> Down Below > by RedRandom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Book of Bub > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia’s bright, morning sun rose gently over the sweet population of the tiresome, little town of Ponyville. Birds sang a cheery song to their young, and a lone rooster let out a fierce cry. And just like the habitants, everything in the village was just starting to become awake and lively. Twilight Sparkle, on the other hoof, hadn't even slept a wink. Pacing in her quiet, closed castle, Twilight anxiously muttered under her breath. The soft carpet of her home library, slowly getting worn out from right underneath her hooves, her midnight–purple irises not once leaving their strict focus on the ground. Off to the side, a confused Pinkie Pie could only blink in response to her friend’s abnormal pacing, still trying to fully wake up herself. After all, the lavender alicorn had just came knocking out her door only a couple hours back. Worry in her tone, and a nervous look in her eyes. Of course Pinkie Pie had to come and help. That was what a good friend did, after all. “Sooo,” Pinkie beamed, her own eyes wandering around. She had seen the castle many times before, sure. Yet that feeling of magnificence whenever she entered never seemed to diminish. “What do you need, Twi? Are you planning to throw a party and you need good ol’ Auntie Pinkie Pie’s help?” Twilight scowled. “I'm many months older than you, Pinkie. And this is no time for your parties!” she unintentionally snapped. Pinkie slightly deflated, her once cheerful smile, dropping to a grim frown. Twilight exhaled sharply, immediately softening up. “Look, Pinkie. I didn't mean that. I'm just stressed, that's all it is.” “Well, what about?” questioned Pinkie, sourly pouting. “Is it a test? ‘Cause I could help you study!” Twilight couldn't help but smile at Pinkie’s generous offer. It astounded her sometimes how such a grumpy mare such as herself could have so amazing friends. “Well,” the mare hesitated, unsure of how the pink mare would answer. “It’s actually about Nightmare Night, silly as it may sound.” Unexpectedly, Pinkie sympathetically nodded, fully intrigued. The holiday was a favorite of hers, and the fact that it wasn't only coming up shortly, but being brought up in the conversation made Pinkie sure she could help. “And well, Spike,” she quickly added. Ah yes, Pinkie could remember how much fun Spike had around this time of year. But then again, who didn't? The spooky decorations that the citizens hung up around the town, alongside the sweet candies Sugarcube Corner often gave out around the time. How frightened you would be when you and a friend finally entered the annual Apple Haunted Mansion. Or perhaps the scary film you'd watch at home, wrapped in your blanket, a full bowl of popcorn in your mouth. Yes, the holiday was one that was for all ages and creatures alike. Even the princesses occasionally taking part. “What about them?” Pinkie asked, with a comforting, friendly grin. “Well, you know how Spike loves the holiday,” she began, preparing to enter full ramble mode. “And well, I just don't think I can go this year. After all, Starlight and I have to go on another meeting with Princess Celestia and Luna that day. And there is little to no way I could make it back in time!” Pinkie thought long and hard about what to say next to try and fix Twilight's problem, or at least try to make her feel better about it. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she spotted something sparkling. "What's that?" she asked as she casually trotted over towards it. Twilight sighed a bit in annoyance. "I don't think that's going to help anypony Pink-" she began to scold until she saw what pinkie had in her mouth. In her mouth appeared to be a spell book, however, the difference seemed to be substantial compared to her other books. It was rather dusty but could still be made out in detail. "Es caled da bok ofsh Bubb,” Pinkie stated with the book still in her mouth as she talked. Twilight's magic freed the leather book from Pinkie's maw as the alicorn began to examine it. "Umm...I don't think I own this book," she said as she recalled all 7000 books that she had memorized to find it but to no eval. From what she could gather, the book seemed to be a first addition demonology summoning book. However, she had no Idea who this Bub character was, if they were a real thing anyhow. Suddenly, the sound of Pinkie gasping when she got an idea had indicated that yes, she had an idea. "TWILIGHT!" she shouted before stopping herself by putting her hoof in her mouth. "I have an idea to help you with your problem!" she giggled excitedly at the thought of her plan. Twilight again sighed. "Does It have anything to do with book Pinkie?” she asked with vicious nodding coming from pinkie pie being her answer. "...And how will this very old book be the answer to my predicament, Pinkie?" she asked again as the party pony stopped dancing with joy to discuss her plan. "Welll..." she began with a silly smile on her adorable pink face. "You could throw a spooky party before you have to go, then you won't have to feel left out this year," she finished, the smile never leaving her face as she spoke. Twilight thought about the Idea for a minute, then for five minutes. A smile crept onto her face as she hugged Pinkie with joy. "Thanks, Pinkie!, you have no idea how grateful I am for this," she smiled as she bear hugged the pink pony, who returned the gesture with glee. Then, before Twilight knew it, Pinkie was gone. A small note appeared on her nose and as she grabbed it, she began to read read, "Gone to invite the others, maybe the CMC too, be right back to help set this party up!...Signed Pinkie," she read aloud, a little confused by how pinkie could run as fast as she did sometimes. But as she looked down upon the old book, she noticed the text of the cover glow magically, she didn't really pay much attention though as it was probably just magic residue from it's age. For now, she had a party to plan. "This is going to be the best Spooky Party Night ever!" she thought as she gleefully skipped out of the library, book in tow. > Chapter One: The Witching Hours > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was pouring rain during the night that all of the girls were coming over to Twilight's castle. For it was a great time for what they were about to do that night and the atmosphere was a neat little coincidence as the now nearing holiday came closer with every passing day. But way up high through an open window, nine voices could be heard as many talked about current events. One was a little orange Pegasus who was lying next to a cyan blue Pegasus mare with a rainbow style mane which almost mixed with the filly's purple mane. She didn't know why she wasn't talking with her friends or why she felt a little scared to talk to the mare she was next to, but she did know that she was comfortable where she was, the rain hitting the windowsill outside, giving it a soft pitter patter like sound, soothed her ears as she almost fell asleep but shook her head to remind herself that, she had to talk a bit before going to sleep. With a little effort to not try and disturb the mare beside her, the filly got up onto her hooves and casually walked over towards one of the other fillies that had come over to the castle with their siblings. "How are you Apple Bloom?" she asked with a cute smile as she spoke to the cream color coated and red-maned cowgirl known as Apple Bloom, sister to the mare known as Applejack. "Oh, I'm just fine and dandy Scoots," she answered with her southern accent as the two friends hugged. "So Scootaloo, have ya managed to talk to her yet?" she asked in which scoots responded with rubbing the back of her head with her hoof awkwardly. "...You didn't even try, did you?!" she silently screamed which was fortunately muffled by the music and a rather hyperactive pink pony, who was jumping and dancing with some of the group. "Why not!?" she asked with a confused tone of voice. The Pegasus looked to the ground with the corner of her eyes nervously as she began to find an excuse. "I...I-I don't know why, maybe I'm just not ready yet to say anything?" she asked herself and responded at the same time which caused Apple Bloom to bring her hoof to her face in annoyance and disappointment. "Do ya really think that's the only reason why ya can't talk to Rainbow Dash?, I mean when has that stopped ya before your birthday?" she inquired with a little sass put into her voice before she was cut off by the last filly of the party. "Talk to Rainbow Dash about what?" she asked rather innocently as she walked towards the two, her two-toned purple mane bouncing a bit onto her white coat as she trotted with a cocktail of happiness and enthusiasm. The other two getting rather hesitant with telling her the situation they were discussing. "Guys?" she stated in a confused and concerned way. "Oh don't worry Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom stated with a reassuring smile which caused said Sweetie to become calm once more. Apple Bloom continued. "We were just trying to figure out how to expand the CMC to other places," she answered with a white lie which seemed to be able to fool her friend into not asking about it. Business wasn't really Sweetie Belle's strong suit so she would not be interested that much. "Oh, alright then," Sweetie said without even realizing that she had been had. "Do you guys wanna dance?" she abruptly asked with surprising amounts of excitement in her eyes. "It'll be really fun, come on!" she shouted as she trotted towards the improvised dance floor with a simple I-Pone 7 amplifier instead of the famous Vinyl Scratch, who seemed to provide her services to pinkie almost every time she had a party, for free no less, and a cheap looking, small disco ball that hung from the ceiling. The two looked at each other before turning back towards their friend." Yeah, sure!" they both answered at the same time. Apple Bloom started to follow Sweetie towards the small dance floor. But Scootaloo didn't follow instantly which caused Apple Bloom to turn around with impatience." Come on Scoots!" she called as she turned around to dance. Scootaloo looked at the dance floor where her friends and their siblings were having what the Apple's called it, a "Hoe down," and then to the cyan mare near one of the tables of punch and cider, who was having a little nap. She didn't know why but she had this feeling of uneasiness when she looked at the mare. She did know from school that when you reached puberty, you started to have feelings of attraction towards those that you liked. But she didn't know why she felt that way towards Rainbow Dash, she saw her like a sister or even motherly figure in her life but not that way, did she?. Ever since her fifteenth birthday, things had become even more complicated than ever. But she decided to put those thoughts into the back of her mind, for now, she could deal with that later on, now she was going to enjoy the evening with her friends and that's it. With that, she happily galloped towards her friends to dance her worries away with a smile on her face. After about an hour of dancing, the whole group stopped when Twilight stopped the music on the I-Pone 7. With a rather large book in her telekinetic grasp. "Girls!, I think it's time to make this party a little bit spooky!" she shouted as the ponies who had been dancing stopped with heavy panting. "Sugar cube, if ya don't mind me asking, what in tarn nation is that is your magic?" Applejack asked as she trotted over towards the purple Alicorn. "Ah mean, what kind of "scary" thing be locked up in that book anyhow?" she added as she flicked her blonde pony-tail (Ha, puns)to the back of her head. Twilight looked back towards Aj with a smile. "I'm glad you asked Applejack," she started as she showed the book to the rest of the group." This is a very old summoning spell book that I found while getting the library set up, I think it would be really fun if we tried to summon something from the book," she finished as the rest of the group listened to her every word. Suddenly the silence was stopped when Rainbow dash, who had gotten up thirty minutes ago. "That sounds awesome!" she yelled as she hovered in the air with excitement. "Let's do it right now!" she demanded with full enthusiasm apparent in her voice. "Yeah!" Pinkie also yelled. "ThisisgonnabethescariestthinguntilNightmareNight!, won't it be so much fun Fluttershy?" she asked the yellow Pegasus who had not been talking that much during the entire event. Fluttershy looked nervously around her as everypony looked at her, waiting for her response. "Oh...um, m-maybe we shouldn't be messing around with that stuff. It could be dangerous," she advised as she awkwardly kicked the ground underneath her to try and distract herself from their staring, she was failing miserably. The soft, comforting hoof of Rarity gently patted Fluttershy's shoulder as she spoke. "Oh don't worry Fluttershy," she said in a motherly like demeanor. "It'll probably just be nothing special darling, and if it is then I think we can take them on in a fight," she reassured softly with a smile. "We ARE the Elements of Harmony after all," she added with a playful giggle. With that, the room had been cleaned some what as the book was laid out in the middle of the room wide open as the group sat around it in a semi-circle, Twilight sat in front of the book as she was the one who kind of knew how it worked. With a flick of the lights, the room was somewhat dark, the candles that they had manged to find and Twilight's horn being the only things that illuminated small amount of the room. As her horn's aura became bigger as she put more concentration and power into the spell, she began to chant a strange spew of twisted words. "On the stormy week before Nightmare Night, we wish to see the first creatures of fright," she began with a strange twang in her voice as she chanted. "For on this week is the barrier of resurrection weak and a weak creature tonight we seek," she continued as the others watched, Fluttershy clearly uncomfortable with the event going on in front of her but was being consoled by Rarity. "Oh don't worry darling, everything will be fine, trust me," she stated with confidence in her voice towards the strange sight that she was seeing at the moment. Twilight's horn began to glow even brighter as almost all her energy was put into summoning just a weak creature. But she continued to chant the final words as if they were being ripped out of her mouth by unseen forces. "So come forward king of the under night, let us see with our eyes, the original monster of fright!" she bellowed and wheezed out the last words as she fell to the ground, her magic depleted. The group rushed towards the Alicorn's side with curiosity and concern in their eyes. "Sweet Celestia!, Twilight are you okay!" they cried as they helped Twilight to her hooves. "Y-yes girls...I-I'm fine," she panted out as she used the rest of the magic that she had to pick up the top-hat, which had appeared on the floor as she finished the spell. "T-T-THAT'S IT!" she shouted before being interrupted by the sound of laughter... that was coming from the hat in question. The entire group shrieked in terror when the hat began to enlarge as a figure appeared just under it, the figure grew and grew until it was as tall as Princess Celestia herself, the laughing coming to a halt as the figure revealed it's self. What stood in front of them was a very tall, slender pony. Except, there was no flesh or skin to speak of, he was a skeleton. He wore a tuxedo which was a little bit torn but overall it looked as though it was kept in good condition, a small white rose was attached to one of his front pockets. A red tie could be seen around his neck, almost like a noose it appeared so tight around it. There were no mane or tail to see as he stood there with a smile on his bony face. Speaking of his face, there was only one eye in his right socket, Which seemed almost as black as the other empty socket as he looked right into their very souls. The very same top hat that had appeared was in his magical grasp, a wrathful red color, that came from the horn on his head, the horn looked as though it was broken in half. The top hat being plopped on to the Skeleton's noggin hid his horn from view. His laughs coming back up his non-existing throat, his teeth rattling as he cackled with relief. The group stood there in silence, shaking in fear at the sight of this strange being in front of them. The silence being quenched when the tall pony decided to speak in his raspy Louisianan accent. "Why, hello there little gals," he calmly hissed as he walked over to the group with a little pip in his every step. "Did you mention Celestia just then. Why, I remember when she was just a little foal all those eons ago." He recalled with a smile on his fictional lips as he bent down to look the quivering group in the eyes. "And what good souls have I got here then?" he echoed as he inspected the terrified group with his watchful eye. "The Elements of Harmony if I'm correct, as well as the recently granted Princess of Friendship," he stated as he gleefully licked the alicorn's face with a magical, black, forked tongue as she squirmed with disgust. "A pleasure if I do must say so myself." The group jumped in a mixture of fright, anger, and awe at the skeleton as they separated. Rainbow Dash being the first to speak up. "Who the hay are you!, how do you even know us or the Princess!?, she demanded with most of the anger in the group being in her. The skeleton cocked his head to the side in a false shed of innocence as he quickly and suddenly appeared next to her, scaring the daylights out of her. "Well, after Tirek came down to me for the second time thanks to you, he wouldn't shut his yapper as he whined and complained that "It wasn't fair","It was impossible", "It's like a Saturday morning cartoon show or something"," he remembered as he cringed at the thought. "As for ole Celestia? I've been around for a long time Miss Dash, I remember quite a lot." he stated with a cheeky grin. "I even remember that I still had my wings at the time", he added with a grim frown." That is until they were cut off by a certain Draconwquus!" he snarled at nothing as he remembered the event, but calmed down a bit to finish his answers. "But, who am I?, I think I best show you in the best way I know how...HIT IT!" he shouted before he dissipated from sight. Before the Group could react, the environment changed somewhat as spot lights and Tiny skeleton foals ran around with clipboards and equipment, getting ready for whatever the mad pony had in mind. Then, before their eyes, the tall skeleton appeared once more. instead, with a cane in his red magic aura. "Ready boys?", he asked the band of Draconic looking skeletons with saxophones, guitars and other instruments that made up a Jazz routine. The main Dragon gave him a thumbs up to indicate that they were ready to go. With that, the skeleton raised his cane into the air and shouted "Hit it, boys!", as he slid over to the Scared Fluttershy. This is the lyrics to the song "Down Below". Hey little gal, come on say hello, step right up, I'm just a working Joe, so here's a little info that I thought you should know I'm just your average evil skeleton from Down Below! Some of the little skeletons came from out of the ground with a hiss and started to dance, the Tall one began to break dance with ease as the group looked on. The skeleton stopped long enough to pull a card out of his pocket and gave it to them. Well Bub's the name, and soul collecting's my game, to me, you all look all mighty the same. But I do have to admit, even though you alike to me, your souls look delectable like this town don't you see! So I was chilling, ruling down at my place, I had the most dull expression, on my face. But then I felt something, it excited me too, I felt the magic conjuring of you! Bub looked straight at Twilight as she tried desperately to recover her magic but to no eval, as a mysterious ring had appeared onto it without her noticing. The skeleton smiled devilishly when she finally realized this and relished in that fact by using his own magic to force her to dance with him as the others had to watch, the same magic holding them back. When I heard you'd try and summon an imp, I'm like. "Why you trying to summon a wimp!". So I used your own magic and here I am, now I can execute my most marvelous plan! Now, now, now, you look shy!, I really don't know or could imagine why. For where you're going, I can surely tell, You don't look ready to be going to hell! With a wave of Bub's hoof, the bound ponies started to be dragged by his magic towards a fiery gate that he had materialized out of nothing while he danced with his little helpers. The band playing the song very well, even though it was kind of muffled be the screams of the ponies, who tried to run and struggle but couldn't even move thanks to the skeleton's superior magic. Now don't you fret, in fact, you all are in for a treat, the folks down there are the best that you'll meet. But unfortunately, this is the end of the show, as you're all going down to Down Below! The screams continued until they finally made it to the gate of Down Below as they slowly began to be dropped one by one, each yelling at the top of their lungs as they fell into the abyss below, little devils playing violins to try and fail to calm them down as they fell. The three fillies had been taking a little too long to reach the gate which annoyed Bub a bit, as his response was to calmly take the three into a group just at the edge of the hell hole and eagerly bucked them into the pit. he began to sing once more as they fell. But unfortunately, this is the end of the show, as you're all going down to Down Below!, You're all going down to DOWN BELOOOOOOOWWWWW! As the room became the same again as his magic stopped at his command, smiling with self-satisfaction of getting rid of them. "Well... that get's rid of those pests," he giggled with delight as he turned around only to see the cowering wreck that was Spike. He seemed to have come at the wrong time and it clearly showed as he stared in horror at the monster that had kicked his friends down to hell, literally. "Ummm, perhaps it's time to open the Resurrection Stations then," he thought to himself as he grabbed Spike with his magic. "Maybe I should turn you to ash?" he teased as the Dragon cowered, tears running down his face. With a quick chuckle, the Skeleton tossed the Dragon out of the window with the intent that he died from the fall. but instead of dying, Spike conveniently landed into a barrel of water. After falling out of the barrel as it fell down, water spilling everywhere, Spike stood up not knowing what to do. But before he could do anything or write to the Princess, a gigantic red beam of magic came from the very same room he had just been thrown out of. It punctured the clouds and even the sky itself as a dome made of what appeared to be red magical swirls slowly cut the entirety of Ponyville off from the rest of the world. After that, figures started to fall out of this demonic dome and into the streets, attacking anyone that they saw. Before Spike knew what was doing on he was running for his life as a strange cross of a Goat and a squid chased him for an hour, blood from his previous victims dripped from his body with each step he took. As Spike didn't know where he was going due to the fear and adrenaline, he found himself in the dead end of an alleyway. The fear was unbearable as he turned around to see the hungry, sadistically smiling face of the demon in front of him, screeching madly with rage and somehow giggling insanely at the same time as he stood there. Spike, without realizing that he took the fight option in the choice of Fight or Flight, grabbed a broken metal pole from a beaten. rusty old gate and a trash bin lid. They both stared each other down as they both readied up for the battle But, when the demon pounced and the small dragon closed his eyes, afraid for his life, the battle was already over. When Spike opened his eyes the demon had been reduced to a pile of dust, standing over the pile was a stallion, In around his mid-sixties. A horn could be seen on his head with smoldering embers swirling around it. The evidence of him using a fire spell and incinerating the demon was very clear. His dark cowboy attire gave him the impression of a very tough individual as he slipped his cowboy hat upwards to reveal the eyes of a very old and experienced Unicorn, but also of a very kindly soul that seemed very concerned for the young Draconic boy. His eyes also appeared to be on fire, but Spike chocked that up to the after effect of the fire spell being used, he had seen it before. "Do ya need some help there, sonny?" he asked with a kind smile as calmly trotted passed the dust pile to get to the young Dragon. Spike looked frantically around at the carnage that Skeleton brought with him." W-WHAT'S GOING ON!?" he screamed/asked as the elder also looked around at the damages done to the nice town he had wandered into. "I don't know what happened and I personally don't care," he stated as he began to trot back where he came from. "I'm just trying to help as many people as I can, so if you want to help well then that's fine by me," he added as he continued onward. Spike looked at the pile of dust that had been chasing him just a few minutes ago, then to the pony who saved him. After some thought put into the situation and after hearing something else in the alleyway beside him, he quickly rushed down to the elder's side. Spike looked at the old Unicorn with a nervous glance, not sure if he should introduce himself to him, he HAD just saved his life after all. The older one was having the same thoughts, not knowing if the young boy should know his name or not, it's not like he didn't know who he was, though. Who could forget Spike the Dragon, Saver of the Crystal Empire from the tyrannical King Sombra! No, he should probably get it over with. It just make things awkward in the future, he's seen things weirder than him anyhow. Without any hesitation the Unicorn turned towards spike, to tell him his name. Unfortunately for him, Spike had the exact same Idea in his mind as he too turned towards the elder. "My name is El...," they both stated before shutting their mouths, trying to let the other speak. "My name is Spi...," This was going to be a very awkward evening indeed. With a little ego boost from his subconscious, the old one put a hoof on the spike's shoulder in an attempt of comfort. "My name's Eldur," he calmly stated as the Dragon looked into his eyes. "And I know who you are Spike," he said in a father-like way. "I... I saw you fall out of that window just before that red beam came from the castle, d-do you know what happened?" he asked in the kindest way that he could muster from his voice box. The reference the castle instantly caused Spike to ball into tears. even though he tried his hardest to keep it quiet, Spike just couldn't bare the thought of what happened to his friends. "Yes..., i-it was horrible!" Spike confessed to the Unicorn, who still had his hoof on Spike's shoulder. "I-I walked into the room and saw them, being dragged into a pit of fire by a tall Skeleton with a top hat," he continued with tears still pouring down his little, scaly face. "The most horrifying part about it was-was the way he danced, singed, even as they fell one by one with a sick, twisted smile on his face!" he finished with a frown as the two stopped to let him have a minute. Afterward, they continued on their way through the ruined streets, carefully watching their backs in case a visitor decided to join them. They didn't know how many they would find, but they still did. Maybe they could find a place to hide afterward. > Chapter Two: The Doctor's Office > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The only thing Twilight remembered before entering unconsciousness was the twisted smile of that mad Skeleton, how he appeared to be having the time of his life from just watching the group fall into their unforeseen nightmare as he danced with his little minions. And the image of Spike in her eye just before she fell, the very thought of what he might do to her number one assistant just crippled her. She didn't know what plans he had for Ponyville, or if he was going to go after the Princesses but she didn't care at the moment. All she wanted to do was to stop him, no matter the cost. That is if she could just wake up from her being knocked out cold. As she slowly opened her eyes, she saw her friends, safe and sound, trying their hardest to wake her up. Worried beyond belief. She was still amazed by how one such as herself could have such amazing friends like them. When the group finally noticed Twilight waking up from her little trip to Dream Land they immediately grouped hugged her, almost crushing her back with how much love they put into it. As they let go of the tired alicorn, Pinkie Pie turned to face her friend, her hair deflated entirely. "Twilight!" she shouted with a smile on her depressed, pink face." A-are you okay?, do you need anything?" she asked with a small amount of hope in her eyes. The other's, ready to get anything that Twilight desired. Twilight looked to all her friends with a smile before answering Pinkie's question. "T-thank you Pinkie, everypony," she started as her weak smile turned into a grin of untarnished happiness. "I w-would like something to drink, though if you wouldn't mind." "I've got the beauty's medicine riiigghttt here," the mysterious figure stated, startling everyone in the room, with a bottle of liquid in his right tentacle. He was an odd fellow, to say the least. The way his goat-like legs wobbled their way over to the bed that Twilight had been sleeping in made you kind of giggle. His bloated belly of blubber hid by the doctor's coat that he wore rather fashionably, slurped and squished with every step he took. His bulbous, green eye locked gazes with Twilight as he finally made it to her. "who are you?" Twilight asked as the creature popped the cork from the bottle of ooze and started to pour it into a clean glass. The creature looked at her with surprise and sudden realization. "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot you were new to this place," he apologized as he put two ice cubes into the glass." I am Doctor Pork Rott, but you can call me Dr. Rott", he calmly stated as he passed the glass to the sickly pony. Before the glass even reached her, Twilight could already smell the putrid stench of the "drink" and recoiled in disgust. Dr. Rott sighed a little as a result. "Look, it'll fix you up lickity split," he proclaimed as he looked over to the rest of the group, who rubbed the back of their heads in embarrassment as they also recoiled when they smelled the ooze the first time. With a little help from the doctor, who pinched Twilight's nose so she didn't have to taste the foul beverage, she drank it with relative ease. Then, with what seemed to be a strange form of healing magic, she felt almost completely better. Well almost as she almost fell onto her face when she tried to get up, the Doctor and Rainbow Dash helping her balance until she could walk like she did before. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, walked through the door with three trays of food, or what could be called food, for the nine of them. As they tucked into their dinner, Twilight had a sudden magical vision of something she couldn't quite explain. In the vision, the familiar figure of a Skeleton stood there with all four hooves on the floor, a teasing grin on his face. In front of him were the figures of Ponies she didn't know, the local Mechanic of Ponyville, Scrap Yard, The Noddle shop owner, Chopstick and in the middle of them was Spike, sitting in a corner looking hopeless. "You better hurry up and get back here little missy," he taunted. "I think your friend is getting a little lonely, and I'd hate it if you quit before the Dead moon finally stopped," he added before disappearing along with the rest of the vision as she came out of it. Screaming. When she realized she was in the caring arms of her friends she calmed down a little, still shaken from what she had seen. Doctor Rott softly smacked the dazed alicorn to get her attention, inspecting her with care and as delicate as a newborn. "Perhaps it has something to do with the inhibitor ring on your horn," he suggested as he flicked said ring with his left hand. "don't try and pry it off Miss Sparkle, I already tried and failed," he stated with an annoyed frown. "Seems that it's stuck on with powerful magic, I can't even budge it," he added as he waddled over to one of the desks in the right corner of the room. "Now that you're awake and kicking," he started as he held a piece of paper and a pen in his hand and tentacle." I'll need you to sign these Death Certificates", he finished, the last two words confusing and shocking Twilight as she looked to her friends. "Wait...what?" Applejack stepped forward to try and freshen up her friend's knowledge of what was happening. "Well, ya see sugar cube...when we were shoved down here by that varmint. We sort of...died," she said in the most simple way she could. The rest nodding in agreement. Twilight's eyes almost popped out of her head as she heard this. Her, DEAD! No no no, that just couldn't be true, could it? With a little pat on the back, Twilight turned and was greeted by the papers that she had to sign. with a sigh, she took them and began to write the certificates, not that her hoof-writing was bad, she just had a better time with magic. As she handed the documents to the Doctor, who with a quick dab of magic, turned them into a blue, leather passport. "Great, now if you wouldn't mind, I would like to know who kicked you down here in the first place. A soul catcher maybe?" he asked as the rest shook from the memory of the Skeleton. "H-he, said his name was, B-Bub", Sweetie Belle squeaked before crying a bit, being comforted by her sister. The name triggering a surprised expression from the Doctor as he turned to face the young filly. "D-did you j-just say what I think you just s-said". Rainbow dash scoffed as she hovered in the air angrily, she had not been able to fly at all since she had been there. That Skeleton's non-existent butt was soooo getting kicked when they got out of here. "I'm sure you're not deaf Doc!" she shouted, her wings flapping even more furiously. "He was tall, had one eye, wore a tuxedo, a top hat!" she began to list every feature she could think of as she became even more angry. "HE WAS A WALKING, TALKING SKELETON FOR CELESTIA'S SAKE!" > Chapter Three: Finding Home Base > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIX DAYS BEFORE NIGHTMARE NIGHT PONYVILLE Sugarcube Corner stood strong after the onslaught that had wreaked the once happy town of Ponyville. The Nightmare Night decorations, still hung up, shifted from the wind. The once happy residents of the town, hiding in fear from the demons that plagued the streets, looking...no...craving for the next fight. Inside the building, the place was heavily barracked with the use of almost every piece of furniture in the building. Sitting in the middle of the room, on some old boxes of ingredients, sat seven individuals, five ponies, a Diamond Dog and a dragon. Behind the counter, the Cakes sat there with a depressed look on their face, trying their best to not cause their children to cry and attract unwanted attention outside. Spike and Eldur, sat beside each other as they were together before meeting the rest of the team and coming to the building. The feeling of emptiness was in the air as the group tried to keep quiet while socializing at the same time. One was a pegasus, his brown coat a little damp with sweat from running for a bit. The rusty red mane of his dropped down over his eyes as he kept watch over the door. Being the second largest in the room, aside from the Diamond Dog who was also watching the door. Speaking of the Diamond Dog, his light gray fur and brown mustache were dirty with all the activity he did in his workshop. He scratched his bald head with one claw as he held a home-made shotgun with the other, the ammo in one of his apron's pouches. On his head was a common welding mask, which gave him an intimidating appearance combined with his stature, hunched slightly. Sitting on the floor was a teenage filly, the cloak she wore hid her black coat but not her dark red mane with dark purple highlights. She appeared to be whispering to herself as she held a doll to her face. The others not wanting to interrupt her. "Why are we sitting here with these mortals in the first place?" one of the voices asked with annoyance. "How else are suppose to stay alive, idiot?" another, feminine voice mocked, clearly angering the first voice, much to her amusement. "Can we please just calm down for a minute and try to figure out how to get out of here?, please" asked the final voice, seeming to be the most reasonable of the three. The filly sighed a bit. "But how would we get out of here exactly?" she questioned with little to no emotion in her voice. "Doesn't that barrier block the only way out of here?" she asked the three voices in her head, all three turned quiet as they thought. "Mayyybeee... we can use the people in this room to help us out," the feminine one suggested. the Filly sat there in silence as all four of them began to think of a plan. Hovering in the air was an incredibly annoyed looking Stallion, his sandy blonde coat and white mane, with a single sky blue stripe, stood on end as he hovered impatiently. How, of all possibility's, could the rest of his friends get to go to Manehattan while he had to stay and mind the house, It doesn't even matter if demons had taken control of the town, he was still kind of pissed about it. The last one was a stallion, who appeared to be meditating as he seemed the most calm out of the lot. His red oriental clothing and hat stuck out against his pale Yellow coat and black mane, which was tied in a small ponytail. He would have been more concerned for his sister, but luckily for him, his sister traveled to Manehattan with the pegasus' friends. He seemed to not be paying attention to anyone as he sat there. The pegasus decided to get something to eat, trying to distract his anger with food down his gullet. With a quick leap and a flap of his wings, he hopped over the counter. Before he could get to the tasty treats, though, he noticed the Cakes with their children, the parents clearly scared for both their lives and, even more so, their children's. "Come on Windbreaker, go over there and try and calm them down," his subconscious demanded as he began to trot over to the terrified family. As Windbreaker looked over at the Cake twins and quietly walked over to them, he gave Mister and Misses Cake a quick nod before kneeling down in front of the children. "Hey guys, don't worry. Everything's going to be fine," He said as he took off the goggles from his head and held them in front of Pound and Pumpkin. "Y'see these right here? These are very special flying goggles that have special powers that protect you. When you put these on, nothing can hurt you." He draped his goggles over Pound and Pumpkin, the band of the goggles kept them from falling past their necks. The pegasus smiled as he gently ruffled both of their heads. "Don't lose hope kids, be strong for Mommy and Daddy," he stated before turning his head towards the now smiling couple. "How are you guys doing?" he asked the two with a concerned expression on his nervous face. Carrot Cake sighed a bit with relief, knowing his children were now calm. "W-were fine now Windbreaker...I can sure tell you that much," he admitted as he looked to his wife, her eyes sparkling with comfort and happiness. "We do appreciate the help dearie, thank you so much," Cup Cake thanked as she nuzzled her children, who giggled a giggle only a child could as they too embraced their mother. "Oh, and you don't need to pay for the food, free of charge," she added. With a nod of thanks, Windbreaker took a small chocolate bar from the supplies, hopped over the counter again to sit with the rest, leaving the family to have their personal moment. Before they could think, a sound could be heard outside, the sound of hushed voices came from just outside the door as the rest inside the building kept quiet, not knowing who or what it was. The large pegasus' face went from a sad frown to a huge smile of joy as the strange voices revealed themselves to be his fellow circus members. Leading the group was a rather muscular Reindeer, wearing a traditional Ringmaster attire. His brown coat looked a little dirty and sweaty from all the stress he was putting on his body. It surprised the Diamond Dog that he only had one antler. the other completely gone. "What happened to him?" he asked, putting some ammo into his home-made shotgun just in case. He looked a bit surprised by the pegasus' grinning face. "Barnstormer...you know him?" he asked in his Manehatten accent, pulling the mask off his face. The pegasus looked to the confused Diamond Dog. "Course I know him, he's my boss Scarp!", he elaborated as he poked his head out of his hiding place, the Reindeer clearly noticing him by his face as a warm smile appeared on his own. "Barnstormer!" he called as the two hugged, his tone changing completely as the embrace ended. "Are you okay comrade?" he asked in his distinct Ponssian accent, a concerned look in his eyes. Barnstormer nodded with glee, happy to see his Boss/friend again after the beginning of the demon's assault. "I'm more than okay Snow Threader," he nonchalantly stated as he looked behind him, the rest of the group's heads poking out of the doorway. "I met some friends," he exclaimed as the group waved hello to the Reindeer, who waved back with a smile. "Okay, that's good but we really need to get back to the circus," he stated as he went up to the group. "Alright friends!, come with me to the circus and we will be all safe!" he exclaimed as the group left their hiding spot, ready to leave with the Reindeer's group. As they left the building, the Cakes being put in the middle to protect the twins, Eldur noticed that Spike was looking down at the ground, looking like he had failed. With a sympathetic expression on the old unicorn's face, he trotted beside him as the group moved on. "Spike?", he asked as the Dragon turned his head towards him, he had tear stains along his face." W-what the hay ya cry'in about spike?", he asked again as the little baby Dragon sniffed a little. As the Dragon looked into the unicorn's eyes, he could see a gaze of understanding, the type of look that would calm even the most nervous and scared of creatures...and it worked on him. "I-it's just, I can't forget what happened in the castle, I saw them, they looked so scared and I couldn't do anything as I was having a panic attack," he confessed as he drew back tears. "I think I've already reached rock bottom," he added, a large frown on his lips. Eldur looked at Spike with his comforting way, trying to think of advice to give. "Funny thing about bein' rock bottom," he mentioned with Spike looking on with confusion on his face. "'got nowhere to go but up," he stated, only sighing a bit as Spike still looked confused. "If ya think that you've hit the bottom of the barrel, ya can't get any lower," he explained as they walked further, Spike beginning to understand the meaning of Eldur's advice. Before another word could be said by anyone else, the sound of laughter could be heard. The sound was a spark of Spike memory as he started to get nervous. With a puff of smoke, the laughter turned into a figure. The same one that tossed the Dragon out the window. Spike began to scream in terror, the sight of the tall Skeleton causing the babies to cry in fright. The others getting ready for a fight. "Well, that's a fine how do you do," he joked as he stood in front of them, clearly enjoying the sound of both the Dragon and children's discomfort in his presence. "But I guess that's what you expect from such a little man like him," he taunted as he chuckled, disappearing from their sight in a flash and appearing next to the Parents, frighting their children even more. Bub savoring the cries with a smile. The horn of Eldur glowed as he looked angrily at the Skeleton, who looked back at the unicorn with smugness on his teeth. "Now ya better leave those little ones alone now ya hear!", he demanded, Bub clearly not respecting his request as he took a small step towards the babies, his smug smile getting even bigger. "Well, I am gravely sorry to disappoint you Blaze, but I must decline your offer," he said as he magically took off his top hat off, revealing the half broken appendage that was his horn. The use of his first name caused Eldur's eyes to widen in surprise. "How do you know that name!" he shouted as bub bent down to look him in the eyes. The others looking with both confusion but also with anger towards the tall Skeleton. "Well, I know a lot of things Blaze, I've been around far longer than you all have," he stated, yet again disappearing and reappearing in front of all the group. "But, how about instead of just saying how, I sing how!" He declared as music started to play, confusing everyone. "The lyrics to: How I know you. " Well, how 'bout I tell you a stor...OW! The group turned to both Eclipse and Chopstick, the filly holding a rock in her magic while the older male picked up another rock from the ground, ready to throw again. "I hate musicals," they both said, Bub's mood now ruined by the two trouble makers as his bony face turned cross and angry. he magically took the rock from his empty eye socket and dropped it to the ground, a glare cast onto the two he gritted his teeth. "Well, I can surely tell you that I am truly offended, at least that alicorn and her friends let me sing!" he shouted, clearly annoyed. the reference to the Elements of Harmony causing confusion among those who knew them in the group. "Fine, be off with you, go to your little pow-wow, but remember this!" he threatened, a sly smirk on his face. "When Nightmare Night comes, Your souls will be mine," he stated as he disappeared in a blast of smoke and light. The others looked around in search of the Skeleton but he was gone, Windbreaker looking at the chocolate bar he had been eating before the Skeleton appeared. chucking it away before asking "Okay, who put something in this chocolate bar," with a confused look. Eldur looked at the babies, their parents consoling them as they cried, when he determined they were okay he turned to Spike with a stern look in his eyes. "Spike, was that there varmint the same one who banished your pals?" he asked. Spike only nodded in response, repulsing at the thought. The other's heads quickly shot over to the two as they continued to walk, sure that the Skeleton was truly gone. "You mean he got rid of Twilight and others?" Chopstick asked in his Neighsian accent. "Applejack?" Scarp Yard asked as he remembered how she took him in and gave him property at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. Spike nodded again sadly, Scrap's ears fell at this and he remained quiet, trying to figure out a solution to this problem. Snow Threader's seemed to sparkle hope and relief as he saw the big top tent of his business and home. "Comrades!" he shouted as he began to dash in the direction of the circus, everyone else following behind. "We're almost there!" he explained as the group ran towards what would be their home and base for the time being. In the distance, Bub sat on the roof of Sugarcube Corner, a smile on his bony face. The circus could be seen in plain sight from where he was, a small imp sitting beside him. "My friend, could you be of use and go do some recon missions on that there circus with friends?" he asked as the imp saluted and dived off the building to join a small band of other imps as they quickly scampered off to the circus. Bub still had that smile on his face as he watched them disappear into the streets and then, with a glow of his horn, vanished. > Chapter Four: One Weird Bug > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWN BELOW SIX DAYS BEFORE NIGHTMARE NIGHT After a few hours of rest and trying to pull the ring off of Twilight's horn with failure, the doctor sat back in his seat. Sweat escaping his brow as he panted, watching the Princess of Friendship desperately trying to rip the ring off her appendage. With a sigh, Twilight stopped her attempts and sat onto the bed she rested in the bed she had slept in the previous night. "I'm sorry Miss Sparkle, but we can't keep trying to get it off," Dr. Rott gravely noted as he waddled over to his desk. Pulling a note from one the drawers, he gave it to Rarity as she was closest to him. "If you want out of here, then speak to this guy," he said as Rarity held the note to the others with her magic. The picture of an insect-like pony on the picture with the name "Bug Malone" on the name section of the form. Sweetie Belle recoiled at the sight of Malone as she looked to the Doctor. "W-why do we need to see this guy?" she asked with a confused and disgusted look. The Doctor's eye rolled a bit as according to some, he was the ugliest guy in the town and somehow this filly thought otherwise. "He knows how to get to the capital of Down Below faster than anyone else, trust me...I'm a doctor," he reassured to the young pony as the older mares giggled a bit. "I don't think it's the right time for a prostate exam Doc," Pinkie Pie stated as the others began to laugh, Dr. Rott chuckling as he caught on while the three fillies hadn't the slightest idea of what they were laughing about. Rott shook his head as his chuckles turned into infectious laughter. "But sir!" Apple Bloom exclaimed as the rest turned to her. "How do we find this Bug fella anyhow?" she asked as Dr. Rott walked over to the only window in the room and pointed towards a building. "When he isn't leading people to the capital, he sings at the local Jazz club, "The scattered bottle", you'll most likely find him there," he said as he went back towards his desk and gave the Passports to the girls, "You'll need these to get in," he added. As the girls took the passports from the Doctor, Rainbow Dash seemed a little confused as she looked at the strange creature that was Dr. Rott." Um...Doc?" she asked as he turned to her, a strange twitch in his eye could be noticed. "What is it Miss Dash?" he asked with a smile on his face."Is there something wrong with your passport?" he asked again with a concerned look in his eye. Rainbow's hoof rubbed the back of her head as she began. "Well, two things actually, How do we get out of here anyway? And how do you know Bub for that matter?" she asked as the group's eyes widened with the realization that they had not asked before. Dr. Rott sighed a bit from the second question and with an effort, opened his maw. "Bub is our ruler, the Down Below version of Princess Celestia. Most of us adore him, he helped us survive our afterlife and made it comfortable," he started as he sat in a chair while the others listened to the Doctor. "Before he came here, the land was a bloodbath, the home of the Spirit of War and Battle, Conflict. When Bub became the ruler, Conflict was nowhere to be found, It took a long time but he made the place like what it is now," he finished as he sighed, the girls seeing a huge amount of appreciation for Bub in the Doctor's eye as he remembered the events of his afterlife. After shaking his head to escape his memories, the Doctor chuckled in embarrassment. "Anyway, if you want to know more then you can visit the library in the capital, now come on, you got your world to save," he said as he began to politely shoo the group to the door. "Tell Malone I said hello," he requested as the girls started to go pass the door frame. "W-wait, D-doc. how do we get out of here?" Scootaloo asked as he had not elaborated of that detail. The Doctor's smile never disappeared as he began to close the door on them. "Just tell Malone that you want out and he'll explain everything." The broken streets of the city "Scumtown," seemed to live up the name of the small town. The overcrowded roads and alleys made the group uncomfortable as they passed by the homeless undead and demons that resided in Down Below. Imps and ponies walked the streets as the girls trotted to their destination as the red sky filled the air around them. The building that they arrived at was one of the more intact ones, a large demon stood outside, his beard looked dry and dirty as he tossed a drunken corpse onto the streets. As he noticed the group coming his way, his gruff and angry face turned into a calm and almost business-like fashion as he pointed at them with his cloven hoof. "Hello, welcome to The Scattered Bottle, ID please," he asked as the group showed them their passports. With his hoof, he opened the door for them as they began to enter the club. Sweetie Belle's face looked very confused as she looked into the demon's eyes "Wait, aren't we not allowed in?" she asked as she waved her hoof towards Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, the demon chuckled a bit as he looked to the little filly. "Well since it is the unfortunate truth that children do die, we think that they should be allowed to do things like go to these kind of places as it wouldn't be fair," he explained with an almost grim smile. With a smile in return, Sweetie thanked him and went inside. The inside of the club could only be described as pure, fun chaos. Multiple undead and demons danced and sang along with the Jazz band that played on stage, some even on the stage while one undead was swinging on the chandelier. As the group walked around, looking for the insect to talk to, they saw him singing on the stage while dancing with some undead griffons. His red vest covered most of the top part of his body, his mandibles looked as if they were like any other pony's mouth even though it was actually divided into four parts. His legs moved in a strange insect-like way as he danced, a smile on his face. His arms ended in the way a praying mantis' arms would and on his head were not only two antennas but also a black bowler hat adorned his head. "Now ladies and Gentlemen, Undead and Demons, a little while ago I had just been given info of Elements of harmony's death," he said in a scratchy and moderate tone as he noticed the group trotting to him, the crowd cheering in happiness." And I would like to personally welcome them to our PARADICE!" he shouted as he pointed his arm to the group, the crowd becoming even more heated up as they roared their approval. One of the undead Zebras was getting more lively than the others. "Heck, this guy seems to be dying to meet you!" Malone jested as his antenna glowed a snow white color, he lifted a revolver with his magic and shot the undead in the head. The undead zebra toppled over the table he stood on, the entire club cheering and rolling around as the zebra got back up, completely unscathed as he shouted at the top of his lungs "I'm alright!!!" Malone then turned to the girls as he put the revolver away, a smile on his mandibles. "So how are we enjoying our afterlife your Majesty?" he asked with a polite bow. Twilight looked at the zebra with a confused look before turning back to the bug. "Well, actually that's what we wanted to talk abou... how is he still alive?!" she asked, her confusion increasing as Bug's smile inflated. "Well... you can't kill what's already dead," he stated with a deadpan expression, his arms fixing up his antenna. "Don't tell me that you want to leave already do you? You mean to tell me you want to be brutalized by Deceit?" he questioned, the name stopping all activity in the club as everyone turned to the insect pony. "U-um, w-who's Deceit?...if you don't mind me asking," Fluttershy asked as she hid her face in her mane. Bug's face turned into a sly grin as he faced the numerous undead and demons in the band. "Guys... I think were all in for some overtime," he said as the band gripped their instruments with glee. "HIT IT!" he shouted as bone xylophones started to play, the club beginning to get ready for the song that was about to start. Lyrics to the song "End Up Here Anyway Hey! Hey all you listen, you cadavers of fear, at least those of you, who still want to hear. I'll tell you a tale, make you cry out and weep, about the warden of hell that they call Deceit! The crowd began to sing along as Bug danced with the band, Pinkie Pie had jumped onto the stage and began to dance with the insect. The rest stared at the spectacle before them as the band continued. He's one of those who hates that he died, Has a bitter hatred foe those who are alive! Even though we're deceased, we think it's okay, cause you just end up here anyway! Welllll, our boy was a king, had the biggest hive around, when a mysterious queen wandered into town. She was pretty good look'in, didn't have a hive of her own and our poor little changeling didn't know where it was going. You see he's never felt love, he's a creature of hate, he thought it was his only chance to mate! The chorus began again as Bug and Pinkie danced for the crowd's enjoyment, they had become in perfect sync as their moves mimic'ed each other. The group as well as the fillies began to join the rest of the club as they too danced like they didn't care. So they conjured up a plan to meet outside. Told not a soul, didn't want to spoil the ride. He brought the deed to the hive for her to sign, as he thought his life would soon be sublime. But unfortunate for him, she had different things in mind, he didn't even know she was the murdering kind. Then on a stormy night at the top of a cliff, He was just about ready but it was all kinds of diff. The boredom made him to die but there was his bride!.. And then? He waited. And then? With a little push. And then? He was about to hit the ground. AND THEN?! And then baby, it all went black. Now when he opened his eyes, he was Down Below, he was in anguish, didn't know where to go. But out of the fire, Bub stood with a grin, said, "Welcome to the paradise that you find yourself in." After years of work, he at where he is now, given out punishment, without moral or by how. So now you know why your in for a treat, cause that's the story of our Deceit!!! After a few hours, everything had been exchanged as the group traveled down the road along with the insect. who walked beside twilight, a smile on his face. "So Miss Sparkle, how will you stop Bub before he bucks up your town?" he asked with a confused face. Not being able to comprehend that his ruler would do such a thing as everyone thought he was a great guy. Twilight shook her head in defeat as they continued to walk. "I just don't know Malone, maybe we can get help from the princess," she stated. "But if you don't mind Bug, how do we get out of here?". "Well let me tell you about it," Bug said as they continued onward, the journey only beginning.