> Money Isn't Everything > by Danthebronyman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Money Can't Buy Everything > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I opened my eyes. As usual, life is going on. It's a bright day. The blasted sun hurts my eyes though. Sigh, the blasted super window right next to my bed wasn't a good idea to ask for it appears. Maybe I should get out of bed. Yeah, I could use some food! As I walked down the stairs, I looked at the rest of the house renovations daddy had put in. That velvet stair carpet is rather nice. But on the other side of things- "AHHHHH." *Omph, bang, smack!* "MOMMY, DADDY, HELPPP!" I cried. "Yes my little princess?" my father replied as he turned the corner towards the direction of the stairs I has just fallen down. "Oh sweetie! Let me help you up!" He then pulled me up. "Do you need anything to make it feel better?" he asked, concerned. "No dad, I'm fi-" I stated as he cut me off. "Nonsense! Have some bits and go buy yourself something at Sugar Cube Corner!" he ordered. I took the bits from him and walked back upstairs (minding the bump in that stupid rug). I grabbed my bags and continued to the kitchen to see if mother needed anything. I walked in to see her eating a nice muffin breakfast. "Oh, hi darling! Have a great day at school. To bad you have to go there with those, blank-flanks!" she commented as she noticed me enter. I nodded to her, and walked out the door into our garden. It was a very nice garden. There were bushes, flowers of all colors, and even a fountain with an earth pony figure on it. I assumed it had something to do with daddy's contempt towards anypony who gets dirty, thinking they need a bath. As I walked into town, I noticed the clock tower. I have about forty-five minutes to eat at Sugar Cube Corner. I strolled through the streets of Ponyville, making my way to my destination. I finally arrived at said destination 10 minutes later. I walked in and noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders instantly. Why must those blank flanks always ruin every moment of peace I get?! I proceeded to the counter to order my breakfast. I decided to order a simple lemon muffin (my favorite). Mr. Cake then informed me that Sweetie Bell had taken the last one... That's it. I'm going to go give them a piece of my mind! As I walked over, I noticed Sweetie Bell had indeed taken the last lemon muffin. I finally got there and put on my best angry face. "Hey blank flank, that is supposed to be my muffin!" I quietly shouted at her. "In all fairness, I got here first, and ordered first. Don't be mean Diamond, just let us enjoy our breakfast!" Sweetie Bell retorted. "No! That is my muffin! Why do you fools always have to ruin the simplest of things for me?!" I said, getting progressively louder. "Diamond, just shut up! Just go order something else!" Scootaloo (the useless pegasus) commanded. "No! I want, that, muffin! Give it to me!" I screamed, yanking for the muffin. Sweetie Bell yanked back. After what felt like hours of pulling, the muffin flew out of my hands. It went into the air and hit the ground with a soft thump. Everypony in the small cafe' looked at me with content. You can be sure that I noticed this. 'I-I.." I was rendered speechless. I decided to run. I ran as fast I could, a few tears forming from my eyes. I always make silly mistakes like this and it just ends up embarrassing me! Why must I act like this? No matter how many bits I spend, comments I make, things I do, they never make me feel any better! Even if I try my hardest! Is it their fault, the CMC? Or is it my fault? I finally found an ally and ducked in it, no one but me was here. I reached into my bag, pulled out the bits my father gave me, and threw them into a storm drain. The money clearly didn't help. I looked around the grey, dimly lit alleyway. It felt like, the inside of me. Decent looking from a distance, but when you actually take the time to look at it, it's just blandness. Is this what I've become? I remember back when I was little. I was always happy, free from these emotions and mistakes. Should I go back? No, it's too late. Maybe I've just been too rude over the years. Even if I tried to apologize, it wouldn't work. But I want to change! Just then, I felt a soft tap on my back. I turned around to see Sweetie Bell. "Hey. I'm sorry I got the last of the muffins you like. But you didn't have to go and make a scene! If you asked nicely, we could have shared it." she stated. "No, it's me who should be sorry. I don't know what came over me, I really try not to be mean, but I just can't explain why I do it." I responded. "Maybe you just need a friend?" she questioned. "Maybe I do. Could you, be my friend. I know you might be inclined to say no based on my behavior. But I really mean it blank fla- Sweetie Bell." I murmured. "There is always room for forgiveness and friendship. Let's get to school before we are late!" she said enthusiastically. > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To this day, me and the CMC are friends, even eight years later. You've never approved, but I don't care mother. Friendship isn't about race, cutie mark, etc. It's about mutual respect, kindness, and spending time together. I hate to be disrespectful mother, but maybe you and dad could learn a lot from me. Signed, Diamond Tiara