> Every Brotherhood, Every Timeline > by Princess Elytra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A PUN-tastic Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sup, name's Michael. My brother and i were innocently cosplaying at Geekcon in Killeen, Texas. It was supposed to be a bro's weekend, but then we met him. my brother thought he was a regular salesman, but I read every displaced story. I tried to stop him. That's when I saw a King 3b Trombone. I couldn't resist it. I had to buy it. "How much for the trombone?" I just sealed my fate. "For you my friend, 15 dollars and I'll throw in those boots, gloves, and cape in for free." That sealed my brother's fate. "Deal." I paid him the 15 dollars and gave my brother the boots, gloves and cape. Then my brother started to feel weird. "Michael! I'm disappearing." I guess I should tell him. "Max, we're not disappearing. We're going to another world. But hey look at the bright side, we're done with the first leg of our journey." He looked pissed when I said that. "PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BE DOING THAT THE WHOLE TIME." I just shrugged as we winked out of existence. Michael's P.O.V. As I woke up, I saw that I was laying on a stone floor and the sky was as dark as night. That could mean two things. I was in the Castle of the Two Sisters at night and it was after Nightmare Moon's defeat ,or I was there before Nightmare Moon returned. I turned my head toward the sky. I really hoped it was the first guess. That was when I saw the silhouette of Nightmare Moon right in front of me. She didn't notice me. "Where are those Element's?" She was not going to find them. Not without my help. Don't look at me like that reader's. I have a plan. "I know where they are." She slightly jumped when she heard me. "Who said that?" She looked furious. "Who dares sneak up on the Queen of the Night?" As she said that, I slipped out from the shadows. "I dare." I grin at her. "Is this a plan that my good for nothing sister set up? It's not a very good plan. A skeleton with a-? What are you wearing?" She started eyeing me suspiciously. "It's called a hoodie, shorts, a white shirt, and slippers." I answered back. "You say thou no where the element's were?" She stares at me not knowing if I'm an ally or an enemy. "I'll tell you if I get a position in your guard. My queen." My plan is starting to take way as I see a trail of blue smoke enter her body. "They're here. Hurry to the elements!" She commanded me. When we got there, the Mane 6 was all ready there. "There's your elements." I whisper to her. That was when I saw him. My brother was there. I couldn't let her attack him. "Wait just a second. Let the others leave before going after them." She looks at me with anger in her eyes. "Why should I?" She whispers back. "Because my brother is with them, and if you so much as scratch him." One eye turns blue for a second. "You're Gonna have a bad time." She just stares at me like she was going to destroy me. "Look the rest of them are leaving." She turns her head towards them. "Skeleton. Follow them." I turn my head towards her. "My name is Micha- Sans. Sans the Skeleton." What just happened? I was going to say Michael ,but something happened inside my head. "Sans. After the group that left." With that I left the room. Max's P.O.V I woke up in some kind of library when I heard something yelling. "And Just What are the Elements of Harmony? And what is that thing?" The thing that was yelling was a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane. "Never mind that ,but what is it wearing?" A unicorn with a purple mane looked as if she was going to faint. "I call it my Battle Body. I'm not a thing. I am a he. I am The Great Papyrus and I need to find my brother." The yellow one looks at me like she was scared of me. "Don't worry Papyrus. We'll find your brother. He can't be that far." The purple one said. "Wait we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Twilight Sparkle. They're Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and the one that fainted is Rarity." They were nice 'horses'? "Thank you. Now can anybody tell me what time it is?" They tell me it's 7:15 a.m. "Wow. A little dark for 7:15 isn't it." They explain everything that has happened up til this moment. "O.k. Let's go take down Nightmoon Mare and Ponestria." I say with determination. "It's Nightmare Moon and Equestria." Twilight corrected me. "O.k. we should still get going." Starts to leave the library when I get caught in a magical field. "We don't know where she is." Twilight pulls me back. "My bets are on that she is in that spooky forest." Everyone except Twilight tenses up. "What's wrong everyone?" They tell me everything that they think is bad with the forest. "So? That happens all the time where I come from." Fluttershy faints, Rainbow Dash glares at me, and Applejack does... something. We made our way to the castle and when we got inside I felt something like a connection between two souls. "My brother is here." Every'pony' looks at me. "Well that's good news. There could be bad news. He could either be captured ,or he could be working for Nightmare Moon. I suggest you guys leave ,so I can figure out what's up with the elements." The girls and I left Twilight alone. That's when I felt him standing behind him. Michael's P.O.V. I was standing there waiting for him. That was when I saw him tear up. He ran to me and hugged me tight. "Sans. I thought I was going to lose you." He was crying as much as I was. "Aw Pap, you know when you cry I cry. You girls didn't hurt him right." They shock their heads. "Good. Now let's go help your friend." We made it just to see her do the killer rainbow thing with her friends. The sun came up. "Hey, I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it finally dawned on me." Max was so mad when everyone else was laughing. "Come on Pap. You know that you're smiling." He sighed when he realized this was going to go on for a while. Then he realized something else, "Wait. Where are we going to stay?" The yellow one spoke up. "They can stay with me. If that's okay with you girls." The girls agreed with that. Just then a white unicorn with wings appeared. All the ponies bowed as well as I. My brother on the other hand didn't know what was going on. "Princess Celestia." The purple one walked up to her. "Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student. I knew you could do it." Twilight looked up to her ,I could tell. "Hugs, friendship, and parties. Get on with it please." The Princess looked at me in surprise. "Who are you, short one." She had a motherly smile while she said that. "The name's Sans. This is my brother Papyrus." She looked at him. "Your younger brother is very funny Papyrus." He smiled with glee and made a very heroic pose. "Hey Princess?" She turned to look at me. "Yes Sans?" I turned to where Nightmare Moon was and saw a smaller version of her. "Your sister is waking up." Everyone gasped as Twilight asked sister. "Luna. It's been a while since I've seen you in this form. Will you accept my friendship?" They hugged for a long time. "Hey I think a party is in order. I'll meet you when you get back to town." As I said that, I walked outside and went the opposite way. I beat them all her- HOW DID THE PINK ONE BEAT ME HERE?!?! "Oh Sansy, I can beat anypony anywhere." She knew what I was thinking. I could use her for pranks and other stuff. I pulled out my trombone. "Hey Pinkie. What is a skeleton's favorite instrument?" She looked at me with happiness in her eye's. "That's easy. A trombone." Me and her were going to be friends for a long time. "Hey Pinkie, Want to be friends?" I stuck my hand out. "Sure Sansy." She took my hand. When she did that, a fart sound was heard. "The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. Always works." She was laughing her 'flanks'? off. This was the beginning of a long friendship and adventure. > Something's Seems Agast > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful summer morning, not that Michael was enjoying it. He was sleeping in while Max was with Fluttershy cooking breakfast. Before you ask, Max is a great cook, just because he's Papyrus doesn't mean that he's a bad cook. "Miss. Fluttershy? Could you get me some vegetable oil?" He asked as he placed a pot on her stove. "Sorry, but what's vegetable oil?" She asked as Max turned around. "Vegetable oil is a substance that I have to use to keep the food from sticking together. It's clear with a yellow tint." He said as Fluttershy went to her cabinets. She picked out a bottle of a an oily liquid. "Is this it?" Max turned to see that she grabbed a bottle of vegetable oil. "Wow. I didn't expect you to have it. Seeing as you didn't know what it was. Thank you." She brought it over to him. He then poured some of it into the pot. "Papyrus? What are you making exactly?" She asked as he grabbed a box of spaghetti out of nowhere. "I'm making spaghetti to see if my cooking has changed." He said as he turned on the stove. "Could you go get my brother Miss. Fluttershy?" "Sure. Where did you leave him?" She asked as he pointed to the living room. "I left him on the couch. He might not be there right now. Check either your bedroom or outside in the tree." He said remembering how Michael was at the party. She went over to her couch where Angel was being himself to a sleeping Michael. "Angel! Don't be rude to our guest. If you'll just wait a moment, he won't be there." Angel hopped off. "Sans. It's time to wake up." As she said that, Michael rolled of the couch. Something sparked inside of him. Before he hit the ground, his eye turned blue as he stuck his hand out and caught himself from falling. It scared Fluttershy to death. "Sans? What are you doing?" She asked while hiding behind her mane. "Doing what?" He looked in the closest mirror. "Holy Shit!" He said trying to turn the magic off. "Sans! Language!" Max and Fluttershy yelled as Michael turned the magic eye off. "Sorry! I can't control it yet!" He says as he landed on his feet. "Fluttershy... I promise that when I get control of my magic, I will use it to protect my friends and family." He says helping her up to her hooves. "Well... I'm sure somepony could help you." Fluttershy says walking into the kitchen with Michael in tow. 'If anyone can help, It would be the future Princess of Friendship. Yes I know the future of Equestria up to the end of Season 5.' Michael thinks to the audience... Stop breaking the Fourth Wall!! "No...' Fine be like that. "Morning Brother." Max says draining the pasta. "How did you sleep?" he asks not noticing Michael heading for the refrigerator, getting out a... Bottle of Ketchup. "Don't you dare..." "When I get back, we can ketchup over your pasta." Michael says putting the ketchup back not feeling up to it. "Sans! Why would... Wait? Get Back? Where are you going?"Max asks as Michael leaves the room. He looks up at the sky. "Mom... Dad... If you are still up there, I promise to protect my brother for the rest of my life." He says not noticing the pair of falling stars hurtling towards Equestria. With Michael/Sans He reached the outskirts before noticing the falling stars heading towards Sweet Apple Acres. "Should I?" He sighs before running to the apple farm. Sweet Apple Acres "Wha' is that Applejack?" A small yellow pony asks standing next to the larger orange pony. "Ah don't know Apple Bloom... It could be one of those thingamajigs from space." She says holding the yellow pony close not noticing a skeleton hand with a hole in it grab the edge of the crater. "✋???? ????✌???????? ????✌❄☟☼✡☠ ☹☜❄???? ☝⚐ ☞✋☠???? ⚐????☼ ????☟✋☹????☼☜☠" The figure says to the second figure. "✡☜???? ????✋????☜ ☹☜❄???? ☞✋☠???? ❄☟☜????" The shorter female figure says to the taller male figure. Applejack hears the strange language. "Wha are ya two?" She says as the two skeletons. "????☜☹☹ ????☟✌❄ ✌☼☜ ✡⚐???? ????????????????⚐????☜???? ❄⚐ ????☜✍" The Taller male figure says walking over to Applejack. "Sorry Ah don understand ya language... Let's go find Twilight, she migh be able ta translate wha ya say..." She says trotting to Ponyville with the two skeleton parents following her. Michael reached to Apple farm where he ran into Applejack. "Applejack! Is anyone hurt!?" He asks before seeing the figures. They had the same eyes and personality as his parents. "Mom? Dad?" With Max/Papyrus "He's been gone for a long time..." Max says to Fluttershy as they eat the pasta. "He did say he was going to find someone to help with his magic." She said contently eating the pasta. "I know but what if something happened to him... I don't know if I could forgive myself for it..." He says before getting up and heading out to Ponyville with Fluttershy following him. The two reach Ponyville. "Miss. Fluttershy... You check this half of Ponyville and I'll check the other half." He runs off without hearing Fluttershy answer. He checks with everypony in his half except for Twilight. "Miss Twilight! Have you seen Sans at all today!?" Twilight opens the door. "Hello Papyrus, sorry but the last time I saw him was last night at your Welcome to Ponyville Party." She says as Max shook his head. "I can't find him anywhere...I can't imagine what happened when I wasn't there to protect him." he starts crying. Twilight sits next to Max. "It's okay Papyrus.. I'm sure he's with somepony safe..." She tells him not noticing the two skeleton parents and Michael. "????✌✠✏ ✋❄???? ????☜☜☠ ????⚐ ☹⚐☠☝✏" The female figure says hugging Max. Max looked at the female. "Mom?" he glances at the male figure. "Dad?" He starts crying tears of joy. "I thought you guys were never coming back!" The skeleton family was reunited. > Gaster Blaster Ticket Master PT. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael's P.O.V. It was a beautiful day in Ponyville. The birds were singing, flowers were blooming. On days like this, wait this isn't right. Ponyville wasn't as cheerful or populated as it usually was. Then I saw Chara in town square with blood and dust on their hands. "Hello there, Trashbag. Nice to see you again." Chara said walking upto me. "i'd hate to break it to you, kid... but this country is under my protection. and i won't let you get away with this..." I summon my gaster blasters. "i can't believe i am saying this..." The blasters fired and the kid's soul splits. "get dunked on!!!" I didn't notice the knife flying towards me as the scene goes black. I scream as I wake up with a start. Max ran into the living room. "You okay Sans?" He asks with worry. "i'm fine pap... just had a nightmare... where's my luna when you need her..." I say with a groan as I pull myself off the couch. "Look Sans... I know about the nightmares the REAL Sans had. Was it chara?" I pause as I was heading into Fluttershy's kitchen. "Sans?" He walks over to me. "i saw chara with innocent blood and dust on thier hands with a bloody knife." I say as we walked into the kitchen. "Who had a bloody knife?" Fluttershy asked as she and our parents were cooking. "nobody. it isn't important." I say as we sat down. "Yu Ok Mcal?" Dad asks trying to speak english again. "i'm fine dad." I say looking at him with my cartoonish smile. He stares at me not believing me. "eh ih..." "Are you sure? We’ve rasied you for 16 years…" Mom says as she brings our breakfast over. "you can trust me. have i ever lied to you guys?" Mom raises her non-existant eye brow. "i'll go see twilight." I say getting up from the table. 'She'll have something interesting to do... especially whit the Grand Galloping Gala tickets.' I walked into town as I saw a Construction Pony. I'll ask him about making a house big enough for 5 people. I passed him as he choked on his coffee from seeing me. I ran over to him and slapped his back and the coffee spewed from his mouth. "Hey. Thanks for saving my life. I thought that you were going to attack our town." The Pony says as I smiled. "i'll only attack if one of you ponies hurt my family of friends." I say as i turned. "If there is anything i can do for you, just ask." He says as he heads to the Town Hall. "i'll talk to you after this episode is over." I say heading to the library. In my spare time, I'm goin' to write Libarby on it just for a joke. I open the door to the library as Spike was eating various gems. "hey short stuff." He nearly chokes as Twilight walks into the main room. "Hey Sans. We can't have our lessons today. I need to go to Sweet Apple Acres to help Applejack with her apples." She says picking up Spike. "i came to help you with it." I say following her to Sweet Apple Acres. "Really?" She asks thinking about all of the possibilities she can research my new magic. "no reaserching the skeleton." I say as we reach the farm. "Aww..." She whines as Applejack comes over. "Sorry Ah had ya'll come over on short notice Rain-" "rainbow dash flaked out on you didn't she?" I cut her off as we went into the orchard. "Eeyup..." She replies as she startede bucking trees, Twilight used her magic to pick the apples, and I used my magic to pick it as well until... "Sans!" Applejack and Twilight shouted as I heard a Gaster Blaster firing. "holy shit!" I shouted as all of the apples in the surrounding area fell on the ground. Applejack's and Twilight's mouths dropped as they were suprised from my new ability. "Sans? Where did you learn that?" Twilight asked as she picked up all of the apples and put them in the cart. "i learned it from a video game in my world." I wasn't lying. "Anyway, we've gotten enough apple's. Let's head back." Applejack said as Twilight put Spike on the cart. On our way back, Spike was looking through the apples. "No. Nope. Nope." He threw the bad apples off. "Thank you kindly, Twilight, Sans, for helping me out. I bet Big McIntosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. If I win, he's gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one of Granny's girdles." She chuckles as we walked up to the farm. "No problem at all, Applejack. I'm glad the goal ended before lunchtime. All this hard work is making me hungry." She says smiling. "I know, right?" Spike says searching the apple pile. Twilight turns and glares at her baby dragon. "Spike. You've been lounging on my back all morning while we worked." "i would've done the same.." Spike nodded. "Exactly. You two were taking so long, I missed snack-time. Twilight's stomach grumbles and she laughs nervously. "Eh, I guess we better get some food." Spike contines looking. "Nope. Worm. A-ha!" He picks out a big juicy apple. Twilight looks at the apple with her mouth watering. "Oh Spike, that looks delicious." Spike eats the apple. Twilight glares at Spike. "Spike..." Spike steras at Twilight. "What?" He burps up a letter. Twilight picks up the letter. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia." She hands it to Spike. "Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of, eh, yadda yadda yadda, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest." I knew I forgot something. "damn..." Twilight and Applejack beam with delight. "The Grand Galloping Gala!?" > Gaster Blaster Ticket Master PT. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The Grand Galloping Gala!” The girls cheered as Spike burped again. “Look, two tickets.” Spike said holding the tickets. “Wow, great! I’ve never been to the gala. Have you, Spike?” Twilight asked as she nuzzled Spike. “No, and I plan to keep it that way. I don’t want any of that girly frilly frou-frou nonsense.” Spike said pretending to make himself throw up. “Aw, come on Spike. A dance would be nice.” Twilight said like a mother would a child. Applejack was about to say something when I stopped her. “AJ let me stop you before you give Twilight your story.” I said teleporting in between the two but landing on my head, not fully in control of my magic. “You okay Sans?” Twilight asked using her magic to put me on my feet again. “Yeah. I just need to get more control over my magic.” I say as Applejack eyes me questioningly. “How did’ja know that Ah was gonna tell Twilight why Ah wanted to go to the Gala?” It seems like she’s glaring daggers into my eyes. “I plea the 5th.” I say blurt out. Applejack, Twilight, and Spike blink like they’re confused. “Shit... I forgot this isn’t the U.S.” “What’s the fifth?” Twilight asks pulling out her quill and notepad. “Back where I come from, we had a Bill of Rights. I used the fifth amendment which states that it protects a person from being compelled to be a witness against himself in a criminal case, or in this case, I have the right to keep myself from being questioned.” I say as Applejack smirks. “But we’re not in the US, are we?” She says as I remember that the Bill of Rights don’t protect me anymore. “Your are right, but...” I say before sensing Rainbow Dash in the tree above us. I look up. “Hey Dashie.” She scowls at me. “Rainbow. Dash.” She says glaring at me before noticing the Grand Galloping Gala tickets. “Are you talking about the Grand Galloping Gala?” Applejack glares at Rainbow. “Rainbow Dash. You told me you were too busy to help me harvest apples. What were you busy doing? Spyin’?” Rainbow Dash sheepishly smiles before giving her two cents. “No, I was busy napping, and I just happened to see that you have an extra ticket?” “Rainbow. You’re reason to go to the Gala is almost as bad as Applejack’s...” I say out loud with out noticing that she didn’t tell Twilight and Applejack. They eye each other thinking that I know something. The girls huddle and whisper to each other before Twilight’s horn lights up as they turn towards me. “Would you look at my wrist... It’s time for me to go.” I start running. I look back just in time to see Dash fly right into me. She crashes into me forcing me onto the ground. “Spill it! How do you know what AJ and I were thinking!?” “Short Cut Time!” I shouted as I phase through the ground, practically disappearing and reappearing near Fluttershy’s quaint little cottage. “I need to keep all this knowledge to myself. I can’t risk changing the future.” I say placing my hand on my forehead. “As long as I can avoid the question, I’ll be fine.” I mutter to myself before entering the cottage, noticing that the cream colored Pegasus, the little demon rabbit, and the tall skeleton we’re not here. “Aw crap... Fluttershy’s probably walking Angel and Max must’ve went with them... Which means that Twilight is talking with..." I phase through the floor and lands near Twilight and Spike as Pinkie finishes her little song and dance routine. "Oh thank you, Twilight, it's the most wonderful-est gift ever!!" Pinkie exclaimed as she hugged the lavender pony. "Um, actually..." Twilight strained to reply the the energetic pink pony as the Alabaster White pony of Spike's dreams showed up. She gasped as the gazed upon the two golden tickets in Spike's claws. "Are these what I think they are?" Rarity inquired as she picked up the tickets with her magic. "Uh..." Twilight didn't get a chance to answer as I went over and grabbed the tickets. "Rarity, Pinkie. Seeing as you two can be ponies of reason. You understand that Twilight hasn't chosen anyone yet." I pass the tickets to Spike. "Considering that she hasn't had enough time to determine who she wants to bring, I would suggest that you and the other girls wait before-" "HEY!" Spike exclaimed. I pause as I see the living embodiment of Satan himself scurry across the road. "Oh no..." I groan as Fluttershy pluck the tickets from the rabbit's mouth. She gasped quietly. "Angel, these are perfect." She smiled as Max saw the tickets. "Perfect for what, Miss. Fluttershy?" He got on one knee to get a closer look. "The Grand Galloping Gala?' "Mhm. It's the biggest party of the year. Mostly the ponies that are higher up in nobility or are close to the Princess go to the Gala." Fluttershy explained to him as much as she could. She shuffled over to Twilight. "Um, excuse me, Twilight. I would just like to ask, I mean, if it would be all right, if you haven't given it to someone else..." She quietly asked the lavender unicorn. "You? You want to go to the gala?" Rarity interrupted whatever Twilight was going. Fluttershy nodded softly. "Oh, no. I mean, yes, or, actually, kind of. You see, it's not so much the Grand Galloping Gala as it is the wondrous private gated garden that surrounds the dance. The flowers are said to be the most beautiful and fragrant in all of Equestria. For the night of the gala, and that night alone, would they all be in bloom... and that's just the flora! Don't get me started on the fauna. There's loons and toucans and bitterns, oh my! Hummingbirds that can really hum, and buzzards that can really buzz. White-blue jays, and red jays, and green jays, pink jays and pink flamingos!" She smiled softly. "That sounds beautiful." I smile to the shy Pegasus. She smiles back as a raspy voice is heard behind us. "Wait just a minute." A familiar rainbow blur is seen, eyeing the tickets. "Rainbow Dash. Were you following me!?" Twilight's right eye twitched. Without batting an eye, Rainbow replied, very subtly, "No. I mean, yes. I mean, maybe. Look, it doesn't matter. I couldn't risk a goody-four-shoes like you giving that ticket away to just anybody." Twilight was almost at her breaking point, as was I. "Now just wait another minute." The cowpony herself trotted up. Twilight was passed her boiling point. "Applejack, were you following me too?" The cowpony shook her head. "No. I was followin'thisone to make sure she didn't try any funny business. Still trying to take mah ticket." She eyed Rainbow Dash. "Yourticket!?" She got into Applejack's face as the other ponies started arguing. That was the point of no return. Something snapped in my mind as I raised my hand up to the sky as a goat skull appeared, shooting a white laser. Just as that happened, Twilight shouted at the top of her lungs, "EVERYPONY BE QUIET!!!" The ponies stopped as they both looked at Twilight in shame and at me in fear, except for... "And then I said, "Oatmeal, are you craz--" Oh..." She smiled as she closed her mouth. I look at the lavender mage. "Twilight. Go get something to eat." She nodded as she picked up Spike and went to the local cafe. "You girls should be ashamed of yourselves. Twilight's the one with the tickets. It's her choice. Hell. She might not even pick any of you. She could just as easily have sent them back to the Princess if she wanted to." I glare at them before walking off. "I don't want your friendship to be torn because of this." I say as I followed Twilight to the cafe.