Two Saiyans in Equestria

by SlayGuy295

First published

Nappa made a ridiculous wish, instead of immortality. Now, him and Vegeta are stuck in a new dimension.

When Vegeta and Nappa gathered the Dragon Balls and summoned the enteral dragon, Vegeta made a big mistake of letting Nappa alive. Nappa spoke out something so stupid, that brings them into a new world and a new bodies.

Dragon Ball Z Abridged and My Little Pony Crossover.

The Dragon Ball Z Abridged belongs to TeamFourStar and My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.

God Damnit Nappa!!


A Foolish Wish! A New Magical World!

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"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"



Finally, the Saiyan pods crash landed in a city. After they've exited from their pods, they have encountered with the Earthlings. Nappa tell his boss, "Hey look, Vegeta, the locals!"

There was a long silence between the invaders and the civilians. Until, one of the Earthlings has spoken, “So, are you guys alien-”

Then suddenly, the bald headed Saiyan lifted two forefingers up and cause an explosion. The evil blast has destroyed everything within the city, except the two invaders. “Ahhh,” Nappa sighed, “I hate awkward silences.”

“Damnit Nappa,” Vegeta yelled in anger. “Think before you act. What if you’d have blown up one of the dragon balls?”

“The what now, Vegeta?”

“The dragon balls, Nappa. Don’t you remember our wish?”


“The dragon balls,” Goku explained, “you know? There are seven of them – they grant you any wish you want. Like immortality?”

“Or Bulma’s panties,” the talking pig added.


“Yeah,” Nappa remembered. “...pandas.”

Vegeta argued over Nappa stupidity, “You know what, Nappa. One of these days you’re going to die. Then, you’ll be out of my hair forever.” Epic Foreshadowing. “Now, let’s just go find the dragon balls and grant our wish for immortality.”


The two Saiyan elites went off and began searching for the dragon balls by using their scouters. They've founded most of the dragon balls in civilizations and destroyed them as well. Finally, after couple of hours, they’ve finally gathered the dragon balls and placed them within the forest.

“Finally,” Vegeta spoke, “after all of these hours and after all the searching-”

“And the killings,” Nappa added.

“Oh yes, the killings-”

“Don't forget the slaughtering!”

“Yes, the slaughtering-”

“Don't forget the rampage!”

“Yes, the rampage-”

“Don't forget the destruction!”

“Yes, the destruction-”

“Don't forget the-”

“SHUT UP NAPPA!!” He cleared his throat and resumed, “Now, it all comes down to this. We have gathered the dragon balls! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-So, how can we activate them? Is there something we have to do or is there a code word or-”

“Maybe we have to say the magic word,” Nappa cut in. “Maybe something like this.” He fell to his knees and began bowing to the dragon balls, “Oh, great magical being! Come forth and grant us our wish!”

“Oh, stop it Nappa! There's no way that could possibly-” Suddenly, the dragon balls began glowing and slowly flitting into the air. “Oh, so that's how you do it. Good job, Nappa!” He paused and whispered to himself, “Wow, that's something I thought I would never say.”

Then, the eternal dragon, Shenron, appeared before the Sayians. He growled, "OH COME ON!! IT HAS ONLY BEEN A DAY! WHAT DO YOU LOSERS WANT THIS TIME-” The dragon stopped and he never recognized the two warriors before him. He was surprised and corrected himself, “OH! OH OH!! I'M THE ETERNAL DRAGON! SPEAK YOUR WISH AND I SHALL GRANT IT!

“I can't believe it,” Nappa shouted with joy. “We're finally gonna get our wish, Vegeta! Dreams do come true!”

“Yes, yes, whatever,” Vegeta ignored his simple headed minion and drawn his attention to the eternal dragon. “Oh, great powerful dragon! We have traveled days for you! We've waited patiently for searching for you! Now, eternal dragon! I wish that-”

“You know, Vegeta. I’ve always lived by that slogan, ‘Dreams do come true!’ It has never lead me astray.”

“I doubt that.” He refocused on his goal and resumed, “I wish-”

“OH!! I remembered where I got it from when I was little! My childhood TV show called… My Little Space Pony!”

Vegeta was annoyed by his minion pathetic childhood memories. Then, Shernon alerted them, “SOOOO, ARE YOU GOING TO WISH OR WHAT?"

The prince realize what he has came here for and responded, “Oh, yes yes yes! I do! I do! I wish-”

“You know what,” Nappa cut him off again. “There's another code that I’ve lived by… ‘friendship is magic!” He laughed about his childhood and his good he had. “Oh, beautiful memories!”

ARE YOU GOING TO WISH OR NOT,” Shernon growing impatient.

“Yes,” Vegeta responded. “Yes! Just hold on for a second.” The prince turned to his pinheaded henchmen and shouted in anger, “ GOD DAMNIT NAPPA!! SHUT UP!!”

“I remember that I’d used to dressed up as a pony for Halloween every year,” Nappa didn't pay attention to his boss. “Of course, everyone laughed at me, but I get to break their bones, take their candies, and maybe may’d killed one of them. Anyways, it was a perfect life for me.”


“OH!! And most importantly, I have wanted to wish for something so beautiful, that nobody else has ever wished for. In fact, I can wish the both of us can go there.”


“I wish we can go to a magical pony world!”

PRETTY RIDICULOUS BUT WHATEVER." Shernon responded. As his eyes were glowing, he spoken to them, “YOUR WISH SHALL BE GRANTED!

“Finally! Now, Nappa would you please-” Vegeta stopped and realized what just happened. “WAIT WHAT?!!” He quickly begged to the eternal dragon, “”NONONONO!! WAIT!! THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT-”

Suddenly, the eternal dragon has granted their wish and transport them to their new world. Shernon laughed and speak to himself, “HA! WHAT A STUPID WISH! WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WISH FOR IMMORTALITY OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT?! HUH WHATEVER! JUST GLAD I’M NOT THOSE GUYS!

Vegeta and Nappa reappeared in another forest. “Okay,” the prince said angrily, “what the h*** are we?!” He was clueless of what he just said. “Why did it makes that noise when I say h***?”

“Vegeta,” Nappa shouted with complete joy, “look! We're ponies!”


Vegeta examined and found himself as a blue colored stallion. He turned to Nappa and found him as a tan colored stallion. Thanks to his dumb henchmen, they're stuck in a pony dimension and been turned into ponies as well. The only thing that they still have is their battle armors and their Saiyan tails.

“I can't believe that we're living in my childhood dream show! Aren't you excited as I am, Vegeta?!” Then, Vegeta began to growl in anger. “Ha, are you okay Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta, Vegeta? Vegeta?”

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle was sitting on a bench and reading one of her nerd books. Until, she was disturbed by a warm greeting. “Howdy there, Twilight!” She lifted her head up and found her best friend, Applejack, headed to her.

“Hello,” Twilight responded, “Applejack. How are you been?”

“Oh, fine. Just got done doing my chores around the farm and all. Anyway, what are ya reading there?”

“Oh, just reading about Starswirl The Bearded!”

“Ah thought ya had already read it?”

“I know, but I just can't stop reading! I'm always very interested about his magics and discovery across Equestria. Oh, I remember this one time-”

Then suddenly, the two mares were caught off guard by a rageful loud echo that went through their town. “GOD D***IT NAPPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!”

The two friends stared at each other after what just happened. Neither one of them have spoken since the anger echo faded. Eventually, Applejack asked her friend while creeped out, “Um, Twi? What was that?”

“I…” Twilight responded, who's creeped out as well, “...don't… know.”

The Saiyans New Plan! A New Threat In Ponyville!

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The prince of Saiyans energy went off rapidly with pure rage. His dreams of immortality has been foiled by Nappa big mouth. Vegeta repeatedly shouted in anger, “D***IT!! D***IT!! D***IT!! D***IT!! D***IT!! D***IT ALLLLLLLL!!”

“This is amazing,” Nappa said with a positive energy. “I can't believe we're in my childhood fantasy world! And to top it all off, we’re ponies! This is fun!”

“FUN?!! FUN?!!” Vegeta marched to his dumb henchmen and grabbed his collar. “THANKS TO YOUR DUMB BLABBERING MOUTH WE ARE NOT IMMORTALS!! AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE WE ARE PONIES!!”

“Yeah, isn't it great-”

Vegeta smacked Nappa behind the head and pulled him to the ground. He shoved his face to the mud and ordered him, “EAT THE MUD NAPPA!! EAT IT BECAUSE OF YOUR FAILURE!! EAT IT!!!”

Nappa did what his leader said and began eating the mud. He mumbled while he's chewing, “Well, it doesn't taste like those weird chocolate bars I always found in the forest.”

Then, he pushes his minion aside and resume expressed his rage. “THAT IS IT!! I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS!! I'M GOING TO DESTROY THIS STUPID WORLD!!”

Nappa quickly gotten back up and stopped him, “But Vegeta! I want to see the other ponies!”


“Alright,” lowered his head in sadness. Nappa looked both ways and reported back, “Ummm, Vegeta? Where are our pods?”

“What do you-” Vegeta notices it as well and yelled, “SON OF A B**CH!! That dragon didn't bring our pods!”

“To be fair,” Nappa added. “I didn't mention our stuffs to come with us. That's how those wish magicians get ya, Vegeta.”

“Well, that's just perfect! I guess we could just rule this planet for ourselves then.”


“Who knows? Maybe these ponies have dragon balls in their dimension. If they do, then this whole mission wouldn't be a total lost.”


“Now, let's go found ourselves some dragon balls.” Vegeta turned his scouter on and already picked up a bunch of weak power levels nearby. “Huh, that's strange. My scouter already picked up these weak ponies, but no sign of any dragon balls.”

“Maybe these ponies have hidden them… with their magic!”

“Nappa, don't be ridiculous. These pony weirdos can't contain any magic.”

“I don't know, Vegeta. On My Little Space Pony, most of the ponies contain magic! It's a fact, Vegeta.”

“Alright, I'm totally ignoring you right now! Let's just go to the nearest population and demand them to hand over their dragon ball!”

“Got it, Vegeta. We're going to have fun!” Vegeta stared at Nappa angrily, until he corrected himself. “I mean taking their dragon ball. Taking their dragon ball is what I meant, right Vegeta.”

“Lets just go, Nappa.”


Meanwhile, at Rarity's boutique, Twilight and the others were bonding over what they should do for the Ponyville festival. Each one of them were giving out some ideas for their float. While they were giving out their bright ideas, Spike’s recording them on his note sheet.

“I think we should build a float about Ponyville founder and how he’d discovered the town,” Twilight said.

Before the baby dragon can finish writing down his friend idea, Applejack intrude, “Nah, we already did that a couple of years ago.”

“Do you got any idea, Applejack?”

“How about we should do it about how the Apple Ranch was founded.”

“Darling,” Rarity cut in. “We already did that a bunch of times. How about we should do a fashion show instead of a float.”

“What does that got to do anything about Ponyville,” Twilight asked her.

“I don't know. I believe we should do one.”

“Umm,” Fluttershy whispers, “maybe we should do the float about the adorable animals in Ponyville. Imagine all of them waving their cute little paws to every ponies as they're passing by.”

“Fluttershy,” Pinkie Pie whined, “uses your head… How are we going to gather every single animals in Ponyville?!”

“Well, I think we could-”

“BORING,” the random pony cut her off. “I think we should make a giant cupcake float! And while the crowd are going crazy, we fired cupcakes from six party cannons towards the crowd! IT WILL BE SO EPIC!!”

“Pinkie Pie,” Applejack intrude, “don't ya remember what happened last time ya did that on my tenth birthday party.”

“What?! Everyone has a blast!”

“Every ponies got cupcakes in their eyes, sugarcube! Everyone has been sent to the hospital for a week!”

“Looks like we can throw Pinkie cautious plan out of the picture,” Twilight said. “Rainbow Dash, what's your idea? And don't say Wonderbolts.”

They were waiting for the pegasus response, but she didn't answer. They've found Rainbow Dash, laying her head on the table asleep. After Applejack shoved the sleeping mare, she quickly awakened and her eyes grew red. As her friends stares at her, she yawns and says, “Oh sorry, girls. The Wonderbolts kept me cleaning up their party all night. I hardly gotten any sleep last night.

“Anyways, I think we should ask Derpy to borrow some muffins before Princess Celestia arrived.”

The rest of them were confused and realize that she hadn't heard anything about the float for the festival.”Rainbow Dash,” Twilight concerned, “we weren't talking about that. Are you sure you can help us on the festival?”

“Of course.” Rainbow Dash turned to Fluttershy and smiled, “Ha, Fluttershy! Thanks again for taking care of Tank for me. I mean look at him.” She picked up Rarity cat, believing it was her pet tortoise.

They all shook their heads, knowing that Rainbow Dash isn't alright. “Rainbow darling,” Rarity said, “you're holding Opal.”

Rainbow Dash examine the cat closely and recognized the animal. After she’d dropped the cat, she apologized, “Oh! Sorry, Oreo.”

Twilight trotted to her tried friend and lay her hoof on her shoulder. “Rainbow,” Twilight concerned for her, “I think you should get some rest. Let us handle the float, alright.”

“Nah nah! Don't worry, guys, I'm fine. Look, do y’all want to hear my idea on the-” She yawned and almost went back to sleep.

Twilight drawn her friend to the door and opened for her. “Rainbow Dash, just go home and get some rest. We will handle everything for the festival, alright.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and says disappointed, “Fine. I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys.”

“It's okay, Rainbow Dash.” They both hugged each other and Rainbow Dash finally heading to her cloud mansion. Twilight returned to the others and resumed discussing about their float. “So, does anyone got any ideas?”

Pinkie Pie appeared right beside the princess and drawn her closely. She whispered to Twilight, “You know we can still do the cupcake-”


“Are we there yet?”


“Are we there yet?”

“Nappa, we’re-”

“Are we there yet?”

“We're already-”

“Are we there yet?”


Are we there-”


Nappa turned to the town they're already at, Ponyville, and shouted with joy, “YAY!!”

Both of the Saiyans hidden in the brushes and examine the citizens of the town. The friendly ponies are celebrating the festival of Ponyville. Vegeta smiled sinisterly and whispers to his henchmen, “It would appears that these joyful freaks are having a celebration. Well, I'm afraid we are going to crash the-”

“Vegeta,” Nappa cut his leader off, “they have food! I want some of their food!”

The prince was about to yell at him, but he hesitated. He knows what his pinheaded assistant plan to do with the ponies and their town. Vegeta turned his attention back to Nappa and says, “Smart plan, Nappa. We’ll introduce ourselves to these freaks, become one of them, and then stab them in the back. Brilliant idea, Nappa. Just brilliant.”

“What? I'm just hungry, Vegeta.”

As his smile faded, Vegeta look away from his idiotic soldier and says, “I’m going to ignore what you just said and pretend that I'm the one who has come up with the plan.”

“I thought I’m the one who come up with the plan?”

The silence between the two Saiyans went off for a while. Vegeta says to his simple headed minion, “Let's just go, Nappa!”


They exit the brushes and trotted through the streets of Ponyville. As they're roaming through the town, the citizens of Ponyville stared at them. “Vegeta,” Nappa said, “they're watching at us.”

“I noticed that Nappa,” Vegeta responded.

“All eyes on us.”

“Yes, Nappa.”

“I think they looking at our tails.”

“What was your first clue?”

“Well, their tails are manes and our tails are actually tails. So… I think I knew the answer to my question.”

“I was being sarcastic, Nappa.”

“Do you think they have that kind of pet here, Vegeta?”

“I swear to gosh, Nappa, I will-”

Suddenly, the prince ran into a unicorn mare. “I’m so sorry sir,” the mare apologized to Vegeta, “are you alright?”

“Why yes,” Vegeta answered, “I’m perfectly fine.”

“Oh good. I gotta say I’ve never seen you two around town before. Are you two visitors?”

“You could say that.”

She was concerned about what Vegeta just said and resumed, “Oh… alright. Let me introduce myself. I am Starlight Glimmer. What's y’all names?”

“I am Nappa,” the simple headed Saiyan introduced himself, “and this's Vegeta. He was a-”

“Quiet it Nappa,” Vegeta quickly shut him down.


“Anyway, may you excuse us, but I have to take this man child to get some food before he wet himself. Would you please be a dear and point us the way to your foods.” Starlight pointed at the food stands, where's some of the ponies are eating. “Why thank you. Farewell.”

Vegeta and Nappa went passed her, without giving her the chance to say goodbye. As they were trotting to the ponies foods, the prince was giving his assistant instructions about their plan. “Alright, Nappa, here's our plan again. We shall befriend with creatures, earn their loyalty, and-”


Nappa cut off from his leader instructions and rushed to the food. The Saiyans just shoved a bunch of ponies and began chowing down upon their food. He ate ten bucket of apples, twenty hayburgers, and thirty of carrot dogs. He even drink eight barrels of cider as the crowd keep cheering for him.

On the other hand, Vegeta was speechless from his henchmen ridiculous actions. He sighed in disappointment as he was shaking his head. The prince seat in a table and lay his head upon it.

Then, an derp pony was passing by, while holding a muffin, and spotted the sad prince. After she had looked back and forth at her muffin and the prince, she decided to giveaway her treat to him. Vegeta lifted his head and stared at the muffin and Derpy. He sighed and said, “Whatever.” He ate the muffin as the gray pegasus is forming a smile.

Back at Rarity boutique, the girls have finally come up with the idea for the float. While they were supplying the supplies and decorations for the float, Twilight was keeping check of the tools they needed. “Alright,” Twilight said while checking the supply, “it's looks like we got everything we need for the float.”

Pinkie Pie sighed and whined, “How is this better than my cupcake float idea?!”

“Sugarcube,” Applejack said, “this float is about all of us taking down that mean there Tirek! Of how we save the entire Equestria!”

“I know, but I love it when you girls repeated the amazing idea again!” Pinkie smiled with excitement while Applejack rolls her eyes.

“Come on girls,” Twilight shouted with joy. “Let's get started on our float!” After she'd opened the door, she founded Starlight Glimmer on the other side. “Starlight, where have you been? You were supposed to be here an hour ago.”

“Sorry Twilight,” Starlight apologize to her teacher. “I was just showing myself around the festival. I would've been here a lot sooner if I haven't run into some weird visitors.”

“What do you mean ‘weird visitors,’ darling,” Rarity asked.

“These two stallions were wearing some weird looking armors and acted very suspicious. And to top it all off, both of them have actually monkey tails.”

The rest of them were weirded by her description of the two mysterious visitors. “I’ve never seen nor heard of ponies with monkey tails before. Could you probably take us to them, so we can talk to them?”

Pinkie pops between the two mares and shouted, “Forget talking! We need to throw a party for the newcomers now! Let's get the party supplies at my place!”

“Pinkie! We have no time for this! And what about our-”

Then suddenly, Pinkie Pie grabbed the rest of her friends and yelled, “NO TIME!!” She and the others dashed out of the boutique.

Meanwhile, Vegeta was waiting for Nappa to be done eating the ponies ridiculous food. After seeing his stupidity minion feasting on more food, the prince hits the ground and marches towards him furiously. He grabbed his collar and began smacking his face repeatedly. “Nappa,” he roared. “Stop messing around already! You have alright proven yourself loyal to these ponies! Now, it's time to stab them in the back!”

“Ummm,” Nappa mumbled. “Vegeta…” As he was quiet for a while, Vegeta grew an impatient look on his face. “...maybe we shouldn't conquer these friendly ponies.”

Vegeta was paralyzed for a second and began rocking his dumb henchmen back and forth. “HAVE YOU LOST YOUR F**KING MIND!!”

“But, Vegeta, I really love it here! These ponies are so nice and kindful! They're never rudeful! To top it all off, they'll give you everything you want!”


“Sorry, Vegeta. Good luck on your big plan. There's nothing that can ruin this for me.” He left his leader and joined some other ponies. “Excuse me. Where do y'all sell your own meats?!”

“What,” a confused pony said. “We don't sell meats here in Equestria.”

“Come again?”

“You see we ponies are herbivores, so we eat non-meat foods. We're not cannibals you know.”

Nappa was speechless after discovering the cold hard truth about this world. He trotted back to Vegeta and said, “Ha Vegeta.”

“What Nappa,” the prince asked.

“I’m back in.”

“Good. Now, we must find their leader of this town and demand it to handle over their dragon ball.” Then, Vegeta spotted three little fillies passing by them. He stepped right in front of them greeted them, “Hello, children. Would y’all ever be so kindly to tell us where's your leader of this town?”

“Ya mean Miss Mayor,” an western accent filly asked. “Why, she's over there at town hall.”

“Why, thank you.”

After Vegeta left the little fillies, Nappa leaned closer to them and smiled. “Mini ponies,” he giggles.

“NAPPA,” Vegeta yelled at his minion. After Nappa dashes away, the three fillies were left confused.

After Vegeta and Nappa made their way to town hall, they began searching for the town mayor. Finally, they spotted her greetings every ponies who were having a good time. As they make their way to their leader, she spotted the newcomers and greeted them, “Well, hello there. So, you two are the visitors I’ve heard so much about. Welcome to Ponyville!” Then, every ponies around them began cheering as their hooves were stomping the ground..

“Well,” Vegeta said, “why thank you. It's feels so good to be greeted by adored locals. Now, the introduction been put away.” Without hesitation, the prince grabbed the mayor collar and yelled, “HANDOVER YOUR DRAGON BALL TO ME RIGHT NOW WOMEN!!”

After the citizens gasps in horror, the mayor responded nervously, “Wh-what are you talking about, young man? I’ve never heard of this dragon ball before.”


“I have already told you that I don't know what you're talking about.”

Vegeta grew impatient and tossed the mayor of Ponyville aside. As he turned to the crowd, he smirks, “Well then! I believe we have to get the truth out of you… by destroying your precious town!”

Confronting The Saiyans! The Battle Begins!

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Twilight and the others were helping Pinkie Pie to search for any information about the new visitors and their interests. Even though, they need to build a float for the festival. However, the party pony thinks it's a good idea to throw a greeting party for the new visitors.


“Just calm down there sugarcube,” Applejack calmed her crazed friend. “Let's try ta figure what are these fellas interests.”

“Even though,” Twilight grew impatient, “we should focus on the float for the festival!”

“Starlight,” Rarity ignored Twilight and asked her apprentice, "you’d met them. What do they looked like again?”

“Well,” Starlight began explaining, “they were both wearing some weird looking armors and have monkey tails at their ends. One has a big hair and the other is bald. Also, the big haired stallion was aggressive and the bald one was not bright.”

Pinkie Pie was nodding while she was taking notes. Until, she threw the note aside and shouted, “BUT THAT DOESN'T HELP ME OUT!! I STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THROW THEM!!

AHHH I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE,” Twilight exploded from impatience, which alerted the others. “I’m sorry, Pinkie Pie, but this party have to be put aside. We have to go build the float for the festival.”

“Can it wait, please?!”

NOOO!! We going to build the float! Whether you like it or not-”

Suddenly, an explosion occurred outside of the room, which surprised the others. “What's the name of Equestria was that,” Twilight screamed. Another one exploded and screaming went off across the streets. The princess and the others hurry outside and found Ponyville is under attack.

The citizens of Ponyville screams and sobbed over their lost during the devastation. The rose ponies sobbed over the lost of their flower shop and garden. Doctor Whooves shocked his head in depression over the lost of his inventions. The spa ponies were crying over the damages to their spa. Each ponies cried out in horror over their lost as well:







Twilight and the others were confused and horrified by the destruction occurring in Ponyville. “What's in tarnation is going on here,” Applejack yelled. Suddenly, another explosion went off and a bunch of chickens fallen from the sky. “Huh? It actually raining chicken there.”

“Ohhh,” Pinkie cried with excitement. She rushed to the middle of the street and pleaded, “Please let it rain chocolate milk! PLEASE LET IT RAIN CHOCOLATE MILK!!

After another explosion went off, Starlight spotted a flaming wagon flying through the air and headed towards the random pony. Luckily, she used her magic to grab Pinkie before the burning object could crush her. “This is insane,” Starlight cried.

“I know,” Pinkie agreed. “I was expecting a chocolate wagon! Not the complete opposite!”

“I want to know who's attacking Ponyville,” Twilight demand. Then, she spotted and stopped Lyra and Bon Bon as they were fleeing. “Lyra! Bon Bon! What's going on?”

“Oh hello Princess Twilight,” Lyra bowed before her. “We were just having a good time, until these two jerks just attack us for no reason.”

“She's right,” Bon Bon agreed. “These guys looked so weird. One has a weird looking porcupine hair and the other one was bald. What makes them even more weirder is that they both have monkey tails.”

“Wait,” Starlight stopped them and realize who's the attackers. “I know who they are. They're the visitors that I met a while ago. They're the ones who's causing this.”

“What,” Twilight and the others were surprised. She ask her apprentice about them, “Are the both of them unicorns?!”

“No. None of them didn't have any horns.”

“Alright everypony. Let's stop these monsters from destroying Ponyville and Equestria!”

Applejack turned to Spike and told him, “Spike, would ya find Applebloom and the filles somewhere safe. Ah don't any of them to get hurt.”

“I'm on it,” Spike saluted and head out.

Finally, Twilight and her friends headed downtown hall and prepare for the battle against the invaders.

After making their way through fire and ashes, they have finally made it to downhall. When they've reached to their destination, they found the area abandon and quiet. They examined around the place for the attackers, but no sign of them. “Where in tarnation are these fellas,” Applejack asked.

“Don't know,” Twilight clueless. “Lyra and Bon Bon mention that they were here. Who knows where they could be?”

“How could these ruffians cause all of this mess,” Rarity worried.

Pinkie Pie giggles and answers, “Maybe they're from… The Other Side!” As she was making spooky noises, Fluttershy hide behind the cow mare and shake in fear.

“Pinkie,” Starlight interrupted, “don't be ridiculous. There's no way these guys are from… you know.”

“I think she meant,” Fluttershy stopped and shallow before resuming. “... from deep space!”

“Fluttershy, don't be all-”

GIRLS,” Twilight yelled at her friends to focus on the mission. “Keep ya eyes open! We don't know where are these-”

MORE PONIES!!” Suddenly, they turned to the direction of the yell and found the attackers on top of a settlement. They all stood horrified by the monster's presence before them. The long silence was ended by Nappa greeting, “Hi.”

The Saiyans landed in front of the young heroes and smile at them. “So,” Applejack spoken first, “ah reckon y’all the troublemakers who caused this mess!”

“No,” Nappa deny it.

“Don't be rude Nappa,” Vegeta said to his simple-headed henchman.

“And you two are ruining the festival as well,” Pinkie shouted in anger.

“No,” he deny it again.

Vegeta turned to his warrior again and corrected him, “We are.” Then, he turned to the mares, “And I am the prince of all Saiyans!”

They were confused about what the Saiyan and him being a prince. “You're a prince,” Rarity asked.

“No,” the idiotic Saiyan repeated.

Vegeta turned back to Nappa and cursed, “F**k you Nappa.”

The mares were surprised by the beeping noise coming out of Vegeta and confused. “Ummm,” Starlight confuse, “what was that noise?”

“Oh that. It's just some annoying alarm went off when I curse.” The girls are still remain clueless. “Making foul language!”

“You mean hoofball game talk,” Pinkie asked.

The prince sighs and make it more clear to them. “Saying bad words!”

After they finally understand what's he talking about, they all gasps from what he said earlier. “HA,” Pinkie yelled. “This is a kids show buddy! We don't allow words like that here!” She grabbed the show rating symbol off of fourth wall and shown them. “See! Rated TV-Y! The Y stands for parental guideline!”

“You see that Vegeta,” Nappa said to his boss. “That pink one can do magic!” Vegeta shook his head by his minion stupidity.

“So,” Fluttershy interrupted, “not to be rude but what are you two names?”

“I am Nappa. And this is Vegeta. He was a prison-”


“... b**th.”

“D***it Nappa,” Vegeta roared while he's clenched his teeth.

“What part of TV-Y don't you meanies understand,” Pinkie Pie yelled.

“Oh look Vegeta,” Nappa shoved his boss a little, “More ponies! Two normal ponies! Two horn ponies! An bird pony! And a-” The pinheaded Saiyan gasps by the presence of Twilight. “VEGETA!! Look! A princess!” He foolishly bowed before the princess of friendship in front of his master.

Suddenly, Vegeta knock the idiot warrior to the ground and yelled, “WHAT THE H**L NAPPA!! You bow to her instead of me! I'm the prince of your race, you pinhead!”

“But Vegeta,” Nappa explains while he picked himself up, “she's a very important pony in this world! She's royalty!”

The prince growled and whisper to himself, “God d***it Nappa!

Then, the press has arrived to the area and starting to take pictures of the mares and the Saiyans. “So these are the invaders boys,” a reporter said to his crew. “Jimmy, make sure you focus on the monkey tail one!”

“Umm,” his assistant confused, “which one sir?”

“Look Vegeta,” Nappa cried, “the paparazzi. I have to protect my image!”

Nappa released a blast from his hoof and fired at the press. Luckily, Starlight teleported in front and shielded them. “Oh my Celestia,” cried one of the crew, “that guy almost kill us… and we are ponies for crying out loud!” Finally, the press flee from Ponyville.

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others were terrified by what just happened. They just witnessed the Saiyan fired a blast without using magic. “How,” the princess was hopelessly confused, “how did he do that?”

“Good,” Nappa said, “now I'm gonna read their power levels, Vegeta.”

The Saiyans put on their scouters and began scanning the mares power levels:

Twilight: 2.5 Raditz
Starlight: 2.7 Raditz
Applejack: 1.1 Raditz
Rarity: 1 Raditz
Fluttershy: 0.2 Raditz
Pinkie: ??? Raditz

“Wow,” the simple headed Saiyan was impressed, “Most of them are stronger than Raditz!”

Vegeta removed his scouter and wasn't impressed. “Nappa,” he said to his henchmen, “don't you understand? They can hide their power levels. Those readings are completely useless.”

As Nappa removed his, he asked to his superior, “You mean like YouTube friends?”

“Exactly, and I have a better way of testing their power levels. Plant… the Sabiamen.”



“I left the seeds back in the pods, Vegeta.”

The prince slam his hoof on his forehead and sighed in disappointment to his men failure. “You're so pathetic, Nappa,” he whispered to himself.

Suddenly, they heard a group of filles fallen on top of each other. They all turned to the disturbance and found the Cutie Mark Crusaders, hiding behind a wall.

“Applebloom,” Applejack shouted as she rushed to her sister and her friends. “What is in a name of Equestria are ya doing here?! It isn't safe here!”

“But ah want to make sure that ya safe,” Applebloom cried. “Ah don't want anything to happen to my big sister.”

“Yeah,” Sweetie Belle added, “We saw what these meanies done here. We were afraid of what will happen all of you.”

“Sweetie Belle,” Rarity drawn her little sister to her, “you can't just endanger yourself by jumping in this dreadful situation.”

Spike picked his head out of the brushes and see what's going on. Twilight spotted him and shouted, “Spike! You were supposed to take them to somewhere safe.”

“What do you expect from me,” Spike complain. “I couldn't control these girls! They outnumber me!”

“Look Vegeta,” Nappa pointed out, “more victims! The three mini ponies we ran into earlier! And a-” He stopped and gasps with excitement. “VEGETA!! Look! A Pokemon!”

“Ha! My name isn't Pokemon! My name is Spike! Spike!”

“You heard that, Vegeta! It's a Spike. I'm gonna catch it.” He popped up a red and white colored ball on his hoof.

“I told ya-” Suddenly, the idiotic Saiyan thrown the sphere at the baby dragon, which knocked him out.

The mares gasps after their friend gotten hit by the orb. Starlight rushed to Spike and cried, “Spike! Are you okay?!” Sadly, the baby dragon was dizzy by the sphere.

“Oh,” Nappa whined, “it didn't work, Vegeta!”

“That's why you need to damage it first,” Vegeta added.

“Ha, you're right! Let's see if I could get a critical.”

After he heard what the Saiyan said, Spike quickly hide behind Starlight and begged, “Please don't let him get anywhere near me!”

“Enough talking and let's get down to business,” Vegeta yelled. After it was all quiet down, he took a deep breath and turned to his minion. “Alright, Nappa. It's time to teach them a lesson.”

Nappa agreed and began picking which one to attack first. “Yeah, right out of Saiyan University!”

“Hold on, you went to college?!”


“What the h**l could someone like you possibly major in?!”

“Child Psychology…”

“Wow,” Twilight was interested by his career, “that sounds really interesting-”


He then rushed towards Applejack and knock her across the field. Twilight and the others gasps as their friend had been painfully punch. Vegeta smiled and mocked, “Well, it's looks like ya had been… HASSLE!

A wind blows during the silence of Vegeta mockery while the mares shook their heads at him. However, Nappa cheered, “I get it-”

“Shut it, Nappa.”

“Applejack,” Starlight cried for her friend. She turned to the monster with anger in her eyes. “I’ll make you pay, you monster!”

As she levitated to the sky, Nappa smiled and shouted, “Oh, I love this game!” He flew right in front of Starlight, which surprised her and her friends. “TAG!!” He then kicked the unicorn to the ground. While she was crying from her pain, the Saiyan sighs, “No tag backs.”

Twilight rushes to her apprentice aid and lifted her up gently. “Starlight,” she cried, “are you going to be okay?!”

Starlight coughs from the pain and responded, “I… I'm going to fine.”

The princess turned her attention to the monster and was horrified by his attacks. “How did he done all of that without having wings nor using magic?”

“I don't know,” her apprentice responded. “I think Pinkies was right… they're not from this world.”

After she'd carried her friend out of the battlefield, Twilight marched toward the monster and demanded, “You will fight me now! You hurt my friends, you fight me.”

Nappa rubbed his head and was nervous. His master wasn't pleased by his minion anxiousness and shouted, “NAPPA!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!”

“Sorry Vegeta,” his dimwit warrior apologize, “but I don't feel like fighting a princess. She's royalty.”

“Just fight her Nappa!”


Then, Nappa rushed to the princess of friendship with everything he got. However, Twilight prepare to release everything she got as well. Before they both make contact, the alicorn released her blast and sent the Saiyan to the skies. She was surprised by defeating the monster so easily.

As her friends cheered for her victory, the prince, on the other hand, ended with a short giggle. They were all confused about the prince laughter, until he explains it, “He isn't beaten.”

WHAT,” Twilight surprised. “What do you mean that he isn't beaten?”

Suddenly, the cheer of excitement echoed fell to the ground. Nappa picked himself up and jumped for joy. “Did you see that Vegeta,” he shouted for joy. “That was a h**l of a ride!” He drawn his attention to the princess. “Oh, princess! You were amazing with that blast! You're like four times powerful than Raditz!”

“Oooh…” Twilight confused about what he just said. “I don't know who's this ‘Raditz’ person, but thank you for the-”

“However,” Vegeta cut in, “Nappa is worth five Raditzs. While I'm… fifteen.”

They were all shocked by the revealing of their strengths. “Oooh… Well… darn.”

“Aw,” Nappa cheered her, “come on, don't get so down on yourself, princess. At least you and your friends are stronger than our Raditz!”

“Then, where's your friend Raditz,” Fluttershy asked.

Raditz, who's in hell, “I… hate… all of you!”

“Where was I,” Nappa forgotten about what he was doing. “Oh yeah! I remember!”

Then, he rushed to the princess and threw a punch. Luckily, Twilight dodge his attack by jumped into the air. Until, Nappa teleported above and smacked her to the ground. The alicorn quickly picked herself up and blasted the bald stallion in the face, but sadly no effect.

While they were fighting each other, the Cutie Mark Crusaders sneak their way through the others and prepared to ambush the prince. They hope if they captured the leader, then they believe that the bald headed monster would surrender. “Alrighty y’all,” Applebloom said to her friends, “are you ready?” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded. “Ready… and… ATTACK!!

The filles rushed to the prince and attack him. Applebloom was throwing punches at his right leg. Scootaloo was kicking his left leg. Sweetie Belle was pulling on his tail. Vegeta, on the other hand, just stood there letting them attack him.

Finally, the prince gently shoved the two filles to the ground and shaken the other one off of his tail. “Nice try little ones,” Vegeta admire their bravery, “but there was no possible way you three can take me down.”

“At least we tried,” Scootaloo said.

“Sorry, there's no other way you girls can do, but watch the show.”

Meanwhile, at the fight, Twilight was thrown into the wall ferociously. Starlight and the others rushed to their wounded friend. “Twilight,” the purple unicorn cried, “are going to be alright?!”

“Yeah,” she nodded while ignoring the pain, “... yeah I believe so.”

“I'm so sorry your highness,” Nappa apologized. “I didn't know that will hurt you. I swear.” Vegeta was shaking his head in disappointment for his minion weakness.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy pleased, “what are we going to do?”

“I don't know,” Twilight answered. “If only Rainbow Dash was here. Then, we would've had a chance to beat at least one of them.”

Then suddenly, their hope has appeared in the sky. They've spotted Rainbow Dash mansion floating above Ponyville. Twilight drawn Fluttershy to her and whispered, “Fluttershy. When me and Starlight attack him, you’ll hurry up to get Rainbow Dash and bring her back here.

The shy pegasus nodded at her friend and is ready for her cue. Twilight and Starlight both nodded at each other and began charging at the bald-headed Saiyan. Finally, Fluttershy began rushing towards the cloud mansion, so she could get Rainbow Dash to help them.

Everything was going as planned, until Nappa was given a chance to see mansion. “OH MY GOSH,” the Saiyan gasps. “Look Vegeta! A floating mansion! Can I destroy it?! Can I?!”

“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo cried.

“Go ahead Nappa,” Vegeta gave him permission. “Blow it up. I don't care.”

“No! No! Wait-”

YAAAAAAAAAY,” Nappa shouted with joy.

Twilight and Starlight tried to stop the monster from destroying their friend, but the Saiyan shoved them aside. Nappa released an enormous blast at Rainbow Dash mansion. Luckily, Fluttershy manage to dodge the blast, but couldn't stop it from destroying the cloud mansion. The blast had destroyed the gigantic rainbow mansion, along with Rainbow Dash.

The rest of mares sobbed in tears over their friend demise. They've lost a sister and a really good friend. Applejack cried out in tears as she slammed the ground, “RAINBOW DASH!!!

“Awwwww,” Nappa whined as he landed in front of cow mare, “I think I made her mad, Vegeta. Should I talk to her about it? The first step to working out your problems is healthy communication-”

Then suddenly, Applejack almost punched the murder and hits a brick wall instead. “Hey,” Nappa shouted at her, “that was very rude! I was talking to VEGETA!!” He smuck her to the ground.

“Applejack,” Twilight cried in horror. She turned to her apprentice, both nodded at each other, and charges at the Saiyan. “LEAVE HER ALONE!!

FOR PONNNN-” Then, Twilight knocked the insane warrior away from Applejack. “She hit me-” Starlight knocked Nappa as well. “She hit me too.”

Finally, both of the attackers released everything they put in their blast against the murder. After the smoke faded, Nappa is still standing. “Hey,” Nappa shouted to them, “not gonna lie. D**k move, girls. D**k move.”

“Twilight,” Starlight cried to the princess, “what are we going to do?”

“I…” Twilight couldn't come up with any spells to stop the monsters. “... I don't know.”

“Don't worry everypony,” Pinkie Pie shouted. “I'm back!”

“Pinkie? What do you mean you're back? Where have you gone to?”

“I gathered reinforcements!”


Then suddenly, as Pinkie Pie blown a whistle, eight more of her surrounded the Saiyan. Everypony were surprised by the unexpected twists of event. “Vegeta,” Nappa cried to his boss, “I can't… Believe it!

AUUUUUUUGH,” the prince whined about his minion failed pun.

PINKE PIE,” Twilight yelled at her random friend. “I can't believe you used the magic mirror again!”

“Again,” Starlight asked confused. “You mean she'd done this before?”

“Enough talk,” Pinkie yelled, “Let's fight! Other mes attack!”

Pinkie Pie and her clones charges at the Saiyan and began attacking him. Sadly, Nappa keeps dodging every punches thrown to him. The others were shocked by his reflects during the fight. “That vermit kept dodging their attacks,” Applejack surprised. “What kind of monster are we dealing with here?!”

During the fight, Nappa was singing while beating the pink pony and her clones. “Patty cake, patty cake, baker’s MAN! Bake me a cake as fast as you CAN!

The Saiyan knocked her and the clones to the ground so hard, that her clones went into her body. After her friends rushed to Pinkie aid, Nappa shouted, “Good effort, but I’m the Patty Cake champion!”

The rest of them were confused about what he just said. “AH NUTS,” Pinkie whined.

“I beg your pardon,” Applejack asked.

“We're going to die,” Spike said in fear, “aren't we?”

“Yup,” Nappa nodded. Then, he charges towards the helpless ponies and was about to end them. Until, he stopped and turned to the prince, “Vegeta!”

“What,” Vegeta yelled.

“I can flyyyyy!

“Are… are…” The prince sighs and agreed with him. “Yes, Nappa. Yes you can.”

“You know,” Pinkie yelled at them, “you meanies are going to be in a lot of trouble once Celestia figure out what's going on!”


“Princess Celestia. She's the most powerful pony in all of Equestria! And she'll punish you two for attacking Ponyville and killing Rainbow Dash!”

“Well then, I guess we’d better kill you all before she gets here.”

Pinkie covered her big mouth, because she just sealed her and her friends doom. “PINKIE,” her friends yelled at her.

Luckily, Nappa whined to his boss, “But Vegeta! I wanna meet the princess!”

“Nappa just kill them first and-”

“But I want her to SEE us kill them!”

“Oh god,” Vegeta gave in, “there's no arguing with you! FINE!! We’ll give you three hours tops. After that, I’m killing all of you!” Everypony sighs in relief for the prince spearing them, for now.

YAAAAY!! And now we wait.”

After thirty seconds has passed, Nappa repeatedly asked, “Is she here yet?”

Everypony, including Vegeta, responded, “No.”

“Is she here yet?”


“Is she here yet?”


“Is she here yet?”


“Is she here yet?”


“Is she here yet?”


“Is she here yet?”


“......... Is she here-”


“God d**nit Nappa,” Vegeta yelled at his idiotic warrior, “just go do something! Go have… fun, I don't care how.”

“Oh boy! This is gonna be my best… day… ever.” Finally, Nappa left them and gone somewhere fun for him.

The mares just stood there and hopelessly do nothing, because of the prince eye beaming them. They need to come up with a brilliant plan to somehow sending a message to Princess Celestia about what's going on. Luckily, they've spotted Derpy hiding in the brushes.

Twilight drawn the party pony to her and whispers to her ear, “Pinkie, we are going to tell Derpy to warn Celestia about the situation. I want you to distract the prince from noticing what are we doing.” Pinkie Pie saluted and slides away from the others.

She reappeared right beside the prince and creating a conversation with him. “Hi there mister prince,” she greeted Vegeta. “I have always greeted every visitors with a party. While we're waiting for our demise, can I throw you a Welcome to Ponyville party?!”

“No,” he yelled. “I don't do party.”

While Pinkie Pie was distracting Vegeta, the princess and the baby dragon rushed to the derp pony and pulled her out of the brushes. “Hello princess-” Derpy greeted Twilight before she covered her mouth.

Derpy,” Twilight whispers to the pegasus, “we don't have much time. I want you to go to Canterlot and warn Princess Celestia about these monsters attacking Ponyville. If she doesn't believe you, then show her this letter sent by me. Can you do that?

“Don't worry-” Twilight covered her mouth and told her to hush. “Don’t worry, Princess Twilight. I will send you request to Princess Celestia right now.

The princess given the letter to the derp pony. “Remember Derpy, our lives is on the line. You need to hurry up to Canterlot before the three hours is up.

After Derpy saluted to the princess, she’ve went off and head to Canterlot. Sadly, she went in the complete opposite direction. “We're going to die,” Spike said, “aren't we?”


Meanwhile, Nappa was soaring through the skies and cheered for his best day. Suddenly, he spotted a group of clothed flyers, the Wonderbolts, headed towards him. “YAAAAAY,” the Saiyan cheered. “MORE FRIENDS!!!

The Wonderbolts locked on the invader and ready to bring him down. “Alright Wonderbolts,” Spitfire shouted, “he’s definitely the one who attack Ponyville. Let's bring this freak down! Just like we did to that dragon!”

“Actually,” Soarin interrupted the morale boost, “that dragon defeated us remember.”

“Can it, Clipper! WONDERBOLTS ATTACK!!

As they were charging towards the monster, Nappa smiled and waved to them. “HIIIII- Nappa greeted before Spitfire punched him in the face. Everyone of them kept throwing punches at him, but no effect. “That tickles! But seriously, let me show everypony how it's done.”

Then, Nappa taken out each member of the Wonderbolts one by one, sending them falling to the ground. Spitfire tried to defeat the Saiyan, but he tackled the leader to the ground as well. After they've picked themselves up slowly, Spitfire try to lifted up their spirit.

“Wonderbolts, I know this guy is stronger than us. And it's hard to believe someone like him flying without wings. However, I refuse to let this monster roam free and destroy Equestria. We are the Wonderbolts! There's no one who can take us down. NO ONE!!” The Wonderbolts cheered for their leader encouragement speech.

“We are tough! We are mean! We are the best of the best! WE ARE THE ONE AND ONLY WONDERBOLTS!!!” As they were cheering, they faced towards the Saiyan and ready for a rematch. “NOW LET'S TAKE THIS UGLY FREAK DOWN ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! FOR CELESTIA!! FOR EQUESTRIA!! AND FOR EVERY SINGLE PONY IN THE-


When Nappa raised his hoof up, the entire Wonderbolts has been blown up. The Saiyan has single handed defeated the world best flyers. All the remains is their torn clothing and their goggles.

“Maybe I should play with them some more,” Nappa regrets destroying them too quickly. “Oh well, more fun is on the way!” Finally, Nappa move on and enjoying his free time.

Back in Ponyville, the mares waited and hopes that Princess Celestia will come to their aid. Sadly, there was no sign of the princess. To make matters worse, the prince device went off an alarm. He stood up and says, “Well, time’s up; time to die.”

The mares were alarmed and examine around for his henchmen return, but no sign of him. Applejack asked him, “So… where's your friend-”

I’M BACK!!” Then, Nappa returned without his armor and elbowed the cow mare on her forehead, causing her to blackout. Her friends gasps in horror by the unexpected brutal attack. Fluttershy rushed to her friend side.

Meanwhile, the simple headed Saiyan trotted to his boss side. “Nappa,” Vegeta said, “where's your armor?”

“I had a h**l of a day, Vegeta! I defeated their air forces… and their cows.”

Somewhere in the Everfree Forest, there's a herd of cow skeletons among the fields. Most of their bones shattered by their skulls and ribs. A voice of Derpy echoed across the field in fear, “CANNBIALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!

One Last Chance! A Surprise Turn Of Events!

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“Applejack,” Fluttershy cried as she was shaking her knocked out friend. “Please get up! We need your help please!”

The western mare slowly lifted her head and shook it. Then, she said while she was dizzy, “Don't ya worry, Granny. Ah will make Big Mac to take a bath... whether he’ll like it… or not!” Sadly, Applejack fell unconscious.

“Applejack, please get up! Please get up! Seriously, he's going to hurt us!”

“Well,” Nappa said, “the cowgirl is out. Too bad. Guess I'll have to find someone else to play with!”

As he was staring at the rest of the victims, Spike kept mumbling to himself repeatedly, “Please not me please not me please not me please not me please not me PLEASE NOT ME!

“Eenie Meenie Miny-You,” Nappa stop and pointed at the shy mare.

“Wait what-” Suddenly, Fluttershy was cut off and was knocked out by Nappa punch. Twilight and the others scream in horror from the event.

FLUTTERSHY,” Twilight screamed.

WHOOO,” Spike cheers, “NOT ME!!” He stopped and stared at his friends, whom were shaking their heads at him. Then, he looked back at Fluttershy and she was still unconscious. “F-Fluttershy? Ah! I thought that would have lasted longer.”

“The Pokemon is next,” the stupid Saiyan shouts. He then rushes furiously towards the baby dragon.

NO,” Rarity scream in horror.

SPIKE,” Twilight cried.

“My turn my turn MY TURN,” Spike cried repeatedly.

Suddenly, Nappa stopped. Everypony is confused about why did he stop. The prince shouted at his dimwit minion, “What-Nappa, what are you doing?!”

“It's his turn Vegeta,” Nappa responded. “I have to wait for him.” Then, Vegeta was completely shocked by his response, causing blood dripping from his nose. “You okay, Vegeta?”

“Yes just… just an aneurism out of sheer stupidity.”

“Wow, I didn't think you were that stupid, Vegeta.” Vegeta began screaming in complete anger. His scream was so loud that the entire Equestria can hear it.

While the two Saiyans were distracted, Pinkie Pie quickly grabbed the baby dragon and drawn him over to her party cannon. “Alrighty Spike,” the party pony explains her plan, “here's my brilliant plan to defeat those meanies. I will place myself inside the cannon while wearing these boxing clubs.”

“Where did you keep those clubs,” Spike asked.

“Pay attention, Spike! After I am inside the cannon, then you will light it up and I will defeat that bald headed pony. You got it?”

“You can count on me, Pinkie.”

“Alrighty then!”

As they were preparing to strike, Vegeta was still enraged by Nappa stupidity. The prince kept repeating as his eyes grew red, “Nine minutes, eighteen seconds! Nine minutes, eighteen seconds!”

“What's that Vegeta,” Nappa asked.


“Alright you big party pooper,” Pinkie shouted at the Saiyan. “You've gone too far this time. I will be the one to take you down. I will use my ultimate technique to defeat you once and for all!” She put on her boxing clubs and squeeze into her party cannon. “Ready Spike?!”

“I’m ready, Pinkie!”

“Oooooooh,” Nappa smile at the pink mare. “Look Vegeta; she wants to hug me! I'm going to hug her too!”

NAPPA,” the prince warned to his henchmen. “NO! IT'S A TRICK!

“But Vegeta… Trix are for kids!”

The prince stood in silent from another stupidity of his minion. Finally, Vegeta gave up and says, “You know what Nappa? On the second thought. Hug her. Just let her hug you with all of her might.”

YAAAY!! Come here and hug me-” After the cannon has fired, Pinkie Pie dashes towards the Saiyan and punch him in the face. A big bruise appeared on his right cheek. “OW NO MY FACE,” he cried. “My precious modeling career!”

“Modeling career,” Rarity said confused. Nappa tossed a magazine at them and they examined it. They only saw a big man with a tail on the beach. “Well… this is… disturbing.”

“What's weird is what is that giant monkey on the front cover,” Twilight mention.

“I think it's that guy,” Starlight said.

“You know,” Nappa yelled at the attackers, “I was trying to be a team player.” Suddenly, another blast is formed from his hoof. “Trying to be a nice guy!”

“You attack our homes,” Spike added. “You hurt innocent ponies! And most importantly kill our friend!”

I SAID TRYING!!” He then released his blast and thrown it towards the dragon.

“Well you're failing-” Before the blast could destroy him, Pinkie Pie grabbed Spike and escape. “OH GOSH,” he cried when the blast went off.

“And so are you!”

He was about to fire another blast to finish them off. Until, a western shout occurred as Nappa back was kicked, “Ah back!”

As he was kicked, he cried in pain. “AAAAAAAIseewhatyoudidthere!”

Everypony spotted the rescuer and it was Applejack. She was really angry towards the Saiyan for elbowing her in the head. “Alrighty then! It's just you and me, ya varmint! Ah will take ya down and tie ya up like a bull-”

Out of nowhere, Fluttershy flew in and kicked the idiotic warrior towards the wall. She was completely furious for being smacked towards the ground. She roared in anger, “TAKE THAT YOU STUPID UGLY PINHEADED BIG GIANT MEANIE!!!

Everypony gasps from the shy pegasus rage. “Whoa Fluttershy,” Applejack cried. “What in tarnation?!”

Fluttershy finally cooled down and nervously respond, “O-Oh! I’m so sorry everypony. I didn't mean to get mad.”

“No, sugarcube! Stay mad! Stay mad-” Sadly, Nappa gotten back up. “Dagnabbit daggett!”

Nappa face turned completely red and growled at the two mares. “Oh,” Nappa yelled, “you-a-making-me-so-mad!” Then, his body began to brighten up, which means he's going to release his ultimate attack. His main target is going to be Fluttershy, causing her to shaking in fear. “Vegeta, look. Imma firin my BLARGH!!!” His turned into Shoop the Whoop as he fired his blast from his mouth.

The monstrous blast is heading towards both Fluttershy and Applejack. Suddenly, both Twilight and Starlight jump in front of their friends and formed their shield spell. When the blast made contact, the giant explosion destroyed several houses. Luckily, the others flee themselves before the blast could wipe them out.

After the some faded, the princess and her apprentice were weakened by the blast. Before they could fall to the ground, the western mare and the shy pony grabbed them. “Are y’all two alright,” Applejack concern.

“I-I don't think I could move a muscle,” Starlight weakly respond.

“Starlight,” Twilight heartbroken.

“Don't you worry,” Fluttershy caringly said. “You and Twilight going to be alright.”

“Ah don't think so sugarcube,” Applejack ended the moment. “To be honest, ah don't think any of us is going to fine. What are we going to do with there fellas?”

Then, Twilight shoved her caring friend aside and slowly marches towards the Saiyans. “Applejack,” she said, “take care of the others. I will stop those monsters… alone.”

WHAT,” they all cried.

“Sugarcube,” Applejack yelled, “ya can't fight them on ya own! It's suicide!”

“Even if you do defeat that monster,” Starlight added, “you're still no match against the prince!”

“I don't care,” the princess said. “I don't want to see anymore of my friends to die. Just go!”


Without hesitating, Twilight uses her magic to transport them to the others. Now, she's all alone against the Saiyans. Finally, she resume marching towards the invaders.

“Vegeta,” Nappa shouts with joy, “did you see me weakening the princess?!”

Vegeta responded while reading a magazine, “Yes Nappa. That was a powerful kick.”

AWWW VEGETA!! You weren't watching! Can you at least watch me finish her?!”

He sighed and tossed the magazine aside. “Fine!”


They both stand their scared and confused by her threats. “What,” Nappa ask.


Finally, Twilight released all of her strength into a powerful blast and fired at the pinheaded warrior. Sadly, Nappa deflected the blast towards a tree. As he was rubbing his hoof, he says, “Awwww, b**ch please!”

Twilight began losing her strength and slowly kneeling to the ground. She began losing her will to live. “I'm sorry Celestia… I'm sorry Luna… I'm sorry Cadance… I'm sorry Shiny… I'm sorry girls… I'm sorry everyone… I'm sorry… Rainbow.” A single tear drip out of her eye on fell to the ground.

Then, Nappa stood in front of her. “Well,” Nappa said, “it's has been, your majesty. I mean for me though, not for you. I mean this was the best day ever! As for you, all fun must come to an end.”

Applejack and the others rushed to Twilight aid, but it's going to be too late. Nappa raise his right leg and yelled as he dived it down, “NAPPA SMASH!!” When he smash his hoof to the ground, Twilight disappeared before it made contact. “Oo-wa-waa?”

Everypony were alerted by her disappearance. Nappa says as he’s looking for her, “Hey, where’d she go?! Did she disappeared? Did she vanished? Or maybe she was never here to begin with?!” The Saiyan was about to freak out, until he immediately spotted the princess in the sideline. “Oh wait, there she is.”

The others rushed and hugged Twilight for being alive. “Oh Twilight,” Pinkie cried, “we are so happy that you're alive! I'm glad you used your magic to teleport away from that meanie!”

“But,” Twilight interrupted, “I didn't have any magic left to use it.”

“Wait,” Rarity says, “if you didn't cast it, then how do you-”

HEY!!,” a familiar voice echoes from the sky.

The girls already recognizes the voice and were surprised. “Wait,” Scootaloo cried. “Is that-”


“Huh,” Nappa confused. “I wonder who is-” Suddenly, he was kicked in the face by a speeding light. The Saiyan was sobbing on the ground as Vegeta was laughing at his pain. “ AWWWWW!! WHY DO EVERYONE KEEPS KICKING ME IN THE FACE?!!

The unknown hero landed on the ground and stood tall against the invaders. The mares smile wides from the appearance of their best friend, Rainbow Dash. “No ponies,” she yelled. “I mean no ponies… hurt my friends!”

Twilight and the others rushed towards their friend with tears in their eyes. They all cried as they tackle her, “Rainbow Dash!” They hugged and nuzzles the rainbow pony for being alive.

“Girls,” Rainbow laughed, “girls! Calm down! It's alright! I'm fine.”

“Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo cried. “We're so happy you're alive! What happened to you? Where have you been?”

“Yeah,” Spike added, “we thought you were killed in your mansion?”

“Well,” Rainbow Dash began explains everything, “here's what happen. I was going to sleep in my mansion, until I fell asleep on a cloud instead. After I had wake up, I found my mansion destroyed. It's good that I left Tank at Fluttershy place. I figured that there's a major threat attacking Equestria, so I decided to call in the Wonderbolts. Sadly, as I was heading towards the academy, I found the Wonderbolts died! How do I know?! Because I found their torn clothing all over the ground!”

“Wait,” Spike interrupted, “so you're saying clothing are there… and there… and there… and-”

“Spike,” Starlight yelled.


“Too soon!”

“Alright,” Rainbow Dash shouted as trotting pass her friends. “Stay back girls! I'm going to finish these jerks.”

“Are ya serious sugarcube,” Applejack cried.

“Those meanies are going to kill you,” Pinkie shouted.

“Don't worry girls,” Rainbow Dash being cocky. “I got this.”

After Nappa gotten back up, he yelled at his attacker, “OH! I WILL-” He gasped by Rainbow Dash appearance and cried to Vegeta. “Look Vegeta! It's a rainbow pony.”

“Oh yeah,” Rainbow said. “You may have heard of me. I am Rainbow Dash! The fastest pony in all of Equestria-”

“That means she's gay. Right Vegeta?”

The rainbow pegasus speechless from what he’d said as the prince of Saiyans giggles. “Lesbian,” Vegeta smiled.

As Rainbow Dash growls towards the Saiyans, Twilight interrupted the moment by saying, “What does that means, Rainbow Dash? Does that means that you like mares?”

“Twilight,” she growled, “not now!”

“Well, do to the activities you sometimes do everyday, I have never seen you having any interest with any stallions before. Plus, you always act like a tomboy every time so that means you do-”

The pegasus couldn't contain her rage anymore and finally released it out. Rainbow Dash and Nappa both yelled, “NERRRRRRRD!!!

“Wait what?”

“Enough about that,” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I just want to know which one of you two destroy my mansion, attack my friends, and killed the Wonderbolts?!”

“Me,” Nappa cried. “That was me, totally call it! I did all of those things. Especially, those flying ponies. They sure did put up a heck of fight. Too bad they all died from only one blast. Boy, I tell ya-”

Then suddenly, the pegasus roared in anger at the Saiyans. As she's roaring, an earthquake occurred around the group of ponies. Everypony were shocked from Rainbow Dash rage.

After she had calmed down, Nappa asked his master, “Vegeta! What does the scouter say about her power level?”

The prince took off his scouter and reported, “It's… one thousand and six.”


“Yup! Kick her **s, Nappa!”

YAAAAY!!” Nappa began rushing towards the mare in brute force. “HERE I COME-

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash began punching, kicking, and elbowing the Saiyan. Surprisingly, each punches has effects on the monster. Nappa cried in pain as the mare is punishing him. She then tossed him back and forth painfully. The pegasus began punching the pinheaded warrior in the face repeatedly. Everypony, including Vegeta, were shocking surprised by this turn of events.

“That doesn't seem right,” Vegeta confused.

As Vegeta was checking his scouter again, his idiotic minion is still being torture. Nappa even cried, “Wait, that doesn't bend that way. My arm doesn't bend that way!” Then, a snap occurred. “OWWWW!! NOW IT DOES!!

Finally, when the prince discovered the mare real power level, he called his henchmen, “Nappa!”

Rainbow Dash tossed the beat up Saiyan to his master. Nappa cried in pain, “WHAAAAAAAT?!!!

“I had the scouter upside down. It's over nine thousand.” He then crushed the scouter while he isn't amazed by her strength.

“Why do you sound so bored?!”

“Because she's still isn't a threat…”


“To me. Besides, once we get their dragon balls we’ll just wish for immortality. Then, no one will be able to stop us!”

“Wait,” Twilight confused. “Are you telling me that you and your friend did all of this for some balls?”

“Not just balls. Dragon Balls. The orange magical balls that grant wishes. Any of this ringing any bells here?”

“I'm sorry, but I have read every history about Equestria and there's no such thing of Dragon Balls.”

Then, Vegeta was both shocked and anger. “Wh-WHAT?!!

“Huh,” Nappa said. “Looks like we have did all of this for nothing. Oh well, at least we have fun getting here. Ah Vegeta?!”

Vegeta eyes grew veins each time his minion was calling his name. “Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember the bug planet? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember those cities we destroyed? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember when we got the dragon balls the first time? Vegeta? Vegeta? Remember our reactions when we became ponies? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vegeta? Vege-”

Finally, Vegeta grabbed his minion, tossed him into the air, and destroyed him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!

After the dust faded from the blast, a smile appeared on the prince face.

The Saiyan Elite vs The Rainbow Pony! The Princesses Confront The Prince!

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AHAHAHAHAH,” Vegeta laughed after destroying Nappa. “He’s gone! He’s finally gone! I’m so happy right now! I might not even slaughter you all!”

“Re-” Spike surprised, “really?”

AHAHAHA-No. You’re all thoroughly screwed.” Spike sighs in disappointment.

“Girls,” Rainbow Dash said to her friends. “I’ll handle this creep on my own. I need all of you to get as far away as-” She stopped and noticed that Spike is missing. “Umm. Where is Spike?”

Meanwhile, Spike quickly ran away while screaming at the top of lungs, “AAAAAAAH!!!!

“Sugarcube,” Applejack protests, “that's suicide! Ya may have hassle that varmint, but ah don't believe ya can do the same ta him!”

“She's right Rainbow,” Twilight agreed. “We heard that Vegeta is more powerful than any of us. Please, let us help-”

“No way,” Rainbow yelled. “Look at you guys! Y’all were lucky enough to survive from those creeps. If I could been the hay out of that bald colt, then I can beat this one easily.”

“Please Rainbow,” Fluttershy pleaded to her dearest friend, “we can help you. If we fight together, then we can stand-”

“Rainbow Dash is right,” Starlight cut in. “We barely survive from those monsters. If she can defeat the last one, then I have faith in her that she can defeat the prince.”

“Starlight,” Twilight confused, “are you even listen-”

“Rainbow Dash, I know you can beat him,” she ignored her teacher. “Just take this fight somewhere else and be careful.”

“You got it,” Rainbow nodded.

Then, Rainbow Dash flew into the air and stop in front of the prince. “So lesbian,” Vegeta mock her, “are you ready to fight?”

“You bet I am,” Rainbow slam her hooves together. “But first, why don’t we take this battle somewhere else?”

“What’s wrong with here?”

“Well, for starters, I don’t want anymore damage to my hometown. And second, this area is a mess.”

“Fair enough.”

“Follow me. I know the perfect place for us to fight over.”

“Whatever. Choose the best place for you corpse.” Finally, the two flyers dashes to their destination.

As they were leaving, Rainbow Dash friends waved farewell to their friend. “GOOD LUCK DASHIE,” Pinkie Pie shouted. “KICK THAT BIG MEANIE FLANK!!

“Good luck darling,” Rarity said.

“Be safe Rainbow,” Twilight said. She turned to her student and ask, “Why do you support her? We both know that monster is dangerous.”

“I know,” Starlight agree, “but I also known that Rainbow Dash is brave and strong. You saw what she did the Saiyan we face. I believe she can beat that monster.”

“You're right. I should have support her as well. You're a good friend, Starlight.”

“Thanks.” They turn their attention back to Rainbow Dash and Vegeta leaving the area. “We're still going to help her, right?”

"Oh definitely!"

Meanwhile, on King Kai’s planet, King Kai and his companions are reading the fanfic and about to read the upcoming final showdown. “So,” King Kai said, “the fight is about to begin. The showdown between the Saiyan ape and the rainbow pony.” He paused for dramatic effect and yells, “Takin’ all bets, guys! Takin’ all bets!”

“70,000 zeni on the brave pony,” Bubbles subtitle said.

“Yargh,” Bojack shouts from inside of the planet. “I bet 50 gold doubloons on the short one!”

“Uh, sir,” Gregory concerned, “is this really appropriate? If that pony loses, her entire world would be destroyed-”

King Kai creates a large hammer to scare the grasshopper. “You were saying,” he said.

“D’ah. 1,000 zeni on that pony.”

“Hey, can I get in on this,” I ask.

“Wait a second,” King Kai stops. “Don’t you already know the outcome of the fight?”

“N- noooo......”

After fifty minutes, Rainbow Dash brought Vegeta to the deserted mountains, where no one can get hurt from their fight. “This is it,” she told the prince. “It's a cool place to fight huh?”

“Ah, yes,” Vegeta agreed. “A perfect place to mark your grave.”

“Listen. We don’t have to do this, you know. If you leave now and promise to never harm any pony, I’ll let you go. And we can stop this meaningless fight.”

“Such tripe! Where’s your pride, lesbian? We are both warriors! Bred to fight and conquer. This retarded world has made you freaks soft.”

She signs at his ignorant. “I guess there's no other way I could convince you?”

“No! Now, are you ready to fight?!”

“Are you absolutely sure you-”

“Yes! I am entirely sure! I’m going to obliterate you and the rest of this planet myself with my own two-”

SONIC RAINBOOM!! Rainbow Dash release her ultimate technique, the Sonic Rainboom.

“Sonic wha-” The rainbow pony punches the Saiyan before he could finish.

Finally, they began fighting each other. Rainbow Dash began throwing punches at the prince while he's blocking them. She caught him off guard and kicked him in the face. She was about to dive in for a blow, until Vegeta teleported right behind her and knock her to the ground.

When she pick herself up, Vegeta landed three feet away from her while panting from the short fight. “Heh,” he laughed, “not bad… for a lesbian.”

Rainbow Dash growls when he calls her a lesbian again. She then rushes toward him and punch him to a boulder. The two began throwing punches at the same time while the rainbow pony was talking. “Listen pal,” she yells. “I’m not a lesbian!”

“I found that hard to believe,” Vegeta laughs.

She blocked a few punches and then tackle him to a large structure. “Oh yeah!” Rainbow Dash lock her lips with Vegeta, sealing a kiss. When they're separated, she smiles at the surprise prince. “Does a lesbian do that?!”

Vegeta laughs for a bit and respond, “Bisexual.”

Rainbow Dash began to frown and growls for being accused of being bisexual now. She then punches Vegeta in the nose and throws him across the air. She was about to punch him again, until the Saiyan kick her in the stomach and smack her into the ground.

HAH!!,” Vegeta laughs. “WHAT’S WRONG PONY?!! CAN’T KEEP UP?!! He fired a fire ball straight at her, but luckily she dodged it. Suddenly, the prince grabs Rainbow Dash and held her against a rock by the neck. “There's no way you can measure up to an elite like me! You're a fighting a losing battle here! You might as well just surrender this pathetic world now and-”


She broke free and smack him across the face. She then kick him off of her and gave him an uppercut. Rainbow Dash then pushes him away and gave him a karate kick into his face. She punch Vegeta in the face, kick him in the back, and pulls his ponytail using her teeth, causing him to scream.

When she tackles Vegeta to the ground, Rainbow Dash flew twenty feet into the air and released another Sonic Rainboom. She was about to crush the prince, until he disappeared from her sight. She quickly pull away from crashing, but she couldn't slow down. When the prince reappears in her direction, the young mare didn't see him until she bump her head into his.

Then, the both of them crash into the ground. Before Rainbow Dash could get a chance to get up, Vegeta fired his blast at the mare and sent her flying. He teleport above the pony and tackle her to the ground.

“I thought this fight was going to be a good one,” Vegeta mocked her. “But it would seems that you weren't that tough at all! Looks like I have to end this right now-”

Then suddenly, Vegeta is blasted from behind and sent crashing into a boulder. Rainbow Dash looks around to see who saved her from the wrath of the prince. When she heard something landed right behind her, she turned and found the three princesses: Cadance, Luna, and Celestia.

“Rainbow Dash,” Princess Celestia asks the rainbow pony, “are you okay?”

“Yeah,” she responded while Cadance is helping her up. “I’ll be fine.”

Vegeta rushes out of the rubble and lands furiously in front of the ponies. “Alright,” he yells in ignorance. “Who the h*ll are you three ponies?!”

“My name is Princess Celestia,” she answered. “This is my sister, Luna, and my niece, Cadance. We're here to punish you for harming the lives of Equestria!”

“Wow! There's more than one princess huh? Well, I don't give a s**t! You will all die by the prince of all Saiyans!”

“You’re a prince,” Cadance asks.

“Yes! I am!”

“Prince of all big-haired weirdos,” Rainbow Dash laughs.

“Yes-Wait?! I mean no!”

“Ha! You confirmed it! You look so embarrassed!”

“Miss Dash,” Luna told her, “I advise thou to stop making the situation worse.”

“Well,” Vegeta mock them, “go on with the insults! Because it's going to be the last you have ever-”

HI DASHIE,” Pinkie Pie screamed. “HI PRINCESSES!!

They all turned and found Twilight and the others have arrived to help. “Oh come on,” Vegeta yells. “Why are you doing here?! Just why?!”

“We’re here ta help our friend from ya,” Applejack responds, “ya no good raging bull!”

“I take that as a compliment!”

“Princess Celestia,” Twilight surprised. “Princess Luna! Cadance! You all are finally here!”

“We have receive the letter that you have sent us about what's happening in Ponyville,” Celestia explains. “I wish we’d arrive here a lot sooner.”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash shocked. “You sent the letter to the princesses?! You girls thought I was going to fail?!”

“No surprise there,” Vegeta laughs.

“Actually,” Starlight explains, “we sent it before you rescued us from that bald one.”

“Oh,” the pegasus understand.

“Wait,” Cadance surprised. “There was another one?”

“Yeah, but I already taken care of him all by myself!”

“Thou kill him,” Luna presume.

“No. I just beat up guy before his boss kill him. Oh yeah! Hey girls! I kiss him!”

“What,” everyone, except Vegeta, surprised.

“Why would you kiss that ruffian,” Rarity asks.

“To prove to him that I’m not a lesbian,” Rainbow Dash answers.

“Did you also do that thing that couples-” Pinkie asks until her friend immediately ended.

NO!! Geez! Why would I do that?! I just barely know the guy!”

“Ha! I'm just making sure that you didn't! I mean if you actually did that with him, then this whole conflict would've been weird! Like you two have to fight each other, even though you two did that thing! He would be like ‘I hope this fight doesn't affect our relationship,” she said with her mane shaped like Vegeta. “And you would be like ‘I just did that to prove a point,” she did the same with her friend. “And I would be like WHAT!! And he would be like-”


“Looks like you're under a lot of stress. How you go to a spa for some massage!”

WOULD YOU SHUT UP FOR FIVE MINUTES!!! Vegeta calms down and resumes, “Listen! I already have my fun with your bisexual friend or girlfriend!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said. “Screw you too, jerk!”

“And I already know that the rest of you ponies didn't stand a chance against Nappa, which means you all are nothing to me!” Vegeta turned to the princesses. “Now, how about you three princesses give me what you got?! You smug c**ts!”

Everyone are completely shocked by what he just says to the princesses. Rainbow Dash slowly back away from the princesses and join her friends. Finally, the princesses all sighs while shaking their heads and responded, “Yup.”

Then, they all rushes to the prince and fire their beams at him, which sent him flying. When Vegeta got back up, he said with confidence, “That was just a cheap shot! That isn't going to happen again-” The princesses reappear in front of him and blast him again. “Alright! That was the last time you ladies are going to do that-”

Princess Celestia reappears behind of the Saiyan and blasts him. Princess Luna appears in Vegeta direction and blasts him as well. Princess Cadance appears below of the prince and blasts him also. The three continue blasting the prince back and forth to each other multiple times before letting him crash into the ground.

“Alright,” Vegeta shouts. “That is definitely the last time you w**res are going to do on-” They all reappears in front of him again. “Oh! Son of a-” The princesses blasts him, sending him screaming into a mountain. He voice echoes in the mountain, “This. Proves. Nothing!”

“Ha,” Pinkie shouts at the prince. “Are you okay in there?!”

“Yeah! I’m fan-f**king-tastic! Nothing but gumdrops and ice cream in here!”


A short time of silence came from the Saiyan. “I’m surrounded by idiots.”

“I thought you were surrounded by gumdrops and ice cream?!”

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Vegeta rageful roar destroy the mountain he was inside into pieces. “I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!! I WILL NOT BE HUMILIATED BY A BUNCH OF STUPID TALKING PONIES!!!

“Aww, sounds like some pony got an extreme ice cream headache!”

THAT IS IT!! EVERYONE DIES!!! Vegeta flew into the air and stop at the position where they're all gathered. “SAY GOODBYE TO YOU PLANET PONIES!!

“Well, that isn't very nice!”


“Oooh! Did he say garlic-”



“Twilight,” Celestia called her student. The alicorn join the princesses and prepare for their last stand against the evil Saiyan. All of the princesses are charging their full magic for their ultimate attack.

FIIIIIIIREEEE,” Vegeta roars as he released his ultimate blast.

Starlight quickly join the princesses and release a massive multi-colored blast at the Vegeta Galick Gun. The entire area quack as the two blasts were colliding. Sadly, the evil prince is gaining the upper hand as his blast destroying the ponies magic.

“We have ta do something ta help,” Applejack shout to the others as they watch helplessly.

“Like what,” Fluttershy cried.

“I’m on it,” Rainbow Dash shouted as she flew away in a hurry.

“Rainbow Dash,” Applejack called her.

“This is the end ponies,” Vegeta laughs as he’s pushing his blast towards the princesses. “None of you stand a chance! I put all of my power into this attack! Now, perish with the rest of your-”

HA JERK!! Vegeta turns his head towards the call and spotted Rainbow Dash heading towards him at full speed. “CHECK THIS OUT MY SONIC…



“No no no…”

She released her Sonic Rainboom while sticking out her left leg. “KICK!!!

“Nonononononono-” The rainbow pegasus forcefully kick Vegeta in the face, causing him to let go of his blast. The princesses pushes their blast towards the prince and sending him into the clouds. “FUUUUUUUU- His scream trails off in distance.

Finally, the ponies cheers for the defeat of Vegeta. Starlight and the princesses are taking a breath from the close call with the blast. Applejack and the others rushes to the princesses and congratulate for their hard work. “Y’all did it,” the western pony cheers. “Y’all beaten that no good porcupine!”

“Thank you Applejack,” Twilight appreciated, “but we couldn't have done it without Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash lands next to the others. “Speaking of her,” Princess Celestia says as she walked to her, “thank you Rainbow Dash for helping us for defeating that prince.”

“Thank you your highness,” she appreciates her thanks, “but there's no way I could've done that awesome blast you all did!”

“However,” Princess Luna added, “if thou haven't interrupt the evil ruffian, we would have all been annihilated by his monstrous blast. Therefore, it's should be we who should eternally grateful of thou work.”

“O-Oh! I'm just doing my duty, your highness. I would do anything for my friends.”

“Well,” Fluttershy says, “I’m safe to say that this is the last time we see that horrifying monster.”

-UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” Vegeta manage to escape from the blast. He remains still and was speechless by the unspeakable powers of the ponies he faces. “Son of a b**ch! This can’t be happening! I’m the prince! I’m supposed to be the best by default! I’ll show those stupid b**ches! I’ll become the mighty Oozaru and crush him into the-” He stops and looks around at the sky. “Where’s the moon? WHERE’S THE D**N MOON?!

The ponies were about to leave the deserted wasteland and resume their peaceful lives. “It had been a weird day,” Twilight said. “We save Equestria from two dangerous invaders from another dimension. We manage to survive from one of the most powerful villain rage.”

“Sounds like something we do everyday,” Pinkie said.

“What are ya going ta do since the Wonderbolts are gone Dash,” Applejack asks.

“I think I should lead and train the recruits to become the new and improved Wonderbolts,” Rainbow bragged.

“When we get to Ponyville,” Pinkie says, “strawberry milkshakes to everypony! On the house!”

“I could go for a milkshake,” Rarity said.

“As do we,” Celestia said with Luna and Cadance by her side.

“Yay,” Pinkie cheers. “Come on everypony! Let's go!”

Before they were beginning to leave, Vegeta lands right behind them. They all turn around and they're completely shocked by his reappearance. “How are you not dead,” Rainbow yelled at him.

“Very clever, ponies,” Vegeta roars. “I’d taken you all for fools but it seems all of you are far more cunning than I thought! But destroying the moon won’t stop me!”

“What,” Celestia confused. “We didn't destroy the moon.”

“Then, where is it?”

“We control both the moon and the sun,” Luna answered.

“Huh… that's interesting. Then, summon your moon into the sky!”


“Why not?”

“Because we believe that thou have a sinister plan to destroy our world!”

“Fine! If you refuse to summon your moon, then I’ll make one!”

“Impossible! Thou can't make a moon!”

“Oh yeah!” Vegeta summons a bright orb from his hand. “My species have learned to create artificial moons that supply the necessary pl-”

WAIT,” Pinkie stops the prince. “I have a question. Are the moons made out of cheese?!”

Everypony, including Vegeta, remain quiet from the ridiculous question given by the random pony. “I’m going to enjoy this far more than I should.”

Finally, he threw the orb into space and there's another moon in space, which brought fear to the rest of the ponies. “Now watch, pathetic ponies! As your lives becomes inconsequential as I reveal my giant monkey-” They all gasps before he finished. “.... form!” They all sigh of relief.

“Oh come on,” Rainbow Dash annoyed by the Saiyan. “Of course, he can do a bunch of awesome things, but turning into a giant monster! I found that hard to believe-”

“Umm Dash,” Starlight grabs her attention.

Then, Vegeta began transforming into a giant ape. They watches as the Saiyan is growing into a half pony and half ape monster. The rest of the ponies only got one thing to say before the battle began, “Oh crack baskets!”


The Ultimate Battle Begin! The Great Ape Rampage!

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The citizens of Ponyville were rebuilding their damaged home after the attack of the Saiyans. The fire and smoke were immediately faded. The ponies helped and rescued others who were trapped in the rubble.

Suddenly, the ponies immediately stopped from the presence of the prince of the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor. He rushes through the crowd and trying to find his sister and wife. He stopped and he spotted Spike helping the citizens of Ponyville.

“Spike,” Shining Armor called him while trotting.

“Oh ha, Shining Armor,” the little dragon greeted him.

“Spike, have you seen Twilight and Cadance?! I heard what happened in Ponyville and the guards told me that Cadance and the other princesses headed here to help! Where are they?! Is Twilight okay?!”

“Oh, you should’ve been here, Shining Armor! It was really crazy! Me and the others were just thinking about what float we should build, until there was a bunch of explosions happen! There were these two crazy ponies-or aliens-or monkey ponies attack us!

“We even fought back with magic, punches, and even a bunch of Pinkie Pies, but no effect! They were completely unstoppable! I even almost die from this big one! They were about to kill us, until Rainbow Dash saves us and beat the heck out of this big guy! His boss destroyed him and right now they’re all fighting that guy!”

“What,” Shining Armor freaked out. “Twily is fighting it! We need to go help her!”

“Relax, there’s nothing to worry about. Princess Celestia and the other princesses headed towards her and help her out. With all four princesses together, there’s nothing they can’t handle-“

Then suddenly, a gigantic explosion occurred and shook the entire town of Ponyville. The explosion came from the same area where Twilight and the others headed. Shining Armor turns to Spike and told him, “So they can handle it, huh Spike?!”

Meanwhile, Twilight and the others were terrified by the unexpected transformation of the evil prince. Vegeta roars in his giant ape form as the group of ponies stood there paralyzed by his form. “Now, what are we going to do,” Rainbow Dash freaked out.

“Calm down everypony,” Pinkie calms them. “He’s just a giant monkey, which means he’s isn’t fast because he’s big!”

“You’re right Pinkie,” Twilight agreed. “Due to his size, there’s no way he can move-“

Suddenly, Vegeta dove his fist towards them, but the ponies managed to dodge his attack. “I was wrong! I was so horribly wrong!”

The ponies were dodging every one of Vegeta monstrous attacks. The princesses kept shielding the others from the giant ape blasts. Twilight rushes towards him and fired her blast, but the monster knocks her away and sent her to the ground.

“How is that, you pathetic pony,” Vegeta laughs. “My power level is ten times stronger in this form! Now, none of you can defeat me now!”

“We’re going to defeat you, Vegeta,” Twilight yelled at the Saiyan. “No matter what form you take, we will never give up!”

“Your talk means nothing to me! Now, prepare to die!”

Then, Rainbow Dash rushes towards the giant ape and kick him in the nose, but no effect. Vegeta grabs the pegasus as she’s struggling to break free. “Let me go, you freak,” she yelled.

“I don’t think so, bisexual! I am going to squish you until you turn to glue!”

Vegeta began to squeeze the brave pegasus as she screaming in total pain. Her friends watched in horror as their loyal friend is being tortured. The giant ape began laughing in pure evil as the pony is slowly dying.

Until, Princess Celestia appears in front of the ape face and releases a roaring bright flare, which blinding the Saiyan. Vegeta roared in anger as Celestia snatch Rainbow Dash and carry her to somewhere safe. The others began falling back while the evil prince is distracted.

“D**n,” he roared, “my eyes! Oh God! It’s like walking in on Frieza in the shower! Wait a minute… he’s always naked.” He screamed in horror when he realized that.

Twilight and the others hide within the rubble a couple of miles away from Vegeta. They were all worried about Rainbow Dash condition. “Rainbow Dash, are you going to be okay,” Twilight concerned.

“Yeah,” she responded with a weak tone. “I can still-“

When she tried to move, Rainbow Dash immediately grunted in pain and almost fallen to the ground, but Applejack caught her. “Slow down sugarcube,” she said while laying her down. “That rag bull almost killed ya back there. Y’all were very lucky to survive out of that.”

“She’s right, Rainbow Dash,” Celestia agrees. “If I didn’t make it in time, he could’ve ended your life in an instant. I advise you to rest while we’ll take care of that monster.”

“With all due respect your majesty,” Rainbow Dash argue while picking herself up, “you all need my help. I can handle that jerk-“

Rainbow body kept shutting down when she tried to move. Rarity and Applejack both caught her before she could hit the ground. “Darling,” Rarity concerned, “you need to rest! If you’re going to face that ruffian like this, then he will kill you! Please rest!”

The pegasus grunted at the truth and sighed in defeat. “Fine. I’ll rest.”

“We will handle this creature while the rest of thous will get somewhere safe,” Luna told them.

“Now wait a dadgum minute,” Applejack stops the princesses. “We can’t let y’all handle that big bull by y’all lonesome. Y’all need our help!”

“We cannot risk losing any of thou during the fight. Thous must flee at once.”


“She’s right, Applejack,” Twilight told her friend. “I don’t any of you to get hurt like Rainbow Dash. Plus, Rainbow Dash needs all of you to take care of her.”

“But Twi-“

“No but, Applejack! Get Rainbow Dash and the others out of here now! The princesses and I will handle Vegeta!”

“But-” Finally, Applejack sighs in defeat and reply, “Alright, sugarcube. Just promise that y’all make it back”

“I promise.”

Applejack and Rarity help carry Rainbow Dash to safety as the others follow them. Starlight turned to Twilight and told her, “Be careful, Twilight.”

“I will.”

Finally, Twilight and the other princesses prepare to fight Vegeta great ape form. The four alicorns group together to fire an ultimate blast as the evil prince regaining his eyesight. “Finally,” Vegeta spoke as his eyes barely open, “I can see again. Alright you pathetic ponies, I am going to kill all of you!”

“It’s over, Vegeta,” Twilight shouted at the prince of Saiyans. “You shall face the combined power of the princesses of Equestria-”

Sadly, Vegeta manages to fire an enormous blast from his mouth and blew them away without giving them a chance to attack. As the alicorns were laying on the ground injured, the great ape called them out, “Ha ponies, what’s the opposite of Christopher Walken?!”

“I… don’t… know… who’s,” Twilight barely speak from her injuries.


The giant ape jumped into the air and stamped on the princess of friendship lower legs as the princess screamed in pain. Her screams echoed through the valley and reach to her friends. Starlight and the others were shocked by their best friend torment. “That was Twilight,” she told them.

“She’s in terrible danger,” Fluttershy terrified.

“Come on, girls,” Rainbow Dash stood up bravely for her friends ignoring the pain. “We need to go save Twilight!”

“Darling,” Rarity calmed her friend, “you’re in no condition to fight. That ruffian really hurt.”

“She’s right, sugarcube,” Applejack agreed. “If ya attack that ape, he will kill ya.”

“Screw that! Twilight needs our help! And I am not gonna let my injuries get in the way! I am going to take that big jerk down once and for all!”

The rainbow pegasus flew off to save her friend as the others were left behind. “Rainbow,” Starlight called her, “come back!” She turned to the others and told them, “Come on girls! We need to go and save them!”

Meanwhile, Vegeta was torturing the young princess in front of the others. The great ape picked up Twilight and preparing to end her life. “Now,” The monstrous prince laughed, “pathetic pony, time to crush you like an Arlian!”

“A… w-what,” Twilight coughs confused.

“Exactly, now die!”

Then suddenly, Celestia and the others used their last strength to blast the great ape in the eye, thus freeing Twilight from his grasp. Cadance flew in to catch her sister away from the prince as he’s roaring in pain. “AGAIN WITH THE F****ING EYE!! GOD D****IT!! AND I AM ALREADY SICK OF THOSE F****ING BEEPS!!”

“I got you, Twilight,” Cadance comforts Twilight as she’s carrying her to safety.

“Thank you, Cadance,” Twilight hugs her sister.

Sadly, their escape was foiled when Vegeta knocks them out of the sky. When Twilight crashes to the ground, Celestia and Luna rush to her aid, but the great ape knocks them away from her location. The monster stood in front of the princess and laughs as she’s crying in pain. “I’m already sick and tired of you dumb ponies and this stupid world! Now, I am going to destroy you once and for-”

Rainbow Dash dashes towards the ape and kicks him in the nose. “FIRST THE EYE AND THEN THE NOSE!!”

“Rainbow Dash,” the purple alicorn called her friend.


“You think I am gonna stay down and let you hurt my friends,” Rainbow Dash yelled at that great ape. No matter what you do to me! No matter the pain you gave me! Even if my body breaks, I will always defend my friends and family!”

“What a pathetic heroic speech,” Vegeta laughs. “Sadly, here’s a good question…” The evil prince grabbed the wounded pegasus while she let her guard down. “How can you defend them… if you’re dead?!”

Then, the monstrous ape began squeezing the life out of her as Rainbow Dash is screaming in pain. Twilight and her sister tried to save her, but Vegeta used his tail to knock them away. The sinister prince laughs as he’s torturing the poor pegasus.

Starlight and the others rush to aid their friends from the dreaded Saiyan. Suddenly, they ran into two more friendly faces, Spike and Shining Armor. “Spike? Prince Shining Armor,” Starlight surprised. “How did you two get here so fast?!”

“Never mind that,” the unicorn prince told her, “where’s my wife and my sister?!”

“They’re being attacked by a giant ape! We could really use your help!”

“Just point me where that dirty ape is and I will end it!”

“Hold it, sugarcube,” Applejack stopped him. “We need ta come up with ah plan ta bring down their vermin.”

“This is my wife and my sister lives we’re talking about! I won’t let that monster kill them!”

“And we won’t let them, darling,” Rarity tried to calm him down. “All we need is a plan-”

Suddenly, they heard the cries of their close friend Rainbow Dash being tortured by the Saiyan. ”That’s Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy cried. ”She’s in trouble!”

“Alright, get out of my way,” Shining Armor order them as he drew his sword. “I’ll handle this.”

“Prince Shining Armor, please listen to us,” Starlight Glimmer stop him. “We need to figure out how to defeat that monster. If we’re just gonna attack it head on, then there’s no chance that any of us will defeat him. Which means that Twilight and the others won’t survive.”

“Listen to her, Shining Armor,” Spike begs him. “If we’re going to save Twilight and Cadance, we need to come up with a plan!”

The stallion was frightened by the facts and the truth of what will happen if he faced the Saiyan by himself. Shining Armor sighs as he draws his sword back. “Alright,” he said. “What do we have to do?”

“Don’t worry, I already came up with one,” Starlight told them.

Meanwhile, the evil Vegeta is still torturing the rainbow pony by squeezing her to death. “ALRIGHT LITTLE PONY,” the great ape laughs. “LET ME HEAR THOSE BONES SHATTER!!” He kept squeezing her very hard, until he heard a squeak from her. “What the?!” He repeatedly squeezes her, causing Rainbow Dash to squeak a bunch of times. “OH MY GOD!! THAT IS HILARIOUS!!”

“You big dumb jerk,” Rainbow Dash yells at him in pain. “That’s my ribs crushing my lungs-” Vegeta squeezes her again as he’s laughing sinisterly.


The great ape turned and immediately spotted Starlight Glimmer, standing bravely before the prince. “Oh, very creative,” he said to her. “And what exactly will you do if I don’t?!”

Before she could tell him, Starlight noticed the others sneak behind the mad prince and began their plan. As the purple unicorn talks to Vegeta, Applejack throw a rope around the ape tail and tied it as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike carries Twilight and Cadance to safety.

“I’ll make you regret it,” Starlight distracted the great ape as her friends commit the plan. “The law of mass dictates that the mass of an object dramatically increases the force of impact when said object collides with the ground; and, with your size, you'll make an extensively large impact upon your inevitable defeat.”

Everyone was silent after what Starlight just said. “What,” both Vegeta and Rainbow Dash said confused.

“In shorter words; the bigger they are, the harder they fall!”

“Listen pony,” the evil prince told her, “you all are real brave and all but I had personal defeat your pathetic so-called leaders and this bisexual as well! And neither of you have the skill or energy-”


Applejack and Rarity used the rope to pull the great ape tail as Shining Armor charges at it with his sword. They were about to cut his tail, until Vegeta did a backflip, knocking them away from him. “... to take me on,” he finished after he landed.

“Th-That’s impossible,” the purple unicorn shocked by the outcome.

“Now, it’s time for me to end the bisexual pony!”


The great ape kicks Starlight away from him and places his hand on Rainbow Dash. “Any last words, pony!”

“I-I am so… sorry girls,” Rainbow Dash with her dying breath. “I let you all down… I’m so sorry…” Her friends watch helplessly as their friend was about to die from Vegeta.


Vegeta was about to snap the pegasus neck in front of her friends, until a slice causes the great ape to gasps in complete shock. A red colored royal guard, Sword Light, uses his sword to slices the ape tail off. The guard screams as he ran away from the Saiyan.

The great ape dropped the rainbow pony and he stood paralyzed by the loss of his tail. “God-GOD D**N IT!!” He roared as he deformed back to his pony form. He stood there growling after he let his guard down.

“He’s… He’s back to normal,” Spike cheered as the others are still scared of the evil prince. “Guys, we can do this! We can beat him! WE HAVE A CHAN-” Vegeta rushes at the little dragon and knocks him across the field. “Oh-Ohhhh Celestia,” he cried in pain.