> Changeling Father > by rainbowtiger00 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > When I found you... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A lone changeling ran. His wings were folded against his back. His hole filled legs beat upon the stone paved road. He panted, his greenish blue tongue rolling out of his mouth. He was in the deserted streets of Canterlot, the capital of ponies. Today was the royal Canterlot wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Shining Armor, captain of the guard. But, unknown till recently to Shining Armor and his queen, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was actually his hive mother in disguise. The real princess was supposed to be in the cavernous jeweled caves below Canterlot. The reason his hive mother had switched places with the princess was so she could get close to Shining Armor. Shining Armor had cast a strong spell over the castle to protect it from any kind of threat. Even though any potential threat had already been safely behind the shield. It was best to pretend to have to need to break the shield in order to attack. That way, the ponies cold be more scared. The changeling warriors were more for show. They struck fear into the enemy's heart, and were the ones to tie up ponies in organic goo that they made from their unhatched eggs. Sometimes, there was an egg that doesn't hold a live changeling larave. Those were made into goo for capturing the prisoners. The prisoners had their love energy sucked out and left dizzy and nauseous in the goo. Then that love energy was sent into a large egg-like container far away, hidden in the wastelands. It was safer than keeping it here where it could very well be shattered. What was supposed to go according to plan was that she reveal herself during the honeymoon. If it was during then, they could of gathered enough love to live for at most a year without attacking yet another land. But during the wedding, his hive mother encountered unexpected resistance with a pony she thought broken. So, she revealed herself as a hive mother, and ranted on about her 'evil' plan in order for the changeling warriors to crack through the barrier shield. Therefore causing chaos, and allowing for the resisting ponies to be silenced for at least a few minutes more. It was surprisingly effective. Ever since the onslaught of his hive, ponies had run to the safety of their homes, leaving the streets unhindered. He could move about freely without worry. Unlike the other times. Times when he had to maintain the disguise or else he'd lose his life. An involuntary shudder passed through his body at the thought of what could of happened had he lost his disguise. Now he only had to wear the lightest of disguises. His true self must not be revealed to any pony. If he were in his true form, he would be more vulnerable. So lost was he in his thoughts that he did not see the mare he ran into before it was too late. The mare had been holding a door open, so he had fallen into her house. She was completely white. There was no color whatsoever on her. She had a mane that was very long, long enough to drag at the floor. A single paintbrush that had been dipped in cherry red paint adorned her flank. She was quite tall. The mare stood shakily on all four hooves, and backed away from the changeling. He opened his mouth showing her his fangs. A scream tore from her mouth, and she jumped over him. Using all four hooves she ran away from the house. The mare went into the street, and hurried to the palace. As if that would do her any good at all. He nodded at her retreating figure, and climbed up onto his own hooves. There was nothing of interest in the enemy's home. But as his hoof left the doorstep, he heard a faint cry of distress come from up the stairs. It sounded a whole lot like the call a changeling larave made when it could not find its birth parents. The changeling halted. An insect-like appendage that was used for hearing things twitched. He turned back to the stairs. Out of curiosity, the changeling approached the stairs. He climbed them one by one, slowly, in case one of them turned out to be a trap. They led to a small hallway that contained a room. The room had a white door with pink hoof prints splattered all over it. A name was scribbled over the door. “Magenta Glimmer.” It read. He cocked his head at the door. Ponies had odd customs of naming everything with a different name. It looked awfully confusing to the changelings who didn't have such a system. But then again, ponies felt love. Changelings ate it. The cry came from the room again. He walked over to the room, and put his hoof on the door. It swung open to reveal a pink and white room. Pony toys were scattered everywhere, as if their were some sort of explosion of pony toys. There was a bookshelf that resembled a flower filed with short, thin books. Curtains had been drawn in the room as if sunlight was not permitted to enter. But there was one thing that really got his attention. A cage-like container was in the middle of the room. Inside was pillows and blankets. He raised a single eyebrow. Why were there blankets in this cage-like container? He tapped a blanket with his hoof. It felt soft to his touch. The blanket moved. He withdrew his hoof in surprise as a very small pony suddenly came out from underneath the blankets. It seemed to be nothing more than a baby. Now he understood what the cage-like container was for. It was like a cocoon sack for changeling larave that got too out of hoof. The baby pony was black, just like a changeling. But her mane was the color of the night sky highlighted with a lime green streak. She had a tiny black horn, and bright green eyes. Since there was so much pink in the room and that the baby pony had long hair, the changeling quickly decided that the baby pony was a girl, therefore called a filly. The filly looked at him without any sign of being afraid. The changeling studied the young filly. She was beyond adorable. But the filly seemed a little thin. She also looked like she had just been crying as well. He glanced at a sign above her pony cocoon. “Magenta Glimmer; Status, Orphan. Rate for the possibility of being adopted 12%. Chance that she will not be, 97%.” The changeling frowned. Why wouldn't any one adopt the poor little thing? He stretched out a hoof and touched the young Magenta Glimmer. She smiled, her eyes growing large with glee. The changeling was so concentrated on the little Magenta Glimmer that the tough disguise he wore began to melt away. His eyes changed from greenish blue with no pupils to one with pupils. These ones were golden colored. His legs turned from holy, stick-like legs into more of a pony's legs with holes. His mane and tail appeared, blackish blue with dark greenish highlights. His wings became slightly more taller. His face became more angular, like a deer's face. His fangs now were slightly smaller but still there. His greenish blue tongue was now forked. The little Magenta Glimmer touched his hoof with one of her own and looked into his eyes. The changeling's eyes glistened with tears that did not fall. She grinned, and nuzzled his hoof. “Dada!” She cried out. The changeling shook his head slightly, unable to make any form of speech in reply. Magenta Glimmer wrapped her other hoof around his. He stared at her as she cooed. She hugged him with her tiny hooves. He stared at her, tears welling in his eyes. She acted so much like… He shook his head, and placed Magenta Glimmer on his back. She would be happier there, able to play more. She looked at him and cooed at him again. Despite his will, a smile spread across his face. Then a pink shock wave was sent throughout the city. It blasted into him and pushed him out the window. He glanced behind his back to see to his horror that the little filly was hanging on to him with all her might. A very surprised look was on her face. He reached behind his back and grabbed her. She looked at him for a few seconds, then clutched at him with her tiny hooves. “Dada!” She cried, this time as if in question. He only held her tighter. With her cradled within his hooves in order that she wouldn't fall to her death, they both plunged to the barren wastelands that held his home. > You were lost and hurt... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The harsh beating rays of the sun was the first thing to awake him. The changeling blinked his eyes several times in order to get himself aware of his surroundings. He was deep in the wastelands, Canterlot only a hazy spot in the distance. Near the mountain, was the sun, setting into the burning sand. The sky did not have a single cloud in it, and bore a bronze-like color. Every part of his body hurt. He quickly looked over his body. There were no injuries, just the wind was knocked out. Thankfully his wings were not broken. That could have been life-threatening. A grounded changeling was code red to the changeling ways. If a changeling was grounded, it could not fly to its hive. It could not fly away from danger. It could not feed. If some pony were cut off its wings, it would be the ultimate wrongdoing to a changeling. Had he been in his disguise he would have not worried. Any injury made to a changeling was felt fully by the hive mother, and if it was serious, she would come running. With the love that they had stolen, they could easily reach and heal their injured. Not to mention have a satisfying meal. As if to punctuate his thoughts, his stomach gave an unhappy growl. Suddenly remembering little Magenta Glimmer, he quickly glanced at his hooves. The filly lay on his chest, her hair spread out. As far as he could see, there seemed to be no injury. But from personal experience, he knew that an injury could be hiding itself inside her body. He checked Magenta Glimmer's limp body for anything, but found nothing. Confusion welled inside him. When a changeling was injured outside their body, they went into hibernation mode. Until their bodies healed whatever injury that was there, they slept without a care to the world. But no visible injury was to be seen. Maybe ponies were different in this case as well. There was the possibility that she was dead. The thought brought heaviness to his heart. Ponies were quite fragile, one cut and their liquid of life would spill out. He stroked her with a hoof. She seemed to be more asleep, a smile even gracing her lips. He placed his insect-appendage upon her chest. As a changeling fed upon a pony, they could sense a pony's heart. Every changeling would know what heartbeat would be a healthy sound. A heart beat within the chest, strong and slow. The changeling's brow creased. If Magenta Glimmer was hurt, then the fault would lay with him. A sigh escaped his lips. Just like it was back when they lived in a gigantic cave in the jungle. Back when everything in the world seemed okay. Back when he had…His thoughts were broken by the lone cry of a vulture circling ahead. He frowned at the vulture. It was waiting for them to succumb to their wounds and die. He sat up, cradling the small filly with his hooves. No vulture was going to eat the filly on his watch. Tenderly he placed the filly onto his back. His wings cuddled Magenta Glimmer gently. Slowly, painfully he climbed to his hooves. A quick scanning showed that there was an overhanging of rocks some distance away. One painful hoof-step after another took him closer to the overhanging. The sun had almost completely disappeared, leaving only a few rays against a quickly fading sky. It now was a deep blue edged with purple. Only where the last rays shone did one see the colors of lavender, pink, orange, red, and finally burning golden yellow. Where the deep blue was, were many pinpoints of light twinkling down. Ponies called them stars. Although the hive mother called them the souls of those who passed, watching down below. The temperature was rather getting from very hot to rather cold. Good thing he had the foresight to place Magenta Glimmer on his back. Therefore he could wrap his wings around her like a blanket. Finally, he reached the overhanging. Crouching down low, he searched for the small hole that should be beneath the place where the top of the rock met the sky. The wind would of come and blown at this rock until it formed a hole where the rock had crumbled due to erosion. A small animal would of made a home there, then maybe moved on. His hoof fell into the hole. Slowly, he crawled inside. He covered the top with small rocks, and sand, leaving only a little space for air and light to come through. In this shelter, he took the filly from his back. The changeling nuzzled the pony child. Even though it was the young of his enemy, changelings did not ever hurt the young of others. One of the reasons was, all hive mother's larave were very rare. Only once every hundred years was one born. And then, if it died there wouldn't be another till a hundred years had passed again. Changeling larave were already rather uncommon as they often took decades to grow out of the stage were they trusted everything and everyone. A strength and a weakness all of their own. Changeling parents had to watch carefully, had to make sure that their little ones didn't go to an enemy with open arms. Almost always it would end badly for either the larave or the parents. One could die. At that thought, tears fell unbidden onto the coat of the filly. He shook his head, and wiped them with a hoof. Magenta Glimmer seemed to also trust quickly, despite how it seemed that the ponies around her didn't care for her as they should. Now in the soft light of the night, he could finally notice that she could have been fed more. Kept a little cleaner. Did the ponies in that house even spare time to play with her? Teach her how to survive? Tell her stories of how the world came to be? Sing to her the songs of her ancestors? Taught her how to thank them properly? Slowly, she breathed in and out as she slept. He gazed at her sadly. He would try with all his might to keep her alive until they reached Canterlot. Then he would find her a proper home, one that would take care of her correctly. He laid his head onto her little belly. The sweet smell of the filly sent him to the dreams of those he had lost… > When You Saw Me... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As cool night prevailed the world, Canterlot castle bustled and hustled with activity. The white alicorn named Princess Celestia felt the painful pangs of a stress induced headache. After the party, she and her sister Princess Luna were left to deal with all the refugees from the invasion. Which meant lots of paperwork. Lots. So here she was, five hours into the night, and already she had a horn cramp from so much magic use. Her two faithful friends and assistants, Paper Quill and Inkwell helped out. Paper Quill was a light brown unicorn mare with a dark brown mane held back in a bun with a tiny red bow. A dark green tie was at her neck. A quill was at her flank, representing her talent at being a secretary. Paper Quill was Princess Celestia's secretary, keeping track of everything while copying every down for Celestia to read later. It was surprisingly useful. While Paper Quill wrote every last detail on paper, Inkwell entertained most of the ponies with her unique stories from her life. She was a black haired mare with a light gray coat covered in wrinkles. One eye was tightly shut from a long ago wound. Many remembered her as a teacher at the Princess Celestia's academy for Gifted Unicorns from when they were fillies and foals. Princess Celestia rubbed her aching head with a hoof. Hopefully every pony was okay. But as she thought these thoughts, Princess Luna came up with a colorless white mare. The mane of this mare dragged at the floor, it was so long. It was a contrast to be sure, as Princess Luna was dark blue in coat and mane. Princess Celestia came to meet them. “What is it, Luna? Has changelings attacked this poor mare, as well?” Princess Luna shook her head. “Yes, the foul beasts attacked her square. But this mare has another reason why she came to you. Her name is Brushing Paint." Brushing Paint looked at the Princess of the Day with fear in her colorless eyes. “Y-your highness you see, the changeling I encountered went into the building where I'm hired to take care of orphans. And I admit.” Here she hung her head in sadness. “I was so frightened by the changeling, that I ran into the street and headed to the palace. But once I arrived, I was given orders from my boss Cherry Cider not to return.” Princess Luna sniffed. “Cherry Cider, the colt who dreams of nothing but cider, day and night.” Brushing Paint nodded. “Well, I have to say. I'm worried for the foals and fillies that are in there. What if the changeling hurt them?” Princess Celestia nodded her regal head. “Don't worry, Brushing Paint, Luna and I shall look into the orphanage. We shall see if there is any damage. Although.” Princess Celestia lifted the remaining paperwork in front of Brushing Paint. “You will have to help me with paperwork.” Finished Celestia with a smile at the shocked look on Brushing Paint's face at the size of paper. “Y-yes your highness.” She mumbled. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ran down the hallway at full gallop. When they reached the balcony, they spread their wings, and flew into the night sky. The cool wind blowing against her wings was soothing. Since the orphanage was a short distance away from the palace, and they were going at the speed of the wind during a storm, they only had to fly over a few rooftops. With a loud clapping of hooves, they reached the orphanage. It was very small, and only two stories high. The door was open, and a few ashy hoof steps on the carpet marked where said changeling fell. Princess Luna stepped into the house, and stood still. She shook her head in amazement. “There are over fifty foals and fillies here.” Princess Celestia gritted her teeth. How she hated when ponies ended up in tight, small, dirty areas due to poor income. Grown ponies were bad enough, but for children? “So, they don't have proper funding for more room? I'll take care of that.” She muttered. Princess Luna frowned. “They really should have enough though. Fancy Pants, the famous pony celebrity donates frequently to all the orphanages.” Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Does he now?” Princess Luna nodded. “He was once a poor orphan. But he moved from being nearly homeless to the top of society through his fashion sense and brains. He frequently has dreams of his parents, or as he has imagined them. I spoke to him about it in one of them, but no matter how hard he tries, his heart dwells on it. But the pleasant colt, as you well know, can be rather…” Princess Celestia smiled. “Clumsy? He mentioned once or twice about bumping into Rarity simply because he forgot to pay attention to where they were going.” Princess Luna smiled. “Yes, I bet my very crown that if you were to hint at him about the orphanage's state, he'll give a small fortune to the owner. Although.” Here Princess Luna frowned. “We'd better make sure Cherry Cider isn't wasting the money on cider.” Princess Celestia nodded. “I think I can manage that.” The two ponies wandered throughout the house, looking in all the cribs. Each crib they passed, made the princesses angrier and angrier. While Brushing Paint had clearly done everything to make the atmosphere as pleasing as possible, it was crystal clear that the foals and fillies needed more attention. If there were only two ponies, one who drank all day and night, the other with almost no experience at childcare, here then it was no wonder the fillies and foals were so neglected. Over every crib was a chart, saying what status of adoption each foal and filly was at. Just like if they were nothing more than a source of income. As Princess Celestia wandered, she found a stairway up into the second story. Ashy hoof steps ran slowly up the stairs. She frowned. Slowly, in case the enemy might be laying in wait, she climbed the stairs, spell ready. As the last step creaked underneath her hoof, a unknown noise was made. She fired. A loud bang sounded from her spell. From the smoke of the small burnt mark, she saw the ashy, fried remains of a small pitiful…mouse. A long, slow, sigh of relief escaped from her lips. Princess Luna's voice sounded below. “What happened?! You scared all the fillies and foals!” As if on cue, over fifty voices wailed their fright to the world. Princess Celestia faced hoofed. “Sorry, Lulu! Take care of them as best you can!” Princess Celestia hurried from the stairs, as in order not to here the irritated words from Luna. “What! Me? Tia, you know you are the one who plays with them all the time awake! I don't do it in the waking world!” After the sentence came a loud groan. “Tia…” Smiling slightly, Princess Celestia examined the hallway she was in. It was small and narrow. The ashy hoof steps led into the room at the end. In there, was a crib piled with blankets. No noise of an unhappy filly or foal came from it. Curious, Princess Celestia went over. Like the others, this one had a chart on it. It read, Magenta Glimmer. Status, Orphan. Rate of being adopted, 12%. Rate of not, 97%.” Princess Celestia growled. Those with the higher score of being adopted, looked cared for better. She glanced into the crib. Magenta Glimmer was not in it. Where was she? But as she looked, she saw the ashy hoof steps. Beside them was a single strand of blackish blue hair. And in front of it, lay a changeling sized hole in the wall, leading out to the wastelands. Princess Celestia's eyes widened. Princess Luna's voice came through the floor. “Tia! When you find that Cherry Cider, personally burn him to a crisp! He doesn't even have proper food here!” > I was Broken and Cold... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia's sun rose from the ground into the sky. It filled the land with warmth and light. Such light went through the cracks in the stone barrier and onto his coat, warming it. Bop. Something soft hit his nose. Bop. It felt like a hoof. Bop. His nose twitched. Bop. It twitched again. Bop. He sniffed, then sneezed. A giggle could be heard. “Dada went aw chew!” Cried out a tiny little voice. The changeling's eyes shot open wide. There was the filly, wide awake and grinning between his hoofs. A strand of blackish blue hair from his mane had fallen across his nose. Magenta Glimmer bopped her hoof on his nose, trying to hit the strand like a cat with a piece of string. Bop. A smile spread slowly across his lips. He nuzzled the child's belly. She giggled, her laughter echoing throughout the hole they slept in. Once the changeling was finished nuzzling, the filly scrambled to her hooves. She stood on her hind legs, and placed her hooves onto his forehead so she could stare into his eyes. “Dada stay awakes this time?” She asked a pleading tone in her voice. He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, little filly?” She frowned. “Dada fell asleep after falling off a balcony. You wouldn't come awakes. The scwary doctas came and took you away. Then I got placed in that pinkie winkle room. But.” Here the filly grinned. “You came back! And now, you won't ever leave!” She pressed her forehead onto his. “I love ya, Dada.” She said. He blinked. So the filly thought he was her father? Perhaps the filly's real father had resembled him somehow. As he looked into Magenta Glimmer's joyful eyes, a black hoof stroked the small filly's back. His knowledge that he wasn't the filly's true father made the words so much harder to hear. Yet. The emotion behind them was pure love. He could feel the love pouring out of her. He could get a faint taste of it. So sweet. “NO!” Screamed his own thoughts. “Don't you dare eat this young filly's love! That would hurt the filly!” But as if to remind him, his stomach growled. He silently strangled the thought till it was silent. The poor filly had already been through so much. It would be better to the filly to tell her the truth, but… “You know something little filly?” He asked, hooves caressing her coat. “What?” She asked, her tiny head cocked. “Dada.” At this, he stopped himself, for tears were threatening to come out. “Dada loves you too.” Those four words sent off another sweet wave of emotion from Magenta Glimmer. “Me knows you do! I'm your winkle prwince ess.” He nuzzled her again. But as he nuzzled her, he could hear the stirrings of an empty stomach. “Is my little princess hungry?” He cooed at her. Magenta Glimmer wrinkled her brow at this. “Hmm?” Her stomach gave a loud growl. “Yes, I am.” She looked around the hole. “Dada, what we gonna eat?” She asked. The changeling got to his feet, and picked up the filly. “How about…we find out.” He placed her again between his wings, and removed the stone barrier. Once he got out of the hole, the changeling was blinded by very bright light of the sun. The sun had rose while he was asleep, and was now towering overhead. As his eyes slowly adjusted to the sunlight, he placed Magenta Glimmer behind his neck. “Now, hold on little one. Otherwise, you will fall off.” Magenta Glimmer nodded fast, and tightly grasped his neck with her little hooves. He stretched out his wings, and took off. Up into the air he flew. Warm air flew in their faces as they flew. Magenta Glimmer giggled with joy. “This is fun!” She crowed. The changeling smiled. He couldn't resist showing off a little, it had been so long since someone admired his skills…With his wings buzzing, he flew up high, then dived low. Magenta Glimmer grinned at him. He smiled back. Looking ahead, he landed mere inches from the dirt, sending a plume of dust in the air. Panting, he stood still. From the flight they had gone far. But there still was nothing to eat. The little filly looked at the sun with glee. Then curiosity covered her face. “Dada?” He glanced back at her. “Yes?” Magenta Glimmer pointed a hoof to the sun. “How did the sun come to be?” The changeling blinked in surprise. “No one has told you, little one?” Magenta Glimmer's head shook. “No…could you, Dada?” He smiled. “Of course. Its about time you knew.” He took off again, speaking over his shoulder. “Listen close, for its a long tale…” In the beginning, there was no sun. There were no clouds, plants, or animals. That not to say that there were no stars or moon. For stars had always been there. So had the moon. Their beginning had come earlier. Not one soul suffered though, as the Dragons, and Phoenixes lived in that time. They lit the sky with their flame, pierced the dark with their song. Each Dragon had their own tribe for each Element of Harmony. The same was for the Phoenixes. The only source they needed to live was a bright jewel that rained from the heavens. They were called the tears of the stars. With the jewels, they stored their power and became strong. For eons they lived, built their empires, tore them down, rebuilt them again. On it went. But one day, the jewels stopped coming. The Dragons and Phoenixes gathered together to consult the moon on why the tears had stopped. The moon told them that their time was finished. That wasn't to say that their race was to disappear. Far from it. New ones were to evolve from their ancestors glory. It was time to leave a testament to their power. So, all remaining tears of the stars were combined together to make one sphere. Then the Dragons and Phoenixes chose ten members from each race to pour their essence into the sphere. This took eons. As the time passed, a little filly was found on their doorstep. They raised the filly to become one of them. She was magnificent. Auburn hair that formed a beautiful mane and tail. The mane flowed down her neck, and the tail brushed the floor. Cream colored fur, with angelic wings. A mark of a pen and quill was on her flank. A graceful horn curved from her brow. But the most wondrous thing about her was her eyes. Crystal blue, with the power to look deep into one's soul. Her name was…Faust. As the last tendrils of essence flew into the sphere, Faust raised the sphere into the sky, with the Dragons and Phoenixes help. The smoke that flew from their nostrils formed the clouds. The sphere arrived at the highest point of the sky. The moon congratulated them and dubbed Faust a princess. From then on, Princess Faust ruled the Dragons and Phoenixes, raising and setting the sun… “That my little one, is how the sun came to be. Magenta Glimmer's eyes were filled with wonder. “How did you know that, Dada?” She asked. He smiled. “My father told me that story when I was your age.” Magenta Glimmer snuggled closer. “Could you tell me more Dada?” The changeling smiled at her hopeful face. Telling the young legends of old was always a treat. “Of course little one.” > Together, we Bonded... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A dark blue haired colt with light blue highlights in his mane, mustache and tail adjusted his eyepiece as he looked at the sign of the restaurant. It was written in Prench, the language of ponies across the sea that lived in Prance. They were the fashion makers of the world, and Prench was said to be the language of love. He was wearing a black fashionable suit that came out only last week. It really showed the white of his coat. It also matched his cane that bore the silver head of a griffon. The griffon had sapphire eyes. His wife, Fleur de Lis stood next to him, redoing her coat. Fleur de Lis had a cotton candy colored mane, with streaks of lighter pink and hardly visible white. Her eyes were a lovely shade of lavender, complimented by a slight pink eye shadow and very light blush. Her coat was perfectly brushed silky smooth, her hooves polished in jasmine oil. A cutie mark of a gold fleur-de-lys with pink streaks adorned her flank. He was Fancy Pants, a member of Canterlot society. He was a fashion adviser, his opinion was worth tons of bits. Fancy Pants was standing in a square that was reserved for elite society. Princess Celestia had invited him over there to a specific restaurant for a discussion. Personally he was honored, but wondered on how it would reflect his status with the other Canterlot society members. Fleur de Lis looked at herself a final time, before closing the mirror. “Fleur dear, are we at the right place, or did I go off in the wrong spot? Again?” Fleur de Lis glanced at the sign. “Mm, no you're good dear. We're at the right place. Although…” She leaned in close to his ear in order to whisper. “How good is your Prench?” Fancy Pants stroked his mustache as he did when he was thinking. “Um, not too good. I can't seem to remember certain words. I'm much better with Patin.” Patin was the language of the Pegasus tribe a thousand years ago. Pegasi still spoke it in some parts of Cloudsdale. Some unicorns like himself learned it simply for a way to expand their vocabulary. Fleur de Lis smiled a charming smile. “Ah yes, Patin. I remember now, that is the language you spoke to me all the time back when we were dating. You were stuck thinking it was my native language.” Fancy Pants smiled gently. “Eh, it won you over didn't it?” Fleur de Lis chuckled. “Slightly. You won me over more so by.” Fleur de Lis's words were cut off by a crack of thunder. A second later a drop of water splashed nearby Fleur de Lis. “Oh no, its raining.” Commented Fancy Pants. He glanced at Fleur de Lis. “Here.” He lifted his cane with his magic and twisted the bottom. It came off to reveal a dark blue silk umbrella edged with gold lining. He lifted it over Fleur de Lis's head before it started raining rather heavily. Fleur de Lis smiled at him, and planted a kiss onto his cheek. “That is what won me over.” Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Lifting an umbrella over your head?” Fleur de Lis grinned. “No, being a true gentlecolt. Your manners would rival a native Prench colt.” Fancy Pants blushed. The two entered the restaurant. Waiters in Prench suits carried tasty looking platters of tiny food. Fancy Pants closed the umbrella, and put it back in his cane. Fleur de Lis smiled. “At this restaurant, they serve fruits, certain vegetables, and flowers.” Fleur de Lis closed her eyes at the thought of the delectable foods. “I can remember how good their style of serving potatoes are. That mealy taste of potato cooked in butter, while you also have the taste of garlic. Added with finely chopped marigolds. Fleur de Lis's eyes opened in embarrassment. “But that's just my opinion. If the taste combination is a little weird for everyone else, I'm sorry. Fancy Pants rolled his eyes. “Don't be silly my dear. Just because you lived in Prance for most of your childhood doesn't mean that your tastes and customs should be frowned upon. They make you unique here. Like your dislike of heavy makeup. Your country prefers natural beauty to added beauty. I mean, who else can carry a conversation in Prench, while translating it for those who don't understand it?” Fleur de Lis smiled. “Thanks, Fancy Pants. I needed that. Also, speaking of my country's customs, the bread here is amazing too. Not too dry, not too soft, not too hard. And the crust. Oh, hearing it crackle is music to my ears.” Fancy Pants nodded his head. “Is there chocolate dipped tulips here? Those are my favorite.” Fleur nodded. “There is also my favorite, chocolate roses. They can be so tasty, yet so expensive. The flowers aren't limited to sweets however, there is a strawberry, cherry, mango and rose, soup flavored with barley crumbs and mint leaves. It is a delicious mouthful.” As they talked, a waiter noticed that they were standing there. He came over, holding a menu. Speaking in Prench, he said. “Bonjour. Voulez-vous que je vous trouve un siège ou un stand?” Fancy Pants blinked several times in confusion. Fleur de Lis smiled and spoke, her words coming out in a steady stream of Prench. “Nous tenons `a s'asseoir avec la Princesse Celestia.” The waiter nodded, and left. Fancy Pants stared. “What are you saying?” He whispered. Fleur turned to him. “That waiter wanted to know if we were going to sit in a booth or sit in a seat at a table. I told him that we were sitting with Princess Celestia.” Fancy Pants nodded. “Okay.” The waiter came back. Pointing with a hoof at a table, he asked in Prench. “Et avec la Princesse Luna ainsi?” Fleur de Lis blinked, but said. “Oui.” As the waiter led them to the table, Fleur de Lis said. “Princess Luna is joining us as well.” Fancy Pants nodded. “Ah yes, Princess Luna. I've met her once or twice.” Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna were sitting at a white metal table with one side covered with a gold satin table cloth for Celestia, and the other side covered with a dark blue satin table cloth. The metal of the table was skillfully designed into curves and loops. Two empty chairs sat on the other end of the table. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis bowed before the Princesses. Fancy Pants bowed with his head to the ground. Fleur de Lis however, bowed with her left back leg crossing over her right back leg, and her right front leg crossing over her left front hoof. This was the traditional Prench bow. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” They said in unison. > Together, we Journeyed... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia waved a hoof at them. “Please rise, friends.” Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis stood, Fleur de Lis brushing her strands of hair away from her face. Princess Luna waved her hoof. “Thou should take a seat, the waiter will come to take our order any minute now. Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis sat on the two empty seats, Fleur de Lis facing Princess Celestia, and Fancy Pants facing Princess Luna. Princess Celestia placed her two hooves together, and looked at both of them. “Fancy Pants, how much of the changeling invasion do you know about?” Fancy Pants rubbed his chin with his hoof in thought. “Well, I know that there was a changeling…queen did she call herself? She impersonated Princess Cadence, ruined the wedding, and attacked the city of Canterlot?” Princess Celestia nodded. “She also stole the love of several hundred ponies who are now perfectly fine. The worst symptoms that they had were dizziness and nausea. But some ponies in the society have been wondering. Why are I not at this very moment destroying them under my brilliance? And I could, without worry of destroying Canterlot. I was curious. What do you think?” Fancy Pants blinked, this wasn't what he had expected. He had thought she had wanted to talk about how the society of Canterlot needed to take a notch down on its grabbing of her attention. Again. The waiter came, and the ponies made their orders. Fleur de Lis gave his and hers, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fluently gave theirs. When the waiter left, Fancy Pants gave his answer. “You are the princess of Equestria. Have been for thousands of years. So therefore, attacks have happened. And you must of dealt with them as you have described. In order for you to have not done this, you must have had a very good reason not to.” A silence hung in the air. Princess Luna was nodding her head in approval. Princess Celestia folded her hooves underneath the table. “Yes, you have answered correctly. One of my oldest, and wisest friends has personally begged me not to. And for her sake, I won't.” Fleur de Lis raised an eyebrow. “Someone asked you not to?” Princess Luna nodded her head yes. “A personal friend of Tia, and a friend of mine. She should arrive here soon.” Princess Celestia looked at Fancy Pants. “You should know her, she taught you while you were a foal.” Fancy Pants had a genuinely surprised look on his face. “Really? That was something I didn't know.” A shout came from the back. “Madame, veuillez!!” Fleur de Lis mouthed the words madam please, and stretched her head to see what was going on. Princess Celestia smiled, a glint of happiness in her ancient eyes. “Ah yes, here she is.” A very old and ancient unicorn walked to the table where they were sitting with a skip in her step. She had a mane and tail that was black, gray, light brown, white and in a bun. One eye was tightly closed. She was wearing socks that were black and purple striped. A necklace made out of very tiny woven vines, and a chunk of light golden colored wood with a symbol on it adorned her neck. Her flank bore the mark of an ink pot. “Hello Princess Luna!” She crowed as she pulled up a chair and sat right between the two royal sisters. “Hello Inkwell. How are thou?” Inkwell straightened one of her socks. “Perfect as a pickle berry. Hello Celestia!” Princess Celestia smiled. “And hello to you my dear old friend. Thank you for coming.” Inkwell bobbed her head up and down in reply. Then she noticed the other two at the table. “So, this must be Fleur de Lis! I must say, I'm impressed by your ability to be yourself in Equestria. Its not easy to keep hold of the ancient customs of one's country, but you have managed with flying colors. I tip my hoof to you. And as they always say, Rewards go to the wary!” Fleur de Lis's mouth opened, then closed. Her eyes were as large as her plate. “T-thanks?” She stuttered. Inkwell turned her one eye to Fancy Pants, who was again stroking his chin in thought. “Ah Fancy Pants! I've been waiting a chance to talk with you, and catch up!” Fancy Pants's eyebrows raised in surprise. “Professor Inkwell?” The look on his face was of one in total shock. “What are you doing-You're friends with Princess Celestia?” Fleur de Lis's brow furrowed. “Professor? She is your professor?” Fancy Pants's head nodded. Fleur de Lis slightly giggled. “I see.” Inkwell laughed. “I bet I surprised you, eh? Well, the Princess here.” She jabbed the folded wing of Princess Celestia with her hoof. “Was the very one to sign me up for the entire thing.” Fancy Pant's head turned to Princess Celestia, who shrugged. “She inspires confidence in young foals and fillies. Something my school needed, and would definitely still need.” Inkwell nodded her head energetically. Then she plopped a large, green, warty, toad onto the table. Fleur de Lis's eyes widened. One twitched. Fancy Pants's mouth smirked. Princess Luna's hoof went straight to her mouth to smother her giggles. Princess Celestia's head turned to Inkwell with laughter in her lavender violent eyes. “I see you have kept the toad that we used.” Fancy Pant's brow furrowed “What?” Princess Luna's face soured. “The pony-teacher committee thought Inkwell was too old-fashioned to be part of the school. And due to a then recent indecent with the Princess Celestia's Gifted School for Gifted Unicorns Royal High Tea…” Inkwell shook her head with laughter. “Its quite a mouthful, isn't it?” The waiter delivered their drinks. Fancy Pants received a tall glass of light pink liquid with round small balls of ice in it. A straw floated in the chilled liquid. A leaf of mint was on the glass. He sipped it lightly. A strawberry, fruity, tangy sweet taste ran around in his mouth. Fancy Pants swallowed, then sipped again. Princess Celestia's head shook. “Inkwell tried to help with the indecent, but in the process angered a…very considerate mother.” Princess Luna snorted, the giggled with laughter. Princess Celestia gave her a slightly annoyed look which made Princess Luna only laugh harder. “Anyways, she was threatened to be kicked out.” Fancy Pants's gritted his teeth. “That pony-teacher committee has got some nerve.” Princess Celestia sighed. “Yes, yes they do. But in the end, Inkwell pulled through.” Princess Celestia smiled at Inkwell who was brushing a splinter from her socks. “By the way, Inkwell. I didn't see you come in through the door.” Inkwell laughed. “Why Princess Celestia! Its raining out there! And since I spent some time in the Mafrica jungles, I would know better than to trust doors. You try walking through a doorway that has been soaked by rain, and could collapse any minute. And if it does, you will be stuck there till it drys out. No, I came in through the window. Although these waiter ponies didn't seem to like that much.” She sniffed. “They should see the changeling hives of Mafrica. If it was raining, you could go through a hole rather than the door.” The air around the table turned to ice instantly after the word 'changeling' was spoken. > Shadows rose In The Night... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ah, yes. The changelings.” Princess Celestia said, her face turning grim. All eyes were on Inkwell. “I was wondering if you could tell these three.” She waved her hoof at Princess Luna, Fancy Pants, and Fleur de Lis. “Why you support them.” Inkwell looked at Princess Celestia with her one eye. Her normally cheerful face had turned thoughtful. For a few moments, she stared. Then she smiled. “All righty. Of course I will. But first.” Inkwell scooted her chair closer to the table. “You'll have to listen to my story.” Fancy Pants scooted his chair, closer. He placed his hooves together, and rested his chin on top of them. He had heard many stories from Inkwell back in school, and was eager to hear another. Fleur de Lis settled herself more comfortably into her chair. To an outsider, she would appear interested and composed. But to those close to her, knew that in her eyes held a slight twinge of annoyance. For Fleur de Lis was far too kind to ever let another pony know that she didn't want to her them talk on and on. Princess Luna raised an eyebrow at Inkwell, but said nothing and simply nodded her head. Princess Celestia, however smiled gently at Inkwell. Whatever Inkwell was doing, Princess Celestia knew exactly what she was doing. The toad croaked its eyes bugling out, and its stomach intimating a balloon. Then it returned to normal. Inkwell cleared her throat. “Well, I was just beginning my career at teaching at Princess Celestia's Gifted School for Gifted Unicorns.” Inkwell gave Princess Celestia a slightly annoyed glare. “You really need to shorten the name. Anyways, the higher grade students really wanted to take their spring break to Mafrica. They were about twelve to fourteen. But none of the staff wanted to. So, I said that if they worked really hard, and did their best, I would take them there. And every single student did their very best. I was very proud of them all. As spring rolled around, we went to Mafrica by royal chariot. Quite the experience to see all those ponies walking below you like ants. And the jungles. Like a sea of the highest quality of emeralds. We stayed at a resort for two weeks when something happened. A twelve year old student saw a rare creature in the jungle and ran off into it. I volunteered to go after her, and told the rest to stay there and do not go into the jungle. After the student I went, using my reporter ways to find the general direction she went. And it worked, cause I found her tracks right away. But as I followed them, the heavens opened, and a torrent of rain poured over the jungle. No surprise there really, at it was a rain forest. But I needed to take shelter. Fast. I was rather naive about the jungle. So I went into a cave mouth that served as a doorway. Well, one fat you really need to know about rained on cave mouths that do not have proper fillings in their cracks. They collapse. And that's exactly what happened to me. All those rocks fell onto me as I passed under them.” The waiter interrupted by placing a basket full of bread onto the table. His eyes were closed, so he did not see the toad. The bread was the exact kind of bread that Fleur de Lis had described outside of the restaurant. Fancy Pants levitated a slice, and bit into it. It was buttery, with a few hints of garlic. The crust was crunchy and flaked under his teeth. The inside was soft and chewy. The waiter next brought a thin, large, brown platter filled with five dishes. His eyes were still closed. One was a sandwich filled with purple-bluish irises, lettuce, and tomato. He silently placed this dish in front of Princess Celestia. The waiter took the next dish on the brown platter in his hoof. It was a buttery roll stuffed with egg, peppers, tomato sauce, and a pinkish odd substance that Fancy Pants didn't recognize. Princess Celestia did, and grimaced slightly. “Seriously?” She quietly whispered. “You ordered meat in your roll?” Princess Luna rolled her eyes, and stared irritably at Princess Celestia. “Tia, just because Unicorns, Pegasi, and some Earth Ponies don't eat meat doesn't mean Bat Ponies can't. They do eat it, and they enjoy it. I've eaten many of their dishes, and they are good.” Princess Celestia just shook her head slightly in awe as she stared at the dish. Fancy Pants scratched his head. “What's meat?” He whispered to Fleur de Lis. She grimaced. “You really, really, really don't want to know. Trust me Fancy Pants, you don't.” The next dish was placed in front of Fleur de Lis. It was a salad of lettuce, pink and yellow roses, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and blueberries. The last two dishes were two bowls of creamy tomato soup, spiced with black pepper, and thyme. Each bowl had baked pieces of bread called croutons floating on top, and was served with a slice of plain bread with a fancy design. The waiter placed one dish in front Fancy Pants. He then opened his eyes, and took the other. The last dish was very slowly placed in front of Inkwell. As the waiter placed the dish in front of her, he glanced at her funny as if she were about to suddenly jump onto the table and sing a rowdy yodel. Inkwell smiled at him. Then as his hoof moved from the dish, he saw the toad. The toad made another croak. The waiter made a very unpleasant face, and visibly flinched. Princess Luna desperately covered her mouth to smother her smirk. Fleur de Lis's face contained the look of one being torn from slight displeasure to the desire to lie on the floor, laughing uproariously. Princess Celestia was looking at Princess Luna with a face that read. “Really?” Princess Luna glanced at Princess Celestia, and caught an eyeful of her face. She straightened, and made a face that was supposed to like a regal face, but looked more like Princess Luna was competing at the 'Make the most silliest face ever competition'. Princess Celestia rolled her eyes, and face hoofed. The waiter batted at the toad with a hoof. The toad blinked. The waiter flinched. He clearly was disgusted, but wasn't about to say so to the Princesses of Equestria. The waiter's clear discomfort was getting to Fancy Pants. He bit his lower lip in order not to laugh. This face was clearly funny, because it just made Princess Luna's face even more silly as she strained to keep her composure. Inkwell just began to eat her soup, lifting each spoonful of the steaming red soup to her mouth. All this time, she had been smiling pleasantly at the waiter and the toad. Princess Luna, at this point trying everything it took to not laugh, attempted a graceful swig of her drink. Just as she did so, the waiter batted his horn at the toad, dangerously close to the toad's eyes. The toad, blinked, then opened its mouth. Its long, sticky, tongue stuck onto the waiter's forehead. The waiter's eyes bugled with horror, and his mouth dropped open in a silent scream. Princess Luna's eyes bugled, and in one swift move, spit her mouthful into the waiter's face and laughed uproariously. Inkwell laughed with her. Fancy Pants giggled hysterically, and Fleur de Lis chuckled. Princess Celestia only sighed, and glared with annoyance at Princess Luna's lack of composure. > But I took you in Flight... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After removing the toad from the waiter, apologizing over and over, helping Princess Luna back into a state of calmness, and finally eating some of their dinner, they were ready for Inkwell to continue her story. “I had fainted due to the pain. When I began to awoke, I heard scratching noises. Someone was lightly shaking my shoulder. I opened my eye and saw several mares and colts standing over me. They looked rather odd. They were all a dark black with droopy blackish blue manes and tails. The manes and tails were in elaborate braids. The hooves had tiny holes at the bottom, with green luminescent paint marked all over their bodies. Large insect like wings that buzzed were on their backs, thin rope like tails swished at their hindquarters. Twisted, curved horns were at the base of their heads. White fangs that gleamed protruded from the pony's mouth. They all had different colored eyes, and different designs on their body. There was a little one, only a filly that was asleep nearby. She had a necklace that was made out of tiny vines, and had a golden colored piece of wood in the middle with an odd design.” All four ponies stared at the necklace that hung from Inkwell's neck. Inkwell touched the necklace with a hoof, her eyes glistening. The toad made a very sad sounding croak. Inkwell placed her hooves together and leaned forward. "The group of ponies that looked odd wore hats made out of jungle leaves and staffs made out of bamboo. Several other ponies were at the back. Some were deformed in some way, like a wing was missing from their back, or they were missing a leg. The ponies dragged me out from the rocks and bandaged my wounds. There was one pony there that was particularity nice. It was a male, that had golden eyes. They were filled to the brim with happiness. He was the father of the filly you see. His name was Kirjec.” The harsh Mafrica word guttered out of Inkwell's throat with ease. “The ponies had me rest there for the night, while a group of them went to find the student. I had given them a description of what the student looked like. Kirjec had me lay down, and made me a meal, tomato basil soup and a cup of honey citrus tea. He explained the things that I didn't understand to me. They were a different kind of ponies that lived there in Mafrica. They were called changelings. They had a hive mother who looked after them all. She was the one who blessed each new changeling larave as it was born. She was herself, pregnant, just about to give birth. It was a momentous occasion for them. They needed to feed on love to survive, but if it was absolutely necessary they would eat pony food. It did, however give them indigestion. The nearby Mafrica natives, being zebras believed the ponies to be some sort of spirit, and would allow them to feed upon their love. In return, the changelings protected them from the creatures in the forest. Kirjec's filly was named, Sunlight Sparkle. She was a very trusting filly. Loved to give hugs. I found that out once she woke up, and saw me. Kirjec had to tell her to soften her grip. Her father cared for her very much. Her mother had died from an illness long ago, and left the filly to him to take care of.” Here Inkwell paused in order to eat a few spoonfuls of her soup. “The hive mother went into labor that night. All the females had gone away to look for the student. The males insisted that they could not help her. So I volunteered to help, despite my injuries. Luckily for us, the females had left herbs near the hive mother's chambers in case she did go into labor. I mixed the broth myself with Kirjec giving me advice through the door. I delivered a tiny hive mother larave into the world near morning. She was very small, but also cute in a way. The hive mother was immensely grateful to me. They could of lost the little one had there been no female to help. The males were not trained in childbirth. They named the little one, Dream Catcher. She had orange eyes. Orange as the sunset. After the night had passed, Kirjec's sister in law brought the student. She had been under a tree during the night. They gave us directions to the camp, and made sure we got there safely. Little Sunlight Sparkle gave me this necklace.” Inkwell touched again with her hoof. "Long story short, those changelings helped a one eyed mare, and a student who was lost. My point is that changelings are not as much of a threat as you think." Fleur de Lis snorted. "Really? I was attacked by a changeling and it was awful." Inkwell swiveled her one eye to Fleur de Lis. "How awful was it? What was your worst injury?" Fleur de Lis cocked her head on thought. "...A headache." She said finally. Inkwell nodded. "The changelings could of very well taken you off to their hive and kept you like one would a pig." Fancy Pants winched. "But really what difference is it than us taking a real pig and keeping it in an in enclosure? For pigs have just as much intelligence as us, yet they don't speak in the same language. Unless of course." She smirked. "It's a mechanical pig. Then they can understand you just fine." Princess Luna's head was turned to the ceiling in thought. "So, some changelings think that we are nothing more than a food source, and should be treated as such?" Inkwell bowed her head. "Yes, some do, some don't. It is the same with animals. Some ponies care about them. And some don't. In the ancient times, the tribes would give the ponies that were to them, not quite right in mind or body to those changeling gives that treated ponies as such. In return, the changelings spied for them. Changelings, for all their abilities to hide were rather weak normally.” Inkwell sighed, and a tear leaked out of her eye. “...I saw Kirjec today.” The four ponies stared at her with rapt attention. “It was during the blast of love that I saw him. He was flying through the air with a little filly clutched tightly to his chest. He had the same golden colored eyes. But this time…They were filled to the brim with sadness…” The silence that filled the table felt like it should not be shattered. But one cannot stop a waiter, upon seeing Inkwell to wince, not see where he was going and crash into another, sending a pitcher of wine straight onto Princess Celestia. > You lost someone Close... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magenta Glimmer lay under a fuzzy light purple blanket. She was half asleep, half awake. Her mane was spread all around her like some sort of halo. She was lying in her crib that her dad had crafted for her the day that she was born. A hoof gently touched her back. She lifted the blanket off of her head, and looked up. A colt was standing above her. He had a black coat, with a dark blue mane and tail that had a lime green streak through it. A horn peeked out from his mane. His eyes were yellowish, with a tint of gold. They were standing in a light purple and blue room, with pony toys laid neatly in rows on shelves. A bookcase that was made in the shape of a cloud stood in a corner. A closet full of dresses was behind the colt. She smiled. "Dada!" She cried out. Her hooves lifted into the air together. He smiled, and nuzzled her. "Hello, my little princess. Did you have a good sleep?" Magenta Glimmer nodded. She grabbed onto the colt's outstretched hoof with both of her hooves. She squeezed tightly. The colt laughed quietly and nuzzled her again. "We go to ball game today!" Magenta Glimmer cried out. The colt smiled. "Yes, we do. He lifted her out of the crib and placed her onto the floor. The colt walked to the closet and took out a blue dress with purple sleeves. A little pink silk ribbon was tied around the waist. Magenta Glimmer cheered. " Mommy's special dress!" She cried out. The colt nodded. "Yes." Magenta Glimmer held still as the colt slipped the dress onto her. As the the colt zipped up the dress, Magenta Glimmer asked a question. "Dada? Why did Mommy hafta go live with angels?" The colt stopped. A tiny shudder went through his body. "...Because it was time for her to go." Was his reply. Magenta Glimmer sniffed. "Do...do you think she loves me?" The colt hugged her tightly. "Yes." He said fiercely. "Yes she does." Magenta Glimmer nodded. "OK." The colt picked up a brush from the closet and began to brush her mane and tail. Magenta Glimmer held still, but smiled. The colt braided her hair into a bun, her tail into a braid. The bun had a ruby clasp. The braid had a light green ribbon. Four white socks drew onto her hooves, then four pink shoes with tiny heels and golden clasps. Lastly, he placed a light silver ring with a sapphire onto her horn. He drew her in front of the mirror, and smiled. "What do you think, little princess?" She smiled and bounced around the colt. "I'm pretty! I'm pretty! I'm pretty!" The colt nuzzled her. "Yes you do." He lifted her up onto his back. She grabbed onto his mane and hugged his neck. The colt walked out of the room, and went to the door. He opened it with a hoof, showing the outside. Magenta Glimmer blinked at the sudden brightness. The colt walked onto the well paved road. Other ponies smiled at the happy pair as they walked to an Earth Pony ball game. They were at a high balcony. He placed her onto the golden yellow balcony. "There we go, little princess. Don't want you to fall off now do we?" She glanced at the far ground below. "No I don't." She shuddered. Magenta Glimmer glanced at a passing pony who had a yellow star on their flank. “Dada?” She asked, glancing at her father who was staring at the ball game. “Yes?” He asked, turning to her. “How come you and I don't have a mark on our flanks?” She asked, pointing a small hoof to her father's flank which was blank. He quickly shrugged, an embarrassed blush on his face. “I...just haven't found my cutie mark yet, little princess. But don't you worry.” He picked her up, and nuzzled her belly. “I'll find it one day. And you will find yours.” She giggled. He placed her back down on the ground, and stroked her mane. “I'll hold onto your clasp for ya, OK?” She grinned. “OK!” Her father leaned out over the balcony rail. “He's gonna get it, he's gonna get it!” Her father said rapidly. He looked back at her with a wide grin on his face. “That Earth Pony is gonna score a goal real soon, I just know it!” She jumped up and down with happiness. “Yay!” Her father leaned out further. Magenta Glimmer heard a whistle. She turned to the sound, and saw a foal blowing a whistle that a clown had given him. She ran up to the clown. “Ooh! A real clown!” The clown pony smiled at her. “Ah, what a cutie you are.” Magenta Glimmer giggled. “That's what every pony says.” At that moment some pony that walked by the balcony screamed. Magenta Glimmer turned to the pony who screamed. She went to the balcony and saw that her father wasn't there. “Dada?” She questioned. No answer. She went to peek over the edge, but was stopped by a hoof. “No kiddo.” The pony said. “D-don't look over there.” Magenta Glimmer felt her heart sink down into her chest. “Dada?” She called again. Still no reply. A wail of an ambulance came, and stopped underneath the balcony. It stayed there for a while, then disappeared. The pony finally allowed her to look over the edge. Her father had been holding her clasp. It was now lying on the ground. She gasped. “Dada!” She ran down to where the clasp lay, her little hooves pounding on the ground. The well paved stones made clicking and clacking noises as her heels hit them. Magenta Glimmer finally reached where the clasp lay. It was broken in two. Little bits of ruby were scattered over the pavement like it had fallen from a great height. The ground had previously been washed as if something had stained it before. There was a foreboding feeling, as if something in her life had just changed. A police pony walked over to her while her partner stretched tape over the area. “Little filly? Was your daddy up there?” She pointed a hoof at the balcony where the pony who had stopped Magenta Glimmer was now staring over the railing. Magenta Glimmer nodded. “Yes, he disappeared. Where did he go?” The words seemed to sadden the officer. “...Come with me kid.” She said, placing a hoof on her back. “I'll take you to him. Magenta Glimmer entered the police cart with her. For a reason unknown to her, tears began to pour down her face. > So did I... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sickly smell hung in the heavily medicated air of the Royal Canterlot hospital. The waiting chairs were a dull blue, contrasted with the bright neon colors of the ponies that sat on them. Magenta Glimmer sat in one, too big for her small filly body. Tears still fell from her eyes, ones that the police officer kept wiping away with a trembling hoof. A cherry red stallion with a pink rose colored mane and tail was drinking a large bottle of frothy liquid. What the liquid was, they did not know. Whatever it was, it stank something awful. The stallion was sitting with a colorless mare with a very long mane and tail. A paintbrush dipped in cherry red paint was on her flank. She was staring at the floor with a sad gaze, as if the scene before her had been seen far too many times. The stallion had no concern whatsoever with the scene. He kept making comments about the green Unicorn mare in the front desk who was typing at a typewriter with her hooves, her horn casting a teal aura over a file of papers. Maroon rimmed glasses were perched onto her nose. The comments were seemingly upsetting the colorless mare, but she didn't say anything to the stallion. Whenever the police officer looked at him, her nose nose wrinkled in distaste. That stallion was completely disrespectful at the least. A pink Pegasus mare in a white nurse coat with a light purple mane and tail, and a light blue Earth Pony with a dark blue mane and tail walked out from the light green doors and went toward the filly and police officer. The Pegasus was holding a clipboard, and kept scribbling on it with a black pen. The constant scratching noise of the pen moving across the paper was enough to set any pony on edge. “Mrs. Glimmer?” The light blue Earth Pony asked, a dark blue eyebrow raised at the police officer. The police officer shook her head. “No, I'm not related to the colt, I just brought his daughter to the hospital.” The Earth Pony nodded. “Well, then.” He turned to Magenta Glimmer. “Miss Glimmer?” The filly looked up at him with teary eyes. The Earth Pony cleared his throat. “I'm Dr. Cross. Do you have a Mommy that will be coming soon?” Magenta Glimmer paused, then shrugged. The Pegasus eyes raised once from the clipboard, and gave the filly a saddened glance, before she gave a rather nasty one to the cherry red stallion. Her feathers ruffled. The stallion's attention was pulled toward them by the filly's lack of spoken reply. The colorless mare kept staring at the floor, as if by not noticing the group, she could deny their existence. Dr. Cross stared at the filly. “Well...You don't know?” Magenta Glimmer wiped her eyes, sniffling. “Dada always said that she was with the...the angels.” Her voice cracked, and she broke into a sob. Dr. Cross's face fell, and the Pegasus mare openly glared at the cherry red stallion who was coming over. The police officer's eyes narrowed, as upon closer inspection, she saw a very troublesome pony. “Cherry Cider.” She said, teeth gritted. Cherry Cider gave her a bored expression. “Miss Golden Badge. Here to tell the hospital that they are selling illegal medicine?” The rude comment sliced through the air, causing Cherry Cider to receive looks of dislike from the three grownups. The colorless mare finally got up, and began to walk over slowly. Cherry Cider gave the filly a dismissive glance. “Did the colt make it or not?” He asked curtly. The Pegasus mare's pen made a very loud snapping sound as it broke from being pressed too hard. Dr. Cross glared. “He is...” The doctor glanced at the filly before whispering. “deceased.” The colorless mare, who arrived beside Cherry Cider in time to hear the last sentence, winced. Cherry Cider nodded, then looked at the filly again. “Is this it?” He asked. “Is what it, Cherry Cider?” The words that were rather quiet in volume, was like a whip brought across Cherry Cider's back. He winced, and looked behind him. The green Unicorn stared at him from the rim of her maroon glasses. Her gaze was cold as ice, and as sharp as a freshly sharpened sword. Golden Badge remembered that the green Unicorn was only a hoof away from dialing the police, allowing Golden Badge to arrest him. Cherry Cider winced again and hastily retreated. “N-nothing.” Cherry Cider waved a hoof at the mare. "Brushing Paint!" Brushing Paint came over and stroked the filly's mane. "Yes?" Cherry Cider jerked his head. "Let's go. This bottle is getting empty." Brushing Paint scooped up the filly and placed her on her back. Golden Badge watched them leave with a helpless look on her face. Dr. Cross sighed and glanced at the Pegasus mare. She just shook her head. Cherry Cider grabbed a saddle bag that was rather worn from use. But the stitching of the bag was very fine as if the maker was making this for someone who they cared for a lot. A barely visible name was on the bags. Crimson Flame. The name was surrounded by a crimson red heart drawn by marker. Outside the hospital was a well, and a few well trimmed trees. Magenta Glimmer said. "Don't take me! My Dada needs to come get me!" Cherry Cider jerked to a stop. Brushing Paint didn't stop, but kept going. A cab that seemed to have been called was waiting. Brushing Paint nodded at it. She went to the cab, and opened the door. Magenta Glimmer was in such a position that she was able to see the expression that was on Cherry Cider's face. It was not one of anger. It was one of sudden remembrance. As if her words were familiar with him. He looked at her oddly. "...You really want him to come back, don't you?" She nodded eagerly. Cherry Cider's face became thoughtful. "Well..." A rare moment of compassion was on his face as he took a bit from his saddle bags. His hoof paused at the name. Then after he grabbed the bit, his hoof moved in such a way that his hoof gently stroked the name without looking like he had done that on purpose. "Here, filly. Toss this into that well nearby." She took the bit from Cherry Cider's hoof. Brushing Paint lifted the filly down and allowed her to walk over to the well. Magenta Glimmer tossed the bit into the water. A tear hit the water as well. "I...I want my Dada to come back. Please." The new house was awful at best. It smelled heavily of cider, and she was certain that there were spiders and mice. Magenta Glimmer felt tears pouring from her eyes again. But she had to be brave. Her Dada was going to come back. One day. This Brushing Paint said so. She had asked her after making the wish. Brushing Paint had nodded yes. But there had been an odd look on her face. One that could be described as...pity? But she really wanted him to hurry up. The food was terrible. Crackers, chips, candy, soda, and all sorts of junk food was what they got if they got anything at all. And most of these were out of date so they got stomach aches. All her belongings were taken away. No clothes were given to her. No baths. One good thing at first was no vegetables. But after a while she began to miss the icky green stuff she had to eat. She really missed fruit. Especially apples. She had loved apples. Her father had made her Apple Pie with cream and chocolate frosting. It was weird, but good. It was a treat that they enjoyed. Magenta Glimmer made an effort to play with the toys, but didn't do much. The floor was littered with them. The other foals and fillies cried off and on. Brushing Paint was spread rather thin. Magenta Glimmer curled under a blanket. She cried. "Dada..." A hiccup came out. "Dada…" Suddenly a scream rang out. It was Brushing Paint. Magenta Glimmer cried louder. Then she grew silent. Hoof steps were walking up the stairs. They weren't Cherry Cider's hoof steps. Or Brushing Paint's. Someone else was walking up the stairs. Slowly. Creak after creak came forward. An odd feeling came over her. Almost like she was expecting someone. Then silence. She gave another faint cry. The door opened slowly. Magenta Glimmer held her breath. Nothing happened for a few seconds. Her heart was beating fast. Then a hoof touched her back. Off came the blanket. She looked up at a face. It was black and shiny. A twisted horn was on its forehead. Greenish blue pupil-less eyes stared at her with a mixture of confusion and sadness. Magenta Glimmer stared at him back. The pony looked very much like a costume that her Dada had worn one Nightmare Night long ago. She wasn't scared. The pony glanced at a sign that hung over the cradle, and frowned. He lifted a hoof and touched her. She felt a burst of joy. The costume disappeared, revealing her father. He looked slightly different. But they had the exact same eyes. Slowly, just to make sure he wasn't something that would disappear, she touched his hoof. He was solid, and real. She looked into his eyes. They were full of tears. Happy tears, probably. She grinned, and nuzzled the hoof. “Dada!” She cried out. Holding him with both hooves, she cooed with happiness. Her father was going to take her away from this awful place! She couldn't help but feel wonderful. Her father lifted her from the cradle and placed her on his back. Magenta Glimmer cooed again. He smiled at her. Then everything turned pink. Suddenly, they were flying in the air with no explanation. She looked at her father, who only scooped her up and placed her on his chest. Holding her tightly with his hooves, she watched as the awful place vanished. Magenta Glimmer felt…happy. Very happy indeed. > The Loss was Painful... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was nighttime at Ponyvillie. Most ponies were tucking away their things, and going to their beds to await Princess Celestia's day. Some however, were wide awake at this time, either working on a tough order, or wishing to gaze upon Princess Luna's stars. One pony was also awake, but for a different reason than the others. The pony sat on a silvery cloud, its cold moisture seeping into her bones. Her horn glistened in the moonlight. The dark blackish blue of her coat mixed well with the bright light of the moon. Her mane and tail were light blue, with black highlights. The mane had been braided into an elaborate bun held in place with a silver pin that had a moonstone in the center. Her ears were tufted at the ends, and two of her teeth were a tiny bit longer and sharper than the others. The pony's wings were folded onto her back, sea blue feathers edged with black. Her eyes were a bright turquoise, and looked dragon-like. She was intently reading a book that had been stolen from the tree library below by King Sombra. His ability to transform into shadow, and sneak around like that made stealing things that much easier. Ever since the two had discovered that her mother was dead, they had to live without a home. The first year was hard. This one was easier, though. The book was about a species that lived in Equestria. They called themselves the Diamond Dogs. They lived in tunnels under the earth, and hunted for jewels. The more jewels they got, the happier they were. Not one pony could ever figure out why they longed for jewels so badly. The Diamond Dogs were rather aggressive with other species except with Bat Ponies, and the one creature named Ahuizotl. He was a demigod, but where or how he came to be was a mystery. He kept trying to open ancient tombs and dungeons, as if he were looking for something or someone… King Sombra was reading over her shoulder in Shadow form. King Sombra's shadow form needed a shadow cast by an object in order for him to move. So Selena's shadow from the moonlight served its purpose. It was a perfect time to read, because there was a gentle silence that surrounded them. Selena sighed and glanced at the moon. "Sombra?" Her voice rang out in the silence, breaking it. Her shadow moved, and the head looked at her. "What is it, little star?" Selena's eyes glistened. "Did, did you ever know who my father was?" Thoughtful silence followed the question. The head of the shadow looked toward the mountain that held Canterlot City. "Before... My transformation. I was his closest adviser. Selena's head jerked and she quickly looked at the shadow. "Really?" The shadow nodded. "Yes. Your father was a very kind man." The shadow's head glanced at her. "Would you like to hear how I met him?" Selena smiled softly. "Yes, I would." King Sombra cleared his throat. "Well, make yourself comfortable. It is a long tale." Selena's hoof closed the book, and she settled onto the damp cloud. Her shadow turned from a flat two dimensional to a full pony like three dimensional. The nostrils, mouth, and eyes were visible because they were outlined with light purple. "First of all. Do you remember when you were on the moon and your mother was teaching you about the different lands?" Selena nodded. "On top of the planet, there was an icy land full of puffy white clouds. Mother said the kingdom that lived there was saved from Aunt Celestia." The last two words were spat out with enough venom to kill an Ursula Major. King Sombra nodded. "The kingdom that lived there was called the Crystal Empire. A thousand fifty years ago, it was ruled by the Crystal Queens. They were alicorns, just like your mother, and her two sisters. But instead of being kind, like your mother, they were cruel and bloodthirsty. Like your Aunt. Princess Celestia.” He too, snarled when he spoke the Sun Princess's name. “I was born during then. A completely black Unicorn, with maroon eyes named Asher Sparkle. My coat was black, my tail, mane. Everything. My family was very high on the noble scale. They wanted to provide for their empire, and sent me to military service when I was sixteen. There was a very cruel but smart Queen at the time. Her name was Queen Odi. There had been another name for her at a different time, but once she heard the Pegasus tribe's new title for her, she quickly accepted it. What it meant, only she knows. Queen Odi was a beautiful dark purple alicorn with wings edged with a lovely violet color. Her eyes were a bright, bright pink. Her mane was a regal black, that cascaded down her shoulders in curls. The usual style for the Crystal Queens. Her tail was black, with curls as well. If I remember correctly, her cutie mark was of a pink star. Probably because she had a very strong talent in magic. Used it in her advantage during the battles. I do recall that she had allies in the Dragon Kingdom, but they were only the greedy ones. The kinder ones didn't like her at all. She was at war with the Griffon kingdom. I served in all the battles, and was promoted to high general. But then came the final battle. We were losing badly. At the high climax of the final battle, a Griffon warrior came very nearly to killing me. My right eye was scratched terribly, and I was slowly dying from the poison that the Griffon warriors lined their weapons with. Queen Odi, frightened of losing her high general during a battle that she was desperately losing, turned to dark magic to fix me. She took me to a Bat Pony tribe that lived nearby. This was something that was unheard of. Bat ponies were mostly considered within the Crystal Empire the monsters that stole fillies and foals away. Many were chased away from the empire borders. But this time, she came in peace. They were offered safety from her empire, if they could keep me from dying. This was not my choice, however. I was unconscious from pain. The Bat Ponies agreed. But they had to leave me with them for seven days. Casting their magic, they saved me. But I was changed. My mane and tail turned from being ordinary, to floating around in the air. My coat turned dark gray. My eyes changed as well. From maroon to light blue. A misty white smoke, very barely visible seemed to float from my eyes. The ritual was done during the terms of surrender or perish with the Griffon warriors. We were greatly outnumbered. Queen Odi made a deal. She would stay behind and die, while the soldiers went back to the empire. It was the one kind she she did that I knew of. Even if you are the most vilest thing in all of the lands, if you belong to the Crystal Empire, you are loyal to it for the rest of your days. Her sacrifice was not forgotten, and a statue was made to honor her. I went back as well. My changed appearance made my fellow warriors to refuse to work with me because of the fear that I would turn on them. I was honorably discharged, and given a high place in the adviser court. At first, I thought that my family would try to wipe me away from their tree in order not to harm their public appearance. But I was wrong. They supported me thoroughly. The Princess, Princess Calla, was very young during the time, practically a filly. She was a lighter shade of violet, and her mane and tail were a very dark blue with a white streak through it. Her eyes were a less bright pink. Slightly darker. While she grew, we concerned ourselves with rebuilding the empire. I scared ponies with my appearance, and for the first time I felt what it was like to be hated for something you had no control over. The only pony who wasn't scared of me was Princess Calla. I played with her during those years. I saw her receive her cutie mark. A crescent moon with a staff over it. Like her late mother, she was strong in magic. Around that time, I was examined by a doctor. I had not aged one bit during those years. He estimated that my lifespan was now in some sort of limbo. I could not age and therefore not die of old age. That is not to say that I was invincible. Far from it. I could be harmed just as easily as an ordinary pony. I could sicken and die, or an assassin's blade could hurt me. Many things could still happen. But I was still there for Princess Calla. I was rather like a father to her, since her father died before she was born. When Princess Calla came of age to sit upon the throne, her title was changed to Queen. But she kept her mother's promise and did not attack the Bat Ponies. Queen Calla also did not attack the Griffons, leaving the Crystal Ponies to wonder if they were going to attack the other lands. But she did not. Instead, she focused on building our economy. During this process, she had found a pony that came from Equestria. We referred these lands as the southern lands. Not much thought was given to them. Most thought that their warm lands made them soft. His name was Arnaldo Lulamoon. He was a light blue Pegasus with a cutie mark of the stars. He enjoyed the night sky and used it to find his way through the lands. The advisers thought that he was soft, and payed him no mind. But playing with me had opened Queen Calla's mind. She gave him a chance to talk. They discussed many things. After some time had passed, they married. It was a grand wedding. I wed her off like a father would. They were very happy together. But the advisers were not happy. At all. Arnaldo brought talk of making peace to the lands, and spreading friendship and love. He claimed that was what happened with the three leaders in Equestria, long ago. Queen Calla believed him. The advisers did not. They tried to assassinate him two times. After the second attempt, I decided to do something. I went back to the Bat Ponies that changed me to ask of their help. I would admit that after seeing and learning what I did, that my views were changed greatly. The Bat Ponies listened to my predicament, pondered upon it, then told me to go to the very edge of the Crystal Empire, where the snow actually melts. I did as they said. There, a letter was awaiting me. It read that if I were to give a race called the Changelings, a home and a filly, then their hive father, or King, would help. I accepted. I did not meet this king until two months after. But during these two months, I saw Arnaldo change in his ways. Not in private, though. There he was the same. But in public, he changed to a more cold and cruel attitude. He ate with manners, but the way his eyes would light up at the taste of the very rich foods he and Queen Calla were served was odd. Not to mention his sudden ability to manipulate ponies. Then, after the two months, I was called to Queen Calla's chambers. When I walked in the door, no guards were present. There was just Queen Calla, and Arnaldo. But then I noticed Arnaldo coming out from another room. The shock of seeing two ponies that looked alike was great, and I nearly fainted. Queen Calla held me steady however. She explained that the one beside her was not the real one, and that he was the hive father that was helping us. As if to prove the point, that Arnaldo disappeared in a flash of green flame.” > To Us Both... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selena nodded slowly, as King Sombra paused for breath. “Was this my father?” King Sombra shook his head. “No. I include his tale because he was a very good friend of your father, and a good friend of mine.” King Sombra's eyes glistened for a moment as he recalled the memories. “The pony that masked as Arnaldo was the one to lead me to your father.” Selena nodded as King Sombra continued with his tale. “The pony that was in his place was entirely different. It was a tall stallion that was the size of Queen Calla. But he owned wings that were transparent and buzzed on his back. A twisted horn turned from his forehead. He had a green bluish mane that hung from his shoulders, and a green bluish tail that fell onto the floor. A straight scar ran from his horn, all the way down to the bottom of his chin. I recognized the scar. It was one that was made from a crystal spear. And there was only one place where crystal spears were made. He had a black smooth coat. His hooves had a few holes at the bottom, and from his mouth protruded two fangs. Dark mysterious green eyes stared out at me, taking in each part of my body. My eyes fascinated him the most. Unlike my previous experiences, fury didn't frighten him to the point where he would eye me nervously the whole time I was in the room, nor did he get all defensive and throw insults. Instead, he merely observed them quietly. The real Arnaldo came forward, a bundle of brightly colored blankets in his hooves. Queen Calla cleared her throat and looked at me. "Asher, this is King Alaric." I bowed, out of simple courtesy. When one lives among the rich and powerful, they pick up little habits that occurred naturally to then. Queen Calla looked at King Alaric. "This is Adviser Asher Sparkle. Previous High General to the Crystal Empire. He is the one that asked for help." King Alaric bowed to me as well. Arnaldo looked at me. "He was the one who the Bat Ponies contacted, and the one who gave you that letter." I nodded, then looked at him. "So, then King Alaric. We must now give you your part of the bargain?" King Alaric's head shook. He spoke, his voice sounding like it had seen too many years. "First, I must give you your part of the bargain." He turned to the room where the real Arnaldo came out of, and gave a low whistle. A head poked out. It was a mare that had a twisted horn just like King Alaric. Like him, she had a long greenish blue mane. Her eyes were a lovely shade of brown. At first she peered at King Alaric, who gestured at her with a hoof. Then she caught sight of me. At first her eyes grew rather wide and she looked like she was going to faint. I felt the familiar pangs of self consciousness. But then, she went away to the back of the room. As she went, I swore I heard her whispering loudly to whoever was in the room with her. "It's him! It's really him!" Two other heads popped out and stared at me. One had maroon eyes, and other had silver. The way they stared at me was unusual. It was without fear. It was more like I was someone famous. The first came out dragging a pony that was wrapped in a light green goo and had a bag stuffed over their head. She saw me watching her and the other two. With an embarrassed blush, she glared at the other two who scurried away, and came out dragging two other ponies bound in the same manner. Each slowly put the ponies in front of Arnaldo and Queen Calla. Each time they passed me. I was given quick glances. One that were given to celebrities that were out on the street. However slowly they came, they were rather quick to scurry away. Queen Calla raised an eyebrow as another head poked out. The three had not noticed that one. It was younger than the others. The eyes were the same color as a blackberry. They were wide with curiosity. A tiny, dirty, ragged piece of ribbon was on her head. A filly I supposed. The filly saw me. Her eyes got huge, like the others. Unlike the others, she squealed loudly. "Ooh!" The other three quickly looked at the filly who seemed to be very happy to see me. Arnaldo giggled. "Asher, I think you have some fans." The one with the  brown eyes quickly ran over to the filly and began to push her into the room. The filly looked at the brown eyed mare and outstretched a hoof. She pointed toward me and uttered a word. "Tiliac!" I glanced at King Alaric who was watching me intently. "Tiliac?" King Alaric gestured a hoof at me. "It's a title that we give to ponies who have different ideas than the majority. Male ponies are called 'Tiliac', female ponies are called 'Tiliaca'. Such ponies are rare, and therefore are well liked in my kingdom." King Alaric glanced at the filly with a look of tenderness. "If it bothers you, I can tell them to stop." I looked at him, then at the filly. Her eyes were filled with so much joy from seeing me. "..." A grin was on her face. Wide and happy. "It doesn't bother me." Queen Calla looked at the bound ponies. “These are the advisers that tried to assassinate my husband?” King Alaric turned to look at them. His gaze narrowed. If looks could kill, the bound adviser ponies would of already been dead. “Yes. I would hope that they get a befitting punishment.” He growled, his voice suddenly turning bitter as stone. A bound adviser pony's bag was removed by Arnaldo. He started at the sight of Queen Calla. “Y-your Highness?” Then he saw me, and winced. “Adviser Asher Sparkle?” He asked nervously. Then he saw Arnaldo. “Your Majesty?” Then and only then, did he see King Alaric. A yelp came out and the pony tried to move away. “What in the name of the Crystal Queens is he doing here?” Queen Calla raised an eyebrow. “You know each other?” The adviser froze, and clamped his mouth shut. King Alaric spat. “These advisers killed my mate. My wife, in your terms.” The tension in the air suddenly went up. I grimaced at the lack of spoken reply. “Calla?” Quickly looking over my shoulder, I saw that Queen Calla was currently frozen still with shock. But not for long. Arnaldo took a step back. “Oh no.” I began moving back as well. “I suggest moving back.” I told King Alaric. He took my advice, as Queen Calla's eye twitched. Twice. The look was turning rather awful. The three pony's heads peeked out, caught an eyeful of Queen Calla and started to come over to King Alaric. They must of thought he was being attacked. He saw them though, and waved them away with a hoof. Queen Calla stood very still. The look on her face was one of pure holy anger. Her wings flared, horn went ablaze, and she suddenly inhaled deeply. Arnaldo yelped. “Cover your ears!” I placed my hooves over my poor sensitive ears as Queen Calla glared ferociously at the adviser. The adviser cowered. Then the room exploded with sound. “YOU DARE TO KILL A MEMBER OF ROYALTY THAT IS A NEIGHBOR TO US!?” Selena snickered. “What was the look on his face?” King Sombra smiled. “One of absolute fear. Then the adviser fainted.” Selena's laughter echoed across the sky. > But We were Not Alone... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selena laid on the cloud with both hooves on her chin. King Sombra continued his tale. "The insect-like ponies dragged the advisers away, and Arnaldo calmed Queen Calla down. But then the bundle began to make snuffling noises. Arnaldo glanced at the bundle. Queen Calla looked sheepish. "Oops." I glanced at her. "Oops?" The snuffling turned into the unhappy wails of an infant filly. King Alaric looked at the bundle, puzzled. Arnaldo drew back the covers of the bundle. A light mint green Pegasus filly with a strawberry pink colored mane was wailing in distress. Queen Calla looked at her sheepishly. "I kinda woke up the filly, huh?" Arnaldo tried to calm her down, but failed. King Alaric's face softened slightly at the sound of the crying. He took the filly tenderly, and rocked her. The filly calmed, and looked at King Alaric. She burbled, and outstretched a hoof in his direction. King Alaric looked at her with a gentle smile. He spoke. "All the advisors that were against Arnaldo are now captured, and imprisoned. Arnaldo is safe. My side of the deal is fulfilled. Will you fulfill yours?" Queen Calla nodded. "In the Crystal Empire, there is an island called Mafrica more towards the warm south. There is a large system of caves in Mafrica. The natives there would be more than happy for you to live there. There are resources for you to gather, and no monsters have been reported to be there." King Alaric raised his eyebrows in surprise. "They would not mind our presence?" Queen Calla shook her head. "They have a god, that looks almost exactly like your kind. I am most certain that they would, according to their customs, allow you there." King Alaric nodded, satisfied. Arnaldo looked at the filly. "As you see, that filly is the one that we chose for you to have. According to the deal." I looked at her. The filly was a happy one. Hearing Queen Calla scream at the top of her lungs would startle any one. "Where did she come from?" I asked, stroking the filly's soft mane. Queen Calla's face hardened. "She was found on the doorstep of a noble. She is in perfect health, and is a bright child. No one could figure out why she had been abandoned." I sigh, and caressed her cheek. The filly's skin was still baby soft. "Ponies will abandon anything that is different. Pegasus are very uncommon here. The parent must of thought that she was cursed." I could feel the griffon's wound on my eye. The phantom pain that haunted the wound. "Just like my eyes." I mutter. King Alaric looked at me. I'm certain that the king understood my plight. He looked at Queen Calla. "What is her name?" Queen Calla looked at the filly. "Bernice. It means strong." Selena jumped as a loud bang from below startled her. A wagon on the ground below had tipped over from a broken wheel. The owner went down and looked at the wheel. Then she tossed her hat on the ground. “Apple Bloom!” A voice cried out. “What have I told you about playing with the wagon?! Argh, and on the night we were supposed to pack for Canterlot too.” Grumbling ensued as the owner of the voice began to pack up the apples that had fallen off the cart. Selena felt pretty much like snickering. King Sombra glanced at the pony, then continued. Three months after that meeting, I received a letter from the Bat Ponies. It was an invitation to learn to use a magic called shadow magic. " Selena's eyebrows raised. "Shadow magic?" King Sombra smiled. "It's a type of magic that is a tool, and a weapon. Unlike other magic, you don't need a horn to cast it. Which is why the Bat Ponies were able to use it. I accepted and learned how to by your father." Selena stiffened. "What was he like?" King Sombra smiled. "He was long of the Bat Ponies. Basically their alicorn. He had a horn, but also the wings of a Bat. Your mother met him after she got caught in one of his spells." King Sombra chuckled. "What a day that was. I was in the middle of learning how to use the magic with your father's help, when she flew right in the spell without even seeing it. Since she did not have the wings of a Bat, she fell straight to the ground. What a sight that was." King Sombra's smile grew. "It was how she met the Bat Ponies. Became devoted  to their side, married him, got pregnant with you... The rest is history." Selena cocked her head at him. "What happened to my father?" King Sombra frowned. "I don't know. Before your mother was banished, I had a reawakening. I don't remember much of the details, but I can recall a nightmare where it was shown to me Princess Celestia's crimes. I used shadow magic to fight against her, and ended up on the moon. Then a year after, she showed up." Selena chewed on her lip in thought. "Why do you call them, Bat Ponies? Back when we were on the moon, we called them, Lunar Ponies." King Sombra nodded. "Good point. Before your mother." Here King Sombra paused, and looked down. Selena felt her stomach clench. "My late mother." She thought bitterly. King Sombra cleared his throat and continued. "Was sent to the moon, the Bat Ponies had chosen to be named the Lunar Ponies after her in honor for her protection. Nowadays, that is no longer the case." Selena nodded. Feeling tears threatening to spill spill from the edge of her cheeks, she roughly drew a hoof across her face. King Sombra looked at her sorrowfully. He settled next to her on the cloud, and stretched a warm hoof onto her back. Selena leaned on his warm back, and cried into his mane. No matter how long it had been, she still felt the hole in her heart. King Sombra's hoof stroked her back. He felt tears threatening to spill from his eyes as well. He glanced at the moon. "Don't worry, Nightmare moon. You shall have your revenge." > We weren't the only Ones to Lose Someone... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drips of water fell onto the cold cave floor. They came from the rain that fell often in the jungle. Years of water falling onto the cave wall eroded into a pathway to large holes. The water then pooled in those holes. The holes were deep enough for the water to not overflow. The cave was a dark green with gray and dark teal spots. The color mix was the result of rocks being pressed against each other, till they crumbled and mixed. It was rather pretty in his opinion. To those who did not live in the caves of Mafrica, the water would be annoying. But to those who lived in the caves, the water was their source of liquid. It cooled the caves when it got too hot. It was a food source for small fish that lived in it. It was where they bathed. The water was used to water the underground plants that they used for a back up food source. The water was always cool, so drinking water was always cold. Kirjec Sparkle lay on the cave floor. Large green leaves protected him from its chill. There was no need to have a leaf across his back because of the jungle's warmth. His transparent wings quivered as they lay on his back. His greenish blue mane lay across his neck. His eyes were closed, but he wasn't quite asleep. He was in the period where he was somewhat asleep and yet not asleep. A noise sounded off behind him. An insect-like appendage twitched. He opened his eyes, and rose. Kirjec glanced behind him. A slightly glowing half cocoon was there. The top was missing. Soft moss, leaves, and bits of woven vines lined the cocoon. One leaf was covering something. A filly-shaped bulge was inside. It had snored loudly, which had awoken him. Kirjec walked over to the cocoon sack. He placed his hoof onto the bugle. It moved. A larave crawled out from under the leaf. She owned a greenish blue mane and tail. Her coat was black, and she had tiny transparent wings that quivered now and then. There were a few holes in her legs, and she had a tiny, twisted horn. She had huge yellowish green eyes. She yawned, and sleepily looked at him. A hoof covered one eye. "Dada." She burbled out. Kirjec smiled, and embraced the larave with his hoof. "Hello, little princess. How's my Sunlight Sparkle? Did you sleep well?" Sunlight Sparkle nodded slowly. She was only half awake. Kirjec nuzzled her belly. Giggles came forth from her mouth and she grabbed at his face with her hooves. "Dada, that tickles! Ah ha ha ha ha." Her laughter echoed throughout the cave. Kirjec lifted her up from the cocoon sack and placed her on the ground. Her mane and tail were a mess. Pieces of dried dirt clung to her hard black smooth body. Playing out in the jungle like that wasn't such a good idea now. Tutting slightly, he grabbed an orange seashell with spines running up its shell. The beach of Mafrica was full of these. Placing the shell against her mane, he tugged gently. Slowly, the tangled mess in her mane and tail turned smooth. Once he was finished, Kirjec spat out the shell, and took a leaf in his mouth. Dampening the leaf, he stroked it over her coat, washing away the dirt. Sunlight Sparkle held still as he did this. She was a very well behaved larave. When she was clean, she ran to the edge of the cave. Wings buzzing the larave tried to fly to the cave above. But her wings were still too small. Kirjec chuckled, and lifted the larave to the cave above. The cave belonged to his sister in law, Nectar. Nectar was asleep on her own pile of leaves. Like Kirjec, she owned a horn that was twisted. Her eyes were a bright mysterious purple. Nectar had larger wings than Kirjec, being a female. Kirjec's wings were thinner. Nectar could fly better than Kirjec, but Kirjec was physically stronger in lifting and carrying things. Her greenish blue mane and tail were spread out like a curtain on the rock. Sunlight Sparkle ran over to Nectar. She bounced on Nectar, grinning madly. “Wake up Auntie Nectar, wake up!” Nectar groaned, and lifted her hooves to her insect-like appendages. “Five…more minutes please.” She mumbled. Sunlight Sparkle kept bouncing. “But its feeding time soon! We can't miss feeding time! I'm hungry!” Nectar rolled onto her stomach, making Sunlight Sparkle jump off. “I…am tired. I'm not waking up.” She flopped back onto her side and covered her head with a leaf. Kirjec walked over and laid a hoof onto her back. “I'll eat your feeding for you.” Nectar raised the leaf in order to glare at him with one purple eye. “Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny.” Kirjec nudged her onto her feet. “Come on now, or we will be late.” He said cheerfully. Nectar groaned a final time before shaking her head, and walking to the edge of the cave. “Fine.” Sunlight Sparkle jumped with joy, her little wings buzzing fast. “Let's go, let's go, let's go!” Nectar sighed. “Eager, aren't you?” Sunlight Sparkle giggled. “Uh huh!” Kirjec lifted her onto his back, and took off. Nectar followed behind, yawning. They flew past other caves where the changeling inside were beginning to take off to feeding time. Feeding time was where changeling got to eat. Once a month, the changeling got to feed upon love, energizing them until the next month. In between the months, the changeling feasted upon edible plants and liquids from the caves. It was usually made into some sort of gumbo soup. Kirjec entered into a very large cavern. Changelings were filling in, taking their spots. He landed onto a clear one with Nectar by his side. “Wonder what's in the gumbo soup today?” She wondered aloud. Kirjec shrugged. “Maybe they found mushrooms.” Nectar grinned. “Ooh, mushrooms. I hope they did. Yum.” Hive mother, Chrysalis was sitting in the center. Her daughter, Dream Catcher was sitting beside her. She was still only three years old. Three changelings dragged out a large pot. It was filled to the brim with a tasty smelling liquid. Lots of wooden bowls were piled up beside it. One changing grabbed a bowl and the other filled it all the way with soup. The way changelings ate was odd to other creatures. The larave, the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and those that were carrying young inside them were served bigger portions of food than the healthy ones. But the bigger portions were watery, and less tasteful. The healthy changelings were served smaller portions, but they were much tastier. The bowls with the watery soup was handed out to those who were getting them. Sunlight Sparkle received her own bowl of soup, and began to greedily eat the contents. Then the three changelings filled the bowls with the bottom contents, which owned more flavor. Once they were filled, they were passed out. Kirjec and Nectar received theirs. There were indeed mushrooms in the soup. Nectar ate with pleasure. “I'm really happy right now.” Kirjec agreed that the mushrooms were rather pleasant. Sunlight Sparkle happily finished her bowl of soup, smacking loudly. She gently placed the bowl on a rock beside her, and looked at Kirjec. “Can I go play with the other larave?” Kirjec smiled and nodded. “Yes, you may. Go right ahead.” As Sunlight Sparkle ran off, Nectar glanced up once. A couple was sitting in front of them. They were cuddling, and whispering sweet words to each other. Once in a while, a kiss would be shared. “…Kirjec?” He turned to her, noting that her purple eyes were filled with sadness. “What is it, Nectar?” She hesitated, then sighed. “How do you do it?” Kirjec's eyes blinked. His heart began to sink. “How do I do what?” He asked gently, dreading the answer. “How do you stay so cheerful? After…after what happened with.” Here a choked sob came out before her words, cutting off her sentence. Kirjec sighed as well, his eyes welling up with tears. He knew what she meant. After what had happened with his wife. Petunia. The mint green eyed changeling had stolen his heart when they were young and carefree. She was kind, honest, loyal, generous, soft spoken, and always had a smile plastered on her face. Nectar had been his partner when they went out to find edible food in the caves. She was Petunia's big sister. Kirjec had met Petunia through Nectar. Petunia and Kirjec got to know each other more, and began to hang out more often. Finally, they expressed feelings for each other, and after a six month period, they married. Petunia had always been frail, and sickly. But to Kirjec, that didn't matter. As long as they were together, he was happy. But then Petunia got pregnant with Sunlight Sparkle. She died giving birth to Sunlight Sparkle. With her dying breath, Petunia had begged him to look after their daughter. He had sworn to do it, as tears ran down his cheeks. “I guess I stay so cheerful because Sunlight Sparkle needs me to be cheerful.” His head cocked. “Why do you ask?” Nectar's head bowed. “I had a nightmare, where Sunlight Sparkle died.” Kirjec nodded. “I see.” He placed a hoof around her shoulders. For a moment his heart gave a twang of fear. What if little Sunlight Sparkle were to die? What would he do? Petunia's death had been hard enough. But dealing with the death of his only child? The thought sickened him to the core. “I won't lose her.” He thought fiercely.