> The Eyes of the Beholder > by BrinnyTheBrave > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbara sighed with relief as she dusted the last book in the Castle of Friendship. She found Dusk with his nose in a thick novel. "Dusk, I'm done with the cleaning. Can I lease please PLEASE go help Elusive now?" She whined. Dusk looked up. "Huh? Oh… yeah, I guess so." He answered. "YES!!!" Barbara fist-pumped the air, running off. The alicorn stallion rolled his eyes. She sure was always in a hurry to go see him, the poor girl was always working her tail off just to get him to notice her. Dusk would have to have a word with Elusive about that some day. *** The door of the Carousel Boutique jingled as it opened. A little she-dragon walked in, panting from running to get here so fast. "Elusive!! Elusive?" She called. "A moment, darling."~ A familiar male voice sing-songed. Her heart always beat faster when she heard that voice. He called her darling! 'He calls everyone darling.' Her inner voice told her, but she ignored it. "Now how may I help you today-- oh! Hello, Barbara! What brings you to the boutique this fine day?" "You needed my help with the Canterlot line, right?" She asked, eagerly. Elusive scanned his thoughts for a moment. "Ah, yes. Now I remember! This way, dear." Elusive brought her to the back where there was a little modelling stand. Butterscotch stood on the platform, wearing one of Elusive's vests. "Hello Barbara." The shy stallion said softly. "Hiya, Butterscotch, looking good!" She exclaimed. He blushed at the compliment. "Barbara dear, please get my measuring tape." "Whatever you say, Elusive." She replied dreamily. 'Please call me dear again.' She kept herself from actually swooning over the handsome unicorn, but with difficulty. The dragoness turned around and rooted around in Elusive's sewing kit, finding the tape with ease, holding it for him. A blue aura of magic grasped her claw holding the tape. "Ahem." The unicorn cleared his throat. Barbara realized she was not letting go of the measuring tape and was lost in Elusive's eyes. She shook herself from her dreamlike state. "Oh… hehe, sorry." She released her grip as the tape floated out of her claw. "Thank you." He said. "You know my dear, I have to thank you for your assistance after a day of cleaning the castle. You didn't need to come over today, you must already be exhausted." "Oh it was no trouble at all! I'm always happy to help a friend in need." Barbara said, her heart fluttering once again when he called her 'my dear'. She knew she was lying to herself. True, she would help any of her friends if they asked, but she particularly wanted to help Elusive, and was hoping so badly he'd measure her, she shivered with excitement at the thought. Time passed as she watched the white stallion make small adjustments to Butterscotch's vest. She would do any favour he'd request of her. She could watch him for hours, but eventually it began to get dark, and Butterscotch took off the vest and headed home. It was just her and Elusive, and they cleaned up the shop in silence until it was completely dark and time for dinner. Dusk would surely be worried about her now. "Oh shoot! I gotta get going, Dusk is gonna freak out!" Barbara exclaimed. "Oh my, it is quite late. I'd best get you home." Barbara protested, but Elusive wasn't having any of it and knew it wasn't safe for her to be out alone. He walked her home. "Oh, Barbara! Before I forget…" Elusive began. "Yes?" Barbara's eyes lit up. Was this it? Could he be? "Would you… that is to say… would you go with me to the Hearth's Warming Prance?" Yes. YES. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!!! "Oh Elusive I would LOVE to!!!!!!" Barbara said, hardly believing this was happening. "Wonderful! I best be off, but can you come help at the shop on Tuesday?" Elusive asked. "You don't have to ask me twice, Elusive!" "Alright, see you then, my love!" He said, walking off. Barbara felt as though she would explode from all the joy. No, she felt like she would explode TWICE. Could you do that? Could you explode twice? She skipped through the main hall of the castle on her way to join Dusk Shine for their usual supper, and to tell him the news. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Jack smiled as he bucked the last apple tree on Sweet Apple Acres. Hooking up the cart full of apples to his harness, he headed back towards the farm. He ears perked as he heard a female scream. It sounded like it was coming from the Everfree Forest. Being a stallion to always come to the rescue, Apple Jack followed the sound and ran towards it. He reached the source of the sound and his eyes widened in surprise and fear for his friend. "Oh mah Solaris! Barbara??!" He shouted. His dragon friend had been backed up to a boulder, cowering in fear from three hungry timber wolves. He thought quickly and found some pebbles. Taking them in his burly hoof, he chucked them at the timber wolves. The wolves averted their attention from the she-dragon and up to the farm stallion. "Hey ya mangy mutts! Come and get it!!" He shouted at them. Though he knew they couldn't understand him, his mocking tone and flank-shaking was enough to get them away from Barbara and set their sights on him. Barbara looked up to where the male voice was coming from. "AJ!! Run, they'll get you too!" She shrieked. And she was right, they were running up the hill and advancing on him already. "Oh buck…" he didn't have a plan after distracting them from Barbara. His only goal at the time was to rescue his friend. "Well I guess I have a plan now: RUN!!!" He yelled to no one in particular. He galloped at full speed away from the wolves. After some time, he looked behind him. Pony feathers! They were still after his flank! Not paying attention to where he was going, he tripped over a twisted vine in front of him, falling onto the ground. He scrambled back to his hooves, only to realize he was just flailing his arms around. His eyes widened in fear when he realized his leg got trapped in the vine. The timber wolves sauntered towards him. "C-C'mon guys. Ya don't want me. I'm tough game from workin' on the fields all day!" He stammered, trying to reason with them, even though he knew the situation was hopeless. His mind was racing. 'Grandpa Smith… Applebuck… Macareina… I love y'all… Ah'm sorry it had to be this way…' he silently cried, the situation setting in. Just then a scaly blur of purple and green leapt in front of the orange stallion. It stood tall and let out a roar and some green flames. The timberwolves backed up in alarm. The very thing they were trying to kill and eat in the first place now had the most dangerous weapon against them: fire. "LEAVE MY FRIEND ALONE!!!!" Barbara roared. This sent the timber wolves running back into the shadows of the forest with their stubby twig tails in between their legs. She stood their, panting from the roar that had taken so much out of her. Apple Jack blushed at her rescue. "Th-thank ya Barbara, ya saved mah life… " "Of course! You're my friend!" She turned around and said. "You got pretty stuck there, didn't you?" Her eyes grew wide with concern. She thought about how to get him out without hurting him, but the vine had thorns on it so it guaranteed some scratches either way. She flexed her claws. "Hold still AJ." With a swipe, the vines ripped him free. "That's the beauty of being a dragon!" Barbara smiled at her accomplishment. He grit his teeth. There were some bleeding scratches on his leg. "Oh gosh… are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, Ah'll be fine. The farm isn't too far from here. Just put a cloth around them for a day or two and they'll heal fast." Barbara nodded. "What the heck were ya doing out here, Barbara?" "Oh… eheheh… well you see, I had just done my chores because Dusk swamped me with more tasks for the day, and I promised Elusive I would help at the Boutique. But because Dusk wouldn't let me go help till I finished, I was late. And I didn't wanna be late, so I took a short cut through the Everfree Forest, but now I see that was a terrible idea… I, I'm sorry…" she hung her head, feeling awful for putting both of them in danger and injuring Apple Jack. "Don't ya fret none, Barbara. Ah'm just glad yer safe." AJ said, holding her chin up with his hoof to comfort her. Barbara blushed at the contact. "Ah do gotta get to the farm, but do promise me ya won't go into the Everfree Forest again? It ain't safe for any pony." "I promise AJ!" Barbara said, standing up straight. The two hugged and said good bye as they went on their way. On his way back to the farm, AJ started to develop a strange unexplainable emotion welling up inside of him. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barbara rushed through the door, barging into the shop. "Barbara dear!! Whatever is the matter?" Elusive asked with concern. His friend was shaking and not her usual self today. "Timber wolves. AJ saved me… " the trauma of the event sinking in, she collapsed on the floor in tears. "You poor dear!" Elusive sat next to the crying baby dragon and pulled her in with his arm for a tight hug. She sobbed into his chest. "Are you both alright?" "Y-yeah…" She sniffed, feeling embarrassed for crying in front of her crush. "Hey Elusive?" "Yes dearest?" "Don't tell Dusk about this, o-okay? He'll only worry and get mad at me for it, and then he'll never let me help at the shop again." "Of course dear. It's our secret." He hugged the she-dragon tighter. "If you don't feel up to it, you don't have to help today." "What? I want to help!" Barbara said, wanting any opportunity to spend time with her crush. "Alright. I have just the thing that will make you feel better!" Elusive chimed. Barbara was curious now and had calmed down a bit. The two went to the back room. The she-dragon noticed Butterscotch wasn't here today, and silently thanked the gods that she could have some time alone with this prince of a stallion. "Stand on the platform please, my dear." Elusive said. Barbara did as told. "I am making you a dress for the Bronyville Hearth's Warming Prance." "W-what?! Elusive you don't have to do that--" her sentence was cut off with his hoof pushed to her mouth, and she blushed as her crush came into contact with her. "I want to, darling. If you're going to the dance with moi, you're going to look simply fabulous whether you want to or not!" Elusive exclaimed. He brought out the measuring tape in his magic glow. He wrapped the tape around Barbara's waist, causing her to freeze up. 'He's touching me he's touching me he's touching me!' her thoughts screamed. The stallion finished measuring her, putting the tape aside and jotting a few things down on a note pad with a quill. "What kind of colour do you want your dress to be? I have never made a dress for a dragon, let alone a baby dragon, before but I am sure I can make one that will turn you into the belle of the ball!" He exclaimed. "Hmm, well, I've never thought about it I guess. Dusk never buys me clothes, the only presents I ever get from him are… books." The last word was said flatly. "So I don't think about fashion much, and I don't know what works and what doesn't." "Well, may I offer an opinion?" "Of course!" "Royal purple works magnificently if I do say so myself!" "Royal purple, huh? Alright!" Barbara exclaimed, getting excited for the annual winter dance. She never went before because no one asked her out, and she felt out of place going alone when every pony seemed to have a special somepony already. Part of her always hoped Elusive would ask her out, and now that that dream was coming true, she wasn't sure what to do. Elusive looked through his fabric door. "And I have just the right amount! I will get to work on this tonight!" Elusive clapped his hooves together, giving Barbara a peck on the cheek. The little dragon froze. "He… kissed… me… " she whispered. It was not an on the lips kiss, but still!!!!!! She couldn't believe it just happened. Thoughts whirled around in her head, and she fainted, her head hitting the hard floor of the Boutique. *** "Barbara? Barbara! Are you okay?" A voice asked. "Elusive…" she sighed. But the voice did not belong to Elusive, not at all. "Oh thank Solaris you're alright!" "Dusk…?" The she-dragon asked wearily, her adoptive brother coming more into focus now. "What happened?! Elusive brought you over and said you just fainted! Did you remember to eat lunch?" Barbara shook herself fully awake. "What?" Memories of Elusive kissing her on her cheek came flooding back to her. "Oh… no, I'm fine. So you wanted me to sweep the floors before bed right?" Just like that, she got up, grabbed the broom from the closet, and got to her chores without another word. Dusk Shine watched her with a skeptical expression. "She is definitely not telling me something." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Grandpa Smith? What's it like to be in love?" A colt Apple Jack asked. "It's hard to explain little fellar. It was magic when Ah fell in love with yer gand ma." Grandpa Smith said to the little orange colt in his shrieky old voice. "The only way yer can truly know how it feels is when yer old enough to fall in love yerself!" *** "Macareina. What's it like to be in love?" A big orange stallion asked his sister. The normally quiet mare answered with something more than just a usual "eeyup" or a "eenope" this time. "Little bro, you got it bad." She chuckled in her low female voice. "Who is the lucky mare?" "It's not a mare." "Ah, so it's a stallion, that's fine as well." She laughed. "Big sis quit making fun of me! It ain't a stallion either. She's… not a pony." "Ah alright, Ah gotcha." "Well? What was it like when you first realized yer feelings fer Applebuck's teacher?" "Mr. Cherry Lee?" Macareina wondered aloud. "It was. Magical. Like, suddenly mah heart would pound faster every time Ah saw him. Being a quiet mare, it was only until Applebuck and his friends put the spotlight on us that it took some time before Ah realized I really DID feel something towards him. He was kind, cared for others, worked hard, like me. When Ah came clear he kissed me, and told me he was hoping Ah'd say that AFTER the effects of the love poison had worn off, heh." Though no pony could ever tell, thanks to her red fur, Macareina was blushing heavily right now. "So yer sayin', Ah should be honest and just tell her how Ah feel?" "Honesty is the best policy… and yer element." The red mare giggled. "Alright. I tell her, tomorrow!" Apple Jack declared. *** "I'm telling you Dusk, nothing happened!" Barbara said for the ninth time that day. "Fine, if you're not going to tell me then I'm not letting you visit Elusive anymore." "WHAT?!" "Something happened while you were there, and now you're acting different. Visiting Elusive has been putting you under stress lately and doing you more harm than good, so until you tell me what's up, you're steering clear from him and the Boutique." "You MONSTER! You will never get in the way of our love!" Barbara imitated a mare fainting dramatically. "Are you taking drama classes from him now?" Dusk rolled his eyes at the exaggeration. "Dusk PLEASE. He asked me to the Hearth's Warming Prance and I JUST HAVE TO GO!!!" Barbara wailed. "Oh… I see." He stopped. Dusk always knew Barbara would grow up at some point, and a first date was one of those steps in a filly's-- or in this case dragon's-- life. He didn't know Elusive was as crazy about Barbara as she was about him, but after working together in the shop for weeks on end, it seemed like that had given them time to bond. He would have to speak to Elusive later, just to make sure there was no alternative motive behind this. If someone broke Barbara's heart, Dusk would break their face. Barbara was like his little sister to him since Prince Solaris gave him her egg to look after when he was just a colt. And since Barbara had no other family, Dusk grew very protective of her. He shook his head. Elusive was his friend, he wouldn't do such a thing. Nevertheless, Dusk made a mental note to follow up on this with Elusive some time soon. "Okay Barbara. You can go to this dance." Dusk sighed. "YES!!!! THANK YOU DUSK!!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!" She jumped around excitedly and pulled Dusk in for a tight hug. 'I am going to regret this.' The alicorn's thoughts echoed in his mind. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apple Jack trotted at a brisk pace, on the familiar route to Dusk and Barbara's new home. No more denying and hiding from his feelings, he was a stallion, and today he would confess his love. He secretly prayed to Solaris that she would feel the same way. They were friends, that was true, but he was sure that there was something more. A stallion with a rainbow mane stopped him in his tracks. "Hey AJ!" Blitz said, wearing a cocky grin on his face. "Hey Rainbow Blitz, listen, not now okay? Ah'm kinda in the middle of something." AJ said with a tone of urgency. Blitz didn't seem to care. "Yeah yeah, that's nice. So… guess what?" "And Ah'm supposed to say 'what?' huh?" AJ groaned in frustration. Well, something seemed to have Blitz worked up, so he was probably going to hear about it from him sooner or later, so AJ concluded he may as well listen to Blitz's boasting now. "I'm going to the dance with a Wonderbolt!" He beamed. Apple Jack used this as an opportunity to torment Blitz about his insecurity. "So ya finally braved up and asked Flamethrower out eh? Good on ya!" He playfully shoved the cyan stallion in the shoulder. "What?! Not Flamethrower, you numbskull!!! Sora!!! The most beautiful and famous pegasus in Equestria is going to the Hearth's Warming Prance with YOURS TRULY." He said, recovering from his wounded ego quickly. "What? No way! Ah'm happy for ya Blitz, that's amazing!" "It ain't no big deal, I mean. Who would say no to the most handsome stallion?" He said smirking. "Soooo… who're YOU going to the dance with?" The question caught AJ off guard. He cleared his throat. "Uh, me? Huh, well, Ah… " Apple Jack stammered, searching for an answer. What should he say? If he said he wasn't going with anypony, Blitz would think he was a loser, or worse, try to set him up with some other mare he had zero interest in. If he said he WAS going with somepony, Blitz would want to know who, and he wasn't even sure if Barbara would say yes yet, even though he hoped with all his might. "C'mon AJ, you can tell. Who's the lucky mare?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "Ya don't know her!" AJ blurted out. Well, in a sense, that was true. Out of all the six, Rainbow Blitz was the one Barbara probably hung out with the least. 'Did Ah just tell a lie?' that thought didn't sit well with the Element of Honesty, but Rainbow Blitz could be a jerk, and Apple Jack had somewhere more important to be right now than to humour the pegasus. "Ooh, so it'll be a surprise! What's she look like, can you give me a clue? I bet a stallion as toned as you could bag a real hottie!" Blitz teased. Apple Jack rolled his eyes. "Ah'm not tellin', you'll just have to wait till the Hearth's Warming Prance!" The earth pony stallion said. "Now if y'all will excuse me, Ah gotta get on with… things." Apple Jack continued down the road, Blitz's boisterous laughter getting quieter and quieter as Apple Jack got further away from it. He carried himself tall as he walked towards the home of the dragon and the Prince. *** Apple Jack arrived at the castle and took a deep breath. His hoof reached the door, but stopped. "Ah can't do this." He whispered to himself. "There's no way she'd say yes to a farm boy. Right?" His mind was racing. Then he thought back to what Rainbow Blitz said. 'I bet a stallion as toned as you could bag a real hottie!' Blitz thought he was attractive? Well, if Blitz thought so, then that had to mean something, so maybe he had a fighting chance. He was no charming stallion like Elusive, but he was kind and a gentle colt. He raised the hoof again, but the door opened before he could. Dusk Shine stood in the doorway. "Apple Jack? I thought I heard someone! Why are you here?" The alicorn questioned. "Oh, Ah, um… hey Dusk. Is Barbara around? Ah wanna talk to her." "Oh, you just missed her. I'm afraid she's at the Boutique helping Elusive. AJ?" Dusk asked. His farmer friend looked troubled. "Helping. Elusive." The words rolled off Apple Jack's tongue. "AJ, is everything alright?" Dusk asked, but before he could get an answer, the larger orange stallion was already galloping away. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now doesn't that look simply stunning?" Elusive said, his eyes sparkling with pride at Barbara's new dress. It was a lavender gown that matched the colour of her purple scales. "Spin around, darling!" Barbara did as told and spun on her platform, admiring the back of her gown in the mirror. "Elusive, it's… it's beautiful! I can't believe you did this for me!" Barbara squeed. "Oh it was nothing, dear!" The white stallion nuzzled the baby she-dragon. "Heheh, awe geez." "Just you wait, you'll be the belle of the ball!"~ "I don't know about that, there's mares way prettier than a scaly freak like me." Barbara hung her head sadly. "Why ever would you say such a hurtful thing, dear?!" Elusive gasped. "Because it's true! I'm not beautiful and strong like Macareina, or elegant like Glimmer Shield, or mmmf--!!" Barbara's berating was met with a white muzzle kissing her own little snout. The heavenly feeling lasted for about a minute. When Elusive broke the kiss, he held her chin firmly in his hoof. "Never say such things again. I believe you are more beautiful than any mare I've seen. You are unique. You are a sexy creature. And if I do say so myself, not many stallions can say they are lucky enough to date a dragoness." Barbara blushed at the compliments, especially since they were coming from Elusive. "Elusive?" Barbara asked. They loved each other. They were going to the dance. Elusive had made her a dress. Elusive had kissed her. She had to be sure. She needed to know if they were now official. "Yes, dearest?" "Are… are we--" Barbara was cut off by the door to the boutique being thrown open. Apple Jack stood in the doorway panting heavily. "Uh… " Apple Jack hadn't thought about what he was going to say when he got there. Now he felt like an idiot as he was clearly interrupting something. He cleared his throat. "Hello? May I help you?" Elusive called from the back. He came out to the front of the store. "Ah, Apple Jack! How wonderful to see you! You look a little flustered." "Uhuhm… Ah was told Barbara would be here." AJ grinned sheepishly. Elusive raised an eyebrow at this, why Apple Jack would need to speak to Barbara so urgently was beyond him, but nevertheless, he went to the back. "Barbara, Apple Jack is here. He says he wants to see you." Elusive said. "AJ?" Barbara wondered aloud. Why did he need to see her? It must be something important. She undid and took off her gown and walked to the front. "Hey Barbs!" Apple Jack smiled when he saw her. "Uh… sorry if y'all were busy, but can Ah borrow ya for just a minute?" "Sure. Elusive, you don't need me right now, do you?" "No dear, the shop is rather quiet." Elusive smiled. Dear? Apple Jack bristled. 'Nah, yer being silly. Elusive calls everyone that.' "Alright, well. Be back real quick!" The baby dragoness followed the orange stallion outside. "What'd ya need me for AJ? Are you okay?" Then the dragon noticed something seemed off with the earth pony stallion. "You don't look so well…" "Listen, Barbs. Ah… Ah mean… well. What Ah've been meaning to ask ya is… will you… go with me to the… Hearth's Warming Prance?" Barbara's eyes widened and she thought she might just faint again. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Awe man… hey AJ. I'm totally flattered but… but… I'm actually already going with Elusive." "What?" "Yeah. He just asked me out a few days ago. He actually made me a dress too, customized just to fit a baby dragon. It was really sweet of him… AJ?" Apple Jack felt as though he could break. He was not expecting to take the rejection so harshly, he was also confident he had a shot. His ears drooped though he tried to keep his composure. "Oh… that's… that's fine." He said sadly. "AJ? Are you okay? I-I'm sorry but… " Barbara said, feeling tears well up in her eyes. "Ah gotta get back to the farm." Apple Jack said. *** The dance was just a week away now, and Apple Jack was still giving Barbara the silent treatment. She was hurt, AJ was her friend, and all he was doing now was shutting her out. She knew she had hurt him, and she felt terrible, but what was she supposed to do? She was already going with Elusive, and that wouldn't be fair to him either. She sad on her bed, huddled up. A knock sounded at the door. "Barbara? You've been in there a lot! Is everything okay?" Dusk's voice came from the other side. When she didn't answer, he opened the door. The lavender stallion propped himself up on the bed, pulling her in for a comforting hug. "Hey. What happened? Ever since your last visit with Elusive you haven't said anything, you just stay all locked up in here." The river of emotion broke through and Barbara cried into Dusk's shoulder. "I'm a terrible dragon." She sobbed. "What? What makes you say that?" Dusk asked. "I… I hurt some pony." She cried. Dusk propped her up. "Barbara, what do you mean? What happened?" Dusk asked in confusion. Barbara would never physically hurt someone. She was not like other dragons. Something deeper than that had to have been going on. "I hurt Apple Jack." Dusk's ears perked. Apple Jack had been here a few weeks ago searching for Barbara. "How did you hurt him?" Dusk asked, in a non-judgemental tone. "He… he asked me to the Hearth's Warming Prance and I… I told him I can't because I'm already going with Elusive." She sniffled. "Oh Barbara. You didn't hurt him, you were being honest. You like Elusive, right?" Barbara nodded. "Then you couldn't have said you like Apple Jack if you don't return his feelings. It just wouldn't be fair to him. You did the right thing. I'm sure he's forgotten all about it by now." Dusk reassured the little dragoness, stroking her back. "You think so?" "I know so. What do you say we get out of this stinking castle for a day and go to sugar cube corner? I'll get Berry to make you a gem cupcake!" Her eyes lit up at that and she wiped her tears away. "S-sure! Thanks Dusk…" She hugged him tightly. "For what?" He smiled, returning the hug. "For being a great big brother." She said. Dusk smiled back, touched by her words. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was fairly busy at Sugarcube Corner on this fine day. Bubble Berry bustled back and forth between cupcakes and customers. Unlike everybrony else, he had no time to think about who he was going to take with him to the dance. His mind was on a certain mare, but he hadn't seen her since the last time she visited Ponyville. Berry wasn't as concerned. If he had a date, it would be amazing, but he was fine all the same if he didn't have one for the dance. Sometimes he thought love was silly, anyways. It made his Bubble senses tingle and then he got all worked up only to get his heart broken in the end. He didn't need romance to be a happy pony, he had amazing friends, and making his friends happy was good enough. As he was lost in thought, familiar faces walking through the door pulled him back to his senses. "Dusk! Barbara!" He squeaked, bouncing over to them. "What can I do for you today?" "Hey Berry! We'll take a hay smoothie and a sapphire gem cupcake for here please." The alicorn stallion said. "Sure thing!" The bouncy pink pony hopped to the back to prepare their orders. Dusk and Barbara found a table near the window. "The place sure is busy today," Dusk mused. "That'll be great for their business!" Barbara noted. "So." She grinned. "So, what?" "You still haven't told me." "Told you what?" "Who're YOU taking?" "Ah, you know I'm too busy doing royal paperwork and spell research assignments to think about love, Barbs." He chuckled. "Maybe. But I know everyone has a crush, and I know who YOU have a crush on…" she grinned. "Y-you do?" Dusk laughed nervously. 'That's impossible. How could she know?' his thoughts echoed. "It's kind of obvious you've got it bad for that new mare in the royal guards." She teased. A heavy blush coated Dusk's face. "W-what?! No I don't! Barbara, don't be ridiculous." "Hmm. What was her name again? Flaring War or whatever?" The dragoness fished. She wanted him to say it for himself. "Flare Warden! And I don't 'got it bad' for her, as you so bluntly put it." Dusk grunted, embarrassed now, only further evidence that Barbara was right. "Awe, c'mon Dusk. Why don't you go and ask her? The worst that can happen is that she says no!" Barbara encouraged. "Barbs. I can't just--" Dusk got cut off by Berry bouncing up to them. "One hay smoothie and a sapphire gem cupcake!" The pink stallion placed the tray on their table. Dusk was about to take out five bits, when Berry stopped him. "Don't worry Dusk, this one's on me." Berry said. "Oh, you don't have to, Berry." Dusk said, wanting to pay. "Ah c'mon, you guys come here all the time! I think you've earned a free one!" Berry beamed. "Wow. Thanks." "Don't sweat it!" The party brony replied. Just then a tan mare with a curly brown mane and tail walking through the door caught Berry's attention. His jaw dropped. He never thought he would see her again! "Uh… Berry?" Dusk asked, noticing his friend started acting off. "Huh? Oh, sorry Dusk… I uh…" Dusk followed his gaze towards the attractive mare that just walked in. "Heh. Well, there's a familiar face!" Dusk commented. "Uh, uh-huh… " Suddenly Berry could have sworn he turned into Butterscotch for a second. Is this how the poor pegasus felt everyday? "Aaaaawe! You should so go and ask her out, Berry!" Barbara squealed. "What? Oh no, I couldn't do that!" "Sure ya could!" Dusk encouraged. "If anypony could, it would be you!" "Dusk!! Don't you remember who she is? She's Equestria's best party planner! Not even MY parties can top her! I could never talk to her, not after what happened with Rainbow Blitz's birthday last year!" "Of course you can talk to her! Look, you don't have to ask her out. You just have to say hi." Dusk encouraged. How could the most outgoing stallion in all of Ponyville be AFRAID to talk to a mare? "I-I don't think s--" Berry started, but Dusk wasn't going to take no for an answer. Berry had helped him so many times, he owed it to him to help him this time. Berry glowed with Dusk's lavender magic, and he threw his stubborn friend across the floor, Berry skidding right up until he was face to face with the earth pony mare. She looked him in the eyes, and the realization hit. "Ohmigosh! Bubble Berry!!!!" She pulled him in for a tight hug. "I have been looking everywhere for you since I came back to Ponyville!!!!" She squeaked. "Y-you have?" Berry asked. "Wait, when and why did you come back to Ponyville?" Berry asked. "A couple weeks ago. Turns out Ponyville is where the party business is more likely to be, and ever since I got here I just couldn't stop thinking about you! You're my hero after all!" Berry blushed. He knew Panini looked up to him, but her HERO? "H-hey, Panini. I was just thinking. Since you're in Ponyville now, did you wanna, um, well…" 'come on Berry, you can DO this!' he thought. "Did you wanna go to the Hearth's Warming Prance with me?" At first, there was a chilling silence. But then Panini's eyes lit up. "Are you kidding? YES!!!" She squeaked. Berry couldn't believe it! He turned around and mouthed a 'thank you' to Dusk, who smiled back at him, only to be turned around again by the party mare. Her tan-yellow muzzle met his for a kiss, and his mane and tail poofed up like they usually did whenever he was super-duper excited. The room that had been watching the commotion cheered loudly. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Elusive? I need to talk to you." Dusk knocked on the door of the Canterlot Boutique. Today was the day he was going to give his approval. He heard some bustling behind the door, and it opened, revealing just the pony he wanted to talk to. "Hello, Dusk! Come in, come in! You know, I must say Barbara has been very helpful lately. She really is deserving of the title Number One Assistant!" Elusive chattered on. "Yeah, about her." Dusk said. "Elusive, we have to talk." He said seriously. Elusive looked at him. There were a couple of customers in the shop, so the unicorn ushered his friend to the back. "Dusk Shine?" "Elusive. These past few weeks you and Barbara have developed a romance, yes?" Elusive nodded. "I just want to say. You have my approval to take her to the dance. And… if this turns out to be you just using her, then--" "Dusk, I would never!" Elusive said. "Barbara is my one true love! My gem, if you will." "Good. Because I'll make you regret it if you hurt her." Dusk said. "Eheheh, I wouldn't dream of it!" The unicorn said nervously. "She's like my little sister. I just don't want her to get hurt." "Well you don't have to worry. I'll keep her safe." Elusive said. Dusk smiled. They walked back to the front door. "I made her a dress you know." "She told me." Dusk smiled. "Thank you." "It was no trouble! This is rather off topic but, have you noticed Apple Jack has been acting strange?" "Yeah. You noticed too? He came to the castle asking for Barbs, but I told him she was with you, and then he looked all upset." Dusk said. "I wondered what it was about, but before I could ask if he was alright, he had already run off." "That's the strangest thing! He was at the Boutique a couple of weeks ago, asking for Barbara as well. He was all flustered. Well whatever's troubling him, I hope he's sorted it out by now." Elusive said. "Yeah, I haven't seen him since." Dusk added. "Well, we'll see him at the dance. Did you know Berry has a date now?" "No! Who is the lucky mare?" "Panini came back to town, specifically looking for him, it seems! Anyways with a bit of matchmaking, I finally got Berry to brave up and ask her, and she said yes! It was quite the scene." Elusive chuckled. "Well I'm glad! Congratulations to him!" The two stallions gossiped for a while, before Dusk headed back to the castle. > Chapter 10 Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day that everybrony and mare in Ponyville had been waiting for had arrived. The town was full of excitement. This was a special time of year, for foals and adults alike. Prince Artemis would begin the Winter Moon Festival on the twenty first day of the last month of Fall. Then to kick off winter and the holidays, the stallions got together to organize the Hearth's Warming Prance. At the Friendship Castle, Barbara fussed with her dress and scales to make sure they shone in the light. She was nervous as this was her first dance with a stallion. A knock sounded at the door. "Barbara! Elusive is here to pick you up, we should get going." Dusk's voice sounded from outside the room. "Alright!" She answered. Dusk had been nagging at her to hurry up for the past hour, for fear that they would be tardy. What Dusk didn't realize is that girl dragons needed their time to get ready. Barbara sighed. Sometimes she thought it would be nice to have a female figure in her life, having lived around stallions her whole life since she was hatched. Glimmer Shield was all she had, and since the Captainess of the Guards got married, Barbara saw less and less of her these days. She shook the thought out of her head, there were more important matters right now, like her first official date. "Barbara!!!" Dusk wailed. She rolled her eyes, getting out of the chair in front of the mirror and went to open the door. "Dusk, calm down, I'm ready, okay?" Barbara said. "Um… Dusk?" She poked him. Tears were welling in his eyes as he stared in awe at the dragoness. "You're… you're so beautiful Barbs!" Dusk sniffled. "I'm so proud of you!" Barbara blushed, feeling embarrassed and shy now. Hearing her adoptive brother compliment her in a way she'd never been complimented before touched her. Dusk wore a suit of light blue himself. "Come on you goof ball, we have a dance to get to, don't we?" She said, trying to make the situation less awkward. "Right. Elusive is at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you." He smiled. Barbara smiled back nervously, gulping. They walked for a few minutes, until Barbara saw the white stallion waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase. Dusk smiled, motioning for her to go ahead. Her fancy custom made shoes made clanks on the cold ground with every step she took. "Barbara, you look… breathtaking!" Elusive beamed. The she-dragon blushed heavily. He held out a hoof for her to take. She took it, sighing as she made the last step without tripping over her dress. Dusk flew down to join them. "You did an amazing job on that dress, Elusive. It's not easy to make a pattern for a baby dragon!" Dusk said. "Thank you, Dusk." "This vest isn't half that bad either." The alicorn said, fluffing up his wings to show off the vest more. "It wasn't easy to make new vests for all six of you but I managed!" Elusive said with pride. "After all, we must look the very best for our mares!" He smiled at Barbara, who smiled back. They walked out of the castle where a carriage with two pegasi mare guards stood for them. The all clambered onto the carriage, Elusive helping Barbara up with his magic. She cuddled up closely to him as the carriage took off. They flew for some time before they made it to the town hall. "Dusk?" Barbara whispered to him as they were about to walk in. "Huh? Oh, right." He winked, taking the hint to leave them for the evening. He flew off into the crowd of ponies. "Tickets, sir." A unicorn royal guard mare said, shuffling the lineup along. Elusive brought out two tickets as they were let in. The ponies had worked hard to put this event together, and that work showed. Beautiful snowflake and general Hearths Warming decorations hung from and covered the walls, and there was even a disco ball to add to the scenery. Barbara took note of the DJ they got and her eyes widened. "ELUSIVE!!!" A bouncy colt voice shouted. Bubble Berry tackled his unicorn friend. "Gah… Berry! This is my good new suit, do you mind?!" The unicorn hissed. "Not at all!" Berry chirped, returning to his place next to his date. The white stallion huffed. "Panini dear, how are you? I heard you were back in town! Congratulations on the business!" Elusive said. "Thanks! Turns out I didn't realize what I had left behind after I was done with Rainbow Blitz's birthday. She smiled and nuzzled Berry." "Holy smokes!!! I can't believe you guys were able to get Record Scrape for the DJ!" Barbara beamed, unable to hold in her excitement anymore. "That's what the work of two super duper party ponies can do!" Berry smiled. "Stallions and gentle-mares!" Mayor Colt's voice sounded all around the room from the speakers as he spoke into the microphone on the stage. "It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to this year's Hearth's Warming Prance!" The room cheered. "I think I can say this year will be the best dance we've had, thanks to the amazing party planning committee we have!" the Mayor exclaimed. The crowd cheered again. "You're the best, Mayor Colt!" Berry squeaked from the audience. Mayor Colt cleared his throat. "Yes, well. To start this party off, we will have a slow dance for all you lovers, so stallions, grab you mares, mares, grab your stallions, and Mr. Record Scrape?" The Mayor looked at him. Record Scrape turned his head towards the direction of the Mayor, nodding. He changed the disks and a slow romantic waltz began to play. Stallions with their mares began to fill the dance floor, some awkward dancers just swaying back and forth unsure of how to guide their partner. There were even a pair of stallions seen dancing together, a mint unicorn and a cream earth pony that moved along to the romantic music. Taking note of them Barbara no longer felt out of place that she was the only dragon there as Elusive guided her onto the dance floor, her arm hooked around his forearm. Elusive initiated the familiar steps of "one-two three-one-two-three". He was very good at taking the lead. Barbara gazed into his sapphire blue eyes. She forgot she was having so much fun until the waltz came to a close. Elusive leaned in and kissed her. A heavy coat of blush appeared on her face. "And with that, the Hearth's Warming Prance has begun!" The Mayor said, before going off to mingle with the crowd, that cheered in turn as Record Scrape dropped the base. > Chapter 10 Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You're an amazing dancer!" Barbara laughed as she and Elusive took a break to grab some punch. "You are not so bad yourself, dearest." He said in reply. "Ah, I love this song! Can we dance a bit more?" She begged. "Alright." Elusive chuckled, glad that Barbara was having so much fun. After the two grabbed some refreshments they headed back to the dance floor. Ponies shuffled their hooves to the beat, and Barbara's gaze landed on Dusk, Berry, Panini, and Butterscotch, Blitz and Sora the Wonderbolt all chatting. She noticed she hadn't seen AJ that night yet, and wondered if he would come at all. Then, for the first time in days, she saw the farm stallion. He was standing next to a barrel of cider, looking glum. She felt awful again, but remembered what Dusk said and tried to push him out of her mind. She gasped as she felt Elusive's grip on her tighten. Her breathing quickened. His forehooves made their way down to Barbara's flank. This was a little too much for her first night out, even though she was guilty of enjoying it. "HEY!!!" A southern accent turned their attention towards its direction. Elusive stopped his nonsense. "Apple Jack dear boy! Didn't think we'd see you tonight! How are you enjoying the evening?" Elusive asked. "Was enjoyin it just fine till Ah saw you." The farm pony growled. Barbara's heart sank. She had hoped the night would just go on as usual, but AJ still seemed hurt. Nevertheless this wasn't the time or place to have this discussion, and she prayed to Solaris that Apple Jack would just let it go for tonight. Barbara could pick up the scent of alcohol on the farmer's breath. "Whatever do you mean?" Elusive asked, raising an eyebrow. "Ah think ya know, Elusive." "I certainly do not! Now you can tell me what has you rattled up like a mature stallion or we can just avoid each other for the night, since clearly you seem to have something against me." "Awe please. Ya think Ah don't see it?!" AJ said, his voice raising, attracting some attention. "See what?" "That yer trying to put the moves on her, to garner the attention of little miss Regal Splendour that just showed up?!" "W-what?" Barbara said, noticing AJ could be right. "Elusive… that's not true, right?" "Eheheh, Barbara dear, of course not!" "It IS!! Y-you were just using me to make some other mare jealous?" "Yes--I mean no!" Elusive started. "Barbara dearest, YOU are my one and only gem. Now. If I'm… being honest. At first I was just letting you spend time with me to be nice. But then I realized we share a deeper connection, and I truly do feel something more for you than friendship… Barbara?" She pushed his hoof away. "You USED me!" She sobbed. "Elusive? What's going on?" Dusk said as he came over, shooting a glare in the unicorn's direction. He held the dragoness as she cried into his shoulder. Apple Jack could hold back his anger no longer and shoved the unicorn in the shoulder. "Apple Jack! What the hay was that for!" Elusive glared. "Ah'm not letting ya get away with treating mah friends like that!" AJ growled. "Very well. It's not very gentle-colt of me to fight, but if it must come to getting this suit ruined to prove a point, then so be it!" His horn glowed with his blue magic. Apple Jack slammed into him, but Elusive dodged the farmer's attack, blasting a magical ray at the farm stallion, just missing him. Gasps and murmurs surrounded them as ponies formed a circle around them to watch the fight. The sparring stallions collided, wrestling hoof to hoof. His strength winning in the end, Apple Jack finally pinned Elusive to the ground, locking their lips. The crowd gasped. Elusive's eyes widened before he finally pushed AJ off. "Well I NEVER! How dare you call yourself a STALLION!" Elusive spat in disgust, punching the flushed Apple Jack in the face. Apple Jack himself, coming to a realization of what he just did, ran off outside the town hall. "Hey AJ! Wait up!" Rainbow Blitz chased in flight after his friend. "Barbara…" Elusive said, reaching over to her to see if she was okay. But she pushed him away again, receiving another glare from Dusk Shine. "Everypony, everypony! I think it's time we call it a night." Mayor Colt said into the microphone, gaining the attention of the crowd that formed, breaking them up into small groups and sending them home. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yo! AJ!" Blitz sped through the town. He may have been the fastest flier, but on land, AJ could easily outrun him, and Blitz was always envious of that. Finally he caught up to his friend, tackling him to the ground. "Get off me!" AJ snapped. "Calm your mane. I just wanna talk!" Blitz said, meaning every word of it. "About." The huge orange stallion grunted under Blitz. "Well, about what happened back there. So… you like stallions huh?" Blitz said, in a non-taunting way. Apple Jack felt shy now. Rainbow Blitz jumped off the orange brony's back and helped him off the ground. Apple Jack scuffed the ground with a fore hoof, his ears pinned back in shame. "Ah was in total denial of it first. But yeah." He simply said. "Well hey. There's no problem with that." Blitz comforted. "In fact, I do too." "What?" AJ's ears perked. "But Ah thought ya were with Sora?" "I am-- or was. I was only really into her just because she's a Wonderbolt." "Wow Blitz, that was a flank move on your part." The farmer said. He wasn't trying to be mean, he was an honest pony. "I know. I probably hurt her. But I always had a preference for stallions." He sighed. "When did ya know you liked em, if ya don't mind me asking?" "When I had some fun with Dusk." If Apple Jack was drinking right now he would have spat his drink out dramatically. His eyes widened. "Dusk?!! OUR Dusk?!" "Yeah." Blitz said. "AJ, the male to female ratio in Equestria is 4 to 1. With hormones and all, you can't be all that surprised that stallions around these parts have some fun with each other?" Blitz chuckled. "Ah… Ah guess not." AJ paused. "So… so now what?" He asked. "What do you mean." "Well. Ah… Ah always had visions of kissin' Elusive. But Ah always had a thing for you in particular." AJ said, his cheeks turning crimson. "Oh… well. You're a pretty fine stallion yourself. I'll be honest. I'm attracted to you, but I don't know about romantically yet." "Yet?" AJ's ears perked again. "I'm willing to try a relationship with you, if you are too." Blitz said. Now it was his turn to blush. Apple Jack smiled back at the cyan stallion. *** "Is that the last of everything?" Barbara asked glumly as she finished shelving the new shipment of spell books. Dusk sighed. She had lost the sparkle in her eyes ever since the dance. Dusk had also felt betrayed by Elusive's actions. Not only did his best friend break Barbara, but he also lied straight to Dusk's face. "Yeah… Barbs?" "I'm gonna go take a walk. You remember what happened the last time I trapped myself in this castle for days." Dusk smiled sadly. *** Ponyville was quiet today, which gave Barbara an opportunity to take in her surroundings and time to think. She wasn't in the mood for gemstone muffins. She certainly wasn't in the mood for the Boutique, and the farm was probably a bad idea. She hadn't seen Butterscotch in a while, and he always had comforting words, so she decided to visit her old quiet pegasus friend. After some walking, she made it to the shy stallion's cottage. She raised a claw to knock. Slowly the door creaked open. "H-hello?" The pink maned pegasus said. He looked down. "Oh, h-hi there Barbara. Come in!" Barbara followed her friend inside. "Can I offer you some tea?" "No thanks, Butterscotch. I just needed a peaceful place away from all the… craziness, and you are always a comforting friend." The dragoness said. "Something wrong?" Butterscotch asked, concerned for the little dragon. "Well. Nothing's been right since the dance. The group is all broken up. Elusive won't even speak to me either, and it's… it's all my fault!" Barbara sniffled. "There, there." Butterscotch pulled her in for a wing hug. "Elusive may have been in the wrong, but I know he never meant to hurt you, Barbara." The gentle stallion's whispering soothed Barbara. "H-how do you know?" She asked. "He told me. He's been beating himself up over what happened. True, he was fond of Regal Splendour, but he never used you or intended for any of this to happen. And the moment he realized he loved you you were all he went on about. I'm not saying this just because I'm his friend, Barbara, I'm saying it because it's the truth. He told me and I heard him go on about it when I helped him in the shop." "So… so what do I d--" The door swinging open cut Barbara off. Her eyes widened as the very stallion they were speaking of walked through the door, looking frantic and out of breath. "Butterscotch!! There you are dear boy. I need help. I have so many orders for the Canterlot Spring Fling and I'm. OVERWORKED!!!! I don't know how it happened, but Regal Splendour must have spread the word about my vests from the Hearth's dance. Now every stallion from Canterlot wants one from my line! I--" he froze as he realized Butterscotch was not alone. "B-Barbara… oh dear, I. I came at a bad time…" "No!!!" Barbara jumped up. "Don't leave, Elusive. I… we need to talk! This has been going on for way too long." "I-I'll just… be in the kitchen preparing Angelica's lunch." Butterscotch flew off, giving them some space. "So… " Elusive scuffed the ground. "So." Barbara hung her head. "Right then. I'll start. Barbara, I never wanted this. I never used you, but I hurt you deeply. I loved… love you! I, as Rainbow Blitz would say, 'bucked up'. If you wish for us to never be romantically involved again, I… understand. I'm sorry, truly." There was silence for a moment. "Elusive. I forgive you." "You do?" "Of course, silly! You're my best friend! But… I say we try dating for real this time." Barbara said. "I… of course, dearest." Elusive smiled. "Also…" he leaned in and kissed her, not just on the cheek, but this time on her scaly lips, for real. They stayed like that for a few minutes until they parted, their faces covered with blush.