Anonymous Pony

by Brawney Hooves

First published

A pegasus wakes up in a morgue and can't remember who he is.

Who am I? Thats what a pegasus pony asks himself when he wakes from the dead and crashes at Sweet Apple Acres. Anonymous searches Ponyville for answers to his identity. Who is he? Why did he wake up in a morgue? Why is he an adult pony and have a blank flank? So many questions and very little answers. Can Anonymous find out who he is and find his place in Equestria, or is he doomed to be anonymous forever?

The Waking Dead

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A pony awoke gasping for breath as he bolted up; as his eyes adjusted he began to make out shapes in the dark. He didn’t know where he was or how he got there; in fact he didn’t know anything. His past, where he lived, not even his name. The pony began to realize that he was sitting on a cold slab and slide off making clopping noises on the floor.
Where am I?” He thought as he moved slowly in the dark.

Wherever he was it wasn’t just dark, the room was also cold…cold as death.

There has to be a light around here somewhere.” He muttered to himself.

The pony banged into what felt like a table and cursed as he continued walking. The pony wasn’t afraid of the dark, but the silence and not being able to see was unnerving. Finally the pony spotted something he recognized; on a nearby desk was something that resembled a flashlight. He pressed the button with his hoof and took it in his mouth.

Much better.” He thought as he turned around to see where he was, though he almost wished he hadn’t.
For the light revealed metal tables with various ponies on them and they weren’t breathing. The pony approached the closest pony a green unicorn mare that appeared as if she was sleeping, yet something in his mind told him otherwise. He lifted a hoof and touched the unicorn lightly and realized that she was cold and devoid of any warmth.

She's dead!” The pony backed away and bumped into another table making a loud clang as he turned and looked for a way out of the room “What is this? Where am I?” His heart raced as he looked at the other ponies on the tables “I need to get out of here!” His mind screamed. He looked around and spotted a door, running faster than he thought possible he reached the door and jiggled the handle only to discover it was locked “Damn it!” He ran back to the desk he had found the flashlight to look for a key, as he searched every draw and cabinet he found nothing except what looked like autopsy reports.

I must be in a morgue.” He thought looking at the reports. As he read them, he realized that they all said the same thing “Death by magical exposure.”

“Hey! What are you doing down here?!” The pony turned to see a doctor standing in the way of the door that was locked. Without thinking the pony ran as fast as he could shoving the doctor out of the way as he ran down the hall “Guards we have an intruder!” The doctor shouted.

The doctor ran not knowing where he was or where he was going, but he didn’t care he just wanted to get away from that morgue as possible.

“Stop right there criminal scum!” He heard a burly Pegasus guard shout.

“No thanks!” He retorted as he rounded a corner.

“By order of princess Celestia we order you to halt!” Another guard shouted.

The pony continued running until he found what he was looking for, an exit. He ran as fast as he could and busted through the door, as he finally smelled the fresh air he took a moment to catch his breath. As he did he began to realize that he had wings resting on his sides, he was so busy trying to find a way out he hadn’t noticed he was a pegasus.

“Well that will help me escape.” He muttered as he splayed his wings.

“Halt!” He turned around to see the two guards that had been chasing him. He began flapping his wings and took off into the air, but soon so did the guards.

As the Pegasus pony soared in the sky he realized that he was flying over Canterlot, and it was late in the evening with Luna’s moon high in the starry sky.

“Halt!” One of the guards shouted.

“Don’t you get tired of saying that, and getting no results?” The pony remarked flapping his wings harder and gaining a burst of speed.

As the chase continued the Pegasus pony found himself over a more rural setting than Canterlot. He could see a field filled with hundred’s maybe thousands of apple orchards.

“That must be a nightmare to harvest.” The pony thought forgetting he was being chased. Getting tired of the chase he decided to lose them by diving into the orchards and soon the guards lost track of him between the number of trees and the lack of sunlight. As the pony flew in-between the trees he heard the guards shouts grow fainter and distant. He smirked realizing that he had given them the slip, it didn’t last long as he took a sharp turn and rammed right into a nearby tree. He grunted in pain and fell to the ground bouncing as he did, finally he stopped when he hit another apple tree and was knocked unconscious.

Apple Tart a six year old filly awoke with a start when she heard a loud bang from outside her window. She got up and made her way to the fields being careful not to wake her mother, aunt and uncle, she lit a lantern and took it in her mouth and began trotting through the fields searching for the source of the noise. She looked around among the hundreds of apple trees until she found one that had toppled over.

“Now how in thunderation did that happen?” She muttered as she placed the lantern down. She trotted over to the tree and saw a trail leading to another tree; she took her lantern again and followed the trail expecting to see another broken tree. What she found however was an unconscious pegasus pony.

“Hey mister! Are you alright?” She asked as she approached the stallion. She inspected the stallion and saw that his wing was sticking at an odd angle “Don’t go anywhere mister, I’ll be right back!” She set down the lantern next to the stallion so she could find him again and ran back to the farm house. She ran through the door ran up the stairs and entered her mother’s bed room “Momma wake up!” Apple Tart shouted.

“Uhhhg…Apple Tart what did ah tell you about momma not being able to play rodeo pony all day?” The mare grumbled.

“But momma there’s a flying pony in the orchard field.”

“You probably just had a dream sugar cube.”

“No! He’s out there right now, and he looks hurt now get up!” The mare grumbled and got out of her bed. She followed her daughter to the fields and just like she said there was a Pegasus lying on the ground with a broken wing.

“Oh, sweet Celestia, Big Mac! Get out here somepony needs help!” The mare walked over to the Pegasus and saw that he was breathing “Well he ain’t dead, that’s a relief.” She looked to the broken tree to her left “But he’s going tah have a lot to answer for when he wakes up!” She heard heavy hoofsteps and knew that her brother Big Macintosh had arrived “Get him to the guest room, hurry!”

Big Mac walked past his sister and hoisted the pegasus onto his back, he then turned and trotted back to the farm house.

“Momma…is he going to be okay?” Apple Tart asked.

“Ah don’t know sugar cube…ah don’t know. I’ll tell you in the mornin’ so you best get right on back to bed.”

“But…” The filly protested.

“Now Apple Tart.” The filly huffed and walked back to the farm house while her mother followed behind her.

The Apple Family

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The pegasus pony slowly opened his eyes as the morning sun filled into to the guest room. He looked around the small room beside his bed was a tray with a glass of apple juice and a slice of apple pie.

“Who left this here? And…where am I?” He tried to get up when a sharp pain shot through his left wing “Gaahh!” He winced and fell back on his bed. Seconds later the door opened to reveal an orange mare with a Stanton hat on her golden mane.

“Well its ‘bout time yah got up.” The mare said smiling as she walked in.

“Who…who are you? And where am I?” The stallion asked.

“Names Applejack and you’re at sweet apple acres stranger.” She walked over to the side of his bed and inspected his wing which had been bandaged. Well you’re grounded for the time being, but that wing should heal up lickety split so long you don’t try to fly with it.” The stallion took the glass of apple juice in his hooves and took several gulps “So, what’s your name stranger?” The stallion looked to Applejack.

“I…I don’t remember.” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“How do you not remember your own name?”

“I don’t remember anything honestly.”

“You must have hit your head pretty hard when you crashed.” The pony shook his head.

“I didn’t remember anything before I ended up here. All I know is that I woke up in a morgue, then I was chased by guards, I tried to lose them in that field of apple trees and that’s when I hurt my wing.”

“Woke up in the morgue…you were dead?” He shrugged.

“I guess. But as you can plainly see I’m not dead anymore.”

“Yah sure ain’t. And since you are awake I’m going to give it to yah straight. Since you’re hurt and you were found on mah property that means you can stay until you’re well again. However that don’t mean you can just lay in bed all day, this is a working family, and everypony that lives at sweet apple acres works no matter how big or small the job, ah hate slackers. You can stay in the guest room, but everypony else’s room is off limits unless ah say otherwise got it?” The Pegasus nodded “Good, now if you’ll excuse me ah have apple to buck. And if yah feel up to it you can join me later to help with the harvest.”

“Well my legs still work so I guess I can’t refuse.”

“Glad tah hear it stranger.” Applejack furrowed her brow as if she was thinking “You need a name, we can’t be calling yah stranger forever.”

“But I don’t have a name.” The stallion replied.

“Well we have to call you something.” The stallion began to think, but no matter how hard he tried his name eluded him.
“I…I can’t just can’t remember it at all.”

“So ah guess you’re completely anonymous than.” The stallion’s ears perked up.

“Anonymous…I like that. That’s what I’ll call myself.”

“Really? That’s what you want to call yourself?”

“Why not? Seems to fit me perfectly.” He chuckled.

“Well if that’s what yah want to be called then so be it. Meet the rest of the family in the kitchen when you’re ready…Anonymous.” Applejack said uncertainly.

“Sure thing Miss Applejack.”

“Just call me Applejack.” She corrected.

“Alright…Applejack.” Applejack left the room as Anonymous reached for the apple pie slice realizing he was starving. He ate the pie in two large bites then got out of his bed to inspect himself in the bedroom mirror. He looked to be in his thirties, he had a jet black mane and tail with a blue coat, and his eyes were bright green. As he inspected his back he saw his bandaged wing and then his eyes fell on his flank and saw that it was vacant of a cutie mark.

“No name, no memory, and no cutie mark? This just keeps getting weirder.” Anonymous said aloud as left the room to see the rest of the house.

Anonymous made his way to the kitchen to meet the rest of Applejacks family. At the table was a red draft stallion, a red headed mare with a red bow, and a small filly that looked startlingly similar to Applejack save for her mane being braided and minus a cowpony hat.

“Uncle Big Mac look! Our guest is awake!” The little filly cried excitedly.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac said flatly.

“We were startin’ tah thing you’d never wake up. Yah already missed breakfast.” The mare with the bow said sounding slightly relieved.

Anonymous smiled weakly and sat beside the filly at the table.

“Mah names Apple Tart, what’s yours?” She asked.

“Anonymous.” He stated.

“What kind of name is that?” Apple Tart asked.

“Apple Tart it’s his name so leave him alone!” The mare scolded. As Anonymous picked up a rather juicy looking apple and was about to eat when Apple Tart spoke again.

“Hey you’re a blank flank just like me! Why is that?”

“Apple Tart hush now!” The mare said frowning.

“I’m just curious Aunt Apple Bloom!”

“Well it ain’t any of your business. If he doesn’t want to talk than leave him be.” Anonymous raised a hoof.

“It’s okay Apple Bloom; I don’t really know why I don’t have a cutie mark. I guess I never found what made me unique. As for my name…I can’t remember my name so I chose Anonymous until I do.”

“Why can’t you remember your name?” Apple Tart asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Why?” Apple Tart asked
“I just don’t.”

“Why?” She continued.

“Well you are just full of questions aren’t you?” Anonymous chuckled.

“Too many if you ask me.” Apple Bloom said munching on an apple.

“How long are you staying her Anonymous?” Apple Tart asked.

“I think a week at the latest.” He said drinking some apple juice “Is Applejack still…what was it she said? Apple Bucking?”

“Eeyup.” Said Big Mac.

“Sorry if she laid to many rules on yah Anonymous, but mah sister takes pride in her work and she doesn’t like slackers.”

“Don’t worry; I don’t want to be a moocher. If I’m stuck here for a week or so I might as well pull my own weight.” Apple Bloom looked to Anonymous with an expression of surprise.

“Well ah didn’t expect yah to be so ready to help so soon. Ah expected yah to stay in bed for a day or two.”

“Well Applejack made it clear that I have to earn my keep around her so I might as well get started.”

“Eeyup.” Replied Big Mac.

Anonymous finished eating and made his way outside to meet with Applejack. He soon found her bucking a tree and collected the stray apples that didn’t land in the large buckets. While walking over to an apple she spotted Anonymous.

“Howdy Anonymous. Yah ready for some apple buckin’?” She asked placing the apple in the bucket.

“That’s what you do? No offense, but apple bucking seems…dangerous.”

“It can be if yah do it wrong, but I’ve been bucking apples all mah life so it ain’t a problem with Bucky magiligily and Kicks magee.”

“Who?” Anonymous asked confused. Applejack raised her right back leg and then the left.

“You named your legs?” He said baffled.

“Why not? I’m going to be stuck with them forever, might as well give them some personality.” Anonymous shook his head and walked over to Applejack “Now since you’re new around here and new tah apple buckin’. I’m going to give you something easy, just pick up all the apples that don’t fall in the buckets while I do all the hard stuff.”

“You got it.” Applejack walked over to another tree and gave it a hard kick causing the apples to fall “You make it look so easy.” He mused.

“Like ah said I’ve been apple buckin’ all mah life, and it’s given me the strongest legs in Equestria, next to Big Mac that is.”

“It certainly shows.” Anonymous commented looking at her toned rear. Applejack gave him a look “Uh, in the apple bucking I mean.” He started to blush from embarrassment.

“Well thank yah for the complement, mah girls appreciate it.” As Applejack moved to another tree Anonymous realized something.

“Hey, I met your sister, brother, and daughter. But I haven’t seen your husband yet, does he go to town and sell apples?”

“Ain’t got a husband anymore.” She said sadly.

“Where is he? Did you two get divorced?”

“No he…he died.” Anonymous flattened his ears.

“Oh…I’m sorry…how did he die?”

“Stampede…tried to corral the animals but…” She went quiet.

“I’m sorry it was none of my business.”

“No…it’s okay. You would have found out sooner or later.” She bucked the next tree slightly harder than before.

“Great job idiot!” Anonymous scolded himself as he went to pick up the apples.

The apple bucking continued for several hours until it was finally done. Anonymous was exhausted from the sun heating his head and seeing how Applejack herself was from all the hard work.

“Do you want me to take over?” He asked her.

“No!” She snapped. She glared at him, but it soon vanished “I’m…I’m sorry Anonymous, but apple buckin’ is a family matter and yah ain’t quite family.”

“That’s okay. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“No…no it ain’t your fault. Ah know you just want to help it’s just…apple buckin’ used to be what me and mah husband used to do.” Anonymous nodded.

“I completely understand, but you don’t have to do all the work yourself.”

“Ah don’t, Big Mac takes care of the other side of the farm and ah do this one. Apple Bloom and Apple Tart take care of making Apple juice and cider.”

“And I pick up the apples.” He remarked.

“And you pick up the apples, so yah see everypony has a job.” Applejack looked to Anonymous and saw him sweating profusely. She then walked over and took her hat off and placed it on his head “You need it more than ah do.” She then walked back to the farm house “Well our jobs done so I’d say it’s time to get somethin’ tah eat.” Anonymous heard his stomach groan.

“I guess I am pretty hungry, watching you buck those trees gave me an appetite.”

“Well that’s good, because Apple Bloom loves to hear what newcomers think of her cooking.” The two ponies walked inside the farm house and their nostrils were hit with the aroma of apples.

“Mmmm.” Anonymous said as he trotted to the kitchen and sat at the table. Before him were apple pie, apple juice, apple slices, apple jam, caramel apples, apple cinnamon crisps, and apple tarts. Anonymous couldn’t believe the assortment that was before him, and he didn’t know where to start first. Soon he decided on one everything and filled his plate. After finishing minutes later he gave a satisfied sigh.

“Ah guess my cooking was to your likin’” Apple Bloom Chuckled.

“That was some of the best apple anything I have ever tasted.” Anonymous replied smiling feeling full.

“Glad you liked it. Always like to know what strangers think of mah home cooking.” She took his plate and brought it to the sink.

“All right Apple Tart time for bed.” Applejack told the filly.

“But ah don’t want to go to bed yet momma! Can’t you let me stay up just a little longer?” She whined.

“Don’t sass your mother now get goin’ young lady.” Apple Tart huffed, but sat up and trotted upstairs.

“Ah love that filly, but sometimes she can be bull headed.” Applejack got up from the table and followed her daughter upstairs “Make sure yah brush all your teeth! Ah don’t want to see that tooth brush bone dry!” She hollered.

Anonymous trotted back to his room ready to refresh his body from the day’s events. He pulled the sheets with his mouth and slowly lowered himself onto the bed, careful not to lie on his injured wing which was still sending off waves of pain. As he lay there Applejack suddenly entered his room.

“You alright sugar? Do yah need anything?”

“No, I think I’ll be fine. But thanks for asking.”

“Alright then, I’ve got to put Apple Tart to bed, but give a holler if yah need anything.”’

“I will Applejack, thanks.” Applejack shut the door and left Anonymous alone with his thoughts.

“I guess once my wing heals I’ll have to find out who I am or where I came from.” He thought back to the cold dark room of the morgue and he shuddered “How did I get there, how did I die?” He rubbed his temples “Well maybe it will come to me tomorrow.” He rested his head and suddenly his thoughts turned to Applejack, her accent, her green eyes, her golden ponytail mane, she began filling his mind “She’s cute I’ll give her that, but I don’t have feelings for her…do I?”

One of the Family

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Anonymous spent the next few days helping around the farm, sometimes he would be put in charge of plowing the field’s with Big Mac, others he helped Apple Bloom with making apple juice, and once he was asked to watch Apple Tart while Applejack and Big Mac had to head to Ponyville to sell their products. Apple Tart had taken a liking to Anonymous and was often seen following him around as he worked. Apple Bloom and Applejack tried to be friendly by trusting her with him, but Anonymous would catch Applejack eyeing him. He didn’t blame her though; he doubted he would entirely trust his own daughter with a stallion he had just met. As he spent time with Apple Tart and the others he began to wonder, who was his family? Did he even have one? He would continually try to remember who he was even if it was the tiniest thing, yet each time he came up with nothing.

His wing was beginning to heal and soon he would be leaving to start a new life rediscover his old one whichever came first. He was saddened by the thought as he had grown accustomed to being around Applejack and her family and he was going to miss waking up to the smell of apples in the morning, he was also going to miss Apple Tart who was constantly trying to get him to play games with her or show him how to make the perfect apple cider. But most of all…most of all he would miss Applejack, her eyes, her mane, her sweet smell of apples. He liked being around her she had been very friendly towards him even when she barely knew him. Something about her made him want to stay and be with her. But he also wanted to stay because he saw how sad she was, she would smile and put on a brave face for everyone, but sometimes late at night when he was restless and walked around the farm he would see her out in the fields letting out loud sobs. He assumed she was crying for her lost love so he never approached her and let her be. He wanted to make her happy, to comfort her, to just tell her it would be okay. But he was afraid of her becoming angry at him for spying, telling him to leave and never come back.

“What do I do? If I stay she might get suspicious, and if I go I might not see her again. I might lose her one way or the other.” Anonymous banged his head against the barn wall as he thought.

“Anonymous?” He turned to see Applejack looking at him concerned “Are you alright hon?”

“Uh, yeah I’m fine. Just uh…getting some air.” She smiled at him.

“Well come on inside its time for dinner.”

“Great I’m starving!” The two ponies walked back to the farm house and were greeted by the smell of apples “I never get tired of that smell.” Anonymous mused.

“Me neither.” Applejack replied. They sat down at the table and began eating the apple laden meal before them “Constar it!” Applejack shouted smacking her head with a fore leg.

“What?” Anonymous asked startled.

“Ah plum forgot about the delivery ah was supposed to make at Ponyville! We were supposed to drop off a large shipment of apples before sundown, ah was so tired from apple buckin’ that it slipped my mind! Wouldn’t be the first time I almost missed somethin’ because ah was tired.” She got up and made her way outside and hooked herself up to a cart and ran down the road to Ponyville.

Anonymous finished eating his food, placed his dishes in the sink, and started to head upstairs to brush his teeth. Before they could he head upstairs however Apple Tart came running up to them with tears running down her face.

“What’s wrong Apple Tart?” Anonymous asked.

“Ma…mah doll…it caught on a nail and…and…” She held out a rather old looking doll that had a hole where its leg should have been.

“Oh… I’m sorry about that.” He said sadly.

“Where’s momma? Ah need her to fix it.”

“She left to make a delivery to Ponyville Apple Tart.”

“What!? But ah…ah need my doll fixed, mommas the only one that can fix anything real good.” She held her doll to her chest and sniffled.

“How about I try to fix it?” Anonymous offered.

“Just like momma can?” She asked.

“I don’t know about that, but I’ll try.” Apple Tart handed him the doll and they walked over to a desk with a sewing kit.
Anonymous threaded the needle and began working on reattaching the leg to the doll. Within minutes the doll was repaired.

“Here you go.” He handed her the doll.

“Wow…this is even better than how momma does it. Thank you Anonymous!” She hugged the doll tightly to her chest.

“You’re welcome.” Anonymous watched as she ran upstairs to play with the doll in her room “How did I know how to sew?” Anonymous walked upstairs and brushed his teeth in the bathroom, when he finished he walked down the hall to put out the lights and then turned to head back to his room when he saw Apple Tart sitting in her bed awake “Apple Tart what are you doing up? You should have been asleep a few minutes ago?”

“Ah can’t sleep. Momma always tucks me in at night.”

“Do you want me to do it?” She nodded and Anonymous walked over to her small bed and tucked the sheets around her.

“Anonymous…do you like momma?” The filly asked.

“Of course I do, she’s a good honest, hardworking pony, and a wonderful mother.”

“No ah mean…do you like her like daddy used to like her?”

“Oh…uh…well…” He wasn’t sure how to answer.

“I’ve seen you looking at momma a lot. And Your face turns red sometimes when she has her back turned.”

“What do you want me to say?”

“The truth, do you like momma like daddy did?” She looked at him with large green eyes.

“You promise not to tell her?” Anonymous asked.”

“Ah promise.” He took a breath.

“Yes sweetie, I do like her like your daddy did.”

“Ah won’t tell her ah promise.” He smiled.

“Good, now go to sleep okay?”

“Okay…Anonymous, thanks for fixing mah doll.”

“You are very welcome.” He ruffled her mane, turned off the light and watched her turn over in her bed with her doll under her foreleg. He started to leave the room.

“Goodnight daddy.” Apple Tart said sleepily.

Anonymous stopped in his tracks and looked back at the sleeping filly. He looked at her for a few seconds and then smiled before shutting the door and walked down stairs to his room. As he sat on the edge of his bed he began to think about her calling him daddy, he felt something inside him that felt like it had been missing for a while. As he thought he heard a voice that belonged to a filly, but not Apple Tart.

“Good night daddy.” Anonymous shook his head and got settled into his bed almost instantly drifting off to sleep.

Applejack returned home exhausted from the trip, she unhooked herself and walked back into the farmhouse. She walked upstairs and checked on her daughter who was sound asleep with her doll in her arms; Applejack walked over and planted a gentle kiss on Apple Tarts forehead.

“Goodnight sugar cube…sweet dreams.” She left the room and shut the door before going to her own room. She sat on the edge of her bed and picked up a photo of her and a brown earth pony stallion with a hat similar to hers “Goodnight sugar cube…I love you.” She kissed the photo and set it back down and then got settled into her bed, as she shut her eyes a single tear ran down her cheek as she gave a slight sniffle.

Down on the ground floor in the guest room, Anonymous allowed a small tear to slide down his face as he heard the voice again.

“I love you daddy.”

A Hat In The Storm

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Anonymous awoke early the next morning; he stretched his limbs and left the room. He walked into the kitchen and found Apple Bloom making breakfast.

“Morning Apple Bloom.” He yawned.

“Morning Anonymous.” She smiled at him while she cooked “Hey, do you mind waking up Applejack? She needs to get to work.”

“I’ll get her.” He started making his way up the stairs and approached Applejacks bedroom door.

“Applejack! It’s time to get up!” There was now answer “Applejack rise and shine!” The room was still quiet “Applejack?” He turned the knob and discovered that the door was unlocked, he pushed the door open and saw that she wasn’t in her bed “Applejack…are you in here?” He started to walk in hoping to find some hint of where she was, her room was fairly larger than his current room and the bed was big enough for two ponies to sleep in. He knew why that was and it saddened him slightly at the thought of her sleeping in a large bed by herself. He looked around and spotted a box on a desk, the lid was open slightly and curiosity got the better of him as he walked over and lifted the lid more. Inside was a golden necklace with an orange gem in the shape of an apple.

“I didn’t take her for liking jewelry…maybe her husband got it for her?” He shut the lid thinking of leaving as he saw nothing that told him where Applejack could have gone, as he was about to leave he spotted a worn Stanton hat on a hat rack above the bed. It wasn’t Applejack’s, it looked similar, but the colors were darker “Must be a spare.” He looked out her bedroom window and saw the sun looking rather harsh outside. He looked back at the hat and took it off the hook and placed it on his head and it fit perfectly “I’ll put it back once the work is done.” He said to himself as he looked at himself in a nearby mirror, wearing the hat Anonymous couldn’t help but think that the hat suited him. He tilted the hat slightly and formed a seductive grin.

“Well howdy Miss Applejack. That basket of apples you’re carrying sure does look heavy, mind if I…help you out.” He put on a southern accent.

“Why of course you can Mister Anonymous, ah sure am lucky to have such a big, strong stallion like you here on the farm.” He then switched back to his own voice.

“Well I’d do anything for a mare as lovely as you.”

“Ah, shucks you’re just saying that!”

“No I would never say something that wasn’t true…in fact to prove it to you how about we go inside the barn and…do some private apple bucking?”

“But Mister Anonymous, there ain’t any apple trees to buck in the barn.”

“Well I’ve got a tree between my haunches that needs a good bucking from a lovely mare such as you.”

“Mister Anonymous! How can you say such vulgarity?”

“It isn’t vulgarity Miss Applejack it’s the truth…I think you are the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. And I’d do anything to make you happy Miss Applejack…anything.”

“What in the hell are you doing?!” Anonymous snapped back to reality as he spun around and saw Applejack glaring at him.

“I…I was just…”

“Take it off…take it off right now!”

“Take what off?” He was scared and confused at this point, how much had she heard?

“Take that hat off of your filthy head right now!” She was shaking with anger.

“I’m- I’m sorry I just thought I could borrow it for working outside.” She walked up to him and stared him down.

“Take my husband’s hat off of your mangy head right now, or I’ll buck it off!” Anonymous removed the hat from his head and handed it to her “Is this how you work? You act all sweet and helpful only to go through other ponies belongings?!”

“I…I was looking for you, and you weren’t in so…”

“So yah just thought you’d take someponies most beloved possession and wear it on your head! And who in thunderation were you talking to?”

“I…I wasn’t talking to anypony!” He was starting to sweat.

“Don’t lie! Ah heard you talkin’ to somepony up here! I heard you say mah name, were you making fun of me!?”

“No! I would never make fun of you Applejack!”

“Get out! Get out and don’t let me see you in here again!” Anonymous quickly left the room and he heard the door slam behind him, shortly after he heard loud sobs from inside her room. Anonymous hung his head and walked downstairs to leave the house.

Anonymous sat outside under a tree feeling stupid for ever going inside her room. His heart had been broken by how angry he had made her and he hung his head in shame. It had been a few hours since that moment and the bright sunny day that was there this morning was being replaced by dark storm clouds. The wind was starting to pick up, but he didn’t care, facing a storm would be better than facing Applejack again. In the distance there was a low rumble, and he knew the storm would hit soon. He got up and left the tree knowing how dangerous of a decision that would be, rain started to come down and caused his fur and mane to become wet and matted. Instead of taking shelter in the farmhouse he took refuge in the barn and found a soft pile of hay to sit on.

The storm began to rage outside as thunder, lightning, and rain hit in every direction, and the wind howled making startling noises. Anonymous knew he wasn’t getting back in the house so he decided to get comfy until it died down…that is if Applejack would let him back in.

“You bucking idiot! Why would you go into her room and touch her things? That’s something a weird pervert does…that’s something…I would do…” He covered his face with his hooves and he groaned.

“Celestia damn it!” A loud shout was heard outside the barn causing Anonymous to lift his head and look outside the door. He saw Applejack outside in the rain only her hat was missing “Get back here you!” She shouted at the sky. Anonymous looked up and saw her hat flying in the breeze, Anonymous ran outside to meet her.

“Applejack get inside!”

“No, ah ain’t leaving mah hat in this storm!” she began pacing back and forth as it twirled in the air.

“Applejack it’s just a hat! You can get a new one!”

“Ah don’t need, or want a new one! That was my pappy’s hat and ah ain’t leaving it out here!” She made a grab for it with her mouth as it swooped by and she missed.

“Why do you need your pappy’s hat?” He asked her.

“Because before he left he said that as long as ah had his hat, the farm would always be mine! And ah ain’t giving it up!” Anonymous looked at her and then to the hat as the wind blew it further away. Anonymous saw the despair in Applejacks eyes.

“Is it that important to you?” He asked. She nodded and in a split second Anonymous ran after the hat.

“Hey, where are you going!” She shouted.

“I’m getting the farm back to you!” He called back.

“Are you crazy!? You could die or get hurt!”

“Maybe!” Anonymous ran full gallop after the hat ignoring AJ’s protests.

Anonymous ran as fast as he could, not taking his eyes off of the hat. It was way up in the air however and no matter how close he was it was always out of reach.

“If only I could fly!” He looked to his bandaged wing and then to the hat “I’d do anything for you Applejack…anything.” He grabbed the bandages with his teeth and ripped them off, he then splayed both his wings and took off into the sky. Soon he was within reaching distance of AJ’s at and made a grab for it and missed.

“Hold still!” He shouted as he tried again. He made several attempts before he finally grabbed it in his mouth. As he did however a powerful guest blew past and began blowing Anonymous away, but he held on to the hat as if his life depended on it. As he tumbled in the air he felt something grab his torso and he looked down to see Applejack had grabbed him with a lasso.

“Mold mh phit!” She muttered through the rope in her mouth. She began pulling and backing upto pull Anonymous to the ground.

“Phanks” He mumbled through the hat. Applejack nodded and they both ran back to the barn.

They trotted in the barn and shut the doors to keep the rain and win out. Once the doors had been securely shut they sighed and then looked to each other.

“Thanks for saving me back there.” He said shyly.

“Thanks for saving mah hat.” She replied. Anonymous placed the hat on her wet head and smiled.

“It does look good on you.” He said smiling.

“Ah think so too.” She chuckled. Applejack looked to his wing “Looks like you’re all healed.” Anonymous flexed his wing.

“Yep…it doesn’t even hurt anymore.”

“Ah guess you can be on your way tomorrow.”

“Oh…yeah I…I guess I can leave now.” He looked to the ground.

“What’s wrong sugar?” She asked him.

“It…it’s just…I’m really going to miss this place.” He replied glumly.

“Well don’t worry. You can come back anytime you want.” He looked at her surprised.

“You mean you’re not mad anymore?”

“Well ah can’t say I’m happy that you went through my husband’s things…but ah think you just made up for it.” She smiled at him.

“You said it was important to you.”

“It is…almost as much as mah family.” Anonymous smiled.

“Well…glad I could help get it back…and I’m sorry for wearing your husband’s hat. It was a stupid thing to do.”

“Yes it was. Especially when you were making fun of the mare that’s treated you like family.” She smirked.

“I wasn’t making fun of you Applejack I was…” He stopped.


“Nothing…you’re right it wasn’t a good thing for me to do.” He turned to walk away but then he felt a hoof on his shoulder.

“Anonymous…is there something you ain’t telling me?” He looked back at her and stared into her beautiful green eyes with his own.

“Applejack I…” He halted.


“I…I really like being here on the farm and…thank you for everything that you and your family have done for me, I hope that one day…I can find a mare as wonderful as you.” She blushed slightly.

“Well I’m sure she’s out there somewhere, yah just have to keep looking.” Anonymous smiled and walked over to a pile of hay and curled into a ball. He began to shut his eyes when he heard hoofsteps approach him; he looked up to see Applejack looking down at him. She then sat down next to him and pressed her wet, yet soft body next to his as she curled into a ball shutting her eyes. Anonymous just looked down at her sleeping form and then extended a wing over her body like a blanket. He then rested his head and tried to sleep.

“Maybe there is a chance we can be together after all.” He thought as he entered the void of sleep.

Starting Over

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Anonymous opened his eyes; he had forgotten where he was or why he was there as his eyes began to adjust. As he began getting the feeling back in his body he felt something soft against his front, he looked down and saw Applejack curled up next to him with a small smile on her face. He couldn’t believe that the mare he secretly loved was so close to him, he didn’t want to wake her up, but the storm had passed and no doubt Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and Apple Tart were worried about them. Regretfully he retracted his wing and began nudging her awake.

“Applejack…c’mon get up the storms past.” She murmured and snuggled up to him “Come on…wake up.” She slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

“W-what…where am I?” She asked still sleepy.

“In the barn, we had to take shelter from the storm remember?” She looked up at him and smiled.

“Oh, right…sorry ah guess ah forgot from all the excitement.” She stood up and walked over to the barn doors and began opening them.

“Hey Applejack…why were you out in the storm in the first place?”

“Ah came out to call you back in, the storm was about to hit.” She pushed open the doors grunting as she did and warm sunlight began to fill into the barn.

“Wait…you wanted me back in after I went into your room?”

“Well ah couldn’t let you stay out in the rain now could ah. Sure ah was mad, but you’re still mah responsibility.” The two ponies walked under the now bright sun warming their bodies as they walked back to the farmhouse.

“Wait…Applejack. There’s something I need to tell you.”

“Whatever it is it can wait till later. Ah don’t want the others to worry about us.”

“Yeah…I guess you’re right.” As they entered the farmhouse they were greeted by the rest of the family who were relieved to see them both safe and unharmed.

“I’m so glad both of you are alright!” Apple bloom said hugging her sister and then Anonymous.

“Sorry we didn’t come sooner, we got caught in the storm.” Anonymous explained.

“Well I’m glad you’re both okay and ah see your wings all better too.”

“Yeah it feels great now.” He extended his wing to show them that was indeed healed.

“So…ah guess this means you’ll be leaving tomorrow?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“I…I guess so.” He lowered his head.

“We’ll…we’ll miss you Anonymous.” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“Eeyup.” Big Mac replied.

“Thanks…I’ll miss you guys too.” Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Applejack went to their rooms upstairs, while Anonymous stayed where he was and sighed sadly.

Night had fallen and Anonymous was sitting on the porch looking at the stars. He wasn’t sure what he would do tomorrow when he left sweet apple acres, but he hoped he could make a decent living where ever he went. He looked at the hundreds of now empty apple trees and he thought back to Applejack and immediately his heart began to race.

“Sure is lovely ain’t it.” He looked back to see Applejack standing behind him “Mind if ah join you?”

“Not at all.” Applejack walked over and sat down next to him and immediately the smell of apples hit his snout.

“Anonymous, ah wanted to thank you for being such a big help around the farm this week. Things just haven’t been the same since mah husband passed away.” She looked up at the sky “I hope he’s happy wherever he is.”

“I’m sure he is.” Anonymous said kindly.

“Anonymous…do you really not remember anything about who you are?” He nodded “Ah can’t imagine what that must be like, no family, no friends, and no idea where yah came from.” She looked over at Anonymous and saw his saddened expression “I’m sorry…that didn’t help did it?”

“Nope.” He replied flatly “But…I do remember one thing.”

“What would that be?” She asked him.

“I was a father… a husband.” Applejack looked at him surprised.

“That’s good news. Now you can go find them, ah reckon they miss you somethin’ awful.” He shook his head.
“They won’t.”

“Why not?”

“They died…a long time ago…that much I remember.” Applejack’s ears dropped.

“Anonymous…I’m so sorry.”

“It’s all in the past, no sense worrying about it.” Anonymous looked at the stars. “I hope they’re happy…where ever they are.” Applejack smiled.

“I’m sure they are.” They avoided each other’s gaze “Well…ah better put Apple Tart to bed. Goodnight Anonymous.” She started to get up when Anonymous placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Applejack…there’s…there’s something I need to tell you.” Applejack sat back down and looked at him “Applejack…I told you that I would miss being here when I have to go…but that wasn’t the whole truth.” He looked deep into her eyes “The real reason I don’t want to leave is because…I…I love you Applejack.” Applejack looked at him slightly startled and then began to blush.

“Sugar…I’d be lying if ah told you that ah didn’t like you just the tiniest bit.” Anonymous smiled at her words “But…ah…ah just can’t feel that way about you.” His smile vanished.

“Why? Why can’t you love me?”

“Because…ah made a promise to my husband and ah could never break that promise no matter what…I’m sorry.” She started to get up when Anonymous grabbed her again standing up to meet her at eye level.

“Please Applejack, just give us a chance. You make me so happy when you’re around me. I may not remember much of my past, but I do remember that I was lonely and unhappy for the longest time…and then when I saw you…It all just disappeared. And I know that you have been sad and alone for a long time too, I've seen you in the fields crying, and I want to make you happy.”

“Anonymous…” She whispered as she looked into his eyes.

“Whenever I’m with you…I can almost remember who I was, I can see bits and pieces of my life, and I actually feel…I actually feel whole again when I’m with you.” She continued to look into his eyes silently “Please don’t spur me and Apple Tart are the closest thing to a family I have right now…just say that you love me and we can be together…please.” He brought his face to hers and kissed her gently on her orange lips, he began to taste her sweet taste of apples. She started to meet him with her own kisses when suddenly she pulled back and looked into his eyes sadly.

“Ah can’t…” She turned away and walked back into the farmhouse leaving Anonymous alone and heart broken.

The following morning Applejack had gotten up to wake the others.

“Rise and shine Apple Tart!”

“Okay momma!” She moved down the hall and knocked on Big Mac’s door and then moved to Apple Blooms door. When she was certain that her siblings were up she trotted down stairs and went to the guest room, she hesitated at first not sure how Anonymous would react.

“Anonymous, it’s time to get up!” There was no answer “Sugar cube…are you alright?” She turned the knob and the door opened, she looked inside to see the room completely empty “Anonymous?” She stepped into the room and spotted a note on the bed, she took the note, opened it and began reading.

“Dear Applejack. Thank you for the roof over my head, the food in my belly, and the acceptance I didn’t expect to find. But after last night, I realized that I couldn’t stay here anymore. Staying at sweet apple acres would be too painful seeing you every day, knowing that I can never have you. I left in the middle of the night and will be long gone by the time you read this, so don’t come looking for me. I’m sorry if this makes you feel guilty, but I can’t stay here any longer. I’ll always value the kindness you and your family has shown me, but I don’t think I will be returning ever again. Tell Apple Tart that I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye, and that I think that she will grow up to be a fine cowpony like you someday. It’s time I started over and made a new life for myself, every time I see an apple I’ll think of you. Thank you for everything and I wish you luck with the farm. Goodbye and farewell
-Anonymous Pony.

Applejack stared at note dumbstruck, she was so shocked by the letter she didn’t notice Apple Tart walk into the room.

“Momma, where’s Anonymous?” She looked down at her daughter trying to break the news.

“Sugar cube…I’m sorry, but…Anonymous is gone.”

“Gone? When is he coming back?” Her eyes started to glisten.

“I’m sorry honey…he isn’t comin’ back.” Apple Tart began to cry realizing that she had lost her friend “I’m sorry sugar.” Applejack sat down and hugged her as tight as she could.

“Ah didn’t even get to say goodbye.” Apple Tart sobbed.

“Ah know sweetie, he…he wanted you to know that he was sorry for not saying goodbye.” Apple Tart sobbed harder as Apple Bloom and Big Mac looked at them sadly.


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Anonymous walked down the dirt path, his heart heavy with guilt and sadness. He could have flown the whole way to the next town, but his heart just wasn’t in it as he slowly trotted along. He could only imagine what the apple family was thinking of him at this very moment, and the thought made his eyes glisten. He continued his way down the road until he spotted a town in the distance, the sign ahead read Ponyville, Anonymous recalled Applejack mentioning it while they talked doing chores.

“I probably shouldn’t stay too long, least I run into Applejack again.” Anonymous trotted over the stone bridge that led into town and made his way over to the nearest inn. He approached the desk and paid for the room before heading upstairs and getting settled into his room. It was small only a bed and bedside table with a lamp, it wasn’t as nice as the guest room at Sweet Apple Acres, and he missed the smell of apples filling the room. Feeling claustrophobic he left the room and made his way back outside, he began to see ponies starting their routines, he saw two ponies a sea foam green unicorn with a white earth pony sitting on a bench. The odd thing was that the unicorn was sitting on her back legs unlike her companion.

Trying his best not to stare Anonymous began looking around trying to figure out where to go from where he was.
“I need a job… but if I stay here I might run into Applejack. I don’t think I can face her again, especially not so soon.” He spotted a tree with a door on it and found himself intrigued when a lavender unicorn stepped out reading a book. He approached the mare and cleared his throat “excuse me?” The unicorn lowered her book just below her eyes to see him. “Sorry, but I’m new around her. Do you know where I can find a source of income?” The unicorn smiled.

“Well, we have several jobs available right now. In fact I think the weather ponies are hiring.”

“Sounds good, who do I talk to about applying?” Before he could get an answer a voice rang out.

“Look out below!” Anonymous and Twilight looked up to see a rainbow manned pony dive bombing in their location, they barely dodged out of the way as the mare landed with a thud. The Pegasus got up shaking her head “Sorry… new trick.” Twilight shook her head.

“Honestly Rainbow one of these days you’re going to really hurt yourself, and we won’t be there to help you.” Rainbow scoffed and then noticed Anonymous.

“Who’s the new guy?”

“He just arrived, said he was looking for work.” Rainbow smiled.

“Well if he’s looking for work the weather ponies could always use an extra set of hooves.” Twilight turned to Anonymous.

“Do you think you would be interested Mister…”

“Anonymous… call me Anonymous.” Twilight and Dash gave each other strange looks.

“Ok… Anonymous. This is Twilight Sparkle, and I’m Rainbow Dash!” She walked up to Anonymous and gave him a cocky smile “Do you think you can handle weather control around Ponyville?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I think I can handle it.” He replied confidently.

“Now that’s the attitude I want to see!” Dash said smiling “Report tomorrow so I can see what you’re made of!” Rainbow Dash splayed her wings and took off into the sky once more.

“Well that was easy.” Anonymous mused looking at Twilight.

“Well now that you are officially part of town why don’t I give you a tour?” Anonymous bit his lip.

“Well… alright, I guess it couldn’t hurt.”

Twilight lead Anonymous around town introducing him to the rest of her friends and other locals. Anonymous could see why Applejack would do business here; it was such a quiet and peaceful town save for the occasional falling Pegasus. His ears flattened as he thought of Applejack.

“Well I think that about covers it, welcome to Ponyville Anonymous.” Twilight said smiling broadly.

“Thanks Twilight, I’m sure I will be very happy here.” Twilight returned to her library as Anonymous walked back to the inn, it was still bright outside, but Anonymous felt like sleeping after getting up early this morning and walking the whole way to town; not to mention the tour he had just been through. Anonymous walked up to his room, locked the door, and then flopped onto his bed almost falling asleep instantly.

“Honey I’m worried.” He heard a mare’s voice accompanied by his own in the dark as he slept.

“It’s just a flu sweetheart nothing to be upset about.” The mare didn’t sound convinced as she continued talking.

“But it’s spreading… I keep hearing that more and more cases of this illness are popping up all over Equestria.”

“Everything will be fine. The Princesses are working on a cure as we speak.”

“But what if they don’t find a cure in time? What if the illness infects us? What if it infects our daughter?”

“If the sickness reaches our region then we’ll move to Canterlot where it is safe I promise.”

“But what if they won’t let us in?” The mare asked fearfully.

“They will, we just have to be careful and avoid the sick, then we…” He stopped when he heard a door open.

“Daddy… I s everything alright?” A filly asked.

“Everything’s fine sweetie, go back to bed.” The door closed and the mare continued talking.

“How can you be so calm about this? We could all be sick tomorrow and your acting like it’s just a raincloud passing through.”

“Everything will be fine, I know it will. With Celestia and Luna ruling over Equestria this sickness will be dealt with in no time.”

“I hope you’re right my love and I wish I had your confidence.” The door opened and closed.
“Everything will be fine… I know it will.”

Anonymous awoke suddenly and looked around to see that night had fallen. He turned on his bedside lamp and looked around his small room.

“Was…was I…did I just remember something from my past?” Anonymous shook his head and then resumed sleeping. As he shut his eyes he began to hear disembodied whispers, they tickled at the back of his head as he tried to understand what they were saying. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t understand the whispers, finally he gave up trying to sleep, got up, left the room and then the inn. Anonymous looked at the night sky and spread his wings taking off into the sky, the wind underneath his wings made him feel alive and he allowed a grin to form on his face.