> Fenced In > by etherealunessence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fenced In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fenced In Or what to do when somepony's plot is in a predicament Is was just another ordinary morning on Sweet Apple Acres for Big Macintosh Apple as he made his way through his family's orchard, idly chewing on a stalk of hay as he was wont to do. The time was going along at its own pace and he was pleased as any other type of produce that he wasn't being outpaced by it when he so often had a deadline to meet. Now was a time for him to get ahead of schedule and reap some time off in the future when a big order would come up and supplies would have been short. He stopped once he was a decent distance into a fresh section of the orchard and began unloading several stacks of well used wooden buckets from his large cart. Normally Applejack or Apple Bloom would have helped with setup and some harvesting as well, but they were busy with their own necessary chores back on the farm. After distributing the buckets under the most prosperous trees he could spot, he got to work. He quickly settled into his usual routine of bucking tree after tree, continuing until all the buckets were full and then emptying them into his cart before moving on to the next area until the cart was piled high and his tendons creaked with the strain of getting it to move. After clearing a couple acres of land and several trips back to the cellar, Mac was quite proud of his progress for the day. With what he'd done so far, they would be ahead of the curve for the next couple months at the least when it came to their usual orders, but he was sure he could do even better before the daily chores called him back to the farm for the rest of the day. That was until he spied an unmistakable pink spot between several trees deep in the orchard near the fence that marked the boundary of their property and paused to contemplate his options. One, he could ignore her and dismiss any further actions involving whatever she was up to from here on out. Two, he could go find out what was going on and potentially get roped into some kind of nonsense that may or may not devour the rest of the day. Or three, stealthily investigate what was going on before following through with options one or two. As he made his way slowly to the edge of the orchard, he noticed that his quarry hadn't moved from its initial position once. Either she was waiting to spring a prank on somepony or something really was going on and she needed his help. Knowing he'd be mostly immune to any pranks due to his being aware of her, he decided to bite the bit and see if she needed any help. As he closed the distance, he couldn't help but see that something was off. First, her position wasn't right, neither crouched, prone, sitting or any other reasonable pose for waiting over a long time. Second, he noticed her scuffing her forehoof in grass but on the opposite side of the fence but her tail was clearly on this side, like she was sitting on the lower plank. But most of all, when he was close enough, he heard her give a bored sigh. Finally deciding that nothing was up, Big Mac took a closer look and easily spotted the trouble the pink mare was in. Namely that her rather ample flank and thighs had somehow managed to get squeezed between the two planks so thoroughly that her hind legs were barely able to touch the ground while her tail had been lucky enough to escape entrapment and kept her decent despite the way it was twitching in what was clearly an annoyed way. Finally deciding that nothing was amiss, Bic Mac finally decided to alert her to his presence and softly cleared his throat. This immediately grabbed her attention and she began to immediately start whipping her head around in search of the noise, finally letting out a squee of delight when she finally spotted him from between the very slats she was trapped in. “Oh! Big Mac! I'm so glad you found me! I've been stuck here for at least ten minutes after I was trying to set up a surprise for Rainbow Dash, rolled down the hill right there,” here she pointed at the very visable hill directly in front of them, “and found myself here... I wouldn't be bothering you right now, but it seems like I can't wiggle my jiggle out of here...” Pinkie said in a rush of happy gratitude at finally having somepony to talk to while still conveying a sense of apology for disrupting his work. “I did consider forcing my way out of here, but it didn't feel right to just break your fence when it would cost you so much just to get a long piece of hardwood and have to work it into place all the way back here... But it all worked out in the end because after I thought that, my Pinkie Sense told me somepony would be by who could get me out of this Pinkie pickle.” Big Mac just gave a smile and adjusted the piece of hay in his mouth before letting lose a self assured, “Eeyup.” “Oh, that's fantabulastic!” she replied with a giggle. “Anyway, since I had so much time to think about all the different ways you could help me out of here, I can guarantee you that I've figured out the one that'll be both the fastest, safest and funnest way to help the both of us out here.” “Eeyup?” he said with an inflection just to be sure she got his meaning. There were a few ways to go about getting the poor party pony out of her pinched predicament, but he'd like to hear what she had thought of all the same and all the reasons why it was all she claimed it to be. “Okay, where to begin...” She tapped a hoof to her chin while the other idly reached back to scratch at her cutie mark, causing Mac's eyes to follow it in that direction as well. If he were to be asked by anypony in town as to which mare had the best flank among all the residents in Ponyville, he would have to immediately answer Pinkie Pie. Her rear was the perfect blend of shape, proportion and from the times she's bumped into him, a blended medley of both firmness and softness which was quite evident here as the planks squeezed and pinched her into place. He wouldn't be ashamed to admit that he had fantasized about this pink pony's plot on more than one occasion, but he was only a stallion and such things couldn't be helped. “...and that's why you should have sex with me!” “Eeee.... wat...” he trailed off lamely. Apparently, while he had been lost in idle thought for only a brief moment, Pinkie had clearly gone off the deep end and either needed Applejack to help her out of this mess or to be left alone so she could get herself out and come back tomorrow to assess any damages that might need repairing. “Okay, I'll explain everything again slower so you can understand why you having sex with me is the best way for both of us...” she said as patiently as she could. “First, with the summer humidity, these planks have swollen up way too much to shift from side to side and pop out the easy way. Second, these posts go down way too far for you to easily shift and work the top plank out of its place for me to get out without digging around the base of one which would take you at least an hour to do all told, not even counting the touch up work you'd have to do to make sure the ground wouldn't go soft in that area. Third, if you wanted to go back to the farm and get something slippery, it might or might not make it worse depending on if the wood would absorb it before it did any good. Fourth, if you were to just try to push me out, I'm sure it would hurt, like, really bad and might even scrape off some of my fur which would lead to some awkward moments around town." But! If you were to have sex with me, you'd get me all sweaty which would supply a bit of oily water between me and the wood which is great because the wood would absorb the lower viscosity water before the oil which would make it unable to absorb the oils which in turn would act as a natural lubricant. The impact of your hips to my flanks would definitely be hard enough to push me an itty bit at a time through without hurting after I get all worked up since I'm sure you'd feel orgasmatastic plowing my row. Plus after an orgasm or three, I'm sure my muscles would relax enough for me to just... slide right on out, but I couldn't ask you to do that for me without any favor in return, so that's why I figured out having sex with you would be literally the best way to get me out of here! Plus, it's nowhere near heat season, so you won't even have to worry about any little Apple Pies running around, so instead this'll just be a bit of helpful fun!” Big Mac had to admit one thing after all that. Despite what everypony thought about the eccentric mare, she was definitely a smart cookie and more often than not, her seemingly odd solutions definitely ended up working incredibly well. Even though the answer to this particular problem seemed to be completely off the wall, he figured he should at least try sliding one of the planks out of the posts before giving in to temptation and following through with Pinkie's unique solution... Just to say he tried, at the absolute least. “One moment,” he replied to her as he moved over to a post and hopped up on the lower plank while hooking the upper one in his other foreleg. With a moment to ensure he had a good grip on the plank, he began to twist his body and push it out of the post, but after a moment of intense effort, he felt his side budge slightly and saw the entire plank bow just a hair as it was held fast on the other side. Letting go, it shifted back into place and he felt he had no choice but to give Pinkie's plan credence. “Sooo~?” she said with a light blush and a wink after she saw him get down from his failed attempt. “Whaddaya say~?” “Eeyup,” he replied with a rueful little smirk. She only giggled in response as her tail twitched excitedly as he went back to where she was. When he was back behind her he sat down as she looked around her side at him to give him a sultry smile and a wink as her tail moved to the side. In the past, he'd probably glanced her marehood only once or twice on complete accident, but now that it was on display, he took a moment to appreciate the sight. The mound of her marehood was nestled delicately between the cheeks of her ample rear, the plump outer folds maintaining the same shade of color as her fur while the barest sliver of her inner folds peeked from between them with a slightly darker (if even a bit more vibrant) shade of pink. A brief glance up showed the tight ring of her tail hole which flexed slightly every time she had to adjust her weight from her awkward position. “Go ahead and dig in, Big Mac,” she said with the biggest wiggle of her flanks that she could make. Taking her words to heart, Big mac closed the last bit of distance and pulled up a scant inch away from her folds, taking in her slightly sweet scent that held the barest spice of arousal to it. She let out a tiny little coo of appreciation when she felt his warm breath wash across her marehood and a tiny moan when his wet tongue finally made contact with it. He started off slowly, with deliberate strokes to the plump outer folds, leaving a small dry margin in the middle which soon had Pinkie trying to shuffle her hips from side to side in an effort to get his tongue to slip between her folds. Mac was mindful though and when she tried doing that again, his tongue traveled a little further away from her core every time until she let out a little whine of need. That was when he saw that glittering bit of moisture in the dry little valley he had left and smelled a sudden spike in the scent of her arousal. Since he had worked her up enough, Mac gave a tiny smile to himself as he gave her the longest and slowest lick with as much of his tongue as her could manage from her hooded clit all the way to her tail hole which caused Pinkie to let out a squeak which devolved into a low moan. When Mac looked back at her, she was now winking slowly, the folds of her marehood flexing and displaying her bright pink clit and the entrance to her core. At the sight and smell, he finally felt himself stirring in his sheath from the low grade arousal he'd been simmering in as he ate her out to full blown rut mode. “Oh wow~,” Pinkie said in a husky voice as she bent down to look underneath the bottom plank while Mac continued to lap at her while trying to time his licks with her randomly convulsing clit, causing her to let out little moans and shudders as a well timed one rolled over her exposed clit. She had wanted to get a good look at what he was packing down there and she certainly got an eyeful. When compared to the few stallions she'd been with in the past, Mac definitely had them beat on both length and girth. She watched as his length slowly grew to full mast, from solid black base complete with a pair of pleasantly plump fruits to light pink mottled middle giving way to solid pink all the way until the end where a single black spot seemed to have been lazily placed on the top half of his blunt tip and top where a pearly bead of precum glinted in the sunlight. He had at least a few inches on them and from how thick his member looked, he would be giving her a good stretch that would definitely hit all the right places which wasn't even considering the thick medial ring that stood out clearly. But her mind quickly lost focus as her winking became more rapid and the spikes of pleasure began to pile on top of each other. “O-oh, Mac, just a little bit more~! I'm almost there!” Hearing Pinkie give warning, Mac intensified his licks to just around her clit and sneaked in the occasional well timed suckle as it would pop out and he would kiss where it would appear, sucking gently and running his tongue over as much of it as he could. After only a few more moments, Mac felt Pinkie tense up and let lose a shrill squeal as her legs began to twitch, calling out a high pitched, “I'm cumming~~~!!!” As her orgasm went into full effect, Mac was surprised when a sudden spurt of thick, musky fluid splashed hotly against his muzzle. Realizing what was happening, he quickly latched his mouth around her clit and as much of her folds as he could and used his tongue to help prolong her orgasm as much as possible. As she came, spurt after spurt of her slightly sweet fluids rushed his mouth, the musky aftertaste doing nothing to turn him off of the flavor and he swallowed each mouthful she gave him. After what seemed like minutes, Pinkie was finally spent and panting, her puffy mane slightly sticking to her face by the amount of sweat she hadn't even known she'd been working up. “Mmmm~” she moaned as she picked herself back up and looked around her side to grin at Mac. “Is this how you get with any mare you're with?” “Mmm-hmm,” he replied with a smirk from around his slightly bulging cheeks. Tilting her head curiously at what he was doing, she felt her blush intensify as her marehood began winking intensely as she watched him lean back a bit only to slowly drool his mouthful of her thick, slick fluids all over his member and using a hoof after he wiped it off on his coat to rub the natural lubricant over his throbbing length. “Okay, now that's really hot,” she said in a husky voice after his length was now glistening under a thin coat of fluids. “Now, show me how much of farm pony you are and plow my furrow~” Mac couldn't help the involuntary bark of laughter she got out of him as he stood up and closed the distance, his length swinging heavily underneath. Now, he normally wouldn't have any issue with mounting a mare, but with Pinkie being stuck like she was and the fence getting in his way, he had to take a brief moment to think the mechanics over. It didn't take him long as he finally settled on a solution. Hopping up with a forehoof resting on the top plank, he felt Pinkie's velvety soft coat brush against the tip of his member, making him give a slight shiver at the sensation. Looking down, he spied his length hanging just below her marehood and used his free leg to reach down and bring his tip up before he took a small half step forward to nestle himself directly at her entrance as her twitching folds moved around his tip. “Ooohhh~” Pinkie moaned as she felt him line up and hold steady. When she noticed his deliberate pause, she looked up to see him looking down at her one last time, as if he were asking if she would be okay with his size and if she still wanted to go through with it. Always appreciative of somepony else's thoughtfulness, but stopping right on the brink like this nearly made her say some things that would have made Mac's coat even redder than it already was. Barely holding herself back from cussing him out, she was able to nod as vigorously as she could and let out the deepest, most guttural moan of her life as Mac got the signal and took another half step forward, his tip spreading her dripping core wide. From the instant Mac entered her, moist folds wrapped tightly around the first few inches of his shaft and found himself in what was surely the hottest piece of flank in Equestria aside from any of the Princesses. He couldn't help the groan of pleasure as he took another half step forward, nor the immediate and involuntary half thrust of his hips as he sought to bury the entirety of his length inside her which caused his median ring to find itself sudden within her twitching embrace, causing Pinkie's simultaneous moans to rise both in pitch and volume. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he rolled his hips and took one last full step and felt his hips come to a halt as the rest of his length was engulfed in her velvety depths and her succulent rear came gently into contact with his hips. Taking a moment to get used to the sensations around his length, the slight twitches, the shuddering of her hips shifting his length around slightly, her winking clit pushing against where the base of his shaft and scrotum connected... It was a collection of sensations that caused his hard length to swell and tighten until he found himself the hardest he'd ever been in his life and he loved every second of it. While Mac adjusted to his sensations, Pinkie was coming to grips with hers. After the initial penetration, she knew she was in for a ride as he stretched her deliciously around his throbbing length. It was as if all her nerve endings were far more sensitive than usual as his bigger than average girth came into contact with more of her tunnel than any of her previous paramours. But all that was nothing compared to when he finally bottomed out and his thick ring slid over her g-spot, causing her lower back to feel as if it were crawling ever so slightly from the wave of pleasure that he brought about. She shifted ever so slightly, as much as she could from her position and felt his tip only a few centimeters away from her cervix. Upon realizing just how close he was to completely filling her up so completely, her arousal skyrocketed and felt her winking intensify more than it already was. But then things got better for the both of them as Mac slowly pulled himself out until his median ring was barely inside, having to take a half step back to accommodate his motion. They both let out a simultaneous moan at the sensation, Pinkie for the slow scraping of his ring against her g-spot and the newly touched nerves in her passage while Mac gently fought against the gentle suction and clamping of her tunnel as it tried to pull him back in. Then he pushed back in slightly faster than he had pulled out and Pinkie gasped with the shock of pleasure as their sweaty hips met with a soft smack. Pulling out again, a bit faster than before, he noticed that he wasn't nearly as sensitive as he usually was when he was intimate with a mare and came to the conclusion that it was probably due to his unusual hardness. Taking this into account, he was determined to make the most of this pleasant development and thrust back in a bit harder. As Mac began to build up a rhythm to his thrusts, Pinkie felt like she had a thousand sparklers going off in the pleasure center in her brain. The well controlled power he applied, the way he would change his angle between thrusts and the weighty pendulum of his fruits as they gently slapped against her winking clit on occasion combined with everything else to leave her a panting, moaning mess of a mare. In all the time she'd been friends with Applejack, she'd kept a respectable distance from her older brother, but not after today. She was going to make sure of that! But the best part about her predicament and current situation was that it all truly had been an accident that caused it all to coalesce and her quick thinking and her sudden desire for some intimate company at the sight of the studly, stoic stallion. However, her thoughts suddenly got derailed by a particularly sharp thrust and she felt the plank that had been digging into her thighs shift a bit. “Oh! Just like that~!” she half moaned to him, causing him to slow just a bit to understand her. “I~ Ha! I shifted just a little right then~” Mac could only grunt his understanding and picked his pace back up while applying just a little extra strength. Her slick depths now felt boiling hot and her fluids seemed to be flowing faster than ever as he felt them dripping off his fruits and matting the fur on his thighs. Every impact was now accompanied by a wet, satisfying smack and Mac found that he actually had to take a half step forward as Pinkie was ever-so-slowly worked out of the fence by her working over. Mac tensed his lower abdomen and felt a gratifying surge of pleasure as his member twitched and his flare just now barely starting to swell up in anticipation for the end. Pinkie's moans and gasps were rising in pitch and Mac was sure she was nearing another climax as her tunnel began to clench tighter and tighter but never able to hold onto his slicked length. It was only a few thrusts later that Pinkie tensed up and let lose a high pitched squeal as she came again, harder than before if the force and volume of the hot fluids splattering against Mac's body was any gauge to go by and he held himself still, deep inside her convulsing passage as she rode her latest orgasm out. Pinkie was a sweaty, sticky panting mess when she came back from her latest orgasm. That one had certainly been a doozy and she was pleasantly achy from it, but when she wiggled her hips to not only feel she was only lightly wedged in, but that Mac was still hard and hadn't even cum yet despite the bit of his flare that she felt, she felt her resolve harden to see him soften before they were done. “H-hey, Mac?” she said between pants and gasps. “Eeyup?” he replied in a decidedly tight tone of voice from the effort it took for him to hold back. “I-I'm almost out of the fence, but after I pop out, I'm gonna hold still so you can finish, okay?” she said as she looked up at him and wiped strands of her sweaty mane out of her face. “Ya sure?” he asked, ever the gentlecolt. Pinkie smiled and nodded. “This was all just a pleasant development from a complete accident and there's no way I'll leave you frustrated while I'm a quivering puddle of pleased Pinkie, so I want you to finish, okay?” He smiled warmly and nodded before he flipped his own sweaty mane from his face with a toss of his head. “Eeyup!” Suiting his reply with actions, he drew himself back and slowly built his pace back up to what it had been, careful to not rush things in case he overstimulated Pinkie after her latest orgasm. By the time he was back to his previous speed with a good deal less power knocking into her, Pinkie was bracing herself against the ground to stop from being knocked over as she felt herself ease free from the fence, simply relishing the constant waves of pleasure even if she knew she wouldn't get another orgasm from this. Mac, however, adapted to her change of distance and position by taking another half step up while working rapidly towards his own finish while nearly standing straight up. He let lose a snort and shuffled his rear hooves a bit so he could lower his waist a bit more so he could hilt himself fully once again and tensed his abdomen for a wonderful surge of pleasure. Soon, his flare was starting to swell at a fast pace and the pleasure began to tingle in the muscles of his lower back. Sensing the end was near, he picked up his pace just a bit more and grit his teeth to hold for just another moment or two, just to relish the sensations of his hardening flare scraping against Pinkie's passage and the erratic convulsions surrounding his member. But eventually the dam burst and he hilted himself with a rough cry as Pinkie pushed back just as hard and causing the tip of his member to barely touch her cervix in a little explosion of sensation as his flare swelled fully with the first massive gush of cum. From the first full length throb of his orgasm, Pinkie knew she'd be in for quite the stuffing. The first wave of intensely hot cum filled what little space was left between his flared head and her cervix with a healthy spurt pushing into her own internal oven. The next was even bigger than the last and seemed to spurt into her depths, spreading a liquid warmth she'd never experienced before. The waves continued until she lost count, only savoring the glowing sensation that seemed to radiate from her most intimate of places. But eventually it ended, the tide stemmed and the hard barrier of his flare softened until he was slowly deflating within her. When he was half out of her, she relaxed her forelegs and tucked her head to do a little roll, but her limp muscles weren't responding as well as she had hoped and she found herself with her rump hanging limply above her. With a bemused expression on her face, she opened her mouth as she felt the unmistakable sensation of Mac's hot seed flowing around and back out of her well used marehood, waiting for the inevitable. With what felt like a tiny little pop in her tunnel and a sudden surge, a small torrent of his thick seed rushed out and mostly splattered across her muzzle and face which caused her to screw up her eyes, while the steady drips and drizzles fell directly on her tongue. She smacked her mouth and let out a tiny hum of delight at the sweetly musky flavor caused by his fruit rich diet and the smooth consistency caused by a good, drawn out rutting. She took a hoof and wiped her eyes clean and looked up to see Big Mac finally settling back down on the other side of the fence after his member had fully retreated. She gave him a big grin as her back half finally began to fall back down to the ground and gave a giggle as she felt her numb backside bounce slightly in the soft grass. “So, you got any plans this weekend?” she asked hopefully, and promising herself to talk to Applejack later today (but definitely after she got herself cleaned up) about getting to know Mac a lot better in the near future. “Eenope,” he replied, an easy smile on his face and a twinkle of excitement in his eye. “Can't say as Ah do...”