> The Newest Displacer > by TheDisplacerOfEquestrias > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue 0: "And so... it begins... ... ...I just realized how cliche that sounded." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Celestia... go away... I'm having fun time with Sweetie Belle..." A robotic, yet organic, chaotic, and demonic, yet angelic, voice said, talking in his sleep in his home, a little ways North of Ponyville, in Equestria, on the planet Equis, a harmonic planet full of creatures, like Ponies, Griffons, Merponies, Changelings, Dragons, and more... However, this being, the owner of the voice talking in this sleep, was none of those. In fact, he wasn't from Equis at all! He was an alien, a weird one, but an alien. A robotic one that had some... oddities... in him. Suddenly, a large crash was heard from downstairs, making the robotic being wake up suddenly and roll out of bed, hitting the floor as he was wrapped up in a blanket... "Ugh... TWILIGHT! I SWEAR TO IBILIS, IF YOU ARE IN MY HOUSE TRYING TO FIND ANY SECRETS OF MINE FOR THE FIFTH TIME THIS MONTH, I WILL SEND YOU TO ZEBRICA!" The robotic being yelled downstairs, before hoofsteps/footsteps were heard coming upstairs, before the pony, Twilight, came up and saw the robotic being rolled up in a blanket, his head the only thing not rolled up, as he glared at Twilight... "Sorry, L.M., but how else would I have woken you up? Besides, Princess Celestia IS waiting for you at Canterlot with Princess Luna, my Niece, Princess Cadence, my big bro, Shining Armor, and Discord, along with the other world Leaders." Twilight said, her hand on her hip as she looked at him, L.M.... The being, L.M., groaned and said "Alright... Just two things." Twilight asked "What?" in response to this... "First, get me out of my blanket prison." Twilight giggled and used her magic on the blanket, before hoisting it up, making L.M. spiral in place, horizontally, almost cartoonish, before he landed on the ground and said, raising a robotic, different-looking hand, made out of a different metal, "Thanks, Twi." "Your welcome. Now, what's the second thing?" She asked. He then looked up at her and said "Could I join you with a cup of coffee at the Library? I'm not fully awake yet and Spike makes the best coffee." She smirked and said "Sure." L.M. then slowly got up and stretched, a satisfying crack coming from his back, as he made sure that he wasn't stiff anywhere else, before he said "Ok, I'm ready." Twilight nodded and led L.M. downstairs and out of his house, a three-story house with a basement, lab, greenhouse, and training room, built by L.M. with the help of, surprisingly, Princess Celestia, Discord, and the Bearer of The Element of Kindness herself, Fluttershy... L.M. then followed Twi to the Golden Oaks Library, where Twi and her assistant and little dragon brother, Spike, lived, as Twi opened the door for L.M. and went in after him, closing the door behind her, as the smell of Pancakes filled the air, before L.M. smirked and said "Heh, smells great as always, Spike." Spike, the purple-scaled, green-spiked, "baby" dragon (he's actually around L.M.'s height), currently making Pancakes, looked over to see L.M. and Twi sitting down at the table, as he smirked and said "Thanks, L.M.", before Spike then got some plates out and put some Pancakes out, giving three to Twi, four to L.M., and two, with a side of gemstones, for Spike himself, and then served them to Twi, L.M., and himself... During their breakfast, Spike gave L.M. some gemstones and said "You know, L.M., there's something that always popped into my mind whenever you told me about creatures that you've seen and known, but never existed on Equestria..." "And what would that be, Spike?" L.M. asked. Spike then replied, saying "Well, considering you're a robot that has numerous abilities and the abilities of different species at your disposal, is it possible that, since you have the abilities of Dragons, are you able to eat Gemstones, and are the other creatures you've heard of capable of doing that?" L.M. thought for a moment and said "Well, I know that my teeth can pretty much chew through anything, due to them being about as sharp as a 'spike' trap," making Spike groan from the pun, and making Twi smirk, as L.M. continued, "... but only certain creatures can eat Gemstones, like you and I can. Dragons here can eat Gemstones, and I know for a fact that some creatures can in fact eat Gemstones, like the Golden Glint Beetle, you know, the one that has special treasures hidden within it's body, like nectar, otherworldly treasures, etc. I even had one named Gloy, who ate Gemstones more than his kind did, even more than the Flint Beetles, a similar, but very different species to the Golden Glint Beetles." "Huh... Wait, what about that weird, black, emerald-looking thing in your chest?" Spike asked. L.M. replied to Spike's question and said "I'm afraid that kind of gem cannot be eaten... It can be destroyed, used as a power source for both good and evil, and once was the prison of a being known as Chaos, a liquid humanoid that was the guardian of a special Emerald known as the Master Emerald, and the Chaos Emeralds, which is technically what my gem is." "Huh... Wait, how much do you know about these other creatures? In fact, how do you even know all about them, the objects they're associated with, and the things they can and have done?" Spike asked. This also popped into Twi's head and she said "Actually, Spike DOES have a point. You never truly told us HOW you know all of this. In fact, you never even told us about how you came to Equestria, and Equis, for that matter."... ... ... L.M. sighed and said "Alright, but, if I tell you two this, then you two have to help me with my inventions, and seeing if they actually work, for that matter...", as the two nodded, before L.M. said "Same for you, Owlowiscious.", making a "Hoo!" come from the main room of the Library, sounding like a yes. L.M. smiled, before he took a sip of his coffee and said "Well, it all started back on my birth planet, Earth..." Prologue 0: "And so... it begins... ... ...I just realized how cliche that sounded." End! Start: Chapter 1: "Look out, Equestria, 'cause the newest Displaced is here to fuck your shit up!" WELCOME TO... THE NEWEST DISPLACER! > Chapter 1: "Look out, Equestria, 'cause the newest Displaced is here to fuck your shit up!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You see, I'm something called a Displacer, but I never originally was one, but I wasn't something called a Displaced, either. Instead, I was a normal creature known as a human, but I was 18 years of age and very skinny/scrawny, to the point where you could SEE my shoulder blades. Weird, right? Well, skip forward a few months to my first Con (I think it was Comic-Con)..." 1 year ago, on the planet Earth, at Comic-Con... (Past-L.M. POV. Name here is Radmes) I looked at the huge building in front of me, one of my parent's friends next to me, dressed in a Doc Brown costume from Back to the Future, as I say "Well, here we are...", as he nodded and he led me inside... When I saw the inside, I smiled and said "Heh, nice to see that the place was bigger on the inside... like the T.A.R.D.I.S." Now, you'd think I'd have a costume, like Sonic the Hedgehog, Bowser, or some other kind of thing, I didn't have any kind or sort of costume, as my parents didn't have the money, and, well, I was a bit sneaky to them, and a bit untrustworthy. They gave me a phone, laptop, and a tablet, though, besides a room and a place to live, with the phone used for reading, the tablet for watching YouTube videos, and the laptop for writing stories... Anyway, I found this neat little stall, where a bunch of cosplayers were, with some being Metal Sonic, Batman (BATMAN!!!!!), Samus, Asphyxious, and some others. However, each came out with a realistic looking item from their cosplay's world, from the Chaos Emeralds and the Master Emerald, to Asphyxious's book, sword, and staff to use souls and create warjacks and helljacks... I became intrigued by this and I then walked in, before the man running the stall motioned for me to come over. I walked over and he said this to me "Ah, just from looking at you, I can tell that you are a fan of different series and shows on the Internet, like Nintendo, Sega, the Yogscast, etc., and that you're a fan of many characters, including Neo Metal Sonic from Sonic Heroes, Asphyxious (I didn't know what game he was from, really), Dimentio from Super Paper Mario, Israphel from the Yogscast (WAY back in the day, during the SOI series), and the others, correct?" I was surprised that he knew of this, before I nodded and said "I always wanted to be them and meet them all in person, but...", before I told the guy about my versions of the characters, mainly, Metal Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Dimentio, and Israphel, along with the leader of them, Lord Skeleborg Chaoticberg, an evolved human that brought the four reformed villains together to form the Elemental 5. He was intrigued and said "Well, boy, I would like to give you some items that would make you very, very excited..." Then, he got out a realistic Ancient Onyx, from the Sonic Comics, a realistic Chaos Heart, a realistic Minecraft sword, but with a white blade, a red hilt, and a black handle, a Soul Cage (Asphyxious), and some other items, including the eye of Turbo Mecha Sonic from SMBZ, by Alvin Earthworm. I was amazed and he said "Look, kid, I can already tell you haven't got anything to pay for these, but, because you have no money, I'll let you have them for free." I declined, but he insisted. So, not wanting to make the guy sad, I nodded and took the items with me in an MLP bag, with the faces of each Major Villain of the show on it, but only a fraction of their faces was on the bag, making them all look like one weird hybrid face... ... However, that's when it hit me. The guy was THE Merchant, the Displacer of Madness and Chaos, as I call him, that Displaced people to Equestria. However, when I realized this, I was actually surprised and happy he picked me. I was a hermit on Earth, I didn't have many friends, and the friends I always had, well, I never saw them often or talked to them. That, and I've already had enough of Earth, seeing as how Earth has done so much shit in the past, like the World Wars, the Civil War, the Cold War, etc., plus, I always wanted to become a Displaced. I wondered who my Displacer would be, maybe The Author from The Metal Condition, Marx from both A Displaced Machine and A Displaced Monster, or Roden Godswell, from Second Universe and Ashes In The Wind, a spinoff of Second Universe, when the first part of Displacement started... I smirked at this and then went back to the Merchant, seeing the stall now cleaned out of people, except for him, as my vision became a bit dizzy, and I said to him "Hey, Merchant. Before you send me to Equestria, do me a favor: Tell my parents that I won't miss them and that to duplicate my mind and soul so that I could become each of the characters I told you about and the items they were linked to." He was surprised at this, saying that not many Displaced were like this, and I said to him "Hey, I always wanted to go to Equestria, buddy, just, not as my original self. Besides, if you know of me and my past, then you know why I want this to happen." He smiled and then said "Alright, I will, but, prepare yourself." I did as he said and he cast a spell on me, duplicating my mind and soul, but the thing is, it malfunctioned. The spell actually split my soul into different pieces for each of the beings I would become. However, he said "Now, kid, a special Displacer, or Displacers, would be waiting for you. I won't let you know when you'll meet them, just be prepared to meet them, alright?" I nodded and I went through the portal to my Equestria. I blacked out a couple minutes as I traveled, but when I awoke, I was in Equestria, but I was surprisingly in the Everfree Castle, the one that the Royal Sisters once inhabited, before... you know, Nightmare Moon came along and fucked shit up... I soon went around, trying to find a mirror, and found one, before I found myself as my most powerful character that I made, but it wasn't Lord Skeleborg, or LSB, as I call him. Instead, it was the most recent one: Lord Metarex, the First Metarex and the Ruler of the Dark Sun Empire and the Everfree. A bit of a heads-up, Lord Metarex, or L.M., is nearly twice as strong as LSB, as he went toe-to-toe with LSB and LSB's wife, Zone-Tan, and won, surviving both LSB and Zone-tan's wrath... ... I smiled, showing my new Razorsharp, iron teeth and said to myself, my new voice making me grin, as I sounded robotic, yet organic, chaotic, and demonic, yet angelic, "Well, this is awesome. I gotta hand it to the Merchant... He got EVERY detail right. Heh. Only thing missing are L.M.'s- I mean, MY kids, Nyx and M.S.3.0 Jr." Also, at some point in my fics, L.M. got two kids: Nyx, from I think, Past Sins, as a daughter, and as a son, he got M.S.3.0 Jr., or Metal Sonic 3.0 Jr., after L.M.'s original name, M.S.3.0, when the Elemental 5 came together... However, before I got to fixated on my looks, I heard the sounds of a growl, before I saw a Timberwolf, standing there behind me. I smiled and said "Heh. So, I'm guessing your going to try and kill me, then eat my corpse, right?", before the Timberwolf nodded, as I smirked and said "Don't bother. My body is indestructible. That, and I have fire. So, you have two options. Either A. You fight me and get killed, or B. You let me go and you point me to the nearest town or city. Which one?", before the Timberwolf thought for a moment and walked towards me, before it picked me up and put me on it's back, as I said "Choice B, then, I guess.", before the Timberwolf nodded and ran to the nearest town... Ponyville. > Chapter 2: "Saving the CMC... from a Hydra? WHAT THE F-!? And... MEETING THE IRON LICH!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Soon enough, the Timberwolf led me to Ponyville, but, I then heard the sounds of screaming and loud footsteps, before I stopped the Timberwolf and said "Hang on, big guy... you know what goes on here, right?", before it nodded, only for me to say "And what kind of creature makes THAT sound?", as the Timberwolf slowly realized what we were about to deal with... "So, how good are ya at distracting and outrunning something?" I ask, as the Timberwolf did a so-so sign with it's paw, before I say "Good. Now, get some of the other Timberwolves that you know and tell them that a Hydra is here and then tell them to distract it long enough for me to save whoever, or whatever, is being attacked, hurt, or chased by the Hydra.", before it nodded and ran out, but not before it dropped me off on the road, gracefully, thankfully... "Alright, think, Radm- I mean, L.M... Think. How did the Mane Six defeat the Hydra... Oh, fuck me, I can't remember! UGH!" I say, groaning, before I notice something on my back... I then reach my hand around to my back and I pull the object off, holding it up, before I saw L.M.- err... my... weapon... the Crescent Rose, from the show known as RWBY... I then grinned and said "Merchant, somehow I know you have something to do with this...", before I ran out of the Everfree Forest, surprising myself at my new speed, before I stopped just outside of the town, but I wasn't visible to anyone, thankfully. However, I then saw the Hydra, and Rainbow Dash, with the help of Applejack and Twilight, fighting the Hydra, but, I then noticed something... The ponies were fuckin' anthro. ANTHRO! ... YES! You know, I may not like fucking them when they're ponies, but as anthros... Fuck yeah. However, I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed that the CMC were being held in the jaws of one of the Hydra heads... and that Sweetie Belle was crying, as I saw blood coming from where her leg is... actually, scratch that, where her leg WAS, because her leg was gone! I then froze up, before I growled and I then dashed towards the Hydra, appearing underneath, where no-on... err... nopony, noticed me, before I get the Crescent Rose out and I slash at the underbelly of the Hydra, making a large, gaping X appear on it's underbelly, as it began to bleed, before I dashed away, quicker than anypony could see me... The Hydra took a while to register this, before it let out a hurt roar, as blood came down from its underbelly, startling Rainbow, Twi, and Applejack, as the gaping X was not there before... The Hydra then roared, the one holding the CMC still not letting go, as I curse under my breath, about to go back out there, but a group of Timberwolves stop me from doing so, as they run at the Hydra and attack it, but they don't attack Rainbow, Twi, or Applejack... I grin at this, before I run towards the Hydra, Crescent Rose in hand, before I jump up and I slice at the Hydra head holding the CMC, cutting it off, as it lets go of the three, before I grab them and I dash to the Everfree Forest, as the Timberwolves continue to attack the Hydra... I then see the Timberwolf that helped me earlier, as I say to it "Follow me, big guy!", before it nods and follows me... After a while, I stopped, as we were in the abandoned castle, before I put the three down and say to the Timberwolf, "I need something to use as a bandage, it can be vines, leaves, anything, as long as it'll stop her from losing any more blood.", before the Timberwolf nodded and left to go find something to use... I then noticed that Scootaloo and Applebloom were protecting Sweetie Belle, before I sigh and say "Will you two relax? I'm not going to hurt any of you.", before Scootaloo flutters up to my face and says "And how do we know you won't hurt us?", before I chuckle and say "Who do you think told the Timberwolves to attack the Hydra, allowing you three to escape?" Before she could say any more, something hit her head, before I grabbed the object and I saw that it was a token... but not just any token... Asphyxious the Iron Lich's token! I then heard a voice from the token... “I am Asphyxious, The Iron Lich. If you need my aid, just take this token and call my name.” ... Meanwhile at Twilight’s castle, in another Equestria... ... 3rd Person Pov... Asphyxious was busy reading some books. As well as looking into the gods of the iron kingdoms. Until he felt the pull of someone using his token. ”Hello? Is this thing on?” A voice said, probably from his token… wherever that was. Asphyxious sighed at this, it must of been someone new. He thought as he put the book away and get up. “Yes, I’m here. What do you need, or is this a social call?” He asked as the dragon lord looked at his cutlass. ”Question: Does a filly by the name of Sweetie Belle mean anything to you?” The voice said, robotic it seemed… Odd. “I know of a Sweetie Belle… Why do you ask?" Asphyxious asked as he, left the library and went into his workshop he had set up under the castle. Funny part was Twilight used it as a lab too... ”To put it simply, it’s my first day here in a Displaced Equestria, but Sweetie Belle, and the rest of her friends, are in some deep shit… Specifically, Hydra Attack.” The robotic voice said, catching Asphyxious’s attention, rather quickly, as well… "How do you know what a Displaced is if this is… You know what, never mind, I’ll be over with a friend.” Asphyxious replied as he grabbed a tool bag and made a call on his echo. “Gear Shift, Head to the teleport crystal, I need your help.” ”... Just by the sound of metal, you have a tool bag… ugh, anyway, you’ll need some metal… and maybe some bandages…” The voice said, before it added ”Oh, and nice to meet one of my favorite Displaced, by the way.”, surprising Asphyxious… That just sounded creepy to him. “Right… I’ll be right over.” Asphyxious replied, as he met up with Gear Shift. Then the two walked into the portal as it opened before them. ... Back in the Everfree... When they came through, they found themselves in the castle of the two sisters, and, they also saw a robotic hedgehog in front of them, with two miscolored eyes, one electric blue and glowing, sparks of electricity coming out of it on the right side (L.M.’s view, the robotic hedgehog), but the other was a fiery red color, and glowing, with tiny little embers coming out, not enough to burn anything, either, and, the robotic hedgehog was about as tall as anthro Celestia, maybe even taller, reaching to the top of Asphyxious’s ribcage… That’s when Asphyxious showed up with a anthro earth pony who was wearing overalls, or a man with white hair, wearing an eye patch and a blue coat. "Huh, Metal Sonic?” He said more to himself. Then looked around for Sweetie Belle… The robotic hedgehog then looked at Asphyxious and said, with a robotic, yet organic, demonic, yet angelic, and chaotic voice, or just random to Asphyxious, ”Look down. She’s currently being protected by her friends.”, before the robotic hedgehog tilted Asphyxious’s head, allowing him to see Sweetie Belle and her friends… along with blood coming from where Sweetie Belle’s left leg originally was… "Gear, we got work to do.” Asphyxious said as the pony named Gears said as she followed him. “Damn, poor lass. On well we’ll have her good as new.” Said the Earth Pony as she moved Applebloom and Scootaloo out of the way. As Asphyxious and the earth pony worked on Sweetie’s missing leg. ”Be careful with her, Asphyxious… her leg was chomped right off by a Hydra… it took a pack of Timberwolves to get the Hydra to let go, along with… this.” The robotic hedgehog said, before it pointed to the weapon on it’s back… a dull red, dull white, and dull black mechanical scythe… “Don’t distract us. Talk after we help your friend.” Growled Gear as she was wrapping up Sweetie’s wound, as Asphyxious was attaching metal to the flesh and bone. The robotic hedgehog sighed and nodded, as it then walked to a nearby chair, busted, but still usable, and sat in it, with Scootaloo and Applebloom joining it… They worked for twenty minutes as they get up... “There we go, we’ll have to wait for wound to heal before we can make her the rest of the leg.” Asphyxious said as he cleans his hands of blood with Gear Shift... “So who are you lot?” Asked Gear Shift, as she started to clean her tools. The robotic hedgehog got up and then says ”Name’s Lord Metarex, but call me L.M… it’s what my character’s name, the being I am right now, is called. And by the way, It’s my first day here in Equestria… or Equis… whatever.”, before the robotic hedgehog, now known as L.M., noticed the sound of paws coming closer, before the Timberwolf from earlier walked towards them and handed L.M. some vines and leaves to use as bandages… makeshift ones, but still… "And here I thought I saw everything.” Asphyxious said more to himself then to the others. “Then again… There’s still a lot out there I haven’t seen.” ”Coming from the person who had sex with an alternate Celestia…” L.M. said, crossing his arms, surprising both Gear Shift and Asphyxious, as no-one knew about that other than Asphyxious and the alternate Celestia… “Seriously! Does everyone know my sex life now?!” Asphyxious yelled up at the sky. Gear Shift just sighed as she went to check on the other two CMC members... In response to this, L.M. laughed, falling onto his back, but after a couple minutes of Asphyxious yelling at the sky and L.M. laughing his ass off, L.M. got up, still laughing a bit, and said ”I know all about that. I know you fucked Avarice the Merchant, an alternate Celestia, maybe Rin, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Chrysalis, and some other females that I can’t remember… CURSE MY ADHD!” “...You somehow got Jack token didn’t you?” Asphyxious asked in a deadpan manner. “You must of got that stupid DVD, didn’t you?” ”Nope, but I hope to fight F.A.U.S.T. at some point, if I do get his token. Also, if you do decide to fuck someone again, bring me into it!” L.M. said, grinning, showing his razor sharp, iron teeth, as he wrapped the vines and leaves around Sweetie’s leg, keeping her from losing any more blood... Asphyxious removed the vines seeing as they're not needed, L.M. got a glare from the Dragon Lord as well. "You‘re either stupid or have a death wish to try and fight F.A.U.S.T… I’m thinking to the former.” L.M. chuckled at this and said ”Asphyxious, there are way, WAY more terrifying things than F.A.U.S.T… And I’m pretty sure F.A.U.S.T. ain’t got nothin’ on me.”, giving Asphyxious a look that said ‘I give no fucks’... Asphyxious rolled his eye as he took the time to look around. “We’re in the castle of the two sisters… Why are we in the everfree?” He asked, as Asphyxious found a large rock to sit on. It didn’t help he was eight foot tall. ”I woke up here and befriended a Timberwolf, who is the one that gave me the leaves and vines. Also, I’m kind of glad to be here, to be honest… it means I’m away from Bitchlestia or Droolestia… whatever you want to call her.” He said, as he sat on the chair from earlier... “Are you fucking joking…” Asphyxious snapped at L.M. with a glare. "Your happy to be like that? You can’t sleep or eat. Hell you can’t feel anything any more, how is this a GOOD THING!?” Going by how angry he reacted L. M. must of touched a nerve. L.M. sighed and said ”Earth has been in some deepshit ever since they colonized America. There was the Civil War, the fighting against the Indians, the World Wars, and the greed that all humans have that kick started it all… I’m one of the only few out there that DESPISED IT ALL! … I’m just glad one of my parent’s friends brought me along to Comic-Con… I met the Real Merchant, who, despite the shit he did, did me a favor, and he even gave me items that matched my characters…”, but as he spoke, Asphyxious could see it in L.M.’s eyes… despite L.M. being a robot, but still... "Holy crap… How old are you?” Asphyxious asked as if something dawned on him. ”It was 2016 when I went to Comic-Con… but I was born in 2002, Bangor, PA.” He said, surprising Asphyxious... “Oh god you're just a kid…” Asphyxious groaned as he put a hand to his face. “Just what I need, another kid with powers outside his understanding.” L.M. laughed at this and said ”Not anymore, big guy. The real L.M. is 103 years old… and I CREATED MY CHARACTER… I was a writer back on Earth before I was displaced, anyway…”... "You misunderstand, you may have the body. But your mind still that of a fourteen year old. And trust me, there a lot of evil shit out there that will eat you alive.” Asphyxious replied bluntly. “I’ve seen horrors that will drive you mad…” L.M. deadpanned at this, before he says ”I wish I still had my phone… that way I could show you the abomination known as Photoshop Flowey…”, perking Asphyxious’s interest a bit… "What’s so bad about something called Flowey? Sounds like something from a kids show.” Asphyxious replied, as he saw Gear Shift talking to the girls and explaining what was going on. L.M. then noticed something and reached into a nearby crack in the wall, big enough to reach his hand into, and pulled out his phone, an old Iphone with a black case and silver locks, before he said ”Well, nevermind. I have it. Now, let’s bring up the abomination…”, as he went onto his photos and pulled up Photoshop Flowey… “Good lord man! What in Luna’s blue mane is that!?!” Asphyxious yelled backing away from the phone a little… ”That, my friend, is Photoshop Flowey, a creature that has made many people shit themselves back on Earth… honestly, I almost shat myself when I saw it, but it looks cool when you look at it… Think about having control over this thing!” L.M. said, as he pulled up more images of Photoshop Flowey… Asphyxious started to lose interest as time went by. But that was when Sweetie Belle started to wake up.... L.M. noticed this and then said ”Sweetie Belle, are you alright?”, as Sweetie Belle saw L.M. and then saw Asphyxious, before she fainted from the sight, making L.M. facepalm, both hands meeting his face as he groaned, as Asphyxious then noticed that L.M.’s right hand, from L.M.’s point of view, was a different metal, looking like a darkened version of steel or iron… “Interesting... Also Sweetie fainting, that’s funny.” Asphyxious said as he smiled at her friends trying to wake her up, but failing to do so… ”It is, but that means it’ll take longer for her to wake up again… Ugh… You know, a lot of Displaced have it easy… meanwhile I have to do with this shit.” L.M. said, groaning at this… “Easy? Dude, there’s nothing easy about being a dIsplaced. Trouble always finds us, no matter where we go.” Asphyxious added as he layed on the large stone he was sitting on… ”Yeah, and Displaced also sometimes find themselves in weird and questionable situations… like having an orgy with 6 or 7 females, ain’t that right, Asphyxious?” L.M. said, a shit-eating grin on his face... "Seriously, Stop it… You're creeping me out, with how you know that stuff.” Growled the Dragon Lord as he pulled his hood over his head. L.M. let out a ‘NYEH HEH HEH!’ at this, before he said ”I can tell you how I know this shit, if you want. I think I have it on here, as well.”, as he looked through the windows on his phone, trying to find something… Only to get the out of servers logo on his phone, making him groan... "Don’t bother, I already heard the crazy story from Dark Magician Girl, she said something about us being Fictional characters.” Asphyxious replied off handedly.. ”... Well, do you know about the other Displaced besides Dox and the others that you’ve met, like… Gilgamesh, was it?” L.M. said, not surprising Asphyxious one bit... "I meet him at the school for displaced, that ran by Twilight and Sun. Hey, you should join. It’ll do you some good to be around others like yourself.” Asphyxious replied as he sat up and removed his hood. L.M. deadpanned at this once more, before he said ”Do you really want me to fuck with their minds by telling them they are all fictional characters, Asphyxious? It’ll be fuckin’ hilarious, but it will piss some people off…” “Dude, I already think that Dark Magician Girl is crazy. I also think you're from the same place as her only less crazy. Do you really think anyone going to believe what you say? Also, you’ll get your ass kicked if you bring up anything about anybodies past… I know one of my hoard mates won’t hesitate to kill you.” L.M. then rolled his eyes and said ”Asphyxious, one thing you should know about me, or the body I’m currently in... This body can withstand the force of the strongest bomb in Human history, the Tsar Bomba, built by the Russians, and, he’s able to go toe-to-hoof against Celestia, an insane one that treats all humans, Displaced or not, as freaks. That, and he’s able to run fast enough to escape a black hole, fight against Discord, a version that is able to shrug off the Elements of Harmony like it’s nothing, and, as a bonus, he has every magic available, plus he can control the SUN and the MOON… I am overpowered as fuck.”... "What about light Sabers?” Asphyxious asked, not even blinking at L.M. and everything he just said. ”My body is made out of Steel, reinforced with Titanium, or the other way round, and my hand, and my left foot, is made out of two special metals not native to Equis, known as Darksteel and Darkiron.” He says, holding his hand and foot up... "Now I know your bullshiting me, all power as a price. And that body has a breaking point. I may not know what it is but you have one huge disadvantage with that body, any part that breaks you can’t replace.” Asphyxious explained in a serious tone. "I’m not trying to say I’m more powerful than you or whatever. I know what my weak points are, and what I can and cannot do. All I’m saying is be careful, there are some beings out here that don’t need logic for their powers to hurt you.” L.M. then looked at Asphyxious and said ”I know only two, and the two that are the most dangerous are the Nightmare Fuel and their leader, Xram, and the creatures with the glowing purple eyes, like the Gaige-creature you fought in Jack’s world, remember?”... “Don’t remind me, I sometimes have nightmares of her and Dr-” Asphyxious said, only to be cut off by L.M… “-Arkadius?” L.M. said, finishing Asphyxious’s sentence... Asphyxious just glared at L.M. He didn’t even care that he knew who he was talking about. So he just stared a L.M. until he was sure L.M. would not interrupted him again... "..I dreamed, of them holding me down on a table and dissecting me…” Asphyxious then looked off to one said to make sure the CMc didn’t hear him, but they was being distracted by Gear Shift. ”Asphyxious, Dr. Arkadius is the least of your worries. Think about the ‘Hellbringer’ side of you, the Farrows, the Cyrx Ponies, etc… at the very least, Arkadius is the last thing to worry about at the moment… and may Solaris help you if the Nightmare Fuel or Xram, or both, find their way to your Equestria. You’ll need all the help you can get to fight them… and SURVIVE, at the very least.” L.M. said, as he growled, as his eyes flashed blood red for a split second... "Kid… You do know I have no idea what those last two things are right?” He asked, then get up and start to walk outside. "Call me when Sweetie’s up, Gears can make the leg but it can’t be attached until the wounds heal.” L.M. nods and then says ”When you come back, I’ll… explain who the Nightmare Fuel and Xram are…” “Don’t care…” Asphyxious replied as he walked out the main doors. L.M. sighs and then sits down against the wall and puts his hands behind his head, falling asleep soon after… and Asphyxious thought that he couldn’t sleep anymore! FOUR... HOURS... LATER… “She awake!” Yelled Applebloom, which startled L.M. awake, making him jump from that yell… ”MOTHER A MERCY!” L.M. shouted, hitting his head on the ceiling, a cartoonish ‘THUD!’ was heard when he hit the ceiling… “That so weird.” Said Gear Shift, as she saw this, then went back to putting the new leg together. ”You’ve seen weirder, Gear.” L.M. says when he landed back on the floor, holding his head from the pain, letting out multiple “oww’s” as he did… The CMC giggled at this… ”Ugh… Now, is Asphyxious here? He must have heard Applebloom yell…” L.M. said, still holding his head… “No, he said something about looking for a snack.” Answered Gear Shift as she was testing the new metal leg. “Say girls, do you smell something?” Asked Sweetie Belle as she sniffed the air… ”Sweetie Belle, look towards your leg for a second. You’ll find the source of the smell…” L.M. said, covering his ears to preparing himself for the screaming that would occur... “Fool, she already knows she lost her leg.” Gear Shift commented then sniffed the air herself. “It smells of meat, Asphyxious must be cooking outside.” L.M. then got up, as he stretched his back, letting out a satisfying crack, before he began to walk outside to find Asphyxious and the Timberwolf from before outside, along with another Timberwolf, but made out of blue flames, sitting next to the normal Timberwolf… But what L.M. was staring at was the dead remains of a hydra... “Hey nice to see your up.” Asphyxious called over from his place by the fire as he cooking meat… That must of been from the hydra that he somehow killed… While L.M. was asleep? ”Nice to see that you’re back. Also, Sweetie Belle is awake… oh, and, is that the Hydra that bit off Sweetie’s leg? I can see the X that I left on it from my scythe…” L.M. asked, staring at the X-mark on it’s belly... "No idea, just saw him wandering around. And though the fastest way to kill it was to remove the heart so…” Asphyxious point to the Timberwolf and the Wolf made of flames as they were both eating parts of the heart… As the rest of the large muscle was left for the crows. ”... I may be 13, but I am too old for this shit… And I haven’t even been trapped in stone for a thousand years, yet!” L.M. said, pinching the bridge of his nose, as he looked at the Timberwolf and the Wolf made of flames eating the heart, which was bigger than the average Hydra… Asphyxious laughed as he cut a piece of cooked meat and eats it. “You don’t waste time do you boss?” Asked Gear Shift, as she was helping Sweetie belle move, as the CMC look at the two Displaced… ”I’m still surprised that you two managed to get the heart of the Hydra out… with it still alive.” L.M. said to the Timberwolf and the… Flamewolf? Yeah, the Flamewolf… That’s when L.M. heard Gear laugh... “You don’t know the boss that well do ya? He's the one who killed the beast, not them. See the claw makes.” She pointed out as the CMC looked on in awe. ”I know that he has a piece of Everblight within him, but even then, fighting a Hydra is suicide, and the only way to defeat it would be to somehow entangle the Hydra’s heads and necks, tying them all up… Or slash at its belly and then have some Timberwolves fight it…” L.M. said, as the Timberwolf nodded in affirmation to what L.M. said… “Or just remove the heart.” Asphyxious replied as he’s still eating. “What some?” “Sure.” Replied Gear without a second thought as she handed Sweetie over to one of her friends. Then walked over and joined Asphyxious in eating the cooked Hydra. ”... Fuck it, give me one, as well…” L.M. said, still looking at the claw marks on the Hydra, still seeing the giant ‘X’ mark on it’s belly, which Sweetie also saw, but no-one else did… Didn’t help there was a huge hole where the heart used to be. Looked like someone stuck their hand in there and just pulled it out. “You can eat?” Gear asked, as she saw Asphyxious cutting off a piece of meat and handing it over without a second thought. ”If I can sleep, I can eat. Besides, these teeth are for eating meat.” L.M. said, as he opened his mouth, showing his razor sharp teeth again… “Umm, can I try some?” Everyone looked at Sweetie Belle when she asked that… but nobody noticed the tiny smirk on L.M.’s face, as he knew that Sweetie Belle was going to be a LOT different than any other Equestria’s Sweetie Belle… “You’re joking, right? We can’t eat meat.” Said Scootaloo who sounded a little shocked at what Sweetie belle asked. “Well, she’s eating it, isn’t she?” Sweetie Belle pointed out, as they saw gear Shift eating it with no problems. L.M. smirked, before he got out his scythe and cut out a bit of the Cooked Hydra Meat and gave it to Sweetie Belle, and it looked rather tasty… and smelled delicious. “Well… It’s not like we’ll eat it all… Just a taste.” Said Applebloom. “Well, it does look… kind of good…” Said Scootaloo. As the three friends looked at each other. Before taking a small piece each and trying it… L.M. smiled at this, seeing their eyes sparkle a bit when they ate it, before he whispered to Asphyxious and Gear Shift, ”Well, this is going to be interesting. I wonder how much they’ll change now…”, as the CMC continued to eat, with L.M. eating his own piece, as well... “It’s kind of a taboo for ponies to eat meat where I’m from. But that doesn't mean we can’t still eat it.” Replied Gear with a smile. “You won’t believe what some ponies do to try and hide that they like eating meat. Some are even nobles, I hear who are rumored to like meat have secret rooms to eat it in.” She laughed after that. L.M. smiled wider at this, as he watched the CMC finish their piece, only for them to then get another piece… "Wow, slow down, girls. It’s not going anywhere, we don’t want you to get sick from eating too much now.” Asphyxious said with a smile. ”Agreed. Besides, this could probably feed the griffons for a year or two…” L.M. said, grinning from nonexistent-ear-to-nonexistent-ear… “No, by day three it’ll start to rot and everything wanting a free meal will come running.” Asphyxious said calmly as he licks his fingers. ”Eh, I wouldn’t bet on it… I’ll probably let the Timberwolf pack that helped save the CMC have the rest of it… Besides, the one I’ve befriended has already eaten the heart with your… Flamewolf, I guess?” L.M. said, looking to the wolves... "Bane Wolf, and one pack can’t eat all that, relax. There’s too much meat here for predators to fight over it. Give it a week or two and we may have nothing but bones, if there was Gatormen living here that is. Or Farrows.” Asphyxious added with a smile. ”There aren’t any Gatormen or Farrows, unfortunately… even if it would be fun to fight them, but if I had to guess there’s my character’s enemies, specifically, their archnemesis…” L.M. said, as he finished his piece... "Like what? A Sonic or Amy the hedgehog going to show up out of nowhere or something?” Asphyxious asked, as he cut off another piece of meat for the girls. ”No, something that I created back on Earth in my stories… HIS name is Lord Frankgon Phoederan, a hybrid shapeshifter that is corrupted…” L.M. answered... “Wait… You mean, you was displaced as something you made up?” Asphyxious asked, trying to wrap that idea around his head. ”Yes. Lord Metarex is, as I have written him as, the original Metal Sonic, the one that was the most successful when fighting Sonic the Hedgehog, but he got a Second Chance thanks to my most second powerful thing, LSB, or Lord Skeleborg Chaoticberg…” L.M. explained. "Grate, that two pink hedgehogs that have a death borner for a blue speedster.” Asphyxious ground to himself. “It bad enough there a Rough running around with that stupid gun… Should of just smash that thing.” Asphyxious looked and saw L.M. was confused by what he said. "There Displaced I meet once. Trust me, stay away from the bat. She’s dating Sunset.” L.M. raised an eyebrow, which was made of electricity, arcing to make an eyebrow, and he said ”You get the fun Displaced… I get none of that.” "Dude, you just got here, it was weeks before I used my first token and didn’t even know it was a token.” Asphyxious replied and rubbed his neck. "I can still feel Dante’s punches.” ”Ah, yes, the Dante Displaced… Hang on, when was the last time you heard from him? That was when you killed the chief of the Diamond Dogs that freed you from your underground… prison.” L.M. said. “That… A good point, I haven’t heard anything from him all year. That kind of worrying.” Asphyxious said as he looked at his echo. L.M. nods, before he notices some other Timberwolves beginning to eat some other pieces of the Cooked Hydra, making him laugh a bit from this, making everyone else look, as well, as L.M. says “Well, I told you, Asphyxious.”… “Well, we’re not going anywhere right now. So Gear and I can explain to Sweetie how to put her new leg on.” Asphyxious commented, as he walked over to her. “But she’ll need a full week bed rest and another week. Just to make sure the wound isn't infected, before she can put the new one on.” Added Gear Shift. ”True… But may Ibilis have mercy on us if Rarity, Rainbow Dash, or Applejack come along… I’m not scared of them, but still.” L.M. said, a shiver going up his spine… his robotic spine? “That nothing new to me, I’m used to it. Hell sometimes I can predict when RD going to tackle me.” Asphyxious said, as he showed Sweetie how to look after her new leg and how it works. L.M. thought about something, before he chuckled and said ”Well, I’d like to see what will happen when RD or Applejack hit Titanium and Steel…”, as he grinned at the thought of their reactions… “Who knows maybe your head will rattle.” Said Gear with a laugh. “Also when you cracked your back before. That not meant to happen with something like you. Let me get my tools maybe I can fix that.” ”Actually, I think that’s supposed to happen. This body does have the DNA of every creature ever, and I think there’s some human in this body, as well, proven by the crack that was heard…” L.M. said, as he then remembered something and checked his chest, as he then found a panel on it, which made Asphyxious notice, as well as Gear Shift… “Huh, reminds me of Asphyxious lich form. Only without the soul cage, in his rib cage..” Said Gear as she looks at it. "Well, now I know I have a soul cage now.” Asphyxious replied, sounding a bit put off and cut himself another piece of meat... (Note: Let me explain this part… The panel on L.M.’s chest leads to his “heart”, a special gem known as a Chaos Emerald, but is one of the more forgotten ones… specifically, the Ancient Onyx, which once held Chaos inside it. Without the Ancient Onyx, L.M. cannot live and the result would be L.M. dying, despite L.M. technically being immortal… It’s his Achilles Heel.) ”That’s just it… It isn’t a soul cage… it’s my heart.” L.M. said, before he opened the panel, revealing a black, emerald-shaped gem, glowing with power, and it’s power was strong, strong enough that Asphyxious could feel it, and it felt like… “... Chaos… Reminds me of Discord.” Asphyxious said as he take a bite out of the meat in his hand. ”That’s because this gem is known as a Chaos Emerald. It’s one that isn’t part of the main seven, but it does have the power of three of the main ones… And it is called the Ancient Onyx…” L.M. says, as he touches the Ancient Onyx, only for it to shoot a beam out of his chest, knocking L.M. onto his back, as the beam is shot towards a tree, cutting part of it down and making it fall down, but it didn’t fall onto them, it fell the opposite way, but it also blocked part of the pathway to the castle, as L.M.’s eyes rolled in a cartoonish way, spinning… Asphyxious slowly looked at L.M. as he layed on the floor. “Never… Do that… Again.” He warned. As the CMC somehow moved behind the Dragon Lord to hide from the blast. However Asphyxious felt like he was being used as a human shield. ”That… Was… AWESOME!” L.M. said, surprising them all, as the Ancient Onyx then flew out of L.M.’s chest, before they all heard something inside the Ancient Onyx, like someone pounding against glass, making L.M. get up and go over to it, staring inside it… “Let me guess… There’s a soul in that thing, right?” Asphyxious asked as he sighed. When he felt the CMC cling to him, for safety... ”No… something else… a LOT more powerful than a soul… and it’s the very creature that was held in the Ancient Onyx before…” L.M. said, as he touched the Ancient Onyx, making the being inside begin to pound inside the Ancient Onyx again… "Okay dude put it back you're scaring them.” Asphyxious said as he held the CMC to make them feel safe. "And I’d like to have a day where nothing crazy happens thank you.” ”First, I can’t control the damn thing. Second, the only days where nothing crazy happens is when you're asleep… or when ol’ Sombrero is awake…” L.M. said, making Sombra, inside Asphyxious’s head, go nuts… How does he know!? He's as bad as the Pink one! "Nice job, you upset the dark tyrant inside my head. He’ll be at it all day now.” Asphyxious complained as he rubbed his head. ”Tell him I heard him and that he’s the worst tyrant I’ve ever seen. EGGMAN is better than him, for fuck’s sake!” L.M. said... “His name is Ivo Robotnik. Why can no one remember that!” Asphyxious snapped then looked confused. “Huh, I guess I remember that.” ”Do you remember his nickname, Baldy McNosehair?” L.M. said, chuckling and grinning… "Oh god that’s really old, even before Satam.” Asphyxious replied shaking his head. ”No, it’s in Sonic Colors, remember? The Wisps call him that thanks to Tails’ translator.” L.M. said. “Sonic what now?” Asphyxious asked confused by the name. ”Sonic Colors. It’s a game where Sonic and Tails go to Space and have to save an alien race known as the Wisps, spelled like Lisps, by Sonic, but with a W, not an L, from ‘ol Baldy McNosehair, before he takes over the planet with the Wisps energy, Hyper-Go-On Energy…” L.M. explains... "Stop, stop, stop… I don’t need to know. You had me at a game I did not play. Anyway, I think it’s time for me and Shift to go home now.” Asphyxious asked as Gear Shift left Sweetie a note on how to look after her new metal leg she gave to Sweetie... ”Alright, but if you need my help, just tell me… actually, I need something before you go…” L.M. says, as he realizes the one thing he didn’t have as a Displaced… "Look, dude, just make your token after I’m gone, I’m sure I’ll know it when I find it.” Asphyxious tells him, as Gear stand by his side… ”No, I just need some gold or something… maybe in the shape of a hilt, if you can.” L.M. says... Asphyxious just sighed, then looked to the CMC, then had an idea. "Say L.M., let’s say for whatever reason you can’t send me back. Is there someone you want to act in your place?” He asked, as all the CMC members looked at Asphyxious. L.M. raised an eyebrow and said ”What do you mean?”… "Well, let’s say I call a displaced and then I get called. My hoard mates can act in my place to send them back if I’m not there. I don’t know if this works for everyone or just me.” Asphyxious replied. L.M. thought about it and said ”Hmm… could it be… Ah, I know! Sister, or Sonya, as you call her, now!”… “Yes, she can act in my place to send Displaced home. What I’m saying is, you could ask a friend to act in your place to send Displaced home, if you’re called away for whatever.” The Dragon Lord explained. ”I see what you mean… Eh, I’ll think about it. It is my first day here, anyway…” L.M. said, shrugging… “Okay, I’ll look more into this to see how it works. Seeing as anyone can use a token.” Asphyxious said. That’s when the CMC called out… “We’ll do it!” They cheered at once, as Scootaloo and Applebloom help keep Sweetie belle up right as she stands on one leg. L.M. looked at them and said ”Well, you two might have tokens randomly hitting your heads, like Asphyxious’s token did.”, making Scootaloo deadpan at L.M.… "That only happened once to me.” Asphyxious said with a deadpan look on his face. "True, but still… I just hope to Solaris that they don’t start appearing during more… intimate… times.” L.M. said, blushing, somehow, with his blush being electric blue… "Dude, what? Are you afraid a token will drop on your head while you're with Luna or something?” Asphyxious asked randomly. L.M. blushed even more, as he said ”Yes… and maybe when I’m with Fluttershy… or Flutterbat…” Asphyxious then grinned evilly. “Say girls, do you want to hear a story.” It was the way he said it that set off alarm bells in L.M. head… In response, L.M. grinned and said ”Asphyxious, if you do this, I’ll get Jack’s Token and I’ll ask him to give me the DVDs, so that I can send them ALL throughout the Multiverse…”, as L.M. had a sinister look on his face... “Dude for all I know everyone has them by now. I stopped caring about those a long time ago, and why get the DVD when I can tell you everything.” Asphyxious said with a evil smile. “What is he talking about?” Asked Applebloom. “Well, it’s nothing too bad. Just how to make babies.” Asphyxious replied. Immediately, L.M. yelled ”ASPHYXIOUS, OUR CONTRACT IS COMPLETE, DAMN IT! I WILL NOT HAVE YOU SCAR THEIR MINDS, IBILIS DAMN IT!”, opening up a portal… Asphyxious just gave a bow as he left with Gear Shift, leaving behind three wondering CMC Members. “So… How do you make babies?” Asked Scootaloo, giving L.M. an evil smirk… L.M. growled demonically, before he unconsciously opened a portal to Asphyxious’s Equestria, where ALL of Asphyxious’s hoard mates were, as he grinned demonically and then said ”HEY, ASSHOLE!” ... As soon as he said that random items were thrown at him from the other side of the portals... “GET OUT!” Yelled Sonay as she blasted L.M. with a plasma cannon… However… the plasma blast was only grabbed by L.M. and thrown back at her, as L.M. said ”ASPHYXIOUS! I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS NEXT TIME I SEE YOU, YOU HEAR ME!?”, before L.M. noticed that Jack’s Token was in the mix of junk thrown at him, before he held it up and said, grinning, ”SEE YA!”, before he closed the portal before they could do anything else... ... Back to L.M.'s POV... "... What just happened?" Applebloom asked, confused at what just happened... "Just don't... don't worry about it, Applebloom." I said, as I looked at Jack's Token and then put it in my chest with the Ancient Onyx, which had ceased being pounded on from the inside and went back into my chest... However, I then noticed something shining on the floor, as I walked over to it, the CMC following my lead, but staying a moderate distance from it, before I picked it up, recognizing it as a golden sword hilt, with electricity coursing through it, as I then smirk and I say "Well, never mind... I now have a token.", before I course my power through it and put a message in... "Displaced and Displacers of the Multiverse and beyond, my name is Lord Metarex. If you find my token, then you may summon me, either to hang out, or if you need some help... both battle or not. If you cannot summon me, call another time. Thank you... and also, Dark Magician Girl, if you get this, I'd absolutely LOVE to hangout with you at some point... maybe on more... intimate...~ terms..." I grin and I then send my token out into the Multiverse, gaining a gasp of awe from Sweetie Belle, as I then turn to the CMC and say "Now, which one of you would like to explain why you three were IN THE JAWS OF A FUCKING HYDRA!?" > (Original) Chapter 3: "...And so, I get to become a master... Well, sort of." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, let me get this straight..." I say, drinking some coffee that my Timberwolf friend, who I've named "Alfred", took sneakily from a coffee shop in Ponyville, as Sweetie Belle stands in front of me... "... You want to become my apprentice?" I say, looking at Sweetie Belle as I sit on a still usable chair, a not-as-broken table next to me, made out of boreal, my coffee sitting on said table... "Yes." She said, taking a seat on my lap, making me blush... "May I ask why?" I say, as I knew that I would be erect/have a nosebleed if I was still a human... actually, do I still have a penis? ... Huh, I do. It's just... metallic. And long as fuck. Eh. I'm still a man if I have it. Suddenly, lewd as all hell images enter my mind of me fucking a more mature, busty, and sexy Sweetie Belle in various sex positions, fucking her brains out as she moans my name... I shake my head, as she says "Because, you, despite "Asphyxious" and his friend giving me this leg, you are the one that saved me... that, and..." She blushes at the last bit, saying "... your cute... and handsome." I hear this clearly, before I pick Sweetie Belle up and I kiss her cheek, making her turn a new shade of red that could put tomatoes to shame... "Same to you, beautiful." I say, smirking, as I have her face me... She eeps at this and accidentally falls forward, making her kiss me, on the lips... ... Annddd... now I'm horny. I then notice how she's relaxing into the kiss, before I tap her shoulder, making her open her eyes, realizing what was happening, before she jumps off and blushes bright red, embarrassed, as I smile and I then pick her up, before I say "You are now my apprentice, Sweetie Belle."... She looks at me, surprised, before she kisses me again, repeatedly, before she says "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou-!", until I put a hand to her mouth and say "Your welcome, Sweetie. However, I first need to find a way to access my OWN magic. Then, I can train you, alright?" She nods and lets out a happy squee, before she runs out, happy, making me chuckle, before I sigh and say "Well, let's check the library, first..." I then walk out of my room, which was formerly Princess Luna's room, as I gave the CMC Princess Sunbutt's old room, and I head to the main floor of the Castle, before I then look for a way downstairs, as I remember there being a staircase to the lower levels, and the library, before I find it behind an old bookcase... I moved the bookcase aside (moved it aside and kicked it are the same thing for L.M.) and I soon went down to the "basement," if you could call it that, and I then found the library after walking down one of the halls... I smirked and looked around for quite book or something to allow me to access my magic, but, instead, I found something else... I then walked up to what I found and I gasped... I found the statue of one of the most talented and historical unicorns in Equestria... ... Star Swirl the Bearded. However, I then heard hissing, as I then realized what had happened, as I say "Aww... crap.", before I get out the Crescent Rose and I immediately slash to my right... ... I did not expect to hit the source of the hissing, though. I then heard a pained hiss of agony, before I hear a thump and I look towards the source, seeing a now dead basilisk on the ground, bleeding, as I let out a sigh of relief, before I look at the petrified form of Star Swirl and say "Star Swirl, we may have never met before, but I promise you that I will set you free... even if I have to give up my own life to save yours..." I then notice something, as I blinked, noticing that Star Swirl, despite being in his petrified state, moved, and was now pointing at a potion on the shelf and a book, before I pull the potion and book off, as I blink again, now realizing Star Swirl was like a Weeping Angel from Doctor Who, as I smile, noticing that he was pointing to himself and the potion, "telling" me to apply the potion to his petrified body... "Alright, but after I do, I need you to send a message to the Princess, saying that you aren't dead after all. It's time that you come back, anyway..." I say, as I blink a couple times, as he nods his head with each blink before I grin and I say "Well, Star Swirl, welcome back to Equestria, buddy!", before I pour the entire potion onto him... After a minute, his petrified form began to crack, pieces of it cracking off, revealing his body, before every bit of stone came off of him, as he gasped for breath and landed on the floor, panting, as I go over to him and I help him up, as he coughs, wheezing... I wait for him to stop, as he then sits in a chair and breathes calmly, before he looks at me and says, his voice young, surprisingly, and wise, "Alright, I'm good... I'm good... ugh... Now, who are you?"... I smile and I say, putting the Crescent Rose on my back as I spoke, "Name's Lord Metarex, but you may call me L.M., Star Swirl..." He then says "Thank you for freeing me, your highness (which made L.M. raise an eyebrow)... I was trapped in my stone prison for who knows how long... I now know how the God of Chaos, Discord, felt, when he was turned to stone..." I laugh sheepishly, immediately raising red flags for him, as he says "What?"... "Star Swirl... you were in your stone prison for 1,000 years." I say, rubbing my head sheepishly, as he takes a moment to absorb this... ... and he then blasts a bolt of magic at my crotch, making me, on instinct, cover my crotch as I fall to the floor, groaning... "... WHAT IN THE NAME OF TARTARUS WAS THAT FOR!?" I yell, in pain... "It has not been a thousand years! It hasn't!" He says, not believe it to be over 1,000 years since he was petrified... "Sorry, but it has, buddy. On the upside, 'ol Sunbutt has a student that is on par with you in terms of magic." I say, catching his attention... "Wait, what?" He says, surprised... "Celestia, or Sunbutt, as I call her, now has a prized student named Twilight Sparkle, who just so happens to be the little sister of the new captain of the Royal Guard, Shining Armor." I repeat to him, as I then slowly get up and grab the book, as I lead him out of the library... ".... Ok, it's best if I ask this first, so that I don't die from shock... How much have we evolved in terms of appearance?" He asks, as I respond, saying "Same as it was 1,000 years ago, but in terms of technology, it's advanced."... "How so?" He says, as I then say "There are Trains, Princess Luna is back, new magic spells, machinery, and some others."... His jaw drops at this, as I laugh and say "Wait till you see the Princesses Castle, Star Swirl!", as I lead him to the main floor of the Castle, allowing him to see what remains of the Castle... "W...what happened?" Star Swirl said, as I then replied "Shit hit the fan when Princess Luna was sealed away for a thousand years. When Luna was banished, Celestia and the others abandoned the castle and took residence up on the mountain." I then pointed to Canterlot in the distance, making Star Swirl gasp... "Currently, me, and some ponies and some Timberwolves, are living here... I'm thinking of fixing the place up a bit, or leaving it like this, as I like the atmosphere of this place- dark, mysterious, and creepy, but very nice, despite it's state, and VERY roomy..." I say, as I then look around, smiling... "... But, what about Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, or KING SOMBRA!?" Star Swirl asked loudly... "Tirek is still in Tartarus, but I have a feeling he's close to escaping. Discord, well, I don't know. He could be still in stone (given if it's Season 2, the beginning), but I don't know. Chrysalis is unknown as well... and King Sombra, well... don't tell the Princesses or anyone/anypony else, but he's coming back, along with the Crystal Empire." I answered, although I think I made him shocked and surprised at the same time... ... that is, until I saw Alfred looking at us from his bed, which was made of leaves, bark, and vines, making it look like a giant dog bed... "... Alfred, could you get some parchment and some ink from Ponyville? Star Swirl is going to write a letter..." I asked, before Alfred nodded and got up, before he went to Ponyville, sneakily... I just don't understand how in the eight or nine hells he's able to... "Anyway, you can go back to your study for the time being before Alfred gets back." I say to Star Swirl, who slowly nods and then begins to go back to his study, still confused... I sigh and say to myself "... It's gonna be a long day..." I then shake my head and go back to my room, before I then sit in my chair, opening the book Star Swirl had pointed at when he was still in stone... I then read the cover, which was still in great condition, as it said "Magic and Alchemy 101"... I smiled and I began to read the book, starting at Page 14, which showed how to access one's magic... I soon read the entire book, before I grinned and said "Well, time to practice." I then got out of my room and went to the outside of the castle, into a clearing, which was fairly large... I then smiled and held my hand out, focusing my magic into my hand, before I heard a "POMF!"... I then looked at my hand and noticed a ball of magic, but it was Dark Magic... I was expecting normal magic, like Twilight's or Rarity's, but eh... I grinned and I then focused more of my magic, making it bigger, before I hurled the ball of Dark Magic at a nearby boulder, making the boulder shatter into a thousand pieces... "Ok, let's see if I have Changeling Magic..." I said to myself, before I then focused my magic again, but I wasn't focusing my Dark Magic... Soon enough, I felt my body changing, morphing to that of a pony, an anthro, but still... However, I made the mistake of turning into a busty Fluttershy... "Holy-!" I said, before I realized my voice was now that of Fluttershy's... "Well, it worked!" I said, as I put my hand on my hip, before noticing my body... "... Holy Fuck." I said, as I grabbed my giant breasts, making myself moan in pleasure... "Ok, that's a keeper." I added, before I turned back into my original self, well, my robotic self, that is, but I made my voice normalish, as I did want to have a more normal voice, to not scare the others... "Ok, now, let's try Chaos Magic." I said, as I focused my magic again... The area soon began to change, as Cotton Candy Clouds appeared, making me smile... I then turned the area back to normal, before I said "Dream/Nightmare Magic next." I did it again, before I felt my hands and my electric blue eye glowing the same colors as Luna's mane and magic aura, making me smile... "And now... Tirek's Magic." I said, before I focused my magic again, as I soon felt magical beings around me... I then opened my mouth and I began to absorb the magic of the closest magical being, stealing it's magic, and making myself stronger... I then have it back its magic and said "Well, this is great! I can now use magic!" I grinned and I then channelled all of my magic through my body, as I then held my hand out and blasted a boulder with one of each type of my magic, obliterating the boulder... I then sighed happily, before I remembered something and said "Wait... I almost forgot..." I then focused my magic through my back, as I felt something sprouting from my back... I then heard a snap, as two, giant wings appeared from my back, but, they were made of Metal bones, with black lightning arcing from them... I let out a "squee" of joy, but I then said "Actually..." I then dispersed the wings, making them go back into my back, as I said "I'll try them out later." "Well, I can't WAIT to see Sweetie Belle's reaction to me now!" > (Original) Chapter 4: "Magic? Check. Wings? Check. Sex? ... Not Check." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked back to the entrance of the castle, a spring in my step, as Apple Bloom and a Timberwolf walked by, giving me an odd look... I ignored them and made my way to Sweetie Belle's room... I finally made it, before I said, changing my voice beforehand, "Hey, Sweetie Belle, we can begin training now!" "Really?" Sweetie Belle asked from the other side... "Yep!" I replied, before I added "Meet me out by the clearing! I'll be waiting for you..." I then went back to the clearing and used my magic on the area, making training dummies for Sweetie Belle to use, before I heard her say, walking up to me "So, what are we going to do first?" "You are going to test your magic on these dummies. First, try a simple levitation spell." I say to her... She nods and begins to focus her magic, with difficulty, as shown on her face, before the dummy began to move, a glowing, pale light grayish sap green/light arctic blue colored aura surrounding both the dummy and Sweetie's horn, but, just as she was lifting it up, her horn sparked, knocking her back, as the dummy was sent flying back as well, exploding when hitting a tree... "Sweetie Belle! Are you alright?" I asked, going over to her and helping her up... "Yeah, just a little confused as to why that happened..." She said... "Hmm..." I said, before I got an idea, as I slowly said "Lightbulb..." "Sweetie, stay here, I need to get somepony." I said to her, before I ran back to the castle, to Star Swirl's study... "Hey, Star Swirl, I need your help with something!" I say, as I walk in... When I saw him, I almost laugh, as he was already reading, deep into a book, but, my voice got his attention... "What do you need help with, your majesty?" He asked, putting the book aside... "Well, my new apprentice, Sweetie Belle, is having trouble with her magic. When she tried to lift up a training dummy, her horn sparked and the dummy was sent back into a tree, exploding on impact... we were just doing a simple levitation spell, as well. Think you could help us out a bit?" I explain to him... He thought about it for a moment, before he sighed and said "... Alright, I'll help you two out." "Thank you." I say, as I lead him out of his study, out of the castle, and to the clearing, where Sweetie Belle was waiting... "Star Swirl, this is Sweetie Belle." I say, as Sweetie Belle sees us, before her jaw drops at the sight of Star Swirl himself... "L.M., how did you manage to find Star Swirl!?" She asked, shocked... "He was trapped in stone for a thousand years due to a basilisk. I killed it and I got him out of his prison. And now, he's going to help us with our problem." I explain... She took a minute to absorb this, before she asked "Ok... what should I do first, Mister Star Swirl?" "First, just Star Swirl, Ms. Belle. Second, focus your magic to your horn and nothing else. I'd like to see why you are having this problem." He said to her, as she then nodded and did as she was told, her horn glowing the same colored aura as before... Star Swirl then channelled his magic to his horn and he did, what I presumed was, a magical scan on her body and magic... "... Hmm... interesting. Your body is something I've only seen a few times, but, to see it 1,000 years after those encounters is shocking, to say the least." He said... "What is it?" I asked... "Well, her body and her magic are... how do I put this? ... her magic and her body are on completely different scales. Her body is of that of about a 13 or 14 year old, but her magic is older than that, around Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's magic combined, but only when they were children, around 7 or 8, but they were both very powerful and large in terms of their magic supply at that age..." He explained... "I sense a "but" coming..." I say to him, making him nod... "... but, her body, due to it being younger than her magic, can only handle her magic for a short amount of time. It's similar to a Magic Spurt, but less wild and more tame." He explained, only to get confused looks when he said "Magic Spurt"... He sighed and said "A Magic Spurt is what sometimes happens to a Unicorn, or an Alicorn, sometimes, if too much magic is stored... in fact, think of it like a bottle- if you fill up the bottle too much, it overflows. That can happen with magic, as well, and Magic Spurts can lead to serious concequences... for example: if a Unicorn or Alicorn with fire-based magic is experiencing a Magic Spurt while in a flammable area, like, say, the Everfree Forest, they would accidentally start a forest fire if they do not find a way to exert their magic before it's too late." "Well, how do we solve this?" I ask, with half of me worried and the other half curious and slightly cautious... "The only ways known are to either wait until their body can handle the magic stored inside of them... or to make them older so that they can use their magic without any problems." He says... "What if she keeps using her magic despite this?" I ask... "Well, the results vary from Unicorn/Alicorn to Unicorn/Alicorn. One can have no control over their magic while another can have no magic whatsoever." He explains... Suddenly, I have an idea and say "What if someone/somepony were to apply their magic to another's while casting a spell?" He looks at me with a very curious look and says "Well, it hasn't been tried before, so it might be worth a shot..." I smile and say to Sweetie Belle "Sweetie Belle, focus your magic on a dummy again and try to do something to it. Levitate it, teleport it- anything will do." She nods and then begins to focus her magic again, as the dummy she was focusing her magic on glowed the same aura her horn was, before my hands and my electric blue eye began to glow all the different colors of my magic, surprising Star Swirl... "LET'S DO THIS!" I say, before I begin to apply my magic to her... ... the result was unexpected and very surprising, to say the least. Once my magic touched her, her entire body glowed brightly, before I was blasted back along with Star Swirl, who wasn't hurt at all... Once she began to slowly dim from the bright glow surrounding her body, I got up, slowly, as Star Swirl appeared to be knocked out, but not hurt in any way, otherwise... I then looked to her, but my jaw dropped from the sight, as my eyes widened in shock... "Holy... fuck." I said in shock... ... ... Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Sweetie Belle is now about 18 or 19... hot Damn. "Well, Sweetie Belle, my magic and your magic did something... but it wasn't what either of us was expecting..." I say... "What do you mean?" She asked, not noticing how her voice had changed, as it was now more mature, and... sexy...~ I then made a mirror using my magic, showing her new body to her... It took her a minute to absorb this, before she let out a scream... When she was done, my ears were still ringing, but it slowly began to stop, as I say "Are you down screaming, now!?" She winced at this and said "Sorry...", before she realized that her voice was different... "Whoa... this is... awesome!" She said, surprising me... "Wait, you aren't worried about this at all?" I ask, eyebrow raised... "A little bit, but look at me! I look gorgeous! I think I'm even on par with Rarity!" She says, putting both hands on her hips, now posing in front of the mirror... I blushed brightly at this, which she noticed and said "Wait, are you... are you getting aroused by this?" I sheepishly nod, but she then smirked and walked over to me, seductively, as I gulped nervously... "Well, I wouldn't mind having this for a while... if it means I get to tease you a lot, that is." She says, as she forces me to sit down, as she sits in my lap, making me blush brighter than ever, and making me aroused as Fuck... ... hang on, how am I going to get my dick out if we do end up fucking? I then look through my internal data and I then see that I just had to activate it, as well as give it a size... I smirk mentally and I then set the size to a foot long, 3 or 4 inches wide, but no testicles, as I had no idea what size I wanted them to be... I then smirked and I grabbed her now big, round ass, surprising her and making her moan, as I say, seductively, arousingly, and teasingly, making her blush, "Well, you wouldn't mind if I made this better, would you?~" "What do you mean?" She says, blushing intensely... I then grinned and I picked her up bridal style, surprising her, before I teleport us, using my magic, to my room, closing the door a second later... I then push her onto the bed and say "Time for me to start teasing YOU, Sweetie." She gulped nervously, before I then kiss her, grabbing her ass as I did... I then smiled and I squeezed her ass tightly, making her yelp and moan at the same time... I continued to kiss her and tease her, before I grabbed her breasts and began to massage them, making her moan more as I did... I then smirked and said "You like it, don't you, Sweetie?~" She moaned as I massaged her breasts, but she did nod as I teased her... I smiled at this and then got off of her... She panted, horny, as she asked "Why... why did you sttooopppp!?" I chuckled and I then laid on my back, before I activated my dick, making it spring up from my crotch, catching Sweetie's attention... She slowly smiled and said "Well, this'll be fun...~" I smiled with her and said "Oh, it DEFINITELY will...~" (Ok, so, I'll release a bonus chapter of what happens from this point onwards between L.M. and Sweetie Belle, but I need some help writing it. So, as forfeit, I will do this...) Area change: Star Swirl's study. "Ugh... when will that Timberwolf come back?" Star Swirl asked, now conscious and sitting in his study, waiting impatiently, which is odd for him, considering he was patient for THIS LONG... Soon enough, the Timberwolf, Alfred, came down and put some parchment and ink on Star Swirl's table, as Star Swirl nodded and said "Thank you... Alfred, was it?", before gaining a nod from Alfred in confirmation... "Yes, well... thank you..." He said, before Alfred nodded and went back upstairs... Star Swirl sighed and then began to write his letter... "Greetings, Princess Celestia AND Princess Luna, I am a... friend... from a long time ago. I write to you in peace, Princesses. Ahem... Anyway, as I have been told, the unicorn known as Star Swirl the Bearded, the most wise and powerful Unicorn before Princess Luna's banishment, has been unable to be found for over 1,000 years... However, that may change. I, Sun Spiral, may have found him, but unfortunately... he's in stone. I will need help getting him out of his... prison, you could say. If he is still alive, I believe your student, Twilight Sparkle, will be ecstatic and will be able to bring Star Swirl back into the modern world. Meet me by the entrance of the Everfree Forest, near Ponyville. I'll be waiting for you there. -Sun Spiral P.S. Bring your student and her friends, as well." He smiled and then reached into one of his drawers and pulled out a jar of Dragon Flame, for sending messages, and they were in PERFECT condition! He smirked and then poured the Dragon Flame onto his letter, sending it to Celestia... "... Let's hope she doesn't try and arrest his majesty for "harboring" me." He said, a shiver going up his spine, as he muttered "... Never again..." Location Change: Canterlot, Canterlot Castle, Meeting Room. Occupants at the moment: Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. "How did this happen, Twilight?" Celestia asked, as she and Luna were sitting with the Elements of Harmony themselves, at the Meeting Room in Canterlot. "We don't know, but given they are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they probably tried to get their cutie marks in "Hydra Hunting." 10 minutes later, me, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash had to try and distract a HYDRA, so that they could escape. Unfortunately, they were in one of the head's jaws. However, at one point, while we were distracting it, we heard a slicing sound, like that of swift chop with a knife, near the Hydra's underside, before it roared in pain and... agony, before we saw what looked like blood leaking from the Hydra's underside. The Hydra just got angrier from this, though, and it almost looked like they wouldn't have been able to escape the Hydra, until..." Twilight explained, stopping a few minutes later, trying to find the right words. "Until what?" Luna asked. Before Twilight could explain, Rainbow spoke up and said "-until a bunch of Timberwolves began attacking the Hydra. Your welcome, Twi." Twilight nodded slowly and began speaking again "... As Rainbow said, a bunch of Timberwolves began attacking the Hydra. Then, and this is what surprised us the most, a metallic blue blur came out of the Everfree Forest and went up to the Hydra head that was holding the three. Then, the Hydra head was suddenly sliced off, getting the three out of the Hydra's jaws, but, before Rainbow could fly and catch them, the blur grabbed them and sped off back into the Everfree, with the Timberwolves attacking the Hydra going after the blur, as if it were their leader. The Hydra, however... well, it ran away back to a different part of the Everfree... And that's it." Everypony was speechless, including the guards, before Celestia asked, breaking the silence in the room, "... Why a metallic blue blur?" They shrugged, before a green, magical mist entered the room, heading towards Celestia, before it stopped and turned into a letter. Everypony raised their eyebrows, as Celestia unfurled the letter and began to read it... "...Greetings, Princess Celestia AND Princess Luna, I am a... friend... from a long time ago. I write to you in peace, Princesses. Ahem... Anyway, as I have been told, the unicorn known as Star Swirl the Bearded, the most wise and powerful Unicorn before Princess Luna's banishment, has been unable to be found for over 1,000 years... However, that may change. I, Sun Spiral, may have found him, but unfortunately... he's in stone. I will need help getting him out of his... prison, you could say. If he is still alive, I believe your student, Twilight Sparkle, will be ecstatic and will be able to bring Star Swirl back into the modern world. Meet me by the entrance of the Everfree Forest, near Ponyville. I'll be waiting for you there. -Sun Spiral P.S. Bring your student and her friends, as well." Celestia said, reading the message aloud. "Sun Spiral? That's an odd name..." Rarity said. "Wait, Princess, could you hand me the letter for a moment?" Twilight asked. Celestia nodded and handed the letter over. Twilight began to read it to herself, stopping when she saw that somepony had FOUND Star Swirl the Bearded, the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era, the father of the amniomorphic spell, and the mentor of Clover the Clever, one of the Founders of Equestria! However, she then saw the words "stone" and "prison"... meaning one of two things: Elements of Harmony... or a... "Basilisk..." She muttered to herself, to quiet for anyone to hear... "... Princess, doesn't this seem odd to you?" Rarity asked, catching everyponies attention. "What do you mean?" Luna asked. "Think about it for a second- the metallic blue blur, the Timberwolves, this "Sun Spiral," Star Swirl being found... this can't be just another weird thing that happens, and it CAN'T be a coincidence." Rarity explained, making everypony think about it, until it clicked into their heads... ... Celestia then stood up and said "Private Stormwater?" One of the guards, a Pegasus, said "Yes, Princess?" "Tell the guards to prepare two chariots to Ponyville." Celestia said. "Right away, Princess." The Pegasus, Private Stormwater, said, before flying out of the room. > Bonus Chapter 1: "My Little Busty Dark Magician Girl! FUCK YEAH!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I jerk from my sleep, groaning, laying in my bed with Sweetie Belle, who was deep asleep, and couldn't be woken up by anything, as I yawn and look at my internal clock... 4 AM. Wow. Ugh... might as well get up and- wait, what the... I look towards my dresser to find a card of a girl, but I soon recognised it as a duel monsters card of Dark Magician Girl herself, knowing it was a token... “I’am the Dark Magician Girl, the student to the ace to the King of games, co protecter of all Elements and CMC, cheering upper of all the Revives, co founder of Neo Domino Town and co bearer of the millennium Items of understanding. If you need help just call me and I will come to put a smile on your face. P.S If you are male. Don’t stare at my breasts OR I WILL KICK YOUR BALLS SO HARD YOU WON’T BEABLE TO TAKE A PISS FOR A YEAR! Okay? Good.” I smile at this and I say "Hey, Dark Magician Girl, mind hoppin' by? I need some company." I then activate the token and the girl herself appears, but she was hella bustier, more seductive and voluptuous, and sexier than usual... I blush bright electric blue at this, as she was turned around, her big, round, juicy ass in my view, tempting me to grab it... "And just what are you looking at and doing perv?" Dark Magician Girl asked sweetly but with a smile that spells death. I smile sheepishly, a bulge already appearing in my pants, which were made of vines and leaves, as her ass was still in clear view, as it swayed back and forth, seductively, as I say "N-Nothing, ma'am!"... "Don't lie. I have been around enough depress revive Applejacks to know when someone lies." Dark Magician Girl said as she ready her left leg to kick L.M's nuts. However, as she was about to kick my nuts, I stopped her... ... by grabbing her ass and squeezing her ass... "HANDS OFF MY ASS PERV!!!!" Dark Magician Girl yelled enraged as she kicked L.M's nuts hard enough that it send him flying... ... or that WOULD have happened, had it not been for a steel plate covering his crotch and groin, along with several other things, like magical forcefields. I smirked at this and I then spread her asscheeks and I begin to pleasure her ass by kissing it and licking it... "L-Let go of m-my ass!" Dark Magician Girl said moaning as she place a TF2 spy zapper on L.M. "I already got a boyfriend!" She added. However, the spy sapper breaks and I continue to pleasure her ass, licking her asshole out and eating her asshole out, making her moan louder... "That's it! Shit and Giggles spell!" Dark Magician Girl yelled as she place the spell on herself which made her fart very loudly... However, I grin at this and I use my magic on her body, making the farts build up in her body, as she feels her stomach expanding due to this as I continue to pleasure her ass, making her moan louder, as a bright blush appears on her face... Then Dark Magician Girl teleported out of L.M's grip and despelled her own spell in order for her stomach to go back down normal size afterwards she glared at L.M "What of hands off my ass did you not get?" Dark Magician Girl asked looking really mad. However, she then feels a hand on her ass, only to find my "fake" hand still holding her ass, before it goes over to her asshole and begins to finger her asshole, making her moan... "And I through Perv Lich was a pervert." Dark Magician Girl said as she blast the hands off her ass. However, the hand stays on her ass, as it then pops out of her ass, only to go over to her vagina and begin fingering her vagina... "Will you please stop?!" Dark Magician Girl asked looking really mad. However, she then feels something in her neck, as it was a dart coated in Aphrodisiac, a special drug that would increase lust and make the victim very horny, but, it could not be stopped through any kind of magic... "W-What a-are doing to me?!" Dark Magician Girl asked as she was panting like mad as she fell down moaning. I smile, as she gives into her lust, moaning as my hand fingers her more... "Pl-please stop?" Dark Magician Girl begged as she moaned while her pussy was dripping in lust. However, I grin and I then get up, before I walk over to her and I begin to massage her breasts... "St-Stop it." Dark Magician Girl said moaning louder. However, I ignore this and continue to pleasure her in her lust-induced state, before I then inject something into her, making her go into a mating season-like state, making her want to be bred with... "T-too hard....to th-think." Dark Magician Girl said before her eyes grazed over with lust. I smirk and I then turn her over, so that she's on her back, before I then reveal my 2 foot long, 1 foot wide dick, but she saw that I had no testicles, before I grind my dick against her wet, hot, virgin vagina... Dark Magician Girl didn't say anything as she just moaned louder and louder. I grin and I then force my dick into her vagina, stretching it wide, making her scream in both pain and pleasure... Dark Magician Girl's vagina was getting wetter and wetter... I then have an idea and I use my powers on her, making her duplicate, but the duplicate was sent to her original Equestria, with no aphrodisiacs or the like, and no memories of meeting me, as I continue to Fuck the original version of her... Dark Magician Girl moaned louder and louder... I grin and I then Fuck deeper and deeper into her vagina, making my way to her hymen... Then, Dark Magician Girl let out a scream as she came on my dick... I roll my eyes, before I smile and I ram my dick into her, shattering her hymen in an instant, as she felt the pain travel up her spine... Dark Magician Girl let out a scream of pain as she came again... Soon enough, I reached her womb as she came again, before I feel myself getting ready to release my cum into her... However, now, she just lays there panting... However, I then thrust deep into her, bulging her womb out, before I cum, but because my dick was blocking up her vagina, the cum couldn't escape, so, the cum began to bloat her womb, making her look pregnant with each pump... Then, Dark Magician Girl passed out from overloaded pleasure... I smile, as I slowly stop, as she looks 5 months pregnant already, before I slowly pull out of her, only to plug her up with a pearl, keeping the cum sloshing within her bloated womb... I then snap my fingers and I have her appear in the Timberwolf den, where a bunch of horny Timberwolves were, all in heat, waiting for someone or something to mate with... I grin and say "Ah, that did WONDERS! I must have had blue balls if I had that much! Well, time for bed."... I then go back to sleep in my bed, cuddling Sweetie Belle, as I enjoy the sounds of moaning coming from the Timberwolf den... > Intermission 1: "The SOUL Soldiers" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SOUL Soidiers The SOUL Soldiers are a group of 11 individuals, all from ONE Soul. They are classified as Displaced, but, they are only a piece of a Displaced, with their creator sealed away inside their Soul Pieces... To let their creator out would mean to give up their lives. However, they were taught to not do this, because if their creator was let out... All worlds would be DOOMED. Their "leader", Lord Metarex, A.K.A. L.M., is the only one who knows the truth of their creator, and, technically, he IS their creator, just not in his original body, as his original body holds a threat that not even True Xram could even HOPE to control... a deadly force of nature. The others have yet to share their adventures, but, L.M. and his second in command, Lewis Pepper, the Fiery Pink Poltergeist, however... they shared their adventures, in detail, clearly. Each Soldier is different in personality, and their adventures show this... To know their past and their adventures, you must become part of their group... ... you have to get past L.M. and Lewis, though. This intermission will allow you to talk to the group and allow you to ask them your questions. Well? Go and ask your questions! The SOUL Soidiers > Chapter 5: "Meeting Royalty... Err... Meeting of Royals? Bah! You get what I mean!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few hours later, after me and Sweetie had our fun, I was looking through the closets of some of the rooms, looking for something to wear, since I am technically naked... "Let's see... dress... dress... armor... lingerie? The Fuck?" I said, as I was using my normalish voice, going through one of the closets... "Ugh... Hey, Scoots, got anything?" I asked, looking over to Scootaloo, who was looking through the drawers... "Nothing ye- wait! I got something!" Scootaloo said, before she cleared some of the other pieces of clothing out of the way... She then pulled out a Steampunk-and-Gothic-looking outfit... "Nice. Let's try it on." Scootaloo said... I nodded and I began to put on the outfit... When I had it fully on, it fit me perfectly! It wasn't too small or too big... it was like it was made for me! However, I then noticed something hidden, under the dresser... I went over to it and picked the item up, revealing it to be a black and red cape, with the red on the inside and the black on the outside, but, it had a sigil on the outside... and it was the sigil of the Dark Sun Empire, which, in my stories back on Earth, was Lord Metarex's Empire in the Everfree! I smiled and said "And this'll bring it all together.", before I began to put it on, with the cape snapping together thanks to the buttons on it, which were in the shape of lightning bolts... and they were golden! I grinned and said "Well, how do I look, Scoots?", as I turned to her, showing her my look... Scootaloo was surprised and amazed by it, before she said "... Awesome." "Thanks! I'd just like to know what the others are gonna wear..." I say, as I begin to walk out, picking up a pair of white, formal gloves as I do... I then walk out of the room, Scootaloo following me, as we make our way to the girls room, before I knock on the door and say "Hey, Apple Bloom, Sweetie, are you two almost done?" "We're already done! Come on in!" Sweetie Belle said, before I slowly opened the door, seeing Apple Bloom's outfit first, and it looked... both formal and casual. It suited her quite well. I then looked over to Sweetie Belle, and she looked good. She was wearing simple clothes, but her big bust made it kind of hard to fit... Fuck, I just realized... how will I explain this to RARITY!? I pushed that thought aside and said "Well, you girls look great!" They smiled, before Apple Bloom said "Aw... Thanks, sugarcube!" "Now, we just have to see if Star Swirl is ready." I say, but before I could walk out, the voice of Star Swirl could be heard... "I'm already done! It took forever to find the right outfit, but I found it!" Star Swirl said from the first floor... We then went down to the first floor, before I saw Star Swirl's outfit... it suited him quite well. Looking steampunkish, as well, but he was also wearing his cloak and hat, even though they probably need to be cleaned... "I like it." I say, smirking... "Thank you, your majesty. I like your outfit, too... but what's the sigil on your cape?" He asked, as I turned around... "It's called "The Dark Sun." It was originally meant for an empire's flag, but, I think it'll be my cape for the time being." I say, as I then begin to walk out of the Castle, the others following me... I then yelled "ALFRED! TIME TO GO!" 5 minutes later, Alfred and 2 Timberwolves ran towards us, stopping when they were a foot away from us... I then got on Alfred, with Sweetie Belle climbing on, as well, with Star Swirl and Scootaloo getting on one of the other Timberwolves and Apple Bloom getting on the other Timberwolf... "Let's go, boys!" I say, making Alfred and the two Timberwolves howl in agreement and excitement, before they began to run to our destination, with Star Swirl creating an illusion on himself, disguising himself as a Unicorn, but he was a yellow-coated, red and orange-maned unicorn, with yellow-ish orange eyes and a Cutie Mark of a sun, surrounded by stars, in a swirling formation... I smiled at the choice as we headed to our destination... 1 hour later... "Finally, we're here." I say, about 50 feet away from the entrance, and we were early! 20 minutes ahead of them! I then changed my voice and said "Thanks, Alfred. You and the others can go back if you want.", before Alfred nodded and ran back to the Everfree Forest, to the Castle... I smiled and said "Well, let's do this, everypony.", as I then began to walk to the entrance of the Everfree, the four following along... We finally made it, with 18 or so minutes to spare, before I said "Now, Star- I mean... Sun Spiral, we'll hide and when you say "Allow for me to introduce you to my colleagues," we'll reveal ourselves. Then, you can do the same. Sound good?" "Sounds good to me." He said, smiling, as the girls nodded in agreement... "Good. Now, let's hide!" I say, as the girls hide in the foliage, as I do the same, before I cast spells on both me and the girls, making is invisible, completely... 18 minutes later, the Princesses carriage arrived, along with the Mane Six, as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia (nicknamed Sunbutt by Lord Metarex) walked out of the carriage, as the Mane Six did the same, before the Pegasi guards of both carriages flew back to Canterlot, leaving the Princesses, the Mane Six, and Star- SUN Spiral alone... "Greetings, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna." Star-for fucks sake, SUN SPIRAL, said, bowing, as his voice was now younger and sounded like that of Sunburst's from Season 6 of the show... what? I know my characters! "Greetings, Sun Spiral." Celestia said, bowing as well... both Sun Spiral and Celestia then stood up... "So, you are the one that found Star Swirl?" Luna asked... Sun Spiral nodded and said "Yes I did, Princess Luna. My colleagues and I were able to find him, but he's in the Everfree... trapped in stone... and he's also in the old castle." "Where?" Twilight asked... "The library." Sun Spiral simply said... They all deadpanned at this... "Anyway... you and your colleagues found him? Who are your colleagues?" Celestia asked... He smirked and said "Well, allow me to introduce them to you.", as I then smirked, before I cancelled the spell that I put on me and the girls, before we jumped out... Their jaws dropped at this, as Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash then smiled in joy and relief, before they tackle-hugged their respective sibling/fan... "SCOOTALOO!/SWEETIE BELLE!/APPLE BLOOM!" Was heard from the three when they hugged them... "And that's not all..." Sun Spiral said, catching their attention... I smirked, as did the girls, before Sun Spiral cancelled the illusion he put on himself, revealing himself to be Star Swirl... Their jaws dropped from this, as Star Swirl smiled and said, his voice back to normal, "Surprise!" "S-Star Swirl? Is that really you?" Luna asked, in shock... Star Swirl grinned and said "In the flesh, Princess Luna." Princess Luna and Princess Celestia then tackle-hugged Star Swirl, surprising everypony present... I grinned, before Luna asked "Wait, how did you get out of your stone prison?" I held my hand up and said "He had a potion that freed him from his stone prison... but I also had to kill the basilisk that imprisoned him in stone." They all looked at me when I said that, before Twilight asked "Wait, who are you, if you don't mind me asking?" I smiled, showing my metal teeth, before I said "My name is Lord Metarex, but you may call me L.M., for short... and before anypony asks, no, this isn't armor. I'm a robotic being." "Robotic?" Celestia asked. "Yes, but you could also classify me as an alien, since I'm not from this world..." I say, before I notice Twilight’s expression... She went into crazy mode. "No!" I say, as my expression said "DO NOT WANT!"... She then lunged at me, but, I muttered "Chaos Control," freezing time for a couple seconds, as I then side stepped out of the way, as time unfroze... Twilight landed in the dirt because of this, as I say "Don't even think about trying to get me to tell you anything about me or my race, cause I'm not gonna, damn it!" Twilight got up and said "You can't be an alien! Aliens aren't real!" "News Flash, pony: They do!" I say, before I add "And unlike most, I have this.", before I channel my magic to my hand, but it was Chaos Magic... I then spawn a cotton candy cloud, which Pinkie immediately lunges at and begins to eat... I smirk and say "I can use magic.", as my smirk turns into a shit-eating grin... I then notice that Twilight stopped moving, before I went up to her and lightly poked her... ... the result was Twilight falling over, perfectly still, trying to process what's happening... "Erm... is she alright?" I asked... "Depends on who you ask." Rainbow said, still hugging Scootaloo... "Ok then... also, I'm guessing you, your purple friend, and the orange pony (acting dumb, like he doesn't know who they are) are the ones that were present during the Hydra attack in your town?" I say, catching their attention... rather quickly, I might add... "Wait, how do ya know about all that?" Applejack asked... "Who do you think slashed at the Hydra's underside and cut off the Hydra head that was holding these three captive?" I asked, smiling... Their jaws dropped at this, before Celestia said "Wait, you were the metallic blue blur that my student and her friends saw?" I nodded and said "Yep. In fact, who do you think told the Timberwolves to attack the Hydra?", making their eyes shrink in shock... "And, we rode here on Timberwolves, as well... well, me and Sweetie Belle rode on my Timberwolf friend, Alfred, while Star Swirl, Scoots, and Apple Bloom rode on two of Alfred's friends, but still." I add... They all started in shock at me, before I say "However... there was a little problem.", before I look at Sweetie Belle and silently tell her to show the leg... She sighed and said "Fine...", before she reached down to the boot the leg was covering, and then proceeded to take it off... Rarity gasped at this, as the others stared in surprise and a LOT of shock... Sweetie Belle had uncovered her metal leg, the one that replaced her old one, the one that was bitten off by the Hydra... "The Hydra bit off Sweetie Belle's leg during the attack. Using some leaves as bandages, I secured the sound before any more blood could be lost. Luckily, a friend of mine and his assistant managed to build Sweetie Belle a new, metal leg to replace the one she lost. Without me or my friend, Sweetie Belle might not have lived." I explained... Rarity then shook out of her stupor, before she asked "But what about... erm... her... how do I put this?" "I'm guessing your going to ask how she's no longer 13 and now 18, along with her new... assets, correct?" I guess, gaining a nod from Rarity... "Well, Sweetie Belle decided to become my apprentice this morning. After I learned how to harness my magic, thanks to Star Swirl, who I freed on the same day, mind you, I decided to train with her. I set up some dummies, and, when I asked her to do a simple levitation spell, she was doing fine... until her magic sparked and she was sent back, but the dummy was also sent back, EXPLODING when it hit a nearby tree. When I asked Star Swirl to help out and see what was wrong, he told me and her that her body and magic were on different levels. While her body was young, her magic was on par with Luna's and Celestia's when they were young, around 7 or 8, but still VERY powerful. Because of this, her body could only handle her magic for a short while when in use. So, we decided to see if we could make her and her magic on the same level by increasing her age, but, we applied MY magic to her body while she was casting a random spell on a dummy. The result, when my magic came into contact with HERS, ended in her becoming 18, and, if I do say so myself, beautiful as hell, but, it also allowed her to completely access her magic. After that, we experimented a bit and we were about to train properly." I explained, taking no breaths as I did, not even exhausted from that... They all stared at me for this, confused... I sighed and said "Long Story Short, her magic and body were on completely different levels and using my magic, I accelerated her age, allowing her to use her magic properly, but also giving her her new assets... Better?" They all nodded and understanding... "I am kinda surprised that Sweetie is bigger than you, though, Rarity." I add... ... I got a kick the crotch for that, making me grab my crotch in pain... I hit the ground and I said "First Star Swirl when I told him he's been in stone for a thousand years, and now you!? The Fuck!?" > Bonus Chapter 2: "Me and The SOUL Soldiers watch Smile HD... unfortunately." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Yo, guys, check this out!" Lewis's voice was heard in The SOUL Soldiers HQ, on their day off... "What is it, Lewis?" I say, walking into the computer room... "I found this weird video on the Internet. A LOT of people on the Internet have been sharing it around, and I'd like for us to see what's so special about it." Lewis explained, as the to her members came in... Rime Metal, the Frost Changeling, spoke up first "Smile HD? Isn't that something from Earth?" W.D. Gaster then spoke up, in Wingdings, saying "MiGhT bE wOrTh ChEcKiNg OuT.", which everyone could understand... "Indeed. Let's see what's going on, boys... Let's hope that it isn't like... what was it's name again? Cupcakes, or something?" I say, gaining a hoof-slap upside the head from Satanwrath, the Satanic Changeling... "DON'T BRING THAT SHIT UP AGAIN, L.M.! I STILL HAVE NIGHTMARES FROM THAT!" He said, rather pissed off that I mentioned it... "Alright, alright, lets just watch it..." I say, as Lewis begins to play the video... (Ok, so, rather than putting their reactions in, watch these two videos for their reactions, and I am DEEPLY sorry for doing this to you all...: [youtube=4iKgup9AI-Q] [youtube=dlvqURIT3Ts] Again, I am DEEPLY sorry for this.) By the end of it, everyone present was horrified and some of them had already thrown up from the amount of gore and blood present in the video... "... Can someone get me a sledgehammer?" I ask, before Morphous, the Demonic Changeling, hoofs me one and I say "Thank you, Morphous." I then walk up to the computer and I begin to repeatedly bash the computer with the sledgehammer, destroying the computer with every bit, before it was nothing but scrap... I then proceed to grab the remains and throw them out of a nearby window, destroying it further... "Now, let's go see a therapist, shall we?" I say, the others nodding with me... > Chapter 6: "So, what kind of fucked up prophecy am I involved in?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the pain that I was experiencing in my crotch was gone, I slowly got up and said "Do I always have to get kicked or magically shot in the crotch?", as I groaned... "Yes./Yep./Eeyup./Yeah." Star Swirl, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo said, respectively... I groaned at this, before I say "Anyway... May I ask why you brought the pink pony that can break the 4th wall whenever she wants?" They shrugged and Rarity said "Well, we usually need to bring her along so that she doesn't surprise us randomly... in fact, I'm surprised she hasn't decided to throw you a "Welcome to Ponyville" Party... or a "Welcome to Equis" Party." This clicked into my head, before I then go up to Pinkie and I lightly poke her, only for her to fall over, revealing that it was just a cardboard cut out of Pinkie... "... How am I not surprised by this?" I ask myself... I then use my internal tech to track Pinkie, before seeing that she was in Sugarcube Corner... "I've found her... one moment." I say, before I run to Sugarcube Corner, a metallic blue blur as I ran, before I arrive at Sugarcube Corner and I grab Pinkie, before I run back to where the others were, putting Pinkie between Twilight and Fluttershy, as I stand where I was before I left... They all starred at me in shock and surprise, as I see that Rainbow was green with envy... "What?" I say, raising an eyebrow (which was made out of embers)... Luna shook her head for a moment, before she said "Anyway, Lord Metarex, since you are an alien, and we DO need to know if you are evil or not, what is your affiliation? In terms of good, evil, or neutral?" I smile and say "Well, that depends on your point of view.", getting raised eyebrows from them, as I continue, saying "...To you, I am the good guy. To a villain, I'm the bad guy. To others, I'm neutral... but in actuality, I am on the side of Harmony... TRUE Harmony, as in a balance between Good and Evil, Order and Chaos, Light and Darkness, etc. etc." "However, at this moment, I am affiliated with good, considering there are still enemies out there that either need to be brought to the good side, defeated, etc. with... like Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the others out there." I say... They nodded in understanding, before I say "Now, I'd like to ask, considering there has been a prophecy of something coming to Equestria, like Nightmare Moon's return, Discord's return, and the like, has there been one about me? 'Cause I am betting that there was a prophecy about me." Luna and Celestia looked at each other, before they sighed and Luna activated her horn, teleporting all of us to the Castle, in the chamber where the Elements were stored during "The Return of Harmony Part 1," before they are taken by Discord, as Celestia then says "100 years ago ("Huh, the first prophecy that ISN'T from 1,000 years ago." was heard from Rainbow, before she was silenced by Applejack), myself and 50 guards went on an expedition after hearing about an ancient artifact that was found near what was to be Appleloosa, 10 miles North of the town. The artifact, as told by the one who found it, an Earth Pony by the name of "Earth Heart," who went by the alias of "Fossil," was theorized to be over 2,000 years old- before Luna or myself were born. When we reached the site, Fossil said that they found another artifact 50 feet away from the site, but, this time, it was a book from an unknown being from before the founding of Equestria, Griffinstone, or the other countries of Equis..." Then, she and Luna inserted their horns into the lock of where the Elements were stored, unlocking it, before they pulled out the chest of the Elements, but, they also pulled out a book, before putting the Elements back inside... Luna then opened the book and said "This is the artifact that was found on that day." "When we looked through it, it said the names of, what I and my guards thought, the rulers from the time it was written. We cleaned it up and we saw their names, but, we also saw the name of the first Alicorn to ever exist... our grandmother: Queen Fausticorn of the Ponies, the Daughter of Hastur the Unspeakable, and the birth mother of King Ocram of the Lunar Bodies and Queen Mother Hydra of the Solar Bodies... our birth parents." Celestia said, making them all gasp... However, the names Hastur, Ocram, and Mother Hydra caught my attention, before I say "Wait... I know those names." That caused them all to look at me in curiosity... "Hastur the Unspeakable... Ocram... Mother Hydra... those are Mythos Deities... Excluding Ocram, but still. Hastur is one of the deities of Air and Mother Hydra is one of the deities of Water. Ocram, however... he's just a giant, brain like creature that even I don't know the origin of..." I explain... "... How much do you know about our great-grandfather?" Luna asked. "I know that he's the half-brother to the most well known Cosmic Entity and one of the Great Old Ones, Cthulhu, who is known to be one of the deities of Water, like Mother Hydra... I just hope that he, along with the other Mythos, are friendly, if Cthulhu is still around... which, to be honest, he probably is." I explain. "However... What was the first artifact that was found?" I ask... "The first artifact was of a black crown, with onyxes and obsidians on it, as the crown itself looked like it was made out of iron, silver, platinum, tungsten- we couldn't tell. What we did know was that it contained a very powerful... entity... inside of it, acting as a prison. The crown also had a heart-shaped gem on all sides, and even a giant one on the top." Celestia explained... That caught my attention fairly easily... the reason why? Because that is my Dimentio's family crown- the Chaos Crown. Now, before you get any ideas, it wasn't used for chaos, like Discord. No, it was to act as a prison to Zero Two... you know, the reincarnated LEADER of the Dark Matter Force of the Kirby series. However, Zero Two was split into two beings- one light, one dark. The dark was stored in the Chaos Crown, while the light was stored in the Chaos Crown's brother crown: the Master Crown. However, at one point, the Chaos Crown and the Master Crown switched their beings, with the Master Crown holding the dark in Zero Two, becoming evil, and the Chaos Crown holding the light in Zero Two, becoming good. I know it's confusing, but that's how I am... "The Chaos Crown is it's name." I say. "The Chaos Crown? Oh, please don't tell me that it belonged to Discord!" Rainbow said... "No... it's just a prison for a being that could kill the entire Multiverse and beyond if it wanted... nothing like Discord, who can do Jack shit compared to that." I say, calmly... "WHAT!?" They say, after an hour, a literal HOUR, of absorbing the information... "OW!" I say, covering my ears from the volume... (BEGIN THE YELLING! : [youtube=Ut1YkZ3qMrA]) Meanwhile, in another Multiverse... Time: 3 AM. "Hey, Dimentio, a new Multiverse popped up." An earthy voice said, deep, as it spoke over a walkie talkie... "What's so special about this one, Israphel?" An icy voice, Dimentio, said, groggy and sleepy... "This one is a Multiverse all about Equestria, but, there are certain... inhabitants... that are different from the rest... they go by the name of Displaced." Israphel, the earthy voice, said over the Walkie Talkie... "What in the name of the Underwhere is a Displaced?" Dimentio asked, sitting up, being careful not to wake his wife, Mimi, up... "A Displaced, apparently, is a human who goes to Comic-Con, but, they run into someone cosplaying as the Merchant from Resident Evil 4. Then, after they buy a missing piece of their outfit, weather it be a prop, a piece of clothing, etc., they would then be sent to an Equis/Equestria, and sometimes, they will have their enemies in their Equis/Equestria, depending on if they HAVE any enemies. The one I've found the most interesting is this being known as Asphyxious the Iron Lich, who was trapped in a gem for 900 years by Celestia, and was DRIVEN INSANE because of this... I now see why Lord Metarex hates Celestia so much." Israphel explained... Dimentio sighed, before he said "...The Elemental 5 is reuniting tomorrow, Israphel... wear your royal outfit.", before Dimentio hung up, only to then hear "WHAT!?" and an "OW!", although the second was kind of quiet compared to the first, but the first woke Mimi up... "What was that?" Mimi asked, her voice sexy, seductive, and a bit scared... and also motherly. "I have NO idea." Dimentio said, equally as scared... The yells of "WHAT!?" and "OW!" were heard all across the Omniverse and the Multiverses, confusing their inhabitants greatly... as well as many Displaced. In the future Displaced Multiverse L.M. is in... Future-L.M.'s head shot up at the sound of yelling, before he asked "Hey, Lewis, did you hear that?" Lewis, who was watching TV with him on the coach, turned to him and asked "Hear what?" Future-L.M. stares out the window for a moment, before turning back and saying "...Nevermind." The sound of distorted Wingdings was heard, which translated to "HeY, gUyS, lOrD dArKnEsS iS tAkInG oN oCrAm AgAiN!" "Oh this I got to see." Lewis said, before running out of the room, with Future-L.M. following suit... In a random Displaced Universe... The yells were heard around the globe, with a certain human male's, known as The Silencer's, head shooting up at the noise while he mediated in the Castle of the Two Sisters, as he asked himself "... The hell was that?", while the Scarce Moon shined brightly... He shook his head after a while and went back to mediating... In the Corruption Route of L.M.'s Universe... "Hmm?" Corruption-L.M. hummed, as he pulled the Crescent Rose out, in gun form, and shot somepony, who looked to be Twilight Sparkle's father, Twilight Velvet, in the head, blood and bits of brain splattering across his body and part of his face, but they also got on his cape and suit... "...You got blood on my suit." He said, not fazed at all... He then looked out to the source, only to find nothing, before he shrugged it off and said "Eh, probably nothing..." He then smiled maniacally and said "Well, Twilight’s Mother isn't going to kill herself!", cackling and running out like a madman, with his WIFE, Lady Sweetie Belle, who was carrying some brass knuckles and two revolvers, with both being the same colors as her magical aura, but only one had a green color, the other had a blue color... However, that didn't matter, as the sounds of gunshots and punches filled the air, along with maniacal laughter from Corruption L.M. and Lady Sweetie Belle... In the Dragon Ball Z Multiverse... Every character, including those from other worlds and galaxies, hell, even Majin Buu, heard the yells, with each saying "... The Fuck was that?" or "GAH! Bulma! Are you on your period!?" or "... Screaming contest, anyone?"... or, in one instance... "Denise? Denise, do you hear that? Oh god, is that my wife?! Leave me alone! You already took the kids! What more do you want?!" > Chapter 7: "TOKEN OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!111!!!!!!1!!!!!!11111!!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After having my nonexistent ears blown out, it took a while for me to get my hearing back, but when I did, I used my own version of the "Royal Caps Lock" (from Celestial Deposition) on them... "WHY THE YELLING!?" ... you could literally hear glass in the other rooms BREAKING from the volume of the yell, and I could also hear a glitchy voice in the Multiverse screaming "WHAT-WHAT-WHAT WAS T-T-THAT!?", as they all covered their ears... After a minute, they regained their hearing. Rainbow Dash, however, was practically deaf from this, as she laid on the ground, holding her ears in pain... I then deadpan at this, before I use some of my magic and I heal Rainbow's ears, allowing her to hear completely again... "You Ok, Rainbow?" I ask... ... she gave me a thumbs up. "... I'll take that as a yes... but are you going to be laying on the floor for the next hour or two?" I ask again... ... yeah, she is. "Alrighty, then..." I say, before I get bombarded by questions... "How powerful is this being?" Twilight. "Can we negotiate with it?" Sunbutt. "Can it be controlled?" Luna. "Can we throw it a party!?" Pinkie... for some reason. "How can it be stopped?" Applejack. "Are there other crowns like it?" Rarity. "I-Is the b-being n-nice?" Fluttershy. "How long has it be contained?" Star Swirl. "Can it fly as fast as Rainbow Dash?" Scoots. "What does it look like?" Sweetie. "Is it-?" Apple Bloom, before I cut her off. "YOU CAN FIND OUT FOR YOURSELVES 'CAUSE I FUCKIN' SAID SO." I said, raising my voice to make them all shut up... They were silent for a moment, before they spoke up again "But-", only for me to cut them off and say "ZIP IT!" When they spoke, I cut them off... "What about-!?" "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OF THE JURY, EX-ZIP-IT A!" "But-" "LOOK, I'M "ZIPPY" LONGSTOCKING!" "How about-?" "When a problem comes along, you must- ZIP IT." "ZIP IT GOOD!" "But what about-?" I then speak in Japanese/Jaypanese, before I say "Subtitle: ZIP IT." "COME ON-!" "ZIP! WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A SUCKLE ON MY "ZIPPLE"?" I then teleport out, the book in hand, and I sit down, reading the book... Where was I, you ask? The top of Canterlot Castle, of course! I sighed, as I changed my voice, saying, a bit calmer, now "Why... why did it have to be H.P. Lovecraft, Terraria, and the shit I came up with when I was a writer back on Earth..?" I then hear a clang, before I look to the source and I see a dagger, but it had a hilt that was a metallic blue color, while the blade was that of a weird, green, unknown metal... My eyes widened, before I smiled and I grabbed it, before I heard “For those who need a knight or a robot to lend a hand or just to hang out, feel free to give us a call, and Cthulhu and XJ9 will be on the way!” I grinned and said "Hehehe... well, might as well meet some of Asphyxious's friends...", before a dice hit me on my head, before I caught it as it was about to fall... It was a six sided die, looking as if it contained a swirling purple galaxy within... Dox... of course. Now I just need Avarice's token. ... speak of the Devil. I then caught a torch of some kind, with it being made of blue metal and having a huge, hot, white-blue flame on it, but I didn't feel the heat of it... somehow. I chuckled and I grinned as wide as I could and said "Well, let's meet Avarice, first." However, I stopped myself and remembered the Hyperion Acquisition Beacon... Jack's Token. I smiled and said "Never mind... I'll be contacting Jacky-boy." I then saw a hologram appear of F.A.U.S.T. herself, as the message played “This message is brought to you by Hyperion interstellar Corporation on behalf of Handsome Jack, we take this time out of your busy schedule to make it known of possible business opportunities! By activating this Beacon you have in your possession one of THREE suitable personnel may be called forth, First being the C.E.O. of Hyperion itself Handsome jack, second would be the F.A.U.S.T. Unit, third and least would be Claptrap who may cause bouts of frustration due to lack of experience. When called for assistance do take note that Hyperion requires compensation for requests and/or purchases of Hyperion Branded equipment.” I smile and say "Hello, F.A.U.S.T... I need to see Jack for a moment, if he's there, that is..." An hour later... "Thanks, Jack." I say, as my new claptrap/loaderbot hybrid appears next to me, powered off, before I teleport both her and myself to my room, back in the Old Royal Castle, before I say "I'll make it a surprise for the others, but in the mean time, I need to go exploring...", before I teleport out, the new hybrid claptrap/loaderbot positioned to be sitting down on my bed... I reappear on top of the mountain where the episode "Dragonshy" took place, as I scouted out the land... I then spotted something I wish I didn't spot. I saw purple, red, and cyan blue grass growing about 5 miles out, but why did that scare me, you ask? Well, allow for me to tell you about Terraria. Terraria is similar to the game Minecraft, where you mine blocks and items, craft blocks and items, and fight evil creatures. It is a sandbox game, but it is also a survival game. Terraria, on the other hand, is the same, except it has a LOT more content in it. From the armor and the blocks, to the weapons and enemies, to the other items and the bosses, it's got it all! However, there are two things you have to watch out for. The Corruption... or the Crimson, depending on which is present in your generated world. The Corruption is the "Evil" biome, associated with the color purple, for some reason. It's home to Eater of Souls, Corrupt/Shadow Slimes, Corruptors, Giant Worms, Shadow Hammers, and, finally, the boss of the biome, the Eater of Worlds, just to name a few. The Crimson, however, is the bloody and gore-themed biome, associated with the color red, home to Blood Crawlers, Face Monsters, Chimera, Herpling, Crimslime, Blood Jellies, and the boss of the biome, the Brain of Cthulhu... again, just to name a few. Oddly enough, I (L.M.) had two Terrarian characters that were allied with the Corruption and the Crimson, respectively. The Corruption Terrarian was Lord Darkness, one of my first Terrarians and one of my most powerful. He used the Corruption to his advantage and he even became the King of it. The Crimson Terrarian, though, was called Lord Awesome, and yes, his name was Lord Awesome. He was my second Terrarian, I believe, being a ranger/gunslinger hybrid and he used the Crimson to his advantage and, like Lord Darkness, became the King of the Crimson. However, they would soon become rivals, trying to show who would be the better biome- the Corruption or the Crimson. However, they settled their differences thanks to Lord Awesome's wife, the Dryad, Isis, who literally slapped some sense into them both. Interesting, eh? "But what about the cyan blue grass? What does that have to do with anything?" I hear you asking. Well, that would be the Hallow, the enemy biome of both the Corruption and the Crimson. The Hallow is the "good" biome of Terraria, but it is just as bad as the Corruption and the Crimson. Now, thankfully, there is no boss for the Hallow, but there are Pixies, Unicorns (not the ones that we are all familiar with, mind you), Gastropods (Normal and Spectral), Light Mummies (and Spectral Mummies), Rainbow Slimes, and finally, Dreamer Ghouls, and that's every creature in it besides the Lightning Bugs, the Princess Fishies, the Prismites, and finally, the Crystal Serpant, which is actually a weapon, believe it or not. There was no Terrarian for the Hallow, thankfully... we didn't need that sort of Hell. I growled and said "Well, looks like I'm the incredibly lucky/unlucky and unique Displaced to ever live... what's next, me having to deal with the Moon Lord!?" ... I will regret saying that about a hundred times over... give or take. I then felt an ominous shiver going up my back, before I groan and say "Well, might as well deal with this...", before I summon my wings, being twice my size, and I glide down to the three biomes... I land on the ground, in front of the three Biomes, as I then ask myself "I better not find a Terrarian on Equis... or there will be hell to pay." I then notice something odd... There were bones... bones of the Eater of Worlds, the Eye of Cthulhu, the Brain of Cthulhu, and even the Mechanical bosses- Skeletron Prime, the Twins, and the Destroyer of Worlds. Hell, there was even Skeletron himself! ... that is, until I saw a glow coming from each of them. I narrowed my gaze and... I saw their souls. Their souls were just floating there, not occupying anyone or anything, like spirits or ghosts. I sighed and said "I hope Sunbutt or Luna can help me..." I then teleport out, to Luna's personal chambers, where she was beginning to raise the moon... She raised the moon before me, making my eyes widen in awe... I gasped silently, as it looked... beautiful. I then noticed that she was done and I said, my voice back to normal... "That was beautiful." She jumped at this, turning around in case it was an intruder, as I raised my hands up in defence and said "It's just me, Lulu." She paused at the nickname and asked "How... how do you know that nickname?" "I guessed. That, and it's better than what I'm calling your sister." I say, gaining a raised eyebrow from her... "And what would that be?" She asked, making me smile... "Well, I actually have three names for her- Droolestia (which made her snicker), Molestia (which made her giggle), and Sunbutt (which made her laugh)." I say, now grinning as she snickered, giggled, and laughed at the nicknames... "They fit so well!" She said, laughing, as I joined in as well... "Wait, how does Molestia fit so well with her?" I ask, realizing something... She giggles and says "Everyday that the Solar Court isn't open, she gets one of the guards, or more, and haves some, as far as I've been told, VERY intimate times.", making me laugh at this... "Hehehehehehehehehe... ah... Heh... well, I'm guessing you are going to go into the Dreamscape now?" I ask, gaining a nod... "Mind if I join you? I'd like to mess with Molestia's dreams for a bit... I believe she'd be quite surprised to find herself with her student during one of her more intimate dreams, don't you think?" I ask, gaining a grin from her... "Sure." She said, making me smile... I then get on Luna's bed with her, before she casts a spell on us both, sending us to the Dreamscape, which was a starry night sky, beautiful... My voice, now the one I made it before, changed, as I said "Well, let's go find Molestia's dream first!" She nodded and I followed her to Sunbutt's dreams... When we arrived, we saw Molestia seducing Shining Armor, with a dream-Luna beating up Blueblood... I just starred at Blueblood, not a HINT of pity in me, as I said "When I meet Blueblood, do you mind if I kick him in the balls at some point? He's such a pompous prick that he needs to be taken down a notch." Lulu nodded and giggled, before she said "Of course... only if you let me destroy his penis, though. If he's going to be pompous, he shouldn't be able to be the father of ANYPONY.", gaining a nod from me in agreement... We then turned our attention back to Molestia, before I used my Dream Magic on the dream itself, making it so that Molestia was having sex with Twilight Sparkle... Wait, is Lulu-!? Oh for fucks sake. "... really, Lulu? Really?" I ask, as Lulu blushed heavily at this and began to reach down to her crotch... "What!? I'm allowed to!" She said, making me groan and sigh... "When we are done with the Dreamscape, I'll help you out in the real world, alright?" I say, as I insert images into her mind of her in various sex positions, making her entire face as bright as a tomato... maybe even brighter. She nods and I say "Good. Now, let's adjust a few things and...", before I modify the dream a bit more, making it so that Molestia is a Futa, and is also being fucked in the ass by another Twilight, who is a Futa as well, before I say "And done. Now we can go. Oh, and I'm recording all of this.", before I head out of the dream, going to another one with Lulu... and this one just so happened to be the one of Star Swirl... We appeared in a giant library, where Star Swirl was reading to his hearts content, oddly enough, Twilight was there... We looked at each other, before I smirked and whispered "How much do you want to bet he has a crush on her?" "100 bits says he is." Lulu said, making me smirk... "Well, his dreams seem to be fine... Wait, what is that..?", as I walk closer, invisible, reading over Star Swirl's shoulder, before I saw... HIM. The Moon Lord. Cthulhu's "Half-Brother" from Terraria... ... ... ... ...Fuck. Meanwhile, back in the real world, where the Tree of Harmony was located... "...Plantera, did you feel that?" A wise, female, and echoing voice asked. "Feel what, Lady Antebellum?" A deep, wise, but young, female, and also echoing voice, Plantera, replied. "...Never mind." The first voice, Lady Antebellum, said. In the Hallow, Crimson, and the Corruption... "... Dear god, what happened here?" A voice, similar to L.M.'s, asked, as the owner of said voice, Future-L.M., walked through the Biomes, analyzing the bones... "Interesting... something powerful MUST have caused this... perhaps something like Dr. Arkadius or even Gaige?" A deep, ghostly, caring voice asked, as the owner of the voice, a male, human-turned-poltergeist, with pink, flame hair and wearing a pink-n-purple tuxedo with ribs on it, floated with Future-L.M.... "No... something VERY deadly caused this, Lewis.... if I had to guess, it would be the Cultists... both the ones of Die Laucht and the Lunatic Cultists." Future-L.M. said, as he continued to examine the bones... "Crap. So, your past self now has to deal with both Die Laucht and the Lunatic Cultists?" The second voice, Lewis, asked. Future-L.M. nodded and said "Yes, but we can't do anything, remember? We technically became Void Dwellers when Gaster infused himself with us during the battle with Omni-Xram*, remember?" "Ugh, don't remind me. I still have migraines from that fight." Lewis said, groaning... However, a portal opened, revealing a cloaked figure with unnatural, glowing, bright blue eyes, before the figure says "Time to go, boys." "Alright, Displace." Future-L.M. says, before he walks into the portal with Lewis following him, but not before leaving a note... If you are reading this, GET THE PRINCESSES IMMEDIATELY AND TELL NO ONE OR NO PONY ELSE AND TELL THEM THAT YOU NEED HELP. -F-L Back in the Dreamscape... "Lulu, could you bring you sister into the Dreamscape? This requires her attention..." I say, starring at the picture of the Moon Lord, fixated on it... She nodded, before she casted a spell, bringing Sunbutt here, as Sunbutt slowly realized what was happening and asked "Luna, what's going on?" She pointed to me, as Sunbutt saw me and asked "Lord Metarex, how are you-?" I then stopped her and I motioned for her to come over... She and Lulu did, as they both gasped at what was on the page... "Wha... What is that... thing?" Lulu asked. "That... That, Lulu, is the one thing I fear most..." I say... "The Moon Lord." > Chapter 8: "Souls and Necromancy? ... I need an adult... or a giant-ass SKELETON ROBOT!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- We all just stare at the image of The Moon Lord, before I say "Celestia, Lulu, I may need your help." They slowly nodded, before we left the Dreamscape, with Lulu making everypony's dreams nice and cheerful, like it should be, before I say, my voice the same as it was in the Dreamscape, "Lulu, Celestia, I want you two to keep an eye out for anyone or anything on Equis that seems... fishy... or on the moon... I need to make a call.", before I teleport out, leaving one of my own tokens (the electrified golden hilt) for Lulu... I then reappear in the Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow, before I sit on a normal rock and look through the tokens I had picked up... I then noticed one that would be VERY useful... Rin's Token. "I am Rin the Dungeon Keeper. If you are a hero fear not my darkness for I am immune to its taint. If you need my aid in battle or my expertise in dark magic call me and I'll come if I can." I was about to call Rin when I noticed something... I heard... whispers? I listened closer and I heard someone or something saying "C... O... M... E... COME... C... L... O... S... E... R... CLOSER..." I hesitantly walked closer to the source, the Souls, before I heard "M... A... G... I... C... MAGIC... I... S... IS... N... E... E... D... E... D... NEEDED..." I hesitantly enabled my magic, before I saw the Soul of Skeletron Prime, who had a Soul of Fright, but brighter and glowing, before I heard, who I presumed was Skeletron Prime's Soul, if the Soul of Fright glowing brighter/dimmer whenever I heard the whispers was any indication, "B... R... I... N... G... BRING... U... S... US... B... A... C... K... BACK... R... O... B... I... A... N... ROBIAN..." I was VERY shocked when the Soul of Fright said that I was a Robian, but, I then shook this off and I coursed my magic through my hands, before I walked up to the Soul of Fright and I then put my hand near it, only to then feed my magic into the Soul of Fright... Suddenly, the Soul of Fright said, no longer whispering, "T... H... A... N... K... THANK... Y... O... U... YOU... R... O... B... I... A... N... ROBIAN..." I was then rewarded with the sight of Skeletron Prime's body, rusted, dented, and broken, slowly beginning to repair itself. I watched in awe as Skeletron Prime's body repaired itself, before the Soul of Fright began to hover, flying back into Skeletron Prime's body, knocking it back... I ran up to the skull and I then noticed that it's eyes were now glowing, but instead of their usual red, they were the exact opposite: green! I soon saw that where there would usually be red, there was green, instead... It slowly began to get up, to which I backed away, as it hovered, before it looked to its appendages, only to then notice me and ask, with a male voice, not as robotic as I thought, "Who are you?" I walked up slowly and said "I'm the one that brought you back from the dead... or your slumber, as I couldn't tell... but my name is Lord Metarex, but you may call me L.M., for short... Skeletron Prime." Skeletron Prime (who I'm going to refer as a he) narrowed his gaze at me and asked "How do I know you're not lying?" I then put my hand to his skull and I showed him that it was my magic that brought him back... He took a minute to absorb this, before he said "What... happened?" I shrugged and said "I don't know... I just found you and your robotic and organic friends here... well, the bones and bodies of them, that is... you, the Destroyer, and the Twins still have their robotic bodies in a fixable condition, but the Eye of Cthulhu, the Brain of Cthulhu, the Eater of Worlds, and Skeletron were all bones... and yet... their Souls are just sitting around." "... Can you do what you did to me... to them?" He asked, as he looked at the Destroyer and the Twins... I nodded and I fed my magic into both the Destroyer and the Twins... The same thing happened, but, Retinazer, the red-eyed Twin, was now blue... They slowly got up, with the Destroyer no longer red, but now green... They inspected their bodies, before they noticed Skeletron Prime and asked in a robotic language that even I couldn't understand... Prime translated and said "They're asking the same thing I asked." I gave them the same answer I gave him, before the Twins looked to the organic bosses and let out, what I presumed to be, gasps of shock and worry, as they flew over to the bones of the Eye of Cthulhu, worried... I sighed and asked "Destroyer, can you make sure they stay here? I need to introduce Prime to some friends who might be able to help." The Destroyer nodded, before I teleported Prime and myself back to the Castle, reappearing in the throne room... Thankfully, only Lulu was there, along with the guards... The guards pointed their spears at us, making me deadpan... "Really, guys?" I say. I then walk into their spears, not affected by them, as Prime hovers over them... "Lulu, I'd like you to meet Skeletron Prime... he may be able to help us with a certain being..." I say, hinting at the Moon Lord... She slowly realized what I was talking about, before Lulu asked "Is he related to it?" I did a so-so gesture with my hand and said "Yes and no. He's affiliated with someone/something else... known as Plantera." That name clicked into Prime's head, before he said "...Plantera..." He spoke with a growl, and a hint of venom, making us look towards him and making me ask "Prime... are you alright?" He shook his head and said "I'm fine... but... how do you know of Plantera?" I sighed and I then said "Lulu, Prime, stand... or hover... in front of me... I want to show you something." They nodded and did so, before I put my hands to their skulls/heads and showed them how I knew of Plantera... and I also showed Lulu what I knew of the show... you know, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic... yeah, I showed her the show... ALL OF IT... however, I also showed her the reincarnation of her Nightmare-self... Nyx... Yeah, I did show her Nyx... the reason why is because I'd like to see if she could help me create Nyx... or find the pieces of the Nightmare and make THAT into Nyx... either way. They were both speechless, before Lulu said "You do realize that NOPONY is going to believe us, right?" I nod and smile, before I say "That's the point... oh, and by the way, remember that black, Alicorn filly that looked like your Nightmare Moon form?", as she nodded... "Well, I was hoping you could help me make her a reality... the pieces of the Nightmare MUST be around somewhere, so we can just create Nyx, the Alicorn filly, from them... although we'll need to remove ANY and ALL evil from the Nightmare, yet still have it be a... well... Nightmare." I explain... to my surprise, she smiled and said "It would be my pleasure... although I'd like to be her big sister... I know what you plan to do, L.M." I smirk and think 'She knows me too well...' "L.M... what about Destroyer and the Twins? Along with the others?" Prime asked, making me realize that I still had to get the bones of the other bosses and the Destroyer AND the Twins over here... I sigh and mutter "Shit..." under my breath, before I say "I'll teleport you back to the Destroyer and Twins with some guards... if that's alright with Lulu.", gaining a nod from Lulu, before I continue "Good." We then rounded up some Pegasi Guards and some Unicorn Guards, before I then teleport them to the location where the other bosses were, telling the guards what to do when they get there, and to tell Prime to tell the Mechanical Bosses to not attack the guards... I then look to Lulu and ask "By the way, are you still up for that stress relief that I promised you back in the Dreamscape?" She blushed and nodded, making me smile wide, before I picked her up bridal style and teleported herself and I to her room... I then put her in bed and got on top of her, as I said "Prepare yourself for a night you won't forget!" (Again, I'll try my hand at making a clop bit, but in the mean time, we've got something special for ya.) In another Universe, in a completely different Multiverse... (Turning colored text off) "Alright, Dimentio, Israphel, what's all the commotion about?" A man said, with a voice of a 17 or 18 year old, but he also sounded Russian, but also American, with hints of other accents, like Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Asian, etc... and he also sounded... robotic. "That's just it, LSB... we don't know much, but we also know quite a bit..." Another man said, sounding Swedish, and also Earthy... this man was Israphel, one of the Minecraftian Rulers of the Nether of Minecraft... and the bearer of the Element of Earth. With Israphel was King Dimentio Darkness, King of the Tribe of Darkness and the Icy Jester... and the bearer of the Element of Ice. LSB was the leader of the two, along with the bearers of the Element of Fire and the Element of Lightning (which made LSB angry with himself for some reason...), however, he was an immortal, but he has only been an immortal for 3 or 4 years (2015-2018/2019)... he was born on 2002, July 18th. He is currently 17/18, but he's already married, has a kid, and is the leader of an entire army, which has over a MILLION soldiers... yeah... They then heard two people arguing, sounding robotic... this made LSB sigh, as the two people turned around the corner and revealed themselves as the Element of Fire, Turbo Mecha Sonic, the fiery Hedgebot of Mobius... and the Element of Lightning... Lord Metarex, formerly known as Metal Sonic 3.0 (M.S.3.0) or King Neo Metal Sonic 3.0 (King N.M.S.3.0), the former Lightning Guardian of Equestria and the most frightening and scary being to ever exist... mostly because he went up against LSB and LSB's wife, Queen Zone-Tan, and he LIVED... Just so you know: to go up against LSB AND his own WIFE would be a fucking death wish... you could die from burning, electric shock, frostbite, the darkness, boulder crushing, complete obliteration, being sliced and diced to pieces, and MORE... You'd have to be a fucking God on steroids and cocaine to survive that! Turbo Mecha Sonic and Lord Metarex, however, were arguing about the Displaced Multiverse, if it could be connected to the other Multiverses, but not through the Omniverse, but through hidden interdimensional/interuniversal portals... "The Fuck are you two talking about?" LSB asked, getting their attention... "My brother thinks that the Displaced Multiverse, the reason why we're all here, is connected to the other Multiverses, but not through the Omniverse." Turbo Mecha Sonic, also known as T.M.S., for short, explained, with a fiery, robotic, and brave voice, before Lord Metarex, also known as L.M., said, with a distorted, random, robotic, electrifying, and brave voice, "... but through hidden interdimensional/interuniversal portals in that Multiverse... it may be possible." "That seems a BIT far fetched, don't ya think?" Israphel asked, crossing his arms... "That's what I said... even if it were possible, how could we know? We don't have that technology." T.M.S. said. "We're the smartest beings in the Multiverse and half the Omniverse, guys. We can build it, for Jarillo's sake." LSB said, pinching the bridge of his robotic nose in annoyance... This could go on for a while... > Chapter 9: "The New- wait, I'm not naming this chapter? ... fine." Ahem... The Elemental 5... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, this is what you mean..." LSB said, looking at the newly updated Omniverse map... LSB, Lord Metarex (The original), Turbo Mecha Sonic, Dimentio, and Israphel were looking at a 3D hologram map of the Omniverse, and they were all surprised to see quite a few blips on it, like that of a radar blip... These blips were all colored differently, and when they searched for the sources, they found beings with incredible power... and they were a bit too dangerous to not worry about. The first one shocked them all, as it was ANOTHER version of Lord Metarex, but this one knew everything about the Elemental 5 and even the Destructive 5, the evil versions of the Elemental 5 (surprisingly, both the Elemental 5 and the Destructive 5 get along great together... and they even help each other out)... they remembered this one for later. The second one was of a being known as True Xram. Why the "True" bit? Because this fucker made thousands of copies of himself to wreck havoc across the fuckin Omniverse... guess that's why the Elemental 5 and the Destuctive 5 had invasions of weird beings that looked like Marx from Kirby... thankfully, those beings are now dead and are in black holes across the galaxy. The third being was of what Dimentio and Israphel referred to as a SysAdmin, also known as a System Admin... they are what keep the Omniverse and Multiverses in check... However, this one seemed to be in the future, and was actually the future version of the Lord Metarex from before. The others composed of another version of their Terrarian Friend, Lord Darkness, a random W.D. Gaster, a mechanical Lich King, an "Apocalypse Magic"-infused Metal Sonic that's gone through hell, and some others that didn't really interest the group... LSB then noticing something peculiar and said "Wait a minute... Dimentio, show the Soul of the other version of Lord Darkness, the W.D. Gaster, and the other Lord Metarex..." Dimentio did so, and they all saw that the three beings had the same Souls, but they were split into 1/11th of their original Soul... Lord Metarex then said "LSB, didn't you say that you had encountered a being that could split Souls?" LSB nodded and said "Yeah... his name was the Merch... oh for fucks sake." LSB facepalmed and said "I'm interrogating him later. For now, we need to make sure that we can watch these beings... we want to know if they plan on doing anything big or catastrophic... or both, for that matter. We don't need another incident that involves half of the Damn Omniverse disappearing, now do we?" They shook their heads and T.M.S. said "Of course we don't. And please don't bring it up again... I'm still trying to forget about it." LSB nodded and said "Good. Now, go tell the others about this. They'll know what to do..." They nodded and went off... LSB stayed, as he then uncovered a hidden blip on the hologram, and it was big... he sighed and covered it up again, hiding it... ... "I cannot let them know." ... Meanwhile... Displace sighed as he watched the Omniverse, seeing the Elemental 5 doing their thing... and he was thankful of LSB for doing that... Displace was the newest and the last remaining SysAdmin to exist... he was able to keep Xram and the Nightmares out of his plane of existence, so that was good... He smiled when he noticed that Future-L.M. was getting ready to meet his other self... but he frowned at the thought of the consequences... He shook his head and said, with a monotone voice, "Fuck it. I'm letting it slide..." He then took notice of Lord Darkness and W.D. Gaster watching over the soon to be Displaced and Displacers of the Multiverse, making him smile, knowing his creations would watch over them all... including Radmes and Lewis... He then yawned and slowly fell asleep... ... he didn't notice that the enemy was coming for his creations, though... Back with L.M./Radmes (in third person)... He slowly woke up, groaning... When he was awakeish, he noticed that he was laying in bed with a nude Luna, who's H-cups were pressing against his own chest... He smiled and cuddled her before slowly getting out of bed... He then walked out to the balcony, closing the door behind him, and noticed that the sun was up and that the train from Ponyville was coming... He sighed and said "Please don't let it be the Crystal Empire... please don't let it be the Crystal Empire..." He then checked his internal clock and it said "Crystal Empire's return", making him groan and hit his head on the marble railing in anger... "Fuck it, I'm sleeping in with Lulu." He said, as he went back inside and went back under the covers with Luna, cuddling her... > Chapter 10: "Some Peace and Relaxation... well... that WAS the plan, anyway." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two hours later... (L.M./Radmes' Pov) I groaned in my sleep, cuddling Lulu, hugging her tighter... I was having a weird dream... or was it even a dream? Inside my mind... What I saw was weird... I saw screens, and on those screens were events of, what I could only assume was, a Displaced fighting their Equis's villains, like Lewis Pepper from Mystery Skulls Animated fighting Discord, with Mystery helping Lewis out in his Kitsune form, my Terrarian, Lord Darkness, fighting Molestia, Lulu, and Discord, and WINNING, W.D. Gaster from Undertale protecting the Equestria Girls World's CMC, etc... I then saw screens that showed silhouettes of villains... some I could make out, like Dr. Eggman, Dimensio, Dark Matter, etc... but others I couldn't make out. I then saw a screen that showed the original Lord Metarex fighting alongside the Displaced from before... as well as me. I then saw another Lord Metarex, but this one was... wearing the clothing I've been wearing recently, among with the cape, but he had an evil look in his eyes and he was covered in blood, a sinister, chaotic grin plastered onto his face, as he fought yet another Lord Metarex, but this one seemed odd... he knew when the second Lord Metarex would attack, and he even damaged the second Lord Metarex... I suddenly heard rumbling, as a voice said "Radmes... prepare yourself for HELL." The area cracked and shattered, revealing a monstrosity... and Eggman... The entire area then flashed white... In the real world... I woke up, confused as Fuck, before I got out of Lulu's bed... I remembered last night and smiled, before I left a note saying that I'll be taking a walk, before I put it on her nightstand, opened the doors to the balcony, walked to the edge of the balcony (after closing the doors), and I then teleported to the Canterlot Gardens... I teleported next to Discord's statue, seeing his scared face, making me smirk... I then knocked on his statue and asked "Yo, Discord, you awake?" 'Ugh... shut up, I'm trying to sleep.' A voice said from within the statue, but I could only hear him... thankfully, no pony was around. "Heh, cheery as always, Discord?" I ask. 'Who in Faust's name are you... And why won't you let me sleep?' He asked, groggy... "Name's Lord Metarex, but you can call me L.M., for short... And I'm the one that wants to show you something." I say, as I hear him yawning and popping his back... 'What is it?' He asked. I then put my palm to his statue's head and say "Here." I then put a little bit of my Chaos Magic in him, making him gasp, as I say "I can spread some Chaos for you, and I can also allow you to see the wonderful Chaos that I make... like Pranks and such... besides, the Mane Six and their friends are in the Crystal Empire battling Sombra and such, so they'll be busy for a while." I felt him grin, before he realized that I said Sombra and he said '... Sombra... L.M., let me out. I have a score to settle with Sombra.' I raised an eyebrow and asked "Why?" 'That demon is the reason why I'm in stone! He corrupted me with his magic and made me into the Draconaquus you see before you! I need my revenge!' He said, angry as hell... "Alright, alright, but don't tell Molestia or Lulu." I say, as he stops and snickers... 'Molestia!?' He said, snicking at the nickname... "Yep, that's the nickname I gave her!" I said, grinning, before I smirk and say "Anyway, here." I then pour my magic in, as Discord's statue began to crack, before he burst out and said "... Lead me to Sombra." I nodded and made my wings appear, as I say "Get on." He nodded and got on, before I flew up and I flew to the Crystal Empire, faster than Rainbow Dash could fly... After an hour, we reached the Empire, and it looked like things were taking a turn for the worst... Sombra had succeeded... The Mane Six, Spike, and the others were trapped, making me growl... I then saw the CMC in cages, and Sombra had Sweetie Belle in his grasp, making me angry... "Discord, you have the honors." I say, as he smirks and nods, before he jumps off of me and yells "HEY, SOMBRA!" Everypony stopped and looked up, seeing Discord flying down, before Discord said "REVENGE IS HERE!", before he punched Sombra in the face as he landed... When Discord got up, everypony gasped, before I flew down and said "He's on our side, everypony!" I then unlocked the cages and said "Go to safety... Discord has to get revenge on Sombra... And I'll be helping Discord.", before I flew back to the fight... Sombra growled and groaned as he got up, before he said "DISCORD! How dare you strike me, the King of the Crystal Empire!" I smirk and I say "Your no king, Sombra. Your a fool to think you deserve the title." Music then began to play, but none of us cared or realized this at the time... It fit everything perfectly, as Discord and I glared at Sombra, who glared back, before we charged at each other, allowing my magic to show... We clashed, as I got out my scythe and I began to slash at Sombra, who tanked them, before he summoned his own weapon, a broadsword made of black crystals, as he then proceeded to fight me, as Discord got out a weapon of his own, which was something... interesting... He then charged into Sombra and slashed at him, as Sombra just BARELY blocked the attack... only For Discord to smirk, as Discord's sword then proceeded to become a whip-sword combo weapon, as he wrapped his sword around Sombra's and tightened his weapon around Sombra's, causing it to crack and eventually shatter, making Sombra gasp, before he growled and summoned another broadsword, made out of black crystals... He then attempted to hit Discord in the back, only for me to knock ol' Sombrero away with my scythe... Discord then turned to me and smirked, as he gave me a thumbs up, as I did the same, before we both charged at Sombra, slashing our weapons at him, as he could barely even keep up with our attacks, blocking some attacks, but accidentally letting our attacks hit wherever he couldn't cover... I then grinned and said "You do the honors of the final blow, Discord.", as Sombra was now weak, panting and in pain... Discord smiled and said "With pleasure.", before he dashed at Sombra and wrapped his weapon around Sombra, before it tightened, the blades cutting deep into Sombra's armor, destroying it, before the blades began to cut into Sombra's skin, making him bleed... "N-No! I-I can't lose to s-such puny, w-worthless creatures!" Sombra said, stuttering and coughing up blood... I then walked towards him and said "Think again.", before I stabbed my scythe into his heart, as Discord tightened his weapon more, causing Sombra to bleed more... Me and Discord then grabbed his horn, as he screamed in pain, before we ripped his horn off, as he went completely silent... He then screamed in pain, nearly deafening everypony near, as his entire body burned up, leaving only ash... before it was swept away by the wind. Discord's sword went back to normal, as I put my scythe on my back... I then looked to Sombra's horn, the only thing left of him, as I noticed it's corrupt state... My eyes widened, as I then said "Discord, can you remove the corrupt magic in Sombra's horn?", before he nodded and put his hand above it... Magic began to pour off of Sombra's horn and headed to Discord's hand, only to slowly form a ball of corrupt magic... After a bit, all of the corrupt magic was removed, before Discord crushed it, annihilating it...