> Just a dent in the plan. > by Ekhidna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was not having a good day. At all. First a new threat made itself present in Equestria. Okay, no biggie, that tended to happen a lot as of late. Secondly his surrogate mother revealed them this new threat was Tirek; an old and very powerful and dangerous foe. If it made his mother afraid then this guy was no laughing matter. Thirdly, she had entrusted Discord to deal with Tirek. Of all the creatures in the world she had trusted Discord when she refused his help to deal with Tirek and asked him to not interfere like always? He knew his mother was quite the chessmaster so he decided to obey her, as always. Still, her decisions made him wonder what she was trying to achieve this time. Fourthly, and to anyone but Fluttershy’s surprise, Discord betrayed them and sided with Tirek. Fifthly, and this was the icing on the cake, Discord got his just desserts when Tirek sucked him dry out of magic. And then trapped him along with the girls and himself just before hunting Twilight down; their ensuing battle changing quite a few landscapes he was sure if the earthquakes, red sky and the distant explosions were anything to go by. There was huge explosion of magic off in the distance and then everything went relatively silent for about ten seconds. “Did Twilight win?” Rainbow Dash asked two seconds before they all suddenly appeared in separate bubbles above Tirek. “Your friends in exchange for all the alicorn magic in Equestria?” Tirek said cockily. Now here he was, inside a bubble along his friends and Discord, held as bargain chips against Twilight. Spike managed to take a quick glance around seeing the destruction caused by their battle and felt proud of Twilight for not only going head on against her foe but also managing to control such raw power so well. Well, her talent IS magic after all. “All of my friends,” he heard Twilight say firmly just as the bubble pop out and he landed on the floor. “After the way he has betrayed you, you still call him a friend!?” Tirek asked with a hint of disbelief and anger in his voice. Kinda has a point there, Spike thought glancing up at the depressed draconequus. “Release him!” Twilight demanded. “If that’s what you want,” Tirek agreed snapping his fingers and releasing Discord. “Thank you, Twilight,” Discord thanked right before turning to face Fluttershy. “I’m sorry,” he said with an expression that could only be described as a kicked dog. “I know,” the shy mare replied with tears in her eyes, unable to look at Discord for the time being. Discord’s face fell even further and his inner pain was clear in his eyes. Spike chuckled internally. So that’s what you were going for, mom. Kill two birds with one stone, eh? He thought a bit distracted. He heard Twilight moan and protest before falling to the ground completely drained out of magic. “RRRAAAAAYYEEEEESSSSHHHH!” Tirek roared in victory while growing bigger. That look in his eyes….. he’s mad with power…..And he does look strong, like, really strong. And…..and he’s leaving……, Spike sighed internally feeling frustrated. His mother had been right once again. Now that Tirek had what he wanted he simply left certain that victory was his. Nightmare Moon I can understand. Discord? That was a close call. Chrysalis got lucky her plan backfired…..also, who the buck sings about their evil plans like that? Pretty good singer though, I’ll give her that. Sombra? Another close call thanks to that gate. Spike felt like grumbling but instead rushed to Twilight. “Twilight, what were you thinking?” I mean, besides you and Discord learning your lesson? Spike didn’t put much attention to what Discord was saying, he was understandably mad with him for his betrayal. Discord was about to put the medallion around Twilight’s neck when he turned to see Tirek. Now, how are they going to defeat….Tirek? Spike thought with a bit of worry seeing the giant centaur stop and turn to face the group of friends. …..I don’t like where this is going. Tirek’s eyes narrowed and his lips curled up in a rather creepy, sadistic way. That can’t be good. “Now that I remember,” Tirek said with his rumbling voice and volume making Discord drop the medallion to the ground and the six mares to flinch back in fear. “You six are the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony,” he eyed them dangerously. Totally not good. “It would be…..unwise to let you roam about,” Tirek said while charging energy in his horns. “There’s no telling what you could do.” Oh…..pony feathers. Spike’s eyes went wide with realization as Twilight hugged him tightly and the rest of the girls and Discord hugged her. He could feel the fear coming from all of them and the look in Tirek’s eyes told him he was going in for the kill. “If I allow you the chance,” with that said Tirek shot a destructive magic beam against the group. The group hugged together tighter and closed their eyes waiting for the inevitable end. Seconds passed but the magic blast never hit them. Opening their eyes one by one the six mares and the draconequus saw Spike standing in front of them with his little left arm up, as if it were pointing to the sky. There was an immense explosion high in the sky that made them look up only to see a bright ball of pure magic dissipate in a matter of seconds. After it was gone they turned their gazes back to Spike before he brought his left arm down. They had no idea what had just happened and if Tirek’s expression was anything to go by the centaur was in the same boat. Spike sighed heavily with an air of disappointment. “Really? You stole that much magic power, including the power of the four alicorn princesses and Discord, and that’s the best you’ve got?” the little dragon crossed his arms. “You got my hopes high but turns out you’re just another power hungry tyrant overlord wannabe.” Tirek narrowed his eyes at the little dragon before he burst out laughing. “Bwahahahaha! You got quite the spirit, little dragon. No one has ever dared to talk to me like that,” Tirek took a step forward. “But, pray tell, how did you bounce off my blast?” Spike looked at the titanic centaur with a blank stare before raising his left arm. “With my arm.” Tirek laughed again albeit quieter. “I figured out that much on my own. What I want to know is how were you able to do it in the first place.” “It wasn’t all that hard, your attack was pretty weak to begin with, I only had to deflect it.” This time Tirek didn’t laugh. Instead his eyes narrowed and his expression hardened. “Boy, your initial insolence may have being funny--” “Thanks! I’m no Pinkie Pie but I try to be funny whenever I can,” Spike said smiling at Tirek. Tirek’s right eye twitched in annoyance. “Spike, what the hay are you doing!?” Twilight asked in her downed state. Spike turned to face his group of friends and Discord staring at him with disbelief. He could see the worry they held for him in their eyes and smiled back at them, confusing them to no end. “Don’t worry guys, I’ll take care of him,” Spike said before turning to face Tirek once more. Tirek took another step closer and neighed. “You know, I was actually entertaining the thought of letting you join me but your insolence is something I cannot tolerate.” Spike sighed. “Listen, I really, really, really would love to fight you…..if you were actually strong,” Tirek’s eyes widened with anger while the group behind him gasped in horror, unable to say or do anything other than watch Spike dig his own early grave. Putting both hands in his hips Spike continued. “So how about we make a deal instead? You give back all the power you stole and I let you live.” The wind blowing was the only sound that followed Spike’s proposition for almost half a minute until it was cut by a mad roar and a blast of magic. Spike deflected the magic blast of Tirek with a backhand slap back to the centaur. Tirek himself had just enough time to bounce off his own attack sky high with a barrier around him. Several seconds later an explosion was heard and Tirek looked down at Spike with a mix of anger and confusion. “So, what do you say?” Spike said nonchalantly. Tirek composed himself and smirked. “It seems you are more than meets the eye, Boy. You amuse me, so why don’t you move along before I decide you’re an actual threat?” “I can’t do that, I’m Twilight’s Number One Assistant. What kind of assistant would leave his best friend and his other friends….and Discord behind?” “The kind that lives,” Tirek replied dryly. “......My offer is still up, you know?” Tirek snarled angrily. “You still haven’t learned your lesson, have you?” “Oh, I did! Some time ago I had a bit of an existential problem but that got sorted out quite well…...I miss Peewee though, but in two more years he’ll be old and big enough to stay with me.” “You think you’re being cute, Boy?” Tirek asked in a deadpan tone. “Hey! I may be small but I’m still a guy!” Spike shouted back clearly offended. “I’m not ‘cute’, I’m handsome!” Spike then pointed a claw at him. “And as if you’re one to talk, you’re uglier than Discord!” Spike quickly took a glance back to said God of Chaos. “No offense,” he said before turning his attention back to Tirek. Tirek gritted his teeth while at the same time snarling and huffing in anger. He closed his eyes for two seconds before he smirked. Tirek opened his mouth while focusing on sucking away the magic energy out of the little dragon. But nothing came. Opening his eyes he looked down at the dragon before trying again earning the same result. “That little trick won’t work on me, you know?” Spike said crossing his arms. “I see. You don’t have any magical energy,” Then how was he able to block my attacks? Tirek thought with great interest. “No, no, no. I do have magical power; I’m probably the only dragon that does. Not that it really matters, I don’t have that much to be honest. And I only use it to send or receive letters.” Spike sighed again. “What I meant was that your little trick won’t work on me because I don’t allow you to take it.” “You don’t….allow me…..,” Tirek droned out with shaky fists. “I’m going to crush you with my bare hands, Boy. I have tolerated your insolence long enough as it is.” “My name is Spike,” he said letting his arms rest at his sides while his hands turned into fists. “Let’s make this a little more fair, shall we? I’ll even give you a free shot.” Not a second later had those words left his mouth Tirek leaped at Spike with the sole intention of grinding the baby dragon to the ground and turning him into a bloody stain. Twilight and her friends watched in silent horror, knowing they could barely move much less do anything to help Spike, as Tirek closed in with both arms ready to strike the young dragon down. The same young dragon that didn’t even flinch or move out of the way. Suddenly Tirek pressed his hands against the ground less than a meter away from Spike, rolled in the air, twirled around three times using his right arm and then flipped back landing at least twenty meters away from Spike. The action alone stunned Twilight and company but Tirek’s expression made the running hamsters inside their heads stop. Tirek had his eyes as wide as they could be, his teeth were pressed tightly together and he was sweating so much it looked he had just come out from a several hours long spa session. His entire body was shaking and his breathing was either nonexistent or just imperceptible. His gaze, however, was glued to Spike; who just had his tiny left fist up just above his waistline. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to take your free shot?” Spike asked a bit confused. Wh-What’s going on. He’s just a stupid whelp! Tirek shouted to himself. But….but...every fiber in my body….every instinct in me is shouting me to stay away from him! That he is dangerous! WHY!? I’m Lord Tirek and he’s just a pathetic little slave whelp! Tirek thought swallowing what felt like a brick in his throat. He couldn’t see it but he could feel the raw power that overwhelmed him mere milliseconds before he could hit the dragon. Spike arched a proverbial eyebrow that caused Tirek to flinch and recoil in borderline panic. This...this cannot be, I’m afraid of an insignificant slave dragon. Tirek was many things; proud, powerful, cunning, a bit overconfident and a masterful deceiver. But an idiot he was not, nor did he allowed his own ego to blind him to the realities of the world around him. He knew he was no match for Discord before and he knew he would be no match against the Elements of Harmony. Just a second long glance into the eyes of the whelp in front of him assured he was no match for the dragon. Eyes that reflected resolve, strength, power and might beyond he had ever seen before. Eyes that on the outside looked oh so innocent but in the inside held the exact opposite or worse. His only proof being the sheer force of the aura and killing intent the little whelp showed him, it was enough to send a clear and simple message. If...if I hadn’t stop he would’ve killed me without a second thought or mercy. That realization was made even worse when another realization hit him. He’s stronger than me. “WHAT IN TARTARUS ARE YOU!?” Tirek suddenly shouted with shaky legs. He took numerous deep and long breaths before he took a step forward. Tirek was aware his fear was palpable but that didn’t matter to him right now; he only cared for an answer to his question. “Mmmmm,” Spike took a glance up and down on himself. “A dragon? I thought that was obvious.” “.....,” Tirek wanted to retort back but the fear of offending the dragon didn’t allow him to do anything else but groan and grumble. “Are you taking your free shot or not?” Spike asked taking a step towards Tirek. The titanic Centaur flinched in fear but didn’t move; he was rooted with fear. Why in the name of Celestia can’t I break eye contact!? He knew the answer. He was afraid that if he lost sight of the dragon, even for a single blink, the whelp would end him where he stood. “Ah! You’re giving me a free shot!” Spike smiled with childlike wonder at Tirek. Tirek, on the other hand, was horrified and tried to teleport away but found that channeling magic was impossible. He wanted to get away and put as much distance between him and the dragon as he possibly could but his legs didn’t answer to his desires. Spike began to walk towards him with a raised fist ready to strike him down. “I SURRENDER!” Tirek shouted madly. “I SURRENDER, PLEASE, STAY AWAY!” Spike stopped his march and brought his fist down much to Tirek’s joy. “Y-you win,” Tirek said before gulping in relief. “Then you accept my offer?” Spike asked crossing his arms. “Y-yes, anything you want, just please….stay away from me,” Tirek looked like he was ready to pass out now that the little dragon’s killing intent and suffocating aura had simply vanished. Their gazes locked for almost a minute until Tirek opened his mouth letting absurd amounts of energy fly out in search of their real owners. Tirek began to shrink as more and more magic left his body. The first to find their original owners were of course the ones belonging to Twilight, her friends and Discord. It took several minutes but in the end Tirek was now back at his old looking original self. He shut his mouth and looked at the dragon a few meters in front of him tapping his foot against the ground. “All of it.” Tirek felt a cold chill run up his spine before he reopened his mouth and a small trend of magic left. “Good boy,” Spike said smiling warmly at him. “Now, you’re going back to Tartarus, alright?” Tirek tried to glare at the dragon but found himself thankful to hear his next destination. “I never thought I’d be happy to return there, but as long as you stay away from me….,” Tirek gulped. Having nothing better to do the centaur decided to sit down and wait for Celestia and Luna to send him away. Looking past the dragon he saw the other seven walking up to them with petrified expressions. Then something popped inside his head. “Why do you serve them?” “Hum?” Spike replied. Tirek flinched a bit and gulped before speaking again. “W-with the power you wield you could easily… defeat them all and rule over Equestria….maybe even the entire planet. So why do you serve them?” A simple question made with careful words, he didn’t want to anger the dragon in any way. “You wouldn’t understand my motives,” Spike sighed tiredly. “But thanks to you I have a LOT of explaining to do. But to answer your question, well,” Spike looked back at his friends and smiled. “Let’s just say I live to protect them.” A couple of moments later three alicorn princesses teleported near them. Cadance was confused but relieved her sister-in-law and friends were unharmed. Celestia and Luna though  were glancing back and forth between Tirek, Spike and the still slightly stunned group. Luna was confused when Celestia turned completely to face Spike with a face that demanded an explanation. Again, Spike was not having a good day. End.