> Murder Mystery > by Alemandom04 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mystery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rainy night out. Twilight and her friends were inside her castle. They were hanging out talking to each other about anything. Pinkie Pie, Buttercup and Grovewells were talking. "So, what have you been up to?" Asked Pinkie. Grovewells thought to himself. He raised his hoof and took in a breath to say something, but there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Said Twilight. She walked over to the door. There stood Derpy Whooves with a letter in her mouth. "Oh thank you." Derpy nodded and flew away. She walked back to the others. "Well, who was it?" Asked Rarity. "Was it somethin' important?" Applejack wondered aloud. "Maybe it was an invitation." Said Pinkie Pie. Twilight opened the envelope. She unfolded the letter inside and cleared her throat. Dear Twilight, I personally invite you and your friends to my dinner party. I assure you it is not public, it is invitation only. Please stop by tonight for dinner. I live on Stalls Lane. The big mansion. I hope to see you there. Sincerely, your host. "We're invited to a dinner party?" Asked Fluttershy. "Who's the host?" Asked Rarity. "It didn't say, it was just an invitation." Said Twilight. "Well we better get ready. We could be late. Grovewells, can you get me my bags?" Buttercup smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah sure thing. Where are they?" She nodded her head towards the kitchen. He walked over to the kitchen and came back out with two saddle bags. "Thanks Grovewells. Do you mind carrying them the whole trip." Grovewells shook his head. "Um, do you mind carrying all our bags?" Asked Rainbow Dash. Grovewells sighed. He shook his head and grabbed everyone's bags. "I'ma bring Apple Bloom. She loves dinner party's." Said Applejack. "I think I'll bring Sweetie Belle." Rarity said walking out the front along side Applejack. "I'll bring Scootaloo, I told her I'd take care of her since her parents are nowhere to be found. She'd want to play with her friends anyway." Rainbow Dash flew out of the castle. They waited for them to get back. It took a while for them to come back, maybe 20 minutes. When they got back, the three little fillies were ecstatic. "Cutie Mark Crusaders, Dinner Party Crashes!" Everyone covered their ears at the shrill voices of the fillies. They all walked outside. Twilight used a teleportation spell to get them there. They left in a flash. And arrived at the mansion with no sense of tomorrow. They walked on a rickety wooden bridge that hung over sharp rocks in a river. The wood was creaking which gave worry to everyone. But luckily they made it. Twilight walked up to the front door. She lifted up a hoof and knocked on the door. The door opened. No one was there. She heard someone clear their throat. She looked down. "Oh, where are you're parents, do they own this mansion?" Twilight smiled. "No, I got invited, here. Go, this is invite only." Diamond Tiara swatted her hoof towards the bridge. Twilight and her friends looked back. They looked forward again. "Um, what're you talking about, we got invited. We were told he personally invited us. And it was not pubic." Said Rainbow Dash. They all walked in. Everyone shook their coat to get dry. "Where's the dinning room?" Diamond Tiara nodded toward the left. They all walked in the dining room to see Pony Joe, Derpy, and a colt that they didn't know. "Who are you?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "I just moved here, i'm Crimson Minor. I play for the band here in ponyville." He shook everyone's hoof. They all had a seat until the host would arrive. Diamond Tiara walked up to the seat at the front of the table. She was pretending to be the host. "I'm the host, please leave everybody." She giggled. Nobody acknowledged her. She said it louder again. The lights cut out. "Whoa, what's happening?" Asked Derpy. There was a ringing sound that echoed through the dining room. They all heard wood snapping and something moving fast. The lights cut back on. "Ahhh!!" Rarity screamed. There, in the front seat, was Diamond Tiara with an arrow through her head. Blood was dripping from her head. The arrow had gone straight through her head. "What's happening! I gotta get outta here." Yelled Derpy. She flew off to the front door. Derpy grabbed the handles and got zapped. She flew to the back of the room. Twilight tried next, but with her magic. She got zapped. "That's weird. This door is protected with magic. Who would do this." Everyone looked at her. "You're the only one who can do this type of magic." "Well, I'm not the only other unicorn here." Rarity's jaw dropped. "Wait. Your accusing me? Why. Aren't there spells you don't need a horn for as well." Rarity kept her hopes up. "Of course. But there are more important matters at hoof. Who killed Diamond Tiara? Or... what killed her?" Lightning struck when she finished saying this. "We've gotta look for clues. She died in the dining room. We search in there." They all agreed and made their way to the dining room. "Well, this has went south really fast." Said Rainbow Dash. "Huh? Wheres the body? It was right when we left. Somepony moved it. And we've gotta find it." Said Twilight. They all looked around for clues. Applejack looked up. "Uh, ya'll. I think I found what killed her. Look." She pointed her hoof towards the ceiling. Up there was a bow hooked up to a timer. "What? It looks like this supposed to be set up for somepony. Who would kill a little filly? No pony. Then it was for, somepony else." Grovewells couldn't get this processed through his head. "That means, one of us set up that trap. And one of us is a cold... blooded... killer." "This is too much. I'm gonna use the bathroom." Pony Joe Said. He walked out of the room. "Well. Lets all stick together. We never leave independently. We always go as a group. Got it?" They all agreed.They took the upstairs first for more clues on why they were locked in. Then they heard a scream. "Wait. Wheres derpy?" "I don't know? She could be--" She was interrupted by Derpy flying through the hall. "Oh my gosh." She was trying to catch her breath. "Pony Joe!--He's dead! He was by the the bathroom. I couldn't see who had done it. I saw the killer run around the corner." She was crying full on. "Hey guys. I just came back from the kitchen." She had a piece of cake in her hoof. "You want a piece?" She waited for a response. "Really? It's good." They stared at her. "Okay?" She devoured the cake in one bite. "Get down killer! You're going to jail!" Crimson Minor had kept her pinned down. "Wait! She didn't do anything! She just came back from the kitchen." Crimson Minor let go of Pinkie Pie. He shoved Twilight. "So, were supposed to believe you. She was the only one that was gone." He looked at everyone and started nodding. Twilight used her magic pull his face closer. "Well. Never accuse my friends unless you have valid evidence. Because she wasn't the only one gone. Derpy. You too!" "Why are you accusing me?" She started to develop tears. "I'm not just accusing you. I'm accusing everyone here. Everyone is a suspect." "Well in that case, we'd better be careful." Said Scootaloo. Crimson Minor started up the steps. "I'll be back. I'll try to get some help from the top floor. There's a giant spotlight up there." He made his way to the top walking up the spiraling stairs. When he arrived, he turned on the spotlight and started moving it left and right. He felt his hairs stand up. He looked up as a bolt off lightning hit the spotlight and electrocuted him. He was shaking and fell to the floor. Everyone heard the thump from upstairs. They all walked upstairs to the top. There lay Crimson Minor with burn marks. He was still twitching. They carefully picked him up and brought him downstairs. "Check his pulse." Twilight checked. "He's still alive." Suddenly his eyes opened. Twilight jumped. Crimson Minor was trying to talk, but his mouth wouldn't open. "What happened? Why can't I move?" Twilight and the others couldn't understand him. "I think he's paralyzed. The lightning must've fried his nerves." Said Twilight. "Give me a hand, i''m going to find something to wheel him around with." The others lifted him up while Twilight came back with a wheelchair. "Where'd you get that?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "I found it in a closet." She pointed towards the stairs. Twilight used her magic lay him on the wheelchair. He now had to be in a wheelchair. There was a thump that came from upstairs. "Whoa. What was that!" Grovewells ran upstairs. "Hey! Where are you going?" Buttercups ran after him.