> Honey Painting...? > by RainbowsInReality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Oh... You're Painting... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RainbowsInReality Oh... You're Painting.. ~~~ "Sorry boys, but I've got plans" Dash said as she flew off into the distance with two Wonderbolts; Soarin and Wave Chill. After about 5 minuets of flying into the distance, making sure nopony was around. Dash said "So, what are we doing now?" Soarin and Wave Chill looked at each other. "Umm... Well..." Soarin stuttered. He looked at Chill. "I guess, we could fly...." Wave gave Soarin a flat expression. "Oh come on! We fly everyday. How about- Oh! We can 'Paint'" Dash looked at the stallions faces. A goofy grin on one, a excited smile on the other. "What... Is it?" Dash asked confused. The stallions looked at each other grinning madly. "Oh... Well. We'll teach you." Soarin said. ~~~ "Hehehee... This IS fun!" Dash said. She had a stick in her mouth, honey on the end of it. The was wiping the honey all over the place. The game was wherever the honey fell, you had to lick it off. "One rule." Soarin quickly said. "You are not allowed to put it anywhere were it might be.... Sexual..." Soarin hesitated the last word. "Yeah, yeah! We get it!" Wave flaunted rolling his eyes. "Now come on! Dash you go first." Dash through the stick in the air. The honey dropped onto a hoof. "Oh.... Ok." Dash said looking at the light blue hoof. She quickly stuck her tough out and liked the hoof. The taste was a mixture of things. It was sweet, sour, delicious, but... Not. Soarin's wings tried to 'pomf' up, but his mental strength stopped the wings from flinging upwards. "Ok, now you Soarin" Soarin looked at Dash as she put the stick down on the ground. It's going to be like kissing her... He picked it up in his mouth and put into the honey pot, then picking it up again and flinging it. The honey landed on the floor. "Oh great." ~~~ The ''paint game'' had been going on for about half an hour. Dash had licked a hoof, the ceiling, a wing and a cloud. Soarin had licked the floor, a cloud, the honey pot and a tail. Wave had licked a ear, a bench, the floor and the floor again. "Ok, so Dash your turn." Wave through the stick in the air. Dash caught it and through it into the air. It landed in to places. Soarin's chest and Wave's nose. Dash walked up to Soarin, bent down and l- "Dash!" The door opened. "F-FLuttershy... Um..." Dash looked at her awkwardly. A small blush formed on her face, and a deep one on Fluttershy. Soarin's and Wave's eyes snapped at the mare. Soarin flushed a bright scarlet, as well as Wave. "Ur.... Dash...." Fluttershy weekly said. "W-What..." Dash slowly stood up. Her eyes not looking at anything else but the other mare. "It's NOT what it looks like." Soarin quickly said, trying to make it less awkward. It didn't work. It only made the situation more awkward. "Then... W-What Are... you doing?" Dash looked at Soarin and gulped. "Umm.... Pa-Painting..." "With Honey?" "Urr... Yeah! I mean we weren't kissing or anything. Just harmless painting with honey! " Soarin blurted out. Fluttershy looked at the tree ponies suspiciously. Dash glared at Soarin. "We weren't." Dash siad her eyes locked on Soarin. "Im going to kill you. Why would you say that? That didn't even happen?!" A silence filled the room. "..." Wave stood up. "I-Im... Gonna go." And with that Wave flew out as fast as a Wonderbolt could. Dash looked at Fluttershy. "So..." Fluttershy whispered. "What were you doing. I came in to see my best friend bending down about to lick her idol? What?" "Umm... I was a... Painting game?" Fluttershy looked at her flatly. "Then why were you licking him?" Fluttershy eyed Soarin. "I mean, you were meant to be painting." Soarin blushed at the dirty thought he had in his head. Ha. Head. Soarin thought. "Well, we were.... Um... Cleaning up?" Dash nervously said. "But there's a broom, over there." Fluttershy said, pointing over to a broom in the far left of the room. "I'm serious." "Umm..." Soarin muttered. "We were playing a game..." "What kind of game is that?" Dash glared at Soarin. "Don't say it!" Dash thought to herself. "Lick, the... Paint? I mean. Honey." Dash said. She looked at the floor. It looked at sticky. Like the situation he and Soarin were in. She could just tell Fluttershy to mind her own business. But he was Fluttershy, she would end up crying and then making Dash feel bad. Soarin was flushing red, still. He really was embarrassed. Why did she even agree to this? And why did she get caught. Why did Fluttershy barge in. Wait, that gave Dash an idea. "Wait! Fluttershy, why did you come in, in the first place?" "Well, i was going to congratulate you. But...." Fluttershy looked at Soarin and nervously smiled. "It looks like your busy. So.. Um... I-I.... Will go, n-now..." Fluttershy flew outside and Dash slammed the door. She turned around to soarin, glaring at him even more. "What the buck was that?!" "I-I...." "You and Wave Chill going to die in Honey." "Well... I-It wasn't my suggestion! A-And you agreed to it!" Dash slowly walked over to Soarin and pushed him against the wall. I'm going to die. Goodbye world.