Reach For the Stars, Grabbed an Apple

by Evowizard25

First published

Starlight wants nothing more then to get revenge on Twilight. That means she might have to play nice with a certain stallion.

Starlight Glimmer is planning her revenge. She wants to wipe away the ones who took everything from her. Who destroyed her dreams. So she's decided to trail them and learn their secrets, especially that meddling alicorn's. The key to it all is that they don't know about it.

Unfortunately, one stallion knows and Starlight's going to have to play nice in order to keep him quiet.

Prologue: Found in a Snowstorm

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Starlight Glimmer

I wanted to hate the snow. It was so bitterly cold. It felt like it was draining every ounce of heat and energy from my body with each step as it smacked against my fur. I idly wondered if I should have brought some clothes with me when I ran from my town. I should have, but now wasn’t the time to complain. I had more important matters to attend to, like trudging through this mother bucking snow storm!

It wasn’t that bad. I could still see where I was going. A normal pony could get through it just fine. I wasn’t normal. I was starving and I didn’t have the natural resources to survive. So yes, I wanted to hate this infernal frozen water for trying to kill me.

Yet I couldn’t. Snow was perfect. It was always white in its natural form. It spread itself over everything, coating everything in the same sheen. Everything was white underneath it. You could hardly tell what was what when it got too thick. It was a great equalizer. The pegasi who made and distributed the snow could rot in the deepest pits of Tartarus. After I equalized them, I’d make them clean toilets or something.

That thought warmed me inside. Not enough to save my hide, but enough that I could manage to smile. At least when they found my corpse, they’ll know I was found with a smile on my face. I want Twilight Sparkle to know she hadn’t robbed me of all my happiness… The trick is that I don’t have any outside of small ideas at the moment, but I’ll regain my town’s trust and I’ll get back at her. I’ll make her pay for what she did to me. Then everything will go back to making sense again.

I just needed to find somewhere to hide from this storm. I was not going to die of frost if I could help it. I was going to show this snow who was boss. I was the master of this terrain. ME! I overcame a cave full of bats and monsters in a frigid mountain. A simple snowstorm wouldn’t get me…

I fell… I felt so tired. I wanted to get up, but… I would make it. I will make it… Why is it hard to think? I should be getting up but I can’t. I want to but I feel so sleepy. No, I can’t fall asleep. If I do that, I won’t wake up…. But a little rest won’t hurt, then I’ll get moving.

“Miss, ya got to get up.” A voice called out to me. It sounded country but was quite sexy if I thought about it. Maybe I’m going delusional with the cold. That’s got to be it, but a sexy stallion would be welcome either way.

I felt a strong furry arm wrap around me. The muscles that ran through it were amazing to feel. I was really delirious to be feeling this. It put me on something equally furry and muscled. Yes, this was nice…

“Stay awake,” the voice called out to me. He nuzzled me to keep my eyes open.

I did my best and we went running somewhere. I don’t know, I just knew that this was a strange way to go. I mean, fantasizing about being rescued by a muscular stallion? What’s next, was it going to turn out to be Sunburst who wants to tell me he loves me? HA!


Big Macintosh

It was just my luck that ah’d get caught in a blizzard on my way home. Ah just had to say yes to that invite. Ah didn’t have to sing. Ah love singin’. AIn’t no reason to deny that, but it definitely wouldn’t have been my choice if’n ah knew the storm would get this bad. Ah could barely see what was twenty hoof steps in front of me. Ah thank ma and pa for makin’ me so big, else this storm might have gotten to me earlier.

Ah wasn’t gonna push my luck though. Every minute in this storm was another it tried to freeze me to death. Ah had to keep movin’. Ah had survived Discord, Nightmare Rarity sendin’ her goons to town, and all sorts of monsters. Snow and wind wasn’t gonna do me in. No sirree cob. Ah was goin’ to make it home and have some hot and fresh apple pie with my kin. That’s what was gonna go down.

That’s when ah noticed somethin’. It was a mare and she wasn’t wearin’ anything to keep herself warm. Ah squinted my eyes and noticed that it was a unicorn. Them magic users can’t handle the weather as well as the others so ah wondered why she thought she could brave this storm. Maybe she was forced to brave it to get some supplies or a traveller going through town. Ah made a mental note to have the Mayor post some bulletins around town with the weather schedule.

She wasn’t walking straight. She wobbled in her steps and then fell over. My eyes widened. If she fell asleep in the middle of this storm, she’d be a gonner. Ah quickly made my way over to her, “Miss, ya got to get up.”

She barely moved her head and mumbled. Ah sighed. Ah needed to get her to safety. Unfortunately, the farm was too far away. Ah’d have to take her to a nearby barn and hope it doesn’t fall on us. Ah picked her up in my hooves and splayed her over my back. Ah noticed she was closin’ her eyes again.

Ah nuzzled her, “Stay awake.” Ah said firmly. She smiled slightly as if she was amused by what ah said. Ah trudged through the snow, eventually findin’ the barn ah set up a week ago. Ah opened and shut the door behind us, locking it. The barn was still in good condition so it kept out the pounding winds. Quickly, ah put her in a big bale of hale and started to cover her body in it. It would help her keep warm, ah hope. She was still awake. Just barely if her muttering and lazy eye movements were any indication.

Ah looked out the window to the raging storm. It would be a long night. The walls would protect us. Twilight Sparkle had done some sort of magic to the walls that kept everything inside toasty and warm. It was somethin’ AJ mentioned when they had a slumber party here a week ago. Ah turned my attention down to the shivering mare. Ah placed myself right next to her, letting my own body warmth keep hers company. She’d be better in the mornin’ though ah frowned when ah looked her over.

She seemed extremely skinny. Ah moved some hay away to see that she was almost skin and bones. She hadn’t been eatin’ well. Ah guess with winter comin’ earlier this year, she didn’t get much chance to snack on the grass. Still, after this ah told myself to get her somethin’ to eat. A warm apple cider and some cobbler would do her some good. That would wait till mornin’ though. For now, we just needed to rest.

“Okay,” ah softly spoke to her. “Ya can rest now.”

The mare seemed to sigh in relief and drifted off. Ah hope she was dreamin’ of somethin’ pleasant. Ah soon followed her as ah closed my eyes.

Fluffy Cloud is Sent For Brunch

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*Starlight Glimmer*

I groaned as I finally came back into the world of consciousness. It’s a nice place, if you like waking up to find that all your hopes and dreams are gone. Aside from that awful feeling, it’s okay. I still prefer my dreams where I made Twilight Sparkle my personal maid. Hehehe, yes. That’s what I’m going to do. She’ll have to clean my floors with a toothbrush every day of her life. We’ll see how she likes it when she has her life taken from her.

Hmmm, I could do better. Yet, what? How am I going to beat her? How long is it going to take? What is this soft and warm thing next to me? Maybe the pegasi did their job but messed it up somehow. One of the clouds might have fallen to the ground. I don’t know if it’s possible, but eh. It’s nice and cozy.

Then it started to move. I frowned. I needed my fuzzy cloud. I grabbed it with my hooves, but it kept pulling away. It should stay still. You know, like a regular cloud. Why should this cloud be different? It should be the same. IT SHOULD BE EQUAL SO I CAN CUDDLE IT! My horn lit up and the cloud was back at my side. I smiled. I still had enough magic in me to do a few things.

I nuzzled the cloud, noticing it was firmer than your average cloud. I loved it, but it wasn’t the same as other clouds. I’d have to look into this and sort this out when I equalize Equestria. Everypony will thank me when I make this the standard of all future clouds. I heard something grunt nearby but paid it no heed. It was probably just a wild animal of some kind. It would go away.

Then I felt a pair of strong hooves pull me away from my cloud. I was being robbed! They must have seen my wondrous cloud and thought to take it from me. These fiends! We should share it equally, but I would show them. They will all have equal amounts of pain and torment. I opened my eyes, “Who dares to take my fluffy cloud?!!”

A large red stallion was laying down where my fluffy cloud should have been. His eyes widened in surprise, illuminated by my glowing horn. I looked down to see it was his hooves that were pulling me away. I touched his forearm which felt just like my fluffy cloud… So my fluffy cloud was a stallion…

Okay, hold on a minute. Usually it’s a sexy stallion and then I wake up to a fluffy cloud. Now it’s the opposite? Stick to one set of circumstances, universe. I waited for the stallion to do something. He didn’t. He just stared at me with those big kind eyes while he held me in his big strong arms…

I must be dreaming. This stallion was not anything like most stallions I’ve met. He was different… unequal. I scrunched up my muzzle when I realized he was still holding me, “Are you going to let me go?”

He looked down at my arms that were still tightly wrapped around him. Then back to me with a slight frown.

I blushed slightly in embarrassment and let go, “I thought you were a fluffy cloud.” Oh great, I said that aloud. He didn’t need to know that.

“It happens,” he simply said. His deep voice seemed to shake me slightly. It might be because of how skinny I am right now.

“Right,” I got to standing up, but fell to my haunches. I was weaker then I thought.

“Ya alright?” The stallion asked.

“Oh I’m fine,” I tried my best to smile. I didn’t need him getting curious about who I am. If he did find out, he would tell somepony and they could potentially tell Twilight Sparkle. Just thinking about that mare infuriated her. “My legs just feel asleep is all. I’ll be up and out of your mane in no time.”

“Sure?” The stallion quirked an eyebrow.

He doubted me. Ugh, just what I need. I could use some magic to make him forget, but I’m not sure if I have enough power to do that sort of spell right now. It’s best if I just leave, “Never better. You can just go on ahead outside and we’ll never have to see each other again. I’ll be fine on my own.”

He gave me a ‘I don’t believe you’ sort of stare.


He rolled his eyes and gestured to my body.

“I’m on a diet,” I rolled my eyes. Hopefully he would fall for that.

He didn’t look like he did.

I gritted my teeth, “Are you going to actually ask me something or just stare at me like I’m an injured puppy?”

“Ah don’t do much talkin’,” the stallion responded. “But ah can tell you’re not doin’ so well right now. Need some help?”

First of all, I really don’t like the silent types. I prefer a stallion or mare to actually say what is on their minds. Bottling it up is frustrating and you never know what silent types are thinking. That and it’s annoying to talk to them. Second of all, I couldn’t accept his help. He would get me in trouble.

So I scoffed and brushed off his aid, “No, I don’t need your help. I just need to be on my way.”

“It’s cold outside.”

“Nooooo,” I dragged out that word, glaring up at the stallion. “You don’t say. I never would have guessed with all the snow around. You’re a regular Smart Cookie, aren’t you?”

The stallion simply rolled his eyes as though he’d dealt with such quips before. He stood up himself and… wow, he really is big. Like… wow. “Hungry?”

I opened my mouth to say I wasn’t, but my stomach betrayed me. It grumbled out loud. The stallion chuckled. “Just a snack. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.”

The stallion frowned, “Don’t ya wanna come back to the barn and get it yerself?”

This was the moment of truth. I had to think of something. Anything. I nervously looked around, “Ummmm… I can’t.”


“Because… I’m not good with other ponies.” I looked down to the floor. It wouldn’t hurt to tell some of the truth. “I’ve never… been all that good. So if you could please just get me a snack, that would be great. Also, don’t tell anypony I’m here. I just want to be on my way.”

The stallion frowned, “If’n that’s what ya want.” He made his way to the door, “What’s yer name, by the way.”

“Just go get the snack,” I huffed.

“Big Macintosh, if’n ya were wonderin’.” The stallion offered. “It’s polite to introduce yerself.”

“Well I’m hungry,” I glared at him. “So please, just go and get me something to eat.”


*Big Macintosh*

She was truly a strange mare. She seemed so defensive even when ah was tryin’ to help. Well, come to think of it, she did wake up in the arms of a stallion. Any mare would get a little uppity and a bit scared. Ah couldn’t blame her for feelin’ that way. Still, ah don’t know why anypony would be going out in a blizzard like that. She might be hidin’ somethin’.

Ah stopped that thought. It aint my place to go snoopin’ around her backstory and whatnot. She needed some help and help is what ah’m gonna give her. Thankfully ah didn’t have to go far to get to the farm. Ah’d already whipped her up a few daisy sandwiches and apple cider to go with it. It wouldn’t hurt anythin’ to use some of our winter stock. We’ve got plenty on hoof.

“Howdy Mac,” Applejack walked into the kitchen. “Makin’ some brunch?”

“Eyup,” ah nodded.

Applejack quirked an eyebrow as she looked over the food in the cloth, “Takin’ it out?”


“But it’s freezin’ out there,” Applejack huffed. “It don’t make a lick of sense. Might as well just eat it before ya get up to whatever it is yer up to.”

“Fixin’ the barn.”

Applejack sighed. That excuse always worked since the barn really did have a bad track record. Half of which is thanks to lil’ Applebloom. Ah love that filly to death, but she can be a hoof full. “Just don’t stay out too long. There might be another storm comin’ this way.”

“Ah’ll be back soon,” ah commented and made to leave.

“A mighty big meal for just ya, though.” Applejack quipped.

“Might be out fer a while,” ah called back. Ah was thankful ah wasn’t that talkative youngster ah was back in the day or else ah would have blabbed about the mare. That wouldn’t have done her any good. AJ wouldn’t do anything to harm her, but that mare seemed scared. She wouldn’t say it, but ah knew she was hidin’ somethin’. Maybe if ah play my cards right, she’ll talk.

“Take care now,” Applejack called out.

"Will do," and then ah made my way towards the barn and that mysterious mare. Hopefully she wasn't too malnourished. Poor thing was as thin as a dried up tree. She might not be goin' anywhere soon in her condition. Maybe ah can talk her into stayin' fer a bit till she gets better. That's if she doesn't try and use me as her 'fluffy cloud' after she's on her hooves again.

Wouldn't mind that.

Future Scheme

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Starlight Glimmer

I usually eat my food quite slowly. That way I can take equal bites each time. A lot of ponies found it weird, but this way I know that I’m eating safely. It I eat a piece too large, I risk choking. If it’s too small, it makes me look like a rat nibbling on cheese. At least, that’s what a hobo once told me. You can trust hobos, since they really have no real reason to lie.

Unless said hobo was a jerk, thus you should hit them with a dumpster lid. I learned that the hard way after the orphanage kicked me out. Geeze, you knock one pony through three walls and suddenly you’re a menace.

Given how hungry I am, it was extremely hard not to just chow down like a barbarian. I was able to keep myself under control, however. Thankfully, he didn’t comment on my habit. This Big Macintosh ate in his own pace. Eating in even intervals. Slowly chewing each piece perfectly. Equally… With those big, strong jaws.

I slightly shook my head to get rid of those thoughts. It didn’t matter if he ate so equally or how gorgeous he looked in his own country fashion. He was a complication and once this meal was over, I’d be gone. However, there was a complication. I had intended just to snack and leave, but this apple cider was just delicious. That I could afford to, just in this specific case, drink unequally. It felt wrong, but it felt so right to have it pass down my throat.

“Ah see ya like the cider,” Big Macintosh spoke up.

I blushed slightly and folded my ears back as I finished emptying my second mug. “It’s really good.”

“Thanks, we try our best.” He answered and went back to eating.

As I went to finish my second sandwich, I couldn’t help but feel a bit of gratitude for all of this. “Umm… thank you.”

“Yer welcome.”

“No really, thank you for saving me.” He had idly told me what had happened in the blizzard when we started to eat. “If you hadn’t come along, I’d be… dead.”

“Don’t need to thank me,” Big Macintosh offered a smile. “Just doin’ what’s right.”

“Still, thank you all the same.” A part of me wanted to do something for him to repay his service to me, but another part of me still wanted to leave as soon as possible.

“Ya know ya aint fit to go wanderin’ on yer own,” Big Macintosh said.

I narrowed my eyes, “What do you mean? I’m plenty fit.”

“You’re skin and bones,” he pointed out.

I huffed and crossed my forelimbs, “I’m still healthy enough to make it to another town.”

“Not in this weather,” he shook his head. “Ya need to stay inside where it’s warm.”

“I don’t need anything,” I scowled. Was he onto me? Did he know who I was and was just stalling for somepony? No, I don’t think so. “I’m fine.”

“Sayin’ it ain’t gonna make it true,” Big Macintosh stated. “Yer gonna stay here until ya get better. If’n ya want to go to the house or the hospital, ya can and ah’ll help ya. If’n ya want to stay here, ah’ll do my best to make it comfortable.”

“And why should I choose between those options,” I scoffed. “I don’t know this town. It could be filled with thieves and such that will do me harm.” Very, very unequal thieves that all have differing agendas. Why is that? They should all want the same thing and take equal amounts of effort to do so. Why are thieves so unequal? When I get in control, I’ll do away with thieves all together.

He chuckled, “Ya don’t know what town yer in, do ya?” I shook my head. “This here is Ponyville and ah don’t think anypony is gonna try and steal from under the princess of friendship’s nose.”

My ears perked, “Princess of Friendship?” There was something about that title that felt familiar.

He nodded, “Yep, Princess Twilight Sparkle lives here.”

My eyes widened. The very pony I wanted to get revenge on lived in this town? Maybe I should leave when he gets out of here. Twilight will catch wind of me and… wait, but what if he doesn’t tell anypony? What if she doesn’t come out to the farm? I could have a base of operations so close to her that I could do whatever I wanted. I could watch her every move and plan how to make her miserable.

I grinned. Yes, this was perfect. Soon she would feel the pain and humiliation I felt. “You know what, you’re right. I’ll stay here, but please don’t tell anypony that I’m here. That’s very important.”

He nodded again, “Ah won’t.”

I beamed and gave him a light nuzzle, “Thank you. Thank you so much.” My large, sexy accomplish~



I hummed in delight as I watered my plants. My sister and I were lucky we owned a greenhouse since it allowed us to grow a number of flowers and other plants during the winter. It felt right, being able to grow things all year round. Usually, I get a little mopey in the winter. I mean, I can barely stand to watch all my precious roses wilt and die. It’s tragic! Hay, I can barely scream and run in panic in winter with all that depression gripping me. Well no more. This mare was a happy one.

“Hi Roseluck!” A pink face appeared upside down right in front of me.

I screamed! It was a monster. It was a horrible, horrible monster.

The pink face giggled, “Silly Roseluck, it’s me, Pinkie Pie.”

I paused for a moment. Then I started to scream! It was a monster. A horrible, horrible monster.

Pinkie laughed and jumped down from the ceiling, where I noticed four suction cups were still hanging on their own. “You’re funny, Roseluck.”

I sighed. Leave it to Pinkie Pie to give me my day’s worth of terror, “What do you want, Pinkie?” Don’t get me wrong. I don’t hate Pinkie. She’s a nice enough mare and fun to hang out with. She’s just… a bit too much for me to handle a lot of the time.

“Oh I just got a ‘somepony is out to get me and my friends, but there’s a chance for romance’ twitch and thought I’d ask how’re your roses.”

I blinked in confusion. I will never understand her Pinkie Sense, “They are doing fine.”

Pinkie nodded, “Good and remember to keep some purple roses hoofy. You never know when somepony wants to purple instead of red roses. I mean, red roses are great but they get so boring if you get them all the time. I mean, my coltfriend just kept getting me red roses. Can you believe it?”

I gave her a deadpan stare.

Pinkie nervously smiled, “Oh right, sorry Roseluck. I meant no offense.”

“None taken,” I sighed. It’s best to just take whatever she throws my way. “I’ll keep an eye on them and this ‘stalker’ of yours.”

“Thanks,” she pulled me into a hug, which was a bit bonecrushing. “You’re the bestest.” She let go and hopped away. “See you later.”

“But what about-” I looked up and the suction cups were gone. My eyes widened. “But….” I groaned and rubbed my forehead. “It’s Pinkie Pie. Don’t question it.”