> Another Chance > by EldinKaiser > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 (Broken and Rekindled Bonds) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I stood there, the feeling of my pendant around my neck now gone. I remember the day those bitches shattered it. She claimed that she was just doing me a favour, but deep down inside, she knew that she was destroying everything that made me. Now Adagio and Aria are arguing constantly, we are starving, and it seems like nothing can come close to actually filling us. Even down to the food that the humans have. It has been several months since we've actually ate. The only thing that comes close to food is love, but ever since everyone in this world knows of us, they don't come near us. We are dying quickly and it feels like we are just wasting away. "You know what! You are absolutely worthless and I want nothing to do with you!" Adagio screamed out at Aria. "Excuse me?! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be in this situation. You didn't even ask me or Sonata if we agreed." Aria screamed back. Only thing I could do was sit in the corner away from the constant yelling. "Sonata what do you think?" Aria asked me, their gaze meeting mine. I froze up, my head lowered. Nothing more than a squeak coming from my mouth. "Worthless, the both of you." Adagio snapped. I felt actual pain hearing her call me and Aria worthless. I didn't do anything to her. I was just simply following orders. "N-no, I'm not worthless." I said, finally speaking out. "You're the one whose worthless, Adagio! Aria is right, if it wasn't for you wanting to come here, we wouldn't be in this predicament! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be starving! Honestly, I think we would be better off without you!" I snapped, storming up to her. "Get out of my face Sonata!" She growled at me. "Or what? What is the almighty Adagio going to do? You are no stronger than me and Aria so why do we even listen to you? You're the pathetic one!" I screamed out, though was quickly silenced with the feeling of her hand striking my face. Have you ever had a slow motion moment in your life, where everything just slows down and after, only thing you feel is nothing but regret? I lunged at Adagio, my fist clenching my fist as tight as I possibly can and hit her in the face, causing her to fall to the ground. I stood over her, my body trembling with anger, though shortly after finally came to my senses. I looked down at Adagio who was knocked out on the ground then over at Aria, who was now standing there in shock at what just happened. "Run" Is the only thing my body was telling me. I took off out of our small apartment and just kept running for hours and hours. By the time I finally stopped it was night time, my body sore from running. I finally collapsed, tears flowing freely from my eyes. "Hey, are you alright?" Called out a soft warm voice from behind me. I turned around to see a pink skinned, green and yellow haired girl standing behind me. She was wearing a Crystal Prep Academy uniform, a pair of headphones resting on her shoulders. "I'm fine!" I said, snapping at her, trying to mask my emotions. She stood there for a moment, looking me over. "Well, do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked me. I wanted nothing more than just to break down and let out all of my emotions, but she is someone I don't know. She'll probably just call the police on me and have me hauled away. I didn't say anything hoping that she'd take the hint and leave me alone. Though, I heard her take a step beside of me and sit down. She reached out towards me, though only to have my reaction to cower away like a dog who has been beaten on. "P-please, leave me alone." I begged. "You look like you've been hurt, please let me help you" "GET AWAY!" I yelled out, shuffling away from her. She looked at me, not really phased by my outburst. As if she's dealt with this type of behaviour ever day. I looked into her eyes, those beautiful golden eyes. I froze up, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly. "You look like you're running a fever." She said, gently placing her hand on my forehead. "Well, you feel warm, but it feels like a mild fever so no worry on that. And you've been crying as well." She said, placing her hands on my cheeks to make our faces meet. Finally, I regained myself, shaking my head. "I-I'm fine, really, just have a lot on my mind." I said, curling up in a ball, my knees in my chest. I heard the sound of clothing moving around, then felt warmth wrap around my body. "Here, take my jacket, it's cold out and don't want you end up getting sick." She said in a warm tone. I glanced up at her as she began to stand up. "W-Wait." I called out, still not wanting to be alone. She paused and smiled softly. "Yeah?" She asked, our eyes meeting once more. "I-I don't actually have a place to stay." I said, completely embarrassed at that fact. "May I stay with you for a night?" I asked softly. She smiled and nodded softly. "Yeah, of course! I live about a mile away from here, but of course." She said happily. I gave a sigh of relief and began t stood up, my legs wobbly from running. She quickly wrapped her arm around me to help me stand. "Is everything alright?" She asked me again. I nodded softly, doing my best to put a smile on my face. She smiled at me and began to lead me towards her house. "By the way, my name is Lemon Zest." She said as we walked. "M-My name is Sonata Dusk." I said, my voice still shaky from crying. About thirty minutes later, we arrived at her small apartment which had her clothes stranded throughout the house, a small couch and a tv in her living room, a tiny kitchen. "I'm sorry to say, I don't have a big couch for you to crash on, but you're more than welcome to have my bed." She said with a smile. I looked at her and shook my head. "I couldn't do that to you, despite how nice you've been." I said, doing my best to not lock eyes with her. "I'm not taking no for an answer, now go and sit down, I'm going to start cooking. Taco's sound good?" She asked me. I knew my eyes lit up instantly, and I couldn't hide it, no matter how hard I tried. She laughed at my reaction, causing me to blush. "Tacos it is!" She said, walking into the kitchen. I full smile came across my face as I finally sat down, though I felt something that I haven't felt in a while. I felt like I was getting a meal from my pendant, but at the same time, this felt different. It felt pure. I wasn't too sure in what it was. I finally sat down and turned the tv on to a loud hard rock based channel, the tv on max. I jumped out of my sit and I could have swore I ended up hissing at the tv. She glanced back over at me and laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to have it too loud. Usually, when I relax and chill, I have my tv up full blast." She said, rushing over and turning the TV down. She glanced over at me, pausing. "A-are your eyes red?" She asked me, a hint of fear in her voice. I paused and looked away and wiped my eyes. "Probably from where I've been crying so much." I said, doing my best to make up an excuse. She walked up to me, placing her hands on my cheeks to make me face her once more, my eyes back to normal, other than its red puffiness. She nodded and used her thumb to wipe a tear away from the corner of my eye that I didn't know was there. I felt my cheeks light up once more, our eyes meeting again. What's with her eyes. Each and every time I look at them, they just put me in a state of bliss. I feel like I don't have a worry in the world. "What caused you to cry earlier?" She asked me, snapping me out of my blissful state. I lowered my head to avoid her gaze. "I...I don't want to say." I said, sitting back down on the couch, bringing my knees to my chest. "Boy troubles?" She asked me. I glanced back up at her and nodded softly, thinking that it was the best excuse that she'd probably buy. "I understand. That's why I'm a lesbian. Women are less likely to hurt you, plus I've only ever been fully satisfied by a woman." She said, laughing softly. I rose a brow and laughed softly. "Maybe something I ought to start looking into then." I said without even thinking. She looked at me with a sly grin. "Oh really now?" She said. I froze up, blushing deeply. "P-Please ignore what I just said." I said, hiding my face in my hands. She laughed and went back over to the kitchen. The smell of tacos quickly filling the air. A few minutes passed as I laid down on the couch, resting my head on the armrest and began to doze in and out, the sound of the tv being the only thing I can hear. When I woke up, I felt something warm and soft under my head, a hand brushing along my hair. I rolled over and looked up to see her idly watching tv. "Mmm, what time is it?" I asked, slowly sitting up. "Not much time has passed. About thirty minutes. The food is done by the way." She said with a warm smile. She removed her hand from the top of my head with it being entangled with my hair. A deep yawn came from me as I sat up and stretched. I turned around to see that she was already up and brought our plates over to the couch and sat down beside of me. I looked down, my mouth drooling slightly as I began to eat. We finally got done eating, my stomach completely filled. "You act like you haven't eaten in a while." She said, turning towards me, resting her arm behind me at the top of the couch. "Well, I actually haven't in a while. Haven't actually had the money to do so." I said, looking down, completely embarrassed at the fact. "Well that's not good. No wonder you're so skinny. No offence." She said bashfully. "It's alright. It's very rare that I get to eat, so I've just grown used to it." I said, my voice growing softer by the second. A few seconds passed with the both of just sitting there silently, the tv being the only source of sound. "Well," She said, finally breaking the silence. "you're in my care now and I promise not to let you go hungry!" She said with a warm smile, wrapping her arms around me and pulled me close to her. I looked at her and nodded gently, a wave of relief and tranquillity filling my body. "Thank you." I said, blushing once more, resting my head on her chest. She glanced down at me, placing her hand on my back and began to rub, lulling me back to sleep. Though before I had the chance to pass out, we heard a knock on the door. She stood up and began to head towards the door with me accidentally giving a slight audible whine. She looked down at me and laughed softly. "It's ok, I'm just going to check to see who's here." She said, walking back towards the door. When she opened it up, there stood Aria and Adagio, Adagio with her eye blackened. I felt every ounce of bliss just pour out of my body as I darted back towards the end of the apartment with me now hiding in Lemon's bedroom. "Hey, get out of my house!" I heard Lemon yell out. "Where's our friend, Sonata? I have some unfinished business with her." Adagio said, putting a lot of emphasis on 'friend'. "I'm only saying this once more, get out of my house!" Lemon demanded. "Or what? What is some little stoner girl going to do?" Adagio asked. I looked out the door, with Adagio stepping towards Lemon, Lemon backing up towards the wall. "G-Get out of here." She demanded once more. "Not without our 'friend' Sonata." Adagio said, grinning deviously. I stormed out, a deep growl coming from me. "I'm right here." I growled out, my vision narrowing on her. Adagio looked at me, her left eye swollen up, slightly shocked at my appearance, though her usual smirk came across her face. "There you are. Over what happened earlier, could I talk to you outside?" She said. "Now, come along, we have some unfinished business to settle." She said. I looked at her and laughed slightly. "Yes we do." I said, walking calmly towards her and began to head out the door and out into the parking lot. Aria stood behind Adagio, sorrow on her face. Adagio though, stood there a sinister grin on her face. "What do you want with me?" I asked her in a cold tone. "Well, my dear Sonata, you hurt me earlier and gave me a black eye, so as they say, an eye for an eye." She said right before she darted at me. I stood there and didn't fight back, though prevented her from hurting me, until finally she brought her elbow up with it connecting to my right eye. I flinched and looked down at her with a cold, dead stare as she backed up. "Serves you right, bitch." She said turning to leave. "You know what? You two were my family here and only thing you've done, Adagio, was hurt me from the second we arrived here!" I said, my voice shaking. "I may not be the brightest person here, but at least I know, if it came down to it. I can be alone. I can do whatever I want and I don't need two lackeys to do my dirty work." I exclaimed. "You are nothing without me, Sonata, and the same goes for Aria. Neither of you are worth anything without me!" She snapped at me. "Oh really?! When it comes down to it, we don't see you being the first to jump. You always hide behind us! You always run in the face of danger! You're a coward, Adagio!" I yelled out. She turned to face me once more, her eyes glowing a fiery red. "How dare you call me a coward! In our world, I was the one who took all the damage! I was the one who had to fight off the enemy!" She growled out at me. "If you want to leave, then fine! We don't need or want you around anyways! You've been nothing more than a disappointment and a failure. So fine! Leave!" She snapped at me. "Well then, if that's it, then I guess I'm dead to you." I said, a smile on my face. "Since that's the case, I'm done with you as well. And as for you Aria, you're better off without her." I said, walking passed the two. She looked at me, growling and darted towards me, by the time she reached me, a wave of power bolted from my body, sending her back. "I'm only going to say this once Adagio, leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want to be near you! I want you to be as far away from me as you can be!" I snapped at her. I turned towards Aria who was standing behind me in shock. "As for you, I'm not mad at you. If you chose to stay here with me or go with that bitch is entirely up to you." I said before walking past her to head back up to Lemon's apartment. As I opened the door, I saw Lemon standing there with a gun pointed at me. "What in the world are you?" "Where did you get a gun?!" "Answer me first!" She demanded. A sigh of defeat exited my lips as I looked down. "I am not of this world. I used to be evil, but I'm not now. I don't think I could be anymore. I don't want to be." I said, looking down. "That doesn't answer my question Sonata." She said, pulling the hammer of the gun back. "I'm a siren... I, or used to, feed off grief and pain. Though I can't anymore, my pendant was shattered which caused me to lose that power and actually starve. I've been forced to starve for several months now." I said, waiting for the worse. "B-But you're not evil anymore, right?" She asked me, caution in her voice. "No I'm not. The girl I just beat up used to be my leader, but after so much abuse, I got tired of it and knocked her out earlier today. She came back and returned the favour, or tried to. But I'll leave seeing as how you're scared of me as well" I said with pain in my voice, turning to leave. "I thought you said you don't have anywhere to go to?" She asked me. "I don't. When me and Adagio got into the argument, she kept calling me useless and stupid, I-I just couldn't handle it anymore and I attacked her. Because of her, I believed all of that...and still do." I said, looking down away from Lemon's gaze. I heard the gun being placed down on the counter and rushed up to me, gently placing her hands on my cheek to examine my eye. "I-I don't want you to leave, Sonata. It's just after seeing you do that, it kind of put me in shock." She said, reaching up to touch where Adagio struck me. She dragged me into her bathroom and sat me down on the toilet. "A-are you mad at me?" I asked, my voice cracking. "Mad? No. Scared and worried? Yes." I looked up at her and tilted my head. "Why is that?" I asked as she went towards the medicine cabinet, pulling out a few supplies. "Well, I'm scared mainly because I've never seen anything like what I just saw. Worried, because what if you go back to your ways?" She asked. I shook my head and smiled softly. "You have nothing to worry about on that. I'm done with that way of life." She looked up at me and rose a brow then chuckled softly. "Sorry for the third degree. I just don't want to end up on the news with it headlining "Body of Crystal Prep student found in apartment!" She said sarcastically. I smirked softly and nodded. "Believe me on this, if it was to happen, you would be the one person that I wouldn't hurt." I said, her face instantly lighting up. She pulled her gaze away from mine to look at my eye to see that it was starting to bruise up. "Well, it's going to be tender, but if we get something cold on it, it won't swell up. At most, you'll have some bruising." She said, rushing into the kitchen to come back with a small ice pack. "Here, place this on your eye." She said, handing it to me. I smiled and placed it over my eye and stood up. She then gave a small sigh of relief and smiled. "Come on, you wanna go back into the living room and watch some tv?" She asked as I nodded softly. As we came out of the bathroom, Aria was standing at the doorway, guilt covering her face. "What are you still doing here?" Lemon asked, glaring at Aria. I gently reached out and grabbed her hand, she looked back at me as I shook my head. "No, it's ok. She's about the only one I trust from my life before." I said, stepping in front of Lemon and walked towards Aria. "L-Listen, you were right. Adagio is a bitch and does nothing but talks to us like dogs. I'm tired of it Sonata." She said, looking down at the ground. "Well, what do you plan on doing?" I asked her. She shrugged softly. "I was talking to one guy a few months back, but Adagio told me to leave him alone, I may try to talk to him, see if he'd let me crash with him for a while, or at least until I can get back on my feet." She stated. "Actually, there are a few apartments here that are vacant and the rent is pretty cheap here." Lemon said, walking up behind me. Aria nodded softly. "I may look into that then." She said with a faint smile. "Well, I guess I'm gonna head on out and drag Adagio back home. You two have a good night." She said as she turned to leave. Though paused, seeing a heavily panting Twilight Sparkle with Sunset following shortly behind. "W-Wait! We've been searching for you all for the past few days." She said. She began to dig through her purse. "What do you want with us, little miss princess?" Aria snapped at her. "L-Listen, after the battle of the bands and we broke your pendants. I did some research and read that if the pendants are broken, you all will basically wither away. I didn't want that to happen." She said, pulling out two pendants, the jewel being a diamond that was neatly held up with a silver, silky cloth. Aria snatched them from her and examined them closely. "Well, it's just a jewel. So what?" She snapped. "Not really, it allows you to live your lives as humans. It also allows you to regain your singing voices, but doesn't allow you to control people. And it allows you to stay in contact with one another, no matter how far away you are from each other." She said with a faint smile. I looked at her and smiled softly. "T-Thank you Twilight." I said, grabbing one of the pendants from Aria and placing it on. "Just trying to help out any way that I can." She said bashfully. "Well if it wasn't for you and your friends we wouldn't have this problem to begin with." Aria said, glaring at Twilight. Sunset quickly stepping in front of her with me darting in front of Aria to calm her down. "Be thankful, Aria! We're all turning over a new leaf, especially since Adagio isn't running our lives anymore." I pleaded, knowing that Sunset was glaring at the both of us. She sighed and rolled her eyes and nodded. "Fine." She groaned out. I turned to face Twilight and Sunset, Twilight extremely confused at what I just said. "What happened to Adagio?" She asked. "Well, I basically put her in her place to put it shortly." I said with a soft smile. Twilight nodded softly and looked back to see Adagio slowly trying to get up. "Should we trust her with one of these?" She asked Sunset. "I really don't know. She may try to change the magical properties of the pendants." Sunset stated. "Well, if you'd like I can hold on to it and see what happens. If she's still mean and evil then I won't give it to her." Aria said, trying to come up with a solution. Twilight looked at her, slightly confused on what to do. "Eh, on second thought I'll hold on to it and have Sunset figure out whether or not she deserves it back." She said. "Twi, it's getting late, we probably need to head home." Sunset said. "Ok, Sunny, hopefully Spike won't try to keep you off of the bed this time so we can actually get some sleep." Twilight replied. I don't know what happened, but I just felt extremely giddy. "Oh my gosh! Are you two a couple now?!" I blurted out with the both of them blushing deeply. "Yup! We've been together for almost a year now." Sunset said, wrapping an arm around Twilight. "Well congrats to you both!" I said with a smile. "How about you two?" Twilight asked. "Have either of you found anyone special?" I blushed deeply and looked back to see Lemon in the doorway, curious on what's going on. "N-Not yet, though I have high hopes." I said, blushing even more. "What about you Aria?" "Eh, I met a guy a while back, but not to sure what's gonna happen there." She said. "Oh, well, alright then. I guess we're going to head on out. You two have a good night." Twilight said as her and Sunset turned to leave. "Sonata, before I leave, I just want you to know that I am sorry for everything. I understand that you may wanna take some time away from me, but I am sorry." Aria said to me as she walked down the steps and into the parking lot. I smiled softly and shut the door. "So, you have a lot of friends." Lemon said with a smile. "I guess so. I haven't really thought about it to be honest. I just kind of go where ever I want and that's about it." She looked at me and nodded softly, though her eyes quickly darted towards the ground. I walked over to her and sat down, resting my head back in her lap and looked up at her. "Though I'll stay here if you'd like." Her eyes lit up slightly as she nodded. "So how about we get back to trying to watch something?" She asked, smirking softly as I nodded in agreement. A few hours passed with me waking up with her laying behind me, her arms wrapped around me, holding me close. I felt my face light up as I snuggled up against her, finally feeling content with myself, though felt her start too stir as soon as I got comfortable again. "Mmm, what time is it?" She asked, her eyes still shut. I reached over to the coffee table to grab her phone to check what time it was, though felt a thick envelope instead. "What's this?" I asked myself as I sat up. "Dear Lemon." It read on the top of it. She slowly began to sit up as well, looking at what I was referring to. "What's what?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I think this is for you." I said, handing her the envelope. She rose a brow and opened it, her jaw automatically hitting the floor. "What is it?!" I asked as she reached in to it to pull out multiple big bills from the envelope, a note falling out shortly after. "Ok, this is getting weirder by the second." She stated as she reached down and grabbed the note and opened it up. "Dear Lemon, I know I haven't seen you or your mom ever since you were little, but I have my reasons on doing so. I wish to come talk to you about everything that happened in the past and to hopefully clear a lot of things up. I've missed you so much and feel horrible about what happened and hope that you forgive me. I will be swinging by in a couple of days to talk to you. If you don't want to talk, I understand, but just hear me out on what I have to say. Sincerly, your father." She read out loud, her tone filled with a mix of confusion, joy, and anger. I darted up and walked over to the door and opened it, to hear a motorcycle quickly pull off down the road, when I turned around there was a piece of paper hanging up on the wall. "Also, learn to shut the door next time." I grabbed the paper and sighed, turning to walk back in. I entered to see Lemon sitting on the couch, counting out the amount. "H-He gave me five thousand dollars." She said in complete shock. I rushed up beside of her and sat down. "Wait, how much?!" She handed me the cash. I began to count it out and sure enough, there was five thousand dollars. "Why would he give you so much all at once?" "Wait, there's something else in the bottom of it." She said, shaking out a small note. "By the way, while you two were asleep, I made myself at home. Saw the stack of bills laying on the counter. Counted it out. Lemon owes a hefty amount. Bad Lemon! Also looked around the apartment and saw that the furniture was mostly old and torn... But anyways, the bills will be paid for in full and you will have nothing to worry about! And I'll have brand new furniture brought in tomorrow. Also please clean up." Lemon read out. She looked at me and sat back on the couch. "He knows how to spoil someone." She laughed out softly. "What does he do for a living?" I asked, extremely confused at what's going on. "Well, when he left. He was a Sergeant in the army and was getting ready to do another tour, as well as getting ready to be promoted to an officer." She said, trying to rack her brain for any information. She looked at me and smiled softly. "Well, regardless of everything given to us, I'm not going to go on a spending spree and blow everything in one day." She said with a smile. "Even if you was, I think he'd be back with more money, but you're right, we need to try to save this for as long as possible." She nodded softly and gave a sigh of relief and sat back. "This means that I can still afford to go to Crystal Prep." She then froze up and looked at her phone. "Crap! It's almost three in the morning, I need to get to bed." She cried out as she got up and darted towards her room. I followed her to see her in nothing but her bra and panties, my face automatically lighting up. "U-Um, do you by chance have anything that I can sleep in?" I asked, trying to look away from her. "I might, but I can make any promises." She said, digging through her clothes that's been cast through her bedroom. Finally, she pulled from one pile of clothes a pair of shorts and an extremely large tank top. I went into the bathroom and quickly changed to only see that my boobs were almost hanging out of the tank top. I sighed and walked back into the room to see her room in its entirety. Only thing in it was a tv no bigger than a picture frame and a mattress that's been placed on the floor with her trying to make herself comfortable on the bed. I shyly walk in and sit down on the mattress and lay down beside of her. "I can still sleep on the couch if you'd like." I said, blushing deeply. "No, it's ok. Besides, it'd be nice to have a cuddle buddy." She said, winking playfully at me, my face reaching a whole new shade of red. She reached up and turned off a small lamp above our heads and pulled the blankets over us. "Sweet dreams Sonata." She said, laying on her back with an arm under my head. I looked and smiled and rested my head on her chest. "Sweet dreams Lemon." I said as she wrapped her arm around me, pulling her close to me. > Ch. 2 (Feeling Complete) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up Lemon was already gone. I whined out softly and sat up, stretching out, the tank top sliding off of my shoulder. I rolled over to try and get comfy again to fall back asleep, but sadly enough, I heard a knock on the door. "Noo, I don't wanna get up." I cried out, pouting. The knock was heard again with me groaning. "I'm coming! Sheesh, give me a second!" I yelled out, finally getting out of bed, the blanket draped over my shoulders as I stumbled along the house. I opened the door to see a man in a movers uniform. "A man named Citron told us to deliver furniture here. He said a woman by the name of Lemon Dusk would meet us." "Yeah, you're at the right place. I'm her friend Sonata, just start packing it in. I'll figure out what to do with it." I said, walking back in and walked into the kitchen. "Coffee? Coffee? Does she have coffee?" I said to myself, looking throughout mostly-empty cabinets. "She has a coffee pot, but no coffee." I whined, reaching the last cabinet and opened to finally see a container of coffee. "Oh thank go-" As I picked it up, I realized that it was empty and only had pocket change in it. I groaned out and shook my head. "We're going grocery shopping today." I said to myself and turned to see the workers bringing in the new furniture, unaware of how much is being brought in. Finally, a familiar scent ran under my nose. "Who has coffee?!" I cried out. Frantically looking around. "I do miss. Is there a problem?" "Have you drank from it yet?" I asked, making a B-line straight towards the worker. "No?" "I will give you fifty bucks for it!" I said, pulling out a fifty. "Ma'am, if you want some, I can just go get you a cup. You're not even a block away from a coffee shop." He said. I looked at him and nodded frantically. "Please!" I cried out. The other workers laughed and shook their head. "That's a college student for you. Living off of coffee more than actual food." One of them said. I looked at the one who said it and shrugged. "No, more like running on two or three hours of sleep and had an extremely stressful couple of days." I stated bluntly. "Speaking of time, what time is it?" I yawned out. "It's almost four. Jeez, you really have been sleep deprived." One of the workers said, bringing in a bed frame. "Lemon should be coming home soon!" I cheered out happily, taking off towards the bedroom to put my clothes back on. When I stepped back out, I saw Lemon standing there, completely in shock at all the new furniture being brought in. "Hey, Lemon!" I said, running up to her and wrapped my arms around her. "H-hey, Sonata." She said, returning the embrace. "I guess my dad really wasn't kidding about the furniture." She said, chuckling softly. "Well, from what I can see. He completely furnished the apartment. Only thing we don't have is coffee. Speaking of which, we need to go grocery shopping today." She looked at me and laughed. "I brought you a cup from the coffee shop. Figured you may need it." She said, handing me a cup. My eyes lit up as I snatched it from her and quickly began to drink on it. "Mmm, heavenly bliss." I moaned out. She smiled and walked passed me and went into the bedroom. "Do you think dad may have gotten us a washer machine and dryer?" She joked. "Actually yes, though where that's one of the heavier items, they'll be the last thing to be brought up, then we'll have someone come in and fix them up for you." One of the workers said. "Thank goodness, I don't have enough cash to go to the washers and I'm down to my last set of clean clothes." She said, coming back out of the bedroom in a pair of sweat pants and one of her band t-shirts. "Heh, cute." I said, grinning playfully. She blushed and smirked softly. "I could have said the same thing last night." She said, my face matching hers. A few hours passed with the workers finally placing everything in our requested areas. Now that I've finally woken up, I finally got to looking around to see all the furniture that was brought in. "So, how much do we owe you guys?" "Not a penny ma'am. Citron already tipped us greatly, enough for all of us to fly around the world three times over basically." One of the workers said. "Well, thank you so much for your help!" Lemon said, shutting the door behind the last one to leave. We began to walk around the apartment, looking at everything in awe. When we walked into the bedroom, all of her clothes were piled up to different sides of the room, but in the middle was a magnificent and giant bed that took up a good portion of the room and in front of it stood a massive TV that took up most of the wall. I walked over to the bed and sat down and sunk down into it, giving a content sigh and closed my eyes "It's like sleeping on a cloud." I purred out. When I opened my eyes back up, Lemon was lying beside of me in the same blissful state as me. "If my dad actually does show up, remind me to thank him." She said, nuzzling into me softly. "So what do you wanna do today?" Lemon asked, looking up at me. "Not entirely sure yet, maybe we just lay in bed all day?" I said, smirking down at her playfully. She smiled and curled into me. "Sounds good to me." She yawned out. We laid there for an hour before our stomachs began to growl, waking us both up. "Maybe food would be a good idea." Lemon said, her stomach growling back in agreement. I laughed softly and sat up slowly, letting her get up before me. "Well, how about we go shopping and then grab something to eat." I suggested as I stood up and began to stretch. "One good thing about where I live, there is a grocery store directly behind the apartment. We may have to make several trips back and forth." She stated. A knock on the front door was heard, "This is strange, I usually never have so many people show up to the house." She said laughing softly, walking towards the door and opening it. There stood a man who's bald head reflected the sun, his braided beard reaching down to his chest, scars covering his face, his arms bigger than my head. "Excuse me, miss, but is this the Crystal City Apartments? I swear, I looked around and couldn't find a sign anywhere." He said in a thick accent. She looked up at him and nodded softly. "Excuse me, but who are you?" I said, leaning against the doorway, examining him closely. "Well, ma'am, I believe I am your new neighbour. The name is O'Mally! I have moved here from Ireland with my son to see that he has an outstanding education." He said, a gentle smile forming along his lips as he extended his hand for a handshake. I looked down at his palms to see them covered in callouses and burn marks. I reached out grabbing his rough hand that engulfed mine. "Nice to meet you, but you actually caught us on our way out. We was getting ready to go shopping." I said, releasing his hand and bringing it back to my side. He nodded and stood aside. "It's been a pleasure to meet the two of you." He said, turning around and pulled out a slip, looking around for his apartment. When we finally walked passed the man, we darted to the side of the apartment and gave a sigh of relief. "That guy seemed strange." Lemon said to me, running her hand along her arms, trying to shake off any goosebumps she had. "Yeah, and I didn't see his 'son' anywhere. Wonder if he was telling the truth." I pondered out loudly, looking up at the sky. "Well, regardless, he's probably just another person trying to live his life, like us." She said with a smile. I glanced down at her and smiled back, nodding. "Yeah, true." Thankfully with everything that her father gave us, we've managed to get the cabinets stocked to the brim, all new blankets, bed sheets, pillows, new everything! Finally when we got home and walked up the stairs towards her apartment, O'Mally's door was wide open. The sound of music wafting through the complex. She looked up at his door and sighed. "Maybe we should tell him to turn it down a bit?" She asked. "Let's just go inside and get some rest." I said with a smile We walked in and shut the door behind us, giving out a sigh of relief. "It feels good to be back home." She said, wrapping her arms around me from behind, resting her head on my back. I blushed a bit, freezing up on the spot, kind of unsure what to do. "So, how does this sound? I order a pizza and we can watch something on TV, your pick." Lemon asked. I smiled and nodded in agreement and walked over towards the couch and flopped down, automatically sinking into what felt like a giant pile of feathers. Lemon came over shortly after, sitting down beside of me with me leaning over to rest my head in her lap. "So what do you wanna watch?" She said, grabbing the remote from the table to turn on the tv. "Hmmm, surprise me." She looked down at me and laughed softly. "If you say so." She said, turning it onto some romance movie. After we got done eating, I sat up and leaned against her as she wrapped her arms around me once more. The state of bliss filling my body once more as I made myself comfy. Though shortly after, I heard her snoring out softly. I looked back at her and smiled. I couldn't help but to lean in and gently place a kiss on her cheek. A small smile came along her lips as she pulled me closer to her and nuzzled into the side of my neck softly, quickly getting comfortable once more. In a million years I would have never thought that I would have found someone, especially after all the bad events in my past. I've never actually felt this kind of embrace. I thought that I would only live as a being, making other people's lives a living nightmare. I'm through with that type of life style. I just want to make people happy. To make up for all my bad deeds. Even if it means that I must spend the rest of my waking days to do so. I finally began to doze off myself, but surely enough, a knock was heard at the door. I groaned out softly, trying to get up without waking up Lemon, though failing epically in doing so. "Mmm, is everything alright?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Yeah, just someone's knocking at the door." I said, walking over to the door to open it, only to see a box in front of it. I looked around to see who may have left it, but shrugged and pulled it inside. By now, Lemon was sitting up and stretching out. "What's that?" She yawned out. "Not to sure yet, it just has CPA on the packaging label and it's for me." I said, carrying the box into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. "CPA? Could it possibly be Crystal Prep Academy?" Lemon asked as she walked up beside of me. I opened the box to see a letter on top. "Dear Sonata Dusk, it has been brought to my attention that you are within the district of Crystal Prep Academy. We recieved a payment for you to begin your classes this monday. You will be attending classes with your room mate, Lemon Zest. Where you are new, you will be attending a class of conduct with Dean of Students Mrs. Cadence to make sure that you are worthy to be in the school. Sincerly, Principal Cinch." I read out, slightly not wanting to actually bother with school. I looked over to see Lemon excited at the fact that I will be going to school with her. We began to pull out the uniforms, all of them surprisingly able to fit me rather well. "Well, good thing it's the weekend. I need to end up getting my sleeping schedule back on track." I said. "I wonder who enrolled you though." She asked, digging deeper in the box. I walked back over to the couch and sat down, trying to figure out how to even prepare, let alone who enrolled me. Any other time I've been inside a school, it's only to reek havoc. Lemon walked over and placed a hand on my back and smiled cheerfully. "Just follow me around all day and you won't have any troubles." She said with her hearty smile. I nodded and smiled back. "Ok then. Just ignore me if I start acting strange or anything." I joked. She smirked and shook her head. "I usually just run from class to class with my headphones in anyways, it kinda puts me in my own little world." I nodded softly, and curled up to her, resting my head on her shoulder. "So wanna get back to watching the movie?" I asked, with her nodding softly, her cheeks slightly starting to light up. As we sat there, I looked up at her to see that she was thinking about something. "Is everything alright?" I asked with her snapping back into reality. "Huh? Oh! Yeah, I'm fine." She said with a smile. I nodded softly, then looked to see her lower lip quivering softly. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff." She said, blushing deeply. I rose a brow and shrugged softly, resting my head back on her shoulder as we went back to watching the movie. As we watched, there came a scene of the two main characters finally confessing their love for one another and the both of them sharing a passionate kiss. I looked up at Lemon from the corner of my eye, her smile slowly began to grow faint. Her lip quivering a lot more. She finally took a deep breath, blushing even more. "S-Sonata, I got a question." She said, blushing deeply. Her hand rubbing the back of her head. I think I had a feeling I knew what she was going to ask, but I wanted to hear her ask it. "Ok? What is it?" "W-Would you be mad if...if I done this?" She said, leaning up to me, her lips firmly pressed against mine. Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! I wasn't expecting this! I felt my face light up, my heart racing, everything just froze up. I sat there, my body reaching a whole new level of warmth. Finally, she broke the kiss, pulling away and shyly looking down, I sat there speechless. "Y-You're not mad at me are yo- HMPF!" I pounced on her, my lips tightly pressed on hers as I held her close to me, small moans escaping our lips. After a few minutes, we finally broke the kiss, both of our bodies quivering. "S-So I take it you're not mad?" She teased. I smirked and shook my head. "Oh no, I wish you would have done that sooner." I teased back. She blushed and smirked, kissing me once more before standing up. "I'm gonna go and take a shower to try and calm down a bit. Though if you want, you're more than welcome to join." She said, a big grin coming along her face. Without hesitation, I sprung from the couch and darted towards the bathroom, our clothes littering the ground leading up to the bathroom. > Ch. 3 (Zest Family Reunion) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours passed with us finally finding our way back to the bedroom. Our hair a mess, the only thing covering us is a blanket. Our body's still twitching and our breaths still rapid. "T-that...was amazing." I breathed out. Lemon looked up at me, giving me an exhausted smile. "Hopefully next time, we'll be able to plan out everything better." She teased, crawling up to me to rest her head on my chest. "What time is it? I lost count after the third hour." She looked up at me and groaned out. "I just got comfy too..." She pouted, rolling over to grab her phone. I smirked, sliding up behind her to wrap my arms around her to pull her close to me. She yelped out in surprise, but quickly blushed and smiled, snuggling up to me. "Comfy?" I asked, my hand tracing along her belly with her nodding softly. "Oh, it's almost 4:30 in the morning." She said, still in her blissful state. She rolled over and smiled, kissing me softly and curled up to me. "Sweet dreams Sonata." She said before dozing off in my arms. I smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Sweet dreams Lemon." As morning came, of course Lemon was the first one to wake up, the scent of bacon, eggs, biscuits, and gravy filling her apartment. "Sonata, time to get up." She said, walking into the room, gently shaking me. "Nooo, I am comfy." I pouted out playfully, pulling the blanket up over my head though poked my eye out of the blanket to look up at her. She smirked and leaned down to kiss the top of my head. "C'mon sleepy head, you don't want you food getting cold." She said, walking out of the bedroom. I sat up, pulling the blanket over my chest and searched around for my clothes, only able to find my shorts and shirt. "Hmm, look like I'm running around without any underwear." I said, quickly getting dressed and walked into the kitchen, my hair a mess, hickeys and bite marks covering my neck. She looked up at me and began to laugh. "What's so funny?" "It looks like you went round and round with a tiger last night." She said, referring to my hair and the marks along my body. "Well, I guess you can say I went round and round with another certain type of cat." I grinned, sitting down and looked up to see her blushing deeply. As I got ready to eat, her phone began to ring. As she went to answer it, I saw her face go pale, worry instantly flooding her face. "My mom is are calling me." She said, as if she was starting to panic. I rose a brow with a mouthful of food. "Ith that a thuch a bad thing?" I said. Though she didn't pay no mind to my comment. "Hey mom!" She said, her voice some what shaky. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just been busy with school." She got up from the table and walked towards the bedroom. "Wait, you're in town?! N-No, that's not a problem, just wasn't expecting any company is all. Wait, who told you that?! Y-Yeah, I'll see you in a few. Love you, bye." She said, hanging up her phone. I've never witnessed someone have an anxiety attack, but to see her panicking, I'd imagine it would have been pretty close. "Is everything alright?" I said, walking up to her. "N-No, she knows that I'm with someone and that she's wanting to meet this person." "Ok? Why is that a problem?" I asked. She looked up at me, tears flooding her eyes. "She hates gays. She believes that all of them should just go away and that they have no place on this planet." She said, sinking down onto the ground. I began to worry as well, not for myself, but for her. I've never known my parents so I could care less in what they'd think, but she cares what her parents think. "M-Maybe she'll be ok with the idea of us?" I suggested, trying to lighten up the mood. She shook her head. "L-Last girl I was with, she looked at me and told me to get rid of her or I'll be disowned." She said, tears now flowing freely from her eyes. "Sonata, I don't want to lose you, but I don't want to lose my mom either. I-I don't know what to do." She said, crying into her hands. Panic began to set in as a was pacing the apartment trying to think of something to say and what to say. "W-What are we going to do?" I asked myself, though as I stepped out of the bedroom, I hear someone knocking at the door and saw that Lemon's breathing hastened immediately. "Lemon! Honey, I'm here!" Her mom called out from the other side of the door. She walked over to the door and opened it. "H-Hey mom." She said as she tried to control her breathing. "Hey, sweetie. Are you ok? You look like you've been crying." Her mom pointed out. Lemon looked over at me and then back at her mom. "Y-Yeah, everything is fine. Just had a past couple stressful days." She said, making up an excuse. "How come?" Her mom asked, letting herself in. "W-well, just school's been piling up on me. Been busy with the Shadowcolts and haven't had much free time to do anything." She said. "O-Oh, ok then." She looked around the house to see the furniture. "How in the world are you able to afford all of this, Lemon? Is this new boyfriend of yours rich?" Her mom asked, then turned to see me, my body covered in bite marks and hickies. Her mom began to glare at me. "Who is SHE?" Her mom asked. "W-Well, she's...she's my girlfriend." She said, preparing for the worse. Silence immediately filled the house though the filling of anger sprouted from her mom. "Excuse me?! My daughter isn't a dyke! You need to get rid of that girl or" "Or what?" A new, deep, voice came out from the door way. I looked at Lemon who acted like she just saw a ghost. The man stepped forward, his head almost reaching the ceiling. He looked almost identical to Lemon! He stood there in bright blue jeans, his long hair in a ponytail, a white shirt with a black leather vest with different patches along his vest, tattoos covering most of his arms. He looked over at Lemon and walked up beside of her, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. "Hey sweetie, sorry it's been a while." He said with a tender smile before looking back at Lemon's mom. She looked at him, initially intimidated by his size though finally recovered her thoughts. "It's about time you showed back up in her life, Citron." Her mom growled out at him. "Well after my psychotic bitch of an ex-wife tried to hit me and said that if I tried to take her daughter away, you'd have me put in jail, as well as not allowing me to contact her. It's been kind of difficult to stay in contact." He said with a cold stare. She rolled her eyes before lashing out "Our daughter is with that...thing! And I do not find that to be ver-" "Shut up, Avalon." He demanded. "So you're being pissy over the fact that our daughter is happy with another girl?" He asked, disgusted at Avalon's actions. "Do you know how childish that is? Because someone is doing something that you don't agree with, you're throwing a fucking fit?!" He said, anger slowly building up in his face. "She was raised to be a lady! Not a dyke!" Her mom protested. "Oh cry me a river Avalon. She wasn't happy with your bullshit and she's happy now! Do you not care about our daughters happiness?!" He growled out. "If it means being a trashy dyke then she doesn't need it!" She said. I looked down at Lemon who was curled in a ball behind her dad, her body shaking from everything that's going on. "You know what? Excuse me, miss?" He looked over at me, his eyes as gentle as Lemon's "Y-Yes, sir?" I replied. "Do you love my daughter?" He asked me, my face going into a deep red. "W-Well, we just started dating. But I wouldn't let her get hurt and I'd do anything to protect her." I said with a gentle smile. "Lemon, sweetie, don't listen to a thing your mom has to say, only reason she's pissed is because her daughter is actually found happiness before she did. If being with another girl makes you happy, then do what you want." He said, helping Lemon back up and walked her over towards me. "Now as for you." He growled out, turning towards Avalon. "You are absolutely horrid. You dare think you have the right to say who she's with? You think because she came out of your glory hole, you have exact say so over her life?! Let me tell you something, I had another daughter, her name is Fino Zest. She doesn't hide anything from me. She can tell me whatever is on her mind. As for you, I've watched how you raised her. Lemon has hidden so much from you because she's terrified of you! She's terrified that she'll lose her mom, and only thing you can say, instead of supporting her, is 'Oh well my daughter isn't a god damn dyke!' He said in a mocking tone. "I wish I would have taken Lemon with me, but I couldn't for two reasons, I was still on active duty and you would have tried to put me in jail. But now that I look at it. To see my daughters happiness, I'd gladly take jail time to see my daughter happy." He said, just inches away from her face. Anger sparking between both of their eyes. "Lemon! You have two choices, either leave the dyke or I'm gone!" I looked at Lemon to see her heart sink to her stomach upon hearing it. "Well, if you leave her, she'll be accepted into a family who will love her for who she is. And if you try to take me to court or anything, trust me, I'm one person who you do NOT want to get into a hairy asshole contest with because I. Will. Win!" He said, glaring at her. "Lemon!" Her mom snapped out. "N-No mom! You've done nothing but put me with guys who treated me horribly. Guys who used to beat on me. Guys who cheated on me. And anytime that I came to you about it. Only thing you'd say is 'Well you should have done better. No wonder you can't keep a man.' You knew I was in pain and yet, you done your best to put me with assholes who abused me!" She cried out. Avalon glared at her and stormed over to her and went to raise her hand with Lemon flinching down. I darted in front of Lemon to take the blow. "Move dyke!" She demanded, raising her hand back up. Though by the time she went to swing. Citron was standing in front of me, his whole body protecting us. "I dare you to try and go through me." He hissed out, not standing down. Finally, she decided to back down, shooting me and Lemon a glare. I tell you, if looks could kill we both would have been dead. "Fine, we'll see where she is in the future. Don't come crying to me when you're a failure at life, Lemon." She snapped and walked out of the house. Lemon was shivering from what happened and finally collapsed on the ground, sobbing out loudly. Citron knelt down, placing his hands on Lemon's shoulders. "Listen, sweetie, I know I haven't been there in the past years, but I promise, from here on out, I'll be here anytime that you need me. Even if it's early in the morning, if you need me, I'll drop whatever I'm doing and head right here." He said, remorse filling his eyes. "Dad, why does mom hate gays?" She asked, looking up at him. He sighed heavily and finally pulled up a chair to sit down in. "Well, your mom was raised like that, though instead of questioning it like you did. She blindly followed through on everything. She actually experimented one time though, only to have her heart broken by the girl." He stated. "And honestly, you're not her only child. She had a son before I came into the picture. Only reason I know this is because she had a picture of him in her purse. When I asked her about him. She said that he was a lost cause and she kicked him out. The boy was no older than 10 in the picture. She had him at a very young age as well. I'm guessing, right out of high school probably." He said, scratching his chin trying to remember. "As for you, if you're happy with this girl, then be with her. I don't have a say in it and neither does your mom. I just want you to be happy Lemon." He said, a single tear coming from his eye. She looked up at him, her eyes stained with tears. I felt bad for her losing her mom, but he was right. If you have a child, then regardless of who they love, you are supposed to love them as well. "S-Sonata, p-please promise me something." She said, looking up at me. "O-Of course, anything." She looked up at me, tears still flowing freely from her eyes. "D-Don't ever hurt me. Please don't allow my mom to prove herself right." She said, wrapping her arms around me, cradling herself into my chest. I looked down at her and pulled her close to me. "I wouldn't ever be able to hurt you, Lemon." I said softly. kissing the top of her head. "Dad, I want you to promise me something as well. D-Don't leave me again. I lost mom. I-I don't want to lose you too" She pleaded. He looked down at her with a soft smile. "Sweetie, I'm here to stay. Besides, someone's gotta make sure the both of you stay in line." He joked. A small chuckle came from her as she nodded softly. "Thank you, Dad." She said softly. "Anytime, and honestly, here soon. I'd like for you two to meet the rest of the family. It doesn't have to be today or anytime soon, but, ya know, eventually within the next year or so." He joked. We both nodded softly and watched him stand back up. "Well, I'm gonna head on out. Hopefully, the wife won't beat me for vanishing on her." He said, stretching out. "You two have a good day, I promise that everything will get better." He said as he walked out of the door and shut it behind him. I looked down at Lemon and kissed the top of her head. "Are you going to be ok?" I asked, holding her close to me. She nodded and looked up at me to see the hand print along my face, gently placing her hand over top of it. "Are you going to be ok?" She asked me. I laughed softly and nodded. A few minutes passed before we got back up and walked over to the couch and sat back down, doing my best to comfort her. "Thank you so much for being here." She said, resting her head back on my chest. I smiled softly and kissed the top of her head once more. "To see you happy, I'd walk through hell and back." I replied, her face blushing deeply. "If it wasn't for Dad. My mom would have probably ended up dragging you out of here by your hair. Though seeing what you done the other night to that one girl. I don't think she would have gotten far." She said, laughing softly. I smiled and nodded. "Well, I wouldn't go full siren on her. I'd just make it blunt that I wasn't going anywhere and would dare her to try and move me." I said, smirking softly. She looked up at me and smiled. "So since our day kind of started off a mess. What do you want to do?" I asked. She shrugged and began to sit up. "I know that you need to go clothes shopping. Seeing as how you had to wear my clothes the night before last and you're still wearing your same clothes from the day I found you." She teased. "Yeah, haven't really thought of that. I just like sleeping in your clothes I guess." I said, blushing deeply, Lemon eyeing me down with a big grin. "W-What, they're comfy and they smell like you." I said, my voice growing softer with each passing word. She laughed softly and helped me up from the couch. "So you like the way I smell, huh?" She mocked with my face turning a dark shade of red, pulling my hood over my head to hide my face. "C'mon, let's get you some street clothes then." She said, grabbing my hand and pulled me towards the door. Surely enough, when we arrived at the mall, the first store she brought me to is some punk rock clothing store. Wasn't exactly sure what to think, but I thought that I'd try on a few things to entertain her. Finally, she handed me a black pair of really loose and really baggy pants that had these straps hanging all over them. "Um, Lemon? W-What are these? Suspenders?" I asked, examining them closely to also see a bunch of chains dangling from them as well. "No, they're a certain brand of pant's, just try them on," She pleaded. I shrugged and slid them on, though instantly fell in love with the way they felt, but hated the fact that they had so many things hanging off of them. "Is there anything that feels like this, but doesn't have all this junk hanging off of it?" I asked. She nodded and snatched the pants and vanished from my sight to return seconds later with a pair of pants made out of the same fabric. I examined them closely to see that they looked rather small, but decided to try them on anyways. Surprisingly enough, they fit perfectly, hugging each and every contour of my lower body and actually making my butt stick out more than usual. "I want twenty of these!" I said, bolting out of the changing room. She looked at me and smirked playfully. "You do have a cute butt in those." She teased, making me blush a bit. "How many more is left of these?" I asked. "Well, there are those black ones, a few light blue ones, a pair of purple ones, I think that's it though." She said, looking at where she got them from. "Also, we need to get you some shirts. Though we'll go somewhere different for those if you'd like." She said, walking up to the register and placed all the pants down. After we was rung up and paid for the pants, we began to walk around the mall in search of other stores. Finally, we came upon a store that had more brightly colored clothing, which quickly attracted our attention though still had the same style as the store before. "Hmm, guess we can go in here and check it out." She said, pulling me inside. As we began to look around, we saw other items, from regular clothing to toys...really vulgar toys. Embarrassed in being in there longer than needed. We just grabbed whatever looked nice and left. "Did you see how big some of those were?!" She asked me, I just nodded softly and blushed deeply. "So, w-where to now?" I asked, trying to get the images out of my head. "Well, it looks like your boots are ready to fall apart." She pointed out. I looked down at them to see them torn and tattered, multiple holes riddled through them. "Yeeaah, maybe it is about time I get a new pair." I replied. When we finally came up to a shoe store, Lemon darted inside and instantly began to look around. "Wait for me!" I called out, chasing after her. When I caught up she was handing me a pair of solid white boots with silver studs running along the sides of them that reached up to my calves. "Try these." She requested of me. "So far, I haven't had the chance to pick out anything." I pouted playfully. "W-Well, yeah, but so far you haven't complained about anything I picked out, aside from those pants earlier." She stated. I was getting ready to reply, but she was right. So far everything she picked out does look amazing on me. I gave a sigh of defeat and grabbed the boots and kicked off my old ones and put the new ones on. Surely enough, they were comfortable and fit really well. I sat there for a minute before looking up at her. "Ok, you win. Let's get these ready to go." I said as I was getting ready to take them off. "Excuse me, Ma'am, you can wear those out of the store if you'd like." One of the store clerks said. "Oh? Well, thank you so much!" I replied, walking over to the counter with the box in hand. "Excuse me, miss, we'd like to purchase these bo-" I froze up, seeing that it was Adagio working behind the counter. Only thing I felt was anger as I saw her. "O-Oh, hey Sonata." She said, backing away from me. Lemon looked up at me and saw the anger building up. "Sonata, don't. We are out in public." She pleaded. I looked down at her and nodded. "I just want to buy these boots." I said, slamming the box on the counter. Adagio walked up and cautiously grabbed the box and began to ring it up. "That'd be $350. Would you like to pay with cash or credit?" She asked. I pulled out the cash and placed it down. She looked up at me in awe and then back down to the cash. "H-How did you come across so much money?!" She asked. I didn't ever her an answer, I just stood there eyeing her down. She looked at me and rose a brow. "Alright then. Well, $50 will be your change." She said, getting ready to hand it to me. I looked at her to see that she was skinnier than before, a wave of guilt beginning to fill me. "A-Actually, you keep it. You look like you need it more than we do." I stated with both Adagio and Lemon looking up at me in surprise. "S-Sonata, wait" She called out to me as I was turning to leave. I looked back at her, not wanting to hear her more than I had to. "I'm sorry for everything that happened. I know you can't forgive me right now, but I am sorry..." She stated. I turned to face her again, my expression showing no sympathy. "Stop it right now. Not even four days ago. You were calling me stupid, useless, and everything else under the sun. Do you expect me to forgive you instantly, just because you are sorry?" I snapped at her. She shook her head and looked down. "Exactly. Now, you have a good day." I growled out, storming out of the store with Lemon following shortly after. I finally stopped and sat down at a bench at the other side of the mall, my nerves all over the place. Lemon came up and sat down beside of me, placing her arm behind me to rest on the top of the bench. "Is everything ok?" She asked. I just sat there, unable to say a word. "Do you wanna head on home?" She asked me in which I replied with a soft nod. She smiled, helping me back up with the both of us heading back towards the entrance. As soon as we got outside, the bus to take us back to the apartment arrived and we quickly hoped on and took our seats. "Does she really piss you off that much?" Lemon asked. I nodded once more, my gaze finally meeting hers. "Since the day that I met her, she has done nothing but mocked me and there for a while. I thought that I was that. Nothing more than an idiot basically. And with Aria blindly following her she began to start in on me as well." I said, remembering past memories that I've done so much to repress. "Yeah, Aria gave it to me worse than Adagio did, but Aria only did it because she thought it would make Adagio laugh, plus I could tell that she didn't actually mean any of it. Or at least, I hope. Like before we got kicked out of my old realm. I pleaded that we didn't feed off of anyone as much as we needed to, but Adagio pushed me aside and said 'Why should we save from feeding when we had plenty to spare?' Well, if it wasn't for her feeding constantly, we wouldn't have been kicked out. After we got kicked out of our realm, she blamed me, she said it was my fault that we were banished." I said, tears beginning to flow from my eyes, my voice slowly growing shaky and soft. "I put up with years and years of mental abuse from her is why I loathe her so much." I croaked out finally. Lemon sat there for a second before wrapping her arms around me, pulling me close to her. "You counted them as your family and the only thing they did was hurt you?" She asked with me nodding softly to reply. She leaned down to kiss the top of my head and pulled me closer to her. When we finally arrived back at the apartment, the sun was out of sight with the moon now shining brightly in the sky. We stepped off the bus and quickly felt the night air hit us. I looked around to see that the leaves were beginning to change colors and the night air was colder than usual. "It's almost fall, isn't it?" I asked, still looking around. "Yeah, sadly we're supposed to have an early winter and we're expecting snow within the next two weeks." She said with an annoyed tone. Feeling a little bit better from earlier, I opened the door to feel a wave of warmth hit us. "Well, if it's cold, that means we can snuggle up more often." I teased. She looked at me and smirked. "Doesn't mean we can't any other time." She said, walking passed me, carrying our bags into the bedroom. "Yeah, true." I replied, following behind her, though rushed passed her to dive onto the bed. She looked at me and laughed softly. "I swear, I think you more child than anything." She joked. "Mmm, just a bit." I replied, instantly making myself comfortable. "Now I'm not gonna be the only one putting up your clothes." She said, crossing her arms and looking at me. "B-But I'm comfy." I whined out playfully. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the bed to lay down beside of me. "Fiiine, we can wait till later to do that." She said with a soft smile. I rolled over and smiled back at her, resting my head on her chest. Letting out a sigh of relief as she wrapped an arm around me to pull me closer to her. "Sooo, nap time?" I asked, looking up at her. "Really? We just got home." She stated. "Exactly! Perfect time for a nap!" I said cheerfully. "Fiiine." She agreed. "At least, let me get comfy." She said as she got off the bed and began to strip down. By the time she turned back around my own clothes were thrown around the room with my snuggled up on the bed, taking up the majority of the blankets. She smirked and shook her head. "Really Sonata?" "What? You took too long." "Alright, I guess I'll go sleep in the living room." She said turning to leave. I reached out, grabbing her hand. "No, I don't wanna sleep by myself." I pouted. She chuckled softly before laying down beside of me the both of us returning back to our preferred sleeping position with my head on her chest and her arm wrapped around me, her heart beat quickly lulling me to sleep. > Ch. 4 (Hopeful Thinking) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For once I woke up before she did. I smiled and wrapped my arm around her, my head still on her chest, her heart still being the only thing that I hear. "Mmm, so peaceful." I said quietly to myself. I looked down to see her hand now on top of mine. I laid there for a minute in bliss before I finally rolled over to look at the window, the sun barely even coming over the horizon. I went to roll over again to face her once more, tears flowing from her eyes with her showing a pained expression. "N-No, please, I won't do it again." She cried out in her sleep. I perched myself up with my elbows and looked at her, starting to worry. "L-Lemon?" I called out softly, reaching my hand out to her cheek. By the time I reached up, she sat up, breathing heavily, the only emotion on her face was fear. "L-Lemon, what happened?" I asked as I sat up. "My ex...he was trying to choke me." She said, reaching up to her throat, rubbing it slightly. "S-Sonata, I still feel it." She cried out. I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her to pull her close to me. "It's ok, Lemon. he's gone and I'm here now. I promise I won't hurt you like any of them did." I said, doing my best to comfort her. I felt her whole body quivering, her breath shaky, and her heart rate massively increased until finally she calmed back down. "Thank you for being her for me. I'm so happy to have you with me." She said as she laid her head on my chest. I looked down and smiled softly. "Lemon, you know I just want to see you happy." I said before I kissed the top of her head. She nodded and smiled gentle. "I know, kitten." She said. I looked down at her and smirked. "Kitten?" I asked to see her blush deeply. She quickly pulled the blanket up to cover her face. "So if I'm your kitten, I guess that makes you my lemon blossom." I said, petting along her back. She looked up at me and smiled softly. "Out of all my relationships, that is the sweetest and most clever thing anyone has ever called me." She said with a grin. I looked at her and smiled. "Really? That's the first thing I actually came up with." I stated, blushing softly. She nodded and then looked out the window to see that the sun wasn't up yet then laid back down, dragging me with her. "Looks like we have a few hours before we have to get up." She said as I rested my head back on her chest. "Yeah, I know. I've been up a lot bit longer than you have." I said, making myself comfy once again, rubbing my hand along her belly. She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. "So, I gotta know something." She asked as she looked up at the ceiling. "What is it?" I asked, drawing hearts along her belly with my finger. "When we first met, why were you so defensive towards me? You wouldn't let me get close to you at first." She said. "Well, at the time I just wanted to be alone. I felt like I was just going to hurt anyone that I came across. Though when you came to me, I took a look into your beautiful eyes and just felt a warmth, a happiness that I haven't felt in a long time." I said softly, blushing a bit. "I didn't exactly fall for you, but I felt like I could trust you and be happy." I said, letting my heart out to her, hoping for the best. "Well, what about now? What do you think?" She asked. I paused and smiled softly. "I wouldn't give this up for anything." I said, leaning up to kiss her softly. "You're so sweet to me." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. "It's hard to believe that you were once evil." She said, holding me close to her. "Well, it takes a special girl to make someone like me nice." I teased, laying my head down once more to get comfy. I glanced up at her to see that she was thinking something, though not sure what it was. "Everything ok, my beautiful little Lemon Blossom?" I asked to see her face turn to a deep red almost immediately with a giddy smile following behind. "Yeah, just thinking about what all mom said yesterday." She said as she began to rub against my arm. "It just hurts that she feels so little about me. I mean all because of who I want to be with, she goes and disowns me." She said. "Are you happy?" I asked her. "Well of course I'm happy with you." She said with a warm smile. I reached up and grabbed her hand to bring it to my lips and kissed the top of it. "Then don't worry about what she thinks. As long as you're happy is all that matters." I said, curling my fingers with hers. She smiled and nodded softly, pulling the blanket back over us. We laid there for an hour before the sun's light began to pierce through her room. "Maybe we should get up." Lemon suggested, but I clung tightly to her and the bed. "Nuuu, five more minutes." I jokingly pleaded. She smiled and shrugged softly. "Fine, five more minutes, but no more than that missy." She joked. I rose a brow and smirked at her. "Yes, mooom." I replied with her giggling at my reaction. "I love you so much Sonata." She said, wrapping an arm around me. I froze up hearing that word. "Y-You love me?" I said, blushing deeply. Is that I've been feeling all this time? Love? She looked down at me, a panicked gaze starting to appear on her face. "Yeah, why, what's wrong?" She asked. I don't know what was wrong. A whole blur of emotions just ran through my body at once. Usually, I can just be straight forwards with what I'm feeling, but this time, it was different. Something that I've just started feeling anytime I'm around her on certain moments. Is this what love is? Finally, I made contact with her eyes, my heart skipping a beat and a dumbfounded smile forming on my face. I longed for this feeling of bliss, of happiness, of...love. "I love you too Lemon." I said as I cuddled up to her. I could feel the tension in her body gradually lighten up when I confessed that. "You scared me for a second." She admitted, finally giving a sigh of relief. "H-how come?" "W-Well, I kinda just said that without thinking, and when I saw your reaction. I thought that you thought that I was weird." She said bashfully. I looked up at her and smiled. "I couldn't ever think such a thing." I said, as I held her close to me. "I've never been told that, nor have I ever been treated as such. It's literally a new word for me." I stated as she looked down at me in disbelief. "Your parents never said that they loved you?" She asked to only get a shrug from me. "I never knew my parents. Remember sweetie, I'm from a different realm completely. When I was born, my parents were gone." I said, trying to remember back. She looked down at me and nodded softly. "Well..." She began to develop a big grin on her face. "It's settled, you are now taken in as part of the Zest family!" She said, holding me close. I smiled and snuggled up close to her once more. "That'd be nice." I purred out. We laid there for a few more minutes before we heard this harmonious melody coming from O'Mally's apartment just added on to this moment. "Heh, good timing." I said, looking up at Lemon with her nodding. Finally after a while of laying there, Lemon looked down at me with a smirk. "Alright, c'mon kitten, it's time to get up." She said, the both of us finally getting up. "Do I have to get dressed?" I yawned, stretching out my still asleep limbs. "If I have to, then you do to." She said with a smirk, putting on her sweat pants and band shirt. I walked over to the pile of clothes that we bought yesterday to pull out a pair of baggy clothes almost identical to hers, just only in different colors. "So what's on today's agenda?" I asked. "Well, not entirely sure just yet, I try to plan out one thing, but here lately it seems to go out the window." She said. Surely enough, as if on cue, a knock was heard at the front door. "See, told ya." She said, walking towards the door. "One second, I just got out of bed." She called out. When she got to the door, O'Mally was standing there. "Sorry to have bothered you. I was just wondering if the music may have been bothering you all. I have to have it turned up a bit to actually hear anything after having a grenade explode near me." He said, slightly embarrassed. "No, of course not! Honestly, me and Sonata was already up and just relaxing when you started playing it. If anything it helped add to the mood." She said with a smile. I poked my head around the corner and smiled. "Hello." I said, waving at him. He looked at me and waved back. "Alright then, I was just making sure that it wasn't too loud or anything. You two have a nice day." He said, heading back to his apartment. "He seems really nice." I said with a smile. "Yeah, kind of feel bad for calling him weird the other day." She said as she shut the door behind her. "Maybe we can have a cookout or something before it gets too cold." I suggested, walking into the kitchen, preparing to make a pot of coffee. She came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my hips, resting her head on my shoulder. "Maybe, but we need to see if he's actually telling the truth about having a son first." She said. "Possibly invite dad as well to make sure that we have some form of backup?" I joked. "Oh, you're calling him dad now?" She said with a smirk. "Well you DID tell me that I was official part of the Zest family." I reminded her. "Yeah, you got me there." She said with a smile. "Not that I'm complaining." I said, turning to face her. "I'd be happy to be part of your family." I stated, placing my hands on her shoulders to pull her in for a kiss. "Hmmm Sonata Zest, that does have a nice ring to it." She teased. "Now hold it missy, don't be thinking that far ahead, not yet at least." I teased back. She shrugged and smirked softly. "It's just hopeful thinking." She said with a sly grin before she went to the fridge. "So what do you want for breakfast?" She asked digging through the fridge. "Hmm, maybe something simple today? Bacon and Egg Sandwich sound good?" I asked, pouring me a cup of coffee. "Why something simple?" She asked. "Well, it seems like everyday something has happened that some how interrupts us, so I was thinking maybe a quick light breakfast. Then we can go somewhere for lunch and dinner? Kind of make it a day just to us." I said with a smile. She smiled and looked back at me, pulling the food out. "Sounds good to me, it'd be nice to actually have a whole day to just us." She said, placing to food on the counter. "I'm gonna try to find something on tv for us to watch after breakfast." I said, turning the corner to the living room. A few minutes passed with Lemon coming in with two plates and sat down beside of me and handed me my plate. "So, did ya find anything good?" She asked as I was still flipping through channels. "Not really, just some cartoons and some a few movies that were almost over." I said, giving out a disappointed sigh. "Here let me look." She said, snatching the remote from me, pulling up a whole new list of options. "So how about funny cartoons?" She said turning it to a show with the main character being some fat guy with glasses, getting ready to be launched out of a cannon. It immediately catching my attention. "Ok, works for me." I said, turning to lean against her with my feet up on the couch. "Thank you for breakfast again." I said with a smile, as I began to eat. "Well, I don't want you to go hungry." She said, biting down in her sandwich. I looked at her and smirked softly. "You know, something that I haven't actually tested." I said with a big grin. "Ok, what is?" She said with a smile. I leaned up to give her neck a soft, teasing, little nibble before pulling back to see her face a whole new shade of red "For your name to be Lemon." "Sonata, no." She groaned out. "you don't taste like one." I teased, bursting out in laughter. She looked at me and sighed, shaking her head. "What, you seem a little sour." I teased. "That's it, I'm officially disowning you." She said, "But you still love me, right?" I said, looking up at her with innocent eyes. She looked down at me and smirked. "Yeah, I guess I do." She said, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I smiled and snuggled up against her once more, finishing eating and going back to watching the show that she picked out. > Ch. 5 (Slow Starts, Quick Endings, and Old Territories) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Monday, in the early morning. I'm guessing around 2 or 3? I was laying beside of Lemon, just thinking about starting up school tomorrow. I was nervous. What if there are some students there that recognized me? I didn't want to go. I was scared. What if they convince Lemon to leave me because of what I used to be. I curled up to Lemon, trying my best not to start crying, though was failing horribly. My nerves causing my body to shake. "P-Please don't leave." I pleaded out in a gentle whisper repeatedly, though was silenced when I felt her start to stir. "Kitten, is everything alright?" She asked, slowly sitting up. I looked at her and held her close to me. "I-I'm sorry for waking you up." I said, trying my best to muffle my sobs. She sat up and looked down at me "Sonata, what's wrong?" She asked in a worried tone. "I-I'm scared." I said, looking down at the bed in front of me. "Of what?" She asked. I took a deep breath, trying to regain my thoughts and form a sentence. "I'm scared that when we go to school tomorrow, someone might recognize me and try to run you away from me." I said, tears now flowing freely from my eyes now. She looked over at me and moved closer to wrap her arms around my shoulders. "Sonata, I would never plan on leaving you. If I did, I would have left you when mom told me to leave you." She said in a comforting tone. "I-I know, but it's still lingering in the back of my mind. What if..." I said, my body shaking once more at the thought of losing her. I felt her thumb and finger placed against my chin gently as she turned my head to face her as she gently placed her forehead against mine. "Sonata, I couldn't imagine me spending a day without you. I'd be lost without you." She said softly. I looked back into her eyes once more, my whole world instantly piecing itself back together. I trusted her, more than anything. I quickly wrapped my arms around her, placing my head under her chin and just let it all out. "I-I'm sorry, Lemon. With my past, I've lost so many because of what I done. And now that I've found someone who means so much to me, I'm terrified of losing you too. I trust you more with my life and don't want to be with anyone, but you. I'm just scared..." I cried out, cradling myself up against her. She wrapped her arms around me once more, holding me tight. "As long as I'm living and breathing. I'm always going to be here for you. Even if I was offered a life of fame and fortune. I would turn it all done, so I can be with you." She said in a warm and confident tone. I nodded softly, tears still streaming down my cheeks. "If you want, I'll talk to the dean for you, tell her that you felt sick and was running a temperature." She said as she began to rub along my back. "N-No, that's alright. I want to go with you." I choked out. "Are you sure?" She asked as I nodded. "Alright, kitten. Then you may want to get some sleep. I've felt you tossing and turning all night." She said with a soft smirk, not helping the case I felt bad for even waking her up. "C'mon, lay back down with me." She said as she began to lay down. I looked at her, finally managing to smile. "I love you, my beautiful Lemon Blossom." I said, leaning down to kiss her before laying my head on her chest. "I love you too, kitten." She said wrapping her arms around me to hold me close. When I woke up, she was already out of the bed. I sat up, yawning out softly with the blankets perched over my shoulders. "Lemon?" I called out. "In the shower!" I heard her call back. I stood up, stammering to the doorway with the blanket being the only thing covering me. "What time is it?" I yawned out. "It's probably just turning seven." She replied. I nodded softly, still stammering through the house. Suddenly the heavenly scent of breakfast began to fill the house. I walked into the kitchen to see her dad standing there, with all burners on the stove going. "Oh, hey Sonata." He said casually. I blushed deeply, darting back into the bedroom and shut the door behind me. "Hey, dad's here by the way!" She called out once more. I glared at the door slightly, trying to find my school uniform. "Yeah, I figured that out when I walked through the house, half naked." I called back to only hear her laughing out. "That's not funny!" I pouted. "It is a bit. At least from my perspective." She replied. I finally came back out of the bedroom a few minutes later with my hair a matted mess still. She came out finally with a sly smirk on her face. "So, trying to show my dad your goods?" She teased. "Well, if I would have known he was here, I wouldn't have stammered through the house almost naked." I said. "Hey, don't worry about it. I didn't see anything. I just heard you moving around and figured it was you." He said, pulling out three plates from the cabinets. "So are you excited for your first day at Crystal Prep?" He asked, bringing the plates over to us. I looked down, remembering everything in vivid detail from last night. "Y-Yeah, just kind of nervous." I stated. "Don't be nervous, Sonata. I know about your past and even after that, if I had doubt in you, I would have sided with Avalon." He said, grabbing three mugs and filled them up. "W-Wait, you know about me?!" I asked, my nerves beginning to go into shock again. "Tried to take over a school. Was defeated by those seven girls. Yadda Yadda. All that matters is that you are not that same person." He said with a smile bringing the drinks over. I looked up at him and nodded softly. "Though will say this much. Didn't believe in magic or any of that type of shit until I saw that on the news. Though from the person I saw then, to the person I see now is completely different. Who I see now is a sweet, pure, gentle, and kind-hearted young woman. Someone who I am proud to have date my daughter." He said with a smile. I blushed softly and smiled. "Thank you so much, sir." I said. He shook his head. "No, don't call me sir. You're not one of my soldiers. You're family now. Call me dad." He demanded. I looked over at Lemon who was thrilled with his statement and nodded softly. "Thank you, dad." I said, a gentle smile forming. "Now hurry up and eat, you two. I gotta get you to school." He said, digging into his own plate. "Dad, how are you gonna take us? You have a motorcycle." "And a truck. And a jeep. And a car." He said, finishing her statement. "Oh...Ok then." She replied. I was running around the house frantically trying to find a hair brush. "Lemon, do you know where my hairbrush went to?" I asked, digging through the drawers in the bathroom. "Kitten, just use mine. It'll be ok." She said, I shrugged and grabbed her's quickly trying to brush my hair as she was packing up her bag. "C'mon Sonata. Ya should have done this earlier." Her dad called out. "Sorry, I know I'm slow." I pouted out. "J-Just give me one minute." I said, trying my best to hurry up. Finally, I rushed out of the bathroom, grabbing my bag and darted out behind Lemon and Citron, shutting the door behind me. "Thought we may have to leave without you." He said with a soft chuckle. "Not funny." I pouted. I looked over to see him shrugging slightly. "I was just kidding around." He replied. We walked up to a small truck that only had one row of seats. "Hmm, you wanna sit in the middle, Sonata?" Lemon asked. "It doesn't matter to me." I said, jumping in and slid into the middle with Lemon sitting beside of me. I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder as she quickly wrapped an arm around me to pull me closer to her. "Aww, so cute." Citron teased. "What? It's what couples do." I said with a smirk. "Yeah, you're right." He said, jumping into the truck. We finally arrived at the school after ten or so minutes of driving. It felt like my stomach was in my throat. The memories from last night flashing through my mind. Panic instantly settling in. Lemon looked down at me, seeing my reaction. "Kitten, it'll be ok." She said with a smile and kissed the top of my head. I looked at her and nodded softly as she grabbed my hand and lured me out of the truck. "We'll see you later dad!" She called out, shutting the truck door behind her. He gave one honk of the horn as he pulled off down the road. I began to look around, the other students looking at me closely. I tightly grasped Lemon's hand and hid behind her, worried about what was going on through the conversations. She looked behind me and tilted her head to the side. "Are you going to be ok, kitten?" She asked me. I looked up at her and nodded shakily. "Y-Yeah, just trying to get over what all was going through my mind last night." I said, forcing a small smile. She rose a brow at me and released my hand to quickly wrap it around my shoulder and held me close to her, helping me put my mind to ease. "See I told you she was a lesbian." One of the students said as they walked by. "Oh, stop it. You know about how many shitty boyfriends she's had. Maybe she found someone who treats her nicely." Another one snapped back, which actually made me feel a little bit better. "It's still disgusting." The snobby one said. I looked at her, growing somewhat irritated. "E-Excuse me." I called out. She turned to face me, to only step back, cowering a little bit. "I-It's you. You're one of those things who tried to take over Canterlot High." She said, backing away from me. "Things?" I asked myself. "You listen here!" Lemon called out, standing in front of me. "Because your dad's rich you think you have free reign to say whatever you please. Well, listen here punk, she's a beautiful person. She may have had a bumpy past, but we all have. No one is perfect." Lemon said, glaring at the girl. "You think you have the right to talk to me like I'm some low commoner?!" She snapped. "I can have you expelled from this scho-" She froze in fear as she looked over at me. I didn't know why either, until I looked in the reflection of a nearby window to see my eyes glowing red. I quickly glanced down to cover my face with my bangs, hoping not many people saw that. "W-Well, just watch out how you talk to me." She said, turning to leave. Lemon looked over at me and grabbed my hand. "Don't worry about them Sonata, they're just a bunch of spoiled brats." She said, as we began to walk into the school to only have everyone clear a path for us. "Hmm, this is weird, usually there's little to no room to walk this time of day." She said, scratching the back of her head. "Yeah, maybe it's because you're with me." I said, extremely ashamed. We made out way down the hall and stopped at a door with 'Dean Cadence' written on the door. "Well, I guess this is your stop." Lemon said, slowly releasing my hand. "How long do you think that this will last?" I ask. "Eh, when I went through this, I had to sit through a whole block, so about an hour and forty-five minutes, give or take." She said with a smile. I nodded softly and smiled in return. "Well, I'm gonna head on to class. I love you, kitten." She said, quickly leaning down to kiss me. "I love you too, Lemon." I said as she turned to leave. As I turned to face the doorway once more, this woman with long purple, pink, and yellow hair was standing there. "Ah, yes. You must be the new student Citron Zest told me about." She said, flipping through papers on a clipboard. "Sonata Dusk, right?" She asked. I nodded softly, looking up at her. "Y-Yes, Ma'am." I said, still unsure about even being here. She looked down at me, raising an eyebrow. "You look familiar, Miss Dusk. Have you been here before?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, ma'am. I'm a new student here. Just really nervous is all." I said with a fake chuckle after. "It's alright. No need to be nervous." She said, reassuring me with a warm smile. "Please, come in and take a seat." She said, leading me inside. I walked over to her desk, sitting down in front of her. "So, your father, I guess, wishes to register you here?" She asked. "W-Well, he's not really my dad. He's my girlfriend's dad. I've never actually known my father." I said, looking down. She looked at me and a small smile crept along her face. "So, you and Lemon Zest are together I take it?" She asked with me nodding softly. She began to smile a bit more. "That's so cute. I've seen that girl come through here time and time again over her ex-boyfriends. None of them treated her in a proper manner either. Maybe she needs a girlfriend to set her straight... NOT that I want her to be straight or anything like that." She said, trying to not sound rude. "I understood what you meant ma'am." I said with a smile. "Well, the reason that you are here is for a class of conduct. We have all of our students go through this, so don't stress out if you feel like you've been randomly selected." She said, leaning over to pull something from her desk. --- As I was walking down the hallway, more and more people was stepping aside. "What in the world is going on? Did I just randomly sprout a third arm or something?" I asked myself. "Well, look at who it is." Fleur Dis Lee said from behind me. "It's that dyke with the freak of a girlfriend." She mocked. I paused and turned around. "Excuse me, I'm sorry. It's hard to understand you. Usually when you talk, you're on your knees taking a load from some guy." I said, glaring at her. She pulled back in shock. "Why I'd never!" She exclaimed. "You will for the right price." I said with a smirk. She stormed up to me, the both of us eye to eye. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't have you expelled, Lemon?! Unlike your petty self, I have connections." "One reason? Sweetie, I have a list. One: I'm nicer than you. Two: I'm prettier than you. Three: I don't look like a twig. Four: I haven't slept with each and every member of the shadow colts. and Five: I don't have to make a living on my knees. Need I go on?" I said with a grin. --- "Alright Ms. Dusk, that just about wraps it u-" "What?! She started it!" I heard Lemon's voice call out from the hallway to be tossed into the room with me and Dean Cadence with this blue skinned, purple haired woman standing behind her. "Oh no, Lemon, what happened now?" Dean Cadence asked, burying her face in her hands. "Fleur Dis Lee was calling me a dyke. I came back with a few comments of my own. She slapped me and I punched her." She said with a smile on her face. "Lemon! That is NOT something to be proud of. What did I tell you?" Cadence asked. "To ignore it, but Dean Cade-" "No, buts!" The other woman snapped. "Not even a month ago, you were suspended for the same exact story." The woman said. "Principal Cinch, I'm telling the truth!" Lemon exclaimed. "I do not care! You are lucky her parents are not going to take you to court for assault!" She snapped out. "Oh, so if her parents have money, she can do whatever she likes, insults whoever she pleases, and step on anyone she chose to, but since I don't. I'm the one getting in trouble for her hitting me first." Lemon said. "No one claims to have seen her strike you first. Everyone is pointing the finger to you!" Cinch said. Lemon stood there for a second, anger building up inside of her. "You have working security cameras all through out this school. If you don't believe me, then look at them!" She yelled out. "We do not have to Ms. Zest. You are not the one in charge here. I am!" Cinch growled back. "Yeah, and we see how that's going. You're allowing richer, more privileged students step all over the less privileged! Fantastic job!" She snapped. "I do not have to stand for this, Ms. Zest! You are trying my patience!" Cinch said. "Both of you! Stop!" Dean Cadence called out. "This is my office, I refuse to have this going on here. Lemon, if what you are saying is true. Then let's watch the footage." She said. "Dean Cadence, please just trust me on this." She pleaded. Cadence nodded and turned to open up a cabinet with several monitors in it. "Which hallway did it happen in?" "D-Hallway Ma'am." She said. Cadence knelled down and began to rewind the type. "This is just a waste of time Ms. Zest!" Cinch stated. "Now hold on. Let's see what happened before we jump to conclusion." She said, finally stopping it. "Alright, let's see what happened." Cadence pressed play with Lemon just casually walking down the hallway. Suddenly within the tape I can hear "Well, look at who it is." Fleur Dis Lee said as she stood behind Lemon. "It's that dyke with the freak of a girlfriend." "Excuse me, I'm sorry. It's hard to understand you. Usually when you talk, you're on your knees taking a load from some guy." We continued to watch it with the exchange of words until finally. Wait, the screen froze. "Dean Cadence, what's going on?" Lemon asked. "It seems to have froze, one second." She said, leaning down to try and fix the problem. It skipped all the way to when Lemon was holding her cheek in shock and then reached out, punching that girl in the face to only quickly be pulled off from an adult man and Principal Cinch. Cadence paused it to look at Lemon. "N-No, I have the hand print of my cheek Dean Cadence. She struck me first!" She said. "Lemon, I'm sorry, but it looks like you hit her first." She replied. "Dean Cadence, if I may." I asked. "The video obviously skipped for a few seconds. Isn't there another camera that's pointed within that direction?" I asked, doing my best to help Lemon out. She looked at the monitors once more, a sly smile slowly beginning to form. "Actually, there is." She said, reaching up to another monitor and began to rewind it to the exact moment to see that Fleur was, in fact, the first one to hit first. "Looks like she was telling the truth after all." Dean Cadence said with a big smile. "W-Well, that doesn't matter! Lemon should have not fought back and with this being her third offence this year alone. She is to be kicked out of Crystal Prep Academy." Cinch said, curling up her nose towards Lemon. "Wait! What's going to happen to her?!" Lemon snapped out. "She will be suspended of course." Dean Cadence went to say. "No she won't. She was antagonized by Lemon t-" "No, just shut up." Lemon demanded, interrupting Cinch. "I'm screwed either way..." She said, grabbing her bag and storming out of the office. I rushed outside of the office to see Lemon on the other side of the hallway, breaking down with her phone in her hand. "D-Dad, I-I need you to come pick me up." She said in a shaky voice. "Well, yeah. What happened though?" He asked. "I...Can I explain it when you get here?" She pleaded. "Um, sure. I'm still at your place cleaning up from breakfast, give me about five minutes and I'll be up there." He said. "Thanks dad." She said before hanging up the phone. I walked over to her and sat down beside of her. "A-Are you alright?" I asked, cautiously reaching out to grab her hand. She just shook her head. "Sonata, this isn't fair to me. She started it. She was the one who threw the first hit. And yet, I'm the one who gets in trouble. It's always like this around here." She cried out. "How dare you! Lemon didn't influence Fleur! If anything Fleur was antagonizing Lemon! Are you saying that you wouldn't have done the same thing?!" I heard Dean Cadence call out. "My word is final, Mrs. Cadence! She is to be expelled from Crystal Prep Academy. She'll be fortunate enough to even get into Canterlot High with the report I plan on giving her. And if you try to go against me, I will have your job!" Cinch said from inside. I immediately got up and opened the door. "Excuse me, but from what I've witnessed my first day here at Crystal Prep Academy is atrocious. You have clear evidence that one girl started the conflict and you choose to ignore it? What kind of sick and sadistic place is this?! Only thing I've witnessed here is a school that is led by a corrupted principal." I said, removing my jacket. "This isn't what I was hoping for here at Crystal Prep. I was hoping for equality for all students. Not this bogus crap." I said, tossing my jacket on the ground and storming back out to see Citron kneeling beside of Lemon, his face growing more red by the second. Surely enough, as I stepped out, Citron stormed in, slamming the door behind him. "What kind of fucking bullshit is this?!" I heard his voice boom out. "Don't you dare raise that type of tone with me! Do you have any idea who I am?!" Cinch snapped. "You're a jacked up, failure, piece of fucking shit for a principal! Now do you have any idea who I am? I am Colonel Citron D Zest of the 1/120th Flamethrowing Haymakers! When my ex wife told me about this school, I had the same hopes that Sonata had, but apparently I was in the wrong. Every cent that I invested in this place. I demand back. I also demand to have the security tapes of the past hour minutes." He growled out. "By law, yo-" "By law? No no no. Trust me, I can have this room filled with lawyers and attorneys and they will tell you that I have the right to that tape." He stated. "Now you have 5 seconds. Exactly 5 fucking seconds! In the next 5 seconds I have better have those tape in my hand. If I don't, I'll personally get them myself" He said, his body trembling with anger. Cadence looked at him instantly handing over the tapes. "Thank you miss." He said with a genuine smile to Cadence, then turned towards Cinch and opened the door back up. "Now, you're probably asking yourself. 'What am I gonna do with these?' Well, it's simple." He said, reaching down to grab the jacket I tossed down. "I'm going to take you, that girl, and her parents to court and sue all of you for each and every cent you have." He said with a smile. "And trust me, from what I've heard. There's a LOT of students that would be willing to step in for me." He said, the smile growing ever more. "Now, you have a grand fucking day." He snapped before turning towards me and Lemon. "C'mon you two. Let's get home." He said, marching out in front of us with the both of us following after him. "So, where do you two wanna go?" He asked as he opened the door to the truck. "I-I just wanna go home dad." Lemon said, looking down at the ground. "Well, how about this. Instead, we go and get you some ice cream, maybe take you two to the movies, That sound good?" He asked with Lemon nodding softly. "What about you, Sonata? Is that alright?" "It's whatever she wants to do." I said, doing my best to comfort her. "Also, we need to get you two enrolled into a different school." He said, going to pull out, but was stopped by a blue haired man. "Oh for fuck sakes." Citron said, stepping out of the truck. "What do you want?" The man walked up to Citron and smiled. "I will do whatever it takes to help you out. The same goes for my wife, Dean Cadence. We've seen her run off excellent students just so she'll get a bigger pay check." He said. Lemon and Citron looked at him in shock. "Well, that'd be greatly appreciated of you both. And if you have any tapes that may have been tampered with, please bring them to my attention as well." Citron said. "Will do. Oh by the way. My name is Shining Armor. Retired Captain, sir." He said with a smile. "Well, thank you for all your help Captain, but I'm gonna take these two and try to cheer them up. You take it easy." Citron said before getting back in the truck. "Oh, one other thing. Canterlot High School is probably one of the better schools around here. Principal Celestia and VP Luna will take her in as long as you explain the situation. Plus, my little sister is down there now and she loves it. Just something to think about. I'll do my best to write a referral so all allegations are cleared" He said before walking away. "You all have a nice day!" He called out before running back to the school. Citron looked over at me and Lemon as he got back in. "Is that alright with you two?" He asked. "D-Dad, anywhere is better than here." Lemon said, as she laid her head on my shoulder. I didn't pay no mind to what was being said, my only focus was trying to cheer up Lemon. About thirty minutes later, we arrived in Canterlot City. I began to look around, realizing the location and where we were heading. "Excuse me, Citron." "Yes, Sonata?" "Where are we going?" I asked. "Well, like I said, I need to make sure that you two are in school since I'm the legal guardian for the both of you now. Seeing as how CPA pulled that stunt, we're going to talk to Principal Celestia about enrolling both of you here." He said right before turning into Canterlot High's parking lot. I looked around to see Sunset and the others sitting in front of the statue, watching us pull in. We stepped out of the truck and began to walk past everyone who was eyeing us down, almost immediately. Finally as we came up to Sunset and the others, I heard them whispering about something, but wasn't able to understand. "Hey Sonata." I heard Sunset call out as she walked up to us. I looked up and smiled softly. "H-Hey Sunset." I said, a smile finally creeping along my face. "What brings you two here?" She asked, the others coming up behind her. "Well..." "I got into a fight at CPA over who I was with. They ended up tampering with the tapes and they was still taking that girls side." Lemon chimed in with a smile on her face. The others looked at her in shock at her reaction. "So who are ya with?" AJ asked. "Well, Sonata of course." She said, forming an even bigger smile as she wrapped her arm around me to pull her close to her with me resting my head on her shoulder. "Awww! So cute!" Pinkie exclaimed, causing both me and Lemon to blush. "Yeah, she's helped pull me out of some dark times." Lemon said, making me blush even more. "Well you two make an adorable couple." Rarity stated. "T-Thank you." I finally said, trying to pull my hoodie over my head to hide my blush. "So, I'm guessing you two are here to talk to Principal Celestia?" Sunset asked. "Yeah, though I'm not exactly sure if I'll be allowed back in." I stated. Sunset looked at me and laughed softly. "Sonata, I destroyed the front of the school as well as caused a massive hole in the ground. If they allowed me back in, then they'll let you back in." She said. I nodded softly and felt Lemon tug on me a little bit. "C'mon, I think dad's wanting to hurry up and get this over with." She teased. I nodded softly and followed Citron and Lemon into the school. "I'll see you all later!" I called out, waving back at them as I walked in the school. > Ch. 6 (New Beginnings) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, Lemon, you're cleared to go." Celestia said with a smile, though she turned towards me. "As for you, Sonata." She paused. I hung my head low, expecting the worst. "Principal Celestia, I have changed. My ex-friend Adagio was the one who basically controlled me, telling me to act like that. I promise anything and everything you hear about me from this day on will be good things. Just please, give me this second chance." I pleaded, looking up to her. Celestia looked over to Luna, the two just stood there in silence before Luna broke the silence. "So, if we allow you back in, no more trying to possess half of the student body as well as the faculty?" She said. "No, ma'am. I will give everything I have to make sure that I give this school a good name." I said with a confident smile. They returned the smile and nodded softly. "Well, this is how it's going to play out then." Celestia said, sitting back down at her desk. "You two are to join the wondercolts. From what I seen, before you walked inside the school. You are already familiar with all of the members. Also, Lemon, you were an A B student, am I correct?" Celestia asked. "Yes, ma'am. I have never failed a single class." "Not true." Citron said. "W-Well, I did fail my music class, but it was being taught by someone who thought the actual term for a sharp note was hashtag." She said, slightly embarrassed at remembering that fact. "Was it seriously that bad?" Luna asked. "You have no idea. She didn't know the difference between a treble and a bass clef. She thought fortissimo stood for soft and pianissimo stood for loud. Need I go on?" She asked. "Oh wow, how in the world was she ever employed to work there." Celestia said, in complete shock. "Also, Mrs. Celestia." Citron said as he stood up. "Something I'd like to ask." "Ok, what is it?" "Do you have any other students from CPA? I'm getting ready to run an investigation on CPA over bribery, misleading conduct, and embezzlement. The reason I need to talk to them is because if there is more students who had the same exact treatment as my daughter, then I'd like for them to stand with me." He said. She pondered for a second and nodded. "We do, but please understand, I am not allowed to give out a list of names." "I understand, ma'am." "I can, on the other hand, make an announcement stating that. That's about the best I can do, though." She said. "That would be appreciated. I'll have one of my lawyers up here as well so that no one can claim any shady business is happening." He said with a smile. Celestia smiled back and nodded, then directed her attention to me and Lemon. "Well, seeing as how it's the end of the school day. You are free to leave. Though we expect to see you two here tomorrow. Is that understood?" She asked. "Yes, Ma'am." The both of us said, turning to leave. As we stepped outside of the office, all the worry instantly left my body as I took a deep sigh of relief. "So, next thing on the plate." Citron said. "We have to move you two here in Canterlot. Lucky enough, I know an apartment complex not too far from here that's over a shop. Nice little place, not even a mile away from the school or my place." He said as we walked outside. "Wait, I already have my rent paid up for this month and this month only began." Lemon stated. Citron glanced down at her, grinning deviously. "Don't worry and leave that to me. I'll have all of your stuff moved out of the one apartment and moved to this one by tonight. If not all of it, I'll atleast have your bed and tv moved in. By the time you two get back from school tomorrow it all should be up and ready to go." He said with a smile. "Actually, can we stay with you tonight dad?" She asked. He looked at her and smiled. "Well, of course. Only thing I ask is no mamby pamby on the couch. I don't want to hear you all in the middle of the night. From what your neighbour told me. He was able to hear you two in the early hours of the morning." He said, with a sly grin. We both looked at him, our faces turning a deep shade of red. "I-I didn't think we were that loud." I said. "Hmm, you do make some cute noises when my fingers take control." She said. "As I nibble along your neck, letting my fingers ex-" "Lemon!" Her dad called out. "You're still in public damnit. Wait until you're in private for that type of behavior." He said. I had lost every ounce of my thoughts I had. My face red and hot. "I-I'm going to get you later." I said, blushing once more. "Oh, baby. Can't wait." She teased. "Lemon, what did I just say." Citron said, his own face blushing from hearing all of this. "I don't want to know about my daughter's sex life, nor do I need to think about it." He said, trying to shake the thoughts out of his mind. "Would it be better if I got you two a friggen hotel room? That way you two can have your privacy and I'll be able to sleep tonight." He said, opening the door to his truck. We looked at one another and shrugged. "Sure, that sounds good to us." Lemon said with a smirk. "Dear god, you are definitely my child." He said, shaking his head. "Alright, you two pick out the hotel then!" He said as we got back into the truck. "Well, any of them works. Maybe something close?" I asked. "Actually I think that there's a hotel near the apartment I'm getting for you two." He said, pulling out of the parking lot. We pulled up to the hotel that looked like something from a movie. Beautiful landscape, amazing appearance on the outside. all together it was outstanding. "Well, damn, this looks better than my own house." Citron said with a smile. Lemon and I stepped out of the truck with Citron following behind. "So you don't mind putting me and Sonata up here for the night?" Lemon asked. "Well, I'd rather do this than hear you two moaning all night. A hotel room is cheaper than a therapy bill." He stated. When we walked in, Big Mac was standing there with AJ. "It's a shame that our home's gettin' nuked due to all them critters eatin' at the wood. Hopefully we'll be able to get rid of them and be back home b'for to long." AJ said as Mac nodded. She looked over to see us and smiled. "Well, howdy yall. What are you two doin' here?" She asked. "After everything that happened at CPA. We're moving down here to Canterlot, so while our stuff is getting moved, we're going to be staying here." I said. AJ nodded softly. "Yall, never really said what happened, but since yer gonna be stayin' here t'night, Ah guess we can talk if yall feel up to it." She said. "We'll have to see. Just trying to get over thing that happened today." Lemon said. "Well, alright. Me and Applebloom's probably gonna go to the pool. They actually have a hot tub in there as well. So we may end up hittin' that up as well." She said with a smile. We both nodded softly. "Yeah, we may end up going to the hot tub. It'd be nice to actually sit down and relax." Lemon said. "Well, hold it you two." He said, walking over from the desk. "I know the type of stuff that goes on in hot tubs. You two better behave." Citron said with the both of us blushing once more. AJ looked at us and rose a brow. "D-Dad, trust me, we're not going to do that." Lemon stated. He looked at her and smirked softly. "Well, I'm going to head on out. I'll swing by to bring you two some clothes later." He said. "Wait, we don't have a bathing suit or anything." Lemon said, looking back at him. "Well, Ah got a couple of pairs that I've never worn. Was gonna wait till Applebloom could fit in em, but when I got to lookin' I figured that they weren't meant for young ones." She stated. "Yall might be able to fit in them. Ya just may gotta tie it tighter for the chest." We nodded softly. "Well, let us go to our room and then we'll probably meet you there." I said with a smile. "Well shoot, we're actually getting ready to head on up. Figure out what room yall are in and we'll meet yall up there." She said, turning to step in the elevator to hold the door for us. We rushed over to the front desk and got our room key and darted towards the elevator as well. We walked up to her room to only see our room is right in front of hers. "Give us a second to let us put our bags in our room and we'll be right over." Lemon said, the both of us walking into our room to only see a magnificent queen sized bed in the middle of the room. I couldn't help myself. I sprinted past Lemon and dove into the bed, curling up in the blankets. "It's so comfy!" I cried out. She looked at me and laughed softly. "You act like our own bed isn't." She stated. "W-Well, yeah. True." I replied, laying back and stretching out. I laid there, my eyes closed to only feel her crawling on top of me. "You know, we could skip the hot tub." She teased. I blushed deeply and looked up at her. "W-Well, I was kind of hoping to go to the hot tub." I said, blushing even more. "Aww, c'mon kitten." She said, leaning down to nibble along my neck. "Um, excuse me yall." AJ's said as she stood there watching us. Lemon darted up, blushing deeply as she looked back at AJ. I wasn't able to move, my body froze to the bed. "S-Sorry, kinda got lost in the moment." Lemon said. "Ah wasn't even gone for five seconds!" She stated. She then looked at me. "Is she gonna be alright?" AJ asked, pointing down at me. "Yeah, give her a second." Lemon said. Surely enough, I rolled over, blushing deeply. "J-Just ignore me!" I said, pulling the blankets over myself to try and calm down. "W-Well, here's the bathing suits. Y-Yall can keep them after." She said. "Thank you AJ." I called out from under the blankets. I heard the door shut with me coming out from under the blankets. "That's not fair." I said, looking at Lemon. Pouting slightly. She looked at me with a sly grin. "It's cute though, I was close to getting you to make that adorable little squeak you do." She said. "Lemon!" I pouted out, blushing even more. She laughed softly and helped me off the bed. "C'mon kitten, let's go." She said, handing me a dark blue bathing suit bottom with a white top. "Ohh, this looks pretty." I said, looking at it. "Well hurry up and get dressed." She said, getting ready to putting a pink two piece bathing suit. I nodded and began to get dressed as well. We grabbed a couple of towels to cover ourselves in as we stepped out of the door to see AJ and Applebloom waiting on us. "About time yall get outta there." She teased. "So what do yall plan on doing?" Applebloom asked. "Well, we just plan on going in the hot tub, maybe jump in the swimming pool later." Lemon said as she grabbed my hand. We walked down the stairs and swimming pool room and looked around to see a pretty decent sized hot tub on the other side. When I looked around, I smirked, dropping my towel and instantly jumped into the pool. "Oh! It's cold!" I shrieked out as I came back up. Lemon looked down at me and laughed softly as she walked over to the side of the pool. "I could of told you that, kitten. I swam over and looked up at her and nodded softly. "Well, I didn't think of that at the time." I said, pouting softly. She reached down and extended her hand to help me up. I reached up to grab her hand, though grinned deviously. "Oh no." She said, right before I pulled her into the water. She came back up and glared at me, as I was already sitting on the side of the pool with an innocent smile. "Don't give me that look. You're the furthest thing from innocent, Sonata." She said, swimming over to me. I smirked and stuck my tongue out at her. "That's revenge for earlier, my beautiful Lemon Blossom." I said with a smile, wringing my hair out. She sighed and got out of the pool, shivering slightly. "O-Ok, let's go to the hut tub." She said, wrapping her arms around herself and rushed over to the hot tub. She gave a sigh of relief as her body sank down into it. I walked to over to Lemon as AJ and Applebloom eased their way into the pool. Then eased my way into the hot tub myself. "Mmm, this is nice." I said, as I laid my head on her shoulder. I felt her wrap her arm around me and pulled me closer to her. "It'd be nice to have a house with a hot tub in the living room. That way we could just watch tv and relax." She said. I looked up at her and rose a brow. "Lemon, we would never leave it." I stated, looking up at her. "Yeah...true." She said. I looked up at her and smiled, nuzzling into her. "I love you, my beautiful Lemon Blossom." I said. She smiled and kissed the top of my head, pulling me close to her. "I love you too, kitten." "Hey sis, do you think you'll ever find a bond like they got?" Applebloom said with a grin. "Ah'll find someone. Just give it time, sugercube." She said. "I thought you were with someone AJ?" Lemon asked. "W-Well, he was kind of a jerk. Claimed to be a good ol' country boy, but didn't know his way around a tractor. Nothin' but a darn city boy." She pouted. "I'd figured you and Dash would have been together by now. You two are almost inseparable as it is." I said to see her blush lightly. "W-Well, I'm not really into girls, but I have thought about it a time or two." She said. Lemon looked at her and moved to the other side of the hot tub. "Well, have you actually ever tried?" Lemon asked. "N-no, not really. Usually, I'm too busy with workin' the farm to actually focus on a relationship anyways." She stated. "Girl, you need to take a day or two to relax." Lemon said. "We are. That's what we were planning on doing while we're here at the hotel. Take a small vacation and then try to catch up with all the work we've missed." She said, stepping out of the pool, letting Applebloom play in the water. Lemon looked over at me with a sly smirk. "Well, while you're taking time off, why don't you try to talk to Dash?" Lemon asked. AJ blushed once more. "W-well, what if she doesn't like me like that. Just might ruin our friendship." She exclaimed. "Well, doesn't hurt to ask her out on a date." I said, scooting beside of Lemon, perching my head on the side of the hot tub. She looked and scratched her head. "A-Ah guess so." She said, considering the option. "C'mon sis! Do it, from what I hear from Scootaloo, Dash has been looking for a special someone for a while now. Maybe you can be that special someone." Applebloom stated. AJ looked at her and blushed slightly, biting at her lip. "F-Fine, I'll ask her tomorrow after school." She said with a defeated sigh. Lemon, Applebloom and I smiled. "Trust me, you won't regret it." Lemon said with a smile. "Ah hope not." She said, sitting down on the side of the hot tub. "Well, with a butt like that, who could say no?" I teased. "Sonata!" Lemon snapped with a grin. "What? It's the truth." I said with a small laugh. AJ and Lemon rolled their eyes at me. "Well, I guess we're gonna head on back to our room. Ah got a lot to think about." AJ said. "C'mon Applebloom." She called out as she was walking towards the exit. "Actually, sis. Can I stay here and talk to Lemon and Sonata?" She asked. AJ turned to look at us. "Would yall mind watchin' her for a few then?" AJ asked. "Of course not." I said with a smile. "Alright then, I'll be back here in a little bit. Gonna go and get dried off and dressed." She said, walking out of the room. Applebloom swam over to the side to look at us. "So, I gotta ask. How did you two come across one another?" She asked. Lemon looked over at me. "You wanna tell the story?" She asked. "Eh, sure. why not." I said with a smile. "Well, originally I was living with two other friends. One of them who I utterly despise now, but we got into an argument and she slapped me and I knocked her out. I wasn't sure what happened so I just took off running. Well, when I finally stopped. I broke down and didn't want to live anymore." I said, a wave of depression hitting me. "I felt like I was alone in the world, I felt like no one would ever want to be around me." I paused and then looked over at Lemon a smile forming on my face shortly after. "Then she saw me out in the middle of the street, crying my eyes out. Not to sure what possessed her to do so though." I teased. "I was worried!" She pouted. I smiled and kissed her cheek softly. "I know sweetie, but she came up to comfort me. I was scared of her at first, though. Despite me trying to push her away. She offered me her jacket in the middle of the cold street. Then offered for me to stay with her. At the time, I was still trying to shy away from her, but when she started to leave. I didn't want to be alone. I just wanted to have someone around." I said I looked down at Applebloom who had a sense of awe in her eyes. "What else happened?" She asked. I laughed softly and smiled. "Well, she took me home and offered me something that I haven't had in a long time. I warm home. Then tacos... maybe it was the tacos that lured me in." I teased as Lemon splashed me. I smirked softly and wiped the water off of my face. "So you only love me for my cooking? I see how it is." She teased back. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. "No, I love you for you." I said with a smile. "But anyways, she made me feel happiness. Something that I haven't felt in a long time. Then on the second night of me staying with her, I felt something new, I felt a heavenly bliss. I literally felt something that was once foreign to me and that was love. I didn't know the exact word for it, nor did I know the emotion, but with her, she shined the light into my dark, dark world." I said, holding her close to me. "I wouldn't trade this for anything. Even if I was offered a chance to take back my old life. I'd say no." I said, as I rested my chin on her shoulder to make myself comfortable. I looked down at Applebloom who's now sitting on the side of the pool. Her eyes still filled with awe. "T-That's such a beautiful story." She said with a smile. "Maybe one day, I'll find my very own special someone." She said with a smile. "You will, you're a beautiful young woman. Just give it time." I said with a smile. "Let me just go ahead and tell you. If you meet someone and they hurt you, emotionally or physically, get rid of them as soon as you can. They're not worth your time. If that ever happens, come to AJ, Mac, or me and Sonata if you have to." Lemon said with a stern voice. Applebloom nodded softly and smiled as AJ came back into the room, her hair floofed out from drying it. "Did she behave?" She asked. "She was a little angel! She was wanting to know how me and Lemon met so we told her." I said with a smiled. "I'm actually curious about that myself. Would yall mind telling me the story?" She asked. "I was actually getting ready to get out of the hot tub, Lemon, you mind taking this one?" I asked, stepping out of the hot tub and began to dry off. Lemon nodded and began to tell her side of what happened up till we met. "Well, my version's different from hers, but it has the same outcome." She stated. laughing softly. "I was in countless of abusive relationships due to my mom, who tried to pair me off with jerks. Well, the day before I met Sonata. I just got out of another relationship with a guy who used to call me ugly along with a whole bunch of other things." She said, looking down in pain of remembering the memories. "On top of that he used to pin me down and...well, you get the idea. Anyways, I left the guy the day before and came across Sonata sitting in the middle of the road, tears flowing from her eyes. I was worried and went to check on her. Granted she was mean at first, but after a minute of talking to her I told her that she can come home with me." She stated, scratching her chin to remember further on. "At first she was as timid as a kitten, scared of just about everything and anything around her. Though when she started to warm up, I saw that kind-hearted, beautiful woman that I am with today." She said with a smile. "Wait, so is that why you call me kitten?" I asked, leaning over the hot tub to look at her. "Yup!" She said with a smile, leaning up to kiss me. I rolled my eyes at her playfully and smiled back. "Well, I'm going to head on up to the room. You two can finish the story." I said, turning to leave. "Alright, I love you, Kitten!" She called out. "I love you too, Lemon Blossom" I said, walking out of the room. I started up the elevator and walked out to see Citron standing in front of our room. "Hey, Sonata. Something that we need to talk about." He said, his voice almost in a low growl. I felt a chill go down my spine, worry instantly hitting me. "O-Ok." I said, walking up to him and opened the door. I walked in first with him shutting the door behind me. "C-Could I get dressed real quick?" I asked. "I just need to talk to you." He said, cracking his knuckles. The worry was gone, now only thing I felt was fear. "O-Ok?" I said, backing up. "Now, I'm going to put this simple. I have never stuck my neck out for anyone of my daughter's spouses before as much as I have for you. I know you two might be 'in love' but I'm going to make this simple. My two daughters are my life. If you hurt Lemon. I will break you. And I don't mean emotionally, noooo fuck that." He said, stepping closer to me, backing me into the wall. "I will personally break you in half." He growled out. I collapsed to the floor in terror of him. "I-I'd never imagine doing a thing like that to her. She's the only thing I have in this life!" I cried out. He glanced down at me, and I could instantly tell that he had regret on his face. "W-wait, so you weren't kidding about your friends abandoning you?" He asked. I quickly shook my head. "N-No, sir." I said shakily. I heard him give a sigh of defeat as he sat down on the bed.. "Holy shit." I heard him say. "I'm sorry... Usually, any time that I've heard one of her ex's say that, they're just saying that crap to try and get a free ride from her." He said. "I am so, so sorry..." He said once more. "S-Sir, I was alone and had no one by my side when she found me. I owe her my life." I said, slowly pushing myself back up. "Lemon gave me a reason to live. She gave me a purpose and that purpose is to do what I can to make sure that she is happy." I said. He looked up at me and nodded softly. "I just want her to be happy. I want to do everything I can to make sure that she has no more sad or depressing days." "Ok, I understand." He said. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I have to though because of what she's been through. I don't want to see her go through that again. I want her to be happy Sonata. That's all any father could want." He said. "I understand, but sir, I have high hopes that one day that I can be more than just girlfriends with her." I said, blushing deeply at confessing that. He looked at me and rose a brow. I then saw a small smirk form among his lips. "Well, I'd always thought about a son-in-law, but if what you are saying is true, I'd proudly take you as my daughter-in-law." He said with a smile. I looked at him and smiled back slightly. "S-So do you understand how much your daughter means to me?" I asked. He nodded softly and sighed. "Yeah, I understand." He said with a smile. "Well, Sonata, when I said it before, I was just saying it make Lemon happy, but now, I sincerely mean this. Welcome to the family." He said, opening up his arms. I stood there for a second until he motioned for me to come to him. I cautiously walked up to him as he wrapped his arms around me. "Once more I'd like to say sorry. I just want what's best for her." He said. "As do I, sir." We broke the hug and he stepped back. "Well, I'm going to head on out. Your clothes are in the bathroom. You have a good day Sonata." He said, turning to leave. "You too, dad." I said watching him step out. I laid down on the bed, trying to process everything that just happened. Shortly after Lemon walked in, trying to dry out her hair. "Did dad ever drop off our clothes?" She asked. "Yeah, they're in the bathroom." I said, sitting back up. She looked over at me and smiled and walked over to me and laid down beside of me. "So what did AJ think of the story?" I asked, turning to face Lemon. "Well, she was in shock of everything happened, though she said it's good that we finally found someone who makes each other happy." She said, placing her hand on top of mine. "Yeah, it's about time we both found that one person to make all our troubles go away." I said with a smile. > Ch. 7 (Opening Old Wounds) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I began to stir, yawning out softly to not wake Lemon, then reached up to check my phone to see that is just turned 5 AM. I looked up at Lemon who had her back towards me and was still asleep. I smirked softly and scooted close up to her and wrapped my arm around her to pull her close to me. She began to stir a little bit and curled into me. "Good morning beautiful." I said softly. A tired smile came along her face as she rolled over to face me. "Hey, Kitten." She said, snuggling closer to me. "What time is it?" She yawned out. "It's about 5 AM, give or take a couple of minutes." I said, resting my head on her chest. She looked at me and smiled and began to play with my hair. I looked up at her and smiled softly. "Mmm, you're more cuddly than usual." I said with a smile. "While you were asleep, dad swung by again. He explained that he basically scared you half to death, but then he told me everything you said." She said, I could feel my face light up as I pulled the blankets up over my head. "Though I kind of jumped on him for scaring you, but I guess he's just looking out for me." She said. She looked down at me and pulled the blanket back down. "Why are you blushing?" She asked. "D-Did he not tell you that I said that I someday maybe wanted to be...well you know." I said, blushing more. A sly smirk came along her face. "He did, but that's in due time, Kitten." She said, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I nodded softly and smiled. "So what time do we have to be at school?" I said, not really wanting to get up. "I have no idea. Though since we agreed to be Wondercolts, we have to get there when everyone else does." She said. Shortly after we heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" Lemon called out. "It's AJ! Yall need to be getting up soon to meet everyone." She said. "Yeah, sorry, we're not even out of bed yet. You can come in though, it should be unlocked." Lemon said. AJ walked in and looked at us still cuddled up to one another and laughed softly. "Well, don't yall just look adorable." She said with a smile. Lemon sat up and stretched out. "Well, hopefully, when you talk to Dash today, you'll look the same." She teased to get AJ to blush slightly. "Y-Yeah, about that." She said, glancing down. "No, before you start. You're not going to back down!" Lemon said. "I-I wasn't! I'm just scared if she may deny me." She said, blushing deeply. I got up out of the bed and began to get dressed. "Well, what makes you think she'll say no?" I asked. "It goes back to what I said yesterday. What if she doesn't like me like that? I mean, I'm still worried of ruining our friendship." She stated. I looked over at Lemon who had her phone out and was typing something. "Just to make sure, Dash is the girl who has the rainbow colored hair, right?" Lemon asked. "Y-Yeah, why?" AJ asked to only see a sly grin on Lemon's face. "Lemon, no!" "Lemon, yes." She replied, dropping her phone. "W-What did you say?!" AJ asked, starting to worry. "I just said that you and her need to talk about something. I didn't mention anything other than that." She said with a grin. AJ's mood went from worry to anger. "W-Why did you do that?!" She snapped. "Just to make sure you don't back out of it. Trust me, you'll thank me in the long run." Lemon said, walking past AJ to pat her on the shoulder and walked into the bathroom. "I'm gonna shoot you, Lemon!" AJ called out. I couldn't help myself but to laugh at the situation. "It's not funny, Sonata." AJ pouted. "I know, but she's right. You need this boost to make sure that you actually go through with it." I said with a smile, pulling my hair out of the back of my shirt. She looked at me and shook her head. "What if it doesn't work, though?" She asked. "Applejack, if we had our doubts, we wouldn't have put you in this predicament." I said with a smile. "Ah guess so..." She said, sighing in defeat. "Well, Ah guess I'm off to school. I'll see yall later." She said, walking out of the room. Lemon came out and looked at me. "I may have lied a little bit." She said with a slight smile. I rose a brow and looked at her. "What did you do?" I asked. She handed me her phone and I opened up to read. "Hey Dash, didn't you have a thing for AJ?' Who told you about that?!' No one, just a hunch, but you could surprise her by doing something extravagant, maybe kiss her? You might be surprised in what she does. Don't worry it'll be good." There was nothing after that. I looked up at Lemon and sighed heavily. "How did you know?" I asked. Lemon sat down on the bed and smiled. "Well, yesterday, Dash was giving AJ bedroom eyes basically. Started to put two and two together. I'm surprised AJ didn't notice." She said with a smile. I nodded softly and sat down beside of her. "Well, hopefully everything will work out for the two." I said, resting my head on Lemon's shoulder. "It should, unless something bad happens that may prevent them from talking today." Lemon said, wrapping an arm around me. "We should get ready to head to school soon." I said, not wanting to get up. She nodded and stood up, grabbing my hand and pulled me up. "Yeah, c'mon." She said with a smile. As we arrived at school, there stood AJ and Dash just casually talking at the entrance. "So do you think they done anything yet?" I asked. "Not yet, they're just talking right now, neither of them are overly excited or giddy." Lemon said, moving closer to hear, but to stay out of sight. "H-Hey Dash? Can I talk to you about something?" AJ asked. "A-actually, before you do, I got something I need to do." She said. "Oh? What would that b- HMPF?!" Dash took that leap of faith first, the both of them blushing deeply. Shortly after, AJ wrapped her arms around Dash to pull her closer, a smile slowly forming along her lips. They finally broke apart, the both of them red in the face. "S-So, what made you decide to that?" AJ asked, a dumbfounded smile on her face. "A little birdy told me to take the chance." She said with a smile that would match AJ's. "So what were you needing to talk to me about?" Dash asked. AJ blushed and smiled. "Well, I was going to ask you out to dinner." She said. Dash laughed softly and smiled. "What do you think my answer is going to be?" Dash said, pure bliss in her eyes. Finally me and Lemon came out, giddy smiles on our faces. "Awww, you two do make a cute couple!" I called out. They both froze and looked at us, their blushes getting worse. "So, just by chance, was that little birdy who told ya to do that, Lemon or Sonata?" AJ said. Dash looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, she told me that I wouldn't be upset about it either. What about you?" Dash asked. "Yup, though Lemon told me that she texted you telling you that I needed to talk to you about something." AJ stated. Shortly after the both of us got glared at. "What?! It's not like either of you were denied. If anything I helped you two." Lemon stated. They both sighed and nodded softly. "Yeah, she's right." Dash said, resting her head on AJ's shoulder. A few seconds later we heard a loud shriek as Pinkie sprinted past us, almost knocking us over. "You two are together now?!" She screamed out. They both looked and nodded, blushing deeply. We looked at them and smiled. "Well, we're going to head inside. You two have fun!" Lemon called out as we walked into the school. Surprisingly enough, we were accepted by everyone. We weren't given the cold shoulder by anyone and nobody ran away when they saw me. After the events at CPA I was expecting so much worse. Around the end of the day, we all met up in the back of the school, AJ and Dash even more inseperable than before. "It's surprising, that two people who are from two different cultures have bonded so well." Rarity said. We all looked over at her, slightly confused. "What do you mean by that?" Sunset asked. "Well, Applejack is your typical country girl who's constantly working and Rainbow Dash is the exact opposite of that. She's raised in the city and is extremely lazy. Plus she has an ego the size of this planet I do believe." She stated. "Well, yeah, but I guess you can say in this case, opposites attract. I mean, look at me and Twilight, or Lemon and Sonata. We're kind of polar opposites, but we all love each other and there's nothing that can change that fact." Sunset said with me and Lemon nodding. Rarity nodded softly. "Speaking of your Twilight, where is she?" Rarity asked. "She had to go back to Equestria and deal with some things there. She said that she'll be coming back this weekend though." Sunset said with an overjoyed smile. "Do you not worry about what's going on while she's away?" Rarity asked. "Nope." Sunset said, as she reclined on the bleachers. "Why is that?" "Rarity, it's simple. I know Twilight wouldn't do anything to hurt our relationship. I trust her with everything in me." Sunset said defensively, slowly starting to get angry. "Sunset, I wasn't implying anything." Rarity said. "Well you could have fooled me." Sunset growled out. "Alright, girls yall behave now." AJ stated. They both looked at her and nodded. "Yeah, besides, Twilight wouldn't be the type of girl to cheat." Dash said, looking at Rarity with a slight smirk. "Oh! That only happened once! Besides, he was talking to other girls and I thought that he deserved his own medicine." Rarity said, defending herself. "Well, it was that Blueblood guy and he was kind of a little prissy priss, so no harm done there." Dash said with a smile, leaning against AJ. I looked over at Rarity and cocked my head slightly. "Who all did he cheat on you with?" I asked. "Oh, geez, there is a list. Though it was mostly girls from CPA. Though when I got in contact with most of the girls, they didn't even know he was in a relationship, let alone how many other girls he was with." She said. I looked over at Lemon, who just had a look of panic on her face. "Um, Rarity, I may have been with him as well." Lemon said, ashamed of the fact of admit that. I rose a brow, slightly annoyed. "Wait, how long ago was this?" I asked. "You know the guy I told you about who was abusive, both physically and mentally?" She asked. I nodded softly, trying my best to maintain my anger. "He done what to you?!" Rarity asked. Lemon gave a defeated sigh as she looked down at the ground. "Well, when he tried to force himself on me, I kept pushing him off. That was until he pinned me down and began to choke me. I begged for him to get off until I ended up kneeing him in the groin. After that, he just kept calling me ugly, useless, and a whore. Saying that I've slept with countless of other guys." She said, pain filling the tone of her voice. Rarity looked at her, horrified at the fact that all this happened. "Oh my, what else did he do to you darling?" Rarity asked. "Nothing else, I was able to get away before he could try anything else." "Where does this bastard live?!" I growled out, my body trembling with anger. "S-Sonata! Wait, it's ok now. I'm not with him. I'm with yo-" "He hurt you and tried to rape you! I want to see him suffer!" I said, my eyes slowly starting to turn red. Lemon backed away in fear of me and Sunset stormed in front of me. "Calm down, Sonata!" Sunset snapped. "Twilight has had her fair share of piece of shit boyfriends! I want to beat the hell out of them as well, but she won't let me and out of respect for her. I'm not going to. Don't you think you should do the same!" Sunset said, staring me down. I ended up, unknowingly, growling at Sunset before coming to my senses. "Y-Yeah, I guess you're right." I said and sat back down, my body still trembling with anger. "S-Sonata, are you going to be ok?" Lemon asked me, slowly inching back over to my side. I nodded softly, then looked over at her to still see fear in her eyes. At that moment, the anger washed away, the only thing I felt was regret for scaring the only girl that meant the world to me. "I-I'm so sorry." I said, looking down at the ground, hating myself for scaring her. She reached over to me and wrapped her arm around mine to pull me closer to her and placed her hand over my head to rest my head against her chest. "It's alright. J-just please calm down." She asked of me. I nodded softly, curling up against her. I sat there in silence, hearing the others talk about their day. The only thing that was running through my mind was what just happened. That I just scared the only person who I care about. I hated myself for it and nothing that can be said could fix it. As the sun slowly began to sit, the moon now visible in the sky. We all took our separate ways and began to head home. As we walked down the road, Lemon looked over at me and tilted her head. "You've been awfully quiet today, Kitten. You sure everything is alright?" She asked. I nodded softly in reply as we rounded the corner to the hotel we were staying in. We walked inside and up to our room. Lemon walked in behind me and locked the door as I sat down on the bed, my gaze still focused on the ground. "Alright, what's wrong?" She said, crossing her arms. It felt like gates were broken inside of me as I broke down. "I-I am so sorry. I scared you early and I didn't want to do that. It's just, after I've heard so much. I just want to see you happy. Even though I've done my best to lock away this monster inside of me, it still comes out. It still lurks inside of me, and it's going to end up driving you away." I cried out into my hands. "I'm still a freak. I'm still a monster. I should never be loved." "SONATA!" Lemon snapped out. "You listen here, and you listen good!" She demanded as she walked up to me and kneeled down to meet me face to face. "Regardless of what may have happened in the past, regardless of what you done, what you have inside. There is nothing, and I mean nothing that could ever change my mind about you." She said. I looked at her, my eyes stained with tears. "Lemon, you're better off without me. You deserve so much better." I cried out. "Oh yeah? Like who? Because out of everyone I know, and trust me I know a lot of people, you are the only one who can make me happy. You are the only one that makes my days brighter, Sonata." She said, tears starting to stain her golden eyes. "I would give up my entire family if it meant that I could hold you every night and to wake up to you by my side every morning." She said, wrapping her arms around me to pull me close to her. "You are mine and nothing could change that." She said, kissing the top of my head softly. I nodded softly, trying my best to control the tears. "I love you and only you. Please, don't ever forget that." I heard her say in a stifled sob. I couldn't speak, knowing that if I did. I'd start crying more. I nodded softly and wrapped my arms around her to pull her close to me. "I-I love you too." I said in between gulps in attempts to control myself. "Do you want to lay down?" She asked. I nodded softly once more as she sat down beside of me to pull me on top of her. "No matter what the problem might be, we will find a way to fight through it. Ok?" She said in a more cheerful manner. I looked up at her and nodded softly. "Promise me." She demanded, sticking her pinky in the air. A soft smile formed along my lips as I stuck my pinky up and wrapped it around hers. "I-I promise." I said before curling up close to her. "No relationship is perfect, Kitten. That's why we fight through the problems and if we do that, we will come out stronger on top. I mean, think about how many problems Sunset and Twilight probably faced and you see how close they are now." She stated, a bigger smile forming along my lips. "Alright." I said before resting my head on her chest, her heart drowning out the sounds of the outside world. Regardless of the fears I may have, I feel at home when I'm with her. For all I care, I could live in a box in the middle of the street, as long as I have her, I am happy. I felt her move around slightly, trying to get comfortable underneath me. "I have to ask something, Kitten." She said, looking down at me. I looked up at her, my eyes still bloodshot from crying. "Hmm?" I hummed out. "Would you really drop everything just to possibly be my bride?" She asked. I felt my face light up instantly. I know she asked me this to cheer me up and to get my mind off of what I said earlier. I pulled my hands up to cover my face. "Y-you have no idea. I would do anything to be with you." I said, blushing even more. "Sooo." She started a big grin developing along her lips. "If I was to randomly come up to you with a ring, what would you do?" She asked. "Do you really have to ask?" I said, smirking softly. "Well, it could end in one of two ways. Either you'll be overly excited or you'll say no, but I figure it'd be you overly excited and extremely giddy. Speaking hardly understandable one-word sentences." She teased. I blushed even more and nodded. "You know me so well." I said, leaning up to kiss her. She smiled and petted along my back. "Do you feel any better?" She asked. I nodded softly and curled up closer to her, grabbing her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. "I love you, my beautiful Lemon Blossom." I said in a blissful state. "I love you too, Kitten." She said, pulling me close to her. > Ch 8 (Old Friends and New Enemies) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We laid there for a few hours until we heard a knock on the door. "Come on in." Lemon called out. Her dad walked in and looked over at us, his eyes showing concern as he looked down at me. "So, I heard what happened at school today." He said, crossing his arms. I felt my heart sink as I looked away from him. He walked on in and pulled up a chair to sit across from us. "What happened?" He asked, concern still in his voice. I sat up slowly, still not able to look him in the eyes. "I heard about what her ex done to her. How cruel and abusive he was towards her and I just snapped. I didn't mean to scare Lemon." I said, trying not to break down again. I heard him give an annoyed sigh. "Sonata, listen. I'm pretty sure Lemon told you this already, but it's in the past. I'm her father and trust me, I want nothing more than to stomp that little fuckers head in until I hit tonsils." He stated. I nodded softly, slowly beginning to look up at him. "I know, but it just bothers me that prick is still walking around, thinking that he can get away with it." I said, clinching my fists slightly. He reached out to place both of his hands over top mine. "Sonata, it's going to be dealt with, trust me on that. He has his day coming." He said, a devious grin forming along his lips. I nodded once more and rose a brow at him, trying to understand what he's implying. "Wait, what are you thinking about doing dad?" Lemon asked as she sat up to look at him, a hint of panic being noticed in her voice. Citron smirked softly. "Well, if I got one thing to say. Karma is a bitch, and when she comes, she gives it back to you slow and hard." He said with a smile. Lemon looked at him and shook her head. "Really dad? You have to slip in some sort of innuendo." She stated. "Yup!" He said with a big grin. She groaned out slightly. "I'm starting to question how we are related." She said. I looked at her and smirked. "Please, you make all sorts of sexual innuendos all the time." "Y-Yeah, but...ok fine." She said, pouting slightly. I smiled and rested my head on her shoulder, curling up to her. "So what is it that you have planned for that prick?" Lemon asked. "Nothing at all." He stated. "Dad, we both know that's a lie." She said, crossing her arms. "Ok, fine. I may or may not have paid off some thugs to jump him." He said with an innocent smile. She looked at him, her mouth a gap. "Dad! That's not how you get back at someone!" She said. "Well, it was either that or I deal with it. So take your pick." He said, leaning back in his chair and crossed his arms. "One option, he'll just be roughed up a bit, the other option, he'll end up in the hospital." He stated, his tone completely serious. She looked at him and shook her head. "Dad, you're going to get arrested for this most likely." She said. "No I won't, these guys are too scared of me to dare to report me." He said with a cocky grin. "Besides, even if they did, I have enough pull to get away with it." "Wow, you're such a great role-model." She said sarcastically, her daze held nothing but annoyance. "Well, I could also have him put in jail, but mommy and daddy has enough to bail him out so he won't really learn anything." He said, his own tone held a hint of annoyance and anger. He stood up and stretched out. "Hey, where's the bathroom in this place?" "It's right around the corner." Lemon said, slightly worried about what all has been planned. He nodded and went into the bathroom, leaving me and Lemon in silence. I looked at her to see that she was slowly beginning to panic. "Lemon, is everything alright?" I asked, placing my hand on her lap. "Sonata, he's the type of guy who will search down anyone who he believes that may have tried hurt to him. If he believes that it's me, then he will be after me." She said. I looked at her and wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me. "It'll be ok. If he tries anything, he'll have to go through me first." I said, holding her close to me. We both froze as we heard a impatient knock on the door. "Open up this door now!" We heard a male voice call out. "Lemon, open up this door!" We heard him yell out once more. "I-It's him!" She said, her whole body trembling at the sound of his voice. "Open up this door before I bust it down!" He yelled out. I heard the toilet flush with Citron opening up the door to the bathroom. "Wait, who in the hell is this?" He asked. He looked back at us to motion us to hide. We nodded and darted to the other side of the bed to stay out of view. We heard Citron open up the door. "Where is that bitch?!" We heard, though it was quickly silenced with a thud against the wall. "Listen here, mother fucker!" Citron growled out, his voice filled with anger. "I don't know who you think you are, but if you think you can barge in here and demand to speak to my daughter like this, I promise it won't end pretty." Citron said. "Get your hands off of me you piss ant!" Blueblood called out. The room grew silent for a second as tension flooded the air. I looked over at Lemon who had panic stained onto her face. "He's a dead man." She quietly said. Shortly after, we heard Citron begin to chuckle. "Piss ant? PISS ANT?! Excuse me, you poor excuse for a failed back alley way abortion! I eat little fucks like you for breakfast. I am a fucking Colonel and damn well be addressed as such! Do I make myself clear?" Citron said. "Release me, now or I'll have you arrested!" He said. "Me? Arrested? From what I see, you're the one who broke into my room. I can beat you to an inch of your life and there is NOTHING you can do! Trust me punk. You won't win. Not against me. So if I were you, I'd turn around, walk out of here and don't look back. If you do, I promise that it won't be pretty mess that the house cleaning crew will have to pick up." Citron snarled out. I looked over the edge of the bed to see pure fear on Blueblood's beaten and tattered face. "And let me make something else clear. You have no business with my daughter. I know what you did to her and trust me, if I had it my way, you'd be dead where you stand." Citron hissed out. "Now, run along before it gets your pretty face gets even more messed up." He said, tossing Blueblood out of the door. "And if you go any where near my daughter, I will find out, I will find you, and I will stomp you head in until I hit pavement." Citron said in a cold, serious tone with the door slamming shortly after. Next thing we heard was someone darting down the hallway and Citron walking back up to the side of the bed.. "Alright you two, you can come out now." Citron said as we stood up from behind the bed. I looked over at Lemon who was somewhat relieved, but still had fear lingering on her face. "You shouldn't have anything else to worry about." Citron said with a smile. "Dad, what if he does come back?" She asked. Citron walked over to the chair and sat back down. "Simple, I'll beat his face in. I'm not afraid to go to jail for any of my kids. That includes you too, Sonata." He said with a smile. "My only question is, how did he know we were here?" I asked. "Eh, the little shit probably has friends that keeps an eye out." Citron said. I looked over at Lemon who was still shivering slightly. "D-Dad, I'm scared of what he may do. If he was able to find me. What happens if you or Sonata is not around?" She asked. He looked at her and scratched his chin. "Well, the guy is a CPA student. So he wouldn't be allowed to be on Canterlot High's school grounds. Plus, just in case. I'll have Luna and Celestia know that you have someone stalking you and to call me if they see him. Besides, I don't even live five minutes away from the school." He said, which helped put Lemon's mind to ease a bit. "Also, nine times out of ten, I'm usually by your side anyways. What is he going to do?" I said with a hearty smile, doing my best to ease her nerves. She looked over at me and nodded softly. "Yeah, true." She said, a smile slowly starting to form along her lips. "If it makes you feel better, I'll go file a restraining order against him. That way if he does magically show up, he'll be carted off to jail. Mommy and daddy will only bail him out so many times until they get tired of it." Citron stated. She nodded softly and finally gave a sigh a relief, her body finally calming down once more. "Besides, after the message I sent to him. He won't make an appearance any time soon." Citron said with a grin. Lemon nodded softly and sighed softly. "Can we get out of here and into our new apartment?" She asked. "Yeah, that's actually why I came here. Everything is moved in. Only thing that's left that needs to be done is small details such as having the internet and cable installed. So if you two have homework that needs to be done online, do it here. If not, grab you stuff so we can head on out." He said with a smile. She nodded. "Also, I'm getting kind of hungry. Can we grab a bite to eat?" She asked. "Well of course, where do you want to go?" He asked. "Maybe that one all you can eat buffet place?" She asked, her mood starting to cheer back up. He smiled and nodded softly. "Yeah, though it's getting late so we may want to head out before we get the left over crap." He said, opening the door for us. We walked out of the hotel with all of our clothes in hand. I looked over at Lemon who was frantically looking around in paranoia that there was some slim chance that Blueblood was still watching us. We got out to the truck and put our stuff in the back. Surprisingly enough, there stood Blueblood, standing in the alley way, his eyes watching our every move. I looked at him with a big grin and then turned to Lemon. "Hmm? What is it, Kitten?" She asked before I pulled her into a deep kiss. I felt her cheeks immediately start to radiate heat as our lips contacted. Citron looked at us and rose a brow, then looked over to see Blueblood watching. A grin slowly forming on his face as well. "Alright you two, let's get going. You don't want to put on a full show for any FREAKS that might be watching." He said, emphasizing the word freak as he looked where Blueblood was standing. I looked at Lemon, whose face was all shades of red, a blissful smile stamped on her lips. "Where did that come from?" She hummed out, stepping up in the truck. "Well, I done it in hopes to cheer you up. With everything that happened, I just wanted to see that beautiful smile again." I stated, wrapping an arm around her to pull her close to me, knowing Blueblood was watching every bit of it. As we drove down the road, we saw a set of headlights following up. Citron paused and rose a brow. "What do we have here?" He asked himself, as he turned down a different road. The car automatically turned as if it was following us. Citron made another turn to only see that each and every turn that we made, the car was on our tail. "Alright, this is getting out of hand." Citron said, pulling over to the side of the road. A brand new sports car, no older than a week sped by us. No sooner than it did. Citron cocked up his jaw and got back on the road and began to follow it. "D-Dad, what are you doing?" She asked, panic starting to set back in. "That little shit has been following us, now I'm gonna do the same thing to him and find out where he lives and have a little talk with his parents." Citron said, his eyes narrowing on the car in front of him. We drove around for a few minutes, following him, making sure that he didn't leave our sites, until we saw another set of headlights come up behind us. "Oh no, he didn't." Citron said in an annoyed groan. "What did he do?" I asked, trying to turn to see what was happening. "I think the little fucker called the police on us." Citron said with blue lights flashing behind us, no sooner than he said that. "Son of a bitch!" Citron snapped out, as we pulled over to the side of the road with the police car pulling in behind us. The officer walked up to the window, though was slightly taken back to see Citron sitting there. "Well, I'll be damned. Colonel Zest, in the flesh." The cop said. Citron looked at him, slightly confused at what he saw. "Captain Soarin?" Citron asked, finally realizing who the officer was. "Yes, sir. I hate to have to do this to you, but we got a call, saying that you were following around someone." He said, looking down at Citron Citron nodded softly. "Yeah, that's true!" He bluntly stated without skipping a beat. "But the guy was following us around at first. Come to find out it was that little punk who abused my daughter and doesn't know when to leave her the hell alone. He followed us for a good 15 minutes before I pulled over to let him pass and began to follow him." Citron said, as bluntly as possible. The cop looked at him and rose a brow in disbelief. "Sir, you do realize that you should have called us, right?" He asked. "Yeah, but about an hour ago, he came into my daughters hotel room and demanded to speak to her, dunno why though. Only thing I know is that when he shown up. He was trying to go through me. If I wasn't there, god knows what he would have done." Citron said, leaving out any information that may jeopardize him. The cop nodded softly and then looked inside to see me and Lemon. "Which one is your daughter?" He asked. "Soarin, think about this. Which one looks like me?" Citron stated. The cop then directed his attention to me. "Who are you miss?" He asked. "She's my future daughter-in-law. She was there when the events took place." Citron stated. "Is this true?" He asked and I nodded softly. "Citron told us to hide behind the bed when Blueblood stormed in." I stated, hoping to give out any information that may help. "Wait, Blueblood? That kid has so many reports against him, but his parents bribe off the chief to have all allegations dropped." He said, hanging his head in defeat. Citron looked at him in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me." He said, shaking his head in regret. "Who is the chief?" "Well, you're gonna find this hard to believe, but you remember Major Spitfire?" He asked. "You better be fucking with me, Soarin. She was one of the few people who valued duty over anything." Citron said. "Yeah, she used to. She even valued it over our marriage." He said, immediate pain in his tone as he hung his head in defeat. Citron sighed and shook his head. "I'm sorry man. Maybe a stop from the Colonel will set her straight." He said with a slight smirk. Soarin let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "If only it was that simple, sir." He said, shaking his head to push away all memories. Though the reunion was silenced as the same sports car flew by, the gust almost pulling Soarin with it. "Jesus christ! Who the hell was that?!" Soarin asked, regaining his composure. "That'd be the little punk who was following us." Citron stated, his tone showing more annoyance towards Soarin who was still standing there. "If I can't bust him for stalking, I can sure get him put away for reckless driving." He said running over to his patrol car and jumping in and sped off in chase. Citron looked at him and sighed. "Me and him are going to have to catch up sometime." He said, starting to pull out. "Dad, how many of the police do you know?" Lemon asked. "Quiet a few." He replied with a slight chuckle. Though was stopped once more by another set of blue flashing lights pulling up behind us. "What in the world is this?" He said, pulling over once more. "Everyone, step out of the car!" We heard a female voice demand over the intercom of the car. We looked at him and rose a brow. "D-Dad what's going on?" Lemon asked, fear and panic setting in once again. "Just do what she says." He said, opening the door and sticking his hands up. We got out of the passenger side, following Citron to the tee as both of us stuck our hands up to await further orders. "Dad, I'm scared." Lemon said, her body quivering in fear, not sure on what is going on. Only thing we could see were the flashing lights as well as I massive light that was blinding us. A woman with orange-ish skin came forward, her hair covered by a hat. "What are we being stopped for?" Citron asked. "You are being arrested for slandering a male named Blueblood." She said, walking towards Citron. "Slander? Spitfire! You served under me. You know I don't lie. The little bastard showed up at my daughters hotel room and tried to break in! After that, he was following us when we left! Soarin was just here and took chase after the little shit almost tried to run him over!" He said, anger growing in his voice as he starred down the woman. "Sir! Don't make me use force on you!" She said, pulling out a metallic baton. He looked at her, anger now clearly apparent on his face. "Spitfire, you know for a fact that I don't make false accusations. What in the world has gotten into you? You used to have integrity and value duty over money." He said, his eyes not leaving hers. She looked at him and rose a brow. "Well, sir, if you have any evidence to prove you right, then please make it apparent to me." She said. "Ma'am, I recorded everything on my phone, please just let me get it." I said, reaching into the truck to grab my phone. "Sonata, don't! In fact. You are not allowed to search my truck until I have spoken to my lawyer. If you are corrupt as I heard, then I promise I will have your badge." He growled out. "Miss, hand me your phone, now!" She demanded. I looked over at Citron, starting to panic now. "Sonata, don't! She'll just break it. Only person that she has accused is me. Now, listen carefully. What I want you two to do is grab everything from my truck that is yours and head to my house." He said. Spitfire looked at him. "Don't you dare touch anything in there!" She demanded. "I'm sorry, but none of this is yours. Therefore you can't touch it without a warrant! It belongs to my daughter and her girlfriend and they have free range to do as they please. And you know I'm right." He said with the biggest grin on his face. She stormed up to him, raising the baton and hitting him in the ribs, automatically knocking him down. Lemon grabbed everything and tugged at me to follow her. I jerked myself away, the feeling of anger flooding me as I wanted to charge her. "Sonata, please come on." She pleaded. I came to my senses and nodded, following after her. We came across another cop car to see Soarin standing at the door. "Soarin! We need your help!" Lemon called out. Soarin looked at us and rushed over to us. "What's going on? Where's Citron?" He asked as we stopped to regain our breath. "Spitfire. She has him detained." I said, panting heavily. "Why does she have him detained?!" Soarin asked. "Slander. Blueblood made a false report." I said, finally regaining my breath "P-Please help us. When we left, she was beating on dad." Lemon said, tears forming in her eyes. He looked at us and nodded softly. "Ok, you two head home. I'll see what I can do." He said, jumping in his car and taking off down the road. We looked around to see that it was in the middle of the night. We hear a phone going off within the stuff we grabbed to see the caller named under 'Babydoll'. "H-Hello?" Lemon answered. "Who is this?" We hear from the other end. "Y-You must be dad's wife. I'm his daughter, Lemon Zest. He was arrested and taken away, he told me and Sonata to come to you." She said. A long pause was heard from the other end. "Where are you two?" She asked in a calm, motherly voice. We looked around to not see anything familiar other than road signs. "W-We're in the middle of Way Hay Road and Bale Avenue." Lemon said. "Ok you're not far from me. I'll be there in a second, you two just find a safe place to hide for now." She said, before hanging up the phone. We looked around to see a dumpster in an alleyway and darted behind that. A few minutes passed with a van pulling up to the intersection and Citron's phone going off once more. "H-Hello?" "Ok I'm here, where are you two?" She asked. We poked our heads around the corner and stepped out. "Ok, I see you." She said, pulling up beside of us. We opened up the door to see a woman with pale-cream colored skin and reddish purple hair looking at us. "Lemon?" She asked. "Y-Yes ma'am." Lemon replied. "My name is Rose Luck. C'mon and let's get you two home." She said in a tender voice. "O-Ok." She said, jumping into the back seat of the van. We pulled down the road. I looked over at Lemon who was trembling over the recent events. "I-I'm sorry that we could not have met under more peaceful circumstances." Lemon said, looking down. Rose looked back at us and smiled. "It's alright. This is about an every week thing with Citron. Sadly enough, he's always getting in some form of trouble." She said with a smile. We drove down an old country style road for a few miles until we pulled into the driveway to see a bunch of nice cars and a beautiful, two story home with plenty of land to spare. "Just keep it down, your little sister is asleep." She said, opening the door. As we walked in, there was flowers everywhere in a beautiful pattern that matched everything within the house. Me and Lemon walked in to examine everything closely. "Sorry for the mess, work has been hectic and I haven't had the chance to clean." She said. We paused and looked around, extremely confused, at this immaculate house. "Rose, this house is not dirty. It's outstanding." Lemon said, looking around. She laughed softly and shrugged. "Well, I do try my best. Are you two hungry by chance?" She asked, opening the fridge. Immediately both of our stomachs began to growl, letting her know of our current state. She smirked and shook her head. "And here I thought Citron was feeding you two." She said, pulling out left overs from their earlier meal. "He is, it's just where we were forced to move all of our food is still in the other fridge in my other apartment. Honestly, after what happened after mom showed her ass, he has been doing his best to be a part of my life again." Lemon said, walking over to the counter to pull out a chair and sat down. Rose looked at us and rose a brow. "What exactly happened?" She asked as she walked over to the oven, putting the left overs in. "Well, me and Sonata are together. My mom isn't the type of person to believe that two women or two men should be together, regardless of if they're happy. I got tired of her trying to pair me off with these jerks, which thanks to said jerk, dad's in jail, but she believes that I'll be miserable with a girl and honestly, ever since I've been with Lemon. I've felt nothing but happiness...despite the last hour." She said, trying to force out a small chuckle. Rose looked at her and smiled softly. "Well, if you two make each other happy, then that's all that matters. No one else's opinion should change that." She said. I saw Lemon's eyes light up as she said that. "Why couldn't you have been my real mom? I like you a lot more." She said with an over joyed smile. Rose laughed out softly and smiled. "Well, glad you feel that way, which I am technically your mom...just a step mom." She stated, walking over to the oven to check on the food. Lemon nodded softly and gave a sigh of regret of her mom. "Yeah I know." She said. "Oh, one thing I do have to ask of you two." She said, pulling the food from the oven. "My only request is if you two sleep in the same room. Just, please, no over night activities. I heard your dad mention it before and if it's enough to wake up everyone in an apartment complex, then you two need to hold off for tonight." She said, looking at the both of us with a cheeky grin. We both looked at her and blushed deeply. "Y-Yeah, you don't have to worry about that tonight." I said, "Beside's I'm the more vocal one." I said, blushing even more. She looked at me and laughed softly. "No worries, apparently, our neighbour was driving by and could hear me." She said, placing a metal tray on the counter that was filled with spaghetti. We looked up at her and laughed softy. "Though when me and Citron have our time, we gotta make sure that Fino is at school. Though the child can sleep through a storm." She said with a soft laugh. Lemon looked up at her and smiled softly. "Well, hopefully I'll get to meet her tomorrow when she wakes up." Lemon said. "You will, trust me, she'll be the first one up in the morning." Rose said with a chuckle. "M-Mommy?" We heard a tiny voice call out from the other side of the house. We froze up and looked around to see a little girl, no taller than three feet tall, bright pink skin and reddish purple hair. "W-Who's here?" She asked, hiding around the corner. "Fino, this is your big sister, Lemon and her girlfriend Sonata." Rose said, walking over to pick up Fino. Fino immediately hid within the bosom of Rose, eventually peeking out to look at us. I looked at Lemon to see her heart sink and a big smile forming along her lips. "Hey, Fino." Lemon said in a gentle voice to reach out to Fino to only have Fino hide herself again. Rose laughed softly and smiled. "She's usually not this shy, but seeing how it is really late. She's probably exhausted." Rose said, gently rocking Fino. Lemon nodded and smiled softly. "Would it be alright if we could take a look around?" Lemon asked. "Of course, this is your house too, sweetie." She said with a smile. Lemon smiled and nodded softly, standing up and began to look around. Immediately she came up to a room that was made especially for Citron. "Sonata, come here." She called out softly. I got up from the table and walked in to see several uniforms dressing the walls, different awards, and dozens of photo's of his years in the military. "I guess dad had a different uniform made for each and every rank he achieved." She said with a smile. She walked in and looked around to pick up a brown round hat and looked at it closely. Rose turned to look inside and smiled softly. "Yeah, your dad is an amazing man. Surprisingly enough, we met while he was still with your mom. He came into my shop and asked for a dozen roses for her, though when he came back she basically threw it in his face." She said, slightly annoyed. Lemon looked at her and placed that hat back where it was. "Yeah, mom is somewhat the really bitchy type, in terms for nicer words." Lemon said, still looking around. Shortly after we heard Rose's phone go off as she pulled it out of her pocket and answered. "Hello?" "Hey, baby doll." We heard Citron say through the phone. "Are the girls with you?" He asked. "Yeah, they're home and safe." She said with a smile. "Ok, good. Well, I should be home here soon. Soarin is helping me out, though they're not wanting to release me unless they got Sonata's phone which proves that bastard broke in." He said, slightly annoyed. "Alright, I understand. We'll bring the phone here in about thirty minutes." She said. "Alright, baby doll. Love you." He said before hanging up. We looked at Rose, slightly starting to panic. "Ok, here's what we're going to do. She walked over to Citron's computer and turned it on. "We're going to take all files and copy them onto the computer, format them to where they are locked away and can only be accessed by me or your father. Then we'll go and turn that phone in. They'll probably destroy it in hopes to cover up that little shit, but we'll have a back up on here." She said with a grin. We both nodded as I handed her my phone. She grabbed it and attached a chord to it, transferring all files onto the computer. "Alright, give it a minute and it should be done. Trust me, your dad and I have all sorts of stuff hidden away that can one day provide help for us if we ever need it." She stated. She pulled the chord from the phone and handed back to me. "Tomorrow, we're going to probably allow you to skip a day and get you a new phone and probably help you out. Even if it means that we have to move a trailer on the land to see that you all have a safe place to live." She said with a smile. "Honestly, I'm starting to think that I'd rather have a place near here to make sure that I'm right beside of dad." She said. I looked up at her and saw that she was more open towards Rose and smiled softly. Lemon looked over at me. "What do you think, Sonata?" She asked. "Well, from what I see, this place is beautiful and with us living beside of your parents, I'd feel safe. Plus it's a nice and peaceful out here." I said with a smile. "Well that settles that." Rose said with a smile. "Only thing is, we just gotta find you two a trailer and then get everything moved from your new apartment into it. You all move more than me and your dad did when he was still active duty." She teased. Lemon smiled softly and nodded. "Sorry, I just didn't expect to have this problem upon moving here." She said. "Well, another thing, your friend Applejack doesn't live to far from here either, about a mile or two away is the start of their land." I stated. "Hurry up and eat so we can get your dad out of jail." She said with a smile. We both nodded and began to tear into the plates before us. > Ch.9 (Sweet Vengeance) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We arrived at town hall and walked inside with police casually walking passed up in all directions. We came up to the front counter to see an overweight officer snacking on a doughnut. He looked up at us and rose a brow. "Dear god, what did he do this time?" He asked. "Your guess is as good as mine, but he told us he was being held until Sonata's phone is turned in." Rose said. He looked at us, even more confused. "That doesn't sound right. Who stated that?" He asked. "I believe that it was Spitfire who said that, but we're not entirely sure." Rose said. He nodded softly and sighed. "Well, if it's what the chief wants, I have to oblige. Let me see it." He said. I gave him my phone and then sighed. "Alright, let's go get him." The cop said. "So how's your son doing?" Rose asked him. "Oh, Truffle? He's alright. The wife has got him in some cooking club, which he seems to be excelling in. He seems to enjoy it, so I can't complain, though the child eats more than your average adult." He said with a soft chuckle. "How about little Fino? How is she doing?" He asked. "As spoiled as ever, but I'm not complaining." She said with a smile. I looked up at Rose and tilted my head. "How often is Citron in here?" I heard the guard laugh out. "When AIN'T he here is the question you ought to be asking." He said, laughing out softly. "Though, he's a good man. He just finds himself barking up the wrong tree from time to time." "And this would be one of those times." Rose interrupted. When we arrived at Citron's cell, he was bruised, bloodied, and beaten. His face was swollen to the point that he was almost unrecognizable. "Dad, are you ok?" Lemon asked in a worried tone. He looked over at us and smiled. "Yeah, your old man is still kicking." He said, standing up from the bed in his cell. "Well Citron, you think you'll stay out of here longer than a week this time around?" The officer said. "Eh, it all depends on who pisses me off." Citron said with the both of them laughing. The guard opened the cell door to automatically see Rose rush in and grab Citron by the ear and pulled him out. "OW OW OW! Not so hard!" He cried out. "This time he'll stay out of here longer than a week, if he doesn't want his 'jewels' chopped off and fed to him." Rose said, glaring up at Citron. He looked down at her, actually cowering underneath her grasp. "Y-Yes, dear." He said, looking down and away from her. I couldn't help but to laugh to see such a massive war hero cower to someone as small as Rose. Lemon looked at me and nudged me softly. "Stop laughing." She demanded. I nodded and smiled softly. "Sorry, Lemon." I said with a smile on my face still. "Now hold it right there." We heard from behind us to see Spitfire standing there. "He's not free to leave yet." She said, eyeing all of us down. "Wait, you said that as long as we turned in the phone, that was it." Citron said, looking down at Spitfire. "Did you turn it in?" She asked, crossing her arms, looking over at Rose. "Yeah, Sonata gave it to Officer Shuffle." Rose said as Spitfire turned towards the other officer. "Yes, ma'am. No sooner than she came in, she turned it in." He said, pulling my phone from his pocket to show it to Spitfire. Spitfire reached out and grabbed it from him. "Well then. I guess that settles that. Though if i have reason to believe that this was tampered with. I will have a warrant to search your place high and low." She said with a devious grin as she walked down towards the hallway. Citron sighed and shook his head. "We may want to hurry up and head home. I don't trust her." He said, walking pass the three of us with Rose following behind him. We arrived back to Citron's home to see that no one was there, or so we thought at least. We walked in the house to see that everything was destroyed. Everything from the decorations on the wall to the now hanging fridge door. "I fucking knew it." Citron growled out. Rose darted past the hallway to see Fino's room still shut, a soft, but audible whimper heard from the other side of the door. "Fino, it's mommy and daddy." Rose said as she gently knocked on the door. We saw the door slowly open with two little eyes peering out from the door. "M-mommy?" Fino said before she darted forward and cried into Rose. I looked over at Citron whose body was radiating anger. "Citron? A-Are you ok?" I asked, slightly extending my hand out to place it on his shoulder. "What do you think?!" He snapped out at me. I instantly retreated my hand and held my head low. "S-Sorry..." I said, doing my best to avoid his gaze. He looked down at me and gave a regretful sigh. "You're fine. I'm the one who should be sorry. You two didn't do anything wrong. I'm just furious that they broke into my home and destroyed everything." He said, his body still radiating anger. I nodded softly, still scared to meet his gaze. "Dad, who do you think may have done this?" Lemon said, looking up at Citron. He looked at her, slightly annoyed at the question. "Well, who do you think Lemon?" "D-Daddy, these two mean men came in and destroyed everything." Fino said, looking up at Citron. He paused and looked down at her, slightly confused. "Well then, good thing I have this place wired and cameras all over the place." He said with a slight grin. He walked past us and then opened the door to his office that was still in perfect shape aside from several boot marks on the office door. "Oh, wow. I'm surprised that they didn't touch this room." I said, looking around in awe. I heard him chuckle slightly. "This room is protected by a wall of two foot thick, steel reinforced walls, and then the door may be covered in wood, but it six inches of lead with it only able to be opened by either my key or Rose's key." He said with a smile. Lemon looked at him and rose a brow. "So, this is basically just a panic room?" She asked with him nodding in return. "And even at that, this room has so many hidden compartments to keep everything safe as well as a back up hard drive that saves everything that is downloaded onto my computer." He said with a smile as he walked over to his computer and turned it onto a screen that shows every camera in and out of the house. I stood there, slightly surprised at his technological knowledge as he was going through everything within the past hour. Surely enough we see two guys, roughly about Lemon's age standing there. "So if that police woman is right, Trixie might actually give one of us a chance if we destroy everything in this house." A fat, plump male with a really annoying voice said as he came into frame. "Uh, yeah! Though she has been after that Flash guy ever since both Sunset and Twilight gave him the cold shoulder." A tall and lanky male with an abnormally long neck came into frame. "So, what should we start with?" The tall one said. "Oh god, I can't stand his neither of their voices." I said, slightly cringing every time either one of them talks. I then looked down at Citron who had a smile on his face, though it wasn't a happy smile. Within it held anger and rage. It was a smile of vengeance. "Lemon, they look your age. Do you know who they are?" He said in a voice so calm that it was disturbing. "I honestly have no idea, dad. I just transferred, remember?" She said, looking over at him. "Oh yeah, silly me." He said, the same smile still on his face. He then pointed his attention towards me. "You used to go the Canterlot High. Do you know who they are?" He asked. "No, but I might be able to find out. Lemon, can I see your phone real quick?" I asked as she nodded and handed me her phone. I immediately began to search through a social media sight and looked up Trixie. Surely enough there was a short, fat kid and a tall and lanky kid on her the top of her friends list. I clicked on their picture to immediately see a status update that read "Just had a SMASHING time with Snails, hopefully nothing will go south." I read out. Citron looked at me, his eyes narrowing into a glare. "What are their names?" He calmly asked. "Snips and Snails are their names, though we don't actually know if it was them." I said, but was silenced as he stood up. "Ok, it's only been ten minutes since this happened. So, they're not far." He said, darting past us and grabbing his brown circular hat from the shelf. Rose stood in front of him, eyeing him down. "Citron, we don't need you getting locked up two times in one night." She said, standing toe to toe to him. "I'm not going to lay a finger on them. I'm going to scare them and make their day a living hell." He said, immediately walking past Rose after he explained himself. "I know how you are Citron! If you lay a finger on either one of them, I'll have the divorce papers ready by tomorrow." She said, her tone dead serious. He paused and looked back at her, a sly grin forming along his face. "Well then, looks like I'm not gonna do a thing." He said, though turned towards me and Lemon. "But..." "Citron!" Rose scolded. "What?! You expect me to stand idly by and let two little punks ruin my home?!" He snapped. "Dad, it's what Spitfire is wanting you to do. Think about it!" Lemon said. He paused and lowered his head. "Damnit, you're right. She's waiting for one of us to show up and make a fool out of ourselves." He said, his face still showing rage. "But we can't let them get away with this. We need to do something." He said, looking up at the three of us. "Don't worry about that, karma will find its way around to them." Rose said, a barely noticeable sinister smile forming along her lips. I looked up at her and rose a brow. What does she have planned? She's so nice and calm, there's no way that she can come up with a way to get back at those two. Citron nodded softly and sighed. "Well, it's way past Fino's bed time as well as the rest of ours. Let's try to get some rest." He said. "Lemon, Sonata, you two can have the guest bedroom. Just, please, no over night activities." He said, his voice showing defeat. We both nodded softly as everyone stepped out of his study. We walked into the guest room and sat down on the bed. "Lemon, is your dad going to be ok?" I asked, looking up at Lemon. She was walking around the room and sighed worriedly. "I-I don't know. I've never seen him so beat up before." She said, finally sitting down beside of me. I looked over and rested my head on her shoulder. She wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to her. "C'mon, let's get to bed and hopefully put all this behind us." She said, laying back on the bed and pulled me on top of her. I nodded softly and snuggled up close to her as she pulled the blanket over top of us. "Sweet dreams Sonata." She said before leaning down to kiss the top of my head. I smiled softly and leaned up to kiss her softly. "Sweet dreams, Lemon." I said, curling up to her as she wrapped an arm around me. When I woke up, Lemon was already out of bed and out of the room. I sat up and looked over at the door to see it open slightly and to hear voices on the other side. "So, she really does make you happy, huh?" I heard Citron ask. "Yep! She's the only one who hasn't ran away from my insane family." Lemon joked. I heard Citron chuckle slightly. "Well, you're thinking about marrying her, ain't you?" "T-That's something for later down the road. I mean, of course I thought about it, but just for later." She stuttered. "I bet you if you ask her right now, she'd say yes." Rose voice echoed out before I heard the front door shut. "Yeah, she's right. The way Sonata looks at you. Hell, you can probably hand her a 25 cent engagement ring right now, and she'd say yes." Citron said. I nodded softly, my face all shades of red. "Dad, I don't want to ask her, not yet at least. It's still to early in the relationship." She said. I peered through the door way to see the two of them at the table. "Well, you're obviously the dominate one in the relationship. Maybe she's ready and she's waiting on you to ask." He said. I saw Lemon's face turn all sorts of red. I saw him look at the door way, our gaze meeting and a grin forming along his face. "Here, I'll make a deal with you." He said, looking back at Lemon. She looked up at him, slightly confused. "If she's asleep right now, I'll let you use my great grandmothers old engagement ring, but here's the catch. You have to ask her right now." He said, pulling the ring from his pocket. I couldn't see much of it aside from the gold on it. She looked up at him in awe. "D-Dad, I...I don't think I'm ready, not yet at least." "Aw, c'mon! You're a Zest. You can do it." He said, placing the ring down. "Though you only get this, if she is in bed, right now!" He said as if he was hinting it to me. I darted over to the bed and dove in, acting like I was asleep. "Y-You really think she's going to say yes?" She asked. "Well, no other way to know than to ask." Citron said. A minute passed before I heard foot steps coming down the hallway. "H-Hey Sonata?" I heard her softly call out. "Oh c'mon, you can't even wake a mouse up with that. Hey, Sonata!" Citron called out. I jumped up, slightly surprised. "Hmmm? Is everything ok?" I said, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I saw Lemon's face turning different shades of red by the second. "Y-Yeah, um, c-can I ask you something?" She stuttered. "Of course." I yawned out. She froze up, her hands fumbling around in her pockets. "Lemon, we made a deal." Citron said, crossing his arms, a sly grin forming on his face. She gulped down any worry she had and walked over to me. "S-Sonata, I have a question to ask you. One that is pretty life changing." She said, with one hand reaching up, placing her hand over top of mine. "O-Ok? What is it?" I asked, blushing deeply. She gulped once more before reaching her free hand into her pocket. "S-Sonata, we've been together since day one. We've been through hell and back." "Get on with it!" Citron called out. "You're not making this easier on me!" She snapped back at him. She then turned back to me and sighed. "W-What I'm trying to say, or ask...well, would you do me the honor of being my bri-" Before she had the chance to finish, I tackled her, our lips meeting like it was the first time all over again. "Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!" I called out, tears of joy flowing freely from my eyes. She looked up at me, tears now forming in her own eyes as she leaned up to return the kiss, holding me close to her. "I love you too much to even think about saying no." I said with a soft laugh. She smiled and held me close. "Thank you for making me the happiest person alive." She said, kissing me once more. She reached back into her pocket to pull out the ring and placed it on my finger. Surprisingly enough, it fits perfectly! I looked at it to see a magnificent diamond placed on the top of it with small sapphires placed around the diamond. I smiled and kissed her once more, holding her close to me. Suddenly we heard Citron clapping softly. "It's about damn time!" He said with a smile. I nodded softly and smirked. "Yes, yes it is." I teased. She looked at me and smiled. "Well, I just made your day, didn't I?" She asked. I nodded happily, wrapping my arms around hers and resting my head on her shoulder. "Yes you did." I said, a glee filled smile forming along my lips. "Well, now that that's out of the way, what do you two want to eat?" He asked, walking back into the kitchen. "Way to ruin the mood, dad." Lemon joked as we followed him into the kitchen. I looked around to see that Rose was still out of sight. "Where's Rose at?" I asked. "She said something about dropping off some flowers at one of the schools for an event coming up." He said as he went through the fridge, pulling out different items. I nodded softly and sat down beside of Lemon, resting my head on her shoulder once more. He paused for a second before darting off into another room. "Dad?" Lemon called out. He came back into the kitchen, a smirk on his face. "That sneaky little girl." He said to himself. "What's going on now?!" She asked. "Oh, nothing. Those two punks are being dealt with, though." He said, going back over to the fridge. An hour passed with breakfast on the table and Rose walking through the door. "I'm back!" She said with a cheerful smile. "Welcome back, baby doll." Citron said with a smile. "Oh, you already got breakfast made." She said, sitting down across from us. "Yeah, but I gotta question." He said, placing everyone's plates down. "What did you do?" He said, looking down at Rose. "What? I can't let you have all the fun." She said as she began to eat. He sighed and turned the radio on with some rock music starting to play, though was silenced with a news report coming on as well. "This is WCR News! We have just been told that two students of Canterlot High have been found with several pounds of the drug marijuana within their lockers. Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are stunned to see that these two snuck in the plant and that the two are to be expelled as well as be sentenced to six months to a year in juvenile prison. Talk about your HIGH school students." One of the reporters joked. "This has been a news report brought to you by West Canterlot Radio News!" Citron paused and looked at Rose who was eating as if nothing happened. "Really?" He asked. "Well, those two punks are going to learn one way or the other." She said with a smile. He gave a defeated sigh and went back to eating. "So, you just planted my stash of ten pounds of pot in their lockers?" He said, trying to come to terms with what just happened. "Yup!" She stated. "You do know that they have cameras all over that school, right?" "Oh yeah, though one thing that I have learned from you is how to deactivate things from a distance, so this whole day, that school's security cameras were out." She said with a smile. He paused and looked at her in awe. "Dear god, you are amazing." He said with a chuckle. "Wait, so we're just going to sit idly by while two of our class mates go to prison?" Lemon said. "They broke into my house and could have hurt my other daughter." Rose said in almost a growl. Lemon froze up and nodded softly. "Ok, fair enough." She said, going back to eating. > Ch. 10 (Peace At Last) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the incident at the school, Principal Celestia decided to cancel classes all together. Thank goodness. After the past few days, it will be nice to actually relax, rather than having to worry about one thing after another. "So, how does it feel to be engaged to someone?" I heard Citron asking Lemon from the other room. "It's different, not that I'm complaining." She said with a long pause following. "But don't you think we're a bit to young for that?" She asked Citron. He chuckled softly. "Not really. As long as you're with someone that you love, that's all that matters." I heard him say. I looked back from the couch to see her nod softly in reply to Citron. "Yeah, true. That's really all that matters." She said with a smile. "So what are your plans for today, seeing as how school got cancelled thanks to a certain wife of mine." He said, looking over at Rose. "Bite me, Citron." She replied. "Later." He said without skipping a beat, a devious grin forming along his lips. "DAD! I don't want to hear about your sex life." Lemon pouted. "Well, no worse than what you and Sonata have done in the past. I wasn't even living with you two and heard about it." He said, immediately getting a blush from both me and Lemon. "That's what I thought." He said with a smile, drinking from his mug. She gave a defeated groan and shook her head. "And this is why I question if I'm related to you or not." She stated. "Well, you two do act an awful like each other." I said, getting up from the couch and walking over to Lemon, resting my head on her shoulder. "Plus you two do look almost identical, only difference is your genders." Rose said, walking over to the cabinet, pulling out some drinks for me and Lemon. Lemon shrugged and then looked up at me. "What would you like to do today?" She asked, reaching up, grabbing my hand. I shrugged softly, not really having a clue one what to do. "I'm happy with sitting at home all day." I said, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. "Aw, that sounds boring." Citron said. "How about this. I give you two some money, you two can go on a date, do whatever and buy whatever." He said, pulling his wallet from his pocket. "Wait, you don't have to do that." Lemon protested. Of course, he ignored her and placed down a small stack of cash. "There should be about four hundred right there. You two go and enjoy yourselves, besides me and Rose could use some alone time." He said, pulling Rose to him, her face immediately lighting up. Lemon sighed and grabbed the cash. "And on that note is our que out the door, though before you two start your fun, can we get a ride first?" She asked. Citron looked up and groaned. "Yeah, I guess so." He said, getting up from his seat and grabbing his keys. "Alright, c'mon you two." He said, heading towards the door with me and Lemon following behind him. We arrived to the mall a few minutes later, and of course it was filled with a bunch of highschoolers. Well, kind of figured as much, seeing as how school was cancelled for the day. "Sonata! Lemon!" We heard Pinkie called out. We looked around to see the others at the food court waving us over to them. "Hey how's it going everyone?" Lemon said. "Pretty good, though it's strange as how school got cancelled today." Pinkie said, pulling her phone from the portal to an alternate dimension that lurks in her hair. "Yeah... Strange." Lemon said, looking down. "Everything alright, darling?" Rarity asked. "Yeah, it's been a rough few days and it feels strange to actually have a day that you don't actually have to worry." She stated. Rarity nodded softly and then looked over at me, then down at my hand to see the ring. "Oh, my. When did you get that?" She asked. Both me and Lemon blushed, small smiles forming along our lips. "I got it this morning." I said with a big grin. "Well that's not just a normal ring." She said, instantly pausing after. "O-Oh my goodness! Are you two..?" She asked. We both nodded. "Yup, engaged as of this morning." Lemon said tenderheartedly. Instantly all the girls starting congratulating us. "So have you two came up with a date yet?" Sunset asked looking over at us, holding her drink in hand. "Well, not yet. We just got engaged today." I said, scratching the back of my head. "Though figuring out a date for a wedding wouldn't be a bad idea." "Yeah, we need to talk to dad about that when we get back." Lemon said. "Well, that's good news to hear. It's about time yall finally get something good going for ya." AJ said. "Wait, what do you mean?" Sunset asked. "Haven't they told yall?" AJ replied. We froze and looked at everyone. thinking back to our problem with Blueblood. "I believe we did, but if not, we'll recap." Lemon said, looking down. We took our seat and began to explain the past, as well as going into detail of the past twenty four hours. Finally after we got done explaining everything, the others looked at us in horror. "And to think, I was once attracted to that trash." Rarity stated. "It's alright, we all make mistakes." Lemon said with a soft smile. "Well, yall put your minds t' rest. As long as we're around, we're gonna make sure that he don't come anywhere near yall." AJ said with a cheerful smile. We both nodded and smiled. "Thank you AJ." I said. "Not a problem at all. You two are our friends so why wouldn't we make sure you two are safe." Sunset said with a tender smile. We finally managed to relax a bit and looked at one another. "Well, how about we get to shopping?" Rarity said with a smile. "I have found a dress that I believe would look amazing on you Sonata. And Lemon, you have got to take a look at this outfit that I found, I am sure that you will fall in love with it." Rarity said, leading the pack. "Well so much for getting out of here at a reasonable time." Sunset teased. "Oh hush, I found you something as well Sunset. Also, there is a store here that I believe you two will find very...interesting" Rarity said, smirking softly. "Is she talking about that one store with the blindfolds and the stripper poles and th-" Pinkie was silenced as Dash placed her hand over Pinkie's mouth. "Yes Pinkie, she was talking about that store." Dash said, blushing softly. Our faces lit up tremendously as we followed them. "W-why do we need stuff like that?" I asked. "Oh, trust me. For you two, I'm pretty sure that you will find SOMETHING you will enjoy." Sunset teased. > Ch. 11 (An Old Family Friend) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well, I'm just saying! Who knows if you and Dashie might need one?" Pinkie stated, as we all walked out of the entrance of the mail. Everybody's faces turning red. "PINKIE!" Applejack and Dash yelled out, their faces extremely red. "Ok, ok. I'll stop." Pinkie said with a sly grin on her face. We all looked around to see that it was night time out and an uncomfortable cold surrounding us. "Oh my, the temperature really went down since earlier." Rarity said, looking around, bringing her hands over her arms, shivering. Lemon looked around, whinning softly. "Damnit, dad isn't here and it's cold out." She whined out.. "Do you want someone to stay here with you two? Sunset asked. Placing her hand on Lemon's shoulder, giving her a worried look. "No, we should be good. It's probably the cold that's getting to me. Besides, Sonata is here with me." Lemon said, pulling me close to her a faint and worried smile on her face. They all paused and looked at us, obviously worried, but nodded. "Well, ok. If you need anything, just call us." Sunset said, returning the same faint smile as they all turned to leave. Lemon nodded softly and held me close to her. "S-Sonata, I'm worried. Something doesn't feel right." She said, looking over at me. "What do you mean?" I asked, trying my best not to succumb to the cold. "Dad's never really been late before. I hope everything is alright." She said, looking down at her phone to check the time. "He'd also would have called by now telling us why he's late." She stated. I looked down at her. "Lemon, it's going to be ok, I'm still here by your side. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." I said with a reassuring smile. She glanced up at me with a smile slowly creeping along her face. "Ok, you're right. Maybe he just lost track of time." She said before bringing the phone up to her ear. I hear the phone ring on her line for a minute before she hung up. "Maybe we should head back in, it's starting to get cold out." She suggested, turning back towards the mall. She walked up to the door and walked into them causing the whole front panel to shake. "Ow... and we're locked out." She whined, rubbing her nose. "Great..." She pouted out. I couldn't help to smirk a bit, but walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Here, I'll help keep you warm." I said, resting my head on her shoulder. She looked back at me and smiled, placing her arms over my own. "Thanks Kitten." She said before turning to kiss my cheek. "Well if that isn't cute?" We heard a voice call out from another entrance of the mall. We both turned to look at this elderly woman outside of the mall, a cigarette lit in her mouth. "O-oh, thank you." Lemon said, blushing softly. The elderly woman smiled. "Lord, you two must be so frigid out in this cold. Come here and stand in here, get yourselves out of the wind and into some warmth." She said, holding the door open for us. We rushed over and huddled up with each other inside. "It's a bit chilly out there." I admitted, Lemon holding me close for warmth. She chuckled softly. "You two are AJ's friends?" She asked, flicking the ashes of her cigarette off. "Yes ma'am." Lemon said, finally starting to warm up. "It's nice t' meet you two. I'm Granny Smith. Applejack's grandma." She said, trying to fan the smoke away from me and Lemon. "So what y'all still doin' out here?" She asked, tossing the cigarette away. "We're just waiting on dad to come pick us up. Though he has yet to show." Lemon said, pulling her phone from her pocket, checking it once more. "Well, if he ain't here in the next few minutes, I'll take y'all home. Beats standing out in the cold all night." She joked. We smiled and nodded softly. "That would be greatly appreciated." I said, looking up at Granny Smith. A few minutes passed by with each one getting longer than the last. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Lemon's phone began to ring. "Daddy, where are you?!" She said, pulling the phone to her ear almost instantly. "Haven't heard that in a while." A familiar voice stated from the other side of the phone. Lemon's face went pale automatically after realizing who it was that is calling her. "H-How did you get this number?" She asked, fear slowly entering into her voice. "Let's not ask how. Better yet, let's ask when. As in when is the next time you're going to see me." He said, pure evil in his voice. She hung up and looked up at Granny Smith. "P-Please take us home if you wouldn't mind to." She asked, tears swelling in her eyes. Granny Smith nodded softly, pulling her keys from her pocket. "I know that look. C'mon you two." She said, letting us step ahead. We walked up to an old beat up truck that had its fair share of owners. "Please excuse the mess inside of here. Having three jobs, ya kinda learn to live in your vehicle." She stated with a chuckle after. We opened the door with the school cafeteria's uniform in the passenger side, she pulled it over and stuffed it under the driver's side as well as pulling a small pistol from the door. Our eyes widened upon seeing it. She looked down at us and smirked. "Sweetie, no matter what, Granny is always prepared. Yall ain't got anything t' worry about." She said with a tender smile. We gave a sigh of relief as we nodded and jumped in the truck. "You're Citron's daughter, right? Y'all don't live to far from the farm." She said, starting up the truck a gust of cold air hitting us. "Yes Ma'am." Lemon said, sliding over into the middle seat. She laughed softly. "Sugercube, you ain't gotta call me ma'am. I'm basically Citron's ma, I've seen him grow up since he was a little foot. Call me Granny. Shoot, I seen your ma grow up as well." She said with a warm smile. "I didn't know you knew mom and dad." Lemon said, leaning on me as we pulled out of the parking lot. "Sugercube, I was around when everyone's parent's were kids in school. I've been a lunch lady for a very long time. Though I will say that it's a shame what your ma done to your dad." She said, sorrow in her voice. "Yeah, though mom is kind of the cause of what's going on right now." Lemon said, looking down at the floor of the truck. She looked over at Lemon from the corner of her eyes. "What do ya mean, Sugercube?" She asked. Lemon sighed out, looking back up through the windshield. "Back when I was living with mom, she tried to hook me up with different guys, the problem was is that I've never really been interested in guys. Last time I was with a guy, mom told me that she would disown me. In turn, she hooked me up with this guy named Blueblood who abused me, both mentally and physically." Lemon said, holding back her emotions. Silence filled the car, but was broke as Granny gave a defeated sigh. "It's kind of a hard pill to swallow and I'm still unsure how I feel about it. When AJ started dating Dash the other day I wasn't to sure on AJ dating other girls, she's still my kin. Regardless of if it's boy or girl, as long as they treat her right, then I'm going to be there and support her." Granny said with a soft smile. Lemon and I looked up at her. "Are you still opposed by Dash and AJ being together?" I asked. "Sugercube, I'm an old fart. My ideals on that type of stuff are null and void. I was suspicious of Dash at first, but I see how much joy Dash brings her. I haven't seen this side of AJ since her parents were alive. I honestly see the both of them being together for a very long time." She said with a soft smile. "I wonder which one of the two are the more dominate one." I whisper into Lemon's ear. "I can answer that for ya. Even before they started dating, they had flings here and there and didn't think anybody would know. Kinda hard not to notice when AJ screams louder than the cows holler." Granny said, slightly annoyed at knowing that fact. We couldn't help but not to laugh upon hearing that. "Oh wow, didn't ever AJ to be much of a screamer." Lemon joked. We arrived at dad's house to see his truck and Rose's van still there, but a new addition. A new double wide trailer with Citron coming out of it, pulling his phone from his pocket. "Oh shit!" We heard him call out. He looked up to see us pull into the drive way. "Granny, is that you?" We heard him call out. She opened the door with me and Lemon following behind. "Who else ya think it's gonna be? Better yet, why shouldn't I bend you over my knee right now and blister you?!" She said, storming up to him. "I was setting this up for my daughter and her fiancee, upon doing so, I lost track of time." He said, looking down. "Well, good thing I done and picked them up." She said, walking passed him and walking into the house. Citron looked over at us and then back at the door of the house. "I see she's making herself at home." Citron said, laughing softly. We all walked into the house to see that Granny has already pulled out a chair and is having a conversation with Rose. "Hey girls. Did you two have fun today?" Rose asked, pulling a pan out of the oven. "Yeah, though we're kinda mad at dad." Lemon said, playfully jabbing her dad in the side. "Hey, I lost track of time! Cut me some slack!" He whined out. "Besides, when you two see what I've been working on all day, you'll understand and forgive me." He said with a innocent smile. Rose looked at him and sighed. "I told you to go get them, but oh no, he can get it done in time." She teased. He groaned out and rolled his eyes at her. "Boy, I thought your mama taught you better than to do that!" Granny said, eyeing him down. He hung his head and looked down. "Yes, Granny Smith." He said, giving a defeated sigh. "Well, come on you two. I need to show you your new place." He said turning back to go outside. When we stepped inside of the trailer, me and Lemon was in awe. Everything was brand new. New TV, new fridge, new stove, bed, and everything. As Lemon walked around, I immediately jumped on the bed and curled up, making myself comfortable. "And in here is you bedroom as Sonata has already found out." Citron said, looking down at me on the bed. Lemon walked in and laughed softly. I whined softly, pulling the blanket over my face. "I'm sleepy. Shoo!" I whined out playfully. "So adorable." Lemon said with a smirk. She then turned towards Citron. "Dad, why'd you get us all brand new stuff. You just bought us brand new furniture and clothes. Why just buy us thousands of dollars worth of new things?" She asked, sitting down on the bed beside of me. He scratched his chin and shrugged. "Well, regardless of if what I bought you was brand new or not, I want what's best for you two. Besides, the person who got it all was O'Mally's son." Citron said, leaning against the door way. "Is everything alright with them?" I asked. "Yeah, it's just in O'Mally's culture, his son is at the age in where he should be able to fend and live on his own. Though O'Mally wanted him to move, he didn't want him to move to far so he asked me if he could take over your lease on that apartment." Citron stated. We both nodded softly and yawned. "Well, we may go ahead in go to bed for the night." Lemon said, laying back on me. "Well, Rose is cooking some brownies and cookies. If you two want some, you're more than welcome to get them." He said with a smile, stepping out. We both sat up immediately. "Wait! We're coming, give us a second." I called out, putting my shoes back on. We walked back into dad's house to see Granny was still there and eating some of the brownies Rose had made. "Hey you two." Rose said pulling a plate down for me and Lemon, placing a few brownies on it and handing it to us. "I figured that you two came back for these." She said with a smirk. We both smiled and nodded softly. "Thank you!" We both said before digging in. Though after almost inhaling a couple, we paused and looked at each other. "Those taste different." I said, looking a Lemon. We looked up at Rose and Citron to see a panicked look on their face. "Oh no, did I give them the special brownies?" Rose said taking a bite out of one of our brownies. Her face grew pale as she looked over at Citron. Granny looked around and laughed softly. "Oh boy, you two in for it now. Well, I'm heading back to the hotel!" She said, grabbing her keys and walking out the door. We watched her leave and then our attention was drawn back to Citron and Rose. "Dad, what do you mean special brownies?" Lemon asked. He gave a worried sigh. "Nothing to worry about. You aren't going to die or anything. It's just those ar-" "You gave us cannibrownies, didn't you?" I asked, They nodded softly and sighed. "Well, you two, you probably need to head to bed soon." Citron said. "S-Should we just go ahead and let them have the other two?" He asked, looking back at Rose. She paused for a second, but shrugged. "I guess so, I mean it's not like it's going to effect him badly and they've already eaten one." She said, scratching the back of her head. He nodded and sighed. "Alright you two, c'mon." He said with a smile. "Wait, before we go anywhere, tell us what's going to happen to us!" I said, looking at them. He laughed softly and smirked. "Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but you'll basically fall into a state of euphoria. Your senses will be heightened. Everything from taste, smell, sound, sight..." "Don't forget touch." Rose said, putting up the tray of brownies that was given us. "Oh yeah, everything is amplified while high." Citron said, chuckling softly. "Though do NOT think this will be happening a lot. This is an accident, so consider this a freebie. If anything, this won't happen again." Citron said, looking at the both of us. Lemon nodded softly, though her eyes became somewhat glazed over, a smile giddy smile forming on her lips. "And Lemon's already feeling it. Ok you two, let's go!" Citron said, leading us out.