a hoof closer to the being, but in doing so the floorboards creaked hauntingly. The draconequus awoke, stretched, yawned then sat up on the mattress raising a large ball of dirt and sending it into the air in the process. I lifted a hoof up to cover my nose, as I waited for if I was correct on who this was, to finish what he was doing so I could ask him why he was in here. A few seconds after the draconequus finished he stretched his paw and snapped, the bed went from a dirty pile of roach infested, torn up mess, to a banana style bed with whip cream as pillows. I simply stared in silence. Discord looked back at me with a toothy smile. “You must be Hailstorm?” I nodded, slightly wishing I had the power to turn things into bananas or anything else with just a snap. “What are...you doing in here?” I asked. Discord hopped off the bed and floated next to me. “I came to see what’s bothering you.” “...Why?” I asked with a raised brow. The history I had read about Discord told me he cared about no one during the Chaos Era, all he cared about was chaos, disorder and anything related to the other two. But then again Twilight had informed me that he was trying to make a change. He gave me a slightly crossed look. I maintained my expression and cleared my throat. “Allow me to rephrase. I can’t believe I’m saying this, what are you doing in my dreams?” Discord’s look of displeasure soon turned into a pleasant satisfied smile, “I came here because I sensed a familiar power in you, one that’s been bothering me since your appearance.” “See, was that so hard?” I said smugly, Discord rolled his eyes and turned towards the only door in the room. “Didn’t feel like leaving this trash pile behind huh? Too many memories?” he asked his eyes scanning the room, a few cockroaches scurrying away from his gaze in the process. “Yeah, chock full of joy” I muttered sarcastically. “Anyway you think you can get that door open?” He gave me a look that I didn’t like. The “Really?” look. About to open his mouth to say something smart I raise prod him with my hoof and stare at him with annoyance. “I have hooves okay. Quit smirking and make use of those thumbs!” Opening the door Discord and I stare down a long, dimly lit hallway leading out of the room and into another. I look at him then look back down the hallway. “Ladies first.” Discord bats his eyelashes, much to my chagrin, and leads the way down the hall in a dress. I follow after. “So how did you meet the elements?” Discord said as we walked down the hall. I remained silent not wanting to say anything and act like that faint humming in the background had made it hard for me to hear. Discord’s tail cracking like a whip though, and my reflexive defensive kicking in told me he knew I was avoiding the question. “Fine” I sighed. “Rainbow Dash caught me when I fell from the sky.” Silence. My ears perked up a bit so I could make sure I was hearing things correctly and it wasn’t the buzzing playing tricks with me. Glancing up at Discord, I saw him trying to fight the urge to laugh.” “D-Did you think you were a bird or something?” he said between stutters. Shaking my head with indifference I picked up the pace so I wouldn’t have to hear the oncoming list of bad jokes he would make out of all this. “We’re almost on the other side, quit making so much noise.” “What, can’t take a joke?” he asked still grinning. “Not if it’s a bad one” I replied with a flick of my tail. About to make a comment Discord, paused. I glanced over just in time to notice his jovial expression grow slightly serious as we reached the exit. “Something wrong?” I asked, ignoring the slight feeling of nervousness that had begun to creep into me. “I’m not sure” Discord said. “It’s just this feeling. I know I’ve felt it before.” All nervousness left me instantly as Discord and I exited the hallway and came across a rather large stage. “Bill” I said with a grimace. “Why does that sound familiar?” scratching his head thoughtfully “Because” a voice said from above, making me and DIscord look up into the sky and see a giant triangular shape floating down towards us. The triangle lands on the stage, which is no more than two feet tall, made out of wood of course, usual set up of red curtains draped over to hide the back. Then an eye opens, blinks and stares at us. I maintain my glare at the being, Discord however grew eerily...silent. I give him a quick look and notice he has a slightly surprised look on his face, but I brush it off as him being mesmerized by a floating magic triangle. I snickered “If only he knew.” “So Bill” I said with a forced smile. “What brings you here today?” Bill’s arms and legs appeared and in the process a white light filled the room, sucking up the entire space that was the hotel room, leaving all three of us in nothing but a bright light and the stage. “Oh you know” Bill said his eye looking amused. “Just came to see how my number one camper is now doing in Equestria” he said floating towards me. There weren’t enough forced smiles, facades, or anything in between in the entire world that equalled to the one I was trying to maintain now. “Doing great” I said through clenched teeth. “You know aside from the fact that I just got attacked by a wolf like creature made out of wood, nearly eaten by a giant spider, and I’m assuming a strong entity of some kind came here judging from the only thing I remembered hearing after I hit my head was a deep voice I’d never heard before, aside from that. I’m doing swell” I said. Bill nodded understandingly, then a pleased look came over him. “Glad you’re doing so well. Now who is th-” He froze. Bill, Bill Cipher. Dream demon from the mindscape, just froze. The guy who had the power to enslave an entire world just for the heck of it from what I could recall from my past dream, just froze. Bill was in front of me and Discord. His eye wasn’t staring at me anymore. It was looking at Discord. I looked at Discord and noticed he still had that slightly surprised look on his face. A knot formed in my stomach and immediately tightened. Oh no. I backed up as the two neared each other to get a closer look. Discord stared at Bill. Bill stared at Discord. Neither saying a word, both just staring at each other. “So...you’re the one I sensed surrounding Hailstorm over here. And from the looks of it” Discord said with a raised brow. “You have quite a bit of power at your disposal, maybe even more so.” “And you're the being I sensed off in another dimension upon coming here with Hailstorm. You...definitely still seem to have your powers. If I recall correctly the last time I remember talking to you was brief. Cut short if I remember correctly” Bill said with a narrowed eye. “Yes well what can you do. Over a thousand years ago I was a bit too overconfident in my powers, and underestimated the Elements of Harmony” Discord replied slowly tilting his head back as he studied Bill with his eyes. The knot in my stomach doubled. I think I was actually starting to sweat in my own dream. “Y-You guys don’t-” “Know each other?” Bill asked as him and Discord looked at me simultaneously. Anxiety decided to course through me with it’s date; fear. I swallowed, hard, my lips feeling dry. “Do you?” I asked turning my attention to Discord. “Do you know Bill?” Discord and Bill looked at each other once more, then they did something I had never hoped or expected would ever happen. A crack of thunder filled the room. Thunderstorms made out of cotton candy began raining chocolate milk as Bill shifted the dream domain onto the streets of what looked to be the image of an abandoned building. On Discord’s side of the street it rained chocolate. On Bill’s it rained cats and dogs. Literally. Being caught in both was not fun for me, but I maintained watch, not forgetting this was only a dream. A horrible, horrible dream. Discord flexed his lion paw, Bill flexed his hand. In an instant lighting struck both the chaotic being’s hands and I watched as the ground around us shook with a force. Yet I remained unaffected by the tremors. Since all this had begun both powerful entities had separated quite a distance. Bill moved towards Discord. Discord moved towards bill. Bill’s electric, red glowing hand pulsed, shocked and scared the heck out of the raining animals and with his eye widening and glowing blue, all raining clouds made by either side disappeared, revealing the night sky. Discord snapped his eagle claw raising his electrified blue lion paw, and the night turned to day. The two moved towards each other slowly, looking ready to fight. I simply decided to maintain position and watch. This is my dream phase. Nothing that bad can happen,...except maybe to me. The two were now inches from each other. Bill’s electric hand lifted high in the air ready to strike. Discord’s lion paw raised just as high ready to do the same. My body tensed, ready to intervene but I willed myself to stop. I needed to see what was about to happen. A giant explosion of electric energy filled the atmosphere as the two firmly clasped hands with each other. In what I had feared most. A handshake. Discord’s serious expression now gone he and Bill shook hands with both looking quite convivial. “Pleasure to meet you again Master of Chaos. It’s been a long time” Bill said, his eye expressing one of elation. “I didn’t think I’d get to see you again either, old amigo” Discord said with a large grin. I gawked. “Oh yes and Hailstorm” Discord said looking at me with a smile. “We do know each other.” > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learning ///O\\\ What have I done? It was the only thing that plagued my mind. This was a nightmare, in both a literal and surreal sense it truly was a nightmare. “Discord and Bill know each other?” I said in silent disbelief to myself as the two began talking. I could feel a lump in my throat starting to form as my mouth suddenly felt quite dry. “T-This can’t be happening” I said to the two of them. Both looked at me with questioning looks like they were confused on how I didn’t understand this. I gave them a look that was mixed with fear, anger at my own self for being the cause of this horrible meeting and anger with everything else that could unfold if I didn’t put an end to this. “Discord” I said trotting towards him. “Please, tell me you’re just messing with me. Tell me, this is all some kind of twisted joke. How do you know Bill?! How does Bill know you?! This is all just one giant confounding mess that I can’t fathom at all!” my ears twitching erratically as I vented and my tail now flicked like a whip as I finished. Bill floated over to me and gently placed an arm around my whither. I shoved it off with a violent shrug and attempted to back away from him, but he immediately teleported beside me and wrapped a firmer arm around my neck. “It’s really quite simple” Bill said with a calm look in his eye. “Discord and I used to rule Equestria eons ago.” My current shaken state only increased at this statement. I failed to notice the small mischievous grin Discord sported before winking to Bill and giving him a thumbs up, meanwhile my mind began racing trying to figure out what nonsense this being of turmoil and destruction was spouting right now. “T-That’s impossible” I stated firmly as I tried to calm my increasing heart rate. “Oh but it isn't” Discord said joining in with a wicked grin. “I wasn’t the only one who ruled Equestria during the Chaos Era. I mean sure I was the cause, the start, the beginning, the middle, and most definitely the end of it. But I was certainly not the only one that ruled all of Equus” he said with his grin only widening as I began to sweat. “Lies!” I yelled, sliding out of Bill’s hold and staring at the two of them. “I have read all if not most of the history Twilight put before me on Equestria and the other nations. As well as the parts she explained to me with great ease. If there had been more than one that ruled Equestria while Discord took charge it would be explained, mentioned or at the very least hinted by the diarchy in the history of Equestria!” “And you believe it?” Bill said with a bored look in his eye. “W-What?” I said with some anger. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? I bet on my life that you don’t know this world anymore than I do! I know what you can and can’t do Bill, I’ve seen what you’re capable of without a physical form. The only power you have is in the Mindspace, when you are summoned or when you are torturing others in their dreams!” I shouted with a slam of my hoof on the ground for extra emphasis. “You have no power as long as you don’t get your hands on someone with a weak will! And from the looks of the girls, maybe even that Starlight girl you’ve been worming your way into then you can’t do anything...yet at least. But they aren’t weak by any means so if you think you can get them to do what you want” I grinned weakly, starting to calm down a bit with this fact. “Then you are out of luck.” Neither of them said a word after that. Both looking slightly surprised, Bill looking impressed but only faintly at my level of knowledge and courage to talk back to him in such a way. Discord just frankly looked a little annoyed now. Bill sighed, then looked at Disord. “I told you he was uptight.” “I’ll see” Discord said shaking his head in disappointment. “I think I may have found Twilight’s perfect match.” Coming towards me Discord’s disappointed expression changed to a more calm one, still holding one of displeasure at having his fun ruined though. “Hailstorm, relax. It was just a joke” Discord said, attempting to pat my shoulder friendly only for me to retract that part of my body away from him. “...What?” I said staring with hostility. “...Did you just say it was a joke?” “Of course” Bill said appearing in front of me and grabbing my face, squishing my cheeks as he stared at me with his eye that reflected how much he was enjoying my anger and confusion. “Discord and I never ruled Equestria! Heck I only know of the Chaos Era after one and only one brief meeting with him. Just after he turned into a statue and just after everything had returned to normal here in this world” Bill said releasing me, as he floated away. “You really need to learn to loosen up Hailstorm” Bill said wagging his claw at me with disappointment. I just stared. Now feeling completely calm, only a few beads of sweat now trickling from my mane, down my face. I wiped them away with the back of my hoof and just stared at these two. Discord and Bill. Both of whom I’d just recently thought were going to throw the world into utter turmoil and ruin. The harshness of them knowing each other had been too much pressure for me so I suppose I just snapped under it all, forgetting that these two had a really twisted sense of humor that mine could equal to if I had their powers. My eye twitched involuntarily after a second of silence. “You two were joking?” I asked after I swallowed nothing. “Yes” Discord said with a slight smile. A lot of things were running through me right now. Anger. Blood Lust. Blood Lust...more blood lust and confusion. I moved a hoof in an attempt to pinch the bridge of my nose, only for it to gently land on my snout. A groan of frustration came to me as I recalled I was not in my human form. “If I could kill you two I would.” “Whoa” Discord said backing up with both arms raised. “Touché.” I just glared at Discord and Bill for a few seconds before relaxing my tense shoulders just a bit. “Fine, fine. Just tell me how you two know each other” I said sitting down. “With pleasure” Discord said. “Better yet” Bill chipped in his left hand raising. “I’ll show you.” Discord looked at Bill with an interested eye and nodded. “I suppose that would work better.” Another groan of frustration came from me as I prepared my body for what I’m sure would be another horrible experience in this Dream Phase. “Do it.” Bill waved his hand around and flicked his hand down with a wave of his wrist. The slightly ruined and abandoned street we had been staying at soon disappeared in a whirl of colors. Bill’s voice echoed after us as him and Discord watched by my side as things began to slowly shape into place. Darkness soon enveloping us before a faint mystical blue glow took up my vision. “The Mindscape.” The current domain we were in was empty. Void of life. Void of any true presence, just blank save for one being floating through the vast emptiness. Staring down at a large blue marble that floated in the empty void that was space. Bill Cipher, watched the world and all events that took place in silence as he floated in the mindscape. His eye now focused on one particular event that was occurring and had gained most of his attention. His eye slanted into one of interest, as he watched the event unfold. The fight between the Pine brothers. Our views shifted from watching Bill, to seeing what he was seeing. “Stanley you don’t understand what I’m up against. What I’ve been through!” Stanford said. I frowned. I’d seen this before. Their fight, and then when Stanford got sucked in. So it was around this time Bill and Discord met, and the same time Stanley and Stanford lost connection with each other? I glanced over to Discord. He was watching silently. Bill who floated beside me watched attentively, seeing this again was not a problem for him. I assumed he was more interested in my reaction when I saw how they met. A shriek of pain from Stanley turned my attention back to the memory. He was holding his right shoulder, where the symbol had been burnt into his back. I winced looking at the healed scar now across my shoulder and going down my chest just a bit. “Some brother you turned out to be” Stanley said still clutching the side that had been burnt. “You care more about your dumb mysteries than your family? Well then you can have them!” he said grabbing Stanford as he rose and then shoving the book right into him. Bill, Discord, and I watched as Stanford Pines slowly rose into the air flailing with the book still clutched in his hand. The look Stanley had on his face told me he felt probably the same way I felt when I realized what had just happened after crossing in to Equestria. “Whoa, Whoa what’s happening?!” he said taking a step forward as the portal began drawing his brother into it. “Stanley! Stanley help me!” Stanford yelled looking down at his brother. “ Oh no, what do I do?!” “Stanley! Stanley!” Stanford looked back as he was now inches away from the portal. The mechanism had now begun sucking in his coat as he looked back at it with a look of worry and what I knew to be concern mixed with fear. “Stanley do something!” he shouted throwing the book down at his brother. Stanford watched baffled, only able to catch his book as the brother was slowly sucked into the portal. “Stanley! Stanleeeeey!!!!” Stanford’s voice called echoing as he was completely consumed. Stanley stared dumbfounded as his brother disappeared, only for the portal to explode with white light the second Stanford had been completely consumed. The world exploded in light around us, and our view returned to Bill who’d been watching with a wide eye as the events unfolded. The Bill of the past blinked once then twice. Silence filling the space. The world faded into darkness around us once again as Discord raised his eagle claw, changing things to his own perspective. “Now I’ll show you how I was able to contact Bill” Discord said after a second or two of silence. The world glowed bright with a multitude of various colors before flashing into existence was a small town. The ground made out of yarn, buffaloes doing ballet, dragon’s sneezing bubbles, ponies screaming and running around in fear, confusion, and most of all shocked by how much everything had changed. In the center of all this chaos. Was the Discord of the past, who watched all the ponies fleeing in fear with a warm smile on his face. There were a few attempts where various creatures of this world tried to stop him. But with a blink Discord merely either had them lose something. Their horns that gave them the power to manipulate magic. Their wings that allowed them to fly. Or even the strength of an earth pony or any other powerful creature that was sentient and wanted to save their people. Discord laughed and laughed. Soaking in all the chaos, all the pain, all the confusion he was causing. Enjoying every single second, every single minute of it with great joy. I glanced up at him, not really surprised that this was how he had been so many years ago. Many of the things history had to say about Discord was not at all nice. Nor was it child friendly. Frankly I was amazed to see he had changed so much but I suppose the girls were the ones to thank for that. Fluttershy especially who I’d heard whisper things to me through my pain on how she used to comfort Discord when he was feeling bad, which as she stated was rare but never something she left him alone when he did feel as such. I turned my attention back to the memory, wondering that if humans had this kind of power if we would turn out this way. Then again in many cases some had even without powers as strong as these two possessed. Standing before Discord now were two alicorns. One a light navy blue. The other a pure white. Princess Celestia and Luna stood staring at their friend with a coldness in their eyes, that I noticed reflected pain as well. Bill’s voice made my left ear perk up. “Didn’t know you had my kind of fun.” Discord shuffled at where he stood, his voice was low. Regretful. “That was...a long time ago...I’ve changed a bit since then.” Bill laughed. “We’ll see Discord. We’ll see.” I turned my attention back the memory being shown to us. Discord grinned at the two sisters who both had saddlebags on them. Celestia took a step forward, her sister watching her back. “Discord, how could you do this?” Celestia asked with a pained expression. “How could I do what? This?” he asked snapping his claw and in an instant Celestia’s wings and horn were gone. Luna moved forward but Discord lifted a paw and grinned. “Ah,ah,ahh” he said wagging his finger. “No magic allowed.” Luna’s horn and wings disappeared as well. Both sisters now seemingly powerless stared at Discord with a look that showed how afflicted they were by his betrayal. “Discord, what in the name of the gods are you doing?! Why are you throwing the world into chaos?!” Luna asked. “Why?” Discord said with his grin fading into a blank angered stare. “Luna I’m sure you know, or have at least recently felt somewhat rejected. Gone unnoticed by the public hm?” Discord asked standing up from his throne, taking a small step forward. Luna looked at him with a raised brow, not willing to accept what he was saying but not one hundred percent sure of what she was hearing either. “I...do not understand what you mean.” “Oh of course you don’t. You won’t, at least not now but eventually you’ll see. Just how painful it is to be ignored. Isn’t that right Celestia?” Discord said turning towards her. Celestia who still stood proud even without her wings and horn gave Discord a concerned stare. “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean Princess” he said the last word mockingly. “For years I have been looked on by ponykind, all of the races on this world as a monster because of my form. It is probably the reason why my species disappeared all those years ago. I now see I was a fool to stay behind but hey” Discord said with a shrug. “If nopony can accept me for who I am. If I am to be rejected by all of society. For my power, my pranks, my looks, my personality. Even when I try to do good and something goes wrong, then I will have fun with this world as I see fit” Discord said sitting back on his throne, both hands curling into a fist, before relaxing on the throne’s arm rests. “And there is nothing either of you can do to stop me.” Celestia and Luna looked at each other. Both seeming to not like the decision they had been forced to make. With a frown Celestia lifted her saddlebag, as did Luna and out came three gems floating around them. Discord raised a brow. “What are those?” “The Elements of Harmony Discord. And they are hear to put an end to your reign of tyranny” Celestia said as the element of magic, laughter, and kindness, floated around her. Luna had the elements of generosity, loyalty, and honesty floating around her as their opponent watched, with a stunned look on his face Then Discord broke out into a fit of laughter, a lightning bolt striking the tail of one of the deer that had been screeching along with the other ponies a good distance away from the draconequus and alicorns. “You think a bunch of gems will do anything to me?” he said with a wicked grin before bursting out into more laughter. “That’s hilarious!” he said smacking his knee as tears of joy began to sting his eyes. “Go ahead princess, try it!” he burst out into laughter once more as the two sisters took a step forward and the elements glowed. “We are sorry Discord” Celestia said. “But if we wish Equestria to be in peace we must be rid of you so that we can restore order to what you’ve done.” Discord snorted laughing even more. “Order! Pffft Ha, ha, ha, ha! Order means nothing if you two are going around using useless diamonds to face the bad guys!” Discord said laughing even more. Celestia and Luna frowned as the elements swirled around them together, carrying them into the air as the elements activated. “Goodbye old friend” Celestia said. The Elements of Harmony shot at the draconequus with its magic. Raining over him like a waterfall as he continued to laugh at the sheer stupidity of all this, his body turning to stone in the process. And just as Discord was being turned to stone his eyes snapped open as he sensed a disturbance in the force. Something of powerful magic had appeared in this world. This made him grin and strike a pose. “Oh I can’t wait to meet this guy!” he said laughing even more as he instantly became nothing but a statue. Celestia and Luna landed, everything Discord had done returning to normal. The land however appearing a bit more in ruin that would require quite a bit of work of fixing in the process for the following years to come. Once the two sisters had stashed away the elements Celestia looked at Discord with a sadness in her eyes as did Luna who wrapped a wing around her sister. The memory faded with Celestia apologizing to the draconequus for everything that had happened. And everything that made him do what he did. I stared in silence. The history books were wrong about one thing. Discord wasn’t a monster as they had made him seem. He was just tired of being rejected and alone. Much like Luna had been tired of being ignored. I looked up at him and gently placed a hoof on his arm for reassurance that I understood how he felt. I couldn’t say I understood what it felt to be completely shunned by society, but I did know what it was like to regret your actions. I was currently regretting mine to this very moment, and Bill knew that well. “Now that you’ve seen that here’s where we really met!” Bill said. Instantly we were back in the Mindscape. Discord somehow had managed to find his way there, his mind managing to get sucked into the magical force that he had sensed disturbing the natural magical balance. He looked around, confused. Till he saw something off in the distance. It was a triangle floating towards him. Discord stared at it, as Bill Cipher stared at him. Both examining the other, and from what Discord could sense this guy was a powerful being indeed. “...What- I’m sorry that’s rude. Who are you and how did I get here?” Discord asked with a raised brow. “I’m Bill Cipher, your friendly omnipotent entity. As for how you got here” Bill shrugged. “Beats me kid, I just came here because I sensed a powerful presence. And that presence is you.” Discord grinned, bowing to the compliment. “Thank you, I do dabble in a bit of chaos now and then to make sure I haven’t lost my touch.” “Chaos huh? Sounds like my kind of fun” Bill said with interest. “But if you’re here I’m going to guess you’re dead then?” Discord stared then laughed, shaking his head. “Dead? No. Possibly frozen in stone yes. Those elements of harmony weren’t a joke after all.” “Elements of what?” Bill asked with curiosity. “Never heard of them.” “Neither have I. Least till now. They seem to be powerful gems of ancient magic. Their creation I’ll never know, but they’re powerful enough to stop a god of chaos such as myself.” “Really?” Bill said wibjs egeeye raised in amazement. Discord nodded. “I see. And you said they’re called the Elements of Harmony?” Discord nodded again. “Hm, I’ll have to keep that in mind if I ever go to, wherever you’re from.” “Equestria. It’s most likely a world you’ve never heard of.” “I’ll say” Bill replied. A few seconds of silence passed before Discord’s ghostly like appearance began to fade. “Whoa, this some kind of neat trick your place does?” he asked as his conscience began to fade from the realm. “No, it appears your body is bringing your mind back to your original dimension. It looks like this will be goodbye. But I would definitely love to meet again and talk about world conquest over some tea” Bill said with an extended hand. Discord looked at it, grinned, then nodded. “I’d like that.” The two shook hands, then Discord’s mind disappeared from the Mindscape. The memory ended there, and we returned to the domain Bill had created earlier. The streets. I sat there in silence, digesting everything I’d just learned. “So that’s how you two met.” “Yup” Discord said. “That is correct” Bill replied. I didn’t say anything afterwards. Having to just relive the moment with the Pine’s I’d already seen before only to see it again. Then having to learn about Discord’s past and how he and Bill met it was a lot to take in. I needed time to digest. Bill had other plans though. Turning to Discord Bill slowly floated over to him while I continued to mull over everything I just learned. “So Discord, now that we’ve finally had the chance to meet after what a few years?” “Over a thousand” Discord corrected. “Hm, I suppose time works differently for the both of us. Anyway” Bill said with a shrug. “About that world conquest deal. Care to join me in a discussion for it? I’ve been making plans and with your help, taking over this world will be simple.” Discord’s interested look slowly fading into a grave expression. “World conquest? Of Equus?” Bill nodded, snapping a tea set into existence. “What else would I be talking about.” I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t even register what was going on till I heard Discord’s voice say “You’re not serious are you?” I turned to look at them. “Of course I am. I wasn’t able to take over his world” he said pointing to Hailstorm. “But I sure as well can take over this one. And since I’m gathering the gods of this world to help me I’ll-” Discord raised his claw for a quick moment of pause. He had his lion paw draped over his face in thought as he considered what Bill was saying. “You want me to join you in taking over Equestria, well not just that but the entire world like I did eons ago. But if I do where does that lead my friends?” he asked now looking up at Bill. Bill stared in silence for a few seconds then looked at me. I just shrugged not sure what to say. Bill’s eye slanted into an expression of indifference, “What about your ‘friends’?” he asked. Any interest Discord had at this proposition went out of the window then and there. Discord took a few steps back down the street and away from Bill, I got up from where I sat and moved towards him. "I see you’ve made the right choice” I commented, now staring at Bill. “Yeah” Discord muttered. “I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.” Bill stared at the two of us now in consideration. “Let me get this straight” he said now rubbing his nonexistent chin. “You, Discord aren’t going to team up with me? You’re going to team up with him?” he asked pointing to me. “That’s the plan. I’m not dumb enough to betray the mares that gave me a third chance I threw away our friendship for someone I thought was my friend, just to get pulled into another scheme and get used like a pawn all over again.” Silence. Bill stared at us with a blank expression. He then looked at me, then his eye moved to Discord before he blinked and then just stared silently again. A cold chuckle slowly escaped him as his eye became lidded with laughter. He laughed and he laughed and he laughed at us. My expression remaining calm and defiant, Discord’s remaining mundane. Finally when he was done laughing Bill’s body grew twice its regular size. “That’s fine by me. I don’t need your help to take over Equestria, but Hailstorm remember this. If you keep hiding things from your friends, especially after you two wake up after this” -his eye widened in a menacing yet mocking manner- “you’ll regret it.” “And as for you Discord” Bill stated as he shrunk back to his regular size. “I look forward to seeing what you and the others can do against me and the gods” he stated with a slanted eye. Snapping his fingers Bill allowed the entire world to grow in darkness as he continued to stare at us with what I could now see as a slowly burning annoyance. “Now you two” he said pointing to us his eye lidded. “Get out of my domain.” His eye opening and flashing red, his voice growing menacing as the words came out allowing Discord and I to fall through the ground as Bill watched us from above with menacing laughter. “Don’t forget you two” Bill’s voice called as he watched us slowly get enveloped in light. “I’m always watching you!” ///O\\\ > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Possible Solution Twilight Sparkle, Daring Doo, Pinkamena Diane Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Screwball, Starlight Glimmer and Zecora all watched in silence at the two bodies laying in a lifeless like state before them. The only indication that the two were still alive was the sound of their steady breathing. When Discord had moved to touch Hailstorm’s forehead Daring had noticed a yellow static, shock the draconequus’ claw before he fell like a rock beside Hailstorm’s body. Both remaining deadly silent, both falling into a deep sleep that none of the mares could awaken them from. Not even Pinkie, who managed to pull out several instruments and began playing them just to awaken the two. It was almost like they were... Twilight shook her head, not wanting to think of such a dark thought. When Discord had fallen to Hailstorm’s side the zebra moved over and checked him. “What happened to him?” Fluttershy asked with concern. Zecora lifted her head up and gave the group of mares a reassuring look. “Do not worry. He has merely entered Hailstorm’s dream state. Now we must simply sit and wait.” And so that is what the group had done. For the past hour none of them had done anything save for either drink the tea Zecora offered or simply stare silently at the two now sleeping before them. There were a few occasions where Hailstorm’s body twitched uncontrollably, before it relaxed like nothing was wrong. In all honesty it had kinda freaked Rarity and Applejack out, but Zecora had assured them this wasn’t anything major and that they needn’t worry about it. It was kind of hard to do this. Especially when Discord snickered and Hailstorm’s face contorted into one of pain or horror in his dream state. In moments like these Screwball would immediately appear by the stallion’s side and gently brush a fetlock against his cheek. It seemed to work in calming him just a bit. Starlight cocked a brow at the mare’s behavior and wondered if there was some sort of history between the two, maybe even some sort of budding feeling. Minutes passed and the expressions between Discord and Hailstorm grew. All mares save for Screwball feeling awkward and slightly distressed by the way Hailstorm’s body would twitch in an erratic manner. Finally Pinkie Pie just couldn’t take it anymore, when she heard the stallion whimper. “We have to wake him up!” Pinkie stated moving to shake Hailstorm awake. A hoof gently touched her shoulder and the party planner was stopped before she could go any further by Zecora. Looking back at the sage, Pinkie was about to ask why stop her, but Zecora merely shook her head, tacitly stating that she just needs to wait and see. It didn’t really help Pinkie’s state of concern but she seemed to understand what the zebra was saying and stood down. Taking her place back amongst her friends as they continued to watch Hailstorm and Discord’s sleeping forms. Another couple of minutes were spent waiting for the two to awaken, till eventually something happened. Hailstorm’s body began to glow. At first it was faint, just a light yellow glow, but by then the others already knew what was happening; he was changing forms again. The yellow light began to grow brighter and brighter with every second that passed, the bright light almost pulsated each time it grew brighter, as well as the few instances where Hailstorm groaned like his body was sore or he’d just been forcefully awoken from his slumber. Starlight was too intrigued by what was going on to even notice the slight concern forming on Twilight and the others. With an explosion of light that enveloped the entire room, everyone shielded their eyes till the light died down. Once it had they saw Hailstorm in his human form once again. The wound he had received from the timberwolf even more noticeable now, three thin yet deep slash marks that grew in width as it went down.Starting from the trapezius muscle and stopping just above the clavicular head, one of the timberwolf’s claws as Rarity painfully noticed had managed to make a nice slash across the shoulder as well. No one said anything after he had changed forms, however they all noticed how his...claws? Seemed to firmly press into the ground, nails making scratching marks and slowly clenching into a fist as he seemed to grit his teeth in what looked like pain. Rainbow Dash had to admit, even if their friend wasn’t awake to yell with whatever pain he was currently enduring, it was hard to watch. More so now that he had reverted back to what he had told them was his original form. A second passed, Hailstorm’s clenched claw/fist tightened, his face still displaying pain at the transformation, before finally his features relaxed with a well needed sigh. Twilight got up and told the others to come with her for a quick second while Hailstorm was still asleep. “Screwball, let us know when he wakes up will you?” She nodded. Daring Doo and Starlight decided to join in on this conversation, see what thoughts the others were coming up with on this display of events. It was time they discussed how they could get Hailstorm to tell them what he was hiding. “Alright, this is ridiculous! You guys saw how much pain he was in back there right? Whatever is making him switch forms like this needs to stop!” Rainbow Dash said hovering above the others. “I think the reason he’s in pain is because of what Discord said” Starlight pointed out. “And what would that be?” Fluttershy asked. “Well you remember right? How he said the stallion has three different forms of magic within him. It’s not natural obviously, at the very least we all are supposed to have one or two different forms of magic, with the exceptions of alicorns like Twilight, the princesses, Discord himself who can manipulate anything to his will, and other powerful entities like well Jormanzir, the god of serpentine. If Hailstorm’s supposed to be a regular stallion, an earth pony also, he should have only one and one only. It makes no sense for him to have more than one, let alone three trapped in his body” Starlight said observantly. Twilight had the tip of her hoof just under her bottom lip. Currently her and the others were in a different part of Zecora’s home. The zebra had offered another vacant room, a library of sorts that contained a wider range of her books and a few medicinal herbs scattered around the area. The elements of harmony, extremely gifted unicorn, and explorer sat in this room now discussing things. “I have to admit you’re right” Twilight said. “Hailstorm is just an earth pony.” “Hey!” Pinkie and Applejack shouted in unison. “What the hay is that supposed to mean?” Applejack asked, a crossed look on her face. “You saying because he’s an earth pony he doesn’t have the goods to possess more than one measly type of magic like some unicorn?” she said, her expression obviously one of anger. “Applejack, darling calm yourself. There’s no reason to feel so offended” Rarity said soothingly. AJ snorted. “Well Ah don’t like how their tossing the word “earth pony” around, sounds to me y’all are just jealous of our strange friends ‘ere gift! Just because he’s an earth pony don’t mean he ain’t any better than y’all!” the farmer said with a tap of her hoof on the ground. “Applejack I think you’re misunderstanding here. No one is saying it’s because he’s an earth pony he shouldn’t have more than one magic type. We’re saying it’s because he’s an earth pony that it’s strange he has three types of magic. Two would be...I suppose alright, but more than two as Discord stated is simply bizarre” Daring explained. “How is it bizarre exactly hmm? I mean if a pony can have two, why is it weird for him to have more than two?” Pinkie asked, her expression still holding remnants of anger. “I think I can help with that” Starlight and Twilight said at the same time. The two looked at each other, smiled then looked back at the others. “We’ll take turns explaining it.” Twilight said, moving towards the doorway, to ask Zecora for something. While Twilight left to get something, Starlight began explaining things with images, made out of surrounding particles and magic. “We have three tribes here in this room. Pegasi: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Daring Doo. Earth ponies: Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Screwball and er Hailstorm when he changes back. And then we have unicorns: Me, and Rarity.” “Your point i-” Rarity, silenced Dash before she could get finish. “Please continue” the unicorn instructed, lifting her polished hoof away from Dash’s mouth and giving the athlete a stern stare. “Thank you. Now, as I was saying” Twilight returned holding a book in her magic. The book was titled Equine Thaumaturgical Make-Up. Opening to a page Twilight enhanced the first image there, her horn glowing and the image coming to life in a holographic like form. It was the image of a pegasus. The pegasus image had a bar next to her. This bar represented the pegasus’ magic. Inside the bar, the magic image flowed freely, like water. The page next to it showed the multiple muscles and thaumaturgic veins within the wings that connected to the brain differing greatly from the other vessels that allowed blood to flow throughout the rest of the body. “As we all know pegasus can control the weather, affect the clouds with their moods, and also most importantly fly. This bar represents pegasi magic and how their magic is able to flow freely like waves. Constantly changing, constantly bending to adjust to different weather conditions and allow for the creations of different forms of weather” Starlight stated. “In conclusion what we’re saying is” Twilight began only to be cut off by Daring Doo. “What you’re saying is that magic for- in pegasi is fluid and can adjust depending on our emotions, and how we control the weather...right?” Twilight gawked for a few seconds at the explorer, before closing her mouth and nodding slowly. A small smile creasing her lips. “That’s correct, yes.” “What about unicorns?” Rarity asked. “We were just about to get to that. Unicorns are more firmly connected to all magic better known as mana which is in every living thing and everywhere around us. It’s one of the reasons we’re able to so freely manipulate it to our will with our horns and why unicorns that hold higher levels of magical power tend to lose control of their abilities. Twilight if you would.” The alicorn switched the image from a pegasus to the unicorn, enhancing the image with her horn once more as she had done before with the pegasus. This time the image for the unicorn displayed a network of lines, sparsely spread about to display the unicorn’s form of magic as a network. A strong network that could tap into the source of magic and manipulate it to the wielders will. Starlight Glimmer remained silent for a few seconds, watching her friends expressions, noticing their slightly surprised state at how the network used to represent unicorn magic was practically everywhere. Once she was sure they had seen their fill she continued explaining. “Unicorn magic works much like a network such as this. Each channel, is connected in one way or another that in turn represents a different branch or field of magic. Some channels” she said while allowing magic to flow through her horn, “are blocked off.” Several parts of the network that connected through different tubes and branches, suddenly gained white orbs in Twilight’s image of them. Each orb cutting off the wave that flowed through it, and in the process only allowing the flow of magic through open channels making the magic flow in a different way, through passages that weren’t being obscured by the white orbs in them. “The more channels that are blocked off to a unicorn, the lesser level of potent magic a unicorn has. For example there are six tiers in magic pertaining to all creatures, especially unicorns. The most rare tier is tier four magic, unicorns that have strong magic that feed off their will or strength, Sombra is an example of this.” Applejack rubbed her temple with growing frustration with all this. “Could you just get to the point Starlight, I asked for an explanation not a biology lesson.” “And that’s what I’m doing Applejack” Starlight said patiently. “Explaining.” Twilight picked up where the unicorn left off in an effort to change where this was headed. “Unicorns” she said now switching the image of the unicorn and his magical network to the horn, “all have various nerves in their horns. A lot actually, and all thaumaturgical veins can be found in their horns, connecting to the brain as much as a pegasus has it in their wings. However how much magic these veins can channel differs from unicorn to unicorn and also tells what level of magic each unicorn has. Like Starlight for example, she seems very magically gifted. In this case the veins in her horn that allow her to channel magic and manipulate it, are much stronger and much more open in allowing the flow of mana through. Same goes for me of course as well.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, before flapping her wings for a brief second. “So what does that mean exactly?” “It means unicorns are able to channel multiple forms of magic, in various fields because they are more magically gifted” Starlight summarised. “Okay” Fluttershy said nodding slowly. “That clears things up...I think.” “Yeah but you still haven’t told us why it’s so bizarre for an earth pony to have more than one magic type! So far all you’ve done is prove that pegasi and unicorns can only use one type of magic, theirs is just more adaptable to conditions or capable of change,” Pinkie said with a still slightly irked expression. “We were about to get to that” Starlight said, raising a patient hoof for closure. “Now Twilight if you would please.” Twilight nodded, and with a slight increase of magic the light around her horn grew and the image of the unicorn changed to an earth pony. “Earth ponies unlike unicorns and pegasi, don’t have magic that is capable of adapting or shifting into the other fields of magic. Earth ponies can only use one type of magic; earth. An earth ponies magic especially according to notes left by Starswirl the Bearded himself, is said to be deeply rooted to the land around them. That is why earth ponies are so much better in farming and other agricultural uses than a unicorn or pegasus could ever hope to be. “It is also one of the reasons Applejack here has the best apples in all of Equestria” Starlight added with a knowing smile. Applejack’s cheeks turned a slight shade of red, but she quickly shook herself out of her embarrassment. “Wait, you’re telling me that earth ponies are connected with the soil around us?” she asked. Both Twilight and Starlight nodded. “You have natural hormones in you that mix well with the soil, your entire body is basically a walking fertilizer. It’s also why you can grow crops and other sources of food so quickly, faster than any other tribe. I’m pretty sure it's the same reason why the other tribes were extremely dependant on earth ponies in the past as well. You know, before Equestria was found.” Twilight said. “Wait a second” Pinkie said gaining everyone’s attention. “What about us? All six of us are the elements of harmony. And well Twilight’s an alicorn doesn’t that mean we all have more than one type of magic?” Silence filled the room, as Pinkie’s words slowly hit everyone with realization. “Does that make us extrinsic also?” Fluttershy asked, a slight feeling of nervousness coming over her. “No, the elements of harmony are ancient magic that chose us. It balances out. In this case its normal, remember Discord said that if you aren’t a alicorn, have the use of an ancient artifact, or are some other higher power, then it is considered an anomaly” Twilight said reassuringly. “So we all have more than one magic type in us then, right?” Rainbow Dash asked slowly making sense of everything the two eggheads had said. “Yeeeees?” Twilight said slightly unsure. “I’m not sure about myself since I ascended to alicorn status, but the rest of you should have another type of magic in you that follows each element you represent," she said then as an afterthought upon remembering Daring Doo and Starlight were there “well most of you....I think” she said with a slightly confident smile. “Okay then, so we’ve learned enough to make some kind of assumption then” Daring stated. The group of mares looked at the adventurer waiting to hear what she had to say. “Hailstorm obviously has something in him that gives off those other two forms of magic. One of them must be causing whatever makes him seem like he’s in pain constantly, it’s the only explanation.” “But what do we do about it? I mean the guy does seem pretty reluctant on telling us anything, and if Screwball knows something she obviously doesn’t seem keen on telling us either. Maybe Discord?” Rainbow Dash asked glancing at Fluttershy. The mare shook her head. “I don’t know, I don’t think Discord will say anything if he feels it’s unnecessary to inform us” she said with all honesty. “Hm...” Rarity said thoughtfully. “Maybe...no, no I shouldn’t.” “What, what is it Rare?” Pinkie asked scooting over to the fashionista. “I was thinking” Rarity began, her brows creasing in thought and slight hesitance with sharing said thought. “Yeeeeees?” Pinkie said for the others, closing the distance between her and Rarity. “That” Rarity continued cringing back a bit. “YEEEEEESSSS???” Pinkie said her eyes widening in the process with growing anticipation. “Pinkie” Daring said monotonically, “give her some space.” Pinkie didn’t. She kept staring at Rarity with the entire intent of learning what her friend had to offer, that is till Twilight simply pulled the mare back with her magic. The party planners muzzle scrunched up innocently as she was distanced. “Go on” Starlight said. Rarity nodded, then ran a hoof through her mane distractingly. “I was thinking, what if we just...you know. Poked through his mind, when he was asleep. See what he’s hiding?” she said her voice slightly wavering at the uncertainty of such a proposal. No one said anything. It was just an idea, a mere innocent suggestion. Rarity wasn’t stating they should outright do it, but then again if Hailstorm wasn’t going to talk. What other choice did they have. Fluttershy spoke breaking the silence: “I’m against it.” “That’s fine dear, it was just a suggestion.” “I’m for it” Daring Doo said bluntly. “That’s fine also it was just a-” Rarity paused. Then looked at the explorer who was staring blankly with half lidded eyes. “I’m sorry what?” “I’m for it, why not? I mean he won’t say anything. And we’ve already been warned twice, one by a god to find out the truth. Who knows if he’ll ever tell us. I say we go for it.” With that the explorer got up and made her way back to the room where Hailstorm was in. “Think about it, maybe we’ll figure things out quicker this way.” Daring Doo left the others to think about what she just said. The group of mares had returned to where Hailstorm and Discord were, both were still asleep and Screwball still stood over Hailstorm like a hawk watching him carefully. None of the mares said anything as they reentered the room. Merely returning their seats around the two sleeping figures. “How long have they been asleep so far?” Dash asked, floating over Discord and staring at his face then glancing at Hailstorm’s human form. “About an hour and ten minutes now” Screwball said. Silence returned back to the room. But only briefly. Discord and Hailstorm’s eyes shot open instantly, at the exact. Same. Time. Both gasped for air, as if they had just plummeted to their doom and were just drawing in a fresh breath of air, after a horrible scare. Both chest heaved in and out, both of them gaining a fresh wave of sweat. Discord hacked, then coughed violently. Fluttershy moving over to soothe him with Pinkie and Twilight. Hailstorm, coughed, took in a deep breath, his body suddenly shaking like a shiver went up his spine and then coughed viciously once more before he was able to relax again for a few seconds, breaking into a short coughing fit once more. When the two had finally settled and calmed, both held different expressions. Discord held a solemn grave expression. Hailstorm held one mixed with fear and determination. Zecora had to admit, she’d never thought there would be a day where she would see the draconequus looking so grave. It was a little unsettling. Thoughts were swimming in my head. It felt like for the past five minutes I had been falling from the sky all over again only this time without any air. Bill really meant to shake us up when he dropped us out of his realm like rocks. I glanced over at Discord, he didn’t look that pleased being kicked out of Bill’s realm like that, but after a minute the draconequus soon broke into a idiotic grin that annoyed me in more ways than I can imagine. My back was sweaty, and since every time I changed back into my human form the only thing I would regain were the jeans I had when I came here and my shoes. No shirt, so currently I felt kinda itchy. Great, just what I wanted. I felt a hoof touch my back, and flinched. Turning my head to the side I looked to see Screwball was staring at me with a sad smile. Her eyes were focused again, staring at me. I offered a weak smile in return then noticed the other four had surrounded me. Applejack, Dash, Rarity, and Daring Doo were staring at me. I offered them the same smile, they didn’t smile back. “Uh oh” I said aloud, “What uh...what’s wrong?” I asked feeling a bit of an itch where the mixture Zecora and Fluttershy had applied around my shoulder and a part of my chest was. “Wh-What’s wrong?! Boi! You nearly gave us a heart attack with the way you two woke up like that”, Applejack scolded swatting my bare arm with her hoof. I winced, but kept up the smile. She merely shook her head and turned her attention to Discord. Daring was still staring at me. As were Rarity, AJ, Starlight and Dash. Rarity moved forward and glanced at my wound before smiling at me gently. “How are you feeling?” “Much better” I glanced over to Zecora, slightly managing to make out her image as she troted closer. “Thank you, Zecora.” “Your welcome, Hailstorm. But if you don’t mind me asking how do you know my name, mister strange?” “I could hear some things while I was trapped in my Dream Phase” I stated. “I heard your name a few times, thank you once again.” The zebra smiled and merely waved away my thanks with a nod. “It was no trouble, but if you don’t want a problem I sure hope you fix this befuddle” she said pointing at Twilight and the others who were now giving me their full attention. Discord was still getting a back rub from Fluttershy, he turned his gaze on me as well, with a raised brow. Oh, shoot I mentally said. Once again I found myself trapped in tight situation. It was then a thought soon hit me as I tried to think of some sort of way to escape this predicament. I needed to make sure Discord didn’t breathe a word of this to the others just yet. I needed to figure something out before I told them anything. Struggling to get up, I used my arms to try and give myself a push upwards so I could get back on my feet, the slight sting in my shoulder and across my chest made me falter the first try but the next time I attempted to stand I just rolled on my stomach and stood up. Stumbling a bit, before I regained full stance. “Okay, Discord. Come with me, we need to talk.” “Wait, what about what happened to Discord? And what’s this Dream Phase thing?” Twilight asked. Ignoring all voices I walked right towards Zecora’s door, slightly ducking down so my head wouldn’t hit the top as I exited. “Discord, let’s talk” I said dismissing the others. Discord looked at the others. He shrugged, giving a small apologetic salute: “Captain’s orders” he said floating into the air. In a flash he had teleported outside. The rest of the mares were left to stare out the window as Discord and I moved away from Zecora’s home towards a more secluded spot to talk. Twilight tried to cast an eavesdrop spell, but found it blocked by Discord’s magic. She frowned. Applejack looked really annoyed along with Starlight, Dash confused, Rarity unsure, Fluttershy just as confused as Dash and Screwball made no signs of caring, simply looking innocent with her muzzle scrunched up. Zecora looked at all the mares and raised a brow in an expression that said: “What are you going to do?” Twilight’s expression hardened into a look of displeasure. “We’re going to into his dreams” she said with a huff. The young alicorn trotted out of the room to find somewhere to calm down. “What is it?” Discord asked. “I need you to not tell the others anything” I said. “And why’s that? Why exactly should I hide from them that their home world, and mine are in danger?” “Because, you don’t know what Bill is capable of” I said flatly. Discord cocked a brow at me that suggested doubt. “Okay sure, you may have the ability to sense how much power he has, but I know what he could do. You tell them and he finds out, he’ll just change plans. He always does, he always has, and he will. You heard him “I’ll be watching” the guy is always watching, what I need to do, is out think him.” “How do you plan on doing that?” Discord asked. “I...I don’t know yet” I admitted, he snorted. “But,” I continued “I do know that he plans on using the gods here to help him in his purpose. I’ve got an idea, but I need time. The others need to stay on the unknown side for now, till I’ve gained enough knowledge. I just need you to keep watch of us in the meantime. Inform me if anything strange happens.” “Hailstorm” Discord said patting my shoulder. “You being here entirely, is ‘strange’” my expression deadpanned. Discord smiled. “Thanks.” “Your welcome.” “Do we have an agreement then?” I asked beginning to realize why I shouldn’t talk to the guy who represents all of chaos. “We do, for now. But if I see any reason to, I will tell them the truth.” “Fine by me. Oh yeah one more thing” I said with a smile. My body began to grow bright yellow again as I took Discord’s lion paw and pulled him into a hug, a smirk now across my face, that the draconequus noted gave me quite the devilish appearance. “If you ever go into my head again without my permission. I’ll make sure you regret what you see in there” I stated. The light pulsated, Discord’s body shivered as he felt my human body rejecting the power that was trying to change me back into an equine. I ignored the pain, and my smirk disappeared as I stared at him seriously. “I mean it Discord” the light exploded and I was back to a stallion once again, fore hooves wrapped around Discord’s neck while my hind hooves were still able to touch the ground. “Don’t go into my head ever again. Do we have an agreement?” Discord said nothing, he merely stared silently at the serious look in my eyes before nodding his head. “Agreed.” “Good” I said with a small smile. Releasing him I dropped back to my hooves and turned towards Zecora’s door. “Good talk, we should do this more often. Hey guys! Let’s go, we’re heading back to the castle.” Location: Tartarus Time: 00:00:00 Trapped within the confines of a cage, an old centaur clad in nothing but shackles was being guarded by several orthros. The centaur with a beard as white as snow was pretending to be asleep. He did not dream, he merely rested. Waiting for his opportunity to escape this pit once again. “Tiiiiirek” a voice said within the centaur’s head. Tirek’s face twitched, but he did not bother. “Tiiiiiirek” the voice said within his head once more. The centaur opened one eye and did not see a flaming pit of lava surrounding him, nor did he see the angered faces of hundred of prisoners surrounding him. Forced to share the same fate as he, not even the great Cerberus that guarded the gates of Tartarus, or the orthros that pervaded every single cage aside from his own. No, Tirek saw...a triangle floating before him. At first Tirek thought, that for the first time in a year since Twilight Sparkle had defeated him he was asleep. But no, no this feeling it...it was different. Tirek stared at the being before him and looked around. They were floating in space. Tirek wasn’t sure what to do, nor was he sure why he was here. His eyes slanted menacingly at the being before him. His teeth gnashed together in growing rage. “Is this some kind of joke he asked?” the being. Bill Ciphers laughed. but just as quickly as it had started it soon stopped. “No. No this isn’t a dream. This is me making a deal with you” he said. “I’m looking for some new partners, but I don’t know where all of them are. I need information, I’m sure you’ve had some form of contact with the gods of this world. Yes?” Tirek said nothing, he merely stared silently at the being his anger slowly subsiding. His lips returned to a prim line. “I have” he said in a raspy voice. “Why? What good would it do you though? The gods of this world do not do much but sit around and watch events unfold. Some are asleep, others enjoy watching the equines of this world suffer, and others are plain lazy or have not had the opportunity to gain the upperhand on the sisters and their “help”. I can’t see what my information would be of any use to you. Nor am I willing to offer it, in my current state.” Bill said nothing, his eye merely staring at the old decrepit form of the beast, he had once seen in the memories of some ponies around Ponyville as a powerful monger. “I see. Too bad” Bill said turning his back to Tirek. “ I was going to offer you freedom, but if you can’t help me then” he raised a hand to end the visit, but Tirek’s old weak hand caught Bill’s. The sound of chains shaking and brushing up against skin echoing. Bill’s eye glinted with success. “Wait” Tirek said. “I can offer some help. But you must promise me, that you will get me out of here once you’ve got what you needed.” Bill's eye lidded in joy, his eye turning a shade of blue as blue fire surrounded his left hand. “Oh don’t worry Tirek. I always keep my deals” he said extending his hand to the centaur. Tirek said nothing, he merely looked at the burning hand, thoughts running through his own mind before he himself sported a smirk of his own. “Excellent.” The two shook, and the world around them exploded in perfect blue flames. Another possibility had just been made. > Chapter 15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullseye Marks The Spot Swift Strike had been asleep in the castle for the past six hours. The kangaroo had spent a majority of his time looking around the castle. Making sure not to cross a line he shouldn’t as he moved about getting to know this new and strange place, after he had awoken. Back in the Kangaroo Isles, they didn’t have castles. They had buildings, and a large temple. That was it. They had a mayor, not a prince or princess and that was all. Their governmental system was more of a dictatorship of sorts than a diarchy, with only a few important political figures in charge. So this castle and it’s structure were all a bit new to him. Hopping back into the common room of the Elements of Harmony, the buck moved towards the kitchen to grab some grub. His stomach had been growling something fierce for the past ten minutes and it was time he got some food to eat. Once he was inside the kitchen the buck moved towards the fridge, opened it and saw a wide variety of fruit to choose from. He picked up a pear and an apple and began munching on it. Staring out the window just in front of him, he could see all of Ponyville. And man, was it a beautiful sight. “Crikey” S.S. said, “this town’s nicer than I thought. It’s hard to imagine this place has been through so many things like the newspaper say” he said to the air, taking another bite from his pear. It was then something dawned on the kangaroo. What happened to the others? For six hours they had been gone. And in all this time, Swift Strike had been asleep. Well, okay, maybe not all this time. He fell asleep for five hours. After waiting one hour he decided to get some rest. And since that young dragon, “I think his name was Spike or something?” wasn’t here, but watching over the CMC, then it meant boredom. And when Swift Strike was bored, he went to sleep. But now that time had passed and he’d gotten some grub to eat, he began to realize just how bad this could be. “I should probably go out and ask around if anyone’s seen those lil buggers.” Turning around and exiting the kitchen, the buck began moving towards the common room gates, but just as his back came to face the Cutie Map, Swift Strike’s ears perked up as he heard a melodic humming coming from behind him. “....” slowly, almost mechanically, the buck turned to face the map. And much to his loss of amusement, the map was indeed glowing. Swift Strike cringed. When they had arrived he asked how they were able to figure out Daring Doo was in need of assistance. It was then Pinkie Pie had gone into a well fast paced explanation about the Cutie Map, and how it detected problems around Equestria and it’s nearby countries. Moving towards the map, Swift Strike watched four cutie marks, float over “Ghastly Gorge.” Yet at the same time, there was something else he noticed. These four cutie marks obviously belonged to four different ponies. One was a compass, so Swift Strike knew it was Daring Doo. The other was...a ball with a screw jammed into it, so that meant Screwball was going also. The third one, belonged to the Element of Laughter; Pinkie Pie. And the fourth belonged to, Hailstorm. Yet of course, there was something strange about Hailstorm’s cutie mark. On their trip back to Equestria, Swift Strike had noticed the stallion had not one cutie mark that was the same on both his flanks, but two different ones. And the second cutie mark on Hailstorm’s flank, a multicolored bullseye, with B and A as its targets, glowed. The colors on Hailstorm’s cutie mark, were glowing. Now being a kangaroo and all, Swift Strike didn’t have the capability of getting a cutie mark. But he had escorted and talked to enough ponies in his previous job back at the isles, to figure out that cutie marks weren’t supposed to be expressing multiple colors the way Hailstorm’s cutie mark was. The buck merely ran a hand over his hair and sighed, “Things just never let up around here do they?” “Your cutie marks are glowing” Discord commented for the sixth time. “For the last time, I know! Jeez Discord quit telling me something I can feel!” the stallion rushing to keep up with the others said. The draconequus merely shrugged and disappeared out of my view. I really didn’t need this right now. The girls had told me as we were leaving Zecora’s place that the god of serpents had payed a visit while I was being treated. My reaction was to believe they were playing a horrible joke on me. Especially since it had been Rainbow Dash who bluntly told me this fact as we left the premises. Of course, when their reactions went silent as I laughed, I immediately began to question a lot of things that had happened when I was out. And one of those had been what caused me to hit my head on Zecora’s roof. They all answered, save for Fluttershy, it was Jormanzir’s doing. And while I had no idea who Jormanzir was, I was pretty sure I didn’t want to find out based off of Starlight’s warning from him. The rest of our trip away from Zecora’s was done in silence. That is till four cutie marks started glowing. None of which anyone noticed till Discord pointed it out, and hasn’t stopped since we began running. That scar across my shoulder and trapezius muscle, began making sure to remind me that pushing myself was an idiotic move. But me being an idiot that brought impending doom on this entire world, decided to muscle through the stinging and burning. It had taken us a couple minutes to finally reach the castle, roughly around fifteen, and when we did finally get there. Swift Strike had been pacing the common room so much that when he saw us he wasted no time in approaching. He cleared four feet with a single hop and immediately shoved us into the common room. “What’s going on?” Twilight asked confused. “What do ya think is going on? Your map is calling for ya, now get going!” Swift Strike stated. Obviously whatever was bugging him about the map was serious. And you know what? I hate how right he was to be. The six bearers gathered around the map, sitting in their seats. Starlight, Daring Doo, and I, stood by Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy respectively. Swift Strike stood by me along with Screwball, casting a slightly disturbed glance at the floating cutie marks on the map. “I don’t see anything so bad about this Swift Strike” Rarity said, with a raised brow. The buck gave her a look. “From what ya’ll h’ve been telling me” he said his accent now seeping in. “That map takes cutie marks and uses them as a guide to destinations right? it doesn’t change the cutie mark in anyway right?” Everyone slowly nodded. I didn’t because I wasn’t even sure. “Good, then can someone explain to me what in the seven boomerangs of Hoppingsdale, is that?!” he said pointing at one of the cutie marks that floated over the gorge. Twilight and the others weren’t sure what had this buck so riled up. But they decided to get up and take a look. Everyone moved in close. Rainbow and Daring flying over the others and peering from above. After a few minutes of silence, Rarity said, “Darling, what exactly are we looking for?” Swift Strike groaned and ran his hand over his face. “Look closely, very close and you’ll see it. It’s on Hailstorm’s cutie mark.” The sudden change of air that swept over this entire room did not go unnoticed by me. Daring Doo, Screwball, and Starlight gave the others some space to work, and I just maintained my distance. Seconds passed. And they were excruciatingly long. Felt like hours almost, until I heard a familiar gasp. “OH MY GOSH!” Pinkie screamed, her head shooting away from the table. “Hailstorm! Get your perfectly shaped flank over here now!” the mare ordered. If I could I would have very well liked to ask her if she’s been staring at my butt recently. But I withdrew the question, fear taking over me instead. Moving away from the corner in this large common room I approached the others, and upon doing so noticed how Rainbow Dash’s eyes slowly became hit with revelation as she stared at the holographic image of my cutie mark. Before I knew what was happening, Pinkie had tackled me to the ground, spun me over onto my belly, and gently moved my tail aside in a span of four seconds. I had to admit, for an energetic mare, she was fast....and strong. “Pinkie what are you-” Fluttershy began her protest, only for the mare to raise a hoof for a moment, to show them that she was not about to commit any horrible or obscene act to me in Twilight’s home. “Look!” Pinkie said, causing me to shiver when I felt the tip of her hoof graze my pelt that had my second glowing cutie mark on it. The room fell silent, and I couldn’t help but feel extremely uncomfortable being pinned to the ground like this and having my rump being up for display. With one quick shove I moved Pinkie off of me and scrambled up to my hooves, rounding to face the others. The look of confusion on everyone’s face told me something was amiss. And all I could do was sigh. “What did I do this time?” I sighed. “We’re not sure” Twilight said slowly. Cautiously. “But you can see it for yourself.” The six mares parted, moving away from the map. I looked at Swift Strike hoping he’d give me an answer to this instead, but the buck shook his head. “You’ll have to see this for yourself mate.” I suppose I do, don’t I? Moving forward, the room quiet, to the point where I could hear my own breathing and the clopping of my hooves on the ground I took a look at the map, and the cutie marks floating over the gorge. Pinkie’s was floating next to Daring’s, Daring’s next to Screwball’s and behind them was mine. My other cutie mark that I still didn’t understand, nor like that much. The multicolored bullseye, didn’t look as multicolored as it should. Slowly around the circle’s edges, where there should have been a pink cerise mixture followed by all the colors of the rainbow, was a black tracing around the bullseye's edges. And from the looks of it, this black color, was sucking out the color in each of the other rings all the way to the bullseye point. Turning everything a dark shade of grey. It was like vacuuming. Suction occurs and sucks up anything in its path. Leaving nothing, but a new clean floor in front of you. And that was what looked like was happening to my cutie mark. Everything was turning grey. All save for the B and A. They were turning red? At this realization I felt a shiver crawl up my spine. I had no idea, what on earth this was implying. But I didn’t like it. “Where’s Ghastly Gorge?” I asked after a few seconds of silence had set in so I could adjust. No one responded. It felt like they were looking at me, or rather were staring at the mark on my rump. I dared a glance back and noticed that for the first time since I’ve seen her, Screwball herself had no idea what was going on. A feeling of great turmoil made its way into my body by forming a lump in my throat. I swallowed, and forced this feeling of terror away. If Bill was doing this to scare me for payback on calling him out, he was doing a great job. I coughed, and broke the mystical spell of silence. Everyone diverted their attention away from the map that held my ominously darkening cutie mark or diverted their attention away from my cutie mark in general and looked at me. “Well” I said with some feigned courage. “Let’s go, we’ve got to go see what the problem is. Pinkie, Daring, Screwball, lead the way.” No one moved. And for a second I felt like they were going to start asking me questions again about why I was here and why I was so different. But then Pinkie smiled, hopped over to my side and told everyone we were leaving. Pinkie Pie half dragged, half escorted me out of Twilight’s castle with a intrigued Daring Doo, and greatly perturbed Screwball following after us. All our friends watching us as we left. The front door to Twilight’s castle slammed, and then Pinkie exuberantly started guiding me towards Ghastly Gorge, doing everything in her power to make sure I didn’t look back at the castle. “C’mon Hailstorm let’s get a move on!” she said with a grin that looked more forced than natural. Pushing me along the ground with a foreleg, Pinkie and our other two comrades followed as we moved towards Ghastly Gorge. But before we were too far away from the the castle I dared a chance to quickly look back. That was a mistake. The eyes of Rainbow Dash and Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack, were watching us leave Ponyville, and the entire time I could see that look in their eyes. The look of distrust, a look of curiosity, and a look of utter confusion. Pinkie noticed this and gently turned my head so my gaze would go straight forward. “Let’s just focus on this mission, alright?” she said gently. Pinkie sense. A strange and unnatural gift bestowed upon Pinkamena Diane Pie, and Pinkie Pie alone. Every now and then, Pinkie’s nose would twitch. Pinkie sense. It was a strange, yet unique gift the mare had had since the beginning of time. And ever since Hailstorm had arrived in Equestria her nose had beena twitching. Pinkie Pie lead the troop of four, towards Ghastly Gorge. And behind her was Daring Doo, and Hailstorm. Screwball trotted by Pinkie’s side, casting cross-eyed glances at the stallion every chance she got. And every time Screwball glanced at Hailstorm, Pinkie’s nose twitched. She had been ignoring this feeling for quite some time now. Ever since the stallion got here her nose hadn’t stopped twitching. It did it when he was asleep,it did it when Dash had saved him, it did it when he had come running to her rescue, and it did it every single time he switched to his hue-man, form. But Pinkie hadn’t made a deal of it like she usually did with her senses. She kept quiet about it. Because a twitchy, itchy nose meant one thing to the party planner. Secrets. Secrets were being kept and hidden like buried treasure that would make you rich for the rest of your life, ergo a twitchy, itchy Pinkie nose. On a few occasions Pinkie had thought of telling the others, but then again Rainbow Dash had covered that enough already. With her whole “he’s a weird and we should figure out what he’s hiding!” bit. Okay so maybe she didn’t say it like that but that’s how it sounded! And then there was the whole thing with Haily Flaily’s cutie mark she thought as her forehead wrinkled with concern and thought. Cutie marks weren’t meant to do that, ever. Period, no ifs ands or buts. It’s weird enough he has two different cutie marks but one of them changing like that? It was almost like when Discord, discordeded us. And this bothered Pinkie greatly. Every place they had been there were secrets. The temple at Kangaroo Isles, that voice that knocked them out. The serpent god and his warning, Hailstorm’s weird transformations, the distortion with the magical balance, Discord’s reaction when he woke up, and her now twitching nose. All of this meant something really bad was going to happen. The thing is, Pinkie didn’t know what. And that’s what bothered her. Her senses didn’t predict a future, they were a warning of something to come in the future. A very vague warning. And since she had nothing to work on Pinkie couldn’t figure out for the life of her what would happen when they got to Ghastly Gorge. Taking a quick glance behind her, Pinkie could see Daring Doo was talking to Hailstorm now. And whatever they were talking about, was making the stallion avoid looking at her. Pinkie frowned a bit. She didn’t like seeing her friends sad, but what must be done must be done. She turned her attention back to leading everyone towards Ghastly Gorge, a now nervous Screwball following behind the party planner as they gave Daring and Hailstorm some more space to talk. “Hey” the pegasus mare beside me said. I turned my gaze in her direction. “What are you hiding from us Hailstorm?” “There is a reason I can’t tell you” I replied. “Try me” Daring Doo said. I sighed, “I’m under a lot of pressure right now. There are things going on, things that are going to happen that you guys won’t understand. Like that whole serpent god thing. That’s never happened here before has it?” Daring Doo lifted a hoof up in thought as we followed Pinkie and Screwball. “Not that I’ve seen or heard of. I mean there was Discord and I guess if you think about it Tirek, but from the bits and pieces of news I’ve gathered throughout my journeys, not a lot has happened since then.” “Then you see why I can’t tell you and the others till I’ve figured a few things out for myself.” The explorer merely snickered. “Sounds more like a half-baked lie, to me.” I snorted and finally lifted my head up looking at the explorer, “You wouldn’t know a real “half baked lie” if you saw one.” The flapping of wings next to me followed by Daring Doo herself landing in front of me and cutting off my procedure forward threw me off. Pinkie and Screwball stopped their advancement towards the Gorge, which as far as my eyes could make out was probably now just a mile away. I looked back at Daring, and saw her crossed look as she stared at me. Just like Dash, I thought. “Like I said try me.” My jaw had slightly dropped at this point. The sudden change of behavior coming from the explorer was a bit surprising. And Daring’s hardened stare wouldn’t let up. “Well?” the pegasus said. It was strange, you know? I understood why she wanted to know.Why they all wanted to know, the things that were happening I really did. It was just like with me and my dreams. Why I kept seeing things from Gravity Falls. Why me? Why now? I used to stay up well into the night asking myself these questions. Coming up with all kinds of weird theories, that it was an illness, that maybe it was because I watched a couple weird shows every now and then. Remember how I said awhile back my parents nearly sent me to the hospital because I kept seeing things? Well, my dreams were more of an impact than I thought. When I was younger, before I got into college back home, the dreams were worse. Way worse. I didn’t get full episodes when I slept. If I even got a blink of sleep that night. Sometimes it’d be images. Brief ones. Simple yet sweet. Other times they’d be more vivid, clear. And those were the worst. Do you know what it’s like to wake up at 2 in the morning, covered in sweat and having this strange and insatiable urge to write down things you don’t know or understand for an entire week? Have you ever had a vivid dream where you’re seeing through the eyes of another person, watching their brother get sucked into this weird machine and then never see him again for years. Spending your life doing awful things, tricking your own family and sneaking behind their backs to bring a brother back who doesn’t even care but is obsessed with his research. I suppose not. No one would. And I guess that’s why I suddenly started to feel angry. Mad at Daring Doo to ask me something I had just told her to wait on. Mad at myself that all this was happening because of my mistakes. Mad at whatever was forcing me to have these dreams. My mouth closed as Daring stared at me. The muscles in my jaw seized and tightened as my expression went from stunned to austere. “I don’t have to explain myself to you guys. Not now. Not yet. I’ve told you I need time. Just give me time to-” “We’ve given you enough time!” Daring Doo yelled, her wings twitching as she shouted. “How many more times will you tell us to wait. Or avoid the subject, or have someone else cut in for you because you don’t have the balls to speak yourself HUH?” I said nothing. I just stared. “Hey Daring, I get your tired of the whole back and forth waiting for an answer thing but don’t you think we should focus on getting to the Gorge?” Screwball said trying to change the topic. “You’re one to talk!” the explorer snarled rounding on the mare. “Whenever he’s in a tight spot you just seem to come to his rescue, what do you have a thing for him or something?” Screwball’s cheeks visibly turned a light shade of fuschia pink. She didn’t reply to the question. “Okay!” Pinkie said wrapping a hoof around Daring’s neck and pulling her close. “How bout we forget all about this and just focus on the mission at hand okay? Cupcakes anypony?” she asked with a weak cheery smile. No one said anything. Daring looked at me one more time with a sour look at my refusal to reveal anything. Then slipped herself away from Pinkie’s embrace with a wing tip. She slowly came trotting towards me. Screwball and Pinkie weren’t sure what was about to happen so the two simply watched with a great sense of anxiety. Pinkie eating the cupcake out of a nervous habit and getting frosting all over her lips in an attempt to calm herself. When Daring Doo was close enough to the stallion of her target she gave Hailstorm a cold look. Studying his blank, empty expression allowing the seconds to pass in silence. “Why won’t you tell us?” she asked in all honesty. “Even after all the warnings we’ve been given, warnings I’m sure you knew would come and have received yourself, you still won’t tell us even if it means losing our trust? Are you really that stubborn? Tell me Hailstorm, why?” My brows furrowed when she’d finally finished. A recent memory relating to one of the things Twilight had told me about Daring Doo when I read one of her books during my first week in Equestria. “Tell me this. Why did you teach yourself not to trust anyone after becoming an adventurer?” Daring Doo stared then blinked. “The secrets that come with my adventurers aren’t meant to be displayed publicly. There are ponies, griffons and other creatures out there that could use the relics I’ve discovered for evil purposes. Like Ahuizotl. What’s your excuse?” I leaned in, and we bumped snoots. “I don’t need an excuse. Just like you basically just told me right now. Your knowledge on relics could be used for evil.” “And yours?” she asked leaning in closer. “Could tear Equus apart. Especially if he finds out”, with that said I moved my head away from Daring Doo, trotted by her without another word, and gestured Pinkie to keep on leading the way. I didn’t bother to look at the scowl on Daring’s face slowly turning into a somewhat pleased snicker. Screwball followed after me, once Pinkie took the lead again and tensions had died. Her cheeks were still a light fuschia cerise but she didn’t say anything about the exchange between Daring and I just now. No one spoke for a long time. That is not till the Ghastly Gorge was just a couple of feet off in the distance. “Hey Pinkie, when a cutie mark goes grey. Is that a good sign?” I asked staring at the Gorge in front of us. “Noo” Pinkie said with a frown. “It’s not. Not at all.” Ghastly Gorge, really did deserve its name. Above it were nimbus clouds. Dark large, fat, bulky, nimbus, stratus clouds that loomed over the entire valley menacingly. Flashes of light struck above us, and in the distance the rumbling sound of thunder. Yet if the group of four glanced back in Ponyville’s direction. There was not a cloud in the sky, that held such a dark and dim image that Ghastly Gorge now had. “Soooo....” Pinkie said after the thunder had died down. “Who wants to go in first?” Screwball who was beside me, slowly and jokingly raised her hoof. I slowly and seriously brought her hoof down. “Let’s just go.” > Chapter 16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Goddess Emerges Moving on the outskirts of Ghastly Gorge, thunder boomed, and the sky appeared nothing but grim in comparison to the rest of Equestria’s blue skies. Four ponies moved on through these outskirts. Two of the members of these four were behaving in a strange manner. And for Screwball, that truly was something bizarre. Looking around, even though being cross-eyed, the mare still had as much depth perception as any other regular mare or stallion could have or hope for. Yet for the sake of appearances Screwball focused her attention on her eyes and straightened them out so they would appear ‘normal’ at least in pony standards. The deeper the four ponies traveled through the Gorge, the darker the place would appear. More thunder, stronger wind, and even on a few cases there would be rain. And all the while as the group pushed on Pinkie Pie would not stop shaking. At first when they got to the gorge it had been minor, but the deeper they got and the more time passed the worse her shaking became. Screwball herself had begun clucking her tongue nervously like a chicken, constantly looking around as this ‘presence’ she was feeling grew stronger and stronger, a few bristles on her coat even standing straight up and emitting a static like feeling the deeper they went through the gorge. And needless to say, while Daring Doo payed more attention to the task at hand and only bothered to look back at her teammates when she felt they were too far away, Hailstorm couldn’t keep his eyes off the other two equines that had been acting strangely since coming here. Only being here for about a week Screwball knew that the human had many things he needed to adjust to. One of the things that actually surprised her however was his mental state of mind. Because Screwball although never meeting a human till now, knew for a fact that most humans would crack under this form of psychological pressure. Yet for some strange reason, Hailstorm had not. The reason Screwball knew this? She didn’t know, she didn’t care. All she knew is that whoever she was feeling, was strong, and not the same strong she had felt practically radiating off of the God of Serpents when he had appeared before them at Zecora’s. No, no, no. Jormanzir’s strong was like heat coming off a furnace that was raising the already burning temperature of a volcano. This kind of strong was...disturbing. Maybe that is why my pelt is standing on end? Screwball reasoned. “Are you two are going to be alright?” a voice asked from behind them. Daring Doo didn’t stop moving but the now twitching Pinkie who had been breaking the laws of physics and Einstein’s theory of relativity a few minutes ago now stopped moving and turned to stare at the concerned look on their mysterious friend’s face. Screwball herself glanced back at this stallion she felt such a strong attraction to, and only managed a small goofy smile, her eyes losing their focus giving her a slightly unnecessary look, accompanied by a insane giggle escaping her lips in the process. Pinkie managing a weak smile, nodded her head. “We’ll be fine, I guess whatever is coming is something really really really really really really really-” “Pinkie” Hailstorm cut in, concern filling his voice. The party planner stopped saying the word ‘really’ a few seconds after, staring at Hailstorm along with Screwball who was now sporting a weak goofy grin that made her look like she was smirking now instead when in fact it was supposed to be a frown. Hailstorm’s expression was a serious one, Pinkie noted. No jokes would lighten his mood right now. A few seconds of silence passed, in which Pinkie felt her nose undergo a burning twitch that hopefully went unnoticed. The twitch from her nose being a product of her Pinkie Sense telling her that Hailstorm was still hiding something. “Pinkie?” Hailstorm’s voice came in again. The stallion was now staring at her with that same look of concern, one he had been sporting ever since her Pinkie senses and Screwball’s...senses? had been acting up. “Oh...right, sorry” she said with a sheepish smile. A smile soon broken when she suddenly twitched, her head craning to the right, her left eye dilating, right eye closing as if she had been badly pinched, ears dropping docility and her right foreleg lifting in synchronized timing with her left hind leg, forcing me, to take a step forward and grab Pinkie by the tail before she fell over the edge they now stood on, the stallion pulled her safely away from her precarious position just in time also, for a rock Pinkie had been standing on collapsed seconds after the stallion pulled her away. Screwball doing nothing but watching the entire time as her goofy look now actually became a real frown. Hailstorm sighed when he saw Pinkie’s muzzle scrunch up with worry, and for a second Screwball noticed that look of guilt pass over his face once again. “Look” Hailstorm said, “I don’t think you guys should follow us any further. Let Daring Doo and I handle this, I don’t want you two getting hurt. I could never forgive myself if someone got hurt because of me.” Pinkie’s nose twitched again, a small burning sensation telling her to ask the stallion what he meant by that. Screwball noticed the party planner look at her, for help as the pink mare twitched once again. Hailstorm was now silent waiting for an answer, and Pinkie was looking to her, Screwball, for help. Screwball’s frown turned into a prim straight line expression. She nodded to Pinkie assuring her that she would convince Hailstorm that sending them back wasn’t the answer. But before Screwball could even get a word out just as she opened her mouth, a shadow passed above them and a second later Daring Doo had landed right beside Hailstorm with a mildly surprised look on her face. “You guys are going to want to come with me and see this. Right now.” Pinkie, with difficulty, and only with the help of Daring Doo was she able to rise to her shaking hooves. “Look Pinkie I really feel you and Screwball should-” Hailstorm began. The sentence was never completed however. A hoof promptly pushed it’s toe right on the former humans lip, silencing him. The stallion’s eyes met Screwball’s now focused ones and before he could mumble words out, Screwball merely shook her head at him. “We’re not leaving till we figure out what’s causing all of this” she said waving her hoof at the skies. “Now suck it up, and let’s go. Daring Doo could you lead the way?” Screwball asked the mare who now donned a confused look. Daring Doo though indeed confused, simply nodded. “Right. Follow me, we’re going to need to head up ahead a bit then make our way down the gorge. The thing or rather the pony I want to show you, is down there.” “The pony?” Pinkie asked with a hint of surprise as another twitch traveled through her. “You heard me, the pony.” “What is a pony doing out here in Ghastly Gorge?” Hailstorm’s voice came from behind as Daring took up the lead. “Don’t know. We’ll have to find out when we wake him/her up” Daring stated. At this statement another riveting shock went through Screwball’s coat, causing more hairs on her coat to stand up on end, signalling the pressure of this presence was reaching it’s peak. And that’s when Screwball knew, the pony they were approaching...Was a god. Princess Celestia is a calm, level headed type of ruler. She does not make rash decisions, she does not make many mistakes, and she is always thoughtful of her ponies. Ruling Equestria as a monarch for a thousand years can give you a lot of knowledge on what you need to work on and improve one. Especially after you had to banish your own sister in the process. Maintaining peace, working to maintain the tidal of power so that it never completely shifted to the nobles of Equestria, and doing her best for a millennium's worth of work to make sure that all evil that her ponies would face remained vanquished and never did harm her subjects like Nightmare Moon had been able to do in the shadows was not easy. It took years. Eons and eons of work. Tired and effortless work, all to get to where this nation currently stood. Constantly factoring in a variety of things, the lives of ponies and unpredictable results to get Equestria where it currently was as a stable nation. And on some few occasions it had required some manipulating, to make things work in her favor. But it was all worth it. All worth it as long as she knew the world had some amount of peace in it every day. And right now as the princess of the sun lay in her room, resting while her sister overlooked the skies. And as she lay asleep Celestia could feel it. A powerful presence she had not sensed in a long long time was making its appearance in Equestria. Sweat began to form as the princess lay in her trance, tossing and turning under her covers and all Celestia could do was sleep. And turn. And sleep. And turn. Till she heard a voice speak to her in her dreamless slumber, speaking the words she had heard over and over throughout her many battles of the past. But never had Celestia ever heard it in this manner. Her eyes springing open, the princess of light awoke shrouded by darkness. Her regalia, gone. Her ethereal flowing mane, gone. And her surrounding world, dark and empty. Then all of a sudden, there was a light. Not too strong, not too bright, but small enough for her to see. Celestia paused, and stared at this orb of light, waiting, expecting something to happen. But nothing did. Her only source of light just floated a mere feet away, waiting in the ever encompassing darkness that surrounded the princess’ dream. After a minute of silence Celestia, took a step forward, her hoof causing an echo. The light pulsated, allowing a flow of white energy to completely ripple through the darkness like a pebble hitting water. The ripples only continued with each step Celestia took. The closer she got to the glowing orb of light, the greater she could feel and sense a stronger force behind all of this. It was strange really, Celestia thought. Despite being through many battles of her own, you’d think the princess of the sun would be used to powerful figures making their appearances in Equestria. But the truth is that was far from correct. When Discord returned Celestia wasn’t prepared for him. When Tirek came back, it had been her faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends to beat him. And as for Sombra? It had taken Spike and her niece Cadence to rise to the occasion. “And who could forget the time Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings defeated you?” said a voice that echoed throughout the darkness. Celestia stopped her procedure towards the orb, and looked at it. The white ball of light had changed to a purple color and now burned even brighter. Celestia’s eyes narrowed. “Who-” “I mean you no harm princess, I just wish to speak in private is all. I’m sure you do not know of me, unless perhaps Starswirl was more loose lipped than I imagined him to be” the feminine voices stated, every word causing a white ripple of utter power to shake and warp the darkness around them. Celestia paused, her brows knitting together in thought as she could feel every pulsating ripple whip her less than ethereal mane around like a gust of wind. It wasn’t until a few seconds had passed that Celestia had went through her memories and tried to recall what Starswirl said did she remember her long expered friend mentioning something about a...”Athelia?” There was a giggle, from the glowing orb before it responded. “That stallion always had trouble keeping things to himself when he discovered something exciting.” A nostalgic smile formed on Celestia’s muzzle. “Yes. Yes he did.” A few moments of silence were offered in regards to this somewhat warm moment, before Athelia spoke once again. “Memories aside Princess, I assume you know of his theory of creation?” the orb asked. Celestia nodded. “There are four gods who created Equus, and Fourteen minor gods who represent our world. But Starswirl was always one for theory, when he couldn’t find hard proof or evidence on what he wanted. There’s been no such proof of gods or goddesses ever existing.” The orb’s light dimmed slightly at the last statement. “Yes, I suppose there hasn’t been any proof has there?” it asked rhetorically. Celestia tilted her head to the side, feeling the pressure in power rise. “Athelia was your name correct? You said you knew Starswirl...but if that’s so are you a” she paused. Such a thought had not been on her mind for centuries. But then again what was curiosity if no one ever asked a question? “Are you perhaps” Celestia paused once more, already knowing the answer. Trying to ask this type of question was proving to be difficult. Long had she destroyed any thoughts of there being other alicorns aside from her and her sister. True alicorns that had lived as long as her and her sister had, and weren’t made like her nephew and faithful student. But as if realizing the question Celestia was going to ask through the silence, the orb answered. “No, I am not. I am different, from an alicorn, but if you still have doubts on me knowing Starswirl. I assure you, I have lived as long as you have. And I can assure you just as well, that Starswirl’s theory was more than just a theory.” Celestia’s eyes narrowed. The power she could sense, radiating from this orb wasn’t a joke. It was strong, if she weighed everything currently happening correctly she had to at least for now go with what this being was telling her and play along. So she did. “What do you want?” “I’ve come to warn you.” The orb said, a powerful pulse radiating through darkness. Celestia’s eyes though narrow, nodded slowly as she rose to her full height. “Go on.” And so she did. “Equestria will fall, if ten heroes do not stand tall. Trials will rise, they will not stop till he claims a once great prize. There is nothing to stop him, while he is always watching. And as time flies many creatures may die, and so I give you this warning Princess of the light, your sister too will soon come to awake you. And now I must take my leave, my guests are arriving, and it is time I set things right.” The orb pulsed strongly and the force and energy it released actually pushed Celestia slowly back against the ground. With the explosion of the orb a figure could vaguely be seen within the burst of luminous brilliance. And as the wind pressure pushed Celestia slowly back, despite her efforts a voice was carried with it. “I hate to say it Celestia, but my job is real. Just as real as Starswirl’s theory of creation. The gods are real, and if you’ve noticed the disruptions in magic, so is the being that has invaded our world. “But don’t worry” the figure in the form of a tall unicorn said, her smile being the only thing one could see through the incandescent light. “I’ll make sure everything is set right.” “Set right?” Celestia asked, wincing at how strong the light was. “What do you mean? Who’s causing the disruptions?” But the only response she received from the unicorn was a smile before hearing the word “Awaken.” A second later Celestia awoke covered in sweat, looking around frantically she calmed once she realized she was in the safety of her own room. Looking out the window, Princess Celestia paused feeling like she had forgotten something. She looked at a nearby clock on her table drawer. It was almost 7. Then she remembered, she had a duty to attend to. So she rose keeping in mind the dream she had just had, deciding she would talk with her sister about this as soon as she saw her. Because if that warning was true. Then it was only a matter of time before something horrible happened. Daring Doo, Screwball, Pinkie and Hailstorm had finally made it to the bottom of the gorge. It had taken some time, with Pinkie’s constant twitching. And it had taken even more time with the strange way Screwball’s coat got all electric. “It’s taken us an hour, but we finally got down here” Hailstorm said feeling really exhausted. “So” he turned to face the explorer. “What did you want to show us?” Daring Doo pointed up ahead in response. Making the former human, Screwball and Pinkie all turn to see what she was referring to. Laying on a small pond, surrounded by dead plants was a unicorn mare. And a majestic one at that, Screwball noted, her coat standing fully on edge. “Why is there a mare here?” Hailstorm asked. But before Screwball could even begin to answer the question the stallion had just asked, Pinkamena Diane Pie suddenly, stopped twitching. No more shaking, no more trembling, no more vibrating, nothing. Just stone cold out of nowhere she stopped twitching. And not a second after she did, did Pinkie’s eyes immediately begin darting around looking for whatever was about to happen. At that exact same moment as Pinkie began scanning the place frantically, all static that had been fluffing Screwball’s coat suddenly stopped, all her hairs standing on edge, even her tail rising up slightly in alarm. Screwball’s eyes widened, as she watched the sleeping majestic unicorn; coin colored in coat, with a perfectly pewter curved horn that was steel grey at the tip, slowly rise from her sleeping position, her hooves standing on the pond as if it were the ground itself. Daring Doo who had noticed the unicorn awaken first, was able to get Hailstorm’s attention. Though that was quite unnecessary. I was already watching. The tall unicorn mare’s mane had three different shades of grey in it. Ash, anchor, and argent. And at the tips of her hair, gold, a sparkling gold that made the color gold itself look shameful. And what was even more surprising, was her mane flowing freely and easily, despite the wind that had suddenly picked up upon her awakening, her mane flowed normally. Just. Like. Celestia or Luna. Screwball’s eyes were still wide, her cross-eyed expression making her appear a bit more goofy than she should despite her sudden state of alarm. The power emanating from this mare was crushing her. And now, her eyes glanced in the former human’s direction. She feared for Hailstorm. She worried for Hailstorm, because right now, every fiber in her body was telling her that this god, particularly was here for him. Pinkie was the last to notice the tall unicorn mare had awakened, though her eyes were still closed. Slowly Pinkie turned her head, then her entire body to face what the rest of the group was currently facing. A unicorn mare that was now the tallest out of these five, Hailstorm being the second. The wind picked up blowing harder, blowing stronger. And in all honesty, Screwball had to admit that she didn’t like the way this presence was emanating an ominous feeling. But Screwball, being all goofs and chortles knew when to act when in the face of higher power. And by the four makers she was not about to do something to anger the god of truth and misfortune. Daring Doo ever the perceptive observer, caught on to Screwball’s strange antics and began backing away. But upon seeing Hailstorm was still the closest to this mare whose eyes still remained closed she whispered harshly, “Get your butt out of there now!” Yet to all three other mares befuddlement, the stallion did no such thing. He simply continued to stare, mesmerized by this creature, too shocked to even lift a leg. So Screwball had to improvise. Rushing forward and grabbing Hailstorm by the tail the stallion was pulled back so hard he fell on to his flank. But the tug had done it’s job and snapped him out of it. The wind was growing stronger as the seconds passed, and as if coming out of a deep trance Hailstorm now registered how bad their situation was. They needed to find cover, before things got worse. As if to confirm this, lightning struck, and thunder boomed soon after. Rising immediately on his legs, Hailstorm turned to the others, all of whom had their attention on the unicorn still standing in the water of dead plants. “We need to take her and find cover!” his voice managed a shout through the howls of the winds. Screwball understood what he was saying, Daring Doo as well. But Pinkie. Pinkie refused to leave. “What are you thinking Pinkie?! We can’t stay here it’s dangerous!” the stallion shouted, trying to be heard as best he could. But Pinkie once again shook her head. “WE can’t leave. Whatever reason I was shaking, whatever reason my Pinkie senses have been acting up, it’s because of her” she yelled pointing a hoof at the mare in front of them. “We leave and who knows what will happen.” “But Pinkie we can’t-” the stallion stopped. His voice now clearly audible, as there was no longer a strong wind that drowned out the sounds of his voice, or played with the manes, and tails of the group. It was silent now. Deadly silent. The three mares looked to the unicorn, but I looked to the heavens. And that’s when I saw it. Through the grim, dark nimbus clouds above us, a shape had formed in it’s atmosphere, a shape depicting an image for all to see. That shape was one of my cutie marks. The bullseye, loomed over us like horrible omen. And for a second all I could do was stare at the depiction of my cutie mark in the sky, shaped by lighting, crafted by the winds. And before I knew it, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked in that direction and froze when I saw Screwball’s terrified expression. She was pointing a hoof straight ahead. I turned, not wanting to, but still going ahead anyways. The unicorn still standing on the pond, still surrounded by dead flowers, was staring not at the others. But at me. Her purple eyes glaring daggers at me, yet her expression calm and tranquil. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t move. I felt...paralyzed almost like when that spider had used it’s webbing to stop my movements. It was horrible. None of us could move. We could only stand and watch, thunder once again making it’s appearance as the unicorn mare moved towards us. Her movement: slow, calculated, majestic with a regal feeling to it. She stepped off the pond, over the dead flowers and stood on solid ground looking down at all of us, while her mane and tail continued to flow despite not a single breeze being present. She looked at Daring Doo, smiled at her. Looked at Pinkie who smiled weakly back, and simply nodded to her. Then glanced over at Screwball a small look of surprise crossing her face before she quickly erased it, and simply shrugged. Then finally she looked at me. Her expression baring no emotion, but her eyes giving me all the information I needed to know. She was mad, furious even. And that anger was directed at me. “You are Hailstorm I presume” she asked, her voice soft, yet cold at the same time. It echoed all throughout Ghastly Gorge, and in the silence that passed after her question was asked I heard birds in the distance take flight and flee. A wise decision, I did not have. I nodded, not wanting to speak. She bobbed her head, nodding as well, before looking around Ghastly Gorge, then up at the sky where my cutie mark could be seen. “Do you know why I called you and your friends out here?” the unicorn asked, thunder booming and the world flashing with lightning around us. “I-Is it because you wanted to thank us for doing such a good job in protecting Equestria?” Pinkie asked hopefully. To that the unicorn mare looked at her, smiled in response, then shook her head. “No Element Of Laughter, nothing of the sort. In truth, I am here to reveal to you the things that he will not say.” Her eyes looked back at me and narrowed slightly. Those bright magenta eyes burned a hole in me, to be honest. Silence transcended for what felt like an eternity as the mare stared at me with those bright magenta eyes of hers, before taking a step back towards the pond she had been resting on, once she was an inch away she turned and faced us. A smile was on her face. A smile directed to me. “I am Athelia, goddess of truth and misfortune. And it is time you learn what will befall on your world.” Back in Ponyville, in Twilight’s castle. Discord was growing ever impatient with how long the others were taking to get back. He had been feeling this sense of power for the past few minutes. And the stronger it grew the more disturbed he became. If anything happened to Pinkie what would he do about his weekly pranking routine?! They were supposed to prank Parcel Post next week now that he was back from Chaosville, although how he had managed to survive that long in Discord’s pocket universe draconequus had no idea. Then again he didn’t really care either. What he cared about right now was figuring out why Athelia was making her appearance after a thousand years of silence. The others who had been watching Discord pace back and forth for the past hour and a half knew not what to say about his pacing. Till Swift Strike spoke up. “So, explain ta me again why we’re standing in a corner away from him?” “When Discord gets fidgety like this, it’s best to stay out of his way” Rainbow Dash said simply. “Trust me, I know” Starlight stated. “What did he do to you?” the jack asked. Starlight frowned, recalling why she couldn’t eat oranges anymore after that horrible experience. A shudder went through her. “I...I don’t want to talk about it.” Swift Strike cocked a brow at her before looking back to the pacing draconequus. Then an idea hit him. “Fluttershy” the mare looked up at him upon call of her name. “You know Discord better than the rest of us, talk to him.” Fluttershy looked at Discord then looked back at her friends. They all shrugged, only Rainbow Dash nodding. Fluttershy looked back at Swift Strike wanting to say something, but kept quiet and ultimately went to meet Discord upon his six hundredth round back. “Discord?” “Mhm?” he said still pacing. “Is there um, is there a reason you’re pacing back and forth like that?” “Mhm” he said absentmindedly. Fluttershy lifted a confused brow and looked at the others for some support here. They all shook their head and goaded her to push on. She stared at them, shook her head and rolled her eyes before looking back at Discord with a sweet look of concern. “Do you mind telling me what you have on your mind that’s bugging you?” she asked. Discord stopped pacing. Looked straight at the common room doors, then looked at where he was standing. After he’d done all that he stared at Fluttershy and shook his head. “No.” “No?” she said slightly surprised. “But-” “Fluttershy please let me finish” Discord said as gently as he could. Fluttershy paused, but nodded regardless. “She’s already going to explain things for me.” “She? She who?” Fluttershy asked in confusion. But Discord didn’t reply. He merely picked up his friendly gingerly in one arm, much to her surprise before walking towards the others and setting Fluttershy down. Everyone stared at him in confusion. Until the common room doors burst open, the castle flooded with wind, books, teacups, manes, and everything not heavy flying into the air and crashing into something. While everyone looked alarmed and confused Discord merely stared with both arms crossed waiting, for the drama to end. When it did, he snapped his fingers, materializing sunglasses on everyone, including himself. And before AJ could even ask what the hay was going on around here. A flash of brilliant light exploded into the room, that was so blinding that it burnt several books much to Twilight’s terror and utter horror. One of those had been knew, and she was a sentence from finishing it. Oh well. When all had settled and the blinding light died out, Discord snapped all the shades out of existence, before he looked at the unicorn mare standing before them. Her bright magenta eyes looking at the group with a hint of kindness, before looking at Discord with a hint of disapproval. “Hello Discord” she said in a calm, yet stern tone. “Pleasure to see you again, Athelia.” “Yes...pleasure.” Athelia said with some distaste. "Anyway" her eyes began glowing white with magic. “Listen up all of you. I have come to deliver a message.” Fluttershy looked at her friends, all of whom were so confused by everything that happened none had anything to say. Twilight enamored by the unicorn’s appearance just as much as Rarity was amazed by the color of the unicorn’s mane. But still feeling the pain of having lost a good book. Looking up to Discord who now stared with a deadpan expression at the mare, the pegasus opted to ask him a question, but after a few seconds of thinking on the answer she would receive, Fluttershy merely changed her mind, and decided to listen to what this unicorn had to say. After all, how bad could it be right? > Chapter 17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And So The Truth Is Out You know how there’s always that saying about speaking the truth makes you feel better and less guilty? I don’t think that saying works well with me at all. In fact let’s just forget about anything relating to me feeling better about myself when I or if I decided to tell the girls about why I was here and how Bill and I got here in the first place. Because if Rainbow Dash dislikes me now, then she’ll hate me when she finds out I set a sociopath out on her world. Luna and Celestia? I don’t even want to know what they’d do to me if they found out I was the cause of all these magical disruptions in their world. The very thought was horrible enough. Anyway...enough rambling in my head...it’s time to get back to my current situation; reality. The world above four ponies was as still as a silent forest. Tranquil and peaceful, yet behind that peacefulness were creatures that could rip you to shreds in a matter of seconds. Currently at the Ghastly Gorge, four ponies were present. Screwball, Pinkie, Daring Doo and I. And a fifth one there as well. Our unexpected guest. The goddess of truth and misfortune, Athelia. Her flowing metallic mane was still as graceful as ever even without there being any wind. The giant dark nimbus clouds above erupted with thunder and lightning, but not a single drop of rain ever came down on the gorge and those within it. And if that wasn’t bizarre enough, lightning had etched itself into the sky just above the group and the god, all in the form of a cutie mark. My cutie mark. The bullseye. Now that I think about it, this bullseye should have been the first sign. Since when is a bullseye ever a good thing when it’s on your back? Or in my case, my own ass. “Hailstorm!” Pinkie’s voice called out to me in scolding tones. I turned my head slowly in her direction. It was the only thing any of us were being allowed to move at this point. Whatever Athelia had done to us, she was making sure we wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon. When I glanced over at Pinkie she was giving me a crossed stare. I honestly could not tell if it was because of our current situation and she somehow knew I was to blame for it, or if she somehow had used her Pinkie senses to determine whether or not I just swore mentally. Either way it didn’t matter I just wanted to get out of here right now. “You cannot escape if that is what you are thinking” the soft, calm voice of the goddess spoke. I looked up at her, and she down upon me. Her expression was calm and stoic. Expressionless I should say would be the better term. Yet behind all the stoic attitude I could see it in her eyes, that anger, that rage. It felt sickening. I felt like a child again who had just ruined the leather of all those couches we got when I was young and had to face the wrath of my mother when she got back from work. Ugh, what a nightmare that was. Athelia continued to stare at me in silence. Daring Doo and the others followed her gaze towards me in turn. It was the only thing they could really do anyway, so I didn’t blame them. But what I didn’t want to happen right now, is for the others to know about my reason being here. You’re probably thinking why, right? Why have I not said anything and constantly postponed the act of spilling everything and just face the music. It’s probably not something simple that anyone would understand unless they were in my situation, but let me put it this way. If you, oh I don’t know, were invited to a friend’s place for dinner on a special occasion. You and this friend of yours who’s home you’ll be going to for that special dinner, have had some great times. Bad and good alike, but great nonetheless. Now let’s say you go to this dinner, the main course will be served shortly but it takes a bit longer than originally planned. You go to the kitchen to get something to drink, and then while you’re there you see your friend’s mom. She looks concerned about something so you ask if you can help with anything. She explains she forgot something at the store but can’t leave to get it because of the food. With that being said, you take it upon yourself to help. Appreciative of the offer she tells you to watch the meal as it finishes and when it’s done shut everything off then remove it so it can cool down by the time she gets back. You stoutly salute as your friends mother leaves to attend to her duty. Now skip ahead a little, let’s say you do get this meal out, but then by a horrible twist of fate something happens that makes you inadvertently ruin the entire dish. Wouldn’t you try to cover up your horrible mistake so you could spare your friend and all the other guest that fate of witnessing your blunder? Well then again that probably wasn’t the best analogy, but my situation is a bit something like that. I saved my world, but I doomed theirs. Sure it wasn’t unintentional, sure things just suddenly happened and spun out of control, but I’ve been trying to fix it. I’m working to fix it. I’m not just going to act like it didn’t happen and live a carefree life in Equestria while Bill does whatever he wants. I’d be an irresponsible guy if I did that. I just needed time. Time to readjust to everything. To Equestria, to my strange shift between human and equus. I just wanted a break so I could wrap my head around things for just a few seconds, but in the end it doesn’t seem like I’ll be getting that break does it. “No, no you won’t” Athelia replied. I looked up at her, returning from my thoughts. The others did too. A few minutes of silence had stretched quite thinly between us and her and no one had said a word while I was in thought. Was she reading my mind? “Yes” Athelia replied bluntly. “I am and are, always.” A crossed look slowly began to form on my face, but before I could speak all of a sudden the frozen pressure that held all our bodies was released and everyone fell flat on their stomachs. “I am the goddess of truth Hailstorm. Your inner desires are always revealed to me, no matter they be your thoughts, or whether you are aware of them or not. I know.” She explained. “Well if you know everything so much then why didn’t you appear sooner to confront me when I arrived. Surely you must have-” both Daring Doo and Screwball smacked a fetlock on my muzzle to silence me. Both gave me a look to shut up. Obviously talking back to one of the gods in this world hadn’t crossed my mind as one of the things I’d be doing today. Athelia merely raised a brow at the two, a look that was obviously telling us to release my muzzle and allow me the freedom to speak my mind. Smiling sheepishly, despite still being overpowered by everything that was just happening Daring Doo merely said, “I think it's best for both us and him if we keep him quiet for some time while you tell us what we’ve been denied the opportunity to hear. Don’t you?” she asked referring to Pinkie and Screwball. Screwball nodded immediately, but Pinkie took a few seconds longer to respond. Prompting Athelia to speak. “Do you not wish to know what he has been hiding from you?” she asked. As said question was voiced all manners of thunder or lightning stopped instantly, waiting for Pinkie’s answer. Pinkie looked at me, I still had two different hooves over my mouth so I’m not sure how I looked, but if she could see my eyes it was clear I was against her or anyone save Discord, from knowing what I currently knew. A few more seconds of silence were offered to allow Pinkie to think. This was tough for her. Pinkie always liked knowing everything about her friends. Their favorite foods, their favorite hangouts, when they use the bathroom-- okay not the last one, but definitely everything else. After a few seconds of thought had turned into a full two minutes, the party planner’s scrunched up muzzle relaxed and she frowned sadly at me. “Sorry Hailstorm, but my Pinkie senses have been bothering me since you got here. And I can’t ignore this whole” she waved her hooves in front of her nose, “tingly twitchy, fishy sensation. So, yes I would like to know” she said with an increase in her frown. My ears drooped weakly, and my somewhat calm composure fractured just a bit. A muffled sigh came out of my mouth, and I eased myself on my haunches. “Ok...okay fine. Do it. Tell- will you two get your hooves off my mouth already!” Complying with my muffled wish both mares retracted their hooves immediately. “Thank you.” I muttered gruffly. “Do not worry Hailstorm” Athelia said once our little display was over. “I was going to whether I had your permission or not.” Twilight Sparkle and her friends all sat in the rather large common room. The self-proclaimed goddess in the center. All eyes on her and her majestic figure. There had been a few moments where Rarity had wanted to comment on how she just loved the goddess’ mane style, but refrained from doing so feeling like it would have been disrespectful or out of place to say such a thing to a god. Athelia had merely smiled in her direction though when the thought had crossed her mind. “So” Discord stated. “To what do I owe this wonderful pleasure?” he asked. The goddess’ expression returned to a stoic form and she once again addressed Discord with a hint of distaste that mixed so well with her soft and welcoming voice. “I have not come here for you Discord. You should know as well as he did, that I only come in moments of dire need or when the utmost unexpected is bound to happen.” “Wait, wait, wait.” Rainbow Dash cut in. The only one of the group who had been staring at the goddess completely transfixed by her appearance. “Let me get this straight.” Athelia nodded, already knowing what was about to be said. “You. You are a goddess? Is that right?” Rainbow Dash asked, all form of the word disbelief still in her voice. “I believe we cleared that up the first six times you asked me, but yes I am” Athelia responded patiently. “And there are fourteen other gods like you out in our world somewhere just...watching us?” Rainbow Dash asked once more. Athelia merely nodded to this. “So that means, all those times we were in life threatening danger, all you ‘gods’” she said with distaste, “merely stayed up in your godly world, doing your godly things, while you watched most of us nearly get wiped out?” the pegasus asked. Her wings fluffed aggressively as her tone changed to anger. Athelia once again nodded, never once changing her expression or reacting to the change of the athlete’s tone. Silence filled the room after the god’s silent response. Then in an instant Dash was up in the air glaring daggers at the goddess. “What in the- Where the hay have you all been when my friends and I nearly died multiple times trying to save this world! Are you telling me this entire time there have been gods up there, watching us and sitting back with applecider or whatever you gods drink watching/ laughing, at us while we struggled through or own issues in life?!” she bellowed. Swift Strike immediately moved to block the pegasus from doing something stupid they’d all regret. “Now Rainbow Dash I get wh’re you’re comin’ from. But this isn’t the time for us to be asking why or what. This is the time we get to focus on Hailstorm, and figure out why he’s here and who he is? Don’t you-” “NO!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “This is insane. We’ve dealt with crazier things than this before, but I’ve never been genuinely more surprised than I’ve ever been till now. Are you seriously going to come into Twilight’s castle. The one where she could have died over, Ponyville, the place we have defeated a lot of enemies just to randomly say “Oh I’ve got some important news for you. Then I’m gonna go back up to luxury and watch you equines fend for yourselves, because I’m a god and it’s none of my business!” ” she exclaimed. Once that lengthy statement was said, the pegasus’ breath was the only thing that could be heard as she took in deep breaths of air. Her eyes still glared daggers at the goddess before them though. For a while no one said a thing. Dash was right. This is insane. Alicorns were the ones that everyone on their world believed to be on par with the gods. Some even believed the alicorns were gods. Gods and goddesses were all myths made up eons ago, suppositions and nothing more. Not even Starswirl the Bearded’s theory of creation was taken heavily into account. Now all of a sudden they were just supposed to up and believe that a god had appeared to warn them, when they had never done any such thing like this before. “Dash is right” Starlight spoke up. “This doesn’t make sense. First Jormanzir now you? It didn’t click at first because everything was so sudden but now-... Why warn us now when you’ve never once done anything to help before?” a form of her own anger expressed within those words. Athelia said nothing. The emotions she could now feel were a lot. Anger came strongly from everyone, excluding Discord of course who remained uninterested in the current display. The strongest spout of anger came from Dash, Starlight, Twilight and Applejack collectively. There were other emotions mixed in as well, confusion being the second top one on the list. That came from Fluttershy. A full minute passed before Athelia spoke. And by then she had a basic understanding of all the feelings and thoughts that were currently being thrown at her. “You may think that being a god means we get to do whatever we want, like Discord over there” Athelia said looking in the draconequus direction. But the matter remains that just as mortals have their own rules so do we.” “What in the hay could be more important than protecting your own kin?” Applejack asked. She too was now on the edge of her seat. Looking just as mad as Dash. “Respecting what our creators ordered us to do would be one” Athelia stated. “I’m sure you Applejack, one who represents truth, understands just how important it is to honor family. Do you not?” Athelia asked. AJ’s scowl faltered for a second before she quickly turned it into a frown. “Why are you helping us now, though. What’s so different that you’d particularly disobey your... 'family’s' own orders now at all times?” This question piqued interest, Athelia could feel it. All the other emotions and feelings like anger, confusion, disgust fading away as a new one took it’s place in each Equestrian before her; curiosity. “That’s right, didn’t you say you had something to tell us?” Rarity asked. “Is the world in danger...again? How many times does that make it?” Spike asked. Only to be hushed by Twilight. “It is alright” Athelia responded, looking at the young drake. “My brother, speaks fondly of you the most” she said with a faint smile. Spike not sure what to say but still feeling extremely prideful after hearing this, puffed his chest out and smiled boldly. Athelia’s smile grew for a few seconds. It had been a while since she had genuinely smiled, but the moment would have to end, much somethings in life or at least her long life sweet moments didn’t always last for as long as one hopes. Besides she had a task to complete. Clicking a hoof against the azure crystal floor, the goddess waited for silence to fall, as well as all the thoughts she could hear to be still so she could begin what she had come to do. “Now then. I mentioned I was here for a purpose, did I not?” the nods she got in response assured her they were listening. “As I have come to understand, many questions are going through your minds right now. Many emotions as well. Why I’m here will be revealed but all the others relating to the other gods I will not be answering.” To that statement Rainbow Dash’s wings fluffed and Swift Strike reflexively moved to make sure she didn’t try anything. “I also suggest you keep your profanity to yourself Element of Loyalty.” Athelia warned. The only response she received from Dash was a huff. “So why are you here?” Spike asked in a rather straight to the point manner. Athelia smiled at this. It seemed like most dragons had at least inherited her brothers frank attitude. How nice she mused. “You all have met Hailstorm yes?” Everyone nodded, Discord watched on. “Then I’m sure you’ll be glad to know that I am with them right now.” Everyone raised a brow at this statement, it only took a few seconds for everyone to catch on though with what she was saying. “They aren’t-” Twilight began only for Athelia to cut her off with a shake of her head. “They are fine. Daring Doo, Pinkie Pie and Screwball are fine. Your abstract friend however is a different story.” “Why’s that?” Rarity asked. Athelia merely put on a rather fake smile and replied, “He desires this remains a secret.” The silence Athelia was met with followed by the fluctuation of each mare’s emotion in the room was enough to tell her that none liked this. Then again that was why she was here. The two Athelia’s waited. The original with Hailstorm and co, and the copy with Twilight. When enough time had passed and both were sure that there would be no interruptions as she spoke, the two began speaking word for word, synchronously every step of the way. “Hailstorm as you know is not from our world. At least, this shouldn’t surprise you considering with everything you all have been through. Daring Doo and her travels, you the elements and your journeys, and Screwball with her various adventures across the globe. “I am not going to lie or sprinkle sugar powder all over what I am about to say. I represent truth yet at the same time I represent misfortune. Sometimes one overpowers the other, so you must be willing to bare with what I will say regardless of how much it may hurt, anger, or upset you.” Both paused and looked at their audience. They were silent and waiting. Hailstorm feeling extremely anxious at the last sentence especially. “By this time many of you have heard the name Bill pass by from the lips of our exotic friend.” Athelia stated. The original looking at the former human now who on the outside remained calm, was being torn apart on the inside. “Bill Cipher, is an interdimensional being not from this world. And while nothing usually can be hidden from my vision, the fact remains that I cannot locate Bill anywhere in this world. Nor do I understand his goals as of yet, but I can tell you one thing that I am sure of. “He aims to bring ruin to this world. Already I have taken note of the many magical fluctuations throughout our world, and as my brother informed you when you met, it is indeed because of Hailstorm’s appearance.” Screwball opened her mouth to defend, but the words never got out. “I am well aware it is not his fault. But Bill’s powers and an even stronger magic next to it are what collide and cause the negative radiation that affects the balance in magic. If Bill is able to gain enough power or even the right resources, he could amplify this, retrieve what I believe could be his physical body and lay waste to all of this world with an iron fist.” “Wait” Pinkie cut in, both goddesses stopped talking instantly. Allowing the planner to go ahead with her question. “A while back, four maybe five days ago. We were at, Kangaroo Isles, there was this voice if I remember correctly that said. Huemans weren’t or aren’t affected by some of the laws of magic. Could that also be one of the reasons why Hailstorm keeps emitting whatever is causing this and why he keeps reverting back to his hueman form?” Athelia remained silent for a few seconds mulling the question over. Back at Twilight’s Swift Strike had asked that Athelia why she had stopped talking. “Your friend has asked my original a question. Here” she said, a white silver glow came from her horn and a small ball of pink light emerged. Pinkie’s question was then repeated for all to hear. “That is a good question” Starlight mumbled. A minute later the original came up with a response to Pinkie's question. One both Athelia’s responded to. “I do not know. While I may be able to get answers quickly, I do not have all the answers in my disposal. And besides out of my four parents, he was the most mysterious out of them all.” “Who’s he?” AJ asked. Athelia raised an amused brow and responded. “Save any further questions till the end.” A faint smile threatened to cross the goddesses lips as she felt the curiosity levels of the group spike, before resuming their normal levels. “As I was saying” both Athelia’s continued. “The disruptions in our magical balance are minor, these aren’t what you need worry about. Bill Ciphers is who you should focus your attention on. And while the only thing I can gather is that he is not from this world, I do know he does come from somewhere.” At this point, a loud swallow could be heard from the orb that now floated beside Athelia. It would serve as a beacon for the mortals to hear their comrades, but not her original. “And that must be...oh no” Athelia merely nodded at Rarity’s deduction. “Yes” Athelia looked at Hailstorm. “Bill Cipher comes from Hailstorm’s world. And therefore, he was brought here by Hailstorm. And mind you” Athelia stated, "while Bill may not be at his full potential now, from what Hailstorm’s mind tells me. I know no other ways of defeating him in his current state.” “So that means” Spike said with a hint of fear and a lot of cringing. “Yes, whatever happens next is once again up to you all to figure out.” “Now wait just a second. Ah thought you said you could get answers.” Applejack said hotly. “I also said, not all answers are revealed to me.” “If you can go into Hailstorm’s head and tell us this then why don’t you tell us how to stop it.” Starlight chided, though unlike AJ she did it thoughtfully. Athelia was also the god of misfortune, and Celestia knew Starlight had had enough of that. “I can’t” the goddess answered. “And why’s that?” Daring Doo questioned. “Because” she looked at the stallion whose head was now in his hooves. “His mind won’t let me in.” The truth will set you free they say. But right now it’s making me look like a monster. What’s next? Another god visits to tell me how bad I am at trying to fix what I started. Wait. Athelia’s practically doing that now. It took a second for me to register it but after hearing Athelia’s last comment all thought process I had froze. What? “What do you mean my mind is-” Rainbow Dash’s voice abruptly cut in. “Hailstorm quit messing with us and give her the answer! We can put an end to this now if you quit being so bucking secretive and tell us the truth!” My ears twitched, that sounded like Dash. I didn’t answer, nor did I move. I just sat there frozen, trying to think. The answer. If I give them the answer this will end, the guilt, that disgusting feeling would finally be gone. And what’s more is I’d be doing my part, I’ll be free and then- My brain stopped once again. All thoughts going out of the proverbial window and into an incinerator. “The answer....to stopping Bill.” No. “Yeah that’s right. What’s the answer to stopping Bill!” Dash yelled through the orb, though it was softer now. Not as angry or full of...Dash as it usually was. Pinkie, Daring Doo and Screwball along with the others back in Twilight’s castle waited. Athelia however must have known what I was painfully coming to realize though. I don’t know how to stop Bill. Immediately fear was forced throughout the endocrine system and into me as I began trying to think. Trying to remember how to defeat him. I knew I had it at some point in my head. I remember vague images of seeing the Pines do it, but why couldn’t I remember it now. What was the problem?! “Hailstorm” Twilight’s voice said. It was gentle. Kind, and I really needed that friendly tone right now. “Hailstorm” Twilight said again. I managed a “yeah” as best I could. “How do we defeat Bill?” she asked. I said nothing. And that silence alone was probably an answer enough. My eyes darted over to Pinkie, she was expectant. Looking at me with empathy, I looked at the infamous explorer, Daring Doo. She gave me one glance and in an instant her expectant expression turned into a displeased frown. She knew. My eyes glanced over to Screwball finally, who’s usual goofy expression was gone and replaced as her now straight eyes stared at me with concern and something else....sadness? Athelia opened her mouth to speak. To say it, tell them that I didn’t know. That I had no idea how to beat the guy I had just a day or maybe even hours ago told I knew his weakness and now for my own very life couldn’t even remember what it was. People screw up, but jeez. I’m going for the record aren’t I? “He doesn’t-” “Wait!!” I yelled with a force but in reality it was more of a plea out of pure desperation. “Give me a second, I- I need to think.” I said more to myself than to anyone else. You’re lying. My conscious told me. The others gave me some space, but Athelia stood her ground watching me. “I just need a bit of time” I said with exhaustion. “To think, I'm a bit tired so give me a little time to gather my thoughts.” Stop lying and tell the truth you fool, a different voice said within me. “I just-” You can’t win the voice chided. “need” You brought this on the world and now karma's come back with a force. “to think” A light giggle echoed in my head and I thought for sure I was hearing things now. That is till I heard a voice say, “Oh Hailstorm, you really should stop lying to yourself.” “Hailstorm!” Pinkie’s voice called through the noise, and in an instant everything went silent. I didn’t even realize how tight my eyes were shut till I opened them again. I looked down only to see Pinkie staring at me with a lot of worry in her eyes. I don’t know when I did this, but my hands were now covering my ears. At some point I had changed forms and not even realized it, but I suppose that’s what happened when you begin arguing with yourself and the world gets filled with different voices shouting in your head. “Wha- what?” I asked. My left eye twitched slightly, the pains from changing were starting to take their effect now. “You don’t know how to stop Bill do you?” Pinkie asked gently. She still stood on her hind legs, both forehooves now on my chest as she stared at me. Waiting for an answer. Again, my eyes looked around. First at Daring Doo, who now I couldn’t tell what she was feeling. Be it anger or disdain she simply wouldn't look me in the eye. Screwball as usual, looked concerned. Her lopsided eyes only increasing this along with my own conflicted emotions. Then there was Athelia. The goddess of truth and misfortune had said nothing the entire time I went through my own minor mental battle, all of which she had just watched. I very well doubted she had been able to hear it but if she did why did it matter. She represented misfortune as well, so perhaps this was her form of giving me my just deserts. A second of silence passed as she and I stared at each other. A moment later Pinkie’s question ringed in my head and I recalled how her hooves still rested on my bare chest. The look in her eyes made me feel a bit less tense. I can’t explain it, I just felt a bit at peace. I remained staring at Pinkie and she at me for several seconds before she nodded understandingly and moved away. Resuming her natural standing position she faced Athelia and shook her head. Athelia nodded, understanding what I had just said to Pinkie. Words weren’t needed to describe what I just said, neither did she need to hear my thoughts to know either. The Athelia with Twilight and the others looked up from the ground she had been staring at, as her original and her spoke simultaneously. “He does not know.” The god said. The dejected look on a few and the angered expression of one from the entire group was clear enough. Discord raised a curious brow at Athelia’s reply and said nothing. “So does that mean we can’t beat this Bill Cipher fellow?” Rarity asked with a frown. Athelia nodded. “I’m afraid so. At least for now.” “For now?” Twilight asked hopefully. “According to Hailstorm, it seems that he can learn how to defeat Bill.” “How would he do that?” Spike inquired. “The answer lies in his head” the goddess stated. No one said a word after that. Thoughts began to bubble on what this meant and as these thoughts continued to grow Athelia knew more questions would be asked. But she had already overstayed her welcome long enough. “Well then” the copy stated. “It is time I take my leave.” “WHAT?!” Dash snarled. “You’re just going to ditch us after throwing this load on us? What is with you and-” The entire castle shook with a force that only an earthquake could make. The whole castle itself getting thrown into more fits of chaos than before the god’s arrival as furniture itself overturned and shelves fell to the ground. When all had settled, Discord lay in a tangled knot, Twilight lay on top of Fluttershy, Fluttershy Starlight, Rainbow Dash Rarity and Applejack on top of Spike. Swift Strike had somehow found his way to the ceiling where part of Twilight’s old treehouse formed a chandelier. No one took immediate notice of the slight red glow in the room till they had regained their wits and senses. Athelia stared at the group with narrowed eyes, her mane that had flown with a mixture of anchor, ash and argent now burned a blinding flame of white and gold. And her coat now a light cerise red. “I have said it once before that being a god is not about what we can or cannot do. We have our rules, just as you mortals have your own. Element of Loyalty, I will not tolerate insolence a third time. It is best you know your place when speaking to a deity. I am sure you would not talk to Princess Celestia or Luna in such tones as you have spoken to me, or do pegasi show disrespect to their elders in this age now?” Athelia asked with wavering tones of anger. Rainbow Dash managed a glare in return only after she had regained some of her composure. This continued for seconds before the god merely sighed returning to normal form. “As I said, I must leave.” With that said the copy’s horn began to glow. “Wait!” Starlight called. “One quick question.” She raised a brow and the light of her horn dimmed. “What is it Starlight Glimmer?” “It’s about Hailstorm and what you said relating to that other god in Starswirl’s theory. There are four gods: Destiny, Magic, Entropy and the fourth one who was never named. What was his name?” To this Athelia’s stoic expression gave way to a small smirk. “His name was Sapience. And as I said before he was always the most mysterious out of all four creators. And while I may be unable to help you with your predicament I can at least tell you why. “Eons ago when Equestria was being formed, my brothers and sisters, along with I myself were given the orders to never interfere with the ways of mortals but only to watch. Only one of the Big Four gave us this command. Can you guess who?” Starlight and the others who had now straightened themselves, and Swift Strike who had returned from the ceiling all began thinking of the answer. “Destiny?” Twilight replied. “Magic?” Rarity answered. “It’s obviously Sapience” Spike intoned. Everyone looked at him, and despite being just told Equestria was going to be doomed yet again the young drake shrugged. He was used to it at this point. “What?” Athelia giggled. “I can see why my brother likes you young one. Now all you have to do is figure out the rest for yourselves.” Before another question could be asked, the copy disappeared in a burst of light. Back at Ghastly Gorge the original Athelia reopened her eyes. Her conversation with Twilight and the others now over she turned her attention back to the group that had come to meet her. Daring Doo stood away from Hailstorm by herself. Athelia could tell the mare was the most angered out of the group. Hailstorm would have to sort things out on his own with the other members though. She had done her duty, and that was all that mattered. That hint she had given was even dangerously close to breaking her word with one of the Big Four. Looking at the kneeling figure of the dark skin male, she approached him as Screwball and Pinkie gave him comfort with gentle pats on the back. “Hailstorm.” I looked up. Athelia stared slightly down at me, even on my knees we were almost the same eye level. I sighed. This was bound to happen. Keeping lies only hurts not helps. “I’m not mad at you if that’s what you’ve come to confront me on.” “I can’t say I’d be concerned if you were mad at me.” I winced at that. She was like AJ but blunt. “I will tell you this though” she paused then looked at Pinkie and Screwball as a sign to excuse us. Both mares looked at each other, looked at me then nodded. We were excused or at least given some space where the others weren’t in earshot. “While things look dire now, I can tell you have been trying to fix things yourself. But I’m sure you know, that not everything can be done alone or by yourself. You’ll need help. Especially with what you’ll be facing now, so do yourself a favor” a hoof found it’s way to my shoulder. “Trust your allies.” The tension in my shoulders weakened and I could see a very faint smile on her face. Reluctantly I nodded. “Good.” A blinding flash of light later, Athelia was gone and I reverted back to my equine form. It was time to head back to the castle and face the music. I sighed as the others moved on ahead of me. "Nothing ever goes well here does it." > Interlude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prisoner Tartarus. The ultimate prison. The ultimate jail cell. Tartarus was a place created for the worst of the worst. The scum of all scum, and therefore eternal suffering was meant to be given for all it’s visitors. The guard to the only exit of Tartarus, stood staunchly. All his three heads surveying the dirt road, littered with various graves here and there. Each grave had a number on its tombstone. Each number represented the number of a prisoner that had tried to escape none of them making it out alive. And even if they did, they never got past Cerberus. Millions of years ago the dog to this underworld was given one command by his creator. “One cannot leave after they have passed through those gates. Any that try, must be stopped, no excuses or questions asked. Do your duty and see to it that this place is well guarded and never leave your post.” The middle head of the three headed beast growled weakly in his throat. Two years ago he and his brothers had made the horrible mistake of allowing one of the prisoners to slip through their watchful eyes while they went on their nap break. It was a horrible mistake they had made, one they completely forgot about when that orchid unicorn waved a stupid, insignificant little bone in front of their eyes when they had come to find that prisoner in the first place and return him to Tartarus. Only for them to completely lose their cool and state of mind over a measly bone. The middle head whimpered and the head drooped morosely with shame. His brothers however, unsure of why their brother looked so distraught, merely shrugged and looked on, continuing their duty. They had long since come to terms with their own guilt of allowing a prisoner to escape and had simply promised to never let it happen again. The middle one however was still having trouble of sorts coming to terms with what they had let happen. “How long will you continue to mope brother?” The right head asked. “It has been two years since the incident, yet still you cannot let bygones be bygones and move on?” The middle head snarled loudly before speaking. “Two years, yet how long have we been here in the underworld guarding the gates to Tartarus Ti? Longer than those two alicorns have been alive and certainly longer than Discord. Yet look at what we let happen. One of the most dangerous creatures in this world escaped, and when we went to retrieve him what did we do? We let her creation steal our attention with nothing but bone marrow before she led us all the way back here. And even then we didn’t recall the duty Father had given us before it was too late. If that is not something shameful I can mope about than I do not know what you expect from me.” “Grow up” said the Elder, the first head. “So we let Tirek escape once. It was just as I said, Mother’s beloved children would take care of him just like they had done the first time Tirek and his brother arrived on our world. They always do. It is what we expect of them. They save the world. And we stay in the shadows making sure the world stays safe. Besides, you act as if Father is still around when we all know they have been gone for millennia.” The middle head sighed. “Yes, brother. I know...it is just, when I think of how he would look at us if he saw what happened-” “Silence” Elder stated, and so Senior did. “He is no longer here. He has not been here for a long long time. You know that, the gods above that serve as our bosses know that. I will not hear of this any longer. We are Cerberus, a ferocious entity meant to protect the creatures on the surface world from the demons and monsters tossed down here and meant to rot down here for the rest of their mortal or immortal lives. We made a mistake, but who doesn’t? Two years have passed since then, and you continue to mope like a child who had their candy stolen. I suggest you grow up and this discussion ends immediately. I will not continue this discussion on Father or the others. The gods above us don’t and neither shall we.” The elder said with finality. “But brother-” Senior began, only to be silenced by the first heads feral growl that warned the second if he continued to persist he would bite his ear. All three heads went silent after the first had asserted his dominance. Once all was quiet Elder lifted his head up and continued to watch stoutly over the gates of Tartarus, Ti the third head following his lead and after a few minutes of silent self-reflection so did the second head Senior. Cerberus watched over the gates of Tartarus once again devoted to his undying duty. Protect the surface dwellers for as long as he lived. Inside Tartarus acting as his watchful ears and eyes were billions upon millions of orthros, ogres and other creatures that watched over every prisoner with an iron fang or fist, but unknown to them all not even the tightest security could keep out the guest they were about to have. Screams. The screams of a thousand or more souls were suffering in this prison. Some had gone mad with how long they had been here, others would awake thrashing about in their night terrors wondering what they had done to deserve this only for an ogre to beat his giant club against the bars of that cell and silence the screaming prisoner instantly with a roar that rivalled the Royal voice. Orthros moved about doing their duty for their brother, the guard of this realm. Making sure that not a prisoner could escape nor a fool would try to aid them once entered. Many had gone mad in their prison cells. Some cells were rumored amongst the prisoners to see the true horrors of their actions through the eyes of those they had slewn or greatly affected. Others said it was because of the darkness and emptiness one felt within their prison and how it never seemed to end. How even though you knew others were suffering and begging for this to end, the only thing you could hear in your own cell was silence. And that was it. If you did hear something, it was because Hades allowed you to. If you didn’t it was because Hades didn’t want you to. That was what most prisoners believed. At least those that were still alive and weren’t completely insane. Yet sitting silently in his cage, shackled from the wrists to his hooves was an old, decrepit centaur that every prisoner whether sane or mad knew him for the act that they had never been able to do safely. Tirek. Since the first escape, security had doubled and was now four times more strict than usual. Harpies flew above the skies watching every prisoner carefully. If one did anything foolish, a harpy would swoop down fly into the skies and drop him back to the ground where it would appear said prisoner would meet a gruesome end if they were not immortal or had the physical capabilities to survive such a drop. It was only when they were merely feet away from welcoming true death did a ogre catch them then have them thrown back in prison when allowed to be given the time to roam about under heavy guard. These were all precautions being made. Hades had seen to it this happened and was intent on making sure no one ever escaped again. And for that, all that inhabited the realm of Tartarus despised Tirek more so than any creature could on the entire planet. Murder was not allowed in Tartarus, because the punishment faced would be one worse than death itself. If murder were committed, then it would be done by the guards and Cerberus himself when a prisoner tried to escape. That was a rule that had been set by the Big Four eons ago. But if death could be delivered despite the consequences, than needless to say Tirek would find himself in an even tighter situation than he already was now. The cages opened and the voice of a giant boomed loudly within Tartarus past its gates. “You may roam about for a short amount of time, start anything however and you will be punished. Kill anyone and you will be punished, attempt escape” said the giant slowly. “And death is what awaits you. Do what you must at the cost of your own lives, you will not be going anywhere anyway.” Tirek however did not move, he remained seated in his cell, his shoulders dropped in a relaxing manner, his eyes closed and his breath steady. What was the point in going out there when he already knew what would happen. The day he had been put back in this hell hole, was the very same day he had been laughed at by every single disgusting creature in this entire vicinity. Hades himself came down from wherever he resided with the sole purpose to simply laugh at him. So again I ask you, “What’s the point?” Tirek said to one of the orthros trying to get him to come outside. “Because you idiot” the orthros said with a smile. “I’ve got a surprise for you.” Tirek scowled. Surprise. A term usually meant they were going to torture him with the food they received again. Food was something the prisoners that were immortal, weren’t often given. Mortal prisoners were constantly had the opportunity to eat, but the food they were given was nothing compared to the food the guards were given. And Tirek was in no mood to be tortured. Time wasn’t relevant to Tartarus. Everyone here aged according to their own respective times depending on where they came from or based solely off their own biology and how their genomes reacted. Yet even without having knowledge on the actual time, Tirek still knew how much time had passed. “Three days” Tirek said. The orthros raised a brow on either head. “For three days I’ve waited patiently, yet the deal has yet to be fulfilled. I gave him the information he wanted but here I am still trapped. I knew I should have sucked out the magic from his very essence when I had the chance.” He snarled. “Tirek” the orthros standing before him said with a frown. “Look at me.” Tirek rolled his eyes and lifted his head up to stare at the six foot beast before him. The sooner his torture ended, the sooner he could go back to rotting for eternity. But when Tirek looked up at the orthros, he did not see ember irises that they all possessed. Instead he saw yellow slits staring right at him instead. It took a second for Tirek to realize who he was staring at or rather who was staring at him. And when it dawned on him the centaur rose from the cold ground he had been sitting on to get a closer look at the orthros, his shackles clanking and rustling with every step. Both heads watched Tirek approach and when he was close enough, the two headed demi dog smiled revealing all 42 of his sharp teeth. His yellow eyes glinting when Tirek squinted. “Bill Cipher?” Tirek asked. One of the heads nodded. The other continued smiling. “The one and only” both heads said. For a second Tirek said nothing, he merely stared at the form of his ‘comrade’ and then asked the question that had been bugging him. “How did you-” “I made this guard an offer he couldn’t refuse” Bill explained with a toothy grin. “Now then” he said awkwardly turning around, “let’s get you out of here shall we?” Tirek stepped out of the coldness that was his cage and into the burning warmth that was Tartarus. “How do you plan on getting me out of here with this guard? We can’t fight our way through here you know that I hope.” Bill Cipher cackled like a hyena within the orthros body. “Tirek if I’ve learned anything in the past millions of years I’ve lived, it’s to never directly do things yourself” he said with a grin. “It’s to cause trouble and watch what happens from there.” Then just like that both of the orthros’ eyes flashed white and returned to their natural color. A second later a dragon that had been in Tartarus for the past 400 years made his way through the oncoming crowd and intentionally smacked a unicorn with two smaller horns sticking out on the sides of his head. The smack was strong enough to knock the unicorn into three other prisoners who had already been riled up from being trapped in their own cells for so long. It was rare to be given the opportunity to leave the confines of their cells, and these four minotaurs had been waiting for something to happen so they could start a fight. The three horned unicorn smacking into them was the first thing that started it. Tirek watched as the dark red dragon that had smacked the three horned unicorn into other prisoners flash him a smile. And for a brief second he saw Bill’s eyes replacing the dragon’s. The orthros guard beside Tirek had been passed out but was now beginning to come too again, Tirek moved away from it. Backing into the shadows as he watched Bill do his job. Switching from prisoner to prisoner. The dark red dragon was now being approached by the three horned unicorn who was now scowling at him. From Tirek’s view, Bill no longer had control of the dragon. More prisoners were passing by and Tirek moved with the flow, doing so he got farther away from his prison and also lost sight of Bill in the process. In the distance he heard the flap of wings showing the harpies were watching over them, then quite suddenly one harpy descended to the ground approaching a troll that had started something with a manticore. Tirek moved on, the harpy was moving to stop the fight. Four seconds later, a cyclops, yet another prisoner approached the bickering dragon and the angered three horn unicorn and quite suddenly smacked the both of them. Harpies descended with piercing cries and the surrounding orthros and ogres watched from the distance. The cyclops merely flicked his wrist and swung an arm, sending most of the harpies aimed at him scattering. Then suddenly the cyclops spoke, “They were about to start a fight I was just trying to stop them!” He shouted. The harpies aiming to attack slowed, the other guards did not approach and many prisoners who were still unsure of what was going on watched the unicorn and dragon the cyclops had smacked rise with fifty or so other prisoners the cyclops had knocked over when he moved to knock out the harpies. All of them were glaring at either the cyclops or each other for somehow causing them to get tangled up in this mess. Some prisoners were still on the ground, and the harpies that had been knocked out of the air crashed into other prisoners breeding even more anger and angst. Tirek watched all of this silently in interest, the cyclops also had a glowing yellow eye and a slit for a pupil, but the next moment he blinked his eye was normal again. “Interesting” Tirek stated. Then quite suddenly he felt a large figure shove him. A large black minotaur, broken right horn, covered in scars that currently towered a majority of the prisoners shoved Tirek aside and several others. It was brief but Tirek was sure of it when he saw the eyes. Bill was possessing this one also. The large minotaur punched and shoved, kicked and moved aside every other prisoner beside him and even went as far as kicking the dark red dragon already riled up from recent events squarely in the toe. Ignoring the shout of pain from the dragon Bill pushed onward in the minotaur’s body, ignoring the calls the dragon was shouting at him to come back. Finally Bill reached his target. The cyclops he had just possessed. Everyone in Tartarus watched as Fierce the minotaur Bill currently possessed approached then stopped. The dragon Bill had kicked was still growling angrily, but he didn’t follow after. Fierce stared at the cyclops currently trying to explain to the other prisoners he had no idea what was going on. Bill smirked with Fierce’s wicked grin. “Cyclops!” The deep voice of Fierce called. The cyclops stopped his rebuttals and turned before looking down at the minotaur below. His eye narrowed when he saw who it was. “What do you want Fierce?” Bill held Fierce’s grin. “I simply wanted to speak to you, please Othelius come down here.” Othelius paused, but after some thought he conceded. Everyone all except Tirek held their breath as they waited to see what was going to happen. Now on one knee Othelius stared at Bill with a raised eyebrow. “What do you want?” “Oh come on” Bill said in a friendly gesture. “You can’t be that far away come closer, I may have a deep voice but you won’t be able to hear me if you’re that far away.” Once again Othelius’ eye narrowed, but he did inch closer till Bill raised the minotaur’s hand to stop. “That’s perfect, thank you.” Bill said. “Hey Othelius, I have a question. We’re friends right?” Othelius scowled. “Hardly, not after you’ve made fun of my eye multiple times with these other scum. Now. What do you want?” Fierce nodded his head, running a hand through his hair in the process. “I see...I see, so we aren’t friends then yes?” Othelius’ scowl grew. “What do you want?” “Well then that will make what I’m about to do much easier.” Using Fierce’s superb strength Bill grabbed Othelius by the scruff of his beard and pulled the cyclops in close before he whispered. “I want a show” he smiled widely, raised Fierce’s fist then delivered when strong punch right in the cyclop’s eye. The scream that filled Tartarus was by far greater than any other that had ever been uttered as the cyclops leapt back from the minotaur’s grasp. So loud was the yell that many prisoners, guards included had to cover their ears. Some even collapsing, others banging their heads to ignore the ringing that filled their ear lobes. “MY EYE!” Othelius cried, stumbling backwards with both palms over his face, cradling his weeping eye that burnt like a thousand celestial suns. And as he stumbled Othelius scattered many prisoners, all before landing on his rump with an earth shattering thud that shook the grounds of Tartarus to no end. Tirek slowly rose from the ground as did many prisoners exposed to the cyclops’ fall. The sounds of Othelius groaning and moaning in pain was what filled every crevice within the realm and just when Tirek was about to question what in all the gods Bill was doing, he heard a shout cry: “FIGHT!!!” Chaos ensued. Tirek dodged and knocked aside those charging him. Everyone was going insane. Years upon years upon years of anger, shame, torture and guilt had boiled up to this moment. Battle royale, the brawl of all brawls. And he was stuck in it. Quite suddenly he felt something grab him from behind and lift him off the ground. The centaur prepared himself to strike down the harpy carrying him but he stopped when she tilted her body and craned her neck forward before looking down at him, with Bill Cipher’s eyes. “Enjoying the trouble I brewed?” Bill asked cheerfully. Tirek looked back down at the battle below. Ogres and other harpies were joining with the orthros and others to try and stop this battle. But the prisoners were too riled up to quench these flames. A slightly disturbed yet impressed look crossed Tirek’s face. “I am...surprised. I did not think you could possess so many in such a short time. If you could do that then why didn’t you release me sooner?” He asked with a hint of anger. Bill grinned. “Let’s just say certain conditions need to be met. Speaking of conditions” Bill stopped just inches away from a jet of fire another dragon had sent in his direction. “Right now, hey Tirek one question. Do you trust me?” Bill asked as he picked up altitude. “I have no choice since I’m dangling thousands of feet from death right?” Tirek said casually. “Good, hold on tight then” Bill said. Then in a flash the harpy closed her eyes and Bill was no longer in control. Both harpy and Tirek plummeted and as they did so Tirek could still hear the groans of Othelius as the raging battle ensued. Instantly Othelius’ groans ceased. He rose in a sitting position, several prisoners stopping their fights to look at him, a hand lifted from his teary eye, a vein on his temple pulsed, his teeth clenched then all of a sudden he opened his slightly puffy eye and a ray of concentrated energy shot out of it straight towards Tartarus gates. The beam came right at Tirek and just when he thought he was about to die. The unconscious harpy awakened grabbed him and took off out of the beams range. He looked up and saw Bill looking at him, and the beam that had pierced the gate slowly fading. Tirek had to say. He was impressed with Bill’s power. The two took off towards the hole but stopped when the gates opened. Cerberus stepped in and saw all the chaos. All three heads growled ferally as he watched chaos ensue and in an instant he was in the battle trying to end all this chaos, barking orders to his servants as he ripped away prisoner from prisoner. As this was going on Bill and Tirek returned from their hiding spot and quickly flew through the opening just in time as the gates closed and the hole sealed itself. The gates of Tartarus shut with a loud thud. And with it all chaos and Cerberus’ angered shouts silenced. On the other side Bill and Tirek. Bill lowered Tirek slowly to the ground, then landed beside him still in the harpy’s body. For a moment it took a second for Tirek to realize he was outside again. Everything had happened so quickly, but a small breeze that passed him by and played with his hair and made his shackles jingle told him that the plan had worked. He was free. Bill still in the harpy’s body smiled at Tirek and said “Now then, our deal is complete” he lifted a talon and slashed through the chains and shackles binding his ‘partner’. “Yes...our deal” Tirek said rubbing his wrists. “Speaking of deals, Bill, would you like to make another one?” The harpy’s brows raised in confusion. “Go on.” “With your powers and my knowledge of this world. I can finally do what I’ve been trying to do for so long. Lay waste to Equestria. I can finally have my revenge for what happened all those years back when my own flesh betrayed me. By ruining the lives of the ones that took him from me. I don’t usually make deals but with what I saw back there” Tirek smiled proudly at the being. “I’d be honored if you worked with me.” Bill said nothing, he did however raise a wing and begin feeling the body of this new form much to Tirek’s confusion and slight discomfort. “Hmm well it’s tempting... buuuuuuut the answer is no.” Bill stated. “From what I’ve seen in the past you could betray me.” “But then again there’s a chance I won’t Tirek” said still smiling. Bill chuckled. Everything turned gray, time froze and he left the harpy’s body. “I like you, you’ve got spunk. But once again, my answer is no. I’ve got plans Tirek, big plans. One of them involves torturing a friend of mine I haven’t seen in quite some time and making sure he stays the way he is now. So I gave you your freedom, take it, use it. DO whatever you want. I’ll have my eye on you though when things get crazy in the meantime.” Tirek’s smile faded as he watched Bill go back into the harpy’s body. “I see. Well then this is where we part ways” Tirek said offering his hand in a friendly gesture. Bill looked at, smiled sweetly with the harpy’s face then shook Tirek’s hand. But the centaur didn’t let go. “Oh Bill” Tirek said with a smile. “There’s no way I’d ever let a being of your power, ever leave without letting me have a taste of what you can offer me. If you’d taken my offer, you’d have lasted much longer, but” he shrugged. “Oh well.” Opening his mouth Tirek began sucking in magic. Bill stood there with a horrified look on the harpy’s face as ‘his’ magic began getting sucked out of him for a good few minutes before he finally collapsed. When Tirek was done he grew about three inches in size and his appearance changed. The harpy layed on the ground with Bill looking weak. Tirek grinned, but a few seconds later he stared confused. “This doesn’t feel right.” He muttered. Bill’s laughter filled his ears. “Of course it doesn’t you idiot. You can’t suck out my magic you numbskull” Bill stated leaving the now weak looking harpy. “I’m just a ghost, and besides my magic is unsuckable! So I appreciate the offer, but I have to tell ya nice try. In the meantime I’ll be watching and waiting for you to screw up and get sent back here again” Bill stated with another chuckle. “So suck on that horse boy! BOOM!” He clapped his hands and in a burst of white light he was gone. Time resumed its pace, birds chirped and Tirek stared at the unconscious harpy on the ground whose magic he had drained. The gates of Tartarus rumbled with a roar and Tirek realized he was still in danger. The centaur galloped off into the distance away from Tartarus, away from his prison. He was finally free, and it was time he went straight to the source of his problems. The Tree of Harmony.