What a Better Way to Live Life (sort of)

by alpha_

First published

My name is Michael Z, and how I got here is beyond me. I’m in a land called Equestria, ruled by two ponies who can LITERALLY control the moon and the sun. Why I’m here is something I don’t know but I hope I don’t look too out of place.

The names Michael, Michael Z. I was somehow transported in the land called Equestria after an accident I had which I thought I would’ve died. I don’t know how or why I’m here but what I do know is that I’m going to have one hell of an adventure. Maybe I can have new things in this world, friends? Doing awesome stuff? LOVE?! Naw, right?

I now this is a short Description.

There's just a little gore nothing to serious like: blood just to be safe.



Chapter 1: A whole new world (literally)

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"Urk... my head hurts like hell." I say as I open my eyes only to be blinded by a light. I close my eyes for a second then re-open them back to adjust to the sun. After that I slowly got up but felt a sharp pain in my back. "Arrrgggg! Owowow..”I hissed softly as the pain slowly subdued.

I finally got a look around my area to find that I'm in a grassy open field. Looks like near a forest area in the small distance which confused me greatly.

"Wait a minute.. wasn’t I in my car? How the hell did I get here!?" Suddenly head pounding headache cane back but this time it was even more painful then the last. I hiss in pain and try to ease it with my hand but as soon as I raise my arm. A blunt force truck my head. Making me yelp in pain and the headache worsen. “Owww.. fuuuu..” I look to see not my hand, but a hoof instead.

I felt my eyes widen as I shake my arm. Wondering if it really was my own arm. “What the hell..? What.. am I?” I ask out loud before turning my attention to my surroundings again. I squinted my eyes as I realized I couldn’t see very much far ahead of me. I cursed softly as I looked around for my glasses.

Finally spotting them next to me, I slowly reach out with my weird hooves and carefully picked them up from the ground. After successfully doing so after a few failed attempts, I put them on my face.

However as I put on my glasses, I noticed my face felt weird. It was longer, as well as my nose and jaw. ’A muzzle? I really need to see what I am.’ I thought as I look down at myself and felt my jaw drop.

My body changed. No longer my human self but something else entirely. My legs were now hooves as well. It hit me as my body was in the shape of a small equine. With a black tail included.

One thing I found weird however was a mark on my rear. It was a pencil with a line around it as if it was drawing a line. I shook my head. “Today keeps getting weirder and weirder.. I must be in some sort of coma..” I tried to reassure myself. Even though it didn’t help me at all.

I tried to stand only to fall on my belly. I sighed as I struggle to use my new limbs.

“This could take awhile..”

Okay I've been walking around for 10 minutes and I think I've gotten use to this. I looked over to the pond and walk over to it and to see a pony thing as my reflection.

I still have my black hair (did I mention I have a black tail too?) and a light brown coat, my glasses, but something is different. My eyes are blue. My eyes use to be a hazelnut brown, and a horn. "So I'm a horse..? Just great. Well at least I know what I am I guess."

"Now where can I find civilization?" I looked around to see a forest in the far left so I decided why the hell not cause no bad things will happen in a forest. Right?

After making my decision, I head into the forest to find something or someone to help me.

Before I left I notice something of the corner of my eye. I walk over to it, surprised to see what it was, my jacket that my father gave me and my necklace that my mother gave me when I was very little. How in the name of God did my items get here? Guess I'll never know.

I notice that some clouds were gray and moist was in the air.'Well at least it's better safe then sorry.' I quickly put on my jacket (which was gray and had a hood) on and my necklace and walked in the forest.

Somewere else in the same forest.....

"Dag Nabbit Rainbow! You got us lost!"

"What? No I didn't! I just uhh...didn't pick the right direction!"

"Yeah the direction to get lost! Ya know, we wouldn't be in this here situation if ya hadn't done that 'stunt' that lead you to wind up in the Everfree! Plus ya sprained yer wing!"

Two mares walking in the forest one is Applejack and the other, Rainbow Dash. The two are arguing on how Rainbow Dash tried to do a new trick while Applejack was watching. Said pony was almost finishing her stunt until she sprained one of her wings during flight and crashed into the Everfree Forest and Applejack followed without thinking to help her.

The two were still arguing, not paying attention to their surroundings. Until they heard a growl. If they had been arguing any louder they would've missed hearing it.

"D-did you h-hear that?" Applejack asks nervously to which Rainbow nods, becoming nervous as well.

They turned around were the source of the growl is and saw not one, not two, but three pairs of glowing green eyes.

"Uh AJ?"

"Yeah Rainbow?"

"Run?" Rainbow asks with a gulp.

"Run." Applejack replies back in an instant.

The two mares began running as three Timberwolves gave chase to make them, wanting to make their meal out of them. They hear growls and snarls of the Timberwolves behind the orange and cyan blue mares as they ran as fast as they could.

They ran for what felt like hours, breathing heavily as they grew tired, but kept running, even though there muscles ache and begged to stop. Sweat beam on their coats from all the running and the Timberwolves were not taking a break any time soon.

They ran until the mares and Timberwolves came upon a closed section of the forest with no way through the thick vines. All breathing heavily for how long they ran. "Ah just great. Just what we needed, We're trapped, and three hungry Timberwolves on our flanks to boot!" Applejack says, slowly hyperventilating, breathing fast until a cyan hoof slaps her across her face.

"Get a hold on yourself Applejack! There's only one thing to do left!" Rainbow Dash said.



I continued walking in the forest for what felt like hours, it was raining, it was cold, I was tired, hungry, until.......

That made me yelp in surprise and look around frequently to see who shouted for help.

"HELP US PLEASE!" This was a different voice, more like an western accent. I don't know if I should help them or be a dick and leave them? I don't know. Maybe they can help me find civilization? Maybe there aren't very friendly. I was broken from my thoughts as I heard another scream of one be in pain. It hurts me to hear someone get hurt so without thinking I head towards the voices.

Something about this whole situation didn’t sit right with me. But I pushed that aside, thinking maybe it's just the new weird pony body.


Chapter 2: The wolves that come out to play

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There's sounds of.. growling? As I ran (galloping?) closer to the voices I heard earlier. I was already starting to grow tired of all the running for like 10 minutes. WITHOUT STOP. Finally I made it to the area and....what the....

Two equines what I assumed were women since there voices sound women-ish. Their attakcers are wolfs. But these wolfs are different, upon closer inspection they seemed to be made out of.....WOOD?! Okay I've seen everything now.

Just where am I?!

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of one being in pain. I look on to the orange equine to see a medium sized three claw marks on the sides of her waists. Just seeing the blood oozing from the wound made me shiver. I hate seeing blood, the sheer pain she’s must be in was enough to make me help them, and so without thinking I rushed into view.

Applejack tried to buck the Timberwolves but before she can get into to position to buck them in the face, one of the Timberwolves moves out of the way and slashes at her waist. She rear back and hisses in pain very loudly.

Rainbow Dash hears her and tries to assist her but another Timberwolf blocked her path, causing her to become trapped without her ability to fly her way out. Just when they think all hope was lost they hear something wale, something that made the leaves rustles loudly. They thought it was another Timberwolf, but as if Celestia healer answered their plea for help a pony come out of view.

'Who is that guy?!' Rainbow thought, as she stares at their ‘savior’. He had a light brown coat, black messy mane and tail, and a pencil cutie mark. He appears to be frighten yet at the same time he looked angry at the wolves and says loudly "Hey you wolves! Come on I'm better looking to eat, don't you think?!" He was successful and gain the Timberwolves attention.

The wolves lick their wooden lips upon seeing this strange stallion that appeared out of nowhere. One of the three Timberwolves lunges toward the stallion only him to doge in time for the Timberwolf to hit face-first right into a tree at an alarming speed, breaking itself into of thousands of little pieces of timber.

The stallion got up from the dirt and look back at the other two wolves who were walking around the brown pony, watching his every move as would most predators do while watching their prey. They waited for him to make the first step.

Finally for what felt like an enternity one of the Timbewolves grew impatient and rushes at him with open jaws. Again the pony dodges in time and turns around fast before the wolf could regain it’s composure and the pony strikes the wolf between the eyes with his hoof, smashing its head into pieces.

The final Timberwolf was a bit bigger than the other two suspecting it to be the alpha wolf. The wolf swings its large claws at the pony only to dodge but the Timberwolf was smarter because while the stallion dodged the attack the wolf lunges it's head and tries bitting him on his right front leg. It became successful as its wooden but sharp fangs sunk into the stallions flesh, causing him to yell out in pain.

The pony clutches his right leg while crimson blood oozes out of his deep wound. The stallion looks up at the Timberwolf and growls a little, becoming pissed at it.

"Alright you freak of nature, lets dance." He shouts in a cold tone, to which the Timberwolf growls back in a weird way to agree with him.

The pony began rushing with his two back legs first, more lunging himself towards the wooden wolf and rears his good hoof back to punch it but the wolf was fast and dives down to the side. It turns and runs at the stallion with open jaws trying bite him again until...

"Got ya!" The pony jumps over the wolf, landing on his hind legs. He then quickly turns his body, doing a full 360 circle and round house kick the Timberwolf in it’s jaw. It’s head came clean off, hurling away into a tree, shattering it as well as it’s body.

As the brown pony breaths heavily trying to catch his breath from fighting the Timberwolves, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had awestruck facial expressions on those muzzles. This pony had beaten three Timberwolves all by himself, something not many if barely any could do. 'Woah' They both thought in unison.

The pony stands normally on its legs expect his right one and trots over to the two mares "Hey are you two okay?" He asks worriedly. The two mares snap out of their shocked state by the sound of his voice. They both stare at him for a moment, as if he had came from another world.

But before they can speak, the Timberwolves remains starts to glow a lime green hue. "Uh well we appreciate the help partner but ah reckon we should move!" Applejack says as she tries to get up but her wound prevents her from doing so.

"You’re r hurt! You can't get up from that um-" 'Oh what do I do? um um um oh Wait I got an idea! Oh I hope she isn't very heavy.' (well that's rude to a lady) he groans at the idea but he quickly goes to the farm looking pony and says "I may got an idea." He says seriously and lowers down to her while she look of confusion on her face on what he was doing.

"Hop on." The strange stallion says in a more eager tons. Applejack finally understood what he meant but she wasn't sure since he too was injured in his fight.

"Ah'm not sure ‘bout this. You’ve also been badly hurt too!" He gazes down at his leg to see the gash but before he was about to reply, the Timberwolves remains were still glowing green. It began to levitate and flying past them, morphing all the beaten wolves and creates a shape with all of the timber to form.......…………........................................................
A giant Timberwolf.

'Uh oh...' Was the only thought that came into the ponies head

Chapter 3: The first night

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Mike's Pov...


That is one giant ass wolf! How in Gods name did those three other wolves merge together into one big one! That doesn’t even make any sense.

The giant wolf looks over to us with hunger in its eyes. It’s gaze like daggers at me and ready to pounce at any moment. I lower myself down to the orange mare.

"Hurry we got no time! Get on!" I say in a hurry to the mare. She looks at the wolf and back at me with worry in her eyes. Finally she nods her head and carefully climbs on my back. I admit she was a little heavy although I'm not about say it out loud. One; because it's rude to a girl saying their 'heavy' and two; well there's a giant wood wolf trying to eat us.

She makes herself steady on my back. I can feel her breathing fast on my neck. The rainbow maned one gazes at me with suspicion in her eyes, though the sound of the wolf growling brought her back in reality. Fear coming back into her face.

"Cmon we got to go!" I say as I start to run with all my legs. The rainbow mane follows behind me as well as the giant wolf that gave chase after us. My leg hurts a lot right now, it stings and I’m sure it’s gonna get infected but that’s the least of my problems right now.

We ran out of the area and into the forest again. It was still raining but now it was pouring hard. The raindrops splashing against the leaves and the forest trees, and giant foot steps was the only sound I was able to hear. It was especially hard as the mare on my back shouts in my ear to turn when a tree would barely hit us.

The mud made mashing sounds against the our hooves as we ran, the wolf following suite after us. It’s giant claws made huge splashes in the mud. The hunger in its bright green eyes made it even more frightening in the dark of night.

We ran through the thick vines, twigs, trees, and other forest stuff. The giant wolf’s big footsteps sounded as if it was getting closer no matter how fast we seem to run.

It was scary.

I felt like I was gonna to faint, my breathing became heavy as I could feel my heart pound in my chest. This damn beast won't stop! Why is it so hell-bent on getting us?!

"*huff* We need *gasp* to loose him!" I hear the rainbow maned mare ahead of me say as she too looked like she was gonna pass out.

I spun my head around frequently to see if I can find anything. Anything at all to help us get away from this monster. Then I saw it, out of the corner of my eye. What I saw was not what I was expecting.

"H-hey there's a *wheeze* bridge! Over there!" I say as I motion my head to the a rundown bridge that looks like it can be hold me and the mares. "Follow me!"

I made a b line to that bridge, so did Rainbow (that's what I'm going to call her now.) the beast waisted now time as it follows close behind judging from its loud foot steps.

"C’mon we need to cross the bridge!"

"Are ya insane!" The cowgirl on my back yells in my ear, causing my to flinch.

"Yeah! It looks like it bout to break!" Shouts Rainbow as she stops at the bridge, quickly over looking it.

"Well look at it! It probably can lift us except the giant Wolf!" I say quickly, looking back although I wish I didn’t as I see the giant timber wolf rush to us.

They were hesitant at first (because of course who wouldn’t?) but they nod to each other in a silent agreement. I manage to pull a weak smile as we and Rainbow pick up our pace again and quickly (but cautiously) went onto the bridge.

The fall down looks like it can be a bottomless pit. Now first things first, I'm NOT afraid of heights but I am afraid of falling so that fall looks pretty fatal and horrifying to say the least. I don't want to fall into a bottomless pit ok?! I took a glance at Rainbow who shot back at me with a look that says 'just GO already!'

I see the giant wolf behind us getting closer by the second. I hesitantly took a step on the first boared. Surprisingly it only creek! I carefully walk onto the wasted bridge holding me and with the pony on my back. "Okay it seems safe, let’s go!"

I Speed-walked to the other side with Rainbow behind me slowly but surely making our way. As we made it half way the giant wolf had arrived at the bridge and growls loudly in what I assumed was irritation. It the gazes down at the bridge, then at us, then at the bridge again. I swear I could see the most devilish smirk I've ever seen on its wooden face.

Rainbow apparently saw the same thing because-"Aw buck! We gotta run!"

The wolf raises it’s giant wooden paw with sharp wood like claws in the air. I realize what it was gonna do, I turn my head back and book it to make it on the other side.

That was a bad idea.

I guess I put too much force in my hooves because the weight from each step made the wood under break and snap. It made my blood ran cold as Rainbow was right behind me. If the wood decided to break right then and there under her hooves then.... I shook my head, I didn’t want to think of that. She seem so see the cracks in the wood and I would guess she has a scared look on her face.

Suddenly the whole bridge turned on the left side. I looked back at the beginning point of the bridge and saw that the one of the ropes had been cut off! The giant wooden wolf still has that menacing grin on its snout.

"Hurry! we're almost there! Don't give up yet!" Rainbow says as we regain our balance on the side-way bridge. Rainbow went on ahead of me this time and lead the way only this time we ran, not giving a crap about the wood going to break.

I continue on, Rainbow made it! I slowly start to smile again as I push every ounce of energy that I have. Slowly the other side was coming closer. And closer! Now almost there... aaand-



As soon as I heard the loud snap the bridge started to fall. I panic as my mind race, but I can only do one thing that comes in mind.


I jump of the falling bridge, I hear the mare on my back screaming and saying "Are ya mad?!"

You know one of those action movies that the guy or girl that makes an epic jump but in slow motion or as if times is slowing down. Yeah that what it felt like just then.


I land hard on the ground and groan in pain as the mare on my back also hiss in pain form the landing. But the only thing that made my mind clear was that we got away from that weird monster wolf.

"Oh my gosh! Are you crazy!" Says the tomboyish voice.

"This wasn't mah idea! It was his!" I hear the southern mare say back.

"Still are you crazy?!”

I slowly got up but hiss in pain as my wounds stings badly in my leg. My arm (leg?) was covered in blood which some dried but still damp. I turn my head at the other side were the bridge was and see the giant woof AND he looks MAD. I can see it's green turn a shade of red. BLOOD red. That sent a chill down my spine.

"ROOOOOAAAAARRRR" It yells at the top of its (wooden?) lungs, making a ringing sound in my ears after it stops letting out its cry. It then turns and leaves. Leaving behind a scared memory.. for me anyway.

"*sigh* Ok well that's over." I say as I look over to the mares "What do we do know?"

"Well for starters, ya can tell us yer name sir?”" Asks the orange mare who was know laying on the ground from our rough landing.

"Yeah and how you took down those Timberwolves single hoofedly." Rainbow says with suspicion in her eyes, inching eerily close to me.

"Well uh.. hi then. I'm Micheal, Micheal Ze.. Z just Z. And how I beat those 'Timberwolves' earlier? I don't know." I say simply frauds really I didn’t know. It was like something came over me, like on instinct which was weird because I don’t remember taking a fighting class before.

"Micheal Z.? Ha! Hhaha! That’s the most ridiculous name I've ever heard!" Rainbow laughs. She continues on laughing which slowly made my blood boil but remain calm to myself, learning that violence is never the answer.

"Oh shut it Skittles." I say in retort and a roll of my eyes. Oh but the face she made was priceless.

Rainbow stops laughing almost immediately and look at me with anger and confusion. "Hey pal I don't know what this 'Skittles' is but you DON’T call The Fastest Flier in All of EQUESTRIA, RAINBOW DASH NAMES!!"

Huh so her name is Rainbow. Points for me I guess.

"Woah nelly there Dash remember he did save our flanks from them Timberwolves just now." The orange mare say. I smile a bit, knowing someone has my back. That somewhat calm down Rainbow but I can hear she mumbled something that I couldn’t hear it well.

"Sorry bout that Mr.Z I don't know what's gotten into her. Anyway mah names Applejack and thank you for saving us." Applejack smiles as she says that, although her expression shows that she was tired.

"It's no problem and just call me Mike." I say, smiling back. Thunder roared in the sky as I look up. " Now it's really coming down. We need somewhere to rest up."

"Well down the road is the old castle of the two sisters." Rainbow suddenly spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

"The what?"

"The castle of the two sisters." She repeated, making a more blank stare at me.

I stared at her with a dumbfounded face I can muster and she just rolled her eyes and says "Follow me." I don't know what the castle of the two sisters is but if it's shelter than I'll take it. I lower back down again so Applejack can climb on, She took the hint and did so. Resting comfortably on my back and follow after Rainbow.

The walk was fairly quiet, no one spoke which was a REALLY awkward silence. For me anyway, the most of sound we got was the rain and the thunder that would strike from time to time.

Soon I could see the castle and it was fairly big but also very worn down so who knows how big it really was from the look of it. We made it to the giant front wooden doors. I set Applejack down for a moment to open it but it was tough to because I can tell this castle has been here for a LONG time. The one of the doors open just a crack but enough space to let us get in, I hurry back to pick up Applejack and made our way in.

"Woah.." I say as I see the old castle in ruins, cracks on the floors and walls, broken pillars, and various of plants grown on the castles stone.

"This place is huge.. and really worn down.. what happened here?” I mumble to myself before turning to Rainbow. “Alright where to now? Is there like rooms we could go or..?” I ask as I look around the room. It seems like we stood at what looked like an old hall.

"Well last time ah was here ah saw a couple of rooms that looked like bedrooms." Applejack says, glancing around the old castle, it made me think what she had said, I could feel my eyes widen a bit. “Wait what you've been here before?"

"Yeah but that was awhile ago." Rainbow answers me and that was it.

"Huh.. well lead the way Applejack." I say, slowly moving forward as I could tell she was trying to remember where she saw the rooms.

She gave the directions of where she last saw them. The castle though was very interesting itself. We past of what seem to be an old throne room and an old kitchen. Maybe being in this pony world won't be so bad after all. That thought made me smile as I thought about it more and more. Maybe they could help me find civilization later on! Of course they came from where more are in a town or a village. I can finally know where I am!

"Well we're here." Applejack says as I instinctively stop at a door. I push the door gently and it sway slowly open, making a long erie creek sound like a cartoon door.

The room was not that bad condition as I thought it would be, the room had two beds, a table, a broken stool, and a hole in the roof in which rain was coming out of but nothing too bad. Quit cozy in its weird, ruined way.

"Huh, not bad." Rainbow says as she looked around the room, probably thinking the same thing I was.


"Hmmm, maybe we should sleep here then.. or try to at least" Rainbow mumbles that last part although I’m sure she knows we heard her.

I then remember what happened earlier from the Timberwolf attacks. “Hold on we can't just yet, we need to patch our wounds first." I say as as Rainbow stares at my right hoof and then to Applejack.

"But uh what do we use?" Applejack asks. “I don’t mean to sound all bad like but in case ya can’t tell, there aren’t any first aids here. Not by like, a long time.” She says, I sighs as I move to one of the beds. It looks old but feels soft still and kinda dirty but it was still a bed so I gently set her down into it. “You’ve got a point.. buuuut..”

I look round and saw some leaves and vines growing on the rocks. I then turn back at the hole in the ceiling which rain was coming out and gave me an idea. It’s a crazy one but I’m sure it’ll work.

I walked over to the leaves and vines making sure they weren't poison ivy. (Because those sucks) After that I went to the rain hole and washed the leaves and vines to make sure that they can be clean and won't have anything on it for what I’m about to use them for.

When I was done washing them I went back over to Applejack "Okay this may sting a little but bare with me ok?" Her ears moved to the back of her head which was strangely adorable but now wasn’t the time. I slowly put the leaves over the scar wound on her waist, just now realizing she has a butt tattoo too. It was three red apples which I thought was ironic with her name which kinda gave me some questions.. She hisses in pain for a second which breaks my train of thoughts but calms down soon after. "Ok almost down." I say softly as I was made sure the leaves were covering the scar. Finally I wrap the vines around her waist, making sure there were comfortable and tight.

"Ok how is that?" I ask as Applejack look at the make shift bandage around her waist and had a surprise look on her face once again."Wow how did ya do that?" She asks. Looking around the vine bandage.

I kinda shrug. “Well when I was younger I use to go camping with my dad and when I had a cut he would use vines and stuff to make the wound feel better when we didn’t have first aid" I say as I repeated the process with my right hoof.

As soon as I was done with mine I let out a yawn. My eyes start to feel heavy. "Well.. you girls can take the beds, I'll sleep on the floor with a couple of blankets and pillows." I say as I grab a couple of blankets and pillows with these cursed hooves, (like seriously how do you function these??) and drop them on the floor.

"Now Wait a gosh darn second partner! How bout you share a bed with one of us?" Applejack says which surprised me, Rainbow looks surprise as well as me but shakes her head. Clearly she didn’t like that idea.

"R-really?" I say with a stutter which was weird to me but like, wow.. okay.. why would you share a bed with a stranger? One: that’s weird and two:.. it’s just straight up weird. Especially as.. ponies now.

"Yeah!.. ah mean ya did save us." She says, I notice a small tiny of red on her orange face as she looks down. Her hat covering her eyes. I'm honestly flabbergasted. I look over to Rainbow but she had a face that said 'go ahead do whatever you want’ and made her way to the other bed and fell asleep. Clearly she wasn’t gonna have anything to do with this anymore. I mean it's kinda weird if a guy and a girl sleep in a bed together when you don't really know them, I don’t know if it’s normal here but hey. That’s just me.

I kept on thinking about this choice but buy each second passes by my eyes kept on getting heavier. I let out a soft sighs as I realize I didn’t have a choice if she was going to continue on about this.

"*sigh* uh.. alright then" I say defeatedly and can already tell that I was blushing hard as me and Applejack got into the old bed.

"Good night love birds." Rainbow says with an obvious snicker.

But it was enough for me to feel my head get hotter. "Dagnnabit Rainbow!" Applejack yells out and threw her stenson hat at her, but she continues on snickering.

"Ha! Heheee!”

I felt my blush go away slowly as I felt kinda uncomfortable in my situation. But I sucked it up. "uh good night then.”

They both replied goodnight, I let out a soft breath and close my eyes. Trying to get even a wink of sleep but before I can sleep I can feel Applejack kinda.. shaking? And hearing her teeth chatter? "Are you cold?" I ask her, turning my body to her.

"Um.. yeah..." She answers, even in the dark I can tell she was a bit embarrassed. I touch the blanket but it was a bit damp and cold from all the rain so it was understandable. I thought for a moment, doing the only thing I could do.


I took off my jacket and gave it to her. She didn't accept at first but I keep insisting and she soon gave in it and put it on. Damn I'll admit she does looks pretty cute in a jacket. Wait what?

"Warm and comfy?" I ask her, trying to quickly move one from that thought.

"Mhm thanks partner.” She replies, her shaking did stop so I took it as a good sign.

"No problem." I say with a small smile, it felt really nice helping someone. Seconds later I hear snoring from her, I took that as a sign that she had fell asleep already. I turn slowly to face my body up and at the ceiling.

Man today was a crazy day.. I wonder how tomorrow will be. After all tomorrow is another day. I mentally chuckle at that as today has been full of weird stuff happening. I frown slightly, missing back home and all of my friends.. my family. I wonder how they’re doing now?

I let another sigh escape and soon after a few seconds, I let sleep take over me.

Chapter 4: The strange dream

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drip, drip, drip.


drip, drip, drip.

I hear dripping water?

I try to open my eyes but I couldn’t.

drip, drip, drip.

I’m starting to get scared now.

I try to speak but I can't even open my mouth.

I try moving but my body wouldn’t respond.

I was stuck there for how long god knows.

Then suddenly it got brighter and kinda damp? I could barely make out a faint light. I then open my eyes finally.

This is not what I was expecting. Like at all.

It looks like i’m in a cave of some sorts. I spun my head around, trying to see a way out or something. I finally see a faint glow of light, end of a tunnel! Without much thinking I feel my body move, almost on their own as I head to the light source. However as soon as I start to walk I felt different and.. taller again? I look down at myself, shock to see that I was my human self again.

Then a realization him me. That maybe this a dream.

I let out a sigh as I momentarily thought I was back home. I gaze at my hands, moving my fingers and wrist. Oh how I miss my hands. I move my head back up to the light at the tunnel, it seem shine brighter. My body again starts moving towards the light.

drip, drip, drip

There's that water dripping sound again. The more I grow closer the louder it gets. My legs began to jog towards the sound, my own curiosity getting the better than me.

The light gets brighter as I get closer and closer. I pass through the light and....

The light was really bright I had to use my arm to shield my eyes with as I enter through the passage. Then the light died down my legs stop and I lower my arm. What I saw was not what I expected.


The site was actually really beautiful. There’s a pretty large pool in the center of this large cave. Above the pool were a lot of stalagmites but what stuck out was this big one hanging just at the center of the big pool. Little droplets of water hanged down from the big one and drops down into the pool, the droplet made a soft drip sound as it landed in the water.

drip, drip, drip

"Huh... that was making the drip noise earlier then, but why am I here?" I say to myself looking around the big cave more before I spot something strange out of the corner of my eyes. I squint my eyes slightly to see what it was.

It appears to be a.. a shrine?

I began to walk again, this time heading around the big pool and to the shrine itself looks very interesting indeed. I walk up to it, scanning the weird shrine just below it I see strange markings on the edge of the shrine. I cock my head and try to read it but it wasn’t any language I’ve seen before.

There were other things interesting about this shrine too.

For instance on top of the shrine lays a dragons head made of stone on facing straight forward at the entrance. A Long sword, the handle was black and covered in that strange language from the handle to even the blade part. I began to form questions. Why was I dreaming this? As I recall I didn’t even eat the last few hours so Why is this my dream?


"What was that?!" I yell out and turn fast. My shout cause an echo in the cave, I swore I heard a voice! I look around to see no one around me. I slowly back up, hitting the shrine behind me. I slowly turn to it looking up at the dragon head statue.

"”It couldn't-“


I gasp and staggered back, my arms up instinctively. There was no way that it; the statue could be talking! I slowly get up feeling nervous and my brain telling me to run away but my body inches back closer to the shrine once again. I want to make sure I wasn’t just hearing things.


Yep, not hearing things.

I wanted to leave and run back, back home or at least back at the castle but my body stood right there. In front of the statue. No matter how badly I wanted to run I just couldn’t. If anything I move slowly closer to it.

I slowly and carefully put my hand on the snout of the dragon, not knowing what I was doing. The dragons eyes glows a soft blue before it went bright. Then everything went black.


Everything around me just disappears into a black void. Even the shrine it’s self as it glows bright and then it just disappears.

I feel myself panicking, the worse of possible things flows my head as I look around to see if there was anyone or anything!

And yet no one. Nothing at all.

A very sudden chill ran down my spine, my heart pounding fast as I could feel a pair of eyes watching me. I didn’t want to turn around but I couldn’t help it.

I turn around slowly and look up.

To see two giant slit-like eyes staring down at me.


I stumble back and fell on my back, my gaze never breaking the giant eyes with fear.

*grunts* not so loud kid.. your scream can make someone's ears bleed. The 'thing' says with a mighty voice, it sounded male, the strange figure seems to shake his head as as he closes his eyes and then reopens them.

The figure slowly walks forward, coming into view of me.

A dragon.

A 'real' dragon.

The dragon looks to be about four times taller than me. It has two long white horns out on top of his head, with his whole body covered in dark and light blue scales from snout to tale, standing on all fours with sharp claws and a white wings. His eyes are a bright aqua blue as if there were glowing with long slit pupils. However what strike interesting was his tail. At the end of the dragon’s tail was a light blue flame that illuminate as a bright light source.

I stare at the giant beast in awe and fear.

In awe because it's a motherfucking dragon and dragons are awesome.

In fear because it's a motherfucking dragon and there's one right in front of me.

The dragon looks down at me as if it's waiting for me to do something, its face shows more in shape of a scowl. It’s piercing eyes just seem to go right through me.

"Wha-what the hell?!" Was all I could muster to say.

Well someone seems surprised. The giant dragon spoke with a chuckle, the scowl soften on his face as he slowly lowers himself in a laying down position.

"Wha-how-what?!" I got up slowly still eye contact with the dragon. My mind races with many many thoughts. Who was this? Why was it in my dream and.. why did it know my name?

Fear not Micheal, I'm am here not to harm you. The dragon said with a calm yet fierce tone, raising his head slightly.

"How do you know name?" I ask as the fear never left me and it showed clear in my voice.

The answer to that is simple young Michael. He says with a small smile at least from what I can tell.

Oh great he's one of THOSE people. (Or er dragon?) "Um well I apearently don't now the answer then..?” I say in a confused tone as I felt no longer scared of the dragon but more confused and strangely comfort the more I speak to him.

His presence reminds me of someone I use to know but I can’t remember off the top of my head.

The dragon gave a brief chuckle. Heh, well the answer is that we are in your mind right now. I shook my head and gaze at him as if he's a crazy person.

"Woah woah hold on.. you’re saying we're are in my mind?!" I ask with a shock face. Even though I conclude that I was in a dream.

He nods at this. That is right young Michael.

"Prove it." I say with a raise brow.

How can I prove something that is not my own. He replies with a snicker at the end.

Wow what a smart alec.

I think I like this guy.

"Huh.. fair point. But how can I prove that were are in my mind?" I ponder for a moment, looking down to the black emptiness that never seem to end.

How about a different scenario for this dark void. Yes? He asks, his wings opening wide to clearly show how big it the space is. His wingspan was huge, like I’m sure a school bus or two huge.

"How do I do tha-Oh wait IF THIS IS my mind I can just imagine it and it'll do it. Right?" I look back up to the dragon and he stares back at me and just shrugs.

"Ok what to think about hmmmmmmmmm... OH I know!" I concentrate on the place I wanted to be in. Suddenly there was a bright light the engulfs the area, I shield my eyes once more from it. After the light went down I uncovered my eyes to see if it worked.

Oh my god.

It worked!

"Woah! Ha I did it!" I shout as I jumped and a fist pump in the air. I honestly couldn’t believe it worked either.

The place I concentrate on was a giant opened field of grass with a large pond in the middle and a forest a little over at the right. A bright sun shining down on me and the dragon. Even though it was all in my mind it felt very real to me.

To be honest the sight was beautiful. I looked up at the dragon to see a smile on his snout.

Haaaaaa. This field reminds me of home. The dragon says with a sigh, his eyes are close for a moment as if he's remembering something.

"Really? Hmm." I mumble as I also close my eyes too. Remembering the times I've visit open fields like this on my old grandparents farm, and playing in the tall grass with my brother and my sister. We would always play hide and seek in the grass or woods and I would win because of all the spots I would find.

Those memories, those moments in my life were the best. It brought a smile on my face, but also tears. I sob softly remembering of what happened all those years ago.

The dragon reopens his eyes and move his gaze down at me with worry in his eyes. He must've heard my quiet sobs.

Micheal? Are you alright? His tone was quieter, and calm. I knew he can tell that I was sad about something.

"Um." I quickly wipe my tears with my sleeve of my jacket.

"Well no. No I'm not. It's just-" I stop there looking down at the floor wondering if I should tell him.

I see Micheal, you do not wish to talk about it. That is understandable. He made a small sad smile, and I smile back, thanking him for understanding. Then he looks up at the sky and Squinted his eyes. Well it seems our time is almost out my dear human. He says as he looks back down at me. I grew confused and look back up to the sky as well, seeing what he meant by that. The sky slowly seem to fade away; I think the dream was ending soon. “Oh! well it was kinda nice seeing you.. uhhhh." Wow I didn't even get his name.

My name is Blix Jewel, young Micheal. Blix says as he smiles at me and I smile back at him once more. Something about his smile just calms me instantly. A smile that just makes me happy all of a sudden.

"Alright... Blix; well you can just me Mike, and well it was nice will it lasted." I say as I thought about something else and added "Will I ever see you again?"

Well that depends if you want to. The tall blue dragon says as he stood back up on all four of his talons.

"Yeah I would want to! You seem nice and plus you’re in my mind so-HEY!! Wait a minute how did you get into my mind?!" I just realize that now, man I gotta keep up with the things that are literally going on in my head.

All of your questions will be answered all in due time, young Mike. Alister says with what I thought was a grin.

Again with the 'being mysterious N' stuff' huh?

I let out a sigh in defeat. “Alright fine then but you better start answering or we'll have trouble mister!" I say kind of fiercely as I point my index finger at him. To such he just laughed and promised.

All of a sudden the world started to shake, some of the areas started to rip apart and dissolve into nothing.

Well looks like it's time to part our ways for now. Blix says as he looks at me with determined eyes.

Listen Mike, I know now that your are now in an unfamiliar world, and how you got here. But all I have to say is that be strong and you'll get through the this. As my old friend would say, 'You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.’

Those words. I swear on my life I've heard those words before.

"Hey wai-!"

But before I can say anything else everything went black once again. The last thing I saw was Blix waving his claw hand.

Chapter 5: Another day in the strange world

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I woke up feeling groggy as hell, my eyes struggle to open as my mouth felt really dry. I slowly turn my body to look up at the window seeing the bright sunlight shine through the old curtains. Then I look up at the ceiling, wondering if what happened was a dream or not.

'So there is a giant dragon living inside of my mind right now..? Okay.. so the question is how and why was he here now?

I kept repeating question in my head over and over again. In all honesty it kinda gave me a headache.

Ugh! I'm so confuse! Why am I a pony?! Why is there a dragon in my head?! Why am I here?! I'm just so cunfused!

I moved to get out of bed but something isn't right. Like as if something is holding me. I turned my head too look at the other side of the bed.

Make that a someone.

There was Applejack still wearing my jacket (she still kind of looks cute in it) holding my waist around with both of her hooves.

"Please don't go."

It was faint but I still heard it. A tiny whisper the orange mare let out. I felt my cheeks get warm out of embarrassment of a girl (who I still don't know and Sharing a bed with) is holding me.

I tried gently get out of her grasp but the more I try to move the tighter her hold gets. She must of have the strength of a hundred humans or something because there is no way she is that strong!

Juuuuuust great! I thought sarcastically.

Now I've been hold captive by a sleeping pony. Why do you do this to me life?! I grunt in annyonce as I gave up on trying to get of her hold.

Haha Kid! What? You don't like the attention? I think you look cute as a pony! Ha! Says a sarcastic yet fierce tone in my head. Wait I know that voice.

Wait Blix?! How are you talking to me?! I ask mentally, not expecting to already meet him this soon.

Well I figured if I used my magic maybe I can make a magic connection so when your awake I can still talk to you. Blix explains with a hint of proudness in his voice.

Oh well that's pretty ne-Wait you can use magic?! Magic doesn't exist! That really caught me off guard. Magic. Really?

Well maybe not in your old world, but in this world magic and other magical creatures that live among this world do young Mike. He explains to me, then adds You know YOU can also use magic by your horn on your head. Unicorns have the ability to express more magic than any other magical creature here. Quite an upgrade from regular humans if I say so myself.

What. What do you mean? Unicorns don’t really exist, I mean... yeah I got a horn but a unicorn? Seems down right unbelievable

I could hear the dragon let out a sigh. Maybe it's best if I explain. You see the world you are in is Equuis or to be more accurate you’re in a country called Equestria. In Equestria the three main types in ponies. Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn Ponies. Well four if you're counting Alicorns, but there wasn't been another Alicorn in over a millennia, well besides the two princess sisters who rule Equestria both alongside eachother. He finishes his (somewhat) history lesson.

Wow that is some history lesson. But uh.. how do you know all this?

The answer is simple young Mike. I was born here in Equestria many, many millennia ago. Before Equestria was even called Equestria. He says softly, with a somewhat grim tone.

Oh... That was all I could think at the moment. Judging from his tone he remembers things that he doesn’t like to.

I decided to think of a new subject to talk about. So uh how do I use magic? I thought.

I am sorry but you must learn on your own Mike. He says to which I responded in the most weirdest way possibly by (for some reason) shouting "What do you mean I have to learn on my own?!" I quickly put a hoof over my mouth and hope no one heard me.

However no soon after I finish I got hit in the face with a pillow. You may think that getting hit in the face with a pillow may not so bad, BUT if the pillow is over centuries old then ouch it hurt like hell.

"SHUT THE BUCK UP MIKE!!" Rainbow shouts from her bed now sitting up right and looking pissed as all hell. "Can't you see I'm trying to sleep?!"

"What in tarnation' is goin' on?!" Great now the cowpony is awake.

Hehe well good like Mike and don't become TOO good with the mares~ You’ll likely regret it. He says with a wooing tone of voice.

Aw screw you too- Wait regret it? What’s that suppose to mean??

Hahaha! Blix continues to laugh as there was a sudden click sound. As if a light switched to off.

Did he cut me and him off of the magic connection?

"Well?! What are ya two yellin' bout early in tha mornin'?!" Applejack says as I could tell she was cranky and demanded an explanation.

"If you really want to know Mr. Shouts-a-lot over here keep screaming!" Rainbow replies without a second of hesitation and points to me.

"Huh? Why?" Applejack asks to me as he turns her attention to me, her eyes were soft but she is still clearly tired with the small bags under her eyes.

"Um-uh it was a bad dream! Yeah, it was a bad dream." I said as I put on my best innocent smile on. Although she only had a raise eyebrow and a face expression that said 'yeah I'm not buying it' but she sighs and drops her stare.

"Ok well next tahme don't go yellin' in other ponies ears, ya hear?" She states clearly and I only nod in response.


Applejack got off the bed stretching her hind legs and back. While Rainbow grumbles wishing she would sleep more then asked "What time is it anyway?"

I sigh and get up from the bed, walking to the old window and open the curtains to which bright sunlight was pouring out of the giant window. I squint my eyes to see a blurry giant ball of sunlight almost out of the horizon.

"I would say that it's almost um.. around 7-ish maybe?" I say as I close the curtains and walk back to the two mares.

"Mhm, ah would say so too." Applejack says as she took her hat back on her head which was laying on the bedframe.

"Ah Man! I'm hungry!" Rainbow whines as she crossed her two front hooves. She glances at her wing and sighs as it looks like it’s still sprained from the day before.

"Well ya'll have ta wait, cause ah don't think we could cook anythin'." Applejack states as she gets out of bed and heads towards the door. "Besides we better hurry on back ta Ponyville. Our friends and family are probably worried sick 'bout us now." Rainbow groans at this but nods, confirming she understands their situation.

I sighs as I pick up my glasses (still don't know how because I'm only with hooves) and set them on my muzzle. Moving my hair (mane?) our of my face.

I head towards by Applejack's side, me and her waiting for Rainbow to get ready by messing with her wings for a bit. "Okay ready." She says and hops off, quickly doing some stretches.

I was about to open the door when Applejack said "Here Mike." I look back at her as she had my jack in one of her hooves, handing it to me. I look at it for a second and remembered that I let her borrow it. I took in my mouth and muffle a thanks.

She nods with a small chuckle, gently tipping her hat while saying "Not a problem."

I quickly put it on and only had little difficulty this time because I'm getting more use to this body. After that I open the door and into the crumbled hallway. The two mares following behind.

"Okay so were to go were to go now?..." I turn to my left then to my right, and down the hallway to see if there was a any sign of an exit.

Rainbow walks right next to me and look to the right, saying, "Uhh I think the exit is that way." She pointed to the right. I then look to Applejack for clarification but who just shrugged and follows after Rainbow who already went ahead to the other end of the hallway, i let another sigh escape me and follow behind them.

It was quite most of the time as we made our way through the castle, however at one point while we were walking Rainbow suddenly asks "So.. ‘Mike’ WHY WERE you in the forest in the first place huh?" She looks at me with suspicion in her eyes again, now I began sweating bullets.

"Oh me I was uh-" Both mares stop and turn to look at me, as I was trying to come up with a best excuses. On one hand (or hoof) I can tell them I wasn't always a pony and they would just laugh and call me crazy and on the other I can say I just woke up here, right? Still seems crazy however.. ugh what do I do?

Why not just tellg them the truth? It will make things easier for you. I could hear Alister speaking to me in my head again. I let out a sigh and just thought, Ahh to hell with it.

Well?" Rainbow said impatiently as she walks over to me with a slight scowl. I back up a little from the sudden hostility I was feeling but still stood my ground.

"*sigh* Okay, okay I WILL be honest, I don't know how but I just woke up in the forest." I reply with a straight face. As I finished however Rainbow rushes up to my face and shouts.

"What?! What do ya mean you just, 'WOKE UP'?! Your lying!" Rainbow lets out a huff, then turns back at Applejack "He has to be lying, right?"

Applejack watches me with a raised brow and a few seconds later she sighs, “Sorry Dash but Mike here ain't lying." She says as she looks at her rainbow maned friend, who's jaw just drop upon hearing that.

"But-“" Applejack interrupts Rainbow but slowly walking past her and up to me "What was tha LAST thing ya remember before you woke up in tha Everfree forest?” She questions.

The Everfree Huh? Well at least I know where I am. But that got me thinking more since judging where I am I don’t think they would have cars here, so I thigh of the best thing I could say. “The last thing I remember was that something hit me and it went all black. After that I was in a bed and later now I woke up in a forest.” I say as I tried to give my best straight face, this wasn't a full lie. It was true I was hit to what I think was a car, later going to the hospital now I was just.. here

That’s clearly a strange mystery now isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a phenomenon happen here in this world. I hear Blix say, but what he says got me thinking.

Unless... you did something to bring me here.. I quickly thought, since this magical dragon just happens to appear when I came here. I could hear Alister clear his throat.

Oh I can tell you now this wasn’t my doing, if it was I would’ve told you by now. I’ve been asleep for a very long time but after you appeared, I woke up. This is very strange for the both of us young Mike. We will look into it later, however now you have to get these girls home. I can hear a bit of a snark in there but after listening to him, it was in fact very strange. okay.. I can see your point, let’s see what we can do for now. If there’s anything else I need to know just let me know. I thought to which Blix agrees to and went silent once more.

"Well ya ain't lyin' which is strange from what ya said, but the question is how did ya get here in the forest?" She thought aloud and put her hoof to her chin in thought. "Might ask Twilight if she know anythin'." She says as she turns back and continues on walking. I sigh softly in relief and was about to continue to walk as well when Rainbow got in my face again.

"AJ may left you off the hook but I'm still watching you." She states somewhat coldly which made me nod. She nods back with a huff and went to catch up with Applejack.

Note to self: Don't piss off Rainbow.

I made a mental note then ran to catch up with them. No one else said anything after that until we made it to the front doors. I push open one of the doors with my might, this time Applejack helped me out with it. The huge door slowly opens enough for us to slip outside.

I took a deep breath and breathe out "Man the smell of nature is unique, isn't it?" I ask to no one in particular. "Now which way is civilization?" I turn to the two mares. They gaze at each other for a moment until Rainbow spoke up.

"Uhh.. I think it's that way." She pointed to a direction to which had a dirt tail towards the forest. She then stars to trot towards that direction "C’mon let’s go! follow me!" She shouts. I look over to Applejack who just sighs and shakes her head, that didn’t set my mind to ease as me and her began to follow Rainbow.

I just hope nothing bad happens.. nah, right?.

3 hours later...

"*gasp* This *wheeze* is the last time *cough* I follow you!" I shout to Rainbow as she lays down to catch her breath. We’ve been running for the past half our for our lives again! Seriously why does this keep happening?! I thought to myself as I try to catch my breath.

"Hey! How would I know the EXACT location to Ponyville?!" I couldn’t help but snicker at the IRONIC name for a town for a land filled with ponies. But I stop myself when I saw Rainbows serious expression.

“Well you live there don’t you? Especially since you can FLY.” I quickly retort, to which Rainbow glares and gets up. Mumbling something as she angrily walks away from me.

"How 'bout both of y'all shut ya traps and get into town I'm sure the girls will miss us." Applejack interrupted us, getting in between us and points to a small town off in the distance. I smile upon the seeing the town. Why? Because for THREE hours we've been traveling in the damn forest in search of this town.

We were chased by by those wooden wolves which now I know are Timberwolves, carnivorous plants, and a MOTHERFUCKING HYDRA! YES A REAL HYDRA!

"Finally!" I say giddily, turning back over to the two mares "lets go!, I wanna get something to eat!" I start running towards the small town as Applejack and Rainbow watch with surprise and try to catch up to me, calling me to stop but I ignored them. My ache for food was too much for me to stop so I use the bit of energy I have left to quickly enter the town.

Man, I can tell that this world is gonna be on hell of an. Maybe things won’t be as bad, who knows?

And of course I will be here to help you through this world. I have been awakened after so long so in return you have my guidance. Come young Mike, let us set out adventure forward! I hear Blix say with triumph in his might voice.

Yeah, yeah we can do that but first things first. That I’m gonna get me some food

Chapter 6: Ponyville and the Pink mare

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I gaze upon the small village that had other colorful ponies roaming on its dirt streets. I panted like crazy from (again) running to this small town. Applejack and Rainbow Dash have finally caught up to me, giving me small glares for making them have to run again. But at that moment I didn't care.

"Ah finally!! We're here! I'm so hungry where should we go?" I ask rapidly, turning to the two mares who were behind me. Both mares look to each other then back at me. "What?" I ask, feeling kind of weirded out.

They just sighed leaving me confused on what they are doing. "Nothing." Rainbow starts, continuing with. “Well it should be around noon by now right? So I think we should head over to Sugercube Corner." She suggests. Applejack came to her side and nods, agreeing with her.

"Eeyup! Since Sugarcube Corner is ah believe tha closet food shop there is." Applejack says as she hold up her hoof up to her chin. Then nods, confirming her statement.

"Well what are we waiting for?! Cmon!" I shout as other ponies start to look at me strange. I saw the stares out of the corner of my eye and gave my best innocent grin. "Heh nothing to see here just the uh.. the stomach talking!" I say as I wave one of my arms. Some laughed, while others still look at me weirdly but walked away to do their daily activities.

"*phew* alright, please lead the way girls." I say with a grin to them as they both roll their eyes. They both began walking forward to a direction with me following behind them.

"Wow." It was all I could say as I stare up at a GIANT GINGERBREAD HOUSE!! I'm not even joking and yet I wish I was. When I first saw this I was SO CLOSE to run up to the house and start eating it. This house reminds of the house from the story in Hansel and Grettel. I wonder if there is a Witch in there? Most likely not but wow look at this place. It even smells like a gingerbread house!

I waste no time and enter the candy house, the first thing that hits me is the smell. Oh god the smell. The smell of fresh baked goods fill the air in the entire store. I swear I felt myself drool to the smell and as if my belly had a mind of its own, my stomach growls with hunger from the smell. Then a high pitched and sorta depressed toned voice called over to me.


I turn my head over to my right to see a depressed-looking pink mare. "What the?" It was all I could muster to say. Her mane was straight down on one side and the color of her mane and tail were a very dark pink and her coat was a somewhat lighter dark pink. But those eyes. For some reason they sent a chill across my entire body. Her eyes were a deep blood shot red and tear streaks where on both sides of her cheeks, as if she's been crying for a long time.

I cautiously move over to the sadden mare. "H-hey miss?" She slowly moves her head up at me with those teary eyes.


I gulp a bit. “A-are you alright? You seem sad." I say as she just looked at me, sad was really an understatement for this mare.

Oh my god what happened next scared the shit out of me.

She bursts out crying so fucking loud I could've sworn the house/store started to shake. After the sudden out burst she started to bawl at normal rate.. sort of. She started to say something but I couldn't make out her words from her crying, it all became a coherent mess of words.

"Uh.. h-hey?" I cry out to her but her crying seem to block the sound of my words, so I tried again. "Hey!" I cry out a little louder but to no avail. Arg! It's like yelling at a person through sound proof glass. Man, well third times the charm....right? "HEY MISS!"

Nope. She’s still crying.

Now at this moment I was starting to panic, I can sort of hear other ponies murmur and talking to eachother. Though it was hard to hear by this mares bawling, I could very well sense the stares of the ponies behind me. I was running out of options.... but the more I hear her cries the more they sounded...familiar.

"Wh-what?" Her bawling sounds more and more familiar the more I listen closely to it.

Wait a minute! Why do they sound so much like.. Christina’s?!

Flashback: Many years ago...

"Waaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! M-mike please help me!"

"Christina! Hang on I'm coming!" A younger Mike was running through the tall grass looking for a young girl crying for help. "Where are you?!"

"I-I'm over here big bro!" A little girl cries to Mike, as he follows the sound young girl's voice until he finally finds her on the ground. There she was on the ground holding her knee in pain as blood oozing out of both of her knees and her weeping in pain, crying and sniffing. "M-Mike please help me." She said quietly as Mike ran up to her.

"Oh geez Christina! What happened?!" Mike asks worriedly as he looked at the young girls damaged knees.

She sniffed and wiped her teary eyes and look up at Mike, her older brother. "I-I-I-I was running, trying to catch some butterflies but I tripped on something and fell on some rocks." She sniffed again and started to shed a few tears again. Mike listen carefully and looked down at his right to see a butterfly net next to his little sister.

"*sigh* Well good thing it's a only a little cut but please sis be more careful." Mike said as he reached down into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small bandaid pack. He open the pack and pulled out two bandaids "Okay hold still please this may sting a little okay." He said with a calm tone, his sister nodded. He put on the bandaid on her knee first, he could hear her hiss in pain a little but calmed down a little afterwards.

"Okay there." Mike said as he wiped of some sweat of his forehead from the suns heat. Christina looked down at her knees and smiled.

"Wow Mike! I feel better already!" She said as she quickly got up but almost fell down bought was caught by her brother Mike.

"Woah! Easy there sis you still need to heal your cuts so don't use too much energy." Mike said as he held his younger sister as she held him close in a hug.

"Thank you Mike! You really are the best big brother ever!" She exclaimed as she held him in a hug, to which he smiled and hugged her back.

"Anytime sis after all I would always be there for you, remember that, okay?"

"Okay!" She nods at the fact, her face bright and gleaming with joy.

She hold him in the hug for awhile until she finally let go. "You know I feel better already! Your hugs are like healing hugs!" She cried out as Mike gave a brief laugh.

"Well I guess you can call it that. But we should head home now, I think grandma is making cookies." Mike said as he grabbed Christina's hand and start walking home.


Mike laughed at his sisters enthusiasm, she was always an energetic girl. Especially to sweets. The two walk home while the sun was setting for night to come...

That memory played through my mind like a short film. Remembering those days brought a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. The pink mare's cries brought me back into reality giving me an idea on what to do to help now.

Maybe.... hopefully it’s not too weird.

The next thing I know it went quiet as I wrap my hooves around the pink mare, who finally stops crying by what I can guess was in shock. "Shhhhhhh. It's ok now you don't need to cry anymore" I say as I slowly let go of her back then I look at her eyes.

She was in complete shock but her expression changed and had a small smile "Th-thanks..." She said as her pink face started to have a red shade of a blush. I only smiled and replied.

"It's no problem now let's all calm down now and tell me what's wrong. Okay?"

She nodded slowly and took deep breaths then started to talk normally. "O-o-ok so about yesterday two of my best friends went into the Everfree Forest and hasn't came back yet." She started to tear up again but I saw this and quickly pull her in a hug.

"Hey, hey don't go crying again alright? So what where you two friends names?" I ask her as I let go the mare, and look at her deep into her eyes.

"W-well one was my bestest friend, the awesome Rainbow Dash, and Applejack my other best friend." She stared I start to nod but stopping myself after a second. Did she just say Rainbow Dash and Applejack?! I was about to bring them up but before I did Rainbow open the door with sheer force.

"Hey what's going on here?! Pinkie?!" She cries out as she looks over at the pink mare, then suddenly she had the biggest smile I've ever seen on ANYONES face.

"*GAPS* DASHIE!!" The pink mare's mane suddenly turned a bright hot pink and became all frizzy and poofy like cotton candy, so did her tail. But her coat turned into a lighter brighter pink. She rushes over to her rainbow maned with speed that would put the cheetahs to shame, leaving a cloud of where she just was. The action both confused and shocked me.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! IVE BEEN SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!!" The pink mare gave Rainbow a bone crushing hug. Though judging by that face Rainbow has made, it really looked like a painful hug.

"What in Tarantion' is goin' on here?!" Applejack enters the store next and saw her pink friend. "Well Ah'll be! Pinkie!" She cries out happily and ran towards them giving her and Rainbow a hug. But Rainbow's face looked like a bobble head ready to pop of. This made me snicker under my breath but apparently I snickered rather loudly because...


I looked up to see the bright pink mare right up my face. "Woah!" I stumbled back, falling on my back.

She literally picked me up and sat me up on my haunches. I stare at her with a bewildering look but she just stares back at me with a huge smile and said.

"Wow thanks for cheering me up mister!" She exclaims happily and leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on one of my cheeks. That was not what I expected. Like at all. I just sat there, probably with a dumb look on my face as my mind was trying processing on what the hell just happened. The mare giggles at my actions and introduces herself.

"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name?! Are you new here?! Do you like Parties?!" She shouted which brought me back to my senses. Shaking my head, I then introduced myself.

"Huh?! Oh well, hi I'm Michael Z. Though you can just call me Mike and to answer your questions. Yes I'm new here and yes I do like parties." I smile to her but she just had a bigger smile. I can tell that this mare is gonna be quite a handful.. or should I say hooful. I chuckled at my own thought but could slightly hear Blix groan at my bad pun.

She snorted cutely while giggling a little "That's a silly name."

I sigh a bit, kind of embarrassed by my name "Yeah, yeah I know I get that a lot." I reply. Just then my stomach wanted some attention while growling rather loudly. "Whoops. I forget I haven't ate anything at all yet." I rub my tummy and thought about food. All I can think about by this point was food.

"Don't worry Mike! I shall give you some food, for my name isn't Pinkie Diane Pie!" She states with a clear, determined grin, and zoomed in the back of the store where I guess is were the kitchen is.

"Well if it means I get to eat something than I'm all for it." I say as I find a seat at a table waiting for Pinkie to come back. Both Applejack and Rainbow comes to sit with me at the table as well.

Some Time Later....

"Oh my gawd this is the best food I've ever tasted!" I devoured almost everything that came to me from cookies, and cupcakes to an actual WHOLE cake! Now some (or all) might think this is WAAAAAY not healthy, and I totally agree with you but if your as hungry as I am you bet I'm eating this much.

Rainbow looks at me in disbelief and laughed "Man! And I thought Pinkie ate much!" She exclaimed as Pinkie (who was eating a slice of cake, with three Choco chip cookies, and two strawberry cupcakes.) rolls her eyes at that with a slightly blush.

Though I only snickered but continued eating. The three girls were discussion something though I wasn't really paying any mind, because I don't eavesdrop like that and because I'm eating such delicious food! After awhile I got full and stopped eating, picking out my teeth with a toothpick while sitting there while the three just talked about things that I wasn't really paying attention too.

Pinkie then let out another loud gasp as she turns her attention to me. "Hey Mike! Since your new here how about Applejack here can show you around town!" I thought about it and it didn’t sound like a bad idea so I agreed too and thankfully Applejack did too.

Me and her went out the door (well it was more like Pinke pushed us out). Pinkie shuts the door with a lot of force, causing it to slam shut. I thought it would’ve break by that might but apparently it didn’t. “Sheesh what was that about..?” I say as I get up and stretch a bit.

Applejack shrugs but continues on like nothing happened. “Okay partner ah'll show ya around town and meet other locals." I nods to this to be honest I was kind of excited. I still don’t get a lot in this world, and a bunch may not make sense to me yet, but the longer I stay here, the better....freedom I feel I guess. That's the best way I can describe this feeling that I have yet to understand fully right now, and I really liked it.

“But before we do that, we should probably go to the hospital.” Applejack adds, motioning her good to the make-shift gone bandage I made. That hit me in the face as I honesty forgotten all about mine as well. It actually didn’t hurt anymore but going to see a check up didn’t hurt. I look back up to Applejack and nod.

“Sure, lets go then.”

“Hehehoooweee! I didn’t think you to be a good comedian Mike!” Applejack says with a hearty laugh. It’s been a few hours since we left and I had the most fun I’ve ever had in awhile. I saw many amazing things and the ponies here are so nice. I was really surprised by their hospitality. We also had gotten regular bandages for our wounds which are just scars now but the nurse says we should take it easy for a few days which really is understandable. I grin to her as we walk, “Well if you’ve been me you’ll learn to pick up a few things, especially jokes!”

The sun was barely setting down the horizon, by then w Meade it to the ferry stairs of the sweet shop. I turn to Applejack with a wide grin. "Aw man I haven't laughed like that in awhile! Thanks Aj." I smiled as she tips her hat down hiding her face from me, her voice sounding like she was embarrassed.

"Aw shucks." She says softly, I let out a small snicker from her being all shy. It was quite cute. “Wait, can I call you AJ? Sorry I just got a bit carried away.” I say suddenly, wondering if I was even able to say that because well.. we were still strangers.

Applejack shakes her head, “ah it’s mighty fine sugarcube, all my friends call me AJ, and as far as I know you are a friend of mine Mike.” She says with a big grin, her arm around me and pull me into an one arm hug. Her words really got to me though, friends, just the sound of that made me smile.

“Wow.. heh thanks AJ, really I appreciate your kindness.” I say as I open the door for her, she tips her hat as she walks inside "Thanks partner." I nod in response and went in myself. but something wasn't quite right.

All the lights were off, it was completely dark. Applejack seemingly just disappears in the darkness. I felt a worryingly feeling start to grow in me as I try to call out to her. “Applejack? You there?" No response.

"Okay this isn't funny, come out no-"


Dear lord help me...

Chapter 7: A party to remember! Pt 1

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"WHAT DA FAUQ?!" I screamed att the top of my lungs, falling back down to the floor for what felt like the hundredth time today. I was NOT expecting a crowd full of ponies shouting "SUPRISE" to me scaring me to half-to-death.

I look up to see a crowd of ponies, some I met before, with the look of confusion plastered on their faces. Maybe they don't know what fuck is. I though and sat up, one certain pink mare didn't waste time as she races up to me, wearing a huge ass smile on her face. She ran up to me and pick me off the ground.

"Were you surprised?! Huh were ya?! Were ya?! Were ya?!" She was basically jumping impatiently for my response. No, she was really jumping or was it more like hoping? Meh I don't really know. But to say the least I was suprised as all hell.

"Y-yes I was VERY surprised." I reply back to Pinkie, and I swore to all the is holy her smile just go bigger which scares me on how she’s even able to do that. Like really what the hell.

"Yayyyyy!" She screams with joy then gives me a brutal bone crushing hug. I could hear snickering and giggles in the back round, from all the ponies that’s just watching. After she releases me in her death hug, with me catching my breath, she turns back towards the crowd of ponies. "C’mon Everypony, letssssssss PARTY!" As soon as she says that, she threw confetti in the air, and the crowd started to cheer. Then in no time at all, went off to do what ever the hell ponies do at parties.

I was about to ask Pinkie why she set up this suprise party but she was gone by the time I turn to see her again. I guess she disappeared in to the crowd were I can't see her. A sigh escapes me as I look around the room were ponies were engaging into conversations with each other, eating, and some are already dancing to the music that started playing.

Wait the music it sounds familiar......its dubstep! I turn around where the music is playing from. There stood a DJ behind a sound board with two giant speakers in each side of the DJ. The more I stare at the DJ the more I realize that DJ is a mare. She had a bright light gray coat, and her mane was an electric and blue striped wild mane. I couldn't see her eyes because they were covered with a pair of purplish shades.

Yep. Definitely dubstep.

Well this is certainly a party now is it? I hear a voice say in my head that I immediately recognized as Alister’s.

Oh hey Blix and yeah this some party but I wonder who it's for? I wonder in thought but I heard the dragons voice chuckling. Whats so funny?

Oh nothing. He says in an innocent tone. I was about to question his tone of voice but he interrupts me. Mike I believe your friends are calling you.

"Huh?" I turn my head to see Pinkie waving at me. When she saw she had my attention she waves her hoof over to her, as if saying 'come here'.

I was confused but I walk over to her. "Hey Mike do you have want to meet my BEST friends in the entire world." She put the emphasis on best and she look really excited for me to meet them. I smile nod, actually curious to see her friends as she clearly talks about them ALOT.

"Sure Pinks." She giggled at the nickname I gave her. To be honest I don't know where that came from but shrugged it off as being friendly.

VERY friendly indeed. Blix says in that annoying wooing tone again.

Shut up Blix. I quickly thought back as I follow Pinkie through the crowd.

Alister chuckles in his might voice for a little bit then he went quiet, assuming he decided to leave me alone.

Pinkie hops through the crowd with me in tow behind her. Their was a table on the opposite side of the room. Five other mares where sitting at the table. Two I recognized instantly as Applejack and Rainbow Dash. The mares saw Pinkie coming and was about to greet her when they saw me.

"Howdy Mike!" The first to greet me was Applejack as she tips her hat. Rainbow grumbles something before Applejack gently elbows Rainbow’s side. She hisses and rubs her side as she loudly grumbles. "Hey Mike."

The other three mares look to Rainbow and Applejack with confused expressions. “Wait darlings, how do you meet this fine stallion?" Says a mare with a vibrant white coat, her mane is a rich, indigo, and curly mane and tail. Her eyes were a bright azure blue. She was also a Unicorn and had somewhat of a British accent but had posh written all over her. It made me a little uncomfortable since I KNOW how some posh people like to be snobs. God I hate snobs. But I kept my mouth shut deciding since I'm in a new world; they won't be so bad. Right?

Pinkie, cutting in their conversation, states "YEAH! Me, Applejack, and Dashie know him! After all he did save them from Timberwolves when they were lost in the forest!" She was pretty much overjoyed with her happiness. While the other three mares had their jaws drop in disbelief.

"Wh-what?! Really?!" Exclaims a violet coated mare. She was also a Unicorn too. Her mane and tail was a very dark Saphire blue almost a purple color with a pink, and a purple strip coming down her mane, her tail was the same way. Her eyes were a dark purple. I don't know why but her appearance makes me believe she's some type of bookworm? She gazes towards me with wide eyes. I glance back at her gazed but quickly looked away feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Wow." It was barely audible but it sounded like a whisper. I turn over where I heard it, seeing a Pegasus mare like Rainbow. Her coat was a buttery scotch yellow with a golden tint to it. Her mane and tail were long and pight pink covering one side of her face. Her eyes are a sky blue color. She sees me glance at her and made an 'eep' sound and hid behind her mane. That was an obvious sign that she was the shy type.

The posh mare’s eyes scan over me. "My, my, my you must have such acts of bravery and chivalry in your heart, the act of such a gentlecolt." She said in a wooing tone that made me blush a little. I could hear Alister holding in his snickers from my embarrassment.

Shut it you old geezer, for like an over 100 century year old dragon you sure do laugh a lot. I thought with a bit of a snark.

Hehe yes I had somewhat of a laughing problem back when I was young. I heard him sigh Ha those were the good days. He went quiet. I took it as a sign as it was something he didn’t wish to talk about, I respected him by not saying anything else after that.

The white coated mare was waving her hoof in from of my face, trying getting my attention. "Oh darling you kinda of.. um... spaced out for a moment." She said with that accent of hers. I shook my head a bit and see the other five mares staring at me with confuse glances.

I rub the back of my head with a sheepish smile I could make. Feeling all kinds of embarrassment. “Hehe... sorry about that, I intend to space out every once in awhile hehe." I chuckle a bit as the mares didn’t seem to understand why but didn’t ask anything else about it. Rainbow eyeing me with suspicion again but I decided to ignore it.

"Well it's nice to met you all! My name is Michael Z. But you can call me Mike." I said as I hold out a hoof "Nice to meet you miss......uh....." I couldn’t finish my sentence with nothing else. I felt the atmosphere get awkward, and I can tell that the other mares can feel it too.

"OH! Where are my manners darling? My name is Rarity." The posh mare, who I now know as Rarity, held up her hoof expecting a handshake (or is it hoofshake?) but this action gave me an idea. I held my hoof under hers and lifted up to my face. I gently kissed her hoof.

"It is an honor to meet you M'lady." I said with an accent of my own. Rarity pulled her hoof back and hold it near her mouth covering a quiet giggle and caring a blush that was obviously there with her white coat.

"My, what a gentlecolt." She giggled heartily.

I snicker a bit myself and went on to the lavender mare. "Hi I'm Mike and you are?" I ask as she straightened herself and looked up at me as she was just a little shorter than me.

"Hello Mike, my name is Twilight Sparkle." She held her hoof out for a hoofshake which I gladly obliged. "I can’t help but wonder how strange your name is, no offense." She quickly added but I only smiled.

"Don't worry about it, I get that a lot." I reassured, she smiles back. Now there's one left. I turned around meeting the butterscotch Pegasus mare. She looks at me shyly and hid behind Rarity.

"Don't worry darling, he is such a nice gentlecolt." The shy Pegasus gazes up to Rarity "Trust me." The shy mare nods slowly and takes a deep breath. Slowly but surely she crept out from behind Rarity and into view.

"Hey, I’m Mike what's your name?" I asked with a gentle voice of my own. I can tell she was trying, but as shy as she must’ve been hard to meet new peo- erm ponies.

"F-F-F-Fluttershy." She stutters so quietly; I think It can barely be called a whisper.

"Huh? I'm sorry but I didn't catch that." I say gently, she corrects herself and tries again.

"U-um I-it's Fluttershy. she says again but it's still to quiet.

"One more time please?" I ask with a sheepish smile.

"U-um my name I-is Fluttershy." She answers once more, clearly this time but it was still quiet.

"Fluttershy eh? It suits you well." I say as a complement. Her face went completely red and made a squeak sound, hiding her face behind her mane. To be honest the scene was cute. Why are all these ponies cute?

"Th-thank you..." I heard her say, it was faint but it was there.

"No problem."

Pinkie suddenly squeezes herself between us and wraps an arm around us both. However very close to each others faces. "C’mon Everypony! Now we're done with introducing each other, LETSSSS PARTY!" The crazy pink mare once again threw confetti in the air once again. Everyone howls with excitement, except for Fluttershy who made a quiet...


I swear I could feel my heart melt a little by the cuteness. I even start to feel my face become a bit hot. It then hit me, I realize I was becoming more and more attracted these mares. I shake off the thought of that, thinking it was probably just this body. I begin to follow the mares toward the rest of the crowd of ponies.

Hey Blix..? I was wondering how long do you think I have to be in this world? I mentally asked Blix. He stays quiet for a minute then responded.

I’ll be honest young Mike, I don't know how long you’ll be here or if ever you are going to get back home... He says in a low tone. I stop in my tracks.

wh-what?! But I don’t want to be stuck here! I got family and friends back at home! They’ll be really worried about me!

I’m sorry... I don’t know how to help you... but all may not be lost young Mike. Maybe if we could ask the princesses themselves for help, I’m sure they would have answer. They’re one of the most strongest beings on this planet. Blix words dig deep into me, never being able to return home..? But why now of all times? How did I even get here at all? So many questions ran through my mind as I’m sure Alister could hear them all. I hear him sigh.

Mike? I know how you feel but now you must stay strong. I promise we’ll find a way back for you. Now matter the difficulty. Blix says with full of determination.

His words got to me, soon I felt a smile spread across my lips.

Thanks you Blix so much. Y’know even after only being here for a day and a half, I feel like we could do anything. I don't know why but I felt a sudden strange of determination flow through me as well. I felt something warm against my chest but I didn’t bother to see what it was.

I feel the same young Mike, and I shall never leave your side. Blix says. I swear I can feel him smile.

Thanks, so much Alister... but for now let's party! I thought excitedly, that warm feeling felt a bit hotter. I didn’t think about it much as I see the mares began walking away from the table.

"H-hey girls wait up!" I shout to them as I trot to catch up to them.

Yes, let’s...for now. Was all I heard from the dragon before I heard a familiar click sound.

What does he mean 'for now?'

Chapter 8: A party to remember! Pt 2

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"I've been meaning to ask, but who is this party for?" I ask the six mares, they all had drinks in their hooves, now what I don’t get after all the things I see while my couple of days of being here, is being able to hold stuff with hooves. How do you even do that? It just doesn't work like that. I honestly didn’t feel like giving myself a headache on how the machanics and logics works here. I notice that the girls were looking at me like I just said something stupid. I probably did.

"What?" I cock my head a bit, clearly confused by their gazes.

Twilight shakes her head then pointed upwards. I look up to see a giant red banner, written on it was "Welcome to Ponyville Mike!" In bold yellow letters. I let out an "Oh" with my mouth slightly open. I look back at the mare as some giggle while others roll their eyes. I feel my face burn slightly as I cover my face. "Oh hehe...I have a tendency to miss the larger picture..hehe."

I could've swear I hear Alister face palm with an anoynned sigh. I couldn't help but snicker quietly, and picked up my drink. Apparently it was Apple cider. I usual don't drink real heavy stuff but Applejack assured me it was alright to drink. I slowly took a sip the taste of the liquid was surprisingly really good. There’s a very, very faint taste of alcohol but it’s barely noticeable. It’s really sweet and a huge taste of apples to cover it. I stop drinking for a minute to just look at the mug of cider with wide eyes.

"Oh wow.. this stuff is really GOOD. Who Knew trying cider for the first time would be this GOOD." I happily said, soon chugging the rest of it down without stop until it was all gone. I let out a pleased sigh, setting it down. Rainbow sets down her mug from her mouth and looks to me strangely.

"Woah woah hold on." Rainbow starts. "You mean you never HAD any cider before?" She asks her eyes going wide. I shook my head.

"No but this is really good! Who makes this stuff?" I took another chug of the delicious drink as Applejack stood up tall and proud.

"Well thank ya kindly sugarcube, ya see me and mah family owns the best apple farms in all of Equestria!" She exclaims in her usual southern accent, she continues. "We also make the BEST apple cider in all of Equestria too." She states proudly as she adjusted her hat.

"Really? Well then, I want to give your family my thanks for this best drink I've ever had!" I complimented as I took another swig, finishing the sweet drink. Applejack sheepishly smiles as she used her hat to cover her face a bit.

"Well shoot partner you're making me blush." Applejack says with a chuckle.

I smile at that, I felt pretty happy to know that I make others feel happy. I watch the girls for a moment when I noticed one of them was missing. I counted them as I remember them being six of them, and not five. Wait... there's Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow, uh Rarity, and Fluttershy...who else is- My train of thought was interrupted by a certain pink pony suddenly screams into my ear.

"ARE YOU ENJOYING YOURSELF MIKE?!" Pinkie shouts suddenly. I yelp in suprise and fall back on my chair, hitting my head against the hard-wooden floor, and my ears ringing in pain.

Pinke Pie.... I can hear Blix howl with laughter in the back of my head. Shut up...

I-I'm sorry Mike Th-that was just too funny! The dragon continues his fit of laughing, after awhile it died down though I can still hear him snicker and giggle a bit.

"Oh sweet Celestia Pinkie!" Rainbow laughs loudly as she bangs the table with her hoof.

Rarity although had the exact opposite reaction. "Pinkie darling, you can't just go up to other ponies and scream in their ears! I'm so sorry Michael, are you ok?" Rarity wield a worrisome expression.

I groan as I slowly got up from the floor, my head felt like a train hitting my head a thousand times. Cursed migraines. "Um y-yeah *hiss* i’ll be alright.." I say as I rub my head, tying to soothe the pain. Pinkie rushes over to me and gave me another bone crushing hug.

"Awwwww, are you okay Mikey?" Pinkie coos holding me tightly to her. I would’ve been lying if I said I didn’t feel like I could die from Pinkie's hulk-like hugs.

"Y-yes Pinkie I'm gonna be ok....also air." My breath was running short until Pinkie finally let’s go to of me.

She hops in wearing a sheepish grin on her face. “Sorry Mikey." She pats my head then hops back over to sit with her friends.

Rarity then walks over to me as she wipes off some dust that was on my jacket. "Darling you have to keep this wonderful made jacket clean-" she then got closer to examine my jacket. "Actually I have never seen this kind of fabric. Please do tell on how you got this.” Rarity asks in her posh accent, her eyes staring at me with curiosity.

"Well I don't know where it was made, it was actually my Dad's before he gave it to me. But, this jacket WAS his most prized possession. He said that he got it from being part of a group called the "Arkians" whatever that means. Heh, that was awhile ago, I’ve always worn it since... ever since what happened." I mumble that last part sadly, as I can feel tiny tears slowly reach my eyes. I had to fought them back, I didn’t want those painful memories to come back.

Rarity nods understandably. “Well who ever made it has quite the talent." She says as she goes back over to the table. I gaze down at my jacket, precisely down at the patch at my left arm. It was the words "Arkian" written in bold white blue letters. I never knew what the "Arkians" are or were but I shrug it off as being just a gang name or something. I shake my head as I made my way back over to the table were the other girls are, currently chatting about other things. Myself getting kind of lost in my own thoughts.

Just as I sat back down in my seat I hear Twilight say "Spike there you are! Look I want you to meet somepony." I turn over to Twilight and notice a small figure next to her heading towards me. The figure was small, barely up lot Twilight's legs. He had some kind is purple skin with a light green underbelly, and big green spines on his head, back, and what I can make out was a shovel like tail. I honestly thought it was some kind of giant purple lizard. But then I noticed its eyes. They were a bold emerald-green with two long slits in each eye.

Its a dragon! I mentally shout at myself for not realizing it earlier.

HE'S a dragon. Blix corrects me. I was gonna say something but he continues on. More importantly He's a purple-scaled dragon. I haven't seen another purple dragon in years! How did the lavender unicorn manage to get a hold of his egg?... His words got my head-gears turning now. From there I decide to ask a question myself.

Uh Blix? what's so special about purple-scaled dragons? I mentally ask him.

Huh? Oh a purple-scaled dragon is a type of dragon that contains immense power. I believe now will be the best time to tell you this. Long ago in dragon culture, your were given rank based on the color of your scales. The darker your scales the lower your rank would be. In my time, common colors were black, red, orange. Yellow, green and blue were considered rare as well as purple. Having white scales however were even rarer. It signed as even the purest form of dragons. Even considered royalty. Their scales would also sign as to how much magic power they possessed. Of course not everyone liked such ideas after time, soon conflict arises, eventually a war broke out.. its been years since then and I’m sure the dragons of today completely forgot about their own magic abilities and ranks of scales. I’m sure even the princesses themselves don’t know much of dragon history from then. I stood quite, learning all this information that I guess not even the RULERS of this land know about. Although a part of me wonders why is he just openly telling me this now.

Well that’s enough talk now, I want to know more about this young dragon. Blix says. I nod and look back to the small purple dragon now only a few feet away from me.

"Spike meet Michael, Michael meet Spike, my number one assistant." Twilight states, while Spike puffed out his chest in pride when Twilight said ‘number one assistant.’

"Hi Spike." I greet the small dragon while I let out my hoof towards him for a handshake. He obliges by grabbing my hoof with his purple scaled covered hand (or claw) and shook it lightly.

"Hi Micheal!" He said in a cheery kid tone. "And yeah as Twi said I'm her number one assistant at Ponyville library!" He exclaims proudly. He then turns his attention over to a certain white unicorn as she swung her hair out of her face in a beauty fashion.

"H-hi Rarity~..." Spike dreamily says with a small goofy smile as soon as his eyes met Rarity. I could've swore I saw his eyes change to hearts, and small hearts appear around him. I chuckle softly as I remember my "love at first sight moment" but I can tell that Spike and Rarity knew each other well, and for awhile. Rarity greets him back with a smile and a pet name, calling spike her "Spikey-Wikey".

I can hear Blix humming in interest in the background of my mind at the nickname Rarity had given Spike. A dragon falling in love with a pony. Hmm... It’s been a long time since that’s happened. The dragon says with a soft sigh as his humming stops.

You mean before? What was life like really before.. today I guess? I mentally asked him, my curiosity going at its highest peak with all this information he’s been telling me today.

Well as much as I would love to tell you young Mike, but for now let us enjoy this party. I promise I’ll share all my stories with you. Blix lets out a hearty chuckle. I could only sigh and agree.

I look around the giant party, and smiled on how happy this little town can be. it makes me happy that there is peace actual peace here, in all places really, unlike how Earth is. Shaking the thoughts out of my mind, I notice Pinkie whispering something to the DJ. The DJ nods and hands over a microphone to her. Pinkie clears her throat in the microphone, catching everyone's attention.

"WELCOME EVERYPONY!" Pinkie shouted in the mic, making sure everyone is listening. "TO A PARTY I HAD A SETUP FOR A NEW PONY THAT CAME TO TOWN." As soon as she finished the area became dark. Then a bright headlight shown upon on me, exposing me in the light. "MICHAEL ZEE!" Pinkie introduces me, hearing some stomps and claps. (At least that’s i thought they were) "HE IS ALSO THE PONY THAT SAVED APPLEJACK AND RAINBOW DASH FROM TIMBERWOLVES IN THE EVER FREE AND BROUGHT THEM BACK HOME!!" Pinkie shouts with an excited glee. I've heard a collective gasp and whispers that made me feel kind of embarrassed, Rainbow groans in annoyance behind me, and Applejack chuckles sheepishly while tipping her hat down to hid her face.

Pinkie finishes up her rant and gave back the mic to the DJ, she hops of the statge and was immediately bickered by Rainbow. "What the hay Pinkie! You had to tell EVERYPONY!" Rainbow emphasized everyone by showing Pinkie the ponies at the party.

Pinkie giggles and booped Rainbow on her nose. "Silly Dashie. There's nothing to be a shame off, you’re still the AWSOMMMME pony I know!" Rainbow blushes a little at the compliment but she crosses her arms and pretends not to care as much. Pinkie giggles again and hops of to somewhere God knows where.

I can’t help but laugh softly at the pink mares antics. I could see something big and red out of the corner of my eye, and said big, red thing was walking to me. I turn my head to see a huge red stallion that I was pretty sure twice my size, his mane and tail was a dark orangish-blonde. "Howdy." He says to me in a deep southern accent, kind of like Applejack’s.

"Uh.. hi.." I was immediately intimidated by him. His shear size alone literally shadows over me.

The stallion grins a bit as he suddenly pats my back, kind of hard. "Don't worry partner. I ain't gonna hurt ya." He reassures. I felt a little calmer by that but I was still felt pretty small compared to this guy. "Also." He continues on. "I have to thank ya on saving my little sis from them Timberwolves."

I grin a bit sheepishly. "It was nothing really. I just did what anybody else would do." I say, rubbing my bandaged covered arm. I honestly forgot about till now. Quickly looking at it then back at him.

He shook his head. "Nope. It was something. Tell ya what, How bout you hang with us?" He motions over to a couple of other stallions at a table, they notice us and wave us over. I look up to him but he just had a neutral expression, pretty hard to tell what he was thinking.

Eh, why not? I'll be getting to know other peo- er ponies in the process. I nod, smiling. “Sure! But uh what’s your name?” I ask him.

“Ah pardon my manners, the names Big Mac. C’mon I’ll show you around with the other guys.” Big Mac says as he leads me to the table.

Chapter 9: A party to remember! Pt 3

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'Just one drink.' They said! 'It wouldn't hurt.' But noooooo. It did....A lot. I grumbled under my breath as I walk along with the six mares and Big Mac. I let out a sigh as I used Big Mac as a shoulder to lean on. Quite literally. "I'm sorry Mac, honestly. I don't know what came over me." I apologize to Mac.

Mac just smiles as he looks on like nothing happened. "It's mighty fine, I ain't hold no grudge on you if that's what you're thinkin'." He says before continuing. "I know you didn't mean to hurt me."

I let out a small sigh of relief at this. "Thanks Big Mac.." Note to self: Never touch alcohol again. I thought as I shivered slightly.

I hear Blix chuckle with his mighty voice inside my head. I warned you didn't I? At least it could be worse. He tries to reassure me but I just groaned again.

please don't jinx me... I plea to the dragon chuckles once more and finally agrees to stop.

My mind wonders to how exactly I came up to this moment. Going back roughly an hour ago where anything that could've gone wrong, all went wrong.

An hour ago...

"You sure a drink won't hurt, right?” I followed Mac to a table where other stallions were sitting. One was a lighter brown coat with a darker brown mane that was slick back. His eyes were a very bright blue. Another stallion was skinny but tall, his coat a darker yellow, his mane more orangish and lime green eyes. The last stallion was a Pegasus with a very dark gray- almost black coat, light baby blue mane in the shape of a Mohawk and golden eyes.

Huh.. so they’re are more guys here. I honestly thought I was going mad when I could only see more and more girls. Maybe that’s just my imagination. I thought to myself as me and Big Mac stop in front of the group. Big Mac steps up and begins talking, “Fellers, I would like ya to meet-“

“There’s the guy of the hour!” The gray coated stallion suddenly shouts as he shoots up from his seat and hovers over to me. It’s honestly weird seeing a horse fly, especially since their wings looks like they can’t even lift themselves off the ground. “I was starting to get worried that I wouldn’t meet the rad pony of honor!” He says, putting an arm around me, pulling me into an one-arm hug.

The Pegasus pony held a wide grin as he walks to the table with me in tow. “Seriously though, beating some Timberwolves is not something you can do and live to tell the tale! Especially when saving some pretty mates.” The guys says to me with a small smirk. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Big Mac’s face form a small scowl at his comment. However he continues, “How’d you do it? Crazy spells? Oh! What about some sick fighting moves.” He exclaims and demonstrates with a karate chop with one of his arm.

“Um.. I guess you can say that..?” My response sounded more like a question, and to me it was a question. I remember fighting the Timberwolves but really it felt like my body did it on instinct. Was it because of this new body?

Not exactly young Mike, it was mostly from my doing. I hear Blix suddenly speaks up, my mind going blank for a quick second.

Huh? Really? How? I mentally ask him, really curious to know how he do it because I know full well I don’t take self defense classes back from where I came from.

In that moment when those wolves attacked I immediately went into action. ‘Temporarily’ possessing your body to fight back since you do not posses the ability to use magic yet. He explains simply. The thought of ‘possession’ really alarmed me.

Possessing my body?! Why- how did you even- I begin but Blix interrupts me once more.

It’s.. more complicated than you might think, and not just ‘ghost possession’ if that’s what you’re think because I know you are! Blix says quickly, I just stayed silent as I was actually thinking of that.

“Um..? Hey dude? You alright?” The dark gray stallion asks, waving his hoof in front of me. I snap back into reality, seeing all the other stallions staring at him with confusion and concern. I realize that I spaced out again and feel my face turn into a small blush in embarrassment.

“Heh.. s-Sorry about that, I have a tendency to space out sometimes.” I say with a small grin, the stallion just shrugs before patting my back.

“Ha! You’re a weird one that’s for sure! But seriously though, how did you manage to fight them off? If I remember right they can regenerate themselves right?” The stallion keeps firing question after question. I felt myself move back slightly from his bombardment if questions.

“Well I uh-.. I-“

“Honestly Thunderlane, stop scaring the poor chap will ya? Let him enjoy the party!” The lighter brown stallion calls out with a small smile. The gray pony, now I know as Thunderlane, had a look of small remorse. His ears folding down as he moves back.

“Heh, sorry dude. Just got a bit excited!” He says as his face changes instantly to a wide grin. “Here sit with us, I’ll make it by getting us all drinks.” He says as he motions his hoof to me. I let out a small sigh and obliged, sitting with the group of stallions while Thunderlane went over to the food bar it looks like.

“Excuse him young chap, now I believe we should get introductions out of the way. You’re already met Thundelane and Big McIntosh I assume.” The lighter brown pony starts, he had a bit of a British accent too. “This is Mr. Cake, owner of the finest bakery there is.” He points to the yellow stallion. Mr. Cake smiles at his comment and nods with pride form what I could tell. “And I’m The Doctor.” The light brown pony says finally.

“Wait- just Doctor? Doctor- what?” I ask, noticing he just said ‘Doctor’ and nothing else. It was strange because it did sound familiar before, like it was from a show or something. I shrug, must’ve been my imagination.

“Don’t think about it too much, we have no idea either.” Big Mac comments in.

“Although sometimes we call him Doctor Whooves.” Mr. Cake adds in with a shrug as well.

Doctor Whooves clears his throat pretty loudly to catch our attention again with a slight annoyed scowl. “Well I beg your pardon, I think my name is perfectly normal here.” He says before he continues on though Thunderlane comes back with five large mugs. A few of those mugs he had to carry with his wings and I wasn’t about to think about how he’s even able to do that.

He begins to hand everyone a mug and hands me one as well, I see it looks like cider and became excited again. Feeling a grin appear on my face as without a second though I began to chug the mug. The apple taste was there but there was another taste. A very strong sour kind of taste that hit my taste buds hard. I reacted instinctively and put the mug down. Without having anywhere to spit it out I slowly drank it. I know what the other taste was despite never having it before. Alcohol, I've smelled Alcohol before, the smell had been always ingrained my mind before so I knew exactly what this extra taste was. I guess my reaction had been noticed by the other guys because Bic Mac looked at me with slight worry.

“Ya alright there, partner?” He asks with a hint of concern in his voice. I slowly nod and felt kinda queasy.

“Yeah.. is there alcohol in this?” I ask, looking down at my mug. It looked pretty much the same as a regular cup of non-alcohol cider.

Thunderlane replies back, “Uh yeah there is! You don’t like that? Sorry dude I thought you did.”

I shiver slightly, the taste of the broad alcohol still on my tongue. I shake my head, “No it’s alright, I just.. take it easy when it comes to this stuff.” I say. Eyeing the mug in front of me.

Thunder lane nods in understanding, taking a small sip of his mug. “Ah yeah that makes more sense, sorry I can go get you something else if you want?” He suggested.

I slowly shook my head, “no no, it’s alright.” I reassured. Thunderlane nods once more before sitting down. I look back down at the mug before sighing a little.

This is suppose to be a party right? I’m suppose to enjoy myself, I mean this isn’t really my first time trying alcohol before. Now that I think about it, this isn’t as strong as some I tried back home.

I felt a familiar click in my head as I hear Blix’s voice once more, I’ve been hearing your thoughts.. are you sure you can handle this worlds hard beverage? It might not be a good idea. I hear Blix say to me.

I took a deep breath and nod my head, feeling a small and sheepish grin form. Yeah.. I think I can. I don’t think this stuff is as hard as it is back home. With another, this time longe, deep breath I raise the mug once more. Chugging down the contents as quickly as I could. The mixture of the sweet apple cinnamon flavor with the hard alcohol mixed in rushed into my senses like a train.

After I quickly drank the mug I set it done with a little more force then I intended to use. The stallions before me gaze at me with slight shock. “Woah.. you alright? I thought you said you take easy on that stuff.” Thunderlane finally says, chuckling a little at the end.

I couldn’t help but shrug a little, feeling the drink slowly kick in. I raise the mug into the air and shouted full-heartedly. “Well this is a party isn’t it? Well I say screw the rules and let’s have fun!”

The stallions as well as a few ponies cheered at this. A random pony came up to me with another mug filled with the hard cider. I graciously accepted and begin to chug it down. I could hear Blix sighing in my mind but I just mentally shrugged it off. What’s the worst that can happen?

15 minutes later...

"PONYVILLE!? ARE YOU READY TO ROCK!?" Mike shouts out over a crowd of ponies all gathered near him. The ponies shout with cheers. Mike was clearly in a tipsy state, but not too drunk. Still he show cleared signs that his mind isn's all there.

In his hooves he held an electric guitar, courtesy of a certain DJ, Vinyl. It took him a minute or two before he was able to get a good handle of the instrument on his hooves. Said hooves were a blessing and a curse. He was glad that he wouldn't need a pick of sort but it would make playing notes with hooves a hassle while also standing up on his two hind legs.

After another minute he figured out a good way to play before coming onto the small stage that also resided a DJ booth. Normally Mike wouldn't do this but after some convincing from Thunderlane in the form as a small bet. Mike didn't doubt his skill but he always felt nervous when performing. But thanks to his drunken state he had an extra boost in confidence.

The sudden performance gathers the attention of all the ponies there, including six certain mares.

Before much could be said about his decision, the lights dim as a slow beat begins to play in the background. Vinyl grins at Mike as he nods. He takes a small breath as his hooves begin to play

The more Mike played the more he seemed to relax, he certainly felt like himself. Enjoying the beat of the music as he let his hooves run along the strings as best as they could allow him too.

Ponies all alike stood there mouth agape as well as the mares. Then they began to cheer wildly as he continues on.

Soon the song came to an end with Mike holding onto the last note a little longer. As soon as that ends the crowd goes into another cheer for the last time. Mike couldn't help but smile, he takes off the instrument and sets it down gently and took in all the applause from the crowd. It felt such a nice moment to Mike that he didn't want it to end.

Until he came up with a horrible idea.

Mike then turns around, facing away from the crowd which confuses some ponies.

"STAGE DIVE!" He announces as he jumps off the stage. Ponies around move away in time but unfortunately not all ponies were able to react in time from the sudden stallion's action. One of the ponies that was unfortunate was Big Mac.

Back to the present...

"Well did you have fun at the party besides that!?" Pinkie shouts in my ear suddenly. Causing me to yelp in surprise and bring me our from the memory. I took a breath to calm my speeding heart as I nod.

"Yeah, despite what happened I did actually have fun." I say with a small smile.

Pinkie smiles more from my answer seems to bounce with joy. Literally as she bounces along with us. Rainbow slowly flies nearby us, however she had a knew look that was more of interest.

"That was totally AWESOME by the way! Where did you learn to shred like that?" She asked, gaining the attention of every one else. The other girls had similar statements.

"Yeah! did you have an awesome teacher?" Pinkie asks as she continues on with her bouncing.

"While it's not my cup of tea darling it was quite entertaining." Rarity says.

"Well shoot, ah was mighty surprise you could play that thing with just two hooves." Applejack added as well.

"It was really interesting to see you play with your hooves instead of your magic." Twilight states.

"It was nice.." Fluttershy's barely audible voice manages to catch my ears.

I kept my head low from their stares in embarrassment as I felt a small blush on my face. "Aw stop, you're making me blush." He says before looking back up to them with a smile. "I learned the basics from my mother who liked to play the guitar. And as for learning to play in that style you saw earlier, that was from mostly self-taught." I explained.

"What? Self-taught? No way! That kind of playing would take ages to learn by yourself. You must've had help!" Rainbow says unbelievably.

"He ain't lying Dash." Applejack spoke up, making Rainbow's face go into slight shock. I just chuckled and shrug as I continued on walking.

"well.. anyway, I'll see you guys later. I got weather duty tomorrow! See ya!" Rainbow says as she then turns and flies to a different direction.

Probably to her house. I thought as I heard a yawn coming from the push mare.

"I have to go as well. A mare needs her beauty sleep after all. Ciao!" Rarity says before turning and heading towards a building that looks like a carousel.

"I gotta help out the Cakes tomorrow for a special wedding cake in plan!" Pinkie announces as she gives me a quick hug before hoping off. I blush a little from the contact but thought nothing more from it.

You like the attention. Blix says with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Shut up, you're not helping! I quickly retorted.

"As much as I want to continue to talk more, I have to go check on Spike and send my report to Princess Celestia. See you all tomorrow!" Twilight says as he horn glows for a moment before she disappears in a flash of white.

That's so cool! I really need to learn how to do that! I thought as I look up at my own horn. Maybe I could ask Twilight if she would lend me some books on magic.

It would be a good place to start, maybe tomorrow when she's available. Blix suggests, which makes me nod my head.

Yeah! Let's do that! I answered.

Fluttershy then speeded up ahead of us. "Oh I hate to leave but i'm worried about my animals. Have a goodnight everypony." She says in her gentle voice and rises up from the ground slightly heads on to I guess her own home.

That left only Applejack, Big Mac, and Me. I turn to her, "Guess you gotta go home too huh?"

Applejack nods. "Yeah. Me and Mac gotta head back to the farm. Apples can't pick themselves." She chuckles at her own joke before adding, "Wait, where are you gonna stay? You don't really have a place to stay right?" She asks. This made my mind go blank for a second before the realization kicked in.

"Oh right, well I don't really have a place to go to.. and I don't have any money to rent for a hotel room for the night.." I begin to internally panic. With no money, or a roof over my head, how am I gonna survive in this colorful world?

Big Mac then speaks up. "Well you can stay with us for the time being." He offered, my eyes widening a little from the sudden hospitality.

"Really? I mean I wouldn't want to be a burden to you or your family." I say reluctantly.

Mac shook his head, "Non-sense. we'll be glad to have ya, besides you said it yerself. You ain't got money to get a hotel room." He says, making me sigh in response as he was right. "Besides, think of it as a repayment for saving mah sister." He finishes with a smile you see on a relived mother, or brother in this case.

Applejack blushes slightly and nods. "How about it? I say you ain't got much of a choice sugar cube." She finishes with a small smirk.

I considered my very limited options and as much as I didn't like living in other people's home I agreed. "Alright, alright i'll stay. But I want to help out too, I don't want to be completely useless." I added. Big Mac nods in approval.

"I like yer style Mike." Mac says as he turns as well as Applejack and begin walking with me following close behind them. I couldn't help but smile. I was starting to really like this world. But another thought always keeps popping into my head. What is my purpose here at all?

I became lost in my thoughts as I soon look up to see Mac and Applejack already farther ahead of me. I shook my head to clear my head. I'll think about it later. I thought to myself before rushing to the two farm ponies. "Hey! wait up!"