> Jaws - Equestria Girls > by GunsRGreat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Daisy's Last Swim > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night stars glistened over the sea, twinkling at their finest. Canterlot Beach was one heck of a beach, everyone coming to take a dip in the oceanic seas. Both people who live in Canterlot and tourists, come by to see the beach and swim and let go of their woes. One of the many beautiful beaches in the world. Party's were thrown on the beach sometimes at day or night, with one being thrown right now. A group of teenagers all from Canterlot High School decided to throw a party on the beach for Summer Vacation. The party was going great, everyone laughing and having fun, with a guy singing on a guitar. One of the guests were Flash Sentry, THE Flash Sentry. He enjoyed the person who was singing on the guitar, until he noticed a girl eyeing him. Daisy, was her name. She smiled as she looked at him, and he smiled back, waving. Flash got up and walked over to Daisy, who got up as well. Daisy started walking to the beach, with Flash following her. Noticing Flash was following her, she started to run to the beach, again with Flash following after her. "Hey Daisy! Where are you going?" asked Flash. "Swimming!" yelled Daisy as she took off her shirt, revealing her pink bra. Flash got the idea of what she was doing and decided to follow along and take his jacket off too. Daisy looked back to see Flash undressing as well, and decided to take off her shoes and socks. For her, it was easy, but for Flash, it wasn't that easy. Flash wasn't known to drink, but he had a couple during the party, so it was kind of hard for him to get undressed when on the tipping point of being full on drunk. "Hey Daisy! Wait up! I'm not drunk!" Flash yelled. Flash was having problems taking his shirt, often tripping on the sand and rocks. Daisy however took off her bra and the only piece of clothing she had on her were her pants and underwear. Flash however, kept trying to take off his shirt, until he fell down a sand dune and onto the sand. Daisy however was completely nude, having taken off her pants and underwear while Flash fell down. She ran towards the water to do a little midnight skinny dipping and started swimming out into the ocean. "Daisy! Hold up! If you think I can't swim, I certainly can!" yelled Flash as he approached the water. His shirt wasn't entirely off, having the top of his shirt on top of his head, like Cornholio. "I just can't undress myself." he muttered to himself. Out in the ocean, Daisy was near the buoy, swimming backwards to it, until going under the water. For a few seconds, she was underneath, until she got back up on the surface. She turned around to see Flash still on the beach, trying to undress himself. "Come on Flash! Come in the water! It feels great!" yelled Daisy. Back on shore, Flash was still having trouble. Having giving up on his shirt, he decided to try to take off his shoes... the keyword being try. "I'm coming! Just hold up... a..." Flash then collapsed on the ground, while silent snores were heard. Daisy swam further and further into the ocean, giving no care on how far she was going. Unbeknownst to her, a great beast was watching her from below, having spotted something disturbing the late night sea. She stopped swimming and smiled while looking on the shore, no longer having a sight of Flash. Down below, the beast came closer and closer to her feet, with her not knowing. Daisy kept smiling until she felt something tug on her leg. She got a worried look, before being dragged under. She came back up, having a terrified look on her face. She then started screaming as she was being dragged side to side from her legs. She tried her best to break free from the jaws of the beast, but to no avail. She kept kicking her legs and kept begging to let her go. She screamed for help, but there was no answer. She got dragged under over and over again, often losing breath. Back on shore, Flash was fast asleep, and couldn't hear the cries for help from his friend. Daisy kept splashing around in the water while trying to break loose of the beast's grip. The beast dragged her to the nearby buoy, in which she grabbed on for safety. For a moment, she thought she was safe, until the beast grabbed her leg once again and dragged her away from the buoy. She kept screaming the she didn't want to die, but nature had other plans. "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! God! Please help!" she yelled before being dragged under, for good. The seas were silent, no screaming, no splashing, just dead silent. The only sounds that were heard were the clinging of the buoy and calm ocean. Back on shore, Flash heard nothing, and was still fast asleep. He still had his pants on, with one shoe off, revealing his white sock. His shirt was still on his head, again like Cornholio style, and was snoring silently, while the gentle waves hit his body, soaking his clothes and body. The party was still going great, with no one hearing the cries of help of Daisy, except one person. "Hey guys. Did you hear screaming?" asked Roseluck. Everyone shook their heads. "I thought I heard screaming." "It's probably Flash and Daisy having fun out in the water." said Sandalwood. "Who knew those two would be a couple." said Octavia. Vinyl raised her hand behind her. "Put your hand down Vinyl." She lowered her hand. Roseluck looked out in the ocean, having no view of Daisy. She looked down on the beach and saw Flash laying there. She looked at the ocean once again with a more worried look. > Walk On The Beach > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The birds chirped as the morning sun rose across the sky. Everyone in the neighborhood were ready to continue their summer break until school comes along and ruin it for them. The suburban area was hit with the light of day, waking everyone up from their night slumber in their houses, one of which were full of girls. Rarity's house. She and her friends have decided to have a slumber party at her house. The party itself was like any other of their slumber parties. Rarity painted everyone's nails, including Rainbow's who persisted not to get her nails painted, she and Applejack played video games, while Sunset and Fluttershy talked, and Pinkie drowning herself in sweets. Sunset awoke from her slumber and sat up, rubbing her eyes. She turned to see everyone in the room gone, except for one figure. A person with light pink hair. Said person turned around to reveal it was Fluttershy. "Good morning Sunset." she said. Sunset stood up and stretched, while yawning. "Morning Fluttershy. Where are the others?" asked Sunset. "They're downstairs, Pinkie's making chocolate chip pancakes for all of us." "Sounds delicious. I'll be down in a second." Fluttershy nodded as she walked out the room and went downstairs. Sunset however stayed in the room, looking all around, noticing what a mess she and her friends made last night. She looked out the window and saw a beautiful sight of the daylight shining over the suburban area. Satisfied at the sight, she turned around and made her way downstairs to get some breakfast. Sunset walked down the stairs and turned to the corner to the kitchen to see all the girls at a long table, with Rarity sitting at one end, and all the girls sitting at the sides. "Morning darling." said Rarity. "Morning Rarity." said Sunset as she took a seat across from Rarity. "How did everyone sleep?" asked Sunset. "I slept like a horse who's just done buckin'." said Applejack. "I guess we all slept well dear." said Rarity. "Pancakes done!" yelled Pinkie as she set a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes right smack in the middle. All the girls "ooh" and "aah" at the sight and smell of the pancakes. Pinkie served everyone 3 stacks, well 5 for her. "I better not eat that much. I have to be at work at 10." said Sunset. This raised several questions from the group, and questionable looks. "You have a job? Where?" asked Rainbow. "At the beach. I'm part of a team where people rescue swimmers from drowning or if they get carried off too far." answered Sunset. "So you're a lifeguard?" asked Rainbow with a smirk that said, 'you didn't have to explain the obvious' look. "Well yes... and no. The team is called the Canterlot Carriers. I'm actually vice-president of it, the leader being Tidal Wave. We're sort of like the lifeguard, except instead of one guy on a tower, there's a team of 4 at checkpoints at the beach. So if we see a kid drowning, we quickly get on our jet-skis and rescue the kid. We're basically advanced lifeguards." "What about shark attacks?" asked Fluttershy, who sounded a little scared. "Oh don't be silly. There hasn't been a shark attack at that beach ever before, at least that's what I was told." "Do you have a procedure for it?" asked Applejack. "Who needs a procedure. All you do is punch the nose of the shark and it'll let you go... right?" asked Rainbow. Sunset shrugged her shoulders. "Wouldn't know. I'm not a shark expert." answered Sunset. "What time do you have to be there again darling?" asked Rarity. "At around 10. Speaking of which, what time is it?" asked Sunset as she looked at the nearby clock, which currently read 9:45. "Holy smokes! I need to go!" Sunset then ran back upstairs to gather her belongings. "Holy smokes?" asked Rainbow. "Well when yer in a hurry, you'd say a lot of weird stuff, 'specially when yah have to cross the busy city to get to the beach." said Applejack. "Ooh, how I would enjoy a day at the beach. The sun shining over you skin, the nice cool, relaxing water." said Rarity. "Hey, why don't we go to the beach?" asked Rainbow. Everyone looked at her with a quizzical look. "It's summer! We should be at the beach and having fun! Why not go?" "Well shoot, now you got me all riled up on the beach. What the heck, I'm goin'." said Applejack. "A day at the beach would be nice." said Fluttershy. "And fun!" shouted Pinkie. "Then it's official! We're all going to the beach today!" exclaimed Rarity. At that moment, the house phone rang. Rarity got up to go answer it. "Hello?... Flash! What are you calling me for?... Uh-huh... Oh I see... Yeah, she's getting changed." "Hey Sunset! Flash is calling for you!" shouted Rarity. "Tell him I'll be there in a second!" yelled Sunset in the room. "She'll be down in a second. So tell me, what do you need her for?...Yes I know her, why?... Yes she's apart of it... Are you sure they can do that darling?...Well okay, I hope you find her... Alright darling, keep a look out for Daisy alright? Alright talk to you soon." said Rarity as she hung up. "What did Flash want?" asked Rainbow. Rarity turned towards her friends. "Well last night he was at a part with some of his friends at the beach, and he and Daisy went.. er... skinny dipping." she sounded a little nervous at the last part. "I love skinny dipping!" shouted Pinkie. "The feeling of no clothes on when the water flows through your legs and arms." The girls gave her a combination of disgust and confusion. "Yes well anyway, Flash didn't even make it to the water and passed out on shore, while Daisy swam. The next morning he hasn't seen her, and he's worried something happened to her. He said he filed a missing person's report at the police station, but rejected it as it has to be over 24 hours to file it. Oh I sure hope Daisy's alright." explained Rarity. Sunset then came walking down the stairs in a red and orange one piece bathing suit with red sandals on, and glasses on her forehead. "Flash called right?" asked Sunset. "Yes he did darling. He said he'll meet you at the beach when you get there. Speaking of which, we're all going to the beach today, maybe at noon." "That's cool, I can show you how the Canterlot Carriers work." "We would love that." said Fluttershy. "Well I gotta run. The vice-president can't be late for her job, can she?" "Well vice-principal Luna was late once. Remember in winter?" "Yes I remember. Listen I gotta go. I'll talk to you girls when you go the beach, alright?" asked Sunset as she walked out the front door. "Daisy huh?" asked Sunset as she and Flash walked on the beach, not romantic or anything, that morning, discussing what happened last night. "So after you broke up with me, you go after Daisy? I thought you had a crush on Twilight?" Flash lightly blushed at the sound of her name. "I do... not!" he quickly added. "It's just that I haven't seen her in a long time." "Okay, but why Daisy? I could think of girls who are more attractive, like Roseluck, or Lyra." "Well it all sort of happened at the spot. We caught each other's eyes and decided to get to know each other." "By skinny dipping?" "W-well when you put it like that I uh-" He didn't get to finish his sentence however as they were interrupted by a whistle. They turned to see a guy wearing swim wear waving his hands and jumping up and down. Sunset started to run to him, and so did Flash. The guy had light blue skin, and had short blue spiky hair. He had green trunks that had pink flowers on it and a shirt that said 'Canterlot Carriers', meaning he was part of the team. He kept jumping until he fell over, to which he saw the sight of why he was calling. He took the whistle out of his mouth and soon gained a sad look. Sunset and Flash arrived to see the guy sitting on the sand dune, playing with the sand, in a mopey, crestfallen motion. "What is Blue Tide?" asked Sunset. Blue pointed behind him, as he kept playing with the sand. Sunset and Flash walked up the dune to see what he was pointing at. Upon seeing what was up there, Sunset put her hands over her mouth, as Flash started gagging and walked away. They saw the remains of a chewed up body, with crabs all around it. "What happened?" asked Sunset as Flash was throwing up behind her. "I don't know. I just saw this now. Nearly lost my stomach." said Blue Tide in a sorrow tone. "I already lost mine." said Flash as he continue to throw up. Sunset examined the body, looking for any ways of possible if she knows who this was. Finally, she found a ring on the ring finger, and noticed a little daisy on it. "That's Daisy." she said. "Who?" asked Blue. "Daisy." "What, you mean from Mario?" "No, Daisy that went to my high school." Flash, who was still holding his knees and bending over, looked at Sunset with a horrified look. "It's Daisy?" he asked. Sunset turned to her ex and nodded. Flash started breathing heavily, losing all control of his body, and fainted on the beach shore. "Call the mayor and authorities... and wake him up... Canterlot Beach just had it's first shark attack." "We did not have our first shark attack!" exclaimed the Mayor as she and Sunset were discussing over the fact that Daisy's corpse, which was being examined by the authorities and forensic teams, was ripped to shreds by a possible shark. "What are you talking about Mayor? Have you seen the body! There was barely any body on it! I've seen shark attacks before, in books, and I can say safely, that THAT is, a shark attack victim!" yelled Sunset. "Listen, Sunset, I don't think you get the point here. Canterlot Beach has never had a shark attack before, what makes you think this now?" "Uh, maybe because that body ISN'T a body, but parts of it that looked like it was ripped with sharp teeth?" "This beach makes a lot of money from tourists, and right now we're in tourist season. Sunset, you yell barracuda, everyone says, 'huh, what?' You yell shark... and we've got a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July." Sunset couldn't believe what she was hearing. Here, she thought the Mayor was smart enough to close the beaches, until she realized she was DUMB enough to keep them open. "Mrs. Mayor, I don't think YOU get the point here. There was a shark attack right now, and you're only concern is the money? You're the mayor, you should be more concern over the safety of your people." "I appreciate the lecture Sunset, but have you stopped to think that maybe it wasn't a shark attack, but maybe a boat accident?" "A boat accident? I ask again, have you seen the body?! That was no boat accident, that was a shark attack!" "And how would you know? Huh? Have you seen a shark attack before?" The Mayor did have a point there. Sunset has never seen a shark attack in her life, so who is she to say that body was a shark attack victim. "No I haven't seen one." The Mayor chuckled. "Then we have no reason to close the beaches. Just promise me, you won't go blabbing out that there's been a shark attack, or else we're not gonna make that much money this summer." With that said, the Mayor got in her car, and drove off. Sunset took in a large amount of air, before exhaling. She turned to the crime scene and saw the body already taken, with a few scientists picking up matter from the ground. Maybe the Mayor was right. Maybe that was a boating accident. > Tiara Sinking > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daisy's body was found on the beach, all torn up. That same day, everyone around noon went to go to the beach. Sunset kept her word and kept quiet about Daisy and a possible shark attack, even though she still thinks the beaches should be closed. She and her 4 man team, including her and her co-captain Blue Tide, were at their stations. She didn't care if she didn't get in the water that often, she just loved seeing others enjoy their time. She looked all around and saw from kids making sand castles and in the water, to adults looking over their offspring and talking amongst themselves. "Sure is a great sight isn't it, Blue?" asked Sunset. Blue Tide was too busy looking at the ocean in case any other sharks were out there. "Blue." she said louder, catching his attention. "Huh, what?" asked Blue. "I said it's a great sight, right?" Blue looked at the area again, noticing kids and adults. "Yeah, yeah it sure is." Sunset noticed something was wrong with him, something bothering him. "Blue, are you still shaken up of a shark out in those waters?" Blue sighed heavily. "Yeah." They stayed quiet for a moment, before Blue spoke up again. "When I was 12, my family took me out to the beach for the first time. I was so excited. I couldn't wait to make sandcastles and play in the water. My parents always warned me not to go to far... I always told them I would be safe... until..." Blue looked at the ground again, while Sunset put her hand on his shoulder. Blue looked at her, who gave him a reassuring smile. "Take your time." she said. Blue took his time, and sighed once again. "Until... a Tiger Shark nabbed my leg and pulled me under... I guess it was a test bite because it let me go. I was bleeding in the water... and I was worried more sharks would come after me. A lifeguard, came and rescued me... my leg wasn't that injured... you could still see the bites on my left leg." Sunset looked down and sure enough, there were a row of teeth marks, possibly about 8 or 10, on the backside of his left leg. "Ever since then, I never went back into the water and just stuck onto dry land." Sunset put her hand on his shoulder once again. "I'm sorry that happened to you, but you're still here and that's all that matters." she said, causing him to smile. "Thanks Sunset." "HEY SUNSET!" yelled a voice. Sunset looked over Blue to see her five friends in swim wear. Rainbow in a rainbow bikini, Applejack in an green bikini with red apples on it, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had a once piece suit, Pinkie's filled with candy and Fluttershy's filled with animals, while Rarity had a lavender dress swim suit. "Hi girls." said Sunset. "Oh Sunset, who is this darling. You're boyfriend?" asked Rarity. "I'm married." said Blue Tide as he showed her his ring. That alone created an awkward moment between the group. "Awkwaaaaard." said Pinkie, breaking the silence. "Oh, excuse my previous statement dear, I had no idea you were married." apologized Rarity. "Nah it's okay, I get that a lot." Blue said. "Hey Sunset, wanna have a picnic with us? Pinkie brought cupcakes?" asked Applejack as Pinkie showed her the batch of cupcakes she made. "I'm sorry, I can't you guys. I'm working." said Sunset in a crestfallen tone. "No, take the day off, I'll take charge." said Blue reassuring. "Are you sure Blue? Can you handle the team?" asked Sunset. "I'm the co-captain, I can handle it." Sunset took a moment to think about it. She did want to enjoy the beach with her friends, but she had a job to do. Go with her friends? Or stay at her station? Oh what the hell! "Alright, if you say so. I'm counting on you." said Sunset. Blue Tide saluted as Sunset walked off the balcony to her friends. "Keep an eye out for everything Blue!" "I will! Enjoy your day!" Sunset and her friends all walked away and to a spot near the station. About an hour past by, and Sunset was already having fun with her friends, almost forgetting what happened to Daisy... almost. Pinkie spent her time making sandcastles, and I do mean sandcastle, like she made the actual castle for the Queen of England out of sand. Rainbow and Applejack played in the water while Fluttershy and Rarity sat at the beach, with Rarity underneath an umbrella. Sunset however, was still concerned, kept looking at the water for any signs of fins. "Sunset." said Fluttershy, startling her. "Are you alright? You don't seem to be enjoying yourself." Sunset sighed. "Yeah I am Fluttershy." responded Sunset. Fluttershy saw a hint of worry in her. "You don't look alright." "Why, whatever is the matter darling?" asked Rarity. At that moment, Rainbow and Applejack came walking over to them covered in water, with Rainbow holding a beach ball. "Nothing's the matter." "Yer lyin'." stated Applejack, causing Sunset to look up at her. "Ah can tell a fib from a mile away. Something's got ya worried, what is it?" "Yeah, what is it Sunset, we're your friends, you can tell us anything." reassured Rainbow. "I'm afraid I can't do that. It's under strict policy. Don't tell anyone something that you aren't sure of. Plus it makes it harder that I made a promise to the Mayor this morning." explained Sunset. "The Mayor? What did she want darling?" asked Rarity. "Like I said, I can't tell anyone." That statement alone left the group more curious. "Say Sunset, did you ever have beaches back at Equestria?" asked Fluttershy. "That! I can tell. I never went to a beach, and I'm pretty sure there are some, but like I said, never been to one. I was too busy studying magic to have time for fun and games. A unicorn has to learn magic." answered Sunset. At that moment, a kid with brown hair and black trunks walked by the girls, hearing Sunset statement. The kid himself appeared to have several tattoos on his torso and arms. The letters BHB was tattooed on the upper part of his right arm. "I wish I was a unicorn. That way I can stab idiots with my head." said the kid as he laughed at his own joke. "That's not funny Hunter." said Sunset to the kid known as Hunter as she gave an unamused facial expression. "That is barbaric, you do know that right?" asked Rarity. "Whatever." Hunter said. Out in the water, Diamond Tiara was floating on her chair raft, in her diamond one piece suit. She had her sunglasses on, and was enjoying the weather, even though she didn't look like it. Down below, a beast was lurking underneath the legs of children playing in the water. It could easily grab one kid, but kept moving, until it spotted something odd. It looked like feet dangling, from a raft. The beast got closer, and closer to the feet, until... A fin emerged from the water, tipping the chair raft and Diamond Tiara over, causing her to scream. "Jesus Christ, did you see that?" asked a man, catching the attention of Hunter. He turned to around to see the guy pointing out in the water and looked at the direction. His expression changed in a split second, from a 'don't care' expression, to a horrified look. Seeing this caused Rainbow to chuckle. "What's the matter Hunter, scared of the water?" asked Rainbow in a teasing way "I'm not scared... I'm surprised." Hunter said, paying no attention to Rainbow and still looking out into the water. "surprised about what?" asked Rarity. "I had no idea there was that much blood in a child." he said, causing the group to be confused. "What in tarnation are ya..." Applejack never finished her sentence as she too saw what was out there, as did the others. Sunset raised her eyebrows and grew wide eyes as she sat up from her chair. Soon, the whole beach saw was going going on, raising questions such as, 'What was that?' or 'What's happening?' Out in the water, blood was being emerged like a fountain, as Diamond Tiara came out crying for help. The sight of the child being covered in blood, caused Hunter to gag, until he turned around and puked all over Pinkie's Queen of England castle. "My castle!" she whined. Diamond Tiara was dragged underneath the water, with blood pouring out, losing her breath. Soon, a small area was painted red, near some children. The children all swam back to shore, with their parents calling out to them. Sunset got up and ran to the shoreline. "Out of the water! Out of the water! Everyone out! Out!" she yelled as more kid came out of the water. They all ran to their respective guardians, all safe in their hands... except one woman. A woman wearing a yellow dress suit was near the shoreline, looking everywhere for something, or someone. "Diamond!" she yelled. "Diamond! Diamond!" she yelled again. Little did she know that her child was another victim of the beast from below. All that was left was her chair raft with a giant hole in it floating on the shoreline. > Town Meeting and Night Fishing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hours after the incident of the beach, Diamond Tiara's mom, Spoiled Rich, believed that she died of a shark attack, thus held a bounty of $300,000 for the death of the shark that killed her. A sign that read: REWARD A $300,000 BOUNTY TO THE MAN OR MEN WHO CATCH AND KILL THE SHARK THAT KILLED DIAMOND R. TIARA ON SUNDAY, JUNE 29th ON THE CANTERLOT CITY BEACH Was shown at the Town Hall. "Diamond Tiara is the kid who was missing at the beach. Her mother says it was a shark." said a man amongst the crowd of people. "We don't even know that there's a shark out there." said woman to the man. A group of at least 20 people, including the Mayor and Sunset Shimmer, were heading towards the meeting room of the Town Hall. After several minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the meeting room, which was a small room with chairs in the middle and a large desk at front, where it can hold at least 5 people, and a chalk board at the back. Everyone took a seat with the Mayor sitting in the middle of the desk and 4 other people, Sunset Shimmer was leaning on a desk, not sitting, while everyone amongst the crowd talked. Many people didn't have a seat and just stood there, still talking. "Can I have everyone's attention." said Sunset, though it was no use as everyone was talking loudly. "Please, everyone calm down and let me speak." Still more talking. The Mayor grabbed her gavel and smacked it. "Please, let's have some order." said the Mayor, catching everyone's attention. Everyone quieted down for the Mayor to speak. "Now before this starts, are there any questions?" "Yeah, is the bounty on the shark in cash or check?" asked a man, causing the whole room to laugh, with the exception of one woman and of course Sunset Shimmer. "I don't think that's funny." said the woman. The Mayor smacked her gavel to obtain order. "Alright. That's private business between you fisherman and Mrs. Rich." The Mayor said, then looking at Sunset. "Miss Shimmer. Everyone, I'd like you to meet Miss Shimmer, vice-president of the Canterlot Carriers, the Beach's safety team." Sunset stood up and cleared her throat. "Hi. I'm Sunset Shimmer, vice-president and manager of the Canterlot Carriers Safety Team. The CEO couldn't make it here due to his mother's passing, so he asked me to come." Sunset explained. She cleared her throat again, and thought about what she would say next. "Now, regarding the uh... 'incident' with Mrs. Rich's daughter, we are gonna put on extra safety teams on the beach ASAP, and children under the age of 14, shall not go in the water without a guardian." "Are the police going to close the beaches?" asked a man. Sunset already knew the answer. She also knew the said answer would cause the people to be either disappointed or out right mad. "The CEO has talked to them, and I can safely say..." She stared at the crowd, creating a suspenseful aura around everyone and the whole room. "Yes, they are." This created a loud moan from everyone. Arguments were already brought out towards Sunset and the Mayor, making Sunset wishing the CEO could come. "Only 24 hours." said a voice. Sunset turned to see Mayor speaking. "They didn't agree to that!" exclaimed Sunset. The Mayor ignored her comment so she could get to her own statement. "Only for 24 hours." she said again. "24 hours, is like 3 weeks!" a woman could be heard amongst the crowd. Sunset was now wondering why the Mayor persisted on keeping the beaches open, even though there was a shark attack in broad daylight, with everyone seeing it. The arguments were now very heated, and could almost be heard throughout the entire Town Hall. At that moment, a loud screeching sound was heard. Said sound came from the back of the room, where a hand was sliding down the chalkboard, letting it's nails do the work. Everyone covered their ears and turned to see who was making the noise, thus stopping all arguments. The screeching stopped and it was revealed a man wearing a black tuxedo with a black tie created the sound. The man had his black hair stroked all the way back from the use of gel, and the focal point of his face, was a deep scar that ran through his left eye, which was pink. The pupil had no color, except white. The scar looked like to be from a knife of some sort. "You all know me." said the man in an English accent. "You all know how I earn a living. I'll catch this fish for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. It's a bad fish. It's nothing like going down to the local pond and catching tadpoles, or salmon. This shark, swallow you whole. A little shaking, a little tenderizing, down you go. Now we gotta do it quick, before another kid becomes lunch for Nemo. But it's not gonna be easy. I want a lot more than $300,000 Miss Shimmer. I'll find him for 3, I'll catch him for 5, but I'll kill him for more. Now you all gotta make up your minds. You gonna stay alive and make more money and ante up, or do you want to play it cheap? I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, and I certainly don't want no wankers or twats. $1,000,000 for me by myself, for that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing." "Thank you, Mr. Nicklesworth. We'll be sure to put that up, on consideration." said the Mayor. Nicklesworth stood up and looked at the crowd. "Mrs. Mayor, Miss Shimmer, ladies and gentlemen." said Nicklesworth as he walked away, followed by a man wearing a pure brown leather jacket with a plain white T-Shirt, black pants, black shoes, and had his brown hair stroked back into miniature shark fins, probably not the best hairdo during this summer. Sunset looked at this man, thinking maybe it was best to hire him to kill the shark. That evening, the police all put signs up that said: NO SWIMMING HAZARDOUS AREA BEACH CLOSED By Canterlot P.D. All around the beach were signs that said this, making sure no one swam... for 24 hours. Sunset was at her station that night, with all her team gone home, she was the only one there. She was looking through a book about sharks, so she could get a better understanding of them, and why they attack humans. She was so occupied on this, that she didn't notice someone was behind her, walking towards her. That person put a shoulder on Sunset, scaring her shitless. "AH!" she screamed. She turned to see Rarity behind her, scared as well. "Oh, Rarity. You scared me." "As did you." said Rarity. "What are you doing here?" "I came to ask you if you've seen Sweetie Belle, she said she was going to be here at the beach with her friends, collecting seashells." "At night?" "Well they were going to come home when it gets dark. It's still light out." "Yeah I've seen them, they're out there." Sunset said as she pointed out the window. Rarity walked outside to the balcony to see Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, with Sweetie Belle on the boat. "Huh, would you look at that. Sweetie sure loves that boat that you and Applejack made for her friends." Sunset was still looking at her book. "Where is it?" "She's sitting in it darling." This caught Sunset's attention. She stood up and went out to the balcony to see Sweetie Belle in the boat, with Applebloom and Scootaloo on the dock. Sunset was worried that something may attack Sweetie. "Sweetie! Get out of the water!" yelled Sunset. "But I'm in the boat you and Applejack made for us." yelled Sweetie back. "We're helping!" yelled Applebloom. "I don't care! Get out of the water!" "You're not my sister!" "Sunset, what are you doing darling?" asked Rarity. "I want her out of the water." replied Sunset. "She isn't out on the water, she's in a boat. I don't think she'll ever go out in the water after what happened today. She heard it on the news." Sunset sighed and knew she was right. "Now come on, don't say that. She's your sister." said Sunset as Rarity grabbed for the book that Sunset was holding, intrigued on what she was looking at. "I just don't want her to go to far, I worry for her and her friends." Rarity came to a page where it showed a shark biting the underside of a boat. "Sweetie! Did you hear Sunset?! Out of the water now! Now!" Rarity yelled causing Sunset to look at her confusingly. That night, a boat was being rowed towards a dock, with two figures on it. They reached the dock and got out to get on it so they could catch the fish and retrieve the award. One figure dropped some chain and frozen meat, these figures were Lyra and Bon-Bon. "Gee, I don't know Lyra. I don't think it's a great idea to come out here." said Bon-Bon a little worried. "Don't worry, we're fine. We're on the docks, a shark can't get us from here. Now help me tie this chain to the dock." said Lyra as she stuck a hook onto the frozen meat. "Won't your mother realize that her summer roast is missing from her freezer?" "Yeah but $300,000 can buy a lot of roast. Now come on, are you gonna help or not?" Bon-Bon rubbed her shoulder, before she thought, 'Screw it!' and grabbed the chain. She walked over to the end of the dock and tied to chain to the pole, while Lyra brought the roast to the end of the dock as well. "Come and get it fishy!" yelled Lyra as she threw the meat out into the sea. The meat floated in the water, while Lyra and Bon-Bon waited for their prize catch to come and eat it. "Now what?" asked Bon-Bon. Back at the station, Sunset was looking through her book once again, trying to learn more about Sharks. She saw several pictures of sharks being hung while men in the background were stood, smiling at their catch. She turned to page to see a shark holding a helium tank in it's mouth. At the docks, Lyra and Bon-Bon were playing go-fish, with a flashlight standing up to see the cards better. Lyra looked at Bon-Bon with a serious look, while Bon-Bon smiled deviously. Unbeknownst them, the meat was taken under. Sunset flipped some more pages, this time seeing shark attack victims. She saw a man with his lower leg, from knee down, torn off. Another picture showed a man without an arm, and another a foot with a giant hole on the side, showing some bone. One picture had a man with his side ripped off, spilling out blood and guts. She looked away from the gruesome sight, almost losing her stomach. Lyra looked at Bon-Bon seriously, as Bon-Bon still had that devious smirk. She then drew a card from a pile, and looked at her best friend, smiling. She smacked her cards down to show her whole set had pairs. "I win." she said. At that moment, the chain started being dragged across the dock, as the meat was being carried away. Lyra and Bon-Bon looked at the chain, until Lyra noticed a disturbance in the water. "Hey it's taking it! It's taking the roast!" exclaimed Lyra. Down below, the dock was getting unstable, with the chain pulling on it. "We've gotta do something, that's my mom's roast!" The dock then gave in, tumbling down into the water, along with Lyra. She screamed as she was being dragged by the piece of dock being pulled from the great beast. Bon-Bon looked horrified at the sight of her best friend being taken away. Lyra then jumped off the piece of wood and started swimming towards the shore. The beast however heard the splash and turned around towards Lyra. "Come on Lyra! Swim! Swim as fast as you can!" yelled Bon-Bon. "I'm... trying!" Bon-Bon looked beyond her to see the ripples coming closer to Lyra. "Lyra! It's right behind you! Swim faster! Or else you're gonna end up like Diamond Tiara!" "Not helping!" Lyra then made it to what was left at the dock. She tried to get on the ramp like wood, but to no avail. She kept slipping and slipping, and looked behind her to see the beast following her. "BON-BON! HELP!" Her friend grabbed her hands and started to pull her up, while the beast came closer and closer. Finally, after mere inches away from her feet, Lyra was pulled to safety by her friend, and crawled away from the dock as fast as she could, and could feel the beast still breathing on her leg. The piece of dock however beached itself on shore, revealing that there was no beast but was being pushed by the tide. "Can we go home now?" asked Bon-Bon, out of breath. > Hunting For The Shark and Dr. Whooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning after Lyra's and Bon-Bon's attempt to catch the shark was a busy one. During the night, Sunset made a phone call to an oceanography expert by the name of Dr. Whooves from Manehattan. She was informed that the two best friends attempted to catch the shark by her co-captain, Blue Tide. "So after they tried to catch it, they were starting to think how to explain to Mrs. Heartstrings on what happened to her freezer full of meat." explained Blue Tide. "That's not funny! That's not funny at all!" exclaimed Sunset as both of them were walking at the pier. They came across some fisherman, arguing about something, most likely the shark. However, a person across the pier was getting off a boat. This person had brown hair, stroked back into spikes, and had a brown trench coat and black pants. A man held out his hand for him, which he gladly accepted. "Hello." said the man in the trench coat. "Hello back, young feller. How are you?" asked the man who helped him up. The man in the trench coat heard a commotion coming from where Sunset was and decided to go see what was going on. Turns out there were people boarding a small boat that fits for 1, the only problem is that 3 people were trying to get on. "I'm just saying you won't be able to float with that many people on board!" yelled Sunset over the commotion. "Yeah well we need more people!" yelled the man. "You don't need that many people!" "Hey excuse me," said the man in the trench coat. "that boat only fits for 1, so I suggest that you other 2 either find a bigger boat, or you get yourselves one." "Ah! Who asked you." said the man as he waved him off. Sunset looked to her side to see a similar problem and decided to go give them a piece of her mind. She walked over to the end of the dock, followed by the trench coat guy. "Hey! How many people are you gonna board?!" asked Sunset. "As much as we want!" answered a man. "Yeah well that isn't safe!" A man then came walking through the two carrying dynamite, and the man in the trench coat noticed this. "Hey hey, watch it, that's dynamite." said trench coat guy. Hearing this, Sunset turned to see the man boarding the boat with the dynamite. "Hey. What are you doing with that?" asked Sunset. "I'm going on the boat." answered the man. "No you can't do that." Sunset turned to the trench coat man. "Listen, can you help me get those people out of there?" asked Sunset as she walked off. The trench coat man turned to the group of people boarding a boat. "Gentlemen! Hey! The office is telling me that you're overloading that boat!" yelled the man in the trench coat. The other men waved him off, as one said 'Go to hell.' "Alright, well can you tell me if there's a restaurant or hotel in this city?" "Ah, you walk straight ahead." said a man, causing him and his whole crew to laugh, while the trench coat guy laughed sarcastically as he walked away. "Ha ha ha. They're all gonna die." he said. "Listen Tidal Wave, we need more signs out there! Can you contact the police to make more signs?" asked Sunset over the phone with her boss. She turned to her side and saw her co-captain, Blue Tide, standing there, smoking. She grabbed a few pebbles and threw it at the window, catching Blue's attention. He turned to see Sunset inside and waved, while Sunset motioned him to get in there. Blue saw this and walked to the door. "Yeah we need more signs out there. They're fishing for the fish, all in small boats for crying out loud. I understand that there's a bounty, but we still need more signs. Signs like: Can't Boat or Fish without Big Boat or something, I don't know. Listen I'll talk to you later, I'm sorry about your mother. Bye." Sunset hung up the phone. "Yeah." started Blue. Sunset took the cigarette out of his mouth and gave him a concerned look. "What are you doing out there? You need to help me, get those people out of the water. There's too many of them, they're our people right?" "Our people? They're not our people. Have you seen the license plates. Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey. I'm all alone out there. What about the help from Manehattan?" "That's not until the 4th of July." Just then, the man in the trench coat came in and stared at the two of them. "Hey you know those people on the boats? Well none of them are gonna come back alive." he said. Sunset rolled her eyes and looked at Blue Tide. "Blue this is what I'm talking about. You know tourists, go talk some sense into them, and call the police to get more signs." With that Blue left the building, leaving the man in the trench coat and Sunset Shimmer. "Listen, I'd like to know where Sunset Shimmer is." said the man. Sunset looked at him confusingly. "Who are you?" she asked. "Dr. Whooves, I'm from the Oceanographic Institute." said Dr. Whooves. Sunset smiled. "Oh your the guy we called. I'm Sunset. I'm Sunset." Sunset said raising her hand out. "Ohoho. Nice to meet you." said Dr. Whooves as he shook her hand. "Now I think the first thing to do first is to look at the first victim, the girl on the beach." "Alright, well bare with me, it's not a sight for kind hearts, and I know someone who has a pure kind heart." "I probably seen worse." "Wait'll we get them silly bastards down in that rock pile." said the same man that helped Dr. Whooves off his boat, who's name was Fishing Trap. "They'll wish their fathers had never met their mothers when they start taking their bottoms out and slamming into them rocks, boy." "What are you saying?!" yelled his friend over the loud motor. "Get away from there you goddamn fool, you! What's the matter with you? You want to swamp us, you crazy son of a bitch?" yelled Fishing Trap. Over at another boat, some people were chumming in order to lure the shark. "What're you guys doing?" asked a fisherman. "They're chumming." answered the driver. "Chumming, what the hell is that?" "They're tracking the shark." At another boat, a man was lighting dynamite and was ready to throw it out into the ocean. "$300,000 dived by four ways is what?" asked a man as the dynamite exploded in the water. "Watch your starboard! Jesus!" yelled a fisherman as he started throwing chum into the water. Sunset Shimmer and Dr. Whooves entered the autopsy room where the remains of Daisy laid below a blanket. "Let's show Dr. Whooves what happened." said Sunset Shimmer to another man as Dr. Whooves grabbed a clipboard from Sunset. "Victim identified as Daisy "Flower Wishes" Tulip, female Caucasian. Uh, probably boating accident." stated Dr. Whooves as he read the autopsy report. The third man grabbed the remains of Daisy, which were hidden in a bucket with a blanket on top. The man turned on the light as Dr. Whooves gave him the clipboard. "The height and weight of the victim can only be estimated from the partial remains..." started Dr. Whooves as he uncovered the remains. Upon laying eyes on it, he gagged, turning away and looked like he was going to throw up. "Yeah I got the same reaction from my ex-boyfriend." said Sunset. "Fascinating." he said before going back to look at the remains, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "The torso has be severed in mid-thorax. There are no major organs remaining." stated Dr. Whooves before turning to the third man. "May I have a glass of water, please?" "Sure." said the man as he went over to the sink and grabbed a glass. "Right arm has been severed above the elbow with massive tissue loss in the upper musculature." said Dr. Whooves as he grabbed the glass of water from the man, thanking him. He chugged it down in one sip before going back to the report. "Partially denuded bone remaining. This was no boat accident. Did you notify the Coast Guard about this?" "No, we don't have that authority, the police does." answered Sunset. "You're not part of the police?" "I'm a 17 year old girl, I can't join the force, I'm only an advanced lifeguard!" argued Sunset. Realizing his mistake, Dr. Whooves went back to the remains. "The left arm, head, the shoulders, sternum and portions of the rib cage are intact." he said before grabbing the arm that had a big chunk of it missing. "This is what happens. Indicates the non-frenzied feeding of a large squalus, possibly a longimanus or isurus glaucus." He then covered up the remains with the blanket before turning to Sunset. "Now the enormous amount of tissue loss prevents any detailed analysis, however the attacking squalus muse be considerably larger than any normal squalus found in these waters." The third man looked like he was so confused that he didn't even know why he was hear, upon hearing many scientifically names when he could've said, 'shark' or 'bigger shark'. "Didn't you get on a boat and check out these waters?" asked Dr. Whooves to Sunset. "No." she said sounding like she realized a mistake. "Well, this was not a boat accident. It wasn't any propeller. It wasn't any coral reef and it wasn't the Zodiac Killer." said Dr. Whooves. "Ted Cruz?" asked the third man. Dr. Whooves splashed water on his face before taking a deep breath and looking at Sunset. "It was a shark." he said. "So it wasn't Ted Cruz?" Shark indeed. Out in the docks, the local fishermen caught what appeared to be a huge shark, although they didn't know what kind it was because all they cared about was the reward money. There was a bunch of cheering going on as well as a hook was stabbed through the nose of the shark to lift it's mouth open, revealing a bloody discord of insides. Sunset Shimmer and Dr. Whooves walked towards the commotion to see the shark for themselves, as Photo Finish and another girl were getting ready to take a picture. Sunset Shimmer stood there in awe at the sight at the beast being caught, whilst Dr. Whooves went over to the shark to do some research on it, bringing measuring tape. "Fishing Trap catch this?" asked Sunset. "Naw we did yah see." said a fisherman. Sunset gained a huge smile on her face as she approached the fisherman to congratulate them, while Dr. Whooves wasn't ready to congratulate just yet. Out by the docks, a boat was being driving by the person who said he'll catch the shark for a million dollars, Nicklesworth or as he likes to be called, Roger. "Enough! I need a photo for the paper!" yelled Photo Finish as everyone got ready to take the picture, with Dr. Whooves still examining the mouth. A fisherman held up the Beach Closed sign so it could be seen, as Sunset got in the crowd. "You there! I need you out of the shot!" Dr. Whooves looked at her as he grabbed his equipment and walked away. Photo Finish then took a stance and looked into the camera and took the photo. "Enough! I'm gone!" she yelled as she and a few others zoomed out of there. Everyone stood up and went about their business while Sunset noticed the Mayor walking towards the crowd. "Mayor!" she yelled. "Mayor, you won't believe it!" she yelled as he walked to the Mayor. Back at the shark, the fisherman wanted to know what kind of shark did they catch, but didn't care if it was the same shark. "What kind of shark is it?" asked a fisherman. "Gee I don't know. I think it's a ma-coe." said another. "It's got a deep throat Frank!" yelled another as he stuck his head inside the shark, making his voice echo. "Yah, I know I know, but what kind?" asked the first fisherman. "Tiger Shark." answered Dr. Whooves. The fishermen looked at Dr. Whooves in a wierd way, as if they never even heard that name before. "A whaaat?" asked the first fisherman. Back with Sunset and the Mayor, they were extremely excited that they finally caught their problem, especially the Mayor. "We can start making money again!" yelled the Mayor. "You bet we are." said Sunset as they walked on the sidewalk. Back at the shark, the fishermen were mad at these scientific words that Dr. Whooves kept speaking of and just wanted to know what the hell he was saying. "What is this bite radius crap? That is a big mouth! You know, I'm gonna stuff your friggin' head in there, man, and find out if it's a man eater, all right?" exclaimed the first fisherman. Dr. Whooves however was trying to explain what he was saying but kept getting cut off by the fishermen, eventually leading him to walk away from the group. "I'm not saying this isn't the shark. What I am saying is that it may not be the shark." explained Dr. Whooves. Sunset approached him, along with the Mayor, and grabbed his arm. "Dr. Whooves, this is our Mayor... Mayor." she said with a smile. Dr. Whooves could care less about the Mayor but decided to be polite and shook her hand, but kept his gaze on the shark. "Nice to meet you. Listen Sunset can I talk to you for a sec?" asked Dr. Whooves as he and Sunset walked away from the Mayor. "Sunset, there are all kinds of sharks in the waters, you know? Hammerheads, white tips, blues, makos, and the chances that these bozos got the exact shark-" "Oh there are no other sharks like this Dr. Whooves. We got it, we got the shark. The beach can now open." said Sunset excitingly. "Sunset, Sunset. It's 100 to 1. 100 to 1. Now, I'm not saying that this isn't the shark. It probably is, Sunset. It probably is. But the fact is, the bite radius on the shark is different than the wounds of the victim." Realizing what he said and meant made her smile go down into a concerned look, this also caught the attention of the Mayor. "Now what I want to do is very simple. The digestive system of this animal is very, very slow. Let's cut it open. Whatever it's eaten in the last 24 hours is bound to still be in there, and then we'll be sure. I just... I want to be sure. You want to be sure, we all want to be sure." Sunset looked at the Mayor with a look then back at Dr. Whooves, then back to the Mayor. "May be our only choice Mayor." said Sunset. "Look Sunset, Mr. Whooves. I'm not gonna have some sort of shark-topsy right now and see that little Tiara girl spill out all over the dock and scare away the folks." said the Mayor. She looked away from the two people standing next to her and saw someone coming for them. This caught the attention of both Sunset and Dr. Whooves. They saw Spoiled Rich and Filthy Rich come walking towards them in funeral outfits, with Spoiled Rich having an extremely mad look on her face. She approached Sunset and stared her cold dead in the eyes. "Sunset Shimmer." she started. "Yeah." said Sunset. Spoiled Rich then smacked her face so hard, that it caught the attention of everyone on the docks, leaving a pink mark on her left cheek. Spoiled Rich then started sobbing as she kept looking her in her eyes. The whole dock had eyes on the two and went completely silent. "I just found out that a girl got killed here last week... and you knew it... you knew there was a shark out there... you knew it was dangerous... but you let people go swimming anyways... you knew all those things... but still my girl is dead now... and there's nothing you can do about it...my girl is dead... I wanted you to know that." With that said, she began sobbing and sobbing some more, eventually leading to Filthy Rich to come and conformt her and walked her away. Filthy then looked behind him and gave Sunset a disgusted look before getting in his limousine. "I'm sorry Sunset. She's wrong." said the Mayor in an attempt to conformt her. "No she's not." was all Sunset could say. Sunset then walked away from the Mayor and Dr. Whooves to go to Rainbow's house for some conformting with her friends... that and they were having another slumber party there. "Alright... if anyone needs me, I'll be in my office." said the Mayor. Dr. Whooves looked at Sunset as she walked away with a somber but sympathetic look. > Accidents > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset sat in Rainbow's kitchen alone, on the dining room table, holding a cup of water in her hand. She's been thinking on what Spoiled Rich said to her a few hours ago. It was her job to save Diamond Tiara, and she failed it. There has never been a shark attack on Canterlot beach, true, but she could've helped. The fear must've gotten to her as she just stood there and watched Diamond Tiara get swallowed up. She didn't do anything to help prevent, nor help her. It was her fault, she could never forgive herself for it. She felt like it was her duty to avenge Diamond Tiara's death and take the shark head on, but the shark was caught right? Dr. Whooves did say that the possibilities that they caught the same shark was exponential, but even a thin slice of cake is a meal. She's been thinking for hours and hours on what to do. The shark was caught, or so thought, and there was really nothing to do about it. Rainbow and the rest of her friends all looked her with a sympathetic look. They looked at each other before Rainbow made the bold move and going up to talk to her. When she approached her, she felt an aura of unforgiving doubt. Sunset kept staring at the glass of water in her hand, not caring at all what was happening around her. From the corner of her eye, she could see someone grabbing a chair and and sitting down. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash giving her a sympathetic look. "Sunset, it's not your fault." said Rainbow. Even though it was true, Sunset couldn't forgive herself. "Yes it is Rainbow. I should've been on duty that day, but I chose to take a break." she said. "You chose to spend time with your best friends. Who knew that a shark attack would happen? You said so yourself, there has never been a shark attack here in Canterlot before. How should you know that there was going to be one?" Sunset avoided eye contact and kept staring at the glass of water. "We should've been prepared for this. The team had a meeting the other day about shark training... people left the team once the word shark was brought up." "Well those people aren't as brave and probably not as awesome as you Sunset. Besides if people do leave, and you decide to stay, you'll be the only one on the team, showing how much you care for everyone else. "Not helping Rainbow." "Sorry." At that moment, the doorbell rang, alerting everyone, except Sunset, to the front door. "Rarity, can you get that?" asked Rainbow. With a nod, Rarity walked up to the front door. Upon opening the door she saw two faces, one familiar and one not so familiar. One of the faces was a teenager with spiky brown hair and a black hoodie jacket with a gray T-Shirt underneath. "Oh Hunter darling. Who's this?" asked Rarity. "This is some guy who asked me if I knew Sunset. I said yes and I told him that she was having a sleepover here. Apparently he's from the Oceanography Incorporated." replied Hunter. "Oceanographic Institute." replied Dr. Whooves, standing next to him. "Yeah whatever." "Oh, well she's in there. She's sort of shaken up on what happened today, so it's best if-" replied Rarity. "Oh no no, I saw the whole thing. I'm just here for some confirmation." replied Dr. Whooves. "About what?" "I uh, I don't think I should go in full detail. Where's Sunset?" "Oh she's in the kitchen." Rarity pointed to her right while Dr. Whooves peeked his head inside and saw Sunset and Rainbow sitting at a table. "Mind if I come in?" asked Dr. Whooves. "Oh sure um... sure." said Rarity not sure what to say. Dr. Whooves walked and tapped on Rarity's shoulder. She looked at him and he brought her away from Hunter. "Is that kid... alright?" asked Dr. Whooves. "Hm, you mean Hunter. Oh he sure is. He's a gentlemen. Sure he can be a little... unpredictable, but that's why we love him, as a friend of course." replied Rarity. "Oh, well on the way here he began rambling on and on about this Brute Force guy, much to my annoyance but, he did at one point ran a red light and flipped off a cop." "Like I said darling, unpredictable. You wanted to see Sunset?" "Oh yes, yes." Dr. Whooves walked over to the kitchen while Rarity walked over to the front door with Hunter still standing there. "So, you want to come in?" asked Rarity. "Nah. I need to head home. My mom's probably worrying about me." replied Hunter. "Oh well that's a shame. But maybe sometime we can have another sleepover again." "I don't think so. The last time I had a sleepover with you girls, I... well you know what happened." "I sure do darling." "Well I better get going. Night Rarity." said Hunter as he walked away. "Goodnight darling." replied Rarity as she closed the door. Dr. Whooves made his way to the kitchen where he saw a crestfallen Sunset... Shimmer. Rainbow looked up at him with curiosity sparkling in her eyes. He turned to her friends who all gave curious looks. Rainbow got up and walked over to the trench coated man. "Uh, who are you?" asked Rainbow. "I'm Dr. Whooves, I'm from the Oceanographic Institute. I'm here to see Sunset and talk about the uh... the incident at the beach a couple days ago... alone." he said. The girls go his message and nodded their heads while they went in the living room, along with Rarity, leaving only Sunset and Dr. Whooves to themselves. He walked to the table and sat across from her. Out the corner of her eye, she saw Dr. Whooves sit in front her, grabbing her attention. They stared at each other for a few minutes before Sunset went back to staring at the glass of water. There was complete and utter silence for at least 5 minutes, Sunset not wanting to say anything and Dr. Whooves being polite and let her take her time. It was Sunset who broke the silence. "What got you interested in sharks?" she asked. Caught off guard by the question, Dr. Whooves stared at her as if she turned into demon and destroyed the front of a school [oops]. "Well I er um... it goes back to when I was a kid." he answered. "I have time." she replied. "Well... I guess it started when I was 12. I used to leave by the shore and every morning I would go into the water and play in it. Sometimes I would go farther than the buoy. One time I went a little too far and I got swept away from my dad by a tide. My dad swam after me as I swam back to him when a um... a shark... bit my leg. I yelled like a girl until my dad grabbed me and swam back to shore. The shark however was following us and not wanting to get eaten, my dad threw his slice of pizza at the shark. Who knew sharks loved pizza?" "You're dad brought pizza in the water?" asked Sunset, realizing how foolish of him to do so. "Well, he wasn't thinking at the time. He was at shore when I was swept away and I guess he didn't want sand on his pizza." "But sea water is okay?" Dr. Whooves chuckled at her response. "Well, I guess it was, sort of silly of him. Ahem... when the shark at the pizza, I was fascinated on how it quickly bit my leg, to eating a slice of anchovy and pepperoni pizza. A few weeks afterwards, I got a boat, and I rowed it into the ocean to feed the shark. Now that I see it from now, I realize I wasn't as smart as I was as today. The shark at some of the pizza but quickly toppled the boat over. Luckily I got to shore unharm, the boat however... was a different story. That was the turning point in my career life. I saw the shark eat the boat right in front of my eyes and I remember asking myself, 'Do sharks eat anything?' Fast forward 25 years and I got my answer." Sunset smiled at his story, finding it entertaining to listen to. "What about you? What made you join the lifeguard?" asked Dr. Whooves. Sunset sighed a long sigh. "I guess since I turned into a raging she-demon and tried to take over my school, I felt that I needed to redeem myself. And I have, helping defeat the sirens at the Battle of the Bands, and defeated Twilight at the Friendship Games, and even defeated Gloriosa at Camp Everfree. But I felt like it was my, well... element, to help people, redemption. So I took a job as a Canterlot Carrier." "Ah, good old fashion redemption. I suppose that there's a little good in all of us." "Ain't that the truth." They sat in silence, not knowing what else to talk about. They stared at each other, wondering what subject to talk, until Dr. Whooves had the answer. "You know, the fisherman caught a shark, not the shark. Not the shark that killed Daisy Tulip, and probably not the shark that killed that little girl, and I wanted to prove it by cutting the shark open, and I was hoping that maybe you can help classify this, in such that I am considered a liar trying to make a fast buck? Besides I do need an extra set of hands either way." asked Dr. Whooves. Sunset looked at him for a moment before taking a sip of her water. "What the hell, I'm in." she said. Dr. Whooves inserted the knife in the underbelly of the Tiger Shark that the fisherman caught earlier that day. Upon impact, he started to hack his way all the way to the top, so he could get to the digestive system. Upon midway, digestive juices started to spill upon the floor, much to him and Sunset's disgust. He held in his breath so he couldn't take in the wretched smell. Unfortunately, he couldn't hold it in much longer and gasped for air, getting whiff of the juice smell. He then threw the knife away and inserted his gloved hands in the digestive track, trying to take what was left inside. After a moment of struggling, he pulled out a head of a fish, launching it towards Sunset, who backed up and looked at it in disgust He struggled some more as he pulled out the other end of the fish, launching it between Sunset's legs. He started grunting, having it to be difficult trying to pull out objects out of a dead shark's digestive system. Luckily he pulled out another object, a small gray stuffed horse with buttons for eyes, and blue underwear with white polka dots. On the side of it said, 'Smarty Pants', possibly it's name. Dr. Whooves threw a can towards Sunset, a crunched up metal can, like actual metal and not the regular soda can. "AGH!" Dr. Whooves explain after feeling the internal organs in disgust. "Just what I thought! It came up from the Gulf Stream!" He then threw out a license plate that said, 'BD9 15O', towards Sunset. She picked it up out of porosity with her gloves, and to her confusion. "It ate a car?" asked Sunset. "Nah! Sharks will eat anything. Someone probably threw that in the river." replied Dr. Whooves. Finally, he backed up, having taken out every piece of object in the shark's belly. "Well... that's it." Sunset finally dawned on it. This wasn't the shark, it wasn't the shark. "Call the police, tell them to close the beaches." said Sunset. "You have a bigger problem than that Sunset. You still have one hell of a shark. With a mouth about this big." said Dr. Whooves using his hands as an estimate of the shark's jaw, going beyond his head. "We're gonna have to go looking for it. If he is a rouge, and if there's any truth to territoriality at all, we've got a good chance of spotting him near the beach. We gotta find him right now, he's a night feeder." "In the water?!" asked Sunset as she stood up after Dr. Whooves who was heading towards the door. "Well we're not gonna find him on land." replied Dr. Whooves. "Yeah but I'm not brave enough to go out in the water at night." "Yes you are." "No I'm not." "Yes you are." "I can't do that." "Yes you can." A lone boat sailed across the night water, with stars glistening over it. The said white boat consisted of two people on board, Sunset and Dr. Whooves. The boat was fitted with sonar, in order to find the shark, and a high powered engine, in case the shark was too fast for them. "So as I was telling Rarity, if you like the guy, ask him out. You are one of the most popular girls in the school, and practically every guy has fallen for you. So long story short, she ended up asking the guy out, only in the end did she realize the guy was a real jerk!" explained Sunset to Dr. Whooves. "No kidding. Want a Popsicle?" asked Dr. Whooves with his mouth full. Sunset was about to answer until she just now realized that they were in the middle of no where... in the dark. "Uh no thanks. Um, where are we?" "We're in the area where he's been feeding. We have a high chance of spotting him here." Sunset looked all around and couldn't even find land, it was way to dark and the only light source was coming from the boat. "Okay. 1. We could be anywhere in the ocean, how do you know we're in the right area. And 2. How do you know it's a guy?" "Well to answer your first question... I have no idea. I'm using my sonar to track him. And I keep calling him a 'he' because... I'm a guy. Guys tend to call animals 'him'." answered Dr. Whooves. At that moment, beeping what heard from the sonar. Sunset got up to the flying bridge to check it out. "What's that?" asked Sunset. "That's the sonar. It's picking up something. Probably just a school of bluefish." answered Dr. Whooves. However, the sonar kept beeping, louder, as if something bigger was out there. "Hold on... there's something else out there, something bigger." I just said that. "Let's go check it out." I just said that!!! Dr. Whooves started steering the boat towards the location. On their way there, they saw a piece of board floating across them, much to their confusion. Then, another piece of board swept by them. Sunset handled the searchlight and aimed it all around in front, until it laid on what appeared to be a boat. "That's Fishing Trap's boat!" exclaimed Sunset. "How do you know?" asked Dr. Whooves. "It has his name right there." Sunset aimed the light on the side of the boat which said, 'Property of Fishing Trap. If found, please get rid of this hunk of junk for my grandma's insurance.' "I don't think insurance works like that." said Dr. Whooves. "What happened to it?" "Well considering the amount of wood we found in the water, and the amount of damage on this boat, and the fact that's there's a giant friggin' bite mark on the side of it, I'd say it was a shark attack." "Was it the shark?" "It's in the area of where it's been feeding, so it's got to be it." "I thought you said you didn't know where he was feeding?" "I'm gonna put on a suit and dive under, and see what I can find." Dr. Whooves walked back to a case where he opened it, revealing a swim suit with goggles and an underwater flashlight. "Right now!? In the night?! With that, thing swimming Celestia knows where?!" "Celestia? Now I don't think I have ever heard that name before. Hm, you learn something new everyday." Dr. Whooves said as he got ready and put on the suit. A few minutes later, Dr. Whooves dove down into the water with his freshly new suit he just put on. He swam to the bottom of the boat where a large hole was. He approached the hole and pulled out his flashlight, lighting the hole area, where he saw a sharp tooth. He grabbed the tooth and pulled it out the haul of the boat and examined it. It was big and jagged. Dr. Whooves has seen this kind of tooth before, and it's a sight you don't want to meet at night... which is something that Dr. Whooves is doing right now. He pulled the flashlight and lit the area again to examine the area again. However, he was met face to face with a floating dead guy's face, with one eyeball out of it's socket. "Great wickering stallions!" Dr. Whooves managed to say as he was face to face with... Fishing Trap! Or what's left of him. Dr. Whooves wasted no time on getting the hell out of there, dropping the tooth in process. He submerged from the water, breathing heavily, catching the attention of Sunset, who came running down to him. Dr. Whooves approached the later and climbed it, looking Sunset in the eyes, with his eyes filled with fear. "This is a great white Mayor! A big one! And any shark expert in the world will tell you it's a killer, a man eater!" exclaimed Sunset as she, Dr. Whooves and the Mayor herself were walking on the beach shore. "Look, Ms. Mayor, the situation is, that a Great White Shark has staked to claim off the waters of Canterlot Beach, and he's going to continue to feed here as long as there's food in the water." explained Dr. Whooves. "And there's no limit to what he's going to do. I mean we already had 3 incidents. 2 people killed inside of a week, it happened again, it happened before! Tell him about the Jersey incident. 5 people chewed up on the surface! "In one week!" "Tell him about the swimmers!" "A shark is attracted to the exact kind of splashing activity that occurs when every human beings go swimming. You cannot avoid it!" "You open the beaches on the 4th of July, it's like ringing the dinner bell for Celestia's sakes!" "Look Ms. Mayor. Ms. Mayor. I pulled the tooth, the size of a shot glass out of a wrecked haul of a boat out there, and it was the tooth of a Great White!" "It was Fishing Trap's boat, it was all chewed up, I saw the police tow it in. You should've seen it!" "Where- where is that tooth? Did you see it Sunset?" asked the Mayor. "No I didn't see it, he dropped-" "I had an accident!" exclaimed Dr. Whooves before Sunset could finish her statement. "And what did you say the name of the shark is?" asked the Mayor. "It's a carcharodon carcharias. It's a Great White!" "But you don't have the tooth?" Dr. Whooves shook his head. "Look we depend on the summer people here for our very lives." Sunset threw her arms up in the air and walked off, knowing full well that the Mayor only cares about herself and money and not her people. "You are not going to have a summer, unless you deal with this problem!" yelled Dr. Whooves. "Mayor we're not only gonna have to close the beaches, we're gonna have to hire someone to kill the shark! I mean we're gonna have to tell the Coast Guard!" At this point, everyone was talking at once, creating a complete chaos around the area. /raegfest/ "Ms. Mayor, you'll have to contact the Shark Research Panel." said Dr. Whooves amongst he chaos. "We're gonna have to put extra deputies on because every nut in the world is gonna come here!" yelled Sunset over the chaos. "I don't think either one of you familiar with our problems!" yelled the Mayor. "Uh I think I am familiar with the fact that you're gonna ignore this particular problem, until it swims up, and BITES YOU IN THE ASS!" yelled Dr. Whooves. Sunset grabbed hold of him to calm down, but he refused. "Now wait a second. Wait a second. There are two ways to deal with this problem! You are either kill this animal, or cut off it's food supply!" "Mayor we have to close the beaches." said Sunset. The Mayor pointed to a billboard with graffiti on it, with a woman on a board that has big eyes and a big mouth, both were drawn, and a shark fin behind her, and a text bubble saying, 'HELP!!! SHARK!' "Shimmer, sick vandalism! That is a deliberate, mutilation of a public service. Now I want you to contact the police, so they could have those paint happy bastards strung up by their buster browns!" Dr. Whooves put his hands on Sunset's shoulders and stared at her, smiling. "That's it! Goodbye! I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a woman who's lining up to be a hot lunch. See ya." said Dr. Whooves as he started to walk away. Sunset ran after him and grabbed him and pulled him back to the Mayor who was facing her back to them. "Ms. Mayor." said Dr. Whooves catching the Mayor's attention. "What we are dealing with here, is a perfect engine, uh, an eating machine. It's really a miracle of evolution. All this machine does, is swim, and eat, and make little sharks and that's all. Now I want you to take a long, close look at this sign. Those proportions are correct." "Love to prove that, wouldn't you. Get your name in the National Geographic." said the Mayor as she walked off, leaving a stupefied Dr. Whooves. He turned to Sunset and started laughing at the fact that this was possibly the most stubborn and stupidest mayor in all of mayor history. Sunset turned to catch up with the Mayor, as Dr. Whooves kept laughing. "Mayor, Mayor if we make an effort today, we might be able to save August." said Sunset as the Mayor opened her car door. "August! For crying out loud, tomorrow's the Fourth of July! And we will be opened for business. It's gonna be one of the best summers we've ever had. Now if you fellers are concerned about the beaches, you do whatever you have to, to make them safe, but those beaches will be open for this weekend." said the Mayor as she got in her car and drove off. Sunset turned and looked at Dr. Whooves, who was sitting on a rock, and both of them knew that opening the beaches on Fourth of July was going to be a terrible a mistake, perhaps a deadly one. > Fourth of July > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- America's Birthday, Independence Day, 4th of July! All of those things are the same thing, in which today was the 4th of July for the citizens of Canterlot. Tourist boats came into the docks of Canterlot Beach as tourists all around the globe swarmed the docks. Families, kids, senor citizens, you name it, they all wanted to go into the nice water of Canterlot Beach. Soon the edge of Canterlot, mostly the beach, was flooded with tourists, wanting to get some Canterlot sea action inside them, which sounds wrong when you put it like that. They did hear about the "shark incident" but chose to ignore it because it wasn't clearly stated whether it was false or true. However, that didn't stop them for wanting some sun, sea, and relaxation at possibly one of the best beaches in America. There they were, flooding the area, in their beach chairs, eating, having fun, making sand castles. However, it appears that none of the tourists aren't in the water. The water was empty, but the beach was full, crowded one might say. Everyone was either standing still, talking to their friends and/or family, or sitting down playing or eating. However, one person who looked like she wasn't wearing swimming gear at all was in motion. That person was Sunset Shimmer. She and Dr. Whooves had a team out in sea to check the waters for that terrifying beast. "Life guard says he can't see anything. How is it out there?" asked Sunset as she raised the walkie talkie to her mouth. "Nothing here Sunset. And nothing on sonar." Dr. Whooves quickly replied and added. "You didn't have to add 'sonar', I knew what you were saying." "Just wanted to be clear, Sunset. Over and out." Sunset looked at her walkie talkie in a confused manner, before shrugging. "Okay." she said to herself. She and one other person was in motion, the announcer who was in front of the humongous crowd, wearing his black suit, holding a microphone in his hand. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the Fourth of July!" the announcer begin. "So what better way to celebrate it, by swimming in one of the most popular beaches in America, Canterlot Beach?" The crowd went wild as they all started cheering as they all wanted to go into the beach. As the announcer kept talking, Sunset was approached by Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, all wearing swimsuit materials. "Sunset." Rarity said behind her, as Sunset turned around. "I just wanted to tell you, to keep our sisters away from the ocean." "Ahem." said Rainbow. "I'm sorry, our sisters and friend, away from the ocean." "We'd like 'em kept in one piece, you hear?" asked Applejack. "Now listen, girls, I can't promise anything. I can't just take that away from them, you girls know they love swimming, and Sweetie Belle just got her boat, and I heard her saying how she can't wait to ride in it. It's not fair to take that away from just those girls while everyone else is having fun in the water." defended Sunset. "They aren't gonna have fun when the shark appears." said Rainbow, sternly. Sunset sighed, not knowing what to do in this predicament. "Fine, how about they go to the pond. There's no sharks out there and people can still see them." The three teenaged girls thought about it for a while before looking back at Sunset. "Fine." said Rainbow Dash. By now, the announcer finished speaking and yet still no one went into the water. Again, they heard that there was a killer shark, but didn't believe it. That doesn't mean they're cautious about the water either. Most of the time, the children wanted to go in the water, but they're parents simply said, 'What a minute.' A couple were enjoying the beach, like the rest of the people, until a familiar person came towards them. It was the Mayor, who else? "Hey, Sweet Family." said the Mayor. The male turned to him, as did his wife. "Oh hey, Mayor." he said. "Enjoying the beach?" "Well of course, the kids are playing in the sand, making sand castles. I just put on some sun screen-" "Sweet, no one is going in the water." Sweet Family looked at her with confusion. "Because there's a shark in there." he said. "Trust me, Sweet, there's not. It's just a myth. Once you go in, everyone else will, and we need people in the water. So go on in." Sweet Family looked at his... well family, before getting up, grabbing a tire. He grabbed his wife's hand, who grabbed their son's hand. There they started walking towards the water, cautiously. Sweet paddled his tire in, all while watching out for some fins. A few kids saw the family go in, and screamed in happiness as they all got up. Soon, another family got up to go in there, then another, then another. Soon a chain reaction started as almost everyone ran towards the water. Now the beach was packed full of tourists in water now. Families started talking to each other, having a great time, as the kids splished and splashed around, while another kid got on a boogie board and started paddling his way. Back on the beach, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo, with the help of other kids, were carrying their boat towards the pond, where it would be a safe distance from the shark. However, unbeknownst to the tourists, something was lurking right below their feet, something great. "I'm pleased to say that we have caught a shark that supposedly injured some people on this beach. Now it's a beautiful day, let's have some fun, and lets all make friends. If only this place was called Amity Beach, because Amity as he know means 'friendship'." The Mayor said to the news reporter as some tourists in the background started waving their hands in the air, trying to get on live television. The patrols on the water tried their best, making sure no sharks intruded their area. However, a fin snuck past them, a fin going towards the tourists. What were these patrols doing, looking at their toes? One man was having fun with his family until he turned around to see the fin coming right towards the crowd. He went from happy to frightened in a flick of a switch, as he frantically started swimming away. Same thing towards a woman, as she started swimming away as well. "Shark!" yelled the woman. "Shark! Shark in the water!" Fortunately, the life guard heard this and on his station, he saw a black fin coming towards the tourists. Not wasting time, he grabbed his whistle and blew as hard as he could. The loud deafening sound was heard amongst all tourists as they all saw the fin coming towards them. The patrols ready their weapons and waited for a clear shot, until everyone was out of the water. By now, all tourists were swimming away from the water, pushing and shoving each other, as a man took a kid's boogie board and started swimming away. Every second was like a nightmare for these people as they swam for their lives towards the beach. People all gathered by the beach, helping their friends and families to their safety, as one man was unfortunately trampled by a dozen of bare feet, barely breathing as his head was stomped in the water and wet sand. He coughed and spat out water and gasped for air, before someone managed to drag him away, still spitting out sand and water. The fin, however, stopped near the patrol boats as it sunk into the water, revealing it to be two teenaged boys, Snips and Snails. They were in scuba gear as they both gave high fives, before hearing a clicking noise. They turned to see the patrol people aiming their guns at them, slowly putting them away as they saw Snips and Snails. "Oops." said Snails. "It was just a prank?" said Snips, nervously. Back on the beach, Sunset was making people back up, and helping the people who were injured during the frenzy. "Sunset, come in Sunset." said Dr. Whooves to his walkie talkie. Hearing this, Sunset grabbed her walkie talkie. "Go ahead, Dr. Whooves." "It was a false alarm. Two teenaged boys had a cardboard cut out fin and used it to scare the tourists." "We're sorry!" yelled Snips. Hearing that familiar voice, she sighed. "Snips and Snails, who else. Okay, tell their parents they're alright. Let them off easy, just say they were trying to have fun at a bad time." "Copy that Sunset." During all the chaos on the beach, a fin was spotted near the pond, swimming right where the Cutie Mark Crusaders were. This time, the fin was real. Luckily, a woman who was walking on shore, spotted the fin, and grew a frantic look on her face. "Shark! Sh-shark!" she yelled. "Shark in the pond! Shark, in the estuary! It's going in the pond! It's going in the pond!" Beside her, was the same kid during Diamond Tiara's attack, Hunter Blood. He was wearing swim trunks as he laid in his beach chair, wearing sun glasses. His tattoos on his body visible. He lifted the sunglasses to look at the woman, with an annoyed look. "Listen, lady, shut up! I'm trying to relax here, but I can't when you keep crying wolf." Hunter then put his sunglasses back on as he leaned in on his chair. "Besides, the shark's dead, it was caught yesterday." "Shark! Shark! There's a shark!" the lady kept yelling. The cries of shark was heard by Sunset, who looked at her general direction. "Not another hoax." she said. Before she could go check, Applejack grabbed her arm, having a concern look on her face. "Applebloom an' her friends are in the pond." she said. Hearing this, she started running towards the pond, hoping she'll get there on time. Out in the pond, The Cutie Mark Crusaders were on the boat that Sweetie Belle got on her birthday. Applebloom was working on a white rope so they could make sure they don't drift too far. "Maybe you have to tie it the other way around." suggested Sweetie Belle. "Ah know how to tie a knot." stated Applebloom. "Sure looks like you don't." commented Scootaloo. A man in a red rowing boat came rowing in towards them. "Hey girls! Girls! Do you think you can reel it in?" he yelled. Sunset came running and running, closer each second, hoping she'll get there before anything happens. Unbeknownst to the man, the shark came closer and closer to him. "Hey, are you girls alright?" he asked. Then all of a sudden, the shark collided with the boat, causing the man to fall in the water. The man's boat also collided with The Cutie Mark Crusader's boat, making them fall in the water. Both the man and the girls came out of the water, gasping for air. The man started swimming towards his boat until the beast from below grabbed onto his leg. He felt the pull and started panicking as he frantically tried to grab his boat, but to no avail. He started screaming, and screaming, catching the attention of several people, including Hunter himself. He took off his sun glasses and squinted towards the man's direction. He could see the man waving his arms as he screamed bloody murder. Finally, after one final scream, he was taken under water, the area where he was turning red. In the bottom of the pond, the man's dismembered leg fell to the bottom, loose skin falling as the tip of his tibia bone was shown. Hunter looked at this ghastly sight, before putting his sunglasses back on. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't see that." he said. "The shark ate that man!" yelled a woman. "Gonna pretend I didn't hear that either." "There's a shark in the water, and there's kids, too!" yelled a man. "... I'm just gonna leave." said Hunter, nonchalantly, before getting off his chair. Applebloom looked at this site and become traumatized, fainting in the water. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo emerged from the water and immediately saw Applebloom, lying in the middle of the water. Swimming towards her, they quickly grabbed her and started swimming towards the shore. By now, Sunset witnessed the man's death and looked over the bridge to see the shark leaving the pond to go into the open sea. A whole crowd of people passed her as she looked to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo dragging Applebloom on shore. Seeing Applebloom not moving, she started running at full speed to go to her. She approached Applebloom as Applejack came running behind her. "Is she dead?" asked Applejack. "No, she's in shock." replied Sunset as she grabbed Applebloom after taking a towel from a man. She wrapped it around the poor girl and gave her to Applejack. Applejack walked away with Applebloom in her hands, followed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Sunset however looked at the bridge and looked out to the sea. This time, she really needed to talk to the Mayor. Will this beast ever stop terrorizing Canterlot Beach?