An Illogical Occurrence at Hasbro Studios

by Brassboy212

First published

What if something or someone illogical caused the people at Hasbro to go a different route with Equestria Girls?

Ever wonder what would happen if Hasbro Studios decided to make some...different decisions during the production of the Equestria Girls franchise? No? Well too bad, I'm doing it!

Watch as things take a more illogical turn in this short but kooky "what-if" story!

A birthday gift for my awesome friend, The Psychopath. After all he's done for me in the past, I thought it was the least I could do. Hope you like it man!

What's In This Coffee?

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Sometime before February 2013

In the break room at Hasbro Studios, Megan McCarthy and Lauren Faust, two of the writers for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, were sitting at one of the tables enjoying some coffee while discussing the final details for their soon-to-be-announced movie/franchise known as My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.

"So we all agreed on keeping that bit with Derpy in the credits?" Lauren asked her colleague.

"Definitely." replied Megan. "The same goes for that crazy dance scene Twilight has with Flash Sentry."

"I can hardly wait, Megan. Before we know it, this movie will be in theatres and the fans will see it as the next best thing since...well, this show!"

Megan laughed. "My thoughts exactly. Hey I got to get something from my desk. I'll be right back."

"Sure thing. Take your time." Lauren continued sitting at the table enjoying her coffee. As she placed her half-full cup down, someone passing by got her attention.

"Hey Lauren." Said Daniel Ingram, the man in charge of the music for My Little Pony.

"Oh, hey Daniel!" Lauren responded. "Glad I caught you, I need to talk to you about something." She got up from the table and followed Daniel out of the room.

Once the room was empty, a cloaked figure suddenly lowered himself down from the ceiling on a cable like a certain arachnid themed superhero. He reached into his pocket, took out a bottle of strange purple powder and sprinkled some of it into the two cups of coffee. He finished mixing in the powder just in time to escape before Megan and Lauren reentered the room.

The two ladies sat back down at the table still in high spirits about their film.

Lauren held up her cup of coffee, "Megan, I'd like to propose a toast." She said. "To Equestria Girls!"

"To Equestria Girls!" Megan happily replied.

They tapped their cups together and took a swig of their respective hot beverages. But just as Lauren's coffee slipped down her throat, something clicked in her mind. Something she had never realized before.

"You know something Megan..." She said. "This is stupid."

"What is? The coffee?" Answered Megan.

"No, I mean this Equestria Girls thing. Think about it Meg. Aren't we just ripping off what Mattel is doing with Monster High?"

"Well, maybe a little bit. But that's not the only reason. It's also because we saw a lot of human themed MLP artwork the bronies and pegasisters made on the internet. They've been fantasizing this before we even thought of the film."

"But that comes with every show with non-human characters. It's almost as common as the gender-swapping artwork."

"Hmmm. You do have a point there."

"Sure, it's fun giving the bronies something they want in the show once and a while, but do we really want to be known for just that? Copying other trends? Using fan service to cover up for bad writing choices? Before you know it they'll start thinking we're more of an elaborate toy commercial than a show. We're better than that Megan. We've created a show that has given the My Little Pony franchise a whole new name and made such an impact on children's entertainment. Surely there's a higher road to be taken than this."

"I guess I never really thought of it like that before. Maybe we should be more mindful of our expectations and do our best to uphold the reputation we've built for ourselves. But what do you propose we do?"

"I say we trash this Equestria Girls project and do a new MLP film; something fresh; something that we can call our own; something that really shows off the talent this show's production team has."

"Like what?"

Lauren looked down at her coffee in contemplation. A faint pair of pink spirals appeared for a second in her eyes. "Believe it or not, Megan, something in this me an idea."

February 2013


Hasbro Studios has just revealed their upcoming feature film for the MLP franchise! It appears the rumors of the production of Equestria Girls have been debunked and the film will take place in the show's world we all know and love. The film stars what looks to be a very strange and...illogical addition to the MLP cast. Writer Lauren Faust released the following film title and synopsis to the public:

The True Psychopath

The Psychopath is a stallion with some sort of relation to the princesses, yet, he is held within the lowest levels of the Canterlot castle dungeons. He is completely chained up and stuck in his dark and dry cell, only ever thinking about his next prank, and humming tunes that come from nowhere. His existence has been kept secret for quite awhile, and only the council and a few select guards know of him, and now, another mare will know of his existence. Twilight Sparkle will free him inadvertedly, causing the psychotic pony with a strange appearance to float about Equestria, causing mayhem and destruction in the form of "pranks". How will the group deal with somepony who is apparently not trying to cause harm but does so anyway?

Well there you have it folks, it seems the creative geniuses at Hasbro have once again brought something unique to the table! Let's hope this flick will be as good as it looks when it comes to a theatre near you!

The cloaked figure read the article on his computer. He snickered with glee as he removed his hood revealing the head of a stallion with a bright blue and pink coat, a crazy blue, green, and pink mane, and purple and red eyes with pink spirals in them. He put on his black top hat with the upper half missing, pulled out a checklist, and checked off the box next to "Equestria Girls".

Finally, he pulled out his bottle of purple powder and smiled.

"Excellent." He said. "And now to deal with all those clopfics!"