
by olookabee

First published

" you not love me anymore?" "Discord...I'm saying no because I love you."

Discord's proposal to Fluttershy takes an unexpected turn when she rejects him. But her reason why helps them both to grow in their relationship together.

12/30/15: Fixed some grammatical errors.


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It was the perfect plan. Discord had prepared the most romantic date possible, on the two-year anniversary of when they had become a couple. He had set up their dinner at the gazebo on the edge of Ponyville, and told her to wear her best dress. He wore his bright blue tuxedo with neon orange cuffs and polka-dotted bow tie. There were candles, roses, violins, and he had even picked out Fluttershy’s favorite foods for their meal.

The entire evening was going swimmingly. She had shown up wearing a simple, pink satin dress, with her mane done up in a high bun. She had said that everything was beautiful, and complimented him on how thoughtful he was for doing all of this for their anniversary. He simply chuckled, and told her that it had been no trouble at all. Then, right at sunset, he took Fluttershy’s hoof, got down on one knee, and asked her the question that this entire night rested on. He gazed at her eagerly in anticipation, and had already begun to imagine the wedding in his head. Fluttershy stared down at the ring he held in his paw, and closed her eyes in thought before answering.

“No.” Discord stared at her in bewilderment, not sure if he had heard her right. He took the claw that had been holding Fluttershy’s hoof, and tapped on the side of his head, multiple random objects falling out the other ear.

“I-I’m sorry dear, I don’t believe I heard you correctly. Can you repeat that?” Fluttershy sighed, and looked up at Discord with a bit more confidence.

“I said no, Discord.” Discord continued to gape at her, not believing what he had heard.

“N-no? What do you mean no?!” For once in his life, Discord was utterly confused. Didn’t Fluttershy love him? She had said so many times before, and the feeling was very mutual. Did I do something wrong? he thought to himself. Have I upset her in anyway? Or… the last question that Discord had been dreading slipped into his mind. Is she not in love with me anymore?

“Discord, I-,” she stopped speaking and looked as if she was pondering something.

“ you not love me anymore?” he asked quietly. He was fearful of her answer. Fluttershy meant the world to him. He would even go as far to say that he loved her more than chaos itself. He wasn’t sure what he would do without her.

“No, Discord, I still love you!” she said in a reassuring voice. She stepped down from her chair, and flew up to place her hooves on his shoulders. Discord immediately felt relieved, and the look of fear on his face was replaced concern.

“Discord...I’m saying no because I love you.”


“Discord, I-I just don’t think we’re ready to get married yet.”

“Not ready? Well, what else is there to do?” Discord asked with a hint of frustration in his voice. “We’re in love, aren’t we?” Fluttershy took her hooves away from his shoulders, and again sat down. She waved her hoof, motioning for him to do the same. Discord crossed his arms, almost like a frustrated child, and snapped the tuft on his tail like a hand. Immediately, the chair behind him sprouted legs and waddled over him. Discord sat down, and stared impatiently at Fluttershy.

“Discord, there’s a lot more to marriage than just being in love,” she said quietly, placing her hoof on his arm. “It’s a lot different than being special someponies.”

“Well I know that Fluttershy,” Discord interjected. Fluttershy’s brow creased, and Discord gulped, realizing he may have put too much arrogance into his statement. “I’m sorry dear,” he said, taking her hooves in his paw and claw. “What I meant was I’m aware that being married is different than being special someponies.” Her face returned to its normal, kind state. “So...what is it, dear? What’s this mysterious thing we have to do before we get married? I’m all ears!” he said eagerly, a notepad and pencil appearing before him. Fluttershy giggled at his antics, but quickly settled herself.

“’s not one specific thing, and I’m no expert on love,” she said quietly, “but I have learned a few things over years of watching other married couples. One thing I know, Discord, is that marriage requires more than just having loving feelings for each other. You have to be able to forget about yourself, and only want what’s best for the other pony. You also have to trust the other pony completely, so much so that you freely give yourself to them, knowing they won’t hurt you or take advantage of you.”

Discord paused for a moment to think. He had never really thought that deeply about marriage. He realized in fact that he never understood why ponies married each other. Before he started having feelings for Fluttershy, the entire concept of marriage seemed entirely pointless to him. Before Discord had decided to propose to Fluttershy, he had a long while to think. With Fluttershy, marriage didn’t sound as pointless and dull as he originally thought it did. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but something about the idea of being married to Fluttershy sounded wonderful. And after her explanation of what marriage meant to her, Discord felt that he understood why he wanted to be married to Fluttershy.

“I think I understand, dear. And if you don’t believe that you and I are ready to be husband and wife, then we’ll just wait until the right time.” He smiled warmly at her and reached over to squeeze her hoof. She smiled back at him, and reached up to kiss his cheek.

“Thank you, Discord. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” Discord chuckled, and pulled her into an embrace. He absolutely loathed waiting for anything; but he never minded doing it if it made Fluttershy happy.