EverFree: Finding my Place

by DragonsHeart

First published

Shepard is stuck in Equestria, with no idea how to get back home. Will she find a way back home or will Equestria be her new home?

Shepard has made amends with Twilight and her friends, as well as have regained some of her memories, but she's still stuck in Equestria with no way back. Will Equestria be her new home, can a star traveller and war hero ever truly settle down in the peaceful lands of Equestria? Will she be able to settle down, maybe find a loved one and start a family, or will she ever become a wanderer?

This is the sequel to my first story, but this is also a start to a group of stories called EverFree, that I want to write. Hope you enjoy the sequel.

This story takes place before, during and beyond Season 4, so some (or maybe a lot) of elements will appear from the TV show.

Rated sex for some sexual elements that appear in this story.

Act 3: Seriously, Welcome to Ponyville

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Random Filler Quote

"I only had eyes for him and he only had eyes for me."

"That explains why we fell over a cliff."

Cecile Chevreau & Major Bloodnok, The Goon Show 1951-1960

Chapter 1: Personal Questions

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Shepard struggles to push herself off the ground, her sore and used muscles screaming in pain, wanting her to lay down and rest, as sweat drips off her brow and falls down her face, her heart beating hard in her chest as if it’s trying to burst out. Shepard grits her teeth and finally manages to push herself off the ground…

“One hundred!” Shepard mutters, finally managing to do her hundredth push up.

“I’d think it be easier if I got off you, Shepard?” Spike says, who’s been sitting on her back the whole time.

“Too easy, after all the moping I did before I feel like I’ve let myself go,” Shepard states, standing up on all fours.

“Considering that you just did a hundred push ups with me on you back, I doubt it,” Spike says, rolling his eyes and hopping off her back, “Right Twilight?”

“I don’t think you should be working out at all,” Twilight states, who has been watching Shepard work out with mild interest, “You only recently got out of hospital after a nearly fatal injury.”

“Yeah, and who’s fault is that?” Shepard says, grabbing her water bottle and taking a deep drink.

Twilight hangs her head, it’s true that Shepard’s injury was her fault as well as her own, and she still can’t properly walk on her fore hooves yet. Actually, everything that went wrong with Shepard is her fault… but before Twilight can depress herself further, she feels a friendly pat on her back.

“Stop beating yourself Twilight,” Shepard says, patting her back, “I’ve already forgiven you, so let’s move on… how’s your foot anyway?”

“It’s fine,” Twilight says, lifting up her head and smiling, “ I should be able to walk on it soon.”

“That’s good,” Shepard says, heading for the kitchen, “I gonna make myself something to eat, I’ve worked myself up an appetite.”

“If you wait awhile, I’ll make some sandwiches and some tea,” Spike says, going to help Twilight stand up.

“Then I’ll just tie myself over with a biscuit or something,” Shepard says, trying to get a jar off the cupboard but is unable to reach it.

“Shepard don’t forget you have magic,” Twilight says, chuckling while taking the jar down with her own magic, before placing it on the table.

“Don’t forget that I was a human before and I didn’t have magic,” Shepard notes, glaring at the alicorn.

“What about your biotics?” Twilight asks, raising an eyebrow.

“They are totally different, that’s science,” Shepard says, dismissively opening the jar, this time with her magic.

Then Pinkie Pie’s head and upper torso pops out of the jar, much to everypony’s surprise.

“Oh god!” Shepard says, jumping back from the sudden Pinkie.

“Hello Twilight, hello Spike, hello Shepard!!” Pinkie says, smiling while sticking out of the jar like a genie who’s lost her lamp.

“Pinkie what were you doing in that jar?!” Twilight says, shocked.

“I wasn’t doing anything in your jar,” Pinkie says, smiling.

“Thank heavens for that,” Shepard says, still trying to get over Pinkie’s sudden appearance.

“Actually Shepard, I have some questions for you,” Pinkie says, pulling a pencil and pen out of her mane.

“Me too, how did you get into the cookie jar?” Shepard says, curious.

I too would like to know this,” says the often unspoken voice of the Harbinger, the Reaper AI who exists in Shepard’s strange omni-tool.

“Please don’t, that way madness lies,” Twilight says, sighing and accepting a cup of tea from Spike.

“Just accept it as just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” Spike says, offering Shepard a cup of tea.

“Thanks,” Shepard says, taking the tea. “I guess it’s magic again or something like that,” she says, suddenly not caring anymore.

I’m not satisfied by this answer,” Harbinger states, unimpressed.

“Drop it,” Shepard says, taking a sip of her tea.

“Hello! What about my questions?” Pinkie says, getting impatient.

“Urgh, why do you have questions for me?” Shepard asks, not really feeling in the mood for questions.

“Because I don’t know anything about you,” Pinkie states, unhappily, “I spent a long time being a meanie pants instead of being your friend, so I’ve got a lot of catching up to do!”

“And why do you have questions for me?” Shepard asks, repeating herself.

“Cause I wasted so much time that I could of used to learn things about you, I decide just to ask all the questions I had to speed things up,” Pinkie says, smiling.

“How about, no,” Shepard says, about to walk away, but is stopped by Twilight who grabs her tail.

“Come on Shepard,” Twilight says, holding Shepard’s tail, “I’m sure they’re harmless.”

Shepard rolls her eyes and turns back to face Pinkie. “Fine, I’ll answer your questions,” Shepard says, sighing.

“What is your name?” Pinkie asks, holding up her notepad.

“It’s Raven Shepard, and you know that?”

“What is your quest?”

“.... what?”

“What is the capital of Assyria?”

Sighing, Shepard grabs Pinkie’s shoulders, pulling her face to Shepard’s own.

“If you're not going to be serious, I’m not going to answer your questions anymore!” Shepard says, glaring at the smiling Pinkie, “Also it was Assur.”

“Right!... also sorry, just lighting the mood,” Pinkie giggles.

“Really? I would never have noticed,” Shepard says, letting her go.

“Anyway what is your favorite food?” Pinkie asks, holding up her notepad.

“Nearly anything beside army rations,” Shepard answers, sighing.

“No army rations… got it, ok what about favorite drink?”

“Alcoholic beverages, next?”

“What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?”

“.... nothing.”

Pinkie and Twilight give each other a worried glance at each other, before Pinkie continues to ask questions.

“Ok…. what’s your favorite season?”

“There’s no seasons in space, so I don’t really have one.”

“Ok, undecided… what about favorite colour?”

Shepard seems to ponder this, “It is either red or blue, but I can’t remember which.”

“How about purple? That’s red and blue combined?” Pinkie offers, smiling.

“Guess it’ll do…” Shepard says, sighing again.

“Okay, got any hobbies?”

“... I think I like to collect models? Maybe?”

“Really? That’s surprising,” Pinkie says, giving Twilight another sideways look, who looks just as confused as Pinkie and Spike.

“I like to practice my shooting as well.”

“Kay,” Pinkie says, less surprised.

“Are these questions really necessary?” Shepard asks, raising an eyebrow.

“Of course, they’re valuable friendships questions,” Pinkie says, nodding to her sagely.

“I don’t see how...?” Shepard says, shaking her head.

“Alright, next one!” Pinkie interrupts, grinning, “What is your gender preference?”

A silence falls over the room, beside Twilight who spat out her tea in shock.

Shepard takes a deep breath, before looking around, “Where’s the cookie jar lid?”

“Hey, don’t dismiss my questions!” Pinkie pouts, unhappily.

“Why do you want to know my preference?” Shepard says, her face totally stoic.

“It’s useful to know who your friends are into, like for example you're trying to help set them up with someone…” Pinkie explains, stopping when she sees Shepard frowning face.

“I don’t want help in my romantic life, hell, what makes you so sure I want to engage in romance?” Shepard snarls, frown intensive.

“Geez, it was just a example, I would never try to set someone up if they weren’t interested,” Pinkie states, smiling, “In your case, I would just like to know, I’ll probably work it out myself later anyway…”

“...Pansexual,” Shepard finally says, sighing, “I’m Pansexual, gender, species, or whatever, doesn’t bother me much.”

“Wow, you’ll be surprised how many ponies are Pansexual, like Twilight,” Pinkie says, making Twilight spit out her tea in surprise again.

“Gross Twilight!” Spike says, who was caught in Twilight’s spit this time.

“How do you know that Pinkie?!” Twilight says, wiping her mouth, since she herself didn’t even know her own gender preference yet.

“Madam Pinkie knows all!” Pinkie says, mysteriously.

“You could you put a hold on those questions,” Shepard says, finding herself tiring of these questions, “I’ve had enough, also I’m scared that you’ll eventually ask me what my favorite sexual position is.”

This time Twilight manages not to lose her tea, and instead just blushes heavily.

“What’s a sexual position?” Spike asks, confused.

“An interesting question…” Pinkie says, laughing.

“If any of you say anymore of this in front of Spike, I swear…” Twilight growls, warning them.

“Geez, fine, whatever, just no more questions ok?” Shepard asks, getting back to her own tea.

“Fine, I’ll find out later anyway,” Pinkie says, smiling, “Also tomorrow at 3, all of you come to Sugarcube Corner!”

“Why?” Twilight asks, puzzled look on her face.

“Cause, tomorrow, at Sugarcube Corner,” Pinkie says, excitedly and like she is building up to something, “We are finally having Shepard’s welcome to Ponyville party!!” Pinkie throwing up her fore hooves in celebration.

The room descends into silence, only broken when Shepard puts some more sugar in her tea.

“Isn’t it a bit late, I’ve been in Ponyville a while,” Shepard says, sipping her tea and raising a eyebrow.

“But nearly everypony is coming,” Pinkie says, finally climbing out of the cookie jar, “Everypony pony either wants to finally met you or see you again, and lots of ponies want to be your friends.”

“Hmm, I wonder why?” Twilight thinks, confused, accidentally saying it aloud.

“Twilight, don’t you remember?!” Pinkie says, shocked, “How Shepard saved the Cutiemark Crusaders from timberwolves, and Derpy from bullies.”

“Yeah, those stories that got blown way out of proportions,” Shepard sighs, thinking back on them, “Yes, I was being restrained then so I could only fight when I was being attacked.”

“Oh yeah, the Cutiemark Crusaders took everything way out of proportion didn’t they,” Twilight notes, remembering how they spent ages looking everywhere for Shepard, who always managed to avoid them.

“Yeah, well anyway, tomorrow, 3pm, Sugarcube Corner, Party, be there!!” Pinkie says, disappearing into the pantry.

After making sure that Pinkie has gone, and isn’t just hiding in the pantry somewhere, Shepard says, “Well tomorrow ought to be interesting.”

Chapter 2: It's Party Time

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The next day arrives, and eventually the clock signals that it is time to leave for the party. Twilight, Spike and Shepard arrive at the bakery, where the party is being held. Coming in, all is dark, until…

SURPRISE!!” everypony yells, springing out of their hiding places, while turning on the lights.

Confetti lands on an unimpressed Shepard, and an only slightly surprised Spike and Twilight.

“You know it’s not much of a surprise if you’ve invited us to the party,” Shepard comments, ever the party pooper.

“But isn’t more fun to wait in the darkness and yell surprise?” Pinkie says, the ever cheerful, walking up to Shepard.

“If you’re serial killer maybe,” Shepard smirks, cracking a joke.

“I’m just ashamed that I didn’t notice it coming,” Twilight sighs, shaking her head.

“Come on guys, it’s a party! Let’s have fun!” Pinkie says, dragging Shepard into the welcoming crowd.

There were plenty of ponies that want to meet Shepard, since, mostly thanks to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, her exploits have become legendary… as well as very stupid, as the best retellings often become. Soon Shepard is surround by budding new friendships, pleasing Pinkie.

“This is the best “Welcome to Ponyville Party” ever!” Pinkie says, her smile beaming, while she hangs out with her friends.

“Shepard has a great… ummm,” Rainbow Dash says, stuck for the word.

“Charisma?” Applejack suggests, taking a sip of cider.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Rainbow Dash says, also taking a sip of cider, although her sip is more like a chug.

“Yes, when she doesn’t seem to be trying to kill you, she is quite skilled in the art of speechcraft,” Rarity adds, sighing, “If only we were so lucky at our first meeting.”

“Yes, but at least everything is better now,” Fluttershy says, smiling brightly, “Shepard and Twilight are better, and we’re well on the way to mending are relationship with her.”

“Speaking of Twilight, how’s the leg going?” Applejack asks, looking at Twilight, who hasn’t stopped watching Shepard the whole party.

“Hmm, oh, I’ll be able to walk on it by the end of the week, they said there is no permanent damage and it won't leave much of a scar either,” Twilight explains, before returning to watching Shepard.

“Hey Twilight,” Rainbow Dash says, her upside down head suddenly blocking Twilight’s vision, since she is now flying above her, “You know she isn’t going to just suddenly disappear.”

“I know that,” Twilight says, irritated, pushing Rainbow Dash to the side, “I just making sure that nothing will go wrong.”

“What could go wrong?” Pinkie asks, confused.

“I mean she could maybe have another attack, or she gets confused with something pony related, or... anything like that,” Twilight says, seriously.

“I think Shepard will be fine, I mean she said that she’s better and that she hasn’t had any other attack since then, so she’ll be fine,” Applejack says, trying to calm down the alicorn.

“When has Shepard and Derpy been such friends?” Twilight asks, scowling, not hearing Applejack advise, looking at Shepard and Derby who are now talking cheerfully beside the punch.

“Don’t you remember, Shepard helped her deal with some bullies, they’ve been besties since then. I hear they’ve been hanging out since Shepard got better,” Spike says, helping himself to an entire bowl of candy since Twilight is distracted.

“I didn’t hear about this?” Twilight huffs, annoyed.

“She’s free to do what she wants Twilight, we decided to trust her remember,” Applejack says, sighing, “Anyway, they look cute together.”

“Cute?!” Twilight says, shocked.

“Yeah, you know, the confined and stoic soldier, with clumsy and kind mare, sounds like one of Rarity’s sappy romances,” Applejack chuckles, earning a look of ire from Rarity.

“Sorry if my choice of reading doesn’t suit your tastes Applejack,” Rarity says, scornfully.

“You’re forgiven,” Applejack says, earning another look of ire.

“You think they’re together?” Twilight asks, looking worried.

“Nah, they just look like friends,” Rainbow Dash comments, munching on some chips.

“Anyway, I should…” Twilight is about to say, but then a blindfold is put over her eyes, “Hey! Want is going on!??”

“Twilight!” comes Pinkie’s voice from behind Twilight, “You’re the only one not having fun at one of my parties, and that is not allowed. Now you’re going to have fun even if I have to beat it out of you!” Pinkie finishes by dragging Twilight off by the tail.

“Wait Pinkie! What are you doing?! Where are you taking me!!?” Twilight yells, as she is dragged into the party.

“Glad I’m having fun,” comments Applejack, loudly so Pinkie can hear.

“What do you think Pinkie means by beating the fun out of Twilight?” Fluttershy asks, nervously.

“I think she means beating her in pin the tail on the donkey,” Rainbow Dash notes, seeing Twilight being handed the tail in front of the donkey poster, while still looking very confused.

“Pinkie what are you doing?” Twilight asks, very nervous.

“We’re going to play pin the tail on the donkey and you’re going to enjoy it!” Pinkie states, preparing to send Twilight into a spin, “Ready?”

“No!” Twilight states, worried.

“Too bad!” Pinkie says, grabbing Twilight and making her spin.

“PINKIEEEEEE!!” Twilight yells, getting sent spinning across the party.

“Oops, got a bit carried away,” Pinkie says, looking sheepish and trying not to laugh at the spinning Twilight.

There is something about ponies that are different than every other race Shepard has met. Maybe it’s that there is something pure about them, like a bunch of children, unaware of the horrors of the real world. Maybe it’s why they hang off Shepard’s every world, she seems so alien to them, to a race genetically designed to almost always flee than fight, the idea of war and killing seems almost alien to them, thus unable to grasp the true horror behind the words Shepard speaks.

But nothing feels more alien than Shepard herself, it seems like even when she became a pony, she’ll still feel alien. Her tall and toned figure stands out in a crowd, and the way that she speak makes her noticeable in a conversation. No one is totally surprised when Shepard states that she is an alien, that could be because they are so innocent/gullible, or it could be that Ponyville is just so jaded to weird things by now, that seems normal, Shepard may never know the answer.

“So what was your homeworld like?” Scootaloo asks, the three foals hanging off her every word.

“Kind of hard to describe, like Equestria but covered in more concrete,” Shepard tries to explain, she is no poet.

“And you flew across the galaxy in starships!” Applebloom asks, starry eyed.

“Basically, yeah,” Shepard says, rubbing the back of her neck, slightly embarrassed. Having children hero worship is really embarrassing.

“Hey, they going to play pin the tail on the donkey, let’s go check it out!” Sweetie Belle claims, causing the little girls to run off, letting Shepard sigh in relief, while Derpy, who has been standing next to Shepard, smiles.

“No good with children?” Derby asks, smiling.

“I’d like to think I can get on with anyone, but those girls are so bombastic. It’s hard for a old girl like me to keep up,” Shepard says, with a tired smile.

“Hmm, I don’t think I really know how old you are Shepard?” Derpy asks, rubbing her head awkwardly.

“Chronologically thirty-three years old,” Shepard says, taking a drink of punch, “Don’t know how old I am physically, never bothered to ask at the time.”

“Hmm, is that about that time when you died and got brought back to life?” Derpy asks, confused.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Shepard answers, sighing.

“Sounds rough, glad I never had to go through something like that,” Derpy says, shaking her head.

“How’s Dinky?” Shepard asks, changing the conversation.

“She’s as cute and adorable as always,” Derby says, gushing over her child, “She’s such a good child, she even made me some cupcakes recently.”

“Weren’t those the cupcakes that gave you food poisoning?” Shepard says, raising an eyebrow.

“Well yes, but it is the thought that counts,” Derpy admits, smiling, “Also they were still better than Applejack’s cupcakes.”

“From reputation, I imagine… damn we’re out of punch,” Shepard saying noticing the empty bowl.

“Don’t worry, I saw a cooler with some cases of beer in it, I’ll grab us a few cans,” Derpy suggests, smiling.

“Just don’t get drunk on my arse again,” Shepard smirks, shaking her head.

“I make no promises,” Derpy says, in a sing song voice.

Shepard just rolls her eyes, watching Derpy walk away…

“SOMEPONY STOP MEEEEE!!” yells a dizzy voice, behind Shepard.

Shepard turn around to face the cry of help, only to have Twilight come to a spinning stop against Shepard’s chest, Twilight’s blindfold coming off in her mad spin.

“Oh my head…” Twilight mutters, her eyes spinning.

“You alright?” Shepard asks, confused.

“Yeah, I’m…” As Twilight’s eyes focus again, she notices how close she is to Shepard, their chests are pushed together, and their nuzzles are inches apart, while a faint tint of colour is on Shepard’s checks, and soon there is plenty on Twilight’s as well.

“Am I interrupting something?” Derpy asks, who is looking curiously at Twilight and Shepard, as well as a few other ponies.

“What? No!” Twilight says, getting away from Shepard, blushing.

Twilight hasn’t really looked clearly at Shepard before, she never noticed how appealing Shepard’s face is, which is why she’s so embarrassed, that and being thought of doing something indecent as well.

“Are you sure? It looks like you were gonna…” Derpy tries to say, but then Shepard gently nudges her side.

“Come on, I think Twilight was just in a middle of some game,” Shepard says, dismissing the whole thing, before walking off.

“Oh, sorry then Twilight, it looked fun,” Derpy says, before following after Shepard, chatting happily together.

Somehow that whole situation just being dismissed, and Shepard just walking off and talking to Derpy, hurts more than crashing into Shepard did for Twilight…

The party is over, everypony had a lot fun, Shepard met and hopefully befriend a bunch of new ponies, ponies got drunk and everyone was happy at the end, well beside one pony. Twilight walks behind her friends as they head home, her head hanged while they talk happily among themselves, not noticing Twilight’s sorrow.

“That was a great party, Pinkie really did a good job,” Rarity says, smiling.

“Yeah, did you enjoy it Shepard?” Fluttershy asks, looking at the tall unicorn.

“Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Got to drink a lot of beer too, so can’t complain,” Shepard says, smiling slightly.

“Man Shepard, you drank so much beer, how are you not drunk?” Rainbow Dash asks, amazed at Shepard’s tolerance.

“Because I’m an old marine, you build a tolerance,” Shepard laughs, nodding her head.

Twilight just can’t listen to this anymore.

“Hey, I think I’ll take a walk to clear my head,” Twilight says, lying.

“Oh ok, cool, we’ll see you later then?” Rainbow Dash says, nodding understandingly.

“Yeah,” Twilight says, wandering away from the group.

“Hmm, Twilight must of drank a bit if she feels like she needs a walk,” Rarity comments, looking at Twilight walk away.

“I just bet Twilight is just a lightweight,” laughs Rainbow Dash.

“Hmmm,” Shepard says, looking at Twilight’s disappearing form.

Once Twilight has walked away from her friends, and she walked to the edge of town, where no pony is, sits down on her hunches and looks at the ground, before a drop of liquid falls onto the ground from her snot.

“I wasn’t needed at all,” Twilight says, tearing dripping off her chin, “Shepard is fine without me.”

Twilight wants to help Shepard, if anything to rid herself of this huge feeling of guilt she feels for almost screwing her over. This guilt is so heavy on her chest, sometimes feeling like it is tearing her up from the inside, and no matter how many times Shepard says it is alright, it never feels like it.

But Shepard doesn’t need help, she just walked in and walked out with over a dozen new friends, she is so charismatic and strong that Twilight feels like she is more of a hindrance than a help. It also hurt seeing Derpy next to Shepard like that, Twilight wants to be there acting as her friend, helping her, as well as learning more about her, but Twilight was an arse and now she’s paying the price. Twilight looks sadly at her leg in the cast, a painful price.

Suddenly a voice yells, “Catch!!” and something flies towards Twilight, she panics, unable to catch it, before it suddenly stops in front of her face in a magic aura.

“Geez, you can’t even catch a can,” says Shepard, walking up to Twilight.

Twilight then realizes that Shepard is holding up a can of beer in front of Twilight’s face.

“Here,” Shepard says, placing the beer in front of her, “It’ll make you feel better for a few moments.”

“Ah, thanks,” Twilight says, rubbing her eyes, and confused at Shepard appearance. Twilight is not much of a drinker, but she accepts the can anyway and opens it up. The sound of another can being opened is heard as Shepard does the same.

“So it still bothers you right?” Shepard suddenly states, surprising Twilight, can she read minds as well? “I mean that is what you were crying about right?”

“Oh, you saw,” Twilight says, embarrassed, taking a tiny ship from her beer.

“It must be really hurting you, isn’t it?” Shepard asks, taking a big sip from her beer.

“Yeah, I just… I just want to make it up to you somehow, otherwise I feel this guilt will just continue to eat me up,” Twilight cries, now suddenly taking a big gulp of beer.

“I don’t know what to say, cause I feel there is nothing I can say to make you feel better,” Shepard says, sighing.

“You just feel so perfect Shepard, like you’re better at friendship than me,” Twilight says, shaking her head.

“That’s cause I’m old Twilight, I have probably over ten years more experience than you do at life,” Shepard laughs, taking another sip, “You’ll probably be better than me in time, also I’m just good at talking to people, I’m not so good at the friendship thing.”

“But it looked like you were,” Twilight says, sighing, “I just wanted to help you, but it feels like I’m not needed…”

“Twilight, I would probably be dead if it wasn’t for you, I know nothing of this world, so I would probably be lost without you,” Shepard states, finishing up her can, “And if what you’ve done for me so far isn’t enough, then I’m sure in the future you’ll find ways to help me more.”

Twilight smiles at Shepard’s words, Shepard isn’t lying when she said she’s good at talking to people, she has made Twilight feel a lot better in a moment.

“Umm Shepard, can we be friends?” Twilight asks, shyly.

Shepard just smiles, before suddenly wrapping one of her forehooves around Twilight’s neck and saying, “Sure, let’s be friends and drink on it.” Shepard then gives herself and Twilight another beer, since Twilight has finished her too.

“Umm sure,” Twilight says, smiling.

The two spent the next few hours drinking and talking to each other, before heading back to the library. The guilt inside Twilight is still there, but it feels a bit lighter now. Although Twilight does regret drinking so much with Shepard, cause the next morning she has a bad hangover.

Chapter 3: I am me : S4E01

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Twilight’s friends watch as Rainbow Dash tries to guide Twilight through flying, making sure she doesn’t crash.

“You gotta really flap 'em hard,” Rainbow Dash encourages, flying up beside Twilight.

Twilight nods in response, a determined look on her face as she flaps as hard as she can, only to fly out of control and crash into a tree.

“Uh, maybe not quite that hard…” Rainbow Dash says, awkwardly.

“Nice flying,” Shepard comments, who’s under the tree, holding an egg that fell out of the nest that Twilight disturbed.

She came to Canterlot with Twilight and her friends, mostly because Twilight also wants to report to Celestia about Shepard.

“I’d like to see you do any better,” mutters Twilight, stretching her wings in ready for a second attempt.

“Me? I have no wings, and I’m still trying to get hang of using my magic,” Shepard says, picking the nest off Twilight’s head with white magical aura and placing it back on the tree, putting the egg she caught back with the others, “Just keep trying, all pilots muck up sometimes in their career.”

Twilight just shakes her head and takes off again, although this time having trouble syncing her wings, and eventually falls and crashes into the ground. Applejack walks up and helps Twilight up off the ground.

“Looking good up there Princess Twilight,” Applejack compliments, smiling brightly at her friend.

“Applejack, you know you don't have to call me that,” Twilight says, smiling awkwardly.

It seems that since Twilight has just received basically her first royal duty, and all these Shepard problems have been cleared away, her friends have just basically remembered, that yes, Twilight is a princess now, and have started to remember to call her such, much to Twilight’s dismay.

“Why do you protest so?” Rarity asks, walking up to Twilight, “You’ve already given up wearing your crown all the time, the least you can do is embrace your new title.”

“If other ponies want to address me that way, I suppose it's fine, but... not my friends,” Twilight says, looking over all her friends, including Shepard who is looking bored by the tree, but gives Twilight a half smile when she hears that. Twilight continues, “It just doesn’t feel right… and neither does all this flying business. The summer sun celebration is two days away, and I’m never going to be ready to perform my part!”

“Not if you spend all your time down here, you won't!” Rainbow Dash says, trying to encourage Twilight, “Now get up there and show everypony the big finish!”

Twilight nods, and with new determination takes off, beginning to soar through the sky. Her friends cheer as Twilight seems to be in total control and is flying perfectly, although Shepard doesn’t cheer, since she notices where Twilight is heading.

“Hey Twilight, watch out!” Shepard tries to warn, but Twilight doesn’t hear over the wind and her own cheers.

Only for her then to crash through three clouds, making her forget to flap her wings then she drops like a stone. She tries to stop herself by flapping her wings madly and as hard as she can, only managing to save herself from the plummet and instead sending her flying out of control, before then crashing into the ground, dragging up a trail of dirt as she does.

Her friends worriedly rush around the small hole that Twilight created, seeing Twilight lying inside it.

“Wow! That was a big finish!” Pinkie says, always looking on the bright side.

Twilight just sighs, her face buried in the dirt. Though a blue hoof is offered down to her, Twilight takes it and Shepard pulls Twilight out of the hole, before then dusting her off.

“Wonderful crash Twilight, ten out of ten,” Shepard smirks, using some of her biotics to help get the dirt out of Twilight’s fur, “Your flying on the other hand leaves a lot to be desired.”

“Shepard, the term in Equestria is the other hoof, we don’t have hands,” Twilight corrects, embarrassed as all hell.

Shepard gives Twilight a dry look, before finishing dusting Twilight off. “Don’t get snappy at me just cause you can’t fly yet.”

“Shepard, it is your fault that Twilight hasn’t been able to practice flying yet, since her leg has been injured for ages,” Rainbow Dash says, trying to defend Twilight.

“Girls…” Twilight says, feeling like this conversation is going into dangerous territories.

“Sorry, next time I’ll try harder to shoot myself,” Shepard says, as dryly as possible.

An awkward silence hangs over everypony, until Fluttershy breaks it.

“Alright, enough of this,” Fluttershy declares, looking at both Shepard and Rainbow Dash, “Let’s leave the past in the past, we’ve moved on from then.”

“Yeah, sorry,” Rainbow Dash say, awkwardly rubbing her neck.

“I guess I’m sorry too,” Shepard sighs, shaking her head, “I was just joking around Twilight, soldier type ribbing, you know.”

“Yeah, I understand, sorry I’m just under so much stress at the moment,” Twilight says, letting out a big sigh.

“Maybe we should take a break dear,” Rarity suggests, pointing toward the palace, “Don’t we have plans at the palace?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Twilight says, smiling weakly, “A break may be a good idea.”

The eight of them(remember that Spike was there too) head off to the palace, Shepard walking behind them, although at one point Twilight slowed down her pace so she could walk beside her.

“So, how’s Canterlot?” Twilight asks, wondering what Shepard thinks of her hometown.

“Very fairytale like,” Shepard comments looking around the city, with her usual passive look on her face.

“Do you want to go somewhere?” Twilight asks, kinda hoping she could show Shepard around.

“Not really,” Shepard says, before giving Twilight another half smile. “Why? Do you want to take me out on a date or something?” Shepard teases, giving Twilight a playful nudge, making Twilight go bright crimson.

“Wait!? No of course not!!” Twilight stutters, embarrassed as all hell.

“You’re so innocent Twilight,” Shepard laughs, smiling at Twilight who just scowls back, not happy at being made fun of.

“Maybe you could show me around at some other time,” Shepard says, her face returning to her usual passive self.

“Sure,” Twilight says, calming down herself, “I could show you the palace, the library, the…”

“Oh boy, that sounds so interesting,” Shepard says, forcing a bored look on her face.

“Shepard!” Twilight pouts, playfully nudging Shepard.

“Sure, that sounds fine,” Shepard laughs, nudging her back, “I’m sure it is more interesting than it sounds.”

The two then stop when they realize that their friends have stopped and are looking at them.

“You two seem to be getting on well?” Rarity notes, smiling, although slightly surprised.

“Oh yeah, we’re totally besties,” Shepard jokes, putting a hoof over Twilight’s shoulder, “Now let’s get a move on, we’re wasting time here.”

After looking at the new stained glassed window, and then seeing her friends off at the train station, Twilight walks back to the palace with Spike, and Shepard as well. Twilight managed to convince Shepard not to leave with her friends, since she wants to talk to Princess Celestia about Shepard with her there, and they didn’t manage to see her when they were there at the palace before.

Twilight sighs, already sadden by the absence of her friends.

“Geez, what a glum princess you are,” Shepard comments, looking at the downcast pony.

“Please don’t call me princess, Shepard,” Twilight sighs, shaking her head.

“Why, it is just a title?” Shepard says, raising an eyebrow, “Why does it bother you so?”

“It is not just a title Shepard, it is the most important title in the world!” Twilight says, getting a bit worked up.

“So, it is still just a title,” Shepard continues, still being passive, “A title is something you wear, like a glove, it does not define a person.”

“What would you know?” Twilight says, getting annoyed, “Have you ever had a title…”

“Lieutenant Commander Raven Shepard of the Alliance, First Human Spectre, and I had other titles too, most just called me Commander, Commander Shepard or just Shepard, I am full aware of having a title,” Shepard states, passively, “In my late life I was called Commander more often than my actual name, you get used to it, trust me.”

“Oh, sorry Shep… Raven…” Twilight says, correcting herself.

“Don’t sweat on it, it is just a title, you get used to it, and then if it goes away, you’ll miss it,” Shepard says, walking ahead, “Trust me…”

Twilight and Spike look as Shepard walks ahead, before catching up to her and continuing walking to the palace.

“Check, check, check, check, and... check!” Spike says, checking off a list, “Huh, whaddaya know? We're way ahead of schedule. I credit your extremely competent assistant.”

Twilight flies down from her small practice flight, stumbling a bit at her landing, before sayings, “So do I.”

“The celebration isn’t until the day after tomorrow, we could still fit in a quick trip to Ponyville, and be back in plenty of time to finish these last few things before the main event,” Spike offers, hoping to comfort Twilight.

“Please, I want to go back and go drinking with Derpy,” Shepard says, reading a book on the history of pony warfare, it is a very short book, “I’m getting tired of waiting for you to show me to your princess.”

“That would be nice, Spike,” Twilight sighs, ignoring the impatient Shepard, “But what if something else came up while we were gone? What if we were delayed getting back and I wasn't able to finish everything on that list? WhatifwelostthelistonthewaytoPonyvilleandthencouldn'trememberwhichthingswe'ddoneandwhichthingswehadn'tdoneandthenspentsomuchtimetryingtofigureoutwhatwehadn'tdoneandwhatwehaddoneandweruinedtheentireCelebrationbynotdoingtheonereallyimportantthingthatweweresupposedtodo?!”

Twilight’s ramble is cut short, since while she was talking she was also steadily flying up, and at the end she manages to crash her head against the ceiling, stunning her slightly.

“So that’s a no then?” Spike groans, rolling his eyes.

“Overreact much?” Shepard states, frowning at Twilight.

“These are the first royal duties Princess Celestia has given me,” Twilight says, getting into Spike's personal space in her nervousness, “I can’t risk letting her down!”

“And I’m sure you won’t,” says a calm and kind voice from behind Twilight.

Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria, enters the room.

“Your highness!” Spike says, getting on all fours to bow, as Twilight does the same. Shepard on the other hand, who decided to zone out Twilight’s ramblings, had put in headphones and is listening to music from her Omni-Tool.

“There is no need for that now Princess Twilight,” Celestia says, reaching down up to pick up Twilight’s head.

“Sorry!” Twilight apologizes, feeling very nervous.

Celestia giggles, “No need to apologize.”

“Sorry!” Twilight apologizes, now feeling embarrassed.

“I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration,” Celestia says, smiling and walking beside Twilight.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asks, confused.

“For my subjects, it has always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me...” Celestia says, before sighing as she looks out the window, “It was just a terrible reminder that I'd had to banish my own sister.”

Twilight and Spike look sadly at each other.

“I guess I never really thought about it that way,” Twilight says, sadly.

“But now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion. I am so pleased that you will be playing a role in the festivities,” Celestia says, now smiling brightly, before then giving a sad look to Twilight, “I know it must have been difficult to see your friends return to Ponyville without you.”

“Maybe a little,” Twilight lies, trying not to offend Celestia.

“You may no longer be my student, Princess Twilight, but I hope you know that I will always be here if you need me. Just as I hope that you will always be there when I need you,” Celestia says, warmly, before the two nuzzle affectionately.

The nuzzling is cut short when Spike taps her on the shoulder.

“Umm, I think this guy needs you?” Spike says, pointing to a mail pony.

“Um, a message for Princess Twilight,” the post pony says, feeling rather awkward, giving the letter to Twilight before flying off as quickly as possible.

Twilight opens the letter, only for confetti to fly out, cheering up Twilight to no end.

“A letter from Ponyville, I presume?” Celestia says, playfully.

“Never mind, it's not important,” Twilight address Celestia, teleporting the letter away, before addressing Spike, “Spike, where were we?”

“About to call it a night,” Spike says, hopefully.

“We should probably go over the checklist one more time,” Twilight says, ever the busy body.

“I knew you were gonna say that,” Spike sighs, pulling out the list.

“I'll leave you to it…” Celestia starts to say, before she then finally noticed Shepard on the bed, who hasn’t noticed any of this and is reading a book of weapons of Equestria, another short book, “Oh, Shepard is here?”

Twilight’s and Spike’s eyes widen, they were so caught up in Celestia being here that they forgot about Shepard.

“Oh yes!” Twilight says, suddenly very nervous again, “I thought I’ll bring her up for you to see. Shepard, this is Princess Celestia…”

Twilight waits for Shepard’s reply, which does not happen.

“Shepard?” Twilight says, now feeling very awkward.

“Ummm,” Spike says, pointing to the device in Shepard’s ears. Spike then climbs up on the bed, where Shepard is reading, and taps her on the shoulder. Shepard frowns and takes the device out of her ears.

“Hmm, what? Oh…” Shepard then notices the tall pony in the room. “Hello… umm, who are you?” Shepard asks, unashamed, making Twilight groan and Celestia chuckle.

“Greetings Shepard, it has been a long time since we’ve met, I’m Princess Celestia,” Celestia says, smiling cheerfully.

“Oh yeah, the tall white one,” Shepard says, climbing off the bed and walking up to Celestia.

They stand there awhile in total silence, staring at each other, eventually even managing to make Celestia feel awkward under Shepard’s hard stare, before Shepard eventually breaks the ice.

“Sorry, I would bow but I have no idea how to do that as a pony,” Shepard says, totally serious, causing Twilight to let out a huge groan and make Spike chuckle, it even earned a chuckle from Celestia.

“I see you’re better,” Celestia says, laughing slightly.

“As good as one can be trapped in an alien body and on an alien world, but sure I feel better than when we first met,” Shepard says, smirking.

“Are you here for the Summer Sun Celebration?” Celestia asks, trying to engage Shepard in conversation.

“Nah, I’m just here to get showed off like a toy in show and tell by Twilight here,” Shepard says, causing Twilight to look awkward.

“Well, it seems like you’re better and on good terms with Twilight, I had feared that Twilight may not be able to handle you, I am glad to see I was wrong in my doubts,” Celestia says, smiling at Twilight, who just looks away, feeling guilty again.

“You definitely act like a princess don’t you,” Shepard says, tilting her head, and making Twilight annoyed.

“Of course she acts like a princess, she is one!” Twilight says, annoyed that Shepard is doubting Celestia.

“So are you,” Shepard states back, before looking Celestia square in the eye, “If you act all friendly at me Princess, let’s do it without the formality, otherwise I’ll just treat you as a princess.”

“That sounds interesting Shepard, maybe in the future we could do so,” Celestia smiles, enjoying Shepard’s frankness, “Would you like a room to be organized for you?”

“Nah, since show and tell is over, I’m gonna head back to Ponyville,” Shepard says, heading for one of the windows.

“What, really?” Twilight says, surprised, “But it is night out?”

“I don’t think any trains are running at this time?” Celestia says, frowning in thought.

“Nevermind, a good night run is what I need at the moment,” Shepard says, opening one of the windows.

“Shepard what are you doing...?” Twilight tries to ask Shepard.

“See you later princesses and Spike!” Shepard says, jumping out of the window.

And suddenly in a burst of biotics, she is gone. Spike, Twilight and Celestia look out of the window, watching Shepard hover away quite quickly in a blue field to the ground, before then dashing across the ground at great speed, like a blue bolt.

“She is certainly very interesting,” Celestia comments, cheerfully, “I hope to get to know her more in the future.”

“Yeah, she really is,” Twilight sighs, feeling rather embarrassed by Shepard’s display.

“You did a good job Twilight, and I’ll let you get back to what you’re doing,” Celestia says, leaving Twilight to her devices.

“Thank you Celestia,” Twilight says, handing Spike the list, much to his disappointment.

Celestia heads back to her own room, only for something to happen to her on the way…

Across the land, between Canterlot and Ponyville, a blue bolt of light can be seen moving across the land, it is Shepard and she is going very fast. She recently learned that by surrounding herself in a biotic field and while keeping herself forced to the ground, she can move at extreme speeds.

Though she wasn’t quite looking where she was going, and took a longer route to Ponyville than she meant to, and managed to run past the Everfree. She decides to take a quick breather, since maintaining such a biotic field can be tiresome.

Shepard, unknown organic approaching from behind,” Harbinger warns, Shepard’s Reaper AI that lives in her Omni-tool.

Shepard moves quickly forward, avoiding the attacking black vine that tries to grab her.

“Take this!!” Shepard yells, spinning around on her hooves and launching a plasma round from her omni-tool, it hitting the vine and making it burst into flames as the plasma burns it to a cinder, leaving only a scorch mark.

“What was that?” Shepard says, scanning the surrounding environment for any more.

I am unsure, but it would be unwise to stay here any longer,” Harbinger suggests.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Shepard in a bolt of blue, continues to head back to Ponyville.

Chapter 4: Am I needed at all? : S4E01/02

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Shepard arrives in Ponyville, after getting lost a few times, only to find the town getting over run with those strange vines she met at the edge of the forest. Suddenly a few attack Shepard. Shepard rolls out of the way, the vines grabbing harmlessly at the air, and while she gets into battle stance.

Two more vines go after her, Shepard stands her ground this time, and as the vines get near she swipes her hooves outward, two omni-blades at the end of each of them, cutting the two vines down. She looks around, and sees that no other vines are attacking her at the moment.

The plants seems to be overrunning the settlement,” Harbinger notes.

“Crap, I better get my stuff!” Shepard says, running to the library, dodging vines while she puts up a biotic shield to protect herself, “This better not be part of the Summer Sun Celebration…”

Shepard arrives at the Library, which has yet to be overrun with the vines, and she bursts through the door, heading up to her room. She grabs hold of her armour, the Blood Dragon Armour, and starts putting it on, the dragon helmet automatically forming over her head once she has put on everything else.

“Now for the guns…” Shepard says, about to reach for her guns, but suddenly her magic acts up and she smashes a nearby light, “What the… ok maybe don't use the guns, not like they’ll be much use on the plants anyway...

Shepard runs through Ponyville helping any pony she can find, crushing, blasting, or downright burning any vines in the process, but it felt like it was about as effective as pissing in the wind, since there seems to be no end of the attacking vines.

“Shit! Where are all these coming from?” Shepard asks, crushing a vine with her biotics.

Tracing origins from the forest known as Everfree. There seems to be a great number of them spreading out in all directions,” Harbinger states, “Our attempts in destroying them are negligible to such numbers.

“God damn, I was just hoping to enjoy the next day going out for drinks with Derpy,” Shepard growls, and then as an afterthought, “I hope she and Twilight’s friends are safe…”

Though as she is saying that, she runs into them around the townhall.

“Shepard? What are you doing here?” Applejack asks, recognizing the Shepard because of her armour.

“I just got back, only to find myself caught in a plant apocalypse? I hope this isn’t an usual thing for the Summer Sun Celebration, surviving armageddon?” Shepard says, frowning under her helmet.

“No, this is not normal, and we have no idea what is going on,” Rainbow Dash says, nervous, “Have you seen the sky?”

“Huh,” Shepard says, looking at the weird clouds and the odd position of the sun and moon, “Very weird.”

“We’re just about going to the library to see if we can find anything on this,” Applejack says, pointing back in the direction of the library, “Want to come?”

“No, I’ll stay out here and see if I can somehow stem the onslaught,” Shepard says, before running off to help any ponies she can find.

Shepard doing the rounds around Ponyville, mets Twilight and her friends heading out of Ponyville.

“Shepard, there you are,” Twilight says, relieved to see the armoured figure, “I heard you were back in town.”

“Yeah, but where are you going?” Shepard asks, tilting her head in confusion.

“We need to find the Tree of Harmony, I believe that is where the problem is,” Twilight quickly explains, trying to get Shepard up to speed.

“Never heard of that, but I imagine you know what you’re doing,” Shepard says, shrugging.

“So we’re going into the forest to find it,” Twilight finishes up.

“Sounds like a plan, but what should I do?” Shepard asks, wanting to help.

Twilight looks away from Shepard and into the forest. Shepard nearly got killed in there once, and she could never live with herself if something would happen to her again. The same goes for her friends, but it's their duty as the keepers of the Elements of Harmony to solve this, so they have to do this, but Shepard is not involved with this, she should stay safe.

“Just stay here and watch over Ponyville for us while we’re gone, alright?” Twilight says, smiling awkwardly.

“Oh, ok sure, I can do that, I’ll keep the home front safe while you’re gone,” Shepard says, heading back into Ponyville.

“Are you sure Twilight?” Rainbow Dash says, while Shepard walks away, “We could use her powers to help us?”

“No, this is our duty as bearers of the Elements to do this,” Twilight says, lying sort of.

“Ahem,” says Spike, frowning.

“And my number one assistant,” Twilight corrects herself, smiling slightly.

The rest of Twilight’s friends frown, but agree with this, resuming their journey.

Shepard walks back into town, only to be greeted by a strange but slightly familiar creature.

“Why, isn’t that Shepard?” says the strange and tall mismatched creature, “I haven’t seen you since they dragged you out of the Everfree, all bloodied and beaten.”

Shepard decides to ignore the strange creature, even if he is familiar looking.

“Huh, just gonna ignore me are we,” Discord says, pretending to be offended, before suddenly appearing beside Shepard and holding out a pawed hand, “And here I was about to offer my paw in friendship, since if we’re friends maybe I can play with some of your toys?”

“Stop talking to me like you know me,” Shepard says, getting annoyed at the creature's jabbering.

“Oh, how can I know you when you won’t even speak to me,” Discord says, looking hurt, “I mean I would love to be your friend, especially since you almost wiped out Twilight before, and we all know what a huge stick in the mud she is.”

“You talking about the past, I wasn’t well then,” Shepard says, getting angry at this annoying creature.

“I know, I liked you more when you head was full of shouting voices, but now you’ve silenced them, seems boring to me,” Discord says, smiling wickedly.

“Just leave me be, I have a job to do,” Shepard says, trying to walk away, but Discord just floats after her.

“Ooh, and what job is that?” Discord says, taking a sip of a cup of tea, that he just suddenly has.

“I’m looking after the town until Twilight comes back,” Shepard says, not looking at Discord.

“What? You mean they didn’t let you come with them?” Discord says, acting shocked, “It is almost like they didn’t need you…”

“What do you mean?” Shepard says, stopping.

“Oh, it just makes sense that we don’t need ponies like you,” Discord says, holding up a flag of Equestria in a patriotic manner. “Since we deal with our problems with understanding, love, honesty, kindness, equality, and friendship,” Discord says, although with each word he shows more and more disgust, “So for people like you, who often choose that violence is always an option, you’re not needed.”

“No, I’m not like that,” Shepard growls, glaring at Discord.

“Oh please Shepard, we all know you tried to kill the girls,” Discord says, coming up and prodding Shepard in the chest, “They don’t really trust you and are always scared you’re gonna flip and kill them, also if anypony else knew how many things you have killed, good or bad… no pony in Equestria would like you at all.” Discord whispers the last part into Shepard’s ear.

Shepard stays silence, her face unreadable because of the helmet.

“Nothing? I guess you realize how unwanted and not needed you are, Equestria doesn’t need soldiers, or heroes like you,” Discord says, smiling like a cat, “How does it feel to be in an alien world where you're not needed?”

Suddenly Discord finds himself in a blue ball of something, and he can’t escape for some reason.

“Listen here you little shit!” Shepard says, her visor glowing a bright red, “I don’t take this kind of garbage from anyone, especially a freak like you! Now get out of my sight!”

Suddenly the ball flies off at a great speed, Discord inside, making a “Weeeeee!” noise as he flies away.

What an unusual life form…” Harbinger notes.

Shepard doesn’t answer, she just remains silent as she sits on the ground, head pointed down.

Shepard, why am I detecting uncharacteristic moisture below your eyes?

Shepard continues to sit there for a long time, although Discord did not return to bug her, she couldn’t get the words out of her head, it plays on feelings she already had. She only stands up once a bright light comes and returns Equestria to normal, before she returns to the library, nothing would've changed if she did anything after all…

With the return of the Princesses, the Summer Sun Celebration is a huge success, Twilight fulfilling her part perfectly, and even Twilight’s friends are able to come and watch, to cheer Twilight on, and Twilight couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Although one thing is laying heavily on her mind, Shepard has not been seen since they got out of the Everfree Forest.

After the celebration, Twilight walks down and meets her friends, exchanging hugs.

“You did great Twilight, like I knew you would,” Rainbow Dash says, proudly, “I mean with me as your trainer, how could you fail?”

“Rainbow Dash’s boasting aside, you did great Twilight,” Applejack says, patting Twilight's back, while everypony nods.

“Thanks everypony,” Twilight says, smiling, but her smile disappears when she ask the question, “Has anypony found out what happened to Shepard?”

The girls silence and sad looks are their answers, making Twilight hang her head.

“We looked all over town, not hide or hair of hers anywhere,” Applejack states, shaking her head.

“Derpy hasn’t seen her either since the Everfree attack,” Rainbow Dash adds, looking down cast.

“I also asked every pony in Ponyville, last time anypony saw her was her acting like a badass, taking down any vine that looked at her funny… but that was before we went into the Everfree, no one seen her afterwards,” Pinkie says, sadly.

“There were no signs of her belongings in the library, and we know she didn’t have her weapons during the attack, so she’s probably alright,” Rarity says, trying to cheer everypony up.

“Yes, but where is she then?” Fluttershy says, bring everypony down again.

“Oh no, what if Shepard was killed by one of the plants, while we were gone?” Twilight says, pacing nervously. She had decided to ignore this issue and leave it to her friends while she prepared for the celebration, but now she regrets it, “We should've never left her behind!”

“Twilight, I am sure that Shepard is fine,” says the calming and mature voice of Celestia, as she and her sister approach the group, they have heard from Twilight about Shepard's disappearance.

“But what if she's not, what if she is lying somewhere dying? What if she is already dead? What if…” Twilight rambles, only to be silenced by Celestia's hoof.

“I don’t believe so, while I haven’t had the honour of knowing Shepard as well as you all have, I do know that she is an exceptional warrior, with a powerful ally at her side,” Celestia says, calmly.

“Harbinger…” Twilight mutters, remembering the AI.

“I’m sure Harbinger would somehow tell us if Shepard was in trouble,” Celestia says, smiling, "He, or maybe it, wants Shepard alive just as much as we do, I’m still looking forward to talking more with her.”

“I also hope to be able to meet Shepard on more pleasant terms as well, the stories I have heard about her are most interesting,” Luna says, smiling.

“Yes, the story I heard about how she fought a thousand timber wolves and a ursa minor to save a field trip of foals is most interesting,” Celestia says, smiling.

“Really? I heard two thousand as well as two ursa minors and a major to save an entire school,” Luna says, confused.

The two princesses look confused at each other, while Pinkie laughs.

“Well first off Princess I need to explain a few things about that story,” Applejack says, holding her hat off in respect.

While Applejack explains the actual story to the princesses, Twilight watches sadly, until she notices a slight flash of chrome, and the glow of a visor disappearing down an alleyway.

“Shepard…” Twilight says, leaving her friends and following it.

She rushes to the alleyway, chasing the figure before managing to catch up with her. It is certainly Shepard’s armour, there is no mistaking that.

“Shepard is that you?” Twilight asks, nervously.

Shepard nods her head, before looking past Twilight down the alley.

“I came to see the celebration, knew you could do it, you always seem to be the type of girl who can do anything when push came to shove,” Shepard says, her voice sounding strange because of the helmet.

Though before Shepard can speak anymore, Twilight suddenly comes up and hugs her.

“I was so worried, I thought something terrible may have happened to you?” Twilight says, almost shedding tears of relief.

“I’m no pushover Twilight,” Shepard says, pushing Twilight away, “I guess by your reaction you didn’t get my note?”

“What note?” Twilight says, sad that her hug was rejected.

“I left a note, it must’ve been blown away by a breeze,” Shepard comments, before walking past Twilight, “I need some time to be by myself, to work things out…”

“Why, have I done something wrong?” Twilight asks, worried.

Shepard is silent as she thinks it over, and it is long enough to make her next words hurt more than they should for Twilight.

“I don’t know, I haven’t worked it out yet…”

Suddenly Shepard starts quickly disappearing in front of Twilight’s eyes.

“Wait! Don’t go…” Twilight tries to say, but Shepard is gone before she can finish. “What did I do wrong?” Twilight says, sitting down her haunches as tears stream down her face.

Chapter 5: Working Things Out : S4E03

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Shepard has not been seen since the festival, and, once again, no amount of searching has found her. Since she was last seen in Canterlot, she could be anywhere in Equestria, which depresses Twilight further. She has managed to deal with it by getting absorbed in her research about the chest from the Tree of Harmony, but it hasn’t been going well.

“Urgh!” Twilight groans, throwing the book away, startling Spike as he walks upstairs as well as destroying his duster.

“What's wrong, Twilight?” he asks, staring at the remains of his duster.

“I've gone through every book in Ponyville, Spike, and there isn't a single mention of the mysterious chest that came from the Tree of Harmony, nor anything about keys to unlock it!” Twilight explains, getting off her haunches and looking through another book. “But something tells me that opening it is pretty important,” she guesses, putting down the book before flying up a book pile and opening the top one. “I hope Princess Celestia has some ideas. If the library in Canterlot doesn't have anything, I… I don't know where else to look!” Twilight put the book back on the pile, causing it all to fall on Spike.

“Ahh!” Spike yells as he gets covered in books. Twilight winces. He crawls out of the book pile, suddenly belching and a letter from Celestia arriving.

“My dearest Twilight, while it would be perfectly lovely to have you in Canterlot once more, I have another option in mind much closer to Ponyville. As you know, the ancient castle that I once shared with Princess Luna lies mostly in ruins, deep in the Everfree Forest. But if you look carefully, you may find a book that could prove helpful to your research, hidden somewhere in what's left of the castle library.” Twilight reads aloud, before putting the letter away, “Looks like we’re heading to the forest now.”

“But still no news on Shepard though, I guess Celestia hasn’t heard anything either,” Spike mentions, tidying up some of the books, before then noticing Twilight rubbing her front hooves awkwardly, “You've told her, right?”

“No, not yet,” Twilight says, shame in her voice.

“But why? Finding Shepard would be easier if the princesses would help us,” Spike says, confused.

“But if I did, I may have to explain everything wrong I did, how I almost killed her, how she shot me, or even how bad of a pony I was to her,” Twilight explains, hanging her head, “I just know this is all somehow my fault again.”

“You don’t know that, Twilight. Shepard has got a lot on her plate, and I’m sure Celestia would understand,” Spike says, trying to comfort the sad alicorn.

“Thanks Spike, but how can we be sure. I know I must have somehow hurt Shepard,” Twilight sighs, looking over the books, “I looked all over for her and I couldn’t find her... Maybe I didn’t look hard enough.”

“Twilight, you looked until you were physically and mentally exhausted,” Spike says, patting her back, “You couldn’t have looked harder... now you said something about the Everfree?”

“Yes,” Twilight says, taking a deep breath, “Let’s head to the old castle of Celestia...”

Pinkie Pie hops through the Everfree Forest, looking for bluebells, when a cold breeze blows past.

“Brrr, cold!” Pinkie mentions, wrapping herself in the cloth she brought to carry the bluebells, “Hmmm, now who should I invite to my finish ringing the school bell party? Well, beside everypony? Twilight could use some cheering up though, the Shepard problem is still bothering her...”

Suddenly there's the sound of something large moving, followed by the sound of shots, and then a giant snake drops dead on the path in front of her. A triumphant armour clad figure climbing over the dead beast, holding a gun with her magic...

“Hi Shepard! I was just thinking about you!” Pinkie yells cheerfully, dashing towards the armoured pony.

Shepard, just noticing the incoming pink pony, tries to run away. But Pinkie, at that moment, turned out to be quicker, Shepard suddenly finding herself tangled in the cloth Pinkie was wearing, and before she can escape, Pinkie manages to steal her helmet, making it impossible for her to run away now.

“We’ve been looking everywhere for you Shepard!” Pinkie tuts, waving her hoof, “Twilight has been worried sick.”

“Pinkie... give me back my helmet,” Shepard says, untangling herself from the cloth.

“Nope, now you’re going to come back with me to Ponyville, and we can all be happy again,” Pinkie says, holding the helmet behind her back.

“It's not that easy. I still need time to think about things...” Shepard tries to say, trying to walk around Pinkie to get back her helmet, although that’s not easy.

“Who thinks about these things themselves? That’s not good, silly!" Pinkie says, making sure she's always facing Shepard, "Because then you'll get all negative and sad. Then you’ll never come back, and we’ll all be sad!”

“Pinkie you don’t understand...” Shepard sighs, giving up trying to get behind Pinkie.

“Well duh! How can I understand if you don't explain anything? I’m no mind reader!” Pinkie says, smiling broadly.

“I said it's not that easy,” Shepard continues to try and explain, sighing again.

“That's why you need to talk about it. These problems always seem to get more complicated when you think about them all by yourself,” Pinkie says, being extremely sane for once.

Shepard stares surprised at Pinkie, who continues to look at her with a kind smile, before sighing again.

“I don’t belong here...” Shepard says simply, before looking up at the sky, “ I belong somewhere else...”

Pinkie doesn’t say anything, just nods encouragingly, she could guess it was something like this.

“My mind is so full of uncertainties,” Shepard sighs, rubbing her head, “My memories are still a mess and probably always will be while I’m stuck here... so I’ll never be certain what's true or not, and a lot of those memories scare me.”

Pinkie just listens. She can be a good listener if needs be.

“Not to mention I am scared that I may somehow lose control, even though there's no sign of it happening again,” Shepard continues, unloading her troubles, “There's also how you girls just solved everything before, just with the power of friendship! I’m no use here, I’m a soldier without a cause, without purpose, without meaning, and... I've never felt like that before. I have felt despair, sorrow and hate, but I’ve never felt without a purpose, and that makes everything feel pointless.”

“But why run away to the forest then?” Pinkie asks, curious.

Shepard gives Pinkie a sad look. “Maybe I’m hoping for purpose to come slap me in the face, or...” Shepard looks down at the dead snake, “Maybe I’m hoping for an easy escape...”

Pinkie shakes her head at the sudden dark turn this has taken, not that she doesn’t understand the problem.

“I’m just totally useless here...” Shepard finally says, looking back up at the sky.

“No way! You saved the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they would of been Timber Wolf lunch if you didn’t save them,” Pinkie says, patting the sad Shepard on her back.

“But I met them before it happened, what if my presence caused it to happen?” Shepard asks, raising an eyebrow.

Pinkie shrugs, “Who cares! The fact is you saved them. You also helped Derpy, who now considers you one of her best friends and has been worried about you too,” Pinkie says, with great conviction. “A lot of ponies think of you as a hero already Shepard.”

“But I haven’t really done anything,” Shepard notes, shaking her head.

“Then do more if you're not satisfied, don’t just hang here like a silly nilly,” Pinkie laughs, smiling brightly, “You can’t work out these things alone...”

Shepard just stares at Pinkie, before chuckling sadly, shaking her head. “You know, I once said to someone, only a fool thinks you can do things alone. It's not a weakness to have allies,” Shepard says, a sad smile on her face, “I was never much good at following my own advice, always better at giving it. I was always a loner...”

“Then let’s head back to town,” Pinkie says, patting Shepard’s back and handing back the helmet, “There is no reason to be alone here...”

Shepard thinks about what Pinkie has said, while she puts back on her helmet. “Yeah, maybe that would be the best choice now,” Shepard says, before turning to Pinkie, “Besides I could really use a bath.”

Pinkie is sure there's a smile under that helmet at those words, and smiles back.

“Great!” Pinkie says, happily, taking back her cloth, “But first let’s go pick bluebells, for the ‘finish ringing the bell’ and ‘Shepard has return' party!”

“I don’t need another party... also what the hell kind of party is that?” Shepard asks, following after Pinkie as she bounces off.

“The kind with bluebells in it silly,” Pinkie laughs, as if Shepard is the weird one.

“Do you know where you are going Pinkie?” Shepard asks, pretty sure they are heading deeper into the forest.

“Well duh, I know this place like the back of my hoof,” Pinkie states, smiling.

Shepard rolls her eyes, before continuing to follow after Pinkie. I mean what is the worst that could happen.

Shepard wished she didn’t follow after Pinkie, they both ended up in a weird castle since Pinkie thought she saw Rarity and Fluttershy. Though Shepard can’t imagine why they would both be here in this dirty and scary place, seems so much unlike them.

It got worse when Pinkie found an organ and suddenly claimed she could play it, so now she has been stuck listening to her for the last few hours, and boy does that get boring.

Though eventually her scanner picks up entities approaching, she tries warn Pinkie but she is not listening, to absorbed playing the organ and looking creepy in that cloth. Shepard disappears into the shadows, dimming her helmets lights, and waiting.

She would rather it be a monster or something, anything beside who they actually turned out to be. She could deal with any one of Twilight’s friends, but she was not ready to deal with Twilight herself.

Shepard knows that she feels guilty about everything that has happened, and she probably thinks this is all her fault somehow. Shepard needed some more time to think on how to approach Twilight safely. Maybe she should just sneak away...

Shepard starts to creep away, she’ll meet them all back in Ponyville, maybe have a shower at Derpy’s place...

“Also by the way,” Pinkie says, hoping down from the organ, before suddenly pulling out a torch from her mane, “I found Shepard!” Pinkie suddenly shining the torch on the creeping Shepard, like she’s a criminal trying to escape jail.

“Shepard!” Everyone one goes, walking up to her, as she straightens up. The only one who doesn’t is Twilight, who just stands there looking shocked, and Pinkie, shining the torch.

“Shepard... you were here the whole time?” Twilight asks, a sad looking creeping across her face.

“Yeah, where were you? We looked almost everywhere for you?” Rainbow Dash asks, not noticing their sad looking friend behind them.

“I was in the forest, just honing my skills,” Shepard lies, trying not to appear weak.

“Was that all? We were worried that something happened to you,” Applejack says, sighing in relief.

Shepard looks over at Pinkie and Twilight, Pinkie giving a sad disappointed look, while Twilight looks even sadder. Shepard shakes her head, she is not ready to fully rely on them yet...

“Yeah, that’s all,” Shepard says, taking off her helmet and cracking a fake smile, that fools everyone, beside the two watching.

“Oh Shepard...” Pinkie goes, shaking her head.

Only Twilight hears that, making her wonder if Pinkie knows more than Twilight does, making her hang her head. That makes Twilight feel sad, knowing that Pinkie might be helping Shepard instead of her. Is this... jealousy?