The Shadow guard

by Lon35hadow

First published

When a new threat to Equestria emerges, a secret guard will reveal itself

In Equestria's history, it has been Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, along with, most recently, the royal couple and the Element bearers. Because of them, peace rules over the world. But one day, five years after Luna's return and Nightmare's second defeat, a new evil arises, one that has existed under the royal nose for years, one that wishes to take the world for itself. In the most vital decision to be in her career, next to banishing her sister, Celestia has done something she hoped she would never have to: fight the darkness, with the darkness. Her call rang out across the world, and those chosen answered. This is the story of the Shadow Guard, Celestia's personal peacekeepers, and how they, not the usual heroes, saved the world.

A new threat

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It was a sunny day in Ponyville in the season of fall. Pegasai were out and about, moving clouds for a small shower in the night, Earth ponies were tending to their farms for the coming harvest, and unicorns were the main ones putting up decorations for the upcoming visit of Princesses Celestia and Luna.

Of course, if one knew Ponyville, than they knew at the center of all of this was Twilight Sparkle, princess of Friendship, making sure everything was done as efficiently as possible.

It has been three years since her ascension, and, as she was a princess, many ponies moved to Ponyville, hoping it would become a second Canterlot, and even a few Canterlot residents had moved there, hoping for a friendlier atmosphere than the city that had otherwise known their entire lives. Next to the lavender alicorn, who wore a pair of black shorts along with a blue shirt, stood her dragon companion, Spike. In the three years since, he had gone through a growth spurt, and was now as tall as an average pony. He still had no wings, but his scales had grown to be more lustrous and nearly as tough as diamonds.

"Twilight, you do realize that Celestia and Luna are coming just for a small vacation, right?" Spike asked. "You didn't need to get the entire town involved in welcoming them."

"Twilight sighed. "Yeah, I know, but. . .it's the Princesses. They've ruled over the entire country for over a htousand years. I think one town needs to show they appreciate that." Spike opened his mouth, but Twilight cut him off. "And don't say anything about other towns, just about everypony here, since I live here- have at least realized the princesses are just ponies and need friends on vacation, rather than subjects."

"Oh," Spike said. "Guess that makes sense."

For the next few hours, it was just the ponies getting everything ready for the princesses arrival in two days. After the sun had set, everypony went home to get rest and be ready for tomorrow. All but Twilight, who was going through last minute checks at Sugarcube corner with Pinkie Pie as to the confections. As usual with Pinkie's confections, they were perfect.

Twilight was leaving Sugarcube corner-Spike having returned to the castle to get dinner ready- and on her way home when she heard somepony crying in an alleyway. Curiosity getting the better of her, she entered it, albeit slowly, and with her horn lit so as to see. In the corner of her eyes, she saw shadows move on the rooftops, but paid them no attention. At the end of the alley, the alicorn saw a dark blue unicorn filly, her shirt and shorts town, her head in her knees.

"Hey" Twilight softly said to the filly as she reached her and knelt down, making her look up and allowing Twilight to see her reddened eyes from her tears. "What's the matter?"

Sniffling, the filly stammered out, "My-my mommy and daddy."

"What about them?" Twilight asked.

"Th-they need help. Bad ponies broke into our home, and knocked them out."

"Don't worry," Twilight said. "I'll take you to City hall, and get the police there. Is there anything I can do in the meantime?" she asked as she went to pick the filly up, only for her hands t pass through her as the filly responded.

"You can die, princess," she said before vanishing like the illusion she was as Twilight turned around in a panic upon hearing hooves behind her.

What she saw were four ponies garbed in cloaks that seemed to made of living shadow. Two had shields that gleamed in the moonlight and swords in their free hands, the scabbards on their waists, while the other two seemed to have katanas, if the curved blade was any indication, and a fifth seemed to materialize from the shadows on the walls, and put a magic nullification ring on Twilight's horn before she was even able to process a pony coming out of the shadows, and then delivering a punch to her jaw, making her spin before falling down and facing her attackers.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked in fear, but didn't get a reply. The one who materialized form the wall gave a simple nod to their compatriots, who fanned out. The two with the sword and shields facing the entrance of the alley, the other two seeming to jump up onto opposite rooftops.

When that was done, the apparent leader reached into their cloak, and drew a dagger that had runes on the side, runes Twilight recognized form her studies as forbidden runes that would let a killer take the magic of their victims, and use it for themselves, and flipped it into a reverse grip. "Even if we told you, Princess Sparkle, you would not live to tell of it to the others," the figure said, their voice having been hit with a voice modulation spell before hand, the pitch and tone changing mid-sentence. With that, they walked to her as Twilight felt her limbs grown heavy with dread, unable to move.

Just before they reached her, though, the sounds of swords clashing came from the alley entrance and the rooftops. "Brother, it is them!" one of the sword and shield ponies said.

The leader growled. "Then I will have to do what I can," they said before quickly stabbing Twilight with the dagger in the stomach, a glow coming from it as Twilight yelled in pain, and the five seemed to vanish.

Twilight fell to her back, her vision growing dim, as she saw four figures, none wearing cloaks and all being ponies she recognized- to a degree given her state- come into her view.

"Damn it," one of the ponies and one of the town's candy makers said, two swords across her back. "That's the third time we've had a lead, and the third time we got here too late."

"But the first time we got here before they died," the second voice said, belonging to one of the more recent residents of the town. "We need to tell the Captain and get reinforcements."

"I'll get that taken care of once we get Twilight to the castle," the third voice said, belonging to a long time resident. "Starlight, help me carry her to the castle and make sure nopony sees us."

"Right," the fourth voice said just as Twilight's vision gave out, and the last thing she felt was hands grabbing her legs and shoulders.


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Twilight came to slowly, and when she did, she was unable to move, but she was able to hear two voices, her mind unable to recognize the voices because of what she had just went through.

"You sure that's what it did?" the first voice, a feminine one, asked. "That doesn't fit with their usual. They usually leave victims awake when they kill them, and slowly at that, and since they go after nobles in support of the crown, why not do that to a royal instead of knocking her out for us to rescue her?"

"We did interrupt them before they could do much," the second voice, a male one, replied. "Like Sweetie said, this was the first time we caught them in the act. Every other time, the Order's been able to finish and clear out." A sigh. "Look, I talked with Lone and our guys in the Empire. Nothing up north, but two groups of five were stopped in Canterlot. One going for Celestia was stopped by Lone and the others there, the other group stopped by Luna's guards. That's to say, the other competent guard force. Three captives, all others escaped. Lone'll bring Celestia here around noon tomorrow."

Another sigh. "So, should we get the shit storm umbrellas ready? We all know how mad Celestia will be when she finds out about what happened to Twilight. Especially since you bucking left her!"

"How was I supposed to know that was going to happen!" the voice yelled back, instantly rebooting Twilight's mind, making her groan as she sat up before clutching her side. "Besides, it's not like they'd have much reason to attack here unless it was either suicide or they were sure they could take Celestia down."

A third voice. "Guys, shut it, she's up," it said as she opened her eyes. This voice, Twilight recognized as belonging to one of the more tolerable nobles, his name being Lost Legacy. Twilight didn't know much about him, just that he came from a family of historians and that his great times x grandfather was Celestia's right hand general during the Griffon wars before Luna's banishment. His skin was colored a dark yellow, one similar to faded scrolls, his hair and tail the color of ink. "You okay, Princess?" he asked, as he was sitting next to where the lavender alicorn lay, which was one of the medical beds the hospital had given last year when a bacterial infection from the Everfree infected Ponyville, and the hospital was filled. "Take it easy, you've been out for a day."

This made Twilight's eyes widen. "What? B-but what about the arrival party?"

"I've been handling it, Twi," Spike said as he and Starlight- the former having a Katana in it's scabbard attached to her waist as she wore a simple out fit of exercise pants and a sleeveless t-shirt, showing off her cutie mark.(1) "Kinda easy when it had to be canceled."

"What?" Twilight yelled before clutching her side in pain again.

"Whoa, whoa, take it easy," Lost said as he put his hands on Twilight's shoulders to stop her from falling. "That dagger those guys put in you had a toxin on the edge. Either it wasn't strong enough, or alicorns are just immune to the death portion of it, but it inflamed the nerves in you intestines where you got stabbed, and they're very damned sensitive right now."

"But, yeah, it's cancelled," Spike said as he crossed his arms. "Security reasons. Can't risk those plotholes trying again and being successful with three princesses."

"Spike, what are you talking about?" Twilight asked. "Why does Starlight have a sword?"

"Classified under Celestia's orders and her personal weapon choice for combat," Bon bon, wearing a two piece, black outfit-one reminiscent of the one Twilight wore when she snuck into the Canterlot archives years ago, albeit with leather pads on the forearms, legs, thighs, chest, and shoulders- said as she walked into the room, two short sword across her back. "And trust me, Twilight, Celestia said only she would be allowed to tell you unless it was dire. You're alive, so it's not."

"But I nearly died!"

"So," Bon bon said. "For us, that's a weekly thing, and your an alicorn. It'd take a shit load more to kill you than us." She then sighed. "Still, if it'll keep your mouth quiet until the princess and the Captain get here, I will tell you this: The solar and Lunar guards aren't the only guard that operate in Equestria, and we're willing to do more then them to protect our home."

"Don't forget actually competent," Lost muttered as he helped Twilight up. "Just take it easy for the next few days, Twilight, and you'll be good."

"Okay, why do you do that?" Twilight asked. "You don't call Celestia and Luna by their title."

"And why don't you?" Bon bon asked.

"Because I'm their equal!" Twilight yelled before clutching her side.

"Do I have to knock you out, 'cause I will?" Lost asked.

"Sorry, but still." Twilight asked.

Starlight was the one to answer. "Because. . .well, to put it simply and in terms you'll understand, we're her equals. And not because we're royal."

"Look, you have any other questions, you can ask Celestia," Bon bon said. "Spike, find out how they got her there. Everyone else, check the place, make sure there isn't anything else here that could kill us without us knowing who did so."

"Right," the three others said before Lost, Starlight, and Bon bon left the room, leaving Twilight, who now sat in a chair, and Spike.

"Spike, what happened, what's going on?"

"Like she said, Twilight, you'll have to wait until mom's here to ask about that," Spike replied. "But I will say that what I'm a part of, I have been since before we came to Ponyville." He then sighed before picking up a nearby scroll and quill. "So, so that we have a record of it and can tell Celestia to put a warning out, how did they get you into the alleyway. Trust me, this should help stop them. For now, at least."

Twilight sighed. "You sure?"

"Hey, when have I actually lied to you?" Spike asked.

"Fair enough, I guess," the lavender alicorn sighed. "Well, they were able to use a complex illusion spell to replicate a crying filly who said her parents needed help. When I went to pick her up, that's. . .well, you know the rest. Including the whole shadow thing."

Spike sighed as he finished recording. "Yeah, they've been doing that since we've fought them. The shadow walk, we call it. Far as we can tell, there's no dark magic in it."

"Wow," Twilight whispered. "That'd take a lot of magic."

"Exactly," Spike said. "Well, Twi, get some rest, I need to tell the girls you're okay, but will be bedridden for a week. The reason being we'll want to hear what Celestia wants before we. . .enact security protocols. Nothing violent."

That didn't help Twilight as she paled somewhat. "O-okay," she said as Spike got up, scroll in hand, and went to leave. But she did was able to ask, "Can you at least tell me what they're called? The ponies who assaulted me."

"Nope," Spike said, turning his head to look back. "Not even we know their group name. See ya later, Twi."

One day later- castle throne room

"Everything ready?" Bon bon asked the two unicorns.

"Anti-listening spells are up," Lost reported.

"As are intrusion alarm spells," Starlight said. "They want in, we'll know about it, seeing as how us, Twilight, and, in a few minutes, the captain and Celestia will be the only ones in here."

The earth pony nodded. "Good. How's Twilight doing?"

"Well, considering," Lost said. "Scan I did last night while she did shows she'll make a full recovery. Which makes even less damned sense."

"Unless it was meant to be a message," Spike, who leaned on a nearby wall. "That they can touch the alicorns, too. Should we ask him if acolytes should be posted to the cells?"

"I don't see why not," the candy maker replied. "Someone, get Twilight. Harmony knows she'll be asking questions later. May as well staunch 'em where we can."

"On it," Lost said before he went to leave the room.

In silence, a few minutes passed before a small, yellow orb appeared in the room. "Here they come," Spike said.

"No shit," Starlight said just before there was a small flash, causing the ponies to avert their eyes, and Spike to just close them. When the light faded, two ponies stood there. One was alabaster white and wore simple chain mail armor, reminiscent of knight armor colored a dark yellow. Her wing joints were covered by light but magically enhanced plates, and she had two swords at her wait. This was Celestia when she was angry and out for blood.

the other pony was a below average height unicorn stallion colored black and red, his hair and tail being the same but with orange flecks at the edge, giving it a flame look. His horn ended in a pointed tip. He wore light armor little more than light plate and a special undersuit only his guard used, no weapons being visible.

"Princess, Lone," Bon bon said with a nod. "Sorry we had to see each other under these circumstances. Lost's getting Twilight so she can ask her questions."

"Expected, that was I suppose," Celestia sighed. "It is good to see you're still doing well, Sweetie, after I removed the agency."

"Yeah, well, it helps when you can make sweets in a place that loves 'em," she replied. "Still, not the reason we're all here."

"Agreed," Celestia said. "Countermeasures?"

"In place," Sweetie drops said before she pulled out the scroll that had what Spike wrote down, and tossed it to Celestia, who caught it in her hand before placing it on her belt. "That's what we got from two nights ago. Not much, but an improvement."

"Better than nothing," Lone said as he crossed his arms. "I've talked with Opal in the north. She's been getting word from her sources in the castle that Cadence has been leaving the castle and using an illusion to make it look like she stays. Think it's got something to do with why she wasn't attacked?"

"Doubt they're connected," Celestia said. "The two of us have been exchanging letters. It's more to get away and pretend to be a pony when she can, a luxury I wish I could share."

"I'll tell 'em it's not related, then," Lone said as Lost returned, helping Twilight along, the opening doors, getting everyone's attention. 'Bout time, Lone thought. Couldn't they have gotten her here before?

"Ah, Twilight," Celestia said before walking over and hugging the other alicorn gently, but the lavender one still flinched a little. "I hope you are doing well."

"Y-yes, considering," she replied. "Princess, why are you wearing armor?"

Celestia pulled back, and put a hand on Twilight's shoulder. "I wear it-"

"Whenever she gets pissed," Lone said, getting looks from the other members of the guard, and an amused smile from Celestia. "What, you all know I'm right."

"Regardless," Celestia said, "I am sorry this happened to you Twilight. If I had known, I would have had them follow you more closely."

"Uh, even though I'm sure I know who you mean," Twilight said, "aren't they part of a group?"

"And the first question is to the name of us," Lost said. "Go figure." He looked to Celestia. "Clear?"


"Okay, then," Lost said, nodding. "Twilight, the five of us- me; Bon bon, or Sweetie Drops, as her actual name is; Starlight; Spike; and our captain, Lone, who is the other stallion here- are part of a group Celestia created about one hundred years ago called the Shadow guard, named as we work from the shadows, usually in small cells, so we don't become public."

"But why not go public?" Twilight asked.

"If we did," Starlight said, "the public would see us as villains. Our weapons? Not for show, and they do cut."

Twilight was about to ask about that before understanding went on her face, and she paled.

"Yeah," Spike said. "I became a part of it and meant to be your personal guard two years before we came here."

"And Celestia came to me last year, as the Ponyville group was down a member, and, well, my magical talent was the same as yours before you became an alicorn," Starlight said. "Only reason you didn't get word of it was because I had proven I was willing to do what the public sees as evil for the good, while you and the other Elements wouldn't be able to do it."

"Th-" Twilight began before Lone cut her off.

"Most of us are chosen from the guard, a few being select civilians," Lone said. "If you were going to ask where we recruit from. Now, can we get to the main reason we're here? I have books to read back in Canterlot?"

Spike chuckled. "Impatient as ever, Lone."

"No, just eager to get to the point," Lone shot back.

"Enough, both of you," Celestia said in a stern voice, turning her head to face the two of them. "Still, Lone, you are right." Celestia then looked back to Twilight. "Twilight, I have been observing you since you became my student, and met-as well as exceeded-my expectations upon your ascension, but I have also been looking at you, not just your abilities, but your choices and you as a pony, since the Shadow guard began."

"Uh, princess," what are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

"Simple. Twilight," Celestia said, "I wish for you to join the shadow guard."


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The room the seven individuals stood in was silent. "Princess, what makes you think I want to join them, let alone am willing to kill!? You know my stance on it."

Celestia chuckled. "Yes, I do," she said. "I know you would join them because it would mean being able to better protect your friends and family. As for your willingness? I think Lone can explain it better."

"Figures," Lone muttered. "I come up with it, and have to explain it, even when she knows how it works." He sighed before looking at the lavender alicorn. "Trust me, Twilight, you've been under observation since the Empire and that little. . .stunt you pulled with your efforts to get the Crystal Heart. A little known fact about us-mainly because few know of us to begin with when everyone who knows this is a part of the guard or Celestia- is that every single one of us has been touched by dark magic," he said as he brought his hand up, palm facing the sky, and created a purple and green orb. "Unicorns even have some control over what is in their bodies, and it does make those it resides in a little more violent and more open to darker means, such as killing to protect. Spike told us you used dark magic, and he's been sending us reports on your usual stuff to see if it changes, as well as small things. As an example, you really started swearing after the Empire returned."

"Plus, if you didn't know, Celestia can dream walk as well, just not often and usually when helping us find new recruits," Spike said. "Trust me, more ponies are exposed to dark magic than you'd think, though usually by accident."

Celestia nodded. "Yes, and in your dreams, my student, I've seen the dreams you've had of protecting Equestria and what you did," she said with a small smile. "And I am proud of how you handled Tirek those years ago. Cadence does not know this, but alicorn magic, much like how we are physically the embodiment of all ponies, is the mix of all magic, including dark, and when you took our magic, you had four times the amount of it in you, perhaps more. The fact you fought Tirek and gave in when you knew there was no other choice to free everypony's magic is one any of the Shadow guard would do. The fact you did not kill him speaks as to how much control you have."

"And even then," Lost said, "if you didn't use dark magic then, there are some, myself included, who didn't come across dark magic, but was rather introduced to it upon our induction to the training, with us getting more control as we grow stronger, to the point," he said before stepping back into a nearby shadow of one of the thrones and melting into it, only to reappear in Twilight's shadow later, "some of us are the shadows."

"Though that's rare," Sweetie said. "Most of the time, it can only be controlled by unicorns. Not even Lone can do that."

"Guys, we're getting off topic," Lone said. "So, Twilight, what will it be: join us to help protect Equestria, or not, and have your mind ersed of all that happened to lead to this?"

"And if I choose neither?" she asks out of curiousity, only for Sweetie Drops to draw he rblades and point them at Twilight's neck.

"Security breach, which we can't have," she said.

Twilight's eyes widened in fear. "Noted," she said. "What happens if I decide to join you guys, Spike?"

"Well, for one, you'll be in Canterlot for a month at least undergoing basic training," the dragon replied. "And that's just for physical stuff. Doesn't matter how strong is with magic, if they have a horn, then they also do that, but length is dependent on how skilled they are with combat and defensive magic."

"And the others?" Twilight asked. "What are you going to tell them?"

"That I requested your presence, which is true enough," Celestia said, "for something I need your help with, and it will be some time before you can return. If you accept, we will leave immediately with Spike staying behind to say I had need of your help at that momen, and had ot leave without saying goodbye."

"Don't worry, if those ponies that attacked you come after them, we'll make sure nothing happens," Lost said. "Besides, we do have a few acolytes-our reserve members- here to help us out."

"If you say no and don't try to escape, then your memory of us will be wiped up to now from when you were attacked," Sweetie Drops said, her swords still out. "In short, you won't remember any of this."

Twilight mulled the decision in her head for a time before she told those in the room with her what her choice was. "If it'll help protect Equestria," she said with a sigh, "I guess I'll join."

Celestia nodded. "That eases my mind, Twilight, as the memory spell rarely has issues, but still has issues. If you are ready, then I will teleport myself, you, and Lone to the training grounds in Canterlot."

Twilight nodded. "I'm ready," she said.

"Then let's get a move on," Lone said. "I got books to read."

"Lone, a little more tact, please," Celestia said before she lit her horn, and herself, the captain of the Shadow guard, and the lavender alicorn vanished in a flash of light.

"Well, with that," Lost said, "I'll make sure the acolytes here know the situation. You know, unless you do, Spike."

"No, just Rarity and the others," Spike said as he went to leave.

"Tell Rarity we say hi," Starlight said.

"I will," Spike said. "See ya guys later."

A new life begins

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In Canterlot-more accurately, one of the less wealthy districts where lesser off nobles, but still nobles, lived as comfortable as they could- Lone, Celestia, and Twilight appeared in front of an old, dilapidated mansion, one that had obviously been around since Canterlot's founding if the moss covered stone walls all over the two story exterior walls were any indication. "Um, Princess, why are we here?" Twilight asked as she looked at the forgotten mansion. "Shouldn't we be at the castle?"

"If we wanted it to be obvious, yeah," Lone replied, arms crossed and annoyance in his voice. I thought she was supposed to be the smart one.

With a glare directed toward Lone, Celestia continued with, "The reason why we chose this specific mansion, Twilight, is because the nobles don't pay it any attention. That, and it is a part of Lone's heritage, so we don't need to worry about any other nobles trying to take it for themselves just because of a loophole in the property laws."

"Wait, just how old is Lone?" Twilight asked.

"Twenty six," he replied. "Before you ask, my parents died when I was ten, and this was the family's never used Canterlot home from a few hundred years back my ancestors got from a friend when he died, or at least that's what I was told by my parents."

"What happened?" she asked, only to get a glare from Lone. Right, avoid asking about that.

"Still, welcome to what will be your new home for the foreseeable future, Twilight," Celestia said. "You can still write to the others when you please, you simply can not say anything of what happens here."

"And the outside look is just a spell to make it look run down," Lone said. "Celestia declared it a national landmark, so it can't be torn down by the nobles. Meaning they can't do shit to out training area."

Twilight looked at the mansion, then the grounds, before looking to Lone. "Isn't it a little small?"

"Who said it was above ground?" he said. "Now come on, need to get your room setup and your training schedule, as well as deciding which full members-as this is where most come for vacation- and Acolytes are gonna help your training, though that's mainly up to Celestia and me. The cell you're assigned is decided by me at the end of training." Without another word, he began to walk towards the house.

As the lavender alicorn looked at Celestia, the solar alicorn said, "Do not worry, Twilight. Every recruit for the Shadow guard has come out alive." Sometimes scarred and potentially with some loss of feeling permanently, but alive nonetheless. Still, what was heard visibly had an effect on the younger alicorn as she nodded, and followed Lone into the mansion. "Good luck," Celestia muttered before she lit her horn, and teleported back to the castle.

Inside the mansion, Lone waited with his arms crossed for Twilight to catch up. "Come on already," he muttered. "I know you're an emotional type, but Celestia gets this is mean tot help protect Equestria, so why's she holding this up!?"

"Just as impatient and a plothole as ever," a voice said next to him. Lone turned, and saw a white unicorn stallion with blonde hair and wearing a tuxedo.

"You're one to talk, Blue, given your public persona."

Blueblood scoffed. "Yes, my public persona. Yours is the same, whether it be public or not."

Lone rolled his eyes. "I swear, every time we have this conversation, it makes me want to make you disappear. Only reason I don't is because I don't want to commit suicide by sun."

A chuckle. "Yes, well, we both know Celestia won't do that for the same reason why you're the leader of the guard," Blueblood said. "So, I hear a new recruit's coming in. Who is it?"

"Twilight," the black unicorn replied. "Starting to regret that. If she's not here in ten seconds, she's-"

"I'm here!" Twilight yelled as she burst into the mansion's main hall. "Sorry, sorry."

"Never mind," Lone muttered before speaking up. "First lesson, Twilight, be punctual, and don't be distracted. I don't give a shit if it's a new book, I don't give two if it's a lost library, and I couldn't give three if it's a spell that lets you make your own little world you can visit when you want. The exception being if those are objectives. Second of all, this is my current second in command," he said, putting a hand on Blueblood's shoulder. "You may know him as the plothole prince-as does most of the city- but trust me, that's just to get in the inner circles of nobles for intel."

"Somehow, I'm not surprised," Twilight said.

"Yes, well, I'll see you later," Blueblood said as he went to leave. "Have a lunch with a few nobles in thirty minutes, and the place is a few blocks away. I look forward to seeing you around, Twilight." With that, he left.

"Now that that's done," Lone said, "come on, I want this done as soon as possible." Without waiting for a reply, he went to move, but this is what made Twilight blow.

"No!" she yelled. "You- how did you become th eleader of a guard division Celestia created when you act like an impatient twelve-" her words were cut shot as an etheric sword came into existence and was pointed at her throat.

"Not because of my patience or my maturity," Lone said, his horn lit a dark green, the same color of the sword. "It's because I have both Celestia's respect for getting the job done and remaining loyal to my team mates. I do not hide the fact I am an unbearable plothole, but with the guard, I don't have to, because we're the only ones we can trust, when worse comes to worse." He then turned around to look at Twilight, his face blank of emotion. "You want to know why I act the way I do and how I became the first and only so far captain of this guard? Ask Celestia, because I won't tell you." He strode closer to Twilight. "You haven't earned that from me yet, nor that of the others. You want to know us, then I suggest you keep your emotions in check, because we have failed quite a few for letting their emotions get the better of them."

The sword vanished. "Your room is second sub-floor, room ten. Your first instructor will be there in an hour. You want to get through this, don't give him a reason to be disappointed," he said in blank anger before turning around, and walking off. "And if you need me, I'll be in the sparring room. Get a weapon before you enter it, by the way."

Hell begins

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Twilight waited in the room Lone had told her was hers as she waited for the instructor, who ever it was, who was supposed to arrive in half an hour. The room was lightly decorated, only having blinds for decoration. The walls were bare, and the dresser was an old, wood cabinet. The only thing that looked new was the bed, really. No books or anything to keep her attention. "They really don't like recruits having individuality, do they?" she muttered as she paced the room just to keep herself busy before her thoughts wandered to the captain of this guard. "And just why did the princess make Lone the leader of the group? Seriously, he pointed a sword to my throat. An etheric sword which requires a lot of magical reserves, albeit, but still. A captain should be somepony who can control their emotions." She scoffed. "And he told me to control my emotions," she said as she gave up pacing, and sat down against the back wall of her room, the one which the bed's head rest shared.

"You new?" she heard from the other side of the wall.

You know, I'm not even surprised, she thought to herself. "Yeah," she replied.

"Oh thank Luna, I'm not the only new recruit," the voice, that which belonged to a mare, said, the wording letting Twilight know this was either a thestral pony or one of the few who instantly swore loyalty to Luna when she returned and, though still loyal to Celestia, would follow Luna more often than not. "Name's Shadow Wing. And yes, I ma aware that sounds more like a stallion's name. My parents wanted a colt, and couldn't think of another name. Everyone I know calls me Shade, though. You?"

Twilight hesitated, not wanting to give her actual name if this was an agent of that group that attacked her. Still, her older, more trusting persona won out, and she said, "Twilight Sparkle."

"The princess of Friendship?" Shade asked. "You shitting me? No way she's you."

"No, that's me," Twilight said. "So, how long have you been here?"

"Long enough to know you've failed test one," Shade said before a pop was heard, and a flash of light from inside Twilight's room caused her to close her eyes. When she opened them again, she saw a. . .well, she didn't know how to put it. If this was Shade, she looked like a unicorn, but her ears ended in the tufts that Thestral ears did, and her eyes were blood red, and her hair was black with streaks of white. She didn't have any wings, though, and her horn ended in a tapered point. Her skin was a pale gray, and she wore a workout bra and knee length exercise pants, her cutie mark being a simple, full moon with a moon beam over a bat. She growled a little, revealing fangs. "Lesson one: always-always- put a sound proofing spell on your room so others can not hear you. It's a simple spell, and I'm sure somepony as studious as you knows it."

Twilight just looked at her. "Y-you're my instructor?"

The first one, yes," Shade said. "And before you ask, "I'm a vampony and a member of the Canterlot cell. I messed around with a spell, and got vampire bat- not vampire fruit bat- traits, including drinking blood. But not enough to kill, nor can I turn others into a vampony that way."

"But you aren't supposed to be here for another half hour!" Twilight yelled, her nerves still up, making Shade's ears go down and Shade herself to flinch.

"One: don't yell when you know I'm nearby," she said. "Two: that hour stuff is something every recruit is told so that we can judge how well they handle a surprise."

"Oh," Twilight said. "Sorry."

"No problem for now," the vampony mare said before her ears went back down. "Now, REPORT TO THE BASEMENT RIGHT BUCKING NOW!" she yelled before teleporting to the basement.

"Oh come on," Twilight muttered before getting up and leaving her room and down to the basement. As she descended the stairs, Lone and another individual watched her from the shadows.

"Plan one-alpha?" the second individual asked.

"Yep," Lone replied. "Shade already knows, as do the others that'll be there," he said. "And remember, unlike most other recruits, she does have enough power to cook you, even without the dark magic. True she may not do so, but still, better safe."

"Right," was the reply before a small, green light lit the area up to indicate teleportation before Lone chuckled.

"Damn, I always love doing this to newbies," he said before going to the training room, which was located on the ground level floor, as smoke drifted in front of him and, in green flame, became a scroll. He grabbed it before it could drop, and opened it.

Lone, it's Diamond. A few of the crystal guards have been acting weird. Requesting Acolytes for additional security seeing as how the fifth alicorn's third birthday is nearly here.

"Figures," he muttered before changing course, and heading to the library, where the main supply of paper, ink, and quills were kept.

the basement- a few minutes later

Twilight came down the stairs, and instantly, her bones felt as if a knife had been driven through them given how cold it was, and she wrapped her arms around herself and lit her horn with a heat spell as she shivered to try to generate heat to stay warm and her teeth began to chatter.

"W-wh-why th- the bu-buck i-i-is it so co-co-co-cold down here?" she asked as Shade, still wearing the workout bra and exercise pants but with her horn now lit by a blue aura.

"Meant to help condition you for cold environments," she said. "Only reason my horn is lit is because I'm generating the cold. Now come on," the vampony ordered before turning around, making Twilight move to follow, which wasn't an easy task considering she was rapidly becoming a pony sized and shaped Popsicle.

The two eventually reached a door. "Now, before w eenter here," Shade said, "I need to know: do you care what happens to your clothes?"

"Why would you ask- ah!" the lavender alicorn began before she felt her clothes being ripped off.

"A: if you can handle this type of cold while nude, you can handle it with winter clothing," Shade said with a lewd grin. "B: I'm the hugest pervert in Equestria right now. And before you say anything, Lone said I have free reign over training, and he knows what I do. Long as nopony gets killed, he won't intervene." The door then opened after being surrounded by a blue aura. "Now, get that cute plot of yours in there," she ordered before Twilight-now nude and shivering even harder- was magically thrown into the room. "And don't worry! There's a spell to make sure you don't freeze to death in place!" She then shut the door before locking it and placing the anti-teleportation spell on the room. "Damn, I love my job," she muttered as she saved the image of Twilight's. . . assets to her mind.

"You know, you could have had a little more tact," a voice said from the shadows. "Or at least be blunt and tell her you want to get in her pants."

"Oh shut it, Mist," Shade said. "Besides, my mare back in Manehattan wouldn't like it. She may have a long fuse, but don't blow her up. And cheating is an insta-light to that fuse."

There was a chuckle. "Yeah, fair point, I guess," he said. "So, everything ready?"

"Sparkle's in there with a few Acolytes," Shade reported. "Now, if there's nothing else: I need to put on an illusion spell, and take my hour break while you and the boys buck with her mind," she said before walking off. "You know where to find me if you need me!"

"By the queens, how did she be allowed to stay with us?" Mist muttered before he spoke to the shadows. "All right boys, you know the plan!"

With Twilight

"I'm starting to-bu-bu-bu-bucking hate this deci-si-sion," the now freezing and nude alicorn said as the door closed be hind her, and she saw a small room with three other ponies-each a mare at least- crouched on the floor, each shivering but not to the degree she was. Taking small enough steps to keep her legs close to her crotch but large enough to be considered actual steps, she made her way to the opposite wall of the door, and sat down, nearly jumping up as the cold floor made contact with her lower lips, but was able to endure it long enough to where the floor didn't feel cold at all, and her shivering began to die down. You know, it's not so bad after you get used to it, she thought, thinking of both the cold and lack of clothing before quickly adding with a blush Not that I'd want to walk around naked all the time back home.

She was quickly brought out of her thoughts when the door burst open with a resounding THUD! She quickly turned her head and, to her horror, saw a group of five changelings there, each wearing armor. "All right boys, round 'em up and bring them to the city center. And make sure to put magic negation rings on the horns of the unicorns," the lead one said before eyeing Twilight. "Her especially," he added.

"Si-" one changeling began before a burst of lavender magic hit his head, and he fell down, unconscious. As the four others looked in surprise, two more were knocked out by Twilight before they went to cover, which was grabbing the nearest mare as a living shield, which only worked for one as the leader was the only one to grab one in time. He drew a dagger, and brought it to the mare's throat.

"Surrender, or she loses her life," he said before Twilight teleported, only to see him facing her. "I got pretty quick reflexes," he said. "Now, surrender. Or. She. Dies." As if to emphasize this, be brought the blade close, and drew some blood.

Twilight, knowing she only had a few seconds, looked around the room they were in, and saw the other two mares stand up and grab weapons off the other four changelings when an idea came to mind. She saw a patch of ice and, with her rather intellectual mind, calculated the angle of reflection a magic beam would have if it hit, which would lead to another ice patch whose ricochet would hit the changeling leader. She quickly charged a stun spell, and fired twice, once at the ice and once at the changeling's hooves to surprise him, as well as make him jump back to where the stun spell hit him in the head.

Only it had no effect. "What?" Twilight asked in shock, making the changeling chuckle.

"Magic negating armor," he said. "Made for certain occasions within the Shadow guard," he added as he released the mare, who wiped the blood off her throat, revealing no cut at all. "Specialist Green Mist of the Canterlot cell of the Shadow guard. And yes, I am a changeling." It was here that the stress that had been built up for the last hour coupled with this surprise took its toll on the lavender alicorn, and she fainted. "Should have seen that coming," Mist muttered as the other changelings got up, the illusion spell placed on them facing to reveal they were unicorn mares. "You girls all right?"

"Yeah, Mist," one of the mares that had been in the room when Twilight entered replied.

Mist nodded. "Good," he said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get her to medical." With that, the changeling used his magic to grab a towel from the other room and wrap it around the lavender alicorn before picking her up, and heading to where the medical portion of the mansion was.

Shadow meetings

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It was the night after Twilight's first failed and successful training in the Shadow Guard-the lavender alicorn currently still unconscious in the medical area of the mansion this guard called home- and Lone, along with Shade and Mist, were currently in the seedier part of Canterlot, that which is what makes many a noble think commoners are uncultured pigs.

More accurately, the three were in one of the bars, both as they needed some break time from being the leadership of the Shadow Guard and to meet an informant. The name of the bar was unimportant, mainly because it changed every month- as did the owner, but that's another story. The bar itself contained a large crowd of ponies-some missing an eye and a few teeth. For the most part, it was stallions in it, with a few mares in it as well.

"He's late," Shade said, wearing the same clothes she wore when first meeting Twilight, an illusion spell placed on her ears to make them resemble normal pony ears, before taking a sip of her cider.

"He never did say a specific time, Shade," Mist-who looked like a stallion with red skin and yellow hair wearing a white shirt and cargo shorts- said. "Only that he would be here after sunset tonight. Though why the 's' in sunset was capitol, I don't know."

"I think I might," Lone said, the only one without a drink in front of him. "Celestia told me her personal student before Twilight was named Sunset Shimmer, though she never said any more than that she wanted power quickly and fled, only to return just after Twilight's coronation to steal her crown. Twilight pursued and, according to what I've heard, went to an alternate Equis and was able to show Sunset she was being a female dick. Not the exact wording, but still."

"How the tartarus did she go to another world?" Mist asked in disbelief.

"One of Starswirl's mirrors," Lone replied. Even went back a few months later to help Sunset there, if her report's to be believed."

"She's exaggerated before, Lone," Shade said, making sure to not say any names not belonging to the three in case of eavesdroppers. "How do we know that wasn't just a dream she thought to be real?"

"Because Spike was with Twilight on the other side," Lone said.

"And we didn't hear this why?" Shade asked, taking another sip of her drink.

"Celestia's orders. Only reason I know is because Obsidian was able to leak it to me. And the reason you two know is because I couldn't give a shit who knows about this secret long as it doesn't endanger Equis," Lone said. "Speaking of that little adventure, a mare just walked in that resembles the former student. Red and yellow hair, light yellow skin tone, and unicorn wearing a leather jacket over a blue shirt and wearing jeans. Behind her is our intel guy."

"Literally after Sunset," Mist said. "Heh. Clever bastard."

"Shut it, here they come," Shade said as she glanced toward the door into the bar, seeing the two approach. "Hey, you two," she said as they neared and went to pass. "You guys got an ink quill? I need to stab someone's dick."

"Just used mine to do that," the stallion said before chuckling. "Good to see you guys again."

"Same, Specter," Lone said. "So, who's she?" he asked, gesturing to the possibly imitation Sunset Shimmer.

"My marefriend, who I've told about the group," he said as the two sat at the table.

"Name's Sunset Shimmer," she said, confirming her identity.

"I thought you stayed in the human world," Lone said. "Before you ask, friend of Spike's."

Sunset shrugged. "I came back after graduation, but I do still visit my friends from the human world."

"Noted," Lone commented. "So, Specter, what do you got?"

"Nothing much new," he said. "But it is related to the Black Widow."

Shade nearly spit out her drink. "Her?! I thought we took her in a month ago!"

"Tone it down Shade, ponies are looking," Mist muttered.

"No, that's a fair reaction," Specter said. "But yeah, the bitch is back. Just got back from Las Pegasus, and a few vacationers- who I've noted as being in the lower rungs of noble houses, by the way- were killed, and her M.O. is the same as these. Recently bucked and with poison injected into the system via the carotid artery. No DNA, not enough magic trace for identification as to who cleaned up. Well, that and a note on her most recent vic."

"What did it say?" Shade asked.

"'Down with the diarchy'. Keep in mind it said 'diarchy', not triarchy or anything greater than two."

"Then we have two terrorist groups, then," Mist muttered. "Yay."

"Two?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah," Shade asked. "There's this one and another one who wants all nobles and royals dead. They attacked Twilight a few nights ago, but the Ponyville cell was able to stop 'em before she could be killed."

"I already informed Celestia, and Acolyte patrols are going to be increased in the palace."

"And Cadence?" Lone asked.

"Aware of the killings and a bit of the Widow's M.O., but nothing beyond what she does to her victims before she offs 'em," Specter said. "Still, Lone-"

"Permission's granted to take a few to the Empire," Lone said. "I was going to send a few up there due to Flurry Heart's third birthday coming up anyways, along with going up myself with Celestia and Twilight."

"How is Twilight anyway?" Sunset asked. "You said she was attacked."

"Alive and currently at our head quarters, along with getting our brand of training," Lone said, leaving out the unconscious bit. "Only you're going to see her right now is to join the Guard, though, and without approval from Celestia, given your status as her student- paperwork detailing you're 'dropping out', as it were, was never filed, and you're still officially her student."

"I'll put in a good word for ya, babe," Specter said, already knowing Sunset would want to join to help Twilight at the least. "Though I somehow doubt you'll need it."

"Thanks, Spec," she said with a smile. "Though I have to ask: how is it you haven't caught a serial killer yet?"

"Because the Widow's smart," Shade said. "Not even sure they're a mare, to be honest, and given there's one confirmed victim every month for the last eight years at least, that should tell you they're well versed in forensics to the point where the only thing we found was a fake eyelash, which, given the victim there was a mare, is what makes us think it's a mare, but we're not certain."

"If you want to know more, you have to be in the Guard," Lone said. "Still, a pleasure to meet you face to face, Sunset."

"I'd definitely call it interesting," the unicorn replied. "Now if you all will excuse me, I need to piss." Wiht that, she got up, and went to the restroom.

"Didn't need to know that," Mist muttered.

"So, in regards to Twilight," Shade said, "she on the mental barrier shit?"

"Unconscious and being trained by Celestia herself," Lone replied. "Though I don't exactly agree with how that happened-"

"You didn't protest!" Shade exclaimed but making sure it was quiet to avoid further unwanted attention.

"Though I didn't agree with how it happened," Lone continued, shooting a glare at Shade, "it's best done in the dream world anyhow. Helps that Celestia at least knows how to dream walk."

"Yeah, I hea-" Mist began before a shout interrupted him.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!" Sunset yelled before the four saw a pony wearing what was mostly rags being tossed with magic out of the door.

"That was our friend, bitch," another stallion said. "But we're willing to let it pass. All we need is a little fun."

"Oh here we go," Shade muttered before stealing Shade's cider and downing half of the glass.

"Bastard that was mine," she shot at him, only getting a roll of the eyes before a shout of pain was heard, followed shortly after by a bottle being broken.

"Whelp, look like we're in the middle of a bar fight," Mist said just as the noise began to pick up around them and a snowball effect occurred, making just about the entire bar get involved, the only ones not ye tin it being the four at the table. "I didn't have any plans tonight. You guys?"

"Nope," Shade said. "Besides, I need to hit something as an outlet for someone stealing my drink."

"And I need to get some mandatory revenge for Sunset," Specter said as the three got up and joined in on the fight as Lone, who wore his light armor from earlier in the day, brought out a paper back book from his pocket dimension, a relatively low level spell to use, the size of objects which can be stored in there determined by magical strength.

"You guys do that," he said as he opened it. "Need to finish this thing."

This plan was soon interrupted. "Hey, jackplot!" a stallion yelled from in front of him.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Lone asked, not looking away from his book.

"You sure do think you're the best, if you're not fighting us."

"Or I just don't want to be involved with this beyond being here," Lone retorted. "Now please leave, because you aren't wrong either."

"What, a squirt like you?" the stallion shot back, as Lone really wasn't the most muscular pony in the bar. "Don't make me laugh." He then went to grab Lone's book, but the red and black stallion grabbed the stallion's arm and twisted it before pulling his face into the table.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Lone muttered as he ducked, still not taking his eyes off the book just as a bottle from the direction of the bar was thrown in his direction. You know what, I'm sure they got it handled, he thought before teleporting out of the bar to his room in the mansion.

Choosing a weapon

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A few days have passed since Twilight's Shadow Guard training began, and she was slowly improving on what the initial tests had been. But right now, she was being led by Shade-who wore the same outfit she wore as the one she wore when first meeting Twilight- to the weapons training room. "So, uh, what exactly are we going to do?" the lavender alicorn- wearing a pair of jean shorts coupled with a black workout shirt she borrowed from Shade- asked.

"'We' aren't going to be doing anything," the vampony replied. "You're going to take a training weapon and try it out. You don't like it, you move on until you do find something you like. Once that's done, I take you to the blacksmith, and you tell 'em what type of weapon you want, along with any additional features that are ornamental."

"What do you use?" Twilight asked, to which she got a chuckle.

"You won't find that out until you start dueling with me and the others," Shade said. "But as a hint, I hope you enjoy the sight of your own muscles," she said in sing-song.

"Celestia, you're sick," Twilight muttered.

"That I am, and everypony knows it," Shade said. "They have an issue, they say it to my face, and pray my mare isn't there with me. And if you're gonna insult me, say it in your head when we're next to each other. I do have increased hearing, after all."

"I know i should apologize," Twilight said, "but I think my time with you guys has made me not care around you."

"And that is good," Shade said. "So, anyways, when you were a filly, have any dreams of being a knight?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"What type of weapon did you pretend to have?"

"A sword, obviously," the lavender alicorn replied, making Shade laugh. "What;s so funny?"

"Just that that's the usual answer," she said after she finished laughing. "Just about everypony says they dreamed of using a sword. They then choose it, and are lucky it's a training weapon that has the weight of a sword, or they'd lose a bucking limb."

"Well, then, what do you prefer?"

"What did I say earlier," Shade replied in a deadpan.

"Oh, yeah," Twilight said, blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Eh, nothing harmed," Shade said with a shrug as the two came across a door. "Well, here's your last chance to back out, Twilight," she said. "Once you step through the doors and pick up a weapon, only way you won't have a part of the Guard later in life is if you die. Or get your mind wiped by a crazy cult. Maybe get discharged by Lone or Celestia. That has happened before, after-"

"Can you please stop, Shade," Twilight said, nervousness in her voice. "That's not exactly helping."

"Sorry, my thoughts tend to get away from me sometimes," the vampony mare said. "Seriously, though, there's no easy way for you to leave the guard if you do decide to take a weapon. At this point, it's relatively easy to implant false memories, but the more that needs to be erased, the harder it is."

"Yeah, that makes sense," Twilight said before she put her right hand on her chin. This is the only chance I'll get, so may as well if it'll help, she had thought on the day she was asked by Celestia, and that was the same thought she had now. "Yeah, I'm ready," she said, nodding

"Right," Shade said before she opened the doors, which revealed a medium sized room with training mats in the center-two currently containing two ponies each- a weapon rack on the far side of the room, bleachers on the right side of the room, and a forge on the left.

"Steel tends to live down here, so her forge is here too," Shade said as the two entered the room.

"Who?" Twilight asked.

"The blacksmith for the guard," Shade said. "What I hear, she's a friend of Lone's and the first one he brought into the guard. Well, as much a friend of his as he allows."

"What do you mean?"

"Well. . .," Shade said as the two made their way to where the training weapons were located, "Lone's always been an introvert, and usually hates being around others. Steel's one of the few he was able to at least tolerate and wouldn't despise, mainly because, like him, she's always serious. Other than that's stuff I'm not allowed to say due to it being their private lives. Though before you get any ideas, they aren't seeing one another. Tartarus, everyone thinks Lone's asexual!"

"Really?" Twilight asked before muttering, "Then again, with how he acts, I doubt anyone would be interested in him."

"Enhanced hearing," Shade reminded her. "And true, he does act like a plothole, no one pretends otherwise nor does he deny it. But, well, Steel and I, the next two to join the guard after it was founded. . .we do still respect him."

"Why?" Twilight asked.

"I pray you don't find out," Shade said. "A year after the guard's creation. . .well, it's something only the highest tier members of the guard-Mist, Steel, myself, Lone, and the occasional Acolyte- know. Mainly because if others knew, it'd cause chaos even Discord would find bad. What I can say is that those earthquakes? They were a result of it, along with the intense lightning storms."

Twilight's expression instantly took on a look of horror. That day was the only one in recent official Equestrian history where ponies lost their lives to something other than animal attacks and old age, and-if she remembered right, which she almost always did- was the reason Applejack's parents had died.

"Yeah, we tend to avoid talking about that day," Shade said just as the two reached the weapon racks. "So, what looks interesting?" Shade asked, Twilight missing the vampony's eyes looking her over. Okay, even with her being an alicorn, her magic's the most powerful due to her being born a unicorn, so she'd probably work best with something that uses magic. Maybe the storm daggers? Or Lone could teach her how he makes the swords.

As she thought, Twilight looked over the various weapons, seeing one of just about every type: sais, nunchuks, bo staffs, short and long swords, glaives, broadswords, sword and shield combos, war hammers and axes, even a katana could be seen. "Pretty impressive, isn't it?" Shade asked.

"Terrifying, more like," Twilight replied.

"And these are just the large, hard to conceal weapons," Shade said in a chuckle. "Even then, not all of the two handed ones are here."

"Why's that?" Twilight asked.

"Because those are usually specially made for ponies, or they use their own personal weapons," Shade replied. "So, again, which one catches your eye?"

"Well," Twilight said as her eyes looked over the many weapon types before her eyes settled on a short, nearly one handed sword, and Shade noticed this.

"Ah, that," she said. "Hand and a half. Rare pick, but a few Acolytes use that type. Allows for powerful two handed strikes while also allowing one to hold a shield if they want to."

"Just needed to know the type," Twilight said as she picked it up, and swung it a few times to test how it felt in her hands.

"Well, how does it feel?" Shade asked.

"Okay, I guess," the lavender alicorn replied. "Feels a little heavy, but it's otherwise comfortable."

"Then I guess it's time for you to learn the basic stances," Shade said before her horn lit up, and a single bolt shot from the tip of it to Twilight's horn.

"Ah!" Twilight exclaimed in surprise and a small bit of pain as the bolt hit her horn, her free hand rushing to her head due to the sudden ache that sprung up. "What was th-" she began before Shade used her magic to grab a glaive from the wall, sending it flying into her hand, and then attack. To Twilight's surprise, her body reacted before her mind did, and the arm holding the sword got in the way of the strike before it hit.

"Memory transference spell," Shade explained. "With a little extra to make the basic stuff instinctual."

"Thanks, then, I guess," Twilight said as Shade stepped back and put the glaive back on the wall.

"So, anything not feel right?"

"Well, the hilt's a little uncomfortable," the lavender alicorn said. "Would probably be best to use magic to reinforce the blade so it can't break, and a scabbard, obviously."

"Then put the thing back on the rack, and we'll head over to where Steel is, and get the order in," Shade said. "Oh, and before I forget, Lone said he wants to see you in the library after this."

"Oh yay," Twilight said, the sarcasm dripping from her mouth.

"Hey, just put a filter on your mouth, and you won't need to worry about him pointing a sword at your throat again," the vampony mare said as the sword was put back on the rack, and the two made their way to the forge, where they saw a single earth pony mare with black skin and steel gray hair and tail wearing a white sleeveless shirt and short shorts leaning on the forge.

"Why isn't she wearing any protective gear?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah that incident?" Shade said. "Let's just say most of those involved were changed somewhat. For Steel, it was dragon resistance to flames."

"Oh," Twilight said as the two reached their destination.

"Hey, Shade," Steel said before eyeing Twilight. "New meat."

"Uhhh," Twilight said, not sure how to respond.

"She also became a bit of a meat eater. Even then, she calls everyone that when they first join."


"So, she got a decision on weapon type?" Steel asked.

"Hand and a half sword with a comfortable but good grip, a blade made of mage crystal, and other than that, no idea," Shade said.

Steel looked Twilight over before a small shine could be seen in her eyes before fading. "Don't need anything else, I got enough," she said. "Ready at the end of the week. Don't pester me if it takes longer, or you'll be it's first victim."

"Yeah, she gets pissed easily," Shade said-prompting the earth pony mare to flick her off as she went to the actual forge itself. "Now, head to the library. Lone should be waiting there for ya."

Twilight rolled her eyes. "On it," she said. "But if he manages to make me mad again, I make no promises of being able to hold back."

Unexpected connection

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Twilight made her way to the library, expecting to see it full with Acolytes as she looked for Lone, but, when she arrived after passing a few ponies she only briefly recognized from before she went to Ponyville, she was surprised to find just Lone looking like he was manipulating some kind of display in the air. "Uh, Lone?" she asked, thinking he had gone insane. "What are you doing?"

"If you're referring to what I'm physically doing," he said, "it is me pretending to manipulate a holo-display like those from the sci-fi books in here. Helps me think and organize my thoughts. If you're referring to what I'm mentally doing, I'm just analyzing the evidence for a theory of mine."

"What's the theory?" Twilight asked.

"If the masked Matterhorn is Celestia's daughter in the Power Ponies." This threw Twilight for a loop.

"That's the theory you're doing?" she asked. "I thought you'd be doing research on that serial killer!"

"Twilight, the Shadow Guard has fur branches, hence why each cell has four members. There's the criminal investigation branch, who is currently working on finding the bitch. Second is research, who works on new spells and tech, many of which are released to the public. Third is espionage, and fourth is preventative. I belong to the last one, as does Spike. Acolytes of a certain branch are assigned to cells as needed as they are general purpose, to use a utility word," Lone listed off, still acting as if he was manipulating a holo-display before he clapped his hands, reminding Twilight of one of the motions in some of the science fiction books she'd read of closing the display. "So, you got the message I wanted to see you?" he asked as he turned to look at her.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "What was it about?"

"Just wanted to get to know you, seeing as how you're going to be living here for the next few months, and even if we are going to wan tot kill each other at points-trust me, those feelings have happened before- I see no reason we can't get to know one another."

"Oh," Twilight said. "I guess that makes sense."

"So, what do you want to know about me?" Lone asked.

"Well, um," Twilight started, caught off guard by the fact she could ask the first question. As a result, she branched off what she knew already. "What kind of books do you read?"

Lone chuckled. "Figures you'd ask that," he muttered before replying. "Mainly science fiction books, a few fantasy."

"Oh," Twilight said.

"What, did you expect me to be a plothole on the surface to strangers but be a romantic in private? A: even if I were, I wouldn't tell you right now. B: I find romance stories boring unless that's just a secondary story as I prefer action in my stories with a bit of adventure and the mind rape known as plot twists. I find romance stories lacking in each of those regards. Well, the few I've been told about and the two I've read. So, what about you, Twilight? We both know you like to read, but I'm curious as to just what it is."

Twilight blushed before she muttered something. "Twilight, I'm not Shade, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, or you. Speak up," Lone said, his voice already showing annoyance.

"Well," Twilight said, "I admit, Spike has gotten me into science fiction recently."

"I don't see how that's bad or embarrassing," Lone bluntly commented.

"Because when I was a filly, Celestia didn't want me reading those," Twilight said, making Lone raise an eyebrow.

"Yet you read a book about supposed foal stories and made a big deal of it."

"My point exactly," Twilight said before her eyes went wide. "Hey, if you're supposed to have been around since before she returned, why didn't I see any of you trying to stop Nightmare Moon."

"Because," Lone said, "we were aware of the truth for a year before, and our Research and Investigation branches detected a spell on the moon that, with Luna's testimony given to her sister which was passed to us which confirmed the guess, would have focused the sunlight through crystals on the moon's surface which naturally absorb and then reflect the sunlight so that moon light through out the day would act like sunlight, so the world wasn't in danger of dying. Plus a bit of an accidental spell that let us see an alternate Equestria where Nightmare recently took over.

"A scout team was formed and sent through a portal connected to that world similar to the one which sent you to the human version of our world, and, after sealing it behind the to prevent an invasion, made contact with Nightmare Moon and informed her as to where they came from. From what they said after returning, Nightmare revealed some of Celestia's dirty laundry which made the ponies hate Celestia, and she banished her, then took the throne. And before you ask, no, I don't know what that secret was. Or is slash could be for our Celestia." He then reached over to the desk he was standing next to. "That reminds me, Celestia invited us for a bar night tomorrow night."

"Bar night?" Twilight asked.

"Hang out and go to a bar, maybe get involved in a bar fight if we're bored," Lone said with a shrug. "That reminds me for whatever reason, but Sunset's back. She came by with one of our Investigation acolytes during our last bar night. You can see her after tomorrow. She's currently in the castle getting exposed to small amounts of dark magic. And yes, that means she's going to potentially become a member of the Guard."

"Back to Celestia: why would she want to do that?"

"Because even she needs some booze in her system after dealing with nobles," Lone said. "Just me, her, and you. Something about helping you to relax or some bullshit like that." He paused for a few seconds before face palming. "I just remembered that you also got sent this," he said before using his magic to take a second envelope off the table, and giving it to Twilight.

"Who's it from?" she asked.

"No idea, it just said to give it to you when it showed up," he said sarcastically. "Or maybe that's the cursive handwriting which spells 'Twilight'."

"No need to be a smartplot," Twilight said, to which Lone shrugged.

"Eh, part of my charm."

Twilight rolled her eyes as she opened the letter, and began to read it.

Twilight, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't expect me to send you this. Assuming you even knew one of us was an Acolyte. Still, the reason I wanted Lone, the plothole he is, to deliver this to you is that I'm going to Manehattan for a fashion show that'll last for about a month, then some. . . let's say side jobs for the month after that. I just thought I'd tell you if something comes up and you need to go to Ponyville so you don't wonder where I am. Knowing Ponyville, I expect something to happen in the week after you get this. Oh well. See you in the Empire for Flurry's birthday.

Twilight was silent for a time as she processed Rarity's name on the letter before she shouted. "What?!"

Bar Night

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“I don’t see why you don’t need a disguise,” Twilight mumbled as she and Lone-the former disguised as a unicorn mare with light blue skin, shoulder length ruby red hair, and wearing a pair of jeans and short sleeved, red shirt, the latter not disguised at all-waited outside the same bar Lone, Mist, and Shade met Sunset.

“Because unlike you,” he whispered, “I don’t have alicorn wings, plus the nobles don’t even know I exist.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I thought you were part of a secret guard?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize mind erasing spells were fictional,” Lone deadpanned. “Maybe we should look into making them real.”

“You just love annoying ponies, don’t you?”

“Very much so, yes,” Lone answered. “Now, would you please shut up about that? She’ll be here soon, and it’s an unspoken agreement to not talk about guard related activities during bar nights.”

“Yet it always seems to end that way, doesn’t it?” a mare’s voice asked to the left of the two. Lone simply glanced at the direction, seeing an earth pony mare with night blue skin and white hair, wearing a black, knee length skirt and sleeveless shirt, giving the appearance of a black dress.

“Uh, who are you?” Twilight asked.

Lone sighed. “I don’t get paid enough,” he muttered in a sigh. “Twilight, this is Midnight. Or, rather, Celestia in her disguise.”

“Oh,” Twilight said, blushing as her eyes drifted to “Midnight’s” rather sizable chest. Something that didn’t go unnoticed.

“Ooh, Twilight-”

“We really need to give you a fake name.”

“I didn’t know you liked those,” Midnight said. “I always assumed you like pencils.”

Lone closed his eyes, then face palmed as Twilight stammered. “Times like this I wish I drank,” Lone muttered. “Okay, before we go in, Twilight, you two are my sisters, out for a night on the town as our parents wanted the house to themselves. Given the theme of darkness in our names, you’re adopted and will be named Sky Ruby, or just Ruby. Got it?”

Without waiting for an answer, Lone entered the bar, Midnight shaking her head and following closely, “Ruby” bringing up the back. Just as Lone entered, a few of the patrons looked up at him upon hearing the door open, and backed away, remembering what the others he was with a few nights ago did.

The three took a seat in a booth on the far end of the bar, with Midnight between Lone and Twilight. After the three got comfortably seated, she took a deep breath. “Oh, I missed these seats.”

“But Prin- I mean, Midnight, these aren’t that comfortable,” Ruby said, still not used to having to be in a disguise.

“I know,” was the reply. “That’s why I missed them.”

“So, how are things?” Lone asked.

“Good,” Midnight answered. “Boring, but that’s to be expected.”

“Same,” Lone replied as a waiter came by.

“Order?” he asked automatically before looking at the group. “Oh. It’s you two. Usual?’

“Yep,” Lone and Midnight replied.

“And her?” the waiter asked, gesturing to Ruby.

“Something on the rocks and light,” Midnight said.

“It’s her first time,” Lone added.

The waiter nodded. “Got it. Don’t wreck the place this time, you hear?”

“No promises,” Lone replied as the waiter walked away.

“I could have ordered my own drink?” Ruby said, crossing her arms.

“Yes, but you wouldn’t be having fun sober,” Lone replied.

“Says the one who has had alcohol only once in his life, and not enough to get drunk,” Midnight said with a smirk.

“Would you rather I have fun?” Lone asked, his left eyebrow raised.

“. . .Point taken,” Midnight said.

“Why?” Ruby asked. “What’s so bad about his having fun?”

“The last time he had actual fun,” Midnight replied, “twenty royal guards, five civilians, and a city block were reduced to ash.” As Ruby looked at the two slackjawed, Midnight added, “He’s very good at covering stuff up.”

“You smell something?” Lone asked, sniffing the air.

“I’ll be right back,” Ruby said before she got up.

“To the right as you walk in, second door,” Lone said as she left.

After a few seconds, Midnight spoke. “You don’t like her.”

“No,” Lone said. “Reminds me too much of her ancestor.” He looked at Midnight. “We both know what she did.”

“She’s not like that,” Midnight said. “She’s averse to killing.”

“Everypony is,” Lone said. “At first. Sunbeam started out the same way.” He looked back at the direction of the restrooms. “And that was before dark magic came into play.”

“She was unstable, Lone. You of all ponies should know that.”

“And just how unstable can Twilight be?” Lone asked in a slight growl before closing his eyes and exhaling. “The only reason I didn’t order her killed is obvious, and we both know alicorns have a resistance to mind magic.”

“Then maybe you should have made sure those assassins didn’t get close to her,” Midnight retorted, glaring at Lone.

“That’s what gets me with everything,” Lone said.

“What do you mean?” Midnight asked, confused.

“They grandstanded. Every report we’ve gotten from other cells and civilians state the same thing. Victim was lured into an alleyway, and didn’t come out. An hour or so later, somepony finds the body. No ponies standing guard, and throats slit from behind.”

Midnight’s eyes widened. “They wanted you to save her.”

“Combine that with the Widow’s appearance around the same time as the first killing?” Lone muttered. “I can’t shake the feeling that someone’s behind this,” he said as he saw Ruby walkout, nearly crowding the doorway with another mare exiting at the same time. As Ruby made her way back to the booth, Lone saw the other mare go to a stallion, and escort him out.

“What’d I miss?” Ruby asked as she returned.

“Nothing much,” Midnight replied as the waiter brought their drinks. For Midnight, it was a bottle of Sweet Apple Acres cider, something that very few patrons of the bar could order with how expensive it was. For Lone, it was a glass of apple juice. For Ruby, it was a martini in a mug.

“Uhhhhh,” Ruby said, looking at her drink.

“Not like they can invest in fine drinking glasses,” Lone said, grabbing his drink and downing a quarter of the glass in three gulps.

“Oh, right.”

Definitely not cut out for investigative work, Lone thought.

“Well, here’s to a fun night,” Midnight asked as she downed her entire drink, just before a scream could be heard from outside. “Or not.”

The three were among the first out of the bar, with Lone seeing a mare shaking as she looked into the alley beside the bar. He jogged over to where she was, and looked into the alley, clenching his fists at what he saw.

“What is it?” Midnight asked as the crowd gathered, her eyes going wide and a small gasp escaping her lips as Ruby gave a full gasp and covered her mouth as the two of them saw the corpse of the stallion Lone saw earlier on the floor, pants down and penis erect.

“The Widow’s here.”

The investigation begins

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Lone slammed his fist into the wall of his office. “How’d she get away from there?”

“I’m more interested in why she came to Canterlot,” a unicorn stallion with bone white skin and hair wearing dress pants and short sleeved black shirt said. “Manehattan, right?”

“Los Pegsaus,” Shade answered. “Doubt she came because of the nightlife here, or the corruption.”

“Thrill of it, maybe,” Mist asked. “She did kill the guy next to a bar she knew was occupied.”

“You get a look at the mare, Lone?” the stallion asked.

He shook his head. “No, she looked like the average mare you’d see there. Nothing to remember on a first glance unless you were looking for her.”

“You can’t raise her victims?” Mist asked.

“Tried that,” the stallion replied. “They’d be nothing but mindless husks. Nothing to get from ‘em.”

“Damn it,” Shade said, rubbing the base of her muzzle.

“One bright side to this,” Mist said. “It narrows the suspect pool.”

“Hopefully,” Lone said. “We know she’s intelligent. For all we know, she walked here from Los Pegasus, or took an airship to Manehattan, followed by a name and appearance change, then a train to Ponyville, repeat step two, then a train ride to Canterlot.”

“And she knows ponies will be after her,” the albino stallion commented.

“What I want to know is why we didn’t get any files on her when she was captured,” Mist said.

“We didn’t know it was her,” Lone said. “Whoever this is, either it’s a copycat, or she is one of the most devious buckers on the face of this planet.”

“No activity from the group that tried to kill Twilight, either,” Shade said. “Both of them are smart.”

“They aren’t Sunbeam, though,” Mist said. “We’ll take them down before something exciting happens.”

The four were silent for a time before the stallion spoke up. “You guys remember what Sunbeam’s last words were?”

“What are you talking about, Cross?” Mist asked. “She didn’t say anything.”

“Maybe not to the level you could hear,” Cross replied. “But I’m a necromancer. If anyone can hear one’s last words, it’s me.”

“What’d she say?” Lone asked.

“I don’t remember the exact wording, but it was along the lines of this.” Cross cleared his throat. “‘I might be gone, but you can’t stop my plans. Only a fool does not plan for their death.’ We all know how much she loved long stretching plans.”

Lone, Shade, and Mist looked at each other. “Cross? You aren’t suggesting-”

“That Sunbeam Sparkle planned this?” Cross asked. “There are many forms of death. All experience the death of the flesh; most experience the death of the spirit. Few have a second death of the flesh. And must I point out the points of mystery in the Sparkle house’s past since Sunbeam’s death?”

“Even if that’s the case, why now?” Shade asked. “Why not fifty years ago, when most ponies alive during our hunt for her would have died of old age or forgotten what she did.”

“I don’t know,” Cross said. “I’m a necromancer, not a Spirit Caller.”

“Sunbeam did dabble is seeing,” Mist commented.

Lone squinted at this. The killings beginning when Twilight became a Princess, Sunbeam’s skills. The Sparkles. . . “We need to bring in Twilight’s parents.”

The other three looked at him. “Lone, without any solid evidence, we can’t arrest-”

“Screw the rules,” Lone said. “The four of us are outcasts. Cross is a necromancer, Mist is a changeling, and Shade’s a vampire. We agreed when we started this guard that we wouldn’t let red tape stop us. Are we going to go back on that now?”

Shade sighed. “Lone, it’s not just that,” she said. “We need to consider if Twilight’s mom is in on this.”

Cross nodded. “The Sparkle matriarchs have always had incredible power, hidden or no.”

“And not taking that into consideration, no way Celestia will let us near Twilight’s family as long as she thinks we’re biased,” Mist commented.

“Then it’s a good thing we don’t give a shit what Celestia thinks,” Lone said. “Mist, time to break out one of your old disguises. Shade; find Velvet.”

“And what am I to do, Lone?” Cross asked. “Better question: what are you going to do?”

“You’re going to make sure Twilight doesn’t get involved. I don’t care what you have to do,” Lone replied. “As for me? I’m going to talk with Celestia.”

Celestia’s study-one hour later

“Absolutely not,” Celestia said. “I heard what you said last night, Lone. I highly doubt the Sparkle house is capable of what you think is going on. I taught Sunbeam myself; not one lesson included seeing the future.”

“Doesn’t mean she didn’t learn it herself,” Lone countered. “Of course, we can’t find out now.”

Celestia glared at Lone. “Even not taking Twilight into consideration, Lone, the Sparkle household have been paragons since Luna’s banishment, Sunbeam being the only exception. Unless you bring me concrete evidence of them being involved, you won’t have me backing you.”

“And since when has that stopped us?”

Celestia let a small smile loose. “Of course, I couldn’t do anything if I never found out you disobeyed me. But I know you’d never do that.”

Shadow Guard headquarters-meanwhile

Twilight looked around the library nervously, as she had gotten a message to report here for her next lesson, and had been waiting for ten minutes and twelve seconds. Fourteen. Fifteen. Six- “Ah, you must be the new recruit.”

“Gah!” Twilight shouted, jumping in the air at the voice behind her, as she heard nothing to indicate a pony coming up behind her. When she turned to face the pony, she was met with an albino earth pony.

“My apologies if I scared you, Miss,” the stallion said, bowing. “Holy Cross is my name, and Lone has instructed me to educate you on the basics of dark magic.” Twilight was a little confused by this, as Cross-she doubted he’d like being called Holy-wore the robes of a priest in Celestia’s church; yellow robes with red and orange ribbon. At seeing her confusion, he elaborated. “I was once a Father in our majesty’s church, but events led me to meeting Lone years ago during one of his adventures,” he said. “I had already learned of my skill at the talent for which I am now a member of this guard, and Lone simply helped me see the good it could do. I was excommunicated at my behest so I would not sully the church or Princess Celestia’s name with further use of my talent.”

“Oh,” Twilight said. “Wh-what exactly can you do?”

“Ah, now that would be telling, Miss Sparkle,” Cross said, with a slight hostility in his voice only the three closest to him would know. “Would you like it if somepony were to come up to you and ask what secret ability you have?” At Twilight’s silence, Cross said, “Yes, I thought so. Any other questions?”

“Just what are we going to be doing first,” Twilight nervously replied.

“An easy one for one of your power,” Cross said. “Conjuring one’s fears. Which is why I brought help you might very well know,” he said as, to Twilight’s surprise, Starlight came around a corner, a book in her hand and head down.

“You know, you could have just told her and ignored the question?” Starlight said. “I’ve been waiting there for ten minutes.”

“Hush, you.”

Old alliances and questioning corpses

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“Mist, I got her,” Shade said, using a communication spell to keep in contact with Mist. Currently, the two of them, along with their target, were in Canterlot’s shopping district. The streets were currently not crowded, so Shade, standing in front of a closed antiques shop had to use an invisibility spell to avoid being sighted. Standing on the other side of the road from Shade, window shopping at a dress store, was Twilight Velvet, wearing a white, knee length dress with stockings underneath the dress and covered by her whole-hoof style shoes.

Alongside these was a shimmer on both her right thigh and under her left armpit, something either one who was untrained in looking for such spells or had never looked at breasts and thighs-natural and magically enhanced- would miss, but Shade prided herself on being neither of those. “Careful, looks like she’s got personal protection. Standard camouflage spells, of the intensity of the shimmers are any indication.”

“Copy, moving in,” Mist replied. A few seconds later, a black stallion with dark blue hair wearing knee length shorts and a sleeveless white shirt-showing a magnifying glass over a question mark as the disguises cutie mark-walked up to Velvet. “Miss Velvet?”

“Yes?” Twilight Velvet replied, looking at Mist.

“Private Eye, Canterlot police. Something has happened that is linked to you, and we’d like to ask you a few questions.”

“Of course,” Velvet replied, a small look of surprise on her face. “May I ask what it’s about?”

“There was a murder in the slums last night, and we have reason to believe the victim is connected to you in some way,” Mist answered. “Please, follow me. My captain is nearby.”

“Of course,” the gray unicorn mare said, and followed Mist.

Shade smirked. “Got her,” she mouthed before teleporting away.

A minute later, Mist opened the door to an unassuming, one story building, and Velvet walked in, stopping midstep as she saw the black and red stallion standing at the back of the room before she glared at him. “Oh. It’s you.” Mist went for a hidden knife on his right arm, but Lone stopped him with his magic. A second later, Mist’s hand was released, and Mist stepped out, closing the door.

The two ponies stared at one another for three seconds. “So, what does the last heir of the Shadow family want with me?”

“A group I lead has reason to believe your family is involved in the return of a murderer and an attempted attack on your daughter,” Lone replied. A second later, he added, “From how you knew of me, I’m guessing Sunbeam’s journal survived?”

“What do you think?” Velvet asked, contained anger in her voice. “Do you really think the Sparkle family would let any book be destroyed? And I can tell you I had nothing to do with any attack on my daughter.”

“I never said you did.” Lone walked towards the matriarch of the Sparkle family. “Where is it?”

Velvet scoffed. “What makes you think I’ll tell you?”

“That we both know if any book from our families’ respective libraries were to find the wrong hands, it’d be bad,” Lone answered. “If you don’t have it, then someone has access to Sunbeam’s journal. We both know what’s in that one is bad for everyone.”

Velvet sighed. “It went missing ten years ago. I’ve had those on my payroll looking for it, but whoever took it knows how to hide their tracks, I’ll give ‘em that.” Her glare hardened. “How do I know you won’t just release its secrets? I know you hate my family for what Sunbeam did.”

“Maybe,” Lone agreed with a nod of his head. “But I could have done that after taking her down. Long as you don’t give me a reason to, I won’t. You have my word on our families combined history,” he said, putting his right fist over the middle of his chest. “Ve sho na kae.”

Twilight Velvet’s eyes widened at hearing that, and then repeated Lone’s action. “Vo no kae sha,” she said. The, looking Lone in the eyes, she said, “Whoever did steal Sunbeam’s journal? When you find them, you can use my family’s curse on them. None mess with the Sparkles and get away unscathed.”

“You have my word I will, Matriarch Velvet. I can not guarantee the journal will survive, however.”

“Losing a book is nothing if it means protecting Equestria,” Velvet said. “Celestia’s speed, Lone Shadow.”

With that, Lone used his magic to open the door behind the unicorn mare, and Velvet exited the building. Mist entered shortly after. “Uh, Lone? What was that about?”

“An old pact,” Lone replied. “Come on. We need to pay a visit to the coroner. Maybe we can get something with the body being found fresh as it is.”

Canterlot Morgue-one hour later

“The only reason I’m letting you two know this info is because I owe Mist,” the coroner- an Earth pony mare wearing blue scrubs that blended in with her blue skin, with white hair that went to just above the base of her neck- said before sighing. “What do you want to know?”

“What specific type of toxin was used to kill the stallion from last night?” Mist asked.

“Simple, at least,” the mare muttered. “The toxin used is a special neurotoxin. Properties include being oderless, tasteless, and having an overall viscosity resembling salad dressing when chilled,” she said. “Nothing special there.”

“Well, is there anything special about it?” Lone asked, leaning back against the wall near the door.

The coroner thought for a few seconds, chewing on her lip. “Actually, yes,” she answered. I managed to get some o fit out of the victim’s bloodstream, and ran it through normal testing procedures. The toxin belongs to the Crystallo Arachnid, better known as the Crystal Spider. Found only in the Empire, its toxin is rapidly deteriorating outside the spider, being untraceable in two to three days depending on current temperature. A distilled version of it is used for cleaning gems from the Empire, and is cheap and nonlethal. This version, however, is pure, and very lethal. A full syringe is overkill, really.”

Mist whistled. “Must be expensive, then, given just storage conditions.”

“Assuming it’s legal,” Lone commented.

The coroner nodded. “That’s what I thought, so I did a bit of research using what I had access to. The pure venom is expensive. So much so that one percent of the one percent can afford it. Mainly due to how rare the spider is, the storage conditions, all that,” she said.

“Definitely narrows the suspect pool there,” Mist said. “Thanks for the info, Heart.”

“So long as you two don’t come to my house ever again,” Heart replied. “I’m still getting repairs done.”

“If we don’t have to, we won’t,” Lone replied. “Come on, Mist. We need to see if Cross got anything off observing Twilight.”

The changeling nodded. “Right,” he said before speaking to Heart. “We still on for next Tuesday?”

“Just don’t be late.”

The edges of the puzzle come together

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“So, what could you get from Twilight’s first dark magic lesson?” Lone asked Cross. The two of them, along with Mist and Shade, sat in Lone’s office, the desk behind Lone as the four sat in a circle.

“Inexperienced,” Cross said. “Very little use of dark magic. Honestly? I’d say her only use before now was the Empire.”

“No touch of Necromancy, then?” Shade asked. “That’s a little weird, given this is the Sparkle house we’re talking about.”

“Agreed,” Cross said. “I do think I know why, however. She became enamoured with Celestia during her first viewing of the Summer Sun Celebration. Given how much she enjoyed showing Celestia what she learned, chances would be that Velvet did not want to risk it become undeniable knowledge.”

Lone nodded. “Only reason my house and the Sparkles got away with our skills is because Celestia could deny knowing that we did those. But if Twilight doesn’t know the Sparkle’s family skill, it begs the question as to if she taught Shining.”

“Doubt it,” Mist said. “After, the Sparkle line is matriarichal, and history shows the matriarch will have children until they have a daughter.” He looked at Lone. “That reminds me: what exactly happened between you and Velvet/’

“I swore in. . .old language that so long as she gave no reason, we would not interfere with her family. She did so in kind she would not impede our investigation.”

“And how do we know she’ll hold up her end?” Cross asked.

“Let’s just say that breaking the vow will mean she won’t be seen again, and she knows it.” Lone looked at Cross. “Drop it, Cross. Trust me, it’s something I don’t like discussing.”

Cross nodded. “I simply wished to know if she would betray us,” he said. “What did you three find out?”

“After getting Velvet in the building,” Shade said, “I talked with my contacts in the black market. Nothing on either the Widow or the four that attacked Twilight, but they’ll let me know if they hear anything.” The vampire then reached into her jeans pocket, and pulled out a letter. “One of them, though, did give me a letter. To make it short, it’s a letter to the seediest criminals in the Underworld that if they wished to get the payday of their lives, they would meet whoever sent this. I’m betting our would-be assassins got their own. I handed it to our penmanship analysts. Couldn’t get much, but the material the letter is written on is a special paper-”

“Found in the Empire?” Mist asked.

Shade scowled. “What did you guys find?”

“The venom comes from a spider unique to the Empire,” Mist said. “Only the richest can afford the pure form of it. Whoever we’re dealing with is so high up in the economic and social ladders we’ll need to go careful just to avoid an economic collapse.”

“Which make sour jobs infinitely harder,” Cross sighed. “I’ll inform our agents in the Empire to be on their guard while looking for any more evidence.”

“So, did you ever find out what if any part the Sparkle’s have in this?” Shade asked.

“Whoever is behind this stole Sunbeam’s journal,” Lone said, taking the others aback. “Velvet has those on her family’s payroll looking for it, but nothing so far. Considering it was stolen ten years ago, it’s impressive they haven’t found it yet.”

“And it would fit with what we know of the Sparkle’s practices of initiating the next matriarch,” Cross said, putting his right hand on his chin. “The journal was stolen a year before Twilight could be initiated. Now, it’s too late for that. In a way, I feel sorry for the Sparkles. Even if their political power remains, their legacy will take a large decline.”

“And if there’s one thing you can trust with a Noble, it’s their legacy,” Lone commented. The four were silent for a time, each having their own thoughts on the current situation, though none had an idea as to who was behind it.

“You know,” Shade said eventually. “I think I have an idea on how to get some good graces from Velvet so she shares any new pieces of intel with us.”

“And what’s that?” Lone asked, to which Shade shrugged.

“Duh.Have Cross teach her necromancy using our tomes.”

Shadow Guard library-meanwhile

“Sorry,” Twilight said to Starlight, who was still shivering from Twilight’s exercise earlier in the day. “I didn’t think it’d be that real.”

“I-it’s no problem, Twi,” Starlight said, her eyes glued firmly to the book she was reading, trying desperately to not think about what she saw. Really, she was just going through the book so no one would question her thousand yard stare, but he reyes did focus on one line. “Uh, Twilight, did you know your family is apparently one of the four Knight houses?”

Twilight looked at Starlight with confusion on her face, having never heard that term before. “I don’t even know what they are, let alone knew my family is one!”

“Oh,” Starlight said. “Well, there isn’t much on them. Just the names: Sparkle, Amans, Legatum, and Shadow. Huh. Looks like Lone’s family is one, too.”

“That’s it?” Twilight asked. “Really?”

“Yeah. I’m a little surprised it just has their names. Not even a description of what the Knight houses are. Maybe Lone knows more.”

“Assuming he’ll say anything,” Twilight said. “Probably better to ask my mom. At least I know she’ll be honest with me about this.”