Two Shadowbolts and a Wondercolt

by adorablesmiles

First published

Wild adventures, craziness. And who said they can't be friends?

Rivalry? That ended a long time ago! This is just stories about me hanging with my friends, Lemon Zest and Pinkie Pie.

Library adventure!

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"Hey!!!!!" I shouted to the pink haired girl running down the sidewalk.
"I'M COMING!" She shouted back.
"What took you so long?!" I asked.
"Baking emergency! By the way, here's some popcorn!" Pinkie said.
I stared at her. "What's this for?"
"It's for anyone who wants it!" Pinkie said. "Look! There's Zesty!"
"And where were you?!" I asked.
"I was... listening to my jams." Lemon said.
And then I facepalmed. "You're awful at making jokes."
"Come on, Indy! Don't be a party pooper!"
"Yeah, saying I'm bad at music jokes is like saying you're bad at sports."
I shoved the mysterious popcorn over at Lemon. "Hardly."
"What's this?" She asked.
"What are you, dense?" I asked. "It's popcorn!"
And then she lifted up a kernel to look at it.
"Don't tell me-" I started.
"Hush!" Lemon said. "This is my first time seeing popcorn."
"Your first time?" I asked. "What do you do when your not in school? Lock yourself in your room just so you can listen to music?"
Lemon looked at me for a few minutes with a blank stare on her face. "Yes." She finally said.
"What are we waiting for?!" Pinkie asked. "I say we make mischief!"
"Like how?" I asked.
"You see this library in front of us?" I asked.
I nodded, as did Lemon.
"What if we got kicked out?" Pinkie asked.
"Woaaaah!" I said. "You really are a bad girl!"
Pinkie nodded. "I'm not a one trick human-pony!"
"I'm starting to see that." I said.
And then I turned around and opened the door. "Shall we?"
Pinkie was the first one to... hop in. And she was followed by Lemon Zest.
"Yeah, yeah! Yeah, yeah! Rockin' all day and night, yeah!" Lemon said, as she entered the building even though her eyes were closed. She never has ran into a wall because of that. I'd say it's a miracle in itself.
"Come on, Indigo!" Pinkie said.
"...'Cause the party starts right! Yeah!" I heard Lemon say, as I ran into the library.

If I was to give a recap of what just happened to the three of us, I probably couldn't do it justice.
But I can say that we were wild enough to be banned from the library for two and a half months.
Then I realized something.
I just got kicked out of a library with a Wondercolt.
And I liked it. A lot.
I also knew that, if Cinch found out that I was hanging with a Wondercolt on the weekend, she'd probably punish me for life, or at least until I graduated.
It's too bad she got fired after the Friendship Games.

Pool adventure!

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Ring! Ring a ding ding! My phone went off, much to my annoyance.
I picked it up, ignoring the stupid ringtone all together.
"Hello?" I asked into the speaker.
"HEYYYY! ME AND ZESTY ARE GOING TO THE POOL!" A voice shouted on the other end.
"Wait... hold up. Who's this?" I asked.
"It's Pinkie Pie, silly!" The voice said.
"Oh hey." I said.
"Wanna come to the pool with us?!" Pinkie asked.
"Are we gonna get kicked out?" I asked.
"Nope! Not this time! We can be as loud as we want now!"
I didn't even have to think about this. "I'm there."

"She said she'd be here!" I shouted.
"Sorrysorrysorry!" Indigo said, as she ran down the sidewalk.
"You were the one who was late today?" I asked.
"Yeah..." Indigo started. "Sorry about that... again."
"I'm sensing a pattern here." I said.
"I didn't come to talk about patterns," Indigo started. "I came to have fun."
She then opened up the gate, which was surrounding the pool, and held it open so Zesty and I could get inside.
"Oh my gosh! I've been waiting for this half the day yesterday, and all morning today!" I said.
"Calm down firecracker." Indigo said. "This is just the pool."
"I know! But I get excited about the littlest things!" I said.
"Yeah?" Indigo asked.
And so I did. And it made a big splash. Atleast I think it did.
"That was amazing!" I shouted.
"Amazingly wet." Indigo said.
"Oops." I said. "Sorry."
"I would have gotten wet anyway," Indigo said. "I can't say the same for Lemon, though."
"My headphones didn't get the splash." Lemon said, as she put her headphones back on, and walked over to a beach chair.
I didn't notice if anyone else got splashed, though, because the two people that I came with were the only ones I was interested in.
"Is there room for one more in there?" Indigo asked.
"Sure!" I said. "The pool isn't that crowded."
And so she jumped in, the same way I had, only I think she might've made a bigger splash than I did.
And I ponied up shortly after we jumped in, because I threw some floaties in.