Fluttershy Wants In Your Pants

by Glitter Grenade

First published

Samuel has a problem. His friendly neighbor Fluttershy is ridiculously obsessed with human clothes and she can't seem to understand why he shouldn't be helping her putting them on.

Samuel has a problem. His friendly neighbor Fluttershy is ridiculously obsessed with human clothing and she can't seem to understand why he shouldn't be helping her putting them on.

It's not the fact that she makes lewd sounds, struggles with putting them on and of course, doesn't wear underwear that gets to him. Especially that part, no underwear.

But that she doesn't think any of it is wrong. And who could say no to that face?

Contains: OOC Fluttershy.

AN// Here, have some stupid. Writer's block go away, go away, come back another day~

Pretty Please

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“Um, I need a little help in here. If it wouldn't be too much trouble... Well, I think I can- Um.”

Samuel jerked, startled by the sound of Fluttershy. He forgot she was here. Outside, the sun was slipping past the forested horizon while the cooked goods the pegasus brought, baked fish and mixed greens, cooled on the counter. His stomach growled at the sight. Ready for his weekly dose of meat and other green stuff he could get behind. Calloused knuckles dragged on his hand-carved table, the sensation smooth and calming.

It was easy to fall into a quiet daze in Ponyville, so peaceful and calm. Or where he stayed at, for the most part.

And Fluttershy didn't usually make a peep during their trade.

It was all too easy to pretend he was alone. Felt like it even now. Her voice came and went and was swiftly replaced by the the daily sounds of the late afternoon. Birds flying nearby. The odd chatter of rabbits and squirrels. Ponies milling about in the nearby woods, having picnics and fun. Sitting in his tiny half-living room, half-kitchen in just his boxers made a man forget about, well, having company.

Samuel's stomach growled again. Goodness, he was hungry.

“Are you decent?” he threw out, getting up from his seat. “I’ll knock first.”

Their situation was a little odd. Woulda been called strange back on Earth. After arriving in Ponyville and parking his wagon-house in front of Whitetail Forest, he never had such a friendly acquaintance like Fluttershy. Wasn't afraid of his height and lack of four limbs. Just flew straight up to him and asked if he was lost. Of course, that was when she thought he was a big dumb animal but her good intentions left a soft spot in Samuel's heart.

Ever since then, Fluttershy brought food every Sunday. And in return, Samuel let her roll around in his freshly finished laundry.

That was weird, right? He wasn't wrong in thinking it. This wasn't a cultural thing but a weird thing for her.

It, her fooling around with a man's clothes, woulda been Weirdsville on earth but he could never tell with ponies. Far as he knew, Equestrians wore clothing for fun and their stuff wasn't all that different than his. Just made for the four-legged in mind. But Fluttershy liked his human-made cloth more. The fabric was slightly thicker. Made more for durability than for show. And Fluttershy, bless her kind soul, liked to wrestle in it. Be rough in it.

Samuel stood in front of his bedroom door and listened.

It didn't sound like she was in trouble. Instead, there was only breathing. The panting kind. Fast gulps of air. Then a sigh, a stilted half-moan. And panting again. Fluttershy sounded taxed, strained. Her long sighs and short gasps sensual and poorly muffled as it passed through what he could only imagine as a swollen mouth. Yellow plump lips she must have bitten raw, trying to smothering her sounds.

He knocked.

“Oh!” Fluttershy answered, voice anxious now. “I didn't mean to say any of that out loud. I'm okay.”

So she was in one of her mood again. It was in the way Fluttershy emphasized certain words that let him know. She wanted his attention. To walk in on her in distress.

Samuel dragged his fingers on the door. Fluttershy. Fluttershy. Fluttershy. What if he was reading her wrong? What if this between them was just a cultural thing and she didn't mean anything about it? Ponies walked around naked all the time. Ponies rubbed and hugged whenever the mood struck them. This was just them being friendly. Her being friendly in her weird way. Or not.

What if she was interested in a genuine way?

Samuel adjusted his standing, trying to will his sudden arousal down. Just the thought of her struggling to put a sock on or button one of work shirts- God, that didn't help. He was hard, his mind filling up with visions of Fluttershy. The dainty pegasus swaying around with a pair of daisy dukes or in a lacy lingerie set. Either way, she come straight up to him and ask what he was wearing then and there.

He took a breath. Cleared his head. Focus.

They weren't exactly friends or lovers but sometimes it felt like they were both. Fluttershy has this side to her when they were alone. All flirty and silly, and well, downright obnoxious as she tried not to catch his eye.

“You sure?”

Samuel wasn't. He wasn't sure how he felt any of this. It was good sometimes. Confusing at others. And he didn't like how the thought of clothing was gradually able to give him an instant-boner.

Look at him, he's caught a second-hand fetish.

“Yes,” Fluttershy swallowed thickly, “I just couldn't find something I haven't worn before. I thought your jeans be fun to wear again but- Um. I'm taking them off now. Do you have something else I can try on?”

Huh, he always knew this day was coming.

In the six weeks they'd known each other, Fluttershy went through every parcel of clothing he was willing to let her in. Samuel didn't have much in the state of wardrobe to begin with. Just a couple of pairs of long t-shirts, work shirts, jeans and a jacket. He was making it fine now because summer was on its way but he’ll have to think about winter soon enough.

“Could I try one of your boxers-”

“No.” Samuel sighed, opening the bedroom door. “It wouldn't be right-”

He froze, his mouth stuck in a single sharp inhale. The smell of her, feminine and hot, smacked him in the face. Rich in the air, the erotic aroma ran straight up his nostrils. Goddamn it.

Fluttershy was on her back, lanky legs cocked open as she wore his faded blue jeans, the denim snug on her thick hips. The zipper was pulled all the way down, flashing him with her peachy-yellow mound and a hint of pinkness further within. Legs wide, her pink folds twitched as her hard clit throbbed at him. Sweet juices running all the while.

He watched the drops sinking into his jeans, blue fabric now damp and dark.

Samuel groaned on the inside.

This hadn't been the first time he caught her like this either.

Fluttershy's cheeks were flushed, red as can be. She worked her hips, trying to tug the jeans off. “Oh Sammy, you came.” she said, between pants. “I was hoping to have gotten out before you noticed. I thought this time I could make it all the way.” she murmured, wiggling her hips at him. Fluttershy had managed to squeeze herself inside better than before. Instead of being trapped around her knees, the jeans made it to the middle of her hips. The curve of them too fat and thick for the fabric to get around.

Her eyes flashed, half-lidded and dark. A naughty smile rode her lips.

“Now you'll have to help me out.”

Samuel stared at her, ignoring his cock stiffening in his boxers. The bulge lifting up the sagging front. She looked tantalizing in his bed. Pink willowy hair thrown over shoulders. Green eyes bright and bewitching as she wavered between actually trying to get out of his jeans and rubbing herself ragged inside them.

Fluttershy didn't even need her hooves to get off. She thrusted up with her hips, grinding against the denim. The strain growing in the seat of the jeans. And the sounds of it. His bed creaking. The parade of lewd squelching and loud slick flesh. And Fluttershy herself. Panting. Moaning. A obscene mess.

Her lovely flashing eyes peering at him. Questions in them. Asking why was he still standing there. Why wasn't he doing something about it? Her. Her in his jeans. Her in his bed, warming up his sheets.

“You're going to stretch out my jeans if you keep on doing this.” he blurted out. Just where was his courage?

Fluttershy ducked her head, a pout blooming on her lips.

“I fit into the legs holes just fine. It's getting them over my hips that's the problem. I think you should take these to Rarity. She'll fix the problem if you ask nicely.”

“They fit me just fine.” he muttered, cheeks red. This was too much for him. He should leave. “You know I'd already did laundry today. Now I'm going to have to do it twice.”

Something in his voice must have tipped Fluttershy off. She stopped her grinding and sat up.

“What's wrong?”

Samuel looked way, feeling stupid. “I, uh. It's been a while and I don't-”

Fluttershy slipped off the bed and walked over, her back legs hobbling with each step. She did look good in a pair of denim jeans. The curve of her ass in them couldn't be denied.

“Am I coming on too strong? It's been a few weeks and you haven't seem to notice that I'm-”

“Oh, I noticed.” Samuel said sharply. “I know that you have a fetish for clothes.”

Fluttershy blinked at him.

“I don't have a fetish.”

“Then what do you call all of that?”

“Foreplay. I've been trying to get your attention for weeks.”

You Know You Wanna

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Samuel stared out the oval-cut window of his cabin wagon, the smell of Fluttershy's home-cooking, a bevy of baked fish and stewed greens, drifted up and away on a slow breeze.

In a dress of silky white steam, the fragrance twirled and teased his nose and eyes. Flashing smoke-thick hips swaying side to side and promising more, so much more, if he just turned his head where the basket laid.

You know, behind him. With Fluttershy.

The thought of just looking -and ogling and leering and perving- had his throat running dry. But still, a rush of arousal ran through his thickening cock. The simple pair of boxers he'd done today and nothing else doing little to keep it down. It was good they were looking in other directions. Samuel to the window and Fluttershy to his trunk full of clothes. She might have noticed the bulge growing the folds of his underwear, a fat thick uncut and unfucked human coc-

Okay! None of those thoughts. Not today. He has a guest over for god's sake.

Samuel inhaled and hoped his blood would rush somewhere else. Shit, his cock felt even stiffer.

Today was the day after laundry day. Today was also the day Fluttershy stopped by. One warm hoof-made meal for a chance to try on something from Earth.

Who knew what Fluttershy might want this go around?

She had the oddest obessession. Clothing. Human clothing. As far as he could tell, there wasn’t much of difference from what Equestria or better yet, Rarity has to offer, but she was hooked. And he couldn’t ignore an opportunity when he saw one. They made a deal. She’d get a shirt or two to take home and he’ll get a nice meal -with real meat- for dinner.

Samuel's stomach growled. One confusing and stilted noise belonging to something out in the Everfree than anything human. Samuel's dick reassurted itself in response, digging into his thigh as it reached half-mast. He shifted his seat, wanting to clear his head.

What was this really?

Why did every Monday morning end up with his mind degrading to either fuck or food. Not that he thought of attempting to seduce the sweet mare. They were almost friends and he'd like the arrangement they had in place. But this tension that lingered in the room, it was turning him on.

Because he knew he only had to turn his head to get an eyeful of-

Samuel gulped loudly.

But keeping himself mentally busy couldn't stop the sounds entering through his ears.

Her hooves shuffling on hardwood floor. Soft delicate murmurs of polite selecting. “I wore you last time but what about- Oh, I will definitly wear you! You were so gentle last time-”

Other than his boxers, Fluttershy had free reign over could take for a spin.

And honestly, most of the time his clothes wore Fluttershy more than she wore them. Because of the understandable difference between their built and sizes, his typical garb became raunchy on her.

Average t-shirts now skimpy low-cut dresses.

Shorts riding high on her hips. No better than a pair of daisy dukes.

Despite the fact Fluttershy was on the lanky side, the mare still had hips that could make a woman back on Earth jealous. Wide and round, what Fluttershy managed to get on her cheeky backside became stretched and defining. Denim stitching conforming to the curve of her impressive and perked tight rump. Cotton clinging between the soft creases of big cheeks.

And honestly, there was something erotic about a pretty girl playing around in Samuel's clothes.

He always had to do a second laundry after she left. Otherwise the smell of her would linger on his clothes. Not only the scents of her cottage; dandelions, old wood and mint but the other inappropriate sorts he shouldn't be sniffing after she's gone. Womanly aromas of her sweat, pheromones and feminine ...

God, Samuel felt like a creep.

Why couldn't he just drop off his trunk at her place and come back for it the next day?

But in truth, it wasn't just the fact that she was wearing his clothes that got his member ready to salute. That was only the fucked-up icing on the pervy cake. Her being here on messed with his tolerance of pony behavior. It reinforced the belief that she was naked. Nude. All naturale. And because of that, Samuel's eyes kept on honing in on her uh... Personals. Privates.

Not that she really had anything. Fluttershy's a pony. A mare.

But, his cock happily reminded him, she was still a woman. And goddamn it all. He could see it. The appeal of her body. Her long pink hair. Sweet green eyes. Plump lips. Cheeky ass. Her trim waist and the little pink-ish nubs that hid between her yellow hairs.

Plus ponies didn't care about looking. Not with how they bent down and over all the place.

But Samuel cared. He wasn't a pervert who was going to have his naughty eyed feast of a friendly mare just because it has been a long, long time since he got anything since he arrived in Equestria.