Rule-Breaking Nuisance

by Shimmer Shy

First published

Ponies can break the rules sometimes, and Mage and Sportsy definitely break them a lot. As a friendship forms between the two of them, they share their problems and secrets with one another.

Ponies can break the rules sometimes, and Mage and Sportsy definitely break them a lot. As a friendship forms between the two of them, they share their problems and secrets with one another.

Partner story with: MylittleObjection718

I write Sportsy's chapters, they write Mage's.

I'm really happy with how this is turning out, my first partner story that actually continued after one paragraph. :rainbowlaugh:

Mage's POV

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I looked at the purple allicorn in front of me, right into her sapphire blue eyes, though I could tell she was trying to hide them with her brown hair. In contrast to my own orange-y eyes, her beautiful eyes were like diamonds, and mine were the dirty, brown stone they were mined from. She gave a little smile, but didn't speak, she was probably trying to get me to go away or to leave her alone or something. I wasn't expecting her to speak, anyway, since I and everypony else knew her as the shy one, and nopony wants to be friends with the shy one. It looked like I was going to have to start this conversation myself, which I'd hoped wouldn't happen.
Being a changeling in disguise and trying to hide my identity, I would have preferred to keep a low profile and stay quiet, but having no friends would only draw attention to me. Originally I considered not having a Cutie-Mark, as a Cutie-Mark would make me unique and make me stand out, but then I realised that would only draw me even more attention. So I have a pair of glasses with headphones attached to them. This mostly represents the fact that I'm quite the nerd and fanfilly over video games.

I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out, just a frantic squeak. I tried again, but I kept choking on my words every time I made a little progress. Then, I shut my eyes, and tried to imagine I was at my dusty “home” on my own again, talking to myself in the misty, broken mirror. I opened my mouth and finally spoke as clear as a crystal.

“Hi, I'm Mage. I've seen you walking around school before, and I wanted to know if you’d like to be my...” I said, my voice shaking and breaking off at the end. I opened my amber eyes, and she was still looking at me, though with a little bit of concern. As if from nowhere, a strange feeling fizzed my stomach. It was a warm sensation that bubbled all the way up my spine and all the way down to my hooves. The warmth spread through me, and I knew at once that this was what it felt like to be loved. For a second, I was a little worried that I may be stealing her love, but then the thought was dismissed as another thought came into the back of my mind, and echoed around.

This purple pony, whose name I didn't even know, had given me what I had always wanted; a friend. At that moment, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to talk, and never EVER stop talking. I had a friend! I’d actually done it! But even better, I felt real for once in my life! I felt like somepony cared for me! I felt like I was Mage, and like I could face the world. I didn't feel like a fake; a fraud. I felt like a pony, and not a changeling.

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak again, I don’t think it closed for at least half an hour. I continued talking, not once did I stop, and when I’d finished I found myself gasping for air like a puppy who had just finished a run. But I looked up and smiled at my new friend, and she gave me a small smile back.

Sportsy Sketch's POV

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I kind of hid behind my long brown hair as the blue earth pony in front of me tried to say something to me. I gave a polite smile, trying to show that she didn't have to be scared to tell me anything. In fact, I was surprised she wanted to talk to a pony like me at all, I'm not anything special. Well, except for the fact that I'm an alicorn, but that really doesn't earn me any extra attention.

The pony began to speak, and as she did so, her head lifted with more confidence. “Hi, I’m Mage. I’ve seen you walking around school before, and I wanted to know if you’d like to be my...” She paused for a second, and I looked up a bit, listening for the rest of her sentence. She took a deep breath, and I gave her a slightly concerned look, until realizing what she was trying to say. Or, at least, what I hoped she was trying to say.

Could it be? Did this pony really want to be my friend? I mean, it wasn't completely strange. Once I had become friends with somepony a while ago, a unicorn named Minty Sweet, but I had been the one to ask. To think this pony rounded up the courage to ask me to be her friend made my heart skip a beat. I was a little nervous to say anything, so I waited, giving a small nod yes that she probably didn't notice.
A few seconds later, she began to speak again. Only this time, she didn't trip on her words. Not only that, but she wouldn't stop talking. Mage talked for at least half an hour, explaining everything about herself, and I listened, actually interested in a conversation for once. Even though it was only a one way conversation.

Mage had finally finished with a sigh. A few awkward seconds of silence followed. I decided to speak up. If this friendship was going to work out, I would have to find my voice. " is Sportsy Sketch." I said in the most confident voice I could. Mage's ears perked up. I guess she hadn't expected me to talk, and I honestly hadn't expected myself to, either.

Mage's POV

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Sportsy Sketch… Sportsy Sketch! I liked that name! It rolled off the tongue nicely. I looked at her with a large smile spreading across my blue face. She gave a little giggle, and for the first time other than saying her name, she spoke.

“So… what lesson do you have next?” She asked. For a minute, I didn’t realise what she was talking about, and then it sunk in. We were at school. Quickly and frantically, I grabbed my saddle bag in search for my timetable. I withdrew it from the brown bag, and attempted to read the crumpled piece of paper.

“Er… Science, you?” I asked, hoping that she also had it.

“I have Sports, so I guess I’ll see you after school?” She sighed, as she began to walk to where her next lesson was. My smile faded a little, but I walked to science anyway, still pleased that I had made a friend.

I remember walking towards the classroom, feeling a sense of dread . Like a little voice in the back of my head was telling me to get out of there, to run away. A sixth sense possibly. Obviously as I was in school I couldn't do that, but I did keep almost crying several times throughout the lesson. I blame that on myself, though. I should have learned to be able to talk about changelings without breaking down. It might have been the hostility everypony in class seemed to have towards us, then again, since the wedding things have become more serious. It seemed that as the hour progressed, the realisation that I was fake, and didn't belong began to hit me harder and harder until I eventually broke.I walked out of the lesson, struggling to hold back tears, and simply informed Sportsy that I needed the toilet. She followed me, and waited patiently outside.

When I finally came out, Sportsy was there. It probably looked like I had been crying, because she quickly pulled me into a tight hug, trying to comfort me. Although I knew she was trying, the hug really wasn't helping, in fact it was making me feel guilty again. I was tricking her, and everypony else at this school. I was a traitor. I wasn’t Mage. I didn't feel warm anymore, either. My body felt cold and fake. Well, my body was cold and fake. I was just a cold-hearted monster that had tricked a friend and had probably accidentally stolen some love at one point.

After Sportsy let go, she asked me whether I was okay, and she looked me straight in the eye. I tried to avoid eye-contact, trying desperately to just stop panicking. Obviously, I wasn't okay, and I knew that she was trying to find out why, the way she wouldn’t drop the conversation, and the way she was looking at me. It was as if she was trying to uncloak my disguise. I looked into her beautiful, sapphire eyes that sparkled like gems. I looked at her purple fur that was the perfect portrayal of her personality, and I smiled at her brown hair, the way it rested perfectly on her head with no bumps or knots. I remembered my own orange eyes, how they stuck out from the greens, blues and purples of Everypony else. I remembered my own blue flank, how it was so... dark. It stood out amongst the pastel pinks, blues and yellows of Everypony else. I remembered my hair, the way it got knotted and frazzled easily, and how it was so strangely coloured. But to be honest, I really didn't care anymore. As I stared into Sportsy's eyes, I remembered that she cares, that somepony cared for me! That was enough to convince me to even consider telling somepony my secret. I thought about it, what the consequences of it could be. I knew she wouldn’t drop this, and that a lie would just make the situation spiral out of control. I probably wouldn’t be able to think of a good enough one anyway.

Eventually, I decided that I would tell her. I asked her to follow me back into the dirty, worn down toilets. I opened one of the grimy doors, and nodded my head as a signal to go in. She frowned as she walked in and I followed her into the same one, and locked the door behind me. Just in case worse came to worse and she attempted to attack me, I’d be able to knock her out without her escaping. It was a little squashed, and a bit awkward too, but it was enough for me to do what I had to do. I leant against the cool, plastic door. I was sweating, and I looked down to avoid eye-contact.

"What's happening, Mage?" Sportsy asked again, for about the hundredth time, a frown painted across her purple face. I looked at her, seeing the panic and discomfort in her sapphire eyes. I figured she wouldn’t have jumped to the correct conclusion, and that the transformation would come as a terrible shock to her. She may lash out, or scream or cry, or hit me…

Or take it well…

Nonetheless, I closed my eyes and I felt so much weaker and vulnerable, about to share a secret I had kept from everypony for my whole life with somepony I had met a few hours ago. Strange how I felt I could trust her.
It didn’t matter if she hated me afterwards, I would be able to change my form and go to live somewhere else; I’ve always wanted to go to cloudsdale anyway.
Then I transformed, I felt the flames cover me like a warm blanket as my form changed into the ugly, bug-like creature. I must have been about half the size of Sportsy now, but I stood still with my eyes shut tightly closed, waiting for her reaction.

Sportsy Sketch's POV

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I nervously stepped into the stall, the frown on my face deepening, unsure on what Mage had to tell me that was so important. I was very concerned at this point, and by the looks of it, so was she. About a million ideas raced through my mind, most not exactly likely, but possible. Whatever it was, I made sure I was prepared to handle it.

Mage followed me in, closing and locking the door behind her. She bowed her head to avoid eye contact, but I persisted.

"What's happening, Mage?" I questioned once again. The harshness in my voice made me flinch a little. I wasn't used to hearing myself talk to anypony in such a way, especially someone who I'd just met. But I knew it was for a good cause. Not only that, but felt I could trust this pony, no matter what mistakes I made, she'd forgive me. No matter what I told her, she'd listen and maybe even help with the situation. I hoped she felt the same way with me, so I gave her my full attention.

The worried look on Mage's face didn't move. She continued to stare at the ground, barely blinking, as if arguing with herself, trying to decide wether or not to tell me. We stayed like that for a while longer until she finally let out a deep breath.

But she didn't say anything. Instead, bright green flames surrounded her, forcing me to shield my eyes from the blinding light. When it was finally over, I turned my head back around, only to let out a small gasp of surprise.

A dark blue earth pony with frizzy red hair no longer stood in front of me, but a changeling. It's eyes were closed, and it's torn, semi-transparent wings were at it's sides.

I began to back up until bumping into the wall behind me. For a second I was scared, but it didn't attack. It just stood there, facing the ground. It was then that I realized something. This wasn't just any changeling. "Mage?" I whispered.

The changeling finally looked up, with a slight nod. I was stunned. My head was spinning and filled with questions that I was too afraid to ask. Is Mage really a changeling? Why hadn't she told me earlier? What was I supposed to do now? Should I tell someone?

Mage waited for a response, so I gave her the only one I could think of. "So. This is what you've been worrying about." Mage nodded again. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. It's OK, Sportsy., I thought. It's just Mage. Only I could barely be calm at a time like this. I'm locked in a bathroom with a changeling who pretty much lied to me. There was a lot to worry about right now.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" My voice was low, reflecting my mood.

Mage hesitated. "I-I was worried that you..." Her new metallic voice trailed off, before returning again. "That you wouldn't like me. I didn't know if I could trust you yet...But I hope I can trust you now."

I gave her a sympathetic look. It made me feel bad for her knowing that all she wanted was a normal life, and it was difficult for to have that. All she wanted was a friend who liked her for who she really was. And she chose me to be that friend. It almost made me feel...special.

But right now wasn't about me. It was about Mage. "Don't worry. You can." I replied in a softer voice. "I want you to know that I don't care what you are. I only care that you're my friend." Then, out of nowhere, I gave her a hug.

Mage's POV

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I felt Sportsy's warm arms wrap around my body. Her soft words of comfort echoing through my ears, and yet I couldn't hear any of it. How could she just accept me? I was a monster; a traitor and yet she stayed loyal to me. I hugged her back harder, pressing my face gently against her warm chest due to me being half her size now. I could hear her heart beat, and it helped to calm my thoughts as I began to cry into her fur. Why I cried I can not tell you, but I did. Everything that had been troubling me, I just cried it into Sportsy's purple fur. Maybe that's what friends are for, or maybe I was doing it wrong. I didn't know, I didn't care. Somepony loved me for who I really was. Somepony cared.

When the waterfalls of salty tears finally subsided, I sniffed a little, and looked up into Sportsy's sapphire eyes. They were so soft, and caring, and I could sense the strong positivity she had flowing through them. It must have been her eyes that had made me trust her. Eyes can tell you a lot more about a pony than words.
I smiled at her; she smiled back.

"Thank yo-" I cut off, slightly shocked to hear the mechanical, distorted changeling voice instead of Mage's smooth one. Then I sighed, asking Sportsy to shield her eyes as I once again transformed into Mage.

"Thank you so much Sportsy, for understanding. It really means a lot," I grinned, as I pulled her into another tight hug. "If you want, you can come to my house and I can answer any questions you have... In private. We wouldn't really get another chance, so if you had any questions they would have to be answered today, if it's easier you could even stay the night!"

Sportsy nodded, and we left the grimy toilets, heading towards the exit of the school. We walked a little further until we were out of earshot to everypony else before I spoke.

"You're probably wondering why I'm here and not in the hive, so I guess I'll explain that while we walk to my house," I said, glancing to Sportsy to see if she wanted to hear it or not. She didn't seem to be bothered by what I said, so I continued, "The last time I was at the hive must have been when I was 10, so three years ago. Word of a rebellion had spread around, and changelings were getting more and more excited about all of the love they were going to get. At the time, we'd had a shortage of food, and you'd wonder why nopony else ran away like I did. I think it has something to do with staying hidden, and most of them were blinded by the propaganda Chrysalis had been feeding them. It was then that I realised I didn't want any part in the rebellion, I didn't want to hurt anypony because... Well I don't know why. Maybe it was because when I was younger, me and my old friend used to play together. He would always be the changeling attacking Equestria, and I was always the little filly saving the day. Stupid and cliche I know, but I guess that's where I found my interest in ponies. From then onwards I just remember always wishing I could be a pony. One day, I decided I would kill two birds with one stone and run away. That way I could be a pony and avoid the rebellion. Soon enough I found one pony who offered me a good house for quite a cheap price, I didn't have much money because I'd just run away from the hive. It isn't that complex, four rooms: A kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living area. But it's a house and I can't be ungrateful!"

I nodded towards the yellow house in the middle of a little street, and strolled towards the front door. The outside wasn't in the best condition, with the paint on the front door peeling off and ivy stretched across the front. A little flower patch had been overgrown with weeds, and only one small, droopy flower remained, with most of the petals falling off. I felt my ears press hard against the side of my face, hoping that Sporsty wouldn't judge the state my house was in.

I got a set of keys from inside of my saddle bag, and turned them in the lock. I opened the door and walked inside, Sportsy following behind.

Though it looked absolutely atrocious from the outside, the inside was extremely bright and colourful. It was decorated with various different colours on different rooms, and had a few vases here and there.

"I'm gonna fix the outside soon," I sigh, as I walk up the stairs. Each step heaved and creaked under the weight, seemingly about to collapse like a house of cards.
I sighed happily as I opened the door to my bedroom, the best decorated room in the house. It was bright and colourful, with little doodles painted all across the walls. Each and every drawing symbolising something different. It gave a nice, creative effect. And over in the corner of my room was my games console, which I had bought as soon as I had enough money. Being a changeling, sometimes during days without school I transformed into many different ponies to get lots of money working various jobs for most of the day. It was just lucky I consumed love and not real food which would mean I'd have to cut some of the money I earned to pay for it.

I looked over to Sportsy, and gestured for her to sit on the bed next to me. I turned and looked at her, then smiled a little, my ears perking up happily as she smiled encouragingly backs.

"So... Do you have any questions?"

Sportsy Sketch's POV

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"So, do you have any questions?"

I thought for a second. Mage had already answered the majority of my questions earlier. But there was still one thing I was wondering about. "Well, uh..." I hesitated. I didn't want to make her feel bad. Eventually, I spoke up. "Did you have any other friends before me? Pony friends, I mean."

Mage opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again, a frown appearing on her face. "Actually, yes." She lowered her head. "I-I don't like to talk about it."

I gave her a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry about it. I won't force you. Just know that you can tell me anything." I told her, and meant it.

Mage looked up with a slight smile. "Thank you." I nodded back. The room fell silent for a few moments, and my mind began to wander. I thought about changelings and ponies, friends and enemies, loyalty and betrayal and trust. I could only imagine how often she must think about those things, as well.

She must have also zoned out, because she shook her head, noticing the awkward situation we were in. "Um, anyway, it's getting late. You should probably go before it gets too dark."

I glanced at the window next to Mage's bed to see she was right. The sky was almost completely black apart from the stars dotting it and the full moon, which shone brightly down on Ponyville. "Yeah. Thanks for having me over." I started on my way to the door, but gave her a quick hug before leaving. "And thanks for being my friend."

She hugged me back. "You too. Do you want to meet up again tomorrow? Since there's no school?"

"Sure," I replied. "Maybe I can show you my house this time." She nodded, and I started on the walk home.

That night, Mage haunted my dreams. Well, not only Mage. There were also other changelings. They had started a war against ponies, and then...then my alarm clock blared and startled me awake. Thinking I had school, I rushed out of bed to get ready in lightning speed, until realizing it was Saturday. I had forgotten to change my alarm clock. Luckily I would be ready when Mage got here.

There was a knock at the door, and of course, when I opened it, there was Mage, a scarf hanging loosely around her neck. The freezing temperature of Winter drifted in through the open door, so I motioned for her to come in.

"Wow, your house is amazing! Compared to mine, at least." Mage commented, looking around the large living room we'd just come into. Upstairs was the kitchen, which you could see from the living room through the railing that lined it, and the two bedrooms and the bathroom. Above that was the attic, and below us was the basement. I guess I could see this as a luxury to a pony/changeling like Mage.

"It isn't that good..." I blushed. "Anyway, would you like some hot chocolate? It must be freezing out there."

"Would I!"

A few minutes of preparing later, we sat across from each other at my circle shaped table in the kitchen, sipping hot chocolate. It was yet another quiet moment, one where neither of us wanted to break the sound of silence.

Mage had set down her cup and began to fidget with the table cloth. "His name was Silver Storm," she finally said, avoiding eye contact.

I put my cup down, as well. "Huh?"

"Your question yesterday. I think...I'm ready to tell you." She looked up at me with her soft, amber eyes, and I winked encouragingly. She continued, "He was my first and only friend. My first day in Ponyville, and at school, he'd walked up to me. I was alone in the hall, unsure where to go and what to do. Everypony else stared at me like I was an idiot, but he helped me." Mage paused. "We became immediate friends, and after that, we did everything together. In fact, we became so close that I...decided to tell him my secret. I thought that I could trust him, but..." She shrugged sadly. "I was wrong."

A single tear rolled down her cheek, but I was unsure on how to calm her. So I let her have a moment to take a deep breath, which seemed to help. After a minute, I went over to her side and put a hoof on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Mage. It wasn't your fault, and I'm glad that you trust me enough to share your feelings with me. I promise I'll always be here if you need me, ok?" I shined her my brightest, most thoughtful smile and hoped for the best.

Mage's POV

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That night I lay in my lumpy bed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable. Yet I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried to just close my eyes and drift asleep, HE kept on creeping into my mind. His face, his warm, kind smile flashing into my vision. Each time, feeling like a bullet had gone straight through my heart, a false sense of hope shot down before my very eyes. Eventually I gave up trying to sleep, instead I turned on my games console and started mashing random buttons, hopelessly tired and just wanting to bore myself enough that I would fall asleep. Yet even after 2 hours of repeating the same routine of button pressing, I was still tireless. I stood up, rubbing my eyes that were sore and red from the tears that had been cascading from them. I sighed, when suddenly an idea popped into my head. A hopeless, brilliant idea. I was a changeling, I could transform into anypony. I could go back to Ponyville and see him again. All I would have to do is pretend to be somepony else. It was still the weekend, so I wouldn't have to worry about school. I could finally see him again!

Happy and content, I climbed back into the small bed, pulling the thick sheets over my cold, blue body. I smiled, finding comfort in the hope of meeting my old friend again, forgetting the names Silver Storm had called me. I forgot the ponies he had told, the treatment I was given. I forgot all of the pain so that I could sleep happily, reassured by the nice thoughts that were swirling through my mind as I drifted off into darkness.

I opened my eyes, and a bright light flashed into them. Groaning, I looked at the clock beside me, and saw that it was already 11:45. quickly I raced out of bed to make myself breakfast. Despite wanting to so badly go back to Ponyville yesterday, I wasn't so sure if it was such a great Idea. In the end I decided that going back would be pointless, and that I should probably just move on. So instead I decided I could phone Sportsy, and ask if she wanted to come around and hang out or do homework together.

“Cool, so it’s a yes then?” I asked over the phone, still attempting to brush my frizzy, knotted hair.

“Of course!” Sportsy laughed over the phone.

A large grin spread across my face as I began to imagine what great things we were going to do together when she arrived. I began gathering all of the random things we could do for leisure. I had a few board games, some cards, my games console and of course my voice. After everything was stacked in a huge pile that almost touched the ceiling, I sighed and lay down on the floor, waiting for Sportsy to arrive.

Suddenly, a loud ringing from the doorbell broke the long, awkward silence. I quickly stood up, the smile across my face doubling in size. I laughed a little as I opened the brown, oak door. As the door creaked open, my smile faded into a look of terror, and I felt my ears press against my face. Panicking slightly, I went to take a step back and stumbled a little. I felt my body heat up, and my face going red. This was bad. Very bad. Despite the fact that outside was extremely cold, and the cool air was rushing into my house in a frenzy, I still felt hot. To break the silence I gulped, then asked a question.

“Canterlot Royal Guard… What are you doing here, officers?” I asked, looking at their shining golden armour that glared at me in the chilly sunlight. I glanced at their stern expressions, that seemed to want me dead. Then I eyed their long, sharp spears. Clearly they weren't here for a cup of tea and some biscuits. They were here to exterminate.

“The question is, Miss Plateau, What is a changeling like you doing here, in Canterlot,”

At the mention of Changelings, I felt my entire body shiver. I knew exactly what they were here for. Quite stupidly, and without thinking, I broke into a sprint, and slipped on the frosty concrete outside of my house, grazing my hoof. I winced a little, but quickly stood up and began galloping as fast as I could, trying to get a head start before they took flight. I checked behind me, seeing they were not too far behind, and rapidly getting closer. I was just about to quicken my pace, when I hit somepony in front of me. I tripped up, and fell flat on my face, panting and trying to stand again, but the other pony had landed on top of me. I looked up to see who I had run into, and looking straight into my eyes was none other than Sportsy Sketch. I quickly pushed her hoof of me, having no time to explain or to make sure she wasn't hurt. The guards had caught up now, and I just had enough time to sprout a pair of wings, and lift myself off the ground and dodge a magical spell. I twisted in the air, trying desperately to escape. One of the guards burst into the air in quick pursuit of me, and it wasn't too long before he grabbed my hoof. I kicked him off, and pushed off of him to gain distance, when suddenly I was hit by something. As I fell to the ground, I tried to remember the colour of the aura that had struck me. I looked quickly to Sportsy, but she seemed upset and confused. I landed on the concrete with a loud thump, sending ice flying in shattered splinters everywhere. Sportsy was smart enough to not intervene with the Guards as they moved towards me, pointing their spears at my face. Despite her being an allicorn, I didn't want her in trouble. I closed my eyes in defeat, then opened them again, looking deep into Sportsy gem-like eyes. I gave her a look of apology, then closed my eyes again. Maybe she could help, and maybe she couldn't, it didn't matter anymore. I would have eventually been found anyway.

Sportsy Sketch's POV

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I stared at the scene in total shock. Two of Canterlot's Royal Guards pointed deadly-sharp, golden spears at Mage, who lay defeated on the ground, eyes tightly shut. I didn't know what to do, but I certainly did not want to see my friend get stabbed or hurt in any way. "What's going on..." I asked slowly.

One of the guards turned, looking as if he'd just realized I was standing there. The other kept his spear inches from Mage's face, as if daring her to move. "Our royal duties, ma'am," the one facing me said sternly. After taking a look at my wings, he added, "Er, your highness."

I raised my eyebrow at the title. I wasn't exactly an official princess yet, but I guess being an alicorn automatically makes you royalty. I resisted the urge to smile in such a tight situation. "And what might those duties be?"

The guard hesitated, internally debating whether or not to tell me. "We were sent by Princess Celestia to go after this imposter." He pointed a hoof at Mage. "Says she's actually a changeling."

My eyes widened and I gulped nervously. How had they found out? Had they known all along? Surely there was an easy way out of this, there always is. But even of there was, my mind was drawing a blank.

"Speaking of which, do you know her?" The guard suddenly asked, dragging me out of my thoughts. Then I realized what he was asking. It was a question I had an answer to, yet didn't know how to reply, knowing one answer could end with an unwanted consequence. I looked in Mage's direction for help, and noticed her eyes were open now, and she slightly shook her head.

"Oh, um...No! O-of course not!" I stuttered nervously, looking back up. The guard gave me an 'Are you sure about that?' look, before turning around to face his partner again. They shared a nod, then shouted for Mage to stand up. I knew they were taking her to Canterlot Castle. "Wait!"

"Look, we don't have time-"

"I know, I know." I also know I shouldn't be talking to a Royal guard in such a manor. I honestly don't know what I was thinking-doing-whatever. So, I asked, "Can I come with you?"

The unamused guards in front of me share a confused look. "I...guess so." Behind them, Mage raised an eyebrow, just as confused as them. I smiled sheepishly, and she rolled her eyes with a hopeful smile. I didn't know it was possible to be messing around at a time like this.

One teleportation spell later, the four of us stand in one of the long halls of Canterlot Castle. Surprisingly enough, I'd only been here once or twice. It was breathtakingly beautiful, and the view was even more amazing. You could see all of Canterlot from there. But despite these qualities, I hated the floor being so far from the ceiling. It made me feel small. I could only imagine having to stay there all day and night.

"Ahem." I snapped back to the real world and smiled embarrassingly, which only earned me more eye rolls. Mage and I walked side by side until we came to a stop in front of a pair of double-doors. I guessed this was Princess Celestia's room. We were informed to stay out here and wait.

"Your highness?" The guard said as he entered the room. "We got the changeling."

Princess Celestia looked up. "Did you take care of her?"

He gulped. "We had some...trouble."

The princess raised an eyebrow, then sighed. "Bring them in."

We were shoved roughly into the throne room. The guards bowed, then left the room. I scowled after them.

"Princess Sportsy Sketch, I haven't seen you here in a while."

I whirled around. "Oh, uh..." I bowed. "Sorry your highness."

"It's quite alright. I see you've gone and made yourself a new friend." She glanced in Mage's direction, who was looking very pale.

"How'd you know?" I looked at the ground.

"Oh, I know everything, Sportsy. Did you know about her secret until now?"

"Yes." I jumped in front of Mage. "But she isn't like the others! She just wants to be normal! Please-"

Celestia put up a hoof to stop me. "Don't worry, she's going to be fine."

"What are you going to do with her?"

"We'll take good care of her here at the castle." It was beginning to sound like we were talking about an animal, sick and dying while the doctor couldn't do anything to help.

I frowned. "Well then I'll stay here with her." I said, standing up straighter. I was not about to give up on Mage yet.

The princess shook her head. "I'm afraid that won't be necessary, Sportsy. I think it's time to say goodbye to your friend."

"What?! No!" My eyes filled with tears as I ran over to Mage, and she did the same. We embraced in a hug, both of us crying. I wondered for a moment how she felt right now. Was she just as sad as me, wondering why life was so unfair? Or was she accepting her fate, no matter how sad it was?

We pulled away from each other, wiping at our eyes. "I'll miss you, Sportsy," Mage sniffled.

I decided to play along. "Me too." I looked up to Princess Celestia, and with a kind smile on her face, she nodded. With that, I walked out of the room. I passed through the long, intimidating hallway and all the way out of the castle. Of course this wasn't the end. I wasn't about to lose one of my only friends so quickly, and even if she wasn't my friend, it's not like I'd let the princess do something awful to an innocent pony. I began to come up with a plan, one that wouldn't get me in trouble, but would save both me and Mage. Operation changeling was a go.

Mage's POV

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I glanced at the the large, crystal doors as they slammed shut, wiping tears from my eyes. I sniffed a bit as I turned to face the Princess. Her pale face was painted with a stern expression, and she began to stride over. I flinched a little as she placed her graceful wings on my back, not expecting her to touch me. She began to walk slowly, as if stalling time, and I followed her, unsure what to do. I could easily transform into another alicorn, yet it felt wrong to do that. It felt disgusting to hurt her. I had built myself up to be loyal to ponies for so many years, betraying the princess felt like a crime. Actually, betraying the princess WAS a crime, it was against the law. So instead, I continued walking behind Celestia, her stride tall and strong; just like her. I looked up into her graceful eyes, and gave her a small smile, though she didn't return one.

"Celest- er, Your Highness, a-are you going to kill me?"

She didn't reply, just as I thought. I sighed a little, feeling my body go pale again. I began to feel a little hot and nervous too. As we strolled along, suddenly I heard something, though I dismissed the voice and continued walking.

"You... We... Not all changelings are bad..." I mutter to the princess as we stroll through the endless, empty hallway. Our mesmerising hoof steps clapping against the crystal floor in a hypnotic rhythm. I sigh, realising she hadn't acknowledged my words. I look at her beautiful, magenta eyes, they seemed to be in a state of worry. I looked at her, confused. I tried to read her thoughts through her eyes alone, but it was impossible. She was like an impenetrable diamond wall. I needed to think of a plan soon though, since I doubted it was much longer before she took me to the end where there was no going back. That's when I saw it; a strange gemstone. It seemed to come from another hallway off to the right, but as i stared into the light a plan became clear In my head. Like a sudden strategy. I squinted my eyes to read the label under the gems, and eventually I read the words "Elements of Creativity".

Strange, I had never heard of those before. Nonetheless, the plan I had was a little stupid, but a little genius at the same time. And that strange gem had told me it, though it probably wasn't smart to take orders from a mysterious glowing gemstone.

I felt the wall of fire flow around me again, felt my body get smaller. A pair of black wings sprouted from my body, and my figure became more colt-like. I stood in front of Celestia as no longer Mage, but Silver Storm. I quickly began telling Celestia everything, hoping that she wouldn't lash out at me. I told her about him, about Sportsy, about school and about escaping the hive. Then when I had finished talking, I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the punishment that she was sure to give me. And yet, nothing came. I opened my eyes, and I saw her face, it seemed proud and had a broad smile spread across it. I changed back into Mage, then turned around to see a pair of guards staring at me as if I were some kind of monster. I looked at them as they gaped at me, then I saw something behind them. The figure teleported between Celestia and I, then swiftly told Celestia to leave me be. Despite my shock, I was suddenly filled with joy. Sportsy was back.