> Unleash the Magic - Midnight Rising > by Firesight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: Twilight Falling - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am Sunset Shimmer. For those who don’t know, I’m a unicorn mare-turned-human; a former student of Princess Celestia herself. I passed through the portal to Earth from Equestria six years ago and have lived here ever since.  It’s been that long since I was last a pony, and yet I recently learned that in many ways, I still am one deep down. A week ago the Friendship Games between Canterlot High School and Crystal Preparatory Academy took place, which resulted in a certain… incident that occurred at the end. It was a second, but far different magical confrontation between me and Twilight Sparkle—or excuse me, Midnight Sparkle, involving not the Pony Princess I’ve come to so admire and respect, but her human counterpart of this world. It was a confrontation that had a far different outcome than before—both for the erotically better, and for the heart-wrenchingly worse. I wasn’t alone in experiencing it, either.  Everybody from both schools, students and staff alike, bore witness to these events. And yet they didn’t. They only recall Twilight transforming into a human-alicorn hybrid and tearing open portals to Equestria. They only recall the subsequent battle between her and me following my own transformation into a godlike creature, which I accomplished using the same magical collection device she did. For the most part, they don’t remember what else happened in and around all that, and though it still makes me uncomfortable, that’s how I’m going to keep it. For the last of my magic that day was used to wipe the memories of all present, both to protect the human Twilight and those schoolmates she... Well. To anyone who may read this journal, regardless of how you got your hands on it—be glad you don’t live in Equestria, or I would have hexed it!—know that I’m only writing it for myself, because it feels like if I don’t tell the full story of what happened that day, I’m going to burst.  Nobody else remembers the actual events—nobody except me and my friends, that is. The memories alternately torment and tantalize us, both for what we gained and what we lost. And over and over I ask myself: how is it even remotely fair that we deny our schoolmates the same memories and abilities that we ourselves now freely indulge in? You may question my decision, and believe me, you’re not the only one. I still remember all my magical ethics classes back in Equestria, even if I didn’t exactly intend to obey them back then, and what I did is something ponies have gone to prison for. Something unicorns have even had their horns permanently disabled for. Celestia knows that if I forcibly wiped memories on a mass scale in Equestria, losing my place as the Princess’s prized pupil would be the least of my worries. And yet, for that, all I can ask is… just what was I supposed to do? Well, what’s done is done, and one thing I’ve gotten good at in my life is leaving the past behind to forge a new future. I do so again now, not just for myself, but for others, which is the biggest difference between the old me and the new.  Still, I blame myself for Twilight’s fall. It should never have come to the point it did, and I should have intervened a lot sooner. Twilight’s device was sucking up magic left and right, draining the human Element Bearers—and worse, the portal to Equestria itself—of their power. I should count myself fortunate that my friends recovered their magic so quickly just by being their own wonderful selves, or else I’d never have been able to draw on their Magic of Friendship for my own transformation. Or else I’d never have been able to reach Twilight.  Never been able to show her by word and by deed what love and friendship was supposed to be. I have to take a deep breath before going on. The memories of what happened still affect me. I can’t even look at this world’s Twilight without remembering what she became and what she did. Or in the end, what we did. The amazing and near-Godlike power Midnight and I acquired far too briefly that day still haunt me, to say nothing of the incredibly potent and far-reaching sexual magic she unleashed. So if someone does find this someday, all I can say is this: Read on at your peril, and be ready for a tale that would make the most jaded fan of human hentai or pony Neighponese comics blush. —Sunset Shimmer Let me say up front that in the end, I don’t blame the poor girl. Princess Twilight’s doppelganger she may be, but lacking not just her maturity but all sense of purpose and self-worth, the human Twilight was utterly overwhelmed by her classmates’ manipulation of her, and then by the released Equestrian magic itself. “Unleash the magic, unleash the magic…” her fellow students chanted like a mantra, circling her like a roving pack of Timberwolves. “If we lose then it’s a crime. We can win it if you begin it. It’s up to you to not fail this time!” You know, that’s a hay of a load to put on anyone; never mind someone like Twilight who, I’m pretty sure, had never stood up for herself even once in her life. Goaded and cornered, subjected to the most intense peer pressure I’d ever seen, the shy girl who just wanted to be left alone to pursue her studies gave in to the exhortations of her classmates and Headmistress, though I could tell it was less for the chance to beat CHS than the promise of the knowledge of magic that could be gained.  And I’m sad to say that her school head, Principal Cinch, knew that perfectly well. “Call it power, call it magic, if we lose it will be tragic, but more important is the knowledge we'll have lost. A chance like this won't come again, you'll regret not giving in… And isn't understanding magic worth the cost?” she lyrically told Twilight. Now that was a brilliant piece of psychological manipulation, one (un)worthy of the old me, and so poetically delivered as well! Cinch recognized that invoking competitive fire or school pride didn’t work with Twilight, so she instead appealed to her one true passion—her desire to learn. And I didn’t know it at the time, but she was also dangling a recommendation to the prestigious Everton study course over the head of her student, threatening to withhold it if she didn’t compete in the Friendship Games. Despicable though it was, it worked, and in the end, that’s all Cinch cared about—well, that and her ‘legacy’, which she did indeed solidify that day. Though she sure as Tartarus regretted it given she was the first to feel Midnight’s wrath. As all this was going on, I approached slowly at a walk, sensing Twilight’s intentions but not the consequences of doing it. I was only thinking that the first opening she gave me, I’d snatch that infernal device of hers that had already caused so much trouble regardless of her protests; seal it, lock it away and then give it to our Twilight to research and properly dispose of. If she ever answered my latest letters, that was. And just what was keeping her? We learned later that she had a very good reason not to be there given what was happening in Equestria, but there’s no question we could really have used her help right then. But such thoughts were immediately lost as to my horror, Twilight cracked open the pendant, which allowed the contained energies to burst free. The shock wave from the magical release knocked us all backwards, leaving my skin tingling and not unpleasantly as if from a static shock.  “Twilight, NO!” the now-sapient Spike shouted, leaping at her from behind as I did from the front, only for both of us to be all but blown back by the force of the magical blast. I was knocked on my flank while, due to his much smaller size, Spike was thrown far away, landing in the soft dirt of the motocross speedway they’d made for the competition. Twilight never even noticed him, and I regret I forgot about him as well with what was happening in front of me. For which I really do owe him an apology and thank-you, not just for that, but for reappearing later just when we needed him most. * * * * * One of the first things an Equestrian unicorn learns in magic school is that magic is a living force. It has not so much a will of its own as a desire to seek a focus for itself; a suitable host to wield it.  Magic seeks expression, and it doesn’t much care about the end or the source. A fact Twilight learned firsthand as the magic orb took hold of her, levitating her up as a sudden wind whipped around her, storm clouds swirling overhead and crackling with lightning in response to the arcing energies. It certainly didn’t do much for her modesty as her skirt was blown up, knocking loose her glasses and undoing her hair bun, turning her appearance much more into that of Princess Twilight for just a bare moment. A moment that was quickly lost as the now-empty pendant fell to the ground with a loud clatter along with one of her shoes, the wind tearing at her blouse and skirt with increasing ferocity until the latter was finally ripped away and the former was hanging on by mere tatters, revealing progressively more lavender skin. It’s funny what stands out for you at a time like that, and in hindsight, it was very much a harbinger. And yet, for everything I saw then, the one thing I remember most keenly isn’t her state of undress. It was the look on Twilight’s face as she was raised up; the very real fear on her face and tears in her eyes as she realized her mistake.  “Help… ME!” she pleaded, screaming to be heard over the force of the wind; reaching out for her equally alarmed classmates and Principal for aid. Aid that would never arrive as the wind and light show picked up, shredding her clothes further as the light swallowed her whole, vaporizing her tears and then… I could see just well enough to recognize the remains of her school uniform evaporating inside the sphere; her arched, naked body displayed in a spectacular silhouette as the magic infused her. At that moment, it was too late. Her fate was sealed, and ours was too. > 2: Midnight Rising - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing I learned from my own little episode at the Fall Formal is that when magic takes hold of you like that, it remakes you. Not into something new, but in some ways the purest expression of your inner self. Whereas I became a raging she-demon in reflection of my inner evil (though I’ve had at least a few boys tell me I was sexy like that!), in Twilight’s case, she had raven wings and dominatrix apparel; her previously bunned-up hair turning into shimmering pink and purple flames. She even gained a pair of virtual glasses consisting of fiery purple auras surrounding her suddenly glowing gaze.  But what looked the most ominous to me was her horn. Alicorn-length and sharp with both a few oval notches and a deep groove running base to tip, it looked anything but friendly, glowing the same pale green as her eyes. Her transformation completed, I gaped, as in that moment, I beheld… myself. True, Twilight was no she-demon like I had been, but in some ways, she was even worse. For she wasn’t driven by ambition or thoughts of conquest and power, or even by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, which was the only pleasure or purpose she’d ever known. As we were all about to learn, she had become a spirit of pure passion and impulse, perhaps best described as a corrupted human version of Princess Twilight with all limits and restraints removed. * * * * * You know, the whole nature-vs-nurture argument has always struck me as beside the point, for I’m a firm believer that we’re ultimately the sum of our own choices. But sometimes, those choices are never made, and this was the result. It was what Twilight—Princess Twilight—might have become if she had not found friends. If she had no conscience or self-control, and if every single inhibition and internal barrier she ever had was removed all at once. I watched as her expression changed, a maniacal grin as I’d never seen from her breaking out across her face, and she gave a cackle that made me cringe, hearing once again an echo of my old self. “You were right, Sunset Shimmer! I didn’t understand magic before. But I do now!” With that, she shattered the Wondercolts mascot statue that sat atop the now-inactive portal with a single magical bolt, ripping open a fresh portal in its place. But this was no benign or natural gateway; this was a tear in the very fabric of space and time through which I could see Equestria itself; a tear that disrupted all around it and caused a sudden wind to come up with dark clouds forming swiftly overhead in the magic-agitated atmosphere. Coward that she was, Cinch backed away. “Hey! Where are you going?!” I heard Sunny Flare ask, sparing a glance at her even as she backed away from Twilight along with the rest of her classmates. But Cinch looked back only briefly. “Anywhere to avoid that monster! And I suggest you do the same!” she said as she turned to run. Her retreat did not go unnoticed. “You’re not going anywhere, you evil and ugly crow!” the magically corrupted Twilight all but cackled. Her horn lit up as a wave of coruscating violet energy was emitted from her raised hand, causing stone walls to erupt out of the ground in front of Cinch, blocking her path. “None of you are!” she then added, containing an acre-sized chunk of schoolyard behind an identical wall, too high to climb.  A lucky few students had already run away, but the bulk of us were trapped within. And worse for us, as it turned out, Spike was trapped outside; I caught a glimpse of him awakening over in the motocross area and beholding Twilight’s transformed state with a look of shock and horror before the wall rose in front of him, cutting him off from us. Trapped as the altered Twilight approached, Cinch tried resorting to her usual bluster. “Twilight Sparkle, what are you doing? Release me at once!” she demanded even as she was cornered, pressed back against the wall. “Twilight?” the creature that Twilight Sparkle had become echoed with a derisive laugh. “Your Twilight is no more, Abacus Cinch! My new name is Midnight Sparkle. Appropriate, don’t you think, since my birth marks the beginning of a new day!” With those words, she released a fresh wave of magic that bowled us all over again, openly revelling in her newfound power. “Well, whatever you are, let us go! You have no right to keep us here! Release me at once, or I’ll…” Cinch’s voice trailed off as she realized how useless her usual threats were now. “Or you’ll what?” Twilight—or Midnight—talked back to her Principal for what had to be the first time in her life, cackling again as she spoke. “Give me demerits? Or maybe detention? Or how about making me clean up the boys’ locker rooms?” she suggested mildly, but in mocking tones, making clear how feeble such threats were to her now, only for her eyes to narrow and aura to intensify as anger abruptly took hold of her.  “Or maybe just blackmail me? Threaten to withhold my recommendation to Everton if I didn’t compete?” She bared her teeth and lightning flashed overhead in direct reflection of her growing rage, making Cinch cringe again and her students stare at their Principal in shock, suddenly backing away from her further as they sensed Midnight’s wrath about to unleash. “She… what?” Dean Cadance was beside herself, but Twilight ignored her as she suddenly picked Cinch up in her magical grasp. She dangled her Principal by a leg over an open portal that appeared to empty right into the Everfree Forest, threatening to drop her in.  I didn’t know what she’d look like as a pony and wasn’t sure I even wanted to know. But then again, would passage through these torn-open interdimensional portals even cause a transformation? I couldn’t help but wonder, but that was a question for later as Cinch looked up at Midnight in very real fear, her glasses falling from her face to be lost in the portal below as her skirt inverted along with her, falling down over her midsection to reveal a set of surprisingly racy and lacy red panties and garters, which she hurriedly reached up to try to push her skirt back over to cover.  “I am your Principal! You… you can’t do this!” she claimed with a sudden, fierce blush on her cheeks, her skirt billowing hard with a sudden gust of wind. “Oh, can’t I?” a smirking Midnight asked, pretending to drop her for a moment to prove that she not only could, she would, earning a startled and half-swallowed shriek from Cinch before her leg was caught again, causing her skirt to fall away a second time. “Though in truth, for what you did to me, simple banishment to a magical wilderness seems too good for you!” “Twilight, no!” Dean Cadance shouted out over the growing gale, getting the corrupted Twilight’s attention. And to my surprise, Midnight’s expression softened at least slightly as she took in her school’s second-in-command. Apparently, she respected her Dean far more than Cinch, but we would quickly learn that even that only went so far. “I’ll make sure Superintendent Faust and Dean Sombra at Everfree University hear about this, and then she’ll be dismissed! You have every right to be angry at her, but please don’t hurt her!” “Fine,” Midnight relented with a glance down at her, moving her Principal back over Terra Firma, only to smile as an idea took hold of her. And was it my imagination, or did her gaze linger on her school head’s garters for a moment? “You were always nice to me, Mi Amore Cadenza, so as a courtesy, I’ll do as you ask. But that doesn’t mean I can’t do other things…” she mused, then got an evil grin, the wind around her turning abruptly chill. “You know what, Abacus Cinch? The other students always said you had a heart of stone, and now I’m going to prove it!” She then dropped Cinch back to the ground. The soon-to-be-defrocked school head scrambled away, standing up as a prelude to attempting to flee again, but that didn’t mean she was out of danger. Far from it as Midnight’s horn flared while she raised an arm, palm pointed outward; she then fired another magical beam at her Headmistress before any of us could stop her. Not that any of us could. The beam hit Cinch and suddenly, her legs turned to stone, fusing themselves to the ground beneath as the effect crept outwards from her. The effect slowly crept up her body, incrementally turning her into a statue as her horrified students watched, her billowing skirt solidifying into slate to permanently reveal her lace undergarments. “Please!” she pleaded, genuine fear on her face as her torso slowly turned to stone and her upraised arms swiftly followed, futilely trying to both ward off the petrifying effect and push her now-unyielding skirt back down.  “You can be Valedictorian! Graduate magna cum laude! No, maxima cum laude! Have your recommendation to Everton! Anything you want!” she pleaded increasingly desperately as the transformation overtook her head, finally silencing her; leaving her but a stone sculpture in the schoolyard. Twilight, or the creature she had turned into, cackled again, and for the first time I saw a look of genuine malice in her eyes as she took revenge for her Headmistress’s extortion. “And what good does that do me now?” she asked with great glee, watching with satisfaction as Cinch’s face froze into a frightened expression, her features etched in stone that was a perfect likeness of her right down to the mole on her cheek.  Midnight then floated down before her petrified Principal and smirked at her over crossed arms. “Just so you know, Abacus Cinch, I’ve left you imprisoned but aware. I know you can hear me, so I’d just like to say that you were right about one thing—I would have regretted not giving in. For then I’d never know this power!”  The expression on her face was gleeful as she then began firing bolts in every direction that ripped open countless additional portals to Equestria. Fissures formed in the air itself, expanding and lengthening with tearing sounds; jagged rifts also erupted out of the very ground, chasing the students who increasingly had nowhere to run.  One portal even opened with what sounded like a rip of rending fabric right where we were standing, forcing us to dive out of the way, while another exploded into existence right at the top of the school steps, chasing the Crystal Prep Dean and two CHS principals inside through the same doorway I’d once destroyed. I could later see them watching through windows, the anguish in their eyes as they were unable to summon help or save their students; just as much a captive audience as we were. Midnight, however, didn't seem to care as she continued to test the limits of her seemingly godlike powers. “And who needs Everton anyway? I have a new course of study now, and it’s magic!” she added, releasing a series of fireworks from her new horn that burst over the schoolyard very brightly, showering us all with magical sparks that tingled a bit when they touched.  In fact, they felt almost… sexual? I finally recovered my voice at that moment. “Twilight, you can’t do this!” I pleaded as she paused long enough to watch the spread of the portals, the students and staff from both schools now looking at her in very real fear.  A few were trying to climb the unscalable wall or call for help on their cellphones, only to find they had no connection—as I had already learned in the course of trying to study the pony-up phenomenon of my friends, magic interfered with electronics and electromagnetic signals, crippling them or even outright destroying them if the range was close enough. I’d been working on ways to shield them, as we didn’t want our smartphones fried whenever we ponied up, but I hadn’t succeeded yet. Unless directly part of that magic like our musical instruments, plugged-in electronics often went haywire, but detached ones like cellphones that used little power could still use their local functions… though I couldn’t imagine what good that would do us here. “Please stop!” I called to her again, struggling to make myself heard over the crackling of the portals and still-whipping wind. She paused just long enough to turn her glowing gaze on me. “And why should I, Sunset Shimmer? There’s a whole other world right there, and it’s just brimming with magic!” she emphasized her point by ripping open additional portals, delighting in each new rift that appeared, each showing a different area of not just Equestria but the lands beyond. At least one pony on the other side noticed and stopped short, but I couldn’t afford to worry about that then. “Magic that is my very birthright to possess and master!” I sensed there was little point in reasoning with her, but I tried anyway. “But you’re destroying this world to get it!” I motioned to the still-spreading rifts around us. “So what? There’s a whole different world there, one I’ve been searching for all my life! It has magic, and I want to understand and acquire it all!” With those words, she ripped open the biggest rift of all, the very ground of the schoolyard collapsing into a portal over a town I recognized as Ponyville—our Twilight’s home, slabs of sidewalk concrete falling into it and several teetering students threatening to do the same. If nothing else, I realized, Twilight’s actions had finally brought the two normally implacable rival schools together as they helped each other, rescuing those in danger of falling through the rapidly growing rifts. But if this continued… “Sunset? What do we do?” Applejack asked, but I didn’t have an immediate answer. “I’m thinking…” My mind raced, as I knew we had to do something. Twilight—no, Midnight—was out of control with not a hint of concern or conscience on her face. Drunk on her newly discovered power, she was ripping holes between the dimensions, tearing open ever-more portals into Equestria, not caring one whit about what would happen to those on this side of the portal. Except insofar as she could get a little payback for years of pranks and emotional abuse from her fellow Crystal Prep students, as would soon become plain. I think it became plain to her at that moment as well, as I saw a look of childlike glee cross her face with the sudden realization that using her new power, she could do literally anything she wanted. Anything… I realized with a chill as she turned her attention from the stone-rendered Cinch and the portals to her former classmates, the ones I’d gathered had either barely tolerated or outright tormented her.  I knew from my own bitter experience what often happened when the tables were turned between the bullies and the bullied, and that was a fact that was far from lost on Twilight herself as she suddenly relented her efforts and alit on the base of the ruined Wondercolts statue, the spread of the portals briefly ceasing to everyone’s great relief.  That relief was short-lived as she crossed her legs and rested her cheek on her gloved hand, giving a chilling smile as she looked out lazily over her cowering captives. Focusing in particular, I noticed with a sudden sense of dread, on her classmates. “So then… before I depart this world forever, just what am I to do with all of you…?” Picture credit: http://siansaar.deviantart.com/art/Commission-Midnight-Sparkle-566037503 > 3: Indigo Zapped - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were in trouble.  I knew that by everything from the sinking feeling in my stomach to the numerous violet-glowing rifts around me as Midnight remained perched on the ruins of the Wondercolts statue stand, studying her schoolmates with a look of lazy anticipation.  She was leering at us like ants inside a farm — hopelessly at her mercy and things had the potential to go from bad to worse, thanks to my own ex-boyfriend. “Whoa! Twilight’s gone crazy! I gotta stop her!” Flash Sentry shook off his shock and stepped forward. “Flash, don’t!” Applejack all but tackled him. “That ain’t your Twilight! She ain’t ours, either.” “Huh? What do you mean?” He looked confused. Pinkie tried to be helpful. “She means that Twilight is obviously the Twilight from this world, since it couldn’t possibly be the Twilight from the pony world, since the Twilight from the pony world doesn’t go to Crystal Prep or wear glasses!” she repeated her earlier explanation to Celestia, and got the same response as Flash stared at her as blankly as her Principal had. “In short, that’s this world’s Twilight, not the pony one! So she doesn’t know you!” Rarity clarified. “They’re right, Flash. Don’t,” I added, blocking his path. “Please don’t try to be a hero. It won’t end well.” “What?” He looked from me to Midnight again. “But that’s Twilie! She’d never hurt me! I know she’ll listen to me!” He broke away from us and ran forward towards her, leaping a small rift to reach her, causing all of us to cringe. “Twilight!” he called out to her, causing her to turn her head towards him. “It’s me! Flash Sentry! Don’t you know me?” Midnight turned her gaze on him, visibly annoyed at having her thoughts interrupted. “Should I?” “Of course you do! I was the first guy you met here! I invited you to the Fall Formal and we danced together! You like my guitar playing! Don’t you remember?” At that moment, I wished I had my unicorn magic so I could mute him and yank him backwards, then teleport him away before his well-meaning actions got him incinerated. As always, his heart was in the right place, but his brain definitely wasn’t, which was always what I found most endearing about him. And even in my pre-Twilight days, what made me feel the most guilty about using him. I was trying to figure out what I could say or do that might save him, but then he had to deliver the coup de grâce to the whole awkward affair. “Come on, Twilie, don’t you remember? We’re a thing! It was love at first sight! We’ve gone out twice already! You like me, Twilie!” he told her, causing everyone on the CHS side of the field to facepalm with a series of loud smacks. I was certain Flash was about to meet a worse fate than Cinch; certain that he was going to be turned into a tree or a toad. But instead of casting some spell that would silence him or worse, Midnight said nothing; the look on her face was that of someone being made to suffer fools.  She stared at him for several long moments with a supremely bored expression before replying. “I think you have me mistaken for someone else, Flash Sentry. And given I’m a scientist and sorceress, just why, pray tell, would I be interested in some gullible guitar-head like you?”  Her horn glowed as she followed up her words with a dismissive wave of her hand, activating a levitation spell. Before he—or I—could protest, Flash was suddenly swept off his feet and tossed bodily into the air. There was a loud clattering sound as he landed headfirst into a half-full dumpster outside the wall and the lid was slammed shut on top of him. “Dude… harsh…” Rainbow Dash grimaced, and I couldn’t help but agree. * * * * * “Now that that little distraction is behind us…I believe I was about to decide your fates!” Midnight’s blue-glowing eyes glittered as she swept her gaze back over to her Crystal Prep classmates, who individually froze whenever her stare settled on them. “You know, before I leave this miserable and magic-less world behind, there’s some business to be settled first…”  She turned to her right and pinned Indigo Zap with a stare, causing the normally cocky Shadowbolt to back away a step as she saw the lascivious yet lethal look in Midnight’s eyes. I didn’t know what she was planning any more than Indigo did, but we got an answer soon enough as Midnight suddenly floated back up, casting a spell with another wave of her hand that had no noticeable effect on me when it washed out over the grounds, taking the form of a quickly fading wave of magical energy.  “So, Indy… remember that time in gym class you locked me out of the showers?” She looked down on the suddenly cringing girl, who had previously struck me as the equal to Rainbow in cocky fearlessness and athletic prowess. We didn’t know what she was talking about, but Indigo visibly gulped as male faces began to flush and crotches bulged around her, though I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it at that point. “I-I was, uh, just trying to get you away from Zesty…” she protested mildly.  “By trapping me in the outside hallway with nothing but a towel and a bunch of boys who leered at me and photographed me?” Midnight answered mildly with a sneer.  “I-I told them not to touch you!” she reminded Midnight. “Gee, thanks! But that didn’t stop them from stealing my towel! And then they posted the pictures all over the school bulletin boards! I couldn’t show my face outside my lab for months without getting catcalled!” Midnight replied heatedly. “But since you think it was no big deal, let’s see how you like it!”  She then pointed a finger to fire another magical beam at her fellow Crystal Prep classmate, and when it faded, the athletic Shadowbolt was completely naked except for her trademark flight goggles, causing her to give an uncharacteristic shriek in horror as she realized her state. “Twilight, please!” she pleaded as she backed away, trying to both cover herself with her arms and not fall into a nearby rift, her eyes widening even further when she saw her fellow Shadowbolt students turn their smartphone cameras on her despite the danger of the still-present portals around them—I realized then it was a male-targeted charm spell Midnight had cast if only the guys were affected, arousing and enamoring them of Indigo! “I-I’m sorry!” Her plea and the camera flashes seemed to only encourage Twilight further. “It’s Midnight! And not sorry enough!” she proclaimed, magically pinning the other girl’s arms down, then levitating her several feet in the air and turning her like a lab specimen for all to see and photograph.  “So how does it feel, Indy?” She then placed her captive but mortified schoolmate into the middle of a group of Shadowbolt boys who immediately began snapping pictures of her up close, and from every angle, several remarking how they were going to post the pictures on the internet or as pin-ups in their lockers. “But tell you what—since you told them not to touch me, I’ll give you the same courtesy. Look, but don’t touch, boys!” Midnight admonished from her hover with an additional incantation, but then got an evil grin. “At least, not yet…” “What’s happening? What are they doing?” Lyra Heartstrings called out in disbelief from behind us as Midnight’s compulsion spell was then extended to the CHS side of the field as well, causing the initially uncertain male Wonderbolt students to join in the picture-taking to my great disgust. Granted, they were charmed, but it didn’t require that powerful a spell as in the end, they were also teenage boys with an overabundance of testosterone. “Oh! Um...” Fluttershy said tentatively, not sensing the spellcasting at work. “You really shouldn’t. I mean, that’s not very nice...” she tried to tell the entranced picture-takers, who ignored her, stepping right up to the very edge of the ragged rifts to zoom in on Indigo as close as they could. Rarity was far less restrained. “Stop this at once! Have you no shame?” She tried to block a few shots, only for the male students to step around her. In contrast, Applejack was far more direct. “Are y’all nuts? What in the hay is wrong with you?” she called out, slapping phones out of hands. Rainbow was considerably less gentle, either in speech or in manner. “Geez, you’re all a bunch of pervs!” she said, bodily tossing a couple students back and at least one cellphone over the wall... only to hear a click and giggle beside her. “Ooooo… now that’s one for the school yearbook!” Pinkie Pie announced with a grin as she held up her own phone, causing the rest of us to facepalm hard. While my friends attempted to enforce some quickly fraying morals, my eyes were on Midnight, who didn’t seem to mind the cameras. In fact, she openly reveled in being the center of attention in a way Twilight never did. She visibly savored her revenge even as Indigo squeezed her eyes tightly shut so she wouldn’t have to see her humiliation; there were tears in them as her involuntary display continued, amusing her captor further.  “Aw, so what’s wrong, Indy? Weren’t you the one that always said that when ‘you got it, you flaunt it’?” Midnight quoted in a perfect imitation of Indigo’s voice, earning a whimper back. “Well, I’m just helping you take your own advice!”  Midnight’s horn lit up in a bright purple aura and this time, Indigo’s cheeks went warm and her eyes unfocused as she suddenly became excited; her human teats hardening and the lips between her legs moistening.  “Wha…?” was all she could manage as her face flushed hard and she began openly pleasuring herself, watching in some horror as her body did so initially against her will. As students from both schools watched stunned, one hand caressed her slightly immature cream-colored breast while the other dipped low to insert her fingers underneath the short striped blue hair around her nearly-mature womanhood, producing a series of wet slicking sounds.  She moaned and whimpered as she got into it, Twilight rotating her in the air one last time to face her schoolmates so they could see her fully, before lowering her back to the ground and releasing her. She then fell to her knees before them, her legs in a wide crouch and back arched in her increasingly desperate efforts to sate her overpowering magically-induced desires. “Wow. The carpet really does match the drapes…” I heard at least one shaky Shadowbolt voice—Trenderhoof’s?—say as he now openly recorded video of her. As the display proceeded, the male students for both schools were unable to tear their eyes away. Bulges became even more prominent in their pants, a couple even involuntarily unzipped to free themselves of their constricting trousers. “Look at her go…” Jet Set added, his pants tented painfully even as his girlfriend Upper Crust tried hard to pull him away with a combination of pleas and increasingly angry threats. But he wouldn’t budge, and the reaction on our side of the field was scarcely better. “Holy…” was all an agape Rainbow could say, and she wasn’t the only one watching open-mouthed. We all were; even Applejack and Rarity had given up their efforts to stop other students from recording to stare in shock.  I wasn’t sure if it was Midnight’s influence, but we couldn’t turn our eyes away from the lurid display of the lithe Shadowbolt publicly pleasuring herself. Even Dean Cadance and Principals Celestia and Luna were watching agape with flushed cheeks from a second-floor school window, where they could at least see over the wall. I watched in stunned silence along the rest; part of me trying increasingly unsuccessfully to dispassionately analyze what was happening like I was back in the lab trying to make sense of musical magic. I still had my magical awareness from being a unicorn, and it enabled me to sense that what Midnight was doing wasn’t actually mind control.  She had simply done instinctively what all Equestrian unicorns automatically did for their mates, something even I had done in my past life as a pony—emit a magical aura that increased their mate’s or desired mate’s arousal. The effect was normally much more subtle than that and required an already receptive partner to be effective, but when backed by what was the equivalent of an alicorn-level aura, its potency was exponentially increased to the point of irresistibility.  Its effects also weren’t limited to Indigo, I realized—Midnight’s aura was focused on her, to be sure, but it was also radiated outward from her, affecting those more distant if the warming cheeks and quickened breathing I was hearing from the females around me were any indication. To say nothing of a sudden warmth and wetness between my legs accompanied by an equally abruptly tightness in my chest. Indigo wasn’t unattractive, after all. And if I was being honest, the scene was rather hot… I blinked hard. Where had that thought come from? I had no chance to consider the question before a supremely satisfied Midnight spoke again. “So, Indy… are we going to come?” she shouted in Indigo’s voice again, in a tone reminiscent of a coach or a cheerleader. “I… I…” Indigo’s eyes were glazed as she struggled to resist her overwhelming desires and an increasingly desperate need for release, dimly recognizing the classmates watching her but unable to stop herself. She dug her hands into her body even harder; one set of fingers plunged as deeply as possible into her blue-furred human marehood while the other kneaded her breasts, which heaved with her increasingly ragged breaths.  Her honey ran freely down her thighs and her teats stood out so sharply they could have cut glass, even as she repeatedly pinched and tweaked them as hard as she could, drawing all the male students closer to her as they sensed her climax approach. “Wrong answer!” Midnight replied, still using Indigo’s voice before shifting back to her own. “So then Indy… are… we… going… to… COME?” She repeated more slowly and with increasing glee as she intensified the magical effect, causing Indigo, in turn, to intensify her efforts to self-pleasure until finally… “Yes… yes! YES!” the Shadowbolt student answered with a scream, arching her spine and thrusting her chest forward. She came explosively with a succession of increasingly powerful spurts of nectar erupting from the top of her overstimulated marehood; each landing progressively further away on the courtyard lawn. Her delighted and sorely aroused male classmates then announced excitedly that they’d caught it all on video as she collapsed in a heap on the grass, curling up in a fetal position while still slowly humping her hand; the boys around her cheering and exchanging high-fives at the display. “That’s our Indy! Now there’s that old school spirit!” Midnight pumped her fist like a cheerleader, an unsubtle smirk betraying her dripping sarcasm. “Best pep rally ever!” “Yay! Go Team!” I heard a shout from behind me, looking back to see Pinkie Pie was suddenly wielding a pair of pom-poms, leaping high into the air. “What?” she said at all our looks. “They’re having fun. And I love fun!” I’ll never get used to Pinkie’s complete inability to read a scene like a normal person. Then again, maybe none of us are normal except Pinkie? What a terrifying thought... Regardless, I knew then this was going to get a lot worse before it got better. > 4: Sunny Flared - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her first measure of vengeance complete as Indigo lay in a puddle of self-pleasure on the ground, Midnight wasted little time in turning her attention to a new target. “So that’s one. Hope you liked the show, boys! Now let’s see… how about… you, Sunny?” The transformed Twilight next turned her attention on Sunny Flare, who to her credit, had helped pull Fluttershy back from the brink of falling into one of the gaping ground rifts, through which we could see a few pegasi approaching in some confusion as they beheld what I can only guess they perceived was a grass-lined tear through which they could see a different sky. “Eep!” Seeing what happened to Indigo, she immediately turned to run, aiming to hide in the bushes beside the statue of Cinch. But Midnight simply appeared with a flash in front of her before she could reach it, blocking her path and astonishing me yet again—she was picking up magic quite quickly now if she’d already figured out how to teleport! Twilight—our Twilight—would be proud. To say nothing of appalled were she to witness the wanton display before her. But even if she suddenly arrived in her Alicorn form, could even she stop Midnight now, powered by massive amounts of magic siphoned from both the portal and this world’s element bearers? It was a question I would never know the answer to, and a moot point at that moment as we held our breath in the chilled and fitfully gusting air. I heard additional rumbles of thunder from the storm clouds forming overhead, which were either in reflection of Midnight’s vengeful mood, or a simple side effect of the damage she was doing to the very fabric of reality by ripping open the rifts between the worlds. Whatever the answer, Midnight ignored the worsening weather as she landed and then slowly circled a visibly trembling Sunny Flare like a predator toying with its prey; the pair right in front of Cinch’s statue. “Now what to do with you…” Midnight mused with a lazy look, and Sunny flinched hard when Midnight placed a gloved hand on her classmate’s shoulder from behind. The newly ascended goddess then trailed a finger under her chin as she circled around the front, forcing the other Shadowbolt to meet her gaze. She was clearly enjoying the very real fear in her classmate’s eyes as she proceeded to recite her sins directly in front of Cinch’s statue. “So pretty and yet so petty. So arrogant and aloof. Always doing whatever it takes to get whatever guy you want, walking over any girl who gets in your way… even if they’re not in your way!” There was a genuine flash of anger in Twilight’s eyes as she said her last words, and judging from Sunny’s cringe, it was all true. “I didn’t do anything to you, Sparkle! Except maybe telling you to stop cutting in line!” “Oh, no? What about warning me off Object Oriented when he so much as spoke to me last semester? What about groping him in my lab in front of me to make it clear you’d claimed him, even promising him a boob job if he stopped seeing me?” The skies darkened further along with Midnight’s mood. “We weren’t even an item! He was the one boy in that entire accursed school who was ever nice to me without taking liberties, and you couldn’t even let me have him!” she said as a lightning bolt forked overhead with a thunderous BOOM! Sunny’s eyes darted nervously over to where Indigo was still pleasuring herself before the mixed male contingent, performing whatever masturbatory act they suggested, including pole dancing against a light post. But she tried to work up a little courage, standing up straight before Midnight even though she couldn’t quite still her trembling. “Fine, Sparkle. W-would it make any difference if I s-said I was sorry…?” she offered weakly, visibly swallowing. Midnight’s eyes flashed in anger, her ire echoed by another rumble of thunder overhead. “No. Because we both know you’re not!” she all but snarled, but then smiled as the glow from her eyes and horn intensified. “At least, not yet!” I didn’t know what spell she was casting this time until suddenly Sunny Flare’s clothes started removing themselves of their own accord, her collar bow untying and blouse buttons popping open one by one; even her shoelaces started to untie. Sunny’s courage vanished instantly as her collar bow floated away into an adjacent portal and more of her surprisingly ample cleavage became apparent; she might well have been the best-endowed of the Shadowbolt girls. “No! Don’t!” she pleaded, trying to keep her clothes in place, falling to her knees, her cheeks going red. To everyone’s surprise, Midnight stopped. “Aw… seriously?” she asked like she was pantomiming again before her grin returned, even broader than before. “And here I thought you wouldn’t mind being stripped naked, given how many guys you’ve already slept with!” she pointed out with a glance back at the Shadowbolt side of the field, who were watching the latest scene with keen interest, waiting to see what Midnight would do. “Before we proceed, give me a show of hands, boys—who’s been with Sunny?” Nearly half the Crystal Prep males raised their hands, and even one or two from the Wondercolts side. “Wow, Sunny. You really do get around! Then who wants me to give her the same treatment as Indy?” she further asked. Every boy from both sides of the field raised their hands, along with several girls; even Indigo did so weekly from where she was now laid on her back with her legs spread wide, pleasuring herself before a bevy of boys. “Traitors…” Sunny Flare hissed as she preemptively covered her chest. “See if I ever put out for any of you again!” Midnight only laughed. “Sorry, Sunny, but you don’t get to decide that now. After all, it’s just like you said… these games aren’t about being nice!” Her horn and eyes flared brighter again, and this time, Midnight simply bypassed Sunny’s hands by enchanting the fabric itself, causing it to unravel from multiple places, starting from the bottom of her sleeves and skirt. The boys cheered and Sunny shrieked as she realized what was happening, the latter pawing and grabbing frantically at the evaporating threads as more of her turquoise flesh was progressively bared. Her sleeves and skirt disappeared from the bottom to show her arms and thighs in their wake; even her socks began unwinding from her knees towards her feet. As the fraying threads reached the top of her shoulders and legs, her uniform jacket began unraveling as well and suddenly all the buttons and fasteners dropped off; her shoes fell apart and blouse fell open along with her jacket, exposing her belly. Midnight’s magic then began to work on her now very-visible undergarments, starting from the edges and working gradually but very tantalizingly towards her more intimate areas. Sunny tried to hunch down, but Midnight didn’t let her, picking her up and holding her in the air, giving everyone a good view of her much like she’d done with Indigo. “Please stop!” a now-crying Sunny begged as the still-charmed males present began snapping pictures of her as well as Indigo, watching and laughing as she tried to simultaneously cover her rear, chest and crotch.  “I begged you to stop with Objected Oriented as you did him right in front of me, undressing and caressing him! And did you?” Midnight reminded her angrily, making a whimpering Sunny Flare fall silent as her jacket completely unraveled and her blouse wasn’t far behind, her ample breasts now only barely covered by her shrinking bra and arm. “You want every boy to yourself, don’t you? Well, guess what, Sunny? Now you and your body belong to me!” The unraveling then slowed but didn’t stop as Midnight paused to savor the striptease, now watching the other girl squirm and sob over her crossed arms. She found there was nowhere she could turn that didn’t have leering male students with cameras; a few of which had even unzipped and pulled their organs free to stroke themselves to the sight of her. “You think I’m bad, Sparkle? This is worse!” Sunny Flare protested through her tears. “Aw, so you can dish it out but can’t take it? You know what they say payback is, don’t you, Sunny? Well, so are you!” Midnight told her. “I would have been happy to just have one boy interested in me for my brains instead of my butt, but you wouldn’t even allow me that!” Lightning flashed again, hitting the ground beside her as the unraveling sped up further, the remaining threads unwinding before evaporating into the air, soon leaving her completely naked and very visibly aroused, her nipples quite hard and cheeks flushed. To little surprise, she had shaved her marehood, displaying her slit prominently. “Well, look at that…” Twilight then levitated Sunny’s hand away and magically spread her legs, shining a light on it to show that she was in fact quite wet and swollen there. Her swollen lips glittered with her fluids, causing gasps and a fresh round of picture-taking from the assembled males, some of whom were starting to creep closer to the scene to get a better look. “Y’all are crazy…” Applejack said in disgust, having given up trying to stop them, and I couldn’t help but agree—Midnight’s charm spell meant that self-preservation took a backseat to live porn. “You said it…” Rainbow Dash sneered, but then again, she wasn’t looking away from Sunny either, her rose eyes riveted on the Shadowbolt’s clean-shaven crotch. “Wow, shaven and well-waxed…” she added, mostly to herself. In hindsight, none of us were doing anything but ogling at that point, whether male or female; the scene was somehow far more compelling than it should have been. I felt a wave of warmth go through me as I saw the irrefutable evidence of the other girl’s excitement, letting me know how turned on she really was even as she looked away in shame. It was then I realized along with everyone else that Sunny Flare hadn’t been so much afraid of being undressed, as being revealed that she liked it! A fact that was far from lost on the corrupted Twilight. “Well, what do you know? I didn’t even have to use magic to arouse you, and look at you now, Sunny!” Midnight snickered, tendrils of aura just brushing her classmate’s breasts and clean-shaven lips. The ethereal caresses caused the unhappy but sorely aroused Shadowbolt student to bite her lip, trying not to whimper as the wisps of magic teased her, making her teats stand out even more stiffly. She couldn’t stifle a gasp as Midnight then magically tweaked one, causing it to engorge further; I swore I felt my own teat twitch in sympathy. In truth, I was amazed again—I could tell she was now using another unicorn power to enhance a partner’s pleasure and thus their potency. I knew from my own experience as a pony how that magic caused one’s flesh to tingle intensely, but I could only begin to imagine how much more powerful it was under Midnight’s control. What would it feel like…? I couldn’t help but wonder, suddenly envying Sunny’s treatment and wishing I was in her place. Wait, WHAT?  I was shocked at where my thoughts had just gone, but didn’t have much time to consider it as Midnight spoke again. “Quite the exhibitionist, aren’t you, Sunny? But you know… maybe you’re right. I was going to just make you every guy’s plaything like Indy over there, but maybe there’s a far more fitting punishment for you!  “After all, you don’t seem to have any interest in girls. Pity, that…” Midnight said with a lazy smile as she continued to magically tease the other girl, eliciting a few more half-swallowed gasps of pleasure from her—and even from Fluttershy beside me, who was starting to clutch onto my arm. I reached over to squeeze her hand back. Wait. So Midnight LIKES girls? I blinked. If she does, then what does that say about OUR Twilight…? I quashed hard the thoughts suddenly running through my head; fantasies of seducing her; showing her how her body worked and what human sensuality truly was... It was only Midnight’s magic, I told myself. It had to be… “No! Focus, Sunset!” I smacked my head repeatedly, then pulled another transfixed student back from the brink of the portal she was drifting towards, drawn to the scene like a moth to a very sensual flame. I would attend to the power-mad-and-sex-crazed magical demigoddess, interdimensional rifts and the potential world-destroying cataclysm they portended first, and the question of Princess’s Twilight preferred partners later. If there even was a later at this point. “I also noticed how you can’t seem to stand Indy almost as much as me,” Midnight further mused idly, glancing back over at Indigo Zap, who bent over before the boys, reaching back to pleasure herself for their benefit as she brought herself towards orgasm again. “They do say opposites attract, right? Let’s see how true that is!” She grinned toothily, even evilly as her horn glowed again and this time, Sunny’s cerise eyes widened as she dropped her arms from her chest and somewhat haltingly turned towards Indigo, the pair abruptly staring at each other with very flushed cheeks. “Make a lane, boys!” she ordered as their eyes locked and the two Shadowbolt girls began walking slightly haltingly towards each other as if no longer aware of anything but the other girl. “Whoa! They’re gonna…” Rainbow said a little uselessly as the pair neared each other; their teats—excuse me, nipples; I keep forgetting to use the human term—standing out in very sharp relief. “They really are…” Rarity realized shakily, then raised an arm to her forehead before she fainted and fell back into Pinkie’s arms. I barely noticed as I was stunned yet again—Midnight had just used another spell that she should have no way of knowing; my magical awareness recognized it as a variant of the want-it-need-it spell Celestia herself had once scolded me for learning behind her back, in hopes I might be able to use it as a distraction for the sentries standing guard outside the restricted wing of the library. But while that spell was indiscriminate, causing irresistible infatuation for all those within range of the enchanted item, Midnight had somehow modified it so it only affected the two Shadowbolt girls… thus only making them irresistible to each other! “But how is this even possible…?” I whispered mostly to myself. What I was seeing was unbelievable. I was a magical prodigy and even I’d never done what she did—used and modified an advanced magical spell without even knowing it! But I had little time to admire or consider the consequences of her feat as the naked pair met between two fissures and immediately embraced, their eyes wide in shock and disbelief as they began to kiss, first tenderly, and then more passionately despite their mutual enmity. And enmity that still existed even under Midnight’s influence, though it seemed their induced passions were only sharpened by their mutual hate. “D-don’t think this means I like you, Sunny!” Indigo told Sunny Flare even as she helplessly groped and laid a line of kisses down her neck. Sunny quickly returned the favor; her turquoise hands kneading Indigo’s cream-colored breasts before they slipped their arms around each other and pressed themselves close together, making out and petting passionately the entire time. “You’ll never be half the athlete or mathematician I am!” “I wouldn’t want to be! And the feeling is mutual, you over-muscled and undesirable oaf! You’ll never have my brains or my body! Or my ability to interpret ancient Greek!” Sunny Flare proclaimed even as, unable to stand it any longer, she leapt into Indigo’s embrace, who held her up without effort as Sunny wrapped her legs around her waist and thrust her cleavage into her team Captain’s flushed face.  “Now suck my tits and put your fingers in me! Deeper! Harder!” she ordered as Indigo growled at being ordered but hastened to obey, suckling a nipple and reaching between her classmate’s legs as Midnight watched. For the first time, I saw her own hand caress herself as she watched the scene unfold, a brief journey over her chest and hip. “Well. Looks like my magic can’t remove your mutual distaste, but that just makes it all the better!” she decided. “Opposites may not attract, but they do put on the sexiest show!” “Um… sh-shouldn’t we be d-doing something?” Fluttershy offered even as she remained latched onto my arm, her voice soft but shaky as she watched the scene unfold. “Well, I’m not!” Rainbow crossed her arms slightly awkwardly; in hindsight, I think she was trying to hide the fact she was getting turned on as well. “After the way they treated her? After the way they treated us? Far as I’m concerned, those Shadowbolt girls deserve whatever she gives them!”’ “Well, they do seem to be having fun…” Pinkie pointed out as she helped Rarity back to her feet, her hair looking a little more floofy than normal. “And so does Midnight! So why not let her have it?” she suggested, almost hopefully. “’Cause this ain’t about fun, Pinkie!” Applejack shook her head, apparently unaware she was fanning herself with her stetson as she watched. “Ain’t no tellin’ what else she may do… or that she’ll stop with them!” “Agreed!” Rarity spoke up, her ivory cheeks warm, unable to look away from the wanton mare-on-mare action as Indigo continued to service Sunny’s marehood and mammaries. Okay, fine, I’ll call them by their human slang term—her tits. “And as happy as I am to see that utterly snooty Sunny Flare suffer, we cannot allow this… this wantonness to continue!” she insisted. And was it my imagination, or was there a note of envy in her voice? “Fine. So what do you suggest?” Rainbow said in disgust, starting to shuffle back and forth uncomfortably, like there was discomfort between her legs. “We get our instruments, play music and pony up? See if we can make her Taste The Rainbow™?” “Best not give her ideas, Dash,” Applejack stated dryly even as she licked her suddenly dry lips while watching the scene. Rainbow Dash flushed, then glared. “I’m serious! But even if we could get our guitars, what the heck good is ponying up gonna be against her?” “Sunset?” Rarity prompted as everyone turned to me, hoping I had the answer. “Is there anything we can do…?” “Give me a minute…” My increasingly clouded mind was racing, trying and failing to come up with an answer as I watched Indigo and Sunny Flare climax again; the former crying out even louder than she had before. Rainbow had a point—before, they’d used their Magic of Friendship to cleanse me, and we’d later used an even more powerful, music-enhanced version of it to defeat the sirens, who were a dark magical force. But the problem here was that despite all appearances, Midnight wasn’t evil so much as just sexually amoral, and her magic wasn’t dark. My intuition told me the former and my magical awareness sensed the latter. The spells she was using were thus far just standard unicorn mating and attraction magics taken to the nth degree.  Even with my thoughts increasingly heady, I guessed that suddenly gaining godlike power had overwhelmed her, not so much transforming her as unleashing her—releasing all her suppressed passions after a lifetime of repression and loneliness; an unwillingness or inability to get her physical and emotional needs met. But now she could. It was like a switch had been thrown in Twilight’s head; all of a sudden every single sexual thought or desire she’d ever had was expressing itself all at once. In some ways, it was fascinating to watch; a case study in sudden fortune. You hear about lottery or jackpot winners in Las Pegasus who win big but then end up unable to handle their newfound wealth, and in hindsight, this was just a variation on that. Except this time, we were talking about a very lonely and long-repressed girl who could suddenly indulge every wish and fantasy she’d ever had without consequence, turning the tables on her tormentors in the most sensual manner imaginable... Looking back, Midnight Sparkle was the inevitable result of her life and that massive magical infusion, as her classmates were now learning to their great delight and chagrin. “Oh, this is so much fun!” Midnight stated gleefully as Indigo and Sunny climaxed before the cameras yet again, and then collapsed in each other's arms to the cheers of the charmed students, several of which were starting to outright undress. She had the air of a girl who’d never even known fun before, admiring her magical handiwork as her classmates fell to their knees to continue their lovemaking. Before long they were engaging in mutual oral sex to the cheers of the boys around her, still snarling insults at each other the whole time; alternately questioning each other’s test scores, race times, bust size, and breeding. Despite that, or perhaps in part because of it, they ate each other out with wild and very passionate abandon on a small section of ground between two open rifts and in full view of Cinch’s statue; a cream-and-turquoise swirl who buried their faces deep between each other’s legs. “I may be coming again… but I hate you, Indy!” Sunny screamed as she climaxed, her voice quickly muffled by Indigo reaching down to clutch her head harder to her. “Oh, yeah? Well I… hate… you… too!” Indigo shrieked as Sunny’s orgasm triggered her own, her sex fountaining even harder than it had the first time. They screamed their pleasure yet again, riding each other for half a minute more until they then collapsed and rolled partially off each other, still panting and sweating. But under the continuing influence of Twilight’s aura and an infatuation spell that wouldn’t wear off any time soon, they were soon pawing at each other again, with Sunny pulling Indigo’s hand back to her sex while Indigo did the same in reverse to her breast. The display was met with applause, not just from the students but from Midnight herself. “Not bad, girls! Who would have thought having hate for each other made my mating magic more effective?” she mused. “But don’t stop now, Indy and Sunny! Let’s see you go all the way!” I then sensed a telepathy spell which force-fed them an image of the act Midnight wanted them to perform. I didn’t know what it was until they immediately switched to scissoring, threading their legs in order to grind their human marehoods against each other, repositioning themselves to present themselves to Midnight. “Figures you’d like this, Sparkle!” Sunny told her through gritted teeth even as she wriggled her legs repeatedly, trying to increase the friction with an equally appalled yet amorous Indigo, who propped herself up to pinch a nipple. “C-couldn’t get a boy, so you settled for girls!” “Me? What about you, Sunny?” Midnight teased, turning them to face the center of the courtyard where everyone could see them. “I can read your thoughts, you know. Turns out you were doing so many boys because you liked being with Zesty that one time! You were drunk but afraid it meant you were into girls!” she pronounced with certainty. Sunny stiffened, her teats somehow going even more erect. And was it my imagination, or had she gained an inch or two in bust size? “Wh-who told you—” “Nobody. I used a scrying spell,” Midnight told her, eliciting a blank look from everyone and a dropped jaw from me—that spell took me months to master, yet once again, she had figured it out instinctively! “In other words, Miss Maneater—I read your mind!” “Oh, really?” a breathless Indigo leered as she twisted her body to grind her slit against Sunny’s repeatedly, in what I can only describe as a well-practiced technique. “Guess that explains why she does this… so… well!” Sunny Flare’s response was a two-word obscenity that was spoken, and then the first word of the phrase repeated progressively longer and louder, culminating in a long and lustful orgasmic scream as the males watched enthralled. Except now, it wasn’t only males as more females from both schools were starting to drift over, stepping around the portals. A few clutched onto their boyfriends while others like Lyra and Bonbon rubbed shoulders with each other, their hands starting to roam freely over each other’s bodies. “Now that’s what I’m talking about!” Midnight announced as the pair orgasmed yet again, her hand now going to her own crotch as beside me, Rainbow involuntarily did the same. “But since you’ve been such good sports, here’s a special treat…” She fired another magical beam, and suddenly a glowing translucent object appeared over them. It was a magical construct; a long double-ended dildo with the business ends in the shape of an equine stallionhood. The pair of girls saw it, grabbed it… and then separated just long enough to get it between their legs, sinking both ends to its hilts in their overheated bodies until the only thing that could be seen was a faint purple glow coming from between their touching human marehoods. “Hey! Stop hogging it!” Indigo ordered as she found only a few inches of it in her, trying to work her muscles to draw it further in. “Not my ­fault you’ve got a shallow canal!” Sunny retorted, clenching down on it to keep her from doing so even as she took pains to keep her shaven lips in contact with Indigo’s blue-furred ones. “Now, now, girls. Share nicely! If you need more, you can have it!” Midnight zapped the toy, causing it to visibly expand within them, leaving their jaws agape and bellies bulging as it filled each of them to the brim. But they quickly accepted and accommodated it; the pair writhing and grinding against each other and the magical object with everything they had, causing a fresh eruption of loud camera clicks and video-taking as at least one Shadowbolt student named Royal Pin now had his pants off, his organ squeezed between the thighs of an equally bottomless Berry Punch, whose skirt was in a puddle around her ankles and freely allowing him to fondle her as she stared transfixed at the scene. Wait—smartphones don’t click. Then what was—? “Yes! Yes!” Photo Finish stepped beside me, her many digital cameras out with telephoto lenses extended. “Do it! Unleash the Magicks!” She implored, taking a steady stream of pictures from all angles she could. Increasingly enrapt, my friends barely spared her a glance now. “By the skies above, that’s so…” Rainbow said quietly again as she watched the continuing scene, shedding her blue flannel shirt as she began to rub up against Applejack, revealing a pair of very erect nipples poking out underneath her white t-shirt. “Hot...” Applejack finished as she pushed back against her with a thin sheen of sweat on her forehead, fanning herself with her Stetson again as her fingers went for the first time to her blouse, starting to fumble with her buttons. > 5: Sugarcoated - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Oh… my…” Fluttershy said very quietly again as she continued to clutch my arm right through my leather jacket sleeve. Just like the rest of us, she was unable to tear her eyes away from the unlikely but increasingly enticing scene; her cheeks badly flushed as she watched the two Shadowbolt teens pleasure each other in equal parts lust and loathing. A glance over at her forced me to look immediately away when I realized her nipples were rock hard; their dark nubs prominent right through her shirt, and her free hand was making a kneading motion like it wanted to go to work on herself. She wasn’t the only one; a quick glance around the walled-off quad told me that everyone was reacting in much the same way. Even those who hadn’t started to undress under the indirect effects of Midnight’s mating magic had become extremely aroused; their faces were flushed and pants alternately bulging or moistening, depending on the gender. “D-Dang it, we gotta stop her!” Applejack insisted, though a quick glance told me she was getting turned on as well if her top two undone blouse buttons were any indication; as I watched, her left hand then undid a third while her right clutched onto Rainbow’s. “Much more of this, and it’s gonna be we who ain’t able to stop!” “Tell me about it…” Rainbow agreed through gritted teeth; every time she tried to look away from the mating pair of Crystal Prep girls, her eyes were almost instantly drawn back towards them, I noticed. “But what can we do without our Twilight here?” Midnight’s aura was indeed affecting everyone, it seemed, and I was no different. My marehood—sorry, that’s one pony nickname for intimate areas I never seem to shake—felt swollen and deliciously receptive to touch; the urge to dig my hands into my own body—or Fluttershy’s!—was growing and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold it off.  “I don’t know! Maybe just talk to her? Or failing that, pony up like you suggested?” Applejack offered weakly. Looking around, some CHS girls had already started into sex as Lyra and Bonbon had their tops pulled up, kissing and pawing at each other passionately as they watched the action between Sunny Flare and Indigo Zap unfold. “Even if she ain’t hurting them, she’s gonna scar ‘em for life!” “Fine. And how do you suggest we do that?” a rose-cheeked Rainbow asked skeptically, apparently unaware she had just pulled AJ’s hand to her chest. “We don’t have our instruments and she isn’t a siren! She’s our friend! Well, sort of…” She rubbed the beads of sweat off her forehead with her free arm, finally noticing where Applejack’s human hoof was but unwilling to shoo it away. “But why bother? She’s not hurting them!” Pinkie pointed out again, her tone increasingly eager as she stood supporting Rarity from behind. She kept her weak-kneed friend propped up where she could stare at the scene; either by accident or design she had pulled Rarity’s shirt tail free, exposing a small sliver of smooth stomach punctuated by her navel.  I have to say that of all of us, she seemed to be the least affected, or maybe just the least alarmed. “I say just let her do it! She’s been in that frumpy-grumpy meanie-pants Crystal Prep school for so long, she’s probably never been able to cut loose! She needs this! And if you ask me, so do they!” “Pinkie, she ain’t exactly asking for permission here! And have you forgotten about those portals?” I had to give Applejack credit—despite her state, she kept her head about her even as others were losing theirs to the sexually charged scene. She motioned around us, looking through a nearby air rift to see a dozen ponies and even a few members of other exotic four-legged races staring back from a safe distance from what looked like a street in Manehattan, gaping at the open window to the alien world before them. “They’re still here, and we’re still trapped!” As usual, Pinkie missed the point. Or maybe she hadn’t but didn’t care. “Ooooo… look at all the pretty ponies! Is that what Princess Twilight looks like?” She waved to them, causing one to wave tentatively back with a hoof while whispering something to her friend. “They’re so cute! I wouldn’t mind being one myself!” “Sunset, what do we do?” Rarity asked me again as she continued to lean heavily back against Pinkie Pie. Our normally elegant fashionista friend was starting to look more than a little disheveled, strands of her hair going out of place and a tear over her upper blouse as she’d apparently clawed at herself at least once, revealing the edge of her bra beneath. “If this keeps up…” The rest went unspoken. “I’m thinking…” was once again all I could immediately answer with. For Rainbow was right—what could we do? Part of me agreed with Pinkie that for as repressed and lonely as she had seemed, Twilight needed to get this out of her system, but at the same time, Applejack was also right—that regardless of how much her classmates may have deserved it, or how much pleasure she was giving them, Midnight was treating them as nothing more than erotic objects.  As sources of sexual gratification to do with as she saw fit, causing potentially enormous psychological trauma in the process! There were myriad reasons such magic use was considered enormously unethical, to say nothing of outright illegal in Equestria, after all. But at least there, the various races had magical attributes and resistance that humans completely lacked—which is part of the reason the previous me went to the human realm; I reasoned that having a monopoly on magic meant I could easily take over and bend everyone to my will once I ascended.  The point, for anyone reading this, is that all the races of my native world could withstand or outright defend themselves against intrusive or coercive magic. But aside from the human Element Bearers, under what I then thought were a very narrow set of circumstances, humans could not. And thus, they were easy prey for Midnight, who wielded a completely outsized aura and spellcasting arsenal anyway. Still, I honestly think Midnight didn’t realize what she was doing was wrong. Absolute power had consumed her, and the unleashed teenage goddess she had become was now indulging all the fun and fantasies she’d been for so long denied. So I had to stop her. Show her the error of her ways. “Well, whatever you’re thinking, you better come up with something quick!” Rainbow told me as she just caught herself from reaching under her own skirt, balling her hand into a fist to stop herself. “I know!” I snapped a little harder than I meant, causing Fluttershy to squeeze my arm more gently and lay her head on my shoulder in comfort. Yes, I had to do something. I was the only other individual present who knew magic and could understand what was happening, so if stopping Midnight fell to anyone, it fell to me.  But how? As a human, I was as magically powerless as the rest for the most part—ponying up when performing music aside. But even if I was a unicorn again, I wouldn’t have the power to go horn-to-horn with an alicorn, and that’s the level Midnight Sparkle was on. Whether her power was in direct reflection of her pony Princess counterpart was a question for another time. What was the question at that moment was how I could reach her. Stop her. But how? At that moment, my eyes fell on the fallen magic-siphoning pendant separated from me by the large ground portal; the beginnings of an idea forming in my head as I noticed it. But Midnight didn’t give me much chance to follow my train of thought before turning her attention to her next classmate. * * * * * “So how’s my public speaking now, Sugarcoat?”  Leaving Sunny and Indy behind to their exhibition and the great enjoyment of their classmates, Midnight next rounded on the bespectacled, orchid-shaded and frost-haired classmate with the red hairpin. She was hiding behind a trash can away from the other students; Midnight ripped it bodily out of its moorings before tossing it over the wall. “Do I sound confident enough for you, now?” she asked in a mixture of anger and lazy anticipation. Sugarcoat scrambled backwards, staring up at Midnight in fear before glancing around wildly, looking for an escape route. She got up to run but there was nowhere she could flee as Midnight cut off her retreat with another opened portal. This one was a doorway into what looked like the thestral capital of Hollow Shades, if the magic-darkened surroundings and glowing firefly eyes below were any indication. Trapped on an isolated island of green, Sugarcoat resorted to her one remaining weapon—blunt honesty. “Fine, Sparkle. I take it back. But you know, your people skills really need some work! And having Sunny and Indy do each other like that seems completely cliché and unimaginative. I’ve seen better lesbo porn from the boys locker room pin-ups.” “Oh? And just what were you doing in the boys’ locker room?” Midnight challenged. Sugarcoat hesitated before answering. “No comment.” “That’s a first.” The transformed teen hovered above her Shadowbolt schoolmate with her arms crossed. She looked unamused at first, then grinned. “Well, thanks for your feedback, Sugarcoat. Always there with an encouraging word for me, aren’t you? I remember that one time I asked you for advice on getting Object Oriented back from Sunny there, and you told me that I had two options—offer him my butt or a blow job!” she all but hissed, causing Sugarcoat to shrink back, but only slightly. She then stood up straight and crossed her arms, brushing the grass off her uniform. “Well, then I don’t see why you’re complaining. It was good advice, Sparkle.” “Really.”  Even Midnight seemed impressed by her sheer brazenness. “Yes, really. You don’t have Sunny’s bust, and since your butt is your most popular body part given all the guys love groping it, I figured you might be able to entice him with it. And as for blow jobs, I have it on good authority that Sunny isn’t any good at them, so if you learn it, you should be able to get one up on her there.” “Hey!” Sunny shouted from where she lay, her marehood still filled with the magical cooler—that’s what ponies call dildos—and pressed hard against Indigo’s, who laughed despite her pleasure. “And just who... said... that?” she shouted as she came again; the series of spurts from her pried-open marehood hitting Indigo’s chest, while Indigo’s own squirts hit Sunny’s face in turn, causing her tongue to dart out and lick it up. I had no idea how they came out at an oblique angle like that to so unerringly and erotically target the other, unless— “Jet Set said so,” Sugarcoat replied and broke my chain of thought again. She seemed unable to stop herself from answering even as Upper Crust gave her boyfriend a lethal look while her lips were wrapped around his organ; I could only guess she was trying to win him back with some oral of her own. “And Trenderhoof. And Royal Pin. And even Professor Cranky Doodle, according to Lemon Zest. They all said you use too much teeth and not enough tongue.  So with a little coaching from Zesty, you could be one up on her there, Twilight.” “Well, she’s not wrong…” Trenderhoof admitted as he looked barely restrained along with the other Crystal Prep and Canterlot High guys from joining in the fun with Sunny and Indigo; I can only guess that was either part of Midnight’s charm spell or they were just remembering her earlier warning to look but not touch. “She’s right, Midnight—Zesty is the best at it!” “Whoa. There’s being brutally honest, and then there’s that…” Even Applejack was impressed by how tactlessly direct Sugarcoat was. “Aw, she doesn’t know how to give head? But that’s easy!” Pinkie seemed mystified as she continued to hold up and fan a rose-cheeked Rarity with a bright pink squeeze misting fan she’d produced from somewhere, though the top of Rarity’s blouse was quickly becoming see-through as it got wet.  Which struck me as odd and unlikely given how windy it was out there in the magic-agitated atmosphere. The spray should have blown away, and yet... “I mean, I’ve already done it on Chest Candy and Triton from Hollow Shades High! I did it when we went on that field trip to their school’s planetarium! They were nice to us so I rewarded them in the boys’ locker room before we got back on the bus! And they told me I was a natural!” “Way too much info, Pinkie!” Rainbow told her with a grimace as, unable to resist any longer, she turned to Applejack and began to kiss her. “I did not need to hear that!” “Seconded!” Applejack announced between pecks. “Though I reckon they were kinda cute…” “Why? It just seems like a super-duper neato thing to do for guys you like! I mean, I even taught Rarity here how to do it!” “Pinkie!” Rarity shouted in shock, her cheeks going from pink to bright red. For a moment, she looked on the verge of fainting again, causing Pinkie to begin loosening her skirt and shirt, aiming the spray further down her flushed chest. “I asked for that lesson in confidence!” “But that’s what I gave you! A lesson in how to be confident!” Pinkie protested as she continued to fan and mist her. “And why so upset? You should be proud! You passed your final exam with flying colors by going down on Ragamuffin and making him feel desirable, giving him the confidence he needed to go to dancing school!” she further explained, making the entire CHS side of the field stare at the pair as a mortified Rarity buried her hot face in her hands. “If you didn’t want me to tell anybody else about that, you should have said so! Then I would have Pinkie-promised!” Though the rest of us were speechless at that point—the things you learn when sex-crazed alicorn demigoddesses are around, am I right?—Midnight paused long enough to listen to the exchange in some amusement before turning her attention back to her latest quarry. “So there you go, Sparkle. You asked for my advice, and I gave it. It's not my fault you didn't like it. And besides, how do you know you won’t like giving oral until you try?” Sugarcoat asked without any emotional inflection. “I’m just trying to help you expand your horizons, you know. So would you mind letting me go now? I didn’t hurt you, and I really don’t care to be part of a lesbo three-way with those two or anyone else,” she added, glancing back over at Sunny and Indigo; the former demanding loudly to know why nobody had ever told her she was doing it wrong, while the latter just laughed and laughed.  “Well, well. Guess you ain’t the gift to boys you thought, Sunny!” Indigo mocked, using the flexibility of her leg to knead Sunny’s breast with a foot. She kept a nipple pinched between her toes as they continued to scissor; the area between their nethers now glowing bright blue from the magical construct within them. “Oh, yeah? Well, at least I’ve been with boys, you athletic anti-male apostate!” she said as she clutched Indigo’s foot to her. “I’m not anti-male! I just have standards! Any boy who wants me has to beat me at something first! And I’m so awesome that so far… none… have!” Her entire body stiffened and her voice escalated into a scream as she came again. “Wow, a girl after my own heart…” Rainbow muttered between increasingly deep kisses with AJ. “Yeah, reckon I like her too! Think she might be with us if we beat her at something?” Applejack wondered aloud. Midnight stared at them for a moment, then chuckled. “I’ll leave that between the three of you. But you know, Sugarcoat… I could almost accept your explanation for that advice, except for one thing. After all, they do say you shouldn’t be giving advice you’re not willing to take yourself!” Sugarcoat made a show of straightening her glasses. “Who is this ‘they’ you speak of, Sparkle? And given most of the Crystal Prep guys are as stuck-up and selfish as Sunny there, I’d sooner give oral to a horse before I give it to a student,” she stated matter-of-factly, only for her eyes to go wide as she quickly clamped her hands over her mouth. “Oh, really?” The gleam in Midnight’s eyes turned evil. At that moment, I think we all realized what was about to happen, none more so than a sweating Sugarcoat herself. “You know what, Sugarcoat? That’s not a bad idea! After all, if you’re going to tell me to learn oral, then it’s only fair that you learn it too! But since you said you’d prefer a horse to the average C-P student...”  Midnight zapped the shattered Wondercolts statue to produce… an ethereal, violet-glowing see-through version of the school mascot in its place; one fully active and mobile as it hopped down from its stone mount. It snorted as it turned its glowing red eyes on Sugarcoat and began advancing on her, walking over the large surface portal towards her as if it were solid ground... And growing quickly and principally erect as it neared her, its intentions obvious to all.  “No! No!” For the first time, there was panic in Sugarcoat’s face and voice as she backed away as far as she could from the magical creature. But she was soon trapped against the edge of the island with ground rifts to what looked like Thestralslovakia bracketing her; the glowing-ember eyes belonging to the shadowy bat-ponies beneath starting to approach the portal through the artificially darkened skies that always shrouded thestral towns and cities. “Stay back!”  To her mingled excitement and fear, if her sudden sweat combined with the flush of her cheeks was any indication, the ethereal equine did not obey. It continued to slowly advance on her with a series of clopping and heavy breathing sounds; its virtual organ now stretched out nearly all the way to the ground, drooling drops of glowing violet liquid that fell a few feet before evaporating into the air itself. “Sorry, Sugarcoat, but you can actually thank Zesty for the idea of this one! But if it makes you feel any better, the punishment I’m planning for her will put yours to shame!” “It doesn’t!” Sugarcoat replied frantically with glances to both sides and behind her; for a moment, I thought she’d take a flying leap into a portal to get away. But Midnight didn’t give her the chance, sweeping her up and laying her flat on the ground as the ethereal equine approached, pinning her in place but otherwise not touching or undressing her. “I’d rather be in a lesbo three-way than this!” “Sorry, Sugar, but this is a private party! And if we’re getting punished, then you are too!” Indigo shouted from ten yards away. And was it my imagination, or had her boobs gotten a bit bigger? “S-serves you right for telling everyone I suck at blowing!” Sunny added with a smile and a shaky voice, watching Sugarcoat’s predicament with a gleeful expression even as she seemed to savor the sensations of her hate sex with Indigo, licking her lips repeatedly as the two twisted and writhed against the phallic toy within them and each other’s intimate areas. “Or should that be that I blow at sucking…?” “H-how about you two mind your own business?” Sugarcoat called back, her deadpan delivery faltering as she watched the insubstantial stallion get nearer, her wide, dilated pupils fixed on its dangling shaft. “Like you always do?” Indigo answered derisively. “You never had an opinion you couldn’t voice! Hey, Sparkle! Put something in that big mouth of hers to shut her up, will ya? We’d all consider it a favor!” she proclaimed to shouts of agreement from the other Crystal Prep students, several of whom had broken off from the main scene to watch and record what was unfolding with Sugarcoat. “Something is very much planned!” Midnight replied with a smirk. “Forward, my pet! Your mare awaits!” “Mare? B-but I’m not a horse! And I don’t do oral!” Sugarcoat protested in increasing panic from where she lay, unable to do anything but await the ethereal equine’s arrival. “Aw. And how do you know you won’t like it until you try?” This time, Midnight perfectly duplicated Sugarcoat’s deadpan voice. “I’m just trying to help you expand your horizons, you know!” she further recited in direct imitation of the blunt-spoken teen, the smile on her face telling me she was very much enjoying her latest form of revenge. “B-but—” For once, words failed Sugarcoat as the see-through stallion reached her. It placed its front hooves on either side of her hips, reaching down to undo her bow with its mouth while breathing in her scent deeply. Pulling it free and tossing it into the portal, it gave a loud and lustful snort followed by a languid lick of her neck, eliciting a sound that was half-gasp, half whimper.  “But nothing!” Midnight withdrew her magic as the ghostlike beast pinned Sugarcoat in its place. It stepped up and laid the head of its enormous shaft against her belly, which somehow held her fast. “Enjoy your new equine addiction, Sugarcoat! And I bet you don’t find this ‘cliché and unimaginative!’” At its touch, the lower fasteners of her uniform blouse instantly unbuttoned themselves—for which I chalked up a lockpick spell to Midnight’s ever-growing magical arsenal; I was actually feeling jealous of how quickly and instinctively she was mastering her spellcasting!—and the head of the equine organ slipped inside to press against Sugarcoat’s bare stomach beneath.  “Oh, no!” a shaky Sugarcoat managed as her uniform gave way before the enormous but phantom phallus, allowing it passage beneath the still-buttoned part of her blouse. “Oh, yes!” Twilight responded as the magical construct’s touch seemed to affect Sugarcoat, her cheeks going flushed as its warmth and mating magic seeped into her—Twilight had clearly doped the construct with a very large dose of arousal aura and pheromone, and then added the gotta-have-it spell for extra effect. “But… this…” Sugarcoat said slightly breathlessly as she watched, wide-eyed as the ethereal organ worked its way up her belly beneath her school uniform, the bulge shortly appearing beneath and then between her breasts as it somehow found its way under her bra and began thrusting between them. It dribbled glowing liquid all over her, which remained visible only briefly before it was absorbed into her lavender skin.  I swore I could all but feel the sparks of sensation she was experiencing; recognize from her pleasured twitches each erotic tingle she experienced in turn. “Speechless? That’s so unlike you, Sugarcoat,” Midnight mocked, another flare of her horn lengthening the already-impressive phallus further, allowing the organ to suddenly poke out the top of her blouse. Its head was shortly staring Sugarcoat in the face; its sight and scent saturating her senses, drawing her head and watering mouth nearer. “Do it, Sugarcoat. Practice what you preach! Give it oral! You know you want to…” Twilight all but cooed and as if in a trance, Sugarcoat obeyed, beginning to lick and kiss it. She then pressed the sides of her small breasts into its glowing outline, which was so complete and anatomically accurate it even had pulsing veins and a medial ring. Each beat of the creature’s virtual heart caused the veins to throb and thicken, glowing briefly brighter with the increased magic flow. The magical beast responded to the oral stimulation with a second snort, moving against her with increasing urgency until the head of its organ gained entrance to Sugarcoat’s mouth. “Good girl!” Midnight clapped in approval as cheers went up from Sunny and Indy along with the rest of the males watching. “And since you’re a little short on bust—don’t be ashamed; we can’t all be Sunny!—here’s a little help...”  With a wave of her hand and another beam of energy, Sugarcoat’s chest suddenly swelled from an A-cup to well past Sunny’s size; her mammaries expanding until her large breasts were all but bursting out of her blouse, to the astonishment of both her and all watching.  “And so now Midnight knows enhancement spells…” I couldn’t help but mutter, my inexplicable sense of magical envy only increased. Stunned and unable to speak around a mouthful of stallionhood, Sugarcoat took immediate advantage of her new endowments, pillowing the large ethereal organ between them; the middle strap of her bra finally gave way entirely beneath her badly-stretched blouse with an audible snap! “Wow. You are really good at this.” Midnight mimicked Sugarcoat’s voice again. “But then again, I’m guessing that despite what you said, that’s not the first time you’ve done it, is it?” she asked almost rhetorically with a glance at the Shadowbolt stands, causing one of the male students—Neon Lights?—to suddenly blush, the front of his pants painfully stretched as his eyes kept shifting back between Sugarcoat and the Sunny/Indy scene. Midnight and the rest of us watched as the virtual horse finally climaxed by rearing up and pinwheeling its forehooves while giving a loud whinny, covering Sugarcoat’s face and chest with glowing fluid-like magic that just seemed to soak right into her skin, leaving her dazed. The copious magical liquid had a second effect in that it dissolved her clothes right off her; the fabric of her jacket, blouse, skirt and undergarments evaporating like snow in summer, leaving her dressed only in her shoes and socks.  “You know, you’re kinda being a doormat right now, Sugarcoat,” Twilight said mildly like she was quoting her classmate again. Her horn glow intensified anew and the magical horse backed off just far enough to position itself between Sugar’s legs.  Fluttershy gasped, her hand going to her mouth and even Rainbow Dash winced as Rarity fainted for a third time, only to be caught yet again by Pinkie Pie, who took the opportunity to feel her up slightly as her hands slipped beneath her blouse, pulling up her top enough to fully reveal her alabaster midsection. But in the end, the only one who spoke up in protest was Applejack, who separated herself from Rainbow to approach Midnight. “Dagnabbit, Twilight or Midnight or whatever the hay you call yourself, stop!” she called out, advancing to the edge of the ground portal, shouting to make herself heard over the gusting gale. “Listen to me, you can’t do that! That thing will tear her apa…”  Her voice trailed off as, already aroused and magically charged beyond all measure, Sugarcoat spread her legs wide to accept the equine organ, which slipped through the quickly-dissolved remains of her panties with ease and lodged itself within her with a grunt.  The magical horse held her in place with its forelegs as it began steadily thrusting into her, burying itself a little deeper each time. As we watched agape, the visible bulge on her midsection impossibly worked its way ever higher within her, finally lifting her off the ground entirely, leaving both Sugarcoat and AJ speechless. “You were saying?” Midnight replied with a smirk, throwing only the barest of glances Applejack’s way. “I may be a dark goddess, but I’m not that kind of dark!” Applejack stared in disbelief as the horse buried itself to the medial ring within Sugarcoat. The now-fully surrendered Shadowbolt teen moaned and writhed against the enormous intruder, trying to work the massive shaft in even deeper; the bulge now under her sternum and still advancing. Finally, AJ dropped her Stetson beside her, eyes glazed and gaze transfixed. “What the… you mean you like that?” Rainbow Dash called out to her in disbelief. But Applejack didn’t look back as she answered, her eyes fixed straight ahead; even from six feet away I swore I could all but sense the intense heat coming off her loins. “As Ma and Pa are mah witnesses, I ain’t never gonna see my farm horses the same way again…” she said shakily as myself, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash snapped out of our own respective stupors to pull her back from the edge of the portal to Ponyville, whose pegasi were starting to hover a lot closer. Applejack was hardly alone in her reaction. At that point, most of us were irresistibly aroused and in the middle stages of undress. Rainbow had shed not just her jacket but her pink skirt at some point and Fluttershy’s blouse had broken a shoulder strap, revealing the top curve of a breast; even one of her bootlaces had come untied. And me? I was still resisting and my clothes were intact, but for how much longer? I had to act soon, or we’d all be reduced to the state Midnight was leaving her classmates in, just from the peripheral influence of her aura alone! Midnight nodded in satisfaction yet again. “Since you seem to be enjoying my pet now, I’ll leave you to it, Sugarcoat. So who’s next?” she asked her cowering schoolmates. Most of her female ones took cover behind the remaining greenery and stands, while the charmed boys shouted suggestions at who should be punished next and why, even offering suggestions for how. Listening to them all, Midnight closed her eyes and smiled. “Well. I do appreciate the enthusiasm, boys. And just so you know, I really don’t hold any of what happened at C-P against you. But that said, I think I’ve been a little unfair,” she mused. “After all, I haven’t given any of you attention or let you touch anything yet! So maybe it’s time I do…” > 6: Shadowboys - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As she watched her latest erotic retribution unfold, Midnight smiled and nodded in satisfaction. “Since you seem to be enjoying my pet now, I’ll leave you to it, Sugarcoat. So tell me, my esteemed but soon-to-be-ex-schoolmates, who’s next?” she asked the Shadowbolt side of the field. Most of her female classmates cowered and took cover behind the remaining greenery and stands, while the charmed boys eagerly shouted suggestions at who should be punished next and why, even pointing them out and offering suggestions as for how. “Do Upper Crust! She gets jealous of everyone and complains if I so much as look at another girl!” Jet Set complained despite the fact that Upper Crust was currently knelt before him with her lips locked around his erection. “MMmpph!” Her eyes went wide and she shook her head violently around a mouthful of malehood, but couldn’t move as Jet Set kept her head pinned in place as he climaxed hard, forcing her to swallow most of it as the rest dribbled down on her chest into her exposed cleavage. Once his grip slackened, she stumbled back from him and ran; Jet Set’s erection only slightly slackened before surging to hardness yet again. “Yeah. This is a real loyal bunch,” Rainbow remarked over crossed arms, trying to appear disgusted even as she fidgeted uncomfortably at what I can only assume was a fierce fire building between her legs. “What about Suri? She thinks she’s too good for everyone, boy or girl!” Neon Lights suggested, causing Suri Polomare to shriek and run behind the bleachers, only for her skirt to snag on a protruding branch and partially tear. It yanked it down along with her panties, sending her sprawling and revealing a brief but spectacular view of her clean-shaven slit. “No! Screw Principal Cinch herself!” Trenderhoof urged, pointing to her statue. “You don’t know what she made me do in her office that one time…” He visibly shivered, causing eyes to turn on their petrified Headmistress, where Cinch watched and listened helplessly. “Dude… you too?” Pokey Pierce looked at him in sympathy. “Sh-she called it extra credit!” Listening to them all, Midnight closed her eyes and smiled. “Well. So many tempting suggestions. So many to punish, and so little time. I do appreciate the enthusiasm, boys. And that said, I think I’ve been a little unfair,” she mused as she landed. She then started to pace back and forth between the horse-mounted, breast-enhanced Sugarcoat and the Sunny/Indy scene with her arms crossed, padding over grass, sidewalks and open ground portals alike. All present fell back from her to a respectful distance as she turned strangely contemplative, and somehow, that was even more ominous. Or maybe it was just the sky darkening further, making the glow around the interdimensional gashes seem even more foreboding. “After all, I haven’t given any of you boys direct attention yet! So maybe it’s time I do…” Her announcement caused the boys to instantly fall silent, freeze and stiffen. “Hoo boy…” I heard myself say, scarcely able to imagine what she’d do to the Shadowbolt guys after what she’d done to the girls. But then again, she didn’t seem to be as upset with them as she was with her female classmates. So maybe she’d let them off easy? “Oh, I hope she isn’t too hard on them,” Fluttershy whispered. “I mean, they do seem at least a little nicer than the girls…” “Seriously?” Rainbow rolled her eyes, and I couldn’t help but agree—that was damning with faint praise if I’d ever heard it. “That’s not saying much!” I stayed silent as my eyes fell upon the discarded pendant again, trying to rehearse what I was going to do when I grabbed it. In point of fact, I didn’t know—it was out of magic now, so as things stood, it was useless. In order for me to duplicate Midnight’s ascension, it would have to be fully charged again. But where was I going to get all that magic from? Or maybe I didn’t need to ascend? Maybe I could use it to siphon Midnight directly…? My train of thought was lost as Midnight overheard Rainbow, even through the biting wind and constant crackle of lightning in the stormy skies above. “My thoughts exactly.” She stopped pacing long enough to start the magical cooler construct shared by Sunny Flare and Indigo pulsing and vibrating. Their sudden cry of pleasure and tensed bodies provided fresh erotic evidence of Midnight’s actions, to say nothing of the glow of the toy intensifying and a buzz heard in the air. She then turned to her right, giving the four male Shadowbolt students a diabolical grin that caused them to step back. She went into a hover before them on a single beat of her raven wings, though she really didn’t need to flap them as she could levitate on the strength of her magic alone. “So tell me, boys… I haven’t decided what, if any, judgment to pass upon you. Unlike the girls, you weren’t constantly bullying and belittling me, after all. So I’ll at least give you the chance to plead your cases. For starters, tell me—what did you really think of me? And don’t bother lying, because I’ll know instantly.” “Well, uh…” Jet Set looked to Upper Crust for support only to receive a look that was half-glare, half leer back. “It’s n-not that I didn’t notice you…” “Y-yeah. You noticed her... butt!” Sugarcoat pointed out, trying but not succeeding in maintaining her deadpan voice around her very visible enjoyment of the equine organ filling her. “S-same as every other boy in school!” “For once, she has a point,” Midnight agreed angrily. She crossed her arms and glared, causing the boys to shrink back. “As I recall, you groped me good that one time on the bus it was standing room only, Jet Set. Even put your paw inside my panties while Upper Crust was right beside you!” “He… what?!?” Upper Crust shouted from where she was trying to clean herself off with some discarded napkins, succeeding only in tearing her blouse further, to her frustration and disbelief. “You heard me. So tell me, each of you—was your opinion of me shaped entirely by my backside?” she wanted to know, and I have to say, that was one sentence I never dreamt I’d hear from anyone, let alone an alternate version of Twilight Sparkle! “What? No! I-I talked w-with you once, Twilight! A-at the summer social, remember!” Jet Set pointed out in equal parts excitement and fear. “I wouldn’t have minded being friends! It’s n-not my fault Upper Crust chased me off!” he quickly added as he attempted to pull his zipper back up, only for it to snag on his underwear and then break off, leaving his fly wide open. “Traitor!” Upper Crust shouted from where she had run to hide behind a tree, but fell silent at a single glance and gesture from Midnight, who popped another button on her blouse in warning, causing her to fall to her knees and cover herself, shivering. “Yeah. That’ll convince her!” Rainbow muttered, though she seemed to be having a hard time taking her eyes off Indigo and Sunny Flare; more than once I saw her hand go to her chest and crotch only to catch herself, though her tanktop had slipped off one shoulder. “I’ll accept that. I’ll deal with Upper Crust later. So what’s your story, Neon?” She turned to the dark-haired, sunglasses-wearing male next. “I-I liked you too!” Neon Lights added, trying in some futility to cover up his own yet-unrevealed hardness with both hands cupped over his crotch, acting like he was standing in front of a place kick at a soccer match. “I-I asked you to tutor me in math, remember! And I th-thanked you for it!” “Well… that sounds nice…” Fluttershy agreed. “Only ‘cause Dean Cadance… told you to!” Indigo piped up between labored breaths. “She said you couldn’t play varsity soccer unless you raised your grades!” “Which I did!” he shouted back. “I listened and learned! I was a perfect student!” “Perfect… except for putting your hand on the seat for me to sit on,” Midnight reminded him dryly over crossed arms. “That was an accident!” he pleaded, beads of sweat bursting forth on his forehead, his hand flexing like he was remembering the feel of her flank. “My blue backside it was...” Rainbow muttered, her thumb briefly hooking inside her waistline and pulling it down an inch before she caught herself. “And when you accidentally yanked my skirt down and slipped your hands under my blouse?” she plucked his shades from his head to show his fearful light blue eyes, crushing them in her magical grasp. “Or how about hot-dogging me from behind through my panties, and then pulling me back into your lap?” Her eyes suddenly blazed with green fire. Neon Lights swallowed very hard. “I stopped when you told me to! And you didn’t right away! And, uh… that was only at the end of our lessons, and I was just trying to thank you for helping me pass my test!” he offered weakly as the other boys took several steps back from him. “Sounds more like you helped yourself!” Sunny Flare shouted as she licked her face clean of Indigo’s latest sensual squirts. “He what? But why didn’t you tell me?” a badly flushed Dean Cadance shouted from the second floor window, looking back from where she was between Celestia and Luna. I’d forgotten about her and the two CHS Principals, but they, too, were in the early stages of undress; as I watched, an appalled but clearly aroused Celestia removed the Dean’s blazer while an equally angry but lustful Luna was caressing herself and her sister through their clothes. “Because I was afraid to!” Midnight shouted back. “Because he passed his Differential Calculus test thanks to me, and I didn’t want to get him kicked off the team! And because he’s right—I didn’t tell him to stop right away, mostly because I was confused. Part of me liked the attention even as a bigger part of me felt completely violated!” her hair flames glowed brighter and turned more orange as she spoke. “If you did that to me, N-L, you’d end up in the hospital!” Indigo announced. “And if you did in front of me, I’d kick your ass clear over the moon!” “Which is why he chose me,” Midnight stated matter-of-factly. “Back then, I didn’t have the ability or will to fight back. But I do now!” The wave of power that erupted off her bowled the four boys back, sending Neon to his knees. “No! Listen, Twili—er, Midnight! I swear I wasn’t going to, but Zesty put me up to it!” he told her frantically, holding up his hands to protect himself even as his excitement refused to subside; his semas audibly breaking from the pressure beneath. “She offered me a blow job if I did it! She said you’d like it! She said you needed it! Said I’d be doing you a favor! Said you might even surrender completely and finally break out of your shell!” he all but sobbed out the admission even as he struggled unsuccessfully to put his bulging briefs back into his pants. Midnight closed her eyes and concentrated for a moment; I felt her focus her scrying spell on him to determine the veracity of his words. “So she did. Why am I not surprised?” the strangely subdued demigoddess growled at some length, leaving me wondering where Lemon Zest was, and what kind of girl she was given she’d been mentioned in every single incident Midnight had imposed punishment for. She sounds like a real piece of work, I remember thinking at the time. “I’ll save her for last, but back to the business at hand—so far, that’s two major liberties taken. How about you, Pokey?” Midnight asked next. “Well, uh… I carried you to the infirmary that one time I found you f-fainted outside your lab!” Pokey Pierce offered nervously, his back and hands pressed against the magically raised wall behind him. He alone was not hiding himself, though it appeared he had the most to hide. His pants were severely tented and already showing a large wet spot at the front; as I watched, his fly button snapped off and his impressive erection broke free, straining the fabric of his boxers with his burgeoning human stallionhood. “You did…?” Rarity called out weakly from where she was still half-fainted, Pinkie having taken off her short blue overshirt to fan her friend with it. “S-such a gentleman!” “Y-yeah… and then you g-groped her!” Sunny Flare called out in a shaky voice, apparently sharing an unspoken opinion with her fellow Shadowbolt girls that if they were being given this treatment, they weren’t letting anyone else escape it. “L-loosened her blouse and squeezed her butt! I was there, Sparkle! I saw him carrying you into the clinic!” She pointed an accusing but shaky finger at him. “Or… not.” Rarity corrected herself, her head falling back in a fresh faint. “Did you, Pokey?” Midnight’s expression turned dark as the arcane energies swirling around her intensified. Pokey Pierce was beginning to squirm, but I wasn’t sure if it was due to the interrogation or his still-growing excitement as I saw his hidden hardness twitch right through his slacks. “I l-loosened your clothes, yeah... I-I mean, ‘c-cause th-that’s what you’re supposed to do when someone f-faints…” he offered weakly, suddenly breaking out in a nervous sweat and looking equal parts on the verge of fainting or creaming himself; his human stallionhood visibly throbbing even as his cheeks went pale. “You undid her bow… and half her buttons!” Sunny Flare all but shrieked between gasps, suddenly rolling over with the magical toy still embedded in her and Indigo, clutching at the grass as she tried to raise her head. “And then you carried her with your hand… under her skirt… against her butt!” she managed to get out just before her next climax claimed her, screaming her pleasure before collapsing hard onto her back again. “What the hell kinda school is Crystal Prep…?” Rainbow voiced the thought we all had, even as she shrugged free of her jacket and dropped it at her side. Midnight spared her a glance. “You can ask that question of our great and glorious Principal, Rainbow Dash, if I ever elect to un-petrify her. So tell me, boys… did any of you not take liberties with me?” “I didn’t!” Trenderhoof raised a shaking arm that still held his smartphone, though he kept one hand over his bulge. “I th-threw my jacket around you when Indy locked you out of the showers, remember?” “Yeah. But only after you took her picture!” a dazed Sugarcoat shouted between equine thrusts, now clutching her belly over the massive shaft inside her, the beast slowing its pace slightly, bringing her close and then backing her off repeatedly as Applejack still watched, spellbound. “And posted a blowup of her butt in your locker!” “Shut up!” he whispered to her urgently. “Oh, really?” To my surprise, Midnight’s expression softened a bit as she summoned his cellphone right out of his hand and quickly flipped through the pictures, finding the image in question and then showing it to him while Trenderhoof stood stiffly, his spine and stallionhood rigidly erect within his fraying clothes. “So you took this picture of me, Trenderhoof?” “Well, uh…” His buckle broke with a sharp ping! as I watched, causing the top of his tulip-headed organ—I can’t help it; that’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the head of a human stallionhood, and the label has stuck with me since—to protrude out the top of his pants. Trenderhoof blinked at the wardrobe malfunction—just the latest in a series of them affecting male and female alike, I couldn’t help but note. “Y-yeah! I did! I-I just thought you looked… n-nice…” He gulped hard as Midnight’s eyes narrowed. “It’s flattery! I mean it! I didn’t touch you, Sparkle, even though I could have! I just really liked what I saw!” His erection gave emphasis to the statement as it burst through a seam in his boxers to point right up at her. “Real smooth, Romeo…” Rainbow Dash facepalmed and I wasn’t far behind. The entire yard held its collective breath as they awaited Midnight’s next words. But then, to our surprise, she smiled, though I found it slightly sinister. “You know, I should be angry at all of you. Especially at you, Neon, for letting Zesty put you up to that. But funny thing? I’m really not,” she said to their visible relief and outraged shouts from the girls she’d already punished. “In fact, I’m almost disappointed. Why all these games? Why didn’t any of you tell me you were interested?” she asked them all over crossed arms. “So you found me attractive? So you wanted to touch me, or at least see me? You know, if you’d ever spoken to me or treated me with respect, I might even have said yes!” Her tone went petulant for a moment. The four boys looked at each other again, each pleading for someone else to answer. Finally, Neon Lights did. “B-but you wanted to be left alone, Twi—I-I mean, Midnight!” he quickly corrected as she saw the former Twilight’s eyes narrow. “S-so we did! I-I mean, you always hid in your lab, so w-we never saw you as a—” he trailed off as he seemed to sense he was only making things worse, eyes darting nervously like he was looking for a way out. “That’s it. They’re toast…” a facepalming Rainbow Dash announced, but Midnight simply stared at them for a few moments before smiling again. “Well… maybe you’re right. I admit, I didn’t exactly advertise I was interested or available. In fact, with the sole exception of Object Oriented, I didn’t even know I was interested in boys before. And I certainly wasn’t dressing or acting to turn heads. But no matter—I’ll fix that now!” Her horn glowed as her body grew, growing several inches taller, her bust and hips filling out before our eyes. Finally, she was turning her magic inward on herself, transforming herself from a slightly immature teenager into an utterly stunning young woman, giving herself a goddess’s body to match her power. She even modified her dress to make her even more alluring, shortening her skirt and plunging her neckline to show off her ample cleavage. For a girl who had gained the power of a dark demigoddess, she clearly still had all-too-human tastes and desires; ones she was finally able to indulge with great glee. “So boys… what do you think of me now?” She struck a pose like she was modeling, all but radiating power and newly-discovered confidence as she walked over a ground rift like it was a fashion show runway, throwing a glance into the Manehattan portal as she passed it, giving the ponies on the other side a curious glance. “See anything you like?” she asked them as much as the Shadowbolt boys. Judging by the visibly raging hard-ons beneath pony bellies and in Crystal Prep uniform slacks—I swore their erections gained another inch of length and girth as they watched her—they very much did. Several ponies even took an involuntary step forward towards the portal, drawn by her beauty and power. “By the sun…” a pony said. “By the gods…” Pokey breathed. “That’s goddess to you, Pokey Pierce,” Midnight corrected, standing still and allowing them to photograph her, seemingly basking in the adulation and attention she’d always been afraid of before. Neon Lights fell to his knees before her as an already-bottomless Jet Set stroked himself to the sight of her—“you’re beautiful,” he said in pure worship as Upper Crust watched aghast. I think she hadn’t even noticed that she was in fact stroking herself to the sight of Midnight’s enticing visage, her radiating mating aura now enough to entice everyone and everything on the Shadowbolt side of the field. And in truth, they weren’t the only ones. For her power was tugging at me, too. Midnight was absolutely and utterly beautiful to me, and not for her new body or some side effect of her mating aura. She was the perfect expression of magic; the purest fusion of power and passion I’d ever seen. In truth, and maybe this was just a throwback to my power-hungry days, I wanted to be her. In truth, I wanted her, I realized for the first time. In fact, I wanted her worse than anyone—or anypony—I’d ever wanted before. And with that epiphany, my own sensual excitement, which I’d just barely kept under control to that point, surged to the forefront. It was all I could do not to shed my jacket, which was suddenly feeling very hot and heavy along with the thin fabric of my light blue blouse. So I fanned it as I wore it, trying to let more of the chill and gusting wind in. It worked, getting under my skirt and shirt, quickly teasing my human teats to hardness. “Oh, my…” Fluttershy noticed. “You like her too…” she noted slightly breathlessly as she pressed the side of her breast against mine. “Yeah…” I admitted, suddenly keenly aware of the contact—I have to admit, I’d never really noticed Fluttershy in any sensual sense before, but she was unquestionably beautiful, and not just on the outside for all her kindness and compassion. I had no idea if she was sexually experienced—it was not something we’d ever asked her about, after all, given her previous fragility—but whether due to past encounters or magically lowered inhibitions, she showed no hesitation about slipping a hand beneath the back of my untucked blouse to rest it against the base of my taut and tingling spine. Midnight’s attention remained on the boys and not on us, however, to my increasing disappointment. “Well, then. I can’t say I’m at all happy about the liberties you boys took, but at least you found me attractive and not just a potential rival in looks or academics to bully and beat down,” she noted with a growl and a glance at the sorely disappointed Shadowbolt girls. “Aw, fer—are you seriously gonna let them get away with all they did, Sparkle?” Sunny Flare shouted angrily as she sat up to face the scene. “Yeah, what gives?” Indigo demanded to know through gritted teeth as she felt her eighth climax build. “You’re gonna punish us and not them?” “Quiet,” Midnight told them, muting their voices by casting another spell to add a second set of magical constructs to probe their other orifice. The fresh intrusion caused them both to gape and fall silent as their backdoors were magically claimed, with both Sunny and Indy climaxing almost immediately as the seconds set of coolers bottomed out in them with fresh curses mixed in with their involuntary cries of pleasure. “I’m not through with you two yet, so keep out of this.” She then turned back to the four Shadowbolt seniors and gave them a grin that was equal parts coy and conciliatory. “Well, gang… I’ve thought about it, and I find I can’t really bring myself to just up and punish you like they want. Boys will be boys, after all. Still, I can’t help but feel like I owe you four something…” She flapped her raven wings once to take flight over an open portal to what looked like Appleloosa, causing two earth ponies on the other side to flinch back at her sight. “And I know just the thing!” “Are w-we going to like this?” Pokey Pierce asked for all of them, his malehood living up to his namesake if the size of his bulge was any indication. Midnight’s smile turned sly. “You just might, Pokey. But first, let’s see what you boys have to offer!” Her horn glowed, and the remains of their pants and shirts suddenly burst open, as much from the pressure within as Midnight’s magic tearing at them from without. Their organs sprung fully free as Midnight almost entirely undressed them, except for leaving their ties and shirts on with the latter open. Well-toned chests and abs were exposed—no real surprise given the strong emphasis Crystal Prep put on athletics and physical fitness—and their human stallionhoods stood proudly for all to see. “Oh, my…” Fluttershy whispered beside me, clutching me all the tighter as Pinkie gave a loud whistle. “They do look good!” “Good show, boys!” Pinkie clapped loudly as Rarity raised her head, gasped, and for the first time, stayed unfainted as she stared at the scene. “Wow, Pokey—you’re even bigger than Triton!” “Uh… thanks?” he called out, holding still and not covering up either out of the charm spell or a simple fear of not obeying instructions. “Hmmm… not too bad…” Midnight nodded slowly as she inspected each erection in turn. They were all decent sized and their owners had admittedly nice flanks, I thought—I’d certainly seen my share of them in my pre-Twilight days, when I would occasionally dispense or withhold sexual favors to keep the CHS boys in line—which Midnight then sampled herself with magical squeezes, earning twitches and sharp intakes of breath. “Especially you, Pokey. I’d heard the other girls talk about your size. Looks like they were true!” “Thanks, but uh… it’s a mixed blessing. A lot of girls say I’m too big and would hurt them.” “Really? That’s a shame. Well, I can fix that! But first…” Her magic went to work again, and suddenly their male attributes began to swell and lengthen before their wide eyes and open jaws, quickly taking on equine dimensions; medial ridges materializing around their middles with their new untapered heads flaring outwards, followed shortly by a sheath forming around the base. Within seconds the group was soon sporting thick footlong stallionhoods—give or take a couple inches—each sporting different colors: one black, one pink, one grey, and one mottled. “Oh… my…” Fluttershy said again; the sight even distracted Applejack for a second as Rarity took one look and fainted again, saying something about how neither her slit nor existing male suits could contain such impressive stature. “Oooo… Those look like fun!” Pinkie clapped her hands together in glee. “Speak for yourself!” Rainbow said in disgust, making a face and crossing her arms. She only had eyes for female plumbing, it seemed, keeping one eye on a still-entranced Applejack and another on Sunny and Indy at all times. And me? My eyes were only for Midnight, starting to lose myself in her form and magic. I wanted her worse than I’d ever wanted anything before, even the Element of Magic itself. Whether I was under her influence or somehow shifting some feelings for Princess Twilight—feelings I didn’t even know I had—to Midnight was beside the point at that moment. All I knew was that the more I thought of her, the wetter I got, and all thoughts of stopping her and fixing these rifts were slowly ceasing. Increasingly, all I wanted to do was give myself to her, and let her do as she would with me. I’m not ashamed to say that in that moment, I would have let her do whatever she wanted with me, as long as she would just let me bathe in her amazing magic and majesty. “There we go…” Midnight withdrew her aura and flew back a little, looking quite pleased with her work while the boys looked down at themselves in disbelief. Barely aware anymore of their state of undress, their hands immediately went to their new stallionhoods, beginning to squeeze and stroke them. “Wow… this…” Trenderhoof spoke first, admiring his new grey girth. “Thanks, Twi—er, Midnight!” “Whoa! You mean… you’re just giving us these?” Jet Set added, sounding astonished but pleased, holding his light-and-dark mottled shaft in both hands. “I don't know... I mean, I like ‘em, but it’s gonna be kinda hard to keep these in our pants!” Neon Lights noted, rubbing the head of his dark-skinned stallionhood. “You're telling me!” Pokey Pierce agreed, sporting the biggest equine erection of all at fifteen inches, this one slate gray. “And how are we going to get these into girls?” Midnight grinned conspiratorially. “You’re welcome, boys. No hard feelings, then. And don't worry, Pokey—they'll be normal-sized most of the time, and only come out to play when you want them to,” she told them, leaving me marveling anew how she could have possibly pulled that off with no previous experience or knowledge.  Magical transformations weren't supposed to ever be permanent, but now she was claiming that this one not only was, but it was controllable by the boys themselves? Not understanding the impossibility of her feat, Midnight went on. “When you use them, you’ll find they won’t hurt anyone. Just the opposite, in fact! Whatever body you put them in will automatically adjust to accept them, and be pleasured so strongly they’ll wonder how they ever went without you!  “They’ll fill all your favorite orifices like you never could before, and addict your partners to being penetrated by them in the process!” she promised further in what I could only describe as every teenage boy’s wettest dream come true. “Screw them once, and they’ll always come back for more!” “Wow! You… you mean it?” Neon asked in disbelief. “Of course! It’s just a simple matter of infusing your equipment with some malleability magic and other incantations, and then disperse those spells by simple touch. And better yet for you, I’ve also enchanted your testicles,” Midnight announced as her horn glowed again and their apples, or ‘balls’ as humans like to call them, expanded to triple their original size. “This means they’ll recharge so quickly, you’ll always be able to screw.” Their faces lit up. “Wow! You’re the greatest, Midnight!” Neon told her. “Why, thank you, boys. But I’m not done yet! So tell me, how would you also like to be irresistible to everybody around you?” she asked, though I wasn’t sure if I imagined the coy note in her voice. They looked at her in shock, then at each other. “You mean we could attract anyone we wanted?” Trenderhoof asked. “That’s right,” Midnight confirmed, the odd gleam in her eye glowing. “You’d be just like me now—the apple of everyone’s eye, and the object of all desires, regardless of species!” she added with a look around the portals through which all pony and other eyes were on her. “Just say the word, and I’ll grant that irresistibility to you as well. Consider it a parting gift before I depart this world forever.” “She’s up to something…” a partially stripped Rainbow said warily, and I was increasingly inclined to agree. “Yeah…” Worried at what she might be planning, I started to gauge my chances of diving for her discarded magic siphon, but finding it wanting given I’d have to circle the large ground portal to reach it. The four boys looked at each other again. If they sensed a catch, they were too supercharged by their own excitement and enhanced attributes to pay it any mind. “Yeah! I like that idea! Do it!” Neon said, to which the others immediately agreed and Midnight grinned triumphantly. “As you wish!” I think I sensed only then from how gleefully Midnight said it that she was acting the part of a genie; one that would grant the letter of a wish, but not the spirit. An impression that was confirmed as her latest spell washed over them, and suddenly the eyes of the four Shadowbolt eyes went to each other, hungry and appraising. “Wha…?” Neon said first as he found his hands following his gaze, trying to grab at his equally bewitched friends, clutching at their flanks and enormous organs. “Wh-What’s going on? Oh sh—!” he started to exclaim before an equally shocked Jet Set grabbed his tie and yanked him towards him to kiss deeply. The two excited but aghast males began eagerly frotting, rubbing their equine erections together as Trenderhoof grabbed Neon from behind and spread his flanks to thrust his own footlong stallionhood between them, ‘hotdogging’ him as I’d heard the human term given. “I… I can’t stop myself!” Trenderhoof said in alarm as he gave a few thrusts between his friend’s cheeks before starting to position himself for anal entry. “N-no…” Jet Set said with a look back even as he didn’t relent his make-out session with Jet Set, who found Pokey Pierce’s fourteen inches likewise thrusting between his legs and lifting his softball-sized apples up from below. “Sorry, Jet Set, I c-can’t help it… “ Pokey likewise tried to protest as he reached around in a haze of lust and horror to grasp both their organs, squeezing and stroking them with his hands together. “Feels too good! You’re both so…” the rest went unsaid as he lost himself in sensation almost immediately, the four boys shortly but irretrievably lost in their own illicit acts. “Stop!” Jet Set pleaded even as he arched his back and reached behind him to grasp Pokey to him, squeezing his friend’s organ between them. But none of them did while Midnight only laughed along with the Shadowbolt girls, who whistled and applauded despite their own ongoing stimulation. “Stop what, Jet Set?” she asked in perfect innocence. “I gave you exactly what you wanted!” “B-but this—I-I’m not—“ he was silenced by another kiss from Neon, who then leaned over and began to worship his stallionhood directly despite the dull horror in his eyes, causing him to gasp and groan. “Dammit, what did you do to us?” he asked even as arched his back and began thrusting into the male muzzle in front of him. “Exactly what you asked,” Midnight repeated smugly. “I made you irresistible to everyone… including each other! And now, nature is taking its course. Isn’t it beautiful?” she announced to the applause and laughter of Sunny Flare and Indigo, who leaned forward to exchange a high-five. Even Sugarcoat cracked a rare satisfied smile as her ethereal equine lover sat back to raise her high into the air, his magical organ still improbably embedded so deep in her that he could prop her up enough to lower his head to suckle her oversized teats, causing the blunt-spoken teen to clutch his head to her chest. “No!” Neon all but sobbed around a mouthful of Jet Set’s stallionhood, trembling in both fear and erotic anticipation as he felt his virgin tail about to be claimed by an equally entranced Trenderhoof. “I d-don’t w-want to be—” “Aw, what’s wrong, guys? Don’t like it when you’re made an object of unwanted attention? Don’t like it when you can’t help what’s happening to you?” Midnight asked them in a tone of pure payback. “Well, guess what? Now you know how I felt! Except you’re going to go all the way with it!  “And remember how I said that once you had sex with someone, they couldn’t get enough of you? Well, enjoy your new anal addiction!” She struck her final blow, baring her teeth in a triumphant grin as Neon was bent over fully by Jet Set and Trenderhoof, finding himself staring the former’s mottled equine erection in the face as the latter positioned himself for rear entry, each offering their own pleas and apologies to Midnight to not make them go through with it. “Sorry, but not sorry, boys! Especially for you, Neon! After what you did to me in math tutoring, feel free to spitroast him, boys!” Midnight then held up all their phones up to record the scene for posterity, showing she was setting the pictures as their screensavers and uploading them to various school message boards before setting them into a hover and settling in to watch the show. “Serves you right!” Upper Crust called to Jet Set, who couldn’t reply as he suddenly found the head of his enhanced equinehood engulfed by Neon’s mouth while his sphincter swiftly surrendered to Trenderhoof’s invading organ, giving way as it pushed the first several inches into him, earning a massive shudder from both. “Drill him, Pokey!” she further commanded, and Pokey Pierce needed little encouragement, parting his friend’s cheeks without effort to sink the first third of his length into him. “Okay, that’s kinda hot…” Rainbow admitted as her attention wandered away from Applejack briefly. “And honestly? Kinda deserved.” For what they’d done to Twilight, I was hard-pressed to disagree, noticing that the thestral stallions of Hollow Shades were drifting much closer now to the surface of the big ground portal around Sugarcoat, apparently attracted less to her than by the adjacent same-sex action—I’d heard they were a lot less reticent about it than other ponies; it was in fact a given for them during certain rites of passage they possessed. “Oh, wow! That’s another thing you have in common with Triton, Pokey!” Pinkie called out as she began to remove Rarity’s bra from within her blouse, unlatching it and then pulling it down, out the bottom of her shirttail as a propped up and unresisting Rarity watched the human colt-cuddler action in awe. “You go both ways!” “Not… by… choice!” he groaned as he slowly sank himself to the hilt until finally, his apples were slapping hard against the back of Jet Set’s, who likewise had nearly all his twelve inches in a stunned but unresisting Neon’s throat. “Not bad, Neon! So what is it they say about golf balls and garden hoses?” Midnight teased as Trenderhoof claimed his rear, the unlikely foursome helpless to stop their lovemaking, or the magically-induced attraction fueling it. “Yeah, Neon! Show me how oral is supposed to be done!” Sunny Flare taunted further as their toys detached from each other and the pair suddenly found themselves sitting up and embracing again, kissing passionately. “You know, that alone almost makes this whole ordeal worth it…” she said as she began making out with Indigo anew. “Almost…” Indigo agreed between touches of their tongues. “Gotta say, Sunny, you kiss like a guy.” “Oh, come on!” she shouted in frustration as she clambered onto Indigo’s lap again; the translucent magical constructs visibly filling both her lower orifices as she smushed her breasts back into Indigo’s face. “So when it comes to sex, I can’t do anything right?” Midnight listened to the exchange in great amusement. “Then consider this some hands-on training, Sunny. And by the way, the next time you want some math tutoring, Neon? The price for admission is a little anal action with your friends. Enjoy!” she told him as they drove each other to climax swiftly, slamming their hips together one final time before emptying themselves into each other. They each gave a slightly agonized cry of ecstasy before coming what sounded like harder than they ever had in their lives, to the cheers of the girls on both sides. “Good show, boys!” Midnight clapped as the four teens collapsed in a heap of each other’s bodies. “And just like I promised, you’ll be able to go again almost instantly—which is a good thing since you’re now addicted to both oral and anal! So feel free to swap places and screw again—to really break in your new lovers!” she invited as they instantly began to do so to mutual shock and muffled protests, hands and lips finding each other’s equine erections as they began climbing on top of each other again, shortly forming a daisy chain of oral action as the already-punished Shadowbolt girls laughed. She watched them—and us—for a couple minutes more as the effects started spreading to the Shadowbolt side of the field, though I'll save that for next chapter. But when she was satisfied, “But for me? It’s time to move on to my next eager and willing sensual subject. Oh, Fleurrrrr!” she singsonged, causing all eyes to turn towards a taller girl huddled and hiding beneath the bleachers. “It’s time to get deflowered!” > 7: DeFleured - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Good show, boys!” Midnight praised again as the already-punished Shadowbolt girls whistled and cheered, watching gleefully as their male classmates found themselves turned into each other’s open and eager gay lovers.  “And just like I promised, you’ll be able to go again almost instantly—which is a good thing since you’re now hopelessly addicted to both oral and anal! So feel free to swap places and screw again—to really break in your new lovers!” she directed them suggestively but sarcastically as they began to do just that. In truth, I couldn’t help but immensely admire Midnight for so neatly and sensually turning the tables on her former tormentors. Admire how she had pretended to forgive and reward the four Shadowbolt boys who had repeatedly taken liberties with her, offering and then tricking them to accepting the greatest of sensual gifts, only to turn them into tools for her sexual revenge. And what a revenge it was, as she reduced the previously flank-fondling and girl-crazy boys to a centerfold in a Colt-Cuddler monthly magazine back home, helpless to stop themselves from taking each other’s muzzles and tails! I have to say, the old me would have been not so much proud as insanely jealous at how perfectly she did it, turning their own teenage urges and fantasies against them.  Even though I was no longer interested in manipulating others, I could still think in such terms, and I couldn’t help but do so here. I realized quickly that by addicting the four boys to each other, and leaving her their only option for escaping their irresistible same-sex urges, Midnight could have then used the promise of ending their ordeal to make them do her bidding.  But that wasn’t her intent. Simple but very sensual vengeance for the endless abuse of her classmates was, and by the looks of it, it had worked! The four boys no longer resisted even weakly as they simply couldn’t get enough of each other’s bodies, not holding back in the slightest as the latest action quickly shifted to focus on Pokey Pierce.  The CHS girls—and even a few guys, I noticed—watched with great interest as Neon Lights knelt before him and buried his face at the junction of his classmate’s overlarge equine sheath and apples, inhaling his musk deeply. “Whoa, dude! You smell so…” The rest went unstated as he began nuzzling and licking the area in earnest. I had the thought that he was apparently paying homage to his fellow Shadowbolt senior as the best-endowed of the four, treating him like the alpha of their strange new Timberwolf pack.  Pokey himself could only lay back and groan as Neon breathed in Pokey’s masculine musk deeply and orally worshipped his enormous apples, while an equally reverent Trenderhoof and Jet Set laid a line of licks and kisses down his massive shaft while he stood before them and simply accepted it. “Whoa! Okay, yeah, I really like that…” Rainbow Dash admitted as she stared at the scene, starting to paw at herself with one hand while she kept another one on a still-entranced Applejack’s shoulder to keep her from walking forward, towards the scene with Sugarcoat. “Wow. For as much as I don’t care for boys—especially Crystal Prep ones—who would have thought that seeing them go at it with each other would turn me on?” she mused, mostly to herself as she caressed her hip and chest with her left hand. “It is kind of nice…” Fluttershy agreed as she gripped my hand tightly and rubbed against me more forcefully; I very keenly felt it when our teats tweaked each other repeatedly from where they were mashed together through our unraveling clothes. “They really look like they’re getting into it, Sunset.” “Yeah…” was all I could manage in response as my light blouse ripped directly over my right nipple—there, I used the human term for it. So are you happy, readers?—allowing it to protrude and gain closer contact with its counterpart belonging to an equally exposed Fluttershy’s, the tear widening and fabric of our bras seemingly fraying from the friction of our bodies and increasingly large breasts alone. Increasingly? I blinked. It was then I realized that my bust—and Fluttershy’s!—was indeed larger, having gained at least half a cup size since this whole business began, as an apparent side effect of Midnight’s mating magic. In hindsight, I don’t think she was doing it intentionally—at least, not at that point, excepting Sugarcoat.  It was actually an effect that the mating aura of more powerful unicorns on Equestria had occasionally been able to achieve, enhancing their partner’s sexual attributes automatically to increase their virility and ability to pleasure. In extreme cases involving very powerful unicorns, it had even altered the equipment of lovers belonging to different species to allow them to sire or bear a pony’s foals! But I was only dimly aware of such obscure sexual studies even as I encouraged the effect, watching the all-male scene unfold. Unlike Rainbow, I can’t say it was the colt-cuddler theme that did it for me so much as Midnight’s continuing masterful display of magic, far beyond anything I’d considered feasible or even possible before.  And it wasn’t even so much that I wanted that level of magical ability for myself, really. It was that I wanted it used on me! “Oh, wow! If Triton and Chest Candy saw that, they’d love to join in!” Pinkie added eagerly, then called out to the charmed CHS students, who continued to record the scene without regard to their own excitement or safety. They stood at the edges of the rifts and various portals while ignoring the exotic races—were those winged and beaked ponies with jewels around their necks hippogriffs? Nopony back home had heard from them in ages!—staring at them in shock and an increasing measure of interest through them. Each sported prominent hard-ons—you know, that’s one of the few human slang terms for stallionhoods I actually like—visible right through their clothes, straining and starting to break through the fabric just as my boobs improbably were. “Don’t be shy, boys! Feel free to screw, too!” Pinkie encouraged. “Uh…” Midnight’s influence was so strong even on this side of the field, that I noticed eyes start to dart back and forth between the CHS guys. “Th-think we’ll p-pass, thanks…” one of Flash’s bandmates named Barre Chord had just enough restraint left to say, even as the prominent bulge in his blue jeans reached halfway down his left thigh. “Y-yeah…” added Backbeat, the band’s drummer, who typically dressed in pre-torn denim himself—have to say, I never understood the logic behind paying extra for pre-torn jeans! “We’re into girls, not guys!” “Aw, come on, boys! Just kiss or something! You know you want to! All the girls already are!” Pinkie further invited, motioning with her head to the many CHS girls making out around us even as she continued to prop up and grope an unresisting Rarity, who was now staring red-cheeked at the all-male scene before her. “You like each other, don’t you? So screw! And if you’re worried about the implications, just remember—it’s only gay if your balls touch!” It was Pinkie logic at its finest, and it actually worked as Barre Chord and Backbeat turned towards each other; their erections bursting free of their overstretched jeans with a rip of rending denim to point right at each other, seemingly tugging them towards their friend. “Is it? Oh!” Barre Chord stated, his pastel purple organ standing up proudly from where it had previously lain against his leg. “That’s true? Well, In that case…” Backbeat rejoined as his own erection found a fresh tear in not just his jeans but his drawers. “Whoa! They’re really gonna…” Rainbow couldn’t finish the thought as, drawn towards each other like a magnet with their stallionhoods somehow acting like erotic divining rods, their erections shortly touched along with their lips as they began undressing and feeling each other up in earnest. Whatever influence they were under seemed to be catching, as their display caused several other nearby boys to do the same, to the cheers and sudden videotaking from the CHS girls, several of whom were clutching onto each other and heavily petting as they watched. “Dude, our balls are touching…” the violet-hued Barre Chord pointed out in a shaky voice as they finished undressing and kissed more frantically, rubbing their surprisingly impressive organs against each other—wait, were they growing too?—while they continued to passionately kiss and caress. “So they are,” an equally shaky orange-skinned Backbeat replied as his hands found his friend’s light orange flanks and squeezed them, pulling him more tightly against him. “Don’t worry, bro, I’ll fix that…” he then dropped to his knees and began to go down on him as Barre Chord watched wide-eyed but shortly leaned back and groaned his pleasure, placing a hand on the back of his friend’s head.  Still other boys were already starting to take each other’s tails, worried only about whether their apples were touching even as they slowly sank themselves to the hilt and reached around to eagerly stroke their partners to orgasm; within a minute there was a sound of balls slapping and organs spurting accompanying their previously unthinkable cries of passion and pleasure. “Wow, this is great! Too bad Flash isn’t here…” Barre Chord said as he positioned himself to enter his friend.  “Yeah. But don’t worry, bro—we’ll make it up to him later!” Backbeat promised somewhat breathlessly. All the while, Midnight watched the unexpected scene unfold with great satisfaction, even caressing her adult-sized leg or breast once or twice. “Well. I can’t say I was intending this, but I’ll take it! What an interesting and surprising side effect of my mating aura! You all seem to be enjoying yourself, so I’ll leave you to it… with just a little more help!”  She cast some additional magic that caused intimate areas to start expanding on the CHS side of the field further; breasts, balls and shafts gaining an additional inch or two of length and girth even if they were already embedded in other bodies. “Enjoy!” “Oh my…” Fluttershy breathed softly as we were also affected, our breasts slowly swelling as we both watched and keenly felt them expand with a delicious stretching and tingling sensation. Before her eyes, they gained another cup size to bulge out further right through the growing holes in our blouse and bra, giving us both more surface area and sensation to work with.  A boon we quickly availed ourselves of, turning more fully towards each to press the mass of our mammaries together. “Uh… thank you!” Fluttershy called out softly. Despite all the wild weather around us, Midnight heard. “You’re welcome. Consider it a gift to all of CHS, since most of you treated me well. But for me? It’s time to move on to my next eager and willing sensual subject! Oh, Fleurrrrr!” Midnight singsonged, causing all eyes to turn towards a familiar figure huddled beneath the bleachers. “It’s time to get deflowered!” The tall and beautiful Shadowbolt girl was hiding in a back corner of the stands but Midnight spotted her instantly from her pink hair and creamy skin, not picking her up so much as yanking her in the air by her blouse front, dragging her classmate through the air towards her and dangling her over the Everfree Forest portal as she’d done with Cinch. “Oh, hi Fleur. So good of you to be social, for a change.” Despite her predicament, Fleur struck a bored look, one belied by the sheen of sweat breaking out on her face around her rosy cheeks, which were only accentuated by her fair skin. “C-can I help you, Sparkle?” Midnight’s manner instantly turned from half-friendly to one of utter contempt. “Help me? No, Miss de Lis. You’re going to help them,” she informed her previously larger classmate—as she’d grown herself to adult size, Midnight was now the taller one—nodding to the CHS side of the field. “In fact, the Wondercolt boys—the ones that aren’t already spoken for, that is—are going to help themselves... to you!” she announced, causing the uncommitted boys on our side of the field to immediately pay attention. If it was possible, Fleur got even paler. “Wha—? Why? I-I didn’t bully you! I never even spoke to you! Wh-what did I ever do to you?” The glow in Midnight’s eyes got stronger even as those eyes got narrower. “Nothing. And that’s just it. You didn’t just leave me alone; you acted like I didn’t exist. You never once talked to me. You barely even acknowledged me! If I said hi, you just walked on by without looking at me. If I looked in a classroom window, you shut the shade in my face! When I was lying fainted on the floor outside my lab after an all-nighter, you just stepped right over me!” she hissed. “Oh, um… that’s not very nice,” an amorous Fluttershy spoke up from where we were starting to lightly kiss as Midnight continued to recite her schoolmate’s sins. “How ungenerous!” Rarity called out. A glance up showed her teats were standing out in sharp relief beneath her blouse; the outlines of her increasingly impressive mammaries showing in sharp relief now that her bra had been removed. “M-maybe I was going to get the nurse. Ever think of that?” Fleur suggested somewhat weakly, her blouse and jacket starting to rise up further as Midnight continued to dangle her by her clothes over the open Everfree portal, through which a gawking zebra mare could be seen looking up at her. “A likely story!” Pinkie shouted as she began nibbling on Rarity’s ear. “Spare me,” Midnight all but snarled out the words, rolling her glowing eyes as she hovered inches of Fleur’s flushed but fearful face. “You’ve never helped or lent a hand to anyone in your life, Miss de Lis! You only date the richest boys; the ones with the fastest cars or most money! You come from wealth and have a supermodel body, but you don’t share them!  “You’ve never once donated a dime or any of your time to so much as a school bake sale! In fact, I heard that you were even too high-maintenance for Filthy Rich!” “Filthy?” Despite the peril she was in, Fleur gave a contemptuous snort. “Why would I stay with him? He may be rich, but he always wanted to go for burgers and ball games instead of sushi and opera!” “I rest my case,” Midnight said with a roll of her eyes around the snorts that erupted from the punished girls around her. “The average Crystal Prep girl is snooty, but you’re in a league of your own! You act like your looks and breeding put you above all of us, and I don’t think anyone here is going to complain about anything I do to you!” “You wouldn’t dare!” Fleur claimed, leaving me wondering if she truly believed it or was just trying to appear brave.  Midnight showed the tips of her teeth in reply, the wind and aura around her intensifying, ripping at Fleur’s skirt and blouse further, now ridden up high enough to show several inches of her lower back and navel. “And why not, Miss de Lis? Just how do you plan to punish me if I do? But since I’d hate to think it’s only me saying nobody likes you, let’s put it to a vote! So what do you say, gang?” she called out to her captive Shadowbolt schoolmates. “Who wants to see Fleur de Lis get deflowered?” Despite their distraction, all four Shadowbolt boys instantly and enthusiastically raised their hands from where they were groping and stroking each other’s stallionhoods, or holding on to each other’s hips as they continued to piston their phalluses into muzzles and tails. “D-Do her, Sparkle!” A no-longer impassive Sugarcoat yelled out breathlessly from where she was still being claimed over and over again by her equine lover. “Sh-she’s a snob!” “Hi kettle, I’m pot. You’re black,” a red-cheeked and rapt Rainbow Dash found enough focus to comment, and I had to agree. Still, Sugarcoat had a point. I hadn’t interacted with Fleur at all, but from what I’d seen, she’d behaved pretty much as Midnight had described—refusing to even acknowledge our collective existence except for one small moment at Pinkie’s abortive icebreaker party before the games began. “You said it! None of us like her!” Indigo added through a mouthful of mammary as she continued grinding herself against Sunny Flare, clutching the grass behind her as she propped them both up.  “S-she uses boys for free meals and just treats all the girls like… crap! So if a-anyone deserves this… she does!” she bit out over another building orgasm that manifested itself with a fresh series of squirts around the magical constructs fillings her, each unerringly finding Sunny’s sex. “H-hey Sparkle! Y-you think I’m snooty? T-take it from m-me—she’s worrrrrssssseeee!” Sunny Flare shrieked as she climaxed again, leaving me amazed that they could even talk, let alone were tuned in to the proceedings. “Yeah! Give it to her!” Pinkie said with surprising vehemence, giving a thumbs-down like she was a noble at a gladiator bout in ancient Roam. “She said my party punch was ‘pedestrian and for peasants’! So show that meanie-weenie no-fun Fleur de Lis a real good time!” “Um, Pinkie? You’re kind of starting to scare me…” Fluttershy said softly, and I had to agree—this was a side of Pinkie I wasn’t sure I liked. “Sounds like the jury has already selected the rope to hang you with, Fleur,” Midnight said with an evil expression, the wind around them picking up further. “So tell me, can you offer any defense before I cast you to the nearest group of CHS guys?” she said with a nod to a knot of them, who were showing off their wares and even chatting with a group of increasingly interested hippogriff mares—or was that even the right term for them?—on the other side of the air portal beside them, leading to a tropical land I didn’t recognize. “My body is a temple, Sparkle!” Fleur shook as she spoke; I admit I was impressed she summoned up enough nerve to talk back. “I am a goddess who none may gaze upon or enter!” Midnight’s initial reaction was an amused smirk. “Temples are a place of worship, Fleur. You don’t do it from the outside—you do it from inside! And the only goddess here is me.” Her horn and eyes glowed brighter even as the skies darkened further. “And as a goddess, I could make you worship me right now. Make you eat me out and force you to acknowledge me as your divine deity!” she suggested with a lascivious lick that caused Fleur’s shaking to worsen. Midnight then dropped her leer and grinned. “But I won’t. Because as the goddess I am, you are not worthy of me! In fact, the only thing you are worthy of, as badly as you’ve behaved, is a Wondercolt concubine! You’re going to service the CHS boys, Fleur. And you’re going to love it!” The expression on Fleur’s normally apathetic face abruptly approached one of sheer panic as one of her heels fell into the portal and a sharp gust of wind nearly whipped her skirt away. “No! No! Listen, Sparkle! I-I don’t want to have sex yet! I’m not being selfish, I’m just… saving myself! For the right guy!” “Sure you are…” Rainbow rolled her eyes even as she could no longer resist falling to her knees and digging her hands between her legs at the sight of the boys bucking—to whoever is reading this, I’m sorry for using pony slang, but I’d much prefer to use that word than its equivalent human one! “Think we don’t know a mooch when we see one?” “Saving yourself?” Even being propped up and outright fondled by Pinkie Pie, Rarity was roused to indignant fury, sitting up more sharply and pointing an accusing finger at Fleur. “Then what’s the point of dating, except to get yourself feted? So you let all your dates treat but not touch? You let them court you even though you have no intention of returning their affections and show them not so much as a flash of flesh? “You are horrid! Ungenerous and unkind!” Rarity slammed her fists to either side of her, then pushed back against Pinkie Pie. “Pinkie, darling? Let’s show our dear misguided Crystal Prep sister what generosity truly is!” “You got it!” Pinkie proclaimed, then yanked Rarity’s blouse up and over her head, baring her top for the world to see; her ample breasts bouncing once on her chest before Pinkie brought her hands up to cup and caress them. “Take a gander at these, guys!” she invited the previously uninvolved CHS males, who promptly oohed and snapped a few pictures; even the ones engaging in colt-cuddler activity stopped and took note. “This is how you should treat your friends!” “Exactly, Pinkie! This is what good treatment from a worthy partner should earn!” Rarity said, clutching Pinkie’s hands to her as Fluttershy and I watched openmuzzled—even if she liked turning heads, Rarity had never shown even the slightest inclination to be so blatantly voyeuristic before! “I agree!” A rose-cheeked Roseluck replied from the edge of the Hollow Shades Portal as her two friends and fellow flower shop workers, Daisy and Lily Valley, flanked her. They pawed at her; slowly stripping her as they likewise fell under the influence of the sensual spellcasting; an amorous Lily Valley reverently kissing Rose’s ear and neck while working a hand up under her shirt to unclip her bra while several bat-ponies watched enrapt from below; edging ever closer. Roseluck, too, was now doing something she’d shown not the slightest proclivity towards before, as she was into guys, not girls! In fact, she had a reputation for being one of the biggest boy aficionados in school, but unlike Sunny Flare, she was said by all who had experienced her to be an excellent lay. In fact, the previous me had seen her as a potential threat to keeping the male students in my thrall, so I’d tried to start a few ugly rumors about her, none of which had been believed or stopped the boys from seeking her out. She was just too good at what she did and word got around regardless of what claims I made. “So, Fleur De Lis—you can have whatever guy you want but you don’t do anything for them? You just mooch off them and see them as status symbols, using them to get a fast car or free gourmet meal? That’s not just selfish, that’s a crime against love itself!” she declared as Lily freed a breast and began suckling it as Daisy likewise got her panties down and began kissing her hip while slowly running a hand up her thigh. “You’re giving us honest guy-loving girls a bad name! Break her in good, Midnight!” Midnight materialized a gavel construct in her grasp and made a sharp motion into the air itself that resulted in a rapping sound, like she’d just struck it to a bench. “The motion has been suggested and seconded by both Crystal Prep and CHS students alike! “So before I pass sentence, is there any other input from interested parties?” Midnight prompted like she was the judge at a trial, looking around and then up at the window where the human equivalent of Princess Cadance was being quickly divested of her clothes and inhibitions, undressed and unfettered by the two Principals as she watched the scene from the second floor unfold. “How about you, Dean Cadance? Any objections to me taking Fleur down a few pegs? If anything, her offenses against you were far greater than me! I mean, I hear she tried to get you fired and her family to pull their funding from the school when you wouldn’t pull strings with Dean Sombra to get her accepted to Everfree University!” “That’s true!” the Dean confirmed somewhat breathlessly as her unbuttoned blouse was pulled backwards off her by Celestia, who continued to attack her neck and ear. “And it nearly worked! They said they’d withhold funding for our new athletics area unless Principal Cinch dismissed me! Though fortunately, she resisted—I’ll give her credit for that, at least—and Fancy Pants came through for us instead! “When we told him what happened at the annual alumni party, he wrote us a check on the spot! You know, I never did thank him properly for saving my job…” she unconsciously squeezed her freshly bared breasts together and bobbed her head like she was going down on someone. “And don’t forget what he did for us!” said a second voice from the next window over. It was only then I noticed that it wasn’t just the Principals making out from inside the school; other students and staff had been caught inside and come to see the commotion out various windows, only to immediately fall victim to all the mating magic as well. Case in point, Ms. Cheerilee was nearly completely naked and being taken from behind by AJ’s older brother, Big Macintosh, who had come to help set up and run the Friendship Games. He was dressed in only an open flannel shirt as he pounded her plot with his muscular body, grasping her boobs from behind while she could only hold on to the ledge against his powerful thrusts and accept it all in a very happy daze. “He got our new library funded and upgraded all our classroom computers out of his own wallet! And he did so out of the goodness of his heart!” “Eeeeeeyup!” Big Mac agreed as he slammed his hips forward and emptied himself into her, causing her to scream his name as she climaxed in turn. “You’re right,” Luna agreed as she knelt before Cadance and began slowly lowering her skirt, her head at eye level with her fellow school head’s surprisingly shaven slit. “You know, we really should name the new academic facilities after him, sister…” she noted as her head drifted towards the Dean’s apparently very receptive sex, and was shortly buried within it. “I agree!” Celestia concurred as she wrapped her hands over Cadance’s, assisting her in squeezing and kneading her breasts. “Though I’m thinking now the three of us could reward him in other ways…” “I see. I hadn’t heard the whole story. So, no objection to me punishing Fleur, then, Dean?” Midnight prompted with a smirk. She must have liked what she saw, for she turned her mating aura on them fully like a spotlight, causing them to all but rip each other’s remaining clothes away and attack each other’s intimate areas hungrily. “None at all! I wasn’t able to do so myself because of her family’s influence! Just don’t... hurt… her…” was all Cadance managed between gasps before her Celestia fed her her own tit as Luna began eating her out from below, eliciting a startled cry and moan. “Ooooohhhh…” “Come now, Dean. Have I hurt anyone yet?” Midnight asked aloud as the three school heads began making love in earnest with Dean Cadance the center of attention. “Just our psyches, Sparkle!” Sunny Flare shouted as she shoved Indigo down and climbed more fully on top of her to press their breasts and lips together, each Shadowbolt girl still unable to get enough of the other. “I might care more if you ever showed any regard for mine!” Midnight replied angrily with a fresh boom of lightning as a backdrop. She then silenced her classmates by intensifying the vibration effect with Indigo and Sunny while increasing the pace of the horse’s thrusts into Sugarcoat, causing Applejack to take another involuntary step forward. Our utterly entranced friend was getting dangerously close to the surface portal, which now featured a few pegasi inspecting it, uncertain what they were seeing. I can only imagine what it looked like to them—a hole in the sky through which they could see… another sky? “Well, my friends—you’ve all heard the evidence! So again I ask—who wants me to deflower Ms. Fleur?” Midnight asked anew with a smirk. Every single hand was raised, even among the Principals and Dean. “Then it’s unanimous! Isn’t democracy grand?” a grinning Midnight asked a gaping Fleur. “It would seem the unwashed masses you so disdained have spoken, Miss De Lis! And who am I to deny their wishes?” Midnight levitated her classmate over to where four eager CHS boys were waiting; their impressive erections already bared. “Ready?” “No!” There was genuine panic on Fleur’s face despite her evident arousal; she was just as affected as the rest of us despite the airs she was projecting. “But I can’t… I’ve never…” “Neither have they! But now they’re all naturals,” Midnight said with a nod down to the classmates she’d already punished. “Even the CHS boys are having a good time now. You’re just going to help them enjoy it! And to that end…” she cast a spell that caused the four members of the school’s metalworking club—Ferrous Forge, Arc Welder, Cast Iron and Double Temper—to immediately grow their organs to equine shape and proportions, just like she’d done with the Shadowbolt boys. “Oh, wow!” Arc Welder called out stroking his length in admiration before the equally interested mares on the other side of the Las Pegasus rift. “Thanks, Midnight! Wait—does this mean…?” Cast Iron exchanged slightly nervous glances with the other three. “N-not that I wouldn’t mind…” he realized in some shock. Midnight gave them a reassuring grin, and this time, I didn’t see any mischievous or malicious gleam in them. “Don’t worry, boys—you all were nice to me. So this time, there’s no strings attached!” she promised them. “They’re yours to do with as you see fit, whether with each other or with anyone else, boy or girl! But it wouldn’t be fair to just give you those and not give you someone to break them in with!” “What? You want me… to be… with them?” Fleur looked both aroused and aghast as she stared down at them. “That’s right. You said you were waiting for the ‘right guy’, Miss High-and-Mighty? Well, why does it have to be just one? And why not a bunch of CHS shop students? Opposites attract, after all!” She grinned evilly. “Uh, actually, we call ourselves the ‘Blackbirds’…” Ferrous Forge offered weakly. “Short for ‘Blacksmith Bros”, though we accept girls as well! That’s our school club and our band name!” “I stand corrected,” Midnight chuckled. “Well then, ‘Blackbirds’… here’s something new for you to forge!” she dangled Fleur over them by the back of her jacket, which rode up along with her blouse to bare her perfectly curved and naval-punctuated midriff. “You want me to have sex with a bunch of soot-covered shop freaks?” she gaped, though I got the feeling she was affecting airs given how flushed her cheeks were and the tear that was slowly working its way up her skirt. “Hey!” Pinkie called out before Midnight could answer as her hot pink hands worked downwards Rarity’s body to slip inside her skirt. “I’ll have you know I’m part of that club, too, Fleur de Leech!” Her hair fell briefly flat and an evil gleam appeared in her eyes. “Did you hear what she called us, guys? Drill her good!” “You got it, Pinkie!” they promised, standing and stroking themselves, eager and ready to receive her. “And remember that we’ve got another club jam session next week to get started on our next project!” “Oh, don’t worry—I’ll be there!” she promised as she returned her attention to Rarity, who stood up for the first time in many minutes to allow Pinkie to slide her skirt and panties off, stepping free in them to stand in full naked glory for all to see. “Think I’m gonna miss trying to forge an actual Viking battle axe?” “You know, for a bunch of ‘shop freaks’, they sure sound a lot more useful than you, Fleur. When’s the last time you actually created anything except a big dinner bill?” Midnight asked with a smirk. “Don’t worry, though—I’ll fix that right here. You’re about to become the best lay at either school!” “B-but…” we could clearly see how wet Fleur was now as the remains of her skirt billowed up. “No! You can’t! Those things will tear me apart!” she protested weakly, pointing with a shaky finger down at them even as her hands made squeezing motions towards them. Midnight laughed. “Weren’t you paying attention to Sugarcoat or the four Shadowbolt boys? If they can take it all without a problem, then you can too! Like I told the Dean, I don’t want to hurt you, Fleur. After all, the greatest punishment for someone like you isn’t that you’re being made to do it. It’s that you’re made to enjoy it! And worse, enjoying being with those you consider beneath you!” she grinned, showing her teeth as her horn began to gleam brightly, bathing her classmate in a massive dose of pure mating magic. It took effect quickly; we could all see the sudden wetness between Fleur’s legs as her skirt blew up and the blush on her ivory cheeks went from pink to deep red. “Feel that, Fleur? As those ponies say, it’s time to get tucked!” I had no idea where Twilight had learned that except she’d read their minds. “N-No…” Despite everything, Fleur still tried to resist even as her honey ran down the sides of her thighs and her erect teats looked ready to burst right through her blouse. “D-don’t let them touch me, you low… class… witch!” she ordered uselessly even as her entire body got hot and her breathing quickened; I swore I could feel the growing heat of her loins all but radiating off her. The gleam in Midnight’s eyes got stronger as her grin got wider; I’m guessing she was waiting for Fleur’s desires to fully ripen before she spoke again. “Sorry, Fleur, but this time, you don’t get to have things your way! And to make you even more irresistible…” She then hit her classmate with the strongest wanna-haveit-spell as she could muster and bodily tossed her to the four equine-equipped CHS males who quickly caught her and began running their hands all over her, not meanly but reverently. “There you are, boys! She’s my gift to you! Have fun and make sure she does too!” she instructed them, and enticed by the irresistibly overpowered charm spell and their own overwhelming arousal, they immediately obliged by beginning to tear at her clothes, quickly baring her alabaster body while running their hands over her skin and through her beautiful violet hair in pure worship. Within seconds they had her blouse, skirt, bra and panties reduced to tatters and were feeling her up from every angle—I have to say, she really did have an angel’s body that overlay her decidedly un-angel heart—while she squealed and whimpered, slowly surrendering.  She resisted increasingly weakly as four pairs of hands stripped her, stallionhoods claimed her and previously unfamiliar sensations assaulted her from all sides while the CHS side applauded and her classmates cheered mockingly. Within just a few seconds more, she had ceded her exquisite supermodel body fully to the onslaught of groping hands and equine erections, which quickly found and filled her previously unused orifices. They broke through her virgin barrier and sunk themselves almost immediately to the hilt without any effort—Midnight’s magic had once again done its work well. With some hasty and husky discussion, the Blackbird boys quickly figured out how to arrange themselves so they could all share her at once. Double Temper held her arms away from her body as his pink shaft took her muzzle while Arc Welder’s orange organ claimed her virgin tail and drove herself within her to the hilt. Reaching around, he pushed her large, already-ample breasts into Cast Iron’s pink shaft as it thrust between them while Ferrous Forge held her slender legs wide and pounded her pink-furred human marehood with his cobalt blue one, going impossibly deep into her along with his friends. He relieved her of both her virginity and any remaining resistance as she quivered, stiffened and then cried out, climaxing with surprising speed. All thoughts of stopping Midnight now quickly fading from my mind, I was wondering how much of it was due to Midnight’s magic and how much of it was Fleur herself, only then realizing that she’d been depriving herself of such sensual pleasure as much as others. But all that was forgotten as movement to the side caught my eye. “AJ, stop!” Rainbow Dash called out frantically from her knees. At her voice, I turned to see that Applejack was walking slowly forward now, towards Sugarcoat and her magical equine lover, staring straight ahead at them… And if she took but two more steps, she’d fall right into the open surface portal over Ponyville. > 8: Elements Expressed - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “AJ, Stop!” a kneeling, half-naked Rainbow Dash shouted before she leapt up and launched herself at Applejack. She would have been joined by myself and Fluttershy, except we were blocked when a new transient rift appeared directly in front of us, barring our path. It showed a window into a Saddle Arabian palace where a feline Abyssinian servant with orange fur and violet vest was facing the portal, bent over with his legs spread out. He was quite contentedly licking his own apples and erect organ with a loud purr, only to freeze mid-lick and gape at us, his tongue freezing where it lay against his orbs as his slitted yellow eyes went wide. The view of him lasted for only a brief second before the rift rippled and closed. Fortunately, we weren’t needed as Rainbow all but tackled Applejack from behind like a linebacker chasing down a running back, only a step away from the gaping ground portal. The two then fell into an awkward and more-than-slightly compromising heap; Rainbow’s frantic lunge at Applejack caught the top of her skirt, yanking it so hard it broke the belt and tore the normally tough denim fabric with a sharp ripping sound. The end of Rainbow’s tackle then dragged both it and AJ’s panties down all the way over her freckled flanks, leaving Rainbow’s face firmly planted between Applejack’s well-toned but ample orange cheeks. It was yet another chapter in a series of extremely unlikely events, and even as I gaped at the sheer impossibility of it, I finally realized its source—Midnight’s magic was altering probability around us to produce events and outcomes she wanted! Events and outcomes that would serve her sensual ends. I tried to analyze it scientifically, which normally would be no easy feat with my mind so clouded by intense carnal desires. For all the varied activity around me, ranging from Flash’s bandmates performing a stallion swirl to the self-named Blackbirds breaking in Fleur de Lis, they were finding an increasing focus on Fluttershy as I found myself kissing her and pulling her shirttail free, which undid her skirt entirely and sent it falling in a puddle at her feet.  I only barely noted it as I ran my hands over the outside of her plain white panties, tasting the deliciously soft and smooth texture of her flanks for the first time; incredibly, I found my thoughts and attention were split neatly between her and considering the effects of Midnight’s magic. For the latter, I doubted she was doing it deliberately except where her classmates were concerned; it was most likely just a function of her hyper-intense mating magic and desire for erotic revenge on her classmates spilling over onto the rest of us.  The effect, therefore, was to make wardrobe malfunctions and finding ourselves in compromising positions far more likely. Probability alteration like that also fell within the realm of normal unicorn magic; a way we could at least subtly influence our environment to produce desired outcomes. Though like the rest of the powers Midnight was using, the effect was normally far more muted than that; it was generally all the average unicorn could do to influence a dice roll—something casino tables at Las Pegasus had powerful enchantments against—or urge a golf ball to land closer to the hole. When she pushed back up, Rainbow looked as dazed as AJ did. Her face was coated with copious amounts of her friend’s fluids, which had completely matted down the inside of her orange legs. “Whoa! Jeez, AJ, I’ve never seen you so mmmph!” She couldn’t finish as Applejack’s only reaction was to arch her hips and push her rear right back into Rainbow’s face. Our enrapt country friend propped herself up on her arms to see the scene with Sugarcoat, compelling Rainbow to begin orally pleasuring her from behind. In the end, the latter needed little urging to do so, holding her lover by the flanks after casually tearing off and discarding the rest of her ruined denim skirt and panties. “Oh… my…” Fluttershy said beside me as she watched the scene unfold. I even heard some cheers from the boys’ soccer team--which Rainbow was the unofficial coach and trainer of because she could beat all of them almost by herself—off to the side. “That looks so…” she trailed off just long enough to lick her lips and clutch my back harder “…tempting…” she finished as she fell to her knees in front of me and I found her staring at my sopping skirt front. My legs went weak as my pussy lips, as humans call them, engorged further, leaving them exquisitely swollen and tingling fiercely. “Fl-fluttershy…” I called to her in a shaky voice as I realized not only her intention, but that I very much wanted her to do it! “W-we can’t…” “Why not?” she asked earnestly in an alluringly innocent voice that threatened to buckle my legs right then and there. “You’re our friend now. You’ve earned it…” she all but cooed as she lowered my skirt entirely, allowing her hot breath to begin washing over my human marehood. I still don’t know how I was able to maintain awareness of my surroundings through all of this—I can only guess that Midnight wanted her classmates to be hyper-aware of what was happening as she punished them one by one, and it once again spilled over to the CHS side of things—but I wasn’t the only one. Even on all fours and being orally pleasured from behind, Applejack hadn’t torn her eyes away as the enormous ethereal equine climaxed, watching as the Shadowbolt girl impaled on its massive shaft cried out in unwanted but irresistible pleasure. Sugarcoat’s belly was visibly swelling as she was infused with not just glowing seed, but the ever-more mating magic it contained; as we watched, her body began growing again, her orchid-shaded breasts and hips expanding to full adult—if not adult movie!—dimensions, like she was maturing into a very buxom woman before our very eyes. And then the virile stallion began rutting her in an entirely new manner, rolling over on his belly to turn her upright; its impossibly erect and rigid organ holding her up several feet off the ground. The new stance left her perched high over its lower belly, the beast snorting again as it reached up with its forehooves to grasp her by the hips and then began moving her up and down on the massive shaft within her, leaving its human toy clutching at the bracing hooves and the massive bulge that had impossibly reached all the way up to her sternum. And yet, Sugarcoat never lost her personality. “Y-you know, this is something… I w-would expect… fr-from a doujinshi, Sparkle!” she just managed to say between the piston-like motions of her hips, which she soon began doing of her own accord; beginning to ride her equine lover in earnest and of her own volition. “Good guess, Sugarcoat!” Midnight grinned as she turned her attention back on her orchid-skinned schoolmate. “That particular fan manga was a favorite of Lemon Zest—you can blame her for showing me it!” “Lemon Zest? That figures…” Sugarcoat groused, her voice belying her forced pleasure and flushed cheeks. “She always does go for the crazy stuff…” “She does indeed. And speaking of crazy stuff, I believe the next chapter in that manga was…” She then induced the stallion to grow a second phallus, just behind the first. Sugarcoat wasn’t aware of it until it grew upwards to push at and probe her other orifice, causing the Shadowbolt girl to gape and her eyes to snap open behind their spectacles—remarkably, despite losing all her other clothes, she’d never lost her glasses. “I… this… you…” She shuddered as the second stallionhood slowly pushed into her. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” she couldn’t help but cry out as each thrust of her own hips pushed it even deeper until it reached the same depth as its older brother, soon leaving her in the throes of yet another building climax. “What? Speechless again?” Midnight smirked as her already-consumed classmates laughed and exchanged another set of high-fives. “You know, for as anal as you are about everything, Sugarcoat, I’d think you’d like taking it up the tailpipe!” “A doujinshi? Oooo! Ooo! I knew I’d seen that before!” Pinkie Pie suddenly piped up from where she’d been attending Rarity, whose own gaze was unwavering, her eyes fixed on the Blackbird boys attending Fleur de Lis as much as Applejack’s was on Sugarcoat. “Y-you have, darling?” Rarity just managed as Pinkie massaged her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, causing her to bite her lip and squeeze her eyes tightly shut as she could only clutch the groping hands to her, urging more from them. “Oh, definitely! That’s from ‘The Seed of the Demon’ doujin where instead of losing to her, Demonsteed finally conquers and corrupts the warrior heroine Layal! See, first he addicts her to stallion sex, then to his spunk, and finally to taking it up the tail! By the end of it, nobody but him can satisfy her! It’s one of my all-time favorites!” Pinkie Pie announced in excitement, causing all of us except AJ to gape at her again, even Rainbow turned her head to stare from where she’d been pleasuring Applejack. “What?” Pinkie asked in perfect innocence at the looks she got, leaving me wondering if the situation could get any more surreal. “I’ve got hobbies!” I probably shouldn’t have been surprised when the answer came immediately. “Yeah, and one of them is getting you in trouble,” a new, monotone voice broke in. I blinked, and suddenly, Maud Pie was present, standing right beside Pinkie Pie! “Hello, Pinkie.” “Oh! Hi, Maud!” Pinkie lit up at the sight of her expressionless sister, who, true to form, didn’t even blink at all the sex. “Wow, I’m really glad you’re here! We’re having a super-duper fun time! Hey, you wanna join in?” she offered her sister even as one of her hands shifted low to begin stroking the outside of Rarity’s perfectly clean-shaven sex, eliciting a fresh series of gasps. “Meh,” Maud replied, not showing even the slightest interest in the unlikely sensual events going on around her, while the rest of us could only gape—how had she gotten inside Midnight’s barrier? Even Midnight herself looked befuddled at her sudden appearance, pausing from tormenting her classmates long enough to stare. “Unless it involves stone, it’s not my thing. I’m here because Mom wants me to tell you that some guys from the government are coming around asking about your new party cannon.” “They are? Aw, such spoilsports!” Pinkie pouted as she continued to knead Rarity’s breasts, who stared at Maud in, if not shock, at least a measure of wariness. I couldn’t blame her—I’d only had a few interactions with Maud, and found her slightly… touched.  Then again, all of Pinkie’s sisters had some strange quirk, as did Pinkie herself, but they genuinely did seem to love each other despite their enormous differences in personality. They also seemed to share the same otherworldly ability to appear out of nowhere or produce objects out of thin air—an ability Pinkie demonstrated by reaching into her hair to pull out a human cooler and then slipping it between Rarity’s legs! “Can’t it wait a bit? And the government? Why do they even care? I’m only upgrading my party cannon to a party howitzer!” Pinkie protested even as she turned on the cooler and began grinding it along the length of Rarity’s shaven slit—for the record, I had no idea she had it, as before now she’d always been shy about appearing nude, even in front of her own friends—causing her to cry out and her legs to buckle hard as it vibrated with an audible buzz against the nub of her clit. “What’s there to mind? When it’s finished, I can use it to decorate really big areas from really far away!” “No idea. But when your hands aren’t full, Mom wants you to talk to them before they start searching the quarry,” Maud warned her. “She’s rather insistent, since Dad says they’re keeping customers away.” Pinkie rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll take care of it! Geez, you build one working World War II replica German 88mm flak cannon that could take out a tank or an airplane, and then they think you’re up to no good!” she groused, causing the rest of us to blink.  Even Fluttershy and I locked eyes in surprise for a moment before she shrugged and pulled down my panties, pulling my attention in turn back on her as my fire-furred lips--before anyone asks, my carpet does match the drapes!--stood exposed for the first time. “But listen, Maud—while you’re here, why not take a look around? Look at all the portals! I mean, everybody’s having fun and there’s gotta be something here you’d like!” Pinkie invited. “I doubt it, and so does Boulder. But fine. For you, Pinkie,” Maud relented, then began passing by knots of rutting students and open portals, completely ignoring the former while cataloging the contents of the latter. The first one she reached was a window into the deepest woods of the Everfree, where even I would be wary about going. “Wow. A wolf made of sticks,” she catalogued without any outward reaction as she saw the beast with glowing green eyes, who gazed back at her and growled, licking its wooden lips. “Mudbriar would love that. I should put a leash on him and take him home.” She then turned to another portal that appeared to open into the Hayseed Swamps. As she watched, the water was breached to reveal an enormous reptilian form of stone. It opened its long, wide toothy snout into an ominous warning bellow, the wind of which blew Maud’s hair back like a brief but powerful gale. Once again, she didn’t flinch from its menacing threat or monstrous appearance. “Wow. A Rockadile.” I was impressed when she guessed its Equestrian name in turn. “I want it as a pet. I should make a suitable habitat for it.” Then a new rip in the air appeared next to her, showing a series of three adolescent dragons bathing a small pool of hot lava while in a very compromising position, with a smaller gray drake going down on the larger red one as he lounged back against the edge of the pool. He had one set of talons on the head of his friend while the other was holding a gem he was munching on, while a white-and-pink one took his gray friend under the tail from behind. “What the...?” the larger red one shouted as he spotted Maud. His two friends turned their heads to stare wide-eyed at her, but her attention was not on them. “Wow. A large igneous province composed of low-silica basaltic lava from a divergent plate boundary powered by a remnant mantle plume, iron-rich and composed of olivine, plagioclase and pyroxene,” she said of their surroundings as the three dragons gaped at her, the grey one in back frozen in place mid thrust. “I want to visit. I just hope the locals don’t eat all the interesting gems.” To her disappointment, the portal disappeared as quickly as it opened, healing with a ripple in the air. She next stepped around the enormous ground portal to the Shadowbolt side of the field, walking right past the horse-rutted Sugarcoat, the four screwing Shadowbolt boys, and the still-cavorting couple of Sunny Flare and Indigo without interest or even a single glance until she set her eyes on… “Wow…” Her cheeks flushed and her voice turned something almost husky as she beheld… the perfectly petrified form of Principal Cinch, still standing in the pose she’d been striking when she’d been turned to stone. “A goddess of granite. An exquisitely sculpted seductress. You were right, Pinkie. I think I’m in love,” she announced as her hands suddenly went to her chest and between her legs, openly pleasuring herself to the sight. “See? I told ya!” Pinkie shouted over to her as we all paused our activities to watch incredulously; Rainbow glancing up from where she was orally stimulating AJ to make a face of distaste while Rarity looked uncertain, her pale cheeks flushing further as she watched the scene unfold. Through it all, a befuddled Midnight likewise watched Maud with astonishment, but then turned amused, crossing her hands over her chest as she studied the scene from her hover. “I don’t know how you got here, Maud Pie, but you seem fairly harmless, and any sister of Pinkie Pie earns the same favor from me as I give her. I also see you have a strong interest in geology—I approve of such scientific interests! So, you really like our petrified Principal, there?” she asked with a lopsided grin. “Yes. Very much,” Maud confirmed blandly, her teenaged hips and bust swelling towards adult proportions before our eyes as Midnight’s mating magic finally took full effect. Maybe it just needing her to find something that actually aroused her in order to take root? “In fact, I don’t just like her. I want her…” she further proclaimed as she suddenly pulled off her stretched shirt and tossed it aside, followed swiftly by her shorts as she threw all modesty and inhibition to the fitfully gusting wind while behind her, Pinkie cheered and the already-stricken Shadowbolt students laughed. “I see,” Midnight said, her grin growing. “You know, Headmistress, I hadn’t really decided how else I was going to punish you other than leaving you frozen but aware, but now? I can’t think of a better penance for you than this! Since it seems you took liberties with some of the students, and they weren’t given any choice in the matter, it’s only fitting you get the same treatment in return! “So enjoy your new admirer!” she invited as Maud reached her and began feeling up Cinch’s stone form from head to toe, her hand lingering long on the older woman’s exposed legs, reaching under her petrified skirt to track a hand up a lacy thigh. She then circled around behind her to run her fingers all over her front; lightly tracing the outside of her jacket before cupping her hidden mammaries while kissing the gap at the back of her neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you feel everything she does to you!  “And who knows? Maybe she’ll transfer to Crystal Prep just to be around you after this, in which case I’ll make it so you always turn to stone in her presence!” she suggested with an evil grin and further laughter from the stricken Shadowbolt students; even a kneeling Pokey Pierce gave a laugh from around a mouthful of Trenderhoof’s massive stallionhood, removing his hands from stroking Jet Set’s and Neon Light’s shafts long enough to give two thumbs up just as the three boys erupted, covering him in cream from head to toe with fresh cries of pleasure. But Maud only had eyes for Abacus Cinch. “I already graduated from CHS. But I’d certainly start teaching there if you’d do that,” she proclaimed passionately, or as close to it as she could get as she rubbed against Cinch’s granite body from every angle, finally straddling one of her outstretched arms to grind her marehood against the frozen stone fabric of her sleeve. It left a noticeably wet and glistening cover while she laid kisses on Cinch’s equally unmoving face, paying particular attention to her lips and nose. “I’d use her for both geology class and sex-ed seminars.” “How educational!” Midnight praised. “Such unique fetishes! And such an intriguing mind! I must say, I rather like you, Maud Pie. And those I like, I reward. So tell me, do you want our dear defrocked Crystal Prep Principal to remain as she is, or would you like to be able to undress her?” “Undress her. As long as everything remains stone,” Maud replied somewhat breathlessly as she laid a line of kisses down the larger woman’s arm, where it had been frozen trying to hold down her skirt. “And please restore her pendant. It’s crystal is almandine garnet, after all.” “Easily accomplished,” Midnight replied, a glow from her horn building and transferring into a gloved hand before she launched a fresh magical beam from a finger. It washed over the Principal to little apparent effect, except her amulet turned the deep ruddy hue of its source gemstone again. “There you go, Maud Pie. All her clothes except her pendant will now crumble to your touch like…” she hesitated for a moment, her gloved hand going to her chin as she visibly searched for the proper words. And then she grinned. “Like hydrostatically weakened reticulite pumice in a drowned volcanic collapse pit around a former mafic scoria cone generated from a hotspot rift zone eruption.” I was impressed when she spoke to Maud in terms of her own geological interests, wondering if she’d pulled that turn of phrase out of her own knowledge or had simply read Maud’s mind for the correct terms.  Given Twilight’s intelligence, it might well have been the former, but I certainly wouldn’t have put the latter past Midnight! “Wow. You know exactly what I like. I don’t know you, but you’re the greatest,” Maud told her as she began to take immediate advantage. She dug in her fingers to Cinch’s collar, which began gradually fracturing and then flaking away. It crumbled to her touch to slowly bare the Principal’s smooth stone neck as her sleeve likewise all but dissolved beneath the friction and moisture of Maud’s thighs, revealing equally even and perfectly rendered rock skin beneath. “This is the best day of my life.” “Yay! Maud finally lets her hair down!” Pinkie cheered, an explosion of confetti erupting from somewhere behind her. “Thanks a million, Midnight!” “My name is Midnight Sparkle, Maud Pie. And you’re very welcome, Pinkie Pie. Well. At least some people appreciate me,” Midnight closed her eyes and smiled; the stormy skies and fitfully gusting wind subsiding just a bit in what I can only guess was a reflection of her suddenly better mood.  “You know, I have to say, this school seems a much healthier environment than that toxic cesspool of cutthroat academics, social sabotage, and competitive backstabbing that was Crystal Prep. So why didn’t I go to Canterlot High instead…?” she suddenly wondered aloud. I didn’t know the answer, but it’s worth noting that part of the reason I’d chosen Canterlot High to start my new life and future empire was that the human Twilight wasn’t there. I knew the other potential human Element Bearers were present, but without Twilight to provide the glue and the final, critical piece of their puzzle, I believed they would be no threat; very easy to manipulate to keep them from being friends. And thus, unable to access their Elements. I’d been right, and yet… it also seemed that I was dead wrong in a second assumption—that this world’s Twilight would also be no danger to me or anyone else without them. Untouched by friendship and unbound to the human Element Bearers, she became easy prey for her own internal demons and unmet desires. It turned out that by keeping her from finding out about friendship, she was actually a very grave threat to not just us, but the two realms themselves if we didn’t reverse the very real damage she was doing to the interdimensional boundaries! I knew that, and yet, as Fluttershy began to lovingly lick my labia—an act I never knew she could do or that I ever wanted her to!—I could only squirm and moan, spreading my legs wider as I began to play with my own oversized breasts. I marveled at not only their increased size but their sensitivity; so firm yet softly yielding to my own touch.  It wasn’t that I didn’t know I couldn’t get distracted like this, and there was still a need to stop Midnight; it was that the desire to undress, to rut, to be with my best friends had become all-consuming. It was also that what I was feeling then was completely unlike any sexual experience I’d had before! Not just for the intensity of the sensations, which, in the magic-charged atmosphere we were in was just about off the charts, but for the pure love and desire to both give and receive pleasure that underlay it. I had no idea sex could be like this! “Fl-Fluttershy…” I called out, now struggling to stand as she continued to service me—and for the record, if you’d asked me before this who I thought was the least likely Element bearer I’d become lovers with, she would have been a close second to Pinkie Pie. In all honesty, even since my redemption, she’d remained at least a little wary of me, since my former self tended to pick on her and put her down the most of all the others.  And yet, here she now was knelt before me with her Element of Kindness in full flower, pleasuring me not just willingly, but lovingly. “I… this…” “Don’t fight it, Sunset…” she whispered back in an adorably needy voice that just made my heart melt further. “You’ve become a truly good friend and person. So I want to do this for you. And you smell so good…” she further cooed as she spread my lips wider and began focusing her efforts on my throbbing clit. “Oooooohhh…” was about all I could say as she began suckling it ever-so-gently, buckling my legs and forcing me to lie down on the grassy ground beneath me—who would have ever guessed that Fluttershy of all people would be so good at giving oral? For the record, the scent of my sexual spoor back in Equestria had been that of the rare sweet-and-spicy scented fireflower—a magical plant that required intense heat to grow and bloom; it was one of the few plants that would flourish in dragon lands or in the craters of active volcanoes--and I realized with some shock that odor was occurring again, even in my human form! And Fluttershy…? Her spoor was suddenly that of hot and freshly made butterscotch, which was my favorite ice cream sundae topping at Sugar Cube Corner. I loved it, and at that moment, I loved her! So how could I not resist shifting to pull her on top of me, spreading her legs wide? “Oh, Sunset…” her muffled voice called to me from between my legs as I tore off her panties--it wasn’t hard; they’d all but dissolved from her intense heat and wetness--and inhaled her sweetly sensual scent deeply, forgetting all about Midnight and Maud for a few wonderful moments. Within seconds, we were doing what ponies call The Swirl, eating each other out with wild abandon. If this seems clinical or corny, I apologize. But you have to understand It was the first time I’d had sex since my redemption, and whatever superlatives I could use on it just aren’t enough. I could say it was wonderful and incredible, but even that would be an enormous understatement to convey the pure rapture and emotional radiance it brought me. I can’t even begin to explain how good it felt to bond with Fluttershy like this, in a mirrored act of forgiveness and apology that I still love her for to this day. Please note, though, that I don’t claim to be a hard-core lesbian or fillyfooler, as the pony term for it is. Before Princess Twilight came along, sex was nothing more than a means to an end for me, regardless of whether I was with guys or girls. Whatever physical or emotional pleasure I derived from it was based entirely on the feeling of power and control it gave me. But no longer, as our mutual passions accelerated towards orgasm, and a glance up from between Fluttershy’s creamy yellow legs showed that Maud was slowly working her way down Cinch’s body. She had already fully bared her arms and shoulders and was starting into her torso, crumbling her conservative clothes inch by illicit inch to reveal a surprisingly trim and toned form that still bore echoes of whatever sports she’d done in her youth.  I had just hit climax by the time Maud bared a single breast with a slow sweep of her hand over the left side of Cinch’s chest, brushing the blouse and bra away like so much dust to reveal a surprisingly ample mammary capped by an obviously erect teat, which Maud then began to suckle, even though she wasn’t about to get milk from a stone!  I didn’t see what happened after that. I felt the wave of pure passion break over me; my eyes squeezed tightly shut as I cried out, my voice muffled by Fluttershy’s muff—well, what else do you want me to call it? I’m a reformed tyrant, not a thesaurus!—as she likewise came and creamed all over my face with sweet butterscotch syrup in a sundae topping more delicious than anything I could get at an ice cream stand!  To my surprise, I could feel fresh magic in Fluttershy—not Midnight’s, but her own!—as she likewise came.  And then, either thanks to the hyperawareness that Midnight had imparted to us or simple and sudden sex-caused inspiration, I realized that the key to recreating her ascension and stopping this madness lay with what we had just done. * * * * * It would be some time before I could gather myself enough to attempt it, however, and there wasn’t yet enough magic for it to work. In order to generate it, we all needed to engage in more sex—a lot more!—and do so in the spirit of our respective Elements, as Fluttershy just had!  Fortunately, two more Element Bearers were about to assist as I noticed an entranced Rarity raptly watching Maud and Cinch. She was giving them the same level of mesmerized attention she’d previously been sparing for the four Shadowbolt boys, who still couldn’t get enough of each other; Trenderhoof appeared to have become the designated bottom of the group as he was being stuffed in both ends at once, one in front and now two from behind. “My word… is there something wrong with me that I’m enjoying that?” she wondered aloud even as Pinkie continued to publically pleasure her. By that point, our fun-loving friend had maneuvered her in front of a new portal that led to a different part of the dragon lands. This one was full of drooling adolescent drakes, though at least one of the female dragons seemed far less impressed; a horned and blue-scaled one with orange eyes crossing her arms and staring at them in disgust. “Not to me!” Pinkie promised, though in truth I was asking the question of myself as well—I found myself staring at the scene with Cinch and silently urging Maud on, even though I would have recoiled from the very notion before—was everything a turn-on to us now? “I love seeing my friends and sisters enjoying themselves! And meeting new friends like them!” she motioned with the cooler towards the dragons on the other side of the portal. “I suppose you are right, darling. And in truth, I’m also enjoying this!” she belatedly realized as she reached down to spread her legs and lips wider in display for them, causing every reptilian male present to take an involuntary step forward towards her.  At least one climaxed instantly to the sight from both organs, leaving a series of steaming lines of dragon seed on the hot rock in front of him. He cringed and immediately buried his face in his talons in shame, swearing that never happened to him as the other adolescents just laughed. “Oh, my…” Rarity said in a manner reminiscent of Fluttershy, who had recovered from her own oragsm enough to begin laying a fresh line of kisses up my bare and trembling thighs, getting ever closer to her goal as I could only hold my breath and anticipate the renewed rapture to come. “Look at them! A lady should never be so showy, and yet I truly like the effect I’m having on them!” she realized, intensifying her self-pleasuring efforts further; earning some appreciative growls and puffs of fire. “Such unique forms! Such exquisite abilities! And such appreciation for true beauty regardless of race!” she further catalogued, causing dragon chests to swell in pride while one of the females just facepalmed. “If those are dragons, then I might like being with one! For how could any lady resist their charms?” “Trust me. They’re not charming,” the horned blue female said over her crossed forelegs, showing no evidence of arousal herself. “And they’re not worth your time.” Picture credit to Tyler611 at Deviant Art “Oh, and you are?” One of the males retaliated even as his reptilian eyes never left Rarity, pressing his twin drakehoods together to form a single large one so he could stroke them both at once. “At least she’s willing to put out! You wouldn’t even take part in last decade’s rut!” “With one of you?” The blue female rolled her eyes and snorted, blowing smoke out her nose. “And why would you even want them? No scales, no horns, no wings, no fire… what’s there to like? How could they even fight? And what does she have that I don’t aside from that ugly chest-mounted udder?” “Hey!” Pinkie shouted, her hair falling flat and an evil gleam reappearing in her eyes. “If you want fire, I’ll go get my flamethrower! And can’t fight? Don’t make me pull out my panzerfaust!” she warned as she reached into a bush beside her, her statement causing my head to turn from where it had been fixed on Fluttershy’s slow rise up my legs—I have to say, I was learning a lot more about Pinkie than I was sure I wanted to. “Excuse me?” Rarity also took immediate offense despite Pinkie’s slightly alarming statements, her pink cheeks turning decidedly red. “How dare you! I’ll have you know these ‘udders’, as you so grotesquely term them, are quite prized amongst my kind!” “Yeah!” Pinkie added, her hair going floofy again. She then stepped back long enough to yank off her own top and toss it through the portal, letting them see her bright pink teats as the nearest dragons grabbed and sniffed at it deeply. “Get a load of these, boys! Big boobs run in my family!” She cupped and kneaded her massive mammaries, which grew further before their wide eyes. “Unless, that is, you don’t want to see them…?” She then crossed her arms over her chest, threatening to withdraw them from sight. “Of course we do! Don’t listen to her! She’s just jealous!” One of the larger, purple-hued males quickly offered as his twin draconic shafts twitched hard and spurted a small amount of clear fluid, adding some steaming seed to the wisps of volcanic vapor visibly rising from the glowing cracks in the ground around them.  “Please don’t stop, Miss, er… sorry, we, uh, don’t know your names or even your race, but we love what we’re seeing!” he further added, to frantic nods from his fellow drakes. “S-sorry if we seem so eager, but you see… our own females don’t come into heat often! There also aren’t many other bipedal races around, but you…” he licked his snout with his long forked tongue. “Come on over and we’ll breed you properly! We’ll even give you all the gold and gems you want!” I don’t think Rarity realized he meant to eat, but even so, for an adolescent dragon to offer up any part of their hoard... “You will? How generous!” Rarity went starry-eyed. “You are truly the finest of gentlemen—er, gentledrakes!” she quickly corrected, leaving me wondering where she’d learned the term for male dragons. She then turned to her right and clasped Pinkie’s hand. “I am Rarity, and this is my friend, Pinkie Pie! Our race is called ‘human’, but that is unimportant right now! Pinkie, darling? Let us show that insulting and ignorant ogre how alluring we are by giving our more appreciative and dashing dragon friends a show they won’t forget!” “My pleasure!” Pinkie responded, and then they turned to each other and began passionately making out and petting directly in front of the portal. They took pains to mash their chests together while clutching at each other’s flanks and backs, occasionally groping the other’s mammaries or reaching between legs to directly stimulate their intimate areas.  Their erotic act elicited a series of lustful growls and puffed smoke, drawing the males—and even one or two of the females—closer. Claws and tails began to wander on their side of the rift; the former belonging to the females finding erect organs while the latter were drawn between their legs, eliciting a series of sharp hisses; at least two of them turned to each other and started to make out just as Pinkie and Rarity were doing, to the shock and cheers of their own kind.  Make no mistake, it was as improbable a response as anything else that had happened that day. Dragons normally disdained other races, and I couldn’t imagine they normally would have any attraction to humans for the reasons the blue female had stated. But Midnight’s mating magic was so potent it was apparently effective even through the portals and even against a race as radically different as dragons, loosening whatever inhibitions they had. It was a favor they were able to return, though. The multicolored vapors they emitted swirled around them, enticing and exciting them further; some even billowed right through the portal, putting a slight haze around Rarity and Pinkie. It was little known by most ponies that dragons could actually vent special smoke when aroused that contained a potent aphrodisiac, at least somewhat effective against their own kind—and apparently even more so against those races who had no resistance to it as Pinkie and Rarity got even more excited and frantic in their efforts as they were bathed in it.  “Wow—that stuff’s even better than smoking Tree Hugger’s special stash!” Pinkie proclaimed in a daze, now all but drooling as Rarity walked in front of her new lover and lowered her head to suckle a teat. She leaned hard on Pinkie in order to give the dragons a spectacular view of her perfectly proportioned flanks and inviting entrance from behind, even going so far as to reach back to spread her lips further, causing at least one more drake to spontaneously climax. “Give us more!” a breathless Pinkie further urged them, and they instantly obliged her by blowing fresh fumes into the rift. I even felt some echo of its effect as a whiff of sweet and spicy odor wafted by, not too unlike the flavored hookah smoke Pinkie had once convinced me to try, rousing me and Fluttershy for yet another round.  I have to say it did its job quite admirably as we pulled ourselves up and began to kiss again, hands going to each other’s chest. And even on their side of the rift, the blue female went a bit rose-cheeked and uncomfortable; squirming slightly and clenching her claws to stop them from pawing at herself. She stole an occasional glance through the portal or at the panting, flame-puffing, and frantically self-pleasuring males; at least once her gaze even wandered towards me and her eyes squinted like she found me familiar. I half-thought I might have known her too, but I didn’t spare it much thought. As I watched, she shook her head hard and spread her wings like she was trying to get herself to fly off, but something compelled her to stay; despite her best efforts, her claws were starting to wander towards her slit. I again swore I’d seen her before, but as Fluttershy and I began to kiss again, I didn’t care much, keeping only half an eye on the proceedings. I wouldn’t have interfered even if I was capable of it, knowing they had to have sex in order to generate enough magic for me to ascend, and the dragons were in fact helping them do it by giving them both the chance to express their Elements—Pinkie to help others have fun, and Rarity to be generous towards others. Even if in this case, it was with her own body! They hardly needed my help or anyone else’s, however; they were acting like the longtime lovers they’d never been! And their fire was only fueled by the literal ones on the other side, both the flames of their reptilian passions and the very ones they could breathe. Though the dragons weren’t yet brave enough to try and pass through it—I wouldn’t have been either; not knowing the passage was safe or how it would affect them; would it transform them or do something unwanted?—but they did collect closer to the rift; almost close enough to touch them; a couple even started to reach for them only to pull back just short of the rift surface… at least until Rarity reached right through and directly grasped one of his drakehoods. Her squeezing caused him to gasp and erupt on the spot with a mighty roar and gout of flame that, to my relief, he retained enough awareness to direct his fire upwards, away from Rarity’s arm. His seed was a different matter, however, as it passed right through the portal unhindered and unerringly found her face and breasts, leaving steaming seed dripping off her chin and chest. “So warm… so good…” she recited as the drake stumbled back to the approving noises of his friends, who clapped his back repeatedly, calling him various flavors of stud. “My, such magnificent virility...” Rarity further confessed as she licked her fingers clean; her gaze flickering again to their long and erect twin organs of various impressive lengths, widths and hues, all ridged and tapered and presented to them both in offering.  “You said it!” Pinkie added, collecting a gob on her finger to taste before cleaning up her friend’s face with her tongue. “That’s good! Tastes like the smoky paprika I sometimes add to dark chocolate cupcakes!” “Uh… there’s more if you want it!” the drake offered shakily, pulling himself back up with the help of his friends. Only one of his twin organs had softened, and even that one was rapidly surging back to full attention. “From all of us! And for such a wonderful show and tingling touch…” He offered up a flawless red fire ruby—one of the most prized of all gemstones to dragons for both their taste and the strong power boost they provided—to the evident shock of the blue female, causing Rarity to gasp and raise her arms to take it. “Such generosity merits an equal reward!” she proclaimed, accepting the gem and clutching it to her chest. “I shall treasure it always! And yet I want more…” Rarity told them, causing more offerings to be made of various precious gems. “But not simply more riches! I cannot believe I am saying this, but… I want to be with you! I want to be bred by you!” she told them all, her eyes flickering from one phallus pair to another in turn. Her declaration and the direction of her gaze immediately caused the drakes to flex and present themselves in offering, some even trying to entice her as I’d read they did for their own females, by breathing great gouts of fire in a peacock-like display to show the length, color, and heat of their flames.  “My, they are all so eager! But should we…?” she turned to Pinkie Pie. “Duh! Of course we should! I love seeing my friends having fun, especially new ones I’ve just met! They want to be good hosts, so I say we let them! Let’s cross over ourselves and let them have us!” “You can’t,” the blue dragoness informed them over crossed arms, though her cheeks were now decidedly pink and she was shifting back and forth uncomfortably. “This entire area is volcanic and the ground and air here is far too hot for you. You’re not fireproof. And our flames and talons might injure you.” “Ooo, good point! Hey, Midnight!” Pinkie called out to our equal parts benefactor and temptress, who responded to the call by looking over at her expectantly. “Me and Rarity want to cross over and have fun with our new friends, but it’s an active volcano over there! Can you help?” “For such a fine display from those who were nice to me? Of course I can,” she replied with a grin, pointing a finger to cast a fresh spell on them both. “I consider myself a generous goddess, so there you go, girls. You’re fireproof and claw-proof now—oh yes, and you can’t be poisoned by volcanic vapors. You can’t be easily injured and could even bathe in lava if you like, so enjoy!  “But while you’re there, be sure and save a few gems for Maud, here. She’ll appreciate it almost as much as she appreciates Cinch,” she said with a nod at the now nearly-naked Principal, who Maud continued to lavish attention on. “You got it! Now let's do this, girlfriend!” Pinkie invited, and then, taking Rarity’s hand in hers, they stepped through the portal as one. > 9: Rarified Drakes - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know, if I had been in anything approaching a more rational frame of mind, I would have tried to stop Rarity and Pinkie Pie from passing through the portal. After all, I still had no idea what the passage would do to them. Or worse, what if it was one of those transient rifts that resealed, trapping them in the dragon lands? But it was a little hard to concern myself with such things as Fluttershy continued to pleasure me, making love to me as I never knew she could or would. She had lowered her head and was now eagerly suckling one of my increasingly oversized mammaries, which continued to swell further under her efforts and the influence of Midnight’s mating aura; by my guess it had already grown from its original B-cup to a C, and was now quickly approaching a D. I swore my teat had grown as well, but it was hard to say with one hidden within her muzzle and the other within her palm. She lightly ground her teeth around the edges of the former while caressing and kneading the latter, giving me the same adorably needy coos—have to say, those were turning me on as much as anything else!—the whole time. I never thought I could get off from boob stimulation alone, but it happened repeatedly here. The more she suckled me, the better it felt and the more of it I wanted. I moaned and I writhed as I came twice, and then a third time, arching my back and pushing my chest hard into her deliciously erotic efforts. And yet, far from sated, each climax just left me wanting more, unable to get enough of Fluttershy’s love, touch and attention. Even as I came, I wondered repeatedly if I truly deserved this treatment—deserved all her forgiveness and kindness for as badly as I had once treated her. But in the end, all I could do was surrender to it; just clutch her head to me and drink it all in, hoping for the chance to pay her back later. Still, I could at least dimly note that the more she made love to me in such strong accordance with her Element of Kindness, the more her internal Harmony magic grew, with some even flowing into me. It was certainly a start, but still nowhere near enough to challenge Midnight. For that to be achieved, the others had to generate their own unique Friendship magic as well. It felt like Rainbow Dash was well on her way, judging by the fact that she now had Applejack sitting up and pulled back against her, pleasuring her as they watched the scene with Sugarcoat together. I could feel Rainbow’s power growing as she loyally attended her girlfriend and kept her safe from falling in the portal over Ponyville in front of her. But AJ’s was not at that point, given the latter wasn’t so much behaving honestly as just in complete erotic thrall to the scene with Sugarcoat. To my relief and mild surprise, Pinkie and Rarity had passed through the rift to the Dragon Lands not only unharmed, but completely unchanged. In fact, although the portal itself rippled for a moment, it actually seemed to stabilize with its passage; its edges became a little less ragged and the previously oblong shape, turning into more of a regular oval not too similar to the one that now existed in Princess Twilight’s basement lab. The pair were immediately surrounded and sniffed at by the excited adolescents—which I emphasize for dragons means they’re all over thirty years old and as large or larger than human adults—save again for the blue-scaled female with downcurved horns. She turned away and refused to acknowledge them even as her wings flared wider and her tail twitched, crossing her forelegs over her flat reptilian chest to keep her talons from digging into the wetness between her legs. Even as another breast-centered climax built in me, I kept glancing at her, increasingly certain that I knew her. But I still couldn’t place her at that moment, amorously attended to by Fluttershy as I was. There are limits to even magically enhanced focus in the space of such overwhelming eroticism, after all! Still, I managed some. After initial introductions with their draconic admirers, Rarity and Pinkie parted with a kiss, with the former saying she ‘wished to reward’ their generosity while Pinkie Pie decided she was needed to help every dragon have fun, including and especially the disdainful blue dragoness. And before anyone asks, there really isn’t a specific term for a female dragon. I’ve heard them referred to as ‘hens’ for the fact they lay eggs, but seriously? Even I find that lazy and utterly inadequate, to say nothing of outright insulting. ‘Drakina’ seems to refer more to half-woman, half-dragons from Greek Mythology, or Graze as we ponies call it—in other words, a dragon with human attributes. Then again, considering what was going to happen, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad title to use? To little surprise, Rarity strutted about the desperately aroused adolescent males, who are hardly known for restraint—if anything, I remembered from my long-ago visits to the dragon lands in Celestia’s presence, they tended to be impulsive, arrogant, testosterone-soaked bullies who looked down on ponies along with all other creatures, believing their harsh environment, tough hides and ability to breath fire as well as outright bathe in lava made them superior to all others. And yet, they were now utterly enraptured by Rarity, who kept them all on a collective string with the sheer force of her now-supreme confidence and powerful personality. And that was to say nothing of her already-exquisite and newly voluptuous body, occasionally favoring one of the salivating drakes with a finger to their chins or erections. She sampled their smokes and the steaming cream beading on the tapered tips of their ridged reptilian drakehoods, savoring the varied aromas and flavors alike. She then looked them over and wondered aloud who was most worthy of having her first, to which the males offered up more gems and gold in addition to various sensual favors for the chance, piling them right out of their own hoards in front of her. She accepted them all graciously, praising both their generosity and enormous virility. They all but preened, spreading their wings and venting gouts of multicolored flame in full mating displays. “Such power! Such strength!” she praised them all. “And such a wonderful world you live in, simply ripe with riches! But where do they all come from…?” she pondered aloud, only to get her answer from a growing rumble, audible even through the portal. My heart stopped when the ground beneath her feet bulged and shook, shortly cracking into a full fissure that quickly erupted into a curtain of searing hot lava, showering her with molten rock. Even muted by its passage through the portal, the radiant heat of it alone was almost enough to make me flinch. But true to Midnight’s word, Rarity was unharmed by it; though initially surprised, she stood beneath the molten shower—even then I knew that lava is far heavier than water, folks!—like it was nothing more than a gentle spring rain. “So now she gets to experience an eruption of fluid low-silica mantle plume basalt created by decompression melting from a mid-plate hotspot without being burned?” Maud noted dispassionately from where she had completely crumbled the clothes of Principal Cinch, now embracing and caressing her petrified form. “Lucky. But not as lucky as me,” she decided as she laid kisses down the Headmistress’s chest, starting at her garnet pendant. I don’t think Rarity could hear her over the rumble of the eruption. “Remarkable…” She then made a show of spreading her arms and arching her back beneath the downpour of liquid fire, all but bathing herself in it before the drooling dragons. “You know, I have heard that lava has some most wondrous minerals in it! I wonder what it will do for my skin?” she mused as she began rubbing it into herself. In response to Rarity’s display—I knew dragons loved lava, but I had no idea how much!—the drakes began openly stroking themselves to the sight of her immersed in it as she stood unharmed within the now-knee deep glowing pool, which began spilling out of the portal’s bottom to burn the grass of the school plaza immediately adjacent to the rift. “Mmmmmm…” Rarity hummed happily as she all but basked in the horrific heat like it was nothing more than a hot tub at the local spa, the very air shimmering around her as she took in the sight of the turned-on drakes. “You know, I do believe I like this! Such magnificent magma! Such wonderful warmth, so deliciously intense and invigorating! Who needs an expensive sauna when I can have this?” she wondered aloud. “I do believe I wish to live here, now!” “W-would you? You are a goddess…” One of the smaller, orange-scaled drakes called out before falling to his knees before her at the edge of the pool. “Please stay! Let us rut you! Let us worship you!” he further begged from his knees to equally frantic nods from the other males, reaching for her with a forlorn set of talons. “If you let us have you, we will give you whatever you wish!” To which Rarity only smiled and leaned back against the glowing and still-malleable half-molten material of the quickly growing fissure ridge, letting the searing spall it erupted wash over and off her. “All in good time, my eager young drake…” she told him, thoroughly enjoying herself as she made a show of cupping her breasts to let a pool of lava form in her cleavage. “I promise you will yet have me. I simply wish you to be properly primed!” She then stood back further into the shower and arched herself backwards against the red-hot ridge of the fissure opening, her fingers sinking several inches into its yielding surface. She allowed the molten rock it emitted to run over and off her body like hot honey, leaving her impossibly unharmed alabaster skin and purple hair bathed radiantly in its orange glow. She was clearly trying to stimulate them with sight alone, but she succeeded a little too well as the smaller orange drake groaned and climaxed on the spot to her spectacle from both organs, shooting out his seed in a series of impressive spurts, several of which improbably found her through the shower of lava from ten yards away. He then went crestfallen at what he thought was his missed opportunity, collapsing to the ground and burying his snout in his talons in shame. “Oh, my…” Rarity remarked as she licked at the lines of steaming seed that had somehow unerringly hit her cheek and cleavage. “You really do want me! But whatever is the matter?” she called to him as he—a dragon!—began to cry. “A decade between passions… thirty years of waiting… three ruts in a row I couldn’t earn a mate! How am I supposed to have one if I can’t get big enough to amass the hoard to win one? I can’t! And now with the female of my dreams before me, I never will!” he explained haltingly through his cries. “Thirty years you have waited? For a chance to mate that only comes once every ten?” Rarity sounded appalled, looking to the other drakes for confirmation. They gave it with a series of rueful nods. “This is why we really want you…” One of the larger dragons with gray scales explained, his throbbing organs reaching ten inches outward. They were seemingly drawn to her like a divining rod, staying pointed at her even if he turned fractionally away. “Y-you see, our females aren’t ever interested in rutting outside of our passion seasons, which only happen once every ten years! And even then, there aren’t enough females to go around, so we have to fight for them! Offer up part of our hoards for them!” he said in audible frustration. “So some of us always go wanting…” a smaller white one explained. “Decade after decade!” “Dear me… not enough females and not enough chances? How awful!” She staggered back through the lava like she’d taken an arrow to the heart; her hand over her chest. “I cannot fathom such starvation of sensual pleasure!” “You have no idea…” the metallic blue one next to him said. “Until you came alone, our only options for relief were… well, each other.” He admitted, bowing his head as additional nods and some furtive glances were exchanged between the seven sorely aroused and desperate drakes. “I see. Pinkie, darling! Did you hear that? Our work is cut out for us! They only have sex once a decade!” Rarity then called over to Pinkie Pie, who was showing not just herself off to the female dragons, but a homemade flamethrower and series of swords she’d made; I only saw the former when I heard a massive WHOOSH and looked over to see her holding it, showing the dubious blue dragoness that she could breathe fire as well. More on that later, though—they were both busy, but I’d like to keep the focus on one of them at a time. Because for what they each accomplished, they both deserve a turn in the spotlight. “Once a decade?” she called back in horror, her expression morphing quickly from shock into one of pure determination. “Okay, we’re gonna fix this, sister! You help the guys, and I’ll help the girls! We’ll teach them how to have a good time, and then we’ll bring them all together later! Maybe even bring them over!” she nodded to the open portal through which lava was still oozing, her eyes noting me and Fluttershy for a moment. I might have objected, but it was a little hard to do anything but cry out and call Fluttershy’s name as she got me off for a fourth time with her mouth on my teat and her fingers in my snatch. “I shall! And I know exactly where to start.” Rarity then walked with purpose through the knee-deep pool towards the crestfallen orange drake who had come to the sight of her alone, putting some extra strut to her step; I had the distinct impression that it was not so much for enticement but as a sign of determination. Reaching her goal, she then tipped the smaller male’s snout up with a hand beneath his chin. “What is your name, young dragon?” “B-Burnt Sienna…” he replied with a breaking voice. “A-and I am not worthy of you or any other female…” “He’s not,” one of the other drakes called out tentatively, seemingly shocked by her interest in him. “He’s small and can’t offer you anything! He doesn’t even have a hoard!” he informed her, to which Burnt Sienna’s muzzle quivered and eyes watered harder. “Can he not?” she asked rhetorically, and then bade him to rise with a single finger beneath the chin of his ridged orange muzzle. Standing, he stood a little shorter than eye-to-eye with her and could only raise his talons to cup her hands as she placed them against his cheeks, closing her eyes to drink in her touch. He held his breath as she studied his exotic reptilian features closely for a moment, then smiled. “Sometimes, my new dragon friends, it is those who are thought of as having the least who can actually offer the most! And believe me when I say that there are far greater riches to be had in this life than simple gemstones and gold…” I can’t remember the last time I ever saw Rarity so supremely confident outside of a fashion show, and even then it was because of the clothes she was modeling, not for having no clothes at all! And yet somehow, standing there naked in an alien realm before a bevy of dragon boys while being showered by erupting lava, she’d come fully into her own. “I will teach you that the greatest treasures are those of the heart! So do not be ashamed by such a display, my dashing young drake! I do not consider you coming to the sight of me a mark of unworthiness! I consider it the purest form of flattery!” she said as she then reached in to kiss him, directly on the end of his snout. I heard his ragged intake of breath, even over the ongoing sound of the eruption, which was slowly subsiding behind her. Though I can’t imagine they were familiar with human kissing, he returned the gesture as best he could, opening his muzzle fractionally to let his tongue meet hers, allowing her to explore the inside of his toothy maw. Her kiss quickly reinvigorated him as his only-slightly softened twin organs instantly surged back to full erection, standing out even longer and more rigid than before. He lowered his talons towards her chest, acting like he wanted to grasp her mammaries, but stopped short like he was afraid of offending or hurting her. Smiling, she then took his claws and pressed them to her, causing his jaw to drop and legs to go weak as he found himself in contact with what he’d quickly figured out was one of her most sensitive and intimate areas. She then whispered something to him. I can only guess she was inviting him to touch her to his heart’s content, as he began to do so, first tentatively but then with increasing eagerness and urgency. As I watched, his talons began kneading and squeezing her enhanced, adult movie-sized mounds, and I admit now to a moment of envy as I saw them tasting their fleshy texture, curves and softness. She rewarded his efforts by giving a coo worthy of Fluttershy herself while arching her back and pushing into his probing paws, urging more from him. Heartened and delighted at the realization that of all dragons, he was the one giving her pleasure, he obliged her by beginning to work her breasts in earnest with a fresh puff of orange smoke, which she inhaled deeply. “Mmmm… If I could only get that into an air freshener!” she said as an aside as she next let him pull her close and begin to run his narrow draconic tongue over her face, ears and neck. Dragons, by the way, use their tongues as much as their paws to explore their environment, and he did so here, closing his eyes to savor the taste and features of her exotic mammalian form. “By the l-lava below…” he breathed raggedly, and the pool of it, which had been starting to crust over, suddenly reheated from where they stood in it, glowing more intense and turning more fluid again. “You’re s-so beautiful… I love every part of you! I know not what to call your taste, but I like it! And your scale is so soft…” he breathed lustfully in her ear, his tongue flicking inside it as his talons reached the cheeks of her flanks, eliticing rumbles of lust as he either accidentally or on purpose showed off her shaved slit to the drakes behind her. “Such exquisite curves… so beautiful and so different from a dragoness…” Getting bolder, he reached beneath her to probe her entrance with a talon, amazed at what he found “... and so hot!” He began pushing a digit in, eliciting a very wet sound that was completely incongruous with the endless sizzle of spatter and burbling magma around them. “Oh!” she called out, causing him to gasp and quickly pull back from her in fear. “Worry not. For though I never fathomed I might enjoy the caress and company of a dragon, I very much am! So know, Sir Burnt Sienna, that you may do whatever you wish to me.” He looked like he was about to cry anew as she indulged him yet again. “You are s-so generous…” he said as he raised his wet talon to his lips and tasted her honey upon it, moaning as he licked his fingers clean of it. “So sweet of spirit, and of body…” “Sweet?” Rarity’s nose twitched as she then tasted her lips. “I taste like… spearmint?” she realized in surprise—she’d clearly just discovered her own special spoor, courtesy of the Equestrian magic she’d absorbed—but then grinned. “How lovely! And you flatter me, my eager young drake…” she threw her arms around him, pressing her chest into his so she could kiss him again, even more deeply. “And you flatter me!” he said as he grasped her hands in his talons. “You do what no dragon would by taking pity on me, even as small and hoardless as I am…” “It’s not pity, Sir Burnt Sienna. It’s because I see what’s here!” she tapped his chest. “Because I see your want and need! Because I see what I can do for you—what I can do for all of you! But lest you think I’m only teasing or this is somehow not real…” She then took the awestruck and painfully aroused drake by the talons and led him deeper into the growing lava pool, which was now halfway up her thighs. “Your lifetime of wait is over, my long-suffering friend! For I have decided that my first drake... will be you!” His jaw fell open along with the rest of the dragons even as his twin organs engorged further and hips bucked involuntarily, emitting a quick squirt of clear spunk against her navel. “I am not worthy…” he told her again, to which she silenced him with a finger to his lips. “I will have no more of that, Sir Burnt Sienna! Now allow me to give you what you have never known! For if I am to be your goddess, then as you say, I shall be a generous one…” she told him, and then, to his shock, she lowered herself before him, sinking into the molten pool to the level of her chest. “G-generous? B-but y-you already have been! And wh-what are you…?” he began to ask in a shaky voice, only for his voice to falter and eyes to go wide at the sight of her enlarged breasts bobbing noticeably and suggestively in the molten fire. They floated tantalizingly near his scaled thighs and protruding phalluses as she studied the latter closely. They were each nearly nine inches long and poking out of a single slit at acute angles to each other, ridged on top with tapered tips. “Such phenomenal phalluses! So different than those of the boys at my school…” Rarity noted as he stood stiffly before her, afraid to move as she examined him. I couldn’t help but notice the rest of the drakes were holding their breaths as well, either uncertain of her intentions or simply in disbelief that she would carry out the act I guessed she was about to. He groaned and arched his back slightly as she squeezed one of the two shafts experimentally, milking some fresh hot fluid from his hidden apples. She then licked it off the tip before she engulfed his narrow head of his rightmost shaft with her mouth, orally pleasuring it while she stroked the other with her hand. “Mmmm…. so hot… so virile… so wonderfully exotic!” she breathed softly around mouthfuls of drakehood as Burnt Sienna gasped and his knees threatened to buckle at the unheard-of act, leaning on her shoulders heavily while trying not to grasp them too tightly with his sharp talons. But Midnight had been good to her word there, too, as his foreclaws simply could not pierce her skin. * * * * * Speaking of Midnight, allow me to pause just briefly to say that she was watching the proceedings in the Dragon Lands with great interest from our side of the portal, delaying her ongoing punishments of her classmates to observe. She simply hovered in front of it and erected a shield against the lava spatter, though she also raised the rift slightly out of the lava to keep it from flowing directly into the school courtyard. And for the lava that had already pooled there, she simply used her magic to cool and crystalize it, molding it into a giant model of the dragon phalluses she saw. And then, on a seeming whim, she used what was left over to mold versions of human and equine organs as well beside them. It might have been out of purely scientific interest, given she wasn’t above that even then, but I think she was more recording the equipment of each new race she saw and sexually corrupted as trophies—as fresh notches on her proverbial bedpost? “I must say, this is most interesting…” she decided at some length as Rarity and Pinkie exchanged their appalled words. “This is quite an education on dragon culture and abilities I am getting, to say nothing of what truly nice people can do. One best shared, now that I think about it! So watch and learn, my cruel classmates!” she invited them, expanding the portal laterally with another sharp ripping noise so it was fully visible to her fellow students, which she punctuated with the sound of a school bell. “Class is back in session!” “Oh, that’s just great! So even being screwed silly, you want us to study?” Sunny Flare shouted indignantly from where she had rolled over top of Indigo, who she was stimulating with one of Midnight’s magical constructs held in her hand while Indigo herself orally pleasured her from below. The latter couldn’t talk except for a muffled growl, but she could raise a middle finger in the direction of Midnight. “You know, forcing us to conduct sociological studies of alien mating habits while in the middle of magically coerced copulation seems a little unfair, even for you, Sparkle.” Sugarcoat added as the equine’s organ turned intangible and phased right through the front of his human lover to leave her marehood empty for the first since she’d been taken. It then resolidified and lengthened with its mass nestled firmly between her breasts, which she immediately pressed into its mass as its head lengthened towards her ever-talkative mouth. “Unfair or not, that’s what you’re going to do.” Midnight grinned, picking Sunny and Indigo up in her aura and levitating them over to the portal. She then sat them up and lowered them bodily on the oversized phallic models of the dragon equipment she’d created, giving them each a single side of the dual drakehoods she’d created out of the smooth and freshly cooled but still-warm volcanic stone. They both sank down deep on them with a groan, with Indigo remarking that the ridges weren’t actually bad as they continued to paw at each other. “Now, no talking! Class is in session! And there’s going to be a quiz later, so pay attention!” She then had the ethereal horse turn Sugarcoat to face the portal and bring her closer, who found herself staring in fresh shock and rare speechlessness at the scene of Rarity knelt in a pool of molten lava before a creature she’d thought was mythical. * * * * * The male dragons noticed their new audience, but only for a moment. Their attention was still fully on Rarity and the drake named Burnt Sienna, watching raptly as she went down on him in an act she later told me she’d never done even once in her life before. But she accomplished it here like she was well-practiced in it—as if it was the most normal, natural act for her in the world. I had guessed she was going to go down on him, but I did not foresee her then kneeling in the lava and pillowing her boobs around the twin organs, squeezing them together so she could take both in her mouth at once! “By our sacred fire…” one of the other blue drakes breathed as he watched the improbable act, which I can well imagine was not one they practiced or even knew of, given their reptilian lack of mammaries and snouts full of sharp teeth did not lend themselves well to giving oral. “Magma below, I want to try that…” “Me too…” his larger grey friend replied, neither apparently realizing they were rubbing against each other hard and shortly clutching at each other. Maybe the many boy-on-boy scenes around me were affecting me thanks to Midnight’s magic—unlike Rainbow, I can’t say it was ever an interest of mine before, except as an exercise of power; for the record, I once made Snips and Snails do the swirl in front of me before allowing them to touch my boobs—but I found myself strongly fantasizing about such a scene, silently urging their claws towards each other’s organs. Either because of it, or simply because they were so unbearably aroused they accepted any outlet, they obeyed as the blue dragon grasped his gray friend’s nearest phallus and began stroking it, causing him to look down in surprise but make no effort to remove it. Instead, he reached down to the other’s scaled flank to pull him closer, each breathing more of their sensual smoke for the other to inhale. Wow, not bad! I thought as I felt another breast-centered climax building in me while staring at them through the enlarged portal. I mentally urged more from them, wanting the other five males to join in and bond with each other over watching Rarity and Sienna; in full disclosure, I can’t say I was looking to deepen their personal ties so much as give me some extra eye candy for my coming climax, hoping to boost my pleasure further. I’d say I was sorry for being slightly selfish, except I really wasn’t. Especially given that, to my surprise and delight, they did so! The first two drakes getting into it seemed to break the ice for the others—or perhaps more appropriately for the dragons, the lava crust—as they saw what they were doing and shortly began to form pairs and threesomes. They started pawing at and even outright making out in the dragon manner; as I watched, drake muzzles turned towards each other to begin intertwining their tongues, even as they never took their eyes off the scene before them, using it just as I was to power up their pleasure further. Come on, take some TAIL! I further urged with my thoughts through gritted teeth, leaning into it mentally while focusing on the initial pair. You know you WANT to, boys… And then, to my erotic elation and a shiver of pleasure that nearly made me come on the spot, the blue drake blinked and licked his muzzle hard. He then slipped behind the larger gray one and bent his unresisting form over, caressing the edges of his wings to encourage him further. “C-Cobalt?” His friend called back in audible shock, but again made no effort to stop him, using his splayed wings for balance while raising his tail high behind him. “Wh-what are you—” “S-sorry, Stromboli, but I gotta…” his blue friend said with a shaky voice. Flames the colors of his namesake licked around the edges of his muzzle as he reached down to squeeze his twin organs together for entry, all the while staring fixedly at Rarity and Burnt Sienna. “She’s making me s-so hot that if I don’t nut now, it f-feels like my fire’s gonna burst!” “Y-yeah…” ‘Stromboli’ said—I didn’t realize until Maud told me later that the name didn’t refer to an Istallion pizza turnover the dragons certainly wouldn’t eat or know about, but a type of volcanic eruption, which makes far more sense. “M-me too… but b-be gentle, okay?” His chest glowed between his gray scales and his breath was so hot that even without breathing fire, it began melting the stone ground in front of him from where his bent-over snout hovered above it. Their act did not go unnoticed by the others, who found their attention at least momentarily diverted by the surprising sensual scene. “Whoa! They’re gonna—” a pink one began but couldn’t finish. They watched as Stromboli, who was easily the largest and strongest of them if his size was any measure—shivered as his friend pushed into him and then began thrusting, no longer caring that he was doing this out in the open or was being watched. I was really close to coming then, but held it off just a little longer, having had my first glimpse of drake-on-drake sex and wanting even more. That’s right. Look at them, boys… I whispered with my thoughts as if directly into their hidden ears. They’re friends, and they’re rutting. So you can, too! And then, as if in a trance, they began to do so as well; as I watched, two positioned themselves to spitroast a third while another was laid on his back to be taken belly-to-belly; his expression one of dazed disbelief as his legs were spread wide beneath his throbbing organs to expose his inviting orifice. He was shortly clutching at the ground and hissing sharply as his friend began pushing into him with one of his two organs, causing his own to stiffen further and squirt fluid as his prostate was milked, hard. “Buck, yeah…” I couldn’t ever remember seeing such an erotic scene and such a strong fantasy so perfectly fulfilled, and thus, I used the old pony invective as I could hold off my latest and long-building climax no longer. “That’s… the… stuff!” I shouted as I came the hardest yet, coating Fluttershy’s fingers with fluid; I even squirted for the first time in my life, sending a spray high into the air! When my senses returned half a minute later, I was basking in afterglow while also reeling in a mixture of shock and giddy delight—they had improbably done everything I’d wanted! And even more remarkably, there was a sudden eruption of fireflowers around the periphery of their fornicating forms and the edges of the lava pool; their stalks and buds sprouting and blooming almost instantly as if their seeds had already been present there, just waiting for a massive infusion of heat and magic to grow. Of my magic! Wait—did I do that? It was then I realized—my internal magic was building too! I’d never really considered myself an Element Bearer, even after joining with the human ones to defeat the Sirens, but my plan to defeat Midnight required me to act in the stead of our absent Element of Magic—the pony Twilight. Very well—but how did I act in accordance with my assumed Element, which was basically the Magic of Friendship itself? The answer came to me instantly—by encouraging friendship, which in the erotic atmosphere we were in, I’d just translated into outright intimacy between the friendly drakes, urging them to do something they were already at least half-amenable to. “By Celestia’s sun...” I said to myself as the possibilities swirled before me; my cheeks flushed as Fluttershy stopped long enough to stare up at me in concern. All I could think at that moment was, thank the sun and Celestia herself that I was no longer my former self. For if I’d had that kind of power before I’d been redeemed… Well, I thought as I smiled reassuringly at Fluttershy and urged her to continue. I’m not doing it to divide and conquer like before, but help everycreature bond and be friends, right? I decided as Burnt Sienna finally noticed what had happened with his fellow drakes, staring at the same-sex scenes in momentary shock. But he couldn’t gape for very long—not with Rarity’s mouth enveloping the upper part of his drakehoods and her lava-buoyed breasts pressed firmly into their lower girth. “By the fires below I’m going to… to…” Whatever sensations he was feeling, they finally went into their inevitable overload as he stiffened hard and took a massive breath of the superheated and fume-filled volcanic air; his wings splaying hard behind him as his second—and far more rewarding—climax claimed him. “By the ancient Dragon Lords!” he called out as he arched his back and released a great gout of deep orange flame into the air that matched the hue of his scales. It even reached higher than the previously waning lava curtain behind them, which suddenly increased in intensity sharply. It seemed a direct response to their mutual magical release and climax, sending a surge of fresh hot magma around them as both his organs erupted hard. One stayed firmly embedded in Rarity’s cheeks as she found her mouth and throat flooded with dragon spunk, while the other slipped out and spurted hard all over her face and chest, leaving noticeable traces of steaming seed even against her near-white skin. Their climax, in turn, triggered those of the rapt and frantically rutting drakes behind them, eliciting a series of feral, flame-filled roars as tails and muzzles were likewise filled while untaken organs shot their loads onto chests, faces, or simply high into the air to shower down around them. The seemingly endless streamers of seed slowed and finally ceased after a period of sixteen seconds—no, I didn’t have a stopwatch, so I’ll just credit the hyper-perception Midnight imparted again. And yet, far from spent, My magical awareness could tell that Rarity’s newly generated magic was flowing right into him from her enormous act of generosity. It caused his body, which was still only barely adolescent-sized, to suddenly surge towards maturity, his mass bulging and snout lengthening as his barrel grew; the heat and length of his flames increasing as well to rival the lava fountains themselves! It wasn’t just his body, either—as Rarity watched in delight, his twin organs grew larger before her eyes, extending from their original eight inches to a far more impressive eleven, giving her even more to work with. “Dear me…” she said, nuzzling their increased length and girth while also licking the remaining fluid off their slickened shafts, which impossibly did not evaporate in the intense heat of the lava pool. “Did I do that?” she wondered aloud as despite coming explosively, he had not softened at all. She was shocked, and so were myself and the other drakes—as far as they and I knew, a dragon could only mature by gaining more gold and gems, but he had none! And yet, here and now, her lovemaking had the same effect, turning him to a very powerful and virile adolescent! He stared down at himself in amazement, examining his new size and muscles before looking back at her in utter awe. “Yes…” He said, his voice now far deeper. “By the Lords themselves, I’m grown! I’m grown! And you made me this way without so much as a single crystal!” he realized as he began to cry again. “But why? Why did you do this for me if I could offer you nothing in return?” he had to know. “Because I wished to,” she told him, standing up out of the pool to place her hands against his chest, now only standing to the level of his neck. “Because I cannot abide seeing such a fine and flattering drake suffer for decades on end, never knowing a lady’s touch or favor! And because I wanted to show you that you do have much to offer, Sir Burnt Sienna. “But you had to be shown it first! So this is my gift to you…” she told him as the other and only momentarily sated drakes likewise stared at the scene in utter awe; even the females by Pinkie Pie had gone slack-jawed, and I daresay envious, to see the outcome of her efforts. “My gift to all of you!” The other drakes were spellbound at what she’d done for him; something I gather that they thought only amassing gold and gemstones would do—matured him! I don’t know if they sensed it was from her surging friendship magic, but seeing what she’d done to him, they fell to their knees before her and bowed low like she was the Dragon Lord—or Dragon Lady!—herself. “If you can do that for all of us, we are yours to command, Lady Rarity…” the largest one told her. “Our hoards and our bodies belong to you… now and forever!” the gray one proclaimed. “My word…” she made a show of looking around at each kneeling dragon in turn. “To have an entire entourage of such dashing drakes at my command? A harem of the most chivalrous and magnificent males forever mine to enjoy? And all I have to do is let you make such utterly exquisite love to me as your worthy friend here shortly will?” she went starry-eyed as they all nodded eagerly. “Then let us begin! What I have done for him, I will do for all of you! But not just for me!” she told them. “For the sake of your own females and future offspring, I will teach you how to properly treat a lady, and your ladies in turn how to properly treat their males! And I will start with you, Sir Burnt Sienna! So now take me, young dragon! Claim your first female, and with me, your rightful title of drake!” “Yes, My Lady…” he said as he picked her up and turned her around to take her in a more conventional manner. “For all you have done for me, may I yet please you and prove worthy of your favor...” I think it was at that moment, even before she let the dragon take her and her internal magic grew stronger than ever, that I knew my plan was going to succeed. Rarity’s Theme: Eternal Flame > 10: Pinkified Drakinas - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For anybody reading—and I don’t know who would be aside from maybe my friends, who I’m still afraid to show this to until and unless they recover their memories—sorry to cut away from Rarity and the drakes, especially right as she gets taken. But I need to shift focus here, to catch up with Pinkie Pie. Or more correctly, to let her catch up with Rarity. I’ll just say for now that as Rarity allowed an eternally grateful and newly buff Burnt Sienna to take her while the boys settled in for another round with each other—and by my former mentor, was it ever hot to see that big gray one ganged up on like Trenderhoof on our side of the portal, servicing four of his fellow drakes at once!—I smiled at the scene as I felt their coming climax and Rarity’s internal magic grow further. She was well on her way to being fully ripened, for lack of a better term, though I should also note there was increasingly a foreign component to her magic as well. All I could think at the time was that the dragons were not only feeding on her Harmony magic—the effect on Burnt Sienna was certainly evidence enough of that!—but that she was also gaining some of their magic in return just from being with them in such an intimate manner. I still have no idea if it was yet another side effect to Midnight’s mating aura or more a result of her being an Element Bearer. And since we eventually had to purge everyone of not just their memories but all foreign magical influence before setting things back to rights, I don’t know what effect it would have had on her. Would she, say, have gained the ability to breathe fire? Or just be as invulnerable to it as the dragons, even without Midnight’s magic? Have to say, It would have made for a fascinating arcane or scientific study, depending on which side of the portal you were on. One I’m sure even Midnight would have been curious to know the answer to. It was a question for later, however, as I was not about to interrupt them as she let Burnt Sienna take her in the deepest part of the lava pool. But instead of simply doing what he wished with her, he asked her what she desired of him! I don’t think Rarity had any idea how incredibly rare it was for any dragon—short of maybe Princess Twilight’s scribe Spike—to put the needs of another creature first, but she still accepted the offer graciously. She asked him to take her standing up and belly-to-belly, holding her up so she could see his face and pleasure. Though shocked anew at the unusual mating position—one that turned the drakes on even more—he did so, holding her up as she wrapped her legs around his hips while hanging off his shoulders. As he quickly found and filled her entrance, squeezing his phalluses together so they could both be in her, she visibly savored every thrust he made with his dual drakehoods, all while endlessly praising his size, strength, stamina, masculinity and sheer virility. And all as the overheated drakes watched raptly and shouted encouragement, able only to helplessly cream all over—and inside—each other a second time, just from watching the scene unfold. Have to say, even with Fluttershy latched onto my teat, seeing those adolescent dragon males going at it gave me enough fantasy fodder for a lifetime. I still can’t stop thinking about them even now, and even for all the other things I had already done or was yet to do! But I’m getting distracted, which I grant is easy enough to happen while writing this down. Back to Pinkie Pie, then, who I’ll say upfront had probably the most unusual yet appropriate seduction method I’ve ever seen. * * * * * While all this had been going on, Pinkie had not been idle. Walking towards the blasé blue female, she quickly attracted an entourage of her own that included the other five dragonesses present, each a different hue. I’d say they weren’t so much sexually interested in her at first as trying to understand what the attraction of the drakes were to Rarity, watching them all but drool over her with what I can only describe as a strong measure of envy. But they left Rarity and the drakes alone, more interested in Pinkie Pie at that moment. In contrast to Rarity’s ‘priming the pump’ and lava-aided enticements, Pinkie was no tease. She kept it simple by merely stepping into the midst of the five friendlier females and asking them to introduce themselves—Orange Crush, Emerald Inferno, Red Hot, Rose Ruby (a rare and favorite gem of dragons) and Obsidian Ire to match their respective orange, green, red, pink and black scale colors respectively—before inviting them to explore her exotic body directly. “Hey, if you girls wanna know why your guys are so gaga for Rarity there, just check these out!” she told them as she showed them her enhanced mammaries, picking them up with her hands and thrusting them forward. In describing all this, I must emphasize again that I can’t imagine the dragons would normally have been even remotely interested in them, in Pinkie, or in humans in general. And I certainly can’t imagine that they would have desired us, except under the direct influence of Midnight’s mating magic. Magic that apparently imparted some decidedly human interests as befit its origin, and which was now enhanced by the mostly involuntary emission of their own aphrodisiac vapors. “So those are… udders?” Emerald Inferno asked Pinkie dubiously, experimentally poking at the prominent mammary mounds with a talon. She was easily the most serpentine of the dragon females, possessing a longer body with shorter limbs and snout, standing six feet tall when her sinuous spine was fully erect while having only small back ridges and a pair of short horns over her eyes. Her yellow irises went wide at the texture and she yanked back her claw in what I almost thought was fear of hurting her human visitor, surprised at how soft and yielding they were. But thanks to Midnight’s magic, Pinkie was unharmed. “Yep-yep! Though we prefer to call them breasts. Or boobs. Or busts. Or racks! Or tits! Hey, we got a million names for them, just because we like them so much! So they ain’t just ‘udders’, girlfriends—they’re ‘udderly’ amazing! Very sensitive and very fun!” she boasted, tweaking her own teats and tugging them hard to show how bouncy they were, startling her new admirers further. I don’t know if she’d been further along in generating her Harmony magic at that point or was simply much better endowed naturally, but she was even bigger than both me and Rarity by then. She then invited the dragonesses to sample her body with tongue and talon to their heart’s content, which five of the six females quickly availed themselves of. In contrast, the sixth—the horned blue one—watched with crossed arms and an initial expression of disgust, only to blush and then turn sharply away as her wings stiffened and her talons flexed; the impression I got was that she was imagining they were pressed against Pinkie’s body. Though Pinkie smirked, the others didn’t notice, too attentive to their exotic visitor as they were. They began to touch and taste her tentatively at first—have to say, for as much as I was enjoying the drakes going at it, it was also quite titillating to see a series of reptilian paws all over Pinkie, squeezing and kneading her flesh while they also displayed a surprising affinity for the shape and flavor of human ears, licking and nibbling at them constantly.  Wow. Who would have thought that of all fetishes, they would share that particular one with thestrals when dragons lack ears altogether? I chuckled in my thoughts at the time. But their efforts were very light to start, like they were afraid of hurting her surprisingly soft ‘scales’—which, in fairness, was not an invalid worry if Midnight’s protective spells weren’t in place, or Pinkie’s own mysterious abilities weren’t at play. But at her encouragement, and the realization that they couldn’t hurt her, they picked up the pace, with each female taking a turn to both cup her breasts in their talons or sample her skin with their tongues. A few talons began wandering lower on her body as well, with at least one adventurous dragoness—perhaps fittingly, the pink one named Rose Ruby, who looked to be a younger and smaller lizard-like dragon not far into adolescence, standing barely five and a half feet high with her horns only starting to grow—reaching between Pinkie’s human legs to dip a talon into her, to which Pinkie oooed and giggled, pressing her thighs into the probing digit. “Wow, you’re so warm and deep…” the pink dragoness acknowledged as she withdrew her talon, then on a whim, she raised it to her muzzle, her tongue flicking out to sample it. “And you taste… sweet?” she said in further surprise, leaving me wondering what flavor of nectar Pinkie had just gained—I couldn’t smell much over the mixture of sulfuric volcanic fumes and dragon smoke wafting through the portal at that point, but at a guess, it was probably cotton candy. She then plunged the entire digit into her snout to drink it all in at once. Her declaration instantly attracted the attention and interest of her compatriots, who gathered up their own samples of Pinkie’s human honey on a single talon and stuck it in their muzzles, only to blink. “She is!” Red Hot realized, a growing glow beginning to be seen through her red chest scales. She was a hornless, seven-foot long, raptor-like dragon with large red wings and a more feral, bent-over appearance that almost made her look like she’d come out of some movies we’d watched during sleepovers. “I like it!” “Me too…” Obsidian Ire, an enormous and powerful-looking black-scaled bruiser of a dragoness with slitted orange eyes and stegosaurus-like back scales answered. Standing eight feet tall, she was easily the largest and most human-proportioned of the group as suddenly, all five females couldn’t get enough of Pinkie Pie, either by taste or by touch. Talons and tongues caressed her from head to toe while Pinkie herself just stood there and drank it all in, her eyes closed and a happy hum on her lips, letting them probe and paw at her to their heart’s content.  “I feel… hot,” Obsidian Ire suddenly realized, grayish-purple smoke seeping out from around the edges of her muzzle as the edges of her chest scales likewise began to glow. “And not just from my fire…” “Me too. And I’m… wet?” Orange Crush added in disbelief, feeling a sudden squishing between her thighs. Except for her hue, she looked like an upright-walking seven-foot tall ram-horned Rockadile as she reached down to probe her opening, finding that her talon came away covered in steaming fluid. “But… how? It’s not passion season!” “Even if it’s not, who cares? Don’t fight it, girls!” Pinkie invited, stretching her hands over her head to thrust her chest forward and expose more of her body to their probing paws; an offer which they quickly availed themselves of. “Sex ain’t just for making eggs, you know! Looks like your boys over there have already realized that!” she said with a nod over to Rarity, whose lava-aided display had just induced a crestfallen Burnt Sienna to come prematurely. “It’s… not?” Rose Ruby said dubiously, only to reach down and realize that she, too, had gone aroused. Either from the ambient magic in the air or just Pinkie’s uncanny ability to make everyone around her have a good time, the more they touched and tasted her, the more she was turning them on and—I assumed—the more their internal heat built, causing their chests to glow. “It’s not!” The aloof blue one insisted loudly from a few paces away, only to gape as she accidentally released a puff of blue mating smoke as she spoke. She quickly clamped her claws over her snout, though some still leaked out around the edges, to the snickers of her friends. “Will you five stop disgracing the title of dragon? It’s bad enough that the drakes are drooling over these... creatures, but you too?” “Yeah? So what’s your problem, Princess?” Obsidian Ire asked in some annoyance as she shifted a set of claws to squeeze one of Pinkie’s flanks, then reached under her to gather more of her nectar from behind. “My problem is that she’s not the right race or gender, and it’s not even the right year! ” The blue female recited—it was then I remembered that dragons were very big on fighting and it was a rite of passage for them as adolescents to forge their own weapons and armor. I also seemed to dimly recall it had something to do with their mating rituals, too. “She’s not one of us and has nothing to offer us! She can’t breathe fire and has probably never swung a blade in her life! So why in the name of my father and all the ancient Dragon Lords would you be turned on by her?” She seemed to be saying it as much for herself, standing stiffly; I realized then that part of the reason she had turned away was that she didn’t want to show the same wetness that was now visibly glistening between the legs of her fellow females. Pinkie took immediate offense, her hair falling flat again; I admit to being a bit perturbed at how easily she could fall into her alternate and far more dangerous persona when the mood struck her. “Oho! So I can’t breathe fire and have never held a blade, huh?” She motioned the other females back and then acquired a slightly crazed smile as she stepped back into a sudden surge of steam from a nearby fumarole, which momentarily obscured her from view. When she reappeared, she was holding a strangely familiar item, whose use she demonstrated by pulling the trigger and releasing a great gout of fire with a loud WHOOOOOOSH! “Check this out, Ms. Doubting Dragon!” Even getting close to another orgasm as I was, I had to squint and look closer to confirm my suspicions—I knew Pinkie enjoyed shop class, but I had no idea she’d become a good enough metalworker and machinist to recreate the signature weapon of her favorite character of one of our favorite games to play during slumber parties! “See? I can spew fire too! And if you want blades, have a few of these!” There was another surge of steam and volcanic vapors that hid her, and then nearly a dozen swords, knives, and even a scythe rained down to stab into the ground around her. The feat earned a series of sorely impressed sounds from the other females, who were suddenly hanging off and pawing at each other hard over the display, just as the males were starting to do watching Rarity. “Go on, try them out!” Pinkie invited eagerly, her hair returning to its usual floofy state. “I made them all myself!” It was then that Rarity called over to Pinkie Pie from where she was standing in the lava pool with a forlorn Burnt Sienna. “Pinkie, darling! Did you hear that? Our work is cut out for us! They only have sex once a decade!” “Once a decade?” Pinkie called back in horror, her expression morphing quickly from triumph to shock and then to one of pure determination, as she placed the flamethrower on the ground safely away from the lava. “Okay, we’re gonna fix this, sister! You help the guys, and I’ll help the girls! We’ll teach them how to have a good time, and then we’ll bring them all together later! Maybe even bring them over!” she said with a nod at the portal, and it’s worth mentioning again that I might have objected, except I found myself strangely uninterested in speaking with Fluttershy’s mouth locked on a mammary and her fingers finding and spreading my slit. “I shall! And I know exactly where to start!” Rarity announced, turning back to the crestfallen orange drake before her. “Good! ‘Cause so do I!” Pinkie replied as her swords were plucked out of the ground and the females began testing them against rocks and by sparring with each other, noting they were indeed quite sharp and well-made. Pinkie then marched over to the disdainful blue dragoness and hung her arms over her shoulders from behind. “So you were saying?” she challenged, her pose provocative as she draped herself all over the larger female, whose lips tightened and body trembled though she made no move to pull away. Sensing she was having an effect, Pinkie took great pains to press the mass of her mammaries into the back of the dragoness’ spread blue wings, which flared even more tautly at the contact and caused her orange eyes to squeeze tightly shut. “Well, look at that! I’ve already figured out that stretched wings mean you’re horny… but then again, you are anyway!” Pinkie said smugly as she caressed the blue dragon’s downcurved horns with her hands. She next ran a digit over the edge of the female’s vertical neck scales, causing her back to involuntarily arch like a stroked cat and a sharp hiss to escape her lips as a visible ripple of pleasure passed through her.  “You like me. And you want me. Admit it!” She then trailed a finger down the other female’s flat chest, who stood unnaturally stiff, starting to squirm again. “I am not interested in mammals!” she snarled out the words with some forced venom. She continued to stare pointedly away from Pinkie and the increasingly lurid scenes behind her with crossed arms, though her wings were under increasing tension as she continued to noticeably squirm. “Let alone a female one! Let alone outside of passion season, which isn’t for another two years!” “Oh, yeah? Then why are you still here, Princess? Emerald Inferno challenged as she emitted a puff of Jade smoke while sparring with Red Hot using a pair of Pinkie’s swords—clearly, the males weren’t the only ones who could vent such heady vapors. The two females seemed to get hotter and progressively more dazed as they breathed in each other’s erotic emissions, causing a sharp exchange of metal to end in a sudden and very passionate draconic kiss as the more snakelike Emerald Inferno all but wrapped herself around Red Hot’s body. “Why not just fly away? And just who is it you’re trying to convince—us, or you?” Red Hot further asked as she licked the edge of Emerald Inferno’s blade with her tongue to test its alloy and sharpness, while the other female did the same back even as they remained intertwined. “And since when did Passion Season matter to you, Princess?” Orange Crush mocked her as she hefted Pinkie’s flamethrower and experimentally triggered it, visibly surprised by the recoil it generated as she was forced to take a step back and brace herself. “Like Rift Zone said, You wouldn’t even rut during the last one!” “She was probably afraid to!” Rose Ruby suggested as she took a ready stance with Pinkie’s scythe. It seemed far too large for her, yet she handled it with ease, making a series of rapid and surprisingly practiced whirling slashes with it. It was apparently much to her liking, as she shortly found herself grinding its ribbed hilt into her draconic opening, her internal fire building quickly as Obsidian Ire soon noticed her actions. The larger black-scaled female likewise began dragging the blunt reverse edge of a smaller curved blade—a scimitar?—back and forth between her legs; her chest beginning to glow a deep purple as her own internal fire started to stoke further. “After all, she had her high-and-mighty image to protect!” “Or maybe none of the drakes were good enough for me or my father. Ever think of that?” the blue dragoness retorted with a slightly shaky voice as a smug Pinkie began running her hands all over her, tracing the outline of her barrel scales, though I saw no glow through them yet. “I’m thinking you’re making excuses and lying to yourself, Princess! And to us if you claim you’re not turned on!” Red Hot said as she separated with Emerald Inferno to sling her favorite of Pinkie’s blades over her back—it had come with a harness and back scabbard—and then fell to her knees behind her human visitor and stuck her snout right between her flank cheeks to sniff at her pink-furred slit directly—Pinkie, I noticed, kept her marehood fur present but neatly trimmed in slightly odd contrast to her wild shock of mane hair. “I can taste how hot and sweet and ready she is… and you!” she announced as she lowered her already-arched body to bring her head on level with Pinkie Pie’s thighs, sniffing at her from behind. Her long tongue darted out of her raptor-like snout to part Pinkie’s luscious lips with its length and then flick its end within the blue female, who twitched hard and involuntarily spread her legs before she caught herself and tried to close them again. “Not that I blame you—anycreature who can make such nice swords and has such interesting… attributes is a creature worth knowing! And rutting!” she decided as she used her reptilian appendage to begin to eat them both out in earnest, and all at once! “I can’t get enough of her… or you! Love your flavor, Princess...” “You hear that? They’re right! And so am I. So don’t fight it, Princess…” Pinkie then cooed in her hidden ear as the blue female began to tremble. “I’m not here to trick you, I’m here to help you have fun! Your race only mates once every ten years? Well, let me and Rarity over there show you that you don’t have to wait! That you can be with guys or gals! “That you can have as much sex as you want, whenever you want…” she then dipped her hand low, starting to move it tantalizingly near the other female’s intimate area. “And is that really so bad…?” The blue dragoness took a shuddering breath as Pinkie got within an inch of her swollen opening, only to muster up all her remaining willpower to pull sharply away. “No!” she finally shouted, stumbling away and clutching herself hard, her legs shaking and wings flared so tautly I thought their membrane surfaces might tear. “P-Passion season or no, th-there are ritual tests of worthiness that must be passed first, and you haven’t performed any of them!” “Huh? Worthiness?” Pinkie blinked as Red Hot’s tongue licked out to where her fellow dragon female had been before it was withdrawn. She contented herself with a couple licks of Pinkie’s sex before standing again; her chest now glowing brightly around her crimson scales. Judging by the way she was swaying, she seemed all but intoxicated by her own heat, and the other females were starting to move a bit more drunkenly as well while they continued to play with Pinkie’s weapons—and increasingly, with each other. “She’s saying that during ruts, we usually have our males fight over us, or try to bribe us with gems from their hoards,” the raptor-like female explained with slightly slurred speech as she stood back up to press the upper half of her body into Pinkie from behind, availing herself of the opportunity to run her claws and tongue all over her, her talons settling happily on Pinkie’s breasts as she began to nibble on her ear and breathe additional enticement into her nostrils. “So usually, only the richest or most powerful drakes with the greatest strength or hottest fire get to mate. But being the Princess, she already has a massive hoard, and no male could be as strong as her father. So that means it’s impossible to win her! Or that’s her excuse, anyway,” she noted with a slight sneer as she happily kneaded Pinkie’s human mammaries, quickly learning that Pinkie liked it when she pinched the prominent teats between her talons. “So what are you saying, Red Hot?” I was impressed that the blue female was still trying to put on an indifferent air despite all the evidence to the contrary. “What I’m saying is that I think our big brave Princess is so beholden to her station that she’s afraid to try something new! Well, we’re not! And even the boys aren’t!” she pointed out, motioning back over her shoulder to where the drakes were starting to grope and make out with each other in earnest. “What do you mean the boys aren’t—” The blue dragoness turned to see and her jaw fell open at what she beheld. Her eyes initially locked onto Rarity giving Burnt Sienna—at that point, the smallest and weakest of the drakes—a boob job in the fountain-fed lava pond only to shift quickly to see the males were caressing, cavorting, and even outright rutting each other as they watched the unlikely spectacle unfold. The largest of them was bent over to take it up the tail while another was spitroasted on his back; I admit I wasn’t sure which scene I liked more as my focus kept shifting back and forth between them. And apparently, the dragon Princess had the same problem. “But… they’re… that’s…” she staggered back at the sight, her cheeks now the color of Red Hot’s scales as she had to lean heavily against a rock. “Ooooh… you like that!” Pinkie realized even as she reached up to clutch Red Hot’s talons to her, thrusting her hips backwards a bit to accommodate the red female’s bent-over form. “Well, me too! I love seeing guys get it on! And best of all for drakes, it ain’t ever gay because it looks like their balls can’t touch!” she reasoned, though I noted Flash’s bandmates had given up that restriction many minutes earlier. “I… I…” The blue female clutched her head for a moment; in hindsight, she was trying to find some way to resolve her conflicts internally. “But I’m the Princess!” “So?” Pinkie asked as Red Hot just rolled her eyes. “So that means you have nothing to offer me!” she claimed, and for the first time, I realized that it wasn’t so much that she didn’t want to do it now, but that she couldn’t reconcile it in her head with her station and societal rules. “Sure. Nothing but these!” Obsidian Ire continued to pleasure herself with the blunt back edge of her favorite of Pinkie’s blades. “Or this!” Orange Crush added as she triggered Pinkie’s flamethrower again, finding it comparable to the strength of her own fire. “And don’t forget those…” Emerald Inferno pointed a talon at Pinkie’s now very ample boobs as she approached her from the front, licking her muzzle again as both smoke and fire from her overheating insides leaked out around her lips. The serpentine dragoness then flared her wings for balance as she lowered her long spine towards Pinkie, dropping to all fours and openly salivating as her nose twitched at the scent coming off her human marehood. “And that!” Red Hot reached down with a pair of talons to spread Pinkie’s human marehood lips wide for her fellow dragoness. “Enjoy the juice, Emerald, but save some for me!” “No promises, Hot Stuff! It’s so warm… so sweet…” she licked her muzzle again, then plunged her tongue deep into Pinkie’s depths, who stood there just oooing and basking in the attention and the fun the females were having with her; I could already feel her internal magic surging as Emerald Inferno then rolled over onto her back. She arched her spine up, propping herself on her wide wings to eat out Pinkie from below, while still allowing herself to snake down a set of claws to pleasure her own sex. “I don’t know what to call your flavor, but I like it, Red Hot… in fact, it goes perfect with Pinkie’s!” she announced as her internal fires built further, causing the edges of her scales to glow even more intensely; her long tongue now darting out repeatedly to take in the nectar of both females at once. “By the magma below, I just can’t get enough! Of either of you…” “Neither can we!” a breathless Rose Ruby said as she sparred with the much larger Obsidian Ire briefly scythe-to-sword with a clash of metal. It was a surprisingly even match between the bigger and stronger Obsidian and the far faster Rose, which turned the pair on further as their mock fight quickly turned into the two stabbing the blades into the ground and Rose leaping into Ire’s arms. The latter supported the former easily, positioning her so they could both pleasure themselves with the hilts of their respective weapons while clutching and making out with each other. “You know, she’s right, Ire… we weren’t ever limited to passion seasons or drakes! Why didn’t we realize that before?” she wondered aloud between puffs of pink smoke and flame. “I don’t know…” the larger black-scaled female replied breathlessly as their different-sized snouts found a way to fit with each other, leaving both their tongues and teeth interlaced in their maws. “But we know it now!” “Hear that, Miss Hot-and-Horny?” Pinkie called to the blue female as she was eaten out in front by Emerald Inferno and endlessly groped by the talons of Red Hot behind her, who she turned back to exchange a licking kiss with, at least as best as her short human muzzle would allow. “You heard them! I do have plenty to offer, and so does Rarity over there! Everyone’s having a good time now except you! And don’t pretend it isn’t because you don’t want to!” she challenged, making a show of leaning into the efforts of the two females, reaching back to clutch Red Hot to her by the flanks. “And Ruby? That scythe is yours if you want it! In fact, I’ve got so many of them that you girls can take whatever blades you want!” “Really? Wow, thanks…” Rose Ruby replied as she next knelt before Obsidian Ire, who propped herself on her thick tail so she could sit back and spread her legs wide while still having a perfect view of the rutting males. “Mmmm…” Rose rumbled happily as she began to lap at the larger dragon female’s fluids, eating her out with increasing abandon as Obsidian Ire laid a set of talons on the back of her head. “Well, everybody’s now spoken for... except you, Princess!” Pinkie pointed out as Orange Crush put down her Pyro-inspired flamethrower—and I still can’t believe I’m saying that—to join Obsidian Ire and Rose Ruby, sitting on the back of the former’s tail to grind her slit against its ridges while clutching at her from behind; I could just hear that the two were whispering to each other which scene with the rutting drakes they liked the most. “I want everyone to have a good time, especially you! So you tell me—what’ll it take to make you join in?” “I… c-can’t…” the blue female protested weakly, trying to swallow her own arousal vapors which continually leaked out. She flapped her wings twice, maybe trying to see if she could yet fly away, only to find that they were now too taut to do anything but glide. “W-without you winning me!” she abruptly blurted out the words before she clamped her paws over her mouth again. “Winning you?” Pinkie repeated as she rested a hand on Emerald’s head. “Oh, she’s just sayin’ that you need to prove yerself worthy o’ her… like ya haven’t already!” Red Hot explained with a another roll of her eyes as Emerald Inferno became the first female dragon to near climax as she feasted on Pinkie Pie’s sweet and sticky honey, her internal heat and chest glow so fierce I could feel it clear through the portal. “Worthy, huh? And how do I do that?” “Like Ah said, most males win us wit’ the strength of thar body o’ flame,” Red Hot explained, her voice starting to slur further as her internal fire likewise burned ever-hotter—let me say again that I had no idea that dragons could get drunk on their own heat and flames! “So you either gotta offer ‘er something she don’ ready have but wants—and she already got everythin’ she could want—or best her in’a contest of heat.” “That’s right!” The blue female acknowledged, sounding like she was reminding herself of that fact as much as Pinkie. “So you can’t mate with me because you don’t have anything to offer! Nothing I don’t already have!” “Oh, is that all? Well, guess what, sister! I do have something you don’t have but want—these!” Pinkie thrust her chest into Red Hot’s groping paws again. “So if you want a set of your own, then all you gotta do is join in! ‘Cause it feels like your friends are already getting them!” she pushed back against the red-scaled dragoness behind her for emphasis, grinding her back into the larger female’s chest. “Getting them…?” Red Hot echoed, though given her sex-and-heat addled state, it took her a couple seconds to catch up mentally with the statement. She then pulled back just enough to realize that her chest was starting to swell provocatively, right beneath her scales. “Wait… wha…?” “M-Me too…” Emerald Inferno blinked, pausing only briefly from eating out Pinkie to look down her long body. She experimentally ran her talons over the initially gentle curves that were growing over her upper torso, the glow of her body seemingly focused on the visibly bulging area like the internal heat and pressure was somehow creating the change.  Her digits making contact with the beginnings of a nipple that was starting to poke free between the junction of her diamond-patterned scales, she took a series of increasingly ragged breaths at the sensations that greeted her; her bright green flame now spilling uncontrollably from her maw. “And by my fire within, it… feels… feels…!” Her body tensed hard as she became the first dragoness to climax, emitting a mighty roar that vented her overheated internal furnace in a massive gout of flame, bathing Pinkie and Red Hot in its brilliance briefly. The massive surge of fire accelerated the evolution of her new form and attributes, and by the time her blowtorch-like orgasm ebbed into the emission of simple smoke, she had acquired a full set of human curves, including larger hips and two prominent chest-mounted reptilian breasts whose size were nearly the equal of Pinkie’s! * * * * * Let me pause just briefly to say that the sudden appearances of human-like mammaries on the upright but otherwise reptilian dragon females definitely got Midnight’s attention.  “Remarkable…” she said in genuine surprise but no displeasure as she materialized several bottles of spirits and mixers—I have no idea where they came from unless she had a secret stash in her school lab, or had otherwise obtained them from perhaps her home, summoning them right out of a locked liquor cabinet as she began to mix them in a beaker like a potion. “I admit, I didn’t see that coming!” “So it wasn’t enough to give us big boobs, but now you’re gonna turn alien races anthro too, Sparkle?” Sugarcoat asked from where she was propped up beside the portal, getting an eyeful of Rarity and Burnt Sienna as well as the rutting drakes; her equine lover had reared up to prop its forehooves on an invisible wall on the same plane as the portal, letting her dangle like a living condom on the uppermost of its two massive stallionhoods while her chest nestled the lower member. “Didn’t think you were into that!” I have to give her credit—no matter what she saw, no matter how impossibly hard or how deep she was being rutted, and no matter how much she was involuntarily enjoying it, Sugarcoat’s basic personality remained intact, including her propensity for blunt and brutal honesty. “That was not my doing,” Midnight replied, adding some length and dragon-like ridges to the front of the second equine organ her bespectacled schoolmate was continuing to give head and a boob job to. “At least, not directly. “It would seem that my magic and mating influence is catalyzing those of others, enabling them to pass on both their sensual desires and physical attributes to otherwise incompatible races,” she echoed my own thoughts about the dragons from earlier.  I have to admit my attraction to her only grew further as I heard her analysis—for she was not only an enormously powerful mage, but she possessed a keen intellect the equal or better of my own! “How interesting! We shall have to do some experimentation to see if the effect goes both ways!” “We?” Indigo, Sunny and Sugarcoat all chorused derisively. “Oh, so now we’re gonna be a buncha goddamned Guinea Pigs?” Sunny Flare shouted as she squirmed on top of her stone dragon dildo, involuntarily clutching Indigo’s hand to her boob as she stared at the two dragon females marveling at their new ones. “Well, I could use you three, but in truth, I think I need some new study subjects soon…” Midnight mused with an evil grin, moving the smooth stone dragon phalluses she’d fashioned from the cooled lava closer to each other to allow Indigo and Sunny Flare to press their adjacent mammaries together and make out again, which they did with great gusto despite—or was it because of?—their intense dislike for each other.  “In all honesty, I’m still considering how I’m going to punish a couple classmates that remain. But whatever it is, I’ll make them the subjects of my next experiments, so I’ll give you gracious girls a break for now.” “How thoughtful!” Indigo snarled around a Prench kiss of Sunny, though they kept their eyes turned to the side, staring into the lava-illuminated portal and all the action on the other side. “You’re a real peach, Sparkle!” “Careful I don’t change my mind, Indy,” Midnight warned her, though she never lost her grin. “Now keep watching! I so enjoy seeing an expert at work! I want to see how Pinkie Pie will handle that last female…” * * * * * “Whoa! Will you look at that!” Pinkie exclaimed as she and an astonished Red Hot stared down at a freshly climaxed Emerald Inferno, whose rapid breathing and quickly cooling barrel gave extra emphasis to her new breasts as they inscribed slow but mirrored circular movements on her still-heaving chest.  “Maybe it was all my juices you slurped up, but it looks like I’ve made an anthro out of you!” she guessed as she brushed away the green soot covering her from the blowtorch-like eruption of jade-shaded fire that the green dragoness had vented when she came. “Blasphemy…” the blue female mouthed even as she pawed at her own chest to see if she was changing, too. To her relief—or was there some disappointment?—she wasn’t. “Destiny…” An increasingly intoxicated Red Hot rejoined as she quickly fell to her knees in turn before Pinkie Pie, the edges between her chest scales brightly aglow as her own beginning of a bust was only barely starting to show. “I w-want those too…” she announced as she began to eat Pinkie out with equal abandon as her green-scaled girlfriend had done, who was just starting to stir again. “Then drink up, Reddie!” Pinkie invited as she climbed on top of Emerald Inferno to begin making out with her, mouth to snout, taking pains to press her breasts into those of the dragoness so the latter could feel what it was like. The reptilian female growled softly in reply and began returning the gesture. She spread her legs and reached back to pry Pinkie’s lips open for her friend, just as Red Hot had done for her, allowing her to eat both of them out at once.  “And be sure you get an eyeful of this, Princess Bluebelle!” Pinkie further called over to the blue female—I was at least certain that wasn’t her name—who watched mesmerized despite her stated disgust, unable to look away as the three reached climax with a series of slurping and kissing sounds in under a minute.  She had a spectacular view as Pinkie and Emerald Inferno arched hard against each other, each bending their spines backwards to show smooth Pink breasts pressed hard against green-scaled ones. Their erect teats touched and tweaked each other as both dragon females erupted with fresh fire, though Red Hot’s was more intense. She, too, then grew a pair of larger hips and massive mammaries right under her crimson chest scales, attracting the attention of the other dragon females, who watched equally agape as her raptor-like bent-over form turned far more upright and human. They soon began pawing at and making out with each other anew even as they hurriedly checked to see if they were experiencing the same effect, drunk on their own internal heat fed further by their now-irresistible mating urges. “Whew! That was good—have to say, I really like your tongues!” Pinkie said as she disentangled herself from the two momentarily sated dragonesses; I had the odd but passing thought that given their red-and-green color schemes, a picture of that scene would have made a good Christmas card—as long as you didn’t mind a very adult theme and substituting embers and ashfall for snowfall.  “Embers…” I muttered the strangely compelling word to myself as I watched them waft down around the group. “Now why does that seem familiar…?” The train of thought was lost as Fluttershy climbed on top of me to do the swirl for a second time, at which point, my world was limited yet again to her hot and delicious butterscotch-scented sex. But despite Pinkie’s fresh climax and newly boosted magic—she was about halfway to full charge, I judged—our favorite party girl was still all business. Of course, in hindsight, that was easy for her, given her business was having fun and helping others to do so. A goal she was now accomplishing in grand and supremely sensual fashion as she called over to the other three dragonesses, who were still watching in amazement, disappointed to find they didn’t yet have any new attributes of their own. “Hey, girls! You want to grow a pair of these too? Well, I’m guessing you can get it from them, now!” she nodded down at the prone and panting pair, whose draconic sexes oozed an endless stream of nectar.  Needing no further urging, the remaining three females all but fell over each other trying to reach the first two, with Obsidian Ire claiming Red Hot for herself given she was the biggest and oldest of the group. She sat on her tail again, and then propped the red-scaled female’s legs on her shoulders so she could easily access her swollen lips with her long snout and tongue, all while Rose Ruby and Orange Crush shared Emerald Inferno; their equally long snouts and narrow tongues finding enough space between her legs to mutually lap up her human-like honey. The latter could only lie there weakly and moan as she just managed to spread her legs wider to allow them easier access. She reached over to grasp Red Hot’s talons as they turned their heads towards each other and began kissing anew as they were orally stimulated by their friends, who also took great and very pleasurable pains to grope and knead the exotic mammalian attributes they had gained.  Obsidian Ire was large enough that she could just reach down with both paws to do so, while Rose Ruby and Orange Crush contented themselves with a single set of claws each on one mound of Emerald’s new rack, using their other set to pleasure their own reptilian marehoods. Pinkie was not idle while this was going on. She simply went up to the enrapt blue female, whispered something in her ear, and then gently took her claws and led her unresisting form over to the female fivesome to watch closely and immerse her in the sights and smells.  She then hung off her back again as the group reached yet another—and even more intense—collaborative climax with a series of multicolored flame-filled roars that rivaled those of the drakes not far away. A climax that even drew their male eyes briefly as scaled boobs sprouted and swelled beneath previously flat chests; their new teats poking out at their scale junctions with even some suggestion of areola forming as the areas surrounding them noticeably darkened. Remarkably, when the females stood up again—Obsidian Ire was first to rise, having never left her sitting position, leaving her staring in wonder down at her new bust and cupping her basketball-sized breasts in her claws—I noticed that they’d become far more human like in overall proportions. They now looked almost like comic-book creations out of an adult magazine; an teenage anthrophile’s wet dream. Regardless, Pinkie’s sex-fueled Harmony magic seemed to have done for them what Rarity already had for Burnt Sienna, serving the same purpose as amassing a hoard and eating gold would normally accomplish: fully matured them into large—and incredibly voluptuous—dragonesses, who were already eagerly availing themselves of their new mammalian attributes, caressing and licking at them while openly sampling each other’s altered nectar with their talons and remarking how sweet—and “cool”?—they all were.  For a moment the wind shifted to come right through the portal; I could have sworn I caught the myriad scents of licorice, citrus, passion fruit, cinnamon and spearmint in addition to the aphrodisiac smokes they emitted, which were equally strengthened; just a whiff of them was enough to send my head spinning anew and my muzzle diving deeper into Fluttershy’s muff.  And if you’re reading this, you get just one guess as to which dragon a given scent belonged to. And as to how I know for certain… well, keep reading. “Come on, Princess…” The now-eight-and-a-half foot tall Obsidian Ire stepped forth to present herself to the blue dragoness on behalf of the other females. She modeled her new form and took pains to show off her gargantuan globes, resting a set of claws on her hip and a second on the upper curve of one of her brand-new breasts. “I can tell you want this new form, too. So don’t be shy!” she all but purred as she licked her snout suggestively, stepping forth until the blue female was staring her new bust in the face. She next reached down to spread her lips wide, showing the glistening wetness and pink flesh inside her, drawing the Princess’s gaze instantly downward and causing her tongue to dart out towards it, tasting Ire’s newly sweetened scent in the air itself. “If you want all this, you know what you have to do...” For a moment, I thought the sorely tempted blue female was going to fall to her knees, but yet again, she summoned just enough will to pull back. “N-no…” she said again, shaking her head sharply. “I c-can’t… n-not yet…”  Pinkie put on a pouting tone. “Still resisting? Wow, you’re a tough nut to crack!” she noted, not even remotely disappointed. “So what’s the problem now, Princess?” she asked, stepping to Obsidian Ire’s side, who affectionately leaned into her from above, pillowing Pinkie’s head between her black-scaled breasts.  Pinkie responded by reaching up with her arms to circle the taller dragon’s head while Obsidian Ire responded by reaching beneath her shoulders to lovingly caress the curves of her chest. “Eh, she’s just scared,” the black-scaled female noted from above Pinkie, her tone far less intoxicated than before, perhaps because her excess heat was finally vented. “Of what, I don’t know, but you’re fooling nodragon, Princess! If you want these? You can have them too!” she gave Pinkie’s boobs an affectionate squeeze, earning a contented purr. “Like I said, you know what you have to do…” I’d imagine Pinkie was allowing the groping not just because she enjoyed it, but for the effect it was continuing to have on the last unaltered female, who for the first time was showing a faint glow between her chest scales. It was a sign of both intense arousal and—though I wasn’t sure at this point if it was a coincidence—something that had preceded the materialization of mammaries, even before climax. “Stop fighting it, Princess! You want her? You can have her! You can have us! All of us! You can have all the rutting you want!” Red Hot added her own enticement as she exchanged licks and gropes with Emerald Inferno and Rose Ruby to either side of her; of the group, she and Ire seemed the most talkative and the natural leaders of the five, I had already noted, perhaps due to the fact they had the largest size. “B-but…” Reeling, the blue female staggered back with a fresh puff of sensual smoke only to bump right into Orange Crush, who had carefully positioned herself behind her and caught her. By accident or design, the collision caused the stumbling Princess’s snout to be plunged hard into her friend’s scaled cleavage, earning an involuntary lick of them before she hurriedly pushed away with a fresh flush to her cheeks and intensified glow of her chest.  But Midnight’s mating magic and attendant probability alteration aura struck again as her claws found and closed briefly on Orange Crush’s new breasts, who smiled and puffed herself up to give them more surface area, briefly holding her Princess’s reptilian paws to them. They stayed there for only two tantalizing seconds, even momentarily squeezing the mammalian mounds before they were yanked back in panic by the blue-hued dragon princess, causing her shaky legs to give way. She fell weak-kneed before the orange-hued female with a rockadile-like face, finding her snout suddenly poised before her friend’s swollen and steaming sex. “That’s right, Princess…” Orange Crush moved up to press her slit into the blue female’s twitching nose. “It’s all yours… and everything that comes with it.” She cupped the other female’s chin to hold it in place, causing her to noticeably drool. And yet, she overcame her enormous temptation once more. “No!” she shouted again as she pulled away. You know, I really have to give her credit—even as affected as she was, she still had the willpower to not lick out, perhaps knowing that if she did so, she would pass the point of no return. “Don’t you all understand? I can’t! Because… because I’m still not won…” she looked on the verge of crying, burying her snout in her claws. “Not won?” Pinkie echoed, looking up at the black dragoness behind her. “She means that she wants to be won, first,” Obsidian Ire explained, for the first time taking on a tone of concern. “You have to understand that she’s really big on tradition, just like her sire. Like we said before, dragon females normally only award mating privileges to the strongest and wealthiest drakes. But since wealth is out given her dad’s hoard, she’s saying she has to be bested in a fire-based challenge… somehow.” Pinkie blinked at that. “Oh, is that all? But that’s easy!” she claimed, and I wondered how that could possibly be; even the other dragons exchanged surprised and uncertain looks.  At the time, I had no idea why she was so confident or what she was thinking; I admit I was half-worried that given all her other creations, she was going to produce a tactical nuke. “Red Hot over there said I had to beat you in a contest of heat, so let’s make a bet, Miss ‘Princess’—If I can give you something so hot that you can’t handle it, then you stop fighting it! Then you have to have sex with us!” Pinkie offered. “Oh, please.” The blue female rolled her eyes, summoning up some attitude again; her annoyance didn’t seem to be feigned, either. “Maybe Obsidian there could hold her own against me, but I’m the daughter of the Dragon Lord himself! My blue flame burns the hottest of all dragons! So you think I can’t take a little heat?” “You can’t!” Pinkie promised with a sly grin. “Not the heat I have!”  “Spare me. You can’t even breathe fire, human, and that curious contraption of yours that Orange Crush was playing with doesn’t count! So what makes you think you could beat me?” She blew out some blue smoke and flame from her nostrils for emphasis; though the latter seemed to be affected by her overwhelming arousal given the edges of it were pink. “I admit I’m ripe for the taking, but only to a worthy drake...or dragoness!”  She blinked in surprise as she said the last word.  To me, she seemed shocked that she had said all that out loud—admitted her vulnerability and desire to all. But the quaver of her voice told me that she was doing so because she was desperately hoping she was wrong. Hoping that Pinkie could somehow best her so she could finally—finally—indulge her unleashed urges with a clear conscience, knowing she was acting in accordance with dragon law.  It was only then I caught up fully with the rest of her statement: She’s the daughter… of the DRAGON LORD? With that realization, I finally remembered where I’d seen her—I’d met her during my one visit to the dragon lands all those years ago as Celestia’s student! She’d been present with her father to greet us when we arrived, but neither of us wanted to be there for the summit between Celestia and her full-grown sire, Dragon Lord Titanium Torch, who was the longtime leader of their clan. We’d barely spoken and pointedly ignored each other the whole time after being introduced. But what was her name again…? I didn’t have time to consider the question as my attention shifted back over to Rarity and the drakes, with the former now inviting all the male dragons to share her, though she still favored the much larger and better endowed Burnt Sienna. She laid him on his back in a shallow part of the lava pond while inviting him to take her under the proverbial tail, letting the other drakes position themselves about her to take her mouth, marehood and mammaries. I might have paid her more mind as she proceeded to do for the rest of the drakes what she’d already done for Burnt Sienna, but Pinkie’s impossible claim took precedence as the gleam in her eyes grew. “Okay, Miss High-and-Mighty-Daughter-of-the-Dragon-Lord, is it a bet?” The Princess gave her a deliberately disdainful look despite her chest glow and puffed vapors, to say nothing of the honey now running in rivulets down the grooves of her thigh scales. “Sure. And if I win, you take your fake firebreather and mammalian milk producers back where they came from!” she challenged with a coy grin of her own, crossing her forearms, I think in part to keep herself from digging her talons into her crotch. The other females oooed as Pinkie smirked; I’m pretty sure she recognized it as the goad it was—dragons did like to insult each other, I’d noted even from my visit years earlier. “Okay!” she said, then reached down into a steaming fissure with both hands. There was a sharp snapping sound, and when her hands reemerged, her right was wrapped in a thin vinyl glove and holding… an unwrapped chocolate cupcake with swirls of red and orange frosting. “Eat this.” “That’s it? That’s your challenge?” The blue dragoness instantly went from barely hopeful to deeply disappointed.  “Yep-yep! You have to eat it and keep it down without help! Don’t worry, it’s not poisoned or anything. It’s just made of both granulated and powdered sugar, flour, cocoa, a touch of salt, smoky paprika, egg, butter, baking powder… oh, and one other thing.” Her hair fell flat and the evil glint returned to her eyes, causing the other dragonesses to blink and take an involuntary step back from her. “But since you’re a mean and mighty dragon, I’m sure you could take it!” The Princess stared at her in disbelief as she listened to the ingredient list recited. “I eat minerals, not vegetables! Or anything that has to do with mammary fluids!”  “Ah-ah-ah!” Pinkie waggled a finger at her. “I have it on good authority from a drake-turned-dog I know that dragons love sweets, never mind how much your sisters here enjoyed my juices! So what are you afraid of, Princess? You accepted the bet, right? So just pop it in your muzzle and chew!” she dared again, holding it closer in a gloved hand. “But if you do, you have to hold out without eating or drinking anything else for a full five minutes!” “Oh, my…” Fluttershy looked up briefly from eating me out. “Sunset? Is that cupcake what I think it is?” she asked me earnestly. “Let me see…” I rolled over the top of her to get a better look, grimacing when I did. “Yep, that’s the one.” I winced, feeling a remembered sting in my throat as I’d managed just a single bite of one... and then the following day on the other end, given it had hurt severely both going in, and later going out! “Oh, dear…” Fluttershy said from between my legs. “That poor dragon…” “You said it…” I replied as I resumed lapping at her labia. “She doesn’t know it, but Pinkie’s already won.”  “Come on, Princess! Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!” The other five females began chanting, forming a ring around her and Pinkie. The blue dragoness flushed red again, this time from what I sensed was a mixture of anger and thwarted desire. “Fine! If it’ll end this farce…” She took it in her talons, sniffed at it once and then  tossed it up and into her maw, chewing it a few times before swallowing while making sure to use her tongue to lap up the remaining frosting from her lips. She’d blinked once when the taste hit her—I knew from experience it didn’t taste much different from a regular cupcake at first, of which Pinkie’s were very good—but she otherwise put on an unimpressed air. “There. Happy? It’s sickeningly soft and sweet… just like you!” she accused. “Wait for it…” Pinkie instructed with a growing grin, carefully tearing off her vinyl glove before tossing it into the lava pit, which destroyed it immediately. “Don’t worry, it’s coming… and shortly, you will be too!” “Sure I will. You lose, so now you have to…” the Princess trailed off suddenly as the promised effect began to hit her, just as had happened with me so many weeks earlier. She then gaped and opened her snout wide, with uncharacteristic bright red flames replacing her normally deep blue fire.  “W-what?” she shouted in shock and horror as she quickly discovered that her body’s natural defenses against fire and other forms of heat were no match for the chemical known to humans as capsaicin, which in the amount she’d just received, was like a blowtorch on her otherwise heat-immune esophagus. For Pinkie’s cupcake had been her entry into a contest the local restaurants had been running when a spicy food convention was in town. Every single eatery had been challenged to create something hot enough that even the staunchest stomachs would be burned, and if you came up with an item so spicy that even their heat-loving judges couldn’t finish it, you won a special plaque and a $1,000 prize.  The cupcake Pinkie had fed the blue female was what she’d come up with for Sugar Cube Corner’s entry into the affair, which had at least earned them an honorable mention and some free advertising, though not first place to Pinkie’s great disappointment. I’d had just one small bite of its sweet but fiery frosting and deeply regretted it; worse, Pinkie had made sure to film my reaction so she could post it to the school’s social media boards later.  For the secret ingredient she’d so coyly concealed was the concentrated and carefully extracted essence… of a ghost pepper! “So what’s the matter, Princess?” Our still-flat-haired friend gloated over crossed arms as the blue female clutched at her snout and throat, quickly finding that she couldn’t just burn it away no matter how much flame she expelled; even the other females had to step back from the smoke and vapor she was venting, which made their eyes water and burned the insides of their noses.  “I thought you said you could take a little heat!” “I… I... ” Her orange eyes streamed tears. “Need… water…” she croaked hoarsely as she fell to her knees, causing the other females to look at each other in shock. I understood their reaction to the request, at least—dragons normally never drank water because it temporarily quenched their internal fire, leaving them unable to breathe it! “By my father's flame, make... it... stop!” “Sorry, sister, but if you want it to stop, then water won’t help! Only this will!” Pinkie then produced a full jug of whole milk; for the record, I’d had to down an entire large glass of one after my single taste of cupcake frosting just to suppress the fire enough to make it tolerable. “It’s whole milk, straight from the udder! Too bad you said you don’t drink mammary fluids!” she dangled it in front of her nose. “It’ll cool the heat, but for the record, if you accept this before your five minutes are up? You lose the bet!” “B-but…” The blue female stared at it through watering orange eyes. To her credit, she tried to resist reaching for it at first, shaking her head violently once in an expression of denial. But in the end, either to end her torment or out of a simple desire to surrender so she could finally indulge her passions, she did so before even a single minute was up, grabbing at it and upending it into her open snout as the other females cheered Pinkie’s victory and clapped her affectionately on the back. After she’d drunk it all and left her chin and chest covered in spilled milk, the dragon Princess trembled, staggered forward, and then collapsed in Pinkie’s arms. “You… win.” “Aw, she’s all tuckered out!” Pinkie said in disappointment, her hair going floofy again as she looked up to the portal. “Just be glad I couldn’t get hold of a Carolina Reaper pepper, or you’d be in even more pain! But at least then I would’ve won that spicy food contest for sure!” she groused mildly, then lit back up and turned her attention to Midnight. “Hey, Middie! Could you fix the Princess up? That ghost pepper cupcake took a lot out of her, and the milk only does so much!” “After such an impressive display and the superb stratagem you employed? Of course, my cunning and clever Pinkie Pie!” a pleased Midnight Sparkle answered instantly—if she shared anything in common with Princess Twilight, it was that she loved to have her abilities and aura be called upon.  “Be assured that even a million Scoville units are no match for my magic! And don’t worry—I won’t do anything to her other than cleanse her of the capsaicin and heal the minor damage to her digestive tract. The art and act of enhancing her… I leave to you!” she promised, and she then zapped the blue female with her magic, causing her to blink once and then sigh in relief, followed by her staring up at Pinkie in wonder. “Enjoy her! And for as much as I'm enjoying watching, make sure she enjoys you!” “Don’t worry, Middie—I will! Better, Princess?” Pinkie then asked the blue female in a far more friendly tone, helping her up.   “B-better…” she confirmed, licking her lips and chin a few times, lapping up the remaining milk while staring at Pinkie Pie in both awe and rekindled desire, which she no longer held back. “You w-won. And b-by the terms of the challenge…”  She dropped to her knees before Pinkie Pie. “I’m yours!” she announced as the other females roared their approval, releasing celebratory gouts of flame as the blue female grasped Pinkie’s flanks and her tongue lapped out to taste her sweet-scented snatch for the very first time. > 11: Upper Crusted - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to say, I really admired Pinkie Pie at that moment. Even more than Rarity, who had turned the hyper-masculine drakes gay for each other and whose generosity proved as great a boon to their physical forms as greed. My party-loving friend had single-handedly turned all the fire-breathing females—dragonesses? Drakinas? You know what, I’ll use the latter term, even though it’s a bit iffy—into raging lesbian lovers who couldn’t get enough of each other’s marehoods or new mammaries, which Pinkie had improbably imparted to them by inducing them all to perform oral on her! Though covered in their usual scales except for the prominent nipples that pushed out from the scale junctions, they proved just as bouncy and exquisitely sensitive as human ones. I could tell because the dragon girls were having untold amounts of fun just getting to know both their new boobs and those of their girlfriends; squeezing, smushing them together and occasionally outright suckling them, surprising several when they got off to teat stimulation alone! Their climaxes were always marked by great gouts of multicolored fire they released into the air, which was now so full of their mating vapors that a thick, hookah-like haze had formed around the group, redoubling their desires. And yet, they had paused their mutual masturbation long enough to watch as their last unconverted member, that familiar blue female I knew I’d met before, paid fealty to Pinkie Pie by falling to her knees and preparing to eat her out, accepting her defeat in a contest of heat. I still couldn’t remember her name no matter how hard I tried, but then again, that wasn’t exactly a priority just then. Not with all my attention set on soaking up Fluttershy’s affection and growing Harmony magic like a sponge, as with a series of gentle but insistent pushes, she made me roll over. I shortly found myself on all fours like a pony laying on my elbows with my rear in the air, her hands on my flanks spreading my cheeks to allow her to eat me out from behind! Have to say, it was a very interesting—to say nothing of highly enjoyable!—change of position and pace as I could only just crouch there and take it, moaning, gasping, and propping myself up on a plaza bench with one hand while I pawed at my teats with the other, having a spectacular view of Pinkie being orally pleasured by the blue dragoness through the portal. With Pinkie’s dominance in the dragon hierarchy established and her affections otherwise having been fairly won, I watched as the now badly-flushed blue female knelt before Pinkie’s pink-furred sex and sniffed at it repeatedly. Her snout began to water as her tongue licked out to sample its scent for the first time, blinking in surprise as the taste hit her. “So sweet… like fireflower honey from lava bees...” she said in amazement as the other females could only smile and nod. Whether it tasted like cotton candy or not, I could well imagine that Pinkie’s sexual spoor was every bit as sweet as the various creations she made at Sugar Cube Corner; I could also well imagine how much the blue drakina was enjoying the taste, given we certainly knew from Princess Twilight’s scribe that dragons had a strong sweet tooth! A sweet tooth she then demonstrated by lapping her tongue directly between Pinkie’s lips to gather as much honey as she could; her first taste feeding a quickly growing addiction. She instinctively rolled over to give her extended snout a better angle into a cooing Pinkie’s love tunnel and her talons easier access to her own now-hot and steaming sex, pleasuring herself openly in front of her fellow females as her long tongue probed Pinkie’s depths as deep as it could go. They cheered her lustily as she continued, urging her on, awaiting the transformation they knew was coming. But they also didn’t interfere or take part themselves, perhaps because by the rules of dragon challenge that Pinkie had won, they knew that she alone had earned the right to do so. “Oh! Oh yeah! Love that tongue, Princess!” Pinkie squealed happily as she leaned back against the enormous boobs of Obsidian Ire. She kept her human friend propped up while draping her arms around Red Hot and Orange Crush as they watched the scene unfold, helping things along by puffing some purple smoke for Pinkie to inhale. “And ooooo…. your breath is so hot…”  “She breathes blue flame. The hottest of all,” Rose Ruby noted with a tone of envy as she hung off of Emerald Inferno’s arm, clutching her as she saw her Princess pleasure both herself and an alien mammal. “Look at her go… sure wish I could get some of that fire in me,” she added as she inserted a talon into her slit. “Oh, don’t worry! I’m sure she’ll be a lot more willing after this!” Pinkie promised as she cupped the blue female’s snout and scratched her long chin lightly while she began to tense again, licking her lips as she anticipated the release and pleasure to come. “Just as soon as I… give her… this!” she squealed happily as she came and released a flood of fluid into the blue drakina’s maw. She eagerly lapped it up, swallowing it all as her body trembled with the force of her own orgasm, erupting the promised blue fire right into Pinkie’s body to no harm or effect—unless you count the sweat flashing to steam on her thighs. All eyes, both human and dragon, went immediately to the blue female’s chest. It began expanding slowly before their eyes, her scales bulging outwards to accommodate the anatomical addition. As we watched, two impressive soccer-ball sized blue breasts grew as her hips likewise expanded to make her more human-like and otherwise give her more balance. Each heave of her chest and fresh wave of pleasure passing through her seemed to cause another spurt of growth in her new mammary mounds, soon leaving them large enough to wobble as her new teats pushed through her scale junctions, just as had happened with the other females. And just like with them, the adjacent scales darkened into areola-like features around it as her newborn boobs soon stood proudly, the prominent and already-erect teats that capped them inscribing circular paths in the air as the far greater mass that mounted them moved with her still-labored breathing. “By the Ancient Dragon Lords…” Emerald Inferno said in astonishment even though they’d already gone through the same sex-caused metamorphosis. “Look at those…” “You said it…” Red Hot agreed, licking her snout eagerly as she kneaded her own boobs in sympathy. “They really suit her.” “You wear them well, Princess,” Orange Crush agreed as the blue female’s orange eyes opened again, looked down and focused, her snout falling open at what she beheld. “M-mammaries…?” she cupped them in amazement, experimentally hefting them and quickly blushing at the unfamiliar but not unpleasant sensations they fed her. “They’re… mine?” “Yep-yep! They’re all yours, Princess!” Pinkie helped her to her dragon hooves and then pushed in and kissed her, taking great pains to press the pink mass of her own boobs into the blue female’s new ones. She did so to celebratory fountains of fire from the other females; it was then that I heard a second round of cheers coming from the astonished males, who had also watched the final transformation after their latest round with Rarity. The latter applauded her friend. She then led the dragon boys over to Pinkie and the females, who were only too happy to model their new mammalian features for them as the drakes showed off their bigger bodies and enhanced organs in return, all gifts from Rarity. It was barely another minute before the two groups of dragons had nearly fully intermingled. They were soon rutting quite eagerly as Pinkie Pie rejoined Rarity to watch the scene happily. “So? Whaddaya think, Rares? Did we do good?” she asked as she watched the dragon orgy unfold, draping an affectionate arm around Rarity. “Bet they’ll be screwing a lot more than once a decade after this!” “We did ‘good’, darling.” An immensely satisfied Rarity answered as the dragons cavorted, now eagerly enjoying each other’s company, with Ember soon at the center of a circle of males who eagerly availed herself of her attributes, both old and new. “We did good,” she repeated, and I had to agree given I could sense their internal magic was almost at full power again. With those words, Rarity turned to Pinkie Pie and kissed her deeply, the pair soon making out passionately again as the dragons cheered. They were then invited to join the newly endowed drakes and drakina again in the center of the still-growing lava pool, where their flames and constantly stoked internal furnaces kept it hot and fluid. “And you know what? I do believe I might like living here, among such powerful and fertile creatures!” she decided as they walked hand in hand towards the dozen dragons, ready to enjoy the full fruits of their labors. * * * * * On the other side of the portal, Midnight applauded the pair. “Bravo, Pinkie Pie and Rarity! You are truly everything my classmates were not!” she said with a glare at her captive audience of Sugarcoat, Indigo and Sunny Flare, who had fallen uncharacteristically quiet and sullen after witnessing the incredible display. “I would love to continue watching, but business before pleasure. And let’s see… who should be next?” She scanned the Shadowbolt side of the field and her eyes fell on… Upper Crust, who was staring in mingled horror and envy at the scene with Fleur de Lis on the Canterlot High side of the field. For her part, Midnight’s latest Shadowbolt victim was no longer even remotely resisting what was happening to her, her exquisite body pounded and pawed from every angle by the erect equine organs and well-calloused hands of the CHS metalworking club. She’d even started to actively participate in the act, increasingly clutching at the four boys with her hands and feet, moving in concert with them. But Midnight was no longer paying attention to her. “See something you like, little miss uppity?” Midnight addressed Upper Crust with her arms crossed, looming over her with her raven wings wide. “Sorry to turn your ex-boyfriend into a raging gay guy with a porno-sized stallion shaft, but not really. So now the question becomes… just what should I do with you?” “I could think of a few things!” a breathless Jet Set called out as he continued to pound Trenderhoof’s plot, the slapping of their softball-sized apples together audible even through all the other sensual sounds I heard. “Do you have any idea how insanely possessive she was of me?” “Traitor!” she shouted, her cheeks red. “What’s wrong with wanting you for myself? Wasn’t my sex and cocksucking enough for you?” “No! Because you chased off all my friends and any girl who so much as glanced at me! Because you wouldn’t even let me go bowling unless you were with me! Because you thought you were being generous by letting me have you a whole once a month! And because sex with you never felt like this!” Jet Set retaliated as he increased the intensity of his thrusts and exchanged a high-five with Neon Lights in front of him, who was now apples-deep in Trenderhoof’s muzzle. He slapped his friend’s chin with them; the latter’s neck stretched out to take his full length. “You ungrateful in-the-closet idiot!” she shouted back. “This is how you repay me after all I did for you?” “As if I care? At least Trendie here likes taking it up the tail! And I got bad news for you, honey—you were never that good at sex anyway! You never enjoyed it; it was just how you kept me under your thumb! Come on, you don’t think I know you were faking all your orgasms? And the most I’d say about your cocksucking is that it was at least better than Sunny’s!” he shouted in glee like he’d been holding that in for months. “And trust me, that ain’t saying much!” “Alright! I get it!” Sunny Flare shouted from where she remained erotically entwined with Indigo Zapp; the pair making out passionately yet again as they watched the dragons mate. “I suck at blowing!” “Sure it ain’t that you blow at sucking?” Indigo Zapp mocked between kisses as they continued to ride the twin phallic constructs of sculpted basalt still embedded deep within them. Sunny responded with a two-word phrase I won’t repeat here, to which Indigo laughed and zinged her right back. ”Well, I got some bad news for you, girlfriend—that’s exactly what you’re doing!” “Shut up and pinch my tits harder! And don’t think this makes... us... friendssss!!!!” her voice escalated into a shriek again as she came for what was probably the eighth or ninth time running. The CHS boys cheered while the Shadowbolt boys just laughed again. “You know, I don’t get you girls! How can you not bond over this?” Jet Set wondered aloud. “But that’s okay—we ain’t gonna be interested in you at all after this! Oh, and Upper Crust? I’m officially breaking up with you! ‘Cause it turns out I got all I need... right... here!” he announced as he slammed his hips forward and emptied himself into Trenderhoof’s tail again just as Neon reached climax as well, erupting into his friend’s muzzle. “Damn, dude, you give head like no girl ever!” an only-momentarily spent Neon said as Trenderhoof’s tongue and throat eagerly milked him dry for what had to be the third or fourth time. “But you know, now that I think about it, it makes sense—after all, you can’t know how to blow a cock properly unless you have one!” he decided as he switched places with Pokey Pierce, shifting to take him from behind as he took his place before Trenderhoof’s still-thirsty muzzle. “Hmmm…” Midnight paused before Upper Crust to consider that. “I hadn’t thought of that, but you know what? You’re right, Neon. There is an advantage to actually having such equipment.” She grinned, then turned back to a red-cheeked Upper Crust with a growing gleam in her glowing, cat-slitted eyes. “I might make use of that later, but all in good time. As for you, Upper Crust, I have to say that I’m actually tempted to just let you go. After all, I don’t think I can punish you worse than that public humiliation! So maybe I should just allow you to slink off in disgrace?” she suggested with a smirk, materializing a door in the wall and opening it. “You know where you can go, Sparkle!” Upper Crust ignored the door to slam her hands down hard on the ground beneath her, tears of defeat and jilted fury in her eyes. “I’ve lost Jet Set and I don’t care what you do to me now!” “Is that so?” Midnight mocked, removing the doorway by filling it back in with bricks. She was completely unsympathetic, and I can’t say I was any different given the story I’d just heard. After all, even the old me had gotten something out of sex, but Upper Crust had apparently used it strictly to assert ownership over Jet Set without ever enjoying the act of intimacy herself. “You’re just a bratty five-year old who won’t share any of her toys! And you say you don’t care what I do to you?” Her grin turned evil as the clouds above darkened and the wind picked up again. “You know, I gave you the chance to walk away, Little Miss Uppity, but if you insist on being punished? Then I’ll take that bet!” Her horn glowed as she raised her gloved hand and induced a massive windstorm to erupt around the other Shadowbolt girl. It blew directly up as if she was caught in a miniature twister, picking her up off the ground and ripping violently at her clothes as she was held suspended in the air. The howling wind slowly but tantalizingly undressed her, getting under her already-frayed school uniform and slowly but surely tearing it apart from the inside. In the space of a mere half-minute, it had ripped off her skirt, jacket and blouse in turn, progressively bearing more of her olive skin as she shrieked and tried to clutch the tatters of her uniform to her. But it was all for naught. By the time Midnight’s magical tempest relented, even Upper Crust’s stockings, bra and panties were taken, sucked up into the stormy sky. Only when she was completely naked and held suspended in the air for all to see—which included a nearby and newly opened portal through which Abyssinian cats could be seen—did Midnight cease the storm, depositing her on her bare backside in the grass. “So, still don’t care what I do to you, Upper Crust?” Midnight asked with a knowing grin as a panicked Upper Crust scrambled backwards against the stone wall her tormenter had earlier built. She tried to cover her dramatically expanded chest and crotch as Midnight loomed over her ominously, once again a dark angel of very sensual vengeance about to pass judgment on those who had sinned against her. “St-stay away…” Upper Crust said shakily. “And will you look at that—all that bravado just melted away!” Midnight noted, speaking as much to her audience as to Upper Crust herself. “Well, she always was a coward!” a sweaty and stuffed-full Sugarcoat couldn’t resist chiming in, even as she still rode her makeshift stallion, who raised its head to suckle at an enormous teat. “You can take your medicine and like it the same as the rest of us, Upper Crust!” “Oh, don’t worry—she will,” Midnight gleamed. “I admit I was drawing out your undressing a bit to consider your sentence. I believe I have a suitable one, but before that—hey, Jet Set? You’ve been a good sport, and Crustie’s major sins were much more against you than me. That being the case, do you have any requests?” she asked him. “Oh! Uh…” He had to think about that between thrusts into Trenderhoof, who was now on his back with his legs spread wide, being pounded from both ends again, though for a change, his own stallionhood was occupied as well by Pokey Pierce, who had lowered himself upon it while kissing Neon Lights over his head. “Yeah, actually. How about letting her know what it felt like to not be allowed to do anything without permission? How about making her someone else’s possession?” he suggested, and then exchanged another series of high-fives with his new lovers. “After all, I know firsthand how much she’d hate that!” “Why… you… but that’s… can’t even… we are so through!” Upper Crust stammered and then shouted at him, to which he only laughed. “Not bad!” Midnight praised, rewarding him with another inch of girth for his stallionhood, causing Trenderhoof to groan and shiver as it pried him open further. “You know, I was actually already thinking of something a little along those lines, but I think you can be accommodated, Jet Set. In that case…” Midnight’s horn glowed again, hitting Upper Crust with more mating magic that left her unbearably and irresistibly aroused, not unlike what she’d already done with Fleur de Lis. “Wha—?” Upper Crust went wide-eyed, trying with all her faltering will to fight off the effect. But just as all the other girls had discovered, she couldn’t. Her cheeks went very warm and rosy as her nipples hardened to rigid diamonds before our eyes; a glistening wetness was quickly visible between her legs around the indigo and white fur that surrounded her sex, her honey soon running freely down the insides of her thighs. “Stop… it…” she ordered through clenched teeth, to which Midnight only laughed and intensified the effect. But before the stricken teen could start pawing at herself, a series of ethereal shackles materialized, clacked themselves around her wrists and legs and then bound her to the wall, her hands pinned up over her head and legs spread just enough apart she couldn’t rub her thighs together. “H-hey!” “Sorry, Crustie, but this is by request! The first part of your punishment is courtesy of Jet Set. You’ll stay bound here and unable to go do anything or anyone—without my permission! That’s right, girlfriend—you can’t even touch yourself, no matter how badly you may want to!” “Aww… that’s mean!” Roseluck pouted from about eight feet away from me and Fluttershy, where she was still in a pile of limbs and naked flesh with her two fellow flower girls. She watched the Shadowbolt girl struggle to touch or relieve herself, finding no relief as her eyes flitted from one scene to the next, her desires stimulated further no matter where she looked. “It kind of is…” Fluttershy agreed from where her face was still buried between my marehood lips; I couldn’t help but groan in pleasure again as I wondered if I ever wanted her to move away. Upper Crust began to cry in defeat and frustrated desire as she shifted and squirmed against her magical restraints, trying unsuccessfully to simulate herself only to find herself held fast. “This is total torture, Sparkle! You’re nothing but a fucking monster!” she shouted, and this time I’ll allow the profanity, given I had a hard time disagreeing with the sentiment at that moment. “I’m afraid it’s far too late for flattery, Little Miss Uppity.” Midnight all but preened. “And what you call torture, I just call an overdue and very apt punishment! But lest our CHS friends think I’m needlessly cruel and that I’m not going to allow you any relief at all, the second part of your punishment is all mine!” Her horn and eyes began to glow again. She then bathed Upper Crust from head to toe with a spell that didn’t affect her directly, but I could tell contained some form of remote sensory magic, allowing its caster to remotely read or feel her target’s sensations or even very thoughts from afar. “Since you kept all your toys to yourself, demanded everything on your terms and didn’t care one whit what anyone else wanted, I’ll make a toy out of you!” The glowing aura engulfing her then wafted off and coalesced into a nearly exact if see-through facsimile of Upper Crust herself; an ethereal construct not at all unlike the magic-generated stallion still endlessly rutting Sugarcoat. “Huh?” Upper Crust stared at her copy in shock, who looked back at her and winked. “That’s… me!” “My, such impressive deductive abilities certainly befit our team’s chemist and statistics specialist! But who best to have you…?” Midnight applauded her mockingly, then made a show of turning contemplative, looking at all the various portals and increasingly curious denizens on the other side. “Hey, Jet Set? Tell me—out of all our otherworldly onlookers, who would she least like to be with?” “Least? With anybody she considers beneath her, which is pretty much everybody! But of our audience...?” He spared just enough attention from taking Trenderhoof’s tail to look around him, then grinned evilly and pointed at an oval opening through which a group of eight Abyssinian Saddle Arabian servant cats of various hues and both genders were watching the scene intently, rubbing up against each other as they grew increasingly aroused. “There! She hates cats! She says she’s allergic to them, but I’m pretty sure that’s just an excuse!” “I am!” Upper Crust all but shrieked, trying to draw back despite her desperate need for release as their heads turned towards her; slitted pupils locking on her. “Pl-Please Sparkle—they don’t like me and I don’t like them! Don’t let them touch me!” she said, her voice getting shaky even as her swollen sex noticeably drooled on the ground beneath her. Midnight’s grin grew broader. “Don’t worry, Miss Uppity—they won’t. At least, not directly!” she added ominously as with a lazy point of her finger, Upper Crust’s ethereal twin began walking towards the portal to Saddle Arabia. The Abyssianians inside immediately perked up in interest, meowing and gesturing excitedly amongst themselves. Standing upright as they were wont to do, they were each around three feet tall and apparently didn’t speak Equish—or excuse me, English—which was no surprise. From their very ornate vests, I’m guessing they were servants to a Stallion Sultan, meaning they would have little to no contact with Equestrians and only know their own language other than the Saddle Arabian tongue. I wasn’t sure Midnight realized that until her horn glowed again and she closed her eyes in concentration. An aura appeared around the heads of the startled felines as she quickly absorbed their language and then spoke to them in their own tongue—once again, a very difficult and complicated spell that she should have had no way of knowing, but one she had intuited easily! My envy and desire for her only grew as it got driven home yet again what an amazing magical creation she truly was. I have to admit that for a single, tantalizing moment, I considered just letting her win. Let her have her way with not just all of us, but all of creation! Let the sensual goddess she had become mold both worlds as she saw fit! That was my moment of weakness, but It was fleeting. I knew I couldn’t yet challenge her, but with the power of the Element Bearers still slowly building to a second crescendo around me, the time would come when I could. I just had to continue to let them ripen, and I’d certainly do my part to help Fluttershy along, letting her express all the kindness with me she wanted! All this flashed through my head in the space of just a few seconds as I climaxed again, crying out as she got me off for what had to be the fifth time. By the time my senses cleared, Midnight had finished speaking with the Abyssinians. In truth, I still have no idea what she said to them, but their small feline malehoods instantly became even more rigid and they began licking their lips, speaking excitedly in mews, meows and hisses while pointing at the approaching magical construct in the shape of Upper Crust. “What... what are you doing?” The real Upper Crust watched as her magical twin passed through the portal to be immediately attended by the eight vested felines, who began pawing at her see-through form and grooming her with their rough tongues, bathing her with them from head to toe. At their touch of her construct, she twitched and shivered. “Wait! I c-can feel that they’re… that’s… oooooooh!” She was unable to restrain her moan as her form laid down among them amongst the many pillows of their quarters and two feline muzzles immediately locked on to her nipples, suckling them eagerly as their paws kneaded her enlarged and increasingly laden breasts. Their efforts caused paw-shaped indentations to appear on her actual boobs in direct reflection of what was happening to her doppelganger; I could even see the weak indentations of their tongues against her skin! As they availed themselves of her, they spoke excitedly amongst themselves; I didn’t need to understand their words to know that the other felines were clamoring for their own chance to suckle, apparently expecting milk from her massive mammaries. But as she had only two, they contented themselves with simply rubbing against her or enjoying the ethereal honey oozing from between her twin’s legs, lapping it down eagerly with their rough tongues as they pressed their smaller organs into her see-through hands and feet. As they did so, those same see-through hands grasped them, translucent fingers and toes curling around them, causing those of Upper Crust herself to do the same! She then began making stroking motions with her hands, or at least as much as her restraints would allow. “Wha? I c-can feel their… y-you’re making me… they’re making me... !“ She bit her lip hard and whimpered, visibly struggling to hold back her surging sensations. It was only then I realized that Midnight’s magic-made twin of Upper Crust wasn’t just a detached copy—it had been directly wired to the Shadowbolt teen’s body, making sure she would feel everything it did! “That’s right, Upper Crust. She’s you to the point that whatever she does or experiences, so do you!” Midnight pronounced sentence of her former classmate with glee. “You know, I see from their thoughts that they’re actually servants to the local potentate! Well, that doesn’t seem fair, so now you can serve them! You belong to them now, body and soul, and so does all your milk!” “M-Milk…?” Upper Crust echoed with a dazed expression as a fresh spell washed over her, causing her breasts to expand further and begin dribbling liquid cream. “And n-now I’m lactating?” She stared down at herself in shock as through the portal, the two felines locked on her teats suddenly stopped and blinked, glanced at each other and then began redoubling their efforts, sucking and gulping down as much of her magic-generated milk as possible. “Ah! Ah! Why does this feel so—” she bit off the last word, apparently not wanting to admit how much she was enjoying it, though she did thrust her chest up first into one suckling muzzle, and then another. “Lactating? Such a clinical term for such a beautiful and completely natural process!” Midnight mocked her as Jet Set removed a hand from Trenderhoof’s flank long enough to stick two fingers in his mouth and loudly whistle his appreciation. “You should be happy, you know. Jet Set said you faked your orgasms? I see from your own memories that he’s right!” “Faked them? Half the time she just laid there like a log!” Jet Set explained in disgust. “Completely unlike Trenderhoof here!” “Oh, come on!” Roseluck shouted indignantly from where she was now on top of Lily Valley, who was very happily eating her out from below as Roseluck herself made out with Daisy, the two clutching and caressing each other in front of a portal with five rapt and exquisitely erect bat-ponies, whose long tongues were licking their muzzles and occasionally those of their neighbors, rubbing flanks and wings with each other. “I mean, first Fleur, and now her? What’s with all you Crystal Prep girls, anyway? I mean, what’s the point of even having a boyfriend if you’re not going to enjoy them?” Roseluck then asked, and even the watching thestrals nodded their agreement at that. “Hey!” Indigo shouted back from where she remained planted side by side with Sunny Flare on a pair of still-warm basaltic dildos, staring into the dragon portal. “Back off with the broad brush, missy! We’re not all like that!” “Says the girl who wouldn’t let any guy touch her!” a languid but still lust-cursed Sugarcoat countered as her equine lover continued to pump her full of glowing cum. “Well, what about me? I put out!” Sunny Flare offered from beside Indigo, only to receive derisive snorts from the four Shadowbolt boys. “Yeah, and my cock is still sore from the last time you gave head to me!” Pokey Pierce shouted around kisses with Neon Lights. “Trenderhoof here does it right!” “You hear that, girls? We don’t need you anymore!” Jet Set proclaimed happily as he took his own turn giving oral to Trenderhoof’s equine organ as he lay on his back. “And Midnight? Thanks! Seeing Crusty get punished was just as therapeutic to me as this!” he said around a mouthful of equine head. “Glad to be of service,” Midnight gave him a bow. “And since I seem to have won you over? if you want, I’ll withdraw the spell that makes you boys desire each other now,” she offered. “No way!” he shouted as the other Shadowbolt boys likewise shook their heads hard. “This is great! After years of bad sex, we’re finally getting the good stuff!” “As you wish,” Midnight smiled and nodded in satisfaction, though her horn did glow again. “I’ve modified the spell slightly—it’s the same as before, but now you can choose who you’re attracted to.” “Thanks… but we’ve already chosen! We have all we want or need right… here!” Neon Light said as Trenderhoof’s back arched and he erupted again into his waiting muzzle. “Now that’s how you do head!” With some effort, a whimpering, helplessly writhing Upper Crust extended a middle finger from her still-stroking hands towards Jet Set, only to have two feline females quickly avail themselves of her doppelganger doing the same, lowering themselves onto the protruding digits and humping them happily. Upper Crust’s eyes snapped open and jaw dropped as she realized what they were doing—what she was doing—but either from Midnight’s magic or her doppelganger acting for her, she didn’t stop. And she shortly found her open muzzle availed of as well as one of the males inserted not just his three-inch organ, but his entire applesack into her mouth, holding onto her head as he humped her. “Mmmmmph!” she squealed in protest even though there was nothing in her real mouth, but her cheeks bulged and her tongue began caressing the intruder; her throat muscles working as she made sucking and slurping sounds. “So she finally does something more productive with her mouth than complain!” Jet Set laughed, taking his hands off Trenderhoof’s hips long enough to clap. “Thanks for plugging her pie hole, kitty! It’s probably the one way she ever shuts up!” She gave him an unfocused look but couldn’t stop, even as she visibly approached orgasm courtesy of the eight amorous Abyssinians, who mewed and yowled their enjoyment of her body. Two of them remained latched hard to her teats while the others clamored for a taste, but all seemed to have found ways to pleasure themselves against her body and help their friends to do so. The two humping her hands seemed to search for more teats lower on her body as cats would have, to no avail. They seemed frustrated that they couldn’t find any but licked at the area they would be anyway while they awaited their turn, contenting themselves by thrusting their presently small phalluses through her curled fingers. Through it all, Upper Crust responded to the stimulation with bitten-off gasps and shuddering breaths; it was impossible not to see the waves of pure pleasure that kept passing through her. And yet, she still resisted, struggling to hold back the inevitable as the erotic pressure began to build to its inevitable outcome. Her eyes went wide when she sensed her body tense. “No! No! Don’t let them… don’t let me…!” She was clearly struggling to hold back her coming climax with all her waning will. “That’s right. You’re going to cum! And is that really so bad? After all, this is what you could have had all along!” Midnight told her. “But you were afraid, Upper Crust. I see from your thoughts that you didn’t want to experience orgasms because you were terrified of emotional attachment? Even I know that’s what having a mate is supposed to be about!” she hissed, and I admit that at that point, I actually agreed with her. “Well, consider this your therapy for your fear of feeling and felines!” she proclaimed, then went for the kill as her latest quarry visibly teetered on the edge. “You’re going to get off from them over and over again, Upper Crust—get off to the touch and tongues of tabbies!” “NnnooooooOOOOOOOOO!” Upper Crust shouted as her first orgasm wracked her; her sex and breasts spurting their respective fluids an impressive distance in the air as the felines whose organs her doppelganger clutched likewise erupted with far more fluid than I would have thought possible from such small malehoods, showering her translucent form with spunk that left her licking at its phantom presence all over her face and her doppelganger smearing it all over her body. Only momentarily sated, the Abyssinian servants squabbled briefly over who got to have her milk next—I know because they were pointing animatedly at her breasts and talking while drooling with their tongues hanging out of their mouths—when, without any apparent spellcasting from Midnight, a second set of teats suddenly sprouted beneath her original pair, quickly growing nearly as large as the first! It was swiftly followed by a third, and then a fourth set as she was soon sporting an eight-pack that made all the felines gape at her altered form. They stared at her new nipples hungrily, each shortly dripping with fresh warm milk before they all but attacked them, eight muzzles immediately finding and locking onto a teat as her doppelganger—and Upper Crust herself!—could only writhe and thrust her body up into them. Her hands reached around to clasp two females to her second set with her fingers in their pussies—I don’t usually use that term, but given the feline species, it certainly suits here! “Wha—? What did you do to me, you witch?” an unsteady and sorely aroused Upper Crust stared down at herself in disbelief; we could see the imprints of feline tongues and teeth against her teats as they suckled her hungrily, rapidly driving her to a second orgasm. “How interesting!” Midnight leaned forward, her hand on her chin as she studied the other female closely. “Sorry to disappoint you, but that was not my doing, Upper Crust! At least, not directly—it seems to be a side effect of my magic! For that’s twice now that sensual activity has imparted one species’ attributes to another!” she said with a nod through the portal to the dragon lands. A glance there showed that the boobified blue female had become the center of attention of not just Pinkie Pie, but every dragoness present as she orally serviced each in turn while the male dragons watched raptly. They soon got their chance with her as well when Pinkie taught her the finer points of cocksucking, while Rarity showed the females by example how to be on top and properly pleasure multiple males at once. I don’t know which held my attention more at that point, but since I’ve already devoted a lot of ink to the dragons, I’ll keep it here with Upper Crust. She arched her back against the wall and whimpered as the feline servant family continued to knead, suckle and sex her, availing themselves of her altered anatomy. The two males latched on her lower teats were flexible enough to keep suckling while taking her twat and tail; their organs still visible within her translucent form. To little surprise, the more milk they had, the more their sexual attributes expanded until the boys had human-sized equipment visibly prying her slit open—have to say, that was a fascinating sight, watching it open and close around the tapered organs that were thrusting into her—while the feline girls were acquiring a very definite human-like plumpness to their own teats. Her doppelganger’s hands found and began fondling them as two of them shifted to pleasure themselves on her original set of nipples, making out with each other over her chest! “I’m n-not enjoying this… I’m n-not…” Upper Crust claimed through gritted teeth as she squirmed as much as her still-present restraints would allow, though she seemed to be saying it to herself as much as Midnight. “I’mmmmmPH!” she stopped talking again as this time, a third female joined the action by settling in over her mouth, exchanging licks and kisses with the initial pair. Upper Crust’s doppelganger responded by licking and slurping at her feline sex, inserting her tongue as far as it would go. “Your lips say one thing, but your mind and body say another, Crustie,” Midnight leered. “I wonder how long it’ll be before you surrender completely? How many climaxes will it take before you become their willing concubine and belong to them, body and soul?” As she spoke, she created another phallic construct out of the basalt flow and placed it side by side with the others. This one was in the shape of the tapered feline organs, which she further enhanced by giving their males even more size as they concentrated on their human lover’s two bottom rows of teats while leaving the top two to the females. Seeing some boob jobs being performed by human girls, they shortly had the idea to do it as well, rearranging themselves to thrust between her bottom breasts while they grasped and kneaded her nipples. Their new actions elicited some moans from Upper Crust’s occupied muzzle, followed shortly by a second climax as she shivered, then shrieked her pleasure, inducing orgasms from all eight felines at once, leaving her doppelganger covered in male and female fluids. The display resulted in a fresh eruption of cheers from the Shadowbolt side again as Upper Crust’s orgasm only slowly ebbed, leaving her breathing raggedly and hanging limply from her magical manacles. “So what are you complaining about, Crustie? All I ever wanted from you was a little pussy, and now you’ve got eight of them, you lucky girl!” Jet Set mocked, to a groan from Upper Crust and the laughter of the other boys. One of the dazed felines—an older male?—then turned to Midnight and addressed her in the feline tongue, bowing to her while putting his front paws together, his large organ still rigidly erect. The others quickly did the same—that was a form of royal respect in Saddle Arabia, I vaguely remembered from a single state visit there I’d been with Celestia for not long after I’d become her student. Midnight smiled and spoke back to them in the same manner. They then seemed to make a request of her, pointing at the real Upper Crust, only to deflate when Midnight shook her head and gave an explanation when she saw their disappointment. But then she added an additional sentence and winked, to which they perked up immediately and excitedly before going back to Upper Crust’s doppelganger, rearranging themselves to take her all over again but give each other a chance at the various attributes they hadn’t sampled yet. And this time, Upper Crust offered no resistance. “Another classmate punished with the help of another sensually satisfied species… and such polite and cultured ones at that! I think I am truly going to like Equestria,” she said. Equestria was actually just a nation while the greater world was called Tellus, but I decided it would be best not to correct her just then. “Who the hell cares?” Rainbow Dash asked angrily; I turned to see that she had finally had enough of her friend’s trance as she bodily dragged Applejack back from the ground portal, threw her on her back and sat over her, straddling her to pin her in place as she still tried to crawl her way back towards a stallion-mounted Sugarcoat. As I watched, she then slapped her friend, hard and repeatedly. “Dammit AJ, snap out of it!” “Huh? Wha?” Applejack spoke for the first time in what seemed like forever, intercepting Rainbow’s hand on the fifth swing, her cheeks struck red. “Enough, dagnabbit! Oh, uh… hey Dash…” She blushed hard as she finally noted all the additional activity around her as well with wide eyes and an ever-deepening flush on her freckled cheeks. “Reckon Ah got a mite too engrossed there…” “Oh, ya think?” Rainbow replied sarcastically. “It ain’t that I mind eating you out, girlfriend! it’s that I mind you nearly dragging us both into that open portal over there trying to get to Sugarcoat!” “I did?” Applejack blinked, then looked back over at her and blushed hard. “Uh, Dash… ya know yer hand’s in my pantry, right?” Abruptly, Rainbow looked down to realize her left hand was cupped firmly against Applejack’s right breast. But even though she blushed further, she didn’t immediately withdraw it. “You complaining?” she challenged with a smirk from her mounted position, giving her girlfriend’s mammary a squeeze. “How’s this different from any of our usual dates?” “Except for lacking our usual foreplay of beating up bullies and barflies? Reckon it ain’t, accept that we’re both packing just a bit more in the pantry now…” AJ noted with a nod down at their still-swelling breasts; the pair’s attention on each other for just a moment instead of everything else around them. “Not that I mind…” she admitted as she reached up to pull Rainbow Dash’s head down to hers before Midnight’s voice pulled them back to the present. “Enjoy yourself and all your extra boobs, Crusty! Looks like you’ve got a very promising future as a fertile feline milkmaid! So who’s left?” Midnight wondered aloud before her eyes turned angry again. “Oh, right—my two least favorite classmates. But as I want to save the most grievous offender for the grand finale, let’s start with…“ Her eyes narrowed as she floated upwards to gaze down at the courtyard, scanning it once before her glowing gaze settled on the huddled and hidden form of… “Sour Sweet!” she shouted with a snarl, yanking her hard into the air and then flinging her back against a tree, which quickly curled its branches around her legs and arms, pinning her. “We need to have a little talk about the way you’ve treated me in gym class…” > 12: Sour Sweetened Part 1 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sour Sweet!” Midnight snarled as she magically plucked her classmate out of the bushes she was hiding in. But instead of pulling her forward, she threw her classmate backwards, pinning her against a large tree. Its branches sprouted tendrils that curled around the other girl’s wrists and ankles before pulling them apart, leaving her standing but spread-eagled and helpless. Her school uniform had torn in several suggestive locations from the bush brambles that had snagged her when she was pulled free of them, breaking her vest button and leaving a large tear right over her left breast. To little surprise, given Midnight’s magical influence, it had gone clear through her bra without damaging the underlying skin and showed the outer edge of the areola, along with a significant area of the surrounding mammary, which was bulging through the rip.  I’d figured out by then that your boobs grew when you got turned on, as it enabled you to absorb more of Midnight’s mating magic, so clearly she liked at least some of what she’d seen, even in hiding. “We need to have a little talk about the way you’ve been treating me in gym class…” Even though she was trapped, the freckled girl stared at Twilight in deliberate disdain. To her credit, she swallowed her fear and worked up some sass despite the danger she was in. “So good to see you, Sparkle!” she spoke sweetly at first, true to her name. “Now listen... I know you’re a little upset and I’d be really happy to help you resolve all your sexual hang-ups, but I’m a bit tied up right now. And you know, you were a lot more my type when you weren’t a vengeful demigoddess drunk on her own power!” Her mood changed abruptly as she spat out the last words angrily, her fists clenching over her head. “And what type is that?” Midnight all but snarled as she hovered before the other girl. Her body magically matured and grown, she now stood several inches taller than her classmate who, I noticed, was looking right into her cleavage. “Easy to bully and take advantage of? Never mind how much you enjoyed putting me down or feeling me up depending on your mood, do you have any idea how much I hated being around you in gym class?” “It was all motivation!” Sour Sweet claimed with an ingratiating grin that made me want to pull an AJ and smack her on the spot, regardless of how deep Fluttershy’s tongue was working into me. “Just trying to help you bring up your gym scores! And besides, I wasn’t about to lose an athletic competition because you couldn’t pull your weight to save your life.” Her smile turned to a sneer. “How thoughtful!” Midnight mimicked Sour Sweet’s former voice and mannerisms perfectly even as her eyes narrowed further. “The only motivation I got was to stay as far away from you as I could! But I suppose, to be fair, you did give me some genuinely helpful encouragement. Like when I was struggling to do a single pull-up, you squeezed my butt in front of everybody while I was hanging from the bar!” she hissed. Though she paled, Sour Sweet couldn’t quite seem to help herself. “It worked, didn’t it? You pulled yourself up instantly! Hey, I was just trying to help you pass your fitness test, Sparkle!” she claimed ever-so-sweetly before she turned sullen again. “You were dragging down our class average and I didn’t want to lose to Indy’s third-period class again! And besides, your butt was too cute not to grope.” And this time, even in her sour state, her fingers flexed like they were squeezing something. “And yanking off my shorts and panties afterwards in front of everyone while I was still up there clinging to the bar?” Midnight glared. “Just trying to lighten your load!” Sour Sweet's voice went singsong again before dropping back to a growl. “You were embarrassing us. And you know you liked it...” she muttered under her breath as an afterthought, looking away. “Sure I did. And what about chasing after me while we were running track, threatening to undress me if you caught me?” Midnight growled. “Just giving you some incentive like any good classmate! You improved your best mile time by half a minute with me chasing you, making the minimum standard!” She grinned salaciously before turning grouchy again. “And if Coach Iron Will hadn’t shown up on the last lap, I would’ve caught you.” Midnight stared at her, the sky darkening and wind increasing as her ire steadily grew. “And putting your hand beneath my chest when I was struggling to sustain a plank?” I got a distinct impression that she was giving Sour Sweet enough rope to hang herself. “Hey, I waited until you were tired! You stayed up there for another twenty seconds, earning a passing score!” Sour Sweet pointed out eagerly before her mood shifted again, this time taking a tone I could only describe as sullen but sultry as she spoke under her breath. “I was just making sure we didn’t have to take remedial training with Iron Will because of you! And besides, I saw your tits go hard, right before they fell into my hands!” she finished with a leer. “Admit it, Sparkle. For as perverted as you’ve been acting here, you loved it.” “‘Loved it’?” Midnight echoed derisively as a lightning bolt struck directly between her and Sour Sweet, causing the latter to flinch hard even as her own tits went rock hard while she awaited her fate; her breasts bulging out between her growing tears further. “Of course I did. Because there’s nothing that makes a girl feel better than being carried back to the clinic by you and Zesty with your hands all under my clothes!” “Don’t blame us because you couldn’t get there without help! Iron Will told us to take you there! Besides, you didn’t fight us, filly.” She grinned again. “Because I couldn’t!” Midnight snarled with another flash of lightning and sharp boom of thunder that even caused heads to turn towards her in worry from the dragon portal, where some of the drakes and drakinas were pointing and whispering even as they rutted. Still, I had to give Sour Sweet credit—the girl had some serious horse apples to go with her bipolar routine. “My arms were too tired! And so were my legs after the run!” Midnight spat out. “I could barely walk or even lift a pencil the rest of the day! And once everybody else figured that out, I got groped every time I turned a corner!” “Which means you got maximum benefit from the exercise!” Sour Sweet quickly pointed out eagerly with a lascivious look into Midnight’s now-ample cleavage. “Your performance that day was a credit to my motivational methods! And afterwards, I was just collecting payment for the personal training session. You’ve got a ripe and wriggly rear, Sparkle.” The ground began to quake around Sour Sweet in direct reflection of Midnight’s growing rage as for the first time, I daresay I mentally gave Midnight blanket permission to do whatever she wanted to the other girl in retaliation.  But instead of doing so immediately, the tremors stopped as Midnight’s smile turned sickly-sweet. “You were such a Sweetie!” she mimicked in the same singsong voice, clasping her hands by her cheek as I’d seen Sour Sweet do. “It’s all true, I passed my fitness test and got to the clinic thanks to you! And you say I owed you payment? In that case, I know exactly how I can repay you!” “How’s that? By letting me give you an Archery lesson so you don’t embarrass us again?” Sour Sweet suggested hopefully, then glared over at where Applejack and Rainbow Dash were in an intimate heap with each other by the ground portal. “And now I’m jealous of AJ for getting her paws on you…” “Oh, please!” Applejack called out from her back. “Unlike the rest of y’all, I wasn’t trying to molest her!” “What the hell kind of school is Crystal Prep?” Rainbow Dash asked aloud in a disgust that belied her lovemaking with Applejack. Have to say, I’d never seen those two go at it, but they were sure enjoying each other now. “Is everybody there a colossal pervert?” “No. Just completely cutthroat in all aspects of social and sexual interaction in a place where winning and personal status was prized over friendship and healthy relationships,” Sugarcoat admitted as she now eagerly stroked the lower phallus of her stallion suitor, hugging the enormous lower shaft it to her belly and chest as the upper remained embedded deep within her proverbial tail. “And it started at the top with Principal Cinch.” “It wasn’t always like that!” Dean Cadance shouted from the upper floor window where she continued to make out passionately with an equally naked Celestia. Luna herself wasn’t visible except for a single blue leg draped over her sibling’s shoulder, leaving me thinking she was lying beneath the pair, servicing Cadance orally while Celestia ground her marehood against her sister’s. “When Principal Sombra was here, he was hard but fair! He demanded excellence, but not at the expense of tearing each other down!” she claimed as a new portal opened beside them to what looked like the interior of a Changeling hive, causing the startled faces and the pupil-less green eyes of the insectile drones that inhabited it to turn towards the scene in shock. “Oh, he was hard all right…” Principal Celestia admitted between kisses of Cadance and Luna’s leg between them. “When our schools competed, it was for bragging rights and who got to be on top!” “Wow. You were a really poor Principal, Abacus Cinch,” Maud told her as she continued to lovingly lick and caress every inch of Cinch’s now-naked stony form; to her credit, the Crystal Prep school head looked pretty good for being middle-aged, at least as much as I could tell given she was now rendered in granite. “But you’re also a really good lover and an excellent listener. So I forgive you.” She dropped between Cinch’s petrified legs and began licking at their junction; I wasn’t sure, but I thought I might have seen actual honey running down her petrified thighs. “You heard it straight from the horse’s mouth, Rainbow Dash,” Midnight said, noting Maud’s remarks and the new race in passing but otherwise paying them little mind. “It was, as Sugarcoat says, as unhealthy a social and sexual environment as you could have. And to think that Sour Sweet here was only the second-worst offender,” she growled. “Only second? I’m insulted,” Sour Sweet replied with a sneer. “I always get my girl, Sparkle. I wasn’t about to let Zesty have you before me. And besides, have you ever thought that you were just so adorably needy and had such a beautiful butt that I just wanted to help you?” Sour Sweet suggested with an infuriatingly ingratiating grin before her expression dropped again. “Or maybe you were just so cute but timid that I just wanted to help myself to you…” her sour personality couldn’t help but admit; I couldn’t help but note in turn that she switched between the two parts of her dual persona even easier than Pinkie Pie did. Midnight’s glowing, violet-rimmed eyes narrowed again. “Between chasing me in gym class and trying to molest all the incoming freshgirls, I will never understand how you found the time to master physics and quantum theory.” “And I’ll never understand why you never wanted to be touched given you could have used your pretty purple pussy to have all the guys and girls at Crystal Prep on a string!” Sour Sweet instantly retorted.  “Brains and beauty, Sparkle. You had them both, but you never used them for anything except pointless pursuits like your obsessive investigations into magic! Such a waste of body and mind! You may as well have just taken all your potential and thrown it all into a supermassive singularity,” she said to dig her claws in deeper; I got the impression that her put-downs were how she cowed other girls and made them amenable to her advances, which just made her all the more despicable in my eyes. And those of AJ and Rainbow, given I heard the latter growl.  “Well, those investigations bore fruit! And I don’t think we’ll need a supermassive singularity. Not when a miniature one will do...” Midnight stated, the wind starting to whip around her as both electricity and raw arcane energy crackled, dazzling my magical awareness with how much power she was pouring into a single point. She held her gloved hands as if they were cupping a small ball as she fed it with more and more magic into it until suddenly, a black dot appeared that seemed to distort the very air around it.  She continued to feed it aura from what seemed like her limitless reserves until the inky blackness grew to roughly the size of a basketball, though she had it confined in some sort of stasis field, then held it before an agape Sour Sweet, who was struck speechless for one of the few times in her life. I didn’t blame her as I stared in awe at the impossible feat. Had that goddess of a girl just created a freaking black hole? “So what do you think, Sour Sweet?” Midnight then held it up before her. It seemed to distort the very light around it, bending it like a funhouse mirror around a basketball-sized globe. “I made it just for you! A pristine, non-rotating singularity—the so-called ‘Eternal’ black hole. These don’t occur in nature, you know! And at this size, they’d hardly be ‘eternal’ given they’d evaporate quickly from Hawking radiation, but don’t worry—I’m preventing that from happening. And restricting its more deleterious effects… for now.” “But… how?” Sour Sweet stared at the celestial construct in a mixture of horror and wonder. “Magic.” Midnight’s grin turned evil again. “That ‘pointless pursuit’ you mentioned before. I have to admit, it’s kind of fun holding a black hole in my hand. Still, a non-rotating black hole is rather boring—even its Penrose diagram is disgustingly simple, possessing only a single reflected reality…” “So let’s make it more interesting, shall we? Let me just start it spinning…”  She balanced it on a gloved finger as she focused her magic, then began making motions with her other hand like she was spinning a basketball. Her inflowing magic started whirling faster and faster around the edges as it flattened into an accretion disk that caused the entire singularity edge to glow as light was bent around it.  The faster it spun, the more the singularity’s distortion slowly distended, making the impossible object bulge out from the equator while shrinking into itself at the poles like a doughnut with not a hole but shallow divots on both sides. “Almost there…” Midnight announced as Sour Sweet could only gape. I didn’t know what she was trying to do until suddenly, the pitch-black central area abruptly became see-through, showing a dark ring as well as a roiling storm of energy inside. “Got it! So, Sour Sweet… what do your physics and quantum theory texts say about this?” She floated it closer and presented it to the other girl, causing strands of her green and magenta hair to reach up towards it from the front of her scalp.  “What… what did you…” I got the distinct impression that Sour Sweet already knew what it was but somehow couldn’t accept it. “I sped up its rotation to superluminal speeds to reach an R-value of 1! I’m sure you know what happens when the outer and inner event horizons merge?” Midnight explained triumphantly. “A naked singularity?” Sour Sweet gaped anew. “But... the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis makes that impossible!” “Right in one! A naked singularity. Apt, don’t you think, given our general state of undress?” Midnight grinned; she was clearly immensely enjoying the banter. “And there’s this funny thing about magic, Sour Sweet—enough of it makes everything possible. Unlike with our realm, it allows for very easy transitions between matter and energy… and back!  “So, I simply fed a tiny area of space enough magical energy and converted it to mass until it surpassed the critical value, then spun it up to superluminal speeds. And now I hold the ultimate universal power in my hands…” Midnight said gleefully, staring at it like she was mesmerized by a flame. “So tell me, Sour Sweet.. if I dropped my shield, what do you think would happen?” Sour Sweet drew back as much as the tree she was bound to would allow. “Are you trying to destroy all reality, Sparkle?” she asked in an uncharacteristically shaky voice. “Now why would I do that? I just wanted to make something suitable to your interests as a tool for your sensual punishment!” “Now why would I think you would?” Sour Sweet replied in her sour voice, though it sounded more unsteady than snarky. “Maybe it was the all the tears you’ve made in freaking spacetime!" She blanched hard as she found herself staring the singularity in the face. But Midnight only laughed. “Those are but simple interdimensional rifts, easily sealed by my power. But I’d much rather leave them open right now given we’re learning so much about the different Equestrian races! Besides, you of all students should know that black holes have but three properties, Sour Sweet: mass, charge, and spin. My creation is no different! But by charging it with magic instead of electricity, I can make it far less indiscriminate in its effects! For example…” She moved it close to the neck of the still-clothed girl, causing her to whimper in fear. But there was no visible effect on her even as the front of her bow seemed to dissolve in slow motion as it neared the darkened globe, turning into thin strings of dust-like matter that flowed directly into the impossibly dense orb. Midnight then moved it fractionally closer, causing the effect to spread wider, progressively dissolving her classmate’s clothes with extreme but carefully targeted tidal gravity around the impossibly small singularity, leaving an expanding circular arc of bare skin that soon included the start of her cleavage. “Enjoying the caress of the ergosphere? Since it was made with my magic, I can modify the singularity’s gravitational and time dilation effects to limit them to anything I want—like your clothes!”  She then moved the torus-like anomaly lower, to the bottom of Sour Sweet’s plaid skirt to begin erasing it from the bottom up, though she stopped it short of her crotch, leaving her showing just a hint of her panties. “Of course, all infalling matter would normally appear to freeze in time from an outside perspective at the event horizon. But strip the event horizons away? Some very interesting effects can then be realized,” she mused as she then withdrew the orb slightly, the positioned it right over the girl’s left breast and moved it inwards again, causing her blouse and underlying bra to slowly dissolve her top in a steadily growing circle, sucking the matter into its maw in slow motion. The effect started at her sorely erect nipple and moved outwards, baring first one breast and then the other to reveal that she had pierced nipples, with double-ended studs at oblique mirrored angles through both. “Wow… b-bet her ma didn’t approve o’ that…” a distracted Applejack said as she sat up while Rainbow’s hand snaked between her legs. “You said it!” Rainbow answered from atop her, not taking her eyes off Midnight and Sour Sweet even as she began to probe her friend. “How garish!” An otherwise occupied Rarity said from across the dragon portal in an intrigued tone as she took a turn with the females, who were bathing her with their tongues and hot breath from head to toe. From what I could hear, they seemed particularly enamored of her spearmint flavor, which they found impossibly but quite pleasantly cooling on their normally hot maws and tongues. “I think they’re neato! I hear they make boobs real sensitive! In fact, I bet you’d look good with them, Rares!” Pinkie proclaimed as she sat at the center of attention of four dragon drakes. “So how about it, boys? Can you make gold studs like she wears?” “Using gold from our hoards? No problem!” Rift Zone promised as he held her up and took her tail from behind. “Wow. Nice!” Midnight herself said in approval as she withdrew her impossible creation enough to behold both the piercings before returning it to float it over Sour Sweet’s crotch, shortly revealing her furless marehood as Sour Sweet could only squirm and whimper; I was getting the distinct feeling that she was reacting to not just being unclothed in such an exotic and scientifically improbable manner, but the caress of the cosmic creation itself. “Would you look at that… nipple and clit piercings on top of a shaved pussy! So, Sour, just who were you trying to impress?” the transformed Twilight asked as she continued to run the outer edge of the singularity over the remains of the girl’s clothes, erasing them from existence until they sloughed off her entirely. “Principal Cinch!” her sweet side answered automatically and eagerly; I was quickly learning that side of her personality had almost as much compunction to tell the unspoken truth as Sugarcoat. “She liked them. It’s how she marked her favorite girls! And besides, Zesty was right. The studs do increase sensitivity…” She wriggled them at Midnight in something approaching enticement “Told ya!” Lemon Zest’s voice rang out, though with all the wind and other distortions around, I couldn’t tell where she was. Midnight smirked. She then allowed more of the black hole’s gravity to be felt, causing it to slurp up the remains of Sour Sweet’s clothes quickly, leaving her as naked as the singularity before her. And either from Midnight’s mating aura or from the touch of the impossible artifact, it left her sorely aroused with her teats rigid and fluid coating her thighs. “Zesty is going to get hers shortly. But my focus is on you for now, Sour Sweet. So how best to punish you...” She caressed the other girl’s freckled light orange cheek with the edge of the singularity’s distortion, causing the skin to ripple and the other girl to take a shuddering gasp at the contact. “Given how much you like girls, maybe I should just make you a threesome with Indy and Sunny over there?” “No!” The latter two shouted from their involuntary erotic embrace before Midnight silenced them by causing two facsimiles of Abyssinian organs to grow from the basalt bench behind them. They sprouted upwards and began pushing directly into their tails, stretching them out further. The question seemed to trigger another of Sour Sweet’s patented mood swings. “Girls are fun!” Her face lit up, only to just as quickly fall. “But not those two....” “Yeah, because last time you tried groping me, I broke your freakin’ wrist!” Indigo reminded her through gritted teeth. “Wow… I think I’m starting to like her, AJ!” Rainbow noted as she buried three fingers in her girlfriend’s snatch.  “Figures… Ya always did go for the lunkhead types!” Applejack teased as she propped herself on her hands, arching her back against the contact.. “Well, why do you think I’m in love with you?” Rainbow instantly turned it back on her as Indigo could only growl. Midnight noted the exchange in passing, giving them a glance and smirk. “Aw… since when have you ever been shy about feeling up females, Sweetie? Or are they only ‘fun’ if they don’t fight back? Well, it’s too late now!” Midnight mocked in Sour Sweet’s own voice. “Now as to your punishment…”  Her voice trailed off as a new portal opened beside them, and this one wasn’t one of the usual ragged rips or rifts in reality she had created. It was a near-perfect circle with a fluorescing blue rim through which I could see what appeared to be an opulent chamber lit by firegems with white stone walls, and as I watched, a new equine being stepped directly through it. She was of alicorn size and appearance given she had both large wings and a long unicorn horn. But her wings were membrane instead of feathered; her eyes were slitted like the Nighborne thestrals I could see through the portal by Roseluck and the other two flower girls, but a pale yellow that paired with an equally pallid, barely-pink coat. She was staring in awe—not at a surprised Midnight but at the singularity she had created and still sat beside her, hovering placidly before them except for the continuing inflow of discarded clothes, which I’m sorry to say included my favorite leather jacket as it seemed to suck up every single thread of fabric within range. “So the Nether spoke true…” the new arrival whispered in a slightly odd accent, falling to her knees before the impossible creation. “The greatest engine of cosmic creation and destruction laid bare… yet held in thrall by an impossibly large magical power…” she said mostly to herself, far more interested in the black hole before her than the sex going on around her. And from what I knew of her, that was in itself almost an impossible feat. The High Priestess? HERE? was all I could immediately think as Fluttershy continued to eat me out from behind; her tongue never tiring for as long as her kindness didn’t run out. It was only then the new arrival turned to Midnight and all but prostrated herself before her. “Greetings from the Temple of Karabor in the sovereign state of Batican City, young human goddess. I am Juniper Neptune XXX, High Priestess of the Highborne Thestrals and steward of the sacred energies of the Twisting Nether.”  She bowed low before Midnight, not caring in the least that her silk robe and crystal slippers were being dissolved right off her body, revealing an enormous equine organ that hung half-hard beneath her belly. “And what you have created is what all my line has sought for centuries—the ultimate engine of destruction and creation! The ability to travel freely and cross into different realms—even create them! For it is said that to unshroud the sacred vortex is to enable access to all times and realms!” she explained almost frantically, flaring her large wings in deep respect.  “I beseech thee, young goddess… please allow me access to it! By all thirty of my long line, please teach me how to use it!” “I see…” Midnight considered her curiously, a gaping Sour Sweet momentarily forgotten; I couldn’t help but note that the Nightborne on the other side of the portal by Roseluck and the other two flower girls were staring in shock at her, pointing and whispering excitedly to themselves.  “You believe that by creating a naked singularity, I have in fact opened an accessible Einstein-Rosen bridge. You believe it would enable you to travel great distances and even explore parallel universes—perhaps you could even access a newborn universe on the other side, where the black hole turns into a white hole, molding it as you would wish!” “But… white holes are a myth!” a badly flushed and freaked Sour Sweet shouted, both her personalities united for one rare moment—which was an amazing accomplishment in and of itself. “Look at the damned Penrose diagram! They can only exist in the infinite past!” “Of our universe, perhaps. But of a brand-new one at the start of time?” Midnight retorted. “Our esteemed visitor is correct. To create a naked singularity means that the possibilities of research—of all reality—are endless! It would enable you to travel not just through vast distances of space, but even through time itself! And yet, such purely scientific pursuits must wait. I would explore them myself in the presence of our honored guest, but business before pleasure, after all.” She favored the thestralcorn priestess with a nod. “Greetings to you, Juniper Neptune the XXXth. I must admit, I am very impressed that you were able to come here, crossing the realms of your own accord. Your portal spell is well-designed and surprisingly stable. I might wish to make use of it myself instead of tearing such crude rifts in reality.” “It is yours to use as you see fit! But it does have limits. I was only able to cross because the chaotic energies and weakened interdimensional barriers you have caused allowed my power to produce one—something that normally is only the case during rare interstellar ley line convergences! I admit I feared for the safety of both realms should I sunder the boundaries further, but how could I not come? Not see this magnificent creation for myself?” She got as close to it as she dared, staring transfixed at the twisted torus shape and swirling energies within the black orb—none of which should even have been visible but for the fact the event horizons had been impossibly stripped away. “It is the very embodiment of both infinity and eternity… a portal to all possibilities! I know not how you created it, but I humbly ask again that you show me its secrets. Teach me how to make it! And how to use it!” Midnight’s smile only grew. “Very well, Juniper Neptune. As you have been nothing but reverent and respectful—completely unlike my classmates!—I will grant your wish. But first, you must do something for me.” “And how may I serve a goddess?” the High Priestess asked, bowing low. Midnight grinned. “I could not help but note you have some extra… equipment,” she nodded down at the impressive and now-rigidly erect phallus beneath the thestralcorn mare’s belly; it was nearly as large as the one rutting Sugarcoat, who for once, had fallen completely silent as she stared openmouthed. “Please tell me—how did you come about that? Did I somehow do it?” “My stallionhood? No. I have had it ever since my ascension to High Priestess. It is a long story, but it is both the boon and the curse of my line.” She stretched out her now-naked body to show it off. “If the price for your aid is to serve you with it, then I will gladly pay it!” “Wait—she’s a dickgirl?” Sour Sweet recoiled, but both mages ignored her. “Don’t insult her! It’s called futa if she’s got both sets of gear!” Jet Set reminded her with a glance over his shoulder. “Figures you’d like it! Futa is so gay!” a disgusted Upper Crust claimed from where she was still bound to the wall, though her doppleganger continued to feed and fondle the eight felines as her many mammaries endlessly oozed milk. “No, it isn’t!” he shouted back, at which point a massive argument erupted on the Crystal Prep side of the field that would have done certain online forums proud. Midnight rolled her eyes but otherwise paid them no mind. “Long stories are so tiresome. As you are clearly an incredibly powerful mage—I might even call you a peer!—let us simply share our thoughts and memories…” She closed her eyes in concentration as she cast a telepathy spell; one rapidly matched by a far more practiced and elegant one from the High Priestess. Ten seconds elapsed before the two opened their eyes again. “I see. You are the latest in a long line of Juniper Neptunes; not immortal but passing on your powers, physical attributes, and memories to each new host in turn,” Midnight recited. “Your male equipment and insatiable sexual appetites came from the original High Priestess, who sought to usurp the prevailing order and gain godhood in some rather… questionable ways.  “But you have different motivations than your progenitor. You seek the secrets to ultimate cosmic power and knowledge for the benefit of not just yourself, but the entire Highborne race.” “And you, Midnight Sparkle, are the ultimate expression and avatar of magic itself,” Juniper rejoined. “Your ascension was accidental, but not undeserved given your brilliant mind and equally ceaseless efforts to understand the arcane energies of my world! “But before leaving this realm behind forever to live as the goddess you have become, you wish to punish those who tormented you and reward those who helped you.” She motioned with a large bat wing at the scene around her as if it was normal. Which given her line’s well-known proclivities—ceaselessly horny and always at least half-erect from what I’d read—it might well have been. Her next words confirmed it. “I wholeheartedly approve of such sentiments and appreciate your rather inventive methods, given they are not far removed from how I… mark holy days and discipline disobedient disciples.” Her organ twitched hard as her long chiropteran tongue circled her muzzle as she bared her sharp teeth in a salacious grin.  “If you will grant me the secrets of this shroudless ‘singularity’ as you call it, I will be more than happy to serve you however you wish. Including helping you with such enjoyable endeavors.” She lowered her head and splayed her wings in a formal bow. “Very well, Juniper Neptune—you are truly a mare after my own heart! I accept your gracious offer, and in turn, I offer up my next punishment to you. Before you stands the human girl known as Sour Sweet—I’m sure you know her crimes against me well from my shared memories.” “I do indeed,” the High Priestess said thinly, turning to stare at the girl, sizing her up little differently than she would a piece of meat—which, it should be said here, bat-ponies do eat; the dark-furred Nightborne in particular had many rituals around hunting. “I am only too familiar with her ilk, as my line has encountered them repeatedly in the past. So be assured that the thirty lifetimes of memory within me means I know well how to deal with them. I will simply treat her as I would a boastful and unruly acolyte who does not know her place. So the only question before me now is simple: just how shall I deal with you, you insulting, intrusive and abusive filly?” She turned to the human girl and regarded her lazily as Sour Sweet struggled mightily not to shake. “I gather from your earlier words that you are knowledgeable of these holy objects as well. You clearly understand their great potential, but shall we see what more personal pursuits they allow for?” She brought it closer with an evil grin.. “Be careful with that thing…” Sour Sweet’s voice had gone noticeably unsteady again.  “Worry not. It is true that the embrace of the sacred vortex is final and normally inescapable. But as your former ‘schoolmate’ has made plain, this one is charged with massive amounts of magic instead of mere mass. And with it, she has removed its normally impenetrable shroud, unveiling its interior.  “Though I very much wish to use it immediately to explore and shape new realms—it is truly a tool of the Gods!—there are other, far more mundane uses for it. So, let us see how I might manipulate it to serve far more sensual ends… with your permission, Midnight Sparkle?” she hastened to add with a glance back. “You have it,” Midnight said with an eager grin and nod as she floated back a few steps to watch. “And be honored, Sour Sweet. I was just planning to punish you with one of your favorite celestial subjects, but it turns out you’re going to be a scientific pioneer—the first to experience and observe the insides of a naked singularity! “Oh, I’m so honored to see my body matter spaghettified and reduced to quantum dust by extreme tidal gravity!” she said sweetly, if somewhat sickly. To her credit, she followed that up by shifting moods and even actually managing some sullen snark again. “I bet Stephen Hawking never had to put up with this…” Juniper’s slitted yellow eyes narrowed. “No. Stephen Hawking—peace be upon him—just had to ‘put up’ with a crippling disease that progressively destroyed the use of his body. But did he stop his search for knowledge? Not at all,” the High Priestess announced in annoyance, earning a shocked look from Sour Sweet and even a startled one from Midnight. “For seeking understanding of all space and time, as well as making discoveries not even my line knew of, I very much respect him as both a peer and a prophet. In truth, I would have invited him to the Temple of Karabor and made him an honorary Sage of the Stars if I could. But sadly, even before his death he was too frail to make the journey, and repairing his broken body was beyond even my considerable power.” She closed her eyes in regret, and even Midnight seemed to be given pause; she fell silent and looked away upon hearing the story. For one of the few times in her life, Sour Sweet looked speechless. “You met him?” “Of course I did! Do not be surprised, obtuse and insulting young mare. My line seeks to tap the infinite power and possibilities of the Twisting Nether, or the multiverse as you call it, and we are not picky about where the knowledge to do so comes from! I actually have a Penrose diagram I borrowed from your world in my personal study,” she noted as she projected an image of it from her horn into the air. “Needless to say, I am more than happy to learn what insights human science has to offer on the subject, and to that end, I have read his books and even sat in on his seminars,” she concluded as she cut the projection. “Looking like that?” Sour Sweet gaped at her thestralcorn form. “No. Like this.” The leucistic mare grinned as her horn glowed. Her form seemed to not so much change as flow as she stood upright and fluidly transformed into a human, her barely pink fur melting into very pallid skin while her ample teats migrated from her crotch to her chest. Either by accident or design, they caressed the sides of her rigidly erect organ as they did so, causing her to hum happily. When her transformation was finished before a newly shocked Sour Sweet, she was a tall and slender human woman with pure white hair and pale yellow eyes; her skin only a slight shade of pink less pallid than her mane. She was utterly gorgeous by any standard, doubly so as she had made it a point to keep her horn, cat eyes, bat-wings and fangs in her new form, giving her the appearance of a voluptuous vampire queen. “Once again, you impress me, Juniper Neptune,” Midnight complimented, openly ogling her admittedly impressive curves, which included a large set of apples and still-equine organ that hung at nearly the same level as Sour Sweet’s crotch. “That is a very smooth and well-practiced spell.” “Thank you, Midnight Sparkle. I cannot say it was my invention—Juniper Neptune the 19th has that honor—but it is one I am quite well-versed in after eleven lifetimes of practice. Meet my human form, young Sour Sweet, though I normally hide my horn, wings and pointed teeth.” she bared them with her grin, causing Sour Sweet to shiver and lick her lips nervously. “I see you like it as well? I do admit this upright body has certain… advantages over a purely equine one. “I would be lying if I said I had not indulged myself in this form with a few lucky members of your race… though some of the men I mated did have to get over a certain shock.” She gave a toothy grin as she reached down to stroke her shaft. “But they came around quickly enough, like all of my stallion acolytes. Or perhaps I should say, they came quickly enough when they discovered they enjoyed having their tails taken. So it will be with you.” She grinned leeringly as she nodded down at her eighteen-inch erection, which was no smaller than what it had been as a pony. She placed its tip between Sour Sweet’s spread legs, not quite touching her but dangerously close to doing so. “Be honored, Sour Sweet. For the High Priestess does not normally lower herself to rutting school-age fillies!” “Well, I’m not! Dick is ick!” Sour Sweet stared down at the equine organ in revulsion, only for her gaze to quickly turn rapt. “Unless it’s attached to a really hot chick…” her other personality spoke up, causing her to gape and clamp her jaw shut while her classmates began to laugh. “Hate it, do you? Then you insult not just me, but my entire line, you two-faced filly!” Arcane energies distinct from Midnight’s started to swirl around her. “Though I will grant you some leniency for being referred to as a ‘really hot chick’… I will make sure you enjoy yourself, as much as I know at least half of you would hate that.” “Actually, all of her will. She hates it when she’s not in control,” Sugarcoat offered unhelpfully even as she approached climax again, earning a sharp glare. “Do you ever shut your mouth, Sugarcoat?” Sour Sweet snarled. “Look who’s talking!” Sunny Flare shouted around kisses of Indigo, the two now rotated towards each other so they could continue to make out while still planted firmly on the phallic constructs beneath them. “We hate her too! So give that cock-hating bitch every inch, miss vampire queen!” Indigo demanded. “Vampire…” Juniper rolled her eyes and shook her head in disgust. “Your classmates try even my patience, Midnight Sparkle.”  “I know. But that just makes punishing them all the sweeter,” Midnight pointed out with a smile. “And I eagerly wait to see what you plan to do with her.” “Then you shall wait no longer! Let us start with this…” she floated the slightly donut-shaped black hole closer and brushed a cringing Sour Sweet with its periphery; it was hard to see around the gravitational distortion but it looked like she moved the outer edge of the distortion field—I think it was called the ergosphere? Or at this point, should that be the erogenousphere?—over the captive girl’s left breast. The sweating but sorely aroused girl visibly bit off a gasp as it tugged on her mammary with invisible force, drawing more blood into it and the pierced teat that capped it. The nipple actually stuck to the singularity—or excuse me, ringularity since it was spinning at superluminal speeds—briefly, but then impossibly, it released it, as it was then drawn away, causing her breast to recoil and bounce upwards in slow motion. Sour Sweet had to bite off a sharp gasp. “Wha…?” she said in disbelief as Juniper grinned knowingly. “Remarkable, isn’t it? Without its sacred shroud, the vortex becomes fully escapable and the ‘singularity’ itself accessible, along with its accompanying ‘wormhole’ to other times and places—though in truth, I despise the latter term, for making it sound like an invertebrate-dug tunnel!  “But no matter. I’m sure you also note how time slowed down in its presence, resulting in a much longer-lasting, low wave of pleasure instead of a short burst,” the High Priestess noted as if she was giving an erotic seminar.  “Thanks to your former classmate’s magic, I can now control just what it affects and how strongly. But make no mistake, Sour Sweet—it is no less irresistible. As am I!” She bent the tree Sour Sweet was bound backwards to lay her flat with an arched back; it gave a sharp creak but did not break. She then stepped forward to straddle the shaking Shadowbolt girl, nestling her long half-equine, half-avian erection between the schoolgirl’s studded breasts with its drooling tip dangling before her quivering mouth.  Juniper smiled toothily as she watched the girl try to resist her own urges as well as the sight and smell of the large equine organ hovering just beneath her nose. “You can resist me no more than could my male acolytes, human girl. But please don’t think I’m picky, for I can certainly enjoy females. I would tell you to service me with your teats—that is one ability I do appreciate humans have!—but as your limbs are unavailable for now…” The High Priestess lowered the naked singularity over Sour Sweet’s chest, causing her breasts to bulge upwards towards them again; her teats stretching towards the impossible orb as if reaching for it. Juniper then began moving the cosmic construct back and forth over her chest to control the motion of her mammaries, causing them to caress and press into the sides of her eighteen-inch shaft with each pass. “Look, ma… no hands!” AJ said in amazement as the pair momentarily stopped their lovemaking to stare; even Rainbow Dash was taking a keen interest in the proceedings. And she hated science class! “Now that is inventive,” Midnight said in approval, watching from her hover over crossed arms. “Thank you again, Midnight Sparkle. But we’re just getting started! Time for your first taste of ‘dick’, Sour Sweet,” she announced as she pushed forward slightly to part her lips, still using the singularity to stroke herself with the Shadowbolt girl’s boobs. “I… hate… dick…” She managed one final weak denial even as her body began arching sensually upwards with each tug of the singularity’s passing, pushing herself into it fully.. “Unless it’s attached to a ‘really hot chick’,” Juniper reminded her with an evil grin. “And I am!” she added triumphantly as Sour Sweet’s lips finally gave way and allowed her access, silencing her to the cheers of her classmates..  “Yesss….” Juniper closed her eyes and gave a slight sound not far removed from a very bat-like scree as she sunk her first two inches to a series of whistles and appreciative claps from the Shadowbolt side of the field. “Such a silken tongue for such an insulting girl. You have potential, Sour Sweet—as both a thestralcorn concubine and as an arcane theorist. I may well request permission from your former classmate to take you back with me so I can train you properly in both arts.” “Oh! Would you?” Sunny Flare shouted between kisses of Indigo, the pair clutching at each other as they neared their latest orgasm, backlit by a fresh eruption of lava on the other side of the dragon portal. “That alone would make this whole sex-crazy day worth it!” she said as she exchanged a high-hoof with Indy, to which Sour Sweet’s only reaction was a raised middle finger in their direction. “That would be my pleasure. But first, we must do something about your disciplinary issues...” The High Priestess increased the pull of gravity to both massage her shaft harder with and pull Sour Sweet’s head up further. The latter, it quickly became clear, was to get more of her strangely unaffected organ inside of her muzzle. With nearly a third of it in her, the freaked and freckled girl could only stare down the shaft wide-eyed and suckle it helplessly, but also increasingly eagerly.  “Very good. Just the right amount of pressure. You know, for somecreature who doesn’t like ‘dick’, you are showing yourself masterful in orally pleasuring one, young filly.” “You hear that, Sunny?” Jet Set called out. “She got it right her first time! And so did Trenderhoof here! So why the hell can’t you?” “Oh, will you give it a freakin’ rest already?” Sunny snarled as she arched her head while a laughing Indigo nibbled at her neck.  I noticed both Juniper and Midnight rolled their eyes. “A good start. But the climax is the most important part. When I come, you will swallow every drop, young girl. If you do not…” the former  grinned unpleasantly, flashing her fangs again. “Well. Be assured then that I will find other uses for this vortex. And be warned, I come gallons! Or liters, if you prefer” “Do ponies use Imperial or metric?” Sugarcoat wondered aloud as she was again dangled over an open portal, this one appearing to be over a strange house in the Everfree, which drew out a gold-adorned zebra mare who looked up and gaped.  “I knew something was amiss. But what in all the realms is this?” she asked as she stared transfixed at the scene. True to form, even naked and being driven towards climax again by her insatiable equine lover, Sugarcoat didn’t miss a beat. “Oh, hello. Sorry about all this, Ms. Zebra, but don’t mind me. I’m just getting magically screwed by my sex-crazed schoolmate as punishment for crimes of character.” I might have listened further to the exchange except Juniper chose that moment to climax powerfully, leaning into Sour Sweet’s body as she erupted hard into her muzzle.  The normally talkative Shadowbolt girl gave a muffled squeal as she struggled to contain it all, and to her credit, she almost succeeded, swallowing the seed until Juniper’s shaft slipped out of her muzzle halfway through and fountained all over her face, though some of it caught in the gravity well and spiraled into the singularity. “So, Sour Sweet… it would seem you could not obey even the simplest of instructions…” a still-lustful Juniper began ominously as a dazed Sour Sweet could only lie there panting softly while licking at her cheeks; when she opened her violet eyes again, I saw that they had gone slitted! “In that case, further punishment is warranted…” She magically released Sour Sweet’s legs from the tree tendrils that bound them, but then used the black hole’s pull to tug them up and over her head, leaving her curled over with her shaven marehood and tail fully exposed.  “Wow. Look at all that flexibility!” Rainbow Dash mocked as she was contorted like a gymnast but didn’t look in the least bit uncomfortable; her feet shortly tied over her head, presenting her clean-shaven nethers. “You’d give Blossomforth over there a run!” “Hey!” a new voice broke in from where Blossomforth and Cloud Kicker were intertwined. “Nobody’s more flexible than me, Rainbow!” “Oh yeah? Reckon Sour Sweet there’ll take that bet!” Applejack retorted. “Well, she was always good on the uneven bars,” Indigo noted as she reached down to spread Sunny’s cheeks further so she could sink the feline phallus deeper into her depths. “Enjoying yourself over there, Miss Molester?” “Oh, sure! I’m just loving having my body violated by some otherworldly equine goth queen using a freaking black hole!” Sour Sweet shouted. “Do you ever shut up, girl?” An annoyed Juniper Neptune asked even as she began to tease Sour Sweet’s shaven marehood in earnest with both her aura and the tug of gravity on her clit piercing, repeatedly tweaking it to elicit a series of startled and quite pleasured gasps that at least briefly succeeded in silencing her. “And for the record, black hole is a woefully inadequate and inaccurate term for all they are! Your so-called ‘singularities’ are a tool of not just travel but universal renewal; one my line reveres! And yet, they were unusable, for to cross the point of no return always presented an insurmountable obstacle to realizing their full potential—to use them as the portals to and incubators of the new realms we sought to reach! But this so-called ‘naked’ singularity solves that! Though I admit I had not thought of using them in such sensual manners before this day.” “So glad to be of service…” Sour Sweet said weakly as she awaited the inevitable. “And I still think dick is ick!” “Then you have a funny way of showing it. I also cannot help but note you have acquired thestral eyes—how interesting! And I saw from Midnight Sparkle’s memories that this is not the first time that has happened.  “Very well then—I am as curious as her. So shall we see what other effects her mating magic crossed with my own may have under the black light of this sacred star…?” she suggested as she positioned her hybrid cock against the entrance of Sour Sweet’s rosebud tail, preparing to insert its tapered tip. > 13: Sour Sweetened Part 2 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So glad to be of service…” Sour Sweet said weakly as she awaited the inevitable, lying on her back naked with her legs pinned behind her head—wow, she really was flexible!—and intimate areas fully presented, even though she still managed some of her trademark snark. “And for the record, I still think dick is ick!” “Then you have a funny way of showing it,” an unsympathetic but very aroused Juniper Neptune replied as Midnight just smirked. I think pretty much all eyes on the courtyard were on them at that point, excepting perhaps those of the Dean and two Principals above.  Sadly, there wasn’t much that could be seen of them given their activities were mostly below the level of the room windows. Which was a terrible shame, I thought. I mean, everyone else’s erotic activities were visible from the dragons to the Abyssinians, so why not theirs? I had no sooner had the heady thought when Midnight glanced over to me with a knowing grin. “I can’t say that I particularly like you, Sunset Shimmer. But in fairness, you’re not the only one with that wish. So…”  Midnight yanked the glass windows, bricks and metal beams out of the school wall around the second-floor classroom the three school heads were in, reassembling the manipulated building materials into a balcony that jutted far out over the courtyard with a low rail and a transparent bottom. She even gave them an improvised bed made of library lounge cushions as it turned out there weren’t just the Dean and two Principals present. At least eight students who had been inside when this whole sordid affair erupted were there as well, in states of equal undress. Celestia was now molesting no less than three newly matured girls while Luna seemed to favor the equally enhanced boys—guess some things never changed regardless of the universe!—while a far more submissive Dean Cadance was on all fours being attended by students and instructors alike. Speaking of the latter, a glance over at the next window showed that Big Mac and Ms. Cheerilee were still there, but they’d been joined by Ms. Zecora, the school’s popular ring-wearing chemistry teacher. No sooner had I wanted to see them as well before Midnight removed the wall and window and built a second balcony for them, pulling the floor they knelt on out over the courtyard. But the two teachers barely noticed as they were currently pushing their enormous boobs into Big Mac’s equally large shaft as he could only lean back and accept their efforts with a groan. He allowed them to pillow his impressive phallus between their pink and tattooed boobs—wow, Zecora really gone all out given her teats and clits were pierced! She’d had her entire body done up in stripes; the job was so well-done and thorough I couldn’t tell if her original skin color was light or dark—while they cupped his baseball-sized balls and orally pleasured his shaft’s head. Though Zecora’s adornments were definitely against the school dress code, I had to admit they looked really good on her. They even had an audience other than the student section of both schools. Perhaps fittingly given I knew Zecora’s equine counterpart to be a zebra as well, there’d been another portal opened beside them, through which what looked like a shopping plaza in the Zebrican city of Neighrobi could be seen. There weren’t just zebras but a variety of exotic races watching them—which was fairly typical for that city, which sat at a major trading crossroads—including what might have been a trio of Impala, whose twin antlers were aglow with powerful mating auras. Actually, I couldn’t quite tell from where I was if they were Ibex or Impala, but it was probably the latter since the Ibex rarely stray that far from their homeland in Sibleatia. But either way, they were using their antler-channeled magic to help excite their neighbors and add enticement to the scene. They weren’t quite brave enough to try passing through the ragged rift through which they watched the unlikely events unfold, though they clearly wanted to, twice they took tentative steps towards the portal before being pulled back by their zebra friends. But the three were willing to send some magic tendrils into the other dimension they saw, where they began touching and caressing the threesome, sampling their exotic smooth-skinned bipedal forms with their magic. When their efforts were clearly enjoyed rather than resisted, with Zecora and Cheerilee leaning into the initially tentative but I’m sure quite tingling caresses, they got bolder at the urging of their equine friends. The three began probing the orifices belonging to the kneeling alien females from behind, lifting and spreading their legs to display their feminine attributes to the portal to the acclaim and needy nickers of the various males. They even showed interest in Big Macintosh, or at least the males of the trio did, as one produced a magical copy of his own phallus much like Midnight had done for Upper Crust to materialize it behind Big Macintosh, inserting its tapered form smoothly between his cheeks. His green eyes snapped open but he didn’t fight it as the buck began thrusting into him from the other side of the portal to the cheers of his friends, his aura jacking AJ’s older brother up and causing him to erupt all over the two teachers. Trust AJ to notice from Rainbow’s embrace. “Hey, you enjoying yourself over there, big bro?” “Eeeeeyup!” he shouted as he came hard from the unexpected prostate stimulation—before anyone asks, yes, I know what that looks like; the spurting it causes is very distinctive—while the second male Impala produced a facsimile of his tail to place directly over Big Mac’s spurting cock. You know, I’d heard the Impala had few same-sex hang-ups, completely unlike ponies who tended to look down on colt-cuddlers—probably a luxury of their more male-skewed gender ratios, which made relationships among them as common as those between mares were among ponies.  But I once again had little time to consider or encourage it—damn, was it hot seeing AJ’s big brother be turned into a magical toy for male Impala!—as Juniper Neptune continued to both tease and torment Sour Sweet. She was still threatening to take her tail but not yet doing it, tweaking her quarry’s male-hating psyche by telling her repeatedly how much she was going to enjoy taking her thestralcorn ‘dick’. And for the record, that’s a slang term for stallionhoods I still roundly despise, even after all the time I’ve been here. Even ‘cock’ makes more sense to me than that, since it at least refers to a male creature. But ‘dick’...?  I found myself in the middle of very passionate and pleasurable sex with Fluttershy, and yet, all I could think of at that moment was wishing I could purge that term from human vocabulary. In fact, I almost wished I’d kept my she-demon form just so I could accomplish that! Juniper, however, seemed to have far less qualms about using it as she continued to speak. “I also cannot help but note you have acquired thestral eyes—how interesting! And I saw from Midnight Sparkle’s memories that this is not the first time that has happened…” At that moment, the High Priestess noticed me and paused for a moment. Her eyes narrowed slightly; I can’t help but think that she recognized me even though we’d met all of once, during one of her yearly summits with Celestia in Canterlot. I had admittedly taken more than a passing interest in her then, as I saw her as a potential source of power, wondering if she would accept me as her student instead of Celestia even if it was said she didn’t take acolytes outside of the Highborne line. In the end, I never got the chance to ask her, and I’m pretty sure the answer would have been no anyway given how close she and Princess Celestia were. During that summit, they went off by themselves more than once to have ‘private discussions’; for that reason I still strongly suspect the High Priestess sexually services Celestia whenever they get together. She then glanced at me again, giving me a quick wink—or had I just imagined it?—before she turned back to Sour Sweet. “Very well then—I admit I am as curious as her. So shall we see what other effects her mating magic crossed with my own may have under the black light of this sacred star…?” she suggested as she positioned her hybrid cock against the entrance of Sour Sweet’s rosebud tail, preparing to insert its tapered tip. “What? No!” Sour Sweet shouted as she felt the threatened intrusion. “Not there!” “What’s this? A girl who doesn’t like anal?” Roseluck said derisively from fifteen paces away where she was doing a three-way swirl with Daisy and Lily Valley. “And you call yourself a woman?” “I call myself a lesbian!” Sour Sweet shouted back. “And we don’t do dick!” It was only after a massive wave of laughter erupted from both sides of the field that she blinked and realized what she said; even Juniper Neptune stopped what she was doing to smirk. “I-I mean…” “Too late. You said it, girl!” Indigo laughed around making out with Sunny Flare by the portal to the dragon realms. “And for the record? Considering how lazy you are in team projects and wouldn’t study, we couldn’t agree more!” “Oh, stuff it where the sun don’t shine, both of you! I don’t need to study when I can solve quantum equations in my sleep!” Sour Sweet boasted, then turned sullen again. “Besides, if I couldn’t put my paws on you two without getting my fingers broken, what was the point of being on a team or studying together?” “Rainbow? Reckon I’m about ready to slug her,” Applejack announced as she poised on all fours before the large surface rift over Ponyville, through which more and more pegasi were now watching with great interest. “Yeah, well, you’ll have to get in line… behind me!” Rainbow said as she buried her face in AJ’s muff again.  “And us!” Sunny Flare added, to which Juniper Neptune just laughed. “Lazy, are we? If memory serves, certain human faiths hold that sloth is a mortal sin—one more to be added to your long list of them! Well, you’re in luck, little girl: you don’t have to lift a finger, even if you were able to. All you have to do is lie on your back and take it up the tail.” The High Priestess said with a smile.  “For the record, this is my favorite method of breaking in acolytes. And I find it works equally well on both stallions and mares. You would be amazed at how obedient and attentive they are to me once they’re addicted to anal sex!” “B-but I—” “Aw… you hear that, Indy? Miss Molester’s about to get it in her black hole!” Sunny Flare said gleefully. I couldn’t help but notice that they were mentally resisting their lovemaking a lot less, making out with and petting with increasing abandon. Their hands roamed ever-more eagerly over each other’s bodies; they were even starting to attract some dragon interest. “After all the freshgirls she cornered and groped in the showers and bathroom stalls, or helped Cinch seduce? Let me see if I can feel sorry for her… Nope! Oh, well!” Indigo shrugged, and Midnight then rewarded them by turning the smooth basalt phalluses they sat on to more fully face the scene. “She’s had this coming forever! So for all of us at Crystal Prep who’ve had to put up with her roving hands and being the Principal’s pet… ream her rectum good, lady!” The High Priestess gave them a disdainful look. “Though I am hardly inclined to obey the deranged demands of teenaged fillies… such is my intention anyway,” she said with a grin that bared her pointed fangs. She followed that up with a glance towards Midnight, who smiled and nodded her permission. “So be it. Are you ready for your first true ‘dicking’, Miss Far-More-Sour-Than-Sweet?” “No!” Sour Sweet protested again, shaking her head violently as she struggled to look down her body from where she was bound to the branches. Her hair and still-growing breasts pointed up towards the naked singularity that remained hanging over her head; its muted gravity drawing more blood into her human mammaries and especially the teats that capped them. Juniper laughed, showing her thestral teeth as she simply crossed her arms over her chest and manipulated her massive shaft with her magic alone. “Resist its temptation all you want, little girl. For take it from me that no acolyte, priest or priestess in the thirty lifetimes of my line has ever been able to.” “Oh, yeah? Then I’ll be the first!” she claimed shakily despite her flushed cheeks and visibly aroused form; her pierced nipples only engorged further by the naked singularity that continued to float overhead. “Will you, now? I’ll take that bet,” Juniper Neptune announced with a toothy grin, which she then emphasized by licking her human lips with a thestral tongue, which only made her look even more like the vampire queen I knew that she wasn’t. “So let us begin…” She then pushed her tapered head forward to part the sphincter of Sour Sweet’s fully presented tail, eliciting the first teenage filly squeal I’d heard from even a single Shadowbolt girl this entire time. “Remarkable. I usually encounter more resistance during an acolyte’s first time than that! It would seem you are as talented with your tail as well as your muzzle, young filly. It would indeed seem that you like ‘dick’ after all,” she said in air like she was pronouncing sentence as she slowly pushed deeper, prying the girl open further as Sour Sweet’s sex betrayed her with a sudden spurt of fluid that was promptly sucked up into the singularity.  “N-No…” she shook her head weakly though she’d just about gone cross-eyed as the sensation registered, her cheeks flushing and sweat glistening. “Well, will ya look at that… I think she likes it, Indy!” Sunny Flare mocked; I think the two were actually getting off more to the sight of their longtime nemesis being conquered than being with each other. “Miss high-and-mighty lesbian even loves it without any lube!” “Well, I always did say she enjoyed having a stick up her ass!” Indigo replied. Of all their classmates being subjugated, they clearly took the most relish in Sour Sweet. And yet, still she resisted, managing one more shaky middle finger in their direction. “Such spirit. I will give you this much, girl—you cling to your sexual identity stubbornly. But know that I offer you far more than simply a ‘stick’. I offer the sacred shaft of the High Priestess itself! Infused with my mating magic, which is a potent aphrodisiac in its own right; my very seed contains its own muscle relaxant and nervous system stimulant. The result is in irresistible object of erotic envy that conquers all it enters… even a self-described filly-fooler like you! ” “But I am a filly-fooler!” Sour Sweet claimed as she gaped at having six inches of thestralcorn cock already sunk into her, having gotten the meaning of the purely pony phrase quickly. “But maybe also a futa-fooler on the side…” “Futa fooler…” Midnight actually smiled at the turn of phrase, as did Juniper. “Not bad, Sour Sweet. I’ll have to remember that one. And that you actually do like ‘dick’!” she dug her talons in deeper. Sour Sweet responded with yet another obscene two-word phrase. “It’s only because of your freaky magic, Sparkle!” Midnight’s grin only grew broader. “Sorry to disappoint you, girlfriend, but I’m not actually doing anything to you right now. It’s all her!” “She speaks the truth, young Sour Sweet,” Juniper picked it up from there. “You feel it, don’t you? The heat. The fullness. The feeling of being claimed… the sense that you only now know what was missing from your life… that your aversion to ‘dick’ is little more than your mind demanding you adhere to a false image of yourself. Case in point, you have taken nearly half my phallus by now. And don’t deny you love it, given your very sex trembles and drools at the feeling of me filling you.” “But I don’t want to like dick!” she begged far more shakily. I glanced up to see her words indeed belied by the nectar that was glistening around her shaven but unused lips. The droplets that formed were then pulled up into the black hole’s maw where they simply dissolved, its gravity somehow focused on her breasts, lips and clit to engorge them further and put continuous and what I’m guessing to be quite delicious pressure on them. “Unless it’s attached to a ‘really hot chick’,” Juniper reminded her as Midnight watched silently from the side with a satisfied smile, immensely enjoying the scene. “But as I do understand that first times can be a little rough until you have been sufficiently loosened, perhaps you need a distraction.”  A gleam grew in her eyes as she set them on the singularity hovering placidly above them; even at that distance I could feel a slight tug on my body and it also had a not-at-all unpleasant cooling effect on my sweaty skin. It was still sucking up clothes, too, as Midnight’s influence expanded, it was even working on those watching through the portal, slurping the vests right off the Abysinnians and even attracting the gym clothes out of the lockers. “Glad to know one of us is having fun, lady! Because I’m not! Even if you are a drop-dead gorgeous horsedicked goth queen and I really liked going down on you…” she then couldn’t stop herself from adding as if her thoughts were on speakerphone, causing her to flush and all onlookers to laugh. “Gods, why can’t I keep my big mouth shut…?” she asked herself weakly. “We ask ourselves that all the time,” Sugarcoat noted in her usual monotone as she continued to hang off a virtual stallion shaft over a portal into the Everfree through which the Zebra mare—wait, was that the equine version of Zecora?—could only stare and start to pleasure herself to the unlikely scene. If she was anything like our Zecora, her scientific curiosity would certainly be piqued by the appearance of an interdimensional rift, but it also appeared that all the mating magic in the air was overcoming even that. “Your ‘big mouth’ is your biggest enemy.” “Oh, like you’re one to talk!” Sour Sweet shouted over at her. “True. But at least I never lie. You, on the other hand, say and do whatever you have to so you can get your hands on every girl in school. Or deliver them to Cinch. Just like you did to me that one time.” “Yeah, well she’s the only one who understands me! And besides, you know you loved it…” she added under her breath. “Sure. Just like I’m enjoying being taken by two phantom stallion cocks at once belonging to a massively over-endowed magical stallion before a one-mare audience over a portal to some spooky forest. Enjoying the scene, Ms. Zebra?” She addressed Zecora directly even as she continued to sensually rub her belly and breasts. “I’m glad somebody is.” “Though I truly know not the how or the why… to say no would be the basest of lie!” she admitted somewhat breathlessly as she stepped closer to the portal. “Forgive me, young mare, as I know not your race. From where do you hail, and what fate do you face?” “My name is Sugarcoat. My race is human. I’m a third-year student at Crystal Prep High School in Boulder, Colorado, on the planet of Earth. As for my ‘fate’, I guess it’s to be the plaything of my insane sex-crazed goddess of a schoolmate. But in fairness, there are worse things. The more I’m magically mated, the more I’m starting to like it. Even if I’m worried that nothing less than the most massive of stallions could satisfy me now.” “From Earth, you say? Where Princess Twilight did stay?” She licked her lips once. “My name is Zecora and I like what I see. Your form and large breasts are intriguing to me. I rarely have lust but you are a rare treat. So you would forgive me if I wish to suckle your teat?” she stepped forward hopefully. Sugarcoat’s pink-hued violet cheeks flushed a deeper red. “You know what? I’m a sucker for florid phrasing, and unlike my classmates, you even asked permission. So sure. Why not?” Sugarcoat reached up to present her enormous breasts.  “A little help here, Sparkle?” she called over her shoulder, to which Midnight smirked and made the ethereal stallion walk forward to push her through the rift, leaving her large dangling breasts right at Zecora’s eye level. She quickly began to nuzzle and lick them before finally locking on a large nipple, happily suckling it. I idly wondered what she’d think of their counterpart, and if there was any way to introduce them as Midnight made the head of the ethereal horse bend over to lick at the zebra mare’s nethers. The exchange had even caught the attention of the High Priestess, giving Sour Sweet a momentary reprieve. “I must say, your schoolmates are truly deviant, Midnight Sparkle. I would punish their ‘Principal’ myself for making them this way, but it would seem you have already taken care of that.” She nodded over to Cinch’s naked statue which was still being endlessly ravished by Maud. “So I will simply see to passing sentence on this one.” “By all means,” Midnight said. “I look forward to see how thirty lifetimes of experience can be applied to the erotic arts.” “Then I should show you my inner sanctum. After I finish exploring hers, that is.” She began to push even deeper into Sour Sweet’s anal orifice again, causing her to take a ragged breath and stiffen further against her bonds. “I suggest you relax, young filly, so you may learn to properly do ‘dick’. It is considered a mark of accomplishment among my acolytes when they are able to take my full length, after all.” “Sure. Relax. While there’s a giant cock attached to a gorgeous goth queen in my caboose and a freaking naked singularity hovering over my head!” she said weakly. “Worse, I don’t know which is a bigger turn-on…” “You know, such fervent flattery might almost make me reconsider my next actions, except I saw from Midnight’s memories that you didn’t hesitate to fondle the younger fillies of your school, in either the marehood or mammaries!” she accused angrily. “At least those who come to my temple are there by choice and accept an occasional… indulgence with me as the price for gaining the power they seek. You, on the other hoof, only sought power over others and influence with your Principal.” “Oh, yeah? Well now you’re indulging yourself with me! And I haven’t come to your temple! Even if I have come more than once…” she granted before her eyes went wide again at the admission. “So you have,” Juniper Neptune smirked. “Then I tell you what, young filly: Since you still seem in disbelief at how this so-called naked singularity could exist, perhaps I should show you what it can be used for—just why it is so revered by my line. So how about we insert your head through the so-called ‘ringularity’ so that you may see what lies on the other side of its holy portal?” She suggested as she began to magically lower the torus-shaped area of distortion towards her face. “No… no! it’ll kill me!” she pleaded. “Yeah? So, what’s the bad news?” Jet Set called out from where he was now taking Trenderhoof on his side. “We should be so lucky!” Upper Crust called out from where she was still bound to the wall and having her doppelganger endlessly suckled by the Abyssinian servants; the imprints of their jaws and muzzles visible against her eight large milk-laden teats. “Gee, thanks, guys!” Sour Sweet called back to them. “What wonderful schoolmates you all are!” “If it was going to kill you, it would have already, don’t you think?” the High Priestess pointed out with a glance at Midnight, who smirked. “Fear not, little girl. Even for as infuriatingly arrogant, abusive and obtuse as you are, be assured I have no wish to harm you. In fact, I’m going to reward you,” she said, the gleam in her eye growing. “Reward me? By plunging me into a vortex of spacetime which will reduce my head to quantum mist?” she asked weakly. “Oh, use your head for something other than ogling and feeling up fillies, girl. As the twin shrouds that normally mark the point of no return have merged and vanished, the flow of spacetime through this sacred ring, or singularity as you call it, is normal… ish.” She winked. “As you are a student of the greatest of human star sages himself, wouldn’t you like to be a pioneer? The first human to ever traverse the portal of the most powerful and holy object this universe has ever created?” “Can’t you just keep taking me up the tailpipe instead…?” Sour Sweet pled weakly as she stared the slowly approaching orb in the face, the sweat rolling up her face before being sucked into its embrace. “Because I’m really starting to enjoy it…” she admitted, then gaped again. “Of course you are. For my ‘cock’ conquers all orifices it encounters and converts their owners to my concubines. And actually, that reminds me—since we seek to discover what further effects my magic may have on you, the quickest way is to inject my essence into your very womb—the very core of your being! So in that case…” Her horn glowed as she sprouted a second phallus, but this one was on top of the first instead of side by side like the dragons. She shifted the tip of her newest organ upward slightly to push at Sour Sweet’s swollen lips. “So I shall enter your portals while you enter this one!” she said triumphantly as the naked singularity descended, enveloping Sour Sweet’s head with the ring inside it like a large halo.. “No! No! No…” She peed herself in fright as her shriek was swallowed by the descending but severely restrained singularity; her head looking like it was in a funhouse mirror as the dark ring itself settled around her. But instead of coming out the other side of it, her head vanished as it passed, settling like a collar around her neck! “Yes! Yes!” Juniper Neptune shouted in turn as she grasped Sour Sweet’s legs with her human hands and began thrusting hard into her human quarry’s two orifices, sinking herself all the way to her medial ridge. Her head was hidden but whose entire body shook and sweated, her hands clutching the branches they were attached to. “Yes! I feel it! I see it through your eyes, and it is real! All the magic! All the math! All the diagrams and charts that both realms have devised! They are true! This unshrouded ring truly does lead to different dimensions! To different times! To endless alternate realms! To universes in their infancy and dotage! Even to different versions of us!” she shouted in sheer filly-like excitement that even brought an envious smile to Midnight’s face. “And yet, far from being an uncaring observer, it responds to your presence! Your mind has become the nexus it centers on, so it shows all the alternate versions of you! Of what is happening to you!” “Time now passes infinitely slowly for you girl, and thus, you are lost to both its visions and the varied rutting you are experiencing, witnessing all the infinite possibilities of existence and pleasure! Pleasure that for you will never end! And so it is for all your alternate selves as well, whose experiences you now share!” Though I had no idea if Sour Sweet could hear her inside that thing, her hips bucked once like she had a cock of her own as her hands began making stroking motions like she was holding a pair of them. But despite looking headless, she was still very much alive, her body visibly shaking and sweating as she struggled to absorb whatever was happening to her. But it couldn’t have been all bad as incredibly, she came to whatever she saw and was experiencing, her body arching hard and hips suddenly wriggling. “Don’t fight it, girl…” Juniper directed as she began thrusting in what I could only describe as wild abandon. “For you see now what you are! All that you could be! And you want it! So draw on the sacred power of the nether and my own imparted magic. Become more than you were! And embrace your love of ‘dick’…” she said the last word with great relish as all eyes were now on her. Whether she could hear her or not, Sour Sweet seemed to respond to both her mental command and the endless amounts of energy she was absorbing. Her boobs bulged further as her entire size stretched not unlike Sugarcoat had, and suddenly her pierced clit had become quite prominent. And then it began to visibly grow, seemingly reaching out towards the singularity that surrounded her head, taking on a decidedly phallic shape as it reached upward, quickly surpassing four inches, then six, then eight, its base widening and midpoint bulging slightly into a ring-like construct reminiscent to a medial ridge. But her head remained tapered with the piercing still present at the tip, her new organ already oozing its first fluids that were carried quickly into the naked singularity’s maw. Jaws dropped open all around the quad as we witnessed the unlikely transformation. That self-described filly-molesting and male-hating harpie of a Shadowbolt girl had just acquired a fourteen-inch thestralcorn stallionhood! “Wow! Neato!” Pinkie called out from between a bevy of dragon shafts; their heads also turned to watch the scene. “Hey, Junie! Could you do me, next? I’d love to have a nice big cock!” “Me, too!” Lily Valley shouted before turning her attention back to Roseluck. “You know I’d drill you with it every day, Rosie.” “Hey, if you had it, I’d want it…” Roseluck agreed as she sat up to stare at the scene, her legs spread wide for Lily to lick at her sex. “What about you, Daisy?” Daisy just glanced back and shrugged. “Eh. Futa’s not my thing. I’m more of a tentacle fiend, myself…” she admitted, looking up only briefly from where her head was buried between Lily’s pink cheeks. “In fact, I love those hentais of Pinkie Pie’s. Hey, Pinkie! You got any more I can watch?” “Sure do!” she answered from the other side of the portal, where she and Rarity had switched places to give each a turn with the other dragon gender; Pinkie with the drakes and Rarity with the Drakinas. In fact, if you’ll wait a few weeks, there’s a new sequel coming out to your favorite! I’ve already preordered it off Amazot! It’s called Tantric Temple!” Daisy’s eyes lit up and her sex spurted onto the ground behind her. “Oh, I am so there! How about we watch it together?” “You got it, girlfriend! Just hope you don’t mind if I bring a few friends along…” She exchanged kisses with each of the dragon boys in turn, explaining to them what she meant. “Oh, wow…” Fluttershy said in pure understatement as she paused eating me out to look at Sour Sweet’s new shaft. “I wish I could have one. Think of all the fun we could have with them, Sunset,” she cooed at me, causing me to nearly climax again on the spot at the thought of being filled with her. “By Luna’s sacred sex, I’d love that. But I think I’d have to call you Futashy, then…” I replied as I pushed back against her, wishing to the Sun and Moon goddesses themselves that she already had one. “Oh! Futashy. I like that,” she admitted, standing me up and then turning me around to face the scene as she held me from behind. She made thrusting motions with her hips like she already had a stallionhood of her own; her hands full of my human boobs. “But, um, why is our Principal’s sex sacred?” “‘Tis sacred to me!” Principal Luna shouted from atop the recently created balcony as she rode atop two younger boys. She gave the Shakespearean lessons in our literature classes and she did so with a flourish, sometimes lapsing into its ye olde speech when she was feeling particularly angry or emotional; for that reason she was also the director of the school drama club. “Do you not agree, sister?” “I do indeed,” Celestia said as she sat on a sofa and held the heads of two female students to her enormous breasts while a third was knelt before her to orally service her pink-furred sex. “I just wish Dean Sombra was here… he so loved our erotic attention! Whenever our teams played, whoever won got to be on top! And it was usually him…” she said as she continued to encourage the three females to service her, spreading her legs while thrusting up her chest further. But it was clear they needed little encouragement. I couldn’t help but note the names of the two latched to her teats were fittingly two girls from the botany and electric labs called Sun Lover and Solar Power, while the latter was a young graduate working in the school office named Bushmistress—after the rifles her family’s gunsmith business made, before anyone asks. Still, though their presence was coincidental (or was it?) I couldn’t have chosen better names for her lovers if I tried. And if you’re wondering how I knew the names of everyone at school, it dates back to my bad girl days, when I made it a point to know everyone so I could also know how I could manipulate them. Thus, I already knew that Sun Lover and Solar Power had crushed on Celly for a long time, while I’d once caught Bushmistress drawing a lurid scene of her doing exactly what she was then—eating our Principal out. It had been blackmail material for all of them before. But no longer. “‘Tis a great pity indeed! We should invite him here later. ‘Twould be like old times! I so miss the feeling of being filled by him…” Luna added as she was attended by not one but three boys, all brothers belonging to a woodworking family—Front Door, Back Door, and Balcony. You get one guess as to who was taking what orifice and her teats as she sat supported by them; she was also going down on Balcony’s nine inches as she pressed her mammaries into its mass. “You two did him?” Cadance said in disbelief; of the three of them; she was the only one who’d taken a submissive posture with the students, lying beneath two making out on top of her. The school’s beekeeper girl named Hot Honey was poised over her mouth while her boyfriend, who went by the moniker of Got Milk for the fact his family ran a dairy farm, took her teats. “I never thought of him that way…” she also added as the shop class teacher named Power Piston spread her legs and prepared to enter her. “Don’t be disappointed, Caddie. It was nothing personal with him. I know for a fact he likes you—he wouldn’t have named you Dean if he hadn’t! But he was also very big on propriety,” Celestia explained as she arched her back into the oral efforts of the two girls, who couldn’t get enough of her.  “He had a strict code and he followed it. He wouldn’t be involved with anyone in his school, lest he couldn’t administer it dispassionately. And besides, I believe he knew you were already taken…?” She winked. “How boring!” Lemon Zest’s voice called out from somewhere, causing Midnight’s jaw to clench. “I’d’ve fixed that if I’d been here!” The High Priestess paused as well from where she was coming off her own orgasm, still embedded deep in both of Sour Sweet’s holes. Upon hearing their voices, she’d stopped to stare at Celestia and Luna; I have no doubt she was only then realizing how deep the parallels between our worlds went. Nevertheless, her slitted pupils narrowed in anger at the sound of Lemon Zest’s voice. “I know from your memories who that girl is and what she did to you. Would you like me to punish her as well, Midnight Sparkle? It would be my pleasure. But given her crimes, not hers.” “The offer is appreciated, Juniper Neptune. But no. She’s mine.” Midnight bared her teeth as the stormswept skies darkened further. “I’m saving her for last. But by all means, please continue with Sour Sweet. I am immensely enjoying her sexual subjugation. I do hope you will help her to like ‘dick’, if only because I know how much she’d hate that.” “Perhaps not so much now. As it was by her own will that she just acquired one, drawing on the power of the Nether itself, I believe that task is already complete. But perhaps we should at least let her come up for air?” she suggested as the naked singularity was pulled back up over Sour Sweet’s head, revealing her to be unharmed. “So, did you enjoy your sojourn into the ‘multiverse’, young girl?” the High Priestess asked with a knowing grin, starting to slowly thrust into her again. “I know I did.” “I’ve seen some shit… I’ve seen some shit…” was all Sour Sweet would say, over and over, her eyes still staring into the area of the ring, seemingly not even noticing the throbbing organ now pointed directly into the singularity and drooling a steady stream of clear fluid into it. Juniper grinned and bared her teeth again. “That ‘shit’ you saw was the boundless glory of the Twisting Nether, girl. What you saw was both infinity and eternity; where you beheld all the limitless possibilities of existence, accessible through this stripped and sacred star. And as I was in your mind, I saw what you saw… I felt what you felt.” But then the High Priestess closed her eyes and something akin to regret appeared on her face, even still embedded in Sour Sweet as she was. “In truth, I both envy and pity you. For you experienced every single ‘dick’ among my endless alternate lives taking your own endless alternate personas. Some took your teats. Some took your tail. Some filled your muzzle. Some even impregnated you.  “One was an alicorn princess. One was an enormous dragon lord impossibly impaling you. One was a Changeling Queen. One was a bat-gryphon, whose race died out from my realm long ago. One was in fact many, where the guise of Juniper Neptune was a gestalt of five priestesses, each equally well-endowed. And one even appeared to be the progenitor of my line; a somehow-sane version of Juniper Tree herself!” Her eyes went distant, and I can certainly understand why. I’d read that Juniper Tree was basically a psychotic witch as potentially powerful and sex-crazed as Midnight, but unlike her, she was without so much as a shred of conscience or morality. She was perfectly willing and able to take lives and destroy everything, even her own race and nation, to realize godhood. “You saw what could have been for the Highborne line, where it was we and not the ponies who controlled the very heavens, molding the Nether as we saw fit. At least I know now that there were realms where that truly did happen. But that is where the pity comes in—for both of us.  “For me, there is the bittersweet knowledge of what we might have become, but for Juniper Tree’s insanity. But for you, you now know that nothing could ever match that experience again short of reentering it. Such is the addictive allure of the Twisting Nether, young filly. And thus, sex will never be the same for you.” Sour Sweet couldn’t reply as she went on, though her new organ did twitch and spurt at the memories.  The High Priestess shook off her momentary brooding to see it, smiling knowingly again. “I see you enjoyed your stay there, stretched out into nearly a lifetime as it was. Of course, as it was sex you were thinking about, it was sex which you witnessed, seeing all the endless erotic possibilities there were in life. Possibilities that very much included ‘dick’,” she said with a salacious grin and wink that caused Sour Sweet’s new thestralcorn phallus to spurt anew. The High Priestess then released the Shadowbolt girl’s hands from her bondage, which went instantly to her new organ and began to stroke it, still staring into the center of the singularity floating over her head. “You feel it. You like it. You never knew what a ‘dick’ could be. And now you are addicted to it, just like those colts over there.” She nodded over to the cavorting Shadowbolt boys. “I must say, their insatiable appetites for each other puts some of my own priests to shame.” “It’s not so bad…” Jet Set said on behalf of all of them. “Don’t fight it, Sour Sweet—we never knew what we were missing until now!” “And neither did she. But you want more, don’t you?” Juniper Neptune cooed, still hilted with both her thestralcorn cocks inside the now-silent girl’s much taller and more-matured form. “You are still flush with magic, girl, both mine and what you absorbed from the Nether itself. Use it. I know what you are thinking. So why fight it? Take the form you wish, and then have all the ‘dick’ you could ever want.” “I… I…” Sour Sweet’s jaw quivered as she tried but couldn’t restrain the magic within her, which, not unlike Midnight herself, responded instantly to her inner desires to make her a new vessel for its expression. As we watched, she sprouted a pair of bat wings to match those of her new mistress, but then her very teats began to extend and swell. “Whoa, nellie!” Even AJ was at a rare loss for words as Sour Sweet grew two new phalluses right out her breasts, her nipples transforming themselves into more human-looking stallionhoods as they pointed up towards the naked singularity—correction, ringularity—above her. “Can’t say I saw that coming!” “Ew. Seriously?” Rainbow Dash, at least, had stuck to her lesbian guns as she mashed her breasts together with AJ’s. “Way to ruin a couple perfectly good boobs!” “Seriously, Sour Sweet? Dicknipples?” Sunny Flare asked derisively around kisses of Indigo. “What the hell kind of hentai have you been watching?” “You know, for a girl who doesn’t like dick, it turns out you’re even a bigger perv than Zesty!” Indigo added with a sneer. “Hey, nobody’s a bigger perv than me!” Zesty’s voice shouted again; I couldn’t tell where she was around all the wind and the distortion created by the combination of Midnight’s magic and the black hole. “Oooo… I love those things!” Pinkie shouted from inside the dragon portal. “I hear that’s the new twist in Tantric Temple! That and a tongue cock…” she added almost wistfully. Sour Sweet blinked hard at the image, then her eyes widened. “What? No! No! Nommmph!” She shook her head hard, but the idea had already taken hold; her tongue swelled and grew into yet another phallic prominence that jutted out ten inches from her mouth. Worse for her, she couldn’t stop sucking and caressing her oral organ until she finally came hard from all four at once just as the High Priestess erupted again within her. “How lovely!” Juniper Neptune said as she finally pulled back, withdrawing her twin shaft from the girl and leaving her two now-gaping openings drooling thick thestralcorn seed; I couldn’t help but wonder then if she could be made pregnant by it. And if she could, what would the offspring look like? What powers would it have?  “I daresay your conquest and conversion to full-fledged ‘dick-lover’ is complete, Miss Sour Sweet. As is your punishment from me.” She brought her hands together and gave a mock bow. “But not from me,” Midnight stated, then glanced over at Indigo and Sunny Flare again, the evil gleam in her eyes growing anew. “Hey, Sunny! I hear from everybody that you need some practice giving oral. Well, since double-S here now has four cocks, here’s your chance! And you can coach her, Indy!” she snapped her fingers and suddenly the two girls disappeared only to reappear to either side of Sour Sweet. “Hey!” the two exclaimed as they rematerialized beside her. “Are you nuts, Sparkle? We’d just gotten used to each other, so don’t you dare make us service her!” Indigo exclaimed, only for her hand to go right to a dicknipple and begin stroking it while her hair was attracted upwards towards the singularity. “Yeah!” Sunny Flare agreed as she automatically lowered herself towards the cockteat on her side—hey, you try to come up with different terms for the things! “I don’t care how badly you bewitch me, I hate Sour Sweet and I’ll be damned before I—” she couldn’t finish before her mouth was filled with phallus, her eyes widening as she realized what she was doing and that she couldn’t stop, their mouths slurping noisily on the newly cockified nipples—how about that for a word?—while their hands went to her transformed tongue and clit in turn, stroking both. Midnight could only grin triumphantly while her remaining classmates just laughed. “There you are, girls. And Sunny? A word of warning. I’m making sure that you and Indy are feeling everything Sour Sweet is, so don’t use your teeth this time! Hurt her, and you’re hurting yourself.” She grinned as their eyes filled with both lust and dull horror at what they were doing to one of their worst enemies. “Nice one, Sparkle,” Sugarcoat acknowledged from where she was now openly making out with the Zebrican Zecora, who couldn’t seem to get enough of her exotic form. “That has to be the most unlikely threesome in existence, even without the extra equipment. Still, I’m actually jealous of that equipment right now. I’d ask you for a cock of my own at this point, but only if Ms. Zecora here approves. Have to say, I really like her, and unlike those three, she’s polite and I’d just about get off on listening to her voice alone. Would you like me to have one, Ms. Zecora?”  “This ‘cock’ you speak of… a phallus, you mean? I would not at all mind for one to be seen,” the zebra mare answered around kisses. “Long has it been since a shaft fills my cave. But now I do find that such do I crave!” She emphasized her words by flagging her tail like a mare in heat before the enormous see-through stallion sticking its head through the rift. Despite its magical nature, it continued to act like a real one, sniffing at her and then raising its head and working its jaw to taste her scent by touching his tongue to the roof of his mouth.  I admit, I couldn’t help but admire how thoroughly equine Midnight had made that particular creation, even imbuing it with proper behaviors. Humans call it a Flehman response, and ponies do it too, though it’s considered very impolite to do so in public given it’s rather obvious what you’re doing—trying to determine if a mare is in heat—and bares the teeth, which is another no-no in most instances. Midnight listened, then smirked. “Well. I can’t say I’m disposed to give gifts to you, Sugarcoat, but since you seem to have accepted your punishment while making a rather interesting and elegantly-talking friend? I guess all those literature and poetry books you read went to your head if you like her rhymes that much. But so be it. Who am I to deny your love of the spoken word?” Her horn flared briefly, causing the outline of the ethereal stallion to glow brighter as it suddenly sprouted a long unicorn horn of its own. It quickly availed itself of its new power and transformed its tongue into a third stallionhood which quickly found and filled Zecora’s tail. Her eyes went wide at the intrusion but she barely had time to register it before she found her muzzle filled with Sugarcoat’s rapidly swelling and morphing tongue, tucking the surprised but delighted zebra mare with two transformed tongues from ahead and behind while lifting her right off the ground with them. But far from displeased, she moaned and writhed around them, her as-yet unused marehood winking and drooling happily on the ground—I could tell the latter from the contractions of her flank muscles even though I couldn’t see behind her. Sugarcoat was equally shocked—I’m sure she didn’t mean for Twilight or her stallion lover to make her tongue into a shaft—but she accepted it all the same, going cross-eyed beneath her spectacles as the new sensations registered on her rapidly rewired nervous system. “Another satisfied couple,” Midnight announced with a smirk. “And for the record, Sugarcoat? I actually find you the least objectionable of all my classmates. So I won’t give you the cockteats or anything else. Of course, your lover is another matter…” she winked as the stallion’s enormous horn flared again and focused on both Sugarcoat’s clit and teats, causing them to quickly expand into phalluses as well. She didn’t seem to mind, though, especially not once Zecora reached in with both forehooves to begin stroking them. “Oh! Oh! That’s perfect! This means we don’t even have to wait for Tantric Temple to be released now, Daisy! We can watch it right here!” Pinkie said excitedly as she bounced on a drake’s twin organs and let him knead her breasts to her heart’s content. “I don’t know, Pinkie… I’m still waiting to see some tentacles!” Daisy shouted back. “Though what Big Mac’s getting is pretty close…” she added as a glance over to him revealed him to be sandwiched between two ethereal impala hindquarter constructs that transmitted sensations back to their respective owners, while the female of the group produced her own facsimile to be eaten out by the two teachers to the ongoing cheers of the now enthusiastically aroused zebras. “Well, you can have it, dear—though I admit such constructs are… interesting, I’d much rather keep my body intact!” Rarity proclaimed as she took her turn with the Drakinas, her head pillowed nicely in Obsidian Ire’s boobs as she was orally attended from head to toe by the remainder. “Such marvelous tongues… I now wish I’d been born a dragon!” I couldn’t wait to hear dragon Spike’s reaction to that given his crush on the pony Rarity, but the High Priestess cut off the enthusiastic response of her new lovers as she then turned toward Midnight and bowed low, putting her palms together and flaring her bat wings wide.  “On behalf of my entire line, thank you for sharing this wondrous creation, and allowing me to participate in such unlikely pleasures, Midnight Sparkle. You are as benevolent as you are beautiful, and I would be more than happy to function as your Satrap if you wish to rule Equestria.” “You are very welcome, Juniper Neptune XXX. And thank you for sharing this new portal spell with me. Your offer of allegiance is accepted. Perhaps with our combined power, we may explore the realms together?” “For this greatest of gifts you have bequeathed not just me but my entire race, I would be honored, Midnight Sparkle. But as much as I wish to get started, I am aware your task here is not yet complete. So I will await your pleasure. And perhaps continue to partake more of my own?” “Feel free,” Midnight said with a smirk. “As you seem to favor Sour Sweet, I offer her as a gift. If you wish, keep her—I’m sure my classmates won’t mind. She’s yours to do with as you see fit, up to and including taking her back to your realm.” A lustful cheer came up from the Shadowbolt side of the field. “Thank you. For her knowledge of and new experience with the Nether, I may yet make her an acolyte, bringing her back to my temple so I may enjoy her insights and new attributes as much as possible.” She closed her eyes and smiled. “And though I know you have one more former tormenter yet to punish, if I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion for a place you have not yet opened a portal to? A race this world has not yet seen?” “Another race?” Midnight perked up in interest. “Whose?” In response, Juniper Neptune grinned and ignited her horn, opening up one of her blue oval portals, revealing a grand and very ornate chamber lined with opal statues and green-armored guards as well as a few half-raptor, half-feline forms, all of whom turned to the rift in surprise. “I give you the griffons,” Juniper Neptune said with a strange amount of relish. “A race as proud and powerful as they are virile, if a little too… traditional for my tastes. In my view, they could use some of your influence. They wield both powerful weapons and exotic magic, and do not let their half-feline forms fool you—they are anything but poorly endowed.” “And who said we were?” One of the griffons nearest the portal shouted; I guess there were a few there that understood Equish. “I see… such interesting hybrids! They, like so many other new creatures I have seen this day, look straight out of human mythology! And such very unique flavors of magic I sense from them.” She used her power to widen the rift further and floated up towards it, her very presence causing wings to splay and feathered cheeks to flush on the other side. “Very well, then. I offer you a reprieve, Zesty! Let me first see what exotic knowledge and erotic pleasures I can derive from this odd but interesting race…” Hey, folks. It’s your humble author speaking. The next six chapters to follow are not about the Shadowbolt girls at all, but are instead about Midnight’s erotic explorations and sensual conquest of the grifons along with corrupting their Queen and entire capital city of Arnau. No, that city is not named Griffonstone—this story borrows the lore of my Firefly verse, where the Griffon Kingdom is basically most of Europe with its capital being a mountainside stronghold in what would be western Switzerland. The reason for shifting over to the griffies—other than to explore new fetishes and different forms of interspecies titillation—is to set up something for this story’s sequel, Unleash the Magic: Nightmare Night. Don’t worry, there will still be plenty of adult action back with the crew and CHS that I’ll go back to occasionally. And I promise that this griffon arc is very well-written, exploromg a lot of new fetishes and subjects. Still, as I realize that not everybody will be interested in that—you came here for the Midnight vs Shadowbolt girls action, after all—I offer you the chance to skip over the Enter the Griffons story arc to the first chapter following by clicking this link: Chapter 20: Lemon Zested, Prelude - v2 This chapter will recap what happened while setting up Midnight’s final showdown with the worst Shadowbolt girl of all—Lemon Zest. So for those not interested in such subjects as griffon/dragon pairings, griffies of all ages being turned into sex toys, their entire city being converted into an incredibly X-rated version of its former self from their ruler’s throne room to the very sculptures in their museums, and a climactic sensual showdown between the griffon Queen (whose human counterpart Principals Luna and Celly know well) and an invading Dragon Lord, feel free to skip over them. Don’t worry; I’ve made sure that the subsequent chapter recaps the Enter the Griffons arc enough that you don’t have to read it if you don’t want to. Regards, —Firesight > 14: Enter the Griffons, Part 1 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to admit that by this point, I was not only wondering if there was any limit to Midnight Sparkle’s power, ambition or perversion, but also if I secretly hoped that there wasn’t. It wasn’t just my ongoing enjoyment of being with Fluttershy, who I never imagined I could enjoy the company of so greatly—I’m sure I said this before, but she would have been pretty much my last choice of partner among my friends before this. Not because I didn’t like her, but because being so bashful, I simply thought she wasn’t my type. It also wasn’t the fact that our sex was far better than anything I’d ever experienced previously, even counting my more tainted and magic-boosted encounters when I was still in my bad girl phase. It was instead the combination of all the scenes around me paired with my own, saturating my senses and desires, feeding all my various fetishes at once. From males of multiple races made gay to Fleur getting gangbanged by four boys she thought were beneath her, from Big Macintosh being remotely screwed by impala organs in Neighrobi to the dragons turning anthro after performing oral sex on Pinkie Pie, every portal Midnight had opened and object she had created had turned into a frontier for previously unknown sexual pleasures. And none were spared from participating in it, which was a point now driven home as Indigo and Sunny Flare helplessly stroked and orally serviced the four singularity-imparted phalluses of Sour Sweet. Worse for them, they couldn’t stop themselves from either doing it or enjoying it, as they pushed their large mammaries into the cock teats—sorry, I just don’t like calling them ‘dicknipples’—of Sour Sweet from either side of her, going down on the slightly tapered equine organs that the High Priestess had helped impart. They both growled angrily and moaned passionately along with Sour Sweet herself around her tongue cock, with the three rivals engaging in what I can only call the hottest of hate sex. It’s worth noting that for me, the turn-on of the scene wasn’t all the cocks or body modifications. It was the simple fact that they were being dominated so completely by Midnight’s mind, magic and mating aura that they were not only made to do it, but enjoy it. Made to indulge themselves helplessly before her. Made mere playthings for their new mistress, as were we all at that moment. I shivered and came hard yet again at the realization that we were completely under her thrall and power, once more finding myself contemplating surrender instead of my own ascension. And I’m sure I wasn’t the only one at that point among my friends. Pinkie and Rarity continued to enjoy the company of dragons, while AJ and RD were to that point content to only be with each other, though they clearly didn’t mind the small audience of pegasi that had gathered beneath the ground portal. They were watching the two human girls while stroking themselves and offering commentary, though nopony was brave enough to try and pass through. I sensed that it was just a matter of time, though, and I found my eyes falling on the blue drakina princess again. She was now being screwed by all the drakes at once, being coached by Pinkie Pie on how to pleasure them simultaneously. She apparently took to her lessons quite eagerly as she lay on top of the largest drake, taking one paired drake organ in her snout while pillowing it between her new boobs. Two more filled her steaming sex and tail; she also grasped the two sets of flanking phalluses in her talons and stroked them until they erupted all over her face and chest to the praise of Pinkie and cheers of the drakinas, who watched the scene unfold raptly with Rarity.  They shouted encouragement, pawing and petting at each other the whole time while Rarity made out directly with Rose Ruby, who was the only drakina her size. “You know, you remind me of someone, darling…” she told the other female between kisses. “Do you happen to have a gold-scaled sister?” I didn’t hear the answer over a sudden gust of wind. Through it all, the naked singularity just floated placidly overhead; a dark star and gateway to other realities that continued to slowly suck in air and matter while distorting what was seen behind it, pulling the hair of the three Shadowbolt girls towards it. You know, having been shown that lava and even black holes could be erotic objects, my sexual horizons had been considerably expanded that day. And maybe that's what I appreciated most of all—that Midnight not only had such a fertile imagination, but she had the power to make even the wildest fantasies real. Maybe even ones that would make the Equestrian Chaos God named Discord blush! It didn’t hurt that she had found a kindred spirit in the Highborne High Priestess, who now oversaw the punishment of not only Sour Sweet, but Indigo and Sunny Flare. Have to say, I think I was starting to crush on her as well, given her own great power and keen understanding of human sexuality. To say nothing of the fact that she seemed to be the one being in either realm Midnight recognized as something close to a peer. Truly, if those two teamed up, they’d be unbeatable. And as Juniper Neptune swore allegiance to Midnight, offering her loyalty in exchange for getting to use the naked singularity—which she saw as the way to realize what her line believed was their race’s divine destiny—I realized that the fate of both worlds might already be sealed. And did that mean my greatest dream or nightmare was about to come true? “I give you the griffons,” Juniper Neptune said with great relish as she opened a fresh circular orange-ringed portal to a place I’d only seen once before—the Hall of Heroes in the Griffon Kingdom’s capital city of Arnau. My thirteen-year old self had gone there once with Princess Celestia on a state visit, though I’d been little more than bored by it at the time given I cared very little for history or historical figures—except insofar as they might have power to offer or knowledge on how to attain it. It was the Kingdom’s largest and most hallowed national monument, dedicated to all the great griffons of the past, though they weren’t so proud that they wouldn’t include members of other races who had done heroic things for them. Its broad hall was lined with exquisitely rendered life-sized statues representing those past figures paired with accompanying exhibits explaining who they were and why they were there, and both the walls and ceiling were adorned like the Sistine Chapel with scenes of heroism and valor from the Kingdom’s past. It was also quite filled with patrons, all dressed nicely, while the widely-separated walls were lined with strong green-armored soldiers equipped with crossbows, shields and spears—I believe they were called Paladins; the equivalent of Equestria’s Royal Guard. They all turned at the unlikely sight of a portal opening right into the interior of the Hall, where they beheld not just the dark goddess that was Midnight, but all the X-rated action behind her. The effect on the civilians was immediate as the combination of Midnight’s and Juniper’s irresistibly strong mating auras bathed them. It caused feathered cheeks to flush and wings to begin to stiffen and flare in a visible sign of their race’s arousal; one that was shared by tiercels and eaglesses—their terms for males and females—alike. “A race as proud and powerful as they are virile, if at times a little too… traditional for my tastes. In my view, they could use some of your influence, My Queen. They wield both powerful weapons and exotic magic, and do not let their half-feline forms fool you—they are anything but poorly endowed.” “And who said we were?” One of the civilian griffons nearest the portal shouted in an accented voice; there were clearly a few present that understood and spoke Equish. “I see… such an interesting species! They, like so many other new creatures I have beheld this day, look straight out of human mythology! But unlike human descriptions of griffons, these real ones are not limited to lion and eagle attributes—it appears they can take the feline and avian features of any hunting cat and bird of prey.” “As you say. They used to have tribes based on pairings like eagle and lion before they established their civilization. But no longer,” Juniper Neptune noted. “There was even a bat-griffon tribe once, but it was seen as heretical and hunted down without mercy in their ancient past.” She bowed her head in sadness. “Truly? A great loss, and one we might rectify later. But that ancient humanity saw only one such version of them suggests that there was a connection between our worlds in that ancient past, involving just a single tribe. I would like to know more, but such purely scholarly questions can wait until later,” Midnight decided, making me reflect that she was still every bit the scientist Twilight Sparkle was.  “And such unique flavors of magic I sense from them, with their power concentrated in their wings. They lack horns, but that one wields a stave through which she can project her aura,” She motioned with her head towards an approaching griffon mage in Paladin armor, whose stave was already aglow with defensive magic. “Nevertheless, you are clearly correct in your appraisal of them, High Priestess. I sense both great passion and magical potential.”  “You flatter me. And them.” Even as the High Priestess bowed her head at the compliment, Midnight used her power to widen the rift further and float up towards it, her closer proximity alone causing the alarm of the Paladins to grow and the arousal of the civilians to increase as the wings of those nearest flared so hard and stiffly they were no longer capable of flight. “Though I submit that such scholarly questions as you might ponder do not end there.” “Oh?” Midnight asked as she easily deflected what felt like a magical nullification spell launched from the staff of the mage. It was designed to neutralize spellcasting and disperse magical fields, but Midnight defeated it with no effort, turning it right back on its caster.  She was instantly stripped of her power and protective wards, meaning she was no longer protected from the effects of Midnight’s mating magic, which hit her full force. Her cheeks flushed and beak fell open, suddenly compelled to grind the end of her staff between her hovering hind legs in full view of Midnight and the other griffons as she gave a needy trill. “Indeed. For if you look closely, you might notice some surprising similarities to a kingdom and culture from your own world’s history,” Juniper Neptune suggested with a coy note while she watched the display in great amusement, and I had at least some inkling of what she meant from when I’d tried to figure out if there were any human analogs to sources of Tellusian power. To my great frustration and disappointment, there weren’t, removing one of my main motives in coming here. It also forced me to wait many moons for a chance to cross back over, so I could steal an artifact that would make me all-powerful in this world. But I did discover there were many odd historical and geographical analogs to Tellus on Earth. Or was it the other way around…? I still didn’t have an answer to that as I pondered the question while eagerly eating out Fluttershy, whose exotic butterscotch taste, pillowy softness and adorable coos I couldn’t get enough of no matter how much of them I’d already had. Her internal magic was building too; I guessed that another few minutes of lovemaking was all it would take for her and the other girls to reach full flourish.  Or maybe not, since a quick scan with my magical awareness showed that Applejack and Rainbow Dash were lagging the others in terms of building magic levels. I could tell Rarity and Pinkie were already at full power with their magic ready to be harvested, but what did my other two friends need? I wasn’t sure other than expressing their individual Elements of Harmony more, meaning they needed to be honest and loyal. Once they were, my plan to take down Midnight could finally be carried out, and yet… I found myself wishing for more time to spend with Fluttershy first. Not only to enjoy her kindness and company, but to see what Midnight would do with the griffons. “Similarities?” Twilight looked genuinely fascinated as I sensed her scanning nearby minds as well as their surroundings while the remaining griffon Paladins moved up. They leveled their spears and crossbows at her as they formed a ring around the portal and ordered those closest to move back; I could hear their leader calling for help, announcing that an ‘evil alien alicorn’ was present.  “They speak a variant of Latin! And the ranks of those soldiers… are Roman!” she said in amazement. “They’re literally the Roman Empire!” “They are?” It was Principal Luna who called out from the magically created balcony where she and Celestia were attended by a dozen students. The former was now sandwiched between no less than six boys who couldn’t get enough of her naked form and dark blue body, wearing blissful expressions as they fondled her from head to toe while waiting the chance to claim one of her available orifices. “Sister, think of the incredible educational opportunities this would give our students, to be able to visit a modern version of ancient Rome! It was the subject of my Master’s Degree, so we simply must arrange for field trips and an ongoing exchange program there immediately!” she said around a mouthful of cock, her hands alternately grasping student flanks and their increasingly large stallionhoods. “It would be an educational experience, Luna. But I don’t know if we have the budget…” Celestia weakly protested as she sat up on the lounge sofa with now half a dozen female students attending her, her back arched as two girls squeezed and suckled her basketball-sized breasts. She groped the flanks and fingered the sexes of two more, holding them possessively to her sides as the final two laid kisses down her legs while taking turns diving between them to orally pleasure her marehood. “If we cannot convince the state or county to fund it, we might have to ask Filthy Rich or Fancy Pants for additional money. And what about parental permission and passports? Not every student has them. Interdimensional customs might be an issue as well!” she recited even as she came again while the nectar she spurted was eagerly lapped up by the female students between her legs. To see her then, it left me wondering if she had the same strawberry vanilla cream flavor my world’s Celestia had, and in all honesty, it also left me more than a little envious of the girls clustered around her. My jealousy was a result of seeing them treat her as the goddess I’d once seen her, even as I plotted to usurp her. “Well, why not do it?” Dean Cadance asked from somewhere out of view behind them, where a mixture of male and female students attended her and the portal to a Changeling hive had attracted a bevy of sorely aroused drones to watch the scene. “We could set up a joint exchange program with both our schools! Though I suppose Principal Cinch would have to approve it… or maybe not if I could convince Superintendent Faust to remove her and appoint me Principal in her place! What do you think, Ms. Cherilee?” she then called between kisses to the next balcony over. “Oh! I would love to take my students there! The lesson plans would write themselves! And we could take them across this portal as well!” she stated enthusiastically as she was now bathed head to toe in magically projected Impala and zebra tongues along with the human version of Ms. Zecora. They were suspended in the air by multiple magical auras cast directly through the portal, their bodies pressed together so they could make out while their intimate areas were turned to face the rift where an enormous Neighrobian audience had gathered to gape and drool. “I don’t even think it would cost that much! With these rifts, travel expenses are reduced to zero! And besides, history and geography lessons always take far better when they can be experienced directly, after all! And the same goes for experiencing a different culture!” she said around kisses of Zecora. Our school’s chemistry teacher nodded even as she moaned into Ms. Cherilee’s mouth—would you believe I still don’t know either of their first names?—and the pair reached down to spread the other’s cheeks wide to invite more audience attention, whether from a four-legged gaze or a magically projected phallus. “Don’t you think so, Ms. Zecora?” “As this culture is new, my colleague speaks true! This feels so good, that to share it, I would!” she announced; I regret I couldn’t tell at that moment if the zebra version of her that Sugarcoat was with could hear her. Then again, even if she could, a glance over showed that the pair weren’t even capable of speech any longer. Not with their teats, tongues and clits sprouting cocks courtesy of their ethereal unicorn lover, riding his twin organs while stroking or rubbing their own together. “Eeeyuup!” AJ’s older sibling added as he was now taking not one but three impala organs up the rear, as between Midnight’s various magical influences and perhaps a muscle relaxant spell or two cast by the bucks, his sphincter had been loosened enough to allow it. But then they withdrew as he was suddenly turned over on to all fours and a large zebra stallion approached the portal, his enormous organ nearly scraping the ground as he hungrily eyed AJ’s older brother. The three impala then projected his entire form across the portal like the spectral version of Upper Crust Midnight had given the Abyssinians, while the four-legged crowd held their breath. Lowering his head to lick Big Macintosh’s nethers once along the entire length of his cleft, he remotely moved up over him before pressing his unflared head into his human lover’s softened tail. Big Mac groaned as the pressure increased and it found purchase, slipping into him with a loud slurp despite its impressive size. The zebras pinwheeled their hooves and nickered appreciatively at the feat while the stallion reared up on the other side of the portal, picking up AJ’s older brother with his enormous equine cock. The pair were supported by Impala auras as he pushed down on an equally ethereal representation of the burly human’s shoulders to sink it further into him while he turned them around to face the crowd, showing the enormous organ disappearing into a wriggling, writhing Big Macintosh inch by unlikely inch until he had taken it all up to the medial ring. “That’s my bro!” Applejack called out, staring at the scene as raptly as she had the initial one with Sugarcoat while waving her Stetson hat like she was at a rodeo. “Take it all, Big Mac!” “By Granny’s secret still… you got it, sis!” he managed as his already-engorged organ flared further and spurted slightly with the first thrust of the stallion’s hips, from what I can only assume was pressure on his prostate. His human cock itself continued to grow as more magic was fed to him, surpassing fourteen inch in length as it hung out rigidly from his body and twitched with every throb of the massive stallionhood within him. “Well. It would seem this new race is as popular among the school staff as myself,” Midnight said, having paused her observations to listen to the conversation, giving a knowing grin. The High Priestess likewise smirked, though she did seem somewhat taken by the sight of Big Macintosh lifted up and impaled on half of an eighteen-inch zebra stallionhood. “And how telling that they think of their students’ educational opportunities first! I must say, I approve.” “As do I. Though I take some interest in this ‘staff’ myself—especially your Dean and Principals, who might have an analog or three in my world,” Juniper Neptune said with a twinkle. “Might I have a turn with them? Or perhaps even take them home with me?” She gave Luna a lascivious look, who stared back at her in some confusion, like she was sure she’d seen the other female somewhere before. Wait—did that mean the High Priestess had a human equivalent somewhere? If so, why hadn’t my research upon arrival turned up any trace of her? Midnight smiled and closed her eyes; I can only assume she knew who the High Priestess referred to from having earlier read her memories. “If that is your wish, I have no objection. And perhaps to further those educational opportunities, I’ll make the portal to this griffon realm permanent. Once I’ve examined their intriguing race in great detail, that is,” she amended her statement, floating up directly in front of the portal as she scanned them with her magic. “Their exotic bodies right out of human mythology are remarkable enough, but that they are somehow a Tellusian version of the Roman Empire is fascinating.” For the first time, she passed through the portal directly until she was several feet inside of it, meaning that her mating aura was no longer even slightly attenuated by the portal passage, or even the wards that additional arriving griffon mages had cast.  There were three more of them as the Paladins had clearly called for reinforcements to contain the magical breach. From what I could hear, they and another score of soldiers had arrived to surround the portal on both sides, though the nature of the rifts was that they were only active or visible in one direction—the forward-facing one.  Though I’d never seen a portal before this other than the hidden one in the Canterlot High plaza, I’d studied them enough to know that they could not be seen from behind, nor could you see what was behind them when looking through the front. If you walked into the rear of one, it would be impassable from that direction and would repel you, though the concentrated magic that surrounded it might have untoward effects if you got close enough. The sensual effects of Midnight’s magic continued to build despite the best efforts of the mages to contain or disperse it, as their standard spells simply weren’t strong enough against alicorn-level power.  But griffon mages, or Magus Knights as the griffons themselves call them, are trained from birth and groomed for military service, possessing an impressive arsenal of incantations to draw from. At a shouted order from their increasingly red-cheeked leader, whose flying was getting more awkward due to partially stiffened wings—their power and protective enchantments were clearly only slowing the effects of Midnight’s power, not stopping it—they put nullification gems directly into their staves and aimed them at Midnight, which would allow them to fire a far stronger spell.  As they did so, the line of hovering Paladin soldiers interposed themselves between the interdimensional rift into the Hall of Heroes and the scores of civilians present, which included at least a dozen cubs of various ages present with their parents, pulling their shields from their backs and arranging them in a practiced pattern around the rift.  Cascading spellwork then passed between them that formed a powerful shield around the rip in reality. It blocked the bulk of its magical expenditures, while the mages concentrated their auras on casting an enormously powerful nullification spell that would wipe out the magical breach entirely. Clearly, the griffons were well-used to dealing with magical threats, most likely from their constant skirmishes and occasionally outright warfare with the Antler-equipped Ibexians to their east. Midnight herself seemed alternately amused and impressed by their efforts, as she initially did nothing to counter it except to slowly boost her magical output, apparently trying to see how much of her power they could actually hold back.  Whatever the answer was, it boiled down to not enough of it, as glowing cracks were beginning to form in shields and staves as they struggled to hold back the sheer weight of her aura. It was soon leaking out again through those same cracks to affect the civilians again; even the heavily protected Paladins were starting to show signs of excitement as cheeks flushed and pink male organs poked free of their sheaths. Through it all, the civilians kept pressing forward towards Midnight and Juniper despite the soldiers repeatedly ordering them back, with several of the former already starting to rub their aroused wings and raise their tails to whoever was behind them. The effect even seemed to take hold of the cubs present there, even if the younger ones didn’t understand what they were feeling, looking around in confusion to see suddenly swollen sexes and newly erect spears hanging beneath male bellies. A few even sat back to see their own organs emerge for the first time, experimentally stroking them while asking their parents what they were. “They are indeed the Tellusian equivalent of the Roman Empire, though unlike your own, they did not pass from existence, but instead, came to rule their entire continent and have done so for over a millennium! So does my offering please you, My Queen?” Juniper Neptune asked hopefully, standing in back of Midnight with her arms crossed and ever-erect cock nearly touching the portal she had created. I couldn’t help but wonder again what spell she’d used to make such a stable one that I’d never known of before—I would have killed to be able to generate one like that while I was still a unicorn! “It does indeed. There is clearly much I can do with them! Very well, then. I offer you a reprieve from your coming punishment, Zesty! Let me first see what exotic knowledge and erotic pleasures I can derive from this unique and extremely interesting race,” she announced, standing fast before the mages as they finished their buildup to a massive nullfication spell and readied to cast it. “And the first order of business is to brush aside this feeble resistance and see them as they truly are, without such unneeded encumbrances as clothing…” She trailed off as she willed the naked singularity to move forward toward the rift with but a glow of her horn and wave of her hand, and in another impossibility, it went right through without having any effect on it—as far as I knew from my arcane studies, such a powerful gravitational or magical anomaly as that attempting to pass the portal should have instantly collapsed it! But as had already been demonstrated so many times before, Midnight either didn’t know or didn’t care what she shouldn’t be able to do; I couldn’t help but notice that even the High Priestess looked surprised at the feat. Regardless, the purpose of the singularity’s passage became clear as it instantly sucked every single scrap of wood, steel, fabric and piece of jewelry from right off the Hall’s griffon guards and guests.  It effortlessly stripped them from their bodies and reduced them to thin streamers of spaghettified quantum mist as they were pulled into the singularity, whipping around its ergosphere at increasingly breakneck speed into an accretion disk before disappearing into its depths entirely. It even dissolved the armor right off the imposing Paladins and ripped their spears, shields, magus staffs and other weapons right out of their collective grasp, destroying their barrier and disarming them in mere moments to leave them as naked and exposed to Midnight’s magical influences as the rest.  They’d been at least partially able to resist the erotic effects of the twin mating auras because being elite soldiers, their armor and shields had been enchanted to protect them against various forms of magical curses and charms.But such wards or even the most powerful of griffon spellcasting were no proof against the selective gravitational effects of a magic-charged singularity, naked or otherwise. And once stripped of their armor and staves, they fell prey to those mating auras and their own growing urges in turn.  Worse for them, the fact that they were closest to Midnight meant her influence was greatest on them, as they were turned on even faster than the civilians they’d been trying to protect. Their wings splayed as their feathered cheeks flushed hard, leaving them quickly and sorely aroused and amenable to whatever Midnight wished. Even the well-muscled males curled their occasionally tasseled tails right over their backs in open display to the crowd below them while their lobed organs went instantly and quite rigidly erect, surging forth out of their sheaths as if pulled by a powerful magnet while griffon teats turned equally taut low on eagless bellies. All of which I could tell because Midnight magically picked them up from their hovers and pulled them nearer the portal to where she could see their anatomy more closely, running her aura through their fur and feathers to get a sense of their bodies and see where their erogenous zones were.  She then floated two of them—the tiger-striped Paladin Centurion with imperial eagle forequarters and his second, a serval-spotted eagless with the head of a hawk whose rank I can’t remember the term for—directly in front of her, where she could examine them up close and personal. Though they weakly protested their treatment by speaking Latin—or what they called ‘Aeric’—they ultimately couldn’t resist her as Midnight held not just them but all fifty of the formerly formidable Paladin soldiers suspended in the air before her. As she did so, I could just hear the sound of the Hall’s thick and heavy entrance doors shut and locked from somewhere behind the portal, sealing them all in; I could also hear some sort of clarion call cut off when they shut with a resounding boom! With no further interruptions coming, she focused her efforts on the ranking pair and quickly determined from their reactions—and in particular from causing the disarmed eagless to come with a loud cry to her Ancestors from pinion stimulation alone—that their wings and flight muscles were very sexually sensitive.  Once she realized it, Midnight smiled evilly and began to magically feel up all the stripped soldiers at once with a gleeful relish. She mercilessly tweaked teats and feathertips alike on the females while massaging flight muscles, squeezing sacs and stroking tiercel ‘spears’, as I knew griffons referred to their stallionhoods, on the males, leaving them squirming helplessly in midair. She didn’t stop until she’d made all fifty of them come despite their best efforts to resist it, which became increasingly feeble as they got closer to climax and she reduced them to the same playthings she’d already made so many others. In the end, it took just half a minute before the first male soldier orgasmed with a loud trill and powerful eruption of cum. The rest of his unit followed like a string of Minotaurian firecrackers, climaxing with fervent calls to their Ancestors or equally profane curses to their crows.  Despite bathing them in its brilliance for only a minute, Midnight’s mating aura did its damage swiftly, supercharging them with desire and seed to such an extent that it caused them to climax more powerfully than they probably ever had before in their lives. They came so hard in the air that the females squirted nectar a spectacular distance out their open entrances while the males creamed all over their own feathered chests and faces, leaving cum dripping off their panting beaks. I shivered in sympathy as I watched it from this side of the portal; even Fluttershy had sat up to see what was happening after sensing my interest in it. “Oh, my. Such interesting and virile creatures. Did you know them, too?” she asked as she massaged my back, watching the scene with some curiosity of her own. It took a moment before I could gather myself enough to reply. “Not really… I just visited the Kingdom and that very Hall once as a unicorn.” It was the truth, as I’d never really had a thing for griffons, who I considered a bunch of freaks and barbarians given their hybrid bodies and that they typically fought before mating. Even then, what turned me on wasn’t so much their bodies as their state—as seeing such a proud and powerful race reduced to sexual putty by Midnight’s magic—arguably her greatest conquest yet. “I wasn’t impressed back then, but I am now…” “Well, if you like them, then let’s move closer,” Fluttershy suggested, standing up to take my hand and guide me to a better vantage point where we could observe. I allowed her to lead me to a nearby elevated bench that faced that portal where she sat down, and bade me in turn to sit on her lap so she could continue to pleasure me. If Midnight noticed us, she ignored us, either considering us beneath her or otherwise too intent on her explorations of the griffon form. “It is interesting how they call themselves warriors when fully half their bodies are erogenous zones,” she remarked in some amusement to the High Priestess as she lowered all the panting Paladins back to the ground. She turned them over on their backs with their hindquarters facing her, their legs held wide. She continued to bathe them in her full magical brilliance as Juniper Neptune watched in keen interest, letting her take the lead. “You would think that would be a vulnerability in battle. And yet, I daresay even the three girls behind you resisted more strongly than this!” she said, to which Indigo, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet all raised middle fingers at her and emitted muffled curses around the phalluses filling their mouths. The first two had their left hands on Sour Sweet’s tongue and clit cocks, while their right belied their disgusted expressions at sexually servicing a hated schoolmate by being planted firmly between their legs, continually pleasuring themselves. “Do not be fooled, my Queen. For they have fought and won countless wars over the long course of their existence, including over some very powerful foes. As they have had to struggle mightily for their continued existence over the many millennia of their history, their pride as a people is real, but also admittedly well-earned,” she offered, her words resulting in a few puffed-out chests and flared headcrests from the civilians on the other side. For her part, Midnight nodded sagely. “So I see from their thoughts, and those statues of heroes past they so lovingly rendered. In truth, I find such societal self-veneration rather refreshing. They do please me, and in that case, I will grant them gifts worthy of their great pride…” She announced as she turned up the intensity of her mating aura further on them.  And just as had happened with the humans and even the dragons, her mating magic caused their intimate attributes to grow, with eagless teats slowly swelling into full-blown boob quartets on their bellies before the astonished civilian audience as the barely softened spears of the male soldiers likewise went rigid again, growing even larger than before. Their tiercel organs, which had a bulbed appearance in that they had two large lobes near the base that tapered gradually to a nearly pointed tip, more than doubled in girth and length as I watched, leaning forward hard on Fluttershy’s lap. Even their balls began to bulge, growing from merely tennis to softball size, causing the staring civilians to start checking their own to see if they were experiencing the same effects. To their mingled surprise and delight, they were, if not at the same pace as those closest to Midnight, who managed to weakly raise their heads and see what was happening to them. Several of the gaping tiercels reached down to grasp and stroke their new stature, no longer caring who was watching, while the eaglesses likewise groped their newly prominent mammaries or reached all the way down between their legs. Then again, it was all they could do as their sex-stiffened wings were so rigid that they were trapped on their backs, unable to immediately get up due to the very smooth floor as their paws and talons could find no purchase against it. They were only able to self-pleasure while their hind legs flexed and claws splayed sensually; a few were even holding talons or reaching over to try and fondle their friends, starting to look frustrated that they couldn’t otherwise reach them to spend their passions properly. Midnight then noticed the onlooking civilians fully, who were staring at the sexually aroused soldiers raptly. Several were licking their beaks while rubbing wings to see their growing spears and teats, tails raised high over their backs. They kept a cautious distance from Midnight and the portal despite the increasingly enormous temptations they were experiencing; even the cubs were rubbing up against their parents, and in at least one case, latched onto their mother’s teats. She then addressed them in Aeric—she might have mentally absorbed knowledge of their language again, but in fairness, I wouldn’t have put it past Twilight to already know Latin. I knew just enough of the language from my studies as Celestia’s student to recognize that she was asking them if they liked what they saw. In answer, one of the braver civilian griffons—a young and dark-feathered tiercel with cougar hindquarters and green eyes—stepped forward to bare his throat hard in a supplicating gesture. He asked her in surprisingly good Equish if she was an alien alicorn, to which the High Priestess smiled and Midnight answered with a grin that she was far more than even that—a newly birthed goddess with a keen interest in both magic and mating. She was then asked if she intended to conquer the Kingdom, to which Midnight exchanged another knowing glance with Juniper. “No, my young and nubile friend. For now, I am simply a seeker of knowledge and lover of sex. And with regards to the latter, your race is of great interest to me, both for its impressive endowments and many sensual surfaces.” She emphasized her words by tweaking each of his rigid pinions in turn, causing him to gasp and fall to his knees before her, only barely able to hold his hindquarters high enough to keep his throbbing organ from touching the cold stone floor. Seeing him struggle to stay standing, she levitated him off the floor and moved him forward towards her. Stopping him just mere feet away, she inspected him closely as he hovered helplessly before her, his back arched to push his drooling spear towards her as his eyes gazed upon her in pure worship.  It absorbed her mating magic like a sponge and grew larger as I watched, now clutching Fluttershy’s hands to my chest. I felt nearly as compelled as Applejack had been earlier to approach the scene, which might have left me falling through the open ground portal.. Fortunately, Fluttershy held me back. “But lest you think my interests are shallow, I greatly appreciate what I see of your history and culture. I find your race worthy of reward and my erotic attention. So tell me—what is your name, young griffon?” she asked him, though that was a courtesy given she could just read the knowledge from his mind. “Fortrakt Gletscher…” he barely said, his voice awestruck as he beheld her, his gaze tracing her form appreciatively while his eleven-inch organ stood out nearly perpendicular from his body, seemingly reaching for her. “And this is my favorite place to visit in the entire Kingdom.” “Then you appreciate your history and heritage. I approve wholeheartedly.” Midnight gave him a nod of acknowledgement even as she gave his exotic body a series of magical caresses, leaving him on the cusp of orgasm but not quite letting him get there. She next turned the attention of her gaze and aura on his visibly throbbing phallus. “You truly have superb stature, Fortrakt Gletscher, even before my influence was felt! But as I can tell from your thoughts that you very much enjoy being seen and studied in your aroused state, I believe I will make your ‘spear’, as your race so tellingly calls them, the model for my growing collection.” She bathed his balls and bulbous organ in a fresh spell that made him shudder and moan, leaving his eyes unfocused and his tongue hanging out of his beak. “Would you like that?” “Y-yes…” He trilled his assent and enjoyment, giving an involuntary buck of his hips towards her. The tiercel’s phallus—I wasn’t that good a judge of griffon ages, but I would have been surprised if he was a day over eighteen—was then replicated perfectly as it simply sprouted directly out of the granite floor, rising on a stone pillar to meet him. “And there we are. So what do you think, Fortrakt Gletscher?” She made a show of magically stroking it once along its entire length as it rose before them, the sensation of which was instantly transmitted to his real organ, causing him to nearly come on the spot. “Now who shall I use this on…?” She made a show of looking around, only to stop at a mental tap from the high Priestess, who was now slowly pleasuring her marehood to the sight of him. “I think he likes it. I know his kind well, so if I may be so bold as to offer a suggestion, My Queen…” I could sense magic in the air that indicated she was speaking telepathically to Midnight, who closed her eyes and smiled. “An excellent idea. I do believe we will be getting along swimmingly, Juniper Neptune. Very well, my young friend. I offer you a rare treat.” She raised the pillar until it was nearly at the level of the portal, where everyone could see him and he, in turn, could see everyone else. She followed that up by bending his legs towards the cavernous ceiling and lowering him down on top of his own organ—tail first. His eyes went wide and beak gaped as he realized her intentions to make him a centerpiece sexual exhibit of the Hall, his tail involuntarily flicking itself aside as what amounted to his own spear readied to enter his sphincter. “By my most virile and amorous ancestors, I’m being… being…!” “Tucked!” The High Priestess finished for him as contact was made and the tip of his own organ parted his anal opening with ease, eliciting a desperate and needy trill from his avian throat.  Unable to resist not just the rapture but the very idea of his own cock somehow taking his own tail—I can still only imagine what it was for him to experience both penetrating and being penetrated at once!—he began to buck his hips hard to gain more sensation; his real organ twitching and spurting clear fluid involuntarily onto the raised stage he sat on as he sat slowly back onto his haunches. His hips beginning to involuntarily piston, each movement they delivered was transmitted directly into the stone construct, which duplicated the motion to sink itself deeper with each thrust as his organ pulsed and spurted in a feedback loop that pushed him quickly towards climax.  It took less than a minute. As the entire audience breathlessly watched, he gradually sank the full length of his magic-linked stone member into his own body, crying out to the crows and his Ancestors all the while until he was fully hilted, his rear pried wide open by what was, in effect, his own swollen spear.  With but a single wave of Midnight’s hand, the raised granite platform then turned into transparent crystal so everygriffon could see the entry point and how much of himself he was taking, eliciting a few muffled curses and even an involuntary step forward or two; at least one civilian tiercel watching leaned so far forward that he nearly fell over. The stripped soldiers on their backs were unable to do much else but look up to see his state and start self-pleasuring again. Several tried desperately to roll themselves upright despite their incredibly rigid and arched-up wings that kept them pinned on the smooth floor, though they retained just enough warrior pride not to ask for help or release. Though initially squeezing his eyes tightly shut to savor the sensations he was feeling, the griffon named Fortrakt finally opened them again to behold all the eagle eyes on him—okay, like Midnight said, griffons can technically have the eyes and plumage of any bird of prey, not just eagles—devouring their attention. “Ancestors above, I’m not only being tucked but they’re all watching me! I’m naked and excited and they see me!” he shouted in increasing excitement as his gaze seemingly couldn’t stay in one place, flitting from griffon to staring griffon, lingering on those who were seemingly mastrubating to the sight of him—most notably, the soldiers below. “That’s right, young griffon. They see you and envy you. They wish they were you. And can you blame them?” Juniper Neptune teased him; I assume she recognized his proclivities from long experience, if not a scrying spell. “You have been granted the favor of a goddess. And surely you will not disappoint her? Show her your appreciation. Show her how virile all griffons are. Prove your sexual prowess to all watching in this sacred hall!” After so much magical stimulation, that little mental push was all he needed. “I… I…” His body tensed as his oversized balls suddenly drew right back up into his body. “Ancestors!” he called out again as his spear all but exploded, spurting his seed almost straight up as his spine arched so hard the curled edges of his splayed wings were nearly touching the sides of the pillar below the platform. “By Celestia…” I couldn’t help but say as I saw the first few spurts fountain all over his feathered chest and face, leaving lines of cum dripping off and into his open beak. But he was far from finished as his body pitched forward slightly and his next score of eruptions rained down on the arc of soldiers lying on their backs before him. In another incredibly unlikely feat I’m sure was due to Midnight altering probability, his still-spasming spear shot streamer after streamer down on them in every direction for the next twenty seconds; lines of copious cream unerringly finding their faces and teats, balls and cocks, sexes and sphincters. But far from being offended, they rubbed his essence into their bodies with even the males licking their beaks and poking talons into their tails, trying to spread it further and loosen their as-yet unused openings. When he was finally done coming nearly a minute later, he collapsed slightly forward, his organ never softening while he was still held up right by the stone spear still firmly embedded beneath his tail. “Well done, my young friend. You can get up if you wish,” Midnight invited. “I don’t want to…” was all Fortrakt could as he looked down in wonder to see what he had wrought on the civilian griffons and the score of soldiers below, with several of the former having come at the sight of him doing so. “All I ask is that you let me be seen by even more! That you help me share this Ancestor-sent experience… with everycreature!” Midnight smiled, exchanging another glance and grin with the High Priestess. “For such a virile specimen belonging to such a magnificent race as yourself? As I am a generous goddess and your erotic offerings please me, I will grant your request, Fortrakt Gletscher. In fact, I am curious about something. It is said that if you want to understand a culture, you should learn what their youth dream about. So I wish to see what sexual fantasies a young griffon like yourself might have…”  She pointed a finger and cast a spell on him whose nature I couldn’t immediately discern except for some element of mental magic. “There you are. I grant you the ability to make others do what you wish. Your influence on their minds will be as irresistible as mine. So just as I am indulging my deepest desires, I now invite you to indulge yours.” He gaped at her again, his now-twelve inch erection beginning to twitch and drizzle clear fluid once more. “My desires…?” He looked out over his audience, who seemed excited but uncertain, whispering quietly in worry amongst themselves—those that weren’t already so taken by the scene that they were actively making out or even outright rutting, that was. At least a few couples had mounted each other, unable to resist temptation for having an available mate any longer. For a moment, he looked like he didn’t know where to begin. So he started by staring down at the biggest and highest ranking tiercel soldier present—the large tiger-striped Paladin Centurion. He was now stripped of his armor and lying on his back still covered in ribbons of cream—both his own, and Fortrakt’s. His gold eyes suddenly locked with Fortrakt’s and he shivered violently, his erect organ twitching hard as he only momentarily resisted whatever he was being made to do. He then curled his spine, bending his hindquarters over his fore until he was staring his own enormous organ in the face. With the feline flexibility of his race, he bent himself so far backwards that he lowered the end of it into his open maw and began to suckle his own enhanced spear, still propped up on his wings while trapped on his back. Once he’d accomplished that, he reached up with his foretalons to pull his rear further towards his head, spreading his cheeks wide to display his softball-sized balls and still-virgin tail towards Fortrakt and Midnight. “Ancestors…” Fortrakt was beginning to stroke himself to the sight, leaning as far forward as the crystalline dildo of his own cock would allow. “By all the crows of the Kingdom, it’s working!” He exclaimed excitedly as he then extended his influence to the other tiercel soldiers. He made them duplicate the feat while he induced the eaglesses to grope their swollen teats and use their talons to spread their ‘nests’, which was the griffon slang term for marehoods, wide for him to see. “As you can plainly see, My Queen, some things never change regardless of race. Foremost among them, the flights of sensual fantasy young males indulge in,” the High Priestess remarked in amusement. “Perhaps. But answer me this, Fortrakt Gletscher—why them?” she asked him directly, nodding to the floor below. “They are your own soldiers. And I can tell from your thoughts and emotions that you respect them. So why do you seek their sexual subjugation?” He didn’t answer right away, and I couldn’t help but wonder why she was asking when she could simply read his mind. His eyes—and mine—continued to roam over the dozens of prone Paladins alternately sucking their own spears or writhing helplessly before him, waving their tails or thrusting their nests at him in enticement, devouring the scene he had helped create for several seconds before he answered her. “Because… a griffon like me would never have a chance with them normally! I admire strong soldiers like them immensely—I always have! I want to be as much a warrior and griffon champion as the statues that stand before you! It’s why I spend so much time here at the Hall of Heroes!” he explained excitedly while listening to the needy trills below him. Such sounds included eaglesses begging him to fill their nests and even the tiercels openly inviting him to avail himself of their presented plots, each pleading to be serviced by him first. He shivered at the sights and sounds, licking his beak once before continuing. “Even now, I worship their strength and size! I would pay homage to them by suckling their spears and teats as they stand at attention while on guard duty, but before this, I could neither arouse nor attract them. I cannot mate with such strong griffons without winning a mating round, but being so young and inexperienced in fighting, I am unable to stimulate them!” He hung his head for a moment, then brightened again. “But no longer! At long last, I can thank them! Reward and revere them! See their stature and make them want me! Arouse them and make them come while calling my name!” he said as the tiercel Centurion suddenly came hard in his own face, forced to swallow as much of his own spunk as he could. Which he did with gusto, milking his own organ for everything he was worth before he collapsed to the ground again panting, seed spilling out his open beak down his cheeks and chin. The rest of his stripped and sexually submitted unit soon followed, climaxing with a series of invocations that did include saying Fortrakt’s name, with the eagless and even the males begging him anew to fill their empty orifices with his tongue or talons, holding them open in enticement. “By the Ancestors, my greatest fantasy is made real! But why stop with them?” he suddenly wondered as he looked around, sitting high on his makeshift throne with his curious half-avian cock throbbing hard before him. “I love seeing griffons excited and unable to hide it! Desperate in their desires and unable to restrain themselves from rutting, whether grown or cub! So…” He extended his influence throughout the hall, willing those few patrons still trying to be shy about showing themselves to do so. They responded immediately by removing their talons from covering their crotches or stepping out from behind statues, some raising their tails or stretching out their hindquarters to show off their slowly growing attributes with others propping themselves up against the sculptures to reveal their arousal fully. A few even rolled forward onto their backs to showcase their newly enhanced malehoods and mammaries, which like the soldiers was a position they could easily get into but not out of given their stiff wings. Ironically, the size and strength of the Paladins worked against them there, as their more muscled forms were weighted such that they didn’t have enough leverage to push out of it—at least, not on the smooth stone floor they couldn’t get enough traction on. The smaller civilians might be able to roll backwards out of it with some effort to stand upright again, but none did, presenting themselves to Fortrakt and each other without hesitation despite their fresh arousal and astonishment, staring down at themselves in disbelief as their marehoods winked and spears throbbed openly in the air before them “Yes! Yes! That’s it!” Fortrakt shouted in pure joy; his spear growing even further as he watched. “Now I want them all to rut! And without a mating round!” “By all means, my eager young teen. And a mating round is…?” Midnight prompted, clearly content to let Fortrakt do whatever he wished. Juniper Neptune answered for him. “Mating rounds are ritual tests of warrior worthiness. They are stylized spars that normally precede more intimate affairs between griffons,” the High Priestess explained as she watched in an air of smug satisfaction that left me wondering if she’d crossed horns with the griffons before. “They stem from ancient times, when only the strongest of griffons gained the right to breed.” And then I remembered from my long-ago studies of the great pony/griffon war of seven centuries prior that in fact, she had. Or rather, a previous incarnation of herself did. As every new Juniper Neptune inherited the memories and desires of her predecessors, did she therefore see this as getting a long-awaited and very ironic revenge for that centuries-old betrayal and defeat? It might have been something I would ask her, if I could ever meet her in a purely social setting. And wasn’t still so taken by the idea of the proud and mighty griffies turned into helplessly excited tuck-toys within the confines of their most sacred place, with even some of their most elite soldiers turned into Playcolt interspecies issue centerfold spreads.  “It is how they build passion and is one of their more strict societal rules. Though I think that this young griffon gets off on the idea of exhibitionism and flaunting of those rules.” For the first time, the High Priestess flew through the portal to stand on the crystal platform beside him, ruffling his headfeathers affectionately with her magic. The stormy skies around us got even more dark and violent when she did so in response to the further destabilization of the inter-dimensional boundaries. It was a sharp reminder that regardless of my enjoyment, I had to stop them, since Midnight was destabilizing the interdimensional boundaries further by crossing them herself. I knew that the passage of powerful magic users could worsen the rifting and energy imbalances, to potentially disastrous effects.  And yet, I didn’t care just then, wanting to see what she was going to do on the griffon side of the blue-rimmed rift. Indeed, neither Juniper nor Midnight seemed concerned as the rifts around us grew larger and a few new ones opened up, this time to other places with griffons, who turned to the rips in realities and gaped at what they saw. “I would never have guessed,” Midnight chuckled over crossed arms from her hover, echoing my own thought as a giddy Fortrakt glanced back at them only briefly, though his gaze lingered in surprise on the High Priestess for a moment, devouring her exotic cream-skinned naked and bat-winged human form. “He takes after me in that regard. I like that. And I like him. So what will you do with your new power now, Fortrakt Gletscher?” “This!” He induced two middle-aged eagless mothers, who had been staring at the stripped soldiers hungrily, to turn to each other and start making out passionately, doing so without shame or hesitation as their preteen cubs looked on in mingled interest and confusion. Before long, they were standing upright belly to belly groping each other’s wings and flight muscles with audible moans, seemingly unable to stop as the two young female cubs that belonged to the pair copied the actions of their parents and other adults they saw. They rubbed their small but visibly swelling belly breasts first with their paws, and then against each other. Eventually, the smaller mother with a snow leopard coat fell on her back while the larger black one with raven feathers toppled on top of her, their exquisitely stiff pinions touching as they rubbed their newly enhanced mammaries together. They took great pains to tweak each other’s teats as they did so, keeping their tails held high or swept aside to allow for a full view of their visibly wet and open entrances from the portal. Fortrakt followed that up by making one of their older cubs, a single teenage tiercel who hadn’t yet shed his fledgling feathers, approach the pair. With yet another ubiquitous call to his Ancestors thanking them for the opportunity to be blessed with such a divine gift, he made the younger teen nose under their tails to eat both his mother and the other eagless out at once, though I doubt he needed much encouragement by then, prying open each of their nests with his beak in turn so he could reach his tongue deep inside them..  He did so tentatively at first, then increasingly eagerly as his own mother called his name, urging more from him; as the scene progressed, still other males collected around the pair at Fortrakt’s urging to fondle their female forms by groping their wings, flanks and flight muscles.  The two eaglesses accepted all the tiercel attention eagerly with the one on top raising her tail further to allow a talon to be inserted into her anal orifice, audibly trilling and noticeably shivering to feel the opening stretched. As the thicker part of the digit was inserted and wriggled inside her, she climaxed instantly, fluid spurting onto her surprised son’s face before oozing down into the nest of the eagless below her, whose sphincter received the same attention in turn from another tiercel talon slickened with her own juices. Other griffons, tiercels and eaglesses alike then collected around the tiercels, attending them in turn to nuzzle their large and growing balls or even lick directly beneath their tails. Their efforts elicited some startled squawks, and in at least one case, another instant orgasm as a tongue from a second male wormed inside him. The urge to rut spread like wildfire from there, and within a minute, every single griffon in the Hall—dozens of them—had their spears serviced or erotic orifices filled, openly revelling in their very public arousal and lovemaking. It has to be noted that even the cubs were taking part, from two teenage tiercels doing the swirl to even younger eagless cubs suckling a teat or spear belonging to their siblings or parents. In at least one instance, a mother gently introduced her two young boys to her eagless attributes under what I assume was Fortrakt’s influence, lying on her back while inviting them to explore her feminine body to their heart’s content.  They did so eagerly, sampling her with tongue and talon, finding out quickly what she liked—teat tweaks and clit licks among other things—and doing more of it when they sensed her enjoyment grow. They openly marveled at her matronly form while she fondled their newly adult-sized spears and sacs in turn, explaining what they were and inviting her twins to put them inside her so they could learn how to pleasure an eagless properly.  They took to their lessons quite eagerly, and taking turns claiming her nest, each made their mother climax in under a minute with a loud and passionate trill, briefly startling them. But she put them at ease by praising them and thanking them for making her feel so good, openly wondering—and even hoping!—if her sons had just given her a fresh set of cubs. It was an incredibly lurid show—for the record, griffons don’t really have hang-ups regarding underage sex or incest; it’s normally more a question to them of whether you can fight a proper round or not—and I admit I did get off to it again, as did Fortrakt, who fountained a second time all over the Paladins lying prone before him. Unable to do anything but lie there unbearably and insatiably aroused, able only to crane their necks to see what was happening behind them, several came instantly to feel Fortrakt’s seed showering them again; globs and streamers stitching fresh lines across their faces and wings, spears, sacs and teats. When he had pitched forward again, his latest orgasm leaving him momentarily spent, Midnight spoke again. “I see you were particularly keen on that mother and her cubs. Why did you make them do that?” she suddenly asked. “An interest in incest?” “Not just for that…” Fortrakt actually sounded forlorn for a moment as he stared at the pair. “My own mother… she abandoned my father and me when I was only six, after he was wounded in military service and lost the ability to fly. She took my sisters and left me alone to help him! By all the crows of the Kingdom, I hated her for that! They’re as young as I was then, so I want those tiercel cubs taken care of! Loved and accepted and appreciated!” He began to cry despite his excitement as Midnight and Juniper exchanged a startled look. “And just who is this dishonorable eagless who disowned you and your sire, young Gletscher?” A suddenly angry High Priestess asked. “Be assured, I will find her and punish her.” Her tone was anything but pleasant even as her cock twitched hard. “Her name is Vastata Dives. Last I knew, she lived in Catlais. And you may do what you will with her with my blessing…” He gave a pained trill as he looked away. “And mine as well. It sounds like you take that rather personally, High Priestess,” Midnight noted over crossed arms. “I have my reasons,” was all Juniper Neptune would say, her tone clipped as she rested a hand on Fortrakt’s neck, moving up further to stand directly beside him on the pillar. “And they are no less valid than his. So fear not, Fortrakt Gletscher. Your mother will pay for abandoning you and your father. So says the High Priestess of the Highborne.” “Thank you…” he granted, turning to nuzzle her; he seemed surprised to find himself staring her chest-mounted mammaries in the face. He then blushed anew as he eyed them, visibly tracing their outlines with his green eyes. “May I…?” he bared his throat politely, but made no move to touch her. She smiled. “I would normally not allow an indulgence of my human form by any but my most favored acolytes. But as you are such a gifted and endearing young griffon, and you asked permission instead of trying to take a liberty? You most certainly may,” she offered, letting him reach under a wing around her back to grope the leftmost of her large cream-covered breasts while he suckled with his beak at the teat of the other.  “That’s right. Here and now, let me be the mother you lacked, young tiercel.” She laid her hand on the back of his head, holding it to her bosom while draping a webbed bat wing over his own. He gave an audible sniffle and trill at the affection, beginning to explore her body in earnest. He visibly marveled at the texture of her human flesh beneath his talons as the action continued below, and if possible, intensified as what few inhibitions remained were cast aside at Fortrakt’s mental command. Or maybe they were already so far gone by then that they didn’t need any more encouragement. I looked in one direction and saw no less than five eaglesses of various feline fur and avian plumage eating out each other’s nests in a circular train as they lay on their backs, their talons groping and tweaking their new belly breasts.  I then looked in another where I saw two teenage jaguar-spotted twins performing a swirl while their mother frantically pleasured herself to the sight of them, her eyes wide and her talons dug deep between her legs as she urged them on.  Then there was a train of four mating males, each mounting the one ahead of them with spears buried beneath tails—except for the lead one which also had one in his muzzle, that was, while the two tiercels spitroasting him made out above his head. And finally, there was the seemingly endless array of incest as cubs of all ages and both genders suckled their sire’s spears or their mother’s teats, with one previously prepubscent cub even claiming his mother’s rear as she lay crouched before him. He held her tail in his beak as he thrust into her with his impossibly adult-sized equipment, his hind paws only barely finding enough purchase on the ground as he came for the first time in his young life, emptying himself into his mother’s tail. I couldn’t help it as I likewise came again at the sight of it, aided in no small part by Fluttershy as she sensed my enjoyment of the scenes, pointing each out to me in turn. I don’t think she was as into it as I was, as she might have considered them more animals than anything else. But in her continuing kindness, she sought to make sure I enjoyed it as much as possible to the point that she led me around the ground portal even closer until I was nearly right beside the rift to the Kingdom, looking inside it while we sat on the repeatedly painted-over class boulder this time. I barely noticed as my eyes never left the panorama before me. It was pure sexual insanity, but Fortrakt—and I!—reveled in each new act he and Midnight induced and griffon taboo they shattered, watching in delight as his brethren helplessly and repeatedly came before seeking a new experience—a new rule to break. Whether due to his influence or not, a few griffons were even starting to rub themselves up directly against the statues—a huge no-no in the Hall of Heroes, where all the artifacts were strictly hooves-off. I found that out the hard way myself once, when I got kicked out during my one visit after trying to pull free an old griffon casting stave from an exhibit.  But Celestia knew, I never thought I’d be in effect visiting the place again, and enjoying it far more than I did before! “I must say, this has been quite educational. I like this new race—they are not only appreciative of their history, but also seem far more open and honest about their feelings than my own,” Midnight mused. I couldn’t help but note then that for all the adult action Midnight had helped induce, she’d barely participated in any herself to that point, content to let others enjoy themselves while she simply sat back and watched. She had occasionally touched others, true enough, mostly magically, but she hadn’t allowed anyone to touch her. I had the half-thought that might somehow be important, but I can be forgiven if the bulk of my attention remained fixed firmly ahead. “Indeed, My Queen. The griffons could teach humanity much—if they were allowed to. Though I fear your world would not be ready to meet them. Or me,” she added with a sly grin as she allowed Fortrakt to feel her human form up to his heart’s content. “A pity. There is much that we could offer each other.” “Perhaps…” Midnight said somewhat coyly before she turned her attention to the greater chamber this time, scanning out over it. “Those griffon statues… they seem magically receptive,” she noted as she probed them with her aura to no immediate effect. “I sense some form of defensive spellwork on them, but nothing I cannot deactivate.” “Ah, yes. As you are already aware, this is the Kingdom’s Hall of Heroes, which they consider sacred ground,” Juniper Neptune explained, sparing a glance over her shoulder to see all the eyes on the new portal, including my own. Her pink cat eyes lingered on me for a moment; I thought again I might have seen a moment of recognition in her gaze. I’d never met her, so how did she know me? Did Celestia tell her about me during one of their summits? Whatever the answer, she gave me no further mind. “The statues are made of black onyx, which are valuable stones in our world. Not only because they are quite rare, but because they are exceptionally magically conductive materials, able to absorb incantations and other spells quite well. The wards you sense are protective enchantments similar if not identical to those I use at my own temple, meant to prevent damage to or desecration of sacred artifacts. Or simply to keep dust and moisture off to preserve the stone indefinitely.” “I see…” Midnight then floated on her raven wings high over the hall, while the still-grounded griffons watched her in mingled fear and excitement as she looked around. “I hope, then, that our new friends will not consider it desecration if I do this…” Her aura activating again, her horn flared hard as she pointed a finger at a statue of a large armored earth griffon who stood upright and kept himself propped on his heavy body-length double-bladed battle axe. Aiming a magical beam at his visage—whoever he was, he must have been nearly eight feet tall while upright—his statue absorbed the spell and reacted instantly with a series of slow creaking sounds. His carefully sculpted sheath and apples began to immediately expand to well over double their original size, swelling just as readily as those of the real griffons had. A male organ of pure onyx swiftly emerged from the former while his wings likewise began to flare harder than they already were, with the pinions standing out stiffly in pure sexual excitement. He even changed his stance, slinging his axe over his broad shoulders with one foreleg while his second reached down to cup one of his newly enormous orbs in his stone talons. He lifted it slightly to present its softball-sized mass to an observer while his newly erect spear poked out nearly a foot and a half from his body, leaving him in a very sexually excited and suggestive pose. All sensual activity briefly ceased as even the soldiers craned their heads to see what was happening, witnessing the griffon statue gain an enormous erection that pointed directly out to the center of the Hall. And remarkably, Midnight’s spell didn’t stop there, as I sensed it riding the collective enchantments the exhibits already possessed to hopscotch from one statue to the next.  She didn’t even have to cast additional incantations on the remainder as the magic spread swiftly outwards like an electric current along the line of statues. Her spreading spell gave each the same treatment in turn, starting with the two nearest sculptures before spreading out laterally and across to the other side of the Hall from there. Just as before, impressive onyx organs sprouted from carefully carved sheaths while barely visible nests suddenly became far more chiseled and anatomically accurate, right down to the clitoral nub. Feminine openings audibly parted with a slight crackling sound as oynx wings grew rapidly erect; even the puckered openings beneath their tails became prominent when they hadn’t been there at all before, presented invitingly and in exquisite detail beneath upraised feline tails. “Ancestors past…” The only voice heard for a moment was Fortrakt’s as he watched his nation’s heroes become not just paragons of warrior virtue but potent symbols of griffon sensuality. He continued to fondle Juniper Neptune’s nude form and phallus with more urgency as he watched, humping up and down on his own stone spear that still filled his sphincter. “Look at them! By the crows, they’re so…” He couldn’t finish the sentence except to begin lovingly stroking the High Priestess’s thestralcorn cock, and I couldn’t blame him—I couldn’t speak or even think much myself at this point, though in my case, my arousal wasn’t so much over the griffon forms as Midnight’s latest feat. For all my pre-portal studies, I knew of no magic that could instantly alter enchanted stone so perfectly like that. Other than perhaps the chaos magic of Discord, that was, and he was supposed to be the only one who could wield it—I should know, given my one attempt to control it ended in disaster that one of Celestia’s closest aides, Bard of the Royal Court Delta Requiem, had to rescue me from.  But having tasted it once before, I knew this wasn’t chaos magic at work, which only made Midnight’s latest achievement even more inexplicable. Even the High Priestess looked surprised, her jaw agape as she drooled down her own steady stream of pre onto the floor below, where it found the twitching end of a male griffon’s tail.  The impossible acts weren’t done yet, though. Poses changed as well as some statues simply reared up with a loud groan of shifting stone, like the Saddle Arabian stallion further down the Hall did to show off his newly coconut-sized apples and a massive three-foot erection that sprouted from his equally large sheath while another eagless sculpture turned around on her pedestal to face the wall. She lowered her forelegs while raising her hindquarters, glancing back over her shoulder with a come-hither look as if to offer either of her orifices for any passing patron to pleasure, while beside her, a stave-wielding eagless statue who had undoubtedly been a mage leaned back to grind her staff between her legs. She arched her spine and threw her head back while opening her beak as if in a trill, finally freezing in a position of pure pleasure. Still other tiercels simply stretched out their hindquarters and raised their tails to show off their wares, with some stepping clean off their pedestals so they could lean on them from the floor. It made their extremely erect and very oversized spears more visible and available to be stroked or outright suckled; at least one rolled over on his back and curled his hindquarters over his head just like the Paladins had.  He froze in place with his tongue touching the tip of his own organ and his enormous balls proudly presented between spread legs, while most of the griffon female sculptures likewise took pains to showcase their nests and newly large mammaries, with one eagless statue suddenly lying on her side with the four melon-sized mounds on her belly clearly presented to the viewer.  Each human-sized breast was capped with an obviously and quite exquisitely erect teat as she raised one rear leg high to lick it; she held the latter to her muzzle in her foretalons with the toes of her hind paw stretched and claws splayed. But her change in posture wasn’t finished until she propped herself with her rigid wings to gently massage the greater mass of a single griffon tit with her forepaw, her new pose finally frozen with her rubbing it between two talons. In under a minute, every statue in the hall had been affected and altered to a far more sexual state, and yet, the effect of Midnight’s cascading incantation didn’t end there as the artifacts of various exhibits also turned from weapons to various toys of pleasure; even the griffons in the murals that lined the walls and ceiling were suddenly visibly erect or otherwise sensually excited.  Battle scenes turned seamlessly to sex as mortal combat became mating spars; not even the non-griffons depicted were excepted as the drakes and drakinas of the Dragon Lord Diabla’s army were suddenly shown licking and caressing equally aroused and amorous griffon bodies, who were impaled on twin dragon organs instead of spears or swords while exchanging kisses beak to snout with their former foes.  The same happened with other depictions of battles with foes like the Ibex, which soon showed griffon soldiers conquering them not with force of arms, but by simple power of seduction. The wall murals showed them using everything from ear nibbles to special magus spells to sexually dominate and subjugate them, filling them with their phalluses and soon turning the rival race into tuck toys for their own.  Not even the Griffon Empire’s long-ago war with Equestria was exempted as the conflict was converted from one of violence to contests of sex and virility. But unlike with the Ibex, the griffons were depicted as having met their match in the ponies, both in  terms of stature and sensual skill given the rival sides were shown as equally well-endowed—there was one particularly notable image of tiercel and stallion organs crossed like blades—in dominant and submissive positions. The centerpiece of that particular exhibit was a massive ceiling mural that showed a battle between the elite forces of both sides—the Equestrian Bolt Knights, forerunner of the Wonderbolts, and the Griffon Empire’s Red Talons—turned into contests of sexual dominance and submission. Among other erotic action, it showed the greatest warrior in all of griffon history, Layan Kaval, taking a conquered Captain Firefly’s tail with a suitably massive spear as he mated her on her back in midair.  The latter was depicted as vanquished and helpless to resist his overwhelmingly fertile masculinity and supreme sensual talents. The Aeric inscription said as much, adding that her defeat was despite all her own considerable skill and will in the erotic arts, the image showing her coming so hard that she squirted nectar from her marehood along with copious amounts of milk from a massive pair of belly breasts.  It was then I remembered that Firefly’s sculpture along with Layan Kaval’s was in the Hall’s deepest recesses called the Chamber of Champions, where the greatest of griffon heroes were kept. Was her statue affected as well? And what about those of the other Bolt Knights, like Fell Flight? Or Firefly’s adopted son and daughter, all of whom were present in the Hall for services rendered to the Kingdom in the Dragon Lord Diabla conflict, which was fought a decade after the Gryphon Empire’s Invasion of Equestria…? I didn’t know, but having beheld all that, I fell forward off Fluttershy’s lap again, trembling violently despite her efforts to support me. My marehood oozed nectar endlessly at the display as I ended up on all fours on the ground, barely able to hold myself up as a concerned Fluttershy knelt at my side.  I couldn’t help it. Midnight was everything the old me had wanted to be! All the limitless power and magic my old and evil self had ever desired. She was not just the avatar of magic but a goddess in every sense of the word, and reality itself seemed malleable in the face of her enormous power. I wasn’t the only one to think so, either. “By all twenty-nine of my Ancestors past… How did you do this, Midnight Sparkle…?” I heard an amazed High Priestess say as she looked around in awe. The griffons were already starting to take advantage of their newly altered surroundings by rubbing up against the statues or outright running their talons over the onyx bodies, stroking spears or otherwise caressing or even outright kissing the sexually enhanced forms of their historical heroes. “You can thank our mutual friend,” a very pleased Midnight said with a nod to the naked singularity still hovering placidly beside them. “I simply accessed the multiverse, or what you call the ‘twisting nether’ through it, seeking a reality where such scenes existed. Reacting to my thoughts, it showed me one, and I simply mapped that world onto this one—a task made surprisingly easy by all the enchanted onyx and granite. In this one museum, at least,” she said as if it was no big deal, causing my head to spin. She then floated out over the center of the Hall. “Welcome to an alternate version of the Hall of Heroes, Griffons of the Kingdom—the Griffon Imperium’s Palace of Passion!” she told them all as the griffons themselves were now availing themselves of the statues fully, to the point that several were backing themselves into protruding spears or even discovering they could mount presented griffons. “It actually exists in another reality… and now in this one as well!” An enormous cheer of appreciation came up, with several griffons bowing to her like she was royalty. Through it all, the enormous all-griffon orgy continued unabated on the floor of the Hall as tiercels rubbed spears together as much or more as eaglesses did their teats, beaks prying open nests to lick inside of them while tongues and talons groped belly boobs and wingbases alike. “Do you like it, Fortrakt Gletscher?” The tiercel, by then, was casting his gaze about in wonder even as he hugged Juniper Neptune’s enormous thestralcorn organ to him, worshiping it with tongue and talon as Juniper closed her eyes and smiled in pleasure. “V-very much…” he said shakily. “I want to explore this altered Hall to see the new states of all my favorite griffon heroes, and finally have my way with the Paladins properly! But with regards to them, if I may ask something more of you…?” He bared his throat hard at her. “As you have been nothing but polite and a joy to work with, you may.” Midnight nodded, staring at him expectantly. He hesitated briefly before he spoke. “If it’s not too much trouble… please set the soldiers free and let them participate?” he requested in excellent Equish, pausing his oral efforts to look at her.  “They are desperate to take part now, and for as much as I have enjoyed seeing them so exposed and needy—needy for me!—I do not wish to see them suffer as their spears, nests and teats go unused. And even when I finally attend them, I fear I can only sate so many of them so quickly,” he noted as they all called up to Fortrakt again, begging to be tucked by him, with the former commander of the unit claiming he should go first by virtue of his rank. He propped his hindquarters on his tail to display his cum-slickened anal opening in open invitation, offering further temptation by reaching down to caress one of his oversized balls “Fear not, Fortrakt Gletscher,” Midnight said with a smile as Fortrakt’s hips bucked hard at the sight. “That you are thinking of them does you great credit, but don’t worry. I have something special planned for them. For I believe I have solved a mystery that was vexing me earlier, upon observing the dragons of this realm. I couldn’t help but note that they seemed to have an old and faded hex on them—or rather, half of one.” “A hex?” the High Priestess repeated, then looked back out through the portal across the school courtyard into the dragon lands, where Rarity and Pinkie Pie were now double-teaming the blue dragon Princess. “How so?” “I wasn’t sure until just now, when those murals were modified. I was looking at that one there—” she pointed up at what had been a painting of griffons fighting the invading army of Nightmare Moon alongside a clan of dragons; I remembered from my long-ago history lessons that they had allied against her invasion of Aresia—“and it barely changed afterwards, still showing that evil alicorn triumphant as dragons and griffons rutted helplessly before her. Upon closer examination of our young friend here, I believe I have found the remnants of the companion hex, buried deep within griffon magic.” “That alicorn is Nightmare Moon,” Juniper said wistfully. “An ascended but insane version of Princess Luna from my world. She did invade this continent, seeking to subjugate the griffons, who fought back with the help of the dragons… at least until both sides were suddenly unable to fight and forced to withdraw from the conflict. Fortunately for them, Celestia shortly banished her, and without their Queen’s power or leadership, her former army was soon routed, withdrawing from Aresia—what you call Europe—in great disorder and heavy losses as their enemies rallied against them.” Midnight smiled. “In other words, she defeated them without fighting, which was said by the great Sun Tzu to be the highest order of military skill. And I believe I now know how,” Midnight announced as she ripped open a new rift, one that caused a harsh hot wind to rush through the Hall through which the dragon lands could be seen. It wasn’t the same area where Pinkie and Rarity were, but many adolescent dragons were present, and all turned to the unlikely sight of aroused and amorous griffons rutting openly before them. Igniting her horn again, she concentrated a great deal of magic in her hands, which she then cast all around her. This time, it found focus in the griffons and dragons on either side of the fresh rift, who stopped and stared at each other in growing desire and excitement. “Casting a binary hex that would only work when those imbued with the two separate parts of it were in proximity with each other, she beat them by making them desire each other above all else, rendering them unable to do anything but rut in each other’s presence. And so shall it be again!” she announced grandly as, unable to restrain themselves, the abruptly excited dragons ran or flew through the rift with their twin organs rapidly becoming erect, descending on the receptive griffons of the Hall of Heroes’ former Paladin security contingent before them, quickly beginning to claim their prone and wing-pinned forms for themselves. “Praise the Ancestors…” was all Fortrakt could say again as he saw the soldiers swiftly sexed with drakes taking their nests, beaks and tails while the drakinas straddled them, sinking griffon spears into their (literally) hot bodies while venting puffs of passionate flame overhead. “Praise me,” Midnight corrected wryly, levitating the two highest rank griffons away before they could be claimed. “And lest you worry, I will save the Centurion and his second for you to attend personally, Fortrakt Gletscher,” she promised as she floated them through the portal and laid them down right in front of me and Fluttershy, out of reach from the dragons. It was to their great and obvious frustration as all they could do was helplessly writhe and hold each other’s talons, their unbearable and insatiable arousal evident to all. “So let us see what happens when this restored hex spreads further beyond this museum’s boundaries, and adult dragons are attracted to its hallowed Hall…” > 15: Enter the Griffons, Part 2 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The seemingly ceaseless sex happening in the Hall of Heroes was already completely insane, and yet I somehow sensed it was only going to get worse—or even better!—as Midnight decided to make the entire griffon capital the subject of her next sensual experiment. “...So let us see what happens when this restored hex spreads further beyond this museum’s boundaries, and adolescent and adult dragons alike are attracted to its hallowed Hall.” Midnight announced with great glee as she floated up beside Fortrakt, trying to get a good vantage point to watch the flood of suddenly very amorous adolescents surge into the museum through her most recent rift.  I admit I felt on the verge of fainting again to watch the next chapter of Midnight’s sensual conquest of the Griffon Kingdom unfold. Before my eyes, dozens of drakes and drakinas descended on the equally aroused Paladin soldiers almost instantly to see them laid out in a pair of curved lines before them, recognizing that the helplessly excited eaglesses and tiercels alike were lying trapped on their backs, desperate for sensual relief. The former’s legs were spread wide to display their wet and open nests along with four still-growing belly breasts, while the latter’s throbbing spears hung high in the air reaching more than halfway up their bellies, drizzling cream onto their barrels powered by the unending production of their oversized and endlessly fertile apples.  In more than one case, I couldn’t help but note, eagless nectar or tiercel spunk ran slowly backwards down their shafts and intimate lips. It coated their balls and even oozed all the way down into the dock of their tails, seeping directly into the pucker of their sphincters. It was undoubtedly another probability-altering side effect of Midnight’s mating magic, and the drakes took instant advantage of the already-lubed orifices to spread the legs of the tiercels further and position at least one of their twin tapered organs against their openings. The proud and powerful Paladin males were swiftly claimed with a series of surprised squawks and pleasured draconic hisses as the latter’s slightly ridged organs worked inside their writhing bodies, and even the biggest of tiercels trilled their pleasure like teenage girls to feel their virginity vanishing. The equally strong eaglesses were not spared as dragon talons probed their nests and tails, drakes and drakinas alike sampling and stretching their erotic openings to their heart’s content. But to my great relief, their sharp claws did no damage as they were swiftly replaced by forked tongues and dual phalluses. The more numerous drakinas even seemed to favor the griffon females while some tiercels were stood upright by the drakes to be fondled and felt up from head to toe. As they weren’t too gentle about it in their growing lust, I admit I was worried for a moment that the dragons would hurt the griffons given their rough forms and sharp talons, never mind their ability to breathe flame. But yet again, Midnight was ahead of me as she frowned and cast a series of quick spells on the griffons whose nature I couldn’t immediately discern. “This Nightmare Moon was clearly a cruel mistress. For it would seem that the way this hex was supposed to work was to make them copulate with the knowledge that the dragons could hurt or kill the griffons if they weren’t careful. And they wouldn’t be careful, since her magic boosted their passions to the point they could not control themselves.” She looked angry for a moment even as the griffon soldiers were hoisted bodily upwards from the floor in powerful dragon arms, who relentlessly molested them. They groped their wings and flight muscles while licking at their limbs and heads ceaselessly, causing the bodies of their new griffon lovers to visibly quiver and tremble. In several instances, griffons of both genders came again from external wing stimulation alone with loud cries of pleasure; fresh spurts of tiercel seed or eagless honey erupted from their excited anatomy to paint their faces and chests further, or otherwise coat the dragon noses and talons probing their winking nests. “You speak true,” The High Priestess admitted, closing her eyes in deep regret despite the latest orgasmic display. “She didn’t do it out of the goodness of her heart, which was sadly lacking at that point of her life. It wasn’t so much a means to bring them together as to tear their alliance apart and weaken the armies of both sides with sexual attrition, and I have no doubt she watched it happen in great amusement and for her own pleasure. I regret to say it worked only too well, as their defenses crumbled. Worse, griffons and dragons have remained estranged ever since.” “It is true…” Fortrakt said as he kept one set of Talons on Juniper Neptune’s fleshy flank and his second on her cock, squeezing her rear while stroking the latter hard to what he was seeing. “We nearly lost our nation to Nightmare Moon’s invading army after our last-ditch alliance with the dragons failed, but the reason why was never adequately explained in our history scrolls.” “Or was deliberately suppressed, which is truly tragic, my virile young griffon friend,” Midnight answered in a surprisingly solemn air. “For I can already tell that your races deserve and need each other. And to that end, I have cast a variety of protection spells on your kindred, rendering them impervious to any damage the dragons might do,” she further announced, her smile starting to return as the sensual activity spread and scores of adolescents of all shapes and colors poured in from the long horizontal rift she’d torn in the air alongside a wall. The invading dragon clan quickly claimed each of the unattended Paladins in turn until not a single soldier’s sex, beak or tail remained unfilled by one or more talons or twin organs; the stripped and endlessly stimulated soldiers helpless to resist them in the face of dragon strength and their own desperate desires. “They can neither cut nor burn you, and even your cubs are now impervious to their fiery breath and talons. But not their sensual charms,” she added with a wink. Fortrakt stared up at her in awe, his talons briefly stilling against Juniper’s form. “By the Ancestors… you like us that much?” “I do indeed. Now, as the Paladins you so admire are properly attended—except for the two I spared for you, of course—what do you wish to do next, my young and sensuous student? Be assured, I am not restricting you in any way,” she promised him with an affectionate ruffle of his headfeathers she might have once reserved for Spike. Speaking of whom, where was Spike? “You may of course join your brethren below if you wish, but do not forget the Centurion and his Optio await your attention,” she reminded him with a wink, to which the two griffons in question—and thanks, Midnight, for reminding me what the rank of a Centurion’s second in command was—beseeched Fortrakt to take them.  Trying again to entice him, the tiger-striped tiercel thrust up his heavily drooling foot-plus phallus and held his legs high to display his semen-lubed sphincter, while the ocelot-spotted eagless reached down to spread both her openings at once; the pair announcing in pleading Aeric that their bodies belonged to him forevermore. Fortrakt shivered and closed his eyes to hear it. “I want to be with them worse than anything. But I also want to stay here and see this all unfold! I can’t neglect them, but the dragons need my help to understand our anatomy. So do too many of my own kind, for that matter, because there’s something important they’re neglecting!” he told Midnight almost forlornly as he looked down to note—as I already had—that his race’s new reptilian lovers weren’t giving any attention to the prominent griffon mammaries on either the statues or their flesh-and-blood counterparts.  Which was no real surprise given that, just like the drakes and drakinas Pinkie had seduced, they didn’t have them, so they didn’t understand them. “So I see,” Midnight grinned knowingly. “I have made it within your power to correct that, my young friend.” “Yes…” he said eagerly as he willed the dragons to start groping griffon teats, with the efforts of drakes and drakinas alike eliciting a series of arched backs and shrill cries of eagless pleasure to have their sensitive flesh fondled by dragon digits. They called to their Ancestors and begged for even more molestation of their melon-sized mammaries after only being able to use their own talons, left bereft of both physical and magical touch after Midnight had stripped off their armor using the singularity. Their efforts along with Fortrakt’s ongoing influence induced many the eaglesses to cum from teat stimulation alone, which they did spectacularly, trilling loudly while their filled sexes squirted hard onto dragon crotches and noses. The latter was in the case of drakinas having crouched before them and lifted their hind legs onto their scaled shoulders, enabling them to orally pleasure the griffon females with their long tongues as they lay on their backs. I heard some of the surprised and very pleased dragons remark through lustful growls to each other how surprisingly sensitive and pleasing to their paws the exotic mammalian protrusions were. They watched in surprise as their size steadily increased due to the additional attention they were receiving, redoubling both their mass and the erotic pleasure they offered to their eagless owners With each now seemingly the size of more than half a volleyball or better, their increased surface area provided the perfect proportions for the amorous adolescents to grasp and grope, and before another minute was up, it seemed like each increasingly large eagless breast had at least one set of draconic talons caressing them. Or snouts suckling them. With what I assume was a little mental direction from Fortrakt, the drakes and drakinas quickly learned that a quick flick of the erect and sensitive nipples or simply rubbing them between two foretalons was the quickest way to get a very powerful and passionate reaction, along with squeezing and kneading the greater mass of the mounds around them. It left me feeling almost nostalgic for my own first experience with human breasts, when I discovered how deliciously sensitive they were after initially disparaging them for their awkward placement and size.  To say nothing of learning just how much male human students enjoyed them. When I saw all the pictures of naked mammaries they had posted in their lockers, I realized that I could use my own as a tool of control to make all the CHS boys do whatever I wanted just for a glimpse of them. To the best of my knowledge, neither griffon tiercels nor eaglesses are normally particularly big on breasts, favoring fine physiques and impressive displays of well-groomed wings and plumage instead. But they were getting as big an education on them as the dragons under the combination of Midnight’s magical influence and Fortrakt’s evident fetishes.  If nothing else, it was clear that he had an interest in them, maybe from certain Neighponese mangas that I know can be found in the Kingdom, and was now projecting that interest like all his others onto the griffons and dragons alike. By this time, pretty much all the Paladins were filled with so many dragon phalluses that there weren’t enough of them to go around. They still did what they could for other arriving adolescents, grasping and squeezing enhanced drake organs with their talons off to the sides as they were taken on their backs, stroking them until they came hard and showered their faces and bodies with considerable cum. Before long, they were covered with so much hot draconic cream that they were almost completely coated in it, leaving the steaming drake spunk dripping off their beaks and wings. But it didn’t end there. In yet another act that would have overwise been considered obscene, the griffon soldiers even allowed their literal tails to be used as sexual toys for the drakinas, who repeatedly ran their length between their wet and steaming slits. Most of them were now sitting atop tiercel spears to the cheers of the other dragons, but a surprising number seemed to favor the eaglesses, exploring their slightly smaller and softer bodies with forked tongue and talons.   Before long, many were making out with them openly or simply eating them out, with the griffon females quickly discovering to their surprise and delight that forked dragon tongues could penetrate the griffon females very deeply; able to lap up every last drop of nectar their overstimulated bodies endlessly produced. With the Paladins now fully taken, the barely slowing flood of newcomers focused their hungry gazes on the civilians and statues next. They flew hard at the former—though certainly becoming far more stiff and sensitive when sexually excited, webbed dragon wings remain more or less flightworthy even when aroused—and sidling up to the latter to avail themselves of their altered onyx forms. They variously felt up or kissed the sculpted griffon bodies like they were real or mounted them directly when their nests or tails were presented to an observer—which most of them were after their more sensual alterations.  The drakes rutted the anatomically correct and strangely yielding stone orifices with great glee and powerful puffs of flame when they came, leaving their very hot cream dripping from stone nests and sphincters alike. Some stayed for another round with their second phallus, occasionally claiming a different offered orifice. But most simply moved on to the next statue in line, with several males openly stating that they intended to rut every single griffon sculpture the Hall contained in turn. In contrast, the drakinas availed themselves of the prominent onyx phalluses that the tiercel heroes presented as well, climbing atop them to fill their hot and steaming sexes with their spears. The original statue of an upright griffon that had been the first to be altered was claimed by a particularly large female who was at just the right height for him. She bent over and pushed back against it until his entire stone shaft was embedded deep within her, shouting the praise of the Ancient Dragon Lords as she squeezed and humped it until she climaxed with another eruption of flame. I didn’t quite know what to do at that point as everywhere I turned was a fresh and equally erotic scene. And even better, the males of this new dragon clan clearly weren’t above gay sex as one drake towered before the two teenage tiercels I had earlier seen doing the swirl, presenting his dual drakehoods to their astonished eyes.  Ordering them to orally pleasure him, he didn’t wait for a response before clasping their heads and pushing them down on his twin phalluses. They opened their beaks wide and did so with great enthusiasm, rubbing their wings and raising their tails to allow their rears to be taken by the twin drakehoods of additional males in turn.  They were tucked from two ends at once as their sorely excited mother looked on from her back with splayed wings. She was leaning against a larger green drakina who nibbled her pinions and reached down her belly to cup two of the large eagless breasts and present their erect teats to her dragon brethren, who suckled them happily. She squawked and trilled passionately at not only the stimulation but to watch her twin sons be taken, loudly begging for the drakes to go even deeper and cover them with their spunk. She wasn’t the only griffon parent whose offspring was involved. The two mothers who had been an earlier center of attention under Fortrakt’s influence were no longer together, having been pulled back onto drake laps where they were being felt up eagerly by dragon talons. They, too, had drake phalluses deeply embedded in their spread sexes and sphincters, with their enormous mammaries endlessly caressed by one set of draconic digits while the other traveled out over their wingbase.  And yet despite the stimulation of the talons groping them and the drake cocks filling them, the attention of both the middle-aged griffon females and the dragons attending them was fixed straight ahead; the eyes of the eagless mothers went wide and their beaks dropped open at what they beheld. I followed their gazes and nearly came on the spot. Their four young cubs, who couldn’t have been more than six or eight, were being passed around by the dragons, who took pains to mercilessly molest them as their parents watched spellbound. Despite Midnight’s fears and the intensity of their passion, the drakes and drakinas alike were surprisingly gentle as they fingered and fondled the griffon younglings until they came with startled squawks of pleasure, followed swiftly by incredibly strong spurts from their adult-sized organs. The sight of their cubs conquered caused the two mothers to climax in turn, and seeing their reactions, the attending dragons got evil grins. When the teal drake with both his phalluses deep in the tail of the darker-furred mother asked her silkenly if she wished their younglings to be made into the same tuck toys she was, she licked her beak and begged to see it happen, pledging that she and all her progeny belonged to the Vesuvius dragon clan—so that was their name! —forevermore. I don’t know if Fortrakt was making them do it at that point, but her plaintive plea was promptly echoed by the other mother who sat on another drake’s lap, turned to the side such that her nest and tail were being taken at once by the male dragon’s dual organs. Their wish was granted as the cubs were brought before them and then slowly lowered onto the twin tapered phalluses of two large drakes, who claimed two cubs each. Already loosened up, they penetrated their sexes and tails with ease to initial cries of confusion, which quickly gave way to far more pleasured sounds as they were then moved slowly up and down on the organs, which penetrated their immature bodies a little deeper each time. Before long, they were taking at least half a single drake organ each, clutching at the bulges visible through their bellies while begging them to go even deeper. Through it all, the two mothers watched raptly as their cubs were corrupted and claimed, able only to helplessly paw at themselves while moving up and down on their own embedded dragon phalluses to see it. And then all four cubs climaxed at once with very young and needy trills, with the two tiercels spurting newly created seed in their mother’s face while the two equally young eaglesses squirted nectar into the open beak of their own eagless parent. Finally understanding the pleasure and purpose of the act, the four young cubs began squirming and trying to work the organs even deeper as the drakes withdrew their paws and just let them hang there off their rigid and surprisingly strong spears in front of their parents, who leaned over to begin making out with their offspring directly. It was once again too much for me as I released a loud cry of my own, spurting as hard as the cubs into the ground ahead of me, and that was when Midnight finally noticed me. “Enjoying the show, Sunset Shimmer?” she asked with a smirk. “Y-yes…” I said in a very dry voice as I watched the sexual subjugation of the griffons and even their cubs continue. “Oh, um. I am too,” Fluttershy admitted, holding my hand while watching the cubs and their parents continue to be tucked before each other, but not acting distressed by it at all. Maybe that’s what I couldn’t get over; the griffons being gangbanged by dragons was suddenly not in the least bit wrong to any of them—or us! —as they accepted every single sex and spear, talon and tongue offered to them without hesitation. “I realize they’re not animals, but I still like watching them. I always did enjoy seeing my favorite creatures mate. Sometimes I’ve even helped them. Or even let them mount me when I felt sorry that they couldn’t find a female.” Now that was certainly an unexpected statement! And even Midnight looked momentarily surprised before she smiled. The dark goddess who a large part of my being still wanted to surrender to studied me for a moment, her slightly distasteful gaze sending a thrill through me. I realized there was a chance she could read my mind and learn what I planned; I could only hope that my old anti-scrying drills and the fact that all my surface thoughts were cluttered with sex would protect me from her doing so.  “I can’t say I like you or am particularly inclined to reward you, Sunset Shimmer. But I at least acknowledge that you are liked by your friends and especially Fluttershy there, even if I can’t fathom why. She was nice to me, even if you weren’t. It is thus for her that I will allow you both to bear witness to what comes next…” She ignited her horn and a series of fresh rifts appeared around us like a series of TV screens, showing various parts of both the Hall and what was happening outside of it. The first was an image of the deepest part of the Hall of Heroes, a large hemispherical dome deep in the mountain with a single skylight called the Chamber of Champions.  Consisting of a central map of the Gryphon Kingdom—they tend to favor the old spelling of ‘griffon’ over the newer one when referring to their nation, for the record—over which a modified griffon flag flew.  More magenta than its usual red, it showed crossed silhouetted phalluses over an eagless nest instead of swords in front of a shield, and the talon slash marks had been replaced by what looked like a white spatter of spunk. The map it flew over was symbolically defended by an arc of sculpted figures that contained the greatest heroes of griffon history—those without whom the Kingdom or even the very griffon race might no longer exist.  Each hero had a marked path leading to their own private museum in a separate chamber where patrons could learn about them and their deeds. But those deeds were now decidedly sensual given the activity further in didn’t appear to have reached the Chamber of Champions yet, but the statues and murals had become no less sexualized. In fact, it was in some ways even more so, as the score or more of statues there had not simply shifted stances. Though normally displayed apart on separate pedestals, the latter appeared to have merged together into larger stone stages where the sculptures themselves had collected around each other in a series of very illicit and explicit scenes, grouped together by association or historical era. Front and center of the fornicating formations, the great griffon warrior Layan Kaval was shown lying on his side with his equally accomplished and impressively large and well-endowed wife, the Marquis Kamilya Ampok, spooning her from behind with both spouses holding a hind leg high in the air so their copulation could be clearly seen. The open stance showed him taking her tail with an enormous gryphon endowment from behind as she spread her eagless lips with one set of talons while presenting her massive gourd-sized mammaries with the other, her head arched in pleasure while her husband nibbled on the leading edge of an erect wing. Beside them to the left was a scene centered around the great if eventually insane Griffon General named Salvio Gaius, who was said to be the most brilliant military mind in his race’s history. Unlike Kaval, he stood upright wearing nothing but a cape and command chain as no less than three other eaglesses from the exhibit erotically tended him. Two leaned on his sides while propped on their wings and a single set of talons, their hind legs spread wide to bare their sexes and belly breasts capped with erect teats while their other clawed griffon hands cupped and lifted one of his enormous apples. They presented them proudly to the viewer while the base of his massive eighteen-inch onyx organ was encircled by their tongues, and their beaks pulled back his sheath to reveal even more of its mass. The third eagless—I recognized her as Praeter Urban Romelus, another great griffon military leader who was said to not only be fiercely loyal to him but also rumored to be his lover—was positioned behind him with her head buried between his flanks; she was clearly tonguing at his tail.  Salvio Gaius himself simply arched his back against them, resting his talons on their heads with his tail raised high to provide patrons a clear view of his rearmost lover’s actions; his flared wings wide enough to bracket all of them. Beside them to their right were two more griffons from the Kingdom’s founding. Lady Arnau, for whom the griffon capital city was named, and King Fortis, who had saved her when she defended the city from a siege. They were both wearing battered armor, but she was shown rewarding him for her rescue with her eagless body, having leapt into his powerful arms after he lifted the siege to save them from a murderous foe.  He was standing upright and holding her in place against him easily despite their various battle wounds. They were depicted to be at the moment of an intense and passionate orgasm with both having arched their bodies and half his organ embedded already deep inside her stretched sex, her tail raised high to show off her unused anal orifice for anyone to admire and potentially avail themselves of. It was all heady stuff, but then I looked to the other side of the room and nearly collapsed again. For just a pedestal away from Layan Kaval in the other direction was a depiction of Captain Firefly, hero of Equestria and later the Gryphon Kingdom when she assisted the newly restored nation in defeating the invading Dragon Lord Diabla—just ten years after she and the elite team of Bolt Knights she founded helped defeat the former Gryphon Empire’s invasion of Equestria. She was shown poised over the head of her sister Wind Whistler, another founding Bolt Knight member who possessed a magnificent military mind said to be second only to the Sun Master himself. She had commanded griffons and ponies alike in the joint operations, leading them to victory in the war. She ate Firefly out from below while the adopted tiercel son of Firefly herself, a slightly diminutive orphan-turned-artist-and-swordgriffon named Gavian Ravenoff, made out passionately with his mother; their tongues visibly touching within their open beak and lips. He was leaning over the other end of Wind Whistler, with his own impressively long tiercel spear shown pillowed between his erstwhile aunt’s massive set of mammaries, his stance supported by his flared wings. But it wasn’t his talons squeezing their mass into the sides of his impressive organ, which was long enough to reappear out the top and reach almost all the way to her mother’s belly breasts in turn. It was the hooves of Firefly herself that did the deed while Gavian’s talons reached past them to cup her mother’s twin boobs instead, kneading them lovingly. Behind them, both equine and leonine tails were flagged or upraised to show off unused but available erotic orifices; even Gavian’s sphincter was well-presented to the observer. So was Firefly’s, for that matter, given Wind Whistler used her hooves to pull her sister’s flanks further apart. My jaw fell open again as the entirety of the scene registered, followed by me crying out and almost instantly coming for what had to be the twelfth time. I couldn’t help it—it wasn’t like I was a shipper, and yet, to see these old heroes of Equestria depicted in the most taboo and unlikely erotic scenes imaginable just about made me one, especially to see Gavian with his mother! With the room still unoccupied, I found myself hoping the dragons would get there soon to start making use of all the available spears, nests and tails the sculptures presented.  And from what Midnight says, all this actually EXISTS in some other multiverse realm? I couldn’t believe it but I loved it. And then it suddenly occurred to me as I lay panting in Fluttershy’s arms, still staring at the scene with Firefly and some of the overhead murals that depicted her and others in more scenes of lovemaking; my eyes shortly locking on one in particular that showed Gavian taking his surprised mother’s tail as a teen: If those three are here, then what about… My gaze drifted right and I saw it. Or more appropriately, I saw her; my favorite of not just the original Bolt Knights, but all of pony history—the large and mighty thestral-eyed pegasus mare named Fell Flight. She stood not alone or even with her former Captain, but off to the side of them where she was sexually dominating three male griffons at once. She was there because she had organized and led a massive resistance to the dragons in the occupied territories, making their life hell and eventually leading her irregular force to infiltrate their stronghold to kill Dragon Lord Diabla herself. In hindsight, my interest in her was easily explained. She was not the do-gooder that Firefly was, who I disdained for surrendering her own claim on ultimate power when she rejected the Alicorn Amulet—Princess Celestia had told me that story to show me how strong her will was, but I took it as weakness that she wouldn’t accept the amulet’s offering.  She also wasn’t the glory-averse mare of her sister, who never parlayed her impressive wartime service into any form of fame, retiring to be just a simple mother and maker of windchimes after the wars were over. Nor was she the total dweeb that I considered Firefly’s adopted griffon son, to borrow the favorite phrase of Rainbow’s former girlfriend. In the view of my older self, Gavian Ravenoff had wasted his postwar life on becoming an art instructor and reestablishing the abolished artisan guilds of the Kingdom, which I thought was a complete waste of time. Still believing them to be barbarians, I didn’t even give the griffies credit for being able to have an artistic bent, not even when I was shown ample evidence that they did on my one visit to the Kingdom—evidence that certainly included all the exquisite sculptures and paintings in the Hall of Heroes itself. But Fell Flight?  She was my kind of mare; a large and powerful pony who feared nothing and took no crap from anycreature, able to kick massive amounts of griffon and dragon flank all the way from Equestria to Aresia. Even better, from what I’d read, she didn’t care in the least about diplomatic niceties or protocols, to the point that she wasn’t afraid to backtalk high-ranking officers or even heads of state. She was said to be a bruiser in battle who could overwhelm opponents with her size and strength alone. But it was her attitude I loved the most, and though I was no longer my bad girl self, my love for a mare I found to be a fellow bad girl had survived.  So even now, for me to see her large yet lithe form standing in the middle of no less than three equally famous tiercels from the Dragon Lord Diabla conflict, all of whom were sexually servicing her in submissive postures and poses right out of the cover picture of a pony paperback romance novel, was very heady stuff.  It was made even better by the fact that the sculptures had spared no expense or attention to detail in the depiction, with her perfectly rendered statue depicted as standing upright and looking down on the trio of griffon males with a hungry and triumphant gleam in her slitted eyes, her chiseled features somehow both intimidating and seductive. It was every secret fantasy I’d ever had of her made real, and I found myself rapidly surging towards orgasm again as I completely devoured her visage, not even caring about the identities of the tiercels around her. They were shown as erotically attending her in a manner of pure reverence, either half-lounging on their backs against her legs or stretching sensuously beneath her to fully display their thirteen-inch excitement in her presence.  In fact, their entire manner was treating her like she was the most beautiful and desirable creature in all existence—which to me, at that point, she was! She had her hooves on the heads of two of the tiercels who ate her upright form out from below. One did so from ahead and the other from behind, the pair keeping one set of talons on the base of their throbbing phalluses while the other squeezed her flank or ran up her inner thigh. The third tiercel caressed her teats and wingbase from the side while nibbling gently at her rigid pinions, his spine and hindquarters sinuously stretched out with his tail held high to display his own prominent spear and sphincter in turn. I think at that moment, I was so turned on by the sight of her—and considering everything I was already feeling, that’s saying a lot!—that I was ready to walk right through the rift to be with her; to join with that trio of tiercels in just worshiping her. I started to get up but Fluttershy gently held me back again. I think she’d been talking to me the entire time, but I’d gotten tunnel vision when I beheld the altered chamber of Champions. Or was that what it was called now…? “It’s called the Vault of Virility, Sunset Shimmer,” Midnight informed me with a smirk, startling me that she’d read my mind. “Dedicated to the Griffon Imperium’s greatest erotic warriors—such a remarkable alternate realm! But I would suggest that you don’t get too enamored of it. Because if you do, you’re going to miss an even better show.” She motioned to the other rifts displayed in an arc before me. “Better show…?” I croaked as I tore my eyes away to scan them. One was an image of the air over the fortress capital city, which was built directly into a mountainside like Gondor from the Lord of the Rings movies and designed to be impervious to invasion. It didn’t show anything yet except a few curious griffons who were approaching, seeing an odd glow in the sky. Another showed a large formation of gold-and-green armored griffon soldiers backed by a dozen mages in front of the Hall of Heroes, their combined efforts producing a powerful and heavily reinforced shield spell covering the sealed and recessed doors. A third even showed a view of what appeared to be the Queen’s cavernous throne room of her personal palace. It was located on the seventh of ten levels of Arnau and was where the longtime ruler of the Kingdom, Queen Molyneux herself, sat amidst a cadre of nervous advisors and her two oldest cubs. Her aides were informing her that a ‘magical incursion by an unknown alien entity of alicorn strength’ had occurred in the Hall of Heroes, but assured her that the breach was fully contained and they were massing sufficient magical and military force to retake it. I hadn’t seen her in six years, but it looked like she hadn’t changed a bit. A proud and regal eagless with black-striped orange tiger hindquarters paired with marsh harrier wings and forefeathers that continued the orange coloration of her feline half almost up to the ends of her black-tipped wingfeathers, she was guarded by no less than four mages swathed in special violet fabric and scores of the red-armored Praetorian Guard, who wielded the best armor and weapons in the entire Kingdom. They were very good bodyguards who were fiercely dedicated to the protection of not just the Queen, but her entire line; only the very best and most loyal of the Paladins were selected to receive special training that would award them the enchanted crimson-hued steel that entitled them to defend her directly. But I didn’t care about them so much as Molyneux, who had been less than impressed with my thirteen-year old self. She had reprimanded me sharply for speaking out of turn during a state dinner with Celestia, saying she found me “ignorant, arrogant and utterly unworthy” of my station. Well, what can I say? She’d certainly read me far better than Celestia at that point in time.  Though maybe her ability to do so was just a function of having raised several cubs of her own. Not just a monarch but a sixty-year old mother of five who was very no-nonsense and had ruled the Kingdom for over thirty years, she still looked as regal and powerful as ever, retaining traces of her youth in her earth griffon frame. She was flanked by her oldest son and daughter, who each looked to be around fifteen, and as I watched, she dressed down the advisor who assured her that things were fine at the Hall of Heroes, saying they were clearly not fine if the Hall itself was invaded and its doors remained sealed and somehow unbreachable, demanding their most important monument be quickly freed of foreign occupation and “all the Kingdom’s magical and military” might be brought to bear against the invader.  The griffons present all bowed low and withdrew from her as she ordered her army to breach the doors so that those inside be rescued before they could be enslaved or worse. “We are the preeminent military power of Tellus, and I will not leave my subjects to their fate! Now free them!” she ordered again. “A ruler who recognizes deception and thinks of her people first. I approve,” Midnight nodded as she watched the scene unfold; unlike the other rifts, she must have somehow hidden the portal she was using to view the Queen in her throne room if it hadn’t been noticed. “So tell me—this Queen of yours. Is she a good ruler, Fortrakt Gletscher?” “The best,” Fortrakt whispered, staring up into the portal that showed his Queen wide-eyed. I think he knew what was going to happen, but I also don’t think he minded it, even before he learned what Midnight was going to allow him to do. “Queen Molyneux always puts the interests of the Kingdom and her subjects first, and we all love her.” “Queen Molyneux?” The two Principals and Dean chorused from the pile of student bodies they lay at the center of, causing the faces of Midnight and Juniper Neptune to turn towards them even from inside the portal. “You mean Headmistress Molyneux of Kingdom Academy? We should have invited her here to take part in the Friendship Games! And then enjoy the festivities after!” Celestia only then realized. “If you recall, we tried, sister,” Luna reminded her, happily fondling the softball-sized ballsacs of two boys whose enhanced cocks vied for her mouth’s attention. “But she declined, saying that it was best that neither she nor her school be present. That if she ever saw Principal Cinch again, she was likely to assault her or worse given how the last competition her school attended with them went.”  “She did…?” Dean Cadance asked, now on all fours and being taken doggy style by Fido, Spot and Rover, who were much more known for their bling and muscle than their academic prowess. But at least it made them good defensive linemen on the football team. “Why? What happened?” she asked as her plot was pounded and her basketball-sized breasts swung pendulously beneath her where they were happily groped in turn. “Oh, let’s just say that the Headmistress was slightly upset when Cinch tried to have several students from her football team disqualified from the state playoffs, just hours before gametime in last year’s quarterfinals. On very thin grounds!” Celestia recalled angrily. “Huh? But I didn’t hear about that!” a dazed Dean Cadance protested as she sat up enough to allow another male student to place his organ between her spectacularly large breasts. “You weren’t there, and it’s just as well, Caddy. It happened behind closed doors; Molyneux was apoplectic and told Cinch off to her face in front of her own team. As it turned out, her students weren’t disqualified, but the distraction of not knowing if they’d be allowed to play cost them their focus—which I’m sure was the intention,” Celestia explained in some disgust, reaching over to hold her sister’s hand.  “They were the favorites to win the state title but got upset by Dominion Academy in Denver, giving Crystal Prep a clear shot at the championship—which they then won. Since then, Moly told us she wants nothing to do with Principal Cinch or Crystal Prep. And having heard what Abacus did to poor Midnight before the Games today, to say nothing of what else went on under her watch, I think I’m now inclined to agree with Moly. As far as I’m concerned, Principal Cinch has no business running that school and ruining the institution that former Principal Sombra founded.” “Agreed, sister!” Luna took a break from her boys to start making out again with her sibling. “Perhaps one of us should take them over for a while until Dean Cadance can get the post permanently…” Midnight looked angry, but then taken aback and touched by Celestia’s expression of pity. “I thank you for your concern, Principal Celestia. You and your sister are clearly everything Cinch should have been. And thus, I reward you both again. And invite you to watch closely what is to come.” She opened a fresh rift into Queen Molyneux’s throne room in front of the two school heads just before she zapped them. Her magical infusion caused two massive equine cocks to spout right out of the top of their slits before their astonished eyes; pillars of pure phallic flesh of alabaster and cobalt hues that earned instant ooos from the CHS students around them. They grew quickly to nearly sixteen-and-eighteen-inch length—Celestia got the bigger one—and then were almost instantly attacked by the students surrounding them, who felt and stroked them as the two Principals could only sit back and take it. Their new stallionhoods quickly rewired their nervous systems and it wasn’t long before the two were cumming helplessly from their impressive equine organs, showering themselves and those around them with spunk that was quickly lapped up or rubbed by the eager students into their own bodies.  “Thank you, Midnight Sparkle…” was all a breathless Celestia could initially say as she experienced her first male orgasm. “So that’s what Dean Sombra feels when we make love!” “Such impressive endowments are both strangely apt and well-deserved by those two,” Juniper Neptune remarked idly, looking over at the pair of Principals in renewed interest. “Your power is only exceeded by your generosity, Midnight Sparkle.” “Thank you, High Priestess. And you’re welcome, Principal Celestia. Consider it a well-earned reward for your concern and understanding of what I went through. And as for this Molyneux, whether human or griffon, I like her already. Any enemy of Cinch who would call her out to her face will always know my favor,” Midnight said with a glance over at Cinch’s statue, who Maud had not let up lavishing attention on.  The effect of Midnight’s magic was so strong on Cinch that her statue’s nude boobs were growing further, not unlike the onyx ones on the other side. It left me wondering if Maud would leave Cinch if she saw those griffon sculptures, but I have to give this to her—much like Pinkie, she’s very single-minded and loyal. “So I see. But if I may be so bold, the outside griffons are shortly going to try to break in,” the High Priestess reminded her. “Though I’m sure they would quickly succumb, I believe you had something special planned? Both for them, and our young griffon friend, here.”  Juniper was both curious and hopeful as she rubbed the erogenous zone at the wingbase of Fortrakt’s upper back, who pushed back slightly but was still staring awestruck out over the activity of the Hall, only occasionally trying to influence the proceedings. His newest fetish seemed to be making the Paladin tiercels take multiple dragon spears beneath their tails at once while cumming helplessly and begging to be filled with even more. “Something Special?” he repeated hopefully.  “Quite. Knowing that she is both a good school head and ruler of a nation, I would almost feel guilty for what I am about to do. But fear not, Fortrakt Gletscher. For what I plan will only make you love her all the more,” Midnight replied with a satisfied smile as she floated the naked singularity up beside her, turning the pillar Fortrakt sat on to face the front of the large doors leading outside. There was then a burst of telepathic magic as she transmitted her thoughts to Fortrakt and Juniper Neptune directly, which I was not privy to. The High Priestess looked impressed while Fortrakt was no less awestruck. “By the Ancestors…” His beak fell open again at whatever Midnight had shared with him. “So this is how you plan to conquer my race?” “Not conquer. Liberate,” Midnight corrected easily, lowering the portal to ground level so he could see over it. “Liberate you from all your societal strictures and useless taboos. Show that your true talents as griffons are not in mere military might, but in your long-stunted sensual side.  “It is my intention to realize and release all the latent passion and erotic potential your race has for too long kept suppressed. To make you into not just the strongest of soldiers, but the most sexually supreme of all beings, both uninhibited and incredibly endowed, no different from the altered statues you see around you,” she suggested fervently, her words causing Fortrakt’s eyes to dart wildly from one previously unseen sculpture on the other end of the Hall to the next. He licked his beak repeatedly as he saw both griffons and dragons ravishing them, his twitching cock giving small spurts of clear fluid with each pulse of his rapidly beating heart. “Think of it, young Fortrakt,” The High Priestess took it from there, taking on a seductive tone. “For as much as you love to see other griffons so openly excited, desperate and needy, imagine your entire race reduced to that state. So helplessly aroused and unable to hide or fight it. Watching as their spears, sacs and teats grow before their eyes,” she suggested easily, causing Fortrakt to take a ragged breath and his phallus to inflate further along with its doppelganger still deeply embedded in his body, eliciting an arched head and groan. Seeing her effect on him, Juniper Neptune dug her wing talons in a bit deeper. “Imagine adults and younglings alike unable to keep themselves from publicly and repeatedly rutting, without any regard to rules or mating rounds. Imagine them using every unheard of mating position and erotic orifice imaginable, with any partner available—even their own siblings, parents and cubs,” she stood behind him with her hands on his shoulders as she whispered silkenly into his ear, rubbing the head of her organ against his back. “Ancestors…” Fortrakt shivered at her carefully chosen words, closing his green eyes and giving a keening trill as the High Priestess played on all his exhibitionist, enhancement and incest fetishes perfectly; he got so excited that I witnessed his cock grow another two inches to point like a divining rod towards the sealed doors. “Y-yes…” he barely croaked as his wings grew even more rigid, followed by even the crystal phallus within him mimicking its original model to grow larger and pry him open wider. “All my greatest dreams for my race and most forlorn sexual fantasies realized at once…” “The High Priestess speaks true. For once your Kingdom’s full sensual potential is realized, you will be the equal of the dragons currently dominating you. When that happens, they will belong to you as much as you do to them. And then together, you may forge a new destiny for both your races. And though I could do it myself, I find you to be such a fine and honorable lad that I leave it all for you to trigger. And to choose your Queen’s sensual fate,” Midnight offered, carving a crystal out of the pillar he sat on before hitting it with another spell. “You know what I plan. Now make it happen,” she invited as she floated the freshly cut diamond to him. “Ancestors above…” Fortrakt said again as he stared at the door and then the translucent gem in his talons. The nearby griffons and dragons had been listening in to the conversation, and anticipating what was to come, they stopped their activities at least briefly to head for the entrance, eager to watch the promised event unfold. In a few cases, the rutting did not end as the dragons simply flew forth with stiff-winged griffons in which their spears remained embedded. “Do I dare…?” “Do it!” the cry came from the still-neglected Paladin Centurion on the Terran side of the portal, who was frantically stroking himself with both sets of talons on his back to the words he overheard. “Make the Queen feel all that we do! Make her another of your sensual slaves…” “And please take us soon!” the near-sobbing former eagless Optio asked as she continued to writhe helplessly on the ground beside her former commander, struggling desperately to stand but still unable to get any traction on the frictionless surface Midnight had laid them. She was able to only desperately paw at her own wingbases, four swollen stomach teats, and the dramatically spread lips of her sex.  “Touch us! Tuck us! Fill us with your seed!” she came at the mere statement with another keening wail, arching her back so hard her head was pointed backwards as her sex spurted high into the air, passing right through the portal to hit Fortrakt in the face. He lapped it up happily, looking longingly at them both. “They need me. But so does my entire nation and its Queen. So for the sake of my race… and to spread the wonder of your gifts to all griffons…” It was then that, after pausing briefly to savor the moment, he twisted the top of the crystal until something clicked and it began to glow brightly; I felt a strong magical surge from the released spell within. “It is done!” A great cheer came up from the Hall’s griffons and dragons alike as my gaze shifted to the separate portal showing the view from outside, looking from above and behind at the Hall’s entrance where several hundred soldiers and a score of mages had gathered, all facing the doors in a formation designed to maintain their shield spell with the former’s staves aglow.  Looking closely at them from behind, many of them were already showing some visible signs of arousal with tiercel organs poking at least slightly free of their sheaths, while tails and wings of both genders kept trying to involuntarily rise or splay. But to their credit, discipline held as they did their best to ignore their already-strong urges and maintain their cordon. Unfortunately for them, it was all about to be swept away; my breath caught and even Fluttershy leaned forward and clutched my hand hard beside me as she anticipated the events to come. I thought Midnight would just repeat her earlier tactic of sucking their armor away into the singularity so her aura would quickly corrupt them, but that didn’t happen this time—at least, not right away. The large swinging doors of the Hall of Heroes were recessed into the mountainside that Arnau itself sat on, fronted by a broad stairwell that got wider at the base. It was bracketed by four sitting griffon onyx statues the size of adult dragons on large seat-like pedestals, one pair at the top of the stairs and the other at the bottom, all facing inwards just as the inside sculptures did. But unlike the statues inside the hall, they weren’t there to represent any particular individual, but were instead idealized generic griffons who were supposed to simultaneously represent both their genders and tribes as well as their race’s twin talents of magic and military skill. Two were tiercels and two were eaglesses, two were sky griffons and two were earth griffons—yes, there’s a difference; earth griffons have great strength but slightly smaller wings and more limited flying range, while sky griffons are sleeker with a wider wingspan, faster and more agile in the air but weaker on the ground. Such facts I was told to learn by Princess Celestia before I accompanied her to the Kingdom, though I did so grudgingly, not caring in the least about a carnivore race I thought was beneath us. Two were warriors and two were mages, with each group comprising one from each griffon gender and race. The former stood at opposite corners of the stairwell with various forms of sheathed shields and blades, while the two magi taking up the other pair of pedestals were equipped with stone staves which they held vertically at an angle in a single set of talons before them When the door cracked open with a loud and ominous groan and began to swing outward, the soldiers set their defense harder and the mages intensified their spells to hold back the sudden surge of magic they expected to erupt. I found myself holding my breath along with them while awaiting what I considered to be the inevitable, but nothing happened at first—until, that was, the statues themselves suddenly began to move with a great creak and rumble of shifting stone. As the surprised Knights and Paladins watched, the two eaglesses at the top of the stairs slowly reared up off their pedestals and flared their carefully-chiseled wings in a full erotic display as their only roughly-carved sensual features started to expand and grow. I heard some shouts of surprise and more of the ubiquitous griffon invocations to Ancestors as they saw the magus earth griffon eagless to their left suddenly sit back against her stone seat, taking a human-like lounging pose with her left hind leg draped over the top of the granite wall around her. It left her right leg hanging over the edge and her tail draped down to the ground, inviting eyes to travel up it to where her nest, sex and sphincter were suddenly and quite vividly displayed. Still holding onto her staff, whose head she lewdly licked, she pried the lips of the former apart with her free set of talons as if to invite the startled soldiers to gaze into her depths, the ebon nub of her clit particularly prominent while on the other side of the stairs, the sky griffon warrior eagless took a similar pose except she draped both legs over her armrests while letting her tail hang off the edge.  In her case, she took pains to showcase her exaggerated and very erect mammaries, cupping her lowest pair of mammoth belly breasts with a single set of talons while rubbing a teat between two of their digits, arching her spine to thrust her impressive attributes high into the air while her tail trailed off to the ground and provided a climbing path to her perfectly-rendered sex and sphincter. The startled and increasingly excited soldiers barely had time to register that illicit stance, with several even stopping to stare at the scene to the point that they fractionally lowered their shields or spears—and for once, I mean their weapons, not their phalluses.  Already partially aroused from the leakage of Midnight’s magic around the edges of their protective shields and enchantments, their wings and tails began to rise further while tiercel organs started surging more strongly out of their sheaths, and I daresay their fate was sealed when the two tiercel statues at the bottom of the stairwell moved next with an even louder rumble of shifting stone. The first one bearing a magus staff almost leisurely stood upright. As he reared up, he began to slowly sprout a massive ebon spear right out of his barely-defined onyx sheath as griffon beaks dropped further open, his phallic features quickly becoming far more detailed and accurately depicted along with his massive, car-sized balls. The enormous and still-swelling shaft cast a long and growing shadow over the formations of elite soldiers below, who looked up to see it hanging over their heads like a sword about to fall.  More invocations to Queen and Ancestors followed as the male statue cupped his seed producers in one set of talons while stroking his flank with the other. He then pulled his cheek aside and raised his tail to reveal his prominent and puffy pucker, while the tiercel across the stairs from him not only grew an equally colossal cock, but also rolled over on his back and spread his legs wide to hang over the granite walls around him.  His altered stance took pains to show off his own impressively defined anus and the underside of his equally enormous apples to the assembled soldiers. The former looked large enough for a grown griffon to fit into, and perhaps that was the intention as his repositioned tail unwound to the stone stairs beneath him, once more providing a path for grounded griffons to reach and explore his form.  He completed the incredibly unlikely and illicit pose by reaching beneath his own flanks to pull them apart with his talons, pushing his hindquarters up while he bent over enough to take his massive spear in his beak. Looking around, even the supporting airborne griffon mages looked dumbfounded at what they were seeing, with at least one not immediately noticing he was getting rapidly and quite strongly aroused at the sight. Within half a minute, the statues had fully completed their shift of stance, with some griffons openly wondering what horrible form of sorcery was at play to turn the sacred icons of griffon heroes into such obscenely wanton displays. I got the distinct impression that a lot of it was bravado, though, given their flushed cheeks and inability to stop staring, as well as several licking their beaks and even some eaglesses raising their tails to wink their griffon marehoods like ponies. They got their answers as the end of the Magus staff on the statue nearest the Hall began to glow bright. It then distorted into a maelstrom of energy, not at all unlike the naked singularity Midnight had earlier used so effectively given it was ringed with a swirl of intense violet light. The effect was instant as it acted like a miniature version of that singularity, slowly sucking up the armor and weapons right off the assembled soldiers nearest it. It didn’t so much rip them off their bodies or out of their grasp as simply gradually dissolve them this time, with the effect intensified by proximity. It did so through what looked like extreme tidal gravity acting in what I’m sure was deliberately slow motion, which was no doubt a product of the anomaly’s time dilation effects carefully regulated by Midnight so she—and they! —could watch the baring of their bodies unfold. It was an incredibly devious and delicious psychological ploy to use to weaken their already-faltering will. And I have to say, it worked, as seeing it happen before me caused me to start clawing hard at my own marehood again. The effect was such that it allowed the shocked soldiers to see their heavy armor and weapons evaporating into strings of smoke right off their four-legged forms. Their formerly impervious armor was turned into thin strands of quantum spaghetti as they were pulled to the heads of the staff, and from there, transported directly into the depths of the singularity they were tapping. The equally terrifying and titillating sight caused some of the lower ranked soldiers to start panicking as they realized that without the armor they had worked so hard to earn, they would be naked and fully exposed to the emitted aura’s effects. Abandoning their posts with cries that the Kingdom was crumbling and the Ancestors had gone insane, several lower-ranked soldiers tried to run or flee both by ground and by air, but their rapidly stiffening wings as well as the sudden tangle of bodies caused stumbles as the front left side of their formation began to fall apart. This despite the pleas of their officers and the increasingly frantic efforts of the two nearest mages to restrain the effect, even as their own curse-resistant clothing designed to defeat enemy spellcasting was dissolved right off them. Wait—so why hadn’t their staves been sucked in like before? Unless… I think I sensed the answer about half a second before it was revealed to me, when the effect of the statue’s glowing magus staff began spreading from one stave to the next, like a virus. The two nearest Magus staffs lit up with the same intense mating aura and singularity-sucking effect as the enormous onyx one that started it, causing yet more knots of soldiers nearest them to be affected. The mages themselves stared in horror at their corrupted staffs as they lit up just like the first with a new form of mating aura, one that not even Midnight had emitted before but seemed somehow griffon-based. It was yet another surprise given that griffon mages had no mating aura of their own, since their staves were not an intrinsic part of their bodies like horns or antlers were for other races. Which I’m sure meant it was no less a shock to them to discover that such a thing did exist!  “This is another product of the Griffon Imperium I borrowed the altered Hall of Heroes from,” Midnight explained at a surprised Juniper’s questioning look. “They developed their own ultra-powerful mating aura as a means to conquer their enemies, using it to weaken their will and destroy their discipline, leaving them easy prey for sexual subjugation. How ironic that it now gets used on the griffons of this world instead!” Ironic indeed, and sensing they were being quickly overcome as their remaining protective garments dissolved right off them along with seeing their sensual attributes beginning to swell under the intense violet light, the nearest female magus tried to smash the head of her stave against a stone wall in a desperate attempt to stop its spellcasting.  But it did no damage as it only began to glow all the brighter, finally overcoming her remaining sanity and consuming her fully as her boobs bulged hard, and she turned back to face her faltering brethren with a very lascivious leer. She aimed the full force of her stave on a nearby tiercel Magus next, who was so quickly overcome by the point blank alicorn-strength aura that his cock and balls had doubled in size by the time he turned the power of his own stave on other griffons, gliding low over the rest of the lead formation of soldiers to partially suck all the clothing and weapons right off them.  It didn’t undress them completely given he didn’t linger over them long enough for it to do so—at least, not before he could no longer flap and was forced by his stiffened wings to alight on the belly breasts of the second griffon statue, sitting directly on a single large teat. But the damage was done as their helms along with the upper halves of their armor and shields were dissolved right off their bodies, and that alone was enough to expose them to the aura’s sensual effects. No longer secured, the remaining pieces of protective Paladin armor simply fell off them as their talons let go of their ruined shields, many able only to stand where they were and absorb the intense sexual spellcasting while feeling their intimate attributes grow. A few managed to work up enough fear to flee, but those who took to the air didn’t get far before their wings stiffened to the point that they, too, could no longer flap, leaving it all they could do to glide in for a landing at the bottom of the stairs. A few couldn’t even manage that, and trying hard not to let their throbbing flesh drag on the ground when they were forced to alight, they lowered their forequarters enough that they tumbled head over heels. They ended up pinned on their backs just as the Paladins inside had, their wings so rigid that they lifted up their spines. It left them able only to flail and stare helplessly down their bellies as their erotic anatomy continued to expand and grow, eagless belly breasts bulging upwards while tiercel balls swelled and spears extended steadily up their chests, showing no signs of stopping while slowly reaching for their owner’s agape beaks. Before long, over half the formation was dissolved while only a few stalwarts at the rear held their ground, but that only lasted until the rearmost magus statue ignited his stave. It did its damage more swiftly as the soldiers were completely stripped in seconds, and then so unbearably aroused that they started turning to each other in desperation for relief. It swiftly got to the point that the tiercels were throbbing and thrusting into the air so badly that they started mounting each other regardless of rank or relationship. Their efforts were only barely resisted, if at all. Even their male Tribune, who might have been the last to succumb due to his excess of armor or simply being not as initially virile due to his increased age, was soon being tongued in the tail by a very young tiercel soldier, who held up his superior’s hindquarters by the flanks and stretched his suddenly-sensitive sphincter wide with his talons to allow his predator tongue greater access to its depths.  The defrocked griffon commander cried out like a teenage eagless in her first heat from the contact as his forelegs collapsed beneath him. He tried to feebly crawl away from the overwhelming pleasure of the act but that only lasted until his subordinate propped his legs on his shoulders and held him fast.  The younger soldier buried his beak beneath the older griffon male’s upraised tail, reaching under the Tribune’s propped form to grope his wingbases and stroke his lengthening spear until he creamed all over his chest. Before long, he was no longer resisting as an equally young eagless backed her rear into his face, forcing him to orally pleasure her by holding his head in place against her twin orifices with her tail wrapped around his neck. And so it went as the erotic effects continued to spread and the now-fully corrupted griffon mages turned on their own side, tiercel and eagless alike wearing expressions of laschiviousness and lust I’d never seen on their faces before.  Levitation spells retrieved fleeing griffons, in some cases plucking them right out of the air to be toyed with and tucked by other affected soldiers; in other cases—and in hindsight, I strongly suspect this was a product of Fortrakt’s influence broadcast through the staves—they were deposited on the ground so they could be penetrated by magus auras that were twisted into tentacle-like constructs with phallic tips. Tendril after magically created tendril soon found their ways into beaks, nests and tails alike, suspending them in the air and spreading their openings wide, penetrating so deeply that they brought their victims to a very rapid if involuntary rapture.  They pumped the targeted griffons full of so much mating magic that the spears and teats of their owners engorged to mammoth proportions, leaving them unable to run or fly. All they could do was lie in place creaming themselves while their enhanced bodies became the plaything of everygriffon around them, who groped, licked and tucked every inch of their gargantuan genitalia—hey, how’s that for a new alliteration? And to think Molyneux once told me that my vocabulary was too limited to be taken seriously—until they were brought to orgasm yet again.  And the growing orgy was no longer confined to the stairwell, with many lust-struck griffons now climbing up the tails and legs of the statues along with the dragons soon surging out of the Hall to worship and explore their altered erotic anatomy. Eaglesses and drakinas ground their nests into everything from onyx clits and teats to the immense male spears, while the tiercels and drakes humped them or any hole that they fit in; one excited young soldier even pushed himself so far inside a statue’s sphincter that he got stuck and his tail promptly taken by an amorous drake. Others cavorted atop the second female’s enormous eagless breasts, while a particularly brave and determined former soldier walked out all the way along the length of the phallus overhanging the stairs and positioned himself to take the entrance of the urethra—which was of course present—at the erstwhile organ’s tip. He succeeded as both dragons and griffons cheered, with others demanding the chance to go next. I admit I felt slightly forlorn for a moment as I took it all in. Not at the activity before me, which was hotter than anything I’d already seen—and believe me, that’s saying a lot! But because my field of view through the portal was not such that I could see what happened beyond it. I was actually disappointed that I couldn’t see the spread of Midnight’s magical corruption through the city! And then I remembered in some relief that there were other portals available, and turned my attention to the airborne one first that showed the mountainside city from about five hundred feet up. It was hard to see much at that distance, but what I did quickly notice was the intense glow of magus staves, which manifested themselves as bright beacons of purple light in which I could just see the singularity’s energy swirl. Those beacons were multiplying throughout the city, spreading block by block, level by level as more magus staffs or even streetlamp firegems were infected.  Though they weren’t designed to do anything but light the streets at night, they still absorbed the magic and started emitting more of it in turn; I could just see more matter being sucked into them as new sources of the singularity spell ignited and began dissolving the clothes and weapons off other nearby griffons, though they were far enough away that I couldn’t see much more than that. As if Midnight was reading my mind again, additional rifts opened to show the inside of griffon houses and structures, or simply out on the streets as the effect overtook them. I don’t know if the dimensional rips were opening in response to the cubs and incest I desperately wanted to see more of (and was that only due to Fortrakt’s influence? I still don’t know!), but one showed two young siblings beneath a blanket, napping under the gentle light of a single firegem.  But it suddenly started glowing bright violet and turned into yet another miniature maelstrom of energy that evaporated the blanket right off them, stretching and sucking the remnant matter into its maw to reveal an eight-year old caracal-furred and falcon-feathered tiercel spooning his twin sister with the same combination of features from behind.  Under the intense mating aura’s light, they both began to squirm and trill lightly in their sleep as their cheeks flushed and the male cub’s initially immature organ suddenly poked out of his sheath; it began to reach out for his sister’s body while her nest engorged and started glittering before my eyes.  Leaning forward, I found myself willing his initially small organ forth as it quickly extended and grew to adult proportions along with his balls, the tip of his spear drawn like a magnet directly into the center of his sister’s sex. When contact was made, she spread her legs to show that her barely-visible mammaries were also beginning to grow, swiftly swelling into visibly wobbling grapefruit-sized mounds on her belly capped with impressively erect almond-shaped teats. At the touch of his brother’s cock, her tail whisked itself aside at the contact and her immature opening yielded to him easily as he began to lightly thrust into her, easily penetrating the virgin barrier to sink his expanding organ deeper into her depths for the first time.  Already partly to climax with his organ halfway inside her, they woke up to find themselves instinctively copulating even if they didn’t understand what was happening, staring down at their merged bodies in surprise. But they also found it felt too good to stop, calling for their mother before crying out to the Ancestors as the male cub emptied the first load of his young life inside the ‘nest’ of his sister. The rift then rippled to show a uniformed father coming home, wearing the light blue armor of the Kingdom’s Auxiliary Guard, which was their internal security force. A violet light from the outside streetlight’s firegem suddenly shone directly in his window and dissolved his armor into mist, allowing the accompanying mating aura to affect him, causing his spear and sac to swell.  He barely had time to register their growing size or his rapidly rising wings before he was pounced by his two teenage boys. They obeyed what had to be a distant Fortrakt’s remotely driven impulse to orally service their father, one stretching his neck below his belly to take his spear down his throat and the other bathing his balls and sticking a talon in his tail. Their sire all but melted under their seduction, and before long he ended up being taken by his two sons in his tail and muzzle at once as they made out over his back. Then there was the mother with two eagless cubs in the street, who was suddenly stripped of her shopping sash and satchel as she was illuminated with violet light. Her cheeks flushed and wings splayed, but she again had little chance to register that or the sudden ballooning of her mammaries before she was bodily picked up by a sex-crazed mage and pressed together belly-to-belly with another eagless, finding themselves rubbing their teats together as the corrupted Magus cast a spell to heighten their size and sensitivity even more.  The previously unfamiliar pair kissed and trilled their pleasure as their female cubs looked on, imitating the adults and finding they enjoyed the sensation, especially after the mage inserted a tendril of aura into each of their young orifices that slowly pried them open. She brought them to their first-ever climax of their lives alongside their parents, squirting and spurting almost as strongly as the amorous adults around them. I might have been interested to see where that went, but then the view shifted again to show the inside of what looked like a classroom where both uniformed griffon cubs and pony foals were taught in the lowest level of the city.  The latter were not Equestrian but Caleponian—descendents of earth ponies who settled in the Gryphon Kingdom not long after the great war as a show of good faith in the armistice agreement. They came to grow badly needed food for the griffons, thus taking away one of the reasons the former Empire had become an imperial power, and over time had developed their own culture and hardier bodies to adapt to the more wild griffon lands.  The vest-wearing teacher with an hourglass-shaped cape that covered her hindquarters was facing away from her dozen or so students. She was giving what appeared to be an art lesson on a large easel when the room’s previously dark sconce-mounted firegems suddenly ignited on the back wall with the now-familiar intense violet light.  The resulting vortex quickly slurped the school uniforms right off of the surprised younglings from back to front of the classroom. It left them naked and increasingly aroused as they sat at their desks even though they didn’t immediately understand what was happening; their cheeks flushing and immature male organs already starting to poke out of pony and griffon sheaths alike.  As their teacher was furthest away from the sconces at the front of the class, her instructor uniform melted away more slowly, starting from her hindquarters and working further up her body. The slow disappearance of her cape first revealed her quickly engorging eagless nest to the eyes of her students as her tail involuntarily curled up, showing the suddenly and sorely interested cubs and foals the sight of her lips swelling and parting. She was seemingly unaware of what was happening at first as more of her clothes melted towards her wingbase while she sketched what she said was a flower, only for her pen to produce instead a detailed picture of a beak and tongue entering eagless lips. It was followed swiftly by other drawings of swollen teats being groped by talons and a male phallus tucking her tail, ending with images of her talons wrapped around a pony cock and her beak licking a tiercel one. By the time the evaporation effect reached her vest to unveil her rapidly rising wings, the undressed cubs had already stood up to examine their newly enhanced equipment. The ten-year old griffon and pony colts wriggled their rears to watch their still-expanding cock and balls sway and feel the tingle of the air itself against them, while the fillies and eagless cubs did the same to see their newly pronounced belly breasts jiggle.  They marveled at their sensitivity while comparing counts and sizes—the fillies seemed disappointed to discover they had only two teats while their eagless friends had four, but the fact that theirs reached cantaloupe size while the griffon ones were only grapefruits mollified them—and examining each other’s anatomy. A few even started rubbing their newly discovered and increasingly augmented erotic attributes against each other, including what I found to be a particularly titilating picture of a tiercel cub grasping his organ together with that of one of his colt classmates. And then they noticed their teacher had lowered her hindquarters to stretch out her rear, waving it at them in enticement and asking who wanted to be first to explore an eagless body properly. Her already-hopelessly aroused students took her up on that instantly, gathering close around her to press hooves, noses and talons into her anatomy, quickly finding her most sensitive spots and stimulating them with touch and tongue alike. Trilling her pleasure and encouraging more of it, she then asked them to try the acts she had depicted on the easel, and they promptly began doing so, colts and fillies alike eating her endless flow of nectar out while the pony and griffon boys took turns taking her tail, leaving their very young cream running down into her nest. She praised them for being good students as she stroked their still-growing cocks and came repeatedly, and to their surprise, so did the younglings as they quickly discovered how good it felt to fill their teacher’s body or have their own be filled by others. Their teacher taught them oral by example, going down on tiercels and eaglesses alike while the boys continued to take her already-well serviced tail, and after they coaxed their teacher onto her back, they explored her mammaries and newly presented nest in earnest, which the boys quickly discovered was yet another place they could stick themselves that felt good. They were soon bringing her to climax over and over using everything from teat and wing stimulation while exploring every one of her orifices and coming all over her repeatedly; the last image I had of them before the rift rippled again was of two foals and two cubs suckling her erect teats while she lay on her back, while the others availed themselves of every other erotic surface or entry point she had. And finally, the scene shifted to show the throne room of Queen Molyneux herself. It was clear that her aides were starting to get some panicked reports that they were uncertain they should inform the Queen of, but the palace doors were ordered sealed and a special series of protective wards erected around it—powerful incantations that could stop anything from a dragon assault to a bombardment from a flotilla of enemy airships. But yet again, it was no proof against Midnight’s spreading spellwork as the staves of the four mages ignited one after the other with bright purple light and swirls of arcane energy. The toga-like robes and capes of the aides as well as the armor of the soldiers all but melted off their bodies to a series of startled squawks, despite several failed and increasingly desperate attempts by the mages to silence the spellcasting of their staves. It was too late as, their physical and magical defenses completely stripped, the staves corrupted the griffons who held them, whose spears and sexes almost instantly engorged and grew. They then turned their new mating auras on the rest of the room, including the Queen herself, who had already been stripped of her royal vestments. She looked around in momentary bewilderment, but then gaped down her belly to see her breasts expanding even harder than the rest of the females in the room, finding them the target of all four glowing magus staves.  Once again, I’m certain both this and everything that followed was Fortrakt’s doing. As I watched, fresh tendrils of aura then reached out for Molyneux from the staffs, picked her up off her throne and suspended her in the air before finding and entering her openings, holding her limbs and rigid wings fast as her body was swiftly turned into what I can only describe as a hentai tuck toy.  As her initially aghast but quickly aroused aides watched, every erotic area of her body was attended at once by multiple tentacles that did everything from encircle and knead her four basketball-sized breasts to thread in and out of her pinioins and even enter her urethra, the idea of which I guess Fortrakt got by seeing the outside soldiers take that of the onyx sculpture at the base of the stairs.  “By our most erotic Ancestors…” one of her male aides watched as their longtime ruler was filled by multiple tendrils in every orifice and brought to orgasm quickly in spite of her attempts to fight it, stroking his new stature to the sight alone. He did so along with every other male in the room while the eaglesses present pawed frantically at their nest and teats, licking their beaks repeatedly to see their mage-tentacled Queen creaming herself helplessly. “You know, I thought that scene looked familiar. I take it you have read Mating Monastery, Fortrakt Gletscher?” the sound of Juniper Neptune’s equally amused and aroused voice brought my attention at least briefly to the Hall of Heroes where Fortrakt, Midnight and the High Priestess were staring fixedly at the scene in the palace. “Yes…” Fortrakt barely croaked, clearly commanding his Queen’s subjugation. “It’s my favorite erotic comic from Neighpon…” “I see. Then I might have to introduce you to some equally interesting ones from the human side of the portal later,” she said in some amusement. “But until then, proceed. I very much want to see what else you have planned for her.” So did I, but I’ll give Queen Molyneux this much credit—she fought it for far longer than most, not even fully succumbing when her second climax hit. It caused her to arch her back and erupt from the top of her nest with several uncannily powerful bursts of her own eagless honey that coincided with her orgasmic pulses, her needy trilling and frantically heaving hips making me wonder how long it had been since she’d last had sex.  Her spurts arced high in the air to land several body lengths away, though none of them hit the ground. They seemed to always find the faces and teats of her agape aides or the cocks of her slowly stroking soldiers, even landing perfectly in the open beaks of her two oldest cubs, who licked the nectar up instantly. They were rubbing their erect wings together frantically as they watched their mother’s sexual subjugation before turning to face each other, rearing up to start making out before the rest of the astonished and helplessly self-pleasuring onlookers. Moly’s green eyes went wide to see it, though she couldn’t say anything about it with the aura construct still deep in her throat. The tentacles were then withdrawn from all but her tail as she was laid down on the carpet before her aroused aides and equally excited elite guard. Her mouth finally free, her cries of protest and promises of retribution were swiftly silenced as her own subjects descended on her, groping, probing and fondling every part of her royal and previously unapproachable body until she’d cummed helplessly yet again. I gotta admit, some part of me where my old bad-girl self still existed took great satisfaction in watching her taken down a few pegs, turned into a tuck-toy for her own subjects after all the disdain with which she’d treated me. Despite being their monarch, her body was availed of by her aides and elite soldiers alike, who taloned her twat and fondled her wingfeathers, caressed her quivering flight muscles and alternately squeezed or suckled her truly epic-sized belly breasts until the Captain of her Guard, a massive male with an equally enormous endowment, approached her. After she was laid down at his order, the powerful and now very well hung tiercel disdained her ruler’s sex or tail to avail himself of her titantic teats instead. As she watched agape, only weakly telling him to stay away as she could not move due to her own erect wings, he stepped over her to lay his cock amid all four of her massive pumpkin-sized mammaries and reached down to pillow their mass against his shaft, beginning to thrust hard between them. “Oh, my…” I heard Fluttershy say in amazement beside me as my jaw fell open yet again, leaving us pawing at each other anew. It was the first time I’d ever seen a griffon actually perform paizuri, and I wondered where the powerful Paladin soldier had learned about that since ponies don’t generally do it either. Then I recalled that Fortrakt was an aficionado of Neighponese porn, and guessed that’s where he’d gotten the idea. Not that I minded in the least. Molyneux continued to protest her treatment weakly but also didn’t resist it, finding her sixty-year old body betraying her yet again as she soon came from teat stimulation alone with a loud cry of pleasure and even spurts of milk from her newly laden breasts. She also squirted out of her open sex onto the tiercel’s enormous overhanging balls as I’d already seen her and so many other eaglesses do, arching her back in pleasure and crying to her Ancestors in rapture. After another half minute of her body being wracked with powerful climactic pulses as the big male erupted all over her face and into her open beak, she collapsed back to the floor when her orgasm was spent to find herself staring into another eagless slit above her.  I just saw her eyes go wide again as she realized the hindquarters belonged to her fifteen-year old leopard-spotted daughter Malia, who positioned herself over her mother’s head and pressed her own impressive breasts into the top part of her mother’s, allowing the Captain of her Prateorian Guard to thrust his newly cum-slickened shaft into not one but two sets of massive mammaries at once.  He did so eagerly and then began making out with Malia happily above her moaning mother and monarch, who was soon in a state of near total surrender to what was happening to her, orally pleasuring her daughter from below. Tiercel cocks of aides and soldiers were soon pressed into their Queen’s open talons and she accepted them, beginning to stroke them as her son Marcus ate her out in turn and her tail continued to be spread wide open by Magus magic, with no less than three tendrils now filling her, taking on a twisted shape as they moved around inside her in circular motions. Before long, she had come again even more powerfully along with me and Fluttershy. With that, I thought the entire Kingdom’s conquest was complete as Queen Molyneux herself fell to Midnight’s magic, reduced to yet another in a long line of griffon playthings.  If the scene ended then, I would have been very happy and satisfied. But it wasn’t over yet.  For it was then that a fresh portal opened in the Queen’s enormous throne room, through which a volcanic tableland could be seen before it was blocked by a massive saurian shape that quickly stepped into the light to reveal himself as an enormous adult dragon. He looked around only briefly before stepping through on all fours onto the polished floor of the Kingdom’s most secure and protected area, standing amid a hundred frantically and very passionately fornicating griffons. “Dragon Lord Vesuvius!” the entire clan of dragons now spreading through Arnau cried out upon seeing him through a series of rifts Midnight had seeded throughout the city so the griffons could see their Queen conquered; his appearance was sudden and striking enough that all sensual activity I could see through the various portals stopped as griffons and dragons alike froze to see him. A giant drake of gray and blue scales wearing a golden helm and upper body armor, which he had no doubt forged himself out of his own hoard along with some form of scepter strapped to his winged back, the singularity effect quickly stripped him of his royal accouterments, leaving him as naked as the griffons he dwarfed.   But he paid it no mind as he spread his wings and reared up to reveal two enormous and very erect dark red draconic cocks, which he began to stroke as he studied the scene of rutting royals before him and then focused on the dazed form of Queen Molyneux herself. Even for as big as he was, he stood only a little more than halfway to the enormous chamber’s domed ceiling, but he gave his ornate surroundings little mind—which is kind of surprising given the amount of gold and gemstones in the room around him. But he clearly had far more concerns at that moment than simple material wealth as he smiled toothfully with a puff of bluish smoke and flame, his tongue licking his long snout slowly and sensuously as he almost lazily considered what was to come.  “Greetings, mighty Queen Molyneux of the Griffon Kingdom. I am Dragon Lord Vesuvius, from the volcanic isle of Silicaly in what you call the Servalanian Sea. I am told by a newly ascended alien alicorn that our races are meant to be the most amorous of allies! That an old hex cast by Nightmare Moon remains within our respective races, sensually binding us to each other, body and soul,” he recited, and I felt a shiver go through me as I began to imagine what he was about to do; even Fluttershy was suddenly hugging me hard to see the massive and monstrous drake enter.  “If this is true, then by the traditions of the Ancient Dragon Lords themselves, you and your nation must prove worthy of such an alliance! So prepare to see if you and your kindred can satisfy me, young and buxom ruler of the griffon realm…” he announced with a toothy grin as he grasped one of his bus-sized organs in one paw while propping himself on his other, beginning to stroke his leftmost one more quickly as it started to drool steaming fluid onto the stone floor out its tapered tip, which quickly formed a large and spreading puddle.  It was only then I noticed that his shaft was pointed directly at Queen Molyneux herself, whose eyes went wide and cum-coated beak dropped open as she realized his intentions. > 16: Enter the Griffons, Part 3 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dragon Lord Vesuvius!” the entire clan of dragons now spreading through Arnau cried out in pure reverence. They saw him through a series of rifts Midnight had seeded throughout the city so the griffons could witness the corruption and conquest of their Queen; his appearance was sudden and striking enough that all sensual activity I could see through the various portals stopped as griffons and dragons alike froze to behold him. All activity ceased on the CHS side of the rifts as well. He was a giant drake of grayish blue scales wearing a golden helm and custom-made upper body armor, which he had no doubt forged himself out of his own hoard along with some form of scepter strapped to his winged back. But the singularity effect quickly stripped him of all his royal accouterments except his staff, leaving him every bit as naked as the griffons he dwarfed. Even as he emerged, I saw through various airborne rifts that there were several additional large portals that had appeared around the city. They showed views directly into the volcanic island the Veusivius clan lived in, through which a score of additional adult dragons entered, drakes and drakinas alike. Though none were as large as their lord—with adult dragons and even adolescents to a more limited degree, size is always proportional to status and wealth—the former were already very erect and the latter quite wet, with visibly swollen sexes and glistening scales between their legs. Some entered near the Hall of Heroes and immediately started cavorting with the giant griffon statues there. They were so stoutly made that they held firm against the erotic onslaught; the three-story sculptures being the perfect size for their giant partners. Drakes availed themselves of presented nests and tails while a drakina backed herself into the plaza-spanning oynx spear that overhung the staircase; she took almost its entire length while bent over, venting fire happily as griffons gathered beneath her to be showered with her hot nectar. Still others emerged in different areas of the city to simply lounge themselves out in offering, drakes creaming over everything they could see and drakinas laying back against convenient hillsides or structures with their legs spread wide. Adventurous griffons were soon climbing onto them, exploring their exotic openings; a few adventurous ones even climbed inside them to see how deep they could go. In other cases, smaller portals appeared through which adult dragons inserted their organs like giant glory holes; one even entered the school I’d seen earlier, attracting griffon cubs and pony foals alike to inspect the twin shafts and sample the spunk drooling from it. They did so at the encouragement of their teacher, who proceeded to give them a lesson in both male and dragon anatomy, describing the function of the enormous organ and then showing them how best to pleasure it by stroking the narrow tip to milk more sperm from it. Stepping back to allow her students to do the same, she was soon pleasuring herself to the sight of cubs and foals alike climbing all over the slowly thrusting shafts like a jungle gym; grinding their new endowments into its ridged and pulsing surface while taking turns drinking from its protruding and oozing tip. I might have watched longer—by Princess Celly’s sunbutt (hey, I know what I liked about her!), I really wanted to see them make that drake climax and then be completely covered in his cream! But then Vesuvius himself gave a mighty roar that reverberated throughout not just the throne room but all Arnau and even the schoolyard of CHS, gaining the immediate and undivided attention of all. It might even have been heard outside of the immediate area, if the tempest Midnight’s magic had sparked around us didn’t drown it out. The eyes of every individual were on him as he planted his scepter in the stone floor like a flag, as if to lay claim to not just the throne room but the entire Gryphon Kingdom. But he paid his many gawkers no mind as he spread his wings and reared up to reveal two enormous and very erect dark red draconic cocks, which he began to stroke as he studied the scene of rutting royals before him and then focused on the dazed form of Queen Molyneux herself, who was staring at him from her back in shock. Even for as big as he was—easily at least fifty hooves high (fine, you want maretric–er, metric? He was well over fifteen meters tall) he stood only a little more than halfway to the enormous chamber’s domed ceiling, but he gave his ornate surroundings little mind.  Which was kind of surprising given the amount of riches in the room around him; they included everything from the golden statues of royals past to the crystal-studded ceiling that was there as much for defense as decoration. It was meant to channel various spells ranging from shields to snares, as well as certain wards intended to disperse attempts at introducing foreign magic into the throne room.  All of which Midnight had yet again overcome with contemptuous ease given the still-active singularity effects from various Magus staffs, which sucked the heavy weapons and highly enchanted crimson armor right off a reinforcing Turma of Praetorian Guard soldiers who had charged into the chamber—for those reading this who are unfamiliar with the late Roman military (and how the hell did you get hold of this if you are?), that’s basically a platoon-sized unit.  Once they were all stripped naked, the effect quickly aroused and enhanced them, causing tiercel spears to surge out of their sheaths to fully engorge into double and then triple their original size, while eagless teats plumped into melon-sized masses capped with four exquisitely erect teats that the simple movement of the air caused intense tingling against—I know because it had been happening to me constantly, given the stormy skies and fitfully gusting winds around us. It left them all as undressed and helplessly horny as the rest, even if they were suddenly afraid to indulge it with the Dragon Lord there. He was surrounded by plenty of gold and gems, but in a rarity for adult dragons, the cobalt-blue Vesuvius clearly had far more concerns at that moment than simple material wealth. He ignored all the outside eyes on him to smile toothfully at the fear-frozen forms of the Queen and her entourage with a puff of bluish smoke and flame, his tongue licking his long snout slowly and sensuously as he almost lazily considered what was to come. And then he spoke; his voice so deep and booming that even on my side of the rift, it could be felt in my very bones. “Greetings, mighty Queen Molyneux of the Gryphon Kingdom. I am Dragon Lord Vesuvius, from the volcanic isle of Silicaly in what you call the Servalanian Sea. I am told by a newly ascended alien alicorn that our races are meant to be the most amorous of allies! That an old hex cast by Nightmare Moon remains within our respective races, sensually binding us to each other, body and soul.” I felt a shiver go through me as I began to imagine what he was about to do with her; even Fluttershy was suddenly hugging me hard to see the massive and monstrous drake enter. “If this is true, then by the traditions of the Ancient Dragon Lords themselves, you and your nation must prove worthy of such an alliance! So prepare to see if you and your kindred can satisfy me, young and buxom ruler of the griffon realm…” he announced with another toothy grin as he grasped one of his nearly bus-sized organs in one paw while propping himself on his other, beginning to stroke his leftmost one in front of her. It started to drool steaming fluid onto the stone floor out its tapered tip, which quickly formed a large and spreading puddle. It was only then I noticed that his shaft was pointed directly at Queen Molyneux herself, whose eyes went wide; her cum-coated beak dropping open as she realized his intentions. Her formerly loyal guards, who had been very happily and eagerly availing themselves of her boobs and body, almost seemed to remember their duty to protect her for a moment. They and even the corrupted magus moved to shield her with their bodies and magical barriers, to which the enormous drake just laughed. “I see you have already been quite busy in my absence, having been made a plaything for your own progeny and Praetorians. A pity I was not here to see it start! It may yet please me to allow them to continue, but as of now, you and your Kingdom belong to me and my clan, my young and still-virile queen, along with its wealth of riches. I will be making my new home right here in your throne room, which I will fill with the contents of your treasury so that I may sleep on a dais of diamonds. Unless you and your race can prove yourself our equals, that is…” he said with a toothy grin through which he leaked bluish flame, the radiant heat of which I could feel even clear through the portal. Despite the intensity of it, I shivered, wanting desperately to see the Queen turned into his plaything. Part of me even wished to be in her place, which was a simple product of me being a fire elemental as a pony. Dragons were in some ways the ultimate embodiment of fire, after all. So I’d be lying to say I hadn’t had a few fantasies of being dominated by an adolescent or even adult dragon over the years, bathed in their fiercely hot flame. “In truth, I highly doubt you can prove yourself our equals, but no matter. To business, then, as we negotiate for the terms of our alliance. But first, you must be presentable. As our benefactor has promised me that the altered hex means I cannot burn you, the only seed you should be bathed in is MINE!” I admit I froze for a moment as he inhaled and the gaps of his chest scales glowed bright before he breathed a great gout of intense blue fire into the room, apparently immolating all the griffons within it for a moment. Fluttershy gasped as well, clutching me close as the sight evoked a series of muffled screams and curses from CHS and Crystal Prep students alike. His flame easily overcame the magic shields the corrupted Magus had cast to envelop the queen in its fiery brilliance, but when it faded after a dozen seconds, she was not only unharmed, but completely cleaned of the cum covering her with light wisps of steam and smoke coming off her un-singed fur and feathers.  The mages themselves had lost their staves, which were incinerated right out of their talons, crumbling to fine ash in their grasps to leave them—and the Queen—defenseless. His fire even extinguished the singularities by cutting their magical tethers; the loss of the staves also meant that the multiple aura tentacle constructs that had been deep within her tail simply vanished from within her, leaving it slick and gaping, easily enough to insert an entire Saddle Arabian stallionhood. “By the Ancestors…” was all Molyneux could croak out before glancing over at her cringing son and daughter, who had curled themselves into a fetal position to see his throat glow. Though consumed by flame as well, they looked down and patted their bodies to realize that they were unharmed; shocked to find themselves not just alive but still incredibly aroused, they looked at each other and then fainted dead away into each other’s arms.  They weren’t the only ones who succumbed to their fright. A dozen of her aides and even several elite soldiers did as well, though their teats and tiercelhoods still throbbed and slowly grew despite their unconscious state. Those who fell into piles with each other uncannily did so into compromising positions that invariably resulted in talons cupping balls or breasts, or griffon organs perfectly poised to slowly push their way into beaks, nests, and tails.  In the case of Moly’s son and daughter, they fell belly to belly with her son’s spear pushing up between his sister’s bulging boobs as their respective talons each rested against a single set of them, pushing their mass into the intruding griffon shaft. I couldn’t help but shiver at the incestuous sight—clearly, Midnight’s probability-altering effects did not need the singularities around to remain present!—but to her credit, Molyneux did not pass out even as the Dragon Lord roared with laughter to see the reaction. Seeing she remained conscious, he then resumed stroking himself idly before her, considering her almost lazily as he lounged out before her. He lay partially on his side to present his twin phalluses, one pointed up at the ceiling and the other directly at Queen Molyneux herself. She continued gaping at him, her upper body propped up slightly on her sex-stiff wings. She found herself unable to move away from him or even right herself; her hind paws and feline claws scrappling for purchase on the perfectly smooth stone floor but finding none. In the end, she could only stare over her enormously enhanced belly boobs at his leering reptilian face; her massive mammaries wobbled enticingly with every movement she made. The Dragon Lord herself seemed to find her helpless state both amusing and arousing, taking note of her enormous mammaries and licking his lips at the sight of them. I held my breath as he leaned over and began sniffing at her up close, his long snout larger than she was, letting her feel his inner heat and smell the brimstone of his breath. He then puffed out a single exhalation of bluish smoke that suffused her for a second and left her cheeks even more flushed and pupils dilated as she was forced to inhale the vapors in turn. She couldn’t quite stifle a half-fearful, half-needy trill as she sensed his proximity and intentions. Biting my lip and squirming to see it, I desperately wanted him to lick her; draw his large but dextrous tongue between her legs or even use it to encircle a boob or two.  But he did not, pulling back slightly instead to consider her and let his breath take full effect on not just her, but everyone in the room as it spread out to leave a slight bluish haze in the air. Some of it even wafted right through the rift we were watching through to leave me dizzy; I shivered when he glanced up and saw us, but paid me and Fluttershy no more mind than he did the rest of his audience. “As I’m sure you know, dragon smoke can be most… intoxicating. We occasionally consent to having it collected for the use of others in exchange for rare gems. But when we are also aroused? Then it becomes the most potent of aphrodisiacs, effective against ALL races. Even able to induce estrus where there is none,” he informed her, watching as she began to squirm, balling her talons into fists to keep them from digging into her teats and twat. I could tell she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of watching her self-pleasure, but her resistance only seemed to arouse him more, especially as he could see her milk and honey now flowing quite freely, matting her fur and running in rivulets down into the dock of her tail before dripping down to form a fresh puddle on the floor beneath her. “Fight it all you like, my egg-hungry eagless. In the end, you will be unable to, and your former subjects will bear witness of your sensual submission to me and my clan. Consider it a blessing, giving it is an ability we rarely get to use given our infrequent mating seasons and the fact that for us to rut other races is usually quite dangerous. But thanks to our new benefactor, that is no longer the case! So be honored, young Queen. You are the very first griffon to so directly feel its effects. Or to experience a Dragon Lord’s touch.” Bending down over her, he licked her once, his tongue darting out to taste her cleansed sex; one of his tongue forks briefly entering her nest to earn a startled squawk and squirt. Sensing her enjoyment and faltering will, he began to intensify his efforts by slowly stimulating her entire body with his tongue alone, propping himself over her with one set of talons while pleasuring the rightmost of his dual drakehoods with another.  He seemed especially enamored of her leaking milk given he managed to encircle and squeeze each of her enormous boobs in turn. He tugged on them to make them squirt into his open snout like an over-engorged udder, earning another series of stifled gasps from the Queen. “Such a fertile form. Such delicious desire. Both will serve my clan well. Still you resist, but I can sense your growing heat, young Queen of the Griffons, and how open and eager for conquest you truly are. I can smell your fecund fertility, my milk-laden monarch. Your body is eager and ready to receive my seed. Before long, you will willingly surrender your throne and Kingdom to me.” “Never…” Molyneux managed through moans as the Dragon Lord’s tongue continued to bathe her. He drew it slowly up between her legs and breasts, causing her to stiffen, fighting with all her strength of will to not climax from the stimulation of the enormously long but narrow dragon tongue. A task made all the harder when the forked end of it flicked over her belly to tweak two teats at once, causing them to wobble hard. Despite their near-painfully taut forms, her trembling body and her own drooling nest, she again refused to give him the satisfaction of an orgasm, biting down hard with her beak onto her own chest feathers and tugging at them for distraction. “I will never surrender to you!” “Never is a long time, young hatchling of a Queen, and our lifespans are far longer than yours. A pity, but perhaps our new magical bonds will change that,” he suggested easily, changing tactics slightly to insert the very tip of his thumb talon into her previously-tentacled anal opening, causing it to part and her griffon ‘nest’ to water hard as her rear involuntarily wriggled against him. “Even if they do not, know that your progeny—and theirs in turn! —will be pleasuring me long after you pass.” “Arrogant drake. We have fought your kind before and won. And so we will again!” she proclaimed despite Vesuvius smirking and pushing his talon just a bit deeper, prying her open further and leaving her struggling not to outright writhe against the intrusion. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut either out of intense pleasure, or simply trying not to see her own subjugation. “Will you, now?” He seemed immensely amused by the statement. “I highly doubt that, but in honor of our previous alliance, I will give you the chance to prove it.” I initially took Moly’s claim as bravado from a dethroned Queen who had lost her realm and never knew how to offer up anything but bombast. But then to my amazement, and even a degree of appreciation from my younger self, she worked up some attitude. “Know, Dragon Lord, that before this day is done, I swear by the entire unbroken line of my Ancestors that you will bow down to us!” Molyneux said in a shaky voice, causing her disarmed but sorely aroused subjects still in the room to glance at each other in amazement. Despite their still-present fear, several of them were openly stroking or pleasuring themselves to the sight even as they kept their distance. A few were even rubbing wings against each other or outright rutting in the piles they had fallen in; as I watched, a young and slightly scrawny teenage aide to the Queen saw his chance and mounted a much more powerful Paladin tiercel who had his tail raised high and had his eyes fixed on his monarch, his phallus drooling beneath his belly. Though surprised, he did not resist, pushing back hard into the much smaller male, the latter looking dazed and delighted to finally fulfill his greatest fantasy with his eyes closed and tongue hanging out his open beak. A fantasy I’m sure he shared with Fortrakt, who no doubt urged him to do it But Vesuvius didn’t notice; his attention still fixed on the form of Queen Molyneux lying trapped on her back before him. He laughed hard at her claim of making him bow to her, his guffaws so deep and throaty that I could feel their rumble clear through the portal; the vibration finding enough focus in my clit that I nearly came again. Stopping his stimulation, he pushed back from her to sit up to his full size, letting his organs dangle over her helpless form as he squeezed and stroked them, causing them to drizzle a steady stream of clear but steaming fluid onto her exposed sex and breasts. It caused her to whimper and the latter to plump even further; now so big their sides were almost touching the floor despite the fact she was lying on her back. “Such strength of spirit. I am impressed that you did not come despite my best efforts. But perhaps I shouldn’t be, given I know well of griffon will. And as for your claim of besting us before, I am perfectly aware that your nation once fought a war with Dragon Lord Diabla and defeated her. For which I must thank you, given we took back the lands and gems they had stolen from us after.” He gave her another long and far more reverent lick that started at the tip of her twitching tail and bathed her entire body from bow to stern—okay, it was in the opposite direction, but I prefer the alliteration this way—taking great pains to draw its length slowly over her sex and between her belly boobs, collecting as much milk as he could from them before moving further up her body.  Reaching her chest, his trailing tongue forks found both bases of her flight muscles at once and flicked them, making her hind paws splay hard and another squirt of fluid come out the top of her winking sex, painting the floor nearly sixteen feet away “S-so we did. And this is how you thank us?” She arched her back into him but yet again, she did not come. “Come here uninvited and invade my inner sanctum, availing yourself of my sacred body while threatening to conquer our entire Kingdom? Where is your honor, Dragon Lord?” He rumbled again, somewhat less pleasantly. “I prefer to think of it as you and your Kingdom repaying an old debt to us, given our assistance proved crucial in that conflict. So I would advise you to be careful when you speak to me of honor, Queen Molyneux. For I will have you know that I fought in that war on the Kingdom’s side as an adolescent!” he informed her sharply, causing Moly’s eyes to snap open in surprise despite the stimulation. He then bent low over her again, letting her see his smiling snout and the massive teeth that filled them up close. When next he spoke, it was in an usually quiet voice, though it was still so deep I could feel its reverberations in my teats and clit. And if I could feel them so keenly even from a distance, what was it like for Queen Molyneux, getting it all up close? How was she not cumming for him over and over again? “Yes, young Queen. I once served as a simple soldier at your race’s side, so I am now simply collecting an old debt. In fact, it may interest you to know that I even stood in this Hall once before for the Kingdom’s victory gala and met your line’s progenitor, the great Queen Jeyenne.” He nodded off to the side where her golden statue sat placidly adorned with a cape and crown while she held some form of scepter, watching the proceedings unblinkingly. “A truly superb ruler. If she were here before me now, I would gladly submit her in your place. But as you are her descendent, you will more than suffice for payment of that debt. Especially with such a luscious and delicious form.”  He tugged at her breasts with the curled tip of his tongue again, squeezing fresh spurts from her massive and milk-laden mammaries into his maw, earning a fresh series of startled and only half-bit-off squawks as Queen Molyneux tried but failed to silence her cries of pleasure. “Sister, did you hear that?” I suddenly heard Principal Luna’s voice call out. “She sounds exactly like Headmistress Molyneux!” “So she does…” Celestia said somewhat breathlessly as her new equine phallus was worshiped by several of the girls around her. “It would seem they share both the same voice and the same sexual weaknesses. With so much in common, I might wish to do this version of her as well!” Though he gave no indication of having heard them, Moly’s enjoyment was not lost on Vesuvius. “I see that you like this, Queen Molyneux. I do, too. I learned to savor the taste of milk all those centuries ago, needing whatever forms of nourishment were available when I fought at your race’s side. But I must say that YOUR milk is far more delectable, young monarch. A veritable ambrosia of warm, rich cream that I will partake of any time I wish.” He began to very gently close the tip of his snout on one of her upper pair, suckling all he could from it. Molyneux could only whimper and writhe, her eyes closed tight and beak clenched. But despite how badly I now wanted to see her cum from teat stimulation alone—to say nothing of Fortrakt pleading with her under his breath to do so—she still wouldn’t give in. “By the Ancestors, my teats are not your toys! And though you tell me not to question your honor, your words are false!” she accused him, causing a series of muffled gasps to be heard that she was speaking back to him. “That debt you speak of was paid in full by our aid and by the lands returned to you! And though our money was meager then as we struggled to recover from both the war and the Empire’s endless military expenditures, we rewarded you still further with what gems we could! So what you are doing now to me is naked aggression to my nation! And we will resist you!” “Naked indeed,” he agreed, sitting back to fondle her bare form with his giant fingers, running the tips of his talons through her splayed wings. “You know your history, as befits the ruler of a race. And perhaps you might even have a point. But this contest is not of arms, young Queen. We need not conquer you with weapons when we have our bodies. And with the help of the alien alicorn and this ancient hex, we are now able to make our anatomy as irresistible to you as yours is to us.” “With your help, my new Queen?” A glance up showed the High Priestess was not only watching, but just as transfixed as I was. “He flatters me, but in truth, I didn’t do much,” Midnight replied, watching the proceedings with an enrapt expression. “Just inform him of the old hex and allow him to feel its full effects. Then opened a portal into the throne room. The rest, he’s done himself. And quite an education I’m getting on both these races. It seems they have history even outside of this hex. They are also natural allies, even if neither are yet quite willing to admit it.” “Told him? But how? You never left here!” Fortrakt protested, his spear throbbing and drooling in front of him as he watched his queen be pleasured by the tongue and talons of a dragon. I got the distinct feeling that he was trying to mentally pressure the Queen to cum to it as hard as I was, but despite all his imparted power, she refused to. “Then by the Ancestors themselves, how did you—” “I simply projected an image of myself into his Silician lair on the slopes of Mount Etna—or excuse me, it’s called Mount Aitne here. Such is my power and ability to magically multitask, young Fortrakt,” she said, giving him an affectionate ruffle of his head with her aura. “And it appears that your Queen has an unusually strong will to go with her sharp tongue. I am thus far impressed with her resistance to not just you, but Vesuvius himself. Be assured that just as with the adolescents, I altered the hex enough that he cannot hurt her, so let us see what yet happens,” she suggested. “That’s our Moly…” Principal Celestia said admiringly; I turned to see her now directly rutting a young girl in the rear with her new stallionhood as she was bent over the arm of the couch, leaving her cross-eyed with her tongue hanging out. “You don’t ever want to be on her bad side.” “As you say, sister!” Luna agreed, taking a blissful Balcony on his back. “Even we might have been on the receiving end of her insults a time or two!” “Why? What did you two do?” a dazed but clearly delighted Dean Cadance was now being held up by no less than four boys, taking two ten-inch cocks in each opening at once. “Oh, we might have gotten a bit drunk at the Superintendent Social on board Filthy Rich’s yacht a couple years back and made a pass at her,” Celestia said with a chuckle.  “Couldn’t help it, though. We were talking about old encounters over drinks and got turned on. And she was so adorably indignant when we started groping her big boobs and butt. We got her partially undressed, at least, and she squawked just like the Queen there when we tugged at her tits. For the record, she wouldn’t cum for us, either! Even though she clearly was turned on…” “Oh, for fuck’s sake…” shouted Sunny Flare around a mouthful of Sour Sweet’s dicknipples. “Are all our Principals pervs?” “I think she was just loyal to Dean Sombra,” Luna ignored the remark as she pumped Backdoor full of her newly acquired cream, causing him to cry out and cum all over his own face. “She did say that he was the only one she would allow to tease or touch her. So I cannot help but wonder, sister… just who is this Moly loyal to?” she then asked before directing Backdoor’s brother Balcony to bend over next, preparing to enter him. “A good question,” Juniper Neptune said with another lingering glance at them, her lascivious gaze fixed again on Luna for a moment. “If we keep watching, I believe she will reveal the answer. With perhaps a little help from you, young Fortrakt?” she suggested in her silken tone again, causing him to take another ragged breath. “Perhaps you cannot control the Queen, whose impressively strong will resists you. But what about the Dragon Lord himself…?” His eyes went wide and cock spurted clear fluid once while behind him, the two griffon Paladin commanders Midnight had stripped and left untended on the Earth side of the portal were struggling to crane their heads to see what was happening, but thankfully, Applejack and Rainbow called for Celly and Lulu to toss them a pair a spare pillows from their pile. They did, and the pair of naked Paladins were swiftly propped up to gape at the sight of their Queen on her back before a visibly aroused adult dragon. To my surprise and mild disappointment, my two friends didn’t service the griffon pair, though, explaining apologetically that they knew the two belonged to Fortrakt, and that they didn’t want to infringe on that. “Ancestors, yes…” he licked his beak again at Juniper’s latest words. “And I want him to…” he shifted his gaze and focus to Vesuvius himself Whether in response to his unspoken instructions or not, the Dragon Lord laid himself out before a still-sprawled Molyneux, lounging on his side like a Playmare centerfold on the floor of the throne room—okay, I might have kept a stash of those in my room at Canterlot Castle before coming to Earth—while considering her lazily. Making himself at home on the smooth, gem-studded surface, he rumbled happily as he stroked both his organs before her at once, letting some of the clear fluid fall tantalizingly near her but not on her this time. “I find you and your royal lair to my liking, fecund young Queen of the Griffons, but I cannot help but feel this room needs some redecorating. I will have the contents of my Lord’s hoard and your own treasury brought here soon enough, and they will fill this hallowed hall with gems and gold. But before then, I hope you will be so gracious as to allow me to leave my mark on it… and YOU!” As he spoke, his hips began to make powerful thrusting motions into his own grasp, though he kept his leftmost phallus one pointed squarely at her. I heard the Queen’s sharp intake of breath as she realized his intentions, or maybe it was my own. All eyes remained on the throne room both in the Kingdom and here, with myself and Fluttershy having a front-row seat to the proceedings. We were clutching each other hard by then in excitement and mutual reassurance while occasionally kissing to see it. “Oh my…” Fluttershy said more than once. “Sunset? Is he really going to…?” “I don’t know,” I told her, even as I fervently hoped that he would, whether or not it was Fortrakt’s ultimate doing. “But if he does…” For a moment, I felt like I was going to faint at the very idea of it. But he didn’t right away, letting her and her watching subjects anticipate with mingled fear and excitement what was about to come—quite literally! She tried again to back away from him only to find that she couldn’t, and worse for her, her attempts to do so only seemed to stimulate her further and give away how excited she really was, given the increasingly powerful squirts out her teats and sex, the latter of which found the Dragon Lord’s snout. Realizing she was on the verge of cumming again and worse, only encouraging him further, she quickly stopped and covered her entrance with both her forepaws, further guarding herself by crossing her hind legs. Vesuvius stopped stroking himself long enough to lick at her erotic effusion, and when he spoke again, his already husky voice had dropped to a lustful growl that made me and Fluttershy shiver. “Despite your continuing efforts to resist me, I can tell from your scent that you are both fertile and wish to be fertilized, young Queen,” he informed her, causing her eyes to go wide as he began to stroke himself, even faster this time. “Fear not. For I will make you wait… no… MORE!”he said as his back arched followed by his twin drakehoods visibly bulging, starting from the base before proceeding to their tapered tips as climax claimed him. His twin organs then all but exploded at once, one erupting horizontally and the other almost vertically into the cavernous interior of the throne room. The latter spurted so high that the normally scalding-hot material hit the vaulted ceiling and began to both spatter and fall back to the floor in massive globules that rained down, somehow unerringly finding the stiff-winged griffons on the ground who were unable to dart or fly away, while the former found its mark by hitting the Queen dead center in her covered crotch with its initial surge of spunk. The sheer force of the powerful outpouring not only knocked her clenched legs apart, but hit with such strength it sent her sliding along the nearly frictionless surface towards the statues of griffon kings and queens behind her. I got a brief glimpse of both her already-loosened orifices forced open by the fire-hose-like pressure and filled to the brim with fresh saurian spunk as subsequent surges found her breasts and face. Those spurts that didn’t directly hit her struck the statues of her most recent predecessors behind her, though I didn’t immediately see what happened to them. “Ancestors…” was all Fortrakt could say as he breathed softly and shuddered to see yet another of his teenage fantasies made real, leaving me marveling that it was within his Midnight-granted power to even influence the behavior of an 800-year-old Dragon Lord. But even if it was originally his doing, Lord Vesuvius was now well beyond his ability to control. Roaring his enjoyment while venting more blue flame into the air, his subsequent eruptions became even more powerful as he coated half the domed ceiling with cum and then took pains to target the rest of the room, aiming his next eruptions at the life-sized and occasionally larger golden onyx statues of Kings and Queens past, and even Emperors and Empresses from Imperial times that lined the walls all around the hall. Each blast from his two cock cannons—well, that’s what they pretty much were at that point! —unerringly found a fresh group of them. His steaming cum seemed to melt their sculpted clothes and royal accouterments right off their bodies as certain as if they’d been blasted directly by his fiery blue breath, leaving only the naked forms of thirty generations of griffon rulers behind. They shimmered for a moment as if behind a funhouse mirror before the effect faded to reveal that they had stood upright or otherwise acquired sensual poses, much as the pure oynx statues in the Hall of Heroes had. Just as before, their teats and tiercelhoods seemed to sprout and swell right out of the sculptures, male and female endowments alike becoming equally oversized and prominent, standing proudly to attention for all to admire and explore. In most cases, the statues took poses like they were rutting or being rutted by an unseen partner, but I didn’t realize the purpose of that until the final gushes of the Dragon Lord’s only slowly fading orgasm struck Molyneux. They sent her squawking and sputtering form skidding clear across the floor into the embrace of her father and the ruler who preceded her, King Malachi. His golden sculpture was stretched out with his back arched and hindquarters low; his rigid and impressive twelve-inch spear held horizontally just a couple inches off the ground. His broad wings were also spread wide, both in arousal and to keep him elevated while his foretalons seemed to be resting against an unseen surface while suspended in the air. I couldn’t figure out why he was in such a strange pose until Molyneux reached him. The frictionless floor now perfectly slick with a thin layer of drake seed, Queen Molyneux was spun around by a final glancing strike of the Dragon Lord’s spurts and slowed to a halt just as she reached him. In yet another massive improbability, she approached at the perfect angle so that his golden footlong phallus perfectly parted her well-lubed eagless lips, causing squirts of dragon cum out around the edges while her quartet of equally wet and cum-slickened beach ball belly boobs slipped under his perfectly placed talons so that when they bounced back up, he was groping her upper set of enormous teats while a shocked, spunk-covered and sorely aroused Molyneux could only stare up into the visage of her sire’s blissful face. “F-father…” she murmured in a cublike preteen voice that was anything like her usual commanding tone as her state registered, including the fact that she was trapped there, pinned beneath his golden talons with her nest impaled on his enormous spear, unable to extricate herself because her wings were too stiff and the floor too slippery. She gaped. She trembled. And then, at long last, she came with a loud and piercing trill, thrusting her belly into his statue’s pleasuring paws to the astonishment of her audience and the laughter of the Dragon Lord himself, who was finally descending from his own orgasmic high after well over half a minute of climactic spasms that had all but flooded the once-pristine hall with his spunk. Oddly enough, the sensual tide had crested highest at the edges of the domed throne room where the thick liquid had surged up against the sides and was only slowly settling back towards the center around the drake, where the floor was still more or less clean except for a few dribbles still coming off the ceiling. It also hadn’t just been the Queen who had been swept up in the literal wave of pure pleasure he had unleashed, as all the other griffons in the room were caught in the flood and pushed to its edges. “So, you refused to reach rapture with me, but climax instantly when rutted by your own SIRE? How interesting. Perhaps HE is the one the odd upright creatures suggested you were loyal to!” he said breathlessly as he continued to squeeze and stroke his twin organs while watching her. He milked every last drop they contained onto the floor around him while Moly’s matronly body continued to be wracked by her own orgasmic pleasure. She clutched her sire’s talons to her, calling his name repeatedly and begging him to take her whenever he wished. “That you came in his embrace says much about both you and your upbringing as a hatchling, young Queen. But I can also see how much he meant to you. So lest you think I am a cruel conqueror and intend to keep you for myself, fear not. Were your sire still alive, I would not deny you his body. Any more than I would deny YOURS to your cubs!” he said with a nod off to the side. It was only then that I realized that the incredibly unlikely outcome hadn’t been limited to her. A separate surge of his sperm had swept up Moly’s son and carried him on a wave which crested against another statue, leaving him as the previously missing half of the sensual pose it had clearly had been sculpted in. It left him held fast in the powerful grasp of Emperor Amplum Dotem, an Imperial-era ruler whose enormous height and sixteen-inch tiercel ‘spear’ dwarfed his, finding himself sliding down his form and sinking steadily into his embrace, rear first. His tail was poised perfectly over the upright organ of onyx and gold while his hind legs found the grasp of the golden statue’s foretalons; his slickened sphincter swiftly parted around the tapered tip and began sinking onto it even as his legs were held higher in the grasp of the Emperor’s long digits, leaving him every bit as unable as his mother to escape the compromising—and very submissive—position he suddenly found himself in. His well-presented tail slowly sinking onto the Emperor’s spunk-slickened length and being progressively pried even further open, his beak gaped and still-growing griffon cock spurted as he grasped at it with both sets of foretalons, using the sticky dragon seed it was covered with to lube it. Stroking it frantically as he sank further onto the statue’s perfectly sculpted stature—even its smallest veins had been quite meticulously and lovingly rendered—he started clenching at it with his muscles as if it was real, trying to both work it in deeper and stimulate it to release its own seed deep within him. I didn’t think that was possible even with all this insane magic at work, but he didn’t care. At the moment he was fully hilted, he climaxed as well with a loud trill and cry, his cum-covered tongue hanging out his open beak. “By my most endowed Ancestors, I want all of it in me! Take me, Emperor Amplum! Tuck me! Make me your eagless and mate me whenever you wish!” he invited even as he added his own cream to the dragon spunk covering the floor around him nearly knee-deep. Moly’s daughter, in contrast, was also caught between two upright Kings from the Kingdom’s previous century who had their statues turned sideways to take both of her openings at once, leaving her merely-volleyball sized boobs in the grasp of one King’s talons and her wingbase in that of the other’s. “Grandsire! Great grandsire!” she exclaimed, and then she, too, came as well, announcing loudly that her body belonged to her Ancestors to use as they saw fit forevermore. In fact, it was only then I noticed that all the statues had griffons swept into their erotic embrace by the flood of dragon seed, from soldiers to mages to aides, and they seemed quite happy to find themselves in the static but sensual hold of their rulers past. Every statue’s spear was filling a nest or tail, while those of the sculptures themselves were being made use of as well, with several instances of griffon heads buried in balls or boobs to lick the dragon cream off them. “I see the curious griffon reverence for their Ancestors remains as strong as ever,” the Dragon Lord noted as he glanced around the room to see the scene he had caused. “Amusing, but also slightly annoying. We shall have to replace their primacy in your minds with our own. But how…?” he wondered idly as Midnight spoke again. “He’s right. I can tell from their thoughts and actions alone that griffons do indeed revere their Ancestors, worshiping them as a form of collective deity,” she noted to Juniper Neptune. “You know, I just might be able to use that later… if things do not work out as I expect and the singularity has shown me, that is. But the better question is, can the griffons use that against him?” “Though you are right about their love for their lineage, I know not,” the High Priestess replied. “All I can tell you is that love drives almost all facets of their lives and society. Everything that they do, they do in the name of their Ancestors—of their history and heroes past. But I cannot say if it will suffice here. No matter how much Queen Molyneux may insist otherwise, I do not see that she can defend herself or her Kingdom now. I hope that does not upset you, Young Fortrakt.” But before he or Midnight could answer, Vesuvius spoke again. “MUCH better…” he rumbled happily as his body relaxed onto the floor. His pair of phalluses only barely softened before his dual stature hardened again, looking around to see what he had wrought.  “That was a great deal of seed, even for me. Then again, as our race normally only mates once every ten years, I had been rather pent up since our last migration and rutting season. On behalf of myself and my clan, I thank you for this opportunity, alien alicorn. Or is there another title you wish to be called by?” He turned to the portal through which Midnight watched, giving her a respectful bow of his large head. Midnight grinned and nodded back. “I am simply Midnight Sparkle, great Dragon Lord. I have no title—at least, not yet. For now, you may thank me by continuing your sensual contest with the Kingdom. For I am not only immensely enjoying it, but I am also learning much of your races and history by watching it.” “As you wish.” He grinned back before returning his attention to Molyneux. “That will be my greatest pleasure, Midnight Sparkle. As you can see, my young and incest-loving Queen, and as befits our stature and status as this world’s apex race, dragon drakes produce truly prodigious quantities of very potent seed when we become adults,” he informed her, to which she could only moan softly, still coming off her own orgasmic high as she began to lick her beak clean of dragon spunk, her heaving form still clutching at her sire’s sculpted talons while her hips squeezed his spear, as if to milk it free of every drop of essence his mere statue could not give her. “Lest you think this is simply some side effect of the hex, it is necessary given our enormous size and the extraordinarily hostile environments of our lands and bodies. It must be this way to ensure the fertilization of as many eggs as possible during our once-a decade rutting seasons, during which time we must conceive an entire new generation at once,” he mused something close to idly, and I found myself shivering again at the ideas of the griffies—and especially Moly herself! —being used as breeding mares for adult dragon drakes. “I know not whether this old magic cast by the Lunar mistress herself means that griffons can carry dragon eggs, but I look forward to finding out! For if you can, that means that all eaglesses in this room have ALREADY been fertilized! Which in turn means that any further sex is for fun. And in THAT case, on whom shall I spend my vast passions next…?” He made a show of looking around the room, his eyes flitting from Moly to her teenage cubs to her former guards and attendants covered in spunk and entangled with the golden statues. “Who indeed…” Midnight mused, rubbing her chin in intrigue and glee as Moly improbably climaxed again. She called her sire’s name like she was a young eagless in her first heat; I admit to feeling my lip curl once more into a satisfied smile to see her reduced to this after having insulted me repeatedly while I was Celly’s student—maybe my bad girl days weren’t as far behind me as I thought? “Any preference, Fortrakt Gletscher? You can help him choose if you wish.” “Ancestors…” he breathed softly to see the scene, humping the gemstone dildo that remained deep within him while stroking himself even more frequently. “How did you do that to the statues?” he suddenly asked her, to which Midnight chuckled. “As much as I might like to take credit, Fortrakt Gletscher, it was not my doing. Or at least, not directly. With the help of the Dragon Lord’s ejaculate, which is already infused with my aura and catalyzes the process, these statues are simply absorbing the now-ample ambient magic spreading forth from the Hall of Heroes, thus taking the form of their twins in the Gryphon Imperium.” She nodded slowly to herself.  “As to why the effect is limited to them and not, say, the murals on the walls, it is because those statues are so magically malleable and made of the most aura-absorbent materials that they soak up spells like a sponge, even at that distance. I expect they will soon start reradiating that magic as well, altering the throne room further to be a true twin of its Imperium origin. Though I am still considering how best to make use of that, I must give your race this much: despite your casters being relatively few, you have a very strong knowledge of magic and have turned it nicely to your own needs,” he complimented him. “I am greatly impressed and pleased by all I have seen. And thus, my favor falls upon you and your race.” “Truly remarkable…” the previously silent High Priestess said, leaning forward towards the scene; letting her human breast press into the back of Fortrakt’s flared wing. “I am almost giddy to find that such a sensual reality as the Gryphon Imperium exists, for both I and my race would do very well there. Though I now find myself curious to know what became of me and my kind in that world…” She began to stroke herself at the thought, putting her hand over Fortrakt’s talons to invite him to do the same. “You can find out for yourself quite easily,” Midnight pointed out with a grin, floating forth the naked singularity in offering. “This shroudless portal has already shown me much, including some very interesting alternate realities and several possible futures to this one—I will be more than happy to show you the remote viewing spell I am using if you wish. In most of those futures, I am triumphant and become the monarch of all magic, ruling both realms as erotic empress and guiding them into a new future where science and magic fuse. But in a few…” She glanced back at me for a moment with a glower before turning back to the scene in the royal palace. “No matter. Now that I am forewarned, it is of little concern. Whether now or later, I will rule all.” That made me internally freeze for a moment—had she seen what I was planning and now knew how to block it? And did that mean I had to change plans? Or was there even a point to doing that if she’d already seen all the myriad ways I could attempt to stop her? And if that meant there was nothing I could do, maybe I should just surrender myself to her…? And would that be so bad, given all the endless fun it meant and fantasies I could indulge…? No. I can’t give up now! I reminded myself sharply that there was a good chance that the nature of the singularity and its interaction with her thoughts meant she was seeing what futures she wanted more than the ones likely to be achieved. But with the Harmony magic of AJ and Rainbow still not ripened—how long was it going to take with those two, anyway? —I still couldn’t ascend, so there wasn’t much I could yet do about it except continue to enjoy the show. Queen Molyneux, however, was not so constrained. Swallowing as much of the dragon cum that still covered her face as she could to clear her airway, she finally pushed back from her father’s sculpture, climbed with some difficulty to her talons by using his paws for leverage and turned to face him despite her stiff wings and still-dripping mammaries, whose incredibly plump and lactating mounds hung almost all the way to the floor. “By the sacred loins of our most mighty and virile Ancestors and the unmatched strength of our noble race, you will not take this Kingdom without taking me, Dragon Lord!” she announced imperiously, causing her remaining subjects—and even the corrupted mages who had started her subjugation and so happily tentacled her—to drop their jaws open at the show of defiance from where they remained entangled with the statues of griffon rulers past. A show of defiance which she then doubled down on with her next words. “You seek to subjugate our lands and supplant me as ruler of our race? You will not as long as I draw breath! And if you want an alliance, then it is you who must prove worthy of us!” she announced for the entire city to hear through the various open rifts, earning awestruck expressions of her watching subjects and even a few shocked looks from the dragons who knew how their Lord usually responded to backtalk. Despite that, he gave her a nod of approval followed by a respectful rumble; a glance into the other portal showed that even Midnight and the High Priestess looked impressed by not just her courage, but her sharp wit and tongue. “I can see why you like your Queen, Fortrakt Gletscher,” the former said as she continued to observe the proceedings while Fortrakt himself watched agape. “She not only champions you and your nation, but is utterly unflinching in its defense, even before a being such as he.” “She has always been that way. Ancestors, please keep her safe…” He shook even as he licked his lips and stroked himself to the sight of his Queen coated in dragon cum. “Fear not, young Fortrakt. I have been around his kind often enough to know that he is only testing her. And take it from me that Queen Molyneux is indeed a formidable ruler, young goddess.” Juniper Neptune was nodding slowly to herself. “We met once during a state dinner in Canterlot that coincided with my yearly summit with Celestia. I had not actually planned to meet her then, but upon learning of my presence, she insisted.” “Oh?” Midnight asked in genuine curiosity. “And how did that go, given I saw from the memories of your prior lives that your predecessor, Juniper Neptune the VIIth, first allied with and then betrayed the Gryphon Empire during their war with Equestria?” “Despite my expectations, surprisingly well,” the High Priestess answered, keeping a human hand laid on Fortrakt’s shoulders and wingbase, rubbing the area both erotically and reassuringly as he continued to fixedly and quite anxiously watch the proceedings, his jaw agape and breath held. “She was friendly and announced that she wished to bury that long-ago hatchet, as you humans say. She even expressed an interest in visiting Batican City and touring my temple, witnessing my explorations of the Twisting Nether. I regret that I have not yet taken her up on that. Even more so now, for to see her standing up so directly to a dread Dragon Lord, she is indeed worthy of her throne. And the honor of a visit to my inner sanctum.” Though he couldn’t hear her, Dragon Lord Vesuvius himself apparently shared her sentiments. “Such strength of spirit. Such dragon-like boasts. You withstood my best efforts to bring you to rapture, and even before that, you took my flame without flinching even as your son and daughter did not. Very well, my young milk-laden monarch. If I cannot take this Kingdom without taking you, then I will be more than happy to do so… after, that is, I claim your offspring as my OWN!” He then reached out with a pair of massive paws to pluck the sorely pleasured forms of her sixteen-year-old son, Prince Caeruleum Pilae and his twin sister, Princess Malo Persica—I didn’t remember their names until just now, so sue me—right off the statues they were being rutted by. They squawked in protest, which quickly turned to astonishment and then to trills of fear as they were turned to face Vesuvius himself, who considered them lazily for a moment. The expressions of their avian faces, I have to say, were something to behold as they stared up at him, falling limp and curling their talons inward as griffon cubs sometimes did when they were picked up by their parents.  And then his chest glowed bright as he immolated them again to clean his own cum off them, leaving their fur and feathers dry and unsinged but severely ruffled with wisps of vapor coming off their forms. “There we are. All clean and ready to be rutted,” he said as he held and gently rubbed one of them in each paw, eliciting a series of cub-like whimpers as they couldn’t help but respond to the stimulation. “No bathing needed for either of you from here on out, except perhaps from my tongue.” Holding them before his maw, he gave each of their trembling forms of slow and languid lick up the front of their bodies, taking pains to touch and taste their swollen sex and spear; balls and boobs in turn. He did linger on the latter for a moment, encircling and tugging at each of the Princess’s mammaries by pairs. “Mmmm… not as large or as much milk for me as your mother? A pity, but no matter. Your size and production will no doubt increase with time and maturity, and in the meantime, I will be happy to add your son’s cream to my favorite brew of fireflower tea instead,” he suggested as he began to rub the Prince’s shaft with the inside curve of his talon, making him spurt clear fluid even as I couldn’t help but wonder how big a kettle and set of fine China he kept in his den. You know, my marehood scent is fireflowers… maybe he’d like to lick ME? I suddenly fervently hoped, and I also hope I can be forgiven for desiring him. Being formerly a fire elemental as a unicorn, I still had a fetish for flame, and like I said earlier, dragons were the ultimate embodiment of that.  Well, maybe Kirin too, but they haven’t been seen in ages after the Gryphon Kingdom helped the restive and long-suffering populace of the Kirin Imperium to overthrow it and exile their ruling class. “By the line of my Ancestors whose statues stand before you, I promise that if you harm them, Dragon Lord…” Molyneux marched up to him, her gold eyes blazing and orange wings flared in strong measures of both arousal and anger. Vesuvius gave her a wounded look as he sat back to openly fondle her two teenage cubs before her, to which they could only give equal parts keening and fearful trills. “HARM them? Hardly. By bathing them in fire, I just wished to not only clean them but see that glorious look on their face again when I treated them to another taste of my flame,” he explained easily. “So fear not, my impressively endowed but impotent Queen. I would not wish to break my newest playthings, and I cannot anyway, thanks to our bipedal benefactor over there. Your progeny now belongs to me, my dear Molyneux. As you refused to climax for me, let us see if THEY do!” “NO!” Molyneux called out as she sensed them all but ready to explode in his grasp. “Hear me, my beloved cubs! For the sake of yourself and your griffon pride, do not orgasm in his embrace! He is unworthy of you as he simply seeks to take instead of earn! He has neither fought a mating round, nor offered anything in exchange except our subjugation! He is an arrogant drake who has no honor, so do not forget yours!” “A mating round? Really?” Vesuvius mocked her with a lopsided sneer without relenting his efforts, continually rubbing the bodies of the Prince and Princess with his talons. “And just how do you propose I do THAT, feeble but fertile Queen of the Griffons, given our enormous difference in size? And I warned you before not to question my dragon honor. But since you demand they resist their rightful ruler, I will simply make it impossible for them to do so.” He breathed fresh smoke in their face, causing their beaks to gape open and faces to flush further as the aphrodisiac vapors heightened their excitement further. “Now watch helplessly, unmighty Molyneux, as I addict your hatchlings to my Dragon Lord body and twin drakehoods! And shortly, YOU as well!” Lowering them further down his body, he began to grind their forms against his two organs, one per each, forcing his more tapered but still enormous upper third of his shafts between their legs so it would stimulate their sensitive surfaces further. “By the Ancestors…” Prince Pilae said weakly as his senses were saturated with smoke and the visibly pulsing drake shaft pressed firmly against his body, which was nearly four times his length. “I’m trying to hold back, m-mother, b-but… I’m so turned on. I need to cum again… need to make him cum…” “Don’t want to disobey… but by the Ancestors, his spear feels so warm… and so good…” the Princess called out almost forlornly as all four of her teats were pressed into the hot phallic flesh and her sex left a slickened trail over its length. Unable to stop themselves, they both began to grind their bellies back, reaching their legs as far around his organs as they could to stimulate them and provide more friction for themselves. “No! Listen to me, my beloved cubs! You swore allegiance to our Ancestors while held in their embrace! Do not break that oath!” Moly tried a new tactic. “Remember the erotic embrace of your forebears! Remember the feel of their sacred spears deep within you! Your bodies belong to them, not him! And if you need additional enticement, know that you may have them, and me all you wish!” She offered herself in his place, rearing up to stand upright and present her enhanced form, hefting and squeezing a single enormous breast with one set of talons to make it squirt several feet in front of her while her other set snaked down between her legs to spread her lips wide.  The untoward display left me wondering if the erotic alternate reality Midnight had tapped was overtaking the griffons in the room. That maybe, just as the statues had been altered to reflect that other dimension, those present were also acquiring the personalities and proclivities of their counterpart selves as well? Regardless of the answer, she instantly caught the eyes of her offspring; the pair craned their necks to stare down at her, devouring her form and pose. “By our oath to the Ancestors and the erotic Emperors of old…” the Prince murmured as he and his sister suddenly sped up their self-stimulation before closing their eyes and arching their backs to what I can only presume were fantasies of their mother. “By my mother’s massive mammaries and by the supremely pleasurable spears of my grand and great-grandsire, filling my nest and tail to the brim with their sacred seed…” the Princess added. And then they came, hard, to the victorious laughter of Vesuvius, with the Prince’s frantically twitching, spurting cock somehow targeting her mother’s body with several streamers that found her face, wings and boobs. A series of squirts from the Princess’s sex and breasts also managed to find Moly’s face, leaving her not disgusted but grinning in victory as she made no immediate effort to clean herself or lick it away. “And thus is their resistance broken. They are MINE now! Such wondrous magic is this altered hex, wouldn’t you agree, Queen Molyneux? They have betrayed you and your almighty Ancestors, but do not blame or hate them. For in the end, none can resist the twin towers, sensual smoke or pure orgasmic energy of a drake! Your line has fallen to my powerful phalluses. And now, so will YOU!” But far from defeated, Moly stood taller before him and gave a sneering smile despite being covered in her son’s spunk and daughter’s milk, crossing her forelegs over her feathered chest while licking her face clean with her beak. “Think again, you idiotic, ill-mannered, obnoxious and unworthy excuse of a Dragon Lord! Do you not see? They didn’t come to sex with you, they came to fantasies of their forebears!” Molyneux told him in triumph, earning a surprised, then angry look. “To thoughts of me, and the spears of our Ancestors within them. So you have not yet conquered them! Or me!” “Attractive but insolent Queen… you remind me of my last mate for your ability to both entice and infuriate me. I will immensely enjoy supplanting your Ancestors and breaking your will to resist. And when it is over, I will reduce your station from monarch to MILKMAID! You will both carry our eggs AND feed our hatchlings! And provide milk for my morning fireflower tea.” But Molyneux just laughed. “My milk is for my line alone, more daft than dread Dragon Lord. We will see whose race is superior and whose will to resist is broken! For after fighting alongside us against Diabla long ago, are you truly so stupid as to believe we no longer have any defense against your kind?” she asked him haughtily, crossing her forelegs over her chest exactly as a human would, standing upright like it was nothing. His eyes narrowing, he stepped forth until his two throbbing phalluses bracketed her, close enough that I’m sure she could feel their heat and get a noseful of their scent. He stretched his neck down to glare at her, still holding the Prince and Princess in his talons. “You talk back to me like another adult dragon who seeks my hoard and crown. Perhaps you wish to challenge me for my throne?” he suggested hopefully, smiling toothfully as the gaps between his enormous dagger-like fangs glowed bright blue.. Though dwarfed by his size, she didn’t flinch from him or the smoke he emitted, staring his mouth full of massive teeth in the face. “I do indeed, Dragon Lord. And when it is over, your clan will become part of my Kingdom! And then your spears and seed will serve us!” The two then fell into a staredown, and for one of the few times since this whole incredibly adult episode began, the entire schoolyard fell completely silent for several seconds like we were waiting for the start of a duel in those old spaghetti westerns, or ‘Oaters’ as ponies call them—yes, we have that movie genre, too.  In the end, nobody spoke until Applejack did. “Wow. Maybe she’s a mite too mature for me, but reckon I really like that griffie gal,” she said in admiration as she and Rainbow helped the transfixed Paladins to sit up despite their stiff wings. “Listen to all that lip—she doesn’t take crap from anybody! Reckon she and Granny Smith would get along just dandy.” “You said it, AJ,” Rainbow agreed as the Paladin pair thanked them in Aeric and stepped all the way to the edge of the rift, sitting beside it so they could peer down at their Queen standing up to the enormous invader, slowly pleasuring themselves to the sight as they did so. “Smart, sexy, and sassy? You know, she almost reminds me of…” She blinked and then looked away, her mood suddenly dropping and magic along with it. “Now, that’s the Moly we know and love…” Celestia added as she lounged back onto the sofa enough to allow all six of the student girls around her to worship her new equine phallus at once with touch and tongue, though they kept their eyes on the scene inside the throne room. “Takes no guff and will stand up for her students—or subjects—to anyone. What do you think, Luna? Maybe we should invite her over during our future student exchange programs?” “You just want to get your paws on her, sister,” Luna accused teasingly, “Not that I blame you—so do I! By all means, let us meet her! I might prefer males, but her attitude alone has always been immensely attractive to me!” “Why didn’t I work under her?” Cadance suddenly asked in a forlorn tone despite all the hands on her and student phalluses filling her. “She’s what Cinch should have been!” “Okay, that’s it! If that’s what their Headmistress is like, I’m transferring to Kingdom Academy first chance I get!” Sunny Flare announced to overhear the conversation, stepping over Sour Sweet’s spread legs to position her sex over her classmate’s thirteen-inch thestralcorn cock. “Helps that she’s so big and booby, too…” “Not without me you’re not!” Indigo told her as the two seemed to decide at once to straddle the clit and tongue cocks of Sour Sweet. “Sorry, girlfriend, but we’re joined at the hip now since I’m addicted to you!” she announced as she settled herself onto Sour Sweet’s tongue cock facing her , whose eyes went wide not just to see her rear descend but feel the foreign sensations of Indigo’s marehood enveloping her new male equipment. They automatically faced each other while straddling their still-immobilized classmate, reaching down with their left hands to squeeze and stroke one of her drooling eight-inch dicknipples while their right arms went to the chest of the other girl as they began to make out. “Fine, we can keep fucking but we still aren’t friends! And Sour Sweet comes too since Miss I-Hate-Dicks here now has enough for both of us!”  Unable to speak around the erect shaft that had sprouted from her mouth, Sour Sweet extended her middle fingers from her bound hands even as her body suddenly shuddered and newly imparted bat-wings splayed wide, becoming so painfully taut I was almost afraid she was going to tear their membrane surfaces. Her new equine tail slapped hard at Sunny Flare’s rear, though I wasn’t sure if she did it deliberately or it was just an involuntary response to her latest orgasm. “She’s… coming… now!” Indigo announced to feel the flood of seed within her, arching her back and squeezing the organ within her hand as the two nipple cocks erupted all over them, showering their face and chest with impressive amounts of what seemed like more milk than cum. It left them both wet and dripping as they rubbed the exotic substance into each other’s skin while beneath them, Sour Sweet could only groan with her latest release, visibly trembling from the intensity of the multi-cock orgasm. By the time they’d come to, all eyes were on them instead of the scene in the palace, for a good reason. “Oh, my…” Fluttershy said again, her mouth open. “Sunset, look! They now have…” She suddenly made stroking motions as if at a phantom shaft between her legs. “Holy crap…” Rainbow agreed, pointing, as even the two Paladins turned to gawk. “Look at them!” “Whoa! Indy!” Sunny Flare recovered her senses first, gaping at her friend through newly slitted eyes. “You’ve got your own donkey dick now… and wings!” she pointed down at her classmate’s lap where the more tapered thestral version of a pony penis had sprouted, its tip pressing between her boobs. “Wait… what?” Indigo said in disbelief, glancing down at her lap and then over her shoulder to see the set of bat-wings she’d sprouted as well, finding she could flex and flap them. When she did so, she was surprised to find them pulling her skyward by nearly a foot, almost yanking her right off Sour Sweet’s tongue cock. “And why is everything suddenly so bright?” she further asked as her pupils narrowed to slits. Their cries of surprise got the immediate attention of the high Priestess, who glanced back and grinned. “Excellent. It is as I hoped, then…” She closed her eyes and smiled in great satisfaction. “My magic spreads. And my holy race with it. This means I can establish a new Highborne lineage among humans as well as the griffons. And all it requires is for me to rut a few members of each race, who can then spread my sacred seed further, compelled to do so by their never-flaccid phallus.” “I see,” Midnight said, admiring her for a moment. “I certainly have no objection if that is what you wish, given the great gifts of your race. Then you intend to do the same to the griffons as well?” “Indeed. My rutting that rude rapist of a girl was immensely enjoyed, but also an experiment. As I wish to re-establish the extinct race of bat-griffons, and better yet, do so under the Highborne banner, I now know that I can. All I require is a worthy griffon to receive my gifts…” As I watched, she squeezed Fortrakt’s shoulder.  “And that is you, young Fortrakt.” She bent over to kiss him on the head, then turned enough for her thestralcorn stallionhood to contact his griffon one. “I find you both intelligent and endearing, as well as honorable and earnest. To say nothing of the fact that your proclivities closely mirror my own,” she teased.  “So I offer you my greatest gift, on the condition that you spread it to others and help me reestablish the lost line of bat-griffons. Be assured that I do not ask you to renounce your loyalty to your Queen, only to help me spread my seed—and my teachings—there. It is the greatest blessing I can offer anycreature. Do you accept, young cub?” “By the Ancestors…” His eyes flitted all over her, taking in her humanized form. He raised his forelegs to caress her smooth-skinned body, his talons lingering on her wings for a moment before finding and closing on her human breasts. “I want to, but… if I do, may I be with you more than just this once?” he asked her almost forlornly. “Of course…” Juniper Neptune promised, gently grasping his chin to turn his face towards her. “Lest you fear otherwise, I value all my acolytes and enjoy their company often, both male and female. Indeed, I must in order to get any work done, for I am always aroused! And now, so are they,” she said with a grin and nod over at the three Shadowbolt girls, who were still gaping at their altered forms, feeling up their new wings and organs. “Hey! Listen, lady, we didn’t ask for this!” Sunny Flare said as she found herself staring down at her own throbbing shaft in disbelief, shuddering as she touched and stroked it for the first time. “Yeah! And I’m not even into futa! For the record, Upper Crust is right—that’s just totally freaking gay!” Indigo insisted, causing the earlier argument to erupt anew on the Shadowbolt side of the field. To little surprise, Juniper Neptune was both unimpressed and unsympathetic. “Much as I did not ask to receive my own ‘cock’ upon my ascension, which was part and parcel of being High Priestess, my new Highborne children. And as yours are like my own, they will never fully subside.” She warned them with an evil grin, earning a sputtering sound from the pair, who couldn’t resist the urge to press their new organs together and begin stroking them as one. “Hey, it’ll be okay, girls. ‘Equine Goth Queen’ magic is one hell of a drug. Just remember to seek help for an erection lasting longer than four thousand hours…” Jet Set suggested with a snicker from where he was still cavorting with the other three Shadowbolt boys. Both Sunny and Indy shot him a lethal look as the four laughed and high-fived; even Midnight and the High Priestess had to smile at the dig. “I’d drill you with this thing if I didn’t think you’d enjoy it!” Sunny snarled as the pair began to ride Sour Sweet again. “And I’d let you do it if I didn’t think you would!” He retaliated to laughter from the Shadowbolt side of the field. “Besides, we’re still bigger than you! So eat your heart out, girls!” Both Indigo and Sunny Flare swore violently as they leaned in close and started making out again, and this time, the heads of their new phalluses quickly started rubbing against each other. Visibly surprised at the sensations, they pressed closer to mash their chests together and the heads of their organs between them, reaching their first male climax in under a minute while spouting various curses and clutching at each other, erupting hard between their mashed boobs before they fell back partially away with flushed and dripping faces. “Whoa… so that’s what cumming through a cock feels like?” Indigo admitted in grudging amazement, finding her face and chest covered with their mingled spunk. “I think I like it!” “Great. Now I’m addicted to this thing, too!” Sunny Flare complained even as she rubbed it all into her skin to whistles and laughter. “Addicted to cocks? Join the club!” Roseluck said, now openly showing herself off for a rift full of glowing and quite hungry thestral eyes on her, arching her back hard to thrust her magic-enhanced mammaries into the air before them. “Speak for yourself!” Lily Valley replied from where her muzzle was buried beneath Roseluck’s spread legs; somehow the ever-present flower in her mane was the only scrap of clothing that hadn’t fallen off her. “I got all I want or need, right here…” “Oh, my. I want a ‘cock’ of my own…” Fluttershy told me quietly and reverently. “And I really like those bat wings, too.” “Bat wings? Whoa, girl! Never thought you’d wanna go all goth on us!” AJ pointed out with a surprised look at Rainbow from either side of the two Paladins, who couldn’t tear their eyes away from the ongoing war of wills they saw before them between their Queen and the Dragon Lord. “Okay, then. Supposin’ you do, what are we supposed to call you—Futashy?” “Futashy…” Fluttershy began to frantically self-pleasure to the thought. “I really like that.” “You really do!”  I realized in wonder to see her lean back against me with her eyes fixed on the three Shadowbolt girls, rubbing her clit as if trying to get it to grow. And for a moment, I swear it did! “Ah. I see we have another willing volunteer…” Juniper Neptune recognized with a nod at Fluttershy through the portal. “That could be arranged, young embodiment of kindness. I would not mind at all having an Element Bearer acquiring my gifts.” Though I started at the realization that by her own words, the High Priestess recognized Fluttershy as one of the human Element Bearers, she turned back to Fortrakt. “But that pleasure can wait. Think carefully, young and noble griffon. Do you accept my gifts, and the equally great responsibility they bring?” “I do…” he whispered softly, licking at the end of her organ in pure worship. “Make me yours, High Priestess. And then the first ones I will share your gifts with in turn… are them!” he nodded back through the portal at the two Paladins, who exchanged a startled glance and began frantically pleasuring themselves even harder at the though. “So be it. Then let us begin…” she levitated him off his stone throne and sat down in its place, lowering him onto her. His beak gaped initially to feel himself removed from the dildo that had filled him from nearly the beginning, then even harder to sense the hot phallic flesh of Juniper Neptune’s stallionhood substituted in its place. She then reached around to rest her soft talons on his balls and base of his shaft, feeding it directly with her magic, causing them to bulge and grow further while he could only trill his pleasure and arch back against her, rubbing his erotically sensitive wingbase into her large breasts. “That’s it. Accept all of it! Soak up my magic like a sponge, young griffon. For when your Queen finally cums, so will you!” she told him, positioning them to continue watching the ongoing confrontation between Queen Molyneux and Dragon Lord Vesuvius. The latter finally pulled back from Moly after a full minute, finding himself unable to entice her with his two massive cocks and stimulating smoke, or intimidate her with his immense size and searing breath. “You impress me, Queen Molyneux. You clearly have the heart of a dragon, if not the size of one. Mayhap I misjudged you, for which I apologize. I would gladly make you the head of my new griffon harem and favorite mistress—a lesser post than Queen, perhaps, but one that I promise would be even more rewarding.” He swung his hips to lightly bat at her spread wings with his twin drakehoods, which I’m sure she found very stimulating given how rigid her splayed feathers were, but to which she refused to react.  “The only thing I will find rewarding is you bowing down before me!” she replied easily. “Then and only then will I consent to being sensually serviced by you.” “By ME? You seem to have an outsized opinion of your influence over me, my future mistress and milkmaid. But since you insist that neither you nor your progeny will submit to me, I will simply have to use more direct methods to make your cubs my personal playthings and bend them more thoroughly to my will…”  Sitting back, he grinned evilly as he raised the two dazed teens hanging limp in his grasp, starting to gently molest and fondle their forms again. He did so by rubbing their wings against his twin phalluses while caressing their teats, tiercelhood and nest with the smooth curve of his thumb talons, causing them to begin gasping and writhing in his grasp.  Sensing their growing receptivity, he puffed even more smoke on them, eliciting freshly flushed faces and a fiercely throbbing spear that the Prince thrust helplessly up into the Lord’s thumb talon, while the Princess could only push her belly and nest harder against his digits. Despite their reaction, Molyneux himself seemed unconcerned. “If the definition of insanity is to do the same thing while expecting a different result, then you are clearly crazy, so-called Dragon Lord!” she mocked him, to which he only lightly rumbled.  “Deliciously insulting and desirable though you are, I couldn’t agree more, young Queen. So I will not.” And this time, instead of simply rubbing her cubs directly against his enormous expanse of phallic flesh, he shifted his grip slightly to trap their legs against their bellies and present their rears. That accomplished, he sat back to position their exposed tails over the narrow ends of the two organs, causing their eyes to snap open and gape down their bodies to see themselves poised to be claimed by his dual drakehoods. “You wouldn’t…” Even Moly sounded shocked. “As I am assured that I cannot hurt them, I most certainly would. For if I cannot bring them to rapture or erase their attraction to their Ancestors any other way, then I will simply rut them—and then YOU! And once I do, NOTHING will satisfy you or your brood but thoughts of my enormous meat and massive amounts of dragon seed within them…” he announced gleefully as he began gently but insistently pushing the two down onto his tapered tips, pausing only long enough for a gallon or two of his steaming pre to infused their already loosened openings further.  The pair called to their Ancestors again and mother to protect them as his narrowed tips parted their sphincters with surprising ease, steadily widening as they worked their way inside. Both cubs squirted or even spurted out their freshly bulging cock and breasts at the enormous intrusion, with their fluids unerringly finding the wings, face and belly boobs of their still-standing mother again.  Moly could only watch helplessly as her cubs were made to take the entire end of both organs, whose flared head finally slipped all the way inside them with an audible slurping sound that left their abdomens distended but unharmed. The outline of the Dragon Lord’s scaled cocktip was clearly visible within their bellies as the pair reached out to grasp each other’s talons, holding onto each other for dear life even as they writhed in pure pleasure, already apologizing to their mother and Ancestors for their intense and irresistible rapture that was swiftly driving them to orgasm. One that would claim them, body and soul, for the Dragon Lord. “So deliciously tight… a surprisingly perfect fit for my phalluses! And yet, this is just the start… so shall we see how much more of my meat your progeny can take, my Queen?” he suggested as he began to move them up and down on his organ, slowly sinking them further upon it with each of the latter movements he made. “And don’t worry. After I’m done with them, YOU will be next!” > 17: Enter the Griffons, Part 4 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, it looks like I’m busted. And honestly? I couldn’t be more relieved. I accidentally left my latest writings up on Googly Docs without locking the screen while we were getting ready for band practice. I stepped out to use the facilities and AJ stumbled on them, showing them to my friends and demanding an explanation. I initially tried to pass it off as bad fanfiction or fantasy, but you can’t fool AJ. She told me that I wasn’t being honest with them about why their memories had been wiped after the Friendship Games. Especially since they’d all been having weird and increasingly persistent dreams of being dickgirls and screwing everything from dragons to an animal version of their ex-girlfriend. It was a little hard to deny it, especially when… Well, to make a long story short, we got hard and rediscovered our futahoods when we started playing music a couple days ago. I thought I’d taken care of all that as Daydream, and yet, the pony-up effect caused them to grow again, ripping right through our skirts and shorts.  You know, keeping them in our clothes is going to be tricky if we pop stallion boners every time we play music in front of folks! Especially Fluttershy, since she turned out to be the biggest of all of us to Pinkie’s jealousy and Rainbow Dash’s disgust. We’re already teasing her by calling her ‘Futashy’, just like was suggested at the Games, and she doesn’t seem to mind one bit. At least we can joke about it, even if it’s no laughing matter. I’m now having to split my time between my studies, our band practicing, and researching this new effect to figure out if it can be suppressed when we don’t want it to show.  So far? Well, the least I can say is, thank Celly’s sun we don’t have it all the time. It only seems to emerge when we’re excited or when we pony up, which now feels a lot more sexual than it did before. The problem is, getting excited seems to be happening a lot more readily of late. Here’s hoping we can figure it out before we give ourselves away. I’m also hoping that the only reason my friends seem to be recovering their memories is because of their internal magic that comes with their status as human Element Bearers. If the rest of the school, or worse, our principals and the Shadowbolt students start to recall it, then… Well, things get tricky and potentially quite messy quickly. And no, not in a good way, Pinkie Pie! Or at least, not entirely. So yeah, they’re now following my writing and leaving comments on the doc. They insisted, and how could I say no, since I’m immensely enjoying their feedback and it’s helping to jog their memories further? Pinkie wants to hear more about her time with the dragons while Fluttershy is especially enamored of the impala, but Rainbow is impatient for Gilda to arrive and Rarity is wondering if she could use the portal to return to the dragon lands. And AJ? Aside from seeing how she met her coming Saddle Arabian paramour, she just wants to see how Midnight got revenge on Lemon Zest since she can’t seem to recall it no matter how hard she racks her brain. Rainbow can’t either, which isn’t surprising, given they were both a bit… distracted at that point. Regardless, she’s promising all of us that if Midnight didn’t punish her properly, she’ll “march on down to Crystal Prep and sock that Lemon girl square in the jaw!” Fertile Fields: Damn straight I will! And no, I ain’t gonna apologize for swearing, Rares. Ain’t wrong if it’s honest and well-earned cussin’! Crystal Queen: Hmph! Such a terrible example you set for Apple Bloom with your less than silken tongue, darling. Fertile Fields: Oh, get off your high horse, filly. You seriously think she ain’t heard it all before? You oughta hear Granny Smith swearing up a blue streak sometime. Don’t let her Sweet Granny Goodness routine fool you—when she gets mad, she can out-cuss all of us combined! Sugar High: Oooooo… really? Hey AJ, can I come over this weekend? I wanna hear her go at it! There’s nothing more fun than hearing grown-ups throw around a bunch of four-letter words! Hyperdash: You’ve got a real weird idea of fun, Pinkie. And AJ ain’t lying, Rarity! I’ve been there when Granny gets pissed and trust me, she could make a drill sergeant blush. As for Lemon Zest, I’m with Applejack here. For as abusive and over-the-top as she was, Midnight better have punished her good and hard. Because if she didn’t, I’m heading over to Crystal Prep with AJ to do it PROPERLY! And now we’re arguing in the Googly Docs comments using our personal accounts when we login from home—at least, when they’re not reading over my shoulder as I write, like now, as I pick this up the next day. I guess I’ll include any interesting comment chains in the main story since they provide a little additional context. As for Lemon Zest, I don’t doubt AJ and Dashie mean it, but I’m also pretty sure that once they see what happened to her, they won’t do it. And don’t make that face at me, Rainbow. I promise that Zesty got hers in a very poetic and oddly appropriate way. So to anyone reading this—and I still don’t ever plan to release it to the general public, despite Pinkie’s insistence that I do so—you might not only see some asides like that, but my friends contributing their own sections if they remember more. If nothing else, we’ve agreed that this story needs to be told, if only for our own sakes and sanity as we try to figure out how to deal with our new equipment and urges. And besides, they see how turned on it makes me—and increasingly, them too! Our sleepovers and practices are starting to get a bit awkward… So where was I in the story? Uh, thanks, Fluttershy, but I didn’t need to be reminded that I was about to watch Moly’s cubs get boned by an enormous adult dragon.  And no, Pinkie, I really don’t think it would be a good idea to bring that Dragon Lord through the portal so he can do it to certain students here! Yes, even if Trixie and her bandmates are as annoying and insulting as ever. Besides, I don’t think he’d fit through it, and even if he could, dragons like Twilight’s scribe Spike turn into dogs, right? So what would he become? Sugar High: Oh! OH! I know! A giant double-dicked wolf rampaging through the city and creaming all over everything before ripping the roof off of CHS and stuffing his cocks inside of Trixie and her band! Wow, that would be SO cool! Crystal Queen: Gah! PINKIE!!!! Fertile Fields: Okay, that’s it. No more Japanese Dogzilla movies for you, filly! Sugar High: Spoilsport! Hyperdash: Ugh! Now she’s got ME visualizing it! Just so long as he hits Crystal Prep first… Daydream: I don’t have to visualize it. I pretty much already saw it, as you’ll shortly see! Sugar High: YAY! I can’t wait! Hyperdash: You know, sometimes, you really worry me, Pinkie. But for as much as I detest Trixie, damned if I don’t like the idea, too! So there I was, sitting with Fluttershy naked on a bench, staring through a portal right into Queen Moly’s cavernous throne room. And since AJ just asked, no, I don’t think Moly and her court could see us. That portal seemed to be one way, and strictly for my benefit. How can I be sure, Rarity? Because like I said earlier, Moly knew me as a pony and didn’t like me at all. Even Ember eventually recognized me in my human form, so for as dangerously sharp and aware as she’s always been, you can bet Moly would have too, regardless of if she was being screwed by her own subjects or was fighting the Dragon Lord. In fact, she finally did, when—oops, I’m getting ahead of myself. But if she actually did see me at that point? Then I can pretty much promise that she would have had something not very nice to say, even if she was in the middle of sex. Probably several somethings, in fact, for as arrogant and rude as I was around her back in the day.  If I ever go back across the portal, I’ll have to find her and apologize for how I acted when I was Celly’s student—if she’ll allow an audience with me, anyway, given she won’t remember seeing me as Daydream. Even if she does, it’s going to be really hard to see her the same way after this! Yes, with emphasis on ‘hard’, Rainbow. Sheesh, we’ve only rediscovered our futahoods in the past couple days, and the innuendoes are already flying fast and furious. Hyperdash: Yeah, and YOU’VE been tossing them around most of all, Sunny! Fertile Fields: Reckon she’s got ya there, filly! Yeah, I guess so—It’s just been too fertile a ground for jokes, and I have to admit, I’m with Fluttershy—I really like my new equine cock, which would put even the best-endowed boys back home to shame.  Now if there’s nothing more from the peanut gallery, may I continue? You guys wanted to know how this whole griffon scene ended and how Moly turned the tables on Dragon Lord Vesusivus and his entire clan, right? Thank you. * * * * * I can’t imagine what was going through Queen Molyneux’s head at that point, seeing her two oldest cubs Marcus and Malia impossibly claimed by the Dragon Lord who had invaded her home. To recap, he had done so on the invitation of Midnight as her mating madness spread throughout the Gryphon Kingdom’s capital city, overcoming even her well-protected throne room under the guidance of the young griffon named Fortrakt Gletscher. But claim them he did, pushing them down right onto the tips of his organs without injury. It was quite a sight and turn-on, I have to admit, seeing them pried open like that and that massive bulge from the flared tip of his organs moving slowly up their bellies. As well as watching Moly’s reaction to see her son and daughter sensually stolen from her. Maybe there’s still some of the old me around, but after getting dressed down by her repeatedly back in the day, I admit I was taking great glee in seeing her helpless to prevent it. And so did Vesuvius, for that matter, who I had never met—Ember and the rest belong to a different clan with a different dragon lord before anybody asks. “So deliciously tight… a surprisingly perfect fit for my phalluses! And yet, this is just the start… so shall we see how much more of my meat your progeny can take, my Queen?” the cobalt-scaled drake suggested as he began to move her cubs up and down on the tops of his twelve-foot organs, slowly sinking them further upon them with each of the latter movements he made. His actions elicited squawks of surprise and pleasure from each as their nest and spear—yes, those are the terms the griffies use for them, Rainbow, so kindly save the jokes for seeing Gilda again—“And don’t worry, my dear defrocked Queen. After I’m done with them, YOU will be next!” “How dare you…” If it had been anyone but Moly, I would have chalked it up to bravado as she stalked right up to him and addressed him like one of her subjects who had angered her. “By my order, release my cubs this instant, or face the consequences, you dishonorable excuse of a drake!” “By YOUR order?” Vesuvius gave a hearty laugh that caused the air itself to vibrate and sent more of his bluish smoke into the air, sitting up to display her two offspring now impaled on the tips of his twin phalluses before her, withdrawing his talons to let them bob freely on their ends. Some of his vapors even wafted through the portal Fluttershy and I were watching through, so apparently it wasn’t just an interdimensional TV screen—it was an actual rift even if they couldn’t see through it. They made me as dizzy and full of fresh desire as that one time I accidentally walked in on Fluttershy and Tree Hugger doing… I don’t think I want to know. No, please don’t tell me, Flutters—I mean it; I don’t want to know! The point is that dragon vapors are intoxicating, and if they happen to be emitted during their mating seasons… well, the griffons outlawed smoking it through hookahs for a good reason. And no, Pinkie, I’m not going to tell you how to get hold of some to infuse into your party smoke machines or your super-special party punch! Vesuvius sat back and lewdly lowered his snout towards the Prince and Princess who were trying valiantly not to climax from both the feel of the massive drake phallus within them and the tongue shortly bathing each of them. The latter took pains to encircle Malia’s nest and teats along with Marcus’ spear and sac, squeezing and tugging at each in turn. Hyperdash: Seriously? Why not just call them tits & pussy and cock & balls like everyone else? Daydream: Yes, seriously. This story takes place in Tellus, so I’m using Tellusian and especially griffon terms. Deal, filly.  Fluttershine: Oh. I kind of like them, actually. I think they’re better than ours. Daydream: Thanks, Fluttershy. Yeah, I think they’re better, too. Regardless, they both cried out and spurted briefly, their seed and milk automatically finding their mother’s face again, who simply licked her chin and cheeks clean of it while still staring up angrily at the enormous Dragon Lord. “Ah… much better. And how do you plan to enforce your edict, my wonderfully erotic and enticing eagless? Your younglings are almost mine. Their will to resist falters as we speak. They fight desperately to not reach rapture but in the end, they will fall to my almighty draconic drakehoods. As will you!” But once again, Moly was unimpressed, rearing up to her full height again to display herself openly, crossing her forelegs over her belly boobs. “You think far too highly of your own fertility! Now for the sake of your sire and the honor of your line, continue to fight him, my beloved cubs! And last chance, my overconfident but underwhelming Dragon Lord. Release them at once, or face the wrath of not just me, but the entire Gryphon race!” [No, that’s not a typo, Rarity. I don’t care what Googly Docs or Grammarist says. That’s the ye olde spelling of griffon the Queen uses, especially when she’s issuing formal proclamations.] “Ancestors preserve us…” I heard the shaky voice of Fortrakt Gletscher from where he sat on the lap of the humanized Juniper Neptune a couple portals over, slowly sinking deeper onto her. “I blame myself for this. And for as much as I’m enjoying you, High Priestess, I can’t concentrate enough to help her!” He reached out forlornly for the Queen that he feared he himself had put in danger through his own teenage fantasies made real. “That poor birdie boy…” Fluttershy clutched me again; I think she was really having a hard time seeing all these exotic races as any more than animals. “I wish I could help him. And if it would turn me into a bat, I wish I could be there in his place. I do love them so.” Her remark earned another interested gaze from Juniper Neptune, who glanced over her shoulder through the portal into the Hall of Heroes to look directly at her.  “I made the offer already, but I will do so again: If you wish to receive the gifts of my race, I would be more than willing to oblige you, my dear human Element of Kindness. And fear not, my young and virile soon-to-be bat griffon,” the High Priestess reassured him with a glance and wink at Fluttershy. Her hands found and fondled Fortrakt’s flight muscles as she took him slowly, visibly savoring his young catbird body and no-longer-virgin tail. “Take it from me that you do not give Queen Molyneux—or your very race—enough credit. I know your Queen well enough to realize that she never makes idle threats. She truly does not fear the Dragon Lord and already plots his defeat. She is your ruler for a reason, so let us see what she does…” she whispered silkenly to him, causing him to clutch her human hands to him, seeking solace in her embrace. I knew Junie was right and couldn’t help but feel disappointed in advance, still wanting to see Moly laid low. I remember wondering then what he—or she—saw in Moly, not quite wanting to let go of my dislike of her for how sharply she’d dressed me down during my visit there. It was my fault for being my former manipulative and arrogant self, but still… FertileFields: Yeah, well, now you get why it was so hard for other students to let go of their dislike of YOU, Sunny-D!  Daydream: Point taken. But do you HAVE to use that nickname for me, AJ?  Fertile Fields: And just what’s wrong with it? It’s a drink I like and it references both your regular and goddess names! Hyperdash: I’m with AJ on this one. And besides, you chose ‘Daydream’ as your new handle, so you ain’t one to talk, Sunny-D!  Daydream: Suit yourself, ‘Piggly-Wiggly’. And you too, ‘My Little Dashie’! 😉  Fertile Fields: Okay, now THAT’s hitting below the belt! Hyperdash: Yeah, yeah. You just HAD to be around the one time my mother called me that…  “Got that right about not fearing him…” Celestia trailed off with a groan, lying back on the couch as no less than three newly buxom female students pressed their breasts into her new stallion phallus and laid a fresh line of worshiping kisses on its entire length. “Our Moly isn’t afraid of anything.” “Too true, sister!” Luna concurred with a moan of her own as she did the same with the male students, who hotdogged her with their rears, lubing her shaft with the clear fluid its equine head was now oozing continuously. “I can vividly recall how she backed Dean Sombra down when he got angry at Principal Cinch for rejecting his recommendations over our joint awards program.” “She did?” Cadance asked from where she remained the center of attention of half a dozen students who openly availed themselves of her bared and buxom body. “How? He even scares me when he gets mad!” “I’m not sure, Caddy, but he seems to like that she’ll stand up to him,” Celly said wistfully. “With respect, sister, I think it’s more that she’ll lie down for him!” Luna corrected as she fountained high into the air again. “By the Black Axe of Nightmare Moon… this equine organ feels so good… thank you, Midnight Sparkle!” she called over, not noticing her sister giving her a surprised, then warning look. Hyperdash: By the Black Axe of…? Whoa. Was our buttoned-up and introverted Vice-Principal once a heavy metalhead fan of the righteous rocker known only as Nightmare Moon?  Fertile Fields: Well, why not? Everybody’s young once. Reckon we’ll have our own misspent youth before all is said and done. For as much as I loved Moonie’s music, it makes me respect Luna even more.  Crystal Queen: Speak for yourself, darling. I cannot even begin to fathom what you see in such horrid noise! And besides, her rival Daybreaker had FAR better vocals and chord progressions! FertileFields: Say what now? You like Daybreaker better? I’m sorry, Rarity. I thought you were supposed to be all about having GOOD taste? Sugar High: Oooo… my sister Limestone LOVES their music! And wow, I knew Lulu was cool, but not THAT cool! Don’t you agree, Sunset? Daydream: Uh… sure, girls. And yeah, I figured out that she and Celly were really into that stuff years ago after I spotted them in old concert footage. How do you think I blackmailed them into giving me free rein over the school? Well, that, and getting a couple students to seduce them while I secretly took pictures.  And before you ask to see them, I don’t have them anymore. You’ll understand that I destroyed all my remaining extortion material after that whole Anon-A-Miss debacle during last year’s holidays. I didn’t want them to get stolen, too. Fertile Fields: Good call. And I’d just like to say again that I’m really sorry for ever doubting you, filly. You didn’t deserve any of that shunning we gave you. Hyperdash: Seconded. Sugar High: Thirded! *GROUP HUG* Daydream: Thanks, gang. But you’ll all forgive me if I’d like to move on to more recent and much more pleasant memories… “You’re quite welcome, Vice-Principal,” an unperturbed Midnight said with a bow of her head that turned into a knowing grin. “You and your sister more than earned it. Though if I might offer some advice, I’d be a bit more mindful of what you say.” She winked at them like she knew their secret, giving them both visible pause. And I don’t doubt that she did, having already demonstrated repeatedly how readily she could read minds. Or had she learned from a glance inside the naked singularity to see pasts and deepest desires instead? Damn, for all it could do and tell you, I think I could understand at that moment just why the High Priestess wanted it so badly. “She’s right, Luna. Please watch what you say. I wouldn’t want our students to start seeing us any differently, after all,” Celestia said as two new girls joined in and started bathing her new balls, holding one of them up like a softball in a sack to allow another to tongue her clit. “You’re right, sister. I apologize for my slip of the tongue. But as I said, this new phallus feels so fine and fertile…” she reached down to cup her own grapefruit-sized testicles to present to the half-dozen boys, who immediately began worshiping them with touch and tongue as well. “I’m jealous now, but not for that. I mean, what does Principal Molyneux have that I don’t? I’d lie down for Dean Sombra,” Dean Cadance said from behind them almost forlornly despite all the hands on her. For the first time, I noticed that she was being eyed hungrily by what appeared to be a dozen Changelings courtesy of a portal that had been opened directly into their hive; I could only pray that wasn’t the hive of Queen Chrysalis or things could reach an entirely new level of insane. “But even though he helped train me, he barely notices me!” It took Celestia a moment before she could answer, taking time to drink in all the attention. “Like I said, it’s nothing personal, Caddy. He prefers peers, and you technically aren’t—by which I mean that you aren’t a school head like him, remember?  “But the real point is that he likes ladies that stand up to him, and he tends to be a one-girl guy. Much as Luna and I might like differently, Moly feels the same way and is loyal to him, so they’re a perfect match,” Celestia explained, now lounging out like a Romane god of old with her body being worshiped by mere mortals; I swore that all she needed was some form of floral crown on her head and a big jug of wine in her hand to complete the picture. “I can respect that. Still, it seems like such a waste…” Cherilee called over from the next balcony, where her rear was being stuffed by multiple projected zebra phalluses along with Zecora’s, who made out with her as she remained magically suspended in the air with their over-endowed breasts mashed together and two cock constructs—fine, Rainbow, I’ll use the human term for the alliteration alone—sticking up between them for the pair to orally pleasure. Which they did with gusto while still holding and caressing each other in midair. It was all happening courtesy of the female impala across the portal, though the male ones continued to focus the bulk of their efforts on Big Macintosh. “Don’t you agree, Zecora?” “Indeed I do, my buxom friends. But perhaps he might want her, if to Crystal Prep Principal, she ascends?” You know, I actually think Zecora slipped up there with her rhyme, given ‘friends’ should have been singular—unless she was addressing Miss Cherilee’s boobs? Or Cherilee and our two Principals together… “Principal? You know, you might be onto something, Ms. Zecora,” Celestia said as her balls contracted back into her body and she soon erupted great gouts of cream all over Cadance and her students, followed shortly by Luna. I’m pretty sure they didn’t do it deliberately since they couldn’t see her behind them, but Midnight’s probability altering power pulled it off again, coating Caddy and all her lovers with cum to the point they were dripping with it. Not even noticing, Celly had to wait until her climax was concluded before elaborating. “By my old archtop, I do believe I’m going to recommend to Superintendent Faust that Principal Cinch be removed from her post for severe misconduct. I’m sure Dean Sombra would then be more than happy to recommend you as her replacement, Caddy?” Hyperdash: Wait… archtop? That’s slang for a certain kind of Jazz guitar. So she once played, too? Daydream: … It is? I had no idea. Jazz, huh? Would never have guessed. Fertile Fields: Me neither. Never known them to play any instrument at all, but for as doughty as they dress, I’d have pegged them as old pop lovers if anything. Sugar High: Oh, they’re LOVERS all right! Fertile Fields: Yeah, well, reckon that was the worst kept secret in the school even before all this happened, Pinkie. Now back to the story! Have to admit, I’m kind of enjoying this, but I wanna hear more about Big Mac now! Fluttershine: Oh, um. Me too. You know, if that’s okay?  Daydream: Don’t worry, Flutters and AJ. I’ll get back to him in a minute! But first let me finish off what happened with Caddy, there. And also touch on some of our other Crystal Prep friends who haven’t been heard from in a bit. Cadance perked up instantly when Celestia suggested that she could be Cinch’s replacement, with it left unstated that she might then be able to enjoy the perks of her position. “You… you mean it…?” she began to sensually squirm as her boobs bulged bigger, and I wasn’t immediately sure if it was due to that or the magically-charged cum now covering her. “I really do, Caddy. I daresay you earned it just for surviving under her for this long…” she said as her new organ only briefly softened before surging back to full attention again. “What do you say, Luna?” “I say that once Dean Sombra receives our report, he will likely march down to Superintendent Faust’s office and demand that Abacus Cinch be removed from her post immediately!” Lulu said, automatically rearranging herself on the couch with Celly to mash their blue-and-white balls together and point their new stallionhoods straight up, inviting both sets of students to press and stroke them together with boobs and butts. “If he doesn’t go to Crystal Prep and bodily throw her out of the building himself, that is…” “Okay, now that I would pay good money to see!” Indigo shouted from where she was still servicing Sour Sweet’s many thestral stallionhoods along with Sunny Flare. They seemed to be getting more used to their new anatomy by then, using their not-as-stiff wings—like dragon ones, bat-wings remained at least somewhat flightworthy—to hover over her boobs to take her dicknipples, floating right over them before settling back down facing each other to make out again. “Don’t you agree, Sunny?” “Yeah…” she said with a lustful growl while pawing at her formal rival’s wingbase and membrane surfaces; they’d learned quickly by then that they were sensually sensitive. “In fact, let’s sell tickets! I’m sure the whole damned school would want to come see it!” “I know I would. Hey, I can set ticket sales up on my laptop!” Pokey Pierce offered from where he was still cavorting with the other Shadowbolt boys. “But where does the money go?” “How about for intensive therapy? Because we’re all going to need it after this!” Upper Crust shouted from where she was still secured against the far wall, her eight-boobed doppelganger in a Saddle Arabian servant quarters being endlessly milked and molested by an entire extended family of Abyssinians. Though I couldn’t see directly what was happening to her counterpart, their efforts against her magically connected construct continued to result in the same being visited on Upper Crust directly; I could still see impressions of feline paws and mouths against her breasts and teats as they continued to suckle her. And screw her as they took turns taking her marehood with their enlarged but still-tapered organs. “Speak for yourself!” an unsympathetic Jet Set shouted at her. “This is the most fun I’ve ever had. These guys are certainly a lot more fun than you!” Upper Crust couldn’t reply because she climaxed again just then with a loud cry as her eight erect teats started spurting milk again in front of her, causing her to slump where she stood—or at least, as far as her magical restraints allowed. “I hate that I’m starting to enjoy this…” she all but whimpered, to which Jet Set and the other boys whistled and laughed. Fertile Fields: No sympathy from me, either! For as bad as she treated him, like a freaking possession without ever putting out? Perfectly suitable punishment, if you ask me. Fluttershine: I don’t want to hate anyone, but it’s hard for me to feel sorry for her, too. I mean, who doesn’t like cats? I would love to nurse and nest with all of them like she was! Crystal Queen: Though I don’t think I would wish to wet nurse them, anyone who doesn’t like cats is NO friend of mine! And I promise that Opalescence would want nothing to do with you, either! Hyperdash: And ME! Frigid AND snobby to the max? Of all the Crystal Prep girls, she’s second only to Lemon Zest and Fleur de Lis in how much I despise her. Oh, and by the way, Sunny, what’s going on with Fleur at this point? You haven’t mentioned her much and I can’t seem to remember what happened after her initial punishment.  Daydream: Funny you should ask, because I was just getting to her. Haven’t forgotten about Big Mac either, AJ! Just give me a minute here… “I’m not…” a new voice was heard off to the side, and it took me a moment to recognize that it was in fact Fleur. She had settled in surprisingly well to her own gangbang, now accepting every set of stallion orbs and shafts offered her. “I didn’t know sex was like this… could be like this!” she said as she was held up by all four senior students belonging to the Blackbird metalworking club, her slit and sphincter being stretched by two enormous equine organs each. “I love this! You all make me feel like a goddess! Hey, Dean Cadance? I’m transferring to CHS next week! And you four promise to let me join your club?” “Of course!” they all said in unison as they synchronized their thrusts into her, slapping balls together beneath her propped up body, which she arched back to bare her naked, perfect breasts to the storm-tossed sky as if in offering. “If you really want to? Then I won’t stop you, Fleur. It sounds like it would do you some good. Any objection, Celestia or Luna?” Cadance then asked, looking and sounding very close to orgasm again. “None whatsoever…” they muttered distractedly as their now well-mingled group of male and female students began availing themselves of their adult bodies freely; they leaned back over the arm rests to accept a pair of student shafts in their mouths—they were at the perfect height—while others settled in to take their teats while hotdogging the base of their shafts. The rest of their length was attended by the girls of the group. “Welcome to CHS, Miss De Lis. I invite you to my office later before Crystal Prep leaves, so we can introduce ourselves and get to know you properly.” “I’ll be there…” Fleur said dreamily. “But can I get a tour of the metalworking shop these guys use, too?” “Oh! I volunteer to give her one, Principal Celestia!” Pinkie suddenly called out from the dragon side of the portal. “I’ll even start teaching her! I can’t wait to see her covered in soot!” Fertile Fields: Well, now. So after all that insanity, it turns out that one of the C-P students DID change! Hyperdash: Whoa. Have to admit, I’m surprised—I mean, Fleur’s about the last of the Shadowbolt girls I thought would give up her prissy personality. Crystal Queen: Now, now, that’s not entirely fair, girls. Did we not get changed by all this? And I don’t just mean physically. I mean, look at Sunset! Daydream: Thanks, Rarity. But despite my alias and for as much as I may wish otherwise, I’m no longer Daydream any more than Twilight is Midnight. Now back to the story. You wanted to hear about Big Mac, AJ? Here you go! Fertile Fields: Whoa, nellie. I’m getting hard just waiting for you to write it! “Well, we usually let Sunset Shimmer give the new student tours…” Celestia mused. “Do you mind if Pinkie does it instead, Sunset?” she called down to me. “Huh? Oh. Not at all…” I just managed to reply, finding myself distracted again, this time by the sight of Big Mac being the center of attention of an increasing number of male mating auras and various anatomical constructs, ranging from their long but narrower impala phalluses with slightly flared heads to projections of rear ends for him to rim. “She’s all yours, Pinkie.” “Yay!” she shouted, but I barely heard her, watching as AJ’s older brother was turned into a gay tuck toy for what looked like every impala in Neighrobi. He had learned well by then that impala bucks preferred guys, and especially enjoyed tucking exotic tail like his. It was a lesson being vividly illustrated given he was now jacked up on no less than three of their antelope organs, who I could sense were using malleability magic on his well-stretched-and-lubed sphincter to further boost the effects of Midnight’s mating aura. Their spellwork allowed him to take—and enjoy—a truly massive amount of meat even as others were pressed into his hands and even rubbed against his feet. “She’ll need a ride from Crystal Prep, though. Since you’ll be over there anyway to help out with tomorrow’s girls’ soccer match between our schools, would you be willing to pick her up, Big Macintosh?” Cadance called over to him. “EEYUUP!” he said in an unmuffled voice as he came hard into a virtual see-through muzzle wrapped around his organ even as one of the three came inside his rear, only to be quickly replaced by another. Despite that and his panting into a pair of virtual buck balls smooshed hard into his cheeks—fine, Rainbow, I’ll use the human term again since it rolls off the tongue here—he managed to call over to AJ. “Hey, sis! If ya like big dicks, feel free to mosey on over here. Reckon these boys got plenty to spare, and I hate not to share!” he said as two virtual impala muzzles suddenly appeared in front of him and locked onto his visibly hard nipples, tugging at them—I assume they were male from their more chiseled appearance; it’s hard to tell when all you can see is part of a translucent jawline! —while still others began nibbling at his ears.  They were starting to experiment on him a bit, too, casting various enhancement spells and other incantations on him to give a second set of cock and balls directly above his first. It all happened as AJ looked over at him and grinned, pawing at herself repeatedly while she stared fixedly at him. “Appreciate the offer, big bro. I admit I’m having a grand ‘ol time watching you, but reckon I’m gonna pass.” SugarHigh: Aw… why’d you pass on it, AJ? I couldn’t see much of him from the other side of the dragon portal, but it looked like he was having LOTS of fun! Crystal Queen: Applejack? Are you there, darling? Sunset finished writing that passage fifteen minutes ago, but you have yet to comment or reply to Pinkie’s question? FertileFields: Yeah, sorry about that, Rarity. I had to, uh, take care of something there and then clean up after—lord, that scene was hotter than Granny’s prize-winning chicken and sausage chili! Sure gonna be hard seeing Big Mac the same after that! Daydream: Yeah, you said it, AJ. For as much as I like seeing boys go at it, it was all I could do to finish writing that scene without cumming all over myself! Glad you enjoyed it. Fluttershine: I did, too. I really liked your brother before, Applejack, but even better now. He was such a gentleman to accommodate all those impala!  Fertile Fields: I, uh, guess that’s one word for it, Flutters! And as to why I turned him down, the memory’s still a bit hazy, but from what I recollect? It just didn’t feel right to me—like I’d be taking away from his fun, and worse, I was going to miss out on something better if I did. Which is exactly what happened! For both me and you, Dash… Hyperdash: Got THAT right! Fluttershine: Oh. Um… I would have happily gone to him if Sunset didn’t need me. I would have loved to have given Big Mac and the other bucks a boob job, but that’s okay. I was really enjoying watching what happened to Fortrakt. And the whole scene in the throne room, too. FertileFields: Whoa, nellie! Who knew that you ain’t so sweet-and-innocent after all, girl? Daydream: I definitely do! But getting back to the story… While all this had been going on, the standoff between Queen Molyneux and Dragon Lord Vesuvius continued with the latter trying to blow the minds and break the will of Moly’s two oldest cubs. Yes, oldest, Pinkie—I forget how many she has, but six or eight at least. Griffon eaglesses almost always birth two babies at once, for the record.  “I will face the ‘wrath of your race’, feeble but fertile Queen? An impotent threat from an anything but impotent eagless,” Vesuvius said as he continued to use her offspring as living condoms, causing them to cry out repeatedly as they hung on to their sanity and rapidly fraying loyalty to their line with everything they had. But that love for their mother and ancestors were being gradually ground down as they continued to impossibly take more of their new Dragon Lord. At least two feet of his tapered meat were now somehow sunk within them, causing Marcus to repeatedly spurt with each additional downward push on his shoulders while Melina squirted fresh milk and nectar everywhere, the pair slowly losing the battle to not be overcome. I admit, just like Fortrakt earlier, I was rooting for their will to crumble completely, wanting to see them helpless to stop their own subjugation. And in this instance, it wasn’t entirely because I didn’t like Moly. I barely knew her cubs, having only met them in passing at a state dinner during my one visit as Celly’s student, so I can’t say I had anything against them other than that they were hers. No, just like before, I really wanted to see the griffies—and her cubs by proxy—sexually submitted and turned into tuck-toys by the dragons. Yes, that’s another Tellusian term for rutting, Rainbow. And no, I’m not going to use the human one in this story except when quoting someone directly, because I don’t want Rarity yelling at me! For his part, Vesuvius made a show of presenting Moly’s offspring to her, letting them hover over her head just out of reach since stiff wings, rigid wings and big breasts meant neither she nor her soldiers could fly. Or even jump that high. And don’t think for a second that drake didn’t know it—the one unquestioned advantage his kind have over griffies is that they can still fly when aroused; I could see through other portals more than a few instances of the Vesuvius clan’s adolescents swooping down to grab some lucky griffie girl or guy and bring them up to altitude and release them.  Since their stiff wings meant that they could only glide and couldn’t maneuver, that meant they couldn’t escape being molested or outright mated, and the dragons could have their way with them in the air. I couldn’t spare them much mind, though, except to note more than a few cases of adolescent drakes groped or outright screwing eaglesses and tiercels alike in mid-flight where they couldn’t so much as squirm, leaving their nests and tails wide open to invasion. The drakinas were availing themselves of that trick too, as I spotted a few holding tiercels up on their backs and forcing them to screw their rears. And don’t get me started about all the griffon cubs being taken, often right in front of their parents. By Celly’s sun, Midnight had no shame, and neither did anycreature else that day. Myself included, given how much I was enjoying it. Fertile Fields: Yeah, I admit I’m having a little trouble with all that myself. Just seems wrong to have enjoyed it, even if I’ve caught Apple Bloom and the Destiny Seeking Teenagers spying on me and Rainbow a couple times. Crystal Queen: They WHAT? The nerve! I will simply have to have a talk with Sweetie Belle about respecting the privacy of others! Fertile Fields: Eh, can’t say I mind that much. Also can’t really hold it against them since I used to peep in on Big Mac and Sugar Belle a few years back, after all. But to take it to that level where entire museums and classrooms full of cubs were being screwed in front of their parents and teachers just seems, well… yeah. Sugar High: Aw. How come? I was playing doctor with Triton and Chest Candy of Hollow Shades High when I was eight!  Hyperdash: Gah! TMI, Pinkie! I ain’t gonna say anything about it myself, except that I’m REAL glad the DST weren’t at the Friendship Games! Fluttershine: Oh, um, I wouldn’t have minded the DST there. It’s really too bad their post-Anon-a-Miss detentions weren’t done and they weren’t allowed to take part in extracurricular activities for the rest of the school year. Me, I’m just glad my brother had already transferred from Canterlot High a year back. I love him but having him there would have been an enormous downer for me no matter how hot and horny I was. Hyperdash: EW! Me too! No offense, Flutters, but he is NOT my type! Every time he hit on me, I wanted to hit HIM! Fluttershine: It’s okay, Rainbow. I think he learned from that time Gilda gave him a black eye before you broke up with her. I just hope that military school Mom and Dad made him attend ‘makes a man’ out of him so he’ll stop slacking and mooching. I don’t hold out much hope, though. But the end of their resistance was as inevitable as it was erotic, with both teenage cubs announcing their climax with a very loud trilling cry. But it wasn’t an invocation directed at their immortal Ancestors, but instead, they screamed the name of Dragon Lord Vesuvius himself. They showered Moly with milk, spunk and honey as they spurted and squirted repeatedly, their climactic always unerringly finding her face and breasts. And yet, that wasn’t the only change as Marcus suddenly sprouted a second side-by-side dick like a drake—there, happy, Rainbow? I used another human term—and when they opened their eyes, they had turned slitted like a dragon as the pair suddenly hung limp off the end of his shafts. I at least had the pleasure of seeing Moly’s shock as she heard their cries to him and their newly imparted anatomy registered on her as much as the crisscrossing lines of fluid on her beak and boobs. “I’m sorry, mother…” Melina called out forlornly. “We belong to him now.” “By the Dragon Lords themselves…” Marcus patted his bulging belly where the outline of a drake’s flared conical cocktip could be clearly seen. “My eyes can see heat now! And nothing but the drakehoods of a dragon will ever satisfy me again.” He began to move up and down on the organ far more willingly this time. “Nothing but my drakehoods, my newest children. Welcome to my clan and know that you have not lost your royal line, but simply become part of a new one!” he told them as he licked affectionately at their captured forms, twirling his tongue around their bodies repeatedly before turning back to Moly, who had ruffled her feathers and was grinding both halves of her beak together, which for a griffon means severe anger. “Ah… much better, don’t you agree? Look how much of me they took and the draconic attributes they gained! I must say that our mutual benefactor is correct—our races are truly meant for each other, my conquered Queen! I enjoyed their small forms so much that I will be converting your other cubs to my clan next,” he informed her with a toothy grin before he gently pulled the Prince and Princess free of his phalluses. He did so to sounds of mild protest from the pair as they oozed his clear but steaming seed from visibly gaping orifices, which only partially closed after.  “I will not come inside them, though—at least, not yet. I will save that for when I can rut another adult dragon while wearing them on the ends of my organs!” he mused, o which the two cubs begged him to do it right then and there as he laid them down in a pile off to the side. The two shortly began holding talons and pawing at each other before trying to relive the experience by Marcus rutting Malia in the rear with his newly twin organs, only for both to forlornly state that it just wasn’t the same. “Patience, my new children. I wish to savor my takeover of the Kingdom properly first. Shall I order your other cubs brought to me so that I may strip you of your entire line’s loyalty before your eyes, prior to turning you into my personal concubine and milk maiden?” he asked idly. “And for the record, I prefer that my milk and tea be served at sunrise.” As he spoke, he looked lazily out on their stunned audience, who had watched the conquest of Moly’s cubs unfold with wide eyes and rigid spears being slowly stroked, or belly boobs being fondled along with nests being frantically pleasured depending on gender. It was hard to believe that just a few minutes earlier, they had been doing Moly herself, but they now seemed at least slightly troubled by the threat while Moly just stood and fumed, her ire growing. Vesuvius paused for a moment before saying his next words. “So, will you summon them for me, my milk-laden Molyneux? Or shall I give your guards the same treatment first so that they will obey me instead of you?” He gave her sorely aroused Praetorian sentries a toothy grin and lascivious lick, to which at least one eagless climaxed on the spot and volunteered to get them if she could be taken next. “You heard her. The choice is yours, my questionable Queen. Bring me your other cubs. Now.” “Crows take it… and you!” Moly spat out. For the record, that’s a mild griffon curse; basically the same as saying ‘goddamn it’—sorry, Rarity. Since crows are looked down upon as scavengers, it’s basically saying that they’re pecking at a corpse. Fertile Fields: Huh. Never would’ve guessed that. Reckon Granny would like that phrase, since she hates crows for trying to raid our grain and corn crops! Sugar High: Yay! I LOVE hearing new curse words! Hyperdash: You’re starting to worry me, Pinkie. That said, I’m using it on Griffie Gilda if we ever meet up again! Damn, for as fun as that hot catbird bod of hers was, I really hope we do! Crystal Queen: You and the CHS soccer team can have her since I found her every bit as uncouth as her human counterpart. It’s dragons for me and Pinkie, darlings! And I must admit, for as much as I was enjoying their company? I would have rooted for their triumph, too, but as I was in the arms of my beloved drakes and drakinas, I had no immediate vantage point to see what was happening. So this is all quite delectably new to me! “You will not take my remaining cubs from me, dragon lord! Nor will you hold on to the Crown Prince or Princess! If you have gained the loyalty of my eldest son and daughter by rutting them, then I will simply have to win them back by defeating you! And then making it so only I may satisfy them!” Vesuvius snorted some smoke into the air. “An interesting plan. Since I find your defiance both amusing and arousing, I will humor you. Very well, then. And just how do you intend to ‘defeat me’, my soon-to-be-conquered Queen?” he asked in amusement, duplicating her pose by sitting back and crossing his forelegs over his chest, taking pains to puff more smoke into the air as his rigid drakehoods loomed over her. “With the sacred magic my race and line has learned to fight your kind! Magus! To me!” Her voice suddenly boomed throughout the chamber, and I even sensed myself sitting up taller in my chair like she’d told me to stop slouching at dinner that one time. “He challenges the honor and power of the Gryphon nation, so it is time to match his power with our own! It will take all our magic, but such magic we do have!” she proclaimed, and I didn’t find it boastful or bombastic so much as a simple statement of fact. “But your majesty, we want to obey you, but we have no staves! And without them, no means to cast. He destroyed them at the start with his fiery breath.” one of her formerly overcome Magus said in defeat, his phallus standing ramrod straight—and I don’t want to hear anything about how ponies or griffons don’t have ramrods since they don’t have guns, Rainbow Dash. I’ll have you know that they have airships with cannons. And no, Pinkie, I’m not going to tell you all about them! “No staves? By all our Ancestors, have you forgotten about those of my line? Of those wielded by the great Magus Kings and Queens and even Emperors and Empresses past?” she reminded them sharply, eliciting a series of startled looks and blinks as she made a sweeping motion to the life-sized golden statues of past Griffon rulers that lined the edge of the chamber, now in very erotic poses that some of her sentries were still availing themselves of. “Ensheathed in enchanted onyx masked with gold, their power remains intact and given they did not activate when this began, they were completely unaffected by that strange amorous aura that corrupted all of you,” she then noted, earning what appeared to be a surprised reaction from both Midnight and the High Priestess, who glanced at each other.  “Now by my order, draw on their strength and the magic of my sacred line! Focus your combined power to cast the Dominari Draco spell immediately, so that I may deal with this obnoxious and insufferable Dragon Lord myself!” They looked at her in surprise, then leapt into action—or at least, as much as their wobbling belly breasts, equally oversized balls and painfully erect spears would allow. They hurried towards the sculptures who had staves, though they were always being used sensually and their business ends had phallic shapes. “By your command!” they shouted obediently, rushing—or sometimes just wobbling—over to the nearest staff-wielding statue. “Interesting…” an astonished Midnight suddenly said as the dozen magus present placed their hands on the gold-plated staves, causing them to glow. “I did not detect any casting tools there other than the ones the Magus of her personal guard wielded, and assumed there were no more when they were not infected by my mating aura.” “Nor did I. They shielded them well, my young Goddess and new Queen.” Juniper Neptune admitted as he continued to slowly rut Fortrakt, who still sat in her lap, holding his hind legs up like a presented turkey.  “Impressive. No doubt a hidden security measure and a potent means of defense, as they could be sprung on an unwary enemy trying to invade her throne room. I will give the griffons due credit for coming up with this idea independently of my line. For just as they can invoke the power of rulers past, I, too, have a way to draw upon the combined magic of previous Juniper Neptunes within my temple…” the High Priestess then said, but she didn’t elaborate further as she waited for the coming battle to unfold. Have to say, that might have been the first sign of fallibility that Midnight had offered, and it gave me at least some hope that there were ways to hide things from her. I wondered then if I was soaked in enough magic that I could call upon my old mental wards that were designed to block others from reading my mind and emotions. But when I tried, they didn’t engage and Midnight gave me a smirk. “Sorry, but your mind is an open book to me, Sunset Shimmer. I see from your memories that you were once a very powerful Equestrian unicorn who sought to learn everything about magic there was—in some ways, a girl after my own heart. Which begs the question as to why you sought to stop me from unleashing and absorbing this limitless power, except out of a selfish desire to save it for yourself.” Her expression darkened and the wind picked up briefly, causing my heart to freeze when I thought she was going to make sure right then and there that I couldn’t. Hypderdash: Huh? But that’s not true, Sunset. You tried to stop her because you were trying to protect her and everyone else. Because you know better than anyone that magic is dangerous when not understood or wielded properly. Fertile Fields: What she said. Those siphons of hers just about put us in the hospital for how badly they drained us. So, if Midnight can read your mind, why was she saying that? Was she just trying to rattle you? Daydream: Let’s just say that as it turned out, she wasn’t reading my mind so much as using a multiversal cheat code, if that’s a thing. And in the process, she revealed a weakness that I could exploit. Despite her accusation, I forced myself to meet her gaze while Fluttershy held my hand and drew close to me, making clear that she would stay by my side despite the implied threat. “That had nothing to do with it. I was trying to stop you from hurting yourself and everyone around you.” But Midnight was unimpressed. “Believe what you wish, if it makes you feel better. But I doubt anyone here would call this hurting.” “I would!” Indigo shouted as she used her new bat wings to settle onto Sour Sweet’s main futa shaft, which quickly disappeared inside her with a wet slurp. “Yeah, me too! How about you, Sour Sweet?” Sunny Flare asked her even as she lowered her rear down onto her hated classmate’s long thestral tonguecock to face Indigo, to which the restrained Shadowbolt girl turned her bound wrists over and made a thumbs-down gesture with both hands which then turned into upraised middle fingers directed at Midnight. “You three don’t count,” Midnight told them in annoyance without glancing at them, silencing them with a flare of her horn by inducing the tongues of Indy and Sunny—it’s weird to call anyone else that since it’s one of my nicknames—to turn into steadily expanding male organs that soon jutted out nearly a foot from their heads, preventing them from speaking while she focused on me. “Ah, much better. Such blessed silence. And as for you, Sunset Shimmer, your plan to defeat me by duplicating my ascension is interesting, but I see no reason to fear it. Indeed, why should I? I already know from glimpsing into the future that you and your friends will most likely succumb to your urges long before that, willingly surrendering yourself to me, body and soul. But I grant it is not a 100% certainty. Still, even in the incredibly unlikely event that you succeed?” She lowered her head and her slitted eyes turned hooded. “Then what is certain is that you will lose to a superior power and intellect unencumbered by such quaint notions as restraint or rules, becoming a particularly potent sexual servant who I will enjoy toying with and sensually experimenting on to my heart’s content,” she informed me bluntly, causing me to shiver in mingled hope and fear. Crystal Queen: Hope? You mean you actually LIKE that idea, darling? Daydream: Well, not the idea so much as the person who would be doing it, but yeah. What can I say? Part of me is still attracted to strong personalities and magic, and Midnight was the purest, most powerful expression of both I’ve ever seen. Fertile Fields: Well, reckon I can respect that, given I soon fell head over hooves for a certain stallion. But the weird thing is, Middie wasn’t wrong. We pretty much DID succumb to our urges, there. Though some more easily than others—I’m looking at you, Pinkie! Sugar High: Me? Sure did, because I wanted to! But what about Rarity? She loved it, too! Crystal Queen: Yes, I freely admit I did. And for what it gained me—the love of an entire dragon clan’s worth of drakes willing to shower me with riches to say nothing of the dual ‘dicks’ I obtained—I don’t regret it in the least, darling. Do any of you? Fertile Fields: Just got one regret, myself. That we had to wipe memories and leave all our new lovers behind after. Hyperdash: Yeah, you said it, AJ. Dammit, Griffie Gilda, stop making me miss you! Midnight recognized my reaction and smiled. “So don’t worry, Sunset Shimmer. For that reason alone, I won’t stop you from trying to achieve your own ascension. As my victory is assured, I’m curious as to how long you can hold out, and if my actually telling you about this changes anything that I saw in the singularity.” She closed her eyes briefly as her aura reached into the shroudless void again, then she smiled. “It does not.” “I look forward to using that wondrous tool myself, young goddess…” Juniper Neptune spoke up, staring at the artificial object longingly. “I am curious, though—has it told you anything about the outcome of the scene we see below?” She nodded down at where Moly’s mages were still readying a spell. “It has not, simply because I did not seek an answer for it. No, High Priestess, this is one time I prefer not to know,” Midnight said with a smile. “Like you, I am curious as to what the Queen plans. So let us watch and be surprised by it.” While all this had been happening, Queen Molyneux’s Magus Knights had finished powering up their Dominari Draco spell, with all the staves now glowing bright and all but crackling with massive amounts of unreleased magical energy. I’ll give this to Moly’s mages—they were quite skilled and powerful. And loyal, at least once they were freed of the direct effects of Midnight’s mating aura. Vesuvius, however, was unimpressed. “So the spell is called ’Dragon Dominator? Well, this should be amusing to behold. By all means, target me with your Magus. But know that it will not avail you! Their feeble magic will not work on a drake of my size and power, my lovely but overconfident Queen.” He spread his arms wide as if in offering, inviting the Queen’s mages to strike him. But Moly only smirked up at him as her dozen Magus announced the magic was ready. “You fail to understand what I am ordering, my stupid and sex-addled drake. Their spell isn’t aimed at you. It is targeted… at me!” “At you?” Vesuvius echoed in confusion as Moly fell back to all fours and took several steps backwards from him, and I didn’t get the impression she was doing so out of fear. More like she was trying to give whatever spell space to work. I hadn’t heard of it myself— “Dragon Dominator?” Given their natural resistance to any magic except their own, a spell that would defeat or even do much damage to an adult dragon was impossible as far as I knew, at least for anything short of an Alicorn-level aura. And besides, even for as sex-soaked as everything was, surely Moly wasn’t planning to kill him…? I got my answer swiftly as a half-dozen magical beams shot out from the various staves and staffs in possessions of the great gryphon rulers of old. And instead of hitting Vesuvius, they were indeed aimed directly at Moly, who stood up as if to invite all the energy into her already-overcharged body. I couldn’t help but note that her breast quartet began to grow again a couple seconds before the rest of her did, causing her form to slowly swell to dragon proportions as she arched her back sensually at the process.  Either by accident or design, the magical beams seemed to target her erogenous zones, soon suspending her in the air while the aura projections themselves turned into phallic protrusions as they got near her, duplicating the forms the ends of the staves themselves took. Interestingly, not all of them were griffon organs, as some appeared to be Timberwolf or even equine in appearance! I wasn’t sure what that said about the griffon rulers who had once owned them, but that wasn’t the time to think about it. As I—and pretty much everybody in Arnau and at CHS—watched, they began to enter her like tentacles again, penetrating her nest and tail as their magic visibly flowed into her, causing not just her boobs but her entire body to steadily stretch and swell. And then she began to speak, her voice starting to boom louder the more she grew. “Ancestors, yes… fill me with your sacred magic! Give me the power to reclaim my cubs and defend the Kingdom from this dishonorable drake!” she invited as Vesuvius watched agape; his twin organs starting to throb harder at the sight of an eagless he desired gradually enlarging enough to be rutted directly and fully. For her part, Moly couldn’t seem to resist caressing her own bulging body in front of him as she surpassed half his size and kept growing. She remained fully displayed before him and her shocked cubs, who stared up at her in open-beaked amazement, still intertwined. The process had only just begun to slow when she finally climaxed with a loud cry and call to her ubiquitous Ancestors as the milk from her teats all but fountained into the air, splashing down on Vesuvius’ face and even her own cubs. Vesuvius might have interfered in her transformation, but he didn’t, just staring at her enrapt along with Moly’s cubs as she reached her full height, just a few feet short of his as her orgasm slowly ebbed.  Not even caring that her enormous body and pleasure was witnessed by all, the spells then released her as she flared her wings to flip herself upright, sending a mighty rush of wind over the entire chamber that bowled over most of her subjects. It sent them back into the erotic embrace of Moly’s forebears. It even knocked Vesuvius himself back a bit when it caught his own spread membrane wings, which billowed backwards like a parachute briefly. And that was to say nothing of the brief tornadic blast of wind that ripped right through the portal and caught me and Fluttershy, knocking us head over heels into each other with mouths suddenly buried in each other’s muff again. Tempting though it was to go to town on her again, I wasn’t about to miss the show, so we helped each other up to see what was going on. Have to admit, it was an awe-inspiring sight, and one that would probably have haunted my teenage self’s nightmares if I’d known she was capable of getting that big way back when, for as much as she disliked me. But as the High Priestess said, she hadn’t been bluffing—the griffies clearly did have well-developed anti-dragon defenses, and magic to spare if they could put that much into her! Her transformation finished, the magical tendrils released her and she reared up to stand almost as tall as the Dragon Lord; the pair standing beak to snout under the vaulted ceiling of the massive antechamber. I’m also not sure when it happened, but the painted images that spanned the hemispherical dome were now every bit as explicit as the ones in the Hall of Heroes, showing what appeared to be massive orgies that had taken place in the throne room before. But now a new scene seemed to be destined to be carved on a blank section of ceiling as Moly readied to fight him, suddenly bellowing even louder than Vesuvius himself: “And now, arrogant and unworthy Dragon Lord, for the loyalty of my cubs and control of my throne, let us determine who will rule and who will serve!” > 18: Enter the Griffons, Part 5 - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have to say, I’ve seen and done a lot in my nineteen years of life on both sides of the portal, from a sun-controlling Alicorn trying to teach me life lessons I wasn’t ready for, to nearly incinerating myself once trying to gain enough power to overthrow her. Fertile Fields: Say WHAT now? You nearly burned yourself to a crisp? Fluttershine: Oh, my. That sounds awful. Hyperdash: Okay, for as much as I want to see this big battle you’ve been promising us, I definitely wanna hear more about that! Sugar High: Seconded! And THIRDED! Do tell! Do tell! Daydream: Pass. It’s just not a pleasant memory, girls. All I’ll say about it is that I had to be saved from it by someone else, and the failure was so painful both physically and mentally—no joke, I nearly died—that it was a big part of what spurred me to leave Equestria and start over on Earth. The reason I bring it up now is to say I thought I’d seen it all even before coming here, only to keep learning over and over that I had no real clue. Fertile Fields: Well, reckon that’s life in a nutshell, Sugarcube. And reckon we had no clue before we met you or the Princess! Sorry you had to go through all that, but I’m sure glad it led you here. Daydream: Thanks, AJ. I’d hug you if you were here with me right now. And if I wasn’t rock hard from writing this. Fertile Fields: No problem. Just save it for when we hook up tomorrow morning! Hyperdash: ‘Hook up’? Crystal Queen: APPLEJACK! Fertile Fields: What? No! I didn’t mean it like that! Honest! Sugar High: Aw… why not? Then we could ALL join in!  Crystal Queen: PINKIE PIE! Daydream: *clears throat* Yeah. I think it’s best to just end this thread and move on… And yet, for as powerful as the alicorn Celly was, it was Queen Molyneux of the Gryphon Kingdom—and before you say anything again about me spelling ‘griffon’ that way, Rarity, I’m using the traditional spelling to honor her—that I think I feared and respected a lot more back then. Because unlike Princess Celestia, she had me pegged immediately as a selfish and unworthy student, giving me exactly the treatment that my arrogant and power-hungry thirteen-year-old self deserved. And thus, the sight of her suddenly growing to adult dragon size and now looming over me was more than a little disconcerting, if not outright terrifying. I couldn’t help but clutch onto Fluttershy for protection, suddenly praying that Moly wouldn’t look through the now eye-level portal and see me. Why? Because—no joke—I was sure that if she did, she’d reach through the portal to grab me and… Well, let’s just say that I was just as terrified as tantalized by the thoughts running through my head at what she might do under the influence of Midnight’s mating aura, especially given that Midnight didn’t like me. Fortunately, Moly couldn’t see me and it was Vesuvius who held all her attention just then. “And now, arrogant and unworthy Dragon Lord, for the loyalty of my cubs and control of my Kingdom, let us determine who will rule and who will serve!” Sugar High: YAY! It’s a real-life Kaiju fight! GO MOLY GO! Fertile Fields: Whoa nellie! I definitely don’t remember this! It’s the Attack of the Fifty-Foot Moly! Sugar High: Oh! I loved that old B-movie! And you guys should see the equally old X-rated version of it I found! It’s a TOTAL classic! Fertile Fields: Hard pass, Pinkie. With emphasis on hard right now as I’m starting to recollect just a bit of this. I know you’re a mite afraid of her, Sunny, but I gotta say that Queen Moly is my kind of gal. And reckon this story is a better show than any old movie, Pinkie! Crystal Queen: On that, we agree, Applejack! My word… so Queen Molyneux had her mages cast an enlargement spell on herself so she could challenge the Dragon Lord and duel him for control of her Kingdom directly? Such courage! Such wonderful strength of will! Even if part of me hopes the dragons triumph, I must admit that she is a lady I can respect! I must also say that I rather like the griffon sense of décor, too… Might we go to Equestria to meet her someday, Sunset? Daydream: She doesn’t actually live in Equestria, Rarity. The land the Kingdom occupies is named Aresia, which is basically what Europe is called over there. Their capital city of Arnau is roughly located on what would be the west-facing slopes of the southern Alps, not far from where the Italian border with France is. But instead of the Alps, they call it the Falcine mountain range. Crystal Queen: I see. Geography has never been an interest of mine, but as I have always wanted to see the sights and styles of Europe, that only makes me wish to visit all the more! Sugar High: Oh! Me too! And I’d LOVE to see their blacksmiths and visit the old military museums there! FIELD TRIP! Daydream: I don’t know, gang. The griffons are surrounded by several potential enemies and generally don’t allow folks to just waltz in—especially alien apes. We’d have to make arrangements through the Equestrian embassy, and even if we could finagle an invitation, Princess Twilight isn’t that big on the idea of humans coming to Tellus right now.  She fears further destabilization of the damaged interdimensional boundaries after the Friendship Games and all the time travel she did fighting the mare named Starlight Glimmer. She says we have to give things some time to heal, and for that reason, she’s not coming here either for a bit. Fluttershine: Oh, my. Poor Flash. He’ll miss her so much. Daydream: Yeah, but it’s only temporary. Twilight says that the boundaries should be back to normal by mid-summer or so, right around the time we’re heading for Camp Everfree. And as for Flash, the Princess gave him a book like mine so they can communicate. I think he’s on it even more than his phone now. Crystal Queen: How romantic! He truly is quite the smitten kitten! Daydream: That he is. But hey, don’t be disappointed, Rarity—how about we meet the Moly here? May interest you all to know that she was a big part of the reason I enrolled at CHS instead of Kingdom Academy. Because I knew that if Headmistress Moly was anything like her Griffon Kingdom counterpart, she’d see right through me and recognize me as a troublemaker immediately. And that there was no way in either the Earth or Tellusian underworlds that she’d let me get away with all the stuff I wanted to. Crystal Queen: Hmmm… I rather like that idea. Perhaps our Principals would care to introduce us? Then again, I fear not being able to restrain our… excitement among them if we remember what they did with students and staff alike! To say nothing of the fact that they ended up even better endowed than we. Fertile Fields: You jealous, filly? Crystal Queen: Hardly, darling! The drakes of Ember’s clan worshiped me as a goddess for my female attributes alone, so what do I care about my male ones being inferior to those of our Principals? Especially since mine still put most to shame and just like the dragons, I have two instead of one! Sugar High: So do I! And I can’t WAIT to use them on Ember again! Hyperdash: On Ember? I really don’t get what you see in that dragon girl, Pinkie. Yeah, she’s a cutie, but she’s also a total Tsundere! Fertile Fields: Uh, correct me if I’m wrong, but you ain’t exactly one to talk when it comes to Gilda, girlfriend. Sugar High: Exactly! And as for Ember, she not only reminds me of my sister Limestone, but that’s what makes breaking her down so much FUN! Fluttershine: Oh, um. I liked her. She didn’t seem mean, just a little afraid of getting too close to others and disappointing her father. And I can remember that she really liked my scent, too. Crystal Queen: Just your ‘scent’, darling? Don’t think I didn’t notice how you two ended up after we all got our futahoods and Sunset ascended! Fertile Fields: Spoilers, Rares! Given what—and who—I was doing just then, I sure didn’t notice that! Spoilers indeed, though again, who’s reading this except us? I’m resuming writing this the next day before class as my friends are gathered around me in the library. For the record, I noticed the two of you too, Flutters—then again, I noticed pretty much everything when I finally ascended! It was an amazing display, but this is one instance where I don’t think it’s my place to tell it. So, if you want that tale told, I think you should do it yourself, filly! But while we’re mulling that over—and you should see Fluttershy blush! Let’s get back to the story. * * * * * I have to say, Vesuvius was struck speechless as she beheld Moly’s new adult dragon size, and so was just about everyone watching. Even though I was half-petrified at that point, I can still remember that pretty much all activity across every portaI I could see halted, except the one to our favorite Blue-scaled drakina’s dragon lands, as everycreature—that’s once again the Tellusian word, and sorry, Rarity, but I’m using it here. If you don’t want to see it with a red wavy underline, then the ‘Ignore all’ or ‘Add to dictionary’ options are your friends! —stopped what they were doing to watch, even if they were mid-sex. And as for that portal, its drake and drakina denizens were less than impressed, watching through a freshly opened rift into the throne room which seemed to be one-way again, since nobody on the griffon side reacted to it. “By the Ancient Dragon Lords… is that Vesuvius facing off with the magically enlarged griffon queen?” Obsidian Ire asked in distaste as she stretched her neck and squinted through the portal, then sneered despite the snouts of two drakes eating her out from below, leaning against her legs like she was a goddess and stroking themselves as they worshiped her steaming slit with their long, forked tongues. “If so, he’s being an overconfident idiot. Again.” “I’m not surprised,” a hissing Orange Crush said as she was hoisted between two drakes, with all four phalluses sunk inside her slit. “When told of his ascension to lord of his clan, our Dragon Lord said he was much too young and immature to rule.” “Of course he is. He’s only eight hundred years old but thinks he’s the magma’s gift to drakes,” Emerald Inferno rejoined from where she was mashing chests and making out with Red Hot while drawing each other’s tails between their legs. “By the Ancient Dragon Lords, he’s so arrogant and embarrassing to behold sometimes. I’m glad he’s not our Lord. I have never met the griffons, but I find their forms pleasing and hope that Queen of theirs puts him in his place. Don’t you agree, Princess?” When I didn’t hear her reply—yes, I know her name now, Fluttershy, but I’m saving it for when I finally remember it and we have our little reunion in the story—I glanced over to see what she was doing. To my surprise and delight—and for as standoffish as she was back in the day, I sure didn’t mind the sight of her being sexually submitted, either! —she was lying beneath both Pinkie Pie and Rarity, eating out the former while her two human lovers made out over her chest with one hand on each other’s boobs and the other on hers. “Sorry, but her mouth’s a little full at the moment!” Pinkie replied jovially as all our favorite tsundere could do was spread Pinkie’s cheeks wider so she could dive deeper. “And wow, her tongue can go really far in!” Hyperdash: Whoa. I completely missed all that while watching Moly. Have to say, for as much as the princess wasn’t my type, that’s kinda hot… ACK! Dammit, I’m in chemistry class and Trixie’s sitting right next to me! I can’t go futa now! Fertile Fields: Seeing this only now after school hours. Just what the hay were you doing checking this doc out in class, Rainbow? And why haven’t you been answering texts? Daydream: Getting in trouble, from what I heard, for not paying attention. Trixie told me during gym that Ms. Zecora sent you to Vice Principal Luna’s office after catching you on your myPhone during her lecture? And since you’re still offline, I take it that she confiscated it as punishment? Sugar High: Oops! BUSTED! Fluttershine: Oh, my. I hope Luna wasn’t too hard on you, Rainbow. I know how big a stickler she is about not being on phones in class. Hyperdash: I’m back, gang. Sorry to be silent there. Yeah, she took my phone. And to answer your question, well, uh… not like that, but ‘hard’ might still be the word for it? Crystal Queen: Oh, REALLY? Then do tell, darling! We’re all ears! Sugar High: Yes! Tell! TELL! Hyperdash: I, uh… had to show her what I was looking at, and when she started reading, she got really red-cheeked and forgot I was there for a minute, saying something under her breath I didn’t catch about Nightmare Moon’s guitar again. I swear I heard fabric tearing below the level of the desk followed by a heavy thump before she remembered I was there and dismissed me, keeping my phone and telling me to report for a two-hour detention cleaning up the library after school. I only got it back at the end, and there’s bad news, girls—Celly and Lulu now want to talk to ALL of us! Fertile Fields: Hoo boy. Looks like the cat’s out of the bag. So how are we gonna explain this one, Sunset? Daydream: You know, I was always afraid of this getting out, but it felt like I was going to burst if I didn’t tell the story of what really happened at the Friendship Games, even if it was just to a private file that only I would ever read.  Well, guess we’re all busted now, so the only thing we can really do is tell them the truth. And hope that the futa effect is limited to them since they got nearly as massive a dose of magic as we did. In the meantime, I’m not stopping my writing until I get off at least once more. Otherwise, I’m not going to be able to sleep if I’m pitching a tent all night! Fertile Fields: You and me both, filly! I’ve finished my chores and homework, so let the good times roll! “She can?” Rarity sounded intrigued as Pinkie praised the Princess’s oral performance, straddling the dragon lord daughter’s lower belly where her slit could drip honey right into that of the drakina’s. “Then our beautiful blue-scaled tsundere is both a lovely lady and an excellent lover, darling. If you are both willing, I should wish to switch places with you to try her tongue myself,” she requested between passionate kisses. “No problem! We’ll trade just as soon as she gets me off!” Pinkie promised breathlessly as a sudden rupture of the ground behind them showered them with fresh molten lava that simply sloughed off their forms harmlessly. It didn’t make it through the rift to CHS, hitting it and then running down off it like water on a window. At least Midnight was making sure everyone on our side of the portal that didn’t have anti-heat enchantments were protected! Rarity waited to reply until she’d rubbed some of the remaining molten matter into her skin again, taking pains to pool it in the crevice where her breasts were smooshed hard against Pinkie’s. “Ah, this magma is so deliciously warm and soothing to the skin… but as for that so-called Dragon Lord Vesuvius, he is clearly anything but a gentledrake to just barge in and demand the Queen surrender her cubs and kingdom! I find him little more than a boastful brute. Completely unlike the cultured and well-mannered dragon clan here!” she pronounced before two of the drakes stood before her and Pinkie Pie and presented their twin phalluses to be grasped and sucked. “You said it!” Pinkie agreed as their mouths were shortly filled with dragon meat, though all eyes remained on the show through the rift. “I don’t know you, but give him the what-for, Queenie! He’s giving dragons a bad name!” Her words were soon echoed by the drakes and drakinas around them, who watched even as they continued to rut, with some of the adolescents making bets with gems and illicit acts as to the victor. But yet again, Vesuvius and Moly didn’t notice anything except each other, oblivious even to the audiences they could see. “I do not wish to hurt you, my fertile but volatile Queen Molyneux. Far from it, in fact, under the influence of our patron’s godlike alicorn aura. But if you wish a duel, then I will happily submit you in front of your subjects. Let them see your sexual subjugation and witness how easily your body is claimed and your will is broken by the dual drakehoods of a Dragon Lord.” “Oh, don’t worry. They will see their Queen’s mettle,” a glowering Moly replied with a grin that was somehow equal parts angry and alluring, giving Midnight a brief glance and glower. “For turning my city and throne room into the ancient equine court of Coltugula, I will deal with our so-called patron in due course. But she is not my immediate concern—YOU are, unworthy excuse for a Dragon Lord.” She raised her talons and loudly cracked both sets of knuckles before him; the noise was loud enough to be unpleasant as it echoed throughout the chamber. “I see,” he replied in a note of amusement, crossing his arms to idly regard her. “I know not how you think you could challenge an alien alicorn even in this form, but it is of no concern. As both our races use rites of combat in mating, I am more than happy to duel you for the right to rut and rule. But let us be clear on the stakes, my gloriously grown and gorgeous griffon Queen.” He paused long enough to grin toothily, though he also couldn’t resist a slow lick of his snout, leaving me wondering if he was savoring the sight of her or the alliteration of his own turn of phrase. “And they are…?” As always, Moly was unimpressed, duplicating his posture by crossing her forelegs over her chest. The pose was slightly awkward  given she had some trouble not laying them on top of her truly impressive boobs, which by this time each looked large enough to fill an entire tanker truck. Her pose earned a snicker from Vesuvius, causing Moly to flush further. But she didn’t move her arms away. “When I win, you and your entire nation will submit to my rule, and your subjects will likewise submit to the sensual whims of my kindred, whether adult or cub alike,” he said, earning a series of loud cheers from his adolescents and outright roars from the other adult dragons of his clan scattered throughout the city of Arnau, availing themselves of every griffon beak, nest, teat and tail that they could. “Though in truth, it would only be formalizing the arrangement that already exists.” He nodded through the portal at the Hall of Heroes, where griffon cubs and adults alike continued to be claimed and the sensualized statues of heroes past desecrated with coatings of dragon cum one by one, and better yet, the drakes and drakinas had started to make their way into the Chamber of Champions—or excuse me, the Vault of Virility. Availing themselves of griffon and pony sculptures alike—I was pleased to see that they recognized and respected the statue of Fell Flight even as they took great pains to claim the open and offered orifices of Firefly and her sister; no surprise given Fell Flight had helped liberate their lands back in the days of Dragon Lord Diabla—they made just as big a mess of them as they had the main hall sculptures, generally not caring who the targets of their lust were. They had even brought some cubs with them and seemed to be training them in proper oral pleasuring as their parents watched; the two mothers I had noted previously were both present offering encouragement as their offspring were placed on the presented phalluses of the various sculptures, presented with a succession of drake spears and drakina slits in turn.  They loved it, and as I watched, a griffon father was made to sit on the lap of the drake and given his own young daughter to screw. Though shocked, he didn’t resist and neither did she as the drake pushed her down on him; before long both were calling the other’s name. Meanwhile, several adolescents had descended on the classroom I had seen previously and were now having their way with the teacher and students alike; they seemed to particularly favor the Caleponian foals for having larger boobs and more accommodating bodies. Their teacher wasn’t immune either; she was currently impaled on the end of the adult dragon drakehood that was still slipped into the room through a now-widened rift while other dragons helpfully pulled her down on top of it. Regardless, every single cub and foal in that room was being groped, stroked or outright rutted at that point, and not one of them seemed to mind, unable to get enough of dragon spunk or slits. Fertile Fields: Okay, I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I admit I’m having some serious trouble not getting turned on at that whole scene, and it’s bothering me a lot. Hyperdash: I’m with you, AJ. This is just… yeah. I don’t want to be turned on by that! Sugar High: Speak for yourself, Dashie! I LOVE it! Don’t you agree, Rarity? Hyperdash: Huh? No answer? What happened to her? Fertile Fields: Uh, y’all? I just got a text with a picture snapped by her phone lying on her bed. It was pointed up at Rares while she was, well, getting off to whatever was on the tablet she was holding. And whoa nellie, she’s doing her double dongs between her own boobs! Daydream: Oops. I got it too. Damn, girl…  Fluttershine: Oh, my. We all did. And she looks so happy. Hyperdash: Yep, my phone just dinged. Looks like she somehow butt-dialed our group chat—and look at her with both futa cocks out! I’ll tease her something fierce about this later, but in the meantime, you don’t seem too upset at all the cubs, Fluttershy? Fluttershine: Oh. Well, no, not really. I mean, if they enjoyed it and it only happened under magical compulsion, then I don’t see why it’s bad. Especially since they don’t remember it now. And besides, most of my animals start having sex early. So why is it wrong for griffons and ponies? Fertile Fields: Because they ain’t animals, filly. They’re—what’s the word? Say-pee-ant? Ain’t gonna even try to spell it properly. Daydream: Sapient, AJ. In other words, they’re all intelligent and self-aware. That’s my main hang-up, too. Crystal Queen: ACK! My sincerest apologies to all! I did not mean to take that picture or send it to you! And how did that happen just by dropping my phone onto my bed? Fertile Fields: Don’t know, filly, but I don’t mind! Just be glad you sent it to us and not your sister or one of the school groups. Sugar High: Don’t be sorry! I LOVE it! You should take dirty pics of yourself more often! Hyperdash: Welcome back, ‘filly’. Don’t tell me that you were getting off on all that cub stuff! Crystal Queen: It wasn’t that, darling. Or not just that. It was… well, I suddenly imagined it was my younger sister and the rest of the DST being turned into ‘tuck toys’ by the dragons, just as the griffon and pony younglings were. And when I visualized them like that… Fertile Fields: Urk! Now I’m imagining Apple Bloom the same way! Hyperdash: And Scootaloo! Dammit, Rarity, now I’m rock hard and can’t stop fantasizing about her being swept up in all that! It’s a huge turn-on and I don’t even understand why! Sugar High: Don’t fight it, gang! It’s a GREAT fantasy! And just imagine if Middie had opened a portal from the dragon lands into their old HEDGE clubhouse when Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were also there, along with Rumble and Button Mash! And better yet, they’d been watching those hentai I’d been slipping them! Fluttershine: Oh, my. I really like that. Crystal Queen: ACK! Fertile Fields: But… that’s… Hyperdash: NononoNONO! Daydream: Fuuuuu… * * * * * So, yeah. It’s now the wee hours of the morning, as we all got off almost instantly to the fantasy and fell asleep after. You know, for as much as I like these awesome equine cocks of ours, it’s a bit harder to clean up after than when we were just girls. But damn, is the male form of release satisfying… sorry, Rarity. Crystal Queen: Just this once, I won’t hold a vulgar word against you, darling. For I share the same sentiment! Hyperdash: Yeah, it’s fun, even for as much as I hate admitting I got off to the idea of the entire group of them getting it like that. Why is that a turn-on? I don’t get it, but that aside, I really wish we could just get off as girls again. I mean, do we HAVE to go futa every time we get excited, Sunset? Kinda like to at least have a choice in the matter, you know? Daydream: In theory, we don’t have to, given this is a magical transformation. At least for ponies and other Tellusian creatures, they can’t happen if the host rejects it. So with a little practice, we should be able to figure out how to suppress it when we don’t want it. Fertile Fields: Well, reckon we’re gonna be getting plenty of practice for as endlessly horny as we all are! Daydream: Maybe, but do you guys really want to continue this? Tomorrow’s a school day, after all, and we still have that meeting with Celly and Lulu to worry about. Fertile Fields: Honestly? Think I’d rather go in there only after being spent enough so we don’t accidentally pop our collective boners in front of them! Hyperdash: She’s got a good point, gang. I say we take as much of the edge off as we can, first. And that means, more Moly! Sugar High: More Moly! MORE MOLY! Crystal Queen: I believe I must concur. To borrow Rainbow’s and Pinkie’s phrase, more MOLY! Daydream: More Moly it is. I’m not sure it’ll have that effect, but okay… After Vesivius made a sweeping motion with his foreleg to show the various rifts around them, through which adult dragons had turned even griffon cubs into cock sleeves or stuffed them into slits, Moly stood unimpressed. Even in her ascended state, for lack of a better term, she wasn’t as big or powerful-looking as Vesuvius, who stood a full head above her, had male muscles and was far more used to walking upright.  And yet, it was somehow Moly’s presence who loomed largest to me as I heard our two Principals whispering excitedly to each other. They sat back against the couch like they were about to watch a sporting event, with the other students gathering around them to form two bleacher-like rows beside and below them, with one set sitting on the large lounge sofa with them and another sitting at their feet, worshiping their surprisingly toned legs. They even put a bet on the battle not regarding who would win, but how long it would take Moly to put Vesuvius in his place. I didn’t catch the terms, but Luna said five minutes while Celly said three as Dean Caddy’s group joined them, with the Dean herself taking her place between her two peers and suddenly finding herself staring two equine cocks in the face.  She might have made a bet of her own before she found her head pushed down on Luna’s organ, while Celly herself reached down to spread the Dean’s pink lips wide for another student to eat out. They seemed a very happy pile of humanity, I have to say, while even Ms. Cherilee and Zecora along with Big Macintosh had been turned to face the proceedings, with their sweaty bodies now being bathed by various virtual ungulate tongues for their salt. How that worked through magical projection, I wasn’t sure—not a spell I had ever bothered learning as a unicorn. But they couldn’t seem to get enough of it, especially enjoying licking the undersides of boobs and Big Mac’s now-four balls with the second smaller set stacked beneath the first that was slowly growing. And no comments from the peanut gallery this time, AJ, because I don’t want to stop writing to answer it! But Moly was aware of none of it. “Your sexual supremacy over us will change shortly when my subjects rediscover their gryphon pride and honor. Then it is YOUR subjects who will find themselves on the receiving end of this mating madness. For when I win, you will surrender your clan and swear allegiance to the griffon crown! We fight for the right to rut and rule, as you say. But at the same time, I can’t say that I have any particular desire to harm you either, Dragon Lord,” she admitted, looking him over from snout to tail with an air of something more of simply appraising an opponent. “Oh?” He smirked, flaring his wings to their full width, which meant they spanned about a third of the chamber. “Then you do like me.” Her eyes softened, if only briefly. “Indeed. For despite your dishonorable conduct, which I find inexcusable even under the influence of this all-consuming magic, there is no denying you or your clan’s past service to the Kingdom, or the tingling touch of your tongue and talons upon me.” She closed her eyes and spared a few moments to caress herself in full view of him before turning her steely gaze upwards again.  “Few have ever both excited and infuriated me as you, Dragon Lord! So in accordance with our new surroundings and desires, let us make our contest at least in part a sexual one. A mating round with real stakes,” she proposed, causing Vesuvius to perk up. “You have my attention, Queen Molyneux. I’m listening, as is my entire clan,” he told her, rising to his full upright height which was a full head above her, listening closely even as his drakehoods stood rigid and throbbing between them. “Then let them and all present know that our battle shall be a contest of wits and wills as much as battle prowess. We fight to surrender by sensual submission, and thus, the winner is the one who brings the other to rapture first.” “How interesting,” he said as he licked his snout languidly. His eyes visibly traced the outline of her form, his gaze all but devouring her as his drakehoods throbbed and brushed against her bottom set of teats. They left strings of seed streaked upon their surfaces, remaining connected to his cocktips when he moved back fractionally. “And how wonderfully arousing. Your terms are acceptable, Mistress Molyneux. You are truly an eagless after my own draconic heart. Or is it my heart you wish…?” He flexed like a weightlifter and gave a thrust with his hips to display his stature, taking pains to boop her upper boobs again with his twin organs. Fertile Fields: Sorry to pipe up, but even for as fun as this scene sounds, I’m about ready to smack that drake even harder than I did the guy who grabbed Rainbow’s caboose at the pub the other day! Sugar High: Pub? You guys went to a pub and didn’t invite ME? Hyperdash: It was a biker bar, Pinkie. We go there when we’re looking to blow off some steam by getting in a brawl. And AJ cold-cocked him before I could, knocking him out. Fluttershine: Oh, dear. I hope he was okay. Fertile Fields: After he had a pitcher of beer thrown in his face, yeah, though he had to be helped out the door by his friends. Don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I’m thinking that these futahoods are also giving us a lot of extra testosterone, because I’m getting hungry and angry a lot more often lately. Sugar High: Oooo… you mean you’re hangry! There are candy bars for that! Daydream: Maybe, but uh… how can we be hopped up on testosterone when we don’t have balls? Crystal Queen: Crude language aside, you’re right, darling. But something is heightening our emotions and desires. Is it simply more magic? Daydream: I don’t know, Rarity. It’s definitely something more to investigate, though we might get odd looks if we go to the doctor and ask for a testosterone test! “Very well, my enlarged but overconfident Queen. As you are the challenger, you make the first move in our little contest. But know that you have no chance, even though by the grace of our alicorn patron, my flame cannot harm you.” He blew more smoke in her face, causing her cheeks to flush harder. “Dragons train from birth in the battle arts, and I have eight centuries of combat experience behind me, including an actual war.” But Moly only smirked despite her rosy cheeks. “So do griffons, my fertile but foolish Dragon Lord, whether noble or commoner. I could not justly rule my Kingdom unless I could fight. And as war is the defining quality of our race’s history, we are every bit as skilled as yours in it. But a war this is not, and I decline to attack first,” she told him, extending a paw forward to make a slow curling motion with her talons, bidding him to come forth. “As you have come here to usurp my throne, YOU are the challenger, Dragon Lord Vesuvius. Now make your move and be quick about it so I may defeat you swiftly. For once you are vanquished, I intend to commission a mural of my triumph to add to the ceiling art of my throne room.” She nodded up to the top of the vaulted chamber, then stepped back and took a classic upright combat pose I knew earth griffons often used. “So be it,” he said with a lazy and toothy grin. He made a show of stepping back fractionally to study her, making a show of crossing his arms over his chest before raising a single talon to scratch lightly at his snout.  “And when I win, I shall commision my own art showing you reaching rapture as my snout and ‘spears’ reduce you to helpless pleasure. The only question before me now is how shall I best you… I know! My flame cannot harm you, but…” he puffed a massive amount of bluish vapor into her face, instantly blinding and dazing her, causing her to cough lightly as it filled the top half of the chamber with a cobalt-hued haze. She simply blew it away with a single if stilted beat of her stiff wings, causing me and Flutters to inhale a fresh lungful of the aphrodisiac vapors. We started petting and making out even more passionately as we watched, but while her vision was blocked, Vesuvius grabbed Moly’s left foreleg, which was extended in a guard position and yanked her hard, whirling her into an embrace with her back suddenly pressed firmly against his belly, allowing his erect spear to grind hard between her legs. He then held her fast against him with one set of talons while his other found and fondled her topmost set of teats. His squeezes sent milk squirting everywhere including over her watching subjects, causing her to gasp and her legs to buckle. “All too easy,” he rumbled mockingly as she couldn’t break free against his immense adult drake strength. It left her only able to squirm as she felt his talons beginning tracking lower on her belly, towards her wet and dripping slit.  He shortly found it as he first brushed the opening with the backside of his claws before inserting them directly, stimulating her in open view of everyone as his skilled digits pushed her quickly towards orgasm, which all watching could tell she was near by her only half-bit off trills and the flexing of her hind talons as she couldn’t stop him from fondling her teats or stimulating her nest directly. “That’s right, my effortlessly molested monarch. You will swiftly fall to my superior strength and sensual charms, just like your son and daughter. As will all your soon-to-be former subjects, if they haven’t already.” He turned her to face the portal into the streets of Aricia, which showed griffons almost universally being claimed and used by dragons, regardless of their age or gender. “Your Highness!” some of her magus shouted, offering additional magical help, but she shook her head despite the stimulation. “Do not interfere!” her voice boomed through a clenched beak as she struggled to hold off her coming climax. “Fear not, my loyal but lustful subjects. Your aid is unnecessary. I admit that your touch is quite tantalizing, Dragon Lord, but I did not gain the right to rule without being strong of both body and will. It will take far more than THAT to overcome me!” She then used her only free appendage—her tasseled tail—to stimulate him, wrapping it once around the ends of his twin organs and squeezing them—unlike most felines, griffon tails are prehensile, though they don’t often use them like that, considering it slightly vulgar—but a surprised Vesuvius abruptly gaped, suddenly in danger of coming himself. His grip on her slackening, Moly broke free. She did something I didn’t quite catch with her arms and wings that slipped his grip on her and let her slide down swiftly to the floor, where she grabbed his legs from behind and yanked them hard. His underpinnings knocked out and wings not poised for flight, the takedown caused him to fall on his back with a resounding crash that shook the hall and caused some alarming cracks to form in the floor and ceiling. But to my surprise, they swiftly healed themselves, and my reactivated magical awareness told me instantly that it wasn’t Midnight’s doing—it was special spellwork involving a series of powerful infused timepoint incantations seeded throughout the structure, ones that were triggered by damage. They instantly restored the stonework to its previous state and would continue to do so until the massive amount of mana running through the entire structure ran out—now that was a good magical trick! Even Midnight seemed to agree as she visibly blinked hard to feel the magical surge through the structure, and it was then I realized even as I continued to make out with Fluttershy—she couldn’t actually see everything! I wasn’t sure if it was due to inexperience or the limits of her godlike power, but that didn’t matter much to me so much as the now-certainty that she wasn’t omnipotent or all-knowing. Which meant that she could be beaten! I abruptly froze in Fluttershy’s embrace, fearful that Middie would read my thoughts, but this time, she didn’t turn towards me, still staring transfixed at the scene. “Incredible…” she said softly as the two titans began to grapple for both physical and sexual dominance with neither gaining an immediate advantage, and for the first time, she sounded outright troubled. “Yet again, a major magical nexus was hidden from me.” The High Priestess quickly noted her disconcertment, watching the barely-begun battle with Fortrakt atop her lap, who was now stroking himself to the sight of his Queen engaged in… well, not mortal combat, but the mating kind?  “Do not take it badly, young goddess. The griffons have had countless centuries to perfect their spellcraft, and many potent enemies—including dragons in far less pleasant times—who helped hone it,” she noted. “I, too, use such tricks in my citadel, which I invite you to visit so we may explore the nether—and all the infinite possibilities of existence—together.” Midnight gave a bow of her head. “I will gladly take you up on that offer, High Priestess. But first, let us see what other surprises this resourceful race and ruler may hold…” They found out quickly as Moly rolled up on a surprised and still off-balance Vesuvius like an MMA fighter as they both lay on the ground, trying to apply various chokes and submission holds after discovering that she couldn’t cut him with her talons any more than he could her. I wasn’t sure if that was because of Middie’s magic or just because dragons had notoriously tough hides, but either way, that reduced the duel to a cage grappling match where power wasn’t as important as position and technique—both of which Moly knew well, almost completely neutralizing the Dragon Lord’s greater strength and weight. Despite their inability to directly wound each other, it appeared they could still be stunned by a hard hit, which both soon suffered. Vesuvius took one first when they took to the air briefly after he finally threw off Moly, gaining some space by slipping a hand in to grope her mammaries. Several sharp and repeated tweaks of her quartet of enormous eagless teats caused her to squawk and her grip on him to slacken, allowing him to push off from the ground with both his feet and powerful tail to launch her into the air. “A good trick,” Celestia approved as she continued to hold Caddy’s head down on Luna’s equine organ with the rest of her shaft and grapefruit-sized alabaster balls bathed by student tongues. “He’s already learned where and how to attack her. We already knew Moly’s nipples were her weak spot, as is groping her beneath her clothes. But if repeatedly flicking her tits does that to her? Then we just might have to try it ourselves on Headmistress Molyneux later, sister.” “As you say.” Luna was leaning forward hard to watch the scene unfold over a smaller male student she had hilted herself within, now sitting on her lap; I didn’t see when they switched, but Caddy was now firmly planted on Celly’s cock as multiple sets of hands roved over her. As for Luna, she was cupping the student’s balls with one hand and rubbing a nipple with another as he took a selfie of himself, holding up his phone with one hand and two fingers in a V-shape with the other while grinning giddily and saying he was going to post it to his ChitChat account that night. Fertile Fields: By my Granny’s extra hot chili peppers… that image is almost as hot as Big Mac being bathed by all those impala tongues! Uh, Sunset? Is it okay to ask who that was on Lulu’s lap? Daydream: Sure, but you’d never believe it. It was Double Dribble. Hyperdash: Double-D? THAT twerp? The smallest player on the varsity basketball team? He’s a senior, yet the DST are all taller than him! Fertile Fields: Yeah, and reckon he’s so small and quick he keeps kicking your rear every time you two play! He also seems really popular with the upperclass girls—never got the sense he was gay! Crystal Queen: Indeed he is. And as I have heard the other girls refer to his anatomy as a ‘kickstand’ in the locker rooms before and after gym class, I believe I know why! Since I couldn’t see him from the dragon side of the portal, was he as well-endowed as they claimed, Sunset? Daydream: Put it this way, filly—by that point, he was big enough to self-fellatiate and Luna later made him do it! Fluttershine: Oh, my… I like that. But by now, I’ve done it too. Hyperdash: Rub it in again how big you are, why don’t you… Fertile Fields: Jealous, Rainbow? Reckon she’s our favorite Futashy for a reason! Fluttershine: Thank you, Applejack. I really like being called that. Though surprised and sorely distracted, Moly just caught herself with her splayed wings from being slammed into the ceiling, and then head-butted him when he went after her, causing him to gape and go cross-eyed as his bell was rung. She then threw him back down to the floor with an impact that I swear registered a four on the Richter Scale, causing a series of ring cracks in the stone surface to form around them, though once again they magically self-healed themselves swiftly. Ignoring the rapidly repaired damage to her throne room, Moly then mounted him from above and pinned him with her weight in the center of the room where everycreature could see her. “SUBMIT!” she ordered him imperiously, her talons poised at his wingbase, massaging them even as she hotdogged his twin organs along the length of her slit. She squeezed them together with her tail and stroked them to ensure they were both stimulated at once, causing Vesuvius to hiss hard and his hips to repeatedly buck as he started spurting clear fluid with every half-thrust, threatening to erupt into orgasm at any time. “No!” he shouted, trying to go for her teats again, but this time Moly didn’t let him, lowering herself to lock her beak with his snout, the aggressive kiss causing his talons to go slack.  They then began making out passionately even as they continued to fight. “You’ve lost, defrocked Dragon Lord! Now surrender your clan to spare yourself further humiliation! Do so and I will allow you to take my nest right here and now. Do so immediately and I MIGHT even allow you to occasionally take my tail!” she then suggested with an evil gleam, positioning the tips of his twin organs against the anal opening without allowing them to enter.  “On the condition, that is, that your OWN tail be taken by those griffons I may reward by casting this same spell on them!” she added evilly with a nod over at her Praetorian soldiers, several of whom stepped forward, hoping they would get to be next. “‘Tis the least you deserve after turning my cubs into your concubines!” she finished as she gave them both a glance to see that they were now locked in an erotic embrace and staring up at her in awe, with Marcus having filled Malia’s nest with both his newly imparted drakehoods. Vesuvius shuddered at the idea of it and nearly came on the spot, but then he shook his head hard. “Never!” he finally shouted back as he struggled beneath her, fire leaking around the edges of his teeth from what I could only guess was heavy breathing and the pure passion he felt. “They—and you—are mine and my clan’s by right! And though you have knocked me down, I am far from beaten!” This time, he forcibly kissed her to exhale all his smoke directly into her lungs, staggering her with the sheer amount of draconic aphrodisiacs and pheromones it contained. Dazed and almost overwhelmed by the newly heightened desires they imparted, she coughed once and went cross-eyed as her wings went so taut I could hear her feathers and muscles stretching to their limits, which meant that they were now supremely sensitive. He immediately attacked them with his talons, running his digits through her feathers—something no griffon would ever allow outside of mating given they’re an intimate area, by the way—before settling his talons on her sides to bodily pick her up off him enough to position her nest over his spears, which were still held together by her rigid tail.  It worked against her as she went limp to feel the intimate contact on top of being force-fed even more fertility magic, and this time, I think it was more the Dragon Lord’s breath than Middie’s mating aura that was doing the trick as he got the first few feet of them into her before she stiffened again and tried to pull back, pushing off the floor with her hind legs. But Vesuvius didn’t let her, now holding her down by the shoulders, which, if I haven’t already mentioned it repeatedly, are yet another erogenous zone for griffies given they’re associated with the flight muscles.  Hyperdash: Geez, is any part of a griffie not a sensitive spot? Not that I mind, if it’s what makes featherbrain Gilda so fun and easy to fuck! Crystal Queen: Gah! RAINBOW! Hyperdash: What? I was going for alliteration like Ms. Cherilee always teaches us in creative writing! And I’m sorry if I’m supposed to be using Tellusian terms, but I don’t consider ‘tuck’ to be a valid term, girlfriend! Not when we’ve got a far better one here! Crystal Queen: Far worse, you mean! Never use that word in my presence, even online! It is vulgar beyond belief! Hyperdash: Oh, really? THIS from the girl who enjoys sending us dick pics? Crystal Queen: That was an ACCIDENT! But your use of profanity was deliberate! Sugar High: Oh, get a room, you two! And then send us more dick pics after! I’d LOVE to see Dashie with both of Rarity’s dicks up her rear! Crystal Queen: GAH! NOT interested! Hyperdash: UGH! I’d sooner let GILDA be on top! “I am impressed, Queen Molyneux. Never have I been so closely challenged since becoming Dragon Lord! Never have I ever felt such passion and pleasure from sheer battle since ascending from adolescent to adult, nor did I think it could happen with anycreature other than an adult drakina in heat!” he admitted to her, then grabbed her upper body with his tail to hold her in place while he executed a perfect forward roll to place her on her back before him, reversing their earlier positions. “Nor have I…” Moly granted through a gritted beak even as she tried desperately to keep him out of her. “None of my innumerable mating rounds with King Caeruleo were ever this enjoyable! Which is not to say that I regret our time together. It may interest you to know that even before his untimely death, he enjoyed my teats as much as you, Dragon Lord,” she informed him even as she fought with him “Did he, now?” Vesuvius asked almost idly with a smirk as they continued to struggle. “I do not blame him at all for that, given there is so deliciously much of them to enjoy.” He emphasized his words by allowing one of his drakehoods to slip between her lower set while the other at least briefly found her clit while attempting to enter her nest, flicking it hard enough to elicit an audible squawk. Despite that, Moly kept trying to ward him off, raising her legs to push him back. “You’re welcome. In truth, I took some enhancement potions to excess in my youth in order to fulfill the King’s fantasies. It’s probably in part why they got so big now. To feel your talons upon them again is to feel HIS! To remember the love we shared…” She briefly bowed her head and looked away.  “I see…” His tone suddenly serious and even approaching solemn, he gave her what seemed to be a far more affectionate lick of the cheek as they both briefly paused their battle. “Then you have loved and lost, just like me. You are indeed a worthy ruler, Queen Molyneux. But as only one of us can win this duel, your reign ends here. Your body and your Kingdom will fall to me this day, but you really shouldn’t see it as a defeat.” He leaned over her to stick his snout in her beak again, kissing and caressing her face with his tongue as he used his foretalons to spread her legs wider. Moly didn’t resist, either because she was lost in memories or because Vesuvius was breathing more smoke directly into her system to weaken her will further. “It is simply the natural order and the dominance of the dragon race you now acknowledge. And if it is attention to your teats you wish, know that I will give you all you could ever desire…”  He punctuated his words by reaching up with his long thumb talons to run them gently over the outer curves of her lower breasts. They then caught on the no-longer-nubs of her erect teats—I swear that they must have been at least three feet long and over half that wide by then—and he flicked them hard, causing her to cry out and one of his organs to gain entry to her nest. But before he could sink it deeper, Moly took advantage of him shifting his grip to grope her by moving her powerful hindquarters up to her chest and blasting him backwards—I don’t know this for sure, but I think she deliberately baited him into going for her teats again so she could do it! —using him for leverage to flip herself upright at the same time, landing on all fours with another resounding rumble that shook the hall. “Though I’m sure you would, and I find the touch of your talons against them delectable, I do NOT acknowledge such a natural order exists, Dragon Lord. For you should know better than anycreature that the gryphon race has fought and triumphed over Dragons in the past!” she told him, trembling slightly with a steady stream of nectar running down her inner legs. “Yes. With the aid of my clan. With the aid of me,” Vesuvius reminded her as he pulled himself back up. They then started to circle each other on all fours along in the elevated inner ring of the chamber, which actually did serve as a fighting ring for entertainment spars and declared duels before the Queen. They did so at a crouch low enough that the Queen’s teats and the Dragon Lord’s drakehoods were scraping the smooth floor, leaving slickened trails behind them of hot milk and steaming seed. “You could not have defeated Dragon Lord Diabla without us.” “And had it not been for us, you would have been conquered by Diabla and seen all your adults slain, then stripped of your lands and hoards to ensure your adolescents could not ascend! Your clan would have been reduced to little more than slaves—IF she allowed you to live at all!” she reminded him in turn as the pair continued to search for an opening, their eyes glittering with both battle lust and the more conventional kind. “You say we owe you a debt? I say that debt is paid simply by the fact that you are here attempting to collect it!” “Say whatever you wish. Diabla wanted vengeance on all clans and races who aided Equestria, true enough,” Vesuvius acknowledged, his eyes narrowing in anger and hatred for a moment—not directed at Moly, I hasten to add. I could tell because he didn’t look at her just then, but rather, a mural on the wall that showed the moment of Diabla’s defeat.  “And on the Kingdom for inviting her father to fight a war he was killed in, then turning on her clan after his death. Need I remind you that I was there, young Queen? And that it was your race who set these events in motion out of an irrational fear of the pony Princesses?” he told her pointedly, and I found myself nodding in agreement for a moment from Fluttershy’s embrace, knowing as much Tellusian history as I did.  Fertile Fields. Okay, now. Ain’t never cared much for history class, but I’m starting to get real curious about all this! Hyperdash: Yeah, I admit this is actually kinda interesting—always liked learning about old wars and especially air battles. Can we hear more about this later, Sunset? Daydream. Wow. Sure, guys! It’s quite a story, actually. If you like, I could ask Princess Twilight to send over some reading material, like Captain Firefly’s war memoirs. Hyperdash: Ugh. Reading! Unless it’s the latest Daring Do adventure, I ain’t interested. Daydream: You might make an exception for this one, Rainbow. Trust me—even I was enrapt when Princess Celestia made me read it, and I wasn’t exactly easy to impress back then! In fact, you should read it too, AJ. Then you’ll find out what kind of a pony Fell Flight was and why I like her so much. Fertile Fields: That so? Always like a good yarn about interesting people. In that case, you got yourself a deal, filly. I have to say, even Midnight looked fascinated to hear the discussion unfold; I sensed her looking into the singularity again to get information on what they were discussing.  Whatever she beheld made her recoil, and this time, I was pretty sure she was seeing the awful truth of it given she had no preconceived notions to influence it. Now far more subdued, her mating aura seemed to weaken for a moment as the two combatants continued to discuss that old time and conflict, even as their bodies remained as aroused as ever—Middie’s mating aura may have ebbed, but at this point, their bout was probably to keep them excited and close to orgasm.And in any event, we were so charged up with magic that I don’t think any of us noticed it slacken. “I make no excuses for the actions of the Gryphon Empire, Dragon Lord,” Moly told him angrily. “I also make no apologies, except to the ponies. It was a different time and place, where we faced existential threats from three sides, requiring constant vigilance and a military meritocracy to survive. But those dark days of being an imperial power are long past, and I do not need a history lesson from YOU!”  But Vesuvius wasn’t done using it as a potential will-weakening weapon against her. “Then you’ll recall without being reminded how your nation plunged the entire world into war, and for what? A simple envy of pony supremacy? A jealousy that manifested itself into an all-consuming desire for conquest of Equestria and Celestia, so that you could rule the heavens in her stead?” he needled her to a clenched beak, but then grinned.  “And as for not wishing to repeat it, I daresay it is that same envy that motivates you now. Envy of a more powerful and virile race who has what you very much want.” He stretched out his hindquarters to show off his twin erections again, watching carefully as Moly’s eyes flicked to them and her nest gave a sudden squirt that accidentally hit her offspring again, coating her two cubs with her erotic essence which they then rubbed into each other’s wings and bodies like preening oils. “But in this case, I am willing to let you and all griffons have it willingly. Simply surrender your Kingdom to myself and my clan, and we will treat you as treasure, rutting you as zealously as we guard our hoards. Do so, and know our love and protection. Do so, and know that you and your Caleponian friends will prosper and experience ecstasy as never before…” He dropped his already deep voice another octave, becoming so low that I could feel it in my bones. “Do so, and your entire race will know rapture like you have never thought existed.” “Ancestors…” I heard one of the Queen’s male magus call out as Moly herself gave a visible shiver which seemed to start at her suddenly winking nest and travel as a ripple up her spine.  Despite that and her suddenly and sorely tempted court, many of whom were looking with equal envy at the Dragon Lord’s drakehoods as Moly struggled to retain her composure, Moly shook her head. “And do you really think I would agree to that, daft Dragon Lord?” she asked him haughtily to cover wherever her mind had just gone, to which he gave a toothy grin.  “No, Queen Molyneux. I expect that you won’t. For despite your obvious and increasingly desperate desires, your griffon pride gets in the way. So I’ll simply have to win this duel first so all griffons see their ruler fall, rutted and in helpless rapture before them. An outcome I think you secretly wish for as well.” He made a groping motion with his nearest set of talons at her boobs, then made with his tail like he was drawing it upwards across her slit. Fertile Fields: At this point, I reckon I wish for it as well! I take it all back—this drake is real silken with his tongue. And I remember now that I could tell he wasn’t lying! He really did want Moly bad! Daydream: He knew full well that the griffies are into contests of not just strength and skill, but wit and will. In griffon society, you’re expected to give as good as you get, whether in a fight or just exchanging insults. He had to have known that from his time with them, so he was actually engaging her on griffon terms. Fertile Fields: Oh, really? Reckon the griffies are my kind of people, then! Because I’m good at both! Crystal Queen: On that basis, he is certainly a charmer, darling, with an impressive wit that matches his great size. He is definitely not as uncouth or uncultured as I first pegged him. Hyperdash: Great size? You talking about how big his body is, or his cocks? Crystal Queen: Either works for me! And for Queen Molyneux, by the sound of it… “What I wish for, Vesuvius, is for my cubs and subjects to witness your defeat, at which point our ‘griffon pride’ will become dominant over dragons, and it is YOUR clan that will be conquered! Now let us continue our little match…” Moly lowered her head and pounced like the tiger her hindquarters looked like, to which Vesuvius met her charge head on.  Once again, they grappled like a pair of MMA fighters—and I wish you could remember enough to describe this, Rainbow, since I’m not good at detailing blows, holds or locks myself—trying to put the other on their back or otherwise in a disadvantaged position, constantly shifting and scrambling to hold the other off.  It wasn’t just wrestling, either. They exchanged the occasional direct strike to the stomach or snout, though I couldn’t help but note that both were avoiding attacking the other’s intimate attributes—probably because they didn’t want the other hurt there, given they planned to avail themselves of erotic areas later. Then again, I wasn’t even sure they could hurt each other like that as Midnight shook off whatever she’d seen in the singularity of the great pony/griffon war, her mating aura quickly reasserting itself.  I didn’t quite catch what happened—learning physical combat was never a priority of mine, only magical back in Equestria—but Moly suddenly got inside his guard. She twisted his arm up and around before performing a midair flip with her on her back, slamming him onto the ground hard enough that the flame-laden breath was driven from his lungs and the floor nearly collapsed into rubbled beneath them. Obtaining a dominant position on the stunned Dragon Lord, Moly rolled backwards over him so she was straddling his face, letting him see and smell her nectar-laden nest. She managed to freeze him in position with not just that, but her tail wrapped around both sets of his talons, holding them away from her with surprising solidity where he couldn’t attack her vulnerable but very sensual wingbase and flight muscles. She then proceeded to start stroking his visibly throbbing and shortly spurting twin organs with her talons, letting them rub against her pillowy milk-laden mammaries which wobbled hard with every movement the pair made. “So what was that you were saying about seeing me fall and in helpless rapture before you, great and mighty Dragon Lord?” Moly mocked him, to which Celly and Lula exchanged a high-five as the Queen wriggled her rear in his face. “By all means, orally pleasure me if you like. It will not overcome me, but given your love for my nectar, it will make an excellent means to sap your will and induce your submission as I force you to reach rapture first.”  She followed up her words by grinding her slit into his snout before his wide eyes and then reached down beneath his deployed drakehoods to probe his lower draconic slit—yes, male dragons have two of them, and kindly don’t ask me how I know, Rainbow. She soon found his backdoor and slid in an entire talon, causing his hips to buck and dual drakehoods to engorge further, suddenly leaving him on the verge of orgasm in her place. But mustering all his will, he just held himself back as his hind claws scrabbled for some form of purchase on the newly smooth stone floor, which was now magically mended again and quite wet with their mutual fluids. And then abruptly, he laughed. “Oral pleasure? An excellent idea, my lovely Molyneux. But also a foolish mistake,” he rumbled in a slightly muffled voice from beneath her, then proceeded to give her what she had suggested, causing Moly to gasp and trill in surprise as the double-forked appendage began darting through her nether regions. His efforts were aided directly by the burst of smoke he pumped into her, causing her talons and tail to fall slack, releasing his talons and twin towers. “That’s right, my incomparable but inexperienced Queen. It would seem you underestimated the ecstasy that my forked tongue and the heat of my breath may give. For our smoke does not have to be inhaled to be effective. Its mere touch is enough to boost passion and pleasure—especially when administered directly to your eagless anatomy!” he boasted as his newly released talons then settled happily on her boobs from behind and began working them to his heart’s content, rubbing her teats between his foretalons. “Ah… such a delectable taste of inferno fruit and honey you have. I daresay none of my kindred will be able to resist its flavor as I give you over to the adults of my clan first,” he suggested idly to the cheering roars of the score or more of adult dragons that were now scattered throughout the griffon capital city, with the drakes often taking pains to coat the largest gryphon statues and sculptures in truly prodigious amounts of cum along with all the griffies and Caleponians around they could. “They have seniority over our adolescents, after all, but don’t worry—they’ll get you too, after you revert to your normal size. I cannot wait to see all their talons upon you, turning your queenly body into their sensual toy…”  > 19: Enter the Griffons, Part 6 - v2.1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the battle progressed, and not in her favor, Moly seemed speechless, her beak open and tongue hanging out as she panted lightly to feel the talons of the Dragon Lord fixed firmly on her flanks. They spread her cheeks and feminine lips wide to allow his snout and tongue to reach deep within her, eating her out with abandon as he continued to taunt and tease her. “Ah… such a delectable taste of inferno fruit and honey you have, Queen Molyneux. I daresay none of my kindred will be able to resist its flavor as I give you over to the adults of my clan for the first round,” Dragon Lord Vesuvius suggested idly to the cheering roars of the score or more of adult dragons that were now roosting throughout Arnau. The drakes were taking pains to coat the largest gryphon sculptures in truly prodigious amounts of spunk along with all the griffons and Caleponians they could, while the drakinas were alternately availing themselves of the many very well-endowed tiercel statues scattered throughout the city, filling their slits and sphincters with incredibly detailed spears meticulously carved from enchanted onyx. But regular-sized griffons and Caleponians got their attention, too, with at least one adult female allowing a line of eager foals and cubs to enter and explore her, while still others sampled as many mares and eaglesses as they could, using their dextrous tongues to squeeze mammaries in order to squirt milk into their open maws. “They outrank our adolescents, after all, but don’t worry. They’ll get you too—after you revert to your normal size, that is. I cannot wait to see all their talons upon you, turning your queenly body into their sexual toy…” he told her as it was once again Moly struggling to hold out against a sensual assault she couldn’t readily resist, as Vesuvius now had his talons and tongue dug firmly into her while she could only just lie there and take it. Fertile Fields: Whewie! I’ve got my window open to let the cool night air come in, but I’m still fanning my sweaty face with my Stetson right now! Sorry to interrupt, but got a question, Sunset—who are these ‘Caleponians’ you keep mentioning? Why are ponies living in the Kingdom? Maybe you explained earlier in the story, but danged if I can’t recall. Daydream: No problem, AJ. They’re descended from earth ponies who settled in the Kingdom following the end of the great Pony/Griffon war and overthrow of the Gryphon Empire some seven hundred years ago. The griffons have always had trouble growing food due to no innate ability and a harsher climate. So, as a token of good faith in the armistice agreement that ended the war, Princess Celestia asked for volunteers to live in the Kingdom to help keep the griffies fed and remove one of their reasons for being an imperial power. Fluttershine: Oh. That was nice of her. And them. Daydream: You have no idea, given the destruction that war wreaked on Equestria. Whatever incentives Celly offered, several thousand Shetlandian ponies accepted and moved there. They’re now nearly half a million strong, and the backbone of the Kingdom’s agriculture. Crystal Queen: My! They bred like Fluttershy’s bunnies! Daydream: Well, both sides did after the war to make up for the losses they suffered. Over time, the Caleponians developed hardier bodies and a separate culture to live in the Kingdom, but they’re still ponies, if arguably a new race of them. They’re treated as regular griffon subjects once they fulfill a six-year term of service to the Kingdom in adulthood. During that term, they either serve as soldiers or farm for griffon landowners, granted land of their own and full citizenship after. Fertile Fields. Oh, okay. Not a bad deal. That’s all I wanted to know! Back to the action, then! Daydream: You got it! Despite his best erotic efforts, his words seemed to only refocus Moly and let her rediscover her clarity of purpose. “By the blood of my line… My Queenly body does NOT belong to them or you! Only my late husband or my long-dead father, the great King Malachi, may order me to surrender myself to him!” she said even as she squirmed against him, only to blink as if she couldn’t believe she’d just said that. Judging by Midnight’s smirk, what the Queen said was once again something borrowed from the alternate reality that Middie had imposed on them, especially when a new image materialized on the wall of the chamber showing a teenage Moly being rutted directly by her sire as he sat on his throne, openly molesting and mating her before his rapt court. Moly herself could only gape at it; I think she was experiencing a strong sense of deja vu at that moment to see it, finding herself with memories that didn’t belong to her, but a counterpart self. But Vesuvius didn’t notice or care. “Ah yes. Those accursed griffon Ancestors you so revere again…” he said in some mild disgust even as he intensified his oral efforts against her. His long snout was now buried halfway in her snatch; I could only imagine that his forked tongue was so deep in her that it was rooting around her womb. “Enough of this! Just as with your cubs, I will replace their primacy with me and my dragon clan! Now it is past time you surrender, my surprisingly skilled and sensuous future satrap. Or do I have to turn my oral attention to your tail as well?” As he spoke, he shifted his darting tongue up to her other orifice, causing her to squawk and several of her watching guards and magus to climax on the spot to see the erotic intrusion in such enormous and exquisite detail. At least one of the latter cast what I sensed was a sensitivity spell on the entire area of Moly’s anal opening that elicited a squawk, but he apparently did so involuntarily given his startled reaction. Turning, I saw that he didn’t have a stave, nor was he touching those belonging to the statues of Kingdom rulers past. But it was his erect griffon spear that was aglow, acting in place of his original but now-incinerated staff. Seeing his feat, every other tiercel magus in the room immediately spread their legs and sat back to expose their spears, wanting to see if they, too, could cast through their phalluses. They quickly discovered that they could, if somewhat clumsily, and that their organs began acting almost of their own accord in that they sometimes targeted other griffons and cast without conscious thought. Either deliberately or by compulsion, they immediately began focusing more magic on not just Queen Molyneux and the Dragon Lord, but each other. It began as one Magus involuntarily aimed his spear at a rather large eagless, zapping her with magic that caused her to immediately grow her own spear and sac. Though delighted by the feat, he seemed to be given pause when that eagless then turned on him and pounced with a lustful growl, using the new male mating drive she’d also been imparted to throw him down on his back and take him in the tail. She rutted him mercilessly as his still glowing spear continued to fire spells in every direction, including to make her bigger and stronger, both in body and stature. Before long, every eagless short of Moly herself had gained one, and they weren’t always griffon ones, with the mages imparting everything from equine organs to wolf knots and dragon drakehoods. Nor were they only in obvious locations; a few of the more adventurous or kinky mages turned tailtips and tongues into spears by accident or design as well, some using the former to pleasure their own nests and tails. Once the eagless mages gained phalluses, they, too, gained the ability to remotely cast without a staff. In their case, however, they retaliated by giving some of the males nests or teats, with one particularly powerful Magus inducing two burly tiercels to rub their new mammaries together as they took turns taking each other’s new eagless anatomy not with their regular spears, but with newly imparted Timberwolf tail cocks. Fertile Fields: Oh. Maybe that explains why I ended up with a canine knot! Hyperdash: And I got a griffie bulb, though I think I know who to blame for that! Can’t wait to stick it in you, AJ. And then get stuck to you! Fertile Fields: Oh yeah? Not before I tie your tail first, Rainbow! Hyperdash: Is that so? Let’s arm wrestle to see who tops first! Or better yet, let’s wrestle for real! Fertile Fields: Oh, so you wanna go at it like a griffie mating round? Sure, I’m game! Winner’s on top! Sugar High: Oh! OH! Just be sure to stream it on BoobTube for us! Wanna watch them, Rarity? We could share the video with Ember and the drakes later! THAT should give them some ideas! Crystal Queen: AAAAAAACK! Daydream: … and her myPhone just snapped another picture of herself fainted and naked, looking right up her legs. Wow, look how perfectly clean shaven she is. Hyperdash: Whoa. That pic belongs on a hentai site with her dicks hanging over her belly like that! Hey, ever thought of shaving your pussy like her, AJ? Sugar High: Oh! You totally should! Fertile Fields: Not a chance, Pinkie! I like my blonde muff, thank you very much, and I know you do too, Rainbow! Hyperdash: Yeah, but I shaved mine because I got sick of Trixie and her bandmates teasing me in the showers after gym class! There are times it really doesn’t help for the carpet to match the drapes. So how about you, Sunny-D? Would you shave? Daydream: Nah. I’m with AJ on this one. I like my look, which includes some fiery fur down there that matches my mane. And before Pinkie asks, I think I’ll pass on watching you guys go at it. I need to research the futa effect with Fluttershy after class tomorrow to see if we can suppress it when we don’t want it—if Celly and Lulu let us after our little talk tomorrow, that is. What about you and shaving, Fluttershy? Fluttershine: Oh. Um, I wouldn’t want to shave, either. I mean, all my animals have fur, so I’d like to have fur too, even if it’s just down there. And I also kind of like seeing it on other girls and hairy chests on guys. It, um… turns me on. Fertile Fields: Well, reckon that’s an honest answer! And it’d be a lie to say that seeing Rarity like that ain’t a turn on either, muff or no. Dang, girl. The sight of that makes me wanna eat you out! Hyperdash: HEY! Crystal Queen: Well! Mortified though I am to have once again accidentally snapped what amounts to a SolelySupporters picture, I will take that as a compliment, Jackie! Fertile Fields: I’m joking, Rainbow. Mostly. And you’re welcome, Sugarcube. But call me that again, and we’ll be snapping pics of my cock taking your tail! Sugar High: OH! I am SO there! Crystal Queen: Well, I am most certainly NOT! Only my darling drakes may do that! Daydream: Yeah. I think it’s best to just move on… I don’t think all the activity and erotic discoveries in the chamber were lost on Moly, who I knew from long and bitter experience noticed everything that happened around her. But there was little she could do about it with Vesuvius eating her out with abandon, his talons fixed on her hips to hold her in place though his digits occasionally found and fondled her belly boobs, too. But another lesson I learned about her long ago was that Moly was never at a loss for long. “Your forked tongue feels both dexterous and delicious, and for as pleasurable as it is, I might yet consent to its presence within me, Dragon Lord. But you are not the only one skilled in the erotic arts! I have had more than my share of sex over the years with the King and even a few others in my youth, so experience the irresistible oral ability of a Gryphon Queen!” Not waiting for a reply, she curled her feline spine over enough to take the first of his phalluses in her beak. Before he could even register what was happening, she immediately began bobbing up and down on it, eliciting a startled gasp and involuntary thrust of the dragon Lord’s hips. Before long, I could hear her grinding its sensitive head against the slightly ridged inside of its hard upper surfaces, before engulfing enough of it that she visibly massaged it with her muscles further back. And this time, it was Vesuvius who gaped and groaned, his hips bucking hard enough that his tongue slipped out of her. She immediately pressed his advantage, showing that she could take his entire length. And then to prove it wasn’t just a fluke, she took his second drakehood in her beak at the same time, deep throating them both! Sugar High: WOW! She’s that good at oral? Moly’s a girl after my own heart! Fertile Fields: Yeah, that griffon gal’s got some serious talent. And balls, if you’ll pardon the term, Rarity. If that’s how the human Moly is, then don’t think I would have minded one bit going to Kingdom Academy! Crystal Queen: Quite all right, darling. She’s clearly beating him at his own game, which I can certainly respect! And after hearing this story, I want to meet Headmistress Molyneux now more than ever! Hyperdash: Yeah? Why? So you can see if she’s as good at oral as the griffie one? Crystal Queen: RAINBOW! … Well, in truthfulness, I doubt it, given she has neither a griffon beak nor a dragon snout and tongue. Sugar High: You don’t need those to give good oral! Just ask Triton and Chest Candy! Or better yet, I’ll ask them to show you! Once they learn you have two dicks, I’m sure they’d LOVE to both go down on you at once! Fluttershine: Um, everyone? I think Rarity just fainted and accidentally took a picture of herself again. Daydream: Wow. With her phone lying on her belly button propped up between her dicks, staring at the underside of her boobs… “Enjoying yourself, Dragon Lord?” Moly asked around her beakful, and I swear that this time, she was fully and unreservedly enjoying the act for the dominance over him it gave her, pinning him beneath both the weight of her enormous body and the pressure of the unbearable pleasure she was giving him. “The end of our contest is nigh, and thus it is the dragons that fall to the griffons! As you can see, my subjects are already taking heart from their Queen’s example. They are turning on your clan and sexually subjugating them!” She paused long enough to nod towards the various portals. Through them, I could see the previously submissive griffons suddenly reverse roles with the dragons who had been groping and using them to their heart’s content, ganging up on them and throwing them to the ground to start claiming their snouts, nests and tails in turn. Even the cubs and foals got involved as I saw a classroom full of them pile on a group of invading adolescent drakes. They pinned them with their weight so they could ride them from above along with taking them in the tail, while griffon magus outside the palace who still had their staves suddenly created facsimiles of giant phallus-tipped tentacles to both restrain and fill adult dragon orifices with, turning them into enormous and sorely-pleasured tuck toys for the erotic entertainment of all. But it was a short-lived reversal as Vesuvius gave a feral growl. “By my order and superior strength, they will not!” As he spoke, the Dragon Lord’s long reptilian tail wrapped around Moly’s neck and peeled her off him, flinging her hard into the far wall. She hit it with another resounding BOOM that caused fresh cracks to form before they were once again self-sealed; even small flakes of dust that had been knocked free from the ceiling suddenly returned to their original place, restoring the surface to its original pristine state. But Vesuvius didn’t care about that so much as the enticing and infuriating Queen Molyneux he was having so much trouble subduing. Rising quickly, he rolled backwards to bring himself upright and then took a single bounding leap from all fours to slam her hard against the wall before she could recover, pinning her against it with his great weight. Once again, it cracked and flaked in a few places but repaired itself quickly, becoming smooth and seamless, seemingly supporting their combined weight with ease. “ENOUGH! I admit, I am surprised by your strength and skill, my resourceful Queen, both in the fighting and sensual arts. I now recall readily from my long-ago adolescence that earth griffons like you were very powerful and not to be trifled with, in either spars or sex,” he told her, starting to feel her up again from behind while holding her foretalons fast above her. He wrapped the end of his long tail around them to both deny her the ability to protect herself and hold her off the floor, preventing her from gaining enough traction to push off or otherwise retaliate. That left her boobs and wingbase wide open to him, and he availed himself of them quite happily as he both felt and heard her reaction, from the trembling of her fondled flight muscles to the trills escaping her throat as her teats were repeatedly tweaked. Despite that, Moly still summoned up some attitude. “In sex? Then am I to understand that this is NOT the first time you have taken uninvited liberties with a griffon, you dishonorable drake?” she inquired acidly, or tried to given the pleasure she was feeling leaked into her voice as it repeatedly quavered. “Uninvited? Hardly.” He nibbled hard at the nape of her neck, using his tail to raise her up higher into the air—yes, they’re that strong before anyone asks—positioning her before his twin phalluses. They were throbbing and drooling even harder than they were before, no doubt at the resistance he had met. “I will have you know that my one and only previous griffon partner was one of your finest warriors of the age and an eagless of noble lineage—the great Tribune Galena Gladius. We fought at each other’s side against the forces of Dragon Lord Diabla for months, and perhaps inevitably became lovers. Our mating rounds were as epic as our subsequent ecstasy, and for the rest of our tragically short time together, I loved her more than life itself…” For the first time, he got emotional as the name immediately grabbed Moly’s attention, judging by the way her head shot up. And before anyone asks, the name is only dimly familiar to me, sorry. She might have been one of many griffon war heroes from that era, which you’ll understand that I really wasn’t interested in learning about back then. Fertile Fields: No need to apologize, filly. Reckon I felt the same way when Granny tried to tell us about another branch of our family who not only stayed in Russia but fought in the Battle of Stalingrad! Then when I found what they actually did… yeah, I ended up apologizing to her. And studying up on it. Hyperdash: Whoa. You’re part Russian, AJ? I didn’t know that! Sugar High: And your family fought at Stalingrad? COOL! I love watching Enemy at the Gates! We’ll have to set you up with a proper sniper rifle next time we go shooting! Fertile Fields: Uh… thanks, Pinkie, but I’m partial to my Bushmistress rifle, thank you very much! Well, my side of the family immigrated in the late 1800s to Tennessee, but the rest stayed behind in Russia and are still there to this day. I plan to visit them someday… guess I’ll have to learn a little of the language, though! Uh, are there any Russians across the portal, Sunny-D? Daydream: In a manner of speaking, ‘Jackie’. 😉 The Ibex speak Russian, but they’re a longstanding enemy of the Kingdom and we hardly ever saw them in Equestria. Their nation is called the Ibexian Ascendency, and they control most of what would be Siberia here, facing the griffons over what we called not the Urals, but the Pearl Mountains. Fertile Fields: You too with my least favorite nickname, huh? Consarn it! Is EVERYBODY trying to get me to tie their tails? Because I swear I will! Hyperdash: Promises, promises! Moly’s next words confirmed what little I remembered about the Dragon Lord’s long ago griffon lover. “She belonged to my family’s lesser branch, even dating back to Imperial times. Though never in line for the throne, her name is revered to this day, and she has her own statue in the Hall of Heroes. I knew not that she had a relationship with a drake, as such is not recorded in our history. But you would now dishonor her memory by invading my nation and claiming my race and body without earning them?” she asked him, squirming hard in the air to not let her frantically winking nest and tail be penetrated by either of his flopping, frantically thrusting organs. “I am earning it, my Queen. By your own terms, remember? The first to sensually surrender loses not just our mating round, but their very realm! It is a task made doubly delicious for me as, given you are a distant cousin of hers, I can smell some of her scent within you.” He stuck his snout in her crestfeathers and inhaled deeply, then blew out more smoke with a rolling rumble; for a moment I swore he was tearing up. But if he was, the thrusts of his hips only became harder as Moly seemed momentarily speechless to hear his story. “Then you are saying that I remind you of HER?” He rumbled his confirmation, nipping repeatedly at the nape of her neck, which only elicited an uncharacteristic schoolfilly squeal that Celly and Lulu smirked at to hear, exchanging a knowing glance. “Yes. From the moment I laid eyes on you and later caught your scent for the first time—a scent that only feeds my passions further! But you dare call me dishonorable?” His slitted eyes flashed, then cooled. “I would demand an apology, but I will instead offer an explanation while I extract satisfaction from both of your eager eagless openings! Ignorant as you are, I’ll have you know that following the war, I held off my well-earned ascension to adult dragon, just so I could remain with her and enjoy her company for as long as possible! But alas, griffon lifespans are but a small fraction of dragon ones,” he added, and this time, I was sure that he actually sniffled as he continued to inhale her scent deeply even as he molested her form, burying his snout in her neck feathers at the base of her sensually sensitive wingbase. “Old age finally claimed her, and I was left bereft of her touch and love for seven centuries after. It was a hard loss, and perhaps it hardened my heart. But perhaps in you, my mighty and magnificent Queen, I may in some small way find her again…” he grabbed both her foundering legs to hold them high against the wall, fully exposing her wriggling hindquarters as he struggled to enter her, his leftmost organ finally sliding firmly against her slit to slip inside. “Love her again. And rut her again!” Moly gasped once and tried to pull away even as her nest seemed to be attempting to suck him in, grabbing at his phallus. Either due to her body betraying her or the effects of Midnight’s probability altering magic, every movement she made only seemed to sink him deeper, and when she tried to twist away, the only thing she accomplished was to turn herself sideways enough that his opposite organ found her anal orifice and locked in place against her pucker, beginning to enter her there, too. “Ancestors!” came Moly’s startled squawk and trill as she felt herself being claimed despite her best efforts and worse, her body betraying her as several feet of the Dragon Lord’s twin adult drakehoods were disappearing into her with every passing second, her right leg now draped over his shoulder while her left hung uselessly off to the side. “Such sacrifice… such incredible honor… such supreme strength… NO! Even for such a superb story of warrior love between such rapturous races, I cannot… give in…” Her voice was beginning to tremble along with her body as his dual anatomy sank ever-deeper inside her. “Resist all you like, my captured Queen. I have you now, and it only makes my desire and drakehoods grow larger!” But her defeat seemed assured as Vesuvius began to rut her helpless form in earnest, each of his powerful thrusts rocking her world and the very wall she was leaning against. Twisted towards him as she was, her boobs inscribed concentric circular paths for each forward slam of his hips, drawing his eyes and talons to them with her own still held fast. Happily groping them with special emphasis on her exquisitely erect teats, he squirted some of her milk into his open maw before sharing it with her, pressing his snout into her beak, forcing her to drink her own nurturing nectar and give into him with a moan. “Do not fight it, my voluptuous and virile Molyneux. It is your fate and honor to sensually serve me, just as your subjects will sexually serve my clan. For putting up such a good fight and letting me rediscover the love of my beloved Galena again, I will allow you to retain dominion over your Kingdom, second only to me. On the sole condition that you surrender yourself and your cubs to me and those I deem worthy whenever I wish.” “Please don’t fight it, mother…” Prince Marcus pleaded with her from off to the side. He was frantically stroking himself beside his equally enrapt sister, and they weren’t the only ones, given her mages and guards were now openly petting, pleasuring and in many cases outright rutting to the sight of their queen on the verge of sensual defeat. Her subjects through the portals were likewise reverting to their previously submissive state against the dragon clan collectively molesting their mothers, fondling their fathers and corrupting if not outright claiming their cubs. “Dragon spears are meant for our race, just as his spears were meant for our bodies! For you!” Sugar High: Oooo… nice alliteration, Sunny-D! Three straight phrases! Ms. Cherilee would be so proud! Crystal Queen: There. See, Rainbow? You don’t have to be vulgar to use alliteration. Learn from her example! Hyperdash: Okay. Let’s see… I take it you’re enjoying the story, our ruttable Rarity? You double-dicked drake magnet and lava-loving lesbo who likes pink pussy and Ember-blue boobs? Daydream: HA! Think you walked right into that one, filly. Fertile Fields: Whoa. Not bad, Rainbow! Didn’t think you had it in your writing. Hyperdash: I don’t. At least, not without an online thesaurus or two. Been working on that all day! Daydream: … and it looks like she just passed out and sent us another picture. Fluttershine: Oh, my. Her tablet took it this time from where it was propped on her desk. And now she’s covered in her own spunk… “By our most sacred Ancestors, I must fight it! I cannot give in!” Moly claimed as Celly and Lulu held their breath behind me, clearly surprised to see their fellow school head’s doppelganger so close to losing. “If I did, I would be worthy of neither my throne NOR the legacy of Galena Gladius!” “Be assured that you are worthy. For even in our many mating rounds, she fought to the last, too,” Vesuvius approved, clearly turned on the more she struggled against him, only to find herself almost hilted and her body increasingly helpless before him. “One of many reasons I loved her, because she made me earn her! Just as you have, Queen Molyneux. And for your exceptional skill in both battle and mating you have offered, so reminiscent of her… I pledge again to allow you to remain ruling your Kingdom, with your authority second only to me!” “An uncommonly generous offer for a dragon…” Moly granted through a gritted beak, her voice audibly shaky as Vesuvius continued to not just rut but outright ravage her body, leaving badly ruffled fur and feathers behind as his tongue and talons roamed freely over her, never missing an opportunity to grope a boob or caress her quivering wing muscles.  “And it would be the basest of lies to say that I am not tempted to surrender to feel both of your phalluses deep within me, giving such exquisite and illicit pleasure as I have never known! But I cannot. For to be worthy of her and my sacred line of griffon rulers, I must… not… lose!” “Impressive though your resistance is, I am not giving you a choice in the matter, my young and luscious griffon Queen,” Vesuvius reminded her, giving her a lick to the cheek as he held her fast and kept pounding his hips forward, his tail continuing to hold her up by the foretalons to make sure she couldn’t escape him this time. He then leaned forward to whisper his next words silkenly in her ear, though at their size, even a sibilant whisper could be heard throughout the chamber. “Strong though you are of both body and spirit, you will fall. Even now, I see you on the edge of rapture, trying not to scream my name as my drakehoods claim your deepest and most sacred depths for not just myself, but my race and clan.” He gave his most powerful thrust into her yet to accentuate his words, using his wing claws to massage the leading edge of her feathered kind. And yet, Moly still didn’t give in. In fact, she started to laugh. “Very well, Dragon Lord. You do indeed have me on the verge of defeat! But if I cannot overpower you with my training or combat techniques directly, then I have one final route to victory,” she reminded him as she suddenly relaxed in his embrace and thrust her belly breasts up towards him in enticement. She did so as her offset hind legs wrapped around him as best she could and began pulling him towards her, like she was trying to get him deeper. “For in your eagerness to claim me with your sacred and sensuous spears, you have also trapped them within me. Allowing me to use my well-practiced nest and tail to remind you of just how well an eagless can provide their mates the most irresistible pleasure!” she announced grandly as her hips and other core muscles began to make rolling and squeezing motions against him, causing him to hiss sharply and his tail grip on her to start slackening. “King Caeruleo could not resist this for long, and he had but a single spear! But YOU, my dear Dragon Lord, have TWO! Meaning I now turn your most valued draconic attributes against you!” she finished in great glee. “By the Ancient Dragon Lords…” was all Vesuvius could say as his legs began to buckle and tail slacken. “Such exquisite technique! Every unica of my phallic flesh is massaged! And every single scale of my body tingles with imminent release! As only one other eagless could even come close to making me feel this way, you truly are the descendent of Galena Gladius!” he proclaimed grandly even as his legs gave way and they both sank to the floor. “I will take that as a compliment,” a grinning Moly announced as for a moment she finally forced him to the ground, sitting atop him at an angle so her body could continue to keep his side-by-side organs within her, with the Queen facing roughly the center of the chamber where everycreature could get a good view of them. Vesuvius lay beneath her with his legs spread wide to allow all to see the base of his organs embedded within her, with only a few feet emerging with each involuntary thrust of his hips. “But I, too, must give you due credit, Dragon Lord, for your supreme skill in both rutting and wrestling. This has been not just a duel for the ages but a magnificent mating round; one that leaves me wanting to have you again and again! May the Ancestors forgive me, but I was indeed ready to scream your name on more than one occasion! And as our contest is not concluded, I may yet still,” she admitted breathlessly. “Then by all means do so…” he invited through gritted teeth, reaching up to grope her boobs with one set of talons while fondling her wings and flight muscles with the other again, still trying to force her to reach orgasm first. And it looked for a moment like he would succeed as, in an incredible display of determination worthy of Moly herself, he stood back up and pinned her against the wall again despite the irresistible pleasure, and what I had to assume was an equally overwhelming urge to surrender to her. “Such strength of will... such strength of sex and spirit!” Her body shuddered and tensed as this time, I think it was his dominance over her that was turning Moly on. “If ever there was a creature worthy of not just my throne, but my very race, it is YOU, Dragon Lord Vesuvius!” “Then at long last, you see the truth, my soon-to-be-conquered Queen,” he rumbled happily. “For your beautiful body—and my ultimate erotic victory—is in my grasp! I can sense your imminent rapture, and with it comes my clan’s triumph over your Kingdom! Within mere seconds, I will make your entire race my harem and hoard!” “Yes! YES!” I heard one of Moly’s more powerful-looking Praetorian guards plead and fall flat on his back to frantically stroke and pleasure himself, even reaching down to insert a talon or two into his own tail in fantasy. A smirking Midnight noticed and instantly opened a portal in front of him. A quartet of adolescents charged in upon seeing him, turning him into their tuck toy as two drakes took his tail with all four organs from behind and beneath him while the two drakinas availed themselves of his spear and beak. “As temporarily content as that might make us, I think not. For we are not cubs, nor possessions to be kept! Tempting though your offer is, I consider this to be a test of our race’s resolve—and my own!” Queen Molyneux told him, then looked out over the chamber again, her eyes falling on the magic being cast by her mages through their spears instead of their staves. I daresay all of the eaglesses had acquired male equipment and more than a few of the tiercels now had nests and teats as well, their beaks gaping as they experienced being rutted as a female for the first time. But it wasn’t that so much as the giant and quite explicit statue of Moly that slowly sprouted right out of the smooth stone surface of the central chamber, in what had to be yet another manifestation of the alternate reality leaking into this one. Its gold-infused onyx structure expanded and grew with the sound of creaking rock as her form slowly materialized from the floor to show her standing upright with widely flared wings and truly impressive belly breasts, showing her wearing only a short robe and crown. The former was hourglass-shaped to allow her wings to be free while the latter sat high on her head, which was arched back and turned to the side slightly. She also had her eyes closed and beak slightly open with her tongue protruding from it in an odd manner like she was French kissing someone It also showed her rear thrust out behind her to be well-presented with her tail curled high, while in front, she was using the long ribbed shaft of her royal scepter as a sex toy, which was topped with a crystalline horse cock. But the most notable feature of all to her new depiction wasn’t any of those. It was the enormous griffon phallus protruding from the top of her highly detailed stone slit to hang proudly in the air high over the surrounding floor, easily the size of the Dragon Lord and then some. Though Vesuvius didn’t see it since he was looking away, Moly did over his shoulder. And seeing herself in an altered state, she gained an odd grin. “But as I admit this battle still teeters on the edge, it would seem that another tactic is called for…” Sugar High: Oh! OH! I bet I know what’s going to happen! She’s going to shove him back on her new statue’s griffon cock to give him a massive prostate exam! She knows that should be enough to get him off before her! Fertile Fields: I don’t know, Pinkie. Might work, but it seems like cheating to me if she uses an outside weapon, even if it’s just a giant stone dildo off her own statue! Still, I can’t help but admire her for holding him off as long as she did. Hyperdash: Eh, all’s fair in love and war, AJ. And if you think about it, this ‘mating round’ of theirs is basically both. I mean, it’s not like we haven’t cheated in our competitions with each other before! Crystal Queen: Speak for yourself, Dashie. I say that if she cannot overcome the Dragon Lord on her own, then she deserves to be defrocked! Hyperdash: HEY! Only AJ and Gilda get to call me that, Rarity! So don’t do it again, or else! Crystal Queen: Or else WHAT, ‘My Little Dashie’? Will you and ‘Jackie’ team up to punish me? Fertile Fields: You know, you’re really asking for it, Rares. HEY! And stop sending us pics of yourself bent over the bed! Hyperdash: Urk… and holding her cheeks apart for us both… damn, you look so soft and smooth, and then there’s that gloriously dripping slit…. NO! DO NOT WANT! Sugar High: Oh! OH! Send it to me, too! Fluttershine: And me. You know, if that’s okay… I just got it. Oh, my. Fertile Fields: Don’t lie, Rainbow. She ain’t my type, but for as hard and horny as I am again, Reckon I’d tap that ass something fierce! Crystal Queen: Well! At least you have some taste, darling. Enough that I’ll even forgive your use of profanity! Daydream: Uh, girls? We’re getting into seriously dangerous territory here. I mean it, don’t start something you can’t stop! And good guess, Pinkie, but not quite. I just came again, so you’ll have to wait and see until after our chat with Celly and Lulu tomorrow. It’s 4 AM and I need some sleep more than sex right now, so I’ll resume writing the story then. Sugar High: Aw… but now I’ll be up all night wondering! Literally! Hyperdash: Yeah, way to leave off on a cliffhanger, Sunny-D! Daydream: Sorry, ‘Dashie’, but if you’re still hard and worried about being too showy for our two Principals, and you don’t want to be thinking about Rarity’s rear? Then try not to fantasize about Scoots being swept up in the friendship games insanity along with the rest of the DST and their freshmen friends. Hyperdash: What? NO! Nononono! Hey! Stop recording, you stupid smartphone! I didn’t press ‘speech to text!’ Ack! Don’t show them that! What? Dammit, STOP TAKING VIDEO OF ME! And stop thinking about Scoots and Rarity, brain! I don’t even like them like that! Even if Rares looks really good bent over and I love the idea of Scoots being reamed by dragon and griffon dicks along with the rest of the DST… ACK! No, don’t come! DON’T COME! AHHHHH! Daydream: Wow. Hands-free and right into her room poster of her and Scoots covered in mud and really clingy clothes at last summer’s sisterhood social, then falling back onto her bed to cream her own face and chest… Fertile Fields: HAHHAHAHAHA! Thanks, Rainbow! Best laugh I’ve had in weeks! I’ll be playing this back all night! Crystal Queen: Ha! Serves you right for mocking my ‘dick pics’, Dashie! And thank you for the video! I can’t wait to share it with the DST! Hyperdash: NONONONONO! * * * * * Well, it’s evening the next day, and the talk with Celly and Lulu never happened. They canceled and didn’t even show up at school today, saying that they were sick and leaving Ms. Zecora in charge temporarily. So instead of talking to them, we spent lunch chatting with each other, trying to set some boundaries and rules. We really needed to since things are getting way too tempting of late. These rules include no more excessive teasing or uninvited dick pics. More generally, nobody is to do anything that makes anybody uncomfortable, and everyone is to erase what pics and videos we already had. Given what happened over the holidays last year, we all know how dangerous it is to leave that stuff on our smartphones, and how swiftly it could spread if it got out. And for as much as I like the idea of the school full of futa, there’d be no way in either the Earth or Tellusian underworlds we could keep the portal or magic a secret after that. As for why our principals canceled meeting us, I can think of a few reasons, and most involve rediscovering their equine equipment. I admit I’m tempted to e-mail them and ask, but if I’m wrong… Fertile Fields: Yeah, I’m with you, filly. Whatever the reason, let them come to us. We got a reprieve, though, so let’s make the most of it! Now that we don’t have that hanging over our heads, I’ve been dying to hear what Moly actually did! Hyperdash: Me too! If only to flush the fantasies I was having all last night. Crystal Queen: Fantasies of me, darling? Or Scootaloo? Hyperdash: I, uh, Plead the Fifth on that. Fertile Fields: Plead the Fifth? But that never works in Ace Attorney! Hyperdash: I ain’t a witness in court, and I ain't telling you nothing, AJ! Unless I’m maybe being interrogated by Mia Fey channeled by Pearl… because she’s droolworthy like that! Sugar High: Oooo… good choice! Fertile Fields: OBJECTION! We have evidence, Dash—that video we all saw! Even if it’s now deleted. Crystal Queen: And even so, I could always dress Applejack up like that, Rainbow! Or myself! Hyperdash: Urk! Don’t you DARE! Fertile Fields: I dare you, Rares! Though come to think of it, Ace Attorney might be a good Halloween costume theme for us this fall? Crystal Queen: Oh my! You’re right! It’s still five months off, but I’ll start designing outfits immediately! I already know who I will dress as, but who would you like to be, Fluttershy? Fluttershine: Me? I always liked Pearly, myself. You know, if it’s not too much trouble. Crystal Queen: Not at all! And what about you, Pinkie? I suppose you’ll want to be that rather questionable clown from the second game? Sugar High: What, HIM? No way! He’s TOTALLY unfunny and TOTALLY not like me! I’m Maya! I’M MAYA! Crystal Queen: Sold, darling! And you, Sunset? Daydream: Not even a question for me, Rarity. Athena Cykes, hands down! I mean, I not only really like her character, but I even look like her! Hyperdash: Just looked her up. Huh. Actually, yeah, ya kinda do… Daydream: Yep! But getting back to the story… I admit that when Moly’s new dragon-sized statue sprouted right in the middle of her throne room, my first thought—and hope, if I’m being honest—was exactly what Pinkie suggested: she was going to try and push his prostate pleasure button by backing him into her sculpture’s cock, forcing his rear to take her statue’s phallus right up the tail to make him orgasm before her. It seemed the most likely course of action for her to take, even if I couldn’t see how she was going to do that pinned against a wall with her limbs restrained and wings too sexually stiff to be used. In hindsight, I should have known better. The last time I saw that sly look on Moly’s face, it was at the state dinner I attended, where she caught a noble who thought he had hidden his treachery from her in an inconsistency which led to a chain of contradictions. From those she was able to discern his greater plan and scheme along with all his fellow plotters, and then had him and his cabal dragged off for interrogation. Fertile Fields: Wow. And all that just when we were talking about Ace Attorney. So she hit the press button on him, found a contradiction, and then got him to incriminate not just himself, but all his co-conspirators! Daydream: Oh, yeah. I also remember that afterwards, she gave Prince Blueblood a long stare across the dinner table. That might have been the one time I saw him nervous and sweating. I still don’t know what it was about, except that he might have had some small part of the plot the Queen uncovered. Hyperdash: Wait—*Prince* Blueblood? You’re talking about Principal Celly’s nephew? Far as I know, he’s just some puffed up twerp obsessed with his appearance working at the Superintendent’s office. He’s a total snob who’s run for city council twice and lost. The students call him Blueballs because every girl rejects him. From what I can tell, the reason we don’t see him around that much is ‘cause even Celly and Lulu don’t like him! Daydream: Oh, believe me, it’s the same in Equestria. The Prince treats his servants like crap and is always scheming to gain more power. Princess Celly tolerates him for being family, but that’s about it, while Lulu just plain loathes him from what Spike the dragon said. As for what happened at the state dinner, I guess Moly was warning him that she knew what he’d done and not to try any more funny business with her. Far as I know, he didn’t after that. But anyway, we’re getting sidetracked again, so… But instead of planning to use that new statue of herself against the Dragon Lord double-dicking her (how’s that for alliteration, girls?) I think Moly’s smile meant that she was yet again a step ahead of all of us—that she had just realized something to see it suddenly appear. Realized that as the other X-rated dimension’s influence was continuing to soak in and alter her own, everything and everyone was being affected. And that included her. How did it affect her, you ask…? Well, it turned out that statue wasn’t just an idealization, as it was at just that moment she suddenly grew an identical griffie cock of her own! Just like ours later, it came in separate from her clit, sprouting right out of a point just above her slit. Despite her predicament, she got this delighted smile and even Vesuvius looked stunned to see it. His snout fell open as he beheld it hanging off of Moly to the side, still engorging and already starting to drool onto the floor below. “Ancestors above!” she said in amazement and delight, and in hindsight, it was inevitable that she’d get it. I mean, think about it—a Griffon Queen from that alternate reality would pretty much have to be a futa! “Am I really…?” “By the Ancient Dragon Lords… Indeed, you are!” Vesuvius exclaimed, his dilated pupils suddenly filled with Moly’s new equipment as he slowed his thrusts into her, then chuckled as Moly’s amazed servants looked on; even the dragons in the room had stopped to stare at her.  “Impressive and unexpected though that is, it does not save you, Queen Molyneux. Just the opposite, in fact—if your mages gave that to you in hopes it would aid you, that constitutes cheating and a duel forfeit! You broke the terms of our battle. And thus, by the longstanding laws of your own race, you lose! This means your Kingdom is now mine!” he all but cackled. “In that, you are wrong on both counts, my powerful and virile Vesuvius,” Moly told him, suddenly looking completely unconcerned at her predicament. The impression I got was that she was savoring the moment before she struck back even as she still hung helpless before him, pinned against the wall with both her orifices being pounded while her forelegs remained ensnared by the Dragon Lord’s tail, holding her entire body effortlessly in the air. “My new spear did NOT come from my Magus, and I can prove it. For if you see that new statue behind you, it was already mine. Or more precisely, mine in this OTHER realm that continues to infect us. No, INFUSE us!” she quickly corrected herself. “And thus, I gain the erotic attributes and abilities of my counterpart there, through no fault or intention of my own!” “So I see…” Vesuvius said with a glance back over his shoulder at the new statue, staring at it lasciviously for it with a lick of his draconic lips. “Very well, then. Our duel continues, my drake-equipped Queen, but your defeat is even more assured! For if you are not used to having a phallus of your own, I daresay it becomes your downfall!” He accented his words with a sharp puff of hot breath and smoke onto her throbbing flesh, eliciting a shuddering gasp from Moly. “Ancestors… I had no idea it felt so… AH!” Her words caught in her throat as Vesuvius grasped the organ and began to stroke it, causing her hips to buck as she fought the urge to reach her first male orgasm with all her might. “That’s right, my soon-to-be-Mistress Molyneux. Its size and sensations are overpowering if you are not used to them. Even for one as experienced as me, the urge to climax is almost irresistible when properly stimulated, and you may recall that my smoke is in itself a potent aphrodisiac whose mere caress increases ecstasy,” he reminded her with a toothy grin to see her gaped-open beak again. “Between my own drakehoods filling you and your own already oozing in my practiced grasp, you have but moments before climax claims you. The only question now is, will you reach rapture from your new spear first? Or from mine buried so deep within your Queenly body?” he wondered idly. Fertile Fields: Okay, I’m really starting to dislike this drake! He’s so dang smug. And I don’t appreciate him trying to win on a technicality, either! Daydream: In fairness, he’s pretty much acting like the old me would have if I were in that position, AJ. Except I wouldn’t have fought fair from the get-go. Crystal Queen: I find him less smug than supremely confident, darling. And that in itself is attractive! Hyperdash: Speak for yourself, Rares! Far as I’m concerned, he’s just an overconfident braggart who needs to be taken down a peg! Fertile Fields: Heh. Reckon it takes one to know one, Rainbow… Hyperdash: HEY! Sugar High: Come on, MOLY! Take that new cock and shove it where the sun don’t shine! Fluttershine: Oh! Will she? I would love to see that. Or did I already? Daydream: I could tell you, but… well, just keep reading, ‘Futashy’. 😏 Fluttershine: Oh, my. Every time I’m called that I feel so… “I have a better question,” Moly managed through some bit off trills and a cock that was spurting clear fluid a bit harder with each thrust into her and simultaneous talon squeeze of her shaft. Her new essence was flung far from her, and as usual, it somehow found her two teenage cubs, coating them with a fresh layer of sensual fluid as they could only clutch themselves at the sight of their mother on the verge of defeat. “Shall I keep you as my consort when all this is over? Or punish your entire clan for such brazen affronts to my Kingdom and honor, keeping them—and you! –as our sensual servants?” But Vesuvius was unimpressed, emphasizing his dominant position by giving her boobs a grope. “Such boastful bravado in the face of defeat! You are truly a griffon in body and soul, but it all ends here. Do not fight it, my lovely and lustful queen. You know that your new phallus is but one more toy for my entire clan’s pleasure, just as your entire Kingdom of griffons becomes our concubines,” he whispered silkenly to her. “A strangely tempting proposition. But I think not,” Moly replied as she stared down her body at his talons groping her four massive belly breasts, which wobbled hard and squirted fresh milk with every thrust. “For unless I miss my guess, I will be reversing the course of this sensual war in but a few… short… SECONDS!” As she spoke, her body suddenly trembled and she took a deep breath, leaving me certain she was about to climax and lose the duel. But instead, there was another sharp creaking of stone from the new central statue as her cock-equipped visage suddenly grew a massive pair of testicles dangling directly beneath her sheath, hanging plump and proud, easily the equal or better of any of the already-enhanced tiercels in the room. Hyperdash: Huh? She got balls? Even we don’t have those! Fertile Fields: Reckon you sound a mite jealous, Rainbow! Hyperdash: What? NO! Okay, maybe a little… Fluttershine: Oh, um. I’d kind of like them. Sugar High: Oh! Me too! ME TOO! Crystal Queen: Though crudely stated, she’s got a good point, darling. From what you describe and from what I now recall, our two Principals got them. So why didn’t we? Fertile Fields: At a guess, ours came from ascension while theirs was a gift from Middie. But maybe it’s just as well, y’all. Because if we did get them, we might have to worry about getting people pregnant! Daydream: In all honesty, I’m not entirely certain that we don’t now. Maybe we should see if we have an actual sperm count before we accidentally knock somebody up? Hyperdash: Seriously? Well, this should be good. Can’t wait to see the looks on the face of our family doctors when we ask for a test! “Ah. Yet more toys to tease you with and another piece of unfamiliar anatomy you know nothing about, but I do.” Vesuvius didn’t even blink to see them sprout this time, giving them a leering look. “Though I would never have thought I would accept a mate with male anatomy, so be it! It would seem the Gods themselves want you to serve my clan as both eagless and tiercel, my young and well-hung Queen. I will thus accept their offering with both humbleness and acclaim.” He openly mocked her with a grope of her ridiculously oversized balls that caused another quick spurt out the end of Moly’s new cock. “Quite the contrary, my dashing but delusional Dragon Lord,” Moly replied, now outright laughing as still more of her body was turned into a toy. “What it means is very simple…” And then, to the surprise of all and the visible shock of Vesuvius, she began forcing her foretalons apart, prying the tight grip of his tail open with sheer physical strength until they broke free with a shout of triumph. She did so a second before quite simply and emphatically boxing his hidden ears, causing him to gasp and go cross-eyed. Finally getting some leverage, she curled her form back against the wall and brought both her legs up to not just shove him off her but blast him halfway across the room into the grip of her own statue, his twin drakehoods slipping free of her with a very loud and wet slurp. I barely had time to process all that before she was on him again, propelling herself across the chamber with a single surprising wingbeat whose blast of wind bowled over her subjects as well as me and Fluttershy watching, leaving us on our backs staring up at the stormy sky for a second. By the time we helped each other up, she was standing on her statue’s podium with the Dragon Lord in the same death grip he had her in just a minute earlier. Only this time, she had her suddenly much longer and stronger tail wrapped around his serpentine one and forelegs, holding them up and away as a stunned and suddenly speechless Vesuvius could only dangle there in the air facing away from her, unable to stop her from doing what she wished to him. And don’t think Moly didn’t know it. She just let him hang there helplessly for a few moments to drive home their reversal of fortunes as she stood upright in pure glee and triumph with her arms crossed over her belly boobs. She then stepped forward just enough for her new cock to start pressing into the exposed and puffy opening his raised tail revealed, earning a strangled sound as the Dragon Lord realized his state and her intent. “What? NO!” He desperately flapped his wings and flailed his feet, but to no avail. His toe claws scrabbled against the smooth seed-slickened surface as this time, it was her positioning him over her throbbing phallus as he desperately tried to avoid being sunk upon it in front of his clan. Or worse, being made to cum from it. “YES, my soon-to-be-servant! The end of this duel is nigh!” Moly said, and I found myself admiring her yet again as I realized that she figured out what would happen before anyone else. For even if the other X-rated realm was leaking into hers, one thing didn’t change from that other verse to this one: The Griffon King or Queen would not be worthy of their throne unless they could fight to defend it. But if, in the other realm, they submitted their enemies sensually instead of through force of arms? Then for Moly to be Queen there as well as here, her abilities to do so would have to be far over and above the griffon norm. Which meant she had male equipment. Which meant she had an overabundance of testosterone. And that meant that despite all her feminine attributes, she also gained male size and strength. That was borne out as she grew larger yet somehow didn’t lose her feminine form. Her entire body gained an impressive amount of size and additional sinew, yet it didn’t make her look like some roided-out freak. No, it turned her into a freaking goddess of a griffon, able to take all comers from either gender, either figuratively or literally. In fact, she was not only now standing half a head taller than Vesuvius himself, but had become strong enough to restrain him just as thoroughly as he had her! “And now, my soon-to-be-defrocked dragon lord, it is time to end this ill-thought amorous adventure by showing you the TRUE power of the griffon race!” Hyperdash: You go, girl! Yeah, I’m turned on by this whole story—seeing Moly flip the script like that is awesome! —but what does this mean for us, then? If she got more T, does that mean we have more, too? And does that mean we’re stronger? Crystal Queen: I believe we already discussed that in an earlier entry, darling. It is possible we do, given our greater sexual drive and, well, aggression, as the last few nights have shown. But we haven’t increased our overall size like Queen Moly did, so that would seem to speak against it. But I fear this is all idle speculation until and unless we get ourselves tested. Fertile Fields: Yeah, reckon yer right, Rares. Speaking for myself, I don’t think I’m bigger—I mean, I’m pretty sure Apple Bloom and Big Mac would have mentioned it if I was—but I’m definitely stronger and got a lot more stamina now. So reckon we got two questions to answer: Is it due to more magic or testosterone? And if it’s the big T, where’s it coming from? Fluttershine: Oh. Um, I remember they said in biology class that the adrenal glands are another source of testosterone, and it exists in both genders. So maybe it’s possible that the flow from them has increased in us, then? Hyperdash: Well, I admit sprouting a massive griffie-knotted horse boner is a hell of a rush, doubly so since I was like Sour Sweet before all this—I didn’t even like cocks! But an adrenaline rush…? Sugar High: Who CARES where it comes from? I just know I like it! And our new cocks! Hyperdash: I care, Pinkie! So now we got TWO things to get checked for—sperm and testosterone! Man, I can’t wait to see the face of Nurse Redheart in the clinic when we ask to arrange tests. Sugar High: Oh! We should TOTALLY record her reaction and post it to the school bulletin boards! Daydream: Uh, I’m really not sure that she’d appreciate that, or that we should be spreading any of this around. But getting back on topic… the duel ain’t done, gang. The best part of all is coming. And I do mean that literally. Sugar High: DO TELL! DO TELL! One thing I learned about Moly really quickly was that when she says she’s going to do something, she isn’t just saying it. She doesn’t make idle threats or promises she doesn’t intend to keep, ever. It was a lesson Vesuvius was quickly coming to learn as Moly turned the tables on him for what seemed certain to be the final time. He was helpless to resist her as his exposed backside hung before her, her new spear already starting to nestle its way in. Feeling its encroachment, he again tried to pull away only to find that he couldn’t. Just like what had happened with Moly before, it seemed like every attempt to evade her intrusion only caused his rear to settle in deeper against the tip of her enormous but tapered griffon spear, smearing the clear fluid that was already drooling gallons of slick pre-seed between his cheeks. It soaked quickly into his own sphincter, causing it to contract once and then open wider just as Moly’s tip found it. It slipped inside to the shock of his clan and the cheering delight of her soldiers; my memory’s a little fuzzy on the point, but I might have cheered and called her name out myself, given her ears perked and she suddenly looked up for a moment at what might have been the sound of my voice. But even if she thought she heard me and recognized me, I wasn’t her biggest issue just then—taking the tail of Vesuvius was! “Wh… what?” Was all he could say at first to feel his anatomy invaded, and perhaps the stretching of the sensitive flesh as I saw him visibly shiver as his own Moly-slickened drakehoods suddenly spurted. “Wh-what are you—" “I am conquering you, Dragon Lord!” Moly told him, her eyes closed as his body slowly sank down on her spear. Vesuvius was right about one thing, though—as she was still unfamiliar with her new anatomy and had already been on the verge of a spectacular climax repeatedly, she was still in danger of doing so. “And when you fall to my new phallus, so does your entire clan!” Despite her boast, I could tell she was trying with all her might not to come, as not just her flinching hips but flushed cheeks and panting beak showed how close she was as she licked her cheeks with a tongue that had suddenly gotten much longer. But take it from me again—never bet against Moly in a contest of wits or wills. She came up with this plan despite how desperate for release and tempted to lose she was, and it’s ultimately what saved not just her, but the entire Gryphon Kingdom. With those words, she gave her first true thrust of her hips into him, breaking past his remaining resistance to sink a third of her new phallus into his virgin tail. “NO!” A now frantic and flailing Vesuvius called as his body was slowly claimed by her, cobalt-blue smoke and flame leaking out around his teeth as his passions were driven ever-higher. “And just what are you complaining about, not-so-mighty dragon lord? I am simply granting you the exact same attention and affection that you did me! For we Gryphons ALWAYS give as good as we get, whether in love, sex, or battle! I would hope that the great Galena Gladius taught you THAT if nothing else!” I swore I could all but hear her using the old spelling of griffon as she spoke. For as much as she’d struggled with him before, she wasn’t even breaking a sweat at that point as she held him up off the ground solely with her tail, which I again emphasize was longer and thicker than before. Her wingspan was also wider, which makes sense if you think about—given how flight-oriented they are, they’re an enormous object of sexual fixation to griffies; eaglesses with well-groomed wings and exotic plumage always turn tiercel heads. Fertile Fields: And mine too! I really like seeing Rainbow and Flutters with wings. Dang, I’m starting to remember more of this now, maybe because I really did want Moly to take it to that drake! I hate braggarts! Hyperdash: And yet you love me? Fertile Fields: Yeah, well, you can back it up! Okay, I guess he could too, but still… Daydream: Actually, I’m with you, AJ. I started off really wanting him to put Moly in her place, but by the end? Yeah, she’d won me over. And considering how much I disliked her before, that’s saying a lot. Kind of wish I could see her again now, just to apologize for everything. Or actually, apologize to her *again*, since she won’t remember the first time I did it. Crystal Queen: Wait—you apologized to her during the Friendship Games, darling? I don’t remember that! Sugar High: Me neither! Fluttershine: Or me. Daydream: Not surprising, since that happened after everyone on this side was asleep. I’ll tell you all about it later when we reach that point in the story, but for now… Unable to stop her, he could only take it as she continued to press her new spear into his rear. The steadily deepening penetration caused him to gasp and gape, unable to cope with such an unfamiliar but overwhelming sensation as a dragon-sized griffon shaft filling his tail, especially when the thickest part her bulb began to impinge on his sphincter. “By the Ancient Dragon Lords…” I swore his voice suddenly sounded like a teenage eagless discovering what sex was for the first time as Moly’s new spear steadily pried him open, plumbing his depths before her awestruck subjects and stunned adolescent dragons. Have to say, she presented quite the triumphant picture just then, standing upright on two legs in front of her own statue with her arms crossed over her chest and a satisfied smirk on her face, letting gravity alone combined with his own wriggling to slowly work her new cock in deeper. It left his legs and toe claws alternately flexed and flailing, leaving me the impression he was fighting himself, trying equal parts to both prevent or encourage the penetration of his plot. “This… you…” But he couldn’t pull away, and at this point, neither could Moly. “Don’t fight it, Dragon Lord…” she mocked him as he continued to slowly sink onto her bus-sized spear meter by magnificent meter. “You make a fine female! But Ancestors above, you were right about one thing—these male sensations are indeed exquisite! And your tail is so deliciously tight… it feels tailor-made for my new malehood! So perhaps you had it backwards all along—we are indeed meant for each other, but it was YOUR race meant to sensually serve MINE!” Her words were chosen to provoke him, and they certainly succeeded as he gasped and gaped again, his body going limp for a moment as the top of Moly’s new bulb reached his opening and slowly began pushing in, spreading his sphincter even wider. “I… I…” was all he could manage as her well-chosen words got a reaction throughout both the throne room and city. Seeing her example and newly enhanced form, her soldiers and subjects once again turned on the dragons. They quickly assumed dominant positions in their many encounters as drakes and drakinas alike were occasionally grabbed right out of the air. They were then thrown on their backs to shortly have all their orifices filled with talons and tongues, teats and cocks. Occasionally the latter belonged to Caleponians as opposed to griffons, but given they were and are Kingdom subjects, it was a distinction without a difference as their even larger equine organs bulged many a dragon belly. And yet, it didn’t end there. Even the enormous adults were suddenly ensnared by Magus magic, or more remarkably, by giant griffon statues they were pleasuring themselves again that somehow came to life and moved their limbs with deep rumbles of stone to grab dragon ones, holding them fast as onyx spears were sunk into drake tails and drakina nests alike. “I knew it,” came a slightly disgusted yet satisfied voice through the portal to the dragon lands, where Obsidian Ire was now perched atop one of the males as Rarity sat on his snout, the pair mashing chests over him while servicing multiple drakes around them at once with fingers, talon and muzzle. “An overconfident idiot, as always.” “You said it, darling,” I heard Rarity answer around kisses of her. “He is so unworthy!” “So he ends up the sensual servant of the griffon queen while his clan ends up enslaved to her race? How apt a fate for the once-great Vesuvius,” snickered Orange Crush as she held the blue drakina’s head between her legs. “Our dragon lord would never be so incredibly stupid as to challenge their Queen in her own sanctum! Don’t you agree, Princess?” “Father…” was all she could murmur as she greedily lapped at her clan sister’s snatch. “Forgive me.” Though I wasn’t immediately certain why she was asking for that, I didn’t have much chance to wonder as the thickest part of Moly’s bulb entered the Dragon Lord’s tail. The ultimate intrustion earned a rumbling groan and tremor of his entire tortured form, struggling with every last ounce of his faltering will to not climax. “And so does our epic battle of erotic wills end, my soon-to-be vanquished Vesuvius. For once you are dammed,” —and just to be clear, that’s dammed like a beaver dam, not the curseword, Rarity; it’s their term for knotting— “you and your race will be bound to me, body and soul. When the thickest part of my bulb reaches your pleasure button, you will be helpless to stop yourself from climaxing. And then victory will be MINE!” she said to a series of roars and trilling cheers. “No…” Vesuvius said again. “I can’t lose… can’t be claimed… not like this!” He managed one last desperate effort to free himself, but yet again, all he accomplished was to work Moly’s bulb in deeper. “I invoke the Ancient Dragon Lords themselves… for the honor of my race and clan, aid me NOW!” he pleaded as Moly just laughed and her bulb began to fully disappear inside of the drake’s backside. “And just what, pray tell, dost thou expect them to do, unworthy ruler? Reward thee for thy failure? Or bless thy arrogance and idiocy in challenging us by turning you into a true female so you may carry our cubs?” she suggested slyly, speaking in the Royal Voice to further emphasize her victory. “‘Twould serve thee right if they did!” “No!” The Dragon Lord’s eyes bulged and he trembled as he felt Moly’s bulb begin to impinge on his prostate. “If I fall, it must be from a fair fight! You were enhanced from the other realm by happenstance, Queen Molyneux! So I must be as well!” he pleaded to his Gods again as Moly only laughed. “We admit that the Ancestors in effect answered our prayer, Dragon Lord, by infusing us with the erotic attributes of our counterpart from this other realm. But will they see fit to answer thine own before thou loseth this duel in mere seconds?” she wondered aloud, clearly believing that they wouldn’t. But she hadn’t even finished speaking before another sharp creak and rumble of moving stone was heard again. As if in response to the Queen’s derisive question, a second dragon sized statue of gold-plated onyx then began to grow on the other side of the room, facing that of Moly from the wall she’d previously been pinned against. The loud sound and subsequent shaking of the entire chamber grabbing everyone’s attention again, the sculpture soon took the size and shape of Vesuvius himself, except he was even larger in height and wingspan, with his two equally enhanced drakehoods prominently displayed along with the scepter that was still stabbed into the floor of the throne room from where he’d left it on upon first entering. But instead of simply increasing in size, they had become almost snakelike, tracing impossibly sinuous curves into the air like they were two tentacles instead of a pair of rigid phalluses, one of which his statue stroked while the other was bent towards his muzzle where his equally long and serpentine tongue wrapped repeatedly around it almost to its base. Remarkably, his visage also gained a pair of scaled balls deployed from his far more pronounced and prominent draconic slit while four more phallic tendrils also sprouted out of view from his upper back, with them simply displaying themselves while the fourth was bent backwards behind him, presumably to service his own tail. Seeing his statue’s altered state, Vesuvius grinned gleefully; having seen Moly’s transformation, he no doubt knew the implications instantly even before his body began to violently tremble and he emitted a keening griffon-like trill. I thought he was cumming for a moment—too little, too late in that case! —but his cock didn’t erupt. Instead, his entire form began to swell along with his twin drakehoods as a pair of impressive car-sized balls suddenly emerged from his slit to drop between his legs. His twin spears extended further and began to almost undulate in the air as his wings and muscles likewise grew, but that wasn’t the only anatomical change as he abruptly sprouted four tendril-like appendages from his upper back and shoulders, just above his wingbase. As suddenly silent and open-muzzled Moly watched in astonishment, they grew swiftly outward and became capped with a phallic protrusion as his tongue likewise lengthened, now hanging more than halfway down to the floor. “Yes… YES!” Vesuvius shouted, not in ecstasy but in answered prayer as he beheld his altered anatomy. “So, I am worthy of aid! As you have gained new strength and sensual attributes from this other realm, Queen Molyneux, so have I!” he stated in triumph as he broke free of her grip as easily as she had his, but found he couldn’t pull away—not with her bulb already deeply embedded within him. “Impressive and unquestionably alluring! But too little, too late, Dragon Lord!” Moly echoed my own thoughts, picking up the pace of her thrusts into him. “As the base of my spear has already set itself deep in you, your own erotic ascension becomes your undoing! For just as you claimed with me, the unfamiliarity and sensitivity of your new anatomy only means you fall to my sexual supremacy faster!” “On the contrary, Queen Molyneux…” Vesuvius said through a grin and gritted teeth. “It means my tolerance of intense sensation is raised along with my ability to feel it! It also means I can now give as good as I get! For example…” He reached back with two of his four new back tendrils to encircle Moly’s limbs. But instead of pushing her away, he pulled her close as the two lowest snaked around the base of Moly’s haunches, seeking her two openings. “Ah!” Moly said just before her beak was filled with the newly lengthened and thickened snakelike tongue of Vesuvius, silencing her speech as it began moving in and out of her maw, swiftly thickening at its end into a full-blown draconic cock. His two higher back tendrils reached down to begin squeezing and milking her boobs, winding in and out of them before their ends nestled between them, both stimulating and forcing them to perform paizuri on his flexible tendrils. His hands now free, he reached back with them to grab at her flanks and knead them, pulling her cheeks apart to allow his tendrils deeper access, at least twenty feet of them disappearing inside her before they began pistoning in and out of her in alternating rhythm. To her credit, Moly didn’t give up. She went for his own unfamiliar anatomy—his new balls—and began to caress and roll them in her talons as the tips of their equally large wings intertwined. Vesuvius gave a shuddering grasp as the unfamiliar contact; his new testicles noticeably contracting for a moment as his two cocks gave a weak spurt. They waved in front of him somewhat uncontrollably, shooting pre in every direction, including some that went right through the portal Fluttershy and I were watching through to land on our chests. It was very hot and heady, the spoor of it suffusing our noses alone enough to make us want to make love again. But we settled for clutching each other and rubbing the liquid into each other’s skin as the duel of Queen Moly and the Dragon Lord finally reached its inevitable—and quite literal—climax. “Your form is so powerful… and so sensual… cannot resist…” Moly said as she clutched at his chest and the base of his twin cocks, her back trying to repeatedly arch into him; her eyes starting to squeeze shut and throat milking his new tongue cock before she snapped them open again. “NO! I cannot come first…” I wasn’t sure how she said that with a full mouth, but she did. “Nor can I! But by the Ancient Lords themselves, you’re so deep… I feel so full… I’m being bred like a drakina before my entire clan… and I LOVE it!” Vesuvius exclaimed as they began to move in tandem, the pair clutching at each other. “The feeling is mutual, mighty Dragon Lord! And from it I now know… that we were BOTH right, yet wrong! Our races are indeed meant for each other, but not as master and servant! We are in fact EQUALS!” were the final words Moly uttered as climax then claimed them both! Each cried out so loudly that it seemed certain all Arnau could hear them; Vesuvius announced his orgasm by both roaring and erupting blue flame from his maw, his twin cocks spraying seed in every direction while Moly likewise trilled so loudly the sound echoed repeatedly throughout the hall as she emptied her new balls into him, with both barely able to remain upright on the strength of their respective sex-stiffened wings. For as much cum as Vesuvius had coated the room with before, it was tripled in his fully enhanced form, with each eruption from his twin serpentine cocks hitting everything from statues to individual griffons with unerring accuracy, creating a flood that swept griffon and adolescent dragon alike off their feet and into piles with each other. And this time, it was the drakes and drakinas who ended up in provocative poses with the statues of griffon rulers past, trapped in their embrace with stone tails and talons somehow moving to grasp them It was no different for Vesuvius himself as his stomach bulged from the massive amount of eagless seed—now there’s a term I never thought I’d say! —being spewed into him. His own tendrils gave the same treatment in turn to Moly with a series of visibly pumping motions that caused sharp squirts of thick cream out around the edges of her sex and sphincter. Through it all, I clutched at Fluttershy, the pair of us kissing frantically. Our hands were on each other’s breasts and between each other’s legs as we saw the scene unfold, spreading dragon seed all over each other and even inserting it inside. By my jealous love for Celly herself, I couldn’t help it—I still didn’t like Moly, and part of me was mildly disappointed that she’d turned the tables on him, but damn, girl… I mean, how could you not be affected by all that? Fertile Fields: I’m with you, filly! I just pulled a Rarity and came all over myself inside my nightshirt! It was the only way to contain the mess, and it’s now so soaked I’m gonna have to go to the shower to peel it off and hope Big Mac and Apple Bloom don’t see me in the hall. Gotta say, I remembered a couple flashes of that fight as you went along, but the images alone combined with your description were enough to push me over the edge! Crystal Queen: And me as well! Again! I regret I’m going to have to sneak all my sheets and blankets downstairs into the wash and pull out a sleeping bag now given… well, see for yourself if you wish. Another ‘dick pic’ for your viewing pleasure! Fluttershine: Oh, my. You came lying down on your bed. Were you thrusting between your pillows beneath the blanket? Crystal Queen: Yes, darling. And I came with both barrels, trying to contain the mess to the pillowcases. I failed as my dual drakehoods slipped free and spattered the ceiling fan, which I had on to try and keep me cool! It flung my essence everywhere and is now a mess along with my entire room, yet I don’t mind at all! By my beloved drakes, I love how virile and utterly alive I feel! Hyperdash: I’m with you, too, sister! I wasn’t sure about these cocks at first, but damn, do they feel good! I had a couple towels ready this time, but I still came so hard I shot right over them and hit my autographed poster of Derring Do! Aw, man… so who won the duel if they both came together? Sugar High: That’s what *I* wanna know! Come on, Sunset, don’t leave us hanging! It couldn’t have ended there! Daydream: It didn’t, but give me a few minutes, fillies. You aren’t the only ones who came so hard it was all you could do not to scream. Fertile Fields: At least you live alone! I sure as hay don’t! Had to bite my tongue to keep from calling out! Daydream: Yeah, but the walls of my apartment aren’t thick, you know. Don’t need the neighbors talking! Okay, I think I’m ready to go again… both figuratively and literally! Wow, I just came harder than ever before, and yet I’m already erect again! Hyperdash: You and me both, Sunny-D! Daydream: Watch yourself, ‘Dashie’. Or I won’t spare the detail on when you hooked up with griffie Gilda! Hyperdash: You better not spare ANY of it! Just like with us, it was several minutes before either Moly or Vesuvius could move again, having collapsed into a heap of panting and quivering bodies once their orgasms were spent. Which, after so much build-up, wasn’t for over a minute; you could see the spasms wracking them and the waves of pleasure washing over them. They called to their Ancestors and Ancient Dragon Lords, they called to each other, and finally, they simply stopped talking as both remained deeply embedded within the other, simply savoring the moment and their own afterglow. A hush fell over the onlookers again as they fell with a heavy thump to the ground that shook the hall and temporarily cracked the floor—damn, just how much restorative magic did that building have to be able to repair all the damage from what, like Pinkie said, was basically a Kaiju fight? —and I think it was because nobody was sure who won. Their climaxes appeared to be simultaneous, but what did that mean for the duel outcome? Who had just lost their Kingdom? And whose race would now be sexually subservient to the other? Fertile Fields: Yeah, that’s what I wanna know! I mean, dang, never mind how hot that all was, the outcome was basically like flipping a coin and having it land on edge! Sugar High: I don’t know who won and I don’t care! Best! Kaiju fight! EVER! Even if it was a little light on destruction… Crystal Queen: My! So they both evolved into equally potent sex fiends? Not even we got all the additional anatomy they did! Daydream: Turning green with envy, filly? Crystal Queen: Most certainly not! Green is SO last year! But I unquestionably do find myself admiring the Dragon Lord’s new form. If only I could be that big so I could make love to him like Moly did! Hyperdash: Eh, he’s okay. I definitely like Moly’s new anatomy, though! I mean, boobs AND balls? Sign me up! How about you, Flutters? Fluttershine: Oh. Um, I wouldn’t say no to them. I love the idea of being able to impregnate everyone. Fertile Fields: Say WHAT now? Daydream: Uh, right. Moving on… The answer to those questions finally came as the pair slowly stirred, rumbling softly and moving against each other as they lay on their sides, with Moly still spooning Vesuvius from behind. “Awake yet, my virile dragon Lord?” she called out somewhat sleepily. “I would hardly blame you if you weren’t.” “I am…” he confirmed, still panting lightly with his twin serpentine cocks lying slack, still oozing enough spooge—yeah, I’ll use the furry term for the sake of alliteration—to fill a small swimming pool. “But despite my submissive position, it would seem that our epic and erotic duel of destiny was not decisive. And I find myself at a loss as to what it means.” “As do I,” Moly agreed. “Even as distracted as I was, I could discern no difference in which instant we reached rapture. Could you?” “I could not,” Vesuvius admitted, his long tongue back to normal as he retracted it into his maw. “Though I doubt I could have discerned it anyway; all I could think or sense in that instant was the feel of your exquisite body against me. And inside me.” “The feeling was mutual, Dragon Lord; so lost as I was in these new male sensations. And as our mutual subjects appear completely uncertain, it would seem that they couldn’t tell, either,” Moly mused to take a look around them, seeing her son and daughter frozen in their embrace and covered in cum, seemingly holding their breath as they awaited an outcome they still weren’t certain of. “From this, I can only conclude that we truly did come as one.” “As much as I may not wish to, I must concur. Very well, my courageous warrior-queen. But even if there is no victor, I cannot help but note that I lie before you as much drakina as drake now, brought to rapture from your new male anatomy,” he said, wriggling against her. “And I, from yours. Your new tendrils make exquisite serpentine spears, able to pleasure any piece of anatomy from any angle,” she complimented him. “From the sensual boons we both gained, it would seem that not just my Ancestors but your Ancient Dragon Lords decreed that this duel ended in a draw. Or was our sensual evolution YOUR doing, alien alicorn?” she abruptly turned her gaze on Midnight through the open portal to the Hall of Heroes. “Be assured that it was not me, Queen Molyneux,” Midnight replied with a satisfied expression, her arms crossed over her chest. “Or at least, not directly. I am responsible insofar as I found the alternate reality of the Gryphon Imperium and encouraged its influence to seep into this realm. But I did not pick and choose how and when it did so, nor did I anticipate just how it would affect you. Far-seeing I may be, but sadly, omnipotent I am not.” “I see,” Queen Molyneux said as she nodded slowly. “Then perhaps it was divine intervention after all. And though I only proclaimed us to be equals in the heat of the moment, the outcome of our battle now proves that statement to be true. For pushing me to the brink repeatedly and forcing the Ancestors themselves to aid me, you are truly worthy of your title, Dragon Lord.” “You flatter me, Queen Molyneux, but I note in turn that despite all my boasts and best efforts, I was not able to subdue you, even with the aid of the Ancient Lords,” he replied easily, twisting his neck slightly to kiss her, giving her a draconic lick across the cheek with his doubly long forked tongue, which twisted itself backwards to reach her. “As you say. So where does this leave us and our realms, my Lustful Lord?” Moly wanted to know. He grinned, but then turned something close to thoughtful as the tendrils curled themselves around her talons. “A good question. I know that the nature of transformative magic means that you cannot hold that large form indefinitely. And yet, I care not, given you showed a sac of sufficient size, to use your own race’s phrase, to challenge me on my own terms. Even before you actually received one.” He chuckled at his own turn of phrase. “And few of any race would have the spears or sac to challenge me in my own lair,” she observed in turn, reaching down to cup one of his newly exposed scaled balls, hefting it in her hand. “Particularly one such as you who had fought at her side, and thus well knew our magical strength.” “In that, you give me too much credit, my well-endowed Queen. For in truth, either due to the many centuries dulling my memories or simply being blinded by my own lust, I had nearly forgotten,” Vesuvius admitted with a rueful laugh as he turned slightly away from her. “Even so, I give you full credit for going talon to talon with me, having me on the verge of defeat repeatedly even before gaining a male spear and equivalent strength. That alone earns my great respect. I thus say again that you truly are the descendant of the Great Galena Gladius, beautiful and powerful Queen of the Gryphons.” “Am I, though? She might have defeated you, but I failed to do so if the terms of our match were making the other reach rapture first. For in the end, despite our best efforts, we came as one. And thus, neither of us can claim victory for either our realms or races.” She spoke in a rhetorical air as her organ finally slipped out of him along with his tendrils from her nest and tail. It released a fresh flood of mingled dragon and griffie cum that sent a veritable wave of it surging across the floor towards her awestruck subjects, several of whom slipped and fell into it with loud splashes, leaving them completely covered in dragon and griffie spunk yet again. They didn’t look any more unhappy to be covered in it than me or Fluttershy were, however, as Praetorian Guardsgriffons and adolescent dragons alike began rubbing the combined essence of their rulers into their fur and feathers, or even stuffing as much of it into their orifices as they could. Rutting began to resume around them as the aphrodisiac effects of the material took hold. Even Moly’s cubs were going at it again, though this time, it was the Prince on his back taking his sister’s new cock right up the rear; have to say that the look on her face was something to behold. Wait—when had she gained a new spear? I still don’t know, but it might have been at the same point Moly did. For if she was the hereditary ruler, then it would make sense that she shared her mother’s attributes. Fertile Fields: Makes sense to me! Dang, so the Griffie Princess did her own brother with her new cock? That’s kinda hot… Hyperdash: Oh, yeah? Thinking of doing Big Macintosh with yours? Fertile Fields: Honest answer? Since I already know how many impala and zebra dicks he took, and how big they were? Yeah, I just might! Daydream: Wow. Didn’t expect even you to be that honest, AJ! Fertile Fields: Yeah, well, when you’re lying in bed covered with your own spunk and already rock hard again fantasizing about going futa on your big bro? Reckon it’d be a mite silly to deny it! Crystal Queen: My word! I’m almost tempted to ask if we could watch! Sugar High: Oh! Let us see! Let us see! Fertile Fields: Uh… me doing my big bro, or me covered in cream? Sugar High: YES! Vesuvius didn’t notice them, though. He only had eyes for Moly as he rolled over enough to grin and puff some smoke in her face, reaching up to caress her chest with one set of talons while keeping his other firmly affixed to her lower set of boobs. “As you say. In any event, as I was unquestionably not the victor, you keep your throne and sovereignty as my entire clan recognizes the ability and virility of your mighty race,” he told her, bearing his throat to her as a griffon would. “A gracious concession. But as by those same terms, I also did not win, that means you keep control of your clan,” Moly noted in turn, her hips starting to roll lightly against him again, urging him back into erection as she turned to face him, mounting him again from above and straddling his hips. “So where does that leave us and our respective realms, my dear Dragon lord? Aside from equal parts exhausted and elated, that is.” “A valid question,” he agreed as he regarded her lazily from his back, making a show of putting his taloned hands behind his head as a fresh creaking and groaning was heard behind Moly’s statue. “But one we may be receiving an answer for…” he noted as they both turned their heads to see a second statue sprouting out of the stone floor directly behind Moly’s that swiftly took the form of Vesuvius himself! He was depicted as he now was, standing directly behind Moly and availing himself of her golden onyx form freely, with one set of talons cupping a belly breast while the other found and fondled a ball that was as large as his fist, hefting it enough to reveal her slit. His back tendrils teased her wings and long tongue coiled around her new cock, with both his newly serpentine drakehoods filling her nest and tail with their long phallic forms. “Us?” Vesuvius asked aloud, looking at it from his back in wonder. “This is our relationship in the other realm? Then it would seem that destiny itself decrees that we are meant to be not just co-rulers, but consorts!” “So it would appear,” Moly admitted in equal awe, staring at their combined image fixedly for a moment. “And after the long-ago death of my husband, I had thought myself too old to take another mate.” “And I never dreamt that I could find another griffon who could both tempt me again and fight me to a standstill,” Vesuvius told her, still staring at the statue. “But so be it. As our battle for sexual supremacy ends in a draw, you have proven yourself—and by extension, your entire race—our equals. Thus, by the Ancient Law of the Eight Original Dragon Clans, we are now allies, and know that you may summon us to your aid at any time,” he told Moly. “Just for ‘aid’?” Moly smirked at him. “Perhaps we may have ulterior motives in meeting each other, but protocol demands that we at least keep a veneer of formality about our affairs, my new Queen,” came the jovial response. “To that end, I hereby invite you to visit my own seat of power on the slopes of Mount Aitna on the isle of Silicaly so I may… repay your hospitality and offer you a second throne at my side. Is that agreeable?” “It is,” Moly said. “I will have my royal vizier make the arrangements immediately. When he is through being rutted by every adolescent in existence, that is.” She nodded off to the side where her Caleponian Grand Vizier—Bated Breath, I think his name is; he’s the first Caleponian who ascended to such a high station in her royal court—was being attended by no less than eight adolescents, whose females seemed to be competing over who got his now-dual horsecocks while he sat on the laps of two intertwined drakes who had all four of their fully-flexible organs inside his tail. At some point, they, too, had acquired tendrils along with serpentine spears and were quickly learning how to use them, both on griffons and each other. “By your command, my Queen…” he said in a dreamy voice, though it was muffled by the slit he was slurping. “Just as soon as our guests finish filling me with such hot and delicious cream.” Unlike most Caleponians, he didn’t have an Shetlandian accent but a very upper class one, which was deliberate so he could speak in formal tones. “Excellent. I will also be happy to establish an embassy here. But before we can call our negotiations ended and this amorous alliance between our races sealed…” He suddenly flipped her onto her back with a sharp move of his tail, causing the impact of them both against the floor to shake the chamber hard as Moly’s room-sized boobs wobbled hard and enticingly on her belly. When her eyes cleared, she saw Vesuvius suddenly sat astride her with his talons spreading her haunches; his serpentine cocks poised before her while his four back tendrils each encircled one of her enormous boobs with their tips resting on her teats. Staring down at her belly, his talons then closed on her breasts and kneaded her upper set happily, even going so far as to squirt some milk into his snout, and then her beak. He licked his lips happily at the taste while continuing to caress and knead her sensitive flesh, causing her to trill her pleasure. “Delicious and nutritious, but it is not just your milk that I need. By the law laid down by our most Ancient and Esteemed Dragon Lords, our deal is not concluded until we consummate our new alliance properly, my buxom and beautiful queen. And that means…” He then turned her around to face several open portals through which gawking griffons and dragons alike could be seen. “I must take every erogenous zone you have at once, and be seen by our mutual subjects doing it. It is so they ALL know that we—and our respective races—are now one.” Despite now being laid out on the floor beneath him, Moly made no move to resist this time. She instead just stared up at him and smirked, shifting slightly on the smooth stone surface slickened with their mingled fluids to make herself more comfortable and present her enormous belly breasts to him. “I do believe that you just made that up, my virile Vesuvius,” she informed him, to which he rumbled and grinned, puffing more smoke into the air to waft through the portal and wash over me and Fluttershy. They made us both dizzy and start to make out again as the CHS side of the field watched and cheered; Celly and Lulu exchanging a high five over both that and Moly’s duel performance as they now had a fresh set of students on their laps. Fertile Fields: The memory’s still hazy, but I know I cheered too! And dang, filly. I have to say that you and Flutters were the absolute last gals I thought could pair off during all this. But gotta say, I’m real glad you did. Daydream: I wouldn’t have thought so either, but there she was. So kind and loving. Exactly what I needed… then and now, gang. Speaking of which, Fluttershy? I think you should be the one to tell them. Crystal Queen: Tell us what, darling? Fluttershine: Oh, um. Okay. Well, to make a long story short, Sunset and I are now lovers. We were experimenting in the science lab after class today to see if we could control the futa effect, and, well… things happened again. Daydream: Yeah. Things like being taken by her right over the lab workbench! Hyperdash: WHOA! Fluttershine: I’m sorry if I was rough, but I couldn’t help it. You were just so pretty to look at and I was starting to remember more and then you bent over the table to show off your backside and… Fertile Fields: Now don’t leave off there! And then by my brother’s backside, what? WHAT? Crystal Queen: For once, I’m with her! By Princess Ember’s blue breasts and scaled snout, WHAT? Sugar High: Tell us! TELL US! Daydream: Okay, okay! Well, without going into too many gory details, she told me I was so pretty and smelled so good that she couldn’t resist me, then pinned me against the table from behind. Hyperdash: What? FLUTTERS did that??? Daydream: She really did! Don’t let her demure manner fool you—she’s even more of a she-demon than the former me when she gets horny! Case in point, she proceeded to tear off my skirt, blouse and bra while her stallionhood ground between my legs and caused my own to grow—thanks for not hurting the jacket, filly—before she finally found my filly fun hole and then pounded me until she’d left me spent and sated in a puddle of pure sex on the table, filling me with so much spunk my stomach bloated. No joke, gang; I think I passed out from sheer pleasure. Fluttershine: I’m afraid you did. But you were so beautiful and smelled so good that I just couldn’t hold back. I had to have you and it felt so wonderful. I’m so sorry, Sunset. Daydream: Don’t be! I mean, damn, girl—I never knew you had it in you! Even if we did have a very messy cleanup job and you did have to get me my gym clothes from my locker after. Thankfully, the lab had that emergency shower in case of chemical spills, so I was able to bathe there. Sugar High: YAY! This means I’ll have to throw you guys a hook-up party! How about this Saturday night at the Big Burger Palace? Daydream: I think we’d both like that, Pinkie. Especially if I can get a deluxe burger and milkshake along with some extra game tokens out of it! Just remember to hold the pickles on the burger. But getting back to the story: “Made it up? Perhaps I did. But as I am Dragon Lord, my word becomes law for my entire clan, who I now command to let the griffons have their way with them as much as we already have you,” he responded almost jovially with a glance at the portals outside, to which some drakes and drakinas obediently presented their nests and tails, curling the latter high over their backs in open in invitation to be taken. They were promptly availed of, with one particularly notable example of an adult dragon being taken by a single adventurous magus, who screwed her with a magical projection of not just his phallus but his entire body boosted to her size. It was a trick that other mages swiftly copied, and before long, the adults were every bit the griffon tuck toys that the adolescents had become. “Now, my beautiful Queen, please allow me to claim your luscious body while it remains my own size.” He emphasized his words by freely and openly groping her as the griffons in the room watched awestruck. And more than a little enviously as he turned her belly towards them and proceeded to enter with both his phalluses at once; his tapered drakehoods steadily opening her up in full view of all though he didn’t fully push in. “By rights, I should not, given your innumerable affronts and attempts to usurp me. But as you have conceded both my cubs and Kingdom, and we have now fought a proper mating round…” She raised her hind leg high to allow him easier access to her. “So be it. Here and now, I am yours, Dragon Lord. Take my teats and tail to your heart’s content. But never forget who is rightfully on top!” “By Your Command, my sensuous and gorgeous Griffon Queen…” he rumbled happily as he began to push into her further with a grunt, lounging out on the floor with her to spoon her from behind. He held her hind feline leg high to give all their awestruck onlookers—including the griffon rulers of old, since they were facing their gold statues—a spectacular view as her tail was taken by two drakehoods at once and Vesuvius groped her chest and belly boobs from behind. “Ancestors above…” Moly gave a seductive trill. “By the Ancient Dragon Lords…” Vesuvius rejoined as he felt her body envelop his twin phalluses fully, and before long, the two were rutting again, this time far more willingly to the cheers of both dragon clan and Kingdom, who were now exchanging sexual favors instead of the dragons simply extracting them, turning the entire city into an open orgy with mages increasingly inventing new sexual spellcraft—or was it just more leakage from the Gryphon Imperium? —on pony, griffon and dragon alike. And yet, for all that, it was still Moly who held the attention of not just Midnight, but the High Priestess and Fortrakt as well. “Ancestors…” the young tiercel squirmed where he sat on Juniper Neptune’s lap, his wings splayed and beak agape. “To tame and tuck a dragon lord, she is the greatest ruler in all of Gryphon history!” “I agree completely. It’s quite remarkable, really…” Even Midnight sounded impressed. “Your Queen is truly worthy of the title, Fortrakt Gletscher. And your race is even more magically adept than I initially gave you credit for, between these impressively enchanted statues and possessing such spellwork as Queen Molyneux used to challenge the Dragon Lord, dueling him to a draw,” she mused. “And that is to say nothing of the Roman bent of your entire society and history, which I find both intriguing and pleasing. If I were inclined to conquer and rule instead of simply exploring and erasing the boundaries of science and sex, I would make the griffons my most favored race. Bonded body and soul with the dragons, the two together would sweep all before them and could indeed take all Tellus…” she trailed off as she magically melded her mind with the naked singularity again. “Ah. Such delicious possibilities of that potential future. But what is this?” Her face suddenly screwed up slightly. “Interesting. It would appear that I will have a rather potent adversary later on. A surprisingly familiar being wielding a rather remarkable if indiscriminate sexual contagion as a weapon, giving her the means to conquer all the realms...” she trailed off with an odd smile, then frowned. “And then soon followed by a far more dark and dangerous plague, against whom sex is no defense.” Hyperdash: An adversary? Did she mean you as Daydream, Sunset? And what’s this about ‘a dark and dangerous plague’? Daydream: I’m not sure, but I don’t think she meant me. She didn’t look at me when she said that, and I wasn’t able to read her mind even after I ascended. Crystal Queen: Not sure? But surely you had access to the same information in the naked singularity as her when you became Daydream, darling? Daydream: Yeah, but I didn’t look into that thing myself because I knew the danger of doing so. I didn’t want to be tempted to start trying to mold events like she was, and worse, based on a false picture of likely futures that matched my desires instead of reality. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and all that. Being Daydream was very heady, girls, and I do miss it. But it’s also way more power than any one person should possess. Hyperdash: Yeah, we’ve seen you with that level of power before when you weren’t a good guy. No thanks. Daydream: Exactly. Though in all honesty, my she-demon self wasn’t anywhere near as strong as Midnight or Daydream. If she was, you would have had no chance, even with the Elements. Fertile Fields: Now there’s a happy thought! Okay, but then why didn’t Midnight win if she was so danged all-powerful to start? Daydream: Short answer? Because she wasn’t like the old me—wasn’t interested in conquest or power so much as gaining knowledge and magic. And indulging every suppressed desire she ever had while also punishing the classmates who tormented her. She was certainly a dark goddess who was uninhibited and for the most part, very amoral, but I wouldn’t say she was evil. Yes, there’s a difference. Crystal Queen: I don’t know, darling. Regardless of how fun it was, ripping open holes in reality and turning her Principal into stone while also forcing her schoolmates to have sex strikes me as just a tad evil. Sugar High: Aw, she was just teaching them empathy and showing them how to have a REAL good time! Besides, it’s not like they didn’t enjoy it. I know I did! Daydream: You know what? Never change, Pinkie Pie. Sugar High: Don’t worry. Never will! “An adversary? And a plague?” Juniper Neptune was a half-second slow on the uptake as she was focusing more and more on the sorely pleasured form of Fortrakt Gletscher still sitting in her lap, using her human hands and thestralcorn magic to good effect. She groped his quivering body with the former and created facsimiles of the two Paladin commanders’ intimate areas with the other, just as the impala had done with Big Macintosh so Fortrakt could finally rut them, at least remotely. Yeah, that’s why they were writhing like that in front of you and Rainbow, AJ; you didn’t understand their language but they were calling to their Ancestors and begging for more from him. “But who could stand against you, my new goddess? And what is this ‘contagion’ and ‘plague’ you speak of?” “None—not even her.” Midnight gained a dangerous gleam in her eyes as she said it. “And as for the rest, worry not, my new ally. It is of little concern, though I suppose it would be wise to take precautions, just in case I fall to defeat and these incredibly unlikely events come to pass.” Focusing her power into her hands and horn, she released a powerful wave of magic that washed all over the griffon side of the portals; it seemed to become concentrated in the statues of the Hall of Heroes and Queen’s throne room. They weren’t visibly affected, though, from what I could tell, other than their equipment increasing in size again, to the evident delight of the dragons and griffons availing themselves of their sculpted bodies. But whatever she was doing, that seemed to be the only immediate effect as the onyx-and-gold statues absorbed the magic like a sponge and glowed briefly before they became quiescent again. And for the first time, the Queen turned to face Twilight directly, glaring at her through the portal. “Whatever you are doing, do not harm the visages of our heroes and rulers past, alien alicorn,” she warned Midnight even as she continued to lounge on her back against Vesuvius in the middle of her throne room, his dual spears up her rear while her subjects began climbing all over her boobs, looking very happy as they alternately sprawled out on their surface to cavort with each other or simply ground their spears and slits against her four enormous teats. “We griffons revere our Ancestors and do not take kindly to their desecration,” Moly further added as her offspring climbed inside her, exploring their mother’s depths with giddy awe as others held her folds open for them. “So give us no reason to doubt your intentions or consider you an enemy, young goddess. For despite your great power, not even YOU could stand against the full might of our race’s magic.” In response, Midnight gave her a smile and a measured bow. “Fear not, Mighty Queen Molyneux of the Gryphon Kingdom, though it is far more the Gryphon Imperium of another reality that you currently resemble. Be assured that I have not harmed them, nor would I. The statues of your forebears remain intact and unbreakable, if in their altered states, which I’m sure that even you can appreciate now.” Moly considered her for a few seconds more before nodding, glancing over to the sculpture of her sire for a second. “By all reasonable measures, I should hate you for doing this to us, and yet… somehow, it also seems right—that we were neglecting both our sensual side and our natural affinity for dragons. Though I still find myself annoyed with you for forcing this upon us, Ancestors know I cannot argue with the results,” she granted, giving Midnight a respectful nod of the head back. “For showing us what we were lacking and what we could be, I thank you, young goddess. But the one thing that has not and will never change from this is our gryphon honor. We always settle our debts, whether in bonds or blood. So, is there any form of payment you wish from us, young goddess?” “Be assured that you have already given it, noble Queen of the Griffons, both in the knowledge I have gained, and in the contingency plans I now enact,” Midnight said with a smile as she completed her spellwork. “Barring my unlikely defeat, they should never be needed. But if so? Then you and your new alliance with the dragons may well save not just the entire world of Tellus, but all the realms.” Fertile Fields: Okay, and just what in the hay is she going on about? ‘Save the world’ after she risked destroying them by ripping open all those portals? Hyperdash: Seriously, AJ? “What in the hay”? You’ve been hanging around Princess Twilight too long. That said, what the hell WAS Middie talking about, Sunset? Crystal Queen: Language, darling! Daydream: I don’t know, Dash, but it shouldn’t matter. We purged all the magic before our transformation reverted, but even before that, I wasn’t about to invade her mind to find out. Crystal Queen: Oh? And why not? Daydream: Because, Rarity, I wanted her to trust me—trust that I wasn’t whatever ugly alternate versions she’d seen of me through the singularity, and forcibly perusing her memories wasn’t the way to do it. We call that ‘scrying’ on Tellus, and there’s a whole slew of rules against it since it’s both an invasion of privacy and notoriously unreliable as a source of information. In fact, you guys might be interested to know that it’s so unreliable that the Equestrian justice system doesn’t allow memory magic to be used in a court of law. Fertile Fields: Memory magic? Huh. Definitely don’t remember that being an option for witness interrogation or evidence in Ace Attorney! Hyperdash: Ace Attorney? I don’t have the patience for it—give me a Derring Do side-scroller anytime! Then again, given how often you have to savespam those games, it’s a wonder you got through even the first episode of the first release. Fertile Fields: Oh, yeah? I’ll have you know that I’ve played every AA game up through Dual Destinies, Rainbow! And the only one I had to look up answers to was that danged “Rise from the Ashes” one. I hated it! Four pages of evidence in the court record with each having to be used at only a specific point? Could barely keep it all straight in my head! Daydream: I swear, only you girls could turn a wild and crazy sex story into a discussion about video game franchises involving defending accused criminals that didn’t have any sex in them at all. Fertile Fields: Yeah, well, tell that to Mia Fey’s way-too-showy outfits and all the bouncy boobs on the female characters! And would someone mind telling me why Phoenix Wright was always hanging out with young adolescent girls? Sugar High: You KNOW why! Too bad Feenie isn’t real! Given his sharp mind and willingness to stand up for his friends, I bet he’d be the PERFECT guy for Princess Twilight if Flash wasn’t around! Daydream: I don’t know, Pinkie. She sure didn’t seem impressed with him when she played the first game, saying that she didn’t like his lack of proper preparation or willingness to accuse the innocent when he screwed up. She seemed much more enamored of Mia Fey, to be honest. And since Mia wasn’t the focus of the games going forward, Twilight wasn’t interested in playing more of them even if she found the concept interesting. Fertile Fields: That so? Guess she’s got good taste in characters, then, even if I still don’t get why she’s so into Flash. Crystal Queen: Yes, well, we’re really not ones to talk at this point, darling. I mean, Pinkie and I are in love with an entire dragon clan, Applejack went cowgirl with a Saddle Arabian stallion, Rainbow likes the griffon version of her ex-girlfriend despite her being every bit as uncouth and ill-mannered as the human version was—no offense, darling—and as for you, ‘Sunny-D’? Despite reentering a relationship with Fluttershy, I daresay you’re still head over heels in love with Midnight. Daydream: I admit it. I am. And what sucks is that unlike the rest of you, there’s no bringing her back any more than I can ever become Daydream again… “I see…” This time, it was Vesuvius who answered Midnight. “I do not pretend to understand what you speak of when you say we may save all the realms, but we owe you as well, alien alicorn, for introducing me to the Queen. And indeed, my entire clan to the joys of sex with the griffons. The odd encounter in adolescence aside, we had no idea that we could rut or experience rapture outside of migration and mating seasons, least of all with another race! And as I do not wish to give offense to our powerful patron, may I at least know your name and how you wish to be addressed?” “Thank you for asking. You may indeed, but know that I bear no title, Dragon Lord. I am simply Midnight Sparkle,” she said with a bow and flourish. “I have ascended to be a goddess and yet, for all my new power, I am still first and foremost a scientist—or arcane theorist, as the griffons call it. Consider this union of your races a great experiment, though I cannot say that I originally intended to do anything more than an exercise in erotic revenge.” She glanced back through the portal at the trio of Sunny Flare, Indigo and Sour Sweet, who were quickly coming to appreciate their newly imparted tongue phalluses even as they glared at Midnight, unable to speak. That didn’t stop them from using their new equipment, though, as they rearranged themselves again to form a triangle of tongue cocks inside of tails, with Indigo hanging upside down from her thestral tail wrapped around a convenient branch to achieve the feat. “But I don’t mind. After all, proper scientific inquiry often leads down unlikely paths. And proper scientific process means you question and discard hypotheses that don’t match the available data,” she mused happily, staring at the scenes of sex around her in great satisfaction. In fact, she seemed rather content at that moment to witness all she had wrought, to the point that the stormy skies around us even settled somewhat. “And the scientific method means that hypotheses must be discarded, reshaped or occasionally outright replaced in light of new data. Data which both you and the dragons have provided me in abundance.” “You’re welcome, I suppose,” Queen Molyneux answered from Vesuvius’ embrace. “But if I may be so bold as to offer a new goddess a piece of important advice, be careful not to get too taken with your vast power, Midnight Sparkle. For far older but equally powerful beings have fallen prey to its temptations, believing themselves both invincible and infallible. And countless kingdoms and creatures have suffered because of it.” Though I was afraid that Midnight would take offense to being spoken down to—you don’t want to know what the old me would have done to hear that if I had Midnight’s power—she gave her a sage nod. “Such I have seen from my studies of your history, which are equal parts fascinating and appalling, facing godlike foes from Nightmare Moon to King Sombra. You are strong and wise beyond your years, noble Queen of the Gryphons, and I find myself surprised and even humbled in some small ways by your race’s magic. Clearly, for all my power, I still have much left to learn. And I pledge to you that I will endeavor to do so.” She bowed her head, then smiled and turned to Juniper Neptune. “And I must thank you as well, High Priestess, for introducing me to the griffons. And this impressively stable portal spell of yours.” She then cast it on all the rifts, solidifying them from ragged holes to smooth oval windows into different dimensions, causing the wind to die down and storms of the agitated atmosphere around us to almost completely cease. “It was my pleasure,” Juniper Neptune said after a brief pause, bouncing Fortrkat harder and harder on her lap. “Though with regards to the griffons, I knew nothing about this olden enchantment they were under along with the dragons, for which I must thank Nightmare Moon even if her intentions were less than… charitable. But now that they recognize each other as equals, they become true allies, and it is clear that these two races together are very formidable. In fact, I daresay none could stand against them, sensually or physically.” She gained an odd smile. “My thoughts exactly,” Midnight agreed with a coy grin of her own. “They would make an excellent army should I ever need one to call upon. They could spread sex instead of strife to overcome enemies, doing so without destruction or any loss of life. But that tantalizing possibility lies in the future, and I must consider it more first, exploring what potential futures it may bring about. But no matter. As this enjoyable distraction is nearly complete, it is time to turn my attention back to my classmates on earth. That is, if you are ready to conclude your business here as well, High Priestess?” she asked with a knowing grin. “Almost,” a suddenly breathless Juniper Neptune agreed, her focus no longer on Midnight or Moly, but now completely on the young griffon who still sat in her lap. “Be proud, Fortrakt Gletscher. For your Queen is not only worthy, but your very race to receive these gifts such as I or Midnight Sparkle may impart. And as I can no longer hold back, it is time to receive your own.” She began to paw at him more forcefully with her human hands, her light pink wings flared as hard as his feathered ones were. “Are you ready?” “I am…” Fortrakt agreed, his talons grasping the virtual flanks of the rutting Paladin tiercel behind him to lick beneath his tail. He did so as the far larger male drilled his former eagless subordinate in the tail in turn while Fortrakt’s spear filled her projected nest, giving a suddenly rapt looking Rainbow and AJ a spectacular view of her depths as she lay on her back before them. But the eagless barely noticed them, her eyes closed and calling Fortrakt’s name as she pleaded for him to give her his cubs. His efforts caused the much larger male to moan and wriggle his backside before taking a shuddering breath and then slamming his hips forward, hard. “I’m close as well. I’m yours, High Priestess! Make me the new progenitor of the bat-gryphon race…” Fortrakt gave a keening trill in anticipation—damn, he really wanted it! “As you wish…” she grunted as her hips began to piston hard, causing her balls to slap hard against the underside of his—or at least up until the point they contracted back into her body. “Then by the entire sacred line of all thirty Juniper Neptunes, let that lost and lustful race… revive!” > 20: Lemon Zested, Prelude - v2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, folks. Well, it’s not just a day, but a week later that I’m finally resuming work on writing this. So greetings and welcome to everyone anew, and that now includes a lot of additional readers I never dreamed would see this. Readers who include not only all my friends, but even our two Principals and several teachers. How did that happen, anyone who may have skipped the griffon arc asks? Well, in the case of my friends, they finally figured out something was amiss when they ponied up during a band practice, and well… really ponied up! Burst their shorts and skirts with the brand-new stallionhoods we’d all gained at the end of the Friendship Games, and it was a little hard to hide what happened from them after all that. Explanations were demanded for both that and a slew of crazy sex dreams they’d been having, so I told them everything. Or more precisely, I’m in the process of telling them, since they still don’t remember much but a few flashes of the actual events. I thus gave them access to these docs, and now they offer their own running commentary on them even as I’m writing them. So, for anyone coming in cold to this chapter, say hi, everyone! Fertile Fields: Hi, y’all! If you don’t recognize our avatars, we’re using some fantasy nicknames we gave ourselves from this goddess RP game we’ve been playing. Reckon it should be obvious enough who’s saying what, but if y'all need additional help, Sunny-D here has been nice enough to color-code the text. Daydream: Again, with my least favorite nickname, eh, AJ? Do you really want me to start calling you Piggly-Wiggly again? Hyperdash: Do it! I dare you! And hey, everybody. Just your friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash being awesome even in the Googly Doc comments! Don’t you agree, Rarity? Crystal Queen: I’m sure our future audience is suitably impressed, darling. Greetings, one and all! It’s the future fashion maven Rarity speaking. I don’t know who else would be reading this without the preceding chapters where we first appeared, but welcome and enjoy! Sugar High: Yep-yep! Hey, everybody! It’s the one and only Pinkie Pie! You’re going to have the BESTEST of best times reading this—we sure have! Oh, and don’t be bashful! Say hi, Fluttershy! Fluttershine: Oh. Um, hello. So yeah, the gang’s all here. They’re not the only ones though! Thanks to Rainbow not being discreet and checking out the latest docs on her phone in chemistry class, she got caught by Ms. Zecora and was forced to show what she was reading to Vice-Principal Luna. And after that… Well, suffice it to say, that was the catalyst for her and Principal Celestia rediscovering their new Midnight-imparted stallionhoods, and they’ve been having problems to the point that they’ve been calling in sick ever since. In fact, it was only after staying out of school for three days that they told us to meet them off-campus in a public park, which we thought was very odd. Why not their own offices? The reason why soon became obvious, as it was all they could do to contain their restored stallion erections, which they said were nearly constant along with the endless arousal they brought. Though not directly stated, it was plain that they were not just scared about being seen like that, but of what they might do with them, with Luna herself basically bursting her pants when a cute teenage boy walked by.  And I do mean that literally—her fly button popped off from the pressure it was under and then the seam of her zipper gave way to allow her new stallion cock to spring free before she could hide it. And then the only way she could do so was under her shirt, but not before we all got an eyeful of that mottled enormous midnight blue organ. To her credit, she was mortified and begged us to find some solution, saying they couldn’t work like this and didn’t trust themselves around students, including us. I promised her and Principal Celestia that I would do my best to find answers and even enlist the aid of Princess Twilight, asking only for the continued use of the school’s lab facilities after class. They immediately gave me permission, promising that they’d have Ms. Zecora grant us access. After that, they climbed into Principal Celestia’s white-and-gold SUV and hurried home, though Celly seemed so distracted by a pair of girls walking by that she clipped the curb on the way out and lost a hubcap. Have to say, girls—I thought these new cocks of ours were making us horny, but maybe thanks to the fact that our two Principals also gained a pair of big balls, they’ve had it even worse! Hyperdash: Yeah, I’m sure it wasn’t fun for them—well outside of having actual sex, that is. And man, Lulu is well-hung too. Better than any of us, in fact. Sugar High: You said it! I am SO jealous! Crystal Queen: That she was, darling. But Celly herself was the most well-endowed of us all! I daresay she could have satisfied a Saddle Arabian with such a large and fertile phallus! Fertile Fields: Yeah, gotta say it was something else watching that thing creep up her stomach beneath her shirt as she described the dreams she’d been having. And then seeing it nestle right up between her boobs and poke out the top beneath her blouse? Dang! For as much as I like big horsedicks, I wanted to rip her shirt open and go to town on that thing right then and there! Hyperdash: I know what you mean, girlfriend. I feel the same way about Lulu. She’s got a beautiful bod and I’d love to run my hands all over it. Heck, all I could think about when they were talking to us was how much I was crushing on her! Daydream: Uh, girls? They may be reading this, remember? So please show a little respect and don’t use their student nicknames. And call me crazy, but it’s *probably* not a good idea to start fantasizing about them out loud, either. Fertile Fields: Oops! Reckon you’re right. Sorry, Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. If you’re reading this, I mean no disrespect. Hyperdash: Me neither! Sorry, vice-Principal. Guess these new hybrid horsecocks of ours are really messing with our heads. And I do mean both of them. Ahem. So, yeah, we’re all trying to figure this out right now, students and staff alike. The latter are reading but not commenting, as they think it would be inappropriate to do so and in the case of our two Principals, they temporarily cut off their own internet access for reasons I’ll explain shortly. Instead, they’ll come back to me later with any questions or concerns, and I’ll answer them privately. So why did they go off-grid? Because just like us, they started sending a series or incredibly lurid pics and videos without meaning to, including Celestia simultaneously giving herself oral and a boob job while one of my earlier chapters was open on the screen in front of her. Luna, on the other hand, seems to love stuffing herself with dildos while lying on her back, openly fantasizing about getting groped and gangbanged by groups of male students again. Or alternately, taking their tails during detention as punishment for both real and imagined affronts. Those came from everything from their webcams to their home’s security cameras and got transmitted to us. There’s more, but I’ll refrain from describing it—yes, I know you said it was okay to tell, Principal and vice-Principal, but even if this is just a private document, you’ve been embarrassed enough. The point is that they were terrified of all that explicit media getting out on the public student boards instead of just in our private group chats. I have a theory that the reason it happens so readily between us is that Midnight’s probability-altering magic remains in us but only in us, catalyzing each other and thus making it easy for such stuff to pass between us. Basically, it takes both sides having that magic to make it happen. But as the rest of the students and staff don’t seem to be affected like that, they won’t get any accidentally released porn—unless, that is, we release it deliberately. Needless to say, since it’s just a theory that’s dangerous to test, we’ve agreed it’s unwise to push our luck. But the reason for the latest delay in a new chapter wasn’t just for that. It was so that—much to my own mortification—the other faculty who were involved in the events of the Friendship Games could also be told what happened. It was because Celestia and Luna said—rightly, I think—that I had to share this with Ms. Cheerilee and Ms. Zecora, who were likewise caught up in the sexual insanity of the Friendship Games but were also filling in for our two absent school heads as vice-Principal and Principal, respectively. I could hardly say no, so I gave them the Googly Docs links as well. And wow, was I nervous about getting their feedback, and not just for them learning what happened and what they did! Ms. Zecora responded with her usual florid prose and a few surprisingly sexy remarks—for what it’s worth, they didn’t get any new male equipment out of the Friendship Games, for which I think Ms. Zecora is honestly disappointed—but Ms. Cheerilee decided to review and grade it like a term paper in creative writing class. And hoo boy, she really dinged me good for what she called ‘major narrative mistakes’ a couple times, especially on the Enter the Griffons arc I just finished. Fertile Fields: Whoa nellie, she really did. I saw the hard copy of it she passed back to you. She marked it up a lot. In fact, she was dang tough on it in more than a few places. Hyperdash: Yeah! She said that whole wild and crazy griffie arc was a ‘needless tangent’ that ‘took focus away from where it needed to be’ and ‘killed narrative momentum’! Crystal Queen: And that it was a ‘sideshow’ that belonged in ‘a side story’!. The nerve! Sugar High: Aw! But I LOVED hearing about Moly and DLV! And the dragons going to town on the griffies! That was SO hot! Fertile Fields: Uh… DLV? Sugar High: Dragon Lord Vesuvius! DUH! Daydream: Silly us. So anyway, before the narration resumes with the conquest of Lemon Zest, I just wanted to catch readers up on what was happening, including the fact that Princess Twilight stopped by. She did so at my request a few days ago to deliver a pair of special magically treated crystals for our pair of endlessly aroused Principals. She promised that they would gradually and gently sop up any ambient non-native magic in its vicinity like a sponge—unlike the human Twilight’s crude and very indiscriminate siphons which slurped up everything instantly, causing severe magical withdrawal symptoms in the process—and safely contain them without harming the former bearer of said magic. She further said that they would take only a day or two to work, asking that they be returned across the portal later so that she could analyze the spellwork they contained. That accomplished, she went off with a very anxious Flash for at least a few minutes while we caught up with her scribe Spike, who I have to say, seemed especially pleased to soak up affection from Rarity. Fertile Fields: ‘Especially pleased’? Reckon that dragon boi just about started popping a boner when he got picked up and held to Rarity’s chest! Hyperdash: Yeah, well, who could blame him to be up against those pretty and quite perky ivory boobs? Crystal Queen: Flatterer! Though I personally prefer to describe them as alabaster, darling. He may have the form of a precious little puppy, but I daresay he’s picked up on human beauty standards quite readily. He’s utterly adorable, and normally a dragon who’s in his mid-teens? For as much as I enjoyed their company, I truly cannot fathom why my pony counterpart wants nothing to do with him! Daydream: Uh, you might want to remember that makes him a toddler by dragon standards, Rares. They’ve got much longer lifespans than us, so their childhood is greatly extended. That means that even though he’s a teenager, he’s really a baby dragon not much bigger than he is as a dog. Ask the Princess to show you a picture of his true self next time she comes by. Crystal Queen: Oh, dear. I had no idea. Then it is a simple but quite literal case of puppy love he has for me? Sugar High: Aw, what does THAT matter? He likes boobs, burgers, and video games! That makes him teenage boy enough for me! Fertile Fields: And me! Fluttershy: Um, I’m with Pinkie and Applejack here, Rarity. He may be a baby in body, but he’s definitely got the interests and desires of a teenage boy around the age of your sister. But he’s also much smarter than the average boy his age, and even for as young as he is, I think he’s quite the polite and charming gentledrake. Hyperdash: Yeah, he’d have to be to not start humping your boobs the way you were holding him the other day! Given the human porn videos that Pinkie said she showed him a couple visits back, I’ll bet he was ready to slip his canine cock between your blouse buttons to take your tits right then and there! Crystal Queen: Ack! RAINBOW! Daydream: Uh, yeah. Moving on before the conversation devolves any further. And no more comments for a while, please, or I’m never going to get through all this! When the Princess came back, she collected Spike and kissed a breathless Flash goodbye, giving him a wink as they departed through the portal. Now granted, we don’t actually know what she was doing with Flash, except that he looked very dazed but happy and Twilight was pretty much glowing afterwards… Okay, maybe we do know! But most of us were too polite to say anything, and Rarity shushed Pinkie before she could make a comment. Personally, I’m just glad Flash is feeling better now, given he’s been moping ever since the Friendship Games. That was the happiest I’d seen him in weeks, and I think the friendly ribbing he got from his bandmates also helped. Once we’d seen Twilight and Spike back off through the portal—the Princess promised on her Celestia’s sun to return for a longer visit within two weeks—I rushed off on my motorcycle with Ms. Cheerilee’s permission to miss the start of school in order to get the hex-absorbing gemstones to our two badly suffering school heads. So, after plugging their address into my phone, which was written down on a small piece of paper I’ve since destroyed—I’ve been sworn to secrecy about where they live, given they’re rightfully paranoid about students knowing; I’ve even removed the location from my phone’s memory of destinations once I got back—I drove off, deliberately taking a circuitous route to get there. After asking Ms. Cheerilee to page them to let them know I had arrived, I pulled up to the curb and walked up to their door, ringing the bell and waiting. But they didn’t answer except by intercom. Vice-Principal Luna told me in clipped tones to leave the package on the porch just to the side of the door it opened on, and they’d retrieve it after I left. Celestia then said in a shaky voice that maybe they should let me in to ‘see that they’re okay’, to which Luna shouted “NO!” and cut the connection. So, I walked back to my motorbike, and right when I was climbing onto it and pulling my helmet on, the front door fractionally open. I briefly saw one of Luna’s arms reach out for the package through the cracked-open doorway. She was wearing whatever was left of that ruined white nightgown we saw before in those videos she accidentally sent us, though it looked torn over her arms in several places and definitely didn’t cover much. She was trying very hard to stay out of view, but then she fumbled the box and had to step further out to get it, showing she was attempting to reach it with one hand while trying to hold her torn-up nightgown together with the other. But Midnight’s probability-altering magic influence was still being felt, given she couldn’t quite seem to grasp it with one hand and the small box just kept scooting further away the more she tried to grab it. When she stepped out even further, her nightgown caught on the door and ripped right off her, stripping her bare in an instant as its remains hung on the doorknob. Have to admit, I had a pretty spectacular view of her for a second or three there, and our eyes locked just before she slipped and fell on her rear right on the doormat. Forced to shoot her hands out behind her to catch herself, her boobs bounced hard on her chest, showing a pair of incredibly ample and very perky breasts. Her eighteen-inch stallion cock and balls likewise rebounded hard off the ground before springing fully free before my eyes—if anything, they looked even bigger than before! —with the stimulation causing the former to spurt and the latter to visibly contract up into her body. I couldn’t help but watch raptly to see her so helplessly hard and horny, my mouth agape. And worse, my own stallionhood started to swell to see it, threatening to burst my pants. No joke, girls—for as horny as I suddenly was, I was ready to go to her right then and there! Doubly so when I heard her sounds of strangled pleasure as she both cried out in passion and simultaneously tried to tearfully apologize for the display.  But her actions belied her words, especially when she arched her back to thrust her heaving chest in the air, causing her rigid midnight blue teats and almost equally dark and prominent areolae to inscribe circular paths in the air.  Seeing that I was watching her wide-eyed even when she weakly begged me not to, her body tensed and her hands went to her crotch, frantically stroking the base of her equine shaft with her left while squeezing and hefting her huge balls with the right. She then released what looked like a month of pent-up tension, saying she was sorry over and over even as she climaxed repeatedly and made an impressive mess of their front porch. Fertile Fields: Uh… not that I mind all the super-sexy detail, but I gotta ask, Sunset—are they really okay with you spilling the beans on stuff like this? Daydream: Well, I asked them that very question through Ms. Cheerilee, who forwarded it to their private email account before they even cut that off. The answer I eventually got back from Principal Celestia was that ‘it wasn’t a question of minding it’, but more like since ‘we’d already seen them at their wanton worst’, there was no point in hiding it. So yeah, they gave their blessing, saying they needed my writings to help remember what happened so they could come to terms with it. They only asked that we forgive them and understand ‘how very mortified’ they are by their behavior. Hyperdash: Forgive them? For what? It’s not like we were any better. Also ain’t like we haven’t had a few of those displays lately ourselves! Crystal Queen: “It also isn’t”, darling. Vice-Principal Luna is reading, and you know how much of a stickler she is for proper grammar. That said, I agree. After all our own untoward displays, there is nothing to forgive! Fluttershine: Um, I rather enjoyed their displays myself. Especially when they accidentally sent us video that showed them scissoring on a couch but also pushing their new futa cocks together and screaming each other’s name. Fertile Fields: Yeah, I gotta admit that was really hot! Hey, wanna try that this weekend after we’re done with chores, Rainbow? Hyperdash: You’re on! Sugar High: Oh! OH! I’ll be having fun with Triton and Chest Candy over this weekend, so be sure you stream it live for all of us! Fertile Fields: Uh, yeah. Hard pass, Pinkie. We’d like a little privacy if you don’t mind! Sugar High: No problem! It’ll just be the five of us, then! Hyperdash: PINKIE! Even as Luna erupted from her new cock over and over again, she was pleading with me not to share what I’d seen, and I wouldn’t have—if my phone hadn’t dinged with an incoming video text. It was a live stream of the scene from their home’s security cameras, showing what was happening to her from several different angles, including close-ups of her spurting stallionhood and another rather spectacular view of her balls as they twitched and continually contracted with each fresh gush of cum! Even worse—or better, depending on your point of view—it got sent to not just me, but our entire group chat, earning a bunch more oohs and aahs. To be sure, it wasn’t the only time that happened over the past few days. We got a few more from Celly over that time also showing her in full futa mode, but we promised to delete all the pics and vids they accidentally sent us. Which we did, right, everyone? That means YOU, Pinkie! Sugar High: Aw… but I was going to put the stills up in my locker and show them to the boys in the school metal shop! I loved seeing Celly and Lulu all naked and futa, and I know they would too! Crystal Queen: PINKIE!!!!!! Need I remind you that our two Principals are reading this? So for the love of Ember and all our dragon friends, please STOP! Sugar High: Stop what? I’m just complimenting them! I really DO think they’re beautiful! And super-MEGA-hot with those torn nightgowns over their cocks and bulging boobs! Fertile Fields: Dagnabbit, girl, that’s not the point! You Pinkie-promised you’d delete those pics, so get to it! And no crossing your danged fingers behind your back! Fluttershine: Um, she’s right, Pinkie. A promise is a promise. I liked them too, but I really don’t want to embarrass them. Sugar High: Yeah, I did promise. Don’t worry; they’ve been gone off my phone for days. Hyperdash: Oddly specific. Daydream: My thoughts exactly. And no saving them to another smartphone or computer, posting them online, printing them out or turning them into wallpaper on your PC or tablet, either! So if that’s what you did, then delete them. NOW. Sugar High: Spoilsport! Even after all the events of the Friendship Games, witnessing Luna go wild like that was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen. And it would have been even more titillating except… well, she really didn’t look good, girls. That’s how I was able to overcome my own urges afterwards, realizing how much she was suffering and at the mercy of her new magically endowed male equipment. Her eyes were sunken like she was short of sleep and been endlessly fighting her own urges; I can’t imagine it was any better for her big sister either. Honestly, my heart went out to her and Celestia just then as she finally grabbed the box and crawled back inside. I could only hope as I exhaled heavily and willed my erection away that Twilight’s magical remedy would work for them. And did it? Well, put it this way. After a couple weeks away, they’re finally back at school! As it turned out, the Princess’s crystals did their job quite nicely. We found out when Ms. Cheerilee let us know that our two Principals were finally able to sleep and not be endlessly excited every time a student or six crossed their thoughts. Or worse, constantly ending up with wardrobe malfunctions or accidentally snapping pics and video of themselves to send to us, which I’m now more convinced than ever has been happening due to Midnight’s lingering magic. We haven’t gotten back the results of Princess Twilight’s analysis on the recovered crystals yet, but I mean, if it wasn’t Middie, then Twilight’s cure wouldn’t have worked. Sugar High: Aw! But I LOVED it when they did that! It was SO much fun to see them so helplessly horny they’d screw any student! And those pics and video they kept sending us would have made a PERFECT portfolio in the Axiom All-Teachers X-Rated Annual! Fertile Fields: The WHAT now? Crystal Queen: Trust you to know that there’s such a thing, darling! Hyperdash: I just looked it up. She’s right; it’s real. Why am I not surprised…? Fluttershine: Um, I’m looking at the advertisements for it on my tablet now, and I kind of doubt those are actual teachers, Pinkie. Sugar High: Exactly! So how cool would it have been to have some REAL ones? I could just see it now—"The Instructors of CHS Show All!” Just imagine Ms. Cheerilee bottomless with pom-poms and a pushed-up bra, jumping in the air like she was a cheerleader again! Or Ms. Zecora in an open lab coat that revealed EVERYTHING leaning back against a workbench! She could have one hand on her boob and another between her legs! Hyperdash: Urk! Dammit, Pinkie! Don’t feed me that image after what just happened! … Great, now I’m hard and horny as hell again! Daydream: Me too, over not just Vice-Principal Luna but Ms. Cheerilee. And I really do think that she and Ms. Zecora might do it if given the chance! Sugar High: Ha! TOLD ya! Don’t fight it, Dashie! And you too, Sunny-D! Daydream: Sorry, but I’m gonna fight it or I’m never going to get through this, Pinkie! Moving on… Two days later, I retrieved the magic neutralization crystals from their offices—they brought them to me their first day back—and I took them through the portal personally over the weekend. Of course, Princess Twilight then had to perform a bunch of tests on my pony form in her basement lab. Can’t fault her, really. After what I told her about our experiences, she was trying to figure out how much of Midnight’s magic remained in me as opposed to how much of it was now native to my being, having been imparted by the Elements of Harmony during our respective ascensions. Difference being, the former can be possibly purged for being foreign magic, but the latter could only be temporarily dampened due to the fact that it’s now a part of us—part of our own native magic, I mean. The jury’s still out there, too, but she promised she’d get the results to us as soon as she could. Of course, Twilight being Twilight, she also wanted to see my new stallionhood—for ‘purely scientific purposes’, of course. And don’t worry, Fluttershy and Rarity, she sent Spike away on an errand before asking. I admit I actually had some issues bringing my futahood out for her, and not just because it was a bit embarrassing to have it scrutinized. The problem was that, much to my surprise, all my usual human-centric fantasies suddenly didn’t work when I was back in a unicorn body. Not even thinking of Midnight helped—at least, not until I suddenly imagined her as a pony. When I did, I instantly went rock hard and rigid. Hyperdash: Ha! And how did Twi take that? Daydream: Oh, I didn’t tell her that’s what I was imagining! You know she’s a little put off by the idea of her human counterpart turning evil, given what it might say about her. But on the other hand, she seemed amazed by my new cock. She took measurements and pictures and then remarked about how ‘magically incredible’ it was that I’d gained a semi-permanent transformation, which ‘she didn’t even think was possible outside of alicorn ascension’. Hyperdash: Uh… what’s an alicorn again? Fertile Fields: Seriously, Dash? It’s what our Principals are in the Princess’s world, remember? Sunset said they were very powerful ponies possessing the physical and magical attributes of all three major pony types: earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi! Crystal Queen: And she also said that their Celestia and Luna were the rulers of their land, now over eighteen hundred years old. I can’t imagine such a long life, myself. Hyperdash: Oh, right. So, uh, how come our Principals don’t have that kind of power, then, and they’re only in their forties? Do you know the answer, Sunset? Daydream: Partly, but I can’t tell you without revealing a few things about them that they really don’t want getting out. It’s their secret, so divulging it is up to them and them alone. Fertile Fields: Then how in tarnation do YOU know about them, filly? Daydream: Because the old me needed blackmail material against them to let me run the school, so I dug deep into their pasts and found them out. As it was a very ugly part of my own past, you’ll forgive me if I’d rather not say more. Hyperdash: Point taken. Sorry to bring up bad memories. Daydream: It’s fine. But on the subject of alicorns, I then told Twilight that I kind of did become an alicorn briefly, and then some. I really wish I could have shown her a picture of myself as Daydream, but since our purge of memory included the digital kind, no physical or online images of either me or Midnight remain. Crystal Queen: A terrible shame, Darling. For you were so powerful and beautiful like that! Just as Midnight was a reflection of the human Twilight’s tortured soul, your goddess form was a reflection of your true self. Your *new* self! Fluttershine: It really was. And you really were. But you don’t have to be a goddess for me to see you as beautiful, Sunset. Or to love you. Daydream: Oh, for… now I’m starting to cry. I’d hug you so hard if you were here with me right now, Fluttershy. Fertile Fields: Just hug? Daydream: Well, we’ll start there! So yeah… that little ‘examination’ the Princess put me through went on for about twenty minutes. I swear, she kept coming up with new tests on the spot, asking me to stay aroused as long as possible—which was easy enough as long as I imagined a pony Midnight! Naturally, the Princess continued to insist it wasn’t because she found it ‘in any way erotic’, but because it was ‘such a unique opportunity’, further saying that ‘the only stallionhood she was interested in belongs to Flash’. Yeah, I can imagine everyone’s smirk from here. Though I wasn’t sure I believed her, I didn’t press her. Once she was done, she treated me to a meal in Ponyville—been a really long time since I had an oatburger and hay fries from Burger Prince, and their Sugar Cube Corner is every bit as good as ours for dessert! —and we caught up more generally over dinner. It was a good talk. And whoops, I almost forgot. I was also hoping to meet her new student we’ve heard so much about, but as luck would have it, she was out on some mission the Friendship Map had assigned her. Crystal Queen: A new student, you say? Who? Daydream: Starlight Glimmer, remember? You know, the mare the Princess said she had a running fight through multiple alternate timelines with? The entire reason she couldn’t be here to deal with the Friendship Games and Midnight Sparkle herself? Fertile Fields: Oh, right. Her. Starlight Glimmer, huh? She sounds like a right crazy mare from everything the Princess said. Ain’t sure I believe she’s all reformed just lickety-split like that, either. Hyperdash: Yeah, I’m not sure about that myself. And if being an Alicorn makes Twi all-powerful, then just how the heck was this Starlight Glitter able to go head-to-head with her as only a unicorn? Crystal Queen: Glimmer, not Glitter, darling. And to answer your question, knowing the Princess as we do? I would guess that she held back out of fear of hurting her. Hyperdash: Huh. Maybe you’re right. What do you think, Sunset? Daydream: Maybe. That does sound like something Twilight would do. I don’t have a better explanation, but I’m not about to ask, either. Hopefully we can find out more when she has the time to make a longer visit. If she’s not spending the entire trip with Flash, that is! So while we were eating, we chatted about Starlight for a while. I swear, Twilight couldn’t shut up about her, calling her a ‘wonderful student’ and the ‘most magically gifted mare’ she’d ever seen.  She also related the girl’s backstory, and it turns out she and I have a lot in common. We’re both reformed bad girls, though in Starlight’s case, she wasn’t zapped with the Elements of Harmony to cure her. She had to see for herself the error of her ways, which happened when she witnessed the apocalyptic futures that resulted from not having the Elements of Harmony available thanks to her timeline meddling. And before anyone asks why we didn’t experience these futures? Well, maybe we did, but we wouldn’t know it. Even if our reality was repeatedly altered along with the Tellusian one, we wouldn’t remember any of it afterwards. In fact, we wouldn’t even know that anything had happened. Well, maybe Middie knew, since she could have seen it through the singularity. But then again, that’s only if she knew to look for them, and her interests there were pretty narrow. Oh, and since we were talking about Spike earlier, he was there with us. Outside of when the Princess had been checking my new male equipment out, he’d been taking notes for her and occasionally got her some things she asked for. I swear, he knows where to find every book, broom, and alchemic reagent in that big castle. Crystal Queen: My! So attentive and loyal! Baby or no, I daresay he will make a fine catch for some lucky mare later. Fertile Fields: Heh. You sound almost jealous, Rares! Crystal Queen: Hardly. I just appreciate how polite and doting he is! The boys of CHS could take lessons from him on the proper treatment of ladies. Daydream: I’ll grant that. I don’t know whether it’s his upbringing or just his regular personality, but he’s a lot more courteous and thoughtful than most other dragons I knew back in Equestria—no offense intended to either the Vesuvius or Torch dragon clans. Crystal Queen: On their behalf, none taken, darling. I love all my drake paramours, but I daresay they had to be taught a modicum of manners first. And yet, for all his youth, Spike seems… different. And as you say, I am uncertain if it’s because of his personality or his upbringing. Daydream: Maybe a bit of both. Honestly, he really does treat Twilight as his mother. But that said, for as schoolgirl-giddy as the Princess sometimes gets over Flash or just researching new magic, sometimes I swear he’s got more good sense than she does! He helps her, but there are times he seems to keep her out of trouble more than anything else, like when she started having a bit too much hard cider over dinner. Fertile Fields: Well, reckon that ain’t surprising at all. Not after the lengths his canine counterpart here went to in trying to save the human Twilight from Midnight! Fluttershine: Whether our Spike or hers, he really does love her and looks after her. And maybe that’s why you like him in spite of his appearance and age, Rarity. You want a boy who treats you well, and you know Spike would. Crystal Queen: Perhaps… Daydream: Well, he did ask about you, Rarity, when Twilight stepped away to the little filly’s room for a couple minutes at dinner. He said he wanted three things when he and Twilight next came by. Crystal Queen: Oh? Daydream: Yep. The first was a ‘nice meaty pizza’, which they definitely don’t have in Equestria. The second was to play some more Pokemon Mystery Dungeon video games on Pinkie’s Waystation 5 while the Princess was out with Flash—he really likes those, probably because you’re constantly gathering loot! And third, he asked if he could get some ‘quality time’ with you! Crystal Queen: And… dare I ask what he meant by that? Daydream: He didn’t specify, but he blushed when he asked. And then his paws shot to his crotch as he ran to the colt’s restroom in a stilt-legged panic. Hyperdash: HA! Classic crush reaction. Fluttershine: Oh my. That poor drake. Fertile Fields: Heh. Reckon that boy’s smitten something fierce. And I can hear your mind turning from here, Rarity! Hyperdash: Yeah, well, it obviously ain’t her mind he wants! Crystal Queen: I am NOT having this conversation! Regardless of his true form being a dragon, he is too young, and I do not wish to get his hopes up. I could no more date him than I could a freshman! Fertile Fields: Oh, really? Well, judging by that livestream you just sent us of yourself typing on your tablet with one hand while partially unbuttoning your blouse and pants with the other, that ain’t the only thing that’s up right now! Sugar High: OOOoooOOOoo! Both your cocks are already at full salute! And you released a single fastener just below your boobs! Then you really DO want him to take your tits right between your blouse buttons! AWESOME! I’ll have to save that clip to show Spike later! Fluttershine: I think you should let him, Rarity. That would make Spike so happy. And you as well. Crystal Queen: EEEEEEEEEEEK! Okay. So once Rarity stopped hyperventilating over her revealed fantasy and worse, sending out yet another accidental dick pic—we did promise we wouldn’t anymore, but it appears Midnight’s magical influence continues to be felt despite everything—everyone purged it from their phones and got themselves off as a precaution, and now here we are again an hour later as I come to the hardest part of this intro. And for everyone anxious for Lemon Zest, please be patient! There’s a lot of stuff I have to get through first! And I do mean that it’s the hardest part quite literally, given I’m fully erect and throbbing right now remembering, even after only coming a couple minutes ago. To make a long story short, I met with Ms. Cheerilee at her own request the day after writing that last chapter, when I was still feeling a bit down over her telling me the griffon arc didn’t belong in the story. So I went to the VP’s office she was occupying in Luna’s absence once school was out, where she invited me in, served me some tea and biscuits—by which I mean the Bittish, er, British kind—and we ended up having a really good chat about things. In fact, I stayed there for over an hour as we started to review my earlier chapters and even discussed how I might be able to publish this account anonymously to some hentai site with just a few judicious changes—yeah, I won’t say no to making a few bits off it! Fertile Fields: Heh. Just so long as you share! Sugar High: In that case, we should ALL get royalties for the use of our names and likenesses! Hyperdash: Our likenesses? We haven’t attached any pics to this! Sugar High: Well, we SHOULD! Just imagine if we made this story illustrated! We could make a MINT! And then start new careers on SolelySupporters! Crystal Queen: I… can’t… even… Sugar High: Oh, really? Then you’re in luck, Rarity! There’s a self-help book for that! Fertile Fields: HAHAHAHAHA! Thanks, Pinkie! I needed that laugh.  Sugar High: Anytime, AJ! Now come on, Sunset! Let’s get to the good stuff! Fluttershine: Yes, let’s! You know, if it’s okay… Daydream: Alright, alright! I mean, if even Flutters is urging it. Just please, no comments or interruptions while I’m writing this! I have to do it in one go, or it’s never gonna get done! I have to admit, it was a little surreal discussing these topics with her, and yet, it didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Quite the opposite, in fact—the more we chatted, the more open and friendly I felt towards her. She even confided that she envied me for remembering everything, finding her own memory jogged by reading the story but still woefully incomplete. She sighed sadly and then wished openly for a ‘wild and crazy experience’ that she did fully remember, admitting that she hadn’t really had any in years. When I asked why she didn’t have a husband or boyfriend, she said it was because she was “wed to her work” and “didn’t find it appropriate” to enjoy the company of coworkers or the students she taught. So yeah. It was right about then my mind started to seriously turn and my erection started to surge, pushing hard into my panties. It then tented my skirt as it tore right through my undergarment—and for as many pairs as I’ve ruined, maybe it’s time we start wearing boys’ boxers with a fly opening—and damned if she didn’t hear it. I tried to stammer an apology, but I didn’t make any effort to hide it, pushing back from the desk so she could see it. Her hand went to her mouth and her eyes went wide as saucers as she watched it rise from my lap until it was so big my skirt slid right off it, showing my stallionhood pointed directly at her and already starting to drool onto the desk. She mumbled something unintelligible as she leaned over the desk for a closer look, motioning me closer. So, throwing caution to the wind either out of a desire to obey an instructor or simply because I was already having some pretty intense fantasies about her, I did so, stepping up to hang it over the desk until it was staring her in the face. “Oh… my…” Her voice was barely a husky whisper at that point, and I could tell how turned on she was. She didn’t have a dick of her own, sadly, but since she’d been bathed in Midnight’s enhancement and arousal magic? Her boobs swelled and stretched her blouse and bra to the point of breaking, ending up tearing in widening horizontal rifts through both layers of clothing right over her hard-as-diamonds teats. I saw the rounded bumps of her dark amaranth areolae slowly emerge along with a spreading wedge of her magenta mammaries around them—how’s that for alliteration, Ms. Cheerilee? —and I just couldn’t help it. Climbing over the desk while leaning over to show off my own newly bulging boobs, I sat over the front of the desk and then slid down the front, bending over further to kiss her while my hands found the bare areas of her breasts and slipped inside the edges of the torn fabric. She didn’t resist me at all as I then inserted the top of my cock into the space between two badly overstrained blouse buttons still covering the bottom of her boobs, pushing it up until it pressed between them and emerged out the top, causing the remaining fasteners to give one by one until even the front of her bra snapped and her gorgeous breasts slid fully free. No joke, girls—it felt like the Friendship Games all over again as she not only didn’t resist me, but without any prompting she just lowered her head onto my partially flared equine organ and took the first few inches of it in her mouth.  And by the Sacred Sun of my old mentor, she gave some incredible head! Perfect pressure, perfect pace. She was so good at it, in fact, that I came in under a minute, arching my back as I came at full force into her mouth, pushing back on the desk so hard that it made a sharp sound as it shifted position by a couple feet on the floor. But then Ms. Zecora burst in from the adjoining office at the noise, and Rainbow was right behind her since she was there for detention after being caught on her cellphone in chemistry class. When our acting Principal saw us, she stopped short and her jaw dropped open, causing Rainbow to bump hard into her from behind and fall on her butt.  She instinctively grabbed at the nearest thing to arrest her fall, which happened to be Ms. Zecora’s calf-length skirt. It gave way with a sharp rip to partially fall off her rear, revealing she had zebra-striped panties. But even though Ms. Cheerilee definitely saw them, her slurps got even louder and she even rotated her chair to show us both to Ms. Zecora in profile! “By my striped sides, I thought something was awry. But I did not expect to see—oh my!” It was at that moment that Ms. Cheerilee pressed her boobs into the side of my shaft and began stroking it with her soft surfaces—and filly scout’s honor; I swear that once again, I didn’t make her do it! All I could do at that point was groan and arch my back, closing my eyes only to snap them open again when I realized that I really wanted to see those beautiful magenta boobs cushioning my mottled orange stallion cock. So I did, and it was all I could do not to cream myself again right then and there! Her boobs were still growing, and they felt so good to rub against, to say nothing of her head bobbing up and down on my male meat. I can’t say this enough, gang—she was really good at oral! Enough that I swear she’d done both that and paizuri plenty of times before, even prior to the Friendship Games. And then Rainbow finally picked herself up off the floor, looking over Ms. Zecora’s shoulder as she stood transfixed in the doorway, not even caring as her ruined skirt fell in a puddle around her ankles. Once she got a good look at us, Dash’s jaw fell open, too. “Holy—” I’m cutting off the last word she spoke, because I think you can guess what it was. Crystal Queen: Ugh… must you ruin the mood, Rainbow? Are you even remotely capable of speech without cursing? Hyperdash: Yeah, I cussed, and don’t give me grief, Rarity—that time it was justified! Even if it did earn me another day’s detention after. Fertile Fields: Call me crazy, Dash, but I don’t think you mind now! Hyperdash: Maybe I wouldn’t, if it was still with Zecora! But now that V-P Luna has taken back over… yeah. Sugar High: Huh? But I thought you were crushing on her, too! Said she had a ‘beautiful bod’ and that you wanted to ‘run your hands’ all over her! Fluttershine: Um, Pinkie? They’re reading this? Sugar High: Good! Then she knows that Dashie would give her the same treatment as Zecora, except maybe she’d also take her cock up the tail while sitting on her lap! Hyperdash: PINKIE! Ack! Nononono! Stop growing and throbbing, cock! HEY! I didn’t turn my webcam on! Stop streaming this to my friends, dammit! WHAT? Don’t show me all those vids of Luna she accidentally sent us earlier! I swear I deleted those! Aw, fuck, look at her going to town on her own cock while groping those beautiful blue balls… damn that’s hot… you know, I bet Pinkie is right and it would fit my rear just fine! What? NO! Stop thinking about it, brain! Stop imagining sitting on her lap with her hands clutching at your boobs from behind! Ohnonono! I’m gonna… GONNA! Daydream: … and right into the poster of her and Scootaloo at the sisterhood social again. Hey, at least it’s framed and covered in plastic! Sugar High: Oooo… great peep show, Dashie! I bet VPL is REALLY impressed! Fertile Fields: Yeah, that was really hot, Rainbow! But what do you mean V-P Luna, Pinkie? She didn’t see it! Sugar High: Nuh-uh! Check the vid share list, AJ! The stream went to the work accounts of both our Principals as well! So Dashie’s detention tomorrow should now be even MORE fun! Hyperdash: AAAAAUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!!!!! So, yeah. After a quick exchange of emails with our two principals, who they’ll forgive me for saying had an uncharacteristic number of misspellings and grammatical errors in their text, they promised to delete the video and shift Dashie’s remaining detention over to boys’ Lacrosse Coach Long Pole. She’ll get not one but two days of punishment under him over the next week, involving her favorite duty of cleaning up the boys’ locker rooms after a home game. The extra day was due to the extra curses in her screed just now, since we’re not supposed to use profanity in the presence of our Principals, even online. But since she’d dropped offline and wasn’t answering texts, we dispatched Pinkie Pie to find her and make sure she was okay. She found Rainbow hiding naked in her bedroom closet, afraid to even go near her phone or computer webcams again. Can’t say I blame her for that one. I’ve already written Princess Twilight to ask for additional absorption crystals, since they worked so well for our two Principals. She’s promised to have them ready by tomorrow, and she also says her analysis on the original pair is nearly complete. Of course, Twilight being Twilight, she won’t disclose the results until she has all of them and can present a formal report. In the meantime, Pinkie got AJ, who’s staying with a very nervous Rainbow now and has ‘made dang sure’ that all their smartphone, tablet and computer webcams are not just off but covered with strips of tape. That will make it much harder for any persistent probability altering enchantment to overcome. But there was also one other surprise that appears to be yet another lingering effect of Midnight’s magic. It turns out that Rainbow’s latest, er, eruption had a strangely familiar effect on that picture of her and Scootaloo from when they won last fall’s Sisterhood Social, held annually on AJ’s family farm. Understand, the poster-sized was framed and behind plastic, and yet, once AJ cleaned up Rainbow’s erotic effusions, the image beneath had changed! It showed them… well in a similar but decidedly more sexual pose that neither AJ nor Rainbow is willing to describe here for fear of violating underage sex depiction laws. I don’t know what they saw except for hearing a “Whoa nellie!” and “Land sakes!” from AJ followed by Rainbow taking the image down and placing it upside down under her bed. So far nothing else in her room is affected, but it sounds like the sooner we get those additional crystals in place, the better. I do have one theory on how that happened that I’ll have to run past Princess Twilight: Midnight made it so that other, far more erotic griffon reality leaked into this one, so it’s possible that it had an analogous effect here and that picture in fact belongs to an alternate reality. Who knows; maybe it’s the same one as the griffie one? But anyway, sorry for the tangent. My apologies, Ms. Cheerilee. I know you keep telling me not to lose narrative focus, but it’s just that things keep happening! I would stop here, except Rainbow is requesting I continue the tale of her and Ms. Zecora to help her not think about Scoots. So without further ado… * * * * * I don’t know how long our longtime chemistry teacher and Rainbow stood there watching us, and I can’t say I really cared as Ms. Cheerilee continued to give me what I could only consider the best boob job in history, stroking my shaft with the inner surfaces of her freshly enhanced and exquisitely shaped breasts. But by the time I tore enough of my attention away from her to glance over at them, a wide-eyed Rainbow was watching the scene from beside Ms. Zecora’s right shoulder, pawing increasingly frantically at our acting Principal’s attire. More to the point, her cock had popped right out of her shorts, bursting a seam or two in the process. It was quickly growing very large and rigid, rising right between our taller acting Principal’s legs.  In fact, it was already to the point it was grinding against her still-covered slit; the friction and moisture they produced slowly dissolving and ripping open the rapidly fraying panties between them. I could hear the increasingly wet squishing sounds coming from the point of contact before Rainbow turned her to the side so they could both see what was happening with me and Ms. Cheerilee. That Rainbow was less than half Ms. Zecora’s age and stood a full head below her didn’t matter to either in the least as she grabbed the two halves of our chemistry instructor’s overstrained blouse and bra and tugged hard, causing all her overstretched buttons to pop and her boobs to burst free. They’d always been big to begin with, but now they were enormous, bouncing hard on her chest as Rainbow continued to just tear her top downward, causing her blouse buttons to burst one after the other until she’d yanked the remains of the business attire completely off her, slipping it off her arms. Through it all, Zecora didn’t resist being undressed or caressed, just staring transfixed at me and Ms. Cheerilee with her jaw dropped open. She was watching and mumbling in some strange language under her breath as her colleague quickly drove me towards orgasm, causing me to arch my back and clutch her head to me, my hips starting to buck as to her enormous credit she took me almost all the way to the medial ring. Oh, by my old mentor, her lips were so silken, and her breasts were so soft and felt so good against my flesh! Her every touch was ecstasy and I couldn’t hold back, finally delivering a fresh futa load deep down her throat. Near as I could tell, she gulped it all down to the point that there was minimal leakage around her lips. I think I just about passed out for a minute there, and by the time I came to leaning heavily on a cooing Ms. Cheerilee, Rainbow had Zecora on all fours and completely undressed except for her neck rings and stockings, prying her legs apart and positioning herself on all fours before her. Our acting Principal was saying words, but I didn’t register them until Rainbow began entering her white-furred slit from behind while groping her swaying boobs from below: “… feels so good that my breasts, you may ravage! And invade me with your cock—so big and so savage!” Crystal Queen: My! Such fertile and florid prose! She really did want it! And that video the Vice-Principal’s office security feed sent us of both scenes was so stimulating! Fertile Fields: You said it, Rares! And gotta give Ms. Zecora credit for coming up with that rhyme! Hyperdash: Yeah, well, a poet I’m not, but I sure as hay know when I’m being invited to screw someone! So I did, and wow, was she fun! Talk about full-figured! She was big and booby—and yeah, I know she’s reading this and I don’t care. Love ya, Ms. Zecora! I mean, how couldn’t I? Even for as big as I was, she fit my new cock like a glove and took it up the tail like a champ! And for the record, she really is covered in those funky zebra stripe tattoos from head to toe! They look great on her, too!  Daydream: I certainly don’t disagree, Rainbow–Ms. Cheerilee and I got off again just watching you two, after all! But I’m also not sure we should be tempting them like that. Cheerileader: It’s all right, dear. It would be a lie to say that I didn’t like or invite it! But you’ll understand that just as our two principals earlier, I feel it best to stay away for a bit until, well, I can resolve it all in my head and not get turned on every time I’m around you or Ms. Zecora. Sugar High: Uh-oh! Alert! ALERT! Teacher in the chat! Daydream: Oh, uh… Hey, Ms. Cheerilee. Didn’t realize you were following along. I, uh, thought that you only wanted to see the finished chapters? Cheerileader: Well, I would have waited, except I received a rather breathless call from Principal Celestia saying you were worried about how I was taking this. She and Luna are apparently following along closely as you write this! Hyperdash: Oh no… Ack! Go down, cock, go down! Cheerileader: I believe they’re having the same reaction, dear. I cannot speak for them, but for me, the problem is not that I didn’t enjoy it. The problem is that I want to do it again and again. So please don’t think I’m angry or rejecting you, Sunset! Ever since your redemption, you’ve been a joy to teach, and I take great pride in watching your creative writing skills flourish! Daydream: Oh, wow. I’m flattered, believe me! I want to do it again too, but I also don’t want to make you uncomfortable or mess things up with Fluttershy. Fluttershine: Oh! I’m not mad or jealous, Sunset. It sounded so wonderful and I’m glad you could do that for her. Daydream: I think it’s more what she did for me! You know, the old me would have loved being able to control teachers—and everyone else! —like that. But I’m not the old me, and I don’t want to cause trouble for you or anyone else. Cheerileader: Always remember to put a space between the punctuation mark and trailing em-dash, dear! Ah, you fixed it. I know you’re not, which is the reason I’m okay with it myself. You’re of age and you’re not in any of my classes this semester, so it’s hard for me to find reasons to say we shouldn’t have done it. Especially for as much as I enjoyed it! Your new stallion ‘futahood’, as you term it, is exquisite, and you use it so well! Daydream: Wow. I don’t know what to say, except thanks? Cheerileader: You’re very welcome, dear. But it’s me who should be thanking you! Oh, and for the record, you’re right—I am very good at ‘giving head’! I learned to do it well back in my collegiate cheerleading days, and I always prided myself on both that and my ‘paizuri’, as I believe you students call it. Actually, I much prefer that term to the rather ugly slang we used back then. So when all is said and done, what can I say except thank you for helping me to relive my misspent youth? Daydream: Uh… you’re welcome? And judging by the reaction of my futa cock just now, I’d love to help you relive more of it! Sugar High: YAY! See, Sunny-D? Nothing to worry about! Though you know what, Ms. Cheerilee? For what we saw of you and Ms. Zecora, you both really should have a full photo spread in next year’s Axiom All-Teachers Annual! You’d be stars! Get a lot of good publicity for the school, too! Crystal Queen: PINKIE??!?!!? Cheerileader: ‘Should really’. Don’t split the infinitive unless it improves sentence flow, dear! And I’m sorry, but the… what? Sugar High: Oh! Guess you didn’t read the earlier comments. Just let me email the disguised link to your instructor account so it gets past the school spam filters… There you go! So, what do you think? You’d be perfect for it wearing your old cheerleading outfits! Cheerileader: Oh… my… Yeah, I’m going to cut the rest of her reaction out. And I’m also doing my best not to look at or save the image her webcam snapped of her in her open white bathrobe and then sent to us, biting the fingers of her left hand while fingering her gloriously glistening clit with the other… crap, I’m getting turned on again! Better charge ahead, not that this is going to get easier!  Sorry for the long lead-in, folks, but as you can see, it’s been a pretty eventful last few days! But now that I’ve caught everyone up on what’s been happening, it’s back to describing the Friendship Games. You know, if I hadn’t been so smitten with Fluttershy and taken with Midnight, to say nothing of still covered from head to toe in steaming and very aphrodisiac adult dragon spunk while getting off on the recently concluded Kaiju battle between a magically enlarged Queen Molyneux and Dragon Lord Vesuvius? I might well have concluded that things were going to hell in a handbasket, which is one human idiom I’ve never figured out the origin of. Check that. Ms. Cheerilee just emailed me the origin. Interesting, but moving on… As Midnight floated back through the portal to the griffon capital city she originally opened, her previously good mood changed again to something much darker. Without even trying, her very presence was now opening new rifts, and they seemed to be growing increasingly chaotic, randomly shifting the place and race they opened to from time to time. A view of a scenic Icelambic hamlet inhabited by the descendants of old Visigoat rams would be replaced by a look inside some noblepony’s bathroom, who was not only dressed in frilly lingerie but fully erect to see himself in the mirror. And wow, that stallion sure had a teenage filly scream! A view inside a Saddle Arabian hookah parlor filled with zonked-out stallions and male minotaurs comparing their erect cocks turned into the inside of some classroom full of ponies sitting at desks, whose equine stallion teacher was facing away. As we watched, his balls suddenly swelled to be bathed in the mating magic coming through the portal and he started getting uncontrollably erect before a roomful of foals, trying to fight his surging urges for only a few seconds before abruptly announcing that a new lesson was beginning, propping his forehooves on his desk to display his freshly throbbing phallus which was already twitching and spurting. He invited his astonished students to inspect him and even ‘volunteered’ a young colt to do so, picking him up with his unicorn aura and moving him close to his throbbing cock. But sadly, I didn’t get to see where that was going before it was replaced by yet another view, this time of a tryst between two young unicorn mares inside the old Everfree castle the pony Princesses once called home.  They appeared to be engaging in roleplay as the two sisters themselves, pretending to have Princess Luna sexually dominate Celestia. They were then briefly replaced by the inside of a Changeling Hive full of startled drones milking a group of dazed but delighted hippogriffs for love. There was little rhyme or reason to the rapidly shifting rifts save that everything involved sex somehow, and after six years away from Equestria, the odds of seeing anyone I knew through them were slim. So just imagine my surprise when I saw a familiar face in one that popped open almost right next to me and Fluttershy, in the form of a dark amaranth pegasus mare. She seemed to be herding highly excited pegasi away from an airborne rift in what I assumed to be Cloudsdale, owing to the Rainbow Factory I could see behind her. Her gray mane was shot through with a single stripe of crimson, although the wind was whipping it around so much as to make it hard to tell. She turned back to the rift, revealing sapphire-blue eyes which quickly locked onto my own. A look of shocked recognition crossed her face, as I’m sure my own reflected despite the fact I was naked and covered in cum as well as holding Fluttershy. Though she officially held the prestigious title of Celestial Court Bard, meaning that to most, she was just a very good singer, she was in fact a personal aide and special security agent of Princess Celestia herself. She possessed some very unique powers, able to cast spells not through a horn or stave, but by singing songs—a very rare ability called ‘spellsinging’ that could exist in any of the pony types, but typically only appeared once in a generation. She’d also never liked or trusted me, and I’d certainly given her ample reason not to during my two years as Celly’s student. After all, she’d had to not only clean up several of my messes but save me from myself on multiple occasions, making her dislike of me known to Celestia rather vocally. “Delta Requiem!” I exclaimed, gaping at her. Her human counterpart had departed CHS three years earlier and she had been the one teacher I avoided making an enemy of during my ‘dark days’. After all, no matter the world, Delta had an uncanny ability of finding out things you wanted kept secret. And worse for my younger self, using them for the greater good. “Sunset Shimmer?!” she gaped back—to little surprise, she recognized my eyes, voice, and mane, even as a human. She’d always been very sharp, after all, which is why I could never get away with anything around her. “Oh, my. Such a pretty pony. You know her, Sunset?” Fluttershy asked as she looked my former caretaker and informal guardian over, not as a potential partner but more like an exotic animal she wanted to meet. Hyperdash: Seriously, Flutters? That’s how you reacted to her? Fluttershine: Well, she really was pretty. Sugar High: But you think all ponies are pretty! Fluttershine: And they are. But she was… well, I don’t know. Different. Striking. Confident, even, carrying herself like the boss mares or herd stallions at AJ’s farm. Fertile Fields: Huh. Didn’t get more than a glimpse of her, myself. But if that’s how you saw her, kinda wish I had! Daydream: Tell you what, Fluttershy. If I ever see her again, I’ll let her know you said that, just to see her reaction! But true to form, Delta was all business despite what had to be our incredibly obvious intimacy and the alien primate bodies we were in, to say nothing of the fact we were both covered in adult dragon spunk! “By Celestia’s sun itself, I don’t know how you’re here, and I don’t care right now! Whatever’s going on over there, you have to stop it!” she told me, struggling to be heard over the wind. “Stop it?” I repeated half-dumbly. Not because I thought she was wrong, or because I thought it couldn’t be done. But because I suddenly couldn’t think of why I’d want to. “Yes! The meta-magical boundaries between the realms are weakening! Interdimensional portals are opening all over our world and yours! If this keeps up, there’ll be no stopping them!” she warned me, and case in point, a new rift all but unzipped before my eyes, this time showing an entire village of ibex. They turned towards Ms. Zecora and Ms. Cheerilee in shock before recognizing their aroused and sorely-pleasured state, eyeing them hungrily as projected impala and zebra cocks continued to fill them. If nothing else, Delta’s presence kind of shocked me back to my senses. It at least briefly reminded me of my earlier plan to stop Midnight, but also that it couldn’t be carried out until my friends had completely recharged their Element of Harmony magic. “I know, but I don’t have my unicorn aura here! This form I’m in doesn’t have any ability to cast! Can you close the rifts from your side?” I asked her hopefully. But my former spellsinger nanny and nemesis shook her head in fear and frustration, her mane and cape whipping in the wind. She didn’t show any signs of being affected by all the sex herself, which was no surprise—her unique powers made her almost completely immune to most magical influences. “You know the rules of interdimensional rifts, Sunset—a portal has to be closed from the same side it was opened from!” she reminded me, causing me to mentally kick myself—for Celestia’s sake, I hadn’t been so sex-addled or gone from Equestria that long to forget something so basic! “In that case, could you cross over yourself and help? It’ll take a heavy hitter to bring her under control!” I pointed at Midnight. Hyperdash: Wait—a ‘heavy hitter’? HER? Daydream: Just trust me on this, gang—she is. She’s the reason I didn’t really take over the school until my second year, you know. Her human counterpart was still here as a teacher then, and if she was anything like the pony one, she was someone I *really* didn’t want to run afoul of. So I first had to get rid of her, which I did by arranging a promising job offer in Switzerland the following summer. Never mind how. Fertile Fields: Interesting. Delta Requiem, huh? Think I vaguely recollect her as a freshman. Never met her, since she taught singing and we weren’t really into it then, but I seem to remember she was a good friend and favorite of the two Principals. Daydream: Exactly. And her pony counterpart is no less a favorite of the two Pony Princesses, because her singing itself is her power. But that’s neither here nor there, so… “No!” Delta shouted to my suggestion, though her eyes widened as she spotted the transformed Twilight through the latest rift. The latter was staring back at her in idle curiosity but otherwise took no action, even though she could certainly hear us. “Any portal crossings will only destabilize the dimensional boundaries further, especially if a powerful magic user crosses! We can’t let anyone pass in either direction or that’ll just accelerate it!” she warned me as the wind picked up hard on her side of the portal, billowing her cape hard. “Too late…” I groaned, recalling that Middie had already done so by crossing over to enter the Hall of Heroes, which perhaps explained why things seem to have destabilized exponentially now—not just because of her trip there, but her trip back. “If this doesn’t cease soon, it will be! You must stop her and end this sensual insanity, Sunset Shimmer! Before it’s too late for both worlds!” were the last words she got out before the rift abruptly closed and a new one opened in its place over by AJ and Rainbow, this time showing some very angry gryphons and thestrals in some kind of Mariner pub, with one of the latter in the face of the former, sitting up and grabbing her by the front of the fisherpony vest. But as the rift hadn’t opened fully yet, they couldn’t see through it from our side, even though we could see them. “Stop her… right…” Forcing myself to step away from Fluttershy, I slapped my own face a couple times and then splashed myself with water from the plaza fountain. I was trying to snap myself out of the arousal-addled stupor I’d fallen head over heels into along with all my friends, who were now all but lost to it. It didn’t help, though, as the cream covering me was too thick and the water did nothing but cause my teats to tighten and tingle, with extra sensitive goosebumps rising all over my body from the wetness in the breeze. “Stop me? You’re welcome to try, Sunset Shimmer, since I already know all your possible actions and their outcomes,” Midnight goaded me with a grin, recognizing my reaction and encouraging it further with a quick spell that caused my clit to double in size and mouth to gape at the proportionally increased stimulation. She then blew a wet gust of wind right between my legs, eliciting a gasp and near-electric shock of sensual pleasure that caused me to fall to my knees.  I was ready to dig my hands hard into my marehood to relieve the intense tingling sweeping me swiftly towards orgasm again, but true to form, she also didn’t let me climax, stopping me short as I fell forward onto all fours with my rear in the air to expose my hot slit to maximum breeze. “I sense that this ‘Delta Requiem’ was a former Equestrian acquaintance of yours who bears some unique magical talents. I would be interested in her on that basis alone, but then again, anyone who previously put you in your place is certainly someone I’d like to know more about, given your ugly ambitions. Ambitions that were sadly realized in other realms, to an often-catastrophic cost to both worlds.” Her eyes then narrowed as a sudden but very localized downpour of rain only stimulated me further, causing me to cry out in both startled pleasure and thwarted rapture as the cold water mixed with the very hot surfaces of my skin and sex. “Sorry to disappoint you, but you won’t get that chance here. Given you yelled at me, as far as I’m concerned, you’re nothing more than another tormentor to experiment on. Though as I now know that your only attraction and desire is to pure power, I imagine that denying you that power along with the ability to orgasm is punishment enough.” “Huh? But I already… wait!” I blinked despite the sensual haze I was still experiencing, speaking the last word softly to myself. Her statement meant two things, as far as I was concerned: first, she didn’t know that I had already tried and failed here to realize those ambitions, getting reformed in the process. And second, that the only versions of me she ever saw through the singularity were the ones where I was, and remained, evil. And the reason why… Because that’s what she expected me to be. Fertile Fields: The hotness of how she was both teasing and tormenting you aside, I think I get it now, Sugarcube. You mentioned it before, but you’re saying that that nude single-rarity or whatnot wasn’t giving her an accurate picture of events. Crystal Queen: Naked Singularity, darling. But I am nude and single right now! Or actually double, if you count my twin drakehoods! Sugar High: Oh! Me too! ME TOO! Here, let me show you! Fertile Fields: PINKIE! Don’t send us pics of you doing your own dicks! Ah, hell. Dang, girl, you got the biggest boobs of all of us! Sugar High: Oh, you like them? Then try THIS! Hyperdash: Now she’s on her back bent double giving both her cocks paizuri at once… urk! Daydream: HEY! Remember the rules, girls—no teasing or dick pics! And as to your question, AJ, the answer is both yes and no. To be sure, the worlds and versions of me it showed her *did* exist. But the thing is, it was showing them to her *preferentially* and not giving her an accurate image of how likely it was I remained a villain, or who I was in *this* realm. And the same held true for everything else she was using it to spy on. In short, she only ever saw what she expected to see. Crystal Queen: Though I am certainly no scientist, I do believe I ‘get it‘ as well, darling. What you’re saying is that basically, if she had any preconceived notions of a subject which she wanted to use the singularity to explore, then those preconceived notions are *exactly* what she observed. In other words, it had a severe confirmation bias. *That* was the trap of it. Hyperdash: Now I get it. Then it’s kind of like having infinite cable channels where since everything possible has its own show somewhere, you end up looking it up not by your asked question, but by your preferred answer? Daydream: Exactly! Wow, Rainbow. That’s an excellent analogy. Hyperdash: Thanks, Sunny-D. See, AJ? I’m not quite as dumb as I look. Fertile Fields: To quote Gilda: still pretty dumb, though! Hyperdash: And just for that, I’m using the bulb of my new half-griffie cock to tie your ‘crow-damned’ tail tomorrow night, AJ! Crystal Queen: RAINBOW! Fertile Fields: Oh, for—she’s just quoting Griffie Gilda, Rarity! And promises, promises, Sugarcube. Oh, I know! Let’s fight for it! No gloves and no holds barred! Whoever taps out loses and gets their tail tied first! Hyperdash: Deal! Your place or mine? Or on second thought, it better be your place. I really don’t want Mom and Dad to burst in on us and start telling me I’m the best MMA futa fighter in the world! Fertile Fields: Heh. Since I totally think they’d do that, come over to my place, then. We’ll do it in the hay loft of our barn this Friday night, and I’ll make dang sure that Apple Bloom and Big Mac are elsewhere. Hyperdash: I’ll be there, girlfriend! Get ready to have your tail whipped and tied! Sugar High: And I’ll be there with popcorn! Fertile Fields: Private party, Pinkie! I mean it, so don’t be popping your head out of a barrel or hay pile! Sugar High: And pizza! And garlic bread! And my special cola! And an entire platter of brownies fresh from Sugar Cube Corner! And my Waystation 5 with an uncensored version of Celestial Sword! And a projector! And a generator! And best of all, the very latest episodes of Copulation College direct from Japan! Fertile Fields: Dagnabbit. Since I really wanna play that game properly and watch the next episode of C-C to see that massive winged workhorse stalk and screw Dean Doubledee senseless like Sugarcoat? Fine, you can come. Crystal Queen: Oh! Well, in that case, it sounds like quite the soiree! I do so love that series for the marauding dragons who mate every girl they see! So I might just stop by too! Just be sure that some of the cola is diet and at least one of the pizzas has ham and pineapple, darling. Sugar High: EEEEEEWWWW!!!!! Fluttershine: Oh, um. I’d like to come too. I really like the powerful but gentle girl-loving grizzly bears who live in the woods. You know, if that’s okay and at least half a pizza is vegetarian. Um, what about you, Sunset? Daydream: Fine, since I kind of like that hot-tempered Kamidere girl who keeps getting her rear reamed by the evil creatures she summons when her plans to take over the school and world inevitably backfire. Fertile Fields: Oh, yeah? Sounds like you see a bit of yourself in her, Sugarcube. Daydream: Maybe I do! So yeah, I’m there. But remember the rules, girls—no teasing and no sex! Hyperdash: Aw, come on! That was the entire purpose of me and AJ seeing each other tomorrow night! Crystal Queen: Well, don’t hold back on our account, darling! We’ll call that the undercard to the main event of Pinkie’s hentai. But tell me, Pinkie Pie, how are you always able to get your hands on these new games and episodes before they’ve even been released in Japan? Sugar High: Sorry, state secret! Let’s just say I know a guy who knows a girl. Daydream: Uh, girls? Let’s not get sidetracked again, okay? It’s nearly Lemon Zest time, and I don’t want Ms. Cheerilee dinging me for losing narrative momentum again! Fertile Fields: Why? What’s the worst thing that could happen except she calls you into her office again? Daydream: … Uh, you’ll need to give me a few minutes, girls. I need to take a very hasty and very cold shower! There was no doubt Middie was flexing on me as she displayed both her incredible power and what she thought was her ability to know every possible outcome, reducing me to the same hot and horny mess she’d made so many others while simultaneously refusing to allow me to cum. But by doing so, she was also demonstrating both her hubris and a real weakness that some still-sane part of me—and perhaps even part of my old self, which was always looking for weaknesses to exploit--- recognized could be taken advantage of. She hadn’t spotted the seductive trap into which she’d fallen, where the singularity was only showing her what she wanted to see. She didn’t realize that I’d already tried and failed to gain ultimate power here and been reformed. Which meant that she hadn’t seen this particular reality’s past, or its future. Which meant in turn that she didn’t actually know my past or future. Which meant she couldn’t anticipate me except perhaps by seeing how I’d tried and failed to stop her in alternate realities. All of which meant that she could yet be surprised and beaten. But how? Even as my fingers dug hard into my crotch in a futile effort to force myself to climax despite Middie’s magic preventing it, I pulled at my fraying strings of memory to once again remember my original plan. The first thing I recalled was that it required the help of my friends, all lost to sex at that moment. Rarity and Pinkie’s Harmony Magic were in full flourish as they continued to cavort with the dragons, now doing so in a half-cooled magma pool that the adolescent drakes and drakinas alike tried their best to keep molten with their fiery breath. Their newest activity was smearing the pair of human girls with fresh lava, which Rarity proclaimed felt “more invigorating than any mud bath she’d ever had” while Pinkie was teaching the still-stunned blue-scaled princess how to perform proper paizuri on one of the very eager males. Fluttershy had more than enough magic now as well, I judged, as she knelt behind me and spread my cheeks to begin tonguing me, causing me to whimper and start, thrusting my rear back against her as she held me in position. All that left was Rainbow Dash and Applejack, who had resumed making out passionately, having only paused long enough to introduce themselves to the young and newly transformed griffon lad named Fortrakt Gletscher as he was led across the portal by the High Priestess. But our new bat griffon boi—I really like him, what can I say? —didn’t stay with them long, quickly settling in with the two former griffon soldiers Midnight had saved for him on this side of the portal. They all but melted in his embrace, proclaiming their warrior bodies were his forever. He immediately availed himself of them, converting him to bat-griffons in turn, to Juniper Neptune’s great satisfaction. Things were no better behind me, and in some ways even worse. All the remaining spectators were now heavily engaged in their own erotic escapades before the increasingly wide eyes of the watching ponies along with all the other Tellusian races, who were creeping ever closer to the slowly-widening rifts. I think the dam was only held back by not knowing what would happen if they tried to cross through, but as soon as one did, I had no doubt the logjam would break and they would join the orgy on this side of the portal en masse, to use the Latin term. Or Aeric, as you may recall the griffies call it. And I seriously doubted any on this side would mind. Not even Photo Finish, who I swear had been doing nothing but taking an endless series of snapshots and portraits of all the X-rated action, had finally dropped her camera, now topless and making out passionately with Hoity Toity. Fertile Fields: Ha! Some things never change. I knew she was out there snapping pics left and right, but I also barely noticed or cared. I think she even came up to me and Rainbow at one point and told us what poses to take! Crystal Queen: Oh, my! And did you? Fertile Fields: Danged if I can’t recall, Rarity. Do you, Rainbow? Hyperdash: Nope! I don’t really remember much else at that point aside from making love to you and eventually hearing Gilda’s voice. Fertile Fields: Yeah, hearing her yell at us was like fingernails on a blackboard or a record scratch. Like I said, some things never change! Hyperdash: Her form did, though! And man, did I like her as a griffie. Crystal Queen: And why would that be, darling? Was it because of her wings, her four ‘teats’, or the fact you got revenge for not just yourself, but the entire boys’ soccer team on her? Hyperdash: Yes! Everything around us was a wanton excess of enhanced anatomy and every intergender and interspecies pairing imaginable, of which our two Principals were now the epitome of, their enormous stallion cocks taking Dean Cadance between them while the students cheered them on and the Dean herself kept begging for more. She even promised no homework for a day from each orgasm she was given; she was counting them off as she went and had already reached an impressive count of thirty-three. Even Big Mac was being ridden hard with his tail filled with not one but three varied aura-created copies of one zebra and two impala phalluses. His twin cocks were likewise being suckled by projections of multiple impala muzzles, while a glance in front of me showed Indy, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet still cavorting, their new thestralcorn horns hard aglow with their brand new mating auras as the High Priestess turned them into her own personal concubines. Hyperdash: Ha! Serves them right. But don’t you mean ‘tuck toys’, to use the pony vernacular we’ve learned? Daydream: Well, I could, but from everything we now know? That’s kind of the same thing with her! Fertile Fields: Huh. Have to say, I kinda liked her look and general attitude. Does the High Priestess have any counterpart here? Daydream: Not that I’ve seen, but I also haven’t really checked. Given she can take human form and crosses over occasionally, it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Juniper Neptune runs some kind of church or cult here. Have your friends at Hollow Shades ever mentioned her, Pinkie Pie? Sugar High: Nope! Nada! The head of Hollow Shades High is Dean Libra Scales, and from what I’ve heard, her only vice is that she’s a connoisseur of wine, not some futa-cocked bat-pony priest! At least, not that I know of? Ooooo! I know! I’ll ask Triton to seduce her and find out all her secrets! He can seduce ANYONE! Fertile Fields: Sometimes, your friends scare me just as much as you do, filly. Sugar High: He’s not scary! He’s SEXY! Crystal Queen: I think I’m almost afraid to meet him now. Daydream: I’ve seen him. He’s not particularly built or anything, but there’s something really alluring about him. Maybe it’s because he’s got Polish features and accent, or maybe it’s because his thestral counterpart is what’s called a breeder bat on the other side of the portal. If it’s the latter, he’s basically born to seduce and seed every fertile female he can! But that’s neither here nor there. So anyway… The all-male orgy among the Shadowbolt boys was still ongoing, as was Fleur being gangbanged by the entire CHS metalworking club short of Pinkie Pie. Oh, and since I haven’t mentioned her in a while, Sugarcoat was still with the pony Zecora while they were turned into ‘tuck toys’ for their ethereal stallion suitor, whose newest fetish was holding them in the air against each other in the classic 69 or pony swirl position.  He slithered his phallic projections all the way through their bodies from their mouths to their wide-open sphincters before moving them back and forth within them, exiting it out their rear before bending it over to fill the adjacent marehood and push equally deep into their well-stretched wombs. How all that was possible, don’t ask. That’s one fetish I was never into, and I’m not aware of any spells for it. But yet again, Midnight’s magic made it happen effortlessly and the human/mare fillyfooling pair—that’s what we call lesbian relationships if I haven’t mentioned it before—could only writhe against them as they lay close with their heads between each other’s hind legs, neither able to talk for a mouth filled with tendril.  Their pleasure was obvious enough, though, as each clutched at the other’s flanks while Sugarcoat pushed her chest-mounted breasts into Zecora’s equally impressive belly boobs; they both gave a muffled cry as they reached their latest respective orgasms. Of course, the same held true for Indigo, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet, though their tongues remained transformed into cocks that prevented speech other than muffled curses and groans.  But then abruptly, Indy’s new thestralcorn horn flared and suddenly her mouth cock subsided into a regular tongue. “Whoa!” she said in astonishment just as the High Priestess returned to them. “What did I just—?” “Well, well. Congratulations, Miss Zap. I am impressed. You have just undone a transformative enchantment I laid on you even without any knowledge of magic. You wielded your new aura instinctively to do so, which bodes quite well. It means that you have a natural affinity for it. And that I can train you as a proper acolyte.” Before she could reply, the other two girls saw her feat, and duplicated it with some trial and error, restoring their mouths to normal. “Finally!” Sunny Flare groused as she got up off Sour Sweet, who succeeded in dissolving the bonds holding her to the tree. “Okay, sister. You gave us this power, and now we’re gonna use it!” She ignited her horn again, causing a series of aural tendrils to erupt from her horn, which turned themselves into a set of manacles and dildos. “You said it, girlfriend! Now that we’ve got horns, it’s three on one, and we’re gonna do everything to you that you did to us!” she grinned evilly as she made fists and audibly cracked each set of knuckles in turn, flaring her new bat-wings wide in an instinctive aggressive display. But Juniper Neptune only grinned at the threat. “I see. Still as spirited as ever! I like that in my acolytes. However…” Her horn flared and a series of circular hexes appeared around those of the three girls, instantly depowering them and dropping them to their knees as they were suddenly cut off from their new aura. “Don’t get too full of yourself, any of you. Your talent is raw and magic takes a great deal of practice to properly wield and master. Whereas I have thirty lifetimes of experience and knowledge to call upon, as well as alicorn-level power to draw on,” she said, regarding them lazily. “But fear not, my newest students. For such marvelous magical potential simply must be further developed. As I have successfully created a griffon emissary, it is now time to work on my human ones. Thus, school is now in session,” she told them all almost lazily, crossing her arms as her erect thestralcorn cock hovered horizontally before her, hanging rigid with only a slight dip in its upward curve at the end. “And your lessons begin now.” Her words caused Sunny Flare to smack her fists on the ground hard. “Oh, that’s just fucking great! So now on top of physics, chemistry, differential calculus, computer programming, all the sports we play and even English lit, we now get even more homework?” she groused loudly. “Yeah! I don’t remember magic taught by some goth bat-donkey dickgirl being an elective class!” Even Indy worked up some attitude from her knees while Sour Sweet kept trying to use her magic to return her dicknipples, transformed tongue and cock-tipped tail to normal, only to find that as soon as she reverted one, another grew out in its place, even more prominent than before. Trust a smirking Juniper Neptune to notice. “I’m afraid, Ms. Sweet, that your desire for ‘dick’ is now so great that you prefer those phalluses to be part of you,” she said mildly, causing Sour Sweet’s eyes to go wide. “As a result, your magic automatically seeks to restore them, not remove them. If you wish them to go away even temporarily, you must sate your interest in them. And that means accepting your intense desire for them,” she informed the shocked and formerly strictly lesbian girl. The High Priestess then turned her attention to Indigo. “And as for you, Miss Zap, I would take offense at your statement, except in truth, I rather do like donkey ears,” she said easily. “They are pleasingly shaped, and large ears are a bit of an affectation of mine. Perhaps they are also one of the reasons I originally fell in love with Princess Luna,” she mused, glancing over at the human version of her in longing appraisal for a moment. But the attention of the two Princesses remained fixed on the dragon-sized Molyneux, at least when they weren’t enjoying the affection of the dozen students around them along with Dean Cadance. “Such a pity she does not maintain that style any longer. Perhaps it is just my many lifespans which are anchored in the distant past, but for all my power and responsibilities, promoting the old ways and styles remains a hobby of mine.” “Oh, you want a hobby? Then go fly a fucking kite, lady,” Sunny Flare said sullenly. The grin of the humanized High Priestess turned evil. “Why, that is an excellent suggestion, Miss Flare. And it will serve several purposes other than simple amusement.” Her horn flared to create a massive gust of wind that billowed out the already-flared bat-wings of the three shadowbolt girls and lofted them into the air. But before they could be swept out over the stone wall that Midnight had raised around the school plaza, several tethers of aura attached to them. “Hey!” Indy and Sunny shouted while Sour Sweet looked slightly freaked to find herself floating in the air, though she still couldn’t speak, her tongue and teat cocks drooling all over her own body in the sharp breeze as any droplets they released were immediately flung back against her. “Let us down, you sex-crazy bat-bitch!” “Crazy? Hardly. Magic is only part of being a thestralcorn, after all. You will also need to learn how to fly and ride the air currents, and this will give you a feel for them under controlled conditions,” the High Priestess said easily. “As you can see, your bones are now hollow and your weight is much less. It might not do much for throwing your weight around on a basketball court or wrestling mat, Miss Zap, but you will now be able to bound along on the ground far more effortlessly for your lighter weight. I’m sure you will be happy to know that your new anatomy means that none would be able to beat you in a foot race.” “Oh, yeah? I’ll take that bet!” Rainbow shouted around kisses of Applejack. “As soon as I have my pegasus wings back, we’re racing, Indy! Ground and air! And the loser buys the pizza!” “Ha! Wings or no, you wish you could beat me, Dashie!” True to form Indy’s competitive streak instantly showed even as she remained suspended like a kite in the gusty wind, struggling to remain upright by adjusting her sex-stiffened wings. “I’ll take you anytime, anywhere! But I’d better not lose my ability to muscle other girls on a basketball court! We’re playing for the state championship next weekend!” “Yeah! We’re going up against Dominion Academy in Denver for the semis! They are not beating us again!” Sunny Flare added, then turned to Indy and growled. “And you damn well better pass the ball more, Indy! Some of the rest of us like to shoot, too!” She reached over to poke her teammate in a boob and then flick her tit, earning a surprisingly thestral-like hiss to which Indy retaliated with a slap and grope of Sunny’s backside that pulled her closer. “Oh yeah? Maybe I would if you’d actually make a shot once in a while!” she said as she slipped her other hand onto Sunny’s other cheek and pulled their waists together, causing their thestralcorn cocks to come into contact and begin rubbing together while their wings found just enough separation to not contact each other. “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m averaging twelve points per game! And I’m 38% on three-point shots this year!” Sunny claimed as she reached up to wrap her hands around the ends of their touching phalluses, squeezing them together. “I won a couple games all by myself!” “Yeah, and you’re a liability inside! You’ve got no ability to score in the paint and can’t rebound worth a damn!” Indy then complained as she spread Sunny’s turquoise cheeks wide from behind and slipped her fingers in. “Ah! That’s your job, not mine! And this from a girl with only a 62% free throw percentage? It’s no wonder they keep fouling you so much!” she said through gritted teeth, squeezing her eyes shut as she pushed back against the intrusion. “Because I can score from the post at will! Unlike you, who needs an open look to sink one!” Indy retorted, shifting one hand up to spread Sunny’s sphincter and slip a finger inside. “Ah! Ah! Fuck… well, when they double-team you, I get open looks! But you’re such a ball hog!” she complained, shifting her hands to close on Indy’s breasts. “Because I’m the best player on the team! So fuck you!” Indy said, thrusting her fingers deeper for emphasis. “Fuck you!” Sunny instantly retaliated, to which they suddenly locked lips and began making out passionately again in midair, groping and pressing their bodies, boobs and fifteen-inch cocks together with abandon while their wings remained billowed overhead. The latter formed what amounted to a combined parachute over both of them as their thumb claws locked together, instantly reminding everyone how much they both despised and desired each other now. Hyperdash: HA! Well, that didn’t age well! They got beat by eight in the semis and Indy fouled out with four minutes to play! Fertile Fields: Yeah, you dragged me off to Denver to cheer and heckle her. Hard to blame them for being beaten, though. In hindsight, reckon she and Sunny were a mite off-kilter even after having their original bodies restored and memory wiped. Indy scored twenty, but she missed a lot of short shots and got really frustrated. And Sunny was like one-for-eight from three! Hyperdash: Yeah, well, credit Dominion’s defense, too! They were really physical with Indy when she tried to post up and closed out on Crystal Prep’s outside shooters well. I’m just mad I didn’t get to have that race with her! I would have loved to match my pegasus wings against her bat ones! Daydream: Seriously, girls? We’re talking about some very steamy lesbian futa hate sex and you two turn it into sports color commentary? Hyperdash: Yeah, ‘cause it’s bedroom talk for us! So, deal! Crystal Queen: Now *that* I can believe, darling. My eyes glaze over every time I hear you two talk sports. Sugar High: You said it, Rares! Sports are BOR-ING! Don’t you agree, Fluttershy? Fluttershine: Oh. Well, um, I kind of like playing miniature golf with you all or even some pickleball or badminton with my parents. I find them relaxing. Well, maybe not if Applejack or Rainbow are playing. Then it’s a little too intense for me. Sugar High: I mean watching, not playing! I don’t like watching any sports, unless it’s an MMA fight or maybe a gladiator match in Ancient Rome! Seeing one would be SO cool! Daydream: Funny you should bring that up, because… well, you’ll see shortly. So yeah, things were as sexually surreal as ever. You know, I might have joined all the activity again if not for Delta’s words and warning, and even then, it was all I could do to hold on against the suddenly overwhelming impulse to take Fluttershy’s hand and walk with her right through the portal into the griffon throne room where Dragon Lord Vesuvius and Queen Molyneux were continuing to cavort, hoping that the griffon mages could undo the anti-orgasm hex on me. The latter was now inviting her own offspring to explore her feminine depths while she remained dragon-sized, allowing the dragon lord to take her in the tail while her normal-sized subjects climbed all over her enormous belly breasts, sac and spear. Yes, I fully expected that the Queen would instantly recognize me from my days as Princess Celestia’s student even as a human, and then do Goddess-knew-what to me for all my many affronts back in the day. But for as attracted to power as I was—Middie was definitely right about that; I doubt that ever changes whether whatever versions of me she saw were evil or not—I was more than ready to accept my atonement, especially if it would grant me relief. Alone around me, it seemed like I was the only one still barely half-sane… Check that. There was one more. A final classmate that Midnight had yet to punish. And as we were shortly about to find out, there was a really good reason that she had been saved for last. And with apologies, I’m advised to leave it there by no less an authority than Ms. Cheerilee, gang. She says that Lemon Zest deserves the full focus of a dedicated chapter, and to start into her appearance and subsequent punishment here would be anti-climactic. She says this works fine as a transition and set-up chapter, so that’s what I’ll make it.  Thanks again for reading and being along for the ride, ladies! It’s certainly been a lot more interesting now that everybody’s involved! And I promise that when I resume writing this, it’ll be strictly about Zesty. Sugar High: AW! But I was hard and horny and ready for more!  Daydream: Sorry, filly, but you’ll understand that I’m a lot more likely to take Ms. Cheerilee’s advice now! And honestly, my fingers are starting to cramp from all the typing, too. Fertile Fields: Aw… but okay. Yeah, we covered a lot of ground here, and it’s getting late anyway. Still got school tomorrow, after all. Hyperdash: Yeah, I understand, but man, it’s gonna be hard waiting another day to get into this! Worse, I’ll have to get through detention with Coach Long Pole first! I *hate* the mess the boys Lacrosse team leaves in the locker rooms after games! Crystal Queen: I understand as well, darling, but we’ve been at this for hours already, and I really do need my beauty sleep. I suppose Lemon Zest can wait for one more chapter. Fluttershine: I agree. We’ll wait as long as we need, Sunset. Thanks again for taking the time to type all this out and refresh our memories. I know it’s hard, but it’s really worth it. Um, would you like to sleep with me tonight? You know, if that’s okay. Daydream: You even have to ask? YES! Could you get her and bring her to my place, Pinkie? Sugar High: No problem! One ride on the Hammerspace Express coming up! Just don’t do anything that I wouldn’t do! Fertile Fields: I ain’t sure that leaves anything out, Sugarcube. Other than maybe ham-and-pineapple pizza! Hyperdash: I'm with Pinkie. Now *that* is one flavor combo I’ll never understand. And I know Lord Beerus agrees with me!