> For those we love . . . > by bloodwolf432 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There comes a day in most ponies lives when they are ready to get married and settle down. Have a few foals, watch them grow, get married, and have foals of their own. Then we pass on and join the Great Herd. Love is blind they say, that it doesn’t recognize looks or species. That can be true, but what isn’t accounted for is that love is not only blinding but also binding. For those we love, we can be forced into situations we may not want to find ourselves in. For those we love, we may be forced to do acts that will hurt others. For those we love, we may be forced to die for them. Faith tested and bonds strained, I will do anything for her. Because of my love for her, I will do what I must to see her smile even if its for just one last time. I have made many mistakes, one of them being not telling her how I feel until it was too late. For the one I love, I will correct that mistake and save her from making the biggest mistake of her life. The wedding was set during the middle of the summer, right on the Summer Sun Celebration. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna themselves would be performing the ceremony. He had swept into Ponyville one day, out of the blue. My sister and her friends were naturally angry at first after what had happened last time they had met. He surprised them all by getting down on his knees and apologizing. I knew better though, I could smell something off about him the moment I laid eyes on him. And it wasn’t the cologne he was using though a few birds were dropping from the overpowering smell of it. I should’ve figured he’d go after her. I mean, who wouldn’t want Twilight Sparkle, the Princess’s personal protégé? I knew he was only doing it to increase his fame and power. If he could get into her good graces, he would have an easier time getting to the Princess so that she would listen to him more. He wooed her, slowly but surely, winning her over with rare books and artifacts that she simply adored. I had confronted him on it one day, knowing what exactly what he was up too. He had laughed at me, asking what good it would do me. I threatened to reveal what his plans were if he didn’t leave right away. He scoffed at this. He asked why she would believe me when I had no proof. All I had was jealous ramblings and baseless accusations. I knew he had me there, she wouldn’t believe somepony like me without proof. That’s when the tables turned. He threatened me of what would happen to Twilight when, not if but when, they got married. How he would torture her in so many ways and keep her locked away from the sun rays. He would break her down and retrain her to be his personal slave. I accused him of how Princess Celestia would find out but he simply laughed. He had plans for that, but would not reveal them. His deal was that I was too back off and not to approach her for any reason what so ever. No notes, no hidden messages, nothing. In return, he would not harm her after the marriage. I begrudgingly agreed, knowing that there was no way at the moment I could stop him. He laughed as he walked away, saying he would send me a letter after the honeymoon with all the details on how she would scream his name for more. Never before had I felt such rage flow through me, wanting nothing more than to crush him under hoof. But for her safety, I would have to stay away. The days passed by and the Summer Sun Celebration was tomorrow. The wedding would take place in the castle itself, when the sun hit its apex. I knew with a heavy heart that there was nothing I could do, depression setting in. I took up drinking, trying to drown out my sorrows. A friend of mine, Jack O’Lantern who ran the joke shop, found me there one day. He was an rust orange colored pony with a black mane and tail with a grinning pumpkin for his cutie mark. He asked me what was wrong and I told him what was going to happen. How the mare of my dreams was going to make the greatest mistake of her life and there was not a single thing I could do about it. He asked me why I did nothing to stop it. I told him of Blueblood’s warning and how I did not want Twilight hurt. He sat down next to me and grabbed a drink of his own, sipping it quietly before turning towards me. He told me how that if I did nothing, not only would my life be ruined but hers as well. He told me that if I did nothing, nothing would stop Blueblood from doing everything he said anyways. He told me that if I did nothing, that I would always look back to this moment, the moment where I could’ve done something, and let it slip right past me as I drowned my sorrows in drink. I knew in that moment, that he was right. For her, I would do what needed to be done. Thanking Jack, I left the bar and made my way to Canterlot with a fire in my heart and determination in my eyes. When I reached the gates to the castle, the guards denied me entry. Blueblood must’ve taken the precaution of warning the guards of my attempt to disrupt the wedding. I head butted the first and bucked the other in the face, knocking both out. I took off through the courtyard and into the halls, only to be met with a squad of unicorns. I knew that I didn’t stand much of a chance against their magic when I saw something small and orange fly over my head. It landed between the hooves of the guards and went up in a poof of yellow powder. When it cleared, the guards were all on the floor itching like crazy. I turned to see Jack standing there with a smirk on his face and a small grinning pumpkin bouncing in one hoof. I nodded to him in thanks and we both ran down the hall to find the wedding. We encountered several more patrols, me taking out the pegasi and earth ponies while Jack dealt with the unicorns. Eventually we were separated when a large group of guards started pursuing us. Jack stayed behind to delay them shouting for me to go on. I was loathe to leave him but he would have none of it. I encountered only a few more guards, thankfully only earth ponies and pegasi. However, the last guard, a rather large earth pony, managed to get a lucky strike in with his spear and got me in the side. I knocked him out as well, wincing as the blood leaked from my side. The only guards left between me and the doors which held the wedding behind them were only a few pegasi, all holding crossbows. I dodged a few but by the time I reached the doors, some bolts had lodged themselves into my side with one tickling something inside. They had reached the part for those to raise any objections to speak now, I was just in time! I used what little strength I had left and pushed the doors open . . . “Ah object” a voice wheezed through the throne room. A collective swish of heads turning and gasps at seeing the pony in the doors bloody and battered. Twilight’s head turned slowly to see the pony standing there, her eyes widening at who it was and the condition the pony was in. She rushed down the aisle, ignoring Blueblood’s protests. I could feel her cradling my head and her tears leaking down onto my face. I had already lost the strength to speak so I used what I had left to raise my head to her face and let my forehead rest against her horn. I remembered from a book that unicorn horns were sensitive not only magic but strong emotions as well. If I could, maybe I convey not only what I felt but what Blueblood intended as well. Twilight felt her eyes widen at the sudden rush through her. The overwhelming love for her and the hate at Blueblood for what he was going to do after they were married. Her eyes narrowed as she turned to him, the Prince suddenly starting to sweat bullets. Her mane and tail caught flame as her anger grew to unnatural levels and hurled Blueblood with her magic across the room and into a wall where he collapsed to the floor. I could hear her telling the Princesses what Blueblood had intended and let them deal with him as she turned back to me. I smiled weakly up at her as I shakily placed a hoof against her cheek. With one last burst of my strength, I managed to find my voice for one last sentence. “Ah love you Twilight Sparkle” I said as the darkness covered my eyes. “I love you too Big Macintosh, I love you too” Twilight wept, smiling at him as his eyes closed slowly. The room was filled with her wails as Mac’s chest slowly decreased in speed before falling still. For the one I loved, I told her how I felt. For the one I loved, I did everything I could to see her smile one last time. And the one I loved, told me she loved me too. For the one you love, what would you do? > Five years later > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight gazed out over the hill, just gazing at the apple trees in Sweet Apple Acres. She let the wind breeze over her, carrying a cool chill and the smell of apples. Five years, it had been five years since the incident at Canterlot. Where she nearly made the mistake of her life. She felt a few tears fall down her face as she remembered Big Mac laid there, bloodied and beaten just to show her the truth of what would happen and how he felt for her. Unicorns were the most proficient in magic usage due to the fact they could actively use their magic. Earth Ponies and Pegasi had magic as well but nearly as much as Unicorns and could not easily access it. Pegasi used their magic to help them fly through the air, Rainbow Dash also used it whenever she performed a Sonic Rainboom. Earth Ponies have theirs constantly travel through their bodies, making them stronger and hardier than the other two types. Plus, they could unconsciously use their magic to help plants grow. With Unicorns, they were able to tap into the energy that is magic and channel it through the focal point that is their horn. It’s position on their foreheads allowed them to better focus on the object of their desire in addition with being able to tap into the mind to properly understand what they wished to do which is why no distracted Unicorn can properly cast magic. However, with it being so close to their brain outside influences can affect them. The example being with Big Macintosh and pressing all this emotion through her horn with the little magic Earth Ponies possessed. It was an astonishing feat as Earth Ponies normally could not consciously access their magic. ‘Just another thing that makes him so wonderful’ Twilight mentally sighed. She could just imagine it now, him walking up behind her and enjoying the sight with her. “Hey there Sugarcube, what are you doing up here by yourself?” Mac’s asked, sitting down next to her. “You know, just reminiscing” Twilight sighed. “About what?” Mac asked. “You know, what happened five years ago” Twilight said, sniffling as the tears threatened to come up again. “Oh Twilight, Ah thought you would’ve been over it by now” Mac said. “What happened to me wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know.” Twilight lowered her head as more tears fell. “But if I had just admitted my feelings to you, if I had just saw through Blueblood’s lies, you would-” “Twilight, don’t go down this road” Mac warned turning to face her. “Life is not made of ‘what ifs’. I never blamed you, not once for what happened to me.” “But-” “Hush Sugarcube” Mac said holding a hoof over her lips. “Now just enjoy this here view with me.” So the two sat there quietly, enjoying each other’s company while staring over Sweet Apple Acre’s. “Come on Twilight, Scootaloo is going to get antsy if you’re not there to help her with her new writing cutie mark” Mac said. Twilight wiped away any remnant traces of her tears and smiled up at Mac. “You’re right. I just hope she hasn’t used up all the paper trying to do it on her own.” So they walked, side by side through Ponyville till reaching the library. “Mom, dad! I finally did it!” Scootaloo cheered, flying through the door and crashing into her father. It had been one year after Princess Celestia had saved Big Macintosh’s life and personally wed the two at Sweet Apple Acre’s. They had found the poor filly huddled inside the tree house during the winter season and discovered she was an orphan. After the proper paperwork had been filed, she had become a part of the family. “That’s great sweetheart” Twilight smiled, using her magic to lift the dazed filly up. “I finally wrote something good!” she said, puffing out her chest and fluttering her wings. “Here, look!” “How about we read it together, inside?” Twilight suggested. "As a family" Mac said, holding the door open. "As a family" Scootaloo cheered. "As a family" Twilight agreed, smiling. So the three walked into the house together, as a family. The End. A/N. Hey everypony, Blood here. I noticed how depressed some people were with the last chapter and decided to make an alt ending to it. I know it's not that good but I hope you enjoyed it. Comments as always are appreciated. And if you have the time check out my other two stories.