> Dream Cum True > by dirty little secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreams Really Do Come True > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the beginning of Princess Luna's shift of watching over the night, and as was her custom, she started right away with soothing the dreams of Equestria's ponies. It was her favorite part of the night-to-night routine, and true to her secretly impulsive nature, she always took her favorite part first. She'd never been very good at self-deprivation. That was more Celestia's thing. The last few nights though, she'd felt something odd in the dreamscape, and as she entered the other world now, she knew she was drawing close to it, almost there. She would find out what it was tonight, and she would see the end of it. Who knew what evil might lurk there? Ponies' unguarded thoughts roamed free like wolves in the night in this magical not-reality. It would be a dangerous place if she wasn't nearly all-powerful in this realm. And there it was, the thing that should not be. It should not have existed, and in a way it didn't. It was a hole in the dreams, a void full of nothing at all. That was impossible. Everypony dreamed, and everypony's dreams were connected. But here was a place where a pony's dreams should be, and yet they were not. It was puzzling, that was for certain. She tried to touch the void and found that she could not. Nothing stopped her from touching it, and yet she could not touch it. Definitely odd. In all her centuries of walking through dreams, she had never seen anything like it. But, of course, it was only dream magic, and Princess Luna had invented dream magic. It was hardly an effort at all to step around the surface of the sphere to the inside. Whoever had made the void had evidently only been thinking in three dimensions. A common mistake, thinking that the dream world's geometry was the same as the waking world's. Inside the border of the mysterious void, there was only one pony's dream. It had been impossible to see from outside, but now the taste of it was everywhere: Twilight Sparkle. Princess Twilight Sparkle now, Luna reminded herself. Of course. Who else could have developed a new way to enclose herself in a dream void? The real question, though, was why she would do such an odd thing. Perhaps entering the dream would provide some answers... Luna stepped into the dream, and her hooves touched soft grass. She was in Ponyville's center green space, near the town hall. The sun shone brightly, but there were only a few ponies here, not the usual busy crowd bustling to and fro. The dream had been magically altered – that was certain. Any pony's natural dream would have placed ponies all over the area. They might be faceless decoys just there to make the scene more realistic, only gaining detail as the dreamer paid attention to them, but they would be there. This emptiness was unsettling. She approached the small group of ponies, slowly coming around the bend of the big round building toward them. Twilight was there, of course. It was her dream after all. The only other ponies were half a dozen stallions, all of them recognizable from her previous visits to the real Ponyville. The curious thing, though, was what the stallions were doing ... namely, Twilight. The little purple princess's muffled moans became loud cries for a moment after Big Macintosh pulled his massive shaft out of her throat, but the cum-soaked yelps of erotic over-stimulation lasted only a moment before her mouth was filled by Thunderlane, who had been rather unrealistically provided with an endowment every bit the equal of Big Mac's. And yet, that was nothing compared to what Twilight's dream had given to Caramel. Luna had barely met him in the waking world, and from her impression of the unassuming but very kind stallion, the way he was savaging Twilight's pussy with his monstrously oversized cock seemed completely out of character. Balls big enough for a dozen ponies dangled from him, bumping Twilight's widely spread legs, and as Luna watched, they clenched and unloaded themselves into the little Princess. Twilight should have fairly burst from the load she was taking, but her dream must have altered more than a few niggling anatomical details, because as soon as Caramel's flaccid length flopped out of her, she was presenting herself to a newly-recovered Big Macintosh, who shoved himself into her without a thought. Luna had seen enough. She should leave. But she didn't. She kept staring, fascinated at this side of Twilight Sparkle she had never seen before, never guessed at. Did anypony else know that Twilight entertained such fantasies in the dark of night? Almost certainly not. It was Twilight's secret, a secret Luna now shared with her and none other. All the stallions around Twilight were busily working at themselves with their own hooves. As she watched, one of them shuddered and flung gooey white strands all over Twilight's left side, coating her wing and flank. Her mouth still packed full, Twilight glanced over at him and smiled slightly. Luna only noticed that her own body was reacting after she felt the warm trickle of her own wetness down her back leg. Goodness, was she enjoying this too much? The better question, she told herself, was whether she could purloin one of the stallions away without Twilight noticing. Twilight would be awfully busy with what she was doing, and those optimistically-sized cocks did look awfully tasty. Why, if she could just— No! She forced herself to stop that line of thinking. She had intruded enough already. Time to go, while her presence here was still a secret. She slipped out of the dream, and then out of the void as well, slipping around the built-in alarm bells in Twilight's spell as if they weren't even there. An amateurish effort if ever she had seen one, but then again, Twilight Sparkle was very new at this. It was impressive for her to be manipulating the dreamscape at all. The question, though, was what to do about it. Shaken, Luna exited the dreamscape, slipping back outward to the waking world. How could she face the other alicorn now, after having seen something like that? Already, she was beginning to dread her next meeting with Twilight, nurturing an irrational fear that Twilight would be able to see the guilt in her eyes and know exactly what happened. Sure, Twilight was not often the most perceptive of ponies about emotional matters, and sure, there was no way she could have the slightest inkling of having been spied on... But that fear wouldn’t go away. Luna began pacing across the room until it became far to constricting. She left and stalked up and down the hallway instead. What would make Twilight, normally such a diligent and uptight mare, go to such extremes as creating a magical dreamscape just for herself and populating it like that? Why, in the waking world, Luna had barely ever even seen her so much as speak to a stallion, much less... Oh, of course. It was Twilight's own shyness and recalcitrance that must have made her so desperate in the first place. The poor mare was probably still a virgin, or if not, she definitely wasn't getting satisfied on a regular basis. Her guards were not at their stations, she noticed for the first time. Curious... A couple doors down, she heard a muffled shuffle and ruffle, and a couple grunts. The door was already slightly cracked, so she peeked in. She was not prepared for what she saw inside, especially not after what she'd already witnessed in Twilight's dream. Her two night guards on duty were very much neglecting their duties and instead paying intimate attention to two body pillows they had somehow managed to smuggle in. This was not terribly shocking – she'd had quite a lot of stubborn disciplinary problems with her Lunar Guard ever since her return. In her thousand year absence, the Lunar Guard had suffered a serious crisis in leadership that it still hadn't recovered from. No, the shocking part was the images printed onto those two body pillows. One carried a lasciviously posed Princess Twilight Sparkle. The other had an image of Princess Luna herself in a begging-for-it pose she would never stoop to in real life – perhaps in a dream where the dreamer thought Luna was just a figment of their imagination, but never in real life. “Starglide Fangling! Dusky Fluffentuft!” she yelled. Both guards jumped away from their respective pillows and immediately stood at nervously rigid attention. “What is the meaning of this?” Neither of them had the nerve to answer her. A bead of sweat dripped down Starglide's face. “Report!” Dusky gulped, then managed to answer. “I... We, um, we didn't mean anything by this, Princess!” Her glare turned to Starglide. “It, it started as a joke. Our captain found these pillows for sale in one of the novelty shops down in the lower ring of the city. There were plenty of Celestia ones, but these two were almost sold out, and we only had enough bits for two. We were lucky to get them ... did you know, the Luna ones are completely sold out now! Honestly, we didn't mean to, um...” “You did not mean to abandon your posts and leave your Princess unguarded during her most vulnerable time when she is dreamwalking and unaware of the waking world ... so that you could come here and rub your unclean nethers against these poor imitations of Princess Twilight Sparkle and myself?” He winced. “Y-yes. We didn't mean to do, um, that.” His cock was still completely hard and bobbing up and down under his belly. His partner wasn't doing much differently. Did they have no shame at all? Luna's eyebrow rose. Part of her was scheming out an appropriate punishment for these two, while another part was busy trying to find a way to broach the topic of Twilight's crippling inhibitions to her. Then, those two parts met, and she allowed herself a sinister grin. “Starglide, Dusky, since you have proven inept at guarding royalty, I shall put you to use in a different fashion. First, you will each report to Commander Nightsong and request the most grueling punishment duty he can find from now until morning. You will then each find two friends and bring them all to my chambers tomorrow evening.” “Yes Ma'am!” They said in unison. She could see the curiosity in their eyes, despite them being too intimidated to ask, so she decided to give a hint as to why she wanted them, but only a hint. “We will be taking a trip to Ponyville.” Princess Twilight Sparkle yawned deeply and tucked herself into the gigantic, lonely bed of her castle's royal suite. She didn't resent the loneliness of it, though. She had her new spell to occupy her, after all, and satisfaction was only a sleep and a wet dream away. Another run-in with her world's Flash Sentry had given her somewhat of a hankering for royal guards tonight, and she couldn't wait to indulge in it. She would definitely give them all blue hair, and ... and, well maybe she would allow herself to indulge in one or two with blue hair and a white coat ... and maybe a shield for a cutie mark. She definitely didn't have a thing for her brother, oh Goddess no! That just happened to be her type, right? As soon as she clicked the light off with her magic, though, there came a knock from her window. It looked like her nightly satisfaction was going to have to wait a little longer. Using her magic, she flung the window open with a groan. “What is it now, Rainbow?” “I'm sorry to disappoint,” a deep and clear voice answered, “but I am no Rainbow Dash.” Twilight jolted up in bed. “Princess Luna?” “Indeed.” In the darkness, Twilight could make out the Princess of the Night, as well as a contingent of no less than six of her Lunar Guard. She gulped. Had Princess Luna come to arrest her for some reason? She had no right! Twilight had done nothing wrong, nothing at all ... except for that. Her dreamscape spell. What else could have brought Luna down on her? Horseapples – it was all over now! “Relax, Princess Twilight. I mean you no ill.” Luna must have noticed her growing agitation. Twilight struggled to calm herself. “I... Princess, what are you doing here?” Blushing – Twilight couldn't believe she actually just saw Princess Luna blush! – Luna hid her mouth behind her hoof for a moment, then composed herself. “Well, I have brought a gift for you.” “A gift?” It must be something incredibly valuable to justify bringing so many guards to keep it safe. “What's the occasion?” “I apologize, Princess Twilight, but I may have inadvertently witnessed your dreams last night.” “You witnessed my...” It hit Twilight, and then it was her turn to blush. “Wait! I can explain! I...” She looked hard at Luna. “What did you see?” “I saw only what would be very understandable for a pony suffering under such self-imposed isolation as yourself.” “I-I'm not isolated! I have lots of close friends!” Luna nodded dismissively. “But none of those friends are stallions.” “It's nothing!” “It's everything, to a pony who has gone without for too long.” Luna took a deep breath, then continued, “Princess Twilight, I beg your pardon, but I am about to be very blunt: When was the last time you knew a stallion?” Twilight stared at her a moment, mentally knocked reeling by the question. “By 'knew', do you mean—?” “I mean, when was the last time you had a stallion's cock inside you?” Twilight gasped. She couldn't handle hearing words like that from such an untouchably puissant pony. Luna looked at her earnestly. “Have you ever?” By now, Twilight was trembling, unable to control herself and in the grips of something between fear, embarrassment, and anticipation that she couldn't name. She nodded slightly. “But... ever since I became a princess, everything has been different. There's just some ... barrier between me and the common stallions that neither of us is willing to cross.” “And I take it from your dream that you lament this fact?” Twilight froze, too embarrassed to acknowledge it. “Be at ease, Princess Twilight. There is no shame in this, and I have brought a solution for you.” It was starting to dawn on Twilight. “A solution... Your gift?” She glanced at the six lunar guards arrayed behind Princess Luna. “Indeed. I have seen fit to bequeath to you a small cadre of my own Lunar Guard, and they will serve you in any way necessary.” Luna gave a stealthy wink and added in a whisper, “Especially that way.” Twilight's jaw dropped at the thought of it, and her hind legs squirmed together under the covers... Certain parts of her were definitely pleased at the prospect. “That's, ah... That's not really necessary. Princess Celestia already sent me a detachment of royal guards for my castle...” “And have they serviced you?” “Not that way!” Luna smiled. “Then taking these six would be for the best. The best for both of us, actually. You see, these bat ponies are, well, rather prolific breeders. I find myself burdened with too many of them.” “But...” “And after the vampony rumors that have been spreading around these parts, I need my true bat ponies to come and befriend the everyday ponies, to show them that bat ponies are not to be feared.” “But...” “And my sister has her guards posted everywhere, both here and in the Crystal Empire. It is time I spread my own influence out somewhat.” “But!” “And you need not concern yourself with repaying the favor. We are friends, are we not? These six ponies are well-trained and will keep you and your friends safe. They are also eager to rut you like in your dreams.” Twilight felt as if something huge was clutching at her sides. She couldn’t move or say anything ... but she found herself nodding without even thinking about doing so. “Excellent!” Luna beamed a broad smile. “I will leave you to make your introductions. Fare thee well, Princess Twilight!” She stepped back through the line of guards, out through the huge balcony window, and shot off into the night with a flare of her wings. That just left Twilight ... Twilight and a room full of virile bat pony stallions. She looked at them and blinked a few times. They stood in their straight line and stared back at her, unblinking. Well, there was nothing else for it... “Well, um, hello. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” She rose out of bed and stood in front of them, holding one hoof daintily and uncertainly off the floor. Was she even doing this right? “Sergeant Starglide Fangling, reporting.” “Private Second Class Glimmerlight reporting.” “Specialist Squeaks McGee, reporting.” “Private First Class Night Spear, reporting.” “Second Lieutenant Midnight Fray, battalion commander, reporting.” “Staff Sergeant Dusky Fluffentuft, reporting,” They all said, going down the line one by one. Twilight stared, wide-eyed and tight-lipped. She had no idea how she was going to remember which one was which. They all looked exactly the same: dark grey and beefy, with the same helmet and armor in flowing purple and blue. Even their eyes were all the same, slitted and yellow. A dirty thought filtered into her mind – were their other appendages all the same? She licked her lips unconsciously. They remained at attention, awaiting her command. “Um, well, I...” She took a deep breath. “I'm not sure how much Princess Luna told you about—” The Lieutenant cleared his throat. “We have only been ordered to come here and serve you in any way you require, Ma'am. No further briefing on our mission here was given.” “Ah... right. Your mission.” Twilight looked at them in silence for a moment. Could she really go through with this? Sure, she'd done it plenty of times in her dreams, but this was something entirely different. Would they even do it? What if somepony found out? Taking a deep breath, she looked each one of them in the eyes. “Before I say anything about it, you must all swear to absolute secrecy – none of this can leave this room under any circumstances.” “We will not fail you.” “Yes, Princess.” “Of course.” “On my life.” “Certainly, Ma'am.” “Your secrets are safe with us.” Okay, so this was it. How would they react? Twilight hesitated for a moment, briefly considering backing out of the whole deal – it wasn't too late to do that. But no ... how could she afford to pass this up, an opportunity to finally live out her impossible, unspeakable fantasy. So... Time to tell them. That would be the hardest part, wouldn't it? “Well, I, um...” Twilight shook herself. That was no way for a princess to speak. She had to keep it together. It was just a matter of wording it properly. Then it wouldn't sound awkward at all... right? “I'm going to need your services of a sexual nature.” She winced internally. It sounded more awkward than ever! “Of course, Princess,” one of the bat pony guards said. He was the one who had introduced himself as a lieutenant, she was almost sure. “Permission to speak freely?” Well, she had walked right into it. Here would come the part where they mocked her for her illicit needs. She deserved it, she supposed, and it would be better to hear it openly than to be wondering if they were silently hiding it. “Go ahead.” “It appears to me – and I mean no offense by saying so – that you may be somewhat inexperienced in such matters?” Twilight nodded. That seemed to increase his confidence. “Then may I recommend taking one of us aside for a gentle and easygoing introduction first? I'm sure any of us would be glad to assist you as gently and gradually as you desire.” He glanced away, his cheeks reddening slightly in a very un-military fashion. “I, for one, would be very pleased to do so for you.” Somehow, seeing that strong pony blush made Twilight feel far safer and at ease. She knew what she wanted, and now she could get it. “Actually, no.” He winced. “I'm going to need all of you. And don't be gentle.” Their eyes went wide, and Twilight grinned at their reaction. Again, the lieutenant was the only one who could find his voice ... or maybe his rank set him apart as the representative for the group. “Oh, I...” He shook himself. “I mean we would, er... It would be our pleasure, Princess.” Wincing at his own blabbering, he took a deep breath, then continued, “When would you like to begin?” Rather than answer, Twilight turned around and lifted her tail. It didn't take long for them to rush forward. One of them – she had no idea which one, and she didn't care – landed his chest on top of her rump and gripped her haunches with his forelegs. Oh yes, this was what she had been waiting for. His warm tip touched her below her tail, and only when it slid easily across her entrance did she realize how wet she'd gotten. As the rest of them surrounded her, it slipped inside. She gasped at the familiar and unfamiliar sensation of firm flesh pushing into her, sliding against her on the inside. It was so warm, so thick, so full. It had been so long ago, she'd forgotten just what it felt like, and her dreams hadn't come close. When he jammed himself forward, filling her entirely, she opened her mouth to cry out. But she never got a chance. The moment her mouth opened, it was filled with another dusky-colored cock. As soon as she realized it, she recovered from her surprise and let it slip farther in. Oh Goddess, it was actually happening! She was actually taking two stallions at once, with more waiting their turn, just like in her dreams! Unlike in her dreams, though, she wasn't so practiced in the art of giving blowjobs. The heavy cock in her mouth was so thick and warm and real, it was amazing ... but it was also huge. It might not be as big as some she'd taken in her dreams, but those were in her dreams, where silly things like biology and physiology don't get in the way. As the stallion behind her began pounding away, she let the cock in her mouth impossibly deeper, into her throat ... and then she began to gag. The stallion in front of her pulled himself out right away. “Are you okay, Princess?” Twilight tried to speak, but her voice came only as a croak. It didn't help that the one behind her was still slamming into her with abandon, clouding her mind with the sensation of it. Finally, she managed to catch her voice. “I'm... Unh! ... I'm fine.” She looked down at his cock. Only the first third of it or so glistened with her saliva. “Give it— Aaah!” She gasped at a particularly rough thrust from behind. “Give it to me again, and this time don't stop.” “Princess! I can't...” When he saw the look in her eyes, his voice trailed off. He relented and mounted Twilight's head again, pushing her under his belly and onto his eager cock. This time, Twilight didn't play around. She angled her head and opened her throat just like in her dreams, and she swallowed the whole thing. Unlike her dreams, it hurt, and her throat spasmed wildly. She almost felt like she was going to throw up. But then he started thrusting himself in and out of her mouth, fucking her throat almost as vigorously as the one behind her fucked her pussy. This was it, and despite the discomfort, Twilight let herself flow into it. This was what she'd been lusting after, being made the fucktoy of burly stallions, pleasing them in any way she could. She could feel the bumps and ridges of his cock sliding along her throat, in and out of her mouth, and she moaned around the warm girth of it. When he gasped above her, she knew she was doing it perfectly. The one behind her was enjoying himself, too. Enjoying himself too much, maybe. His tip flared wide deep in her pussy, and he groaned as his cock began to shudder. A moment later, a flood of heat gushed into Twilight in thick pulses from the end of his cock. She grinned around the one in her mouth and licked it lasciviously at the thought of the cum being unceremoniously dumped into her. She wasn't an untouchable princess now – now she was a simple slut, and she couldn’t get enough. After the last spurt, the one behind her pulled his softening cock out, swung it to the side, and then slapped her butt with it, splattering a few thin strands of white across her cutie mark. “Damn, she's good,” he said. “Who's next?” There was no shortage of volunteers, and the moment he was out of the way, another stallion pushed his way through to her ... and then pushed his way inside her. They weren't identical! This one was even bigger around than the other one, though not as long. He wasn't hitting Twilight's deepest places, but he stretched the walls of her pussy tight around him. She could feel every vein and every bump. His medial ring slid back and forth over her tightest passage, popping through with every thrust. She moaned again, and that triggered a new development: The stallion on her head stopped his thrusting and instead pushed as deeply into her as he could. His flare bulged and blocked Twilight's throat entirely. Not a problem. Breathing was for the weak anyway. Twilight was swallowing before he even burst ... and when he did empty himself, she was glad she had gotten a head start. A torrent of cum jetted deep into her throat, and before she could even begin to get that sticky mess down, there came another, and another. It was filling her to the brim, far more than she could handle, but she kept at it, determined to get it right and not ruin her fantasy. In the end, only a tiny little dribble escaped the corner of her lip. She quickly pulled her mouth off of his withering cock and gasped for air. He'd stayed in there cumming constantly for what seemed like forever, and her eyes were watering so much she could barely see. She swallowed again, trying to clear her throat of everything that still lingered inside. Two more stallions rushed up in front of her, and two more meaty cocks slapped against her face. Twilight's throat wasn't ready for another pounding like that just yet ... but she wasn't about to leave these two hanging. Taking one in her hoof, she slid her tongue up the other. Both stallions moaned as their long wait for a little intimate contact finally ended. Twilight grinned at the sound, moaned a little herself at the feeling of the thick cock from behind speeding up, and switched. She rubbed her hoof up and down the now-moistened shaft she'd already licked and began treating the other to a first-class tonguing, sloppily stroking him up and down. The cock sliding in and out of her pussy swelled even bigger, and she gasped, feeling the inevitable crashing toward her. “I'm— I'm going to— Mmnh!” She beat the stallion behind her to it, cumming hard against him. Little splattering sounds came from behind her as the fireworks burst in her head, sizzling around in dizzying spirals of carnal bliss. He wasn't far behind, though. Before the convulsions inside her calmed down even a little, he jammed himself in as far as he could go and added his own contribution to the mess squirting out from inside her. Stretched as wide as she was, she could feel every throb of it slide into her, pulsing in time with her own orgasm as he pumped more and more into her. Goddess, that colt was prolific! Would it ever stop? Of course, it did eventually stop, for both of them. Twilight was a quivering mess by the time he pulled out of her, letting her overfilled pussy spill cum out onto the floor. She wavered and her legs shook. One of the stallions saw this, and he took advantage of it. Sliding heedlessly through the puddle of cum, he worked his way underneath Twilight. His cock pointed straight up at her, just behind her shaky back legs. That stallion didn't even have to do anything. Twilight wasn't sure if she wanted it to happen or if her legs really did collapse on their own, but she fell down onto him, her entrance finding his cock and enveloping it in a slippery, soggy embrace. White cum splashed against his dark-colored crotch as she slid down, but he didn't seem to mind. He was too busy groaning from the sensation of finally getting a piece of the Princess. Only after the filling presence of the new stallion's cock became comfortably familiar inside her did Twilight realize she'd been neglecting the two in front of her. That wouldn’t do! With both her front hooves free now, she grabbed both cocks and slapped them together side by side. Both stallions cringed uncomfortably at this contact, but their mild protests soon vanished when Twilight buried her muzzle in the crevice between the two, slathering her tongue back and forth as she slowly worked her way upward. When she finally reached their tips, she looked up at them with wide, happy eyes before working her way back down again until she worked her face back and forth. She couldn't lick both their balls at the same time; they were too far away, but she could swap between them readily enough, nuzzling each pair in turn. As she did all that, the stallion underneath her had begun moving, and his slight thrusts up into her were getting bolder and bolder. His hooves reached up and grabbed her hips, helping him push even further into her, getting a precious smidge deeper. Twilight moaned into the slight gap between the two cocks in front of her. She was almost at the top of their pressed-together cocks again, and this time when she reached it, instead of looking up into their faces, she stared at the two flattened round tips just under her nose. Could she do it? There was no way that would be possible; she'd never even tried it in her dreams. But it couldn't hurt to try, could it? Twilight mashed the two cocks as closely together as she could, opened wide, and pressed them into her mouth. Her lips stretched and she struggled to keep her teeth away, but by the Goddess, she managed to get both cocks into her mouth at once. One of the stallions gasped in astonishment; the other just moaned. Both of them trembled slightly, which Twilight could feel through their cocks. Her mouth was stretched too tightly to grin, but she would have loved to grin as she reached out and fondled both sets of balls. This was so unbelievably hot! So much maleness in her, around her, all over her... Just as she began working her tongue around the ends of the cocks in her mouth, the stallion beneath her juddered. His hooves gripped Twilight's hips even tighter, and his cum fountained up into her in quick, strong pulses that kept coming and coming. Something about those jets of cum spraying against her innermost depths just set Twilight off, and she came again, her pussy clamping down on the wonderful cock inside her, begging it to give her more. She moaned loudly around her double mouthful. Soon, too soon, though, the stallion beneath her was spent, and the sensation ended. Her own orgasm ended soon after. Twilight let the two stallions in front of her come free from her lips, their cocks wiggling back and forth as they sprang apart. She was breathless and a little dizzy, but an insatiable part of her wanted more, more, more! Below her, the recently-spent stallion's cock shriveled back up into his sheath, slipping out of her with a gooey mess. She wouldn’t be getting any more from there, not yet... But in front of her, she saw more ... two more. She licked her lips. Before he even knew what was happening, one of the stallions in front of her found himself pounced on and tackled to the floor. Twilight wasted no time in planting her cum-sodden pussy onto his mouth, which he licked and slurped at without complaint. Twilight let loose a little squeak of pleasure before rewarding him for his dedication. She leaned down over his belly and took his cock into her mouth, quickly working it deeper and deeper into her throat until her body rested against his. With her hooves, she gently massaged the generously-sized balls that hung down between his legs only a few inches in front of her face. The other stallion she'd been double-fellating, the only other of the six who wasn't yet spent, didn't miss his opportunity. He was behind her in just a moment, lifting her tail out of the way and lining himself up even as the one below her gamely kept eating her out. Her eyes went wide as he slipped into her. He slid in easily with all the cum aiding her own wetness. What astonished her, though, was how sensitive she'd become to it. Her inner walls clutched at him already, pulsing madly as the stallion below slid his tongue slowly across her clit over and over again. After only a couple of thrusts, she was orgasming again, her gasps choking against the cock in her throat. This time, though, the stallions didn't stop, and neither did her body. Wave after intoxicating wave of lusty delight washed through her, and her body convulsed around the cocks in both ends of her ... and it just kept going. Her body just wouldn't stop. Neither would the stallions. They both worked at her with a passion, stimulating her beyond orgasm, beyond any notion of pleasure she'd ever had. Almost at the same time, both of them began to swell into wide flares, one stretching her pussy, the other filling her throat. Twilight was too far gone to even notice she couldn’t breathe, but she wasn't too far gone to realize what was happening. Or how much she wanted it to happen. Twin gushes of thick stallion cum sprayed into her from both directions at once, dousing her with pure erotic pleasure that spread to every inch of her. She was already orgasming, but this ... this launched her into something entirely new. It was as if all her previous orgasms were the sex that led up to this – an orgasm of orgasms, the climactic outpouring of an entirely new level of bliss beyond anything she'd ever imagined or heard of. The only thing she could compare it to was the flash of magic when she'd first become an alicorn, but even that comparison failed to capture the enormity of what was hitting her. Everything else faded away, the room, the other stallions, even her own limbs. All that mattered were those two throbbing fountains of white pleasure erupting inside her over and over again. And then ... then it faded. The waves of sensation crashing against her calmed into a last few feeble spurts. She was again aware of her surroundings, even though the room spun around her, and she was again aware of the need to breathe. Twilight pulled herself off of the cock in her mouth and sucked in deep breaths of precious cool air. Her coat was sweaty, even though she hadn't remembered getting hot. She stood up and teetered off to the side, wobbling on her weakened legs. “Heh, um... Sorry, Bro,” said the stallion who had been on top of her to the one who had been below. The one from below rose up, blinking the white mess away from his eyes. He didn't reply, but instead just did his best to wipe his sticky face clean with his hoof. One of the other stallions came up next to Twilight and braced her, narrowly saving her from a fall. “If you've had enough, Princess, may we help you into your bed?” Twilight nodded carefully. “Thank you, Lieutenant um...” “Second Lieutenant Midnight Fray, Ma'am.” She would learn their names sometime, she promised herself. But first, she needed a nap. Three other stallions came alongside and helped her over to the bed. It was as if she was floating there by magic. They set her comfortably there, ignoring the sticky stains on her coat and how they seeped into the sheets. Twilight immediately began drifting off toward sleep, a broad smile on her face. She would dream natural dreams tonight – she probably wouldn’t be needing her dream-shaping spell again for a long time. “... and in conclusion, I'd like all of Ponyville to welcome these new bat pony guards and treat them as my own personal friends.” Twilight pointed at the six bat ponies, who were still blinking in the bright sunlight. “Please give them the warmest of Ponyville welcomes.” Her friends rushed up to her as she stepped off the stage. “Excellent speech, as usual,” Rarity announced. “You're tellin' me!” Applejack nudged Twilight in the ribs. “But did you really know they were comin' ever since last spring without tellin' us even a peep about it?” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “Well, not really. They sort of appeared out of nowhere last night.” “In the middle of the night? Whoo-ee, they'd better not try anything like that at my house!” Applejack laughed. Rainbow Dash, though, was giving Twilight a piercing and inquisitive gaze. “Six stallions visiting you in the middle of the night, huh?” She smirked. “Sounds like a fun time.” “Rainbow!” Fluttershy blurted out. “You shouldn't say such things.” “Oh, it's all right,” Twilight assured them. “I don't mind.” Moving close to Rainbow, she whispered into the pegasus pony's ear: “I might be able to arrange an introduction with them, if you'd like.” Rainbow Dash just smiled wide.