Your Owner is a Xenophile

by MysteriousJerk

First published

After a short and unbearably painful trip, you find yourself rescued by a sweet little pegasus. Although, 'rescued' seems to be a bit generous. 'Sexually enslaved' is a little more accurate.

You're being kept as some sort of sex toy by a pegasus xenophile, but things could be much worse. At least she treats you well, even though you're confined to a shady basement all day, every day. You're doing your best to learn her language and one day explain that you're a fully intelligent human being, not just some hairless monkey-thing, but progress is slow when your existence is mainly devoted to relieving her sexual tension. You hope you can escape or something before this new life starts getting to you.

Cover art from Tower of Stars a.k.a. Cold Blooded Twilight

Chapter 1. Good Boy

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You were always pretty sure magic did not exist. It always seemed the realm of charlatans and eccentric performers, yet here you are, lying naked and chained in the basement of a magical talking horse. Not just any horse, either; a pegasus. A creature of ancient myth, a creature that isn’t scientifically possible. Not on Earth, anyway. On a low-gravity planet with an unlikely course of evolution, perhaps, but not on Earth. Here, gravity feels almost normal. It is a few degrees stronger if anything, which does nothing to explain how the pegasus flies so easily. Furthermore, she hardly resembles a real horse. Her features are less animalistic, bordering on anthropomorphic with a clear, underlying sapience.

You have tried every trick you know to wake up, sober up, or shake off the psychosis yet circumstances insist that all of this has become your true, permanent reality. You can even hear the pegasus speaking to you from the other side of the door, though you can’t understand much of it, yet. You know she’s speaking to you, for her voice is normally never higher than a murmur, even when speaking to her friends. She only speaks at this volume when addressing her pets and the animals she cares for. It has become quite apparent that this is exactly what she considers you, an animal. You know you’re not. You know when and where you come from, you know your name, the names of your friends, who the leader of your country is, even the most superficial facts of how you got here. The ‘why’ is still puzzling, however.

A series of clanking noises, clicks and a harsh grinding come from beyond the door as the locks are undone and a deadbolt is slid from a socket. The door opens slowly, but does not creak as you had once expected it to. You’re not a victim in a gritty horror film, after all. You have long since learned not to be afraid when the little yellow pegasus with the pink mane visits you. All she’s ever come for is to bring you food and water, teach you of her language, and bathe you. Quite often, you find yourself the subject of persistent sexual advances to which you can only succumb or suffer from days of horribly uncomfortable blueballs. Early on, you learned masturbation is not only an ineffectual remedy, but a fruitless one. No matter how long you pleasure yourself and no matter the methods employed, the task to achieve climax and sate your seemingly elevated libido remains an unending chore without the assistance of your captor. You’ve begun to suspect some drug in the food or drink she brings is to blame, but you can identify nothing out of place or specifically suspect. It doesn’t help that half the victuals you’re served are alien to you. Whether these strange morsels appear on Earth, you cannot say, but they go down easily enough and the purely vegetarian diet is proving to be surprisingly beneficial to your health.

The light seeps in from the room upstairs as the pegasus enters, revealing the cozy, pastel shades of the furnishings and decorations tastefully arranged around the spacious basement area. It is certainly true you’re chained about the neck and locked in a room underground, no matter how fiercely you denied it at first, but you’re not mistreated. Not in a strictly physical sense, at least. The words “stockholm syndrome” come to mind, but you have been over those thoughts too many times to lend them any more credence. You still plan to escape, you do not sympathize with your captor and you are definitely not content, but things could still be worse and progress towards freedom is being made every day. As the pegasus’s hooves clatter upon the stairs and her mellow voice fills the room, bubbles of eagerness arise within your chest as you anticipate a welcome breaking of the dreadful monotony that has become your day-to-day life. Knowing what else is soon to happen, you wonder if that is truly the only thing that sparks your excitement.

She approaches you, lips moving, tongue flexing, vocalizing in her odd, cheery sheen-tcheeny language. Being horses, or at least incredibly horse-like, their language is focused on their proportionally large teeth and long tongues. Thus, the words you hear as she speaks to you are:

“Tchuut, See-ni. Ta’lee tsoon foon ku’tchohr.”

So far, you know three words. The first two were a greeting, then the name she’s given you, which you intuit is a nickname. Or a pet name. ‘Foon’ is similar to the English word for ‘a’. The last word is drawn out in a breathy sigh, the kind one uses when expressing one’s exhaustion after a long day. She continues chattering as she climbs atop one of the plush, green sofas that are more like wide chairs to your larger frame. You sit up on your massive beanbag-like bed the pegasus somehow made for you and begin listening intently. You know she thinks you’re genuinely interested in her day and, while that may be true to some degree, you’re far more focused on expanding your vocabulary just now. As she utters a familiar word you cannot understand, you repeat it and look back at her until her eyes widen a fraction with understanding. She indicates herself with a smooth, clean hoof and pantomimes swiping something from the air with the other hoof, holding the imaginary item to her chest. She does this several times, repeating the word, then stills and looks at you with wide, teal, patient eyes.

You decide to attempt a simple sentence and wrack your mental stores for what you think would make sense.

“Ta’lee chi shehtch.” You say, laying a hand on your bare, toned abdomen. In the elevated gravity every movement had become a small struggle, something that had done wonders to keep you fit. There is absolutely nothing else to do than sleep or exercise in your one-room prison, anyway.

The pegasus produces a sound that is eerily similar to a girlish giggle. Her smile is kind and amused, but not condescending. She raises a hoof and speaks slowly.

“Tum.” she begins, saying the word you know means ‘no’, “ Taht, chi shehtch. Taht eelee foon shehtchi. Ta’lee chuhl neetash.”

You take some time to translate this in your mind. After a few moments, you understand ‘ta’lee’ is a contraction meaning ‘I’ve’ and her words translate as “I am hungry. I have a hunger. I’ve been eating.”. You communicate your understanding by indicating yourself with taht, pantomiming taking and holding something with eelee, then finishing by performing both actions in quick succession and speaking the contraction.

The pegasus giggles and knocks her front hooves together as she beams at you. They make a boney clop-clop sound that reverberates slightly within the room.

“Feen tuuch!” She says, drawing out the second word slightly. She says this the way an adoring pet owner speaks to a dog that has just performed a trick correctly for the first time. You smile back and settle into the beanbag again, ready to try at another word. The similarities in syntax between English and this alien creature’s language are encouraging and your spirit is emboldened.

You recline further as your confidence swells within you and soon after realize your fate has been sealed for at least the next hour. You’ve been entirely without clothing in a physically comfortable and safe environment for so long that nudity has started to feel more natural than any desire to cover your body. Nudity also seems prevalent throughout the pegasus’s culture, as you have never seen her wear clothing. The few times you saw other ponies visiting from behind the thin, barred windows of her basement, neither did they. You have not seen any males, yet, but if the males are like the horses from Earth, the sheathless appearance of your human genitalia would be likely to send unintended signals to a creature that wasn’t used to seeing a penis displayed so openly without explicitly sexual purposes.

Without thinking, you had opened the distance between your thighs and placed your package on full display. The pegasus’s eyes leave yours and trail down your torso. You can feel her pupils tracing the lines of your hardened pecs and trickling over the sharp relief of your abs. Instead of blatantly staring at your cock, her eyes only linger a moment, then continue to wander over your naked flesh, from your bare ankles to the high mounds of your developed trapezius muscles. Much like a human woman, the pegasus bites gently on her lower lip.

A familiar scent begins to pervade the air around you and your nerves rise with it. As hard as you struggle to contain the effects, pavlovian psychology overpowers your will and you can only wait for the inevitable as your member begins to awaken.

This never happened in the beginning without lengthy sessions of physical coercion from the pegasus, but as the weeks progressed and you found you were in no immediate danger, the primal programming of the human instinct played heavily on your involuntary responses. It began with the night you were drugged, your first experience of this world. Some of the few surviving memories of that evening are of the yellow pegasus silhouetted against the milky streak of stars in the night sky. Her silky, soothing voice was clear and comforting as she offered you water, then something that tasted a little sour, but not unpleasant. You can tell whatever this second drink had been, it was intended to lay you out completely. Instead, the effect had been more akin to several shots of a medium proof liquor. You remember nearly losing your footing many times in the night, as the pegasus guided you back to her home. All the while, her eyes had been trained on your body and crotch with sparkling fascination. The memories after that are dim and streaked with the haze of the drug, the feel of her hot breath puffing against your stomach, then washing over your genitals as you lie nearly helpless upon a small bed. Then came warm wetness and velvety caresses in places you would have never guessed were so enjoyable. That night had been saturated with pleasurable sensations and a lingering, sexual satisfaction. Your body, apparently, has not forgotten a single detail of what happened.

You know it’s useless to hide your erection. She would see right through the attempt and punish you for it with days of isolation for not giving her what she wants. You know you could kill her, here and now, but you also know you would never escape the basement and the only food you ever receive is brought to you from upstairs. That’s also where she keeps the key to the collar so any attempt at coercion would only end in her triumph. You have no choice but to please the one that feeds you and cleans after you, or die.

Her eyes gradually trail back to yours. They are half-lidded and her pupils have shrunk slightly as she eyes the object of her desire. Her wings lift from her sides by degrees and hover somewhere between closed and half-extended, a familiar sign of her rising libido.

With feline grace, she slinks from the sofa and makes her way over to your beanbag bed. She breathes hot, moist puffs of air upon your shins as her head passes them. She touches her cheek to your leg and drags the minky texture of her face along the length of it as she steps nearer. You can see her nostrils making tiny flaring motions, breathing in you in. You don’t know if you actually smell that great to these creatures or if she has a unique affinity for your particular scent. You flinch as her mouth reaches the rising tip of your cock, then passes it. She continues to crawl closer to you, mounting first the bed, then you. The length of her body is almost the same as yours and her warming privates radiate heat fractions of an inch from your own. She lowers her face to yours, letting her eyelids drop over her huge eyes. Her left cheek brushes past yours and she begins to run it over your neck.

“Taht eelee foon shehtchi.” She whispers into your ear. The words are like thick honey, almost a groan. You feel the ludicrously soft fur of her chest pressing on yours, the tiny hairs pleasant and cozy against the bare skin of your pecs and nipples, like a security blanket. She continues the sensuous nuzzling of your neck and cheeks, occasionally brushing her lips against your ears and jawline.

Finally, her head rises and her eyes meet yours for a brief moment before she plunges into a kiss. Despite the lack of tongue in the action, you can feel her pour the depth of her passion into it, electrifying the steady press and smack of your lips. She kisses you for several long minutes until the smell of her arousal becomes so thick you can almost feel it gathering on your skin. Below, a warm trickle of her juices touches down on your pelvis and runs over the very base of your vertical shaft and onto your tight, swollen balls. By now, your hands have automatically found their way to her sides and you grasp her barrel. She is thin, but far from unhealthy. You can feel a firmness hiding just below the feminine curves of her body, a testament to her active, but gentle lifestyle.

She sighs into your mouth as your hands close on her. You know quite well what she likes by now and so your hands begin to travel down her furry body until they reach the colorful butterflies that adorn the round flesh of her soft, perky ass cheeks. You give them a firm squeeze and are rewarded with another, higher pitched sigh. The pegasus is not entirely without her own appeal at times and at certain angles, but she’s still not human. You have never found it difficult to enjoy playing with her pert ass, however.

Soon, her hips lower onto yours and you stiffen as you expect her to impale herself on your steely erection, only to experience an unexpected twinge of disappointment when her plush crotch lands just above it. She breaks the kiss and rocks backward, pressing her slick sex upon your length with a lewd squelch. Her lips part over a section of your shaft as she presses them on it. She begins to drag one, then both oddly warm and soft hooves over the valleys and hills of your anatomy. She hums to herself with delight and speaks several unknown phrases in a cooing, sultry tone. You look away and wait for her to content herself. You heard of a condition like hers back on Earth. The behaviorists and psychology professors referred to it as xenophilia: the attraction to things decidedly foreign or inhuman. Apparently, this mare has an extreme case of xenophilia for inequine beings.

She ceases groping your body and you look back in time to meet her eyes as they flick back to yours. She is biting her lip again. She starts bucking her hips at a sensuous pace, shy and uncertain at first, but with increasing zeal. Soon, a thick layer of her arousal is spread over your entire crotch. You can feel yourself twitch every time her lips kiss your throbbing, sensitive tip. After almost another minute of this, a tense sigh escapes her and she rises over you, her breaths coming in shallow pants. She turns and drops her body onto yours. With a hard flick of her tail, the considerable length of light pink hair whips sideways and you’re presented with a full view of her hindquarters. The puffy lips within the valley of her ass appear more human than you had first expected, though not quite the same. The flowery labia are slightly more streamlined and protrude just enough to give them a tight, welcoming look.

Without warning, you feel the balmy cavern of her mouth engulf your entire length to the base and her tongue folding over it as she drags her head up for another plunge. You stifle a small groan and again place your hand on her sides just above the shoulders of her wings. You could reciprocate the oral sex, but by now you know other more effective methods of getting her off. As her head continues bobbing on your cock at varying speeds, you lightly grope her wings from shoulder to wrist to wingtips with one hand and massage her rear with the other, inching nearer to her drenched pussy. Her wings open a little further every time your fingers reach the tips and you feel her squeaks of pleasure vibrate against your tip.

Finally, your teasing other hand reaches her lips and you spread them open enough to see the rich, luscious pink of her insides. Without further hesitation, you plunge three fingers deep into the folds, your pinkie resting close to, but not quite touching the dark pucker just above her entrance. She suddenly raises her head off your cock and cries a high, ecstatic “Ah!” of surprise. She does not immediately return to servicing you. Instead, her back remains arched as you finger her dripping hole while she moans into the air. After a few more seconds, you spy her clit peeking from between her lips, a button of rosy flesh against the surrounding buttery yellow skin. You place your thumb on the bud and press lightly, making a tiny circular motion, just enough for your fingerprints to stimulate the sensitive organ, but not enough to be truly rubbing. The long sigh that crawls from her throat is broken by strangled whines as her back arches further. For a moment, her upper body looks remarkably like a human woman.

For several minutes the room is filled with the pegasus’s moans and the moist sounds of your fingers sliding in and out of her slit. Her head falls back upon your stiff cock and a tight sound escapes your throat. You swear you can feel her grinning as she sucks you off again.

You repay her with a sudden burst of speed on her clit and your reward is a buzz of sensation from the back of her throat as she suppresses a squeal with your tip. You slowly build up the pace of your ministrations, eventually thrusting your fingers with the same speed as your furious back and forth assault of her pulsing bud.

Her moaning and squealing soon reaches higher pitches you would not have thought possible, if you had not heard them before, until with a final arch of her back she throws her head into the air. Her pink mane is a brief slash of color in the dim atmosphere and her modest, restrained cry of ecstasy reverberates in the near silence. Her wings snap open and you feel them twitching beneath your hand. Her inner walls clutch at your fingers while the muscles of her other hole contract and relax in time below the pinkie you were using for leverage. You don’t stop, however, continuing with the same relentless pounding of her privates as she hums with approval.

For a third time, she gobbles your entire erection and you feel it jab at her esophagus harder than ever. Her tongue dances wildly along your skin and she peppers the bobs of her head with sloppy, intermittent suckling of the tip before taking you in again.

She cums twice more before you begin to feel the pressure building in your gut as your own orgasm threatens to flood your partner’s mouth. She never stops servicing you, even as the multiple orgasms wrack her body and she is forced to arch her back the other way to keep her head low during the more intense bursts of pleasure. You know she feels the telltale throb and twitch of your cock. She speeds her pace, paying extra attention to the sensitive head as your climax approaches.

Before you can think to warn her, the cap bursts off your orgasm and you rocket your seed into the pegasus’s eager mouth, nearly filling her entire oral cavity with the intensely warm goo. At the same time, you invade her tight ass with your pinkie and the effect is instantaneous. With a perverse, quavering moan past the meat and ejeculation in her mouth she cums yet again, convulsing as waves of pleasure claim control over her body. You feel some of the unconsumed mess dribble from between her lips and your cock between spasms. She regains her composure after a short while and takes you in once more to catch the runaway seed. You let out a final squirt into her as the arousing nature of this slutty act draws another tiny orgasm from you. She eases off your cock and it slips from between her lips with a delicate sound, like a sweet, loving kiss. This is immediately contrasted by a muffled, visceral sound as she swallows your load in two hard gulps. You pull your fingers from her winking slit and free your little finger last. She jerks a little at this and turns back to look at you, her face flush with both shame and a keener desire than you’ve ever seen on her.

She turns back and speaks a few words you do not understand, but are clearly sentiments of surprise and approval of your stalwart hardness. You fear you’re coming to enjoy performing these services for her a little too much.

In the past, it had been a rare thing for you to cum or even remain hard during one of these sessions and even then it took mighty efforts on your part. Lately, however, you have not only been a vigorous partner, but a responsive one. One of your most recent visits had left the pegasus lying on her back, breathless, large eyes rolled almost fully back in their sockets, and leaking shocking amounts of thick semen from between her splayed legs. It seems you’re on course for a similar evening.

She dismounts you on shaky legs and half-staggers past the forest green sofa she was sitting on before, toward an arrangement of modular cushion seats large enough for you to stretch out over. Her long tail swings to and fro as she walks, giving you fleeting glimpses of her soaked nethers. She hops up to rest her forehooves on the top of the nearest seat and turns to regard you with a smouldering gaze.

“Si’ul.” says and pats the cushion. You understand the command means something similar to ‘come’. You rise to obey, erection bobbing and swinging before you as you make the short trip. You take a seat on the cushions, swinging your legs over the edge to lie down and propping yourself on one elbow. The pegasus hops again, this time into the air with a flap of her wings. She hovers for a second above the cushions, then touches down with near silence at your ankles, two of her legs on either side of your own.

You meet her gaze and her eyes flash as the pupils shrink to half their usual size. Her hoof comes up, then pads down on the silky fabric before her with a slow deliberance. Transfixed, you continue to stare at her as she draws nearer. Her head approaches your crotch, but you hardly realize as your vision and mind are narrowed down to those teal-ringed orbs that never blink. Though your cock still throbs and wobbles above your body as she passes over it, your entire world is reduced to the black islands of void growing ever larger in your sight.

You blink and realize the pegasus has moved to stand completely over you, your nose inches from hers. Her stare has lessened in intensity but your eyes are still locked together. You hear her breath coming in deep draws and exhalations for several moments, when suddenly her eyes squeeze shut for a split second and her hips drop like stones upon you. Your rock hard cock slams into her, punching at her cervix as she gasps at the ceiling in simultaneous pain and joy. You cannot completely suppress the grunt that escapes your lips and your arm partially gives from under you, forcing you to use both elbows to hold yourself up.

She recovers quickly, smiling at you with a sly, yet dreamy look on her face as she begins pumping her hips. Your burning meat slides out of her slick folds a few inches and is consumed again. Her jaw drops a fraction of an inch as she starts panting and emitting short, shy moans of pleasure. You look down to see your shaft glistening in the dim lighting with each refreshed coating of her clear juices. The view is spectacularly arousing and you find yourself bucking your own hips upward with each of her downward swings. You drop from your elbows and plant a hand on each of her thighs. She giggles and places her hooves on your abs for support. You begin thrusting your hips up, taking the brunt of the work upon yourself after a few moments. You crane your neck back against the cushions as you close your eyes and try to imagine the girl of your dreams crouched over you, taking your hard rod like it was all that kept her alive. You cannot seem to remember if that image of a woman always had pink hair.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the rising pitch of your partner’s cries as you continue to thrust into her. She tilts her head upward, eyes closed and the waterfall of her pink mane spilling down over one side of her face. For a moment, her perpetual innocence and cuteness is eclipsed by a fetching beauty you can’t recall noticing.

Her moaning falters, then stops abruptly and she peers down at you with her one uncovered eye. You realize you had stopped fucking her and were staring. She says something to you in a pleading tone and rocks her hips against you weakly. You do not understand what she asked, but you know what you want to do. You sit up and, in the same motion, shove her back. She squeaks and you follow her descent as her back strikes the soft surface below you. Your cock remains buried in her as you lift her from the cushions and maneuver to the edge where you set her down, kneeling on the floor between her spread hind legs. Without skipping a beat, you take her by the waist and bring her body to yours as you thrust forward with gusto. Her giggle becomes a playful moan as you impale her. You pull out almost your full length then slam back inside. The blissful smile never leaves her face as you begin to savagely fuck her on the edge of the makeshift bed. Her hooves reach toward you and she grips the lip of the seat, bracing herself for each crash of your hips.

You feel her walls clench along your pistoning length and she closes her eyes for a few moments as she bites her lip, still smiling. She opens them again as the orgasm subsides and looks at you with something you don’t expect in this moment: pride.

“Fee-een, tuu-uuch!” she says, the words gaining extra syllables from the jolts of violent impacts as you continue to plunder her depths. Later, you would learn this means something similar to ‘good boy’ in English, but for now your focus is on the way her vagina squeezes you with every orgasm your efforts extract and how blessedly satisfying it feels.

That familiar pressure eventually begins to tighten in your gut, but you refuse to yield, plunging into her grateful hole as hard as ever. The glazed look her eyes had acquired wavers just long enough for them to refocus on you as she senses your climax fast approaching.

With a few brief, primal groans and growls of pleasure through clenched teeth, you blast your second load all the way into her with a few more hard thrusts. Her eyes roll back and her body locks up as her own orgasm floods her senses while yours floods her womb. Her moan is drawn out and elated, tapering off into an adorable sigh. From somewhere above, an animal squawks in concern.

You are far from finished with the pegasus, however. Before she finishes vocalizing the last of her pleasure, you turn her body on her side and resume your fast, brutal penetrations. She seems only partially present as you do this, but you could not care less. Her walls continue clenching around you every couple minutes as you press the assault, fighting past the pain in your knees and the fatigue beginning to build. You pour every ounce of your frustration and lust into the work of tenderizing every inch of the mare’s privates. Every noisy dive into her pussy is driven by your anger at being chained and imprisoned like a dangerous animal. Your hand rears back and you bring it forward with all your might against one plump, firm cheek. Her body seizes up and you feel her walls clench on your dick again. Your hand visits even further abuse on her warming cheeks as you think about all the time you sat in this room, bored out of your mind without a single stimulating method of occupying the long hours between visits.

Your cock throbs and twitches yet again, but the pegasus is too far away to notice this time. With a few more passionate slaps of her ass, you grip her tail in one hand and her leg in the other, jerking her body against you as you pour another sticky load deep between her soaked lips. Your grunt of satisfaction is just as brief and efficient as before. She returns to the basement from wherever you had sent her long enough to cry out again. Above, several more squawks and a howl can be heard. You’re only dimly aware that you should have run out of your creamy ammunition by now.

Frustration and a pink whirlwind of lust drive your next actions as you prop her ass in the air with her hind legs so that you have to stand to level your cock with her hole. Besides her rigid wings, she is hardly more motile than a ragdoll.

You grasp her soft, fuzzy cheeks in your hooked fingers and bring her widened hole to you, penetrating her without moving your hips. Again, you begin reaming her entrance, every thrust now making a small wet slapping sound as your slick, sticky bodies collide over and over. Her moans and sighs are low and distant, but by her stupefied expression, you can tell she is perfectly content to stay there forever.

An idea comes to you and splits your face with a toothy grin. You wrap one hand around the base of her tail and place the other above her stuffed entrance. Lightly at first, then with growing eagerness as you notice her reaction, you press your thumb against her pulsing sphincter. Her eyes almost instantly deglaze and she cranes her neck to peer back at you with mounting horror.

“Tum!” she pleads in a shaky, cracked voice, but your decision has already been made. You cram your stout digit into her asshole and laugh as she squeals with guilty delight. Her pussy instantly clenches around your cock. You crook your thumb inside her, stretching the tight hole open as she struggles and whines beneath you. After a few minutes of this, you pop your thumb out of her. You cease plugging her sex long enough to gather a coating of her arousal on your middle and ring fingers, then plunge back in at a hearty pace. She seems to sense what you have planned and makes a genuine, if not half-hearted, attempt to escape from your grasp. You’re far too strong for her. You reach out and pin her by her shoulder blades against the seat and place the tips of your gooey fingers against her back door. You savor the girlish yelps of pleasure that come from the pegasus as you mercilessly shove your fingers deep into her ass. The knuckles prove the most difficult to push past her tight ring, but as each set goes in, your cock is awarded a brief squeeze. You can feel your fingers inside her, pressing against the top of your shaft from within.

You begin moving again, punctuating every thrust with a tug on her little asshole, stretching it open to magnificent results as the frequency of her orgasms nearly doubles.

As your own orgasm approaches, you think of how this strange creature has not only made you her living, undignified sex toy, you realize that she has made you like her.

Just before your top blows with what feels like the strength of a thousand volcanic eruptions, you jerk your fingers free of her ass all at once and feel her body go limp as her wings jerk once, then fall to her sides like useless props. You wrap one arm around her lower back and grab one of her thighs with the other. The cum explodes from somewhere within you and washes into its new home. You feel stream after stream expel themselves into the deepest parts of her. As the last of your colossal orgasm fades, you look down to see your thick, white spunk oozing out of her gaping hole from around the base of your deflating shaft.

“God...damn…” you mutter to yourself as your world darkens around the edges and your eyes drift closed. You feel yourself fall beside the pegasus, fur and feathers pressed against your chest and her mane flowing beneath your cheek. Your strength is somewhere far away and all you can do is drift into the senseless void of sleep.

Chapter 2. Terminal Velocity

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Dead, hollow eyes and a pearly gate of needle-like teeth peek at you from between your fingers. The cartoonish illustration on the back of the thin book may have been intended to represent a more inane character, but having just finished reading about the creature that face belongs to, you aren’t sure if the book was written for children or mature fans of nursery rhyme horror. Regardless, the simple prose and limited vocabulary had turned out to be a much more difficult read than you had expected. The book had only been entertaining until, without prompt, the pegasus assured you in a quavering voice that creatures of the type featured in this book had been hunted to extinction. When you checked her face, hoping to see an amused grin, you were met with a distant, unfocused stare.

Not every nightmare you read about is declared extinct, however. During a couple of the more gruesome tales, you spied her eyeing various shadows and the single barred window.

A barely audible snore emanates from your side and you glance down to see the pegasus dozing with her head resting upon your shoulder. Her mane spills out from under her temple and cascades down over your chest before pooling in the cozy nook between your bodies. As you watch, she gives a tiny squeak accompanied by a full-bodied twitch and the hoof that lay atop your upper arm wraps itself around your bicep. She squeezes your arm to her chest and nuzzles the limb like a child with a stuffed animal.

One might never guess what sordid things that same innocent face has begged you to visit upon her. Even now, you know there might still be a steady supply of your own semen dribbling out of her.

Oddly enough, though the pegasus is generally timid and seems to scare to easily, all of the children’s books she has brought contain similarly macabre stories of supernatural horrors. Each evening you spend together, you reading the lines of looping, glyph-like text while she corrects your halting grammar and pronunciation in a terrified stutter, ends similarly. She is always curled at your side, shaking like a freshly plucked harp string, or sleeping fitfully.

It puzzles you that the pegasus continues to bring you this sort of literature. She never seems to enjoy the elements of horror and often becomes too shaken to offer helpful lessons or advice. Could it be that this is all there is available? You wonder what sort of terrifying world exists beyond these walls that demands the young population be educated on so many abominable predators. Of course, you’ve also considered the fact that she could be intentionally feeding you information to keep you from nurturing ideas of escape. If one’s only perceptions of an outside world were that of a place filled with monsters and demons, one would not be inclined to venture into it.

Then again, the noises coming from some of the, apparently, benign animals upstairs sound threatening enough. You try not to dwell on some of the things you’ve heard echoing across the short expanse of land between your window and the menacing darkness of the thick forest nearby.

You transfer the book to your free hand and move to place it on an empty section of the makeshift bed. As you reach out, your elbow nudges a piled section of the chain connecting your collar to the wall, and the links begin to topple off the edge of the sofa cushions. The clatters and clanks seem deafening in the former stillness. Unsurprisingly, the pegasus awakes with a start, clutching your arm tighter. After a moment, she looks up at you smiles warmly before averting her eyes, appearing to become self-conscious under your returned gaze.

This demure expression reminds you of how odd she has been acting lately. At first, she had seemed to regard you with all the respect a master would share with their pet and brazenly took what she pleased from you, reaping the benefits of her leverage. It was only after you convinced her to bring you books that her attitude had begun to change. Now, no longer is every visit a conjugal affair, she often lingers in the basement, speaking with you or introducing various small animals she is currently caring after. Still, a vast majority of your interactions involve several rounds of energetic sex. More often than not, she leaves with a slight limp and an overflowing womb while you remain tenaciously hard, always left feeling a little less satisfied than the previous session.

“Shah, feen.” She sighs with obvious gratitude. “Jee nihr tsintash lehm.” She laughs awkwardly and you feel her curl against you a little tighter. Almost without effort, you hear the meaning of her words as: ‘Oh, good. You finished reading it.’. There have been times you were certain she had spoken in English, but upon revisiting the memory, you invariably remember otherwise.

Your command of Shihlka, as the language is called, has grown substantially since the days when learning the contractions were still new to you. You even find yourself speaking in contractions you haven’t been taught, yet you’re almost never corrected. Fluency is within your grasp, but you have yet to master the far more complicated alphabet and writing system. This is why you convinced the pegasus to bring you literature. She had seemed surprised at that, but agreed and limped upstairs. The next day, she had returned with a cloth bag filled to bursting with almost two dozen thin, colorful books.

All of the books bear markings and paper tags reminiscent of the cataloging and property dressings you can remember seeing on public library property. A royal purple image that seems to depict a castle nestled within the branches of a tree is also stamped inside the cover of each. Strangely, this stamp glows with alternating hues of acidic green and magenta light, though only after gloaming hours.

“See-ni?” the pegasus says softly, looking up at you from where she lay and placing a hoof on your chest. Some time ago, you learned enough of her language to tell her that you have a name and that you would appreciate being called by it, but she insists on using the pet name. “Do you...want to come outside with me?” she asks in Shihlka. You feel your eyes widen and, for a moment, you’re too surprised to offer a response. You’re nodding vigorously before you can stop yourself. She looks away from you and you think you see a sliver of guilt crossing her face. You realize you must have looked painfully desperate. You may feel like a prisoner most days, but as far as you can determine, the warden has never taken well to seeing you suffer.

The pegasus sits up and looks to be considering something. She looks from you to the basement door and appears anxious as she mulls over her thoughts. At last, she regards you with the same anxious stare and speaks.

“If I remove the chain, will you stay?” she asks.

For a long time, you had been anticipating this moment, thinking of ways you might deceive her and escape. You considered everything, from the tone of your response to the words you would use, to every minute detail of your expression and the way you might brush back a strand of hair from her face and caress her cheek as you look into her sparkling eyes and lie. All of that is gone, now. You’ve had too long to think, to realize you have nowhere to go. You have no friends here nor knowledge of this world you can be confident is relevant or reliable. There are too many unknown and unknowable hazards waiting outside of the pegasus’s basement. Not least of all, you’re sorely lacking a method of returning to your home world, even if you were to escape. No one has come for you and you doubt the library that keeps the children’s books also houses information on interdimensional travel.

“Yes.” you reply, and mean it. "Leesh"

“Then I will. But,” She says as she rises to her hooves, standing over you, “on one condition.” She moves to straddle your hips, her mane falling over half of her face in that fetching, sultry way as she looks down at you. Though you cannot see her blush through the fur, her lowered ears tell you enough, yet her expression is almost predatory. “I-I want you...t-to…” Her look falters and her eyes dart away then return to yours. “Not h-here,” she stutters, laying a hoof on her pelvis. “I want” She squeaks and covers her face with her hooves as the sentence refuses to pass her lips.

You reach out and take one of her forelegs gently, pulling it away. Her one visible eye, which had been squeezed shut, opens in small increments. You take the chain at your neck in one hand and hold it before her. She nods her understanding. The pegasus falls back to her hooves, extending her wings, and lifts off with a hop. She soars up the stairs with poorly concealed eagerness and vanishes through the open door. Distant sounds of shuffling and the creaking of wood reach you as you wait. She returns shortly with a strange object between her teeth.

The wand-like object is made of a silvery metal with two gemstones mounted at either end. One stone is a rich green and the other a deep, bloody red. The design is simple, practical and as long as your hand is tall. The pegasus taps the red gem to your collar and without ceremony or hesitation, the iron ring unclasps, falling from your neck. For a long moment, you simply take in the sense of weightlessness that comes in a rush from your head, down along your entire body. The possibility of freedom had somehow seemed a fantasy until now, even as the pegasus had been approaching you with the key to your collar. As the reality of it washes over you, you feel yourself rise like a heated wind to embrace the pegasus in gratitude. You must have moved suddenly and with frightening speed because you hear her cry out before being cut off by your crushing embrace. The world is black as you squeeze back tears of joy at the sensation of freedom, at last.

The pegasus moans softly into your mouth.

You open your eyes to see her face dominating your view. Her own eyes are closed in a serene expression as her lips part to receive your next kiss. She decides not to wait, pressing her lips to yours. You find yourself cooperating. Your hands are already kneading the delicate structures of her wings and stroking along their lengths as if they were a woman’s legs. How long have you been doing this? Not a mere moment as you had thought, apparently. You discover your erection when the shaft begins pressing into the slick crease between the mare’s legs. It is the spark that ignites an inferno along your entire lower body. Though the sensation is that of intense heat, you do not feel pain, only a monstrous desire to quench the flame and only one solution is obvious.

You part your lips from hers and open your eyes. The sagging line of saliva connecting your mouths breaks as her eyelids rise ever so slowly. You come around to her side and take her in your arms, cradling her velvety body. She gives a deep sigh as you lift her and walk to the edge of the sofa cushions, stepping smoothly off the side.

She continues to stare up at you as you carry her to the stairs, a lustful glow smouldering within those teal-ringed orbs. You notice one of her hooves drifting down her body, sliding between her thighs.

This only makes you harder, for the smell of her disturbed juices fills your head and stokes the furnace within. As you reach the landing and step through the basement door, a wave of elation travels up your spine, filling your chest and temporarily dizzying you as it rushes through your skull. You realize how unlike a man you had felt, locked away and fettered to a wall in the room below. Now, senses of control, ambition and dominance return in a surge of energy. You embrace the emotions as they mingle and melt into your current carnal urges. You peer down at the pegasus in your arms. She is biting her lip again in that saucy expression of anticipation.

A quick survey of the room leading to the basement shows you need not ruin the moment by asking after the exit. A door, whose frame reaches only your chin at its rounded top, stands opposite you across a surprisingly modern, but modest laundry room. Through a glass portal twice as wide as your head, you see the faint glow of a star-dusted horizon silhouetted by a rugged line of treetops. The bolt is drawn open and the handle is only a dangling metal ring. You dexterously open the door wide with the hooked toes of one foot as you balance the two of you on the other. You need to bend to fit through the frame and the pegasus takes the opportunity to plant a quick, hungry kiss on your lips as the motion draws your heads closer together.

A chilly evening breeze swirls past you, fresh, invigorating, and laden with the crisp, spicy smell of dying leaves. The sky above glows with the light of stars, thousands of them, clear and undimmed by artificial lights on the surface. The streak of clustered stars and dark nebulae that is the galactic band looks similar, but easily distinguishable from the one you’ve seen before. You can make out none of the constellations you are familiar with on Earth.

Never have you felt further from home. Never have you felt more alone.

“See-ni?” You hear the pegasus’s voice as if from a distance. Absently, you turn to look at her. Though the want is still visible on her face, she is no longer touching herself. She peers up at you, curiosity and concern mingled in her expression. In her eyes, the light of a thousand stars is reflected as she studies you. Her sunny yellow fur and cheery pink mane are radiant, islands of comforting shades of color against the growing dark.

You stride out into the cool night, stopping at a flat patch of thick, soft grass. You kneel, placing the pegasus on your hips, just above your throbbing erection. She leans forward into a kiss and you greet her with zeal. As always, there is no tongue in the kiss, but every ounce of passion and lust is passed between you, communicated by the press of your bodies, the soft caress of her hoof upon your cheek and neck, your firm embrace. For a long while you merely kneel and kiss each other, the pace quickening by degrees until you begin your teasing. You grip her barrel at the base of her ribs and roughly pull her body to you at the peak of another kiss. This elicits an excited sigh from her and she throws both forelegs around your neck. She begins grinding her hips against yours. At first, she is steady and almost subtle, but as the thrill of the moment builds, she begins to press harder with each thrust. Already, you can feel her wetness spreading onto your pelvis. A dribble of your own precum falls to the ground, leaving a sticky strand behind that the wind blows against your thigh.

Your hands move of their own, one wrapping around the base of her left wing, the other finding its way onto her perfectly round ass. You grip her wing shoulder tight and bend it outward, ever so slightly, for just a moment. You know this is painful, but the pegasus moans and gasps in pleasure. In contrast, your other hand caresses her ass, eagerly squeezing every few seconds. You punctuate your ministrations with an occasional stroke along her soaking labia and a hard poke at her other hot little hole. You feel her shiver at each contact there and her wings stiffen marginally with every stroke. Soon, her asshole is thoroughly covered in juices from her slit and you begin to run a finger over the tight circle of muscle. She breaks the kiss and utters a throaty, quavering sigh as you stimulate her forbidden entrance this way.

“Tcheel,” she begs, taking a few heavy breaths before continuing, “tihk lehm mir.” "Please, put it in."

You rise higher on your knees and lean forward. She falls backward and you hold her out before your spear. She eyes your slick, steely cock from between her spread legs, chest heaving in anticipation. You line yourself up with her eager hole and tense as you prepare to penetrate her ass hard, deep and all at once.

“Aelie’fae? Chehff jee iul?” "Fluttershy? Are you here?"

You instinctively whip your head around with such force, you feel the bones in your neck pop. The voice that came on the breeze is wholly unfamiliar. It sounded strained, cracking over a syllable as if the owner had recently been crying. Already, the mare is clambering from your arms. You cannot yet see anyone approaching and so turn back to her as she drops to the grass. Panic is sketched along her features, clear even in the evening gloom.

“Aelie’fae?” The voice inquires again, closer this time. You scan the moderate yard for something to conceal yourself, but see only a small chicken coop nearby. Hiding inside would only stir the inhabitants and give you away. Likewise, so might diving behind it for cover. Your only option is hurtling the low fence and making for the wide trunk of one of the solitary trees a short sprint away. You glance back to the pegasus who seems to have just come to the same conclusion. Without further hesitation, you leap to your feet and begin your dash. Your own speed surprises you in a bewildering way. You’re both faster than you have ever known and yet slower than you expect to be traveling given the effort you’re putting forth. Pain surges from your crotch as you realize you’re still at full mast. The erection flies about wildly, slapping your thighs and abdomen as you run. You narrowly clear the fence and begin your sprint toward the tree when a flash of magenta light highlights the world around you and you sense something impact your left shoulder blade. The you lose contact with the ground and spin nearly a full turn before landing in a heap at the base of the trunk.

Your vision spins in nauseating directions and a sharp ache seizes the right side of your body, where you landed. More magenta light shines through your eyelids as you squeeze them together to escape the chaotically rotating world. The light dies down and a hum pervades the air. You hear muffled noises beneath the hum. It takes you a moment to realize you’re hearing an intense conversation. You open your eyes to find yourself under a glowing dome. Bolts of deep violet energy crackle along the surface at random intervals. You reach out to touch it and find that you cannot. As your fingers come closer to what appears to be a surface, they’re repelled with increasing force just before contact. The sensation is akin to trying to force two, similarly charged magnets together. You reach back a fist and hurl it at the dome. At first, you believe your fist passed through it, but as you watch, the field only distends outward a few inches around your fist before suddenly becoming overwhelmingly repellant, snapping back into shape and violently reversing the direction of your punch. You toss your head to the side to avoid smashing your own face.

You look beyond the dome and see the pegasus soaring toward you. She stops between you and what looks to be another pegasus. This one is a pastel shade of violet with a dark mane streaked by a single line of color matching the fluorescent purple glow of the horn protruding from her forehead like a heated metal spike. As you watch, the new creature glaces between you and the yellow pegasus over the course of the conversation. A myriad of emotions play across her face ranging from astonishment, to concern, to what you can only hope is not the rage it seems to be. Suddenly, the yellow one turns and throws herself over the dome, turning back to the newcomer. You hear her utter something in a pleading tone, but the words reach you only in dull, incoherent tones. The horned pegasus silently regards you, then your host and closes her huge violet eyes as she appears to mull something over.

Several moments pass uneventfully, but soon, the newcomer opens her eyes and the glow subsides from her horn. Immediately, the barrier flickers and dissolves into scattering particles, like a swarm of dispersing lightning bugs. The yellow pegasus dives upon you, burying her muzzle into your chest as she coos and wraps her forelegs around your torso. You get the distinct feeling she’s comforting herself more than you.

The conversation that followed could be described as awkward, but the scope of discomfort could not have been described by that singular adjective alone. Mortifying is a step closer, but even then, not nearly enough.

You learned the new pegasus is a form of royalty, though she seemed reluctant to claim the status, and that she is named Straiyi’shihrl. A name you did not need to be told translates to something like “Sunset Glimmer”, though after a short discussion on the context of each word, you had settled on thinking of the name as Twilight Sparkle. At first, you had wondered if Straiyi/Twilight was embarrassed by the name until she assisted you in understanding that your hosts name, Aelie’fae, translates into “Flutter Shy”, though using only her first name is uncommon and most acquaintances use both names as one in conversation. Apparently, this is a common naming convention and somehow understood intrinsically by others.

Furthermore, you learned Shihlka is a magical language, understood in one’s mind exactly as the speaker intends, provided the listener knows enough of it to gather a basic understanding. One must still be fluent to speak it with this effect. To this end, Twilight promised to help speed your understanding along at another time.

You also learned how brilliant Twilight seems to be. Over the course of the discussion, she deduced facts and events you easily sensed Fluttershy was desperately attempting to conceal as she spoke of how you came to be under her ‘care’. Little was left hidden to Twilight and by the time the room fell silent, faces were hot, ears drooped and eye contact felt like a lost, alien custom. It was impossible to discern which of the two mares were more abashed. Fluttershy seems to live up to her name around anything other than animals and as you had watched Twilight realize what she interrupted, her tongue had lost most of its function while the cool intellect that lead her to the conclusion evaporated into the stunned, uncomfortable silence.

You look around the living room, doing your best to find something interesting to observe in the earth toned surroundings. Most of the animals simply lay sleeping. A few are awake and seem to share in the awkwardness of the moment, idly pawing at something unseen or performing unnecessary preening.

Only one of the critters seems to be doing something other than dodging eye contact. You spotted the tiny rabbit several minutes ago, concealed in the shadow of a loveseat, its dark eyes fixated on you. The rabbit’s gaze burrows into your body and you feel it penetrate to your core as if it was scanning your very essence for weaknesses. To see such a normally benign creature sport a look so hostile leaves you with a disconcerted feeling on top of the already bleak atmosphere.

You look away and back to the pegasi in turn. Fluttershy remains curled upon herself hidden behind her mane and tail as completely as she can manage.

As you look over Twilight and notice a few details, you remember hearing her voice for the first time. You remember how broken and distressed she sounded. You notice the red veins in her eyes, the darkness of the fur around them and faint, pale streaks on her cheeks from what you think may be the salt of tears. Should you ask if she is alright? Is it even appropriate yet?

Before you can come to a decision, she stands and stammers out something you don’t understand. Fluttershy merely nods and continues staring through her floor. Twilight canters to the door, stopping only to bid you a stiff farewell in Shihlka. She offers you a timid smile before you respond.

“Lehm chaht foon tcheeluhl zhi tiik jee, shahn…” you say and try to smile back, but you don’t need a mirror to know it was not convincing. "It was a pleasure to meet you, too"

The sound of the door closing gently behind Twilight was the last sound in the room for several long minutes before the sudden and jarring sound of male laughter. This time, the voice was all too familiar.