> Library Lovers. > by Lunasservant1985 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Maybe I'm an open book. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You place the last book on the shelf and step back admiring the work you and Twilight have worked all day on. The shelves in this section of the Canterlot High library now hold the first set of the school's collection of graphic novels, the backs smell of freshly printed paper and cardboard. and You couldn't be happier. Twilight stands on the ladder near the top of the shelf filling in the section devoted to the Omnibus collections when she looks down at you from her perch and asks. "Hey..these books were expensive, they need to be kept on school property like reference materials right?" She asks as you look up at her placing a big copy of the Silver Surfer Omnibus in her hands. You quickly shift your gaze for a simple reason, looking up, you caught a glimpse up her skirt, and you didn't mean too. "Uh..yeah sure Twilight, You can slap a Ref sticker on them when you put them up there....So...may I ask why you suddenly are so into these kinda of books? I mean I thought you didn't like comics because you thought they weren't real books." You ask her as you do your best to not lose eye contact while also not coming off as a perv and looking up her skirt from where she is. 'Don't think about those panties Anon, you're a gentlemen, not a perv like...you're not a perv Anon just don't think about the panties, get the black and white striped frilly lace lined panties off your mind.' Not the best thing to compare yourself too for more than one reason but still, first thing you had in mind. Twilight giggled cutely, adjusted her glasses and began reading the Silver Surfer book from the top step of the ladder. "Well...I owe it all to a very good friend of mine...Peter Page-Tuner. Before, he was really the one who did this kind of thing. He brought in his own collection of comic books to school and let everyone borrow them like a library. Now at the time, as you so intelligently put it. I was not too keen on these books." She says as you look into her cute adorkable glasses and notice she smiles at you and lowers her glasses flirtatiously? No it couldn't have been, she just let them fall by mistake, and she's already fixed them. "I did think they were nothing but guys in spandex beating the ever loving hell out of each other, or scantily clad, badly drawn half naked women, but after...some real life issues, and Pete showing me not all comics especially modern ones aren't like that anymore. We read books like, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and the classics by masters like early Frank Miller's Daredevil and Batman runs, the works of Jack Kirby and the Illustrated classics books. I realized that you can't go cock holding a medium based on old ideologies or stereotypes." She says as she folds the Silver Surfer book back and shelving it. "Sure that Silver Surfer run was from the 60's, but it DID have a charm to it, plus I admit, I've loved sci-fi as much as I do reading a book on the theorems of Nikola Tesla. You hold the ladder and again do your best to not look like a perv as she climbs down, and it's not helped by the fact that her soft and pressed Former Crystal Prep skirt brushes past your face and yet again in doing so, causes you to catch a glimpse of those black and white striped with white lace panties. 'Think unsexy thought's, think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts.' You try your best, but thinking of B-52 bombers makes your mind wander to Spitfire in an american flag print bikini, holding two pina coladas as they drip cream on her breasts. Then thinking of terrible dub-step makes you think of good dub-step courtesy of Vinyl Scratch aka DJ-pon3 at a poolside turntable as Octavia squirts her with a super soaker, making her all wet. All those thoughts eventually return to..her. "Uhh Twilight?" You ask stammering nervously as you hope she won't notice the tent your hormones have made you pitch in your school slacks. "Hmm?" She asks taking a seat on a comfy chair with a lamp beside it. and opens a strange brown book with what looks like a metal unicorn on it, you can't recall it ever being in the school library. "What kinda books did you have in mind?" You ask her taking a seat across from her and cracking a book of your own. Twilight gives a happy little, cute fangirl squee and says. "Well I just love L. Ron Hubbard's early work like Fear, To the Stars, Final Blackout and Typewriter in the Sky. War-ravaged Europe is the setting of, Final Blackout. A bleak, harsh novel of hopeless conflict and an idealistic lieutenant who fights it to its ironic end." She says as she makes a gesture as if holding a rifle and shooting it. You nod even though the only thing by L. Ron Hubbard you know of is that horribly bad Battlefield Earth movie. "What about that book you got right there?" You ask her as you look at her with a warm smile, which she softly returns and gets up, she plops her rear beside you on the couch and closes your book before opening her's up and you're instantly met with a riveting collection of tales that tell of regal magic pony sisters dealing with loss, the strife of the Dazzlings back when they were malevolent sea pony sirens, and the magic and valiant acts of Starswirl The Bearded. "What...what kinda book is this?" Twilight giggles again and snuggles your side softly and playfully as she tells you. "My doppelganger from Equestria lent it to me. It's her book on The Elements Of Harmony and other acts of magic from her world...remember? That place I...kinda...sorta opened holes too?" She says blushing hard and chuckling nervously. You are all to familiar with that world, and you tell her why. "HA HA YES! With the power of Equestrian magic flowing in my veins! I will be all powerful!" Midnight Sparkle yells in triumph as more and more holes open up. "Hey! Did I really sound like that?" She asks giggling and face-palming herself at how...lame she sounded as a villain. "Well my memory is a bit rusty on your regard but that's on account of what I had to go through!" You say as you continue. You look down for just a brief moment before gravity kicks in and you realize your standing over a hole that leads down into a wild west town right out of a John Wayne movie, if John Wayne was a talking mustached pony. Which you see plenty of as you plummet into the hole. they run and trot as you land on the roof of a hotel. and the sudden shift from the school in springtime too a desert in the middle of a heatwave is NOTHING compared to what happens to you from landing here. You look down and see that slowly, the magic influxuations of an extraterrestrial being like you, being in Equestria, is causing your body to shift and adapt to the appropriate form. In layman's terms, Pony magic is turning you into a pony. Your still not sure just what happened as your body adjusted, but as your legs became hard calloused hooves, a Winged yellowish tan pony with black and grey hair lands beside you and says. "Hey buddy, I don't know what you are but I can tell by what's happening to you that you don't belong here...you need a lift back up to those weird holes up there?" She asks with a flip of that pith helmet she wears. You nod and climb on her back as she takes to the sky and lifts you back up, the portal is starting to shrink! On the one hand Midnight must have been stopped, but if that pegasus couldn't get you back before the holes closed, then you'd best get used to walking on all fours. Thankfully (and obviously) she got back in time and you turned back into your self just as... "I can still feel what it was like to have my face stretch and contort into a muzzle, I know now what it must feel like to be a werewolf in a movie, thankfully it snapped back into place and my body shaped into its normal form. Still hurt like the dickens though." You say finishing your story. Twilight has been listening intently to every word, never once breaking her eye contact and taking in every last detail as you finish. "Hmmm, cross species mutation seems to work both ways when the barriers are crossed, but with out a stable connection like the portal, the process takes time as opposed to occurring in transport." She says quickly jotting in down in her little note pad. You huff softly as your recollection has turned into her trying to get a few more details on trans-dimensional metamorphosis...and you really wish you understood what any of that meant. Oh well, at least she enjoyed the story. "Twilight?" You ask as you feel a bit daring and decide to place your hand on her soft purple one gently. She shivers softly and then blushes hard as you turn and look at her to see she's smiling warmly with her notepad down. "Hmmm?" Is all she says as she starts to scoot closer to you and guide your free hand to her lap. "Would you say that you and Pete are close?" You ask as you give her hip a little squeeze and and hold her hand tighter. You feel bad asking her that, but you do have to admit. You really like Twilight, she may not be the same shy nervous Twilight that was really from the pony world. Yet maybe that's why she seemed so much...cuter. Those glasses, her shy nature that blossomed since she became a student here. Something about it made you wonder why none of the other guys seemed as drawn to her as they had been to the pony Twilight. "We're good friends, but he has Gilda and Rainbow Dash." She says as you reach into your pocket for you phone, "Do you...have someone like he has them?" You ask, the question is the equivalent of going "All in" in a poker game. Either you walk away with the pot, or your flushed like a full house of wild aces. Twilight smiles and leans forward to you, she giggles and then plants a soft little kiss on your cheek. the spot burns like a match as your cheeks flush red and you feel the air leave your lungs, and she kissed was your cheek. "No..but...are you..interested?" She says twirling a few locks of her purple and dark blue hair cutely around a finger. You can only nod as you take her hands again and lean forward, you can smell her breath as you lock lips with her softly and she kisses you...hard. The way her lips tremble and her tongue seems to nervously dart in and out of her mouth like she wants to slip it in but pulls back in fear at the last second shows she's not very experienced in the manner. You aren't much of kisser either but you try your best to comfort her as you wrap your arms around her waist and gently bite her lower lip in your teeth. Both your and her glasses crash together awkwardly and fly off askew, making her and you chuckle and laugh when the kiss breaks to adjust each other's glasses, nerd love. "That answer your question Twilight?" you say as she slowly guides your hand to the hem of her Crystal Prep skirt, feeling even more daring, you take your phone out, well your parents will have to pay a bit extra for the data, but you open a Youtube page and a window to one of your favorite songs. "Twilight?...You watch the James bond movies often?" You ask as you find the song you're looking for. "I like Moonraker for the Sci-fi the most, and Thunderball for just how cliched it is. Like that one INVENTED the spy movie tropes if you ask me." She says as she curiously watches you open the window and hit play. "Twilight? I think that the words of this song express more than anything I could ever convey." You say as the lyrics mention 'seeing so much in me that's new.' As she leans in for another kiss just as the first crescendo about, 'never thought until I looked at you.' The second kiss is briefer but no less impassioned as she runs your hands to her panties. You don't have the heart to tell her you saw them earlier and know what they look like, what you hadn't anticipated was how wet she was. "Here? You wanna do this here?" You ask not realizing if she wants to...do that at all." She giggles again and unhooks the straps of her Crystal Prep school uniform and she stands in the pressed white shirt and tie, and her black and white horizontal striped panties. "The library is old, there aren't any cameras installed on this level, and yes...I like you Anon. A lot, and I know you'll enjoy this as much as I will...but will you be mine after words?" She asks undoing her tie then the buttons on her shirt slowly and seductively. As she does, you tell her that of course you'll be there for her, that you'll do everything together, and that you'll love her forever. The promises and hallmarks of the ideal boyfriend, and she is flattered by you devotion. You go on as she shows off her matching black and white striped bra. You tell her that you'll worship her like the beautiful Goddess she is and whisper sweet nothings in her ear every morning...until you realize (and admit) how cheesy you sound. She only giggles and opens her bra, the sight of her perky pear shaped breasts are enough to make that tent you pitched from just seeing her panties feel like the thing will snap from the excitement. The next song in the Bond Playlists begins. "Come here you." She says gesturing you to come to her, you're only too happy to oblige, instead of a kiss you plant your lips on the nipple of her left breast and suck on it softly. she lets out a soft gasp then a little moan as you suckle. She pushes your head away gently and says. "Just trust me on this. Just relax." She whispers and kisses your ear-lobe, her kisses make their way down your neck, your chest, and so on. You hear her take a small gasp and her head goes to your chest as she lifts your shirt up. When she has your bare chest exposed, she mimics what you did to her and suckles on a nipple until her hands fiddle with the buckle of your slacks. Before she manages to undo the clip and lower them until you realize you wore boots today. Your pants and underwear end up tangled around your ankles, and your awkward struggle to remove them only makes it obvious that they won't clear the damn boots, oh why did you have to pick today to wear boots? The next few seconds take an eternity, although at the end of it, it's quite likely that you've set a new personal record for unlacing and removing boots. You toss the damned things away behind you, and your slacks and briefs follow. unfortunately in your lust addled state, you boots go over the railing of the library's second floor and hit the monitor of one the lower level's computers! "Oh damn! I hope that the computer is fine!" You say in something of panic, though it's after hours, you'll be in so much trouble if your boots busted that computer. The notion of school property being intact is however swept away when your head turns to see...her still waiting for you when you turn back around, lying spread-eagle on the love-seat couch normally meant for cracking a good copy of Shakespeare or Orwell. One finger is now deep inside her pussy, while her other hand gropes the breast you didn't suck on. It's completely unfair to leave her alone with your thoughts on the computer downstairs, so you eagerly kneel down at the base of the couch, resting your hands on her thighs. She gasps as you blow on the lips of her vaginal entrance. You can't help yourself from pausing long enough to take a good look at her nude body. Your cock twitches in eager anticipation as you lean forward, resting your head against the inside of her thigh. At this range, the smell of her arousal is powerful, intoxicating. You watch mesmerized as her finger dips into her vagina before sliding languidly out, caressing her swollen clit. You can wait no longer. You kiss your way up her thighs, alternating from one side to another, leaving a small trail of pecks up to her crotch. You bury your face into her, your tongue reaching between her lips for her tender clitoris. When you find the top button and press it, you reach your hands up her sides, from the sharp curve of her hips up to the swell of her bosom. You slip the palms of your hands across them, your fingers exploring her perky breasts. God they feel like the best ones you could have ever felt. She grabs onto your head and presses it into her. Your tongue darts across her clit as your fingers squeeze her nipples. “Oh, Anon yes,” she cries and yelps softly. “Keep doing that, mhhhh yeah right there! AHHH RIGHT THERE!” She screams in pleasure as her sweet, tangy and succulent fluids start to drip and drizzle down from her into you mouth. She tastes like...grapes, almost wine like. and the scent is over powering to you. You steel your nerves from taking her then and there and continue to drink like a man dying of thirst in the Sahara, as if her pussy is the only oasis for miles. "I love you Twilight, you say as you ever so gently bite down on her clit and she shouts and moans louder than ever as the orgasmic bliss courses through her body, your oral attentions are enough to make her pussy quiver and you admire how much a squirter she is. You get up as does she. You marvel at her flawless naked body, standing there with her shapely breasts, the soft bend of her waist into her hips, her long, immaculate legs, her trim, well-toned stomach, and her dripping, quivering snatch. It’s as if every single part of her is calling out to you. “I’m ready.” She says with a lusty gaze laying back on the library love-seat. As if time has been distended, you walk towards her, and you lay beside her. She sinks into your arms, your faces meet, and once again, you kiss. You press her close to you, your hand now firmly planted on the soft, supple skin of her backside. Your other arm grasps her around her slim waist, and her hands curl tenderly around your neck. You feel her hands slide down your body, and you feel a moan escape your mouth and into hers once again. “You've been ready for this, haven’t you?” you ask her playfully. “Only if you are.” You reply, though in many ways, this is something you had pictured over many nights, with your phone open to a porn site and a hand shaking your dick slick with coconut oil. “Oh, I am . . . I certainly am . ” She says slowly begging to take her glasses off but you slap her hand away softly and tell her. "Leave them on." You tell her as you spread Twilight's legs apart, positioning yourself against the couch as comfortably as possible to make sweet, sweet love to her, the risk of getting caught,is no longer a concern, but rather an enticing notion. The risk makes you want it more. her breathing becomes short and rapid when you pull her across the couch to you and lay your member onto her folds, tracing it across them to enjoy the furnace like warmth of her crucible and tease her a little more. Twilight lets out a little whimper and sways her hips, trying to get you closer to your mark. As the next Track on your Youtube opens, well there goes your data privileges for like a month, ehhh..worth it. "Hmmm? The Awesome Mix Vol I from GOTG?" she asks quite admiring of your taste in music AND movies. "Naaahhh! Please stop teasing me you stud." She says appealing to your ego, but she doesn't need to. unable to tease her any longer, you push into her. She opens her mouth and lets out a long, strained coo of delight and then loud sultry moans that would have gotten the attention of someone working the library by now had it not been closed to students, good thing her doppelganger had been able to sleep here her first time here. You slowly and pleasantly slide every inch into her. She wraps her legs around you, trying to pull you in closer than you already are, though it's quite impossible once you hilt her all the way. Once you're completely inside her, The purple beauty that is one Twilight Sparkle wraps her hands around your neck, wanting YET another kiss. The soft, velvety, and tender embrace of her inner depths makes a sigh escape you and she matches it with one of her own as you lean down and kiss her what must be the fifteenth time that afternoon. The feeling of her soft violet skin, and the warmth emanating from her being so close fills you with a lustful desire. You pick up your pace, worried about the possibility of firing off prematurely and disappointing her, because you want to see her beautiful face devolve into bliss and enjoy it as much as you are. Every little clench inside her you can feel as you drive into her as deep as her body would let you. Twilight plants little loving kisses across your face between her excited moans until you place your own across her neck, making her let her head fall back in the sudden, overwhelming sensation. Your hands explore the girl's body as she reacts and enjoys your touch, every thrust into her sends shock-waves of pleasure from her lower back as you thrust and all the way up into to her brain. Her soft skin welcomes your fingers with its warmth. Her moans grow louder every second you're inside of her, and you can feel yourself starting to wear down at the wonderful feeling. she clenches her hands behind you back, her nails digging into your skin, before she takes your hands again and squeezes them hard to let you know she's getting close. You can feel her rapid heartbeat through her skin as her back arches and her breasts rub against you. It's a little corny maybe even cheesy to think, but you swear her heat beat and yours are syncing together and beating as one in succession with each other, a metronome ticking that says 'we're meant to be.' Twilight holds you tightly as your strokes and thrusts become harder and faster, like a piston pumping away as that damn couch creaks and shakes under the both of you, you can only hope the damn thing won't go over the second floor landing. her resolve slowly wearing down as you pump into her. She rests her head on the back of the couch, little whimpers escaping her as she can't properly contain the feelings barraging her any longer. She gives a little gasp as you enter her again and again like an oil pump now, an assault of pleasure coursing through the both of you. You wrap your arms around her, holding her tightly against you. As your hips quietly smack against her, she lays her head back against your shoulder, moaning into your ear. "Please... don't stop," she whispers into your ear between thrusts. "I won't, just like how I won't let go." You chuckle before trying a line you think the ladies love to hear. "Do you trust me?" She giggles at what you're getting at and plays along. "Yes, I trust you...Ja..." but you silence her with another kiss, she doesn't need to say it for it to be any better, you're enjoying it enough. The feeling of that soft crop of navy and purple hair bouncing against your face. Her entire body is pressed up against you, and you can feel every little twitch and moan that emanates from her as you push yourself deeper into her. Her hands grip yours as her body rocks in ecstasy. She can hardly contain herself any longer as she screams her pleasure into the room, the mood too enrapturing to remind her that the janitor or even Ms. Cheerilee could come up here thinking someone's getting murdered in the library with a letter opener. Her moans become increasingly strained until she reaches the very limits of what her body can take. The feeling of her soft skin swaying against yours, and the warm embrace of her inner walls drew you closer to climax as well. Her body radiates with energy, filling you further with desire and pushing you even deeper inside of her. Finally, after all that. Twilight throws her head back onto the couch headrest one last time. As quick, tiny gasps escaping her as her body twitches under your touch. Her entire lower body spasms and shivers as her eyes roll into the back of her head and her tongue flops out of her mouth in delight. You let out a grunt of your own at the feeling. The massage of her velvety insides quickly throws you over the edge, your member convulsing inside of her. The feeling only sends a deeper orgasmic bliss, as she reaches her peak. Her entire body tenses against you as you hold her against you, until finally she limps, panting and gasping from the exertion. You let her slide out of your arms and onto the couch, the both of you finally spent. Reality comes back to you slowly, but surely. You just fucked Twilight Sparkle in the second floor of the Canterlot High Library! While it's one of the most exiting thoughts you ever feel, it's also the most dangerous. Again you feel like someone, some last min straggler, a student that forgot a backpack or hell maybe even someone here to check out the new collection of graphic novels early. All cross your mind until your eyes fall on everything from the Elements Of Harmony book, to the Silver Surfer Omnibus in its Hardcover, prestige format dust jacket, and finally her. "I love you," she says in a tired whisper, already drifting off on the couch cozily, you don't have the heart to remind her of where she is. You only lean down and plant one last kiss on her forehead and say to her. "I love you too." Then you gather up both her clothes and yours. You pick up her panties and even though you think it'll look perverted, you take a soft whiff of the scent of her wetness and arousal on them, then a soft lick to the their crotch. Salty, but not unpleasant. Maybe it's different from what you had earlier from the "tap" because it's dried up now. You fold the clothes on a reading table and notice for the first time since you and her set this place up that it's dark out. Beyond being in the school building after hours, Mr. Discord must have locked the doors by now. You take your phone out one last time and set the alarm for five AM so the both of you can get dressed, you're tempted to let your parents know where you are, but you're a "big boy." Fully grown up (legally at least) now. They couldn't care if you where out getting punched at a fight club someplace, or more accurately to the situation, getting you V card punched. You wonder for a moment if you did the same with her, and while it seems highly likely given how she was before coming here, It wouldn't matter if you had or not. You love her all the same and want only to love her...forever. You open the Youtube on your phone one final time, for one final song. Is it...too early for you too think about her that way?...Nah. You notice her smiling and sighing in her sleep and holding you close as the words echo softly over you both, yep this song is perfect. Because every word of it reflects how you feel about her, you think of how lucky you are to have a girl like her on your arm. You give yourself a hard pinch just to make sure this whole thing hasn't been a wet dream. When you don't wake up with sticky wet PJ bottoms for once and instead have her still around you like a cat, you let the sleep take you both. All the cares and worries melting away as you feel a warmth and heat building as you feel a slight wetness against a thigh. Not now, you regretfully think to yourself as the world fades to black, the moment's too perfect, why ruin it by disturbing your sleeping (and now new) Girlfriend Twilight Sparkle?