> Twilight: The Dragon Sorceress (Old story) > by ExoDemonG > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreams and the Invitation (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a starry night in Canterlot. The streets were empty except for the patrol of guards that were keeping an eye out for anything. All the ponies were in their homes for the night and all but one were dark, their residents asleep. In her study, Twilight Velvet was just finishing editing the epilogue of the latest Daring Do book A. K. Yearling had sent her. She levitated the stack of papers into a brown envelope and leaned back, stretching her back before looking at the clock, noticing that it was already about two in the morning. She yawned, getting up from her chair and turned off the light, casting a small light orb spell before heading upstairs. Just as she was about to open the door to her bedroom, she saw that one of the doors down the hall was open slightly, she rolled her eyes and chuckled at the thought of her husband leaving the door open again. “Well, I can go check on her while I’m there,” she whispered and walked down the hallway, passing a door with a sign that read ‘Shining’s room, KEEP OUT!’ As she neared the door she dimmed the orb and reached out to push the door open, she felt a draft coming from within. ‘Did Light leave the window open?’ she thought with a frown, pushing open the door only to stop when she realized there was some sort of creature in the room. With the light dimmed she couldn’t see its features, but going by its body-shape, it look like it was a diamond dog. The two stared at each other and Velvet could only wonder… ‘Why is there a diamond dog doing in my house?!’ ‘What is it holding?’ Her eyes went to the bundle of cloth that was in its paws. She could see a small purple horn sticking out of the clothes. Her pupils went small and she heard the dog curse as it bolted towards the window. “NO!” Velvet screamed as she used her magic to close the window. But she was too slow, and the diamond dog managed to jump through. Velvet ran up to the window and saw the dog was running down the street. Quickly, she turned around and made her way down the hall as fast as she could. The door to her bedroom opened just as she rushed past, and Night Light looked out with a worried look. “Velvet? What’s wrong? Why are you yelling?” he called, moving to follow Velvet down the stairs. “No time! A diamond dog just kidnapped our daughter! Call the guards!” she yelled as she ran out the front door and into the street in the direction she had seen the kidnapper run. She ran as far as she could, as fast as her hooves could take her but after a few minutes she had to stop to catch her breath. She looked around, trying to see if there was any sign of the kidnapper but the streets were empty. “No…” she whispered as tears slowly poured down her face. “… …no” “TWILIGHT!” Velvet shot up in a cold sweat in her bed, breathing hard. She looked around the room in confusion until she realized where she was. She could feel her husband move beside her. “Mmmm, Velvet, what’s wrong?” Night light asked, sitting up groggily. Velvet blinked a few times and looked to him and smiled. “Oh, sorry honey, I didn’t mean to wake you. It was just a bad dream nothing to worry about.” “A bad dream, huh…” he said as he rubbed his eye with his hoof then looked at his wife, frowning. “It was that dream, wasn’t it?” She took a moment to stare into Lights eyes and gave a small nod. He moved closer, giving her a hug and kissing her head. She could feel the sting of the tears behind her eyes. “Honey, it's been 22 years and still nothing. We hired private investigators to search all over Equestria, we've asked the griffin authorities to keep an eye out for her… even after Shining became Captain of the Royal Guard, the first thing he did was organize an investigation to look for her, and they have standing orders to forward any information they can find to this day,” she said as her husband rubbed Velvet’s back. Velvet closed her eyes and took a deep shaky breath. “So why haven’t they found her yet?!” Night Light continued to rub her back as he contemplated what to say next. “Honey, as I much as I hate saying this, but you need to let her go. 22 years is a long time.” His words however weighed heavy on him as he said this to his distraught wife. “I know Night Light, but I have a feeling that she’s still out there. I know she’s alive. I can feel her when I sleep. I’m not giving up until I find her. I will find her!” she said vehemently as a tear ran down her face and landed on her hoof. Night Light put his hoof under her chin and moved her head to face his. “I know dear, and we will. I haven’t given up either. And I promise that we will find our daughter. But for now you should get some sleep. We have to prepare for Shining’s wedding, and it won't do anypony any good if you're exhausted,” he pointed. Velvet smiled and looked down at her end table, opening the drawer and pulled out a photo of her holding her missing daughter in her hooves. “Twilight, where are you?” The creature moved down the dark street and took some twists and turns until it stopped and started to look around for something. After a few moments, it turned its head towards me and stared at me with its big, yellow eyes. It bent down and lifted something, and I saw a big, dark hole in the ground. The creature then slowly crawled into the hole, taking me with it. I heard somepony shouting from somewhere nearby. The creature stopped, looking to wherever the sound was coming from before covering the top of the hole, plunging me into darkness. I heard the creature say something, but couldn’t understand what it was saying. Then a bright flash came out of nowhere, making me close my eyes. “TWILIGHT!” I opened my eyes as a beam of sunlight came through the window and blinded me. I sat up on my bed and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes then got out to stretch my wings and tail. 'The same dream again… this is the fourth time this month,' I thought as I walked into my bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror. Slitted eyes, much like my mother's, stared back at me. I brushed my fur, careful to work around the base of my leathery wings before starting on my mane. I checked my front legs to make sure none of my dark purple scales had any blemishes before taking a moment to file my claws with black talons to razor-sharpness. The memory of the dream made me frown as I considered myself in the mirror. I don't know exactly why I had dragon aspects, but I do know that when I was a filly I didn't have them. Most of the dragons, my friend, and my adoptive parents said it had something to do with the magic inside of me and the influence of dragon magic. When I saw that rainbow wave all those years ago, my magic went crazy. Then, when everything calmed down, I looked like this. Whatever it was, it didn't change me completely since on my flank I have something what others called a cutie mark—a pink six pointed star with a white dragon curled around it—something that apparently 'normal' ponies get. I open my mouth to check my sharp teeth and picked out a piece of last night's dinner with one of my claws.A few minutes later I walked back to my room and looked out the window to see the city of Netherscale. A few dragons were flying in the air and some others on the ground talking to each other with some younglings even pretending to be wild dragons. I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of wild dragons. They lived close or around the city of Canterlot, the capital city of the ponies, but they were a completely different breed of dragon than you would find in Netherscale. Their behaviour and antics would never be approved of here. I had to wonder if ponies thought all dragons were like that. I turned from the window and got my saddlebag out and filled it with books. 'It's such a beautiful day today. I think I will go and read outside.' I thought, as I put the fourth book in my bag when a knock came from the door that caught my attention. “Twilight? Are you awake?” A female voice came from behind the door. I smiled as continued to pack my bag, levitating two more books to take with me. “Yes mom, I'm awake. Is there anything you need?” I asked her. “Oh, no dear, I was making sure you're awake since you sometimes stay up all night reading,” Mom replied through the door. I rolled my eyes and giggled. I could just imagine the smirk on my mother’s face. “No mom, I didn't read all night last night. Dad already told me how sleep is important and everything.” I put the fifth book in my bag and started to reach for the last one. “I know he did that dear, but I also know on some nights you still do anyway.” Again, I rolled my eyes. “Oh and also, Amber is here to see you. Do you want me to send her up? She said she has some important news to share with you.” I stopped moving for a moment and groaned a bit. 'Well there's goes my day of reading,' I thought and looked back at the door. “Yes, send her up, mom,” I grumbled, although I could feel mom's frown from behind the door. “Now, Twilight, I taught you better manners than that. She's your friend after all.” I winced from her lecturing tone of voice. “Sorry mom, I didn't mean too.” I lowered my head. “Can you please send Amber up?” “There's the girl I raised from a baby. Give me a moment to tell her” I heard her footsteps as she walked back downstairs. While I waited, I started to put my books back out and just as I placed the last book on the bookshelf, I heard my door crack open. “Well, if it isn't my favorite egghead in the whole wide world. Finally getting out of bed and into your books?” Her sweetly sarcastic voice behind me said.  ”One of these days I will get your nose out of those dusty books so you can start making more friends.” “I was thinking of getting some fresh air, but now that you're here I'm probably going to get dragged around by you again,” I said with an impenetrable glare. Amber had red-amber scales, deep dark red claws, dark amber wings, and gold eyes and wore saddlebags with the royal crest embroidered on them. She looked shocked at me and put her claw to her chest. “Why, Twilight, I would never do something like that. You hurt my feelings,” she said, even while attempting to shed fake tears. “When have I ever dragged you around anywhere?” “Do you want a list?” I remarked snidely. “I think I have a list of every single time you dragged me out somewhere I didn’t want to be. It should be in here somewhere…” I used my magic to open my cabinet filled with scrolls and other bits and bobs. Amber however put her claw down and glared at me, unamused. “All right, all right, I get it. You always ruin my fun, you know.” I chucked a bit then turned to look at her. “It's good to see you Amber, how is the training going?” I asked. She looked to the ceiling and groaned. “Oh, you know, the same as always. I had to sit and listen to all my professors talk and talk and talk! At one point I almost fell asleep until the professor smacked my desk with a ruler. Being a princess is such a pain!” She whined. “And to be called the 'next queen of the dragons' is starting to bug me. They do know that I have an older brother and sister right? They should know that they have a better chance of being king or queen of the dragons than me right?” she complained. She took a seat on my bed, which squeaked from the weight of the new body. I looked back at my shelves and started moving my books around again for the third time of this week. “Well, something could happen to them that makes it impossible for them to be king or queen.  You know how royalty is,” I concluded. “I know, I know, but I don't want to be queen! I don't want to lead a whole kingdom! And if I do, I will run it into the ground, I’m sure of it! I suck at politics, you know that! All I want to do is to fly in the sky and race,” she said with another whine. I just rolled my eyes as I put another group of books in a new spot. “Well, I'm sorry, but sometimes you can't pick your dreams over your responsibilities. You're a princess of the Dragon Empire, and every dragon will look up to you for guidance,” I pointed as I put the last few books in place then looked back at her. She was looking at me with narrowed eyes. “You know you sound like my dad, you used the same words too,” she stated. I giggled at the thought and smiled at her. “Well, I'm only telling you the truth. Anyway, my mom said that you had something important to speak with me?” I asked. She got a big smile on her face as she pulled a letter from her bag. “Check this out,” she said as she passed the letter to me. I grabbed the letter with my claw and opened it. It was an invitation to a royal wedding that would be taking place in Canterlot. The bride's name was Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and the groom's name was Shining Armor who was the Captain of the Royal Guard in Equestria. I looked at Amber and raised an eyebrow to her. “Well, since it has been many years since the Dragon Empire and the pony kingdom were on friendly terms with one another, they invited one of the royal dragons to come and make a treaty between us, and I'm the lucky drakaina to go,” Amber said with a huge grin on her face, while I narrowed my eyes at her. Then why is the king sending you of all dragons?” I asked her. “Couldn’t your father send your brother or sister instead?” She just shrugged her shoulders at me. “Rhaegos is busy dealing with one of the wild dragon groups, and Ruby is in the Griffon Kingdom doing who-knows-what. They won't be back until after the wedding, so I get to go instead since I am part of the royal family and I have a duty to my kingdom,” she replied proudly. I gave her a look. “Didn't you just say that you didn't want to do any sort of royal duties? Why are you going then?” I asked. “Well, father is kinda forcing me to do this,” she admitted. “He said that it has been too long since there's been any sort of talks between our two lands, and, 'all this started because your great, great, great, uncle was  an idiot for starting a war over some stupid apple tree', which I kinda agree. I mean, come on, it was one stupid apple tree!” She said as she crossed her forelegs with a huff. “Also I heard that Canterlot makes the biggest cakes in the world, so I get to try some.” When she said that I rolled my eyes at her (which I’ve been doing that a lot today) and looked back at the letter frowning. One thing just didn't add up, so I looked back up at her. “So why are you telling me this?” I asked. She looked at me and gave me a grin that sent shivers down my spine. “Oh, simply because you're coming with me to this wedding,” she simply stated. I dropped the invitation and my jaw hit the floor. There was no sound in the room for a full minute until Amber got up from the bed and waved her claw in front of my face. “Ummm, Twilight? Are you okay?” She asked. “WHAT?!” It was a beautiful day today. The birds were singing, and the townsfolk were doing whatever they do on days like this one. Everything was going great. Since it was such a lovely day today, Pinkie had made plans to have a picnic on the outskirts of Ponyville and everypony agreed to the idea. And here I was sitting out on a picnic blanket with my friends enjoying the day together. I was chatting with Applejack about the past apple harvest. Fluttershy and Rarity were talking about something to do with, what I think was about fashion or animals, or probably both. Rainbow Dash was eating a sandwich not really paying any attention to anyone, and Pinkie was chatting away while eating some cupcakes she made at Sugarcube Corner. I used my magic to open the basket and pulled out an apple. But while I was about to eat it, I saw Spike come running down to us out of the corner of my eye. He soon reached us and paused as he was out of breath and hunched over trying to get it back. “Spike, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” I asked. “No… nothing's… wrong… just… a letter… hold on.” Spike panted then burped out green fire and a letter. Fluttershy handed him some juice which Spike eagerly grabbed and drank in one go. “Thanks Fluttershy, I really needed that.” Fluttershy nodded with a shy smile at him. I opened the letter and read it aloud. “Dear Sunset, I’m sure you’re very excited about the upcoming wedding that’s being held in Canterlot…” ‘Wait, what wedding?’ I stopped until I remembered a letter from a few months back that did say something about a wedding happening in Canterlot. “I will be presiding over the ceremony but would like you and your friends to help with the preparations for this wonderful occasion.” I went over each of the jobs that my friends would being doing for the wedding. Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie were pretty excited about their jobs concerning the music, catering, and party decor respectfully. Rainbow was also super excited since she would be doing a sonic rainboom for the couple, and Rarity even fainted with a huge grin plastered on her face when she heard that she would be designing the dresses for the bride and bridesmaids. “And for you, Sunset I have two jobs: you will be making sure that everything goes exactly according to plan, and assist me with an ‘international’ situation that will be taking place at the wedding. I have invited the King of the Dragon Empire to come to the wedding so we could also discuss a treaty between our two nations.” “The Dragon Empire?” Rainbow Dash asked. “When did dragons make an empire, aren't they supposed to be too greedy and rude for that?” She asked flying about three feet off the ground with her hooves crossed. “You’re thinking more along the lines of wild dragons which, like you said, are too greedy and rude for that kind of thing. And even if that was an intricate part of their nature, not all of them are wild dragons.” I magically pulled a map of Equestria out of the air and laid it out so that everypony could see it, except for Rarity who was still passed out from the news. Her leg twitched as Pinkie poked her. “They used to have an ancient empire out in the Badlands, if I recall correctly…” I pointed my hoof at the part that said 'Badlands'. “See there’s the Badlands, and over here you got the Dragon’s Lair, so the Dragon Empire should be around there or”—I moved my hoof off the map—”somewhere beyond that. Nopony ever ventures beyond what we can see on the map. And if they did, they didn’t come back at all.” As I said that, I rolled the map up and made it disappear. Fluttershy was hiding behind her mane. Even though she had sort of gotten over her fear of dragons, the fact that there was a whole empire of them made her shake in fear. “Don’t worry Fluttershy from what I remember from the books I read about them, they act completely different from the wild dragons we know,” I calmed her as I looked at her. I looked around and saw that Spike was staring at me. I replayed what I just said and gave him a sheepish smile at him. “Errr, no offence Spike.” He blinked at me and shrugged and grabbed a cupcake and pop it into his mouth. “I get about the whole Dragon Empire deal. What I don’t get is why nopony has ever seen them, or why they haven't been around.” After Applejack said that, Pinkie pulled out something out of her mane and used it to wake Rarity up. “Huh? What? What happened?” she asked. “That’s because the borders between Equestria and the Dragon Empire have been closed for many years over something that happened in the past. I don’t know what it was since no pony recorded it in a book or scroll,” I explained. “Well, why not just asked Mr. Dragon King when we go to Canterlot?” Pinkie asked as she pulled a cake out of the basket and inhaled it in one go. Spike looked in confusion at the basket trying to figure out how she had pulled a full cake out of there. “I don’t think that would work out.” I picked up the letter again and continued reading. “Unfortunately I have received a letter from him saying that he can’t come himself, but he will be sending one of his children. I have full faith in you and your friends. Yours, Princess Celestia,” I finished with a worried look. “Darling is there something wrong?” Rarity asked as she levitated a napkin away from her mouth. “It’s nothing, it's just…” I paused to think. “It's just that I’ve never done something like this before. I mean, what if I mess up, like you know, what if I make him or her angry? It’s not like the Equestria and Dragon Empire borders would never open up again. What if I caused the Dragon Empire to go to war with Equestria?! What if…!” Before I could say anymore, I started to panic and hyperventilate. Spike pulled out a brown paper bag out of the basket and then—after emptying it—gave it to me. I grabbed it and began breathing into it. Eventually, I slowly started to calm down. “Thanks, Spike. I needed that,” I appreciated Spike with a smiled. Spike shrugged and smiled. “What would you do without me?” “Darling, I’ve never seen you so frantic before.” I looked over at Rarity and chuckled nervously. “I’m not exactly good with high society types,” I answered. “Hang on, what about Princess Celestia?” Rainbow noted. “She’s my teacher. That’s different.” Rainbow however waved it off as if she didn’t believe me. “Well, I think that you'll do a great job with this dragon prince or princess,” Applejack said to me. I was about to say something until Pinkie appeared beside me so suddenly that made me jump. “Yeah! She’s going to have a great time! And when she goes home to her dad, she will say to him ‘Oh I had a great time! We should've open the borders long ago and stuff’ and then everyone will be happy and we will throw a ‘Welcome Dragon Empire to Equestria’ party!” Pinkie said as she did some somersaults. “Um, Pinkie darling, don’t want to sound rude, but how do you know the dragon is going to be a she?” Rarity inquired. She watched Pinkie as she stopped mid-somersault in the air and gave Rarity an upside down shrug then resumed her somersault before landing. “Just a hunch,”she happily answered, except we all blinked and stared at her as we contemplated her not-so-answer answer. “Anyway, thanks girls. If I have all of you there, I just know I can do this,” I said with a resolute smile. I looked overhead to see the afternoon sun. Rarity saw this and looked up as well. “Oh my, it’s getting late,” She announced. “Well, I guess we better get ready to leave in the morning. Can’t be late to make sure the wedding preparations go well for…” I stopped for a moment and looked at Spike. “Um, Spike do you know who’s getting married?” “Oh, right. I should've given you this beforehand.” He rubbed the back of his head then breathed out green fire which made a second letter appear and handed it to me. I lifted it up and unrolled it before I began reading. “Princess Celestia would like to invite you to the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and the Captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor. Hmmm, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza… that name sounds familiar.” “And it’s a mouthful to say!” Pinkie said as she grabs two cupcake and ate them both. I gave her a half-lidded smile and shook my head. “Well then, I guess we should pack up and head home. We’ve all got a lot of packing and planning to do, as well as our beauty sleep,” Rarity said as she got up and started to pack. We all also heard her muttering to herself on her plans for the dresses. As I was about to head back to the library, I looked back and saw Spike with his arms crossed, staring off into space. “Spike? Is something wrong?” I asked him. He looked at me and blinked in surprise. “Huh? Oh, umm, no, nothing’s wrong it's just…” He knitted his eyebrows together. “It's just that I have a bad feeling about this.” I rolled my eyes and levitated him onto my back. “Spike, it’s only a wedding. What could possibly go wrong?” > The Old and New faces (Twilight) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to some things on my part, the title has been changed. My bad I should also say that this chapter and the next one are the same chapter just in different points of view I was staring out at the open sky on the bow of the Black Scale as we sailed over the Celestial Sea. We were a few hours away from Canterlot. I could hear the crew working at their jobs behind me. They didn’t come near me, making sure that if they ever came close they’d avoid bumping into me. It was all for a good reason: I was in a grumpy mood. It was a couple of hours after sunrise and still, all I could see was the vast blue ocean and the sun crawling across the sky. I was drumming my talons on the wooden floor of the ship so hard I left some scratch marks in it. I hate to say it, but I was bored out of my mind. After some time passed, as a small island came into view, breaking the monotony of the trip so far, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. “Ugh, I hate airship cabins. Not a lot of room to stretch my wings, and I think the captain gave me the smallest one,” Amber groggily said. She sat beside me with a yawn and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. After some time listening to the clatter and chatter of the working crew, I saw Amber look at me out of the corner of my eye. “You're bored, aren’t you?” Amber gave me a smirk. “What? I’m not bored,” I grumbled without making eye contact with her. I heard Amber laugh a bit. “You’re a terrible liar, egghead. I can tell that you're bored.” She moved to the railing and leaned on it, looking at me with that same, awful smirk. “You sulk when you're bored.” I felt anger boil up inside me as I glared at her. “I don’t sulk, Amber! I brood.” I crossed my arms and knit my brows together. But Amber just looked at me with a deadpan stare. “Aren’t brooding and sulking the same thing?” “No. Brooding is what mages do, and I’m a mage, so I’m brooding!” I sat down and stared at the lone island, trying to see if I could make it explode, all the while I could feel Amber staring at me. “I’m still mad at you by the way.” “What? Why are you—” Amber paused for a moment before speaking again. “Are you mad about what happened at Netherscale?” I turned to glare at her. She groaned at it. "You are! Twilight, I already told you why you're coming and everything, so there’s no need to be like that.” It was her turn to glare at me but I didn’t pay any attention to it as I recalled back to what happened. I stormed down the market place with enough anger to make a fully grown hydra cower in fear. Every drake gave me a wide berth, wary of me setting my magic on them. I wouldn’t do that, but just the fact that I could be enough. I spent most of my life studying magic and I earned the title of Archmage of the Dragon Court, the only Archmage since dragons can’t normally control magic. I guess it’s because I’m part unicorn. There’s also the fact of my temper. Most of the time I have full control of my magic, but when I get really angry I lose some of that control. It’s not a new thing about me, I read a passage from a book that magic is tied with emotions, and mages should keep a cool head at all times. That would be great, but the problem is that I get angry really easily and lose control of a bit of my magic. I’ve gotten better at keeping my temper in check... but right now I could feel sparks jumping off of my horn. I heard the sound of wings coming from above me but I didn’t even bother to look since I already knew who it was. “Twilight! Come on, don’t be like that! Look, I’m sorry, ok?” Amber landed a few steps behind me. I saw the dragons around us bow down to Amber while others were still looking scared of me. Dang it! I’m probably going to get yelled at, but I don’t care! I’m angry right now. “Look, I know you’re angry but—” “You know what? No, I’m not angry, Amber. This is me being happy that you're forcing me to go to some wedding that you didn’t bother to tell me about beforehand!” As I yelled out that last part, a purple spark shot out from my horn and hit a cloud above me. It turned pink and I saw a dragon fly right into it and get stuck in the cloud. I heard the words “cotton candy” come from the cloud. I trotted a little faster down the street grumbling to myself. Great, now I’m definitely going to get yelled at by the Court… again. “Ok... maybe you're angrier than I thought, but come on, how should I have know you'd react this way?” She was walking a bit closer to me now. “If it make things any better, I didn’t know I was going until this morning. I would've told you sooner, but, you know, classes.” “… I guess that makes sense if you put it that way, but why me?” I asked, glancing at Amber. Her wings fidgeted as she thought over what she going to say. The sparks on my horn died down a bit, which the other dragons around us were grateful for. “Well, before I came to talk to you, my father called for me. He talked about the trip to Canterlot, and suggested I bring you with me.” She looked down and was silent for a few minutes. “And well I kinda agree with him on that.” I stopped in the middle of the street and looked at her, raising an eyebrow. She stopped abruptly, and simply rolled her eyes at me. “What? I’m being serious here!” She pleaded, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at her. After what seemed like a few minutes, she kept glaring daggers at me when I looked up at her. I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit guilty. “Ok then, but why me? Can’t it be anyone else? There are a lot more drakes more qualified than me.” I started walking back home as Amber came up beside me. “Yes, but he suggested you, the Archmage of the Dragon Court, with the knowledge of everything Magick and Arcane, might make things a little easier when talking with the princesses.” She tilted her head a bit. “You’re also part pony, so I think that would help, but that’s just me.” She frowned and stared up the street deep in thought. “Is there something else?” I asked her. She looked down at me and looked around her before leaning close to me. “I don’t know why, but I think my dad knows something that everydrake else doesn't. He didn’t say anything, but the way he looked when talking about you and Canterlot, he was giving off a ‘I know something important’ kind of vibe.” We passed a fruit vendor, who we smiled and waved at before carrying on. “There’s also the fact that this would be my first time doing something princessy, and some part of me doesn’t want to mess things up.” I looked at her in shock. Was this really Amber? The same dragon that was more of a reckless daredevil than any drake I'd ever known? She was taking this very seriously. She took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m not asking you to do this as a princess to the Dragon Empire. I’m asking you this as a friend.” She gave me a sad look as I thought back to her words. ‘He was giving off a ‘I know something important’ kind of vibe’. The way she said that sent shivers down my spine. The Dragon King was famous for both his wisdom and ferocity in battle, and he had lived for a very long time. Maybe longer than even the Princess of Equestria—well, the Princess of the Sun anyway. Sure he’s old, but not that old. I looked at Amber and gave a sigh, in which a small smile grew on her lips. “Fine, I’m going. But if you eat all the cake, I’m telling your father that you were a glutton at the wedding.” She laughed and gave me a toothy grin. “I make no promises.” I rolled my eyes at her as we continued our walk. It was about fifteen minutes in that a thought came to me. “Amber, two questions: how are we getting to Canterlot and when do we leave?” I asked. She tilted her head and was silent for a few moments before speaking. “We’re taking an airship to Canterlot. Even if I’m a fast flyer and was all by myself, it would take a long time to reach Equestria. We’ll be leaving at around dusk tonight, I think.” We stopped for a moment staring at each other until we both looked up at the sun. It was well past the midway point of the day. “Then we have roughly about eight to ten hours till we have to leave.” I looked around the market and looked over to Amber, “So… what do you want to do?” “Well I finished with all my classes for the day and I have nothing to do until we need to leave, so I guess we can hang out for a bit.” Just as she said that I heard yelling behind us. We turned to see that a group of dragons trying to pull the dragon out of the pink cloud, and it looked like there was brown liquid pouring out of the cloud. I looked at Amber looking at the cloud. “After we help out with the pink cloud.” I nodded to her and we both jumped and flew into the sky towards the cloud. “Hold on.” I looked over to Amber. She had a odd look on her. “Is this cloud following us?” “It must have been moving this way before it got hit by my magic.” I told her. Amber looked over and frowned. “But that doesn’t make sense, sure the cloud is pink but you’d think some dragon would have already taken care of it.” She shook her head as we stopped in front of the cloud. Amber reached over and grabbed the cloud and pulled. A chunk of pink cloud came off and chocolate milk began to spill out from the newly made hole. Amber took a bite of it and blinked. “It’s cotton candy! How in dragon god's name did you turn a normal cloud into cotton candy?” She asked me. I looked over and stare at her. “Do you want me to explain how magic works to you again?” Amber looked at me and snorted at me. “No, I don’t want to be put to sleep by boredom. Wait until we get on the airship and on our way to Canterlot, then you can tell me.” Amber grins at me, “I can use a nap on the way there.” “Let's just fix this before I have to zap you and turn you into a mouse. Again.” I heard Amber laugh as I grumbled to myself. I arrived at the docks by the time the sun was setting. My saddlebags bags bulged with the typical normal stuff anyone would take on a trip, plus four tomes for some light reading. I opened one of my saddlebags to triple check that I had everything, as I move some things around I saw a small, tattered blanket in it. I looked around to make sure that no one was around and pulled the small blanket out. I smiled at it, remembering my fillyhood as I held it in my claws. I quickly put it back into my bag and trotted towards the docks I saw dockhands (or claws?) rushing around the place finishing up the last jobs they had for the night. I found Amber talking with a dragon, but it wasn't until I got closer that I was able to see him in clearer detail. He was about half a foot taller than Amber and he was, in my opinion, the very definition of a juggernaut. He had dark brown scales and massive wings that looked like he could whip up a tornado without even trying. His chin looked like somedrake took a pointy rock and stuck it onto his lower jaw. He also had dark brown eyes that for seemed like they could stare down anything in his way, no matter how big. He turned to me and gave me a warm smile, shifting a bit to face me. All his scales moved as if they were armor, and I wondered if the rumors that his scales were made out something stronger than diamonds were true. Given his title and appearance, they certainly made sense. “Well, if it isn’t the Archmage. She arrives at last. I hope you didn’t get your nose stuck in some book. But by the looks of it, that book seems to be wedged in your saddlebag with the rest of them. So tell me, how many books is that?” He chuckled at me as I rolled my eyes. His voice was like a low rumble of the earth, which again reminded me of another rumor that said he was made out of the ground itself. “Nessonth the Juggernaut, it’s good to see you tonight. I wish you’d speak to me like a normal drake rather than a child.” He raised an eyebrow and looked at me, I clenched my jaw and glared at him. “And I only brought four tomes with me for some light reading.” “Ha! Only four! I guess that is light reading for you. By the time you’re halfway to Canterlot, you’ll have finished them and be bored out of your mind.” He barked out a laugh. Amber laughed alongside with him but stopped once she saw me glaring at her, and turned her head away bashfully. Nessonth looked at me and raised an arm. “Now how about you drop the formalities and give your uncle a hug.” I stared at him for a bit before I rolled my eyes and complied with his request. Nessonth the Juggernaut was the Commander of the Royal Guard and was called the Juggernaut for good reason. There were stories told about his strength and endurance in battle, who even fought beside the Dragon King a few times. There was one story where he destroyed a castle all by himself with only his two claws. Of course, stories like these may seem like tall tales to the regular dragon, but for Nessonth it was hard to tell. I backed away and gaze up at him with a smile. “It’s good to see you uncle, but if I may ask, why are you here?” He made a smile and looked at Amber. “Well, when I heard that Amber was given a royal job in a far off land, the King asked me to send over a few guards for protection.” He frowned and crossed his arms as if he was pouting. “Then I heard she was going off to Canterlot, and was taking you with her.” I shifted on my feet and nervously looked at him. “Are you mad about that? Are you going to tell me not to go?” He looked at me as if I’d grown a second head. “What? No! I’m not mad about that. What I’m mad about is that you're going the Canterlot. Canterlot!” He yelled and pointed at Amber. “Did you know they make cakes that are out of this world. By the gods, what I would do to get a piece of one. I asked the King to put me in charge of protecting you two but he denied it.” He looked up at the night sky and sighed. “I could almost taste those cakes now. Ohhh, fate can be a cruel mistress.” “Nice to know you care about my well being!” I was huffing at him, except his response to that was a hearty chuckle. “Oh, I know you can handle yourself out there. Heavens knows the many times you appeared in front of the court because you got moody and singed some poor dragon. How many is it now? Twenty?” “I do not get moody!” I stamped my claw down. “...And it’s nineteen.” Both my uncle and Amber were now laughing at my expense enough that I wanted to crawl into a cave and die. “Well, Commander how about this? After the wedding we’ll ask if they can make a cake we can bring back,” Amber suggested, and Nessonth brightened up at that. If it wasn’t for the fact he was in public, he would be doing cartwheels right now. I couldn’t help but giggle at him. Whenever he’s not leading the Guard, he’d spend most of his time looking after and playing with me. He always had a soft spot for children. I coughed to get his attention. “As much as I like to talk about cakes, we should be moving on. You said something about sending guards with us?” I asked my uncle. He blinked at me until both his eyebrows jumped up as he remembered what he was supposed to be doing. “Oh right! Sorry about that, I got lost in the moment. Thanks little spark.” I rolled my eyes at him as he called me by my hatchling nickname. But it did make me warm and fuzzy inside. He moved closer to the airship and looked at both at us. “So again, the King asked me to send some guards with you to Canterlot. Equestria is a peaceful place, but you can’t be too careful, so two dragoons in training with be accompanying you on your trip.” He turned to the ship and yelled up at it. “DRAGOONS!! FRONT AND CENTER!!” I saw two shapes jump off the ship and landed right in front of my uncle, towering over him with great height. Dragoons were the elites of the guard. Rumored to be trained and bred from birth, they would take on difficult tasks that no other dragon could do. What’s more, whereas normal dragons usually walk around on all fours and sometimes on their hind legs for short amounts of time, dragoons could only walk on two legs, which made them taller and more imposing than most dragons, standing at almost over ten feet tall. They also didn’t have wings. The dragoon on the left of Nessonth had blue scales, and silver eyes that looked like lightning coursed through them. She looked thinner than her partner, and also wore lesser armor while sporting two short swords by her waist. Her partner had dark red scales, bright green eyes that held mischief in them, wore more armor and had a two-handed great axe strapped to his back. Both of the dragoons’ armor were decorated with an emblazoned Mark of the Dragoons, a golden dragon holding a black spear and a blue orb in its claws. “All right you two, listen up! This may be your first mission outside of the Empire, but do not take this lightly! Make sure that no harm comes to Her Highness Princess Amber and Her Excellency Archmage Twilight. Is that understood?” “SIR YES SIR!!” they both shouted in unison. Nessonth cocked an eyebrow at them. “Good, because if I find out they have been harmed in any way, you’ll both wish something had come to kill you instead.” Both dragoons shivered at his threat. “Now get back on the ship and make sure everything is in order.” The both of them nodded. The blue dragoon returned calmly back onto the airship, while the red dragoon bolted instead. Nessonth sighed then turned his head to look at us. “That was Tessith and Derolth. They may be trainees, but they’re two of the best recruits in their unit. They’ll protect you two with their lives.” He said this with a smile as Amber smiled back. I returned the smile as well, but I was a bit unnerved to know those two would give their lives up for us, but who was I to complain. That was a soldier's life after all. “Thank you, Commander Nessonth. I got to say I’ve never really seen a dragoon before.” She looked at the ship and frowned. “Are they like ‘always follow the rules’ stick-in-the-muds, because I already have one of those.” “Hey!” I shouted. Amber looked backed at me but waved her claw dismissing me as I glared at her while Nessonth chuckled at the display. “Not really, no. Tessith is somewhat shy around new dragons, but she’s courteous and firm when need be. She’ll do any job without question. Derolth on the other claw can be summed up as a loose cannon. He’d always pick a fight while training. He’s cocky and a bit of a show off, but he’s loyal and honest to a T. I have complete trust they can handle anything this mission will throw at them.” Nessonth nodded to Amber and me then looked up to the sky. “Woah! Look at the time. You both should get going.” We got onto the ship and were under way in just a few minutes. I looked back and waved to my uncle, who returned the gesture. I smiled and looked out to the night sky one last time before I went to bed. “Yes, I’m still mad about all that.” I crossed my arms and glared at Amber, she tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at me. “I get that you would be mad about the market but you were fine at the docks.” I rolled my eyes at her. “After the airship took off you called me little spark, very loudly at that, and the dragoons and crew laughed at me!” I yelled at her. I also caught some of the crew chuckle at what I said. I felt my anger rising and small sparks came off my horn. No, bad Twilight, no. You’re better than that. You cannot provoke yourself to stand in front of the Dragon Court again, I chastised myself. “Oh yeah, I remember now. That was funny.” She giggled for a bit until she saw me glaring at her. “Oh come on, you need to lighten up. You take everything way too seriously, especially when it comes to jokes.” I grumbled at her and looked over to the deck to see the two dragoons helping the ship mates with whatever they were doing. Derolth was carrying some supplies down below deck and Tessith was tying the ropes. They seemed to enjoy helping and working with the others, although the thought made me frown a bit since I didn’t know anything about them other than their names and occupation. “So did you get to talk to the dragoons? I never got a chance, I was busy with other stuff.” She confirmed my question with a nod. “Yeah. I got to talk to them at some points,” she answered while she narrowed her eyes to me, “You read all your books already, didn’t you?” She grinned at me except I looked away at her and scowled. “I’m not going to answer that.” Even with that retort, Amber just laughed at me, shaking her head. “Well, Nessonth was right about them, Tessith is shy but she’s real nice once you get to know her. She’s especially smart when it comes to weather and storms. Derolth is fun. He has a whole bunch of stories, but I’m pretty sure most of them are just made up. He also doesn't like to sit still, that’s why he’s working and moving all the time.” After Amber made her report on our two bodyguards, she looked out to the sea and frowned, as if she was worried about something. “What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you look like that before.” She looked at me and sighed. “When I talked to Derolth he said that he had a bad feeling about Canterlot. At first I thought he was being paranoid but Tessith said that Derolth always has gut feelings about things, but he’s never been wrong about them.” Amber crossed her arms together and closed her eyes. I looked at her and narrowed my eyes at her and raised my eyebrow at her. “Amber, it’s a wedding. What could possibly—” Before I could finish Amber reached out and clamped my muzzle shut with her claw, her eyes wide, gazing at me. “STOP! DON’T SAY IT!” she yelled. I blinked at her as I pulled her claw away from my muzzle. “Why? What is wrong with you all of a sudden?” I asked her, looking a bit confused. “Do you know Murphy’s Law?” Again I blinked at her and racked my brain for the name. “You mean the pony that made a law that says if anything can go wrong, will go wrong?” I asked her. “Yes, so again don’t say it!” I rolled my eyes at her. “Oh, come on. When ever has something like that happened?” I asked, but then an idea came to me as I wore an evil grin. “I never knew you to be the superstitious type, Amber.” “I’m not, but you seem to be prone to that kind of effect.” “What?” “Remember that one time when a bucket of paint dropped on you?” My smile then faltered a bit. “The painters said that the ladder was wobbly.” “Then there was the time you were trying a spell and it exploded,” she continued. “Spell failure, it’s always a risk when trying new spells.” She raised an eyebrow. “Then there was the swarm of chickens.” “Some kids must have been poking at them.” I shuddered at the memory. It took a month before I got that screeching sound out of my head. “And then there was that one time where an anvil almost fell on top of you.” I didn’t answer that. I had no idea why a group of dragons were moving an anvil. “Anything else you’d like to share with me?” I asked although I didn’t care for an answer. By this point, my face was completely flat. “Not at the moment, no. But you know what,” Amber tried to stifle a snicker, “n-now that I t-think about it y-you’re the very definition of that law. Are you sure your name isn’t Murphy instead?” “Shut up!” I growled. Amber was cackling like a crazy drakaina, while I stood there fuming at her. It was bad enough she was making fun at my misfortune, but what made matters worse was that she was right. “GAH! Why do I feel the entire universe is against me!?” I clung my head in my claws. I just want to escape to my own little world where everything was going right. But before Amber could continue to get a word in, Tessith walked up to us. “Excuse me Princess, Archmage. I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” Tessith said in a soft spoken voice while I gave her a thankful look. “No, you’re not. What is it?” I asked her. I could see Amber give me a look before turning her attention towards Tessith. “I wanted to report that we are nearing Equestria. You’ll be able to see it in a few moments.” The three of us looked out from the bow of the ship, and true to her word after five minutes we saw land rising from the horizon. I could even make out the outline of a small city. “How long until we arrive in Canterlot?” Tessith tilted her head to the sky and narrowed her eyes. I glanced at her as she studied the sky, then Tessith pulled out a map out of her bag and unrolled it in her claws. She studied it for a moment. “Judging from where we are and how fast we’re going we should be there in…” She tilted her head and closed one eye, “about two and a half hours. I apologise, but I am using an old map so I can’t be one hundred percent sure.” I nodded and looked to Amber, who sighed in response. “Well, I’m going to go take a nap. Tessith, can you or Derolth wake me up an hour before we arrive to Canterlot. Putting on my princess stuff on is a royal pain.” Tessith agreed with a firm nod and walked back down to the deck. Amber then turned to me. “So what are you going to do?” I contemplated her question. “I might as well get something to eat and take a nap before we arrive. I’ve been up here for hours.” Amber nodded and left me alone as I watched the land that is Equestria get closer. As I was heading back to the deck, I felt something running down the side of my face. When I wiped my face clear and saw what it was, I stared at it for a moment in confusion. “Why am I crying?” I was standing beside Amber as the airship crew were working to get the ramp down. I looked over to Amber who was now wearing her regalia. She looked nervous, her wings were fidgeting a bit as we waited. “Nervous?” I asked her. She snapped her head to me and held it there for a moment before she sighed. “Is it that obvious?” She shook her head and looked down to the ground. “I never thought I’d be this nervous about the whole thing. I just wanna start flying and get away from here as far away as possible.” I looked at her with concern. I’d never seen her this nervous before and the fact wasn’t trying to hide it from me was surprising. Not that I could blame her, this whole thing was pretty much a new experience for me, and I was having butterflies in my stomach. But I steeled myself, and took a moment to think of a way to help her. Fortunately something came to mind as I looked over to Amber and smiled. “Hey, do you remember the first day I got sent to the Court for blasting an earth dragon into a hill after he said something rude to me.” Amber looked at me and snorted. “Yeah, how can I forget.” She chucked a bit. “You were freaking out so much that you made it sound like the world was ending.” I chucked a bit when she said that. She then tilted her head a bit.“I also remember you made this huge speech to apologize.” I frowned at her. “It wasn’t that long,” I quickly said, but Amber gave me a deadpan stare. “Twilight, it was long enough that you could have made it into a set of books. I even called it ‘Twilight’s Apology Letter to the Dragon Court: The Series’.” She motioned her claw in the air as she recited the title. I smacked her in the shoulder and glared at her, but she just started to laugh, while I grumbled at her. “Well, I was going to help with your nerves, but you can forget it now.” I stuck my muzzle up high in defiance, except I looked back over to Amber for a moment and saw her smiling at me. “Hey, I don’t know what you were trying to do, and I don’t think making me laugh was it. But thanks for that, I needed a good laugh to settle my nerves.” I saw that she was right. She didn’t look nervous anymore and looked happy. I couldn't help but return the smile. “No problem. What are friends are for?” As I said that the crew started to lower the ramp down, and the two Dragoons walked in front of us and waited for it to finish lowering. Once that was done they moved down the ramp with Tessith in front and Derolth behind her. I could hear a gasp coming from where they were heading, and chuckled a bit. Dragoons are quite a sight if you’ve never seen one before. “Well, this is it. You ready?” I asked. She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. She then looked at me and nodded. “Well, like your uncle says: into the breach.” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Where did you hear that from?” She turned and gave me a toothy smile. “From one of his stories.” I rolled my eyes at her as she started to walk off the ship. I waited for a moment then followed her down the ramp. I heard the tail end of what Tessith was saying. “—Princess Amber Trasza!” I walked down the ramp and stood beside Amber as she bowed to the Princess of the Sun. I bowed as well and looked at the group in front of us. Celestia was taller than Amber by a foot and was wearing her renowned and well-known regalia. Beside her was a stallion unicorn with white fur and a mane with two different shades of blue, one lighter than the other. Beside him was a pink mare with both a horn and wings like Celestia, presumably the princess to be wed, and the stallion’s betrothed. Her mane had streaks of violet, rose red, and gold. I narrowed my eyes at her. I don’t know why, but I was getting a really bad vibe from her. Looking over the other side of Celestia was another stallion unicorn who was also white but with a blond mane. He was giving us a smirk that made me want to throw something at him. Behind him was another unicorn stallion with black fur. I couldn't see his mane since it was covered by a helmet. But by guessing from the different colours of armor he was wearing, he was of a higher rank than the rest of the guards, who were all identical shades of white or grey. Beside the black stallion was a unicorn mare with an orange-amber coat and a mane that had red and yellow streaks that intertwined with each other. I could feel her magic coming off her. “Princess Amber Trasza, on behalf of everypony here and the citizens of Equestria, we welcome you to Canterlot.” Amber snorted. I rolled my eyes at her and nudged her with my tail and saw her turn her head to glare at me. Celestia looked surprised when she finally looked at me, as did the rest of her entourage. I also thought the Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor I thought his name was, looked to be on the brink of tears. I then heard Tessith continue to speak. “Presenting the Princess’ guest, and Archmage of the Dragon Court—” I looked over at the group again who still had those shocked looks on their faces. I groaned a bit and shook my head. ‘Well this is going to be fun.’ “Her Excellency, Miss Twilight Scintillula.” > The Old and New faces. (Sunset) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 The Old and New faces. (Part II) Due to some things on my part, the title has been changed. My bad I should also say that this chapter and the last one are the same chapter just in different points of view “Hey Sunset, you alright there sugar cube?” Applejack asked me. I blinked in surprised and looked at her. How long was I looking out the window? I turned to look at her and gave her a smile. “Sorry Applejack, I was just thinking about some things.” Well, that was somewhat true, I am thinking about something. She gave me a look. “Well, what are ya thinking ‘bout then?” I looked at her for a moment and sighed. Before I opened my mouth Pinkie appeared in the seat in front of me. “Oh come on Applejack you know what she’s thinking about, she has to make sure that everything at the wedding goes according to plan, and has to help the princess with the dragons.” Pinkie bounced in her seat and grinning like a mad mare. “Well yeah I’m thinking about the wedding, but I’m mostly thinking about the bride and groom. Shining and Princess Mi Am- something-something.” I waved my hoof at the last part and groaned. Her name sounded familiar but it was so hard to say. “I was meaning to ask about that. Who is this Shining Armor and why is he important?” Dash asked out loud. I looked at her and glared at her, sometimes I wondered where all the info we tell her goes if it doesn’t stay in her head. I was about to speak but Rarity beat me to it. “Rainbow, Mister Shining Armor is the captain of the Royal Guard.” Rarity shakes her head and glared at her “Honestly do you pay any amount of attention to anypony that is talking?” Rainbow blinked at her and crossed her arms. “Right, well um, I knew that. I was wondering if you guys knew who he is.” Rainbow grumbled and hovered for a bit. I just rolled my eyes and saw Fluttershy out of the corner of my eye, I looked at her which made her jump. “Ummm Sunset I wanted to ask, umm how do you know Shining Armor?” “Well, when I studying magic in the Canterlot, we occasionally talked about stuff and hung out from time to time. I got to play in one of his Ogres & Oubliettes groups, ” Fluttershy nodded and looked out from her window. I also heard some snickering from Rainbow. “Is there something funny Dash?” I asked her, she just shifted a laugh and looked at me. She looked like she was trying not to laugh. “It’s nothing, but when you said that you play that game it just shows there you're a really big egghead. Like, really, you and Shining playing a tabletop game, that’s so nerdy.” I raised an eyebrow at her and an evil grin appeared on my face. “I have to say Dash, if I didn’t know better I’d think you know a bit of the game, maybe you’d even played it before.” That made her stop laughing and looked at me. For a second I caught a look of worry as her eyes shot to everypony else then glared at me. “W-what are you talking about, I never played that game. I never even heard about it until now.” I turned to face her and gave her a sly smirk. “Oh really, so how do you know that’s it’s a tabletop game then.” I saw some beads of sweat coming from Dash's forehead. “Y-you said it!” “No Dash, I said that I played in one of his groups, but I never said that it was a tabletop game.” Dash started to sweat a lot. I wanted to push a little more but I heard Rarity cough and I looked at her. “Well darling, as much I like to hear about what Rainbow Dash does in her spare time, I have to ask, this princess he’s marrying, do you know her? Rarity asked me. I scrunched my muzzle and shot a ‘we’ll finish this later’ look to Dash and thought about what Rarity said. My right eye started to twitch a bit, I know I’d heard that name before but couldn’t put my hoof on it. “That’s just it, I don’t think I’ve met anypony named Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but I have this nagging feeling that I know her. Ugggg I hate this.” I grumbled for a bit. Before I could say anymore Pinkie shot to the window and pressed against it. “WE’RE ALMOST THERE!” Pinkie yelled. Her yell rattled the windows a bit. We all moved to the windows to get a better look. Canterlot came to view as the train came around a mountain, but as I watched the city I saw a pink dome surrounding the city. Odd, why was there a shield up around Canterlot? As we watched the city get bigger, I could see a pair of guards standing just outside of the dome watching the train. As the train passed through the dome I felt some sort of spell pass over me. My friends felt the spell as well. They all stiffened a bit and looked around the car we were in. “Umm, what was that?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked around. I didn’t answer her as I looked out of the window as we were coming close the station. As we got close I gasped at what I saw. I saw guards, a lot of guards. There were guards standing around the station, in the station, even on the roof of the stations. I get that a royal wedding needs extra security, but this is overkill. “Whoa! What’s with all the guards?” Rainbow said as she stuck her head out of the train when it stopped. “I’m sure they are the necessary precautions, royal weddings do bring out the strangest ponies.” As soon as Rarity said that Pinkie Pie sneezed out confetti. She rubbed her nose and continued on. “Now let’s get going! We have important work to do.” As my friends left to go do their jobs, I looked around at all the guards. I have to agree with Rarity that royal weddings can make ponies do strange things, but this was a little much. It looked like they were getting ready to go to war. What in Celestia’s name was going on? Was this about the Dragon princess that’s coming here or is it something else? As I was thinking of possibilities I felt a someone give me a shake. I blinked and looked over to Applejack who was standing beside me. “Are you alright there sugarcube? You kinda zoned out there for a spell,” she asked me. I gave her a sad smile. “Sorry Applejack I didn’t mean to zone out there it’s just…” I again looked around at the guards, “Don’t you think that there’s a lot of guards? I know it’s a royal wedding, but this is a bit overkill.” AJ scrunched her muzzle and looked around at all the guards. “Well I gotta admit, they're more guards than a rodeo. Why not just go ask Shining 'bout it.” My head shot up and looked at her with a surprised look. She’s right why didn’t I think of that. “Thanks, Applejack,” I said to her. She gave me a smile and rubbed the back of her head. “Aww shucks Sunset, it’s the least I could do. Well, I got to get going, my job won’t do itself.” I watch her trot away and went over to one of the guards to ask where I could find Shining. After pointing me to where I needed to go I found Shining giving orders to some groups of guards, and he was in full armor too. Beside him was a black unicorn wearing a darkened version of normal guard armor. While I was approaching, I saw a bit of his cutie mark. From what I could tell it was a red star with two lightning bolts going through it. While I was trotting up the stairs to them I was trying to figure out why it looked a familiar. “Shining, it’s good to see you again,” I called out to him, Shining and the other unicorn turned to look at me. The unicorn’s smile grew wide as Shining gave me a weird look and blinked at me. “Ummm who are you?” He asked me, I just rolled my eye and stood up straight. “Oh great king of Westmarch, I’m Echo solis Ortus, a wizard from the order of the unseen way, I have come to Tara to gain the knowledge of the land.” I bowed in front of him. I opened an eye and smiled at him, which he gave a big smile to me. “Sunset! Last I saw you, you had your muzzle in a book of spells.” He gave me a hug and broke away to look at me. “How’ve you been, I haven’t seen you in months! What are you doing here?” I just shrugged at him and smiled, “Oh you know same old, same old. Studying, hanging out with my friends and defending Equestria from the latest crisis. The princess asked me to come and make sure that some royal wedding goes according to plan, now who was the groom of this wedding? Oh, it’s on the tip of my tongue…” I saw Shining roll his eyes at me. The unicorn chuckled a bit. “Oh ha ha, Sunset very funny. While it’s good to see you again, you didn’t say hi to my Sergeant here.” He pointed to the black unicorn beside him. He grinned happily at me as I blinked at him. Seriously, I should know him from somewhere. The unicorn took off his helmet which showed a red and black intertwine mane. I also saw his golden colour eyes, I couldn't help but blush a bit. “Sunset it’s me, Shadow.” It took me a moment to remember who he was. A memory of seeing him in Ponyville and hanging out with the girls and me. I broke into a huge smile. “Shadow Sparkle! Is that you!” I saw him nod with a toothy grin. I couldn’t help myself as I gave him a big hug. After a minute, I realize what I was doing and pushed him back before my face got too red. I saw him blush and blink a couple times. “Ummm sorry about that. I just got excited to see you since it’s been some time and ummm…” “It’s, umm, fine Sunset, I’m happy to see you again and ummm...” We didn’t talk or look at each other for a bit. I saw Shining trying to hold back a laugh. I blinked at him and was about to say something until I remembered what I was doing. “Right. Umm, Shining can I ask you something. What’s with all the guards? There’s practically an army of them here,” I asked him. He looked at Shadow and Shadow looked at him. “Well sir, she is the Princess’ personal student. I guess we can tell her.” Shadow said to Shining, he sighed and nodded to Shadow then looked at me. “Sunset, walk with us for a bit.” Instead of the happy face, he had on a few minutes ago, he looked tired and stressed. I nodded to him and followed them until we eventually stopped in a small garden. “Shining, what’s wrong?” I asked him. He sighed and turned to look at me. “All I wanted to do was marry the mare of my dreams, but I’m also the captain of the Royal Guard so I have a duty to protect Canterlot as well. Here, watch.” He bented down and closed his eyes. His horn glowed with a pink aura and a beam shot into the air, hitting the dome and making it pulse with magic. He let the beam die out and gasped for breath. Shadow pulled out a bottle of water and had it float over to Shining. He nodded and started to gulp it down. Shadow looked over to me with a serious look. “For the past two months we've been getting threats from someone, we don’t know who he or she is, but we think that something is going to happen on the wedding day.” As he said that Shining finished drinking and floated the bottle over to Shadow who put it into his bag. “There’s also the fact that the princess from the Dragon Empire is coming as a guest, so I’m stressed about the wedding, the threats, and this princess.” Shining sighed and shook his head. He turned and give a sheepish grin, “No rest for the wicked huh.” We continued walking and talked for a bit though I wasn’t really paying attention the whole time, I was thinking for most of it. Threats of an attack on Canterlot. This was bad, really bad. How was I supposed to make sure things went smoothly with the dragon Princess with a threat looming over the city? I was lost in thought until I heard Shining calling my name. “Sunset, you're doing it again.” I looked up to see them looking at me, and the fact that we were on a small bridge. “Umm sorry about that, I didn’t mean to space out like that,” I smiled at them and they gave me a smile back, well Shadow gave me a normal one but Shining gave me a tired one. “So Shining who are you marrying? Who’s Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?” I asked him. He chuckled at me and I frowned at him. “What’s so funny?” “Sunset you remember Cadence?” My ears perked up by the name and frowned. I nodded at him and he smiled at me. “Well, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is Cadence.” I blinked at him for a minute as my brain broke down and tried to repair itself. Shadow looked at Shining and walked over to me and poked me. “Ummm Sunset? Are you ok?” I blinked once and looked at him then at Shining. “Cadence, as in my old foalsitter?” He nodded, “The same Cadence that kept saying that ‘love can overcome anything,’.” He nodded again but slower with a frowned. “The same one that turned everything in my old room pink and I got back at her by turning her mane neon green?” He sighed at that. “Yes the same- wait, that was you!” I waved him off. “Details, anyway Cadence is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza,” I started to say but I saw Shadow raised his hoof. “Also the Princess of Love!” Shining and I glared at him as he lowered his hoof. “Umm, I will just shut up now.” “I will say this once, Cadence, my old foalsitter is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza the Princess of Love and you’re marrying her, am I right so far?” I looked at Shining as he sighed. “Yes I’m going to be marrying her, is that going to be a pro-” I cut him off as I raised my hoofs in the air. “About bucking time!” I rolled my eyes at his surprised look. “Oh come on I’ve been waiting forever for you to ask her. Took long enough.” “Wait you wanted us to get married? I thought you hated Cadence.” I put my hoof on my chest and gasped. “Why Shining, how could you think of me like that. I don’t hate my foalsitter.” I said in a dramatic way. He was about to say something but I continued. “I just hate the way she keeps pushing the idea that love can solve everything. Once was fine, twice was ok, three times was meh, but over a hundred! That’s a bit much.” He just blinked at me then shifted a bit. Shadow walked up beside him. “Ummm sir? If you don’t mind me asking, who’s Cadence?” I rolled my eyes at Shadow and smiled. “As you heard, Cadence was an old foalsitter, she’s always friendly and nice to me and, we had fun together, but we do…” I paused a moment, “Disagree with each other at times.” “They fight all the time because she doesn’t agree with the way Cadence sees things.” “The idea that love can solve anything is a bunch of horseapples!” I grumbled to myself. Shining just chuckled. “I’ve got to ask, how did you know that me and Cadence were going out? We were trying to keep everything a secret from you.” I smiled at him and rolled my eyes. “Shining, I’m Princess Celestia‘s personal student and probably one of the smartest mares in Equestria, it’s hard for me not to know somepony has a feeling for another.” He stared at me then did a side glance to Shadow then back to me. “Right~ you keep telling yourself that.” I looked at him confused. “Huh, what do you mean by that?” “Oh, it’s nothing important.” He smiled at me. I glared at him and at Shadow as he looked back and forth at both of us confused. What did Shining know that I didn’t? I hate when a pony does that to me. I grumbled a bit and put the thought in the back of my mind, I could chew him out after the wedding. “So” I began in a much happier tone, “how did you propose to her? Was it all romantic and stuff, oh did you take her out to a moonlight dinner?” Shining stared at me and snorted. “Why Sunset, when did you become such a romantic mare?” I blinked at him and replayed what I just said in my head. “Oh dear Celestia, I’ve been hanging out with Rarity way too much.” I looked at Shining and gave him a nervous smile. “Sooo, When did you propose to her?” “Well I think it was about three years ago, but right know that’s not important.” He stepped forward and looked at me with a big smile. “Sunset would you like to be my best mare?” I blinked at him as he asked his question. “You, you want me to be your best mare?” He nodded. “Well I have Shadow as my best stallion and I want you to be my best mare, do you think you can do that for me?” I nodded gleefully. “I would be honored to be your best mare,” I said to Shining. I looked over to Shadow and he gave me a happy smile. “What’s going on out here?” We all jumped at the new voice and Shadow looked in the direction it came from. “Well, speak of the devil.” I turn around to see a pink alicorn standing there with a confused look on her. It was Cadence. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?” My left ear twitched a bit at her tone. Sure I should be nice to her since this was her wedding, but old habits die hard. “Oh Cadence, I thought the neon green mane suited you, why go and change it?” She stared at me with a confused look. “What are you talking about.” My smile disappeared and I stared at her. “I turned your mane green and you screamed at me for a week about it.” Again she just stared at me. “Cadence, it’s me Sunset Shimmer, you foalsat all those years ago, don’t you remember?” “Uh-huh.” Was all she said and started to walk passed me. I looked at her in confusion. I looked over to Shadow as he was trying to cover his snickering. Cadence walked up to Shining as he put his hoof over her. “I’ve got to go back to my station, but Cadence will be checking in with all of you in the meantime to see how things are coming along. I think I can speak for both of us that we are excited to have you here, right dear?” Judging from the look Cadance was giving me, I don’t think she was. I know we didn’t get along perfectly, but I thought we got along better than that. “Absolutely,” Cadence said as she looked at me. I took a step back and saw Shadow give me a worried look. “Well, I guess we have to get back, we’ll-” Before Shining could finish something flashed behind him, bright enough that I had to cover my eyes to not get blinded. As I looked back I saw Celestia standing there. “Princess Celestia! What are you doing here?” Shining said as he bowed his head and we all followed. When we lifted our heads we say the Princess smiling at us. “Hello to you too Captain Shining Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Sergeant Shadow Sparkle, and my faithful student. It’s good to see you all well.” I blinked at her mostly to get the black spots out of my eyes. “Umm, hello to you too Princess Celestia, but if you don’t mind me asking what are you doing here?” Shining asked her. The princess just giggled to herself and looked at him. “Well, I came to ask you to lower the top of your shield for a few moments.” We all stared at her for a minute until Shining could speak. “Ummm sure, give me a moment.” Shining did the same thing he did back in the garden, only this time the top of the dome began to disappear. I looked at Shining as he began to sweat. I also saw Cadence chewing her bottom lip and starting to look around in the sky. What was she looking for? “Umm Princess why do you want the shield lowered?” His question was answered a few moments after he said that. We all watched as an airship flew over the lowered shield and towards the airship docks. Once it was clear, Shining raised his shield again and almost fell from exhaustion. Shadow pulled another bottle of water out of his bag and gave it to Shining. I looked over to Cadence and just got a glimpse of her sour look change to a worried one. I frowned at her but made sure no one saw it. “Well, our guests are here. Would you all like to meet them with me?” We all looked at each other and then said the exact same thing. “We would be honored,” We said as we bowed again. Celestia smiled. “Well then let’s not leave our guests waiting.” It took us about twenty five minutes of walking to reach the docks. Celestia was in front of the group as Shining and Cadence were walking beside each other behind her. Shadow was walking beside me in the back and three guards were around us with two more flying overhead. I glanced over to Cadence a few times as we walked, I couldn't believe she'd changed so much over the years. She wasn’t the same foalsitter that I remember all those years ago. I sighed quietly enough that no one noticed, well, almost no one. “Sunset? You alright?” I turned to look at Shadow when he asked me the question. He looked a little worried and I guess he saw me looking at Cadence. I gave him a sad smile. “It’s nothing, Shadow. I just never thought Cadence would change so much over the years.” “Well I don’t know much about the Princess of Love, but I know weddings are stressful.” He moved a little closer and whispered in my ear, “And to be honest, she’s taking it much better than Shining is. Two days ago he mixed up some letters and sent the captain of the Wonderbolts a love letter instead of the princess, boy did she have a word with him.” We both started to laugh quietly so that Shining didn’t hear us. I looked back to the two of them. Cadence was nuzzling Shining and they were smiling about something. “Maybe I’m just being paranoid over nothing,” Shadow smiled at me. “See there’s the Sunset I know, smart and paranoid over everything.” I blushed at that. Sure it was a joke but I couldn’t help it. I chuckled a bit that made him smile more. Time to get ready for the Dragon princess. ‘It’s just a greeting, what could go wrong?’ “Auntie!” And in one word, everything came crashing down. I closed my eyes and rubbed the bridge of my nose, trying to fight off the incoming headache. ‘Oh Celestia no, please no.’ I thought as I turned and opened my eyes. I groaned at what I saw. Coming towards us with six guards was a unicorn with a blonde mane and a tuxedo with a red rose sticking out. The last time I saw him was the Grand Galloping Gala, where he quickly became a stallion that I want to see jump off a cliff. “Blueblood, it’s good to see you.” Shining put on a forced smile as he said that. Blueblood stopped to glare at him. “That’s Prince Blueblood to you.” He said with his muzzle up in the air, which looked funny since they’re the same height. Shining continued his forced smile but I could see it twitching. Cadence put a hoof on Shining’s shoulder and looked at Blueblood. “Oh don’t be like that, the wedding is in a few days and it should be a special day. Can’t you two just be nice.” She gave Blueblood a smile and Shining a nuzzle. Shining took a deep breath and sighed and looked at her. “You’re right dear, it’s a special occasion, and it should make everypony happy.” He turned at Blueblood and stuck out his hoof. “Let’s not argue alright, Prince Blueblood.” Blueblood looked at his hoof and for a second he looked disgusted, then pulled out a white handkerchief and put it on Shining’s hoof before shaking it. Shining frowned but didn’t say anything. “I suppose I can do that since he’s going to be my cousin soon.” I saw Shining’s eye twitch when Blueblood said that and put on the forced smile. “Oh, I didn’t think of that. I suppose you’re right.” Shining said through his teeth. Blueblood rolled his eyes and walked past Shining and Cadence and saw me. He gave me a sour look. “Oh. Why isn’t it auntie’s personal student, Miss Shammer.” I gave him a death glare and ground my teeth together. “Oh Prince Blueblood, it’s nice you see you,” I said nice with venom in the word nice. “And, it’s Shimmer.” “Whatever, not my problem.” I ground my teeth some more and felt a hoof on my shoulder. I looked and saw Shadow standing there trying to calm me down. “Easy there,” He said to me. I took some breaths and calm down a bit. Got to be calm right now, nothing good will happen if I stay angry. Well, I could punch him in the face, that would make me happy. I turn to Blueblood just to see him walking up to Celestia. Oh hello, anger nicely to see you again. “Auntie it’s so nice to see you, what are you doing?” He asked. Princess Celestia gave him a smile. “Well, I’m off to the dock to greet our guests for the wedding.” Blueblood frowns a bit and looked at Shining with disgust. “Auntie, must you? Can’t you have some other peasant pony do that, you're the Princess of Equestria, you don’t have to do labour like this.” Celestia smiled her perfect smile, but I thought I saw her narrow her eyes a bit. “Blueblood, our guests are from the Dragon Empire. It would rude of me to not meet them.” I couldn't help but be happy when she shut Blueblood up. I looked over at Cadence and I thought I saw her sneering at Celestia. What was wrong with her today? “Well when you put it that way,” I was happy to hear that from him. Yes! He’s leaving, this walk can only get better. “I’ll join you to greet our royal guests than.” And there goes the happiness of the walk. I could hear some groans around me and even saw Celestia’s eye twitch for a second. “Oh well, I’ll be happy to see you come along. Now let’s go my little ponies, we are wasting time.” She turned and hurried towards the docks, quite a bit faster than our leisurely walk before. Some of us need to trot to keep up. We quickly arrived at the airship that came it. I saw a lot of ponies working around the ship that looked nervous. I leaned a bit to Shadow to whisper to him. “Why are they nervous?” he shrugged and looked at me. “Don’t know, but I’m guessing that it has to do with whoever came from the Dragon Empire.” I swallowed a bit and took some breaths. I then heard Blueblood ask a question that made me want to kick him. “Auntie, do we need to spare any guards for the guests? I don’t want my personal guards anywhere near them.” I glared daggers at him. Shining stepped up and cleared his throat. “Actually, they brought their own guards with them.” Blueblood snorted at what he said. “What was that for?” I asked him still glaring at him. He didn’t even looked at me when he answered. “Well, have you seen a dragon before? They are barbaric! I don’t think they even know their lefts from their rights.” I stared at Blueblood with a look of murder and saw Shining and Shadow doing the same thing. Before anyone could speak a loud ‘Thud!’ came from in front of us, which surprised us except for Celestia as she watched as the ramp of the ship was lowered. What came down the ramp made my eyes widen. Two hulking giants came down of the ramp that looked like dragons but they stood upright on their hind legs and were taller than the Princess! I shrank down a bit and shivered in fear. I’d never seen dragons like this and they looked like they could each take on whole squads of guards. I looked over to Celestia and saw her looking at me with a warm smile. I took a deep breath and straightened and smiled back at her. I also saw Blueblood took a few steps back, I couldn’t help but laugh at him. He had it coming. I looked at the blue dragon as she cleared her throat and stepping forward. “Presenting the princess and future queen of the Dragon Empire-” “Cough! Maybe. Cough!” The blue glared at the red one when did that. He didn’t look at her as she muttered something under her breath before continuing. “-Princess Amber Trasza!” We all looked as a red-amber dragon walked down the ramp. She was about the same height as Celestia and wore a dark red necklace with blue and gray gems on it, and some ornate bracers around her legs. She also wore a crown with what looked like a gem with a dragon in it. She stood in front of Celestia and bowed to her. Celestia returned in kind. “Princess Amber Trasza, on behalf of everypony I welcome you to Canterlot.” Celestia eyes drifted a bit and stopped. Celestia and everypony else looked shocked, and I could swear that Shining had tears in his eyes. When I was finally able to see what they were all looking at, my jaw hit the deck. The blue dragon guard cleared her throat to speak again. “Presenting the princess’ guest and the Archmage of the Court-” Her guest looked almost like a pony, but there were some obvious differences. She had claws instead of front hooves with wicked looking talons, big leathery wings, and a dragon’s tail. She had dark purple fur with a patchwork of scales the same color. As she moved close I saw two more details, her eyes were dragon like, and she had a cutie mark. It was a pink six pointed star with a white dragon curled around it. “Her Excellency, Miss Twilight Scintillula.” End Chapter. > First impressions. (Edited) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you already read the rough draft of this chapter, just bewarn that this is the same chapter just edited to sound better. No one said anything after Tessith introduced me. Sure I’m used to being stared at, but this was getting really uncomfortable. I was about to say something, but the blond stallion spoke out. “What are you, some sort of freak?” I felt a bit of my fire come up my throat which I had to swallow to keep down. ‘This isn’t the Empire. Burning some rude noble won’t end in an apology to the Court here.’ “Blueblood, that’s rude of you to say to our guests.” Celestia scolded him. Blueblood flinched at her comment, which made me smirk. Celestia looked back at us, giving us a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry for my nephew’s choice of words, please forgive him.” “Oh I don’t think that would be a problem, Princess Celestia, it’s always a bit of a shock when someone first meets her.” She smiled at Princess Celestia. “Besides, if she was really ticked off she would've blasted him to the moon.” I whacked her with my tail again, She turned and glared at me. “Ow! Hey, what was that for?” I rolled my eyes and glared at her. “For you saying that I would blast anyone to the moon if I was ticked off.” “But you would!” She snorted and looked back at Princess Celestia, who was giggling at us. The immortal, Unconquered Sun, was actually giggling at us. “As delightful as your conversation is, I believe introductions are in order.” Celestia gestures behind her with a hoof. “These two are Captain Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, the bride, and groom of the wedding.” Amber looks toward them giving a toothy grin. I smiled politely, but something about Princess Cadenza was giving me a bad feeling. There was just something… off about the way her magic felt. “It’s good to meet you Captain, and congratulations on your wedding.” He looked at me and just stared, nearly on the verge of tears. If all guards are like this, thank Bahamut that we brought our own. “Honey, are you alright?” Cadenza asked him. He blinked a few times then looked at her. “Huh? Oh sorry, I just have something in my eyes.” He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. “I’m glad to meet you, Archmage Twilight.” I smiled at him and then frowned. He felt so… familiar to me for some reason, like I already knew him from somewhere. “Umm Twilight, you ok there?” I heard Amber ask. I blinked and looked at her. “I... I’m fine it’s just… it’s nothing.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Princess Celestia studying me and I unconsciously shifted my wings a bit. “Well then, next is-” She began until the blond stallion walked right up to Amber. “Prince Blueblood my lady, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He used his magic to lift Amber’s claw and give it a kiss. It might have even been charming if he hadn’t just called me a freak. Instead, Amber just looked uncomfortable. “Umm thank you Blueblood,” she said as she wiped her claw on the ground. I stifled a laugh at Blueblood’s shocked expression. He grumbled under his breath as Princess Celestia moved over to the yellow and red haired mare and moved her in front of us. “And this is my personal student and the bearer of the Element of Magic, Sunset Shimmer.” As she bowed to Amber, Amber smirked and raised her eyebrow. “You know, you remind me of someone. Do you spend every night reading until the crack of dawn?” Sunset looked up at Amber and blushed a bit. “I, ummm, well…” She looked away in embarrassment, meanwhile, Amber and the two dragoons laughed a bit. I turned my head and glared at Amber. “Yup just like her, I remember one time I tied a book to a string and had her chase me all over Netherscale, boy was she mad,” She shook her head and chuckled at the memory. I went to whack Amber with my tail again, only she ducked out of the way this time. “Ha! You missed.” Then I hit her with my wing” “Ow! Why are you hitting me so much? Actually, why are you always hitting me!?” I rolled my eyes. “Because you make it so easy to hit you for doing stuff that you shouldn’t be doing.” She looked at me with wide eyes. “Abused by my best friend, oh woe is me, how can I possibly go on?” I just rolled my eyes again. “Are you done yet?” I asked she just stared at me and crossed her forelegs. “...yes.” I turn and see Sunset frowning at me. “Why are you treating your friend like that, friendship shouldn’t be violent.” I snorted and Amber chuckled. “Oh don’t worry about that, we like to tease each other. And besides, I’m her only friend back home, right Twi?” “Don’t make me hit you again.” “See! She loves me.” Everyone chuckled a little awkwardly, except for Blueblood, who just looked impatient. “Yes well, as wonderful as this little chat is, I insist that we move this talk somewhere else. The docks are filthy, and I don’t want peasants listening in on us.” Amber frowned at him and I glared, but he didn’t pay any mind to it. “Well I don’t agree with the last part but I do believe we are in the way so we should move to the castle,” Celestia said. As Princess Celestia led the way to the castle, she and Amber were talking together about something, with the bride and groom just behind them. I was walking behind everyone else with Sunset, Derolth and Tessith bringing up the rear. There were pony guards all around us, It was all a bit over the top if you ask me. “So Archmage Scintillula…” I heard the orange mare began. “Miss Shimmer, you can call me Twilight, I know ‘Archmage Scintillula’ is a bit of a mouthful.” She nodded at me and smiled. “Only if you call me Sunset, but I wanted to ask you. I didn’t know that dragons could use magic.” “That’s because they can’t, Dragons have a wide range of abilities, but magic isn’t one of them.” “But you're the Archmage and you’re a dragon,” she pointed out. “Actually, I’m half dragon, I was born a unicorn, but raised by dragons.” I saw Sunset was about to ask another question but I cut her off. “And before you ask, yes it’s kind of weird for a unicorn to transform into a kirin. I have some personal theories about how that happened, but nothing certain yet.” She closed her mouth and looked forward, After a few minutes she had another question. “Umm if you don’t mind me asking, what’s a kirin?” I tilted my head a bit. “A kirin is a hybrid between dragons and ponies, specifically, a dragon-unicorn hybrid. According to Draconic Hybrid Races written by Tharos the Bright, kirins used to be relatively commonplace, but as far as I know I’m the only one currently in the Empire,” I told her. She nodded as a note pad and a quill appeared in front of her. “That name sounds familiar,” she said. Princess Celestia chuckled a bit hearing our conversation and she turned back to address us. “Clover the Clever and Tharos the Bright were contemporaries, and occasionally worked together. He was a remarkable scholar despite having no natural affinity for magic.” “You’re familiar with Tharos? He’s fairly obscure even in the Empire,” I asked her. “Of course, I met him on one of his travels.” I was going to ask how, but the how was obvious once I got over the shock. ‘Of course she met him, she’s an alicorn, she’s probably over five thousand years old.’ “I know how it feels, I made the same face when she told me that she met Clover the Clever,” Sunset said to me, I shook my head as we continued walking. “You said the book was called Draconic Hybrid Races, so I’m guessing there’s more than just kirins?” Sunset asked, I smiled and nodded at her. “Of course, there are many draconic hybrids, but if you’re just asking about the pony hybrids, then there’s three, kirins, longmas, and quilins,” While I waited for Sunset to finish writing all of that down, I caught a glimpse of Amber pretending to gag at me. “Like I said before, a kirin is a hybrid of a dragon and a unicorn, all have a unicorn horn, dragon wings, and claws. Because of the presence of wings and horn, kirins have occasionally been mistaken for alicorns, especially from a distance.” I told her. She nodded as I saw the quill write down everything I just said. “What about the other two? I assume one is a pegasus hybrid and the other is an earth pony one?” Sunset asked. I tilted my head and tried to recall everything I’d read about them. “You’re exactly right, longmas are the offspring of a dragon and a pegasus and were known for their feats at flying and their massive wingspan. Longmas would often have a wingspan close to the size of an adolescent dragon, making their wings significantly larger than their pegasus parents,” She nodded. “Wouldn’t that mean that longmas would have to eat more?” She asked I chuckled at her. “Well yes they do, all three of the race must eat more than a normal pony, longmas even more so, since they’re typically stamina flyers and can go for hours on end without resting,” “What about the one with earth ponies?” She asked me, and I couldn’t help but smile. It was nice to be able to have a discussion like this with another scholar. “They are known as quilin, and they’re notable for being both larger than either kirins or longmas, and they’re the only hybrids that don’t always have wings. It’s also claimed that they could control the very ground itself, but I wasn’t able to find any specific examples as to what that means exactly,” I continued explaining, and Amber groaned loudly. “Princess Amber are you alright?” Princess Celestia asked. Amber turned to look at me and Sunset. “No, I just found out that there’s two of them,” she said to Princess Celestia. “She reminds me of one of my friends,” I heard Sunset mutter, I snorted at that and she giggled. “Do you have any other questions?” “I have one more, If kirins are part unicorn, can’t they use magic?” “I assume that kirins are able to use magic, but I can’t say for sure. I’m capable of performing magic, but the fact that I have a pair of dragon horns rather than a unicorn horn suggests that I’m not a typical kirin.” It certainly wasn’t like there were other kirins out there for me to study, so I’d probably never know what normal kirins were like anyway. I noticed that Sunset was thinking about another question, her ears folded back and looked nervously at me. “This might be a little personal, but if you were raised by dragons, what happened to your, ummm... real parents?” Time seemed to slow down. I just stared at her as the question bounced around in my head. My real parents...No one back home asked me about it, but as I was growing up I could hear the other dragons talk about it. They probably still do when I’m not around to hear them. I licked my lips and looked straight ahead. “Look if it’s too personal you don’t have to say anything...” “No it’s fine, I.. I never met my real parents. I don’t even know if they're alive.” Several ponies gasped at that, and I saw Amber looking back at me with a frown. I gave her a look that said ‘We’ll talk later’ she nodded and went back to her conversation with Princess Celestia. “Umm, let’s change subjects shall we?” We talked about more innocent personal things for the rest of the trip to the castle, like favorite books what life is like in the Empire. Sunset looked a little green when the topic of meat came up, but aside from that, we got along well. When we arrived at the castle gates there were twenty guards posted around it standing at attention as we approached. The sheer number felt a bit unnecessary, but it’s a royal wedding I suppose they were just being cautious. “While I would like to chat some more, there are some matters that require my personal attention before the wedding. It’s nice to finally meet you, Princess Amber.” Princess Celestia said to us, She lightly bowed to Amber and Amber returned in kind. “It’s an honor to meet you as well, Princess Celestia,” Celestia smiled at that and then disappeared with a bright flash. I saw Blueblood walked into the castle with five guards following him. “So, what does everyone want to do now?” Cadenza asked us, Sunset looked at her and frowned. I narrowed my eyes at the pink princess, I still get the feeling there’s something about her that’s not right. “I need to go check on some of the preparations for the wedding, so I’m afraid I will have to see all of you again later. It was nice to meet you, Twilight,” Sunset told me. I nodded to her and she went off into the castle. I saw Cadenza look at her and smirk, I narrowed my eyes. “So Twilight what do you want to do now?” I turned to Amber and thought about it for a bit. “I’d like to explore the city, We don’t get many chances to leave Netherscale, let alone to see the capital city of a foreign land..” “Well then, mind if I tag along?” I raised an eyebrow at her.“Don’t you have to go meet the rest of the nobility?” She just snorted at that and looked away. “Please, if they’re like Blueblood, it’d be better if they waited. He was so full of himself, I bet if you put a mirror in front of him he would both insult and praise himself.” Luckily Blueblood wasn’t here to hear that, or I’m sure he’d have made a scene. “Well if you’re going to see the sights, I think it would be best if you had an escort,” the pink princess said to us and waved over two guards. I looked at them and frowned. “Thank you for your concern princess, but I’m sure our dragoons are more than enough,” Amber said to her. The two dragoons saluted as she looked at them. “Oh I’m sure they’re excellent guards, but none of you are natives of Canterlot, what if you get lost?” I narrowed my eyes at her and looked around. Maybe I was just being paranoid, but I didn’t want her personal guards following us around. My eyes landed on the black stallion who’d been nearly silent since we arrived, He’d be perfect. “What about him? he seems like he’d be an excellent guard.” Both the pink princess and Shining looked at the stallion I’d pointed out, who looked surprised that I had even noticed him. “You mean Sergeant Sparkle?” Amber snorted at the name. “I don’t know, Sergeant, are you on duty at the moment?” Shining asked. The sergeant looked at Shining and straightened. “Presently, my only duty is to be your aide, sir,” he replied to his captain. Shining nodded. “Well then, I want you to escort Princess Amber and Archmage Twilight around the city.” “Sir, yes Sir!” The sergeant saluted to him, The captain turned to face us. “Is there another guard you would like to accompany you, or shall I pick one?” He began to look around but Amber waved her claw dismissively. “It’s fine Captain. One is enough, thank you.” He stared at her for a moment then nodded. “Well I better get going, there’s still some things that need to be taken care of before the wedding, it’s nice to meet you all.” He bowed, turned and walked towards the doors that lead into the palace, He stopped and looked behind him. “Honey, are you coming?” “Yes dear, I’m coming. Have a nice tour of the city, Princess Amber and Archmage Twilight.” I smiled at her and bowed. When she turned and walked up to Shining I dropped the smile and narrowed my eyes at her. Derolth walked up beside me. “Dragoon Derolth, what are your thoughts on Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?” He looked up at the doors as they closed and rubbed his chin. “Well for one, her name is complicated.” He chuckled a bit. “Other than that, she seems alright, perhaps a bit rude, but I suppose that’s to be expected when you’re getting married.” I nodded a bit and looked at the doors. “I’ve always heard that guards sometimes get gut feelings, so tell me, what does your gut say about her?” He looked at me and blinked a couple of times. “When I first looked at her she seemed fine, but I get the feeling that she’s only telling half truths, the way she talks feels off.” I nodded at him and narrowed my eyes at the door, drumming my talons on the ground. “You're not the only one that thinks that.” He looked at me and bent down a bit to whisper to me. “What do we do then? Should we tell Princess Amber about this?” I shook my head at him. “No. If we tell her she’ll just worry even more than she already is about this entire thing, and it’s not like we have any proof that she’s up to something. We should keep this to ourselves for now and keep a lookout and see what happens.” I looked over to the guards. “Also, keep an eye on the guards, something about those two guards that were called by Cadenza also seemed off.” He nodded and smiled. “You sound a lot like Captain Nessonth Archmage,” I smiled a bit and turned to face Amber. “Well what are we waiting for, there’s a city to see!” Sgt. Sparkle showed us many shops and landmarks of the city. We even saw the great library of Canterlot, and I was about to go inside and see what I could find when Amber gave me a stern look. “I don’t want to repeat what happened back in Netherscale Twilight.” “Oh, it wasn’t that bad.” She raised an eyebrow at me. “Your uncle had to get ten of the guards to pull you out, and you put half of them in the hospital,” I muttered a bit and made a note to return later when I had time to myself. We all moved on and got to what looked like a park of some sorts. “And this is the grand park.” The Sergeant told us, Well fancy that I looked around and saw lush trees, beautiful flower bushes, and a pond that wrapped around a corner. I could also see some ducks in the pond. “So… what’s so grand about it?” Derolth asked. Tessith smacked him on the shoulder and glared at him, “What, what did I do?” “Don’t be rude about it, if they call it the grand park then we shouldn’t question it.” “Yeah but still, what’s so grand about it? Did something happen here that made it so grand? If not then what’s the point of calling it grand then?” Tessith looked like she was going to smack him again but the sergeant stepped in. “Well, that’s not really it’s name, It’s really the ‘Celestia’s sun flower bed’ that’s due to the fact once every thirty years a huge group of ‘Celestia bloom’, will...well bloom, it’s a rare sight.” He nodded at himself for knowing that. I heard of the flower but back in the Empire, it’s called the Sunlight flower, I giggled a bit. “Okay then, but why is it then called the grand park?” Derolth asked. Sergeant Sparkle rolled his eyes. “That’s because it’s also the biggest park in Canterlot and someponies say that Celestia’s sunflower bed park doesn’t sound right, so the Grand Park or the Grand Sun Park works as well.” Derolth nodded at him and looked at Tessith who was still glaring at him, He shrugged and started walking. We continued walking and came upon a garden, It looked like a rainbow circling the sun. I looked and saw the flowers swaying as the wind picked up, It looked like the rainbow was the ocean and the sun an island. “Beautiful isn’t it? This is known as Celestia’s sun island.” I turned to see the sergeant standing beside me, I nodded to him and looked back at the garden. “It’s very beautiful but I’ve got to wonder, there're two princesses that rule over Equestria so where’s the garden to Luna?” I asked him, he chuckled at my question. “Oh well, that’s the thing, the gardeners come out here to change the flowers when Celestia lowers the sun.” “Really? how do they do that? This is a big garden and it would take a long time to do that.” I asked. He just shrugged at me. “Hey I don’t know, I’m a soldier, I don’t know anything about gardening.” We laughed a bit at that. “You know, I thought nobles from the Dragon Empire were going to be like the nobles here, but I guess they're a bit nicer there.” “Oh no, their not nicer. Truth be told they're maybe meaner than here. You’re just lucky that you got me and Amber to come here if it was any other drake it would be bad.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “Out of the scale of one to Blueblood, where do dragon nobles sit?” I thought about it for a minute. Blueblood seemed he was a snob on the highest caliber and compared to dragon nobles… “Well I think around Blueblood level, they aren’t really that snobby but they’re just downright mean at times.” I said to him, “Well, not every noble in the Empire is rude, some are nice if you get to know them, they just act all high and mighty for appearance.” “Huh, I wished the nobles here were like that. Nice nobles are so few and far between,” I snorted at him. He looked at me with an odd look and I rolled my eyes. “Trust me, you don’t want to meet with dragon nobles, they are still mean.” He looked at me then sighed, and frowned at the garden. “If the peace treaty goes through I would have to meet them. Oh well, can’t do anything to stop it but just roll with the punches,” I nodded at him. We followed Amber and the two dragoons to the pond and watched as the ducks swam by. “I have to say your friendship with princess Amber is quite, how do I say this… mean spirited,” I rolled my eyes at him again. “We grew up together as friends, sure I may yell at her and she pokes fun at me but we don’t really mean it. As she says, it keeps the friendship guessing or something.” I rolled my claw at the last part, He nodded and smiled at me. “You know, I’m always blundering up my words up when I meet someone new, but with you, I feel like I’ve known you for a long time,” He then frowned and knit his brows together. “It’s kind of odd really.” I looked at him for a moment and was about to ask him why but stopped for a minute. I was having a feeling that I should know him from somewhere, I just couldn’t put my claw on it. “Umm Sergeant Sparkle…” I began and he chuckled. “I may be a sergeant but I still get chuckles from my name, mostly my cousin.” “Your cousin makes fun of you?” He nodded. “Of course, he does, when he’s not on the job, it doesn’t look good when the captain is making fun of someone lower rank than him.” I paused and started to think, After connecting the dots I blinked at him. “Captain Shining Armor is your cousin,” He nodded and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah and before you go accusing and stuff I’d like to say that I earned my rank in the guard. Captain Shining didn’t do anything other than help me train and study,” He huffed a bit and grumbled. “I wasn’t accusing, I never thought you two were cousins,” His features softened a bit. He shrugged and we kept walking. “Sorry, I just get a lot of ponies accusing that Shining pulled some strings. He asked me if I needed a sparring partner and I said yes, I needed one since no one would.” He looked off and frowned. “And to keep his mind off of it,” He added. I frowned a bit, better change subjects. I started to think of something else when I remembered something from back at the airship, then during the walk to the castle. “Sergent, can I ask you a question? it’s about Captain Shining armor and you can say no to it,” He looked at me and nodded. “Back at the docks I saw him staring at me, almost to tears, can I ask why?” He stared at me for a minute and looked away from me, We walked in silence for about ten minutes before he spoke again. “Look, I would like to tell you but if I did my cousin would have my flank,” Sgt. Sparkle said to me, I nodded and we continued walking. I watched the two dragoons looking at a bed of flowers. Derolth reached out to pluck one of the flowers but Tessith slapped his claw away, I chuckled a bit. “I got to say, I’ve never seen dragons look like those two, normally dragons are huge.” The Sergeant said to me, I chuckled a bit at that. “That’s because the dragons you’ve probably seen are either dragons that are native here or wild dragons,” I told him, He stared at me for a moment. “Wait, there’s a difference?” He asked me. I just stared at him. “... Yes there’s a difference, did you really think that dragons come in the same size?” I asked him, Just how much do these ponies know about dragon kind? “I see, well then,” He said as he made a note book and a quill appear out of thin air. He opened it and began writing in it, he glanced at me. “Do you mind if I asked some questions about dragons, Sunset would have my head if I didn’t get info about them.” I paused for a moment, she didn’t really ask about dragons. Sure we talked about other stuff but never really dragons. Another thought came as I looked at Sgt. Sparkle. “If you don’t mind if I ask some of my own,” I asked him. “Go ahead,” He answered. I went silent as I thought of the words to say, I decided to use the blunt approach. “This might be blunt, but do you have a thing with Sunset Shimmer?” I asked. He stared at me for a bit. “Why do you ask?” He asked me. “Well, I saw you two glancing at each other when we walked to the castle and I just thought you two were a couple or something,” I told him. I heard him click his tongue and looked to the side. he then leaned in close to me. “Can you keep a secret?” He asked me. I blinked a bit and stared at him for a minute. “You just met me a few hours ago and you’re trusting me with a secret, isn’t that a bit too trusting of you?” I told him. He just shrugged. “Yeah, what’s wrong with that?” He asked. ‘So many things,’ I thought about it and decided to humor him. “Sure, I can keep a secret,” I told him. He frowned at me. “Promise?” He asked I rolled my eyes. “I promise,” He frowned at me again. “No, you have to Pinkie promise,” I tilted my head and stared at him. “What the heck is a Pinkie promise?” He chuckled at me. “Oh one of my friends made it up and it kinda stuck, it goes like this ‘Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!’” He went through some motions of this promise. “Ummm ok? ‘Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my--AAH!’ “ I jabbed myself in my eye. I rubbed my eye a bit and blinked the spots away, “So I did this promise, I guess I have to keep it.” “Yeah, it’s not a good idea to break it. It is said that if you break a pinkie promise, you would lose your friend-” “FOREVER!!!” We both turned to see a neon pink earth pony standing in a bush. She made the I’m watching you gesture at me and slowly slid into the bush as it moved towards the trees. “Bwah?” Was all I could say, The sergeant shook his head. “Just don’t question it if you prefer a sane mind,” He stated. I looked back at the trees and blinked a couple times, My left eye started to twitch a bit. I felt the sergeant nudge me. “You’re thinking about it aren’t you? Trust me, Sunset tried to figure it out and almost burnt down a part of the Everfree,” he said. I stared at the trees and shook my head. “Right~ anyway I did the pinky promise so what’s the secret?” I asked him, He looked at me and smiled. “The whole thing between me and Sunset is just a joke,” He said. I stared at him as he continued. “You see the whole relationship between us is just us messing with them, no other pony knows about it so we keep quiet and see how long until they figure it out.” He explained to me. I was going to say that it sounded both mean and dumb, but I remembered Amber doing somewhat the same thing to me when we were young. “Okay, I have to ask why?” I asked him. He chuckled at me. “Well it’s mostly Sunset’s plan to do this, I think Princess Celestia is a bad influence on her.” He said, I just stared at him again. “Oh right you don’t know what happened a few years ago, well you see-” And this was the second time that my mind was blown, Princess Celestia, The immortal, Unconquered Sun, who was giggling at me and Amber at the docks likes to play jokes on others. We continued on walking as Sgt. Sparkle asked a few more questions. “-and that’s about it really.” Our tour of Canterlot ended in one of the more modest areas of the city. It wasn’t as flashy as the noble districts, but that was fine by me. “So what now Sergeant?” I asked. He was about to answer but Amber cut him off. “That’s it! This has been going for long enough,” Amber turned and pointed her talon to him. “What’s your name?” “What do you mean?” He asked. I saw Derolth and Tessith glance at each other and look at the sergeant with curious looks. “We’ve been calling you sergeant all this time and I’m starting to get sick of it, so what’s your name?” Amber asked again, the sergeant stared at her and chuckled. “Very well Princess Amber, my name is Shadow Sparkle,” He told us. I frowned a bit at his name. Mostly his last name, sure I had been calling him that but I never thought about it, but now... “Sparkle…” I had heard it before but I couldn’t place where. There was something about that name, Something familiar. I turned my head to look down the street, I don’t know why but it seemed familiar as well. I continued down the street that I knew, until I finally recognized it; it was the street from my dream, in nearly perfect detail, right up to the alleyway it always ended in. As uncanny as the resemblance was, my senses were screaming at me that there was still more to this. I heard noises coming from behind me, and turned just in time to see the others catching up to me. “What was that about, you took off as if you saw a ghost,” Amber said. I looked at her and back at the alley. “I don’t know I just… I feel like I’ve been here before.” Then they all walked into the alleyway. Derolth stopped and looked down and tested the ground a bit. “Derolth, is something wrong?” Tessith asked him. He kneeled down and poked at the ground some more. “The ground is a little soft here,” He then dragged his finger and made a circle on the ground. “This spot mostly.” “How did you know that?” Shadow asked. Derolth smirked and wiggled his talons. “Magic,” He said. Tessith rolled her eyes at him and looked at the sergeant. “We Dragoons are trained to be the royal guards of the king and go off on dangerous tasks since birth, that also means that we can see things that others can not,” She explained. I looked at the circle and frowned. “What was here?” I asked, Shadow looked at me and sighed. “Many years ago, there was a foalnapping, A diamond dog came into the city and stole a foal from her crib.” I heard a lot of venom in his words when he said Diamond dog, He looked at the circle. “Well a few days later somepony found a hole that led to a tunnel, and it leads to Celestia knows where.” “So why did they fill it?” Amber asked. “We didn’t want anypony to fall down and hurt themselves, but before we did that the captain sent a group of guards to see where it led, as it seems it leads outside of Canterlot, on the other side of the mountain!” He explained, I still stared at the circle. “It’s odd, why did you come down this alleyway, you could have gone down any of them, but why this one?” He asked. I blinked at him and looked at the others, they are all staring at me. “I… I don’t know, I just feel like I’ve seen this alleyway before, in a dream,” I told them. I saw Shadow stare at me and narrow his eyes, Amber looked behind us and frowned. “As much as I would like to stay and chat I think we should get moving, we’re drawing a crowd.” I looked passed her and saw some of the ponies were looking this way, I frowned and looked at Shadow. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen,” I said to him. He just shrugged. “It’s no big deal, stuff like this has happened before, but I do have to say that we should get moving,” He shifted a bit and looked at the group that was forming. “I’m not really good with crowds.” We headed off in the opposite direction of the alleyway, After a few minutes I looked behind me and saw that no pony was following us. We slowed down a bit and continued on, I didn’t pay any attention to where we were going, my mind was elsewhere. “Hey what was that about?” I heard Amber ask me. I looked at her and I saw that she had a worried look on her face, I sighed and shook my head. “I don’t know Amber, I feel like I know this place but I can’t put my talon on it, maybe I’m stressed about this whole thing more than I thought,” I told her, She playfully bumped my shoulder. “Hey, if anyone should feel stressed around here it should be me. If you’re getting stressed about this then I will have no chance at this peace treaty going through,” She told me. I started to laugh and she joined in. “Thanks, Amber, I needed that,” She nodded at me. “Hey, isn’t that the same mare that met us at the docks?” I heard Derolth ask. We looked up and saw that Sunset was sitting at a table with five other ponies. With her, there was a white unicorn mare with a purple mane, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane, an orange earth pony with a blond mane and a brown hat, and the same pink pony that I saw in the park. I turned my head and noticed a young purple dragon there as well. “Well it sure does look like it, I think we should go say hi,” Amber said. > The tale of two dragons that fly in the sky > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember when I said that I felt uncomfortable about being stared at? It’s not that I’m shy or anything like that, I spent most of the time standing in front of other noble dragons and at times talk to a class or two. This is more me being uncomfortably annoyed. Everypony we pass stopped and looked at us, I heard them whisper which made me more annoyed. Haven’t they ever seen a Kir- oh wait. “Say, does the white one look like a marshmallow?” Amber whispered to me. I turned my attention back to the group who we were walking towards. The unicorn in question had white fur with a purple mane that looked like it took hours to do. As I got a better look at her she did look like a marshmallow, one of the marshmallows that I toast before putting it on some chocolate and some gems. Ohh… those are so good. “Hey Twi, you’re drooling.” Amber pointed out. I blinked a few times and wiped my muzzle to make sure that I got it all; I heard Amber chuckled a bit to which I groaned. When we got a bit closer I started to pick up what they were talking about; I don’t like to eavesdrop on other conversations but I couldn’t help it since I was trying to block out the surrounding noise. I also notice that Sunset had many cups by her. “Sunset, dear, I think you should slow down with the coffee intake. Too much would ruin your mane.” the marshmallow said. Sunset, in turn, looked at her as she with a stare that kills many pans. She took a sip from her cup which made a few strands of her mane spring out in odd directions. The marshmallow’s muzzle scrunched up as she huffed a bit. “Trying to help you, darling.” “I’m sorry, I just… a bit stressed out about this whole thing.” Sunset said. “What, you mean the fact that you think this Cadence isn’t her?” the one with the rainbow mane said. I couldn’t help glance over to Amber, she sounded a lot like her. “Oh come on! You all met her, there’s something wrong with her.” This made me raised a brow. So she knows something's up with her as well, gotta keep that in mind. “Ah don’t know sugar cube, the times ah seen her she was alright in my books.” the orange mare with the hat said. Her accent sounded southern which reminded me of the time I had to talk to some earth drakes from the south. Sunset groaned and went for another sip of coffee. I heard a groan coming from behind me; I turned to see Shadow shaking his head. “She’s stressed, only she can drink so much coffee in one sitting.” he said with a sigh. I turned back at the table, they haven't noticed us yet which was odd. “Um, can we change the subject please, if no pony would mind.” the yellow one asked shyly. “Um, how did your meeting with the… dragon nobles, go?” “Oh! Uhh, it went great, they weren’t all that bad; there was an Archmage as well,” she sighed happily. “It’s so nice to actually get to talk to someone who knows what I’m saying.” “Oh look! Our little egghead has finally met another egghead, be careful or they will multiply.” the rainbow one teased. I heard a snort out of Amber. I looked at her only to see her look away from me. “Anyway, they're nice and I believe that even you can talk to them Shy.” Sunset said happily. “Oh I don’t know about that, I don’t think I would meet them so soooOOOEEP!” she tensed up when she saw us, I could've sworn her fur went to a much paler yellow. At this moment the rest of them turned in our direction. I eyed them all and saw surprised reactions. “I don’t understand, we’re out of place and hard to miss how are you all surprised?” I asked them. They all looked at one another for a moment before Shadow spoke up. “You haven’t been to Ponyville, ponies there need something big to get any attention drawn.” he explained. I shook my head and looked back at them. I notice they were all staring at me. “Is staring normal?” I asked. “Right, everyone I like to introduce you to Princess Amber Trasza and her guest Archmage Twilight Scintillula.” he announced. The first thing I saw was a pink blur and two blue eyes staring at me. “Hi! My name is Pinkie Pie! Do you like parties?!” she asked me in a hyper tone. My head reared back and flattened my ears in surprise. “Wha… hey didn’t we meet before?” “Nope.” “But I saw you in the park sometime ago.” “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” she said with a smile. I stared at her in confusion and annoyance. I saw a light teal aura encase her and she floated over to the table. “Pinkie, I don’t think you should get in anyone's face.” Sunset said. The pink one just smiled at her. “Sorry about that, Pinkie like to meet others.” “It’s… fine, just don’t do it again.” I said bluntly. “Right… anyway Twilight these are my friends, Applejack,” “Howdy.” “Rarity.” “Charmed darling.” “Rainbow Dash.” “Sup!” “And Fluttershy.” “Eep!” the yellow pegasus squeaked as she hid behind one of her friends. Sunset ears flattened and gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry, she’s really not that good at meeting others.” she then smiled a bit more. “Oh, also this is Spike.” The purple dragon leaned back and gave us a wave. A dragon? Here? This is new, I moved a bit closer to the Drake to get a better look. “Oh no, she’s going research mode again.” I heard Amber said. This rewarded her with a smack from my tail. “Ow!” Ignoring that, I looked at the Drake taking every detail. He had purple and green scales, green eyes, and green frills. He's a bit on the chubby side but not so that he's overweight. “Umm, is there something wrong?” he asked. I blinked a few times before backing away. “No, nothing is wrong. I'm just surprised there's an earth dragon here already.” I said as I eyed him again. “A purple one at that.” “Is there something wrong with being purple?” he asked crossing his arms. “No, if there was then I would be insulting myself.” I gestured to myself with a raised eyebrow. “Oh, right.” he said. He looked over at the two dragoons in awe. “Whoa…” “I think the little drake is stunned at the awesome that comes from me.” Derolth with a grin. Tessith shook her head. “You, awesome? Please, the one who’s awesome is me.” The rainbow maned pegasus boasted. “Says who?” Derolth asked. “Says me, Rainbow Dash, the fastest flyer in Equestria.” Oh no… “Fastest flyer huh, I think not.” Amber said. Rainbow glared at her. “I’m guessing someone thinks they're faster than me?” she asked narrowing her eyes. “Yes they do, and they would be me.” Amber said. Rainbow started laughing. “You? HA! Please, I would fly circles around you.” Amber lowered her head to her level. “Want to bet? I say I can beat you in a race around Canterlot, five laps around.” “You’re on.” Rainbow said with determination. They stared at one another for a long minute until both of their wings shot into the sky and raced off. “Boy, those two are two peas in a pod.” the earth pony said. I chuckled a bit as Tessith sighed. “I’ll go keep an eye on them.” she said as she began to jog away. I rolled my eyes a bit as I looked back at the group. “Say Shadow, why do ya have your helmet on?” Applejack asked. Shadow blinked at her at this. “You know that I’m part of the guard right, I have to have it on.” he said. Applejack chuckled a bit. “Come on, yer with friends and ya just have the helmet off for a few.” she said. Shadow stared at her for a moment and sighed with a smile. A dark reddish blue aura formed around his helmet and the helmet lifted off his head. “There, happy?” he said with a smirk. “The spell as well darling.” Rarity said. I blinked as I looked at him as he sighed and his horn glowed a bit as his form shimmered a bit. His black fur turned to more of a gray colour and his mane and tail went from red and black to two shades of blue, if I didn’t meet him before I would've thought he was a darker shade of colour version of Captain Armor. “An illusion spell.” I said out loud, I blinked as everyone looked at me. “Yes, it’s an illusion given to us when we passed boot camp.” Shadow said. “That explains why every guard here looks the same.” Derolth said. I looked away for a moment as I thought about it. He’s right, that does explain the same colours. Shadow chuckled. “Yeah, that’s mostly what everypony ask.” he said. “Oh shoot, look at the time.” Applejack said as she looked up at the sun. “We all have to get a move on if we all get the wedding ready.” “Oh yes, I still have so much to do…” Rarity started to ramble on about dresses as Applejack literally must push her. I chuckled a bit at the sight. “Hey, Miss Scintillula.” Spike asked me. I looked down at him with a smile. “Please call me Twilight, Miss Scintillula is my mother’s name.” I said with a giggle. “Right, umm… this may sound a bit weird-” “Spike, in all my time of researching I haven’t heard a weird question.” I told him. “Umm… you are part dragon right?” he asked. I raised a brow at the young drake. “Yes, I’m part pony and part dragon.” I said. “Well, can… can a dragon and pony get together and have… kids?” he asked. No one said anything after that as we all stared at him. I blinked a few times as I thought about, I opened my mouth to give an answer but closed it. I had no clue if that was possible. Is it possible? “I… have literally no idea.” I said out loud. Derolth looked at me, surprised. “You… don’t? Wow, I wish Tessith was here.” he said. I frowned and looked at him. “What do you mean by that?” “Oh you know, so the two of us can tell the General this, he doesn’t believe me unless I have somedrake with me who has also seen it as well.” he said. I grumbled a bit at this. “Anyway, it’s nice to see you again Twilight.” Sunset said as she and Spike headed off. Me and Derolth started to head off as well. During that walk, I began to think on what Spike has said. Was it possible or impossible? On one claw dragons are far too big to breed with ponies, the size difference is apparent to that, also there was the fact of the DNA of a dragon and pony, they wouldn’t work. But on the other claw, there’s me, a half dragon half pony hybrid. Sure I wasn’t born as one but I turned into one, maybe it was the milk I was fed when I was a filly, or the environment, or something but here I was. Also, there was books on a city filled with Kirins and other hybrids as well but no pony or drake could find such a place. So… could his question be right? Can that happen or… I stop thinking about it as I hit my head on a wall. I yelped in pain as I rubbed my head. “I tried to tell you to look out for the wall.” Derolth said. I looked over at him with a frown. “Where are you.” I growled at him. “At the castle.” he said. I blinked at him as I looked up. Sure enough, we were standing outside of the castle in Canterlot. “Oh… we got here fast.” I said. “You were thinking about something, things go faster when you're not paying attention to it.” he said, trying the hide a chuckle. I glared at him as we headed around to the front and headed inside. I noticed that some of the guards looking at us as we walked inside. I even noticed that one of their eyes glowed for a second. “Did you notice that?” I whispered to Derolth. He looked at me and back forward. “That the guards were watching us, yeah,” he whispered back. “Kinda gives somedrake the creeps.” I nodded as we walked down the hall and into the dining room. I saw Princess Celestia coming in with the Captain Shining and Princess Cadenza, for a second I thought I saw her narrowing her eyes at me. “Ahh, Archmage Scintillula and Dragoon Derolth, I hope your trip into the city was most pleasant.” The princess asked us. “Of course your highness, it was most wonderful, I read stories of here but seeing it with my own eyes no book can capture its greatness,” I told her. She smiled at me. “I thank you Archmage.” she looked around us for a moment. “I wonder, where’s the guard that was with you?” “He went off to the barracks to get something to eat your highness.” Derolth said with a little pride in his voice. “I see, thank you.” she said as she looked out of the window. “I see Princess Amber is enjoying herself.” I looked out of the window to see a dragon shape and a pegasus shape flying around the city at top speeds. I groaned at this. “I’m sorry your highness but Princess Amber has a bit of a competitive side to her.” I said with a sheepish chuckle. “They're no problems Archmage, she reminds me a certain… pegasus that I know.” she said with a knowing chuckle. “By the way, do you mind sitting down with us for something to eat?” “I would love to Princess.” I said with a bow. She giggled at me as we walked over to the table to sit down. I saw that Cadenza was sitting across from me as Shining was beside her. Princess Celestia sat at the head of the table which I now notice it was designed in a way that on her side was bright and had the sun etched into the table. On the other were darker themes and a moon etched on that side with an empty set. “Princess Celestia, I don’t want to be rude but isn’t your sister supposed to join us?” I asked her. Celestia sighed. “She… won’t be joining us, she’s still trying to adjusted to the modern times but at the moment she won’t awaken until much later.” she said sadly. I nodded a bit and saw Cadenza roll her eyes at this. I narrowed mine at her. “Say why is he still here?” Cadenza asked as she waved her hoof towards Derolth. “My apologies Princess but my duties is to protect Archmage Twilight, where she goes I go.” he said formally. “She’s in the middle of the most secure place in the city, they're guards everywhere and a magical dome around the city, she’s safer there wherever you came from.” she said to him. He narrowed his eyes at her but did not move from his spot. “I prefer Dragoon Derolth stays here with me.” I said out loud. Derolth bowed a bit and moved behind me but away from the table. “Do you doubt the royal guards? They may not be as big or gruff as you dragons but they can protect us just fine.” she said as she puts her head on Captain Shining's neck. “Right pudding?” “Uhh, yeah… yeah…” he said before shaking his head. “You can leave us Dragoon.” “No offense Captain Shining Armor but I don’t take orders from you.” Derolth said crossing his arms. “Only Princess Amber and Archmage Twilight can tell me what to do, well also Tessith but she bosses me around all that time.” That drew a giggle from Princess Celestia, I’m still not used to the sight of that. Cadenza narrowed her eyes at him. “You do know that as soon as we marry Captain Shining Armor will be King Shining Armor.” she said. “Yes I know but I still take orders from others that are not you or him.” he said. Cadenza glared at him for a bit. “He’s fine, get over it.” I said angrily. Her gaze snapped to me as I saw her anger on me and for a second I saw her eyes glowed green. “Cadenza.” Princess Celestia said in a stern tone. “If Twilight wants Derolth here then it’s fine.” Cadenza looked over at her for a moment before sighing. “Fine.” With that, the servants came in with the food came in. They handed the other three had some salads and some sweets, mostly for Princess Celestia. When they came to me they gave me a bowl of gems. If I wasn’t trying to hide it I would've been drooling at the sight. The four of us chatted for a bit, not so much between me and Cadenza. I saw Captain Shining didn’t talk a lot, he just ate his food and didn’t say much other than when he was spoken to. His eyes seem a bit dull. “Hey, are you alright?” I asked him. He looked at me as if he didn’t understand what I said. “Oh he’s fine, just all the stress of holding the shield up for so long and ordering the guards to do their jobs.” Cadenza said. “Something I think most dragons should learn, that they need to follow orders.” “Okay, do you have a problem with dragons?” I said as I glared at her. “Who doesn’t, the dragons here are wild, greedy, and straight up evil, you see one dragon you saw them all.” she said. My eye started to twitch a bit as I crushed the gem in my claw. “Not all dragons are like that, if you have half of a mind then you would've seen that you-” “Uhhh I think it’s time for us to retire to bed.” Derolth said quickly to cut me off. Princess Celestia looked over at us as she finished speaking with a servant. “Yes I believe we should, the wedding is in two days and there’s still so much to do.” she said. With that, I got up from my seat and quickly marched out of the room, too angry to say anything. I saw Amber coming towards me with a smile. “Hey Twi! How’s it going with-” “Don’t ask.” I quickly said as I stormed past her. Night has fallen and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I didn't look the night sky at that moment as I was banging my head on the wall. “Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid,” I said over and over again. We're here to make peaceful ties with Equestria and maybe enjoy the wedding, but then I have to go and almost insult the bride and almost ruin it all. I have to thank Derolth for stopping me. “I can't believe that Princess Celestia didn't hear all that, one would think she would say something.” I said to myself. “Tis because our sister has a bit of a sweet tooth for cakes.” I heard a voice say. “If thou hast cake not even thy ground would not disturb her.” I looked over to the balcony to see an alicorn. Unlike Princess Celestia, she was shorter than her and had midnight blue fur. I blinked a few times as I knew who I was talking to. “P-princess Luna! It's an honor to met you.” I said as I bowed to her. “Thou needst not be so formal, we-” she stopped and coughed into her hoof. “I am happy with simple greetings.” “Still, it's an honor to meet you, Princess, I read a lot about you.” I said. “I hope what you read were good, I hope.” she asked nervously. First Princess Celestia laughing at me and Amber and now Princess Luna, the immortal goddess of the moon, being nervous in front of me if I see a monkey with no hair and can speak perfectly that would make my life. “Yes Princess, all I read is good.” I informed her. She sighed happily. “That's good.” she said. “Umm, may I enter?” “Yes, of course, you can.” I said. She smiled as walked in. “I do have to apologize for not coming to meet both you and the Dragon Princess pony to dragon, as Mistress of the Night our sleep time is more in the daytime.” The princess said. “I know that feeling, I'm used to spending my nights up either reading or looking up to Isix’s sky.” I said. I paused as I replayed what I said. “I mean your sky.” “No need to correct yourself, in fact, I’m interested in the one who I share the night sky with.” she said. “Really? Well okay, normally no dragon ask me for a bit of lore since they would either know it or be bored with it.” I said. “Well I am neither.” she said with a chuckle. She sat down on one of the pillows that are in the room. I walked over and sat on another close to her, my tail wrapping around me. “Hmmm, where to start?” I asked aloud. Princess Luna smiled at me as I pondered. “How about you begin at the Beginning,” Luna started. “And go on till you get to the end; then stop.” “That sounds like something from a book.” I said with a chuckle. “It might be.” Luna said with a smirk. We both chuckled a bit at this. “Well, since we’re starting at the beginning, to get to know Isix I have to talk about Resge,” I started. “Long ago the planet was cold and dark, there was no life and no spirits.” “Fascinating.” Luna said. I smiled as I continued. “Then, Io saw the planet with great sadness-” “Who’s Io?” Luna asked, cutting me off. “Sorry to interrupt your story but I never heard of this Io before.” “That doesn’t surprise me, there’s little known about them,” I said. “All that is known Io is the dragon god of creation and some stories that mention them.” “Really, please continue.” Luna said. I cleared my throat and remembered where I was in my story. “Io was saddened this planet was so cold and empty of life, so they-” “I’m sorry for this but this will be my last question unless there’s more but I’ll keep them till the end, but why do you call Io they or them, is it a he or a she?” Luna asked. “Again no one knows.” I answered. “I see, please continue.” Luna said. I nodded. “So Io took one of the stars and used it to make a dragon of pure fire.” the made Luna's eyes widen. “Io told this dragon, whose name is Resge, to fly around the planet to warm it up, and that’s what he did, Resge flew around the planet and with the heat coming off him he heated the planet, the ice and snow that covered the land melted and from that and his light plants and new life began to grow, soon dragons of different colours and kinds began to appear and worship Resge as a god, calling him the sun dragon. Some even said that both red and gold dragons were made by him since descriptions of him is that he looks either a red or gold dragon, even both.” “This is fascinating, but where does Isix come in?” Luna asked. “I was getting to that, now over the years Resge started to feel a bit lonely, he circled the skies over this planet but he was always alone,” I said. Luna looked over at the open door with a sad frown, saying that she might know a bit of being alone. “So Resge went to Io for a request, to make something to share the sky with him, to end his loneliness, so hearing his plea Io reached out and pluck a comet out of the sky and formed a new dragon, the one named Isix.” Luna seemed a bit more interested in the story now. “Isix is said to be beautiful, shining both white and silver off her scales, the two then flew around the world together, side by side enjoying each others company.” I looked down to the floor and frown. “But then, things changed.” Luna frowned at this as I looked back up. “Isix saw the denizens of the planet seemed to worship Resge more than her, he brought warmth and light and she only brought darkness and cold, so she asked Resge to give some of his light to her so she can be worshipped a bit more, but Resge didn’t know how to and told her that he cannot do something that he has no knowledge of. Isix, believing that Resge is lying, was furious about him and started to attack Resge, thinking without him then the denizens would worship her.” Luna seemed shaken at this as I looked up at the moon from the window, feeling Isix eye on me as I told this story. “The fight went on for many years, this left Isix red with blood and Resge a bit dimmer than normal, the fight would've continued if it wasn’t for Io didn’t step in, Io saw the fighting and was angry that two of his creations fought over something so small to them so he told them that they could still share the sky but not together, one with rising while the other falls, to keep balance to the world. Isix, still mad at Resge was no fool to disobey so she agreed to the terms, so did Resge sadly. Now Resge and Isix fly over the skies, bring night and day over the lands for the rest of time.” “There're no words I can say about that story then… I can relate to it.” Luna said. She looked away sadly. “I’m sorry if this story upsets you, Princess.” I said to her. “No no, I’m fine,” she said with a small smile. “Is there more?” “Well a little but mostly small stuff, like at one point Isix found a way to meet Resge again which brought in the solar and lunar eclipse, and when the air gets cold and the sun sets sooner is of Resge wounds from Isix attacks still hurt and he needed to rest, and when the moon goes red is from either Isix wounds or her rage that change her colour.” I told her. “Well that’s some interesting stories but I believe I took enough of your time Twilight.” the princess said as she stood up. “It was enjoyable that I can get to talk to you and to hear some lore about dragons.” “Of course Princess Luna.” I said with a smile. Luna chuckled at this as she walked over to the balcony. “Sleep well Archmage Twilight.” and with that, she took to the air and flown off. I watched her go before closing the door to my room. I then crawled into bed and curled up in it, my wings draping over me and tail wrapped around me. I slowly closed my eyes as I fell into a deep slumber. > Fight! The Sword of Canterlot vs The Dragon Sorceress! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this chapter there’s a part that changes to 3rd pov, it’ll be labled Two bookshelves flanked both sides of me as I walked between them as a number of books floated around me. I smiled happily as I had one of the books floated in front of me as I hummed along. As I read the last page I magically teleported the book back as I continue walking. I turned the corner after corner in the library like a maze with all I see is rows and rows of books. The shelves around go straight up into the ceiling I believe, from where I'm standing it seems endless. Sections of the shelves split off and float somewhere else as another section floats over and replaces the spot, making it almost impossible to organize the maze. Or was the maze trying to organize it all and second-guessing itself? It both made smile and twitch at the sorta chaotic nature this place is in. I continue walking as I saw the number of books flying around, getting put into new spots in bookshelves and pulled out of said shelf, almost hitting a mare on it says, and sorting it- wait, what mare? I stopped and looked back to a small circular room with a large number of large pillows of different colours and patterns, they remind me of the books about cities out in the deserts. The mare in question was light gray with a white and purple striped mane. Her cutie mark is simply three purple stars. She looked around at the bookshelves and- oh who am I kidding, I'm not wondering what is she doing here in my dream!? I shook my head as the feeling of wanting to be with her gripped my heart. I frowned at this, I don't even know this mare, but I should, but I never saw this mare before… or have I? I groaned as this was hurting my head, making some books fall off of the shelf near me. “Hello? Is anypony here?!” the mare called out, even her voice makes me ache. Seriously, never met her, at all. I snorted out some purple smoke as I walked into the sitting room. “Oh, hello, do you-” “What are you doing in my dream?” I said rudely and bluntly. I don't know about anyone else but invading in one's dream is maybe a crime… maybe, have to ask Princess Luna that. “Excuse me?” the mare said, blinking in surprise. “You hear me, you're in my dream and I'm asking you why also how you got in my dream in the first place.” I told/asked her. She frowned at me. “What makes you think this is your dream? What if it's my dream and you're in it!” she shot back. “Impossible,” I said, holding my head up high. “I know every being that I come up with in my dream to the letter. I also don't forget and I don't remember making an old mare in my dream.” “Old?! I'm not old!” the mare snapped at me. After what happened at the table with the princess and the newlyweds I stop had some steam in me. “Oh please, you have white in your mane.” I said, waving a claw at her. “This is my normal mane colour!” the mare retorted. The two if us glared at each other before a question came to mind. “Look, we can yell at each other all we want but it's pointless, so right now-” “Oh, you said it's pointless, yet you started it.” the mare said. My eye twitched a few times as I took some breaths. “Again, pointless. How about you tell me your name old timer.” I told her. She frowned at me as she opened her muzzle to answer. As she did the place started to shake. “What's going on!?” she said in shock. I looked around and saw the place turning to dust around us as the distance began to grow between up. “I'm waking up#” I turned her with wide eyes. “We don't have a lot of time! What's your name you old bat?!” “I told you, I'm not-” that was the last thing I heard before everything around us disappeared and I began to fall. I opened my eyes to see the warm sun through the window, bathing the room in its warm glow. This didn't stop from me groaning. “I still don't know her name!” I yelled into a pillow. I rubbed my head a bit before getting out of the nest I made to sleep in. I stretched a bit, hearing some pops coming from my joints I went into the bathroom to make myself look presentable. After a while I was done and stepped out of my room to see a mare there. “Morning!” she greeted happily. “Morning,” I greeted back. I saw a cart of cleaning supplies beside her. “You’re here to clean up?” “Yes, during your stay here we make sure you’re comfortable at all times.” The mare said happily. I simply stared at her. “You know that this is Canterlot castle right?” I asked her, wondering why she saying that this was some hotel. “Oh! Right… sorry, old habits from an old job.” the mare said with a blush. I gave her a smile. “It’s fine, I know a thing or two about old habits.” I told her. She smiled at me and headed into my room as I headed out. “Oh sweet Celestia!” I heard her yell. I chuckled at this before continuing on. I went to Amber's room to see how’s she doing, only to find Tessith standing out front of her door. “Dragoon Tessith, is there something wrong?” I asked her. “No Archmage, just making sure no one goes into the Princess’ room as she’s…” Tessith paused for a moment to say the next word. “...racing.” “Racing? Racing who?” I asked her. “That one pegasus from yesterday, the one with the Rainbow mane.” Tessith explained. Oh yeah, the brash pony from yesterday. “Kinda seeing a mirror version of her as a pony,” I said with a smirk. Tessith shrugged. “I can see the similarities, but there are some differences.” she explained. I chuckled at her. “Well, if you see her tell her that I need to talk to her.” I asked. “Alright Archmage, what about?” she asked. I took a moment to think back to my dream earlier. “Something personal.” I told her. Tessith nodded. “Well then, what will you be doing Archmage?” she asked. I thought for a moment for what I could do. “I think I’m going to spread my wings for a bit,” I said as I began to head out. “Alone Tessith.” “Of course Archmage, and are we going with first names now?” Tessith asked me. “That’s up to you,” I replied back. “I’ll stay with Archmage.” Tessith said. I shrugged and headed outside. Once there I spread my wings and started to fly across Canterlot. My wings spread out fully as I flapped a few times and glided in the air, the feeling of it brought a smile to my face as I shifted to the side so I could turn. I figured the sight of me flying around isn’t that special since there’s pegasi flying around as well. Sure maybe the sight of a pony with dragon wings would be odd. As I flew around I noticed two blurs going around the city, a rainbow streak and a familiar dark amber along with it. I shook my head as I saw this. ‘Amber must be racing with that Rainbow mare from before, doesn’t she know that we’re trying to make a peace treaty with them… though I can’t really stop her for being herself can I. Hmm?’ I glanced down to see a small grouping of ponies watching this. Interested, I turned my way towards them and glide over there. As I got close I saw it was Sunsets friends and Derolth there. “Howdy there Twilight!” Applejack greeted as she saw and greeted me. “Hello Applejack, everyone, Dragoon Derolth,” I greeted them. “Archmage,” Derolth greeted. “Here to watch your friend race?” “Just stretching my wings,” I told him before feeling something touching my wing. “Ahh!” “Oh, sorry darling,” Rarity said as her magic was making my wing move. “I just taking a closer look at your lovely wings!” “Rares, you know that’s really rude!” Applejack scolded her. “Uhh… just, ask next time,” I told her as I looked up to the two racing. “How long were they at it?” “All morning and still going,” Derolth informed me. I nodded with a sigh. “And they are going to keep at it I bet,” I said as I looked at the rest of them, seeing the shy one looking at me funny. “Yes?” “Oh!... Uhh, sorry, I didn’t mean to stare,” the mare said. I smiled gently at her. “It’s fine, kinda used to it,” Well, no not really. “You look like you wanted to ask me a question.” “Oh Ummm… kinda… if you don’t mind me asking you, ahh… a question?” she asked me. “Uhh, sure… you also don’t have to be so shy around me.” I told her. The mare stared at me as she still hid behind Shadow. I sighed and motioned her to ask her question. “Oh right… well… you said you’re half dragon… were you born like this?” she asked, still hiding. Ah, this question again. After a few days being here I thought about it and came up on a theory. “Not exactly, I was born as a normal unicorn like your fashion friend over here,” I nodded to the white unicorn. “Fashion friend?” she said in her posh tone. “Yeah, you have that look about you of anyone into fashion.” I told her. She… took it quite well as she simply smiled at this. “Anyway, I was born a unicorn but was raised by dragons. The physical changes to me can be a number of things for why; I was raised like a dragon so I took on more draconic traits, some kind of ancient dragon magic-” “Wait, dragons have magic?” Pinkie asked, looking at Derolth. He simply shrugs. “Sorta, it’s like your cutie marks, we dragons… the nonwild ones, have talents only their race can have.” he explains. “Wait, what ya mean ‘by their race can have’? Aren’t dragons the same race?” Applejack asked. “That depends, don’t you ponies call Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasi ponies?” Derolth asked. Applejack frowned at this. “What Dragoon Derolth is talking about is that, yes dragons are dragons, but there’s… subraces of Dragons. For example Dragoon Derolth is a Fire dragon while Dragoon Tessith is a Sky dragon, they are Dragons sure but not really the same kind,” I explained. Some of them looked at me and nodded. “Soooooo… what can you do???” the pink mare ask Derolth… while hopping on her tail. My eye twitched at this. “Eh, just some fire control, really it’s not the special since most of my kind can do something like that.” he explained. “Oooo~, what does Tess do?” the mare asked. “I think something to do with wind, I never really asked… or listen for the matter.” he said with a grin. I shook head at him. “That’s lovely and all, but yesterday you called Spikie an Earth Dragon.” Rarity asked. I nodded. “Yes, as the name implies Earth Dragons have a connection to the very ground. Their abilities range from controlling the ground, make plants grow, or be something like my uncle.” I said. “And what’s that?” Shadow asked. I opened my mouth but Derolth answered it before me. “Become a literal battering ram.” the other looked at him for a moment before at me. “That… kinda sums it up for you.” I said. As I said that both Rainbow and Amber landed on the ground, panting. “I...won… that… eighteen to… twenty…” Amber panted. “Yeah… but I… won… yesterday…” Rainbow said back. The two looked at each other before grinning… then falling over onto the ground. “Like two peas in a pod.” Applejack commented. The rest of us laughed at this. “Say Shadow? Don’t ya need to get going back to work?” “I still have a bit, besides there’s a whole bunch of guards around keeping watch.” he said and for a moment I saw something was up, he seems to be holding something back. “Yes well, you have to keep your reputation for The Sword of Canterlot.” Rarity said. “The Sword of Canterlot?” I asked, looking at her. “Yeah!” Pinkie said, appearing behind me. “While Shining Armor the Shield of Canterlot, Shadow is the Sword!” “Yes, that’s me,” Shadow started with a chuckle. “Well, that’s nice to hear.” I commented. Just then Pinkie started to hop up and down excitedly, which made me nervous. “Oh, oh! You and Derolth should have a Duel!” she said with a grin. Everyone stared at her oddly. “Me and… him?” Shadow asked, looking at the Dragoon. “As much as I want to, I’m here to make sure Princess Amber is safe,” Derolth explained. “Twilight can take his place,” a voice said. I turned and saw Amber looking at me with a smile. “I think she’s more than a match for you Shadow.” “Amber! I’m not doing going to fight Shadow!” I retorted at her. “Why not? You used to challenge the guards under your uncles command.” Amber said. “I was ten!” “I also have to agree with the Archmage on this,” Shadow chimed in. I smiled at him, at least he’s on agreement on this. “I don’t want to hurt her or anything.” Yeah- wait what? “What do you mean by that?” I asked, looking at the stallion with a frown. “Uhh, well nothing, nothing at all Archmage, I just-” I cut him off before he could continue. “You think I’m some drake that sits in a library or a lab reading all the time?!” I accused him. “Uhhh…” was all he said before I shorted out purple smoke. “It’s on Shadow.” 3rd PoV Twilight turned and went to look for a good spot to have the duel, leaving the group and a shocked Shadow. “What did I say?” Shadow asked as Princess Amber was laughing, Derolth was some what chuckling. “Oh this is great!” Amber laughed. “Reminds me when we were younger.” “Ya have a really weird friendship there Amber,” Applejack commented with a frown. “Oh it’s not so bad, Twi is an egghead but even as a foal she still has a tempter.” Amber commented before taking flight to follow her friend. “I still don’t know why she got so angry?” Rarity said. “Well…” Derolth spoke up at this. “Ever since she was young the Dragon council was always hard for being… different, than the other dragons. She doesn’t like being put down and assumed she’s is something.” “Oh… I have to go through with this, don’t I?’ Shadow asked the Dragoon. “Yup, she’ll hold this to you if you don’t.” Derolth nodded. Shadow sighed before he and the group follow Amber. They soon found her and Twilight waited in a large clearing that was spacious. “Is this good?!” Twilight asked Shadow as he went to face her on the other side of the clearing. “Yeah, good pick too,” he called. “This is one of the few training zones the army has for new recruits.” “Right, well ready when you are!” Twilight yelled as she got ready. The group went over to Amber to watch this. “Go Shadow! Go Twilight!” Pinkie yelled, now sporting some face paint and some flags with both their names on them. “Well, no point to wait,” Shadow muttered as he fired a few stun bolts at her. Twilight raised a wing up to block and fired her own bolts at him, making him move. ‘Huh, seems that she can used her wings as a defence.’ he thought as he started to shoot some more. Twilight moved out of the way of the shots, flapping her wings to jump and turn in the air. “Wow, she’s good.” Rainbow said as she watched this. Amber chuckled as there was now a crowd forming to watch. Twilight turned and shot some beams, making Shadow move and make a weak shield to block. “What’s wrong Sergeant?! What that all talk before!” Twilight taunted him. Shadow raised a brow before shooting a few bolts in the air. Twilight frowned at this, completely missing her as Shadow shot a beam at the bolts, making it bounce off them before it hits Twilight in the head. “Ooooo, that had to hurt,” Amber said with a wince. Twilight blinked at this before looking at Shadow with a smirk. She charged her horn as her claws glowed before slamming them on the ground, making the ground shake and large rocks started to float up. Shadow stumbled around as the ground shook as the rocks flew towards him. Using his own magic, he flash teleported around to dodge the rocks. As he did he fired some more beams off at the Kirin. As this was going on Derolth noticed some of the guards were watching. That feeling he had before acted up as he looked at them, some of them looked normal but some… there was something about them, something off. Their eyes didn’t seem real, almost glass like. Back to the duel Shadow and Twilight were battling it out, firing some spells out. Where Shadow used ice magic, Twilight uses fire, while she use lightning, Shadow used earth. The two went back and forth as some of the crowed cheered, why the rest just scoff at this. “He Archmage! You wondered why I’m called the Sword?!” Shadow called out. Twilight looked over at him and watched as he lit his horn up, making eight ethereal swords appear. As they floated there Shadow moved his head and commanded the swords to go after the Kirin. “Oh boy, Shadow there is serious.” Applejack said as Twilight used some large rock to block the swords, only to see them pass through. She jumped back and saw two of them lodged themselves into the ground in front of her as the other six followed her. “This is…” Twilight started to say as she flapped her wings. “Ethereal magic!” Shadow yelled as he moved the swords towards Twilight. “Didn’t think a simple unicorn can do such high-level magic did ya!” Twilight simply moved out of the way before one of the swords came too close. The crowd and Shadow watched Twilight fall to the ground. The group gasped at this. “I-is she alright?” Fluttershy asked. “Oh my, I think this went too far!” Rarity said as the mares started to move. “Hold on,” Amber said as Shadow went a little closer to see what’s up, his swords floating in midair. “What ya mean hold on?!” Applejack said. “Yeah, she could be hurt!” Rainbow followed up. “In the Dragon Empire, life is hard and rough,” Amber said. As she said that Twilight started to move with her wings covering her head. “For Twi, it was harder… but she pushed through. And besides, she’s the Archmage, she can handle it.” As Amber finished the wings unfurled and showed Twilight holding the ethereal sword in her mouth. Her eyes glowed purple as she snapped the sword in her mouth. “My turn.” Shadow took a few steps back as Twilight took a deep breath before letting loose a torrent of purple flames. Shadow jumped back as the flames roared in front of him. Bring the other seven swords close as Twilight burst out of the flames with flaming claws at Shadow. He panicked and brought five of them to block Twilight, only for her to slash at them with her flaming claws and knocking Shadow down and holding him there with a claw at his throat. “Ethereal flaming claws.” she commented as her wings flared out as the other two swords pointed at her. “I think… it’s a draw…” Shadow panted. As the fire died down Twilight slowly nodded. “Yeah… good duel.” I slowly got off of Shadow as my spell faded. The flames died down as I saw the crowd around us. “Huh… didn’t think there would be a crowd.” I said. Shadow shrugged at this. “Guess we were too into it…” he then looked at me for a moment. “Hey… sorry for making you made mad for what I said, it was totally wasn’t intentional.” “It’s fine… I have a feeling that Amber would word it to me so get me riled up.” I told him. Shadow stared at me for a moment. “How are you two still friends?” he asked. I shrugged. “It’s… complicated…” I sighed as I looked out into the crowd. I then notice a mare I saw in my dream. Light gray fur, white and purple stripe man, and she staring right at me. “Wait-” “Archmage Scintillula!” A loud voice called out. I jumped a bit before seeing a group of guards coming towards me. “You need to come with us, Princess Celestia wanted to see you.” “Right now?” I asked, looking back to the crowd to find that mare. “Yes, right now.” the guard said. I looked at him and back at the crowd. I didn’t see her anywhere. I grumbled a bit. “Alright, lead the way.” I said. I looked at the rest and gave them a wave before seeing Amber. “Wait, doesn’t Princess Amber need to come?” “No, just you. The Princess told us to get you.” The guard informed me. I looked at the guard for a moment before following them to the palace After sometime walking we came upon the palace. They then led me to the throne room where I saw Princess Celestia looking out of the window. I walked in there and gave a bow. “Princess Celestia, you asked for me?” “Yes Archmage,” she said in a different tone from before. She wasn’t smiling at well. “I was informed that something… happened yesterday with you and Mi Amore Cadenza.” “Well… yes, your highness, there was a bit of an… argument between us.” I told her. The Princess frowned even more than before. “You were there when this all happen.” “I was, but if you had noticed then I was a bit busy talking to my subjects.” She said. I thought back to yesterday and remembered her talking to a few guards then. “Archmage, I have to say that the way you handled that wasn’t ideal here.” Ideal? Cadenza was insulting Derolth and the Dragon race and she’s saying I should've simply brush that aside?! I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Your highness, with all due respect, what happened yesterday was, sure not ideal at the moment, but you must of understand that I can’t simply sit back and allow her to talk to Dragoon Derolth that way.” “Archmage, you must also understand that the dragons here are more...selfish than the ones in the Empire-” “Wait, are you comparing wild dragons to the Dragon Empire? Like they are the same thing!” I snapped. Some part of my knew this was wrong, that I needed to stop but… my temper got the better of me. “Archmage-” “No, you listen Celestia,” I cut her off. “What she did, what Cadenza said, was disrespectful to me, to the Dragon race, and really I wasn’t going to stand for it. We aren’t citizens to Equestria, we don’t have the same peace as you all have!” “Archmage, you need to calm down,” Celestia said, taking a deep breath. “I don’t know much of your customs in the Dragon Empire but you must know that we are also not there as well.” She walked away from me in silence. “I was also informed had a duel with Shadow Sparkle. I have to say that was also not ideal since everypony are on edge at the moment-” “Then get your head out of the clouds and do something!” I snapped. Ahh heck, I did it now. “Excuse me?!” Celestia said, looking at me in shock. “You have a giant dome around the city and a large number of guards around, but all you have been doing is focused on the wedding! If I was in charge I would have canceled the wedding until this threat is dealt with.” I marched over to her and glared. “You can’t be this soft Celestia.” Celestia was stun at this, unable to say anything as the doors open. I turned to see Shining Armor, looking more worse for wear, and her. “What’s going on here?” Cadenza asked. “Oh, nothing just was talking to Princess Celestia about what happened yesterday at the table.” I informed, feeling the flames at the back of my throat. “Yes, I told her that you were being disrespectful to me.” Cadenza said. Oh this is rich coming from her. “Oh, I was disrespectful to you? You mean the same way you were to me? To dragons?” I snapped back. She recoiled at this. “Y-You can’t talk to me like that!” she then frowned at me. “I guess we can all see that you’re more dragon than pony.” I growled at her, digging my talons into the floor. Shining took a few steps in front of her which made me laugh. “Oh how sweet, your knight in shining armor is here to protect you from the evil dragon! My, how this feels like a story for fillies and colts, only that the knight cries everytime he sees me!” I growled at them. I took a deep breath and breathed out fire through my nose, making them back off. I headed to the doors. “Have fun at your wedding you two, you both seem perfect together, which is completely pathetic.” After that, I marched out of the throne room and towards my room. later “Twilight? Are you there?” I heard Luna said as I was under a mountain of covers and pillows. “Go… away…” I groaned. After leaving the throne room I went to my room to calm down and… well, panicked. I was talking back and being rude to not only the two soon to be a married couple, but to Princess Celestia! This is my fault! I’m going to be the reason that there’s no peace between the Dragon Empire and Equestria! I was now waiting for Amber and the Dragoons to come and say that we were leaving. “I heard what happened in the throne room and… well, it’s not surprising.” I heard her say. I blinked at this and pushed my head up through the covers. “What are you talking about? I yelled at your sister, the Leader of all of Equestria, and you’re saying that it’s fine!?!” I said to her. “Well, we were told by your friend and both Dragoons that you have a bit of an… explosive temper. Sure Sister was angry at you but I had a talk to her and… well we came to an agreement that the Peace treaty will happen after the wedding and the issue blows over.” Luna said with a smile. I couldn’t help but smile back as she floated over some mugs. “What this?” I asked as I saw a dark brown liquid in the mug that she was floated over to me. “Oh it’s something I just found out a little while ago, something called Hot Coco, it’s very good!” she took a sip of it before making a face. “After it cools down though.” I laughed a little. I looked down at my mug and thought about it, Princess Celestia wasn’t all that mad at me, she’s very forgiving… maybe this could work out in the end… hmm. “Say, Luna, can I ask you something?” I asked her. “Your sister, she’s really friendly to everyone, was she alway like this?” “Not really, when we were both around together we were at war with other races, including dragons.” Luna said looking out of the window. “Back then she wasn’t so kind… I guess after I… left, and the peace in the land she simply lost her edge.” “And you didn’t?” I asked. She gave me a small smile. “You could say that, I been away for a long time and that mindset never really left…” she told me. I hummed in thought about this. “Say… what do you think about this issue that has everypony on edge?” I asked her. She frowned at this as she put the mug down and looked out of the window. “I will say that what everypony is thinking has already passed, the danger is already here in the capital.” she answered. “And the Alicorn of Love is the spearhead of this threat.” Wait, Princess Luna suspects Cadenza to be behind this? That… would make sense, I had a feeling there was something off about her, and there were some signs of this. “How can you be so sure, Princess?” “Because a year ago I met her before, she was so full of life and happy and being what the young say, a love-struck teen,” Luna explains. I couldn't help but snicker at her for saying that with a straight face. “Is there something wrong?” “Nothing nothing, sorry,” I answered with a smile. She looked at me oddly before continuing. “That was a year ago and over that year I only met her three times, the last two I had a feeling I was meeting a completely different pony. Who or what I was talking to wasn't Mi Amore Cadenza but a fake.” Luna finished. “You think so?” I asked before looking out the same window as her. “I think there's more than her, some of the guards as well.” “I believe so too, some of the patrols I saw look fine but there are the little things that are different, the way they move, how they follow in sync with each other than the other guards…” Luna listed off. “Yeah… so what do you think we should do?” I asked Luna. “I believe we should wait and watched what happens next, I suspect that you and Princess Amber coming here has put a damper on the threats plans.” Luna explained. I nodded before something clicked in my head. Was she trying to get me angry enough to get kicked out of the wedding? Was I a threat to her plans? “I'm not able to go to the wedding with my outburst from before, but I could use to my advantage,” I commented. “I have complete faith in you Twilight, you sound like you have a plan in mind,” Luna commented. I blushed at this before remembering something. “Princess Luna, I have a question about a dream I had,” I said. This drew the attention of her. “Ask away Archmage Twilight, not only I'm the Princess of the Night I'm also the Warden of Dreams,” she said with pride in her voice. Reminds me of another ancient dragon of old. “Yes well, last night I was dreaming normally until I met a mare that I’ve never seen before but… I should know her. I then saw her again earlier today… am I going crazy?” I asked her. Luna chuckled at this. “No Twilight, you're not going crazy,” she started. “But this could lead to two things, one is your mind just simply made her up without you knowing it and you saw a mare that looks very much like her.” “Or…” I said, trying to push this along. “Or your dreams are trying to tell you something,” Luna continued. “Twilight dreams are influenced by our body and soul, using our dreams to tell us something we missed or something important. Now tell me, what does she look like?” Instead of telling her I used my magic to make an image of the mare. Luna stared at the image for a long minute before chuckling. “My, this is interesting.” “What? Do you know her?” I asked, now eager to know more. “I have not met her face to face but I have heard of her, she’s an editor of a serials of books and the mother of Captain Shining-” she stopped herself before looking at me and then at the image. I stared at her then look at the image, am I missing something? “What? What do you know?” I asked her. “I know a few things, but for now I'm going to let you figure this out on your own.” she said as she headed out to the balcony. “Wait! What you mean by that?!” I asked her, quickly followed her. “Can you tell me something?” “Velvet,” she answered. “Her name is Velvet.” with that she spread her wings and flew off. I watched her do this with more questions than answers. I ran through my options as I turned back into my room before stopping. I frowned as this was now too big to ignore. Velvet knows something, something about me and I can't leave it alone. With a deep breath, I turned to the balcony and walked out on it. Closing the door I spread my wings and flew off. I knew where I was going, I didn't know how or why I simply knew. You know something Velvet, and I'm not going to rest until I find out. > Reunite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I always believed late night flying is dumb and dangerous. If the moon wasn't out you'll be unable to see, easy to lose your way, even the number of unknown dangers that happens in the night. This thought leads to another thought of, why do I take a night flight once a week? I flew over Canterlot towards the area where I had my dual with Shadow. Some places of the city were lit up while others were dark, said a few lights. Guards patrol the streets on claw- I mean hoof, while others flew in the air. One said group flew under me, not batting an eye as I flapped my wings. “Indifference spell, very handy.” I muttered to myself as I sailed through the sky. It took me a few minutes till I found the area and landed. The place was deserted, a shadowy and silent reflection of earlier. “Right, okay if this is going to work…” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, my horn glowed as a purple mist began to fill the place. The mist rose up and took on the form of the ponies, I open my eyes as there were a large number of ponies around. I walked over to the spot I was and looked at the crowd. “If I was here… then I moved over here, talked a little…” I retraced my steps and actions. “I stopped here and- there!” I trotted over and saw the image of the mare from before, in my dream. I stared at it for a bit before nodding, “Okay, now if I concentrate…” I lit my horn again, my claws did so as well as the other mist ponies dissipated other than the mare. The mist turned from my purple to a dark pink colour. After a few moments, the form blinked before looking around. It stared in my direction before following something then turning around and trotted off. I smiled as I followed the echo of magic this unicorn. We continued trotting until it stopped at a store. My smile turned into a frown as the pony enter the store. “I hope this won't take too long, I don't have all night. The form flickered as I followed it down another street. It has been hours since I've made the echo and so far I have seen it go into a number of stores. “I can't… keep this spell up… any longer!” I said, trying to push as much magic into the spell. I looked up to see the echo walk into a building. It wasn't another store, it looked like a home, and one of the windows was lit up. “Oh thank Bahamut!” I let the spell disperse as I walked over to the door. I brushed my mane a bit and ruffled my wings, I took a deep breath and raised my claw up to knock. I hesitated a moment before I knocked, I pulled away and looked at my claw. Why was I nervous? I just wanted answers so why am I nervous? I shook my head and continue on what I was doing; knocking. A simple four knocks would do as I lowered my claw and waited, I heard some sounds going off in the building. ‘Ah, one moment!’ a voice called out in the building it was the same voice from the dream. I simply nodded at the door and waited until the same colour aura of the echo covered the handle and the door opened. A gray fur unicorn with a purple and white mane walked out to see me. “Hello, how can I- oh my.” “Hello miss.” I greeted her, trying to be more formal. “Sorry to disturb you at this late hour but… I believe I saw you earlier today.” “Oh yes, I was… well, you could say I was out for a little shopping.” she said with a giggle. My ears flatten a bit, a little?! I shook my head before continuing. “Right, well… I need to talk to you on a matter that involves the both of us.” “Oh, uh, alright…” the mare looked behind her before looking at me. “You want to come in? I got a pot of tea on.” I smiled at her and nodded. The two of us walked into the building as I looked around. For being a place in Canterlot the place was pretty mundane so to speak; a staircase going upstairs to the second floor, some hallways going to other places in the home, completely differed from the outside, from heading towards the place I saw a grand tower attracted. I followed the mare into the study where I saw the walls were covered with bookcases that were filled with different types of books. Some range from adventure, thriller, and so on. I was in awe at this. “Wow… this is amazing.” I commented out loud. The mare giggled at this. “Oh it's not that great, any other bookworm I collect books of any kind, it also helps with my job as an editor of an adventure book.” she explained as she levitated a bit out form a small kitchen with a teapot and cups. “Well, I do appreciate someone with a love of books.” I said as I sat down on a large pillow. “Oh well, it also allows me to uh, relive my old adventure days.” she said. This made me raise an eyebrow. “You, the adventuring type? Not to sound rude but you don't look the part.” I commented as I took the cup with my own magic. “Oh it's not really like in the books, think of it more… traveling with some interesting events.” she laughed as she poured the tea. “Oh I'm sorry, I didn't tell you my name.” “It's fine misss.” I told her as I set my tea down and shifted a bit. This case the mare to raise an eyebrow and laughed. “Besides, it kinda reminds me of my fillyhood… the other dragons tell me I was one adventurous filly.” “Well that's also interesting, but better to tell you so you don't call me miss, my name is Twilight Velvet but others call me Velvet.” she introduced herself. I raised an eyebrow at that. “Interesting, I share the same name, sorta. I'm Twilight Scintillula, and it's nice to meet you.” I greeted. “Oh, well that is interesting.” she said with a sad smile. I picked up on that sadness but didn't say anything, more focus on why I'm here. “Yes well, now for the reason on why I'm here. You see last night… or two nights ago depending on the time right now, I had a dream that I was walking through a maze of books and saw you there.” I told her. Velvet nodded at this, tilting her head a bit. “That's odd, I had the exact dream on the same night, but I saw you… how odd.” she said as she stirred her tea with a spoon. “You did? Do you know what it means?” I asked, scratching my head. “I can't for the life of me figure it out.” I started to ramble off for a bit before looking up at Velvet staring at me, taking sips of her tea. I blushed a bit at the sight of her. “Sorry, didn't mean to ramble off like that…” I took the tea and took a few sips, the taste of honey and oranges filled my mouth which was calming. She seemed to laugh at this. “Oh oh it's fine, kinda reminds me of my husband. I can't have a place in this house that isn't organized. The worst part is that he used to organize my books, sure it's fine for a bit but after a while… well, I did threaten him to throw out his organizing booklet if he touches them again.” she said with a light-hearted laugh. I chuckled at this, reminded my own threat to Amber if she did the same thing. The two of us chatted a bit more as at times I brought up the dream question from before, only to come up with nothing. I sighed as I emptied my third drink and looked at the clock on the wall. “It's getting late, sorry to disturb you Velvet.” I said to her, putting my cup down beside the pot. “Oh it's not a problem, I'm used to staying up late… Oh are you going to see Shining Armor anytime soon?” she asked me. I rolled a growl in my throat at the question before answering. “Yes… I will be in due time.” she smiled at me. “Well just to let you know, he's my oldest son, and he may be the captain of the royal guard he has the tendency of forgetting stuff, like his suit. If you see him mind giving it to him?” she asked me. I thought about it for a few moments, sure I'm not on good terms with him after yelling at him and his soon to be wife but… “I don't mind taking it to him…” I told her, trying to not sound forced. She smiled and stood up. “Well I have to go get it if you don't mind me waiting, or you could follow.” she offered. I mulled over the idea before nodding. “I don't mind following, I could simply teleport myself out.” I told her. Soon the two of us headed upstairs and down a hallway. We stopped at a doorway and Velvet opened it. “Now where did I- oh good Celestia Night you came in here haven't you…” Velvet grumbled. I heard things getting pushed around and some more muttering coming from the room. I chuckled as I waited. I looked around and down the hallway. It had a number of pictures on the walls, probably of family moments and other interesting events that happened. I smiled at the idea of that but it was overtaken by a nagging feeling that I've seen this before. Almost subconsciously I walked down the hallway, looking at the pictures. The pictures showed what I thought of, moments of time with this family, having fun and loving each other, I saw Velvet with a dark blue Unicorn Stallion with golden eyes with a younger Shining Armor. I even saw him with a teenage Cadenza, as I looked at it I knew the Cadenza that I saw to the one in the picture were two different ponies. I continued down until I stopped at one photo. One of Velvet holding a small, bundle with a purple unicorn filly in her forelegs. This made my heart ache more as I turned my head to a slightly open door. Without a second thought, I pushed the door open and stepped inside. The room was spacious, the walls on one side were a dark blue with a number of stars while the other was light blue and smiling clouds with the sun and moon joined together over a crib. I stared at the crib for a bit as my head started to work, images of my old recurring dream came up, a dark figure with paws picked me up and carried me. I followed the invisible line towards the window as the figure opened it and stopped. I walked over to the window and saw the street outside. The figure jumped out of the window with me in its arms and ran down it, from what my memories that I could recall. I turned back to the crib and walked towards it, I saw that it hasn't been used for some time. My eyes widen as I saw a familiar blanket on it, to which I picked it up. It was soft to the touch as brought it close to my head. Memories of holding such a blanket in the forelegs, before my claws came. I moved my claw over to the one edge of the blanket and flipped it up, I gasped a bit as I saw a name on the edge. Twilight Sparkle I stared at that name for a time before I heard a voice from the door. “What are you doing in here?” Velvet asked me, holding a tux with her magic. I stared at her before looking at the blanket. “I have the same blanket…” I whispered to myself. I looked back at Velvet as I held the blanket up. “Where did you get this?” “I… I made them, for my… wait why am I answering your question where you should be answering mine!” she snapped at me. I stared at her before I used my magic to teleport my bag to me. I placed the blanket from the crib down and opened my bag. I rummaged through the bag before bringing up a more beat up and stained blanket that looked almost the same as the other one. I had this blanket ever since I was small, I would never leave it behind… good thing that Amber doesn't snoop through my bags or she'll hang this over my head for life! I held it up for her to see. “I had this ever since I was small, my parents that raised me named me after the name on this blanket.” I told her. She looked at my blanket before taking the other one speechless. “Tell me… tell me what does it mean!” She flinched at my outburst before looking back down, “I… I sewed my fillies name in each of her blankets so she could see her name, Twilight Sparkle…” she narrowed her eyes a bit. “Spark...le… Hey, what does...Scintillula mean?” “Little Spark…” I answered. “My parents didn't have a name in dragon tougne that meant Sparkle so…” the two of us stared at each other as something simply...clicked. As if the missing puzzle piece was found and pushed in. She stepped closer to me, tears began to form. “Please.” she started. “Please let this be real… I-I can't take another dream before…” I stood there as she got closer and reached out to touch me with her hoof. She gasped as she did so. I closed my eyes, feeling a sob forming. I heard her crying in front of me. “You came back… all these years you came back home!” I felt her hug me as tightly as she could. “My baby girl.” “M-mom…” I sobbed as I hugged my mom, my actual mom, close. The two of us stayed like that as I folded my wings around us. After a few minutes we heard someone cough, I unfurled my wings and saw the dark blue stallion from the pictures wearing a housecoat and pink fuzzy slippers on his hooves. We all stared at each other awkwardly before he spoke. “I'll just… leave you two alone… Sorry to disturb you.” he then started to back away slowly as the two of us stared at each other and smiled. “We have a lot to talk about.” she said, wiping away some tears. “Yeah… we do…” I sniffle a bit as she wiped away my tears. She smiled before turning her head. “Honey! Put a pot of water on! Tonight is going to be a long one!!” She wasn't kidding that the night was going to be a long one. We talked about anything we could come up with, both me and my two biological parents learned more and more about each other by passing minute. “Well, I'm happy that my love of organization was passed down to you.” Nightlight, my father, said with pride in his voice. I chuckled at this as my mother rolled her eyes. “Yes yes, we both know how happy you are.” Velvet said. She turned to me with a warm smile. “I just can't believe that over the years you turned out as a… I'm sorry what was it you called yourself?” “Kirin.” I answered her. She hummed in thought at my answer. “You know, I maybe have a few books on that race… I just don't remember where…” she turned and pointed at her husband. “And don't you start.” “What, me? Never.” he said jokingly. The three of us laughed. “I might take a look at those books if you don't mind Velvet.” I asked her. She gave me a look before nodding. “Of course dear, also you can call me mom.” she pointed out. “Yeah, and you can call me dad.” Nightlight added. My ears flatten on my head. “I know… but, you know, the two back in the Dragon Empire, it kinda feels…” “Odd?” Velvet finished for me. I bit my lip and nodded. She reached over and put her hoof on my claw. “Sweetie, I know you have family back there and I wouldn't dream of taking that away from you. I just know that I'm so happy I finally found you after all these years.” I smiled at her, wiping away a tear as Nightlight put a hoof on Velvets hoof. “And you have family here as well.” I smiled the two of them for a bit as we continued chatting. I also learned that Captain Shining Armor is my older brother, well that's going to be an awkward tell with him coming up. That also means Cadenza is going to be my sister-in-law. … I don't know how to take that. After another hour or two, I stepped out of the home a bit tired of staying up all night. I yawned as I turned to my parents. “I've better get back to the palace if anyone finds me missing… well, anything could happen.” I said to them. “Alright honey, don't be a stranger.” my Nightlight said. “Are you going to the wedding, dear?” Velvet asked me. I thought about it for a moment, I left the couple in a bad mood the last time I saw them. “I'll try, maybe at the after party?” I asked them. Velvet nodded and yawned. “That would be best, I think after tonight we'll maybe miss the ceremony.” she explained. I again flatten my ears as she waved her hoof nonchalantly. “Oh, don't be sad. It's was worth it.” “Alright, see you two there… mom, dad.” I said before taking off into the air, happiness swelled in my heart as I flew towards the castle. It was a little wobbly since I was tired from talking all night long with my family, I wonder what my parents back in the Empire would think about this? Maybe I can get them to meet each other or something. As I thought about it I flew closer to the palace and desires to teleport into it instead of flying in, making sure no other pony saw me… wait was the indifference spell still going? I can't remember… I shook my head as I used my magic and teleported into the palace. I looked around and saw that… I wasn't in my room but the place where the ceremony is going to take place. “Dang it, I thought I got the right place.” I shook my head a bit. “I must be tired, making me a bit sloppy… good thing I didn't reappear in a wall, that would have been bad.” I began to walk towards the door out when I noticed some burnt marks on the ground. I looked at it and saw that it was a black circle, big enough to surround a pony. The idea of sleep was pushed aside as I started to investigate the burnt circle. I sensed traces of magic about it as well. “Hmmm, how odd…” I muttered to myself. My eyelids drooped a bit as I shook my head a bit. Looking up at the door and walked towards it. Opening it I looked around to see a mare pushing a trolley with food and some, what I could guess it coffee. “Excuse me, is that coffee?” “Why yes it is, would you like some?” she asked me. “Yes, I'll take the coffee… And some toast.” I answered. Before she could answer I levitated the coffee pot to me and simply chugged the whole thing down. The mare stared at me as I did so before finishing it and sighing happily, now really awake. “Thank you! Oh, and my toast.” I took some toast as well and closed the door, leaving the mare there. As I munched on the toast I scanned the spot and found out that the spell that was cast lead deep underground. Deciding on finding out what's going on, I used my own magic to teleport down there, following the spell. I turned up in a crystal cavern, well sorta there was some crystals protruding put from the walls. I licked my lips at them, shaking my head. “I'll eat crystals and gems later.” I said to myself as I continued following the trail of magic, finishing my toast from before. As I walked through the tunnels, a light spell lighting my way from my horn, I began to hear some sounds of a struggle from ahead. Still munching on my bread I got closer and peered into the room. I saw a group of ponies there, three of them looking like bridesmaids with a sickly green glow from their eyes advancing on two other ponies. One of them was Sunset Shimmer, wait why was she here? Was the spell from before for her? Beside her was… Cadenza? Wait what? As I looked at her she seemed different; she was much skinnier than before, mane messed up and dirty, she also looked a bit scared. I watched the two back themselves to a wall as the Cadenza lifted a bouquet of flowers and threw it over the three mares. The three watched it fly and looked at the two blankly. “Well, it was worth a try…” the pink pony said. I rolled my eyes as the three jumped at them. Using this at an opening I caught them in a spell to hold them there. A purple aura surrounds them as they wiggled to get free. “And...sleep~.” I command them. I felt something in their minds, controlling them to do what they're doing. I forced my suggestion on them until it went through and the three went to sleep, breaking the spell from before. I lowered them down to the ground and stepped into the room. “You just need a good set of words to pull it off.” “Twilight!” Sunset said, sounding relieved from seeing me. I smiled at her as I saw the other pony, a bit wary around me. “I'm guessing you're not the Cadenza from up in the palace?” I asked her. The pink pony stared at me, maybe to the fact of my looks. Again, I really don't blame her like everypony else. “The one up there is a fake! This is the real Cadence!” Sunset proclaims, standing between me and the other Alicorn. “Oh, I know it's the real her.” I pointed out, munching on my toast. “You do?” the Alicorn asked me. To which I nodded. “Yeah, I don't have the urge to blast you into a wall.” I answered simply as I offer her my other slice of toast. “I… don't blame you for that.” she said, taking the slice and wolfing it down. “We have to get up there! Warn Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, everypony about the fake!” Sunset said before running off down a random tunnel. I sighed and dragged her back to me. “Calm down for a moment.” I said. She chuckled nervously as I cast a spell to lead us out of the tunnel the fastest way. “Thank you miss.” The real Cadenza said to me. I gave her a small smile. “No problem princess.” I said back before the three of us headed out. “I know this is odd but… what's your name?” she asked me. I looked at her for a moment before thinking about it. “Scintillula… or Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle.” > a three way negotiation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So… Cadenza-” “Call me Cadence, it’s better.” the pink alicorn told me as we ran through the tunnels. Sunset used her magic to lead us as we did. “Alright, Cadence what happened to you? How did you get captured?” I asked. “To give you the short version I was simply walking to my bedroom until I saw… myself then I was knocked out. Then I ended up here.” she explained me. I glanced over at her for a moment before my brain tried to processes this. “Wait, why would anypony try to take your place? Money? Power? In your position they could do… anything.” I said to her. “It’s love.” Cadence said. Sunset skidded to a stopped, making the two of us do that same. I had to use my wings to slow my stop so I didn’t run into a wall. “Hold on, all of this, the cloak and dagger scheming, the messing of me, everything just for love?!” Sunset asked. “Yes, you see Sunset the imposter is really a Changeling.” she said which made me snort. The two looked at me. “What? I heard of Changewings and they don’t go after love… more like...small boars and such.” I explained. “No no, not… uhh, Changewings, ChangeLINGS, they are an insectoid race that can change into anypony they want as long as they saw them before.” Cadence explained. I blinked at this, muttering over the names. Changewings, Changelings, wings, lings… “Okay, I still don’t understand. Why Love?” Sunset asked. “Well, in short love is their source of food. Changelings feed on love. Without it, they will slowly and surely die off.” Cadence explained more. “And what better way to get it by taking the spot of the Alicorn of Love.” As she was explaining everything I thought back to my talk with Princess Luna, the fact that some patrols seemed off, the way they move and incense with each other. “I don’t think it’s just the imposter, I think it’s most of the guards here.” I told them. Cadences eyes widen at them. “If that’s so...then there’s a whole army of Changelings in the city!” she proclaimed. Sunset had the same look worry and fear as Cadence while I just thought about it. “Wait, if they just want love why can’t they-” “We have to stop her!” Sunset yelled as she and Cadence ran off through the tunnel, leaving me there. “Just… talk… ugh.” I groaned as I followed them. After many twists and turns, we finally made it out of the caves. That was the good news, the bad news was we’re outside of Canterlot. More good news we're we’re inside the dome, more bad news was that just about. The dome’s wall was right on the mouth of the cave, making getting out a pain. “I think I can squeeze through…” Sunset said, looking at the corners of the entrance. As she did that I looked to Cadence. “Can’t we just teleport out?” I asked. “Do you think I would’ve done that in the first place? Due to the certain type of crystals here the magic to teleport out is little to impossible.” she explained. I looked at the wall and saw the part that could work for my idea. “You two stand back!” I ordered. When they did I charged my magic and fired a beam the tunnel out of the cave. After a good five minutes I stopped and a hole big enough to let both Cadence and Sunset out, I was still too big to fit. “You two go stop the imposter, I’ll catch up.” With a nod, they climbed out of the cave. A tale-tell sound of a teleport meant they were gone. I took a deep breath as I charged my magic again and blasted my way through. It took another five to ten minutes until I made a hole big enough for me to fit through. “Sometimes I hate being half dragon…” I muttered to myself as I climbed out. Now outside I quickly summoned a quill and paper and began to write. “Uncle come quick, a large attack on Canterlot is happening here,” I stopped as I thought about it. “Don’t bring the whole army, going to try to stop it here. Will send a message with more info.” I wrote. With that done I took a deep breath and breathe out flames. I watched at my magical flames took the message to my uncle before flapping my wings and flew towards Canterlot. As I flew I looked around at Canterlot and saw a familiar sight; Amber flying. “Amber!” She heard me and felt towards me, “Twilight! Where were you?! We’ve been looking for you all day!” “We?” I asked her before looking down to see the two Dragoons on the streets. I smiled at this as the two of us flew down to the two. “Archmage! You’re okay!” Tessith said worriedly. “Yeah, you disappeared all day, wherein Bahamut where you?!” Derolth asked me. “I’m fine, we have more important issues to take care of.” I told them. “What do you mean?” Amber asked. “Right now Princess Candaza isn’t really here, she’s something called Changeling, a being that’s able to change their appearance at will.” I explained. “Like a Changewing?” Tessith asked. I nodded. “Yes, but instead of the environment it’s other ponies, right now Sunset and the real Candaza are going there to put a stop to it and-” Before I could finish the dome around the city shimmered and started to dissipate. Soon screams and yelling were filling the streets as a wave of buzzing black covered the sky. “Their attacking!” I looked at Amber. “We need to get to the palace!” “What?! Why do we have to go there!” Amber shouted over the buzzing. The dragoons pulled out their weapons to fight. “Because they are doing this to get love, they feed on it and it’s the only thing that keeps them alive. You have to stop it!” I told her. Amber stared at me as if I was crazy, and fear. “But… what can I do?! All I do is fly around and just be… me!” Amber shouted. I pulled her head down to mine and looked into her eyes. “You’re Amber! The Princess of the Dragon Empire! You also have a hard head and a loud voice, sometimes you just need to be like this! You are the only one that can stop a future war between Pony, Dragon, and Changelings!” I told her. She stared at me for a good minute, fear and uncertainty. “You… you think I could do it?” she asked me. I gave her a warm smile. “Of course I do, we all do.” I told her, letting her head go. She straightened her head and looked at the two Dragoons. “I believe you can do it, Princess.” Tessith answered with a nod as she held both her swords. “Heck yeah! If anyone can it’ll be you!” Derolth also answered as he held his great ax. Looking back at me I simply nodded at Amber. Her expression turned from fear to determination as she looked forward. “Let’s go.” she said firmly. The four of us soon started running through the streets, we would’ve fly but the dragoons can’t fly. As we ran we came to a stop as we saw, what I guess are changelings. They had black, furless bodies with a dark blue carapace on top. Transparent wings buzzed over the carapace as their legs had holes through them. Instead of manes they had fin-like spins down their heads with fangs coming out of their mouths. Their eyes were simply a solid blue colour with a curved horn on top of their heads. When they saw us they let out a loud hissing sound towards us. The Dragoons stood in front of us with their weapons at the ready but Amber stormed past them. “Princess wait!” Derolth yelled at her. She ignored him as she took a deep breath and let out a loud roar. The whole place shook at the sheer strength of it and shutting the Changelings up. When she finished the Changelings simply stood there before turning into clouds as they ran off. “Uhh, never mind.” The four of us continued on forward until we came to the palace. The whole place was a battle ground, pony and Changeling were fighting one another as I looked up, seeing more fighting in the sky. “We need to get up there!” I yelled at them. I heard a grunt from Derolth as he stopped a Changeling charged at him. “You two go! We’ll hold the bugs here!” he yelled as he blew fire on his ax. The flames wrapped around it and simply kept burning. “Go Archmage, Princess, if this plan works it will be a short fight.” Tessith said as lightning seemed to be sparking off her swords. “Say, what if one of these bugs changed into one of us?” Derolth asked. “I’ll punch any that look like you.” Tessith answered. “What if it’s me?” “I’ll still punch you, in the face.” Tessith answered again. Derolth blinked a few times before shrugging. I looked over to Amber and nodded. “Let’s go.” I said to her as the two of us took flight. The two of us had to dodge and weave through the air battles until a few of the Changelings flew in front of us. I took a deep breath and let out a torrent of purple flames. This made the bugs flew away from us. Amber had the same idea as she did the same, her reddish-orange fire with my purple. The two of us continued as she made our way up to my room… and broke the balcony door. “Did you have to fly into it?!” I yelled at her. She shook off the shards and glared at me. “No time lets move!” she ordered. I rolled my eyes and the two of us ran towards the throne room. We ran as fast as we can, we didn’t run into anymore Changelings, guess they were all outside fighting, as we turned to the hallway with the doors of the throne room ajar. Amber wasted no time as she charged through the doors and let out another roar. As it was going on I saw Sunset and her friends trapped in some sort of green goop along with a few other Changelings next to what looked cocoons of the guards and some wedding guests. At the far end was a cocooned Celestia while a taller Changeling stood in front of her. Like the other Changelings, she had a black furless body with a greenish blue carapace on top. Her wings were the same, be it a bit bigger. She had a dark solid dark blue mane and tail with antenna that looked like a crown on her head. Her eyes were slitted green eyes as a wicked horn over them. She hissed at us as Amber finished her roar, which turned into a laugh. “Well well well, it seems you dragons can’t seem to leave things alone.” she said, her voice simply dripped with acid as Amber growled. “Stop this right now you… you… wait, who are you?” Amber asked. I face hoofed at this. “And you were doing so well…” I groaned. The Changeling hissed at us. “My name, and I’ll say it slowly so your tiny dragon brains can get it, is Chrysalis.” she said slowly, which made me frown. “And you two dragons are a pain.” She walked around a bit where I saw Cadence and Shining Armor away from each other. Shining seemed to be out of it as there was a greenish glow in his eyes. He was being mind controlled, after what I learned last night that just ticked me off. “Everything was going perfectly, I was simply going to marry this stallion and gain a steady flow of love I needed for my hive and that was it, oh sure Cadenza over there would have simply disappeared in the tunnels under Canterlot but it was a small price to pay.” she explained. “What price you… witch!” Cadence yelled. Chrysalis snarled as she zoomed over to her, making her yelp. “Well, if you want to ask, a price to pay to save my hive!” she said. Amber looked over at me. “Save her hive?” she asked me. I shrugged as the Changeling queen flew back to the Cocoon. “Do you know how hard is it to get love out in the Badlands, yet over here there’s enough love to feed three hives over! Yet you squander it, sure I sent some of my drones out to gather the love but it would take days, weeks for them to return. Some don’t even come back at all!” Chrysalis snapped at Celestia. “My hive is on the brink of starvation yet you… so sit on your throne and do nothing.” “Then why didn’t you come and ask for help!?” I called out. “What!” I heard Rainbow yell out. “Why should we? She’s some sort of… bug!” “Not helping.” I muttered to myself. “See, right there! Ponies don’t care about anyone else other than themselves! If they can’t give us the love, then we’ll just take it from them!” Chrysalis said. “But no… you dragons came and ruin everything! I was close, so close to getting everything! I won’t let this slip through my-” Before she could finish Amber bolted forward, slamming the Changeling into a wall with her head in her claw. I flew over as Amber spoke. “Now listen here Chrysalis, like Changelings Dragons get a bad rap for being mean and greedy, but as you can see me and my friends are trying to change that. Today, we all can get what we want if we stop and talk about this.” “Why! They’re not going to do anything! And why do I have to listen to you!?” Chrysalis asked angrily. Amber leaned in and growled. “If you don’t I’ll fry your insides and turn your hive into an all eat buffet for the Dragon Empire.” she threatened. Silence filled the room we were in. My eyes darted back and forth between the two until Chrysalis sighed. “Fine…” her horn lit up and I heard a loud buzzing sound from outside. “I told my hive to back off for the moment.” Amber seemed to calm down as she let her go. The Changeling Queen took a few wobbly steps towards the cocoon and simply opened it, letting the Princess out. She then turned to me. “I guess we’ll need a quiet place to talk, luckily I know a place. I’ll meet you all there.” With that, she walked out of the room. I ran over to the others and used my magic to free them. “Thanks for this.” Sunset said. “No… problem… hold on.” I said as I got the rest of them out. “Ewww~ this weird goop is messing up my fur and…” Rarity took a good look at the goop and tilted her head. “You know, I could use this colour as a dress.” “Really Rars, Really.” Applejack deadpanned. The rest of them shook off the goop as Amber walked over to us. “This is step one, now for the negotiations.” she said as Celestia walked over to us. “Yes… I believe so, I heard of Changelings before and… I had dealings with them before. We don’t have a good history.” she explained. “I thought I was doing the right thing but…” “Okay, stop.” I said to her. “You laughed a bit when we met you, did other things that destroyed my image of you, now you beating yourself up about this is going to make my head exploded.” She stared at me before chuckling, ugh, she stood up straight again and nodded. “I’ll… go find Chrysalis.” With that, she started to head out with Sunset following her. I looked over at Cadence as she was trying to snap Shining Armor out of it. I walked over to them “Shiny? Come on Shiny wake up, it’s me, Caddy!” Cadence said to her soon to be husband. He simply stared off into space. Her ears flatten on top of her head as I got there. “Let me.” I told her as I lit my horn and freed him from the goop, along with dispelling the mind control. He blinked a few times and groaned. “What… what happened?” he asked before Cadence hugged him. “Caddy? You… you look terrible.” “You too Shining, you too.” Cadence said. Shining looked around until he looked at me. “Twilight? What are you…” “No time, right now Amber, Princess Celestia, Sunset and the Changeling Queen are going to talk things out. I need to go to help Amber do this, her confidence can go so far and she needs me there.” I told him. “Wait, shouldn’t I be there too? Also Aunty Luna?” Cadence asked. “No, you’re needed here to help Shining Armor.” I told her, earning an odd look from both of them. “But, I’m fine. Why should she-” “Because as it turns out I’m your long lost sister that was fillynapped all those years ago and yes it’s pretty shocking and we’ll talk more after everything is done.” I told them before turning around, leaving the shocked couple and heading out to find the others. The room just had a table and a few chairs in it, each filled with me, Sunset, Princess Celestia, Chrysalis, and an unknown Changeling. Amber was simply laying on the floor as she was too big to sit in the chairs. The Unknown Changeling looked a lot like Chrysalis only with an ember coloured mane and eyes. She was also smaller than Chrysalis and slender. “Umm, who are you?” I asked her. She looked over at me and blinked. “Ril, nice to meet you.” she answered with a smile. It was… odd, seeing her smile. “Quite Ril.” Chrysalis said. “Sorry mother.” Ril answer, wait mother?! “Now, if you all don’t mind I want to get this over with.” Chrysalis said, glaring at Celestia. “And hope that things don’t go over like they did with my past family.” Celestia winced a bit before composing herself as I cleared my throat. “As we all know, today is the day of Princess Cadenza’s wedding with Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor, but it seems to take Cadenza away and replaced her to marry Shining Armor.” “Yes, and as I said I can get a steady stream of Love to my hive, bringing it back from the brink of starvation.” Chrysalis hissed at me. Ril seemed to tap her hoof on her mother's leg, Chrysalis seemed to calm down a bit before looking to Celestia. “And yet, you and your family did nothing to help!” “Chrysalis, I know what happened in the past with my family, and for that, I can’t say on the actions of them and-” Chrysalis slammed her hood on the table. “No! You all don’t care about us Changelings! You talk about harmony this and harmony that, but really you’re all are as greedy as dragons! No Worse than Dragons!” she snapped at Celestia. Celestia reared back at the outburst. Sunset looked at her with worry as Celestia seemed to hang her head, her mane seemed to dim a bit. “Hey, what’s going on with her?” Amber asked me. “I...don’t know. I guess she feels, guilty for what Chrysalis is saying.” I told her. “Mother, please.” Ril said. Chrysalis looked at her before taking a breath. She seemed to be calm now but still held an angry glare at the Solar Alicorn. I saw some anger come from Sunset, her eyes darken at the Changelings as Amber cleared her throat. “I understand that there’s some tension between us but right now we need to leave what happens in the past in the past.” Amber said, looking over at me. I nodded for her to continue. “So, as we all know I was sent here by my father to arrange a treaty with Equestria, but it seems that this treaty is going to extend to the Changelings as well.” “Wait, you're serious!” Sunset said, wide-eyed at Amber who simply nodded. “As they said they’re about to go into starvation and-” “But they attacked Canterlot! Took maybe ponies hostages for being sucked dry like… Vampire ponies!” Sunset retorted. “What would you want us to do, starve to death you worm!” Chrysalis snapped at her. “Oh you’re one to talk, you’re just a giant bug!” Sunset retorted. The two yelled at each other as Ril tried to calm her mother down as Celestia was too out of it, she seems to not know what to do. I knew the look she had as the one of guilt, probably guilty of what was going on to Chrysalis’ hive. “Ugh, I don’t know how my father does this.” Amber said, rubbing her head. “Chrysalis wants to save her hive while Celestia wants to keep her subjects save.” I nodded and opened my mouth until I thought of something. They both want the same thing. I saw Amber seemed to get the same idea as she looked at me. “Are thinking what I’m thinking?” “Yeah… it’s kinda scary.” I said. “Yeah, let’s not do this again.” she said before looking at the others and frowns. “You three shut up!” With a loud voice, the three stopped yelling and looked at Amber. “Okay, I tried to my like my father but it’s not doing it for me so I’m going to do this my way, very blunt.” she turned to Chrysalis and Celestia. “Your family's clashed before, you tried to negotiate but didn’t work, well forget what happened back then since their now dead and you two are here.” The two of them frowned at her and Amber bit her lip. I took this time to speak up. “As what Princess Amber is saying is that yes, there was clashing but right now their not here, you two are and right now, in this room, we can make history.” “Why, how can I be sure that these ponies can keep their side of the bargain?” Chrysalis asked. I looked over at Sunset and Celestia and back at Chrysalis. “Because Dragons are big, mean, greedy monsters.” I said. “Over many moons ago, the Dragon Empire and Equestria had their borders closed between each other, yet wild dragons ransacked the place and painted the other dragons as such. But I know for certain that a small, purple Earth dragon lives with a Unicorn right now and so far he’s happy.” “Do you mean Spike?” Sunset asked. I nodded which made her smile a little. “Yeah… it took a little getting used to and convincing but… Spike’s the closest friend I’ve ever had.” “See, with a little time anyone can get along.” I said to them. “Sure it will take some time but if you all tried the Changelings hive could co-exist with Ponies.” Ril looked at her mother and whisper something to her ear. Chrysalis looked off to the side and whisper something back before speaking to us. “My Daughter told me that you ponies are… a forgiving race… but how can I be so sure? What if this friendship is only a farce and you all will turn your backs on us.” she asked. Celestia, who hasn’t said anything so far, looked up at her. “They won’t, I won’t.” she said with a sad look. “Chrysalis, I’m sorry.” “What?” Chrysalis asked. “You heard me, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not seeing you and your hive in danger, I’m sorry for not helping where I could of, and I’m sorry for my family aggression towards you and your family.” she continues. Chrysalis looked at her with wide eyes before looking around at all of us. “I can attest to the forgiving part.” Sunset said, shrinking a bit. “I… a few years ago I got into some bad stuff. So bad that Princess Celestia should have banished me, or lock me in prison for life. But she didn’t, she gave me a second chance.” Celestia pulled Sunset over and gave her a hug, putting a smile on Amber's face. We all turned to Chrysalis as she looked at us all before sighing. We then saw her… tired, more so than before. “Mother?” Ril asked, looking worried. “I’m… tired.” Chrysalis said. She looked up at Celestia and stared at her. “I believe… that we should put our issues in the past. For now, I’m going to draw my hive back to some forests and mountains. We’ll talk more after some time.” “Of course and Chrysalis.” Celestia said, smiling again. “I do hope we can come to an agreement.” “We shall see.” Chrysalis said before standing up. “Do enjoy the wedding, those two are meant for each other. After all the… cutesy talk, I was tempted to abandon my mission.” With that both Chrysalis and Ril walked out of the room, leaving the rest of us in the room. Celestia sighed as she slouches in her seat. “I think… we all should push everything back.” “Yeah, I feel like I ran a marathon.” Sunset said. Celestia looked over at me and Amber and smiled. “I think the whole treaty between Equestria and the Dragon Empire is solidified after this… in truth I wished for better circumstances but, as the others say it, beggars can’t be choosers.” Celestia said. “You uh, bounce back pretty quickly after that.” Amber said. “When you live for as long as I am, you’ll bounce back from anything.” Celestia said. Sunset stood beside her and smiled. “Thank you two, if it weren't for you two I wouldn’t know what will happen.” Sunset said. “Eh, not a problem.” Amber said with a sigh. Celestia chuckled at this. “So… what’s going to happen with the wedding?” I asked her. “We’ll move it to next week. I think we all need a week to relax.” she said as she opens the door. Shining was standing right outside with Cadence. “You’re my sister?!?!” he yelled. I groaned at this. “This is going to be a long night.” > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was right, it was a long night. Shining Armor and Cadance dragged me to Velvets and Nightlights place where there were asking a lot of questions. I had Amber with me for support and, mostly, that she wanted to meet my real mom and dad. That night went by so fast that we didn’t know that a few hours past and night came around. That Night I got to talk to Luna again, seems to be that she slept through the whole event with the wedding, saying that she was a heavy sleeper. Which is saying a lot to a dragon. When morning came I was sitting with Shining Armor since he wanted to chat with me. He held his head in his hooves and let out a sigh. “This week has been more stressful than I thought.” he said. “And here I thought it was simply just for the Wedding and the dome.” “Look on the bright side, the wedding is pushed back a week to repair everything.” I told him. He looked at me and let out another sigh. “I don’t know Twi, the idea of helping the Changelings after all that happen. I can’t really trust them.” he informed me. “That’s understandable, but hey you have to trust dragons which other say are worst.” I said with a cheeky smile. This made him snort. “Yeah… yeah maybe you’re right…” he leaned back and looked up to the ceiling in silence. “I’ll talk to Caddy, she still has some resentment towards them but… we’re going to try.” “That’s good, I didn’t believe that all this was over some love.” I said to him. “Don’t… just, don’t.” he warned. “I’ll be spending my life with the Alicorn of Love, to her love is everything.” I stared at him and nodded, not really wanting to deal with that. We chatted a bit more until the door open and one of the guards stepped in, looking a little panicked. “Uhh, sir?” the guard said to Shining. “Yes, soldier? What do you need?” Shining asked him. The soldier opened his muzzle before closing it, taking some time to find his words. “Uhh, you might want to open your blinds.” he said. Shining and I blinked at this as Shining got off of his seat and towards the closed blinds. He opened them with his magic and went bugged eyed. He then closed the blinds and looked over at me. “You… might want to see this.” he said. Curious, I got out of my seat and walked over to the blinds. I opened them to see a dark brown head looking towards me. It was a dragon that looked like it was made out of stone and rock, and also a familiar looking dragon. “Nessonth!” I yelled as I opened the door to the balcony as he was flying right there. “Kid! There you are.” he said, his low tone voice that could shake the earth was a welcoming sound to me. “I’ve been looking for you all morning!” “All morning, wait you just got here?” I asked him. “Got here late last night, just as the sun was rising. Me and three others came from your message.” he explained. Message? What message- oh, that message. “Oh, uhh yeah about that. Everything is alright, no need to worry.” I told him. Nessonth gave me an odd look before his gaze went behind. “Who’s he?” he asked. I turned around to see Shining looking up to my uncle. “Twi… care to explain?” he asked. I looked at the two of them before sighing. “Hey, mind going down on solid ground, there’s a lot to talk about.” I told Nessonth. He flapped his wings a few times to keep himself in the air and nodded. “Alright kid, see you down there.” he said before turning around and flying back down. I turned to Shining and gave him a smile. “Time for you two meet my other family.” We headed down to the ground where Nessonth and two other dragons were there, a dark Red one and a silver one sat behind Nessonth as I explained everything. Shining was surprised that the big earth dragon in front of him was my uncle. As I finished Nessonth simply bellowed with laughter. “Ha! I knew this day was coming, didn’t realized there was all that happened was came along with it but still.” he said. “Wait, you knew?!” I asked him, kind of put off by this. “Of course I did,” he leaned down to me. “You’re smart Twilight, I knew that if you wanted to you’ll find your family.” I blushed a bit at his response as he pulled back. “But don’t go forgetting your family in the Dragon Empire. Your mother is worried sick about you.” “Right, I should send a message that I’m alright.” I said, thinking of the best way to write out that note. Nessonth nodded before looking to my left. “Soldier, come here.” he ordered Shining, who jumped at this. “Yes, sir! Wait, I’m the captain of the Royal guard I shouldn’t…” he stopped as Nessonth glared down on him. “N-never mind.” “So you’re my little Twi’s older brother eh?” he said. Shining simply nodded at my uncle. A rumbling sound came out of his throat as he mulled over the thought in his head. “I… expected more of you, after taking care of Twilight I… no, I simply expected more of you. Maybe a little taller or something.” “Uncle!” I snapped at him, seeing Shining shake. “What? I was speaking my mind.” Nessonth said back to me. He looked at Shining and groaned. “At ease.” Shining let out a breath as another, familiar dragon landed beside me. “Hey, didn’t realize you’re here Nessonth.” Amber greeted. “Good to see you to Princess.” Nessonth snapped his claw. “Aissu, check Princess Amber for me.” “Yes Commander.” Aissu said in a soft voice. She walked over and began checking Amber over. Amber squirmed a bit as the Silver dragon looked her over until she was finished. “She’s fine Commander.” “Good, Groryd send a message to the Dragon Emperor.” my uncle ordered the dark red dragon. He nodded as he started to breathe out fire. “Wait, why are you sending a message to my father?” Amber asked. Nessonth looked at her. “Because Princess, your father is coming here, right now.” he explained, making me Amber and me gasp. “The Dragon Emperor, coming here!” I shouted. Amber didn’t say anything as Nessonth nodded. “After learning that there was an attack here he dropped everything to come here. He would’ve been here but there was a storm.” my uncle explained. “Oh, uhh…” Amber shifted a bit with the news of her father coming. “How long with our Emperor get here?” I asked Nessonth. He scratches his chin in thought. “About… midday he’ll get here.” Nessonth said. “In fact, I believe he’ll be joining us for the wedding, so you’ll best behave boy. Also have the wedding outside.” Shining looks around as Nessonth pointed at him as he looked back at the other two. “Groryd, Aissu, let’s go.” “Yes Commander!” the both of them said. Soon the three of them took off into the air. We watch them fly off as Amber let out a shaky breath. “My dad is coming, here! What am I going to do?” she questions herself. I move over to her and put a claw on her shoulder. “Don’t worry Amber, when he finds out what happened here…” I paused for a moment, I don’t know what will happen when he get’s here. “Excuse me, but what did he mean by ‘have the wedding outside,’?” Shining asked. “So far you all are pretty small for dragons.” “Ah, you must be thinking about the size of Wild Dragons correct?” I asked him. He nodded at me to continue. “Well those dragons are big due to their greed, they bloat up and be monstrous in size but don’t have much control of themselves. So normal dragons can grow that size but at a slower rate.” “Yeah, Twi here is about the same size as Princess Luna so that’s around six feet or so, the Dragoons are about seven to eight feet tall and I’m about ten to twelve.” Amber said. “My Uncle is about twenty-five feet tall as the other two are ten feet bigger as you can tell.” I continued. Shining nodded, keeping track of the numbers. “So… how big is the Dragon Emperor?” Shining asked. I thought about it until I saw a building with a dark grayish dome on top with gold wrapped around it and some designs of stars and golden waves. “About, as tall as that building right there.” I told him. Shining turned to said building and his eyes widen. “That’s… that’s a hundred and ten feet!” Shining yelled. I nodded. “Yup, that’s why my uncle said to have the wedding outside.” I told him. He opened his mouth before closing it. “I’m… going to go talk to Caddy.” With that Shining ran off, followed behind by two guards. Amber let out a sigh as we were now alone. “I hope he doesn’t yell at me…” she muttered under her breath. I gave her a nudge and a smile. “Come on, let’s find Sunset and her friends. I believe we are in need of some relaxation with some friends.” I told her. She smiled a little and nodded. The two of us flew off in search of the others. After finding the group we hang out with them for the next few hours. Rainbow Dash and Amber were racing each other, again, as I sat with Sunset as we went over some notes on magic. Spike was talking to the two Dragoons who were a little battered with the fight with the Changelings. The others were somewhat here, Rarity was with Cadence remaking her dress as Applejack was helping with some rebuilding. I didn’t know that she was so good at rebuilding but I was then informed that she and her family rebuild their barn every few years or so. Pinkie was… somewhere, I don’t know where she disappeared to and everyone else told me to not worry about it, she’ll turn up anywhere. I also have a bowl of gems to share with Spike, Amber, and the Dragoons. Speaking of Amber, she and Rainbow landed after finishing their race and landed panting and sweating a lot. “Man… I never had this much fun… racing…” Rainbow painted. “Same here…” Amber said as the two walked over. Amber grabbed a claw full of Gems and pop them in her mouth. “Hey hey, leave some for the rest of us.” I told her, a little annoyed. She simply grinned at me goofily, which earned her a smack with my tail. Sunset shook her head as the rest laughed until we heard something. It sounded like massive wings flapping in the air. “What in Celestia is that!” Shadow asked as he came up with two guards. Amber looked at me and swallowed the gems in her mouth. “That would be my father.” as she said that a large shadow went over us. We looked up to see a massive dragon flew over us. “That’s your father!” Spike yelled as he fell backward. Sunset picked him up with her magic as Amber nodded. “He’s also the Dragon Emperor.” I told them. Shadow simply watched the Emperor flew over Canterlot and landed some ways away from the place, even from this distance I felt the loud thud of him landing. Amber and I looked at each other and nodded. “Well, let’s go meet him.” Amber said. With that, all of us, Shadow and guards and all, headed towards the Emperor. It took us some time, almost a half an hour, to get to him and… I’m still speechless at the sheer size of him. I looked back at everyone and gesture to the large dragon. “Everyone, meet Dragon Emperor Kysoid.” I introduce them. The Emperor was a massive deep red coloured dragon, his scales were dark enough to look like molten lava laid beneath it. His wings could stretch so far that they could block the sun. He sat on the ground and held himself with a sense of duty and power. Other dragons were around him but compared to him they were simply birds to him. His attention was drawn to Princess Celestia, but to him, she looked like an insect. He didn’t seem to move other than a nod here and there. “That’s… big.” Rainbow said. “And you said a storm slowed him down?!” “Yeah.” Amber said. “Must have been a big one.” “You’re kidding, he could’ve pushed it away with his wings alone!” Rainbow said again. Before anyone else could say anything a loud voice spoke. “Where is Princess Amber and Archmage Twilight?” the Emperor asked. I shivered in fear as he called my name out. I looked over to Amber and saw that same fear as I had. His voice showed no anger or joy, just an unsettling even tone. The two of us stepped forward and flew up towards him. As we got up there his gaze, two piercing gray eyes looked towards us, one that could match and succeed my uncle’s own gaze. “Ahhh, there you are. I have to say you two had an… interesting time here, haven’t you.” “Y-yes sir.” Amber said, trying to keep a good posture but it was failing. I licked my lips as they felt dry. Celestia flew by as the Emperor lifted his head up a bit. Some clouds moved around his horns as they scraped the very sky. “I was told that there were some, outbursts.” his gaze turned to me. “Snapping at the bride days before her wedding, arguing with Princess Celestia out of anger, dueling one of her own guardsmen at such a tension time.” his gaze turned to Amber. “And you, racing around the city where you should’ve been mingling with the nobility, losing one of your mother’s golden garments over a bet.” I turned to Amber as she rubbed the back of her head. “I uh… bet it to Rainbow…” “And overall, the two of you are not what I saw when I sent one of my blood and my Archmage to work on a treaty.” he said. I hung my head in shame. I knew that what I did was wrong, I should’ve kept my temper back. Amber also hung her head in shame. “But.” The two of us looked up at him. “As I was told, the bride was that of a creature called a Changeling, one that could shapeshift into any pony she wants, and the events continued it would have led to a war between the three races, but Amber,” he turned to her and smiled. “My daughter, you have stepped up to bring a more peaceful solution to them and maybe, a treaty with them along with the Ponies of Equestria. For that, I’m proud of you.” I watched as Amber seemed to glow with pride of herself. The Emperor looked over at me. “And for you Twilight Scintillula, even with your outbursts you have shown confidence in your ability and found something of your past, something that you didn’t even know.” I blinked at him, did he know? “For that, I’m glad that my daughter asked you to go with her for this mission.” the Emperor looked towards the Solar deity. “I believe there’s without a doubt that the treaty shall be approved?” “Yes Emperor Kysoid, I believe that after the events of the wedding and some talking, I think we should open our borders to each other’s lands.” Princess Celestia said with a smile. I smiled happily at this as I looked at Amber, who was also smiling. “That’s good, now with that out of the way I believe there’s a Changeling Queen to talk to and a Wedding to finish.” the Emperor spread his wings and gave a few flaps, blowing the air away from us and blowing away everything until there was a large spot in front of us. “I believe this is a good spoke, don’t you think Princess?” “Yes, I believe so as well.” Celestia said. The Emperor nodded and looked over at me and Amber. “You two can go now, hang out with your new friends and,” he looked over at me. “Family. I’ll take care of everything.” The two of us bowed at them and flew down to our friends, who were dusting themselves off from what the Emperor did. “So, what did he say?” Rainbow asked. I smiled at her. “The treaty came through, everything is good.” I told her. The group cheered at this. “We should celebrate!” Pinkie yelled out of nowhere, making confetti burst out behind her, which was behind me, making me yelp. “Don’t do that! Wait, how did you do that?” “Do what?” “Appear out of nowhere!” “I wasn’t nowhere, I was behind you.” “No you weren’t!” I snapped at her. She simply gave me a smile and booped my nose. “You’re silly, now party!” with that she bounced off. My eye twitched at this so much so that my wing shifted oddly. “Calm Twilight, calm.” Amber said, making me smack her with my wing. “Ow! What did I do this time!” “Let me be twitchy!” I snapped at her. She stared at me before shaking her head. “Okay, I get all those other times, but this is just dumb.” she deadpanned. I sighed as I looked down to the ground. “She just… makes no sense to me.” I told her. She patted my shoulder with her claw. “Just don’t worry about it Twi, let’s go have fun till the wedding.” she told me. With a smile, the two of us followed the others to this party. It was after the Wedding and everyone was in high spirits. Oddly there was this unicorn that’s a DJ from Sunset’s town of Ponyville. A white mare with an electric blue coloured mane and sunglasses. Why she has them on at night? Well I asked her and she said she can. Overall the wedding went off smoothly, Shining and Cadence got married with everypony there along with the dragons. Kinda spooky with a giant dragon looking down at this but hey, I heard Equestria is also home to the weird. Look at the pink pony. As the music played I watched everyone dance and enjoy their time. I sipped from some apple cider as I watched on the party goers. “Excuse me? Is this seat taken?” a mare’s voice asked me. I looked and saw an amber coloured mare with a greenish mane. She smiled at me as she waited. “No, it’s free.” I told her. She smiled as she got up on the chair and watched the others dance. “This place is so peaceful and happy, even after the Changeling attack.” the mare said. I nodded at this. “What can I say, these ponies seem to bounce back quickly.” I told her. I looked over to the mare and got a sense that I seen her before. “Say… did we ever met before?” “You can say that,” she looked over at me. “How about the name Ril?” I blinked at this, wasn’t that the same name as the Changeling Queen’s daughter? As I stared at her there was a wave for amber fire that showed me the Changeling Princess for a moment before returning back to normal. “Ohhh, you’re her!” I said, making Ril giggle. “Yeah, I’m me, nice to meet you again!” she said. “What are you doing here?” I asked her. She gave me a look as if I was crazy. “It’s a party, I like parties and cake. Like that dragon over there.” she pointed to the large table where my uncle was happily eating some cake. I chuckled at this before looking back at Ril. “How’s your mom?” I asked her. She stared off into the crowd, no mostly past them as she thought of something. “She’s… alright. She’s still dealing with this treaty thing but as long as it keeps the hive going she’ll follow through.” she turned back to me. “She said that there’s going to be a few drones come around in disguise while we move the hive a bit closer so it doesn’t take weeks to go back and forth.” “I see, well I do hope everything gets better for you all.” I told her. She let out a sigh. “Yeah, it’s just seeing if any ponies accept us Changelings and the Changelings accepting the ponies.” she said softly before perking up. “But hey, things will be alright, I know it will!” “I believe so too Ril… I believe so too.” I said. The two of us sat there before Ril went off again. As I watched her I saw two other ponies watching her, there was something off about them and saw the Ril walked toward them and talk to them. Where they other Changelings? I decide not to dwell on it as Amber came up to me. “Come on Twilight, come dance!” “Oh no, you know that I don’t danc-ahh!” I was pulled off my seat and onto the dance floor with everyone around me. Oh this is going to be a night. What’s with me and long nights? After the next few days after the party, I stood in front of the airship that was getting ready to head back home. Amber was going to be staying with her father as he was still working out some things while I was going back. As much as Canterlot was… interesting I simply want to go home. Celestia was kind enough to let me have some books, which was really two tall stacks of them, she didn’t really mind after everything everyone been through. I watched the Dragoons carry the last few items onto the airship as I turned around to see my family there to say goodbye. “You sure you have to leave so soon?” Cadence asked me. “Yeah, as much I love to stay I have my own duties over there, also my family there would be worried as well if I don’t come back.” I told her. She was a little sad about this but she gave me a smile and a hug. “I wished we met in better circumstances.” Cadence admit. I chuckled at this. “I don’t know, I think it was kinda fun.” I laughed to see both Cadence and Shining’s expressions that they didn’t think so. “It was a joke…” “Moving along.” Velvet said, moving up to me with a smile. “Do come back to visit, you have a home here.” “I will.” I told her, hugging my mom. She smiled before chuckling. “I would also want to meet the ones that raised you, it be interesting.” she said with a smirk. I laughed at this, not really sure if how that would turn out. “I’ll tell them that.” I said. Mom gave me a smile before Shining came up to me. “I guess I’ll see you little sister.” he said with a smile. I laughed at this. “Little? I’m bigger than you!” I pointed out. He simply rolled his eyes. “You get what I mean.” he said. The two of us laughed before I heard one of the crew yell out that everything is ready. I looked back at my family and gave them all a hug. I soon got abroad on the ship as it was about to take off. I stood by the starboard side of the ship and waved at the others as the ship took off. “You’ll see them again Twi.” my uncle said. I smiled at this as I looked over at him. “Yeah… I have a feeling that I will.” > A storm is brewing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the airship sailed off in the sky away from Canterlot, far away from what even the newest maps tell is a large storm cloud. Lightning shot through the cloud like a snake striking and a loud, booming sound of thunder rocked the land below. But that’s not what’s strange about this storm, inside the angry gray clouds are buildings of old, ones that seen many years of other storms that rocked the world. This day though a dark blue pegasus with a gray mane flew towards a large dark gray building that been made out of the same storm cloud, lightning shot through the walls like veins of one's body. The pegasus wore what looked like old Norse armor, it hugged the mares frame as she trotted into the building. The interior of the building seemed to be layered with old dark wood that held stone statues of pegasi of old, the mare passed them as she made her way towards the large doors in the back. Two pegasi stood on either side of the door, wearing the same armor as the mare while one is holding a spear the other an ax. The mare nodded at the two before they nodded back, opening the large, rune etched wooden door. The mare trotted inside were the air was moist and smelled of rain. The room was dome shaped with a windows of the outside around her. Lightning flashed past the windows, lighting up the room to show another pony, one taller than the mare. Her mane was a dark purple colour with flashes of lights that looked like lightening passing through it as it billowed out behind her. Her fur was a dark blue, grayish colour that was adorned with a crown of dark gray metal with a blue gem in the middle. Her garments were that of the same metal with images of lightning crashing and adorned with yellow and gold gems. She hummed in thought as the mare came closer and bowed. “My Valkyrie, you have news?” the taller mare asked, her voice was calm and smoothed. The mare stood up from her bow at this. “Yes my Princess, I do,” the mare cleared her throat before continuing. “We finally gathered up all the runaway storms that got out, it was tricky but we finished it in record time.” “Good, was there any complications?” the Princess asked, tilting her head a bit. “No, not really,” The mare said. “Just that the last one took a little more time than what was hope for.” “What do you mean?” the Princess asked, tilting her head a bit. “Well, as the others were getting ready to gather it a group of dragons flew through it,” the mare explained. “They weren’t Storm Drakes, just some normal ones other than one large one. It scales looked that of molten lava brewed underneath.” “Ahhh, the Dragon Emperor,” the Princess hummed. She soon stood up and moved towards the mare. The mare looked up at her Princesses golden eye. She stood there looking down at her Valkyrie as she brewed on the information she was given. “I thank you my Valkyrie, you are dismissed.” “Thank you my Princess, may the storm guide you.” With a bow the mare trotted off, closing the doors behind. The Princess walked over to a window and peer out to the storm outside. Lightning from the walls jumped out and into her horn, sparks jumped off of her horn as she unfurled her large wings. With one beat of her wings the clouds parted to show her of her kingdom. Pegasi flew in the arm and on the storm clouds below as they went on their lives. She hummed in thought as she continue watching. The Storm guides us all.