> Sonata's Comeback Tour > by milesprower06 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rehearsal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Afternoon, Sunset. Is Sonata right behind ya? We're about ready to get started here." Applejack asked, as she sat on the bench tuning her bass. "She should be here in a few minutes. But we can get started if we want to, she was quite clear that she didn't want to impede on our regular rehearsals. Thanks again guys for agreeing to help her. I really think it's the right thing to do." "I'll be completely honest, darling. I don't believe she needs a lot of help. All I've done is work with her on some basic scales, and she's taken leaps and bounds beyond what any rookie can do. She's done in days what takes most months or more to do." Rarity chimed in, sitting at the grand piano. Being the band's keytarist and pianist, she had spent the most one-on-one time with the siren. "Well, if what she said is true, she had a lot of raw ability before they relied more and more on their magic pendants. If all she has to do is recall rather than learn it all over again, it may take a lot less time than we all thought." Sunset said. "And we're sure that once she learns how to sing again, she won't go all siren-y on us again?" Rainbow asked, who was fine-tuning her guitar strings. "I don't think she wants to, and I'm pretty sure it's not possible without the pendants." Sunset replied. Even though Rainbow was still being cautious, not a single band member really doubted Sonata's sincerity. She had picked things up so quickly during her first lesson that she had considerable trouble holding back tears of joy. They said they could make time for her on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and she even showed up on Wednesday just to hear them play. It was Friday, and Sunset figured she'd be by again. "And didn't she say she wanted to bring the other two around as well? How do you think she'll fare with that?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm not really sure. I mean, the only real interaction I've had with them is when I showed them around the school. I don't want to call her... Dimwitted... But they didn't seem to treat her too well. If she hasn't told them what she's been doing here, I have to imagine that there's at least a little animosity between them. Especially since she's taking the bus all the way out here just to hear us play for 45 minutes. If she'd rather spend time with us than with them..." Sunset trailed off. The others silently nodded in agreement. Perhaps their defeat had done a number on whatever partnership or bond they had formed. But Sonata's heart was in the right place if she wanted to help them as well. Whether they'd be willing was another matter entirely. Since the music rooms were only available for two hours after school, they went ahead and got started. Sure enough, they had barely finished Perfect Day For Fun before the double doors were pushed open, and Sonata made her way in, and when they saw what she was carrying, their mouths began to water. The former siren had a large carrying tray around her shoulders, and on it was two dozen wrapped tacos and two large pitchers of what looked like fruit punch. "Hey guys. Anyone hungry?" "What's this?" Sunset asked, as the aroma of the steaming tacos reached their noses. "Well, I really wanted to find a way to thank you for helping me. I figured an after-rehearsal meal would start to show how much I appreciate what you're doing for me." "Well, we just got started, but with how that smells, I'd say a during-rehearsal meal is in order. What d'ya say, girls?" Applejack hadn't even finished her sentence before the others had set down their guitars and sticks and made their way towards Sonata, who had set the food on a table against the wall. She took from the stack of plastic cups and began pouring out servings of punch. Rainbow and AJ immediately began unwrapping their first tacos, which were topped with lettuce, diced tomatoes, cheese, and sour cream. Loaded, just the way they liked them. "Darling, this punch is divine!" Rarity raved, immediately gulping down her cup, and pouring another. “You... You really like it?” Sonata asked, drinking her own. “Absolutely. Where did you get this?” “Oh, well, I made it myself. Adagio and Aria never thought much of it.” “Well, their loss.” Sunset said, downing her own cup. “Why thank you. I'm glad you like it.” “And these tacos are the bomb. These from your job?” Rainbow said, her mouth full. “Yeah. I trained three more people this week, so I got a bunch of free food.” “Well, we've gotta start going up there, 'cause these are awesome.” After eating, the Rainbooms resumed their rehearsal, and Sonata sat there, watching, listening, and taking their music in. It reminded Sunset of where she was barely a year ago... Adagio walked in the door and threw her hoodie in the coat closet. It was yet another exhausting day of waiting tables at one of the local diners. It wasn't glamorous, and she secretly couldn't stand most of the customers, but it helped keep the rent paid, the lights on, and kept cheap food in the fridge. She sat down on the couch to pull her shoes and socks off, and began to pull her shirt off as she made her way down the hall, but her plans were temporarily halted as she heard the shower running, with the bathroom door already closed. Sonata must have beaten her home. Aria was always the last one home by two or three hours, with her shift lasting the longest. “Ugh, just hurry up...” She muttered. But then she heard something over the stream of water. Was she... Humming? In key? It was more than that. It... It was one of the Rainbooms' songs from last year's Battle of the Bands at Canterlot High nearly a year ago. Yes... 'Shake Your Tail' or something. “Oh my... What have you been up to, dear Sonata?” > We Were > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio heard the key slide in the door, and seconds later, it opened to reveal Sonata in her Taco Hole uniform. The aqua blue-haired siren gave her a glance and a smile, and went in her room to change. The moment her bedroom door clicked shut, however, Adagio immediately dropped the magazine she was reading, and grabbed her hoodie from the coat closet, and ran out the door. She got out to the street, and headed north at a steady jog. Sonata had been keeping to herself an awful lot lately, and she wanted to know what she was up to after work. If she had found a way to tap into the Rainbooms' equestrian magic again, why hadn't she told them? She kept up her jog, headed towards not her regular bus stop, but the one farther up. She remembered seeing Sonata get on the #4 bus, which serviced the southern suburbs, including a stop in front of Canterlot High. If she got on at the stop before the one closest to their apartment, she could see if Sonata got on, and where she got off. She arrived at the bus stop with barely a minute to spare before the bus pulled up to the bench. She stepped on with three other people and scanned her bus pass. She took note of the amount of people on board as she walked towards the back. She took a seat among the most bodies, and pulled her hood up around her head to try and blend in as best she could. Sure enough, at the next stop next to their apartment complex, Sonata stepped on, wearing earbuds, and took a seat right up front, head bopping to the beat of whatever music she was listening to. There were several more stops before the bus reached the city limits, and the bus became more and more crowded as people leaving their jobs boarded to head home. But it didn't give Adagio any trouble with keeping an eye on her fellow siren. Once outside the city, the stops became fewer and farther between, and with the stops, it was a 40 minute trip down south, when the bus slowed to a halt in front of Canterlot High School, and just as Adagio had predicted, Sonata got up from her seat and hurried off. As the bus pulled away, she watched as she ran up the front walk and passed through the front doors of the school. How was she allowed in there? When their pendants were destroyed, their magical spells had ceased, and Celestia had all three of them immediately expelled. It wasn't like she wouldn't have time to ponder. Not even a mile later, the bus reached its turnaround point, and headed back towards the city. It took a little less time to complete the journey this time, as less people were getting on and off as it became late afternoon. One thing was for sure though. Sonata had some explaining to do. Sonata walked down the hall towards the main entrance of the school, filled with elation once more. Today had been the best time yet. This time it wasn't one-on-one practice. Sunset had actually invited her to sing with the band! It was a beautiful song Sunset had written, called 'My Past Is Not Today', and together they sang it as a duet. It felt so good to sing songs again, and it was just singing to sing, not to gain attention or anything like that. Sunset was seeing her out of the school while the others put their instruments away for the day. "I know I've probably said this too many times," Sonata began, "but thank you so much for helping me. I just wish I could get up the courage to tell the other two what I've been doing." "Why haven't you? You said you'd like to bring them sometime." Sunset asked her. "Well, they just don't seem to miss it. Or if they do, they're hiding a lot better than I was. Together, the three of us are living paycheck to paycheck, just going through the motions. We don't really seem to have any direction at all. I like working at the Taco Hole, but honestly? This is the first time in a year that I actually feel like I'm accomplishing something, and it's all thanks to this magic of yours." "That's the special thing about the magic of friendship. It's not just ours. It's yours too. It's everywhere, wherever you have friends." "I'm... I'm your friend...?" "Of course. Your intentions were pure when you asked me to help you, the rest of the band was a bit skeptical, but they've all come around, and you've showed up just to listen to us play. If that's not a new friend, I don't know what is." Sonata's heart skipped a beat. "I... I don't know what to say, Sunset..." The two of them exited the school as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Sonata dug out her phone to check the time, making sure she hadn't missed the bus. Sure enough, just after glancing at the clock, she saw the bus approach from down the street. "I didn't either. I was in your shoes not too long ago. I've learned that friends are there for each other whenever they can be. Here..." Sunset grabbed Sonata's phone and put her own number under her contacts list. "If you need anything, just give me a call or text. I'll be there for you." Sonata smiled at her new friend. "Now no mushy stuff, you're gonna miss your bus. Have a good night." Sunset told her, giving her a playful shove towards the bus stop. Sonata gave a laugh and waved goodbye as she crossed the street to the bus stop. She saw Sunset return inside the school before the bus obscured her view. She boarded and prepared for the 40-minute ride back to downtown. By the time she got off at her stop, the sun had nearly set completely, but there was just enough light left to see the approaching storm clouds that would threaten to rain down on the city within the next hour. She walked half a block to her apartment complex, and came to her door. She slid the key in and opened it, and even before she could put her keys down, she was greeted by Adagio and Aria coming toward her from the couch. "Alright, time to fess up Sonata. How are you doing it?" Adagio told her. "How am I doing what?" Sonata asked. "Oh don't play dumb. Well, dumber than you are, anyway. How are you taking their magic?" Aria sneered. "I saw you get off the bus at Canterlot High a few hours ago. I heard you singing last night." Adagio added. "So what, now you're spying on me?" Sonata began accusingly. "For your information, I'm not taking their magic. They're sharing it with me. They're helping me sing again." "Pfft. Please. Why would they help you?" Aria scoffed. "Because I asked them to." Sonata shot back. "So that's why you're humming their songs in the shower. So you're actually making friends with the people that took our power away? Just because you want to sing again?" Adagio asked incredulously. "Why not? What about you two? Don't you miss it at all? Didn't you love singing? Or did you just love the power it gave you?" "The power was what it was all about. In case you've forgotten, we're sirens." Aria said. "No," Sonata flatly rebutted. "We were sirens. In case you've forgotten, we're not anymore." "Call yourself whatever you want, but this is going to stop. We're not so weak and pathetic that we need friends." Adagio stated matter-of-factly. Right then, something inside Sonata snapped. "And if I say no?" She said just above a whisper. "Excuse me?" Adagio asked, her anger rising. Sonata's rose in turn. "What if I want to be friends with them? 'I think you're the worst, Sonata.' 'The punch is awful too.' 'Go back to sleep, Sonata.'" the blue-haired girl ranted mockingly. "Well they couldn't stop raving about my fruit punch, and they haven't said a single mean or hurtful thing since I showed up! Yes, they are my friends. They're nicer to me than you two ever were!" The tension hanging in the air finally broke as Adagio stepped forward and snatched Sonata's apartment keys from her hand. "Nice enough to put a roof over your head, I hope. Get out." Sonata's eyes widened. "What? You've got to be kidding me!" She objected. Adagio violently shoved her out of the open doorway, nearly tripping her in the process. "Does it look like I'm kidding? Go back to your friends!" She yelled before slamming the door in her face. Sonata stared in horror and disbelief at the closed door as the deadbolt slid into place with a click. The silence that followed didn't last long, as thunder began to rumble in the skies above. Sunset had just dried herself off from her shower and had slipped into her pajamas when she noticed her phone blinking and vibrating on her nightstand. She picked it up and saw the text notification with 'SONATA' right below it in the center of the screen. She opened it. "Oh no..." She said, reading the contents. There were no buses running this late at night, and a cab ride out here would be insanely expensive. She gathered her thoughts, sent off a quick reply, then began going through her contacts list, coming to one she hadn't used in quite some time. She took a deep breath, then pressed the call button. "H-Hey. It's Sunset. I know it's late, but I need a really big favor." > Their Way Or The Highway > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset found the constant rainfall hypnotic, watching the wipers going to and fro, the rain bands streaming across her window, and the occasional flash of lightning and rumble of thunder that overtook the ambient noise of rain. She might have nodded off, were she not so worried about Sonata, who was probably stuck out in this waiting for them. She sat in the passenger seat of Flash Sentry's Camaro, as her ex-boyfriend drove north down the county highway towards downtown Everfree. She considered herself fortunate that he was available and willing to do this at the moment she had called. She knew the school had more or less forgiven her for her past transgressions, but due to the fact that she had used him to become more popular, she wasn't certain that the two of them were on the best of terms. "Thanks again for doing this," Sunset began. "I wasn't even sure you'd pick up the phone, with our history and all." "Don't worry about it. You've clearly redeemed yourself in the eyes of the rest of the school, and that's good enough for me. I mean, I won't pretend that I'm not the only one you know with a car, but I can't fault you for asking, especially when a friend got kicked out of their apartment into this storm. Who is it, anyway?" "Um... Sonata." Sunset answered nervously. "Doesn't ring a bell." "One... One of the sirens from the battle of the bands last year." "You're serious, aren't you?" Flash said, giving her a double take, then quickly returned his focus to the road. "Yeah, she showed up on Tuesday asking for singing lessons. We decided to give her a chance, and she's been nothing but grateful." "And I'm guessing by the fact that we're driving to go get her that the other two aren't on board with that." Flash surmised. "I guess not. It's such a shame because she was hoping to bring them around too." "Maybe it's enough that she came around. Not even friendship can win 'em all." "Yeah, maybe..." As they closed in on downtown, the stop signs gave way to traffic lights, and the clock on the dashboard closed in on 11:00 PM. "Where did she say she'd be waiting for us?" Flash asked. Sunset looked down at her phone, double checking the response she had gotten from Sonata when she told her they were on their way. "4th and Bloomfield." A couple minutes later, they turned onto Bloomfield, and kept an eye on the street signs. "Hey, I think that's her." Flash said, pointing down the street to the corner. There, at the next intersection, stood a figure in a dark purple hoodie, the exact same one that Sonata was wearing when she left practice today. Her back was to them as she just stood there in the rain. "Yeah, I think so." Sunset replied, as Flash pulled over to the curb, and Sunset immediately got out into the downpour. "Sonata?" The siren turned at the sound of her name, and Sunset saw the look of worry on her face. As she walked towards her, Sonata bit her lip, her look of worry turning into one of relief for a split second before bursting into tears as she threw her arms around her new friend, burying her face into her shoulder. Sunset immediately returned the embrace as Sonata's sobs overtook the sounds of the storm. Not even out in the rain for twenty seconds, Sunset found herself soaked. "I... I..." Sonata attempted to talk through her cries. "No, no. You can explain later. Let's get you out of this rain." Sunset told her, breaking the embrace, but kept an arm around her shoulder as she led her to the car, opening the passenger door and pulled the seat up, ushering the sopping wet girl into the back seat. Flash immediately turned the heat on full blast, wanting to get her warm as soon as possible. Once Sonata had buckled herself in, she got her crying partially under control, and Sunset had gotten back in as well. "Where to?" Flash asked, putting the car back into drive. "Back to my place. I can take it from there." Sunset answered. Flash made a u-turn, and headed back south as the storm outside continued. It was a much quieter ride back, and the heat pumping out of the A/C helped Sonata to stop shivering by the time they were out of the city limits. Twenty minutes later, Flash pulled off to the side of the street in front of Sunset's apartment complex. By then, the rain had finally died down, and the two of them could step out without getting soaked. Sonata's tears had dried, but her eyes were still a bit red from her crying. When the two of them were out of the car, Sunset closed the door then leaned down once more. "Thanks again, Flash." She said. "Don't mention it. Have a good night, Sunset." With that, Flash drove off into the night, and Sunset took Sonata inside. "Come on, this way." Sunset told her, guiding her down the hall to the bathroom. She leaned over the bathtub and turned on the faucet. "Here, get yourself a hot shower. I'll be back with a towel, and I'll take your clothes to the dryer." By the time Sunset went to the pantry to get a fresh towel, Sonata was in the steamy shower. Sunset hung it on the towel rod, and took Sonata's damp clothes to the dryer. Once those were done, she recalled that she and Sonata were around the same size, and went to grab a pair of pajamas for her. Once that was taken care of, she got a spare pillow and blankets, setting them on the couch. By that time, she heard the bathroom door open, and Sonata came down the hallway into the living room in her loaned PJs. The two of them matched. "Are you sure this is okay?" Sonata asked. "I'm allowed to have a guest here for seven days. After that, if you don't have anywhere else to go, you can sign onto the lease. This is a one-bedroom, so I can have two people in here." Sunset told her. "I... I don't know what to say. I mean, we've had disagreements before, but... I never thought they'd do something like this. We were always together. Adagio always took charge, and Aria sometimes butted heads with her, but for the most part we just took Adagio's lead. But Adagio got on my bus and followed me to Canterlot High today, and when she told me to stop coming to you for singing lessons... I couldn't." "Don't worry. I think you made the right choice. I'm glad I got a hold of Flash so I could come get you." "Do you think this will blow over? How long will it take? Do you think there's still a chance of me bringing them around?" Sonata asked worriedly. "Sonata..." Sunset began, placing her hands on her shoulders, "The magic of friendship is used to enrich the lives of your friends, and in turn, they enrich yours. That's what makes the effort worth it. But not all friendships last. Some paths divide too far apart, some arguments and disagreements can't be settled. If you're looking for my advice, then... I can't be sure that I'd call the partnership the three of you had friendship. But as much as I've learned, and am still learning, I can't tell you what to do. You, and you alone have to think, and make the decision of when it's no longer worth it. If you still want to bring them around after they threw you out into the rain, then I'd say that's a strong bond indeed." Sonata swallowed what would've been the start of more tears, and nodded. "Now, get some sleep. Here's the schedule for the #4 bus, so you can still get to and from work. Here's my spare key. Apart from that, my couch is your couch." With that, Sunset gave her another hug, and retired to her room, turning off the lights save for the small lamp beside the couch. Sonata yawned, and laid down. It was a love seat, and with as tall as she was, her calves rested on the far armrest, but it was surprisingly more comfortable than the cheap bed she had back in the city apartment. She shut off the light, and before long, a second storm came through, and the sound of the rain on the roof put the siren into a deep sleep. > Second Time's The Charm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After getting kicked out, rained on, and a hot shower, Sunset figured Sonata would be sleeping like a baby until noon. The very last thing she expected was seeing her wide awake in the kitchen while she hazily shambled out of her bedroom. "Morning!" Sonata cheerfully greeted her, as the smell of eggs and hash browns reached Sunset's nostrils. "Hey there, you're up early..." Sunset greeted, the haze of sleep still slowly clearing. "Yeah, I wanted to get an early start. Called work as soon as someone was there to make sure they had a spare uniform for me. Not entirely confident those two would let me back in there just to get my uniforms. Everything's all set, looks like I won't have to go back there, so I'll need a few more days to think about it, but if I don't hear from them, I think I would like to sign onto that lease with you." Sonata said as she gave the hash browns a final stir. "So now you don't think they'll come around?" Sunset asked. "I've been thinking about what you said last night, and I'm still not sure. If they eventually have a change of heart, fine. I was just worried that there was something crucial in that apartment that I was going to need." The siren said as she went to the cabinets to get plates. She had found her way around the kitchen rather quickly. She quickly served up scrambled eggs, hash browns, and two glasses of orange juice. "So I looked at the bus schedule. I'm guessing you have to leave by 6:45 to make it to school on time. I have to be out of here by 8:00 to make it downtown. From there, this place is on the way to the school, so I shouldn't be late to practice this afternoon." Sonata told her. "It's no sweat. If we have to wait on you, we have to wait on you. No big deal." Sunset replied as she started into her breakfast. This was going to be a better morning than most. She usually just had a bowl of cold cereal before starting getting ready. After a hot breakfast, Sunset took a quick shower before getting dressed, and was out the door to catch the bus to school. "Good afternoon, Sunset. What can I do for you?" Principal Celestia asked. Sunset stepped into Celestia's office once she had been welcomed in. She came forward and stood in front of her desk. "Well, I'll be quick. As you know, the second Battle of the Bands is coming up next month, and we'd like to make some changes to our entrance application." Sunset began. Although the Battle of the Bands had been orchestrated and masterminded by the sirens last year, the student body had surprised Celestia and Luna by asking that they do it again, although on more friendly terms, rather than revert to the musical showcase they had initially planned. The excitement of competition, even friendly, was rather difficult to deny. "What sort of changes?" Celestia asked. "We'd like to formally withdraw from the bracket, and perform an exhibition instead." Sunset told her. Celestia looked up at the young woman inquisitively. "Exhibition? But you're the defending champions." "Well, I think it's pretty tricky to name a definitive winner from last year. But the thing is... Sonata's singing lessons have been going well. Really well. She's even showing up just to hear us play. The other two found out, and they kicked her out of their apartment into the thunderstorm last night. Flash and I went to go pick her up, and she's staying at my place for now. She's truly embraced the friendship we've offered her, and we'd like to prove it to her by having her perform with us. Since she's no longer a student, we didn't want to create a stir and figured performing an exhibition at the end would be for the best." Sunset explained. Celestia mulled it over for a moment. "The rest of your band members are on board with this?" Celestia asked. "Yes. We're all in agreement. We think it'll make the competition a bit more interesting, since we're the only 'magical' band in the school." "Alright, if you're really sure," Celestia began, pulling a sheet of paper from her desk drawer; the bracket for the Battle of the Bands. "With Sonata performing with you, you are voluntarily disqualified, and will perform at the end." Aria walked through the door to see Adagio reclining on the couch, sulking behind a magazine as usual. She probably didn't have a single good day at the diner, but it was the only one that had called her back. She dropped her coat in the closet, and went to the kitchen, eager for something to eat. She opened the fridge, and her heart sank to find absolutely nothing in there except an empty milk carton and half a stick of butter. "Ugh... Nice going, Adagio. Kicked out the one that usually does our grocery shopping and can cook halfway decently." Aria complained. Adagio said nothing, annoying the other siren further. Aria rolled her eyes as she went back towards the front door, opened the closet, and grabbed her coat. It looked like she was going to have to walk down the block for a meal. "I don't know if you were hoping to have her groveling at the locked door after a few minutes in the rain, but you know what? I'm guessing they were nice enough to put a roof over her head." With that, Aria went out into the night for a cheap meal, slamming the door behind her. > Taking The Stage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sonata couldn't believe it. The Rainbooms actually wanted her to perform with them in the Battle of the Bands. Practicing with them, sure... But, performing with them? She was beside herself. Needless to say, she was now actively practicing with them every day, with just over three weeks until the competition. As an exhibition performance, they wouldn't be participating in the bracket, and would instead perform after the finals. That's what had shocked Sonata the most; they had all agreed to drop out of the competition so she could perform with them. It was finally beginning to make sense to her. It wasn't about the competition, or about winning; it was about playing with each other and just having fun. Sonata walked out of Sunset's apartment with a postcard in her hand, heading for the mailbox. As she made her way over, one of the city buses pulled up to the curb to let off select passengers, Sunset being one of them. "Hey there. Headed to the school?" Sunset asked her, stepping off the bus and walking up to her friend. "Yep, was gonna wait for the #4 right after sending this out." Sonata told her. Sunset looked at the postcard Sonata held. "That's one of our invitations. You're... You're inviting..." "My last try. If they don't show, they'll never hear from me again. I just had to try one more time. Maybe it took a few days for them to cool off." Sunset admired the girl's tenacity. "Like I said, Sonata, it's your decision to make." "Will you go turn that thing off???" Adagio yelled as she opened a window and attempted to fan the smoke out of the kitchen with a towel as the smoke alarm screamed at them from the hallway ceiling. Coughing, Aria went and grabbed a chair from the dining room table, and took it to the hallway to stop the infernal beeping that came from the device in the celing. She gave the smoke alarm a hard twist, removed it from it's base in the ceiling, then pressed the button to stop the alarm. She set it on the floor when she hopped down from the chair, not confident the smoke would clear in time for the alarm's automatic reset. They had just been trying to brown some meat for Celestia's sake. What was so hard about that? You just turned the stove on, set the meat in the pan, and put a lid on it. It should've taken around 15 minutes, but then smoke came billowing out of the pan not even 10 minutes later. How had Sonata done this? Perhaps they should've paid more attention when she was in the kitchen. "Really? We can't even make some ground beef? You work in a diner for crying out loud, how can you not know how this is done???" Aria asked incredulously. "I work in the front of a diner. By the time I see the food, it's already done!" Adagio yelled back. "Ugh..." Aria replied, rolling her eyes and grabbing her keys, before heading for the door. "Where are you going?" Adagio demanded. "Down to the store to get some TV dinners, neither of us can cook worth a damn, and we can't afford to keep eating out." Aria replied, grabbing her coat and heading out into the chilly evening. They hadn't heard from Sonata since Adagio had kicked her out two nights ago. Adagio hadn't even mentioned her either, but Aria had to admit to herself that her former roommate was on her mind. They picked on her, they rarely said anything nice to her, but only once she was gone did she realize how much she had contributed to the household. She longed for her hot home cooked meals that didn't cost more than $5 per serving. Unfortunately, Adagio would never see reason. Whatever it is that Sonata had found with the Rainbooms, she knew the head siren would almost certainly have nothing to do with it. She walked three blocks to a small corner convenience store, and got a sack of microwavable dinners. It wasn't glamorous, but it'd last until payday. She lucked the plastic sack home, and did a quick check of the mailbox before heading in to eat. She didn't know why she bothered, the only thing they ever got was junk mail and Adagio's monthly magazine subscription. But here was something new... A postcard of sorts. She flipped it over and read: You're invited to Canterlot High School's Second Annual BATTLE OF THE BANDS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26TH 1ST ROUND - 10:00 AM SEMIFINALS - 3:00 PM FINALS - 8:00 PM Free admission, refreshments available for purchase. All proceeds benefit CHS extracurricular programs. "Well, who'd have thought that would happen?" Applejack wondered aloud, as Celestia and Luna announced Trixie and the Illusions as the winner of the Battle of the Bands. "Well, it certainly can't have anything to do with the fact that they performed more than one song for the entire competition this time." Rainbow answered sarcastically, recalling that they had performed "Tricks Up My Sleeve" for all three brackets of last year's Battle of the Bands. Sonata stood in the back of the group, having never felt this nervous before, not even when she first asked Sunset then the rest of the band for singing lessons. She had asked six of the student body for forgiveness. They had all managed to give it to her. But the moment she stepped out on that stage, she'd be asking hundreds. Sunset turned to glance at her, and saw that her nerves were getting the best of her. "Hey, don't worry. You're gonna do great." She encouraged, putting an arm around her. "A year ago, I was up there forcing their affections with dark magic." "And now, you're gonna show them what you can do with friendship magic. We'll be right up there with you. You'll do great, we all know it." Sonata saw each member of the Rainbooms nod and smile at her. She was right. She wouldn't be up there alone. "And now, performing a rather unexpected exhibition, Canterlot High School is proud to present, The Rainbooms!" Celestia announced, followed by applause. The six band members filed out on stage, while Sonata stayed just behind the curtain. This was part of the plan, as seeing a siren come out with them with no explanation might have complicated things. Pinkie Pie sat down at the trap set, Fluttershy grabbed her tambourine, Rainbow Dash and Applejack tuned their respective lead and bass guitars, Rarity turned on her keytar, and Sunset stepped up to the microphone as the applause began to die down. "Hello, CHS! We know that us not competing this year was a bit unexpected, and we'd like to congratulate Trixie and the Illusions on their victory tonight. Our exhibition performance tonight will probably be a bit unexpected to most of you, but we know you'll all love it. After all, we're about the magic of friendship here, and how anyone can seek it out. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce our guest vocalist tonight." Sunset turned to Sonata, and ushered her forth while the rest of the Rainbooms began to applaud, the audience also doing so in response, as Sonata took a deep breath and stepped out on stage. The applause from the audience decreased, not dying out completely, but Sonata could definitely make out the murmurs of uncertainty as she stepped out to the second microphone stand as Sunset strapped on her rhythm guitar. Sonata's heart pounded against her chest, but all she had to do was glance over at Sunset, who gave her a smile. The former siren gave the crowd a meek smile, and she heard the tapping drumsticks as Pinkie began to count off for their first song. "One, two, three, four!" > Encore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aria stepped off the bus into the chilly evening and brought her hood up to ward off the night air, and to be harder to recognize. She blended into the crowd as they started to file into the Canterlot High School Amphitheater, where the finals of the Battle of the Bands was about to take place. No one was checking tickets; admission was free, but there were several vendors selling snacks and drinks. She bought a bottle of water then made her way into the seats, electing to take one of the seats in the back row. Adagio hadn't accompanied her here. Aria had showed her the postcard that Sonata had almost certainly sent them, and she just scoffed, not saying another word about it. So when the night came, Aria told her that she had picked up an extra shift at work. She could sit there and stew in her worthless pride for all she cared. No matter what she did to try and fill the hole that Sonata had left in the functionality of the apartment, Adagio remained bitter and thankless. So here Aria was, taking a chance and seeing what this was all about. She wanted to see what Sonata had gotten herself kicked out over. The two finalists this year were Flash Drive, headed by Flash Sentry, and Trixie and the Illusions, fronted by Trixie Lulamoon. Listening to both of them, they had marginally improved over last year. Flash Drive's set was twenty minutes, then it took a few minutes to set the stage up for Trixie and her band. Aria found herself surprised when Trixie's band wasn't performing the exact same songs that they did last year. After they were done, the staff, Principals Celestia and Luna included, briefly deliberated, before the two sisters took the stage, Celestia stepping up to the microphone. "After two very spectacular performances, the staff judges panel has reached a decision. The winner of this year's Battle of the Bands is..." Luna handed Celestia the envelope, and she quickly opened it and read the card. "Trixie and the Illusions!" The three members of the Illusions leaped up cheering in victory, as the crowd joined them. Flash Drive's members stood at the other end of the stage, gracious in defeat, also began to applaud. Trixie and her band mates stepped up to center stage, accepted the trophy, and collectively held it above their heads, before setting it down and taking a bow, before exiting on the right side of the stage, leaving Celestia and Luna up by the microphones as the applause began to die down. "And now, performing a rather unexpected exhibition, Canterlot High School is proud to present, The Rainbooms!" Celestia announced, as the applause began again as the Rainbooms came out from the left side of the stage. So there they were. Aria initially found it odd that they weren't competing. She saw the members of the Rainbooms quickly set up their equipment while Sunset stepped up to the lead microphone. "Hello, CHS! We know that us not competing this year was a bit unexpected, and we'd like to congratulate Trixie and the Illusions on their victory tonight. Our exhibition performance tonight will probably be a bit unexpected to most of you, but we know you'll all love it. After all, we're about the magic of friendship here, and how anyone can seek it out. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce our guest vocalist tonight." The applause began again, and then Aria saw her. Sonata stepped out from the left side of the stage, stepping up next to Sunset at the backup microphone, hands folded in front of her. Aria noticed the applause die down a bit, and she overheard hushed voices in the audience, such as "What's she doing here?" and "What's going on?" Sunset nodded to Pinkie in the back, and she began counting off for the first song. "One, two, three, four!" Rainbow began strumming out a chord on her guitar, paired with Pinkie's bass drum. "Once upon a time, you came into my life and made the stars align." Their bassist started off at her microphone. "Now, I can see the signs. You pick me up when I get down so I can shine." That was Sonata! "Shine like rainbows... Shine like rainbows..." Aria had no trouble picking her fellow former siren out from the group as they all joined in on the chorus. "And the sound that we hear in our hearts, it's a crescendo. And the light that ignites in the dark, it makes us all glow, and shine like rainbows. We shine like rainbows... Shine like rainbows..." Aria couldn't believe it, but she actually sounded better than she had in the Dazzlings at the competition last year. The two of them had always been backup to Adagio's lead singing, so maybe they hadn't realized their true potential. And if this was her true potential... Sonata's heart ached with relief and joy. The applause overwhelmed her as she took in every detail of her shoes, taking a bow after their final song. Gone was her nervousness, as well as the uncertainty of the roaring crowd. Tears fell to the stage as she stayed bowed for ten, then fifteen seconds. She took a deep breath, then rose back to a standing position. When the crowd saw her smile, and her tears of joy, the applause only grew louder. This... Was true adoration. The cheering students were giving her their applause willingly; it wasn't being taken by dark magic. As the rest of the group began to bow, a chant began among the crowd, becoming more distinct as more and more students joined in. "One more song! One more song! One more song!" Sonata bit her lip as the crowd chanted for an encore. She couldn't break down now if they were going to go ahead with it. "What do you say, Sonata? Up for one more?" Sunset asked, putting a hand on her shoulder. Sonata looked into her friend's eyes, at her encouraging smile, then out to the crowd. "Your song. Let's do it. Together." Sonata said, looking back to Sunset, knowing it would be the most appropriate way to wrap up the night. Sunset gave her a nod, then turned to the rest of the band, and shouted "Past is Not Today" away from the mic, but loud enough so they could hear her. She got nods from the others, and Pinkie started tapping her drumsticks. Rainbow and Rarity performed the intro on their guitar and keytar, respectively, and Sunset and Sonata stepped up to their microphones. "Power, was all I desired. But all that grew inside of me, was a darkness I acquired." The song was all too appropriate. Aria was now thoroughly convinced. Sonata had made the right choice. The magic of friendship was very real, and now she wanted nothing more than to be a part of it. She sat there in the back of the amphitheater, stunned at the sound of Sonata's voice. "Ambition Is what I believed Would be the only way to set me free." Aria noticed a faint aura begin to form around Sonata and Sunset Shimmer, and it got steadily brighter. "Is... Is she...?" "But when it disappeared And I found myself alone That's when you came and got me And it felt like I was home." She noticed that Sonata began to levitate as her ears glowed, shrunk, and moved to the top of her head, becoming pony ears, and her hair, as long as it was, became an even longer pony tail. Lastly, magnificent blue pegasus wings materialized on her back, instead of the fearsome red fin wings her siren-human hybrid had. As the transformations progressed throughout the Rainbooms, the cheering of the crowd got louder, and nearly overtook the song, but Aria still heard the final chorus. "Like a pheonix burning bright in the sky I'll show there's another side to me you can't deny I may not know what the future holds But hear me when I say That my past does not define me 'Cause my past is not today!" Sonata had tears rolling down her cheeks again as the final words of the song left her lips, and Rainbow's last chords finished the song. She looked around, and saw that Sunset and the rest of the band had also transformed into their hybrid forms. As the crowd erupted in cheers again, Sonata leapt for joy towards Sunset, and nearly tackled her in a hug. Susnet stumbled, but stayed on her feet, and returned the hug in front of the crowd. They parted, and holding hands, bowed one last time before their audience. When they came up from the final bow, their pony forms had dissipated, and the crowd began to file out of the amphitheater at the behest of Celestia and Luna, as their encore had made the show run just a tad long, and they wanted to get the students out onto the last buses of the evening. "That... That was incredible!" Sonata exclaimed, wiping the tears from her eyes, "You have no idea what this means to me." "I think we have some idea," Rainbow replied, "You've certainly proven yourself to us. We're glad to have you as an honorary member of the Rainbooms." Sonata was beside herself, and as they started to have a small brief celebration on stage before packing up their equipment, Sunset put a hand on Sonata's shoulder to get her attention, and pointed to the stairs on the right side of the stage, where a familiar purple-and-teal-haired girl stood, a nervous, uncertain look on her face. "Aria...?" Sonata said, taking a few steps towards the steps. Aria slowly ascended the trio of steps, looking at Sonata as they closed in on each other. She cleared her throat, and nervously fidgeted with her arms as she struggled with her averting gaze. "You... You sounded... Beautiful. Absolutely amazing. I get why you didn't come back now. I'm sorry that I let Adagio kick you out. And I'm... I'm sorry for the way I treated you before." Sonata gave her an understanding smile. "I doubt you would've been able to stop her. She didn't come along, huh?" Sonata asked. Aria shook her head. "I showed her the invitation, and she gave me a disgusted look, told me I had to be kidding. I figure I'll catch the last bus back, and pack my bags tonight. I'll take them to work with me tomorrow. I'll leave the key on the counter. Say, where are you staying? Do you have room for one more? Because... What you've done here... I want it. I want that magic. I want to be your friend." Sonata bit her lip, came forward and embraced Aria, who found the hug unexpected, but eventually returned the embrace. "Unfortunately, no, there isn't room for one more. Sunset's only allowed to have one guest." Sonata told Aria, whose gaze fell to the ground. "Oh..." Aria said, saddened. "I could suggest something," Sunset began. "If you two don't mind the bus rides to work, there are a couple single units available in my complex, probably cheaper than the city apartments too." "That might work, but, what about Adagio?" Sonata asked. "Sonata, there has to come a point when you have to let someone go." Sunset told her. "She's right. I don't see her budging on this anytime soon, she's too stubborn. If absolutely anything is going to make her come around, it'll be the fact that she'll have to stop her hair appointments, nail appointments, and magazine subscriptions to keep the bills paid without us there." Aria was right. It was time to cut Adagio loose. The next move would be hers, if it ever came. Aria took one last look at the back bedroom she and Sonata had occupied in the city apartment. After a few moments, the lugged the two duffel bags out to the kitchen, leaving no trace of the bedroom ever being occupied. She dropped the duffel bags in front of the kitchen counter, and dug through her purse, coming out with her checkbook. She wrote out a check to Adagio and set it on the counter, before grabbing a sticky note and jotting down on it before setting it down beside the check: 'For the 12 days I stayed here this month.' -Aria With that, she put her checkbook and pen back in her purse, and dug out one last item. The apartment key. She dangled it a few inches above the counter and dropped it, where it landed next to the check with a clink. She bent down, picked up the two duffel bags, and walked to the front door. She set one of the bags down one last time, opened the front door, made sure it would lock when she closed it, and exited the apartment for the last time, the door clicking shut behind her.