> Online Infatuations > by flaminkomage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Infatuations RDcrystalheart~ Inspired by a real-life story. Chapter One "You do know sugar, seeing you at my derby race tonight would be darn-tastic!" Applejack said, walking besides one of her best friends after a long day of school. Rainbow Dash gave her an appreciative smile in return, but shook her head. "Sorry, AJ," she started. "But I'm busy after school today." Although this was only partially true, the rainbow-haired teen would never tell her that. Applejack though, plastered a heavy smirk onto her face. "Doing what? Cooing over that dude you always seem to be texting?" she asked, nudging her with her elbow. "I'm still waiting for you to tell me who it is, ya' know." "And thankfully, that day will never come," Rainbow Dash retaliated smartly. Applejack simply shrugged and bit into the apple she was currently feasting on, before her eyes widened and she grinned. "Speaking of boys..." she mumbled, making Dash look at her with a confused expression. "Huh?" she said, before looking ahead and spotting a panting boy with navy hair running towards the duo. Dash's eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms beneath her chest. "Oh." "Oh... H... Hey... girls... what's... up...?" he said, stopping for breath every few seconds. Rainbow Dash grumbled something under her breath, before turning back to him. Applejack took his as a cue to leave, shooting her friend a sly wink before making her exit. Dash ignored her discreetly. "Soarin, where were you at basketball practice today?" she asked, her facial expression not wavering. Soarin gulped, giving her an innocent smile and scratching the back of his neck. "Oh! I... forgot?" he said nervously. Everybody knew what happened when Rainbow Dash got rallied up. "Nice try," said girl mumbled in a dangerously low voice. Soarin took a deep breath, quickly shaking his head. "It isn't like that! I was... I was helping a new student out! Principle Celestia asked me to," he said. Rainbow Dash's face didn't waver, but she backed away ever so slightly. "Oh? And what would this student's name be?" she asked. Soarin gulped. "Erm... Lillian... Butterfly." Soarin paused, a satisfied grin creeping onto his lips. "Yeah! Lillian Butterfly! That was his name!" Rainbow Dash mentally facepalmed. "Right right... Lillian Butterfly," she said, before gritting her teeth and leaning close till the two were nose-to-nose. "Woah, Dashie," Soarin said with a smug smile. "If you wanted that, you should've just asked." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at his suggestion, before she groaned and stepped back slowly. "Shut up..." she mumbled. "Anyway, you are going to tell me what you were doing, or I will personally file a report to Spitfire." Soarin visibly cringed at the thought. Spitfire was the head coach of all the sport programs at Equestria High... and when she got angry, she really went all out. Nobody ever wanted to come close to that kind of torture. "Alright alright! Fine!" Soarin finally gave in. "The truth is... I was in the bathroom." "Doing what?" Dash asked, crossing her arms. Soarin bit his lip. "I was... on my phone." he said quietly. Dash's ears perked up. "What was that?" "I was on my phone, alright?!" Soarin screeched. Dash gave him a satisfied nod. "That's not really an excuse, but it'll do for now," she said. Soarin breathed a sigh of relief. "You're on probation for a week." Soarin gasped. "But Dashieeee!" he whined. "That's not fair! For skipping one itsy-bitsy practice?" Rainbow Dash nodded. "Soarin, we have a game this Saturday. You know how serious I am about this stuff. I take my role as team captain to heart," she said. Soarin shrugged. "Sometimes maybe a little too seriously," he said. Dash sighed, grabbing his t-shirt with both hands. She pulled him closer. "Woah Dashie... settle down, not in public." "I don't have time for your pitiful sense of humor," she started. "Now listen up, pretty boy-" "Pretty boy?" Soarin cut in. "So you do like me!" "In your wildest dreams," Dash said, inching closer to him. Soarin's breath hitched as she ran a hand down his back. She closed her eyes slightly, looking up at him with a sensual pout. "Now, hear me closely," she said. Soarin could only nod. "... Alright. What I wanted to say was... TAG! YOU'RE IT!" Dash quickly let go of him, pushing his body backwards before running at top speed down the empty street. Soarin's jaw dropped as he eyed her figure slowly become smaller and smaller. "How didn't I see that coming..." he scolded himself under his breath. "DASHIEEEEEE!" he yelled before sprinting towards her. Rainbow Dash's friends, who had been spying passing by, looked upon the exchange for a few minutes, watching the two playfully banter back and forth, all while Dash ran away from Soarin. "Darling, they're so adorable!" Rarity screeched. Everyone else murmured their approval of her words. "You said it." Rainbow Dash sighed as she threw her schoolbag onto her bed and flounced onto it. She reached for her phone, instantly smiling upon seeing the screen. [You have one new notification from Sky High] She giggled uncharacteristically, before sliding it open and reading it. [Sky High: Heyoo Daring! How was school?] She grinned, before quickly swiping her fingers across her phone and typing back a message. [Daring Dash: it was fine bro. yours?] His response was instant. [Sky High: Great, tho I did get busted one time from my best friend lol] Dash rolled her eyes. [Daring Dash: what did you do this time] [Sky High: Nothing! I just might have skipped a class to talk to youu~] Rainbow Dash let out a low chuckle at Sky's words. [Daring Dash: what can i say? im irresistible] [Sky High: Only for you] Rainbow Dash bit her lip to hold back a girly squeal. She loved it when he said stuff like this to her; and he knew it. [Daring Dash: youre such a flirt <3] Was the heart emoji too much? Did Dash just make a complete fool of herself? [Sky High: I've heard that only one too many times before //laughs] [Daring Dash: is that a good thing] [Sky High: Especially from youuu~ <3] Oh good. He sent one back. Rainbow Dash released a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. For some reason, she always tended to think twice before saying anything to him... however goofy he might have been. [Daring Dash: im honored //bows] [Sky High: You should be] Rainbow Dash sighed, leaning back in her seat. It was unusual for her to be acting this way, and if anybody ever saw her like this, she'd definitely make sure their life was either miserable, or on complete watch. She took pride in her attitude; she didn't want anyone to think she had suddenly gone... soft. It was bad enough that Applejack and Rarity had seen her at the town spa a few weeks go. She never wanted to live that nightmare again... however fun it might have been in the end. [Sky High: Hey daring?] Rainbow Dash jolted out of her trance as her phone buzzed in her hands. She raised her eyebrows at the message, but replied with confidence nevertheless. [Daring Dash: something wrong?] Good, Dash. Show him you're concerned. Even if there really is nothing wrong. [Sky High: Ever wondered about meeting up in real life?] Rainbow Dash let out a small gasp at her screen. Meeting up with Sky High in real life? That would be... that would be incredible! But she had high doubts about it ever happening... she was pretty sure they lived nowhere near each other. Soarin took a deep breath, staring at his phone's screen in anticipation. Was that too straight forward? Should he have sugar coated his words a little? What would she say? Would she be mad at him? Were all of his attempts at asking this one simple question all gone down the drain without ever having a use? His eyes widened as the screen changed. [Daring Dash is typing...] He held his breath, waiting for her response. [Daring Dash: that would be so awesome you have no idea. but how would that even work lol...? i dont think we live close to each other] Soarin took a deep breath, deciding to go a little further with the topic then usual. [Sky High: Well, where do you live?] He waited silently for her response. After a few minutes of nothing, Soarin reread his message and realized it could be taken the wrong way. He hastily added something onto it. [Sky High: I mean that in a totally not stalker way, btw. Like, what country?] [Daring Dash is typing...] Soarin let out a breath, relieved. [Daring Dash: i live in equestria. cloudsdale, actually] Rainbow Dash bit her lip. Was that a little too much information? He asked for the country, and she gave it to him. He didn't ask for the town though... would he shy away? [Sky High is typing...] Well that was reassuring. [Sky High: Oh my god really? ME TOO!!!!!! I go to school in one of the main country high schools] Rainbow Dash's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Wait... WHAT?! [Daring Dash: this is uncanny. i do tooooooo] She didn't have to wait long for his response. [Sky High: What if we actually know each other irl?] [Daring Dash: woah there. settle down. there are lots of country schools. we could go to different ones and not even know it, rite?] [Sky High: Which one do you go to then? ;) ] [Daring Dash: uhhh gotta go! talk to ya later mate~] Dash craned her neck in relief. She got out of that one... but what about the next time they talked about this? To be honest... she was nervous about it. What if she and Sky High really did know each other outside of their online personas? She had already gotten to know him over a year only with texts... but what if she had accidentally made a fool of herself in front of him in real life? What if his opinion about her changed once he found out who she actually was? What if he was disappointed with who the amazing, bold, brave Daring Dash really was? The two had met over an online Wonderbolt forum one and a half years ago. They were both hoping to get in once they were older, so they already had common ground and interests to talk about. It wasn't very hard to start up a conversation knowing this. For the first few months, Daring Dash and Sky High had kept their relationship strictly professional and completely closed. They never disclosed anything about themselves, and used proper punctuation and grammar every time they talked. Their conversations were also mostly about things like how the last Wonderbolt show was... or other stuff that was already out and open to the public eye. Soon, their relationship became a little more open. They shared personal life stories, vented to one another, became the best of friends online. They still didn't delve deep into themselves, but their relationship was a lot more honest than it was before. And Rainbow Dash was very thankful for that. And now, after years of talking to each other, the two became as open as online friends could be. They trusted one another... of course, they'd never disclosed private information about themselves, but they were still very fun and easygoing towards one another. Little did they know they were much closer than they thought... > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Infatuations RDcrystalheart Chapter Two The next day, Rainbow Dash entered Equestria High with her phone in hand and head down. She was furiously typing something, glancing up every few seconds to see if she was going in a clear direction. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. "Guess who!" someone said. Dash smiled to herself, before pushing the person'a face with her hand. "Soarin, being playful isn't going to get you off of probation," she said, crossing her arms. Soarin chuckled nervously, backing away from her with a grin. "It was worth a shot," he said, before leaning over and trying to look at her phone. "Who're ya' texting?" he asked her, just as Dash put her phone away. She shrugged. "No one, just my mom," she said casually. Soarin raised an eyebrow, but nodded. "Alright. I'm going to choose to believe that," he said. Dash gave him a satisfied nod, before beginning to walk upstairs to her first class. Soarin chased after her. "What do you have first?" "Drama," Dash replied, not looking at him. She shot one of the passing student a wink and clicked her tongue in their direction. Soarin bit his lip nervously, suddenly getting a rush of protectiveness. He shook it off. "Must be your best class, eh?" he said slyly. "Being such a drama queen yourself." "Hey!" Dash said, pushing him back slightly as both of them laughed. "Anyway, I've got Physics," Soarin said, looking through his folders for a few seconds. He looked back up at her with a hopeful smirk. "See you in Bio?" Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yep. I for one can't wait to learn about cow reproduction," she said before releasing a small laugh. Soarin grinned. "What lesson could be better?" he said, before shooting her a wink and turning away. "See ya' Dashie." Rainbow Dash offered a friendly wave. "Yeah, see you." [You have one new notification from Sky High] Rainbow Dash's phone buzzed from inside her bag in the middle of her drama class. She quickly looked around, making sure no one would see her. Discreetly, she opened the message with a giddy smile. [Sky High: Stuck in class. Gonna dieeee] Dash grinned to herself, typing back a quick message as the teacher went on about stage directions for the upcoming school musical. [Daring Dash: wish i could say the same] She quickly popped her phone back inside her bag before anyone could see her, ignoring the quickly incoming messages on her phone. She sighed, before raising her hand. "Yes, Rainbow Dash?" the teacher asked. Dash gave her a sheepish smile. "Could I be excused?" she asked simply. The teacher rolled her eyes but nodded, gesturing over to the front door of the classroom. "Sure, but don't be too long," she said, going back to the lesson. Rainbow Dash nodded, grabbing her phone and making her way outside the room. She quickly turned left and entered the closest girls' bathroom, going inside one of the stalls and closing the door. Dash whipped out her phone to see an array of texts on her screen. [Sky High: Oh really?] [Sky High: I'm sure I could make the class more enjoyable XD] [Sky High: Uh... hello?] [Sky High: Daring?] [Sky High: Daringggg????] [Sky High: Dash? Daring?] [Sky High: Oh ok. I get it. ur just too cool for me? Alright then] [Sky High: No srsly. Daring?] [Sky High is typing...] Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. [Daring Dash: patience is a beautiful thing] She snorted as the 'typing...' message disappeared and was replaced by silence. A few seconds passed, before it reappeared again, quickly forming a new message. [Sky High: Oh there you are] [Daring Dash: sry. had to excuse myself from class. you rlly have no patience, you know] [Sky High: Lets just say Im not that great at physics] Rainbow Dash smiled to herself, stopping as she heard someone enter the bathroom. [Daring Dash: lol someone just entered the b room. brb] Dash quickly peeked over the door of the stall to set her eyes on two of her friends. Applejack and Rarity. Dash smiled, about to open the door to see them, but stopped as they mentioned her name. "What's goin' on between him and Rainbow?" Applejack asked. Dash quirked an eyebrow, intending to listen in on more of their conversation. "What's going on between them? Darling... however much they might deny it, it's obvious they've got something for one another," Rarity said. Dash suppressed a groan. She instantly knew they were talking about her and- "Soarin isn't like that though," Applejack said. "He'd be completely honest with her if he felt somthin'." "You're right." Rarity nodded. "And that absolutely explains the endless flirting." Rainbow Dash gaped from her place. Flirting? "Mhm... can't argue with that," Applejack said as she watched Rarity fix her eyeshadow. "You done yet, Rares? We're going to be late going back to class." "Just a minute, Darling!" Rarity protested, before giving her an affirmative nod. "All done!" "Great, I have lunch next, and frankly, I'm starvin'!" Applejack said, starting to walk towards the door. Rarity nodded, following short after with a grin. "Soarin and Dashie will get together one day... I just know it," she said, before the two disappeared into the hallway of the large school. Rainbow Dash quietly exited her stall, walking over to the sinks and splashing some water on her face. She took out her phone to text Sky High. [Daring Dash: hey... im back] It was a simple message. But even she knew he would take it in a different way. [Sky High: Even though we're just talking over messages, I can tell somethings bothering you.] Dash sighed. [Daring Dash: What? No! I'm perfectly fine.] [Sky High: And now youre using perfect spelling, grammar and punctuation. Somethings wrong. You cant lie to me] Dash scoffed under her breath, but she knew he was right. [Daring Dash: fine. you caught me. something is bothering me actually] [Sky High: Whats up?] [Daring Dash: the girls who had walked into the bathroom... they were my friends] [Sky High: Uh oh. Wheres this going] [Daring Dash: oh nothing wrong. its just... they were talking about me and my best guy friend] [Sky High: Oh?] [Daring Dash: yeah... they keep telling us they want us to get together. bc he flirts w/ me and stuff] [Sky High: Cant say i dont understand where youre coming from. Something like this is happening to me too] Rainbow Dash stopped. Was this getting too personal? Should she stop talking about the subject altogether? Then again... he did say he understood. Maybe he could help her. [Daring Dash: and how r u coping with it?] [Sky High: Im not. //laughs > actually I just play it cool around them. tho... I actually do kinda like the girl in question] [Daring Dash: i understand...] [Sky High: So do you like this guy too?] Dash paused. That was a good question. Did she like Soarin? Sure, he was a pretty cool guy, and he always knew exactly what to say when she felt down... and okay, maybe she did enjoy his little flirts he always seemed to pull on her. [Daring Dash: im actlly not sure] [Sky High: Honestly, if you arent sure, you probably do XDD] [Daring Dash: o rlly?] [Sky High: Really. thats how i figured out my crush on the girl too lol] [Daring Dash: makes sense. so what do u think i should do about it?] Was asking for advice a good option? [Sky High: rlly, just wing it ;D ] Yep. [Daring Dash: ur no help] [Sky High: I know. youre welcome] Dash smiled to herself, before checking her watch. Uh oh. She had already been in the bathroom for nearly twenty minutes! [Daring Dash: well, i gotta run. ttyl?] [Sky High: For sure. ttyl!!] > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Infatuations RDcrystalheart Chapter Three Rainbow Dash left the bathroom with a strong stride, instantly cowering back as she saw someone in the hall. Soarin. "Uh... Soar?" she asked, walking up to him. Soarin looked up from his phone and grinned once he saw her. Dash waved at him and patted his shoulder affectionately. "Oh hey Dashie!" Soarin said, putting his phone in his back pocket. "What are you doing here? Isn't you Drama teacher like... kinda strict?" "Not when you're her favorite student!" Dash exclaimed, jumping up in pretend-joy. Soarin laughed. "Yeah, like I believe that," he said. Rainbow Dash only snorted in response. "No it's true! You can tell... she's pretty obvious with this stuff," she explained. Soarin considered her, before nodding casually, taking out his phone and typing something. Dash quickly leaned over to look at what he was doing, but he shied away as soon as she approached. Soarin shot her a playful glare while leaning against the lockers. "Hey!" Dash said, as she saw Soarin press a button and put his phone back in his pocket. She felt a light buzz in her coat, as she pulled out her own phone with a smile. [You have one new notification from Sky High...] She bit her lip, before opening the message, not looking up at Soarin's questioning expression. "Something wrong?" he asked, his voice dripping with concern. Dash shook her head. "Nothing, nothing. It's just a text," she said, reading the message. [Sky High: Help! Shes right in front of me!] Dash's eyes widened as she typed a response. Soarin took this moment to take out his phone again, staring at the screen in anticipation. He brightened up once a message came on it. [Daring Dash: isnt that a good thing bro] Soarin then started typing something as Dash looked away. 'Calm down, Dash. He must have a reason for hiding his texts from you. There's nothing to worry about.' [Sky High: I guess, but I dont want to make things more awkward than they already r! She already looks a bit annoyed that im texting you while in front of her] Rainbow Dash nodded, glancing up at Soarin. She knew exactly how that felt. [Daring Dash: actlly, i understand where shes coming from. my dude is with me 2... hes texting someone and not letting me see his screen. shud i b worried?] There, voicing her concerns might help. Soarin was also busy typing away on his phone. Dash chose to ignore him. [Sky High: Welp. Guess we're in similiar situs XD and nooo idts. You said you 2 are friends rite?] [Daring Dash: yeah. he's my best friend] [Sky High: Then you have nothing 2 worry about. Just wing it! Like i said~] Rainbow Dash snorted in amusement, making Soarin give her a weird look. "What happened?" he asked curiously. Dash managed to stifle her laughs and shake her head. "Sorry, nothing," she said quickly, looking back down to her phone. Soarin gave her a confused smile, but did the same as he looked anxiously down at his device. [Daring Dash: ur advice wasn't exactly helpful u kno] [Sky High: U should follow it anyway tho] [Daring Dash: yeah yeah we'll c. anyway gtg, c u later hater] Dash giggled to herself before slipping her phone back into her pocket, looking as Soarin quickly typed something before putting his away too with a smile of his own. Dash promptly ignored the buzz in her coat. "Something you want to tell me?" she asked with a hint of doubt in her voice. Soarin quickly noticed this, and breathed heavily. "What? No...!" he insisted before smirking lightly. "Is someone a little jealous?" "You wish," Dash said, before pushing him back slightly and shooting him a flirty wave. "See ya' later hater." As she walked away, she didn't notice Soarin immediately tense at her words. Soarin was thinking to himself as he took his seat in biology class the same day. Rainbow Dash entered a few minutes after him, giving him a wink and taking her seat besides him. She eyes the board with causality. "Finally time for that cow reproduction lesson, eh?" she said, taking out her textbook from her bag along with her phone and her pencil case. Soarin offered her a weak smile. "Yep, you looking forward to it?" he asked. Rainbow Dash shrugged, leaning back in her seat with ease. "Not at all! Why would anyone?" she asked, before looking to the teacher's desk. "I heard rumors about there being a pre-examination for this unit." "Oh god..." Soarin murmured under his breath. Dash nodded. "If they're true, I swear I'm reporting to Principle Celestia. We have enough tests to take anyway now that exams are coming up," she explained. Soarin nodded, taking out his phone for a little experiment. He quickly opened his chat with Daring, and wrote a message. [Sky High: pop quiz today. Any advice?] He and Daring seemed to be in the same grade. What if it was who he thought it was? Soarin eyed Rainbow Dash carefully as she took out her phone with a smirk playing on her lips. He saw her type something and quickly put it away as the teacher began doing her rounds. Soarin looked down at his phone to see a message from Daring. 'I should have been paying more attention...' he thought, berating himself as the teacher passed out a few pieces of blank paper. He quickly responded to Daring before putting his phone way. [Daring Dash: let's take a page from ur book, eh? just wing ittttttt] [Sky High: Wow. We have a little attitude now don't we *wink* anyway gtg. see ya] "Alright class," the teacher interrupted his thoughts. "We're having a little pre-quiz today so I can learn what you've already learned. Sound fun?" Soarin chuckled as he heard the entire class groan in frustration. Dash's a little louder than the rest. He grinned, grabbing a pencil and looking over the sheet of questions. Everyone in the room quickly got got to work on their test, Soarin included. When they were almost finished, Rainbow Dash let out a bored yawn, looking up to him with a playful smile. He returned the gesture, watching her get up and walk to the teacher's desk. He saw her ask the older woman a question, which resulted in the annoyed teacher just waving a hand at her and nodding. Dash turned around, mouthing a simple 'bathroom' to him, before swiftly making her exit. Soarin sighed, as he finished the last few questions on the quiz. He looked around the room, making sure no one could see him. Once his inspection was complete, he sneakily took out his phone and shot a quick message to Daring. [Sky High: Just finished..what're u doing?] He looked at Rainbow Dash's empty seat curiously as he felt it vibrate. His gaze fell on her phone, which was lying unattended besides him. It was lit up, displaying an incoming message. Soarin's curiosity got the best of him, as he leaned forward and glanced at the words displayed on the smartphone's screen. [You have one new notification from Sky High...] Soarin's mind exploded. His heart stopped. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Infatuations RDcrystalheart Chapter Four When Rainbow Dash came back from the bathroom, it was a miracle as to why Soarin wasn't still shaking in his seat. She shot him a confused smile at his pained look, and quickly took back her seat, taking out her phone and typing something. Soarin's phone vibrated as Daring Dash sent him a message. [Daring Dash: well we had our own pop quiz and i'm pretty sure i failed] Soarin looked over to Rainbow Dash. It wasn't completely fair that he knew who she was and she didn't know that Sky High was sitting right besides her. He'd have to help her out on that. [Sky High: Lol well our quiz was on cows and stuff soooo] Soarin nodded to himself. That sounded okay. He eyed Rainbow Dash carefully as he lips parted slightly upon reading her latest message. Her eyebrows raised slowly as she slowly typed something back. [Daring Dash: that's funny. mine was 2] Soarin snickered to himself. This was going to be fun. [Sky High: see, we're just so meant to be] He snorted as Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped. Her eyebrows returned to their normal state before narrowing. [Daring Dash: yea rite, u wish] [Sky High: You know u want tooooooo] [Daring Dash: sure sure, gtg] Soarin looked up at Rainbow Dash to find her eyes fixed on him with a curious glare. Soarin gulped, holding out his hand in defense for something he wasn't entirely sure of. "Uh... something wrong, Dashie?" he asked. Rainbow Dash only shook her head, looking back to the front of the class where the teacher was currently. Dash's eyes narrowed as she began thinking about something, but she didn't say anything further. On the way home from school, Soarin had opted to take the bus instead of walking like he normally did with Rainbow Dash. It gave him an opportunity to think about what was going on between him and Dash. His mind then wandered to their 'conversation' from before lunch the previous afternoon. He was... he had been talking to Rainbow Dash, while texting her... without knowing it was just her? Heck, he had confessed to liking her without even knowing it! He had even asked for advice from her... about herself! The thought only made Soarin more embarrased than he already was. Would Rainbow Dash even want to know who Sky High was? Would she be disappointed? No... she was his best friend. She could never be disappointed... could she? Soarin had screwed up a lot around her. It was like a second nature to him. His phone buzzed from his pocket, as he pulled it out quickly. It was a message from Daring- Rainbow Dash. [Daring Dash: just got home. weird. the guy i was telling u about didn't wanna walk home w/ me] Soarin grimaced. Was his decision wrong? [Sky High: I'm sure there's nothing 2 worry about. he probs just needs sum time 2 think] Soarin would make sure Dash knew it was him without him outright telling her. That way, it would be much more entertaining, plus Dash could have her own time to think about it. [Daring Dash: maybe... hey how do u know] [Sky High: Uh.. lucky guess] [Daring Dash: good enough] Upon arriving home, Soarin instantly opened up his laptop and went back to the Wonderbolt Fan Forum he and Daring Dash had met on. He scrolled through his friends, arriving at her name. He quickly looked into her profile, finding a random post. 'eyyy drama queen' He posted his comment, waiting eagerly for a reply. Was it a little too straight forward? He hoped Rainbow Dash hadn't already figured it out... that would take away all the fun. He didn't have to wait long, because mere minutes later, he got a notification. 'wait what the heck' Soarin snickered, knowing why she was confused. Honestly, it might have startled her a little. His phone buzzed from his back pocket, displaying a new message from Daring Dash. [Daring Dash: sky what's with that random comment] Soarin shrugged to himself. He was expecting something like that. [Sky High: Dashie, am i not allowed to comment on a friend's post?] Soarin knew calling her that was a big step, since it was a nickname that only his regular self called her. [Daring Dash: ... uh... wat] [Sky High: What?] [Daring Dash: y r u calling me all these weird nicknames] [Sky High: You like them] [Sky high: I know you do] Soarin snickered as Dash's 'typing' notification kept disappearing and reappearing every few seconds. She was at loss for words. That was good. [Daring Dash: i dunno, they kinda sound like names ppl irl call me] She just slammed him with the perfect opportunity. [Sky High: Oh? like this //mystery// guy who u apparently have a crush on?] Oh this was just getting good. [Daring Dash: i have no idea whom u'r referring 2] Soarin shook his head and let out a low chuckle. [Sky High: you're quite adorable when ur flustered, u know that right?] [Daring Dash: and how would /you/ know that?] [Sky High: in more ways than one, little Dashie] Rainbow Dash stared at her screen blankly. What. What was going on with Sky? He never spoke to her like that... and the nicknames! God, the nicknames! Come to think of it, Sky was right. They did sound awfully like Soarin's nicknames for her. And how did he know about the nicknames in the first place? Coincidence. Of course. It was all just one big misunderstood coincidence. No biggie. Dash stopped she she received another message, but this time from someone else on the forum. [Arithern: So you and Sky High huh?] Arithern was one of the first friends other than Sky, Dash had made when she first started out on the forum. She rolled her eyes before typing back a message. [Daring Dash: i have absolutely no idea what you're talking about] Rainbow Dash leaned back in her bed seat, watching as the typing signal emerged. [Arithern: Oh I think you do. What was with that adorable nickname he gave you on your third post?] [Daring Dash: i dunno. probs he felt a little scandalous or somethin] [Arithern: Or, maybe he likes you. Everyone's liked you at some point. And you know it.] [Daring Dash: meh. he likes some girl in his real life] [Arithern: Awww... did he tell you?] [Daring Dash: of course he did duffer. even i'm not some majorly weird stalker] [Arithern: It never hurts to check, am I right? XD] [Daring Dash: whatev. talk to you later?] [Arithern: Sure.] Rainbow Dash sighed as she exited the chat with Arithern. She was always a little goofy, and her ships were out of control. She was still a great friend to Dash, especially when her and Sky got into a rift. Speaking of Sky... [Sky High: you okay? You kinda disappeared on me] Rainbow Dash facepalmed. She forgot about his message. [Daring Dash: oops. sorry~ was talking to arithern] [Sky High: i am offended you forgot about me so easily.] [Daring Dash: o pls. just suck it up dumbo] [Sky High: so now I'm an overly high elephant? Take my offendedness and multiply that be three gazillion] [Daring Dash: u'r not funny. so stop trying] [Sky High: Welp] [Daring Dash: what did u want again] Rainbow Dash snorted. [Sky High: oh right. I was wondering what happened after you were late to that drama class] What. Soarin cringed at his words. Was that a little too straight forward? He knew for a fact Sky High knew nothing about a drama class, but only about her being late to the class. [Daring Dash: drama class? how did u know about my drama class?] He already used the 'lucky guess' excuse, now what? [Sky High: i'm a lot closer than you think, dashie] Something inside Rainbow Dash broke. Soarin bit his lip. "Soarin?!" The moment of truth. [Daring Dash: soarin?!] Soarin let out a sigh of relief, waiting a few minutes before replying. [Sky High: Rainbow dash.] The next day, Soarin walked to school with his hands in his pockets and head down. Rainbow Dash hadn't replied to the text stating her real name. He wondered if he had scared her off. "You're a troll, you know," someone said from behind him. "A bloody troll." Soarin whipped around to face the girl he hoped to see. Rainbow Dash was standing there, her wavy hair suggesting she had a rough night's sleep. She eyed him closely, taking his whole figure in as Soarin gulped from beneath her gaze. "... Dashie..." he murmured softly. Rainbow Dash shot up her hand and pointed her index finger at him. "Nope, nuh uh. You have absolutely no right to call me that, Mister," she stated. Soarin's eyes drooped as she continued. "How long have you known?" Dash's soft voice at the end made him do a double-take. "I found out just yesterday... during the biology quiz... your phone rang from your seat with a message... from me." Rainbow Dash quickly looked away. "Why didn't you say anything the minute you found out? Why play that horrid game with me?" she asked slowly. Soarin cleared his throat, trying to but as much time as possible. "Uh... well the truth is... it was honestly... kind of funny," he said in the quietest voice he could muster. Rainbow Dash heard him anyway, as she glared at him and pounced onto his shoulders. "You goof. You filthy, sneaky, goof." "But I'm your goof." Rainbow Dash suddenly looked into his deep emerald eyes, still holding up in his embrace tightly. "Did you mean what you said?" she asked. Soarin quirked an eyebrow at her. "I say a lot of things. Care to clarify?" he asked, humor dripping in his voice. Dash laughed, before her face resumed its serious expression. "About... liking me?" Soarin stopped, glancing around before looking back at the girl in his arms. He coughed once, before slowly nodding. "Of course I did... and now that I've found out my best friend is also the girl who I've put my upmost trust in online... that's kinda awesome. And it makes me like you even more." Rainbow Dash smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck and pushing herself closer to him till they were only one nose apart. "Kiss me." And he did. > BONUS: Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online Infatuations RDcrystalheart BONUS Chapter 5 Rainbow Dash and Soarin walked into school that day with their hands interlocked. They didn't know how everyone was going to take the news of their relationship, and they were in no rush to find out. "See you after class?" Soarin asked, letting go of his hold on Rainbow Dash. She nodded. "Yeah... see ya'. Text me," she said simply, shooting him a wink before making her way down the corridor. Soarin smiled after her, before he turned the opposite direction. Rainbow Dash sauntered silently into her Math class, immediately noticing her friends sitting in the corner shooting her curious looks. She cautiously made her way over to them, giving them a confused smile as she sat down in her usual seat. "Uh... hey guys," she started, "what's up?" "We should be asking you the same question," Twilight said with a raised eyebrow. Rainbow Dash gulped, instantly figuring out that the five of them knew something. "Erm... yeah?" Rainbow Dash tried, playing it up cool. Twilight nodded. "Right. So..." she said, searching for the correct words. Rarity rolled her eyes before butting in herself. "We couldn't help but notice, darling," she said, "how... close you were with Soarin this morning." Applejack nodded. "Yeah... I reckon I saw you two holding each other's hands," she said. Rainbow Dash shrugged. "Well, uh... he is my friend, so..." she drawled. "Rainbow Dash, just remember that we won't be angry... or mad... or anything if you want to tell us something," Fluttershy said quietly, "unless of course, you want us to?" Pinkie Pie pushed the shy girl out of the way and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! What she said!" Rainbow Dash quirked an eyebrow at her friends. "Right... well, there's nothing I want to tell you guys," she said, "at least... not yet." There was an outbreak of nervous giggling from all different directions surrounding the rainbow-haired teen, but she ignored it and moved on to listen to an equally irritating lesson on ratios. Lunch time only came to soon. Rainbow Dash was starving by the time she sat herself down at her normal table with the rest of her friends. She caught Soarin's eye, shooting him another wink from the morning, and quickly turning back to her food, not failing to notice the desperate eyes of her friends on her. "Did you just wink at him?" Twilight inquired. Rainbow Dash shook her head thoroughly. "No, of course not," she said. Rarity laughed. "Ohhhh she's blushing! She's blushing!" she exclaimed. Pinkie Pie grinned. "ABORT! ABORT! ABO-" she started screaming, before being cut off. "I'm just gonna stop ya' right there," Applejack said, placing a hand over her cheery friend's mouth. Pinkie Pie shrugged, going back to her food. Rainbow Dash groaned, looking away but regretting it instantly. Soarin was looking at her. She tilted her head in confusion as he pulled out his phone and gestured to it, giving her a sly smile. Dash knew what he was referring to; she took her own mobile from her pocket and sure enough, there was a message on the screen. [You have one new notification from Sky High] Sighing, she opened the text and begun to read it. [Sky High: Welp. ready to tip every one's scales?] Rainbow Dash grinned, typing out a message back and quickly stowing away her phone. She looked at Soarin and nodded. [Daring Dash: i think they've waiting enough yes] Within the minute of sending the text, Soarin was up and out of his seat, walking towards her in a stride. Rainbow Dash grinned, aware of the so fifty eyes on them. She quickly got up to, the whole hall falling silent in anticipation. Soarin grinned, reaching into his pockets and pulling out a small, red rose. He held it out to her. "For the lovely lady," he said as Rainbow Dash took it with a large smile. She looked at him with a smirk, leaning in and placing her lips on his cheek in a quick peck. "For the handsome boy," she said, winking and sitting back in her seat. Soarin looked at her once, before grinning and making his own way back to his table. The entire cafeteria was deadly silent, the only sounds coming from Rainbow Dash and Soarin as they chewed their food with amused expressions. Suddenly, a very familiar screech filled their ears. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" Rarity squealed as everyone started wolf-whistling and cheering. "ABOUT DAMN TIME!" "FINALLY!" Rainbow Dash and Soarin only smiled.