To Love the Moon

by Indigo Eclipse

First published

What is one to do, when you decide your goal in life is to love an immortal Moon-Goddess?

When he was young, Starstep decided he wanted to be at Princess Luna's side. Now a Royal Guard, he's finding it difficult to deal with the prank loving alicorn who seems to enjoy messing with his head. Join Starstep's life journey to love, laugh, and cry, all in his obsession to love the Moon. (Clearly Mature chapters marked)

Chapter I

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To Love the Moon

by Indigo Eclipse

Chapter I

"Amongst my studies of the heavens, of stars, cosmoses, nebula and planets, I hath found mine thoughts drawn to the solitary sphere of blue that dost so elegantly grace our evening skies. With all the wonders of the universe to explore, why, then, doth mine eyes always linger upon that cold rocky surface? Pale and lifeless on its exterior with no warmth, it reflects the light which her sister Sun giveth onto her, though often within our world's shadow. Perhaps, then, tis pity and a touch of melancholy that striketh my heart at the sight of her loneliness, so set apart from the dazzling display of lights upon a blanket of black. Alas, one may never know, so blinded by the sun." -Excerpt from Starswirl the Bearded's “Reflections of Space and Time”

“And so, fillies and gentlecolts, with this last bit of ceremony we cheer on our new graduates, welcoming them as they take their first steps out into the world as adults, supporting them in their endeavors to become successful in their special talents.” The fuscia-maned speaker stood straight and tall against the wooden podium, beaming with pride that an assembly of joyful ponies mirrored. The parents, with their heads held high and their eyes glistening, gazed adoringly at a small group of late-teen fillies and colts that sat in rows behind the meager Ponyville schoolhouse stage. “Now, in accordance with tradition,” she continued, seeming to look over her shoulder to her students for a moment, “each filly and colt will now step forth to declare their own individual dreams and goals, so that we may support them and guide them to see their dreams realized.” Cheerilee smiled, and took a final moment to take in the proud faces of the parents, family, and friends in the audience before stepping to the side of the podium to the sound of hooves stomping in applause.

“Apple Bloom, if you would begin?” Cheerilee smiled brightly, nodding to the filly in question.

The yellow earth pony with red hair stepped forward with confidence, beaming at the crowd. “Gosh, it's been ah wild ride ain’t it? I'm sure plenty of y'all remember all mah antics of tearing things up with my cutie mark crusadin' huh?” The crowd chuckled softly, smiling in memory of the filly and her friends’ efforts to find their talents. She glanced back at her cutie mark, a hammer with an apple blossom behind it. “Why, who'da thunk mah talent would be fixing all tha stuff I done gone and broke?” The crowd laughed a little louder and Apple Bloom's smile widened. “So, now that school is finished, I plan ta open up mah own construction shop. Barns, houses, windows, yah break it, I can fix it! And that's mah dream.” The crowd gave her a polite cheer and she returned to her seat on the stage.

Cheerilee thanked her then gestured to the next in line. "Now, please welcome Sweetie Belle."

One by one, each young filly and colt stepped up and spoke of their dream, a sparkle of hope in their eyes. Tomorrow would be the first official day they would be graduates and adults in the eyes of everypony. Their nervous excitement was contagious; even Diamond Tiara shared a hopeful smile with her long-time rival Applebloom.

Finally it came down to the last class-member.

Cheerilee beamed a cheerful smile to the crowd. “And now, last but not least. Starstep, if you would?”

A gangly pegasus colt stepped forward to take his place at the front of the stage. He was a blue-grey, sporting a spiky, unruly charcoal mane and tail. The mark on his flank was four white stars surrounding a small white horseshoe. He ruffled his wings, a bit of nerves showing through, and brushed his bangs out of his icy-blue eyes while clearing his throat. “Uh, hey everypony. I'm really glad I got a chance to move to Ponyville and get to know all of you. Oh, and Mr. Cake, I'm really sorry about that sign, I'll fix it tomorrow.” The crowd shared a knowing laugh and the aforementioned Mr. Cake nodded to the colt. He paused, exhaling a few times to calm his nerves. “Um...gosh, public speaking is hard.”

He flicked his gaze to Cheerilee, who returned his look with a reassuring smile, its infectious nature sprouting upon his muzzle again. He nodded softly to the mare before turning his gaze back upon the waiting ponies. “Ahem, well, everypony knows I got a thing for the moon and stars and stuff. I can name every constellation and surface point on the moon. I even know about nebula and the aurora up north.” He nodded to a purple unicorn in the front row, “Thank you, Professor Sparkle, for that.” He paused to clear his throat before speaking up again. “It, uh, took me awhile to figure out what I was going to do with that talent; it’s not like pegasi can fly into space or anything.” The crowd chuckled softly. “One day, years ago, I was gazing up at the full moon and the deep night sky wondering what my goal in life was. Only then did it hit me—suddenly, I knew exactly what I was going to do.” His slightly awkward demeanor shifted to one of determination as he met the eyes of the crowd, and a soft hush fell as everypony awaited his revelation.

Starstep smiled and firmly stated, “I'm going to be Princess Luna's Special Somepony.”

Jaws dropped, eyes bulged, and sharp intakes of breath were the only sound. Long moments passed—long, awkward moments. Starstep flicked his eyes from side to side, his confidence beginning to wane as the silence stretched. Then, somewhere in the crowd, a pony began to giggle, followed by a couple more, until a herd of deep laughter from the colts joined them. Starstep blinked, flared out his wings and opened his mouth to rebuke them when a soft hoof on his shoulder halted him. He turned his head, looking into the concerned face of his teacher of many years.

Cheerilee smiled sadly at him and gently tilted her head towards the back of the stage as she took the podium again. Raising her voice, she called for calm and giggled with the crowd. Starstep held his head up high, chest puffed out in stubborn teen pride as he stepped down the stage. Cheerilee spoke to the quieting crowd as he did, “Well now everypony. Seems Pinkie Pie has her work cut out for her in the jokes department!” The crowd shared a quick laugh with her. “And that, fillies and gentlecolts, concludes our ceremony. Punch and pie will be served at the back tables— thank you all so very much for coming!”

Starstep reached the back of the stage, hidden from the confused and laughing faces of his peers. He listened as Cheerilee finished up, his ears drooping at her mocking words and slumped onto his haunches. He could hear the scuffing of hooves as his class-mates began to leave their seats to join their family and friends. Choking back tears and closing his eyes, he leaned his head back against the stage wall and simply waited. Soft hoof-falls in the grass caught his attention. He gave a deep sigh and wiped his eyes with the back of a foreleg. “Come to mock me?” he called out, keeping his voice low as to not give away the strife that choked up his throat.

“No, Starstep, I would never do that.” The soft reassuring voice of Cheerilee caused the colt to flick open his eyes and stare at the pink earth pony.

“Then why...that joke...I mean.” he stammered out.

“Starstep...” She gave a patient sigh and sat down next to him, leaning slightly against his slender pegasus body. “Dear... I know you were being serious. What you said to them… well, think about it. You just declared your intentions of being a mate to one of our Princesses, an immortal pony who moves the very stars you love. I was deflecting them from you. Now they will brush it off as a graduating prank and go about their lives without harassing you about it.”

Star slumped his head, leaning back against Cheerilee. “But I... I wasn't lying. I really want this. How can I make...” Cheerilee reached up and put a hoof to his muzzle, stopping him.

“I know you believe you can achieve this, whatever your reasons.” She touched her hoof-tip to his chest. “But let me give you a final word of caution from your ex-teacher?” He nodded and she continued. “Embrace your dreams, whatever they may be, but don't overlook the things in front of you. It's not always about the destination—the journey can be just as fun.” She smiled and gave him a light peck on the cheek. “Good luck Starstep, I hope you find what you're looking for. I'll be around town if you ever need somepony to talk to.” With that, she shifted her weight from his side and wandered off, leaving the colt to consider her words.

“Heya, Star.” Scootaloo approached from the side of the graduation stage with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle in tow. The three young mares were just as gangly as the colt, a confident look in their eyes and playful smiles on their lips. The orange pegasus with fuchsia mane smirked. “Wow, I gotta say, I wasn't expecting you to tell the whole town that just yet.”

The colt looked away and slumped his shoulders.

“Oh, don't be like that.” Scootaloo gently slugged him in the shoulder. “It took guts.”

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. “Sure did. Now wipe that frown off yer face. It's graduation day! No more school!”

A smile crept onto his face.

Sweetie Belle, the white unicorn with her styled pink and purple mane giggled. “Uh-oh girls, I think I see a smile!” And just like that the three young mares began to tickle him until the colt was howling with laughter.

“Okay! Okay, I give!” He was gasping for breath when they relented. “Geeze, what kind of friends are you?”

Sweetie gave her usual high-pitched giggle. “The best kind!”

Scootaloo helped him to his hooves. “Come on, we're going for victory shakes down at Sugar-Cube Corners.”

“I, uh, I'm not feeling very victorious.”

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. “Yah made it through school, that's a right victory in mah books. Now come on, 'fore ah lasso yah and drag yah there.”

Star threw up his hooves. “Okay, you win. But there better be peppermint today.”

After a trot into town, they found they were at the tail end of a long line, the other graduate families apparently had the same idea. Thankfully, the town Party-Pony Pinkie Pie was an expert at pleasing crowds and had the line moving at a rapid pace. In short order the four friends got their drinks and wandered off to find a open table in the square. Star sipped on his peppermint shake as the others enjoyed their own. He couldn't help but smile at the refreshing flavor; Pinkie-Pie always knew how to get his as strong as possible.

Apple Bloom looked at her three friends. “Well, y'all know I aim to set-up mah own shop. What do y'all got planned? We talked 'bout it off and on, but I reckon it's high time we get our sights set.”

Sweetie grinned. “Dinky and Pip have been talking about starting up a band. It sounded like a lot of fun. I'll bet my sister would love to make rock-star outfits.”

Star chuckled softly. “I bet she would, assuming your band needs gems coating everything. I don't think Pip likes frills though.”

Sweetie giggled. “He does look cute in pink. Well, we know what Scoots is going to do. Wonderbolt academy. With those big wings, I'm sure you're a shoe-in. Plus, one of the Captains is Rainbow Dash! You got it easy.”

The orange pegasus smirked, spreading out her slightly larger than normal wings. “They are awesome, huh? Yeah, I got this in the bag.”

“But how about you, Star?” Sweetie asked, waving her spoon around in her magical field. “I don't think there's a job listing for being a Special Somepony. Is that even a job?”

The orange pegasus licked some of the whipped cream off the top of her shake. “Sure there is, but Dash told me its hard work and kinda icky.”

The colt sighed and fidgeted with his straw. “No... Honestly, I don't have a clue where to start. It's just... a dream, I guess.”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Look, Star. Yah might be lookin' at this the wrong way. Yah can't go in assuming yah can be somepony's something special. Yah have to get to know one another and if things click, well, then it's meant to be. Mah best suggestion is to work close to the Princess and see if there's any connection. Yah just gotta be prepared if things don't work out.” The other two fillies nodded in agreement.

“Oh!” Sweetie's face lit up. “What about a job in the palace? They have hundreds of servants and other palace duties. Rarity knows lots about it.”

Starstep considered her suggestion. “Well... I dunno. It would let me meet with the Princess from time to time. But... I have a hard time cleaning my own room, ask mom.”

“AH! I got it!” Scootaloo slapped her hooves to the table, bouncing her empty shake glass. “A Royal Guard!”

The colt thought about it for a moment. “That's... actually, that's a really good idea, but, don't they only take 'the best of the best' or something? I barely got through school.”

Scoots rolled her eyes. “That's because you spent more time learning about stars than history or math. Or writing poems about Princess Luna.”

Starstep blushed slightly. “Okay, I get it. So, is there any way I could even get into the recruit program?”

“You did study a lot with Professor Sparkle and she is Shining Armor's sister. Maybe she can get you a shot?” Scootaloo suggested.

Star lept from his seat and hugged the pegasus. “Yes! That's it! Scoots you're a genius! I'll go see the Professor tonight. Thank you.”

The orange filly smirked and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Anytime, Star."

The other two fillies smiled at him, happy that their friend had found a path towards his dream.


Starstep chuckled at the drill Sergeant shouting at the new recruits. He could hear them through the open window near his post in the halls of the royal palace. The light of dusk filtered in, bathing the white walls in a deepening orange glow. He had fond memories of his days as a fresh recruit. Well... they were fond to think about when not being chased around a track by an earth pony three times your size, yelling things that would make a manticore blush. It had been two years since he joined the recruit program, thanks to a letter of recommendation from Professor Sparkle. It had been a long road, but here he was, a Royal Guard. He faintly wondered how his friends had fared after they'd parted ways.

Across the doorway, his guard partner glanced over at his soft laughter, raising an eyebrow.

To the untrained eye, both pegasi guards were pure white, adorned with golden armor, crested with mock blue manes along the top of the helm. It was simply enchanted armor, designed so each guard could do their duty without being singled out–an old tradition from when there were still blood feuds between pony clans. This way they were able to serve the princesses without worrying about old hostilities hindering their duty. Once the helm was removed, the enchantment would, of course, fade, allowing them to resume their normal off-duty lives

Starstep's door partner flicked his eyes up and down the hallway, searching for eavesdroppers then whispered out the side of his mouth, “dude, shhh, you're gonna get us in trouble.”

Starstep just smirked, but kept his voice very low, “It's alright, Light, there's nopony around. I was just thinking of our training with old Sargent Hardplot. I swear that pony could crush a pony's head with his...”

“Dude, seriously, shhh, we finally got put on the castle guard roster and you're trying to buck me over.”

“Lighthoof, you need to relax. We're guarding a door, a giant golden door that has to weigh, what, fifteen earth ponies? I mean, who's really going to sneak by us and open this thing?”

A soft cough from behind them caused both guards to stiffen. Seconds ticked by, sweat trickled down Starstep's neck. They were supposed to keep ponies from going in, not coming out. By tradition, he wasn't supposed to look back at whoever was behind them. He resisted the urge to glance, but it was unnerving knowing there was somepony scrutinizing him. Soft hoof-falls clicked, echoing around the white polished hallway as the mystery pony approached Starstep's flank. He flicked his eyes to the left, seeing Lighthoof glance back at him. The other pegasi's eyes widened and he snapped his gaze ahead. Oh, that wasn't good.

“Starstep, was it?” a soft, almost angelic voice whispered in his ear, causing it to twitch and a hot blush to form on his cheeks. He nodded curtly to the voice's query. “Pray-tell, didst thou hear voices out here? Surely that cannot be, for there art none here but thee and thy partner.” The voice was slightly teasing. “It appears my sister's guards art becoming lax in their duties.” Clicking hoof-falls echoed again as the Princess of the night circled around to face a slightly trembling Starstep. She glanced him over head to hoof, the armor's magic was ineffective to her eyes, so she could see him for who he really was. She smiled slyly at Starstep, lifting up her long alicorn leg to rest a hoof upon his breastplate, “Thou art new, I... suppose I can overlook this breach of tradition, if...” her mischievous grin widened as she let the word hang in the air, “thou whilst tell me why thou dost tremble so?” She leaned forward, a knowing look in her eyes.

The pegasus swallowed, clutching his wings to his sides, meeting the gaze of the princess of the night. He willed himself not to become moonstruck by those beautiful eyes. “Princess I...” he paused—he could lie, but he had heard a rumor that the princesses could detect such things. He suspected that if he was to ever lie to her or Celestia, his job as a royal guard would be over. Besides that, he didn't want to lie to her. Why had he even thought such a terrible thing? This was Luna, the very reason he signed up to be a guard. And so, he took a deep breath and steadied himself.

“Because you are beautiful,” he managed to whisper out, hoping his guard partner did not hear.

A frown flickered across Princess Luna's face, followed by a faint look of confusion. The midnight blue alicorn leaned back her head, shook it for a moment, then leaned back in with an arched eyebrow, “I am... afraid I didst not catch that. I know thou art new, but please learn to speak up—tis not befitting a royal guard to whisper in such a way.” She tilted her head, awaiting his response.

Starstep was shaking now, clutching his wings painfully to his side, “I uh...” He cleared his throat again. “Princess Luna...” He started, thanking his stars that his voice was not wavering. “I am trembling because you are beautiful.” He cringed internally, knowing that his partner had heard every word.

Luna blinked down at him, stunned for but a moment, but quickly regained her smile and slid her crystal-shod hoof off his breastplate. “Well, tis been ages since a pony hath been honest about such.”

“Princess, you're not... mad or anything?”

Luna laughed delightedly and shook her head, “By the heaves no. I welcome such honesty. I am well aware that there art those whom enjoy looking at me and mine sister. We wouldst be fools to think otherwise. I suppose I am just shocked thou art the first since my return to admit as much.” She beamed a smile at him. “I had figured thou trembled so terribly due to fear.” A flicker of a frown crossed her muzzle. “I am glad to see twas not the case. Now...” She turned and began to regally walk down the hallway, smiling coyly over her shoulder. “I must be off—please remember thy duties and let thine eyes not be distracted by the royal form.” She rolled back her head and laughed, giving a little rump wiggle before disappearing around the corner.

Starstep stared after her, a grin widening across his face after the Princess disappeared, before turning to his door partner. The grin vanished, noting Lighthoof was at stiff attention.

Before the other pegasus was the white, regal alicorn Princess Celestia. Everything about the princess gave off an air of motherly affection, but also of a mother's tough love. She was intently staring at Starstep with a raised eyebrow. Now he fought the urge to tremble for different reasons.

“Starstep, Lighthoof, a word if I may?”

Chapter II

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To Love the Moon
by Indigo Eclipse

Chapter II

The harsh neon glow of the 'Ol Rowdy bar, reflected off the wet street of lower Canterlot. An unofficial hang out of off-duty guards. Even through the thick oak doors, the murmur of a crowd echoed in the quiet nighttime streets.

Inside, most of the patrons were full guards with a splattering of new recruits who were brave enough to step into a den of veterans and their instructors. The noise from the crowd was cheerful and steady, accented by occasional outbursts of laughter or groans of pleasant dismay. A small pack of ponies were wagering on a game of hoof-darts in one corner. Placing their hard earned bits on one of two unicorns who were being blind-folded for a crazy wager. Catering to the crowd were many mares of various types and bodies, always with a smile and a wink to the guards as they refilled drinks and brought out snacks. From behind the bar, glared a grouchy old grey earth pony, a scar blinding one eye, itching for an excuse to knock some heads. It was only compounded by the fact that half the waitresses were his daughters.

Among this crowd of laughter and camaraderie, Lighthoof glared across the table at Starstep. They had both left their armor at the barracks and were waiting for their first rounds of drinks. “Star...dude.” the light tan pegasus with a brown mane began, “You are a bucking idiot.” He leaned back as Sherry, a light pink unicorn with blue mane, set their hard ciders in front of them. She give Lighthoof a wink then spun with a flick of her tail to wander off, purposely showing off her flanks to the two colts. Star ignored it, Light glanced at the pink rump, caught the bartenders glare and refocused on his fellow guard in front of him. “See, that right there, that's exactly why you got us in bucking trouble.” He tipped back a long swallow of cider.

Star sighed, scratching the back of his head, “Come off it, Lighthoof. Just because I don’t stare at every fillies rump that comes my way, doesn't mean it's my fault that I got us in trouble.”

“The buck it doesn't!” He pointed a hoof at the blue-grey pegasus, “Dude, you don't look at all, you never have since I've known you. Then when you finally get the coconuts to look, what ends up happening? Bucking Princess Celestia herself sees you staring at her sister's flank. You were eyein' that thing like an earth pony does an unploughed field.”

Star snorted in disdain, “I did not.” Light raised his eyebrow in disbelief, his muzzle buried back in his mug. “I wasn't that bad, I mean, not like Princess Celestia did anything about it...” He played with his mug, still untouched, watching the pale cider slosh about inside.

“Star, dude, she asked us off of door duty and has us now watching over bucking fish. We get to stand in the bucking sun, watching a bucking fish pond. How is that not punishment?” He drained his mug and waved it over his head to get Sherry's attention.

“Hey now, those fish are important, they're older than we are. It's not so bad. Somepony has to do it.” He frowned for a moment, then tipped back his entire mug, draining in rapid swallows, cracking it back down onto the table. For a bit, neither said a word, Starstep just staring at his empty mug, Lighthoof shaking his head sadly.

“You ever rutted in your life?” The sudden question from Lighthoof had Starstep staring back in disbelief.

“What the buck kind of question is that?” He searched his friends face for some hint.

“Just like I asked, Have. You. Ever. Rutted?” He punctuated each word with a hoof tap on the hard wood table.

Starstep's blue-grey cheeks flushed, and he found his throat dry. He couldn't meet his friend's intent stare, “I...yeah sure, uh, of course.”

Lighthoof grinned suddenly and laughed, “Uh-huh. I thought so. It's no wonder you went all googly eyed over the first piece of flank that caught your attention. Shame it had to be one of the most untouchable in the kingdom. Seriously, start a little less high, get some of that nervousness and stress off.” At that point Sherry trotted over, using her magic to sweep the two empty mugs away and set two new ones. Lighthoof turned and smiled at her, “Hey Sher, can I ask you a 'what-if' question?”

She grinned, softly chewing on gum, “Course dear, what's up?” She asked cheerfully.

Lighthoof pointed a hoof at his friend, “Would you buck a pony like Starstep here?”

The blue-grey pegasus had a hard time meeting the mare's eyes as she looked him hoof to tail, grinning like a cat with a mouse. “Well, I do love me a colt in uniform, and you're a good looking fella. Yeah sure, a few drinks and sweet words, I could see us knocking hooves.” She wiggled her nose at him cutely. Star wasn't sure she was mocking him or being serious, but he blushed hard all the same. “Aww, you're going beet red. Such a sweetheart.” She smiled back at Lighthoof, “Anyhoof colts, I have work to do, maybe I'll see you two later?” She winked and trotted away, again swaying her plump hips for the two.

“...What the buck was that? Was she serious?” Starstep glanced up at Lighthoof. The other pony was following the mare as she wandered back into the crowd, a mischievous grin upon his muzzle. As she vanished, he turned back.

“Yeah, pretty sure she was. Like I said, you need to get out there and sow your oats. It'll help you relax so your eyes aren't constantly latching onto Princess Luna's flanks. Granted...they are kind of cute.” He paused in though. “Anyhoof, Sherry there would probably give you a nice romp if you play your cards right. And if you don't, I will.” He tipped back his mug, grinning as he watched the mare out of the corner of his eye as she went about her business.

Starstep sighed, “You might be right. But Light, I just, I really have this thing for Luna.”

Princess Luna, respect dude.” Lighthoof interrupted. “Yeah, I get it, I think many of us have had thoughts of the two. Hard not to. They're powerful, regal, beautiful, and hell, wings AND horns to tease? It's like the ultimate dream. But that's all it is dude. A pretty dream. They don't bucking need us in that way. Deal with it, find a nice mare or two to play with and maybe settle down someday.”

A long drink of his cider later, Starstep eyed his friend, “That your plan?” He was answered with a nod, “I get what your saying but...I wanna try at least, I have to.”

Lighthoof cringed then gave a soft sigh as he dug in his pouch for a few bits, and a couple more for Sherry's tip, “It's your life dude, do what you want. But I get to say 'I told you so' when things don't turn out like you're fantasizing. As for me, I'm fantasizing Sherry getting horizontal. So if you'll excuse me.” He nodded to his friend, “And cider's on me. Think on what I said, kay?” He slid out of the booth and wandered off to find the mare of his current fantasies.

A few hours and many hard ciders later, Starstep found himself wandering through the streets of Canterlot. Even in his slightly drunken state, it was easy to make one's way back to the castle barracks. In the outer hallways of the castle, he staggered along, wings tips dragging on the polished surface of the floor. It wasn't against the rules for guards to get drunk off-duty, as long as no pony caused a mess or started a fight. Though the occasional faux pas was made, the guards generally looked out for each other, helping prevent any real trouble. However at this wee hour, there was no one about, barring the occasional night guards at important junctions or doorways.

He wandered aimlessly for a while, nodding to the night-shift he knew, a drunken salute to the ones he did not, till he found himself in front of a pair of blue double doors that reached to the arched ceiling far above. The two night guards, one on each side, eyed him curiously. They remained stiff at attention but ready to spring if Starstep proved to be a threat. However, he just sat back on his haunches and stared at the massive door. It was Luna's bedchambers. It was pretty clear with the crescent moon engraved into each door face, the engravings themselves were as tall as he. So Starstep sat on the other side of the hall from the door, just staring at it's intricate engravings and crescent moons, hazily wondering what was on the other side. The guards at the doors just stared at him. Nopony spoke a word, or moved an inch. Till at last exhaustion claimed him, and the floor became a good a place as any to sleep.

Starstep woke with a start, feeling something shaking his shoulder. He blinked and attempted to rub the blur from his eyes. He looked at the hoof, mind still starting the gears, then gazing up into the white face of the sun princess. She seemed to have a concerned, but amused smile on her face. “Wake up my little pony. Are you alright?”

Starstep jolted to his hooves, swayed a bit, then regained his stance to come to attention before the Celestia, “Princess” He glanced about, memory a bit hazy, before noting he was in front of Luna's door. He groaned inwardly, redirecting his attention to her. “My apologizes Princess, I seemed to have dozed off.”

The white alicorn giggled softly, a hoof to her muzzle. She reached forward to brush a bit of his unruly mane from his face, “No need to apologize. Do you feel well enough to walk with me? Though I know you are not on duty, I would like to speak with you.” He nodded and fell into step beside her as she slowly made her way down the long hall. He took note her usual two bodyguards were not to be seen. “Now, Starstep. I enjoy rewarding diligence and going above and beyond duty. However, I am not sure sleeping in front of my sister's door quite falls into those categories.” She glanced down at the smaller pony, noting his blush. “In a way, it can be seen as a sweet gesture, or as something else. Often it depends on one's perspective. Princess Luna found it amusing and called you her quote, “Lost little grey puppy.” She giggled at Starstep's cringe.

As they turned down another long hallway, he noticed the early morning sun peaking through the windows, casting sharp shadows and dawn-light against the opposing wall. Celestia took a deep breath and exhaled, “Starstep, I am very well aware of your...affections towards my sister. It has happened before, it will happen again. You clearly have a crush upon her, and I have no right to forbid such honest feelings." She smiled warmly at his panicked expression. "I suppose you are wondering how I know?"

The pegasus' ears fell, his cheeks heating in embarrassment as he nodded to her question. "You studied the stars with my pupil, Twilight Sparkle. She...has a habit of writing to me any and everything that happens to cross her mind." She gave a soft cheerful laugh. "It certainly gives me plenty to read before bed each night. Within some of those letters, was a tale of a young colt who dove into Starswirl and Gallopleo's star-studies. Who's fascination with the sky and the moon only expanded as he grew. In fact, to such a point you idolized and developed a crush upon my sister. Am I wrong?"

Star shook his head, spiky mane tossing about. "No, Princess. It's all true." He whispered.

A golden-shod hoof lifted his chin. "There is certainly nothing wrong with that. Many have felt as you have towards myself and my sister through the ages. It's nothing entirely new. My sister is very lovely, isn't she?" The colt nodded lightly, his eyes glancing up at the Sun-Goddess. "She's powerful and rather wealthy as well." The corners of her eyes tightened every so faintly.

A frown flickered on Star's face. "That's not why I want to get to know Princess Luna."

"Oh? Do tell my little pony."

"I...I'd like to be someone special to her, so she'd have somepony she could trust and love. To be somepony she could rely on. To do whatever I have to do to help her be happy." Determination steadied his voice and straightened his ears.

"Those could be dangerous words. Perhaps Luna is happy as she is? She always has me to rely on and to trust."

There was a long pause as the colt considered. "You're right Princess, I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to assume anything about her. I...I want to know more about her, I want to see if there's a place for me in her life. To love her because I want to. I-I really can't explain it."

Princess Celestia gave a soft laugh and smiled at him. "Feelings of affection are often hard to describe. There are some we are attracted to, because of beauty, mind, or personality, that we can never explain why." She gave a slight smirk. "Did you know that my sister also reads Twilight's letters?" The colt paled. "Oh, yes. She's quite aware of your fondness for her from an early colthood. It rather amuses her."

"So...the teasing yesterday...she knows? Oh Celestia help me." He buried his face in his hooves.

"Fret not, Starstep. This may yet be an opportunity. You've caught my sister's eye where many a suitor has not. Though, perhaps not for the reasons you intended." The colt lifted his face, blinking in disbelief at what he was hearing. "So, just in case, I shall give you advice." Starstep looked up at the Princess, eager for her words of wisdom, eyes bright in hope.

“First, your duty must have foremost priority. While most guards act very stiff and proper, it is generally for outside appearances and guests. My sister and I understand that under that armor, you are all still ponies, with hearts, and minds, free and wild. However, the moment you allow your feelings to interfere with your job, we will have a...discussion.”

Starstep could feel his ears wilt and hoof-steps soften at implied meaning of the last word. The tough motherly love side of the Sun Princess was shining through. “Secondly, should you choose to approach my sister in regards to courtship and the like, you will accept her choices on the matter. In essence, if she rebukes your desires to court her, you will return to your duties and live on. If you do not think you could handle her rejection, I suggest you either find a new line of work, or dismiss any notion of ever sharing a moment with her.” The Princess paused, causing the other pony to halt and look up at her stern gaze.

“My sister is her own pony. She can see whomever she wishes, if she wishes. I look out for Luna but in the end, her word on the matter is final.” She glanced around, noting they were still alone in the quiet early morning and leaned down till her muzzle was beside the pegasus' ear. “Third...” She whispered, “Remember that she has lived far longer than you and respect that.” She paused, leaning a little closer to softly nuzzle the smaller pony for just a moment, “I wish you luck, take my words to heart. If you ever have questions, I will help if I can.” She resumed her regal stance and nodded to Starstep, “Now then, I believe you have the day off, I suggest you make the most of it before your new shift begins.” She smiled, a twinkle in her eye as she turned and continued down the hallway, leaving the pegasus stunned.

One long, cold shower later and a breakfast of Frosted Wheat bites, Starstep left his room and wandered down to Lighthoof's door. He raised a hoof to bang, but noticed a pink sock tucked onto the door handle. Seems his buddy was true to his word. He half wondered what it must have been like with that mare, her cute plump rump and...”No no, bad Starstep.” He grumbled to himself and shook off the fleeting images. Leaving his friend to his rest and whatever else he was indulging in, the pegasus wandered out into upper Canterlot.

During the day, the city was a bustling place, merchant shops and restaurants lined the main streets, the summits of rich homes could be seen peaking over the tops of the more utilitarian buildings. Generally, most of the guards avoided Upper Canterlot during off-duty. For one thing, most of it was far too expensive for a guard's wages. For another, it was heavily populated with the type of ponies that tended to irritate the more practical minded guard-ponies. It was an unfortunate fact you had to make your way through the upper to get down to the more common-pony level of the city, unofficially dubbed “Old Canterlot”. Being a pegasus, he could bypass it all if he wanted, but for today he thought he'd take the long way and clear his head.

He wandered for an hour, stopping occasionally to glance in windows that caught his interest, most of those related to astronomy or flying. Granted, a lot of the stores here were more focused to fashion and catering to the rich's whims, but there were tucked away stores with surprisingly broad inventory. He had even stumbled across a little adult store tucked behind a dress shop. The only reason it had even caught his attention was the storefront windows showing off a new line of wing restraints. At first he thought it was some new wing armor, till he stuck his nose to the window, reading the tiny info card under the display. He remembered his hot blush and attempted to wander away smoothly so as not to attract unwanted attention.

Ponies were not afraid to express sexuality, or even speak of it openly, they did however, try not to make other ponies uncomfortable. Some of the conversations he overheard between mares on the streets would often have his ears smoking.

Now his attention was drawn to a storefront showing off a new telescope with magically enhanced lenses. He traced each curve of the device with his eyes, appraising it's structural integrity when he caught the reflection of another pony walking up to his side. He turned his head to find himself nose to nose with an orange filly, “...Scoot?”

The other pegasus booped his nose with a hoof and laughed, “HEY, I thought that was you Star. How's it hanging?”

Starstep took a moment to look the other pegasus over. She'd grown into a fine young mare, long toned legs, stylishly short purple mane, broad, plush wings and a cute muzzle that begged to be kissed. He remembered when she'd hit a sudden growth spurt in school and her wings had doubled in size. He envied those long feathers and chuckled at his old classmate, “Scootaloo, you're looking good! What have you been up to?”

She tilted her head, seeming to also appraise the colt, “You're not looking so bad yourself, hot shot.” She grinned and ruffled her wings before nodding for him to follow her. The two of them wandered down the street, “Not much, just dropping off some supplies for the magic school.” She gave a little laugh, “Seems my 'dream' career didn't exactly go as I'd hoped.”

Taken aback, Starstep looked at the filly in concern, “Everything cool, Scoots? I know at graduation you declared you were going to be a Wonderbolt like Dash.”

She sighed a little, unfurling one of her rather massive wings to pull the other pegasus up to her side as they continued walking, “Well...seems my wish to get bigger wings was both a blessing and a curse. Sure, I can fly, but they're just too big for acrobatics. I didn't stand a chance at the try-outs.” She grinned, looking up at the sky, “But you know, it's okay. I found something a bit more fulfilling. Seems these babies...” She paused to unfurl the other wing, showing off it's impressive wingspan, “...are better suited for long distance, heavy laden flight.”

She smirked at Starstep. “I get to carry things that other pegasi can't. Things too dangerous or too large for long range teleporting. I kinda like it. I get to do something even unicorns can't. Even Dash was impressed when I carried a sleep-spelled baby hydra from Las Pegasus to Everfree.”

Starstep stopped, Scootaloo halting a few steps further to look back at him. He nodded his head at the small restaurant tucked between two dress shop. A simple sign overhead declared it 'The Cloud Nine' “Hey Scoots, hungry? My treat.” He smiled to his school friend. She returned his smile and accepted his offer.

Scootaloo pushed back her plate and burped, blushing as she covered her muzzle. “Oops, sorry.” Her lunch companion laughed it off.

“Hey, it's cool. Glad you enjoyed it.”

She grinned before glancing around the little restaurant, “I can't believe there's a place here with REAL Cloudsdale food. I mean, there's some places I've tried around Canterlot that claim it's authentic, but bleh.”

The blue-grey colt nodded in agreement, “Yeah, funny how these little hole in the wall places end up being a hundred times better than the fancy places down the street.” He paused in thought, catching the other pony looking at him curiously, “I'm sorry I haven't been able to write to you and the gang. Royal Guard training and getting used to Canterlot, yeah, I've been distracted these last couple of years.So uh...Scoots. Besides the cargo job, anything new in your life?”

She shook her head, “Nah, just work. How about you? You made it into the guards, but ever fulfill that graduation goal?” She smirked, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Rubbing the back of his head, he gave an awkward grin, “Uh, you remember that huh?”

Laughing as she pulled apart a fortune cookie, she deepened her voice to gave her best imitation of him, “I'm going to be Princess Luna's Special Somepony.” Starstep lightly banged his forehead onto the table, riding out her laughter, and couldn't help himself from chuckling as well.

With a sigh he raised his head to rest his chin on the table edge, “Yeah yeah, laugh it up. And no, I still haven't achieved that goal.” Scootaloo's laughter cut off sharply.

“Wait, you're still trying?” He nodded and she whistled softly. There was an awkward silence as Scootaloo came to grips with Starstep's odd determination.

"Two years and you're still trying to catch Princess Luna's eye.” She started, “Props to you for keeping the dream alive. Not an easy thing to do. After I failed, I dunno... life got... complicated, busy. I just let myself get buried in whatever I was doing and tried to put my old dream behind me." She smirked across the table and held up a hoof, “I always knew you were a hard-headed one, rock on Star.” The colt tapped hooves with her's, matching her smile.

Being here with his friend, after what felt like forever, stirred a memory of their past together. “Hey, remember that one time, um...during that party at Sweetie Belle's house?” He tilted his head at the sudden blush on Scootaloo's orange cheeks. She nodded, not meeting his gaze.
“You ever regret it?”

A long pause followed, Scootaloo looking at her hooves as she fidgeted with the fortune between them. She glanced up to meet his gaze and nodded, “Yeah...sometimes I do.” It was not exactly the answer Starstep had expected. She continued, “When we were dating as foals, I just... it was awesome. We had a lot of fun together, but Star, you were so obsessed with your sky studies and now that I think back on it, your lust for Princess Luna. Sometimes...”

She crumpled the little fortune between her hooves and sighed, looking up to meet his eyes fully, “Sometimes I wonder if we should have, well, went all the way at that party. Maybe it would have got your mind off that dream and on something more real... like me. I can't help but wonder if it was my fault. I mean, sure we're friends still, but could we have been more?” She sighed and shrugged with a sad chuckle, “It's cool though. That was years ago. I can see you've come a long way, became a guard pony. By the way I HAVE to see you in uniform.” Her wings ruffled, “And despite how you've changed, you still have that affection for the Princess. In some weird sort of way I respect that. Really, I do.”

Starstep nodded to her final words. A part of him still had feelings for the orange pegasus; what exactly those feelings were, he wasn't sure. They had a few years as a young couple but never did anything further than kissing and snuggling. After a failed attempt at going further, it devolved into just a strong friendship. Not such a bad ending. Yet, like Scootaloo suggested, perhaps it could have been more.

Shaking off the thoughts he dug out enough bits for the check and a tip and smiled to the filly across the table, “Hey, wanna see the castle? I'll even put on the armor.” Her face brightened up and she clapped her fore-hooves together excitedly.

Chapter III

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To Love the Moon
by Indigo Eclipse

Chapter III

The gate guards at the castle entrance nodded to Starstep and Scootaloo as they passed. As long as they had an official escort, guests were welcome to the massive building. The Princesses enjoyed sharing what they had, within reason. It also helped the guards from feeling too cut off with the outside world and reenforced the need to present a favorable image.

Down the long polished white corridors, Starstep led his friend. She gasped and marveled at the huge archways, guided paintings on the ceiling in the hall of stories, and was dancing on her hooves in giddy excitement at the cloud fountain. After tearing her away from the strange fountain that sprayed tiny clouds like water, he nudged her down a much more traveled hallway.

“Like it so far Scoots?” He smiled at the orange filly.

She laughed and spun around with a flourish of wings, “Oooh my gosh, this is, wow. I mean, Cloudsdale is cool and all, but this is really something else. The Princesses have an awesome home.”

Starstep chuckled at her delight, “Well, one more great spot to show you and then we'll grab a beer or something, cool?” She nodded as he led the excited pegasus into a massively broad hallway, a line of ponies stretching from a roped off queue and stopped at a massive double door. The doors were currently open to admit petitioners one at a time. They could hear the rich, loving voice of Celestia carry out into the hall. He nodded to one of the door guards, who returned the gesture and escorted the wide-eyed Scootaloo quietly into the throne room, off to the side to join the rest of the crowd of watchers.

Upon a throne of gold and red silk, Princess Celestia was looking down on a pair of pony petitioners, a faint smile upon her lips, “The court has heard both of your arguments and shall now pass judgment. Ironnails, you will pay half of the damages to Newsflash's cart. Newsflash, because you did not have the proper license to sell merchandise on the street, you will owe the city a fine of fifty bits and ten hours of community service. While the court wishes for all to have an opportunity to ply their trades, we must have order in how business is conducted. No pony is excluded from the rules, rich or poor.” A small black, with white mane unicorn nodded sadly as the verdict was handed down.

Celestia turned her gaze directly on the other pony, a thick legged olive coated earth pony. Her expression hardened slightly “And Ironnails, the next time somepony decides to illegally set up in front of your shop, do not take it upon yourself to buck their cart into pieces. Please contact the city guard, it's what they're paid for. Understand?” The earth pony grumbled softly but bowed his head in respect. “Very well, court is now in recess. Clerks, please prepare the next cases to begin in half an hour.”

With recess called, the crowd began to talk amongst themselves. Celestia was calmly sipping from a cup, watching those in attendance. Starstep slipped a wing over Scootaloo and pulled her out of the crowd and towards the throne. At first Scootaloo resisted, but her friend's assurances that it was fine, soothed her reluctance. A respectful distance from the princess, Starstep bowed, followed by Scootaloo. The princess stepped off her throne and approached the two, “Please rise my little ponies. Starstep , showing around a guest today?”

The blue-grey pegasus grinned up at the sun goddess and nodded, using his wing to slightly push the orange filly towards the towering princess. “This is one of my best friends from school. I'd like you to meet Scootaloo.”

The regal white alicorn nodded with a welcoming smile to the smaller pony, “Hello Scootaloo, how do you find the castle so far?”

The nervous filly glanced over at her friend then back up at the alicorn, “Oh, it's wow, Princess, it's like the best house ever! I wish I could live in a place like this. Of course I uh, might make a few adjustments.”

Celestia giggled softly, “Oh? What improvements might you make, my dear?”

A broad grin spread on Scootaloo's face, “Oh, nothing fancy, knock out some roofs, set up a racing course for pegasus in these massive halls. Replace the throne with one made of storm clouds so it's all cool and electrifying!”

Her suggestions were met with soft laughter and a smile, “Well, when it comes time for redecorating, I shall remember your suggestions.” She glanced over at Starstep , a twinkle in her eyes, “Well it was very nice to meet you Scootaloo, I unfortunately have more business to attend to. Please, enjoy the rest of your visit.” Her request was met with an excited nod, and both of the pegasi gave her a parting bow before Starstep herded the bouncing filly out of the room.

“Ooooh my gosh that was soooo cool!” She preformed a flying back-flip over Starstep . “I mean, she's come to Ponyville before but, I never got to actually talk with her.” She gave her friend a kiss on the nose and giggled, “Thanks Star, you're an awesome friend. So, how about that drink?” She smiled at the speechless colt.

Starstep cast a sly grin at Scootaloo and motioned with his head to follow. As they wandered down a few side hallways, Star broke the quiet,“I'll save the rest of the castle if you want to visit again sometime, that cool?” the filly nodded. “Well, now, about that drink, you got two spots to choose from. Our local guard watering hole, or the little stash I keep in my quarters.”

The orange pony pondered for a moment, playfully bumping flanks with her friend as they walked, soft click of their hooves resounding down the empty passageway. “Well...would be kinda nice to see how you colts let your manes down. Lets start off with the bar, and then later, you can show me how you look in uniform, deal?” She stuck out her hoof. The colt chuckled and hoof-bumped her, “Deal.”

A short pegasus flight later, Starstep held the door for his friend at the entrance of the Ol' Rowdy. A stark contrast from yesterday's crowd, it was only early afternoon and most of the patrons were the midnight guard-ponies. He knew the rest of morning crew would begin to trickle in soon. He led them to a booth towards the back, noting instruments on the stage, “Hey Rowdy?” He shouted at the bartender as he slid into his seat, “Band tonight?”

The grizzled old earth pony behind the counter nodded as he mixed a drink, “Yah, Cover band O' some type. Classic rock aye be thinking. Figured you colts would liken a bit of a ditty or two after a hard work week.” He hooved the finished drink to one of his girls and glanced back at the pair, “Hey, ye see Sherry about? I know she was'a flirtin with you fellers last night. She done late for her shift.”

Starstep shook his head, “Nah, Rowdy, besides, I got a pretty filly right here.” He winked at Scootaloo who blushed lightly at the teasing complement. “Couple of hard green ciders if you would please.” The old bartender nodded and Star leaned close to Scoot's ear, “Sherry's one of his daughters. He a tough ol pony but he understands his girls have their own lives. He looks the other way till somepony keeps them from work. Sadly, I think my buddy Lighthoof might be to blame for that.”

Scootaloo giggled softly, “Is your friend going to be ok?”

Starstep smirked, “That depends on how late Sherry ends up being.”

Their drinks arrived and the next hour was spent reminiscing about the past and story swapping. Scootaloo telling a bit about her try-outs and how she ended up delivering cargo by accident, Starstep talked about guard-training and the reluctantly told her about his encounter with Luna the previous day. They shared laughs, finishing the cider and moving on to Cherry Ale as a band began to set up on stage. True to Rowdy's word, it appeared to be collection of classic rock players. A guitarist, bass player, drummer and a keyboardist. As the afternoon faded, the bar filled with off-duty guards, and the band kicked into full gear. the volume of the noise increased till the two friends were speaking loudly in each others ear.

“And then I said, Sir, I can't transport your wife to Fillydelphia. And he said, why not? So I looked him straight in the eye and said, sir, that's a boulder.” Scootaloo finished her joke and the two friends were hanging off each other laughing. As Starstep caught his breath he noticed Sherry slip in under the glare of her father, and shortly thereafter, Lighthoof wandered in. His friend tried to hide from Rowdy's ever present gaze as he noticed Starstep and wove his way through the crowd to join them at the booth.

“Hey Star, and heyyyyy, new girl?” He flicked his eyes between the two in surprise, curious at how they were both dangling off each other after the shared laugh. “So Star...gonna introduce me?”

The blue-grey colt grinned, “Lighthoof, meet a classmate of mine from Ponyville, Scootaloo. Scootaloo, meet Lighthoof, my buddy from the guard who will soon be meeting Rowdy's hoof.” He smirked at his guard-buddy. Scootaloo giggled at the introduction and the politely shook hooves.

“Dude, Star, keep it down will you? Geeze. I don't think he suspects anything yet.” Starstep looked over his friend's shoulder, noting Rowdy was giving Lighthoof a death-glare.

“I wouldn't count on that bud. If I were you, I'd come up with either an excuse as reality shattering as Discord's invasion or a ring to ask for Sherry's hoof. Either way, I'll let the Princess know you might have to take a medical day.” He chuckled and winked at Lighthoof.

The evening wound on, Lighthoof ignoring the evil-eye aimed at the back of his skull, and Sherry slipping him a drink or two with a wink. The three swapped embarrassing stories for a bit, laughing at each others crazy antics till Starstep could tell he was rather buzzed. It was at that point Scootaloo leaned into him and yelled over the crowd into his ear, “Hey, Star, can we head out? I'd like some fresh air, cool?” he nodded in agreement, slapping down enough bits to cover the tab plus tip.

As he swung out of the booth, helping Scootaloo to her hooves, he noticed Sherry arguing heatedly in a corner with her father. The father glancing from her to Lighthoof. Starstep patted his buddy on the shoulder reassuringly, “Well bud, you reap what you sow.” He shouted in his friends ear, motioning with his head back towards Rowdy who was now making his way over to the booth. Lighthoof followed the head nod, noting the approaching bartender and groaned. He looked up pleadingly at his friend who unfortunately just shrugged as he lead Scootaloo out of the bar into the crisp night air.

The two pegasus leaned against each other for warmth and support as they headed back towards the barracks. He wasn't drunk, and he didn't expect Scootaloo was either, but it was nice to share each others company and affection after so long. Despite anything else, Scoots was still a good friend of his, and he took comfort in that fact. It was a quiet walk the whole trip till they arrived at his doorstep. The door unlocked with a loud click and he held it wide to allow his friend in first.

His quarters were very simple. A bed, a small fridge, a small desk with chair, a simple bathroom with shower, a nightstand and a sturdy mirror resting on a set of clothes drawers. He nodded towards the neatly made bed as he shut the door behind them and pulled out a couple of beers from the mini-fridge.

Scootaloo wandered over and plopped her haunches up on the bed, glancing about the sparse but comfortable quarters, “Wow, it's not much is it?” Starstep chuckled and popped the caps off the beers with his wings before handing her one of the cool beverages.

“Nah, I'm still a new guard. Officers have some great quarters, and if you get married you can use some larger ones, or move off-site. Us new guys, well, they like to keep us close till we get used to the routine. But, despite all that, it's comfortable enough and thank Luna the walls are thick.” Scootaloo arced her eyebrow at the comment and tipped back her beer for a swallow.

“Oh yeah? How do you know? Do you bring all the hot fillies back here?” She smirked at her friend's blush.

“Ah, no...but my neighboring guards do...a lot. Guy to my right is a newlywed, so yeah...” he laughed and took a swig of his own drink. There was a quiet pause as Scootaloo regarded him.

“Hey, Star? Have you know...?” She tilted her head curiously, then blinked in surprise as he shook his head. “Really? You can't be serious. I mean, with that uniform, and your job, how is that even bucking possible?” She blinked, “Wait, am I allowed to curse in the castle?” She looked around, perhaps afraid the princesses would pop out of no-where and scold her.

Star finished his beer and rose to slide up next to his friend on the bed, “Haha, it's cool Scoot. The Princesses are far more understanding than most ponies realize. Seems like too many ponies see them for what they are, and not who they are.” He gave a gentle sigh, “Kinda sad really.”

Another long pause and Scootaloo finished off her drink. It clinked as she sat the empty bottle on the nightstand and glanced at the colt. “Hey...Star?”


“This is going to sound really weird but... if you haven't been with anypony, what are you going to do if you DO catch Princess Luna's eye?”

Starstep turned his head to see Scootaloo's curious eyes and he sighed, “I'm not sure I follow."

Scootaloo gave a playful smirk. "You're oblivious sometimes, Star. Let's say that one day you manage to start dating the Princess. At some point she'll want to get intimate with you, right?"

The colt raised and eyebrow, trying to ignore the warmth in his belly at the thought. "R-right."

"Well, she's way older than you, with probably a lot of experience. While you have none. You'll probably be too nervous to do anything and it'll be a disaster."

"I would not."

"Uh-huh, well I say you should prove it." She smirked as she crept forward and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. Images of the times they would sneak kisses behind the schoolhouse came flooding into his thoughts. They hadn't shared one of those since the disastrous night at Sweetie's.

Reluctantly she pulled back slightly from his kiss and smiled at him, “Hey Star?”


“Would you like to?”

The colt tilted his head in confusion, “What...what do you mean Scoots?”

She giggled and booped his noise, “I mean, would you like know...” She searched his bright blue eyes, he couldn't find himself looking away. She smiled reassuring to Star, “Just a couple of friends sharing a night of fun together, no pressure, no commitments. Unless you want it to mean something more.” She put a hoof to his lips as he opened his mouth, “I'd like to teach you a thing or two. That way, if your dream does come true one day, you wont be a completely clueless colt."

“I dunno...” He said as she removed her hoof. "I've always liked you Scoots and I love being your friend, I just... I wouldn't want it to get... weird. We both know I really want to be Luna's Special Somepony."

"Well, duh. That's the point you goof. I want to help you."

He thought about her offer for a few moments and realized that, in some respects, Scoots was right. He'd never been with a mare. He honestly had no idea what he was doing and here was his best friend offering to show him a few things. Would it really be so bad to accept her offer? With a smile he touched noses with Scootaloo, “You swear that no matter what, we'll still be best friends after this?”

She giggled and nodded. “I Pinkie-Pie swear, Star. Like I said, this is just between a couple of friends having a little fun. Besides...” She pushed him over onto his side and crawled up to rest her chin on his folded wing, “I think you REALLY need this. It might open your eyes to things you've been missing. Now, just relax, I promise it'll be fun.”

(Out of respect for readers who may not like clop. The sex scene between Starstep and Scootaloo follows in IV. While not necessary for the overall story, it reinforces their bond and is a lot of fun. If it's not your thing, skip on to Chapter V. But you will miss some minor character development.)

Chapter IV (Mature)

View Online

To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter IV
(This chapter is mature. If you don't like clop, move on to Chapter V.)

As Starstep laid on his side, Scootaloo nuzzled into his blue-grey feathers, leaving gentle kisses along the primaries in her muzzle's wake. She glanced up at her friend as he turned his head to watch. They shared a warm smile. “Not nervous?” He shook his head. They'd often made out when they were kids, experimenting and learning about each other. This was nothing necessarily new, but exciting none-the-less now that they'd grown up. This time however, there would be no stopping short of fulfilling desires.

The orange pegasus used her fore-hooves to spread his feathers as she pressed her muzzle between. Her warm tongue wiggled between the shafts, teasing at the sensitive skin than held them. She giggled at the soft moan of delight from Star, licking, and curling her tongue around downy barbs at the bases to pull and dampen their roots as her hooves kneaded like a happy cat into smaller secondary feathers.

All of Scoot's attentions were having the desired effect. The visual of her teasing him, and the sensations that shivered through him, caused his wings to slowly unfurl. Scootaloo shifted as they rose, rubbing her nose under the exposed wing, kissing and licking through the auxiliaries that marked where the wing and body met. Her hot breath brushed across the damp flesh between her tongue's pleasure, making his muscles twitch as a shutter ran though him.

On her teasing went, licking, and nuzzling, the whole while she watched his face, a twinkle in her eye as she caught the minute expressions of his pleasure. She paused to giggle, arcing back her neck to take a few of the black-tips of his wing in her muzzle. She held them in her teeth and narrowed her eyes at her friend.

“You wouldn't...” Star asked, to which she just grinned wider and nodded lightly, “Wait, Scoot, you know Ooooooh buck me.” He squirmed about on the bedsheets, wings locking out as she pulled hard on the feathers, both her fore-hooves digging into his cutie-mark. She released that mouthful only to take up another along his softer, shorter secondaries. Bracing her legs on his mark again, wiggling into his stars with the firm hooves, she gave another tug, eliciting another gasp and oath of painful pleasure from the colt.

The filly laughed and leaned down to kiss along his flank as the colt whimpered softly. She tilted her head, her tongue darting out to trace the horseshoe in his cutie-mark. While her mouth was busy, one hoof glided down his belly. Star watched her, his eyes widening, “Wait...Scoots I...” She smirked nipping his cutie-mark, causing him to shiver in delight, wiggling his hooves.

“Shhhh, Star, just relax.” She giggled at his eyes following her hoof as it ruffled his belly coat tracing down the center till it bumped into the colt's stiff arousal. “Well...except this part.” She flashed a grin, breaking eye contact to look over his side at the engorged member, “, Star. Makes me wish we'd done this sooner. You've been holding out on me.” She flicked her eyes to him and winked at his hot blush. She left a trail of soft kisses down his flank, around the thigh and wiggled her head between his hind-legs to continue the path of the gentle touches to his sheath. Star did his best to spread his legs for her attentions, now watching down his chest, eyes wide in partial disbelief.

Scootaloo used her shoulder to help brace up his top leg as she opened her mouth to envelop one of the colt's fuzzy balls. The sharp intake of breath from her friend caused her to giggle softly around the hot orb. She opened her mouth, releasing her hold and began to nuzzle around the colt's sheath. She inhaled deeply, sighing in content. The slight musky smell combined with a hint of vanilla. As she kissed up his sheath, she mused on the fact that every pony seemed to have their own scent. At the end of the sheath where his member became furless flesh, she looked up at her friend, smiling warmly, her hot breath from her nostrils washing across the exposed cock. Star returned her smile, a bit of pleading in his bright blue eyes. She nodded, rubbing the end of her nose against his shaft and began to kiss up the length, her eyes keeping locked with her friend's. He flicked his gaze from hers to her mouth's work, muscles slightly twitching in involuntary shudders.

Her soft lips left little spots of wetness from her kisses, her tongue slipping through her lips at each peck as she made her way to the blunt tip of his shaft. She kissed around the head, more little strands of saliva tapering off as she teased at the part that would flare when he came. Then she opened her mouth wide and let the broad surface of her filly tongue run across the flat top of his shaft, scooping up the salty pre-cum and circling his urethra a couple of times. Much to Star's gasping delight. Long delightful licks later, she opened her mouth wider, taking his head into that hot muzzle. Just the feel of engulfing warmth and probing from the tongue had the colt wiggling about on the bedsheets. His hip muscles twitched as he fought the urge to buck into her mouth. Looking down his chest at the filly, he could only groan at the sight of her cute orange muzzle wrapped around his cock, beaming up at him with flushed cheeks. As if his wings weren't already erect, they attempted to stiffened more at the adorable, sexy sight of Scootaloo being so naughty. She bobbed her head a couple times, pulling off the end with a wet pop and giggled, rubbing the saliva around with her hooves. While the colt twisted and wiggled, she licked up and down the shaft, dampening the entire length, leaving the other pegasus panting.

“Star?” He looked down at her questioningly, “Do you like my wings?” She spread out her impressive plumage, a beautiful accent to her long-legged body. He nodded furiously, licking his muzzle as his eyes traced her wings in hungry lust. She smiled, blushing hotly at his stare, “Alright, roll on your back. I want to do something for you, only a pegasus can do. Just for you.” He nodded excitedly again, complying with her request. Fore-hooves tucked to his chest, he readjusted his position, letting his wings splay out to each side of his back. He spread his hind-legs, looking down his chest at the beautiful young mare.

Scootaloo turned slightly to the side, curling out one of her wings till the primaries brushed against Star's twitching cock. The colt inhaled sharply, holding his breath as she flicked her long orange feathers back and forth on his member. He didn't notice exactly when he released that deep breath and began to moan, rolling back his head. She changed her direction, letting just the leading edges of the feathers trace up the underside, pausing to flutter them like a duster at his tip. She drew her wing back, a sticky trail of pre-cum thinning from tip to feathers. She rolled her shoulders, then hunched over, curling both of her large wings around her body to touch the very tips to each side of Star's colthood. Extended as they were, she had little control of their motion, so she began to slowly rock on her hooves, letting her body guide.

Star's eyes shot open and he looked back down. He moaned delirious words at the sight of the orange young mare, rocking back and forth between his thighs, her wings causing tingling pleasures along his entire length. She began to rock a little faster, taking time to flick the tips against the head of his cock on each stroke. He shuddered, whimpering a little. “Scoooot, I...I think I'm close.” She glance up at him, a loving smile upon her lips. She nodded, changing her tactic to a frantic wiggling of her wingtips against the head of his cock. She watched his face as he strove to hold himself back, giggling lightly. “” He gasped between words, groaning at the effort to keep from climaxing. “On your wings I mean.” he asked meekly, looking down at the orange pegasus with pleading eyes. Her loving smile shifted to a naughty grin.

Scootaloo halted her double wing method to turn more to her side, curling her wing slightly under his shaft and using a hoof to bury the member in the soft plumage. With a combination of her hoof, wing and rocking of body, she stroked Star's colthood through her feathers. Starstep watched through half-closed eyes, bucking his hips slightly into the wing, catching glimpses of the head of his cock as it slid out of the hot blanket of sensations. The head was flaring, and the visual aspect of rutting Scootaloos beautiful wing finally pushed him over the edge.

With a cry of release, the colt came hard, his hips slightly bucking as treads of his sticky spunk spewed out into the caressing feathers. Scootaloo moaned with him, feeling the throbbing member tucked in her sensitive wing as she slid a hoof down her body to tease between her own thighs. She played with herself a bit as Starstep rode out his first orgasm with another mare, delighting in his facial expressions, and sight of her wings dripping in his seed. Slowly, the colt's breath slowed, and he regained his senses, his glazed over eyes glanced about for a moment before latching onto Scootaloo's. He beamed a smile down at her, “That” She giggled and nodded, uncurling her sticky wing from his member.

Scootaloo crawled up his belly and kissed him passionately. Star returned the loving kiss in equal measure, then softly rubbed his nose against hers as his fore-hooves wrapped around her shoulder. She grinned and booped his nose, “I need to get cleaned up and give you time to recover big colt. Need you ready for the main event.” He raised his eyebrows, “What, you didn't think I was letting you off with just a wing-job did you?” She giggled and kissed him lightly before whispering into his ear, “You're going to rut me and you're going to like it.” She pulled loose from his embrace, smirking at the colt as she wandered into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Starstep laid on his back as his wings slowly relaxed, his fore-hooves tucked behind his head as he listened to the pattering of falling water and faint moans of Scootaloo. He figured she had been just as turned on by the kinky wing-play. He took a moment to berate himself for not tending to her needs but knew he was far too dazed afterwards to be of much help.


At least twenty minutes later, the water faded and the door clicked open. Scootaloo stood with a towel wrapped around her midsection, hair wet and drooping to frame her seductive eyes. He could feel his wings begin to stiffen at such a cute and sexy sight. Sashaying across the small room, she reached the bed and kissed the colt, “ what you see?” He nodded quickly, “Alright Star, since it's your first time, do you know what position you might like to try? I'll let you lead.”

Starstep tilted his head in thought, looking the damp orange pegasus over, his eyes lingering on her cute muzzle, wings and flanks. “Erm...traditional, if that's ok.” She smiled and nodded. The filly slid her front half onto the bed, fore-hooves tucked under her chest, her rump slightly raised in the air. She giggled and winked at the colt, waving her toned plot back and forth.

Wasting no time, the blue-grey colt slid off the bed and circled around presented rump. He licked his muzzle as she waved her tail to the side, turning her head to watch him as his eyes widened at the sight of her plot and mare-hood, already damp from her excitement. She giggled as the colt pushed his nose between her flanks, hot rushes of air causing her legs to quiver as he deeply inhaled her scent. A faint hint of raspberries and oranges, he wasn't sure if it was her shampoo or the filly itself that gave off such a tantalizing aroma. Dismissing it as unimportant, he rubbed his nose up and down the glistening pink slit, grinning at the pleased noises she made in response. He turned his head, slipping his broad pony tongue into the slit, curling at the edges to scoop up a little of her juices. It didn't have much taste, but it smelled more strongly of her scent.

Long teasing laps, darting tongue explorations into her folds and an accidental bump of his nose against her plothole had the mare dancing lightly on her hooves. Juices from her excitement covered her mound, and left small sticky furrows through her inner thigh coat. Her wings had long since stiffened and she moaned softly into a pillow she had tucked under her head, “Star...” She whispered, “Mmm...Rut me already you crazy colt.” She grinned back at him, wigging her plot again and raising her tail invitingly.

Needing no further incentive to do as she asked, the colt removed his mouth from her flanks and raised up on his hind legs, resting the barrel of his chest against her tailbase as he slid his body into position. He grasped at her sides, tucking his fore-hooves against the front edge of her flanks as he worked his hind legs and hips closer to the presented mare. After a few futile stabs at the air, his hardened colthood bumped against her thighs, resulting in a soft moan of delight. A little maneuvering between the two of them and he found the head of his cock pressing against the moist opening. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, “Ready Scoots?” She nodded, pressing her hips back against that prodding tip, parting her folds just slightly. Taking the invitation, he colt rolled his hips forward and clenched his eyes, moaning loudly as he slid into her tightness. He held himself in her, panting as he felt her clench up around his entire shaft . Scootaloo giggled at his reaction.

“ is it?” She looked over her shoulder at the stunned colt. He could only grin through half-closed eyes. She laughed softly and gave a little coo of pleasure as she rolled her hips back, hilting him fully. “Come on Star....rut me already you big goof.”

Star bit his lip as Scoot pushed herself the rest of the way on his shaft and choked out a gasp when he realized he had been holding his breath. Hesitantly, he arced his back, rolling back his hip to draw his shaft outwards but not leaving her tight warmth. His confidence grew a little as instinct started to take over. His hips rolled forward suddenly, impaling the filly in a sudden thrust, to which she gasped and moaned in pleasure. “That's it Star, harder!” she pleaded.

The colt rocked back and forth, a little firmer, a little more practiced with each motion. Even over the heartbeat in his ears, he could hear her moans, gasps and whimpers of delight as he sped up to a pleasurable pace. His hips rammed hers on each full hilting. The wet sounds of her flesh being tugged and pushed by his cock filled the room. Slight ruffles of their wings as one or the other would flap the stiffened appendages in quivering ecstasy. It was a chorus of carnal lust, and at the back of his mind, Star was glad the quarters had thick walls.

Being his first time, despite the earlier release of his tension, Star could tell he wasn't going to last much longer. Scootaloo, despite her submission position was driving him wild with her muscular clenches around his shaft and teasing flicks of her tail up against the undersides of his wing. He gritted his teeth willing himself hold back. “Scoot...I...want you to cum.” He pleaded at the young mare he was rutting so passionately. She nodded, biting her lower lip as she moaned.

“My... wings...bite. I'm almost there.” She shut her eyes tight and wiggled under his body. Starstep nodded, though she couldn't see, slowing his thrust but increasing their force as he arced his neck out to take a leading edge of her wing in his mouth. He gripped it in his flat pony teeth and bit down firmly, giving a tug with his head as he gave her three extra hard drives of his colthood. She cried out, shuddering under his body and squirmed around on the pillow as her hips pressed themselves back against him. He could feel her walls milking at his length as he resumed rutting the mare as she rode out her orgasm. Just the expressions on her face almost drove him over. He closed his eyes, letting his mind wander as it would as he focused on finishing, just a little more. He could feel his head flaring inside her, dragging on her still convulsing walls.

He climaxed, shouting out, his body going rigid as the first few, almost painful spurts of his cum filled Scootaloo. His forelimbs gave out and he slumped over his lover's body, his colthood throbbing out a handful of gushes till it too began to soften slightly. In a haze, he remembered slipping out of the mare, noting the juices that rushed out as he did, a faint voice in his head chided him for making a mess on the hardwood floor. He could feel Scootaloo coax him into bed with her, helping the two of them find a comfortable position to cuddle. She kissed him and gave a nuzzle under his chin before tucking her head against his neck. In his fading consciousness, he could make out soft crying and the faint words, “I love you Star.”

Then all was black.

Chapter V

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter V

Starstep yawned, freezing in mid-stretch at the feeling of something stroking his chest and warmth cuddled up to his side. The fog of sleep dissipated and he cracked open an eye to find Scootaloo snuggled up against his body. She had her head tucked against his neck, one of her hooves was softly trailing through his chest fur. He smiled, reaching up to caress her cheek. “Morning Scoots.”

The filly remained quiet, continuing to run her hoof through his coat. There was some sort of tension in the air, a twinge of nervousness rooted in his belly. “Scoot?”

“Luna...” She whispered bitterly, nothing but her hoof had yet moved.

“I'm sorry, what?” He reached out to tilt her chin up so he could look at her. She had small tear streaks running down her cheeks from corners of her eyes, “Scoots, what's wrong?”

She bit back a sob and shook her head. She clenched her eyes tight as she took deep breaths. There was more calm in her voice as she met his eyes again, “ out her name last night.”

Starstep tilted his head in confusion, “What, when? I don't...” He was cut off as she put a hoof on his lips.

“When you came, you cried out her name. It's okay though Star. I understand.” She took a deep breath and nuzzled back into his neck, “I'm glad we did this, no regrets. I just hope I taught you something.” There was a long pause as Star came to grips with his slip-up. He didn't remember doing such a thing. Why hadn't she said anything at the time?

“Scoots, I'm so sorry if I did. You know I care about you.” She choked out a laugh and nodded, ruffling her cheek against his neck.

“I know you do.” She lifted her front to look down at him, "Maybe one day you'd love me like you love the Princess.”

“But Scoots, I do love you!” The colt protested before she planted a gentle kiss on his lips.

“You do, but as a friend.” She smiled down knowingly at the trapped pegasus. He looked away, unable to meet her gaze. A sinking feeling in his gut told him she was right. “Star, I'm not trying to pull you away from your dream. This was just a bit of fun. Maybe next time I'm in town, we can romp a bit. I told you before, I respect your dedication to this dream of yours.” She shrugged and sighed, “I guess some part of me wishes you would learn to love more than one mare. But, no matter what, I'll be your friend forever."

Star nodded, willing himself to meet her gaze and return her soft smile. “Yeah. I'm holding you to that.” The filly laughed and cuddled up to him. He gave a soft sigh and hugged her tight, “Are you sure this is okay?”

She nodded, “I have no regrets, Star. I loved every minute of the time we spent and I hope you learned a thing or two." When he gave a nod she smirked. "I look forward to spending time again. Okay?” She leaned up to kiss him lightly.

“Scootaloo, you are the most bucking awesome pegasus I've ever know. Thank you for this.” he grinned at her bright laughter.

“You're bucking right I am, and don't you forget it.”

The rest of the morning was fairly uneventful. They shared a playful shower, cleaning each other up and taking time to tidy up the room. Starstep put on his uniform for a short bit and explained the magic behind it. Scootaloo eyed him slyly and made him swear he'd wear it next time they rutted. Despite the earlier tension, it seemed the two were still fast friends. Starstep was incredibly grateful, treating his friend to a quick breakfast at Cloud Nine. After breakfast was over, she kissed him on the lips, whispered that she loved him, and promised to seek him out next time she was in town. Then, just like that, she took off on her broad orange wings, leaving him to return to his life as a guard.

As he approached the main gates, one of the guards held up a hoof, “Hey Star, bit of hop in your step this morning. Anything to do with that cute pegasus filly?” The other guard chuckled and they both shared a grin.

Star smirked even as he felt his cheeks redden, “Why fellas, is that jealousy I hear? Now if you'll excuse me gentlecolts, I have bedsheets to have washed.”

The two guards' jaws dropped and exchanged glances. They knew Starstep's usual demeanor, so his quip caught them flat-hoofed. “Hey-hey, Star. She musta really done a number on you. Good for you! We were getting a might worried.” They nodded to him as he trotted through the archway.

At the back of his mind, he realized that was not something he normally would have said out-loud. In fact, he felt light, as though a burden had vanished from his shoulders. The morning seemed brighter, his steps more firm. Even though he felt slightly tired, it was a fulfilling ache. He gave a soft chuckle as he wandered down the halls, making a mental note to thank Scootaloo next time she visited.

He came to a halt in front of Lighthoof's door. There was a blue sock over the handle. He raised an eyebrow, noting it was a different color from the night before. Even though it was the universal 'do not disturb' sign, he was concerned about his buddy. He gave a soft shrug and rapped on the thick walnut door. Nothing. He knocked his hoof harder, then pressed his ear to the door. He could make out faint shuffling then jerked his head back as the door unlocked.

Lighthoof blinked away the brightness of the hallway, staring up at his friend in confusion before his sleep-addled brain managed to form simple thoughts, “Ugg...damn dude, not see the sock? What's up?” Starstep noticed his friend had a light bruise around one eye.

“Sorry Light, I was worried about you.” He grinned and tilted his head, “I see you're sporting a shiner. I'm guessing that's from Rowdy? I expected you to have broken limbs.” He laughed.

Lighthoof glared at the other pony for a moment. He glanced over his shoulder into the room then stepped out into the hallway, pulling the door ajar. “Actually, Sherry gave me this.” He smirked and rubbed the side of his face, “Rowdy and I had a bit of a sit down. He was furious, but I explained that I really liked her and would fight him over the right to date her. Well. Sherry's face went all red and she bucking clobbered me.”

Starstep raised an eyebrow, “What the tartarus happened?”

“Ah well, when I came to, she apologized and told me no one threatened her father. In the end, Rowdy said his piece, warned me not to break her heart and then Sherry and me... kinda made up.” He grinned and motioned his head towards the door.

The blue-grey colt grinned broadly, “Oh yeah? What's it like with a unicorn anyway?”

Lighthoof blinked, worked his jaw speechless for a few moments before tilting his head quizzically, “I... dude... are you drunk this early? I never thought I'd hear you ask a question like that.” He paused, narrowing his eyes at his friend, “ was that orange filly from yesterday, wasn't it?” Starstep blushed faintly and fluttered his wings, “OH DUDE, wow. Props, she was a looker!” He lifted a hoof and his friend hoof-bumped. “Anyhoof, I need to get back. See you on shift this afternoon.” With that, the light tan pegasus slipped back inside and closed the door. The sounds of a lock falling into place echoed in the hallway as Starstep trotted along humming merrily to himself.

The rest of the morning and early afternoon went quickly. He took time to wash his bedding, making a mental note of just how messy sex really was. Nothing at all like those articles in PlayColt. After a quick lunch, he polished up his armor, suited up and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked good, damn, he felt good. He had a proud strut as he made his way towards the gardens where his new assignment would take place. As he walked the halls, he caught glimpses of some of the mare maids and servants giving him the once over. Was it because he seemed more confident in himself, or had they always stared and he never took time to notice? With his armor on, he knew he looked like every other pegasus guard, but he couldn't help feeling the eyes on his flanks. While the thought reddened his cheeks a little, it made his wings flutter and chest puff out.

As he exited the main halls into the gardens, a soft voice interrupted his internal contemplations. “Starstep , how are you my dear?” he halted and spun his head to find Princess Celestia relaxing on a long stone bench. She smiled warmly at the pony as he turned and trotted over to give a quick bow.

“Princess. I'm doing well. Anything I can do for you?”

The white alicorn tilted her head, a curious expression flitted across her face before a grin broke across her muzzle, “Perhaps another time.” Her pastel mane flowed in the air around her head as she quietly regarded the pegasus, “You appear to have certain happiness about you this afternoon. Am I to assume your friend from Ponyville assisted in this more positive outlook?” The colt blushed and looked to the ground.

“Er um...Princess, I'm not sure it's proper...” His weak protest was dusted away by her merry laugh.

“Starstep, my dear. I am thousands of years old. It would be foalish to assume I am not aware of such things.” She beamed a smile, “Love comes in many forms and through many acts. It's okay to share such things.” She paused, “As long as you remember there's a time and a place.” She nodded before rising to her feet. She towered over the smaller pegasus, standing so close to her tall regal form caused Starstep to shiver slightly in awe. She leaned down to nuzzle softly at his cheek, “My little pony, it gladdens my heart when one can share a part of themselves with others. Never forget that feeling.” She nodded and wandered deeper into the gardens, leaving one very stunned pegasus.

An hour passed, the sun reached the start of it's twilight hours and Starstep took his place in front of a small fish pond. Just as he got into a comfortable stance, Lighthoof scrambled up, snapping to attention beside him. His friends chest heaved with his gasps. “Sorry Dude...buck, I couldn't get away.”

Starstep smirked at his friend, “Paybacks a bitch.”

“What do you mean?” Lighthoof was readjusting his helmet, and glanced at Star under the edge of the golden metal.

“You made Sherry late, I think this was her way of getting back.” The words struck home as Lighthoof grimaced

“Yeah...probably right. It was kinda my fault. was it with, you know?”

Starstep raised an eyebrow at his friend and cleared his throat. “We're kinda on duty now.”

Lighthoof snapped the latch on his helmet back into place and settled at attention, “One, we're guarding a bucking fish pond. Two, we're not on the main pathways anymore. Three, she was cute, it was your first, so bucking spill it.”

Starstep gave a soft sigh, “One, these bucking fish are older than either of us combined. Two, we can still get occasional visitors, and three...lets just say those wings aren't just for show.” He blushed faintly, remembering the favor Scootaloo did for him. His buddy nodded, content with the reasoning.

“Alright...fair enough. How about after work. I'll explain how to make a unicorn mare putty in your hooves if you buy the rounds. Deal?” The two shared a grin and Starstep hoof-bumped with his friend, “Deal.”

A few hours past, the two guard ponies standing at their posts in front of the ornamental fish pond. It was no bigger around than small house, but with sparkling blue water near the top, which faded into an inky blackness at it's depths. Neither of them knew exactly how deep it was, only that it was forbidden to touch it. Occasionally, ponies would catch glimpses of one of the ancient fishes as they crested the surface to snap up a waterbug. The rest of the time, they seemed enjoy the darkness below.

Twilight came and went, the last glimmers of the sun disappearing over the horizon and Luna's moon cresting into the sky. Full and beautiful, shimmering it it's soft silvery light. Starstep busied himself by picking out the planets and reflecting on the stories of the various constellations. Lighthoof on the other hoof, hummed a few songs and swayed ever so slightly to keep himself occupied. Guard duty was boring. No pony would deny it. While in the public eye, they were forced to represent rigid figures of authority. When tucked away like these two were, a little lee-way was allowed.

“Hey Light?” Starstep whispered to his guard buddy, halting his song mid-tune.


“What's your favorite constellation?” Star was looking up adoringly at the glimmering heavens as Lighthoof considered his question and joined his upward gaze.

“Hmm...Thunderwing the Wise.” Starstep glanced at his friend in surprise as Lighthoof chuckled, “Yeah, yeah. I know what you're thinking, but what's not to love about a pegasus girl who defeats her foes with quick wits? Wings and hooves and horns are all well and good. But I got a soft spot for smarts.”

“Oh yeah? What about Sherry?”

“Hey now, that whole bar act is just that. Turns out she's quick as a whip.” He smiled to himself.

Starstep glanced about to ensure they were still alone in the lantern lit gardens, “Think she'll be your special somepony?”

Lighthoof raised an eyebrow, “Wow, dude. I haven’t used that phrase since school. But uh, I dunno. I'd like to think so. I'm not gonna stress over it. I'm just going to enjoy my time with her and see what happens.” he nodded to himself, still watching the heavens with his friend.

“It's funny. Before today, I don't think I would have understood. But now...yeah...I can see the wisdom in that.” He nodded softly.

“Look at you, dude, Getting all philosophical after one good rutting. Tartarus, dude. I should have locked you up with a filly in heat a year ago.”

Starstep laughed lightly and flicked his gaze to his friend, “Look at you, using big words.” They shared a quiet chuckle.

Quiet moments passed till Lighthoof spoke up, “So, how 'bout you? What's your constellation?”

Starstep pondered for a moment, his eyes dancing from one end of the heavens to the other. “You know...I like them all. Each has their own story with wisdom to take from each. In the end, I don't think I could pick just one. If I absolutely had to...hmm...Goldwing the Champion.”

Lighthoof rubbed his chin in though, “Goldwing...wasn't he the first Knight or something?”

Starstep nodded, “Yeah, first Equestrian Knight. Supposedly also a consort to the Princesses though those stories are a little obscure.” Lighthoof rolled his eyes as Star continued, “During the first Griffon wars, he died taking a spear that was meant for Princess Celestia. Duty and honor til death.” Both pegasus saluted across their breastplates while gazing up at the constellation of Goldwing the Champion.

“A pardon.” A soft angelic voice said behind them. “That spear was meant for me.”

Starstep and Lighthoof spun there heads towards the fish pond to find the intruder. The dark blue Princess of the night stood upon it's sparkling surface, her ethereal blue mane billowing non-present breezes. They both bowed their heads in respect to Luna. “Evening your highness.” Starstep began, “Apologizes if we interrupted your evening stroll.”

The moon goddess smiled and shook her head ever so softly, “Neigh, thou hath not. Tis I who interrupted thy reflections upon mine sky.” She glanced them over, first Lighthoof then Starstep. She lingered longer on him, tilting her head slightly, “Ah, tis my new lost puppy.” She giggled as the colt blushed slightly. “Pardon, I do not mean to offend, it was a rather... endearing gesture.” She stepped from the pond, the sharp clack of her crystal shod-hooves ringing on stone. She began down one of the garden paths and looked over her shoulder, “Wouldst thou wish to accompany me on mine stroll? I am quite certain Lighthoof the wise can protect the fish?”

Lighthoof nodded and nudged his friend with his wing, “Of course your highness. I'm sure Starstep can ensure your evening walk goes unmolested.”

The night princess smirked faintly, turning her head as she continued down the path. Starstep stood stunned till his friend punched him in the shoulder with a hoof, “Dude, if you don't bucking go I will end you.” He hissed through his teeth. “Now go, GO!” He shoved his friend, causing Star to stumble a few steps, his mind kick-starting into gear.

Starstep's legs took him towards the princess of their own accord. He was practically dancing on his hooves, tail and head held high as he cantered up to her side. Slowing to match her regal pace, he glanced over his shoulder at his buddy and mouthed, “Thank you.” before the two ponies rounded the corner out of sight.

Chapter VI

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter VI

As StarStep fell into pace slightly behind and to the right of Princess Luna, his eyes roamed over her body. He admired her sleek toned form, the contrast of her coat's blue to the field of black of her cutie mark, and the flowing mane and tail. Something about her ethereal blue hair was entrancing. Much like a magic lava-lamp, Star was sure he could stare into her hair for hours.

A soft cough pulled his eyes from her rump area. Luna was glancing over her shoulder with a curious expression. To which, Star could only bob his head and look away in embarrassment. She wandered down the stonework path, pausing to sniff at the bloomed Night-Lilies. Occasionally nibbling on petals of Morning Glories that had closed for the night. Star was rather certain the Morning Glories were Celestia's prized flowers, but held his tongue and allowed the Night Princess her evening snack.

The Princess seemed to have no discernible destination, as she wandered from path to flower-bed to small fountains to stare at her moon's reflection in the rippling pools. She spoke not a word, content in her stroll with StarStep as her personal shadow. Occasionally she seemed to glance back out of the corner of her eye, perhaps checking to see that Star had not fallen behind. The look was so fleeting, the pegasus wasn't certain. While he maintained an outwardly calm appearance, he was as giddy as a fan-filly at a Wonderbolt show. Butterflies danced within his stomach, and he was thankful he had a light meal before duty. Lest he made a wretched spectacle of himself.

As the evening stroll meandered on, and the moon climbed to it's zenith, Luna paused on a small hill that managed to overlook the garden walls. She settled back on her haunches as StarStep took his place off to her right side. There was but a gentle breeze tonight, brushing across his coat. The hill higher than the walls that normally prevented wind. Below them stretched the moon-lit view of the countryside. Far off in the distance one could make out the faint twinkling lights of Ponyville. He took time to admire the scene of subtle blues, blacks and greys of a kingdom bathed in the night's colors.

While musing on the color patterns of the landscape, he noticed the Princess studying him. Smiling, he met those teal-green eyes, admiring how they seemed both playful and wise. She did not break eye contact and Star refused to be the first. At last his eyes began to dry out, forcing him to blink. Luna giggled.

“Huzzah! I win!” She grinned and clapped crystal-shod fore-hooves together in delight.

StarStep chuckled softly and nodded to her, “Indeed Princess. Though I did not know we were playing.”

She tilted her head, regarding him with a mischievous smile, “Oh no? But thou hath played splendidly. I must say, I am pleased by thine adherence to decorum and knowledge of when to hold thy tongue.” She patted the grass covered hill next to her, “Come, sit beside me, my armor clad shadow.”

Star accepted her generous offer and rested back on his haunches next to the dark blue alicorn. She nodded, a smile upon her muzzle before turning her attentions to the skies above. They sat in silence for a while. The rustle of leaves and chirping of crickets a backdrop to the tapestry of the galaxies spread before them. StarStep attempted to join her in star-gazing, yet his eyes would often wander to the left. He'd catch glimpses of the Princess before he internally reprimanded himself and the cycle would begin again. As far as he could tell during his fleeting looks at her, she remained staring skyward.

Then on about his fifteenth look over at her, she cleared her throat causing him to jump slightly. She turned her head to regard him, smile gone from her lips, and her eyes seemed stern. “StarStep, I wish thee to look at me. Truly look at me. I command it.” She stood, turning her head to the heavens and flared out her massive wings, striking as regal a pose as she could.

StarStep could feel his heart catch in his throat, as an ache formed in his chest. Fighting off the sudden rush of emotions, he obeyed her order. His eyes traced her curves from that regal muzzle to the subtle curves of her flanks. Noting how the black field of her cutie mark accented that sleek rump. He took time to notice how her flowing mane seemed to highlight the sweep of her long neck and large ears. How each of her primaries feathers were as long as his entire wing, and her horn seemed to taper into a more dangerous point than other unicorns. Down his eyes went to admire the sleek legs of the alicorn. She was more gangly than her sister but that seemed to make her more attractive in his eyes.

As his roving study of her form returned to her head, he found her looking back from the corner of her eye. “Tell me, StarStep. Now that thou hath studied me, what dost thou see?”

StarStep frowned, debating internally what was proper to say to the Princess. Long seconds of awkward silence passed before he found the courage to open his mouth, “I see the royal Princess of the night sky in all her splendor. Regal in bearing and glory. The stars but a pale reflection of her, and the moon jealous of her radiant beauty. Powerful, composed, and dreamlike.” StarStep's heart beat in his ears as he held his breath and felt his forelegs tremble ever so slightly.

Princess Luna lowered her head to look at him fully. Her teal-green eyes seemed to weigh his words. Then she frowned and turned to leave, soft grass crushed under her crystal-shod hooves. “Thou art released to your previous duties, leave me.” Her voice was cold and proper.

“Wait, Princess!” StarStep pleaded as jolted to his feet and spun around to face the departing alicorn. She halted mid-stride, looking over her shoulder expressionless.

“I uh...there's more.” He began softly. He cleared his throat and stomped the grass with a fore-hoof. His voice was became more confident as he continued, “You are a beautiful mare, with quick wits and a playful personality. While some of the guards fear your mercurial nature...” She raised her eyebrow at that, “I find it an endearing trait. Compared to your sister, I find being around you fun and strangely fulfilling. When I'm not...well...making a complete foal out of myself.” He coughed lightly, then continued in a firm voice, “You asked what I see? I see a mare who could use a good friend. A friend who doesn't look at her as a goddess, but as another pony.”

Princess Luna just stared. Those teal-green eyes were unwavering as he imagined her peering into his soul. His legs wanted to tremble, he fought it down. His gut rebelled to spew everything he'd eaten in the last two days, he forced it to yield. Even his brain screamed for him to run before it was too late. He bucked it into a corner and stood his ground. He listened only to his heart thumping in his ears, the sound of his lifeblood reminding him this was not a dream, and there would be consequences to his words.

Slowly, like the tide at full moon, a smile spread across her muzzle. She turned back around, walked up to him and placed a fore-hoof on his cheek, “Truth. Truth from thy lips. One should speak no other words. Tis thy candor I appreciate, and one of the only reasons I entertain thine feelings towards me.” He sputtered out in an attempt to deny but she glared at him, forcing silence before her soft smile returned, “Utter neigh but truth to me, and day...” She trailed off. “A warning before I allow thee to return to thine post.” His ears perked as a knot formed in his stomach, “Dost not confuse hollow flattery for honest compliments. And do not forget, that while thy candor is refreshing, reflect upon our game earlier, and learn when it is best to hold thy tongue.”

She sat back on her haunches to lift his helm with both her fore-hooves. As the helmet slipped free, the magic vanished and he resumed his natural coloring. She leaned down to kiss his forehead, then gently replaced the helmet with a giggle at his stunned expression. “A reward for thy honest answer.” She turned from the smaller pony and trotted down the hill, “Always be true to thyself.” her last words echoing in the darkness before she vanished into the shadows.


StarStep returned to his post, a merry bounce in his step. However, as he rounded the last corner before the fish-pond. He slowed his gait to the proper military trot and forced his face to become as impassive as the gate-guards. Fifty yards later, he resumed his spot to Lighthoof's left and stared straight ahead.

Neither pony spoke a word for a long while. Just the sound of soft rippling water and light rustles in the trees. Lighthoof cleared his throat, but remained silent. More time passed and StarStep was finding it harder and harder to keep up the proper guard facade.

“Not going to ask?” StarStep started.


“Why not?”

“Plausible deniability.”

“I mean, all we did was-”

“LALALALALALA.” Lighthoof sat back on his haunches and put his fore-hooves on each side of his head, “I can't hear you.”

StarStep rolled his eyes and laughed, “Alright, I get it.” he chuckled softly, “So, still on for drinks in an hour?”

The tan pegasus grinned, “Bucking right we are. Congrats by the way.”

StarStep raised an eyebrow, glancing at his friend, “Uh, what for, exactly?”

Light smirked, “For not getting your bucking flank fired for your Princess Luna obsession. I thought for sure she'd call me to come pry you off her leg.” Without looking, StarStep slugged the other pegasus in the shoulder. They shared a light chuckle and finished the last hour of their shift in relative quiet.

Two hours, and several hard ciders later, Lighthoof and StarStep were relaxing in a booth at Ol' Rowdy's. The new band was in full swing, a smattering of ponies shaking their rumps in the impromptu dance area. The crowd was about average for the start of the work week, just enough ponies to keep it loud but not so jammed to cause a safety issue. The two pegasi friends were fortunate to find a booth far enough in the back, so they could speak without yelling at each other.

“And then you flick the tip with your tongue back and forth just as she's begging to finish her. And that, is how you can please a unicorn.” Lighthoof finished and took a long draw of his mug.

StarStep blinked, a little stunned by all the information his friend had fed him about pleasuring a unicorn mare. Far, far more than he expected Lighthoof to divulge. He processed the tidbits of insight as he drained the last of his own cider and stared down into the mug, “But, wait, I thought unicorn horns were all just bone or something, how does all that teasing even work?” He glanced up at his friend, “You're not making all this up are you?”

Lighthoof spread his fore-hooves, “Dude, I'm so not making this all up. I'm not sure of the specifics. Sherry wouldn't go into details, but as far as I can figure. When they're using magic, even really minor stuff like making something glow, they sort of....feel, everything their magic touches. There's like a nerve down the center of that horn. So when they're casting, and you go teasing that horn, it's like it amplifies everything you're doing to them. I think Sherry called it some sort of feedback. Sorry, I wasn't paying attention at the time, too busy, uh, being busy.” He chuckled, tipping back the last of his drink. He shouted at Sherry, waving his mug above his head and pointed a hoof at StarStep as well. She nodded from across the room and Light turned back to his friend.

“Say Star. That cute pegasus filly from yesterday?”

“Scootaloo?” Star raised his eyebrows, curious where Light was going with this.

“Yeah, Scootaloo. Were you two like, sweet-hearts in the past or something? That little hook-up moved really fast for her to be anything less.”

Star frowned, waiting till Sherry brought their refills by. She paused to give Lighthoof a kiss then wandered out into the crowd with a flank wiggle. He played with his wooden mug, passing it from hoof to hoof, before lifting his eyes, “If tell I you, you can NOT breath a bucking word to another soul. Not to Scootaloo. Not even Celestia herself. Deal?”

Princess Celestia, dude. And yeah. Not a word.” He leaned forward, “Spill.”

StarStep sighed, hesitating on where to begin, “When I moved to PonyVille, it was rough. My family was from the coast and moving to a backwater town was really hard. The biggest waves that place had ever seen was when a storm whipped up the lake. Anyhoof. I was pretty damn depressed. No friends, no motivation, not a whole lot of anything. That place was pretty dull. At least, it looked that way on the surface.” He cracked a grin, awash in memories of the strange occurrences in that town.

“Right, well, the school I had to go to was nice enough. The school-mare, Cheerilee was awesome and cute as hell.”

Lighthoof smirked as he interrupted, “Oh? Got the hots for teacher?”

Star ignored him, coughing softly into his hoof as he fought down a blush, “Moving on. My new class-mates were pretty welcoming, barring a couple. I don't think the other colts liked how the popular girls sort of fawned over me. I guess being a new guy from out of town tends to perk the fillies interests. I ended up in a few fights with a some of the colts. Even after I explained I wasn't after their filly-friends, it still persisted. Oh, it got bad a few times. Cheerilee was always understanding and did what she could to help. My parents were dismissive as long as my grades were good, and no pony else seemed to give a buck.”

He paused to wet his throat with the cider, “Then, one year, a colt shows up with his massive earth pony brother who works construction. Now keep in mind, I was still a few years from graduation. Really gangly and dealing with those pegasus growth spurts.” Lighthoof grimaced, remember his own puberty, “The colt fabricated some crazy story that I was bullying him. The big brother wasn't having it and jumped me as the little bucking colt cheered on. I was pretty sure I was screwed, then I hear the colt crying out for help and the earth pony stops pounding my face long enough to look. There I see three fillies pinning the little colt down. I knew them from school. The three were always hanging out. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They shouted at the colt to tell the truth and threatened to tell everypony about his bed-wetting problem. He paled, and fessed up to his big bro that he'd made the whole story up.”

Lighthoof just nodded as his friend continued, “So anyhoof. The big bro apologized and swore he'd make it up to me one day. I was just glad he hadn't got around to breaking my wings. From then on, the little group of fillies would intervene when some pony started a fight with me. It wasn't that I was a coward, I just had no desire to fight some pony over something so foalish. One thing led to another, and me and the three fillies began to hang out a lot. I was around when the three finally got their cutie-marks. I've never seen three more happier ponies.” He leaned back in his seat and smiled at the memory.

Tipping back his mug, Light polished off his cider and clacked it to the table, “Alright, what then? Where's the real history between you two?”

“Patience, my friend. Right, so the more we hung out, the closer we all became, till one hearts and hooves day, all three gave me a card.”

Lighthoof blinked, “All three?”

His friend nodded, “All three.”

“Buck you, dude. It's no wonder all those other colts were flipping. I bet they had like, spider senses, and KNEW you were about to web up their fillies!”

“...Spider, what?” He raised an eyebrow and slid Lighthoof's mug from his hooves. “Ahem, well, sadly, I was pretty new in my infatuation with Lu...Princess Luna. So while I accepted their card, it wasn't all they'd hoped for. I wasn't showing as much affection as they'd have liked, and one by one they found other colts to direct their attentions towards, except Scootaloo. She found my interest in the sky fascinating. We'd spend a lot of nights cuddling together around a telescope or a book of constellation stories. In return I'd help her get better at flying and was there for her during a rather painful wing-growth spurt. She was pretty much in tears for like a week.” he shook his head. “We got really close and sometimes a little...frisky. She understood my love for the Princess and seemed pretty cool with it.”

He sighed, “Then, a year or two before graduation, that Big-Bro colt, who was then dating Sweetie Belle, set up a house party while Rarity was out of town. True to his word to make it up to me, he set things up just right so Scootaloo and I ended up in a quiet bedroom. All to ourselves. With no chance of interruption till morning. Things got hot and heavy. We were both young and our hormones were pretty crazy after all the teasing and petting we'd done for each other over the last few months. It was leading up to the big moment. That moment, alone in the moon-light in that bedroom. She paused in our passionate making out, looked me right in the eyes and said, 'I love you, do you love me?'” He couldn't help but grimace at the memory.

Lighthoof was leaning intently over the table, “And then?”

“I said, 'No'.”

The tan pegasus blinked, blinked again, and growled, “You dude, are the biggest bucking idiot I have ever met. She was putty in your hooves. A school sweetheart. And she's about to GIVE herself to you, you bucking say NO?!”

Star slammed a hoof onto the table and look away, “Yes, you're bucking right, I bucking said NO!” He looked back at his friend, “What, you think I wanted to lie to that filly? She wanted to give herself to me, just me. Under the pretense that I loved her back. Well I didn't. I had my Celestia-bucking head so far up Luna's crack I could see the full moon.” He rubbed at his eyes, “I like Scoots, a LOT. I care about her terribly, but did I love her then? No. No, I honestly didn't.” He cleared his throat, “Anyhoof, let me finish since you wanted to know the story.”

He took a deep breath and collected his thoughts, “After I said it, she of course wept and I held her and tried my best to comfort her. A long while later she said she understood and asked if I would still like to be her first. Trying to be the gentlecolt, I didn't feel right about it. So I said no, but swore I still wanted to be her friend if she'd let me. Time passed, we drifted slightly apart. We were thankfully still best friends. Doing all the things we used to do, barring the making out. And well, then she showed up in Canterlot and all those old feelings and regrets just kinda...exploded.” He made lightly threw his hooves into the air.

He finished, realizing his mug was empty and frowned. Lighthoof reached out to pat his hoof. “Dude...I'm sorry I gave you a hard time. That's a bucking gutsy thing to do for a filly. It's no bucking wonder she still has a flame for you.” He tried to smile reassuringly at his friend. “Hey, one last question though.”

“Yeah?” StarStep lifted his eyes.

“Just how hot was the teacher?”

Chapter VII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter VII

The evening at the bar began to wind down. They finished up drinks at last-call and Sherry bounded over to the booth when her shift wrapped up. She pounced Lighthoof to the seat-cushions and began to make out with the tan pegasus. StarStep did his best to look away, giving the couple a little semblance of privacy till she relented her affectionate assault and sat up, cuddling the colt. She smiled across the table at Star, hooves wrapped tight around Light's mid-section. She flicked her eyes up, “Light, honey. Did yah ask yet?” At her words the colt's cheeks reddened and he looked away awkwardly.

“Ah, no Sherry. I thought it'd be a little weird without you here to explain.” He couldn't seem to meet StarStep's gaze, resorting to looking everywhere else in the bar. She noticed his reluctance and giggled softly. Planting a trail of light kisses up his throat to end with a passionate one on his lips, she touched noses and looked into his eyes.

“Yah promised...” She jutted out her bottom lip, ears laying back and eyes watering.

“Ok Ok. Sher, you know I can't say no to that face.” He sighed heavily, giving his mare a kiss and turning to face StarStep. Well, he faced him, but couldn't meet his eyes. “Ah...dude. Star...Sherry here has a little fantasy she wants to fulfill.” StarStep raised an eyebrow at this, but remained silent. “Yeah see...she uh...wants to rut two colts at once.”

Star blinked, too stunned to react. He glanced at Sherry who was shyly eying him, her head cuddled up against Lighthoof's shoulder. She nodded softly at him, giving a little smile, her pink cheeks now very hot.

“I...can understand fantasies like that.” Oh did he ever. He owed Scootaloo big time. “But uh, why me?”

Lighthoof raised his eyes, confident enough to meet Star's. “You know how stallions get around other stallions when a mare's involved, right? Old breeding instincts or something. I donno. Dude, you're like the one colt I can think of that I don't have the urge to buck into next week when Sherry tells me she thinks you're cute.” At that moment, Sherry did give Star the once over, smiling sweetly as she rubbed her cute nose into Light's tan coat. “Look, I know it's kinda awkward, but it's her little fantasy, and I said I'd at least ask.”

StarStep thought about it a little. He had to admit the unicorn was pretty cute with a sexy plump flank. However, to be with her with another pony? Another stallion at that. He wasn't so sure. Equestrian culture was fairly relaxed about same sex couples. So there was nothing taboo about groups of mixed ponies playing together. While society did seem to promote more natural bonds between a stallion and mares, for obvious reproductive reasons. The Princesses supported love in any form, assuming all parties involved were of proper age and aware of all partners involved in a relationship.

“Because you had the guts to ask on behalf of your mare-friend. I'm not going to right-out say no.” Star paused. “So, it's not a no, but it's not a yes. I'll....think about it. That's all I can promise.”

Sherry seemed a little saddened by the answer but nodded in agreement. “Ok Star. Thank yah for considering. It's just ah fantasy ah mine to have two colts showering me with their'ah affections and well...making me feel, uh...full.” She blushed. “Don'tcha get me wrong hun. I really like Lighthoof, and I'd love to get to know yah a little better too. Let me know if you change yah mind?” She gave him a wide-eyed pleading look.

Star chuckled softly and shook his head, “I see what you mean, Light. I promise Sherry.”

Lighthoof leaned down to kiss the top of Sherry's head and hugged her close, “Yeah. Don't worry about it, dude. I wont ask you again and make it all awkward. Just keep it in mind for Sher's sake.” He nudged his mare-friend up and the three of them began the long walk back to the barracks.


Cheerilee nibbled down StarStep's sides. Her flat pony teeth slightly pinching his coat, sending shivers down his spine. Around his cutie mark she teased, then across the edges of his rump. The pink school-mare bit lightly on his tail-base, making him groan and flick his tail up instinctively. She laughed her cheerful laugh, causing his heart to flutter before pressing her cute muzzle under his tail and pressing her tongue to his...

StarStep blinked, staring at the white-wash ceiling in his quarters. For long quiet moments he just laid on his back, dazed and unfocused. His ears picked up the march of morning recruit drills outside his window as well as the slight squeaking of his ceiling fan. He groaned at the morning light and put his fore-leg over his eyes. 'What the buck was that?' he wondered to himself before rolling off his bed to his hooves. He drug his tired body over to the restroom and blinked at himself in the mirror, fore-hooves resting on the sink. Flickers of the very hot dream still caught in the cobwebs of his mind as he turned on the faucet, splashing cool water in his face.

His face dripping, eyes more focused, he realized what a mess he appeared. Mane disheveled, eyelids slightly drooping, little odd spots of fur sticking up around his muzzle. He figured he'd been drooling in his sleep. With a sigh he began his morning routine of restroom, shower, brush and brunch. The whole quiet morning he pondered the rather odd dream. Crunching on his bowl of Frosted Wheaties, he realized he'd had such dreams of his old teacher back in school. He faintly remembered a crush on her, though it seemed like all the colts and a few fillies had the same feelings. What struck him as unusual, was that the dreams hat popped up two years later. He shrugged it off as a result of the conversation with Lighthoof last night. Though, in the back of his mind he wondered how the fuchsia earth mare was doing.

Star used the last of the late morning and afternoon to pick through his old school albums and pieces of nostalgia. As his shift grew closer he was flipping through his graduation book when a small pink envelope slipped free to the floor. Smiling, he picked it up and slid the photo out of it. On the front was a younger version of himself, hugging tight with a happy Cheerilee. If there was one thing he would always remember the mare for, it was her cheerful outlook on life and ever present smile. Reflecting back, he realized it was her joy and confidence in him that kept the pony going through some of the worst parts of his teen years.

His smiled broadly at her image and flipped the photo over. In swirling script, the 'i's dotted with smiley faces, she had wrote, “Happy Graduation! Remember that life isn't always about the destination. The journey can be just as fun! Take time to stop and smell the flowers. Love, Cheerilee.” He nodded to the note. He was just beginning to understand what she meant. Glancing up at the clock, he noticed it was time to prepare for work and tucked the photo on his dresser mirror.

With his younger self and Cheerilee watching, he put on his armor and saluted the picture. “Thanks Miss Cheerilee. I don't think I'd be here without you.” With that he left his quarters in his polished golden armor.

The shift came and went. StarStep was a little disappointed that Luna had not visited but reasoned she had duties to attend. Lighthoof bid him a good night and wandered off to find his new mare-friend.

Two more days passed. Very uneventful days at that. No more hot dreams, or dreams of any kind for that matter. No visiting Luna, and no evenings at the bar. Sherry had taken some time off and was spending a lot of it with Lighthoof. He couldn't blame his friend. The pink unicorn made him happy, and kept him out of trouble. Considering Lighthoof's last mare-friend, Berry Punch, This mare was a keeper. It was nice to be able to have a conversation with a pony that wasn't half-drunk 24/7. He was confident Light would have time again for him soon and didn't harass him about it...too much. He did take the chance to rub it in and make rather crude jokes at Lighthoof's expense. Star considered it payback for all the ribbing he'd received over the course of their friendship.

So he used the alone time off-duty, to read stories on the constellation and dig through the dusty archives of the Canterlot Royal Library. There were a lot of conflicting accounts in them. Specifically Goldwing the Champion. The librarians claimed a lot of the original tales were lost in the Nightmare Moon incident. Most of the records were from the old castle, destroyed in the clashes between Celestia and the dark mare. The only thing for certain was that Goldwing's constellation was one of the first Luna had created for the purpose of telling a story. Most of her others before-hoof, were just drawings in the sky for fun. He reflected on the importance of that, and mentally reminded himself to ask Luna about it. The other strange, and unusual thing he found in those dusty old tomes. Was a story about Celestia trying her hoof at creating a picture in the stars. Supposedly it was so weak you couldn't see it without a telescope, lost in the blackness of endless space. The book simply called it the Twins of Infinity. No story, no background, no description. He wondered if Professor Twilight was aware of it. He'd have to ask Celestia.

The fifth and final day in their week-long rotation, started out normally enough. The two friends took their places side by side in front of the ornamental fish pond. The sun descended behind the castle walls and the polished white of the castle faded from orange, to red, to blue-black, then finally to slightly blue-white as the sliver of the moon crept up the horizon. The soft lapping of the water of the pond, crickets and an owl, just white noise.

Lighthoof cleared his throat and scuffed his hoof on the ground. “Hey...Star. Dude I'm sorry I've been ignoring you last few days. I just...” He rubbed at the back of his neck and grinned awkwardly.

The other pegasus smirked and lightly punched him on the arm, “It's fine, Light. You two make a great couple. Tartarus, compared to you and that Berry Punch, this one is like a blessing from Celestia herself.” His buddy could only nod in agreement. “Anyhoof, gave me a chance to catch up on some reading.”

“Oh yeah? How's the new PlayColt?” Lighthoof smirked over at Star.

“Not sure, left that one in your stash and borrowed Pegasi in Heat, instead.” He returned the smirk.

“Dude, that thing's in mint condition if you...Oh...” He trailed off and coughed as he realized he'd been played. “Buck you dude.”

Star laughed and tapped his friend on the shoulder, “Buck you too, bud.”

A few hours passed, soft banter between the friends to help the time slip by. A midnight snack dropped off by a cute mare-maid, and a quick break to stretch their legs. Eventually, the end of the shift approached and Star yawned as his friend was gazing up at the heavens.

“Hey, uh, Star? This is gonna sound realllly weird but uh, was there overcast clouds on the weather schedule tonight?”

Star stretched his fore-hooves and wings out, “Eh? Not that I know of, why?”

“Cause the stars are gone.”

His head whipped up to the sky, eyes dancing from one side of the horizon to the other. Lighthoof was right. There wasn't a star in the sky. He glanced behind him, noticing the moon was completely full. He knew that was wrong, very wrong. “Lighthoof, that's not cloud-cover, they're just not there.” He felt a nervous tremble in his wings, that little twinge he always got before speaking in front of a crowd or getting in a fight. A little knot formed in his stomach as he looked about nervously, “I think the fish can handle themselves. We need to go get Princess Celestia, right bucking now.” His friend could only nod in agreement. As they spread their wings to abandon their post, a howling gale rolled through the garden, buffering them for a few moments as a cackling laughter filled the air.

Lighthoof's pupils went to pinpricks and he danced about on his hooves, searching for the source. StarStep spread his legs to keep a solid footing in the gusting wind while he kept his wings spread and ready to dart. Thunder boomed and lightning crackled in the cloudless sky, swirling black shadows danced along the polished walls. Again dark and evil laughter chilled the blood in their veins, and stood their hair up on end.


In a corner of the garden, the shadows seemed to thicken, and a long leg stepped forth, heralding a pitch-black alicorn with an ethereal purple mane. Both of the guard-ponies recognized her at once. Who in that castle wouldn't? The mistress of eternal night had returned.

Nightmare Moon laughed darkly, staring the two smaller ponies down with malicious intent. “Muahahaha, a couple of light snacks before the main course. How delightful! Bow or perish!”

Lighthoof launched from the ground, pounding his wings as he rocketed to the sky, “Buck this! TO ARMS, GUARDS! TO ARMS! THE NIGHTMARE RETURNS! TO ARMS!” The colt was screaming at the top of his lungs, flapping towards the barrack section of the castle.

Her attention was directed on the flying pegasus, laughing at him when StarStep launched from the ground. “Be quiet foal! Or I shall be force-”

“YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!” StarStep scream of rage interrupted the dark alicorn, fractions of a second before he slammed into her. All the fury and force the angry pegasi could produce, sent the two ponies tumbling head over flank across the grass till they came to rest. He found himself on her chest, eyes spinning as her fore-limbs circle about his body. She was squeezing him tightly. Was this it? Was the terrible Nightmare Moon simply going to crush his bones and toss him aside like a doll? Though the thoughts flickered through his head, he fought with all his strength, pushing back against those vice-like limbs, trying to bite in his rage at coat?

Soft, playful laughter sounded from the alicorn that was squeezing him tight to her chest. Gone was the edge of hysteria and promises of torment. The sound of her laugh now filled with merry amusement and mischief. He spared a look up to find himself staring into the teal-green eyes of Princess Luna. His stomach lurched, and the adrenalin in his system began to fade, leaving him a confused, emotionally high-strung wreck. He could feel a tear seep from his eye though he knew not why.

“P-Princess Luna? What? I...I don't?”

She smiled down at him softly and hugged him again tight, “Calm, my armored shadow. Be calm. Mine prank was not fully thought out. A pardon for my ill-conceived mischief. Though, thy reactions were quite enlightening.”

Lighthoof fluttered down beside them, panting, looking a bit bewildered, “What the buck just happened? I just sort of froze in mid-air before I could leave.”

Luna smiled, stroking a hoof through the trembling Star's mane, his helmet long since discarded when he impacted the nightmare. “Apologizes, Lighthoof. I put a field around the area in the event the two of you fled. So as not to allow it to get too out of hoof.”

Star lifted his head, sniffing back a tear and frowning, “Why the buck am I crying? And shaking, what's wrong with me?”

Luna gave a gentle giggle and kissed Star on the forehead. “During times of great stress. One often is confronted with a natural fight or flight response. Thou gathered all thy emotions and adrenalin to strike. With the supposed danger resolved, thy body is attempting to sort through it all. Be still for a moment.”

Lighthoof frowned, “I kinda get it was a prank Princess but...I mean no disrespect when I say it seemed to be in poor taste.”

The alicorn nodded, “Yes. It appears using it to scare foals for the purposes of delight, differs greatly from using it on older ponies.” She paused, regarding both pegasi with a curious look, “Despite that, thy responses were most informative. Perhaps I may use it as a test in the future.”

Star wiped his eyes clear and coughed, “What do you mean, Princess?”

She rolled to her side, helping the helmet less pony to his hooves before pointing at hoof at Lighthoof, “In this, thy first instinct was to seek aid. Thou assessed the threat, deemed it beyond thy capabilities and sought to rouse a force to combat it. Beyond thy rather...unprofessional personality, I see a glimmer of a tactician. It appears I hath misjudged you, dear Lighthoof.” She nodded her head at him.

He ruffled the back of his neck nervously, “Erm...I don't think what I did deserves all the pretty words. I was just, 'Oh buck! Nightmare Moon! Need help, get help, go go go!' It was all so fast you know.”

Luna giggled and patted him on the top of his helm, “Yes, well. Perhaps thou should keep thine internal monologue to thyself. Often, what defines a leadership quality is not why one does it, but how.” She winked and turned to the other pegasus.

Reaching out with a fore-hoof, she stroked his cheek, “Oh, StarStep. Thou are foalish and impulsive.” The colt frowned and cast his eyes downward. “Yet, thy bravery and courage art not to be dismissed.” His eyes flicked up in confused hope. “Were thy afraid in those moments, when Nightmare Moon stood before thou?”

“No Princess.” She looked at him sternly, “Ok...yes. But not for myself. For you.”

She smiled sadly, “I see. All that fear and rage within thine eyes...tis a noble gesture for thou to act as the lone spear against the darkness, however futile.” She stroked his cheek, while turning her head to address Lighthoof, “Thy shift is at an end. Return to the embrace of thy loving mare. Enjoy thy days off.” She turned her head back to StarStep, “We however, must speak at greater lengths.”

Lighthoof made his bow, worriedly flicking his eyes to his friend before trotting off into the dark hallways. The two ponies stood in the grass of the gardens, each looking at the other. Luna with an expression of slight sadness, StarStep with a hint of disappointment.

With a faint frown, the night Princess turned and began to walk the stone path, “Walk with me, mine armored shadow.” Star reached down for his helmet, “Leave it. Thou art off-duty now. Follow or return to thy quarters.” She looked over her shoulder sternly.

Star left his golden helm resting in the grass and joined Luna at her side. Being off-duty, decorum was not a rigorous. She glanced over at him, a brief flicker of a smile upon her muzzle, “StarStep. I doth apologize for mine terrible prank. Twas foalish. When I returned to find the two of thou still at mine pond, the thought struck me as...amusing at the time.” There was a stretch of silence. “Art thou not going to ask where I was the last few days?”

StarStep shook his head. Free from the helm and magic, his spiky black mane bounced about, “No, Princess. I respect you too much to question your comings and goings. You're your own mare, after all.”

Luna's eyebrows rose and she smiled a little warmer, “Indeed.” She nodded to herself. “That brings up another subject. I was rather pleased to find thou hath not been pestering mine sister or thy peers over my whereabouts. In all honesty, I had half-expected to find thee camping at mine bedchamber door.” She looked down at him amused, “Thine restraint and respect of my privacy is quite a relief. So...I must admit...the Nightmare Moon prank was a test of sorts. I wished to see how thou specifically reacted. Thy friend's reaction was a pleasant bonus.”

The alicorn led them up the little grassy knoll from before setting down on her long legs to look out across the dark kingdom, “Please, rest a moment my armored shadow.” Star laid beside Luna, looking up at her, a bit of conflicting feelings in his chest.

Luna glanced down at him, smiling with a twinkle in her eyes then back at the heavens, “I shalt explain mine issue with thy reaction as thus. A sword crafted with raging fire and angry strikes, results in a brittle blade. A sword tempered and forged with patience, results in a dependable blade.” She looked down at him, gazing into his soul, “I doth not wish a brittle blade at mine side.”

She leaned down to kiss his forehead and ducked her head to rest hers against his, “I am flattered thy concern was more for mine safety than thy own. Courage rides a fine line between foalishness and bravado. If thou wish to be at mine side, thou must temper that fiery passion, forge thy emotions into something that will not break on the first strike. For that strike will be thy last.” She pulled back her head and sighed, “I digress, my brittle blade. Meditate upon my words as I set thee to thy next task.”

StarStep blinked, “What might that be, Princess?” In response to his question a hoof-brush appeared floating in the air before him.

The moon goddess looked over at him, grinning playfully, “Perhaps thou wouldst like to brush my mane?”

The pegasus felt his eyebrows climb, and eyes go wide as he fumbled to grasp the floating brush.

Chapter VIII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter VIII

(A bit of warning. This chapter includes a rather awkward adult situation. I kept it from being too graphic and hope you'll groan along in dismay at poor StarStep.)

StarStep hesitantly ran the hoof-brush through Luna's ethereal mane for the first time. His hoof was shaking, not helped by his frayed nerves from earlier. The only thing he could compare it to, was running his hoof through a swift moving brook. There was a fluidity to her mane, with just enough resistance to slow the brush's passage through it.

As the pegasus swept the simple brush, strapped to his hoof as it was, through that field of blue. He noticed how tendril-like hair acted more like smoke. It would dance about in the brush's wake, curling, separating and reforming in seamless design. Stroke after soft stroke, he could feel his nerves calm, his tension from the earlier drama melted and drained away. The simple act of grooming the Princess in such a way, relaxed him more than any hot bath could dream to.

Pausing to shift closer to Luna's side, he noticed her eyes closed, head held up and a soft humming sound coming from her. It reminded him a little of a lullaby, the faint notes just on the edge of his hearing. “Princess, will you sing for me?” he asked as he fought with the dancing end of her mane. She smiled broader and opened her mouth.

It started soft, in a language he did not understand, but it was a haunting melody. Sad, and comforting. It brought to mind the image of a mare singing to her crying children. He didn't understand why it threatened to bring tears to his eyes. He did not know the lyrics, but with Luna's voice, the song had it's own life.

On he brushed the ruler of the night, stroking smooth her starry mane as she sang. Sometimes when he brushed too hard, his leg would sink in and the mane would lightly grasp and pull at his coat. It chilled the flesh and warmed the muscles beneath. No other word than 'soothing' would describe it. The song ended and she returned to her gentle humming, eyes still shut, enjoying the light pampering from the colt. He assumed he'd brushed the entire length and width of the blue, wavering field and set aside the brush. At a bit of impulse, he reached out with both fore-hooves to press into the mane between her ears and stroked down, rubbing the dancing blue along her neck, shivering as the curling tendrils of sky grasped at his fur. Luna gave a very soft coo of delight. Emboldened by her reaction, he did it again, curling the mane around his forelegs, stroking and caressing it and the neck area it flowed from.

Intent as he was in this new found way of making Luna give pleasurable sounds, he did not notice her open her eyes and glance back at him with an eyebrow raised. He noticed even less when he decided to take it a step further and lean forward to rub his nose through the starry blue field. Her expression at that point was a mix of shock and amusement. inhaling her scent, he was remind of blueberries and snow. With eyes shut, he pressed his face a little further into the mane, feeling it part and curl about his features. The sensations forced an involentary shiver and a soft moan of pleasure. Star wanted to stay there forever, lost in the tingle of cool and warmth.

Time passed, he wasn't sure exactly when he had stopped moving, or Luna stopped humming, but he felt something stir between his legs. Then it was an urgent bulging against the grass under his belly. He recoiled from the mane and immediately laid down, hiding his rapidly growing erection with his legs and body. He glanced up finding Luna watching him curiously.

“Is anything the matter, StarStep? Thy cheeks seem flushed.” He shook his head, fighting off a blush as he hunkered down on his belly, mentally willing his arousal to go away. “Art thou sure? Perhaps we should continue down the path to cool off?” She smiled warmly enough, but Star felt there was that look.

“No thank you, Princess. I'm just tired from all the excitement earlier, I think I'll just rest here I bit.” She raised an eyebrow.

“Truly? I knowth a few massage techniques I can use on thy limbs to work out the stiffness. Though, perhaps a quick hard romp through the garden would clear thy head?”

Star blushed harder. She didn't know, she couldn't know. He was confident it was all hidden under his body quite well. He shook his head, “Thank you so much for the offer, Princess. But I'll be ok, really.”

She clapped her hooves together excitedly, “OH, yes, I know. perhaps I can groom thy wings? As a favor for thy brushing?” Her eyes twinkled with merriment and Star had to use all his willpower to keep his wings from rising at the thought of her nibbling through his plumage. Unfortunately, it was the only body part listening to reason. His colthood was practically throbbing for release, ground into the grass whenever he had to shift.

“Art thou sure? I do so need to make up for my earlier transgression.” She tilted her head curiously, wearing a grin like a cat with a rat. She leaned closer and whispered into his ear, her breath felt like a cool winters breeze, “Perhaps a nice hot bath together instead? Wet, warm water in which to sink thyself into? Relaxing all of our tensions away. Doth that not sound pleasing? I'll scrub your wings, if thou whilst scrub mine.” She giggled softly in his ear and pulled back, still with that teasing grin. " Last chance, art thou sure thou feels fine?"

StarStep whimpered and resisted the urge to rub himself on the ground or pounce the Lunar tease. “I'm fine, Princess Luna. I'll be ok, really. Perhaps next time?” What the buck was going on? He tried to call up the most un-sexy images he could think of. Dragons, roadkill, Lighthoof in a dress, Sargent Hardknocks licking ice-cream seductively. None of the usual stuff was working. He was painfully still hard under his body.

With a soft giggle, Luna stood, stretched out, making sure he got an eyeful of her sleek flank, before trotting off the knoll. She paused at the edge of the the path and glanced over her shoulder, “StarStep, my dear brittle blade.” She stuck her tongue out playfully and bounded around the corner of hedges.

Part of him thanked his lucky stars Luna left him without discovering the embarrassing arousal between his thighs. The other half wanted her to ravage him. He rose and quickly made he way down the knoll. It wasn't easy to for a stallion to walk with this problem, compounded by the thought of the Princess being around every corner. He eventually made his way through the darkened gardens without incident, detouring to pick up his helmet and crept into the low-lit hallways of the castle.

As he made he way, awkwardly walking from one shadow to the next, he would repeatedly recall any un-sexy image he could think of. This was one of the first things colts learned in puberty. It wasn't proper to get so excited in public. Accidents happened, and often ponies would ignore it for the sake of the poor colt's dignity. But there was something clearly unnatural about this. Then a thought struck him. Was this a result of nuzzling Luna's mane? Was this a side-effect to her ethereal hair? Shaking off the thoughts he rounded a corner and nearly bumped into a pair of Night-guards,

The pair of unicorns jumped back in surprise. The night guards were adorn in black armor, the designs a relic from pre-Nightmare Moon. They recognized Star's Sun-guard armor and saluted, then their eyes glanced down, and they balked, “Whoa, whoa, Put that weapon away!”

Star felt his cheeks reddened as he tried in vain to hide his embarrassment with his forelegs, “Yeah, really sorry, fellas. Was just about back to my quarters. You know, filly waiting for me and all. So uh, yeah, let me get out of the way.” They glanced at each other, and pointedly looked at the top of StarStep's head, “Hey, no worries, happens to the best of us. Carry on and have fun.” He backed up, letting the two pass by and groaned as he trot-waddled the last hundred feet to his door. He fumbled with the lock in his haste, constantly watching over his shoulder. At last a satisfied click was heard and he tumbled in, slamming the hard wood door back into place. He gave a sigh of relief in the moon-lit quarters before looking down at his fifth leg and groaning.

Carefully making his way to the restroom, he jumped in the shower and cranked it to high-cold and stood there, letting the chilling water wash over him. Minutes passed, then he looked down and whimpered. He was still hard. What the buck was going on? Twenty minutes like this so far Concern gnawed at his thoughts. So the pegasus flopped back on his haunches and did his best to ease the tension. A few minutes of frantic efforts and nothing was happening, other than he was now sore and slightly scared.

As a last ditch, hail-Mary, he jerked his rain-weather poncho from it's hanger, slipped it on and trotted as fast as he could in his awkward situation. At least the odd clothing would save many ponies and himself extra embarrassment. There was one last pony he could talk to at this hour for help. And he knew exactly where she'd be.


“Pssst, Princess Celestia!” a voiced hissed in quiet, urgent tones from around the corner of the mess hall's exit. The Sun-goddess flicked her ears to the sound, pausing with her magically held fork half-way to her mouth. A piece of gooey banana cream pie dangling on the end of the utensil. She was clad in a soft pink robe, and pink fluffy slippers. Her common attire for wandering the palace way past waking hours. “Princess, please, I need your help.” The voice pleaded. She gave a gentle sigh, a forlorn glance to her half-eaten pie and rose to gracefully walk to the archway of the mess hall's exit.

As she approached, a blue-grey colt's head leaned out of the shadows and smiled awkwardly at her. “Princess, I'm so very sorry to disturb your snack, but I think I'm in a bit of trouble and I really don't know who else could help at this hour.”

She beamed a motherly smile at the pony, “StarStep, quite a surprise at this hour. How may I be of service?” She started to walk around the corner.

“No no wait, Princess no!” It was too late, she'd walked around, looked down between his forelegs and raised her eyebrow at the sight bobbing between his thighs. He groaned and slapped a fore-hoof to his forehead, realized he was exposing himself more and quickly returned all his hooves to helping hide his shame. “I'm so sorry Princess. You weren't exactly meant to see that.”

The regal alicorn smirked, “I suppose not. Is this your...problem that you need my help with?” he nodded, “Before I jump to conclusions, care to explain?”

“Ah well, I was with Princess Luna earlier, and she asked me to brush her mane. So I did. And she sang for me and all was pretty wonderful. Then I finished brushing and out of curiosity, started to stroke her mane with my hooves...”

Celestia nodded, her smirk deepened. “Continue, my not so little pony.”

StarStep paled, stuttered, then coughed, “ sorta nuzzled into her mane for a bit, then I started feeling...odd. This showed up and Luna started teasing me. I think she knew what was going on and I've tried my hardest to make it go away. Please don't think I'm sort of sick pervert. Please Princess, I mean no disrespect!”

The white alicorn giggled and placed a pink slipper to her muzzle, her eyes twinkling in amusement, “Oh dear. Lu-Lu.” She composed herself, as well as anyone can in a pink robe and fuzzy slippers, “A question before I answer, to better judge the situation.” the colt looked up expectantly, “Did she ask, or did you ask, before nuzzling into her mane?” StarStep blinked, the the realization of how forward he was with Luna struck him.

“ I didn't. Oh, I'm such a foal.”

She nodded knowingly, “Second question. When she teased you after you started to feel strangely. Did you at any time, admit to what you were feeling?”

StarStep's eyes went wide, “What, how could I? I mean...sure she asked if I was ok a couple times, but I couldn't admit to such an embarrassing thing.”

“So you lied to her? More than once?” Celestia's amused expression took on a slightly stern glare.

“No, not exactly. I just waved it off as being tired. I...” He melted under her gaze.

“I'm sure she warned you about being truthful to her, did she not?” he nodded, ears laid back. She sighed and sat back on her haunches, “Oh, dear StarStep. So young, so much to learn. My sister is a terrible tease, and incredibly playful. She loves pranks and can seem very silly at times. A lot of times she uses her jokes to teach ponies a lesson. You are not the first to suffer this particular aliment. Your biggest mistake was lying to her. I assure you, that if you had admitted the problem when she asked, she would have harassed you a bit, told you what you did wrong, and inform you of the cure. Do you know what you did wrong?”

Star nodded sadly, “I nuzzled into her mane.”

The Princess shook her head, “No, you did not ask first. Then you lied to her. That is why you are suffering.” She sighed, placing a fuzzy clad hoof on his shoulder, “Star, my sister does like you. You are helping to bring back the more playful Luna from our days past. However, in your stumbling, you seem to be bringing out the rather vindictive side of her too. Cease the lies, no matter your dignity or pride and she will respect you more for it. Do you understand?”

The pegasus nodded firmly and looked up at the Princess, “Thank you. I'm sorry I'm such a foal.”

She giggled, “It is not I you need to apologize to. I know tomorrow is your day off so I will offer this bit of advice. She likes dark chocolate and mint and will probably be on that grassy knoll at the sunset. She feels she gets the best view of the moon rising from there. And that, my little pony, is the only free advice I shall give on the matter. Are we clear?”

He nodded quickly, “Thank you Princess. last thing. Since Princess Luna did this...thing to me, can you help me get rid of it?”

Celestia balked, shook her head and laughed, “Oh, no. I am sorry Star. I forgot you don't know the only cure for it.” her cheeks flushed for just a moment, “The only cure, is to have somepony else relieve you.”

StarStep stutter as he realized what he had just asked the Princess to do. She laughed off his strangled apology and sent him on his way. Then she returned to her banana cream pie and vowed to force Luna to give up that wicked spell.


StarStep wracked his brain on what to do. His problem was starting to ache, painfully so. His mind raced to options. It was far too late for any cute maids to talk into it. What the buck was he thinking? He wasn't some sex crazed colt. Was he? Well that thing bouncing between his legs wasn't helping that argument. Scootaloo was Celestia-knows-where, there was no WAY he'd ask Luna to help, and the only other mare he knew more than a passing hello was....Sherry. That was it!

He made his way, thankfully without incident, to Lighthoof's door. Sure enough, a blue sock was stuffed onto the door handle. He knocked firmly on the door. Nothing. He knocked harder, with more urgency. Still nothing. As he reached to pound a third time, the door slung open and Lighthoof glared out, “What the bucking buck do...oh, Star. Damn, dude, know...busy? What the buck has you all...Whoooooa, dude, put that thing away.” He had glanced down and away awkwardly.

Sherry leaned her head around his shoulder, “Light, who is is, hun? OH, hello Star I...oh my.” She blushed hotly, but instead of looking away, she studied it for a moment before glancing back up.

“Listen you two, here's the short and sweet of it. Luna got mad at me, pulled a prank to teach me a lesson and here it is. This...” He frantically gestured downwards, “Wont go away unless somepony else deals with it. So Sherry, I accept your proposal and will help you with your fantasy on one condition.”

Sherry giggled and danced on her hooves, nuzzling into Lighthoof's neck, her face plastered with a grin. “Ok hun, what's the condition?”

“For the love of Luna, you take care of my little problem first.” He pleaded. She nodded gleefully and nudged Lighthoof to the side, kissing her colt-friend all over as they let StarStep slip inside. It wasn't the best plan, but it was his only plan. For a moment he thought about getting Luna back with a prank of his own, but then he realized, this was his own fault. A consequence to his actions. Though one he thought was a might overkill to teach a lesson. He just prayed to the sun and the moon, that this didn't damage his friendship with Lighthoof.

(The next chapter is Mature and clearly marked. While not required reading to continue the story, it will be fun. Feel free to move on to Chapter 10 if this isn't your thing.)

Chapter IX (Mature)

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter IX

(Mature Warning! This chapter is very mature and full of naughty ponies having fun. If this is not your thing, feel free to move on to chapter X. You will miss a little character development, but that's just how it is.)

Lighthoof shut the door behind them, clicking the lock in place and returned a few of Sherry's excited kisses. A hoof to her lips halted the next assault as he looked to StarStep. “If we're going to do this. Couple of rules.”

Star hung his poncho up on an open hanger, and began to unstrap his body armor “Go on.”

Leading his mare into the room fully, he slipped free of her grasp and settled into his reclining chair. Sherry sat back on her haunches next to it resting her head on the armrest. Lighthoof began to stroke her blue mane as the mare's eyes examined StarStep in more detail. While he fought with the last few buckles, Star took a moment to look about the candlelit room. A plush blanket laid in a tangled mess on the king sized bed. A small box of odd objects, he assumed were sex toys laid to it's side. There were bottles of oils and other liquids resting on the nightstand. The air clearly had the scent of fresh love making and roses, probably from the candles. The rest of Light's room was identical to Stars, with the exception of far more pictures stuffed in the frame of the mirror.

Free from his armor, he returned his full attention to his friend, doing his best to hide his erection from view as Light opened his mouth.

“First, what happens in here, stays in here. We all three promise this is just between us.” He glanced down and rubbed Sherry's ear with a hoof, she moaned in gentle delight and tilted her head to his caress, “No Rowdy...” He flicked his eyes up at Star accusingly, “And sure as buck, no Princess Luna.” Both of the other ponies nodded in agreement so he continued, “The only bucking reason I'm even entertaining this crazy idea, is that this is one of Sherry's fantasies. Sun-knows she's fulfilled a few of my own. And that you and I, dude. Are cool enough not to make this all...weird.” He switched rubbing ears and Sherry's head tilted to follow, her eyes closed and still moaning ever so softly, “So there's no confusion, I don't like you in that way. I'm trying to look at this thing as some really hot clop-flick and nothing more. Cool?”

The blue-grey pegasus nodded firmly, “Yeah, same here. I get the feeling I'm about to get a crash course in the wilder side of rutting.” He wavered slightly on his hooves, the throbbing between his thighs increased and he bit his lip.

Lighthoof smirked as he ceased his rubbing of the pink unicorn's ears, “Yeah dude. I don't think you have a clue. Of all the mares you could have picked to play with...” He chuckled and leaned down to kiss the unicorn on the top of her nose, “Sher. Can you help this colt before he topples over?”

Sherry's eyes blinked open. She rose from her haunches and approached the colt, eyes half closed, and a seductive smile upon her muzzle. “Mmm...with pleasure, hun.” The pink mare walked to Star's side, reaching a hoof out to turn his head . Her warm lips found his, pressing hard. She wasn't as gentle as Scootaloo had been. This was passionate and lustful. He could feel her tongue pushing at his lips and teeth. Resigning himself to just following her lead, he allowed her to push her tongue in. It tangled wetly with his, curling and writing as one of her hooves slid down his chest then brushed the head of his colthood. He whimpered into her kiss and pulled back, gasping for air.

Sherry giggled softly, “That's the way hun. Just let me do the work.” She used her fore-hooves to turn him more to the side, so the two of them were facing each other, giving Lighthoof a clear view of everything, “Did yah know this is also one of mah fantasies?”

The pegasus blinked, “What, doing me?”

Laughing, the unicorn kissed him again passionately before answering, “No silly.” She breathed while their noses touched, “Letting another pony watch as ah go down on a colt.”

“Oh.....OH!” He started to look over at his friend before Sherry grabbed his face.

“No, no hun. Ignore him. He's not there. Don't make me put blinders on yah.” She giggled, nipping hard under his chin and along his neck, causing the colt to hiss through his teeth. “Alright, I think we can skip a bit of fore-play hun. Yer pretty ready.” She nuzzled down his chest her horn lightly scrapping through his coat. “Mmm...what I want yah to do is raise up and put yer fore-hooves on my back, ok hun?”

Star wanted to argue, but the painful throbbing between his thighs shut his muzzle. As he was instructed, he rose up, resting both fore-hooves carefully on her back, using his wings to balance and spread his hind-legs to keep steady. Remembering her words, he kept his eyes locked on a random place on the ceiling, resisting the urge to look over at Lighthoof.

A warm muzzle took the head of his cock in. A shudder ran through him and he whinnied. He could feel his cheeks heat in embarrassment as the mouth turned, tongue curling it's tip to drag along his soft flesh. Oh it felt so good. Sherry began to stretch and compress her neck, rubbing the top of his member on the roof of her mouth, her tongue lapping and wiggling into the flesh as she began to suck.

Rigid and panting, the pegasus whimpered, his hips bucking just a little to the sensations. She teased and played with him. Occasionally pulling her hot muzzle free to lap at the pre-cum oozing from his urethra. After cleaning him, again she's sucked him back into her mouth. After a few more cycles of sucking and licking, she changed the angle of her head, arcing out her neck and leaning her body more towards him. He could feel something shift, his cock slid a little deeper into that engulfing warmth. He had the sudden impulse to buck his hip, now that more than just the tip was being stimulated. She rocked on her hooves, back and forth, sucking with her mouth, a little more each time of his shaft slid into her hungry muzzle. He moaned and rolled his head, eyes half closed. Whatever the mare was doing was incredible. His hips gave an instinctive firm buck and she froze, buried halfway on his cock. He could feel the warmth contracting on his shaft, flexing softly. It was then his addled brain realized. She was taking him down her throat.

The mare pulled off his cock with a wet pop, gasping for air, “Star, hun? If yer going to do that, please go slow. Ok?” The colt nodded, understanding that he'd just rammed his cock down her throat faster than she was ready for it. A twinge of embarrassment nestled in his belly. He owed her an apology later.

She slipped his tip back into her muzzle, working her way back down the shaft a little each stroke. As she built up a rhythm, deep-throating him to about half his shaft, he very gently rolled his hips towards her face as she was on the down-stroke. The result was a little more of himself slid into that flexing, hot depth. She moaned around his shaft in pleasure. The sounds heightening the sensations.

In the state he was in, for as long as he'd been in it, Star wasn't lasting. He felt pressure build up, that emotional ledge he stumbled towards, “Sherry, uhh...about to...” She nodded very slightly on his cock, giving a few more quick thrusts with her mouth, feeling the first spurts of his climax hit the back of her throat. She suddenly slid her muzzle off the pegasus with a wet pop as the throbbing shaft jerked, spraying his seed out in gushes. He could hear her moaning under his belly, her head turning slightly side to side as he realized she was letting him cum all over her face. He rode out his orgasm, panting and trembling over the pink mare. Till as last he was spent, just drips from his shaft as it finally began to retreat back into it's sheath.

Star slid off Sherry's back and looked over at her with half-closed eyes, panting. She returned his look with a grin, her face and mane coated in his semen. She giggled, licking some of the cum from her lips and leaned forward to give him a passionate kiss, “Oh, thank yah hun. That was wonderful.” He nodded tiredly and slumped to his haunches, head wavering slightly. The pink mare turned to smile at Lighthoof, beaming happily, “And thank yah kindly, dear-heart. For being such an understanding stallion.” Star glanced over, noting his friend appeared to be cleaning himself off with a towel. He figured the scene had been a turn-on for Light and left it at that. With a dance in her step, the mare trotted to the restroom, looking back before she shut the door, “Ok handsome colts. Rest up while I clean up. Then we'll get the real fun started.” The door clicked close behind her and the soft patter of the shower shortly followed.

A towel hitting the side of his face broke Star from his slight trance. He blinked down at it then over at the thrower, “What?”

Lighthoof laughed softly, “Clean up, dude. I don't want you all over my floor.” he smirked as his friend wiggled away from the towel, “No worries, that one is clean.”

The blue-grey pegasus hesitantly picked up the towel, glancing it over to insure his friend wasn't fooling with him, Satisfied it was indeed a fresh one, he began wiping himself clean. “ was something.”

Light nodded, “Yeah. Sherry has a bit of an exhibitionist streak in her.”

Star laughed softly as he began to wipe down the floor, “I'll say. I hope she's not going to get you in trouble.”

The tan colt chuckled, “Oh no. She likes the idea of getting caught in the act, not actually getting caught. For all the semi-dangerous places she likes to fool around, she thinks these things through. There's been a few close-calls, but wow does it up the excitement for next time.” He shook his head and tossed his own dirty towel into a nearby hamper. “I know this is all kinda new for you, dude. And under really unusual circumstances, but thanks dude. She was dancing on her hooves in pleasure. I'm pretty sure she woulda ran over and made out with me, if, you know, she wasn't covered in your goo.”

They shared a slight chuckle and Star flopped out on his side, “To be honest, I don't think I would have ever agreed to do this whole thing if it wasn't for Lu...Princess Luna's little prank. So in a really weird, round-about way. You'd have to thank her too.”

Light raised an eyebrow as he slipped from his seat and wandered over to his mini-fridge. He pulled out a couple bottles of Cloudsdale-Rainboom beer and tossed one to his friend. “I guess. Though I can imagine the conversation would be pretty bucking weird. 'Hey Princess, thanks for cursing my best friend with a raging hard-on and forcing him to get his colt-hood sucked off by my mare-friend. Oh and it totally gave him the courage to have a three-way with us.'” he smirked over at Star, popping off the lid of his beer and taking a long draw. “But it's all good dude. Besides, no other pony has to know.”

Star nodded, sipping his own beer and sighed softly, “You really like her, don't you?” he grinned knowingly at the tan colt.

“Considering what I just let her do, and you're sitting here drinking my beer with all your teeth? Damn, bucking right I do.” He nodded, pausing to drink again, “I think I...lo...” he shut his mouth suddenly.

“Come on now, Light. I know it's a big word, but sound it out.” His teasing was met with an intense stare.

“Oh buck-off, dude. I can say it just fine.” Star just stared at him, one eyebrow raised, sipping his beer. “Ok fine you neigh-sayer. I bucking-” the bathroom door swung open quietly, “-love her.”

The pink unicorn giggled, her damp blue mane framing her cute, slightly plump face, “Oh, does she know?” Sherry teased from the doorway. Lighthoof stammered, his cheeks going red as she seductively sashayed across the floor to press her nose with his, “Mmm...yah act like yah've never said those words before.”

He tried to look away, but she gently used a hoof to redirect his wandering eyes back to hers, “I...haven't. But uh...” he smiled at the mare, “I do love you.”

The mare glanced over at StarStep, a pleased smile on her lips then back at her colt-friend, “I reckon so.” She kissed him sweetly, “I love yah too, hun. In fact...” She rubbed her hoof gently into his cheek, “I love yah so much, I've asked Peach Blossom to start dating us.”

Light blinked, his mouth hung open, “Wait, what do you...” The mare kissed him lightly to silence the colt.

“I mean. Because yah've been so good to me and so very understanding of mah little fantasies. I asked mah co-worker, Peach, if she wanted to be a part of our little herd.” She giggled and patted his cheek, “If yah think I haven’t seen how yah stare at that earth mare's plot, yer a right foal.” She treated the stunned colt another loving kiss and turned her head to Star, “Sorry for the delay hun. We'll get started in a moment.” She winked.

Tipping back the rest of his beer, Star set aside his bottle and shrugged, “Hey, no rush. It's kinda sweet seeing you two like this. Makes me a little envious.”

The pink unicorn giggled, “Awww, don’t yah worry none hun. I'm sure the Princess will come around to yer charms eventually. Besides, there's always that cute orange pegasus yah had hanging off yah the other night. Right? And yah could always join our little herd.”

Lighthoof and StarStep shared a look, both grimaced and looked away. This sharing a mare between them was probably a one time thing for their friendship.

Rested and clean, Sherry climbed up onto the bed and wiggled her flanks for the colts, “Well, darlings. I suppose all that's left is for y'all to decide, who goes in what hole?”

Star blinked and turned to his friend, “What does she...oh.” His cheeks heated. “I...thought she just wanted to play with two colts. But, not take them at the same time, same time. I mean...isn't that going to hurt, Sherry?”

She laughed, ducking her head down and raising her rump for another shake, “Not if y'all two massive stallions are gentle with me. I mah justa a cute little ol' mare after all.” She stuck out her bottom lip and batted her eyelashes. “and ah course the plot-pony uses lube.” She gave Lighthoof a little glare.

The two friends glanced at each other. Star cleared his throat, “She's your mare. This is all new territory for me.”

“Light, hun, come here.” The pink unicorn gestured her lover over. He stepped close to the bed and leaned down so she could whisper in his ear. They had a quick little discussion, then Sherry nodded before looking over her shoulder at the other colt, “Star darlin'. How many mares have yah been with?”

He blushed, “”

“Oh? Did she ever let yah take her in the plot?” His cheeks grew hotter as he shook his head and looked away. “Would yah like to try it?”

Star could feel his legs tremble slightly, “Erm...I guess? There's so much I haven't tried, so I don't know if I'd like it.”

The mare giggled and rose up to sweep a bottle off the nightstand and tossed it to the nervous colt, “Well darlin'. I'll be happy to be yer first. I'm nice and cleaned out, so don't yah worry none. Just be gentle and it'll be alright.” She grinned at her lover, “As for mah big-colt. Get on up here so I can get yah motor ah going while he gets me ready.”

Lighthoof scrambled onto the bed and began to kiss and nibble with the other pony. Meanwhile, Star looked at the bottle of 'mare-jelly' in his hoof, and then up as Sherry raised her tail invitingly. He shrugged and turned over the bottle to glob a bit into a hoof. It felt a little tingly to him, and clung to his coat and hoof like thick gel. Tentatively he pressed his hoof between her plump flanks, smooshing the glob right onto her plothole. She gasped sharply, her teeth biting onto Lighthoof's ear at the time. Her rear pushed towards his hoof and tail lifted higher.

Sherry's reaction helped to shore up Star's confidence, and in a short time, he was pleasantly rubbing a large helping of the goop around and into her little pucker. She would moan and gasp at his ministrations, biting and nipping at Lighthoof's ears and neck, who in turned became very aroused. His tan wings fluttering to full spread.

After a while, Star halted and cleared his throat, “Hey, Sherry. I don't think I can get anymore in by hoof.” She broke off a passionate kiss with Lighthoof and looked over her shoulder with seductive eyes.

“Mmm...that's ok hun. I think that's quite enough. Rub some on yerself while I help Light here into position.” She sat up, propping a stack of pillows and helping her lover lay back in almost a sitting position, his hard shaft firmly at attention behind his thighs. She raised herself over him, fore-hooves on his shoulders, dipping her hips down so the tip of his cock was rubbing about at her dripping mare-hood. She teased and kissed and squirmed over her colt, lifting herself up when he would roll his hips at her and 'tisk'ed teasingly. Meanwhile Star did as he was asked, coating his new erection in the weird goop, shivering at the tingling warmth it gave his exposed flesh. Satisfied he had did his best to properly lube, he cleared his throat.

Sherry glanced over her shoulder and smiled, “Good colt. Now, line yerself up behind me, and put yer tip in my plot. Just the tip now hun, ok? I'll take care of the rest.” She wiggled a little down on Lighthoof's member, spreading her flower just enough to take his head in. They both moaned softly, then panted at desire to keep going.

Lighthoof briefly looked around Sherry at his friend, “Hey, so this doesn't get weird, dude. You can make out with her on the right side, that's your right. I'll take the other side, cool?” The other pegasus nodded quickly as he climbed up onto the bed, lifting up so one forehoof rested on the back of her shoulder, the other hoof helped to guide his flat stallion tip to her slick plothole. With a grunt, he forced the tip between the petals and groaned in pleasure at the intense tightness. He had to fight his hips from bucking the rest of himself into her.

Sherry gasped at the feeling, then giggled lightly, “Ooooh, mah darling colts. It feels so good already.” She touched foreheads with Lighthoof, grinning. “I'm going to start now. Yah two big stallions sit tight and don't go ah bucking into me till I ah say so. I need to get a little relaxed, alright?” They both murmured their agreements.

With agonizing slowness, the mare lowered herself onto both of their shafts at once. It was torture for them both to resist the urge to roll their hips into the groaning mare. Star was trembling as she got to the half-way mark, gasping, and moaning at the incredible warmth and strange tightness at spots. She halted, panting, then rose herself up slowly, then back down again to the previous spot. With a whimper she wiggled her rump about, sinking another inch onto both their cocks, both her holes spread wide, she'd never felt so full and aroused before. “Ngggh...colts...slowly, yah can start. Be gentle.” She panted while Lighthoof kissed and nibbled down her pink neck, rolling his hip up into her a few inches, while Star seemed to roll his back. The contrast of movements sent an intense shiver down her spine. She began to quiver on her hind hooves, feeling herself leaking around Light's shaft.

The two colts worked their cocks into her a little further, and little harder, but each thrust was gentle and erotic. Sherry was pinned between these two fine pegasi, filled with their cocks, the stinging sensation in her plot turned to pleasure. It didn't take her long to hit her first orgasm, shivering and crying out, she could feel herself gush down Lighthoof's rod, both her holes clenching down hard on the colts. They both took time to hold her tight as she rode it out, pausing in their rutting to kiss and caress her coat and mane. She could feel Star begin to warm up to the idea, taking his turns to nibble at her ears, bite at one side of her neck while Lighthoof ran a hoof under her belly to tease at her mare-nipples and give his perfect lover's bites to her shoulder. It was ecstasy for her. As one orgasm ended, and the colts resumed a little harder, and a little faster, she felt another building quickly.

They grunted, and gasped, and moaned along with her. She felt so loved and wanted like this, and so a second climax slammed her, then a third. By then the grasp of her internal muscles had relaxed enough they were still rutting her during the orgasm. Blissfully she held onto consciousness , willing herself to let these two fine pegasi finish. StarStep behind her began to grunt, wrapping his hooves around her waist and clutched onto her tight as he bucked a final time, driving himself fully into her stinging plot. She whimpered in delight as she could feel his cock throbbing inside of her. A strange sensation filling her insides. Faintly she could feel it begin to leak out of her pucker and dribble down around her widely spread marehood where Lighthoof was still rolling his hips into her while the colt on her back rode out his orgasm.

She kissed and nipped down Lighthoof's neck, pausing near his shoulder to bite extra hard, leaving him a lovers mark, which made the colt cry out and loose the last of his control. So as the cute stallion on her back began to flag and slide from her plot, her lover finally came deep inside her.

Quiet minutes passed and Sherry giggled softly to herself. StarStep was staggering sleepily at the end of the bed, and Lighthoof's eyes were glazing over as he too began to lose the fight against his dropping eyelids. Leaking from both of her worn holes, she reached down to take Star's hoof and coaxed him up on one side of her as she cuddled Light to her other.

Full, dripping and content between her two happy stallions, she gave Lighthoof a thank you kiss, and the three of them dozed off together.

Chapter X

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter X


“Mmm...Light, hun...door.”


“...Light...door.” Sherry grumbled half asleep, lightly shoving at her lover.


“Oh for...does no bucking pony understand the sock rule?” Lighthoof rolled out of bed and tumbled to the floor, his hind-hooves tangled in the bedsheets.


“OH FOR BUCK'S SAKE, CHILL OUT!” The tan pegasus untangled his legs and staggered his way to the door. A click of the lock later he swung it open and glared down the earth-pony guard standing at attention. “WHAT?!”

The Royal Guard saluted, “Message for you from...” He paused, glancing over Light's shoulder to see a pink unicorn cuddled up with StarStep. He raised an eyebrow as he returned his attention to Lighthoof. “Uh...Message for you and uh, apparently StarStep as well. Saves me an extra trip.” He coughed lightly into his grey hoof. “Captain Commander Shining Armor requests your presence in his office at your convenience. He understands this is an off day so implores you to take all the time you need to be presentable.” The earth-pony glanced into the room again, “Both of you.” He saluted as the door slammed in his face.

Grumbling, Lighthoof staggered back over and fell into Sherry's loving hooves. “Sherry, love?”

“Mmmm? Yes, Light?” She snuggled between the two colts and kissed her lover on the forehead.

Lighthoof began to snore and the unicorn giggled softly as she drifted back to sleep herself.

Morning came and went for the tired trio. Only rousing around two in the afternoon. They huddled around Light's little table for a brunch of cereal and fruit. All three looked like a mess with their manes and coats sticking out in odd places. Sherry was the worst of the bunch, excusing herself after gobbling down an apple, and shyly hiding her hindquarters from the colts.

As the two friends waited their turns to freshen up, listening to the patter of the shower, Light remembered the banging that morning, “Oh, right. Hey, dude. Captain Shining wants to see us today.”

Star blinked in surprise, “Us? Why? I don't remember bucking up anything. Oh, tartarus, I hope it wasn't because I stumbled into those night-guards in my...condition last night.”

Lighthoof was speechless for a moment, “Wow...that had to have been awkward. No, I think if that was the case, he'd call just you. Usually they wait for reprimands and crap till we're back on duty. Gotta be important then.

The blue-grey pegasus nodded in agreement then cringed, “Ooof...or maybe it was...cause...well...Princess Celestia saw me too. But she seemed rather understanding.”

There was intense choking as Lighthoof tried to clear the orange juice he had attempted to inhale, “ You showed the Princess know? Oh bucking hell dude. You got some coconuts.”

“Hey, it wasn't like that. It was an accident. I just needed her help to get rid of it.” He noticed his friends eyebrow raise, “Oh buck, Lighthoof. Not in that way! I didn't know that's how you got rid of it till after she told me.”

“Uh huh...anyhoof. Thanks again for helpin' Sherry, dude.”

“Yeah, it wasn't as awkward as I thought it might be. It was a fun new experience.” He grinned.

The tan pegasus chuckled, “Rock on dude. Glad to see you trying new things.” They hoof-bumped and waited their turns at the shower.

An hour later, freshly cleaned and suited up. Lighthoof and Sherry had their affectionate good-byes, StarStep received a kiss on the cheek and a thank-you from the mare. Then the colts made their way to the Royal Guard command room.

As they approached the massive doors of HQ, occasional pegasi messengers would dart in and out, relaying scrolls from across Equestria. A pair of sturdy earth ponies stood at attention at the door while opposite of them their unicorn counter-parts. None of the four gave Star or Light more than a passing glance, allowing them unhindered access. The massive room was filled with ponies coordinating guard posts across the kingdom and regulating air-control in no-fly zones. It was a hub of activity and soft buzz of voices. Towards the back of the massive hall, they found an ajar steel door with a golden name plate engraved with 'Capt. Commander Shining Armor'. Taking a deep breath, StarStep rapped his hoof on the metal, immediately he heard a command to enter.

The two pegasi entered and saluted before pulling off their helms to let the illusion magic fade. The white unicorn with a blue mane glanced up while he was scribbling away at a parchment. “A moment soldiers, be at ease.” They relaxed their stances as he rolled up the scroll and sealed it. “RUNNER!” A small pegasus darted in, nabbed the scroll from his outstretched hoof and zipped away.

The Captain of the Royal Guards smiled at them, “You colts didn't have to come in armor. You are off-duty after all.” He gestured to the door, “Close that if you would.”

Lighthoof glanced at his friend then stepped over to nudge the door closed with a loud metallic click. The room descended into silence as he returned to Star's side.

“Again, sorry about interupting your day off, but I needed to speak to you two about a few things in regards to information I received this morning.” The two colts exchanged nervous glances. “First off. Quite a few of the veterans are a little jealous of you two. It's nothing serious, just a little envy about your post.”

Lighthoof blinked, “What do you mean sir? The fish?”

Shining Armor nodded and relaxed back in his chair, “The fish. What you colts seem to forget, is that new guards, tend to get the hardest posts. Gate duty, public function detail, and so on.” He leaned forward, “And that was what you two were doing before Princess Celestia put in a request specifically for you two to switch to Moon-pool duty. I don't think you realize just how much the veterans covet that position.” He used his magic to pour himself a drink into a crystal goblet and sipped what appeared to be apple cider. “Not only is it quiet and out of the chaos of public eye, but those fish are Luna's pets from before the whole Nightmare incident. Granted, I don't think they're under much threat, but there are some rather vindictive ponies out there who might feel the Princesses slighted them in some fashion. It's easier for us to prevent that possibility than to fix any damages somepony might cause.” He looked over the two colts. “Understand now?”

Both of the pegasi nodded firmly. He paused, looking them over then nodded, “Now, that said. I've been keeping an eye on you two. Just waiting for an excuse to bump you back onto street-duty. I promised the Princess I'd give you a shot, I didn't promise you'd stay at that post.” Again the two colts glanced nervously at each other. “So far, you've been on time....Narrowly.” He gave a stern expression to Lighthoof, “You've been respectful and held to your posts. You've even gone so far as to keep Princess Luna amused with her...antics.” The corners of his mouth turned up. “Then, there's the little matter of her latest prank with the whole Nightmare Moon scare.”

He sighed and put a hoof to his forehead, “She likes to make our jobs interesting, doesn't she?” without waiting for a response he continued, “She explained what happened and how you two responded. In fact, it seems I've been tasked to plan more tests of that nature, for the new recruits. See how they react to crisis.” He drained his crystal goblet and used his magic to set it aside with a soft-clink. “Princess Luna seems to think you two could handle more responsibility. Princess Celestia agrees with some minor concerns.” He tapped his fore-hooves together on the desk and leaned forward. “So, now we've come to why I actually called you here .”

Star and Light resisted the urge to come to attention under the white unicorn's scrutiny. He frowned, “Two of Night-Court guards fell ill last night. I'm not at liberty to discuss their conditions, but rest assured, they'll be back on duty in a few days. The Night-Guard is already stretched thin. Partially because of Luna's insistence of taking it over and modifying it's structure. So, since both Princesses are requesting for the two of you to have more responsibility, I'll make this offer. We need two guards to fill in at the Royal Court this evening. Princess Luna will be attending petitioners. You’re suppose to be off today, so it's strictly optional. But I need to know now.” He looked back and forth at them.

Star glanced over at Light, “May we discuss it a moment, sir?” Shining Armor nodded and the pegasus turned to his friend, “I wanna do this. Royal Court duty is right next to the throne. It's a pretty big deal to have her protection in our hooves.”

Lighthoof sighed, “Yeah...buck, you're right. But Sherry is going to KILL me dude. We were suppose to be taking a romantic little trip to the mountains for the next couple of days.”

Star pleaded, “Please Light. As a friend, help me out.”

The other pegasus groaned and rolled his eyes, “Fine, fine. It's a good thing we put her in such a great mood last...” he halted, glancing over to the Captain who was close enough to eavesdrop. He coughed lightly, “Anyhoof, yeah, alright.”

Grinning, StarStep saluted Captain Shining, “Sir, we'd be happy to serve Princess Luna this evening.”

Hours later, as the sun began to set, StarStep and Lighthoof found themselves at the sides of the Canterlot Royal Throne. Clad in their polished golden armor, the pegasi looked every bit the protectors for the kingdom that the public perceived them to be. The throne was still empty, but the evening's crowd had gathered and a long line of petitioners awaited their turns outside. Night-Court wasn't as busy or popular as the Day-Court. Generally the ponies who used the Night-Court, did so because they worked during the sunlight hours, were night-owls or desired a smaller crowd to witness their grievances. There was also the fact that between the sisters, Luna had far less tact and would openly berate a pony she felt deserved it.

“Hey, Light.” Star whispered out of the side of his mouth.

“Shhh, dude. What's with you and talking on duty.” He hissed back.

“I owe you big. This is going to be awesome.” He fluttered his wings slightly and fought off a grin.

“Awesome? What, listening to a bunch of foals whine about money and petty arguments?”

“Come on, you've heard the stories of how Princess Luna likes to bring uppity nobles down a peg.”

Lighthoof smirked under his golden helm, “Yeah...that would be pretty funny to watch.” the colts shared a brief chuckle as an old grey unicorn pony trotted to the center of the room.

“Hear ye, hear ye. This evening's Night-Court, will now come to order. Presiding over the cases, the star-crafter, the moon-dancer, mistress of the evening sky and protector of dreams. Princess Luna.”

The announcement was met with a stomping of polite hooves on the floor in applause as the herald took his position along the walls. Lighthoof couldn't help but whisper to his friend, “Wow, dude. She got enough titles?”

“Tis but a trifle.” A soft voice whispered just loud enough the two colts could hear, “I doth held fifty-seven titles an age ago.” The moon-princess settled into the red silk cushion on the throne and gave a weary sigh. “...duty heavier than a mountain.” The two pegasi went stiff as all eyes in the throne-room turned in their direction, looking up at the ruler just behind them. Luna's voice raised to address the court, “Let it be known that thy Princess shalt judge fairly and without restraint in regards to power, wealth or position. In mine eyes, all are equal and shalt abide by the same laws which govern us all. Let the first case be presented.”

A old grey unicorn herald trotted up to the center of the room, “The court calls the following. Plaintiff, Sundrop, and Defendant Platinum.” As he left, a yellow earth-mare with orange mane trotted up, her mid-section rather plump. Off to her side stepped a unicorn with a silvery coat and white mane that shined in the lamp-lights, he kept glancing at the yellow mare worriedly.

Luna looked down at yellow pony, “I am to assume thou art Sundrop?” The pony nodded so the alicorn continued, “Speak thy complaint and let us resolve thy issue in a fair manner.”

The little plump mare sniffed, she seemed to be fighting back tears, “Your majesty. It all started when I came into heat a few months ago. Just like normal, I didn't have a stallion. So like the law says, I locked myself in the house till it had passed.” She sniffed and glared at the silver unicorn, “And then, this...this...foal, comes knocking on my door. I was half-way through the cycle's this fine stallion standing on my door-step. So, I grab him and pull him in. He didn't leave, and instead bred me.” StarStep suddenly realized she wasn't fat, she was pregnant. “Then, after he finds out I'm with foal, he bucking leaves me to run off to Las Pegasus!”

The crowd murmured angrily. A lot of death stares were directed at the back of the silver unicorn's head. A few started shouting for castration, the usual punishment for ponies who sired and ran. “BE STILL!” Princess Luna broke out the royal voice and it rang in Star's helm.

“Need we remind thou, that there art always two sides to a story.” She stared down the crowd, then looked to unicorn with narrowed eyes, “Speak thy side, Platinum. Let only truth spill from thy tongue or face the full fury of this court.” StarStep could only nod slightly in agreement. He'd learned his lesson about fibbing to the moon-goddess.

The unicorn glanced over at Sundrop, a mixture of anger and concern. “Your highness. Sundrop and I have been friends for a long time. She wanted to be my mare, but I was content with a simple friendship. Then I got this job that had me doing business from Canterlot to Las Pegasus. I come home after a long trip and go to invite Sundrop out for drinks. After she opens the door, she jerks me inside and know. Then she comes to my house a few weeks later to tell me I sired her foal. Of course I was angry she had tricked me, and had to leave for work the next day. That part was just bad timing. While I'm in Las Pegasus, she starts to call my job, harassing my employer and telling them I abandoned her. So here I am, without a job, and an earth-mare who seems to think this is all my fault.”

There were confused mutters in the crowd and Luna leaned forward to glare at the unicorn. “Thou sayth thou visited her while she was in heat. Didst thou not see the flower upon her door, as per the law?”

“No your highness. There was none.” the crowd whispered to each other.

Luna turned her attention to Sundrop, “Did thou place a flower, marking thyself as a mare in heat, without a stallion, upon thy door in any fashion?”

The little yellow earth pony bowed her head, tears falling to the floor, “ your highness.” A sharp gasp ran through the crowd. “...I just wanted him to love me...I thought...if I gave him a foal, he'd stay with me, and be more than a friend.”

Luna nodded and turned back to Platinum, “Despite that fact, thou art a unicorn. I cannot fathom even a lust-driven earth-mare could overpower even the most basic of magic users. Can thou give reason for staying?”

Platinum set his jaw and turned to his saddlebag, pulling something out and tossing it towards Sundrop. The crowd gasped again as the gold ring clattered across the polished stone and came to rest between them. Luna frowned at the ring, “Is that a magic dampener?” The unicorn nodded with a grimace.

“Sundrop, did thou inhibit Platinum's horn for the purposes of preventing his escape during your time of heat? Did thou overpower this weaker pony to manipulate him towards loving thou by using a foal as leverage?” Luna's voice seemed cold and terrifying towards the end.

The little yellow mare collapsed to the floor, weeping openly and begging for forgiveness under the intense stare of the goddess of the night. “IT IS NOT I THOU SHOULD ASK FORGIVENESS!” her voice shook the room, even the lanterns seemed to flicker. “How DARE thou defile this court with thy lies and deceit. I shalt pass my judgment upon thee! I hereby-”

“Stop! Please Princess!” The silver unicorn dashed over to stand protectively above the trembling yellow mare. “Please. She has wronged me, may I not pass judgment? If she should wish it?” Luna studied the colt for long moments. The crowd was hushed and dead silent.

“Sundrop, dost thou wish to accept judgement from Platinum for thy crimes?” The little mare looked up, tears streaming down her cheek and nodded faintly. “Very well, speak Platinum, though, know I have the power to override if I deem unfit.”

The unicorn turned to the cowering mare and sighed, “My judgement is this. You will allow me to be a part of the foals' life and allow me to assist in raising it. Beyond that, you're to stay away from me and my life unless I say so. You lost my friendship with all this crap. But you might earn it back someday. Do you accept this?”

Sundrop wiped her eyes with the back of her fore-hoof and looked up at the colt. She nodded weakly, her lips trembling. Then the unicorn leaned down and helped her stand before turning to the Princess, “Your highness, is this acceptable?”

Luna paused in thought, her billowing mane of blue-sky and stars the only movement, til as last she gave a stern nod, “Tis acceptable and shall be so. Please remove her from mine sight before I make an example.”

The silver unicorn gave a bow and led the cowering mare from the courtroom. The crowd glared daggers at her and gave the colt sympathetic looks.

As the clerks began to gather the ponies for the next case, Star turned slightly to Luna, speaking softly for her ears only, “Your highness. I know what colts get for running after siring a foal. But what's the punish for what she did?”

The Princess sighed as she looked over the list of petitioners for the evening. “In most cases, a mare in heat forgetting the flower normally results in a fine. Tis a very rare thing. Often colts that dost not wish to sire, will leave when they discover the mare is in such state. Colts that stay generally couple up with the mare. A...happy accident I believe tis called?” She glanced over at the pegasus guard with a smirk. “In this case. A blatant use of innocent life as a tool to pressure another into a relationship?” She growled softly under her breath. “Tis a terrible crime I doth not tolerate. I wished to take her child from her upon birth and give to the father if he so wished. Then have her ability to bear young taken from her. This kingdom doth not need ponies of that nature repopulating. At least that colt will be a fine father.” She marked off a few names on a list with her magically held quill and handed it off to a court clerk, “Now my dear brittle blade. Resume thy bearing. Tis time for another.”

The next case was a simple argument between rival farmers over land rights. After ten minutes of name-calling and bickering. The Princess used the old stand-by of having one pony section off the land, and the other having first pick. It was an old method but worked splendidly in such cases.

Then there was a case of a pony claiming he was fat because the local pastry shop wouldn't tell him to stop eating sweets there. Luna disliked frivolous lawsuits with a cold anger. She threatened the pony with a fine so large, the pony would never afford pastries again. The fat little pony ran for his life and Luna declared it a new exercise program. Much to the laughter of the court.

Three more cases were just petitioners asking for law changes. One on taxes, one building codes and one on trying to shut down the sex-shop downtown. For the taxes, Luna ferreted out the truth that the petitioner stood to gain ridiculous amounts of money from the change. He was chased out in tears. On the codes, she agreed that a flower-shop should be allowed to have merchandise outside the building, assuming the walkways were not blocked. That petitioner was ecstatic. And on the sex-shop topic, the petitioner was simply asked if they clopped. The mare pony balked and of course said no. Luna called her a liar and declared the mare had wasted the courts time and slandered a business. As punishment she was commanded to buy at least one toy from the store.

As the hour reached midnight, the court was wrapping up, with just enough time for a final case. While the clerks sorted through the paperwork, Luna looked to StarStep and smiled, “Tell me, my brittle blade, how doth thou perceive my judgments?”

He paused, keeping his eye on the crowd, and smiled with a glace back at the Princess, “Highness, you are fair yet slightly abrasive to those who don't understand your humor.”

To his side Lighthoof hissed through his teeth before Luna giggled, “Indeed. Truth from thy lips. It appears mine lesson served thou well.” She paused and tilted her head, “On that subject. How fared thy two hours of torment? I hear thou had a few embarrassing encounters.” She smirked.

StarStep blinked and risked a quick look back, “Two hours, Princess? What do you mean?”

She laughed delightfully and clapped her hooves, “Why, tis the expiration of that little...lesson.”

“I don't understand...I thought the only way to remove it know. At least that's what Princess Celestia told me.”

Luna covered her muzzle with both hooves, blushing brightly, “Oh my. Tis true then? Thou didst not allow the spell wear off on it's own but sought comfort in somepony's hooves? My, My. It appears mine sister hath played a terrible lesson upon thou as well.”

StarStep could feel an eye twitching and he fought to keep his voice low so the clerks didn't overhear. “I...I....but I....” l his cheeks darkened in a mix of fury and shame as he caught Lighthoof smirking over at him.

The Princess smiled down at him with a hint of pity and amusement, “Oh, dear StarStep. Dost hath been played like an instrument. Despite my desires to teach thou a lesson. I would never do anything that would result in harm. Twas only a prank. Tia knew full well it would expire. Curious.” She paused and grinned down at the pony, “So tell me. Who didst thou find to...release thy torment?”

Lighthoof shot him a concerned look and StarStep frowned, “Princess, I refuse to answer that.”

The Princess balked then glared, “Thou wouldst refuse? I command thee to tell me. Whom didst thou embrace to relieve thy curse?” Her voice rose to an angry hiss.

“Sorry Princess Luna. I made a promise. And I'm afraid my word comes first.” He braced himself for whatever was coming. Long moments passed, sweat trickling down his neck, then he heard soft laughter from behind him.

“Huzzah! Truly, I shalt forge thee into a fine blade yet. Let us finish this last case and partake in refreshments!” She clapped her hooves together and motioned for a clerk to approach.

As the Princess was busy, Light whispered over to him. “Hey Star. Thanks, dude.” The other pegasus nodded and they carried on in silence as Luna handled the last case of the evening.

Chapter XI

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XI

The last case of the evening was the simple affair of a stallion wishing to propose to one of the clerk staff. Luna did reprimand him slightly for using court time for personal business. However, she softened after she made her point and congratulated the new couple. She even gave the clerk the next day off before calling the Night-court, adjourned.

As the crowds filtered out, Luna lifted herself from the throne and stretched her hind-legs with a frustrated groan. “Alas, Tia was never one to pick comfortable thrones.” She shook out her wings and arced her back to work out the kinks.

StarStep glanced about to ensure they were relatively alone and smiled to the Princess, “Perhaps, it's that way on purpose?”

Luna paused in her stretching, arcing an eyebrow at the pegasus, “If thou sayth tis to remind a ruler of the weight of the crown, I shalt recast that awkward curse upon thy head, ensuring only pleasure from a male will release thou." Lighthoof coughed as he tried to hide a laugh.

"I am quite aware of mine duties. Tia simply likes hard chairs.” She grumbled under her breath for a moment as she finished shaking out her stiffness, “Attend me guards.” She regally walked down from the dais, StarStep and Lighthoof on each side of her, just a few steps behind. As they left the room she relaxed her posture slightly. “Back in the old castle, the throne was made of stone. Tia likes the firmness under her plush rump.”

Lighthoof snickered but quickly silenced at glare from Luna. “I for one, would adore a throne of clouds. Tia thinks it's too racial.” She rolled her eyes. “But I digress. Away with those thoughts, and onwards to refreshments!” She picked up her pace to a slight canter, the two pegasi quickening their legs to match the longer alicorn's gait.


StarStep looked about the lavish room. It was regal and private. A personal sitting room for the Princesses. The massive windows draped in fine violet velvets, a flicking fire crackled in it's hearth set in the middle of one wall. It's dancing flames illuminating what the moonlight from the windows could not. Above the mantle was a framed painting of Celestia in a regal pose, looking towards the sunrise. There was a long red velvet couch, perfectly sized for alicorns to lay on. Which Princess Luna now occupied, a cool drink in a glass hovering near her via her magic hold. She took a sip and calmly regarded StarStep as he stood at attention nearby.

After getting something to drink and a quick snack at the dining hall. Luna had dismissed Lighthoof for the evening, and wished him well on his out-of-town trip with his mare. Star was pretty certain neither of them had discussed Light's plans around Luna. He began to wonder just how much the sisters knew of what actually went on in the palace. She told Lighthoof to return in three day's time, assuring him she would work out the particulars with Captain Shining and Celestia.

So that's how he ended up alone, standing in a corner of the sitting room at attention, long after his shift was to end. She had not dismissed him, nor told him more than to attend her as she had walked into the room. So he did as she commanded. His limbs beginning to ache after the long day of standing so rigidly. He flexed his hooves a little against the floor, hoping to work out a little of the tension. Time passed, she sipped her drink, watching him or the fire. Her mane and tail in continual motion while the rest of her seemed at rest, sprawled out on her side with her upper-body supported against the backrest.

Another hour passed by. Luna had retrieved a book from under the couch, quietly reading as the clock above the mantle ticked on endlessly. He swayed a little, fighting off drowsiness and a terrible case of boredom. He had already sung every song he knew in his head, thrice. Winter Wrap-up was starting to get old. Then he staggered a little, before shaking his head free of the cobwebs and resuming his stance. Luna glanced up at his movement, simply watching him with her beautiful teal-green eyes for long seconds, before returning to her book.

Finally, he couldn't stand it any longer. He didn't understand why she hadn't dismissed him yet. Was she punishing him for defying her desire to know who he had rutted with? Perhaps some other offense he wasn't yet aware of. He cleared his dry throat, catching her full attention.


“Yes StarStep?” She marked her place in the book with a velvet strap and shut it. One hoof resting on it's cover as she coolly eyed him.

“Have I done something wrong?”

She raised an eyebrow, “Not that I am aware of. Why dost thou ask?”

“Then uh, am I being punished, Princess?”

She blinked and laughed, the edges of her mouth turning up, “Punished? Neigh, StarStep. Thou art not being punished in the least.”

He frowned, turning his head to look at her fully, “Then why am I still here, at attention, in your sitting room in the wee hours of the morning?”

She looked down, opening her book again and smirked, “Why indeed?”

Tick, Tick, Tick. The clock counted on as StarStep blinked and forced his tired mind to wrap around that question. Finally, tired of the games, he asked, “Princess Luna, may I be relieved of my post for the evening and sit with you?”

Her smile broadened, and she glanced up, a bit of amusement glimmered in her eyes, “Thou art relieved of thy duty for the evening.”

The pegasus slumped to the ground and groaned. His legs tingling in protest of their long day. The Princess laughed lightly as she slid her book under the pillow upon which she reclined. She leaned forward to pat the ground in front of the couch. Thinking it an invitation, he wobbled his way over to sit in front of her, leaning back against the soft fabric. The Princess leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “I hath thought, thou learned that lesson already.”

Star rolled his head back on the couch cushion, looking up at the blue alicorn with a smirk. “Apologizes my Princess. I'm not the sharpest pony on the block.”

Luna smiled warmly down at him, “Nor art thou the dullest. Thou art not the first to stand in that very spot. Surprising numbers fail to learn at all.” She reached out one of her crystal-shod hooves to lightly caress his cheek, “Being the brightest is not always the best. Often those with very quick wits, out-think themselves. They tend to become arrogant and resistant to my lessons.” She sighed softly laying her head down so her check rested against the side of his head. “I doth not instruct out of cruelty, but out of compassion. Thou must understand how many lifetimes I hath lived. How many lessons I hath learned and seek to pass them on to those I feel would benefit the most.”

Star nodded slightly, loving the feeling of the Princess's soft cheek against his head, “Yeah. I can see that. Sorry for being a blockhead at times. I mean no offense.”

The moon-goddess giggled and pulled her head up to look back down on him, “Tis quite alright. Thou hath taken my pranks in relatively good sport and often walked away a better pony for it. Tis how I am. If thou cannot deal with my nature, I suggest thou leave whilst one can.”

The pegasus shook his head, “No Princess. I get it. I only ask for your patience. Compared to you, I'm just a young foal.”

Luna nodded, smiling, “Thy bearing at tonight's court was proper and befitting my guards. I ask that thou continue to represent me in such a professional manner.” She paused in thought, “As such, I wish to offer thou an opportunity to further thyself in pursuit of my attentions.”

StarStep sat up and turned to face Luna, while still resting on his haunches. “What would you have of me Princess? I'll do anything!”

She smirked, “Careful with thy phrasing, StarStep. Lest I use it against thou.” She giggled and lightly patted his cheek. “I am hosting a small party in the Royal Gardens. Tis a diplomatic gathering with dignitaries from the griffon kingdoms and ambassadors of our own. Tia hath allowed me the chance to host this without her. A gesture on her part to show her trust in my ability to rule. It will begin at dusk and extend till about this hour.” She paused to let the pegasus take in all the info and continued, “I would offer thou an invitation to be my personal guard escort for the evening. I am certain Shining Armor will refuse to allow such a young guard the honor, but his wife will smooth it over.”

StarStep's blinked in disbelief. It was one thing to have the honor of being her guard during court, surrounded by twenty other guards in the room. But to be her personal escort for an entire evening? He had the urge to shout his glee to the heavens. As he opened his mouth to take the job, she placed her crystal-shod hoof to his lips, “Be still a moment, StarStep. Listen before thou taketh this responsibility.” He nodded, staring up into her eyes, “Griffons are rather impulsive, arrogant and only the elders have sense enough to hold their tongues. A lot of this comes from their warrior-styled society and is reflected in their dealings with other races.” She smiled and caressed his cheek, “Dost thou observe my reluctance of thou being in a garden full of them?” He considered, then nodded in agreement.

“Good, if thy response was neigh, I would hath retracted mine offer.” She placed a hoof on either side of his head to hold him still as she peered down into his eyes. “If thou accepts, thou art to be my shadow. My protector from hidden threats. A deterrence from those that wish to harm. A symbol of trust in our subjects.” Her hooves seemed to squeeze slightly and her eyes raged with a terrifying storm. “Embarrass me or cause an unwarranted incident...” The cold fury in her eyes said more than any words could.

StarStep swallowed and nodded in understanding against the vice-like hooves. She sighed, relaxing her grip, her expression softening and gave an apologetic stroke of his cheek. “I dost not mean to frighten thou, my little blade, but thou must understand the gravity of the situation. If thou dost not feel ready for this, there will be other chances. Do not leap from the precipice till thy wings are ready.”

The Princess looked down at him expectantly. Star's eyes flickered side to side as he debated the pros and cons. This was a huge opportunity, but if he bucked this up, he'd never have a chance to court Luna. He could wait for another chance, but that might be months or even years. However, if he did this job right...

The pegasus smiled up at the Princess, “M'lady, I would be delighted to humbly accept your gracious invitation. Swearing to protect you from all threats and proudly uphold the honor of the Royal Guard.”

Luna looked down at him, her expression seemed...considerate. Eventually she smiled, “I see...” They looked at each other in quiet silence, the ticking of the clock above the mantle marking time.

“Princess. What's the attire for the evening? I only have my Sun-Guard armor. Is that ok?”

She giggled, “Neigh, thou will be fitted for a dashing outfit, as to not offend the guests. Too much armor about, tends to make the griffons...flighty.” She grinned down at him, “Besides, my dear shadow. I believe thou will look stunning in thy new attire. The Royal tailor will see to thy needs at noon”

The decision made, he turned back around, haunches on the floor. He wiggled his back into the couch as he watched the flickering flames, heart thumping as he imagined how close he was to the Princess in this relaxed environment. Luna pulled out her book and returned to her story. Tick, tick, tick. Time marched on as the two ponies enjoyed the quiet company of each other. Then an idea struck the tired pegasus.


She looked up from her book, “Mmmh? Yes, StarStep?”

“Would you brush my mane?”

There was a long pause. Her book closed with a soft thump. He could hear her coat slide on the silk as she adjusted her position on the couch. “No. I will not. However, I will do this.” He noticed motion out of the corner of his eye and saw her set her crystal slippers to the floor next to him. Magic tingled his coat as his armor buckles were loosened and slid free. Then the golden plates were lifted away and tucked neatly under the couch. He wondered what she was up to when her unadorned hooves began to softly rub at his shoulders and back of his neck, causing a shiver to jolt down his spine. He groaned and did his best to lean into it as the Princess helped to work out the painful kinks he'd forgotten about.

As his eyelids drooped, and his stiff neck began to loosen, she whispered softly into his ear, “I may not honor all thy requests. But dost thou remember how I rule my court?”

He nodded softly, so as not to pull from her magical hooves. “Yes Princess. With fairness and a quirky sense of reward and punishment.”

She giggled very lightly, a twinkle of a sound, “Indeed. Be not afraid to ask. But never assume, and never ever demand.”

She worked her hooves a little harder into his shoulder blade above the wing-bases, making the pegasus groan at the terrible knots of tension there. However, her practiced hooves, aided by her magic, made quick work of it. Against his better wishes, he nodded off to sleep in her capable hooves.


Chirping birds outside the window and daylight beaming through, stirred the pegasus from his blissful sleep. He yawned and slowly opened his eyes, surveying his surroundings. He panicked for a moment, realizing he wasn't in his bed, but relaxed as his eyes noted the red velvet couch he was curled upon. There was a light-blue blanket across his body and his heart warmed to think of Luna looking out for him. He stretched, feeling very sore in his legs. Luna was no longer present, the fire had since cooled to embers and the clock marked it a little before noon. As he rolled off the tall couch to his hooves, a folded note tumbled to the polished floor. Noticing it addressed in beautiful script to himself, he hurriedly picked it up and flipped open the single page.

To StarStep,

I did not wish to awaken, as thou slumbered quite peacefully. Tis with joy I report thou dost not snore. I have informed the Royal Tailor of thy current whereabouts and she shalt attend to thy measurements at noon in this sitting room. I very much look forward to seeing thou in the outfit I hath picked to match my own. Additionally, I hath arranged an appointment for thou at one of the local Spa's, the Tiger Lily. Tis a delightful establishment I feel thou will enjoy. The appointment is at your convenience after the measurements are through. I know that many guards are reluctant to accept pampering, but do not dismiss my generosity. If thou art to be mine escort, thou will look the part, and thou will feel the part. Thou art free to partake in any extra services they may offer beyond the massage and cleaning I hath scheduled. A recommendation if I may, ask for the mint-oil treatment. As a pegasus, thou will thank me. Or if thou art feeling adventurous, ask for the Lunar Treatment, my usual. Tis a complete package and a blissful relief after an all day session attending court. Enjoy thy day off, I shalt meet thou at my chamber doors tomorrow evening at seven.

-Princess Luna-

He reread the note again and chuckled. It must be a good spot for the Princess to ramble on as she did. He'd never been to a spa but after how good that tiny bit of shoulder rubbing felt? It seemed like a fantastic idea. Plus, it was free. Let the other colts rib him about getting pampered. The Princess asked him to go, so he was going. Besides, the idea of having a filly fawn over him for an afternoon, helping him look and feel good for Luna? That sounded glorious.

His thoughts were scattered by a polite knock. The sitting room door swung slightly open and a white unicorn mare with a stylish purple mane poked her head around the edge, “Oh, darling! There you are! I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever find you.” She wandered in, followed by a few bags of materials and a measuring tape floating in her magic. She nudged the door close and trotted over to him.

“What do you mean? I've been here all morning.” Star looked the unicorn over, she was cute, though reminded him way too much of the nobility of Upper Canterlot. A vibrant white coat with three blue diamonds for a cutie mark. Purple mane and tail that she'd clearly used most of the morning to style. A pair of glasses perched on the end of that cute white muzzle. Then, he realized, this was Sweetie Belles sister, Rarity! As he studied her, she set up a foot stool and pointed to is as she used her magic to sift through fabric swatches.

“Hmmm? Oh, well darling there's like eight sitting rooms scattered across this massive castle. Dear Princess Luna forgot to say which you would be in.” She used a hoof to nudge him towards the stool, “Up you go dear. Not much time to get you an outfit ready by tomorrow. Thankfully I was in town, finishing up the Princess's splendid new dress. Oh it is to DIE for!” She giggled and bounced on her hooves in giddy excitement, “Old style with new flare.”

She circled him, her tape measure in her magic darted to his side, “Stand up tall, mustn’t slouch so.” He sighed, going to 'at-attention'. The little tool whipped about, beginning her measurements with shoulders, haunches, leg lengths and flanks. It was all so fast he had no time to argue as she directed him to lift various limbs, prodding that cold little end of the tool in much more ticklish and sensitive areas. All the while reminding him to keep still. He felt like an animal at a pet-show with the way she seemed to check and double check all the measurements. Poking and prodding the whole time.

She scribbled down the last of her notes on a pad as her magic plucked color patterns from a bag, “So darling, what's your name?”

“StarStep. I guess you don't remember me from PonyVille. How's Sweetie Belle?”

She blinked, and seemed to really see him for the first time, “Oh, Oh my, StarStep. My you've grown into quite the stallion. I'm afraid I didn't recognize you. I sincerely apologize.” She gave him a good look over, a sly smile on her lips as she lingered on his sleek pegasus flank. “Oh yes, Sweetie is doing wonderful, darling. She's a singer here in Canterlot, you really must go visit sometime. I'll write down her address for you before I leave. She misses her old friends from PonyVille terribly so. The poor dear.”

At last the unicorn placed a few swatches of colors to his blue-grey coat, “Oh no no no, grey and white will not do at all. Perhaps a fine royal blue? Hmm...Something not to contrast too much with the Princess. IDEEEEAAA!” She pulled out a three swatches and placed them against his flank, “AH HAH, yes splendid if I do say so myself!”

StarStep rolled his eyes and gave a defeated sigh.

“Now now dear, mustn’t be like that. I'm only trying to help.”

“I know Rarity, I apologize. I'm not used to this.” he started to slouch.

She tutted and lifted his chin to help him keep standing straight, “You may not be nobility, but the Princess will expect you to be on your best behavior. You are going as her escort, after all. I suggest you act the part. And, if the rumors I hear in the castle are true, and they usually are...” She set aside the color swatches as she lifted a few large strips of cloth, pinning it on him to check the style, “...You are attempting to court the Princess. I must say, it's a very romantic thing to do.”

She nodded to herself after pinning on the last of her templates, “When I am through, this outfit will make you quite the dashing stallion. I must get pictures of the two of you together when I am done. Oh absolutely marvelous!”

“So Rarity, you're the Court-Tailor now? I thought you still ran that shop in PonyVille?”

The white unicorn was putting her materials carefully back in her bags, “Mmm? Yes dear. I only travel up here when the Princesses request a new outfit. Thankfully, their commission has allowed me to bring the business to me, instead of forcing me to move to Canterlot. I'm far happier being there with my friends and family.” She finished packing and beamed a smile up at the pegasus, “You've come a long way from that little gangly colt declaring his love for the Princess in front of everypony.”

StarStep blinked and looked down. “You knew I wasn't joking, huh?”

She giggled softly and levitated her things, “I knew you were serious dear, however, I simply thought you had your head in the clouds. I must say I never expected you to come so close to grasping your dream.” She reached out to pat his cheek, “Bravo, dear, bravo. You really must come visit us soon. There's a few there who miss you terribly. Promise you will?” he nodded.

“Well, before I go.” She levitated up his note from Luna, scribbled an address on the back and floated the note to him, “Ta-ta dear! Perhaps next time I fit you, it will be for a wedding tuxedo.” She giggled with a wink and trotted out the sitting room, materials in tow.

StarStep sighed and hopped off the stool. Rarity was right about a few things. If he was going to be serious about dating Luna, he needed to brush up on etiquette. He didn't want to embarrass her at fancy dinners or social events where he wasn't in a guard capacity. He glanced at the address, noting it was in Old Canterlot. That seemed odd for Sweetie Belle. With her talent he expected nothing but high class for the filly.

Shrugging it off for later he gathered up his armor and stored it in his room along with the note. Then a quick lunch in the dining hall and out of the castle for his appointment at the Tiger Lily. At the back of his mind, he wondered, just what was the Lunar Treatment?

Chapter XII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter 12

The chime over the door tinged softly as StarStep pushed his way into The Tiger Lily Spa. He flared his nostrils at the sudden wave of scents ranging from perfumes to mane-care products. Shaking his head clear of the overwhelming smells, he noticed a few mares sitting in faux leather chairs, glance up from their gossip magazines. He returned the smile of one young filly who eyed him a bit longer than the others and made his way to the counter.

A lilac earth-mare with forest green mane was scribbling into an appointment book. As her quill halted, she looked up with a welcoming smile, “Good afternoon, sir. I'm Willow Shade, Welcome to Tiger Lily's. How may I fulfill your needs?”

He smiled back and ruffled his wings a little nervously. He'd never gone to a place like this. Never been pampered or whatever else the treatment entailed. He remembered hearing rumors from fellow guards about 'special' services at some of the less reputable spas around town. Shaking that thought off, he cleared his throat, “Yes, I have an appointment. I think it's under StarStep?”

She nodded and flipped through her appointment book, “Hmm...I'm afraid I don’t see anything here, sir. Who did you schedule with?”

“I'm not sure. Princess Luna set it up.” At that the mare's eyes widened and she smiled apologetic.

“OH, in that case, please wait one moment, sir.” She wandered through a curtain behind her. He could hear her muffled voices from behind the fabric. He looked around the room while he waited, noting every single mare in the lobby was now staring at him. That was a little weird.

Slightly creeped out he turned back to the desk. Behind him the lobby mares were whispering excitedly. Shortly thereafter, Willow returned, smiling just as warmly as before with an another mare close on her heels. The latter was a vibrant orange unicorn with black mane, highlighted with white. “Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. This is Tiger Lily our owner.”

Tiger Lily looked the colt over appreciatively and smiled, “Good day to you sir.” Her accent seemed slightly slurred, and a little haughty. “You are StarStep, no? The Princess made the arrangements for me to take care of you personally. I promise, you are in good hooves, Mister Star. Now, per her request, we can provide you with any treatment you like.” She floated a light blue sheet up and set it on the counter in front of Star.

Star smiled to the bright orange unicorn and looked down at the sheet. Unfortunately, besides things like massages, mud-baths and preening, he had no idea what half the stuff was. He did see the mint-oil treatment on the list, it was under preening options, so at least that was easy. But no where on the sheet did he see the 'Lunar Treatment'. Flipping the page over he found it blank. Feeling awkward he raised his head and tapped his fore-hoof lightly.

“I'm really new to this thing. I don't know what half this is. I wouldn't even be here if the Princess hadn't insisted.”

The mare nodded, still smiling very warmly. At least they were welcoming to a colt in this establishment. He'd been a little worried they'd think him weird. “Oh, not to worry Mister Star. I would be happy to explain everything if you'd like. I expect that after today, you will become a regular.” She nodded, rather sure of herself.

He sighed, remembering the Luna suggestion on the note. “Well...what the heck. I didn't see it on the sheet, but, I guess I'll take the 'Lunar Treatment'.”

The two mares behind the counter blinked in surprise. Lily turned to Willow and they started whispering to each other in a language he couldn't place. After a few moments of conferring, Lily looked back at Star, her smile had shifted. She seemed slightly confused. “The...Lunar Treatment?”

He nodded, “Do you not have it? The Princess recommended it.” He was starting to feel silly. Maybe it was just a prank by Luna to make him look bad.

The two mares exchanged another worried glance, “Oh no, Mister Star. I assure you we do. It's're not an alicorn.” she explained like she was saying the sky was blue.

“Well yeah, I get that. Are you saying you can't give me the same treatment, minus things like...” He glanced down on the sheet, “Horn filing?”

They shrugged at each other. Lily's smile returned, “Well Mister Star. If that is what you wish, we shall most certainly give you as much of the Lunar Treatment as is possible. You are right of course. It would remove things like horn filing, but perhaps in it's place, something for your wonderful mane and tail? Seeing as how the Princess can do nothing for hers.”

“Sounds good to me. Give me everything you give Princess Luna. I'm in your capable hooves Miss Lily.” He beamed a smile.

“Worry your head not, Mister Star. If that is what you wish, you shall receive it. Come, let us work our magic upon you. You will walk out feeling like a new pony!” Willow held the curtain for the two of them and Lily led the pegasus down the hall to the first stage.

The treatment started out simple enough. Lily showed him to a large tub set into the tiled floor, clearly big enough for an alicorn. Steaming hot water was circulating in the tub, little lilac flower petals swirling about in it's flow. Lily gestured for him to get in while she tugged on a tasseled rope against the wall, sounding a bell somewhere down the hall.

Star tested the water with a hoof, it was really hot, but when he looked at the mare with concern, she smiled and gestured to the tub. Cautiously he slid in, gasping as the water seemed to sear his flesh. After submerging to his neck, he found it wasn't so quite so painful, his body adjusting to the heat and in short time, found it soothing some aches he didn't know he had.

While he settled into the water, a pair of unicorn mares trotted in from the doorway, a pleasant smile each for the soaking colt. One a light green, the other a pale yellow. Lily was quick to explain that the Princess always required more than one pony to tend to her needs and wanted to give Star the full tour of what Luna received. They used their magic to pick up sponge brushes, then lathering them in purple tinted gel. It was about then Star realized the pretty mares were about to bathe him. It was an odd concept for a pony who was used to doing everything himself, but if this was what Luna liked, he'd give it a go.

Giggling at his slight nervousness, the two new mares got right to work, rubbing those brushes held in their magic, all along his neck and shoulders and down his back. Lily slipped into the tub beside him to help balance as she lifted each leg in turn for them to be cleaned. The soap had a very faint scent of lavender and he was grateful it wasn't something heavily perfumed. While the two assistants lathered up his entire coat, hoof to ears, Lily used her hooves to work a thicker gel into his mane, and then his tail. He was couldn't help blushing as she worked his tail and kept his excitement well under control. None of the three seemed awkward at lathering and cleaning a colt so meticulously, even being very gentle with the wings.

When his upper body was well washed, mane and tail glossy clean, Lily turned a dial, lowering the water level so it was resting just above his knees. The two assistants began to gather up towels, wading into the tub to rub dry his mane. While they were busy, Lily lifted his tail causing him to jump a little. He tried to look back but the assistants glared, busy as they were rubbing dry his mane and neck.

“Mister Star, my apologies, I did not mean to startle you. I was just about to wash between your thighs and flanks. You did wish her highness' full treatment, did you not?” Had she not said it in a flat, no-nonsense tone, he would have thought she had alternative motives. With a heavy sigh he nodded.

As she personally saw to cleaning his more sensitive areas with a lathered washcloth, he looked up at the ceiling, keeping himself thinking un-sexy thoughts. “So um...this is something the Princess does every time?”

Lily nodded, working the cleaning cloth between his flanks, being incredibly gentle and as professional as could be expected.“Why yes, Mister Star. There is no shame in wishing to be clean from nose to tail. There are spots that most ponies have very hard times getting thoroughly washed.”

“Uh...isn't this a little EEP...intimate?” She was soaping up his sheath, then using another wet cloth to wipe him down.

She laughed lightly, “Well, yes. I suppose so. And I must say, for your first time in a spa with this level of cleaning, you are handling yourself quite respectfully. Often with this treatment, we are forced to pause to allow our customers to...shall we say, relax again.” She scrubbed his inner thighs, causing him to bite his lower lip. “Almost done, Mister Star.” She splashed water up between his legs, rinsing away the soap. She turned the dial, draining the rest of the tub and the three unicorns patted him down dry.

As Lily worked on drying out his tail she toyed with a few strands in thought. “You know Mister Star. Your mane and tail is quite wonderful. If you would allow, I would style it. Perhaps a little highlight on the tips to bring out your eyes? Something fashionable for your Princess, no? I suspect your favorite color is deep blue, is it not?”

“You're right, it is. Well...I guess if you think it'll make me look good. Yeah, ok.” At his agreement the mare clapped her hooves in delight.

“Oh, splendid! After the sauna, we shall trim and put in the dyes.”

Once he was patted dry, Lily led him to the sauna room as her assistants cleaned up the towels and washrags. The orange unicorn explained how to use the hot rocks pouring a single ladle of water onto the hissing stones as an example before giving a warning about over doing it.

A few short minutes later, he was reclined out on a bench near the stones, eyes closed and relaxing in the steam. He mused that while it was just as hot as the bath, it was making his skin feel more refreshed. His wings didn't mind it either, despite how the feathers were drooping. His only complaint was that he had to roll over to put more water on every so often.

Before he knew it, the door swung open and Lily beckoned him him on to the next treatment. She led him into a small room with a large padded chair like table. Lily explained it was a massage table for ponies so they could sprawl out all four legs on their bellies and be supported in just the right spots as not to overstress joints. She also noted it was not the same one Luna used, her's was far too big for other ponies. So he climbed up, laying out his forelegs in front of him, resting his face into a little padded cut-out, and with Lily's help, pulling his hind-legs back so his hooves rested in the proper notches. She put on some soothing background music, coastal waves and thunderstorms at his request, while the assistants filed into the room.

The next thirty minutes were some of the best of his life, moaning in absolute delight as two earth-mares gave him an incredible massage. Their hooves were magic, rubbing and forcing out kinks as he hissed through gritted teeth. And when not focusing on one spot, patting down limbs and body with quick little rapid hits. It kind of hurt at first, but when they destroyed a spot of tension he wanted to cry out in delight. Which he sometimes did, much to their amusement.

While those two massaged him, another unicorn pair were filing and cleaning his hooves, chiding him for allowing such poor treatment. During the small talk they learned about him being a guard and warned him bad hoof-care could cause him serious harm while standing for so many hours a day.

Once his hooves were properly cared for, they set aside their tools, cleaning their hooves for hygiene and then gently pulling his wings out from his body. Thinking nothing of it, while still being massaged so wonderfully he gave a gasp of surprise as he felt something cold and tingling drizzling down the leading edges of his wings.

“Shhh, Mister Star. It's ok. It's just mint-oil. Relax, relax.” He could see Lily's oranges hooves walk around the table and stop in front of his head. He felt her hooves stroke his ears, making him moan in delight. “See? You're in good hooves. Relax.” He nodded dumbly as the unicorns at his wings began to rub the oil into his feathers, the tingling substance seeping into his skin, making him shiver in pleasure. If his body wasn't so relaxed and his mind so zoned out, he was certain he'd be very aroused by the work on his wings. He could feel himself slipping into a very light sleep here and there as all the mares pampered, and soothed his body.

At some point, Lily lifted his head from the little padded cut-out and rested his chin on a padded bar. Through his daze he could feel her work her hooves around his jaw and ears, caressing his eyebrows. He even laughed a little in his daze as she tickled his cheeks with a brush. He could feel her massaging his lips with her hoof tip. Odd as it seemed, it still felt nice. Then light petting of his eyelids, and she relented her facial caressing. She moved on to brushing out his mane, the soft swish of scissors not long after as she tugged and pulled it into style. He could feel the faint tingle of magic in his hair, figuring it to be the highlights she talked about, he mumbled a thanks through his daze. They weren't kidding about nose to tail treatment.

Lily was mumbling words to him, but he was so far gone, he couldn't make out a single one, just letting her and those wonderful spa mares do their fantastic work. Once the massage was finished, they all pulled out brushes and began to brush him down till at last he dozed off in absolute contentment.

There was someone shaking his shoulder gently.

“Mister Star?”


Tiger Lily giggled softly and shook him again, “Mister Star, it's time to get up”

He blinked, his eyes open lazily, looking into the beaming face of the bright orange unicorn, “, I must have passed out. Sorry about that.”

She helped him climb from the massage bench, “Oh not at all, Mister Star. A short nap is part of the treatment. It's the Princess' favorite part. A short time away from everything, her body pampered and relaxed. I cannot say I blame her.”

He gave a little yawn, noting just how absolutely fantastic he felt. Every part of him tingled and sighed in relief. He lifted a fore-leg, noting how his blue-grey coat seemed glossy and vibrant, his hooves polished and filed to a handsome clean appearance. “Say, Lily. Usually mares talk about mud-baths and cucumbers on the eyes. Did we skip that?”

“Oh no. Luna is simply not a fan of them. Claims she can't relax with all the mud in her...strange mane and tail. She does like to eat the cucumbers though.” She giggled, “Sorry if we forgot to give you some.”

“Ah no, it's quite alright. I feel fantastic.”

“Oh and you LOOK fantastic, Mister Star. Would you like me to fetch you a mirror?”

He paused in thought, “You know If I feel this good, I must look that good. If it's good enough for the Princess. It's good enough for me.”

The unicorn blinked and blushed, “Oh, I am very flattered at your trust in me, Mister Star.” She coaxed him towards the curtain at the front of the spa, “And I very much look forward to your return visit.”

Star paused, one hoof on the curtain edge, “Is it ok if I recommend the Lunar Treatment to others? This wasn't at all what I was expecting. I guess for once, the Princess was being serious. I should get every guard down here to give it a try.”

Her eyes brightened, “If they like what we've done with you, of course! Though, do warn them this is a professional establishment. We don't know. Now if one of those handsome guards wants to ask us out after...” She grinned, “That is another matter.” She pulled open the curtain and beamed a final smile, “Thank you for coming, Mister Star.”

StarStep stepped into the reception room, feeling full of vigor and confidence. The expression on the mares in the waiting room was priceless. Their jaws dropped and their eyes seemed to bulge. Every one of the fillies watched him trot out the door without taking their eyes off him.

His head held up, steps high and tight, he cantered down the main street. Pleased with how he felt. It reminded him of when the guards would get into dress uniform and parade in all their splendor for certain events. Down the street he marched, grinning as he noticed mares eye him in surprise, even a few colts did a double-take. And it wasn't just the common ponies, even the nobility he passed here in Upper Canterlot, pulled their noses out of the air long enough to watch him pass. Lily must have did one hell of a job on him.

Not long after he left the spa, a unicorn colt matched pace beside him, “I really hate to be a bother,” The colt began, “But just where DID you get that look. It's fabulous!”

Star grinned and nodded his head back the way he came, “Tiger Lily's Spa. Just ask for the Lunar Treatment. I can't tell you how great I feel.”

“And you look super! OH, I must go make an appointment at once! Thank you very much handsome.” He gave a wink and peeled off.

Star shrugged and grinned. It was nice to be the center of attention for once. He bet Rarity would flip. As he approached the main castle gates, the front of his spiky mane bouncing in front of his eyes, one of the guards held up a hoof, “Sorry sir, do you have an....wait...” He tilted his head and glanced over at his partner, “StarStep?”

Star nodded with a grin, “Yeah, it's me. The Princess treated me to a spa trip for tomorrow's little griffon party.”

The two guards were wide-eyed as they again looked at each other. The first coughed into his hoof before speaking, “ look...something.”

Star smirked, “Ah come on, you act like you've never gotten cleaned up for a special event before. You don’t have to be all jealous like that. They seemed to like guards, I'm sure you can get the same look.”

The first guard raised an eyebrow, “Uh...alright, I'll take your word for it. Carry on.”

As StarStep vanished into the castle, the first guard turned to his partner, “What the buck was that?”

The second sighed, “When Princess Luna's involved, it's better not to ask.”


StarStep wandered the halls, soaking in the stunned expressions from the other guards and the interesting mix of looks from the mare-maids. Some seemed to approve, some seemed amused, some seemed, well...made kissy faces at him, so he wasn't sure.

As he passed by one of the Royal sitting rooms, the doors wide open and two guards on post. The grey earth ponies' eyebrows climbed into their helmets, watching him pass the archway. He glanced in, noticing Princess Celestia on one of the massive red velvet couches, a book open at her fore-hooves. She happened to look up as he wandered by, smiling warmly, before returning to her tome.

“StarStep dear. May I see you for a moment?” Star froze in mid-step as Celestia called for him. Backpedaling, he leaned his head back to meet the sun-goddess' eyes.

“Yes Princess?”

She smiled softly, tilting her head slightly, a bit of amusement twinkling in her eyes, “Come closer dear, I'd like to have a good look at you.”

He couldn't help but grin. Even Princess Celestia thought he looked awesome. He trotted in, happy as a lark till he was before her couch.

“ little pony.” She placed a golden shod-hoof to her muzzle and giggled, “I suspect foul-play ahoof.”

He blinked, “I don't understand, your highness.”

She sighed softly, while she still smiled, there was a hint of pity in her expression. She took his chin in one hoof and turned his head to face a massive mirror on a nearby wall.

He froze...a terrible rock of ice settled in his gut. Then it thawed in a sudden burst of white hot super-nova rage.



Five minutes later, StarStep was fuming, he stalked the floor, and swore he could feel steam rising from his red-hot cheeks. Luna meanwhile, was rolling about on the sitting-room rug, legs kicking in the air as she howled with laughter. Her fore-hooves clutched at her chest as she choked between fits of giggles, snorts and all out bawling, the cycle repeating every time she glanced up at the angry colt.

Celestia on the other hand, remained on her couch, a hoof to her lips as she fought off the contagious laughter, careful to avert her eyes from the source of amusement.

Star stomped back over to the mirror, glaring at the sight. His eyelids were covered in a royal blue eye-shadow, complete with false lashes. His blue-grey cheeks, slightly dusted with blue rogue and a glossy dark blue lipstick applied in just such a way it made his lips seem to pout. Not only that, but there was a satin blue ribbon tied up in his mane out of his field of vision. He tried in vain to rub off the make-up, but it only smeared and made Luna howl louder.

At last, he gave up and slumped to the floor, letting the moon-princess ride out her fits of tear-streaming joy. Which she did in time. Choking back snorts and giggles she composed herself, returning to her hooves, “Oh...oh *snerk* oh Star. I dost apologize. I did not suspect thou *giggle* would leave the spa in such a state. Did thou not request a mirror before exiting the establishment?”

He glared, gritting his teeth, “Do I look like I did?”

She bit the end of her hoof, eyes watering, “Oh...such a pretty pony...” She lost it again, clutching her chest in overwhelming laughter.

“Lu-Lu...” Celestia warned firmly, yet could not hide the mirth from her eyes.

Luna caught her breath and took a few long breaths, “I am sorry Tia, and my pretty pony.” *snerk*

“That's quite enough Lu-Lu. He is not a toy for your amusement.”

Luna sighed and smirked at her sister, “Very well. I hath had my fun.” She stood and stepped over to the slumping colt, “Oh, Star. Mine prank was not to go quite so far. I had expected it to end before thou hath left the spa. Though I must say, thou wilst be the talk of Upper Canterlot for days to come.”

“Lu-Lu!” Celestia glared at her sister.

“Yes, yes, Tia.” She sighed, biting back a laugh and clearing her throat as she gently took Star's cheek in her hoof. He flinched and jerked away.

“I see I hath wounded thy pride much. A lesson in humility is never an unfortunate thing. However I may delight in mine pranks, even I know when I hath gone too far.” She sighed softly and took his cheeks in both hooves, forcing him to look in her direction. He refused to meet her eyes, shame and anger simmering in his belly.

“Such pain. For that, I am truly sorry.” She sighed, “Star...Star. Thou must lookth to me.” Reluctantly, his eyes flicked to hers. “Wounds that dig so deep, art often the hardest to heal. I fortunately know of a cure-all for such aliments. Wouldst thou like to know what it is?”

Star paused, struggling to keep his eyes on hers as his mind reflected on all the looks from the the ponies on the streets. It all had terrible new meaning and his shame deepened.

Then Luna leaned forward, his head between her hooves, and lightly kissed him on the lips.

His breath was taken away. Time staggered and his body was suddenly screaming for air. He gasped at it greedily as his vision refocused on the alicorn looking down at him sweetly. The rage and shame that had tore at his guts was gone. All he cared about was how sweet her lips tasted, how soft they were to his. That look of compassion in her teal eyes melted and washed away any lingering resentment he had towards her.

She released his head and softly tapped him on the nose with her hoof, “The wound will still be there, but now but a scar and a memory. To remind thou that no pony is above being humbled, and no pony is above making mistakes. Not even thy Princess.”

She stood, her horn glowing for a moment and Star could feel his face tingle, “There, all clean, my pretty pony.” She giggled sweetly as she regally walked to the exit and looked over her shoulder at the stunned pegasus, “By the way, StarStep. I very much approve of thy new mane-style. Dost not forget, tomorrow evening at seven at my quarters.” With that, she left to attend her duties, leaving Tia to return to her book and StarStep with a goofy smile on his lips.

Chapter XIII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XIII

(A foreword. The term 'Victorian' is used for the reader to imagine a certain style and not a statement of an actual 'Victorian' era in Equestrian history. Think steam-punkish)

For a while after Princess Luna left the sitting-room, StarStep stared at the doorway. Thoughts bouncing through his head at the same time he replayed the gentle kiss. He gave a soft sigh, “Princess Celestia?”

The white alicorn was still relaxing on her red velvet couch. She smiled as she lifted her head from her book, “Yes, dear?”

“ said I could talk to you if I had any questions, right?” He turned around and sat back on his haunches, looking up at the regal Sun-Goddess, her pastel mane flowing in a non-existent breeze.

She nodded softly, closing her book with her hoof. “Of course, ask away my little pony, and if I can answer, I shall.”

“Does...Luna like me? She sure does have a good time playing pranks on me. One moment she's teaching me some sort of lesson and the next comforting me and the next pulling some trick. I can't help but feel really confused.”

The alicorn regarded him for a long moment, her warm smile never changing. “I cannot speak for my sister's heart. As she keeps such thoughts from even myself. Allow me to ask this, StarStep. Despite all that's happen, do you still feel as driven to earn her affections as when you started?”

He frowned slightly, looking down to the floor as he thought about it long and hard. At last he raised his head to meet Celestia's eyes and nodded firmly, “I do.” he flicked his eyes to the door-way, as if expecting Luna to walk back in.

“Well, dear. Luna has been this way since long before Nightmare Moon. I wish I could explain why but I'm afraid it's not my place. However, if all goes well tomorrow evening, I expect you'll be in her presence far more often. Have hope, dear StarStep. Luna rebuked both Shining Armor and myself in regards to your escorting her for the event. I would say she sees something in you.”

StarStep frowned slightly, “I guess Princess. I wish she was more clear what that something is.” He tilted his head at the white alicorn, “Why is it Captain Shining and you, spoke against me escorting her?”

She sighed softly, “It's not that I don't think you're capable, dear. It's that I don't think you're ready. Please try to understand. This is...risky. If this was a normal party she was hosting, I would support her decision. But to throw you into the midst of griffon ambassadors. very hesitant, my little pony.”

He pondered her gentle words, nodding slightly, “I don't blame you, Princess. Nor Shining Armor. Thank you for being honest.” He sighed, looking towards the open doorway. “But, I want to try, I have to try. I want Princess Luna to see me as something more than a friend to prank.”

Celestia smiled sadly, a whisper from her lips, “That's what I'm afraid of.”


Rarity wasn't kidding about old style meets new. StarStep admired himself in his mirror. His new outfit made him look sharp. A bold-cut black shirt with a high-neck that left just a place at his throat exposed. The cuff-links silver crescent moons. A wide black leather belt, tooled in silver studs and embossed with Night-Lillies, wrapped around his mid-section, giving something the shirt could tuck into. Over the shirt a long vest that slightly draped onto his rump, the split just at the tail-base. It was a deep blue, a perfect match to Luna's mane. A single vest pocket at his upper chest, had a silver pocket-watch tucked inside with a thick chain running from it to a holding pin. The buttons on the vest were also silver crescent moons on onyx disks. Rarity had recommended a hat but Star liked his new styled mane, with it's subtle blue highlights and refused to cover it. Clipped to his leading wing edges were scaled overlapping plates of engraved silver, polished to a shine. They would restrict fancy acrobatics but made him look more dignified.

Feeling good with his appearance, he clipped the the ceremonial Royal Guard short-sword to his belt, ensuring the hilt didn't catch on the vest and left his quarters. Along the trip down the hallways, the evening guards would respectfully nod as he passed. They understood what a great honor it was for him and so spoke not a word of the previous day's embarrassment. He knew they'd joke about it tomorrow and it would be one of those stories passed on to rookies to scare them about Luna's pranks. He wanted to be remembered, but that was not exactly how he had imagined it.

He arrived before Luna's massive blue doors, a little ahead of schedule. A pair of earth-pony Night-Guards stood at attention on each side of the door-frame. One of them nodded to StarStep before turning to rap his hoof on the door. There was a faint voice from inside and the pony cracked the door to listen. “Yes, Princess.” He responded to the voice. With that he clicked the door closed and turned back to his post, “The Princess will be out in a moment, sir.”

Star nodded and paced silently, a little nervousness building in his belly. Just a little longer and Luna would arrive and then they could get on with this. He hated the tension of waiting for something to start. The butterflies, and trembles in the wings. He knew he had to be patient. It was one of the hardest parts of being a guard.

Then the door swung open and he froze in mid-step. Luna stepped from her chambers, regal and elegant. Like the moon climbing over the horizon. She was wearing a Victorian styled dress, cut into overlapping layers of rich violet that ended in a final layer of embroidered silk, draping just enough to cover her flanks and down to the middle of her hind-leg. Her tail drifted out the bottom like a starry train on a wedding dress, drifting about on it's on accord. The collar of the dress rode high on her slender neck, accented by a black satin choker, the center-piece a polished onyx stone set into silver filigree. Around her waist, a black corset, cut in such a way her wings were still free, trimmed with more embroidered silk. Woven into her feathers were black satin ribbons. Over and under through the primaries. Gone were her normal crystal slippers, instead long shimmering black socks that rode to her knees, and onyx shoes that clicked firmly on the polished floor. From her ears hung a pair of heavy silver crescent moon earrings and a filigree of silver wire laced her long fluted horn. She still wore her onyx crown, forever a symbol of her station.

The Princess regarded him with a sly smile, “I take it thou dost approve?”

He realized he had been staring, jaw dropped at her beauty, “I...yes, Princess. You're stunning.”

She laughed lightly, “I thank thou for the compliment. Thy look is also very pleasing to mine eyes.” She gave him another studying look and nodded, “Hmm...though, while I approve of thy mane, tis...lacking somehow.” She grinned, “Perhaps a ribbon?”

The colt frowned slightly, “Um...sorry Princess, I'd like to decline that.”

She giggled and began down the hallway, StarStep taking his place at her side, “Tis amusing to me, how such clothing clutches the heart of ponies. While we adorn ourselves in very little in day to day life.”

StarStep nodded, noting his manicured hooves seemed to click on the floor more crisply and his footing seemed more sure. Perhaps Luna's little spa prank wasn't a total loss. He pondered her question and smiled up at Luna, “I think it's because we're so used to seeing each other in such a way, when we add something like these fancy clothes, it becomes a special occasion. Something to be savored.”

She nodded as they approached one of the archways leading out to the gardens. “Yes, I doth agree with thy thoughts. Tis distressing that fashion changes faster than the weather. One can imagine my frustrations at being away for a thousand years. Why, dear Rarity fainted dead away when I did ask for bloomers.”

StarStep blinked, resisting the urge to look back at her dress covered flanks, “Bloomers, Princess?” He blushed lightly at the thought of those on her body.

She nodded with a smile, “Indeed. Instead, she did introduce me to more modern forms of undergarments. I must say, I've never worn something so...rump hugging before. Tis quite a new sensation.”

StarStep keeps his eyes straight ahead and blushed hotly, imagining just what the Princess was wearing under her dress.

“Wouldst thou like to see?” She slyly looked down at him.

The pegasus felt his eyes bulge and ears steaming, “I...uh...I...would?” He remembered her warnings of only truth from his lips.

She giggled playfully and ruffled her ribbon laced wings, “Perhaps after the party.”

The two exited the hallway onto one of the garden paths. He glanced up, noting the twinkling stars, but it was a new-moon, leaving only the evenly placed torch-lanterns to light the gardens. They still had a little ways to go, walking together on the stone-pathway that wandered through the hedges and flower beds. Star could hear classical music ahead, gently playing a melody, undercut by the voices of a small crowd. It appeared the Princess was the type to appear fashionably late.

As they passed a patch of flowers, Star halted, the Princess paused in mid stride to look back at him curiously. “Is everything alright, my shadow?”

He nodded, reaching down to pluck a Night-Lily from the garden and approached her, flower in his mouth. He looked up at her expectantly, talking around the stem, “May I place this in your mane, Princess? I think it would make you even more beautiful.”

She tilted her head with a smirk, “Thy knowst there is punishment for plucking the royal flowers.” She regarded the flower and him for long moments, “I shall receive thy token if thou accept my own, agreed?” He nodded quickly, and she lowered her head for him. He leaned his head up, tucking the flower between her ear and the crown, nestled against her flowing ethereal mane. She beamed a warm smile at him as she returned to her regal posture. “Many an age ago, this was a sign of a stallion declaring his intentions for a mare. A token of his devotion. Though I am well aware that it dost not have the same social meaning it once held, I accept thy romantic gesture.”

She turned her head to pull loose one of her many black satin ribbons from her wings. Star grimaced a little but held steady as she used her magic to pull his lower mane into a pony-tail, using the ribbon to tie it off. He expected her to ridicule him, but instead she seemed thoughtful, “It suits thee. Thou now lookth of an age long past.” She saw the concern on his face and giggled softly, “I see thy worry. Trouble thyself naught, for it was a respectful and glorious age in Equestrian history. Thou will not be mocked, but inspire others with thy noble bearing and style.” She gave him a gentle kiss on the nose and used her wing to coax him to be closer to her side as the made their way to the party.

As the pair reached the end of the hedgerow, a pony looked around the corner, nodded to the Princess and shouted inside the garden clearing, “Hear Ye, Hear Ye. Now presenting your host for the evening, Princess Luna.”

Star glanced at Luna before they crossed the threshold into the party area, “No titles tonight, Princess?”

She smiled and shook her head at him, “Neigh. Tonight is to be informal and relaxed. Besides, it would spawn a bit of a title war between them. They take great stock in authority and honor. One always attempting to claw his or her way above another.”

Her bearing seemed to change as they passed under the hedge archway into the spacious area surrounding her Moon-pool. A truly regal pose, coupled with an expression that demanded authority but offering a soft smile to those that bowed their head in acknowledgment of her station. There were a few tables filled with snacks and punch, attended by maids and butlers in black outfits which seemed to sparkle in the lantern-lights. A temporary stage had been set up along one of the castle walls, where a four piece band was playing soft classical. Piano, cello, horn and flute, just loud enough not to interfere with the conversations around them.

Star took a rough count of about a hundred guests, at least thirty of them griffons. While the ponies were dressed in tuxes or other formal attire, the griffons were adorn in vibrant coats of blues, reds, greens and yellows, with very deep necklines, allowing their chest plumage to spill over. Many seemed to have dyed their chest feathers in stripes of varying amounts and colors. Many had metal bands around their bird-like fore-arms, and the larger, more decorative griffons bore many scars across their faces. Along with metal studs riveted into their beaks. Those were very intimidating and he made a mental note to avoid them if possible.

Before coming to the party, he had taken time to read a little of griffon culture. Apparently the markings were honor ranks and stations. He couldn't remember the particulars, but the general concept was, the brighter the color, the higher the station. The more marks, the higher one was within that rank. He'd also taken time to speak with Captain Shining about what was expected of him. It was simple enough, be by Luna's side the whole night. Keep her from harm, and stay silent unless specifically asked a question. He wasn't here to hob-nob with ambassadors. He was here to represent the Royal Guard and be Luna's shadow.

After Luna greeted all the ponies and griffons that came to her in thanks for the party, she wandered about, pausing to converse with one pack of attendees to another. Except for cursory glances at him when Luna stopped at a new group, the party-goers largely ignored him. A couple of the younger griffons with dark stripes eyed his sword and flexed their fore-claws as though itching for a fight. He made it a point to not meet challenging glares, keeping his head moving about, seeking unseen threats.

On and on the night went, a rotation of greeting, polite conversation and even a couple light debates over trading rights between the kingdoms. He found he was learning quite a lot about griffon politics and their relations to Equestria, just by being at Luna's side. Once or twice an ambassador sought to rile Luna with veiled slights against her recent return, sometimes outright declaring they'd rather take a mater up with Celestia. When one began to yell at her for some border incident, she calmly turned around and walked away. There was a silence in conversation around them from the nearby ambassadors when she turned her back on the him. And that was that. The crowd returned to their conversations, and the raging griffon found himself alone, fuming.

After that incident, the other griffons seemed to nod with a little more respect towards her when she passed. He wasn't exactly sure what just happened. He'd have to ask later.

“StarStep is it?” He blinked as he was addressed and turned to meet the look of one of a group of griffons Luna had stopped at. A large female griffon in a bright red laced coat smiled down at him, one eye sparkling in warmth, the other sealed shut by a terrible scar. Behind her, lesser ranked ambassadors looked on in a mix of curiosity and annoyance. Luna had turned her head to smile down at him reassuringly.

He bowed his head to the griffon in polite deference to her rank, noting her bright red markings on the chest. “Yes madam ambassador?”

She reached out a clawed hand, lightly tracing the silver wing bands along his leading wing edges. The tip of her index claw gliding along the abstract engravings, “These are beautiful. I remember when such fashion was quite the rage in my youth. Where ever did you find these?”

He smiled warmly to her. Inside he was a little shocked by how kind and genuinely interested she seemed to be, “The Royal Tailor, a Miss Rarity of PonyVille crafted them with the help of a silver smith from Canterlot.” He spread out the wing, allowing the overlapping plates to fully spread and catch the lantern light.

The griffon turned to her three companions, the claw pointing at the adornments, “Do you see what splendid things we ourselves could produce if we allowed cross territory crafting? Why must we constantly be arguing over who has better artisans than who?” She smiled back at Star, “I thank you for your time. And may I say, you are a fine consort for your Princess.”

If he had a drink he would be choking on it. Even the Princess seemed faintly shocked, “Oh, apologies, Redfeather Madria. I doth not have a consort at this time. Dear StarStep is but my blade-bearer this evening.”

The griffon looked him over again, eying the ribbon in his mane then the flower over Luna's hair. She smiled apologetically to the moon-goddess, “I ask pardon, Princess Luna. I simply saw signs of courtship from long since past. It appears I am showing my age again.” She chuckled softly, a bird-like sound before glancing over her shoulder at the other griffons, “If I am not careful, these ruffians will think me old and challenge me for station.”

The three males firmly denied such actions. The Princess seemed amused, “Oh, worry not, Redfeather Madria. If thy claws doth not keep them in line, tales of thy past valor and glory certainly shall. If you will excuse me?” The four griffons bowed slightly in deference as Luna regally stepped away, Star at her side.

Star glanced about before whispering up to Luna, “Princess, I thought griffons were all about climbing above each other. Why did those other three not seem very eager to rise above that ambassador?”

She giggled, leaning down to whisper in his ear, “Because my dear, she is a Broodmother and those three her consorts. Until male griffons can lay eggs, I doubt such things will become an issue for her. Other Broodmothers, however...” She trailed off as she approached another small group, this one made of ponies.

Towards the wee hours of the morning, with only a few more till the party officially ended, Luna and Star were near the Moon-Pool. She was explaining to some of her guests that the fish in the pool would come to the surface during the new moon, and glow with bio-luminescent to attract insects. He had indeed noticed white lights along the surface, and on instinct thought it was just the moon reflecting on the shimmering surface. But upon Luna's explanation he looked closer, noting that three fish, as long as a pony, were swimming through the upper half of the pool, glowing blue-white like the moon incarnate. They were mesmerizing, and had an ancient look to them. Elongated snouts and fins more like wings than anything he'd seen on common fish.

After the guests thanked Luna for the hospitality and informative talk about the Moon-Pool, she turned and started towards the snack table. He could hear her belly rumble ever so softly as he walked at her side. He chuckled and smiled up at the Princess. She smirked back.

“Oy, you frilly tart, don't walk away when I'm talkin' ta you!” The crowd went silent. The screeching angry voice cutting through like a knife. Even the band suddenly halted their music at the outburst. Star glanced over his shoulder, curious who was making such a racket.

A young, rather large griffon with six brown stripes on his chest was pointing a clawed finger at Luna. Star frowned at him while the Princess glanced back, smirked and took another step away.

“OY, I said, don't you be a walkin' from me, yah overgrown crow. Yah sister is ah better ruler, and these feathered fools only to be talkin' to you, on account yah ride her coat-tails like ah foal sucklin' her teets. My family lost face account ah dealing with yer sorry flat flank. You should be bowin' to me for all da suffering they been through.” The griffon was smirking. Arrogance in his eyes.

Star growled under his breath, turning on the spot and glared, trying to meet the griffon's gaze, but the loud-mouth was focused solely on the Princess. Luna sighed, pausing mid-step. She shook her head and turned around, beginning to march towards the smaller being with all the regal bearing she possessed.

“That's right yah right weak pigeon. Bow down here and beg for me family's forgiveness. I might be willin' to let yah suck my griffon cock. Though that be still too good for yah, being yer whole family nothing but lying thieves and sluts. Specially you, yah blue cunt.”

Every foul word from that griffon cut StarStep. He couldn't believe anyone could speak so horribly to Luna, his Luna. And on the last word out of the arrogant male's beak, rage blinded StarStep. He crouched, tensing his legs, his wings flared out, the metal bands rasping on each other like a sword being drawn. Then FOOM, he launched with all his might at the griffon. Last thing he remembered was his outstretched fore-hoof connecting with the griffons beak, a terrible cracking sound, then he lost flight control and tumbled off to the side along the pool edge. The griffon recoiled onto his hind-legs, spinning around twice from the impact before he belly-flopped into the Moon-pool.

Star laid for a few moments, eyes spinning from the crash and noted a few griffons fishing the other from the pool. He seemed to be out for the count. With a smirk of pride he staggered to his hooves, his ears swiveling to the sound of clicking from gem-stone shoes. Pleased with himself he turned to face Luna as she stopped in front of him. Except, her face wasn't at all what he was expecting. She glared down at him, so full of cold rage.

Calmly, she slid her hoof from her onyx shoe, shook her head sadly at Star, her eyes on the verge of tears, then POW. StarStep staggered away, his face on fire and stumbled a few steps before his hind-legs collapsed on him. He support his front on trembling hooves, his back to Luna, mind in shock. All eyes of the crowd were on them now. He blinked back tears, looking over his shoulder as the Princess took the few steps to regain striking distance to him. He shuttered, trying to crawl away in panic. Her teal-green eyes, so furious, yet dripping with tears, held him as she leaned her head down to his level, “Thou will report to mine sister's study, and thou shalt await us.” She hissed through her teeth.

Then she lifted her head, mane flowing about her, regal and proud, the ever powerful Moon-Goddess. She lifted an accusing hoof to point towards him, “THOU SHALT BEGONE FROM MINE SIGHT!”

The Royal Canterlot voice, booming in his head, he did as was commanded. Scrambling to his hooves and running for his life from the garden to Celestia's study. There he sat for the next hour, a cold hearth and ticking clock his only companions in the dark room. Shaking from tears of confusion and anger. Then the door began to creak open...

Chapter XIV

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XIV

“Tia I must speak with him!” Luna's voice echoed from the hallway as the door to Celestia's personal study swung open. StarStep turned his head to watch the white rump of the alicorn back into the room.

“He is part of my Royal Guard, and I shall talk with him first. Then you may have your say, sister.” She shoved the blue alicorn back a step and slammed the door in Luna's surprised face.

In the darkness he could just make out Celestia's white coat as she sighed heavily. A golden glow illuminated her horn and the fire sprang to life. Blinking against the sudden light, StarStep shifted on his seat before the massive hardwood desk. The Sun-Goddess stepped behind it and slid up onto her padded bench, rubbing her tired eyes with a hoof.

Star had never been in this room. Bookcases lined the walls and stacks of scrolls and parchment covered much of the massive surface of the desk. Two red silk chairs sat in front of it, lower than Celestia's bench so the occupants had to look up at her. One of which Star was now curled in.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, before looking down at the pegasus with a sad disappointment in her eyes. “StarStep...”

“Princess, I'm sorry, I really am I-

“STAR!” He cut off immediately, feeling a tremble in his wings. She shook her head, “Be still a moment my little pony. Allow me to speak first.”

Using her magic she poured herself a glass of water, sipping a bit before resting it onto a coaster. “Star dear. Do you remember the talk we had after you had fallen asleep in front of my sister's door?” He nodded. “Do you remember what I told you the first rule was?”

He thought for a moment before opening his muzzle, his ears laid back, unable to meet her disappointed eyes, “You said...if I let my feelings get in the way of duty, we'd have a...discussion.”

She nodded, “And here we are. Now, is there anything you wish to say before I begin?”

He frowned and glanced up at her, “I'm sorry. I just...I flipped when he said such terrible things about Princess Luna. It was beyond rude it was...” He searched for the right word.

“Provoking?” She offered. To which he nodded in agreement. “That, I'm afraid, was the point.” She sighed, “Thankfully, griffons dislike lying. It taints their honor code. It's even more unlikely they will lie with so many witnesses. In this case, they confirmed everything that happened leading up to your...assault.” She sipped her water, “They have agreed to ignore your actions if we agree to ignore the young griffon who started it. As such, the incident is null and void in the eyes of the ambassadors.”

“All the other griffons least sociable. What happened, Princess?” He tried to make reason for such vulgar language against Luna.

“It appears, that the griffon in question, was an aide to one of the ambassadors. He thought to advance his position by forcing Luna to lose face. I suspect he thought he could provoke Luna into a fight. Even if he lost, he'd have gained honor by riling my sister into a physical confrontation. It appears his family has had some failed dealings with us before. It has made him rather bitter towards us. The ambassadors will deal with him. It is out of our hooves.” She finished her glass of water and sighed again as she tried to rub the sleep from her eyes.

“ But Princess, if the griffons agree he started it, why am I in trouble?” The pegasus pleaded.

“Did he draw a weapon?” Star shook his head, “Did he make any attempt to physically harm Luna?” He shook his head again and sighed.

“I...understand Princess. I just thought I was standing up for her.”

“Unfortunately, my little pony. That's part of the problem. Now...we need to speak of punishment.” She said firmly, that no-nonsense motherly tone in her voice.

“...Can I ask a question first?” She eyed him coolly then nodded. “...are Luna and I finished? Is that it? Does she hate me now?”

The white alicorn smirked slightly, “That's far more than a question, StarStep. As for your...relations with my sister, you will have to speak to her about that. I believe she's just very angry with you right now. Speak from your heart, apologize for what you have done wrong, and I suspect not all will be lost. But StarStep...if I ever am forced to punish you for letting your feelings get in the way of duty again...” She frowned, holding his gaze till the pegasus nodded firmly.

“I...I understand Princess.”

“Good. That being said. Now for your punishment. Despite the ambassadors agreement to dismiss the matter, you still must be punished to set an example for the other Guards. Therefore, I place you on one week's suspension without pay, starting at noon today.” Star glanced at the clock, four am. “Your partner, upon his return, will be placed on administrative duty and will work in the command department until your suspension ends. Do you feel this is an unjust punishment?”

Star shook his head, “No, Princess.”

“Good, then our discussion is at an end, and I am certain Luna is eager to have a few words with you.” She stood from her bench, walking around to coax Star out of the chair with her wing, nudging him towards the door. Her magic unlocked the latch and swung it open. On the other side of the hall, Luna was stalking, still in her beautiful outfit, glaring at them the moment they were in sight.

“Luna. I've given him one weeks unpaid leave as punishment for the incident.” Celestia used her wing to push StarStep in front of the moon-goddess.

He swallowed, looking up at her. “P-Princess, Luna. I...I'm sorry. I want to apologize.”

The Princess flicked her eyes to her sister then back at the pegasus, a frown on her lips as her eyebrows rose, “Mine ears art open, speak.”

“I'm sorry for bucking that griffon in the face.” Luna's eyes narrowed and her frown deepened. Star glanced away for a moment, then met her eyes again, “Actually, no, I'm not sorry I clobbered him. He was a parasprite and I enjoyed smashing his face for the things he said to you.”

Oddly, the Princess smiled faintly at that and nodded, “Truth from thy lips. Go on.”

His confidence slightly restored he continued, “I AM sorry I knocked him into your Moon-Pool. That was bad aim on my part. I'm also sorry for any trouble I've caused you or Princess Celestia with the griffons.” She nodded, her expression beginning to soften. “I'm sorry for embarrassing the Royal Guard with my rash actions.”

Luna nodded again, “And?”

Star blinked, he couldn't think of anything in particular. “And...and I...I honestly can't think of anything else.”

Luna frown returned, albeit with less disappointment. She pulled the Night-Lily from her mane and dropped it at Star's feet. “I reject thy offer of courtship at this time. I also issue my own punishment. Thou art banned from the castle during thy suspension. Thou should take advantage of thy week off and ponder upon how thou hath offended me. I placed much faith in thou...” She paused, looking away, he thought he could see her eyes water, “Do not return to me if thou dost not find the answer.” Her voice softened, tinted with sadness. “Go...begone from mine sight. Thou hath one week.” She pointed one of her hooves down the hallway, refusing to meet his concerned look.

Star nodded softly, his wings drooping from the stress and the heavy silver clips. As the pegasus wandered around a corner Celestia turned to her sister, curling her wing around her.

“Shhh...Lu-Lu. I'm here.” She tucked the smaller alicorn's head against her neck and held her close.

“Tia, I refuse to have another Goldwing at my side.” The blue alicorn sniffed, nuzzling at her sister's white coat.

“Is that what this is about? I know you haven't courted in ages, I thought you were just slow to warm up, Lu-Lu. How long has it been since Goldwing? How many consorts and loves lost, dear sister. Yet it always goes back to him.”

Luna sobbed softly, nodding, “This colt...I fear he may never understand. I refuse to go through that pain again, Tia. I'll stay cold and alone before I suffer such torment anew.”

Celestia smiled sadly, “So we tell ourselves, every time.” She sighed as she looked down the hall where StarStep had vanished, “I fear this ultimatum of yours, Lu-Lu.” She looked down, tilted her sisters face up to wipe away tears, “Sister, you will also take this week to think long and hard about your feelings towards this colt. You can cut him loose, or reel him in. But I shall not allow you to continue playing with him.”

The smaller sister frowned, “Thou hath no say in this.”

“When one of my, our, little ponies is involved, I have every right. Do not keep him caged as a pretty thing to amuse you. Either let him find love, or love him yourself or both. Though, I suspect if he cannot find this answer you seek, he may not return at all. And your decision will be made for you.”

Luna nodded softly, “I...I shalt think upon it sister. Thou speakth truth. Have I grown so cold Tia? At least if I stayth cold...there shalt not be scars to add to mine heart.”

Celestia kissed her sister on the forehead, “You are right, Lu-Lu....I myself have not taken a consort since your...banishment. Perhaps we've both grown cold.” The sisters hugged each other tightly, taking what comfort they could from the chill of immortality.


StarStep was packing his saddlebags with necessities, his outfit from the evening carefully put away in the uniform cabinet. He glanced over to this clock, 10 am. One week away from the castle. Where should he go? His first instinct was Ponyville. At least he could bunk at his parents house for a while. In a way, he was starting to look forward to this week. Despite the extra worry Luna had placed on it. It really would do him good to get away from her pranks for a while.

As he buckled down his saddlebags, he heard the slip of paper under his door. Curious he walked over and unfolded it on a nearby dresser.

Dear StarStep,

Before you left, I wanted to offer a few pieces of advice. I cannot tell you how you have offended Luna, as you would not take the lesson to heart. I will however, advise that you seek guidance from somepony you trust. Perhaps with their help, you will gain new perspective and return to us enlightened. Know that whatever may come to pass, you are still one of my dear subjects and will always have a place in the Royal Guards, as long as you come prepared to do your duty. Look not upon this week away as punishment, but as a chance to clear your head and return stronger for it.

I look forward to your return.
~Princess Celestia~

He smiled. Celestia always was the comforting one. He tossed the note onto his dresser on top of Luna's from the night before. Slipping on his saddlebags he took one more look around his room, ensuring he had everything he needed for the week, and left, locking his quarters behind him.


It was mid-afternoon when StarStep glided down to the outskirts of Ponyville. His first stop was his folk's place on the edge of one of the large ponds in the area. There were hugs, and kisses and pats on the backs. His mother and father were pleased to see him and admiring over how much he'd grown since leaving to join the guards. While his old room was cluttered with boxes, the bed was still available and that was good enough for him.

He stayed for the night, enjoying a hot home-cooked meal and telling stories to his folks about life as a guard. While leaving out some of the more...embarrassing of Luna's pranks, they were overjoyed at how well he was fitting in. He didn't tell him the real reason he was in town, instead simply telling them Celestia thought he could use a little time off. It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth.

Morning came, a breakfast with his folks of biscuits and oatmeal with a side of apple slices. His mom even packed him a little snack when he said he was heading to town to visit old friends. Then with a kiss on his cheeks from his mom, he was off to Ponyville downtown.

As he trotted down the lane, he thought back to Celestia's note. Guidance. There were only a few ponies he trusted enough with the truth of his problem with Luna. Two at the forefront of his thoughts were Cheerilee and Twilight Sparkle. The more he thought about it, the more it seemed like Cheerilee would be the best pony to talk to. During school she had always done her best to help him fit in and adjust to life in Ponyville. She was by far, the most uplifting, friendly pony he'd ever known. While she wasn't as book-smart as Twilight, she had a certain knack for helping him work out his problems. He thought back to the little picture he'd found in his graduation book and smiled. He missed his talks with the fuchsia mare. He missed just spending time with her. The more he thought about it, the more he decided that if Cheerilee couldn't help him with this little mess, no pony could.

Taking a right on Marigold lane, he immediately spotted his former teachers house. A two story cottage with pink siding and white roofing. Surrounding her front yard was a white picket fence, filled with large yellow sunflowers. He couldn't help but grin as he opened her little fence and trotted down her pathway. For just a short trip through her yard, he forgot all about his issues and began to grin. A bit of hop in his step.

With a bright smile on his face, he reached for her door. This would all be over soon. He reached up his hoof and brought it down to knock. Then he froze, his hoof an inch from contacting the wood. He paled slightly, backing away a couple of steps. “Of all the bucking times...” He mumbled and stared at the cause of his alarm. Woven around her door handle was a small sunflower.

Somepony cleared their throat behind him, “I don't reckon you should do that stranger.” A husky voice began, “Don't take kindly to ponies messin' with mares in that there state.”

StarStep turned, a smile breaking on his face as he noticed the very large red earth-pony leaning against the top of Cheerilee's white picket fence. “Big Mac!” he bounded down the path towards the confused stallion. Growing up, Big Mac was one of the few ponies he could talk openly to. He'd had more than one heart-to-heart to the big stallion over Applebloom and their friendship. He was one of those ponies who had a deeper understanding of the world that most would never guess.

The earth pony scratched his yellow mane and moved the straw of hay from one side of his mouth to the other, “Eeyup. 'Fraid yah have me at a disadvantage, stranger.”

Star chuckled, somethings never changed, “I'm StarStep, went to school with Applebloom?”

Slowly, recognition lit in the farm pony's eyes, “Well, yah done grown up to a fine stallion, Star.” He glanced up the yard at Cheerilee's door then back to him, “While it's good tah see yah, I don't go advisin' yah bother poor Miss Cheerilee. She's in a right fine state.”

Star grimaced, looking over his shoulder, “Yeah, I just got into town. I really needed to talk to her.”

The large earth pony dropped his fore-hooves off the fence to the dirt street, “Well, she'll be right as rain at the end of tha week.”

“A week? It just started? Oh buck me.” Star groaned and put a hoof to his forehead. He didn't notice the glare from Big Mac at the cursing.

“Anything I mighta can do tha help, Star?” He asked as the pegasus flapped over Cheerilee's fence.

“Well...not unless you know anything about mares.”

The two of them began to walk side-by-side. “Well...I'ah reckon I do. Seeing how Iah got a mare and two little foals ah mah own.” He smirked.

“Oh yeah, congratulations on the wedding by the way. Sorry I couldn't attend, I'd just entered guard training.” He gave the big stallion a gentle slug on the shoulder.

“Eeyup. Fluttershy knows you couldn' make it. I reckon she and Applebloom will be happy tah see yah. Now, about this here filly problem. Something I can do tah help?”

They were entering the main section of Ponyville, shops and the larger portion of the housing surrounding them. “Well...yeah, you might. I guess it can't hurt. But you have to promise not to tell any pony what's going on. Not till I can fix this thing. In return, how's a free lunch sound? Deal?”



Just under an hour later, and both colts happily filled. Star pushed away his plate and sighed softly, “So that's how it is.” He finished, glad the outdoor cafe was fairly quiet today, allowing him not to worry about eavesdroppers.

The red stallion across from him considered quietly. He'd said nothing while Star laid out his tale of his dealings with Luna and the current crisis. After a while he opened his mouth, “Mighty complicated problem yah done got yer self wound up in. Mares'll do that to yah. I remember ah saying mah pappy told me. 'Tartarus have no fury like a filly scorned.'” he nodded softly, “'fraid I can't be much help Star. Till yah figure out what gosh-durned thing she's done flown off her rocker about. And being a Princess....well partner, I reckon it could be any ol' thing.”

He shrugged as he rose from his chair. “I wish yah best ah luck, and iffin I think ah something. Ah let yah know. At least I know why yah wantin' to get to Cheerilee. We been friends a long time. Right good head on her shoulders.” He patted the pegasus on the shoulder, his hoof felt like bricks. Star always admired Big Mac's incredible strength. “I's gotta get back tah the farm now though. 'Shy be waitin' on me.”

“Hey, thanks for listening Big Mac. It kinda helps just talking about it.” The other colt nodded and went on his way towards Sweet Apple Acres.

Star found himself wandering the streets for a bit, just admiring how much and how little had changed about the little town in two years. After living in Canterlot Castle for so long, it all seemed so quiet and small. Along the way he noticed a newer shop and smiled as he recognized the symbol on the door. A hammer with an apple-blossom behind it.

The bell rang over the door as he entered, his nose picking up smells of fresh cut lumber, stains and paint. A voiced called out from the back to hold on. Star's grin widened as his old friend came trotting around to the counter.

“Well howdy partner, welcome to Applebloom's repair and.....Star?” The yellow earth filly with the front of her red hair covered by a handkerchief, blinked, then grinned to match the colts. “Oh my...Star! It's so good tah see yah!” She bounded around the corner and gave him a tight squeeze, he had to gasp for breath.

Star returned the vigorous hug as best he could, feeling his ribs protest till she relented and stood looking him over head to tail, “My word Star, yah done gone soft on me! Used to be you could hug tha breath outta me, now it seem like shoe's on the other hoof, now anit it?”

Star laughed, “No, I haven’t gone soft, you've just gotten strong. Wow AB, I figure you can buck a tree in half now.” He noticed her very sturdy hooves and tough toned limbs. She wasn't overly muscular, she still had the curves in all the right places, but he figured he could bounce a Bit off her flanks. She giggled at his joke.

“Scoots told me she done ran into you a little ways back. Glad you stopped by to visit all us country folk since yah all high and mighty servin tha Princesses.” She grinned slyly

“How could I forget the three little fillies who saved me from years of school-yard bullying. I owe you three big time.”

The yellow mare wiggled her eyebrows, “Oh yeah, Star? When do ah get to collect?” She giggled and gave him a playful shoulder punch.

“Say is Scoots around too? I know Sweetie Belles up in Canterlot. I just found out the other day.” He glanced around Applebloom's shop, admiring how professional and in order everything was.

“Nah, Scoots is on another one'ah her deliveries. And uh...yeah...we have ah hard time keeping in contact with Sweetie. Me and ah Scoots are a little worried about 'er. If yah reckon you can check on her for me, I'd be right appreciative.”

He nodded.“Yeah, when my week off is up, I'll make it a point to check on her. I'm glad to see you're doing good, by the way.”

The yellow earth filly nodded and gave him a surprise peck on the cheek. “Thanks Star. It's nice tah know yah still care about us.”

He smiled, “How could I not be? Didn't I rescue you fillies from the timber wolf pack? Or get you out of that pit when you decided to be 'Cutie Mark Crusader Coal Miners'?”

Applebloom giggled, “Right you did hun. But then, I done reh'collect we rescued you from quite a few fights, and when yah got yer head stuck in that bucket.” They shared a laugh, then she paused and looked towards the back of her store, "Hey Star, I gotta finish up an order 'fore I close up in ah few hours.. Really sorry hun."

“No, no, it's cool, AB. It's awesome just seeing you're doing well.” They embraced for another tight hug.

“Let me know when yah got a night free hun. I'll whip you up a fine dinner.” She smiled warmly to him. “For ol' time sakes.”

“You got it AB.”

He left with a parting smile for the filly, mentally making a note to spend time with his friend sometime this week. Then it was a straight trot to the massive tree library where he hoped to find an answer to his problem.

Chapter XV

View Online

To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XV

A firm rapping on the front door of the library woke Spike from his nap on the couch. He yawned and stretched, taking a moment to scratch at the nubs on his shoulders. His wings coming in itched a lot, but he couldn't wait to start flying. He slid from the couch, slouched over to the door, mumbling that he was coming and peeked out.

Star blinked, Spike was a tiny bit taller than him. Lanky limbs and sharper green spines. The purple dragon looked him over and smiled a toothy smile. It certainly reminded Star of a crocodile.

“StarStep? Oh hey, haven't seen you around in a while. How's life in Canterlot?” He stepped aside to let the pony in, shutting the door behind them.

“Wow, Spike. You're the first pony to recognize me right off.” He chuckled and glanced about the library main room. Same as he remembered. Neat and tidy with everything in it's place. Books of all shapes and sizes stuffed into every available slot on the shelves built into the walls.

“Huh? Oh yeah. Twilight calls it photographic memory or something. It's weird, I can remember ever single thing in every book I've read. And every pony I've met. Twi says it's something to do with dragons being able to remember what's in their hoard.” He shrugged and wandered over to plop back on the couch, “So what brings you here?”

“Is Twilight around? I could really use her help.” As he asked there was a muffled boom from the stairway descending into the underground.

Spike smiled and jerked his thumb towards the stairs behind him, “Yeah, Professor Explosion is in the labs. She's yelled at me twice for interrupting her. All I was doing was bringing her something to eat.” He sighed, “Sometimes, she just gets so buried in her work, you know?”

“Well...maybe you can help then. Have any books on griffon interactions with the Princesses? Or heck, any books at all on past courtship attempts with Princess Luna?”

Spike raised an eyebrow, “, not really. I did read some books about griffons and how they deal with other races, but that was back at Canterlot.”

“Do you remember any of it?” Star asked hopefully.

The purple dragon nodded and smiled another toothy grin, “Sure do. Tell you what, StarStep. You get Twilight out of the library for a while, and I'll let you pick my brain for info later. Deal?” He looked worriedly at the stairs to the basement, “I really worry about her. She doesn't get out as much anymore.”

“Yeah Spike, it's a deal. Let me see what I can do.” He nodded to the purple dragon as he trotted across the hardwood floor to the spiraling staircase that declined gently into the earth. Down he went, hooves clicking on the wood, onto the bottom floor and into a room the size of the library upstairs.

He paused in the doorway, noting all the tables filled with test-tubes and alchemy kits, various gizmos, parts, metal, wood, and gems. Loose scrolls were scattered around the tables and floors. A few pinned to the walls. Even a couple of chalkboards with hastily scribbled notes and equation. Frantic erasing and rewriting apparent on many spots. Towards the center of the room, leaning against a podium, Twilight Sparkle was nose deep in a tome as large as the lavender pony. Her glowing horn held three other books above that one, held open as she glanced occasionally from the massive tome to one of the others.

Star approached, halting short of her stained and dented podium. He softly cleared his throat.

The lavender unicorn ignored it, nose still buried in the heavy book. “Professor Sparkle?”

She didn't look up, flipping a huge page with her hoof and returning to her studies.

“Professor Sparkle. I need to talk to you.”

“Not now Spike, I'm a little busy. This whole magical equation for gravity distortion is wrong. Who wrote this thing?” She grumbled, flipped her page back to the previous.

“Professor Sparkle, Princess Celestia sent me.” He said a little louder, using his practiced Royal Guard voice to demand attention.

At that her ears swiveled towards him and she peeked over her book, Glasses perched on the end of her cute purple nose. Her mane was a tangled mess and her coat sticking up in spots. He wondered if her disheveled appearance was the result of an experiment gone wrong or lack of a brush. She blinked a few times, studying him. “The Princess? But...Oh gosh, have I been forgetting to send friendship reports again? Is Discord back? Or maybe Shining is getting married again?” There was slight panic creeping into her voice as she slammed her three floating books closed and stacked them on a side table.

“No, Twilight. Not exactly.” He gave his best smile, “It's been a while. How's that old telescope of yours?”

She blinked, tilted her head, then a smile spread on her lips as she ran forward to hug him tight, “OH, StarStep. It's so good to see you!” She pulled back as he started to cough. “Everything ok, Star?”

“Erm. Please don't take this the wrong way, Twilight, but...when did you take a bath last?” he scrunched his nose.

She tilted her head again, looking upwards in thought, “Hmm..what's today?”


She blushed hotly, “, yes. I guess it's been a little bit.” She looked around her lab with a guilty smile, “I get so caught up in everything, I lose track of time.”

As he followed her look, he noticed a lumpy mattress stuffed into a corner with tangled sheets. He shook his head and gave his best welcoming smile to the mare, “Hey, wanna take a little walk? Stretch those legs?”

She grimaced, looking back at her work. “I...really shouldn't. I feel like I'm so close to a breakthrough.”

“Tell you what, you come with me for a bit, and I'll tell you about my pretty silly attempts at wooing Princess Luna. AND, I'll throw in a tid-bit of knowledge I found about Princess Celestia making a constellation.” her eyes snapped to his in surprise.

“You and Princess Luna? Well...that does explain the letter she sent me the other day. And, what do you mean Princess Celestia made stars? She can't do that. Only her sister can.” She frowned in thought as the colt turned and trotted to the stairs.

“Well Professor Sparkle, care for a walk then?”

Twilight pulled a little of her mane to her nose, sniffed and wrinkled it. “Ugh...let me take a quick shower and I'll meet you at the park.”

Half an hour later, true to her word, Twilight popped into existence near the statue in the park, not too far from where Star was waiting. He called her name to get her attention and the two began a little walk down the path. Her mane was freshly brushed and her coat ever so slightly damp. She gave a little sigh, leaning back her head to face the sun, soaking in the light. “Mmm...I almost forgot what daylight felt like.”

Star chuckled softly, “You look good Twilight.”

She glanced over at him with a shy smile and a blush, “Um...thank you Star.”

He blinked and lightly coughed, “Er, what I mean to say is, you look much better. You had a bit of a...well, mad-scientist look going on in the basement.”

She laughed and shook her head, little red-framed glasses still on her nose, “I know. I apologized to Spike before I left. I really have been ignoring him lately. I'll pick him up a ruby crumb cake later.” She smiled over at the colt as they passed under a canopy of oak trees, “So, first the bit about Princess Celestia and the stars. Then we'll move on to your problem with Princess Luna.”

“Problem, what problem?” He faked a shocked expression.

“Why else would you need to tell me about it?” She giggled, “Now, first the stars.”

“Well, I came across a book in the library. And there was this little paragraph that talked about Princess Celestia trying her hoof at making a constellation. Unfortunately, it didn't say where to look or what it actually looked like. Just that it was too far away for us to see with our eyes, and was called the Infinite Twins.”

Twilight thought on his information, “I've heard about that constellation in other books, but I had no idea Princess Celestia was responsible. Hmm...I'll have to research that more later.”

“Have you ever seen it?”

She shook her head softly, “No, there's a lot of empty space between stars. It could be anywhere. I'm still really shocked she could make one at all.”

The two of them took a turn down a more well-used path. “But, I thought the Princess was controlling the moon and the stars while Princess Luna was banished?”

“Well...the Princess explained that to me once. She said she wasn't controlling the moon. She was forcing it aside with the sun. Without her sister to resist, that was all there was to it. And the stars are always there, we just can't see them when the sun is out. I don't think any constellations changed in the thousand years her sister was locked away.”

Star nodded thoughtfully. They trotted a little further in silence, enjoying the birds chirping and the warm late spring day.

“Star, what's this about you and Luna?”

“Ah well...promise you wont tell anypony else?” She nodded, so he launched into his telling of his rather awkward attempts at wooing Princess Luna. She giggled and gasped and oohed at all the right places. Very interested in what he had to say. When he finished she looked to the ground, pondering as they wandered along in the soft dirt path.

“I see. That would explain a few things...”


She shook her head, “Sorry Star. I promised her like I promised you.” She gave him an apologetic smile, “I really can't think of anything off the top of my head. I'm not sure what else she could be mad at. Might be something to do with griffon and pony interactions. Perhaps you made her look bad somehow?”

He nodded, “Maybe...thanks for listening, Twilight. I thought it couldn't hurt to get your opinion on it.” He sighed, “There's only one other pony in town I really trust enough to discuss this whole thing with and she's um...indisposed for my whole vacation.” He hung his head, “I'm running out of time Twilight.”

They paused at an ice-cream vendor. Star payed for their pair of vanilla cones as Twilight carried them in her magic to a nearby bench.

“Wait, who's this other pony?” Twilight asked between licks.

“Miss Cheerilee. You're really book-smart Twilight, and I really admire that.” She blushed slightly, “But Cheerilee always seemed like the one who understood how to deal with life and relationships and stuff.”

The lavender unicorn nodded, “You have a point. She's my friend too. Always quick with a smile and advice.” She licked a her ice-cream, “So why haven't you talked with her?”

He smiled awkwardly, “Um...yeah...I tried right off. She uh, has a flower on her door. Big Mac said it wouldn't be done till my time here was up. So you see my problem.”

Twilight tilted her head, “Flower? What...OH...oh I see.” She blushed hotly and couldn't meet his gaze. They both sat in silence, eating their ice-creams. Then Twilight cleared her throat, “Um...Star. Something you should probably know. Cheerilee is a friend, a pretty good friend, when I can pull myself away from my work.” She frowned slightly, “And...she's talked about you from time to time. She even had me send a letter to Princess Celestia asking how you were doing.”

StarStep raised his eyebrow as he crunched on the last of his ice-cream cone. “Me? The Princess never said anything and why couldn't she just send me a letter herself? I'm not exactly hard to find.”

Scratching a hoof through her dark mane, Twilight looked away, “She didn't want to interrupt your training or distract you from your duty. Cheerilee always knew your dream was important to you. Despite how silly it sounded to other ponies. She wanted to make sure you were ok without complicating things. I mean, she was your teacher...” She smiled sadly at him, “You...understand, right?”

Star nodded softly, “Yeah, Twilight. Thanks. It's really nice to know she's still trying to look out for me.” he sighed, “It all keeps coming back to me getting back in touch with her, huh?”

Twilight looked down at the bench, nervously tracing her hoof tip on the wood, “You know...if you went to her. I don't think she'd turn you away...I'm...I'm just saying. As a friend.”

The pegasus gave a slight grimace, “In her state, I'm not sure she'd turn away any colt that knocked.”

“Oh...true. But in this case, I think she'd be happy it was you.” She blushed.

Star looked at the mare curiously, “Just how good a friend are you to her Twilight?”

Her eyes widened and she looked away suddenly, “Look, if you help her with her...urges, she'd be lucid enough to help you work out this problem. At least for a little while. I'm just offering the most practical solution.”

He nodded, “Well, as weird as it sounds coming from you Twilight, you have a point. But no offense when I say I'm not willing to sire a foal just to get answers. I love Luna and I want to fix this little mess I've made, but that's just too far.”

Twilight's expression turned thoughtful. Her brows creased as she seemed to be pondering something, “ you like Cheerilee? I'm not saying 'love' but, do you like her, like her?”

He nodded, “Yeah, I guess in a strange sort of way I do. She was always the shoulder I could lean on. I wouldn't have said anything back in school, I guess I took it for granted. But when I reflect on how she used to act around me...” he paused, “ reminds me a lot of how I feel about Scootaloo, but not exactly the same, I can't describe it.”

Twilight looked up at him, studying his face and gave a sigh, “I can't believe I'm doing this...” She hopped off the bench and looked towards the setting sun before looking over her shoulder at the colt, “I know a spell that will let you be with Cheerilee without siring a foal. It's pretty advanced, very complex. Has to be done just right so it will fall off the colt after a fixed time or you'll end up unable to sire foals forever. Crazy manipulations of time-constraints, biology, and alteration, but I'm certain I can handle it.”

He blinked, “Wait, if there's a spell to let colts, well, you know with mares in heat, why don't more ponies use it?”

She smirked and rolled her eyes, “Because it's crazy hard. Show up at the library if you want to give it a try. I'll have Spike grab the spell book just in case you're interested.”

He hopped off the bench and tilted his head at her, “If this spell is that hard, how come you don't sound worried?”

She began to trot off, a smug expression on her face, “Because, I'm Twilight Sparkle.”


Star wandered about the town for the rest of the early evening. Everywhere he passed a pony, he was greeted with a beaming smile, sometimes with a quick wave. He'd forgotten how welcoming Ponyville citizens were. Up in Canterlot, you were lucky to get a passing nod. It certainly did a lot to uplift his heart. He took a short stop on a bench near the town square, quietly eating his apple-slices and hay-sandwich his mom had packed for him. Dusk came and went, the stars glimmered in the sky above with the sliver of the moon cutting the blackness. He gazed to the heavens, lost in how truly bright they were in the countryside. Something about the great city up on the hill, dulled their sparkle. Down here, in the simple town, with these simple ponies. Everything was more vibrant.

He thought on Twilight's proposal. Logically, it would solve his problem of getting close to Cheerilee. The added bonus of helping the school-mare soothe her mind-clouding urges did sound like a nice thing to do. Though the thoughts of what that entailed did have his cheeks slightly darkened.

“Bit for yer thoughts, Star?”

Star blinked, glancing around to find Apple Bloom leaning against the back of the bench, looking down on him with a sly smile. “Oh...hey AB. Off work?”

She nodded, leaping over the back of the bench to land beside him, “Yup. Just closed shop. You were pretty lost up in them stars, so I thought I might join yah for a sec.” She leaned up against his shoulder and gazed up at the heavens with him. “I remember us all doin' this quite often.”

The pegasus nodded slightly, unfurling a wing to tuck around his yellow friend. “Yeah. You, me, Scoots, and Sweetie. Sometimes Twilight and Cheerilee.”

She chuckled, “Yup. Sometimes it feels like forever ago, but it weren't, was it?”

He sighed, “When did life get so complicated, AB?”

She turned to look at him, slightly confused, “I don't know, Star. It's been pretty simple for me. I got my shop, made it with my own two hooves, and everything feels right.” She paused, “For you, I reckon it's always been a little...complicated. What with your sights set on the full-moon.” She grinned.

“Full moon?” He glanced at the silvery sliver of a moon hanging just over the horizon, “What do you mean?”

She laughed and nudged him on the shoulder, “Princess Luna, yah gosh-durned lunk-head.” He chuckled.

“Yeah, guess you got a point there.” He smiled, “What about the others? Scoots, Sweetie...”

She paused in thought, “Well...ah tried to be there for Scoots, she was pretty devastated when she failed Wonderbolt try-outs. Even with Rainbow Dash putting in a good word for her. She had pretty high hopes.” She shrugged, “Well, it all worked out. She found something she was good at, made her feel wanted. It's not as flashy as bein' a bolt, but she seems content...mostly.”

Star raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the earth-mare, “Mostly?”

“Sorry Star. Somethings are best left between fillies. Best tah keep yah nose outta it.”

He chuckled softly and gave her a gentle wing-hug as he eyed the constellation, Starswirl the Bearded. “And Sweetie? No one's saying much. If it wasn't for Rarity stopping by the castle, I wouldn't have known she was in Canterlot.”

The mare frowned, “Well...yah know how Sweetie got her cutie mark from ah singing so gosh dern pretty. Well, she took her big sis's advice and struck out to Canterlot to make it big. At first, her letters back to us were pretty uplifting and exciting. I think she even tried to get in touch with yah once. Anyhoof, letters got a little...less frequent. Then they just stopped a few months ago.” She sighed, “Me and Scoots figured she just lost interest in her old friends, now that she was livin' it up in Canterlot. Scoots even tried visiting her once, but just about had the door slammed in her face. We still love her, Star. She's our best friend. We're just worried.”

Star sighed and hugged her tight, “Yeah. I haven’t been too great a friend either. I've been so wrapped up with guard duty and Princess Luna I've kinda been neglecting things back home. I'll have to make it up to you three later.”

She smiled and nuzzled into his neck with a soft sigh, “Promise yah silly feather-brain'd colt?”

He nodded, giving her another tight hug, “Pinkie Promise, AB.” He gave a soft sigh, “Hey...AB...I have a little problem I'm trying to work out. I...don't want to get into the details, but I want your opinion.”

“Shoot. I'm all ears.”

“Ah well...I got one week to figure out the problem before I have to go back to work. And the one pony I can think of that can help, is Cheerilee.” He noticed her grimace, “Yeah, guess you know why that's part of the issue.” He tried to figure out how to dance around the issue with his friend. He had too much respect for AB to make the situation overly awkward. “So, long story short. Twilight says she has a spell that would let me visit Cheerilee know.”

She smirked, raising an eyebrow, “Being ah father?”

He nodded, “Yeah...that. You're my friend AB. You and Scoots and even Sweetie. I've always thought you the most straight-forward of us all. I have to admit it's also why it's so hard to be open around you, AB. You tell it like it is. That can sting sometimes.”

She nodded thoughtfully, “Right yah are, Star. Truth does hurt sometimes. What I don't understand is why yah can't come out and tell me the whole problem.”

He looked away, “Cause...I don't want to hurt any feelings.. Only reason I told Twilight is because she's sort of a neutral party whom I trust. I trust you too just...”

“Yer afraid I might get riled up cause this is about Princess Moon-flanks, anit it?” He oofed as she slugged him in the shoulder, “Yer right, stings, don't it?”

Apple Bloom chuckled softly, “Yer not fooling me. I knew the moment yah walked in mah door earlier, that she was somewhere at the root ah all this. But it don't mean I like yah any less.” She ruffled his spiky mane. “Yah remember when us three gave yah a hearts and hooves card? And yah turned us down?” He nodded softly, “Mah respect for yah grew a lot that day, Star. You were honest with us. I like straight-shooters. All that dancing about, don't do no pony any favors.” She smiled up at him and put a reassuring hoof on his shoulder, “Whatever may be going on, don't mean a hill of beans to why ah like you. Scoots done told me she spent ah little private time with yah recently.”

He paled and she laughed at his expression, “Yer a grown colt, she's a grown mare. What y'all do is y'alls business. Yer mah friend, Star. I want yah to be happy whatever that means. Even if it is with that prissy Princess.”

He frowned at her, she just laughed it off, “Hey now, I'm entitled to mah opinions. I think she done has you wrapped up like a bale of hay. But it's not mah place tah run yer life. Now, yah wanna tell me the whole story? 'Fore I get to thinking you just want to harass poor Miss Cheerilee for no good reason?”

Reluctantly, he relented, telling her a rather censored and short version of what went on in the last few weeks. He finished and she nodded thoughtfully for a moment, “Alright. Guess I get what yer saying. Miss Cheerilee is the kind of pony who could help with yer courtin'. And she did kinda have a thing for yah. But that was a couple years ago, Star. Yer just gonna pop up to her door and say, 'Hey Miss Cheerilee, I know it's been a while. I need answers to be ah courtin' Princess Luna. So let's rut so yah mind's clear.' Even then, yah don't even know if she'll be able tah help.”

“ got a point AB. How about you, any suggestions?”

She tapped her hoof to her chin, “Well...don't reckon I got a clue what has the Princess' all worked up about. The whole relationship thing is kinda new to me, Star. Been so busy getting mah business running, I haven't had time to go ah courtin' mah self.” She sighed, “As much as ah hate to say it, and as insane as yer plan sounds, it's probably yer best option with the time yah got. You could try askin' strangers, but ah got a feeling that's just gonna spawn a whole heap-a-trouble for yah.” She kissed the colt on the cheek and slid from his wing. “Now, don't go ah thinking I approve of this hair-brained scheme of yers. But ah think Miss Cheerilee would appreciate the company. Except for a little time with Twilight, when that crazy mare can drag herself from the books, she's been pretty alone. So, go cheer her up. Iff'n you can get Cheerilee to smile, I'd say it's reason enough to go through with this.”

“Hey AB, thanks for being straight-up. I should have just told you what was going on in the first place.”

She looked over her shoulder, “Anytime, Star. And mah dinner invitation is still open. You be good to her, and good luck on fixin' yer little problem.” With that, the sturdy yellow filly wandered off into the shadows of night-time Ponyville.

StarStep had made his decision. In the morning, things would get rather interesting.

Chapter XVI (Mature)

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XVI

(Mature chapter. I don't recommend skipping. Please enjoy)

Bright and early, Star had breakfast with his folks, informing them he might sleep over a friend's before trotting out the door. Granted his only real friends around Ponyville were all mares, but his parents were kind enough to not say anything. His mother even looked pleased. Odd that. So, a bit of nervousness dancing in his belly, and a tingle in his wings, he made his way to the library.

Spike was up already, in his morning routine of book-dusting and general cleaning. He smiled to the colt and gestured to the basement when Star asked for Twilight. Downstairs, he found the lavender unicorn deep in her massive tome once again. A few reference books floating near her head.

“Hey Twilight.” He stopped short of her podium and tilted his head. She looked tired, a little darkness under her eyelids. “Um...everything ok?”

She started at his voice and shook her head abruptly, “Oh, sorry Star. I figured out what I was missing last night and I've been up ever since. It's amazing how I completely overlooked the equation for temporal resonance plus mass times the variable of condensed magic divided by the probability of string theory. It's all so simple, all I have to do is compress energy until it creates mass, then re-loop it's electron displacement on itself in a temporal circle. Using chain reactions I think I can tear apart matter and put it somewhere else! With this much compressed independent energy, I could set something up to teleport ponies without needing a unicorn! Why, we wouldn't need trains anymore!” She clapped her hooves together excitedly.

It was Star's turn to shake his head free of the slight daze. “I'm sorry Twilight, I....reeeally didn't understand that.”

She seemed to refocus and glance down her nose through her little reading glasses, “Huh, oh, sorry, I'm just so caught up in this. What I can't figure out is why no pony has done this yet.”

“Sorry Twilight. Stars and moons are more my thing. I can't help you with that.” He smiled at the other pony.

The unicorn waved a hoof dismissively, “Oh, it's fine. You know how excited I get with new discoveries.” She buried her face back in her tome, a quill held in her magic scribbling away at parchment on the far side of the room.

Star cleared his throat. “Hey, Twilight. About that spell?”

“Uh-huh” The scribbling continued unabated.

“Can you do it?”

“Uh-huh” She never looked up.

“Twilight...the spell for me to visit Cheerilee without siring?”

“Sure...” Long moments passed. He sighed and leaned up on the podium to put a hoof between her nose and the book., “Huh? Oh, right.” She blushed and rubbed at her eyes, “Sorry, the all-niter is catching up with me.”

Star frowned, “You said this spell was pretty complex. You sure you got this? I can come back tomorrow when you're more refreshed.”

She smiled and shook her head softly, “No, Star. I don't want Cheerilee to suffer any longer than she has to. You colts have NO idea what's it's like. And Cheer....she's never had a stallion during her estruses.” She frowned, glancing down at the book, “ what I can for her but...”

Star nodded, “This is less about helping me find an answer and more about helping her have something special, huh?”

The lavender unicorn smiled weakly, “ wrong? I feel like I'm sort of using you Star. I just...I realized how much I've been ignoring her these last few weeks came along with that crazy story...” She sighed softly, “Does that make me a bad pony? It all just fell into place.” She used her magic to set aside her reference books and rubbed at her eyes. “I mean, you already have a bow in your hair and everything.” She giggled.

Star blinked, “What do you-” He trailed off as her magic pulled something free of his mane. It was the black-satin ribbon from Luna's wing. He felt his chest tighten. “I...guess you're right.” He closed his eyes and chuckled softly, “No Twilight, it doesn't make you a bad pony, if I'm ok with going along with it. Just like you, I'd like to see Miss Cheerilee smile. I guess we're co-partners in this, weird little gift, huh?” She nodded, her magic pulling his mane back into a pony-tail and retying the ribbon.

“I assume that's Luna's?” He nodded, “It suits you. Gentlecolts used to wear their manes like that. It makes you look...umm...dashing I think.” She nodded approvingly with a giggle, “This is like some terrible cheesy romance novel, isn't it? The dashing gentlecolt knocking on the door of the suffering maiden, and with a wink and a smile, whisks her off her hooves and carries her into the bedroom, his warm lips pressed to the small of her neck...and...oh...I rambled off again didn't I?” She blushed.

Star raised an eyebrow, “Just how many romance novels have you read?”

She tapped her fore-hooves together awkwardly, not meeting his questioning look, “A...A few. It does kinda get lonely just studying all the time you know.” She added defensively.

“It's ok Twilight, your secret is safe with me.” He smirked, “Now...the spell? Mustn't keep the, what did call her, 'suffering maiden' waiting for her perfect gentlecolt?”

She smiled and nodded as her magic resorted tomes from a pile, pulling a small purple book to her podium. She gave a little yawn and flipped through the pages, “You know Star, you're awfully calm about all this. I remember when Miss Cheerilee had to give the sex-ed classes and asked me to help with the diagrams. I've never seen a pony so bright red from embarrassment.” She tapped her hoof to her chin, reminiscing. “Why, I remember when Scootaloo asked why her wings stiffened whenever you kissed her.” She covered her hoof with her mouth, fighting a laugh. “You were adorable when you tried to sink into your desk.” She gave a soft giggle as she found the page and pushed her glasses up on her nose. “Well, enough teasing you, Mister Gentlecolt. Let's help Cheerilee.”

Her horn glowed, she furrowed her brow in concentration. Long moments passed, nothing seemed to be happening. She frowned and shook her head clear, blinked her eyes and her horn glowed a little brighter. After a few moments, Star felt something tingling between his thighs. It was subtle at first, like an itch. Then it grew warmer, then uncomfortably warm. He blinked as he realized it was his stallion-sack that was feeling weird.

“Um..Twilight, it''s feeling a little too warm.” He noted, a slight tremble of nervousness in his voice.

“Shhh...I got this Star. Almost...” She bit her bottom lip, horn glowing like a tiny beacon.

His balls were on fire. Oh how it burned, he gasped and collapsed to the floor, clutching with both hooves as the terrible agonizing sensation rolled through his groin. He didn't care he was being watched by a mare at this point. It was like some pony had kicked him between the legs. Only worse. He choked and sputtered, forcing himself to keep down his lunch. “TWWWWWIIII...OOowWwww.”
And then, as he rolled about, blinded by the pain, it was over. All the sensations vanished. He groaned on the floor, blinking into space. He noticed somepony was standing over him.

“Star? Are you ok?”

“...By Luna's beautiful moon....I know the other reason why colts don't get this spell done. The pain is gone, but....yeow.” He coughed and stumbled to his hooves with her help. “Did...did it work?”

She frowned slightly in thought, “I did what it said to do. Unfortunately, I didn't notice the foot-note about the pain until after. Sorry, Star. I would have warned you.”

He nodded and grimace, “Thank Luna I only had a light lunch.” He wavered a little on his hooves before shaking clear his head. “Never again....Are you sure it worked? Please tell me it worked.”

Her horn glowed as she used her magic to probe at her enchantment, “Look like it. I believe you have five days then it just falls off, ok?”

“Is there anyway I'll know?”

She shook her head, “Sorry, it just dissipates.”

He nodded and gave her a smile, “Well...I guess there's only one thing left to do.” He walked along as she escorted him to the stairs. “Thanks Twilight.”

She smiled softly and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek, “No Star. Thank you for agreeing to help Cheer. I know it's probably a little strange for you, but it'll be ok. I promise. I'll check in later this week and see how you two are doing. Now...” She playfully swatted his rump with a flick of her tail, “Go get her stud.” She laughed as he winked and bound up the stairs.

The trip to Cheerilee's house was quiet, the bright morning sun overhead, with scattered clouds. The pegasus weather team was setting up for an afternoon shower. He returned warm greetings from a few as he passed under them. No hustle and bustle of the city, no clattering of carts or shouts of merchants. Just the sounds of nature and the soft clop of his hooves to the dirt. It helped to calm his nerves, settling his stomach a bit. And then, there he was, at that white picket fence, staring down the sunflower lined path to Cheerilee's door. He took a deep breath, then another. He tried to think of something suave to say, but came up empty.

Besides Scoot and Sherry, his experiences with this sort of thing were zilch. The white gate seemed to creak too loudly as he let himself in. His hoof-steps too loud on the stone walkway as he trotted up and stopped at her door. What the buck was he getting himself into? It was one thing with Scoots, a friend he'd always been affectionate with. They'd just taken it to the final stage. And Sherry was just a favor and a bit of fun. He knew Sherry wasn't interested in him and that suited him just fine. But this...this was Cheerilee, his old teacher. A mare who was always supportive. Uplifting his spirits with a warm smile and kind advice.

His chest felt tight as he reached his hoof out. Part of him wanted to stay and have a romp. Part of him screamed this was at terrible idea...and then he saw Luna's eyes, full of disappointment, accusing him of failure to understand her. Wasn't that the point of all this? And, in a way, he was helping both Twilight and Cheerilee. He didn't mind that thought at all. He did like helping ponies. One of the other reasons he'd joined the Royal Guards. He closed his eyes and gave a heavy sigh, “Buck me, I hope this works.” he whispered. Then, his hoof contacted the white painted door.


Silence stretched. He could hear the wind shift through the sunflowers as he waited. Then there was a click of a lock, and the door opened wide enough for a light-greened eye to peek out at him. “Um...hello?” He could see her flick her eyes to his face and down his body, lingering on his flank with a slight hunger to her gaze. Then she seemed shocked and the door swung open wider. She leaned her head out. “StarStep? Oh, you have to leave.” She pleaded. She seemed to be gripping onto the door-edge with her fore-legs. Her eyes again were drifting to his rump. “It's so good to see you Star, can't be here.” She licked her lips then shook her head, “Didn't you see the flower?” She glanced down at her door handle, noting it still had the sunflower woven around it then back to him, well, most of him. “...Just, just go Star. Come back next week.” She started to shut her door, a pained expression on her face.

StarStep placed his fore-hoof in the way, blocking it from shutting, “Miss Cheerilee. I's ok.” He searched for words to say as she struggled to push her door, “I need your help with a problem Miss Cheerilee.”

He could hear her whimper softly behind the door. “No, I...I can't help anypony right now. Please Star, just go.”

“I want to help you Cheerilee. I'm here for you like you were all those times for me.” He felt the pressure against his hoof lessen. She peeked around the frame, biting her lower lip.

“What are you saying?” There was a glimmer of hope in her gentle, yet pleading eyes.

“I'm saying, Twilight put a spell on me. You can't have my foal. We're-MUPHHH.” He blinked in surprise as the fuchsia colored earth-mare swung wide the door and clutched at his neck, her muzzle tight against his in the most passionate, desperate kiss he'd ever experienced. At last she relented and he was left gasping for air, “Wooow. Miss Cheerilee. I di-MUFFFPH”

Again he was left panting on her doorstep, his wings painfully erect from the mind-numbing kiss. She grinned at him coyly, a terrible hunger in her beautiful light-green eyes, “Mmmmm...less talking, more rutting.” She swung away from the door, lifting her pink, striped tail high. As she swayed down the hall, he could see her mare-hood, puffy, and dripping fluid. He blinked and glanced down to see a tiny puddle behind the door where she'd been standing. With a whinny of delight, he hopped over the threshold, kicking the door shut with his back hoof and staggered in the smell of the mare's musk.

He shook his head, trying to clear it from his thoughts, but the haze of lust was thick. He'd heard other stallions in the guard talk about this. Experiences with their own mares, but, this, this was nothing like he imagined. He found himself hot on Cheerilee's plump fuchsia flanks, nipping at her cutie-mark, urging her on towards the back of the house. His wings hurt, his stallion-hood throbbed. All thoughts of conversation lost when he entered the den of this beautiful, frisky mare. She eyed him over her shoulder as she reached the last door in the hall. She gave him bedroom eyes, a come-hither as she wiggled her flanks and lifted her tail again, exposing that hot slit, the lips flexing in her body's desire to rut. He bumped his nose under her tail, getting a full-whiff of the mare in heat, shivering and nudging Cheerilee the rest of the way into her room.

Halfway in, she stopped and slightly arced her back, lifting her rump towards him. She was biting her lip, tail swishing to the side to give her stallion easy access to breed her. There was no fore-play needed, her winking slit dripping her juices was proof of enough of that. Star nipped at her flank, then the back edge of her rump, then at her tail-base. She cried out at that, then whimpered, pressing her plot towards him again. There were no words, no gentle caresses. This was primal driven lust from the beginnings of time. And Star, in his thought-addled state, was happy to oblige.

The pegasus reared up with a whinny, his fore-legs sliding along her silky coat, pulling her hips towards his as he sought to find purchase with his fore-hooves against her thighs. He was bucking his hips towards hers, his shaft poking and sliding along her belly, against her thighs. A bit of dancing on his rear-hooves and he could feel the tip pressing against something wet, and hot. He gripped her around the waist and leaned his head forward. The colt took a bit of her mane in his mouth and pulled as he bucked his shaft into her. She gasped, then shouted out her intense ecstasy. For a couple of moments he seemed content to feel her gripping around his cock. She pressed her plump rump towards him, pushing their hips together more snugly, his shaft hilted in the mare. She mumbled and moaned, a little drool from her lips with her tongue hanging out. He rolled his hips back, still with a mouthful of mane, jerked her head back as he rammed her again. She twitched her head back and forth, screaming in her pleasure.

This mare was his to breed, he'd fill her with his cum and she would cry for more. He blinked at that thought. Where the buck did that come from...why did she feel so good around him? Why wasn't he bucking her harder?

His faint lucid thought fled under the assault of the lust-driven rampage and he started to pound his hips into hers. It was wet, and it was noisy. Her slit was making slight sucking noises as he jack-hammered his throbbing cock into his ex-teacher. Making her squeal and whinny and groan in absolute ecstasy. On and on, hot and hormone driven, he bred his mare. She was his, that was all that mattered. She even mumbled his name a few times between her cries of pleasure. He felt her convulse around his shaft during his thrusting, her fore-legs gave out and she shuttered on the floor. He could feel splatters of her climax coating his sheath and thighs. He pressed on, driving her chest into the floor as he angled himself to keep ramming. He could feel the head of his cock grinding against the upper-walls of her canal. It was starting to flare, he could feel the resistance building even as her orgasm was fading. Even moaning with her face to the ground, the mare began to squirm again, pushing back at his stallion-hood with a whimper.

In his lust he remembered glancing down at her face. That pleading, loving face of Cheerilee, so happy and so out of her mind. She smiled, “Star...please...cum in me, my stallion.” Her soft words just loud enough to hear over the slapping wet noise of their rutting, just before her body gave another shutter and she rolled her head, screaming in another orgasm, but his ears caught every delicious word.

That was all he could take. He gritted his teeth, giving her one final hard drive, seating every inch of himself that he could, he felt his flared head become caught in her climaxing walls. And with a gasp of near pain and pleasure, he felt the first waves of his cum burst out, splattering her insides, and quickly filling the now sealed passage. She moaned with him, reaching a fore-hoof under her to rub at her belly. There two ponies held, shivering in their own bliss, Star clutching Cheerilee as hard as he could till his hormones wore off and he slid off the mare, exhausted. He felt himself slip from inside of her, staggered a couple of feet before he felt to his haunches, stunned.

After a few minutes to recover from her shivering, the fuchsia mare lifted herself from the floor and took the few steps over to Star, nuzzling at his neck. He returned the nuzzles, kissing and nibbling softly at her ruffled coat, the mare returned the gesture and nudged him onto his side. She lowered herself to slide into his hooves and the two groomed and nuzzled at each other for a while, breaths beginning to become less labored in their after-glow. He gave a contented sigh, noting her neck tasted salty from the sweat. He was probably just as lathered from the frenzied rutting.

Curled in each others hooves, the two ponies drifted in and out of a light sleep. When Star would phase into consciousness, he would caress Cheerilee's bouncy pink mane, nuzzling at her ear affectionately. Sometimes the two would drift awake together and Cheerilee would return the nuzzles just as happily, 'Mmm'ing in her delight at his mane petting. She would nibble on his ear and lick the edges sending trembles of pleasure down his spine.

By mid-afternoon, Star found himself shaking off the stupor and hugged Cheerilee extra tight. Spending the quiet time to glance about her bedroom and listen to the mares soft breathing as she rested. Eventually, she too found her senses and she kissed at his jaw, “Mmmmm...Star? Is it really you?” She whispered into his ear as she nuzzled at his blue-grey coat. He nodded softly, curling a fore-hoof into her mane much to her obvious delight, “Mmm...yes...that feels good....Oh Star...I thought it was some terrible heat-induced dream.” She nuzzled for a bit, then froze, “Wait, Star? Oh no, what have I done?! I've seduced you, oh no! We, and you, and, foals I....oh Star...” She shivered as he hugged her tighter with a chuckle.

“Shhh...Miss Cheerilee. It's ok. Twilight put a spell on me. You can't have my foals. We're ok.” She let that sink in a moment before drawing back enough she could look him in the eyes.

“...I...sort of remember you saying that and...then was all a happy, delightful fantasy after that.” She signed and nuzzled into his neck. He could feel her slip a hoof between them to rub at her belly, “Mmmm...I feel so...content. I can think straight again. At least for now.” She whimpered softly and nibbled at his jaw, “But the urges, I think they'll be back before long.”

He nodded. Remembering from sex-ed that mares tended to be in heat about a week. Stallion or no stallion. Fresh from pleasure, she'd at least be able to form coherent thoughts without intruding flashes of desire. “Cheerilee. Twilight helped me see you. Sort of a gift to you. She knows how hard this time of the year is for you, and she's sorry she hasn't made time for you lately.” The mare nodded. “I originally came to see you because I need your help with a bit of a problem.”

“Princess Luna?” She asked, with a smirk as she rubbed a hoof into his chest-fur.

Star sighed and rolled his eyes, “Am I that translucent to everypony around?”

She giggled, tucking her head against his neck, “No dear, just...goal oriented.” She gave a soft little sigh, “Star...I...don't know how you actually feel about me, but...thank you. This is like a very wonderful dream.”

He smiled and kissed the top of her mane, “I do care about you Cheerilee. All the times you helped me when I was younger? Somehow, I guess I always knew you care enough about me to support even my silly dream. I haven't forgotten your words on graduation day. I don't know exactly how I feel, but I care.”

She nodded, kissing his neck, “I'll take that dear. Yet, all of this, roping Twilight in and it still comes down to the Princess.”

“Uh, it didn't take much convincing Twilight. She seemed more for this plan than I was.” He chuckled.

“The school-mare giggled and tilted her head up to nibble at his chin, “Oh? Was she? I guess she and I will have a talk later.” Her hooves started to explore his sides and her kisses more loving along his neck.

“Cheerilee? Urges coming back again?” He tilted his head to glance down at the mare as she suddenly nipped his neck and gave a soft 'Mmmm'. “I guess that's a yes.” He shook his head with a slight laugh, “Fine, but this time I want to try something different.”

She looked up at him through half-closed eyes, her hind-hooves were trying to pull his body closer, “Dear, all my body says is fill me.” She bit his lower lip and tugged seductively, “Do that anyway you like.”

He smirked, “Oh come on teacher. Not going to tutor me on what you like?”

She gasped, “Oh, you terrible pony! Just for that, you have to be punished.” She bit down on the side of his neck and sucked hard. It stung and felt oh so wonderful. She giggled at his groan and nuzzled at her love-bite. “Even if it's just for the week. You're my stallion.” She rubbed a hoof along his sheath with a mischievous smile, “If you're a good stallion, I'll give you after-school lessons.”

He laughed, slipping from her limbs. She pouted up at him from the floor. “Now who's making the bad teacher jokes?” She grinned at that, bounding from the floor to give him a passionate kiss. “ have to show me how to do that later.”

“What's that dear?” She stroked his cheek, looking into his bright blue eyes.

“Take a pony's breath away with a kiss.” She grinned sly, giving him another kiss, her tongue playing with his, sucking all the air from his lungs in her fit of growing lust. “Whew...yeah ok, before I pass out...” He swatted her flank playfully. She gasped and shivered, blinking in surprise. “Miss Cheerilee? Everything ok?”

She smiled over her shoulder and wiggled her plot at him, “OH, more than ok.” Taking that as an invitation he gave her cutie-mark another swat. She again gasped and followed with a light moan.

With his ego boosted from finding out Cheerilee had a little spank fetish, he nudged her towards the bed with his nose between her flanks. She giggled and danced on her hooves as he helped her up onto her back, using pillows to help her balance. She looked down her belly and grinned at the colt, “Oh my...want me to watch you rut me, is that your plan you naughty stallion?”

He grinned back and winked, “Well...that's the main course. To start, I had a few ideas.” She raised an eyebrow, looking positively seductive, her fore-hooves curled up against her chest, her hind-legs spread wide for his access. She was leaking a mixture of their recent love-making, running over her perky plot and around the underside of her tail-base. “I remember a few things from that old sex-ed class. I guess I'm going to get a little hoof-on practice with your lessons.” She smirked and batted her plush tail at him.

“Ok Star, but please don't tease me too long. I'm getting hot again.” He nodded as she bit her lower lip in expectation.

He didn't plan to leave her lingering too long. But it would be a shame to waste the chance. He kissed down her inner thigh, starting on the left, then across her mound, to her right. She moaned, then gasped, the moaned again in response. He brought his fore-hooves up to press into her flanks, rubbing the hard hooves into her cutie-mark. She gasped sharply and gave louder moans at that. He continued to rub at the mare's flanks as he head leaned in, sniffing her still over-whelming musk. He could feel his arousal quickening from her scent. Then he kissed up along her belly till his lips found a nipple. She gasped. “Wait, Star, no I Oooooooh-Starrrr.” She whimpered and kicked her back hooves as his flat pony teeth found purchase on the little sensitive nub. He flicked his tongue against the tip then wrapped his lips around it to suck. She bit down on a fore-leg, groaning into her fur as he tormented the mare-nipple for a while, flicking, teasing, biting sucking. She was a near steady drip from her flexing mare-hood.

Star chuckled softly as he relented a moment, “Oh, that good huh?” She didn't respond, just rolling her head around as he switched to the un-teased one and began by sucking as hard as he could on the nipple. She screamed in pleasure into her fore-leg and gasped for air, her chest heaving as her hips suddenly started bucking towards him. He felt a splatter on his coat and blinked in surprise. Glancing down he'd found Cheerilee had squirted on him in her climax. It wasn't an unheard of thing, for a mare to peak so hard she sort of spurted her juices. It was strangely arousing to be coated in her scent. He figured, if a mare was ok with a colt getting his cum on them, it should be ok the other way around.

Star ceased his tormenting her poor nipples and kissed down her twitching belly. He looked up, noting her smiling down at him in a bit of an after-glow, “Oh...Star...mmm...that was...” He nodded softly and lifted his head from between her thighs. “Oh!” She noticed his damp neck and blushed hotly, “Oh Star...I'm sorry, I...forgot to warn you I'm...well...I do that.”

He shook his head with a comforting smile as he lifted up to place his hooves on each side of her exposed body, “It's ok Cheerilee. It's different, but I kind of like it.” She smiled back to him, seeming to thank him for understanding. It wasn't like it was her fault her body reacted like that. “I think I've teased you enough Cheerilee. You ready?”

She lowered her fore-hooves to stroke along his neck as he towered above her body, his wings stiff at his back, framing his toned body and gave a little shiver of delight. She looked down her belly and saw the twitching cock between his legs, hanging above her vulnerable body, involuntary licking her lips at the thought of that thing filling her again. She looked up into his eyes. There was no doubt he wanted her and it made her heart flutter. “Take me, just as hard, Star.” He nodded, lowering a hoof to guide his tip to her winking lips. She whimpered a little, biting her lip as she watched. It was so different this way. So terribly naughty to watch herself get impaled by the young stud.

So as he bucked his hips into her, her eyes widened, watching her flower stretch itself around him. It was strange to see how much of it went in, unbelievable even. She groaned, and gasped, pawing at his sleek pegasus chest, “Yeees...Star, oh by Celestia, harder you stallion!” And he complied. Rolling those tight flanks back and forth, the lips of her sex pulled and pushed at each slick thrust. She watched in delight as his thrusting squished out some of their earlier juices. She could feel it running over her plot and dribbling down her tail. A tiny part of her dreaded the cleaning later, but for now it was all about the virile colt breeding his filly. It was so dirty and raw, and she loved every bucking minute of it. In and out, sticky mess oozing and making the most impolite noises to mix with their combined gasps and groans, whimpers and moans.

All the visuals of watching the rutting caused her to climax hard. Again her female climax squirting out around the girth of this pegasus deep inside her. She looked up and could see him biting his lip, groaning, strain on his face. She knew he was trying to hold back for her to have more. But he didn't seem to get what she wanted, what she needed. She reached up to stroke his tense face, “Star...oh, star, fill me, just....cum already.” The school-mare pleaded to him. He looked down and nodded. He could see him visibly relax, the flared head of his near peak signaling his end, then he shuttered, a pained expression on his face as she looped her hooves around his neck and pulled him tight as she fell him orgasm hard inside her a second time.


The sun was setting outside, orange light sharp through her bedroom blinds. Sticky, messy, sweat lathered, the two ponies were tightly embraced on Cheerilee's stained bed. He was stroking her mane, she was nuzzling at his neck as Star told her of the problem he was having with Luna. She listened quietly, only asking questions where it was relevant. After he finished, ending at that morning, she sat in thought for a while, enjoying the sound of his heartbeat in his chest, her hoof softly caressing his matted coat. Star didn't interrupt her, patient to hear the mare's thoughts.

At last she nuzzled into Star's chest before pulling herself up to meet him nose to nose. “Well, based on what you've told me dear. I can think of a few things.” His ears swiveled towards her, intent on catching every word. “I need a few things cleared up though.” He nodded. He loved how Cheerilee could pick apart any situation, and find an answer buried inside. It was one of the main reasons he sought her out. “She wasn't necessarily angry at you hitting the griffon, right?”

“Didn't seem like it. I get the feeling hitting him wasn't the big problem.”

She nodded in agreement, “Based on what Princess Celestia told you. I suspect it's because you reacted to verbal attacks and not a physical one.” She pondered, tracing little trails in his coat as she thought. “What exactly is your role when acting as a Princess' escort?”

He thought back on the wording of the duty, “To protect her from harm and be her shadow.”

Cheerilee nodded against his chest, “ you remember what I told you in school when bullies used to call you names?”

He thought back for a while, “I...don't remember the specifics but I think you told me that words can't hurt me if I don't let them.”

She smiled to herself and kissed him on the nose, “Very good, gold star for you. Dear, if you don't let threats or insults bother you, they can't hurt you. You love Princess Luna, right? What about her do you love?”

It felt a little weird for the mare he'd just rutted twice to ask him if he loved Luna. But Cheerilee had always understood him from the beginning. He...he started to wonder if he loved Cheerilee too, just like Scoots, but different. This whole thing was messing with his head. He shook it off and smiled at the fuchsia earth-mare, “Yeah. I love the Princess because she's playful, and beautiful and independent, and so strong when she needs to be....Oh buck me...”

Cheerilee grinned at him, “I see you figured something out?”

He sighed and nodded. “Maybe. I'm not sure it's the whole issue but...when I attacked that griffon, I was acting like his words could harm the Princess.” Cheerilee nodded and waved a hoof for him to keep going. “By acting in her stead, I made a public statement that she was weak enough that words could hurt her. And instead of letting her deal with the troublemaker, I also made it look like she couldn't handle her own fights. Oh...buck me that's it isn't it?” He groaned and buried his head into Cheerilee's mane.

“Well dear, I think you're onto something. I also think it related to why she hit you. Maybe something to do with griffon culture?” She smiled at him.

“Yeah...I...didn't think about that. I've never heard of either Princess hitting any pony. I was in such shock I didn't think about it too much.” Star nodded and tilted Cheerilee's chin up to kiss her sweetly, “Thank you Cheerilee.” He paused looking into her eyes for a moment, then his expression shifted to a frown and his eyes glanced away. “ can a pony love more than one pony? I feel really confused at times.”

She stiffened in his hooves for just a moment, then she hugged him very tight, “I'm afraid, my dear, dear Star. That's not something even I can explain. You just do. It's like how you love Princess Luna. You could never fully explain it to me, could you?”

The colt shook his head.

She smiled comfortingly to him, “And I could never fully explain why I love Twilight or why...” She trailed off and shook her head softly with a smile.

“I's just a feeling? But...they feel so different.” He paused in thought, “I...told Scootaloo I loved her a couple weeks ago, but she said it was friend love and not love-love. I don't understand. It's not the same gut-clutching feeling I get when I look at Princess Luna. How can it be the same?”

She giggled and kissed his nose, “My, you've been thinking about this a lot haven't you?” He glanced away embarrassed, “Well, Star. Let me give you a very rough example. Do you love apples?”

He blinked, then nodded after a moment, “Yeah, I guess as much as most ponies.”

“Do you have a favorite?”

“Ah...the tart green ones.” He could feel his belly grumble at the thought of such delicious green apples.

Cheerilee giggled and rubbed his belly, “Oh, so I see. Well, you love the other kinds too right? Red ones, yellow ones, even the crazy zap apples, right?” He nodded, “But you still love the green ones the best?” He nodded again, “Does loving green apples make you enjoy the others any less?” He paused in thought again and shook his head so she continued, “I know it's rather silly analogy, dear. But think of your feelings for other ponies special in your life, like those apples. Each one has a taste you love, and you'd be happy with any of them. But that green one is your favorite.” Her own belly grumbled and she laughed, “Oh dear, I guess we need to get dinner.”

StarStep smiled brightly at the mare and touched noses with her, “Miss Cheerilee. I think I sort of get what you're saying. I can love other ponies just as hard as I love Luna, but they'd all taste different.”

The school-mare laughed and caressed his cheek, “Close enough dear, close enough.” She started to lift up when he pulled her back into his hooves, nose to nose.

StarStep paused in deep thought, “I...need to talk to Scoot again soon...but while I have you here now...”

StarStep gave Cheerilee a kiss that took her breath away, leaving her chest heaving and her heart pattering, “Miss Cheerilee. I think I love you too.”

Chapter XVII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XVII

Cheerilee smiled down at him so warmly, Star's heart felt like it was melting. It was Cheerilee's most endearing trait. Her infectious smile that seemed to tell the world that everything would be alright. Even during the worst of his bullying experiences, she was his little light in a storm of misery. A beacon of hope that no matter what, someone would be there for him. He thought about that for a while as he gently stroked her fuchsia colored cheek. Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle did much the same thing in their own ways. They were his friends, companions, confidants. While Scoots and him had shared more, the four of them had been the best of friends, getting into all sorts of trouble together, and yet, getting each other right back out. Luna represented a dream to him. The idea mare he wanted most. He began to understand that Cheerilee represented stability. That rock you could always take refuge during a storm. So...what exactly were the other three to him? Especially Scoots.

“Star dear. That's...very sweet of you to say.” She returned his gentle caresses, her eyes so compassionate, “But I'm worried it's the pheromones talking. You're in my bedroom, swimming in the scent of a mare in heat. I...worry you're not thinking clearly.” She kissed him sweetly to silence his protest and laid a hoof on his lips. “How about, you take a shower and go grab us some take-out. I'll clean up and take a little nap while you're gone.” She yawned cutely, “You have NO idea how worn out I am. Being in this state is like your body is on overdrive. You helped me relax so much, Star. I can't thank you enough.” She rolled off him and helped him to his hooves, “Now, you go wash up and get us something light for dinner. Salads with lots of veggies and chickpeas on the side for me dear. My body is begging me for the protein.” She shoved him off the bed with a giggle towards the open bathroom. “And while you're out, clear your head, and really think about how you feel about me. Alright?”

“Why do I need a shower?” He smirked, “You don't want ponies smelling your wonderful scent on me? I'd wear it like a badge of honor.”

She scrunched up her nose with a giggle, “Dear, you're coat is...matted in my um...well...when I...sprayed...” She blushed a bit, embarrassed, “But dear, if you go into a restaurant smelling like a mare in heat, well...let's just say the other colts may have a go at you.”

Star grimaced, a mental flash of other colts trying to mount him while he stood in line at the Deli. Not a great image. He pulled the ribbon from his mane, setting it on her dresser. Then he took a quick shower, scrubbing down with Cheerilee's strawberry scented soap. Slightly damp from his cleaning, he scooted to the door as Cheerilee brushed past him with a parting kiss, careful to avoid the sticky puddles in the hallway. Before he left the doorstep he paused and turned, eying the sunflower wrapped in her door-handle. He couldn't smell like her, but he wanted some little piece of her to carry with him. So he plucked out the flower and tucked it in his mane against his ear.

As the pegasus turned he heard a firm cough from the fence. Big Mac was leaning against it, one eyebrow raised questioningly, a loose straw of hay in his mouth. “I reckoned yah had more sense, Star. Care tah explain what yah doing?” There was a slightly dangerous glint in his eyes.

Star fluttered over the fence to land on the dirt-path. “That's a little private Big Mac.”

“Ah reckon it is at that. Y'all gonna get married?” The huge earth pony asked as he stared down the smaller pegasus.

“I don't think she wants that. She seems far more interested in Twilight.”

Big Mac nodded and switched his hay to the other side of his mouth, “Reckon that's so. Yah are going to be here to help raise that foal yah done gone and help make.” It was less of a question and more of a statement.

Star balked, “What? No?” The red stallion's eyes took on a menacing look, his stomped a massive fore-hoof into the dirt. Star wilted under that terrible stare, a promise of pain. “Wait, Big Mac, it's not like that. There's no foal. Twilight put a spell on me to stop that.”

There was a long pause, “So...Twilight's involved in yer attending to Miss Cheerilee's...needs?”

The pegasus nodded quickly. The larger pony's expression softened.

“Well...I reckon as long as tha three of yah have it worked out between yah. I got no say in it.” He gave Star a final glare, “But Cheerilee's mah friend, and if I done find out you broke her heart...” The threat didn't need to be said, you could see it reflected in those deep soulful eyes. StarStep remembered when somepony decided to rob the school-house and left Cheerilee in tears. When Big Mac finally found the culprit, well...the thief was hospitalized for six months with four broken limbs in twenty places each. Crippled forever. When the local police questioned the thief, he claimed over and over he just fell off a cliff. Big Mac was the kindest, most loving husband to Fluttershy and his foals, and the most supportive, dependable friend you could count on. But you did NOT buck with the ponies he cared about. In a small town like this, where everypony knew everypony, you just didn't do horrible things like that without suffering consequences.

“Well, I'd best be getting on. Ah was just on mah way to pick up lumber from Apple Bloom 'fore tha rain.” He began to trot away, his wooden yoke bouncing on his strong neck. He glanced back at the pegasus, “For wha it's worth, glad yer easin' her sufferin'. Do yer best to keep her smilin'.”

Star nodded and gave a parting wave to the earth pony. “With all my heart, Big Mac. We need more ponies like Cheerilee in the world.”

The big red stallion chuckled as he crested the hill, a final “Eeyup.” sounding as he disappeared from Star's sight.

As he flew to the Deli, he could hear the rumble of the clouds overhead. The pegasus had set up a storm to blanket the town and surrounding areas. His wings tingled at the electricity in the air. It was going to be a great downpour. Hopefully he could get the food back before the clouds opened up. Thankfully there was no line and he was able to nab a couple of salads, topped high with veggies and both with chickpeas. Boxed and bagged, he soared over the buildings back towards Cheerilee's house.

It was a little hard to get used to flying everywhere again, when most of your job required you to stay put. Not only that, but flying in the castle was frowned upon unless it was an emergency or you were a courier. That little aspect is why a lot of pegasus washed out of the recruit training. When the sky is your playground, why anchor yourself to polished halls and beds not made of clouds? Luna was his main reason.

He lighted on Cheerilee's doorstep and slipped inside just as the thunder boomed and rolled. He could hear the wind pick up, rustling through the trees as he shut the white door behind him. Bounding to the kitchen, he set the bag of food on the counter and tip-toed to the bedroom. He peaked inside, his ears picking up the rain pelting softly against the window panes and plants outside.

The beautiful earth mare with her freshly combed, plush mane and tail, was sprawled out on her side, sleeping soundly. She was on clean sheets, sprinkled with little yellow sunflower petals, a contrast of colors to her fuchsia coat. He smiled to himself, imagining her trying to set up something romantic and seductive for his return. Quietly he walked up to the bed, the soft patter of rain hiding his approach across the floor. As gently as he could he slid up onto the bed and pulled the napping mare into his fore-legs. She smiled in her sleep, so very happy, her fore-hooves against her chest as he pulled her tight into his embrace. There she slumbered for a while as the colt dozed in and out himself, the comforting sound of the storm outside, the soft breathing from the cute mare inside.

He woke with a start as he felt something nipping at his ear and hissed softly in delight. He heard a giggle in the darkness of the afternoon storm, “Cheerilee?”

“MmmHmm...” The nibbling at his ear changed to soft sucking and he moaned. At last she relented her teasing and her nose found his. Gently she nuzzled him with a soft sigh, “I'm sorry Star, I was trying to have something a little...romantic set up for you and...well...I just nodded off.”

He chuckled and his lips found hers for a brief kiss, “So I saw. You were so adorable I couldn't stand to wake you.”

“Mmmm...first, did you take time to think on what I said?”

He nodded, “Sorry Cheerilee, I still feel the same way about you. I still love you.”

There was a long pause in the darkness as the rain continued to pour, “Star...I love you too. have to understand Twilight has first claim on my heart, like Luna has on yours. Ok? If I could have you both I would.”

Star nodded, nuzzling into her cheek, “I know. I'm ok with that.”

“Good. Now then...for the main course.” She began to kiss down his throat.

“Wait, what about the salads? They'll get cold.”

Cheerilee laughed at his poor joke, “Oh dear...I guess you'll just have to make this quick, wont you?” He could feel her roll onto her stomach and tug at his fore-hoof. “Now, get over here and mount me you stud.”

True to his word, it was fast, it was rough, and it was wonderful. He could only make out her outline during flashes of lightning. Otherwise it was like drowning in darkness, with only her moans of pleasure, the press of her body, and her overwhelming scent to keep him company. At last, both panting for breath, it was done, her belly once again filled with his seed. She excused herself to the restroom as he went to the kitchen to portion the salads onto plates.

Dinner was simple and fun. They playfully tried to feed each other, but since neither were unicorns, it was a silly, awkward game. As soon as their stomachs were happy and the dishes were cleared, Cheerilee pounced him to the floor. There she rode him for their fourth rutting, just as messy and as fun as the first. He began to wonder if all mares acted like this in heat. Not that he was necessarily complaining. It was fun, fulfilling, and left him with a satisfying ache. He lost count how many times more during the night they made love. They would drift in and out of light sleep under the cover of darkness. The storm rumbling outside. Their limbs tangled and mouths searching for purchase when one or the other would shake off the succor long enough to engage in lustful passions.

As the sun rose, he could feel Cheerilee mouthing at his sheath, attempting to get him to rise once again. He moaned and gently pulled her from between his thighs, “Cheerilee, please, I need a little break.”

She started to pout, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

“Oh, don't give me that, your belly must be bulging with all that cum. The last few times burned because I'm so dry. I need to recharge a little.” He glanced at the empty water glass on the night stand, he'd tried his best to keep hydrated during the night, but the mare was relentless.

She smirked and rolled onto her back, looking down her underside. She rubbed her hooves towards her mare-hood and giggled as the pressure caused a sticky glob of residue to gush from her. “Oh...mmm...maybe we do need to hold off for just a little.”

He groaned as he rolled off the bed and stumbled from exhaustion. “Yeah...just...a little.” He glared at the morning light mocking him through the blinds. The storm had ended a few hours ago.

As he took a shower, Cheerilee joined him. She seemed content with keeping the bath-time playful but not pushing him further. They took turns drying each other and brushing down their coats. It was a peaceful morning, birds chirping as the ponies ate a simple breakfast of oatmeal, sharing little smiles at each other.

As he was eating, he noticed a framed picture of Twilight and Cheerilee hugging each other, sitting above her mantle. “Cheerilee?” She lifted her eyes in curiosity, spoon in her mouth. “How long has it been since you and Twilight had time together?”

She blushed and gave a little sigh, “Too long...”

He tapped his hoof to this chin in thought, “Would you be ok without me for an evening?”

Her expression quickly fell. Sadness in her eyes. “...I...guess. If you want to stay away, that's-

“No, no Cheerilee, not like that.” He hugged her suddenly, making her squeak in surprise, her spoon fell with a clatter, “I love being with you. But I had a really fun idea. I promised Apple Bloom I'd visit her one evening this week. And somehow I need to thank Twilight for making this possible.”

The earth pony smiled and nodded to herself, “I think we both do.” She glanced up at him, a little glimmer of hope in her eyes. “What are you suggesting?”

“Well...if your terrible heat-lust is sated for an evening. What if I set it up so Twilight spent the night here with you? I can visit AB and just bunk at my folks for the evening. Get a bit of rest and recharge. Now I know Twilight isn't exactly interested in me romantically, so I'm not going to butt into what you two are doing unless I'm invited.”

Cheerilee nodded, curious where he was heading with this, a playful smile on her lips. “How do you plan on dragging her away from her studies? You know how she is recently.”

“Yeah, for that I need a-” He leaned in to whisper into her ear. She blushed and nodded.

“I...I have one.”

“Wonderful.” He grinned and gave Cheerilee a sweet kiss, “I think Princess Luna is rubbing off on me. Twilight will never see this coming.” She returned his grin, giving a little nose rub and led the plotting colt to her secret stash.

They planned it out, then took a short nap curled in each others hooves. At early afternoon, sunflower tucked over his ear, he left for town to assemble the pieces to his idea and put it into action.


“Twilight?” Spike shouted down the stairs into the library's basement.

The lavender unicorn didn't look up from her massive tome, little vials of various colored liquids floating about as she mixed and swirled the substances. Ten or so at a time.

“Twilight, I'm heading out on a date with Rarity.”

“Uh-huh...” She set her vials down in their racks and frowned at her book. “This doesn't make sense...double rainboom solution should be having a much stronger effect than this. Maybe Dash gave me a weak sample. Perhaps a recalibration of the spectrometer. Oooh, it shouldn't be this hard to bend light-wavelengths.”

Upstairs Spike rolled his eyes at Twilight's ramblings, “Twilight, me and Rarity are going to make out.” He shouted down with a smirk.

“Uh-huh, that's good Spike, have fun...maybe Pinkie can help me defy the laws of refraction...I swear she good at breaking things...”

“Twi, I wont be back till morning, she's totally letting me sleep with her.”

“Sure Spike, be safe.” The unicorn continued scribbling her notes and flipping through her research tomes. She only faintly heard the click of the library door opening and closing. She was buried in her book when a sudden draft gust through the room, flicking out her lanterns. She blinked and looked around the pitch black room. “Spike? Did you leave a window open?” She sighed and began to relight the lanterns with her magic when a glimmer of ghostly white flowing down the stairs startled her. “What...what is THAT?”

“Twilight Sparkle...” A wavering ghost like voice spoke from the mist. Twilight raised her eyebrow in confusion, it sounded like Princess Celestia. The mist coalesced not far from her, thickening, rising, till before her stood the regal form of the Princess, albeit slightly translucent. A fog of a form. “Twilight Sparkle, I am very disappointed in you...” The voice reverberated, a hint of the motherly scolding at it's depths.

“P-Princess!” Instinct took over and the mare jumped from her podium to bow her head before the otherworldly form of the sun-goddess. “You look...odd...Princess.”

“Twilight Sparkle, you have been neglecting to send me Friendship reports. In fact, I've heard tales of you neglecting a very special somepony in your life. This form is just a transmission because I needed to talk with you while still at the castle.” Her stern expression was directed firmly down on the little lavender mare, softly lit by the glowing white mist form.

Twilight nodded, accepting the Princess' explanation for the strange appearance. “Oh Princess, I'm so sorry, I've been so caught up in my research and...and...Oh...I found a way to make an object teleport on it's own and how to use wood and brass to make magic! OH, and how about the-”

“TWILIGHT SPARKLE!” The voice shook the room and the mare ducked her head, “Is your research more important than your friends or those you love? I hear tale that you've sent a colt in your place as your special somepony suffers in her time of need.”

“I...I....” The unicorn bit her lip, “No....Princess...” She looked around at her research material, gently outlined with the soft glow from the alicorn's misty form. “I...guess I have buried myself a bit. But it was for a good cause!”

The alicorn smiled softly and lowered her head towards the unicorn. Twilight still with her head hung in shame. “Oh, my little pony, you are still young. Pace yourself and embrace your friends and loved ones. Everypony needs to vary their lives. You can't find true happiness in a book. You must go out and experience it. Who are you going to share your wonderful discoveries with if there's no pony around?”

The unicorn nodded softly, eyes still to the floor in shame. “I guess you're right Princess...but, I sent StarStep because I can't help Cheerilee very much.” She pleaded, lifting her eyes shyly.

The alicorn shook her head, “Very much is not the same as not at all. They are both very thankful to you for the wonderful time they've been having. Perhaps a more firm hoof is needed to show you how to enjoy the same?” She grinned and narrowed her eyes at the unicorn. Then Celestia put her muzzle over Twilight's horn. The lavender mare gasped in surprise as her magic ceased to be.

“What, what did you do Princess?” The white alicorn vanished, leaving her in the pitch dark. She heard noises in the room. What the buck was going on? Somepony was in the shadows with her powerless, “Princess? Princess?!” She oofed as something yanked her legs out from under her. Then something was wrapping itself around her legs, binding her with all four hooves together. She screamed but somepony or something, placed a bridle over her head and stuffed a bit into her mouth. She flailed on the ground, moaning around the large rubber coated bit. Then fabric was wrapped around her eyes as she was lifted from the floor. She had no idea what was going on.

The Princess wouldn't let anything happen to her. Deep breaths, Twilight. Deep breaths. She told herself. As she mouthed at the uncomfortable bit, she noticed a strange taste to it's rubbery surface, it was...cherries with strawberry. It reminded her a lot of Cheerilee for some weird reason. She could feel herself bobbing in the air, something was moving her with telekinesis. And here she was, bound, gagged and magic-less at the whim of somepony. Despite the little knot of panic she found herself slightly turned-on. How strange. Ever the scientist she began to self-analyze the feelings and her situation. She heard a door creak open ahead of her and then shut behind. The night sounds of crickets and a hoot of a owl. She was outside, ok, so she wasn't in some demon realm, that was good.

Thankfully, she was halted a little while later, the constant bobbing of the magic was starting to make her motion-sick. There was a hard knocking on a door. Ok, sounded like hooves, so not demons, another good thing. Unless...Changlings again...She shuddered at the thought. There were whispers as a door opened and she felt herself moved inside. Twilight twisted her head about, attempting to peek around the rather good blindfold, but to no avail.

Then she was set gently to the floor. That was good, at least whoever it was didn't want to hurt her unnecessarily. She sniffed the air. It was...familiar. It was then she began to suspect it was one of her friends playing a terrible prank on her. She mumbled around the rubber coated bit in her teeth, but the words were too slurred like that. There was a soft giggle, feminine. She could feel a soft breath wash across her ear, then a gentle licking on it's edge. She whimpered and tried to squirm away but something sharp snapped against her cutie-mark. She gasped at the little lance of pain, panting around the bit.

“Did I say you could speak?” A voice hissed into her ear, it was seductive and yet firm.

“Meerahlah?” Twilight mumbled around the bit. Another swat to her flank and she moaned into the muzzle obstruction. It hurt and yet it was so exciting, she was getting very aroused by this, now that she suspected who had her bound and at her mercy.

“That's Miss Cheerilee. And Miss Sparkle, class is now in session.”

StarStep winked to the fuchsia earth-mare, standing proudly over her lavender prize, a riding crop dangling from one hoof by it's strap. Cheerilee winked back and blew him a kiss and mouthed “Thank you!” as he shut the door on the two lovers. He spun and trotted down the path through the gate to meet his cohorts in this little scheme.

“Really dear, was this necessary? It seemed a little extreme.” Rarity voiced, a little smirk on her lips. Spike was standing next to her with his own toothy grin.

Apple Bloom laughed and gave Star a little slug on the shoulder, “Oh, yah got some naughty things in that there head. How'd yah come up with this little doozy?”

The three ponies and dragon wandered away from the sunflower filled yard. Star in the middle, Apple Bloom on one side, Rarity on the other, with Spike on her other side. “Well, when Cheerilee showed me her little box of” He blushed hotly and Rarity politely stifled a giggle, “I noticed there was a little bit of a running theme. Bridle, crop, silk rope. Then the idea all just feel into place. Guess Princess Luna's pranks are rubbing off on me.” he smiled at the white unicorn next to him. “That was a really great trick with the Princess Celestia image. Let you get close enough to pop that magic-dampener on her horn.”

The unicorn smiled, “Thank you, Star. It was a rather fine bit of magic, wasn't it? Twilight needed this little...intervention. It was awfully sweet of you to give up some of your time with Cheerilee to help them.” she batted her eyes at him.

Apple Bloom bumped her firm flank against his with a chuckle, “Yah like mah rope work, Star?”

The colt bumped his flank back against hers with a grin, “That was amazing, I can't believe you did that in the dark.”

“Aw, shucks, twern nothing. I always told AppleJack I could do that blindfolded.” She beamed a smile up at him, “So Star, ready for dinner?”

The pegasus smiled warmly at his friend, “Dang straight. I hope you have some apple-cobbler for dessert.” He turned to Rarity and nodded, “Thank you Rarity and Spike. I'm sure those two will thank you later as well. You two have a good evening.”

Rarity bobbed her head politely, “Oh, my absolute pleasure darling. Please remember to check up on Sweetie for me when you get back to Canterlot.” Star nodded as she peeled off down another path with Spike at her side, “Come Spike, I know a cozy little spot with sapphires!”

“Oh boy!” the dragon danced about.

Star shook his head with a chuckle watching the two of them vanish around a corner. “Who would have guessed those two really would hit it off?”

Apple Bloom smirked and flank-bumped him again, “I did. I so called it. Anyhoof, lets get to mah place and I'll get tah cooking. Yah too skinny, Star. My cream of mushroom wheat bites will put some meat on yer bones. And for dessert, I got something better than apple-cobbler.”

The two friends trotted off towards Sweet-apple acres, the crickets chirping softly with the gentle rustling of the breeze through the tree, “Better than apple-cobbler? I don't believe you.” He joked with the yellow earth-mare.

“Oh no? Yah just wait, it's a surprise yer gonna love!”

Chapter XVIII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XVIII

Apple Bloom led the way down the road, with overcast night skies above and the apple orchards of Sweet Apple Acres on each side. She and Star bantered back and forth, laughing at each others jokes and Star retelling a few of the stories from his time as a recruit.

“See, we weren't allowed off castle grounds during initial training. But this one pegasus was so sick of the dining hall he snuck out. He thought he was home free till the next morning he had three drill sergeants interrogating him. He just about wet himself. All for a bean burrito.”

Apple Bloom laughed softly, “Iff'n it was me, I woulda at least got something more tasty like apple pie. Way I figure it, if yah gonna break tha rules, yah might as well do something worth the cost of tha punishment yer gonna get.”

Star nodded to her, the two of them becoming softly illuminated as they entered the halo of light around the Apple Family house, “True, though I don't see you as the rule breaking type, AB. No offense.”

“None taken, Star.” She reached for the handle and swung open the back door, “I'm quite happy doin' things tha right way and-” She cut off as she stepped into the kitchen and gasped, “What in the world are you two doing!?”

Star looked over his friend's shoulder. An orange earth-mare with the yellow mane, who he knew as AB's sister, AppleJack. Was spread eagle on the kitchen table. A pink earth-mare with hot-pink curling mane had her head between AJ's thighs. Both the ponies froze as Apple Bloom's shout startled them. The pink one, who Star now recognized as Pinkie Pie, lifted her head up, muzzle soaked and giggled, “What does it look like I'm doing silly?” She licked her mouth clean and beamed an innocent, joyful smile at her.

“It looks like yer getting” The yellow mare blushed, “Yer gettin it all over the kitchen table! Where we EAT!” Apple Bloom stomped a hoof to the floor.

AppleJack rolled over so her back was to the new comers, looking a little ashamed, “I'm right sorry yah walked in on that Apple Bloom, but yah know how...uh...enthusiastic Pinkie can get.” She glanced over her shoulder and noticed the colt behind AB, “Oh dear, and a guest. I'm right sorry y'all.” She slid off the table and nuzzled at the pink party pony who happily returned the gesture. “We'll take this here else where.” She got a better look at the colt and smiled shyly, “Star, it's good tah see yah, though I can't say that was my most proud way to welcome home a friend to tha family.”

Pinkie Pie swooped up and hugged the two younger ponies and giggled, “She told me she had a family secret recipe in there. Do you have one too?” She glanced at AB who promptly balked and glared at her sister.

“Sorry Pinkie, can't say I do.” The younger sibling said through gritted teeth.

“Okie dokie lokie!” The high-strung mare bounced out the door, “Come on AJ! We'll go recipe hunting at my place!”

AJ's cheeks were red with embarrassment as she pulled her hat low on her head, “Iff'n I didn't love that mare, I swear...Hold yer horses Pinkie, I'm mah coming.”

“Not yet you aren’t, silly!” Pinkie giggled delightfully, much to AJ's chagrin.

“I'm really sorry 'bout this Apple Bloom and Star. Y'all have a good evening, yah hear?” She scooted past the other ponies to chase after the hopping pink pony.

AB rolled her eyes and coaxed Star inside before slamming the door, “I swear, Star. Ever since those two been together, it's been one awkward moment after tha next. I'm mah beginning to think Pinkie LIKES getting caught.” She shook her head softly and stuck out her tongue in disgust at the slight sticky spot on the table, “My word and we eat on this. Let me get tha bleach.”

A little while later, the table, and just for good measure, the counters were sanitized. AB started to make dinner, with Star's help. She had protested at first, but he stead-fast on assisting. So in short order, the two friends were laughing and chatting away making a delicious dinner of lettuce wraps with a black-bean tomato filling, golden cornbread, and cream-of-mushroom hay-bites. While it had taken a messy hour and a half to prepare, they wolfed down the meal in a quarter of that. Both of them tilting back in their chairs, bellies happily filled.

“Burp” Star covered his muzzle and smiled apologetically to his friend across the table, “Sorry AB. Just slipped out.”

She giggled and rose to start clearing the dishes, “Nah, it's ok. I mah glad yah enjoyed it. It was fun making dinner with some other pony. Usually we all just take turns.” She pointed to his chair and gave a stern eye as he rose to help with the cleaning, “Sit Mister. We still have dessert.”

“Oh right, your big surprise! I still doubt it's better than your family's apple-cobbler.” He leaned on the table and watched her wander about, cleaning and putting away dishes.

“We'll see about that yah silly colt. Now.” She opened a side drawer and pulled out a long strip of black cloth. “I want it tah be a surprise, cause I wanna see if you can guess what's in it.” Star arched an eyebrow as she wandered around behind him. The make-shift blindfold fell over his eyes, leaving him in the dark. He grunted softly as she tied it tight, “No peeking, can yah see anything?”

Star smirked, “No AB. Nothing.”

“Good, sit tight.” He could her her soft click of hooves wander into another room. Patiently he waited. A few minutes of silence then hoof clicks wandered back in. There was a soft thud as something landed on the table before him. He sniffed the air, nothing out of the ordinary. A drawer opened to this right and the clatter of silverware. Then the sliding of metal on metal and the drawer was closed soundly. The hoof-steps came up to his side and AB giggled, “Alright, Star. Open up.”

Star smirked at her voice, “Really? I feel a little silly getting fed like this.”

Apple Bloom laughed, “Hey now, don't you trust me?”

Star grinned, “Nope.”

He heard the mare gasp in mock disbelief, “Fine, no dessert for you then. I made it special just for you Star.”

“Ok ok.” The pegasus sighed softly, shaking his head with a grin. Rolling his eyes under the blind-fold, he opened his muzzle wide. There was a pause then the cold surface of a spoon slid in against his tongue. He closed his lips around it and the spoon was draw out gently, leaving the cold flavor of hoof-made ice-cream melting in his mouth. He blinked in surprise. It wasn't just the hint of vanilla as he chewed and licked at it. There seemed to be...bits of fruit too and something else. He sorted through the mixture in curiosity as Apple Bloom giggled next to him.

“Like it so far? Can you guess what's in it?”

He tilted his head, tongue exploring the quickly melting cream. He chewed a fruit bit and tasted the flavor. “Raspberries...and...the chewy chunks...marshmallows? There's also a very very faint hint of cinnamon.” He swallowed and licked his muzzle as he heard the filly laughed delightfully.

“Oh wow, you're good at this Star. Me and the other two girls made this up not long after graduation. Want more?” he nodded and so the yellow earth pony spoon fed the colt, one bite at a time. He could hear her sneak a few of her own mouthfuls of ice-cream.

“Mmm...good stuff...can I take the blind-fold off? I feel kinda silly.” Star asked after swallowing his current taste.

“ more mouthful, ok?” The colt nodded and opened his mouth. He was surprised when he felt another mouth press to his, a tongue curling inside to feed him a scoop of already melting sticky ice-cream. In that awkward moment, a fore-limb flailing in surprise, he heard AppleJack shout behind him.

“What in tha sam-hill is going on here?” He could feel Apple Bloom jerk away as he undid his blind-fold.

“None of your business, AppleJack. What are yah doing back anyhoof?” The younger sibling shot back defensively.

“Tha heck it isn't little missy. Pinkie left her party-planner book.” She frowned at her sister and flicked a cold stare at the colt. “Looks like we best be havin' a talk. StarStep, if you'd be so kind to leave us for the evening?”

Star dropped the black cloth and noticed AJ and AB glaring daggers at each other.

“I'm old enough to do what I want, AppleJack. You're not tha boss of me anymore. I'm a grown mare.” Apple Bloom near shouted.

“Yah not be doing that under mah roof.”

“So what, it's ok for YOU to fool around on the kitchen table and leave me to bleach out yer 'fun' but it's not ok for me to kiss ah colt? Huh?” The yellow earth-mare stomped a little closer to her orange sister. “I'm not a little filly anymore, stop treatin' me like one!”

“I will just as soon as yah stop acting like one!” The slightly larger orange mare stomped her own hoof.

Apple Bloom looked over her shoulder and smiled to the pegasus, “Come on Star, let's go up to my room. We can play around up there in private.”

“No.” Star said quietly. AB looked shocked, AJ simply nodded. “I don't think that's a good idea.” He bowed his head gently to AJ, “Hey AJ, sorry for any trouble.”

The earth-mare frowned and glanced from him to her slightly bewildered sister, “Apple Bloom, why don't yah escort yer friend out and say yer good-byes. I'll be in the living room. We need tah talk.” She walked out of the kitchen as Star walked to the back-door. Apple Bloom bounded over to stop him.

“Wait! Star, I don't understand!” Her eyes were pleading, her muzzle turned down in an uncertain frown. “Didn't yah like mah surprise?”

Star sighed softly, “AB, the dessert was delicious. The dinner was wonderful and just being able to chat like old-times was the best part.” He could see her lower lip quivering. He rested a fore-hoof on her shoulder, “Apple Bloom...”

“...was it mah kiss? I know I'm mah terrible kisser. Yer like the second colt I ever have kissed. It seemed like a really good idea. What did I do wrong? Why wont yah stay with me like yah did Scootaloo? Am I not a pretty?” Her eyes were watering.

“Oh AB...You're a beautiful filly.”

She felt to her haunches, “Then why don't yah want me?”

With a heavy sigh, Star sat next to her and unfurled a wing to hug her to his side, “AB, where did all this come from? I didn't think you thought of me in this way.”

“I...I don't know Star. I mean...I haven't ever been with anypony before and...I just thought...I was sort of jealous when Scootaloo told me about her visit with yah. Aren't we all friends?”

“Oh...” He reached over to wipe away a stray tear from his friend's face, “AB, no tears. You're too strong a mare for that. You're a kind, tough, honest, hard-working pony. You built a new business from the ground up, you keep close ties with your family and have tried to be the best friend you can while following your dream. Do you remember after that Hearts and Hooves card? How Scoots was the only one of you three to still pursue me? She was pretty relentless even though she knew, you all knew, I was moon-blinded. I still am a little. Luna is my green apple.”

“Yer, what?” Apple Bloom looked at him confused.

“Um, sorry, it's a little example Cheerilee gave me. The short version is this. Princess Luna still has number one spot in my heart. She always has. But I'm beginning to understand, there's room for other ponies.”

“Is...there room for me too?”

“Do you want there to be?” He looked down at the earth pony and brushed aside her red-mane from her light orange eyes.

Apple Bloom fidgeted with her hooves a little, “I...donno. Maybe? It just sorta seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Star sighed softly, “Don't forget how much effort Scoots put into being near me even when I wasn't a very good friend. Thinking back, I don't think I was too good a friend to any of you.”

“What, no! You were a great friend, still are Star! But, yer right. She did stick to yah like glue, huh?” She was thoughtful for a moment, reflecting back on their youth together.

“I'm glad you still consider me a friend AB. I don't know that you want me as a special somepony. I live off in Canterlot, and that's not really fair to you. You have a job and family here in Ponyville. Could you ever leave all that? Could you expect me to leave what I've worked so hard for?”

The yellow pony shook her head, “No. But what about Cheerilee? I know you two are know.”

Star chuckled, “Cheerilee's number one spot in her heart is Twilight. Did you see how happy she was when we gave her tonight's present? She loves me and I love her, but there's never any question of my place in her life. I'll visit, and write and always be her colt-friend for as long as she'll have me. But let's be honest here, AB. She doesn't want me like she wants Twilight.”

He pulled his wing from Apple Bloom's shoulders and stood, “AB, I will always love you as a friend. I refused to spend the night with you, not because I dislike you. But because I love who you are and think you're a brilliant, honest, loving, and beautiful earth pony. We both know we'd regret in the morning, wouldn't we?”

AB chewed on the edge of her lip for a moment and nodded. She smiled and reached up to ruffle he mane. “Yer right, Star. I'm still a little jealous of Scoots though. I've never been with nopony and now that I've got mah dream shop set up. feels ah little empty.” She shrugged and sighed with a glance towards the living room, “Best wrap this up so I can have a talkin' to with AppleJack. Listen Star, thanks fer being so gosh-darned logical about all this relationship stuff. It's a lot harder to work with than wood.”

“Yeah, I can understand that, AB. Though there's a lot of screwing in both.”

Two full seconds passed before the earth pony caught the double meaning and cracked up, “Oh, that was terrible, Star!” She punched him in the shoulder, “That's for the bad joke!” She stood and gave him a sly grin, “Before yah go. Would yah tell me what my best feature is? I know yah used to stare a lot at Scootaloo's wings.”

Star made his way to the door and looked the yellow earth pony over. “Besides your eyes? Your flanks.” He smirked and winked at her blush.

She looked back at her cutie-mark and giggled, “Mah flanks huh. Well...don't that beat all.” She fixed her look on the doorway to the living room and gave another sigh, “If nothing else, Star.” She glanced back at him with a soft smile, “This little fight with mah sister has shown me it's time to get mah own place and start mah own life.”

He nodded, pulling open the door and stepping outside, “That sounds like a plan AB. Ever need a friend to talk to. You know where to find me. Good night, AB.”

She darted to the porch and gave him a light kiss on the cheek, “Good night, Star. Yah feather-brained crazy colt.” She giggled, waving to him as he bounced off the porch and began a quick trot down the road into the gloom of the overcast evening.

About half a mile out from the farm-house, Star began to wonder about Apple Bloom. This whole thing was a bit of a shock. AB had never shown that kind of interest in him before. But maybe tonight would help her personal life for the better. He would offer the support he could, and if she was serious about trying to start something with him, so be it. But he suspected she just wanted a taste of what Scoots had. A little envy of a mare who's never been in the hooves of another.

There was a sharp rustle from the bushes to his left. Guard instincts kicked in and he flared his wings to leap from the ground. He managed two flaps before jerking sideways and being slammed into a tree. The wind knocked from his chest he coughed and shook the daze from his head. He was being pressed against the rough bark of thick apple-tree, a blue magical field holding him mid-air. He could hear grass crunching underhoof as somepony approach, just out of his vision.

“I don't know who you are.” A voice hissed in his ear, “But we don’t need some fancy colt from Canterlot messing with our fillies. Isn't it enough you're plowing that school-mare? I guess even chubby ones need a good rut once in a while.”

Star groaned from the pressure the magic placed on his limbs and wings. Whoever this unicorn was, their telekinetic field was significantly powerful.

“Now...” The colt's voice growled in Star's ear. “You can stay and buck that fat pink mare till you're blue in the face, or you can go the buck back where you came from. But you WILL stay away from Apple Bloom. She's mine! If I see you kissing her again, I swear to Celestia I will snap your wings like twigs. Am I clear?”

Star frowned and fought against the field to turn his head, but all he could make out was a shadowy outline. A hoof punched between his wing-bases and he gasped in pain. “I said, am I clear?” The voice growled threateningly. Star coughed a few times.

“Yeah, I get you.”

“Good, splendid, glad we could see eye to eye on this. I'll be watching. Stay the buck away from my filly.” His hoof-steps receded back into the trees and at last the field vanished. Instantly Star jumped to the air and began a spiral search pattern to find the attacker. But in this overcast nighttime, he see nothing but shadows and trees. With an ache between his wings he glanced at the Apple Acre's homestead and banked for his parents house. He'd have to be careful in handling this till he knew more of what was going on.

Chapter XIX

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XIX

StarStep wandered into his parents house and paused half-way through the living-room. His mom held large green knitting needles in her magic. The rods of metal clicking softly, crafting what appeared to be foal-booties. She was a unicorn with a silvery coat and lilac mane with a white stripe. A pair of golden shooting stars on her flank. Light wrinkles around her eyes betraying her otherwise youthful appearance. She looked up from her knitting as he entered and just smiled broadly at him. A beaming a sense of pride and motherly love. He'd not seen that look in many years. He returned a warm smile, neither speaking a word as he wandered to the kitchen, his throat dry from the flight. His father, sitting at the kitchen table, was partially hidden by the evening paper. He was charcoal-grey pegasus with sky blue mane, his cutie-mark a stylized tornado. He glanced over the paper as Star stepped in and smiled faintly before turning a page in his paper.

Star walked over to the fridge jerking on the handle-strap with his teeth as his father spoke, “Thought you might visit back before long. Got you a little something in the fridge there.” Star glanced over his shoulder at his dad before peering into the coldbox. Sitting on the top shelf was a case of vitamin water. The marketing logos proudly proclaimed it was full of proteins and perfect for highly active pegasi. Though Star wasn't much for vitamin water, his mouth did seem to crave what it offered. He nabbed one of the cool plastic bottles and popped off the lid with his teeth. With a faint sigh he settled into the chair across from his father, tipping back the drink for a swallow. It wasn't too bad, slightly thicker than water, odd after-taste, but he found he was gulping it down.

He father gave a soft chuckle from behind his paper as Star clunked the empty bottle down with a gasp. “I was the same way with your mother, son. I have to hide after the second full day just to recharge. Trust me...” he turned a page, “those pegasi drinks are a blessing.”

Star blinked, not quite catching the meaning. “I donno what you mean, dad.”

The paper rustled as his father lowered it just below eye-level, an eyebrow raised in disbelief. He pulled his paper back up and chuckled, “You're lucky, son. At least Miss Cheerilee can't hold you down with magic so you can't get away.”

“Cheerilee, know huh?” He found himself craving another one of those drinks. Star wandered to the fridge and grabbed another of the cold beverages, plunking his rump back down in his seat.

“Son, it's a small town. If you wanted to keep it quiet, you shouldn't have been wearing her sunflower in your mane. Ponies here like to gossip, you know that. But they also respect privacy if you want it. You were broadcasting your attending to Miss Cheerilee like a billboard.” He chuckled and turned another page.

Star felt at his mane and sighed. The sunflower was still tucked up there. “That would explain mom's odd look when I came in. But dad, there's not gonna be any foals. Her mare-friend, Twilight Sparkle, saw to that with a spell.”

His father nodded, “I figured you wouldn't get yourself caught up in something like that without a plan. You love your job up in Canterlot too much.” He lowered his paper and smiled at his son. Pride in his eyes, “I don't often tell you this, but I'm really am proud of you. You're a Royal Guard and you serve our Princesses with honor. I'm not so foalish as to think you don’t need a private life. You are still a young colt after all. Just be careful you don't get yourself pinned into something you don't want. There's a lot of fillies out there looking for a well-off colt to latch onto, with or without love involved.”

Star nodded, the image of the two ponies from Luna's night court flicking through his head. “Well, at least this explains mom picking her knitting back up. Will you please tell her there's not going to be a foal?”

His dad laughed, “Well, I can try. But she seems pretty determined to see grand-children. Careful son, she'll set you up with every good filly she can get her hooves on to make it happen.”

Star grimaced and struggled against a yawn, “I'm not expecting any foals for a while yet, dad. Too much to do. Anyhoof, I'm gonna get some rest while I can. Thanks for the drinks.” His father nodded and resumed reading his paper as the blue-grey colt trotted off to his room. As he laid in bed, he couldn't help going back over the evening. The talk with Apple Bloom and the encounter with the unicorn in the orchard. Whoever he was, he might be dangerous to AB or others. Picking apart the incident yielded no further clues and at last exhaustion overtook his tired mind.

The morning was quiet, his parents sleeping in on their off-day. He brushed up his mane and tucked Cheerilee's slightly battered sunflower over his ear. He'd have to get another one from her, he didn't mind showing his love for the mare. How strange it felt to not be embarrassed. Was that part of what love was? He packed the drinks from the fridge in his saddle bags and stepped outside in the slightly muggy air. He was feeling a lot more energetic now, refreshed and rested. A smirk played on his lips as he thought how long that would last around the relentless Cheerilee. At least these drinks gave him a fighting chance.

The pegasus turned towards the rising sun, the trees of Sweet Apple Acres on the horizon. Then he glanced west, towards downtown. Before he got himself tangled back up in the school-mare's hooves, he had work to do. He spread his wings, flapping to gain fair altitude before leveling for a slow glide towards the square. He hoped his instinct was right.

The little bell over the door chimed cheerfully as StarStep pushed it wide, stepping into Sugarcube Corners. It was early yet, no line for donuts or breakfast pastries for now. He smiled to the pink mare who stuck her head around the doorway from the kitchen. Her face lit up in her signature grin and zipped to the counter,

“Hey Star! I bet you're here for the fresh doughnuts I just made! Or maybe a bear-claw, Rawr!” She waved said pastry at him like a swiping predator, “Oh oh, I know! Or maybe a cherry turn-over!”

“Morning to you too, Pinkie Pie.” A faint part of him wondered if she was this wound up even during fooling around with AJ. “Actually...something with cherries does sound nice. Do you have cherry filled doughnuts?” No sooner than the words had left his mouth than the pink party-pony zipped into the kitchen and back again with a half-dozen of what appeared to be red-gel filled doughnuts in an open box.

“Is this enough, Star? Oh I hope it is! I hope Cheerilee likes cherries, I mean it is part of her name, that'd be kinda silly for Cheerilee not to like cherries, huh? That's like Applejack not liking apples!” She gasped, “Or me not liking pink!”

Star rolled his eyes and laughed, “I think the world might implode if that ever happened, Pinkie Pie.”

“OH NO! I better tell Twilight. She might have a spell to stop imploding! Imploding is a silly word, but it's not very fun.” The mare seemed dead serious about fetching Twilight and was aiming for the door when Star held up a hoof.

“Now hold on, Pinkie Pie. I didn't just come here for donuts.”

“OH, you want a cruller too? Well why didn't you say so?”

“Haha, no Pinkie, I'm looking for AJ.”

The pink mare put her hoof to her chin in heavy thought, “Hmm...might be fresh out of those. Let me check.” She turned her head towards the kitchen, “Hey Applejack, we have any AJ left?”

The called orange mare stuck her head around the door-frame, her face streaked with flour and mane with spots of something sticky. “What in tarnation are you talkin about, Sugarcube? I...oh, it's you.” She glared daggers at StarStep. “I got nuttin' to say to you, so you best take your pastries and get.”

Pinkie Pie flicked a look from one pony to the other, then pulled them both in for a hug. (Don't ask me how, she's Pinkie Pie.) “Aww, don't be like that AppleJack. It's not his fault he caught me in your recipe vault.”

AJ glared at her mare-friend then back at Star, a heated blush on her cheeks, “Now's not the time, Sugarcube. What I'm ah might miffed about, is this varmint getting Apple Bloom's tail in a knot. She's got this idea in her head she's gonna be getting a place ah her own.”

Caught in Pinkie's group hug, Star could do nothing but stare back at AJ, “She's a grown mare. As her sister, you should be supporting her decision to have a life of her own.” The pegasus colt shook off his rising irritation, “Look, AJ. I know you blame me for her changing how things are, but I'm not here about all that. I'm here because she might be in danger.”

The orange mare's eyes narrowed. It'd be a chilling look if she wasn't striped in flour. “Pinkie Pie, hun. Why don't yah go get some more donuts started? I got this.”

The pink mare looked between them. She seemed torn, but with a final glance from AJ, she bounced merrily into the kitchen.

AJ scowled at Star, “I highly suggest yah start talking, colt.”

“Ok, first, I need to know if you think Apple Bloom has been seeing any colts.”

“I don't reckon that's none yer business. Ain’t mine neither.”

“It ain't, but...” He took a deep breath, now was not the time to get into an argument with the mare. “Ok, look, I only ask because I was attacked in your orchard last night.”

Applejack blinked, “Say what now?” She was glaring at him suspiciously, but at least it wasn't anger anymore.

“When I was on my way home, a unicorn ambushed me in the orchard. Told me to stay away from AB or he'd break my wings. Claimed she was his filly. Now, I asked if she has other colt-friends because I need to know if this is just somepony being overprotective and jealous, or if she has a stalker.”

AJ expression flipped from disbelief, to shock, to anger, “Now look here, Star. I know we're not seeing eye to eye right now, but it ain’t right for no pony to be attacked on our property. And it sure as heck ain’t right for some pony to threaten yah like that. But why are yah saying Apple Bloom's at risk?”

Star took a deep breath, “Ok, look, part of my guard training involves crime prevention. One of the courses is on domestic violence. Couples and such. The fact that this pony attacked me unprovoked, then threatened far worse harm, suggests he's dangerous to ponies he thinks has slighted him. Now, I'll ask again, do you know of any other ponies, specifically unicorns, that AB has shown any interest in or dated or whatever.”

The orange mare sat quietly, eying him coolly, “I think I get what yer saying. No. I don't believe Apple Bloom has shown much interested in colts till yah showed back up in town. She was too busy with her new business.”

The pegasus nodded, “Alright, then she probably has a stalker. If he attacks a pony he thinks is getting in the way of him being with her. What do you think would happen if he approaches her and gets rejected?” He let that sink in a little, “I'm not trying to scare you AJ. And I know you're still kinda angry that AB is shaking things up. But she's my friend and I don't want her hurt. I can't stay, I'll have to head back to Canterlot soon. I doubt I'm gonna find this guy before I have to leave, so the job falls on you AJ.”

The earth pony frowned, “Well whatda want me tah do about it?”

“Just start making it a habit of you or some other ponies you trust, check in with her at work from time to time. Invites to lunch, a little chat, picking up supplies, whatever. I really hate doing it this way but I'm worried about this AJ. I'm worried about AB. This unicorn seems like he means business.”

She scrunched her nose, “Shouldn't we tell Apple Bloom?”

“I...don't think we should. Not yet. I still have very little to go on. No real suspects and having her afraid of every pony that walks in her door wouldn't be good for her or her business. Just, for me AJ, for your sister, keep an extra watchful eye on her.”

“Alright, Star. I'll get some friends to lend a hoof. We don't need no pony folk around here acting like that. Maybe we can catch tha varmint 'fore he really hurts somepony.”

He nodded and laid a hoof on her shoulder, “Thanks, AJ.” He nodded his head towards the box of doughnuts, “You know how much? I'll pay and let you and Pinkie get back to enjoying your morning.”

She sighed and shrugged, “Forget about it. I'll tell Pinkie to think of it as a 'welcome back to Ponyville' gift. Look Star, I still think yer part of the problem with Apple Bloom getting all these fool notions in her head of moving off the farm-stead. But...thanks for turning her down last night. She still has ah lot ah growing-up to do.”

Star trotted over to the counter to slide the box of pastries into one of his saddle-bags, “Maybe. It's Apple-family business so I'm not gonna stick my nose in it. But I think she's more mature than you give her credit for.” He shouted towards the back, “Later Pinkie Pie, thanks for the donuts!” He gave a respectful nod to Applejack and left the pastry store.

He took off from the square and banked around to the outer part of downtown Ponyville. Cheerilee's garden was unmistakable from the air. The golden flowers tilted to the radiant sun. He glided down gently to her door-step and checked the handle. Unlocked, so he quietly let himself in and very softly shut the door behind him. Apparently she and Twilight forgot to lock the door after the present drop-off. With that wild look in Cheerilee's eyes as she stood over her prize, he didn't blame either of them for being too busy to check. He smiled as he thought about that last moment before he'd left. A little part of him wondered if she'd ever do something like that for him. It was a little sexy to think of the fuchsia mare dominating him like that. He chuckled softly to himself as he slipped the doughnuts onto the counter and tip-toed to the bedroom door.

The door was ajar, so he slipped his head in the crack and peeked. The sheets were a jumbled mess, and sitting on the piles of wrinkled bedding, Cheerilee held her lavender unicorn in her hooves. The both of them sleeping soundly. He smirked as he noticed Twilight still had a bridle on, though the bit piece was out. He glanced over his shoulder towards the living-room, then back at the sleeping mares. Would it be wrong to join them? Another look at the happy mares and he pulled the door shut.

It was a couple hours later, as he was quietly eating a cherry-filled doughnut and part-way into a trashy romance novel. That he heard stirring in the bedroom. It was faint at first. A giggle, a rather loud moan, a few sharp noises he suspected was the riding crop again. Then it got louder, and very intense. He felt himself blushing at the mental images of what they must be doing and found himself rather aroused. His pastry finished, he debated leaving when the sounds abated and the bedroom door clicked open. He glanced up from the novel to find Twilight staring at him from the hallway, eyes wide in shock, a hot blush on her cheeks. She wasn't looking up at him, but down at his erection. She yelped and covered her eyes.

“Oh, Star, I didn't expect you to be here yet, oh, I'm so sorry.” She ducked into the bedroom as Cheerilee trotted out. Her mane a mess, coat matted in places, she beamed a happy smile at Star and raised an eyebrow at his obvious member.

“Good morning, Star dear.” She wandered over to kiss his cheek, “I see you brought me breakfast.” He thought she was referring to the doughnuts when her head dipped and she kissed the end of his colthood.

His wings flared out and he found himself backing away from the lust-filled eyes of Cheerilee as she stalked hungrily towards him. His rump found the oven, preventing further escape, “Um...Cheerilee, Twilight's still here you know.”

“So?” She purred and nuzzled at him affectionately, her mouth traveling up to kiss his ear, “Let her watch. She might learn a few more things I couldn't teach her last night.” She nibbled at his ear making him groan.

“I uh, oh, cherry doughnuts, fresh! You should try one.” He grinned, trying to distract her. A quick glance down the hall showed a wide-eyed Twilight peeking out the bedroom door at them. “Cheerilee, seriously, your mare-friend is watching.”

“Annnnnd?” He moaned as she sucked on his ear-tip,

“Ahhh...and no, no Cheerilee.” He squirmed away from her, “I...I don't feel right. Not like this.”

She smirked at him, “Oh my. I see. I think I understand the problem.” She glanced behind her towards the bedroom, “Twi, my sweetheart.”

The lavender unicorn poked her head out, “Yes Miss Cheerilee?”

“Have you ever been with a colt?”

Twilight looked down and blushed, tapping her fore-hooves together nervously, “No. Miss Cheerilee.”

“Would you like to watch and learn? Think of it as a lecture. Some research on pony courtship between colts and fillies?” The school-mare beamed a warm smile at her mare-friend.

“OH, that actually doesn't sound so bad um...ok. If you tell me what you're doing as you do it. Please?” She trotted down the hall to hop onto the couch. She looked over the back, fore-hooves on the top as she watched the two with curious eyes.

Cheerilee smiled at Twilight and gave her a wink. Then she turned to StarStep and giggled, “Is that ok?”

This was a really weird situation, but with the scent of Cheerilee still in heat, and with an agreement between the mares. He couldn't think of much reason to deny the fuchsia colored mare what she wanted. “Alright, Cheerilee. You know I love you, right?”

She giggled and pushed him hard against the counters as she kissed him. Her knack for taking his breath away still strong. He could hear Twilight giggle from the couch at his stunned expression. “I love you both very much. Now Twilight, pay attention. Class is now in session.”

The next forty-five minutes were some of the most pleasurable and grueling minutes of Star's life. She took her time to tease and play with him, answering questions for Twilight and pointing out things about colts and anatomy and pleasure points. He felt like a living diagram. On and on the school-mare taught her lesson to the lavender filly. Twice she went down on him just till he was about to peak, just to show Twilight the flared tip, never letting him climax. It was beautiful torture at her hooves. And at last, with Twilight's questions satisfied, she turned around to present her rump and let him finish off inside her.

He didn't remember when he slid to the floor. He just remembered the ecstasy of finally being allowed to release. Then a soft prodding at his shoulder.

“Miss Cheerilee, is he ok?”

Through his hazy after-glow he could hear the school-mare giggle and kiss Twilight, “Of course dear. Colts just get like this after they finish.” He turned his head to see her push Twilight to the ground with a sly grin, “Not like us, sweetheart. Where we can go on and on.” She proved it by expertly bringing the lavender unicorn to climax quickly, twice, then relented with a giggle and a sticky muzzle. StarStep could only watch in disbelief. Twilight met his eyes once and blushed hotly before looking away.

At last, Cheerilee sent Twilight off to the shower as she curled up with Star and kissed at his neck. “Ok, Cheerilee. What was THAT all about?” He asked, enjoying the feathery touches on his coat..

“Oh? Did you not enjoy it?”

“I...kinda, yeah. But I still feel a little weird you wanted Twilight sorta participating like that.”

“Star, dear. Do you trust me?” He nodded instantly, “Then trust me when I say, it's ok. Twilight has a little submissive streak. She liked the teacher-student role-play very much. And if it makes her happy, I'm delighted to do it for her. She still only has eyes for me, but she's expressed curiosity about colts. I was just showing her another side of love with your help. Ok?”

He nodded and nuzzled into her coat, “Sure, Cheerilee. Whatever makes you happy, you know I'll do it if I can.”

She returned the affectionate nuzzles, “I know dear, believe me I know. And Twilight would do the same for me and I for both of you.” She nipped at his neck firmly, drawing out a hiss of pain and pleasure, “Now, she'll be leaving to return to her studies after cleaning up. Then you and I can resume where we left off.” She gave him a sweet kiss, “I hope your body is prepared.”

The colt chuckled, thinking of the drinks piled away in his saddlebags. True to her word, after she and Twilight had said their loving good-byes, and Twilight even gave Star a kiss on the cheek with a 'thank you' whispered in his ear. Cheerilee chased him to the bedroom, nipping at his flanks.

The next few days were filled with love, rutting, quick meals, and strange waking hours. He began to lose track of time as morning and night seemed to blur together from one waking love-making session to the next. He praised his dad's gift every time he reached for his vitamin water. The stuff was keeping him very hydrated and Cheerilee's body well-filled.

Then, melancholy fell on his heart as he realized it was the last morning. He had to fly back to Canterlot that afternoon. He glanced down at the peacefully resting mare, curled in his hooves. Her arousing smell had lessened significantly, no longer bathing him in her heat-scent. As he laid with the wonderful earth-pony, so happy with her head against his chest, he reflected back on the strange and exhausting week.

A sense of contentment uplifted his spirits. He could return to Luna with the answer she'd wanted, helped bring Cheerilee and Twilight closer together, soothed Cheerilee's terrible heat-ache, and helped to solidify his friendship with Apple Bloom. Despite his irritation at not being able to deal with the threatening unicorn, he considered his visit a fulfilling one.

His lover stirred in his limbs and nuzzled at his neck. Shortly, they would say their good-byes. StarStep would miss her. He knew he would. But his place was with Luna. There was no question in his heart about that. And Cheerilee's place was here in Ponyville with Twilight Sparkle. How strange it felt, to admit he could love her so much, and be willing to let her go for the sake of his stronger emotions for Luna. The heart was a mysterious thing indeed.

And so, in the early afternoon, surrounded by his friends and family. He wished them all good-bye, with a special breath-stealing kiss for Cheerilee and a brutal hug and peck on the cheek from Apple Bloom. He promised them all to visit again soon, turning to face the descending sun. He took flight, mind full of wonderful new memories and a heart less empty. Soaring on wings of determination and hope, he flew straight at the castle on the hill, far in the distance. He had a Princess to find.

Chapter XX

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XX

Two pegasi Sun-Guards stood along the narrow ramparts of the Castle. Quiet at their station, as dusk settled on the city. One of the two identical pegasi nudged his partner and pointed a hoof at an approaching speck on the horizon. Slowly the dot became a pony, flapping hard to gain the altitude the castle sat at. They ruffled their wings, ready to lift-off if necessary. The skies over Canterlot Castle were a no-fly zone unless given specific permission. Even then, just long enough pass the walls and land. Despite that, some have tried, thinking it a short-cut or attempting to reach the Princesses through non-formal means. Most are tackled by pegasi or unicorn guards and promptly hauled to the cells to await trail the next morning.

The incoming pegasus slowed and hovered before the mighty white rampart and saluted the two guards, “Evening fellas. StarStep from 3rd company requesting permission to enter the gardens.”

One of the guards glanced at the other then to the hovering blue-grey colt, “StarStep? I heard rumor you weren't coming back. Why aren’t you using the main barrack's entrance?”

Star raised his hoof, showing a frost coated bucket dangling from a cord around his wrist. Drips of something were leaking from it's lid. “It's melting too fast. Fresh from Ponyville, wanted to bring Princess Luna a gift.”

The guards looked at each other then one shrugged, “Yeah, I guess it's ok. If you're looking for her highness, I think she's on that grassy knoll in the garden, raising the moon.” He paused, “Did you really knock out a griffon in one blow?”

Star grimaced and nodded. It appeared the rumors of the little incident finally leaked out. “Yeah. It's why I've been gone a week. Punishment and all that.”

The guard slid his helm from his head, dispelling the illusion. He was a deep green colt with blue mane. “Unofficially, thanks for putting that feather-brain in his place. I heard bits of what he was shouting at the Princess. The guards can't say anything openly, but most of us support what you did. Political ramifications be damned.” he nodded his head in respect. His partner hesitated then did the same.

“Thanks fellas. I appreciate the support, but I don't recommend doing it. Pisses off the Princess something fierce.” He sighed and lifted his melting package. “So is it cool I go on?” The two pegasi nodded and resumed their posts. StarStep drifted over the wall and glided to the stone walk-ways of the castle garden.

He trotted down the path, handle of his melting package in his teeth, saddle-bags clunking along against his sides. He came straight here from Ponyville. His ban was over and he needed to see where he stood with Luna.

At last he rounded a hedge row, finding himself near the grassy knoll the Princess of the Night favored. She was sitting on her haunches at the very top, back to him, watching her moon crest on the far-off horizon past the flickering lights of Ponyville. He quietly approached and halted at the bottom of the knoll, setting his gift on the soft grass.

“I see thou hath returned. Speak from thy heart or begone from mine presence.” She didn't bother looking at him, her stillness as cold as the night.

“First, Princess. I brought you a gift from Ponyville. It's melting fast so I'd like to go ahead and give it to you.” He placed a hoof on the start of the slope up the grassy knoll, “May I bring it to you, Princess Luna?”

She turned her head to the side, glancing back at him with one eye. Her flowing water-like blue mane, silhouetting her regal face. She frowned slightly and nodded, “Thou may approach. Dost thou attempt to win my favor with treats?”

The pegasus smirked as he trotted up to the top and set the container in front of her hooves. He turned his head to dig around in his saddle-bag. Soft clinking and rustling as he nuzzled through it till at last he produced a large spoon and set it on the top of the container. “No, Princess. Simply a gift I thought you might like. Nothing more.”

She raised an eye at him, a curious look. Then she used her magic to lift the spoon and pop off the lid. Her eyes widened and she leaned down to sniff at it, “Oh, tis...” She eyed him suspiciously, using the spoon to dig a trench in the bright-green, soft cream. Little bits of dark brown specks in it's surface. She watched him warily as she ate a spoonful and gave a happy moan, “Mmmmm, tis mint and dark chocolate. Mmmmm...wonderfully strong. Sweet and bitter.” She ate a few more bites, delighting in the flavor like a filly with her first ice-cream cone. “Oh, heavenly. Mmm...” After polishing a quarter of the treat she halted, spoon mid-way back down. “Thou knowst this changes nothing.”

Star chuckled, long since sitting back on his haunches to watch Luna enjoy the ice-cream. “I wouldn't expect it would, Princess. But I thought you would like it all the same.”

She nodded, replacing the lid and set the spoon on top. “Enough for now. Thou dost delay. Speak and let us be done with this.” She looked into his eyes. Cold and regal. She would know if he lied, and her fury would be terrible.

He turned his head, pulling her black wing-ribbon from his pack and set it on the ground at her feet. “Till I find your forgiveness. I didn't want to wear this anymore. I don't deserve your token.” She nodded, and waited for him to continue. “Princess Luna.” He bowed his head to her, “Please forgive me for my actions when I was your escort at the party. It was wrong of me to overstep your authority in dealing with the griffon. It was wrong of me to meet harsh words with brute force. It was also wrong of me to make you look weak when you were strong enough to deal with the heckler. My job was to protect you from harm, and you were not in any danger. I'm so very sorry my feelings for you blinded me.” He looked up into her eyes, determination in his voice, “You are the Princess of the Night, a wise, playful, brutally honest mare. I care about you, Princess. I would do anything for you.”

She nodded at his apologies and frowned at his final statement, “Wouldst thou take a spear for me?”

“Without question. Your life is precious to me.”

She stomped one of her crystal-shod hooves, “Pray-tell, how art mine life more precious than thy own, or any other pony? Why dost thou feel thy life is worth ending to save mine?”

He met her hard stare, never flinching, “Because Princess. I can't rule for thousands of years. I can't lift the Moon. I can't bring love and stability to all of pony-kind. But you can, Princess. If my tiny flicker of a life is worth spending to keep you safe and bring joy to thousands of ponies. Then why not?”

She held his gaze for long quiet moments, judging his words. A quick jolt from her magic slapped him across the cheek, he recoiled in slight shock. He gritted his teeth and kept his eyes locked with hers. “What of the ponies who love thou? Wouldst thou wish their suffering, as thy life slips from their hooves. What of the young orange pegasus who's heart belongs to thou? What of thy family or friends? What of me? Thy Princess, whom thou claims to care for? What a terribly selfish thing to say. To believe that thy sacrifice wouldst go quietly into the night? How many ponies would weep for thy death? HOW MANY?” Her eyes were watering, a terrible sadness in their depths.

Star held his ground, his heart breaking at the pain she appeared to be hiding. “I...think I get it now. You don't want more Goldwing the Champions. That's what you meant by that question. It's why you were so angry when I stepped in harms way with the griffon.”

She looked away, a sparkle of tears falling in the moonlight, “Yes...”

The pegasus sighed. It was not going at all as he had expected. “Princess Luna. There are many who love me. And so many that love you and your sister. I'm not in a hurry to die, I would much rather be by your side. Personally, I think the more ponies who grieve when I go, the more joy I brought into their lives while I was alive.” He shook his head and began to walk down the grassy knoll. “Good night, Princess.”


Star held, one hoof in mid-step and turned his head to the dark blue alicorn. She was smiling back at him, her eyes still wet, but she seemed less troubled, “Thou hath found wisdom in thy time away. From where dost it come?”

He smiled back at his Princess, “A friend named Cheerilee in Ponyville really helped me get a better perspective on this whole love thing. I may be slow but I think I'm starting to understand.”

She patted the grass next to her, “Please, sit.” He nodded and took his place beside her. “I...apologize for my reaction. Thou hath spoken truthfully and from thy heart. I suspect thy reasoning is why thou art so determined to court me. Thou hath only found the courage to speaketh of it recently. Tis true?”

Star nodded, “It is. I've always thought, that you deserved someone who accepts you for who you are and understands that one day they may have to sacrifice to help you. If you ever die, Princess. Every pony in the land will grieve and mourn. I can't even imagine your sister's reaction.” He sighed and reached out a hoof to touch hers, she blinked in surprise at his boldness but otherwise did not react. “I'd rather die than let the world suffer so much.” He gave her a gentle smile, “Princess, I promise to work very hard on my impulsiveness. To better understand when to stay out of your fights. To support you and be your shadow until the day I no longer can.”

She slid her hoof from under his and turned to gaze at her half-moon. “Thy apology is accepted, StarStep. It appears I must meet with this, Miss Cheerilee at some point. She hath knocked wisdom into thy head. Truly a feat.”

Star smirked and nodded, “She did at that.”

“However, I still think thou a foal, spouting pretty words of commitment and acting as if thou understands the depths of what sacrifice truly is. Still...” She regarded him for a moment. “Thou hath surprised me.” She sat back on her haunches, reaching out to pull the pegasus into a tight hug. He blushed hotly, his head against her soft blue coat, the smell of night-skies, night-lilies and blueberries. “I thank thee, dear StarStep. For thy honesty and devotion. Forgive my sometimes, cold and harsh demeanor. Tis often difficult to remember how very little of life, thou hath yet to experience. But I see promise.”

She released him from her hug, and held him at hooves' reach, “I should like to think upon thy words this evening. Take thy leave and relax. At dawn, report to mine sister's study with thy guard partner.”

“Yes, Princess.” He paused and nodded to the black wing-ribbon, forgotten on the ground, “I, uh. Do you still reject my courtship?”

She levitated the ribbon up and curled it around her wrist. “For now. I must think upon thy words. Thou still doth not completely understand, but...thou hath opened thy eyes to a broader perspective. It dost bring joy to mine heart to see such.” She leaned forward to nuzzle at his nose, “Rest well, StarStep. The dawn may herald a beginning or an end to things. We shall see.” She smiled to him before unfurling her large, beautiful alicorn wings and lifting up into the blackness of the star-dotted sky.

StarStep watched the Princess leave and plopped back on his haunches. Well, it didn't go terrible, but it wasn't the home-coming he was expecting. At least he'd finally found the courage to express why he wanted to be at her side. He'd caught glimpses of her sadness when that regal facade slipped. He wasn't expecting part of this to be tied up in legend of Goldwing. It did explain a few things. Still, he wasn't out of a job, and Luna was still considering. Not bad at all. Though, he worried about her visiting Cheerilee. That would take some careful explaining. He gathered up the melting ice-cream and spoon. The little bucket swaying as he held the handle in his mouth. He'd have to give AB a big thanks for a last-minute batch of hoof-made ice-cream for the Princess.

He trotted into the castle, passing through the main halls to the barracks section, nodding to guards he passed in the lantern lit corridors. At last he arrive at his home away from home. Unlocking the door he brushed aside letters piled inside and placed the little bucket in the freezer part of the mini-fridge. With a groan, he let the saddle-bags fall off his hunches. Flying with those things always left a crick in his back. Star gathered up his mail at the entrance, flipping through to check for important notices and tossed the pile on the counter. Nothing but the usual bills and ads.

A few minutes later, he found himself outside of Lighthoof's door. At the very least he wanted to make sure his buddy was aware of the dawn appointment. Plus to see how he was doing. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be a sock on the door tonight. So he knocked firmly, hoping Lighthoof was home. Quiet. So he knocked again.

A locked clicked and the door swung open ajar, the tan pegasus peeking out. He grinned when he recognized his friend and fully opened the door. “Dude! Wow, you're back! Come in, Star.” He ushered his buddy in, shutting the door firmly. “Want a drink?” He wandered over to the fridge, scooping out a two Hard Pear Ciders and tossed one to Star. “I was...a little worried you weren't coming back. Lotta rumors flying about. Some pretty messed up.” He looked his friend over, “Dig the mane highlights, dude.” He popped the cap off his drink and tipped it back as he plopped into his recliner.

Star popped the lid off his own Cider and enjoying the crisp flavor before dropping into a small desk chair, “Really sorry I couldn't let you know before I had to fly. You were out of town and I didn't have much time.” He shrugged.

“It's cool, Star. So...what exactly happened? I've heard everything, from you challenging a griffon to a duel of honor, to you going crazy and pouncing on one. The only thing all the rumors match up on, is that Princess Luna flipped.”

The grey-colt pegasus leaned back in his chair and told the story of the party and the after-math.

“That's...a lot to take in. Still dude. I woulda decked that griffon too. What a parasprite.” Lighthoof shook his head, “And then for Princess Luna to ban you for a week? That seems kinda harsh.”

“Yeah, gets more interesting...” He gave a shortened version of his week in Ponyville. He left out the parts with AB and all of the sexual encounters. Those weren't any of his business. His friend's eyes about bulged out his head when he heard about Cheerilee.

“Dude! You rutted your ex-teacher? I knew you thought she was cute and all That musta been a wild week.” He pondered, “I wonder if that Twilight Sparkle will put that spell on me for Sherry.”

“Lighthoof, you might not want it. It feels like an earth-pony double-bucked you in the sack then set it on fire.” He grimaced, remembering the terrible feeling of that spell.

“I donno, a week with a mare in heat, craving your body hour after hour? Sounds like a dream come true.” Lighthoof polished off his drink. “So, this teacher helped you figure out what Princess Luna wanted? Did you talk with her yet?”

Star nodded, playing with the bottle between his fore-hooves. “Yeah, I think so. But something is still troubling the Princess. She wants us both at Princess Celestia's study at dawn.” His friend nodded. “Also, please don't say anything about Cheerilee right now. All the Princess knows is that she helped me find perspective. I'm not sure how she'd react if she found out I had to rut a mare in heat for a week to get it.”

The tan pegasus shook his head, a slight frown on his face, “You should probably tell her before long. I suspect it's gonna come out if you go visit Cheerilee again. You know the rules on multiple mates. Everypony involved has to be aware of the others.”

“Yeah, but Princess Luna and I aren't even courting. She threw me out of the castle, for crying-out-loud. The thing with Cheerilee was between her, me and Twilight. But yeah, I'll have to tell her if she decides she wants me around after-all.” He sighed, the soft clink of his empty bottle sharp in the quiet room as he set it on the desk. “Now, how about you and Sherry. How'd it go on your trip?”

The other pegasus smiled broadly, “Oh it was great, dude. Who knew that unicorns knew how to have such a good time. We took a trip down to Blue-water canyons. She even let me fly her through them. Talk about brave.”

“Sounds like she trusts you.”

Lighthoof nodded with a fond smile, “Yeah...she's something else. And then yesterday she introduced me to Peach Blossom. Cute earth pony, very sweet. They started making out right in front of me and forbid me joining in. I think Sherry enjoys teasing me sometimes.”

Star chuckled and slid from his seat. “Yeah, but she loves you. You think she's the one?”

His buddy tilted his head, “'s only been what, a month or so? But so far, I don't see any reason she's not. She gets my crazy humor, and doesn't nag me about my habits. She even thinks it's funny when she catches me glancing at another mare's plot.”

“Where is she tonight, anyway? I figured you'd be wrapped in her hooves right now.” Star made his way to the front door. Lighthoof hopped up from his recliner and joined him.

“I would, but she's having a filly's night out. It's cool though. When Princess Celestia told me you'd be back in a week, I suspected you'd come round tonight.” He put his hoof on the door-handle.

“How was admin, anyway?”

“Star, dude. I thought standing guard was boring, but that stuff. By Celestia, it's the most mind-numbing, soul-sucking work I've ever done. How can those paper-pushers do that day after day? If you hadn't come back, I woulda dragged you back. Or quit!” He turned the handle and opened the door for his friend. “Still, Star, I can't tell you how happy I am you came back. It wasn't the same without you, dude.”

StarStep chuckled and gave his buddy a hug, “It's good to be home, Light. See yah at dawn.”

“Sure thing, Griffon-Oneshot.” He smirked at Star before shutting the door. The locks falling into place.

The blue-grey pegasus blinked in surprise. Was that a joke or did the guards pick a nickname for him? Well, he hoped it wasn't a guard thing. He didn't want reminders following him of how bad he bucked up his night with Luna.


Star spent the next hour unpacking and polishing his golden Sun-Armor. He wanted to be presentable to the Princesses. Whatever came to pass. Then he retired to bed. Laying awake for a while, staring at the darkened ceiling and he thought about Luna. If she refused him, what was he to do? Would he quit the guards? He wasn't sure. He still wanted to be at her side. Even if she wouldn't return his love, he could still love her. Though a hollow feeling in his chest caused him to wondered if that would ever be enough.

Dawn came, Celestia's sun cracking the horizon as StarStep trotted down the empty morning halls. As he passed an intersection, Lighthoof joined him. They didn't speak a word, they didn't need to. Lighthoof knew this morning was important to his friend and his armor was just as polished. He didn't know what else he could do to support, Star. The friends made their way to Celestia's study, just as the first quarter of the sun rose above distant mountains. The doors were closed, and two grey earth-pony guards stood at attention. At the sight of the two pegasi approaching, one cracked open the door and spoke inside. There was a pause, then he opened it wider, gesturing to the pegasi to enter.

Inside, Princess Celestia was behind her massive red-oak desk, smiling warmly at the two ponies. Princess Luna standing at her side, her face an expressionless mask. Star felt a clutching in his belly. Nervousness and fear. He hoped she would have at least smiled or wished him a good morning.

The two guards came to attention before the regal sisters, awaiting further instructions as the massive study doors clicked close behind them. There was silence for a long while. The only motion, the sister's otherworldly manes. The only sound, that damning ticking of the grandfather clock in a corner.

"StarStep, Lighthoof.” Celestia began, still wearing her bright smile, “Good morning to you both.” They returned her greeting. “StarStep, my sister has explained to me your apology last night. I am in agreement with her, that this was most heartfelt and insightful for your age. It appears that Twilight's mare-friend has had a wonderful effect on you as well.” Star stiffened at that. How much did Celestias know? Did Luna know?

“She sent me a wonderful letter this morning. Telling me about how you helped her realize she was neglecting her friends and loved ones. For that, I am grateful. Twilight often becomes....obsessed. Perhaps dangerously so, in her research. With the dear Cheerilee to help temper her pursuits, my fears of Twilight harming herself, are abated.” She nodded softly to the pegasus, he returned the gesture.

“Despite that, there's a very serious matter we must discuss. Now. StarStep, you have gained perspective and wisdom during your week away. And so, with that in mind, I ask you this. Would you do anything for my sister? Would you sacrifice your all to protect her from harm?” He agreed without hesitation, “And would you continue to improve yourself, for the sake of understanding when to fight and when to walk away?” He agreed again, firmly. Looking to Luna as if to will his desire to be better, for her, for himself.

“Would you surrender the Sun to save the Moon?” Celestia asked, a slight warning to her tone.

His jaw dropped, what kind of question was that? Was it a trick? Seconds passed, the clock ticked on. Lighthoof glanced at him, worried. He racked his brain for a response. But, as he looked into Luna's beautiful eyes, he knew it would do him no good to lie, or beat around the issue.

“I would.”

Celestia's expression fell. She seemed disappointed, yet Luna's eyes brightened, what was that about? Still, the tightness in his belly increased. Something Sun Goddess turned her head to regard his friend, “Lighthoof, I know you do not have the same level of dedication towards my sister as StarStep does. However, being his guard partner. I must ask you a few questions to see your stance upon the matter.” The pegasus nodded.

“Would you do anything to protect Princess Luna?”

“I would do anything to protect you both, Princess.” She smiled briefly to his response.

“Would you sacrifice yourself to save her?” Again he responded he would for both.

She shook her head, “Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way. Lighthoof, would you follow your friend and guard-partner, where ever that path may lead? Is your loyalty to him strong enough to stand at his side and accept the same judgment I shall pass on him?”

They shared a glance. Star smiled at his friend, “Lighthoof, don't get caught up in this. You don't have to go down with me.”

Lighthoof chuckled and reached over to tap him on the shoulder, “No, I don’t have to. I choose to. Besides, who the buck else likes my jokes?” They shared a knowing grin, then Light turned to the white alicorn. “He's my best-bud. We're a team and that's that. There's not another guard in this place I'd want to have as a partner. So yeah, I stand by him in this.”

The Princess sighed softly and shook her head, a slightly sad expression gracing her angelic face. “I see. Your loyalty is commendable, Lighthoof.” She gave her sister the same sad smile. Luna was still as poised as ever.

“It is done sister. Thou hath thy answer from their very lips. Let us be conclude this inquiry. The sun rises and I grow tired.”

Celestia closed her eyes and gave a deep sigh, “You are right, Lu-Lu. It is done.” She turned her disappointed gaze to the two pegasi.

“Remove your armor. You are no longer a part of my Sun-Guards.”

Chapter XXI

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXI

“Remove your armor. You are no longer a part of my Sun-Guards.”

StarStep opened his mouth to protest, however the slightest shake of Lighthoof's head held his tongue. Celestia was firm in her expression and bearing. There would be no going back. To do so would dishonor Light's loyalty and his truthfulness. So, together the two pegasi removed their helms, gently resting them on the polished floor of Celestia's study. Then slipping loose the belly straps and secondaries that kept the large body piece from sliding. Their practices mouths finished the work in short order, and the pile of golden armor now laid at their feet.

They stood before the Royal sisters in silence. A terrible clenching at his belly, made Star want to curl up and weep. This wasn't at all what he'd expected. Still, he held his ground proudly. Standing side by side with his best friend and guard-partner. If Lighthoof could take it like a stallion, so could he.

Celestia leaned back on her bench, her business seemingly at a close at the dark blue sister stepped around the desk, halting before both of the colts. Star could feel himself trembling slightly as he craned his neck back to look up into her cold, commanding eyes. How could she inspire such passion in his heart and such respect that bordered on fear?

“I command, thou shalt obey.” Her voice was firm and sharp. A true mistress of the night. “Kiss my hooves.”

Princess Celestia spoke immediately, the hard voice of a ruler, “I command, you shall not. Leave my chambers at once.”

Luna was still looking down at them, waiting as she held her regal pose, her two fore-hooves close to each colt. Celestia was just behind her, still at her desk, that ever commanding presence of the Sun-Goddess.

Star glanced at Light, and his friend to him. There was uncertainty in the tan pegasus' eyes. Both Princesses had issued an order. Well, Star knew what he would do, he just hoped his friend would not regret his loyalty. Star leaned his neck down towards the crystal shod-hoof of his Princess, Lighthoof following suite moments later. They both planted a kiss on each of her fore-hooves. The cold, slick surfaces of the Royal slippers chilled their lips. Then they looked up at her, their Princess. She was gazing down at them, now smiling proudly. Her eyes glimmered in delight.

“Behold, those who bow to my call and place mine command above my sister's. Behold those whom shall rise with my moon and protect those ponies whom love the night. Behold my guardians, my Night-Guard.” Princess Luna reached out to pull both of the ponies into her fore-limbs, hugging them tightly, her neck between the two colt's heads. They responded hesitantly, returning the hug of the blue alicorn. She nuzzled softly at each of their manes then released her grip, leaving them slightly bewildered.

“As per old tradition, thou hath embraced the night. Welcome, my little ponies. My new Night-Guardians.” She was still smiling at them as her horn glowed a soft blue. The shadows on the floor crawled up the surfaces of their armor. The engulfing darkness draining the brilliant gold, leaving a deep purple, trimmed with hints of silver. The faux crest on the helm elongating to a more flowing shape, and tinting more a shade of blue.

“Adorn thy reforged armor. Let us speak of what is to come.”

As soon as they had put their final pieces of armor on, Luna had teleported them without warning. After the brilliant light faded, they found themselves in a room similar to Celestia's study, though the colors were clearly more night themed. With heavy violet drapes over the windows and a black-oak desk that smelled ancient. Silver candelabras upon each forward corner of it's oiled surface. Blue flames danced on the candle-wicks and fireplace crackled in an onyx hearth embedded in the back wall. It's own flames a brilliant blue and white, causing the shadows to dance about in sharp contrast. Star smirked at Lighthoof and patted his friend on the shoulder.

“Purple's more your color. I never thought gold suited you.” Under the magic of the armor, he noted his friend's coat was now a dark-grey, as was his own.

Lighthoof laughed, “Yeah, I suppose that true. Wow, dude. What did we get ourselves into?”

“Apparently the Night-Guard. I wonder if every new recruit has to go through all this?”

Lighthoof was looking about the room, admiring the old tapestries on the wall. Most were scenes of moonlit waters or the moon itself, cresting the horizon. “Guess it'd explain why there's not a lot of them. Ah well, I was more a night-owl anyhoof. Now sure how I'll work this out with Sherry yet, but I'm sure it'll be ok.”

Star glanced down at the floor and sighed, “I...Light.” He walked over and gave his friend a hug, “Thank you for your trust, and for sticking by me. I don't have many friends, but I'm glad you're one of them.”

The other pegasus laughed it off and patted his friend on the back, “It's cool, dude. Just returning the favor from our recruit days.” He grinned, “But guess who gets to explain to Sherry and Peach Blossom how I ended up on night-shift?”

They shared a chuckle just as the room flashed white, and the Princess of the Night appeared behind her desk. Both of the newly appointed Night-Guards bowed respectfully to her.

“Mine apologies for the delay. I had but a few more issues to work out with Tia.” She smiled warmly to both of them. “It pleases me greatly, to have two new dedicated members to my guard. We art few yet, as the order was disbanded after my banishment to the moon.” She used her magic and two glasses filled with a chilled yellow liquid appeared on the ground before the colts. “Please, enjoy a refreshment. I dost hope thou likes mead.”

The friends exchanged glances. Not a drink they'd tried yet, but if the Princess offered, well. Who were they to turn it down? So they toasted the alicorn and drank deep. It was sweet, and slightly burned the throat. After the glasses were finished they grinned at each other.

“A few things thou should be aware of, my dear guards. First, until I pick mine own Captain of the Guard, Shining Armor is still thy commanding officer. Because we art yet so small, I hath dismissed rankings for now. All of thou art equal in authority. This is to promote unity between thee, and to foster a family like group. However, I should hope that in the event of emergencies, one will not taketh offense to one of thy ranks stepping forward to lead.”

Star and Light glanced at each other shrugged before Star smiled to her, “Of course not, Princess Luna.”

“Second, I expect thou knowst that from this day forward, mine word shalt supersede my sister's commands. However, thou will still obey her otherwise. Tia and I hath always had our own guards, with which to protect the different times of the day. She is still thy Princess as well, but thou art officially mine.”

Lighthoof nodded firmly to that. He supported both his Princesses equally. Star however, felt his heart soar at Luna proclaiming him, her's.

“Tonight at dusk, thou will report to the Moon briefing room. I shalt assemble the guard for a meeting with thy new family. Afterward, thou will begin thy first evening shift.” She smiled at them both, “StarStep and Lighthoof. Because of thy...past, in visiting Old Canterlot and familiarity with many of the establishments there, I shalt begin thy night-duties on a patrol route near the bars and night-clubs.”

Star's heart fell. He'd hoped to be at Luna's side from now on. Her personal guard. Still, he supposed this was a hoof-step in the right direction.

The Princess paused, as though expecting him to voice a complain. At his silence she smiled and nodded. “Because we art so few, and only so many of Tia's Sun-Guards can assist us. I must place mine guard where they art most needed. Mine heart soars at so many of my ponies enjoying the night. Before my banishment, twas mostly underground activities and much behind closed doors.” She grinned, “I am so delighted, that ponies now openly embrace the evenings. And so, I must do all that I can to protect those ponies.”

Lighthoof saluted, “I would be honored to assist in that cause, Princess Luna. The whole reason I joined the guards was to protect others.”

A giggle slipped from Luna's lips, “Indeed. Be the guardian angels of the evening. Protect and aid. And remember. Thou will not be on castle grounds during the patrol. I encourage thou to use thy flying to thy advantage. The area thou will be assigned, tis too large for two normal ponies. I expect thou to adapt.”

The two colts nodded firmly, so Luna continued, “Very well, I shalt see thou both at the meeting at dusk. I suggest thou begin altering thy sleep schedule. Be well my dear guardians.” Her horn glowed and Lighthoof vanished.

StarStep blinked and looked up at Luna in confusion, “Um, was I suppose to go too, Princess?”

She smirked and gestured with her hoof to him, “Come here, StarStep.” She patted the end of her large padded bench.

An eyebrow raised, and a tingle in his belly, he trotted around the side of her desk and hopped up where she had indicated. He tilted his head at the taller alicorn, a soft smile playing across his lips. Luna grinned back, her horn glowed as his helm was pulled and set upon her desk. With gentle hooves, she caressed his cheeks.

“Something to think about, my Night-Guardian.” She leaned in, her cool breath washing across his muzzle. He swallowed, his heart pounding in his chest. Then she placed her lips to his, and kissed him sweetly. Oh how the colt wanted to drown in that sensation. A chilling warmth upon his lips, craving so much more. And then she pulled away, her smile full of affection, teal eyes reflecting the blue-flames of the candles, glimmering in delight.

“In holding to thy convictions, thou hath done well. For thou hath walked along a cliff edge this dawn.” She smiled and nuzzled against his nose, “Believe in me, and I shalt believe in thou. Be well, dear StarStep. Do not forget thy vows to me.”

With that, Luna's horn glowed and Star found himself standing in his darkened quarters. With a little whoop of excitement over Luna's show of affection, he danced about as he began the unbuckling of his new armor. Now, he just had to figure out his new sleeping schedule.

Just before dusk, Lighthoof was at Star's door. They chatted a bit as Star finished suiting up. Light banter of expectations of the shift tonight. With both colts geared, armor freshly polished and coats brushed to a gloss, the two friends made their way to the Moon briefing-room. Along the walls of the corridor before it, were wooden posts at two foot intervals, driven into the stone at forty-five degree angles and small engraved silver plaques beneath many. Most of the posts already held the dark purple helms of the Night-guard. At direction from the pony at the door, they found non-marked posts to hang their helms on and wandered into the room.

The Moon room was built like a large college lecture hall. A central dais at the front, with step-like flat platforms staggered upwards. Counters built at the front of each level, to act as writing surfaces for note taking. Built so every pony could see center stage, and center stage could see back.

As he and his friend walked in, Star took a quick count of the ponies already at in attendance. He figured at least forty to fifty ponies, and remarkably, he noted four mares. While not unheard of to have female guards, it was a profession a lot of mares tended to avoid. Another thing that struck him as unusual, was that all of the ponies had congregated towards the center of the seating areas. Clustered into a massive group. Chatting quietly with one another, or taking a light nap until the meeting started. There were no stragglers, or ponies hiding in corners. He was used to that in the Sun-Guard meetings. It was not to say Sun-Guards were not friendly to each other, but these ponies seemed to have a true sense of camaraderie.

“StarStep, Lighthoof. Glad you two are here early.” Shining Armor smiled from the dais at the pegasi pair. “If you could, stand up here with me. We'll start the briefing off with an introduction to your new co-workers. We're just missing a couple more.” The colts nodded, giving gentle wing flaps to lift themselves up to stand off to the side.

Star took the chance to glance over the group of dark-purple clad guards before him. No pony had their helm, so it was an odd mixture of colors in that crowd. Unfortunately, since they all worked with their helms, he didn't recognize anypony. He imagined that would change soon.

At last, three more Night-guards wandered in, helm-less and Shining Armor cleared his throat. “Alright Guards. Everypony accounted for? Anypony we should wait for? Princess Luna is personally going to speak with you all tonight.” There were hushed whispers, and almost everypony wore a smile. Star was starting to feel right at home. Nopony spoke up about absentees so Shining silenced them with a wave of his hoof.

“Let the Night-Guard meeting come to order.” His voice carried through the room, commanding respect and attention. “Presenting her majesty, Princess Luna.” He bowed, and every other pony followed suit.

The click of crystal hooves on the polished floor announced the Moon-Goddess as she strode into the silent room. With regal grace, she stepped up onto the dais, slipping between StarStep and Lighthoof as she faced the other ponies. “Arise my dear Night-Guardians. As the moon doth each evening.” They all rose from their prostrated positions and smiled to their Princess. Star looked around her chest to Light and grinned. Light returned the grin with a smirk before the both tilted their heads to give their full attention to the blue alicorn between them.

“This dusk, thy ranks increase by two. I urge thou to join me in welcoming them into the family.” She unfurled one of her massive wings to drape over Lighthoof. “Please embrace Lighthoof as a brother. As he hath embraced the night with his loyalty and quick wit.”

She unfurled her other wing over StarStep. He shivered at the brushes of her feathers, looking up adoringly as she gazed down at him. A slight smirk upon her lips. “Please embrace StarStep as a brother.” There were hushed whispers at his name and slight gasps. “As he hath embraced the night with his devotion and candor.”

The Princess pulled back her wings and took a step backwards as the guards filed from their spots into lines. One by one, they other Guard-ponies introduced themselves, offering hoof-bumps, hugs, or friendly pats on the shoulder. After each pony greeted them, they would wander back to their spots in the stands. Through it all, Star found it interesting that everypony seemed genuinely pleased to see him and Lighthoof. With a guard group that seemed this exclusive, he'd worried about arrogant ponies. But this felt more like a gathering of ponies who shared a love of something. Mostly Princess Luna, or things pertaining to her evenings. Despite the butterflys in his stomach at being the center of attention, it was comforting to be surrounded by so many like-minded ponies. Lighthoof was eating it up, taking time to playfully banter with a few ponies before the lines moved on.

At last, it ended, with everypony now at their places, and the two colts still between the Princess. She took a few steps forward to regain her position slightly ahead of them. “They will be assigned the night-club area. As pegasi, they will prove most effective at so large a patrol.” She faced a pair of unicorns, one colt and one filly. “Nova and Blur. Wouldst thou enjoy Moon-Pool duty for a while? I knowth the club detail hath been hard upon thee.”

Both unicorns nodded at once, “Yes, Princess.” The filly spoke up, “We'd be honored to protect your pool.”

Luna nodded her head at their acceptance, “Indeed. Enjoy thy time of relaxation.” She used her wings to scoot StarStep forward to the edge of the dais. “Now, before the next order of business. I believe StarStep should address the rumors thou all speakth of in whispers.”

Many of the ponies blushed slightly or looked away embarrassed they'd been caught. Star glanced at Luna in confusion. “Ah, what rumors, Princess?”

She smiled down at him, “The griffon incident.”

“OH, uh, yeah. Alright.” He ruffled his mane and cleared his throat. “I guess I'll just give the facts then. Yes, I clobbered a griffon at Princess Luna's gathering a week back. Yes, he went down with a single shot.” There were whispers again. “He was saying horrible things I refuse to repeat. Things that I'm sure would have boiled the blood of many here. However. Despite how much he deserved it. He was only using words, and I acted as though he was a threat to our Princess. I also made the mistake of thinking the Princess could not handle such a fool on her own.” He turned and bowed his head to Luna, “I am sorry, my Princess.”

She smiled down at him and gently rested a crystal-shod fore-hoof on his mane, “Thy apology is of course accepted. Allow thy failure to act as a lesson to others, and grow stronger for it.” She removed her hoof, and he raised his head to smile at her. “Let this be a lesson for all of thou. My dear Night-Guardians. Let thy tongues speak truth, thy hearts pulse with passion, and thy minds temper and guide.”

Then Star blinked, a frown on confusion upon his muzzle as something was prickling under his wing. At a slight unfurling, a fresh Night-Lily tumbled to the ground beside him. He glanced at, then to Luna. She was looking back at him, amusement in her eyes. A gentle smile upon her lips. Was the flower a prank or was she hinting at something more? She seemed to be waiting for him to speak. Perhaps her words were more for him than the other guards. He supposed it couldn't hurt to try.

So, taking a deep breath, he swept the Night-lily up into the fold of his wing and smiled to the Moon-Goddess. “Princess Luna. I would like to offer this flower as a token of courtship.”

The silence was deafening. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see many of the other Night-Guards. Mouths hanging open, eyes bulging. No pony moved. Even Shining Armor seemed shocked from his forgotten spot off to the side. Everypony had their eyes locked on StarStep and the Princess. It was one thing to suggest such in private, it was another to ask to court a Princess in public. Princess Cadance was the first Princess in a thousand years to accept it. Celestia had turned down hundreds in her sister's absence.

Yet, despite how his heart pounded, and the expression of the Night-Guards, as though they were expecting a train-wreck. He kept his focus on his Princess. Her beautiful eyes, and playful lips, turned up in amusement.

Slowly, the Princess leaned down, tilting ever so to the side to present one side of her head. Star ignored the collective gasps as he pulled the Night-Lily from his wing with his mouth and tucked it above her ear into her star-filled mane. She lifted her head, eyes shimmering, a broader smile now on her regal muzzle.

“StarStep, I accept thy token and offer a token of my own. Will thou accept?” Star's agreed, his mouth felt dry for some reason. He watched in surprise as a single blue feather from her wings slid free in her magic. From her other wing, a silver linked chain floated out. She bound the quill of the feather to a catch on the chain and floated it down over Star's head. The dark blue feather rested lightly against his chest-plate. He blinked at it, thinking that his gift paled in comparison. But as he looked up into her eyes, those thoughts vanished. There was the slightest hint of sadness in her eyes, but overwhelmed by her joy and affection.

Luna spread out her wing to pull him close to her side. “Let it be known before witnesses, that we hath exchanged gifts of courtship.” She looked over at the crowd, “Should there be any who dost desire to challenge this colt for this right, speakth thy thoughts.” She waited, nopony so much as moved, “So it is, so it shalt be. Let it be known that no favoritism shalt be shown to him in regards to his duties.” She looked out in the crowd again, her gaze challenging, “Speakth not ill of thy brother for this. Instead, embrace him as one who seeks the heart of the moon. Thou art dismissed to thy duties.”

At that, the crowd stirred. Some seemed in shock, whispering in small clusters, little looks over at Star confirmed his fear they were talking about him. But deep down, he didn't care. He nuzzled softly into Luna's coat. She glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. “Forgive me, Star. Tis...difficult for me to become used to shows of affection in public. Twas terribly frowned upon in past ages.”

Star nodded. Retreating his nose from her coat for now. He wanted to dance around with her, playful as a foal. Excitement filling his veins. But he willed his body to remain calm, and professional amongst so many new co-workers.

As the guard filed from the room, some stopped to offer their congratulations and well wishes. A few seemed disheartened. Upon Star's voicing concern at this, Luna reassured him it would be fine. Almost every pony here only saw her for as a Princess, a goddess.

At last, the room was empty besides Star, Light, Shining and Luna. She gave him a gentle nuzzle and wandered from the room. A slight bounce in her otherwise, regal gait. Star's eyes never left her till the alicorn vanished into the hallway. Then he turned to his friend with a grin. “Well...can't say I saw that one coming.”

Light laughed and patted him on the shoulder, “Yeah, dude. Crazy stuff. Though uh...yeah, might wanna talk to her about that school-mare thing later.”

Star grimaced and nodded as their commander stepped up to them. “StarStep, I want to congratulate you on your courtship. It's not easy getting a Princess to notice your love.” He smiled, “Remind me to tell you about what it took to get Cadance's attention.” He sighed, “I still think the griffon party was a horrible mistake and I won't apologize for voicing against the decision.”

Star nodded to Shining Armor, “I wouldn't ask it, Captain. You were right. I'm impulsive, and I let me feelings blind me over duty. For making the guard look bad, I apologize to you as well.”

The white unicorn nodded back, “It seems you've learned a lot in your time away. I only hope such an incident doesn't happen again. Or it may be your last as a Guard, and probably an end to your courting the Princess.”

Star frowned, “I understand, sir.”

“With that said, gentlecolts, here's the maps for your patrol area. There's no set path as a Night-Guard. Go where and when you feel is best. It's a lot of city to cover. Be smart. And remember, you can always call for help from the watch-towers on the walls. The Princess set you with one of the hardest sectors, you'll see why tonight. Good luck, Guardians.” He pulled a pair of small linen maps from the podium and floated it to the colts.

StarStep and Lighthoof saluted Shining Armor sharply before he returned the gesture. Then they trotted out of the room to retrieve their helms. Old Canterlot awaited the two new Night-Guards.

Chapter XXII

View Online

To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXII

StarStep and Lighthoof skimmed the rooftop over Old Canterlot, just a few blocks from the 8th street that marked the start of their patrol area. Lighthoof suggested the two glide around their new patrol perimeter, to get a feel for how big it was and what areas within, they were familiar with. Old Canterlot was, for the most part, laid out in a grid pattern of main streets. West to east were odd numbered streets, and south to north were even. So, from the wall, north towards the castle, they had 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th. Then the other side of their patrol was 13th thru 19th. On paper, it didn't seem that big an area, but Old Canterlot had ages of buildup, reconstruction and renovations. What used to be straight streets, sometimes winded around buildings. As well as side-streets being added to connect the main thoroughfares. Those were often named after famous ponies, or rich ones. It was also an issue of the area being full of both night-clubs and bars, but a few low income housing units mixed. It's not that low-income ponies were bad news. Most of the ponies in the city were friendly enough. But it often attracted those who preyed on the weak or the gullible. There was a lot of potential trouble in that grid of streets.

The two friends glided down to the cobblestone street, a ways from the first of the neon-lit night-clubs. Still too early for the evening crowds to be out. Light smirked at the club's sigh, “The Iron-Mare” it proclaimed in a steady glow of neon pink. A spot for up and coming hard rock, punk and metal bands to cut their teeth. Once the place got jamming, Light knew from experience that it rivaled even DJ-Pon3's club, “Wub Woofer”.

Star pulled his linen map from his leg-pouch and spread it out on the ground. His lips tightened as he studied the red outlined section of the city. “They weren't kidding. It looks tiny on this thing but there's a lot of ponies living in this area. Plus the club crowds. How are two guards suppose to take care of this?”

Light glanced about the near empty streets. “I was thinking about that, dude. My guess is, we should give the illusion there's more than two of us. Keep moving in spiral and zig-zag patrol patterns, mostly flying. If they believe we're always watching, a lot of the trouble-makers will think twice.”

Star blinked at his friend, “Huh...the Princess wasn't kidding, you have a knack for this logistics stuff. He folded his map back up and stuffed it in his little black armor pouch.” A smile touched his lips as he smoothed the blue alicorn feather against his chest emblem. If Luna thought they could do it, he'd give it his best.

Light looked to the rooftops, “Lets start by hitting the major intersections, move from rooftop stop to rooftop stop. See what we can see, then as the club ponies show, we'll focus more in this area. Sound good?”

“Yeah, beats my idea of just flying back and forth and stumbling on trouble.” They shared a chuckle as the two pegasus took flight.

The air was muggy, thicker here in the lower area of the city. A storm was forecasted for early morning but the two of them would be off-duty by then. Thankfully, the streetlamps lining the main routes along with the incredibly bright club signs, made navigating the streets by wing, a cinch. At the first major intersection, they stopped on a tall building, looking up and down the avenues. Lighthoof wanted a feel for the different areas. With no disturbances or anything out of the ordinary, they moved on to the next checkpoint.

An hour passed by, with nothing notable. The area's near the clubs were gaining a little more traffic, but Light insisted they finish patrolling the outer routes before focusing there. Star wasn't going to argue, he trusted his friend's instincts in this.

Around 6th and 15th, as took their positions on the rooftop, Star heard a sigh escape Light. He looked over at his guard-partner, who seemed to be focused on something down below. Curious, he glanced over the roof-edge and noticed an earth mare on the corner under a street-lamp.

“Everything alright, Light?”

“Ten bits says she's an unlicensed Pleasure Pony.” His lips down-turned and he looked like he wanted to spit.

“How can you tell?”

The other pegasus pointed up the street towards a pair of approaching colts. “Just watch.”

Sure enough, as the colts approached, the mare trotted close and was whispering something in their ears. She made a gesture to a nearby alley and flicked her tail at them suggestively. They two colts shook their heads and wandered onwards.

“That doesn't really mean anything. Maybe she was asking for directions.” Star eyed his friend, then glanced back down at the mare in question.

Another colt was trotting down the dark streets. Again the mare approached, whispered in his ear and gestured with her head towards the alley. The colt started away when she nipped his flank. He spun, glaring, but she walked right up to him and whispered again. He glanced around the streets, checking to see if they were being watched, then nodded to her. The mare led the colt into a dark alley. Star glanced at his friend, “Um, should we do something?”

Light frowned and shook his head, “Let's wait till she gets back. Then we'll have a talk with her.”

There were soft moans reaching their ears on the rooftop, reverberating just enough from the alley. It built quickly, then a sharp intake of breath and quiet. At last the colt trotted merrily out of the alley, glanced about to insure he was still alone, and wandered off down the street. Shortly there-after, the mare slipped out of the darkness, tossed some bits into a pouch around her neck and squatted at the corner. Star wrinkled his nose as he realized she was revealing herself right there.

“What the buck is she doing? Is she...?”

Light shook his head and sighed, “She' herself for next customer. She thinks she's alone. I suppose we better have a word.” He unfurled his wings and swooped down to street level, Star just behind him. As they landed, clad in the imposing dark purple armor of the Night-Guard, the mare yelped and fell over. Light wrinkled his nose at the sight of the creamy colored puddle under her haunches.


She stammered in surprise as she pulled herself to her hooves. “Ey, what's tha big idea, scarin' tha' flip outta me, oy.” She pointed a hoof in Light's face, “Why ye be harrashin' ah pony for?”

Light ignored her hoof, “Miss, do you have a license to be a Pleasure Pony?”

“Neigh, what's it to ye?” She glared angrily.

“Are you a freelance or do you have a...” He paused. Star could see a bit of conflict in his friend. “A manager?”

“Manag'r, what ye be on about? This be mah own business. I make ah little scratch to get by. Oy, now yer gonna tell me it be a crime tha make a little money 'ere?”

“Actually, Miss. It is. Unless you're licensed, it's illegal to do what you're doing. I suggest you either stop, or go down to the tax office and obtain one.”

“Wat 'or? Some some git in tha fancy castl' can have a bite at mah money?”

Star frowned and stepped forward, “That 'git' is your Princess. I suggest you-” He was cut off by a gentle hoof on his shoulder. Light was shaking his head.

“Miss, what's your name?”

She hesitated, looking between them, “Tangle Vine. Wat of it?”

“Miss Vine, there's some ponies out here that will do worse than just take a little of your money. They'll abuse you, rob you, rape you, and put you in a form of slavery. The point of the license is to have somepony watching out for your well being. I get the feeling you haven’t been at this long.”

She blinked at his rather blunt warnings, “Wha'? No pony done threatened me yet. Why ye try an' scare ah honest mare?”

“Tell you what, I'll give you three choices, either you get a license, you quit, or I'm hauling you in every night and charging you a fine. I better not see you out here tomorrow without the paperwork. Good evening, miss.” With a curt nod, he spread his wings and shot for the sky. Bewildered, Star could only give a quick nod to the stunned mare and launched himself to catch his friend.

Star flapped hard to regain distance so he could glide next to the other Pegasus, “What the buck was that all about? You sure do know a lot about this thing.”

Light led the way to the next rooftop checkpoint. Once they were both landed he turned to his friend, “You should know the basics from training, dude. Pleasure Ponies get licensed. They get medical check-ups and health inspections of their place of business.”

“Well yeah, I got that part of the briefing too. I mean, I may have come from a backwater town and I understand that for some ponies, making others feel good is their special talent. were going off on something a bit more than laws. What's this all about, Light? You coulda hauled her in if you really wanted to.” Star sat back on his haunches.

“Yeah, could have, dude. But it wouldn't have helped. I suspect we'll see her again and again till something bad happens.” He sighed and looked down at the roof-top. “This is exactly the kind of stuff I joined up for. To stop these things from happening to other ponies.”

“Seems like you got something on your mind, Light. I'll listen if you wanna get it off your chest.” He smiled reassuringly to his friend.

There was a long pause, a slight shaking of his head and a heavy sigh before Lighthoof replied, “It has to do with my mom.” He turned and walked to a rooftop edge, looking over at the intersection below them.

Star stepped up beside him, watching the slightly increased night-traffic below. The clubs would be hopping in another hour or so. “You never talk about your family. You wanna tell me about it?”

Light snorted in disdain, “Family...yeah right. If you were any other pony I wouldn't say a word but...My 'family' is just my mom who's an unlicensed Pleasure Pony in Manehatten who lives under the thumb of her abusive boyfriend, slash, pimp.”

Shaking his head, Star grimaced, “I can see why you don't talk about it. Too much fodder for other ponies to make fun of you. Have you seen her since you joined the guard?”

“No, and I don't plan on it. I think she loved me when I was little, hard to tell between the memories of her moans, getting bucked on the other side of a thin wall by her clients. Or hearing her cries as she was beaten by her pimp, for not making enough money. As I got older, she became more distant, and cold. Yelling at me a lot and just tossing a few bits at me to feed myself. Some nights I wonder if she ever loved me, or if I was always an inconvenience.”

“That's harsh, Light. What about your dad?”

The pegasus sneered and looked up at the heavens, dulled by the city lights, “Tartarus, dude, I'm not even sure who my father is. Perhaps a client, some bum friend of hers, or maybe that son of a manticore who took her money. To be honest, I'd rather not know.”

They sat in silence for a bit, Light busy watching the ponies below, trying to ignore the slight look of pity his friend was giving him.

“Well...that explains why you went off on that mare back there. And why you looked like a drowned rat when you became a recruit.” They shared a light chuckle.

“Yeah, dude. I can't imagine how terrible I looked back then. Mom never gave two bits about my appearance. I was the poster-foal for a street urchin. To be honest, I probably would have flunked out of boot-camp if it wasn't for you.”

Star gave his friend a light punch on the shoulder, “Hey. I know what it's like to be misunderstood.” He paused, giving a slight smile, “Light...When I next go to Ponyville, I want you to come with me. I want you to meet my folks.”

His friend turned to look at him, eye-brow raised, a slight look of confusion. “Are we that far along in our relationship?”

Star rolled his eyes and laughed, “No, you jerk. We've been like brothers these last couple of years, haven't we?”

The other pegasus thought about it a while, then nodded, his purple helm gleaming in the street-lights, “Yeah...I guess so. You're probably the closest thing I have to family who gives a buck about me.”

“I've told my parents about you here and there. Once I explain your situation, I'm sure they'd welcome you to our family. You and Sherry seem pretty serious. Who knows, you could marry her, maybe have some foals. Do you really want your childhood to be the example of what a family is?”

Lighthoof tightened his lips, looking away, “ have a point. I guess I don't really know what having a real family is like. And I sure as buck don't want to be like my mom.” He looked up at his friend with a smirk, “So you're saying you want your parents to adopt me?”

His buddy grinned, “Well, wouldn't you rather be adopted than a bastard?”

Light slugged him in the arm before the two shared a chuckle, “Fair enough. Let me think about it, cool?” Star nodded “And uh...thanks Star. I-”

“Somepony! Hel-!” A mare's sudden shout was cut off nearby.

Light spun, his ears swiveling, Star facing another direction, “Did you hear where it came from?”

Star flapped over a gap between two buildings, glancing down the next row of dark passageways, “No. Check that side.”

The two pegasus bounded from roof-top to roof-top, carefully scanning the alleys till a hiss from Light caused Star to spin mid-air and drop down next to him. Down below, a large earth-pony stallion had a young unicorn mare pinned to the brick wall. It was shadowy, so it was hard to discern much else. The mare had something stuffed in her muzzle, muffling her sounds. Star guessed it was a rag or cloth. Light shushed Star with a quiet gesture, then the two leaned their heads down to listen to the colt.

“The boss don't like it when ponies don't pay their bills. And he really doesn't like it when a pony in debt drags their little friends into it. I didn't want to rough you up a bit, but you're butting your nose into other pony's business. You tell your little mare-friend, to pony up the monthly balance or we'll do the same thing to her that I'm doing to you. Now, if you're serious about paying down her debt. Perhaps we can...come to an arraignment.” The pegasi could hear her muffled screams and see her squirm, “What's the street value of a good buck, two hundred bits for a young thing like you? That just about covers the monthly interest your friend owes. How about it, filly? Willing to take get shafted for that dead-beat?” She whimpered as he caressed her cheek. “Tell you what, I'll give you three hundred if you let me mount your plo-AGggggghhh, bitch!” He staggered back, clutching between his hind-legs as the mare landed back on all fours and bolted for the alley-exit. She made it a to the edges of the shadows when the colt overtook her, tackling her to the ground.

“Fine, you little slut, want to make it rough?” He decked her across the muzzle with his hoof. She recoiled and struggled to wiggle out from under him. The colt lifted a hoof to strike her again when a purple-armored blur flashed through the air and sent him tumbling.

The stallion staggered to his feet, shaking his head to clear the daze. He frowned at the smaller pegasus staring him down. “Walk away little bird. This is Steelhoof family business.”

Lighthoof crouched and flared his wings, ready to strike, “Star, how's the mare?”

StarStep was standing protectively over the downed filly. He turned to glance her over in the shadowed light, “Looks banged up, black eye, bloody muzzle.” At Star's voice, she opened her unswollen eye, noticed his armor and latched onto one of his fore-legs, sobbing softly. “And apparently happy to see us.”

Light nodded, his eyes still locked on the large stallion, “Are you a pimp or something? There's two things I hate. Pimps and mare-beaters. Now, are you going to surrender peacefully or do I get to enjoy bucking you up?”

“Little colt, you have no idea who you're bucking with. I'm Don Steelhoof's enforcer. If you don't walk away right now, I will personally skin your flank and sell it on the black-market.” He stomped his massive fore-hoof down. It clanked on the stone of the alley heavily.

“Weighted horseshoes, Light.” Star announced, holding the cowering filly to his breastplate. “You need a hoof?”

Lighthoof shook his head, “Naw, dude. I got this mother-bucker.”

The large stallion smirked, “Big words from a little birdbr-” POW! Lighthoof shot from the ground, landing a clean blow across the colt's jaw as he streaked by and up. The earth-pony stumbled a step and growled, spinning behind him. He didn't see Light's attack from above. A double hoofed strike on the top of his head. The large colt stumbled about, taking a wild swing at the fast pegasus. It missed but cracked the brick he contacted. “Hold still you little sh-OOOF” The pegasus guard slammed his body into the staggering stallion's side, toppling him over. As he sought to regain his footing, Star calmly walked up to him, turned around and apple-bucked him in the face. The stallion's eyes rolled back and he fell limp.

“Bucking mare-beaters.” Lighthoof growled, panting for breath. He dug hoof-cuffs from his armor pouch and slapped one of each set of legs. Satisfied, he trotted over to Star and the filly. “Come on, Star, lets get her out in the light.”

His friend nodded, having a hard time prying the pony from his leg, but the two of them coaxed her out of the dark alley, protectively keeping her between them. Under a bright street-lamp, Star had her sit and turned her face up with his hooves. She was a light purple-grey unicorn with yellow mane.

“Oh...buck me...Dinky?” He frowned and pulled a cloth from his armor pouch to gently dab at the blood on her muzzle.

The filly had tears in her eyes, “Who...who are you?”

“You know her Star?” The other pegasus asked, he grimaced at her banged up face.

The filly glanced her unbruised eye to Light then to the colt cleaning her wounds, “Star? StarStep?” She made a little whimper of a noise.

He gave her a reassuring smile, “Yeah, Dinky. It's me. I'd say it's good to see you but...not like this.” He paused to remove his guard's helm, letting the magic return him from shadowy-grey pegasus to his natural blue-grey. She smiled slightly as he returned to cleaning her face. “Dinky, this is my guard-partner, Lighthoof. Lighthoof, I'd like you to meet Dinky Doo, from Ponyville.”

The other guard smiled to the grey unicorn. “Other than the face, are you ok, Miss Dinky?”

“Yeah, thanks you two. I thought I was in real trouble” She gave a slight shrug and a faint smile.

Light tapped his chest-emblem three times. There was a pause then a chime sounded from it. “Alright, prisoner pick-up will be here shortly. Can you tell us what this is all about, Miss Dinky? I want to bury this colt in charges.”

Star was carefully turning her head one way and another, looking for more injuries. She frowned, “I...can't talk too much about it. I promised I wouldn't. But...a room-mate took out a loan and didn't read the fine-print. Things didn't work out and now my friend is in serious trouble. The pony who loaned her money was Steelhoof. He sort of runs the underground things in this part of town. I thought I could reason with him for her, so I asked this guy to let me speak to his boss. And saw what happened I guess.” She looked down, unable to meet Star's concerned look.

There was a sudden flash of light and two unicorns appeared in golden Sun-Guard armor. They noticed the two pegasus nearby and trotted over. “Excuse me, guards, did you summon prisoner transport?”

Lighthoof nodded and pointed down the alley, “Earth stallion. Arresting on charges of assault and battery, extortion, and threat of death against a Royal Guard. We'll be in at the end of the shift to fill out a full booking report.” The unicorns nodded and trotted into the darkness. There was a short pause then a brilliant flash filled the alley.

Star handed the cloth to the young mare, “Sorry you're having a bad night, Dinky. Can we escort you home before we return to our shift?” She smiled and nodded, thanking the colts as they helped her to her hooves.

“Thank you both. It's not far.” She led the way down the main-street, the two pegasi on each of her sides. “My roomy is going to colt-friend too...oh, poor Pip.” her ears wilted. “He's going to be so angry and sad I didn't let him come for my protection.”

Star smiled slightly, “You and Pip still together? That's pretty awesome.”

She nodded with her own little smile and hung her head, “Yes...I know he wants to marry me but, his pride wont let him ask till he saves up for a horn-ring. has been really tight. Me, him, and our roomie scrape by.”

“Who's the roomie? She's the one this whole loan thing is about, isn't it?”

She glanced at him, “Yes...but...I swore I wouldn't let any other ponies know what she's gotten herself into. Sorry Star.”

“Hey, we all have our secrets.” He unfurled a wing to give her a gentle hug to his side. “Sorry you got mixed up in whatever this is. No pony deserves to get punched because you wanted to help a friend.”

She sighed, “It's not a bad life here in the city. But ponies like that one and Steelhoof...they prey on us. We don't have a lot of options.”

The walked in relative quiet for a while. Light seemed to be watching every alley, expecting an attack. Star would glance over at Dinky to ensure she wasn't suffering, and Dinky kept her head down, deep in her thoughts. At last she led them to the entrance of a battered two story building, wedged between a pawn-shop and a boarded-up business. “Alright, gentle-colts. This is my stop. Thank you for walking me home. I just hope that jerk doesn't blame me for you two arresting him.”

Light nodded, “Glad to help. I wish I'd stepped in a minute earlier. Sorry, Miss Dinky.”

She gave a soft smile to him, “It's ok, Lighthoof. I work over at the Iron-Mare most nights. Swing by for a drink sometime.” She nodded to Star, “Same for you. I'm sure Pip would love to catch up. He works there as security.”

Star grinned, “Hey, sounds like a plan. I would love to hear how you two are doing, minus the loan-shark drama.” He glanced up at the building number and blinked. “Oh, bucking hell...”

Dinky, confused, took a step forward so she could look up and back at the numbers as well, “What, what is it, Star?”

“Your roomie is Sweetie Belle.”

Chapter XXIII

View Online

To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXIII

StarStep and Lighthoof were at the Old Canterlot Jailhouse. Heads buried in forms to fill out reports of all the evening's incident. Scribbling away in the halo of a pair of lanterns. The report's room was crammed with filing cabinets and ten worn desks for Guard-ponies to file reports at. They were all alone at this very early morning hour. Star groaned a little at the cramp in his wrist from all the writing. The paperwork for the pony who'd attacked Dinky was substantial. Oh how he envied unicorns at times. He looked up to see Light smirking at him.

“Funny...I thought you getting back in town would get me away from all this paper-pushing.” Light chuckled softly.

“If only...why does it require six forms to document an arrest? This is crazy.” Star tossed his quill away in disgust, his final bit of paperwork finished.

“Maybe it's to get us to overlook the lesser crimes? Who knows, dude. I'm just glad the rest of the evening was pretty quiet.” Light went back to his forms, he was filling out an extra document recommending the stallion from the alley not be granted bail.

The blue-grey pegasus nodded and thought back on the evening. Dinky had confirmed that Sweetie was her roommate. Star insisted on speaking with her, but was told she was sleeping. Apparently Sweetie Belle worked two full time jobs and got very little rest. Dinky told Star to try catching her at her morning job at the local coffee shop. He wanted to talk to Sweetie immediately, but Light reminded him they still had a shift to finish.

They bid Dinky good-night, and Star slipped Dinky some bits to pay for medicine for her injuries. He wished he could do more but his hooves were tied while on duty. At least Equestrian medicine was very fast working. The rest of their shift, Star and Light had patrolled the club district. They had to break up a few scuffles, and assist a drunken unicorn who'd accidentally teleported herself onto a roof. Beyond that, it was fairly quiet. It was amazing the looks and instant reactions the two would receive when appearing on a scene. Night-Guards were fairly rare in Canterlot, an oddity, treated with a a mixture of awe and respect.

A soft rustle of Lighthoof filing the paperwork into the station's bin, brought Star from his reflections, “Alright dude. We're officially done for the evening. Sherry should be off work by now, I'm gonna go meet her at Ol' Rowdy's. You wanna tag along?”

Star shook his head, “Nah, you two have fun. I'm gonna get a little shut-eye and see if I can catch my friend at that coffee shop. I'll see you tonight.”

He buddy nodded and trotted for the door, “Alright, dude. Just be careful. She's entangled with a nasty piece of work.” With that, the tan pegasus slipped from sight. StarStep wandered over to the case-files. He hoped he could find some sort of information on this Steelhoof pony.


The soft bell over the coffee shop door tingled, a pegasus Night-Guard trotted in, followed by the stares of a few patrons, glancing up from papers, books or their pastries. He stepped up to the counter and smiled at the white unicorn behind. She looked thin, dark circles under her eyes, her purple and pink mane had lost a lot of it's usual curl and slightly unkempt. Not the image of a young mare. Her eyes had a tired, slightly empty look to them. The smile she greeted the guard with, seemed forced and hollow.

“Welcome to the Java Llama. Coffee is free for Royal Guards here. What can I get you?” Even her voice had lost the charm it used to have. It sounded so hopeless and monotone. A pony going through the motions.

The Guard sighed softly and shook his head, “I'd like to talk with you. Do you have some pony who can watch the counter for you?”

The white unicorn blinked a few times, not quite comprehending for a moment, “Oh, um. I...I guess, did I do something wrong? What's this about?”

“I'd rather not say here. Can we talk in private, please?”

The filly tilted her head in confusion, glanced down at his breastplate and frowned. “I...ok. Hold on.” She turned her head towards the kitchen, “Jumping Bean, I need to take a few minutes.”

A brown coated earth-mare with a black mane, poked her head through a swinging door, “What's this?” She glanced between the unicorn and the Guard-pony. “Oh! A Night-Guard!” She trotted out merrily. “Hello, hello! So splendid to see you. Is everything ok, sir?”

The guard smiled at her cheery disposition, “Everything will be fine. I just need to talk with your employee for a moment, is that ok? I promise not to keep her long.”

“Yes, yes, it's quite alright! Go on Sweetie. It's ok.” She shooed the unicorn out from behind the counter and started brewing a pot of coffee.

The guard led Sweetie to a booth far in the back of the shop, safe from eavesdropping and sat so he could watch for ponies approaching. Hesitantly, the unicorn climbed up into the other side and looked him over. Her eyes settling on the feather hanging around his neck, she raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Sorry to catch you at work, but Dinky suggested this is the best time to chat with you.” The guard began.

“Dinky? What about Dinky? What's this all about?” She frowned, gone was her hollow smile.

The guard slid his helm from his head, his mane spilling out as his coat returned to his natural blue-grey. “Apparently, it's about you, Sweetie.”

She blinked, her eyes flicking over his face and lingering on his sharp blue eyes. Her pupils shrank and she gasped. She started to scramble from the booth when a slam of a hoof on the table stilled her escape.

“Sweetie Belle, you will sit the buck down.” His voice was authoritative and firm. A flash of his guard-training seeping out.

Trembling, she sat back fully in the booth, her eyes refusing to meet his gaze. “Star...go home. I don't want to talk. This is my problem, I'll deal with it myself. It's my mess...”

“Sweetie...I don't know what all has been going on with you lately. But it's not just your problem anymore. Dinky was attacked last night.”

That caught the tired mare's attention. She stared at him in shock, “What happened? Is she ok?” She blinked, “Wait, how does this involve me?”

He held up a hoof to silence her as Jumping Bean trotted down the row of booths to drop off a pair of plates. Upon each was a steaming muffin along with a pair of mugs, filled with fresh brewed coffee. She smiled at them without a word and wandered off. Star added a little dash of sugar and creamer to his coffee, stirring it with a spoon.

“Because, she was trying to see this, Don Steelhoof, fellow on your behalf. His enforcer, or bodyguard, or whatever the buck he is, didn't take kindly to the request and smacked her about.” He tapped his spoon on the mug edge. “I was going to come and see how you were doing soon. Scoots and AB are worried about you. And frankly, Sweetie. I'm worried too.” He sighed before sipping his coffee.

“I know you like to do things yourself, Sweetie, you always have.” The filly nodded softly, eyes downcast again. “But Dinky got messed up for trying to help you. If my Guard-partner and I hadn't been on patrol here last night, I don't want to imagine how much worse it could have gotten.”

She wiped away a tear and sniffed, “Oh, Dinky...I told her to stay out of this. I did. Her and Pip. This is my mess. I'll fix it.”

Star frowned before sipping his coffee again. Slightly bitter, he liked it that way, “I'm guessing this is why Scoots and AB have had a hard time getting in touch with you. Your pride wont let them find out. I suspect, if it wasn't for this incident with Dinky, you'd have slammed the door in my face too.”

She sniffed and nodded, “Yes.” She murmured weakly.

“I want to know what's going on, Sweetie. I hate seeing you like this. Where's the happy, life-loving filly I grew up with? The unicorn with the dance in her step and laughter in her eyes? What about your dream to be a singer?”

She snarled and slapped her muffin off it's plate, “She died, it died, it's all withered and died. Just, just...leave me alone, Star. I don't want your pity.” She started to rise from the booth. Star bounded out first and stopped her.

“For bucks sake, Sweetie, if you don't sit the buck down and tell me what's going on, I swear to Luna, I will haul you in for interfering with an investigation.” He glared at her, “Sweetie, I care about you, and if this was just about you, I'd be willing to give you some space. But your friend, Dinky, is involved now. So...” He glared at her, “What's it going to be Sweetie?”

She stammered, then her shoulders slumped and she flopped back into the seat. “Fine.”

Star returned to his seat and nibbled on his muffin. Banana nut, his favorite. He ate and drank as the filly began.

“It started when I moved to Canterlot to be a big singer. I had no idea how expensive it was here. My savings started to dwindle. I couldn't get the record labels to listen to my demos. Then, I started playing clubs. Doing little solo numbers, making a few bits here and there. It was alright, wasn't my dream yet. Then I bumped into Dinky and Pip. They introduced me to some new styles of music, and before long, we formed a band. It was fun.”

Star noticed her eyes brighten for a moment. “We played the Iron-Mare a lot. I moved in with them to help cut down costs, and it was ok for a while. Then we found out there was going to be a contest, a battle of the bands. The entrance fee was a bit steep though. None of us had many spare bits. So, I started asking around for loans. I didn't let the other two know what was going on. I let them think it was a gift from Rarity.” She sighed and started to toy with her coffee mug.

“The only pony who'd entertain my request for a loan was Steelhoof. The interest rate was really reasonable, I was surprised at how generous he was being.” She smirked, “I should have read the fine print. Anyhoof, we knew we were good, and I was confident we'd at least make enough to pay off the loan. It was my dream, I had to try. So, I secretly got the loan and we went to the contest. We ended up second place. It wasn't a record deal, but there was a bit-prize. Enough to pay off Steelhoof's loan. But when I went to collect the bits...the pony in charge of the contest...he...wouldn't give me the bits unless I did him” She grimaced.

“Go on.” Star finished the last of his coffee, and listened intently to his friend.

“I, of course, refused, and so, we walked away empty hooved. My complaints to his company went unheeded. Turns out, that jerk was the son of the pony in charge of the whole record company. They refused to see me or hear my case. The harder I yelled, the more doors that started to close. Soon, no venue but the Iron-Mare would let us play anymore. And the only reason they would, is because Pip's cousin owns it. Then, the loan payment date came, and went. I didn't think much of it, we were too busy trying to fix our shrinking income.” She gave a heavy sigh, her ears wilting. “Oh all went so wrong. I tried so hard...” She gave a little sniff and wiped her eyes, “Well...then the letters started showing up at the door. Late notices for the loan. Ponies started harassing me at my jobs. I lost two because of them.”

Star reached out to rest a hoof on hers, “Sweetie, why didn't you ask Rarity or AB, or Scoots, or even me, for help?”

She whimpered and looked away at the wall, “I thought I could fix it myself.” She sniffed again, blinking back more tears, “I couldn't understand why Steelhoof was being so...unreasonable about one late payment. So I went to talk with him, and he pointed out the fine print. Apparently, if you miss a payment, your interest doubles and you get a late fee. Then if you don't pay the next installment, plus the one you missed, plus the late fee, you get double late-fees. It compounded every month. Oh Star...I'm so buried. I work about eighteen hours a day. Every day. I'm just making the payments, but the late-fees keep building. Dinky opened one of those notices and found out. So I made her swear not to tell anypony.” She looked up at Star, eyes red from crying, “Oh Star, why is this happening? I tried so hard to be successful. Apple Bloom has her store, and even Scoots is doing something she loves, why can't I be happy too?”

Star slipped from his side of the booth and hopped up beside the white unicon. He pulled the filly into a hug and let her sob into his side, careful to not jab her with the armor points. He rocked her gently, whispering gentle words of calm, as all the stress and exhaustion played itself out of the young mare. “Sweetie, it'll be ok. You really should have asked for help. I know you wanted to do this on your own. Believe me I know. But we four have always been the best of friends. I would have helped you in a heart-beat. And I know for a fact, Scoots and AB woulda backed you as well. I'm going to see what I can do, ok?”

She nodded into his coat, sobbing. He gave a soft sigh and stroked her unkempt mane. “First, I'm going to ask for your boss to let you have the day off. You go home, talk with Dinky and get some rest. I'm going to see if my weight as a Guard can help with Mister Steelhoof. Then, when you get up, you're going to write to AB and Scoots. They miss you so much, Sweetie. I did too. No more hiding from your friends.”

The young mare's crying slowed and she gave a soft, sobbing laugh, “Star, when did you get so...commanding?” She wiped her eyes and sniffed, glancing up at him. There was a shimmer of hope in her eyes. A little spark of the filly she once was.

“I uh...sorry. My training kicks in sometimes.” He ruffled the back of his neck, shyly.

The unicorn shook her head and gave little soft giggle, “No, Star. I like it. I...guess, I needed to hear it.” She reached out for a napkin and cleaned up her face, “Look at me, sobbing like a filly. Sorry.”

He smiled and hugged her, “It's ok Sweetie. I'm going to do what I can to help you, like you three used to help me.”

“Thanks Star. Just be careful. Steelhoof isn't a pony to take lightly.” She returned his hug and sighed softly. All the weight of her exhaustion and stress, was a little less of a burden, now that she had another to share it with.

Star did ask for Sweetie to have the rest of the morning off, to which Jumping Bean readily agreed, wishing Sweetie a good rest. She took Star aside and thanked him for being such a good colt-friend. To which he blushed and denied such an attachment. She smirked and winked, a twinkle in her eye. Sweetie trotted home, weary, but at least she had a slight smile when she parted ways with her pegasus friend. With a few pieces of the puzzle filled, he flew to downtown Old Canterlot. A bustling area of ponies and various shops from retail to pastries. He noted the odd looks he received from the ponies as he wandered down the street, clad in his dark-purple armor. Now that the sun was just over the horizon, it was unusual to see the Night-Guard about. But, a Royal Guard, was still respected and a bit of a berth was given to him as he moved through the sea of morning shoppers and ponies on their way to work.

The pegasus paused in front of a pawn shop. "The Black Box". The sign above the entrance read in bold, crisp letters. Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside. A loud bell signalling his arrival to the clerk behind the counter. The clerk was an older unicorn pony, most of his mane greying, and a pair of bifocals perched on the end of his muzzle. He gave a slight smile to the Guard.

“Morning, Guard-pony. Just getting off shift?”

Star nodded, “Yeah. Could I talk to your boss?” He took a glance around the store, noting the various odds and ends tucked away on the shelves. A surprising number of items seemed very high-value for such a little pawn shop.

The old pony blinked and chuckled, “You're speakin to 'em. What can I do for you?”

The pegasus smirked and shook his head, “No, your 'boss'. Steelhoof. I need to talk business.”

“Well now, can't say I-”

“Look, I'm just here to talk business with your boss. Nothing else.” He looked the other pony straight in the eyes. The unicorn paused, debating, then smiled slyly.

“Alright, alright. It's clear you're not going to leave me in peace. Young ponies today; so impatient.” He sighed and wandered to the curtain separating the front of the store from the back. “Come if you're coming. Just...I suggest you behave yourself. Guard pony or not, the Don prefers keeping things professional.” He slipped through the curtain. StarStep followed right behind.

The old clerk led him down a long hallway, and they passed through a heavily bolted door. On the other side was what appeared to be a massive warehouse. Ponies of all shapes and sizes were sorting through cargo. Loading and offloading onto carts. An operation of import and export. A few of the ponies glanced at him and his armor, but went back to work shortly after. The clerk stopped next to a skinny, rather frail looking unicorn colt. He was a cream color with brilliant white mane, a pair of large glasses on the end of his muzzle. He was intent on his clipboard as he looked over a shelf of inventory, only an ear swiveling in their direction gave notice of the other two ponies.

“Scribe. This Night-Guard wants to talk business with the boss. Will you escort him the rest of the way? I gotta keep an eye on the shop.” The old clerk nodded the skinny colt without waiting for a reply and trotted back the way he came. Star waited quietly as the unicorn scribbled down a few more notes then smiled to him.

“I say, it's been a while since we've had the pleasure of a Night-Guard. Follow me, darling. Don't want to get left behind. Lost ponies get hurt around here. Lots of beefy stallions with large packages being swung about.” The colt laughed lightly and bounded away.

Star blinked and smirked. This wasn't exactly what he had expected. He was sure it would be a mess of angry stallions like the one last night, harassing him every step of the way to see their boss. Not an old guy and a effeminate colt as the gate-keepers to one of the most powerful underworld bosses in Canterlot. The skinny colt kept a swift pace, leading the way through a maze of shelves and crates. Eventually he opened a steel-reinforced door and shut it behind them. Star looked about the little lobby room. It reminded him of a waiting-room at a doctors office.

“Wait here, darling. I'll let the boss know you'd like to speak with him. Back in a flash, cutie!” The colt wrapped on another steel-door, listening to a wire-mess grate on the side before opening the door to slip through. A few minutes passed, and Scribe returned, holding the door wide. “Ok, the boss has some time to see you. Please keep it brief. He has an appointment shortly. Ok? Splendid.”

Star nodded as he wandered through the door. His gut clenching as it shut firmly behind him. The first thing he noticed, was the rather large silver coated earth-pony behind the black-oak desk. His mane was a deep blue, almost black. His massive hooves, the size of Star's head, were together atop the oak-surface as his piercing bronze eyes looked the smaller pegasus over. Star gave a little shiver, this pony was bigger than Big Mac. What had he gotten himself into? He trotted over before the desk, and to his surprise, the massive pony smiled and gestured to a chair.

“Please, have a seat, Night-Guard. It's been a very long time since I've had the pleasure of one of your ranks in my company.” The stallion looked him over again, his lips tightening as his gaze lingered on the blue-alicorn feather. “Well, well. Mister StarStep, if I'm not mistaken. Courting Princess Luna. You're big news for such a little pony.”

Star blinked in surprise, and cleared his throat as he settled into the plush black-faux (At least he hoped it was fake) leather chair. “Mister Steelhoof. I'm surprised you know all that. That only happened last night.”

The silver stallion nodded, “Please, call me Steel.” He smiled. Even his teeth looked like they would crack a bone. This pony radiated an aura of pure strength. A terrible knot formed in his gut at the thought of being in this windowless office with such a powerful earth pony. If a fight broke out, he was done.

“As for me knowing you and your recent courtship. Let us just say, that I'm in the business of information. It's my number one product. How is that lovely school-mare you're seeing in Ponyville? I hear she's going to receive a teacher of the year award from Princess Celestia herself. I can't blame you for being attracted to such a beautiful earth-mare.”

Star felt his mouth slacken in disbelief. Just how much did this pony know about him? Was it a threat against Cheerilee, or just a show of his information network? The uncertainty worried him and threw his plans off balanced.

“Um...thank you. I think. But I came here to talk about a friend of mine's debt with you.”

The stallion leaned back in his chair, “Afraid you'll have to be more specific. A lot of ponies are in debt with me.”

“Sweetie Belle.”

“Oh, yes, the cute little singer. Quite the vocals on that one.” He tapped a crystal embedded in his desk and a moment later the little unicorn colt poked his head in the door.

“Yes, boss?”

“Bring me the file on Sweetie Belle, if you would, Scribe.” The small colt slipped away for just a couple minutes, then poked his head back in, floating a manilla folder in his magic over to Steel's desk and closed the steel-door firmly. With delicate hooves, the earth-pony flipped open the file and glanced through the records, “Hmm...not a very old account. Everything appears to be in order here. So, what seems to be the problem, StarStep?”

“I'd like you to forgive her debt.” Star stated flatly.

“I'd like to be able to eat doughnuts all day. But my wife would kill me.” He chuckled softly. Star had a hard time picturing his pony's wife. With him being so...large...yikes. The earth-pony placed his hooves together and leaned on his desk, “I can't forgive her debt. If I did it for her, I'd have to do it for everypony who currently owes me money, and I would be out of business. Now, that doesn't seem very fair, does it?”

Star frowned, “Fair? You're a loan-shark, you are gouging her with these crazy late-fees.”

“Now now, Mister StarStep. No need to get hostile. Did your friend inform you of my rather generous starting interest rate? See, a loan is a contract. An agreement. As long as she made her payments, the interest was low, and everyone got what they wanted. Sure, my profit wasn't very high from it, but she was a fiery young filly with a dream. How could I not give her a chance. Unfortunately, when she failed to pay me, her word became as worthless as spit. I don't like liars, Mister StarStep. I run a business on information and getting things ponies want. Lies will tear it all down, and I will not tolerate it. I held up my end of the bargain, now she must to the same.”

The pegasus had to admit. The pony had a point. “What about the attack on her friend? What kind of business pony sics their ponies on others? All she was trying to do was plea to you. Instead, she got her face messed up and almost raped in an alley.”

Steelhoof sighed heavily. It sounded like a storm-wind at the door coming from so large a pony, “Yes...I apologize for that. That pony is no longer in my employment. I can also assure you, your friend will no longer have to worry about him. I want my money, make no mistake, Mister StarStep. But what that pony did, is not how I run things. Now, as for some of the things he offered. Yes. You can present that to, Miss Sweetie Belle. If she wishes to work as a licensed Pleasure Pony in one of my Pleasure houses, I'd be happy to work it out with her. Ponies in that field can make significant money.”

Star grimaced, “I...don't think that's an option. Can you lower the rate, or forgive the late-fees? At least as a sign of good faith because of the attack? She's working eighteen hours a day. It's killing her.”

The two ponies stared at each other for a long while. A heavy ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner marking the time. At last the larger pony shook his head, “I do not do things for nothing. While I am saddened by the brutal attack by an ex-employee. It is he, that you should look for compensation. I did not order it, nor do I condone it. Why should I pay for it? Perhaps, though...a deal between us can be struck?”

Star narrowed his eyes, “What kind of deal?”

“I will forgive her late-fees, and return her interest to the pre-late rate. If you give me that feather.” He pointed one of his massive hooves at the shimmering blue alicorn feather on Star's chest. Luna's token of courtship.

“So, do we have a deal?”

Chapter XXIV

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXIV

StarStep tightened his lips for a moment, a slight glare for the crime-boss. He opened his mouth to refuse the offer, however, the massive silver earth-pony held up a hoof to forestall StarStep's reply.

“Hold that thought, Mister StarStep. I don't want you to feel like you're being cheated.” He leaned his head down, picking up a thick quill and scribbled a number onto a scrap of paper. The feathery utensil tumbled to the desk as he slid the tiny parchment towards the pegasus. “This,” He smirked ever so slightly, “Is what your friend will owe at her current payment rate. Including the late-fees and interest.”

StarStep slid the paper the rest of the way and held it up between his hooves. He could feel his eyes bulge at the staggering number. It was way more than his annual salary.

Steelhoof chuckled, “Yes, many ponies have that reaction when they see final figures on loans. It's far worse when they are delinquent and set themselves as...untrustworthy.” He tapped his hooves together. “So, allow me to slightly alter the deal I'm offering. I will wave the fees, drop the interest and remove twenty-five percent of her current principal. Now, would you accept this deal?”

The pegasus blinked and glanced down at the paper again. That was a rather substantial reduction of the loan bearing down on Sweetie Belle. He frowned as he glanced up at the stallion, “Why would you want the feather that bad?”

With a laugh, the other pony leaned back in his leathery chair, spreading his fore-hooves out, “Look at the items on the shelves.” Star did, taking note of things like horns, fangs, odd boxes and even a strange tiny brass cylinder topped with what appeared to be a half of a steel-egg. “I collect rare and interesting things. A horn from Black Nova the crazed arch-pony, fangs from Kerazah the terrible, feathers from the first Griffon Empress. So on and so on. I even have a slipper from Princess Celestia, pre-Nightmare era. I enjoy gathering unique objects. So a courtship feather from Luna would be quite the prize to add.”

Star nodded. The various objects around him did seem to give off a sense of power and awe. A part of him could see where his gift from Luna would fit right in. He sighed heavily. “Do I have time to think about the offer?”

The large pony nodded, “Up until you walk out of my door, Mister StarStep. I'm in a rather generous mood, and that is a rare thing indeed.”

The pegasus hung his head and debated. On the one hoof, it would pull Sweetie Belle out of the terrible hole she'd dug. And her friendship still meant a lot to him, even after the lack of contact the last couple of years. But...Luna...would she understand it? What would his Princess do in this situation? With a heavy heart, he raised his head and met the large pony's eyes.

“I'm afraid I'll have to decline, Mister Steel.”

Steelhoof did not look surprised. He tapped his fore-hooves together and smiled slyly, “So I see...” His smile broadened, “I can admire your dedication to your Princess, though I'm not sure your friend will see it the same way.” He stood and walked to the door, pulling it open. Deciding it was his cue to leave, StarStep slid from the chair and walked up to him. It was intimidating just how small he felt next to the other pony. But he held his fears in check as those bronze eyes looked down on him,

“Two things, Mister StarStep, before you go. First, please remind your friend her next payment is due soon. If she fails this payment, the late-fee will double. It's all in her contract if she disputes it. And second, one day, you may need a favor from me. Information or perhaps an item, it matters not. When that day comes, you will know the price of my help.” His eyes latched onto the blue-alicorn feather for the briefest of moments before he smiled to the smaller pony. “Have a good day, Mister StarStep.” With that, he ushered the pegasus out and clicked the massive steel door shut.


StarStep woke a couple hours before dusk, going through his routine of cleaning, polishing, and suiting up. With a few hours before his shift started, he trotted down the white painted halls of the castle, up the stairways until he stood before the massive blue doors of the Moon-Goddess. He nodded in respect to the two unicorn Sun-Guards, they returned the gesture.

“Would the Princess be up at this hour? I'd like to speak with her.”

They looked him over, eyes lingering on his blue-alicorn feather. They exchanged a glance, a slight frown on one of their faces, a look of resignation on the other. The less annoyed of the two Sun-Guards smirked slightly at the pegasus Night-Guard. “Well...I can't say she's up or not. But she did leave instructions about you. StarStep, right?”

The purple-armored pegasus nodded. The door-guard shook his head with a slight chuckle, “Well, in you go.” He pulled one of the massive blue doors open wide enough for a pony and gestured with a hoof. Star rose an eyebrow in confusion. “Are you going in or not? The Princess said to allow you access to her chambers should you ask. I'm not going to hold this door forever.”

Confused, and slightly wary, the pegasus slipped past the guards and through the crack in the massive doors. As his tail cleared the gap, it shut behind him with a gentle thud. Leaving him in near darkness. It took him a moment for his eyes to adjust. The windows here were covered in heavy purple fabrics, allowing a faint glow to permeate the room. It felt like the twilight hours, where most things were bathed in greys and blues and violets. He glanced around the massive bed-chamber, making out furniture here and there, a gigantic framed portrait on the wall, and in the center of the room, under a domed tinted skylight, was a circular bed, with Luna's sleeping form curled upon it.

He sucked in his breath, debating leaving her in peace. But, his eyes lingered upon her, and his hooves moved on their own accord till he was standing before her plush bed. They were covered in black-satin sheets, that held a soft luster, even in the dusk-like room. Her blue chest rose and fell gently, head cuddled into a squared pillow, her mane and tail ever-flowing, even as she rested. He bit his bottom lip, debating waking her. He needed to talk with her before his shift, but it seemed a sin to interrupt her sleep. With a gentle sigh, and a glance at her regal form, he turned. Taking but a few steps before a gentle voice held his hooves.


His heart hammered in his chest as he turned his head. She was looking at him through lidded eyes. “Yes, Princess?”

She made some sort of mmmh noise and waved a hoof at him, beckoning him closer as her eyes drooped closed. Curious, the pegasus trotted back to her bedside, and leaned his head closer to hear what she had to say. Suddenly, her fore-leg wrapped around his neck and drug him onto the bed with her. She cuddled up with the pegasus and gave a little sigh of contentment before her breathing returned to a steady rate. StarStep was fighting of panic. He was held in the grasp of his Princess, in her bed, as she slept. He dared not move, he could hardly breathe. His fore-hooves curled up against his chest, and hind-hooves pulled as far away from her as he could. He dared not invade her personal space. “Um...Princess...Princess.” He whispered softly, hoping to catch her attention.

“Mmmmh?” She answered, pulling at his neck so his cheek was pressed against her soft blue coat. “Yes, Star?”

“, um. You kinda pulled me into your bed.” He whispered, his body was trembling at her closeness and her scent.

She giggled softly, running a hoof through his mane, “Indeed.” He glanced up to find her looking down at him smirking, her eyes bright with mischief, “Is this not what thou hath wished for?”

“I is...”

She laughed and shoved him off her bed. He tumbled onto the floor, legs in the air like a turtle. She leaned over the side and smiled down at him, “Alas, thy pillow-talk requires refinement. Thou shouldest read sweet poetry, to whisper into mine ears.” She leaned a hoof down to ruffle his chest-fur. “Now, for what purpose, dost thou brave entering mine chambers?”

He rolled over and sat back on his haunches as she gracefully shifted to her belly and regarded him curiously. He smiled slightly to her, his hoof unconsciously stroked the feather at his chest, “I was hoping to catch you awake, I didn't mean to intrude on your sleep, Princess.”

She waved a fore-hoof dismissively, “Tis quite alright. I was soon to awaken for the evening. Now, speak what troubles thy heart.”

He took a deep breath, “ start, you know the law about all ponies knowing about each other in a relationship?” She nodded, “I uh, wanted to make sure you knew that I have a mare-friend in Ponyville. And there's Scootaloo, if you weren't already aware of her.”

The dark-blue alicorn smirked, “My, tis quite bold of thou to speak of other mares in mine bed-chambers. Hath thou no tact?” She laughed lightly, “I am aware of the young orange pegasus, but this one from Ponyville is new to me. Dost thou love her?”

He nodded, “I do, and she I. But uh...her heart completely belongs to Twilight Sparkle.”

She giggled, “Would this be the school-mare, Cheerilee?” Star nodded, “Well, set thy heart at ease.” She gazed down into his eyes, her wonderful teal eyes. “As long as I hold thy top position in thy heart, I shall not scorn thee for other lovers. I did not decide to accept thy request for courtship lightly. Dost not abuse this trust I hath place in thee. I must come foremost in all things. This is the price I ask. Dost thou understand?”

The pegasus nodded. “Yes, Princess.”

“Splendid. I should like to meet thy lovers one day soon. Agreed?” The pegasus nodded again. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss his nose, “Now, dear Night-Guard. What other matter troubles thee?”

He sighed softly, “A good friend of mine has gotten themselves into serious financial trouble. I'm not sure what to do. I thought you could offer council.”

She tilted her head, “What kind of trouble?”

“She took out a loan, and missed a payment. The fees are burying her.” He grimaced and slid the paper from his armor pouch to the Princess.

The alicorn frowned at the number, “ it seems. How did one come about such a terrible debt?”

StarStep gave her the short-version. A band contest and a crooked prize distributor, along with the loan-shark.

“I see...I personally cannot intervene in this, my dear Night-Guard. Thou must understand, that while I care about thou, I cannot show too much favoritism. A pony must wish to become a consort, not out of desire of power, or favors, but out of love. Dost thou understand what I mean?”

He looked to the floor, pondering her meaning. Then lifted his head with a slight nod, “Yes, Princess. I love you for who you are, not what you can do for me.”

“Indeed. Always remember this. Tis not to say I will not intervene on thy behalf, when the need arises. However, I have always been a fan of the arts, which includes music. Therefore, I shalt host a...what didst thou call it, a 'Band Melee'?”

“Battle of the Bands.” Star corrected.

“Yes, delightful. A battle of the Bands in one month's time. I shalt have no entry fee. And the winner shalt play at a night-party I am hosting soon after. I expect the royal endorsement shalt carry weight in the music community?”

Star nodded, his expression brightened, “I'll tell Sweetie and her friends at once.”

The Princess held up a hoof. He noted it was unslippered and flicked his eyes from it to the Princess. She caught his expression and unasked question, giggling softly as she nodded her consent. The pegasus leaned forward to kiss the hoof gently and beamed a smile at her.

“It appears, thou wishes to worship the royal hooves.” She smirked, “Perhaps in time, thou wilst have thy chance.” She patted him lightly on the cheek, “I raised mine hoof to forestall thy thoughts of grand triumph for thy friends. I shalt only be the final judge. I shalt select three from the community, and allow them to judge until the final vote. Therefore, I advise thy friends to see out other means to secure their financial stability, should they not win. I offer naught but opportunity.”

Star nodded and on impulse, hugged his Princess tight, “Thank you so much Luna. Sweetie just needs another chance. She just needs a little hope.” He froze, and realized he was hugging her, uninvited and pulled back with a start, “Oh um...sorry, Princess.”

She laughed, her voice a chime in the night breeze, “Thou art becoming bold. Remember to temper that, before thou enjoys another few hours of...frustration.” She smirked and waved a hoof at him. “Now, I believe thou hath a job to preform, and I hath mine own duties to attend. Be well, dear Night-Guard.” She leaned forward to kiss him on the nose and nudged him towards the door.


Duty came that evening. Star met up with Lighthoof at their arranged rooftop. With the briefest of greetings, they took flight and began their rounds. “Hey, Light.”

The other pegasus glanced over as they skimmed Old-Canterlot, “Sup, dude?”

“How's it going with Peach Blossom and Sherry?” He smirked to his friend. “Are two mares running you crazy yet?”

His friend laughed, “Yeah, a little. But it's weird. You know how Sherry is. Well Peach is...quiet. She's a little shy, and soft-spoken. Yet the three of us get along pretty damn well.”

“Gonna marry em both?” Star grinned mischievously.

The other pegasus balked, “What? Dude, I haven't even asked one, much less both.”

“Hah. I didn't ask have you, I asked, are you?”

Lighthoof shook his head, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, “Maybe...maybe.”

The two of them continued their rounds till the late evening, circling inwards towards the heart of the section, the club district. Star wanted to walk the streets a bit with the crowds in full strength, to let their presence help deter troublemakers. Light agreed so they settled down on a clear area and trotted side by side towards the glowing lights of the various clubs. Dull thumps of bass speakers rumbling through the walls of many. Blasts of music when bouncers opened the door of one club or another for a patron. For the most part, everypony seemed well behaved, and once again, gave the two guards a respectable berth to pass through the crowds.

“Think we should check the clubs occasionally?” Star said loudly over the noise of the street.

Light looked about, counting off at least six clubs or bars in his sight, “Well...I'm not sure it's in our jurisdiction, dude. But...might help keep the crowds out of too much trouble.”

Star laughed, “I expect it'll be like mom and dad walking in on mischievous foals.”

His guard-partner shared his laugh, “Yeah, you're right about that. Guess let's start with the Iron-Mare. Check in on Miss Dinky.”

“You read my mind, Light.” The two spun on their hooves and trotted on a direct path for the club. At the front door was a well build white and brown-spotted stallion. He was well-toned and sported a red bandana around his head. He clearly wasn't from Canterlot stock, unshorn fetlocks and long brown hair. He had the image of a rebel, and somepony you didn't buck with.

The bouncer held up a hoof to stop the line as the two guards approached, “Evenin', gents. What can ah do for yah? Always nice to see fellas workin' for mah favorit' Princess.”

Star tilted his head, “Well, well. Pip. You've really grown up.” He lifted his helm just enough for the magic to fade for a moment, letting the other colt see his coat coloring.

“Oy, Star, mate. Nice tah see yah.” He suddenly reached out and drug both of the guards into a headlock of a hug, “I cannot thank yah two enough for helpin mah Dinky.” He released the Night-Guards, leaving them gasping for air.

Lighthoof laughed, “Hey, think nothing of it. Don't worry, that little motherbucker is getting locked up for a good long while, dude.”

“Glad tah hear. Glad tah hear. Cause if'n ah be getting' mah hooves on him.” He slammed a hoof to the ground, sparking his steel-horseshoes against the stone. “Now, I'd love to chat with yah gents, but ah got ah jobs tah do. So, is there something I can do for yah for now?”

Star nodded towards the club-door, “We just wanna do a quick sweep inside, make sure everything is cool.”

“Oy, not a problem. Go right on in.” He gestured to the door with a smile, “And hey, I owe yah two a round sometime.”

The guard-ponies nodded to the bouncer stallion and wandered inside. The first thing that struck them was the music. It was a punk-style band playing tonight, the audio forced their ears back and they cringed slightly. Shaking off the slight daze, they wandered down the ramp into the main club area next to the bar. The edges were lit with pink neon, the surface transparent with blue-neon laced under the thick glass. Many of the bar patrons gestured and nodded to their friends, pointing out the two dark-purple armored colts as they past by. Eyes and loud whispers followed in their wake. Star tapped his friend on the shoulder and pointed to the bartender. The purple-grey unicorn mare was flipping about drink mixtures with practiced ease, added by her magic, she handled two or three orders at a time. Her face seemed less injured, now, a bandage covering the spit on her brow, only a darkening ring around one eye. Star was thankful that quality equestrian medicine worked fast.

Star led the way to the end of the bar and waved at Dinky when she looked their way. The mare smiled, handed off her finished drink mixture and trotted over, “Hey, fellas! Didn't expect you here so soon. Can I get you something?”

Her friend shook his head, yelling over the intense music, “No Thanks, Dinky, just checking up on you and the club. Making sure everypony is having a good time.”

She smiled and nodded, “Cool! Well, drop by anytime, I'm sure the owner will be happy to see you colts around. Anyhoof, gotta get back to tending. Have a good one!”

The two colts nodded and slipped into the crowd, making their way around the edges of the dance area, slipping through the dancers. The party ponies bounced and gyrated, swinging their plots to the heavy beats and loud electric guitars of the punk band on stage. Star swore he saw a couple rutting deep in the mosh-pit before the stage, but in a club like this, it wasn't against the law. He smirked, leading Lighthoof around till they reached the side of the stage. They paused, looking out into the crowd of ponies of all sizes and shapes. The shifting dance lights illuminating and shadowing the moving sea of happy faces. Light tapped him on the shoulder and yelled in his ear.

“Dude, if only Princess Luna could have seen this a thousand years ago.” Star could only nod in agreement. This one crowd was the embodiment of ponies who embraced the night. Who reveled in the dusk til dawn lifestyle. Who cried out in all their pleasures and passions under the shadow. A chorus of praise for the Moon-Goddess. An idea struck him at that moment. A terrible and wonderful idea. The mischievous grin did not leave his face till well after his shift and ended, and Lighthoof had bid him a good morning.

At dawn he flew to Sweetie's home, banging on the door till the sleepy mare cracked it open, glaring at him suspiciously. She glanced at his armor, confused, then down at his alicorn feather. A slight smile spread on her lips, “Oh, morning Star. I guess I overslept.” She swung the door wide, “Care to come in?”

He accepted her invitation, and welcomed her gesture towards a well-worn couch in the cramped living room. She climbed up next to him, and to his surprise, cuddled up against his side. “Miss Bean gave me a few extra days off. With pay. Said they were paid holidays, but...we're not suppose to get those. I guess she felt sorry for me.” She sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder with a yawn, “So, what's up Star?”

He grimaced, “Well...I guess I need to get the bad news outta the way.” She looked up at him, her lips down-turned, eyes losing a little of the spark she had at seeing him this morning. “I talked with that Steelhoof guy. Sorry, Sweetie. The price he asked to help you was too high.” She nodded sadly and looked away. “But, that aside. Couple of things. First, Princess Luna is going to host an open Battle of the Bands in a few weeks. No entry fee.”

Sweetie Belle looked up at him, eyes shimmering in joy, “OH, oh my! But.” She frowned, “We...sold our instruments to make rent last month.” She shook her head sadly, “Oh Star, it's never going to work out.”

The pegasus forced her chin up, “None of that. You need to have more hope. You used to be so positive. I want to see that Sweetie back again.” She opened her mouth to argue but he firmly planted a hoof on her muzzle, “I said, none of that.” She nodded. “Good. Now, if you had the money, would you be able to get your instruments back?” She nodded, his hoof still on her muzzle. “How much?” He removed his hoof and she whispered the number. It wasn't so bad. At least, not compared to her loan debt. He nodded, “Alright, I'll help you with the money.” She looked up at him, gasping in disbelief. “However, on a few conditions.”

“Oh, Star! Anything! We all miss playing so much. Music used to make me so happy. We want to play at the battle! Even if we don't win.” She was clasping at his hooves in excitement and hope.

“First, you will never say, 'I can't' again.”

“But I...” She trailed off at his stern look, “Ok...I'll try my best.”

The pegasus nodded with a smile, “Better, Sweetie. You're starting to sound more like yourself. Second, I'm going to tell Scoots and AB about what's going on. And you WILL accept their help. No more of this pride crap getting in the way. Understood?” She frowned, and gave a slight nod. “Alright, and the third condition. Do not ever get involved with a crime-boss instead of asking your friends for help again. Am I clear?”

She looked away, shame reddening her cheeks. “Yes, Star. I'm...sorry. To all of you.”

He hugged her tight, “You're forgiven. But you still have to talk with Scoots and AB. They need to hear it too. I'm still going to do what I can to help you get through this. We all are.” He could feel the white unicorn nuzzle into his neck.

“Thank you, Star...”

Chapter XXV

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXV

Starstep laid next to Princess Luna's bed. Her hoof softly trailing through his mane as she nibbled on a black-raspberry muffin. For the last three evenings at dusk he had visited her chambers, bringing a fresh muffin and sweet apple cider. A breakfast in bed for his Princess, though it was the wrong time of day she seemed appreciative and rewarded him with gentle caresses and occasional kisses on the nose. Their duties kept them apart while he had shifts. His work hours devoured the time she was most active. So he made what little gestures he could to the mare of his dreams. A visit in the morning with a snack and a drink, and hot mint tea straight from the kitchens to help her sleep through the day.

He was thankful for how receptive she was being to his visiting her private quarters. If the other guards thought it amiss, they spoke not a word. He was even more thankful she had kept her pranks to a minimum. She had dyed his hair yellow yesterday for kissing her hoof without permission. Thankfully, it washed away. She'd also put a pink bow in his tail for a slip of the tongue, when he called her Luna, twice. Forcing him to swear to leave it in during a shift. Lighthoof had found it incredibly funny.

Her little punishments reminded him that she was still his Princess and she refused to allow him to become too bold. Though she would often humor his requests of kisses on her hoof or brushing her mane. But, when he asked to kiss her directly, she would always refuse. Yet before she had gone to bed yesterday morning, she graced him with a gentle kiss on the lips. Leaving him shivering in the hall.

“Princess?” He opened his drowsy eyes, fighting off sleep from her gentle mane-petting. She gobbled the last of her muffin and glanced down at him.

“Yes, my dear guardian?”

“I don't have duty tomorrow evening. I'd like to take you on a date.” He smiled and looked up at her hopefully.

She tilted her head, her teal eyes cool and considering, “May I ask, to where we would go? One must dress appropriately.”

“It's a surprise, but your normal regalia should be just fine, Princess.”

She narrowed her eyes with a mischievous smile, “Oh-ho! A surprise. I dost like surprises! I would only ask that thy plan not involve anything unbecoming. I am learning much of this new age, but...there art some things I still have difficulty understanding.”

“Such as?” The pegasus asked, genuinely curious.

“Oh, mimes, amusement parks and accordions.”

Star blinked, “I'll uh...keep that in mind.” He smirked, “But no, I assure you, you'll love this.”

The blue alicorn nodded with a smile, “Very well. I dost trust thy judgment.”

The rest of their scant time together passed quickly and his Princess caressed his ear affectionately before nudging him towards the door. “I dost look forward to our date, dear Starstep. Tis been an age since I hath partaken in such. I am most curious of modern courtship practices.”

He smiled over his shoulder at her, “Don't worry, Princess. It'll be fun.” He slipped out of her massive chamber doors, nodding a greeting to the current guards and went on his way to begin his final shift for the week.


“Are you sure this is a good idea, dude?” Lighthoof glanced at his friend as they walked the halls of Canterlot. Sherry and Peach Blossom were on each side of the colt. Sherry between Light and Star. “I mean, it's your first real date with the Princess, and you want us along?”

Star nodded and returned a shy smile that Peach gave him across her lover's back. “Yeah, we haven't gotten a chance to hang out in a while. It's our first night off since Night-Guard duty started. Besides, the Princess is so new to dating, I thought a group outing would help her feel more comfortable.”

Sherry giggled softly and bumped her flank against Stars, “Well darling. I say it's mighty sweet of yah. Yah always try tah put 'er feelings first.” She leaned her neck over to give Lighthoof's neck a nuzzle, “Like ah certain colt I know.”

Lighthoof gave a soft chuckle, spreading his wings to drape over his two mare-friends. He nuzzled Sherry then Peach, “You both know I love you, right fillies?” They shared a giggled and returned his affections.

The blue-grey colt smirked, “So glad I'm not flying solo tonight. You three would drown me in the sweetness.” The friends shared a playful laugh as they approached the massive blue doors of the Princess of the Night. The two guards on shift eyed them curiously then nodded when Star stepped forward to present his blue-alicorn feather. He rapped on the door and cracked it so he could listen. “Princess Luna, are you ready to go? The moon is up and the night is young.”

The door swung open fully and the leggy blue alicorn stepped out. Her regal posture and grace were in full effect and the two mares bowed deeply, as her two off-duty guards dipped their heads in respect. “Thou art quite the flatterer this eve, dear Starstep.” She smiled down at him, eyes twinkling with merriment. “I must confess, I feel quite giddy. Tis been too long.” She eyed Lighthoof and his two fillies curiously, “Pray-tell, art thy friends here to see us off? Tis a new custom of which I am unaware?”

Lighthoof pulled his mares to his sides with his wings, giving each a comforting nuzzle. They seemed slightly awed in the presence of the powerful alicorn. Star stepped forward and nuzzled slightly at Luna's neck in greeting, “Neigh, my Princess. They are joining us on our outing. I thought a group date would help you learn more about modern customs and help you to feel more at ease.”

She tilted her head, a slight smile playing at her lips, “Indeed. Quite thoughtful.” She looked over the unicorn and earth-mare. “It appears we shalt not be flying this eve. If thou wilst give me a destination, I can teleport us at once.”

Star blinked, he wasn't expecting that, “Oh uh...well...I thought we could walk, plus, I have a favor to ask.”

The Princess raised an eyebrow, a quizzical smile. “Indeed, very well. Let us proceed. Tia hath agreed to allow me to extend the night by an hour or so if I so wish. But it dost not make the night last forever.” She used a wing to scoot Star into motion and fell into step at his side. The other ponies scrambled to catch up. The two mares walking slightly behind the Princess, Light and Star flanking the blue alicorn.

The group made their way through the halls of the castle. The two colts retelling of their evening patrols the last week. Luna nodded thoughtfully to their recanting, and praised them for quick action in dealing with the enforcer. She made special note to acknowledge Light's tactical prowess in their patrol method, though he shyly looked away and denied it was significant.

After leaving the main gates behind, Star stopped, halting the group as he turned to the Princess. “Luna, about the favor.” He smiled, “Can you disguise yourself as a normal pony for a while?”

The larger pony frowned slightly, “For what purpose dost thou ask this?”

“It's part of the surprise. You know how ponies act around you. You're their Princess. I'd like to show you what an evening in their horseshoes can be like. Not for the whole night, just for a while.” He smiled reassuringly at the blue alicorn.

Her eyes narrowed suspiciously, yet a slight smirk lingered on her lips, “Very well. If I was not so intrigued, I would deny such a request.” Her horn glowed, the blue field of magic grew and enveloped her body, then a blinding flash of blue-white light and the alicorn was gone. In her place, was a leggy dark purple unicorn with a full moon symbol on her flank. “Is this sufficient?”

Star smiled and nodded quickly, “Wonderful, Princess. Though I already miss your beautiful wings.”

The mare blushed every so slightly and giggled, “Indeed, so I hath noticed thy lingering gaze. Worry not, dear. I choose a unicorn's form so as not to arouse suspicions if the need for magic arises. As it stands, simply call me Moon, until the ruse is complete.”

Her date grinned up at her, “Alright Princes-er-Moon. Let's get trotting.”

The five wandered through the quiet streets of Upper Canterlot, nodding to the occasional guards they passed on their way down to Old Canterlot. As they closed in on the club district, the crowds grew larger and the various night-life types were out in force. They passed groups of ponies, gambling under bright lanterns, street performers with instruments or various feats and even a few pleasure ponies. Luna seemed not at all phased by it. When asked if it offended her, she laughed merrily.

“Neigh, despite the passing of time, some things, dost never change. While the outfits shift, and the games and music changes, the street-life is an ever present creature within the city. Even in the first Royal City.” She did ask to pause at a mint green unicorn who played a lyre most beautifully. She gifted the mare a full gold bit, which lit up the mare's eyes in delight.

At last the group arrived at the heart of the club-district. Luna's ears wilted back at the intense bass driving from a nearby building. “Art they practicing war within? I've not heard such thunder since the charge of Briar-Run.”

Star laughed and nudged her playfully in the side, “Oh no, Pri-Moon. A lot of modern music uses heavy volumes. Enough to shake your bones.”

She grimaced, “What ever for?”

“...I...honestly, I don't have an answer for that. You might want to put a spell on your ears to muffle it some. Till you get used to it.” He cantered down the lane, his friends in tow. Luna taking up the end of the group with some hesitation.

At the door to a building, with a bright neon-sign declaring itself the 'Iron-Mare', the Princess found Star whispering into a large earth-stallion's ear. He looked vaguely familiar, but then, with her lifespan, many ponies did. She did note he had the body type of a pony from Trottingham, with white and brown spots, then she gasped and placed a hoof over her mouth to stifle an excited giggle. The two ponies at the door glanced her way, a broad grin on the bouncer's face. He lept over, as playful as a young foal, surpsing the purple unicorn with a tight hug.

He reluctantly, he released her to beaming a smile, “Star said you were undercover tonight, so I wont spoil it. Just so you know, you're still my favorite.”

Luna giggled and reached out to give her own hug to the large stallion, “Oh, Pip, quite a delight.” She looked him over and smirked, “I see thy rump is still whole and ungobbled?”

“Only when Dinky is too tired.” He winked and held the door open for the group, the blasting music of hard-rock roaring out. “Please, enjoy yourselves.” The friends passed through, thanking Pip for his courtesy, trying to ignore the angry glares from the large line of ponies still waiting to get in.

Luna was thankful she'd used a muffle spell. The very ground seemed to shake, she could feel the vibrations in her body. Though, it did leave a rather...interesting feeling in her horn. Slightly pleasurable, quite peculiar. The club was dark, lit with neon strips and moving dance-lights. She followed close on StarStep's heels, doing her best to take in all the sights while keeping her footing along the slightly sloping ramp. She bumped into the pegasus' rump when he stopped at the bottom, apologizing as best she could over the roaring music.

Star leaned close to her ear, shouting over the tunes, “Take a good look around, what do you see?” He nodded to Light as his buddy and his mares passed by to find a little spot in the dancing crowd of ponies.

Luna flicked her eyes from one side of the club to the other. The neon bar, the rather dexterous bar-tending unicorn, the raging four-peice band rocking on the stage, the crowd of ponies, bouncing, swaying and shifting. It all seemed like such chaos. She was certain Discord would enjoy such a place. She leaned her muzzle down to Star's ear, “I am afraid, I dost not see what thou wishes mine eyes to see.”

He chuckled, though she could not hear it. He slid up beside her and nuzzled at her cheek before shouting in her ear, “What do you notice about the ponies here?”

The Princess hesitated, then returned his nuzzle lightly. She was still quite unused to public displays, but being in disguise did alleviate some of her reservations. So she took a slower look around, focusing on individual ponies across the room.

Even as she worked, the bar-tending mare was smiling, pleasantly serving her patrons. Though some of those hunched over their drinks seemed out of sorts, the majority chatted with those next to them, or in small groups at tables nearby. The band, though their song was of anger and wild passions, and their expressions intense, gave off an aura of sheer joy at having the crowd respond to their craft. She studied the ever shifting, ever moving dancers filling the floor under the moving lights and steady neon-glow of floor-runners. Smiles, joy, laughter, pleasurable exhaustion. Even a couple of colts, slow dancing together, oblivious to the sea of writhing bodies. She took special note of Lighthoof and his two mares. Sherry was wiggling her rump in Light's face, laughing as Peach danced around him, distracting him with nips to his flanks and neck.

Luna found herself grinning ear to ear. The pure joy of the moment was overwhelming. She was shaken from her moment as Star unfurled a wing to drape across her back. He nuzzled into her cheek and shouted in her ear, “Follow me.” He slipped from her side and into the crowd. Curious, she followed, losing sight of him a few times, despite her leggy form. The ponies around her danced, and occasionally bumped into her. Beaming smiled at the purple unicorn. One colt asked her to dance, but she politely shook her head and wove her way across the floor. Her hooves felt light, she was high-stepping across the dance-floor to the beat. She couldn't help it. Even her rump betrayed her, swaying ever so slightly in time to the deep bass. At last, she arrived at the other side, joining Star. The blue-grey colt was talking to a security pony standing guard at the stairs to the stage. He gestured to Luna as he talked into the colt's ear. There was a reply and the colt nodded.

Luna grinned at Star and laughed delightfully, dancing about on her hooves, “Tis splendid! So exciting!”

Star returned her grin, playfully bumping his flank to hers as the song came to a close. The ponies in the club cheered loudly as the band paused to check a set-list. The security pony wandered onto the stage, whispering into the lead-singer's ear. The pegasus mare nodded, giving a wink and gestured across the stage to Star.

“Stay here for a sec, Moon.” He bound up onto the stage, and over to the mic the other pegasus offered, “Hey everypony! Band's just taking a quick five. So before they launch into another kick-flank song, I wanna ask y'all something.” All eyes were on him, somewhere in the audience a pony shouted 'Free-Pegasus'. Always one in every crowd. “How many ponies here, love Princess Luna's night?” There was a loud cheer. “Oh come on. I know you love it more than that. Most of you practically live from dusk till dawn. Now, I'm gonna ask again. How many of you think Princess Luna is the best?” The cheer was much louder, a dull roar. “Oh yeah? How many of you would love to dance next to her, and thank her our kick-flank night-life?” The cheer was a much louder roar. Even the band gave a loud shout.

The pegasus grinned, gesturing with one hoof to the purple unicorn at the edge of the stage. “Well, here's your bucking chance.” Confused, Luna stepped up onto the stage and joined Star, looking out at the puzzled audience. He leaned up to whisper in her ear, “Drop the disguise.”

The Princess blinked, this was all very strange, but, she trusted Star, and was curious at his intentions. So she let the magic fade, and after a brilliant blue-white flash, stood before the stunned crowd in all her regal glory.

There was a hush, the crowd was bewildered, eyes bulging on many faces. “Well ponies, are you going to tell her how bucking much you love her and her night, or what?” Star grinned at the crowd.

Somewhere, Lighthoof and the two fillies gave a roaring shout, it startled the crowd into echoing the noise. Soon the room was trembling with the stomping of hooves, shouts and cheers for the Princess. Even the band was hoof-slamming the stage with as much passion as they were playing moments before. Not a pony in the club was silent, every eye on the blue-alicorn of the night, every muzzle open in shouts of acknowledgement or roars of delight.

For the first time, in many an age, the Princess of the Night, felt tears of joy trickle down her cheeks. She wept openly, unashamed as she humbly accepted their praise and adoration. They were her subjects, her reason for being. And they were all so beautiful to her.

At last, she raised a hoof, the crowd slowed it's roar to hear her speak. Choking back a sob that snuck up on her, she beamed a smile out at them, “It dost warms mine heart, to see thou embracing the evenings through song and dance and love. And so, I shalt join thee in merriment, and we shalt dance under the stars together!” The crowd cheered, then gasped as she used her magic to cause the roof to become transparent. Her shimmering moon hung high overhead, the faint twinkle of stars just pin-pricks against the lights of the stage. They roared again as she bowed her head to them and retreated to the stairs of the stage, Star at her side.

The band broke out into an upbeat, passionate song, giving it all they had as the crowded danced with abandonment under the crystal roof. True to her word, the Princess walked to the middle of the dance-crowd, the ponies parting way and giving her a slight respectable space around her as she began to dance about, waving her rump and fluttering wings in her best mimic of the other dancers around her. Star laughed as he danced at her side, careful to not interrupt any pony who was brave enough to dance closer to their Princess. His heart filled with joy, to see her eyes so full of laughter and delight. Gone was that hint of sorrow, hidden in their depths. For now, she knew happiness, reveling in the adoration and love of her subjects.

Three songs later, to the disappointment of the crowd, Luna bowed herself out of the dancers to seek a rest. She leaned against Star, giggling lightly as the band started another upbeat groove. He added in directing her towards the bar, two of the mares kindly offered their seats to the pair. Princess Luna fought the urge to pant, it would be most unladylike like. She'd not exerted herself in such a manner in ages.

Dinky trotted up to the pair as she finished an order and beamed a smile, “Hey, Star. Evening Princess Luna. I'm so glad you joined us tonight. By the way, the see-through roof is a nice touch.” She laughed. “What can I get for you two?”

Luna glanced at Star, allowing the colt to lead. “Hmm...Rum and Coke for me please.”

“I must confess, I am new to many of thy refreshments. I often indulged in mead. If that is not available, I shalt have the same.” Luna gave the unicorn mare a smile as she set a gold bit on the counter. Dinky at first refused, but a glare from the Princess and a stubborn push of the coin towards her ended the argument. The unicorn quickly mixed up the drinks, setting them before the couple with a smile.

“Enjoy you two. Let me know if you need refills.” She nodded to Star before attending the other bar-patrons.

Luna lifted her glass with her magic, sipping curiously, “Tis not a bad flavor. Sweet, with a slight burn. Tis not mead, but tasty all the same.”

Her colt-friend chuckled and sipped his own in reply. They finished their drinks and ordered a second. Enjoying each others quiet company as the crowds and band continued to rage. As the couple finished the beverages the lead-singer announced a ballad, to let ponies cool-off.

Star slipped from his stool and wing-bowed to the alicorn, “Princess Luna, would you do me the honor of this dance?”

Slightly giddy from the joy and drink, she hopped off her own stool and nosed at his ear, “Why, Star, I would be most delighted.” The colt led her to a spot off the side as the band began a slow ballad song. Many of the other ponies had coupled up to nuzzle close and dance, swaying softly. The loaners retreated to the bars to seek refreshments.

Star smiled at Luna and glanced at the various forms of slow dancing. “And preferences, Dear Luna?”

The alicorn looked at him through narrowed eyes and a mischievous smirk, “Dear Luna? My, my, thou art becoming quite bold.” She nuzzled at his cheek with a giggle, “Thou art lucky that I approve of such this evening. Take the lead, I shalt follow.”

Star stepped closer, resting his chest to hers, his neck curling around so his chin rested at the back of her neck.. She mimicked as best she could, being a slightly larger pony. Necks entwined as they were, the two rocked slowly back and forth in time to the music, feeling each others breath wash across their wing-bases. Star closed his eyes, enjoying her closeness for the length of the song. Yet, soon it was over, and reluctantly he pulled back from her soft blue coat.

The Princess looked away, her cheeks flushed. He'd never seen her act so shyly, it was rather endearing. Hesitantly, she leaned her head out, her nose rubbing against his, sending shivers down his spine. Then she tilted her head, her lips firmly locking with his. Not a gentle peck on the lips as it was before, but full of affection and warmth. There was no tongue, and Star refused his instincts to press her further. The kiss ended, and the world came back into focus. The band was once again roaring and nearby ponies cheered at the the pegasus and alicorn. He blushed hotly at the attention and stepped forward to bury his head against her soft blue neck. He could feel the vibrations at her giggle.

“I believe, tis time to depart. The moon will soon set, despite my desires. Come, let us gather thy friends and retire.” She said into his ear. With a nod of agreement, he sought out Lighthoof and his mares. They were cuddled up on a couch, sipping the last of their drinks when the Star pulled them away. Together, full of warm drinks and merriment, the group staggered their way up to the castle. Thankfully, Luna was still steady in her footing, offering a solid body to lean against to prevent stumbling.

As they approached the castle gates, Star's ear perked to an odd sound. Flapping wings he thought, but heavier than normal. Then there was a yelling, growing louder as the source approached at high-speed.

“SssssssssttttttttAAAAAARRRRRR!” BLAM, Star went tumbling as an orange mass grappled him as it dived, sending him tail over hooves. He blinked up at Scootaloo's grinning face, “HAH, I knew it was you!”

“Scoots!” He laughed and hugged her tight.

“Am I to assume, this is thy other young lover, Miss Scootaloo?” Luna stepped near, looking down at the two pegasi with an amused smile.

The orange mare eeped and fell over in her scramble to bow before the alicorn, “OH, I'm sorry Princess, I didn't see you!”

“Tis quite alright, dear.” She looked from Star to Scoot. Star could feel his gut clench as he recognized the sly smile the Princess was wearing. “Scootaloo, didst thou know, thy friend is now courting me?”

The pegasus blinked, looking at her with wide eyes then down at her friend, still recovering from the assault. She noticed the blue feather on the necklace and gasped, “Oh! Star, wow!” She hugged him tight, “Congrats!”

The Princess glanced over her shoulder to Lighthoof and his fillies. “Run along Lighthoof, enjoy the rest of thy time off. I thank thee for the pleasant company.”

Light smiled and nodded. His eyes flicked from her to Star. He shot his guard-buddy a concerned expression before leading his tired mare-friends into the gates.

“Now.” The Princess began, her eyes narrowing, her smile broadening, “Tell me, Scootaloo. Wouldst thou relinquish thy claim on StarStep?”

The orange pegasus blinked in confusion, cuddling closer to her friend, “No, why should I? I know he belongs to you...but...I still love him too.”

“I see...then we must talk. Mare to mare.” She tightened her lips and gestured to the filly to follow her. “Come, Scootaloo, we must have words. Good night, dear Star. Thank you for the splendid evening.”

Confused, Scootaloo looked to Star for help. The colt sighed and hugged her tight, “Go with the Princess. I have the next few days off, I'm sure we'll get to talk soon.” She nodded, and warily followed after the alicorn.

“StarStep.” The Princess called over her shoulder before they had gone far.

“Yes, Princess?”

“Arrive at the garden knoll at dusk. We shalt have words then.” She laughed, a terrible, mischievous laugh. And Star could only wonder what he was in for.

Chapter XXVI (Mature)

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXVI

(Mature bits towards the end of the chapter. Plenty of important stuff till then.)

Star's sleep was restless. He was assaulted by dreams that haunted and tormented him, but upon each sudden start to reality, he could grasp only fragments of what was. Eventually, his exhaustion overtook him and he slept in a few extra hours. One of the benefits of having a day off, was there was no need to be anywhere. Luna slept during the day and Scoots had not returned. As he laid, staring up at the ceiling, he wondered where she was and what the two mares had talked about. He reflected on his last meeting with Scoots.

The pegasus rolled from bed and began his waking ritual. As he brushed his teeth, he wondered at the feeling in his chest at the thought of seeing his friend again. They hadn't had contact since the encounter a few weeks back, yet when he thought about Scoots, he felt...different. Scoots had declared that he loved her as a friend, he wasn't so sure that was true anymore.

Rinsing out his muzzle, he took a quick shower, letting the warm water cascade over his coat and wings, giving a soft sigh as he relaxed in it's steamy embrace. The last few weeks had been a learning experience for the colt. Sherry, Cheerilee, AB and even Sweetie. So many different feelings and perspectives. As he stepped out of the shower and dried off, he looked at himself in the fogged mirror. A blue-grey pegasus looked back. There was no outward sign of his internal change. His new insight on love did not shift the color of his eyes or the turn of his lips. Yet, it was there, and he knew it.

Combing through his mane and coat, he watched his reflection, staring into his bright-blue eyes. Not long ago, he was just a virgin colt, struggling to get closer to Luna with only room in his heart for her. No longer. Come what may, he was forever changed. He only hoped he hadn't screwed up somewhere along the way.

Freshly brushed, the pegasus trotted out to his little kitchen, tugging a fresh green apple from the crisper bin and snacked as he glanced around his room. A slip of white on the floor caught his attention. Curious, half-eaten apple in his mouth, he walked over and picked up the letter from in front of the door. He turned it over, eyes widening at the name on the return. “Apple Bloom”. He set aside the apple, chewing the mouthful of wonderfully tart fruit as he hooves worked to pull the letter out.

Dear StarStep,

I just wanted to let you know I got a letter from Sweetie Belle. She didn't go into details, but she apologized for being so distant. She said you'd knocked some sense into her fool head and were trying to help her out of whatever trouble she's in. Thanks, Star. I missed talking with that stubborn headed marshmallow. (A small smiley face was penned in) I'm glad she's safe, I hope Scootaloo got word from her too.

AppleJack and I had a long talk after you left. She's none to happy about it, but she agreed to give me a little spot on the family property to build my own cottage. Out by the pond. I think she's finally starting to see I'm not that little filly anymore.

Anyhoof. I thought if anypony should know, you should. I've decided to start dating. Though, I think I'm doing it wrong. Maybe I'm just too gruff with ponies? I've gone out with two different colts, but it's only lasted one date each. The first pony is avoiding me like the cutie-pox. And when I cornered the other, he got really twitchy and said he'd rather not date a pony like me. AppleJack said that some colts are just like that. I'm not so certain. Be honest, Star, am I not pretty? Or, am I too abrasive for colts to like? Maybe I should try dating a mare like sis'? I'm feeling a little lost. This isn't near as easy as building a business. Well, I hope you and Miss Prissy-flanks are having a good time. Cheerilee and Twi send their love.

Forever your friend,


Apple Bloom

Star reread the note and gave a sigh. He suspected that mystery unicorn was harassing AB's dates, but there was no absolute proof. He wondered if he should send a letter to AJ or Mac about it. Still, it was good that Sweetie had followed through and contacted her. It would probably do them both good to have each others support again. The pegasus glanced at the clock and sighed. He still had a few hours to kill before dusk. At least he had plenty of errands to keep him occupied till then. Namely, one specifically for Sweetie Belle.


The sun was setting as he trotted through the Royal Gardens. Along the way he was stopped by a pair of Sun-Guards, blocking the route to the area with the grassy knoll. They took one look at the feather at his chest, and bid him a good eve before resuming their post on either side of the hedge entrance. Whatever was going down tonight, Luna apparently did not want interruptions. That both terrified and excited him.

Rounding the last bend of hedges, he stepped into the clearing with the grassy knoll that overlooked the walls and the countryside. Luna sat at it's top, gazing out at the lip of her moon, just cresting the horizon. Bright blue mane and tail, waving softly on their own accord, almost mesmerizing. The soft crunch of his hooves on the grass caught the alicorn's ears and she turned moments later to smile at him. The glimmer of mischief bright in her teal eyes.

“Punctual as usual, my dear guardian. Come, sit.” She patted the grass beside her.

Accepting her invitation, the pony trotted up the slope and plopped back on his haunches beside the beautiful mare. “Evening, Princess.” He turned his head to nuzzle a greeting into her shoulder. She giggled softly and leaned into his affections. Star glanced around, “Um...I don't see Scoots. Did everything go ok with you two?”

The alicorn smirked, “Indeed. We had quite the discussion. I learned much about thy past with the filly. I also learned, she was thy first.” She looked down at him, smiling slyly as his cheeks darkened with a blush. “Despite thy unyielding thoughts towards being by my side, this young mare loves thou with all her heart. Didst thou knowth this?”

Star sighed and bobbed his head, “Yeah...I don't know why. She's known from the beginning that I've only had eyes for you, Princess.”

The alicorn unfurled a wing to drape about his shoulders and hugged him close to her side. “Oh, dear, StarStep. Look to thyself and thine feelings for me, and thou wilst see such follies of the heart. Often, we cannot dictate where it leads us. Thou hath gained much perspective in these past few weeks. So, I ask thee, dost thou love Scootaloo more than a friend?”

Smiling, the pegasus met Luna's eyes, “Yeah, I do. It took a while, but I understand that I can. But...” He shook his head softly, “You're still the mare of my dreams, Princess. Scoots will forever be in your shadow. I wouldn't wish that on anypony. It's not fair to her.”

Her eyes twinkled, a warm smile on her blue lips, “Truly, I am most pleased to hear thy honesty and concern for thy friend. I suspected as much, as did she. We had a long...discussion about it.” She curled back her wing and stood, “Walk with me, dear guardian.” She turned and began her decent from the knoll, her moon slipping above the mountains in the distance as Star scrambled to catch up to her.

“Tell me, and speakth only truth from thy lips. If thou could have us both, would thou? What if others desired to share in thy love as well. Perhaps one day that wise school-mare from Ponyville, decides she wishes to be a part of thy herd too. What art thy thoughts upon such?” She glanced down at him as they ambled slowly along the stone pathway through the hedges.

Star pondered it for long quiet moments, hearing the crickets chirp and the gentle breeze through the hedges. White noise for his reflections. At last he sighed, “Well, Princess. Yes, if I could be with you both, or even with Cheerilee added into the mix. Yes, I think I have enough love for you all but...I think I'd still feel bad for the other mares. You'd still hold top place in my heart.”

The alicorn nodded, still smiling at him, “Indeed. Think upon this. Thou hath admitted thy love for Cheerilee, and she for thou. But, hath thou not spoken of her heart's desire for Twilight? Dost thou feel any less love for the mare? Despite being in dear Twilight Sparkle's shadow?”

There was a pause, the pegasus' mouth worked as he sought for words. She was right. Even though he knew Twilight was Cheerilee's true love, he felt no less affection for the wonderful school-mare. Scootaloo understood she'd never take Luna's place in his heart, yet her feelings for him had not wavered, even after the two years of separation. Yet, in Equestrian society, when more than two ponies were involved in dating, it required all members of a group to consent.

“Princess...would you accept Scoots as part of our relationship?” He smiled awkwardly. It was never a question he'd imagined he'd ask the alicorn.

Luna giggled, her eyes twinkling in mischief, “Oh-ho! So bold thou hath become.” She smirked, turning down a side path, forcing him to trot to catch back up. “First, thou wilst have to ask to court her. As it stands, thou art but friends.” She giggled, “If she doth accept thy courtship as well, we shalt discuss it further.”

The pair rounded the corner into a small clearing in the hedge-ways. It was a round area, the stone walkway encircling the outer edges and leaving at cardinal directions. At the very center, a small patch of grass, large enough for two alicorns to rest comfortably, surrounded by flowerbeds of blooming Night-lilies. But that was not what grabbed Star's attention. It was not what caught his breath and caused him to stumble about awkwardly. No, it was the pony standing at the center that made him the awkward foal.

Scootaloo stood in a pose to show off her long legs and stunning outfit. She wore a decorative black corset, accenting the streamlines of the sleek pegasus. On her lower half, a short fuchsia skirt, the hem laced with white. The upper hem-line fell just below her tail-base, fitting just loose enough to show off the black garter-belt with straps that ran to the red silk stockings on her hind-legs. Around her slender neck was a black silk choker, also laced with white. She had little silver star earrings dangling from her ear-tips, and ribbons laced through her large wings. In fact, he noticed that the ribbons were tied in such a way to hold her orange wings to her sides.

The orange pegasus giggled and shifted nervously under his intense staring, “Hi, Star. Like it?”

The colt could only nod dumbly, till he noticed Luna watching him. He coughed and looked between them, “So uh...what exactly is going on?”

Scoots rolled her eyes as the Princess laughed. “Dear StarStep, what doth it look to be?”

“ looks like Scoots is trying to seduce me in front of you.” Both of the mares laughed at that.

Luna used a wing to push the colt closer to the beautiful pegasus filly, “I doth believe, thou had a question for her?”

Nervous, Star nodded to his Princess, before stepping over the flowerbed into the grassy circle with his friend. He couldn't meet her gaze, her outfit made her far too desirable to think straight. “Um...Scoots...I um...Princess Luna and I were talking and, I uh.” A hoof reached out to raise his chin, he met her slightly purple eyes and felt a calmness creep over him. That look she gave him, caring and understanding. It was the exact same one she'd given him before. Yet, it held new meaning for him now. He felt he could return the feelings. She wasn't just a friend to him anymore.

“Scootaloo, I'd like to court you.” He whispered, afraid his voice would break.

The orange pegasus giggled and caressed his cheek, “Oh Star, you're so silly. I think what you mean to say is, you want me to be your mare-friend.”

He smirked, “Yeah, that too. But...I don't want it unless you and Luna want to be a part of the relationship together. I just...I don't want it to get all awkward and weird.” Both of the mares laughed again at some shared joke. Star glanced from one pony to the other. “Am...I missing something?”

Scootaloo glanced over at the larger alicorn, grinning like a cat, “Princess Luna, may I court you too?”

The Princess was grinning back, just as mischievously, “Indeed, I accept thy courtship and offer mine to thou.”

“I accept your offer, Princess.” She smiled and pulled Star closer by his ears, “And I accept yours as well.” She kissed him hard and firm, her lips locking to his in a desire. The world blanked out for a moment before she released him. Staggering slightly from lack of breath, he noticed Luna watching with amusement.

“Bwah...but? I mean...” He blinked and shook his head clear, “You two already talked about this, didn't you? I mean...I didn't even know you liked mares, Princess.”

The mares shared another look and a laugh, “Indeed, dear Star. Thy new mare-friend did propose such to me. And I hath had many lovers through the ages of all races and genders. I suppose, I am most surprised to find thy...excuse me, our, mare-friend hath had feelings for me as well. I would have refused such an advance had it not been for our shared affections for thou, dear Star.” She trotted over, her long legs clearing the flowerbed to join them in the circle. She nuzzled at them both.

Star blinked at his Princess then at the hotly blushing filly in front of him. “ love Luna too?” She nodded, her eyes looking away in her embarrassment. “, when, I mean...I'm so lost.”

Scootaloo giggled softly as she shared a look with the alicorn, “I...guess being around you growing up, with that obsession of sort of rubbed off on me. I started to understand what you saw in her. Beyond being a moon-goddess. Her being...well...a pony, just like us.” She nuzzled at Luna's cheek. “Who needs love too.”

“Luna, I mean, you hardly know Scoots, is this ok?”

The blue alicorn laughed delightfully, “Tis because of thy long relationship with Scootaloo, that I find myself at ease with her. Thou share many splendid qualities and she only asked to pursue my affections, to assist in thy struggles with the heart. While I am not ready to accept thou as lovers yet, I am pleased to find not one, but two ponies who care for each other as much as they do myself. Now, perhaps an exchange of courtship gifts is in order.” She grinned. “If thou dost not mind, I have an idea.”

The two smaller ponies glanced at each other and shrugged, “I suppose not. I guess my flower wasn't a very long lasting token, was it?”

Luna smiled warmly, nuzzling and giving him a kiss on the nose, “Neigh, despite my spells, the flower is fading. But it was an endearing gift. I propose something shared and personal between us. Each of thou, remove two of thy feathers.” She unfurled her own wing, nipping through the plumage to find a loose secondary. With a shrug, the other two followed suit. Digging about in their own wings to find two loose feathers each. Then, with two orange feathers, two blue-grey, tipped with black, and one dark blue, laying on the ground before them. Luna used her magic to lift the chain from Star's neck.

The alicorn's horn glowed brightly as the silver linked chain shimmered, split, and formed three total chains. Then, she levitated the feathers and with a flash of blue-white light, it was finished. She laid the chains around each of their necks. Star's necklace now held Luna's and Scoots. Scoot had his and Luna's. And Luna wore each of their smaller feathers around her slender neck. “Dost thou feel these are fitting?”

Star stroked his with a hoof as Scoots held hers up to her nose and nuzzled at them gently. He felt like a bond was formed between them. For a pegasus, the feathers were an old gesture of affection. A courting method that had fallen out ages ago. Perhaps they'd start the trend up again. High society did enjoy mimicking the Royals.

Luna leaned down, kissing Star sweetly, for which he was all too grateful. He resisted again resisted the urge to push further, and so relented to the sweet taste of her gentle lips. She pulled back with a warm smile, turning to Scootaloo, and gave her a kiss on the nose and an affectionate nuzzle. She glanced between them, “Perhaps in time, as we grow to know each other, we shalt find warmth in each others embrace as lovers. However, it is not now. Thou hath history, so there is no shame in the two of thou knowing such passions. Beside...” She smirked at Star, “Thou hath much learning to do about pleasing mares.” She hopped over the flowerbed and trotted to one of the stone benches surrounding the clearing. The alicorn slid up onto the surface and watched them with an amused smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

The blue-grey pegasus blinked and looked at his new mare-friend. Scoots was looking at him with one of her teasing smiles. “ that, that's out of the way.” She said, turning in a circle, showing off her outfit to him. She flicked her tail up to swish against his nose as her backside turned past him. He caught the briefest of glances under the hem of her skirt and the white panties that hugged at her flanks.

Startled, the colt could only glance at the alicorn watching them before his eyes returned to drinking in the beautifully sleek pegasus. He hissed softly at her. “Erm...are you trying to make me all...awkward in front of the Princess? She's kinda watching.”

Scootaloo laughter, cheerful and bright as she leaned in to nuzzle under his chin and give him a little nip, “Oh yes, I know. She's just going to watch us play.”

Star felt his cheeks burning, “But...but...I mean...she's the Princess and...” A hoof to his lips silenced him.

“No....Star, she's our mare-friend now. She may not want us as lovers right now, but that doesn't mean she can't share in our love for each other. You need to be more comfortable around her.” The orange pegasus nibbled down his neck and teased a tongue at one of his wing-bases. He moaned softly. “One day, if she'll have us. We'll be intimate with her too. You need to get used to the idea of a relationship between more than one pony. And so, she's going to watch, and you're going to make love to me.” She bit his neck and sucked firmly, leaving him hissing in delight and pain. “ about you show me what you think about my outfit? I don't dress up for just anypony.” She pulled away with a wink, and wiggled her plot with a smirk.

StarStep glanced at Luna. She smiled at him, still in her spot on the bench. It felt really weird. His Princess watching, while he did...naughty, intimate things to Scootaloo? Could he really do it? But...Scoots did have a point. If things kept progressing as they were, one day, he and Luna would be lovers. Quite possibly with Scoots along as well. If he couldn't learn to be open with both of them, it was going to get far more awkward as the relationship progressed. He looked at Scoots and her very seductive outfit. What was it about ponies and teasing clothing being He remembered the discussion about it with Luna the night of the griffon diplomatic party. He also wondered just what the alicorn had worn as undergarments that evening. He never did get to see.

With a defeated shake of his head, the colt began to kiss down the orange pegasus' neck, butterfly kisses to the front of her throat, just how she liked them. He wiggled his tongue under the choker, teasing the coat. The filly cooed softly and ruffled her ribbon-bound wings. “Star?” She whispered. He paused to nuzzle up to her cheek, his ear close to her muzzle to catch her soft words. “Luna is made of all three pony races, right?” He nodded. “ need to learn how to please all of her. I want you to only play with my wings for a while, ok?” He tilted his head, a strange request, but again, the filly had a point.

Shifting to stand at her side, he nibbled along the leading edges of Scoot's wing, letting his flat pony teeth, massage and tease the muscles and delicate bones beneath. The filly moaned and close her eyes. At least he was on the right track. The colt tilted his head, pushing his tongue between the quills of the primaries, licking at the skin, moistening all he could on the folded wing. Then he used a hoof to spread the feathers and blew cool air across the teased flesh. She gasped, and moaned louder. He could see her wings struggling against the interwoven ribbons that bound them.

The colt walked around to her other side, resisting the urge to nose under her tail and those toned flanks. Along her other side, he bit and nibbled at her wing-base, flicking little licks at the separation of fur and feather. The response was good. She danced a moment on her hooves, licking her lips. Again a ruffle as her wings struggled against the restrains. He took a few secondaries in his mouth and tugged firmly back, she hissed through gritted teeth till he relented, returning to licks and nibbles at her shoulder-joints. He took a moment to glance over the orange pegasus' back. Luna was still watching, calm and smiling. Only her ever moving mane and tail betrayed her stillness.

Scoots seemed pleased, but he felt like it wasn't enough yet. On a whim, he used her little tease on his neck against her. Taking the spot of her wing-base where feather and fur met, into his muzzle. He bit down first, causing her to moan and wiggle about. His lips wrapped tight around the spot and he sucked as hard as he could. The filly whimpered and gasped. He could see the strain on the ribbons now. Continuously pushing, not just a flutter of excitement. She whimper again as he nibbled hard along her curled, restrained wing-edge. He tugged on feathers again, this time resulting in gasps and her hind-legs dancing back and forth against each other. He circled around, catching a whiff of her arousal and snorted in pleasure. He didn't need to look down to know he was erect and painfully aroused by her pleasure. He paused at her side and glanced over at Luna. A thought slipped into his mind, an image of Cheerilee and Twilight.

Chuckling he kissed Scootaloo, causing her eyes to flutter open, “Hang on a sec.” She looked disappointed but nodded. He scurried over to the Princess, her head tilted, an eyebrow raised quizzically. With a short whisper in her ear, her expression shifted from one of puzzlement to mischief. With a burst of her magic, a wide strip of black cloth and a riding crop appeared at Star's feet. Thanking his Princess, he bound over to the rather confused pegasus. “I think you'll like this. Just let me try, ok Scoots?” She giggled softly and nodded as she let him blind-fold her. The filly wiggled a little on her hooves as her ears swiveled about to listen for him.

The colt went about building her desires again, licking, nipping and tugging feathers. In short order, her wings were straining against the ribbons again. She moaned and gasped when his hooves massaged into the tense, pushing muscles, forcing them against her sides as he blew cool air again into her flesh. Now that she was so wonderfully aroused, he bit her wing-base hard, she yelped softly and licked her lips. So he bit further along her edge, she moaned and nodded, her tail flicking back and forth under her sexy skirt. Then, taking the crop, he snapped it firmly against the leading edge of her wing, she cried out, her legs shook and she started panting. He kissed and teased his tongue against the strike-spot, making her moan. He struck again, a little harder, she gasped and whimpered, her hind-legs were quivering.

“Staaaarr...Oh...again, one more, oh...” She pleaded. The colt was happy to oblige, licking at her mark to make her gasp, before turning his head and swinging down in a wide arc on the spot, stinging her sensitive wings one more firm time. She moaned out, half cry, half whimper as her wings shivered, struggling against the ribbons, her hind-legs now fully shaking. She was panting, gasping for air when her fore-legs suddenly buckled and she was rolling her head back and forth on the grass, just moaning with her rump raised high.

Curious, Star glanced at Luna. She was still smiling, a twinkle in her eyes as she watched the filly. The colt dropped the crop and nuzzled at the pegasus as her moans lessened. “You ok, Scoots?”

“Mmmm....oh yes...Why don't you go behind and see what you've done.” She giggled, licking her lips as she wiggled her raised rump.

Star kissed her and wandered around the filly. Lifting the hem of her soft skirt and he admired the way her white cotton panties hugged her sleek pegasi rump. The colt raised an eyebrow at how soaked they were now. Dripping from the broad wet spot on the fabric. He nosed between her flanks, the filly raised her tail for him, gasping at the warmth of his breath as he inhaled her scent. She giggled and moaned as he licked at the panties, tasting her orgasm soaked fabric.

“Star, love?” She panted.

He lapped a few more times making the filly shiver before he answered, “Yes, Scoots?”

“ about you finish what you started?” She reached back a hoof between her thighs, pulling the edge of her panties to the side, slipping it free to expose her raised mare-hood. Damp, with moisture gathering at her tight lips now that the fabric was no longer absorbing it. Blindfolded, wings bound, and rump exposed to his desires, there was little he could do to stop himself. Star reared up, pulling his hips close to hers with his fore-legs tight around her corset clothed sides. He had no problem mounting the filly. A few prods and he was sliding into her warmth. At this point, he didn't care that Luna was watching him. They looked into each others eyes as he began to ride the filly. It was still...weird, but in some way, it was a turn-on to ride Scootaloo with his Princess looking on. Approving.

Star couldn't rut her as fast with her in this position, but he made up for it with thrusts that drove her body into the soft grass. His passionate love making, cause the pair to moan and gasp. Star's wings were in full spread, the fillies were still tied. Somehow, her being partially bound made the mounting all that much sweeter. At some point she climaxed again, her tight toned body milking at his shaft almost caused him to lose himself. But he gritted his teeth and slowed to let her ride it out. With deep breaths and a more steady pace, he managed hold on long enough to bring her again to orgasm. By now she was whimpering and rolling her head about tiredly. Her hind legs were quivered and pressure on his shaft increasing as her body was losing strength to hold herself up. So, the colt gave in at last, putting more effort into his last few thrusts to bring him to peak. He moaned as he held onto Scoot's body, while his colt-hood gushed in her. He felt so exhausted, in a slight haze when at last his member softened to slip from her body and the pony collapsed onto his side, pulling the orange pegasus with him. There they laid, Star spooning Scootaloo and kissing at her neck through his afterglow.

At some point, Star awoke to the warmth of a blanket. He reached out to tug at it only to find it was made of dark blue feathers. Curious, he glanced behind him and found Luna was curled up next to the two tired ponies. She smiled at him, leaning down to give him a kiss on the nose, her wing blanketing the pair. “Princess...I...Thanks.” He didn't know what else to say.

The alicorn nodded, seemingly content with his unspoken words and cuddled up with her two new suitors under the moonlight. High above, in her ivory tower over-looking the gardens, Princess Celestia gazed down at the three dozing ponies. She'd seen everything. With a soft giggle and a slight smile of mischief, she shut her curtains before returning to bed. Breakfast was going to be fun, she thought before curling up for her own much needed rest.

Chapter XXVII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXVII

“Hey Scoots?” StarStep whispered to the orange pegasus. The two of them were on their backs, looking up at the stars, with their heads resting against Luna's side. The Princess appeared to be napping. Her chest rising and falling softly while her wing was still spread over the two pegasi. The moon was just nipping the mountains in the west, and soon the sun would take center-stage.

Scootaloo leaned slightly to the right, nuzzling at Star's neck. “Yeah?”

“What are you going to do now?” He asked, tilting his body so it rested a little more against the mare's side.

“Mmmh? What'da mean, Star?”

“Well, you said you want to date Luna and I, right?” She nodded in response, “ live in Ponyville. How is it going to work?”

The filly gave a soft sigh, her breath ruffling his blue-grey coat. “Ponyville isn't my home, Star. I only live there because it's where my stuff is. I mean, if it wasn't for Apple Bloom, I wouldn't have much reason for going back.” She gave a gentle kiss under his jaw, “For now, my home is with you. I have some savings, I'll get a place down in Old Canterlot, and make this my hub city for the deliveries. Seems like it provides most of my business anyway.” She giggled very lightly, careful not to disturb their napping alicorn pillow. “I'll still be coming and going, but it's better this way. I feel like my time with you and Luna will be that much more special. Right?”

Star looked down at her, smiling into the fillies purple-tinted eyes. “You really thought this out, huh?”

The orange pegasus grinned, “Well...Luna brought up the issue. And it seemed like the best way to solve it.” She hesitated, fidgeting with her hooves as they curled against her chest, “Star...I don't know what changed but...I kind of like this new you. You'll have to tell me all about what's been going on since I visited.”

He nodded, reaching across his chest to caress her muzzle, “Of course. I love you Scoots. I'm sorry I ignored you all those years in school. I love Luna so much, I just...I was afraid there was no room for you too.”

She smiled and lifted her head up to kiss him sweetly, “I know Star...I'm sorry if you ever felt pressured. I'm happy to have a place in your life. And, hopefully, in Luna's too.”

He returned her kiss and gave a soft chuckle, “I'm still trying to figure that one out.”

Scootaloo expressed mock outrage, “Are you saying I'm not allowed to love our Princess too?”

“What? No, no. Not like that. I just seems sudden.”

She smirked, “There are things about me you've yet to learn, Star. I think you missed a lot during our dating in school. So blinded by the moon.” She shook her head, mane ruffling softly against Luna's side. The filly gave a little giggle and nibbled at his cheek, “But don't worry. I've got plenty of time to train you now.”

“Indeed. While housebroken, he dost have issues with courtesy and knowing when to heel.” Luna gave a light laugh, her chest quivering under the two pegasus as she lifted her head to look down at them.

Star stammered as Scoots leaned over him to give a soft nose nuzzle to the Princess. Luna returned the gesture and gave her colt a gentle kiss.

“Tia wilst be raising the sun soon, and I must attend to the final lowering of the moon. Being as I hath guests this morning, perhaps the two of thou wouldest like to partake in breakfast? Due to Star's splendid offering of snacks this past week, I hath been ignoring my sister's ritual of a dawn meal. I believe she would most enjoy the company.”

Scootaloo glanced at Star, eyes glimmering in excitement. “Ooooh, Star, can we? I never got to dine with Princesses before.”

The colt chuckled, “Of course, Scoots.” He smiled to the blue alicorn, “We'd love to attend, Princess.”

“Splendid! Then I bid thou seek the Royal Dining hall. I suspect mine sister wilst be there shortly, as will I. Thy feather tokens will grant thee entrance.”

The three of the rose from the comfy spot on the grass. Luna leaned down to accept their affectionate nuzzles. “Ah, before thou goes.” Her horn shimmered and the outfit Scootaloo was still wearing, vanished. “While quite a delightful outfit, I doth not think it appropriate for dining with Tia.”

Scootaloo blushed and softly scuffed a hoof against the grass as Star gave her a playful flank-bump. “Don’t worry Scoots. You can wear it again for me tonight.” He gave her a wink, and the filly blushed before shoving him into the grass and beaming an innocent smile at Luna.


A short walk through the polished hallways, the pair was ushered into the Royal Dining hall by the two guards on duty. The room was simply furnished. A large table built more for alicorn size, able to seat sixteen ponies. Seven on each side and one on each end. It was draped with a white table-cloth, laced along it's edges with deep blue. The candelabras dotting it's surface were silver with gold colored candles. Not lit for the moment, the early morning sun-rays were beaming into the room. The wall of windows facing the East. Star blinked against the glare, his eyes still used to the dim light of early dawn.

Scootaloo seemed to be dancing on her hooves, looking this way and that. She gave a guilty look about, insuring they were alone and fluttered up the ceiling to inspect the beautiful paintings that covered it's dome surface. Star gave a chuckle as he trotted up to the table. He noted there were six silver plates set out with glasses and matching silverware. Three on each side of the table.

As he pondered the pre-set table, the main door creaked open, and Scootaloo rushed to the floor next to Star, eying around him with giddy excitement.

A long slender pink leg slipped through the crack as it continued to widen. A herald for Princess Cadance as she trotted in. She paused, tilting her head as she noticed the two pegasi. There was a brief look of confusion before her eyes settled on the feathers they wore on their chests. The alicorn gasped and giggled softly, “OH. I wondered who you two might be. I didn't expect we'd have more joining us for breakfast.”

Respectfully, the two pegasi bowed to her before resuming their stances at each others side. “Who all is coming, Princess Cadance?” Star asked, curious who she was referring to.

“Oh, my husband and Tia. Luna was occupied these last few mornings.” She gave a knowing smile. The young alicorn stepped close and looked them over more carefully, “You must be StarStep, am I right?” He nodded before she turned her bright expression to the orange pegasus, “I'm sorry, I don't know you yet.”

Scootaloo gave a little giggle and blushed as she dipped her head, “It's ok, Princess. It was a while back since you saw me last. I was one of the flower-girls at your wedding.”

Cadance blinked, giving shy grin, “Oh, I do apologize. That was quite an event. So much happened all at once. I remember you now, but not your name. Forgive me.”

“Scootaloo! How wonderful to see you, dear.” Princess Celestia's soft yet regal voice interrupted them as the white alicorn of the sun, strode into the room. The embodiment of royalty in all it's splendor. She stepped to the small group of ponies and leaned down to give Cadance a gentle nuzzle on the cheek. All the while, she was beaming warmly at the two smaller ponies. “I had heard that my sister had visitors last night. I had begun to worry when she began to miss our morning meals.” Her gaze fell on the blue-grey colt, “Something special must be occupying her.” She nodded her head towards the table. “Come, let us sit while we wait for the others.”

So, Celestia took a place at the center of one side of the table, with Cadance taking a seat to her right. She bid the other two to leave the other center for Luna, so the pair sat across from the sun-goddess, a seat between them. Shortly thereafter, the blue alicorn arrived, Shining Armor escorting her.

“Look who I found, Cadance, I...OH” He halted when he saw Star, his expression shifting from surprise to slight curiosity at Scootaloo. “Quite the breakfast gathering this morning.” He trotted over to give his wife a kiss before taking his seat next to Celestia. Luna looked at her sister as she approached, an eyebrow raised quizzically before slipping onto the stool between the pegasi.

“What art thou up to, dear sister?”

Celestia smiled innocently, “Whatever do you mean, Lu-lu?” She clapped her hooves together and maids wheeled carts into the dining hall. Star could smell the fresh cooked Hay-browns and fought the urge to lick his lips. His belly did decide to rumble, eliciting a giggle from Cadance, who sat across from him.

“Thou knowest exactly what I mean.” The blue alicorn glared at her sister, even as the plates were filled with hot food, and glasses topped off with sparkling apple juice.

The white alicorn simply smiled before using her magic to raise her glass and sip. “StarStep, dear. How are you finding Night-Guard duty?” She turned her attention to the pegasus colt.

His muzzle half-full of Hay-browns, he halted mid-chew, startled by Celestia's question. A blush on his cheek when he noted that nopony else had begun to eat. Scootaloo was shaking her head. Quickly, the colt swallowed and smiled to the sun-goddess. “It's great, Princess Celestia. I sort of miss spending time in the castle, but it's been interesting helping out the night-life ponies.”

“I am glad to hear it dear.” She waved a hoof at the other ponies, “StarStep has the right idea. Eat. Please enjoy.” She sipped her juice and nibbled on a bit of hay-bacon. “Lu-lu, I wanted to thank you for the beautiful evening, it was very exciting.”

Luna tightened her lips around her own piece of hay-bacon, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“It was, wasn't it, Princess.” Scootaloo spoke up, smiling happily across to the white alicorn. “The stars, and touches of blue fields, and a bright moon.”

“Yes, quite the full moon.” Celestia smiled slyly across at her sister as Scoot blinked in confusion.

“But...I thought it was a half-moon last night?”

“Not from where I was sitting.” Celestia crunched on her bacon with a smirk. Shining began to cough, apparently his apple-juice had gone down the wrong way. She smiled to her sister, “Sister, dear. Did you plan last night's beautiful show of star. Or was your work, spontaneous?”

The moon-goddess tilted her head, “Twas it not the same as yesterday's sister?”

“Oh no, most certainly not. It touched me deeply. Will you be planning another soon? I love to watch you work your magic.” A quick glance at Scootaloo, “It's so very fulfilling.” She grinned over the lip of her crystal glass. The sisters looked at each other as the other ponies went about their meals. A few moments passed before the pink alicorn broke the conversation silence.

“Luna, I noticed you're all wearing feathers.” Cadance began, smiling warmly, “Does that mean you're all in a relationship?”

Suspicious of her sister, Luna nodded, eyes lingering on the white alicorn before shifting to the pink, “Indeed, dear Cadance. StarStep asked to court me but a week ago, and now, dear Scootaloo has joined us. I am quite pleased.” She unfurled her wings to give a quick hug to the pegasi.

Luna's ears caught her sister's whisper, “So was she.” Thankfully, the other ponies seemed not to hear her.

“I'm so happy for you, Luna.” The pink alicorn beamed before she glanced over at her husband. “It's so wonderful to have someone who loves you. Somepony who'd do anything for you.”

Celestia looked at Star, “Would you do anything to Lu-lu?”

The pegasus blinked. He wasn't sure he heard the question correctly but nodded, “Yeah, her and Scoots both.”

“Oh my. I'm sure they're both lucky to have you.” She smiled innocently, but made suggestive tongue-wiggles at her sister when the other ponies were not looking. Luna's resisted the urge to grind her teeth as she chewed.

While the ponies ate, Cadance asked for little tid-bits of how they were getting along. Smiling sweetly at the romantic gestures she heard and laughing at the silly pranks Luna played on Star. Shining Armor kept fairly quiet, leaving the conversation to his wife and shooting confused glances at StarStep.

During a brief lull in the conversation, Celestia addressed the blue-grey colt. “Tell me, Star. Did you know that Lu-lu is a screamer?”

Cadance paled, Shining began to choke on his food and Scootaloo's mouth dropped open. All Star could do was take a deer-in-headlight's look as Luna glared daggers. Star found his mouth working at a response, “Princess...I...really don't think...”

Celestia looked around at the others and blushed ever so slightly, “Oh. I'm sorry, I meant to say, that Lu-lu likes to use the Royal Voice when she's worked up. You cannot imagine how difficult it was to explain to the Dragon Empress why Lu-Lu was shouting at her. She's commands such a terrifying presence. The Dragon Empress was frighted as well.”

“...Tia...” Luna warned.

The white alicorn laughed softly, “Oh Lu-lu. It's too funny a story not to tell. OH, that reminds me. StarStep, you MUST let me show you portraits of my sister from ages ago. Saddle styles back then were so...risque.” She giggled as her sister bristled.

The other ponies did their best to ignore the tension, though Luna gave her sister the evil-eye. The breakfast continued, and the ponies finished their meals. The maids swept through, clearing plates and leaving coffee for Tia, Shining and Cadance. Mint Tea for the other three. They sat in quiet, sipping their drinks. Celestia smiling smugly over her mug at her sister, the other glaring back with promises of revenge.

They finished their hot drinks and Luna stood, prompting her dates to do so as well. “Well, sister, it was a delightful meal.” The blue alicorn began, “Since thou enjoyed my magic so much last night, perhaps I will take time to watch thine.” Her eyes flicked between her, Shining and Cadance. With a smug grin, she led her two pegasi towards the door, pulling it open with her magic before pausing at the open passage to glance over her shoulder, “Oh, by the way, dear sister. Thou hath 'magic' on thy coat.” She broke out into a terrible grin and laughed pulling the door closed behind them. Her last glance of her sister, was the white alicorn patting around her own muzzle and neck, searching for spots.

“Princess...what was THAT all about?” Star asked as they approached Luna's massive blue bed-chamber doors.

“It appears, mine sister saw the two of thou last night.” She gave a smile of pity to the pegasi.

Scootaloo's cheeks flushed and Star balked, “She was watching us? The whole time?”

“Quite possibly. She...enjoys nosing into my personal life.” She gave a little grumble. “Worry not my dear ponies.” She nuzzled them both. “Let it not dampen thy love and affections. To hide thy feelings for fear of discovery, tis a tragedy.” Her horn glowed as the massive door parted. “I wish thou both a spendid day, as I hath scrolls and forms to fill before rest. I hope to see thou both at dusk.” Both pegasi nodded before the Princess nuzzled warmly at Scootaloo, then kissed StarStep sweetly.

“Sleep well Princess.” Scoot said, beaming a happy smile as she cuddled against Star.

“Dream happy dreams, Princess.”

The blue alicorn nodded with a smile, “I believe I am.” She slipped into the darkness of her room and the door shut with a heavy thud.

It was then they two noticed the door-guards. Scoot blushed hotly and tried to hide her face in his neck. Star just gave them a nervous grin, “Uh...hey fellas. Don't mind us. We'll...just be going now.” He turned and lead his mare-friend away, doing his best to ignore the soft snickers from the two earth-ponies.

The two ponies returned to Star's room, along the way he told Scoot about how he'd spent the previous morning.

“So I found the pawn shop Sweetie and her crew had sold their gear to. Fortunately, I was able to get it back. Took all my savings though.”

“Are you going to be ok spending that much?” She asked, leaning against her colt as they walked in the early morning light.

“Yeah, it's fine. They'll just pay me back when they can. Sadly, there's not much else I can do to help Sweetie. Luna has that contest coming up in a few weeks, so they gotta practice and get ready. Kind of hard without instruments.”

Scootaloo giggled, “I don't know. Dash could play a mean air-guitar.” They shared a laugh. “When can I see Sweetie?”

“When are you leaving town again?”

She thought about it, “Hmm...couple days I think. Some pick up from Cloudsdale to Manehattan.”

Star nodded as they reached the door to his room, “Well, tomorrow morning, we'll go catch her at the coffee shop. She works a pretty messed up schedule right now. Two full time jobs. I don't know how she's going to find time to practice.” He gave a soft sigh, “At least seeing you should cheer her up, right?”

Scoot pushed open the door and nudged him inside, “Mmm-hmm. I know I'll be happy to see her at least. Me and Apple Bloom were getting really worried. At least now that you've explained it, I'll chat with her and see if we can't do something to help Sweetie.” As soon as they were both inside the room she slammed the door with a back hoof and fluttered off the ground to tackle the colt.

Star blinked up at the orange pegasus, “What?”

“Mmmm...round two...” She began to nibble seductively on his ear.

She played with him, teasing and toying with his wings. Through his haze of pleasure he tried to take note of exactly what she was doing to him. He needed to learn, and Scoots was oh so very good. At last she relinquished her game and rode him from on top. It wasn't the optimal position for ponies, but he loved watching her eyes, half-lidded in pleasure, look down at him, her wings-tip shivering when she climaxed. The colt did his best to hold out for her, up until she leaned her neck on his shoulder, her mouth taking one of his stiff wings in her muzzle and bit down as she wiggled her body down on his shaft. That was all he could take and filled the filly till it was running out of her and along his inner thighs. The two of them laid together, gently caressing each others' coats with their hooves and nuzzling softly into each others' manes. At last, Star half-pulled the tired filly into his bed, and the two of them slept cuddled together until early afternoon.


Lighthoof was shouting over the crowd of ponies in Ol' Rowdy's as he sat in the booth. “So this poor new recruit comes to me and asks for the keys to the chariot.” He gestured wildly as he retold the story, “Now, I wasn't going to be the poor sport that ruined the game, so I told him that I'd give him the keys if he could bring me a plate-armor stretcher from the blacksmiths. So off the little guy runs.” Sherry and Peach giggled as the cuddled into their colt. Across the table, Luna looked perplexed between a laughing Scootaloo and a smirking StarStep.

“I doth not understand. Mine chariots have no keys.”

The ponies at the table paused, and laughed harder. Star chuckled and smiled to Luna, “That's the point Princess. New recruits have a bad habit of not thinking orders through. So sometimes they'll get asked to find something that doesn't exist. It's a bit of a prank.”

The alicorn tilted her head, then her expression brightened, “Oh-ho! I see! Tis a delightful jest. Though, I doth feel for the recruit. For how long did he seek out the keys?”

Lighthoof gave a sly grin, “Well, the blacksmith sent him looking for elbow grease. You know, to lube the armor stretcher. And somewhere along the line, some guard let slip that there's no elbow grease, and the whole prank fell apart.” They all shared a little laugh, even Luna joined in before sipping her Pear cider.

“Truly, Lighthoof. I did not know thou indulged in such merry jests.”

The tan pegasus grinned, “I try, Princess. I try.” He nuzzled Sherry then Peach. The first gave a kiss back, the other squirmed and giggled shyly. “If it wasn't for these two, who knows what kind of shenanigans I'd get into.

Sherry smirked, “Is that her name, hun?” The colt balked and tickled her in revenge.

Luna smiled at the affectionate display, giving a soft giggle as both Scootaloo and Star leaned into her sides. “I am most delighted, my dear Star. At the invitation to this tavern. So many of the guards are here, it allows me to see them so unreserved and more natural. Splendidly, most of the ponies here art not falling over their hooves to bow and prostrate themselves before me. Even the bar-tender allowed me to pay for his fine beverages.”

Sherry laughed, “Dad'll take money from dang near anypony, long as they're not hurtin' nopony.” She glanced over her shoulder and nodded to her father. He returned the gesture as he handed off mugs to patrons at the bar.

“Indeed. While I do appreciate gifts, I would much rather patron and support establishments whom offer services I indulge in.”

“Like the spa, Princess?” Star smirked up at her. She returned the look and nudged him with her crystal-shod hoof.

“Very true. Perhaps we should ask thy guard-partner to seek out a Lunar Treatment as well? I would assume he would make quite the pretty pony.” They shared a laugh as Lighthoof just blinked in confusion.

“Actually...Princess. That's not a bad idea for a friend of mine.” he nodded in thought before tipping back his mug of Ale.

The friends spent the rest of the evening till the wee-hours, chatting and laughing. Star was feeling quite warm and fuzzy, and not just from the soft blue wing that blanketed him as he and Scoots walked next to their Princess. Lighthoof followed just behind, his two mares tucked under his wings. The two guard ponies were singing a drinking song, horribly off key, but full of vigor, much to the amusement of the mares.

Lighthoof wrinkled his nose and halted, his singing suddenly cut off and Star slowed to look back over his shoulder, “Everything, cool, Light?” Luna and Scoots halted with Star to glance back curiously.

“Not sure, dude. I smell smoke. Lot of it.” He sniffed again and pointed down one of the streets. “That way I think.” He glanced at a near-by street-sign. “We're in our patrol district, I think we should check it out, Star.”

The blue-grey colt nodded. “I agree.” he turned to Luna and Scoot. “If you wonderful mares want to head on back, we can catch up later. Me and Light just wanna check this out. Probably just some pony burning trash.”

The alicorn shook her head, “Neigh. I shalt attend. Despite this being thy days off, there should be two ponies covering thy shift. Let us investigate.” She smiled down at the orange pegasus, “Art thou up for a little extra walk, dear?” Scootaloo nodded. She was still a bit buzzed from her drinks, but was able to stagger along, using Luna for occasional support.

Lighthoof led the way, his two fillies right on his flanks with his friend taking the middle. Luna and Scoot following at the rear. It was slow going, narrowing down the exact direction of the smoke just by smell. Moving from one street to another to track it. At last they found drifting black haze through the upper half of the streets and alleys, leading them around a corner to find the source.

Star's blood turned to ice. Sweetie Belle's house was in flames.

Chapter XXVIII

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXVIII

A small crowd of ponies watched the burning house. Some were fearful, some in awe, their eyes reflecting the flames that licked at the front of the two story building that Sweetie Belle and her roomies called home. A pair of earth pony guards kept them back. At the forefront, was Pip, arguing with them.

StarStep broke into a gallop, skidding to a stop next to the guards and looking from the white and brown earth pony to the burning house. “Pip! What happened?”

One of the guards turned on him, “Get behind us sir, that fire is dangerous.” The Night-Guard glanced over the blue-grey colt's shoulder and his eyes widened, “P-Princess! We're so glad you're here!”

Star noted his friends and the blue alicorn had joined him. Sherry and Peach seemed both horrified and entranced by the burning building, Light was at his side, Scoot his other.

“Pray-tell, why has this fire not been contained?”

The first guard bowed slightly, “Princess, we've dumped three emergency rainclouds on it. So far, it's having no effect. So we've had the weather crew soaking the nearby buildings while we get the magic team here.”

“Oy, Princess!” Pip shouldered his way through the guards and looked up at her, his face was soot streaked, “Dinky and Sweetie are still inside! Yah 'ave to help!”

The alicorn's eyes widened as she spun to face the burning building. Her horn glowed as Star turned to the large spotted earth pony, “Pip, how did this happened?”

“I donno, Dinky and I came home from our shift, and saw a fire burning in the lower windows. We ran in to check for Sweetie and tha fire spread so fast we got separated. Then these two blokes.” He gestured a hoof at the guards, “Yanked me out and not let me back in there!”

“It appears thou speaketh the truth. I sense two ponies within. Still alive...for now.” A frown crossed her face as her horn shimmered more intensely. “This...this cannot be.” Her horn ceased it's blue aura as she looked down sadly at Star and Pip. “Alas, I can do nothing to this fire on my own. Tis not natural. I wilst need to fetch mine sister to douse these flames. However...I fear it may be too late for thy friends by the time we return.”

Star looked to the burning house then to Luna, “Then let's not waste any time. Can you put a shield on me? You get your sister and I'll pull them out.”

The Princess looked into his determined eyes, her mouth opened as to deny his request, but sighed heavily and nodded her head. “I know it would be a wasted effort to dissuade thou from this course of action. Thy friends hath not the time for us to argue over such a matter.” She reached out to touch her crystal slipper to his cheek, “Thou art impulsive and foalish, yet brave. Rescue my ponies and I shalt forgive thy transgression.” Her horn glowed and the field of blue settled over the blue-grey colt. “Mine shield wilst only protect you partially from these flames. For they art not natural. Take care to not stray into the heart of the flames.” She kissed him, “Please, return to me, my Star.” With that, the Princess vanished in a flash of light and a swirl of black and blue mist.

Lighthoof rested a hoof on Star's shoulder, “Me and Scoots will circle the building and watch the windows. Just in case you need a hoof getting the fillies out.” He looked to the large earth colt, “Pips, if you had to, do you think you could kick a hole in the wall?”

The earth-stallion looked over the shoddy house, flame licking out in many places, black plumes of smoke rising to the sky. “Yeah...being da walls are weak with fire, and it was blimey thin walls anyhoof. I figure I right can.”

Lighthoof nodded and looked to Star, “Ok dude, it's on you. We'll do what we can out here. Be safe.” They bro-hoofed. Scootaloo gave him a hug before he handed off his necklace of feathers to her. She promised to keep it safe as he took to the air. The colt circled the burning house, spotting an open window on the second story, and swooped up to the gaping hole. He peaked his head inside, making sure the room wasn't filled with fire and pulled himself through.

Inside, Star began to cough. The smoke rising from the lower floors was thick. Lowering his head towards the floor he made his way to the bedroom door. Carefully, he tested the door-handle for heat before nudging it open. Fortunately, only little embers sparked the hallway, though he knew it wouldn't stay that way long. He called out for Dinky and Sweetie, wandering down to the next two bedrooms, poking his head in with no luck. At last he reached the stairway down, rolling black smoke climbing up the narrow passage. He descended, using his wings to help funnel the rolling smoke away from his face. He knew it would fan the flames and embers, but it was better than passing out from inhalation.

The living room was half in flames, the front half towards the door cut off. He circled around to the kitchen, coughing and using wings to buffet smoke away. Again, no sign of the fillies.. The backdoor was also completely in flames. There was no easy way out it seemed. His calls went unanswered till he passed the stairs leading to the basement. He thought he heard an answer to his shouts and pulled open the door a crack. “Sweetie? Dinky?”

“Down here Star!” Sweetie replied, she was coughing. “Help!”

The pegasus slipped through the door and shut it behind him to help keep out the smoke as he hurried down. His ears caught the sound of the house's structure creaking from the flames lapping at it's wooden beams. Star reached the bottom and breathed a sigh of relief to find the two fillies cuddled up with each other at the center of the basement. They had wet blankets over their heads, but still the smoke was seeping through the floor above, and the air was hot. He could make out the start of flames rolling down the outer walls of the basement.

Star trotted over, receiving a hug from Sweetie. “Dinky took in too much smoke. We gotta get her out, Star!” She pulled up the limp grey unicorn, looking to him in desperation. The colt turned and presented his back, “Put her up on me, help her stay put, we gotta get outta here. Pip wasn't kidding, those flames are eating through the wood quick.” There was a sudden groan and felt the air vibrate as something massive hit the floor above. “Come on, Sweetie, we gotta go, now.”

The white unicorn managed to remain calm, though her eyes were trembling and she coughed often. Together they managed to get the passed out unicorn on his back and strapped her down with sheets from the washer. Leading the way, Star carefully trotted up the stairs, Sweetie on his heels, keeping a hoof on Dinky's back to maintain balance. Step by cautious step, they managed the way and Star nudged the door open to be greeted by a burst of smoke and embers. He began coughing and awkwardly beat back the smoke with his wings. The pony on his back was making it far more difficult.

He forced his way out of the basement and groaned. The kitchen was an inferno and the living room didn't have a lot of floor space left to walk. Part of the upper floor had fallen down, blocking the windows along the front wall. The walkway to reach the front-door was engulfed in fire. The pegasus flicked his tail at Sweetie's face, “Bite my tail, keep close.” She nodded, taking a mouthful as he lead through the black smoke, tugging her along towards the stairs. The air was thick, hot and heavy. His eyes watered and his lungs were screaming for fresh oxygen. Together, the two ponies cautiously made their way up the creaking stairway and past the first bedroom. The entire floor had fallen in. Flames licked the walls of the hallway, and Star did his best to lead the unshielded Sweetie around what he could, and buffer down those he couldn't for her to scramble past. The second bedroom was still intact, though thick with rolling smoke.

Star stepped out on the floor, hearing it groan dangerously under his and Dinky's weight. If a pegasus was causing it to shift and creak, he knew it wouldn't last long. “Sweetie, stay put, let me see if I can get Dinky out.” The unicorn nodded, coughing hard as she cowered on the ground at the doorway, covering her nose with her hooves. He reached the window, turned and bucked out the glass. The house creaked dangerously and he gritted his teeth till the noise quieted. Using a fore-hoof, Star knocked out what glass he could around the edges, black smoke rolling out the top of it.

“Star?” Scootaloo's voice rang out from outside.

“Yeah, get Lighthoof. Dinky is out cold. I need you two to take her now.” He coughed harder.

“I'm here Star.” Lighthoof's voice responded. Shortly, the two pegasi were hovering at the window. They reached out, gently taking Dinky's limp limbs, and pulled her from the house. Satisfied, he turned and looked to Sweetie, “Ok, nice and easy. Come this way.”

The unicorn nodded, and began to crawl across the hot wood planks. Suddenly, there was a mighty crack below them, and the floor buckled and dipped as a structural beam gave way. Sweetie cried out, frightened as Star clutched the window-frame. The house stilled for but a moment. He could feel the protests of the building through his limbs. It wasn't going to last much longer. The filly looked at him pleadingly, reaching out a hoof from across the room.

Sliding on his belly, to distribute the weight, he wormed his way across the buckled floor towards the unicorn. Just a few more feet. Then there was a terrible groan and the center of the bedroom collapsed, sending him plummeting into the living-room.

Pain, oh, the pain. Terrible burning pain. Star blinked himself out of the daze, coughing hard as he pushed a burning plank off his body. He groaned, hearing his name being shouted from somewhere.

“Sweetie?” He yelled, coughing a fit as he rolled from the debris.

“I'm still up here Star. Are you ok?”

“Yeah. I'm here.” He blinked around the smoke filled room, attempting to regain his sense of direction..

“Star, the stairs are completely on fire now, I can't get back down.”

“No no, don't try.” He looked around the black and fiery living room. A gaping hole above him, black smoke billowing out the escape route. “Sweetie, are you near the hole?”

“Yeah, Star. But I can't see down.”

He glanced around, the fallen timber had cleared a small section of flames for him to stand for now. But it was looking grim. The house was groaning almost constantly. It'd be down on their heads soon. “Sweetie. I'm gonna need you to trust me. I'm gonna buffet out a bit of smoke, when you see me, I want you to jump down to me, ok?”

There was pause, then a very quiet acknowledgment. Nodding to himself, he flipped out his wings and sent a strong gust upwards, washing away a temporary space of air. He glimpsed Sweetie's soot stained face and held out a hoof to her. She jumped, crying out in terror and crashed into his spread hooves. Groaning, Star helped her off him, and staggered to his feet.

The unicorn looked around, fearful, “Star! The room is filled with fire, how do we get out?”

“STAR!” Lighthoof called from upstairs through the window.

“We're downstairs in the living-room. Can you see if Pips can kick open the door?”

“We can't get near, that bucking fire is starting to burn the stones outside the house!”

Star cursed, looking around the black hazy room. “How's that room up there?”

“The walls buckled with that crash. I'm yelling at you through a hole where the window used to be. You gotta get out, dude. Whole roof is falling in.”

The pegasus coughed and looked around again,debating an escape route. Sweetie hugged herself close and whimpered, “Star...if we don't make it...” He hushed her with a hoof to her lips and smiled.

“What did I tell you about being positive?”

She returned his smile, though her eyes trembled in fear.

“I guess we do this the hard way.” he sighed. “Get up on my back, and hold on tight, Sweetie.” He turned, crouching and spread his wings. The nervous unicorn scrambled up, hugging her soot-stained limbs around his neck as he stood. “Hold on tight. Whatever you do, don't let go.” She nodded into his neck.

Gritting his teeth, he stepped off their shrinking isle of unburning debris, and galloped quickly through the smaller flickers of flame. Thankfully, Luna's ward resisted the light licks of small flames, but when he passed near larger infernos, his coat singed and the agony lanced through his body. He was glad for the alcohol from earlier. It was probably dulling some of the pain.

Through the black smoke and flickering flames, he charged the front door. It was charred and the frame completely on fire. Cracks were running along the walls around it, the house groaning constantly now. Knocking out the door would probably be the last straw. There was only a few feet left to go. He shouted over his shoulder at Sweetie. “Close your eyes, and hold on tight. This is gonna be rough.” She nodded again, her eyes squeezed shut.

Gathering his courage and last of his dwindling strength, he lept from the floor, using his wings to soar them off the ground a few feet as his outstretched fore-hooves collided with the front door, smashing it into splinters of wood and charcoal as a wave of fire washed over him. The house gave a final shudder and collapsed behind them, the shock-wave of fire and smoke knocking him from his glide and tumbled the pair out of control. He turned midair to pull Sweetie protectively against his chest and allowed his body to cushion the impact of the street. The air was knocked from his lungs as his back smashed into the cobblestones, a cry of agony left his lips as one of his wings twisted wrong. Their momentum caused them to continue rolling along the ground a few more feet. Through his daze of pain, mind reeling from the crash, he remembered seeing Sweetie look at him from just a hoof-length away. She crawled closer and took his outstretched hoof with both hers. She smiled, tears running from her blood-shot eyes as he lost consciousness.


StarStep blinked, groaning as his eyes sought to focus. He was laying on his side, on something soft and white. At last, he shook off the hazy vision, noting he was in a hospital room. Standing at his bedside was a teary eyed Sweetie Belle and a softly smiling Scootaloo. Sweetie cried out and leaned over the bed to hug him. He groaned, his back giving a little twinge of pain.

“Oh oh, sorry Star.” She pulled back suddenly, sniffing as she wiped her eyes. “I'm just glad the doctors finally let you wake up.”

The pegasus frowned, “Let me wake up?”

Scoots nodded, “Yeah, it's been a week. The Princesses and doctors insisted you sleep while their magics healed you. You were pretty burnt up.”

Sweetie's eyes seemed to tear up more. “Oh Star...I'm so sorry. Your poor wings.”

A terrible knot formed in his belly, “What...?” He glanced over his shoulders as he stretched out his wings. They were covered from base to tip with white linen bandages.

Scootaloo gave a soft sigh, “Your wings got doused in those flames as you crashed out of the house. The Princesses have been trying to help heal you, but...they're not sure your feathers will grow back.” She hugged a weeping Sweetie to her side.

He shook his head. He felt numb from the terrible news. No feathers, no flight. A grounded pegasus. Yet, in his creeping despair, he looked to the white unicorn, sobbing into her friend's neck and gave a slight smile. “Sweetie.” She turned her head slightly, eying him with one teary eye. “Sweetie, come here.” He gestured with a hoof to her. Carefully, she slid up onto the bed and let him hug her close. She wept, moaning how sorry she was. He stroked her mane, noting the hacked off spots and the splotches of shaved coat. He suspect he looked far worse. Glancing over her shaking shoulder, and gave a reassuring smile to his mare-friend.

“Sweetie, it's ok. You're alive and safe now. I did what I had to do. Don't cry for me, I'm sure it'll be ok. If I had to, I'd do it all over again. Is Dinky ok, too?” She nodded softly, looking up at him, sniffing. He brushed aside her butchered bangs and smiled, “Then everything is fine. I'd give a hundred wings to keep you and my friends safe. I did sign up to be a Royal Guard, after-all. Right?” She nodded again.

“But...but Star. Why did this happen? And...the instruments you got back for us. They all burnt. Everything is gone, and you may not get to fly again. It's all so wrong.”

“Shhh, it's ok Sweetie. I'm sure the Princesses are looking into it. And don't worry about me. I'm sure the Luna can fix me up with a little more time.” He gently booped her nose, “Hey, those instruments are just things. We can replace them. But you and Dinky. I wouldn't want to lose you. So, don't cry anymore.” He tilted her chin up and gave her a friendly nuzzle on the nose. “Don't cry for me. You should use that time to talk with Dinky and Pips. Figure out what you three want to do. Ok?”

The white unicorn gave a brief nod and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you, Star.” She slid from the bed and returned a hug from Scootaloo. Then the filly trotted to the door, pulling it open as she looked over her shoulder. She gave him a sad smile before leaving them alone.

Scootaloo slid up into the bed and cuddled herself against her colt-friend. Her muzzle running along his neck. “Oh Star, what a terrible sacrifice. If you don't get your wings back...I...would never wish it on any pegasus.”

The colt hugged her close and gave a shudder, “I know...I'm holding onto that little bit of hope that the Princesses can help me. What in the world was that stuff? I remember Lighthoof saying it was burning stone.”

The orange pegasus nodded, “Luna and Princess Celestia showed up just as you crashed through the door. It took both of them working hard to douse the flames. Afterwards, Luna told me it was something called liquid dragon-fire. It...comes from the glands inside a dragon. It's the purest form of their flame. Sticks to stuff and burns and burns.” She gave a soft shiver, “Stone, wood, metal. Plus, since it's from a dragon, it's resistant to outside magic. Which is why it was so hard for Luna to douse that much by herself.”

Star pondered it for a moment, “I guess that would explain why they're having a hard time healing my wings, huh?”

The filly gave a little whimper and buried her head into his coat, “Oh Star, it was horrible to watch it burning away your feathers and...I couldn't do anything, I felt so helpless.”

He sighed and hugged her tight, “I know the feeling, Scoots. But, no regrets, remember?” He met her gaze with a smirk, “Sweetie and Dinky are safe. It was worth the risk.” She hesitated, then smiled back at him, giving a slight nod in agreement. In the back of his mind, Star processed the information about the fire. It was clearly intentional. The question then became, who set it? Why? And did they intend to hurt the fillies or was that collateral damage?

“Hey Star?” Scoots began, “They're going to let you out tomorrow. Luna is putting you on medical leave for another week while you heal. She's letting Lighthoof off as well. Said it was procedure for an arson investigation”

The colt nodded and gave her a tight hug. “Are you off for the next few days? I figure, since I'm stuck off-duty for a while, we could take Sweetie home to Ponyville and meet up with AB. A little reunion. Plus, I've been meaning to do something for Lighthoof.”

She grinned and booped his nose gently, “And, you can tell your folks about us and Luna.”

He gave a little groan, “Oh...oh no, I never thought about that. Mom is going to flip. Well, at least they know you. you think Luna would want to go?”

“Only one way to find out.” She giggled, “Your mom is going to freak out if you bring home both me and the Princess.”

“No kidding. Dad will probably explode from fatherly pride.” They shared a laugh.

They spent the rest of the afternoon, cuddled in each others hooves, Star taking the opportunity to tell her all that had happened since her last visit. She found the story about the spa absolutely hilarious. Rolling onto her back and laughing so hard she clutched at her chest and tears rolled down her cheeks. At last, the sun descended, leaving the room in a dim glow of the hospital lights. A nurse poked her head in, announcing that visiting hours were over.

Scootaloo gave him a parting kiss and promised she'd talk to Luna for him about the trip to Ponyville. Then she waved a hoof, wishing him sweet dreams, before slipping from the room. He tried to remain positive, and hopeful. But as he glanced at his bandaged wings, he felt the gnawing of despair.


Late in the evening, with only the dull glow of the street lantern filtering through the window, Star awoke with a start. He peered about the shadowy room, unsure what had awoken him. He was about to drift off to sleep when a silvery face of an earth stallion appeared in the yellowy lantern light. His breath caught in his throat for a moment, till he recognized the chiseled jaw and eyes that were deep and dangerous.


The earth pony took another step into the light, just his face and chest showing from the shadows, “Mister StarStep. I am pleased to find you are alive, as are your friends.”

Star frowned, “I'm surprised you give a buck about me. What are you doing here?” He glanced over at the nurse call button, but decided to play it cool for now.

“You wound me sir. I care about many ponies. Often the ones who owe me things. However, in this case, it grieves me to be the one to admit that there's been a terrible oversight.”

Star narrowed his eyes, “What do you mean?”

“Normally, I do not give out information for free. However, I was most upset by recent events. Due to an ex-employee's foalish actions, I fear he will draw the Princesses' ire upon my business.”


“Already, he has attacked Miss Dinky in the street and made my employees look like thugs. Then, he has the audacity to break from prison, steal a shipment from my warehouse, and set ablaze your friend's home.”

Star blinked, “It was YOUR liquid dragon-fire?”

“Oh, come now Mister StarStep. I never said it was mine. A client had been storing it in my warehouse for quite sometime. I had almost forgotten about it till this little incident.” The large pony gave a sigh, “It's so very hard to find trustworthy help these days. The pony in question has gone to ground, and will require some digging to ferret him out. As a gesture of good faith, when I discover his whereabouts, I will forward the information to you.”

“Why tell me all this?”

“Because, Mister StarStep. As it stands, the trail leads back to my business. We had nothing to do with this. In fact, I was most intrigued by Miss Sweetie's sudden change of mindset. Seems she's been working hard with her band-mates to prepare for Princess Luna's upcoming contest. A shame all the instruments went up in the blaze.”

Star's heart sank. All that money he paid to help Sweetie, and it was but ash now. Her debt to Steelhoof was a problem that only grew with the fire.

“I had hoped she would win prize money and repay her loan.” Steelhoof said as he gave a disappointed shake of his head.

The admission startled the pegasus, however, it made sense. As far as he could tell, the silvery stallion was about cold business and profit. Though, he suspected that deep down, Steelhoof was just trying to cover his own flank. He couldn't blame him now that the Princesses were involved. “Alright, you let me know where he is, and we'll go pay him a little visit.”

“Excellent. Remember this is the only free information you will receive from me, Mister StarStep. After today, it will cost you. And I still have my eye on that beautiful blue feather." He nodded to the feathers attached to the silver necklace around Star's neck. "Till we meet again, Mister StarStep.” The pony stepped back into the shadows. Despite how hard Star peered into the blackness, and watched, he never saw him leave the room. He was simply gone.

Chapter XXIX

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXIX

The soft rumble of wheels to rail. The gentle shaking side to side. The flickers of moonlight through the trees that zipped by the windows. A symphony of a certain kind of peace as the midnight train from Canterlot rumbled it's way down the mountainside towards the country.

StarStep slid from his bench, glancing about the car. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were snoozing, curled up with each other. He gave a chuckle at the little puddle of drool Sweetie was leaving on Scootaloo's shoulder. Off on the other side of the train-car, Lighthoof was reading a book under a gently swaying lantern. With their new schedules, Star and Light had a much harder time sleeping during the night hours. The entire car was theirs, reserved by Princess Luna for their little trip to Ponyville. He figured they'd reach home by early morning. With his injured wings and Sweetie Belle tagging along, a faster flight wasn't possible. And with the effects of the dragon-flame embedded in his injuries, Luna did not want to chance a mass teleport. Star didn't mind, the quiet trip was soothing. He knew it was going to be crazy when he got home.

The blue-grey pegasus stretched, careful not to strain his bandaged wings before wandering towards the back door. It slid open on well oiled runners, washing him in the sounds of the rumbling train and the cool night air. Gently he closed it behind him as he stepped onto the balcony ledge that marked the end of the train. Princess Luna was there, gazing up at Canterlot above them and the stars beyond that.

The two ponies stood side by side, quietly reflecting on the view. He found it interesting that her mane did not ruffle to the gusts of wind that flowed from the train's movement. Luna caught his examining look and gave a sad smile.

“StarStep, thou knowest I may be unable to return thy ability to fly.” Her eyes flickered to the bandaged appendages before meeting his look. It was less of a question.

“I know Princess.” He gave a soft sigh as she unfurled her massive alicorn wing to blanket his back.

“Thou dost not seem...sad. I've seen mighty pegasi weep themselves to despair at the loss of their wings. Why doth thou not feel as such?”

Star shrugged, lifting up his fore-hooves to rest on the railing. He glanced down at the rapidly moving rail-ties that whipped out from under the train. “I'm more angry than sad. I'd give anything to protect you or my friends. Tartarus, even most of Ponykind.”

The alicorn frowned for the briefest of moments before she hugged the smaller pony tight to her side, “I knowest thou would. It...frightens me, dear StarStep. Yet, mine heart is proud of thy desire to protect others. I only fear, it will lead thee to ruin one day. Already, thy sacrifice may prove dear. A flightless pegasus is...” She trailed off, unable to finish her thought. “Who art thou angry at, pray-tell?”

Waving a hoof upwards at the dwindling lights of Canterlot, he replied, “That pony who burnt down Sweetie's house and almost took the lives of ponies. I'm pretty sure I know who it is, but his file is pretty small. Name is Granite. Seems all the underworld thugs he's worked for have kept him under the radar. The guards still don't know how he got out.”

“Art thou angry because his actions may have cost thee thy wings?”

Star paused, then shook his head, “Honestly, Princess, not really. I mean, a little. But I'm more angry he tried to hurt good-hearted ponies out of spite. Even if he only intended to burn their house down in petty revenge, it's still wrong. And it makes me so angry.” He slammed a hoof down on the rail. “But I don't know where he is yet. My wings were the cost to save two ponies, and I'm ok with that. But this mother-bucker...” He halted and blushed, realizing he cursed in front of his Princess. “Sorry...”

“Neigh, I can understand thy frustration. I felt much the same when Tia and I faced Discord. Twas little we could do to counter his powers. All around us, ponies suffered, and it tore at our hearts.” She leaned her head down to gently rub her cheek with his, “Dear, StarStep, remember to not let thy anger cloud thy judgment, and lead thee to rash action. I did once...the price was terrible.” She gave a heavy sigh.

The colt nuzzled at her affectionately, “Thank you, Princess. For your advice, and forgiveness, and understanding. I know I'm just one little pony, but...I want to be there for you.”

Returning his nuzzle, the blue alicorn gave a little smile before kissing him, “I knowest thou dost desires such.”


The train was slightly delayed by cows herding across the tracks, but eventually it steamed into Ponyville with a screaming whistle and a grind of metal brakes. The group made their way off the last car, the Princess drawing looks of astonishment from the ponies standing around the loading platform. She waved to those who did so first, and informed those that prostrated themselves to rise and go about their business. Scootaloo found the whole thing amusing. She even held the door open with a mocking bow for Luna as they passed through the station. Luna just smirked and giggled when Scoots suddenly yelped. She leaned down to Star's ear, “Seems her cutie mark is a might sensitive to spanks.” The colt blushed and coughed in embarrassment.

They followed the road that circled Ponyville, not wishing to stir up downtown with Luna's presence. In due time, the little group arrived at StarStep's home. His father was up on the roof, tapping new tiles into place, wearing a wide-brimmed hat to keep the early morning sun out of his eyes. The dark-grey pegasus looked up at Star's shout, then beamed a grin as he holstered the hammer in his belt. Fluttering down into the yard before them, he gave his son a mighty hug. There was a questioning look at Star's bandaged wings, but he said nothing. Instead, he turned to give a respectful bow of his head to Luna.

“Well now, isn't this a surprise? My son said he was bringing friends over, but I didn't expect royalty.” He gave a lopsided grin. “Welcome home, Princess Luna.” He gestured with a hoof towards the simple house.

The alicorn gave Star a curious expression before she accepted his father's invitation and led the group inside. The ponies filed into the living room, Star's dad ensuring everypony had a comfortable seat before calling into the kitchen. Shortly, Star's mom wandered in, a tray of lemonade filled glasses, floating in her magic to settle on the coffee table.

“Oh, I'm so glad you could all come for a visit, I...” Her voice trailed off as she noticed Star's wrapped wings, “OH, Star, what happened?!” She bit her lip as she hesitantly reached out to touch the white bandage.

“It's ok, Mom. I'll explain later.”

Princess Luna cleared her throat as she gestured with her crystal shod hoof towards Sweetie Belle, “Thy son rescued this young unicorn and her friend, Dinky, from a most terrible fire. A truly noble act, thou should be proud.”

Star's mom blinked, noticing Luna for the first time and gave a shaky bow, “Thank you for visiting our humble home, Princess. And letting us know about our son's bravery. I wish I'd known you were coming.” She shot her son a quick glare, “I would have set out the good china and made this place spot-less.”

With a wave of her hoof, she cut off the mare's worry. She smiled as she looked about, “Neigh, tis quite fine. It feels lived in, and comfortable. Tis truly a loving home.” She looked down at the glasses of cold lemonade, “May we partake in thy refreshments? The trip was most lengthy by train.”

“OH, oh, yes, of course, where are my manners. Please everypony, enjoy.” She scurried off to the kitchen to fetch an extra couple of glasses to accommodate the extra ponies. When she returned, they all helped themselves to the ice-chilled treat. Soon, everypony was sipping their cool drinks and settling into the well used couches. “So um, did you come all this way to tell us about Star's heroics, Princess?”

At that, Star shook his head, holding up his necklace of feathers. “Scootaloo, the Princess, and I, are dating, Mom.”

Her eyes bulged, much to her husband's amusement. He stood and laid a comforting wing over her back, “Haha, dear. Deep breaths. You have to breathe.”

The silver unicorn nodded, eyes still wide as she sucked in air. “You...and Scootaloo, AND the Princess?” She blinked, “But...what about Miss Cheerilee? Star, oh, what have you gotten mixed up in?”

The blue-grey colt gave a soft sigh and laughed, “Miss Cheerilee has Twilight. It's...not like that between us. It'll be alright, mom. I'll explain everything later.”

Nodding, she walked up and gave Scootaloo a bone-crushing hug, then hesitated before giving Luna one as well, “I know you're not family yet, but, welcome. Our home is yours.” Scootaloo giggled, Luna gave a warm smile.

“Speaking of family.” Star began, putting a limb around Lighthoof. “Remember what I told you about in my last few letters? This is Lighthoof.”

The parents shared a look, before trotting over to embrace the surprised Lighthoof. He blinked and smiled awkwardly, looking over their shoulders at Star for help. At last they released him and Star's mom brushed some of Light's bangs out of his eyes, “Hello, Lighthoof. Star told us how you wanted to be part of the family. I regret we couldn't give Star a brother, so I'm glad you've become like one to him.”

Star's dad patted Light on the shoulder, “We'll need to chat a bit. But, I don't see a reason why we can't adopt you. You've been family to my son while he's been away. It means a lot to us.” Lighthoof blinked, there was a long pause before he choked out a thanks, then there was hugging all around and smiles.


Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked on each of Star's sides, as they trotted towards town. Luna had stayed to help Star's mom bake dishes for a welcome party they were throwing that evening. Most of the town was invited, thanks to a slip of the tongue around Pinkie Pie. But Star didn't mind. The gathering was a great way for more ponies to get to know Luna beyond her being their Princess. Lighthoof had stayed behind to help Star's dad finish the roof, and to have a colt to colt talk about joining the family. He was certain the two would get along just fine.

The trio made their way into town, stepping into Apple Bloom's shop, her door bell heralding their entrance. The yellow earth-mare looked up from an order form, smiled to Star and Scoots, then blinked as her eyes lingered on the white unicorn.

“Oh my stars! Sweetie!” She bound over the counter and tackled her friend in a flying hug. They laughed and rolled about as Scoots gave Star a gentle nudge. At last the earth-mare relented her loving assault to bound up, flicking her eyes between her three friends. “I reckon a CMC reunion requires that I close up shop early, what y'all say?”

So the four ponies soon found themselves settled on a hill, overlooking the Apple family pond. Near the site of Apple Bloom's new construction. She had a foundation laid, and the early skeletal frame of the humble cottage finished. She excitedly told her friends about what she had planned, lots of bedrooms for guests, a big covered area for projects and such. As she finished, she asked about Star's injury, and he gave a short telling of the fire. She grimaced and wished him well, and thanked him for rescuing Sweetie and Dinky. As they swapped stories, Star gave Sweetie a light nudge and gestured with his head.

“Apple Bloom, Scootaloo...” She began, their eyes turned to her. “I' very sorry I stopped talking to you. so overwhelmed, and I thought I could handle it all myself. Can you forgive me for being such a jerk?” The pegasus and earth-pony grappled her up in a hug. It was clear they held no hard feelings towards her.

“Oh, Sweetie.” AB began, “I figured you done got yourself in trouble. You are as bad as my sister about not askin for help. I forgive yah, just...don't forget we're yer friends. We wanna help if we can.”

The orange pegasus nodded in agreement, “She's right, Sweetie. We've been friends a long time. If you can't come to us for help, who can you go to?”

Sweetie's eyes turned to StarStep's beaming smile. She matched it. “It took our moon-struck colt friend to help me see.”

AB and Scoots looked to the blue-grey pegasus. AB grinned, “I right reckon so. Thank you, Star. For knockin' some sense in her fool head, and pulling her flank outta da fire, literally. At this point, I'd normally yell 'pony-pile' like old times, but account of your wings...well...”

Star surprised them all by shouting, “PONY PILE!” and pounced the hugging friends. They tumbled about, laughing and squirming under the pegasus colt as he playfully tickled them all. In fairness, they did not retaliate, respectful of his injuries, and he soon relented his assault, happy to sprawl out in the close comfort of his three friends. As the four looked up at the clear blue skys, cuddled together, Star felt oddly nostalgic and warm inside.


The party music was being DJ'd by a young colt from town. A prodigy of Vinyl Scratch, he threw down a nice mix of music that was easy to dance to, and not so loud the ponies on the other side of the yard couldn't converse. Almost the entire town mingled around StarStep's house. Most clustered in small groups of friends, or the buffet table. The rest either danced or wandered from spot to spot. Princess Luna was at his side, sharing a tasty blackberry muffin with him. Occasionally ponies would wander by to pay their respects to the Princess, and she would politely chat with them till they moved on. Lighthoof was off tearing up the dance floor, impressing the fillies. The CMC were clustered off at the edge of the yard with Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie. There seemed to be some sort of deep discussion going on. Sometimes he would catch one of them looking in his direction, though it was too dark to make out the expression.

“Thy family is quite loving, dear StarStep. They do not bow or stumble over their hooves to please me. Of this I approve. I feel most welcome in thy home.” She leaned down to give him a nuzzle.

Star leaned into it, “I'm glad, Princess. Mom can get a little...overwhelmed at time.”

The alicorn laughed softly, giving a polite nod to passing ponies. “Indeed. Though we had quite a splendid time making baked goods. Tis been ages since Tia and I hath done such. I shalt have to remedy that when I return to Canterlot.”

“Are you sure it's ok that you took time off Princess?”

“Oh, yes, tis fine. We do not need to be at the castle to raise and lower the moon and sun. Tis only the day to day governing that keeps us there. Tia assures me she can handle it while I take time off. She insisted after she heard of thy offer.” She gave a soft giggle. She looked about, “So many new faces to mine eyes. Seems Ponyville has grown well since mine last visit.” There was a slight sigh, “I remember when this was but fields and forest. A time when we lived in the old castle, so long ago. Tis always startling to me, when I look upon the world with eyes of ages past. Remembering a castle that is but shadowy ruins. Or a landscape carved by rivers and rain.”

“I would think it would be interesting, Princess.”

“Oh?” She glanced down at her colt-friend. “How so?”

“Well, if I could live long enough, I'd love to see the world changing before me. If everything stayed the same, I figure it'd get pretty boring.” He smiled up at the alicorn.

“I wilst not change in thy lifetime, dost thou find that boring?” She smirked down at him.

“No, Princess, no. I...yikes, caught in my own words, huh?” Luna laughed at his stammering.

“Worry not, I know what thou means. Tis true in some respects. To know the land is ever changing, and there will always be new ponies to meet. Though, as thou reflect nostalgically upon things from thy childhood, I do so upon an entire life-time of ages.” She caught his attention and kissed him briefly, “But let us not speak upon the sadness of passing time. Tis joy and delight at this party, let us enjoy the moment.”

A pony politely cleared her throat as the two parted from their kiss. Star noted Rarity standing posed before them. She gave a respectful bow to Luna and winked at Star, “I do so apologize for interrupting, Princess. I just wanted to take a moment to thank StarStep for rescuing my sister.” She trotted forward and gave him a tight hug, “Thank you so much, dear. For saving her both from the fire, and from herself. I'm going to personally reimburse you for the money you lost when Sweetie's instruments went up in flames.”

“It's ok, Rarity. I'm just...upset she and her band have nothing to play now.”

“Tut-tut. Do not worry that handsome head of yours. A dear friend of mine works at a music store. I am certain arrangements can be made. You've done so much for her already, please allow me to do my part. Oh, before I forget, how did you two enjoy the outfits at the griffon diplomacy party?”

Luna and Star shared a look before the Princess smiled warmly to the unicorn, “Thy outfits were most pleasing. Dear StarStep looked quite dashing.”

Rarity beamed, “OH! How delightful! I'm so glad it worked out.” Spike called out for her somewhere off in the crowd, “Oh, my dear Spikey needs me. Please pardon me. And congratulations, Star.” She winked and wandered off.

Star scratched his head and glanced up at Luna, “I guess word is getting around of our courtship.”

Scootaloo came bounding over to the pair. She carefully hugged Star then Luna. Giving the Princess an affectionate nuzzle. “Hey you two, I'm surprised you're not out dancing!”

Star grimaced, “Sorry Scoots. The pain-killer magic is making me a bit lethargic. I'm not feeling up to a lot of bouncing about.” He gave Luna a playful flank bump, “Princess here is a party animal.”

The orange pegasus grinned up at the alicorn, “How about it, Luna. Care to shake your plot with me?”

The alicorn laughed and playfully nipped the filly's ear, “Oh-ho! Thy offer is most accepted.” She glanced at Star, “Art thou sure thou dost not feel up to dancing?”

Star smiled and nudged her off with his nose, “No-no, you two have a great time. I think I'll enjoy watching you two dance.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and ushered the Princess away as she glanced over her shoulder at the colt, “He just wants to watch us wiggle our plots, Luna. Come on, lets make him jealous.” The mares shared a laugh as Scootaloo winked at him.

His eyes followed them as the wandered out to the dance area, chosing a spot where he could watch. Scootaloo was whispering in Luna's ear when a nibbling on his own ear caused him to jump.

A soft giggle and warm breath washed over his the delicate bit of flesh. He turned his head to bump noses with a fuchsia mare. “Cheerilee!”

She laughed and kissed him. He gasped for breath afterwards, both hating and loving her for her ability to do that. He noticed Twilight standing at her side, beaming a happy smile at the two of them. “Hello, Star." Cheerilee greeted him, glanced out at Luna and Scootaloo, just starting to dance. Wiggling about as they found their rhythm. She reached a hoof up to play with the feathers on his necklace. “Am I to assume my advice worked out for you, dear? I heard about what you did for Sweetie Belle. Seems you're becoming quite the stallion.”

He nodded quickly, a hot blush on his cheeks from her compliment. He couldn't seem to meet her gaze and instead watched Luna and Scootaloo bounce about. They really did have cute plots. They shared a laugh as Cheerilee started to nuzzle at his neck. “Uhhh, Cheerilee, I...uh, wait...I'm feeling a little confused. My mare-friends are watching us.”

She laughed and nibbled at his coat, “Oh, I know. Let them.” Twilight giggled at Cheerilee's teasing. Her playful nibbles relented as she lead her mare-friend around so the two of them were facing him. “But, I guess I'll let you off easy this time.” She winked.

“Star...” Twilight began. She looked away awkwardly, shuffling her hoof against the grass, “We, uh, we sort of have something to tell you.” At Cheerilee's affectionate nuzzle at her cheek, she raised her eyes to her lover's, finding the courage to look to the colt. “I guess you could say, we have something important you should know before we tell the others.”

The colt looked between them. He smiled knowingly, “Well, I guess congratulations are in order. Who popped the question to who?”

Twilight blinked as Cheerilee giggled. The fuchsia earth-pony kissed her lavender unicorn, “He thinks we're getting married, Twilight.”

The unicorn blushed, “ yet. But...I guess we should...”

Cheerilee raised an eyebrow, “Oh my, Twilight, are you asking me to be your wife? So bold!”

There was stammering as the pony tried to reason out what just happened. Cheerilee silenced her with a long, passionate kiss, leaving her breathless and staggering. “We'll talk about this later, my lovely science pony.” She scrunched her nose cutely before returning her attention to the colt.

“That wasn't what we needed to tell you dear.” She took a deep breath, her cheeks blushing a bit. Anxiety welled up in Star's belly as the mare paused.

“'re going to be a father.”

Chapter XXX

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To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXX

“Bwah?” was the first sound out of StarStep's mouth. His lips bobbed about like a fish, and his eyes were wide, flicking from Cheerilee to Twilight. A part of him hoped it was some kind of prank, the other part was out-to-lunch. “, what, I mean, but the spell, and”

Twilight grinned sheepishly and scuffed her fore-hoof on the ground, “Yeah, I guess I was so distracted, that I didn't get the spell quite right. I'm really sorry, Star.”

“But...ow, and HURT Twilight. I mean...and you didn't get it right?” He looked to the fuchsia pony, “Oh, Cheerilee, I didn't mean for this, I mean, I-” She planted a hoof on his lips and giggled softly.

“Star, Star, dear. Shhhh. It's ok, really.” She removed her hoof and took a step forward to nuzzle at his cheek, “I want this foal. I know it wasn't planned, but I'm happy it happened.” She leaned back to look him in the eyes, a warm smile on her lips as Twilight cuddled up to her side. “To be honest, I'm glad it was you.”

“I, Cheerilee. I...” He happened to glance over her shoulder and felt panic well up in him. Luna and Scootaloo were trotting over to them. “Uh-oh.”

“Uh-oh?” Cheerilee raised her eyebrow, then looked behind them at the approaching mares. “Oh...I see. Did you not tell her about us, Star?” Her expression seemed disappointed.

“Yeah, I told her...most of it...”

Cheerilee shook her head before smiling at Luna. “Princess, Scootaloo!” She nodded at them both, “Star was just telling me about how you three are dating. How wonderful!”

Luna looked to Star first, a touch of puzzlement on her face with a mix of wary caution. Scootaloo took a spot to Star's side and smiled to Twilight.

“Indeed?” The Princess glanced between the colt and the school-mare. “I am most curious as to why such news would cause a frightening range of expressions upon his face.” She smiled coolly, “Wouldst thou enlighten me?”

The fuchsia pony looked up at the regal alicorn, “Of course, Princess. We were just congratulating StarStep. He's going to be a father.” She smiled stubbornly at Luna.

Around them, the party raged on, heavy beats off at the dance floor. Conversations floating across the grass, but there was naught but silence for long heart-beats among the five. Then, the goddess of the moon turned her head slowly towards the colt. A cold smile upon her lips, “Oh? Truly, this comes as quite the surprise.” Her eyes bored into his before she flicked them to the orange pegasus, “Scootaloo, I dost believe the dance floor calls to us. Let us leave these ponies to their...affairs.” She spun on her hooves and began to march away. Scootaloo's jaw was still hanging from Cheerilee's news.

A bit of anger flashed in Star's belly as he watched the Princess leave, “Luna, stop!” he yelled. Twilight hissed through her teeth in panic, even Cheerilee winced. Strangely, the alicorn did indeed halt, and turn her head to regard him in those cold calculating eyes he'd seen her with at court. “Hear the whole thing before you judge me. Please.” Uncomfortable moments passed, a staring contest between guard and alicorn. Scootaloo just stood in stunned silence. Cheerilee looked between them, then the lavender unicorn stepped forward, blocking their stare-down.

“Enough! Princess Luna, please hear us out. For old times sake?” She pleaded to the Princess. The alicorn regarded her, weighing thoughts before she turned to rejoin them.

“Very well. Perhaps it was rather abrupt of me to just assume. Would it be too much to ask that we take this somewhere private?” The other ponies agreed, and Star led them back inside to the quiet living-room.


Star gave a soft sigh, “And so, with no other pony to turn to, and the clock ticking to find your answer, I went to Twilight for help. She put a spell that was suppose to keep Cheerilee from having a foal.” He could see Twilight trying to hide into her lover's side at the talk of her mistake. “And, well, Cheerilee and I, you know.” He gestured with a hoof.

Luna glanced at Scootaloo, who just shrugged before the Princess shook her head. The star-sprinkled mane eerily moving separate of the motion. “A part of me shouldst be angry that thy ran to the hooves of a lover when I sought to punish thee that week. I shouldst also be angry that it was a mare in heat. Yet.” She glanced at the earth-mare. “Perhaps mine sister was correct. She warned me that mine ultimatum would cause an issue. I cannot say that I expected this.”

Twilight gave the Princess a awkward smile, “I don't think any of us did. It's my fault, really. Please don't blame, Star. I goofed.”

The alicorn nodded, “Indeed. Tis brave to admit one's mistakes.”

Cheerilee cleared her throat as she gave everypony a glare, “And who says my foal is a mistake? Am I the only pony here who's happy about it? I want this foal.” She took a deep breath and cuddled against the lavender unicorn, “Princess Luna, I've dreamed about having a little one for a long time. I just...never found the right stallion.” She kissed Twilight who giggled sheepishly under all the other pony's watching eyes. “I found the right mare.” The teacher looked at each of them in turn, lingering on Luna.

“What art thy feelings upon the matter, Star?”

The colt looked to Scootaloo for help, but she just shrugged, “'s mine so, I have a responsibility, and I love Cheerilee, you know that.” The Princess nodded, “But...Canterlot is my home now. With you, Princess.” He smiled to the orange pegasus, “And Scoots too if she wants.” He gave a heavy sigh, “This is all much to take in. Cheerilee, I love you. I promise I'll help anyway I can. I just...I don't want to quit the guard and move back to Ponyville.”

Cheerilee rose from her chair, walking over to embrace the colt, “I understand, dear. I want you to keep following your dream. I refuse to be the one to force you to give up on it.” She tilted his chin up and rubbed noses, “I'm so very happy I'm going to have a little pony. And I'm so very happy it's yours.” She seemed to beam in delight, “Twilight and I will raise it, we'll have the family I've always wanted.” The mare gently stroked his cheek, “Any time you can spend with us will be treasured. Don't beat yourself up over it, ok?”

The colt gave a slight nod, “Yeah, I'm just a little overwhelmed by everything that's been going on. I just...feel so young to be a dad. I still don't know how I'm suppose to feel about that.”

The school-mare gave a soft giggle, “Oh, you wouldn't believe the number of young colts I've heard say that in all my years of teaching. You'll be fine.” She pulled away from him and walked over to smile up at the Princess, “I'm sorry if this has caused a problem between you two. Please forgive him, for me?”

A long pause passed between them before the Princess looked to the orange pegasus, “Scootaloo, my dear. Thou hath been rather quiet about the situation. What art thy thoughts?”

Scootaloo glanced at the colt, “Well, I'm still a little shocked.” A sly grin spread on her face, “Who wants this pony around as a dad? He's a walking disaster magnet. There was that fire, and the griffon fight, and something about a spa, oh and let's not forget the fight in the street with a mob-thug.” She smirked at Cheerilee, “I don't envy you. His foal is going to drive you insane.”

They shared a little laugh before Scoots slugged StarStep in the arm hard enough to make him yelp, “That, is for knocking up Miss Cheerilee.” The pegasus shook her head with a mischievous grin, “I don't blame him for this, Luna. It seems like Cheerilee and Twilight are happy about it, so I'm happy for them.”

Nodding thoughtfully, the alicorn let out a heavy sigh and returned Scoots' grin, “Indeed. Tis a case of a happy accident.” She gave the colt a stern glare, “Thou wilst provide for thy foal and offer what support is needed.” Her expression softened, “But I share in Miss Cheerilee's joy of new life and wilst not blame thee for what has transpired. In someway, I am...envious.” She stood and took the few regal steps to place her before the fuchsia pony. Wrapping Cheerilee up in her fore-hooves, she gave a tight hug, “I congratulate thee. I expect thy foal wilst be swift, brave and kind. May fortune watch over thou.” She released her, looking between Twilight and Cheerilee, “Based upon thy plans, I suspect thou wilst seek marriage?”

Twilight blushed as her lover gave her a sudden kiss, “Not yet, Princess Luna. But soon I think.”

The alicorn nodded, “I wouldst be most honored to host the ceremony. Tia wilst be most pleased to hear.” Twilight's ears perked and nodded.

“Can...can both you and Princess Celestia do it? Please?”

“A...joint ceremony? Well...I dost suppose it is no trouble. I shalt present the idea to mine sister.”

Clapping her fore-hooves together excitedly, Twilight gave a little cry of delight. Cheerilee just giggled as she nuzzled into her lover's mane.

The group left the house, Cheerilee and Twilight wishing the other three a good night before wandering off. Luna and Scoot stood to each side of the colt on the outskirts of the party.

“Scoots, Princess. I...I didn't expect this. I'm sorry if it hurt either of you.” He gave a defeated sigh and hung his head.

“As long as there are no other mares thou shouldst inform me of, I believe I shalt not hold this against thee.” She shot him a questioning look. He shook his head hurriedly, so she smiled, “Miss Cheerilee is a wise mare and dost not seek to cause pain by forcing thou to stay here and help raise the foal. Twilight Sparkle and her shalt be most wonderful parents. Thou hath more responsibilities in the near future, though, I have faith in thy ability to manage it.”

Scootaloo gave him a gentle flank-bump, “I'm not gonna blame you for this Star. But you know, one day, I may want a foal of my own. Think you can manage being a father for more than one pony?” She gave him a mischievous look. It was difficult for him to decide if she was serious or mocking him. At his bewildered expression she just laughed. “Oh! Think your parents know the news yet?”

At that, he just hung his head and groaned. He was never going to hear the end of it.


The next day, about lunch-time he stumbled his way into the kitchen. His sleeping schedule was still out of whack. Scoots and Luna were sharing his bedroom while he took the couch and Lighthoof had the guest room. He found semi-warm biscuits on the table. Fetching OJ from the fridge, he plopped down on a chair and nibbled at one of the buttery delights.

Two biscuits down, and reaching for a third, Lighthoof trotted in and eased back into a chair opposite of his., “Hey, dude.”

Star drank juice to clear his muzzle and nodded, “Hey, Light. Sleep well?”

The pony grabbed a biscuit and tore off an end, chewing quietly for a few moments, “Pretty good. Better than you I bet.” At Star's raised eyebrow, he chuckled, “Word is already around. About you and Cheerilee. And her and Twilight. Dude, I'm so glad I come from a big city. This small town gossip is brutal.”

Star groaned and banged his forehead on the table. “I thought it would take longer.”

“Hey, don't worry, I got your back.” He held the biscuit in his teeth as he hopped up to grab himself juice. Leaning against the counter, sipping and eating, he gestured at the other pegasus, “Your folks are alright. I didn't know your dad was into storm-riding. We chatted about that for hours. It's...weird...” He looked up at the ceiling thoughtfully, “They hardily know me but...I've never felt this welcome before.” He smiled at his friend, “Is this what having a family is like?”

The blue-grey colt shrugged, “Kinda. It's hard to explain. I'm glad you're feeling at home. I know it's not an over-night thing but, I think in time you'll grow to love them.”

Lighthoof finished off his biscuit, “Yeah, dude. There's a vibe here. I feel...content. Sort of like when I'm with Sherry and Peach. Different but...kinda the same. Know what I mean?” Star nodded with a knowing smile.

Gentle clicking of hooves on hardwood brought their heads around. Luna stepped into the kitchen and gave a little yawn. She wore what appeared to be lilac fuzzy slippers and a fluffy violet bathrobe. Gone was her regalia. If it wasn't for the ever flowing mane and tail, you'd mistake her for a normal pony just woken up.

The Princess noticed their stares and smirked, “Even Princesses need vacations, dear guards. Twas a gift from Scootaloo. Very comfortable in the early morning.” She levitated up a biscuit, turned it this way and that with a curious expression before nibbling, “OH, I do remember this, though they looked different somehow.” She wolfed down it down before floating up another. “ dost seem to taste fresher in the country.” She finished off at least six and two glasses of OJ before licking the crumbs from her lips. Lighthoof seemed stunned by the change in demeanor, so used to her regal bearing she held within the confines of the palace.

“StarStep, turn, and spread thy wings. Tis time to inspect thy healing.” She regarded Light for a moment, “Tis not pretty and not something another pegasus should wish to see. I wilst not blame thee for leaving whilst I tend to him.”

Lighthoof shook his head, “No, I'm fine, Princess.” He nodded to his friend, “I want to see, so I'll remember it when I find the pony that caused this.” He slammed a hoof into the floor as the Princess regarded him coolly. She gave a slight nod as her magic unwound the bandages around one wing.

Star refused to look. He knew if he did, it would cause him nothing but anxiety and sleepless nights. The sharp intake of breath from his friend was all the insight he needed into how bad it was.

“ do you not feel that?” Concern laced his friend's voice.

“Worry not, a combination of salves and magic hinders the pain and attempts to heal the wounds more rapidly.” Star could feel the light touches of her magic probing at his wing. She hmm'd and probed a little more. “I doth not wish to get thy hopes up, however. It appears that thy feathers are making effort to regrow.” She pulled the bandages loose from the other wing, probing and inspecting. “Indeed, both wings art absorbing the effects of the dragon-flame and are struggling to adapt. Despite that...they may not grow completely or straight.” She gave a soft sigh, “Tis too early to be certain, however, there is hope. Hold fast to it, and I shalt continue to do all I can to heal thy injuries.” Her magic re-wrapped the wings and fastened them in place.

Star relaxed and turned to his Princess. She smiled though her eyes still held a faint sadness. “Thank you.” He surprised her with a hug, which she quickly returned just as tight. Over her shoulder, he saw Light giving him a look of pity and concern.


Later in the day, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, StarStep, Luna, and Lighthoof were wandering the town. The small town ponies were pointing out this structure and that to Lighthoof, and sometimes Luna. A bit of a tour of how the town had grown. Mr and Mrs Cake had retired, Pinkie Pie taking over the shop. In time the two Cake kids would have a more active role in running it, but they were still young. The Mayor Mare family still ran the town, not yet losing an election. Star began to suspect it was because no one wanted to run a town so prone for disasters. They paused at an outdoor restaurant, getting a light evening meal and laughing at Luna's stories about Tia's most awkward moments involving a long gone order of monks devoted to worshiping her rear.

After dinner, Apple Bloom took Star aside, “Hey, Star. I heard about Miss Cheerilee and all that. Y'all still seem to be close. You and Scoots and Miss Luna. Is everything alright?”

He nodded, “Yeah, looks like it. I...I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about, well, being a future dad and all. But we all had a chat. Everypony seems ok with me continuing to live in Canterlot. Cheerilee has Twilight, so...” He shrugged. He didn't know what else to say.

AB nodded thoughtfully, “I've never seen Cheerilee so happy, Star. I mean, she's always been a right cheerful pony, but's like she's glowing with joy.” She gave him a hug, “Thank yah for bringing her such ah big smile. Even if'n yah didn't mean to.”

He laughed and rubbed the back of his head, “I'm kinda hoping your brother doesn't find out till I leave town. Oh, boy, that's not going to be a fun conversation.”

She slugged him in the shoulder and looked over at the rest of the group. They were enjoying ice cream from a cart vendor, “Aww, won't be so bad. Mac is like a big ol' puppy. 'Sides, he got foals ah his own. I reckon he'll offer some advice if yah not to stubborn to take it.”

“Big old puppy with gigantic head-crushing hooves, you mean.” They shared a laugh.

“Say, ah...'fore we join the others. Star, I've been getting this...weird feeling, like somepony been ah watching me. Yah know that feeling?” He nodded, a tightness in his gut told him he didn't like where this was going, “I been getting that feelin' a lot lately. Maybe I'm just being a might jumpy on account of the foalnappin' last week.” She glanced about.

He tilted his head, “Foalnapping? What happened?”

“Er...well...police been tellin' everypony to keep quiet about it. Said it's under 'vestigation but...since yah a guard and all." She hesitated, "Roseluck went missin'. There was a note about some nonsense of her runnin' off to Los Pegasus. But I know her, Star. She's not ah city pony. No way, no how.” She shook her head, “Sides that...” She leaned in close to whisper, “Wasn't her hoof-writin'. Star, I got a tingle in my belly. This feels...wrong.” She looked around to make sure they weren't being overheard, “This done happened last year. That ninny Diamond Tiara up and vanished too. But seeing as she was always chasing colts with money and sucking them dry, everypony just figured she ran off to da big city. Now with Rose...I'mma not so sure no-more, Star.”

Star pondered it, a frown on his face, “You told the police everything?”

“Dang right I did. Even to the head investigator too. He scribbled all my information down, said he'd look into it, and that's the last I done heard. Now, yah might think I'm mean, cause I don't give two licks about Diamond. But now that Rose is missin'. I'm concerned for them fillies. Think yah can poke about while yer in town? Maybe the Princess can help?”

He gave a nod, “I'll ask, Luna. For now, just be careful, ok AB?”

She kissed him on the cheek before turning to join their friends, “Me be careful? I'm not tha one jumpin' into burning buildin's now am I? 'Sides, I right reckon if anypony messes with me, they'd best be careful. Big Mac didn't raise no push-over.” The strong filly said with a smirk.

The two of them ordered ice-cream and sat down with the others. Licking and laughing at the friendly banter. Starstep wore a friendly face, yet anxiety gnawed at his guts. He hoped and prayed that Roseluck really had ran off and AB was just being paranoid. Otherwise, he suspected that the stalker was far more dangerous than he imagined.

All the while, a pair of eyes watched them from the shadows.

Chapter XXXI

View Online

To Love the Moon

By Indigo Eclipse

Chapter XXXI

In the early morning hours, StarStep tossed and turned on the couch. He drifted in an out of a light sleep, irritated by an itch along his wings. Luna had told him it was a good sign and forbade him from scratching. The salve she applied before bed helped for a while, but now, it was just irritating him enough to prevent going back to sleep. He gave a sigh of defeat, staring up at the dark ceiling, listening to the gentle rustle of wind through the trees outside and the creaking of the house as it settled. He drifted in and out of consciousness till soft voices awoke him with a start. Straining his ears, he could just make out ponies talking quietly in the kitchen. Soft orange light filtered through the white curtains and the smell of toasting bagels made his mouth water. With a grumble, he rolled off the couch to his hooves and tiredly stumbled into the kitchen.

Lighthoof looked up from his plate, his muzzle half-full of bagel, and Star's dad across from him. His dad smiled, hopped up and tossed a couple more bagels in the toaster, “Morning son. Sorry if we woke you.”

“Murrin'” Light muttered through his food. Crumbs clinging to the fur around his lips.

Star gave a tired smile and crawled into a chair, “Nah, dad. It's cool, my wings are itching something fierce, hard to get back to sleep. Besides, my brain is still on Luna time.” The two guard ponies shared a look and a chuckle.

Star's dad nodded, pouring a glass of apple juice and setting it in front of Star. “I can imagine so. When I found out your mom was pregnant with you, I took extra midnight shifts on the weather crew to try and make some extra money. One day blurred into the next. It's ok when you're young but now...I wouldn't want to. It's a hard shift when most ponies do business during the day.”

After a sip of the juice to moisten his tongue, Star nodded, “I don't mind. The night life in Canterlot is pretty interesting. Plus I get to hang around with the Princess more.”

“I imagine so.” His dad gave a soft chuckle, sweeping the freshly popped bagels onto a plate and sliding it across the table to Star. “I'm still a little shocked about Scootaloo, Luna and you. Plus this whole thing with Miss Cheerilee. You've been a busy colt, son.”

He looked away embarrassed as Light have a soft laugh, “No kidding.” The tan pegasus reached over and embraced his friend's shoulder, “This colt is a filly magnet. I'm still in awe of his skills to get the Princess to even notice him, much less date him.”

Star's dad nodded, an amused smile on his lips, “I'll be honest, I always figured you'd get bored of your dream to be with the Princess and settle down with some filly. My money was on Scootaloo or even one of the other two girls. You four were pretty inseparable.” He glanced between the two colts. “How did you two end up such close friends? Star wants you for a brother, Lighthoof. He told us a little about how you don't really have a family, and I can sympathize.” He settled into his chair. “I don't know if he told you, but before he went off to become a guard, he and most of the other colts didn't get along. Pip was the only one, but I think that was just because they both liked Princess Luna.”

Lighthoof and StarStep exchanged looks. The blue-grey pegasus shrugged and waved a hoof at his friend, “I'll let you start.” With that, he bit into his bagel and leaned back, watching his friend.

Swallowing the last of his breakfast, Light drained his glass and played with the empty container between his hooves, “Well...I guess it'd be ok to tell you.” He sighed, “Before I ended up a guard, I was living in Manehatten. I ran the streets and did whatever I pleased.” He held up his hooves defensively as Star's dad raised an eyebrow. “Nothing really serious. Just hooligan stuff, you know, skipping school, graffiti, pranking the shop keeps. Foal stuff.” He rolled the glass between his hooves and looked down at it. “Then, one day I found four older colts chasing a smaller one. I followed and eventually they caught him and started to beat him up.” He frowned, “I...couldn't stand to watch so I charged in to help the pony. Long story short, cops showed up and arrested us all. Turns out they were rival gangs. I was just a dirty street urchin to the police, so they didn't believe my protests that I wasn't part of some gang.”

Lighthoof looked up at Star's dad, “So, there I was, sitting in the station, waiting for my mom to decide to show up. She never did, by the way.” A flicker of disgust graced his face. “And in the door come Princess Celestia. I learned later that she liked to visit the various departments around the country and make sure they had what they needed to keep the peace. As she walked through the lobby, ponies bobbing their heads in respect, and a few refusing to. I guess some criminals thought she'd abandoned them to their fates. She stopped as she passed me and looked down. I probably looked like hell. Busted lip, swollen eye, cuts and bruises all over.”

The pegasus gave a laugh and a wry grin, “I remember those eyes, gazing down at me, so full of love and compassion. I couldn't remember the last time my own mother gave me that look. Or if she ever had. The Princess seemed to stare right into my soul. She asked her police escort who I was, and they dismissed me as somepony involved in a gang fight. When I saw her frown, I jumped to my hooves and looked up defiantly. I told her I wasn't part of a gang and that I had tried to save a pony who was jumped by four others. She raised an eyebrow, smiled and asked, 'Who won?'”

Star laughed along with Light. They were more familiar with Celestia's style of humor than those on the outside. Star's dad blinked, “What did you say?”

Lighthoof puffed out his chest, “I grinned up at the Princess, stood tall and said, 'I did!' Right about then one of my front teeth fell out. She cracked up and we shared a laugh. She was kind enough to use her magic to put the tooth back in, and gave me a slip of paper with an address, date and time. Last thing she said to me, was that if I wanted to keep helping ponies, I should pack a travel-bag and show up.”

The tan pegasus gave a shrug, “So, since I had nothing holding me home, I grabbed what little things I owned, and left on the day of the appointment. I told my mom I was leaving.” He frowned, “She just stared at me blankly for a few seconds, then gave me a halfhearted wave. That was that I guess.”

“Oh, my turn!” Star pipped up. His friend rolled his eyes and groaned. “So, I get to the try-outs for the royal guards, you know the day, dad.” His father nodded. “And everypony is milling about, chatting with each other. Except this one colt off to the side. He looked pretty lost. And filthy. Sorry, Light.”

His buddy shrugged, “Hey, it was the truth. I hadn't used a brush in years.”

Star leaned on the table towards his dad, “So then Sargent Hardknocks shows up and starts yelling at us to get into formation. Everypony but him scrambles into line. He just kinda wanders over to stand next to me, looking pretty confused. The Sarg walks down the line of recruits, stops at a filly next to me and starts to berate her for being overweight. She begins to cry, so this colt...” He paused to jerk a hoof towards his friend, “Marches right up to the Sarg and yells at him for making her cry. Oh, the face Sarg made.” Lighthoof face-hooved in memory as Star continued. “I thought that big ol' earth stallion was going to explode and take us all with him. I just remember the other ponies backing away slowly as they yelled back and forth at each other. I gotta admit, I was intimidated too, but looking back, Light didn't have a clue what was going on. At the end, the Sarg ordered him to leave, but he just looked up to the MUCH bigger pony and said, 'Hey, the Princess told me to show up here, and when I do, I find some jack-ass picking on smaller ponies. I don't care how big you are! Who the buck do you think you are, ordering these ponies around and making them cry? Buck off before I make you!”

Lighthoof was burying his face in his hooves as Star laughed and his dad raised an eyebrow. “You had no idea it was a drill Sargent for the Royal Guards?” Light groaned and shook his head with a sad chuckle.

“Not a one. I had a pretty serious chip on my shoulder about guys who acted like him.” He lowered his fore-hooves, a lop-sided grin on his face, “So then that hard-flank starts laughing. Which was pretty bucking scary. Tells me this is recruitment for the Royal Guards and that I just blew it. I was so bummed out I stood there gaping like a fish. So as I'm trying to figure out what the buck just happened, Star here steps to the plate and demands I get a chance to try-out. The Sarg smirked and asked why, so Star tells him the Guards are about not just about the Princesses but protecting all the ponies. You could hear the gears grinding in that big pony's head as he thought about it. Eventually, a terrible grin spread on his face. He asked Star if he would put his own recruitment on the line for me. And without hesitation, Star agreed. So the Sarg proclaimed that if either of us failed or dropped out, we'd both be bucking sent home.”

The two colts shared a look, “I uh...didn't know at the time how much Princess Luna meant to Star. I just wanted the chance so I could get away from Manehatten forever. That and thank Princess Celestia for giving a bruise covered colt a chance to protect ponies for a living.” He cleared his throat, “So uh...anyhoof, that's how we met. There's a lot more stories from basic training but...” He shrugged, “That's the start.”

Star's dad was smiling as he slid from the chair, walked around and put a fore-hoof around each pony's shoulders, “Well, Lighthoof. I know it's unofficial still, but if you want, you can call me dad. I'm glad my son found a pony as noble as you to call his brother.”

Lighthoof smiled to Star, then up at his dad, “Hey, somepony has to watch out for this crazy colt.”

Luna looked down at her two guards. The three were standing outside the Ponyville Police Department. A small structure next to city hall, made of white painted brick with marble stairs that lead up to double glass doors. Ponies in suits and uniforms trickled in an out of the building that also housed the courthouse.

“Art thou sure of this course of action? I understand thy concern over the missing ponies and of the threat to thy friend. However, speaking from experience, tis not always best to place one's nose into others work. Ponyville has fared well without the Royal oversight. Should thou intervene, it may hinder their investigation.” She paused and looked up at the building, “I would like nothing more than to lend mine own hooves to uncovering the truth behind these rumors of vanished mares. However, I must place trust in mine subjects.”

Star gave a soft sigh and nodded respectfully to Luna's advice, “I know Princess. I would just sleep a little better, knowing more about what's really going on, and not hear-say. Plus, I think they need to know about AB's stalker. I fear it's connected.”

The alicorn frowned, “Indeed, thy tale is quite troubling. With thy recent interactions with Apple Bloom and her friends, I doth fear this jealous pony may strike out at thou.” She turned her gaze to the tan pegasus. “I ask that thou cover thine partner's back in this matter. I suspect this cowardly ruffian wilst leave the both of thee alone.” The Princess gave a soft smile, leaning down to kiss him sweetly. A pony walking down the steps saw them and stumbled a bit. The mare laughed nervously, bobbed her head in respect to the Princess before sprinting away. Star rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, us kissing in public will be all over town in an hour.”

The Princess smiled mischievously, nipping his nose and giving a little wink. “Indeed. I suppose to balance this, I must kiss dear Scootaloo in public as well?” She grinned as he blushed hotly. “Now, let us attend to thy introductions to the officers before I must depart. I fear I may already be late to mine appointment with the other mares.”

The three trotted up the stairs, hooves clicking firmly on the cold white marble. Lighthoof tilted his head, “Where are you off to, Princess?”

She nodded graciously to an officer mare that opened the door for them, “Tis a day spa trip upon Rarity's request. A rather large group from what I understand. Rarity's good friends, minus Rainbow Dash. Then Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. As well as Cheerilee. Just a day of us ladies relaxing and enjoying fine company.”

Star laughed as they entered the lobby, “More like an excuse for Rarity to spread gossip with more ponies.”

Luna echoed his cheerful laugh, “Quite. Though, I will admit, I doth enjoy a well spun story as much as the next pony. With so many bowing and scraping, tis delightful to spend time around those who doth not.”

Before the raised black oak desk, a grey haired unicorn mare with olive green coat glanced up from her log-book. She smiled at the Princess before trotting around to bow her head. “It's always a pleasure to have one of the Princesses visit us. I'm Captain Glimmer. What can I do for you, Princess Luna?”

The alicorn smiled warmly to the Captain, ignoring the other eyes of the other ponies in the room, “Captain Glimmer, I am most pleased by thy welcome and how orderly thy station appears.” The olive unicorn stood tall and subdued the flash of pride in her eyes. “May we speak in private for but a moment?” The unicorn nodded sharply. Shortly, a subordinate took her place at the front desk and she led the three into a small conference room. Once the door was shut, she offered water for refreshments as they each took their seats.

“Captain, these two are of my Night-Guard from Canterlot. While they dost not have official jurisdiction here, I should hope thou wilst help to alleviate fears they may have concerning a rash of foal-nappings. This is StarStep, and this is Lighthoof.”

The unicorn grimaced slightly as she sipped her water, “I see...” Her firm rose colored eyes regarded the two pegasi, lingering on Star's wings. “We've been trying to keep those stories on the down-low. It's true, we've had occasional disappearances. Some more obvious than others.” The mare sighed, “One hit a little too close to home for our department. A few are suspected to be what they appear to be, just fillies tired of the dull country life and striking out on their own.” She paused, “ taking charge of the investigation, Princess?”

“Neigh, I trust in thy ability to sort out the issue. StarStep...” She gestured a hoof at the colt, “Has a friend, perhaps thou knowth of her? Apple Bloom.” The Captain nodded. “A unicorn hath threatened StarStep over her and has stated intentions of possible harm. He hopes his information may be of some use and wishes to know more concerning what is being done. Thou knowth how gossip can grow quite larger than truth.”

The unicorn nodded slightly, “We know that all too well, Princess. Well...I suppose it can't hurt, and maybe your information will be of help, StarStep.” She stood, “Normally I would take you to the ponies in charge of the case however...” She frowned, “They just took it over and are still getting up to speed. The ponies that were originally on the case. One of them vanished. I fear she may have put herself at risk and became a target herself. Her partner was removed based on policy.” She sighed, “They were very close. I fear he would have turned it into a personal vendetta if allowed to remain on the case. Come on, we'll meet with him first then I'll let you tell your story to the new detectives.”

The Princess nodded, “At this, I must take mine leave. I hath an appointment to keep. If thou wilst be so kind to show them the way, Captain?” At the mare's nod, Luna's horn glowed brightly and she vanished in a swirl of stars and shadows.

The Captain blinked at the spot the alicorn was standing before she turned her attention to the two pegasi, “Did she not want to get involved?”

The two colts exchanged glances before Light spoke up, “The Princess trusts your department is doing it's best. This is more for us than her.”

The Captain led them down the hallway to the back offices, rapping on an ajar door with her hoof before swinging it open.

A rust colored earth pony sat behind a desk, his coat giving off a slight metallic sheen of red, his mane a glossy black. His grey eyes flicked up from a file on his desk as the door swung wide. “Oh, hey Cap. What's up?”

The mare tilted her head at the two pegasi, “These two are Night-Guards. They want to know more about the foal-napping case. Princess Luna herself stopped by to introduce them. I know you're not on the case anymore, Cop. But if you could help em out, I'm sure her highness would be thankful.”

The colt closed the file on his desk and gestured to the chairs in front of him, “Of course! Please, sit. Thanks, Cap, I got this.” She nodded and shut the door behind her.

Star noticed there were two desks, the unoccupied one seemed neat and orderly, as though no one had used it in a while. On the desk in front of them, there was a portrait of the reddish pony with his fore-hoof around the shoulder of an earth mare. Both seemed rather happy.

The detective took a deep breath and tapped his fore-hooves together, “Wow...Night-guard huh? Is the Princess getting involved in the case? I mean, I guess we got no say in it if she wants to.”

Lighthoof shook his head, “Nah, not yet. She thinks you all can get the job done. She just wanted some facts instead of just rumors.” The detective nodded then sat up with a start.

“OH, where are my manners.” He reached out and shook both their hooves, “I'm Copper.”

The two pegasi exchanged glances as the colt laughed, “Yeah, yeah. I know, Copper the Cop. My folks were miners, so I got a mining name. Strangely, I ended up being an officer. Life is funny like that.” He shrugged and glanced at the picture on his desk. His expression fell, “That's my partner there...or was. Marigold. Her folks were flower farmers. She joined the force to make sure small-ponies like her folks had somepony looking out for them. The department isn't sure where she went. We...suspect she's the latest victim in these foal-nappings.”

Star frowned, “How many so far?”

“Confirmed? Eight. Some of the other disappearances aren’t so cut and dry. Marigold was the latest. Before that, Roseluck, Diamond Tiara, a traveler named Sassafras, and so on. All walks of life, from rich to poor.”

Light tapped his hoof to his chin as he looked at the portrait on the desk. “Do you have pictures of the confirmed?”

“Huh? Yeah, hang on.” He sorted through his the folders on the edge of his desk and slipped free a small blue binder. He flipped it open, pulling out eight small photographs. “That's them. I have the questionable ones as well if you need.”

Lighthoof's eyes flicked across the images. Star leaned over his shoulder. “You see it, Star?”

“What?” He glanced between the images. Diamond Tiara's caught his eye. She was such a stuck up pony, but even he had to admit she was beautiful all grown up. Then he happened to glance up at each of the others. “They're all mares.”

“Right, and?”

“...Earth ponies. They're all earth ponies.”

Copper nodded, “Right you are. Every confirmed is an earth-mare. And in each case, magic residue was found at their homes. Suggesting a unicorn being involved. Only problem, none of the unicorns we've tested match the signature.”

“And the questionable missing ponies?”

“Various races, no magic on those.” Copper leaned back in his chair. “Unfortunately, by law we can't force every unicorn in town to preform a magic test. Most have, out of willingness to clear their names of any suspicion, but there's a few who feel it's an invasion of privacy and refuse. Those few are currently suspects and we're keeping an eye on them.” The colt gently caressed the frame of the portrait on the desk, “I wish we had more to go on.”

Star gave a heavy sigh. He hoped that these missing ponies were safe somewhere. To think that there was some pony taking them against their will for Luna-knows-what, boiled his blood. “A unicorn attacked me a few weeks back. Took me by surprise, threatened me if I continued to hang around a friend of mine. Apple Bloom.”

“Apple Jack's sister, right?”

Star nodded, “Yeah. She's an earth-mare, and being stalked by a rather jealous unicorn. If anypony might be targeted next, I fear it's her.”

The colt jumped up, sending his chair to the floor, “Mr. Star, this may be the break we've been needing! I'll talk with the other detectives and let them know everything you've told me. I'm sure they'll put a tail on Apple Bloom. Maybe we can catch this bastard in the act!”

“Listen, AB doesn't know. I was afraid she'd get too suspicious of everypony if she knew. Not good for her new business. You know?”

“I understand. I'll make sure she doesn't know we're there.” The detective walked around and held out a hoof. “Thank you for your help Mr. StarStep. If we find out anything more, we'll contact you.”

“Please do. It'll put my mind at ease and I'm sure the Princess would be very appreciative.”

Copper held the door open for the pegasi, “Thank you again. And by the way, congratulations on the soon-to-be foal.”

Star groaned as Light laughed behind his back, “Wow, dude. You weren't kidding about the speed of gossip in small towns.”

Chapter XXXII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXII

By Indigo Eclipse

StarStep gazed upwards as he reclined in the patio chair. The glass on the table sprinkled with condensation from the cool juice. There was a soft tink as an ice-cube shifted.

“Bit for your thoughts, dude?” Light's comment broke the blue-grey pegasus out of his reverie. The soft conversation of the outdoor cafe came back into focus.

“Sorry, Light. Just...thinking about the ponies in that file.” He lightly tapped a forehoof on the table. “I feel like there should be more to it. Some kind of lead. Eight confirmed missing and nothing. Not even an arrest.”

The tan pegasus sipped his drink, “Well, dude. They did say they had suspects, and that Detective Copper said he would get somepony to watch over Apple Bloom. I mean, if she's the next target, they can catch him in the act.” He slurped up the rest of his beverage before tossing a few bits on the table. “They did us a favor to let us know as much as they did. We're guards, not detectives, dude. It's not our town. Canterlot is our home now. Right?”

There was a quiet pause before Star nodded, “Yeah...Still. I'm going to talk to the Princess about it. I know she wants to let the PD do their job but...eight mares, Light. Eight. It's just not right.”

“I'm totally with you. But whatever the Princess says, you'd better stick with it. She's been dealing with stuff like this a LOT longer than your flank. Alright?”

Star nodded as he tossed his own bits to the pile. “Yeah, I gotcha.” He sighed and hopped off his chair. “Guess we should head on over to the restaurant. The girls should be done at the spa by now.”

The pair of pegasi trotted down the streets of Ponyville. Light looked about as they matched step. The setting sun casting a warm orange glow and deeper shadows. “Huh. I just noticed. This town doesn't have beggars or homeless ponies.” His companion blinked before taking a quick survey of the street.

“I never thought about it before. I guess Mayor Mare helps them get jobs and keeps them off the street. The whole town would pitch in to help a pony in need. It's not like Canterlot at all.”

“Or Manehatten. Dude, them ponies would totally turn their noses up if you asked for help. Lot of terrible things go on in the alleys that the better off ponies ignore.”

They halted in front of a nice restaurant just down the street from Rarity's boutique. The Wild Lavender, a sign proclaimed in bright purple lettering, high above the entrance. A door-pony raised an eyebrow at their approach, his judging eyes taking in their lack of formal attire. But he said nothing and held the door wide with his magic for the two colts. Inside, the soft murmur of dinner conversation greeted them before the hostess popped up from behind the podium. She glanced them over, a hint of a frown on her lips before she masked it with a fake smile, “Good evening Gentlecolts. Welcome to the Wild Lavender. Is there something I can do for you?”

Star nodded, his spiky charcoal mane bouncing a bit. “We're meeting some other ponies here. Not sure if they've arrived yet. Party for Luna?”

The unicorn mare blinked, smile forgotten in her surprise. “You two are here with the Princess?” She looked them over, a twitch at the edge of her lips. “Very well, please follow me.” She floated a pair of menus from the side of the podium and lead the two of them towards the very back. A large round table was tucked away from prying eyes, and sitting around it were Princess Luna, Cheerilee, the CMC, and the six elements of harmony. Star's eyes flicked between them all, pausing on the rainbow maned pegasus who was chatting happy with Scootaloo. The orange filly glanced up as the colts arrived, giving a giggle and holding out a hoof to accept a bit from a groaning Rarity.

“Am...I missing something?” Star asked as the hostess placed their menus at the last two seats and wandered off.

There was a shared laugh by all the mares at the table. Luna smirked from across the table, “Dear, Star. Art thou so oblivious?” It was at that point he noticed that all the ponies at the table, even the tom-boyish Rainbow Dash, was in some sort of dress. Though the wrinkles and smudges on a hem made it clear she only took it out of a closet for such occasions. Luna looked splendid in her simple evening gown of black silk that sparkled, trimmed with purple ribbons. Scoots was in a simple skirt and blouse, and Cheerilee had on a slender light pink dress with roses embroidered along the hem. He wondered how much longer the mare would be able to wear such things. The others had various dresses, from AJ's simplistic greens and browns, to Pinkie's pink extravagance. Rarity was showing off some new style he couldn't quite describe other than, shiny, and he remembered Twilight's from a past Galloping Gala. Fluttershy wore a loose sky-blue dress with flowing frills along the hem. It did nothing to hide her swollen belly. AB and Sweetie had simple attire, but it was cute. AB's hugged her toned flanks and Sweetie's had frills the color of her eyes. At last, Star's eyes returned to Luna's and he blushed in embarrassment.

“Oh...uh...I'm sorry Princess. I didn't know we were suppose to dress up.” He glanced at Light, who simply shrugged as he took a seat.

Rarity rolled her eyes, “Oh, Princess dear. You really must train him better if you plan to take him to royal parties. I imagine if I had not provided that dashing outfit for the gryphon gathering, he would have gone in nothing at all! Oh, the scandal!” Luna laughed at the unicorns dramatic antics.

Star gave a sigh before turning to shake hooves with Rainbow Dash to this left. “Hey Dash. It's been forever. I didn't expect you to join us.”

She grabbed Scootaloo's head in one foreleg and his in the other. “Hah, and miss the chance to tease Scoots for having a colt-friend AND a mare-friend? As if.” She ruffled their manes with a laugh. “Had a night off and the Princess offered a free meal. Besides, it's been too long since the girls and I have gotten together.” The other elements of harmony agreed. She released the two ponies and beamed a smile at the rather pregnant Fluttershy across from her. “Hey 'shy. You're looking good.”

The timid pegasus blushed and fidgeted with her hooves, “Oh um...Thanks, Rainbow.” She hesitated, “I've, I mean,” She glanced up, “My oldest is starting to learn to fly. Do you think, maybe, if it's ok...”

The Wonderbolt smirked, “Of course I'll drop by and give a few lessons. I'm really happy for you and Big Mac.” Her and the yellow pegasus shared a warm smile. “Where is the big lug anyhoof?”

“Oh, he wanted me to have a nice night out with the girls. He's watching the foals tonight.”

Dash nodded before a soft tinking of spoon on glass caught all of their attentions. Princess Luna released her magic on the utensil and smiled at each of them in turn, “I am most please all of thee could join me for this dinner. Tis short notice, and for that I apologize.” She waved a fore-hoof at them. “Truly, it warms my heart when I see that thy friendships remain strong, despite distances and events in thy lives. First, I wish to announce a few things.” She gestured a hoof at Sweetie Belle. “This dear has been through much these last few weeks. But it shall not be for naught. I am hosting a band melee...” She caught Star's soft shaking of the head and cleared her throat, “Apologies, band battle, in a few weeks time. I invite thou all to attend and lend thy support to Rarity's dear sister.” The ponies wished Sweetie luck and Rarity gave her a tight hug. “And secondly, I shalt be hosting a dusk wedding at the Canterlot Gardens in one month's time. Thou art all, of course, invited, as well as a guest of thy choice.”

Cheerilee tilted her head, “Even me Princess?”

The alicorn giggled softly when she looked down at the fuchsia mare to her left, “Especially thou. It would not be much of a wedding without thee.”

“Wha?” She blinked before a tugging on her dress sleeve turned her around.

Twilight Sparkle gazed lovingly into the eyes of her mare-friend, her fore-hooves rested gently on the school-mare's cheeks, “Cheerilee, will you marry me?” A soft gasp echoed around the table. Rarity bounced in her seat in giddy excitement.

Cheerilee's eyes moistened before she shut them tight, wrapping her hooves around Twilight's neck, “Oh, Twilight! Yes, a thousand times, yes!” Star chuckled at the two as he glanced around at the others. A mixture of tears of joys, smiles and knowing grins. At last the two pulled apart before Cheerilee kissed her lover, “Mmm...but...Twilight, a month? Why so rushed?”

The unicorn's purple cheeks darkened as she coughed lightly into a hoof, “Um...well...with the foal growing in you, and the dress and uh...”

“Twilight Sparkle, are you saying I'm getting fat?” She gave the unicorn her best stern teacher face. It lasted only moments before her mask failed and she began laughing. “I suppose you're right.”

The other ponies slid from their chairs to hug and wish them both the best. When it was Star's turn, both Twilight and Cheerilee kissed him on each cheek. They claimed it was for helping them find what they were missing. Dinner arrived soon after, and over the courses of salads and entree's, they bantered and laughed amongst themselves. It was while they were waiting for dessert that Star excused himself to the colts-room.

Down a hallway and into the lushly furnished restroom. He did his business and was washing his hooves when the lights flickered then the room descended into darkness. He turned the handle, shutting off the water-flow, shaking his wet hooves in the dark. “Hello? The lights went out. Can somepony hear me?”

“I hear you.” The voice came from the dark somewhere nearby. A colts voice he thought, though a little high pitched. There was no warning before Star was lifted off the ground and slammed into the mirror. He groaned, a steady pressure pinning him to the wall. Thankfully the glass only cracked. “I also saw you with my filly, AGAIN!” The pressure intensified. “After you knocked that fat little tramp up, I thought you finally were going to leave Apple Bloom to more deserving ponies. But no. Oh no. Not you. You have the Princess, that orange slut, and knocked up the school-whore. Why are there always colts like you, trying to take away the nice things in my life.”

Star could feel coils of magic snaking around his neck. It was tightening like a boa as the stranger ranted on, “In fact, because you're such a greedy bastard, I'm going to hurt you, and THEN, I'm going to take her away. You'll never see her again. Mine, all mine.” There was a pause, “Shame about your wings. Was it some other jealous pony you pissed off? Guess you wont mind if I snap them for good.” The voice hissed.

The pegasus strained against the field. He could feel it wrapping around his bandaged wings, tightening. Star fought off panic, trying to cry out for help but the coils around his neck were choking off just enough of his air supply. Suddenly, the fields around his wings fell away. There was a gasp of astonishment.

“What...what is this, why?” Again, it coiled, and again the magical fields slid from his injured wings. “Grrr...No matter. Guess I'll go for other bits.”

A crash of the colts-room door as it flew off it's hinges, dazzled Star as the light from the hallway spilled into the dark room. The Princess stood in all her fury, horn blazing blue and white. He twisted his head to catch a glimpse of his attacker. Light blue coat and white tail. The rest of the features were hidden in shadows before a loud pop accompanied the unicorn's teleportation spell. The telekinetic field dissipated and he slumped onto the counters, a hoof dangling in a sink. Star coughed, and sucked in air as the Princess used her magic to fix the lighting.

“Dear Star, art thou well?”

He nodded, rubbing at his throat, “Yeah, thanks Princess. How'd you know I was in trouble?”

She gracefully stepped up and caressed the feather on his chest as she nuzzled at his cheek, “We art linked. I could feel the hostile magic used against thou.” She glanced at the spot the attacker had occupied, a frown on her lips, “I know not this pony. I had not the time to catch more than a glimpse before they vanished. The residue from the magic is there, however...” She sighed as she assisted in helping him down. “It appears I will be unable to remain in thy company for the rest of the week.” She ushered him out of the restroom before healing the door she crashed open. The alicorn leaned close, whispering. “Tia hath sent a message, stating her need for my assistance. Seems a group is openly attacking our border patrols and hath killed both pony and gryphon ambassadors. The situation is deteriorating rapidly.”

As the Princess walked with him back to their table, he ignored the curious stares from patrons around the restaurant. She glanced up, noticing them as well, “Please, return to thy dinners. The door was merely stuck fast.” Most did so, the rest glanced between the colt and the alicorn. She smiled and nodded at a few before lowering her head to continue whispering, “I fear the timing is most ill. I am concerned for thy safety and of the missing mares.” She paused near decorative foliage. “This unicorn that hath attacked thee, is most skilled. They left no trace of their destination. I...wish I could stay and delve deeper into this. I see that pony's lives art at stake, my dear Star.” She caressed his cheek, “However, as much as it pains me to say, I must tend to the greater good. The attacks on the border may spawn a war. This must not happen.” She smiled sadly, lifting his chin with her crystal shod hoof, “Dost thou understand?”

The pegasus nodded, leaning up to nuzzle at the blue alicorn, “I do. I wish you would stay, though. I didn't stand a chance against that pony. I'm worried I wont be able to do anything to stop him on my own. Tartarus, my wings don't even work.”

She gave a soft sigh, “I suspect thou wilst not allow this matter to rest. Thou wilst pursue this wicked pony regardless of the danger.” He nodded, to which the Princess rolled her eyes and hugged the smaller pony tight, “Ask others for help. Be not afraid to share the burden. Advice, I myself should have listened to, many an age ago.” She shook her head, a sad smile on her lips. “Now, let us finish this splendid dinner together, and attend to duty thereafter.”

Dinner was long since finished, the groups splitting off in various directions. Luna gave Scootaloo and Star a heartfelt kiss and warm embrace before she took to the air, wishing them well. As Star watched his Princess vanish into the black sky, he turned to Lighthoof and the CMC. “Fillies and gentlecolt. There's something we all need to talk about.”

With the tale of the stalker and the attacks out in the open, their reactions varied greatly. AB was fuming mad. Kicking at rocks and nearby trees as she ranted about not needed protection. Sweetie Belle sat quietly, perhaps reflecting on how both her and AB were targeted by dangerous ponies. Scootaloo already knew bits of the story, but became rather clingy when she found out about that evening's assault. Lighthoof frowned and spent his time glancing at AB.

“Now see here, Star. I don't need no poh-leece watching mah flanks day in and day out. Yah right know I can handle myself.” Apple Bloom stormed back over.

“I know, AB, I know. If it was a straight up fight, most of us could. But this pony likes to ambush. How are you going to fight something you can't see?”

“Well I...well..that is...uh.” She stammered before stomping the grass. “If I catch this pony, I'll give em a what-fore, cause he done been attacking yah. Plus, if you reckon it's the same fella that's done foal-napped my friend, Roseluck, well, that's another beat-down ah-coming.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, “Apple Bloom, I know you think you can take this pony, but think a bit. Every pony he's taken were earth ponies. Maybe he has some kinda spell that's good at taking them captive?”

Sweetie Belle cringed and rubbed at her fore-leg, “I...think it's probably because he has a fetish for earth-mares.” Her friends turned to look at her, “There was a pony like that in Canterlot news. He liked to net pegasus fillies and uh...mount them.” She blushed. “When the guards caught him, he had a wall full of feathers and pictures. Seems he had a bit of an obsession.”

Lighthoof sighed, “Whatever the reason, he's seriously dangerous, and apparently skilled enough to fake out a Princess. My suggestion is for Apple Bloom to come to Canterlot for a bit. Just till this psycho gets over his latest crush and moves on.”

They exchanged glances. Apple Bloom balked, “No way, no how. I'm ah not closin' up shop cause some wacko has tha hots for me. Sides, who's gonna save the next filly he takes a likin' to?” There was an awkward silence. “That's wha I thought. Now instead of us all actin' like a bunch of ninnies, hows 'bout we think of a plan to catch him?”

The tan pegasus nodded, “I'm with Apple Bloom, dude. You said he's got a serious jealousy thing going on, right?” He paused and looked around the moon-lit grassy field they were in. “Well, then. Here's my plan.”

Together they plotted and schemed well into the night. The next morning, AB and Star were wandering through Ponyville, laughing and joking with each other. They stopped in occasional shops, browsing and sampling baked goods from Sugar-Cube Corners. In areas where the most ponies were present, AB would kiss his cheek and Star would nuzzle in return. It was quite the show they put on till early afternoon, the two wandering out of downtown towards the Apple Family orchards.

Beneath the shadows of the apple trees, AB pushed Star up against a trunk and began to nuzzle at his neck. She glanced up at the leaves and the orange pegasus hidden in it's branches. “Anything, Scoots?” The yellow filly whispered.

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, there's been some pony tailing you two all morning. Lighthoof is circling around to follow them.” She peaked out of the foliage. “I see somepony creeping through the trees. You two keep...” She paused and glanced down, noticing AB nibbling on Star's ear. “Um...yeah....that, I guess.” Star was wiggling about, laughing at the ticklish licks the toned mare was giving the edges of his ears.

Even over Star's snorts of laughter, and Apple Bloom's giggles of amusement, they could hear the soft crunch of hooves on leaves as somepony approached. Closer and closer. The two continued playing around till a shout and a heavy thud caught their attention. The two ponies broke apart, dashing around a thick apple tree to find Lighthoof pinning a startled reddish earth colt to the ground. Star blinked, “Copper?”

“Well, hello to you too.” He glanced up at the pegasus holding him down. “Um...might I maybe get up now?” He smiled weakly. Lighthoof glanced at Star as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle joined them from their hiding places. Hesitantly, Star nodded to his buddy and let the earth-colt regain his feet. “Ooof, you Night-guards pack a punch.” He rubbed at his shoulder. “Somepony want to tell me what that was all about?”

Star sighed and flopped on his haunches, brushing aside his spiky bangs. “Well, let's start with why you're here.”

“Yeah, I told the new case detectives about Miss Apple Bloom's possible connection to the foal-nappings. They sort of brushed it off. So I took it upon myself to keep an eye on her. I saw you two in town and thought that it was sure to bring this guy out of hiding. Seems we both had the same idea.”

Lighthoof frowned and kicked a rock across between the trees, “Dang, dude. I thought for sure this was going to work. Instead we catch the one pony trying to help.”

Copper stood and brushed leaves from his coat. “Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. That was a pretty good plan. How about we head back to town, I'll buy you all a round of ciders.” The ponies looked to each other before Star shrugged and accepted the invitation.

Back into town they went. Lighthoof was chatting with Copper, telling him about the crazy mob scene in Canterlot. Sweetie seemed disheartened by their failed operation. Scoots and AB flanked Star, pushing him one way then other like a game of pony-pong. It was a silly game, but helped keep the mood light. As they wandered down the street, there was a crash of glass. Apple Bloom gasped and took off at a gallop. The others watched her make a bee-line for a shop on the corner, curious at her reaction. Then Star noticed it was AB's store. He called after her, running hard till he slid to a stop in front of the broken front door. He could hear shouting inside, and the sounds of a struggle. The pegasus charged into the sales floor, nearly tripping over broken lumber scattered everywhere. Cursing his lack of wings, the colt hopped from one clear section to another, working his way towards the stock-room. He saw bursts of magic illuminate the boxes and barrels and thuds of falling tools and timber.

“Confound it yah dang fool, yah tearing up mah shop.” AB screamed in rage. A heavy thud rocked a shelf as Star worked his way through the trashed room.

“You were warned! Both of you!” Another mare screeched back. A burst of magic sent the last shelf flying over Star's head as he ducked. He heard a soft grinding and a scream. Peeking up over the wreckage of wood and metal, he found Apple Bloom clamping her teeth down on the horn of a light blue unicorn. The unicorn was wailing in pain.

“Trixie yields, Trixie yields!”

Chapter XXXIII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXIII

By Indigo Eclipse

“And then we found Trixie inside AB's shop.” StarStep wrapped up his story of the attacks and threats against him and his friend. The unicorn mare across from him nodded, her magically held pencil scribbling away in a notepad. At last she set it aside and looked up with a slight smile. The quiet office inside of Ponyville PD was well insulated from the noise of the department.

“Thank you Mr. StarStep. I'm sure the information will be helpful to build a case against this Trixie.” She slid from her chair, and gestured for Star to follow her out of the room. Side by side they wandered down the hallway out to the lobby where Lighthoof and the CMC's waited.

Scootaloo hopped up and ran over to hug him, planting a kiss on his cheek before turning her attention to the mare detective, “Do you have enough to lock that crazy unicorn up?”

The detective gave a sigh, “Only on charges of destruction of property, assault, vandalism, breaking and entering, and some other minor stuff. My partner has been questioning her intensely for an hour now. But about the only thing she'll tell us, is her name, and that she's Great and powerful. As much as we'd like to believe we caught the Foal-napper. We don't have any evidence to support it.”

Apple Bloom trotted over, “Isn't there like, a spell y'all can use to make her tell or somethin'? There's pony's lives at stake. How long those charges gonna keep her locked up?”

Glancing over her shoulder back towards the interrogation rooms, the detective shook her head. “No, Miss. We can't use spells like that. I wish we could but they're against the law.” She gave AB a slight smile, “I'm sorry to say, but unless we get something more substantial to hold her. Well...if she has the bits, she'll be able to post bail and be on her way till court.”

AB stomped a hoof against the tiled floor, “But that's not fair! She's dangerous, she done wrecked mah shop and everything!”

“I know, Miss. I know. Sometimes, doing the right thing isn't always the best thing. But the law is the law. We're going to keep trying till we have to release her.” The detective bid them all a good day and wandered back into the heart of the station.

With a heavy sigh, Star led the CMC and a rather quiet Lighthoof out of the building. He glanced at his partner. “Thoughts, Light?” The group wandered down Ponyville main street.

There was a long pause before the tan pegasus opened his mouth. “I donno, dude. The whole thing just seems...odd. Like the pieces don't fit. Perhaps this Trixie mare really is the foal-napper gut it telling me different, yah know?”

Star nodded in agreement, glancing back at AB. She walked between her two friends, head hung in defeat. They were whispering amongst each other, leaving the colts to their own conversation. “Yeah, Light. I know it was her colors I saw in the colt's-room yesterday. But you're right, something about the whole thing is bugging me. I wish we had a chance to question her ourselves. We could have pulled Guard rank on them.”

“And piss off your mare-friend in the process. Come on dude, let these ponies do their jobs. For now, we'll just enjoy the last few days of our time off and keep our eyes peeled. You're suppose to be recovering, not getting into fights with crazy jealous unicorns.”

Star chuckled, “Yeah, you got a point. It hasn't been a very relaxing week with all that drama.” He took a deep breath. “I'll try hard to trust the Ponyville PD. It's hard resisting that urge to stick my hooves in.”

“I know dude, I know.”

The rest of the evening was fairly quiet. Sweetie Belle and AB headed back to Apple Acres together. Star, Light and Scoots headed back to Star's house and enjoyed a hot dinner with his parents. When the dishes were cleared, Lighthoof curled up on the couch with an old Daring Doo book, while Scoots and Star cuddled up together on the back-porch.

Tucking her head under Star's chin, the orange pegasus gave a soft sigh. “Are things always this crazy around you?”

The colt closed his eyes, gently rubbing his chin along the mare's soft fuchsia mane. “Honestly. Only since I started trying to date the Princess. Before that, guard duty was really simple. And maybe a little boring.”

Scootaloo gave a soft giggle as she unfurled a wing to drape over her colt-friend. “Do you ever regret pursuing Luna's heart?”

“No.” Star did not hesitate in his answer. “I figure, a lot of this stuff would have happened anyway. Sweetie Belle's trouble with the mob, AB with a stalker. Twilight and Cheerilee would have eventually gotten together, but I think I sped it up a few hundred years. You know how Twilight gets with her books.” They shared a light laugh. “I suspect, if it wasn't for all the lessons the Princess has taught me...well...I don't think I would have ever really come to love you Scoots.” He nuzzled his beautiful mare-friend. “Whatever may come. I'll be forever grateful to the Princess, for helping me learn I can love her and you equally.”

The mare returned his loving nuzzles, kissing lightly at his jaw. “I'm grateful.” She smiled, “And I expect Luna is too. When I first met her, she had this...sadness in her eyes. Now, when she's with us, I see her eyes sparkle in joy and contentment. It's like the sky twinkling merrily with stars.” She gave a little sigh, “I wish she was here with us.”

“Oh, am I not enough pony for you? Not what your body was telling me in the gardens back in Canterlot.”

The mare's orange cheeks reddened. She swatted Star's rump with her tail. “Haha, silly.” With a smirk, she nipped at his neck. “You're always enough colt for me. But...I'm...starting to love Luna.” She glanced around to ensure they were alone. “I have...fantasies sometimes. And my heart always beats so fast around either of you.” The mare sighed, “I'll be honest Star. Luna and I first agreed to share you out of mutual love. But now...I'm starting to understand how you feel. When she gazes at you it's” She fumbled for words.

“Like falling into the vastness of space, and being lost in her eyes. Heart and soul.”

Scootaloo nodded, “Yeah...that. I...shiver at her touch.” Her body gave a slight shake, and cuddled up tighter against his. “I think I'd do anything for her. Just as I'd do for you, Star. I'm...worried she doesn't feel the same about me though. Maybe it's just a friendly front she puts on for your sake.”

The colt tilted his head to tuck the mare's up against his neck. “You should ask her. If nothing else, I can tell you that the Princess is always firm but fair. Whatever she says, we have each other.” The mare nodded against his grey-blue coat. The colt grinned as he looked up at the stars. “So...what kind of fantasies?” Scootaloo replied by swatting his rump with her tail.

A heavy knocking on the front door startled Star from his sleep. Groaning, he shifted on the couch and blinked sleepily at the door. Again a heavy rapid thudding echoed in the living room. The colt glanced at the clock above the mantle, it was only six in the morning, with the hints of Celestia's sun peaking through the curtained windows. Rolling off the cushions, he staggered his way over to the front door and opened it enough to show his face. Through blurry eyes he found himself looking up at a huge red stallion on his porch.

“Erm...heeeey, Big Mac. Uh...Morning. Listen...about Cheerilee.”

The large earth pony snorted and shook his head, his trademark halter jangling about. “Reckon we can talk 'bout that another time, StarStep. Is Apple Bloom here?”

Star's brow creased in confusion. “I...don't think so. She went to Sweet Apple with Sweetie Belle last night.”

“She did. But she's not there now. Might you be so kind as to check and see if she's here?”

“Uh, yeah sure. Hold on.” He softly clicked the door and stumbled his way up the stairs. He first peeked his head into the guest room. Lighthoof was sleeping, tangled up in the sheet and clutching a pillow to his chest, moaning about Sherry and Peach. He rolled his eyes and softly shut the door. In his old room, Scootaloo was snoring lightly, laying on her back. He resisted the urge to tickle her exposed belly before closing that room too. He wandered the rest of the house, checking the bathrooms and kitchen and even the back-porch. But no AB. At last he returned to the front door and shook his head at the large pony.

“Sorry, Big Mac. She's not here. Just Scoots. What about Sweetie?”

The stallion frowned, “She's at the farm still.”

“What about AB's shop. Maybe she got up early to clean it up after the vandalism.”

The red pony's frown deepened. “I checked. Who was it that done wrecked her shop?”

Star tilted his head slightly and narrowed his eyes, “Did...AB not tell you what happened yesterday?” The stallion shook his head, “Oh-boy. Ok, look. We found some crazy unicorn trashing her store. She caught the mare and we took her to the police. I wouldn't be surprised if AB got up early to do repairs.”

“Enope. She's not there, and not even Pinkie done seen her. Apple Bloom always stops in to get an early morning doughnut from SugarCube. But she didn't show up this mornin'.” He glared at Star, “What's tha name of this fool mare that y'all caught?”

Star hesitated under the wilting stare of the much large pony, “Um...Trixie I believe.”

“Bucking...” The stallion seemed to growl. “I done saw that no good pony this mornin'. She was pullin' a small covered cart.” He turned to look back over his shoulder. “Cart just big enough for ah pony.” The large pony spun and galloped off towards town.

“Wait, Big Mac. You don't know she's responsible!” But Star's words fell on deaf ears. The earth pony was long down the road. He frowned, it was unusual to see Big Mac act so rashly. Shaking his head he clicked the door close and bound up the stair to the wake Lighthoof.

The two colts were soon trotting down the road, the morning sun just crested over the distant mountains. Glimmers of dew still on the grass and leaves and a crisp breeze to occasionally ruffle their coats. “And then the big guy just flips out and charges for town.”

Lighthoof frowned, “I know we suspect this mare, dude. But...does Big Mac know this pony? Sounds kinda crazy for him to just go off half-cocked like that.”

“Honestly. I don't know. Big Mac keeps his personal life on the down-low. I know he's had other relationships before Fluttershy, but he never talks about em and his family doesn't say a word either.” The two of them passed by the first of the buildings that marked downtown. “What bothers me more is how fast Trixie got out on bail. I was hoping she'd sit there for a while, see if any other mares go missing. That'd at least help us figure out if she's the one.”

His partner nodded. “Right on dude. Good point.”

“Star!” They two colts glanced over their shoulders to see a descending orange pegasus. She landed lightly beside the blue-grey pony and gave him a kiss. “Morning. You two are up early.” She flicked her eyes between them.

Lighthoof cleared his throat, “Hey uh, Star. I'm gonna take to the air and scout.” He gave Scoot a nod of greeting before taking wing.

Shaking her head in confusion, the orange pegasus raised an eyebrow at StarStep. “What's going on?” After a quick recount of the morning, Scootaloo's confused expression deepened. “That is kinda weird.” The two of them were trotting down one street then another, glancing about for sign of Apple Bloom or Trixie. They'd stop and chat with the various ponies setting up their stalls for the market. No pony had seen AB all morning, but a few had seen the blue mare wandering about town pulling a cart. When they stopped at AB's shop, they found it just as they left it the night before. Nothing had been cleaned and the door still hung awkwardly from one hinge. A bit of worry began to grow in Star's belly. It wasn't at all like AB to up and vanish. Scootaloo, perhaps, but not good-ol' reliable Apple Bloom.

Just before noon, as Scoot's belly gave a growl of hungry protest, they rounded a corner and found Big Mac staring down the great and powerful Trixie.

“Trixie knows nothing, you big dim-witted jerk. Trixie made it quite clear she wants nothing to do with you anymore. Now move from Trixie's path.” She made to step around him, a small covered cart hitched to her saddlebags, but the large red pony shifted to block her again.

“Enope.” He glared down at the smaller pony. Her light blue coat and white mane were dirty and slightly unkempt. The cutie-mark of a crescent moon and magician's wand upon her flank. “What's in tha cart Trixie. I know yah been right angry at me for years. But I'll not be having you threatening family.”

The small unicorn frowned, “What's in the cart, is no ponies business but Trixie's. Now MOVE or the great and powerful Trixie shall make you move!”

“Enope. Pull back that tarp, and I'll move.” He planted his massive hooves.

“Trixie shall do no such thing!” She ground her teeth, “You always were a stubborn jerk. Fine, if this is how you wish to play, we shall.” Her horn glowed and picked the large pony up and planted him on top of a nearby roof. “Humph. Maybe your little wife will save you.” She turned up her nose and began to walk down the street.

Star and Scoots exchanged glances. He nodded his head towards the cart before galloping up, sliding to a dusty stop in front of the unicorn. “Hey, Trixie. Got a moment?”

Rolling her eyes, the mare sighed. “Trixie swears, this town is full of annoyances. Why Trixie...wait.” Her eyes narrowed. “You're...” She turned up her nose. “Trixie has nothing to say to you.”

Glancing over the unicorn's shoulder, he noticed Scootaloo slip up behind the cart and carefully pulling up the edge of the tarp. “Look, Trixie.” He began. “I don't know what what it is you got against me, but you shouldn't take it out on other ponies.”

“Trixie has nothing against you she...uh.” The unicorn's facade fell for a moment as she nervously glanced her eyes side to side. “Yes, she hates you. Yes, that's it. Begone scourge of Ponyville. Return to your little mares. That fat pink one and the uh, ugly chicken.”

“HEY!” Scootaloo's shout spun the unicorns head around. The pegasus had pulled back the edge of the tarp and had her fore-hooves up on the edge. “I'm not a chicken!”

There was a sharp gasp and a growl of annoyance from the unicorn. “How dare you pry into Trixies private things!” She jerked the cart back, knocking Scootaloo to the dirt. “Does no pony respect others personal property?”

Star poked the mare in the chest with a hoof, “Funny thing to say, seeing as you trashed our friend's shop. Scoots was just checking your cart to make sure our friend wasn't hiding in there. You know, to jump out later and get revenge?”

There was a pause as the unicorn regarded the two of them. “Yes, well. Still. Trixie has nothing to to say about the matter until court. If you are through harassing her, Trixie has business elsewhere.” She used her magic to pull her tarp back down and walked around the colt in her path.

He watched her trot down the street as Scootaloo helped Big Mac down from the roof. He could feel her slide up against him and give him a light nuzzle. “Sorry, Star. Nothing in that cart but random magician act stuff. Caps, hats, wands, random boxes of just stuff. No AB.”

He glanced to his other side. Big Mac was also watching Trixie wander off. “Did you uh...used to date her, Big Mac?”

There was a long pause, and a flicker of a frown, “Eyup.” Without another word, the stallion turned and trotted away.

“A colt of few words.” Star sighed as Scoot giggled. They spent the rest of the day wandering the streets and asking every pony they saw about AB. No one had seen a hair of her since the previous evening. Defeated, as the sun was setting in the distance, they were heading back to Star's home when gangly cream colored colt stepped out to block their path.

“Well, hey there cutie!” Star glanced up at the high pitched voice of the unicorn.

“Uh...Scribe, right?” He asked as Scootaloo looked at him questioningly.

“Oh, right on one! Cute and smart.” He gestured towards the small store next to them. “Listen darlings. Would you be so kind as to come inside?”

StarStep hesitated, he was pretty confident he knew who awaited him inside the building. The question being, was this a trap or something else. With a glance at his mare-friend, he accepted Scribe's invitation and led the way into the darkened interior. It appeared to be an antiques shop. There were random bits of furniture and home decorations of everything from iron bats to silver trout. Much of the store's inventory was coated in a fine dust.

“Mister StarStep and Miss Scootaloo. What a pleasant surprise to find you here.” The massive silver earth pony had his back to them, admiring himself in an old standing mirror. He was trying on a bowler hat, a small stack of other hats neatly piled on one side, a discarded pile on the other. The owner of the store, an aging mare, handed him the next hat from the pile as he tossed aside the current. “I trust your vacation is going well?”

“Mister Steel. What are you doing here?”

“Trying on hats. You're not very observant for a guard, sir.” He tossed aside a top-hat and accepted another from the elderly mare.

Star glanced around, noting that Scribe was standing outside, guarding the glass door. “Ok, besides that. What brings you to Ponyville? You didn't have me stop into an antique store just to say hello.”

“True enough, Mister StarStep. True enough.” He gave a soft sigh, turning his head one way then another. His mane was so dark blue it was almost black, making it hard to distinguish the hat from mane. “Hmm...maybe I should try a colored hat. Anyhoof. Yes. I happened to be passing through on my way to deal with business in Appleloosa. I wanted to let you know I found Mister Granite in Canterlot.” He shifted the ten-gallon hat around on his head. “Envelope to your left has his current hide-out. I suggest you deal with him promptly. He's been asking around for hired-hooves to do a little dirty-work.”

Star glanced to his left, noting the plain white envelop sitting on the counter. He reached out hesitantly and slid it off, tucking it under one of his bandaged wings. “Thanks.” He hesitated, looking to Scootaloo.

“What's wrong Star?” Scoots looked back, concern in her voice.

“I....nothing I can't handle.” He sighed. “Mister Steel. Do you know anything about a Trixie? In particular, if she's been foal-napping ponies here in Ponyville?”

Without turning to face them, the large stallion chuckled. “Oh, I know all about the Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon. Information is my profession after all.” He reached out for a new hat. “Of course, information isn't free, Mister StarStep.”

“Alright. How much?”

There was a long pause, the stallion busy admiring a new hat in the mirror. “That envelope under your wing. And your promise that you'll allow me to deal with Granite myself. I mean to make an example of him. As a professional curtsey, I granted you and your coworker the rights to handle his punishment. I assure you, that if you relinquish this right, it will not be a pretty ending for Mister Granite. Also, I will be unable to deal with him until I return from my business in the south. Perhaps a week or so at best. This would leave him at large to cause mischief.”

“I wouldn't call what he does...mischief.” He shifted his bandaged wings.

“Star?” Scootaloo whispered, “Is he saying what I think he's saying? Are you really going to let him go kill some pony?”

The colt looked down into her light purple eyes. “He tried to kill me, Sweetie and Dinky. Even putting that aside, information on Trixie will help us find AB.”

“Star, we don't even know if something bad has happened to AB. She could have just taken a hike into the wilds or something.” She pleaded.

“Perhaps when Zecora was still around” He sighed, “If you have another idea that will help us find out the truth faster, I'm all ears, Scoots.”

She hesitated, searching his eyes, then shook her head. “Alright Star. I trust you know what you're doing.”

At that, he returned the envelope to the counter and cleared his throat. “Mister Steel. Granite is yours to deal with.”

The large silver earth stallion smiled into the mirror, adjusting a rich blue bowler on his head. “Excellent. Now, ask your questions regarding this Trixie.”

“Alright, did she foal-nap Apple Bloom.”

“No, nor was she the one who took the others.”

“Who was?”

The large pony shook a fore-hoof back and forth, “Tisk, Mister StarStep. That information is of a different price. Miss Trixie is not the one kidnapping foals. However, she is being forced to play a role in all of this. She's not completely innocent, but has done things under duress.”

“So...she's helping whoever it is?”

“Oh, 'help' is not quite the right word. Assist, perhaps? A queen in a bigger game. Force to move about to protect the King. A powerful playing piece, but a piece all the same. You can rush out of here and attempt to force the information from her.” He waved a dismissive hoof, “But she will tell you nothing. She is protecting those weaker than her from the foal-napper. And no threats of any kind will force the words from her lips.”

A terrible knot lodged in Star's belly when the next question came to mind. “Was Apple Bloom foal-napped?”

There was a pause. The stallion slowly turned from the mirror, no hat upon his head. “That, is not part of the price. However, I am fond of you Mister StarStep, so I will give this one as a free sample.” He wore a professional smile. “Miss Apple Bloom has indeed been taken against her will and is at this moment being carried away to a life of misery.”

Anger tightened his chest, “Tell me where she is, please! This is a pony's life we're talking about here. A good, kind pony. She doesn't deserve this. I bet none of the foal-napped mares deserve this.”

“Be that as it may, Mister StarStep. I cannot divulge such critical information for free. Why, this would destroy another pony's business. If I made it a habit to do such things, many many ponies would suffer. However, the information might be bought.”

Scootaloo stomped up to the stallion, “Oh yeah? What if I brought the Princess in on this? Told her you were hiding information about missing ponies and protecting a criminal.”

“My, my. Quite the fireball. Threats of that nature will not work, Miss Scootaloo. By her own law, the Princess cannot force me to divulge information and torture was outlawed a thousand years ago. Certainly, she can lock me up. But with my connections and resources, do you really think I will remain long?” He smiled down at the little mare. “And then, I shall disappear. You will never find the answer you seek, and I assure you, you will never find the mares in your lifetime without help. Your friend will be gone forever.”

Scootaloo roared and launched at the stallion. With a graceful side-step, he dodged the filly as she catapulted past and slammed into the wall. “Temper, temper, Miss Scootaloo. It is not as though I am refusing to answer. Simply asking for payment to compensate me.”

Star trotted over to help Scoots to her feet and hugged her close. “How did you get this info if this criminal is so hard to find?”

“I did business with the pony in question. Until they invited me to see their operation. Disgusted, I cut ties and placed watchers. I knew that if I involved myself with this pony, I would become entangled in their dealings and suffer the fall-out when they eventually were caught.” He smiled. “And here we are. On the verge of bringing this retched excuse for a pony down. So, now the question becomes, how much do you value your friend.” His bronze eyes glanced from one pony to the other. “Because of the rewards you will reap if you are successful. I'm afraid this bit of information will not come cheap. I told you this day would come. You know what I want.”

Star glanced at Scootaloo before the stallion, stroking the blue alicorn feather against his chest. “Luna's feather...”

The information broker's smile broadened. A glint of triumph in his eyes.

Chapter XXXIV

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXIV

By Indigo Eclipse

Scootaloo's glanced from Steelhoof to StarStep. “Star, what do you mean? He wants Luna's feather as payment?”

The blue-grey pegasus nodded lightly, one hoof caressing the deep blue feather against his chest. He frowned across the room at the smug earth stallion. “Yeah, he asked for it before. When I was trying to help Sweetie Belle. But...I couldn't. We'll help Sweetie get through her troubles our own way but this...I don't think I have a choice Scoots.” He looked down at his mare-friend, a tightness in his throat. “Ponies are in real danger. Apple Bloom's life depends on it. I...I think Luna would understand.”

Her glare at the silver stallion could melt rock. “How do we know you're not making this up? Or that you really know where this foal-napper is? Why Luna's feather? I have money, so does Star. I'm certain we can pay.”

Steelhoof laughed, setting aside another hat. “Miss Scootaloo, if I sold false information, I would not be alive today. Some of those I have dealt with are in positions of great power.” He paused, his business smile never touching his calculating bronze eyes. “If it soothes you, know that I will return the feather should the information prove false. As for coin, I have no desire for such. What I will tell you carries great risk, and so I wish fair reward. The fact of the matter is, I am a great fan of Princess Luna's work. I admire all she's done for the kingdom since her return. My family has always worked under the cover of her evening skies, for many thousands of years. Needless to say, for many generations, we missed our Princess of the night as she remained banished on the moon.”

A quiet pause settled on the room. Star looking down at the floor, one hoof stroking the feather, as Scootaloo nuzzled into his coat. Then, reluctantly, StarStep pulled at the chain around his neck. A gentle hoof on his halted the removal.

“No...Star...let me.” Scootaloo's soft plea in his ear broke him from his thoughts. His questioning eyes met with hers, seeking understanding. “I'm...sure Luna will understand but...” She took a deep breath. “But if she doesn't, I don't want you to suffer for it. I'm just beginning to love her as you do. But you've loved her since you were little. Your whole life has revolved around being that special some-pony to Luna and I wont let you lose that.” She caressed his cheek.

“Scoots, no. This is my duty.” He gave her a weak smile. “It's just a feather, I mean, to save a bunch ponies I don't think Luna will hate me.”

Shaking her head, the filly began to pull her own necklace up. “If it's nothing, let me do it. Apple Bloom is my best friend too.” Not waiting for his response, she pulled the chain free of her mane and dangled the pair of feathers towards Steelhoof. “Here, one of Luna's feathers. Now, where's Apple Bloom and the other missing mares?”

The large pony grinned, ear to ear, a flash of triumph in his eyes as he swept the chain from her hoof. “Done.” He ran the feather along his cheek and shuddered. “Glorious.”

Star stomped a fore-hoof, “Alright, you got what you wanted. Where are the ponies?” He could feel his mare-friend slip from his side. Then there was a light thud, drawing his attention. Confused, Star glanced down to find Scootaloo curled up on the floor, her face buried in her fore-hooves, shaking. Then there was soft sobbing, which grew into gut-wrenching cries of despair. He pulled her into his hooves and stroked her mane, trying to comfort the suddenly distraught filly. His eyes narrowed at Steelhoof. “What the buck did you do to her?”

Smirking, the earth stallion reached into one of the top-hats, pulling out a rolled parchment. He tossed it at Star's hooves. “A map marking the location to the foal-napper's hideout. I highly suggest you bring help. I also recommend you recruit Professor Twilight Sparkle for this venture.” He trotted around the pair of ponies, pausing as he opened the door. “A pleasure doing business. I wish you good luck in saving all those ponies and I suggest you make haste. Till next time, Mister StarStep.” He slipped out, the door falling close with a gentle click.


Cheerilee lifted her head, her ears swiveling. She and Twilight were cuddled up on the couch for an post-dinner nap. Another frantic rapping on her door caught her attention. With a sigh, she pushed Twilight off the couch and giggled as the unicorn squeaked in surprise. “Sorry dear, but somepony's knocking.” The fuchsia mare slid off the couch, careful to step around her dazed lover on the way to the front door. Swinging it wide she blinked in surprise. StarStep was supporting a weeping Scootaloo, a parchment in his teeth. Carefully he set the scroll aside and gave her a soft smile. “Hey Cheerilee. I need your help.” His eyes followed Twilight as the unicorn slid up beside the school-mare. “And you too Twilight.”

Together, the three of them managed to drag Scootaloo to the couch. She was still sobbing, eyes red and puffy, her breath in ragged gasps. Cheerilee stroked her cheek and attempted in vain to comfort the filly as Twilight confronted Star.

“What's going on Star? Why is she such a wreck?”

“I'm...not sure exactly. We...had to make a deal to get the information on where the missing mares are. It's also why I need your help.” The puzzled expression on the unicorn's face cause the colt to sigh. He retrieved the map and rolled it out, pointing at the marked area. “A pony had the location of the foal-napper that's been plaguing Ponyville. But he'd only do it for one of Luna's feathers. Scootaloo insisted it'd be her's. To protect me. And after the deal was done, well...she broke down and started crying.” He glanced in concern at his mare-friend, catching Cheerilee's look of pity.

Twilight frowned as her eyes flicked from the map to the couch. “I guess Luna's feathers had an emotional bond enchantment or something. When Scootaloo gave it up...well...the whiplash of the broken feed probably hit her hard.” Her eyes narrowed at Star. “How do you know this map is good? Why come to me, shouldn't you go to the Ponyville police?”

“They'd ask too many questions, Twilight. This is...a little under the table. Look, Apple Bloom is in trouble, as well as all those other mares that went missing. Will you help me or not?”

She hesitated, looking at Cheerilee. The school-mare nodded with a smile, one hoof stroking Scootaloo's mane. “Go on dear. I'll take care of her.”

“All...Alright, Star. Should we bring more help?”

Nodding, the colt rolled up the scroll and tossed it to the unicorn. He trotted around the couch to kiss Scootaloo's forehead. “I love you, Scoots. I'll be back.” He smiled to Cheerilee, hugging her tight. “Love you too, Cheerilee. Sorry to spring this on you. Please, help Scoots.”

The school-mare nodded, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Love you too, dear. I'll look out for her. You go save those ponies.” She glanced at her mare-friend, “And keep her out of trouble.”

Star chuckled, “That's asking for a miracle.”


Twilight held the scroll out in front of her, unfurled with her magic as Lighthoof and StarStep trotted at her sides. They were far afield of Ponyville, among the patches of forest and wind-blown fields of grass. The moon was full and bright overhead, the stars dancing brilliantly in the country sky. The purple unicorn gave a sigh, “It's secluded enough. Do you have any idea what it is we're looking for? And why did you need me? I'm sure you two can read maps.”

Star nodded, his eyes scanning the area, his guard partner was doing the same. “Not sure what we're looking for, but I expect we'll know soon. The pony who gave me the map said that we'd need your help. Didn't say why, but I figure it can't hurt to have Princess Celestia's protege to help us out. We are dealing with a unicorn foal-napper after all.”

Twilight giggled at the protege comment. “True. And I want to help these ponies as much as you do. I can't believe there's a pony who would do such a horrible thing.” The three of them rounded a patch of woods. “Princess Celestia should send them to the...OH.” She halted suddenly. The two colts paused a few steps further.

Lighthoof looked about as Star trotted back, “What's up, Twilight?”

She shushed him before carefully stepping through the grass. With a shrug, the two colts followed her to a slight mound of dirt, partially hidden by the shadows of the tall grass. She gestured to the mound then pointed around the field. Star glanced at the places she marked, his eyes searching for something out of place. Then he began to notice that each spot had a small mound of dirt. Leaning close he whispered, “What is this?”

“Diamond Dog holes.” She unfurled the map, checking the location to the landmarks on the horizon. “This is it. This is where the mares are.”

The guard ponies shared a knowing glance. Part of their training was on the various creatures in and around Equestria. They knew the basics of Diamond Dogs. Greedy, lazy, and only brave in superior numbers. He frowned, “I know Diamond Dogs have been known to foal-nap the stray pony or two. But we're WAY outside of Ponyville and they're too lazy to go all that way and back again with struggling ponies.”

Twilight used her magic to clear the entrance to the hole at their hooves. “You said it was a unicorn foal-napper. Maybe this is just a hide-out? I have to admit, it's not a place I'd go looking for a whole bunch of missing mares.”

Lighthoof placed a hoof on his friend's shoulder, “Yo, dude. Sure we should go down there? Just us three? The earth isn't really a place for us.” He fluttered his wing. “I...I'm not great in tight places, Star. The castle is one thing, but this...” He glanced at the blackness of the hole's depths. “I'm not scared, but...”

His friend nodded, “I get it. We're just going to scout. Take a look, see if it something we can handle. And...and to make sure Apple Bloom is ok. I'm a little worried about going down there too, but there are ponies depending on us. So buck the dark and the earth. We're Night-guards. We're the ones other ponies look to for help and protection. Right?”

The colts shared a look, then embraced with back-patting. “Yeah, dude. Just uh, kick me in the flank if I try to wuss out. I'm gonna do my best.”

Twilight was watching them, head tilted with an amused smile on her face. “You colts done?” They nodded. “Alright, I'll use an invisibility spell on us down there, just keep close and try not to make a lot of noise. I don't know if there are still Diamond Dogs, but if there are, we have to be careful. Rarity was lucky last time we ran into some. That pack was pretty stupid. But not all are.” She took a deep breath. “Let's find those mares.” Her horn began to glow, giving off a gentle white light as she stepped to the edge of the hole. She glanced at them, making sure they were ready and dropped in, flank first. Star could see her light begin to fade away as she slid down the tunnel. He threw himself into the hole and could soon hear Lighthoof sliding above him.

In the near pitch black, it was difficult to fathom how deep they descended. Only glimpses of Twilight's horn light reassured him he was not lost in the inky depths of the world. Eventually the tunnel leveled out and he slid to a stop at Twilight's hooves. The rattle of stones clattering down the tunnel caused him to roll out of the way just as Lighthoof tumbled into his vacated spot.

“Uhhh...” The tan pegasus groaned, rolling his head about to shake off the daze. Twilight was peering around in the darkness with her horn-light as Star helped his partner to his feet. Tail drooping low, Light glanced about at the pitch black, a slight bit of fear in his eyes.

“Hey, Light, you ok?” He patted his friend on the shoulder. “Just think of it as a moon-less night.”

“Y-y-yeah, dude. It's not the darkness, it's the earth. It feels like it's pushing down on us.” He took a couple deep breaths. “Rooms and bars, and tight hallways, nothing else is like this. Sorry, Star, it just has me a bit rattled.”

Star patted him on the shoulder, “Hey, we're pretty much brothers now, right?” The other colt nodded. “I got my brother's back. You and me, we can do this. For Apple Bloom and all the other ponies. Think of how happy Princess Celestia and Luna will be that we rescued them. Think of their families.”

Light pressed his lips tight together and gave a determined nod. “I got your back, Bro.”

Bunched together in Twilight's horn light, the three wandered down the widened tunnel. They could see the edges of the walls, but only glimpses of stalactite from the roof hidden in the darkness. Like stone teeth jutting down from some creature's mouth. After a while, they noticed a soft flickering glow from a turn in the tunnel ahead. As they reached the edges light's shadows, Twilight let her light falter, and the three of them peeked around the corner. The light source was a burning torch, mounted in a crude iron sconce.

Twilight turned to the colts, “Well, looks like someone's home. Guess it's time for some magic. Now, you have to stick close. The invisibility field doesn't extend very far and it doesn't block sound. So try not to stumble on rocks.” She frowned, “My teleporting is a lot better now. I could get the three of us out, but no more.”

Light nodded, “So it may come down to us leaving the mares behind to get more help. Well...let's make sure they're down here before we worry about that.”

The unicorn's horn blinded them for a moment, a purple field settling around the three of them before all of it vanished from outside view. Star blinked and looked at Twilight in confusion. “We're not invisible.”

“We are to ponies looking at us. It's a field to refract light. Just stick very close.” She took the lead, Star and Light tight to her sides as they wandered down the tunnel. The further they went, the more torches that appeared in the crude sconces. Over the gentle clips of their hooves on the stone floor, they could hear sharp tinking of metal on stone. As they continued, the sound increased and multiplied until it was a symphony of metal tapping on stone, grunts of effort, snaps of whips, and creaking of wooden axles. At last the tunnel opened up on the very top level of a quarry-like operation. Below them, Earth ponies of various ages chipped at the rock walls of the pit with picks strapped to their fore-leg. The older fillies and young mares were hauling carts of ore and gems up and down spiraling tracks from the bottom to the top and out an opposing tunnel from the trio. Even young fillies, nearly foals were forced to work. Struggling to put the loose stones into the waiting carts.

A few things caught Star's attention. The first was that the ones cracking the whips over the heads of the workers were Diamond Dogs. The second was there were bridles and bits on every single pony. Even the littlest. The third made him curse under his breath. But his partner and Twilight did not hear. They were still trying to process the scene of such slavery. He ground his teeth as he counted the ponies below. So much for eight. There were at least thirty here and who knew how many more elsewhere in the tunnels. He tugged lightly at Twilight's mane, breaking her eyes from the scene of forced labor. The three of them retreated into their tunnel.

Light was grinding his teeth and flexing his wings. Star could see the fire in his eyes. “Mother bucking, bucking tartarus!” Lighthoof hissed. “That's a lot of ponies trapped down here.”

Twilight was stunned, “How could so many go missing? And the foals? They're so young. It's one thing for a pony to go missing but there were at least seven little fillies and colts. If the Princess knew, she'd tear Equestria apart.”

Star glanced over his shoulder at the pit's lip. “All the older ponies are mares. But the foals are a mix. Maybe some of the foal-napped were pregnant?”

The unicorn shivered, “That's horrible, Star!”

Across from him, Lighthoof nodded. “You might be right, dude. This is...this is beyond us. They all look exhausted and broken. Even the little guys. I didn't see all that many guards but I don't think we can count on the ponies to help much in their condition.”

“Well, no Apple Bloom. Lets scout some more, see if we can get some answers further in.” The other two agreed.

Carefully, they made their way around the top level of the quarry pit to the opposite side, following the cart-rails as they wound their way through the earth. Dozing or otherwise bored Diamond Dogs were posted at random locations. One or two would crack a whip at a faltering cart-pony that would pass them heading back to the digging pits. The sound and the flinch of pain on the pony's face turned Star's gut in knots. He prayed that Lighthoof would be able to contain his rage for a bit longer.

Though there were tunnels that ran off at various junctions, the rails kept true to the main tunnel, eventually leading them to a massive cavern. They gasped at the sight of a small fortress covered in gemstones. It was both the most gaudy and impressive thing Star had ever seen. About half the size of Canterlot Castle, every inch of the structure was covered by a rainbow of hues of various sized gems. A massive rip in the earth separated them from the building, spanned by a simple bridge of stone and wood planks, wide enough for two tracks of rails. They paused to allow a pony hauling a cart to pass over the bridge before they trotted on. The heat that radiated from it's depths caused Star to glance down and gasp. Far, far below, a rolling river of magma lit the sides of the gorge and kept the cavern warm. A part of him wondered if any of the captives had leapt to their deaths to avoid the slavery. He shook off the terrible thought as the three of them trotted to the cart-entrance of the gem-stone fortress.

Two alert Diamond Dogs guarded the opening. Spears tucked in the crooks of their arms. Unlike the rest, these two seemed to care about their jobs. Eyes flicking about the semi-lit cavern. One of them looked right at the trio, ears swiveled in their direction with a confused look on it's face. The group halted, a shared look of concern. Lighthoof glanced behind them and pointed to a slowly approaching cart, filled with stone and gems. Understanding lit the other two's eyes so they waited patiently for the squeaking, noisy cart to reach them. Then they slipped up behind it and followed so their hoof-steps were masked by all the racket.

Inside, the hallway was lit by braziers of burnished steel, the flickering light reflecting brilliantly across the gem-covered walls. Deeper into the fortress they went until the cart-rail swung wide and began to circle back on itself. The cart-pony halted at the apex of the curve. Another mare approached and bucked the cart over on it's side, dumping it's contents over into a hole. Then the bucking mare pulled a strap to set the cart upright and the hauler began her march back to the digging pits. The trio of would-be rescuers peaked over the hole edge, but it was just darkness below. With the trail at a dead-end, they picked a hall-way leading into the rest of the fortress and wandered. Even here, the walls were coated in gemstones. Carefully, they made their way around patrolling guards and a pony or two, gluing the gems into vacant spots along the wall surfaces. A small bucket of gems and a pail of liquid adhesive sitting beside each worker. The smell of which threatened to cause Star to retch.

At some point in their exploration, they came upon a hallway lined with many iron doors. The keyholes and lack of normal handles suggested cell doors. With a cautionary glance around, Star lifted his fore-hooves up to the sliding viewing window and pushed it open to peer inside. This one was empty. They moved down one side of the hall then the other, checking each cell but there were no ponies inside. So the trio moved down to the next hallway, discovering yet another line of cell doors.

“Must be where they house the worker ponies.” Light whispered. He nervously glanced around. “Just how many do they have here?”

“Donno, Light.” Star answered, sliding open the next view port. He gasped. Inside, it was lit by a single flickering candle, but the unmistakeable hue of the yellow coat and red mane caught his breath. “Twilight, can you unlock this? I think it's Apple Bloom.” The colt stepped back as the unicorn wasted no time, tapping her horn to the lock-housing with a flick of magic flashing in the dim hallway. There was a soft click and the three rushed inside. Lighthoof remained by the door, ear pressed against it while Star and Twilight approached the pony inside.

It was Apple Bloom alright. But she was blindfolded, bridled with a bit between her teeth. Restraints around her ankles were chained to the floor, but she stood, ears swiveling at their approach. Her breath quickened and her chest heaved as she fought against the chains around her limbs. Unintelligible mumbling rumbled around her bit.

“Shhh, shhh, Apple Bloom. It's StarStep. Relax.” She settled enough for him to pull the blindfold up and pull the bit from her muzzle.

The mare worked her jaw a little before jerking against the chains and groaning. “Oh, Star. Hug me yah foal since I can't.” He happily did so, letting her nuzzle into his mane.

“Can you tell me what's going on here?”

The mare frowned. “They've done kept me blindfolded tha whole time. I couldn't rightly tell yah where here is.” She glanced around the dim room. “All I remember, was waking up to somepony pulling me out tha window of the farmhouse and then I got hog-tied and shut in the dark. It's all just ah haze after that, Star.” She smirked, giving her head a shake to jangled her bridle. “Yah know, if this was a different situation, I might reckon I'd be a little turned on by all this.”

Star returned her smirk. “Always the tough one, AB.” He gave a sigh. “We have a problem though. We're down in Diamond Dog tunnels. And there's a lot of them. A lot of ponies too.” He frowned. “Twilight, are you sure you can't get us four out?”

The unicorn shook her head. “Sorry, Star. Three is my max. I'm already winded from holding the invisibility on us.”

Apple Bloom smiled sadly, “Then you three should get out and go get help. They haven't hurt me yet. And if you said there are other ponies here, I think I'll be ok till you get back.”

“But...AB. I'll stay, let you get out of here. I can find somewhere to hide.”

“No, Star. Whoever brought me here would know tha jig was up if I done up and vanished. I'll stay here, let them think everything is right in tha world. Till you fellas bring more help. I'll be just fine, Star. Hey, maybe I'll let you truss me up in this get-up sometime.” She winked and opened her mouth.

With a defeated sigh, he slipped the bit back in her muzzle and pulled the blindfold back over her eyes. Warmly, he embraced her, whispering in her ear. “We'll get back as fast as we can. Be strong, AB. But don't be all stubborn with whoever this is.”

Twilight nuzzled the mare, whispering in her ear as well before patting Star's shoulder. “Before we leave, I want to know a little bit more. Come on colts.” Lighthoof cracked open the door, looking around both sides before the three of them slipped out. Twilight relocked the door before casting the invisibility field over them.

Deeper into the fortress they wandered. Creeping through the shadows cast by the braziers. Whenever Diamond Dog guards approached, they would halt and hold their breaths. The earth pressing down on them was starting to mess with even Star's bravery. Eventually, they found their way to a massive iron double door. Murmurs of voices could be heard within. Pressing their ears to the crack between the doors, they could just make out the conversation.

“Trixie did her part. You promised Trixie you would let Sly go if Trixie did what you asked above ground. Are you going against your word?” A mare shouted.

A deeper voice chuckled. “Of course not, Trixie. Sly is free to go. But he wont leave his mother and I'm not so heartless as to rip a family apart.” There was a pause and a shuffle of hooves on stone. “Trixie, don't you see, you're queen to the Diamond Dogs here. They look up to you and your magic tricks. They love how you can find gems for them. You find, the earth ponies dig and you all get to live. I'd say that's a pretty good arrangement.”

“It is not! You foal-nap earth mares, force them to dig and haul and sort, then you rape them when they go into heat. You disgusting, vile creature. Trixie despises you.” They heard the pony spit. Then a slap moments later.

“I've been too soft on you. I thought you of all ponies would understand the pleasure of power and wealth. You could have an army of Diamond Dogs at your command. To be their pack leader. You are great and powerful, Trixie. But you don't have the stomach to rule. I suppose, I'll have to keep looking for my queen.” There was a pause. “You two, take Trixie to the depths for gem polishing. Make sure her little foal goes with her. Mustn't break up the family.”

The high pitched growly voice of a Diamond Dog answered. “Yes, oh great leader pony. We take her down. She polish. Yes.” There was screaming from Trixie, shouting mercy for Sly till if faded away.

The trio of ponies eavesdropping exchanged glances. Light's nostrils were flaring, Twilight's eyes were moist as she struggled to contain tears and Star paced. “I guess that explains all the foals we saw in the mining pit.”

Light reached out for the door handle. “Let's go get this mother-bucker.” He tugged on the door but found it locked.

Twilight knocked aside his hoof, “No. We don't know how many guards are in there. And just charging in might hurt all the ponies they have captive. We can't do this with just the three of us.” She poked a hoof at Star's bandaged wings. “Specially since one of our pegasi are injured.”

Taking a deep breath the tan pegasus nodded. “You're right, Twilight. Sorry. Who do we get? This is way past Ponyville PD.” He pondered a bit. “Princesses are way out of town. I mean, we could wait for them...but...dude, you saw how dead on their hooves some of the ponies were. I...didn't want to say anything, but I saw one of the mares from the pictures.”

“Huh, which?” Star's ears perked.

“Roseluck. She uh...her coat, her mane. It's like the color is leaching from it. I only recognized her from the cutie-mark. In fact, most of the ponies out there seem...faded. It's like being down here is killing them from the inside. We don't know how long the Princesses will be.”

StarStep nodded. “Yeah, Princess Luna did say it was a serious matter with the gryphon border. Potential for war if things got out of hoof. So, who do we get?”

Lighthoof exhaled, “I think we're going to have to get the other guards.”

His partner grimaced. “I really don't want Shining involved. There will be a lot of questions and some of those I really don't want to answer right now. I'm still not sure how Steelhoof fits into all this.”

“The information broker?” The other pony nodded in reply. “I don't blame you, dude. Going through the proper channels with Shining is gonna cost us time. A few days at least. He likes things by the book.” The pegasus tap a hoof to his chin in thought. “'s risky but...I don't see any other quick option.”

His partner nodded. Twilight was glancing back and forth at them, confused. “What are you two talking about? I'm sure my brother will come help.”

“Yeah, after he fills the paperwork, forms the ranks, sets up a chain of command.” Light chuckled. “No offense Twilight, but your brother's not suited for quick, quiet actions. He's like Princess Celestia. Bold, bright, noble. Your brother is an awesome Sun-Guard, but this requires a little something different. Let's hope it's easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission.” He held out a hoof to StarStep. “So how about it, Bro. You on board?”

“I trust your judgment, Light. You know I'll do anything to help Luna's ponies.” He bumped hooves with the other pegasus.

“Twilight.” Lighthoof began. “Can you teleport us out? Star and I have to get to Canterlot quick. We have a lot of work to do and not a lot of time.”

Chapter XXXV

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXV

By Indigo Eclipse

The frantic pounding on his door stirred the old Night-Guard from his dozing. He grumbled as he rolled from his bunk, glancing at the clock on the wall. Only a couple hours of sleep since the older stallion's shift ended. Urgently the pounding echoed in the room a second time.

“Aye, Aye, I heard ye. Keep yer horseshoes on.” The faded green unicorn kicked aside an empty cider bottle on his way to the entrance, jerking it open with a flash of white that matched his long tangled mane. He paused to glance over the two pegasi in the hall. “Oh, you two boy'os. Didn't right expect ye two back till the marrow.”

Lighthoof glanced at his guard-partner before clearing his throat. “Clooney? Sorry about the early wake-up. I know you probably just got off.” The unicorn gave a curt nod. “Are you still the contact point for the other Night-guards?”

“Oh, aye.” His eyes lingered on the blue feather hanging from Star's necklace before looking the two young colts over a bit more carefully. “Somethin' amiss?”

The blue-grey pegasus nodded. “The Princesses are out of town and we have an emergency to deal with. Would you contact the others and have them meet us in the Moon-room?”

A flicker of suspicion cross the old stallion's face, his eyes looking between the two warily. “I reckon I could. Ye two lads know Ol' Shining's in charge, aye? Why call ah meetin' of the Night-guards after hours?”

Both of the pegasi grimaced. Jumping the chain of command was frowned upon. Often resulting in punishment if the reason wasn't valid. Starstep exhaled heavily before meeting the demanding eyes of the old veteran. “Long story short, Luna's subjects are in danger and the Sun-Guards are likely to buck it up.”

“Mighty serious slander against ye brother in arms.”

“It''s not like that, Clooney. Every tool has a purpose. The Sun-Guards have theirs, and we have ours. The guards protect not just the Princesses' but their subjects. We don't have a lot of time, will you call the others?”

The older pony rubbed at his chin for a moment. “Alright. I'll give the lads a call. This emergency best be worth or I'll haul both yer hides to Shining.”

So it was, in the Moon-room Clooney, Starstep and Lighthoof stood on the dais overlooking the seats as the night-guards stumbled in. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, signaling the start of a new day and the complete end of the Night-guard's duties. A few were still in armor, having been summoned right as they finished their shifts, the rest were a mixture of some casual clothing or none. Voices grew louder as the assembled ponies talked amongst themselves, many were shooting the three on stage questioning looks. Clooney had to wave off a few who approached the dais.

As one final pair of guards wandered in, he gave a curt nod, turning his head to the colts standing next to him. “Aye, all present and accounted for. Ye best hope it's not a wild parasprite chase.” He cleared his throat. “Lads and lasses, shut her pie-holes. These two lads need to talk with yah.” He gave the two another suspicious glance before hopping off the stage to seat himself on the front row.

Starstep took a deep breath, giving his bandaged wings a flutter before taking a spot at the front edge of the platform. “In case some of you don't remember me. I'm Starstep, and this is Lighthoof.” He gestured behind him. “We called you because some ponies are in serious trouble and the members of the Night-Guard are better suited for the task.” He raised a hoof to forestall the questions on the audience’s lips. “I know, I know. We're suppose to go through Captain Shining. Please let us explain in the situation. All we're asking for is volunteers. None of this is official and going through the channels will waste a lot of time.”

There were nervous glances between the other guards, mutters amongst those in the back. Clooney raised his pale green hoof, halting Starstep as he was about to continue. “Erm, yes Clooney?”

“Aye, I just have one question for you, lad. Would Princess Luna approve of what ye doing? Seeing as yer courtin' 'er and all, ye probably know her best.” The veteran's question brought all the other guard's eyes down on Starstep. The crowd held in hushed silence.

Starstep looked out at all the faces, meeting every stare. “Yes. Princess Luna would approve of what I, we, are trying to do. So please, let us explain what's going on. If you decide to help, Lighthoof has a plan. We didn't come unprepared.”

His answer satisfied the other Night-Guards. The few who shifted uncomfortably in their seats before at the talk of jumping the chain of command, now were still and intently listening. Star realized it was their love for the Princess that held them there.

“Here's the short version. We were in Ponyville and happened across information relating to foal-napping. There have been at least eight confirmed foal-nappings of earth-mares over the last few years and we have discovered that the number is actually larger. The tip led us to a Diamond Dog tunnel network far on the outskirts of Ponyville.” He paused as Lighthoof pinned a map of Ponyville and the surrounding countryside. The area of the tunnels was marked in bold red. “The chances of anyone stumbling across it way out there, are pretty slim. This explains why they've gone unnoticed for so long. Down in the tunnels, with the help of Professor Sparkle's invisibility, we found at least forty ponies, mostly earth-mares, being used as slave labor to dig up gemstones.”

The news caused a commotion amongst the guards. Star waited for them a few moments then continued. “I'm afraid it gets worse. Amongst the captured, were young fillies and colts. Due to their age, and comments we overheard, we suspect these little ones were born down there. I'm afraid we don't have any real proof, but...we think the unicorn foal-napper is breeding the captured mares when they go into heat, and using their offspring to help in the digging as soon as they're big enough.”

Star had expected an angry roar, a stomping of hooves and declarations of justice. What he got instead, were looks of cold fury that promised retribution. Even in their anger, and they were furious, the Night-Guards were very much like their Princess. He was beginning to understand why they truly were his brothers, and sisters, at arms.

“Unfortunately, Professor Sparkle was too magically exhausted from holding the invisibilty for three ponies, that her teleportation was only strong enough to get the three of us out. So...we weren't able to rescue any at the time. The tunnels are filled with Diamond Dogs. Mostly armed with whips and spears. Except for a couple, they were lazy and unaware. This is why we had to leave all the captives and seek help. We can come back and strike fast and quiet before they know they've been discovered.” There were faint nods of agreement. “So, that's the basics of what's going on. Those ponies are in real trouble, and I fear what living down there is doing to them. Many seem faded and broken, so don't expect them to help when you free them. We can't go down there charging, waving swords and shouting out for the Princesses' glory. You all know how the Sun-Guards would attack the situation.” Again, the other guard-ponies nodded in agreement. “Bright and bold, that's our brothers of the Sun. They're well suited for the public eye and open combat. But us, we who love our Princess Luna so much.” He paused, looking out amongst them, one hoof unconsciously stroking the blue feather. “We who work under the cover of darkness. We who are few. We who understand the need for unseen strikes. We're made for this kind of work. To save our Princesses' subjects our own way.” He pointed a hoof towards the door. “If you still think Captain Shining and the Sun-Guards need to be involved, please, go fetch him. We'll sit around here for days while they come up with a plan.”

The blue-grey pegasus tilted his chin up, “For Princess Luna, I'm going to save those ponies. Who's coming with me?” Every pony lifted a hoof. “Alright then. Lighthoof?” He gave his friend and brother a smile.

Taking his cue, the tan pegasus trotted up to the front of the stage to take Star's place. “Since everypony is helping, I don't have to change my plans. Who's trained to be a medic?” Four ponies lifted their hooves. “Cool, you, you and you.” He pointed at three, “I'm going to keep you top-side to deal with the injured and rescued. The last one, you'll be our combat medic.” The four nodded. “Unicorns, raise a hoof if you can teleport more than yourself?” Five of the ten present lifted hooves. “Awesome, you five will be our relay team. You'll teleport out the ponies we rescued and any injured to the medics. Moon Dust, Clooney told me you can give your magic to others.” The slender unicorn mare nodded. “Ok, you'll be the teleport team's anchor. You'll stay underground to let them teleport back to you and boost their magic if they get weak. None of you six should be fighting. Let the others handle it.”

Lighthoof turned, lifting up to pin a new parchment up on the board. “This is a strike team list. A mix of pegasus, earth and combat unicorns. Stick with them, and watch each others backs. Hit from the shadows.” He smiled to the ponies. “Above all, remember that we're all Night-Guards. Gotta think out of the box. There aren’t that many of us, so do whatever you have to do.”

With that, he stepped aside and let the ponies file from the seats to look over the list. There were a few grumbles but nopony spoke against the plan or the arrangements. Once the assignments were clear, they departed to gather what they needed.

An hour later, they were on a train bound for Ponyville. The ticket seller was startled when a mass of Night-guards formed up in the queue. After Starstep had a discussion with the station manager, their entire group was ushered onto a train just for them. It was a zippy little thing with only enough cars to support the fifty or so Night-Guards. Even the pegasi were riding with their brothers and sisters. Most of the ponies were napping, resting before the operation. Others were tending to their armor or sharpening blades. Star could not help but look at them with a sense of pride. Whatever their reasons, these ponies were taking a big risk to help others. He only hoped they were skilled enough to do the job. All it would take was a single cry of alarm and all those captive ponies would be at risk.


The Diamond Dog yawned and stretched in the gloom of the tunnel. Just a few torches in sconces to light the passage. The two ponies in front of him were chipping away at the rocks. The steady tap of steel on stone made him drowsy. Through drooping eyelids he watched the other dog across from him pick his teeth with a crude dagger. The dog yawned again, eyes closing as he stretched his jaw wide. As he smacked his lips and scratched his rump, he tilted his head in confusion. The other guard was gone. He looked up one side of the tunnel then they other but all he saw was darkness between the torch halos. “Crusty, where you? Crusty?” The dog stood, spear cradled in his arms. Tap, tap, tap, went the slaves, oblivious to the guard. He took a few steps away from the diggers into the gloom, calling for the other dog again, anxiety in his growly voice. The guard opened his mouth again to shout when a rock sailed out of the darkness and pegged him between the eyes. He stumbled about a few steps before toppling over. From the shadows, four armor clad ponies trotted out. Two pegasi, a unicorn and an earth pony.

One of the pegasus-colts bro-hoofed the earth-mare. “Damn, filly. I guess I owe you five bits. Tartarus of a shot.” She blushed faintly as she accepted his praise.

“Hey, mare has to protect herself on the streets right? Bucking loose stones will send bad ponies running.” The mare replied.

The other pegasus just shook his head and chuckled softly. “Lighthoof, you and Maple can flirt later. Still more guards to deal with. I'm sure we're getting close to the rail-line.”

Lighthoof smirked at the other pegasus and rolled the Diamond Dog onto his belly. With the help of the unicorn, they bound him up and gagged him. While they attended to the dog, Starstep trotted up to the mining mares. They were still oblivious to their rescuers. “Hey, are you two ok? We're here to get you out.” Tap, tap, tap, they continued to dig. He reached out to halt one of the digger's hoof, drawing a confused look from her. “Hey, wake up. You're free now. We're getting you out.” The dust covered young mare blinked a few times, her mind slowly piecing it together as he pulled the bit from her muzzle.

“F-f-free?” She stuttered. Tears formed and crept down her cheeks. “F-f-free? more digging? No more....he...he...” The mare collapsed in his arms, weeping. He glanced over to find the other captive mare looking at him, tears in her eyes as well.

“Blur.” He called to the unicorn. “Get these two outta here, we'll continue down this tunnel and wait at the next junction for you to get back.” He pulled himself from the clutching arms of the mare as the unicorn guard trotted up. With a flash of magic, the three vanished.

Starstep pulled off his helm, letting the illusion magic fade as he shook out his mane. Lighthoof and the earth-mare joined him. “That makes five down this passage. I hope the others are having as much luck.”

Lighthoof frowned, “All these side tunnels. I hope we don't miss anypony.”

Starstep thought back on the main assault on the quarry room. The pegasi had brought down clouds to roll fog into the massive chamber. With the gloom and the haze, the pegasi struck those at the bottom of the pit while the earth ponies had charged the ones at the top. The unicorns used a dampening magic to silence the combat and prevent calls of alarm. Thankfully, nopony was hurt and they managed to avoid killing the Diamond Dogs. They rescued thirty ponies there, mares and young fillies and colts. The sight of the forced slavery and the knowledge of how those young ponies came to be was boiling the blood of the Night-guards. Star could see that terrible fury build in their eyes. He hoped they would restrain that rage. Diamond Dogs could be dangerous and deserved punishment, but generally they were cowards and only followed orders from someone stronger. If the ponies could catch the one in charge, the dogs would be of little future threat.

“Hey, Starstep?” Maple the earth-mare hissed in his ear. “There's somepony coming from behind.”

“Blur?” He asked but she shook her head, stepping off into the shadows of the tunnel.

Plopping his helm back on his head, Star and Light followed her example and hid in the shadows. Sure enough, the soft clicks of hooves on stone heralded the approach of a pony. Holding their breath, they waited for the intruder to pass by them into the torchlight. It was a slender earth-stallion. He was looking this way and that, seemingly searching the gloom for something. The way the pony's coat caught the torch light and made it shine like metal caused Starstep to sigh heavily.

“Copper?” His voice caused the earth-stallion to freeze in his tracks. Cautiously, the detective turned his head and smiled warily.

“Uh...who's there?” The pony's body was tense, prepared to make a run for it.

Starstep trotted into the halo of light of a nearby torch. He lifted his helm long enough for the magic to fade and plopped it back on. “Starstep. Apple Bloom's friend?”

“OH, right.” He turned and beamed a genuine smile. “Sorry, all you Night-guards look the same to me.” He chuckled at his own joke.

“We get that a lot. What are you doing here?”

The earth-pony tilted his head. “Well, when a platoon of Night-Guards comes rolling off the train and marches straight through town, my detective senses start to tingle. So I followed to see what was going down. Guess I know now. Care to explain why you didn't bring the Ponyville PD in on this?”

“Same reason the Sun-Guard aren't involved.” He paused to gesture to the guards in the darkness. “Maple, Light, it's ok, he's with the local PD.” They stepped out of the gloom, dark purple armor glinting ominously in the flickering torchlight. “Look, no offense to your department, Copper, but this is bigger than the small town police. Besides, do you think your co-workers could sneak about in the dark like this?”

“ a point. Most of them would come in waving badges and shouting for hooves to be raised. Probably get a spear in the chest for their troubles.”

“I know your partner is trapped down here somewhere, so if you want to tag along, that's fine. Just, please don't get in the way. Alright?”

The reddish pony lifted a hoof. “Oh, hey. Don't worry about that. I'm a lover not a fighter. I'll just watch y'alls back and stay out of the way. That ok?” The others glanced to Starstep who nodded in agreement.

They traveled down the tunnel till it opened out into the main passage with the cart-rails. Sticking to the shadows of the opening, they waited for Blur who returned shortly thereafter. Blur gave Copper a quizzical look but after being informed of his role in the PD, nodded and took up position with the group. Thankfully, this section of the passage was clear of guards, so the four plus the trailing earth-colt, crept their way further down the rail line.

At the end of the passage, which opened up into the massive cavern, they found two other teams awaiting them in the shadows of stalagmites. Most of them seemed intrigued by the gem-covered structure across the gorge. One of the team's unicorn's lifted his helm and tucked it under an arm.

“Clooney.” Star nodded. “How goes it?”

“Well enough lads.” The veteran gestured towards the fortress. “I thought you was embellishing yer description of the fort. But, aye, that's the most hideous thing I've ever laid eyes upon. I know Diamond Dogs love gems but this is right daft.” He shook his head. “Despite that, our rescue count comes to eight. Not countin' the quarry bit.”

Lighthoof pulled out a small booklet and handed it to the pony. “Any of these?”

Flipping through the pictures in the booklet the green pony paused at one. “Oh, aye, this lass. Sassafras. Right sad thing. Had a little foal with her, helping move gems from ground to cart. Broke mah heart seeing the wee little one so sad and hopeless.” He offered the booklet back, glancing at Copper with a raised eyebrow. However, he said nothing.

Lighthoof circled Sassafras's image, made a little note and closed it. “Well, that makes five of the known foal-nappings. Still no sign of Marigold, Diamond Tiara, or Roseluck.” He glanced back. “Maybe the other tunnel teams will find them. If not, my bits are on that ugly flank building.” He tapped a hoof to this chin. “Clooney, can your team hold here, keep any surprises from biting us in the rump? Us and the other group will move into the fort and split the search.”

“Oh aye, no problem lad. You all get to moving. Best we get this finished soon. Some of the other pegasi are looking a might twitchy. The underground be messing with their heads.” With that he slipped his battered helm back on his head and motioned his team into shadows near the entryway. Star's team and the other stuck to the shadows till they were near the stone and wood bridge arcing over the gorge that split the cavern in two. Heat bathed them the closer they got, and light from the magma river below washed the walls in a warm light. As they huddled in the darkness of a group of stone columns, Star peeked around the edges at the fortress. Across the bridge at the gates of the fortress stood two Diamond Dogs. They seemed larger than the rest and far more alert.

“Well...these two again.” Starstep grumbled. “No shadows to approach. And it's too far for a safe frontal assault. They'll see us coming across the bridge.”

“No shadows here on the ground.” Lighthoof grinned. “You've been spending too much time in the castle dude. You're forgetting how to be a pegasus.” He pointed at the other pegasus from group two. Together the two shot towards the ceiling, following the surface of the column to the roof. Amongst the shadows of stalactites and columns, the pegasi swooped and glided across the length of the cavern. Starstep could only watch with envy, wishing he was flying at his friend's side.

Down came the armored pegasi, wings folded at their sides as they dropped like stones towards the heads of the Diamond Dogs. A fifty foot free-fall then POW, Lighthoof clobbered the dog to the ground and used his wings to bank from the ground. Unfortunately, the other pegasi only glanced the iron helm his target was wearing. Causing it to stagger for a moment as it's partner toppled over. The Diamond Dog raised his spear, leading the flapping pegasus before launching the three foot of wood with it's crude iron spike. Star gritted his teeth, unable to do anything but watch as the weapon flew true and hit the pegasus in the chest. There was a clank of metal and sparks, the Night-guard tumbled through the air and slammed into a column. He fell the last eight feet to the hard stone, the spear tangled in his limbs.

Quick as a snake, the dog snatched up his partner's fallen spear and readied himself as Lighthoof swept around for another strike. The mutt growled, waiting till pegasus was nearly upon him then launched his weapon. Light rolled at the last second, the spear clipping a few feathers before glancing off his flank-plating as he corkscrewed into the massive dog's chest. It gasped, staggering about while one claw was grabbing at the crude club on it's belt.

Starstep led the others across the bridge, sending the other team's unicorn to check on the fallen pegasus as the rest rumbled towards the Diamond Dog. Seeing seven more ponies approaching, the dog hesitated, raising both claws up, one still clutching the club.

“Me yield, me yield. No more fighting, yes?” As the pony drew up short of him, the mutt hurled the club into Lighthoof's face and ran the other way, cackling.

Starstep rushed to his friend's side who waved him off, blood pouring from his nose. “Uggh...I'm ok, dude. Bucker just got a cheap shot. Just a nose bleed.” He clutched a hoof to his muzzle and groaned. “Mother bucker, somepony go get that jerk.” The other ponies rushed into the fortress to chase him, but after a few minutes, they returned empty-hooved.

“Sorry, Lighthoof.” Maple said with a sigh. “I have to give the mutts credit. They're slippery when they want to be. We're going to have trouble soon.”

Star patted the mare on the shoulder. “It's ok. Twilight warned us how hard they are to catch. If we're lucky they'll pack up and run instead of put up a fight. But we have to hurry and get the rest of the ponies out of here.” A clipping of hooves across the bridge caught his attention. “Copper, where were you?”

“You told me to hang back. So I did. Sorry but fighting Diamond Dogs isn't exactly in the police handbook.” He glanced over at the fallen pegasus tended by a unicorn. “He going to be ok?”

The unicorn lifted his head and nodded. “Concussion, a few cracked ribs and a laceration.. Their spears are crap but that one threw it pretty hard. Punched the armor with sheer force. I'll get him back topside.” He looked to Lighthoof. “When I port back in, I'll let the rest know to advance and be ready for a fight.”

The pegasus nodded then turned to the other team. Talking around his bloody hoof he ordered them on, warning them to save their unicorn's magic for door locks and informing them about the cells. He asked Maple to join them and cover for the fallen pegasus. Once they were off he turned to his own team. “Star, Blur, and I guess you're in this now Copper. In here it wouldn't be smart for you to hang too far back. We need you to stick with us, dude.”

The rust colored pony shrugged. “Hey, yeah. I'm sure my days of hoof-boxing will come in hoof here. Lead on.”

With that, they pushed on down the rail-tunnel till it ended at the round-about with the deep pit. They moved on down one of the passages, a trail of blood droplets following them as Light attempted to stem the injury to this nose. As before, they found the hallways of cells shortly after. The first two sets were empty. Blur started off slow in getting the hang of popping locks, but soon fell into a rhythm. Trotting down a hallway to pop them all as the others followed behind, checking the now open doors.
The fifth set had all their doors already opened, which puzzled Lighthoof.

When the team turned the corner they found not a six passage but instead an ominous double iron door. Lighthoof and Starstep exchanged glances as Blur popped the lock on this one too. Cautiously, Star peeked in, slowly extending his neck till he could check both sides of the door. Quietly, he waved the others in as he himself slipped through and stuck to the wall. Inside was a massive chamber built like the throne room of Canterlot. In-fact, a throne of gems sat at one end, bathed in the glow of gem studded braziers. A pony sat near it, collared with a chain leading to the stone leg of the throne. At the other end of the chamber rested a pile of gems and gold, larger than Sugarcube corners. Behind it, a gigantic tunnel loomed, it's opening pitch black and foreboding. The doorway they entered was on the side of the long room, across from another. Between the doors, and between the throne and the pile, was a black pit. Star gestured to the others to sit tight in the darkness next to the door and crept up to the pit's edge. Belly to the ground and forehooves over the lips of the edge, he pulled himself the last few inches to look over.

Down below, about thirty feet, four ponies were collared, chains leading to anchors in the floor. They were in the flicking torchlight, picking through large piles of earth and cracking gems from attached stones with their hooves. Star immediately recognized Trixie, dirty as she was, her blue and white was unmistakeable. He figured the little colt at her hooves was probably Sly. He would pass his mother a stone from the pile and she would grunt in her efforts to separate the gem from the earth. A glint of metal on her horn explained why the unicorn hadn't escaped. He looked over the other two down in the pit, but their filth made it hard to discern their identities. The pegasus backed away from the edge on his belly, then quietly slipped back to the group. “Three plus young colt down there. Chained, no guards.” He glanced around. “In fact, where ARE the guards? There's no one here.”

Lighthoof shrugged, his face a mess with crusty dried blood. “Not sure, but that pile of gold and gems and the size of the tunnel frighten me, Star. Maybe the pony at the throne knows. I'll head over to the other door and watch it.” He gestured to the unicorn. “Can you make your way down the pit and free the ponies? I'm sure there's a ramp or something.” Blur nodded, then trotted towards the gaping hole. “Alright Copper, you stick with Star and watch his back.”

“Huh? Oh, yeah sure. Easy enough.” The earth-colt shrugged.

As Star and Copper trotted down the long cavernous room, the rust colored pony was nervously looking about. “You alright, Copper? You seem a bit distracted.”

“Yeah, you could say that. It's all just” He trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words.

Starstep made one more cautious look around before stepping from the shadows of the room into the light from the braziers at the throne. His breath caught in his throat. “Apple Bloom?”

The chained pony turned her head, blinking. “S-Star? Is that you? OH, STAR.” She jerked against the chain, eliciting a gasp for air. “Star, star. You came back, get me out. Hurry!” Tears were rolling down her cheek.

He wrapped her up in his hooves, stroking her red mane. “Shhh, it's ok, AB. Soon as the Blur helps the ponies in the pit, he'll get up here and set you free. We're taking you home.”

She nodded, head buried into his shoulder. “Oh Star. I was strong. I didn't cry, or scream or nothing...”

“Do you know who's behind all this?”

The mare shook her head and gave him a tight hug. “No, the dogs put me here not long after you left yesterday. I was blindfolded till then. Sorry, Star.”

“Hey, it's ok. We'll get everypony safe.” A click of hooves caught his attention. Turning his head he saw Blur leading the three mares and the little colt. “Hey, good timing. Can you get AB out of this?”

Blur nodded as Star pulled free from the mare's hooves. He trotted up to Trixie and gave her and her son a smile. “Glad to see you two are ok. I'm sorry I suspected you were AB's stalker.”

The pony tilted her head and raised an eye-brow while the colt hid behind her legs. “Does Trixie know you?”

“Oh, right.” He slid his helm off and set it on the floor. “Sorry about that.”

“Ah! The guard from the restroom. Trixie is ever so sorry about that. Trixie was only trying to protect her son.” She smiled and gestured to the white coated, blue maned little pony behind her. “Trixie apologizes, Sly is shy. This dreadful place is not helping matters.”

“Hey, it's ok. We'll get you out of here soon.” He reached out to pull the magic dampening ring from Trixie's horn and slid it into his belt pouch. She thanked him before the colt trotted up to the other two mares. They seemed broken and lost. Neither would meet his eyes. He reached out with a hoof to gently raise one's chin but she jerked away and whimpered. With a heavy sigh he tried the other and found her much more compliant. But she still wouldn't meet his eyes. “Hey, I'm with the Night-Guard. We serve Princess Luna and we're here to help you. Can you tell me your name?”

She hesitated, eyes looking everywhere but him. Then, she opened her mouth, whispering. “Mari...Marigold.” She cough lightly, rubbing at her dry lips with a hoof.

He looked at the other mare. “How about you, can you tell me your name?”

“She's Diamond Tiara.” Marigold said softly. Her eyes were on the floor. “He...does things to her...terrible things. Despite it, she fights back. Yet she's often lost in herself. You wont get much from her right now. Sorry, mister...?”

“Starstep. Marigold, I hear you were on this whole foal-napping case before you got taken yourself. You were Copper's partner, right?”

She nodded, eyes down-cast as she kicked at a pebble. “Yeah...” She looked up, a bit of hope in her expression. “Did you catch that bucker? Is that how you found us?”

The pegasus blinked and tilted his head. “Catch him? Copper?” The mare nodded. “I don't get it.” A sudden slam of the iron door they had entered echoed in the cavernous chamber. He did a quick look around, accounting for every pony except but the Ponyville detective. “What the buck is going on?” The only answer he got was a deafening roar from the massive tunnel at the other end of the throne-room.

“Star!” Lighthoof fluttered over. “I heard the other door being barred from the outside. We gotta go.” Again a roar, louder this time. There was a sound of thuds as something heavy marched down the huge tunnel towards them.

Together the group made their way to the iron doors they had entered. Blur attempted to pop the lock but grunted after considerable effort. “It's been shielded. I can't open it like this.” Another roar, leaving Star's ears ringing from the cavernous echo.

Lighthoof paced, fluttering his wings as he thought. “Yo, Blur. Can you tele-blink a pony to the other side of the door?”

“Yeah, but I'm exhausted. I could do one, but after that, I'm spent. I haven’t used hard magic this continuously since the academy.”

Lighthoof put a hoof on Star's shoulder. “I'm gonna have you blinked out of here, dude. Go catch Copper and find out what the bloody Tartarus is going on. That earth pony has some serious explaining to do.” Another roar, and the ground was shaking from something's approach.

“Why me? You have wings still. Why not one of the mares? Hell, even the little colt. What about Trixie? She can teleport.”

“Because, Star, if this pony gets away, we may not get the truth. Justice needs to be served.” He glanced at the blue unicorn weakly hugging her colt. “Just looking at her, I don't think Trixie has the energy to be much help. These ponies have suffered because of this jerk, don't let it be for nothing. Besides, you may be brave, but can you face down a dragon?”


Light's legs were shaking faintly as he gave his friend a hug. “Hey, bro. It's going to be ok. I'm just going to play chicken with an angry lizard. That's all.”

“How the buck do you know it's a dragon? What about the mares and Blur and Sly?”

“The piles of gold, the massive tunnel, the entire place covered in gems? You think one pony could keep an entire Diamond Dog clan this organized or dedicated? I don't have all the answers, but you need to quit arguing and go catch that bucker. We're Luna's guards, bro. Let me do my part.” With that, he gestured to Blur. The unicorn's horn lit up and with a flash of magic, Starstep found himself outside the iron door.

It tore at his heart to leave his best friend and his brother at the mercy of an angry dragon, if that what the roaring really was. It also wounded him to not have a hoof in protecting the mares and little colt, but Lighthoof was right. If Copper was responsible for this, he had to answer for it. Determined, he charged down the tunnel, willing himself to ignore the roar that rattled the door on it's hinges.

On and on he ran, past the five hallways of cells and out into the central chamber with the cart-pit. He could hear shouting and roaring from the pit's black gloom and suspected it somehow led to the throne-room. However, he was forced to put that thought aside as he spotted Copper trotting down the rail-line. Star galloped to catch up, slowing when the pony looked over his shoulder at him.

“Hey Copper. We wondered where you went. Everything ok?” Star forced a friendly smile on his face.

A flicker of confusion flashed on the ponies face before he halted mid-stride. “Uh...yeah. I thought I heard dogs in the tunnel so I thought I'd go back and get that Clooney fellow.” The earth pony looked over Star's shoulder. “Hey, where's the others? And the mares?” The stallion danced just slightly on his hooves, eyes flicking about.

“They'll catch up. A couple were a bit delirious. Guess the stress of being down here this long got to them.” He reached into the pouch on the side of his armor. “OH, hey. AB wanted you to have this.” Curious, the other colt leaned forward just as Star whipped his hoof out to clobber him across the jaw. Reeling, Copper staggered back and shook his head.

“The buck was that for?”

“Marigold said you're involved in this. I suggest you surrender peacefully.” The rolling laughter was not what Star expected.

“A wingless pegasus threatening me? Oh, too rich. I should have cut that little cunt's tongue out long ago. She always was such a blabber-mouth. But then, she does give really good head. After I broke her in, of course.”

Star stalked forward, the earth-colt worked his jaw a little from the blow and smiled smugly. “Who the buck are you? Why make these mares suffer?” Star growled.

“Blah blah blah. I'm betting you're expecting me to go into a monologue of my exploits? No, I think not.” A sudden flash of magic slammed into Starstep, rolling him across the ground a few feet. “What's the matter fluff for brains? You can give it but you can't take it? Go collect your mares and go home. Thanks to your interference, I'll have to start all over.”

The pegasus staggered to his feet. “Magic? The bucking hell? Who are you really?”

“I'm exactly who I said I am. Copper, son of a mining family and detective for the Ponyville PD. Only...I never said I was an earth-pony.” The area on his forehead shimmered like heat on desert sands, then a pearlescent horn of bright rust to deep crimson appeared. “I have to count myself fortunate your Princess left before she met me. She would have seen right through the little illusion. Not many ponies can disguise themselves. It's proven very useful when investigators are looking for a unicorn foal-napper.” He turned as another roar sounded from deeper in the fortress. “I suggest you go help your friends. My employer is very angry.” He threw back his head and laughed, trotting down the tunnel towards the fortress exit.

With a roar, Starstep charged after the pony, getting another face-full of magic in response. He eyes were spinning as he laid sprawled on the ground. Star found himself panting from effort as he dragged himself to his hooves, limbs trembling slightly. “HEY, I'm not done with you! Why did you drag all those mares down here? Were you the one raping them? Siring foals then making your own children dig?” He was digging around in his armor pouch while he waited for a response.

The unicorn rolled his eyes. “Yes you are. Because gems and free sex pay better than the PD. Yes and yes. Now, if you'll excuse me. I've got to go set up a new operation before the boss gets angry at me.” The moment his back was turned, Star rushed Copper again. He ducked under the magic bolt, feeling the magical charge prickle the hairs along his spine before he swept up to plant a ring on the unicorn's horn.

Copper blinked, tilted his head at the colt and blinked again. “What...what did you?” As he reached up for the ring, Star slammed a hoof into his gut.

“That one's from Trixie.” He hit the stallion again, causing him to stagger back coughing.

Copper kicked dirt into Star's eyes and ran. By the time Star could see through tears, the other pony was on the bridge. “Hey, bucker. I'm not done with you!” He galloped hard, reaching one end of gorge bridge as Copper was nearing the other end. “Stop and face me like a stallion!”

The unicorn laughed, spinning around. A glint of metal being tossed from his hoof confirmed Star's fears. A magical field engulfed a mining cart at Copper's end and he hurled it at the pegasus. With a strong leap, Star dodged the cart just in time to get hit by a magical bolt. Finding himself flat on his back, he painfully stumbled to his hooves. “Oh come on, you wuss. Is that all you got? Where's the big time magic?”

“I was just going to let you stagger off with your tail between your flanks, but now that I think about it. It's your fault this operation has to be rebuilt. You should have just ran off to your fat little pink mare and had her pop out a few foals.”

“So you getting all pissy has nothing to do with the fact I was making out with Apple Bloom? Did you know I kissed Roseluck once? Or how about the time Diamond Tiara let me take her in the plot.” Star lied, watching the unicorn ground his teeth.

“MINE. Those ponies are mine! I warned you to stay away from Apple Bloom. Something so beautiful doesn't need your filthy hooves on her. How could you dare put your disgusting lips on Roseluck? She's so perfect and delicate.” The stallion stomped a hoof, his mane dancing lightly from the updraft of the glowing river of rock far below. “You wretched pony. So selfish. Taking all the mares for yourself. And AGAIN, taking them, can't. If I kill you, Luna will...but...greedy, horrible pony. Stealing my loves. My family...ARRGggg! You're the evil pony! You're the one they should lock up!” His horn began to glow intensely. “I'm going to blow you into bits so small, there will be nothing left for the Princess to identify.”

A massive ball of energy formed at the tip of the unicorn's horn and Star swallowed. His legs began to shake as he realized he may have underestimated the pony. The bridge was too small to dodge and without working wings, he had no where else to go. With a defeated sigh he unfurled his bandaged limbs. 'Well, I guess if they're not working anyways...' he thought to himself. Then the sphere of magic and hate swirled towards him. He did his best to dodge to the side, but it wasn't enough. It was like the world moved in slow motion as he brought his wings up in a vain attempt to block the magic. The world went white, then he felt the earth heave. Through the spots in his eyes, he felt himself tumble backwards, the rails of the bridge twisting up and curling like straw in a fire, planks of wood and bits of stone collapsed around him. As Star's end of the bridge collapsed he saw Copper scramble for footing as the structure tilted down, still attached at his end.

The dust settled, and the remains of the bridge creaked dangerously. Star groaned, something was prodding at him as he laid on his belly. Blinking open his eyes, he gave a cautious glance about. He appeared to be on a very small rocky ledge down the sloping gorge. He could feel the intensity of the magma below, sweat beaded on his coat. Debris littered the little ledge, and he was laying on a plank of wood, one end under him, the other hanging a few feet over the edge. Two rust colored limbs were grasping at the plank. Ever so slowly, he stood, keeping his hooves planted on his end of the board. At the other end, Copper managed to pull himself up enough to wrap his fore-limbs around the plank.

“Help me up! Help!” The pony glanced down, his face paled. “Ahhh, help!” He cried terrified, struggling to swing his hind-hooves up towards the plank, but without success.

Star felt the board under him groan as Copper shifted about. “Don't dance around like that. You'll snap the wood.”

“This is all your fault,! How could you do this to me? All those beautiful mares, I love them, and you're taking them away, then you try and kill me. ME! With those freak wings of yours! MY MARES, MINE! Pull me up and go back to your fat pink one.”

“Wings? The buck are you going on about?” Star ignored the insults to Cheerilee. Clearly this pony was deranged and anger wouldn't help.

“You stupid foal! You pushed aside the magic, slammed it right into the bridge. You're a stupid, stupid, mare-hogging freak!” The colt closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths. “Ok, ok. Look, I'm just flipping out, right now. Please excuse the insults and anger.” When Copper opened his eyes, he seemed calm and reserved again. “Please accept my apologizes. If you'd be kind enough to help me up, I'm sure we can find a civil way to solve this.”

Star put forth a hoof, just out of Copper's reach. “How did this operation not get noticed before. You have around fifty mares here. Maybe more.”

The pony grunted as he struggled to reach Star's hoof. “Just because we're outside of Ponyville doesn't mean that's where all these mares came from.” He made another swing for Star's hoof. “Just a little closer if you please.”

“So, wait. You've been foal-napping all over the kingdom and bringing them back here?”

“YES, yes. For crying out loud. Just pull me up and arrest me. Whatever.”

Star pulled back his hoof and narrowed his eyes. “You don't seem too concerned with being arrested.” He paused. “Your boss is that dragon back there, isn't he? He's just going to bust you out. Am I right?”

There was a quiet pause as Copper looked into Star's eyes. There was no remorse, no guilt, no kindness within their depths. Just greed, lust, and arrogance. “You'd do this all again, wouldn't you?”

The smile on Copper's face was all the answer he needed. “What is it with guards and cops and how much talking they do? It's amazing really. Thanks for being oblivious. Till we meet again.” His horn began to glow and Star recognized the hum of a teleport spell.

Starstep lifted his hooves from the board. He would always remember how Copper's smug smile fell, his eye widening in disbelief. It was slow motion, watching the stallion scramble to clutch onto the plank of wood in a desperate attempt to keep from falling as he and it toppled over the lip. The pegasus calmly walked to the edge and watched the unicorn tumble down head over tail, slam into the slanted sides of the gorge and bounce along to come to rest on a rocky ledge only a few feet above the rolling river of magma. Copper struggled to stand, his hind-legs twisted at odd angles. Only terror filled his eyes as he looked back up at the pegasus, supported by just his fore-legs. Then his mane and tail ignited from the heat, soon followed by his coat. He slapped at the flames, crying out in terror. As his skin blackened, it began to bubble and blister, his screams because fainter as the flesh in his throat thickened and his blood began to boil. In his final moments, he turned his face up at the pegasus, eyes missing, the bloody goo-filled sockets stared up at him accusingly before the unicorn toppled over the edge into the river of molten rock. A tiny flicker of fire to mark his passing.

Star felt the air shift around him as another pegasus landed at his side. His gaze still intent on the spot Copper died.

“He slipped.” Lighthoof said firmly as he too looked down on the flow of yellow, red and black.

“He slipped.” Starstep repeated.

Chapter XXXVI

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXVI

By Indigo Eclipse

Shining Armor slammed a newspaper onto his desk, causing the two pegasas guards to flinch. Starstep and Lighthoof stood strong under the wilting gaze of their commander, trapped in his small office with the blinds pulled down.

“I wake up this morning to have breakfast with my wife and the first thing that greets me is a front page picture of my guards escorting ponies into Ponyville.” The white unicorn picked up the paper, reading aloud. “Daring Royal Guard raid foils foal-napper.” He folded the top half down to glare over the top at the two pegasi. “I may not be getting any younger, but I'm pretty sure I'm young enough to remember if I'd set up an operation involving all of my Night Guards.” He tossed the paper onto his desk and leaned back in his chair. “First, let me say I'm happy that these ponies were rescued. That isn't an issue here. However, I am upset over how you jumped the chain of command and ordered an operation on your own.” The unicorn lifted a scroll with his magic and unrolled it. “Three ponies did not show up to work last night, claiming sick leave. I've found all three at the local hospital with serious injuries. Ten guards were so exhausted when they showed up for their shifts, they could barely stay awake.” He tossed the scroll away in disgust. “So, you two want to tell me exactly what happened before I do something drastic?”

The two pegasi exchanged glances. With a slight nod to his friend, Starstep began. “Sir, we didn't order an operation, we asked for volunteers to help. During my trip to Ponyville, I received an anonymous tip about the recent foal-napping and a warning to bring a unicorn. I asked your sister,” Shining's eyebrows rose at that. “to assist Lighthoof and I. The tip was good, and we found a mining operation using the foal-napped mares as slave labor. Their guards were a large pack of Diamond Dogs. Not only that, we suspected that some of the little colts and fillies were forced offspring of the foal-napper and the enslaved mares.” He shook off the thought. “Unfortunately, Twilight was so tired from the invisibility spell, that we couldn't get anyone out but us three. So, Light and I came back to Canterlot and called a Night Guard meeting right as their shifts ended. We asked for help and Lighthoof laid out a plan. Since the ponies were all off duty, and no one was ordered to take part...”

“You thought it would skirt the problem with going through command, is that it?” Shining frowned.

The blue-grey pegasus glanced at his friend then met the Captain's stare. “Well...with all due respect sir, I felt like time was important. One of my best friends was captured the day before. We found her, bound up and trying hard to be brave...I...we...had to leave her behind to get help. Going though the channels takes a lot of time, Sir. And, again, no disrespect, but the Sun Guard are...” He hesitated. “A bit too brash and head-on in a fight for what we had in mind.” The Captain just glared, but remained silent as the pony continued. “So, we took an immediate train down to Ponyville, and marched right to the Diamond Dog holes to begin the rescue.” From there, Starstep told the story of what happened in the tunnels. The final chamber with the gold, the dragon, and the encounter and identity of the foal-napper. He ended with Copper slipping from the ledge into the magma.

Shining Armor tapped his forehooves together. “A unicorn in disguise...not many ponies who can do that spell. Alright, so what about this dragon?” He turned his eyes to the tan pegasus.

Lighthoof cleared his throat. “Ah well, about that...It was a dragon...of sorts.”

“Of sorts?”

“ 'looked' like a dragon for the most part, but it's limbs were very long and he had six not counting the two sets of wings. It was like somepony pieced together a dragon out of other dragons. Anyhoof, he came roaring into the cavern as Star got teleported out. So I buzzed his head, screaming insults about his mother, which pissed him off. Had the other ponies hiding down in a pit as he chased me around the ceiling. Got him seeing red and lead him right into one of the doors. Blam! He smashed it open with his head and went back to chasing me. While the others slipped out the broken door, I lead him back down the tunnel he came from and lost him in the dark. Then all sneaky-like, I slipped out behind him and helped the others make their escape from the fortress. Just as we exited I saw Star and Copper fall from the bridge. When I got over there, I saw Copper slip off the wooden board and...poof.” He shrugged. “Dust to dust.”

Shining Armor nodded. “Ok, and when you returned the ponies to Ponyville?”

Star gave a faint frown. “Final count was seventy-four mares, twenty fillies and eight colts.” The Guard Captain gave a heavy sigh at the numbers. “We took them all to the hospital to get checked out. Most seemed ok physically, though slightly malnourished. Even the little ones. I think a lot of the damage was psychological. The doctors there assured us they'd do their best to help them get back to their families. We did learn a few things from the mares. Apparently, Copper had been foal-napping for many years from surrounding towns, not just Ponyville. He tended to target loaners and wanderers the most. Though as time went on, his lust for earth mares got the better of him and he started targeting whomever he wanted. The Great and Powerful Trixie was an accidental capture. She fell into one of the Diamond Dog holes one day and got caught up in the whole affair. He was using their child as leverage to make her go topside to harass and capture ponies, leaving him free to work at the PD without suspicion. None of them knew much about the dragon. Just that Copper answered to him alone. After that, we all grabbed a train right back to Canterlot and arrived at dusk. The Night Guard that were able, went to their shifts and that was that.”

The Captain looked back and forth between them. “I understand your urge to charge off and rescue ponies. I suspect my sister would have loved to be in the middle of it.” He paused. “However, you two brushed aside rules and endangered those with responsibilities. If you're chomping at the bit to lead, then you can bear the burden of the choices you've made.” He picked a small scroll from his desk and tossed it at Lighthoof smacking him in the chest. The pegasus raised an eyebrow as he bent to scoop it up and begin to unfurl it. “That's the address to the wife and daughter of one of the injured Night Guards. He died an hour ago.” A coldness gripped at Star's belly as he looked at the quivering scroll in Light's hooves. His friend was shaking lightly as he stared at the address and name of the little pony who wouldn't have a father anymore. “You two get to break the news to them. Seeing as this pony was under your impromptu command. Dismissed.”

The two ponies came to attention and snapped a salute. Then with the scroll tucked under Light's wing, they promptly left the Captain’s office, trying to ignore the glances from the other ponies in the Command HQ. Hushed whispers followed them out into the hall as they made their way back to the barracks. Well away from listening ears, Light broke the silence.

“Dude...I'll...uh...I'll take care of this thing. You can go rest up. It was my plan that got him killed.”

Star shook his head. “No, I'm as much responsible as you. I insisted we couldn't wait to do things by the book. We do this together.”

The tan pegasus hesitated, his eyes searching his friend's. A brief flicker of a smile hinted at his lips. “Alright, dude. Let's get this over with before I lose my nerve.”

“Yeah, let me pick up a few things from the barracks first.” He gave a sad chuckle, reflecting on how easily Light would face down at dragon, but seemed to fear telling somepony their loved one was dead. Despite how the outside world viewed them, the guards hearts were not stone.

The visit to the widow was hard. Harder than anything Star had ever done. At their knock, a young filly opened the door and her eyes brightened at the sight of their polished Night Guard armor. She beamed and danced around them, apparently excited to meet more guards like her dad. After her mother shoo'd her away to go play, Lighthoof told her the bad news. As expected, she broke down into tears. Soon, the three of them held onto each other for support on the door-step. The wife sobbing bitterly, the other two offering silent tears of their own. The visit took them into the living room where Star presented the widow with the guard's helm, signed by all his Night Guard co-workers. They told her about the valiant rescue of the imprisoned mares and tried to explain how thankful all those other ponies were for his sacrifice. Alas, it was small condolences to her current grief. Star only hoped she could find a little comfort in the noble deed he took part in. Before leaving, they promised to help in anyway they could and assured her that she'd always have open communication with the Guards. The last sight of the widow as they left, was her daughter crawling up beside her on the couch and trying to comfort her mom. Not really understanding what had happened. Star said a silent prayer to Luna that the little filly wouldn't hate them for taking away her dad.


The crowd at Ol' Rowdy's was as loud as ever. Lighthoof was nursing his sixth Hard cider, Star was on his fifth. Sherry and Peach Blossom had stopped by a few times to comfort Light, clearly aware of his distress, but gave the two guards their space. Star made a mental note of how understanding Light's mare-friends were. Through his haze of cider, he looked up from his mug. “Well...seventy-four mare who love us verses the one who may blame us. Could be worse.”

Light nodded. “Yeah...I know. We did what we had to do. But...dude, I keep going back, trying to see if there was some other tactic or idea I could have used to keep everypony alive. How did I fail?”

The blue-grey pegasus tipped back his fifth cider. “To be honest, I think the casualties would have been worse with the Sun-Guard. Probably a lot of innocents too. Shining didn't blame us for the death. If we'd been at serious fault, he would have done worse than yell and give us that scroll. Like you said, we did what we had to do. For the greater good of everypony.”

There was a long pause before Light met his friend's look. “Is that why you dropped him?”

Star resisted the urge to look away. “Yeah...he was about to escape. I...I couldn't let a pony like that start foal-napping again, and doing all the horrible things he did to more ponies. I that moment, I knew I had to.” He rubbed at an eye with a hoof. “I just hope Luna forgives me, should she ever find out.”

Light nodded. “I don't know if I could have done that...but, I understand why you did. Also, you need to tell Princess Luna at some point. You know how she is about lies. You two are growing close, don't buck it up by hiding things, dude.”

“Hah, easy for you to say, you're not the one that has to tell his Princess he killed a pony.”

“No, I get to be the pony who tells his Princess, he got a pony killed.” They shared a look as Sherry trotted over, dropping off another round of drinks. She said nothing to the guards, giving Light a hug and a kiss, then leaving the two alone. Light followed her with his eyes, a smile hinting at his lips. Then he turned and raised his mug to his friend. “To the Guards who sacrifice for others.”

Star raised his mug to tap against Light's. “To those who love them.” Together they drank in honor of the fallen.


The next evening, the friends were posted on duty at the Palace entrance. It was usually a position given to new recruits. While important, it was a place to teach public presence and discipline. Star suspected it was Captain Shining's way of punishing them. Time passed at a grueling pace on gate duty. They couldn't talk to each other and for hours at a time, were forced to remain at attention between short breaks. The moon crawled across the sky over the deserted night streets. Nothing to entertain them but their own thoughts and Light's strange fascination with a little beetle scurrying around the cobblestones. At last, as dawn approached, their Sun Guard relief showed and the two were free to return to their quarters.

“So how's Scootaloo?” Light asked when they stepped through the door to the castle interior.

“She's still with Apple Bloom. She'd stopped crying by the time we got back from the rescue. But...I don't know. She seems...withdrawn somehow. Has to be the feathers she gave away. She's never broken down like that before. Well, except when her wings were going through growth spurts. AB swears she'll be ok. Funny thing, AB was the one with the most to cry about. Must have been terrifying for her down in those mines. Tough filly.” He gave a soft chuckle.

Light nodded. “I'm sure it'll be ok.”

“Starstep, Lighthoof.” A voice behind them cause the two to pause in mid-stride. They glanced back to find Captain Shining approaching, then spun and snapped a salute. “How was duty last night?”

Star mentally patted himself on the back for resisting the urge to grimace. “Quiet, sir.”

“Good. Sometimes a little quiet is what we need when there's chaos all around.” He looked down both sides of the hallway, insuring they were alone. “Seems my sister sent Celestia a letter about what went down in Ponyville. In turn, Luna sent me a letter. The Princess wants to talk to you immediately about what happened. Seeing as her letters are always very...formal, I can't tell you if she's angry or pleased. However, she made it very clear the two of you were to take a chariot to Trottingham.”

“Across the sea?” Star asked.

The Captain hesitated, resisted the urge to be sarcastic and nodded. “Yes, across the sea to Trottingham and take another chariot to Spurlin. It's a border town with the griffon kingdom, so I suggest you two brush up on your knowledge of their culture. Last thing we need is more reason for them to be angry at us. Things are a bit volatile over there, so for the love of our Princesses, behave. I don't know why Princess Luna insists on bringing you over when she could easily talk to you when she returns, but orders are orders.” He sighed softly. “Look, guys. Pony to pony, things are incredibly tense over there right now. Whatever the Princesses may ask you to do, I suggest you listen. Get some rest, pack your things and be on a chariot at sunset.” He nodded to the two as they snapped salutes. The pegasi turned to leave when Shining spoke. “Oh, and make sure to bring a weapon. I hope you wont need it, but sometimes deterrence is the best defense of all.”

After sleeping, Star took time to write letters to AB, Scootaloo and Cheerilee. Explaining that he had to go over-seas to help the Princess. He sent them off and took a little time to check in on Sweetie Belle. Her and her roommates were doing well, and practicing hard for the upcoming battle of the bands. He took Pip aside and warned him about Slate. He hoped the big Trottingham pony could handle the thug till Steelhoof could catch him. With his affairs in order, he packed a travel kit and polished his armor and pegasus blade. Slim with one edge, it was made for fighting in flight. Though he wondered if it would still be effective in the mouth of a wingless pony. Still, he agreed with Shining Armor and belted the sword to his armor. Sunset arrived and the two friends trotted to the landing pad of the Castle. Star felt awkward being flown about, being a pegasus himself, but the two chariot guards gave him and his partner no grief about it and soon they were soaring east towards the sea.

As nighttime fell, they passed the beach and nothing below them but dark seas. Starstep counted it as a rather boring flight, with no landmarks to look at or towns to admire. Yet, when he glanced up, he found contentment in the clear star sprinkled skies of Princess Luna. A crescent moon greeted the pegasi group, and the blue-grey colt took it as a sign of his Princess welcoming him to her side. Just past midnight, the chariot began it's decent towards the distant flicker of lights on the horizon. A beach and rolling woodlands swept beneath them, shadowed in greys and blacks. They crested a line of hills and were greeted by a sprawling city of old brickwork and steel-wire bridges across rivers that wound through the city. A huge clock tower dominated the skyline, a structure easily bigger than most turrets on the Canterlot Castle. Starstep took a moment to admire Trottingham's architecture before his thoughts were jarred by the sudden landing.

The two ponies thanked the chariot guards for the quick flight and boarded the awaiting one. Star found it curious that the two pegasi on this cart were heavier body type than he was used to, calling to mind the young Pip. Their coats had spots, even with the Royal armor on. He pondered why the Princesses would allow a change in the magic's appearance as the chariot took off with a start. East and south they flew, as the sun began to light up the horizon. Just as the tip crested the mountains far to the east, they descended again and landed on a wide tower of an old stone fortress overlooking what appeared to be an industrial town. Again, the two pegasi thanked the chariot guards for the swift flight and retrieved their travel packs.

“Starstep, Lighthoof, I welcome thou both to Spurlin.” Luna's lovely voice broke the quiet dawn air as the chariot team flew off.

Both guards dipped their heads to the regal Princess as she approached. “Oh, what tis this? Thou hath something upon thy face!” Starstep blinked in surprise as Luna leaned down to kiss him on the cheek. “Why, tis a Princess it seems!” She giggled softly as Star glanced up at the amused alicorn. “Arise thou silly ponies. Arise and attend to me.” She turned, looking over her shoulder till the two guards gathered their saddle-packs and followed at her flanks. “I shalt show thee to thy quarters before I retire for the morning.”

The fortress floors were cold and the hallways were drafty. Apparently the old fort had never been modernized, a relic of ages long past, commandeered for the purposes of diplomacy along the border with the Griffon kingdom. Old tattered tapestries hung on the walls, the colors of the weaves all but faded. Maids and Butlers scurried here and there, cleaning, sorting and working hard to improve the appearance of the old building. They passed a crew of construction ponies installing insulated windows into the gaping holes along the hallway walls. Down in the courtyard, a platoon of ponies were drilling in close-combat. Star just counted himself fortunate that Luna had greeted him so warmly. He'd had a small bit of anxiety on the trip over the sea. Flickers of her scornful face berating him for being a foal. In time, they arrived at a small wooden door. She used her magic to push it open, revealing a simple room, big enough for two cots and a wardrobe. “My apologizes that thy barracks art small, but worry not, tis only a place to rest thy head. Much of thy duties will have thee elsewhere. Lighthoof, thou art free to explore the fortress and the town until sunset.” She lowered her voice. “If thou dost venture into Spurlin, let not anypony provoke thee. Thou must adhere to the utmost level of appearances. Defend thyself if thou must, but never attack. Dost thou understand?” Her firm, cold tone spoke volumes of the importance of her words.

“Y-yes, my Princess.” He gave her a slight smile, then confusion creased his brow. “Wait, you said me, what about Star?”

The blue alicorn laughed delightedly, unfurling a wing to drape across the blue-grey pegasus. She turned, coaxing the other pony to follow at her side. With a grin over her shoulder at the puzzled Lighthoof, she answered, “Why, dear Starstep shalt attend me to mine quarters. There, we shalt have a very long talk. Welcome to Spurlin, Lighthoof.” With that, the Princess led her colt away.

Chapter XXXVII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXVII

By Indigo Eclipse

Princess Luna led Starstep around the corner and down a short hallway, one wing still blanketed over his back. He should have felt comfortable with the plumage draped on him, but the strange smile upon Luna's face, gnawed at his pleasure. Around another left turn and the alicorn halted in front of a large iron bound door, flanked by a pair of Trottingham unicorn Guard-mares.

“My dears, thou art relieved of duty.” The hesitation and flicker of looks between them caused the Princess to smirk. “Worry not, mine personal guard from Canterlot hath arrived. We have business from home to discuss.” The two guard-mares looked to Starstep, their eyes lingering on his bandaged wings for a moment. One opened her mouth as though to challenge but her partner shook her head and smiled to the Princess.

“Of course, your Highness. We right get the hint.” She trotted away from the door, her partner chasing after. Just before the mares rounded the corner, he saw them glance back and giggle to each other.

“Now that we art alone, shall we?” Luna's blue magic lifted the latch and swung the door wide for the other pony. Star bowed his head in thanks to the Princess before stepping inside. It was a humble room, just big enough for a large comfy four-poster bed and a writing desk of black oak with a padded bench large enough for an alicorn. A crackling blue fire flickered in it's hearth on the opposite wall from the bed, bathing both ponies in black and blues. “No window, Princess?”

“Neigh.” She replied, pushing the door closed with a hind-hoof. “Tis a relic of ages past. Built for defense, and not for comfort. If thou desires to look upon mine stars, one need only bury one's face in mine mane.”

Starstep blushed slightly, the memory of his past boldness creeping up from the gloom of personal mistakes.

“Yeah, I image so.” He hesitated, anxiety rolling about in his belly. “ look wonderful, Princess.”

“Indeed.” Her lips pulled up into a sly smile as her eyes narrowed slightly. “Thou art looking splendid thyself.” Her magic slid the padded bench over with a scraping of wood on the stone floor. “Lay down.” It was not a request.

The pegasus blinked, beginning to step back when Luna's eyes narrowed as she pointed a demanding hoof to the bench. With a heavy sigh, Star climbed up and laid down, his legs tucked under him. A slight tingling on his bandaged wings warned him of her intentions, and he averted his eyes, fearful of the damage underneath. The pegasus felt a cool hoof coax his wing to unfurl and caressed his feathers. Feathers? Surprise overwhelmed his discomfort as he whipped his head around, noticing the early growth of new plumage prickling out from his flesh.

“It's growing back...” He stated in hushed excitement. “But...” He watched as Luna moved his wing about carefully, running her hoof through the underside growth, sending a chill down his spine. He noticed the feathers were black now, instead of his usual blue, and had an oil-like sheen to them. “They're discolored.”

“Indeed.” The Princess gave him a reassuring smile, leaning down to kiss his healing wing, making him tremble for a moment. “While it may be too early to say thy wings will return to normal, it appears they hath absorbed properties from the dragon-fire.” She pushed a feather up, admiring the pearlescent coloring in the flickering firelight. “Like water on a duck, thy wings will resist and roll magic from them. It is not to say they are immune...” She unwound the other wing's bandages, revealing the same black, glossy feathers sprouting there too. “However, this blessing may also prove a curse, dear Starstep. If in the future, thou injure thy wings, healing magic will not work upon them. Thou wilst be forced to heal the traditional way with salves and splints.”

“Wait, is that why...” He trailed off. “That's why you've been using that goop instead of letting a medical doctor attempt to heal me.”

She nodded. “They attempted at first, when thou were admitted into the hospital. I suspected what was happening, though I could not say if thy feathers would ever return. Tis to thine good fortune I remember much of herbal medicines before magic healing became standard practice.” She placed a hoof between his wing joints and began to massage with her crystal-shod slipper. He groaned in pain and pleasure. “Now that there is hope, I expect thou to begin exercising thy wing muscles again. Lack of use will hath made thee soft.” She pressed her hoof harder, causing the pegasus to yelp.

“Ok, ok. I get the point.” He gritted his teeth, grunting and giving gasping cries as the Princess worked at the knots around his neglected wing-bases. “Thank you, Princess.”

The alicorn giggled softly. “From thy noises, one would not suspect thou wouldst be thanking me.” She began humming lightly as her hooves worked around the shoulders and down his spine. “So tense, dear Night-Guard. Was thy trip here so taxing?” She leaned her head down, kissing his outstretched wing among the newly grown feathers.

Star blinked, turning his head to watch her in shock as the Princess began to nuzzle into his black feathers. “Wait, Princess, what are you doing?”

She smiled coyly, before licking between the feathers causing him to gasp. “Whatever dost thou mean?”

“, Princess...Ahhhhhh” He trailed off in high-pitched exclamation at her hoof began fondling his tailbase. Pulling free of her teasing, the pegasus rolled from the bench and backed away. The alicorn laughed at his antics, tilting her head to one side.

“Is this not what thou hath desired?” She turned, taking a few short steps to the bed-post, then raised up to wrap her fore-hooves around it, pushing her hindquarters towards the colt. She wiggled her rump with a laugh and a sly grin. “Is this not what thou hath dreamed of? I hath seen glimpses in thy dreams. Oh, thy naughty pony. Such scandalous thoughts flutter though those day-time hours of rest.”

With a groan of effort the blue-grey pony tore his eyes from the presented royal flanks. “ Princess, this is wrong. I've...I've things I need to tell you. I know you're just toying with me again.”

“Oh?” The alicorn slid from the bedpost and took the few regal steps to stand before him. “How dost thou know that I do not seek to satisfy desires? Princesses art not made of stone. I am flesh and blood, as much as thou.”

Starstep hung his head. “I know, Princess...”

“Luna, please.” The alicorn said softly. She turned so they were side by side, unfurling her plush blue wing over the colt and hugging him to her cool coat. “I feel thou hath earned the right to openly call me by my name.” She raised his chin with her crystal-shod hoof, catching his eyes in her serious look. “Within mine chambers only. Understood?” The colt nodded lightly. Satisfied, the mare coaxed him towards the bed with her wing, pushing at his hind-quarters till he relented and climbed up. She followed to lay beside the smaller pony, still blanketing him.

Star trembled slightly, he was afraid, and excited. “I...know you're just teasing me, Prin-Luna. It's that look in your eyes. I think I know it by now.”

She gave a mock gasp. “Look? Thou wound mine heart.” Her expression softened. “Dear, Starstep. From the moment I saw thee step off the chariot, I could see both of thou were burdened with heavy thoughts. Like a raincloud one cannot shake off. Thou hides it well enough, but mine sister and I art not so blind as to ignore it.”

The pegasus glanced up at the Princess. “Yeah...Light and I have...been busy.” He looked away but a hoof at his chin brought his face about to look into the alicorn's knowing eyes.

“So I hath heard. I brought thee here, to allow thou a chance to...unburden thy heart. I must admit, the expression upon thy face as thou struggled to tear thy eyes away from mine presented flank, dost amuse me.” She giggled as the colt blushed. “Be not embarrassed. It is a most lovely backside, if I say so myself.” The alicorn smirked as Star gave a sudden laugh. “Now, tell me about thy heroic exploits, and troubles that darken thy mind.”

“I...I'm afraid to, Luna. I'm not proud of some of the stuff I've had to do these last few days.” He hung his head.

“Dost thou feel guilty about thine actions?”

He hesitated, feeling the warmth of Luna's wing about him, and the cool touch of her coat against his side. The colt looked up into the crackling blue fire, searching it's dancing embers for some way to come to terms with what he knew in his heart. “No...and that's what scares me, Princess.” He met her beautiful cyan eyes, fighting back tears. “I've...done something terrible, and...I'm afraid you'll send me away for it. I could lie, or hide it, just to be closer to you, but...”

“But thou knowest it to be wrong. The guilt of hiding it would devour thy heart. All I hath ever asked of thou, is to speak truth and to temper thy impulsiveness.” She leaned down to kiss his cheek. “It has been a struggle, but thou art learning. I cannot say that there wilst not be repercussions from the truth, but thy heart wilst be purer for it.” She floated a newpaper from her writing desk, laying it out before them. “I suspect it is in regards to this image of mine Night-guard?”

Starstep looked at the massive picture of the full force of his brothers and sisters in arms, marching into Ponyville, escorting the tired but hopeful mares, colts and fillies. “Yeah...” He took a deep breath. “I guess I'll start with how I got the info in the first place.” He told Luna what had happened after she'd left Ponyville, pausing at the encounter with Steelhoof. “I've had to deal with this pony before. He...asked for your feather last time, but I refused, despite the trouble Sweetie Belle is in.” The alicorn's eyes glimmered dangerously, but she remained silent as he continued.

“Then, he offered the location of the foal-napper. With AB being taken, and no leads at all...I felt hopeless, and time pressing down.” He shook his head before looking up at the Princess. “I know it was a gift, a symbol of our attachment, and I almost gave it up.” The colt lifted the two feathers from his chest and stroked them with his other hoof. “I thought...I had no choice. I didn't know if you'd be mad or happy if I did such a thing.” She didn't answer, so Star swallowed. “Scootaloo...gave her's up instead, to protect me. Just in case.”

“I know.” The Princess's words were cold. “I felt the backlash from the emotional link being severed. I suspect the filly suffered greatly from the break.”

“She...yes. She cried for two days. Would that have happened to me? Did it not phase you too?”

“I felt it. But one must remember how many lifetimes I hath lived. How much hurt and pain I hath endured. What is a newly severed bond but a pinprick upon mine scarred heart.”

The cold anguish in her words sent a chill through Starstep. He couldn't remember her speaking so openly about her feelings or the past. “I'm...sorry Princess. Please forgive me. Please forgive Scootaloo. She did it for love.”

The alicorn looked into the fire. “Indeed. Thou art forgiven. She is not.”

“What, but Luna sh-”

“NO.” She turned her furious eyes to him. “Mine heart is not a commodity to trade!” The alicorn sighed and her voice softened. “Apologies. I know she did it for all the right reasons. I...used a spell to speak with her yesterday. She cried and begged for me not to blame thou.” The alicorn flung one of her crystal-slippers off her forehooves, shattering it against a stone wall. “But not once did she ask for me to forgive her. She may hath been growing fond of me, but she did it for thou and thou alone.” The Princess looked at Star. “I cannot forgive those who dost not ask forgiveness.”

The pegasus lowered his eyes. He understood her simple logic and hated himself for agreeing with her. “I...I guess not.” He sighed. “Is she still allowed to be with me?”

“She is, though I am afraid things between the two of thou, wilst not be the same.”

“What do you mean?”

“The...jolt, or snap of the spell, also connect her to thou. Though in a small way. She now knows just how devoted thou art to me.”

“She's always known. How is it any different?”

The alicorn tossed aside her other slipper, it sharply tinked across the stone floor and came to rest at the foot of the fireplace. She placed her unadorned hoof upon his lips. It was cool as fresh snow. “Neigh. She thought she knew. Now, that illusion is dispelled.”

“But Luna, I love her, and I love you. Doesn't she see that?”

“She does, my poor guard. Scootaloo loves thou truly and she may still be a part of your life beyond a friend. However, never again wilst she seek to share thou with me. Perhaps, this unfortunate turn of events, may prove best for the young mare.”

“How can you say that?” Again the hoof pressed to his lips, her coolness tempering his flares of frustration.

“Still thy tongue and ponder upon what kind of life thy dear friend would lead. She hath pinned so much hope upon thou, she hath lost herself. Would she be content, living bound to Canterlot, to live with us both? I would have welcomed her with all mine heart, but I cannot take away what she loves the most. More than she loves thou.”

“Flying...” Star wiped away tears. “Travel and flying. I....never thought of that. I mean, she could have always left when she wanted.”

“And still never truly be free. Imagine if she was mine consort beside thou. Never a moments peace beyond the city. In essence, she wouldth become Royalty. Dost thou picture thy friend bending to the rules and limitations such titles bring?”


The Princess tightened her wing around him and nuzzled at his cheek, kissing away a tear. “Then cry not for her. She loves thou with all her heart. And I knowth thou loveth her just as much. But this life was never for her, my dear guard. It is both fortunate, and tragic that the veil of the illusion was ripped away so violently.” She kissed his cheek again. “If thou wishes, I wilst remove the bond and allow the two of thee to be together. However...”

“However, we both know I wont.” They shared a sad smile. “I'll always want to be with you. Assuming you don't banish me to the moon for what I've done.”

“The moon? Heavens no...unless thou liketh bananas.”

“What?” The colt blinked in confusion.

“Ah, I believe tis what thou callth an 'indoor joke'?”

“Inside joke.” Star gently corrected her.

“Ah. Well. Please continue with thy tale.”

Starstep began from recruiting Twilight Sparkle and shortly thereafter, reached the part with the confrontation with Copper. “So, he launched this magical attack at me. I thought I was doomed, but the magic just sort of...slid off me.” He flexed one wing out to admire the glossy black feathers. “Guess I know why. Anyhoof...the explosion broke the bridge and I came to, laying on a plank of wood. On the other end was Copper, dangling over the gorge.” He lowered his eyes, taking a few deep breaths as the blue alicorn watched intensely.

“He...began a teleport spell and I knew he was going to get away. So...I stepped off the board and let him fall.” The pony waited, listening to the crackling of the blue flames before he lifted his eyes to meet his Princess's. “I...I killed him.”

Luna regarded him coolly, as she had the entire last half of the story. Her stoic face hiding her thoughts. At last she broke the silence. “Dost thou feel remorse for taking his life?”

He hesitated. “ I feel more sadness that I had to do it, than the act. I didn't want him hurting another pony again. Does it make me a bad pony?”

The Princess of the Night shook her head. “Neigh. Thou hath done what thou felt was in the best interest of all the other ponies. Mine sister did the same when she banished me those many years ago.” The alicorn caressed his cheek with a hoof, nuzzling at his nose. “My dear Shadow-Guard. Whilst we mourn for every pony life loss, we knowth there art times when hard choices must be made. It is those who do them for the greater good of everypony, that take on a terrible burden. It is not to say that I approve of such a final judgement, but understand the need. Very few ponies will.”

“...what about your sister?” Star croaked out, trembling under her affection and coldness of her logic.

“Tia is...hesitant about certain types of actions. Her thousand years alone have softened her heart to the firm judgments she was once so eager to enforce. Discord, Sombra, and many others. It was mine own banishment that finally broke her desires to issue stern punishments.” She sighed. “She would not hate thou, but it would make things...tense. There art times when discretion is best. I suspect thou hath already agreed on a cover story with thy partner?” The colt nodded. “Then the matter is closed.”

The alicorn smiled. “Why, it appears thy heart is lighter.”

Starstep tilted his head. “Yeah, a little I guess. Though the thing with Scoots...”

“Wilst be settled in time. I assure thou, Scootaloo wilst become much happier once she's had time to find herself. Support her, love her, but let her find a path.” She grinned. “ dear Shadow-Guard.”

“Wait, you called me that a few minutes ago. What do you mean?”

The Princess laughed mischievously. “Oh, dear Star.” She kissed him sweetly. “Shadow-Guards art mine personal escort.” Her smile turned sly. “They art mine shadows. Thou hath proven thy dedication to the idea of the greater good. For all of Ponykind.” She nibbled at his ear making him squirm about on the bed. Giggling lightly, she whispered. “For that, I reward thou. I hope thou wilst live up to mine expectations.” The alicorn relented her teasing for a moment, her ear swiveling towards the fire. “Oh appears things hath gotten...interesting.”

Star tilted his head, watching her amused expression as her attention was focused on the wall. Emboldened by his new title, and his lightened heart, he leaned up to grasp her velvety ear in his lips and nibbled every so gently. The alicorn gasped, moaning before pulling her ear from his mouth. “Neigh! Behave thyself.” She grinned at him. “Terrible teasing pony that thou art, be still and let us watch. It appears mine sister has a...guest.”

The colt blinked, glancing at the wall and the fireplace. “What?” Then his eyes widened as Luna used her magic on the stones. They became slightly transparent, revealing an identical bedchamber on the other side. Princess Celestia was on the other side, reclining on her writing bench as Lighthoof sat before her. The white alicorn was using her magic to scribble on a parchment with a white feather quill as the smaller pony watched.

“Princess...thanks for seeing me.”

Celestia beamed a smile at the tan-pegasus while her magic rolled up the scroll and quill, setting it on the writing desk. Even on the bench just large enough for the alicorn, she appears so regal and warm. Her pastel multicolored mane and tail billowing gently in non-existent wind. “Of course my little pony. Though I am surprised you wished to speak with me and not my dear sister. You are of course, her guard.”

The colt rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, about that. Star is um...talking with her now. I...I just wanted to talk with you.”

The white Princess glanced towards the one-way wall with a twinkle in her eyes. “Is that so...” Her warm expression lighted upon the smaller pony again. “So what would you like to talk about?”

“It's about the rescue Op I ran a few days ago.”

“Ah, yes. Twilight sent me a very detailed report about your investigation and I passed it on to my sister. Lu-lu was quite proud.” She paused, waiting for the pony to look up. “ One hundred and two ponies rescued from such horrible conditions. You've given them and their families hope. Though you're not a Sun-Guard any longer, I'm so very happy of your accomplishment.”

The colt lowered his head. “You shouldn't be. Star and I. We undermined Shining and I...I got a pony killed, Princess. It's my fault and I'm so sorry. And I've no idea how Princess Luna's going to take this.”

Gently, the white alicorn leaned her head down to touch against his. “No, dear, no. We both know how you handled the situation. While I do not approve of going around your Captain's authority, I cannot find fault in your plan or actions.” She lifted his chin with a hoof. “My dear, your tactics were sound, and I know in my heart, that waiting longer for help, or adding my Sun-Guards to the raid, would caused more harm than good. Lu-Lu will agree with me. I promise.” She gave him a reassuring nuzzle. “Lighthoof, you love my subjects so much. I know the life you once had, and how hard you struggled in training.” She smiled nuzzling into his mane. “Dear, the royal guards are not about protecting Luna and I. They are about helping us protect the ponies we love so dearly. We cannot be everywhere and do everything. I assure you, we've tried.” She shared a smile with the colt. “You did everything you could to save those who could not save themselves. Do you not think the other guards felt the same? Night-Guard or Sun-Guard, you all share a common bond in your desire to protect other ponies. The guard who died, he volunteered, did he not?”

“He did, Princess.”

“Do you believe you could have done anything different at the time?”

“” The colt shook his head.

“Then honor his sacrifice, and take to heart the knowledge that he did what he thought was right. Just as you did. If it had been you who had passed away in his place, would you have wanted him to despair over your death?”

“No...I wouldn't” His chin was tilted up by Celestia's gentle hoof.

“I am glad. Learn from your mistakes, but do not let them bury you.” She gave him a gentle nuzzle. “Now, Twilight wrote of the guard's return to Ponyville. She said you all refused a thank-you party, despite Pinkie Pie's insistence, and marched off to board the train to Canterlot. All of Ponyville wanted to reward you in what little way they could. Why did you leave?”

Lighthoof shook his head with a weary smile before meeting the Princess's gaze. “It was just our job. Our duty. I don't need no cake or parties or even a thank-you. You know, I'm just glad we saved those ponies.”

The regal alicorn nodded with a knowing smile. “That's very noble and selfless of you. However, sometimes receiving a reward is not about you, but about allowing others to express their gratitude. Do you not agree?”

“Huh...didn't think of it like that.”

Celestia laughed warmly. “So, how does one reward a pony who seeks not gems, money, or fame?” She tilted her head, a slight mischievous smirk on her lips that Starstep recognized from Luna's teasing. “How do I reward a pony who's only desire is to serve other ponies?”

Luna and Star shared a glance before they both smirked.

Much to Lighthoof's surprise, Celestia kissed him sweetly, leaving him startled as she smiled down at him with so much warmth and affection. “All I can think to offer you, is love. The love of all the other ponies. The love of a ruler who is overjoyed that so many were spared a terrible fate. Beyond this morning, I cannot make promises of what is to come. For now, a secret between us and the walls.” Lighthoof made to protest before another of the white alicorn's gentle kisses left him speechless. “If you don't want it, you are free to go.”

Lighthoof shook his head clear, looking up at the regal pony and smiled. Then he rolled from the bed and trotted for the door. Starstep heard Luna gasp softly beside him and felt his chest tighten at the slight sadness in Celestia's eyes. Then, much to their surprise, Lighthoof slid the doorbolt to lock them in and turned to calmly trot back to the Celestia, wings flared on his back.

Chapter XXXVIII (Mature)

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To Love the Moon


By Indigo Eclipse

(A foreword: Some of the clop you're about to read has fetishes in them that some may not understand. While you may or may not find them appealing, try to think about how it pertains to the character's inner psyche. Anyhoof, enjoy.)

Watching through the one-way enchanted wall, Starstep could only stare in stunned disbelief. On the other side of the semi-transparent stone, Lighthoof was trotting across the room towards Celestia, who was reclined out, somewhat seductively on a padded writing bench. The tan pegasus met the white alicorn's outstretched hooves and allowed his head to be pulled to the regal mare's chest. He nuzzled at her soft coat, ruffling it with his nose in a gesture of affection.

“Hmm...this is most unexpected.” Luna stated as she and Star watched side by side. The blue alicorn turned to her colt and nosed him in the ear, the sudden coolness causing the pony to jolt. She giggled softly. “Enjoying thyself?”

“Oh um...just...surprised. I mean...” He glanced to the Princess for a moment before his eyes wandered back to the sight of his friend and the Sun-Goddess cuddling and kissing. “Light loves Celestia, loves you both. But...I didn't think he loved her this.” He gestured at the other ponies with a hoof.

“I must agree. Tis most...sudden. I fear her motives are not as she states.” She hesitated. “Perhaps I should intervene.”

“Wait, Luna. I'm sure Light knows what he's getting into. I may be oblivious to what's actually going on, but I know that look he has. He's doing what he thinks he needs to do.”

The blue alicorn smirked. “Art thou saying he is accepting mine sister's offer as though it is his duty? I cannot say that is very romantic.” She gave a soft laugh as her horn began to glow. “Very well, I shalt remove the enchantment and confront Tia later.”

“Erm...can...can we wait a bit?” Star glanced up at Luna nervously.

There was a pause while she tilted her head at the request. Then she laughed, hugging the colt to her side with her wing. “Oh-ho. It dost appear thou hath a slight exhibitionist streak within thou.”

“It-it's not like that Princ-Luna.” Star stuttered. “I'm just curious is all.”

The alicorn raised an eyebrow, amused smile upon her lips. “What is it thou desires to learn from watching these two?”

Star tapped his fore-hooves together nervously as he noticed Lighthoof nibbling down the long white neck of the Sun-Princess. “ know...with a bigger pony. Um...*cough*”

“What thou seeketh is knowledge to assist in pleasing an alicorn. To be more precise, me. Am I correct?” Her mischievous grin only widened as the pegasus nodded, his blue-grey cheeks flushed. Luna gave a soft giggle as her wingtips traced Star's back. “I suppose I can leave the spell up for a while. Thou dost owe her for peeking in on thy time with Scootaloo in the gardens.” She caught the colt's gaze, smiling though her eyes promised retribution if he disobeyed her. “Know that I wilst not relieve thy discomfort from watching such a performance. Thou art on thy own.”

Star nodded quickly under that intense gaze. “Of course Prin-Luna. I wouldn't ask you to-”

The blue alicorn gasped in mock disbelief. “Thou wouldst not seek out thy Princess to cure thy suffering? The one thou sayth thou loves?”

“I would, I mean, I want to er, I mean...” He buried his head under his hooves while Luna laughed playfully.

“Well, watch the show. Perhaps thou wilst learn something to assist in thy pleasing of thy Princess.” She nuzzled at his ear and gave it a teasing nibble before settling her head across her fore-hooves and watching with half-interest. Beside her, Star turned his full attention to the nuzzling, kissing ponies on the other side of the translucent stone wall, feeling his wings creep up at the display.

Lighthoof nibbled ever so lightly up the throat of the white alicorn, hearing her gasp while arcing back her head to his gentle mouth. He nuzzled under her chin with his fore-hooves now wrapped around her elegant neck, belly rubbing against her chest. She curled one long limb around his back, pulling him closer, her warm loving smile deepening.

“Ahhh” The Sun-Goddess gasped as the Pegasus kissed around the side of her head to where her flowing pastel mane grew along the back of her neck. She caressed the affectionate colt's cheek, pausing his mouth long enough to share a smile with him. “Do with me as you wish. However, I have duties to attend in a few hours, so try not to leave me too tied up.” She lightly bumped foreheads with the smaller pony. “Is that acceptable?” Light nodded, ruffling his fur and mane against hers.

The tan pegasus took one of Celestia's plush wings in his mouth and pulled her up from the bench. She laughed merrily, following his lead, and climbed onto the bed at his insistence. With a warm inviting smile, she lounged out on the white silk sheets, caressing the fabric with one of her golden shod hooves. Lighthoof bound up on the large bed, slipping up beside the much larger pony and nuzzled up along her neck. She wrapped her long legs around him, clutching the pony tight to her chest and belly, giving a soft noise of contentment.

“Are you sure, Princess? I mean...this is all kinda-” She hushed his doubts with a hoof to his lips.

“Shhh, it's ok, dear. Sometimes, it's fun not to be in charge for once. Besides, I did say it was a reward, did I not?” She leaned down to kiss him on the forehead.

“Well...I guess I can see that.” He grinned before catching her bottom lip in his, causing her to blush and flicker her ears. He released her lip then slipped from her long-limbed grasp, nosing at her side to urge her onto her back. Celestia gave a playful laugh as she looked down her curved body at the colt while he grinned up at her, hooves straddling the Princess's larger form, her hind-legs hugging his flanks while his fore-hooves rested on each side of her chest. When he leaned down to kiss at the base of her throat she gave a little sound of pleasure, letting her head roll to the side and closing her eyes. Lighthoof took it as a sign of approval, kissing down her pony chest, nuzzling into her silky fur, inhaling deeply the faint scent of vanilla from her coat. She reached up with her fore-legs to stroke the edges of his aroused wings, causing the pegasus to jolt, then shudder as the golden slippers ran down the primaries. “Ahhh...Princess...what...” He cut off as she dug her hooves into the largest of the primary feathers, fondling the plumage and teasing the flesh beneath with incredible gentleness. He arched his back to press his wing towards the loving hooves, but the Princess had other plans, using the leverage to pull him tight against her chest. He looked up her long neck to find her smiling down at him, slightly mischievously for but a moment, then the sly look slipped and she sighed.

“Oh...I'm doing it again. I'm sorry, my little pony.” She released his wings and ran her hooves up his neck to caress his cheeks. “It's...hard to let someone else lead when you're so used to it. Please, continue.” The colt shook off his slight daze from the wing massaging and smiled warmly to the white alicorn.

“It's ok, Princess.” He reassured her while kissing along her throat, his body responding to her closeness, rump wiggling back and forth to press his sheath against her belly. With an internal sigh of acceptance, he stood himself back up off her very warm body. Down his head went again, kissing lower along her chest and then the slight curve of her delicate belly. The alicorn wiggled her rump against the sheets as he did, then gave a loud gasp when his lips brushed one of her mare teats. Surprised at her sudden noise, the colt hesitated, tilting his head in consideration, then pinned the little nub between his lips while his tongue tip flickered at it.

The result was immediate, Celestia moaned, her hind-legs pressing hard against Lighthoof's sides. He released it, running his pony tongue across it broadly, then the other, dampening all the fur around the nipples before blowing cool air on the areas. The alicorn stiffened, holding her breath till he relented, then gasped out, shivering. Lighthoof pondered it for a moment as he lifted his head to meet Celestia's loving eyes. “Erm...I uh...dated a mare once. She'd just had a foal and she acted the same way when I played with her nipples.”

Celestia gave a light laugh, reaching down to stroke Light's mane. “Well, even Princesses have fantasies.”

“Fantasies?” Lighthoof asked as he nuzzled at her belly and damp teats. She moaned softly till she grasped his head to hold his attention.

“Yes. Even Lu-Lu has her kinks. We've had a very long time to learn about ourselves and what we enjoy.”

Meeting her light magenta eyes, he could see her a bit of hopefulness within them. “Ok, what's one of your fantasies, Princess? I swear I'll never tell a soul.”

She smiled. “It would be wrong of me to ask. This is your reward after-all. Not mine.”

“No, I insist. Tell me, and if I can, I will. It'd be a reward for me to see you happy.”

The alicorn paused, regal eyes searching his as she caressed his cheek. At last, a warm comforting smile grazed her regal muzzle. “Very well. If that's what you want.” She released his head, curling her fore-hooves to her chest. For a moment, the larger, elegant Sun-Goddess seemed vulnerable and shy. “For reasons I will not go into, I have never had a foal. Yet...I've always imagined how wonderful it must feel to nurse one.” She smiled at him, a bit of hope in her eyes.

Lighthoof pondered her words. This was the most open and unsure he'd ever seen the Princess. Doubt and hesitation flickered across his face for but a moment. Then, with a shrug of acceptance, he returned her hopeful smile. “Alright, I think I know what you want. That mare I was with liked it too, so I've uh...done it before.” He looked down at her damp nipples. “But're kinda not, you know...I can go through the motions if that's all you want.”

The Princess laughed warmly pulling his head up to give him a sweet kiss. “Magic, Lighthoof, can solve many things. Remember, this is between us.” The tan pegasus nodded firmly as her horn began to glow. Before his eyes, the flesh under the pair of nipples rose slightly and became more perked. She said not another word but stroked his ear while the other hoof pressed his head towards her belly.

On the other side of the wall, Starstep blinked in surprise, gasping in amazement as Lighthoof leaned down to wrap his lips around Celestia's reddened teat and began to suckle. He turned to Luna who was watching him with a rather amused expression upon her face. “He...but” He shook his head to sort his thoughts. “Can she do that?”

Luna laughed. “She just did, dear.”

“Light sure does seem pretty cool about the whole thing.”

The blue alicorn smirked. “Wouldst thou like to try?”

Star blinked, eyes going wide. “Me...and you?”

Another laugh and she gently prodded him with her horn. “I can turn thou into a mare and we can see how much thou enjoys it.” She laughed louder at his face going slightly pale. “Worry not, dear Star. I liketh thou how thou art.”

Slightly reassured, Star tried to ignore Luna's mischievous smirk. “ reminds me just how much more experienced Light is than me. He seems so much more open and willing to do unusual things for others pleasure.” He glanced at the sleek alicorn at his side. “I can't help but wonder if I can meet whatever desires you have, Luna.”

Luna said nothing, but gave the colt a kiss to soothe his doubts before turning her attentions back to the show on the other side of the wall. Sensing the conversation would go no further, Star sighed and joined her.

Celestia was moaning and gasping, her pastel mane curling about her head as she rolled it from side to side, while Lighthoof suckled from her nipple. At last he released it with a wet pop, a trickle of milk leaking out the corner of his mouth. She whimpered and reached out, the colt leaned his head into her caressing hooves while he licked his muzzle clean. After a few moments of her warm stroking, the colt latched his lips upon the neglected teat and began to suck noisily upon it. The alicorn groaned in her pleasure, clutching her fore-hooves to her chest. The colt nipped his flat pony teeth on the nub, causing the alicorn to cry out, then began panting heavily as Light sucked harder on the nipple, drawing out the magically created milk with gusto.

Long minutes passed with the white alicorn writhing upon the ivory silk sheets, teased and lovingly tormented by the mouth of the smaller pony. Lighthoof released his hold on her, cleaning his damp lips with his tongue once again, a few drops rolling down his chin to drip between Celestia's legs. Planting light kisses down her belly, between her thighs and onto her moist sex, Lighthoof's mouth found the fragrant mare very aroused. He rubbed his already damp muzzle into her fold, licking and sucking on anything his lips could find purchase. Celestia responded with moans and soft laughs of merry delight. Then the colt paused, raising his head, sticky from chin down a part of his neck from her juices. When their eyes met, the Princess gave him a warm smile that flicked to a gasp of surprise as the smaller pony pressed his hoof between her slit. He pushed firmly, rolling it side to side to coat it completely, while the steady pressure he applied allowed him to work his hoof an inch at a time inside of her. She flopped back her head, eyes closed and gave a whinny. Lighthoof laughed a bit, never before hearing the Princess make such an unladylike sound. More he pressed, rotating his hoof side to side as his mouth nipped at her inner leg, his free fore-leg wrapped around it to help keep the Princess from clamping down on his hoof. There was a slight wet pop and a bit of air made a rather humorous noise as the hoof slipped completely in. Celestia blushed as they shared an awkward laugh. Then, she was being slowly rutted by the limb between her thighs. In and out the arm moved, so much bigger than the member of the average pony, the Princess was crying out in pleasure after only a few minutes. As her noises of delight grew, so did the speed at which Lighthoof worked, till at last the beautiful Sun-Goddess bit her lip, squeezed shut her eyes and climaxed all down the probing limb. Stuck between the clenching walls of the alicorn, the pegasus could only watch and smile as Celestia rode out her orgasm.

In time, she relaxed enough where Lighthoof could slip his leg free of the larger pony, giving his hoof a bit of a cleaning with his tongue. He looked over the warm body of the alicorn, a sly mischievous smile upon his lips. Celestia fluttered open her eyes and glanced down as the colt raised up, resting his fore-hooves on each side of her. Below his belly, a rigid erection was as stiff as his wings, a pretty clear indicator that he was enjoying this as much as she. Awkwardly, he stepped forward on his hind-hooves, resting his stallion shaft between her thighs, the end of it pressing between the teased mounds on her belly. Without warning, the pony rocked his hips forward and back, letting his member stroke through her sleek white coat, damp from the attentions of his mouth. The Princess moaned softly, watching him rub himself so crudely against her body, causing a shiver of delight whenever an errant thrust brought the cock across a nipple. She gave the smaller colt a knowing smile, bringing her hind-legs together slightly, the thighs pressing against the stroking stallion-hood. Light gave a groan, feeling the warmth and tightness of the sleek coat on three sides. Celestia's horn glowed, and a field of light gold flickered and danced against the slowly flaring tip of the shaft, a little more of the field rubbed in tandem along the top of it and danced along his wings.

The combination of magic, exoticism of the situation and warmth of the Princess's body shortly overwhelmed the colt and in a grunt of excursion, his cock fully flared and began spurting his seed all over her chest and belly. He held rigid as his member emptied itself on the alicorn's body, he barely felt her hooves caressing his cheeks and neck while he rode out his own orgasm. Eventually, he softened and relaxed, stumbling over into her hind-hoof bringing them both face to face on their sides. Celestia stroked his mane a few times, leaning down to kiss his nose as the pegasus' eyes began to droop.

Lighthoof yawned. “I'm...sorry Princess. The trip over drained me a bit.”

“No, no my little pony. It was the most fun I've had in ages. Rest your head here with me.”

Lighthoof tried to mumble something to her, but she shushed his words, letting the colt drift off to sleep next to her. Then, the alicorn arced her head down to clean her belly of the sticky cum as the wall between her and the watchers solidified.

“So, dear Starstep, was it everything thou wished it to be?”

The wall become stone and Luna's words brought Star out of his dazed thoughts. “Huh? Oh um...” He met her eyes, a little nervous at her sly smile. “I...I guess. I learned a few things.”

“Didst thou? What if I was to say that my sister and I dost not share all of the same...fantasies? What if I said I didst not enjoy any of what she received?” Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

Star tapped his fore-hooves nervously. “Oh well, I wont do that then.”

Luna pressed a hoof to his lips. “I never said I did not enjoy such things. I only put forth the question of 'what-if'?”

The blue-grey colt pondered it for a moment, painfully aware of his still stiff wings and arousal he was hiding under his belly. However, he put those urges to the back of his mind to consider what Luna was hinting at. Then his expression brightened. “You're saying, that I shouldn't assume you'd like any of that but not to assume you don't. When the time comes, I should ask first.” Luna's nod and smile soothed his heart.

“Indeed. While tis true Tia and I hath explored much of the intimate delights in our lifetimes, it is not to say we'd both enjoy the same.” She paused, looking at the now solid wall. “Still...Tia's actions have me worried. I suspect we shalt have a talk with her later.”

“Later?” Star tilted his head. “If she's doing something that might hurt Light, why not now?”

The alicorn gave a soft laugh. “Oh, we could. However, later would be best. After thou hath also rested from thy trip.” She leaned down to nibble at his ear, making the pegasus give a little moan.

“ Um...” Her attentions were causing his just now relaxing wings to stiffen

“I hath decided to change my mind.” She nipped at his ear, her wing curling out to caress along his new black plumage. “Sit up upon thy haunches.”

Star blushed and looked away. “Ah...I'm sort of still...aroused from the show.”

A snap of magic on his flanks caused him to sit up hurriedly. His surprised eyes met the narrowed sly gaze of the blue alicorn. “Indeed. Thou hath said not a word about thy discomfort and remained quite the gentlecolt.” She reached out a hoof to stroke his cheek. “Thou hath remained steadfast in thy resolve to be my consort. Though thou may change thy mind when thou comes to see what things I enjoy behind closed doors. But that is a topic for another time.” She pulled his muzzle around, coaxing him to sit before her on his haunches. Still keeping her eyes on his, a hoof began to caress coolly down his rigid shaft.

“I do this because I wish it. If thou desires to receive such attentions in the future, know that thou must never presume I will do it again and never feel entitled to mine inmate touch. Dost thou understand?” The colt nodded quickly as the hoof rubbed down to fondle at his sack. “I am not so cold as to not know the fires of a young heart and of thou deep yearning. I seek only to temper thy wants so thou may keep them under control. Thou wilst obey me and do as I ask.” The sleek blue alicorn lowered her head, so the cool air from her nose washed across the twitching shaft. “ has been many an age since I hath done this.” She kissed the tip, making the pony moan. “Oh-ho. It appears mine touch still brings ecstasy.” She gave a soft laugh. “Dost thou wish to be revealed of thy...stiffness?”

“Y-yes, Luna.”

The alicorn licked her tongue along the tip, a trail of pre-cum threading off. “Oh, come now. I hath seen glimpses of thy dreams. I know what thou wishes to call me.” She leaned up to whisper in his ear as a magical field snapped his flank. “Say it...”

The colt shivered, closing his eyes to gather his courage, hoping beyond hope this wasn't another of Luna's games. “...Y-yes, Mistress.”

The alicorn laughed delightfully as the pony felt his breath catch. Then she was kissing him, sharing the slight salty taste of his pre. At last she pulled back, regarding him curiously. “Mmm...tis been beyond an age since I hath had a pony call me such. I find it...empowering.” She caressed his ear. “I shalt play along for now. For, I do not think thou knowest how such a relationship actually works.” She nibbled on his lips before returning her mouth to his shaft, licking and kissing the tip, while her cool hooves rubbed up and down the sides.

Luna teased him a bit, building up the colt's excitement before wrapping her lips around the head and bobbing up and down a bit, sucking hard on the shaft. Star's eyes rolled back and he gasped, the feeling of the alicorn was indescribable. Her tongue played along the top and sides while her muzzle slid him deeper and deeper into her muzzle till the tip was bumping the back of her throat. The pegasus groaned, quivering on his hooves while the beautiful blue mare brought him quickly to the edge. With all the early stimulus of the show and just the idea of being inmate with Luna, it was more than enough to shorten his longevity.

“M-Mistresss Luna, I...” He moaned through clenched teeth.

The alicorn pulled off his shaft with a wet pop, saliva and pre dribbling off her lips as she regarded him with a mix of curiosity and amusement. “Yes, Star?” Her hooves were rapidly stroking along the sides of his member while a magical field probed at his plot. It was too much and with a gasp, he climaxed, shooting his load in spurts of sticky seed all over Luna's chin and neck. Star was oblivious to much of everything, riding out his short orgasm. Panting, the colt opened his eyes to find the alicorn glaring at him, white strands sticking to her blue coat.

“OH...oh, Mistress, I'm sorry. I...all the excitement and you...and...” He gave a heavy sigh.

“Tis understandable, but one must learn better control. Now, always remember to clean thy messes.” She tilted her head up.

Catching the hint, the colt leaned out to lick his own cum from the alicorn's beautiful neck. It wasn't all together unpleasant, and he was of the mindset that if a mare doesn't mind to clean up his mess, he shouldn't either. The wonderful murmurs of delight from the Princess was more than enough to put aside his hesitations as he worked towards her face, gently cleaning her one lick at a time. Soon he found her fore-hooves wrapped around his back, pulling him close to her sleek body. When the last bit of his mess was cleaned, she embraced him tight and together they fell over on their sides.

“Thou did very well. Do as I ask, and a pleased mistress I shall be.”

“Can...I do anything for you?” Star whispered, nuzzling into her slightly damp neck fur.

“Neigh. Tis a lesson for another time, though your eagerness to please me is quite delightful.” She gave a little giggle and hugged him. “Let us rest for now. The evening may prove trying.”

“Mistress Luna...” Star began, cuddling close to the slightly larger pony. “I love you.”

The Moon-Goddess smiled to herself, resting her head against his. There was a long pause before she answered. “I loveth thou as well.”


Starstep and Luna rested in each others hooves through the day till late afternoon. After washing, and brushing out their coats, the pair trotted to the dining hall where Princess Celestia was already sitting at the head of a long table, reading a local newspaper. There were no other ponies in the old stone hall, just a crackling fire to ward the chill of the early evening. She looked up with a warm smile, pastel mane flowing as always. “Good evening you two. Sleep well?”

Luna slid onto a chair to the right of her sister, gesturing for Star to sit in the opposite one. “Indeed, Tia.” She smiled slyly. “I trust thou rest with Lighthoof was equally enjoyable?”

Celestia's smile faded fractionally. “Why sister, were you peeking?”

The blue alicorn pointed a hoof to Star. “Repayment for thy viewing of Starstep and Scootaloo in the gardens.”

The white alicorn's eyes shifted to the pegasus for a brief moment. “I suppose fair is fair.”

“Where is thy new consort, Tia?”

“When he left, he said he would be exploring the castle till sunset. I expect he'll be along shortly.” The Sun-Goddess levitated up a cup to sip at tea.

“What game art thou playing at, sister?”

“Game, Lu-lu?” She raised an eyebrow.

“Thou dost not love this pony.”

“I love all my little ponies, you should know that.” Another calm sip.

Princess Luna hesitated, searching her sister's face. “Thou art jealous. Thou art using this pony to soothe thy pangs of being alone.”

Celestia's floating cup quivered as her head whipped around to meet her sister's, eyes wide in outrage. “How dare you, Lu-lu.”

“I speak truth, do I not? Thou hath been on thy own since my banishment. No time for lovers or matters of the heart. Thou hath remained outside of the romantic trials of life for the last thousand years and now that I hath returned, thou sees Princess Cadance's happy marriage and mine own blossoming one.” The harsh words echoed in the empty hall.

A crackling fire was the only sound in the tense room till the white alicorn set down her tea cup with a gentle clink and composed her regal mask. “Sister, is it so wrong for me to want a little company, now that you've returned, my ruling burdens have lessened.”

“Tis wonderful that thou seeks companionship once again, but not like this. Thou art using this pony for instant gratification.”

A smirk flickered on Celestia's face. “He didn't seem too unhappy about it.”

“Tis wrong, sister! Thou art going to break a pony's heart!” Luna glared at her sister.

“Lu-lu, you wound me. You act like I'm going to toss dear Lighthoof aside. He's a wonderful pony with a big heart and so noble.”

“Thou acts as though tis only his heart on the line.” Luna hesitated. “Do not allow this to become another Starswirl incident.”

Starstep blinked at the name of the famous unicorn, watching Celestia's brow furrow. “Sister, how does that compare? Starswirl and I were lovers for a very long time. We were very happy with our relationship.”

“And was I, dear sister?” Luna narrowed her eyes.

“No, you had no one at that time...and...” Celestia frowned. “You started taking random ponies as lovers.” She sighed. “You were so mad that I didn't have time for you and sought comfort.”

“It dost appear the tables have turned, Tia. Dost thou wish for the horrible fall-out to repeat? Dost thou remember the two ponies who took their own lives when they realized I did not truly love them in that way? I wilst not let thou repeat mine mistakes.” Luna stood, walking around to nuzzle her sister. “Oh, Tia. Please do not think that I wish thou to be alone. I lovest thou very much. I...only desire not to allow my mistakes to become thou's. Be honest with Lighthoof...for all our sakes, my dearest sister.” She kissed the white alicorn on the cheek just as there was a knock on the door. “I suspect that is him. I shalt take Starstep to town for dinner. Have Lighthoof join us at the fountain square at midnight.”

Starstep tried to ignore the silent tears that were rolling down Celestia's cheeks. He felt very uncomfortable seeing such a sad side to the normally warm and majestic Princess. His own Princess nodded for him to follow, walking at his side towards the dining room door. She swung it open with her magic relieving a rather surprised Lighthoof. Star gave his friend a sad smile and looked back towards the quietly weeping alicorn. “Hey Light. She needs you, bro. We'll see you later.”

Light's face shifted from surprise, to confusion, to despair as he rushed passed the departing ponies to the Sun-Goddess' side as the door quietly swung shut behind them.

The pair walked the stone hall, lit only by flickering torches and the setting sun slipping through the gaping holes that served as windows. After a while, Luna gave a heavy sigh. “Tis as I feared. I could see it within her eyes. She's lonely, only she's not been able to admit it to herself until Cadance and I reminded her through our actions.”

“That whole Starswirl thing...” Star began.

“I mean no disrespect, my dear Shadow-Guard, but I wish not to speak more upon it. Twas a troubling time and I caused much hurt. Sometimes, we who live so long, forget parts of our lives, and must relearn a harsh lesson. I will never repeat that mistake.”

“...which is why you're so cautious with the whole courting thing.” He looked up at the Princess who only gave him a smile for an answer.

“Thou knowst thy friend well. How dost thou believe he wilst respond?”

The pair exited the hall into the courtyard leading to the main gates. “Ah well, he'll be more concerned with Princess Celestia's happiness than his own. He loves both of you as much as he loves protecting ponies.” He glanced back at the main section of the old fortress. “Problem is...unless she cuts him off, he's going to keep trying to be there for her. Just because he probably feels like he should. Not because he loves her like I love you.”

Luna nodded thoughtfully. “I feared as much. Tis why Tia chose him to relieve her loneliness. She may never truly love him as a lover should be. Dost thou feel this will cause an issue?” They passed under the shadow of the portcullis and into the cobblestone streets of the strange industrial town. Lantern-lighters were trotting down the sides of the street, igniting the wicks of the street-lamps as the last glimmers of the setting sun faded.

“No...I'm more afraid of what's going to happen between him, Sherry and Peach Blossom. I'll try and talk him out of it but...”

“Thou dost not hold out hope of swaying him from what he sees as his duty. Am I correct?” The colt nodded. She gave a soft sigh and a sad smile. “One way or another, my dear Shadow-Guard. Things will come to a conclusion.” Luna paused in her trotting, Starstep halting beside her as her wings flared out and horn glimmered a blinding blue for a moment. “Apologizes, needed to start the moon on it's path.” She refolded one wing, the other draped over Starstep. “Now, let us attend to our bellies and enjoy what this city has to offer before we meet Lighthoof. I also hear they have a thing called Karaoke, though I am told it requires heavy drinking before attempting.”

As the two trotted down the street towards the restaurant section of town, Star grinned up at the blue alicorn. “I love drinking with you Princess, as long as you promise my wings wont get burnt off this time.”

The alicorn laughed lightly, swatting Star rump with her wing. “No promises my dear. Though I'm certain the evening will pass without life-threatening dangers. Now come! Let us eat, drink and be merry! Huzzah!”

“Huzzah!” Star echoed, following Luna's lead into the shadowy city.

Chapter XXXIX

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XXXIX

By Indigo Eclipse

As Starstep trotted at Luna's side, her silky blue wing draped over his back, he noted the contrast of buildings in the city. It wasn't uncommon to see an old-world wood and stone cottage tucked between modern shops or some sort of factory. Steam-stacks rose high into the sky, dwarfing the ancient oaks that dotted the sides of the streets. Bright lights and laughter rolled from pubs, scores of ponies and griffons ending their work shifts, lined up at the low-scale delis and various corner food carts. Another thing Star found interesting, was that the population here was easily 2 to 1 in favor of the Griffons, yet the city was officially on the Equestrian side of the border. Oddly enough, most of the griffons still sported their status color stripes, painted upon their breasts, though not all of them did so.

“Princess?” He spoke up after passing a pair of non-striped griffons, chatting with what he assumed was a pleasure pony on the porch of a business with a bright neon sign declaring it the “Lovers Nest”. The Alicorn glanced down at him, curious at his query, a hint of a smile upon her lips. “Why are there so many griffons here? And how come most of them aren't wearing the stripes? I know it's a border town but...” He trailed off.

“There art some amongst their society that prefer the more...accepting way of life we offer for Equestrian citizens. Some of them have applied to become official subjects. Others simply enjoy the combined work opportunities available here. The Griffon Kingdoms are very...competitive with one another and as such, they rarely work together towards a common goal.”

Star nodded, pondering upon that knowledge for a moment as they entered a section of town bustling with evening patrons. The lights were brighter here along with an air of financial well being. A few of the passing ponies gave respectful nods to the blue alicorn, a few even bowed with proclamations of 'long may she reign'. To Star's surprise, one young female griffon did so as well. She thanked Luna for letting her be a citizen, telling a story of oppression in her tiny village deep in old griffon country. The Princess gave her warmest smile, yet stood with all the grace and bearing of a thousands year old ruler, listening thoughtfully to the tale. When it was finished she welcomed the griffon, placing a her crystal hoof upon her shoulder and bid her good fortunes. Then off the pair continued down the street to a quieter section of the city.

Luna paused for a moment, bringing her companion to a halt. “My dear Shadow-Guard. Where I desire to dine this evening, is...unusual.” Her eyes twinkled, her voice was warm. “As we grow closer, thou art to remember that a ruler is always being judged by the public. It is not to say that we cannot enjoy ourselves amongst others, but that in some ways we must maintain a certain public image. Dost thou understand?”

The blue-grey pegasus gave a curt nod. “In other words, you love me, but I'm officially on duty when I'm your escort.”

The alicorn leaned in to kiss his cheek and whisper coolly in his ear. “I dost love thou.” She gave a little giggle at his faint blush, then turned to trot onwards, leaving the colt to catch up to the long-legged pony's gait.

At last, the pair arrived before a rather ancient looking building. Ionic pillars held up an intricately carved wooden ceiling framing the entryway. A pair of double doors made entirely of colored stained glass and bound by a silvery metal were guarded by a pair of griffons in tight tuxedo vests, dull stripes adorned their chest, the color difficult to see in the flickering candle-light of the small chandelier above their heads. Star noticed the two griffons exchange confused expressions as the Princess led him right up to the front door.

The larger of the two guards raised an eye-brow as he stepped forward, blocking the entrance. “My apologies uh...” He noted her horn and wings, then the regalia of her crown, slippers and torque. “Princess Luna. I'm not sure you have the right place.”

Star bit his tongue and remained her shadow for the moment as the alicorn drew herself up, intimidation rolling from her sleek and regal form. “I am quite certain I hath the correct establishment. Is this not the famed Black Talon restaurant? I should be most displeased if I was misinformed of it's location.”

“This is the Black Talon.” The larger griffon stated. It was then that Star noticed that there were no signs on the building and all the windows were also of colored stained glass. He could make out shadows of figures, but could not see the actual dining patrons within.

Luna's expression hardened as she glared down at the griffon in her way. “Then by what rights dost though impede mine entry?”

The larger griffon began to cringe away from the withering stare as his companion came to his rescue. “I'm very sorry Princess. He didn't mean any disrespect. We're suppose to warn pony-kind that this kind of dining establishment does not really cater to their diets.”

The alicorn's cold gaze shifted to the speaker. “I am quite aware of what thou consumes behind these doors. Art thou saying I cannot be a patron here? Within mine own kingdom?”

The griffon paled. “O-of course not, Princess Luna. Never. I uh...Are you sure you want to eat here? I mean, it's-” The alicorn narrowed her eyes, cutting his words off. Then, with a quick glance at his fellow guard, they gripped the silvery handles in their claws and pulled open the double doors. “Welcome to the Black Talon, Princess Luna and consort. May your dining experience meet your expectations.” He said in practiced tones.

With a toss of her head, ethereal mane shifting in the breeze, she trotted in, crystal slippers clicking on the polished stone floor as Star followed quietly behind her. The first room held only a podium with a rather confused looking female griffon. Her station just to the side of another pair of stained glass double doors. She watched Luna enter, eyebrow raised, which climbed up her forehead at the sight of Starstep. “W-Welcome to the Black Talon. How may I assist yew?” Her accent was thick and slightly slurred to Star's ears.

Princess Luna gave the griffon a faint nod. “A table for two.”

The female gave a fake apologetic smile. “Oy, I do apologize. We are reservation only.”

“I am quite aware. Tis under Starstep.”

The griffon nervously tapped a talon on the podium as she scanned her lists. “Ah...well...yes. I do see that here.” She looked up at the pair, her eyes mostly falling on the larger pony. Star could swear she was praying on the inside that there was some kind of mistake. Seconds ticked by, and Luna made no move to depart. “Well, allow me to show yew to 'oar table then.” She pulled a pair of menus from a shelf behind her, tucking them into her wing before opening the door for the ponies. “After yew.”

As Star followed Luna, his nose wrinkled at the unusual smell that filled the air. It wasn't necessarily unpleasant, but had him feeling a little uncomfortable. A quick glance at the Princess, revealed she was still wearing her regal mask and bearing, so he did his best to follow her example. The interior was not brightly lit, only chandeliers and lanterns upon each table, lighting the massive dining room. The hostess led the pair towards the back of the restaurant, the conversation when they had entered was lively, now it stilled and hushed whispers rolled outwards from the aisles as the blue alicorn calmly walked amongst the all-griffon diners. Star summoned up his parade-guard training, calming his nerves to still his face and twitch in his belly. Long moments later and the pair were seated at a simple table, covered with a black table-cloth, a single lantern flickering in the center. The two menus were placed in front of them before the hostess quickly excused herself.

Star ignored the odd looks the pair were getting from surrounding tables, opening his padded menu to focus on the rigid printing inside. “'s all in Griffon.” He glanced up to notice a hint of a smile on Luna's face. The faint shadows of the dining hall hid it from the others, but he knew that look.

“It is indeed. If thou dost not protest, I shalt order for thou.”

“Sure, Princess. I can make out some of the words...” His brows furrowed as he tried to recall his old lessons in the Griffon language. “Parmesan...Cockatrice?” He shook his head. “No, that's not right.”

“And not all together wrong either. Thou art close. Tis Parmesan Chicken.”

He gave a little grimace and studied the next one. “Huh...what's 'Veal'?”

“Meat of a young calf.” Luna answered while she browsed her own menu. She flicked her eyes up and gave a slight smirk at Star's slightly sickened expression, then she turned a page with her crystal hoof, looking back down at the menu. “If thou art uncomfortable, thou hath my permission to depart.”

“No, no Princess. I'll be ok.” Star said firmly, swallowing his natural revolution at the mental image of eating a calf. He took a moment to glance about the dining hall. Even with only low light, he noticed every diner was eating some form of meat. Sure, there were greens and vegetables here and there, but this was clearly a carnivore's restaurant.

Eventually, an older female griffon approached the table followed by a younger one. The smaller set a pair of water filled glasses on the table before scurrying off. The remaining griffon studied them for a moment. As she looked at Starstep, he caught a glimpse of curiosity and maybe even a hint of approval in her eyes. Quick as the wind her attention was turned to the regal alicorn. She gave a little curtsey, a faint dip of the wing-tips. “Good evening, Princess Luna. My name is Orangefeather Sasha. I must say I was quite surprised to discover you dining with us this evening.” Star noticed eight bright orange stripes on her plumage, marking her at least mid to mid-high amongst her kind. Her voice was smooth as silk. Practiced and refined without the usual slight slurs that beaks gave their kind. “I apologize that I do not have more fair to offer pony-kind, as I created this restaurant to give Griffons a bit of...home away from home.”

Luna turned her head to smile at Sasha, closing the menu with a hoof. “Oh no, dost not apologize. I think it a delightful concept and only wish we had the same for ponies visiting the Griffon Kingdoms. Art thou here to take our orders?”

An amused smile curved at the edges of the griffon's beak. “I'd be delighted to. Consider your meal on the house. Now, what may we prepare for you and your-” She glanced at Star, that same curiosity glimmering in her eyes. “-handsome consort?”

Luna pulled the menu from Star's hooves with her magic, stacking it upon the other before handing them to Sasha. “We shall begin with the grand salad with the olive oil mixture as a dressing. Please be sure to not neglect the tomatoes.”

A triumphant, knowing smile graced the griffon's face. “Of course. And for dessert?”

Now it was Luna's turn to smile, though Star instantly recognized the mischief twinkling in her eyes. “Dessert? I hath not declared our entree. For that, I wish a double order of the Parmesan Chicken with tomato red-sauce upon the pasta side.” Star struggled to hold a calm expression and succeeded. It became an even sweeter triumph as he watched the griffon's face fail to hold back her shock and surprise. However, she recovered rather quickly, a hesitant, awkward smile on her face.

“I'm...sorry, Princess. Perhaps I misheard. You did say Parmesan Chicken, am I correct?” She emphasized the chicken word rather firmly.

“I did indeed. Please ensure that the crusts are thick. I rather enjoy the breading. I should also like a bottle of thy best red wine.” She turned her head, ignoring the bewildered owner till Sasha came to her senses and gave a curt nod.

“Of course, Princess. We'll make your meal to perfection.” Then she spun on her lion paws and marched towards the kitchens with all the dignity she could muster.

Starstep looked into the eyes of the beautiful alicorn across from him. Those shining cyan wells that danced in merriment despite the regal calm face she wore. Though he felt confused and worried about being fed chicken, something about the mischievous smirk playing at the corner of her mouth dulled the anxiety that gnawed at him.

Shortly thereafter, the salads and red wine arrived. The server popped the cork, handing it to Luna for her approval. She sniffed it's damp end and nodded curtly to the young griffon. Star noticed her talons were shaking slightly as she poured, so he reached out a hoof to rest upon a claw, giving her his best reassuring smile. The griffon gave a nervous smile in return, but seemed more calm as she continued to pour. She left the bottle and departed, leaving the pair to their wine and salads. Star found it to be surprisingly good. A mixture of lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, tiny broccoli crowns, black olives and little radishes. Luna was even kind enough to allow him to have her radishes. Then he sipped the wine and grimaced. It was very very strong, rich with flavors he couldn't identify though he detected a hit of oak.

Luna was sipping her own, held in her blue field. She smiled around the crystal rim of the glass before returning it to the table. “Tis not up to thy standards?”

“Oh, it's fine Princess. I just...I've always been more of a hard cider pony.” He gave it another taste, finding the second time less shocking. “It's not bad, just...different.”

“Indeed.” She swirled the red liquid around in her glass. “Tis satisfactory, though I doth crave wine from the era before the moon incident. Alas, a thousand year old wine is quite difficult to find.”

“And probably tastes awful.” Star smirked.

Luna giggled lightly. “Very true. They doth become quite undrinkable after a few hundred years.” She paused, meeting his eyes with a sly smile. “Unlike alicorns.” Star could only look away and blush slightly at the joke.

At last the salads were finished and the plates taken away. Immediately a cart rolled up, pushed by a rather fat male griffon, a white chef's had upon his head, followed by Sasha. “Princess Luna, I wish to introduce you to our head chef, Bluefeather Gustave. The chef gave a polite nod, pulling the metal lid off the cart, revealing a pair of plates with the entrees. The fat griffon picked the plates up with towels in his claws, sliding them before the two ponies.

“I h've put mah heart and soul into thees meal. I have naver before cooked 'or a Princess, so 'ou have honored me. Please, I should hope it meets 'our expectations.” He gestured to the plates. “Please, please, taste it and tell me if it is right. If it is not up to 'oar standards, I shall create it ah'gin.”

Star stared down at the plate. The side of pasta with tomato sauce, garnished with a sprig of rosemary did not concern him. It was the large, pan-fried, breaded chicken under a red sauce and cheese that churned his stomach. He'd eaten many things that looked exactly like this dish, but the knowledge of what laid under the breading made all the difference. He glanced up at the Princess, who was smiling at him. A faint twinkle in her eyes warned him that she was up to something.

“Oh, I doth believe thy portion is larger than mine own, dear Starstep.” Without another word, her magic enveloped both plates, there was a flash of blue and the meals swapped positions. The chef and owner shrugged at each other, still standing at the table side to see if the meal met their approval. Then, the alicorn levitated her fork, cut off a piece, and placed it into her mouth. Star could only watch in internal disbelief as she chewed, closing her eyes as she apparently savored it's flavor. His ears picked up a soft collective gasp from the nearby tables at the Princess of the Night feasted on chicken. “Oh, tis quite delightful. Starstep, do try it.” She gestured with a crystal hoof at him.

It was then that the chef and owner turned towards him. Both seemed already stunned by the alicorn, but somehow the thought of a normal pony eating such fair intrigued them. He could feel the eyes of the crowd burning into his back. Thankfully he wrestled down the anxiety in his gut, maintaining a noble bearing to suit a royal escort. Noting Luna watching him across the flickering lantern, he again caught sly expression and the faintest of nods. Carefully, he scooped the fork into his hoof and awkwardly cut a piece of the Parmesan chicken. After stabbing the piece, he brought it to his lips and hesitated, the smell of herbs and spices making his mouth water despite what the meal was suppose to be. With a silent prayer to his Princess, he ate it, chewing quickly, his tongue trying hard to avoid touching the food.

While Luna had caused gasps, his eating the dish caused hushed whispers to break out in a frenzy. As he chewed, he caught sight of Orangefeather Sasha watching him intently, eagle eyes drawing down as she slid her tongue along the edge of her beak. He suddenly felt like prey under that predatory gaze. Doing his best to ignore her, he suddenly realized he actually found the flavor of the food to be good. Really good. In fact, it reminded him of another dish he'd had. It was about then that the realization hit him and his eyes found Luna's. She smirked and nodded as though knowing his thoughts. He swallowed and looked to the owner and chef. “It's fantastic.”

The chef beamed at them. “Oui oui ! It iz not a fancy dish, but I am oh so pleased to 'ave make ze Princess and 'er consort happy! I shall make a chocolate moose just for 'ou to share, oui? Please, enjoy the rest of 'oar meal.” With that, the chef wheeled the cart away, the owner lingered for a moment more, flicking her eyes from Luna to Star, then gave her best smile before walking off, leaving the two ponies to enjoy their meal.

Luna wasted no time getting started, her fork curling in the pasta as the knife sliced up the Parmesan. She smiled across the table at him, warm and loving. Star had to fight the urge to stiffen his wings at the emotions that poured from that expression. While he was distracted, the Princess levitated her knife over to slice up his 'chicken' as well. “I knowth how awkward dining with griffon tools can be when one has no magic.”

“Thank you, Princess.” He began to eat, glancing around for a moment when no griffon was looking then smirked at her, mouthing the word 'Eggplant' to which she nodded ever so faintly before sipping her wine.

The entree went much faster than he'd expected. The knowledge that it wasn't chicken made the meal all the more delightful. The chocolate moose was brought out afterwards, a single bowl with a single spoon. Star blinked at it confused until the Princess giggled. She reached out to rest a crystal hoof upon his own. “It appears thy studies of Griffon culture did not touch upon their eating traditions.” Her cheeks were slightly flushed from the wine, and Star himself felt a little warm from his nose to his hooves.

“I uh, no Princess. I haven't.” He was fishing through his napkin for another eating utensil when her hoof pressed firmly upon his, causing him to look up into her cyan eyes. She gently shook her head.

“One spoon is more than enough, dear Starstep.” Her magic lifted a spoonful of the brown, thick dessert up and towards him. He eyes glanced around, noting more than a few griffons watching, yet here the Princess of the Night was trying to spoon feed him.

“Uhh...Princess. They're watching us.” he hissed softly.

“They art indeed. Now open, before thou finds a spoon inserted into thy nostril.” He could feel the wine and awkwardness heating up his cheeks as he opened his mouth. The magic held spoon dipped in and he closed his lips around it, tasting the rich chocolate dance on his taste-buds.

“Mmm...” He pulled the spoon from his muzzle. “That's some really good stuff. Don't you want any?”

“Indeed. I cannot allow thou to indulge in all of the dessert. Tis thy turn.” She grinned mischievously.

“Uh...wait.” He glanced around, noting even more griffons were watching, most of them smiling. Yet the Princess was waiting expectantly. With an internal sigh and a chuckle at Luna's idea of 'public appearances' he awkwardly grasped the spoon in his hoof, filled it with the moose and leaned over the table to jab the side of Luna's open mouth with the spoon. She laughed at the dab of chocolate and winked at him before opening her mouth for him to try again. And so he did, feeding the blue alicorn a spoonful and admiring the way her lips closed around the metal. His eyes drifted up to hers and a shiver ran through him. She was beaming joy and approval at him with such intensity, that he only caught his wings from drifting up after a few inches. Spoon after spoon, they exchanged tastes of the dessert. It wasn't a very fast process, but thankfully the bowl was rather small. After a while, he stopped caring about the griffons that would glance their way, more interested in the happy Luna across from him.

At last, the meal finished and with a final farewell to Sasha, they departed the Black Talon, warmed and a little buzzed from the wine, with bellies and hearts filled to contentment. Down the cobblestone street they walked at a leisurely pace, the Princess leaning up against his side, so he returned the gesture, enjoying the coolness of her coat.

“Princess...” He began after a quick glance around to ensure they were alone.

“Mmm, yes my dear Starstep?”

“You switched our meals to Eggplant, right?” She nodded. “Where'd the chicken go?”

The alicorn gave a soft smile. “Even here there are those less fortunate. Around the corner, there is a homeless Griffon joyful that his hunger was sated for one evening.”

“Where'd the Eggplant come from?” The look that Luna gave him answered his own question. “Right, magic.” He smirked and playfully nuzzled into her neck as they continued down the lantern-lit street. “What was with the one spoon thing at the end?”

The Princess tilted her head slightly so her neck pressed into his nuzzling. “Tis tradition amongst mates in the griffon kingdoms to share their desserts with one another. A form of bonding and to show confidence in their relationship to others.”

Star almost tripped on a cobblestone, thankful for Luna's support against his side. “But, we're not...mates.” He almost choked on the word. “In fact, they kept calling us consorts all night and you never denied it.”

Her head turned to catch his eyes in her own. A look of mirth danced in their endless depths. She led him to a fountain at the center of the town square. A few griffons passed by at the fringes of the shadows, generally ignoring the pair as the alicorn pushed him up against the edge of the fountain's cement basin. “Perhaps not yet.” She leaned down to kiss him before her hoof pressed against her feather and his chest beneath. “But to them, this token between us marks us as such. Sometimes it is best to allow others to believe what they wish.”

The blue-grey pegasus leaned up to kiss her, feeling the cool touch of her lip turn against his so their mouths parted slightly. Upon impulse and a belly full of wine, he pressed out his tongue, gasping when her own met it half-way. Slowly, hesitantly, his tongue rubbed and curled with hers while they held the kiss. She was gentle with him, guiding his fumbling till at last she pulled back, a strand of saliva connecting their lips till it thinned and snapped.

Star staggered about a little, a smile of absolute joy upon his lips as he sought to catch his breath. He looked up at her warm, yet playful smile. “I...I want to be your mate, Princess.”

She giggled, reaching out a hoof to caress his cheek as she leaned down to nuzzle his nose. “Patience my dear Starstep. Remember to temper thyself.” She grinned and gestured with a hoof towards his rigidly stiff wings. “Good things come to those that wait.” She gave him another kiss, long and lingering, again allowing him to use his tongue to touch hers. At last they parted, leaving the colt breathless again. “Thou hath done very well this evening. I am pleased at how thou handled thyself at the restaurant. It could hath gone quite badly.”

“What was that all about anyway? Why the deception with the meal?”

The alicorn smirked. “Thou knowest the answer already.” She gestured at the clock high on a structure that towered above the square. “Come, we hath a few hours yet to fill before our meeting with Lighthoof.” With that, the alicorn trotted off, leaving the pegasus slightly confused.

A few minutes later found the pair at a large crowded pub, dancing to strange local music, bumping into each other and the other patrons. But despite their lack of skill at the folk-dance, it was incredibly joyful to revel in the music with the ponies and griffons. Most were simple factory workers, off from their day shift, enjoying a pint before bed. The rest were a mixture of small shop owners and farmers in from the fields. As they danced and drank the local beer, Star noticed how open and friendly these citizens were around their Princess. They all knew who she was, and respected her, yet were not afraid to let loose and have a good time around her. Gone were the trappings of ceremony and that underlying current of worship that the other side of the pond seemed to have.

His thoughts were shaken when a filly bumped into his rump during the dancing, sending them both sprawling to the ground. The surrounding dancers laughed and gave them room as Star sought to disentangle his limbs from the other. She was a brown unicorn with sandy colored mane and tail. Her bright green eyes met his and smiled.

“Well, 'ello love. Fancy runnin' into you 'ere.” She got to her hooves and assisted him to his.

Star tilted his head in confusion, trying to place where he'd met her when Luna appeared beside them, breathless from the dancing. “Oh, good evening Sandy.” She shouted over the music. “Tis delightful to see thou enjoying thy time off. Care to join us for a drink?” She gestured with her head towards an unused booth towards the back. Together the three wove their way through the dancers and settled into the ragged padded seats. It was a bit of a tight fit for the alicorn, the booth clearly made for normal sized ponies. A waitress slipped up, dropped off three ales and scurried away to leave the three alone. The pegasus glanced from Luna to Sandy.

“I'm...sorry, I don't remember you.”

The unicorn laughed, loud and pleasantly. “Oh, aye. I've no doubt. Uniform magic being what it is.”

“Ah, you're a Sun-Guard at the fort.” He sipped his ale and his lips twisted at the bitterness.

“Right yah are, love.” She made a toasting gesture towards Luna and tipped back her mug. Star watched in amazement as the unicorn drained the entire glass in one go. She gestured the empty container towards the bar to catch their attention before turning back to the other two. She stuck out a hoof that Star shook. “I been with tha Spurlin guard going on...eight years?” She let loose a little belch and blushed as her hoof covered her muzzle. “Sorry 'bout that, Princess.”

The alicorn laughed lightly. “Tis quite alright.” She sipped the ale and Star caught the faintest of frowns on her lips. Regal as always, the Princess calmly set the glass down and smiled to the unicorn. “In thy honest opinion, how has Spurlin been these last few years? Most importantly, anything different in the last few months?”

The unicorn paused, hoof tapping her chin in thought till the waitress brought her a new mug. She took a swig, still staring at the ceiling in thought. At last she returned her bright green eyes to the Princess. “Well...for the most part, it's been quite pleasant with a few rough spots. Culture clashes and such. Nothin' we guard can't handle.” She said with pride. “Mah best mates are griffons, and we do our best to soothe any rowdy gits. Workin' as mixed species, no one can claim we're playin' favorites.” She took another swig, her eyes lingered on Star for a long moment before returning her attention to the alicorn.

“There has right been an issue o' late. There's whispers ah some kind of griffon only cult trying to recruit in the city. Nasty pieces ah work I'm told. Mah best mate, Isaak, he was approached by one just tha other day. Told me this group is trying to promote griffon superiority or some nonsense. I never 'ave figured out why one species has to feel better than another. We all in this life together. Why not eat, drink, rut and be merry.” She paled a little as she realized what she said to the alicorn and cleared her throat. “Er, uh. Sorry. Habits, Princess.”

Luna just smiled and gave a soft chuckle. “Tis quite alright. Though many try to hide our base instincts behind walls of lace and culture, in the end, we all enjoy those very same things.”

Sandy raised an eyebrow before a grin crept up on her lips. “Yah know, Princess. I really like you. You get it.” She raised her glass in another mock toast. “To Princess Luna.” Star raised his own glass and repeated her call of praise, then together they drank to the blue alicorn, who could only laugh at Star's cringing expression when the after-taste hit him.

An hour later, they bid Sandy a good evening and wandered back out onto the streets. Only a short time before midnight, the two calmly walked, leaning against each other as the chill of the night crept down the industrial streets. The soft click of her slippers and clops of his hooves echoing on the stone and mortar walls.

“Thou could haveth her, thou knowst?” Luna broke the silence.

The pegasus blinked and turned his eyes to her. “Who? Sandy?”

She did not confirm it, only a playful smirk on her lips. “She can be quite the submissive type.” She leaned down to whisper in his ear, her cool breath rushing across the sensitive skin. “Bind her in bridle and bit. Perhaps a saddle tight around her waist.” Her tongue teased at the edge of his ear. “A spreader bar between her legs, tail pulled up high for thy pleasure.” Her sultry voice ran a chill down his spine. She nipped his ear lightly, drawing forth a gasp. “And she-” Luna began softly, light kisses planted around his quivering ear. “-She would enjoy every moment of her strong colt having his way with her. Playing with her horn, using crops and paddles and terrible teasing toys of delight.” She nuzzled his neck. “Just think of how many times thou could make thy mare climax. Just-” She kissed his nick, “For-” She licked it. “Thou.” She hissed the word seductively before biting the colt. He groaned then jerked away to scramble a few feet to the side, gasping for air, his wings stiff on his back.

“Enough, enough. I can't handle it, Princess.” He was trying to hide his arousal with his limbs.

She laughed, clear and bright as her moon overhead. “Oh, my dear, dear Starstep. Perhaps we shall see how well thou, 'handles it'”

A pony cleared their throat off to the side, bringing Star's head around sharply, Luna simply smiled at Star as she spoke. “A good evening to thou, Lighthoof.” Then she tilted her head slightly to look at the other pegasus.

“Ah...I can come back, Princess.”

“No, no. Tis quite alright. We've just been...” She grinned wickedly. “Enjoying the evening.”

Star managed to mentally calm himself and clear his mind before standing to greet his brother in arms. “Sorry about the scene, Light.” He hesitated. “How's uh...Princess Celestia?” He shot Luna a venomous glare, she returned a mischievous smirk.

“She's fine, dude. Just a little lonely.” He glanced at the two others and chuckled. “If you two put on shows like that all the time, it's no wonder she's getting a little...jealous.”

Luna and Star shared a glance. The blue-grey pegasus took a deep breath. “I'm not sure how to say it know she's using you, right?”

The tan pony nodded. “Yeah, bro. I know.” He glanced over his shoulder at the faint silhouette of the fortress off on the horizon. “She doesn't really have anyone else. I mean, it's not like she's trying to fool me about it or anything.”

“How are Sherry and Peach Blossom going to handle this?”

Lighthoof grimaced. “Yeah...I'm not sure how that's going to go.”

The goddess of the night stepped up to draw the two ponies into her wings. “Dear, Lighthoof. Know that my sister does love thou, as she loves all her ponies. I wish I could say she was not using you to soothe her own needs...but that would be false.” She hesitated. “If thou continues to fulfill her desires, she will never let thou goeth. However, I do not expect she will ever come to love thou as I love Starstep.”

The tan pegasus looked away. “What are you saying, Princess?”

“My suggestion, is that thou doth not continue this, and instead seek to assist her in finding real love, instead of using thou.”

He looked up at her, disappointment and a hint of anger in his eyes. “Now wait a minute. Are you saying I should just ignore your sister? Who's to say she wont love me in time?”

“I hath known my sister for many an age. We know each other very well and I know that thou wilst not fulfill her needs in a real companion. I am sorry, but tis the truth. Thou dost not love her as thou loves thy two mares who wait patiently for thy return home.”

Star could feel the sting of truth reflected in his friend's eyes, but there was also stubbornness. “Look, Light. Brother.” The last word caught the other pegasi's attention. “I'm still learning this whole relationship thing got a really good thing with Sherry and Peach Blossom. Those two want to be with you. Why throw it away just to please the Princess?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” Light frowned. “I don't see you with Scootaloo.” The words burned in Star's chest for a moment. The tan pegasus sighed. “Besides. It's my duty to keep the Princesses happy.” His eyes flicked to Luna. “All of them.” He cleared his throat. “Is this why we're meeting out here at midnight? To yap about relationships?”

Luna gave a soft sigh and a sad smile as her wings withdrew. “Neigh.” She looked around to ensure they were alone in the square. Then her horn glowed blue, surrounding the fountain in her field for a moment. There was a soft rumbling under their hooves as the fountain rose, revealing a doorway and spiraling stairs into the earth, lit by bio-luminescent mushrooms.. “Proceed, my Night-Guards.” With a shrug, the two colts trotted down the stone stairs with Luna right on their tails. A rumbling above told Star that the way out was sealed. Down into the depths the stairs drove, until at last it opened up into a small carved stone room with a steel door at the end. Luna passed by the two of them to rap her crystal hoof on the metal. It echoed loudly in his ears, shattering the stillness and the oppressive weight of the earth the pegasi began to feel. A slit opened on the door, then closed just as quick. Many whirls and clicks later and the massive steel door swung wide for the group to enter.

Star glanced around the busy interior, filled with mostly ponies and a sprinkling of griffons. It reminded him of the headquarters command room back in Canterlot. Soft chatter between the hundred or so individuals came to a halt as they realized they were in the presence of the Princess. Star gave Light a glance and they came to attention at her side, becoming her escorts.

“Good evening to thee, Night-Guards. Lieutenants, please gather thy notes and meet me in the briefing rooms. We have much to discuss.”

Chapter XL (*)

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XL

By Indigo Eclipse

Starstep and Lighthoof stood at Luna's sides, doing their best to look professional under the scrutinizing eyes of the assembled lieutenants. The faint dizziness from the drinking earlier in the evening wasn't helping Star much. The small meeting room was cramped, mostly taken up by the large red oak business table, which Luna sat at the head of in her over-sized chair. Five ponies and three griffons were in attendance, four on each side of the table, their attention on the alicorn while the soft buzz of the command center resonated through the glass windows. With a flick of her magic, Luna shut the blinds, leaving them closed off in the flickering lantern light.

Star took the quiet moment to study the other Night-Guards. One griffon was female, while four of the five ponies were. Two unicorns, two earth and one pegasus. The one colt was a sturdy looking dark grey earth pony who rivaled Big Mac's size. The griffons did not wear status stripes, so he wasn't sure at their standing, yet one look at the female griffon and he knew who was dominate here. Her beak was chipped at the end, three silver studs in it's side along with a silver ring through an eyebrow, sporting a wicked scar across her forehead.

The Princess gestured to the ponies at her side. “My Night-Guards from Canterlot. Lighthoof and Starstep. It should be noted that Starstep is my Shadow-Guard.” More than few eyebrows lifted and he found the female griffon studying him intently. Star willed himself to remain rigid under her intense gaze, swallowing the nervousness tingling in his gut. “They art to be trusted completely and nothing held back in their presence.” She glanced at the two colts. “Starstep, Lighthoof. The same should be said of these eight. They art the leaders of my Secret Service on this side of the ocean and should be respected as such.”

She started pointing down the left side. “The ponies art as follows. Sunspot, Dazzle, Shimmer, Bluebell, and Thundermane.” The five ponies nodded in turn. “The griffons art full citizens of Equestria and work diligently with the griffon kingdoms as semi-ambassadors in matters of security. Kurt and Leon.” The two males nodded. “And Lady Tatyana.” The fierce looking griffon bowed her head in greeting. “Introductions aside, let us proceed to the matter at hoof.” She looked to the female griffon. “Tatyana, thou spoke of another attack yesterday, dost thou now have a full report?”

The lady bobbed her head, her white feathered crest lifting slightly. “I do, your highness.” Her voice was sharp and cold. “A village on the griffon side of the border was raided and razed. We suspect it is the same group as the previous attacks, or at least a copy-cat.” She frowned. “Sixteen griffon deaths, including five hatchlings and three broodmothers. There was....also a mare living there illegally with one of the males. She too was found dead.”

“How did they die?” Luna asked, cool and collected in her monstrous chair.

“Hearts pulled out. Just like the other griffon killings.” The male griffons shifted uneasily in their chairs, the ponies wore a mixture of expressions from disgust to anger. “The mare was an earth-pony and apparently gifted with a quick death by talon to the jugular.” She glanced at one of the males at her side before turning her gaze to the Princess. “We...suspect her lover did it to spare her a gruesome fate. A lover's death.”

The Princess shook her head sadly. Noting that Tatayan was finished, she looked to one of the unicorn mares. “Dazzle, doth thou have a report of the attack on our side of the border during the same time?”

The yellow unicorn gave a sharp nod. “I do, Princess.” She cleared her throat. “Twenty-six deaths, two survivors.” There were sharp murmurs between the lieutenants at the news.

“Truly? Tis the first of these attacks to find living souls. Pray-tell, did we discover anything from these poor ponies?”

“Unfortunately, Princess. One was a foal too young to speak. The other...she's...” There was extreme discomfort etched on her face. “She's broken. Her mind locked up. I'm sorry your highness, we're doing everything we can to comfort and help her recover. She was a unicorn.”

Star and Light exchanged confused glances which Luna noticed and sadly shook her head. “Allow me to enlighten thou to what hath been transpiring. A few weeks prior, small outposts began to be attacked. Always units which combined pony and griffon guards. No survivors but all indications were of griffon raiders. The Griffon clans outright denied involvement and a few even took offense that we wouldth ask of their innocence. Since then, tiny villages in the wilderness hath been hit, often on each side of the border at the same time. The ones on the griffon side always housed at least one pony in their midst. As we investigated, we discovered something quite...horrifying. The unicorn victims were having their horns sliced off, the griffons having their hearts torn out. For the griffon-kind, their hearts are symbolic of their inner strength. Many an age ago, they wouldth eat the hearts of conquered clans to gain their power. Truly Barbaric.”

The alicorn's lips sneered for a moment. “Then, recently, we hath discovered residue of unicorn magic being used in the attacks. I hath terrible fears of what that may mean, yet without a living survivor to confirm it, we hath little evidence to go upon.”

There was a long moment as the two colts took in all the information and the others sat in uncomfortable silence. Eventually, the alicorn turned to the Earth-mare. “Bluebell. What hath thou to report of morale of the citizens?”

The light blue pony with green mane gave the Princess a faint smile. “They're all putting on a brave face, but word is beginning to leak out. Rumors and tales of the atrocities of the attacks are trickling into pubs. Tensions within the city between griffons and ponies look fine on the surface, but in hushed corners and behind closed doors, distrust and fear are beginning to spread. We cannot contain it much longer and must be prepared to make an official announcement about it soon.”

“Indeed, please write one as soon as thou can.” Luna frowned. “Tis sad to see fear rule my subjects hearts.” She paused to lift her head and look among her lieutenants. “This evening, I spoke with one of my sister's guards. There is no tension in the ranks as of yet, however there appears to be a group of griffons attempting to recruit others in an anti-pony organization. I doth not know if the two art related, but should be investigated.”

Tatyana exchanged a glance with Leon before raising a claw for Luna's attention. “Your highness, we also have been hearing rumors of such a group on the other side of the border. There have always been fringe rogues like this, and so we rarely take them seriously. However, if they are attempting to recruit within our very ranks, we may have a much larger problem.”

Luna nodded. “There was no talk of it at the Black Talon this evening. Not a whisper. If those griffons speak not of it, then it hath not begun to spread into the influential. Still...Art there any clans that currently have ties to such groups?”

“A few, nothing we can prove. Considering the weapons this group is using, and if they really have tapped into using unicorn horns, I would suspect one of the ancient clans having a claw in this.” She shook her head. “Still, your highness. We will begin to investigate the old clans, just in case.”

“That would be most helpful, Tatyana. Please report to me or my Shadow-Guard with any important information thou may discover. Tomorrow is a dusk dinner and ball with the clan heads. I should hope to soothe ruffled feathers and perhaps one of them shalt have a slip of the tongue.” She glanced around the table. “Art there any other pressing matters we need to discuss?”

The other unicorn raised her orange hoof to catch Luna's attention. “Yes, Sunspot? Is this about the dinner and ball tomorrow?”

Her nodding head bounced her rather long yellow bangs in front of her eyes, partly obscuring them from sight. “Yes, Princess. I'm afraid the griffon caterer has canceled.”

“Was there a reason given? Twas a very high profile dinner that wouldth have attracted her substantial business.” Luna placed her fore-hooves together, leaning her chin on them.

“I agree. She claimed she was overbooked and regrets being unable to cover the gathering. A weak lie at best. I investigated and discovered that her only brother was killed last week in one of these attacks. she was safe, I check her place of business and discovered that she had moved back to Saint Beakerberg.”

Long moments passed as the Princess looked down the table at the unicorn. A soft ticking of a clock over the door marked time. At last she exhaled and shook her head in defeat. “Contact Orangefeather Sasha at the Black Talon. Alas I didth not wish to ask her to attend, but one must make use of the tools available. Do whatever is necessary to soothe her pride at being passed over for the initial pick. Insure that she knowth that I specifically asked for her. Perhaps spin a tale that I had a disagreement with mine sister at the last moment after my 'fine' meal this evening.” The orange unicorn gave a curt nod, her bangs bouncing before her eyes again. “Art there any other difficulties with tomorrow's function?” The unicorn gave a quick shake of her head. “Splendid. Now...” She turned her attention to the lilac pegasus .

“Shimmer, art thy pegasus teams ready for air security?”

The mare snapped a salute. “Yes, Princess.” Starstep had to refrain from laughing at her rather squeaky voice. It was endearing in a way, made her seem meek and timid, but the subtle muscular curves under her coat and the fire in her eyes informed him otherwise. “The net-launchers and crossbows are in position.” She squeaked out. Starstep could see Lighthoof biting his lip on the other side of Luna.

“Please be sure to not shoot any wayward guests. I wouldth be most upset to explain to a broodmother why her consort had a bolt in his gizzard.”

“Of course, Princess. We'll be their guardian angels all night.” Squeaked the little pegasus.

“Thundermane.” Luna turned her attention to the final pony. A large hulking grey earth-stallion with a terrible scar running down his neck. He gave a bow of his head to the Princess. “Art thy agents in trained and ready on how to pose as wait-staff?” He gave another solemn nod. “Excellent. I know the Sun-Guards are on duty as security, but we cannot afford to wait for them to respond should something terrible happen.”

The Princess stood from her chair, bringing the ponies at her side to attention and the others to their hooves. “I cannot stress enough how important this event is. We must have some sort of understand with the clans if we art to advert shattering our standing peace with the Griffon Kingdoms. I know I hath been gone from the land a very long time. But I shall not allow the unity to be broken now that I am on watch. May Equestria always live in our hearts.”

“And the moon watch over her.” The eight lieutenants said in chorus.

Without another word, the alicorn turned and opened the door with her magic. With majestic grace she strode from the meeting room, through the command center and down an adjacent hall, leading her two escorts. The colts exchanged a few glances and puzzled looks till Luna halted in front of a blue lacquered door with a glass window at eye-level. “Lighthoof. Wouldth thou enjoy exploring the facility? I knowth of thy keen mind for tactics and may appreciate much this place has to offer.”

He gave Star another glance and shrugged. “Uh, yeah, sure. I'd love to, Princess.” She simply smiled as her horn glowed bright blue. A small violet badge appeared on a silver chain and slipped over the pegasus' neck.

“That shalt allow thou unrestricted access. Doth not lose it. I shalt find thou when the time of our departure arrives.” The pegasus gave a quick bow of his head before bounding down the dimly lit hallway, leaving Luna along with Starstep. She gave him a quick smile before opening the door with her magic and leading him in.

The room was simple enough, pale purple walls unlike the bleached yellow look on the rest of the center's walls, with a dense carpet that had a silvery sheen to it. Upon which rested shelves of scrolls and books tucked tight against the sides with just enough room for a large black oak desk. It was the heavy style with the leg-space covered by a panel at the front and a broad flat surface of polished wood. The top had a few scrolls and two boxes marked 'in' and 'out', a quill resting next to a ink pot and a box of sand for ink blotting. The alicorn slid through the space between the desk and a bookshelf to settle her haunches down in a plush faux-leather stool before smiling to Starstep and gestured to her side.

Returning her smile, the colt trotted up to sit beside her. Still slightly emboldened by the wine and ale in his veins, the pegasus leaned his head against her soft side and nuzzled gently into her folded wings, which prompted a little laughter from the blue alicorn. She lowered a fore-hoof to caress his mane and ears. “Thou art quite bold this evening.” He shrugged in response, wiggling his nose between her primaries to nuzzle.

Luna lightly laughed again, fondling his ears a little more as her magic picked up the quill, dipping it into the ink pot. She unfurled a scroll and began to scribble upon it working quietly as the colt continued to express his affections and enjoy the silky touch of her feathers and coat on his nose and lips.


“Princess Luna right now, dear Shadow-Guard. We art not in mine chambers.”

“Oh, uh, yeah, sorry, Princess. Speaking of Shadow-Guard, I feel like I'm missing something about the job. The looks I've been getting from the others...” He trailed off.

“Can thou not guess?” She asked, quill still scratching upon the parchment.

“Well, I know you said I'm your personal guard. To always be on hoof if needed.” He answered, closing his eyes to enjoy the faint scent of her fur as he leaned his head against her.

“Mmm...yes, but a few other elements. Thou art indeed to be my shadow. This includes being my personal bed-chamber guard.” She smirked as she felt him stiffen, her crystal-shod hoof running through his unruly mane. “Whither that is to be within, or without, is at my discretion. However, traditionally, thou spend thy early day-light hours resting at my side.” She tapped sand onto the finished parchment, then blew it off the page with the ink dried before placing the finished document into the 'out' box. Her magic pulled a new form from the 'in' box, flattening it on the desk. “Thou art also to be my personal courier, becoming my voice when I cannot issue orders or edicts and generally mine eyes and ears to catch the things that may slip beyond my notice.” The quill began to scratch again, even as she spoke to him, hoof petting the colt into a contented stupor.

“Beyond your notice, Princess? But you seem to see everything.”

She gave a soft laugh. “Neigh. Note how the ponies and griffons acted tonight on the streets. All smiles and polite nods. Even at the bar they were quite jovial. However, tis a brave and happy face they put on for the sake of their Princess. If thou were to go out to meet the same ponies without me, I expect it would be a slightly different tune. Growing distrust, whispers of retaliation and where fault lies at the deaths thus far. Rumors and here-say abound.” She paused to tilt his chin up to look at her.

“I need a pony who will tell me the unaltered truth of what transpires within my kingdom. When thou told me of thy actions in dealing with Cooper, I knew thou would never hide the truth from me for thy sake, or even my own. Telling me such a thing could hath ended very badly for thou, my dear Shadow-Guard, and yet thou hath the courage and honesty to speak of it anyway. This is the quality of pony I need at my side. Somepony whom understand why I must do the things I do.” They shared a smile. “Know that thou still hath much to learn, yet I am please with thy progress. Thou seems to understand the concept of the 'Greater Good' and for that I am most thankful.” She turned back to the parchment on her desk, quill re-dipping into the pot to continue her scribbling as Star leaned his head against her wings again.

He listened to her gentle breathing as she worked, thinking of the evening. Then his thoughts strayed to the darkness that surrounded the attacks. “ don't seem overly sad about the deaths. You knew about some of this before we even came tonight, right? I mean, it's horrible what these raiders are doing.”

She gave a slight nod, concentrating on the parchment. “Indeed.” The quill hesitated. “I am saddened by any death. Even more so when it's a citizen I am sworn to protect. However, Tia and I took on the mantle of leadership to ease the burden on ponies like thyself. To allow thou to pursue thy hopes and dreams without worry.”

“Like trying to love an alicorn?” Star asked, glancing up with a smirk.

Luna gave him a little smile. “Tis true. After wearing the burden of ruling for so long, we hath discovered it to be...destructive if one allows the hardship and darkness in the world to linger upon one's heart. The Nightmare, she...” There was a quiet pause as Luna collected her thoughts. “Let us just say, that I must take time to embrace the joys and laughter in life whenever I can, knowing that the heavy crown is always awaiting me. This is how I honor the dead. It is why we celebrate a pony's life at their funeral, rather than weep that they art gone. They wish us not to wallow in misery.”

The pegasus gave a nod, ruffling his cheek against her feathers. There was another long pause as the alicorn worked before Star broke the silence again. “Oh, earlier today you said that Veal was cattle. But...cows can talk. Do they them?”

“My, thou art inquisitive tonight. Neigh dear. Over in the Griffon kingdoms, there art a species of cattle that is unintelligent and generally no smarter than a fish. While I dost not approve of the practice, there art some amongst them that raise these creatures purely for consumption. My sister and I suspect they and our cows, art both descendants of the same long extinct predecessor. Perhaps the magically infused wilderness and harsh life of the Griffon kingdoms caused them to evolve into simple beasts. I cannot say.”

Satisfied with the answer, Star turned his head to begin nibbling on her plumage. “So, Princess...” Luna rolled her eyes with an amused smirk upon her lips, awaiting his next question. “All that stuff with the dinner and the pub. It wasn't just to have fun, you were on duty. Weren't you?” The scratching quill halted.

“Thy awareness grows. Tis true, my thoughts were not wholly upon our time together. An unfortunate part of my obligations. Yet I very much enjoyed this evening's activities with thou.” Her quill resumed it's path on the page.

“Everything you do, it's for the kingdom and her citizens. Even on a date with a pony you say you love.” His icy blue eyes found her cyan ones. His burned with concern, Luna's a cold acceptance. “What does the kingdom ever do for you?” The quill dug into the paper and tore a strip away. Moments passed as the Princess collected her thoughts.

“It survives, giving a place for my pony and griffon subjects to attempt to live happy. That is what it does for me.” Luna used her magic to throw away the torn paper, pulling a fresh sheet from the stack. “Not everything in our lives requires a tangible reward to be worth-while. Because our encounters hath always been when my duties art light, thou hath not seen what it requires for thy Princess to keep this Kingdom running. Now that thou art my Shadow-Guard, thou wilst come to understand how much of mine time is devoted to her survival. Tis a miracle in itself that mine sister managed it for a thousand years without me. Tis no surprise she's now seeking to...'sow her oats' I believe the expression goes.” She scribbled off the last line on a document, sanding and setting the finished paper aside for another. “Art thy queries sated? Or shalt I find a task for thy mouth?” She raised an eyebrow at him, a challenging smile upon her lips.

Starstep grinned back. “Princess, did you know you're beautiful?”

Luna threw up her hooves, giving a mock-shout of exasperation, her quill tumbling off the desk, bouncing off her hoof and down into the dark leg area beneath. “There, art thy happy? The ink shalt stain the floor. Quickly, fetch it!” She pointed a hoof under her desk.

Without question, the colt crawled between her and the furniture to scoot underneath, retrieving the fallen feather with his mouth. Turning around, he discovered he was trapped. Luna had scooted her stool up, spreading her legs while resting on her haunches so that the limbs blocked the exits from the tight dark area.

“ 'rincisss?” He mumbled around the quill.

The alicorn looked down her chest at the faintly lit face of the colt below her. “Starstep, dear. Tis quite impolite to speak with one's mouth full. Be sure to keep that quill off the floor, I dost not expect to be more than an hour longer on these forms.” She smirked and turned her attention to the top of her desk. Star could hear another quill tapping against the ink pot, then a soft scratching crawled along the surface above his head.

Star narrowed his eyes, a smile promising vengeance upon his lips. As the quill worked overhead, the colt considered his options. He could sit here like a good little guard till she was finished or...

Princess Luna blinked as she felt one of her hind-hoof slippers being gently pulled off. A quirk of a smile played at the edge of her lips. Then she felt the airy touch of a feather circling the soft spot under the hoof, tracing around along the subtle curves of her ankle. She bit her lip and giggled gently. “Star, what dost thou think thou art doiiiiiinnnggg!” Her voice pitching higher at the end as the feather ran the length of her leg and tickled against her inner tights. A knocking on her open door caught her attention.

The orange unicorn lieutenant stood in the doorway, long yellow bangs half-hiding her curious magenta eyes, a rolled parchment held in a magic field. “Princess. I have the final report on the dinner arrangements.”

“Oh, splendid, Sunspot. Snerk Right here on hehe, um, desk would be fine.” The Princess struggled to maintain her regal mask as the colt below was tickling the feather rapidly down the length of her long elegant leg.

Sunspot tilted her head. “Is...everything ok, Princess?” She levitated the scroll over to rest next to the parchment Luna was writing on.

“Perfectly fine, lieutenant. I thank theeeeeeEEEe!” The quill she was using snapped in her magical grasp and her face twisted slightly in a vain attempt to remain composed as the tormenting feather teased along her belly. The unicorn was watching her with concern so Luna waved a hoof at her to dismiss the issue. “Please carry on.” She gave a very faint whimper and bit her lip as the feather found one of her mare nipples.

Sunspots eyebrows raised into the cover of her overly long yellow bangs. “Y-yes, Princess. One last thing.” Luna just nodded, top teeth digging into her bottom lip as the terrible quill ran figure eights around each breast. “Orangefeather Sasha has agreed to cater without any extra cost beyond the original price on one condition.”

“And that issssSSSsss?” Luna risked a glance down at the tormenting pony, her glare promised him horrible retribution. Star just smirked back up at her, lips clutching the feather, then resumed wiggling the quill down her soft belly fur.

“Uh...” She was staring at the desk till Luna cleared her throat. “Oh, yes. She said she'd do it if she could personally serve you a chicken dish.”

Luna placed her fore-hooves together and leaned forward so her mouth was hidden behind it. At first glance it looked like she was in thought. Though behind the hooves her mouth was twisting as she fought the sensations of the feather brushing the bottom end of her mare-hood.. “I...mmm...that is...ooh...Yes, yes, tis fine.” She sputtered out in a rush.

Sunspot bobbed her head, bangs bouncing. “Of course, your highness. I'll leave you two alone.” She winked and pulled the door behind her closed with her magic.

Once she was sure the pony had departed, the alicorn turned her full attention on the colt huddled under her desk. “OH, thou art a terrible little pony! Why wouldth thou torment me so?” Despite her outrage, there was a twinkle in her eyes.

Star spit the feather out, watching it flutter up and come to rest on Luna's shoulder. “Because you torment me back.” He smiled defiantly.

The alicorn tilted her head, studying the blue-grey pegasus for a moment, then laughed brightly. “Indeed. Thou hath finally learned how to play the game. I wondered how long it would take thou. Well played, dear Starstep, well played. Now, I suppose I shalt allow thou out from there, I have much work to finish.”


“No?” The Princess raised an eyebrow, not used to being told that word. “Pray-tell, what does this sudden boldness gain thou?”

“It doesn't really get me anything. I think it's more for you.”

“Oh-ho? How so?” She smiled, curious at his intentions.

“Last night you did something for me. It was incredible, but when I wanted to return the favor, you brushed it off. You don't let ponies do things for you very often, do you?”

“No, Starstep. I do not. Tis...difficult. Most offer to do things for me because they wish something in return.” Her smiled saddened faintly.

“Well Princess, you know I love you. I want to do things for you because I want to make you happy. That's it.” The colt stated with a firm nod of his head.

Luna shook her head softly. “Neigh, tis not entirely true.” He opened his mouth to protest when her fore-hoof gently came to rest on his lips. “Thou also seeks to do things for me, because thou desires for me to loveth thou in return.” Star glanced away for a moment before nodding. “Tis quite alright and natural. I suppose tis mine own reluctance to accept our growing bond. Habit and doubt art terrible creatures to dislodge from one's mind and heart after so long. Pure and absolute trust is the most difficult flower to grow within.” She gave a sigh, her hoof stroking up around his head to caress his ear. “I suppose tis time we explore more about one another, and thou hath much to learn.” She smiled down to the colt, enjoying the way his mane ruffled around her hoof. “What is it thou wouldst like to do for me?”

He shared her smile, tilting his head to press into her affections. “You used your mouth on me, I'd like to return the favor and learn a bit about what you enjoy. I-I don't have a whole lot of experience, so I might not be all that great. I just thought it'd be something to relax you.”

Luna gave a soft laugh. “Tis been many an age since a pony hath preform such an act upon my royal form.” She gave him a little wink. “I would be delighted if it wouldth be thou.” She glanced up at the clock. “However, I hath reports yet to finish and it may yet be dawn before they art complete.”

“Could you do them while know?” The colt asked hopefully, eager at the prospect of pleasing the Princess.

The alicorn saw the spark in his eyes and gave a gentle laugh. “Tis certainly worth letting thou attempt. Thy teasing with the feather was most effective.” She winked at him. “However, I doubt very much you'll have much success in this position.” The blue pony stood from her stool, fore-hooves resting on the top of the desk, rump pushed out behind her, sparkling blue ethereal tail lifting upwards and to the side to expose herself. “Let us see what thou can learn about thy Princess.” She giggled, watching the colt climb out from under the desk and circle around behind her. “A word of caution.” Her firm voice caught Star's rapt attention. “I...I am not ready to be mounted. Not yet. If thou attempts to do so...” She left the warning linger unspoken.

Star shook his head firmly. “Never Princess. Only when you tell me you're ready. I love you too much to try something that stupid.”

“Of course, my dear Starstep. I should never have doubted thou.” She gave him a reassuring smile before turning her attention to the documents on her desk. Quill in her magic field, the alicorn did her best to concentrate on the work at hand, all the while her heart was thumping from nervousness as she felt the first warm breaths against her rump.

(SURPRISE! Hidden clop-scene. If it's not your cup of tea, you can move on to the next chapter. You really should read the last paragraph though.)


Starstep couldn't believe it. His heart was pounding in his chest, his wings fully spread on his back with the sight of the alicorn Princess's backside. Sleek faintly curved rump and ethereal tail that hovered like a blanket of stars just over her puckered plothole and mare-hood that nestled between her flanks. He leaned his head closer, taking a few deep whiffs of the alicorn. The sweet exotic scent of her coat was far stronger here, sending a chill down his spine and coaxing him closer. His nose bumped her rump between her plot and slit, making the alicorn give a little giggle. His ears swiveled about, still catching the soft scratching of the quill as Luna worked.

Star's eyes closed as he rubbed his nose up and down between those tight blue and black flanks, muzzle fur tickling the sensitive flesh in that region. He noticed the muscles in her legs jerk suddenly and smiled at her body's reaction. “Everything OK, Princess?” He asked her, warm breath washing across her mare-hood.

“Mmm...yes, Star. Tis quite nice.” Came her breathy reply. With a smile, the colt turned his head to press his teeth onto her tight rump, teasing her with the flat surfaces and pressure. She moaned, pushing back at him. Curious, the pony nibbled little bites around the side of her rump and across the crescent moon of her cutie mark. Luna gasped, turning her head from her documents to narrow her eyes at the tormenting colt. “Thou art a cruel tease!”

Star grinned wickedly, his mouth open and posed over her taunt flanks. Her expression was challenging, as though daring him to continue. To which he responded by biting down, making her eyes widen in shock and a long gasp of pleasure hiss from her clenched teeth. He held the pinching bite on her cutie mark and brought up a hoof to stroke along her belly. The cool hard surface of the hoof caressing her hidden nipples and sensitive belly fur. Luna bit her lip, lowering her chest and raising her rump towards him.

“Mmmm...Star...thou art not bad at this, clumsy, yet enthusiastic.” She gave a little giggle, somehow managing to continue writing with her quill. He took her semi-complement in stride, happy with the pleased little sounds the alicorn made.

Releasing her stinging flank, he returned his attentions to her rump, nosing between them again to kiss her now damp folds. Little bits of juices clinging to his lips as he tilted his nose to kiss again. She gave soft moans in response, softly swaying her hindquarters side to side. “Mmmmmm...more.” She demanded, her quill was now moving much quicker across the parchment..

Star was only too happy to comply, his mouth opening and warm tongue sliding against her cool coat, wiggling about between her flanks til it touched the damp folds of her sex. He curled the tip around in the gathering moisture, loving the scent and taste that assaulted his sense. Her soft noises of delight a feast for his ears. Here he was, nose deep in his Princess, making her feel wonderful, and it was glorious. Emboldened, the pony opened his mouth more, pressing his tongue into the tight slit, feeling the walls squeeze down on his muscle. He wiggled himself deeper, wedging as far as his mouth and long pony tongue would let him, loving the feel and taste. He tried to retract it to lick again when he discovered it was stuck.

“Uhhnn...'rinciss? Mah 'ung sss 'augh.” He manged to mumble out around the trapped tongue.

Luna turned her head to smile mischievously at him. Licking her muzzle she grinned at the smaller pony. "Oh, it dost appear I hath caught another foolish colt with his hoof in the honey-pot. Or should I say, mouth. Whatever shalt I do with such a naughty creature?” She gave a very gentle shake of her rump, tugging his tongue and head along with her. “Mmmm...tis funny what a thousand years of abstinence and transformation spells can do to revitalize a mare's body, dost thou not agree?” Star couldn't move to nod so she assumed he agreed. “Mmm...thou knowest of the tale of the mouse and the lion, yes? I free thou, and thou gives me one favor. Art we in agreement?” The colt gave a faint nod. “Splendid.” And just like that, she relaxed herself, letting the pony slide his tongue free, coated in her juices, much of it trailing down his chin in small threads as he worked the soreness out of it.

“That wasn't very fair. You know I'd do whatever you ask me to do. Why do you need a favor?” Star asked.

“Less talk, more licking please.” She gestured a hoof over her shoulder with a hoof. Star tilted his head in confusion, but complied, lowering his head down again, nosing between those fine alicorn flanks before dabbing his tongue into her cautiously. “Perhaps...” She began. “Tis because I may wish thee to....mmmm....there, a little harder.” He complied, focusing his exploration with his tongue on a little ruff spot he found inside her tunnel. She gave a little whimper and arced her rump towards his mouth. “Ahhh....perhaps...tis because I may ask something...unusual of thou. Mmmm...harder.” He curled and dragged the tip of his tongue against the spot, feeling her walls flex against his probing. Star pulled his tongue out to lap at the juices dribbling out and down to her belly.

“Like what, Princess? I can't imagine there's much I'd be against doing for you if you really want it.” The colt kissed up the edge of her thigh till his lips found her mare-hood again. Tongue dipping back and searching for the spot that caused Luna to squirm so much.

“Ahhhhh....yes...push....harder.” She moaned, her eyes shut and quill left forgotten to the side. “Ah...ah game then, my dear...mmm...Star.” The colt ground the tip of his tongue up against this spot as his fore-hooves came up to pull her tight flanks apart, giving him deeper access. “AHHhh...I art...nearly....Mmm...” She was panting, wings flared out on her back. “Ah-ah game. Thou preform one ahhhhct, act of mine choosing and thou may ask for any act in return.” She rushed out at the end as the colt retracted his tongue once more before diving in. Star opened his eyes to look at her up close and personal, noticing the way the lips of her sex flexed against his tongue and the muscles in her sleek toned rump quivered in her excitement. A bit of inspiration struck him as she squirmed about, moaning in delight. One hoof holding her flanks apart, the other pressed under her tail and began to rub the cold surface against her pucker at the same time his tongue pressed as hard as it could against the pleasure bringing spot inside of the mare.

The combined action got immediate results as she threw back her head and screamed in absolute ecstasy. Star was struggling to keep his tongue from being milked numb by her clenching muscles, his muzzle and chin doused in her orgasmic climax. He pulled back on his poor tongue as her scream faded into rapid whimpers, hind-legs quivering and threatening to collapse on the mare as she rode out the waves of pleasure.

Star wiped a bit of stickiness from his eyes and worked his jaw loose of the soreness when there was a clearing of a throat. At the sudden noise, the pegasus jerked his head to the side, looking past Luna's trembling body at the same time her eyes forced themselves open to a half-lidded state. Peering in the now open doorway was all eight lieutenants and Lighthoof. Most of them with their jaw's dropped, Tatyana just smiled slyly at the pair and Lighthoof mouthed “Good job!” to Star. The messy pegasus could only grin awkwardly at them.

Chapter XLI

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLI

By Indigo Eclipse

Starstep felt a little of the Luna's juices run down the sides of his muzzle, gather and drip off the end of his chin. Yet it registered in the far corners of his mind as he stared in silence at the eight Night-Guard lieutenants and Lighthoof, hovering in the doorway to Luna's office. Cold panic gripped his heart as he resisted the sudden impulse to hide his face behind Luna's flanks.

The Princess simply smiled at the intruding ponies, but it wasn't a pleasant expression. Tight-lipped, with her brow lowering every so slightly. “While I thank thou for reacting to my scream, thou shalt now depart and speak not of what thou hath witnessed.” Her eyes narrowed. “Else I shalt reveal thy darkest dream fantasies.”

One of the male griffons, Kurt, smirked. “Maybe you can threaten the ponies with that but-”

“Foursome.” Luna said sharply.

The griffon blinked, nervously glancing at the lieutenants next to him. “Well, uh, what guy wouldn't want three female-”

“Strap-ons” Luna interrupted, narrowing her eyes. Kurt's beak snapped shut as his eyes widened. “Dost we have an understanding now?” Star could only watch in wonder as the regal blue alicorn stared down the Night-Guards, all the while, still in the stance he left her in. Fore-hooves curled up on the desk, hind-legs spread wide with clear liquids running furrows through her inner thigh fur. “Splendid. Thou hath five seconds to return to thy duties before I start naming off thy fantasies.” She grinned wickedly. “One...Two.” The crowd in the doorway hurriedly dispersed in twos and threes down each side of the hall, leaving Lighthoof grinning like a fool. Luna raised an eyebrow at him. “Three...Four...”

Lighthoof gave a wink, reaching out to pull the door closed just as Luna was about to count off five. Alone in the stillness of the cramped office, the alicorn gave a heavy sigh and buried her head in her fore-hooves. “My first climax in a thousand years and I am not allowed to enjoy the after-glow.” She groaned into her hooves.

Hesitantly, Star reached up to run a hoof through her starry, ever flowing mane, caressing her slender blue neck and feeling the ethereal tendrils of the hairs curl around his hoof with every stroke. “I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't expect we'd get interrupted like that. I...I just wanted to make you feel good.”

Luna tilted her head so she could eye the pony, a slight smile upon her lips. “Indeed. I know thy intentions.” She wiggled her flank, knocking a few lingering drops from her hindquarters to the polished floor. “I suppose thou wilst owe me another at a later time. For now, wouldst thou be so kind as to fetch a wash-cloth from the restroom? I'm certain I am quite the mess and I hath work to attend to.”

The pegasus grinned and gave a little eye-wiggle. “I could clean it with my tongue.”

She laughed lightly, curling her tail around to swat her colt on the flank. “Neigh, thy naughty pony. Such a cleaning would only serve to create more mess.” She hesitated, looking into his icy blue eyes before gesturing towards him with a hoof. He leaned closer, meeting her kiss, feeling the sticky mess on his lip cover her's as his tongue lightly caressed her own. The alicorn withdrew first, a sultry smile on her damp lips. “Despite thy inexperience, twas a wonderful feeling. I thank thee, Star.” She gave him a playful swat on the rump with her tail. “Now go, fetch the cloth.”

Dancing on his hooves, the colt rounded the desk and swung open the door, glancing over his shoulder at the loving look his Princess was giving him. He returned it before slipping out into the hallway, clicking the door closed behind him. With a quick glance down both sides, he was relieved to see a sign pointing towards the bathrooms, sparing him an awkward conversation, covered in Luna's excitement.

The bathroom had a black-tile floor with the same awful bleached yellow painted brick walls. White ceramic sinks lined one side, stalls with simple latch doors along the other, one specifically large enough for an alicorn.

Star turned off the faucet, face dripping wet, eyes closed as he reached out blindly for the hanging towel. He felt somepony place it in his hoof and nodded. “Thanks”

“Anytime, dude.” Lighthoof answered at his side.

Using the towel to dry off his cleaned face, he lowered it so he could see his friend. “Enjoying the show?”

The tan pegasus laughed. “Yeah, actually. Not many ponies have made it to the surface of the moon.”

Star chuckled. “Uh-huh. You know, I'm surprised you're not sun-burnt.”

“How was the dark side of the moon, did you explore her crater?”

“You know what they say about pegasi who fly too close to the sun.”

“Have you managed to plant your flag-post? Or is that rocky surface too tough?”

“Did the sun's nectar taste like a red-hot candy or a habanero?”

“Did the moon's taste like cheese or dust?”

“” Star's nose scrunched up at the thought. “It's not like I milked her.” He glanced at his friend, a sly smirk on his lips.

“Erm...yeah...” The tan pegasus was looking away nervously.

Star reached out and patted Light's shoulder. “About tonight. I know it might sound like I'm trying to tell you what to do, but I'm worried about you. We're practically brothers, we can talk to each other about everything. I mean, for buck's sake, you let me rut your mare-friend with you. The more I'm with Luna, the more I begin to understand just how meaningful that is. It wasn't for me, you did it for Sherry's fantasy, right?”

A long pause, just the steady drip of water into the sink, then Lighthoof let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah...I know. I get what you're saying.” He leaned against the wall next to the sink and threw up his fore-hooves. “But, dude. It's Princess Celestia. She needs somepony. What am I suppose to tell her? Sorry Princess, but I'm not interested in making you happy? I'm not stupid, dude. I love her and the other Princesses too, but not like what you feel for Luna. I love what they do for us, for all ponies...don't they deserve to be happy too?” The colt looked his friend, pleading for understanding.

Star met his gaze. “Yes, they do. I'll be honest, it's one of the first reasons I got it into my head that I wanted to be Luna's special some-pony. As I got older I began to understand it was more than just a crush. Scoots understood it from the beginning. All of my friends did. Sweetie, AB, Scoots, even my teacher Cheerilee. I'm not with Luna because it's my duty. I'm with her because it makes us both happy.” He shook his head. “Look, Light. I can't begin to tell you how Princess Celestia thinks, or feels, but it's pretty clear from Luna that you're not going to fulfill what she needs. The longer you do your...duty...for the Princess, the more I worry that you're going to screw up your relationship with Sherry and Peach Blossom.”

Again the silence stretched as Lighthoof thought about it. Star took the moment to fetch a clean wash-cloth and began soaking it in hot water. After he turned off the faucet he glanced up at his friend. Light seemed conflicted, pain of indecision on his face. “You love Sherry and Peach a lot, right?”

The tan pegasus nodded, staring down at the black-tiled floor.

“Who knows, they might be ok with you and Princess Celestia. But, between your job and keeping the Princess pleasured, will you have time to keep those two mares happy?”

“No...probably not.” Light gave a cry of frustration and kicked a hoof against the wall. “I'm usually better than this, dude. I like solving problems, so why is this so hard?”

“I can't say, brother.” Star draped a wing over his friend's back. “Torn between duty and love, I guess.” He gave a heavy sigh. “If the Princess is just looking to have a bit of companionship, why not help her find another guard to take your place?”

Lighthoof shook his head. “Dude, you've seen how most of the others act around her. It's damn near worship. The rest would try to use their new position as a way to get power, rank or favors.”

“Oh come on, Light. Not all of the guards are like that. Just look at us two.” He shook his friend gently with the outstretched wing.



“No offense, dude, but your wing is kinda creeping me out. New feather growth and all that makes you look like a molting bird.”

“Oh...sorry.” He withdrew his wing and replaced it with a fore-limb. “Better?”

“Ha-ha. Yeah.” He gave a sigh. “You're right, not all the guards are like that many bad ones would she have to go through to get to one like us? Somepony who cares more about making her happy than what they get outta it.”

Star thought for a long moment. “If you could walk away, knowing somepony was looking out for Princess Celestia. Would you step back? Put all your attention on those two beautiful mares waiting for you back home?”

“I...I...yeah...I guess if somepony else could take over. I'm not foolin myself, dude. I know the Princess is just using me. But somepony should do it. It's not like she's being cruel about it. She's just lonely. She doesn't deserve to be lonely.” He hesitated. “You have somepony in mind?”

Star slid his arm from Light's shoulder, picked up the warm, damp wash-cloth from the sink's rim and draped it over his charcoal mane. “Yeah, I do. Anyhoof, I gotta get back. There's a sticky blue Princess who's probably wondering if I fell in.” With a smirk to his friend, he trotted out of the restroom and down the hall.


Copper was staring Star, surprise on his face as the pegasus stepped off the end of the plank of wood, sending him flailing into the air. Fire and black rock surrounded them, with only a river of bubbling magma far below. Heat and pressure bore down, causing tightening in his chest as he walked to the edge, watching the rust colored unicorn tumble in slow-motion. The unicorn slammed down the sides of the black gorge, bouncing along the sloped surface till he came to rest on a rocky outcropping, just a few feet above the glowing river, his legs twisted and broken. He looked up at Star, hate and blame evident on his face.

“You did this! You let me fall! Murderer!” The unicorn screeched as his flesh began to bubble.

Star could feel a wicked smile creep up his muzzle, eyes narrowing as he watched the wretched pony below meet his end. The smile only broadened as ponies made of magma and fire reached out to drag Cooper screaming into their burning embrace. Something in his gut told him to glance up from the death playing out below.

Just above him, on the opposite side of the gorge stood two alicorns. Luna and Celestia were watching him with stern, disapproving stares. Their regal bearing made him feel small and insignificant. Doubt and fear rolled over him as he prostrated himself before them. “Please, I'm sorry. I did it for the other ponies. I had to!” The white alicorn of the sun sneered it disgust before turning away, vanishing into the shadows. Star reached a hoof up towards his blue Princess. “Luna! I'm so sorry, Luna!”

“No. Thou art not.” The alicorn responded before she too, turned her back on him, vanishing into shadows. Leaving the pitiful colt alone on the ledge, weeping in despair.

There was a gentle touch on his back, a sense of a presence at his side. Eyes blurred with tears, the colt turned his head up, noticing a shadowy form next to him. It's broad wing spread out over his back, pulling him close to it's side. Star wiped away his tears, curious at this strange comforter. Cyan eyes with cat-like pupils greeted him with a flash of vicious teeth. He didn't have to see to know who it was and he screamed as her embrace tightened.

“STAR!” A voice crashed into the dream fragmenting it like a broken mirror.

The pegasus blinked, his eyes coming into focus in dim lighting. He gasped and shivered, pieces of the dream riding the coattails of his waking mind. Fearfully, he looked around, afraid to move any part of his body as Luna's concerned face moved over his own.

“Tis just me, dear Starstep.” She reached out to pull his trembling form into her fore-hooves, tucking his head against her neck. “Be still. Twas a nightmare.”

“ were there.” He suddenly found himself sobbing into her coat. “I'm sorry Princess. I really am. Please don't walk away. Don't hate me. I had to let him die. I'm sorry. So sorry.” His body shuddered at the sobbing, her embrace tightened.

“Twas not I.” She rocked him gently, hoof stroking his mane. “Be still, Star. I know thou art sorry. Tis never easy to do what thou hath done. It may haunt thou for a time.” He gave a slight nod, nuzzling into her coat, her gentle cool scent helped to stead his nerves.

“Nightmare Moon was there...” He whispered, shivering at the remembrance of her dark touch.

“Neigh, she was not. Just as I was not. If I ever appear in thy dreams, I wilst tell thee.” She continued stroking his mane.

After a few minutes of Luna's soothing touch, Star began to piece together what had happened. He'd come in, cleaned up Luna, watched her work for a while then must have dozed off at her side. He gave a heavy sigh, glancing up at the clock on the wall, almost dawn. He felt calmer, though still shaken as he nuzzled at the alicorn's silky coat. “I'm sorry, Princess. I guess I was tired.”

She gave a light giggle, her magic rolling up a parchment and sealing it with wax. “Tis quite alright. Paper-work is rather monotonous.” With her magic she cleaned up the loose dust, tucked away her quills and straightened her stack of finished forms. “I fear it took much longer than I hath expected. Come, let us be away.” She raised up out of her seat, releasing the colt from her grasp before giving her long sleek legs a stretch. Star couldn't help but admire those limbs, catching the Princess smirking at his gaze afterwords.

The two left the room, trotting down to the command center. The hustle was much more subdued at this near-dawn hour. A few ponies sat at desks, illuminated by personal lanterns, at least two of them were lieutenants.

“Bluebell, Sunspot, I thank thee for thy diligence and look forward to seeing thou tonight at the summit.” She gave them both a smile and a nod, who returned it before returning to their work.

Down the quiet tunnel of carved rock, Star trotted at Luna's side. “Hey, where's Lighthoof?” He asked, glancing back towards the command center.

“Attending my sister's sun-raising, I expect.” She noticed his slight frown. “Something amiss?”

“I had a chat with Lighthoof about all that. Told him it would be better to find another pony to take his place. He belongs with Sherry and Peach.”

Luna smiled slightly. “Indeed...on this we agree. While I...admire his dedication to his duties, despite the cost, I feel tis unnecessary and unwise. I suppose I shalt begin poking about for a suitable match for mine sister. I only fear we may have trouble getting thy brother in arms to accept the new arrangement.”

The pair reached the start of a spiral stair-case, leading upwards through the rock and earth. “Yeeeah. About that. I think he's fine with stepping aside if we find a good pony. What will your sister have to say about all this? Aren't we kinda meddling in her love life?”

Luna laughed, bright and cheerful. “Oh, dear Starstep. My sister hath meddled in mine far too often. Tis time for a bit of pay-back. Besides, tis not done in spite, but to prevent harm to Lighthoof and his loving mares.” She sighed, beginning the climb up the steep spiraling stone stairs. “For the long-term will be up to mine sister to decide who and when she wishes to court. For the short-term, however...” She frowned, crystal slipped clicking sharply on the stone steps.

“I...had an idea about that.” Star offered, keeping pace with her long legged strides.

“Oh? Do tell.”

“What if I took over?”

Luna stopped suddenly, catching Star by surprise. He halted a step above her so that they looked at each other in the eyes. “I must admit, I am not sure how to feel about such an arrangement.” A faint smile flickered on her lips. “While, tis true that thou seeks not to use her affections for thy personal gain, it may prove impossible.” She tilted her head. “Dost thou have feelings for Tia?”

“Erm...well...she's pretty and everything.” He blinked. “Oh, but you're more beautiful, Princess.”

“So thou sayth.” The alicorn smirked.

“But do I love her like I love you? No. I just want to help Light out of the situation and I figured-”

“Thou hath one Princess, why not two?” Luna laughed mischievously.

“Not...quite like that, Princess.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I mean, I'm happy with being by your side. I don't want power or money or fame. I just want to be with you. And I know you're very busy and it wont be fun and games all the time. But I accept that. So why not do something for your sister too?”

The alicorn started up the steps again, letting the colt fall in beside her. “Thy intentions art kind. Though perhaps for not the right reasons.” She shook her head. “If thou desired my sister's love at even a fraction of thy desires for me, I wouldst not be against this idea. However, thou respects Tia, but thou dost not love her more than one may love a mother.” She gave a soft laugh. “Believe it or not, Tia and I hath been down this very road before.”

“So we're not even going to try?” He could hear muffled voices and clopping of hooves echoing above them. They were near the street level.

The alicorn stopped them in front of a steel door. “Dost thou wish to rut mine sister?”

Star grimaced a little at the awkwardness of the question. “I donno. I can't say I'm against it.”

She pressed a cool hoof to his chest, her and Scootaloo's feather rubbing against his coat. “Tis not mine question. Dost thou lust after mine sister, even a little? Yay or neigh?”

He shook his head. “No, Princess.”

“Then the matter is settled. Thou cannot satisfy her and it would cause thou harm to pretend. I shalt confer with Tia and we shalt deal with it.” She kissed him gently as her magic turned the handle. “I do thank thee for attempting to help Tia and Lighthoof. The gesture was sweet.” She smiled at him before the door swung open, revealing a stockroom filled to the brim with sacks of flour, boxes of baking soda and various baking ingredients like chocolate chips. He glanced behind him as the door closed, the steel vanishing behind a wall of off-white paint, leaving no evidence there was ever an entrance. Curious, he followed the alicorn out into the main store-room of a bakery. Loaves of fresh baked goods sat in display cases. From croissant to cakes.

A white-brown spotted painted mare beamed a smile at the pair as the handful of early morning customers raised their eyebrows at the alicorn exiting the store-room. “Oh, Princess, dear. Did you find the liquorish?”

“Alas, Mrs. Butterbottom, thou doth appear to be out of stock.”

“Oh, I'm so sorry, Princess. I'll be sure to get more in. Thank you again for going to look, I'm always so busy in the mornings.” She scooted a bag full of donuts and a coffee to a colt in a fine suit and bowler hat.

“Tis quite alright. I know thou art short-hooved at dawn. Thy baked goods attract ponies far and wide.” She trotted over to the exit, swinging it open with her magic to allow a young mare in, smiling at her astonished face. “I wish thee all a wonderful day.” The ponies in the shop managed to shake off their surprise long enough to wish her one as well before the alicorn led her colt outside.

“What the tartarus was that?” Star whispered to Luna as they wandered down the cobble-stone street in the early hours of dawn.

“A bakery?”

“Yeeeah, I get that, Princess. But that wasn't where we went in.”

She giggled. “Indeed. One may become suspicious if ponies are mysteriously entering and leaving the same location at dawn and dusk. Besides, the fountain is always very crowded in the morning.”

“I assume the baker was in on it?”

“Of course. She keeps an ear out for gossip and covers for any ponies that use that exit. Also makes a delightful bear-claw.” Luna licked her lips.

“Uh-huh...then I'm going to also assume there's lots of exits in town?” At the Luna's nod, Star shook his head with a laugh. “It'd be crazy if there was a set-up like this in Canterlot.” He glanced up, catching the alicorn smile, leaving him wondering as they journeyed back to the fortress on the hill.

Shockingly, the two mare Trottingham guards at Luna's bedroom doors only smiled and saluted them as Luna led Star inside. No smirks, no winks, no side glances at each other. The alicorn directed him to brush his teeth as she removed her regalia. Slippers placed carefully under her bed, crown on a plain marble bust, about the shape of her head, the black neck plate slid over it's slender sculpted stone neck. As Star finished up, a little surprised to find all his bathroom items had been moved into hers, she slipped by him, nudging him outside with her forehead and prodding horn. He laughed and danced away as she got one good poke between his flanks. The door clicked shut and he was left alone in her bedroom with the crackling blue fire and ticking grandfather clock to keep him company as he wandered in a circle, admiring the old paintings that hung over the mantel.

After a while, the bathroom door clicked open, drawing his attention. The Princess stepped out, a long silky black robe on her, tied about her waist with a blue velvet belt. She smiled warmly to the colt. “Tis time for sleep, go on.” She gesture with a hoof.

Fighting back a yawn, Star slid up onto the soft bed, wiggling his back into the mattress as he watched the Princess crawl up beside him. She smiled down at the pony, reaching out a hoof to caress his cheek. For some reason, exhaustion clawed at his eyelids. “Princ...Luna” He mumbled as the alicorn rolled onto her side, pulling him into her fore-legs. He nuzzled into her soft chest, just above where her robe came together in a V. She was so beautiful, so lovely, he wanted to shower her with affections, but sleep ended up winning, comforted as he was in her embrace.


Star took a deep breath to steady his nerves. The Summit party had already started just on the other side of the double oak doors. He was back in his attire from the previous ambassador's meeting, causing him just a little bit of deja vu. Somehow the Princess had managed to have it retrieved from his room in Canterlot and shipped overseas before the party. He just chalked it up to magic. A glance in the window to his left let him admire the outfit.

A bold-cut black shirt with a high-neck that left just a place at his throat exposed. The cuff-links silver crescent moons. A wide black leather belt, tooled in silver studs and embossed with Night-Lillies, wrapped around his mid-section, giving something the shirt could tuck into. This time his ceremonial pegasus blade was sheathed and clipped to the belt, balanced on the other-side by a pouch full of coins. Why coins? Luna had assured him it was a good counterweight to wear for the evening.

Over the shirt a long vest that slightly draped onto his rump, the split just at the tail-base. It was a deep blue, a perfect match to Luna's mane. A single vest pocket at his upper chest, had a silver pocket-watch tucked inside with a thick chain running from it to a holding pin. The buttons on the vest were also silver crescent moons on onyx disks. Around his neck hung the elegant silver chain, two long feathers resting against his chest, one orange, one deep blue. He stroked them against the vest, smiling. At least this part of the outfit was new.

He flexed out his wings a little, still sore from his earlier exercises. Luna had been right, his lack of using his wings had made them weaker and less responsive. The moment he'd awoke that afternoon, she had insisted he exercise and one doesn't argue with the Princess of the Night.

The black feathers with their oil-like sheen glistened in the overhead chandler light. Clipped to his leading wing edges were scaled overlapping plates of engraved silver, polished to a shine. Reflecting sharply on the glossy new feathers. He still felt a little self-conscious of his wings appearance, wanting to hide them under a jacket or some kind of wrap, but Luna had claimed it would be taken as a sign of weakness. He trusted her judgment and had struggled to get the silver wing clips on just before dusk. Without his full plumes to pad them, they pinched at the skin. He simply did his best to ignore it, remembering a bit of advice Rarity had once given him, 'Sometimes looking fabulous, hurts.'

His mane had been tied back into a pony-tail with a thin deep blue ribbon, along with one more tied onto his tail. He really wasn't a fan of ribbons, but the alicorn had him turn around for her after she'd tied them in, watching him with a little lust. Perhaps the fashion stirred up old feelings she had for an era gone by? Whatever the case, she liked it, so he wore it. He'd wear a dress if it made her eyes drink him like a fine wine. Well...maybe he would.

The colt glanced to his right at his beautiful Princess. She was wearing the same Victorian styled dress from the previous ambassador party, cut into overlapping layers of rich violet that ended in a final layer of embroidered silk, draping just enough to cover her flanks and down to the middle of her hind-leg. Her tail drifted out the bottom like a starry train on a wedding dress, drifting about in an felt breeze. The collar of the dress rode high on her slender neck, accented by a black satin choker, the center-piece a polished onyx stone set into silver filigree.

Around her waist, a black corset, cut in such a way her wings were still free, trimmed this time by matching overlapping silver plates that Star wore on his wing-edges. Hers were larger, sleeker and far more engraved. Woven into her feathers were black satin ribbons. Over and under through the primaries. Gone were her normal crystal slippers, instead long shimmering black socks that rode to her knees, and onyx shoes that clicked firmly on the polished floor. From her ears hung a pair of heavy silver crescent moon earrings and a filigree of silver wire laced her long fluted horn. She still wore her onyx crown, forever a symbol of her station.

She had scooted him out when it was her turn to get dressed and so as his eyes wandered over her outfit to her covered rump, he remembered a conversation in the Canterlot gardens so long ago.

“Say...Princess?” He whispered as they awaited being announced to the party. She raised an eyebrow at him curiously. “Just what are you wearing under that dress? I never got to see last time.”

She giggled, an onyx slippered hoof coming to her lips. “Perhaps this is the evening thou shalt see.” She winked at him, gently bumping her flank to his before leaning her head down to nibble lightly on his ear. “And perhaps...” She whispered seductively. “Tis the evening thou officially becomes mine consort.” She grinned at his stunned expression. “Perhaps...” She trailed off, caressing his cheek with her onyx slipper. “Assuming thou dost not make quite the spectacle of thyself this time.”

His breath came in hurried gasps as he fought to control his wings. “Y-yes, Princess. Of course. I'll not embarrass you again.”

“Mmm...we shalt see.” An amused smile graced her lips. Her ears swiveled forward as they heard the herald on the other side of the door begin to announce them. “Remember everything I hath taught thou and everything thou hath learned on thy own. For these art not ambassadors, but the rulers of the griffons. Now come, tis time to put upon thy mask, my wonderful stallion.”

“-her Highness Princess Luna and her Shadow-Guard, Starstep.” The deep voiced herald announced beyond the double oak doors just as they creaked open with Luna's magic. The graceful, sleek Princess of the Night stepped through the doors into a massive feasting hall, Starstep only a stride behind and to her right. The center of attention in a room full of the most powerful leaders in the land. Him, nervous? Nah.

Chapter XLII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLII

By Indigo Eclipse

Star and Luna stood ten steps above the massive feasting hall. Old stone walls and heavy timber enclosed the room, roaring fireplaces on three of the walls, the main entrance that Star and Luna stood in, on the fourth. Smaller doors flanked the fireplaces, the ones on the left partially hidden by the line of waiting staff, Orangefeather Sasha and her head chef standing on each end. Star assumed those doors led to the kitchens. Three grand black oak banquet tables dominated the floor space with benches lining their lengths. Heavy silver and gold lit candelabras dotted the centers of the massive surfaces, giving the hall a golden glow that only reached the attendees, leaving the high ceiling bathed in shadow. The assembled griffons and ponies were on their hooves and feet before their spots at the tables. Already Celestia and Lighthoof were at the end of the center one, awaiting the last pair.

The regal Princess of the Night began a slow, graceful walk down the stairs, blue mane flowing about her gently. Her movement jolted Star from his nervousness, stepping down the first step and gritting his teeth at the awful 'CLANK' that sounded from the coins in his pouch. With the room so deathly quiet, the coin on coin noise resonated loudly in his ears. Luna did not stop her graceful stride for him, so the pegasus gave an slight smile to the watchers and took another step, softer this time. The coins still clinked, but not as loudly. He focused on using his lightest touch on the next, imagining himself on a lightning filled cloud. Only the faintest of metal on metal resulted.

Each stair downward at Luna's side, his stride became measured and gentle. While not as practiced as the Princess, Star's efforts to keep the coins from making a racket gave him a certain grace that mimicked Luna's. They reached the floor and he maintained that controlled step as they walked between two of the feast tables, aware of all the judging eyes. One soft hoof in front of the other, matching his Princess' pace, till at last she stood at the head of the table to her sister's right and him at the end of the table to Luna's right, with Lighthoof directly across from him.

Celestia raised her hoof. “I welcome you all to our summit. Before we begin our talks, let us enjoy a meal prepared by Orangefeather Sasha.” She gestured a hoof towards the side of the hall where the griffon stood with her crew of wait staff. She bowed with a sweep of her wings at the acknowledgment, a smug smile on her face.

Luna raised her hoof as Celestia lowered her's. “In this twilight hour, let us bond as allies and friends over this meal. It would please us if thou wilst eat, drink and be merry.” Luna and her sister sat in tandem at the head of the table, signaling the attendees that they could do the same. Immediately, soft conversation started along the lengths of the tables as the serving staff worked quickly to wheel out carts of soup.

Settled on his bench, Star took a moment to smile at his Princess, which she returned, a twinkle in her eyes. Across from him, Lighthoof was dressed in a high stiff collared white tuxedo, the hems and cuffs of his jacket trimmed in gold. Little golden suns adorned his label, glinting in the flickering candlelight. At the head of the table to Light's right, the Sun Goddess was in a flowing gown of sunshine yellow, laced in white. Besides her usual golden crown, a tiny golden chain drooped across her forehead, dangling little amber droplets that seemed to magnify the candlelight, brightening her face.

The pegasus glanced to his right, meeting the scowling stare of an older female griffon. Her chest was striped with brilliant yellow, at least six times. He didn't take long to look at her markings, afraid of offending the visiting dignitary.

“Starstep.” Luna's voice caught his attention. She gestured to the griffon at his side. “This is Yellowfeather Hilda. Clan leader of the Fairwind griffons.”

Star looked back to the older female, offering a hoof in a polite gesture of greeting. The griffon just looked at it, then him. Eyes cold and uncaring. After a few awkward moments, the pony lowered his hoof.

“Princess Luna, I am not here to speak with your...consort.” She spit the word out like it was something distasteful. “I came only because you promised we would speak of how your encroachment of trade policies is harming my clan's hold over the trade in the griffon kingdoms.”

Luna leaned back as soup as set in front of her and Celestia. Using her magic, she sipped it, giving a smiling nod to the waiter griffon before he scurried off to collect more bowls. “Encroachment? Tis a strange choice of words. We have no control of thy kingdom's trade arrangements with each other.”

Soup was placed in front of Star and Light. The blue-grey pegasus glanced to his right, noticing a tightness around Hilda's eyes. She seemed angry at him for some reason, even as she talked right past him to the Princess.

“Yellowfeather Hilda.” Celestia began. “Your clan has been one of two in the kingdoms to be able to freely trade from one end to another. I am certainly understanding of the money your clan makes from such an arrangement. But why do you seem so hostile to us?”

Star sipped his soup carefully, listening and trying very hard not to annoy the griffon at his right. Huh, some kind of cream of mushroom with bits of rice. Very rich, very good. He accidentally slurped his soup from the spoon in his haste to taste more.

“Insult after insult.” The griffon growled, glancing down at the pegasus. She turned her angry brown eyes on the Princesses. “Ponykind's soft stance on trade restriction is beginning to bleed into griffon politics. Things have been as they are for thousands of years. My clan has been rulers of the trade before Equestria was even formed.”

A cackling laugh across the table snapped Star's eyes up. Sitting next to Lighthoof was a very ancient looking male griffon. The feathers along his chest were no longer pure white, but a sort of silvery-grey. White stripes adorned his chest, a color Star had never seen before. He looked up and fought back a gasp at the cloudy eyes of the griffon. Only the slightest of coloring marked where his pupils were. His beak was chipped and scared down it's entire length, and strange little spots of missing feathers where old white scars prevented their growth, sprinkled down his head and neck. Hilda pointed a claw across the table at the old griffon. “Stay out of this Alexander.”

Again, a ragged laugh rolled from the griffon's throat. “Oh, not even using my title now. Now who is being insulting?” He turned his blind eyes towards the royal sisters. “I apologize for her behavior, Princesses. It is always the younglings that try to puff themselves up.”

Hilda's eyes widened, too shocked to notice the soup placed in front of her. “Youngling?! Why you old fossil. I'll have you know I'm fifty-four cycles! I've mothered dozens of broods and have led my clan for twenty years.”

Again, the old griffon cackled. “Perhaps in your eyes you are not a hatchling, but to I, and especially the sisters, you are just a twinkle in time. Why, just two-hundred years ago, your clan was almost bankrupt over starting that feud with the Daggerbeak clan. I saw it with my own eyes.”

The female griffon sputtered, so angry that no coherent words spilled from her lips. At last she pretended to focus on the soup, sipping at it with the spoon clutched in her talon. Star could see the metal bending in her furious grip.

Celestia smiled warmly towards the angry griffon. “Please, Yellowfeather Hilda. We're not trying to change how the griffon kingdoms are ruled. We've managed peace between our subjects for generations now. Why would we jeopardize that?”

Hilda just glared at the white alicorn until Celestia sighed and shook her head sadly. Minutes passed in relative silence as the griffons and ponies ate the appetizer. Soft clinks of spoons to porcelain, an occasional slurp and hushed conversations buzzed in the room like a little hive of bees..

Starstep reached for his mug of mead and happened to meet the ancient griffon's sight-less eyes. Curiosity got the better of him and before he could stop himself, he asked; “Whitefeather Alexander.” The colt began, hoping he got the title right. The ancient griffon tilted his head curiously. “I mean no disrespect, I'm just curious. How old are you? You said you saw a feud two-hundred years ago.”

The griffon smiled, the twisted, chipped beak curled the look into something not quite friendly, though Star knew it wasn't intentional. “Well, it appears this consort is not just for looks.” He tilted his head the other direction in thought. “Ah, I would say...five-hundred and twenty something. Give or take a few years. I lost some time during the great wars.”

Hilda hissed. “Why are you talking to him, Alexander? He's just for breeding and to make the Princess not seem like the lonely age-less freak that she is.”

Star fought down the urge to snap at the griffon, instead sipping at his soup to keep his mouth busy. He glanced up to see Lighthoof across from him, giving the faintest of nods.

“Oh, come now, Yellowfeather Hilda, have you no honor that you would insult your host?” Alexander smirked. “Just because you use your consorts as breeders and nothing else, does not mean everyone else does. Have you grown so cold that you've forgotten to love? I may be ancient, but even I can still love.”

“No honor? NO HONOR!” She picked up her soup bowl and flung it at the old griffon, the white ceramic slid by his head, smashing into the floor between tables. The hall went silent, eyes turning to the commotion.

The old griffon calmly ran a claw along some of the soup droplets along his feathers and licked it from the talon. He smiled across the table at the furious female. “Oh, enough with the theatrics. We all get your point. You're angry about recent changes to your monopoly over griffon trade. If you wish to challenge me to a duel, challenge me and let us be done with it.” He traced his claw along his scarred beak. “If not, calm yourself and act like a clan head, not a spoiled hatchling.”

The female's eyes widened at the talk of challenge. She stuttered for a few moments before settling back onto her bench, dipping her head towards the old griffon though he couldn't see it. “I don't wish to challenge you. I'm sorry if I insulted you Elder Alexander.” The ancient griffon bobbed his head and immediately the tension in the air dissipated. Conversations resumed and the servers returned to handing out the soup.

“Elder-” Starstep began.

“Whitefeather would be the correct title for a non-griffon, young pegasus.” The old griffon turned his cloudy eyes towards him.

“Er, Whitefeather Alexander. I've never heard of a griffon living as long as you have. How is that possible? And being that old, why aren't you king of all the griffons? I mean, that has to have some kind of pull to unite the clans.”

“Ah, something that my rivals have been asking for many a generation.” He cackled to himself. “I simply tell them it is genetics. Our clan is the oldest still existing. Dating back to the creation of griffon-kind. Why, my eldest living daughter is three-hundred. Off gallivanting with the dragon empress. As for ruling...well.” He smirked, that damaged beak giving him a fearful expression. “As you may know, young pegasus, we griffons are a proud race. Tied to our traditions and self-importance. Every griffon wants to lead, very few wish to follow. To bring the clans together requires at least one of three things. Grand power, massive wealth.” He paused to flick his blind eyes in Hilda's direction. “Or war against a common foe.”

A thought occurred to Star. “Wait, you called me a pegasus. How-”

“Did I know what you are?” The old griffon laughed again. He pointed a claw beside him to Lighthoof. “Just like I know he is also a pegasus. It's no secret that you ponies have a sort of natural magic. If you live as long as I have, you start to...feel, the energy that surrounds each race. More so when you go blind.” He chuckled.

Star went quiet for the rest of the appetizer portion of the meal. Rolling the thoughts in his head now that his curiosity was sated. Celestia began a conversation with a griffon one seat down from Alexander and soon Lighthoof joined in when the topic shifted to flying in harsh weather. His ears swiveled about to pick up on the talk around him. There was a few snippets of the attacks on the borders. Many comments on the soup or mead. A few tid-bits about some griffon challenging another. After a while Luna and Celestia were pleasantly answering any questions directed their way. The feasting hall a quiet buzz of tempered discussions with occasional flare-ups of outrage or exclamations. Thankfully, no fights broke out and soon it was time for the main course.

An expectant hush rolled through the crowd as Sasha and crew wheeled out the entrees. Eyes followed one ornate cart with the two covered dishes as it made it's way to the Princesses. Sasha smiled to the royal sisters as she lifted the polished metal lids. One was a huge bowl of mixed greens, topped with exotic fruits and vegetables. The other caused Star to gasp in disbelief. A grilled bone-less chicken breast, topped with some sort of diced green vegetable over a light coating of red sauce. This meat dish was placed in front of Luna, drawing surprised and expectant eyes towards her.

Star caught the faintest glimmers of disgust in Luna's cyan eyes as Sasha beamed at her side. She puffed out her chest and looked over the crowd. “Princess Luna dined at the Black Talon yesterday evening and so enjoyed her chicken dish that she agreed to allow me to cook something especially for her.” The griffon smiled down at the blue alicorn, the Princess returned the warm expression but Star saw the tightness around her eyes. “I personally cooked a Black Talon clan recipe for you, Princess Luna. I very much hope you enjoy it.”

Starstep looked at Celestia, who wore her ever present mask of regal warmth, then to Lighthoof. He seemed stunned, maybe even a little ill. Alexander seemed...thoughtful, though it was hard to tell with such a damaged face and sight-less eyes. He risked a quick glance to his right and found Hilda's eyes wide in disbelief.

“It looks most delightful, Orangefeather Sasha.” Luna said, lifting her fork with her magic. “I cannot wait to try it.” Star spared a look around the room. Every griffon was watching the Princess, now that news of what her dish was had spread. She cut off an end of the chicken, stabbing it with her fork then lifted it to her lips without hesitation. The alicorn chewed on the piece of meat, eyes closed as though she was savoring the flavor before swallowing. “Mmm...tis quite tasty indeed. My compliments.”

A collective gasp followed by hurried whispers flowed down the tables. Star noticed Hilda's beak was wide open in shock. “B-but, ponies don't eat meat. What is this?”

Luna smiled as her fork cut off another small bite, effectively dismissing Sasha and her crew to begin asking each guest if they wanted chicken or salad. Star asked for salad without a thought, too intent on the drama at his sides.

The alicorn swallowed. “Mm...tis not often I eat chicken. I prefer the wild flavor of eagle.” Her eyes sparkled mischievously at the Hilda.

If griffons could pale, she would have. The clan head's pupils shrank and she trembled ever so slightly, the vibration rolling down the bench to Starstep. It took a server asking her four times what she wanted to get her attention. Across the table, Alexander was laughing.

“Really, sister, is this necessary?” Star caught Celestia whispering. To which the blue alicorn nodded before chewing another bite.

“I had heard...rumors recently, Princess Luna.” Alexander began, carefully pulling apart the his own chicken with his talons. “That you were a different kind of pony. A being one should be cautious around.” He chewed a bite of his meal and swallowed. “It appears the rumors were not far from the truth. I expect that those who labeled pony-kind as weak and submissive like prey animals-” He cut off another piece. “Will be forced to reevaluate their views. Well played, Princess.”

Luna simply nodded to the old griffon and ate.

A while later, Starstep pushed his empty salad bowl away with a hoof, burping politely into his other, drawing an angry glare from the female griffon at his right. He gave an apologetic smile before looking the other way. Princess Luna had since finished her dish and was staring at him very intently, one fore-hoof resting on the table near him. It was though she was trying to communicate something. Curious, he reached out to softly rest his own blue-grey hoof to her sock-clad one, stroking the black fabric every so slightly as to not draw attention. She whispered something Star couldn't make out, so he leaded his head forward, she mirrored and nuzzled near his ear.

“Thou shalt follow my lead Starstep, please do not linger.” Her voice seemed labored, as though she was having difficulty breathing. He gave a quick nod as she pulled away.

The alicorn stood. “I must step away for but a few moments. Please excuse us.” She turned, calmly walking towards the doors on the other side of the hall.

“Is everything all right?” Celestia asked, her concerned eyes following her sister. He gave a smile to the alicorn.

“Yeah, we'll be right back Princess.” He tried to ignore the curious look from Alexander and the distrustful one from Hilda as he spun and trotted to reach Luna just as she opened one of the side doors.

Star followed her through, glancing back as it clicked shut, leaving them in a dim hallway alone. She quickened her pace, onyx slippers clicking on the stone floor. “What's going on Princess?”

She shook her head, long legged pace losing her natural grace. She seemed hurried now, chest heaving as she fought for breath. Not sure what he could do to help, he followed at her side till she slammed open the door to the filly's restroom. Indecision caused him to linger for a moment before he took a deep breath and followed his Princess in.

Thankfully, the room was empty, relieving some of the embarrassment Star was feeling. The alicorn hurried to an empty stall, breathing heavily through her mouth, a shudder running through her body. Suddenly, Star knew what was wrong, though his own experience with it was due to alcohol. He slid up beside her in the stall, reaching up to pull her ethereal mane away from her face as the pony jerked her head towards the ceramic basin in the floor and retched.

The colt felt helpless, holding her mane out of the way, listening to the stomach churning sounds of her emptying her belly. He pressed his cheek up against her neck, stroking her mane with a hoof in a desperate attempt to soothe her. At last, trembling, and with nothing else to purge from her body, the alicorn sank to the floor, saliva dribbling in trails from her muzzle. Star grabbed the stall-paper and wiped it away, gaining him a unsteady, but thankful smile.

“ I t-thank thou, Starstep.” She took another deep breath, reaching out a hoof to flush the evidence.

“It was the chicken, wasn't it?” He asked, still softly stroking her beautiful blue mane. She buried her muzzle into his neck and nodded.

“Sometimes one's games and deceptions have consequences.” She gave a shuddering breath. “We cannot linger long, dessert wilst be served soon and would be seen as insulting if we art not there.”

“Was it necessary? This whole eating meat thing? I can't imagine what it must have been like to...” Just the thought of what she had done made his dinner threaten to rebel.

“They know me not, dear Starstep. They have only dealt with mine sister for a thousand years and we see how far that has gotten them. I must represent an element of the unknown, perhaps even a little intimidation. For that, there is a cost.”

The colt shook his head. “If you say so Princess. I just worry about you.”

She nuzzled him before standing shakily on her hoofs. “I knowth, my dearest stallion. I knowth.” The alicorn calmly stepped to the sinks to rinse her mouth out, gargling water to clean the taste from her tongue and sting in her throat. Satisfied that she was as fresh as she would get without mouthwash, she patting her lips dry with paper towels. Suddenly her ears swiveled towards the doors. “Quickly, Starstep, kiss me.”

Never one to deny his Princess, the pegasus took the few steps to close the distance and locked lips with her, closing his eyes at the cool soft touch of her lips. A creak of the bathroom door snapped his eyes open and ears swiveling. A pair of gasps and gentle tittering told him they had company. The colt met the knowing grins of a mare and female griffon, embarrassed and cheeks red. Luna smiled to the pair. “My apologizes, ladies. We simply wished a little...” Her gazed flicked back towards the colt. “Privacy.” Her ethereal tail curled under his chin and pulled him forward a few steps. “Please excuse us.” The pair stepped aside, watching the Princess and her consort exit the filly's room. He caught the briefest laughter and hurried whispering as the door swung shut.

“You know that gossip is going to spread like wildfire in a few minutes.” Star smirked at the alicorn.

“Indeed, twas the entire point. I would much rather them think we wandered off for a little...” She hesitated, contemplating a suitable word. “-naughtiness than to allow Sasha to believe she's been deceived.” They were walking back down the stone hall towards the banquet room.

“What's with this Sasha anyway? You didn't seem like you wanted her here to cater.”

“Despite her working in our city and her willingness to obey the rules, her sister is clan head of the Black Talons. A rather war-like and aggressive griffon family. To have them cater sends mixed messages to the rest of the clans. I dost enjoy leaving mine foes in confusion, but only when I can predict the outcome. Having her here dost creates variables I wish not to contemplate.” She halted in front of the door, the soft buzz inside echoed through the woods. “After the meal, I and the clan heads shalt have a discussion. Thou wilst not be in attendance.”

Star opened his mouth to protest but she rested her onyx slippered hoof to his lips. “While thou art my shadow, to have thou there would weaken my strength in their eyes. None of them wilst be attending with guards, consorts or otherwise. To do so would be seen as distrustful. Instead, thou shalt join the garden party with the other non-clan heads.” She tilted his chin up to kiss him sweetly. “Be mine eyes and ears. See and hear what I cannot. It is often those closest that know our darkest secrets.” Her eyes glimmered brightly, a loving warm smile on her lips. Starstep leaned in to nibble at her bottom lip, causing the Princess to gasp softly.

“I love you, Princess.”

He thought he saw the beginnings of a tear as her smile broadened. “And I, thou.”

Dessert was some kind of crushed ice with sweet syrup coating it along with a side of strawberries and cream. Star thought it very fortunate that dessert was light, considering what Luna had just been through. Eventually, all the attendees finished, though a few called for after-dinner coffees. The sisters thanked everyone for being their guests and asked for all the clan-heads to follow them to the council room, directing everyone else outside to the gardens for entertainment.

Star lingered a while, Lighthoof joining him near the exit doors, watching the mass of ponies and griffons leave, nodding to those that did so, ignoring the occasional glare.

Light leaned towards him. “Everything cool with the Princess?”

The blue-grey pegasus nodded, spiky mane bobbing slightly. “Yeah. I'll bet you'll start hearing rumors about us tonight. For now just nod and smile. I'll tell you what really happened later, alright?”

“The dinner?” Light glanced at his friend as the last of the guests exited the grand hall. Only the cleaning staff remained, sweeping and collecting dishes.

Star nodded, leaving it at that before turning and leading the way out and down the main hallway towards the gardens. “Nice outfit by the way.”

“Thanks dude. Not enough black, but it's not bad.” He stumbled a bit as his ceremonial blade sheath caught on a loose rug. Recovered, he hurried to catch Star. “Hey, dude. You've really got the royal walk down.”


The tan pegasus gestured to Star's gentle steps. “Captain Shining is the only colt I've seen get it right.”

“Oh!” Starstep chuckled, bouncing the next couple of steps making the coin pouch clank loudly. “Pouch full of bits. Princess Luna's idea. I was so afraid of making a racket, I just imagined myself walking on a volatile lightning cloud.”

“H-uh. I might have to try that. Princess Celestia asked me to be her date for the Grand Galloping Gala in a couple months.”

“Will uh, Sherry and Peach Blossom be coming?”

His pegasus friend frowned. “Assuming they're understanding about the whole thing. Celestia promised to pay for any outfit they want. Even offered to have the royal tailor craft one specifically for them.”

“Rarity? Tartarus, Light. The way most fillies act about Rarity's clothing line, they'd agree to come just for the dresses.” He gave a sigh. “Well, I really do hope this all works out, Light.” They stepped out into the gardens. “But for now, it's time to mingle.”

And mingle they did. The colts went their separate ways, stopping to thank the pony and griffon guests for coming. Being the consorts to the Princesses, they had to act as sort of ambassadors of good-will and represent the royal sisters as best they could. Soft music played from a six piece band off to one side, a couple of tables set up with refreshments and a stage where a griffon 'magician' was pulling a rather angry rabbit out of his hat. Sun-Guards stood at various places along the walls, not interfering with the guests, but their presence ensured that they behaved themselves. Star even caught a glance of one of the Night-Guards slinking along the roof-top of the fortress.

Most of the griffons were consorts or a very close family member. The reactions to him were mixed; some enjoyed talking with Star, some refused to acknowledge him and walked the other way. It was a struggle to not get angry, but he understood the gestures were political and generally not personal. The ponies in attendance seemed to be very powerful aristocrats from the surrounding cities, even a couple from Canterlot. All in all, the night was fairly pleasant, though a little dull. All they seemed to want to talk about was relationship rumors, or clothing or some random nonsense that Star pretended to listen to.

Then, sometime before midnight, as he made his way through the crowd towards the punch bowl, a cold firm voice froze him in his tracks, sending a chill up his spine. “Mister Starstep, it's a delight to see you again.”

He turned his head to find a massive silver earth-pony with a deep blue mane, smiling at him. Smug and arrogant, the large pony crossed the last few feet to stand before the smaller pegasus. “I was wondering if I would get to see you tonight.” He was wearing a sleek black tuxedo that seemed to broaden his already large shoulders, a night-lily pinned to the chest pocket.

“Mister Steel. What are you doing here?” The colt glanced about, a little nervous to be seen talking to the information broker in the open.

The large pony waved a hoof at the gathering. “Why, attending a party with some of the most influential ponies and griffons in both kingdoms. It's quite the treat. You wouldn't believe the information floating around here.”

Star frowned. “Ok, let me rephrase that. How did you get in? No offense, but you're not exactly an upstanding citizen of Equestria.”

Steelhoof seemed shocked. “I am quite the citizen. I serve my country dutifully.”

“When it suits your agenda.”

That raised the earth-pony's eyebrows. “My, my. Mister Starstep. It seems this last week has changed something in you.” His cold bronze eyes took appraisal of the pony. “Yes...something is different.” He hummed to himself, tapping his chin with one of his steel-horseshoed hooves. “AH, I see!” The pony leaned into Star's personal space, nose to nose. “Your wings grew back black.” He grinned at Star's confused expression and laughed. It was rich and deep. “You must learn not to take everything quite so serious, Mister Starstep. Or the dark things you've done, will consume you.”

“Dark...what are you talking about?” He hissed in a near whisper.

The stallion pulled back his head, shaking it sadly side to side. “Denial will not make it go away. You must accept it, embrace it.”

“You still didn't answer my question about how you got in here. I have the power to call the guards and boot you out.” The colt drew himself up and flapped his silver-trimmed wings in anticipation of a fight.

“Oh, you do indeed. But that would be quite...awkward, considering it was your Princess who provided my invitation.” The stallion reached into the his tux jacket to draw out a folded slip of paper. With a smug expression he flicked the end, causing it to fold outward for the colt to read. Sure enough, it was an invitation with Luna's signature on it. Curious, Star leaned out and sniffed the paper. Luna's scent. Apparently it wasn't a forgery.

Disbelief still floated in his eyes. “How did you get this? The Princess knows who you are.”

“Oh, she does. I certainly did not gain this for free. I had to pay a rather high price.” He looked around at the conversing ponies and griffons, bronze eyes sparkling like a foal in a candy store. “But so very worth it.” The stallion turned his head to meet the pegasus' stare. “It's been delightful to see you again, Mister Starstep. But I must not allow this opportunity to slip through my hooves. I'm certain we'll bump into each other again before you leave home for Canterlot.” The large silver stallion turned to leave.

“Wait.” Stars firm call halted the information broker. “What about Granite?”

Steelhoof smiled, it wasn't pleasant. “He's been...dealt with.”


“Mister Starstep, do you really wish to know?”

Star contemplated it for a few moments then shook his head. “No, not really.”

“And that, Mister Starstep, is the difference between us.” With his parting comment, the large stallion vanished into the crowd.

The pegasus finished his walk to the refreshment table and guzzled down a cup. It had a little burn to it. Apparently it was alcoholic. He drank down two more and was reaching for a third when a claw gripped his forelimb. He turned his head to find Sasha smirking at him.

“Careful now. We wouldn't want Princess Luna's Shadow-Guard to be drunk on duty, do we?” She sounded playful, but there was something about her eyes. Hunger, like a predator.

Star set his empty cup onto the table, turning his full attention to the griffon. “Orangefeather Sasha, on behalf of the Princess, thank you again for catering on such short notice.”

Her smirk didn't leave her face as she reached up to run a claw down the front of his vest. “Oh, please, none of us here are Clan-heads, just Sasha for now.” She tilted her head, gesturing to a garden path through the hedges. “Care escort me through the garden? I've never been up here to the fortress before. It's quite...” She hesitated, searching for a word as her eyes looked him over. “Formidable.”

“Uh...y-yeah. Ok. Sure, Sasha.” He gave a nervous glance to make sure they weren't attracting attention and started down the path that ran through the hedge garden away from the soft music and gentle buzz of conversation. They walked in silence for a bit, listening to the chirp of crickets complementing the faint sounds of the party, under the cool blue light of the moon and Luna's bright stars. “So...” He began, attempting to break the ice. “Was there something you wanted to talk about?”

“Talk about?” The griffon asked, amusement in her voice. “Oh, no. I've nothing much to say.” She halted near a heavy hedge wall, bringing them to a stop as she glanced over her shoulder. Quicker than Star could react the griffon grabbed his neck in her talon and slammed him up against the hedge. It didn't hurt, but it was prickly and rather uncomfortable with her claw firm around his neck.

Star blinked at her in surprise, but didn't cry out, knowing that if she really wanted to hurt him, she just had to tighten those talons that pricked at his coat. The griffon smiled at him, lifting up her other claw to trace a claw along the side of his face.

“The Princess is one thing, but you. Something about you is...exotic compared to the rest of the little pip-squeak subjects of Equestria.” Her claw circled around his eye. “I wonder what it is that attracts a creature as powerful and cold as Princess Luna to you. She even has you eating meat and sneaking off to fool around in the middle of dinner.” She laughed at his expression. “Just because I'm not clan-leader like my sister, doesn't mean I don't keep tabs on what's going on.”

The griffon leaned closer, tilting her head up so the tip of her beak sharply stroked along the top of his muzzle, causing him to shiver involuntarily. “Mmm...does this excite you too?” He tried to reply but a simple tightening of her claw around his neck made him forget his words. “I tried dating a pony once. Too docile, too...weak.” She spit the last word. “I even tried a male griffon or two. But none of them had real ambition.” She ran her claws along his mane and teased his ear. “But you. Mmm...something about you caught my eye.” She turned her head, opening her beak so that her strong, thick griffon tongue prodded at his lips.

Star realized she was trying to kiss him as only griffons can. He had a moment to consider it, then opened his mouth to accept her advances. He played with her tongue with his own, it was rather wet and a little sticky, but hot and exciting with the tip of her beak grazing through his cheek fur. At last she pulled back, licking her mouth. “Mmm...not bad.”

Sasha leaned in, nose to nose. “I think I'm going to rape you now.”

Star managed a grin, fighting back the panic in his belly and replied. “It's not rape if I want it.”

His comment took the griffon by complete surprise. She blinked a few times, then rolled back her head, laughing in a melodious chirp. Eventually she recovered enough to look into his eyes just before somepony cleared their throat to the right. They both looked over to find a mare unicorn Sun-Guard watching them with trained professionalism.

“Everything alright?” The trottingham mare asked, golden helm glinting softly in the moon-light.

Sasha released her grip on the colt, allowing him to fall back to his hoofs and beamed a smile at the mare. “Of course, guard. I was just on my way back to the party.” She started away, glancing over her shoulder at the colt. “Till next time, Shadow-Guard.” She smirked before wandering off into the darkness.

The mare watched her leave before stepping up to the colt and removing her helm. Sandy ran a hoof through her mane and exhaled deeply. “What the buck was that all about?”

Starstep shook his head and shrugged. “To be honest, I really don't know.” He gave the mare a smile. “Thanks for the save. I think she was serious.” He reached out a hoof, to which the Sun-guard bumped in return.

“Hey, no biggie. You'll just owe me one.” Sandy winked at Star before sliding her helm back on and resuming her patrol.

Chapter XLIII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLIII

By Indigo Eclipse

Starstep made his way back towards the voices of the party, occasionally rubbing at his neck where the talons had pressed at his skin. A part of him wondered how badly things would have gotten if he'd fought Sasha's advances, the other part felt ashamed that he didn't. He reminded himself it was to keep the peace on Luna's behalf. To cause a much bigger scene would have deeper consequences than his comfort. At least, that's what he told himself.

At last he rounded a final hedge to rejoin the party, nodding curtly to the two Sun-Guards posted at the entrance, then struck up a conversation with guests nearby. As time dragged on, mired in the nonsense the ponies and griffons prattled on about, he noticed Sasha watching him rather intently from across the room, something challenging in her stare. Star adverted his eyes, focusing his attention on the pair of ponies visiting from Trottingham who were discussing their jobs as travel agents. While he was busy, Sasha began to work the crowd, speaking with one cluster of guests and then another, weaving her way towards her prey one group at a time. When Star finally noticed, he began to do the same, except to get as far away from her as he could. And so for the next hour, Sasha chased Star around the party in a strange game of chase that no other pony or griffon seemed aware of. He was trying to think of some excuse to leave the gardens completely when a waiter stepped in front of him.

It took the pegasus a moment to recognize the large grey earth pony in the white buttoned waiter's shirt. There was a silver tray balanced carefully on his back, a few delicacies on the platter. It was the jagged scar on his thick neck that jogged Star's memory. Thundermane, one of Luna's lieutenant looked very much out of place. The shirt strained against his large barrel and thick forelegs and his eyes had a cold authority that marked him as anything but subservient.

“Sir, we have a bit of a problem.” The pony rumbled, his voice low and very deep.

Star glanced over his shoulder, noting that only Sasha was watching them from three groups back. She caught his eyes and smiled, it was not pleasant. “Yeah, I noticed.” He turned his head back to the lieutenant who seemed puzzled at his response.

“Uh, no sir. Not her.” He cleared his throat, speaking soft enough that his voice wouldn't carry far. “There is a protest forming at the gates.”

“Protest? By who?” The pegasus couldn't hide his confusion.

“Pony citizens. Dazzle is trying to find out more, but it doesn't change the fact that there's a crowd of ponies at the gate, demanding that the griffons be sent home.”

Star tilted his head. “Ok, I'm not sure why you're telling me though.”

Thundermane seemed puzzled by his response, an eyebrow raised, a slight frown forming. “Sir, you're Princess Luna's Shadow-Guard. Her eyes, ears and voice. When we can't talk to her, we come to you.”

Star glanced over his shoulder again, Sasha wasn't anywhere to be seen at the moment, his eyes darted from one side to the other, attempting to relocate the crazy griffon. “Ok, I'll let the Princess know what's going on soon as they get out of that meeting.” He said, not abandoning his search.

“What do you want us to do about the protestors?”

“Do?” Star blinked. “I-I donno, they're not hurting anypony are they?”

“No, sir. Not yet.”

“Yet?” Star's eyebrow climbed as he spared a moment to face the earth-stallion “Are Spurlin ponies the violent type?”

“Normally, no, but they're scared and angry. Seems a few of them are families of the deceased from the outposts. They called friends and relatives and it grew around them. It appears they feel some of the griffons here are responsible. Dazzle is afraid it wont take much to ignite their mistrust into something more than words.” The earth pony gave the slightest shake of his head then he stared at Star, waiting for orders.

The blue-grey pegasus sighed. “Just do whatever you can to keep them calm. They have every right to protest as long as no pony gets hurt.”

“We know that sir. The question is, what do you want us to do if things get out of hoof?”

Then the realization of what he was asking for struck Star. “What would you suggest? I'm sorry that I don't have much experience in protests or potential riots. Canterlot doesn't have these kinds of things.”

“I understand, sir.” The large earth pony gave the faintest look of pity. That expression puzzled the pegasus as the stallion continued in his low, deep tones. “And off the record, I'm glad you're willing to admit it. Too many ponies would just assume they knew best.” He nodded. “My personal suggestion is to keep them out of the fortress with non-lethal force, jail those that press the matter, and otherwise let them fend for themselves.”

Star blinked. “What does that last bit mean?”

“If they get into a fight, with themselves or say a rival group, our guards will not interfere, instead focusing on keeping our perimeter and guests safe.”

The pegasus looked around at all the consorts, family and generally important ponies and griffons. A few were giving them odd glances, perhaps wondering why he was having such a long conversation with a waiter. The guests were here under the code of safe-conduct and because of that, the Princesses were honor bound to protect all of them to the best of their abilities. He sighed, not liking the thought of what would happen if the guards refused to help the protestors if things got really out of hoof.

“Ok, I agree with your suggestion. Do whatever is necessary to insure the fortress and it's guests are protected. I'll let the Princess know as soon as she gets out of the meeting.”

Thundermane nodded sharply, his right leg twitching for just a moment as though he was going to salute Starstep, before he remembered his disguise and instead spun on his hooves, trotting off to disappear into the crowd.

“Now that we're alone again.” A female voice said close to his side, whispering in a seductive voice that promised wicked things. “Well...if you ignore all these fools and boot-lickers.” Star felt a sharp point trace down his flank, making him shudder. “We can pick up where we left off.”

The pegasus turned to find Sasha smiling slyly at him. He swatted her claw away and frowned. “Ok, look Sasha. Now is REALLY not a good time.”

“Oh?” The griffon chirped, taking another step closer to him. “Why ever not?”

“We have protest-” He hesitated, considering the implications if he told her what was going on just outside the gates. Swallowing his initial reaction, he stared up into her hungry eyes. “I'm on duty. I have a job to do.” He lowered his voice until it was a hiss. “If you don't back the buck off and let me represent my Princess honorably, I will personally kick your flank out.”

She laughed, letting the angry words roll right off her. “Oh please. You don't have the strength. Besides, I'm not keeping you from your duty to the Princess.” She leaned closer, causing Star to take a step back. “Your fear of me is doing that.” She licked her beak, as though tasting something delightful.

The pegasus steadied his nerves and regained the step he lost, placing his face close to Sasha's. “I'm not afraid of you. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other guests to attend to.”

“Oh, you most certainly do.” She stepped aside, gesturing with a claw to a group of griffons on the other side of the party. Two of them were staring at each other angrily, claws digging into the ground as they attempted to stare the other down. Behind them, their supporters were gathering, urging them on with cheers and little shouts that grew in volume until it drowned out the band.

Star rolled his eyes, remembering the book he had read on Griffon culture. The two males had some sort of disagreement and so one of them had issued a challenge. They'd stare each other down, the first to look away could get attacked by the other. But until then, they had to face-off, using intimidation, threats and insults to force the other into submission. For all their talk of violence, griffons actually seemed to take more pride in defeating their foes without it. To strike before the other submitted was a huge dent in one's honor. A lot of times, if the initial cause of the fight wasn't that bad, the winner accepted submission as enough to end the battle, but occasionally the anger and hatred ran so deep a fight was unavoidable.

Looking at the pair of griffons, the rage in their eyes, and the very large gathering of supporters for both, Star wasn't so sure this would end without conflict. He couldn't hear them insulting each other over the growing shouts and cries for justice by the two crowds. He took assessment of the rest of the party, noticing the Sun-Guards in nervous battle stances at the fringes, not really certain what they should do. Thankfully none of them had drawn swords. Between the two rival groups and the guards stood the rest of the guests, watching with fascination, as though it was a show for entertainment. Unfortunately, if the guards came charging in, they'd be in harms way.

“Star?” Lighthoof slid up to his side. “What the heck happened?” The tan pegasus spared a glace at Sasha, who stood nearby, a smug expression on her beak.

“I donno, I turn around and these two are going at it. If it was just the two griffons, I wouldn't be too worried, but their friends are REALLY getting into it.” He noticed one guard at the door look back at his sheathed blade, as though contemplating on drawing steel. “Light, can you do something about the Sun-Guards? I don't think this is a fight they want to get involved in. It's griffon politics, not ours.”

Lighthoof nodded in agreement, his eyes also watching the same guard. “Yeah, dude. I noticed that too. Maybe being Princess Celestia's consort will hold some weight with them. Gotta count for something, so I'll do what I can. See if you can talk these griffons down.” They shared a look, unspoken words of trust in the others abilities, before Light trotted towards the nervous door guards.

Star took a deep breath then exhaled before he stepped between the two groups but not the griffons facing-off. He raised a hoof, shouting to be heard over the rising tide of yells and insults. His words for calm were lost to the cries of violence. He began to yell as loud as he could, but to no avail. The two groups were now pressing forward around the flanks of the initial two rivals, then one of the challengers looked away and all Tartarus broke loose. The winner launched himself at the other griffon, signaling for his followers to scream like large birds of prey before they too attacked the other group. Claws slashed, colored tunics were shredded, beaks bit, screams and yells of the struggle echoed in the evening air. Starstep staggered back as two griffons collided in mid-air in front of him, inches from his muzzle.

He could see Lighthoof out of the corner of his eye, arguing with a pack of Sun-Guards who had rushed forward to intervene. All the while, the other guests watched in rapt fascination, yet Sasha had eyes for only him, smiling with amusement. What part she had in all this, he didn't have time to figure out.

He could wade in, hooves flying and maybe break the fight up, but the fall-out of breaking hospitality law would be incredibly harmful to his Princess. “Luna” He said softly to himself, stroking her feather against his chest to steady his nerves. “I could really use your help.” A sudden cold chill spilled from the feather into his body, causing his fur to stand up as his vision blurred slightly. In his mind's eye, he was looking out at the large table of griffon clan leaders. He could...feel his Princess responding to his request, sharing something with him beyond words. There was a quick image of her shouting at a crowd of thousands and being heard by all, then the image faded as a tingling in his throat began. His vision cleared, but the strange burning in his throat remained. Star knew what she'd done, he just hoped he could figure out what to do afterwards. He took a deep breath, planting his hooves solidly on the grass and arced up his neck.

“BE STILL!” His voice was magnified to the point that he could feel the ground at his hooves tremble ever so slightly. The result was instantaneous. Every pair of eyes in the garden was focused completely on him. Most wide with shock, a few raised eyebrows here and there. The fight had stopped almost as though he'd frozen the action. Fists and claws raised, beaks in mid-motion to bite. None of them dared to move as the echo of his words rumbled off the fortress walls and faded. He could feel the tingle in his throat dissipate.

'Too late to be nervous, gotta follow this thing through. Think, Star, think. How would Luna handle this?', Star asked himself, clearing his throat of the numbness from the spell before daring to speak into the sudden stillness.

“How dare you insult our hospitality. The Princesses have promised you all safety and comfort, so that we may work out our differences and find some common ground on which to stand against these rogues who threaten both our people.” He drew himself up, ruffling his black wings in irritation. “I'm not going to try and understand why you felt you needed to fight. I get that clan scuffles are normal for you. They are as much of your culture as Hearth's Warming Eve is to ours. What I want to know is, why you decided to do it here and now rather than wait to go home?”

A few griffons from each side glanced at the other. Most of the looks were of shared concern, with a sprinkling of blame. A couple seemed genuinely ashamed. One of them hesitantly raised a claw, as though they were in class. Star noticed and gave a nod to the griffon.

“Uh...can...we move now?” He was pinned underneath another griffon's claws.

“Yeah, everypony, er every griffon get up and just chill the buck out.” Slowly, they did as they were bid, extracting limbs and bodies from each others grasp, brushing off dirt from their feathers and what was left of their formal tunics, eventually separating back into two groups. “Now, for as long as you have guest rights under our roof, you will refrain from fighting with each other. You've already brought shame to your houses and if I find out anyone here is fighting again, I will personally boot you out of Equestria.” His eyes darted from one griffon to another, daring them to argue. Satisfied that the griffons had gotten the point, he pondered on how to resolve the situation. The first thing that came to mind was Luna and his visit to the local tavern. He smirked and gave a little sigh. "Well, when in Roan." He mumbled softly.

“How about, instead of fighting, we bond.” The griffons seemed puzzled, a few suspicious looked passed through them as the pegasus pointed at a cowering pale-green earth-mare waitress. “You.” She squeaked in surprise. “Go tell the kitchen to bring us kegs of the Royal mead and ale.”

Biting her bottom lip in nervousness, the little mare nodded quickly before bolting off to deliver the message as Starstep turned back to the crowd. “Now, instead of beating each others faces in, how about a different way of challenging each other?”


“Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink!” Griffons and ponies alike were chanting as the two original instigators of the earlier evening's fight, were chugging their sixth mug of ale each. At last, one finished his, the others eyes rolled back in his head as he toppled over to the cheers and groaning of the spectators.

Off at another table, some guests were hoof (or claw) wrestling. Starstep was a little concerned that Sasha seemed to be dominating that sport, despite being on her fifth mug of honey mead. He felt a sense of relief that her aggressive pursuit of him had been deflected into the competition and copious amounts of alcohol.

The guards did not join in with the drinking, being that they were on duty. Starstep and Lighthoof managed to nurse a mug each, more for appearances as they kept a careful eye on the drunken guests. At first, a few had protested the drink and games as poor-pony entertainment, but as more and more of their peers became intoxicated and loosened up from their normally stiff attitudes, the rest relented and joined in. Star imagined that Luna was going to flip at how much the guests had drained the Royal kegs, but seeing rival clans congratulating each other at a round of drunken horse-shoes, or hoof-wrestling and generally not being a bunch of puffed up, angry griffons, Star didn't care if he was punished for the change of plans.

Around midnight, the main doors leading back into the fortress swung wide, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna filling the vast entrance with practiced smiled on their lips, still dressed in their finery. Their eyes glanced around as they held their regal poses, taking in the drunken revelry. Celestia's eyebrow raised high with the slightest hint of a smile while Luna's face remained serene, her thoughts on the party remained tucked away.

The white alicorn spoke, her voice full of warmth and kindness. “I do hope you all have enjoyed your evening. We just wish to inform you that our talks, while progressing, will take longer than one night. Therefore, those of you who are guests of the Clan-heads, rooms have been prepared in the Fortress. Those of you visiting us, we thank you for your attendance and sharing your company with us.”

Luna looked out at the crowd. “I bid thee all a good evening and wish safe travel on thy return home. Guards will escort thou to thy appropriate rooms or assist in seeing thou out of the fortress safely. We dost hope thou hath enjoyed our hospitality.”

A ragged, drunken cheer went up for the Princesses, followed by a bit of laughter and a few slaps on the back between new friends. The sisters stepped to the sides of the doors, flanking the entrance as the griffons and ponies began to file back into the fortress. Both in their ever noble poses of grace and beauty. Starstep thanked the griffons he was talking to before taking his place at Luna's side, Lighthoof mirroring his actions with Celestia. A few guests stopped to offer thanks for the hospitality to the royal sisters, a few even commented on Star's honorable handling of the conflict. That bit of news cause Luna's eyebrow to raise ever so slightly. Thankfully, Sasha did not cause a scene on her way out, only pausing to give her gratitude for being allowed to cater the dinner and offered her services for future events. Luna nodded thoughtfully, smile on her lips as she promised to consider it. Then, with a slight glance in Starstep's direction, the griffon chef left them.

Steelhoof stopped in front of Star on his way out, grinning ear to ear. "I must say, Mister Starstep. I could not have asked for a more...enlightening evening." He gave a slight dip of his head to the moon-goddess at Star's side. "I thank you again for the invitation and I look forward to attending the wedding of Professor Twilight Sparkle. Be well, Princess." He bowed that thick neck of his before trotting away, leaving Star slightly confused.

"He's coming to Twilight and Cheerilee's wedding too?" The pegasus hissed under his breath.

Luna maintained her stoic expression. "A necessary price." She offered no other information as she resumed thanking guests for coming.

At last, the final guests were gone, leaving the gardens empty except for the cleaning crew and the musicians on stage, who were packing their instruments. Luna exhaled deeply and blanketed Starstep in her wing. On the other side of the door, Lighthoof was being guided back into the fortress at Celestia's touch. Relatively alone, the blue alicorn gave a gentle giggle, leaning down nuzzling her colt.

“I felt thy call for mine assistance. It appears thou hath made satisfactory use of it.” Her eyes fell on the pile of empty kegs nearby, clearly stamped with the royal seal. “Though it remains to be seen, what thy tactic hath cost us. I very much liked that mead. Pray-tell how much remains?” She looked down at him, a hint of annoyance on her face.

Starstep grimaced as he looked up into Luna's eyes. “We have two kegs left. I know it was your favorite. I'm sorry, Princess, I couldn't think of any other way to keep them from ripping each others throats out. I had to ask for your help to stop one fight, I didn't want to stop more.” He gave a shrug. “Spur of the moment, I realized that drunk griffons are usually happy griffons.”

The ruler of the night coaxed him inside with a touch of her soft wing, walking slowly at Star's side. “On this, we dost agree. I suppose the mead is a small price to pay to maintain order. It was also quite delightful to see the panicked expressions upon the clan-leader's faces as the walls shook around them." She smiled at the memory before her expression faded. "Though upon my way out of the meeting, Dazzle informed me of the protest.” She sighed. “I cannot fault them for their...displeasure at us hosting these griffon leaders, when one of them could very well be behind the attacks.”

“I take it the talks didn't go well?” Star nuzzled lightly at Luna's neck as they walked, leaning slightly against the larger pony.

“Tis an understatement. Without going into details, a few of them charged the others with the crimes. Tempers flared, feelings were hurt, much gnashing and grinding of...beaks, were to be had. Much distrust can be found amongst the clans, where posturing and intimidation art part of their political structure.” She shook her head with a small smile. “Fortunately, thy use of my Royal voice, shook them from their endless arguments. Not knowing what hath caused the walls to rumble, they became timid and less willing to create a scene.”

They turned down a side hall, torches flickering in the dark stone passage. Starstep looked up at his Princess. “Was anything accomplished?”

“Mmm...I suppose. They hath agreed to bolster their border patrols in hopes of catching the group responsible. We hath agreed to do the same under the promise that both sides will not maintain this level of military might along the borders after the culprits art dealt with. I pray that we end this soon, my dear Starstep. The protests at the gates art but the first sign of a distrust that may fracture our peace.” She paused to nuzzle the pegasus. “I am fearful for pony-kind if this escalates. I am also fearful for the griffon-citizens who art innocent in this matter.” She sighed heavily. “Heavy is the crown, Starstep.”

Starstep ran his muzzle through her mane, feeling the tingling strands of ethereal hair caress his coat like a lover. He slid a fore-leg around her neck and hugged her tight. The Princess pressed into his embrace, giving a contented sigh.


The alicorn made a sound of acknowledgment.

“How about a nice relaxing bath? I'll personally pamper you, if you'll let me.”

Luna slowly pulled back from his embrace, smiling down at him. “That dost sound lovely. I accept thy offer.”


In short time, the Princess led the colt to the royal washroom, inside four mares stood at attention, already alerted to of the alicorn's desire to bathe. The floor was made of six-point star-shaped tiles of sparkling black with white caulking in the cracks. The usual stone walls were decorated with tapestries showing off fields of blue and violets with stylized forms of stars and moons. On the back wall were four black marble stairs leading up to a stage-like platform. The center of which was cut out for the tub to rest in the recess. Two black metal braziers rested on stone pedestals carved to resemble crescent moons, flanked the stairs, lighting the room in warm yellows.

Luna's horn flared for a moment, shifting the fire to a brilliant blue before she smiled to the four mares, waving a hoof dismissively. “Thou art relieved of thy duties this evening. I hath a volunteer to attend to mine needs. Please enjoy thy time off.” The four exchanged glances with each other before their eyes flickered to the nervous colt at Luna's side. They nodded their head in acknowledgment of Luna's command, leaving behind their brushes, towels and combs, before trotting past the pair, knowing smiles on their lips. The last pony closed the door behind them, giggles slipping into the room before the final click sealed the exit.

Luna took measured paces into the center of the room and glanced over her shoulder. “Well? I hath dismissed mine hoof-maidens. Keep me not waiting, my Shadow-maid.” She smirked.

Never one to deny his Princess, the colt bounded over, glancing from the tight satin choker around her neck to the hem of her dress that draped over her every flowing tail. “So uh...where do I begin?”

The blue alicorn gasped, raising one hoof to her chest in mock disbelief. “My dear, sir. Thou art asking how to undress a lady? Quite unbecoming. Where is thy gentlecolt's honor?” Her eyes narrowed seductively as she leaned her head down, whispering. “A real stallion wouldth not need to ask. He would” She lifted her head back to her usual pose, the corner of her lips upturned, eyes sparkling in mischief.

Star gave a shrug and a chuckle. “Sorry, a real lady wouldn't ask a stallion to disrobe her.”

Luna's eyebrows raised. “Oh-ho! Thy tongue grows sharp. Be wary lest thou cut thyself upon it.”

The colt reached out to gently take one of the alicorn's forehooves, pulling free her onyx slipper then tugging the satin sock off with his teeth, before leaning down to kiss her hoof. “It only grows sharp from the course stone of adversity.”

Luna pulled her hoof away with a giggle. “I thought thou were to pamper me as a hoof-maiden? They dost not kiss, lick or otherwise engage in naughty behavior with the royal body.”

“At least when no one else is looking, right?”

“HA-HA. Where doth thy sudden boldness spring?” She lifted her other hoof and stuck it out towards him. “I must protest thy harsh treatment of thy Mistress. My mind is but weary from the arrows of scorn and distrust of mine adversaries this night.” Starstep slid the other slipper and sock free, then trotted towards her backside as she continued. “Even now, thy cruel, teasing hooves strip away my royal adornments. Thy eyes linger too long upon my flanks and curve of mine rump. I blush in embarrassment of thy rough treatment.”

Starstep laughed as he lifted up her hind-leg, gently pulling that slipper and sock free, then switching sides to pull off the others. “I think my Mistress doth protest too much.” He released her leg then trotted up to her side, running his muzzle along the corset.

The Princess laughed at his word-jab, pointing out where the releases on the corset were, till his fumbling finally allowed the stiff fabric to slid free of her sleek body, tumbling into a growing pile at her hooves. She allowed him to pull the rest of the dress from her back-half, warning him to be cautious, lest he incur Rarity's wrath. The alicorn blushed and watched Star's face as the layered dress fell away, revealing a pair of tight, rump hugging black silk panties. Her tail curled towards him, caressing his chin for a moment to break him of the stunned gazed, locked onto her hindquarters.

“They art mine only pair. I pray thou wilst be gentle?” She said softly, almost meekly

Starstep got an eyeful of just how firmly it fit the alicorn and while he'd seen that part of Luna before, there was something exotic in seeing her clothed in silk like that. Hiding it away from his prying eyes made it more exciting. The pony nodded to her words before taking the waistband in his teeth and every so carefully working one side then the other, a few inches at a time to draw them down and over her sleek rump. He was panting by the time they tumbled to the floor around her hind-legs, resisting the urge to look back up at her hindquarters.

Luna giggled, turning to stroke his cheek with a cool hoof wearing nothing but the silvery chain with his feather. “Now, disrobe and join me in the tub. I hath a terrible time scrubbing mine own back.” With that, she stepped away, swaying her hips teasingly as she gracefully ascended the steps and settled down into the waiting water. Her magic pulled loose the choker around her neck and tossed it to land across the pegasus' muzzle.


A few minutes later, the pair of ponies were sitting in the rather large black polished granite tub. The stone was laced with silver veins, sparkling in the flickering light from the braziers. The water flowed hot and steaming from a spout shaped like shooting star made of silver, the handles were half-moons. Apparently the tub was designed that water was continuously refreshing itself, a constant flow of hot as the cold drained out somewhere in the bottom. Clearly it was made for alicorns, the water coming up to Star's shoulders as he sat back on his haunches behind Luna.

Star wiggled closer behind the Princess, caressing her shoulders and curling a fore-hoof through the blue ethereal mane. “ do you shampoo this? Or does it even need to be?”

Luna giggled softly, her magic floating a bottle to rest on the side of the tub, nearest Starstep. “Tis not strictly necessary, but quite soothing. Attend thy eyes.” Her mane faded from the rich blue to a light blue, bordering on grey. No longer did it dance about on unseen winds, but was very much like any other pony's. “Feel free to continue thy pampering.”

The pegasus grinned as he filled a hoof full of a lavender scented gel, before working it into the alicorn's mane, starting between her ears. She moaned very softly, closing her eyes to the relaxing touch.

“How does your mane work anyway?”

“Mmm...well...alicorns attach themselves to an element. The moon, the sun, love, and so on. We act as a sort of conduit, letting its power flow through us. The mane changes when we can channel enough.”

Star's hooves were covered in the lilac colored foam as he worked down her neck. “So Princess Cadance hasn't attuned herself enough yet?”

“Neigh, not yet. Soon, I think. It took Tia and I a hundred years to discover because we had no teacher. Tis fortunate for her to have Tia and I as guidance.” She leaned back into Star's hooves as he worked the area where her neck met her shoulders. “Mmm...there, rub harder.”

The pegasus gave a soft chuckle. “As you say, Mistress.” He worked his hooves into the spot, finding the tension under her coat begin to relax under his attention, rubbing and grinding his hooves over her muscles where he found knots.

The bathroom was quiet except for the occasional sounds of delight from Luna and the little splashes of water. After a few minutes, the alicorn reached a hoof around to trap Star's against her neck.

“I know about Sasha.”

Star looked away, he wasn't sure if he felt shame, guilt or anger. Unconsciously his other hoof strayed to the spot where her claws had dug into his coat.

“Fear not, my dear Shadow-Guard. Sandy was awaiting me upon my exit of the meeting. She wanted to personally inform me of what hath transpired. I doth not blame thee. I know thou kissed her to prevent harm to this delicate situation. I hath not expected her to be so...aggressive in her pursuit of thou. Sasha is jealous of her sister's position, wishing she were clan-head instead. She has always been attracted to power and strength. Our at her restaurant may have led her on further than I hath wished. For that I apologize. Know that I wilst have a discussion with her. Thou art my consort and not to be abused. Tis fortunate that Sandy interrupted her...advances.” The burning in Star's gut faded slightly as he turned back to the Princess. He took his free hoof to rest on her's, letting his hoof caress her silky fur.

“I guess I really do owe that mare a favor.”

Luna laughed brightly. “Indeed.” She slid her hoof free and pointed to her mane. “Rinse.”

“Of course, Mistress Luna.” His words caused the alicorn to laugh again as he used a cup to run water through her hair.

“Thou dost love to use that name.”

“I like you being in control.”

“Oh? So thou sayth, however...thou hath shown fine control this evening. Thou didst not start a fight, but halted one and prevented more. Thou handled an aggressive griffon to the best of thy ability while not bringing me or thyself shame.” She turned her head so she could look at him with one eye. “I wouldst venture to say, thou hath commanded the evening very well. How far thou hath come from that evening, many moons ago?”

Star sighed, shaking his head sadly as his hooves began to lather soap into Luna's blue coat. “Yeah, don't remind me. I made a mess of things at that ambassador's party. I was a bucking-foal. And then I went and complicated it more because of your ultimatum.”

Luna tilted her head up so the pegasus could soap under her chin. “Mmm...perhaps I am partially to blame for that outcome. I was angry...afraid...and didth not anticipate the results of mine demand.” She hesitated a moment. “How art thou handling the prospect of becoming a father?”

The blue-grey colt rinsed the soap from Luna's fur. “With everything that's been going on the last few weeks, I haven't had much time to really wrestle with it. Maybe it's for the best. I'm not trying to over-think it, I've just kinda accepted it. Twilight and Cheerilee will do an incredible job of raising the foal and I'll do whatever I can to help support them, and visit when I can.” He wrapped his fore-hooves around Luna's slender waist and hugged her. “To be honest, it's less about how I feel about it, and more about Cheerilee. She's...well...just so happy. She's always been so upbeat, but's like she radiates with joy.”

“So if she is happy, thou dost not regret?” Luna leaned into his embrace.

“Nope. Not a bit. I wish it had been under less crazy circumstances, but...hey, I guess that's life.” He gave a slight shrug.

“Indeed.” The Princess exhaled heavily. “For what tis worth. I offer mine apology for driving thou into it.”

“Apology accepted, Luna.” He nuzzled at her wet mane, hugging her tight.

“Wouldst thou like to see how the school-mare is doing? Tis been a bit since thou hath an opportunity to speak.”

“Uh...sure? How?”

“Oh, a bit of moon magic.” She pointed at the water in front of her. “Watch.” Star leaned around her side so he could look at the lightly rippling water as her horn glowed that shimmering blue, and the reflection of the pair of ponies faded and became another. The picture was distorted at first, but ever so slowly came into focus.

Twilight was brushing her mane in the image when she looked up and squeaked out a surprise as she toppled out of view. A few moments passed before the top of her head and eyes slid into sight.

“Princess Luna? Starstep? How are you in Cheerilee's mirror?” She reached out a hoof, as though to touch them, but no hoof came out of the water.

“Good evening, Twilight Sparkle. Tis only a bit of my magic, fear not.” Star waved a hoof over Luna's shoulder.

“How? This is...I've never heard of this spell before.” She blinked, tracing the image with a hoof, searching for the trick of the magic. Her eyes eventually settled back on the pair. “Oh, your mane is all wet and...are you two in a tub?” A little blush darkened the unicorn's cheeks as she attempted to advert her eyes..

“Tis quite alright, Twilight Sparkle. Be not ashamed. As for the spell, think upon the moon. How art we able to see her surface?”

“Oh, the moon reflects sunlight...OH!” Twilight's face brightened as she realized the link. “I'll have to try that.”

“For now, may we please speak to Miss Cheerilee? Starstep is most curious how she fairs.”

“OH, well...” She hesitated, looking off picture. “She just got to sleep. Hasn't been getting very much lately. Guess it's the pregnancy." She bit her bottom lip for a moment before turning her eyes back to the pair. "If you promise to keep it short, I'll go wake her. I know she'll be really happy to talk to you, Star.” She smiled warmly.

“Yeah, I promise to keep it short.”

“Ok, hold on.” She slipped out of view leaving the pair of ponies staring down into the dark water.

Star shook his head and chuckled softly. “This is really weird to be talking into the bathwater.” He batted aside a floating pile of bubbles. The resulting ripples wavered the image. After a few moments, the bright and smiling fuchsia face of the school-mare slid into view.

“Oh, hello. Star, Princess. It's really nice to see you both, though this is a little...odd.” Even puzzled, she seemed to radiate a sense of good cheer. The earth-mare pushed a bit of her plush mane from her eyes. “So, how are you two?”

“Quite well, my thanks, Miss Cheerliee.” Luna answered softly.

Starstep felt his heart warm just seeing the fuchsia pony's beaming smile, he couldn't help but return the expression. “I'm good, Cheerilee. I'm way off in Spurlin.”

“Oh, my. That is a ways off. I do hope you remembered your culture lessons from my class.”

“Haha, yeah. I wish we had more lessons on griffons though. Sheeze. They're a touchy bunch.”

Cheerilee giggled. “Look at you, Star. Look at how far you've come.”

“W-what do you mean exactly?” Star noticed a look of admiration in his ex-teacher's eyes.

“Why, I remember a certain pony who graduated from my class, his heart set on a dream so far off that other ponies only laughed. But you really have touched the stars.” She clasped her fore-hooves together. “Guarding our Princesses. Protecting and rescuing ponies in need. Seeing the world and discovering new cultures first hoof. And to top it all off, becoming Princess Luna's special some-pony. Just like you said you would on graduation day.”

Luna glanced back at the colt, an amused smile on her lips.

“ has been a heck of a ride these last couple of years. I guess learning to love you and fathering a foal is just icing on the cake.”

The earth-mare shyly brushed her bangs aside, her cheeks reddening slightly. “I love you too, Star. While I may be with Twilight, you'll always have a place in my heart, and we both want you to be a part of the foal's life. As much as you're able." She met his eyes, brimming with affection. "I know you have your hooves full, being Luna's special somepony and all.” She hesitated, looking down for a moment before glancing back up. “Star, I know you never intended to get me pregnant. None of us did...but...Thank you. I never really thought about how wonderful it would be until now. Work just made the years slip by. I was so busy raising everypony else's foal, I never really considered one of my own. Now I am.”

Her expression took on a far-off look. “Oh, one day that little filly or colt will be part of my classes and I'll get to watch him or her grow up with friends and become a part of our world.” Her eyes went back to the pair sitting in the tub. “And he or she will have a daddy to be proud of and two mothers who will love and teach.”

Luna nodded faintly, a warm smile on her lips. “May I ask to be the godmother of the foal? I should very much wish to be a part of his or her life as well.”

“Oh, Princess, I-I don't know what to say. But, thank you.” Tears began to form at Cheerilee's eyes. “Thank you, both of you.” She sniffed, wiping away tears with her fore-hoof. “I-I'm sorry. The pregnancy has me a little emotional.”

Twilight's head poked into view behind the school-mare. “I hate to interrupt, but it's super late and Cheerilee has class in the morning.” She wrapped her hooves around her lover, nuzzling at her neck. “She really needs her rest.”

Star chuckled. “You're one to talk, Professor I-dont-need-sleep-experiment-all-the-things.”

Twilight stuck her tongue out. “Oh, ha-ha. Well, I'm not the one going to have a foal. Seriously, she needs her rest, ok? But, thank you for...calling?” She seemed puzzled on how to define the reflection magic. With a shrug she gave up. “We both appreciate you saying hello.”

“Good night, Twilight. Good night, Cheerilee. I love you and sleep well.” Star said, a little tightness in his chest threatening to choke his voice.

Twilight hugged Cheerilee to her as the school-mare wiped her eyes clear again before speaking. “Good night, Princess Luna. Good night, Star, I love you too. Be safe over there.”

The alicorn smiled and nodded. “I wish thou both a peaceful evening. Sleep well and I will watch over thine dreams.” With that, the image faded away, replaced with Luna's and Star's.

The pegasus sighed, leaning his head into Luna's back between her wings. He nuzzled with his nose, causing the alicorn to giggle lightly.

“May I ask a favor, Luna?”

The alicorn leaned slightly back into his nuzzles. “Indeed, my dear Starstep. I doth owe thou for the excellent handling of tonight's gathering.”

“Contact Scootaloo with your magic, please.” He could feel the Princess stiffen slightly under his touch. A few moments ticked by before she exhaled, relaxing under his gentle touch.

“Neigh, not now.” She held up a hoof to halt his protest. “Tomorrow.” The hoof reached back to caress his cheek. “For now, be with me, heart and mind. Let our troubles slip away for the evening, for they wilst be there come sun-rise.”

“Alright, Princess.” He nuzzled along her neck, knowing better than to push the issue. “What do you have in mind?”

The alicorn giggled, her magic raising soap and a brush. “For now, cleaning up my Shadow-Guard.” She stood, turned and grinned menacingly down at the colt.

Star had to admit that Luna's method was the fastest he'd ever been scrubbed and shampooed squeaky clean, and possibly the most embarrassing. While her magic did all the work, having the regal alicorn giggle like a filly as her magically held brush scrubbed his nether regions, was a little...unsettling. Though it was probably his blushing and repeated attempts to bat away the invasive brush that amused her.

Satisfied that both ponies were clean, she carefully stepped from the bath, watching Star climb sopping wet from the granite tub from the center of the room. She floated over a few fluffy towels, dumping them on his head as she stood proud and regal even as a puddle formed at her hooves. The colt just chuckled as he took the hint and ruffled the plush towels through Luna's coat, mane and tail. Once she was dried off, the mane and tail flowed back to its usual deep-blue ethereal self. Then Luna turned, grinned at the still wet colt and her horn flashed brightly.

Star felt his fur stand on end, then POOF, he was instantly dry, though the fur was sticking up everywhere. “Hey, why didn't you just do that for yourself?” He shook his still damp wings a bit, scooping up a discarded towel to dry them by hoof.

“Pray-tell, where be the fun in such? I thought thou wished to run thy hooves across mine sleek body?” She batted her eyes, which would have been seductive if her lips were not curled into a mischievous smile. “Please gather mine dress and regalia, the cleaning crew will attend the rest.”

Star nodded, turning on his hooves to scoop up a pair of satin socks in one hoof, slinging them over his back as he piled up the slippers and crown onto a towel. When he looked back to ask Luna if she wanted to wear them now, he found himself alone in the bathroom. The colt trotted to the door, opening it to stick his head into the hall, searching side to side down the torch-lit passage. Yet, no pony was around. He gave a little sigh, chalking it up to one of Luna's games as he resumed gathering the rest of hers and his outfits.

A hike through the passages, a towel bundled with all their clothing slung over his back, led him to Luna's bedchamber doors. The pair of unicorn mare Sun-Guards smiled at him, gesturing to the door as though to welcome him.

“Did the Princess come back here? She forgot her stuff.” He shook the towel filled with clothing.

One of the golden-clad ponies gave a crisp nod, metal glinting in the torchlight. “Her highness bid you enter when you arrived.”

“Oh, uh, ok. Thanks.” He smiled awkwardly at them before pushing his way into the chambers, kicking the door closed with his hind hoof as he looked about the small quarters. The fireplace was lit, its usual blue flames flickering, but two things caught his attention as he gently set his bundle to the side of the door. First, Luna did not appear to be in the room, and second, there was a massive standing mirror against the far wall. Curious, he trotted over to it, looking it up and down.

The mirror was freshly polished without a hint of imperfection, framed in black iron, wrought into the shape of a pair of alicorns flanking its sides as they rose up on their hind-legs. One fore-hoof wrapped around the back, the other curled to their chests. Their horns angled up into a capital 'A' at the top, framing the upper portion of the mirror. He looked at himself in the mirror, brushing back a part of his usually unruly charcoal mane when his image faded and Luna's appeared.

The alicorn smiled at him, standing on what appeared to be a very contrasted landscape of white and deep shadows. Behind her was a clear horizon of blackness and twinkling stars. She reached out a hoof towards him, beckoning, urging him to come to her.

Star hesitated, glancing at the frame of what he knew was a mirror, then back at the blue alicorn who called to him. Hoping this wasn't some elaborate prank, he reached out to touch Luna's image, only his hoof pushed through the surface like water. He jerked his hoof back in panic, confused at the tingling feel on his coat. Again the image of Luna beckoned, a warm, understanding smile on her lips and playfulness in her bright cyan eyes. The pegasus ruffled his wings, took a deep breath, then strode forward into the surface.

It was like being doused in ice-water. He stumbled onto a white dusty surface, shivering uncontrollably before a warmth covered his body. He turned his head to the side to find Luna cuddled up beside him, her large blue alicorn wing blanketing his back. She gave him a reassuring smile, leaning closer to nuzzle at him before kissing his lips so affectionately, a tingle rolled down his spine. She grinned at his response before gesturing with her unclad hoof towards the sky above them. Curious, the colt tore his eyes from Luna's to gaze up into the void of space and a shining marble of greens, blues and whites that hung in the air before them. In that earth-shattering moment, he realized he was on the moon.

Chapter XLIV (*)

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLIV

By Indigo Eclipse

(Special note: This chapter does have clop near the end. While again I do not recommend skipping it, I've marked where it goes from saucy into adult and where it ends. Enjoy!)

Starstep gaped in awe of the stark beauty of his world, hanging above in the star-dusted blackness of space. His mind was reeling from the view and knowledge of where he was. Even the moon's surface itself was of alien beauty, a monument of simplicity in light and shadows.

“Wow” He gasped though no sound reached his ears. His mind registered the problem a few moments later causing him to place a hoof to his throat. The blue-grey pegasus turned to the Princess of the Night cuddled up to his side, one eyebrow raised slightly. He asked her a question, but again there was no sound.

The alicorn giggled, her soft laugh echoing in Star's head rather than his ears. “There is no air for sound to travel, my dear Shadow-Guard.” Her voice coolly caressing his mind. “Tis magic that allows us to breathe and resist the cold of the moon.” She gestured with a hoof towards the bright orb far off in space that illuminated them. “Tia's sun may provide us some warmth, but we would perish without my protection.” Luna nuzzled at the pegasus' cheek. “I am certain thou hath concerns, but trust in me. Thou art safe at my side.” She kissed his fur. “Save thy questions for later. I hath brought thou here for a few reasons.”

“Foremost, perspective.” She gestured with her unshod hoof towards the hanging marble of their world. “Knowth that we art but a tiny speck upon the world's surface. That for all our troubles and hardships, within the grand scope of things, tis rather insignificant.” She noticed Star's smile wither and pulled him tight against her side with her blanketing wing. “Tis not to say what we do is not without merit, my dear Starstep. All that we do is important to somepony, just not often to the world as a whole.”

Star turned his gaze from the planet to his Princess, her eyes reflecting the world as she continued. “I mayth seem cold upon occasion and I am certain there wilst be times in the future where thou dost not understand my reasoning. If thou truly wishes to be my consort and my love, thou should knowst why I act as I do.” She nodded her head towards the world. “Perspective.” Her face turned back to Star, a gentle smile upon her lips. “Thou art but the fifth pony I hath ever brought here. I wished thou to know how special thy company has been to me. How much I hath grown to treasure thy humor and affection.” Her eyes sparkled with the backdrop of stars. “Tis been an age since I hath allowed myself to listen to my heart. To truly believe that a pony could love me, for me. To knowth I could cast aside all mine power and wealth and knowth that thou wilst stay at mine side.”

Luna leaned her head down, nuzzling along Star's jaw-line, Star returned the gesture kissing her fur lightly whenever his lips grazed the silky coat. The alicorn's body vibrated against his ever so softly as she giggled, a strange sensation that the colt never noticed when he could hear her. The pegasus shifted his head up to take one of her blue ears in his lips, tugging on the velvet surface causing the faintest hiss of pleasure in his head, like a light breeze in fall.

Suddenly, the ear slipped from his grasp and the alicorn stood, looking down at him with a mischievous smile. “Come, run with me.” The alicorn stepped back a few paces, her hooves shifting the white moon dust. She threw back her head and laughed, her merriment like pure chimes in Star's head, then she turned on her hooves and dashed off across the white emptiness, kicking up light sprays of dust that tumbled through the vacuum.

Star chuckled as he pulled himself up onto his hooves. He took a moment to notice that the moon-dust, though loose as powder, never puffed up from his steps, but moved like damp sand. With a grin, the pony bounded from a start to catch up to Luna and found himself gliding across the surface a few feet off the ground, slowly descending back towards it. He fought the urge to panic at the low gravity, kicking at nothingness as he began to spiral in mid-air. Unfortunately it only made it worse and he bounced across the cold surface of the moon a few times before tumbling to a soft stop.

The pegasus shook moon-dust free of his spiky mane, flicking sprays of weight-less dust from his wings as he regained his footing, noting Luna grinning at him about ten paces off. She trotted in a circle, as though teasing him, then lifted her tail towards him with a wink. “One must walk before one can hope to run, my Shadow-Guard.” Her soft laugh chimed in his head as she bolted off once more.

Carefully, like a foal taking it's first steps, he started across the moon in cautious movements. One hoof in front of the other, getting a feel for the light gravity before moving on to a slow trot. Luna watched him, galloping off to maintain the distances between them whenever he made progress, her joyful laughter often ringing in Star's head. It lightened Star's heart to see Luna in such high spirits, to see her let loose and become a young filly at play.

Ever so slowly, he worked himself up to a fast trot, then even an awkward gallop, never quite catching the blue alicorn as she toyed with him. Across the stark cold surface they traveled, long lines of hoof-prints in the dust. She led him up the slope of a rocky crater to it's lip and halted. Just as he reached the top, she dashed off along it's edge, leaving him reeling from the size of the impact hole. It could easily swallow Ponyville. Deep black shadows stretched from one of the walls down into the bowl of dust and rocks, hiding the very center from his sight. He shook his head, wondering what could cause such a hole before carefully trotting along the edge to follow Luna.

The Princess led him around the crater to the opposite side then down again towards what appeared to be a small dome made of the grey moon rocks. There were no windows, no doors, just rough walls and ceiling. Across the open expanse of the moon he raced to catch the running alicorn, til she stopped at the dome's edge, stamping her hoof in excitement as the colt sprinted the last few feet to reach her side, panting hard.

Luna rolled her head back, laughing delightfully in Star's mind, then nudged him with her hoof. “Seem thou hath been neglecting thy guard exercise routine. I hope thou hath been working on thy wings at the very least.”

The pegasus nodded, beginning to regain his breath. Though he was still cool, at least Luna's spell kept his now lathered coat from freezing him. He smiled to Luna, then glanced up at the fifteen foot wall in front of them. It seemed so much smaller from the crater's edge.

The blue alicorn smiled, noting the questioning look in Star's eyes. “A refuge. A place I built before that rather unfortunate time with Nightmare Moon.” She turned her gaze to the shallow-domed building. “I wanted a place I could retreat to when one needed time to think, or relax...” She hesitated, her mouth down-turning ever so slightly and the joy softened in her eyes. “Or cry.” Star nuzzled at her neck, unable to comfort her with words. His affection had the desired effect and the alicorn perked back up to her playful self. “Twas a time long past and for now is the present.” She gestured with a hoof as her horn glowed bright blue. “I welcome thou, dear Shadow-Guard, my Lunar Sanctuary.” Brick like shapes in the wall glowed in sharp cyan before pulling free of the wall and hovering off to the sides. Luna nudged the colt with her wing, following behind him into the blackness that awaited them in the gap. Once they were past the threshold, the stones resealed behind them, leaving the pair in pitch blackness.

Star fought down panic, a fleeting memory of a dream nibbling at the corners of his mind, then he felt silky lips kissing down his neck, chasing away the dark thoughts. He turned and tackled the alicorn, hearing her exclamation of surprise in his mind followed by a playful laugh. The two bounced and tumbled in the low gravity until in a tangle of limbs, came to a rest against a wall. The colt nibbled at what he thought was her neck and shoulders in that utter darkness, loving the feel of her short blue coat between his lips, cool and smooth as satin.

“Starstep, Ooooh, haha, not there thy naughty rather bold pony...oooh...Hahha, eeek!” Her last exclamation of surprise came as Star took some of her skin in his mouth and sucked firmly. There was a flare of blue light as Luna's horn began to glow, shimmering ever so faintly on their bodies. The colt paused to look up, then down and blushed hotly, realizing it wasn't her neck he was tormenting, it was her belly.

He froze, embarrassed and afraid she might punish him for being so incredibly forward, but his fears were dashed as Luna's gentle laugh twinkled in his mind. He could feel one of her fore-hooves begin to caress his cutie-mark, tracing the horseshoe shape, relaxing the tension between his shoulders.

“Hold thy enthusiasm, my Shadow-Guard, for we art not within the sanctuary yet. This is more the...” She hesitated considering the proper word, “Antechamber.” Her horn glowed more brightly and cracks appeared in a wall nearby. Star could detect the faintest sound of air, growling louder over a couple of minutes till he could hear his hooves scuff the ground and the sound of Luna's feathers ruffling against her sides.

“Air?” He blinked then smiled, when he heard his own voice. “How do we have air?”

Luna caressed his rump with a hoof, smiling mischievously. “Perhaps if thou wilst remove thyself from betwixt mine thighs, thou shalt discover.”

Star glanced down at the soft blue belly that invited his attentions and the silky thighs just beyond. “I donno. I rather like it down here.” The brick-like shapes in the wall slid inward, bathing the two in pale blue light. Shading Luna's soft belly and thighs in such a way it cause the colt to blush fiercely and think unsexy thoughts to prevent too much arousal.

“Oh-ho. Indeed, tis much treasure to find within the crevasses of the moon.” She smirked, grabbing his tail with her magic and sliding him off her body. “I quivering in anticipation of thy explorations, however hold thy eagerness for a spell longer. To grope at one another in what may be referred to as the 'coat-room' is most unladylike.” She rose up on those long slender legs, stepping into the new opening that was coolly lit from within. The pegasus rolled to his hooves, shaking his charcoal mane from his eyes as he rose up beside the Princess.

Inside was a chamber roughly a hundred paces across, capped by the shallow dome above them. Except for a circle clearing at the center, the floor was filled with a strange blue-hued grass and night-lilies. Little silvery lights floated amongst the flowers, dipping and weaving through the stems and petals. The circular walls were coated in purple moss, dotted with tiny cyan flowers. Hanging by silver chains from the dome in a wagon wheel-like pattern were small light-blue glowing orbs that gently pulsed, illuminating the room in their gentle light. Luna turned her head to look at the pegasus, smiling affectionately.

“Welcome, my Shadow-Guard. My home is thy home. Explore and ask what thou will.” She beamed, gesturing with a wing at the sanctum as the pair stepped into the chamber. Behind them the stones ground back into their place, sealing the ponies inside.

Starstep smiled at Luna, noting her slight nod of approval before he bent his neck to sniff at the lilies at his hooves. They had a slight sweetness to their scent that tickled his nose and reminded him of Luna's natural smell. Feeling warm from the memory of the Princess' coat, he turned his attention to the moss hanging down the wall to his right, reaching out a hoof. It was damp to the touch, the tiny cyan flowers sprouting from the clumps of violet strands closed and pulled themselves back into the moss at the pony's approach. He tilted his head in confusion before glancing back to the alicorn questioningly.

“Are those flowers alive?”

Luna giggled. “In a manner of speaking.” She held out a fore-hoof for a moment, letting one of the silvery lights land on the tip. “Come forth and look.”

Doing as she bid, Star slipped up to her side, peering down at the glowing little light. It was round with little wings and large friendly eyes, pulsing with a silvery light. “A bug?”

“A glow-sprite. Ancestors of the infamous parasprites.” She gave her hoof a gentle shake and the little glowing creature flitted back to the night-lilies. “This entire room is but a contained ecosystem. Long, long ago, I had an earth pony lover.” The alicorn smiled fondly at the memory. “She was most in tune with the circle of life. I hath never known another earth-pony so in touch with nature and natural earth-pony magic.” Star looked out at the collection of flowers, grass, moss and glow-sprites as she continued, fighting back an urge to be jealous of Luna's long past lover.

“She desired to share her own magic with me. And thus, this garden from a time long past remains as her legacy. Creatures and plants that no longer exists in all of the world. Lost to ages and evolution. A circle of life ever rotating here on the moon.” She looked down at the colt. “This is the second reason I hath brought thou here. To share mine greatest treasure with thou and to help thou see that even in death there is life.” Luna spread out her wing to drape across Star's shoulders, then stepped amongst the flowers, coaxing the colt to follow at her side with the gentlest of nudges with her primaries. The stems of the lilies bent the petals away from them, parting around their hooves as they walked as though they were a passing wind on an open field.

As Star carefully moved through the field of flowers, laughing at the bursts of lights as glow-sprites scattered in the pony's wake, he pondered on Luna's words. Part of him really didn't want to know who fed what in this ecosystem. The other part of him was genuinely curious how it had maintained itself for a thousand years while Luna was locked away with Nightmare Moon. He put aside the thoughts as they reached the center clearing amongst the sea of flowers and they halted.

Luna leaned her slender neck down so she could nuzzle Star's cheek. “Now, for something rather special.” The alicorn lifted her head up, closing her eyes as her horn began to glow brightly. The roof went transparent, much like the wall in Luna's room had the other night. The chains holding the glow orbs remained suspended by nothing, the effect messed with Star's idea of reality, forcing him to shake his head to clear his thoughts. Still, the alicorn channeled magic and a white glow curled in over the walls and through the invisible dome. The beams of light flickered and danced as they rolled through the flowers and grass, consolidating in the center of the room in a swirl of pale light. Faster and tighter the glimmering mass spun until a circular shape was noticeable. A few moments later and Luna's magic ceased, leaving a round disk of light floating just above the ground, large enough to fit three alicorn's comfortably.

Starstep tilted his head in confusion at it, blinking when Luna stepped from his side, playfully patting his nose with her tail-tip as she slid up onto the glowing surface. She seemed so picturesque on it the glowing light, sprawled out with her hind-legs to the side, her upper body lifted to face him, glowing mane and tail dancing about. No regalia, no crown, only the silvery chain around her neck with his old blue feather attached. He forced himself from tracing the curves of her body with his eyes and focused on the glowing bed. “What...what is that?”

The blue alicorn grinned mischievously as she settled onto her side, stroking the shimmering surface with a fore-hoof. “Hath thou no suspicions?”

The colt took a couple of cautious steps forward to put him within reach of the odd substance, lifting a hoof to poke at it's side curiously. It had a lot of give, but there was a firmness under all the gentle light. A part of him recognized his natural pegasus magic reacting to it, though he couldn't quite figure out why. “Hmm...feel like a really thin cloud. Is it moon dust?” Star lifted his eyes to meet Luna's.

“Haha, neigh, my dear Shadow-Guard. Dost dust glow?”

“Uh...if you cast a spell on it, it probably would.”

“Hah, tis very true.” She leaned out to rest a hoof against his cheek, cool and soft. “Close thy eyes, and truly feel it.”

Doing as he was bid, the colt shut his eyes trying to ignore Luna's touch as he once again felt the strange cloud of light with his fore-hoof. There was no warmth, only a cold sensation, though not unpleasant. An odd sense of nostalgia washed through him and for a moment he was a little colt, staring wistfully up at the glowing moon and her companion stars. Marveling at her beauty and bathing in her...

Star's eyes snapped open. “It's a bed of moonlight.” His pronouncement was met with a loving smile.

“Tis indeed. I hath made it as dense as a cloud and so with thou being a pegasus, thou mayth lay with me.”

“How is that possible I” A hoof pressed to his lips.

“Some things art more beautiful, if left to wonder and mystery. Simply know that I hath made it so. For us.” She reached a hoof towards him which he took without question. Luna pulled the colt up onto the moonlight, giggling at his startled expression as it began to give under his weight then settled. The alicorn rubbed noses with the pegasus, closing her eyes as her fore-hooves wrapped around his sides.

“Starstep, whatever mayth transpire tomorrow or the day beyond, I wish thou to remember this night for all of thy days. The final reason I hath brought thou to the moon, is...I wish to make love to thou. I wish thou to make love to me.” She pulled him close so their chests were tight together, still nose to nose. She could feel the colt trembling slightly in her hooves, his own eyes closed as he listened. “Despite mine terrible pranks upon thou and doubts of thy sincerity. Beyond the hard lessons thou hath endured at my hoof, thou hath remained steadfast in thy dedication.”

Luna kissed him, which he returned gently. “Starstep, know that there willst always be lessons, and at times, perhaps a prank or two.” They shared a smile and a light laugh. “Know that my ways mayth be firm but fair and remember the perspective through which I see the world.” She exhaled as she paused, one hoof caressing Star's back. “I wilst never change. Thou wilst never change me. Ever.” The Princess opened her eyes. “Look at me, Starstep, my Shadow-Guard.” He did, staring into her deep cyan eyes. “I giveth thou a choice, neither of which wilst result in a punishment of any kind. I seek only honesty. The very thing I asked thou for at the very beginning. Dost thou understand?”

Star gave a slight nod, his nose rubbing Luna's as he kept eye contact with the blue pony. “I understand, Luna. You will get an honest answer.”

The Princess of the Night smiled warmly, a twinkling in her eyes. “I giveth thou two choices. Lay with me this evening as a friend or a true consort. If thou chooses friend, thou wilst be free to date whomever thy wishes, to go forth and meet new and interesting mares. Thou wouldst still remain mine Shadow-Guard, and perhaps I wilst still share my bed with thou from time to time. I wouldst still care for thou, we would simply be more...casual about our relationship. There is certainly no shame in this and would giveth thou much freedom.”

She put a hoof to his lips to keep the colt silent. “If thou chooses consort.” She took a deep breath, her chest rising to rub against Star's. “Thou wouldst be mine consort in every meaning of the word. Neither of us would be allowed to engage in sexual play with other ponies without the others consent. Thou wouldst be thrust into the spotlight beyond just rumor. The mantle of being my true lover may prove tiresome and difficult. Ponies from all walks of life will treat thou differently. For now, they only suspect. If I publicly announce thou as my official consort and lover, that wilst change rapidly.”

She sighed softly. “Tis not a fairytale, my dear Starstep. To truly be my love, my dearest pony in all of Equestria, there art responsibilities and duties. I mayth ask thou to do things thou wilst not enjoy, but I would expect thou to do them. Though know that nothing I would ask of thou would be without reason.”

Starstep smirked. “Well, tartarus, you make being your lover sound like such fun.”

They shared a soft laugh before the alicorn's expression turned serious. “I only wish thou to have no illusions of what it means.” She gazed down into his soul. “Starstep, thou wilst be with me tonight, no matter what thou decides, but I must know how far thou art willing to go. There must be no doubt.” The last sentence was soft and pleading.

The colt paused, thinking for a moment as Luna's eyes watched him intently. “You know I call you Mistress, because I want to serve you, Luna. I want to make you happy whatever it takes.”

“Starstep, my dear pony. This is not about me. I wilst be happy whatever thou chooses.” She sighed. “Thy life is short compared to mine and if thou dost not live it as thou wishes, I will forever be regretful.” She tilted her head slightly, eyelids lowering as she glanced away. “I could not bear to see thou wither and die unhappy. I cannot have that be the last memory I have of thou. Do not make it so.” Her cyan eyes returned to his, damp and near tears. “If thou wishes to make me happy, thou must be happy. Thou hath had a taste of what life is like at mine side. While I vow to do all within my power to be thy guide and to love thou with all mine heart, I cannot shield thou from what may cometh.”

The pegasus tilted his head, kissing the Princess and slipping his hooves around her sides to pull her in tight. At last he released the kiss, nuzzling affectionately. “Luna, I got my cutie-mark because I found my talent lost in the stars. I learned everything I could from Professor Twilight, obsessed with constellations, nebula and your moon. When I fly in the sky at night, I only wish I could dance among those twinkling lights, then rest upon your moon's surface.” He gave a little chuckle. “And here I am. On the moon under the starlight and in view of all of Equestria.” He reached up a hoof to wipe away moisture from the corner of his eye. “Luna, the more I learn about you, the more I want to know. Since that fateful day in front of Celestia's door when you taunted me with a rump-wiggle,” They shared a embarrassed laugh. “It's been a whirlwind of...I don't even know how to describe it. I've learned more about myself recently than I have my whole life. And what I've learned is that I love you so much it bucking hurts.”

He took a shuttering breath. “Luna, I love you. I respect you. And I'm slowly beginning to truly understand you. I want to be there through it all. The hard times and the fun times. If that means public scrutiny or being monogamous with you, then fine. If it means doing terrible things for you, fine. As long as I know you love me, use me. Let me serve you in anyway I can. I want to be a pony you can depend on. A pony you can trust with anything. I want you to remember me for the rest of your days as a pony who wanted nothing more than to love and be loved by you. My beautiful moon-pony.” He lowered his head to rest it against her chest, choking back tears. “Let me be your lover. Consequences be damned and I swear I will be happy at your side. I swear it.”

Luna smiled, gentle and warm as she coaxed the colt to lift his head and face her. Both of them had tears leaking down their cheeks. “Then so be it.” She leaned in, closing her eyes as she kissed him. Long and deep the kiss lingered until she pulled back, a sultry look upon her face. “No more tears, my love. Come, show me thy passion unhindered.” The alicorn wiped away the traces of Star's tears with her hoof, then kissed each cheek, giggling lightly at the colt's growing smile. “I only ask that thou be....gentle, my love.” She blushed, her cheeks darkening to a cobalt blue. “The transformation after my release from the moon has reborn my body, as it were.” She flicked her eyes at him shyly. “I suppose, thou may sayth, I am a virgin once more.”

Star's mouth gaped. “ that even possible?”

The alicorn laughed, her cheeks still darkened. “Tis amazing what being changed into a demon mare and back into a young mare afterwords can do to one's body. I suppose I shouldth offer it as a service to mares that wish to regain their youth?” She smirked.

“Haha, no, I can't imagine it would go over too well.” His grin softened as he leaned in to nuzzle at her. “Jokes aside, I understand and I swear I'll be gentle.” He felt Luna's grasp loosen as she slid from his grasp to lay on her side, looking up at him expectantly.

“Well?” She grinned, eyes sparkling mischievously.

Star met her grin with one of his own, his wings beginning to rise on his back. “Just wondering which end to start on.” Luna giggled at his comment, her ethereal tail drifting up to stroke his chin.

“I shiver in anticipation of thy decision.” She gave a mock shake as she bit her lower lip.

Starstep planted gentle kisses down Luna's long neck, sprinkling the light touches of affection from chin to shoulders. The alicorn laid still, giggling occasionally when his lips found a sensitive spot along the length, curling her fore-hooves up to her chest to keep them out of the colt's way. When Star leaned around to take the back of her neck between his teeth and bit firmly, she sucked in breath between her teeth, trembling.

“Ohhh...Star.” She moaned as he relaxed his bite, glancing down at the smug colt. She shot back her own smirk. “Dost not gain an inflated ego, my love. I am simply...out of practice.” Her tail curled around to snap his flank playfully.

The pegasus barked a laugh, grinning at Luna's playful nature. “So much for this being soft and gentle.”

Luna closed her eyes and exhaled. “Apologizes, I still wish it to be, but thou started it.” She half-opened her beautiful cyan eyes and smiled sweetly at him. “Let us try again, my love.”

“Yeah, sorry, I'll remember that spot for later.” His comment prompted a soft giggle from the alicorn.

“By all means.” She grinned as she uncurled a fore-leg to rest a hoof on his cheek. “Tell me, Star. How dost thou desire to take thy consort for the first time?” She ran her hoof down his neck to his chest, lingering over her own feather on the silver chain. He noticed she had brushed aside Scootaloo's feather so that only his was being touched with her hoof. But now was not the time or place to get into that. Tomorrow she had said and for tonight all he wanted was Luna.

The colt lifted her hoof from his chest to kiss it, causing the alicorn to close her eyes and give a light moan. He ran his tongue along the soft frog between the hard portion of the hoof, then spat and gave a little gag. “Oh, bleh, I'm sorry, Luna.” He wiped his tongue rapidly on his fore-leg. “Moon-dust, bleh, I'm so sorry, that kinda killed the mood didn't it.”

Luna was laughing hard, her eyes squeezed so tight a tear rolled down her cheek. At last she caught her breath, gazing up at the pony who sulked with injured pride. “Oh, Star, my dear pony. Thou dost knowth how to keep me most amused.” She leaned up to slip a hoof around his back and pulled him down into her embrace. “I dost apologize, I knowth thou were seeking to bring me pleasure. I promise to remember to use my magic to...cleanse myself before our next time.” She nibbled on his bottom lip, making the pony squirm before she relented and tucked her muzzle under his chin. “I swear that in our future private moments thou wilst be able to explore every inch of mine body without surprises.”

Star relaxed in Luna's arms, knowing she didn't mean to hurt his feelings. “Sorry, I'm trying to make you feel good and have our first night together memorable.”

“I knowth, Star. As I hath said, I am most out of practice. In a way, we wilst both be relearning much together.” She nibbled at his neck, noting the colt's soft moans. “Mmm...for tonight, perhaps we shouldth dispense with overly elaborate fore-play and keep it simple?” She plucked at his coat with her lips, her tongue teasing the flesh between.

“Oooooh....yeah....alright.” He ran his hooves along her back, rubbing the hard sections around her wing-bases. The alicorn exhaled into his damp neck-fur in a pleasurable sigh. “I'll just go with what feels natural.”

The alicorn nodded, rubbing her nose through his coat. “Mmm...yes.” She tilted her head, nibbling at his neck ever so gently with her flat pony teeth, making the colt shiver in her fore-hooves, feeling his wings firmly stiffen on his back.

The colt returned the gesture by taking one of her ears in his lips, pressing down with his own teeth onto the velvety surface to hold it in place as he sucked on the tip, causing Luna to gasp out.

“Oh, thou wicked colt. Thou always attacks mine ear.” She hissed pleasurably, wiggling her slender body up against his, closing her eyes as she kissed and licked along Star's blue-grey neck. The pegasus nodded, giving her ear another tug before releasing it to nuzzle along the top of her head, feeling the curl of her mane tingle his skin and caress his nose on it's own accord. His lips bumped against the side of her horn, so he turned his head to wrap his lips around it's base and tease it with his tongue. Luna went rigid in his hooves, giving a slight whimper. “Neigh, neigh.” She pushed his back with her fore-hooves, pulling his lips free of the blue fluted rod.

Star blinked in confusion as he watched the alicorn pant for breath, her eyes closed as she fought for self-control. “What's wrong, Luna?”

A moment pasted before she reopened her eyes, smiling seductively, her hooves running down his chest and along his belly and sides. “As I hath said, I am most out of practice. To have an uncontrolled magical discharge here...” She glanced at the room around them before her eyes returned to his. “May hath undesired, even dangerous consequences.” Her smiled broadened. “Besides, thou hath yet to learn the finer arts of pleasing a unicorn safely.” Her hooves found the beginnings of his excitment, her cool firm hooves tracing it's sides making the colt quiver involuntary. “Allow me to demonstrate.”

******************************* (At this point it goes beyond saucy into adult) *****************************

The alicorn pushed the colt onto his back, helping him shift so his wings were not pinned and rested on her haunches pressed up against his rump, leaning her neck down to kiss along his belly, her cheek rubbing against the side of his rapidly hardening erection. When she was at his sheath, she turned her head to pluck at the light fur with her lips, making the colt whimper in building pleasure. Her dexterous tongue slid around his shaft where it met the velvety sheath, then curled so the tip of her broad pony tongue was running up the very center of his arousal. Over the ring near the middle of it and up to the head. She teased her teeth around the edge of his tip, just letting the hard surfaces slide across the delicate flesh.

“Ahhh, Luna, I wont be able to hold it back long. Please, stop, it's too much.” Star panted, feeling that tightness build between his legs. He heard her giggle lightly, ceasing her intense teasing to nuzzle lightly against the rigid member.

“Mmm...indeed. It appears we both hath much to learn about longevity.” She smirked at him as he glanced down his under-belly. “Tis to prove a point, my love.” She kissed his shaft, making it jerk in response. “My horn, is much like yours. Sensitive to a lover's touch.” The alicorn rubbed a hoof down his belly and cupped his fuzzy sack. “Dost thou not wish to climax in mine muzzle?”

Star blushed. “Y-yes...I do. But not now. I don't want that as much as I want you for real.”

Luna giggled, lowering her face so only her eyes peeked over his rod. “Thou sayth thou wishes to mount me more than make used of mine talented tongue.”

The colt gave a faint nod. “Is that wrong?”

“Not at all, my love. I want to feel thy embrace and take thou into my body.” She used her hoof to trace a pattern in his belly fur. “However, I suspect thou wilst not last long.” Luna noticed Star look away, embarrassed at the truth. “Tis only natural, be not ashamed, my love.” She kissed the tip of his member, licking away the pre-cum. “This night, and this night only, I shalt use a spell for thou.”

Star's ears perked up, trying to focus on her words as he watched her toy with him and taste his early seed. “Magic? What kind? Not the burning kind I hope.” A faint memory of Twilight's spell caused him to grimace.

“Haha, neigh. A spell that shalt rejuvenate thou after climax. Because this is our first night together as true consorts, I desire it to be memorable to the point of exhaustion.” She giggled, a faint blush on her cheeks. “Beyond this evening, I expect thou to work upon thy self-control and longevity. Is this agreeable?”

The pegasus nodded hurriedly. “I'll do research or whatever I have to do.”

Luna smiled knowingly as she turned and lowered her chest and neck to the bed of moonlight, her rump raised into the air for Star's eyes, though her tail still covered her backside. “I also wish thou to promise to visit some of the sexual toy shops and ponder upon what items thou mayth wish to learn about.”

The colt rolled over onto his hooves, turning to face the presented alicorn's hind-quarters, his eyes lingering on the sleek curvature of her rear. “I...uh...yeah, ok.” A thought struck him. “Wait, why?”

She giggled, her head turned to the side so she could watch him with one eye, cheeks darkened from a blush. “My love, I have experienced many fetishes and desires throughout my years. I hath had millennium to learn what I enjoy, thou hath not. I seek only to broaden thy horizons and help thou to discover what things thou takes pleasure in behind closed doors.” Her ethereal tail curled up to caress his chin. “Besides mine backside.” She smirked and raised her tail up and to the side, exposing her pucker and damp mare-hood. “Twould be most exciting to me to teach thou about sexual play. Just the thought hath aroused me so.” She wiggled her backside left and right, biting her lower lips as her eye-lids lowered. Her wings flared out in all their glory, stiff and trembling, a pegasus' sign of sexual excitement. “Now, do what comes natural, my love.”

Star blinked, realizing a moment later that he'd licked his lips and was prancing slightly on his hooves, the moonlight under-hoof giving some spring to his step. He closed his eyes, taking a calming breath to steady his nerves before leaning forward to sniff between Luna's thighs, inhaling deep of her flowery scent. He could sense her tremble as his breath washed over her damp fur, giving the faintest of moans. He raised his muzzle till his lips met hers, kissed the delicate flesh a couple of times before licking their edges from bottom, to top and back again. Luna gasped, pressing her rear towards him, urging him to give her more. He rubbed the blunt of his nose through those folds, back and forth until the alicorn was panting heavily, her moisture beginning to pool and drip from the bottom of her mare-hood to the moonlight between her legs.

Instinct told him she was ready and with the fire in his loins burning he had no doubt he was too. The colt lifted himself up on his hind-legs, forelegs wrapping around her sides, noting it was a little more awkward with the slightly taller pony. He shifted about a few times, his hips rolling forward to prod at the back of her legs and rump, leaving little trails of pre-cum to thin and break when he pulled back to press again. After another half-a-dozen attempts he growled in frustration, unable to quite align himself to the alicorn.

Luna smiled over her shoulder at him, reassuring the colt as her horn glowed, raising the bed of moonlight's surface under Star's hind-hooves a handful of inches. Then she gave a little nod to him. “Remember thy promise...” She whispered, closing her eyes as the colt's member prodded right against the side of her vulva, wedged between her rump.

Glad the Princess had not mocked his shorter stature, the colt relaxed a hair, rolling his hips about till he could feel something give, the tip of his cock slipping a few inches into the alicorn, making her gasp. He held himself still, loving the tight feel of her just around the head and tightened his grip on her sides. “Luna, could you raise up and lean back your neck?”

She nodded, a knowing smile on her face as she lifted her front and leaned so her the back of her neck was in reach of the colt. Star arced out over her back, pressing his muzzle through the caressing ethereal mane to take her coat in his teeth. The alicorn hissed in pleasure, pressing her rear n instinct towards his prodding, taking a little more of his shaft. Pulling back on her neck and gripping her sides tight, he rolled his hip at the mare, groaning at the effort to wedge into her a few more inches. She was slick, but so tight with a strange feeling of tingling heat that soaked into his aroused flesh. A bit further in, he was panting from effort and Luna was moaning with her head pulled back as it was.

He paused, pulling back and pressing a bit more forcefully this time, making Luna cry out and shake between his hooves. But he was in to the hilt, the mare of his dreams shivering under his body, her tunnel was squeezing at him as her black cutie-marked flanks quivered.

“G-gently, my love...” Luna hissed, her eyes closed tight as she pressed towards his body.

He nodded, tugging at her neck, making the mare moan again before he rolled his hips back, groaning into the flesh pinched between his teeth at the dragging tightness. Then he eased himself back into her, rewarded with a soft whimper from the Princess.

For a few slow, long minutes he kept his thrusts controlled and smooth. After a while, Luna's whimpers at his thrusts turned to deep moans of absolute pleasure. Her sleek hind-quarters were now pressing back at his hips, eager for him to impale her.

“Faster now...mmm...I...I dost wish to feel thy seed inside of me.” She said in a trembling voice. Star felt his self-control beginning to slip away at her pleading, his pace picking up, and slightly sharper thrusting mixing into his gentle steady ones.

Minutes passed, more moaning and shivering from both of the ponies, more of his control lost to instinct and lust till he was riding her like a wild stallion. Luna didn't complain, she even whinnied at him a few times, grinding back at his hips whenever he rammed into her, attempting to hilt on every thrust. She was as lost as he in the grip of passion, both of their coats lathered, their breaths panting and short.

“Unnngh...Starrrr...cum for me my stallion.” She arced her hips up slightly during his inward thrust, changing the angle enough so his tip ground along the walls of her tunnel. That was enough to tip the pegasus over the edge, biting down hard enough on Luna's neck that she cried out in pain, his fore-hooves gripping around her side so she couldn't escape as the tip on his cock flared and his seed gushed out inside of the Moon-Goddess. Around his member Luna's body responded, milking at his shaft and clamping down to keep that thick rod buried deep inside, letting his cum pool between his flared shaft and her cervix. She moaned and panted, “ love.” Voice filled with heavy lusting.

Star felt his body relax on Luna's as his cock finished its last spurts of sticky goo into the mare. He could feel it slowly shrink in length till it pulled from Luna's mare-hood in a little gush of fluids, dangling under his belly with its slightly flared tip. He slid off her back, staggering side to side. “Oh....Luna...that was...”

“Star.” Luna's whispered pleading halted his dazed words. “I need more...” She looked over her shoulder, grinning through half-lidded eyes as her horn began to glow. “Mount me again.” The magic tingled between his thighs and a flash of panic brought the pegasus out of his after-glow, but as quick as it began, it faded leaving him feeling...rejuvenated and very, very aroused.

The colt glanced down at his soaked shaft then at Luna wiggling her rump side to side, oblivious to the furrows of juices running down her thighs and legs. “Huh...why don't we use this spell every night? Why do I have to learn control.”

Luna giggled and licked her lips, pressing her sleek backside towards him wanting. “Mmm...because all magic has a cost.”

Starstep shook his head free of the last of the dazed feelings. “Do I want to know what the cost is?” He nosed under her tail, sniffing at her heady scent.

“Mmmmmm...thou wilst know tomorrow, my love.” She noticed him jerk his head up to eye her over her rump, panic in his eyes. “Neigh, is nothing serious.” Her ethereal tail curled about to swat him on the flank, causing the pony to jump in fright. “Now, mount me, thy wonderfully endowed stallion. Fill thy mare.”

The pegasus exhaled, tucking away his fears for the spell cost for tomorrow, amongst other things, and did as the beautiful blue alicorn asked. Raising up to grind his shaft up against that waiting slit, feeling her vulva part more readily this time. He wasn't even remotely gentle this time, driving into her hard enough to nearly rock her off her hooves. She glared at him but while her eyes promised retribution, her hips ground back into his eagerly. Cum from both of them ooze around his cock and was forced out of their union, making a thick mess that dripped through the moonlight to the grass below. There's a reason no pony lives under Cloudsdale.

Again he rode her much harder this time, though Luna didn't complain, in fact, she cried out and climaxed twice as he thrust into her, pleading for him to climax himself each time. But his body wasn't quite up to it yet, her spell only fixing the arousal problem. In due time, and many tired thrusts later, he finally peaked, his climax caused him to cry out and tremble on Luna's back as his shaft gushed into her tunnel once again. He was in a daze, lost to the world when he felt somepony shaking his shoulder. He blinked away the fog to stare up into Luna's smiling face. She leaned down to kiss him, which he returned eagerly.

“Mmm...sorry, guess I passed out.”

“Art thou ready for more?” The alicorn asked, grinning ear to ear, mischief in her eyes.

“What?” Star blinked, not sure he heard right. She didn't answer, her horn glowing it's brilliant blue, sending a tingling between his thighs and through his body. He realized he was laying on his back with Luna standing above him, so he risked a glance down and saw his colt-hood rising to her magical touch again. “Oh, Luna, I'm too exhausted to mount you again. I really let myself get outta shape.”

The blue-alicorn giggled, her eye-lids lowering as she stepped over him. “Mmm...yes, we must fix that.” She leaned down to kiss the colt, keeping his thoughts occupied with her exploring tongue as her hind-quarters lowered, pressing herself up against his new erection. “And thou shalt not be doing the mounting.”

**************************************************** (Adult End) ********************************************

A pounding on a wooden door shook Star from his sleep. There was somepony holding him tight and from the scent of the fur he knew it was his Princess. He kept his eyes closed, nuzzling into her chest as his ears flickered about, listening intently to determent if he dreamt the knocking.

Knock Knock Knock “Princess Luna?”A mare's voice called through the heavy doors.

He felt the alicorn stir in his hooves, lifting her head from the pillows. “I am here, speak.”

“Sorry to disturb you, Princess Celestia wishes to ask if you'd like to join her for breakfast before lowering the moon.” Said the messenger, muffled by the thick oak.

“Yes, inform mine sister that I should enjoy breaking fast with her. I shalt be there post-haste.” The voice on the other side acknowledged, leaving the two ponies alone once more.

Starstep looked up from the pile of blankets to Luna, who was looking back at him with a loving smile. “Morning, Luna.”

She closed her eyes to lean down and kiss him. “Indeed, my love.” Her hooves pulled him tight to her as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Tis been many an age since I hath felt so...content.”

“Or slept before lowering the moon?”

“Oh, haha, tis true. Our sleep schedule is most out of sorts this day.” She pulled from his embrace to roll onto her belly, tossing aside the blankets with her magic.

Star lowered his head, not sure where to begin. “Was...was that a dream or were we really there?”

Luna just smiled at him, eyes sparkling playfully as she slid off the bed and headed for the door. She paused there, lifting her tail to the side to show evidence that at least some of it was not a dream at all. “Come, my love. We must bathe before breaking fast. For we art rather...matted.” She giggled and lifted the latch from her door, not waiting for the colt to follow after.

One quick hot bath, with much mischief involving soap, and the pair made their way from the royal bathroom to the private dinning hall. Princess Celestia and Lighthoof were sitting by the window, watching the twilight sky as the moon hovered just above the horizon. One of her beautiful white wings draped over the tan pegasus. They turned their heads as they entered, Celestia sharing a smile with Luna, Star with Light.

“Hello, Lu-Lu, Starstep.”

They both nodded to the other pair before taking their seats at the small table set with simple silver utensils and white clay-ware dishes. There was enough room for just the four of them, already set with steaming piles of hay-browns, fresh vegetables and fruits and a pot of hot tea. Lighthoof and Celestia took their seats own seats, with Celestia immediately pouring cups of tea for them all.

“Thank you for coming to breakfast, sister. When I heard you'd left the fortress, I was a little worried, until I saw your old mirror in your room. I trust the trip was enjoyable?” Her smiling eyes glanced from her sister to Starstep.

Starstep's eyebrows raised, the conformation that it wasn't a dream making him feel warm inside. “It was...enlightening.” Star acknowledged, reaching out to grab a green apple from the fruit basket. He noticed Luna taking a small pile of blueberries with her magic and dabbing them with cream, content to let Star speak on the subject.

Lighthoof glanced between the three other ponies. “Mirror? Trip? What happened?”

Starstep glanced at Luna, who only smiled, popping a blueberry into her mouth and chewed. “Uh, well...” He paused. “The Princess took me to the moon.”

His friend and brother tilted his head, blinking a couple of times. “Is that a metaphor?” He said with a smug grin.

“No, we were actually on the real moon. Looking down, er, up at Equestria from space.”

Lighthoof whistled softly. “Holy...buck.” To this, Star could only nod in agreement.

Celestia sipped her little white and gold trimmed tea-cup held in her magic before she spoke. “Sister, I'm surprised. The last pony you took there was your-”

“My wife, Greenleaves. Tis no different now.” Luna said between blueberries.

The white alicorn's eyebrows rose. “Lu-lu, are you saying...?” Her bewildered expression flicked to Starstep while Lighthoof watched on in confusion, sipping his own tea.

Luna smiled, there was something challenging in her gaze at her sister, but the look shifted to pure love and affection as she turned to the blue-grey pegasus. “Yes, Starstep is my love, my royal consort. He is my husband.”

Starstep thought he heard Lighthoof choking on his tea but at that moment his mind was trying to wrap around Luna's words, or one word in particular, husband.

Chapter XLV

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLV

By Indigo Eclipse

Starstep paced up and down the hall outside of the dining room. Morning light filtered in from the newly installed windows dotting the length, highlighting the little bits of dust that flew up in his wake. His hooves thumping softly on the white and gold-trimmed rug that ran the length of the passageway. Head-down, ears lowered, flicking his eyes to the sealed doors every time he passed by.

Across the hall from the dining room, Lighthoof leaned against the grey stone wall, watching his friend and brother pace anxiously. His tan ears perked at a renewed bout of arguing echoing through the thick oak doors, the individual words muffled by the wood. After yet another circuit by Star, the colt rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Pro-tip, dude. When a Princess calls you her husband, you nod and smile.”

Starstep did not pause his pacing as he replied, frustration tinting his voice. “How the buck was I suppose to know Luna wasn't just making a joke?”

“You should have rolled with it.” The tan pegasus leaned his head back against the cool wall. He pitched his voice up a notch to imitate Star's. “Why yes, Princess Celestia, Luna is my wifey. We're in wuv.” He made kissing sounds, ignoring the fiery glare from his buddy. After a moment he gave a slow shake of his head with a low chuckle. “But instead you said, 'Husband? But we're not married.” He shivered. “That look that crawled across Princess Luna's face will haunt my nightmares forever.”

The blue-grey colt stopped between the doors and the other pegasus. “Buck you, Light. Not like you're helping me understand royal customs. You and Celestia have been rutting every night since we got here.”

Princess Celestia, dude. And yeah, we have.”

“Well, I don't see you two married or even seem to want to be. So why does one night with Luna mean we're suddenly Mare and Stallion forever?”

“You tell me. You went to the moon...twice, or was it three times?.” He snickered ignoring the death-glare he received for the bad joke. “Four? Ok, seriously, Bro. Without the naughty bits, unless you want to share, what happened up there?”

Star sighed, rolling his eyes up as he gathered his thoughts of the evening. “Well...went to the moon. Ran about on the white plains, stars and blackness stretching on forever.” He paused to smile fondly. “That was pretty bucking awesome, by the way.” The pegasus tapped his chin in thought. “Ah...well, after that she led me to her sanctuary, we chatted a bit, she made sure she understood what it meant to be with her and we spent the know.” He cleared his throat uncomfortably.

“So...she never said anything about marriage or husband or none of that?” Another burst of arguing behind the door cause them both to glance towards it.

“No. Just the usual being her consort stuff and rules about being her lover. But as far as I know, lover is not the same as husband. I feel like I skipped to the end of a book.”

Lighthoof shrugged. “Maybe it's an old royal custom? You go to the moon, you rut the moon, you live on the moon.”

Star ignored Light's little jab. “After that whole giant Cadance wedding, you'd think the Princess would know our modern customs for that sort of thing. I am seriously thrown for a loop here.”

“That such a bad thing, dude? You know, being the husband to Princess Luna?”

The blue-grey pegasus lowered his head, shaking it lightly, his spiky charcoal mane bouncing a bit. “No...I want that.” His gaze lifted to the sealed door. “But not like this. Why are they fighting in there over it?”

His friend shrugged. “Buck if I know. I get to make Princess Celestia happy, but she don't tell me much. I'm just kinda...there, yah know?”

“How can you deal with that? Don't you feel used? I mean, what about Sherry and Peach Blossom? How are they going to compare to a Princess now that you've had a...” He almost said taste and realized the horrible reference. “Er, had nights with her?”

Light gave another shrug. “I get you're worried about me, but hey. It's fun, and I'm not deludin' myself about where I stand. Difference is, dude, that Sherry and Peach love me, and I love them. The Princess loves me too, but not like they do. It's not the same. I'm not gonna lose sleep over I am cause we're bumping flanks, but not cause I'm stressing over it.”

Star groaned and rolled his eyes. Light would always be Light. Princess or not. A thought occurred to him. “I wonder if I could do that.”

The other pegasus smirked, an eyebrow raised. “Do Princess Celestia? Sure with a foot-stool.”

“No, Light. I mean, if Luna only wanted a companion and offered only sex and nothing more, would I be happy with that?”

Lighthoof pushed off the wall to stand next to his friend. He put a fore-leg around his shoulder and gave Star a friendly shake. “No way, brother. You got too much heart. You're one of those colts who needs to feel loved. You need that personal touch. Look at the ponies you've been with. Scootaloo, Cheerilee, and now Luna. You've a connection with each one.”

“There was that night with Sherry...” Star added.

“Ah, well, that was a bit of an emergency and a favor for a friend. I don't really count that.” He ruffled Star's mane. “Look, bro. You're not like me. I could rut any mare who wanted a bit of fun and not feel shame if it was a one time deal. Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm happy Sherry and Peach want something more long term and I'm happy to give it. But you, not you dude. Never you. You're too...” He searched for the right word.

“Goody-goody? Old-fashioned?” Starstep offered.

Light chuckled, “Compassionate and loyal. You wouldn't enjoy breaking ties with somepony after one night.”

“So how do you explain Sherry?”

“Hey, you still talk with her, right? She considers you a friend.” He sighed as he spared a glance towards the doors. “And I'll bet she'll need your support after I tell her about the new royal duties.”

“Not going to go well, is it?”

Lighthoof laughed sourly. “If I'm lucky, she wont blacken both my eyes. But, hey dude, it'll work out. Besides, this is about you, not me.”

Starstep swiveled his ears around, noticing the sudden silence. Moments passed and nothing changed, perhaps the fighting was over. He shook his head, redirecting his attention to Lighthoof. “Any advice on how to smooth this whole thing over?”

The other pegasus gave a half-shrug. “Hey, you know more about Princess Luna. What does she want from you?”

“Truth and to not be so impulsive. I think that's all she's ever asked of me.”

They were interrupted as the double door to the dining room creaked open enough for Princess Celestia to peek out. She gave her usual official smile, pastel mane framing her glowing face. Her eyes flickered briefly between the two colts. “Starstep, dear. May I have a word with you inside?”

The colts exchanged glances before separating. After Star reached the door, he looked over his shoulder at Light, who offered a reassuring smile. No matter what happened, at least Star could count on his brother to be there. As the blue-grey pegasus slipped inside, he heard Princess Celestia give Lighthoof leave to spend the day in town before closing the heavy oak door shut. Inside, morning light filtered into the room via the large ceiling high windows, dust dancing about the sunbeams in the tension filled air. A heavy old grandfather clock marked time in the corner, the only sound in the stillness. Luna was staring intently out of one of the windows, ignoring his presence as Celestia's white wing draped over his back and ushered him towards the table. She waited for him to take a seat before claiming her own across from him. The ever present smile wasn't very reassuring. He could see the tightness in her jaw and corners of her eyes.

Star cleared his throat, turning his head to look at the blue alicorn across the room. “Luna, I'm sorr-” He halted mid-word as Celestia raised a hoof to silence him.

“Be still, my little pony. You have nothing to apologize for. I only wish to ask a few questions to clear things up. Is that okay?” When Star finally dragged his blue eyes from Luna's tense body, Celestia nodded, still smiling. “Do you think you're married to Luna?”

“I...don't know, Princess?” He fumbled his words, attempting to piece together what he missed during his trip with Luna to the moon. “I mean, I guess? Maybe? I love her, is that enough? We uh, made love, does that count?”

Celestia's smile warmed slightly, more genuine as she noted the faint blush on the pegasus' cheeks. “Not entirely my dear.” She poured herself tea, pausing to sip the steaming liquid from the cup held in her magic. “If I was to say you were married, do you believe you were tricked into it in any way?”

Star's head-shake was immediate. “No! I'd be happy to be Luna's husband, I'm just a little shocked. I didn't expect it.”

“Why is that dear?” Her eyes flicked over to her brooding sister before back to the flustered colt.

“Well, there was no wedding.”

Luna spun her head around, cold fury in her eyes and opened her mouth to speak when Celestia held a hoof, silencing them both. She glanced over at her sister again. “Lu-lu, you agreed to let us talk first.” With that, the night-goddess shut her muzzle stubbornly and returned to staring out the window.

She smiled to Starstep. “So, you don't believe you're married?”

“Excuse me for saying, but um...Lighthoof and you aren't married and you've been uh...bumping flanks for days, as he put it.” He could hear the faint snort as Luna fought back a laugh. It warmed his heart to know she wasn't beyond a good joke.

Celestia's cheeks reddened ever so slightly. “Ahem, yes. This is true, dear. Lighthoof and I are not wed, and I do not suspect we ever shall.” She paused. “Mating does not automatically mean you're married to royalty. Lu-lu and I have both had sexual consorts before. There is certainly nothing wrong with it. During certain eras of Equestrian history, we were forced to take what companionship we could get.” She waved a hoof dismissively. “But this is not that era.”

“Ok, I get why Luna might be mad at me if I completely missed something obvious during our trip to the moon, but why are you angry at each other, Princess? I mean, if she really is married, shouldn't you be happy for her?” Celestia's raised eyebrow caused him concern. “ disrespect intended, Princess.” He added quickly.

“You're right, I should be happy.” She hesitated, glancing over at her sister. “Before I explain why I'm concerned, I want to ensure you understand why there is a little confusion between the two of you.” She smiled warmly at the colt. “As you know, Lu-lu enjoys traditional ceremonies and such. They comfort her because they are most familiar to her.” She gave her sister a look that bordered on pity. “And so, I fear she unintentionally tricked you into marriage. She thought that you had read up on old customs and assumed too much.”

“I still don't get it. If, ah, sex doesn't make you wed to royalty, what does?”

Celestia smiled patiently before sipping her tea. “Tell me of your trip to the moon, minus the more private moments.”

Star looked to his Moon-goddess, bathed as she was in sun-light. To other eyes, she was simply staying out of the conversation, but he knew that look behind the royal mask. The slight tenseness in her shoulders and ever so slight down-turn at the edges of her lips. She was furious.

The pegasus looked back to the awaiting white alicorn and frowned. “This is silly. If we're wed, we're wed. Why does it matter? I love Luna, and she loves me. So what's the problem?”

“One problem, my dear pony, is that you do not truly believe it. You only wish it to be true. For now, let us see if I cannot help explain it. My sister's intentions were heart-felt, but I wish you to understand. Please, Starstep.” She gave him a reassuring smile.

“Alright, Princess.” He took a deep breath. “We went to the moon, ran around with me chasing her about till we got to the sanctuary.” He paused. “Inside was indescribable. A little world tucked away on the white plains. And up above, the whole world.” He thought he saw Luna smile faintly. “We chatted for a bit, she gave me a choice to be her lover and consort or just a good friends that would share nights together. She explained that it would be tough as her lover and a little of what to expect. But...”

He smiled at the blue-alicorn. “I accept what may come. I just want to be with her. I told her as much.” Luna turned her head to meet his gaze, smiling in return, abet briefly as her eyes flickered to her sister and she turned back to the window angrily. “And well...then know.” He blushed and looked away, faint memories of their very intimate moments dancing in his thoughts and threatening to stiffen his wings.

Celestia tilted her head, smiling warmly. “I see.” She spared a look for her sister. “Tell me, Starstep. What are the parts of a modern wedding?”

The colt tapped his chin in though. “Hmm...ceremony, reception, honey-moon?”

The alicorn gave a soft laugh. “Well...yes. A little more detailed than that my dear.”

“During the ceremony there’s the preacher bit. The vows. Exchange of tokens. A kiss. Oh and witnesses.”

“Go on.”

“And at the reception there's dancing, cake, and photos. Then the honey-moon er...” He coughed lightly.

“That's quite enough, dear.” She smirked. “Did you know that the term 'honey-moon' comes from my sister?” That perked Star's ears. “Oh yes. Because the first night that Luna had with her new Mare or Stallion, she would spend with them on the moon.” The blue alicorn simply glared at her older sister.

“Now, try to imagine all those things, but out of order, and perhaps not what they appear at first glance.”

Star furrowed his brow. “Out of order? Like, what?” Tia simply smiled at him so he looked to Luna, who continued her staring contest with the window. “No help, huh?” He tapped his chin. “I'm not seeing a lot of that from last night.”

“Are you certain, Starstep? What if some of these things happened prior?”

“Prior?” Fragments of ideas fluttered at the edges of his mind. “Wait...” His hoof strayed to the feather resting against his chest, then his eyes sought out its owner. “We exchanged feathers. But that was quite a while ago.”

“What did Luna say it was for?”

“A token of courtship?” The light went on in his head. “Oh...I see.”

“A long time ago, tokens were given early in a relationship, and if the bond was broken, they were given back. They are your link to each other, a promise to do your best for the other.”

Emboldened, the colt thought on it in a broader sense. “Okay, so, the promises we gave each other last night...vows? I mean, I just said those on the spot. I didn't rehearse or write anything out.”

“Did you mean every word?” Celestia's smile began to reach her eyes.

“Yeah, every word.”

“That seems a very honest and heart-felt exchanging of vows then.”

“Okay, so, vows, tokens, plenty of kissing...” He looked away blushing slightly. “Umm...but no preacher and no witnesses.”

“Are you certain? Who conducted the ceremony for Cadance and who will take the role for Twilight Sparkle and Cheerilee?”

“You and...oh...okay, and witnesses? Wait...” He remembered the world looking down on them as he made love to the alicorn. The entire world as a witness, the thought was certainly enough to form a nervous knot in his belly. “The world.”

Celestia nodded and even Luna was watching them now, though hiding behind her regal mask.

“ reception. Sure we've danced before but...”

The while alicorn giggled. “Starstep dear, now you're over-thinking it. Does a reception make a pony couple married?”

“, I guess it's just a celebration of the union.”


“So...I guess I'm married. Huh.”

“Guess, dear?”

“Hah, okay, sorry. I AM married.” He caught Luna's cyan eyes watching him, and smiled lovingly to the alicorn. “To the most wonderful mare in the world.” She returned the smile and gave the gentlest of nods towards him.

“I can see that you believe it now.” Celestia set aside her empty tea-cup. “I hope you're not upset with me, Starstep. I only wished for you to understand and not just think it so because you were told to do so.”

“No, I get it, Princess. I was a just little confused.”

“I'm glad. However, I'm certain you are still wondering why Lu-lu and I have been fighting over this matter.” She shared a look with her sister. “May I tell him the story.”

“Doeth as thou wishes, Tia. Thou wilst anyway.”

Tia gave a patient sigh and placed her fore-hooves together as she stared across the table at the pegasus. “What I am to tell you does not leave your lips to any other being.” She spoke softer. “A long, long time ago, when we were fillies and still very new to love, there was a young rogue of a colt who roamed the lands, wooing the hearts of any filly who caught his eye. Travelers were rare in those days, and so his tales of far-off lands and adventures caught many ponies in his grasp. A gypsy, a drifter, he never stayed in town more than a few days, content to spend his life on the road and in many beds. We would occasionally see him pass through, entranced as much as the other young fillies at his exciting stories. He was charming, handsome, and truth be told, very passionate. In fact, so much the other stallions in town were quite jealous.” She smiled at the memory for a brief moment.

“A certain young lady had it in her head that she wanted to keep this colt for herself.” Her eyes slid to the sulking blue-alicorn. “So she concocted a plan to trick the gypsy colt into marring her. Thinking that by wedding him, it would force the pony to stay and love only her.” The memory shifted from a smile to one of regret. “Despite my warnings, the filly went ahead with the plan and succeeded in wedding and bedding the colt. Come the following morning, the ruse was reveled and the colt became furious. He screamed and raged that he was too free to be tied down to one pony. Too adventurous to stay in one place. However, he was too proud to break the vows he had spoken, despite being drunk at the time.” The white alicorn shook her head sadly.

“He kept his word, living in town with the filly, being the best husband he knew how to be. But as the years passed, it took a toll on him, leaving him a shell of his former self. Bitter and angry. He ate less and less and drank more and more, yet always returning to his wife. His word was all that remained to him.” She sighed, looking to Luna, who averted her eyes.

She didn't have to say who the filly was, it was pretty obvious to Star. He willed his love for Luna telepathically, hoping she would take some comfort from it. The alicorn raised her head suddenly, giving him a thankful smile. “So..what happened to him?”

Luna held up her hoof to halt her sister. “Enough, Tia. I shalt finish the tale.” She turned from the window to gracefully walk across the room, sliding into the seat at the head of the table between Star and Celestia. “My heart was torn. To see the fiery colt I hath loved turned to a bitter stallion. So I offered him freedom, a chance to leave. He doth refused, stubborn to kepth his vows.” She shook her head and closed her eyes, the regret worming its way through the link she shared with Star. “I broketh my vow instead. Taking another lover.”

Star reached a hoof out to rest upon hers. She flinched, as though to pull back but hesitated and left it still. “The pact of marriage now ended, the pony did pack his things and departed the land. To this day, I knowth not his final fate.” She gave a heavy sigh. “I was young and foalish.” Her bitterness turned to anger as she faced her sister. “And I am no longer. There art no reason to bring this old tale up to argue against mine marriage to Starstep.”

Celestia sighed.

The pegasus looked between them, a little confused. “Okay, I think I missed something. I'm not a gypsy pony, I'm not even an adventurer. So what if Luna and I got married? Not like I have a town full of fillies I'm trying to bed.” His tone snapped.

“No, my dear pony?” Celestia raised an eyebrow, ignoring the warning stare from her sister. “Scootaloo, Cheerilee with child, potential lovers waiting in the wings that you are quite aware of. Let us not forget the very forward griffon mistress, and a certain unicorn that you owe a favor or two.” She gave a knowing smile. “You are certainly not as...promiscuous as your friend, but you are young, and still new to love and relationships. This is my fear. That being tied to my sister in such a way will harm you.”

He cringed at the names she rattled off, knowing she wasn't entirely off the mark. “Well...yeah, but Luna even said that as long as she okays it, that other relationships are not out of the question.”

“Let us be honest, dear. If you are Lu-lu's personal guard, and her husband. Will you realisticly have time to pursue other long-term relationships? Your entire life would revolve around her. Even if you managed a fling or two that she approved of.” She sighed. “We were fighting dear, because I did not wish for you to be wed so young without knowing the full consequences. Without knowing absolutely what it means. Lu-lu believes you are ready. I disagree.”

The pegasus blinked, staring into the serious and concerned pale magenta eyes of Celestia. Long moments passed before he found his sight drifting across the table to the deep pools that were Luna's. Her eyes were intense and filled with love they drew him in to drown in their depths.

“Starstep? Star, Star, dear.” Celestia's voice pulled him from the other alicorn's cyan gaze. He blinked a couple of times, shaking his head clear, before noting that Luna had returned to her glaring at her sister. “I know it's all very abrupt.” She slid from her chair and walked around the table to drape a comforting wing over his shoulders. “Perhaps it is best if you took time to clear your head and think on it.”

He tilted his head up at her, a bit of Luna's cold rage gathered in his belly. “What's there to think on, Princess? We're married. I love her, the end. I swore I'd be Luna's special somepony, and now that I'm here, buck the consequences.”

The alicorn gave a soft laugh. “It appears my sister's stubbornness has rubbed off on you. Very well my dear pony. If this is what choose.” She shook her head and sighed in defeat before gesturing to Luna to join them. Reluctantly, the other alicorn slid from her chair to stand at Tia's side. The sun-goddess used her wings to pull them to her chest and gave them both a nuzzle, which surprised Star and caused Luna to look away embarrassed.

“Lu-lu and Star, I'm sorry to cast doubt on a day which should be of celebration.” She nuzzled her sister's cheek. “Sister, please understand my concern. Please forgive me.”

Luna exhaled heavily before she returned the nuzzling. “Tia, thou art forgiven. I understand thy fears and swear that I wilst not allow history to repeat. Thou art my loving big sister, and know thou hath mine best interests at heart.”

Celestia turned her head to nuzzle the smaller pegasus. “Starstep, allow me to be the first to welcome you to the family. When we return to Canterlot, I'll be certain to set up a very nice reception for you two. And, forgive me for being skeptical. You are so young and I was only attempting to look out for your well-being.”

Star returned the nuzzle and gave the sun-goddess a kiss on the cheek, which surprised her, but left her smiling warmly. “Thank you, Princess. I know you two have a lot of history and have been through things I can only imagine, but...this is my life and it's what I want most. It'll be fine.”

“Very well.” She gave them both a kiss on the cheek and pushed them towards the doors with her wings. “I suppose I'd best not keep you longer. Go, enjoy your day together.” The newlyweds smiled and nodded towards Celestia before leaving the room side by side. As the heavy doors clicked shut, the alicorn's expression fell. “I wont let you break your vows again, Lu-lu. I love you too much. It almost crushed you, and I refuse to see it happen again.”

Far down the passages and many intersections away from the dining room, Starstep exhaled and shook his wings out before glancing at Luna out of the corner of his eye as the pair of ponies walked side-by-side together. “Okay, seriously, what the buck was that all about, Princess?”

The alicorn gave giggle. “Twas just as it appeared. Tia being rather motherly and overbearing.”

“You didn't seem too happy about her a few minutes ago. I swear you were going to bore a hole in her head with those stares.”

Luna smirked. “Indeed. While I very much loveth my sister, she can be quite a pain in the rump.” She sighed. “Twas necessary to allow her to air her concerns. Due to thy...reaction this morning at breakfast, she was immediately reminded of that past incident.”

The pegasus looked away, his ears wilting faintly. “Yeah...sorry about that Princess. I-erK.” He was jolted out of his explanation as the Princess picked him up and pinned him with her fore-hooves on his shoulders, pressing his back into the stone wall.

“Starstep, doth not apologize! Whilst I seek truth from thy lips, I wilst not have thee become a simpering lap-dog. Twas mine own fault for not insuring thou knewst what I was about last night.” Her expression softened as she leaned in to nuzzle along is cheek. “Twas...impulsive of me. I felt the time was right. Tis I who should apologize to thou.” She tucked her head under his, nuzzling at his neck.

“Er...okay. Let me down and I forgive you.” The alicorn giggled as she gently placed him back on all fours. “So uh...has your sister always been like this?”

Luna turned and continued on with the pegasus at her side. “To me? Indeed. To others she doth put on a show.”

“I see where you learned it.”

The alicorn smirked. “She dost mean well. I doth not mean to be cross with her, but her worries over thy being bound to me art most unnecessary. She hath not seen into thy heart.” Luna draped a wing across her colt. “I knowth that thou loveth me with all thy being.” She looked down into Star's smiling face. “And knowth that I love thou with all mine.” Their lips met briefly, a spark of passion ran down Star's spine.

“Mmm...Luna. Would you like know...slip off somewhere private?” He jerked his head in the general direction of her quarters.

The mare giggled and blushed. “That wouldst be most pleasant. Alas, two things prevent such activities.”

Star gently grasped her head in his hooves and kissed along her jaw-line, eliciting soft sounds of pleasure from the Princess. “Oh? Do tell.”

“The first, the side-effects of the spell from our...honey-moon.”

Her words caused the colt to halt his teasing. “Um...what would that be?”

“Shalt I demonstrate? Mmm...tis most tempting.” She pondered, a wicked grin upon her muzzle. “Yes, I believe I shalt.” Before the pegasus could protest, she bit down on his wing and flicked her tongue between the feathers.

Starstep shivered, groaning from the sensation. She knew exactly where to tease him to quickly get him....aroused? Something wasn't right. Confused, he turned his head to watch her play with his black wings. No wing-boner and nothing down below. “Oh sweet Celestia, what have you done!”

Luna relented, laughing and bounding out of his reach. “Magic always has a price, my love. One evening of endless mounting of thy mare, one day of rest.” She wiggled a hoof at him, sticking out her tongue playfully.

The pegasus frowned at her, but his eyes sparked mischievously. “Oh, is that right? So why is it I'm the only one that has to suffer? You enjoyed being filled as I recall.” He grinned. “What were your words?” He pitched his voice high. “Oh, stallion, thy seed fills mine belly and runs down mine thighs!” He darted back as Luna took a playful swat at him. “Oh, stallion, again, again, gush it out upon mine neck and face. Coat me with thy love!” He used his wings to spring out another swat, laughing at her attempt. “OH, place thy hoof within me! Gently, oh so gently. Oh my, tis going everywhere!”

“Haha, enough thy foolish colt!” She tackled him to the floor, staring down at him with a playful grin. “I knowth well enough of our evening. Twas there, was I not? Hold thy tongue lest thou wishes ALL the maids to know of thy...fetish.” That caused the pegasus to squirm. “Oh, yes. I quite enjoyed it my love.” She leaned in, kissing along his jaw. “And verily, so didth thou.” She whispered into his ear.

He grinned up at the beautiful mare before touching noses with her and sharing a deep, tongue teasing kiss. At last they parted lips, both panting ever so slightly.

“Thou knowest they dost watch us around corners. Afraid to interrupt the Princess of the Night and her consort.”

“I'm not embarrassed. I'd rut you right here if I could.”

“Oh-ho!” She grinned wickedly. “Perhaps we shalt test that at some point. I am quite curious to seeth if thou can withstand the gossip that comes with such acts.”

He sniffed the air. “You're wet right now, aren't you?”

The alicorn slapped him playfully on the chest. “Sir, thou art a most terrible pony to ask such a thing of a lady! Terrible indeed.”

Star caught her fore-leg in his and kissed her crystal-shod hoof. “Yet you're not denying it.” That caused the mare to look away, blushing.

“T-thy boldness has grown much.”

He wiggled under her larger form, ignoring the slight pain of being on his back on the cold-stone floor. “So, if I can't have any fun for the day, how should you suffer too?”

The alicorn smirked. “Pray-tell, why shouldth I?”

“Well, we're married right. And you know what they say about a couple sharing burdens.”

Luna tilted her head and gave a little laugh. “Tis quite true.” She gave a sigh as she slid off his body, offering her colt a hoof up.

Back on all fours, he nuzzled at her neck. “Any ideas?”

“If thou art suggesting that I use magic to push aside mine own feelings of arousal, thou art most deluded.” She used her wing to coax him into walking at her side once more. “Besides, we've an appointment to attend. The second reason we hath no time to 'rut' in the hallway.” She paused in her thoughts. “Though, a third would be the rather nasty mess to leave for the poor maid staff.”

“True.” He bumped his flank with Luna's. “You're avoiding the question.”

Luna blushed and intently looked elsewhere as they walked. “I hath no ideas. I suppose thou wilst just mark it up to the downsides to being a colt.”

“ have ideas.” He grinned, leaning out his neck to nip at her shoulder. “You just don't want to voice them. Are they that bad?”

The alicorn's cheeks darkened a shade more. “Tis...nothing. Really. Perhaps a promise to allow though to try any fantasy in thy head is a sufficient payment?”

“You'd let me try anyway. You did say you wanted me to learn.” He gave a quick glance around, noting the hallways were surprisingly deserted for this time of day.

She laughed softly. “Tis true.” She sighed heavily, halting for a moment to lean down and whisper into his ear. “What is it thy wish of me then?”

Star grinned, a thought forming in his mind. “Well...remember when I nuzzled into your mane without permission?” The alicorn's eyebrow raised. “You kinda used that spell on me without asking. Seems like it's payback time.”

“Thou art not serious.” She hissed.

“Maybe. Tell me what you were thinking when you were blushing so hard.”

She hesitated.

“Luna, my love? I wont ask you to do anything you don't want to.”

She laughed at that, placing a hoof to her lips to snort back intense giggling.

“What? What?”

After she got her giggling fit under control, the moon-goddess nuzzled him. “Starstep, my love. Thou art most amusing. There art very little I wouldst not do with the right companion. Thou on the other hoof...” She smirked. After a few moments though she sighed and rolled her eyes. “Very well. The thought I had was of a ancient bit from long ago.”


Luna's wing prompted him to get moving again, the pair making their way down the quiet sun-filled hallway. “Indeed. Twas called a chastity belt. The intended use was to prevent a mare from being bred. It was suppose to...preserve their honor or some nonsense. Needless to say, the item didth not last long within society.”

“'s just like underwear that prevents you from mating. Seems kinda silly.”

“Mmm...indeed. has...evolved over the years in underground circles.” Her cheeks darkened again.

“Let me guess. Bondage?”

“Of a sorts.”

Star pondered the implications for a moment. Then a terrible thought began to form in his mind. “And I suppose there are versions that are used to keep toys inside a pony?”

Luna blinked at him. “Oh-ho. Who hath thou been speaking with? I thought thou new to such play?”

“Erm...well...Some of Lighthoof's magazines...” He coughed into his hoof.

She hesitated before the doors to the main study. “Is that thy wish to share thy burden, by asking me to wear such a thing?” She smirked. “I would of course, insist on must wear formal attire during such naughty punishment. Explaining to griffons why I am wearing a chastity belt whilst having a consort and husband would be...most irritating. At least mine dress would hide it from sight.”

Star tilted his head. “Is...that okay? I mean, it just seemed like a playful idea. You did kinda cause this.”

Luna laughed brightly. “Oh, wouldst be a most tormenting day to wear such a thing. Perhaps in some ways, pleasurable.” Her eyes narrowed and her smile darkened as her voice lowered. “But I warn thou. There wilst be consequences if thou insist upon this punishment.” Her hoof traced along his cheek. “Terrible, wonderful consequences.”

“Wait, how can it be both?”

The alicorn threw back her head and laughed wickedly before grinning like a cat with a mouse. “Oh-ho. My dear husband. Tis time thou learnth.”

“I-I'm not sure I want to go through with this now.” He took a step back from her wicked smile.

“Mmmm...too late. It sounds delightfully fun. Though I am most certain I wilst be cursing thy name during tonight's meeting with the griffons.” She licked her muzzle and stalked closer to the nervous pegasus. “As soon as we art done here, off to mine chambers. There, thou wilst place it in, and upon me. By thy hooves will I be bound in pleasure and torment.”

Despite her hungry, dangerous look and hints of repercussions afterwords, the thought rather excited Star. Well, it would if he wasn't magically fatigued. Still...Luna had suggested he try a little of everything. He'd probably learn a thing or two. Plus, hey, payback was a bitch.

“Alright, I'll do it.” Star attempted to smile back just as wickedly, though he fell a bit short. Luna giggled at his attempt and booped him on the nose.

“Splendid. Now, for our appointment and fulfilling a promise to thou from yesterday.” Her horn glowed as her magic turned the latch on the study doors and swung them in for the colt. “After thou my love.”

Star led the way into the study. The walls lined with bookshelves neatly filled with hardback novels of various colors and thickness. Towards the back of the room a crackling fire warded off the early morning chill and accented the pony-lounge benches that rested in front of it. Bright sun-light cascaded in from the east facing windows, momentarily blinding Star as they entered. Off in one corner away from the windows was a full set-up of photography lights with those little umbrellas and a very large, rather expensive looking camera.

The pegasus looked back at Luna as the doors swung shut. “Pictures?”

“Quite right my love. I hath always had portraits with those I doth care for. Though before these new cameras, it was hand painted. Twas a rather long process indeed.” She gave him a nuzzle as she passed by him to look over the camera. “And now, we mayth yet use these as reception invitations.”

A side door opened and a gangly, slightly cream colored pegasus with brownish-orange mane wandered in, dragging a bag full of equipment. He glanced up, noticing Star then Luna and bowed. “Oh, your highness. Sorry, I was just finishing setting up.”

Luna gave him a warm smile. It was the most expressive he remembered seeing her to new ponies. “Quite alright, Featherweight. I trust thou and thy assistant wilst be ready shortly?”

Featherweight...the name rung a bell in Star's head. “Wait...did you do the photography and then took over the Foal Free Press? Cheerilee's class?”

The gangly pegasus perked his ears and turned his head towards the other colt. “Yeah, Oh, hey! Starstep, right? Wow, it's been a few years.” He left his bag and trotted over to shake hooves with him.

Star looked him over. Yeah, it was the same colt, but he sure got tall. “So how's it going? I didn't know you lived in Spurlin now.”

“Huh? Oh no. I run out of Canterlot now. Photography business. I'm usually out in the wilderness taking snaps for Equestria Geographic, but hey, when Castle Canterlot sends you a commission to head out here to take pictures of a royal sister, you don't pass it up.” He smiled to the blue-alicorn. “I didn't know it was going to be you, Princess Luna. I wish I'd brought a night-backdrop or something. They just told me it was a Princess who needed pictures in a hurry.” He returned to his bag and dragged it the rest of the way to his other equipment. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he glanced back at the side door. “My assistant will be here in a sec with the extra bulbs and film and we can get started, Princess.”

Star smiled. “Assistant and everything.”

“Oh, yeah, she's awesome. Couldn't carry near this amount of gear on my own. Glad I got her on board a few months back.” The door latch turned and awkwardly opened as a orange rump pushed in backwards, a filly pegasus dragging a heavy sack with her teeth. “Speaking of. Hey Scoots, come on over and meet Princess Luna.”

Scootaloo froze, her back to the group as she let the strap slip from her mouth. She slowly turned her head, saw Luna standing near the lights, smiling. Star knew that smile. On the surface it was friendly, but underneath it promised things to come, and not the good kind. Scootaloo then noticed the blue-grey colt to her left. She gave him a nervous, lopsided grin, her wings giving a slight flutter.

“Uh...hey, Star.”

Chapter XLVI

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLVI

By Indigo Eclipse

In the old study, surrounded by books as the early morning sun shimmered through the windows, Starstep bounced over to wrap Scootaloo in his forelegs, hugging the young mare extra tight. She hesitated a few moments before giving him a squeeze back.

Eventually, Star held her out at limb's reach to look her over, though she seemed to avoid meeting his eyes. “You look like you're doing ok, Scoots. I was really worried about you.”

She gave a lopsided smile and glanced over his shoulder at the Princess. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Her eyes returned to her friend. “I'm surprised to find you here.”

He tilted his head. “I wrote you a letter that I was going overseas to meet Luna.”

“Oh, uh, I haven't been home since the whole foal-napping thing. I left Ponyville right after you did.” She again looked elsewhere.

Star turned so he was side-by-side with Scoots, his muzzle breaking into a grin as he looked to the alicorn. “So that's why you wouldn't let me talk with her. You had it set up so she'd meet us here.”

Luna nodded. “Indeed my dear, Star. I thought it best that she speak with thou personally. Her heart seemed troubled.” She noticed the glare the orange pegasus shot her, narrowing her eyes ever so slightly as a sly smirk crept up her muzzle.

Featherweight glanced between the two mares and cleared his throat. “Oh, hey Scoots.” She spared a look to the gangly pegasus, a little irritated. The pegasus brushed his light-brown bangs from his eyes and smiled sheepishly. “I think I forgot the lens bag. I'll head out and grab em.” He bowed his head to the alicorn. “Sorry for the delay, Princess Luna.”

“Oh, certainly no trouble at all.” Her expression flipped to her usual regal smile. Star never saw the transition in expressions. “Partake in refreshments in the dining hall downstairs. I am certain the trip over was quite exhausting.”

“That's not a bad idea.” He trotted over to the door, tugging it open before smiling back at the orange pegasus. “I'll let you catch up with your friend. Back in a flash.”

“Oh, ok, thanks Feather.” She nodded to the colt before he slipped out into the hall, firmly shutting the heavy oak door behind him.

A few quiet moments passed before confusion flickered across Scootaloo's face. Ignoring the Princess, she trotted over to the camera gear and pulled open a bag. “The lenses are right here. What is he up to?”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “That one is most observant.”

Star could feel the tension in the air prickle at his coat as the two mares started to glare at each other again. He closed his eyes and exhaled before holding up a hoof. “Ok, seriously. I can't stand you two being mad at each other. I feel like I'm missing something here. Last time we were all together it was a lot of love and affection. We were all happy. Is Scootaloo's apology to you that important, Luna?”

The orange pegasus sputtered out a incredulous laugh, “Apologize to her? For what?”

“Giving up her feather?” He looked to Luna. “That is why you're angry at her, right?”

Luna simply wore her usual stoic expression, saying nothing.

“You didn't tell him?” Scoot asked the alicorn, an eyebrow raising in disbelief.

“Dost thou expect a Princess to break her word? I am most offended thou wouldst assume such.”

“Tell me what?” Star asked, eyes flicking between the two mares. No answer as they simply stared at each other. He slammed a hoof onto the floor. “TELL ME WHAT!?” That got their attention. Star took a deep calming breath. “Look, I asked Luna to forgive you for giving up her feather. She said she wouldn't till you asked for forgiveness. I just wanted us to go back to being together.”

Luna sighed. “Alas, my love. Tis not so much about the feather.” She gave a sad shake of her head, blue starry mane ignoring the motion to flow as it willed.

“I'm so not dealing with this today.” Scootaloo waved a dismissive hoof before turning to leave and froze in mid-step as the door vanished. She spun, glaring at the alicorn. “Put it back!”

“So that thou can continue to avoid the issue? Starstep has been most concerned for thou. Terribly so. He wishes thou to be in a relationship with us again. Art thou so heartless to not discuss it with him?”

Scootaloo glanced at the confused colt, her anger draining from her eyes as she met the worried look of her friend. “ have Luna, why do you even want me around?” She pleaded. “You're my best friend but I can't compete with her. I never could. We...I can't stand being in her shadow anymore.” The filly's ears wilted. “There's no place for me.”

Starstep stepped up to the smaller pony and hugged her. “There's always a place for you.” Her words stung him. Something in her had changed after her break-down in Ponyville.

She pushed him away, turning her head aside to hide the tears. “No...I'm just second place.”

“Tell him.” Princess Luna insisted. When the orange pegasus just glared at her through tears, she hissed. “Tell him or thou art not to ever leave this room.”

The orange filly gritted her teeth. “Fine, whatever.” She growled. Defiantly, she met the colt's eyes. “Star, I've been sleeping with another pony.”

He tilted his head and blinked a couple times. “That's all this is about?” He seemed genuinely confused.

His question startled her, rocking the filly back a step. “W-what? Didn't you hear me? I have been rutting another pony behind your back. When I'm not with you, I've been with him.”

Starstep scratched the back of his head, a look of mild bewilderment on his face. “Is it suppose to make me angry? After we met up in Canterlot and fooled around for the first time, I've been with two other ponies. Sherry and Cheerilee. When I told you about them, you were really understanding. I'd be a really bad friend if I didn't do the same.”

Scootaloo sputtered, trying to form coherent sentences, not expected his reaction. “Y-your not,'re not angry? Even a little?”

“A few months ago, I probably would have flipped out.” He gave a heavy sigh. “Maybe even really heart-broken. I guess my perspective has broadened.” The colt frowned. “I'm a little angry you wanted to hide it from me. didn't trust me enough.” He shook his head. “How long has it been going on?”

The filly scuffed a hoof on the ground, ignoring the tears that rolled down her muzzle. “Months. Right after we fooled around in Canterlot for the first time. Right after you called out her name in bed.” She shook her head firmly. “I was so angry.” Her wings fluttered as she stomped the floor in frustration. “I just wanted somepony to love me completely. You still saw a friend. So, I took a more permanent job to try and get my mind off it. Carrying photography equipment to far off places.” She glanced at the gear laying about. “I've seen things in the world I never thought possible. And he's been so nice to me...”

“Featherweight?” Star asked.

Scootaloo nodded. “It was just a job at first, but I was so angry, and my heart broken...well, I started to fool around with him. Maybe it was out of spite, or desperation...” She gave a half-hearted shrug. “Then I ran into you again in Canterlot with the Princess and all those feelings I have for you came back. That night Luna took me aside to have a discussion, mare to mare.” She spared the quiet alicorn a glance. “I told her about the other colt, made her swear to let me tell you about it. I actually had hopes the three of us could work. I kept telling myself it would be ok. And I put on a smile and tried to be happy just being with you.” She hung her head. “I thought I could have you when the Princess wasn't around, yet I still kept fooling around with Featherweight on the side. I donno...I guess I just wanted somepony to myself.”

The orange pegasus took a deep breath and exhaled. “Then when I gave up the feathers to that big stallion in Ponyville...all the guilt and doubt and worry hit home. All of the truths I tried to ignore overwhelmed me all at once and I couldn't hide from it anymore.”

Starstep moved to comfort her but halted as she held out a hoof. “ Star. I did this.” She rubbed away her tears with the back of a foreleg. “I guess I'm a little shocked you're being so understanding about all this. I thought for sure you'd be furious. But I learned how to let other ponies into your heart.” She gave a soft choking laugh, looking up at him with a faint smile, her eyes damp.

He returned her smile. “I had good teachers.” He pondered before looking to the Princess, bathed as she was in the morning light. “Luna, it wasn't the feather you wanted an apology for, was it?”

Luna shook her head. “Neigh. Alas, because of mine promise to Scootaloo, I could not divulge the entirety of the situation.”

Scootaloo bowed her head. “Princess Luna, Starstep. I'm really sorry I didn't let you know about Featherweight. I broke the rule about telling my partners about each other.”

The alicorn smiled, nodding in acknowledgment.. “Thy apology is accepted. Now thou knowst why Tia and I insisted on that rule. Leads to far too much heartache.”

Starstep hugged the orange pegasus against her feeble protests. “Apology accepted you silly filly.” She smirked and returned his hug.

“Dost Featherweight know?” Luna asked.

“I haven't told him, but I'm pretty sure he's figured it out. He's just has been nice enough not to press the issue.” She sighed. “I'll tell him.” She caught Luna's warning glance. “I swear.”

“Very well.” The door reappeared. “One last order of business I think.” She tucked her nose under her wing and pulled out a silver chain with her feather and Star's old feather attached. “I dost believe this is thine?” Her magic floated it over to hover in place before Scootaloo.

Starstep blinked. “How did you get it back? I thought Steelhoof was going to his grave clutching your feather.”

Luna gave a soft laugh. “Steelhoof values information over material things. Twas not the feather itself he desired, rather the bargaining chip for which it represented.”

“So him being invited to all these high-profile parties? A deal you made with him?”

“Indeed.” She gave a soft shake of her head. “At least his price was reasonable. I expected much worse.”

Scootaloo stared at the feathers floating within reach. Then she hung her head, ears wilting. “I'm sorry, Princess. I can't take these back.”

The colt's eyebrows raised. “What? don't want to be with us anymore? I'm ok with you seeing another pony. I just want you to be happy. Really. I love you Scoots.”

The filly sighed, looking at him with a sad, knowing smile.. “But never as much as the Princess. I thought I could but...I can't live in her shadow. And I'll be honest Star. I love exploring the world at Featherweight's side. It's an adventure everyday.” She hesitated, pushing at the floating chain with a hoof. “I'm sorry you had to make a deal to get these back, but I can't accept it, Princess.”

“Then thou returns thy tokens?” At Scootaloo's nod, the chain shattered into silver dust and the two feathers tumbled to the floor.

Starstep looked between the mares, startlement on his face. “Wait, what?”

Luna used her magic to pull the orange feather from her own necklace and floated it over to the smaller mare. “I return thy token as well and wish thou happiness in thy pursuit of love.” She looked to Starstep expectantly.

The colt clutched both feathers to his chest with a hoof. “Nuh-uh.” He looked to Scootaloo pleadingly. “I don't want you to go. I love you, Scoots.”

The filly nuzzled him softly. “I love you too, Star. But I know now I wont be happy like this. Besides, this isn't good-bye you crazy colt. I'll still visit, and I don't think Feather will mind if we play around a bit...I...just wont be bound to you and Luna anymore. That's all.” She looked to the blue alicorn. “Princess, are you ok with Star and I having a bit of fun together from time to time?”

Luna nodded with an understanding smile. “Certainly. Perhaps thou can tutor him in more advanced wing-play techniques? His passion is strong, but his performance is most lacking.”

Scootaloo giggled. “Sounds like a challenge.”

“Whoa, whoa, hold on. I wasn't that bad, Luna.”

The orange pegasus raised an eyebrow. “Not that bad? Have you two...?” She trailed off the question.

A thought struck the colt. “Oh...right...Um...heh. I guess I forgot to tell you, we're married now.” He nervously ruffled his mane.

The filly's eyes bulged. “WHAT!?”

“Luna and married last night.”

Scootaloo froze for a moment then broke into laughter. “Oh, ha-ha, you had me going, Star.”

Luna smirked. “Tis most true. While we avoided a large scale wedding that Cadance had, I assure thou we art now joined.”

“That's not funny.”

“Tis not meant to be. Tis but the truth.”

Scootaloo looked at them warily. “Now I'm really glad I decided I didn't want to be a part of this. I'm too young to be married.” She sighed and hugged Starstep. “Well...I guess congratulations are in order. You got your Princess.”

Star returned her hug. “Thank you, Scoots. I'm still keeping your feather.”

She looked up at him, cuddled as she was in his hooves. “Why? I can't promise to be with you. It's better this way. Really.”

“Because it's my way of saying I'll never ever forget you. That I'll always love you.”

“But wont the ponies who see it wonder why you've got an orange feather and Luna doesn't?”

“The buck do I care what the other ponies think? If they ask, I'll just tell them it belongs to somepony very special to me.” He paused, grinning. “Or, I'll just tell them it belongs to my wing-play instructor.”

Scootaloo giggled and batted him on the nose. “Silly pony.” She sighed heavily. “Star...give me the feather.”

“What? No I-”

“Star, give me the feather.” She said firmly, poking his chest with a hoof. “I have to let you focus on what's important” She turned her hoof over, gesturing him to give the token to her. “Like I said, I'll still visit, and I'll always have a place in my heart for you. But it's wrong for you to hold out hope for us being in a serious relationship. Please Star. Remember what I told you? No matter what happens, I'll always be your friend. No regrets.”

Long, quiet moments passed as Star looked into Scootaloo's eyes, searching for some reason to deny her request. Then, with a defeated sigh, he pulled her feather from the chain and gently set it into her hoof. “No regrets.” They shared a long grasping hug before the filly slid from his hooves. He watched her step towards the door, a tightness in his chest. “Do you love him? Featherweight I mean.” She nodded. “Then I'm happy for you. Sounds like he'll give you the kind of life you'll enjoy.”

She smiled and gave a slight shake of her head. “You really are a special pony, Star. You've come a long way in a short time. Congratulations on reaching your dream.” She took a deep breath to steady her nerves before putting on a brave smile. “Well...guess I better fetch Feather so we can get this camera shoot done for the newlyweds.” She hesitated at the door, giving a fierce look to the Princess before slipping out.

Starstep slid up to Luna's side and nuzzled at her softly. “What was that last look about?”

Luna smirked. “She was warning me not to hurt thou.”

“Hurt me? But what if I like it when you use the crop?”

Luna toppled the colt over with a fore-hoof then pounced on him to nibble at his most ticklish spots. He squirmed and protested all the while till the alicorn relented and cuddled up against him on the cold study floor. The colt tucked his head under hers and exhaled. “I know in my head she's better off with somepony else...but why does it hurt?”

The Princess of the Night smiled at him knowingly, leaning down to rub noses. “Tis a bittersweet moment. A bit of hope dashed for a greater good. It dost not become easier with occurrence.” She stroked a hoof through his grey-charcoal mane. “Know that she is always welcome in our company and thou art free to spend time with her in private. Thou hath mine blessing.”

Star nodded. “I only hope Featherweight is as understanding as we are.” He glanced at the door, half expecting them to walk in. “I just wish Scoots would have trusted me enough to tell me upfront. That's really the part of all this that burns me.”

“I dost not believe thou were ready. Thou hath struggled with many conflicts that art molding thy heart and mind.”

“Trial by fire?” He smiled up at the alicorn.

“ a sense. Yet but a couple of months ago and thou wouldth have been deeply wounded by Scootaloo's confession. Tis the only reason I agreed to not telling thou of the circumstances behind the scenes.” She affectionately rubbed noses again.

“You knew she wouldn't want to be with us after that magic feed-back thing.” He glanced at the two feathers resting on a tiny pile of silver dust. “Why go through all the trouble to get the feathers back from Steelhoof?”

“Like I told thou, mine tokens of affection art not for trade. Nor should thine be. I dost not blame her for the reason. Neigh, it is simply that when she decided to no longer be a part of our union, she needed to return those tokens to us. Being that they were in somepony's possession, a trade was offered.”

“I bet Steelhoof knew for a fact you'd want the feathers back.”

“Indeed, that one is most clever.” She stood, offering a hoof to her colt.

Starstep took Luna's assistance and stood at her side, nuzzling at her neck. “I still can't believe we're married.”

The alicorn giggled softly, a hoof to her lips. “Mmm...I shalt ensure thou hath no doubts when thy magical fatigue is gone.” She smiled at the pegasus as he blushed and glanced away.

The door latch to the room clicked open and Featherweight stuck his head in. “Just checking in. Ready to get started, Princess?” When she nodded, the beige colored colt trotted in, Scootaloo just behind him. The orange pegasus went right to work, flicking the camera lights on and nudging the lens bag to rest at the base of the tripod. While Featherweight adjusted the camera and tripod to adjust for Luna's size. Satisfied at the placement, he smiled to the couple. “So, any particular types of pictures you wanted, Princess?”

Scootaloo smiled at the pair then turned to her partner. “They're newlyweds. Maybe something regal to send out to the public?”

The gangly colt's eyebrows raised. “Wait, married? When did this happen? How did I miss the wedding? I would have taken lots of photos for you two.”

Luna gave a smirk. “Thou would hath a difficult time finding proper lighting on the moon.” Starstep and Luna shared a laugh as Featherweight blinked in confusion. She gave the bewildered photographer a smile. “Yes, something regal for the announcements of the reception. Perhaps thou wouldst enjoy photographing the event?”

“Oh, yes, Princess. I'd love it!” His eyes brightened and Star noticed Scootaloo watching the excited colt with a smile on her face.

“Splendid.” Luna sat back on her haunches in front of the camera, pulling Starstep to her side before sitting up regally. “Tis time to practice thy royal face, Star. One must put upon thy mask for the public.”

Star smirked and looked at the camera. “Royal portraits are fine and all, Princess, but I have a request.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

“I want to take a picture with us being more loving with each other. Even if it's just to hang on your mantle. And one day, I want a picture with you, Scoots, and Cheerilee.”

Luna pondered it for a moment then nodded. “Very well. I agree to thy request. Now, put upon thy best mask.” She stared straight ahead at the camera in all her regal glory. Noble and commanding. Star did his best to mimic, using his 'stern-guard' face.

Featherweight nodded, focusing the lens a moment. “Alright your majesties. On three. One-two-three.” Just as he said three, Luna snapped a bit of magic on Star's rump, causing him to make a surprised face just as the flash went off, with Luna grinning mischievously at the same time.

The alicorn giggled at Star's glare. “Yes, I dost believe that should make for a fine invitation photo.”

A few hours later and Featherweight was packing up his gear with Scootaloo's help. They'd taken lots of pictures for the couple, from serious to something more affectionate. Even one where Luna posed quite teasingly for the camera, which had heated Feather's and Star's cheeks. Luna insisted it was a special image for Star's personal album only. Finally the last of the equipment was packed and the two couples faced each other.

Scootaloo smiled at Luna. “Princess, I told Featherweight a bit of what's been going on when I went to fetch him. Just like I promised I would.” She winked at the beige pegasus.

“Splendid. There art some secrets one should not hold too tightly lest it hurt those thou art fond of.” The alicorn nodded firmly.

“Uh...actually, Princess.” Featherweight grinned nervously. “I've known for a while. At least, the part with Starstep.” He gave a nod to the other colt. “We all went to school together, so I knew they had a history. When I saw the feathers after her last trip to Canterlot, I kinda put two and two together. I didn't know who the blue feather belonged to till I saw you, Princess.” He shrugged. “It's ok, though. I knew Scoots was working something out.”

Scoots smirked and slugged the colt in the shoulder. “That's for not saying anything.” She kissed his cheek. “That's for being so trusting.”

Star held out a hoof to the other colt. “If I'd have known you were in this, I would have let you know. Sorry if there were any hard feelings.” Featherweight shook his hoof and nodded.

“Hey, it's alright. Just think, I'm the only photographer around who's mare-friend is sleeping with royalty” He grinned.

The blue-grey pegasus chuckled. “Oh, she hasn't been to bed with Luna, sorry.”

“Not the Princess, you.”


Luna held a hoof to her muzzle and giggled. “Oh...yes...I suppose I hath forgotten one other important part of thy becoming mine husband. Thou art now a Prince.”

Star's eyes went wide. “WHAT? I...I don't know anything about ruling or commanding or-” He began rambling incoherently.

The other ponies were laughing at his reaction when Luna placed her crystal slipper onto his lips. “Hold thy tongue, my love. Tis only a title, much like Shining Armor received. I wilst train thou on thy proper duties. Tis part of why thou art now a Shadow-Guard and answer only to me.” She looked into his bright blue eyes. “Dost thou understand?” When he nodded she removed her hoof.

Featherweight wing-bowed to them. “Thank you very much for the business, Princess Luna. I'll have the photos hoof-delivered to Canterlot Castle as soon as they're ready.”

“Twas mine pleasure.” She nodded to him then smiled to the orange pegasus. “Scootaloo dear. Thou art always welcome to visit.”

“Thanks, Princess.” She glanced at Featherweight before stepping forward to hug Starstep tight. “Be safe, Star. Don't let your head get too big.” She whispered into his ear.

Star hugged her back just as tight. “You'll just have to come by and keep me grounded so I don’t float away.” They shared a chuckle.

As the photographer and assistant were leaving, Luna held up a hoof. “A request if I may?” Feather and Scoot halted. “Go down into the gardens on thy way out and take a picture of mine sister and the pegasus beside her. I ask that they not know if possible. I wish it to be a surprise.”

Featherweight smirked. “Of course Princess. Paparazzi is what I started as.” And with that, Star and Luna were left alone in the study.

Starstep exhaled heavily. “Well...that was...” He shook his head. “Featherweight seems awfully understanding of Scoots wanting to play with other ponies.”

Luna giggled, draping a wing over her husband as she coaxed him towards the doors. “Indeed. He is as much a free spirit as the young mare. He too shall indulge in the company of others and Scootaloo wilst not mind.”

“So what's the plan for tonight?” He held the door open for her, smiling to her thankful nod.

“Ah, well...tonight I hath another meeting with the griffon clan-heads.”

“No vacation for the newlyweds huh?” Star grinned at her as they slowly made their way down the stone hallway.

Luna giggled softly, flipping her ethereal tail against his flank. “Tis not as thou could preform thy husbandly duties this evening.” She stuck her tongue out at his mock-hurt expression. “While I am attending to these griffons, thou art free to explore the town. I know thou hath not a chance to openly do so. In fact, a young mare hath requested thy company for the evening.”

Star raised an eyebrow at that as they turned a corner, hooves clicking sharply on the stone floor. “Oh? Somepony I know?”

“Indeed, a Miss Sandy. Unicorn Sun-Guard who thou danced with at the pub, and did save thou from a rather forward griffon. She has asked for thy assistance in a most personal matter. A chance for thou to pay down thy debt to her?”

“Personal matter?” He paused to nod to a bowing maid and butler, following Luna's example. “Any idea what?”

“Neigh, but thou hath mine permission to do whatever she asks of thou.” She smiled slyly.

“'re up to something.” He narrowed his eyes at her.

“Me, my love?” She paused to place a hoof to her chest dramatically. “Heavens forbid the thought!”

“Now I KNOW you're up to something.” He grinned at the blue alicorn.

The Princess leaned against him, foreleg covering her eyes as she wailed softly in despair. “Alas, I hath become predictable in mine old age. Only a day and mine husband knows my ways. Whatever shalt I do? Woe onto me!”

Starstep rolled his eyes, smiling at her bad acting. “Ok, ok. I'll go meet Sandy later and see what I can do to help.”

Like a light-switch being flipped, Luna was back to her regal, commanding self, walking gracefully at Star's side. “Splendid. I shalt provide thou with an address to her home. I expect thou to be prompt and do thy best. Thou art free to stay out as late as thy wishes.”

The pegasus raised an eyebrow. “You don't seem too eager to have me back home. Is there another pony I should know about?”

Luna smirked. “Oh yes. Beautiful mare, long white legs and a rather plump rump with large, lovely wings.”

He chuckled, shaking his head as they turned down the last hallway to the bed-chambers. “Quality time with your sister?”

“Indeed. With all of late, tis most pressing that we spend time with one another.” They halted before the iron-bound door to Luna's bed-chambers. Star noted that the guards were not there but tucked it away to ask about later. The alicorn pressed her crystal slippered hoof to his chest and smiled. “Tis also important that thou spends time for thyself. I know thou enjoys mine company, but tis not healthy to drown in it.” She leaned down to nuzzle affectionately. “Besides, my Shadow-guard.” She whispered gently. “Thou art my eyes and ears amongst the citizens. See and hear what I cannot.”

Star gave a firm nod. “Of course, Princess.” He glanced at the bed-chamber door. “Uh, so what now?”

“Now?” She smirked, a slight blush on her cheeks. “Now, my love, thou wilst help dress me for the evening. I believe there was a certain bit of attire thou desired to place in and upon mine person?” She giggled as he shyly looked away. “Come now, twas thy idea. One must take responsibilities for thy decisions.” Her magic opened the door and she gestured with a hoof. “Thou must learn to take command from time to time.”

The pegasus coughed into his hoof then glanced up and down the hallway to ensure they were alone. “Ok...if you insist.” He slapped her flank and grinned at her shocked expression. “Inside, um, Mistress.”

Luna snorted back a laugh, hoof to her lips. “Oh, dear. Star, my love. Thou hath much to learn about being dominating. I suppose I shalt instruct by example.” Star blinked and wilted a little under her sudden shift in expression. Her eyes were stern and hungry, a wicked smile that promised torment and pleasure upon her muzzle. She slapped his flank firm enough to sting his cutie-mark and pointed to the open door. “Inside ,colt." Her voice commanded, hard and unwavering. "Thou art too slow and shalt be punished. Delay any longer and I shalt use the chastity belt and toy upon thou!”

The colt blinked and tilted his head. “But it only fits mares.”

The Princess raised an eyebrow. “Sayth whom? Even colts have a hole with which to fill.” She licked her lips and narrowed her eyes.

Star eeped and tumbled over himself to scramble into the room. Luna rolled her eyes and giggled softly as she followed a moment later, locking the door firmly behind them. Today would be most delightful.

Chapter XLVII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLVII

By Indigo Eclipse

Inside Princess Luna's bedchambers, softly lit by the crackling fire in the old stone hearth, the alicorn stood before her wardrobe, turning an elegant black evening gown back and forth in her magic. Her husband reclined out on the writing desk bench, watching her in silence, his thoughts reflecting on the morning conversation with Scootaloo.

Luna shook her head, setting the gown back inside the black walnut wardrobe before lifting a cyan summer dress from its dark confines. Star did not notice the look she gave him, seeking his thoughts on the outfit as he lost himself in memory. She said nothing, but turned to the mirror built into the open door, admiring the way the simple dress matched her eyes.

“Luna?” Star began softly. She flicked her eyes up to look at his reflection. “Did I do the right thing?”

“Alas, my love. Tis a most subjective question. Right and wrong are often based on one's perspective.” She smiled slyly at his puzzled reflection. “To answer thy question, one must know what thy goal was in thy actions.”

Star blinked a few moments, his ears swiveling in her direction. “Uh, well, I guess I wanted to stay friends with Scootaloo. I wanted her to be happy and still be close to her.”

The blue alicorn looked over her shoulder. “In that regard, yes. Thou hath done the right thing.”

“Then why do I feel so bummed out? Like, it's not going to be the same anymore.”

“Because it shalt not be.” She set the cyan dress back into the wardrobe and turned to smile comfortingly at the pegasus. “Thou forgave her deception and offered thy continued friendship. Was there more thou wished to do or say?”

The colt looked to the floor, lost in thought for a few moments. “I guess not. I donno. I feel like I should have yelled or got angry at her for not trusting me. I mean, I can't blame her for feeling overshadowed by you. No offense, Luna, but you kind of dominate wherever you are.”

“No offense taken, my love.” She trotted to the bench, draping one of her wings over his back. “Perhaps tis regret thou art feeling? Despite thy word to Scootaloo that there would be none?”

“I...guess.” He looked away. “I think I'm more afraid that she's going to forget about me completely. Stop coming for visits and stuff.”

“Ah, perhaps then, a touch of jealousy?” She giggled at his bewildered look. “Remember what I hath told thou about Scootaloo? That after the feather incident, she wouldth need to seek out her own life?” She nuzzled at his cheek. “Things shalt not be the same, however, because of thy willingness to overlook her transgression and allow her to be free, she remains thy friend and shalt never forget thou.”

“It still hurts.” He looked away, staring at the rug though not really seeing it.

“Indeed, Star.” She smiled knowingly and kissed the pegasus on the forehead. “It never becomes easier.”

A firm knocking on the bedchamber door brought both their heads around. With a soft sigh, the alicorn gave Star a quick wing-hug and slid from his side to trot up to the door. She caught the latch in her magic and swung it open, looking down at the skinny pale-green pegasus mare just outside.

The mare wore a simple white shirt with a scroll embroidered on the front. “Sorry for the interruption, Princess.” Her eyes flicked to Star for just a moment as she bowed her head to the alicorn. “Princess Celestia urgently asks you to join her in the council room. She says there's an emergency.”

The alicorn nodded curtly. “Please inform mine sister I shalt attend post-haste.” With that, the messenger bowed her head again and flew off as the door swung close. Luna gave Starstep a sad smile. “Alas, my love. It dost appear our little game shalt wait for another time.”

Star smirked. “Did you plan all this to get out of punishment?”

She laughed as she trotted over to the bust by the bedside, levitating her onyx crown and neck-piece from the porcelain. “I did no such thing.” She shifted the crown a bit on her head to settle it just right. “I assure thou we wilst play this game later, perhaps interest should be applied to the debt? I hath a second entry for thou to tease.” She winked at the blushing colt. “For now, we must attend to mine sister. She doth not call so urgently without valid reason.” Satisfied that her regalia was in place, she swung open the door with her magic and gestured with her wing. “Come love, let us not keep her waiting.”

Star slipped from the bench and bound over to his wife, leaning up to give her a kiss, which she happily returned before the pair left the room and with regal grace, hurried down the hallway.

Near the council chambers, Star could hear the voice of a griffon yelling at somepony. The words were muffled through the heavy double-doors, but still the tone was clear. Anger. The pair of Sun-Guard mares clicked to attention at the edges of the doors when Luna and Starstep approached. As they reached for the doors handles, she held up a hoof halting them. “Hold fast, for we art not ready to enter.”

The alicorn turned to face Star yet her ears swiveled to the doors. “It doth appear that the emergency involves the Griffon leaders. Something important must have happened to have them call for a meeting prior to our scheduled time.”

Her horn glowed, bathing Star in blue-magic. A soft flash momentarily blinded the colt before revealing a vest on his body. It was black with rich blue trim and silver scroll-work throughout the fabric. “To make thou more presentable to the griffons.” She reached a hoof up to brush off a bit of fuzz from his shoulder and straightened the center-line with her magic. “A local seamstress crafted this most urgently and twas quite worth the bits. Thou art most handsome.” She smiled to his awkward grin.

“Remember that thou art but a consort in their eyes. Be courteous and dost not interrupt them. Thou may speak up when thou hath relevant information, but tis advised that thou remain in the background for now.” Their eyes met for a few moments of understanding before Star gave a curt nod. “Very well, let us walk into the lion's den, as it were.” She turned to the Sun-Guards and nodded her head. “We art ready to enter.”

As the doors opened, the voices inside went silent. Star inwardly cringed at the heated stares he received as the pair entered, the heavy doors thudding softly behind them. He counted about fifteen griffons in vests, some collected at the center around Luna's sister, the others were scattered around the room against the walls or reclining in chairs. The tension in the air caused his wings to tingle.

“Luna, thank you for coming so quickly.” Celestia said, smiling thankfully at her sister and ignoring the fuming Yellowfeather Hilda in front of her.

“Of course, Sister.” The blue alicorn glanced around at the Clan-heads, noticing a few of them clutching rolled scrolls. “Tis before our appointed time. What hath occurred that agitates our guests so?”

Yellowfeather Hilda, the griffon Star remembered sitting next to during the prior dinner, raised a clenched claw, a crushed scroll within. “This has happened! You promised us safety, instead you bring us to our doom.”

Star raised an eyebrow. Were griffons always this dramatic or was it just during clan issues? He could see Celestia suppress the urge to sigh, the slight tension at the corners of her eyes, a tightness to her upper body.

“Yellowfeather Hilda.” The white alicorn began soft as though she was speaking to a young filly. Ever patient and understanding of their tantrums. “We will discover who left these notes on your doors and deal with them promptly. Those that mean you harm cannot enter this fortress. We have wards in place and guards to ensure your safety.”

The angry griffon growled, shaking the scroll under the alicorn's nose. “No harm, NO HARM? They pinned these on our doors with daggers! Not just any daggers, but sacrificial daggers out of our history.” She narrowed her eyes. “It had to be one of yours. One of your citizens put these on our doors. Trying to frighten us so that we would bend to your will. I want them found and punished, severely.”

A small, light-tan female griffon with beige feathers and sky-blue stripes on her vest sighed. “Yellowfeather Hilda, you always overreact like this. Punish this griffon, punish that griffon. I hear tell you had a servant whipped because they winked at your eldest daughter. For a merchant Clan-head, you are just as violent as the Black Talons.” The griffon turned to a large, war-scarred female lazily reclined in a nearby chair. “No offense to you, Redfeather Natasha.”

The scarred griffon grinned quickly at the smaller female. “No offense is taken, Bluefeather Rita.”

Luna gently nudged Star with her wing, prompting him to slip away to one of the walls of the room and out of the lime-light. He watched her walk up and yank the scroll from Hilda's grasp with her magic. “I wilst not tolerate thy accusations without proof and take offense at thy treatment of mine sister. Thou art our guests and under our protection.” She stared into the griffon's eyes for long tense moments until Hilda looked away. “Now, let us see what hath caused such agitation.” Her magic unfurled the scroll, flexing it a bit to soften the creases from Hilda's crushing grip.

From Star's position, he could see a few short lines of script and a bright red image at the bottom of the white parchment. Luna frowned and looked up. “While I dost understand the threat behind the words, I dost not comprehend thy worry.” She looked out at the Clan-heads, noting more than a few seemed nervous. The alicorn looked to the magic-held scroll again, reading aloud the message. “Begone from the house of the weaker race and make no pacts with them. Begone before tomorrow evening or be killed and your clan disbanded.” She flipped it over to ensure there wasn't more to the message then back again. “No signature, only this image of a red griffon head with a red crown over it.”

A male griffon cleared his throat and stepped from the wall. Star remembered the blind griffon from the dinner. His feathers silvery-grey from age and spots of missing fur and feathers from the many scars across his body. “If I may explain, Princess?” The white-blind eyes of the griffon looked about the room, more a few of the clan-heads shying away from his intimidating looks.

“Please do, Whitefeather Alexander.”

The old griffon smiled slightly, though his twisted and chipped beak made it more a sneer. “It is not the message, as that can be seen as a simple threat, but the image on it.”

Hilda smirked, “You can't even see it.”

“No, but I can smell your fear.” He turned his sightless eyes in her direction as she snarled. “This is not the first time some foolish griffon tried to use this symbol to scare others. More than once, an ambitious griffon has tried to resurrect that ancient empire, only to die at the claws of those he sought to deceive.” He tapped a chipped claw to his beak in thought. “It's been...mmm...three-hundred years since the last one tried. I think he survived a week after using this mark to scare a rival.”

Natasha, leader of the Black Talons rolled her eyes. “What the Elder is getting to, very, very slowly, is the mark belongs to the Red Empress.” She stifled a yawn and stretched before continuing. “Sort of like you ponies and your Nightmare Moon that you use to scare your foals, the Red Empress terrifies the hatchlings.”

Star couldn't resist speaking up, “But Nightmare Moon was very real.”

“And so was the Red Empress, Consort.” Natasha grinned at the colt, looking him over. “She ruled all the clans and formed a bloody empire. She enslaved you ponies and dominated this country. Her and her champions were said to have been able to use magic and ate the hearts of those that challenged her rule. She was the most powerful griffon to have ever lived.” The large griffon slid from the chair like a cat, stalking towards the captivated pegasus. “One day, she vanished, leaving only a stone tablet that told that she would return to rule the empire again with an iron claw.” She reached out, running a talon down Star's neck and along the vest over his heart. “I'm sure you would make a fine pet for her.”

Alexander sighed, “Redfeather, please do not harass Princess Luna's consort.”

Natasha laughed and turned to stalk away. "Even blind, you see everything, Elder." Starstep breathed a sigh of relief inwardly, it seemed that both Black Talon sisters liked messing with him.

Celestia frowned. “Is there any truth to this, Whitefeather Alexander?”

He nodded. “It was an age ago, before the great pony migration to Equestria. We have plenty of historical documents on the Red Empress, she was very real. Yet, seeing as she would be older than you, Princess, I place almost no faith in her alleged return. I suspect it is a fear tactic to disrupt our discussions and draw attention from the rogue clan making attacks on the borders.”

Luna shook her head, “Or worse, a copycat. I hear tales that they are doing terrible things. Removing the hearts from the griffons they defeat and cutting the horns from unicorns.”

Alexander raised an eyebrow. “That is most disturbing. There are a few very minor clans that worship the Red Empress, but they've always kept to the darkest valleys and rarely troubled others. Perhaps one of them has united others to stir trouble? Delusions of recreating the old Red Empire?” He turned his head to face the other griffons. “Orangefeather Andrea, has your network heard anything like this?”

A slim and rather petite griffon with glasses perched on her beak lifted her head from a book. “Hmm? Oh, tid-bits. We brushed them aside as grumblings from the little clans. If this is a joining of the outcasts, then they've kept it pretty quiet. Though...” She pushed her glasses up with the tip of a claw. “We have heard of recruiting going on throughout the major cities for some sort of griffon-first movement. We didn't suspect they were related to the outcasts...but that would explain the sudden emergence of the Red Empress' crest. Her policies were very nationalistic, almost to the point of xenophobic. It would make for the perfect banner to rally the outcasts and the ultra-nationalists around.”

Luna nodded her head. “Tis fortunate then that thou received these notes.”

Hilda bristled, “Fortunate?! Are you insane?”

The blue-alicorn ignored her, “It hath given us insight into whom our foe may be. We will investigate the origins of the notes and possibly trace it to the heart of this threat.”

The ancient griffon nodded his head. “Sounds like a fine plan.” He turned his milky-white eyes to the other Clan-heads. “I suggest we all use this new information to our advantage and go back through our reports and intel.”

Andrea swiftly nodded. “I agree.” The others did as well, even the overly relaxed Natasha.

Celestia raised a hoof. “We should gather at midnight to share what new information we may have uncovered and go over plans on how to protect both our citizens.”

Yellowfeather Hilda gasped in disbelief. “No, we should leave! It has to be real, no one would dare use the Red crest unless they meant it.”

The Black Talon leader rose from her chair and flexed her wings, “Why? The Princesses have given their protection as hosts. We're as safe here as can be.” She gracefully slid up beside the outraged griffon. “If you want...” She lifted a claw to trace along the Hilda's beak. “I'll protect you personally in the bedchamber.” Star watched Hilda visibly tremble and look away embarrassed.

Alexander ignored the pair, “Those of you who doubt the protection of our hosts, you may leave the fortress. Know the message you send if you do. Those who stay, dig deep into your reports and informants and meet back here at midnight.” He gestured with a wing towards the doors.

The other griffons rose from their seats and made their way towards the exit in twos and threes. Luna gestured to Star with a faint flick of her head. He trotted his way over as Alexander joined him and the two alicorns in private conversation.

“Princesses...” The old griffon began softly, then tilted his head as Star came to a stop. “And Consort apparently. I did not wish to ruffle feathers, but I fear that one of the major clan heads is backing this movement.”

Celestia nodded, though Alexander couldn't see. “I agree.” She glanced at her sister. “Luna, I know you don't have as much experience with the griffons as I, so I ask that you trust my knowledge.”

“I do, sister.”

“Unless the Red Empress herself has risen from the grave.” Alexander said with a heavy sigh, “Then someone of power and influence has to be joining the outcast clans. We keep their power in check and remove those who might be a serious threat. We ignore their ways so long as they don't interfere with the rest of the kingdoms.” He turned his head towards Starstep. “Remember what I said about what is required to unite the clans?”

The pegasus thought for a moment. “Power, wealth, or common foe.”

“Smart lad. Any one of those three in abundance is enough to cause trouble. All three is enough to worry even me. A major clan-head with money and strength goes to the outcasts and claims they wish to resurrect the Red Empire. Instant common foe.”

Starstep glanced over his shoulder as the last of the other griffons left the room. “But who? Only like four of you were speaking, the rest were quiet.”

“Old habits, colt. At traditional griffon Clan-meets, only the highest ranking are allowed to talk until asked a question or the floor is opened to discussion.”

The white alicorn shook her head softly, her mane ignoring the movement as it flowed on it's own accord. “But who would do such a thing? If they got caught, it would be the end. It's a terrible thing that they're doing.”

“Indeed, Princess. But if they succeeded...the whole griffon empire in their claw. End justifies the means, and all that. Hilda may be a blustering fool, but she has good instincts. She can sense that this thing is a serious threat. Whoever planted these notes must be willing to follow through on the threat.”

“But I cast the wards myself. No one can enter the fortress if they intend to harm anyone. You are all under our protection.” The Sun-Goddess proclaimed.

“For that I am grateful, Princess.” The old griffon smiled, his wounded beak twisting awkwardly. “But, they seem to have found a loop-hole in your defenses.”

The blue alicorn looked to her sister. “Tia, see if thou can discover an entrance we may have missed, I will pursue the origins of this note.” She held up the damaged scroll she'd taken from Hilda.

Celestia nodded. “Very well, good luck sister.” She leaned out to give a quick nuzzle on the cheek before departing.

Luna nodded solemnly. “Yes, with luck we shalt nip this threat in the bud.”

Far from the council room, Star walked at the blue alicorn's side in the gardens as the afternoon sun heated his coat. He was quiet for a time, just being her shadow as she seemed to wander casually about the hedges and flower-beds.

“Uh...Princess? What are we doing? Aren't we going to track down where the note came from?” He gestured a hoof at the folded letter in his vest pocket.

His wife smirked, “Patience, my love. Teleportation magic is rare for unicorns. Most must walk to a summons.”

“Who's coming?”

“I will tomorrow.”

“What?” He blinked, before getting her joke and nudging her with his body. “How can you be so playful when things are so serious?”

“Why shouldth I not?” She smirked at him. Her ears swiveled about before her head followed. Moments later, Star heard the crunch of hooves on the gravel path between the rows of red roses. Around the corner marched Lighthoof in what Star assumed was a Trottingham style officer's jacket and yellow unicorn mare that seemed familiar.

“Lighthoof, Dazzle, I am glad for thy swift response to mine summons.”

Star remembered the unicorn now, one of Luna's Night-Guard lieutenants. She was a soft yellow with pale blue mane and tail, trimmed shorter than usual to give a 'no-nonsense' look. Her sharp intelligent green eyes took in Star at a glance, judged him, then focused back on the alicorn.

“We came as soon as possible, Princess.” The unicorn stated.

Luna nodded. “Any discoveries from thy questioning the guards on duty last night?”

Lighthoof shook his head. “Nothing out of the ordinary according to them. Normal rounds though the fortress. A couple of the other lieutenants were on duty as well and they saw nothing.”

Dazzle bit her lip and looked around as though to ensure they were alone in the gardens before turning back. “Princess...your sister's wards would keep out any teleportation magic, so that only leaves two possibilities.”

Lighthoof nodded in agreement, “A mole in our ranks. Somepony who's immune to the wards because of duty, or two, an entrance into the fortress no one else is aware of.”

“Princess. I suspect it's both.” Dazzle added.

Luna looked at the pair for a moment before nodding her head. “I hath come to the same conclusion.” Her magic lifted the folded letter from Star's vest and levitated it before Dazzle. “One of the threats.”

The unicorn took control of the scroll with her own magic and unfolded it to examine. “Red Empress...”

“Thou art familiar with this tale?”

“I am, Princess. You don't live this close to the griffons without learning their history. For better or worse, they pride themselves on story-telling.” She rolled it back up in her magic. “This is just the break we need.”

“Splendid, then I leave it within thy capable hooves. I, however, must attend to matters inside.” She tilted her head to Lighthoof. “Thou and Star shalt be her companions. Do what thou can, but know thy limits.”

Lighthoof bowed his head. “Of course, Princess. I'll bring your husband back to you.” He suppressed a grin at Luna's raised eyebrow.

“With all seven of his limbs intact, I should hope.” She giggled at Dazzle's bewildered expression.

Luna turned to Star and nuzzled at his nose before they shared a soft kiss. She leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “Be cautious, my love. I will inform Sandy that thou wilst be unable to visit this evening.” Star nodded before she pulled back and turned to leave.

The trio marched towards a side-gate, Dazzle's horn glowing softly as she lead the way, Star and Light right behind her. She glanced back at the blue-grey colt. “I've never known the Princess to be so...”

“Playful?” Star offered.

“I don't think that's quite the right word, informal perhaps.”

“I assure you, she's like this a lot in private, she just has this thing about appearances.”

“So it seems.” The unicorn smiled slightly.

“So, what exactly are we doing?”

The yellow mare trotted on, her focus on the path ahead. “Tracking spell. One of my special talents. I can find where something was created.” She paused at the barred passage set into the wall, nodding to the guard on post who then turned to unlock it. “Assuming it was made within a certain radius. I can't track cross country so we're in luck that it was written somewhere here in town.” The earth-mare guard saluted to them once the door was opened. Dazzle trotted through with a nod, the colts following close.

Her sharp green eyes looked out across the rooftops of the city that rested below the Fortress-hill. “Tension in the town has spiked, so stick close and avoid getting into fights.”

“Fights? What do you mean?” Star frowned. “I remember that everypony was on edge, but that was just a couple nights ago.”

She shook her head, close-cut mane only shifting slightly. “Been a few scuffles at the protest at the gates last night and then this morning a group of griffons attacked a funeral march. So now, everypony is eying every griffon with suspicion. Even the slightest bit of provoking ignites a fight. Problem is, the griffons that attacked the funeral march aren't from around here.”

Lighthoof frowned. “Outsiders instigating trouble?”

Dazzle nodded, finally deciding on a direction and marched on, leaving the colts to hurry after.

When the trio finally trotted into town proper, Star could feel the tension in the air. A tightness in his chest and the urge to look over his shoulder. They passed one road where a group of young griffons eyed a group of rough looking ponies from across the street. He'd seen that look before in Canterlot and knew a fight was brewing. Everywhere Dazzle led them, there were expressions of hate, fear, anger, and betrayal. He wondered if any of these griffon and pony scuffles were between friends.

Dazzle turned a sharp corner down a dark alley, ignoring the suspicious looks they got from mares at the entrance. It wove through the old section of the city, past boarded up condemned homes and forgotten pubs with faded signs. Then the maze of alleyways ended with them at the gate to what appeared to be a very old cemetery. Without a word of warning, the unicorn mare kicked open the gate, the rusty lock shattering under her hoof. Horn still glowing a gentle gold, she led the colts into the overgrown and forgotten grounds, nestled in the shadows of towering factories.

Lighthoof took to the air looping around the area around before landing next to them. “Small place, maybe seventy grave spots with a few of those little building things.” He glanced back at the entrance. “Only way in and since no-pony has touched that lock in ages...”

Dazzle gave a curt nod. “Pegasus, Griffon or Unicorn with teleportation.”

Star raised an eyebrow, “You're saying they wrote those scrolls here? In a pony graveyard?”

The tan pegasus stepped close to a mossy gravestone and brushed aside the weeds. “Not pony, dude, Griffon. Here lies Sir Brownfeather Richard.”

Dazzle scraped away the green moss from the lettering of another and peered intently at it. “Here lies Bluefeather Smith.”

“No dates?” Star asked as he walked up to one of the low sitting mausoleums, gazing up at the sharp, jagged architecture.

Dazzle shook her head moving between the headstones, her gold glow softly illuminating the shadowy graveyard. “Griffons don't like to put a measure on one's lifetime like that. They want to be remembered in stories for their accomplishments. It's why the Red Empress story is still around. Despite all the terror she caused, she's remembered for it.” She gestured with her head, short pale-green mane bouncing. “This way.”

The trio followed her through the weeds and around a couple more mausoleums before she stopped in front of one with a gate that seemed much more well-kept than the rusted ones the rest had. “The scrolls were written in here.” She gently reached out to push on the gate, surprised when it swung wide on well oiled hinges without so much as a noise. “This wasn't a one time visit.”

Star glanced around the area, as chill ran down his spine. “I think we're being watched.”

Lighthoof nodded. “Yeah, dude. I just got the feeling too.”

Dazzle looked back at the colts with her piercing green eyes. “Well, let's get out from their prying eyes.” She marched into the mausoleum and down the steep stairs just past the gate, her golden horn-glow lighting the way into the darkness.

The stairs twisted back on themselves at a landing every ten steps or so like a fire escape. Star counted about twenty landings before they reached the bottom and a heavy iron-bound oak door. Dazzle touched her horn to the lock above the handle, it's light flaring up for a moment before a metallic click echoed. She pushed it open slightly to peek in before swinging it wide.

The passage before them was walled with cut stone and carved stone floor-titles marked with some old griffon crest. Along the walls were flickering candles set into sconces, the ceilings above them blackened from the smoke of heavy use. There was no use in trying to be quiet, their hooves clicking sharply on the stone as the trio made their way carefully down the tunnel. After about hundred feet, it opened up into a chamber with a stone casket on a dais at the center. Griffon motifs were engraved on every inch of the grey coffin and beautifully carved pillars that resembled flying griffons supported the domed ceiling. A massive tapestry depicting a battle of two griffon clans dominated the opposite wall from the entrance. Easily fifty feet across. Star imagined some sort of preservation spell was woven into the fabric considering how old the art-style appeared. He couldn't help but admire the work that went into the place as Dazzle walked from one end of the room to the other.

“We're almost there but...there's no doors.” She eyed the tapestry before lifting the one end to peer behind it. “Nothing.”

Lighthoof took to the air, fluttering about looking for clues along the pillars and upper walls. Star eyed the coffin and studied it for signs of tampering, but the heavy layer of dust on the stone slab ended that idea.

Starstep sat back on his haunches near the door as Dazzle paced from one end of the room to the other, frustrated. Lighthoof took to tapping the stones along the wall. The blue-grey pegasus leaned back and looked up at the ceiling, noting how the curved dome had a golden disk set at its center. “H-uh.” His sound caught Light's attention.

“What's up, dude?”

The pegasus pointed up at the ceiling. “If we're dealing with fliers, what's to keep the secret passage on the floor?” The other two looked up at the gold disk.

Curious, Lighthoof took to the air again, hovering close to the metal plate to examine and touch it gently with a hoof. “Yeah...this thing is carved like everything else, but there's a hole at the end here.” He poked at the spot with his hoof. “Too small for a hoof...”

“But big enough for a claw?” Dazzle suggested.

“Yup. If that's what this is, what a tartarus of a way to keep out non-griffons. No horns on pegasi, and unicorns normally can't fly.” He looked down at the yellow mare. “Hope you're not afraid of heights.”

The unicorn paled slightly. “Actually...” She took a deep breath. “Ok, let's get this over with.”

With a bit of clumsy maneuvering and more than one near-accidents, Lighthoof managed to lift Dazzle up to the disk and help her insert her horn. With a grunt, and Dazzle gritting her teeth from the pressure on her neck, they managed to rotate the disk until a loud click sounded and a whirling of gears was heard inside the ceiling. The two retreated to the ground as the disk spun a few times then flipped down like a lid, leaving a gaping hole into another chamber.

“Good eyes, dude.” Light grinned at his guard-partner, the two of them sharing a hoof-bump. “Can you fly up on your own?”

Star flapped his wings a few times, then made an effort to gain altitude. He managed a few feet before tumbling over and crashing in a sprawling heap. “Not yet, sorry, feathers are still growing back.”

“S'all good, dude. That's what brothers are for.”

Up in the higher chamber, Lighthoof gasping for air after lifting two ponies through a small hole, Dazzle was sorting through papers on a desk as Star looked about. It was a simple chamber, a cheaply built desk, some stacks of forms and letters in some sort of code or language he wasn't familiar with and a rack of various weapons, recently oiled and not of pony origin. Down the wall next to the weapon rack were crates stamped with the Red Empress crest. Other than that, there was a shoddy wooden door nailed to one of the walls, covering what appeared to be a hole torn into the stone.

“Here, yes. I found the stamp for that Red Empress scroll.” Dazzle held up a stone rod with her magic, the bottom of it mounted with a rubber stamp in the shape of the crown and griffon head. “Looks like we found our origin spot.” She shuffled through the papers on the desk. “Lot of this is in code. Lady Tatyana can probably crack it.”

Lighthoof ran a hoof down the shaft of a halberd-like weapon. “But we still don't know who set all this up.” He picked up a short sword and used it to pry open one of the crate-lids. His low whistle caused Starstep to trot over and peak inside, his eyes going wide. The crate was filled to the brim with copies of the weapons on the rack. One look at the number of crates in the room gave him a quick count that this was to arm at least a platoon or more.

The tan pegasus shut the lid and hammered the nails back in with the butt of the short-sword. “Guess we found what they're going to use to attack the Clan-heads.”

Hesitantly, Starstep wandered over to the shoddy door and turned the latch. Immediately a chill ran through him.

“The buck was that?” Lighthoof shared a questioning look with Star then Dazzle.

Fighting down the strange feeling of terror in his gut, Star pulled open the door and was greeted with nothing but a black tunnel. The wall had been smashed in, letting the room punch into the side of what appeared to be a much, much older passage. It wasn't so much the look, though the stones on the other side seemed starkly different, it was the feel that told Star that this tunnel was ancient. The pegasus jumped with a start as Lighthoof brushed up against him.

“ scared the buck out of me, Light.” Star could feel his heart pounding in his chest and his wings clutching to his body.

“Sorry, dude.” The other pegasus said meekly. He glanced down one way then the other into the blackness, with only the faint light of the other room showing a few feet. “I get the feeling that this is how they got into the fortress.”

“I get the feeling no pony should go in there.”

“Come-on, I'm the one who's suppose to be afraid of dark, small underground tunnels. What's got you so spooked?”

“You don't feel it? That tingle in the wings, that chill that sets your mane on end?”

Lighthoof paused, tilting his head for a quiet moment. “Yeah...a little. Kinda eerie, but it's just an old tunnel.”

Star glanced over to Dazzle who was gathering evidence and packing it into a worn burlap sack she apparently found before tossing it over her back. “Well, I guess we better make sure this tunnel really does go to the fortress. If it does, we'll have our answer of how they got in and the Princess can ward it. If not, at least we gathered some valuable intelligence.”

“Shouldn't we leave things how we found it? What if they show back up and find all their stuff messed with?” Star asked.

The unicorn glanced about the room. “They'll do one of two things, attack anyways, or run. Either way, we can deal with it. Soon as we get back I'll get Thundermane and Shimmer to set up a stake-out at the graveyard.” Her horn flared to life, creating three little golden orbs that hovered over each of their heads. “Well, colts, let's go.”

Lighthoof stepped into the old passage looking down one way then the other. “Which way?”

After Dazzle and Star joined him, the unicorn shut the door behind them and gestured to the blue-feather hanging around Star's neck. “May I?”

“Uh, yeah, sure I guess.” He lifted the chain so the feather dangled in front of him. Gently, the unicorn touched it with her magic and recoiled.

“Ouch, she sure knows how to shield that thing.” The unicorn shook off the fuzziness in her head. “Ok, let's try that again.” She stroked it with a wisp of her gold magic and gritted her teeth before pointing down the passage. “That way...I think.”

Lighthoof raised an eyebrow. “You think?”

“I could only brush that feather without getting jolted. I just get the impression that the Princess is in that direction. Come on, one way to find out.” She started off, gold orb bobbing over her head, sack on her back rustling from all the papers she stuffed inside.

After about ten minutes, Star felt like something was watching them again and a chill crawled up his spine. He said nothing in the silence, only the soft clicking of their hooves on the stone to keep them company. But after another five, he could see the shift in Dazzle's posture, no longer confident, with lowered head and wilted ears. He glanced back, noting Lighthoof's nervous flutter of wings and looks over his shoulder as though they were being followed.

The soft glow of the orbs didn't extend terribly far, but enough for Star to get a feel for the structure of the tunnels. Braced every twenty feet with circular pillars set halfway into the walls and at the center of each twenty foot space of wall was a rusted grate at floor level, large enough to fit a pony into.

“What are those?” He asked, jumping at the loudness of his own voice.

Dazzle shook her head, as though to clear her thoughts and glanced at the grates as they passed another set. “Air-vents to the lower levels. Probably connects every level of tunnels above and below. They only put those in places where it goes deep, REALLY deep.” She shivered.

“Any idea what this place is?” Somehow, the talking seemed to push back the fear that was worming its way into his mind.

“Just a guess, but...this is probably the old castle of the Unicorn tribe pre-migration. Back when the three races lived apart. The fortress was built on the ruins but I had no idea the old castle extended so far into the surrounding land.” She halted at a four-way, glancing at each of the side passages before leading them forward.

They reached a point where the walls fell away into blackness and the trio found themselves walking on an ancient archway across a gaping nothingness. The rails had long since rotted away and being only a few pony widths across, Star paid careful attention to his footing.

As the stones of the massive bridge creaked at their weight, Star willed himself not to look down, afraid that something would look back. It was all he could do to focus on making it to the other side.

At last, all three exhaled heavily when the bridge ended and they entered the forbidding tunnel system again.

“Pre-Migration.” Star mused for a moment, doing anything to keep his mind occupied. “So, before the Princesses?”

“Yeah.” The mare nodded, her features shifting in the golden-light. “And if the scraps of history are right, those that chose not to migrate to Equestria, stayed here.” As if on cue, they began to notice doorways with old iron doors rusted shut every ten or so feet.

Lighthoof studied one for just a moment. “Looks like a dorm-room set-up or apartments, or barracks. Can't tell.”

“So maybe they hid down here from the Wendigos?” Star offered.

“Maybe it wasn't the Wendigos they should have been hiding from.” She pointed at an open doorway as they passed. When Star's orb lit the interior, he gasped. Inside were the long forgotten corpses of a family of ponies curled up together, their skeletal limbs wrapped around one another. Just as the light slid off the remains, he swore he saw ghostly images of ponies crying out to him.

“Holy buck!” Lighthoof hissed behind him.

Star glanced behind him to see his friend staring back at the open doorway as it faded into darkness. “You saw them too?”

Lighthoof's frightened eyes gave him all the answer he needed.

The unicorn shivered, her magic orb dimming for just a moment. “I...I get this feeling. No pony here died to violence.” She looked back at them. “There's no evidence of battle or signs of force entry anywhere.”

The tan pegasus stopped in mid-stride, ears swiveling. “Hsss, stop. You hear that?” He whispered.

The other two froze, looking at each other, listening intently. There was nothing but the pressing feel of the earth over Star's head, and then every so faintly, he heard clicking, like hooves on stone. The three shared a look, the unasked question; was there somepony down here as well? The echoing walls made it hard to tell its direction. Whoever it was, they were unhurried and had a long stride.

Dazzle gesture at the two and pushed on down the tunnel, her pace quickened. The colts followed on her tail, fighting down panic. When they passed by stairwells, Dazzle would pause to use her tracking magic but shortly would shake her head and move on. At each stop, the hoof-steps seemed to grow a little louder, clearly following them now. Star had to struggle to keep from breaking into a fearful gallop, not wanting to be separated from the others.

Two more stairwells and dozens of dorm-rooms. The blue-grey pegasus didn't bother to look into the open rooms, he could feel the eyes of its residents watching him. The sharp click of their follower's hoofsteps were clear and not more than a few hundred yards into the black tunnel behind them. Slow, even, methodical, yet they couldn't seem to outpace whoever it was.

Another stairwell, this time Dazzle stopped, looking through the passage and upwards with a quizzical expression, all the while, the two pegasus watched behind them in near terror as the hoofsteps approached not more than a dozen yards away. They wanted to shout at the mare to hurry, an unknowing fear writhing in their bellies.

A few yards now and still Dazzle seemed unsure, looking down the passage further on and back at the stairs. Star glanced at her then back into the darkness again, Lighthoof trembling at his side. The hoofsteps stopped just outside the radius of the light-orbs, but they knew something was there, watching. Then Lighthoof's orb flickered, faded and vanished.

“Daaaazzzle.” Lighthoof hissed a warning.

"I'm not sure this is the right one, if we get it wrong, who knows where we'll end up." She danced nervously on her hooves, eyes flicking from one path to the other.

Starstep's orb began to fade, decreasing their radius of light and he could hear whatever was there closing the distance as the halo of gold shrank. His orb flickered and vanished, leaving the two colts to back up into Dazzle's flank, taking cover in her last bit of light.

When the unicorn spared a look into the blackness behind them, her orb began to dim slightly. Her pupils shrank in terror before screaming, “Up, Up!” The mare scrambled through the opening and up the first flight of stairs, her orb brightening as they ran from whatever was below them. The two colts raced after her, an image in the back of Star's mind pictured that thing reaching out when his back was turned and grabbing him. Sweat lathered his coat as his body shifted into full flight-mode. He fought down the absolute terror that threatened to lock up his limbs and focused on keeping himself steady enough to climb the stairs. One flight at a time, each level they reached seemed to lessen the fear that clouded his mind until the three of them came to an old stone door at the very top.

Without waiting, Dazzle slammed through and the other two ponies tumbled after her into what seemed to be a storeroom. Starstep hurried to shut the door, his frightened mind not registering that this side of the door was a solid wall. A malicious, high-pitched laughter slipped through just as he sealed the passage, so close he could feel her breath.

The three huddled with each other for a short while, trembling in each others hooves, the dark echoing laughter rolling around Star's head until it ever so slowly faded into the corners of his mind. Even then, he couldn't fight the uncontrollable shivering that racked his body, finding comfort in the warmth of the other two ponies in the storeroom.

About an hour later, a runner for the Fortress kitchens found them curled up together and upon getting no intelligible response from them, fetched the guards, and they in turn summoned the Royal sisters.

Chapter XLVIII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLVIII

By Indigo Eclipse


Absolute Nothingness.

No thought, no sight, no hearing, no awareness.

Starstep wasn't exactly sure when he realized that flicker of observation, however brief. He mentally struggled to clutch at that single straw of coherent thought in the murky, drowning black. Then gradually, the feeling returned to his body and the young stallion became aware of warmth around him, soaking into his coat like the summer sun. He couldn't comprehend where it was coming from, or where he was for that matter, all he knew was its soothing touch. A brief memory of his mother tucking him into bed as a colt flickered in his scattered thoughts.

Then a coolness washed over him, gentle but with just enough chill to stand his fur on end. A fragmented image of Ponyville on a winter night washed across his vision. Vision? He couldn't see, but...he wasn't asleep. Where was he? He couldn't remember. Above him in his mind's eye, the sun appeared next to the moon. Beautiful reds against blues. They did not fight for the sky, but co-existed in the twilight. Balance. There was balance. And from that balance he found the clarity to blink through the haze that clouded his mind and sight.

As his eyes finally began to focus, he noticed he was still entangled in the hooves of his brother, Lighthoof and the yellow unicorn lieutenant, Dazzle. He hesitantly glanced around, noticing the white and soft blue wings that cover them through his blurred vision.

“Star?” Lighthoof looked across the unicorn's neck at the other pegasus with a puzzled expression and rapid blinking with unfocused eyes. He gave his head a quick shake, brown mane flicking about before he looked up curiously at the blanket of feathers, gentle light filtering through the plumage.

Between the two of them, Dazzle still shivered softly, clutching Star's fore-leg with desperate strength. He leaned down to nudge the unicorn with his nose. “Hey, Dazzle, are you ok?”

“Y-yeah. Sorry.” She nodded, eyes staring off into nothing. “I-I'm fine.” She claimed, shaky voice and slight tremble in her fore-legs betraying her words. Long moments passed until her grip gradually relaxed and she seemed aware of her surroundings, a soft blush tinting her yellow cheeks when she realized she was cuddled up between the two colts. “Really, I'm quite well.” This time her voice was firm and no-nonsense with her Trottingham accent.

Star glanced up again at the feathers. “Princesses?” At his query, the wings pulled back, the two royal sisters looking down on them with concern. He noticed they were in the gardens, the sun just beginning to set over the western wall, the hints of stars shimmering in the east. “How did we...? I thought we were underground?”

Luna gave him her usual reserved but loving smile as she leaned down to nuzzle at his cheek which he returned affectionately. “Twas the grain store-room, more precisely. We hath brought thee out to chase away the darkness. Thou hath given us quite the scare.”

Lighthoof snorted in disbelief. “YOU the scare? That, that, thing down there...” He trailed off, wings giving a quick ruffle, eyes wide as he glanced down at the stones.

Celestia nuzzled the tan colt, calming his panic, then Dazzle, bringing a blush to the normally reserved unicorn. “Welcome back, my little ponies. We're both glad you're safe. We were very concerned when the guards alerted us.” Her flowing pastel mane curled about as she beamed a motherly smile at them. Star had to admit, the Sun-Goddess always had that reassuring presence.

“May we inquire upon what hath delivered thee to us in such a fearful state? What discoveries hath thou made?” Luna glanced between them.

The three ponies slowly untangled themselves before standing side-by-side to face the alicorns, then they retold the story of the graveyard, the cache of weapons, the sack of notes, and the terror in the tunnels. When Star mentioned shutting the secret door at the end of his tale, the sisters shared a knowing glance.

“Tia, it dost appear that there art passages into the fortress of which we were not made aware of. If there was one, there art certain to be more.”

The white alicorn gave a soft nod. “So it appears. We should be thankful that the ghosts of the past are content to stay in the ruins.” Celestia frowned, eyes glancing down at the garden's stone walkway.

A pony clearing her throat caught their attention. An older peach colored earth-mare with a quill tucked over one ear looked expectantly at the Royal sisters. Her mane was pulled up into a tight bun, and she was dressed conservatively in a business blouse and skirt. Her eyes flickered over the three guards before returning to the alicorns. “Princesses, my apologizes for interrupting, but the Griffons are becoming quite impatient. I'm not sure how long I can keep them stalled. Perhaps now that these fine ponies are well, we can return?”

Celestia gave the mare a warm smile. “Yes, Silver Quill, but allow us a few moments to debrief the guards. Please inform the Clan-heads that we will rejoin them shortly.”

The mare bowed her head deeply. “Of course, your highness.” She sharply spun and trotted away.

As they were speaking, Dazzle looked left then right, eyes darting about. “Where is the sack? It had all of the notes from the tomb.”

Luna nodded.“Worry not. I hath sent copies to the lieutenants and we shalt be using them in the meeting tonight.”

“Not worry? I am sorry, Princess, but we don’t know how long these griffons have known about the tunnels. Days, months, years? I found the way back into the castle because I tracked your feather, but we don't know how many ways in they might have found.”

Lighthoof shook his head, “How could they have gotten past that... thing creeping around down there. They don’t have magic.”

The royal sisters shared a glance. Star recognized that look on Luna's face, she was debating on how much to divulge. At last Luna gave her sister the faintest shake of her head.

“That...thing...” Celestia began softly. “I had thought was gone. That said, we cannot rely on her to deter the griffons. Her motivations are her own. We should focus on seeking out the other entrances and warding them. I shall have the Sun-Guard put on alert and increase their presence around the clan-heads. You may have given us the edge we needed to prevent disaster.”

Luna nodded in agreement. “Thou hath done splendidly. A rest is well earned. All three of thee shalt have tonight and the morrow off-duty.”

“A rest?” Lighthoof cocked his head in disbelief. “We have threats against our guests and us, something horrible crawling around under our hooves, fighting in the streets; and you want us to take time off?” His voice rising as he spoke.

Celestia gave him a stern look. “Lighthoof, your devotion to duty is not in question, however I cannot have you three exhausted for the trials to come. We need you all at your best.”

Luna tilted her head up, striking a regal pose. “Hath thou not come to the realization that thee were not in slumber? Rather, thy minds locked, eyes wide open, unseeing.” She took a step closer leaning down to stare each of them in the eyes. “Thou art most fortunate we were present. Had we not been, thou wouldst become like those wretched souls forever trapped below. Tis not from violence that they perished. Thou wouldst be wise to trust our judgment.”

Lighthoof blinked. “Wait... they died from... terror?” His eyebrows rose.

The white alicorn gave a gentle shake of her head. “Not exactly. They were so terrified that they simply remained where they were until their bodies gave out.” She sighed, ears wilting slightly. “Those poor ponies...” The softness faded from her face and a motherly sternness replaced it. “You three are not to discuss what you found down there with any other ponies. Some things are better left in the past. Even talking about it draws its attention.”

“Tis not to say thou may not discuss thy fears and work past thy terror...however, the specific contents of the ruins is to remain secret. The old graveyard and hidden tomb art quite acceptable to speak with the lieutenants about. Beyond this, speak only of a hidden passage and nothing more. Tis not a request but a command.”

The seriousness with which the sisters were talking about the ruins caused a knot of anxiety to form in the pit of Star's belly. The fragments of memories of being chased in the darkness below welled up alongside the anxiety, the evil laugh still ringing faintly in his ears. He had to struggle against his wings to prevent them from clamping down against his body.

The tan pegasus stomped a fore-hoof. “Princesses, there's too much going on for us to relax. I can rest later. We have to help keep our guests and the ponies safe.”

“Lighthoof.” Celestia's tone was sharp and commanding. “You should trust your brothers and sisters in arms. You cannot do everything yourself. While you may no longer be a part of my Sun-Guard, I see great potential in you as a leader. However, leading also means being able to trust others to do their part.” She waved a golden-shod hoof towards the ramparts where the guards stood vigilant, her voice softening. “This is not like your days in Manehatten. You are not alone anymore, my dear little pony, are you?”

He glanced at his brother who gave him a nod before turning back to the regal white alicorn. “No, Princess. I'm not.” He hung his head, ears falling. “I'm sorry for arguing with you, Princess.”

“Do not worry. I admire your dedication to other ponies...” She reached out with a hoof to gently tilt his chin up. “But you must learn to share the burden and when to unwind so that you are ready for when crisis arises.”

Luna nodded. “This is especially true for thee, Starstep. Thou hath taken on many trials in so short a time and I fear it hath only begun. Now that thou art my husband, thy obligations will increase. I insist that thou taketh time for relaxation.”

He dipped his head in acknowledgment.

The alicorn's eyes shifted to the quiet yellow unicorn. “Dazzle, thy work behind the scenes these last few months have also pushed thee quite hard. Thy reaction to the terrors below is no surprise. I thank thee for thy splendid efforts and await thy return to duty.”

Dazzle bowed her head low. “Thank you, Princess. I am glad I was able to serve.”

The sisters nodded to each other then looked back to the trio of guards. “Now.” Celestia began. “Go off and enjoy yourselves. We expect you rested and ready for duty tomorrow afternoon. Our meeting with the Griffons may well last until the early morning. You're dismissed.”

The three guard ponies bowed respectfully.

“Starstep?” Luna caught his attention. “Speak with me for but a moment, if thou wouldst.”

He nodded, following the Moon-Goddess as she turned to gracefully walk away from the group. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Lighthoof nuzzling Celestia and Dazzle looking away embarrassed.

Beyond earshot the blue alicorn paused and turned, leaning down to kiss the young stallion on the lips, gently and lightly, her eyes sparkling lovingly. “Mine apologizes we art so formal.” Her eyes flickered to the guards along the walls. “Appearances.”

“Of course, Princess.”

She leaned close, her lips near his ear, their cheeks gently rubbing. “I only wish to tell thee that I am most pleased that thou art safe. Understand, my love, that there art things within this world that we give power unto by acknowledging their existence. Dost thou understand my meaning?”

Star nodded slightly. “The thing down there.”

She nuzzled along his chin then gave him another sweet but brief kiss. “Duty dost call, my dearest pony. Thou hath mine permission to partake in anything that wilst soothe thy nerves and relax thee. I dost not expect to be finished until the morning, however I wilst contact thee upon a change of schedule.”

“You sure you don't want me along? I feel like I need to be by your side.”

The alicorn gave a soft giggle, looking into his blue eyes. “Neigh, love. Rest, relax. I assure thee that thou wilst have more than enough opportunities within the future to partake in the politics.” She winked, mischief sparkling in her eyes. “Along with a promised punishment to administer to a certain seductive mare of naughty disposition.”

Star looked away, blushing. In response, the alicorn giggled and kissed his nose. “Until the morrow, love.”

The pegasus returned his eyes to hers, melting from the affection within their cyan depths. “Love you, Luna.” He leaned up to meet her lips, keeping it brief for appearances, then smiled over his shoulder at the Princess as he trotted away to meet up with Lighthoof and Dazzle. As he left, the Royal sisters departed the gardens for the main fortress, leaving the trio alone amongst the hedges and rosebushes.

When Star rejoined the group, Lighthoof smirked at him. “Well, dude, night on the town for us. Shame the Princess wouldn't let me tongue kiss her. Her kisses taste like vanilla and I'm starving.”

The yellow unicorn blinked at him. “You cannot be serious. The Royal image must be upheld. There's at least a dozen guards able to see us from the walls.”

The tan pegasus chuckled. “It's ok. I'll get her back for it tomorrow.” He winked at the unicorn. “You know, in the bedroom...I'll even kiss her-”

“No, no, enough!” Dazzle held up a hoof. “I know you are her consort, but that is really not a public topic.”

Starstep smiled at their banter. “Luna's reminds me of Honey-suckles.”

The unicorn groaned, putting a hoof to her forehead as Lighthoof chuckled.

“Both ends?” He asked.

Star choked back a laugh at Dazzles horrified expression.

“Anyhoof, dude.” Light shook his head. “I guess we're on forced down-time now.”

“Cider at a pub?” Star offered.

“Cider at a pub. They did say 'relaxed'. Not my fault if I come back stumbling drunk. I wonder what happens if you accidentally hurl on their magic manes?”

The two colts turned to walk towards the main courtyard. Starstep sticking out his tongue. “Eww. Not something I wanted to imagine.”

“I'm serious, dude. Does it fall into nowhere? Or does it stick? Or does it slide off like water on a duck?” He gave a backward nod to the yellow unicorn. “Later, Dazz. Thanks for the assist earlier.”

“You're putting way too much thought into this.” Star turned his head. “Yeah, thanks Dazzle, we'll...” His farewell cut off as he noticed the yellow unicorn's face. Dazzle seemed well composed, but her eyes had a haunting look, flicking to and from the colts, the faintest glimmers of envy and need on her face, ears tilted slightly. He stopped, his friend taking a few more steps before also halting.

“Hey, Dazzle. Why don't you join us?” Starstep gestured with a hoof.

She blinked, mouth opening slightly, ears perking. “Oh, I...I don't know. Are we allowed to go out drinking together? I mean, since you are my superior and all. And I really do not want to impose on your night of relaxation.”

Starstep tilted his head. “Superior?” He thought about it for a moment, “OH, because I'm a Shadow-Guard and Luna's husband?” He waved a dismissive hoof. “Seriously, forget about all that. I never wanted the authority, it's not why I married her.” He trotted over to Dazzle's side. “Us three went through something crazy tonight. I want you there with us.”

“I...I'm not sure that I should. I mean, you are a Prince.”

He cringed at the word. “Yeah...forgot about that part. Forget the noble nonsense-join us? Please?” he asked warmly, looking down at the slightly shorter unicorn until she gave the faintest smile of acceptance. "Awesome."

Lighthoof joined him on the other side of the mare. “Hey, the more the merrier. I can tell you all about what Princess Celestia likes to do in private.”

His friend glared at him before smiling at Dazzle. “Ignore him, he's just kidding. But really, the three of us should spend some time together.”

The faintest blush touched her cheeks. “I would like that. The other lieutenants and I never spend time together away from work.” The mare glared at the tan pegasus. “But you are buying first rounds for such crude remarks about her highness.”

The colt laughed. “Fair enough, Dazz. But you have to drink what I buy.”

“Agreed.” She tilted her nose up. “But upon my purchase of rounds, you too shall drink what I order.”

“Oh! A challenge!” Lighthoof grinned over at Star. “Hear that, dude? I think we have a new drinking buddy.”

The three of them started towards the gate together, hooves clicking on the stone walkway through the gardens. The blue-grey colt chuckled. “You have too many as it is, Light.” As they passed under the hedge archway marking the end of the gardens, he smiled at the unicorn. “I'm glad you're joining us.”

She returned his smile. “I am grateful for the invitation.”

Starstep set his now empty glass-mug of Spurlin Ale on the table-top with a heavy clink. Lingering trails of foam slid down the inner walls as he licked his lips. The pub was the one Star had visited with Luna days ago. Rustic, with wood used for everything including the creaky stools that he and the other two used at the table in the back. The other ponies were much more somber this evening. Sticking to their groups or staring into their mugs. Star had been nervous at the defensive, suspicious looks that they had received when first entering, but Dazzle had assured them it would be ok. True to her word, other than the occasional glance in their direction the patrons had largely ignored them. Outside a storm that had rolled in on their tails, raindrops splattering against the glass as the streets went from grey to black.

Across from him, Dazzle was talking to a waitress who was dressed up in a wide-hemmed green dress with a white-billowy blouse. The unicorn had explained that the outfits were traditional during drinking festivals in Spurlin. Meanwhile, Lighthoof was rooting through a bowl of mixed nuts on the table for his favorites, ignoring the pistachios as much as possible.

Once Dazzle finished, she turned back to the colts. “Drinks will arrive shortly.” She declared before shaking her head at Lighthoof, strong Trottingham accent coming through. “Your first pick of local Ale wasn't much of a challenge. It's made for the factory workers, so it's enough to make you tipsy, but not enough for your intended drunkenness.”

The pegasus crunched on pecans, a tiny scattered line of shelled nuts between his fore-hooves, his eyes lifted as he was addressed. “That was just a warm-up.” He mumbled before flicking aside the empty shells and sliding a fresh walnut from the little pile near his mug.

She lifted an eyebrow. “So you say.”

“So you and the others don't spend time together?” Star asked the unicorn.

“No...” Her ears slanted. “We have a different culture from what you have on the main-land. Special Ops spending time together off the clock is often frowned upon. We learn to deal with most of our troubles ourselves. Makes us tougher. More self-reliant.”

Lighthoof cracked the walnut with his hoof, flicking aside the shell before popping the prize into his mouth. “Sounds a little like the command of the Sun-Guards. They're a bit stuck up.” He said around his chewing. “Night-guards are more like a family over there.”

“Well...we're not exactly rank-and-file either. The Night-Guard is very small here and our enemies might connect too many dots if we were to fraternize too much outside of work.” She smiled faintly at them. “I'm not complaining about my job. I love serving her highness. Though I will admit, I am at times envious of the closeness I see between you two.”

The tan pegasus grinned, reaching out to put a hoof around his brother. “Who us? Yeah, we're real close.” He puckered his lips and turned his head towards Star. “How about a kiss, bro?”

Starstep laughed and pushed the seeking lips away with the flat of his hoof while Dazzle looked away, blushing slightly.

“Don't mind him, he's just a silly colt.”

“So I see.” Her eyes returned to them. “I apologize. We're not used to such displays of affection here. It's much more...reserved.”

A thought occurred to the blue-grey pegasus as the waitress dropped off nine shots of neon-green liquor. After Dazzle tipped the earth-mare, Star tilted his head. “So...when you all caught Luna and I...well...”

“Muzzle-first in the lunar crater?” Lighthoof offered around a mouthful of salty peanuts.

Star face-hoofed as Dazzle cleared her throat, cheeks red. She nodded shyly. “Yes. I'm afraid it was the most...scandalous thing I could image. Thankfully, we lieutenants have enough tact to not spread rumors of such an event. I must say I was most surprised to discover you married her here. Usually weddings are massive events, and that's for non-royality. I can't imagine what a wedding here for a Princess would be like.”

The blue-grey pegasus scratched the back of his head and grinned shyly. “Yeah, she wants to keep it on the down-low until some peace can be restored. Public-image and all that.”

Lighthoof cracked open a new nut, happily chewing on the salty treat, eying the pile of green drinks next to Dazzle. He gestured a hoof at them. “Something stronger, Dazz?”

She smirked, placing three shots in front of each pony with her magic. “We call them Charging Green Knights.” Both colt's eyebrows rose as she continued. “I know, odd name for you Canterlot ponies, but we have a tradition here for the dramatic flair.” She lifted her glass up with her magic, waiting for the other two.

Lighthoof grinned, little bits of nut on his front teeth. “Alright, sounds strong.” He picked one up, nodded for Star to do the same.”

With a shrug he did, the three holding their shots high and following Dazzle's lead to tossing it back. For a moment, Star thought it was tasteless, and then his throat burned with a chilling sensation like someone had forced him to swallow a bucket of ice. Lost in his own suffering he didn't notice Lighthoof coughing and clutching at his throat or Dazzle grinning like a cat. When the odd, cool-burning faded he opened his mouth to speak and wish he hadn't. The air from the room reignited the tingling, causing him to gasp in surprise, making it worse with the influx of air.

Dazzle had both hooves over her muzzle, face darkening as she struggled to fight back the laughter at the two colts squirming in their seats, gasping for air, then groaning in discomfort. Eventually the pegasi regained their composure as the burning faded, blinking away tears from the corner of their eyes.

Lighthoof looked to Dazzle and broke into a grin. “Was it good for you too?”

She bit her lip and snorted back a laugh.

Starstep coughed and shook his head. “Whew. It's like I drank pure peppermint extract. Only worse.” He smiled at the unicorn's cute laughter and inwardly nodded to himself that it was a good idea to bring her along. That haunted look in her eyes had receded.

“Well, gentlecolts, you still have two to go.” The pegasi exchanged glances as Dazzle lifted her second with her magic.

The tan colt chuckled and toasted his shot to her. “Here's to Dazz. Bravest unicorn I know.”

Star toasted to that.

A few hours later, Star was certainly feeling the effects. Thankfully the food here had given his belly something besides the hard drinks. Nothing to write home about, but the vegetable pot-pie did have a great sauce. He smiled at Lighthoof, the other pegasus was clearly blitzed, looking about with unfocused eyes and wavering on his stool. Past the initial rounds of drinks, his friend had gone all in, sampling the more unique drinks of the region. Around them the customers had thinned and the remaining groups were huddled around a hearth on the far-side of the main-room.

Star looked across the table to Dazzle, who was calmly sipping coffee from a mug held between her hooves, her magic being a bit unreliable in her semi-drunk state. She lifted her green eyes up, catching his look and smiled shyly. Carefully the mare put the ceramic down and tilted her head, the short pale-blue mane tumbling to one side.

“I must say, you're being awfully reserved in your drinking compared to your friend.”

He smiled slightly, eyes drifting down to the pecan shell he was scooting about with his hoof. “This is just his way of coping. I have to make sure he gets home ok.”

She nodded, glancing outside at the downpour and the black streets. “I'm resisting the urge to join him in a drunken haze...” Dazzle shivered slightly. “I look out in that mess and...I can't help but imagine something looking back.” Her head turned back to the colt, confusion on her face. “You two have been laughing and smiling this whole time...which I must admit has been contagious. How do you do it? How can you just ignore that, that...thing in the dark.”

The pegasus shrugged. “We've...been through some pretty crazy stuff.” He crushed the shell under-hoof before looking up at the unicorn. “Something about our friendship, I donno, we keep each other going. I'm sure if I sat down and thought about what happened, I'd curl up into a ball and cry.” He glanced at Lighthoof, who had put his head down on his fore-hooves, resting quietly on the table-top. “But I can't. We can't.” He closed his eyes, that cold laughter from before was on the edges of his memory and a shiver ran through him. With a heavy exhale he reopened his eyes to find Dazzle looking at him with a touch of sadness.

“I want to curl up into that ball right now. I know, it's a weak thing to say as one of Princess Luna's lieutenants.” She turned her head away, ears flattened.

Starstep reached out to set his hoof on her trembling one. “I don't think it is. You're just honest. I'm as scared as you are of whatever that thing was. I really don't think anypony, save the Princesses, would walk away from that terror unaffected.”

A crash of lightning and sudden thunder caused all of the ponies to jump. Star and Dazzle shared a surprised look then laughed softly as Lighthoof tumbled off his stool. They helped him back upright, dusting off the debris from his coat, to which he simply groaned and grumbled a bit then returned to his nap on the table-top.

Dazzle looked out the window again, turning away as the streets lit up in lightning again. “I don't want to go back out there.”

“Gotta go home sometime.”

She didn't answer, looking out into the near blackness that the street-lamps barely penetrated in the gusting rain. “It's rather foalish. Me, a Night-Guard, and I'm suddenly afraid of the dark.”

“No, Dazzle. It's not the dark we're afraid of.” He gently touched the feather at his chest. “Luna is the night, I don't have any reason to fear it. It's what could be in it that we're terrified of.”

She thought on it for long moments as she stared out that window before giving a faint nod, her eyes returned to him. “You have a lot of faith in her. Despite what we've been through, she didn't tell you anything.”

“She will when she's ready. We may be married now, but Luna is Luna. Me trying to get anything out of her that she doesn't want to tell, would be like an Earthpony moving the moon. Besides, I trust her.”

Dazzle smiled at that. “Truly, she is a lucky pony.”

Starstep chuckled. “Despite all the madness I've gone through, she's my dream, my love. I'd walk through Tartarus itself if she needed me to.”

The unicorn sipped her coffee and nodded. “I believe I see where you get your strength. I must say, I'm quite envious.”

“I'sh woul'nsh be shoo 'nvaous.” Lighthoof slurred. “Shell her 'boush da sime she shurned you insho a presshee pony. Hahahaha...shoo presshee.”

The pegasus coughed lightly into his hoof and looked away embarrassed.

Lighthoof lifted his head, wavering about on his stool. “Or, 'boush da sime she gave yah shash harsh-on and yah bucked mah mare-friendsh wish me shoo gesh ridsh of ish.”

“Yeah, I think that's enough, Light.” He grinned shyly at Dazzle. “Please, ignore his ramblings.”

The unicorn put a hoof to her muzzle and gave a soft laugh. “I would if I could understand him. With all due respect, his Manehatten accent gets rather strong when he's drunk.”

Thunder boomed just as the front door opened, a cloaked pony swept in as the rumbled died, water streaming from her hood as she pulled it back. “Oy, Henry, right nasty brew. Usual tah go if yah please.” She greeted the barkeep. Star recognized her sand colored mane and soft brown coat, raising a hoof to wave at the unicorn-mare.

“Hey Sandy.”

His call caught her swiveling ears before she turned her head to locate the shout. Upon seeing him, her face lit up and the mare trotted over with a grin. “'ello, love. Surprised tah find yah here.”

“Ah, well, wife kicked me out for the night.” He gave a lop-sided smile.

She gave a soft giggle. “I'd heard yah hitched up with 'er highness. All us guards got ah briefin' on it. Congrat's.” She glanced from the semi-conscious Lighthoof to the curious Dazzle, extending a hoof to the other unicorn. “Don't believe we've met. I'm Sandy.”

The yellow unicorn shook the offered hoof. “I'm Dazzle, I'm a Night-Guard.”

“Well, nice tah meet 'nother guard.” She watched as Lighthoof put his head back down, her eyebrow raising. “Seem yah got in some fine drinkin'.”

Star nodded. “Yeah, orders from the Princess to unwind.” He looked out the window at the storm. “But I'm not going to enjoy hauling Light's rump all the way back up that hill to the fortress in this mess.”

“Well, if yah got nowhere yah have ta be, my place be just 'round tah corner. Was just poppin' in to nick a pie. I've a right comfy futon for you lot to crash. Seein' as we're all guards and all, no strangers here, eh?”

He pondered it for a moment, imagining the long climb back up to the fortress with Lighthoof's drunk-weight. He looked to Dazzle. “How do you feel about it?”

“Well...” She looked up at the other mare. “I don't want to impose.”

“Nah, it's no prob. Star here owes me a right favor anyway.”

At that, Dazzle's eyebrow rose.

Starstep coughed. “Well, the Princess said she'd be busy until morning, I guess it would be fine. Thanks, Sandy.”

“Pleasure is all mine, love.”

One wet walk down the block later and Sandy led the way into her cozy townhouse on the corner. It was a simple two story brick structure, easy to overlook amongst the other Spurlin buildings. Thunder boomed as Sandy shut the door tight behind Star as he managed to drag Lighthoof's stumbling body out of the downpour. The living-room was simple with just a couch and a loveseat made of matching beige fabric resting on worn hardwood. The candles around the walls in the candelabras added a very cozy old-world feel to the place. All of them lit from Sandy's magic as she had let them in. Dazzle was standing in the living-room next to the couch, glancing about at the paintings on the walls. Star followed her example, noticing almost all of them were of either royal-like figures or guard-ponies in armor. Vibrant colors, pure and saturated with bold strokes. He particularly liked the slightly abstract version of Luna and Celestia on the far wall.

After rubbing down his and Light's coat with a donated towel from Sandy, he toppled the drunk pegasus over onto the couch. “Well, never let it be said that Lighthoof is not true to his word.”

He turned to find Dazzle smirking and Sandy giggling. “I really appreciate you letting us crash for a bit, Sandy. That storm came out of nowhere.”

“Oy, no prob, love. We get those wild storms from griffin territory from time to time. Right sneak up on you, they will.” Rolling thunder accented her words as the rain pounded the windowpanes.

Dazzle slipped up onto the matching loveseat next to the couch, towel draped around her neck after ruffling her short pale-blue mane dry. “Tell me about it. I got caught in one while on my way to a wedding a few months back. Needless to say, I didn't present the ideal image of a lady with my dress half-hiked up my backside and soaked from the wind and rain. I fear they thought I was some crazy pony.” The mares shared a laugh.

“Hang on a sec, I'll brew up a pot.” Sandy nodded to her guests before trotting around the half-wall that separated the living-room from the kitchen area. While she used her magic to clank about in her cookware, Star took a moment to admire the paintings a little more.

Hanging over the couch was an oil painting of two Earthpony Sun-Guard in their pristine gold armor, the painter taking extra effort to show the lighting flares from the edges of the plate. It was subtle, but the curves of the bodies told him it was a mare and stallion, striking a heroic pose side-by-side with the Trottingham city flag flying in the background. A fairly patriotic piece. Over against the wall nearest the door was another oil of a sun-guard with her helm off, the pegasus laying out on the edge of some rampart, possibly the fortress. She smiled towards the viewer with half-lidded eyes, one fore-leg propped up on her helm, her sword in her teeth. It was an odd mix of 'come-hither' and 'I'm a bad-ass'. Star wasn't sure if he was suppose to be attracted to her, or intimidated.

After a few minutes, their host returned with a pot and mugs already filled to the brim with steaming dark liquid. Star accepted his, blowing across the top before taking a cautious sip. Tea. He raised an eyebrow at the strong, slightly bitter brew.

Dazzle sipped hers and blinked in recognition. “Griffon Tea?” She sipped again. “Daggerbeak brew if I'm not mistaken.”

“Right you are. They make some O' tah best.” She sipped hers, setting it back down on the saucer. “So, Star, seein' as you're here al'eady. Fancy repayin your debt tonight?”

The pegasus nearly spit his tea. “What, here, now?”

She laughed. “No, yah bugger, upstairs in me bedroom. Shouldn't take more than a few hours.” She glanced at Dazzle. “Assumin' yah don't mind me snaggin' 'im away from yah.”

“No, please. Not at all. Far be it from me to get in the way of settling a debt.” She smiled sweetly.

“Oy, right nice of yah.” She gestured to the closet. “Some blanket's and books there. Couch folds out if yah be feeling tired.” She smirked at the dozing Lighthoof. “Assuming yah can move that lug. More tea in tah pot and I think I gots some biscuits in the jar in tah kitchen. Please, make yourself at home, love.”

Dazzle smiled at the unicorn as Sandy started up the stairs, magic carrying her tea-cup. “Thank you, Sandy. I'll be fine. Enjoy yourself.”

The brown mare laughed. “Oh, I most certainly will.” She looked over her shoulder at the bewildered colt. “Well, come on. I can't do this by myself.”

Star watched her climb the rest of the stairs and looked to Dazzle. “I...Um...this is kinda unexpected. Sorry, I really do owe her big time for saving my tail the other night.”

She smirked. “I know, we were briefed about watching out for Sasha after that incident. Go on, it's ok. I'll look after our drunken colt here. Have a good time.” She gestured with a hoof to send him on his way.

He took a deep breath and exhaled before climbing the stairs, trepidation rolling in his belly. It was so sudden, was Luna's sexual exhaustion gone? What could this mare ask him to do? Were Luna's suggestions about Sandy being into dominated true? For that matter, did Luna give him the ok to be with her? He racked his brains a few moments, his slight buzz making it hard to focus on a moment of permission.

Before he knew it, he'd climbed stairs and was standing at Sandy's open bedroom door. It was a simple room, a queen sized bed tucked into a corner with a flickering candle next to it on a nightstand. The cream colored sheets and blankets jumbled and unmade. There was a double-hinge window at the back of the room with an area large enough for a pony to stand in front of it. More of the paintings similar to the ones downstairs lined the walls. Sandy's front half of her body was hidden to him as she rooted through what he figured was a closet. With a heavy exhale, he shut the door behind him and hoped he knew what he was doing.

“Listen, Sandy. I...I'm not sure I'm up to preforming too well tonight. It's been a really long day and I'm still a bit buzzed.” He looked away, a little embarrassed to admit his possible short-comings.

She giggled from behind the closet door, sounds of boxes been shuffled about. “That's awfully sweet O' yah tah admit it, but I'll be doing all the hard work, love. I'll handle everything.”

“Oh...uh...well.” He blushed at the thought, his wings twitching. “I mean, that's great...I think. I just don't want you to be too disappointed by my performance.”

The unicorn leaned her head around the door-frame and smirked. “All yah have tah do is lay there. Really, it's no big thing.” With that she returned to the closet, shuffling about, wiggling her rump to and fro as she hummed to herself.

Star watched her swaying, feeling his wings creep up. She was attractive enough, and the little dance was cute...he wondered if he could get Luna to do a dance for him. Luna...did she give him permission for this? He thought so, but was it right? She did say for him to unwind and Lighthoof always seemed relaxed after rutting. So why did he feel anything but relaxed? His gut twisted and rolled and he suddenly had the urge to leave. But...he did owe her.

The pegasus closed his eyes and took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He hoped Luna's tips about her being a submissive were right. Cautiously, he walked towards her soft-brown rear, bouncing about to a tune she was humming. Was he suppose to jump right in, or was fore-play involved in this sort of thing? He really had no bucking idea what he was doing. He leaned in close, catching a whiff of her scent, then opened his mouth to nibble her cutie-mark when she halted suddenly.

Sandy giggled, a fore-hoof coming to her mouth as she looked over her shoulder at the colt in mid-bite. “As flattered as I am, I must ask what yer doing?”

“ is...Luna said you were submissive, and I thought this was how I was suppose to start repaying the favor?” He blushed and scooted back a step.

Sandy tilted her head quizzically. “Princess Luna said I was a submissive? No, love. I'm quite the dominant in a relationship.”

He puzzled on that for a moment. Did Luna actually say it was Sandy who liked all those things? He couldn't remember. “So...what should I do?”

“Do?” She looked at his half-risen wings then started laughing. “Oy, I see.” With a flourish of magic she pulled paint-brushes of various sizes from her closet, spinning them about Star's head. “Yah thought I wanted a romp with yah tah repay the favor?” She winked. “Cheeky thing. No, I wanted tah paint yah. I love paintin' guards and royals.”

Star felt his cheeks flush red and his wings and ears dip in embarrassment. “I'm...oh...I'm so sorry, Sandy.”

The mare giggled, stepping out of her closet to give him a peck on the cheek. “It's very kind of yah tah consider doing that with me, love. Really. But yer not my type, sorry.” Her magic pulled out a prop pegasus sword and a rather decorative black vest from a box, setting them on the bed. “I just want to paint a heroic image of our stunning new prince, though at the time yah was just a consort to the Princess.” She patted his cheek. “Aww, don't be disappointed, love. If yah really want to romp, I'm certain we can work something out. Dazzle seems tah like yah.” She winked.

The pegasus let out a breath and chuckled to himself. “I suppose I'm relieved. No offense to you, Sandy, you're a beautiful mare, but Luna is really the pony I want to be with.”

“That love, is very sweet.” She smiled and gave a nod. “I believe a change is in order...” With that, her magic swept up the sword and vest and replaced it with a fake rose and a black halter with silver studs. “I shall call it, Starstep the Romantic.”

True to her word, it did take Sandy a few hours to paint him. She left the background untouched, claiming she'd add it in later and refused to let Star see the unfinished painting. All the while, thunder rumbled and shook the house, wind howled and rain pattered on the windows. Surprisingly, sitting still to be painted in such conditions was surprisingly calming. He always was a sucker for a good rainstorm. The soft candles had lulled him into a daze as he laid out in his 'come-hither' pose for Sandy, eyes half lidded, a fake rose in his mouth, halter around his head. It was odd, but soothing.

Once the unicorn yawned and put aside her brushes, she used her magic to pull the halter off and massaged his tense face and neck muscles briefly. He was thankful for that, as sitting in one position caused them to tighten.

Finished for the night, she bid him a good evening and retired to her room as he crept downstairs in the near-darkness. Only a single candle on the half-wall partition was lit. He made out the shape of the futon in the shadows, slipping around the back of the couch to find Dazzle curled up next to the snoring Lighthoof. He sighed at his friend, pushing his shoulder just enough to tilt the other pegasus and stop the sounds. Star pulled one edge of the blanket back and slipped up on the other side of the mattress, giving a soft sigh as the thunder rolled outside.

Long minutes passed and as he felt himself beginning to drift off, something warm cuddled up to his side. Puzzled, he blinked away his sleepiness, glancing down to find the yellow unicorn snuggling into his side. “Dazzle?”

“Hold me...please.” She whispered, her body trembling against his.

Concerned, the colt pulled her close with one fore-leg, now near enough to hear her soft sniffing. He tilted her chin up with his other hoof, noting the wetness on her cheeks in the candlelight. “What's wrong?”

“I'm sorry, I'm such a foal crying like this...but I close my eyes and...I can...I can...sense it reaching for me.” Her body shivered violently against his. “I can feel it's cold breath. I'm terrified. I shouldn't be, I live in the night, but I'm afraid.”

“'s ok, Dazzle.” He rocked her as he would a foal, stroking her short mane and wondering if there was anything he could say to her to calm her nerves. But there was nothing. He wanted to assure her that she was safe...but even he didn't feel completely safe. So, instead he continued rocking the mare and petting her mane and ears. Thankfully, it seemed to help and the frazzled unicorn stopped shivering, the tension in her body gradually diminished and eventually she dozed off in his fore-legs, head tucked against his chest.

What he didn't want to tell her was he felt something in the room watching them from the far-corner. He was terrified to roll over and look, afraid of what might stare back. But as long as it was content to stay and watch, he was content to ignore it. He suspected that Luna's warning held a lot of truth. But it watched and waited as the minutes and hours ticked by, a shadow within a shadow, staring at his back as he held the sleeping mare protectively in his hooves, causing the hair on the back of his neck to gradually stand. Without Luna here, it was up to him to protect the ponies during the night. In a sense, they were his subjects now. The thing knew, and so it waited, and watched...


The jarring noise of a heavy hoof on the door shocked Star upright and startled Lighthoof from his sleep with a snort. Dazzle glanced about in near-panic, huddling into his hooves. He twisted his neck to look over at the half-wall, noting the candle had long since burned out. Rain still gusted against the windows and thunder rumbled overhead. He had no idea what hour it was.


Whoever was at the door wanted them to answer urgently. Star glanced at the corner he suspected all night but found nothing looking back. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or not. He took Dazzle by the shoulders. “Hey, it's ok, just someone at the door. We're ok, alright?”

She nodded, taking one of the pillows to hold as he slid from the futon and trotted across the living-room to the front door. He closed one eye to look into the peep-hole, noting a single pony in the dark streets. He sighed. “Dazzle, I need a light.” She nodded, her horn glowing briefly, summoning a shimmering golden orb over his head. He took a breath to steady his nerves and yanked the door open as the pony outside raised his hoof again.

Star looked up as the light fell across the drenched features of the massive pony. His deep-blue, almost black mane was plastered to his body and face, partially obscuring his smoldering bronze eyes, his silvery coat glinting in the flickering magic orb.

“Mister Starstep.” Steelhoof rumbled. “We have a problem.”

Chapter XLIX

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To Love the Moon

Chapter XLIX

By Indigo Eclipse

“Mister Starstep.” Steelhoof rumbled. “We have a problem.”

There was silence after Steelhoof's statement. Even with Steel's deep blue mane flattened by the downpour, causing the stallion to appear smaller than he remembered, Starstep still felt a twinge of intimidation knotting in his belly looking up at the soaked pony. His ears flexed back and he resisted baring his teeth. This was not a face he wanted to see at this hour, or any hour for that matter.

Steelhoof's cool and calculating bronze eyes reflected in the soft glow of the Dazzle's light-orb. Those eyes took in everything around him, filing away the knowledge to use in future dealings.

The stallions just looked at each other, the steady patter of rain and occasional gusts of wind acting as white noise to the unspoken stare-down they were having. For a moment Star felt his hoof tense against the wood and the urge to slam the door hung precariously on the edge from thought to action. Only the click of hooves on the stairs at his back stopped him.

Sandy asked from the top few steps. “Oy, now ooh be at tha door, Star?”

Starstep turned his head slightly to answer, eyes never leaving the larger pony standing in the dark rain, illuminated faintly by the little glow-orb. “It's just...” He hesitated, “An informant for the guard.” His full attention returned to the silver-coated stallion, his eyes narrowed daring the stallion to argue with him. A slight smile flickered on Steelhoof's muzzle.

“Well, not be lettin' em catch ah cold in tha rain. Bring em in for a pot, I'll right get some towels for the 'oor lad.” She hopped back up the few stairs and around the corner, presumably to the linen closet.

Star side-stepped, pulling the door wide for the big pony to trot in, then shutting it firmly and locking it tight after Steel's tail cleared the entrance. He leaned up against the door, watching the earth-stallion, but noting Dazzle and Lighthoof peaking over the back of the futon. His pegasus brother was blinking against the soft gold light of the orb, his muzzle twisted in mild pain as he struggled with his hang-over, while Dazzle's eyes flicked from Steelhoof to Star, an eyebrow and ears raised in question.

The silver pony seemed unaffected by the attention, standing confidently just inside the townhouse, giving a cursory glance about before his eyes drifted up to the descending unicorn with fluffy towels draped over her pink bathrobe.

Sandy's smile widened after getting a good look at the burly pony, eyes sliding up his legs to the thick neck. “Oy, well this be a pretty present. Nice to see a pony with 'ome northern Trottingham blood in em. Rare lot these days.” She used her magic to lift both towels up in light-yellow aura. “May ah?”

Steelhoof's face instantly shifted to a warm, welcoming smile, his eyes sparking with amusement. Star wondered if it was false or if he normally covered it with a mask of composure like Luna. “Please, Miss. I must say I often envy the ease of which unicorns can do such tasks.”

She grinned, using her magic to ruffle the towels through his mane and down his coat, apparently enjoying the work. She finished the proper places to touch a pony quickly enough before floating the drier of the towels before him. “For yer tail, less yah like me to give yah the once over mahself.” She winked.

The stallion chuckled and swept the towel into his hoof. “Quite alright, Miss. I'm a big pony.”

“'magine so.” Sandy quipped, her eyes dancing over his barrel and shoulders before she spun and trotted to the kitchen, her horn flaring to light a few of the candles in the room, much to Lighthoof's agony. A soft clattering of metal announced her intentions of heating another pot of tea.

Steelhoof wrung out the water from his tail, moving its status from soaked to damp, then draped the towel on the hardwood to help gather up the puddle he had let gather at his hooves. He glanced back at the glaring pegasus and smiled, no warmth in Stee's eyes now.

Starstep shook his head, his ruffled charcoal-grey mane flicking about. He wanted to ask how long Steel had been spying on him, seeing as the big pony knew exactly where to find him, but he decided it was best to go with the charade of Steelhoof being an associate. “Alright, so what's this problem?”

“Simply put, Mister Starstep, the griffons are attacking, or I should say, will be in full force momentarily.” He revealed the threat with as much enthusiasm as one would talk about a walk to the mailbox.

“WHAT?! HOW?!” Sandy had sprung to the half-wall separating the living room and the kitchen, her hazel eyes gone wide.

Steelhoof held up one of his big hooves. “Allow me to keep it brief as we do not have much time. We can discuss the finer details later once we return to the fortress.”

We return to the fortress?” Starstep raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, we. Payment for services rendered. Now as I stated, Mister Starstep, we do not have a lot of time. Please allow me to finish.” He waited for any of the ponies to interrupt him then continued, satisfied they'd let him. “The ships in the harbor are burnt, the train derailed, and the gate-guards are missing. Currently the only means of leaving the city are via the royal chariots tucked away in the fortress.” He glanced at Starstep but the pegasus remained silent.

“Griffon patrols have started to enter the city and are pulling residents from their homes. Air squadrons are along the roofs using the storm and dark as cover to catch ponies still wandering the streets and to make matters worse, there appear to be magic-users commanding the attack.”

Dazzle frowned. “That is quite impossible-- we have an alert system all along the walls. The alarm should have been sounded.”

“As far as I can tell, Miss Dazzle, the guards were overwhelmed in one precision attack. As you may recall, most of the city guard has been reinforcing the border or the fortress itself. This storm is the griffon's doing, and it is far from the kind we are used to in Equestria.”

“With all due respect Mister...?” Dazzle raised a hoof from the back of the futon.

“Steelhoof.” He bowed his head ever so slightly. “My apologizes for not properly introducing myself. It appears I've forgotten my manners in the rush.” He glanced back at Starstep.

Dazzle waved it off with a hoof, her horn glowed, banishing the glow-orb now that the candles were illuminating the room. “Mister Steelhoof, that seems a rather tall tale. The rogue clans are numerous, but they have never been that coordinated. They are more horde-like than military.”

Steelhoof smiled slyly at the yellow unicorn. “If you do not believe me, please, go wander down the street and ask the nice griffons pulling ponies from their beds in the middle of the night. If you'd rather wait, I'm certain they'll be here shortly to take you as prisoners.”

Star wanted to call Steelhoof a liar, to disprove this nonsense he was spouting, but if he knew anything about the information-broker, it was that Steelhoof valued truth and knowledge above all other things. He was probably omitting some facts, but the reality was that Spurlin and possibly the Princesses were in trouble.

“Why now?” Star asked, stepping from the door to look up at the larger pony.

“My... inside griffon gave me a warning just recently. It appears that the attack was not planned for another few weeks, but something has stirred up their leadership this morning, rumors of an information leak, so their claw has been forced.”

Dazzle and Star shared a glance, which did not go unnoticed by Steelhoof.

“Alright.” Star began. “If the streets and rooftops are beginning to be swarmed with these griffon packs, how do you expect all of us to make it back into the fortress?”

“Quite simple, Mister Starstep. I know for a fact that you three,” He gestured one of his hooves at Star, Dazzle and the rather groggy Lighthoof, “went into a graveyard not far from here, and reappeared in the castle later on. Meaning that you found an underground passage. We'll simply take that route.”

“NO!” The three aforementioned ponies shouted, startling each other and causing Steel's eyebrows to raise. It was the first time Star had seen him genuinely surprised.

Dazzle flattened her ears and looked away, sinking below the back of the futon to curl up with a pillow. Lighthoof rubbed at his temples, gritting his teeth, and Starstep stamped the ground with his hoof, his ears tilting back.

Star stared up at the larger pony defiantly. “We are NOT taking that route. I'd rather take our bucking chances with the griffons.”

Steelhoof's bronze eyes took in their reactions before returning to the aggressive pegasus. “Then you doom us all, Mister Starstep.” He sighed. “Have you heard the stories of what these rogue griffons are doing to ponies that they capture? I do not know what it is in that passage that frightens three Night-guards so badly, but I do not think having one's horn cut off or heart eaten is much of an improvement. I've even heard tales they've taken to collecting pegasus wings to adorn their helms.”

“I didn't think you dealt in stories.” Star quipped back.

The earth-stallion smiled slyly at him. “Are you saying that it's not true?” He gestured to Sandy. “Shall I take this fine young unicorn for a stroll down to those brutes and see what they do to us?”

Starstep had to look away, all but confirming the truth of the matter.

“Splendid, then shall we be on our way to this hidden passage? As I stated, the noose is tightening. I for one do not intend my head to be there when it does.”

Dazzle poked her head up from the futon. “Well... there's another option.” All eyes turned to her as she brushed her short, pale-blue mane aside. “The Night-Guard headquarters isn't too far away either. We can take refuge, let the guards on duty know what's going on, and use the mirror there to contact Princess Luna.”

Star found himself nodding. “I like that idea.”

Lighthoof raised a limb, his other still clutching his head. “Seconded.”

With a heavy sigh the silver-coated pony shook his head. “Very well. It's not the safety of the fortress, but I suppose that would be the next best place. If we can contact your wife,” Steelhoof said, smiling at Starstep, “I'm certain she'll have a means to bring us to the fortress.”

In short order, Sandy turned off the stove and gathered a couple of brown guard-ponchos. The colts insisted the mares take them, and though they argued briefly, they relented when Lighthoof insisted that they needed their eyes clear of rain to cast spells if trouble broke out. The Sun-Guard had also started to put on her armor when Dazzle warned her they were sneaking, not going into battle. With a sigh, the mare saw reason and instead brought her sword on its belt instead. Starstep was really wishing he had his own weapon right about now.

With the group assembled at the entrance and all the candles blown out, Star cracked the door and peeked out into the dark. All was quiet and nothing moved in the shadows but gusting rain. Thunder rumbled and boomed, the vibration shaking Star's legs as he widened the opening a bit more, sticking his head out to look up and down the deserted street, holding his breath.

Lightning flashed; nothing seemed to be out there.

He slipped out of the townhouse, Sandy taking up the rear to shut the door quietly but the others following close on his tail. The first thing that came to the Starstep's mind was how cold the rain was, like the drops had formed into tiny icicles that stung mildly with every barrage that pelted him as he dashed across the street. His breath came out in tiny clouds of mist as the others took cover near him under the overhang of a closed general store.

He watched both directions intently, but again, nothing moved.

“Keep an eye on the rooftops.” Steelhoof whispered in his ear, causing him to jump slightly.

He did look up, but he could only make out the faintest outline of the surrounding buildings until a lightning flash lit up the black sky, illuminating everything for a brief moment. But there was no one watching them as deep thunder followed the flash.

“Ok.” He whispered to the poncho-covered Dazzle. “You have lead since you know all the entrances. We got your back.”

The unicorn looked up at him and gave the briefest of nods, confidence in her stance. He nodded back and gestured with his head before stepping back to allow her to slip past like a ghost.

Star immediately took to her tail, the others falling into line. Steelhoof right behind him, followed by Sandy and Lighthoof. Despite his hang-over, Lighthoof insisted on rear-guard. Starstep knew his brother could handle it; the tan pegasus having grown up on the toughest streets in Equestria.

Dazzle slid from one group of darker shadows to the next, quietly avoiding the worst of the puddles as they darted like mice down the street. Occasionally she'd stop under an overhang or in a side-alley, letting the others catch up. Bundled together, they would wait with baited breath for a cry of alarm or sudden attack, but only the rumbling of thunder and pattering of rain infringed upon their privacy. Star began to doubt the invasion was as serious as Steelhoof made it out to be. He looked over at Dazzle as her head continuously moved from side to side, searching the dark and roof tops during one of their pauses and admired her skills. He had no doubts that Luna had picked the right pony to work for her.

Lightning flashed, momentarily blinding him, but in that brief instant Star saw a griffon standing down the street from their hiding spot. Maybe thirty yards. He gently tapped Dazzle on the shoulder and gestured down the street to where the griffon was. She tapped his hoof back, acknowledging his warning and they waited a moment more.

Again, a quick bit of lightning illuminated the griffon. He wasn't alone now, conversing with two others in the middle of the street. Another flicker of light revealed a fourth walking towards the griffons from a nearby alley, dragging a rather large sack with something struggling inside.

Lighthoof crept up to Star's side. He gestured in the direction of the griffon group and made a hoof-to-hoof movement with his fore-hooves.

Dazzle shook her head, catching his intention and gestured upwards to the factory across the street.The group's gaze followed her lead, staring anxiously into the darkness until a flicker of lightning revealed a trio of griffons on the roof-top watching the streets below, rods with a curved fork on the end clutched in their claws— Pony-catchers, they were sometimes referred to. They were designed to hook ponies alive with minimal chance of lethal damage, though the heavy cudgels on their studded belts informed the group that these griffons were willing to break bones if necessary.

So the five ponies waited with hushed breath. Water down their coats and ponchos, dripping into their eyes. They were too afraid to wipe the moisture away. No movement from anypony. Lighting flickered and the rain increased in intensity. Long agonizing minutes passed. Then, a flash revealed the group on the roof had departed and the one down the street had long since vanished. For all Star knew, they were hiding in the shadows down there.

Dazzle looked back at the group, pointing her hoof down the street and shook her head. Without a word, she slipped off, leaving the others to scramble after as she darted along the edges of the building and took a hard right into a narrow alley.

More twists and turns and Star was now thoroughly lost. His only real landmark, the fortress on the hill, was hidden from view in the deep, dark alleys between the numerous factories and homes. Wet brick and cobblestone were all he could make out as the poncho covered pony in front of him hurried onwards, never wavering from her course.

He guessed an hour had now passed since they'd left Sandy's townhouse. He was cold and fighting back occasional shivers, and had long since grown numb to the sting of the rain as it pelted them relentlessly. A glace back told him that Lighthoof wasn't fairing much better, but Steelhoof, despite his drenched appearance, didn't seem affected at all. The earth-pony met his gaze and grinned causing Star to grit his teeth. That stallion was enjoying all of this.

Starstep didn't notice Dazzle had stopped and slammed into her rump, topping the unicorn forward a few steps before she regained her composure and glared back at the embarrassed colt. Satisfied that her stare had properly scolded him, she crept forward to glance around the edge of a building. Her covered silhouette scanned left, right, then waved a hoof at them, beckoning them forward.

Across from the alley, about twenty yards out, Star could only just see a fountain, faintly illuminated by dimmed street-lamps. Something seemed familiar about it.

Dazzle leaned up to whisper in his ear. “That's the fountain entrance to the headquarters, but something does not feel quite right.”

Lighthoof poked his head out from the alley, looking left, right and up before retreating. “Feels wrong.” He hissed.

“I agree.” Steelhoof added.

Starstep hadn't grow up in the street-- he never had to deal with rivals trying to ambush him in dark alleys, or avoid capture by the law. However, he did sense something else; a little tingle on the back of his spine told him not to turn around.

Though he knew that the thing in the shadows was watching them, he ignored the sudden feeling of panic in his belly and gathered the group up into a huddle, whispering first to Sandy. “What's your opinion?”

She shrugged, water pouring off the folds in her poncho. “Sorry love, ah tend to deal with thieves and troublemakers. Pretty straight forward work. None O' this sneakin' 'bout. Bloody well could be an ambush, O' could be nothing but us being right skittish little gits.”

Lighthoof glanced out at the fountain then back at the group, shivering ever so slightly. “Could the HQ be compromised?” He asked Dazzle.

“Always possible. We have been operating out that HQ for a couple years now, but only the Princess used that entrance.”

The big earth-stallion spoke up, though whispering his voice still rumbled. “I live in the shadows every day, Mister Starstep. This is my world. So heed my warning that if we attempt to cross to that fountain, we will be attacked.”

“You just want us to go to the that underground passage and straight to the fortress.” Star hissed.

“I hate to say it, but I think he's right, dude.” Light whispered, looking his fellow pegasus in the eyes, his shoulders tense and wings giving a little quiver. “You know I grew up on the streets. I had to learn to sense when somepony was waiting to jump me. It's just instinct now, and my instinct is screaming at me that this is a really bad idea.”

“Worse idea than going back into those tunnels?” Star asked. Lighthoof looked away and Dazzle's body seemed to slump under her poncho. “I didn't want to say anything, but you remember our...” He hesitated, not sure how to word it, Luna's warning echoing in his ears. “... problem we dealt with?”

Lighthoof tilted his head, mane plastered to his head. “Yeeeeah? What of it?”

“It's watching us again. Maybe that's what all of you are sensing.”

Dazzle backed up quickly, flattening herself against the brick-wall and started to breathe rapidly, little puffs of cloudy air punctuating her quick exhales. Lighthoof's eyes grew wide and he searched the darkness wildly, spinning about with his wings extended in fight-mode. Lightning flashed-- the area around them seemed to be clear. Nothing to be seen in the shadows. Steel looked on curiously, while Sandy just seemed puzzled at their reactions.

Several tense minutes passed, but still, nothing showed itself. Lighthoof marched up, put his face against Star's and hissed. “That is NOT ok, dude.” He gestured an angry hoof at the terrified Dazzle. “See what you're doing to her?”

Star pushed his forehead back against his brother's. “I'm not doing anything. I'm telling the truth. Ever since we got back I've sensed that... problem watching us. I don't know why, and I don't know how. Just like I don't question how you three seem to sense that somepony is ready to jump us out there.” He gestured a hoof towards the fountain, struggling to keep his teeth from chattering from the chill in his body. “It's watching us.” He hissed sharply, staring into Light's angry eyes, daring him to call him a liar.

Their gazes stayed locked together for a long moment, before Light pulled back and nodded. “Alright dude, fine, I believe you.”

Satisfied that he had made his point, Starstep trotted over to the frightened unicorn and pulled her into a hug. She melted into his fore-legs, shivering into his chest. Gone was her earlier confidence, and it was his fault for bringing the shadowy presence back up. Luna had been right; this thing did draw power from being acknowledged. “Shhh,” he whispered in Dazzle's ear. “I'm sorry, Dazz. I really didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted you all to know how serious this is. We can't go back down there. It's not safe.” He hugged her tight while the others looked away uncomfortably.

Dazzle's fearful tears were quiet, adding to the damp pegasus' already soaked chest. She slipped her hooves around him and returned his hug, her trembling fading away after a few moments. Eventually, the unicorn pushed out of Star's embrace and cleared her throat, having recovered her wits and embarrassed by the display of affection. “Sorry, all of you. That was most unprofessional of me.”

Steelhoof looked to Star, an eyebrow raised. It was clear the big stallion wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Star took a tiny bit of satisfaction in knowing that there was some information that the earth-pony was not privy to. It was nice to be ahead of the game, despite the fact that he'd rather not know about it either.

Sandy slid up beside the other mare, offering her side as a show of support to her before whispering to the group. “Oy, what's the plan? We can't right stand here all night, tha Princesses and Clan-heads may be in-”


Out of the darkness over the pouring rain an alarm bell rang out, interrupting the Sun-Guard. A solitary break in the sound of water and wind. Just one at first, then a scattering of a few more joined in, creating a chaos of noise from the distant walls. In that moment, multiple griffons swooped down from the black skies and dove into the windows of the houses surrounding the fountain-square. Screams of panic and shouts of alarm rang out from the breached homes as the residents struggled with the invaders.

Dazzle grabbed Lighthoof's shoulder as the pegasus prepared to lift off. “I am sorry, Light, but our priority is contacting the Princesses. They may not know that the city is completely infiltrated.”

“But those ponies need our help! I swore an oath to protect!” He shoved off her hoof.

“And you will, by making sure they get the best help available. We are just five ponies against a swarm of griffons. These rogue griffons live to fight; we just fight to live. There's a rather large difference.”

She looked him right in the eyes. “We might save a pony or two, but we cannot take them with us. It's been hard enough for us to avoid detection as it is. If we get caught, who is going to warn our Princesses? Who is going to rally the troops? I am still shook up, you are still hung-over, Star cannot fly and it's really hard for us two unicorns to see targets in all this dark rain.” She jabbed a hoof in his soaked chest-fur. “Not to mention that Star and you are close to hypothermia. We cannot help them like this, Lighthoof. We cannot.”

The sounds of fighting and cries of panic began to rise up from all around them, causing the pegasus to stamp a fore-hoof.

“We could try.” He argued.

Dazzle nodded solemnly. “You are certainly correct, we could. And we would fail everypony who is counting on us.”

Star saw the emotions play out on his friend's face, an inner struggle tearing at his heart. Lighthoof turned in a circle, stomping his hooves in frustration then he lowered his head, eyes squeezed shut and ears flattened. “Fine...”

Starstep didn't like it either, but he knew his friend was taking it especially hard. “Alright, let's make this count and run for the fountain while the griffons are busy.”

Sandy nodded. “Sound's like ah plan, love.” She drew her sword with her teeth and gestured with her head towards the fountain while looking at Dazzle. The other unicorn nodded and charged out of the alleyway, Sandy on her flank and the others in close pursuit.

Twenty yards... Ten... Five. They were within spitting distance of the fountain when a robed figure stepped out from behind it. Lightning flashed, revealing the faint outline of a griffon-like form in a red robe, though the exact hue was hard to tell in the brief illumination.

The group skidded to a halt, watching the hooded form suspiciously as it calmly walked around the side of the basin to stand before them.

“Surrender, Consorts, and I promise no lasting harm will come to you and your escort.” The gravely voice of a male griffon spoke from under the hood. Oddly, the robe did not appear soaked or even touched by the downpour.

“Sweet nightmares,” Steelhoof swore. “It's a Red-Druid! Run, you foals!” His hooves began scraping the cobble-stone for purchase to gallop back the other way. The sharp rasp of his steel horse-shoes would have kicked up sparks had the ground been dry.

Star didn't know what a 'Red-Druid' was, but he heard real caution in Steel's voice and that was all the convincing he needed. “Do as he says, run!”

The group spun and galloped away as the figure in the cloak raised a claw, scratching the air and leaving green runes shimmering like trails of smoke. Star spared a glance back as the figure circled his floating words and the air seemed to crackle with energy.

Roots began shooting up through the cobblestones at their feet, threatening to trip them, a few curling out wildly to wrap them in their coils.

Though they stumbled a few times, helping each other regain their footing, they managed to retreat into the alleyway galloping as fast as they could in the slick conditions. Down one alley, then another, Dazzle leading the way, darting down side passages at random intervals.

Star glanced up to notice a hooded figure landing on the roof ahead of them, sickly green runes appearing in the air again. “Buck me, he's ahead, detour, Dazz!”

She responded immediately, ducking right under an overhang and through the black doorway of an abandoned factory, the others right on her tail. Just as they cleared the door a flash of green light illuminated the alley-way and a ridiculously powerful wind rushed through it. A part of the hurricane force wind found its way into the open door and bowled the five head-over-hooves.

Star just blinked in disbelief as he found himself upside down on the floor, confused how he ended up there. The wind felt a lot like the kind from the Everfree Forest— wild, and untamed.

“Oy, what in holy horse-apples is that nutter?” Sandy asked, panting from the hard run as she untangled herself from the pile of old rope she had been blow into.

Steelhoof stood shakily from wall he'd been smashed against. “Red-Druid. The griffon magic-users I warned you about.”

Sandy helped Dazzle get to her hooves. “Oy, ah know ah few combat spells, lemme take em down a peg.”

The big pony looked at the empty door-way as though expecting a visitor. “Be my guest, Miss Sandy. Just keep in mind that they work in mated pairs. That was probably the female that blew us down.”

“There are so many bad jokes I could make with that.” Lighthoof grumbled from the old conveyor belt he'd been tossed under. He groaned as he pulled himself back to his hooves, his steps a bit wobbly.

Starstep looked around the dark interior, fighting his body as it began to tremble from the cold. “Please tell me that wasn't the only way out.”

Dazzle's horn shimmered in her golden aura as little glow orbs scattered from her in every direction. “Should be a way to administration. All of these old factories had offices attached.” She scanned around her, intently seeking escape.

“Oy-- there love.” Sandy pointed to a dark passage towards the back.

The group trotted hurriedly to the opening, as all but one of Dazzle's glow-orbs winked out of existence, her last one hovering just ahead of them to light the way. The doors along the hallway were sagging on their hinges, handles collecting spots of rust. Dirty puddles dotted the tiled floor and cobwebs hung from most of the corners. They could hear the steady roar rain on the roof and the accenting drips of the various leaks from the ceiling. Even through the old brick walls they could faintly hear the alarm bells still sounding.

At last they exited the hallway into a simple lobby: old benches, rotten from termites, sagged in rows in front of a secretaries desk, which was in equal disrepair. Old filing cabinets were toppled over, their drawers half-opened revealing their emptiness. Across the tiled floor, the double doors marking the main-entrance were chained and padlocked from the inside. The group slowed their pace, cautiously approaching the secured exit.

“Do you know where we are, Dazz,” Star whispered to the mare, struggling against the shivers that assailed his body.

“I... have an idea, but I will be honest, Star— we were in full flight mode back there. I need a landmark to get my bearings back. This door leads to a main-street. Once we get to an intersection, the signs will get us back on track. We'll try for the book-store HQ entrance next.” She glanced at him and stopped, the rest of the ponies halting as well. She gazed over the exhausted group; even Steel was beginning to show the first signs of fatigue. “We need to get you all warm, and soon.” She pulled the securing strap on the poncho with her magic and swept it up and over Star's back. He opened his mouth to protest but the mare poked him in the chest.

“Do not dare argue with me. We are a team and I will not have you slowing us down because you are too stubborn to let a mare share the burden. You can take your chivalry and shove it.” Her green eyes reflected in her glow-orb, full of concern and a touch of anger.

Star shut his mouth, eyebrows raising at her sudden dominant attitude as she secured the poncho over him. He looked over his shoulder to notice Sandy doing the same for Lighthoof. Steel just seemed mildly amused by it all.

“Right, now that we are ready, let us move post-haste before those magic-wielding feather-dusters decide to come in after us.” She lowered her horn to the padlock— a spark of magic later and it fell away with a soft clatter. Gently, she used her magic to slide the rusted chains away from the handles and rested them aside, gesturing with her head to Steelhoof.

“If you would, sir? The doors are rusted shut and we could use an earth-pony's touch.”

Steelhoof smiled. “It's going to make a lot of racket.”

“With all the bells and fighting going on out there, what is a bit more noise?”

“Fair enough, Miss Dazzle.” The silver pony marched up, spun around and bucked them the iron off their hinges. The pair of metal doors tumbled through the air, slammed into the ground and slid screeching across the wet cobble-stone street a few yards before coming to a stop. He shrugged at the group. “Apologies.”

Starstep reminded himself to never get in a brawl with the big pony.

“Oy, those two nutters are sure to 'ere that, we need to move, now!” Sandy started for the door, Dazzle at her side, her glow-orb winking out.

“Let us go colts!”

Out into the driving rain they charged into the street and sharply to the right towards the nearest intersection not but thirty yards away, the dim lamppost on the corner marking their objective.

Star glanced up as lightning flashed, revealing a trio of griffons on a nearby rooftop spreading their wings as the pony-group galloped past.

“Buck, Dazz, we're spotted.” He called out a warning.

The mare banked hard left into another alley, leaving the others to scramble to catch up. Just as Lighthoof cleared the corner at the rear, a weighted net slammed into the bricks above his head.

“Holy buck!” The pegasus exclaimed, glancing back to see the three griffons land at the alley entrance, chasing after them on claw. “They're on our tails.”

The passage ended at another main-street and Dazzle galloped on out and to the right along the side of the building wall. Down the wet sidewalk they hurried, horseshoes clattering on the hard stone through the shadows and flashes of lightning, a new signpost in sight.

Star's heart sank when two hooded figures landed down the street from them, sickly green runes beginning to appear in the air before them. “Oh, you've got to be bucking kidding me.” He gritted his teeth and drove himself forward as the others faltered and slowed. Before they could complete the magic writing, he gave a war-cry for Luna, tackling the smaller one and causing her runes to vanish. He scrambled to find footing and escape the claws he knew would be seeking his hide when a small bolt of fire and sound smashed against his side. He tumbled over and gasped from the air being knocked from his lungs.

The male hooded figure hissed in displeasure, the air sizzling around him from the magical discharge. That was the last sound he made before Lighthoof smashed into his head with a flying double-hoof to the face, sending the druid head-over-claw to lay sprawled in the street.

The smaller griffon was pulling herself up when Steelhoof marched up and decked her across the face with his right fore-hoof. She went down in a heap, groaning.

Dazzle used her magic to pull Star to his hooves and gestured with her head. “We have to go— more patrols are coming this way.”

Starstep glanced back just in time to notice at least a half-dozen griffons swooping down in their direction from the roof tops, armed with pony-catchers, the first three with nets emerging from the alleyway behind them. He tried to speak but his breath was still short from the magical shot he took, so instead he nodded and pointed towards the only side passage left to them. The streets were too dangerous against so many foes who could fly— they needed tight quarters to even stand a chance.

The group helped him gallop along, Lighthoof and Dazzle leading him from his sides and Sandy taking up the rear. Flashes of yellow and the tingle of magic in the air told him that the mare was firing bolts at their pursuers as they hurried on.

The alley intersected with another, this one nestled in the darkest shadows of a pair of factories, the walls looming so high above them that Dazzle was forced to conjure a glow-orb to light the way. Without hesitation, the unicorn took them to the right and pushed on, coaxing the now stumbling colt at her side.

“I... I'm sorry, Dazz. I'm not feeling so hot right now.” Star said through chattering teeth.

Sandy lingered back a few moments, firing a few more yellow volleys of magic at the griffons and barely dodging a net that sailed by her head. She retreated back to the group, panting. “Oy, we stirred up a right hornet's nest. Seems these lads didn't much like us taking out those druid nutters.”

They passed through a rusty gate that creaked in the wind, emerging into an area with lush wet grass. Something about the gate stirred Star's memory, but he was too focused on just keeping up to care very much.

Lighthoof glanced around as they entered the much more opened area, gasping as lightning flashed. “Oh buck us. Are we where I think we are?”

Dazzle hesitated, letting Star rest against her side as she looked around the pitch-black area. She created a dozen orbs and spun them out in every direction, illuminating all they passed in soft gold light before striking the distant walls.

Grass, Gravestones, and mausoleums.

“Oy, just an old grave-site, a few O' these around Spurlin.” Sandy stated, watching the rooftops as the group gathered up, the sounds of their pursuers was closing.

Lighthoof stepped close to a gravestone, noting in the gentle glow from Dazzle's orb that the moss had been recently scraped off. “Here lies Sir Brownfeather Richard.” He looked up at the unicorn. “Of all the places to end up.”

Steelhoof backed away from the gated entrance, his eyes glanced up at the roof tops. “If this is the place you three used to get back to the fortress, I suggest we use this to our advantage. This graveyard has no other exits.

Lighthoof marched up to the bigger pony. “You just don't get it. You weren't down there. You don't know what nightmares haunt the underground. We may STILL be better off dealing with a swarm of griffons.”

“We are running out of time, Mister Lighthoof. Swallow your fears and let us be off.” The stallion growled.

Dazzle fell into the grass, clutching her fore-hooves over her head. “No, no, no. I cannot go back down there.”

Starstep wavered a few moments, then toppled to her side. He nuzzled at the mare briefly before closing his eyes, giving in to the tiredness that tugged on his eyelids. Sleep was good; he liked sleep, it would just be for a few moments. Nopony would mind.

“Star? Star?!” Somepony shouted at him, dragging him from the welcoming slumber.

“Don't you pass out on us, dude.” Another voice shouted at him. Something told Star that the voice was important to him, yet he couldn't remember why.

A sharp pain across his cheek snapped his eyes open. “Ow.” He moaned, shivering violently, his eyelids so heavy it was a struggle to even focus on the pain.

He looked up into the rain and the dark, noticing green letters on the rooftops. “” He weakly gestured towards it, the shrouded faces around him followed his direction and gasped.

All around them, griffons landed on the roof-tops to the flanks of a pair of hooded figures drawing runes in the air, then circling their words. The old, dead trees in the graveyard creaked and moaned, their trunks flexed back and forth until the roots pulled free of the wet ground. Up the animated wood rose, their branches twisting into make-shift claws that reached out for the pony group.

“Oh, buck this.” Light shouted. “Sandy pickup Star, we're getting outta here.” He lifted Dazzle onto her hooves and shook her shoulders. “Dazz, Star is in trouble and if we don't get down into that tomb, we are too. So suck it up and let's go. Ok?”

She blinked at him, then gave a quiet nod before they led the rest of the group through the reaching animated trees and quickly into the mausoleum. She hesitated after everypony made it through and slammed the well-oiled gate shut, melting the lock with her magic. Then marched down the stairs, terror clawing at her belly with every step.


Star drifted in an out of consciousness, being jostled about like he was. He faintly recalled a blanket being tossed over him and something warm curling up against him. It was nice. He liked warm things.

Eventually, his body temperature rose and with it his wits. He groggily noticed he was under a dirty pile of empty sacks with Dazzle holding him. Her orbs bobbing around them giving quiet gold light. Across the room, Sandy was doing the same for Lighthoof, though he seemed much more aware of what was going on. His eyes roamed the area, noting they were in the secret chamber above the old tomb, one of the massive weapon crates was on top of the hole in the floor. Steelhoof was standing off to the side, studying what appeared to be scrolls tacked to the walls— maps, perhaps. Star wasn't sure in his addled state

“Welcome back, Starstep.” Dazzle whispered in his ear.

“From where?” He choked out.

She smiled and hugged him closer to her coat. It was nice, he liked the warmth and snuggled in, not truly aware of how embarrassed the unicorn was by all this.

A grating sound of stone on metal sounded from the hole to the tomb below and the port swung down. A cry of pain sounded as something thudded into the box sitting on the opening and shouts echoed from below. Claws reached up scrapping at the wood to find purchase and in an attempt to push it aside.

“Oy, persistent bunch.” Sandy sighed, slipping from her spot next to Lighthoof. “Time to go lads and lass.” She trotted over to the rickety wood door nailed over the hole in the wall and used her magic to grasp the handle.

Star noticed what she was doing and sat up. “NO!”

Sandy hesitated, looking over her shoulder at him. “We can't stay here, them blokes are gonna get in 'fore long.”

Steelhoof ripped the map from the wall and rolled it up, tucking it into a makeshift bandoleer he had crafted out of discarded burlap in the room. “She's quite right, Mister Starstep. If this is the way out, then we must take it. The clock is ticking, and the longer we linger, the greater the damage to the ponies you all swore to protect.”

He was right, and the griffons clawing and stabbing with weapons at the crate grew more frantic. A few of the smarter ones began sticking rods through the gap, trying to leverage the box aside.

Star gave a heavy sigh and stood, Dazzle raising up to support him if he needed it. He looked at her, noting the way her eyes drifted to the floor, her shoulders slumped and short tail drooping low. Gently he brushed aside her pale-blue mane and tilted up her chin to look into her green eyes, forcing her to give him her full attention. “We guards are here for each other, Dazz. You saved my rump today, so it's my turn to return the favor. I'd never hear the end of it from Luna if I didn't." He smiled at her. "We'll just take the exact path we did last time and go right up those stairs and out of there. We're Night-Guards and we have a job to do. Are you going to be ok?”

She nodded, biting her lower lip as she turned her head to glance at the rickety door.

Lighthoof filed into position next to Sandy, a confiscated short-sword from the crates of weapons in a make-shift belt of burlap. With a nod from him, the unicorn tugged open the door and the cold ancient air from the old ruins rushed in.

Star put his wing over Dazz's back and coaxed her towards the passage. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Hey, with two unicorns, we'll be just fine." The tale-tell chill up his spine argued otherwise and his words seemed hollow in his ears. But then, he wasn't the one he was trying to convince, was he?


The five ponies trotted down the tunnel, cautious but hurried. Five golden orbs brilliantly shimmered from where they floated above each head and Sandy's horn glowed like a beacon of sunlight, giving the group a good ten yard radius of illumination. Yet, no matter the light, Starstep craved more, the feeling of that shadowy presence growing more intense with every step into the old ruins. He didn't bother telling the others; there was no point in panicking them unnecessarily.

Dazzle took the lead, again using her tracking spell on Luna's feather to guide their path. Star was right on her flank, giving her a reassuring smile every time she glanced back nervously. Behind him was Sandy and her sunlight horn spell, acting as the center of their protection, with Lighthoof behind her and Steelhoof in the rear.

Steelhoof seemed absolutely fascinated by the ruins, his eyes examining everything they passed as they made their way deeper into the old city. While his excitement soared, the other ponies felt their confidence fall with each step. Even Sandy, who had never been here, began to feel the effects of the old city, her ears dipping and taking occasional fearful glances behind them

“Did you know,” Steel began, his voice shattering the stillness. “That this is not pony architecture? I had heard that the old unicorn tribes had hidden down here from the windigos, but even they didn't build this. It's far older than that.”

Star had forgotten that talking seemed to push back the ever crushing feeling of despair that permeated the place. “You're awfully forthcoming with information today, Mister Steelhoof.”

The big stallion shrugged. “It's been an... eventful day. Let us just say that I'm in a generous mood this evening.”

“So, if the old unicorn tribe just borrowed the place after the tribe split during the migration, who did it belong to?”

“Best guess based on some of the inscriptions on the wall, griffons. A rather large griffon clan at that. Perhaps the largest ever in their recorded history. I'd almost venture to guess that this was the hub of their civilization a very long time ago.”

Dazzle gave a heavy sigh. “Five bits says this place is somehow related to the Red Empress.” Her ears flattened against her head as she peered into the dark ahead of them.

Lighthoof spoke up. “Why do you say that?”

“Well, think about it. Of all the towns along the borders they could attack they have been focusing a lot of attention here. It's quite possible that they want this city back as a place to rebuild their empire.”

Lighthoof gave a shiver. “Do you think that... thing... is the Red Empress' ghost?”

“No.” Star began. “I'm pretty sure it's something related to the pony tribes. Gut feeling. Let's not talk about... it, anymore. Draws attention.” He saw Dazzle shiver and he gave her a friendly touch of his nose to her shoulder, reassuring the unicorn that he was still there. A thought occurred to him and he turned to look at Sandy and Steelhoof. “By the way, you're not suppose to be down here. You were never down here and you know NOTHING about this place.”

Sandy blinked in confusion and Steel's eyebrows rose.

“Um...” Sandy began. “What do yah mean, love?”

“Princess' orders. If this wasn't some life or death situation, you wouldn't be here. Nopony is suppose to know about this place.”

“Of course, love.” She nodded her head. “Mah muzzle is zipped.”

Steel just grinned. “Oh, I think you'll find your order rather difficult to enforce, Mister Starstep.”

Star halted in his tracks, bringing the others to a sudden stop. He marched back and looked up at the large pony defiantly. “Princess' official command. You DO NOT talk about this place to anypony, or griffon or whatever. I know you're in the business of information but this is off-limits.”

“My, my— the little pegasus has grown a spine.” Steel narrowed his eyes, a sly smile spreading across his muzzle. “I do not work for the Princesses, so why should I follow that order without compensation?”

Star hesitated. “What if you did?”

At that, the silver earth-stallion's eyebrows rose up and a flicker of surprise graced his face.

“What are you proposing, Mister Starstep?”

“A job as an agent for Princess Luna. You're really good at ferreting out information from places that... good ponies don't tend to have access to.”

“Why, Mister Starstep, what ever are you implying." He smirked. "However, that does sound intriguing, but I rather like not being ordered around by other ponies, no offense, Miss Dazzle.”

“None taken, Mister Steelhoof.” She replied.

Starstep cocked his head to the side. “If you answered directly to Princess Luna, and myself?”

“Hmm...” He tapped a hoof to his chin in thought. “That could be acceptable. Very well, I agree on the condition that Princess Luna and I personally work out the arrangement of my employment and you must accept the terms that we sign into contract.” He stuck out his hoof. “Deal, Mister Starstep?”

Star didn't like the way that was worded at all, but if anypony could handle the slippery information-broker, it was his wife. He shook the much larger pony's hoof. “Deal. Remember, no word about this place to another soul.”

Steelhoof grinned like a cat. “Not a word.”

“Listen, lads, that's all well 'n good, but them griffons be on 'ar tails. We'd best be moving on. 'Sides, place sends a chill up mah spine.” Sandy glanced up and down the hallway into the blackness beyond their light.

Lighthoof nodded. “Yeah, seriously, my wings are twitching again, we gotta go, dude.”

The five ponies continued on until the walls fell away, revealing the stone archway that gracefully curved over the black chasm below. Unfortunately for Star, it was just as small as he remembered, just a few ponies wide with the railing long since rotted away. In single file, the five began across, only Steelhoof brave enough to look down into the abyss. He just smiled at it.

Halfway across the big stallion froze, ears swiveling. Lighthoof too seemed on edge, crouching low with his wings half unfurled.

“Oy, what it be lads?” Sandy whispered.

Steel waved a hoof at her to be silent, his ears like little silver radars. He turned so his front was facing the way they came, backing up slowly. “Off the bridge.” He hissed urgently. “Something's coming."

Star heard Dazzle whimper and squashed his own feeling of panic that wallowed in his gut. He nudged her forward with his hooves and gestured Sandy on ahead past him. He slipped past Lighthoof and up to the big stallion's side, staring into the blackness. He still felt like they were being watched, but not necessarily pursued like last time. No— that hadn't started till they had crossed the bridge into ghost territory. He wondered if there was a connection or if it was just a coincidence.

There was the grunt of someone from the far end of the archway and Steelhoof shoved him aside just as a rod of metal and wood whistled through the air where his head had been. Unfortunately for Star, the push sent him over the edge, flapping fanatical with his half-grown wings out of instinct.

Lighthoof dove from the bridge to catch his flailing friend, wrapping his hooves around his waist and tugging upwards away from the abyss below. “Come on dude, I gotcha.”

A winged form crashed into them, clawing and roaring at the pair as the three became entangled and plummeted away from the bridge. Star could just make out the sounds of fighting above them as the light from the other three faded into the distance and his own orb began to flicker as he smashed his hoof against their attacker. They rebounded off a sloped wall as they tumbled, then again off something old and wooden, the debris whistling around them.

There was a sickening crunch and the air was knocked from his lungs as they came to a bone-jarring stop, wood and stone tumbling all around and above them in a roar of destruction. Then silence after the last bits of rock clattered to stillness.

It took a few moments for Star to shake off the daze from the impact, groaning as he started flexing his limbs to make sure they were all working.

“Star, dude? Please tell me that's your hoof stroking my chin.” Lighthoof asked from the darkness.

“Yeah, it's me.” He coughed the dust from his lungs then carefully slid his limbs from the others. “Are you whole, Light?”

There was some grunting and shuffling about. “Might've sprained my hoof, it's a bit sore, but otherwise I'm good. Think our little friend here took the brunt of the fall.” There was the sound of something feathery being ruffled. “No heartbeat, he's gone.”

There was a quiet moment then Star felt a hoof gently tapping on his side. He grasped the hoof and pulled his friend close. “Right here.”

“...please, please tell me we're not in a dark hole, in an old ruins, with a ghost that makes me want to piss myself and no light to keep it at bay.”

“Alright, I wont.”

“Not funny, dude. So not bucking funny.” Light's hoof began to tremble in Star's grasp. “I think I got cut, dude, stings on the side of my neck.”

“Hold on, Light. I'm gonna check it, just don't get the wrong idea.”

Light gave a nervous chuckle as Star felt down his friend's neck with his hooves till he hissed in pain near his right shoulder. The blue-grey pegasus nosed down it, using the tip of his sensitive muzzle to get a more detailed feel of the injury, smelling coppery blood near the wound.

“Yeah, some blood, but it doesn't feel deep. I think this guy just got a lucky claw on you.”

“Star... I... I'm freaking out a little. I feel the earth pushing in on us, and something is here in the dark. I can't see and it's cramped, I... I... I can't...” The pony started to breathe faster and faster, gasping for air.

Starstep hugged his friend. “Stay with me, Light, don't hyperventilate, deep breathes. We've been through this before.” Still the other pegasus was gasping for air, shuddering in Star's grasp.

“Remember when we were new recruits and got trapped in the accidental cave-in on that training exercise? We didn't really know each other then, but I promised I'd have your back and help you through it.” The rapid breathes slowed a little. “We sat for hours in that dark cave, just talking about growing up and why we joined the guards. I remember you laughed your head off at my determination at being Princess Luna's special somepony, but you still respected me for it, just like I respected your wanting to protect everypony.”

Light shivered hard in Star's grasp, his chest still heaving slightly. “Light, listen to me." He shook the other pegasus softly. "You're not alone. You're never alone. We're in this together. You told me the thing you wanted most in life was a real family. Well I'm your family and you're mine.” He hugged his friend and adopted brother tight. “So don't you bucking pass out on me and leave me alone down here.”

There was a long pause before Star felt the other pegasus hug him back. Even longer before he heard Light cough and sniff. “Y-You're not alone, dude.”

Quietly, the two extracted their limbs and sat next to each other, the faint touching of coats keeping their fears partially in check in the absolute blackness.

“So...” Light began nervously. “Do we attempt to fly straight up? I can't see a thing up there. I'm afraid of smashing into the roof.”

“I don't know.” Star hung his head and touched the feather on his chest, still damp from all the earlier rain. “Luna, we really need your help. Please, oh please, if you can hear me, or feel my need, is there anything you can do? Please, my love, my wife, I need your help.”

He waited with baited breath, but nothing happened. Just them in the darkness.

“Well,” Light said. “I guess that's it.”

Then the feather on Star's chest began to glow, faintly at first, then a brilliant blue, giving them a little light to fight back the darkness. It wasn't much, but hope sparked in their hearts.

Star smiled at the glowing plumage then up at his friend. “Guess we better make good use of this while we can.”

Without hesitating, Lighthoof picked up his friend and flapped upwards a few feet, halting when the light illuminated the rubble that had collapsed in their wake. “Bucking tartarus, the way up is blocked.” He landed, keeping close to the only light source, his eyes flicked to the inky black around them.

Star nodded, turning to use the feather to inspect Light's wound. It was a light cut of three claw marks and would leave a scar, but the bleeding had stopped. He then turned to inspect the griffon on the floor.

It was the usual white feathered, brown coated type that was common amongst their kind, but with tribal red war-paint all along it's chest and face. There was no sign of it's weapon, just an empty steel ring on it's belt. The way its back twisted at an odd angle confirmed the cause of death. With that matter settled, he did a quick circle around the room, noting in a junction two passages out, the third blocked by the debris. So, with a deep breath, he chose a direction and trotted with Lighthoof tight on his side, the nervous pegasus looking this way and that.

The air was stale and a chill crept up Star's legs the further they ventured down the tunnel, but something in him told him that this was the way back to his love. Maybe it was just deluded hope, but it was better than second guessing in this forgotten pit. He had to hold onto that flicker of hope, the eerie feeling from the thing had grown stronger and he swore he could feel her breath from time to time. But he bit his lip and soldiered on, keeping a brave face for his already frightened brother.

The sound of their hooves against the dusty floor echoed in the eerie stillness and out of the corner of his eyes he swore he saw after-images of ponies in ancient dress, screaming at him in silent faces of horror. Pleading with him for help. He shivered, hoping Light didn't see them. The pony already had a serious issue with dark, cramped underground places as it was. Despite there only being the sound of their hooves, he could just make out whispers fading in and out of his hearing. They didn't seem to be coming from any particular direction, and he could not make out any specific words no matter how hard he strained.

Something laughed to their right, spinning them around to face it, but there was nothing but the ancient wall.

On and on the tunnel ran, past broken gates and long forgotten corpses of ponies in surprisingly preserved ancient armor. The pair avoided stepping near the bones as much as possible, asking forgiveness when they accidentally kicked a piece into the darkness. He saw ghosts of the guards wailing silently when the blue-light of Luna's feather fell away from them. Just a glimmer of who they were out of the corner of his eyes before they were no longer visible.

“You see them, don’t you dude?” Light whispered, his wings drooping low, ears laid back, tail tucked.

“Yeah, but they can't hurt us. Don't be afraid. Luna told me once that ghosts were like photographs.”

Light gave the faintest of whimpers. “I'm more afraid of what did it to them.” He whispered even softer.

Old music drifted through the tunnel for just a moment, a memory of string and drum, then gone. Laughter, and whispers, then silence again. It reminded Star of an old record player that Granny Smith had. Sometimes it'd get caught and loop the same few notes over and over.

He wondered if these ancient ponies were forever locked in their own loop, doomed to repeat a moment in their life for all eternity. And judging by the expression of most, that moment was probably their last.

Star's ears perked a moment before Light's. They heard humming, distant, way down the tunnel. Halting in their tracks, they strained to make it out, but it was just the faintest of noises from this far away. Unlike the snippets of music or eerie whispers, this humming was continuous.The pegasi shared a cautious look then crept down the passage to a junction in the tunnel. The soft melody seemed to be coming from a stairway that led further down, the door that had marked the passage had been blown clear of it's hinges, fragments of bronze embedded in the opposing wall. Down the stairs he could just make out another doorway, a soft blue light glowing from within, and the music coming from inside.

The blue-grey pegasus took his friend's shoulders in his hooves. “You ok with checking this out? Could be somepony who can help us or needs our help.”

“Y-yeah. Just...don't leave my side, dude. I'm just keeping it in check.” He ducked his head, his ears still flattened against his skull.

“Alright, come on, let's get to the bottom of this.” He marched down the stairs, Lighthoof right on his flank.

The stairs led straight down to another blown-out door which opened up into a large chamber, the center of which was recessed down a few broad stairs. Star looked around from the entrance, not daring to breach the threshold till he knew what they were dealing with.

At the exact center of the room was a single pillar, about three ponies tall, carved with glowing white-blue runes which gently illuminated the center area, leaving the far corners still bathed in black shadows. There was no other entrance, the walls made of polished white-stone though scarred badly in some places, and even tale-tell scorch marks of magical blasts on others. The bones of hundreds of ponies laid scattered across the entire room, most of them piled up at the door, limbs reaching out as though they were attempting to escape something when they died. A terrible chill ran up Star's spine and he felt Lighthoof pressing against his side, trembling.

He looked back to the pillar to examine it a little more, noting two chains ran from the top descending down until they ended in metal collars that encircled the necks of what appeared to be the preserved skeletons of two alicorns. He noticed their horns were embedded in each others ribs and he had to clutch at his muzzle to keep from spewing up his dinner. His pony instincts screamed that something about this was so horribly wrong that he fought back the urge to run until he could run no more.

Lighthoof behind him collapsed to his belly and wept.

“Why are you weeping?” A gentle voice asked, sweet and innocent, so much that Star could not resist looking for its source despite the horror that laid before him.

Off sitting on one of the piles of bones, a filly— a glowing white alicorn filly, he corrected himself— was looking at them curiously.

“If you are sad, perhaps you would care to play dolls with me? That always cheers me up.” She bound from the pile to land on a relatively clear part of the room, her ghostly aura picking up two pony-shaped dolls made of bone and fabric, floating one over to rest before Lighthoof but not crossing the threshold of the doorway. “It's been a long time since I've had any pony besides my sister to play with, and she doesn't much care for dolls these days.”

Star finally fought back the bile that rose in his throat from the horror at the pillar and the implications as he choked out a response. “Who are you?”

She ignored his question, mimicking a pony trotting across the floor with her doll, humming softly to herself.

“Where's your sister?”

“Oh, she is around. She likes to wander about the castle scaring ponies. She thinks it is most amusing.” The filly giggled softly, a strange ethereal echo to her laugh.

Star glanced down at Lighthoof who couldn't seem to take his eyes off the filly, tears glistening on his cheeks in the light from the pillar and Luna's feather.

“Can... Can we help you in any way? We like helping ponies.”

His question seemed to catch her by surprise, her large eyes looking at him, ears perked.

“Wont the others get mad? Mistress Silver tried to help us once...” The filly took her doll into her hooves and stroked the fabric mane, looking away. “They did awful things to her.” The memory faded into nothing as she seemed to immediately brighten up again. “Oh, and there were a few others. I remember that one tried too.” She pointed her hoof at Star, or more precisely, the feather on his chest. “I very much liked her, she was beautiful and kind, but she listened too much to sister. Sister is always angry at other ponies.”

“You met Princess Luna?”

She nodded, happily playing with her doll again.

His mouth went dry, suspicion on the edge of his mind. “Who... Who is your sister?”

The little alicorn ignored the question, content with her toy.

Star sighed, looking down to Light and poking him with a fore-hoof till the other pegasus looked up at him. “Should we try to help her?”

“Dude... they... they.” He gestured at the alicorn skeletons impaled on each other.

“I know, but let's focus on what's important right now. Maybe if we can help this little filly out, she can help us get home?”

“Home?” The filly's eyes brightened. “I would like to go home. I miss Momma and Poppy.”

“If we can help you go home, will you help us go home too?” Star asked, to which the little alicorn nodded rapidly.

“You wish to go back to her, right?” The pony pointed at the feather again.

“Yeah, I miss her.”

She smiled brightly and pointed at the pillar. “You just have to break that. Then my sister and I will be free for good. I will show you the way home if you break it.”

“That sounds fair.” He met her smile and placed one foot into the room. Lighthoof reached out to grasp one of his back-hooves.

“Bad idea, bad idea. Don't go in there.” The pegasus pleaded.

“I thought you liked helping ponies.”

“But it's a ghost, dude." Lighthoof hissed. "An alicorn ghost. Of two alicorns who KILLED each other, dude. There is so much horribly wrong with this picture I could scream.” He tugged on Star's leg. "Let's leave."

“It's real simple, we knock that thing over, she helps us. The end. Who knows how long she's been stuck down here. It's not right, no matter what the circumstances.” He sighed and turned to face his friend fully. “Lighthoof, as a favor to me, will you help? Please?”

“Duuuude, I'm so going to regret this, aren’t I?” Lighthoof said as he stood up on trembling legs, his ears splayed back, wings drooping so bad the largest primaries were dusting the floor.

“Just think of the size of the favor you get to call in later.” Star smirked at his brother.

“If we live that long.” Light whispered.

Together the pegasi marched into the room as the filly watched curiously, bounding over to walk between them, causing Lighthoof to snort and take a momentary step back towards the exit. She beamed a joyful smile up at Starstep as they approached the pair of corpses and the ever glowing pillar.

“Who are you two? We don't get many pegasi visitors. The unicorns here don't like them very much.” The little filly asked, her voice full of cheer despite the macabre surroundings.

“I'm Starstep, and this is Lighthoof. We're Royal Guards.” He smiled down at the little pony.

At the last of his statement, the filly's pupils shrank and she stopped in her tracks, tears rolling down her cheeks. Then she screamed and wailed so loudly that Star and Light had to cover their ears with a limb, backing away from the screeching pony towards the center.

“Sister! Sister! Help! They're going to hurt us again!”

"No, no, we're not gonna hurt you! Please stop, we're here to help!" Star protested over her fearful crying. Yet she paid no heed to his words, screaming out like a small foal for her sister.

It was then that Star noticed the shadows in the room grew denser, seeming to devour the light from the pillar and swirl about madly. It encircled them, rolling and boiling like clouds of black mist. A terrible chill filled the room and Star's heart, gripping at him like an icy claw that just continued to squeeze. He fought to breathe as the shadows swept up between the pegasi and the weeping filly, twice his height it loomed, imposing and terrifying. Ever single dark desire he'd ever had in his life swept into the forefront of his mind and threaten to overwhelm him in absolute despair.

Beside him, Lighthoof was whimpering, cowering before this embodiment of terror that had rolled in, and Star wasn't fairing much better. Somewhere in his mind, he was screaming at himself to run, to grab his friend and never look back, but he couldn't, his limbs wouldn't respond as those teal cat-like irises rose up from the swirling shadows and in moments took form.

Standing before the colts was the source of fear in these depths, the presence of unspeakable terror that lingered at the edges of the mind. And as she glared down at them angrily, Starstep could only managed to whisper her name as his limbs gave out and he found himself curled up in a whimpering ball at her hooves.

“Nightmare Moon.”

Chapter L

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To Love the Moon
Chapter L
By Indigo Eclipse

“She's not real,” Starstep whispered to himself his hooves curling up against his body and eyes squeezing shut as his body shivered.

“She's not real. She's not real.”

“Oh, but I am.” An icy voice breathed directly into his ear causing the colt to huddle in on himself more.

Starstep whimpered, “Wake up, Star, it's just a dream.”

“Oh no, little foal, the nightmares have yet to begin.” The cold voice promised as the pegasus felt a chilling caress against his cheek, brushing down his jaw, causing his limbs to jerk involuntarily.

“Luna, please help me,” The frightened pony prayed ever so softly as he and Lighthoof, cowered in the presence of Nightmare Moon. They were utterly alone, lost deep in the forgotten ruins of her crypt.

“Now why would she bother helping you?” the voice whispered, like the sound of a blade pulled from the scabbard. Star whimpered, hearing the click of hooves circle him, still trembling from the last touch.

“You are nothing to her. A subject--a tool to be used.”

“N-not t-true.” He heard the hooves stop near his head and he heard her inhale near his neck, the warmth from his body being pulled away.

"Mmmm." There was a pause as she savored the fragrance of the living. Star wondered what she would do next when he felt the prickling sensation of sharp teeth rubbing against his ear. He whimpered and flinched, pulling his sensitive flesh from her mouth. Nightmare laughed sadistically. “Do tell.”

“S-She l-loves me.”

The Nightmare threw back her head, her laughter like a cracking whip. “Love? We must not be talking about the same alicorn, little foal. The one who desired ALL to know of her pain and sadness-- Of her jealousy and hate.” She hissed the last word.

“Still...” the darkness mused as the hooves began to trot around Star in a slow circle. “She saved you and the other foal once from my nightmares. Perhaps you are a very useful tool.”

“I-I'm not..a-a-a tool.” Star resisted the urge to wet himself as he felt the ghostly chill of a hoof stroke along his flank.

“No? Then tell me little foal. What are you to her?” Her hoof jabbed sharply into his cutie-mark, causing him to cry out.

Once he regained enough of his senses to speak, he answered through chattering teeth. “I-I-I'm her hus-husband.”

“Her husband? HAHAHAH! Oh, little foal, you are the most useful tool of all.” The dark mare stepped away from him and approached the other cowering pegasus. “And this one? Why is he resisting me as well? Are you two part of her herd?”

Star heard Lighthoof cry out and struggled to look, but his eyelids refused to open. “Leave him alone!” he choked out, tears seeping out and down his cheeks.

“Oh, why ever would I do that? You are nothing to me. It is SO much more fun to watch your kind suffer,” she hissed. From the darkness, Lighthoof cried out again, sobbing uncontrollably.

Star could hear her inhale. “Mmm...oh, my. This one has such deliciously dark dreams. Perhaps you would like to hear about the nightmares of his foal-hood?” When Star didn't answer she continued. “In his dream, this wretched pony misbehaved and his step-father locks him under the floorboards of his mother's bedroom. And then he was forced to listen in that dark little hole as she serviced pony, after pony, after pony. But oh, that's not even the best part!” She laughed delightfully and Light gave a sobbing whimper. “He wanted touch himself and after a while he wished that he could join in. So very twisted."

“You lie!” Star couldn't force his eyes open, but he managed to will his right fore-hoof to stretch out and with tremendous effort, pull his shivering body towards his crying friend.

A cold hoof planted itself on his forehead and the dark mare gave a light chuckle. “Oh, eager to see your own dark little dreams, are we? I wonder… what things lurk in the mind of Luna's little tool?”

The blackness behind Star’s eyelids flashed suddenly to a vivid image of the mining caverns under Ponyville. He saw Applebloom, her legs bound to the floor with heavy chains, bridled with a bit, blindfolded with a strip of cloth, and her tail pulled up and tied over her back. He remembered finding her like this on his first trip to the slave mines. But something was off… He wasn’t exactly experiencing a memory. The colt found his body walking of its own accord towards the bound and struggling mare around to her rear half where her privates were on full display. He screamed against the confines of his own mind to turn away, to help her even, but instead his body lifted up and he felt his barrel slide against her tail-base. He could feel their coats rubbing as he slid up to mount the young mare as she cried from under the blindfold, and pleaded for him to stop from around the bit jammed in her muzzle.

“No, no, no! STOP!” he screamed at himself as his body shifted to align with the sobbing filly.

He awoke, retching onto the dusty stone floor, gasping for breath after his belly was empty. All the while, the Dark Mare laughed over him. His mind latched onto pieces of the dream, replaying the event over and over, tormenting him.

The Nightmare leaned down, her head next to his, chilling air from her nostrils frosted the end of his muzzle. “Oh, you are a wretched colt. Did you enjoy that? How about another?”

Star was on a rocky outcropping overlooking a river of molten lava, red light illuminating the cavern and casting sharp shadows on the ponies around him. Before him on the edge, Copper stood, legs bound together so he wobbled uncertainly. Bound next to him was another figure, and another—a long line of shadowy forms, all teetering at the brink.

His body marched forward and he faintly knew that a crowd had gathered behind him to watch. His subjects, his dream told him. He could also sense her majesty, the Queen of Equestria watching from her throne, a smile on her lips as her Champion preformed his duty.

“For crimes against Queen Luna and her subjects, I judge you all guilty, and hereby sentence you to death by my hoof. May the Goddess have mercy on your treacherous souls.”

He took the last step forward and smiled at Copper's, reveling in the fear that played out on the shadowed face of the slaver and rapist. “I only wish I could give you a slower death, but then, you're lucky I don't play favorites." Star laughed as he flicked the unicorn on the horn, watching the disgusting pony's expression change from pleading to panic to terror as he tipped to the point of no return and fell screaming to his fiery death. Star grinned as he stepped to the next.

It was the griffon from the ambassador's party who had called Luna some rather nasty names. His beak was stuffed with a rag soaked with his own tears. He mumbled through the cloth to Star in some sort of desperate plea to save himself. Star turned his head, his ear leaning close. “I'm sorry, was there something you wanted to say?” The Griffon mumbled again and Star nodded. “Oh, I see. That changes everything.” He turned his head back and looked the griffon right in the eyes, smiling wickedly. “Long live the Queen.” He kicked the griffon between the hind-legs, toppling the groaning creature to his death as well.

The next in line was a trembling orange pegasus. Star knew what was coming before the dream even relieve the next in line for executions. He willed himself not to look, to stop the madness, but he seemed to have no control in this dream, he was just along for the ride.

Scootaloo looked at him fearfully, her wings strapped to her body as she wobbled about with her four-legs bound like the others. Tears streaked down her orange cheeks. “Why, Star?” She choked out.

“Because you took advantage of Luna's kindness. She gave you every chance to come clean and work it out between us and instead you spat in her outstretched hoof and tore out my heart. I wish you had trusted me enough to tell me at the start, but I wish more that you had listened to Luna. She trusted you and you betrayed her.”

NO” Star heard himself scream. “NO, DON'T DO IT! IT'S NOT HER FAULT!

“I'm so sorry, Star... I still love you,” Scootaloo pleaded, lowering her head, ears flattening as tears dripped from her muzzle.

“I wish I could say the same.” Star reached out a hoof and tilted the filly over the edge, watching her fall with as a sense of satisfaction rushed through his body.

“NOooooo!” Star screamed into the darkness of the crypt, staring up at the laughing face of a black alicorn. When his brain realized he was back in reality, he buried his head under his fore-hooves and rocked back and forth, trying to shake away the look of betrayal on Scootaloo's face. “Scoots, oh, forgive me, my Scoots.”

Nightmare grinned at his pain. “Oh, this is so much fun. I wonder what other little bits of darkness are hiding in your head?” A black ghostly hoof to tugged Star’s chin from under his fore-hooves, forcing him to look at her serpentine eyes. “Oh, poor little pony,” she mocked. “It's just a dream, it doesn't mean anything.” She sneered, her fangs showing even in her shadowy body. “I show you only your own desires, from the deepest, darkest depths of your heart, my dear Starstep,”” She leaned down to stare into his eyes, nose to nose.

“Sister?” the meek voice of the white glowing alicorn spoke up from where she hid behind her macabre doll.

Nightmare Moon turned her head and smiled at the other spirit. “Yes, my dear?”

She looked down at her doll, stroking its fabric mane. “Can you stop scaring them for a little bit?” She flicked her eyes upwards for a moment. “I thought they might like to play with me.”

The black alicorn let go of Starstep, letting him sob quietly as he curled into a ball, repeatedly whispering his apologies to the Scootaloo and Applebloom. She stepped over to her smaller sister and draped a black, shadowy wing around her. “Are you sure? They did scare you after all.”

“I know.” She peeked bashfully over the skull-head of the doll. “I'm sorry sister. They said they were Royal Guards.” She hugged her doll to her chest. “So I sort of panicked.”

“I see.” The dark, shadowy figure hugged her sister to her chest and stroked a black hoof down her white cheek. “Don't worry, little one, they'll never hurt you ever again… never ever.” She paused. “What changed your mind, little sister?”

The white pony hugged her and glanced over her shoulder at the crying colts. “I saw into his eyes. He really does love Luna even though she's like us. He dies calling out her name.”

“Then he is a greater foal than I thought.” The Nightmare turned her head and sneered at the weeping ponies before looking down at her sister, teal eyes full of concern. “Are you certain you don't want me to continue? Just think—you'd soon have parts for a new dolly!”

The filly shook her head. “No. I’d rather have somepony to play with. It's so lonely down here, and you don't like playing dolls anymore.”

The larger spirit cocked her head for a moment in thought. “Very well little sister. Just for you.”

“Yay!” the smaller exclaimed, leaning up to rub noses with the other. “So... no more spooky scary for them? They're not very fun curled up like that.”

The Nightmare chuckled sadistically, smiling at her little sister. “I find them quite entertaining, but I suppose sisters should share their toys.” She ran a black hoof down the smaller alicorn's white mane. “Very well—enjoy our guests. I still have other intruders to deal with.” She glanced back at the two trembling pegasi. “If these two wretches give you any trouble, call for me, and I will finish this.”

The white alicorn nodded cutely. “I will, sister.” She giggled when the black alicorn kissed her on the nose and then the big sister vanished in a swirl of smoke and shadow. “Have fun with the griffons!” She called out to the empty air.

Star didn't know how long he and Lighthoof laid there amidst the bones and dust, sobbing quietly in their own mental prisons of despair, their minds unable to put away the terrible dreams that the Nightmare had shown them.

Though, after a while, Star's tears stopped flowing and he simply rocked back and forth on the dusty, ancient floor, his mind stuck in a loop of thoughts, whispering apologies and wondering if he truly was a terrible pony.

A chilling presence alerted him to the little white filly sitting at his side. He tried to ignore her as she began to stroke his frazzled mane, buried in his own self-loathing.

“I don't think you're a bad pony, Sir Starstep.”

Star cringed as the image of Scootaloo being tipped off the ledge by his hoof flickered in the back of his mind. He gave a little whimper.

“Sister's dreams are just dreams. You just have to let go and accept that you could have done some of those things.” She whispered, ghostly hoof petting him as she would a dog.

“N-no... I-I would never...”

She giggled. “Well of course not. That's what makes it so scary—but you could have, right?”


She smiled patiently. "I asked if you could have, not if you would have. There is a difference."

A fragment of his thoughts asked the very same thing. Could he ever hurt Scoots like that? With Copper and that griffon, there was no question that he wanted to hurt them, though he'd already done that to one of them… but Scootaloo? And what about raping Applebloom? How could he even consider it? It was so foul and dark that he fought back a bout of dry-heaves, his belly long since emptied.

Yet... some primal, angry part of him flickered into his thoughts, normally buried under his kind nature and morals. For the briefest of moments he realized that he wanted Scootaloo to hurt like he had when she walked away. And Applebloom? Yeah, that ancestor of a pony in him saw her as a rutt-able mare, bound up for breeding.

The thoughts rubbed sharply against everything that made Star the pony he was, but then he slowly began to relize that was the point. A chill washed through him as he came to terms with what the little filly was explaining to him. He knew he did his best to be a good pony, to follow his moral compass. But if that guide was gone, what would stop him from becoming the beast in those dreams? What voices of reason would be left in his head to stop him from taking advantage of Applebloom or causing Scootaloo to suffer for the pain she caused to Luna and himself?

Starstep shivered, finally coming to terms with a terrible reality; There was a thin line that separated him from the monsters.

In time his mind was able to focus again. But he couldn't shake the feeling of anger and self-hate. The actions of his dream-self still lingered in the back of his mind.

The filly stepped away as he gritted his teeth and rose up on shaky legs like a newborn foal. With staggering steps, he bridged the gap between himself and Lighthoof, flopping down on his belly next to his crying friend. With a heavy hoof, he rested it on his brother, leaning near his ear and whispering the secret to ending the torment. Over and over he told him to accept it, to understand the dark place in all ponies that it came from.

Perhaps an hour had passed with Star doing what he could to calm Lighthoof. He wasn't sure of the time down here in the darkness, but his friend did stop crying, and the shivering ceased. Eventually the tan pegasus turned to blink up at Star and the brothers shared a hug. He looked over Light's shoulder at the ghost filly.

“Thank you,” Star whispered to her, afraid of attracting her terrible sister again, but offering a faint smile.

She nodded, returning the smile, her doll tucked in one fore-hoof. “I'm very sorry for all of this. Sister doesn't like other ponies very much and Royal Guards scare me a lot.”

He put two and two together as Lighthoof struggled to his hooves. “Did the guards back in your day do bad things to you?”

She looked down at her doll, hiding her muzzle behind it as she gave a little nod.

Star glanced around to the still-armored pony corpses then back to her. A part of him began to wonder if these ponies deserved what they got. Shaking off the dark thought, he turned his attention back to the little alicorn.

“What do I call you?”

She shrugged. “I don't have a name anymore, neither does sister. We don't remember it.” She wouldn't meet his gaze.

“But I thought your sister was named Nightmare Moon?”

The little alicorn shook her head. “No. Nightmare is just a name some of these bad ponies gave her. She doesn't remember her real name either.”

The blue-grey pegasus gave her a hesitant smile. "Would you like me to give you one?”

The filly's eyes widened and she looked up at him, ears perked to attention. “I would, very much.”

His smile warmed a little towards her, trying his best to ignore the thought of her twisted sister returning at any moment. “Well, you helped us out of a really dark place, so... how about Dawn?”

“It's pretty, I like it.”

Hoping he'd gotten on the spirit's good side he gestured with his head towards the exit. “So um, Dawn, could you show us how to get home? No offense, but I really don't want to be here when your sister gets back.”

Her ears drooped and the smile vanished. “Y-you don't want to stay and play with me?”

Lighthoof gave a cough, clearing his throat before he answered. “It's not that (cough) we don’t want to play, but a lot of ponies need us up above.” He gave a weak smirk. “That, and your sister scares the piss out of me.”

Star elbowed his friend but kept his eyes on the filly. “Dawn, you're a very nice filly, but Light's right. We were on our way to help our Princesses. You know, Luna? Some really bad griffons are trying to hurt her and the other ponies up above.”

She looked down, sitting back on her haunches with her doll clutched tight to her chest. “No pony wants to play. They only want to say mean things or do bad things to me.” She sniffed.

The blue-grey pegasus held up a hoof. “Now, wait a sec. It's not that we don't want to play, it's just that we have a job to do. A lot of ponies need our help.”

The filly squeezed her doll so tight that the little skull popped off and clattered to Light's hooves. He lept back a few steps, cringing. With a cry of frustration, Dawn tossed the rest of the doll away and turned her back on the two colts. “I asked for help too.” She sniffed and rubbed her foreleg across her eyes. “Fine… leave like everypony else!” She jerked a hoof towards the door. "Follow him, he'll guide you home."

Star and Light followed her gesture, noticing a large glowing green moth, flapping about in the hallway outside the door.

Light raised an eyebrow. "Huh, a Luna Moth. I haven't seen those since I was a foal." He blinked and stretched his neck out. "Eeeexcept I can see through that one." He looked at filly. "A ghost moth, seriously?"

Dawn hunched her shoulders and ignored him.

Lighthoof shrugged before he spun and started for the door, "Welp, it's been fun. Buh-bye now." He slowed when he noticed the other colt hadn't moved. “We got a guide, dude,” he hissed quietly. “Let's get the buck outta here before you-know-who shows up again.”

“Hold on, Light. I did say I would help her.”

The tan-pegasus bound back to Star, his eyes flicking to the shadows. “What are you doing? I don't know if I can handle her being in my head again. We. Need. To. Go!” His ears flattened as he trotted lightly in place.

Star poked him in the chest. “And I need to do what I said I was going to. Or at least try.” He took a deep breath and exhaled. “Look, Light, if you wanna go, go. I'm scared outta my bucking head too, but I'd hate myself if I didn't at least try to keep my word.”

“I-but...You-” Lighthoof stumbled over his words, then lowered his head, “I'm not leaving without you, dude, but I still think this is the worst idea you've ever bucking had. If her sister catches us again...” He looked around at the piles of bones. “Well... I think we get to be part of the decorations down here.”

Star started towards the filly, her back still to them. “Then help me, and we'll get outta here.” He didn't bother to mention that he suspected there would be no way to outrun the Nightmare if she really wanted to catch them. This was her home after all, and she was a spirit. He didn't think things like walls could stop her. As far as he could tell, she was made of shadows and hate. With that in mind, he'd already resigned himself to his fate. He only hoped some good would come of all this.

“Dawn?” He said to the alicorn as he stooped at her side. “I want to try and help you. What can I do?”

She looked up at him, eyes wide and slightly gaping muzzle. No tears though, he wondered if ghosts could truly weep. “Do you mean it?”

He nodded, smiling softly to her. “I don't know if your sister will ever let us go, but I did say I'd try to help you, and I keep my word.”

She lept to her hooves and hugged him with a cry of joy. “Oh, thank you Sir Starstep. You truly are a good pony.”

“Sir?” Lighthoof questioned, an eyebrow raised.

“Are you not knights? I thought you were Royal Guards?” She cocked her head.

Light smirked. “I don't think there's been knights in... wow... long time. You can just use our names, no formalities.”

“Very well.” She turned her head to look at the glowing stone and the two alicorns skeletons chained to it. “If you really want to help, break the pillar or stop its magic.” She released the pegasus from her ghostly fore-legs and stepped off to the side.

Cautiously, Lighthoof circled the artifact, careful not to disturb the pair of ancient corpses. “What is it?”

Dawn answered. “The griffons made it a long time ago, before my sister and I were born. They used to chain unicorns to it. It stops those bound to it from using magic.”

Lighthoof jumped when he accidentally kicked a stray leg-bone from a random corpse. His ears flattened and his eyes darted to the shadowy corners of the room, frozen in mid-stride until he was confident the Nightmare wasn't going to leap out at him. He gave Star a lop-sided embarrassed grin.

“Heh, uh, sorry.” He cleared his throat. “So, it's an early magic dampener.”

Star walked right up to it and placed his hoof against the surface of the runes. A icy chill ran down his fore-leg and he jerked back. “More powerful than those little rings we use now.” He pondered, looking over the obviously griffon style runes. “If this was made by griffons, were they the ones that held you captive, Dawn?”

She shook her head, eyes straying to a nearby unicorn corpse. “No, the unicorn tribe did. They... they were very bad ponies to us.”

Light slipped up beside his brother and whispered, “Let's leave out the history lesson, dude. I don't want to upset her and give her sister an excuse to come back.”

“Yeah, you're probably right.” A shiver ran down his spine. “I uh...I think she's watching us again.”

The other pegasi's eyes widened and he pressed up against Star's side. “Oh, buck us.”

“Just, just chill, Light.” He sighed. “Let's deal with one problem at a time.” He took a deep breath and punched the pillar with a fore-hoof.

Nothing happened, but another chill ran down his limb. He turned and gave it a double-buck, yet the same result. Not even a scratch from his horseshoes. He studied the runes again, noting that they didn't actually seem like they were carved into the rock. Curious, he unfolded a wing and swept a coating of dust from the surface.

Surprisingly, the runes his black feathers touched, dimmed then vanished in a sparkle of blue-white particles. He blinked at the result, looking at his outstretched wing in confusion. “How?”

The little filly gasped behind him. “You can actually do it!” She clapped her fore-hooves together excitedly.

“Hold on, Star, we don't even know what happens if we do this.” Light hissed into his ear, nervous eyes glancing about.

“I- huh. Good point.” He looked to Dawn, who was watching with hopeful eyes. “Say, Dawn. I'm assuming these two bodies are you and your sister?” She nodded. “So uh... I noticed that both of them are the same size, but you're a filly now. Why is that?”

She blinked at him in confusion. “I don't understand.”

“Er... Nevermind, it's not important.” He glanced at the pair of alicorns, impaled on each others horn and shivered before returning his attention to the filly. “Alright, I need to know something though. What happens if we turn off this pillar?”

“We become free.” She stated matter-of-factly.

“What does that mean—do you move on to the afterlife?”

She shrugged. “I don't know. Sister and I have immortal spirits, like Luna and her sister, and the Red-Griffon, and the Queen of Dragons and-”

He held up a hoof. “Ok, ok. So what does happen when you're free?”

“We're not bound to those bodies anymore.”

Star cocked his head, “But, didn't your sister possess Princess Luna?”

“Not exactly. Luna tried to help, but she couldn't. So she offered to let us join her in her body so we wouldn't be stuck in this dusty, dark hole.” She frowned. “But that ended badly.”

“I'll say.” Light quipped.

Starstep gave his brother a warning glare before returning his attention to the filly. “So, when Princess Celestia banished Nightmare Moon, did you go too?”

She shook her head. “I was with Celestia then. But... the pretty rocks she had didn't like me. I was sent back here.” She picked up a pebble and fidgeted with it between her fore-hooves. “It was a long wait for sister to come home.”

Pity welled in Star's chest. This little alicorn was stuck here without her sister for a thousand years, just like Celestia. At least Celestia had her subjects to keep her company; this pony had nothing but dust, bones and ghosts. He was surprised she wasn't more mentally unstable after so long. But then, he knew almost nothing about ghosts or spirits. Still, a question nagged him repeatedly.

“If we break this,” he paused, unsure how to word it gently, “does your sister get to run loose in the world?”

She shrugged. “I don't know.”

Light nudged the other colt in the shoulder. “This is a bad idea, dude—really bad. It's one thing if this little filly gets loose, but her sister?” He hissed, glancing at the shadowy corners. “We got enough problems in the world without risking her running rampant.”

Star's heart felt heavy. He pitied this spirit and really wanted to help her, but even the remote possibility of Nightmare returning to the world seemed a big risk.

He hung his head and sighed. “I'm sorry, Dawn. We can't do it.” He raised his eyes to find her biting her bottom lip, ears wilting. “I can't let your sister run loose.” He began slowly walking towards the exit, Lighthoof joining at his side. “I'll ask Luna if there's anything else we can do for you, but... not like this. I really am sorry.”

“Good call, Star.” Light whispered. “Now, let's get the buck-ERK” He froze in this track, causing Star to glance at his panic stricken face then towards the exit.

The Nightmare reclined at the doorway, her smoky black body shifting in non-existent breezes as her cold teal eyes bore into his. “Leaving so soon?”

Star felt his chest tighten and his limbs begin to tremble. “W-We just want to go home. Please, let us go. Luna needs me.”

“Now, why would she need a spineless worm like you when you cannot even keep a promise to a little filly?” She snarled, wicked white teeth showing from the shadowy black muzzle. “You're just like all the rest.” The alicorn rose to her full height, towering over the shorter colts. “Worthless ponies who bring nothing but misery and lies to others.”

Star forced himself to look the Mistress of the Dark in the eyes. “N-no. I-I can't let YOU bring mis-misery to others!”

“Is that so?” She smiled slyly before her body turned to smoke and swirled through the air to reform at his side, her black ethereal tail tracing down his spine. Lighthoof sprung away and cowered. “So, are you saying you'll die down here just to keep my sister and I locked away?” Her muzzle ran along his cheek, causing the pegasus to give an involuntary whimper. “While... noble, perhaps you are not seeing the big picture?”

She spread a wing, flexing it back and forward, sending a gust of dust and bones to clatter to the doorway, climbing the frame and creating a void where there was once an exit. She nudge the trembling pegasus forward towards the black nothingness where not even the light from the pillar seemed to penetrate. “Look and see what goes on around us.” She hissed in his ear.

The portal of black softened to show images of the streets overrun with griffon patrols, herding citizens out of their homes and down the roads. There were quick images of the captured stepping over the dead ponies, unlucky enough to be hit too hard with a club, or pegasi netted at too high an altitude. The storm still raged, soaking the fearful citizens.

“Oh, but there's more,” she hissed gleefully.

The image shimmered, showing guards surrounding the fortress locked in battle with savage griffon warriors. Occasional bursts of magic between unicorns and druids in a duel cast the combatants in stark contrasts. Here, there were no punches pulled, and the griffons attacked the guards with blade, claw and beak. A hole blasted open in the fortress wall and invaders poured in.

Star felt his anger rise. “What about Luna? And her sister?”

“There are wards; I cannot see them.”

“And the three ponies we were with here in the ruins?”

“Oh, them.” She smirked. “Let us go, and you'll know everything.”

“Not a chance.”

Nightmare smirked. “Fine, then here you shall remain, my sister and I taking turns playing with you until you perish. You shall be forgotten in these ruins, left to the same fate as us.” She gestured with a hoof towards the bones and hundreds of ghost ponies cried out for release, moaning in their eternal torment. "When you have died, your bones shall become new dolls for her to play with, and your ghosts shall forever be my playthings. Everypony wins. Hahahaha.”

“I-if you think you can scare me into letting you go, you're insane.”

She shrugged, “Perhaps. However, one other thing you should see.” Her wing gestured towards the black portal.

A group of twelve red-robed figures stood around a stone box, chanting with their sickly green magic flowing through runes on the floor. They appeared to be somewhere in the ruins—the old carved floor had the same color and markings. The box was a jigsaw of interlocking pieces, and their magic slowly shifted the pieces about, one by one.

“What are they doing?”

Nightmare grinned. “Bringing back something far older than I,” she whispered into his flattened ear. “The Red-Empress.” The portal closed and the bones along the frame of the doorway clattered to the floor. She slammed her hoof into Star, sending him toppling back over Lighthoof. “Those little rats with wings have been sneaking into the depths for months now. No matter how many I turn into mindless, gibbering wrecks, they return. All for this,” she snarled. “You have your questions answered, now release us, or you shall never see the light of day again! And all your precious ponies, including your Princesses, shall be crushed under her rule because you couldn't warn them of what is to come.”

“Nuh-uh.” Star shook his head, trying to untangle from Lighthoof as they both scooted away from the angry Dark Mare. “One bucked up creature trying to hurt the Princesses is enough. I'm not about to make things worse.”

“ARRG!” She pointed a hoof at him and images of him beating Scootaloo with his hooves snapped into his mind.

“B-buck you.” He choked at the Nightmare, trying to force the disturbing day-dream from his head.

“I shall turn you both into weeping husks!” she threatened, looming over the pair.

“Sister! Stop!” Dawn called out. She trotted over to her big sister and looked up at her. “Please stop.”

“No—they deserve this. They ALL do!”

Dawn put a hoof against her sister's leg and smiled up at her. “They're not bad ponies. Please I beg you.” Her gentle pleas caught Nightmare's attention.

The black alicorn looked down at her little sister then back to the pair of trembling colts. “He can let us go. We can be free. I will MAKE him free us.”

“No.” Dawn nuzzled her sister. “Not like this. Do this one nice thing for Luna and I. You cared about her once, didn't you? Let her colts go.”

Nightmare opened her mouth to argue but simply snarled in rage, holding fast as her little sister reached up to hug her tight.

There was a long silence as Nightmare simply glared at the two pegasi while they regained their wits. Her little sister hugging her close seemed to temper her rage. Though she seethed, and jerked towards the colts occasionally, Dawn's grasp held her fast and reduced the terror she radiated.

At last, Star found the courage to speak. “C-Can I ask you something, Nightmare?”

Her eyes narrowed but she said nothing. “You really hate us ponies.” He glanced around at the dead. “That much is pretty obvious. But did you really care about Luna?”

The black alicorn hissed at him, a brief flicker of a nightmare skirting the edges of his thoughts. He ignored it and took a deep breath. “Do you care if this Red-Empress hurts Luna?” He noticed Light return to his hooves and slid up to stand side-by-side with his friend, taking comfort in not being alone against such a terrible being.

There was no answer so he continued. “Is she going to do this.” He gestured with a hoof to the pillar and the chained alicorns. “To Luna and Celestia?”

A long pause, then she narrowed her eyes at him. “Yes.”

Lighthoof spoke up, his voice nervous. “Uh, so... if this Red-Empress is that bad, what could Star and I even do to stop it? You know, assuming you let us go.”

“Release us or don't. I do not have the patience to answer your petty questions.”

“Sister, please.” Dawn pleaded.

The Nightmare sneered. “That feather-brained creature is delusional. She believes she can unite the entire world and balance it.” She gave a evil chuckle. “Even if that balancing means culling populations and some freedoms that you ponies love too much.”

“Seems like you'd get along, since you both want to rule and bring darkness to us.” Star commented.

“Hah. Foal, I seek vengeance and retribution! We are nothing alike,” she snapped.

Light raised a hoof. “That still doesn't answer how Star and I could even do anything.” He trembled as Nightmare's gaze shifted to him.

“Stop some of the griffon leaders from joining her—it will slow her conquest. However, she will come for you eventually. The old white one is the key. If he dies, none of them will stand against her.” She curled up a lip. “Now, release us or leave before I change my mind and drive you back into despair.”

Stray dark thoughts of violence and sex flickered through Star and Light's head, causing the pair to shiver.

Light took a tentative step towards the exit, noticing the black alicorn watching him, but she made no move to stop him. He carefully walked to the doorway, looking back to find Star studying the pair of alicorns.

Star gave a sad shake of his head. “I wonder what pony-kind did to you to make you so angry, Nightmare. For what it's worth, I'm sorry.”

“I don't need your pity,” she snarled.

He turned to glance between the pillar and the two sisters. “Another question.” He resisted shrinking from her cold gaze. “If you did get released, what would you do?”

There was a strange expression on her face, something close to a mixture of shock and confusion before she resumed her angry stare. “Not that it is any of your business, little foal, but I don't know what would happen. We could move on to the next life, we could wander about as spirits in the world. For all I know, we could be reborn in new bodies.”

“So... there's a chance you wouldn't continue hurting other ponies?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “My patience grows thin and my sister's grip upon me grows weaker.” The smaller filly looked over her shoulder at him as she hugged her sister, seemingly concerned.

“Star, what the buck are you doing, let's get the bucking tartarus out of here! Stop yapping with the living Nightmare!” Light called frenetic from the doorway, one hoof outside the room.

Star took a deep breath. “Would you swear not to ever hurt another pony again?”

“HAHAHA, not on your miserable life.” Nightmare cackled.

“Would you swear not to hurt Luna or do anything to make her unhappy?”

That caused the alicorn to pause. “You're serious? You are seriously contemplating letting us go free?” She seemed to want to say something else but held back. “Fine, if this is the game we must play, then yes. I swear I will not touch a hair on Luna's mane. She is safe from my vengeance.”

“I agree too.” Dawn said, smiling at the pegasus. “I like her—she really did try to help us.”

Light's eyes widened, “No, dude, what are you doing? You can't even possibly be thinking of letting her go.”

“Light, Dawn doesn't deserve this. Tartarus, no pony deserves to be stuck down here for all eternity. It's wrong… really wrong. You know bucking well that if I just walk away now that it'll haunt me forever.”

“It's bucking Nightmare Moon, what are you thinking? How could you even risk letting her run about?” Light paced back in forth in front of the doorway. “They bucking killed each other for crying out loud!”

The black alicorn shot a glare his way, shutting his ranting with a flash of dark dreams. “Be silent—that is between my sister and I.”

Star wanted to force the answer out of her, but he suspected it was not a button to be messing with right now. Time was ticking and he had to make a decision. “If I let you go, and you stayed in our world, would you promise to help us deal with this Red-Empress?”

“Hah, why would I promise that?”

“To keep Luna safe.”

There was a long pause. She looked down into her little sister's eyes, then over to the skeletons of their former bodies, chained and impaled upon each-others horns. She gritted her teeth and flared her black nostrils before turning her angry gaze to the nervous pegasus. “If we agree, that must be it. No more promises, no more questions. You must let us go or not even my sister will hold me back. I've only given you a taste of the nightmares you can experience—do not test me, foal.”

“I agree. Do you swear?” He asked, fighting the shaking in his legs as he ignored Lighthoof waving at him from the door, shouting at him not to go through with it.

“I swear, little foal.” Nightmare grinned triumphantly.

Dawn smiled at Star. “I swear.”

The pegasus took a deep breath and exhaled to steady his nerves before he turned to sweep his wing down the runes on the pillar. 'What the hell am I doing?' He wondered to himself. He wouldn’t have ever considered risking this before, but if the stories were right, having Nightmare as an ally against the Red-Empress might be worth it. And even if they instead moved on to the other side after so long in torment, wouldn't that be mercy? He wondered if Luna would agree with his decision.

His feathers brushed the glowing marks, dimming before popping out of existence with a shower of blue-white sparks. Down each side he ran his wing, Lighthoof shouting at him to stop, and Nightmare Moon grinning in triumph as her little sister nuzzled at her neck.

As he swept the final runes away, the room went pitch black and a cold wind swept through, chilling the pair of pegasi. He could hear the bones rattling and being swept about as the tempest increased. Magical lightning flashed along the ceiling, illuminating the exit and a panicked Lighthoof. Star used the bursts of light to dash towards the exit, trying to ignore the cackling laughter that echoed through the room. Oddly, he heard Dawn's cheerful laugh as well.

The pegasi galloped out of the room as the magic build-up burst, sending a wave of blue-white magic out the door-way, bowling the colts over until they slammed painfully into the first few stairs. The ground trembled and the sound or rocks falling caused the colts to cover their heads with their hooves. Eventually the shaking stopped and then nothing.

Darkness and silence.

“Dude, you are an idiot,” Light gasped from nearby.

Star chuckled painfully. “Maybe.”

He could hear the other pegasus shifting on the stairs, groaning.“Oh, Celestia, my everything hurts.” Light grunted, followed by the click of his hooves hitting the stone.

Star flipped himself over, gritting his teeth from the aches in his muscles. The pain felt as though it went right down to his very bones. He regained his footing on unsteady legs and exhaled heavily. “Could be worse. We could still be trapped in those nightmares.” He shivered and thought he heard his friend give a shudder and ruffle his wings.

A little green light bobbed in their direction from the top of the stairs, catching their attention. As it fluttered closer, Star smiled at the semi-transparent Luna Moth. It bobbed before them, offering just enough glow that the two colts could see each other and a few feet of the floor around them.

Light smirked. “You know, I really hate ghosts, but I think I like this little guy.”

“Here, here,” Star agreed before giving a nod to the glowing insect. “I dunno if you understand us, but we're ready to leave now.”

The moth dipped momentarily in the air as it banked and began a slow, bobbing flight back up the staircase. Not wanting to be left in the dark, the pair followed close behind.

Their guide led them up though a broken bronze door and into the main passage, before turning left. Star glanced back into the black, expecting the chill up his spine that he'd grown accustomed to. But none came. No sense of being watched or pursued. Certainly, there was the ever-present feeling of foreboding and despair, but that seemed to radiate from the ruins themselves, soaked for thousands of years in pain and torment.

“You know,” Light began softly, ears laid back as his eyes scanned the darkness. “I don't think Princess Luna is going to like that you made a deal with Nightmare Moon.”

Star gave a shrug, gritting his teeth immediately as pain lanced through his shoulders. He waited the ache to burn away before answering. “What's done is done, Light.” He gave his friend a look in the soft-glow of the moth. “I couldn't leave that filly trapped like that.”

“But to risk her crazy bucking sister running around again? I mean, come on!”

“I think she's gone.” He gave another look over his shoulder. “I don't feel her watching us anymore; I guess their spirits finally moved on.”

“Yeah, and you should count your lucky stars, dude. I swear to Celestia, I have never been so terrified in my life. I'm not gonna be able to sleep for weeks.” He closed his eyes and shivered. “The things she put in my head...” his voice trailed off.

The big moth swooped down a right-hoof tunnel, slowly enough that the tired pegasi had no difficulty keeping pace.

“I was scared too. If Dawn hadn't helped us, we'd still be sobbing our eyes out, just waiting to die like all the other ponies did. I owed her that much.” He unfurled one of his nearly grown black wings, the oily sheen reflecting the green glow from the moth. “I'm shocked these things did the trick. It makes me wonder why Luna didn't—or couldn't—do it.” He refolded his wing.

“Well, at least they're good for something. Not like they stop you from falling down pits.” Lighthoof smirked and gave his friend a very gentle nudge.

“Yeah, yeah.” Star returned the gesture with a slight smile. He cocked his head as he noticed the faint notes of a melody, ears swiveling. “You hear that?”

Light's ears perked up a little. “Hear... ah, that music again.”

The faint tunes of an organ and harpsichord echoed down the dark corridor, though this time it did not seem to fade in and out like a memory, coming more consistent and clearer than before. As they continued onwards, it grew louder, but not in an expected manner; there was an otherworldly resonance to the music, as though Star listened through a little water in his ears.

The Moth-Guide dipped around a left-hoof corner and towards a pair of rotting double-doors that were flanked by blue, ghostly orbs of light that bobbed and flickered like fire. Star and Light shared a cautious look as they approached, tensing their weary muscles and lowering their heads.

At the door, the moth fluttered in figure eights, its light overwhelmed by the pair of orbs to the sides. The music emanated from the other side—this close they could pick up on the string instruments atop the heavier organ and harpsichord. Lighthoof leaned in close to peek through the crack, before suddenly pulling back with a gasp.

“Whole room full of ghost ponies.”

Star raised an eyebrow before placing his cheek to the crack to look in. Just as Light had said, the room on the other side was filled with bluish ghost unicorns. Some were dancing, some were chatting in groups, the rest stood around and simply watched. The whole room was lit by the same little foxfire lights floating near the ceiling.

He pulled back and tilted his head at Light. “I dunno, just looks like a ballroom.”

“We're not really going in there, are we?” Light pleaded.

“They're not screaming in horror like all the others. Hey, maybe freeing the alicorns helped these guys out too,” he sighed. “Besides, our guide says this is the way.” He gestured with his head towards the ever-flapping Luna Moth.

Light took a deep breath and exhaled. “Alright. Fine. Let's do this.” He reached out with a hoof, wrapping it around one of the brass handles, and yanked. The rod ripped out of the wood and slipped from his grasp, sailing back into the darkness and clattering loudly as it skidded to a stop. Light just blinked in surprise before smiling sheepishly at his friend. “Dude, I don't know my own strength sometimes.”

Star rolled his eyes, reaching out with his own hoof to gently pull on the remaining handle. Ever so slowly, his side of the doors creaked open, protesting the movement on the ancient hinges until at last his own handle pulled loose; thankfully, a gap just wide enough for them had been made. Star set the handle down and poked his head in.

None of the ghosts seemed to have given any notice to them. The green-moth fluttered through the crack above his head and bobbed about towards the opposite side of the room without them.

“Crap, let's go Light, our little buddy is leaving us behind.” He slipped in with Lighthoof hesitantly following.

The pair stood side-by-side, surveying the crowd of ghosts. All appeared to be in ancient dresses and suits, except the musicians on stage who were in costumes that seemed to poorly mimic griffons. Star stepped forward timidly, his ears laying back as his eyes flicked from side to side.

To their right, a pair of young unicorn mares in flowing ancient gowns giggled behind their fans, their eyes straying to the pair of colts. “Oh my, can you believe they let those abominations in here?” one said.

“I know, I feel dirty from just being in the same room as them.”

“Perhaps they should be locked away from the rest of us; I feel ill from just looking at them.” The mares shot the colts a venomous glare before giggling to one another.

Star and Light shared a puzzled look, but continued into the crowded section of the ballroom, avoiding the mingling guests as well as their dragging hooves would allow.

A unicorn stallion bumped into Lighthoof, though he passed through him instead of physically touching him. The result was the same, though, as the pegasus panicked and lept away, stumbling to the floor.

“Oh pardon...” the unicorn began before his eyes looked down. “Perhaps little abominations like you should watch where you're going. You should be thankful the king even allowed you to attend. You should be kissing our hooves in gratitude.”

“I'm sorry, dude,” Light began.

“Enough, I do not wish to hear your whimpering. I'll not sully my ears with your words any longer.” With that, the unicorn turned, his tail whipping through Star's muzzle before disappearing into the crowd.

Star helped his friend to his hooves, the pair of them blinking in confusion before resuming their wandering across the floor. Snippets of conversation reached their ears as they felt the half-looks and sneers from the guests they passed.

“Oh, look, it's the two little whorses. I hear tell the King felt sorry for them and allowed them up to feel like real ponies for a day.”

“I bet the guards rut them every night.”

“Who would want to stick anything in those?”

“Disgusting creatures, excuse me, sirs, I feel my dinner rebelling.”

“Can you imagine? Some of the council even talked of giving them citizenship.”

“What? Scandalous! I'll not have some chaos-spawned fillies near my foals!”

“Did you hear? The king is making a special guard just to keep those two under lock and key.

“Who in their right minds would want to be near them day and night?”

“I hope they burn those dresses after they've stained them.”

“Maybe they should just burn them while still on the fillies. Kill two birds with one stone.”

“Oh-ho, somepony already tried. Fireball, right to the flank.”

“What happened to the righteous unicorn?”

“They locked him up for ten years, can you believe it?”

“I always said our council was unjust! I mean, look, they've nary a scratch on them!”

On and on, the little comments assaulted the colts until they reached the other side, their guide fluttering in a figure eight in front of the new double doors.

An armored unicorn colt stationed at the side glanced down at them. “You two can't leave without an escort. King's orders, and I'm not leaving my post to baby-sit you freaks.” He spat on the floor at Star's hooves.

“Listen here you jack-ass,” Light puffed himself up and came face to face with the spirit. “I've had enough of these little comments, and spitting at my friend was the last straw.”

The armored ghost ignored him, shifting his weight to one fore-hoof which rested on the hilt of his ghostly sword.

“Guardpony Douglas, there's no reason to be so rude to our guests.” A firm mare's voice called out from nearby. The pegasi turned to find a tall ghostly unicorn approaching from the crowd; her dress was an outfit of silks and lace, she had a courtship ring on her horn, and her mane was done up in a bun. “I will escort them to the little-fillies room.”

The guard rolled his eyes. “Fine, Madam Silver. The little freaks are your problem then.” He stepped aside to allow the ghost mare to hold the door open for the colts. She gestured with a hoof.

“Well, ladies? Come along.”

Star gave the faintest of shrugs to Lighthoof and the pair slipped out of the ballroom as the mare followed.

When the door shut tight behind them, the mare trotted on down the dark hallway, the little green moth following in her wake. The colts broke into a gentle trot to catch up, the music receding behind them.

“I am truly sorry about their dreadful behavior. They should know better than to gossip in such a way.” She smiled over her shoulder at them and something about the shape of her eyes and large hooves caught Star's attention, but he wasn't quite sure why. “Come along—if we don't hurry, the King will notice you missing.” Her smile faltered slightly, a bit of sadness creeping into her eyes. “I think the time has come for you two to leave this place. You do not want to be here for the King's... surprise.” She shook her head. “I cannot say more than this is not a birthday celebration that you wish to partake in.”

Lighthoof raised an eyebrow. “Who's birthday.”

Madam Silver gave a heavy sigh. “I tried to reason with the King. I truly did. He has threatened to cast me out with the Windigos if I argued the matter further.” She looked over her shoulder at Star. “I had hoped the party celebrating your coming into mare-hood would have been a time of joy,not the beastly thing that he has planned.”

She halted in front of an iron-bound door and looked up and down the hallway as the colts joined her. The Luna Moth fluttered in front of the door next to her.

Madam Silver leaned down to give a ghostly kiss on the cheek to both ponies. “I am so sorry I could not do more for you. I only hope my daughters grow up to be half as brave as you two have been.” She wiped the side of her cheek. “If you come across the other half of the unicorn tribe, please ask them for help. I fear our King is going mad and seeks to take his frustrations out on you two.”

She leaned down towards the door, her magic sparking and a ghostly lock clattered to the floor, merging with the real one long since coated with dust. She reached out and swung the heavy door aside, revealing a spiral stone stairway. “It is a long climb to the surface and the Windigos still roam, but take heart, you have each other.” Her ears swiveled. “Oh no, they're sounding the trumpets, you must take flight! Go, my dears!”

Lighthoof tilted his head at Star and gave a slight bow, grimacing at the ache. “After you, birthday mare.”

Star smirked and rolled his eyes, trotting through the door and up the first few steps as the Luna Moth bobbed over his head and lit the way. Lighthoof followed close behind as the door slammed shut behind them.

“The buck was that all about?” Light asked as they trudged up stair after stair, his limbs burning in protest.

“Well, Luna did say Ghosts were like photographs. I guess that was just a memory of what happened down here.” Star kept his eyes on the stairs, taking cautious steps with his weary legs.

“At least that Madam Silver seemed ok. The rest were jerks. If those were the ponies that locked up those two alicorns, then I can say they probably got what was coming to them.”

The colts continued upwards, losing count of the ridiculous number of stairs, but as they climbed, the sense of despair and foreboding lessened its weight on their shoulders. Eventually the stairs ended at a shallow landing, and a stone wall blocked their way, but the Luna Moth fluttered over to a square stone that jutted out of the wall, landing on its surface and gently flapping its glowing wings.

“Welp, top floor; Windigos, Griffons and lingerie,” Lighthoof quipped.

Star gave a soft chuckle. “I wonder what griffon lingerie looks like.”

“Bet that Sasha chick would show you s-” He stopped, holding up a hoof as his ears tilted back. “Somepony is coming.” He turned his head to look downwards at the darkness below. Ever so faintly they could hear metal on stone. Then that gentle noise quickly grew into a racket. They both recognized the sound of a group of armored ponies. “Yup, ghosts or not, time to go.” He urgently gestured a hoof at the square brick.

The blue-grey pegasus shooed the moth off the stone and smashed it with a hoof. The grinding sound of ancient gears echoed from inside the walls asthe stone wall slid into the floor at a slow, methodical speed. As the first gaps appeared at the top, they heard the roar of combat and clashes of steel, then heard the pouring rain and rumble of thunder. Eventually, it lowered enough to greet them with a view of the pitched battle before them.

The passage had opened up in the garden of the fortress where packs griffons and guards were fighting violently in the rain. Bolts of magic soared back and forth between a few unicorns and a handful of druids, illuminating the rose bushes and hedges more than the scattered torch-lamps. Pegasi darted through the black sky, dueling with the heavier, slower griffons, using their agility to land blows with their curved blades.

Lighthoof shook his head with a sigh. “What's the saying? Out of the frying pan?”

“And into the deep fryer?” Star suggested.

“Ghosts or Griffons, take your pick,” Light shouted over a boom of thunder, glancing back at the dark staircase.

Star stepped from the passage and into the cold rain with Light at his side—the droplets felt nice on Star's face after what seemed like forever in the frigid crypt below. He glanced to his right, noticing a jutting square of stone that seemed out of place and kicked it back in with a back-hoof. The gears groaned as they struggled to raise the door. As it did, a swarm of ghostly guards charged out into the downpour and faded away. Eventually, the wall locked into place, leaving a smooth surface where there once was a passage into the darkness below.

Lighthoof's eyes darted around to where the ghosts had vanished. “Huh. Where'd they go?”

“Best guess, they caught the alicorns and took them back into the depths.” Star gave a soft shake of his head, rain dripping from his ragged mane. “Remind me to ask Luna what happened down there.”

Light gave a shiver. “You can ask, but count me out. Nuh-uh. I'm so done with ghost ruins and spooky dead alicorns. If you thought I was drunk yesterday, wait till you see me tonight.”

Star briefly wondered if Dawn and her sister were still down there, or if they had finally been freed from their own nightmare. Either way, he hoped he'd never return to the ruins below and all the despair and fear that saturated its walls.

“Well, dude… I don't think either of us are in any shape to be fighting.” He lifted a foreleg, his hoof trembling in the dim light. “So, my suggestion: find the Princesses and warn them about the Empress.” He jumped to the side as a griffon plummeted between them and smashed into the garden wall. “You know, assuming I don't get hit with random griffons.”

“Where do you think we should start?” Star asked as his friend began a hurried trot towards the main fortress, the pair of them doing their best to go unnoticed by avoiding the attackers, by ducking behind hedges and sticking to the shadowed areas of the garden as they worked their way towards the main fortress.

“Council room, they're probably with the Clan-heads.” He darted through a smoking hole in a hedge as a short-cut, Star right on his tail. “If not, guards up there will know.”

Entry into the fortress wasn't difficult, the guards giving them passage once they knew who Star was. The fighting inside was relatively light—only a handful of the invaders had infiltrated the inner walls and were in combat with the defending ponies. Star and Light made their way up the passages to the floor the council room was on, skidding to a halt when they turned the corner and found themselves on the business end of multiple crossbows and spears. An armored group of fifty ponies and ten griffons eyed them warily.

Star and Light held their ground nervously until the mass of defenders split to allow a large grey pony with a dark brown mane and black armor to step forward. He looked the two over, eyebrow raised and his lips down-turned, then gave a firm nod. “Prince Starstep, Lighthoof. Glad you made it back in one piece." His voice rumbled deeply as he spoke. "The Princesses have been worried about you two.”

“Thanks, Thundermane,” Light began. “Are they in the council room? We really need to get through.”

“They are, I'll take you to them,” The big Shadow-Guard replied, side-stepping to gesture through the opening. The colts nodded their thanks and trotted past him, not noticing the big pony scrunching his nose and giving a little snort. The rest of the guards eyed the pair warily; a couple seemed to pale at the sight of them.

Thundermane gave a brief command to the guards, then caught up to the two pegasi as their hooves thumped on the rug lining the corridor. “With all due respect, gentlecolts, you two look and smell like death. And not the battle kind.”

Light shook his head. “You have no idea.”

Star spoke up as they rounded the last corner. “Did Dazzle, Sandy and another stallion make it back?”

Thundermane seemed uncomfortable as his ears lowered slightly, and he gave a quick glance about. “They did, however, the mares were... out of sorts. Skittish and rambling about things in the dark. The medics had to sedate them. I've never seen lieutenant Dazzle in such a state. The stallion, well... he appeared unaffected, but we didn’t know who he was, so we put him with the rest of the civilians in the fortress. They're being guarded, so don't worry about his safety.”

Star and Light shared a knowing smile, wordlessly agreeing that if anypony needed protecting, it wasn't Steelhoof. The three halted in front of the big double doors to the council chambers, and the grizzled earth-pony stepped forward to salute the pair of Sun-Guard unicorn mares. “Prince Starstep and Consort Lighthoof request entrance.”

They nodded without another word, yanking the handles open with their magic. Thundermane whispered in the colt's ears, “Be careful, fellas. It's a powder-keg in there.” He gave them a nod before returning down the hall towards his post.

Lighthoof sighed, “Story of our life.”

The pegasi shared a look then stepped into the den of trouble.

Chapter LI

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To Love the Moon
Chapter LI
By Indigo Eclipse

Starstep and Lighthoof stepped into the council room, the buzz of activity reaching their ears before their eyes adjusted to the slightly dimmer light inside. The double-doors clicked behind them, sealing them into the room with their mahogany paneling and egg-shell white accents. Three-pronged wall-sconces provided the light from their flickering flames, bathing the room in an evening glow. Most of the griffon clan-heads and the Royal Sisters were huddled around a table towards the back; the rest of those in attendance were messengers and scribes, going to and fro from one of the two side rooms, scrolls clutched in their mouths or magic as they relayed information. Light leaned a bit to peek into the open side-room, noting the swarm of activity of high ranking Sun-guard officers.

“Star?” Luna gasped from beside her sister. At her exclamation, the other griffons and Celestia glanced up at the two pegasi. Even some of the couriers looked over. A couple stopped, mouths agape, one even tripped over the fine royal-red rug in the center of the walk-way. The chattering in the room tapered off, leaving the pair of colts feeling a little nervous at being the sudden center of attention.

The blue alicorn slipped out from around the table, galloping a couple strides before she composed herself and closed the distance to her husband at a hurried gait. She looked Star up and down, biting her lower lip ever so slightly, ears laying back.

“Oh, my dear guards. What hath done this to thee?”

Lighthoof gave a weak smile. “We took the scenic route.”

“Did Sandy or Dazzle not tell you what happened?” Star asked, keeping his focus on Luna to ignore the stunned looks from the griffons.

“Neigh, my consort,” Luna answered, “They were sedated before we were informed of their arrival.” She gestured a wing towards the other set of doors across from the messenger room. “There is a study in which we can speak of what hath transpired. Come, my Night-Guards.”

Celestia called out from the table, the griffon leaders around her still watching in silence. “Luna, can you take care of them? I'm still needed here.”

The blue alicorn nodded. “Of course, sister.” She pointed a hoof at a nearby green unicorn courier. “Jasmine, please bring hot green tea and sweet-bread to us. Tis urgent.”

Jasmine blinked a few moments, dragging her eyes away from the pair of colts and bowed her head deeply. “Yes, Princess. At once.” She spun on her hooves and slammed out double-doors.

Luna led the way to the study, holding the old mahogany door open for the weary colts before turning her head to the silent room. “Return to thy duties,” she directed to the various couriers that were scattered throughout and peeking in from the message room. She gave a polite nod to the griffons. “Please, excuse the interruption as I debrief my guards. I shalt return post-haste.”

The old white-feather Alexander nodded, his blind milky eyes fixed on her. “Of course, Princess, take all the time you need.” He jerked his head around and narrowed his eyes at Yellow-Feather Hilda as she opened her beak. Seeing his look, she shut her mouth and glanced down at the maps spread across the table.

With that, Luna stepped inside and shut the door firmly with a hoof, her eyes focused on the slumped blue-grey pegasus leaning against one of the two rich-burgundy faux-leather couches. A crackling fireplace illuminated the small room. It was every bit what one would expect in a traditional study with its browns and deep reds, accented with brass and gold, complete with lounging couches, complimenting tea-table and a wide-desk, cluttered with scrolls and quills. Yet to Star, the room felt hollow and cold, the flickering flames offered him no warmth. Luna strode across the distance to sweep the colt into her fore-legs, sitting back on her haunches, hugging him tight to her chest, while ignoring the grave-dust that rubbed off onto her coat.

“Oh, Star, my love. I hath feared for thee.” When Star couldn't raise his limbs enough to return her embrace, the alicorn held him out to study his face. “Thou appears exhausted, as if thou hath danced with the reaper-pony. Pray-tell, how didst thou come to such a state?”

He gave a weak smile up at her, the determination that had kept him going finally depleted now that he had reached his goal. “Do we look that bad?” He glanced to the left, noticing Lighthoof was sitting back on his haunches, wavering back and forth as his eyelids drooped. Now that Star had a moment to notice, he saw the dark-lines under Light's eyes, a haunted look within them. Furrows striped his cheek-fur from tears he'd wept in the tomb and his coat was an absolute mess from the rain and grime from the crypt. His mane and tail were tangled nests that faintly resembled their orginal shape, well as the tangled nest of a mane and tail and three jagged marks on his lower neck marked his battle with a griffon, dried blood smeared along his chest like rust dripping down metal. If Star himself looked half as bad as Lighthoof, it was no wonder everypony—and griffon—had been startled by their appearance.

Star slumped in Luna's hooves, grateful for the strong mare that held his battered body. He looked up into Luna's eyes, noting the dampness there along with her laid back ears and downturn lips. Her concern warmed his heart. “We're okay. Really. Just... tired.”

“Thy eyes tell otherwise.”

He gave a heavy sigh and rested his forehead against her chest-place, his nose smudging filth across the crescent moon. He could feel her hooves encircling him, pulling him firm to her body—the soft scent of lavender and blueberries drifted up into his nose as she embraced him, sending a tingle through his limbs. As her hoof began to stroke his ragged charcoal-black mane, he sniffed and choked back a sob from the rush of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. He suddenly pushed back enough to shake his head rapidly. “No, no. I've cried enough.” He took a few deep breaths before speaking again. “It started at Sandy's-.”

A firm knock on the door interrupted him.

“Come,” Luna commanded, still holding her husband tight.

The door swung open just far enough to admit the green unicorn courier, a silver tray filled with steaming sweet-breads and a silver tea-pot with three matching cups and a little silver pot with spoon held in her magic. “As commanded, Princess.” Her eyes strayed to the barely awake Lighthoof and the colt held in Luna's hooves. Star saw her give a soft shiver as she looked into his eyes before she quickly glanced away.

“Thank you, Jasmine. Place it upon the table and please return to thy duties.”

The unicorn mare did so before giving a deep bow of her head, slipping out with a final look at the pegasi before shutting the heavy mahogany door.

Alone with her guards, Luna placed Star up on the couch and climbed up to sit beside him, her wing unfurling to pull him close to her side. She smiled at the other guard. “Lighthoof, wilst thou join us?”

The tan-pegasi's ears perked before he turned to see her unfolding her other wing, inviting him to her open side. With a slight smile, the tired colt scrambled up onto the couch and sat as near to the Princess as he could without touching her.

“Tisk, this wilst not do.” Luna exclaimed, her wing curling around Lighthoof and hugging him tight against her. “Thou art my Night-Guard and Star's true friend and brother. Thou art family.” She beamed down at him, and though the colt struggled to offer one in return, his efforts were noted. Satisfied that the two colts were comfortable, she used her magic to pour two cups of hot green tea, using the spoon to glop honey into them before levitating them over to the pegasi. “Before thy tale, drink.”

They glanced up at her command then gently took the steaming cups, sipping the liquid carefully. Luna watched, her ever flowing mane tickling the back of Star's head. He opened his mouth to talk but she narrowed her eyes at him. “Drink,” she commanded, her eyes darting to Light to ensure he did not protest.

For half an hour, the two pegasi found themselves in the comforting embrace of the Moon-Goddess, sipping their honey-sweetened tea and pausing to nibble on the sweet-bread when Luna insisted. As they drank and ate, Luna used her magic to mend the wound on Light's neck, though his fur was still matted the blood and three thin pink scars could be seen under his coat. When at last their cups were empty, and two breads apiece had been eaten, she used her magic to take the cups from them, letting them clatter to the table.

“Now,” she said, looking from one to the other. “Begin thy story.”

Star felt that his tongue had been loosened, the dry dust from the tomb washed away with the tea. His belly felt better from the morsels of food, though he still had a hollow feeling in his gut. With a heavy exhale he began the story, starting from Steelhoof's appearance at Sandy's. As he did so, Lighthoof would interject with things he noticed about the griffon's weapons, tactics, and types of magic the Druids had used against them. Luna raised her eyebrows at the talk of the magic-using griffons, but remained silent as they continued.

After a while, Star reached the part about the pit and how Steelhoof pushed him away from getting speared. He hesitated. “Um... speaking of Steelhoof. I sort of made a deal that-” Luna reached her opposing hoof across her chest to place it upon his lips. He noticed that she had removed her crystal slippers, the cool touch of her unadorned hoof sent a shiver through him.

“One must learn to prioritize troubles. He ranks far below our current worries. Proceed with thy tale.”

Star nodded, exhaling again before he launched into the next part. The darkness, the prayer to her, the ghosts and skeletons. She simply listened, never interrupting or letting her emotions betray on her face.

Then he got to the part about the little white filly alicorn and she at last reacted, dipping her head down slightly, eyes closing for a moment as she sighed.

“I had hoped she wouldth been released when my sister trapped Nightmare and I upon the moon. Tis unkind that she should suffer for so long.” She shook her head sadly. “Forgive me, my love. Please, finish.”

The blue-grey pegasus spoke in near whispers about their encounter with Nightmare. He danced around telling Luna what visions he had seen—the flicker of Scootaloo's look of betrayal still haunted him at the edges of his mind. The alicorn did not ask for details, seeming to ignore the shiver and look of disgust that flashed across Star's face.

He told of Dawn's deal, offer of her moth-guide, Nightmare's warning about the druids summoning the Red-Empress below them and the advice about Alexander being the key to slowing her down. He hesitated for the next part, looking up into her teal eyes.

“Um... so... after all that, I decided I couldn't let Dawn stay down there any longer. I did promise I'd help her, despite finding out that Nightmare was her sister I figured it was the right thing to do. No pony, not even that twisted mare deserved to be locked down there forever. So... I used my wings and broke the spell.”

Luna nodded. “I see... What hath become of them?” she said, suspicion thick in her voice

Star shrugged. “The room collapsed, they disappeared and the feeling of being watched and that overwhelming aura of hate and despair went away. I mean, that place was still horrible, but it was a shadow of what we experienced before I broke the spell.”

“Then perhaps at last they art at rest. For this I am thankful.” She leaned down to kiss him on the forehead, ignoring the taste of old death on his coat. Her wings hugged Star and Lighthoof to her sides. “Thou art correct that no pony deserved the pain that they hath suffered. Tis why I attempted to help them in mine own way so long ago.”

Lighthoof spoke up. “Yeah, I thought he was nuts for letting her loose, but, dude, when we got to the ballroom and all the ghosts thought we were them? The horrible stuff they talked about. I get the feeling that Nightmare wasn't really the bad-guy, er gal.”

Luna cocked her head at him. “They thought thou were the sisters?”

Light nodded. “Yup. Called me a filly.” He gave a slight smirk. “Can't say it didn't make me feel pretty.”

Star rolled his eyes. “Anyhoof, it was like we were watching a memory of them. A Madame Silver let us out and then when we got to the surface these ghost guards came charging out after us and vanished.”

The alicorn pondered for a moment, then shook her head. “A tale for another time. Tis not a pleasant one and both of thee art too emotionally fatigued for more.” She cast a glance up at the clock, noting she'd been with them for the last couple of hours. “Alas, my dear Night-Guards, duty calls and the city is still yet under siege.”

Star yawned and nuzzled into her coat, inhaling her wonderful scent while he could. “I know, Luna. I hope Nightmare's advice about Alexander helps.”

Luna smiled before leaning down to return his nuzzle. “Despite her... twisted ways, she was never a liar. Perhaps White-feather has more sway amongst his kind than he lets on.” She turned her head to give Lighthoof a kiss on the forehead, surprising the pegasus. “I thank thee for looking out for my Star. Knowth that I owe thee a debt.” With that, the alicorn slid her wings from their backs and off the couch, looking over her shoulder at the two. “Sleep. Rest whilst thou can. I fear more troubles art to come.”

Lighthoof raised a hoof, fighting back a yawn. “Are you sure we can't help? There's still-”

“Neigh. So much hath been asked of thee this evening.” Her magic cracked the door, then she paused, giving another glance over her shoulder. “Know that thou hath made me proud.” With that, the alicorn slipped out of the room, shutting it tight to leave the two colts alone in the quiet study.

Star's sleep was fitful and he would awaken in starts, hearing Nightmare's laughter in his ears before his exhaustion dragged him back into the black void. He wasn't sure how long had passed since Luna had left them to sleep. Lighthoof was curled up on his half of the couch, whispering in his sleep and giving an occasional shiver, but at least he could stay asleep, to which Star was slightly envious.

A soft knocking on the door perked his ears before he turned to find Jasmine peeking into the room. She gave Star a weak smile. “Sorry to wake you, sir, but Princess Luna says it's urgent.” She couldn't seem to meet his eyes as she spoke, staring at the couch or the floor, but never directly at him.

He nodded. “Alright, we'll be there in a second.” With that, the unicorn courier closed the door as he leaned over to shake Lighthoof on the shoulder. “Hey, Light, we gotta get up.”

Lighthoof sat up screaming for a few seconds before trailing off into a whimper. He looked around the room, eyes wide in panic, ears swiveling he noticed it was just him and Star. “...Oh buck me... I'm sorry, dude.”

Starstep rubbed at his ear, grimacing. “No prob. We're both having problems getting any real sleep.”

“Tell me about it.” Light lowered his head into his fore-hooves. “I keep seeing... things. Oh, dude, you have no idea.”

“I have some.” He patted Light's back and sighed. “Come on. Luna needs us.”

With that, the pair slid from the couch and exited the study to find the council room in an uproar. Griffons were yelling at each other as couriers hurried about, gathering scrolls from around the room and handing them to unicorns who vanished quickly thereafter. One young colt was sobbing in the far corner, using his white tunic as a rag to wipe away his tears. Standing near the study doors, the Royal Sisters watched the commotion, stoic masks upon their faces.

Luna noticed the colts and gave them a slight nod. “Mine apologies for awakening thee.”

Light rubbed at his eye with a hoof, blinking against the brighter candlelight. “What happened?”

Celestia looked to him with her signature regal bearing, her pastel mane flowing about. “The courtyard is lost; the enemy is at the gate but they have not been able to force their way into the main building. Now, they send word that the Red-Empress herself would like entrance to parley with us.”

The two Night-guards shared a knowing look.

“Um...” Lighthoof began, looking up to the white alicorn. “You're not really gonna let her in are you? Nightmare even seemed in... well... awe of her, I guess.” He ruffled his matted mane with his hoof nervously as her eyes narrowed.

“I have no interest in anything that monster has to say. However, I'm not foal enough to discount the fear the griffons have for her.” She exhaled. “Yet, what's done is done. It's better that we meet with her in an attempt to stop anymore bloodshed. Far too many citizens have lost their lives tonight—griffon and pony.”

Luna gave a curt nod. “I agree sister.”

One of the griffon clan-heads, one of the quieter males that Star did not recognize, was tossed from the council table and tumbled across the rug in front of the four ponies. After coming to a stop he looked up at the fuming Red-Feather Natasha. “Coward!” she screeched at him as he backpedaled away, eyes wide in terror. “How dare you claim to lead! Your clan may have honor but you are a spineless worm.” The Matron of the Blacktalons stalked towards the trembling griffon like a large cat. “I'll rip your feathers out one by one and-”

“Natasha.” White-feather Alexander's calm tone halted her advance. Her head swung around to glare at him. “Compose yourself, my dear. He only suggested we surrender to save the lives of our clan-mates.”

“You would take his side.”

“Nonsense. I think it a ridiculous thing to do before we even meet this so-called Red-Empress. She's either fake, or real. I don't believe we should decide anything until then. Besides, there's certainly nothing wrong with looking out for your clan's well-being.” His milky eyes turned to Blue-feather Rita next to him. She cleared her throat and couldn't meet his twisted smile. “Now, then—can we be civil for a little bit?” He turned his head towards the fuming Natasha. “Let's see where we stand before you rip poor Igor apart.”

Natasha curled up the edge of her beak, eyes narrowing before she turned to the other griffon still on the floor. “Later, we will finish this,” she stalked around him, watching the smaller male tremble, “and then, I will either kill you or screw you—perhaps both, you weak little shit.” She marched past him, the end of her tail swatting the griffon in the back of the head as she passed to return to the council table.

Luna have a soft sigh, whispering to Star. “They art always so overly dramatic.”

A heavy knock on the double-door stalled conversation at the council table. Igor scrambled from the floor to take a place at the edge of the table next to Hilda. She briefly looked at him with mild disgust.

The door cracked open and a unicorn-mare leaned her head in, looking around until she saw the alicorns, her hooves trembled against the edge of the door, ears tilted back. “P-princesses, the visitor has arrived with two escort. W-what is your command?” She gave a fleeting glance behind her.

Natasha chuckled. “Only two? This one is either very brave or very stupid.”

Alexander looked in her direction. “Or simply confident in her victory. If she truly is the Red-Empress, she doesn't have a lot to fear from us.”

The guard-mare hesitated, then lowered her voice. “Um... t-there's also something else... the... um... the escorts are wearing... trophies.” She said the word with her tongue hanging out afterwards as though she had tasted something foul.

Celestia's eyebrow rose and she looked to her sister. “What are your thoughts, sister?”

Luna gave a soft shake of her head. “If we refuse their entry, I dost fear the consequences. Perhaps tis best, then, that we temporarily ignore the vile crimes they hath committed. I am yet curious to meet this creature and place a face to one whom would command them to do such unthinkable things.”

The white alicorn gave a nod. “Justice will be served, sister. This I swear.” She looked to the nervous messenger. “Escort all three in, please.”

The unicorn nodded, slipping back out the door. Celestia called out, “Captain Oakwood.” A brown earth pony stallion wearing a white officer's jacket marched to the open doorway of the comm-room and slapped his hoof in salute.

“You called, Princess?”

The Sun-Goddess tilted her nose up, striking a commanding pose. “Take everypony remaining here and gather any stray guards and civilians left in the inner-fortress. Ensure they reach the main foyer and await us. If things go badly, you are to escort everypony you can to safety. Is that clear?”

The officer saluted again and called out into the room. “Grab what you can ponies, we're leaving, now. I said NOW, Twinkleshine.” Under his direction, the last of the command and messenger staff rushed out, saddlebags bulging with scrolls and intelligence materials until he was the last to leave, giving a respectful bow to the Royal sisters before shutting the double-doors behind him.

Celestia and Luna walked towards the table, standing near it, but not in front of the griffons. Star took his place at Luna's side, and Light on the other end next to Celestia. They waited in silence, watching the entrance until there was a heavy knock.

“Enter,” Celestia commanded.

At her word, the doors swung open, a pair of armored Sun-Guards holding them for the three griffons. In marched a large, pristine griffon, her golden feathers, painted with streaks of crimson runes. Black talons dug into the floor, chipping the stone as she walked in with the bearing of a conqueror, a commanding air that demanded, “You will listen to me.” Her back lion half was white, coat brushed to a soft gloss that shone in the candlelight.

Beside and just a few steps behind the female were a pair of males, their feathers matted in what appeared to be dried and crusty blood. They wore gauntlets on their fore-limbs, dozens of little silver spikes jutting out of black leather. Star wasn't so sure it was faux-leather, either. But it was what was around their neck that caused bile to rise in the back of his throat. On leather cords, they each wore an assortment of things. Bone-chips carved with runes painted with blood, dried ears from various races, even a few teeth, curved and wicked. But it was the long spiraled objects that marked the center-piece of each necklace which made him ill. Unicorn horns. Holes had been drilled into the bases, the tip pointed down their chest—one was a soft green, the other an off-white.

A glance over at his friend told Star that Lighthoof was just as disgusted, a snarl twisted his muzzle. If it was not for the Princesses' presence, he wasn't sure his friend would've been able to restrain himself.

As the griffon began to pass, Celestia gave a respectful nod. “Welcome to Spurlin, Red-Empress, I am-” she trailed off as the griffon completely ignored her and marched right up to the council table. Star could see the corners of Celestia's eyes tighten and her jaw clench.

The golden-feathered griffon counted the clan-heads. “How disappointing. I see only five of you took my warning and left the company of these...” Her eyes flickered to the four ponies. “Lesser races.” She waved her claw dismissively, the golden bracelets around her forelimb clattering. “But, let it not be said that I am not forgiving.” She smiled at the trembling Igor, noting his light-green stripes. “There will be punishments of course.” She reached out a claw to trace down the terrified griffon's cheek. “Though, it is understandable that you thought it a hoax—that I had not returned, reborn in the flesh.” She pressed her claw firmly into Igor's cheek, making him cry out as a small trail of blood ran down his feathers. The other griffons did nothing to stop her, only watching in silence. She pulled her hand away to lick at the blood and eyed the male. “How about you; do you wish to bow down at my claws and worship me?”

He nodded rapidly, causing the Empress to smile wickedly. “Well?” She gestured to the cold stone floor before her. The griffon immediately prostrated himself before her, ignoring the looks of disgust from Natasha. “Splendid. I'm certain you and your clan will make excellent slaves.” She laughed at his shocked expression. “What else would I do with those who bow so easily?” She gave him a look of mock pity. “Worry not, life as a slave is short.” The empress pointed at her guards. “Go stand with them, slave.” When he hesitated, she slapped him across the face, leaving three jagged lines down his beak. “You forget yourself. You are mine now. GO!” She did not watch him crawl away, so far beneath her notice.

Star wondered why the griffon bent so easily to her. It was like he'd given up without a fight.

“Because some enjoy it.”

The pegasus blinked and looked up at Luna, but she had her attention focused on the Empress.

“Now.” The Red-Empress sneered. “Are there any others who wish to bow? I will not be so merciful if I'm forced to bring my full power to bear. You will beg and cry for release from your torment. I will break you as my army has broken this city.” She chuckled. “You called us outcasts. Scattered tribes, yet I have united them, brought them together. I even called the Red-Druids from their secluded den to join my forces. We are greater than any of your armies.” She pointed a claw at Natasha. “I am not afraid of the Black-Talons. You are worms before our might.”

“And I am not afraid of you.” Natasha spat back.

“Brave words from a griffon who fucks the ponies.” She turned her head to glance at Lighthoof. “Is he your type? Or perhaps the dirt-crawlers?” Her eyes returned to the snarling Matron of the Black-Talons. “Oh, my spies have told me ALL about your rutting with prey. How you and your sister take turns getting rammed by these disgusting creatures.” She noticed the surprised look of a few of the other Clan-heads. “Did she not tell you of her tastes? I wonder why...” The Empress grinned triumphantly before her eyes fell on Yellow-Feather Hilda. “And you, oh, my dear Hilda.” She gestured with a claw. “Come my pet.”

At her beckon, Hilda lowered her eyes, unable to meet the odd looks the others gave her. She meekly walked around the table to sit at the Empress' feet. She ducked her head as the larger female stroked her feathers. “Such a good pet. You did a fine job delivering those letters. It's a shame so few left the fortress. But, you did as I commanded and so I shall reward you. In fact, I will personally whip you every night. Would you like that?” Hilda looked up with such adoration that Star felt his stomach churn.

“Why would she betray the others to be abused and degraded like that?” Star wondered to himself.

“Pleasure, pain. Not always separate.”

Starstep raised an eyebrow, sneaking a glance up at Luna, but again the mare paid him no heed.

The Empress looked at the rest of the silent Clan-heads as her claws ran through Hilda's head-feathers while the leader of the Fairwind clan sat there like a loyal dog. Ten in all remained. She eyed each of them in turn, as though deciding which to attack next.

“Enough of these games.” Blue-feather Rita stated calmly. “What exactly do you want?”

“Your submission. Bend or break, I don't really care. The Red Empire is reborn. I am the Red-Empress and you WILL fall before me.”

White-feather Alexander threw back his head and laughed, startling the other griffons except the Empress, who simply seemed annoyed. “You're not her. You're a pretender.”

As he said this, the other remaining griffons blinked at him, then turned to stare at the 'Empress'

“How dare you! You are just a blind old fool. I am the Empress reborn!” She pointed a claw upwards, golden bracelets clattering as her other claw dug into Hilda's skull. Hilda simply closed her eyes and accepted the pain. “The heavens foretold my coming! Even the Red-Druids support me.”

“And you call ME the blind one.” Alexander cocked his head. “Tell me, Empress.” He smirked, his battered beak twisting at an odd angle. “How is it that you gathered the other outcasts?”

She grinned. “Easy you old fool. I won by conquest. If I must, I will defeat each of you as well and devour your hearts.” She licked her beak.

“Conquest does not make you the Red-Empress,” Alexander responded.

“Pretender or not, Elder.” A younger Clan-head said. “She has proven she's powerful enough to unite all the outcasts and take this city. Maybe joining her isn't such a bad idea.” A few of his peers nodded in agreement.

Starstep noticed his breath was coming out in a cold mist. Puzzled, he took note that the same was true for the others in the room. He gently nudged Luna with his fore-limb catching her attention. She leaned down, eyes still on the arguing griffons. “What's with the cold?” he asked.

Luna spared a quick glance around, noting a fine sheet of frost was forming on the handles of the double-door. She tilted her head towards it, directing Star's attention. “Tis not I, my love.” She returned to her regal pose. “If I may interject?”

All eyes turned to the blue alicorn. The Empress spat on the floor. “No, you may not. This is griffon business, slave.” She did not even look at Luna.

“Mine query is for White-feather Alexander.” At his nod, Luna continued. “Why dost thou claim she is but a pretender?”

A twisted grin spread on his beak. “Ah, at last the question is asked. Simple enough, dear Princess. This griffon has no magical ability. I can't sense it, I can't smell it.” The other clan-heads were now eying the Empress suspiciously. He gestured with a claw towards the doors which were coated with a light frost. “Unless the door is her doing.”

Puzzled, the Empress turned her head to notice the frost-coated door.

There was a firm knock. The Empress' escort glanced at it, then their ruler. A moment passed, then another hard knock, shaking a bit of rime from the handles.

“Open it.” The golden-feathered griffon commanded.”

They gripped the handles in their leather-gloved claws and jerked. As the double-doors swung open, a wave of freezing fog swept in from the cloudy hallway. Out of the mist, two red-robed figures marched in, hoods pulled down low to shadow their faces. Claws and hooves clicked on the floor as they strode in and to the sides, taking up sentry positions as the chilling fog in the hallway rolled about at the entrance. Another red-robed figure walked in, hers trimmed with white fox-fur of the purest white. She was slightly smaller in statue than the snarling griffon Empress. Clicks of claws and hooves puzzled Star as he watched this figure walk with an air of authority and grace that reminded him of the Princesses. The newcomer stopped in the center of the room, glancing around the room from her dark hood before she lifted a claw and pulled back the cowl.

Star was struck at how beautiful she appeared to him, despite being what appeared at first glance to be a griffon. Her head seemed sleeker with long tufts of feathers running from the tops of her eyebrows, little pony-like ears directed towards the group, her beak a little less curved than the rest. Her feathers were a beautiful crimson red with yellow eyes that danced around, judging everything. He felt a chill wash through him when the intense gaze studied him.

The two druids walked up and pulled the robe from their mistress, revealing her back half was a pony with brown coat with a black pony tail.


The word just popped into his head. He'd never heard or seen such a thing. The look on most of the Griffon's faces was shock.

The hippogriff looked down her beak at the Empress griffon. “Dala ka' sin pah nor Raja-Empahis? Keerish nol.” She spoke in musical words.

One of the druids stepped to her side, still hidden under his hood. “My Mistress asks, 'who here is claiming to be the Red-Empress? Speak now.”

The 'Empress' glared at the new-comer, marching up to the smaller hippogriff, leaving Hilda forgotten on the floor. “I am the Red-Empress, by right of conquest.”

“Vah, dun-lah mek nah ooh.” The smaller answered. Star had a hard time looking away from her though he couldn't understand why. Something about her drew the eyes.

“My Mistress says, 'If you renounce that claim, you may live.” The interpreter Druid said.

White-feather Alexander cleared his throat. “Ah, a friendly suggestion that you should take her up on that offer.”

The Empress rolled her eyes. “I do not take suggestions from blind old fools. I will deal with you cowards in a moment.” She looked to the druid, ignoring the female hippogriff. “Why are you following her around? You swore to help me rebuild the empire! You took an oath!”

The druid cocked his head. “We took an oath to rebuild the empire. And we swore to follow the Empress. There is a reason we wear these robes, Lady Gilnya.” He pulled his off, letting it drop to the floor revealing that he too was a hippogriff, though his feathers were emerald and his hind-pony coat was tan. “We serve the Red-Empress because we are of her blood.”

The false Empress curled her beak in disgust. “All of the druids?”

“Yes. And if you continue to ignore my Mistress, she will cause you much suffering. She will only offer you this kindness once. I suggest you renounce your claim.”

Lady Gilnya looked down her beak at the silent Empress and spat in her face. “Filthy half-bloods. My soldiers will destroy you! Kill them!” She reared back her claw to slash as her two savage guards sprang at the druids from behind.

If Star had blinked, he would have missed the Empress dart her right-claw into the Griffon's chest. She clutched a bloody organ, pulsing in her dripping talon. Lady Gilnya's face contorted in pain and confusion, eyes struggling to focus on the heart held before her. Then she toppled over, the small hole in her breast oozing blood on the rug.

Behind her, the druids dodged the savage escort with agility and grace before snapping their necks in a beautiful dance of death. Star gave a shiver as he realized that these two were FAR above the ones he'd faced in the streets.

The Empress leaned back her head, opened her beak and swallowed the still pulsing heart whole—much like how Star had seen birds do to fish. She lowered her head, glanced down at the mess at her claws, dark blood soaking into the already red rug. She turned her gaze to the ponies.

“You will be compensated.” Her voice was almost melodic.

Star shook his head in confusion. A moment ago she was speaking in some foreign language. He looked up at the alicorns, who watched everything with their usual regal masks. Star wondered if they were just staying out of griffon business.


Celestia gave a gentle nod. “It's fine, Red-Empress.”

The two stared at each other for a long moment, then the hippogriff turned to do the same with Luna. “I see.” She began. “The pony races have immortals. The balance has shifted once more.” She turned to the other druid. “Maya.” The robed druid pulled back her hood, revealing a silver feathered female.

“Yes, Mistress?”

“Defrost the ponies. Ensure no lasting damage.”

The druid bowed deeply then spun about to enter the fog filled hallway.

The empress returned her attention the alicorns. “We did not wish to harm. They barred my path. They shall be restored.”

Celestia gave a formal smile. “I'm glad you've chosen not to kill some of my subjects. I only wish the same could be said about your soldiers in the city.”

“They were not mine. Not yet.” She gestured with a bloody claw towards the back of the room towards the silent griffons. “Walk with me, immortals?”

Star sensed the hesitation in Luna's movement before she and Celestia calmly walked towards the hippogriff. The Empress scratched the air with her claws, drawing trails of green light that summoned roots that split through the stone floor. The roots twisted and curled around the heavy oak council table,dragging it from her path and scattering the Clan-heads. She ignored them, walking straight towards the back wall with the two alicorns at her sides. Star gave Lighthoof a shrug and they followed after, ignoring the disapproving stare of the remaining druid as he watched from the side.

The Empress flicked her claw again and roots sprang from the wall, tugging stones from their place, groaning and cracking as they splintered the mahogany paneling. The created circular hole was large enough for all three to fly through if they wanted, trimmed by deep green roots. She stopped at the edge, this room on the third floor, gazing out over the city, flames still flickering even in the steady downpour. The sisters joined her, with the colts hanging back, but close enough to hear and see.

“My Druids guided the false-Empress with hopes to avoid much blood-shed. She was warned against unnecessary deaths. Her outcasts are bloodthirsty with too much... Keianynaish.” She circled her claw in the air, as though sifting through sand. “Hatred of non-griffons? My work has been twisted over thousands of years by the savages. There will be atonement.”

Below them, cries rose up. “It's the Princesses!”

“Princess! Save us!”

“Help us!”

The alicorns looked down, as did the pair of pegasi who peeked around the edges. Below them the courtyard was stuffed with ponies and a few griffons, reaching up to the alicorns far above them. Pleading for help in the pouring rain.

Celestia turned her barely contained fury towards the hippogriff. “What is this?”

The Red-Empress swept her claw towards the writhing mass below them. “Your subjects. My druids did their best to gather them unharmed. Here they are away from the fires and the blood-thirsty outcast patrols that follow.” She looked to the white alicorn. “One day, they will be my subjects. Pony kind has proven worthy. Long ago, you were slaves, beasts of burden.” She noticed the flash of anger in Celestia's eyes. “Before your time, immortals.” She paused, studying both of the taller sisters. “Perhaps you will join the Empire.” The hippogriff glanced over her shoulder at the eavesdropping griffon clans. “Yet, uniting the homeland comes first.”

“We wilst not join thee,” Luna coldly stated. “We art free. Our citizens art our children and thou shalt not take them from us.”

The Empress simply smiled. “There is freedom in my Empire. Your children are important to me. I have saved many from death and cruelty. We are speaking as equals, not battling as beasts. I am not heart-less, but am forced to rule with a... Mah' dah lah mia?” She cocked her head, eyes dancing about as she consider the proper phrase. “Ah, a... velvet covered fist?” She gestured to the burning city. “This is my homeland. The seat of my empire. You built here, I reclaim it.”

Luna tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“To stay, one joins the empire. Here there is order, protection and fairness. Law that is cold yet honest. Or leave...” She pointed at the city gates, far off in the distance. “Take your children and return to your lands. The journey is long and dangerous. I cannot offer protection.”

“We can protect our own.” Celestia stated.

The hippogriff raised a tufted eyebrow before looking down at the crying masses then back up at the white alicorn as though to prove a point.

“Take what you can carry and leave. The storm clears in three hours. Be gone through the gates by then. Those who remain become citizens.” She tilted her head up. “Fight me on this judgment and I rescind my protection on your children now.” She turned and walked away from the sisters, talons and hooves clicking on the polished floor, leaving a congealed trail of blood from her right-claw. “I rule out of love, immortals.” She stroked her claw through the air, leaving faint lines of blue-smoke, a throne of ice forming in the center of the room. The hippogriff settled into the frozen seat, puffs of frost rolling from the surface. “I rule because all must be united.” Her eyes turned to the quiet griffons, watching her with a mixture of expressions. “No more bickering, or pointless wars. Free trade, fair laws, no corruption. Ula'tah Eranh. All are equal.”

Alexander stepped forward. “Empress, with respect, you rule out of fear and blood. I have read the old books on your laws.”

“Only to quell chaos and disorder. With peace, I unclench my claw and embrace. To'goth More. Tough Love.” She sighed, seeing the unconvinced looks on some of the griffon’s faces. “Stay and join or leave with the immortal ponies. The end result will be the same. Your clans disbanded, new houses formed.”

Gasps of disbelief and whispering started up amongst the ten clan-heads. The Empress turned her head towards the sobbing Hilda, the griffon crying over the corpse of the pretender. “You, child.” She pointed at the griffon, her voice magically pulling her attention.


“Did you care for her?”

“I-I, no, yes. I don't know. She promised me things.” The broken female sobbed.

The Empress stared into her eyes, searching, then pointed a claw towards the spot next to her frozen throne. “Come.” She commanded softly.

Hilda hesitated, confused, but when she looked back up into those intense, age-less eyes, she shivered and crawled over to lay next to the throne like a pet.

Celestia gasped. “How is this love?”

“How is it not?” the Empress replied. “She seeks protection, acceptance, freedom from choice. I offer love for her service. She is happy with this.” She smiled to the disgusted Sun-Goddess. “I forget how young you are—how new to ruling.” Her eyes lingered on the pair of pegasi behind the sisters. “I do not abuse my servants as have.”

Celestia cocked her head in confusion before glancing back at the colts. “No, they are not our servants. They are our consorts.”

The Empress gasped. “Dah' sah hore nil! How can you claim to love? You let death cling to them!”

Luna stomped a hoof, her crystal slipper giving a sharp snap on the stone floor. “We didth not do such things to them. Tis because of the conflict within our walls.”

“My walls, immortal,” the Hippogriff corrected. As she looked to the two pegasi again, the Empress gave a sad shake of her head.

The sound of wood scraping the floor caught her ear. With a flick of her claw and green smoky lights, vines snapped up from cracks in the floor and whipped behind the council table which rested on it's side. A cry went out as Igor was dragged from behind it over to the throne. He looked up into her eyes and froze. She stared into his soul then waved a dismissive claw.

“No... no place for you here. Perhaps with them.” Her vines released him and slithered back into the cracks. “Leave with the immortal ponies. I do not tolerate your kind.” Star noticed the faintest flicker of disgust on her beak. He wondered what was so bad about this griffon that even she would reject him. The Empress looked up at the Royal Sisters. “Time passes. I would joyfully welcome you and your children. Join me.” She glanced back to the still open door. “Or leave.”

Celestia and Luna shared a look, then they both shook their heads at the hippogriff. The white alicorn tilted her chin up. “We thank you for the offer, but our ponies enjoy their lives the way they are. We will leave.” They both gave a respectful nod to her.

The Red-Empress smiled at them. “May I know your names?”

The Sun-Goddess returned her smile, though strained. “I am Celestia.”

“I am Luna.” The Night-Goddess answered, cold as her namesake.

“Celestia and Luna. I am Fala.” She ignored the gasp of shock from her remaining druid. “We do not see eye to eye, but one day we shall embrace as silenas, ah, blood-sisters.” She stood and gestured towards the door. “Depart in peace.”

The alicorn sisters walked by her, followed by their two pegasi guards who eyed the hippogriff warily. The Empress tilted her head at the two young stallions. “A moment.” Confused, Star and Light glanced over at the Princesses who halted to watch, a bit of concern in their eyes. Then the colts looked up at the crimson-feathered hippogriff. “Unusual to see so many...” Her claw circled in the air, “Afterlife, lesser souls. They cling to you. Armored and angry.” She made spread her claws wide and interlocked the digits. “Like cobwebs, chains.” She waved her blooded clawed hand in their direction a few times, purple lines of light flickered through the air. Then she nodded with a satisfied smile. Star and Light both felt immediately more relaxed, as though a weight had been knocked from their shoulders. She lowered her voice so only they could hear. “A gift. You removed the stain from my house. It is pleasing to see them leave.” She looked them both in the eyes and Star swore he saw a flicker of admiration in their ageless depths. “You are both deathly loyal. Perhaps when we are one, I will earn that loyalty.” She sat back in her icy throne. “Leave in peace, consorts.”

Star and Lighthoof shared a glance, both of them so bewildered by the hippogriff that they didn't know what to say. They simply gave her a respectful bow before trotting over to their waiting Princesses. The four of them left the room with six of the remaining ten clan-leaders following and Igor slinking along behind them.

The Red-Empress lounged back in her makeshift throne, her clean claw gently stroking the top of Hilda's head, her other claw crusted with blood as she looked down at the four young clan-leaders who prostrated themselves at her hooves. She smiled to herself, noting that while the world had changed so much in her absence, the game of ruling had not. Her opening move had been made and now she waited for her opponents to make theirs.

Chapter LII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter LII

By Indigo Eclipse

The four ponies left the council room and entered the frozen fog that filled the hallway. Through the mist, Celestia and Luna led the way, Lighthoof and Starstep just behind.

Star could feel the hot fury radiating off Celestia and sense the cold rage that gathered in Luna. He had so many questions but he was not foalish enough to voice them now. As the remaining griffon-leaders caught up to the group, he glanced over his shoulder at them. Most, like Alexander, wore a calm face that betrayed nothing, others however were a mixture of disbelief and indignation. Star briefly wondered what it must be like to have a legend show up out of the blue, but then he remembered his own encounter with Nightmare.

As the white fog thinned he noticed a hooded figure ahead of them. It stepped aside and swept a wing in a formal bow. “As my Mistress commanded, your guards have been thawed. Go in peace,” Maya said, watching them pass her without expression. Star had expected her to be be smiling or gloating; the Equestrian forces of Spurlin had been thoroughly bested. Yet, the Empress' personal Red Druid seemed professional and diplomatic about the ordeal.

Luna gave the hippogriff a polite nod in passing, the group stepping out into the main chamber down the hall from the council room where Star and Light had ran into the mass of guards earlier. Thundermane stood off to the side with his troops, casting wary looks at the robed hippogriff. He stepped before the sisters and bowed deeply. “Your highnesses... I'm so very sorry we failed to keep the intruders out. I'm glad you're safe.”

“I do not blame thee, Thundermane and we art glad thou art safe. We were woefully unprepared.” She glanced at the nervous guards behind him, a mix of gold and purple armors— they waited expectantly for orders and reassurance. “Thou hath one hour to gather thy personal effects then meet at the main foyers with the others.”

The guards looked at each other in puzzlement.

“Make haste! Time is of the essence.” They hesitantly began to depart until she slammed a hoof down, scattering the group. Luna looked to Thundermane, the only guard remaining. “Tis an order for thee as well.”

The scarred pony shook his head. “I have nothing here of note, Princess. Just the armor I wear. I'm more concerned about the other lieutenants. With your permission, I'm going to see if I can't track down the rest. I assume we're leaving the city?”

“Indeed. The deadline is in three hours time.”

Thunder nodded. “Alright, I'll hit-up the safe houses and meet you later. Last I saw, Dazzle was down in the infirmary.” He spun on his hooves and began to leave when Luna spoke, halting his stride.

“Thundermane, I thank thee for thy service. Please, take care, I dost not wish to lose more good ponies.”

The grey stallion nodded. “Thank you for the concern, Princess. We'll get through this.” With that, he galloped off, armor clanking as he ran.

“Immortals.” Maya the hippogriff called from behind them. Celestia turned to meet the approaching druid, striking a regal pose.


“My Mistress wishes me to inform you that she has sent out the command. You and your subjects are to have safe passage to the main gate. We will keep the outcasts in line. However, she wishes to remind you that outside of the gates, you are on your own.”

“Very well. Please offer my thanks to the Empress.”

The hippogriff bowed her head in acknowledgment and trotted away.

“Why is the Princess thanking her for-” Light whispered before Starstep slapped a hoof over his muzzle.

“Light— not now,” he whispered into his friend's ear. “They are seriously pissed. I'm sure we'll get our answers later.” The colts shared a long look before Light nodded and turned away.

Celestia turned to face the remaining griffon-leaders. “I know this must be a troubling time for you all. We've faced similar situations in Equestria when forgotten threats have risen up against us. Whatever your reasons, I am glad that you have decided to stand up against her. If you have loved ones or things that cannot be left behind, I suggest you gather them now. You are welcome to journey with us to Trottingham before you return to your clans or attempt to make your way home on your own.”

Star looked at the remaining leaders. Alexander, Natasha, Rita, along with three younger ones he hadn't formally been introduced to. Hiding towards the back was Igor, who occasionally glanced over his shoulder down the hallway, as though expecting an attack.

White-feather stepped forward and respectfully dipped his head. “I will stay with you, Princesses. At the very least it will offer you two a little more protection. I do have some sway with a few of the outcast clans.”

Natasha spoke. “I need to check on my sister, but I will join you. I've no doubt those raving savages will be looking for opportunities to strike once we're outside the walls.”

The other four agreed, and though Igor said nothing from the back it was pretty clear he wasn't up for going at it alone.

Celestia smiled. “We welcome your company. It is a long and dangerous road to Trottingham by hoof. Thank you for your continued support.”

Alexander nodded. "After settling our affairs, we will catch up. Be safe, Princesses." With that, the griffons went their own way and for the next hour Star and Light followed the Princesses around the fortress as they insured that every servant and guard was sent down to the foyer. Star could feel the pressure of time bearing down on them as they hurried from room to room, the alicorns using a life-sense spell to check for those that may have sought to hide during the attack.

When they arrived at the sister's chambers the alicorns used a spell on their personal belongings, including the Moon-Mirror, causing the objects to pop out of existence. Satisfied that no important relics or subjects were left, they made their way to the exit.

Starstep heard the crowd before he saw it— the group of ponies filling the foyer was staggering. Guards and various workers of the fortress were packed into the large room, lit by the overhead iron chandelier. They chattered nervously with each other, a tightness in their voices that spoke of their uncertainties and fears. The ponies at the back noticed the alicorns first and a hush rolled through the room as they forced themselves tighter together to allow a path for the Princesses and their escort to reach the doors.

Without a word, Celestia used her magic to unbar the door and push it open, letting in the first gusts of wind and rain. She took a few steps out into the weather to stand on the stone platform that rose slightly above ground level, her sister at her side, looking over the hushed mass of ponies filling the courtyard to the brim. Their eyes were fearful, pleading, desperate for answers. They were soaked, and shivering, hiding under whatever clothing or objects they could find. Mares and stallions used their own bodies to shield their foals from the rain.

The water rolled down Celestia's white face hiding her tears as she quietly cried for them.

Long moments passed as the crowd watched the alicorns in silence, waiting for their Princesses to lead them, to save them from the hooded figures that watched them like gargoyles from atop the walls.

Celestia spoke, raising her voice over the gusting wind, magic aiding to carry it to those in the back. “Citizens of Equestria. Spurlin has fallen.”

A gasp rolled through the crowd and a few wails of despair sounded.

“We are leaving the city through the main gate and will make our way to Trottingham.”

“What!” a stallion near the front cried out. “But that's a week trip by wagon!”

“What about the trains?” a mare asked.

“Or the ships?” another mare added.

Celestia continued, “The other options have been destroyed in the attack.” A murmur of panic rippled through the crowd. “I will be sending messengers ahead to gather every chariot possible and begin flying out the old, weak and injured. The new ruler of the city has given us safe passage to the gates, but beyond we must rely on one another.”

“How long do we have to gather supplies?” A shopkeeper mare asked, her foal hugging her foreleg tightly.

Celestia shook her head. “We have no time. Gather what you can as we make our way to the gates. We will be having supply trains meet us along the way.”

The fear began to build in the crowd, Star could see it on their faces. A few started to weep, some couples and families holding each other for comfort.

Luna stepped forward. “All is not lost, citizens! Have faith in this trying time. Thou art not alone. We shalt journey the entire distance at thy side. We shalt never leave thee.”

The Moon-Goddess' proclamation did calm a few and flickers of hope shined in their eyes.

Celestia ignored the rain streaming down her white coat, standing proud as her mane danced calmly in the wind. “Please make your way to the gates. If you see or hear any pony in distress along the path, please alert the guards who will be walking with us. You are welcome to scavenge any supplies that might help us, food, small carts, medical supplies, but do not linger long and do not get left behind. Be aware that anything you find will be shared with everypony.” She pointed at the open fortress gates. “Please go.”

No one moved for a few moments, then a trickle of ponies started out the fortress, eying the griffons that sneered at them from the edges of the road. But the hooded figures kept them in line and away from the nervous crowd.

The trickle became a steady flow as the more able-bodied ponies left, the injured being helped onto make-shift litters. The pegasi were still too fearful of the net wielding griffons on the roof-tops and simply walked with the rest.

Celestia and Luna watched them begin to leave then turned to the guards behind them. “Take every available guard and put them on the outskirts of the crowd. Their orders are to help anypony they can along they way, but they must be outside the city in an hour and a half. Do not engage the griffons or hooded ones unless attacked.” The white alicorn eyed the nervous handful of guards. “Spread the word.”

The mix of Sun and Night guards gave a respectful bow before scattering in all directions, seeking the tell-tell glint of armor amongst the press of bodies.

The non-military from the fortress poured out around the alicorns, joining the mass of departing ponies and soon the foyer was empty, save for a large silver-stallion and a couple of mares.

Star could hear himself groan. “Steelhoof.”

The information broker trotted out of the comfort of the fortress right up to Star and Light. He gave them a confident smile, halting before them to give a polite bow to both Princesses. Dazzle and Sandy followed behind him, glancing out over the huge crowd.

Sandy shook her head as the water dripped down her mane into her eyes. “Oy, I take ah lil nap and everything goes plot-up.” She blushed when she remembered the alicorns nearby. “Er, sorry, yer highnesses”

Dazzle stepped up to Luna, her shoulders slumped as she bowed her head. “Princess, I failed you.”

The alicorn shook her head softly. “No, Dazzle. Tis I who hath failed thee. Thou should never hath been forced to endure the ruins again. Nor did I anticipate this attack.”

The yellow unicorn's ears wilted and she turned her head away.

Starstep nudged Luna with his nose, catching her attention. He made a hugging gesture and jerked his head towards the depressed lieutenant. The alicorn lifted an eyebrow at him then she stepped forward to pull the unicorn into her fore-legs.

Dazzle gasped in surprise, her ears perking and a blush on her cheeks. After her initial shock and embarrassment the unicorn hesitantly slipped her hooves around the larger pony's neck and returned the hug, closing her eyes.

Celestia watched curiously before turning her head to look over the crowd of ponies. A few of those closest noticed the royal hug and flickers of smiles appeared here and there. She closed her eyes and turned her face up towards the rain, letting it finish washing away her earlier tears. She exhaled and glanced over her shoulder at her sister. The blue alicorn was whispering in Dazzle's ear as the smaller pony nodded softly in response, her eyes full of peace with a hint of red still on her cheeks.


The blue alicorn's eyes lifted to her sister. “Yes, Tia?”

“I'm going to join the crowd. They need us now more than ever.” The sisters shared a smile before the Sun-Goddess hopped off the entryway platform and stepped into the midst of the ponies who waited their turn to leave. A ripple of whispers rolled through the crowd and they hurried aside to give her room as she walked her way forward. She paused to scoop up a young limping earth filly and deposit her on her back, smiling at the little pony. A nearby stallion handed the filly his purple umbrella, shielding her from the rain as she rode on Celestia's back. The alicorn spread out her large wings. “Bring the little ones to me and I shall watch over them.”

The word traveled fast and before long a small crowd of young fillies and colts were gathered around the Princess, hiding under her wings or carrying umbrellas that other ponies had donated to them. Though most were somber the rest seemed to brighten at being so close to her and in turn the ponies around them seemed a little more hopeful, seeing their Sun-Goddess watch over their children. Sandy gave Star and Light a smile and a nod before she bound off to assist Celestia with the little ones.

Luna watched her sister leave through the gate with her new charges and smiled as she felt Dazzle slip from her grasp.

The unicorn dipped her head towards her, short pale-blue mane damp from the rain. “Forgive my display of weakness earlier. I am and always will be at your service.”

Luna gently placed her hoof on Dazzle's shoulder. “For too long I hath ignored how formal the Night-Guard hath been on this side of the sea. Tis an oversight upon my part as I simply attributed it to Trottingham culture. It appears I must remedy this.” Luna pushed Dazzle, causing the mare to stumble over into Starstep's hooves. “Star, thou art to teach Dazzle how we socialize with one another at home. We hath a long journey ahead, take thy time.”

Star blinked, looked down at the blushing unicorn then gave Luna a nod. “Yes, Princess.” He gave Dazzle an apologetic smile and helped her stand back upright.

Luna glanced about, noting only a handful of ponies were left in the courtyard not counting her group. “Come, let us be off.” She led the way, Star and Dazzle right on her flanks with Light and Steelhoof trailing. Light was eying the information broker suspiciously, who returned the looks with a confident smile.

As they brought up the rear of the crowd, Luna lowered her voice. “Dazzle, until I tell thee otherwise, thou art to stay with me. Thou shalt not take regular Night-Guard duties.”

“O-of course, Princess.” She dipped her head then glanced back at the smiling silver earth-stallion. “What about him?”

Luna hesitated, tilting her head towards Star. “What was thy agreement with him?”

“I-uh...” He looked away as they trotted slowly behind the citizens. “I kinda offered him a job to be your information pony. It was the only thing I could think of that would force him to keep his muzzle shut about the ruins. You did say nopony was suppose to talk about that place. But he'll only do it after working out the details with you personally.”

“Tis true that whilst the sisters may at last be free, tis better for all if that history be forgotten. There is possibility we might hath compensated his silence in other ways, yet... this mayth present us with an opportunity.” She pondered the thought for a moment then glanced down at her husband. “Dost thou trust him?”

“Yes and no?” He jerked his head to swing his wet mane from his eyes. “He did save my life, though I'll bet five bits it was so he could use it as leverage later. That whole mess with your feather was just a way he could get into those parties and learn more things to use on other ponies.”

Luna pondered his answer for a moment. “In thy opinion, wilst he keep his word?”

Star gave a quick nod. “Yeah, as much as I hate to admit it. I'm sure you'll have to work out some sort of arrangement about his... well, business practices back home.”

They exited the gate and began down the hill towards town proper. Their walk slowed, cautious of the rain-soaked cobblestones as they looked out on the river of ponies making their way towards the gate in the distance.

The alicorn looked over her shoulder at the silver stallion, he smiled and gave her a nod in return.

“Mister Steelhoof?”

His ears perked. “Yes, Princess Luna?”

“A word if I may?”

Dazzle slowed to let the larger pony take her place next to Luna.

“Mine husband tells of his offer to thee. To become the court informant. Though, I suppose the proper term is, Royal Spy?”

The stallion smirked. “Yes, your highness.”

“The initial job offer was for thy silence about the things thou hath seen below.” She eyed him. “I wilst honor the offer in return for thy vow of silence on the matter.”

“With all due respect, Princess. We need to work out the details of my employment before I agree.”

“And we art doing such.” She noticed a few of the crowd look back towards them and gave them a reassuring smile, doing her best to ignore the griffons that watched them from the dark roof-top. The sky was slightly beginning to lighten, the darkest clouds had passed and the rain slowed. “I wilst not continue this conversation until thou takes an oath to speak not of the ruins. Think of it as a show of good faith.” She lifted her chin.

Steel's smile broadened. “And that's the only condition before we negotiate my becoming your informant?”


“Spy.” He chuckled. “I think I know where you're going with this Princess.”

“Splendid, then dispense with the games and speak the words. I'm certain thou art familiar with the binding oath spell.” Her horn began to glow.

The silver stallion pondered a few moments, looking this way and that, his eyes lingering on a hooded druid who watched them from an alley. “Alright.” He began before turning his head to the slightly taller alicorn. “I, Steelhoof, swear to never share information about the ruins below this city to another living creature without Princess Luna's permission.” A blue glow surrounded him and he smirked after it disappeared. “So what's keeping the others from saying anything?”

“Loyalty, Mister Steelhoof.” Luna responded. “Duty, obligation. Things foreign to thee.”

“I'm hurt.”

“Tis not to say that I think thee without honor. Neigh, thou art honorable in thy own fashion. A pony who follows a code to the letter. A code which values truth in all forms.”

Steelhoof gave a respectful dip of his head.

“And so, the terms of thy employment. What dost thou seek? I would offer the usual things such as salary, special companions, and such, but I knowth such things dost not interest thee.”

“Very true, Princess. Seems you're well informed.” He paused, looking up at the grey sky. “Since we're running out of time, I'll keep my side of the agreement brief. One, as long as my businesses stay within bounds of the law, they are to be left alone. No law enforcement breathing down my neck, no lawyers looking for ways to grey-area me. I'll agree to periodic checks of my operations if it would put your mind at ease.”

“Not necessary. This is a contract, thou places much importance on such. I agree to this. Next?”

Steel smiled. “Two, I want to know everything about the original Nightmare Moon.” He saw her narrow her eyes and held up a hoof. “Not to ever share it with another soul, this is personal interest. Certain parts of Equestrian history fascinate me and you are perhaps the only pony alive that can tell me the truth.”

Starstep could see Luna curl her lip and her eyes tighten ever so slightly. Then she gave a curt nod. “Agreed, though I counter with the requirement to cast bind oath upon thee at such times.”

“Deal.” He paused, lowering his voice just so the three of them would hear. “Last thing, I want my niece to become your personal assistant but no one else must know I bargained for this. It must look like she earned the position.”

Starstep's eyes went wide and he stumbled over a loose stone. Luna simply tilted her head at him. “What need hath I for one? What dost thou gain from this? An informant at mine side?” She pondered, “Neigh, too obvious a ploy for thee.”

Ahead of them,the gate loomed, the river of ponies pouring through as flocks of griffons sat on the walls, watching. Steel eyed the wall as they approached. “It's a family thing, Princess Luna. As well as repayment of an old debt. So do we have a deal or not?”

The group slowed before the gate, the last of the pony citizens working their way through the choke-point. Luna turned to the silver pony. “Perhaps a counter offer.”

Steel raised an eyebrow. “I'm all ears, Princess.”

Luna gestured with a hoof to her husband. “She may become Star's personal assistant.”

Starstep blinked. “Whoa, hold on there, why do I need one?”

Luna smirked, “Because dear, despite what thou believes, thou art a Prince now and as such will need somepony to assist in thy duties. Responsibilities art heavy as a leader and having somepony at hoof to manage the more... tiny aspects of it... Well, tis a blessing.” She held out a hoof towards Steelhoof. “Art the terms acceptable?”

Steelhoof hesitated then gave a nod, reaching out a hoof to shake with the alicorn. “Deal.”

Luna's horn glowed and a black chain with a tiny silver rectangle that flashed like a mirror, floated down in her aura around his neck. “Welcome, Spy Master Steelhoof.”

“That has a rather nice ring to it.”

“Indeed.” She looked to the skies, the clouds were now a light grey, a fine drizzle descending on them. “Time hath run its course.” She gave the earth-pony a respectful dip of her head. “Good luck.”

Steelhoof bowed deeply. “Until we speak again, Princess.” Then he trotted back the way they had come.

Luna followed the last few ponies through the gate, Starstep, Lighthoof and Dazzle on her heels.

“Wait, where's he going?” Star asked, glancing over his shoulder to the shrinking figure of the stallion.

“To do his job. Come, we hath our own to attend to.” Luna answered, her stride lengthening as she began walking along the left side of the stream of ponies, occasionally turning her head around to ensure no pony was being left behind.

Star took one more look back at the city, the flames and smoke visible over the stone walls of Spurlin, hundreds of griffons sat on the ramparts while the robed, deadly servants of the Red-Empress perched on the towers above them. Then the gates swung closed and he wondered how many ponies got left behind.

A few hours later, there was still a light drizzle and gentle fog, keeping everypony wet and dampening spirits. The remaining Spurlin guards had taken protective positions around the massive herd of ponies that trotted through rolling grass-lands in the shadows of the Daggerpeak mountains. The guards were spread fairly thin, sometimes losing sight of one another when the road wound it's way around a hill. Many were missing helmets or were using makeshift weapons. Star noted one Sun-Guard clutched a wheat scythe in her mouth, eyes searching the hills for a threat.

The dirt road was muddy, but thankfully not thick enough to slow the herd. The sound of hooves squishing through the mud and water was constant. Despite the gentle rain, their lower legs were beginning to cake with the brown mess.

Celestia had taken to being at the center of the crowd, still offering her protection to the young. Sandy was at her side, helping to keep the little ponies together. Starstep wondered how many had been separated from family or worse yet, had been orphaned. He knew not all were, as some of their parents watched from nearby, thankful to the Princess but wary to leave their foals completely. Still, Star did notice Celestia's efforts had brought a sense of hope to the refuges.

Star wondered how many lives would have been lost if the Red-Druids had not controlled the rest of the outcasts. Whatever her intentions, he had to admit that the Empress had protected a lot of ponies from a far worse fate. A shiver ran through him when he thought about the unicorn horns on those necklaces.

Luna noticed his reaction, looking down at him. “Bit for thy thoughts?” She was leading at the head of the river of ponies, Lighthoof on her other side and Dazzle trailing just behind.

“It's nothing, Luna.” When Starstep saw Luna raise an eyebrow, he sighed. “Well, I was just thinking that the Empress and her Druids saved a lot of lives. I dunno, I'm conflicted how I'm supposed to feel about that. I mean, she took our city and forced us out before we could recover. I can't imagine how many ponies got left behind.”

The alicorn exhaled heavily. “Tis a game. Like all griffon—or in this case, hippogriff—diplomacy.”

“A game? I mean, I get the whole, perspective thing you used on them before, but this? I mean...”

Lighthoof kicked a rock out of his way, growling. “We just gave up the city.”

“Exactly!” Star agreed.

Luna looked to the tan pegasus on her left. “Pray-tell, what would thou have us do?”

“Set up a guerrilla operation, harass them, overthrow her. Fight back and make them bleed. Anything!”

“Thou cannot truly believe this. Lighthoof, thou art not thinking straight. Look upon it from a different angle and ask thyself—what would we gain from that? What would we lose? Tis only a place of stone and wood.”

“But it was their place of stone and wood, Princess.” He gestured a hoof behind him. “It was their homes, their businesses, their lives. Gone, just like that because we packed up and left.”

Luna gave a patient sigh. “Light, thou art an intelligent colt-”

Star interrupted, “Bet he'll never hear that again.”

“Ha-ha. Smart-ass,” Light shot back.

The alicorn rolled her eyes and smiled. “As I was saying…” Her tail whipped Star across the flank, causing him to yelp and narrow his eyes at his wife. “Thou art intelligent, Lighthoof. When thy emotions have calm, think upon the pros and cons of the situation. Consider also how we look to the other Griffon Leaders. We accepted defeat with humility and grace instead of acting as foals, thrashing about because some bully hath taken our favorite toy.” She noticed him open his mouth to counter, but gave him a stare so striking that he kept his mouth shut. “Tis only an analogy. There is far more at stake here than one city.”

She looked over her shoulder to the lead ponies following not far behind, their heads lowered as they trudged along. “I am well aware of what they hath lost and they shalt not be the last in the coming conflict.” Her attention returned to Lighthoof. “Tis in times such as these that my sister and I art reminded why so many ponies bow to us and art a part of our kingdom. They trust us to protect them and assist them. And while there art always unavoidable tragedies, we do all within our power to help them through it.”

Starstep leaned against his wife, nuzzling at her coat as they walked. She smirked down at him. “We art at the head of thousands of ponies and thou art making advances. Hath thou no shame?”

“Sorry, you just looked like you needed it.” He stepped away to give her a little room.

“I tease, my love. I understood thy intentions, yet perhaps tis best to temper such until we hath privacy. Many of these ponies art emotionally distraught and I am uncertain it would send the right message.”

"…The Princess likes to rut while their homes burn."

Star frowned and shook his head free of the strange thought.

“Everything alright, Star?” Luna asked, concern in her eyes.

“Uh, yeah, guess so. Still a bit tired I guess, we didn't get much sleep.”

“The nightmares?”

Star and Lighthoof both nodded.

Dazzle spoke up. “I have been getting them too, Princess.” When all three ponies in front of her turned their heads in her direction, she cleared her throat, a faint blush on her cheeks. “I am sorry for eavesdropping.”

“Not at all, Dazzle.” The alicorn smiled reassuringly to her. “I wilst do what I can to ensure restful sleep for thee.

“What time is it, anyways?” Star asked, looking up at the dark-grey sky.

“Tis early morning. Sister raised the sun not long ago. Because of the dangerous journey, I shalt be keeping the night up only long enough for rest. Tis an emergency and to do so for more than a few days wilst have dramatic effect upon nature.

“Your highness!” A male voice called out from the morning fog ahead of them. Shortly thereafter an earth-pony Night-Guard in his armor came charging up to them, splattering mud in his wake before sliding to a stop before them. “Princess, I think we should stop or detour. There's something I don’t think these ponies need to see.”

She stopped and her escort did as well. The massive collection of ponies slowly began to pass word along and eventually the precession stopped moving. They were between a pair of rolling green hills with a small stream not far away, the muddy road curving around the hill to their left.

Luna turned to a couple of Sun-Guards off to the side. “You two, please keep the herd held here. We shalt not be long.” With that, she gestured to the scout to proceed, her three Night-Guards on her tail.

The scout led them down the road and around the hill. As they rounded the corner, Star noticed bits of wreckage littering the area. Broken sticks, shattered planks of wood, some cloth fluttering in the breeze. Further ahead he could make out a few forms laying in the muck. Luna quickened her pace to the nearest.

It was a pegasus mare, or rather she had been. As his eyes slid across the dead-mare's shoulders, he had to turn away and fight down the bile rising in his throat. He could already hear Lighthoof puking into a nearby bush. She was Star's age, light pink coat, slightly green mane. She reminded him of a weather-mare he knew from Ponyville, except that her wings were missing.

Star could feel Dazzle gently touch his back, taking his attention away from the body and dark thoughts. He gave the unicorn a slight appreciative smile.

Luna moved to the next fallen pony, then the next. Eventually she found them all—twenty in total— and returned to her recovering guards and the nervous scout. “Dost thou know what happened?

“Most of them were the pegasi we sent ahead to Trottingham. Looks like they were hauling a few litters with the seriously injured.” He gestured to the scraps of wood and cloth.

“Dost thou know how many went ahead in total?”

“I'm not sure, Princess. We lost count not long after we couldn't see the city. Some of the pegasi didn't want to hike all that way, so they offered to go on ahead and get help. Not counting the fourteen here, at least another two dozen volunteered—probably more.”

“Thank you, please return and quietly request a few guards to help bury them.”

He bowed. “Yes, Princess.”

Star almost asked who would do such a thing, but then he had a feeling he already knew the answer. He looked to his wife, seeing the tremble of her bottom lip and her damp eyes. As soon as the guard rounded the bend he walked up to Luna and pulled her into his embrace. She resisted at first, gently pushing at his chest, eyes glancing at the remaining two guards, but then she noticed the dead again and a single tear rolled down her cheek. She relented, slumping into his fore-legs and leaning her neck over his shoulder to weep silently. Star could feel his wife shudder in his hooves with each choking sob. She simply let him support her weight, gone was her regal bearing. Starstep could feel his heart ache at seeing her in such a state. After a few moments, Lighthoof and eventually even Dazzle hugged the alicorn.

There were no words spoken, there was no need.

In an hour the graves were dug and the bodies had been carefully moved and buried in the soft earth. By then Celestia had been called up, vowing to the children that she would be right back. She and her sister said a few words over the freshly turned dirt with only the grave-detail guards in attendance. Some, like Lighthoof, were angry, but most were somber, and a few had tears in their eyes. After the impromptu ceremony was complete, the mares and stallions of the guard shared hugs and soft words of encouragement. Celestia promised them that a memorial would be built here, but for now they should remain quiet so as not to panic the refugees.

Throughout the brief sermon, Dazzle stood near Star and Luna, quietly watching everything, a steely resolve in her eyes. She had insisted on helping move the bodies earlier, taking a moment to memorize their faces, and quietly whispering prayers as she closed their eyes. It caught Starstep by surprise, since her attitude was in such contrast to her terror when it came to the ruins of Sprulin. She could stare unflinchingly into the face of the tortured dead that caused Star and Lighthoof to become ill. Starstep wondered if Dazzle was truly stronger than he'd given her credit.

After the short funeral ended, Star looked down at the unmarked graves and felt his lip curl in anger. What was done to them wasn't a predator looking for a meal—that, he probably could have handled.

This was not death. This was mutilation. It was cruelty.

As the other guards wandered back towards the main group, Star couldn't help thinking that he wanted to do something awful to the griffons responsible—stab them, crush them under his hooves-

"Burn them."

Yes, like Copper. They would all burn.

Star shook his head abruptly and blinked. There was no pony around. Luna and Celestia were off to the side quietly talking to Dazzle and Lighthoof. He was alone next to one of the graves. So who was talking to him? The thought trailed off and he just sighed. He really needed a long sleep; one without nightmares would be nice. The stress was just taking a toll on him, he told himself, that's all.

They all returned shortly thereafter to the rest of the group. The Royal Sisters wore brave faces, not betraying the sadness they both felt. Celestia rejoined her following of little fillies and colts, and Luna took lead again.

She led them further down the road, past the scattered wreckage of wood bits and cloth, which thankfully no pony seemed to take real notice of. Time seemed to drag during the journey; having this many ponies slowed the trip significantly. Supply carts towards the back crawled along, exhausted volunteers pulling other tired and wounded ponies.

Late in the afternoon, Luna called for a stop. They were close to a river with flat grassy terrain for quite a ways on either side. The drizzle continued to soak the tired refuges as they softly whispered to each other.

Luna climbed up onto a nearby boulder and used the Canterlot Voice. “Citizens! We make camp! Guards, report to me!”

A flash went off nearby, startling the alicorn.

Featherweight gave her an apologetic smile from the front of the crowd. “Sorry, Princess. I'm just documenting.”

She gave a faint nod. “Carry on.”

Star waved a hoof at the cream colored pegasus. “Hey, Feather, got a sec?”

As Luna waited on her rock for the guards to assemble, Star took the other pegasus off to the side. “I didn't know you were still here. Are you and Scoots ok?”

Feather nodded. “Yeah, after the portrait session we hung around town, saw the sights, met some ponies. Then last night, we were at the inn and somepony started screaming in the next room over. Next thing we know, a griffon dives through our window. We got the jump on em, grabbed some gear and got out, but...” He gave an embarrassed lop-sided smile. “Got caught outside.” He tapped a hoof to his camera which was attached to a neck-rig. “But at some point, I figured, hey, somepony should take pictures of all this. Why not me?”

“And Scoots? Where is she?”

“Well...” Featherweight seemed nervous. “She's been kinda staying out of your way.”

Star's eyebrow raised. “What, why?”

“Honestly, Star. She's still really embarrassed she didn't tell you about, well, us. That, and come on, the city got attacked. She didn't want to distract you—you're an important pony now.” He looked over his shoulder at the massive herd; most had their heads lowered and ears laid back. The pegasus turned back to Star. “She's also been carrying a lot of supplies, way more than I think is healthy. I guess it's her way of helping.”

“Well, I'm glad you two are safe.”

He smiled. “Thanks, Star. I'll let Scoots know you're thinking about her.” With that, the pegasus turned and began photographing the nearby exhausted refugees.

Starstep wandered back over to the rock, Lighthoof eying him curiously as he approached. Luna was atop it, issuing orders for a guard-rotation around the perimeter.

“Everything ok, dude?” Light asked.

“Yeah. Feather and Scoots are fine.”

“That's good news, but you don't sound too happy.”

Star sighed. “That obvious eh? I'm happy she's okay, but apparently Scoots is avoiding me.”


Dazzle spoke up from behind them, surprising the two. “You should go speak with her when you have the chance.”

Light put a hoof to his chest. “Sheeze, Dazz, give a colt a heart-attack why don’t you?”

Star shook his head. “Nah, I don't think that's a great idea.”

“You would think like that.” Dazzle slipped up between the pegasi. “Look, Star. I'm trying to be more... social with my coworkers like the Princess asked me to. And, as a mare, I will tell you to talk to her. If for nothing else then just to let her know that you still care.”

Light just shrugged at his friend. “Hey, don't look at me. Sherry just slugs me in the shoulder when I do something stupid.”

Star smirked. “What does Peach-blossom do?”

The tan pegasus shyly ruffled his soaked mane. “Ah, not exactly a thing to talk about in front of a mare. No offense, Dazz.”

“None taken. Thank you for taking my feelings into account... for once.” She gave him a lop-sided grin and returned her attention to Star. “I have to go talk to the rest of the lieutenants and see if we can't get some logistics worked out with the Sun-Guard command. Please, consider my suggestion concerning your friend.”

Star sighed. “Alright, I will. Later, Dazz.”

She gave a curt nod and trotted off into the crowd.

Lighthoof chuckled. “She'll be one of us in no time.”

Star just rolled his eyes before walking back to Princess Luna.

A few hours passed—the sun had set and night was just beginning. Thankfully the rain had stopped and the clouds were scattered, allowing a few stars to twinkle through. Starstep stood up on Luna's rock looking out over the area. He was dripping after a quick bath in the river, the cool water finally washing away the crypt dust from his coat. Lighthoof was off with Dazzle and the Night-Guard Command, leaving Star on his own for a while.

Spread out before him, the massive herd had formed a circular shape in the wet grassy area next to the river. A few campfires dotted the sprawling group, casing warmth on the tired ponies. There were no tents, just a handful of wagons that carried the injured and some supplies. At the very center of the group was a soft white glow. Celestia laid there, her horn offering a reassuring light as she sung a lullaby to the fillies and colts who surrounded her. A few were already dozing against her side or cuddled into her chest. Even from this distance he could pick up the melody of her song.

“They art now thy subjects as well,” Luna spoke gently from below him.

Star glanced down—his Princess was watching the herd from beside the rock.

“I still can't wrap my head around that. I'm not a leader, Luna. I'm just one little pony. Lighthoof is more of a leader than me.”

“But thou cares about them, dost thou not?” He nodded without hesitation. “Thou hath learned many lessons on leading already and I shalt continue to guide thee.”

“Why? I didn't want to be with you to rule anypony. I just wanted to make you happy.”

“Because thou art mine husband and by right, a Prince, and though thou may dismiss such titles, they dost not. In their eyes, thou art my right-hoof—somepony I trust and love. And so, they wilst come to thou when I am not available.”

The pegasus cocked his head. “I thought only the guards were told about us?”

Luna glanced up at him. “Ponies asked for thy identity and the guards art not under instruction to lie about it.”

“Why would they care who I was?”

“A young stallion whom is consistently by my side, despite thy earlier ragged appearance, wearing my feather and carrying himself as a noble. Whispers start, queries art made.”

In no way was Star ashamed of being married to Luna or helping her in any way he could, but for the other ponies to see him as something more than just Luna's guard? The thought scared him.

“I... I need to go for a walk.” He bound off the large boulder and looked over his shoulder at the Princess. “If that's ok.”

“Certainly, my love.” She strode forward to gently hug him and nuzzle his wet mane. “I wilst be patrolling the night skies.” Her eyes reflected the crescent moon that hung just over the horizon. “The night is mine and I shalt protect my ponies.” Her hoof stroked his cheek. “Swear that thou rest tonight. I can see the exhaustion in thy eyes and it doth not help morale if a Prince passes out on the exodus.”

He leaned into her hoof and smiled. “I swear, Luna.”

Luna glanced over the crowds towards the glowing light of her sister. “Thou can always ask Tia for a lullaby.” Her eyes twinkled. “She used to sing me to sleep as well.”

“That sounds nice, actually.”

Luna leaned in to kiss him sweetly, her soft lips causing a shiver to run through him. Reluctantly, the alicorn separated from him and took to the air, her dark shape banking off into the night sky.

Starstep gave a soft sigh and began walking counter-clockwise along the outer edge of the herd, just on the shadowy side of the camp. Most of the ponies had laid down on the wet grass in pairs or groups, finding comfort in the touch of one another under the blanket of stars and clouds. A few eyed him as he passed, most suspiciously, but some offered a tired smile.

At least being ponies meant food wasn't a huge issue. The grass below them would keep them sustained and the water from the river was fresh and plentiful. While it wasn't exactly dignified, even the well-to-do ponies shut their muzzles and nibbled at the green stalks when their bellies grumbled in agony. He'd overheard that the food packed away in the supplies was for the leg of the trip through a rocky barren valley. For all the chaos of being forced from their home so suddenly, there was a certain sense of order. The command staff of both Guard were working together well in this time of crisis. Guard rotations had been finalized, a running list of the missed or dead was being collected, and even some of the citizens had been added to the ranks. Star could understand if he was in their horseshoes. It would be hard for him to sit back and let others protect him.

He was passing by a small campfire when a voice whispered out to him.

“Excuse me.”

Star turned his head and noticed a young pegasus mare had lifted her head and was looking at him. She was a shade of peach with a yellow mane. Beside her were three other ponies who slept, chests rising and falling rhythmically.

He paused and smiled at the filly. “Yes?”

“Would you like to join us? There's room.” She gestured to a little spot next to her.

He blinked in surprise. “I don't know you.”

The young mare smiled. “I don't know these three either. You just seemed lonely out there.”

Star stepped into the firelight, the silver chain from his necklace sparkling.

Her eyes snapped to the silver and then down to the feather before suddenly widening. “OH. Your highness, I'm very sorry, I didn't know.”

Star grimaced at the title. “It's ok, really. Thank you for the offer.” He smiled reassuringly. “I'm just taking a walk around the camp.”

“In the dark? By yourself?”

“I'm not afraid of the dark.” He started away. “Good night, sleep well.”

“Thank you for looking out for us.” The mare watched him disappear into the dark and cuddled back up with her three new friends.

As Star continued his circuit he came across a few of the Guard, who seemed startled when he slipped out of the dark, but relaxed when they realized who he was. Star bantered lightly with them, making sure nothing was out of the ordinary, and asked if they needed anything. They would politely decline and thank him for his concern before the pegasus went on his way.

The overall mood of the herd was still one of disbelief and sadness. He would occasionally pass ponies who were crying, usually in the hooves of another. A few laid on the grass, staring out into nothing as he trotted by. Except for Celestia's lullabies and the spots of hushed sobbing, the camp was quiet. No real conversations, or music. Not even a burst of laughter at a joke to lighten the mood. Star hoped it wouldn't be this way the whole trip.

Eventually, the colt made his way back to Luna's rock where it rested on the outskirts of the camp close to the river. He climbed up top and looked out over the herd. A cool breeze washed over him and he closed his eyes, breathing in deep. Luna was right, he told himself. He wasn't sure what he could do to help these ponies, but he knew he had to try. He felt a sense of responsibility—of obligation, or duty. He knew these things as a guard, but now it was sharper, more defined.

Celestia's lullaby reached his ears a little more clearly. He looked out across the herd to find her looking in his direction. He could just make out her lips moving as her kind eyes looked into his. The words were gentle and caressed his thoughts, and a motherly love seeped into him. Before he knew it, he had laid down on the rock, the coolness of the stone reminding him of his Princess, balancing the warm from Celestia's song.

There was a feeling of peace, his thoughts washed away into a glow of contentment. The pegasus closed his eyes and felt sleep finally overtake his exhausted body.

Star opened his eyes—he was no longer on the grassy field. There was no river. He stood on a landscape of cold grey stone. The terrain was curved and shadows rolled across it like low hanging clouds. Above him, the sky swirled in violets and blues. Star shook his head in confusion and looked about for some sort of landmark. There—the rock he'd fallen asleep on. He hurried towards it, noting a form laying on its surface.

A chill ran through him as the figure on the rock lifted its head and turned towards him. The cat-like eyes of Nightmare looked into his and a cruel grin spread on her muzzle.

“Welcome home.”

Chapter LIII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter LIII

By Indigo Eclipse

Starstep choked up, breath caught in his throat as he looked up into the cat-like eyes of Nightmare, shaking his head in denial. “No. No, no, no, no.” He back-peddled, watching the black mare uncurl herself and stand in all her proud glory above him, the night-like dream-scape swirling and dancing like angry bees around her.

“This time it IS a dream and y-you shouldn't be here. I-I released you.” He kept backing up but didn't seem to be making any progress, the boulder and Nightmare still remaining only a few strides away.

The alicorn gracefully hopped off the boulder and landed right in front of him, causing the colt to trip over himself and fall. She was made of almost transparent black smoke and shadows, highlighted by moonlight from a moon that didn't exist. “You're right, you did release me. I am no longer bound to my body. It is gone, crushed to powder.

Star trembled at her hooves. “T-then why are you here?”

The shade grinned. “Because I am bound to you now.”

“No. I w-wont let you possess me like you did Luna.” Star forced himself to look up at the dark alicorn, keeping his body from trembling by sheer force of will.

“Oh, please.” The mare rolled her eyes as she stalked elegantly around him. “You flatter yourself. I have been down that path before.” She put one of her shadowy hooves to her chin and tapped lightly. “What was that old saying? Insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting new results?” She smiled. “And I'm not insane. Simply mad.”

“W-what do you want, then?”

Her grin broadened and she leaned her head down close to his, tendrils of her shadow mane caressing his cheek. “Do you really want to know?”


“Yes, what?” She cocked her head and gave a devious smile.


“Mmm... not quite what I'm looking for. Try ‘Mistress’.”

Star blinked, his face inches away from her sharp teeth and cool teal eyes. This wasn't just a normal nightmare—no, he was aware that he was dreaming, stuck in his own dream-scape. He wondered if Nightmare would let him go if he played along. Once he got out, he'd tell Luna and get this sadistic mare out of his head.

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Very good.” She drew back from his personal space. “As for what I want, I simply wish to be... amused.”

“Amused?” Star furrowed his brow.

“You see the world much differently than Luna did. You're not consumed by bitterness and envy as she was; it does not taint your waking thoughts and perception.” She gazed up to the heavens and the sky cleared to show a vision of Starstep looking out over the resting herd of ponies. “I would destroy them all, given the chance. I would crush them in their sleep, and leave them as broken weeping husks.”

Starstep shivered at her words. “I-I won't let you. They're good ponies.”

“Perhaps.” The Nightmare's shadowy mane picked him up by his fore-legs and held him up to her eye-level. “I feel what you feel, I see what you see, and I hear your thoughts.” She grinned. “Play along until you can tattle to Luna?” She stuck out her bottom lip. “Such a bad colt. I will punish you for that... later.” The mare laughed and dropped him to the ground.

“Y-yeah? How do you plan on stopping me?” Star pulled himself to his hooves, though his legs trembled. “I'm eventually going to wake up and even if you try to keep me here, Luna will figure it out and bring me back.”

“You're very right about that.” The alicorn stomped her hoof and the sky shifted to appear as a million twinkling stars around a full moon. “Perhaps we can come to a mutual agreement then?”


Nightmare shook her head. “Such a defiant pony.” She exhaled. “I should just bend you to my will like so many before you. However, I do feel... a little gratitude to you for helping my sister and I.” She narrowed her eyes. “A little. Therefore, I offer this vow. I will not harm another pony as long as you agree to never tell another soul that I am here.”

Star blinked. This Nightmare, despite her threats seemed more lucid and less angry than when he had met her in the crypt. He wasn't overwhelmed by despair, nor were there flickers of horrible visions. Despite her outward appearance of smoke and shadows, she wasn't nearly as terrifying as she had been. Here she was, offering to not harm another pony as long as he kept his mouth shut. There had to be another angle to this.

“The angle, little pegasus, is that I will be able to experience life once again, though second hoof. To touch, to smell, to feel emotions other than rage and hate—though, as of late you've been lingering in those.”

Starstep growled “I've had my reasons.”

“As I have mine.” She voice lowered, curling up her lips into a snarl. “The world can be a terrible place. My sister and I were torn from our home, ostracized, beaten, raped, and all other manner of things that would make your nightmares seem pleasant. Your reasons pale in comparison.”

Star swallowed. “Point taken.” A thought occurred to him, where was Dawn?

Nightmare's burst of hatred seemed to dissipate. “I suspect she's tagging along with your friend though I don't believe he's aware of it yet.”

“I don't get why you two just don’t move on to the afterlife. What was even the point of me breaking that pillar?”

The alicorn sneered, anger returning to her voice. “I would if I could, foal! I am trapped, for all eternity, a wandering spirit who cannot enjoy life because I have no body! You released us from the prison that was those corpses but we are still bound to the world.”

“And so you two decided to latch onto Lighthoof and I?”

The dark alicorn chuckled. “You did say you wanted to help.”

Star hung his head. “I guess I did.”

Nightmare stepped around him, her shadowy tail curling about his body. “I heard your thoughts when you walked through the ruins after releasing us. The sadness you felt for my sister and I.” She saw his eyebrow raise. “While I do not want your pity, you remind me of Luna. She was the only one who truly attempted to help us. It is quite the shame her heart was so full of bitterness and jealousy.”

Star looked up at the dark mare, forcing himself to meet her teal eyes. “What was she trying to do for you and Dawn?”

Nightmare tilted her head. “She thought she could change my feelings about other ponies. To persuade me not to cause them suffering. Hah! What a disaster that was.”

“Is it possible? Could you change?”

“Luna seemed to believe so. Her sister however...” Nightmare smirked.

Star contemplated the situation. He always had Luna to fall back on if things got bad and he sort of wanted to prove that modern ponies were good hearted and a far cry from Nightmare's tormenters. Even Luna held some pity for her and her sister. Just letting her tag along didn't seem like such a bad thing even if it would cost him some sleep. He reasoned that at her core, Nightmare was still just a pony who became twisted by those around her. Was she beyond change? Perhaps breaking the pillar had helped her and Dawn release some of their hatred? If Nightmare was going to live through him, maybe showing her the world through new eyes would help her let go of her old grudge?

Star gave a heavy sigh. “If I agree to keeping quiet, you'll leave everyone else alone? Ponies, griffons, and so on? And you wont try to possess me?”

The alicorn tilted her head up. “I swear.”

“What about Lighthoof and Dawn, er I mean your sister? Should they know?”

“Dawn will already know and I suppose you may discuss it with your little friend.” Her eyes narrowed. “However, should any other pony learn of my presence, the deal is off. I hope this pony friend of yours knows how to keep his muzzle shut.”

“Believe me, he does.” He briefly remembered the unspoken agreement they had to never speak of what really happened to Copper.

He looked into her eyes and though they still gave him the creeps, she seemed sincere. Star gave a sigh. He'd started this mess with the rune-pillar, so he might as well see it through. “Alright, I agree. But the moment I find out you've been terrorizing anypony, straight to Luna I go.”

“That won't be necessary, I'm certain you'll keep me entertained.” She narrowed her eyes and stalked towards him.

“Uh, yeeeah. So, what happens now? Can I go back to real sleep?” He looked around for an escape route as the shadowy form stepped closer.

“Now? Now, you entertain me.”

“I don't understand?”

She jutted out her lower lip and lowered her voice. “Ooooh, poor little colt. It appears you didn't read between the lines of our little contract.”

Star's eyes widened and he scrambled backwards from her. “W-what do you mean?”

“I said I would not terrorize anypony else, but that did not include you.” She grinned, sharp fangs glinting.

The pegasus watched Nightmare's form dissipate, glancing around worriedly, his ears flattened. “This isn't funny, Nightmare.”

“It was never meant to be.” Her voice whispered in his ear. The colt yelped and fell over, scrambling away to find the spitting image of Nightmare Moon standing there. She wasn't smoke and shadows, but appeared to be solid, even sporting the purple splotched cutie-mark with the crescent moon. Her dark blue mane swirled about as she tilted her head. “I simply had to put on something more... comfortable.” She smirked, a fang poking over her lip as she eyed him.

Star noticed she wasn't wearing her armor as all the books had portrayed her—she appeared simply as a black alicorn with fangs and those cold teal cat-like eyes. He'd hoped to never see this form again, to never have to think about Luna being corrupted and transformed into this hateful creature.

Nightmare gave a cruel smile at his thoughts. “You believe that I'm the one that caused her to change. What if I was to tell you that she asked me to change her?”

Star shook his head. “She wouldn't.”

“She did. She begged me to help her, to join with her. Luna was so angry with pony-kind, so jealous of her sister.” The alicorn tilted up her head. “She wanted the world to hurt.”


“Ask her yourself.” Nightmare leaned down, muzzle to muzzle, a confident smile on her lips. “If you're stallion enough to do so.”

“W-why are you trying to make Luna look bad? I thought you liked her?”

Nightmare chuckled. “Look bad? No, little colt, you misunderstand. I'm trying to protect her from ponies like you who spout words of adoration and infatuation without truly knowing her. Tell me, can you love a monster?”

Starstep woke with a start, his hooves scratching the surface of the boulder. A few moments of panic clutched his body until he realized he was out of the dream. Had she been real? Or had it been one of those dreams that just seemed incredibly vivid? He considered asking Luna, but then if the dream had been the real-deal, breaking his vow would mean letting Nightmare run loose. A shiver rolled down his spine. No—if she was inside him, it was better that he act as her keeper and save Equestria from her terror.

He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes until he could focus in the very early morning light. Only the faintest of edge of Celestia's sun was peaking over the hills to the east, casting everything in greys, blues and oranges. He yawned and ruffled his mane, looking out over the herd as a gentle breeze swept across them, ruffling fur and grass.

Celestia still lay awake at the center, head slowly turning to and fro, watching over her ponies. Foals, fillies and colts were cuddled up as close as they could get to the white alicorn. She was the hub from which the herd spread out, a near perfect circle in every direction. Star's spot was just outside the radius and gave him a perfect view over the crowd. Almost all were still asleep, chests rising softly in the green grass, crickets chirping softly in the early dawn. The few that stirred were tending to the wounded, gathering supplies, or taking a dip in the river.

Out of the corner of his eye, Star noticed a bit of red and turned his head to see a crisp looking apple sitting at the edge of his stone. Though it looked tasty, his encounter with the dream-mare left him without a real appetite. He reasoned that the grass would do his belly better.

Star glanced up to notice a pair of Trottingham colts a few years younger than him watching from the edge of the herd. They laid close together, a battered brown blanket over them. One was a unicorn, beige coat and grey mane, the other an earth-pony with a soft teal coat and white mane. Star noticed their eyes drifting to the apple at his hooves.

With a soft sigh, the pegasus gently took the apple-stem in his teeth and fluttered to the ground—at least his wings were still good for that. He trotted up to the pair and set the apple in front of them. Their eyes grew wide and lingered on the blue feather on his chest before looking away, embarrassed.

“Here—figured you two might like this.”

“W-we couldn't, sir. Wouldn't be right, sir,” the teal one mumbled.

The unicorn elbowed the other gently and raised his head, his eyes still avoiding Star's. “What my brother means to say is, thank you, Prince, but we couldn't.”

Star cocked his head. “Why not?”

They shared a look before the beige one answered. “Um, begging your pardon, Prince, but we saw Princess Luna leave that there.”

The pegasus nodded to himself. “Well, I did offer, so it's still yours if you want it.”

The earth-pony's eyes grew wide and he looked up at Star. “Really? For real?” When Star rolled the apple towards them with the back of his hoof, the colt pounced on it, snapping it in two with his hooves and hurriedly handing the other half to his brother. As he noisily crunched on it, moaning with delight at every bite, his brother rolled his eyes and dipped his head towards Starstep.

“Excuse his manners… Thank you, Prince, really. It means a lot.”

Star stopped himself from rolling his eyes. No wonder Luna hated her title when they were alone. He felt so...

“Above them?”

Damn it, she was back. Star exhaled. “You two really looked like you wanted it.” He sat back on the grass, ruffling a hoof through the green stalks. “Though the food here is pretty good.” Star glanced up to notice the earth-pony had finished his half and was sobbing into the crook of his fore-leg.

The unicorn sadly shook his head at his brother before turning to Star. “Again, sorry about this. See... our mother would give us an apple every morning.” He fidgeted with the last few bites of his fruit. “She's not around to give us any now.”

“Was it during the attack?” When they nodded, Star reached out to rest a hoof on each of their shoulders. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry.”


The pegasus bit back a snappy reply, putting on an understanding face for the colts.

The unicorn nodded before swallowing the last of his apple. “Thank you, Prince.” He smiled up at him, sadness lingering in his eyes, but wearing a genuine smile.

Starstep removed his hooves and gave them a curt nod. “Just remember, we're all in this together, and the Princesses will do all they can to help you.” They bowed their heads to him as the pegasus turned to leave.

Star wandered down to the river, drinking the cool highland water and nibbling some of the moist grass that grew on the banks. His belly settled shortly thereafter, so he went through his morning ritual as best he could, restroom break, coat-brush with a branch from a scraggly bush, and strenuous wing exercises. They hurt, and he still couldn't get more than a brief hover, but the black feathers were just about full plumage. At the very least, Luna's exercise routine would leave his wing muscles incredibly fit and well-toned.

As he was finishing the last of his reps for backward wing-thrusts, he heard soft hoof-steps behind him.

“Morning, Starstep,” Dazzle greeted him.

The pegasus thrust back his right wing, glancing briefly at the yellow unicorn. “Morning, Dazz. You and Light have a good time last night?”

Dazzle blushed and cocked an eyebrow. “I did no such thing with that—oh.” She smirked. “Cheeky colt, are you jealous?”

Star paused in his rep, looking over his shoulder in surprise at the unicorn. “Did you just tell a joke? Dazz, I think there's hope for you yet.” He resumed his thrusts on the other wing.

The unicorn cleared her throat and looked away embarrassed. “I have been known to have my moments.”

“So what's up?”

“Oh! Yes, of course.” She composed herself, every bit the professional. “Princess Luna asked me to fetch you; guests have arrived from Spurlin.”

“The Grif-” Star started but bit back his sentence when she glared at him.

“Not here, Star.” She glanced over her shoulder at the herd, easily within earshot. “Come on then, the Princess is awaiting us.” She spun on her heels and cantered away leaving Star to scramble to catch up. She was heading for a cluster of trees within sight of the now-waking ponies. Her green eyes glanced at him when they were about half-way. “Star... again, I just wanted to say how glad I am that Lighthoof and you made it out of those ruins. I…I thought the worst when you two fell into that pit. No pony should die in a place like that.”

The colt looked at her as they trotted along, grass dampening their hoofsteps. “Glad Sandy and you got out too.”

She smirked. “No concern for Mister Steelhoof?”

Star chuckled. “Light asked me the same thing. If there's any pony in the world who doesn't need a hoof getting out of trouble, it's that one. Seriously, remind me to tell you some of the stories I found in his file.”

Dazzle cocked an eyebrow. “He did not seem the bad sort, just... well, he was rather unusual is the word I would use. The dark and the...” She shivered. “The visions did not affect him.”

“-taste her fear.”

“Shhhh.” Star hissed.

“Something wrong?” Dazzle cocked her head.

“Ah, no sorry.” He forced a yawn. “Just not a morning pony is all.”

“Oh, I certainly understand that. What I would not give for a pot of strong tea.” As they approached the copse of trees just within sight of the herd, Star noticed a couple of Sun-Guard standing watch. They nodded to the pair as Star and Dazzle trotted between them. “One other thing, Star. Princess Luna wished me to remind you not to speak of the ruins of Spurlin. Any questions regarding that should be directed specifically to her.”

Star gave a nod. “Anything else?”

She opened her mouth, hesitating. “Do not speak of Kurt or Leon. You may remember them as the two male griffons in our command.”

They were only a few strides from the trees. “Short version?”

“Kurt was a traitor and Leon paid for it.” She looked him right in the eyes, deathly serious. “Leave it at that.” Then they breached the perimeter and all eyes turned to them.

Deep in the thicket of trunks and branches, the seven remaining griffon leaders, Princess Luna, her lieutenant Tatyana and Lighthoof stood in a semi-circle. Dazzle gave Luna a respectful dip of her head before retreating into the trees. Starstep took his place on the other side of Luna from Lighthoof and smiled up at her.

The alicorn returned his with a regal smile but made no other move to greet him.

“Now that we art assembled—Starstep, allow me to properly introduce our allies.” She pointed at them with a hoof as she named off the griffons. “As thou mayth recall, White-feather Alexander of the Windsong clan, Red-feather Natasha of the Black Talons, Blue-feather Rita of the Daggerbeak. Then there art the other four thou mayth only know in passing.” She gestured to a proud looking male griffon with black feathers. “Blue-feather Siegfried of the Stoneforge.” Next, a cold-eyed female with white upper feathers and brown lower fur. “Red-feather Valkya of the Swiftwind.” Then a male, who eyed the feather on Star's chest curiously. “Yellow-feather Antonio of the Steelwing, and finally Green-feather Igor of the Forest Stalkers.” She finished up with the timid griffon whom Star remembered as being refused by the Red-Empress.

“Clan-leaders, this is mine consort and husband, Prince Starstep.” She rested a hoof on his shoulder. “He is my eyes and ears, and should be trusted with all matters. Should I not be available please speak with him.”

The griffons all gave him a polite dip of their heads.

Natasha smirked. “You look a lot more—” her eyes roamed his body. “—princely, when not covered in dust and looking like you rolled through a crypt.” She noticed Siegfried staring at her with a scowl. “Oh, please, you saw how he looked when he stumbled into the council chamber.” She gestured a claw at Lighthoof, who was as cleaned up as Star was. “Him as well.”

Siegfried growled. “I had forgotten how terribly rude you are. It's no wonder we stopped trading with your clan.” To that, Natasha just rolled her eyes.

Alexander sighed. “If you two are finished with your lover's quarrel, can we get on with the meeting?” Siegfried at least had the decently to looked embarrassed while Natasha just shrugged. His blind eyes turned in Luna's direction. “May I continue, Princess?”

“Of course.”

He cleared his throat. “After leaving you, we gathered our families and supporters from the city. Thankfully, the griffon citizens had been generally left alone.” He gestured with a gnarled claw behind him and through the trees. “Out of sight from the herd, they wait for our direction. One hundred and forty-five griffons and five ponies.”

Star raised his eyebrow, catching Luna's attention. She gave him a patient smile. “I believe mine consort is curious as to why there art ponies within thy ranks.”

Alexander cocked his head. “Ah, yes, I forget he's new to our relations.” He gave Star a twisted smile, beak curled at an odd angle. “Some of the griffons are married to ponies, and as such, the ponies have the right to be members of the associated clan. It's not a common thing, as the trials to join the clans are often brutal affairs.” He gave a shrug. “But these five are a tough sort.”

“So thou managed to escape within the time-limit? Why didth it take so long to catch up to the herd? We art a slow mass with these thousands.”

The old griffon nodded. “You are, Princess, and easily tracked from the air. We got as many as we could out, but a few of us, myself included, stayed the night to meet with old contacts within the outcasts. The rest of our group hid until they slipped out to rejoin them a few hours ago—from there, it was a simple flight west to find you.”

Blue-feather Rita raised her claw. “If I may?” At Alexander’s nod she continued. “I'm afraid the news is not all good, however. After word spread that the REAL Empress had taken the city, many griffons that resided within Spurlin cast off their clan-names and went to join her. There were plenty of reasons given, but the most common two were fear and unhappiness with the current Griffon way of life.” She sighed. “My own brother went to join her. Just her name has a lot of pull.”

Luna turned to the last four Clan-leaders. “Art thy tales of the same sort?”

Natasha and the four other griffons nodded, though Igor was hesitant.

“I see,” Luna began. “Doth anyone know how this came to be? Not but a few nights ago we were but discussing outcast clans attacking our outposts.”

“As to the... how,” Alexander said, cocking his head, “I can't exactly say. Magic is still a rather foreign thing to our race. We do, however, have a surprise.” His beak twisted up into a hideous grin.

Taking that as her cue, the cold-eyed Valkya left the group, only to shortly be followed by four griffons carrying a pair of large squirming sacks. The escorts dropped the sacks in the center of the group before departing without a word. Valkya stepped into the circle and, with a razor-sharp claw, cut the rope tying the first and tugged the end of the sack down around the neck of an angry griffon.

The captive thrashed in the sack, snapping at Valkya's claws. She calmly back-handed the griffon and looked to Alexander for instructions.

Natasha spoke up. “This was one of the outcast commanders. Caught him when he stepped away from his patrol for a wizz.” She smirked. “I'm sure he'll never live this down.”

The outcast struggled in Valkya's grasp only to receive another back-handed blow, stunning him for a moment.

Natasha pointed to the unopened sack. “Antonio and Igor, open it.”

Igor opened his mouth to protest, but Natasha's wilting stare forced him to slink over to the sack and undo the rope. With Antonio's help, they carefully pulled the sack down off the body of the captive.

Star's eyebrow raised, before them sat a female hippogriff, her wrists and wings bound and her beak tied shut. Star also noticed that there was something wrong with the digits on her claws, as though they were sticking out at the wrong angles.

The hippogriff looked around at the group, tears at the corners of her eyes.

Luna frowned. “Art thou torturing thy captive?”

Antonio shook his head. “No, Princess. She and another hippo were chasing my mate and I through an old factory.” He gave a shrug, feathers ruffling. “Something got bumped and metal beams came crashing down. Killed the other and crushed her claws. Funny thing—they can't cast with broken digits.” He smiled at the pain-riddled face of the hippogriff. “Serves you right; my mate may be a pony, but you had no right to attack her. I'm glad your companion died and I hope you suffer.”

“Enough, Yellow-feather Antonio,” Alexander said sternly.

“I shalt call for a medic at once, she is in much agony.”

Alexander sighed. “With all due respect, Princess, if you do that, she will be able to cast again and you jeopardize all of us. We're dealing with a race that we know almost nothing about.”

Star couldn't resist speaking up. “That's no reason to leave her with broken claws. It's wrong.” He noticed Lighthoof nodding in agreement.

“Pity for your enemies? Foalish colt, this one is dangerous.”

The griffon-leaders regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and irritation.

Luna tilted up her head. “My consort is correct. We wouldth be in the wrong to leave her in such agony.”

Alexander sighed. “We can't risk having her mended in our camp.”

“Then we shalt take her to ours.” Luna declared.

The griffons exchanged glances.

Antonio growled, hopping up to stare at Luna, coming so dangerously close that Star felt his wings instinctively begin to spread for a fight. “She's mine! I caught her, she's mine to do with as I like. Look here you puffed up blue-”

Luna simply stared at the ranting griffon, her expression stoic and unchanging.

Alexander's voice cut off the verbal abuse. “Yellow-feather Antonio, need I remind you that we are allies against a common foe? Calm yourself.”

The griffon glared at the elder, then Luna before stalking back to his place in the circle.

Alexander gave a bow of his head. “As Elder, I apologize for his behavior.”

“I understand, White-feather Alexander. Tension art high. I take no offense.”

“Even so, if you insist on repairing her claws, perhaps it's best that you take her into your custody. Of all of us, only you are equipped to deal with a magic-user.” He turned his blind-eyes towards the sneering griffon in the dirty sack. “This one however, we will interrogate. We've dealt with the outcasts for centuries.”


Alexander gave a curt nod. “Now that we have that settled, we have decided to travel with you to Trottingham covering your rear. As you suggested, we've created banners of blue and white and will begin wearing arm-bands of the same colors. Please remind your scouts and guards that it signifies our alliance.” He gave a twisted smile. “I'd rather not receive a spear in the belly just because I wanted to ask you to join me for tea.”

Luna gave him a respectful dip of her head. “I will, White-feather Alexander. Thank you for watching our backs. Tis a long road to Trottingham, and I fear an attack along the way.”

“I agree, Princess. If we discover anything from our prisoner, I will send word. I hope you'll do the same.”

“Of course, White-feather Alexander. We art in this together. Thou hath my appreciation.”

“Now, if you'll excuse us, we must make sure our clans are not killing each other in our absence.” The blind griffon dipped his beak in her direction before turning and walking away, somehow avoiding trees. The other griffons gave respectful bows of their heads to the ponies and followed, Antonio and Igor dragging the squirming sack behind them.

“How does he do that?” Lighthoof asked quietly in awe of the sight-less griffon.

Luna smiled at her guard. “Practice, I am certain. Come.”

She started away, the two colts at her side. Not far from the meeting place, Dazzle slipped out from the trees and quietly took position behind Luna. The alicorn led them to the edge of the copse and gave orders to the Sun-Guards stationed there to gently take the Hippogriff to the medics and have a unicorn-shielding team keep the prisoner.

After watching the guards carry the hippogriff away, Luna and her guards looked towards the milling mass of the herd. The sun had fully crested the eastern hills and the ponies were doing their best to prepare for the coming march. Eating a breakfast of grass and drinking from the river. Some were bathing down-stream in the cool shallows.

The four trotted down towards the boulder Star had slept on, not far from the riverbank but keeping out of ear-shot from the waking herd.

“Soooo,” Lighthoof said, breaking the silence. “After talking with command yesterday let me see if I understand all this madness.”

The alicorn tilted her head to listen as the young stallion continued.

“That fake Empress stirs up the bee-hive of pony-haters, gathers 'em up, and on the advice of some wacko hippogriffs, changes tactics from messing with our outposts to hitting Spurlin. I'm gonna take a wild guess that it was a diversion so the Druids could sneak underground and wake the real Empress up, or whatever they did.”

“Whilst we still lack confirmation on some of that, tis a sound theory.”

“Alright, so if the Druids had orders before the attack to round up the citizens and take them to the fortress, then they had to be communicating with the real Empress before-hoof.”

“Quite possible.”

“She told us she wants us as part of the Empire, so maybe she wants to win us over instead of killing everypony… And that means a buck-full of angry griffons got cheated out of lot of easy prey.”

Star suddenly understood where the train of thought was going. “So either they join her and give up on hunting ponies, or they leave and come after us anyway.”

Dazzle joined in. “Based on the attack on that pegasus team, I would not disagree. Red-Empress or not, I believe there are plenty who were more interested in the killing than following her.”

Star gritted his teeth as he looked out on the herd of over a thousand ponies. They had too few guards to stand up against a massed attack—perhaps a hundred, counting the command staff. Even with the Princesses and friendly griffons on their side, a lot of ponies were going to get hurt. Very few of the civilians had combat experience; fighting just wasn't in their nature.

“Run, hide, die. Ponies are such cowards.”

Star ignored Nightmare's snide comment and looked up to his wife. “Princess, what do we do?”

She sighed softly before giving him a resigned smile. “We shalt do our best, my love. Tis all-”

Light held up a hoof, interrupting the Princess, who cocked an eyebrow in disbelief. Dazzle and Star were also shocked, but held their tongues. The tan pegasus paid them no heed, staring off into the distance past the river and a small group of five or six ponies grazing near the bank.

Lighthoof's ears and eyes were focused on the cluster of ponies, squinting as though trying to make something out.

Curious, Luna turned her attention to them as well, yet she could not see what had caught Light's attention.

With a sudden rush of feathers, Light took to the air. “Princess, send the guards to the river! Hurry!” He sped off, wings flapping frantically towards the grazing ponies. As he flew, Luna took to the sky, her voice booming with the power of the Royal Voice.

“ALL GUARDS! REPORT TO THE RIVER! URGENT!” She flapped in pursuit of Lighthoof as the pegasus dove towards the group by the water. Star and Dazzle charged after them on the ground, Star cursing his flight-less wings the whole way.

The river exploded in a spray of white water as a massive Cragadile launched from its depths, jaws wide and aimed for the stunned ponies on the bank. Star had never seen one this size: its head alone was easily four ponies wide, and some of its stone teeth were as long as he was tall. The reptile was a fusion of rock and scales, deep grey boulders jutting out along its back.

Lighthoof came down on the end of its snout with all four hooves, slamming the jaws shut and driving the tip of its muzzle into the dirt, grass and mud showering its intended victims. They screamed and huddled together, feeling its breath wash out from its green nose.

The rock-reptile swung his head towards his attacker, snapping at the pegasus, who slipped just out of reach. Lighthoof out of sight, it refocused on the cowering prey, opening its mouth for another strike. Lighthoof circled back and smashed a hoof into its reptilian eye, causing it to shake its head in rage, tail whipping back and forth in the river, drenching the bank in waves of dark water.

The Cragadile hissed, one eye tracking the pegasus as he landed between it and the terrified ponies. He lowered his stance and spread his wings in a classic pegasus fighting pose as the creature lowered its head towards him.

Luna landed behind Lighthoof, her horn glowing a deep blue as she lowered it threateningly. The Cragadile didn't seem intimidated, placing a rocky claw forward to pull its massive body closer for another bite.

Star and Dazzle reached Light's side with most of the guard charging in behind them. Soon, there was a block of ten wide and six deep ponies facing down the old river monster. Unicorns lowered their horns, Earth-ponies stomped their hooves, digging up dirt, and pegasi spread their wings and tensed for flight.

“Guard, steady advance!” Luna called and the well-trained group responded, one hoof in front of the other in earth-jarring unity.

The sixty approaching ponies gave the massive creature pause, its good eye flicking over the group as it slowly back-peddled a few times, giving them one last look before swinging about to slide back into the deep river from whence it came.

A joyful roar went up and Star looked back to see the whole herd stomping their hooves and cheering for them. He noticed Featherweight hovering nearby, snapping photos of the guards and the excited ponies.

The five mares who had been saved rushed into the guards and hugged the first ponies they could find, thanking them over and over. Luna urged them all to move from the riverbank, casting a final glance over her shoulder at the dark water before gracefully walking up to Lighthoof. From the other side, Celestia appeared in all her regal glory, little colts and fillies still surrounding her. The little ones looked down at the tan pegasus with a mixture of awe and grins.

“Well done, my little pony,” Celestia said, loud enough for most of the crowd to hear.

Luna gave him a respectful dip of her head. “Indeed, tis a valiant thing thou hath done!”

Another cheer went up while Featherweight snapped closer photos of the embarrassed pegasus.

“Sister, may I have a word?” Celestia asked, turning to the side as she awaited the other alicorn.

“Of course.” She gave Lighthoof a passing smile before joining her sister where the two whispered quietly in each others ears.

Starstep slugged his brother in the shoulder with a grin. “That was the stupidest—and most awesome—thing you've done yet. How'd you know it was coming?”

Light gave a sheepish grin. “What can I say, dude? Being stupid and awesome is my thing.” He hesitated. “I saw some big ripples that were fighting the current and heading towards the mares. Figured it couldn't be good.”


Star bit back a response with Nightmare's blunt statement echoing in his head and briefly wondered what his friend was hiding. Instead of dwelling on it, he put a hoof around Light's shoulder and gave him a friendly hug.

For the next few minutes, some of the guards and citizens stopped by to thank Lighthoof for saving the mares. Even a few of the command from both guards congratulated him. Through it all, he simply wore an embarrassed grin and shook the offered hooves.

The herd went back to gathering their scant possessions and eventually the group moved on, guards dotting the perimeter as they walked. Far in the back, set apart from the ponies, the seven griffon clans followed. A large banner made of two triangle fields, blue and white, fluttered on a make-shift pole carried by one of their numbers. The Clan-leaders were at the forefront, their groups separated into individual clans but marching side by side in seven thin lines. All of the members wore blue and white armbands of various hues. The fabrics taken from any number of sources or dyed with local berries.

Before setting off, the herd had been told that the colors marked an alliance and that they shouldn't be afraid of the griffons following. However, there were still some that nervously glanced over their shoulders, wary from being pulled from their beds and marched down the streets in the cold pouring rain.

Luna had told Star that at their current rate, it would take another eight full days of marching to reach Trottingham, assuming the city didn't send help and they didn't encounter any more trouble. After a giant Cragadile and rogue griffon bands roaming about, there was a slim chance of that.

With scattered clouds overhead and a warm sun to finish drying their fur from yesterday's downpour, the herd made much better time than before, though the road was still somewhat muddy. They marched along in relative silence, hooves thudding and splattering in a low roar from over a thousand ponies. A few engaged in quiet conversation with their neighbors, and from Star's place next to Luna at the front of the herd he even heard a few brief snippets of laughter.

Out of the corner of his eye he happened to catch Luna giving him a knowing smile. “What?”

She smirked. “I see thou taketh note of the improvement in morale.”

He nodded and leaned his head forward to grin around her barrel at the tan pegasus. “Thanks to our resident Cragadile wrangler.”

Lighthoof returned the grin. “Hey, after all that wrestling with Sherry, I'd say I've had plenty of practice with things stronger than me.”

Luna eyes twinkled as she looked down at her husband. “Let us not discount thy own efforts, Star.” At his puzzled expression she continued. “Whispers art abound of a certain Prince whom patrols the dark and shares his food.”

“What? But I was just, I mean...” He furrowed his brow, trying to figure out how to explain it.

“Leave it, my love. Remember my lesson on perception?” At his nod, she continued. “With little to do but converse during this march, little acts of kindness wilst spread amongst them. There art many that art hungry to know more about thou. With the exception of Prince Shining Armor, there hath not been another Royal Prince in... oh, just over eleven hundred years.” She smiled as his ears wilted and gently bumped her flank against his as they walked. “Perk up, my love. Simply be the pony that I knowth thou to be, and all wilst be well. Only...” She grinned, catching his attention. “Be wary of the mares and stallions thou wilst be forced to, what is the phrase? Dislodge with a rod?”

Lighthoof chuckled. “Beat off with a stick, Princess. Yeah, Star better be careful; the mares love a noble-pony.”

“Be wary thyself, Lighthoof,” Luna began, eying him mischievously. “Dost thou believe thyself immune? Mine sister hath asked for my agreement regarding thee and I hath given it.”

“Me?! About what? What's this about?”

Luna returned her eyes to the road, grinning. “Tsk, and spoil the surprise? I think not!”

Light narrowed his eyes. “Okay, Princess, seriously—not funny. What are you two plotting?”

“Plotting, Lighthoof? Thy Princess doth not 'plot'. Tis simply what thou deserves for thy...” She hesitated, giving him a coy smile. “Hard work.”

The tan pegasus stammered, his eyes going wide. “Nooo, she wouldn't! I-I can’t! Sherry will buck me into next week and Peachy will never speak to me again.”

Luna's lips upturned as she tilted her head up and pranced a bit as she walked, humming a tune that sounded a lot like the wedding march.

“Star! Dude! Help!” Lighthoof pleaded to his brother, looking around the teasing mare.

Star just shrugged. “Hey, you reap what you sow, and you've been doing a lot of seed planting.”

“OH, ha-ha. You're a riot, dude.”

As Lighthoof unsuccessfully attempted to get Luna to answer his question, a little grey pegasus mare with a pink striped mane fluttered down in front of the Princess, keeping pace with group. She wore a battered green and brown tunic and looked over her shoulder with a smile. “Princess, Command said to report to you if I came across a pond along the way.”

Luna gave a regal nod. “Well done, Ribbon Dash. How far ahead?”

“At this pace, the herd will reach it not long before sunset. It's just off the road.”

“Perfect. Any trouble?”

“No, Princess. All quiet.”

“Thou hath preformed wonderfully,” Luna praised her, resulting in a faint blush on Ribbon's cheeks. “Please continue thy scouting but fall back when the herd reaches the pond.”

Ribbon Dash gave a polite bow of her head. “Yes, Princess.” She began to flap away.

“Ribbon Dash.” Luna called out to her.

The pegasus hovered and turned towards Luna. “Yes, Princess?”

“Please, remain safe and inform the other scouts to fall back just before sunset.”

“Yes, Princess.” With that, the little grey pegasus shot off to the west.

Star raised an eyebrow. “Pond?”

Luna glanced at Lighthoof and smiled mischievously. “For Lighthoof's ceremony.”

“So, how much further is it to Trottingham.” Star wondered.

“At this rate and without assistance from Trottingham, I estimate eight days. This is of course assuming no unforseen troubles.”

Star sighed.

Sometime before sunset, Ribbon Dash rejoined the group and pointed the Princess towards the small pond to the north behind grove of trees. Luna called for a stop, then took to the air above the thousand ponies, hovering in place. Her voice magically carried over the entire group. “Before thou seeks a place to rest, please follow me to the pond just beyond those trees.” She pointed her slippered hoof towards the area. “We wilst be having a ceremony and thou art all invited to bear witness to history.” Her eyes flicked down to Lighthoof who suddenly seemed very nervous.

The announcement created a dull roar of whispers as the ponies chattered about it with a mixture of wonder and excitement.

“Officers of the Guard, follow the instructions mine sister hath given,” Luna called, before swooping down to gracefully land between Star and Light.

“Ok, seriously, Princess. You're kinda scaring me now. What the buck is going on?”

Luna smiled to Star, ignoring Lighthoof's question. “Star, my love. Keep Lighthoof here until I signal thee. Then escort him to the pond.”

Star gave a soft nod. “Yes, Luna.”

Luna turned her attention to the nervous pegasus. “Lighthoof, calm thyself, tis a joyful occasion.”

Light's pupils shrank. “Oh-no. She... I mean....” He lowered his voice, whispering towards her. “She's not really planning on marrying me is she? I thought I was just doing my duty and helping her.”

The blue alicorn threw back her head and gave a playful laugh before turning and trotted towards the gathering circle of ponies that radiated out from the pond just out of their sight. Star gave his buddy a rueful smile and shrugged.

“I-I can't go through with this.” Light began looking towards the west as the sun just touched the mountain range in the distance, his wings giving occasional nervous flutter.

“Sure you can.” Star put a hoof on his friend's shoulder. “Besides, do you really think that's what this is all about?”

“I dunno, dude. What else could they be planning? I mean, we're in the middle of no-where with crazy blood-thirsty griffons at our back and we just stop for a 'ceremony'?”

Starstep looked towards the north; all of the thousand-plus ponies had circled the pond, and even the ally griffons had settled into the trees overlooking the spot. He shrugged and put a hoof around Light's shoulder. “Lighthoof, think about it. This is Luna we're talking about. I'm pretty sure she's playing a joke on you.”

“And if she's not?”

Star shrugged. “Doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you know I have your back—always have, always will. We're family. If it turns out to be something you really don't want, I'll stick up for you. Okay?”

Light thought it over for a few moments before giving a weary sigh. “Fine, whatever. But dude, if this really is a marriage thing to Celestia, I am SO not wearing one of those froo-froo noble-pony get-ups, AND you have to help me explain it to Sherry and Peach Blossom.”

“Hah. Deal.”

A magical trail of blue fire launched up from behind the trees and popped in a miniature blue-flower of lights. Star turned to his friend. “Well, time to see what's up. Come on.” He nudged Light forward and the two trotted towards the gathering.

As they approached the edge of the herd, the ponies parted, leaving a trail open for them to walk right up to the water. Every eye was on them as they made their way down the gentle slope to the bank of the small pond where the Royal Sisters stood in all their splendor.

Along the banks to the east, the six remaining Night-Command, their ranks missing Leon and Kurt, were present. On the western bank, five ponies, including Captain Oakwood, made up the Sun-Command.

Star glanced at the sky and noticed that the sun had stopped halfway on its decent behind the horizon, and the moon was halfway up. The clouds were colored with blues and oranges, stars just beginning to show. They were being held in a twilight hour, considered a magical moment when the alicorns exchanged duties.

The pond had a glassy look, still and unblemished. Oddly enough, Star noticed that a crescent moon shimmered behind Luna on the water's surface, though the reflective angle was all wrong. The same could be said about the glowing ball of orange behind Celestia.

Luna and Celestia looked down on the pair with smiling faces, a hint of mischief still in Luna's eyes and a shimmer of joy in Celestia's. The crowd behind the colts closed the path, completing the circle. They watched in a mix of curiosity and awe while the guards still maintained the perimeter to protect them. Little colts and fillies were lifted up to rest on their elder's heads so they could watch, pegasus taking to the air to get a better view. One pegasus in particular, Featherweight, was buzzing about, snapping photos of the entire event as his orange assistant quietly followed behind him with a big bag of camera lenses and film.

“Dearly beloved ponies,” Celestia began, her voice carrying out to the crowd, a twinkle in her eyes. “We are gathered here to bear witness to a historic event.”

Luna spoke next. “We art gathered to honor one of our own in an ancient tradition.”

Celestia lifted her head. “Lighthoof is his name—a pony only twenty years old. Born from a poor mother on the streets of Manehatten, he has struggled in his life, yet never lost his determination to protect pony-kind.”

Luna looked out at the audience. “He hath shown courage and resourcefulness, willing to do what must be done in the name of protecting others. He gathered mine Night-Guard, coordinated a strike in scant few hours and rescued countless ponies from a slave-mine outside of Ponyville.”

A soft whisper rumbled through the crowd. “Yes, tis the same event some of thou mayth have seen in the papers not long ago.”

Celestia continued the ceremony. “His loyalty to his friends and family is unquestionable. He is willing to risk all for the sake of others.” Celestia tilted up her head. “A light to guide us.”

The blue-alicorn tilted up her head as well. “A shadow to protect us.”

Both of their horns began to glow and the sisters turned sideways, forming an arch with their horn-tips. Behind them, the water rippled and the reflection of the moon and sun merged, forming a fiery moon.

“Come forth, Lighthoof,” Luna called to him.

The bewildered pegasus exhaled before carefully walking towards the alicorns, nervously smiling to the crowd. He glanced back at Starstep, who simply gave a reassuring smile and gestured with his head towards the pond.

Lighthoof stopped before the alicorns, looking up at their regal forms.

The Princesses turned towards him as the water began to glow a silvery light, the fiery moon at the center offering brilliant orange light in the twilight hour.

Luna smiled at him. “Lighthoof, child of Manehatten, friend and brother to Starstep, bane of the wicked. We sisters offer thee this opportunity but once. Refuse and thou mayth return to thy duties. Accept and cast off thy vows to the Guard.”

Celestia beamed proudly at the smaller pony. “Lighthoof, child of Equestria, lover and protector to those in need, beacon of hope. We sisters offer you this opportunity only once. Refuse and you may return to your duties. Accept and your vows to the Guard are removed.”

Together the sisters spoke as one and eerie chill of power crawled through Star's skin. “Will you(thee) accept our offer and become an Equestrian Knight?”

A flurry of whispers rolled through the crowd. The Equestrian Knights were a forgotten order of warriors that acted outside of the Sun and Night Guards. They were, in a sense, above them, but worked with them, a thing of history books, legends and bed-time stories. In practice they had the autonomy to do what needed to be done without the chain of command to hold them back. Even when they existed, there had only been five and Goldwing the Champion had been the first.

As Star reeled from the implications of this offer, Nightmare was cackling madly in his head.

“History repeats,” she said before slipping back into silence.

Lighthoof bowed down low before the two alicorns, looking so small before them in the eyes of the commanders to his left and right, the whole of Spurlin watching him.

“I'm not worthy of this, Princesses. I'm just a nopony.”

The sisters said nothing, simply watching as he prostrated himself before them.

Star wasn't sure if it was taboo, but he couldn't let his friend—his brother—pass this up. He stepped up to Lighthoof's side and set a gentle hoof on the tan pegasi's shoulder. “I think you're worthy.” His soft words brought Light's tearful face around. “Light, we've been through a lot of crazy stuff these last few months, it's insane. After all that, are you really going to go back to guarding a fish-pond?” They shared a brief smile.

Starstep pointed up at the heavens, the stars twinkling in the twilight hour. He gestured to a constellation almost above them. “I remember you telling me that you liked that one the best. Thunderwing the Wise. She was a knight and did a lot of good things for ponies who had nopony else to help them and so do you.”

Lighthoof tilted his head, looking to the tapestry of the early night. He simply stared for a couple of moments, conflict on his face, but eventually he turned and gave Star a warm smile and pulled himself to his hooves. Before Star could react he was pulled into a brief hug. “You're right, dude. I still don't think I'm worthy, but there's a lot of good I could do with that kind of power.”

Star slid back and nodded gently to his wife who returned the nod with a warm smile for him.

Lighthoof exhaled deeply and took a step forward before bowing his head respectfully to the alicorns. “I accept your offer.”

The sisters lowered their heads, horns touching each of his shoulder. Tendrils of blue and white magic swirled around his body. They raised their heads, the curling lines of magic still rolling about the pegasi's shape, before turning and forming an arc with their horns again.

“Then proceed to the reflection, wash away your regrets and emerge a knight.”

Tentatively, the pegasus took a step out onto the silvery water, an expression of shock on his face when his hoof didn't fall through. He carefully walked across the water to the burning moon and touched it with his hoof. He was instantly pulled in with a splash of blue and orange water. Gasps went up amongst the crowd and Featherweight was still snapping image after image. Minutes passed, the alicorns silent, watching, and waiting.

Suddenly a hoof jabbed out of the reflection and Lighthoof pulled himself out of the image, dripping glowing water. He wore a sleek, aerodynamic suit of golden armor, trimmed with silver feathers at the joint plates and filigree throughout the edging. There were onyx plates on the flat sections, flecked with gold-dust and he wore reinforced boots to assist in protecting the joints when punching or kicking. At the center of the chest-piece was a symbol of the crescent moon inside a burning sun. Around his waist was a black belt, trimmed with gold, and a sheathed sword was attached on one side. The black oak handle was wrapped in silver-lace, the hoof-guard a silvery crescent moon, turned so the moon-points angled down towards the blade.

The crowd gasped and chattered at his appearance.

Lighthoof looked over himself, mouth agape in surprise. He whipped his head up to the alicorns and smiled. “T-thank you, Princess Luna, Princess Celestia. I-I don't know what to say. I just hope I don't screw this up.”

Celestia lifted her head. “May you always be a light to Equestria, Sir Lighthoof.”

Luna lifted her head. “May thou always be a shadow to her enemies, Sir Lighthoof.”

The blue alicorn turned her attention to the crowd as the sun resumed moving and slipped over the horizon, marking the beginning of night. “Please, my dear subjects, welcome thy Equestrian Knight.”

The stomping of hooves started gradually, but quickly turned into a rumbling roar that Star could feel up his legs. He smiled to his friend who had tears running down his cheeks. The tan pegasus trotted off the pond as the light began to fade and stood between the proudly smiling alicorns. He gave a bow to the crowd as they continued to cheer, shouts of encouragement accenting the excited rumbling. Even a few of the griffons in the trees were applauding politely.

Featherweight continued snapping close shots while Scootaloo hovered nearby with his extra gear. Despite the excitement for his friend, Starstep found his attention drifting up to the orange pegasus filly. She happened to look down at that moment and their eyes met. For just an instant, Star saw a flicker of regret within.

Chapter LIV

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To Love the Moon

Chapter LIV

By Indigo Eclipse

After Lighthoof's ceremony officially ended, the herd celebrated, though it was a reserved event. Campfires were lit up under the twinkling stars as Luna's crescent moon rose in the east. Music began lightly, a guitar here, a flute there, and soon the refugee musicians that had brought their instruments along were gathered up at the center of camp. The songs were either somber or filled with hope for a better time. The herd clustered around the campfires, swapping stories of their past lives, families or hobbies. Though most did not know each other, they soon found new friendships, united by the bond formed from the loss of their home.

Celestia ordered a few crates of Sun-grass wafers and blackberry jam to be opened and given out. Meanwhile Luna enchanted the pond, causing the water to turn crisp and clean, glowing a soft silver.

The volunteers that handed out the simple meals and cups of the lunar water took to wearing white robes with blue fields stitched across the breast. It started slowly, with just a couple sprinkled amongst them, but as more noticed the garments, requests to the tailors grew. Apparently the ponies had taken a liking to the alliance colors the griffons flew and in short order, all of the helpers wore the robes patched together with old cloth from various sources.

It wasn't just the robes that marked the volunteers, but their kindness and compassion for their fellow refugees. As they hoofed out supplies they would give gentle words of encouragement and promises of support. Even a couple of the griffons took on the role, though their vows were of justice and retribution. The rest of the griffons seemed split between avoiding the camp and joining in with the more accepting clusters of ponies. Though not all of the refugees could tolerate their presence, no fights were started and heated arguments were quickly quelled.

Starstep, Luna and Lighthoof stood off to the side of the camp, just inside the halo of a flickering fire. Star was watching the herd, noting the occasional smiles and reserved hopefulness of the refugees. Next to him, Luna was going over the finer points of being an Equestrian Knight to Lighthoof.

“The rules of a Knight art most simple. Use thy blade only in the service of Equestria. Never for thy personal gain. Thou art to uphold the three pillars of Knighthood; Loyalty, Compassion, and Truth. Thou answers to no pony save for my sister and I. Tis highly advisable that thou keepth in good standing with both the Sun and Night Command, as they art often thy eyes and ears. Remember that thou art not above them, but work beside them. Thou hath the power to do whatever is necessary to protect Equestrian citizens, but be warned that thou answers to Tia and myself if complaints art leveled against thy actions.”

Lighthoof cocked his head. “The ends justifies the means?”

“To a point. Know that all eyes art upon thee and act accordingly.”

“That's a lot to take in... whew, I mean...” Light ruffled his mane as he glanced down at the golden armor on his body. “This whole thing... I've no idea what I'm doing, Princess.”

Luna smiled and placed a slippered hoof to his shoulder armor. “Follow thy heart. I know of thy desire to protect thy fellow ponies. Tis a fine foundation to build upon.” Her firm-but-caring eyes looked into his. “Know that if thou had been allowed to continue within the Night-Guard, thou wouldth eventually become mine Captain. Perhaps in five to ten years.”

Lighthoof's eyes widened. “Me?”

“Yes, Lighthoof. Thou hath a tactical mind and compassion for thy fellow ponies. I see no reason why thou would not have achieved that rank. Yet, that position has its limits and restrictions. I saw it would chaff at thee, turn thy heart bitter when rules kept thee from doing what thou felt was just. Tia was aware of this as well.”

Lighthoof's ears wilted a little. “Oh.”

“After the Cragadile, mine sister took note of how the ponies looked upon thee as a hero. Twas her suggestion to rebuild the old order of Knights. In this, we hath given thee a position with which to do much good and also hath created a symbol of hope within our subject's hearts.”

The Equestrian Knight pondered her words a few moments before turning his eyes to Starstep, a bit of sadness within. “Well... dude, we're not guard buddies anymore.”

Luna sadly shook her head. “No, though I suppose that ended upon his marriage to royalty.”

“Oh, right.” Lighthoof make a mocking bow to Star. “Your majesty.”

Starstep groaned. “I order you to never do that again.”

“As you wish, Prince Starstep.” Lighthoof grinned at Star's discomfort.

The Moon-Goddess smiled. “I know, tis a bittersweet moment. Thou hath been guard partners for some time. But while thy role as guards may officially be ending, thy friendship hath not.” She smiled at both of the colts. “Good friendships require work and dedication. Remember to take time to spend with one another.”

Star smiled up at his wife. “I will, Luna.”

Lighthoof chuckled. “Somepony has to protect Star from the mares.”

They shared a soft laugh.

Starstep noticed a young earth-filly, perhaps ten or eleven, watching Lighthoof, her eyes filled with admiration as she studied him, his golden and onyx armor, and the Moon-blade on his belt. She was a painted pony, white with reddish-brown spots like most native Trottingham citizens. Inquisitive yellow eyes looked out from under an unruly, uncut mane. Her cutie-mark was a sun half-way up a horizon line with broad yellow streaks of sunlight. The filly wore a pair of battered slim olive saddlebags, the corners worn with use and the latches made of mismatched buttons.

She stood far enough away to appear as though she wasn't intruding on their conversation, but close enough that she wanted to be noticed. Star smiled and gestured with his head towards her. “Hey, Light. You have an admirer.”

Lighthoof blinked and turned his head to notice the young filly. He gave her a grin before facing her fully. “Hey, how's it going?”

She gave a shy smile, her eyes glancing to Luna and Star before giving an awkward curtsy. “I-I'm sorry.” She blushed. “I've never met royalty before.”

Luna dipped her head politely. “Twas not a bad first attempt.” Her eyes sparkled playfully.

Light held out a hoof. “I'm Lighthoof, what's your name?”

The filly shook his hoof gently. “I'm Sunshine.”

“It's nice to meet you, Sunshine. What can I do for you?”

Her face brightened as she turned to pop open one of her worn saddle-bags and produced a slim book, bound in grey, the corners worn with teeth-marks, and a faded title, the letters long since rubbed into illegibility. The earth-filly held it out towards Light in her muzzle, smiling broadly around the book.

With a questioning look to Star and Luna, the colt sat back on his haunches and took the book gently into his hooves. He tilted his head this way and that, trying to make out the title before he opened the cover and cocked an eyebrow. “Huh, 'The Legend of Winter: the first Earth-pony Knight of Equestria.'”

Light looked up at the grinning filly. “Sounds like a cool book.”

“It's my favorite. Would you read it for me please?”

The Knight glanced up to notice Princess Celestia standing behind Sunshine, smiling warmly at him. Around her, all of the young colts and fillies were watching Light with curious and hopeful eyes.

“Sunshine,” Celestia began, catching the earth-pony's attention. “Would you mind if we all joined you? It sounds like a wonderful story.”

The little filly gave a rapid nod of her head and in short order the other fillies and colts formed a semi-circle around Lighthoof, who wasn't sure what to make of the sudden audience. Celestia laid behind the little ponies, giving the Knight an encouraging smile.

“Well, guess I'll give it a shot.” Lighthoof cleared his throat and turned the page. “Once upon a time, there was a young filly named Winter. Her coat was as white as fallen snow and her mane was a beautiful pale blue, wild and untamed. She was an orphan, her parents lost in the last war...” Lighthoof stopped, looking up to Celestia with concern. “Is this okay to read to children?”

The white alicorn gave a soft laugh. “Yes, dear. Trottingham culture is a bit different from the rest of Equestria. That was written specifically for them.”

Sunshine sat back, grinning. “It starts off sad, but the ending is super happy.”

He raised an eye brow, noting the hopeful looks of his audience. “If you say so.” With a sigh he continued. “But Winter didn't let that get her down. She was strong, and helpful, and kind. Always willing to lend a helping hoof to anypony who needed it...”

As Light read from the book, Luna nudged Starstep and led him away. “This experience wilst do him well. Perhaps he may learn something from Winter's tale. She was the most caring yet effective of the Knights and I do miss her dearly.”

Star leaned over to nuzzle gently into Luna's blue coat. “I'm sorry.”

She pressed into his affections as they left the glow of the campfires. “Doth not be, for she still lives in my memories.” The alicorn paused to press her lips to his, soft and cool, leaving him longing for more as she pulled away. “I am glad thou art with me, Star.” Her eyes flicked away for a moment. “This journey reminds me of a rather painful time long, long ago.”

“History repeats...”

He nuzzled at her cheek. “Did you want to talk about it?”

She returned his gentle nuzzling with her own, inhaling his scent. “No, my love. I would rather it become lost to the ages.”

“She's afraid.”

Star fought the urge to snarl at the voice in his head, instead focusing on planting affectionate kisses down Luna's long neck.

“Ahhhh... “ she gently moaned before pulling back with a smirk, a playful sparkle in her eyes. “Thou art a tease. Hold thy affections until later, I hath one more appointment. I must speak to our captive hippogriff.”

“Well, let's go. Then after, I'll shower you with love.”

She giggled. “Yes, is that what thou calls thy seed?” Her smile broadened at his blush. “But no, my love. For this first encounter, I must face her alone. She must see that I am not afraid or we mayth not learn anything.” She tilted her head up proudly, onyx crown glinting sharply in the moon-light.

“Alright. Is there anything you'd like me to take care of while you're gone?”

Luna raised a hoof to gently brush her crystal slipper along his cheek. “Yes. See to thy friend.”

Star raised an eyebrow. “I'm pretty sure Lighthoof can handle your sister and a bunch of foals.”

She smirked. “No, love. Thy other friend.” The alicorn looked past him towards the small group of ponies surrounding Lighthoof. On the outside of the gathering, Featherweight was hovering about, snapping photos, but his assistant was nowhere to be seen.

Starstep turned back to his wife. “Scoots?” At her gentle nod he shrugged. “She's fine. Featherweight is looking out for her.”

Luna put her hoof to his lips and gently shook her head. “Doth not think me blind, Star. I hath seen her pain when she looks at thee. Despite thy brave face, I still see thy buried anger. Neither of thee hath truly accepted thy parting.” She removed her hoof and stepped close to nuzzle at his face, cool breath washing over his coat. “Go and see thy friend. Both of thee hath had time to reflect upon thy issues.” She placed her hoof to his chest, pressing the feather against him. “Find closure or forgiveness, but let it not linger.”

“If... if by some chance she wanted to try again. You know, with us. Would you let her?”

His wife tilted her head. “I hath forgiven Scootaloo and was most willing to work out our differences. Twas not I who ended the courting. Anything more is entirely dependent on her, though I doth not hold much hope. I wilst seek thee out later.” With that, the Princess turned and trotted away into the darkness.


“Featherweight?” Star said to catch the hovering pegasi's attention.

The cream colored pony snapped another photo of Lighthoof reading the story to the entranced fillies and colts before glancing down at Star. He landed giving a little bow. “Prince Starstep?”

Star groaned. “Okay, I'm never going to get used to that title. Feather, we grew up in the same town, went to the same class, so please, just Starstep, or even Star.”

“Alrighty, Star. So what's up?”

“Where's Scoots? I need to talk with her.”

Feather's ears perked. “Ah. Figured this was coming.” He looked over his shoulder at the laughing foals as Lighthoof mimicked a beast from the book. “Guess I got plenty of shots.” Satisfied, the pegasus trotted off towards a quiet section of the camp, Starstep following and trying his best to ignore the occasional bows and murmurs of 'Prince'.

The photographer found an empty campfire, planting himself down on one of the many fallen logs surrounding the crackling blaze. Star took the hint and sat near the other pony, tilting his head curiously.

Star began. “So, you figured what was coming exactly?”

“The big talk.” Feather shrugged.

“Big talk?”

“You know, the one-on-one between me and you about my- our mare-friend.” When he noticed Star's puzzled expression he gave a little sigh. “Look, Star. I'm a photographer. It's my job to notice stuff.” He unfastened the camera rig from around his neck and gently set it aside. “Like you said, we grew up together. Everypony in that class knew that Scoots and you were a thing. Even with you obsessed with Princess Luna, you still took time to hang out with her a little more than the rest. Think I didn't know you two were sneaking kisses behind the school-house?”

Feather exhaled. “Star, when I bumped into Scoots a while back, I offered her a job as a camera assistant because I knew she could do the work of four ponies. Not because I was trying to get close to her. Then, one day she got really affectionate.”

“I'm not sure I really need to hear all this.”

“No, you do. Look, I'm what you might call a... free spirit.”


Feather continued, “I go where I want, I do what I want-”

“I rut what I want.”

“I come and go where I please. Anyhoof, point is, when Scoots wanted to start fooling around, I told her straight-up that I was okay with it but we were both free to be with other ponies.”

“He's afraid to commit.” Nightmare chuckled.

Feather smiled. “I'll admit, I love having Scoots around. She's the best photo-assistant I could ever ask for and she's a lot of fun to be with. We had a blast on some of the trips to the far corners of Equestria.” His expression fell. “But I think she's mixing up my needing her around as something more than professional.”

“Anyhoof, fast forward to our little photo-shoot in Spurlin. I was pretty sure she was still seeing you, but didn't think much about it. Her life, her business. That was the deal. But after that morning, she's been really withdrawn and frankly, not a lot of fun to be around.”

Starstep cocked his head. “Sooo... what does all that mean?”

“It means, that I want Scootaloo around as my assistant and eventually my partner in this photography business, but I don't need her in the way she wants. She's confusing the two since we've been fooling around. I just wanted to clear the air between us so you don't think I'm a romantic rival.” The colt cast a smug grin. “I mean, you're a Prince now, you could always send me off to the dungeons.”

“Off with his head!”

“No, no. None of that.” Star held up his hooves defensively.

“I love being around her, I love working with her, and yes, I love our little private moments.” He noticed Star's awkward look and hurried on. “But I'm not in love with her. Right?”

Star cocked his head. “I thought she was your mare-friend? Did you try telling her all this?”

The other pegasus shrugged. “So are the other five mares I visit from time to time. I care about every one of them, but they could dump me tomorrow and it wouldn't hurt my feelings. I'm just enjoying her company, that's all. Come on, you know Scoots. She gets her mind set on something and, well, that's that.”

Starstep gave a soft nod. “It's one thing to be okay with her and I having a little fun now and then, but what if by some miracle, Scoots and I made something work between us again?”

“Go for it. Long as she can still help me with this job, I'd promise to remain hooves-off.” He smirked. “Look, Star. I think she's just been using me to fill a hole shaped like you. Not like I really care, it was fun while it lasted.” Star narrowed his eyes and Feather cleared his throat nervously. “What I mean is, I care about her enough to not stand in the way if you two find a way to work it out.”

The cream colored pegasus leaned down to pick up his camera, adjusting the settings and refastening the neck-harness. “Only one problem though.”

Star stood up. “And that is?”

“A great big shadow shaped like a certain Princess. She hasn't told me much, but I still get the feeling that the Princess intimidates her.” Feather hopped up and held out a hoof to the other pony. “No hard feelings?”

Star smiled and shook the offered hoof. “None. Thank you for clearing up how you fit into this.”

“Anytime. If you still want to find Scoots, try the far-side of the pond.” With that, the photographer trotted off into the herd.

Starstep watched him go and sighed. “You sure have been talkative tonight.”

“I don't like those kinds of ponies.”

Star suddenly realized that Nightmare was actually responding to him. “You don't like any kind of pony.”

There was a pause, then cold laughter, but nothing else--the dark mare had gone silent again.

Starstep found Scootaloo right where Featherweight had suggested. She was laying on the far-bank of the glowing pond, gently stroking one of her feathers through the water, trails of silver rippling in its wake. He watched her from behind some trees, contemplating the best way to start the conversation, or what he would even say. Star thought back to an earlier time, when they would sneak off on hot summer nights to go swimming in the Ponyville pond. He was pretty certain both of their parents knew but never said a word. Most of their day was around other ponies: teachers, friends, family. And while he cared about Sweetie and Applebloom, there was a certain warmth that filled his chest when he thought about the times he and Scootaloo spent alone. But now, looking at the young mare as she laid lost in her thoughts, he felt a twinge of regret. He only saw her as a friend back then— his obsession with Luna had been blinding. Sure, he'd play along when she wanted to cuddle on the banks of the pond after a hard swim or let her practice kissing with him. That's what friends did.

Starstep put a hoof to his forehead and sighed. Why was it only recently that he had begun to understand? He could just walk away, let her enjoy herself with Featherweight and continue his own life with Luna uninterrupted. Yet, he couldn't will himself to let her go. He had hoped the trio between himself, Luna and Scoots would have worked out, but the opportunity had been snatched from him before they even gave it a real chance. Scootaloo had taken that from him.

Star punched a large sapling as he turned to leave, the vibration knocking a limb free from the branches, which tumbled nosily down before landing with a dull thud.

Scootaloo's ears snapped back moments before her head, eyes wide. “Who's there?” She noticed the blue-grey coat in the moon-light and hopped to her hooves. “Star?”

With anxiety knotting in his belly, the colt trotted out from the trees and gave his friend a smile. “Hey, Scoots.”

She hesitated then began to turn away. “It's, ah, it's nice seeing you're safe, Star. I was just taking a quick break, but I better get back. I'm sure Feather needs me.”

“Stop,” he commanded, a hint of anger seeping out. As the filly turned to look at him in surprise, he took a deep breath and exhaled. “Please, wait a moment. I wanted to talk to you. Just for a few minutes.”

The orange pegasus darted her eyes left and right, lightly biting her lower lip before sighing and hanging her head in defeat. “Fine. Talk.” She plopped down onto her haunches.

He mulled his thoughts over in his head, finding so many things that he was conflicted about, things he wanted to say but wasn't sure how to express properly. He sat down in front of the other pegasus and simply looked at her. Faintly, he recalled his school-yard days with Scootaloo and all the adventures they shared, of the bonds they formed and the sweet moments they would sneak when nopony was looking. When he noticed she wouldn't meet his gaze, he felt the irritation building and he realized there was no soft-way to go about this. She needed to know exactly how he was feeling, even if he burned all the bridges between them.

“I'm angry at you.” The first words out of his muzzle caused Scootaloo to look up at him with heart-broken eyes.

“You have every right to be, I was sleeping with another pony without telling you.”

“No, Scoots, That's not why I'm angry. We already went over that. I was just as much in the wrong sleeping with other ponies as you were. I swear to Luna, that's not what's bugging me.”

“Then what...?” Her voice trailed off, confusion flickering across her face.

Starstep saw a flash of the vision Nightmare had given him in her crypt—of pushing Scoots over that cliff edge to make her hurt. He understood it was because he wanted her to share his pain.

“I'm angry because you decided for me that our relationship was over. You took the choice out of my hooves and I feel like it was because you couldn't trust me. Instead of working it out with me, you ran. And I'm angry with myself because I let you. I didn't argue hard enough because I was trying to be more understanding. I did what I thought was right, not what I felt was right.”

Scoots eyes widened and her bottom lip began to tremble. “S-star. I'm sorry, really. It's okay now, you have Princess Luna and I have Featherweight. We both have ponies who care about us. I didn't want to be in her shadow anymore—I'm nothing compared to her. Why did you even want me around?”

“She's afraid of being abandoned...”

In his mind's eye, he saw a vision of Scootaloo walking behind Starstep and Luna, struggling to keep up as they left her behind. A new scene flickered into his head; this time Scootaloo was sitting at a table with three plates and flickering candles that had burnt to nubs. She was sobbing into her hooves as a Dream-Starstep trotted up.

“Oh, hey Scoots,” Dream-Star said. “Sorry, I forgot about our dinner plans; Luna and I went out for our anniversary. I'll make it up to you later.”

Another vision, this time Luna was staring down at Scootaloo, her eyes cold and hard. “Thou art but a child, a foal in mine eyes. Why should I share Starstep with thee? Why would he care for such a little filly when he hath a Princess to love him? I am powerful, beautiful—a mare that can show him pleasures beyond his wildest fantasies. Thou art nothing but a weak foal, crying for his attention. Begone from mine sight.” Luna turned around and took Dream-Star under her wing, guiding him away from the distraught Scootaloo who could only weep as she was left in the darkness, alone.

Starstep blinked as the visions faded, finding the real Scootaloo before him, looking at him curiously. “Star? Are you okay?”

“I- er, look, we've been friends a long time, Scoots. It was my fault I didn't keep in touch after I went off to the Guard-Academy. I could make all the excuses in the world, but it was still on me.” He looked into her beautiful light-purple eyes. “When you started visiting Canterlot, I was reminded of how much I love having you around. You're not Luna, and Luna isn't you. I could never compare you two because you're both wonderful mares in your own ways. It took a little a while, but I started to really enjoy the thought of having you both in my life.”

Scootaloo turned away and wouldn't look at him. “That's sweet, Star, but... You have your life, and I have mine now.” She looked up with a weak smile. “I'm really enjoying my new job, and Luna really depends on you. We're both better off.”

“If you really want to be with Featherweight, please, go with my blessing.” He closed his eyes, attempting to regain his composure before continuing. “You will always be my dearest friend, and I truly love you... But if you really can't handle being in a relationship with Luna and I, I'll accept it. I will let you do whatever makes you happy.” His voice lowered. “But give me a chance to let go.”

The young mare's ears wilted as she lowered her voice. “You have Luna, you don't need me. You... you don't really love me.” Her last sentence was almost a whisper.

He stood and stomped forward, sending the filly onto her back with a surprised yelp, fore-legs curling to her chest. She looked up at the angry colt who stood over her body. “Star?”

Starstep leaned down, nose to nose with the mare. “Look me right in the eyes and tell me I don't love you.”

“Yes, scare her into submission.”

Scootaloo looking into his eyes. “Y-you don't...” She couldn't get the words out. When she tried to look away, Star pressed his nose against hers.

“Look at me, Scoots. No more bucking games.” His intense tone caught her full attention. “I want you back in my life.”

He pulled back but remained standing over her, watching a couple of tears seep out the corners of her eyes. “S-star... you're scaring me.”

“Hah. No, she's scaring herself. She still sees you leaving her behind. Forgotten.”

Scootaloo forced herself to look into Star's icy blue eyes. “I don't want to be with you.”

“Liar.” Even Star could tell without Nightmare's comment.

The colt had had enough. “Yes, hurt her...” He stepped to the side and scooped the surprised filly up, slinging her over his back. Before Scoots knew what was happening, the colt trotted into the shallows of the pond and bucked her off into the cool, glowing water.

Scootaloo popped to the surface, gasping for air and splashing about before her hooves found purchase on the muddy bottom. “The bucking tartarus was that for, Star?”

“For lying.” Star smirked at the wet-maned filly. “I seem to remember when you did the same thing to me in Ponyville when I lied about drinking your cache of Wonderbolt-cola.”

“Y-you remember that?” She blew water from her lips and stomped towards him, kicking up the illuminated water.

“I remember everything about our time together. The pranks, the late evenings watching the constellations...” He smiled fondly. “The secret kisses behind the school and the first time we explored each others bodies. All of it. I remember all of it. I was an idiot for not understanding how much you cared back then. I suppose that part was my fault.” He turned around and started to leave. “I wont bother you anymore. I'll miss you, Scoots.”

He was tackled from behind into the shallows, and found himself laying on his back, his neck and head resting on the bank with the orange pegasus straddling his belly, her fore-hooves on his shoulders.

Star blinked up at her, ears perked as the cool water caressed his coat. “Scoots?”

“You're right. I was lying.” She hesitated, tears beginning to drip from her red and damp eyes onto Star's cheeks, and sniffed. “You are a jerk, Star. Why now? Why now- do you decide that you want me? Why, after I've already let you go and started a new job I like and found a pony who enjoys having me around? Why now do you suddenly care?” She struck him in the chest with her hoof, choking back a sob. “I gave you my heart, Star. I would have given anything for you to look at me back in school like you do now. So why now—why can't you leave me alone?” She slugged him in the chest again.

Star looked up into her half-closed eyes, tears splattering on his coat as the hoof on his shoulder trembled. “I never wanted you to leave in the first place. You left me, remember?”

“I couldn't stand to be forgotten. I'm nothing compared to the Princess. Nothing, Star. You asked me to be a part of your relationship because you took pity on me, the little foal-hood friend who couldn't let you go.” Her body shivered atop his. “For you, I tried to make it work. I smiled and put on a brave face and played nice.”

“Oh, Scoots. No, no.”

She gave a sad smile, ears flattened. “Yes. I thought to myself, 'it wont be so bad,' *sniff* 'just play along and I'll still get to spend time with him'. But when I gave up the feather... all of my doubts and fears and the shame I felt for not telling you about Featherweight came down on me all at once. I realized that one day you'd grow bored of me being around you and Luna, tired of the silly filly who couldn't take a hint, who was just in the way. It crushed me Star... I-I still feel the hurt when I look at you.” She started to rise off him, but Starstep grabbed her around the waist. “Let me go, Star.”

“The buck I will. You know what, Scoots? I guess I'm going to have to be a jerk to get this through your head.” He pulled her close to his body as the silvery water rippled around them. “Scootaloo, look at me!” He put his hooves on her cheeks and glared directly at her until she hesitantly met his eyes. “I will never cast you aside and I will never think of you as lesser than Luna. You are not covered in her shadow because you cast your own light.”

“Star, I-”

“The next words out of your mouth better be 'I believe you,' cause I swear to Luna I'm not letting you go till you understand I would never, ever abandon you.”

Fresh tears started to fall from her eyes and the filly collapsed onto his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. Starstep simply held her to his chest, stroking her wet mane and watching the stars twinkle overhead.

“Ugg, so weak...”

After her crying ran its course, she looked up at him, cheek pressed against his coat. “Why?”

“Why, what?” He gave her a reassuring smile as his hoof caressed the side of her face.

“Why are you doing this? You could have let me go, have the Princess all to yourself. I was trying to move on.”

“Because you never gave us a real chance to find out if the three of us could work. Luna even asked me to come talk to you because she knows it's hurting us both.”

“I-I don't know why she cares. She was pretty angry at me for waiting so long to come clean.” She looked away.

“She said she forgave you. Despite how she may act, Luna is probably the most understanding pony I've ever met.” At Scoots' raised eyebrow he held up his hooves. “I swear it.”

“I don't know, Star. I mean, there's the whole thing with me and Feather...”

“He just wants you as a partner in his business, not his love-life.” He saw Scootaloo cringe slightly at the statement.

“He told me something like that once. I think I was angry at the time so I didn't listen.” She gave a soft sigh. “Thank you for making me feel wanted, Star. I... I wish you could have told me those words a long time ago. I don't think I can jump back into a relationship with you two right now.”

Star reached up to caress her cheek. “Scoots, I want you back in my life.”

“I'm afraid...” She bit her bottom lip and leaned into his hoof.

“So am I, Scoots. I'm afraid of losing my best friend.” He leaned up to nuzzle softly. “I was terrible to you for so many years. Please forgive me.”

She closed her eyes, exhaling slowly and simply laid on his chest for long quiet moments. After a while, she half-opened her eyes and gave him a genuine, but wary smile. “I forgive you, if you forgive me for not letting you have your say when I broke up with you and the Princess.”

“I do.”

Scootaloo gave a soft snort. “We're such sad, hopeless ponies.”

“We are,” He agreed. “Will you please at least consider coming back to us? Talk out your troubles with Luna? She cares about you.” At Scoot's raised eyebrow he continued. “Luna doesn't waste her time with ponies she doesn't like. She's firm, but fair. Just... don't lie to her, or me, anymore.”

The mare tensed for a moment, then exhaled. “Alright, Star. I'll... consider it. I guess that means I'll have to have another mare-to-mare with her.” She looked into Star's eyes. “Trust me, that's a scary thing. She gets all super serious and intense.”

“Hah, she tends to do that.” He pondered for a moment. “Back then, did you mean it when you said you might have feelings for Luna?”

Scoots ran a hoof across her eyes, wiping away some of her tears. “A little bit. She's beautiful and I'd be lying if I said I didn't fantasize about preening her big wings.” Scootaloo blushed. “But it was more for your benefit than mine. I still feel so... tiny and worthless around her. Like nothing I'll ever do will matter. Yet... I think she's done a world of good for you Star, you're a stronger, more loving pony than when you left Ponyville. But I still don't see why you want me in the picture. How could you love me with her around? How could I really learn to love her the same way?” She exhaled. “For now, just... just tell her that I'm interested in talking about it. Nothing final yet.”

“I like that answer.” He pulled her down for a tight hug, the mare relaxing into his hooves as he curled them through her wet mane. “Thank you.”

Scootaloo nuzzled into his neck. “Anything for you, Star.”

“Anything, huh?” He smirked and lightly ran a hoof down her tail-base.

She blinked and swatted him playfully on the chest. “You've been hanging around Lighthoof too long.”

“You're probably right about that.” The two got to their hooves and trotted out of the shallows, silvery water running down their coats. “Just one last thing. I noticed that the photography job makes you happy. I'd like you to keep doing it.”

Scoot raised an eyebrow. “What are you saying?”

“I'm saying that even if we got back together in a relationship, that you don't need to feel obligated to hang around Canterlot. City life isn't for you, never has been.” He put a hoof on her shoulder and smiled. “You would never be tied down, but you would always have a place to call home.”

“That actually means a lot to me, Star.” She smiled. “Have the Princess talk with me when she has time. Good night, Star.” She gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek before turning away.

“Good night, Scoots.” He watched her trot towards the camp, eyes not leaving her till the orange pegasus disappeared amongst the herd. When he was alone with the soft chirping of crickets, Nightmare snarled at him.

“You should have threatened to cut off your friendship. It would have been a lot faster.”

“That's not how relationships work, Nightmare.” He whispered.

“Relationships are about power over others. She would have crawled to your hooves, begging you not to leave her. To not abandon her. She would have let you rut her raw and beg for more so that you'd say you would keep her around. What a pathetic little filly.”

“Okay, seriously, Nightmare, shut the buck up. You don't talk about Scoots like that.” he hissed, looking around to ensure he was still alone.

“I did let you see her little fears. Was I not helping?”

“Y-you did.” He grit his teeth, ears flattening. “Thank you.”

“Was that so hard?”

“Yes,” Star growled.

“Everything alright over here?” A Night-Guard trotted out of the trees, looking about suspiciously.

“Yeah, it's fine.”

“Oh! Prince Starstep. Sorry, I was just on patrol.” He raised an eyebrow. “Was there somepony else here?”

“A few minutes ago, but you probably just heard me. I like to talk out loud when I'm working through a problem.”

“Ah. I understand. I'll leave you to it then.” The guard gave a bow of his head and trotted off, armor clinking softly.

Star waited a couple of minutes then growled under his breath. “Great, now he probably thinks I'm crazy.”

“You're not? You are talking to yourself.”

“No, I'm talking to you because you keep saying some really nasty things.”

“No pony asked you to respond.”

Starstep put a hoof to his forehead and sighed.

A few hours later, he was laying amongst the trees, watching a few brief flares of smoke and cinders as ponies tossed their final logs onto the campfires and began to settle down for the night.

He spent the time thinking about the conversations with Feather and Scoots and remembering moments from his school-days. The more he thought about the more he realized he had been a real jerk to Scoots feelings back then. Regret threatened to consume him when soft hoof-falls brought his head around.

Luna slipped out of the shadowy woods and smiled at him. “Evening, my love. Forgive my interrupting thy contemplations.” She began to slide her hooves from her crystal slippers, one at time, then pushing them to the base of an oak tree.

“It's fine. I'm glad you did. What used to be happy memories aren't so happy anymore.”

The alicorn used her magic to set aside her crown and neck-piece. “A matter of perspective?”

“Something like that.”

Luna gave a little yawn before settling onto the leaves and soft grass beside him, nuzzling at his neck. “I hath dealt with the same. Tis not easy to deal with things we feel as mistakes, as we cannot fix the past. My only suggestion is to learn from it and improve thyself so as not to repeat them again.”

Star leaned into the gentle affections, his black feathered wing unfurling to gently caress Luna's back. “I'm trying to make it right.” His eyes flicked to her unadorned neck and hooves. “No patrolling tonight?”

“Not this evening. Alexander hath provided more aerial night protection. I wilst respond if needed, but I am most grateful for the show of unity.” She cuddled her head into the crook of his neck, careful not to jab him with her horn, and gave a soft sigh of contentment.

Star leaned against the alicorn, enjoying the cool breath that washed over his coat from her exhales. “How did the meeting with the hippogriff go?”

“Unproductive. She is thankful for the healing but all of her words art but attempts to have us join the Empire.” She did not elaborate further and the pair laid in silence for a few minutes.

Starstep took a deep breath, his conversation with Scootaloo flickering through his thoughts. “So... before I forget, Scoots wants to talk with you when you have a chance. She is considering dating us again.”

“Very well, in the morning,” she mumbled into his coat.

“You don't sound too happy about it.”

The alicorn gave a heavy sigh. “Star, my love. I hath not slept in days.”

Starstep nodded, blanketing his wife in his wing and letting her cuddle warmly into his side. “Sorry, Luna. I didn't realize. I just... it's important to me if you could help Scootaloo see that she's not any less important a pony than others. She seems to think you don't want her around.”

Luna bumped her nose into his neck. “Star... She is a sweet pony, a kind pony. Despite her failure to tell thee of her other lover, I doth not find reason to dislike her. In fact, I doth find her personality quite enjoyable, yet it was not I whom broke our courtship. I wilst never ask a pony to stay at mine side. All may go as they please.”

“Even me?”

Luna nodded into his neck. “Yes love, even thee. Thou art mine husband, but should thou find thyself unhappy with our union, thou art free to leave. All of mine lovers share that right.”

He remembered the story of the rogue pony she tricked into marrying her and bit back the other questions in his head.

He leaned down to kiss her sweetly on the forehead. “I love you, Luna. I will never leave you.”

Luna smiled warmly, and in a few short moments she was fast asleep. Star closed his eyes and soon followed.

Starstep was in a castle room, cold grey walls only faintly illuminated by the moon-light filtering through an open window. There was a simple queen sized bed, the blankets and sheets a jumbled mess, an oak table off to the side with a pair of chairs and a standing mirror in the far corner. At the window, a young alicorn mare, perhaps fourteen, had her fore-hooves on the stone-lip, looking out in delight. While most of the room's colors seemed greyed out, she was a bright-spot in the darkness, a pure white with golden mane that sparkled in the moon. She turned to smile at Starstep, orange eyes full of excitement.

“Come on sis! It is almost time for the sun to go up.” The voice was in a language Starstep had never heard before, but some how he understood what she was saying.

Star found himself walking towards the filly then lifted up his hooves onto the railing to look out with the other pony. The sky was dark except for the twinkle of little stars, but as he watched a glimmer of yellow and orange lit the horizon.

The filly at Star's side bounced excitedly. “Ooooh. Here it comes.!”

Star cocked his head, smiling at the other pony.

“Why do you like watching the sunrise every morning?” Star heard himself say, yet the voice of a female came through in the same think heavy language as the other filly.

The young mare giggled and looked her sister in the eye, bright and cheerful. “Because I am trying to learn how. With some practice, I will bet you and I could do it for the unicorns! Think of how happy they would be if they did not have to anymore. I bet their king would thank us and they could be friends to the earth-ponies.”

“I do not know about this, sister. Chancellor Puddinghead got a little upset when we used magic to help with the field-work. Plus, she promised if we were good we would get to go to the party this weekend.”

The other pony sighed and rolled her eyes. “You just want to talk to Lady Jade's son again.”

Star heard himself giggle. “Well, yes... he is awfully cute. When I said I was learning how to plow fields and plant crops, he offered private lessons. I believe you are just jealous.”

“I am not.” The alicorn filly left the window and trotted back to the bed, leaping up and snuggling down into the blankets. She looked over the covers at Starstep. “He just makes me... feel weird. He was staring at your rump a lot when you were not looking.”

Star felt his cheeks warm. “I cannot help if I have a good figure.” He trotted towards a standing mirror in the corner of the room.

“Sister, we are twins, remember? I will wager he was staring at mine as well.”

Star giggled as he reached the mirror, looking back was a white alicorn filly with a silvery mane. “I do not know why it offends you. Is it not better that the others admire our beauty than curse how strange we are?” He turned to wiggle his rump at the mirror, looking over his shoulder and noticing he truly was female. How strange a feeling.

“What are you doing here?” A cold voice asked and the dream-world shattered like glass.

Star blinked up at Nightmare, her nostrils flared, her eyes narrowed and ears laid back. “I-I don't know, I went to sleep and-.”


With her shout, the colt stumbled back, falling into a void and tumbling head over hooves for what felt like eternity.

Starstep woke with a start, gasping for air. Luna was gone and the sun was just peeking over the hills to the east. He gave a heavy sigh and hopped to his hooves, stretching out and beginning his morning routine as the herd also began to stir.

During his breakfast of grass along the bank of the pond, Lighthoof trotted up, his golden and onyx armor gleaming brightly in the early sun, sword belt jangling at his side. He gave Star a slight smile. “Mornin', dude.”

“Morning, Light.” He tilted his head at the book.

“Say... uh, got a minute?” He glanced around to ensure none of the herd was in ear-shot.

“What's going on?”

Lighthoof's ears lowered as he glanced at the earth before lifting his eyes to his friend. “Star... I think Nightmare is inside my head.”

Starstep raised an eyebrow. “Why do you think that?”

“I've been seeing things lately. I lied about the ripples in the river yesterday. I... I saw how those ponies were going to die. I saw them being eaten alive.” His voice trembled lightly. “It's one thing to see my own nightmares, but Star, seeing other ponies get hurt like that... I just...”

Star hopped up and put a hoof to Light's shoulder. “But those five mares didn't die, you saved them.”

“Y-yeah. But, they're still going to die. Now I see one dying to griffons, one to a building accident, one to child-birth, the other two to old age, surrounded by their families.” He put a hoof to his forehead and shut his eyes. “Why is Nightmare doing this to me?”

“I-I don't think it's her.”

Light looked up at him, worry on his face. “How can you say that? Who else would be in my head showing me these terrible things?”

“Dawn,” Star mumbled.

“What? The little filly? No way, dude.”

“It is... Nightmare is in my head.” His admission caused Light's eyes to go wide.

“No... How could she be with us both?”

“She's not. She even told me that Dawn is with you. She shows up in my dreams and she sometimes speaks to me.” Star sighed. “We have a deal. I keep quiet about her to anypony but you, and she doesn't mess with anypony else. Equestria stays safe.”

Lighthoof sat back on his haunches. “That doesn't sound like a fair agreement. So... why would Dawn show me these things?”

“I don't know, Light. Nightmare shows me dreams and whispers about pony's fears. Maybe Dawn's thing is the future?”

Light shook his head. “I'm not sure... I'm not sure what it is. By saving those mares I changed their future.”

“Do you see it on everypony?”

The other pegasus shook his head. “No, it comes and goes. Half the time I don't understand what I'm seeing.” He exhaled. “I have to see if the Princesses can get her out of me. I thought Dawn was a nice filly, but these visions...” He shivered. “Dude, I wouldn't wish it on anypony.”

“No!” Star grabbed him by the shoulders. “You can't!”

Light blinked at him in confusion. “Why not?”

“If they find out about Dawn, they're going to know about Nightmare. As long as she stays put in me, then all the other ponies are free from her nightmares and torments. I'll happily take sleepless nights to protect them from her.”

“Is... is she tormenting you like before?”

Star shook his head. “Not yet. She seems a lot calmer than what we saw in the ruins.”

“I-I don't know how long I can deal with these visions, dude.” Lighthoof hung his head.

“Use it like you did for those mares. Save the ones you can.”

“And what about the ones I can't?” Light tapped a hoof to his golden armor. “What's the point of all this if I can't protect ponies? What am I supposed to do if we get home and I see how Sherry or Peachy die? Just live with it? I couldn't. I just couldn't.”

Star sighed and gave Light a gentle shake. “Lighthoof, brother. We're all going to pass on one day. Best we can do is try to make it a good life until then. Just like that Night-Guard who died helping us free all those ponies in the slave-mines. Remember him?”

Lighthoof nodded but refused to meet Star's eyes.

“He died doing what he thought was right. We both would have accepted the same fate. If Dawn is showing you the future, maybe now you can help stop unnecessary deaths. Warn a pony about a mountain-climbing trip or not to take that extra shift on the docks. You could change their fates. I know it has to be hard to see these things, but maybe it's just Dawn's way of trying to help you—to thank you for saving her from being locked alone in those ruins forever.”

Light raised his eyes, his ears half-lowered. “What about Nightmare? Is she thankful?”

“I... I suppose in her own way. She hasn't been making me see my worst fears and despite her cynical remarks she has given me some insight into others.”

“And the ponies I can't save?”

“I don't know, Light. You can't save everypony, but the Princesses just gave you a lot of power and authority. I think you could do a lot of good with Dawn's visions.”

Lighthoof closed his eyes and sighed. “You make a good point, but the things she shows me really hurt.”

Star bumped his forehead against his brothers. “It hurts because you care.”

“Sometimes... I wish I didn't.” He hesitated. “I saw your end, dude.”

Starstep swallowed and closed his eyes. “What was it?”

“I-I shouldn't have told you anything.” Lighthoof pulled away and turned.

“Tell me, Light. I'd rather accept it now and face it bravely when it comes.”

Light gave a sad chuckle and looked over his shoulder. “You've changed, dude.”

“Almost getting killed a few times and facing down your worst fears will kinda do that to a pony.”

“I wish I had more to tell you, but all I saw was darkness.”

Star cocked his head. “Like, there wasn't an end?”

“No, it was like you were just gone. Poof. Sorry, dude, I don't know anything else.”

Starstep hopped to his hooves and trotted over to Lighthoof's side. “It's fine. If you ever need somepony to confide in about the stuff Dawn is showing you, I'm always here.”

Light gave a sad smile. “Same here if Nightmare starts really getting to you.” He looked out at the herd. “I guess I can't just go around telling ponies what I'm seeing.”

“No, a lot of questions will come up.”

Lighthoof nodded then looked to his friend. “Star, a lot of these ponies are going to die to griffons.” He sighed heavily. “I just don't know how to convince the Princesses to prepare without telling them about the visions.”

“How long do we have?”

Light's ears drooped.“Most of the deaths happen in a rocky pass. I checked the maps. We're going to reach one in three days.”

“Three days...” Star shook his head. “Is it from scouting parties? A warband? An ambush?”

“I don't know, dude. I just don't know. I only get glimpses.”

Star tilted his head, a thought occurred to him. “I'll bet the hippogriff knows.”

“Her or the other captive..” Light considered it for a moment. “If we can get them to talk, we can use that as reason to prepare for an attack.” He gave his friend a sad smile. “If we get to the third day and we still have nothing out of them... I'm going to tell the Princesses about Dawn.”

“You cant! If you do they'll find out about Nightmare and she'll be released from her vow and all of Equestria is going to suffer again.”

Light put an armored hoof on Star's shoulder. “I'd rather go through that terror than watch all these ponies die because I was too scared to say anything. I couldn't live with myself.” He gave his brother a sad smile. “And you couldn't live with Luna weeping over their deaths.”

Star lowered his head and sighed. “Morning of the third day then. I just hope somepony can get answers out of the captives before-hoof.”

“I know, dude. I might even take a crack at it, can't hurt. Anyhoof, I have to go meet with the Command staff. Seems they're going to start giving me lessons on communication procedures. Later, dude.”

“Later, Light.” Starstep called as he watched the other pegasus trot away. He hoped that his friend could handle Dawn's Gift. For a moment, he wondered if he or Lighthoof had received the short end of the stick. He couldn't imagine looking at somepony and knowing how they were going to die. Had Dawn always had this power? Yet she seemed so cheerful in the dream-memory and even in the crypt. Perhaps there was an off switch?

Star whispered to Nightmare, seeking an answer, but the alicorn remained silent. With a resigned sigh, he trotted towards the front of the herd as they gathered up to begin a new day's march. As he smiled to those who greeted him and dipped his head politely to those that bowed, he wondered just how many of these ponies would die to the griffon assault in just three days. The count-down weighed heavy on his mind.

Chapter LV

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To Love the Moon

Chapter LV

By Indigo Eclipse

Dawn of the first day. 72 hours remain.

Starstep wove his way through the gathering herd, a light fog still clinging to the damp grass, the moisture not yet burned away by the morning sun. He nodded and smiled to any who greeted him, grateful that most of the ponies were still too drowsy or tired to take note of him. As he trotted through the group, he couldn't help but compare how the ponies compared to their nomadic ancestors. Unlike ponies of old, these were beginning to wear out from the stress of daily marching and a diet heavy in grass. Most of these ponies had lived their lives in the comfort of the city, walking perhaps a few blocks daily, and eating meals of prepared foods. It was no wonder that Lighthoof saw so many die in his vision of a griffon attack. Their spirits were willing, but their bodies were wearing down and before long they wouldn't be able to defend themselves at all. Only the trained guards and a few of the outdoor enthusiasts seemed to be faring well under the conditions.

He arrived at the front of the herd, noting that only Dazzle was there to greet him. “Morning, Dazz.” Curiously, he glanced about for Luna, surprised that his wife was nowhere to be seen.

The unicorn brushed her pale blue mane from her eyes as she offered a friendly smile. “A good morning to you as well, Star.”

Star grinned. “Thanks for not doing the whole 'prince' thing.”

She gave a soft giggle and a polite nod.

He glanced over his shoulder, ensuring they were far enough from the shuffling mass behind them before lowering his voice. “So uh, you doing okay? With the nightmares and stuff.”

Dazzle cleared her throat as she lifted her chin. “I am quite fit for duty. It will not affect my job performance.”

The colt shook his head. “No, I'm asking as a friend. How are you?”

She cocked her head slightly, studying him for a moment with her emerald eyes. “There are very few ponies whom call me that and truly mean it. Considering my line of work, most of them are rather... insincere.” She smiled and hesitantly put a hoof to his shoulder. “I am glad you consider yourself my friend. Luna knows, I have so few.”

Star smirked. “Well, with me, you get two for the price of one. I'm pretty sure Light thinks of you as a friend too.”

“I suppose one must take the good with the bad.” They shared a soft laugh. “That said... in answer to your question, I am doing better. The nightmares have lessened, but I am still coming to terms with what I have seen. There are things in my past that I am not proud of, and the dreams I had in those ruins provide me with no shortage of distress.”

Starstep nodded, placing a reassuring hoof on the one she rested on his shoulder. “If you ever need somepony to talk to, I'm here.”

“I would like that actually. It would be rather nice to have somepony to confide in whom would not use the information against me. You would keep what I tell you just between us, would you not?” She pulled her leg away and turned to face him.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Star finished by putting a hoof to his closed left eye.

Dazzle blinked for a moment before giggling. “Whatever was that?”

He chuckled. “It's a hometown promise to keep a secret.”

“Oh, well, thank you for that. Quite catchy.”

“Yeah, Pinkie Pie has a habit of making up catchy sayings and songs. You should see what happens when she breaks out into her Smile, Smile song.” He grinned. “I swear, Ponyville may be a little place, but it has never lacked in random fun.”

“I should like to visit someday. After the madness in the last few weeks, a little vacation in a small town sounds like just the thing I need.”

“I'll give you the personal tour.” He looked around. “Say, where's Luna? I know Lighthoof is off with the Command staff.”

Dazzle gestured to a small thicket of trees with her chin. “The Princess took aside the young photography assistant about half an hour ago. I do hope she does not remain gone long, the herd will be ready to move shortly.”

“Scootaloo... I guess Luna is making good on her promise.”

“Scootaloo? Ah, was that your friend that I advised you to speak with?”

Star nodded and gave her a smile. “Yeah. It was the right call. Thanks.”

“Of course.” She returned the smile warmly. “What are friends for?”

Starstep looked towards the thicket then back at the herd. Many of them were stood in place, ready to begin a new day of marching, their meager possessions packed and supply carts loaded. With a sigh he started off towards the trees. “Dazz, I'm going to let Luna know we're ready to go. Please keep an eye on things.”


The pegasus colt trotted towards the evergreens and oaks, silver chain and blue feather bouncing lightly against his chest. He slowed his pace and came to a halt as he caught the first glimpses of orange through the trees, brush and fog. He waited as Scootaloo cantered out. Her were ears splayed back, and she was biting her bottom lip. Doubt and confusion played out on her face as her eyes flicked up towards him for but a moment.

As she trotted past him, Star held up a hoof. “Wait, Scoots. What happened? Is everything okay?”

She hesitated briefly, glancing over her shoulder first at him, then the woods, then back to him. “I... I need some time to think, Star. We'll talk later.” She looked away as she spread her large pegasus wings and pushed herself off the ground, loose grass tumbling through the air in her wake. She glided away in the early morning sun back towards the herd, leaving Star rather concerned.

The crunch of grass and leaves caught Star's attention, swiveling his ears in reflex before turning his head. He noticing Princess Luna leaving the trees and the fog therein. She calmly walked to his side and stopped, looking out over her subjects.

“What happened, Luna?” He managed to keep the frustration from his voice.

“Tell me, my love. Dost thou think me too secretive?”

Star opened his mouth to reply and hesitated, not sure how to respond without sounding like a jerk. “Yes?” At Luna's amused expression he elaborated. “Well, you do tend to keep most of us out of the loop.”

“Tis true. A terrible habit I formed years prior to mine banishment. I suppose tis only fair that thou knowth what has transpired between Scootaloo and I and the reasoning for some of mine actions thus far.”

Star held up a hoof. “Luna, you don't have to explain anything to me.”

“Perhaps not, but I desire thee to know none-the-less.” The Moon-Goddess gave a soft sigh. “Tis not the first time thou hath reminded me that I hath been far too secretive since my return—too withdrawn and far too cold to those that mean me no harm. Twas thy wish that I work to form a bond with thy friend Scootaloo, twas it not?”

Star nodded. “If possible.”

Luna continued. “Scootaloo hath told me the full and honest truth.” She glanced down, noting his questioning look. “She admitted her fears and doubts about becoming a part of our union, and specifically her issues with myself. In return, I was also most honest with her about things I hath kept secret for many years.”

Star tilted his head. “Secrets? About what?”

“At the root of it is a connection Scootaloo and I had many years prior.” At Star's confused head-tilt, she smiled. “Did she ever tell thee of the camping trip where she was taken under Rainbow Dash's wing?”

Starstep tapped a hoof to his chin in thought, trying to remember any stories the orange filly had told him about Luna. Then his expression brightened as he recalled one. “Oh! Back in school she told me about this one time she was freaking out over ghost-stories and wouldn't admit it to Dash. You helped her to confront her fears and that's when Dash sorta became a big-sister to her.”

“Indeed, tis the one. After that night, she wouldst on occasion offer prayers onto me. Not for herself, but to thank me for mine assistance, for keeping watch over her dreams, and for the night-skies that she and her friends would admire. Even her friend Sweetie Belle received my assistance.”

Starstep smiled warmly in memory of the late evenings where he and the three Crusaders and would lay in the fields and stargaze together. The thought of their friendship warmed him a little. Then he shook his head, “Wait, Scoots talked with you back then?”

“Not directly. But I sometimes I wouldst hear her words of appreciation and would on occasion look in upon her. Did thee not think it odd that she was so tolerant of thy crush upon me? Of thy fascination with the stars and constellations? She was thankful to me and expressed it quietly, for fear of others misunderstanding. She saw me as a Goddess of dreams and the night, not as a mare as thou dost. Though, as she grew older, and her life more active, the prayers did cease. Such is youth.” Luna softly shrugged her wings. “But I have never forgotten. Those years back, I was still yet newly returned to Equestria and every thankful word expressed towards me or mine work was as honey, sweet and filling.”

“Okay, so I'm guessing you reminded her about how she made you feel better? Why did she leave here looking so... well, confused?”

“Patience, my love. I shalt explain.” She looked into his eyes, unfolding her wing gently across his back to draw him closer. “What I am to tell thee must never be told to another pony. Tia, myself, Scootaloo, and now thee. Tis a secret between us four—dost thou understand?” At Starstep's nod she continued. “If thou wilst remember when thee sought mine advice on Sweetie Belle's financial troubles?

“Yeah, you said you couldn't help directly.”

“Indeed. Tia and I refrain from affecting the lives of our ponies. Once upon a time, we attempted to help every subject with our powers... twas a disastrous generation. From then, sister and I agreed to avoid interfering and offer only guidance.” She hesitated letting him take in the information thus far. “As I watched Scootaloo grow into an adolescent filly and earned her cutie-mark, it became apparent that she would never fly. Fate conspired against her, and yet, she fought on despite the disability. Her fiery spirit and passion intrigued me and so I sought my sister's approval, whom agreed to allow me to perform this one gesture of good-will in secret.”

Star's eyes widened as he began to fit the pieces together. “Wait... hold up. So... her sudden and late wing growth-spurt? Did... did you do that?”


Star looked away, hoof to cover his mouth as he tried to wrap his mind around the information. He was at a loss for words for a couple of moments, just blankly staring at into the distances. At last he whipsered, “She... she was never going to fly, ever?”

“Never.” Luna said calmly.

“Oh... Oh... geeze. That week those wings grew in, she was in so much pain. I did everything I could to comfort her, but afterwards, her wings were so big and beautiful, even Dash seemed envious. I'd never seen Scoots that happy. And all this time, it was your magic that did it?”

“Yes, my love. I gave Scootaloo the gift of flight.”

“Why didn't you ever tell her before now?”

“Think upon it. How wouldst a filly react to being told one of the pony Goddesses blessed her, curing her of a disability? I never wished her indebted to me, only to know joy as she had given to me. Twas meant to be a gesture of appreciation for her kind words and thoughts during a time I needed to receive them.”

She exhaled, leaning against her husband. “I acted... reserved when we met again in Canterlot, knowing that she'd long since forgotten our initial meeting within her dreams. A minor deception, as I wished a clean slate from which to attempt a romantic bond for thy sake.”

“Which didn't work out too well.”

“Neigh, due to mine reluctance to reveal the past and her refusal to speak the truth. Now, any future we may have wilst depend upon her.” She gave a soft sigh. “Tonight, while she sleeps, I shalt visit her dreams and show her what life was like for me upon my return, for she is not the only mare to fear being overshadowed. I can do no more, for in the morning, she wilst decide if we art to proceed.”

Starstep gave a solemn nod. “I understand.” He spread out one of his oily-black wings. “Speaking of wings, what about me? Can you do anything for these yet? I still can't get off the ground.”

Luna kissed his nose and gave him a sad smile. “Alas, my love. I cannot. My magic slides from thy wings like water. Tis a miracle that thy feathers regrew at all.” She pulled him into an embrace, letting the colt nuzzle up against her neck. “I fear thou mayth not fly again.”

“I was afraid of that.” He sighed heavily and closed his eyes. “It's the price I paid to save, Dinky and Sweetie.”

Starstep glanced up at Luna. “But I don't regret it and given the chance, I'd do it again.”

“Tis not all grim news. Thou hath surely noticed thy wing's resistance to magic—the encounter with Copper, the blast from the hippogryph. A curse, and yet a blessing. In a sense, as Lighthoof hath become mine sword, thou shalt be mine shield.”

He nodded into her coat. “I guess I can stop with the wing-exercises.”


Star lifted his head and looked up in confusion. “But you said I can't fly.”

“I stated that thou mayth not fly again, yet tis not final. Beyond that, I hath a surprise for thee later that requires strong wings.”

“Now I'm curious.”

“Patience, love.” She released him from her forelegs and turned towards the herd, her wing draped over his back, “Come, we hath kept our subjects waiting long enough.”

Luna retook her spot at the front of the herd, signaling the start of a new day's march. The blue alicorn led the way, Star at her right, Dazzle at her left, while her sister remained at the center of the herd, still the focal point of the young colts and fillies, and at the rear of the column, the griffon allies with their banners of white and blue.

They marched on in relative peace, only the gentle clop of hooves, squeaks of axles and rumble of wooden wheels to be heard. Conversation was light during the overcast morning, wisps of fog still hanging about in the depressions of the rolling hills that surrounded them. Eventually the gentle slopes transitioned to steeper accents, marking the foothills of the mountain range to the west.

The call of a hunting hawk drew Star's eyes skyward and prompted a flex of his wings and a heavy sigh.

Star noticed Dazzle give him a look of concern from around Luna's chest. “Is everything alright, Star?”

He gave rueful smile. “Well... just reflecting on not being able to fly.”

Dazzle cocked her head. “You are taking that quite well. I have met pegasi who... well... could no longer bear to live after losing their flight.”

The young stallion gave a shrug. “I spend most of my time in the castle. I've been flightless for weeks. Sure, it's annoying, and I'm really going to miss swooping through the clouds, but honestly, this is the price I paid for saving a good friend of mine. I already sorta accepted that.”

There was something in Dazzles look as she studied his face, his resigned expression. She seemed thoughtful, a glint of admiration in her emerald eyes. “I would like to hear this tale.”

Star glanced up to Luna. “Is that okay? You were in the story after all.”

Luna leaned down to give him a gentle nuzzle. “Certainly, my brave husband.” The soft show of affection turned to a loving kiss, which caused a faint blush to bloom on Dazzle's yellow cheeks.

Then Starstep launched into a telling of the night Sweetie's house was set on fire. The whole time, Dazzle watched him, smiling at the camaraderie at the Ol' Rowdy bar and laughing at the idea of a slightly intoxicated Princess. She gasped in all the right places during the telling of the dragon-fire inferno but never interrupted his story until he ended with passing out in the street.

“Did anypony catch the arsonist?” she asked at the end.

Star glanced up at Luna, who wore a stoic expression. With a shrug he looked to Dazzle. “Yeah.”

“Star, you do know that after such an injury, especially saving ponies as you did, that you could have resigned from the guard with full benefits?”

“Never crossed my mind. Too many ponies need me and I need them.” He smiled up at Luna, whose eyes sparkled joyfully at his comment.

“I must say, that is admirable dedication.”

“What about you? Any stories you can tell?”

Dazzle hesitated. “Well... I suppose it's safe to tell you about the time I took a mission in Stalliongrad.” She spun a tale of shadows and secret meetings and hoof-fights in dark alleys. In the end she exposed a corrupt mayor and the mafia he was secretly supporting. She blushed at his look of wonder. “I did my duty for the Princess and now Stalliongrad is ran by a noble house.”

“Wow, you should write spy-novels.”

She gave a soft laugh. “Perhaps when I retire. If you were anypony but a Prince, I could not have divulged half of what I did.”

Star gave her a smirk and nod of his head. “Well, on behalf of all the ponies who may never know you helped their city, thank you.”

Dazzle smiled. “You are becoming quite the diplomat.”

The young stallion glanced up at his loving wife. “I have a really good teacher.”

“Flattery wilst get thee everywhere, my love” Luna gave a soft giggle.

A thought occurred to Star. “Ah, on the topic of diplomacy. Um... is it alright if I talk with the captured hippogryph and griffon?”

Luna's eyebrow raised. “Certainly. Thou hath the authority to do so. Though, I am most curious at thy interest.”

He considered what to say without lying to his wife. Dawn's visions would open up a can of worms he wasn't ready to deal with. “Well... I know we're worried about what the griffons are up to and all... I'm afraid they're going to attack us before we get to Trottingham.”

“On this, we doth agree. Yet, dost thou not trust my interrogations?”

“That's not it at all!” Star noticed her playful smirk. “I... I just thought since I'm not an alicorn, they might let something slip. I dunno. I just want to try and help.”

Luna gave a nod. “I understand, my love. I suppose this wilst be a good lesson for thee. Interacting with prisoners hath much in common with dealing with foreign diplomats. One must be cautious about how much carrot versus the stick to use.”

“Rewards and punishment?”

“Of a sort.” Her eyes narrowed. “A word of warning. Thou art not to release the magical wards on the hippogryph nor unbind the griffon. Beyond that, offer nothing but creature comforts and hospitality. Make no promises thou cannot keep. For thou art a Prince and thy word carries much weight.”

Starstep gave a quick nod. “Got it.”

Luna's expression brightened. “Thou may speakth with them when we break for camp. I suggest taking Lighthoof with thee. Twould be a learning experience for him as well. Tell him the same warning, for the word of a Knight of Equestria carries as much weight as thy own.”

“May I tag along, Star?” Dazzle smiled. “I am an information officer after all. I would not interfere but I would be happy to give you tips and advice afterwords.”

“Uh, yeah sure. I'd appreciate it.”

The rest of the march was uneventful, with only a quick stop for lunch and then onwards until the sun began to dip towards the horizon. Star noticed the grass on the sides of the road was much more scraggly and parched, and the landscape more dotted with boulders. He imaged that tomorrow easy food would become scarce as the journey took them into the mountains proper.

Luna bid her husband a good afternoon and gave him loving kiss before walking off to talk with her sister. The royal sisters oversaw the set-up of camp and continued to watch over the little fillies and colts, keeping them out of the way of the working adults as they quietly chatted with one another.

Star trotted off towards the Guard command near the center of the herd, Dazzle right on his tail as they wove their way through the milling ponies. At last he came upon Lighthoof talking with Oakwood, still in his Knight armor, nodding occasionally at something the veteran officer had to say. Starstep noticed the little filly from yesterday standing nearby, watching Light attentively, but remaining far enough away to not eavesdrop.

Star and Dazzle stopped next to the little painted pony and he smiled. “Hey, Sunshine.”

She turned her head, returning the smile and giving an awkward curtsey. “'ello Prince Starstep.”

“Were you waiting for Lighthoof to read you another story?”

She shook her head. “No, sir. Just watching.”

“Watching, huh? What for?”

She looked away and scuffed a hoof against the dirt road. “Ah... well...”

“Hey, Star, Dazz.” Lighthoof trotted towards them as Oakwood wandered off. He noticed the filly and smirked. “Aren't you bored yet, Sunny?”

She gave a quick shake of her head. “No, Sir.”

Light chuckled and looked to his brother. “So what's up, dude?”

“I'm going to talk with the hippogryph and Luna thought you should come along.”

“Just like that, eh?”

“Yeah.” He gestured with his head towards Dazzle. “She wanted to come, give us some pointers afterwords.”

The tan pegasus chuckled. “Like secret truth spells or torture by tickling?”

“Oh, please. I could cause you to crack without even touching you…”

“Hah! Sounds like a challenge.” He looked back to the little filly watching them. “Sunny, we gotta go do something for the Princess. Sorry, this time I can't let you come.”

“Aww.” She pouted. “I promise I won’t get in the way.”

“Sorry kiddo. I'll read you another story tonight to make up for it. Deal?” He stuck out his hoof.

Sunshine gave his larger, armored hoof a bump and grinned. “Deal.” Just like that, the little painted pony spun on her hooves and trotted away, her book-laden saddle-bags bouncing about.

“Cute kid. I can see why Princess Celestia hangs around with them. They're a lot more fun than the uptight Command staff.” Lighthoof ignored Dazzle's raised eyebrow and started marching towards a covered wagon about a hundred strides away. “This way, they have the hippogryph in there.” His head nodded towards the large four-wheeled, white-hooded vehicle.

Starstep and Dazzle joined him on either side, with Star looking askew at his friend. “What was that all about with the filly?”

“Sunny? Oh, ever since I woke up she's been following me. I think I'm her hero or something, I dunno, dude. She hasn't been underhoof and even brought me lunch. Good kid.”

Dazzle smirked. “Based upon her reading material and your recent promotion, I expect it's a bit more than hero worship.”

Lighthoof tilted his head at the unicorn. “Eh?”

Dazzle waited till they passed a group of refugees and lowered her voice. “I believe she aims to become your squire.”

“Squire? I don't need a servant.” He playfully nudged Star. “Prince Starstep is getting one, but that's royals for you.”

Star grinned. “You're a royal too, Lighthoof. A royal pain in my rump.”

Light gave a mocking bow of his head. “Always happy to serve, Prince.”

Dazzle laughed softly at their banter. “I am quite serious. Didn't the story of Winter talk about her squire?”

The tan pegasus gave a shrug. “I think so. The pony who followed her around and carried her sword?”

“Well, it is more than that. A squire is sort of an apprentice. They travel with the knight, helping with chores, like cleaning the armor, assisting you to don it for battle and such, but their main role is to learn how to be a knight by example. So that one day, when you are unable to lift your sword, she would take it up and continue protecting Equestria.”

Light raised an eyebrow. “How'd you know that?”

“I did grow up in Trottingham. Knight stories are very common reading material for colts and fillies, and are a part of our history.”

“Welp, I'm putting my hoof down. She's not going to be my servant.”


“Whatever. I don't want a filly following me around. And I definitely don't want her near danger. What would her parents say?”

“Ah... Well, Lighthoof. She is an orphan.”

“Oh...” His ears drooped slightly.

As they arrived at the wagon, a pair of Sun-guards eyed them curiously, but did not issue a challenge. The gold and silver armor of an Equestrian Knight and Star's blue feather were enough to deter questions.

Star halted and turned to his brother. “Before we go in, Luna asked me to relay a warning. We're not to make promises we can't keep and not to release her bonds or wards. Other than that, just remember that as a Knight, your word carries as much weight as mine.”

Lighthoof smirked. “Easy enough.”

Star then gave a polite nod to the guards and lead the way up the makeshift stairs bolted onto the back of the wagon, Dazzle and Light on his tail. Inside, the afternoon sun filtered through the white canvas, lightly illuminating the bare interior in yellows and oranges. The hippogryph sat up as they pulled back the entrance flap, her fore-claws encased in metal mittens and chained loosely to an eye-bolt in the floorboards. She scooted away from them towards the front of the wagon, giving them room to fully enter, her expression seemed calm as her yellow eyes studied each in turn.

The three ponies arranged in front of her, Star at the center, Light at his right and Dazz on the left. Seeing that the hippogryph was unafraid nor seemed to pose an immediate threat, Star sat back on his haunches, his friends following suit. She was a dull grey on the pony half with white spots on her flanks, while her bird half was a soft cream with speckled black spots on her chest plumage.

“How are you? Are your claws better?” Star began.

The hippogryph blinked and tilted her head, a faint flicker of surprise in her expression.

Dazzle raised an eyebrow. “You seem shocked by his question.”

Her sharp eyes studied the unicorn for a moment before returning to Starstep. “I did not expect your first query to be about my well-being.” She lifted her metal-mitted hands, rattling the heavy chain. “To answer it, despite my... restraints, I am well. Your pony medics were very effective. I am without pain.”

Lighthoof gave a nod, attracting the prisoner's attention. “Glad you're better. I don't know how the griffons do things, but we aren't brutes.” He gestured at the three of them. “I'm Lighthoof, this is my brother Starstep, and our friend Dazzle.”

“I am certain you are more than you let on.” She eyed Star's feather, Light's armor, and Dazzle's calculating eyes. “Yes, it is clear you three are important. I am called Kreesha.”

Starstep smiled. “Well Kreesha, we'd just like to ask some questions if that's okay?

“There is very little I am allowed to speak of. My vows would prevent me from saying anything that would harm my Empress's empire. Just as you would not speak against your Kingdom, should you be captured. Am I correct?”

The three ponies shared glances before Light nodded. “Yeah. And if things weren't headed towards a lot of innocents dying, then we'd leave you alone.”

Kreesha's raised a tufted eyebrow. “Innocent deaths?”

Lighthoof sighed. “Look, we've already lost a lot of good ponies to griffon butchers and if you've any gratitude for us fixing your claws and treating you well, we'd like to know how to prevent more deaths. It's one thing for guards to die, we signed up for this gig.”

“I am unaware of these attacks. I ask that you understand that my Empress ordered us to round up ponies without killing and bring them to the fortress. Beyond that, we had no other orders against you. We hippogryph are not your assailants and none of my brothers and sisters would dream of disobeying our beloved Empress.” Her voice turned to ice near the end, as though daring the ponies to argue the point with her.

She closed her eyes for a moment and exhaled. “I do not have the answers you seek in this matter.” She paused, her eyes focusing on Luna's blue feather resting against Star's chest. “I recognize the color and size of that feather. Are you the consort to the Aspect of the Moon who visited me yesterday?” Her eyes lifted to meet Star's.

The pegasus nodded. “Yes, I'm Princess Luna's husband.”

“For one of the Aspects to take you as their consort speaks volumes of your character.” She looked down at her bound claws then up at him. “I will send a message to my Empress on your behalf. I believe she would wish to speak with you. She may have the answers to your questions.”

Light frowned. “Kreesha, we don't have time for sending letters back and forth, and the Princess wont let you go.”

“Such methods are not necessary.” The hippogryph shut her eyes as she sat rigidly for a couple of minutes. The three ponies exchanged glanced and as Light opened his mouth to speak, the hippogryph opened her eyes, looking slightly dazed.

“My Empress should like to speak with you.”

Dazzle cocked her head. “Are you using telepathy?”

“In a manner of speaking. We, who are of her blood, may commune with her. She is our original Brood-mother; we are connected to the Aspect of Order.” She looked back to Starstep. “Are you ready to speak with her?”

Dazzle stepped back. “Excuse us for a moment, Kreesha.” She gestured with her head towards the other two ponies and stepped out of the wagon. The colts glanced at each other and followed her down the stairs and out of hearing range of the prisoner.

Lighthoof tilted his head. “What's up, Dazz?”

She frowned. “Telepathy is a rather rare ability. I am not even certain the Princesses are capable of it. Assuming she possesses the ability and this is not a ruse, I could not protect you if you link with her.

Star looked towards the wagon. “You don't believe her?”

“I am not saying that. However, I have no experience with hippogryphs. I do not know the visual or vocal cues that would alert me to deception.”

Something occurred to Star at that moment. Nightmare had been quiet all day. Ever since his accidental look into her memories. Before, she'd been all too eager to point out lies and make snarky remarks. With her insight, he'd know for sure, but now he was left in the dark.

“She seems nice enough,” Light stated.

The unicorn nodded. “If you were captured, would you not cooperate as you look for a means to escape?”

“Oh... yeah.”

“There is one other point I should make. From what I have gathered, the hippogryph's companion that perished during her capture was likely her mate. We do not know who she blames for this death and she hides her grief well.”

Star tapped his chin in thought. “Dazz, can I talk with Light for just a moment? I don't mean to be rude, just... well its private stuff about the Princesses.”

“Oh, not at all. I shall wait by the wagon.” Dazzle gave an understanding smile as she trotted back over to the stairs.

With no other pony around, Star leaned in close to his friend. “Hey, Light. Dawn's sister has been quiet all day. She normally tells me when somepony is lying. Maybe she's just resting, or angry, I dunno. Point is, she's not giving me the insight into other ponies like she has in the last few days.”

“That'd be a big help.”

Star nodded. “Yeah.” He paused. “Look, if your visions are right, we only got a couple more days before we get attacked.”

“And we can't tell Dazz why we're in a hurry.”

“Right.” Star sighed. “I say, let's see if we can't get the hippogryph to agree to doing it tomorrow morning, and tonight, I'll see if I can't get Dawn's sister to lend us a hoof.”

Light cringed. “Asking a favor from her seems like it's going to cost you.”

“Honestly, I don't care. We can't let innocents suffer. I'll take the punishment if it can save them.”

Lighthoof gently hit Star on the shoulder with his hoof. “You're a good pony, Star. Just don't make deals you can't live with. We don't know anything about these hippogryphs.”


With that, Star and Light met up with Dazzle and pushed past the canvas flap back into the wagon. Star gave the curious hippogryph a smile. “Did you offer Princess Luna or her sister the chance to talk with the Red Empress.”

Kreesha shook her head. “No. Becoming the bridge between two living Aspects would kill me. I would not be of use to my Empress if I was dead from something so foolish.”

The blue-grey pegasus nodded. “Could Lighthoof and I speak with the Empress tomorrow morning?”

Kreesha closed her eyes for a few moments, then opened them, shaking off her daze. “Yes, the Empress agrees to a meeting at dawn.”

Dazzle fought back a frown but remained silent.

“Now that that's out of the way.” Star sat back on his haunches. “I'd like to ask a few questions about the Empress herself.”

The hippogryph's expression brightened. “If I am able, I will answer.”

Dazz and Light exchanged glances, shrugged, and sat at Star's side.

“I understand that she was brought back to the world after being gone for so long. Where was she?”

“The place between stars.” Kreesha's eyes lifted heaven-ward for a moment.

“Why was she there?” Light asked.

“She sought the answer for perfect order.”

Star's brow furrowed. “Wait, she exiled herself from the world on purpose?”

“The world was not ready for my Empress. All of the other races were not ready to embrace her ideas of unity. She was forced to carve an empire out of blood and conquest. Tired of the endless wars, she went to the place between stars, to observe the universe and the natural order of all things so that she could return and use that wisdom.” Kreesha's eyes took on a fevered, passionate look. “She saw that the universe is a cold, logical and ordered place. Where all things have a purpose, a part of a larger machine. Out there, even death had purpose. A unity for a greater good. To resist that which seeks to return us all to nothing.”

“Yeeeeah...” Lighthoof scratched the back of his head. “That sounds nice and all, but how did she get back?”

“She asked us to open the door. We obeyed.”

“Why now?” Star asked.

“It is not our place to question,” The hippogryph stated.

“Doesn't sound like you have a lot of freedom.”

“We have plenty. Those under her rule are free to do as they wish as long as her laws and commands are obeyed. There is order, and unity. None steal, or cheat, or hurt others. For if they do, punishment is swift and severe. Unlike your kind, each of us would gladly sacrifice ourselves to protect the others.”

Light frowned. “Hey now, we'd sacrificed a lot for other ponies.”

Kreesha looked at the three. “You guardians, yes. The citizens of Equestria, no. They are still selfish creatures. They would look out for themselves before others.”

Starstep shook his head. “That's a pretty big assumption since you hippogryphs don't live around modern pony-kind. How can you say that?”

“Because the Empress tells me so.” She smiled. “If you'd like, I can tell you of the feats of unity she has performed in the past, bringing together many races under her banner.”

The ponies exchanged glances.

Star shook his head. “Sorry, Kreesha. The sun is setting and we have other appointments.”

“Ah, of course, Consort Starstep.” She dipped her head politely. “I look forward to your visit in the morning.”

With that, the ponies turned and left the smiling hippogryph. Far away from the wagon, Dazzle shook her head and sighed. “Star, you do realize what you have done, do you not?”

The pegasus glanced at her. “What?”

“You made an appointment with the Empress. Assuming this whole telepathy thing is real. Either way, you must meet with Kreesha in the morning or the value of your promises becomes less than rubbish.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“You seem rather determined to pursue this lead. You could simply wait until we returned to Trottingham and, under safer conditions, communicate with the Empress.”

“No, we can't.”

Dazzles eyebrow rose. “Oh? May I ask why?”

Lighthoof spoke up. “Call it a gut feeling and I dunno about you, Dazz, but I'd rather be ready for a fight and be wrong, than be caught napping. The outcasts are probably following us. Look what they did to our scouts.”

The unicorn weighed his words for a moment then gave a nod. “You make a valid point, Light. Still, I feel this course of action is hasty and potentially dangerous.”

Star nodded. “It is, but I really think it's a necessary risk.”

“I imagine Princess Luna will not be pleased with your arrangement. However, it will prove if the hippogryph's word is trustworthy. One way or another.” She noticed Star was leading them towards the griffon alliance camp. “Am I to assume we go to speak to the other prisoner now?”

“Yeah. Can't hurt.” He glanced at the setting sun as it dipped below the jagged peaks of the nearby mountains.

The few griffons who noticed them enter the other camp gave curious looks but didn't bother the trio as they made their way towards the center. There they found Alexander sitting near a large fire with the rest of the leaders, quietly chatting with each other about some city from their homelands. The old griffon turned his head at their approach, the first of the group to notice the ponies and smiled.

“Good evening, Consort Starstep, Sir Lighthoof and Lieutenant Dazzle.” His greeting silenced the nearby conversation as all eyes turned to them.

Lighthoof whispered, “Still freaky as Tartarus how he does that.” He grunted from the jab in his side from Dazzle.

The elder griffon laughed, having apparently heard his comment. “When one lives in the darkness long enough, one learns to see in other ways. Much like the animals at the bottom of the ocean, or the light-less depths of a cave.” He smiled, his broken beak twisted up at a weird angle. “I would image if you traveled Equestria with a blind-fold for a few years, you too would begin to see things without sight.”

Star interrupted, “I'd like to talk to your prisoner, if that's okay, White-feather Alexander.”

Antonio sneered. “Hah, come to butter him up with pony promises? Maybe offer him a pillow and a soft bed if he'll answer your questions?”

Alexander gave a patient sigh. “It is not as if your brutal methods have been very successful, Yellow-feather Antonio.”

Star wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. “I know he's your prisoner, so I won’t do anything to undermine your work.”

The old griffon smiled. “Not at all, Consort. Perhaps a bit more carrot is what we need in this situation. He does have a... certain love for pony-kind.” He and the other griffons laughed. “Princess Luna couldn't get a useful word out of him. He simply ranted and raved for half-an-hour until she grew bored and left. If you believe you can get anything worthwhile out of him, do what you must.”

Antonio growled. “What are they going to do? Tickle him into submission? Perhaps wear him down with begging and pleading? My wife is twice the pony these three are. At least she had the guts to slug the outcast filth a few times.”

“Enough!” Alexander's word stilled the air around them, commanding their attention. “You would do well to learn from the ponies. Some of them play the game far better than any of you.” When the other griffon didn't argue he looked to the three ponies. “My apologies. It is a trying time for us all.”

Star nodded. “I understand, White-feather Alexander. I take no offense.”

“Good.” He turned his head towards the griffons. “Orange-feather Sasha, please escort these three to the prisoner.”

At his word, the called griffon hopped up off a fallen log and smiled. “Of course, Elder.” Without another word, she slipped out of the circle and looked back at the three ponies, waiting. The ponies dipped their heads in respect to the griffon leaders before following the female griffon.

Sasha started off as they took to her sides and cast a smug grin at Starstep. “Well, hello again handsome.”

“Hi.” He noticed she appeared to be in good spirits. “You don't seem very down about losing your restaurant. Everything alright?”

The griffon gave a soft shrug as they wove through the scattered groups of griffons preparing their evening camp spots. “It can always be rebuilt and no one says that I have lost it for good. After the dust has settled, it's quite possible the Red Empress will allow outsiders to practice business in her city.” She smiled at him. “However, I'm touched by your concern.”

It was Star's turn to shrug. “I just figured it's not easy to lose something you put so much work into.”

“If you think I'd go cry in a corner about it, you've much to learn about griffons.” She smirked. “Perhaps I can give you private lessons?”

“Hey, lay off. He's taken,” Lighthoof growled.

The griffon turned her head towards the Knight, looking him up and down. “I don't believe we met... Oh, now I remember. You were at the ambassador's garden party.”

“Yeah, I'm Lighthoof, and this is Dazzle, one of Luna's Lieutenants.” He tilted his head towards the yellow unicorn.

The griffon slightly hid her disdain for the mare. “Charmed, I'm sure.” She halted the group in front of large rectangular wooden crate with a padlock holding it tight. A pair of armed griffons gave the female a nod in greeting. “Evening gentlemen, how is our guest doing?”

One of the guards smirked. “Got tired of his yammering, stuffed a dirty rag in his beak. Other than that, just like Red-feather Valkya left him.”

“Splendid. Please open the box, our pony allies have a few questions for him.”

The same guard nodded, pulled a key-ring from his belt to unlock the steel padlock and pulled open the lid with a dull creak. The other guard reached and lifted a ragged figure from the cramped interior.

The outcast griffon's face was badly bruised and slightly swollen, a black blind-fold over his eyes and a filthy rag jutting from his chipped beak. His grey feathers were missing in patches and burn marks dotted his brown flanks. He gave a jerk at the guard's claws and sat up under his own power. For all his injuries, he seemed rather proud of himself. The guard yanked the rag from the outcast's beak and took one step back.

“About time. Is it dinner yet?” the prisoner quipped.

Sasha tilted her head at the ponies. “Well, he's all yours. I have a meal to prepare for the clan-heads. Have fun.” She smirked and spun, her tail swatting Star's flank hard enough to make him jump as she wandered back the way they had come.

Dazzle narrowed her eyes at the departing griffon before turning back to the prisoner.

Lighthoof shook his head as he saw all the injuries. “Geeze, do you griffons treat all your captives like this?”

The guard with the keys laughed. “Only with these freaks. It wasn't just ponies they killed along the borders. We all lost clan-members. And to us, that's as good as family. He's lucky Elder Alexander forbade breaking his limbs.” The guard punched the captive in the ribs, making him gasp and wheeze. “Real lucky.”

“Enough,” Star commanded, “take his blind-fold off.”

“Yesss *cough-cough*.” The outcast wheezed. “Listen to the little pony like the dogs you are.”

When the guard raised a clenched claw, Lighthoof stepped forward. “Hold on. No more hitting while we're here.” He ignored the smirk on the outcast's beak.

“Suit yourself.” The guard ripped the black cloth from the bound griffon's head and stood aside.

The captive blinked his swollen eyes a few times then focused on the three ponies before. “Oh, good. It's the blue swan's cock-toy and his friends, Horn-job and Moron-in-a-can. Come to beg me to play nice and tell you all my secrets?” He laughed.

Star met the griffon's gaze. “We have some questions for you. Cooperate, and I'll see if we can't heal those wounds. You may be a captive, but if you tell us what we need to know, we'll make your stay as painless as we can. You should see how well off the hippogryph is. Her own wagon and everything.”

The outcast interrupted. “What has that little abomination told you?”

“Oh, everything she knew. But I wanted to see if your stories matched.”

“Hah. You lie. Those Druids won’t tell you squat unless the Empress wants them to.” He spat. “Some great leader she turned out to be. Bloody half-breed is what she is. So go buck yourself.”

Lighthoof chuckled. “Someone got their feelings hurt. So what happened after the real Empress showed up? You and your friends go off on your own?”

The outcast eyes fell on Light's wings. “Those will look good on my helmet.”

Star frowned. “So, how many of your clan are chasing us?”

“Wouldn't you like to know?”

Star sighed. “Look. I'm sorry the griffons are treating you badly. Give us some straight answers and we'll heal those wounds and get you out of that box.”

“I don't want your pity. I'll die a true warrior, unlike these pigeons you call allies.”

“So if you hate us that much, are your friends planning on attacking us?”

The griffon grinned. “Oh, yes. Someday, somewhere. Could be tonight, could be a year. Better not sleep, little cock-toy. It could be your last.”

“Why are you so set on hurting ponies? What did we ever do to you?”

“Why is the sky blue, or the grass green? Why does the wind blow? Because that's how it is. We griffons once ruled over you, and we will again. You're weak, and soft. Always blubbering about friendship and cooperation.” He spat, the glob just missing Star's hooves. “Griffons have lost their way. We used to be feared and powerful, warriors till the end. And one day very soon, you'll know our fury. You will tremble in terror at our approach.”

Star shook his head sadly. “I've seen my worst fears, and you weren't in them.”

“That'll change.” The griffon sneered.

Lighthoof spoke up. “When is this day of terror? How many are coming? I want to make sure I have enough cake for the party.”

“You'll know when it comes. I'm going to enjoy listening to your screams as they pull the wings from you.” His eyes turned to Dazzle. “Or the song of agony from this one as they saw off her horn. I'll never get enough of that beautiful tune. I've heard it many times from the ponies we caught along the border.”

Dazzle kept a stoic face and met his gaze coldly. Lighthoof was gritting his teeth and Star gave an irritated flutter of his wings.

“The foals were no fun though. They broke at the slightest touch. It's amazing your race ever becomes adults with how fragile you are. Why, this one filly sc-” He was cut off as Star scooped up the filthy rag and jammed it into the griffons open beak.

The griffon blinked a few times in surprise, but then smiled around the fabric triumphantly.

“Since you don't have anything useful to say, we're done here.” Star gave a nod to the guards. “Thank you for your help. We're finished with him for tonight.”

The key-holder griffon gave the pony a smirk. “Want I should rough him up a bit for you?”

“No, but thanks for the offer,” Star replied. They watched as the griffon was stuffed back into the box, the prisoner laughing around the rag until the lid was locked shut, muffling the sound.

As the three ponies turned and headed back to camp, Dazzle looked to Star. “You did well, walking away like that instead of retaliating.” She glanced at Lighthoof. “You too. I am quite aware how much you two wished to hurt him for his crimes.”

Light curled his lips in disgust. “Believe me, I wanted nothing more than to smack him around. He admitted to doing some horrible things.”

Starstep gave a nod of agreement. “Yeah. But I've been down that road before. Luna has been showing me how to deal with griffons. Holding back on the urge to buck that guy in the face is the hardest thing I've ever done. I can't imagine how many times the Princesses have swallowed their pride in the name of diplomacy.”

Dazzle gave a knowing smile. “Still, based on how angry that griffon was over the real Empress being a hippogryph, we can assume that she is not the one commanding their actions. I suppose we can also consider the threat of an attack all but confirmed. We, unfortunately, still do not know when to expect them, or how many there will be. There are any number of ways they could hurt the herd—picking off our scouts, attacking any that separate from the group, ambushes, environmental traps, and so on. Their options to do us harm are numerous.”

The colts shared a look.

At last the trio returned to the pony camp proper, the early flames of the scattered campfires adding a soft glow to the twilight hour as the sun completely dipped behind the mountains and a bright crescent moon peeked over the horizon in the east.

The yellow unicorn stopped and turned to face the pegasi. “Well, gentlecolts. All in all, they were brief interrogations, but you did well enough for a first attempt. Remember that just because somepony is cooperating does not mean they are not a threat. The same is true for the angry sort like that griffon. He thought he was just taunting us and did not want to give anything of value to us ponies, but in doing so, he has painted a picture of a violent group that has and will do atrocious things. He's made it very apparent that negotiations are not an option.” She smiled. “Everything somepony does, or says, can tell you much more than what is apparent at the surface.”

“Will you be there for the meeting in the morning with Kreesha?” Star asked.

“Unless another task takes priority.” She glanced towards the center of the herd. “For now, I must speak with Commander Oakwood about what we can do to protect the civilians should that griffon's threat come to pass very soon. We guard are so few in numbers, I fear that not knowing what to expect will be a disastrous problem. Traps, ambushes, full-on assault. We could prepare for one or another, but not all. We are spread far too thin.”

Lighthoof gave a solemn nod. “Yeah... we are.”

Dazzle brushed her pale-blue mane from her eyes. “And you, Sir Lighthoof, need to speak with that young filly Sunshine and Princess Celestia and see if you cannot come to an arrangement.”

“I don't need a servant, er squire. ‘Specially not a little filly like her. She's just gonna get hurt.”

“I understand that you did not grow up on the Knight stories that we Trottingham ponies did. However, this is something beyond your personal wants. Mark my words, not taking a squire is a horrible mistake that you will come to regret.”

As Light opened his mouth, Dazzle narrowed her eyes. “Do not attempt to argue this point with me. I consider you a friend, Lighthoof. So, as a friend, heed my warning. Deal with this situation now. Even if you do not take Sunshine as your squire, you will need to take one. The Princess can elaborate further, but for now, I will see you gentlecolts in the morning.” She gave them curt nod and trotted away.

“Night, Dazz.” Star called after her, and Light a moment later. Star turned to his friend. “Well, interesting day.”

“Yeah, dude. For you maybe. I just got told I have to adopt a kid.”

Star gave a lop-sided grin. “I don't think it's quite like that.”

“I still think it's nonsense; who takes a filly into battle? It's crazy talk.”

The pair of pegasi began to walk through the herd, wandering around the various gatherings at the campfires.

Star tilted his head as he recalled some of the stories he had read in Twilight's library. “Times were different back in the days of the Knights. Even the kids had to learn how to survive.” He gave a shrug. “Anyhoof, go deal with that. Tonight I'll see if I can't talk Dawn's sister into helping us, and in the morning we’ll have an Empress to chat with.”

“Assuming that hippogryph isn't bucking with us.” Light gave a soft sigh. “Just be careful with you-know-who. I don't want to see you suffering, dude. We're bros. We've been through a lot together. It's not fair you have to deal with Miss Crazy-flank.”

“I'll be careful. I don't think she wants to do anything that's gonna get her caught. Still, you're not having an easy time with Dawn. I'm just as worried about you.”

“I'll be fine, dude. We got each other.” They shared a hoof-bump. “Guess I better go find Sunshine.”

“Yeah, later, and good luck,” Star said as his friend turned to leave.

“You too, dude. Don't let her push you around.”

Starstep smirked. “If only it was that easy.”

He'd spent the rest of the evening wandering about the camp, watching and listening. The herd's spirits were high, but they seemed a bit more lethargic and weary. The campfire conversations were quieter and many went to bed earlier than normal. Most that saw him offered friendly smiles and bows of their heads but didn't engage him in conversation or drag out the meeting. He'd give a nod of acknowledgment and continue on.

The guards that Starstep met on his rounds seemed tense and a little nervous, as though they could feel some unseen threat just in the shadows. Despite that, they performed their duties admirably given their sparse numbers and short sleep schedules. Star made a mental note to ask Luna to reward the guards when they got back to Trottingham; it was the least he could do for them.

A few hours later, Star was curled up on the dirt and scruffy patches of grass, watching the herd settle down for the night. His thoughts turned inward as he began to wonder what he would say to the Red Empress. The implications of what he had agreed to began to sink in. How badly would he screw things up if he made a mistake? Could he offend the Empress in a way he wasn't aware of? Would she use him to hurt Luna or force information out of him? The more he thought about it, the more he worried; the more he worried, the more it consumed his thoughts. The endless cycle of anxiety distracted him until a yellow apple floating in a blue-magical field booped him on the nose, startling him from his vicious thought cycle.

He turned his head as Luna curled up beside him and kissed him on the cheek. “Good evening, my love. I see thy thoughts art heavy.”

Star plucked the apple from the air and rolled it between his fore-hooves. He hadn't eaten anything all afternoon, but the worry had suddenly killed his appetite. “Yeah...” He held the apple back out to the Princess. “Here, I'm not hungry.”

“Thou art, and thou shalt consume it,” Luna commanded.

“But I'm-” She used her magic to stuff the apple into his mouth.

“As thy Princess and thy wife, I command thee to eat.”

Star sighed and bit through the soft skin of the yellow fruit, the juices leaking around his lips. It was sweet and very moist. He slowly ate it as the alicorn watched until he set aside the core, then she hopped up and pushed him over onto his back. With a giggle the alicorn slid up to rest her chest against his and leaned down to lick the apple-juice from his lips. Slow and teasing she stroked away the moisture with her tongue until her lips finally met his and sent a chill up Star's spine with the gentle show of affection.

“Art thou feeling better now?” She said softly.

The young stallion nodded, pinned under his wife. “More from the kiss than from the apple.”

Luna gave a soft laugh before ever so lightly rubbing the tip of her muzzle with his. Their breaths washed across each other's coats and Star could feel the alicorn pressing down against his body. He reached up to curl his hooves through her ethereal mane and stroke along her ears. The mare gave a light moan in response and tilted her head towards the petting. Starstep couldn't help but smile at the pleased expression his wife wore, still caressing her ears and neck as the blue mane gently wrapped around his forelimbs.

The alicorn half opened her eyes, looking at him with a mischievous smirk. Her horn glowed blue and Star felt the cool touch of her magic stroking the fur at his wing bases, right below where the feathers began. The pressure squeezed and flexed like fingers around the joints, firm enough to massage the muscles but still gentle. He gasped and shivered, arching his back up at the pleasurable feeling. “Oh, Luna.”

“Mmm... I take it thou dost like that?” At his frantic nod, she giggled and continued to use her magic to tease his wing-bases while he pulled her tight to his chest with his hooves. He kissed and nibbled along her neck, listening to her soft sounds of enjoyment and loving the feel of her coat against his.

Luna changed her magic to gently pet his back as she cuddled up against him, resting the side of her head against his chest and giving a soft exhale of contentment. Starstep closed his eyes and simply hugged the alicorn's neck to his body, letting the mare relax in his hooves. Nothing else in the world mattered to him at that moment

Long minutes passed as the pair simply enjoyed the pleasure of each other's touch, a smile on both of their lips, peace in their hearts. Just as the young stallion was beginning to doze off, Luna pulled back and looked down lovingly at him.

“Remember that even during times of great stress and conflict, one must take care of oneself. How can thou lead if thou art passed out from hunger? Or art so burdened by troubles and stress that thou makes rash and ill-advised choices. What example wilst thou give to the other guards whom look up to thee and thy brother?” She lifted a questioning eyebrow.

“Not a good one I guess.”

“Indeed. While tis noble to share with others, as thou hath done before, remember to not sacrifice too much.” She softly rubbed noses with him. “Now, what troubles thee?”

He cleared his throat, eyes darting to the side as he tried to think of a good way to explain the situation. “Well...” He paused for a few moments. “During the meeting with Kreesha the hippogryph, she said she was telepathically linked to the Red-Empress and offered to have me talk with her. I... sort of agreed to it. In the morning I mean.” His eyes lifted to meet with Luna's.

Luna looked at him calmly. “I see. Tis interesting that she did not offer Tia or myself this option.”

“Ah, she said something about two Aspects linking would kill her? I'm not exactly sure what it's all about.” He paused. “You're not angry at me for agreeing to meet?”

“Am I to assume thou understands the gravity of thy appointment?” At Star's quick nod she gave a gentle smile. “Then there is no need for me to press this issue. My command to be wary of thy promises still stands and this mayth yet prove to be an opportunity to gather information on the Empress, for we know so very little as it is. Still...”

Luna blew a raspberry into his neck, causing the colt to squirm and laugh. “Thou must be more cautious about such risks.”

“Okay, okay, haha, I get it. It was stupid to rush it... but-”

“But?” She placed her lips to his neck again, ready to torment the pegasus.

Star squirmed a bit nervously. “The griffon pretty much said we're going to get attacked. I'm going to try again tomorrow, see if I can't get him to slip out when.”

“Ah, so thou feels rushed to make decisions?” She nipped his neck, causing him to yelp. “Next time, my love, I ask that thou seeks my council upon such matters. I wilst not prevent thee from pursuing a lead in protecting Equestrian citizens, but it would do thee well to remember the experience I can offer. Tis all I have to say upon this subject.” She nuzzled into his neck and rolled onto her side, pulling the pegasus into her hooves. “Now. Banish such heavy thoughts from thy mind for the evening and rest, for tomorrow thou must be at thy best.”

Star rubbed his head against Luna's cool, soft coat and gave a contented sigh. “You're going to visit Scoots in her dreams tonight, right? I hope it all works out.”

“We shalt see.”

A thought occurred to him. “Do... Do you peek into my dreams too?”

“Now that thou art my husband, I do not.” She smirked mischievously. “Unless thou requests it.”


“The dream-scape is thy refuge from the waking world. Tis thy private place away from all of thy new duties and stresses. There mayth come a time when thou art angry at me or wish to indulge in secret fantasies. There, thou art free to do so without worry of my intrusion.”

Star breathed an inward sigh of relief. For now, Nightmare was free from accidental discovery by the Moon-Princess. “Okay. I was just curious.” He gave a yawn and felt his eyes grow heavy in the alicorn's loving embrace. “I love you, Luna. Thank you for being patient with me.”

Luna smiled, stroking his mane. “Not at all, my dearest love. Thou art still young and I am very pleased at how well thou hath handled recent events.” She nibbled lightly on his ear and whispered sweetly. “I hope thy dreams art gentle.”

As his eyes drifted close, he hoped so too. The last thing Star wanted to deal with was an angry Nightmare. He only hoped the wrathful spirit was in a generous mood.

Chapter LVI

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To Love the Moon

Chapter LVI

By Indigo Eclipse

Within his dream, Starstep found himself standing in a stone room. Royal blue carved rock walls flanked Starstep on either side, the silvery designs bored into them shimmering softly in the lowlight. Only a single flickering torch lit the confined space, resting in a steel ring between two archways. The towering entrance to his right was made of coiled silver vines, thick fog flowing out of the passage that obscured the the interior. Just looking at the clouds of mist made him feel at peace. While the other doorway was constructed of twisted black iron with wicked thorns tipped with rust. Gnarled boards of dark oak were haphazardly fixed across the passage, blocking access to the shadows within. Here, in the depths of his mind and dream-scape, he knew that he would find Nightmare in that blackened area—not that she had ever been very subtle about her presence. However, the boards across the passage gave him pause: Was the alicorn spirit keeping him out, or locking herself in?

With a determined nod the young stallion took the few steps to the dark archway, reached up to grip one of the boards, and tugged. At first nothing happened as he strained, but after a moment he felt it faintly shift in his hooves. The wood screeched in protest as it began to give way, and Star quickly flattened his ears to protect himself from the horrific sound, which was reminiscent of somepony grinding their horseshoes down a chalkboard. He shook off the tingle that ran up his spine as he tossed aside the first plank. Gritting his teeth, he took hold of the next board, pausing to steady his nerves for a second before yanking it free only to meet the same agonizing result. Again and again he endured the skin-crawling torment until at last he'd created a large enough gap that he could slip through. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, willing himself to remain calm as he stepped into the shadowy interior.

The torchlight from the room behind him vanished. He found himself on a floating platform lit only by a soft, grey illumination that seemed to be sourceless. Swirling, whispering shadows encircled the stone-slap as it hung above a gaping void. He swore he could see pony faces within the shadows as they swiftly passed in and out of the faint light. Their expressions ranged from laughter to terror. He wondered if they had been Nightmare's victims or were her memories of ponies long since gone.

Starstep glanced up and almost toppled over from vertigo, the curling currents of shadows playing tricks on his equilibrium as they swirled upwards in a column that never ended. He shook his head and avoided looking directly at the wisps of black and grey, instead letting his eyes drift unfocused on his surroundings.

“Nightmare!” he yelled into the darkness. He cringed at the sudden loudness of his voice. He thought he heard a few of the voices laugh at him, but they were so faint that he couldn’t be sure. The pegasus flicked his ears back and forth, listening intently, but receiving no answer, and so he steeled himself before yelling into the darkness again. “Nightmare, I really need to talk with you. It's important.”

“Did I not order you to stay out?” a cold voice hissed behind him.

Starstep spun to face the tall, black alicorn, just managing not to trip over his own hooves. He stared up at her, swallowing the twinge of fear in his belly as he gazed into her angry teal eyes. “I'm sorry. You've been quiet all day and I didn't know how else to contact you.”

“As I recall, you insisted that I cease talking to you—yet now you complain?” She stalked towards him. “Your hypocrisy aside, you saw fit to tear away the barriers I had constructed and invade my realm once again.” Her lips curled angrily, her sharp fangs showing underneath. “If I did not make myself clear the first time, hear this: you are not welcome here. Begone!”

Shadowy tendrils reached out from the swirling vortex and coiled around Star's hind-legs. He glanced down at the black coils in surprise then looked to Nightmare as they began to drag him away, his horseshoes scraping against the stone. “Wait! Please, wait! I need your help!”

Nightmare's eyes widened ever so slightly and the tentacles halted. “My help? You, who curses my existence and still believes I had a hoof in Luna's banishment?” The coil's grasp loosened and her expression shifted from anger to suspicion. “Oh, do tell.”

Star cleared his throat and shook his legs free of the black tendrils before pulling himself to his hooves. “You know pony's fears and if they're lying. Despite how nasty some of your comments are, you give valuable insight. Look, after I interrogated the hippogryph and griffon today, I realized that your powers would be helpful. Your knowledge of their fears and dreams could give me the leverage I need. A lot of ponies are going to die if we don't get some answers soon.”

Nightmare sneered. “They can suffer for all I care.”

“Luna cares about them—doesn't that count for something?” Star pleaded.

The alicorn towered over him. “My feelings for Luna are the only things preventing me from tormenting you endlessly. Do not press your luck!”

“If you don't help me get something out of one of the prisoners in the next day, Lighthoof is going to tell the Princesses about your sister.”

Nightmare narrowed her eyes as the shadows boiled around her. She hissed at him, “Is that a threat, little foal?”

Starstep could feel the cold rage rolling off her body so he carefully answered. “No. Dawn, your sister, is giving Light visions. He's seen how a lot of ponies are going to die to a griffon attack and the only way we can warn the Princesses without revealing our secret is to get one of the prisoners to speak up.”

The mare tilted her chin up. “Continue.”

“I'm supposed to meet with the Red-Empress through telepathy at dawn and interrogate the griffon prisoner again and I could really use your insight. We could stop this thing and nopony would ever need to know about you or your sister. Lighthoof and I will come up with some way to explain the visions after this, I promise. We just need time.”

She looked into his eyes for a few moments, the cold contempt within wringing a shiver from the young stallion. Eventually, Nightmare pulled back her head and gave him a smirk. “If my sister is discovered I will be discovered, and you know what will happen then.”

“Exactly. And I know you care about your sister. Do you want her caught?”

“Despite what you may believe, little foal, not even my sister is worth reliving my life for. I wasn't the only one tormented. Sometimes I was forced to watch. And sometimes, those were the worst moments of my existence.” The faces of the ponies in the swirling shadows cried out and moaned in anguish.

Star shivered at the pain he heard in Nightmare's voice. “Was it all bad?”

She cocked her head, considering his question for a moment. “No... I suppose it was not. However, three quarters of my life was. Never again do I wish to feel, hear and taste the vile things that were done to me.” She gave a curt laugh. “After so long they are just flickers of images, impressions of hate and disgust, just shadows of the past. Do you think it wise to have me revisit those moments? To bring all of those horrors into focus?”

“No...” Star gently shook his head. He thought about how relatively calm Nightmare had been since freeing her from those ruins. Perhaps the destruction of her body had helped to fade some of her worst memories. Yet, a question arose:

“Why am I even dreaming about your past?”

“A side-effect I had forgotten about. A cost to live through you, for everything in this world has a price. Sometimes your dreaming bleeds over into my memories and I am forced to dream with you. So I sealed off our bond—cut off my link to the waking world.”

Star thought about it for a moment. If Nightmare had sealed herself away, he wouldn't have to worry about her anymore. Pony kind would be safe and the night-time tormenting would stop. Yet... the refugees were going to be attacked in just a couple days if nothing was done. Wouldn't her insight give them a fighting chance to save hundreds?

“Who said the torment would stop?” she chuckled darkly, apparently hearing his thoughts. “Some nights you will dream of me and I will enjoy those nights.”

Star put a hoof to his forehead. This wasn't going well at all. “Please, Nightmare. What if this was just a temporary thing? Just long enough to get the information?”

“I am not some switch you may flick on and off when you want my power,” she snarled. “I am the Mistress of Dreams—the scourge of the unicorn tribe! I am not some tool to be used for your benefit.”

The colt shrank back. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I'm just trying to find some way to protect the herd and your sister and I don't have a lot of options. I just... sort of thought we could help each other. Maybe make a deal or something.”

“Even if I were to agree, you still do not seem to understand what you ask, little foal. My past created the mare you see before you. All the pain and suffering... do you think it fair for me to relive that?”

“You're right, it wouldn't be fair. I can't imagine what it must have been like.” He flattened his ears and bowed his head. “Strange as it sounds, the bits of your life I've learned about have given me perspective on my own. I've made some mistakes and not everything was happy, but it's been a pretty good life. My parents are supportive and my friends are always there for me.” He gave a sad shake of his head before looking up into Nightmare's cold eyes. “I'll be honest: I don't like you... But I'm sorry your life sucked, really, I mean it. Despite the horrible things you've done to who-knows how many ponies, despite the nightmares you caused to me and my friends, no pony deserves to be treated in the way that you and your sister were. For what it's worth, I'm sorry.”

Initially, Nightmare seemed angry at his words, perhaps taking offense at his pity, but after a few moments, her expression softened to one of quiet judgment, one that he'd seen on Luna's face all too often. The whispering shadows around them fell to near-silence. “Is that moment of killing a pony the worst thing that has ever happened to you?”

Starstep raised an eyebrow at her strange question. “Y-yeah. Pretty much. I mean, I was bullied some growing up, but it kinda pales when compared to that incident. Why?”

Nightmare stalked around the pegasus. “Thinking back, Luna also wept for me. For you see, when we were bound we also discovered this little problem. She was living my past and dragged me along for the ride a few times. Now I remember a solution we came up with; we would trade our dream-memories. She would live in mine and I in hers. While she was tormented, I enjoyed relative peace and joy.”

He blinked at her. “So... you want to trade dreams with me?”

She gave a toothy grin. “You claim your past was pleasant. A far cry from my own and even Luna's, for hers was still marred.” The black alicorn took a regal stance. “This is the deal, little foal: My power and insight in the waking world in exchange for your dream-memories and agreement to suffer in my stead.”

Starstep pondered the offer for a moment, considering the implications of living through Nightmare's past. “I... I don't know. What if it becomes too much?” He looked away. “What if I can't handle it and one of the Princesses figures out what's going on? If I wasn't afraid of breaking our agreement and you terrorizing the world again, I wouldn't even consider this.”

She studied him for a moment, her lips curled in disgust. “You are a weak creature.” She let out an exasperated sigh. “Very well, when you can handle it no longer, call the deal off. I will cut our bond and never again will you have access to my knowledge, my power.”

The pegasi's eyes widened slightly in surprise. “You'd call it off, just like that? No strings attached?”

“Just like that.” She continued to grin, fangs oddly bright in the shadowy-grey illumination.

Starstep pondered her deal for a few moments, eyes shifting from side to side as he searched his thoughts for some trap or flaw in the agreement beyond the future chance of living through Nightmare's worst memories. He was pretty sure she hadn’t told him everything, but Luna had said that Nightmare never lies. On the one hoof, her insight could give him a big edge beyond just the interrogations. He might even be able to help Luna with Night-Court duties and act as a better ambassador for her. There was certainly something to gain from having Nightmare in his corner. But to live in her past? To suffer through the things that had been hinted at? Was it worth the price?

He looked up at the alicorn. “I don't need specifics but... what sort of things did you live through? What can I expect?”

Nightmare tilted her head. “I do not remember the details, and I do not wish to remember them. That is the point of the offer.”

Star raised his eyebrows. “So, I don't get any kind of warning of what to expect?”

The black alicorn snorted in disdain. “Did I have any warning? Honestly, I'm quite curious at how long you can withstand it. Perhaps we can make a game of this. If I'm going to bother humoring your foal's request, I want to at least be entertained.”

“A game? Do I win something?”

She chuckled. “Do well and I believe I shall reward you the longer you withstand it.”

Star considered what Nightmare was offering; Power, knowledge, saving ponies and helping Luna. He thought about how Luna had done the same thing, but he couldn't help but wonder if Nightmare's dreams were what turned Luna into Nightmare Moon? Nightmare certainly offered a lot he could use to help his wife, but it wasn't worth the risk if he ended up like she had. To become bitter towards pony-kind, to be so consumed by rage that nothing but vengeance mattered anymore... he knew if he went down that path, Luna would abandon him.

The black alicorn rolled her eyes at his thoughts. “I was not the one who set her on the dark path. I was not the one who turned her bitter and jealous. I simply gave her the power to act on her feelings.”

“You've said that before, but I have a hard time believing it.”

She stomped a hoof and glared at him. “I have nothing to prove to you. You came to me, mewling like a weak kitten because you cannot do it on your own.”

Nightmare watched him coldly for a few moments before growling under her breath. “Enough. You are simply thinking in circles and it is irritating.” Her horn began to glow a deep blue. “If I show you the moment in which Luna began to grow bitter against pony-kind, will you make a decision?”

The young stallion pondered for a moment. “If it proves that you weren't the cause, then yes, I'll agree to the dream-pact.”

“I have one of Luna's memories. It is old and faded, but it should be enough to prove the point.” The glow from her horn intensified, blinding Star for a moment.

When the light faded, he found himself standing in the midst of a battlefield at the edge of a massive crater that could swallow Ponyville whole. The battle appeared to be finished, dead and dying ponies and griffons laying everywhere. He noticed that he was amongst a half circle of armored ponies who ringed a familiar blue alicorn. The ponies at his sides wore ancient armor made of steel and iron, beaten and battered from combat. Their faces seemed distorted. He could tell they were ponies, and he could see eyes and mouths, but the harder he tried to make out specific characteristics, the more blurred they became.

So the colt turned his attention to Princess Luna, who wore an ornate suit of onyx armor, laced with silver and accented with crescent moon emblems. Her body and mane were exactly as he knew her, ageless as she was. The alicorn cradled a limp pegasus in golden armor, armor that he was certain looked a lot like the suit that Lighthoof now wore. A spear lay discarded nearby, its foot-long folded steel blade covered in blood, the symbol of a griffon claw etched repeatedly down its wooden shaft.

Princess Luna nuzzled at the limp form, silent tears on her cheeks. As Starstep watched her mourn, the distorted sound of wings caught his attention. Princess Celestia landed in the circle, clad in her own white battle armor, laced in gold with brilliant sun crests on each plate’s surface. She looked to the crater first, sadness and horror clear on her face. Then she crossed the space to her sister and lay beside her, draping a wing across Luna's shoulders. There was muffled talking between them, too faded for Star to make out. He could see Luna growing angry, her eyes flashing with rage—she pointed a shaking hoof across the crater and Star followed her gesture to see the retreating forms of griffons, perhaps two hundred or more. Luna put a hoof to Celestia's shoulder, speaking soft words, pleading eyes begging for help.

Celestia in turn seemed horrified and recoiled a little. She looked to the crater, then glanced around at the soldiers surrounding them. While they still appeared to have muted faces, Star could make out their expressions and it was clear that when they looked upon Luna, there was a mixture of awe, fear and reverence. A pit formed in Stars stomach as he realized that they didn't see a loving Princess anymore, but a Goddess.

Celestia stood and began to speak, drawing the attention of the gathered troops. In contrast to how they looked upon her sister, the soldier’s expressions shifted to hope and adoration while listening to her, a few nodding in agreement.

Then the white alicorn looked down at her sister sadly, speaking in a tone that suggested an apology. She turned to leave, hesitating when Luna reached out a hoof to plead again, tears rolling down her cheeks as her other fore-leg cradled the dead pegasus to her chest armor. Celestia's ears wilted and a terrible sadness filled her eyes, but the older sister walked away, most of the troops following her lead.

The scene suddenly froze and Starstep realized that Nightmare was standing next to him, giving the pegasus a bit of a fright.

Nightmare smirked. “And so, the first seeds of Luna's jealousy were planted. I was not even present—how could I have had a hoof in it?”

Starstep frowned. “I... I don't understand exactly what happened but... I wonder what Luna was asking her to do? Why would Celestia refuse?”

“Hah, I would not recommend asking her. Even after over a thousand years, it's bound to be a sore subject.” She circled around the pegasus. “You claim you love Luna, yet you know so very little about her. She's as much a monster as I am. And so I ask you again, little love-struck foal. Can you love a monster?”

Star snarled. “She's not a monster.”

“So you say... but I have shown you the truth, as I said I would.” She held out her right fore-hoof. “Do we have a deal? Your dreams for my skills?”

Starstep stared at the offered black hoof, trying to avoid looking into her cruel teal eyes. To him, the foreleg was only a means to an end. Was it not the Royal-Guard creed to sacrifice for the greater-good? To do what was necessary to make the Princesses happy? He was Luna's husband now, with even more responsibilities beginning to pile upon his small shoulders. All this just because he wanted her to have joy in her life.

He reached out and shook hooves with Nightmare. “For Luna's happiness, we have a deal.”

The last thing he remembered was Nightmare pulling him close, nose to nose, her cold breath washing across his muzzle. She grinned at him. “I look forward to our game.”

Dawn of the second day. 48 hours remain.

Starstep awoke with a start, Nightmare's last words drifting through his head as he glanced around the strange dark clearing. In the east, the sun was just beginning to peak over the distant hills, gentle orange light filtering through the scattered clouds, illuminating the tops of boulders and scraggly trees. He noticed that Luna was already gone and a slightly shriveled pear sat at his side. He gently touched the feather at his chest, seeking strength for the day to come.

Star picked up the pear and nibbled at the fruit, not out of hunger, as his dealing with Nightmare had killed his appetite, but rather because of Luna's advice about his duty as a leader.

He wondered what exactly Nightmare had shown him. It was clearly the day Goldwing the Champion had died, but what had Luna asked for that her sister would not grant? As much as he wanted answers, he knew it would be foalish to ask Luna directly. There was no telling how either of them would react to the question.

As he tossed away the pear-core, he perked his ears to the sound of hoof-falls on the dirt and scruffy grass. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Lighthoof and Dazzle approaching. Light was in his Knight armor, sword strapped to his belt and looking ready for combat. Dazzle appeared a little tired, her pale blue mane ruffled and unkempt, shoulders slightly slumped, but when she caught Star's eye, she managed a warm smile.

“Mornin', dude. Get through the night alright?” Lighthoof gave him a knowing look.

“I managed.” Star hopped up and shook his coat free of the dirt before giving Dazzle a smile. “Morning, Dazz. Sleep well?”

“A good morning to you as well. I slept well enough, I even had the benefit of a bed-time story.” She smirked slightly as she glanced in Light's direction.

“Ah, Sunny got her story, huh? What was it this time?” Star joined the other ponies and together they began making their way towards the command tent at the center of the sleepy herd.

“Mary Cloppins.” Light made a confused face as he shook his head. “Strangest book I've ever read. An earth-pony pulling off unicorn magic tricks. Seriously, dude, that stuff was bizarre.”

Dazzle laughed softly. “Honestly, Light. That book was rather tame compared to some of the other foal's stories from Trottingham.” She tilted her head, her smile spreading to a teasing grin. “And to be fair, you did make a rather convincing mare as you read her lines.”

Starstep chuckled and couldn't help but grin at the unicorn's playful jab. “Seems Sunny is bringing out Light's feminine side.”

The unicorn nodded in agreement. “You are quite right, Star. Why, with some glass slippers and a white-frilled saddle and he will be the talk of the ball.” Her joke even had Light chuckling.

After a few more minutes of soft banter, the trio arrived at the covered wagon holding the hippogryph. To their surprise, Princess Celestia stood next to the entrance, quietly chatting with one of the two guards. Her eyes flicked up at their approach and she gave them a welcoming smile. Starstep took a moment to reflect how regally beautiful the alicorn was despite the long, dusty, muddy road they had traveled. Sure, some of her coat was sticking up in spots from lack of a good brushing and there was a slight darkness under her eyes, but the way she held herself stirred a feeling of hope and confidence. Of course, he could tell that Nightmare wasn't having any of it.

“Good morning my little ponies. Ready for your meeting?”

Morning, my little servants.” Nightmare spitefully mimicked Celestia. “Luna once called her Princess Killjoy. They didn't speak to each other for a week.”

Star gave her a nervous grin, doing his best to ignore the voice in his head. “Yeah, I'm sorry if we're overstepping our bounds, Princess. We just wanted to be useful and didn't expect to end up with an appointment with the Empress.”

Celestia gently nodded. “I understand your desire to do something-- anything to help the other ponies. Your efforts are appreciated.”

“Thank you, Princess.” He dipped his head respectfully.

“Just remember to be careful not to take on too much all at once. Even Luna and I have our limits.” Her eyes slid over Dazzle and onto the other pegasus. “The same goes for you, Lighthoof. Don't be afraid to ask for help.”

Light nodded, “Yes, Princess.”

“Now, before you go in, there are a few things I need to tell you. First of all, I can confirm that Kreesha does possess telepathy. It will require trust on your part, but she has sworn an oath not to harm any of you.”

Celestia continued. “Second, keep your questions for the Empress simple and direct. Do not accuse her of anything, nor should you demand anything. Until we understand her motivations, consider her a foreign ruler and act accordingly.” Her firm eyes moved from Light to Star. “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Princess,” The colts replied.

“One final note; if you feel threatened, you may leave at any time. All you have to do is focus on something you love and think of returning to it.”

Star dipped his head, “Thank you, Princess. We'll remember.”

The alicorn leaned her head down to give Lighthoof a gentle nuzzle before turning her attention to the mare of the group. “Dazzle, please look out for these two.” She smiled slyly. “They have a habit of diving into the deep-end.”

The colts managed to look sheepish as the unicorn agreed. As Celestia began to walk away, she hesitated as she came abreast of Lighthoof. “Light, dear, I get the feeling you're hiding something in regards to this meeting. Is there something you're not telling me?”

Starstep did his best to keep a neutral expression, Nightmare hissing in fear in the back of his mind. His friend smiled back at Celestia nervously. “W-what makes you say that, Princess?”

The alicorn gave a soft laugh, reaching out to put her golden slippered hoof against his shoulder-plate. “Call it a mare's intuition.”

Lighthoof did his best to keep up a smile, though Star could tell it was beginning to wane as he stood there, hoping the alicorn would just drop the subject. After a couple of awkward moments, he cleared his throat. “Ah... hah-ha... yeah... about that.”

The Princess took her hoof away and tilted her head, ears perked and a knowing, playful smile on her lips. “Go on.”

Starstep could feel his heart began to race and a cold chill run down his spine. They were screwed. There was no way Light would lie to her. Dawn would be exposed and all tartarus would break loose.

“Don't you dare you little wretch,” Nightmare warned.

The tan pegasus threw up a hoof and sighed. “Okay, fine, you win, you win.” He lowered his voice so only the four of them could hear. “The truth is, I think Kreesha is kinda awesome and kinda cute.”

To her credit, Celestia's expression didn't change while Dazzle cleared her throat and looked away. Star realized his mouth was opened and closed it hurriedly.

Celestia laughed, “Well, it is good that you're honest.”

“So... you don't mind?”

“Not at all. As long as your interest in her doesn't interfere with your duties, it's perfectly alright.” She leaned in close. “I will advise that you keep this to yourself. The other ponies may not approve of it, seeing as the hippogryphs were partially to blame for evicting them from their homes.”

Lighthoof nodded hurriedly.

“With that, my little ponies, I wish you success and look forward to hearing all about your meeting.” She wandered away with her usual regal grace as the three ponies dipped their heads respectfully.

After she had left the colts shared a quick look of relief.

“Well...” Starstep said quietly, fearful his voice would carry to the wagon. “That was... something. So uh, what's this about the hippogryph?”

His brother smiled sheepishly. “After chatting with the Princess about that squire nonsense and reading a story for Sunny, I snuck off to see Kreesha again. I dunno, I thought if I talked with her some more, maybe I'd learn something useful. After a few hours she finally stopped with the 'all hail the Empress' stuff and told me her past. She's actually pretty cool. And well, tartarus dude, cute is cute.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Dazzle stomped up and looked him right in the eyes. “Attracted to the enemy? There are so many things wrong with that I-I do not know where to begin.”

Light held up a hoof. “Hey now, I'm honest, not blind. Just because I think she's cute and cool doesn't mean I trust her.”

The unicorn cocked her head, pondering his answer for a moment. “Well... I-I suppose you have the right of it then. Still...”

Starstep chuckled. “He does have a point. She is kinda cute in an exotic sort of way.”

The other pegasus nodded. “Hey, what can I say, those little hippogryph ears with the sleek beak, very hot, dude.”

“Yeah, I can see it... though her pony-half seemed too athletic for your normal tastes.”

Dazzle rolled her eyes at the colts. “If you two males are quite finished with admiring the physical traits of our enemy, perhaps we can get on with this? I do not imagine keeping the Empress waiting will leave a good impression.”

Lighthoof gave a chuckle. “Yes, mom.”

Starstep smirked. “She's right, Light. We should talk about how cute the Empress is instead.”

“Oh! You thought so too? Dude, she's like forbidden fruit. One sweet bite and you're done for.”

At this point, Dazzle put a hoof to her fore-head, “Gentlecolts, I understand this is your way of coping with stress, but now is hardly the time.”

Lighthoof grinned as he looked over at Star. “Huh, looks like somepony is jealous.”

“I think you're right. Maybe Dazz would prefer us talking about how cute her mane-style is?”

“Or her beautiful smile?”

“Her daddy issues?” Nightmare whispered in Star's head.

At the flattery the unicorn's cheeks reddened ever so slightly, but otherwise she maintained a professional expression. “Well, a mare does like to be appreciated from time to time, but as I stated, we have an appointment to keep.”

Star looked to the closed flap of the wagon and sighed. “Yeah, I guess I'm just a little nervous.”

Dazzle patted his shoulder. “I am certain you two will be fine.”

Star raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You're not joining us?”

She shook her head. “Neigh. Somepony needs to keep an eye on Kreesha. She is the host mind for this meeting.”

When Star looked to Light, the other colt simply shrugged. “Don't look at me dude. I don't know anything about this Tele-whats-it magic.”

Starstep took a deep breath to calm himself, glanced back at the other ponies and led the way up the stairs and through the flaps.

It took a few moments for Star's eyes to adjust to the darkened interior, the dawn sun just beginning to filter through the canvas roof. He could hear the wagon axle squeak at the additional weight of three ponies climbing in and shuffling about to circle hippogryph.

Kreesha was wearing a welcoming smile, her feathers preened and pony-half brushed, looking as though she was a noble guest and not the prisoner the metal-mittens and chain marked her as. She dipped her head respectfully. “Lighthoof, Starstep, and Dazzle, it is good to see you again. My Empress awaits and is eager to speak with you.”

“Be wary of this one. She would do anything her Mistress commanded... anything.” Nightmare chuckled darkly and a flash of a sexual image darted through Star's head.

He sat back on the hard wooden floor as he returned her smile, ignoring Nightmare's comment. “Good morning, Kreesha. I guess we'd better not keep her waiting. Light and I are ready to begin whenever you are.”

The hippogryph nodded and twisted her wrists. The metal-mittens popped off in a loud clatter of hollow metal and chain, causing the colts to recoil and Dazzle's to flare her horn in yellow magic. “Oh, I'm sorry, it was not my intention to startle you.”

Dazzle lifted an eyebrow. “How...?”

“I only kept them on to allow the other ponies to feel more secure. The Princesses knew—I had expected them to inform you as well.”

The trio of ponies exchanged concerned glances.

“If it helps to alleviate your fears, my Empress finds these two colts interesting and has forbid harming them in any way.”

The unicorn tilted her head. “And me?”

“There was no direct order, but you are their friend and apparently in confidence with the Moon Aspect. Therefore, you are safe as well.”

Dazzle gave a soft snort. “To be honest, I am just here to ensure you do not harm these two.”

The hippogryph gave a respectful nod.

“So...” Star began. “How are we supposed to do this anyway?”

Kreesha held up her clawed hands, palms towards the colts. “Place your foreheads against my palms, and we shall begin. I will perform most of the work involved.”

Star and Light shared a look of uncertainty then gazed back at the sharp claws on the ends of her digits. Star faintly imagined them digging into his eyes and suddenly this seemed like a really bad idea to him.


Starstep bit back a retort and instead gave a sigh. “Alright.” He settled back on his haunches in front of the hippogryph within reach of her right claw, Lighthoof following his lead with the other side. They glanced over at each other before leaning forward to hesitantly rest their foreheads against the palms. The hippogryph gently curled her clawed hands around their skulls, the pricks of the sharp talons scratching at their skin. Starstep fought back a sudden jolt of panic and tried his best to ignore Nightmare's amused laughter.

“Now, please close your eyes and clear your minds,” Kreesha softly directed as she closed her own eyes and tilted back her head.

The colts followed her direction and sat very still, doing their best to keep their thoughts quiet. Long minutes passed and just when Star was about to call it off, he felt something tugging at him, though not physically. It was a strange sensation, as if a ghostly hand reached into his mind, grabbed onto a thread of thought and pulled it away and down the outstretched arm of the hippogryph.

Starstep's first instinct was to resist, to fight back, but the mental grip was gently persistent, eventually coaxing him to relent to its pull.

Then there was a flash from behind Star's eyes and a moment later he found himself standing in a circle of pillar-like boulders, fifteen hooves tall, with old runes chiseled into the stone. At the center was a stone slab resting at hip height, large enough for a pony to lay out on. Above them the sky was cloudy grey, as though threatening to rain, but he could not feel any humidity or wind that foretold a coming shower.

He turned his head about, noting that the standing stone circle was surrounded by thick, dark forests without a path to be seen, though the trees had a strange dream-like quality to them, where he could tell they were trees but when he tried to focus on one, it would blur and shift. Allowing only an impression of individual trees.

Still alone in this odd landscape, he reached up to touch the stone-slab and blinked at his leg. He could faintly see through the limb and looked himself over, noting a few oddities. For one, his legs seemed extra lanky and overly long, his wings were black, twisted, mutilated things and a mock-image of Luna's cutie-mark was overlaying his own.

“You okay, Star?” Lighthoof's voice came from nearby.

Starstep whipped his head around and gasped at Light's appearance. He too was semi-transparent but his coat was disheveled and filthy, reminding Star of the first day he'd met him at Guard-training. He had a nasty X of a scar over his heart, his chin seemed slightly elongated and rugged and his hooves were almost comically large for his body size. When he noticed that Light's armor was missing, he touched his own chest to find Luna's feather and the chain were also gone.

“I could ask you the same thing. Why do we look so... freaky?”

The cool voice of the Empress answered them. “It is how you see yourself. A projection.” She stepped out of nothing, her body shifting from a ghost-like quality to fully solid in only seconds. She seemed taller, more regal, with an exotic beauty about her. She wore a form-fitting red silk dress, embroidered with golden talons, the train of which flowed out behind her like a sea of blood. Her crimson feathers seemed to glow and spark as though embers rested under them, little flickers of light occasionally falling away to the stone before vanishing. A soft white aura flowed down her spine, reminding Star of Luna's and Celestia's manes.

The hippogryph studied them each in turn, her judging yellow eyes boring into their own, and Star couldn’t help but to shiver slightly from the intensity. He had a sudden impression of just how ancient she truly was, making Nightmare seem like a filly in comparison.

The pegasi bowed their heads respectfully and Star spoke. “Good morning, Red Empress. Thank you for meeting with us.”

“Greetings to you, Starstep and Lighthoof, consorts to pony immortals.” She gave a faint dip of her head. “Please, use my true name here. We are private.”

Light blinked. “Private? But I thought we're inside Kreesha's head?”

“Yes, we are. Yet locked away in a corner. She is... host? Not witness.” The elegant hippogryph slid up on the stone-slab and reclined out to look at the two colts. “I am in surprise that you still carry shades. Did your Princesses not wish to... cleanse you?” She lifted a tufted eyebrow.

Star wasn't sure how to answer and looked to Light, who also seemed conflicted.

The hippogryph held up a claw. “No, do not answer. It is your affair to manage—you are not my subjects. I shall be content they are removed from my home.” She gave a fleeting smile. “My child Kreesha spoke to me and said consorts had questions? I have agreed in hopes of building trust between us. Perhaps you may be the voices that will talk your lovers into joining me?”

Light gave a sheepish grin. “I, uh, no disrespect, Emp- er, Fala, but I don't think they're interested right now.”

Star elbowed Lighthoof. “We're not at liberty to speak for our Princesses. Sorry.”

Fala smiled and nodded. “I understand. Because of shades, our time is fleeting. I know what it is you ask, so I will answer now.”

Star farrowed his brow. “But we haven't asked anything.”

“Kreesha has explained. No, I did not send griffons to attack. No, I do not know if more attacks planned. I assume it is outcasts who hate all non-griffons. Those who refuse to join Empire and obey rules of unity were thrown from city.”

“Which included us.” Lighthoof added.

“Understand. My home. My Empire. Is difficult enough to rebuild and unify without rival leaders and their subjects here.”

Lighthoof frowned. “Could have asked, instead of just rounding everypony up and booting us out.”

Star elbowed his brother in the side. “What my friend is trying to say is… why didn't you work something out with the Princesses? We have an alliance with the griffons, why not you?”

“Time works against me. I have been gone long time. Is it not enough I prevent the false Empress from slaughtering? To command my children to save and protect as many as possible? I am returned after very long time. Pony-kind were but servants when I last ruled. Much changed, but I will bring order and unity to all.”

“You talk about uniting. Can't we just find a way to be allies instead of trying to force us into the Empire?” Star asked.

Fala shook her head, red embers flicking out of her plumage. “Allies do not always work towards same goal. Under one banner, we stand strong.” She punctuated at the end by making a fist.

Star frowned slightly. “I don't know, Fala. Like you said, you've been gone a long time. We've had years of peace and good relations with the griffon kingdoms and the dragons.”

“It is not against them that I unite. One day, perhaps not in your life, great terrors will arise. I have seen them.” Her eyes took on a fevered light. “We must be one or we will be destroyed.”

Star and Light shared a questioning look.

Fala slid from the stone slab and walked up to the pegasi with a grace that would make a cat envious. Star involuntarily shivered at the power she radiated. Even Nightmare seemed to retreat further into the back of his mind. “There are things far older than I. Things that sleep between stars. Things that sleep in depths. I will paint fields red to unite against them. Together, we survive. Apart, we are consumed. Tell your Princesses what I do. They may come peacefully to rule with me, or I will force them once I am finished unifying griffons.”

The Empress gently caressed Star's cheek with her claws. “Do not think me ruthless. I do this out of love, compassion. I prefer no blood-shed.”

Starstep cleared his throat nervously. “I, uh. We'll let the Princesses know.”

“You two, so young for things you have seen. Things you have done. It speaks of your... idium, your soul, character. Is there nothing I can offer to have you help my Empire?”

“No, Fala. I'm sorry.” Starstep stood up straight and professional. “I go where Princess Luna goes. If one day she decides to join you, I'll be at her side. I am a simple pony.”

The Empress smiled as her eyes half-lidded. “Simple? Of that I am not sure.” She looked to the other pegasus. “And you, Lighthoof? Is there nothing you desire?”

The young stallion shrugged. “Sorry, Fala. I couldn't turn my back on everypony.”

“Yet there are ponies who have joined my Empire. They need leaders such as you.”

“Equestria needs me.” Light stated firmly.

Fala chuckled softly. “Similar words were spoken to me once. In time, he served me, loved me.”

The world around them shivered and for a moment, Star felt dazed and confused. One quick glance at Light showed the other pegasus similarly disoriented.

The Empress leaned up and placed a clawed hand on each of their shoulders. “Kreesha's life is fading, and so time grows short.”

Light narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What do you mean? What's happening to her?”

“The shades you bring, they are Aspects. Weak as they are, still too much strain for my child's mind.”

“What?! You knew this would happen?” The tan pegasus growled.

“I did not know you still had shades.” As Light opened his mouth she tightened her claw on his shoulder. “Let me speak.”

When the pony shut his muzzle she continued. “Kreesha will be my Ambassador. No more prisoner. She will speak for me. In return, tell your Princesses I will accept Ambassador from Equestria.”

The colts exchanged glances before Star nodded. “Of course. We'll pass along the request.”

Another wave of sickness washed over them and the standing stones disappeared into mist.

“A final note, consorts. When Kreesha recovers, I should like to speak to you both again. However, alone. One shade she may handle.” She leaned forward to give what Star figured was the beaked equivalent of a kiss to each of their cheeks. “Kreesha and I will not speak of what happens in our meetings. Your secrets are ours. Go in peace.”

Just like that, the Empress simply faded away, leaving the ponies in an area that was gradually turning to grey mist.

“This can't be good.” Light looked around.

“Just do what the Princess said. Think about something you want to go home to.”

Lighthoof squeezed his eyes shut and began to mumble to himself. Seconds ticked by, the only a few meters of solid ground remained around the stone-slab. Then Light just winked out of existence. Starstep gave a sigh of relief and closed his eyes, thinking of the one thing he wanted to return home to; Luna.

He opened his eyes to find himself being jostled about in the wagon bed. The stead bumps and creeks of the wheels informed him that they were on the move. As his eyes adjusted in the dim morning light, he found Lighthoof and Dazzle attempting to shift the hippogryph onto her side. Kreesha was shaking violent, eyes rolled back in her head and gasping for air. Starstep took a couple of wobbly steps forward.

“What can I do to help?”

Dazzle looked up at him, calm and serious. “You two colts stay with her. I need to fetch a pony who knows mind-magic.” Without waiting for a reply, she pushed past him and out the back of the rumbling wagon.

Star and Light looked across the hippogryph at each other, using their hooves to keep Kreesha from smacking her jerking limbs into the wooden walls.

Light frowned. “This is our fault.”

“I'm not so sure. We don't know jack about telepathy and it's not like we could have asked anypony beforehoof.” He glanced down at the injured hippogryph. Something about the whole situation rubbed him the wrong way, but he wasn't sure why.

“Some lies are told with truths,” Nightmare whispered.

Star lowered his voice. “I wondered where you went.” At Light's questioning look he sighed. “You-know-who is speaking. Give me a sec.”

“Uh... alright. Dude, I'm so glad Dawn doesn't talk in my head.”

“I thought you were going to help?” He asked the voice.

“Little foal, inside another's head, they would hear me. Do you think it wise to tip your hand to that creature? She thinks I am just a shadow that clings to you.”

“Valid points. So, is there anything you can tell me?” He noticed Light giving him concerned glance while the pegasus gently stroked Kreesha's feathers in a vain attempt to calm her seizures.

“Fala is very dangerous, but then, so is Luna. How much is truth? How much is false? I cannot tell you, because she believes every word she speaks.” Nightmare chuckled softly. “She could force you to join her, and in time you would think it was what you wanted all along.”

“What else?”

“That is all I have to offer. Be thankful.”

Starstep frowned. “Alright. Thank you for the insight.” He could sense that Nightmare was pleased by his response and decided not to push the matter further. He sighed and looked to his friend. “As far as she can tell, the Empress was telling the truth, but warns that she has a way of manipulating words.”

Lighthoof shook his head softly. “What did you do to get you-know-who to cooperate?”

“Long story short, I get history lessons every night.” At that, the pair heard the rapid clatter of hooves galloping up to the back of the wagon. Dazzle and a light-purple colored unicorn mare pushed through the flap and without introductions, the unicorns went to work healing the hippogryph's damaged mind as the colts kept her held down.

It took a few hours for the unicorns to put Kreesha into a calm sleep. As the herd stopped for lunch, a light drizzle started from the overcast skies. Star asked one of the guards to watch over the hippogryph then the four ponies took shelter under a rocky-overhang to rest.

A griffon, wearing the white and blue patterned robe that some of the herd had started to wear, approached them with a jug of cool water and bread. After being thanked for the refreshments, the robed griffon wandered off into the light rain, leaving them in private. Star turned to the unknown unicorn that had helped the hippogryph.

“I don't think we've met. I'm Starstep.” He held out a hoof, which the mare gently shook.

“Honored to meet you, Prince. I'm Amethyst. I'm one of Princess Celestia's Sun-Guard lieutenants.” She gestured to Lighthoof. “He and I have already met at the command briefings.”

Star nibbled on some bread and waited his turn for the water as Dazzle was quenching her thirst. “Nice to meet you. Thanks for helping the hippogryph.”

“Of course. I suppose hosting three minds was just too much for her. Telepathy is a rare gift, and very dangerous. Thankfully for her, I've studied the mind since I was a filly.”

Light passed the jug from Dazzle to Starstep. “Thanks, Amy. She didn't deserve to go out like that.” Amethyst gave a humble nod in reply.

“This one is deathly afraid of bees. In her eyes, ever stinging.”

Star sighed loudly, only to realize a moment later that the other three ponies were staring at him. “Oh, sorry. I uh, just remembered something the Princess needed me to do.” He took a swig from the jug and gave a polite dip of his head. “Amethyst, it was nice to meet you. Dazz, I hope to see you later. Light, walk with me a sec?”

Light nodded as he hopped off the rocky ground, his armor straps creaking in protest. “Sure, dude.”

The two mares waved at them as the pegasi walked away through the herd. Star mostly ignored the greetings, occasionally giving nods and friendly smiles as he thought about the morning's events. Lighthoof remained quiet, as their manes became damp and water began to drip from their chins. At last Star found a hollow in the rocks surrounding them, far away from eavesdroppers.

“Alright, dude. What's up?” Light asked when his friend turned to face him.

“Are you really going to tell the Princesses about Dawn and her sister tomorrow?”

“If we don't get something out of the griffon, yeah.”

Star started to pace a little. “You know what will happen, we've been over this.”

“No, dude. I know what will happen if we don't warn everypony about the attack. I've seen it, Star. It's not pretty. As for Nightmare, how do we know she's telling you the whole truth? I've been thinking about it for a while now. If she's really that dangerous to Equestria, why isn't she doing more than messing with you? Why did Fala dismiss her as just a shadow? I'm starting to think that when we freed her and buried those bodies, she lost a lot of her power.”

Star could feel Nightmare bristle in his head. Was his friend right?

“I still have the power to make many suffer. Would you like to see?”

“To be honest, Star. If it wasn't for Dawn, I'd have told the Princesses about the psycho in your head days ago.”

“Ignore this foal. If all he wishes are answers, take me to this griffon. I will show I am still powerful. I will force the griffon to speak.”

The blue-grey pegasus put a hoof to his forehead and sighed. “Nightmare says she can make the griffon talk.”

Light frowned. “I get the feeling she won’t be asking nicely.”

“I'm pretty sure you're right.”

“Well, dude, then we need to come up with a plan. Because if you mosey up to that feathered-jerk and he starts wailing in horror, the griffons are gonna know something's up and you can bet the Princesses are gonna to hear about it.”

Star blinked. “I... hadn't thought about that. Have any ideas?”

“Actually... yeah. I just might.”

In the next couple of frantic hours, the pair worked on Light's plan. Star managed to convince Alexander to load the prisoner into one of the remaining covered wagons for interrogation as they traveled. Thankfully, the old griffon didn't ask any questions, though he did seem curious at Star's insistence that he question the prisoner now. Lighthoof procured a marble that he then asked a random unicorn to place a glow enchantment on. Once they were ready, they met up at the wagon as it rumbled along at the tail of the herd and climbed in out of the light rain, only to discover they weren't alone.

Antonio sat on one side of the prisoner, scratching his grey feathers idly as his eyes turned to the ponies. “Ah, Elder said you'd be along shortly.” The Steelwing leader stretched out like a cat before giving his full attention to the pair. Star remembered him as being the griffon married to a pony and the main reason for the prisoner's injuries.

Star dipped his head respectfully. “Yellow-feather, Antonio. I didn't know you were joining us.”

“Call it curiosity. You already tried asking nicely, what will you ponies do now to make this scum loosen his tongue?” He slapped the prisoner on the back of the head, ignoring the muffled grunt from the gagged griffon.

The prisoner was still as battered and ragged as Star remembered. His one unswollen eye glared at the clan-head before looking at the ponies. He began to chuckle around his cloth-gag.

“See? You amuse him.”

Light pulled the marble from a pouch on his belt and hoofed it to Star. Then he quietly stepped to the as his friend walked forward, only a couple of hooves from the prisoner.

“While we were in Spurlin, we found a few interesting things in the castle.” He held up the faintly glowing marble so that the prisoner could look at it and into Star's eyes. “Let's just say, not all of them are very nice.”

Antonio gave a short laugh and rolled his eyes. “A glowing rock? That's going to make this wretch talk? Do you know what kinds of things we've done to him without getting so much as a useful word in reply?”

“It doesn't hurt to try, right?”

The clan-head sighed and reached out to rip the gag from the prisoner's beak. “I suppose not. But I'll be honest, most of you ponies just don't have the stomach for this type of work. My wife is one of the few who does.”

The prisoner worked his jaw around a few times before grinning at Starstep and the glowing marble. “Oh, look. The cock-toy is back with a present. Are you attempting to bribe me now? I think this is racism. Despite what you may have heard, griffons are not enthralled by pretty trinkets like common birds.”

“No. It will show you your dreams.” Star's answer was met with a snort of laughter. “If you think I'm kidding, look at the marble--really look at it.”

At first, the griffon smirked and ignored him, but the longer Star held it up, the more curious the griffon seemed to become. Eventually, he did look at the little glass orb and indirectly into Star's eyes. It was then that Star could feel Nightmare reaching out through his eyes and into the griffons. There was nothing visible, just something he could feel. A tendril of bitterness and loathing that stretched out from his mind into the griffon's.

The prisoner went rigid, catching Antonio's attention. The clan-head watched with renewed interest as the battered griffon began breathing quickly and a slight shiver ran down his limbs.

Moments ticked by and Star remained steadfast on staring into those cold, hate-filled eyes. He couldn't see what Nightmare was showing him, and for that, he was thankful. The prisoner jerked against his chains and wailed before beginning to squirm around in his bindings, nearly hyperventilating as he seemed to be attempting to escape from something.

“Get them off, GET THEM OFF!” He suddenly screamed, twisting this way and that, falling to the wooden floor with a heavy thud and continuing to struggle against his chains, his screams becoming more frantic. “Oh, Matron, they're in my nose! Get them out! Get them out!”

Star sat back on his haunches and put his other fore-hoof over the marble, a signal he'd agreed to with Nightmare before-hoof. She pulled back from the prisoner's mind, giggling in sadistic delight. Star felt a surge of revulsion that she was enjoying this so much.

“He's afraid of spiders. So horribly afraid of them. All over they crawl, into every orifice they can find. Much more and he'll wet himself in fear.”

After a couple of minutes, the prisoner stopped shaking enough to stare up at Starstep, shock and a touch of confusion on his battered face. “What did you do to me? WHAT DID YOU DO?”

Off the side, Antonio was silent, eyebrows raised in surprise but he made no move to interfere. Lighthoof stuck his head out the flaps of the wagon, apparently waving off guards who had come to investigate the sudden screaming.

“I ask the questions.” Star stated coldly. He imaged Luna at her most regal and did his best to project that cool, stoic personality. “What is your name?”

“What did you-” His question was cut off as Star lifted his hoof, signaling Nightmare to continue showing the prisoner his worst fear. After a couple moments more of the griffon's stomach turning screams of terror, Star hid the marble again.

“I asked, what is your name?”

The captive panted on the ground, trembling for a bit before looking up at the pony. “Petar. I'm called Petar.”

“They can be taught.” Nightmare chuckled to herself. “I'll bet you can teach him to sit up and beg. Shall we try? I'm certain he'll make a fine Royal Pet.”

“Alright, Petar. Are the outcasts planning to attack us on the road to Trottingham? If so, when?”

The griffon narrowed his eyes before looking away defiantly.

“I asked, are the other outcasts planning to attack us? If so, when?” Petar ignored him, refusing to look at him. “It doesn't matter if you're staring at the stone now. You've already seen it. All I have to do is lift my hoof and all those terrible things you're seeing will come back.”

When the griffon didn't answer, Star shook his head sadly before lifting his hoof. The prisoner rolled about, screaming as his worst Nightmare became reality inside his head. Star remembered what the Goddess of Dreams had done to him, and while he didn't wish such things on anypony, this disgusting creature had murdered, maimed and tormented who knows how many ponies and griffons. And this griffon's allies planned on doing more of the same in just over twenty-four hours. He wouldn't let Luna cry over the deaths of more, even if he had to do something a little dark. For the Greater-good, he told himself. For Luna.

True to Nightmare's word, the griffon did wet himself, rolling about in a pool of shame as Star covered the glowing marble again. He could feel his stomach churn but he grit his teeth and tried to ignore the look of surprise from Antonio.

“Answer the questions, or the spiders come back.”

“NO, NO, oh Matron, no. No more. I'll talk” Petar began to sob, his limbs shaking so much that the chains rattled continuously.

Starstep felt a twinge of guilt. That is, until Nightmare flashed an image of Petar commanding his troops to slaughter a village of farmers along the borders. Griffons and ponies were cut down and tortured. Thankfully, Star only saw brief glimpses of what had happened. Not enough to burn into his memory, but enough that he wanted to retch.

“Do not pity this creature. What I showed you was only a fraction of the horrors he has brought to others in his life. He is just like those that tormented me. You must show them what fear is.”

A gentle hoof on his shoulder brought him back to his senses. Light was looking at him in concern. “You okay, dude? Should we stop?”

“I-I'll be fine, Light. Let's just get this over with.” He cleared throat and turned back to the weeping prisoner. “Are the outcasts planning an attack and if so, when?”

“W-when you reach Howling Pass.”

“How many outcasts?”

“A-all of them... all of them” Petar tried to curl up on himself, shivering in shame and fear.

“How many is all?”

“Two thousand... maybe more...”

Star heard Light curse behind him. “Did the Empress send you?”

“N-no. The real Empress is an abomination, a freak. She w-wanted us to join her but w-we'd have to swear off hunting ponies. So w-we left and planned to finish you o-off in the pass.”

Star turned to Light. “Let me guess, at our current speed, we'll hit the pass tomorrow night or the next morning?”

Lighthoof nodded. “Yeah.”

Starstep gently handed the marble back to his friend who tucked it into one of the pouches on his belt and turned to Antonio. “Sorry about the mess... and the screams.”

“Not at all.” The griffon regarded the pony with a bit of respect and slight awe. “I suppose being the consort to the Moon Goddess does require a certain breed of pony.” He glanced down at the crying prisoner then back up at the pegasi. “I also assume that your method is something you'd like to keep under wraps? I know if I had a trump card like that, I'd keep it hush-hush.”

“If you wouldn't mind. It's, uh, only for very special cases.”

“Of course, Prince Starstep.” He smiled. “I'm sorry I ever doubted you had the guts to do what needed to be done.”

“This one has a dark streak. I'd love to work with him again.” Star could feel Nightmare's grin.

“It's okay, Yellow-feather Antonio. It's not something most ponies can do. Please let the other clan-heads know what's coming. We'll let the Princesses know.” When the griffon nodded in agreement, Star climbed out the back of the wagon and carefully down as it rumbled along the rocky ground. Lighthoof a few hoof-steps afterwards.

As they turned to march back up the line of ponies, Luna appeared from the other side of the prisoner's wagon. As she regally trotted over to the pair, Star could feel his blood go cold and his breath quicken. Had she heard the screams? Had she been listening in? Could she feel Nightmare's magic?

“Oh, this should be good.”

Luna smiled at them as she matched their pace. “Good afternoon, Lighthoof. Dost thou mind if I speak with mine husband?”

Light shook his head quickly. “Uh, not at all, Princess. I need to alert Princess Celestia and the Command staff what we found out. Later, Star.” He bowed his head respectfully before galloping off, his golden armor clanking softly, leaving the husband and wife alone.

Luna smiled at the blue-grey pegasus. “Star, my love. We need to speak.”

Chapter LVII

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To Love the Moon

Chapter LVII

By Indigo Eclipse

Princess Luna led Starstep north, away from the herd that trudged along towards the west as the grey overcast sky continued to drizzle. There, massive mountains speared up into the clouds, their snow-capped peaks hidden from below. Star spared a glance towards the imposing split cliff-face that marked the start of Howling pass. Even from miles away, he could tell it was enormous. His eyes wandered down to the snaking trail of ponies, carts and griffons. One last leg of the journey and they would all be safely in Trottingham territory. The thought should have given him a sense of hope, but Lighthoof's vision of the deaths to come put a damper on his mood.

Starstep noticed that Luna was looking back at him expectantly and hurried to reach her side. Quietly, the pair trotted up a gentle rocky slope towards a hillside littered with boulders and scraggly trees. Despite the rough terrain, his wife's pace was measured and calm as she took them further and further away from the other ponies, leaving Star to scramble about like a goat, dodging rocks and shrubs as he did his best to stay at her side.

Star hesitantly broke the silence. “So, uh... what'd you want to talk about?” He asked, his ears lowering slightly as he fought back the tightness in his gut.

She turned her head to look down at him, a smile on her lips as she watched him bound about, all the while gracefully dodging all manner of hazards effortlessly without so much as breaking her stride. “The true purpose of our detour lies yet ahead. However, there art a few matters I wished to speak of in private.”

Luna chuckled softly as the colt stumbled over a rock. “Do take care to not harm thyself, my love. The way is treacherous.”

Star blushed softly as he regained his footing, focusing more on the path ahead instead of the alicorn. “Yeah, I noticed. So...?” He let the question linger.

Her smile faded to a cool expression. “I am concerned for thee.” She paused. “How art thou faring? And I doth not mean physically.”

The young stallion shrugged. “Well enough, I guess. Why do you ask?”

Luna arched an eyebrow at him. “Truly, must I remind thee of all that thou hath endured in the last few months? Thou hath experienced more things than most ponies wilst in a lifetime.”

She faced forward as she rattled off a list, “Mine pranks, job and relationship stress, loss of thy flight, friends in danger, responsibility for a death, and let us not forget the terror below the ruins, which thou survived twice!”

“It wasn't all bad—there's been a lot of good stuff too. I've learned a lot about how to love, and I've enjoyed making you happy. That night at the club was awesome.” He gave her a warm smile.

The alicorn tilted her head as she considered his response. “Tis true. Yet thou hath begun to walk the shadowed path.”

* “She's on to you, little foal.”

Star blinked. “Shadowed path?”

“Were thou not engaged in harsh interrogation with the griffon just now?” Her eyes flicked down to his, a look that warned him against lying.

“Yes, but I swear we didn't touch him.”

A flicker of regret passed over her face. “I am well aware of the difference between screams of pain and of fear.” She sighed. “Still, is this the path thou wishes to journey?”

“We didn't have a choice.”

* “Careful with your words.”

Heeding Nightmare's warning, Star quickly continued. “If we didn't... I mean...” He stumbled, searching for the right way to answer without revealing too much. “It was worth scaring him wasn't it?”

“Was it?” Luna replied. “I doth not even know what thou hath discovered from him or thy meeting with the Red Empress.”

“Oh!” His cheeks reddened slightly, eyes glancing away. “Sorry, it's been a bit of a whirlwind day.”

He maneuvered around a jutting of rock and risked looking up into her piercing teal eyes. “The Red Empress said she kicked out all the outcasts that didn't side with her. Combined with the griffon's threat that his friends were going to attack us at some point, Light and I figured we needed answers. And well, after seeing what fear does to a pony in the ruins... we... sorta figured it'd get the griffon to talk without being brutes.”

“A reasonable conclusion. And yet, thou hath not answered my question. Was it worth it?”

“Well, yeah. We found out roughly where and when we're going to be ambushed. Light is letting command know now.”

Luna tilted her chin up. “Allow me to present a hypothetical situation. Thou learns of a pony whom may be a threat to the kingdom. Yet there is not condemning proof of her guilt. Whouldst thou use this same fear tactic to force her to speak?”

* “We could make them ALL speak. Like gibbering fools. They would confess everything.”

Star ignored Nightmare's rambling, but a knot formed in his belly as he realized where Luna was going with this. “I... don't know. Honestly, I guess it would depend on the level of threat and number of lives at risk.”

Luna regarded him coolly, her face not betraying her thoughts as they continued up the rocky slope. The longer they walked in silence, the worse the knot tightened in Star's belly. At last she looked away. “Therefore, thou art saying thou would engage in further fear induced interrogations or worse, if enough Equestrian citizens were at risk?”

* “Oh, you would. All for her.” Nightmare cackled gleefully. She was far too amused by the situation for Star's tastes.

“Yes.” He hung his head, feeling that somehow he'd made Luna ashamed of him. But he couldn't lie to her, he would never lie to her.

* “She would never trust you again.”

“Understand, my love. Most ponies would regard what thou hath done with disgust.”

He could feel his ears drooping. “Do you?”

“Neigh.” That single word gave Star a bit of hope that not all was lost. “Given his confessions of prior crimes, such a punishment is not unwarranted. However, let us present an alternative situation. What if he hath no prior crimes and thy interrogation technique revealed nothing? Thou wouldth tormented an otherwise innocent being.”

Star's eyes went wide. “I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't certain he was guilty. I didn't get any joy out of it. I did it because I had to. For you, for Princess Celestia and the other ponies.”

Luna studied his face for a long moment—Starstep imagined her beautiful teal eyes could see into his soul. At last the blue alicorn gave a soft sigh as she looked to the terrain ahead. “I believe thee. Understand that as a leader, to tread that grey area between justice and villainy tis difficult. Thou art not the first to claim they hath used darker methods in the name of thy fellow pony. Sombra himself was a champion of the crystal ponies, but he strayed too far, allowing his heart to become stained by the darkness.”

“Was I wrong?”

“My love...” She halted, bringing them to a stop, and reached out with her wing to draw him up against her side. Leaning down to gently nuzzle him, she said, “I chose thou for mine husband because I saw thy dedication to me and thy fellow ponies. I hath seen thou struggle with hard choices that others would never contemplate. I hath come to understand that thy name and cutie mark art not only a representation of thy love for the stars, but of thy special talent to walk the dark places between them.”

“I don't-” His words were cut off as she kissed his lips gently.

“Despite all thy hardships, all thy pain and pressures, thou persist and hold fast for thy love for others. I wouldth never have married thee if thou could not walk the shadowy paths at mine side. Do what must be done, but remember to stay true to thyself, and hold fast to thy love.”

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Nightmare was rolling her eyes.

He leaned against the larger pony and sighed. “I should have asked first. I'm sorry.”

Luna gave a soft chuckle and kissed his forehead. “Thou art forgiven. Though thou hath reigned in some of thy impulsiveness, I suppose it dost keeps things interesting. However, in the future when thou art able, consult me, and if thou cannot, do thy best and inform me thereafter.”

Star nodded quickly. “I will.”

“A final word of caution, and heed it well. Should thou stray too far into the darkness, I wilst deal with thee personally.” When she noticed him wilt under her dangerous tone she nuzzled his cheek. “Take heart, my love. I hath faith in thee. Our lives art within the grey, doing what others will not, and cannot. Yet, we must not become the monsters we strive to protect Equestria from. I wilst do all within my power to aid thee in navigating the shadows. To step between the stars, as it were.”

Luna gave him a reassuring smile before kissing his cheek and beginning to walk up the slope, letting Star slip from her wing. “Now, my love. Wilst thou tell me of thy meeting with the Red Empress and of the griffon prisoner?”

For the next few minutes, Star carefully told Luna about his meeting with Kresha, the Red Empress, and the griffon, taking care to filter Nightmare’s role out. . He hated himself for holding back information, but understood the necessity. Perhaps it was for similar reasons that Luna withheld her own secrets.

When he finished, Luna gave a slight nod. “And so, our fears art justified. Thousands of blood-thirsty griffons seek to hurt our ponies. Had it not been for thy investigations, the cost of lives wouldth been staggering.” She looked down at him with a proud smile. “Thou hath done well, despite the impulsive actions thou hath taken.”

Star smiled sheepishly. “Um, thanks, I guess.”

“Let us hope the command can draft an effective defense to prepare for the oncoming assault.”

They walked on for a few minutes more, Star concentrating on not tripping over himself until at last they rounded a pile of boulders and found themselves at the mouth of a dark cavern recessed into the sloped hillside. “Herein lies our destination.” She turned to face him.

Star leaned his neck out to peer into the dark mouth of the cavern. “What's in there?”

“Tis not what, but whom.”

“Who lives in a cave way out here?” Star raised an eyebrow.

“They doth not live here; rather, this is simply a rendezvous.” The Princess stepped into the shadowy entrance and looked over her shoulder at him. “Thou mayth remain here if thou wishes. I wilst be perfectly safe.”

“What?” His eyes widened in surprise. “Why bring me out here if I can't come?”

“Primarily, twas to speak in private. This venture is optional and twas a suggestion, not a command.” She gave him an understanding smile. “I would not fault thee if thou were hesitant of venturing into the darkness of the earth once more. Given thy recent torment in such places.”

Star defiantly lifted his chin and puffed out his chest. “It wasn't the dark I was afraid of.”

Luna's judged him for a few moments before she gave a curt nod. “Neigh, I suppose not.” She turned away, her horn tip flaring into a brilliant blue glow, illuminating the stone above and below her.

“Follow if thee wishes, my love. But know that thy initial meeting with them may not be pleasant.” With that, the alicorn gracefully descended the gentle slope into the cavern, crystal slippers sharply clicking on the stone.

* “Aren't you curious, little foal?” Nightmare teased. “Interesting things live in the depths.”

“More interesting than you?” he whispered.

* “Much more.”

Star exhaled before scrambling down the slope into the cave, pacing himself at Luna's right side within her halo of blue light. “So... who is this mystery group, anyway? If they're not exactly friendly, why are you meeting them?”

“Even without thy information from the interrogations, I anticipated trouble along our route. Therefore, I hath reached out to those whom may aid us.” She glanced at him, a slight smirk on her lips. “As for their identity, certainly thou appreciates the occasional need for secrecy, even amongst loved ones.”

* “Hah, she knows you left things out of your little tale.”

The rough natural cavern ended at a wall with a circular tunnel cut into it. It was two times Luna's height and just slightly wider with the wall a smooth polish that gently reflected Luna's horn-light. Star glanced at his wife as their hoof steps echoed down the passage. “Alright, can you at least tell me if they're dangerous?”

“To some.” She turned her head this way and that, studying the smooth walls of the tunnel. “That aside, tis most interesting that this passage is not natural.”

Star took a moment to examine the wall closest to him, noticing it did seem surprisingly slick for what appeared to be granite. “Unicorn miners? Maybe water worn?”

“Neigh, a Wurm I think.” When she noticed Star's nervous expression she giggled softly. “Fret not, my love. Tis only a juvenile that created this passage.”

“Gee, I feel so much better.” He made no effort to hide his sarcasm.

Luna gave him a gentle flank bump and a wink. “Thy Princess wilst protect thee.”

“Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? I was a guard, after all.”

She chuckled at his response. “Is it not humorous that perception is not identical to reality? We took guards to keep our subjects happy, for they wished to protect that which they treasured, yet is it not us whom they seek when they need protection?”

The pegasus pondered it a moment before replying. “I think you took guards so you'd always have somepony close by whom you could trust and confide in.”

Luna looked at him with an arched eyebrow and an amused smile on her lips. “A valid point, my dear husband. Well said.”

The tunnel banked to the right and eventually opened up into a massive cavern with bio-luminescent spots covering the roof. They stepped down a few inches into a shallow layer of water that appeared to cover the entire floor. The water rippled lightly from their hoofsteps, breaking the illusion of a twin sky of stars reaching out into eternal black. Luna glanced over at Star's wonderment.

“Dost thou know what the lights are?”

He swiveled his head this way and that, looking at all the bluish lights above them. “Some kind of worm I think. I read it in a book somewhere, but wow, the author didn't do them justice.”

Because of how high up the glowworms were, their illumination didn't extend very far, leaving only Luna's horn light to show the way in the pitch black cave. There were no walls to be seen, only occasional thick columns of stone and stalagmites. He followed close at the alicorn's side as they ventured deeper into the inky darkness, only the occasional drip of water and gentle splash of their hooves reaching his ears.

Not far into the cavern, Star felt a familiar tingle roll down the back of his neck. He had to resist the urge to look around as the feeling of being watched putting all his senses on high alert.

Luna noticed his tightened stride and perked ears. She tilted her head and offered a comforting smile. “ Is something wrong, my love?”

“I think somepony or thing is watching us.”

* “Watching? Not exactly, little birdhorse. Down here in the dark, eyes are worthless.”

“Of that, I have no doubt. We art a guest in another world.”

It was then that Luna's blue halo washed over the massive skull and snake-like bones of a long dead wurm. Alive, the thing could have easily swallowed Star whole, and he shifted his wings uncomfortably at the sight of its jagged teeth and the hollow eye-socket that seemed to follow him in the low-light.

“That's... not one of the things we're meeting down here is it?” In his mind he pictured lots of these things in the walls, just watching and waiting for a moment to strike.

Luna walked to the right of the skull and looked back over her shoulder at him. “Thou art not afraid art thou?”

They were walking parallel of the massive wurm's bones, water rippling from their hoof steps and around the remains. “No, Princess, just... cautious. So far, nothing I've met underground has been very friendly. Diamond Dogs, a slaver pony, angry ghosts, blood-thirsty griffons, and let's not forget Miss Nightmare and her sister.”

He could have sworn when he spoke Nightmare's name, a whisper rolled through the dark cavern sending a chill up his spine.

* “Oh come now, my sister was quite friendly and we had a splendid time together.”

Luna nodded thoughtfully. “Thou hast experienced many threats underground, my love. But not all things within the dark earth art hostile. Often they art simply misunderstood and feared without reason.”

As Star was looking at the corpse, still trailing his wife, he could have sworn he glimpsed some pale shape just outside Luna's blue halo watching him from the other side of the rib-bones, but it was so fleeting that he wasn't sure who or what it was. He stopped and peered into the darkness beyond the old skeleton. “Princess, there's somepony-thing here with us.”

Luna was still walking on, hooves gracefully stepping through the cold cavern water. “Tis quite alright. We're almost to the meeting spot. It wilst not accost theeeEEEEeee-” SPLASH

Star's head whipped around at the sound of Luna's voice pitching up in panic as she toppled into a hidden pitfall. He saw the glow from her horn under the water ahead of him and, as he scrambled towards her in the dimming light, there was a quick flash of her magic before the glow disappeared. He looked down into the pitch black water, seeing only the rippling reflection of the glow-worms up above.

“Luna?!” He called out urgently, resisting the urge to dive into the blackness. “Luna! Oh, what the buck, what the buck.” He began the pace back and forth a few steps, head swiveling towards the spot he guessed she fell in.

* “Calm yourself!”

Star grumbled under his breath, “Luna just vanishes and you want me to be calm?”

* “Do you really believe a little water could harm her? Calm yourself and act like the... prince she expects you to be.” She spoke his title with disgust.

His first reaction was to ignore the mare in his head, but the rational side of him knew she spoke the truth. Star stopped his pacing and took a few deep breaths. It was difficult to force himself to still his panic when his heart was gripped by his concern for Luna, but his mind reassured him that she was perfectly capable to taking care of herself.

Eventually, he calmed himself enough to consider his own situation. It was pitch black in every direction he looked. Only the little glow-worms above and their reflection on the water offered any semblance of light in the nothingness that seemed to stretch out forever. He perked his ears, his head swiveling to and fro as he hoped to see the telltale glow of Luna's blue magic rejoining him. Minutes passed, the surface stilled and all was silent except the occasional echoing drips from stalactites hidden on the dark roof.




He placed a hoof to the feather on his chest and closed his eyes. “Luna,” He whispered. “Please, if you're okay, send me a sign.” He opened his eyes and looked down, but the feather did not glow as it had in the ruins. The pegasus sighed softly before lifting his head. “Hello? Whoever has been following us, could you tell me if the Princess is alright or lead me to her? Please? I could really use your help.”

Nothing but the steady drip of water answered his echoing plea.

* “They're still there, watching.”

Star mumbled to himself, “Well, why don't they say anything?”

* Nightmare gave a soft chuckle. “You are talking to yourself. Perhaps they believe you are a lunatic.” When Star opened his mouth to yell at the unseen observers, Nightmare tisked. “Calm yourself, foal. Even I know the importance of patience.”

He bit back a retort and instead decided to heed her advice. With nothing but blackness around him and dangerous pitfalls or worse close at hoof, at least Nightmare seemed to be on his side. Star took up a practiced guard-post stance and did his best to just clear his mind and wait. Even if the things in the dark never lent aid, he knew Luna would eventually find him. All he had to do was stay safe and stay put.

By his best guess, the short minutes he'd stood there had to have turned to hours. The pulsing lights of the glow-worms were almost hypnotic as he waited for somepony, anypony to come for him. His thoughts turned inward and he began day-dreaming about his time in the Royal Guards, his adventures with Luna and he wondered how much he could help her with his new position. Eventually, he began to reflect on how far he'd come since his foalhood in Ponyville. It wasn't that many years ago, but it felt like ages. He mused on how it always seemed to come back to one word: perception.

At some point when he was imagining running Night Court himself, handing out fair but humorous judgments against stuffy aristocrats, he noticed a faint white glow off to his right, swaying and bobbing about.

“Hello?” He called out, turning to face it head-on.

The bobbing lights paused, hovered for a moment, and then began to drift in his direction. Eventually his ears picked up the gentle splash of someone with four legs approaching through the water. Eventually, he could tell that the glow was from four little wisps of light that hovered about a cloaked figure roughly his size. However, the gentle light only illuminated the outline, even as the stranger came to a halt a few strides away. A brief memory of the cloaked druids caused him to tense his muscles, ready to fight or flight.

* “Well, well. This day has become interesting.”

An old female addressed him with a touch of annoyance in her voice. “It's about time I found you. I was beginning to wonder if this was a wild goose chase.”

The four little feathery lights bobbed and weaved over to Star, and he could make out a faint giggling as they circled his head. He watched as one landed on his nose briefly and found himself looking at a very tiny, glowing, cloud-like creature with a faint pony-face. Then just like that, the four floated back over to the stranger, bobbing about her head.

The cloaked figure turned and started away. “Welp, let's go. I don't have all night.”

Star blinked at her abrupt manner and followed after. “Wait a second. Who are you? Who sent you? Where are we going?”

She gave a sigh. “Who do you think sent me genius?”

* “Haha, I like her.” Nightmare was clearly amused.

“No offense, but you could be a griffon, or hippogryph trying to lead me into a trap.”

“If you really think that, feel free to stand around in the dark for a few more hours. It won’t hurt my feelings any.”

“Okay, assuming you're not, that still doesn't answer who you are or where you're taking me.”

She led a curving left path around another wurm skeleton before answering. “You can just call me Granny; all the rest do, whether I want them to or not,” she muttered at the end. “And I was asked to take you to safety, so up to the surface you go.”

The young stallion stopped suddenly, water splashing loudly. He tilted up his chin, his voice taking a firm tone. “Now wait a moment. My name is Starstep and I'm Princess Luna's husband. I came down here with the Princess and we accidentally got separated. Now, I'm sure she's okay, but she's my wife and I'm not going anywhere until I see that she's safe.”

“Well whoopdy-do. Is that supposed to impress me?” The figure stopped and looked over her shoulder at him, the shadow cast by her hood still leaving her identity a mystery in the low light of the wisps.

“No, it's supposed to convince you why it's important for you to take me to her.” He lifted the blue feather from his chest. “If you want proof, here's one of her feathers as a courtship token. So please, will you take me to my wife?”

The hooded female just stared in his direction for a few moments before turning to her right and starting away through the water in another direction. “Well, if you're going to be a drama-llama about it, fine. But complain about the dark or how spooky it is and I'll leave you behind, got it?”

Star hurried after her, trying to stay just inside the wavering halo of wisp light. “Got it. Thank you.”

“Don't thank me yet, child.” She cackled, the sound echoing loudly. “The Forgotten roam these caves.”

* “She has a nice laugh.” Star could see Nightmare grinning in the shadows of his mind.

“The Forgotten?”

“Oh? Not heard the tale? Well, when the pony tribes were looking for escape from the windigos over a millennium ago, a few noble houses tried to hide in these very caves, thinking they could just wait them out. Only, the fools got lost, and had to live off of mushrooms and moss for centuries, surviving in the dark ‘til all that was left was pale, blind, deformed, primitive ponies.”

Star remembered the pale shape that had watched Luna and him. “A tale, so, they're not real?”

“I've never seen them, but I often hear them scurrying about.” She chuckled darkly. “I'll bet they're following us, just out of sight.”

The pegasus couldn't help but glance over his shoulder; that feeling of being watched had never left him, but seemed to intensify now that he knew there really was something out there. He found himself closing the distance between him and Granny ever so slightly.

* “Whatever they are, they don't dream anymore.”

It was about then that they reached one of the cavern walls and, just a few paces down, came to a smaller passage, rough and natural, just large enough for three ponies abreast. Granny led the way into the tunnel, the little wisps gently bouncing off the low, jagged roof as they followed above her head, giggling ever so gently. The tunnel turned and split many times, but his guide never hesitated as she took path after path until Star was completely lost. He knew he'd never be able to find his way out on his own.

A tiny knot of worry began to form in his belly as time went on and questions about her being an ally began to surface. Just as he was about to question her, they rounded a bend and he saw a soft pulsing yellow light glowing around a corner. She paused at the end of the passage and in the flickering glow dancing across her cloak and robe, Star could make out the faintest outline of a pony-muzzle.

His guide turned to face him. “Now listen, child. We weren't expecting anyone but the Princess, and to be honest, I still think it'd better if we turn right around and take you top-side. You're not exactly going to receive a warm welcome.”


“Because...” She pulled back the cowl of her cloak, revealing long, tuffed ears and brilliant lavender eyes with vertical pupils. When she spoke again, he caught a glance of fangs. “Pony kind has never exactly welcomed us.”

Star blinked in surprise at the dark-grey bat-pony.

* “Why do you seem so shocked? Surely you've met my children before?” Nightmare's thoughts were strangely warm. It was a little unnerving for Star.

After a few quiet moments, Granny arched an eyebrow. “Bat got your tongue?”

The pegasus gave a polite smile, keenly aware of her judging eyes. “I'm mostly just stunned. Other than the two who guard the Princess on Nightmare Night, I've haven't seen any other bat-ponies.” A thought occurred to him. “I always thought they were just illusions for fun. Were they real?”

“Heck if I know. I don't keep up with holidays and all that nonsense.” She walked around the corner. “Welp, let's get this over with.”

Star followed, entering a large rounded chamber, dimly lit at the center by a glowing boulder-sized piece of amber that pulsed rhythmically every few seconds. Moths and other insects along with many pony-faced wisps buzzed and floated around the yellow crystal while below, bat-ponies of various colors huddled together in groups of five or more. Taking a quick count, Star figured there was around a hundred ponies.

He gave a slight jump when a pale coated bat-mare slipped out of the shadows from the side of the entrance and blocked him.

“Who's this, Granny?” she asked suspiciously, looking him up and down with those strange eyes.

The older bat-pony waved a dismissive hoof. “Oh, don't mind him none, Rime. The Princess invited him to come along.”

“Oh, really?” She gave him a skeptical look, one of her long tuffed ears giving a twitch. “Why'd she bring a pegasus down here? You know how they get.”

“Now, now. Don't get your tail in a twist. He may not look like much, but he did spend a couple hours standing alone in the glow-worm cave.” Granny's comment caused Rime to blink in surprise and look to Star with a hint of curiosity. “If you'll excuse us?” The older bat-pony brushed past her.

As Star trotted by, he met Rime's stare and gave her a polite smile. She simply studied him a few more moments before sidestepping back into the shadows. With their path cleared, Star now faced a room full of bat-ponies. He pondered on the strangeness of it all, for as far as he knew, bat-ponies in Equestria were so rare, very few citizens had ever met them. Yet, here he was, walking into a cavern filled with them.

Granny led him deeper into the dimly lit chamber, and he noticed more and more of the ponies turn to look at him before waking their sleeping companions. Yawns and stretches were quickly followed by intense stares in his direction. Whispers began to roll through the chamber as he found himself slightly unnerved by so many vertically pupiled eyes fixed upon him. Even the eyes of ponies far off at the edges of the cave reflected brilliantly in the crystal's light.

* “Beautiful, aren't they?” Nightmare beamed.

It was then that he noticed the expressions of those closest as he passed by. Many watched him with cold, judging eyes, following his every move. Some scrunched their noses up and looked away, a couple even pulled back their lips, giving a sneer that showed off their bat-fangs. And while there were plenty who looked on with wide-eyed curiosity or a calmness that betrayed nothing, he didn't see a single smile in the sea of shadowed faces. He forced himself to remember Luna's teachings on remaining diplomatic and noble, keeping his stride measured and confident, yet he took the time to look out among the masses, to meet eyes, and prove he wasn't afraid, nor too arrogant to ignore them.

They trotted around the amber's base and down a slight embankment towards one of the small passage in the opposite wall. Star noticed a gentle blue glow emanating from inside and began to feel the cool comfort in his heart that being near Luna provided. He couldn't fight back the smile that spread on his muzzle as they reached the opening in the wall. Granny led the way in and stood aside as Star exited the short passage into a smaller cave that was about the size of the royal quarters back home.

Luna looked up as he approached, a glowing orb of her magic providing light as it hovered above. She was laying on her belly surrounded by bat-fillies and colts, most a few years younger than Star. They were cuddled up against her three deep, limbs and necks weaving a living blanket that left only Luna's neck and top of her back exposed.

The alicorn gave him a welcoming smile then glanced down at the young, a look of compassion and pride in her twinkling eyes. Her gaze reminded Star of when his mother hugged him after he'd earned his cutie-mark. He quietly walked up and shared a gentle nuzzle with his wife over the sleeping forms, careful not to wake them.

Luna tilted her head up to whisper in his ear. “I doth apologize, my love. I hath been... detained.” She arched her neck down to gently kiss a pale yellow filly on the nose, a look on her face that caused his heart to ache. It was a combination of longing, love, and regret. His sometimes cold Goddess of the Moon seemed exposed here, nestled in a pile of young bat ponies.

Star nodded, giving her an understanding smile. “It's okay, somepony came to get me.” He whispered, glancing back at the entrance, but Granny had quietly slipped away.

The Princess used her magic and a wing to carefully scoot some of the young ponies aside. At her gesture Star slipped into the spot next to her side, her wing falling over his back before her magic replaced the others, trapping him against her in a pile of dozing forms.

While the occasional exposed fang or the odd velvet furred bat-wings unnerved him a little bit, he felt safe and warm amongst them. Oddly enough, even Nightmare seemed pleased by the situation content to curl up in the darkness of his mind, soaking in the sensations of touch and emotions he provided her. A part of him wondered what history the dark mare had with these bat-ponies. Here in this small cave, he could hear every breath and exhale, every shift of hooves and leathery wings. Carefully, he laid his head against Luna's neck and could even hear her pulse throbbing in his ear. There was something about being in the depths of the earth that seemed to heighten the senses.

“What happened to you?” he asked softly.

Star glanced up to notice the faintest embarrassed smile on Luna's lips. “An unexpected drop-off. Under the surface of the water, tis black as the void and I was without bearing. I teleported here with the intention of returning for thee. Alas, the little ones... attached themselves to me and I could not bear to deny them.”

“So, you sent Granny?”

“Indeed. Though, I did ask that she fetch thee hours ago.”

Star snorted and gave a wry smile. “I'll bet she took so long on purpose. I get the feeling she was expecting to find me a quivering ball of feathers, begging to go back to the surface.”

Luna nuzzled at the top of his head between his ears. “Perhaps. If tis any consolation, thou hath earned a little of her respect.”

The pegasus leaned up into Luna's affectionate touch. “I see how you look at these fillies and colts. Who are they?”

“My children.”

Star stiffened and heard Luna giggle softly. “Not biologically, my love.” At that, he relaxed and waited for her to continue. “The short answer; I am responsible for their ancestor's creation long ago.”

She gave a gentle sigh before continuing. “When I returned from mine banishment, I thought them gone, lost to time. Thou can only imagine mine joy at their survival.”

“I can see it in your eyes.” He glanced up and met her smile.

“Indeed. However, I hath had minimal contact since mine return. Tia expressed... concerns due to history and asked that I take proceed with caution in reuniting with them. During mine absence, my children made occasional attempts to rejoin pony society, but their appearance unnerves and frightens many. So much so, that there hath been violence against them in the past.”

Now the looks he got walking in made sense. The bat-ponies saw him as just another Equestrian citizen who would judge and fear them. He couldn't lie to himself, he did feel slightly uneasy as he looked down at the bat-winged fillies and colts. And those eyes... Nightmare Moon's eyes. He gave a soft shiver and mentally reminded himself that these ponies were not the enemy. Yet, he could understand why pony society would have a hard time accepting them. Ponies were naturally cautious of strange things. It was how they survived the wilds and hostile creatures before Equestria.

A clearing of a throat caught both their attention and Star looked up to find Granny at the exit passage. “I'm sorry to interrupt, Princess, but this bunch has work to do, and the rest of the colony is getting hungry. Trust me, you don't want that.”

Star arched an eyebrow, a little concerned what hungry bat-ponies were like. “Do they get aggressive or something?”

“No, they just get rather whiny.”

* “Hah!”

Granny looked to Luna expectantly. With a resigned sigh, the alicorn gave a gentle dip of her chin, her teal eyes sweeping over the dozing ponies around her. “Tis a shame they cannot linger longer.”

The old bat-pony slapped her hoof to the stone floor, the resounding crack ringing in Star's ears. “Alright you lazy ragamuffins. You've slacked from your duties long enough. Up, up, up!”

At her hoof-slam and stern voice, the other bat-ponies stirred and began to stagger to their hooves, groaning and protesting softly. A few glanced at Star with confusion, their sleepy minds not quite comprehending why a pegasus was snuggled up with them and the Princess. But they didn't have time to voice their questions as Granny herded them up with the efficiency of a sheep-dog. Within a couple minutes, the entire group had marched out of the room. Before she left, Granny looked over her shoulder at Luna.

“Princess, could you take a moment to talk some sense into Knight-Captain Gale? She's been gloomy since we left home. It's annoying to be around, especially since she's the one that's supposed to be leading this little field-trip. Bah, kids. Always with their muzzles against the tree bark.” She left Luna and Star, muttering under her breath.

Star cocked his head to the side. “Muzzles against the... what?”

Luna giggled softly. “I doth believe tis in reference to the saying, 'One cannot see the forest for the trees.”

She stood, stretching out her long legs one at a time, much to Star's quiet enjoyment, then proceeded to straighten her regalia and Star's feather before striding out of the chamber, leaving her husband scrambling to catch up.

Outside in the main cavern, lit by the soft pulsing light of the massive amber crystal, the bat-ponies were clustered into groups, being served something in deep tin pans by the younger ponies. Star mused that none of the ponies seemed younger than 16 or so. He made a mental note to ask Luna where the rest of the very young or very old ponies were.

Thankfully, the colony was so focused on their breakfast that they paid him little heed, instead giving respectful bows of their head when Luna passed close by. The pair strode across the chamber to another hole in the wall on the other side, guarded by a pair of fully armored bat-ponies. Their plating was black with purple trim that was complimented by the purple wrapped hilt of the swords belted around their waists. They bowed to Luna, but gave Star only skeptical glances, before gesturing to the tunnel between them. The Princess dipped her chin slightly in thanks and led Star into the passage.

About fifty hooves later, the rough cut tunnel opened up into a chamber about the size of Star's dorm-room. Light from a patch of pale blue crystals embedded in the ceiling illuminated a spot at the rear of the room where an armored bat-mare sat on her haunches, her back towards them. Her forehooves rested on the pommel of a long sword and her head was bowed. Before her was a jagged carving of a crescent moon with a glassy texture that appeared to be obsidian.

Except for the faint echoing of voices from the main chamber, the room was silent as Luna and he stood patiently waiting for her to finish. From the back, Star could only see her ears and flanks outside of the armor, noting her teal fur color and darker teal tail. Then she softly spoke, as though to herself.

“A thousand times—a thousand-thousand times I have awoken and said my evening prayers to you. Yet, tonight the words escape me. Oh, Mother Moon. Now that you walk among us again, those words I've said countless nights seem so hollow. Who am I to ask you for anything? I lost my faith in you. I am unworthy to even be here.” The mare slumped her shoulders, armor plates shifting.

Luna laid a slippered hoof on Star's shoulder, bidding him to remain before quietly walking up behind the bat-mare and draping a wing around her. “If thou were unworthy, thy Mistress wouldth not sent thee to answer mine call. As for the words to speakth, it matters not. Words art but air. Tis the emotion behind them; Hope, love, pride, compassion, even rage and anger. To feel is to live. One should be honest with their feelings. So, now that thou hast mine ear, speak true and from thy heart.”

Gale's voice cracked slightly, “Mother Moon... I-I thought you had abandoned us. Growing up, all I ever wanted to do was be a guardian of the night like my ancestors. I worked hard and became a Lunar Knight... but then we found out you had returned from the moon. And I waited for your summons. I waited, and waited... but you never called us home, you never came to us.”

The bat-pony exhaled. “I believed we were forsaken, unworthy of your attention anymore. I thought that... somehow, we'd done something to offend you. That I was... nothing.”

Luna tightened her wing around the other mare and leaned down to nuzzle at her cheek. “Thou art not forgotten. For tis the bat-ponies whom kept mine memory alive whilst I slept within the moon. For that, I am ever grateful. Twas simply a time and a place for our meeting.”

“Here and now?”

“Indeed. The Grand Mistress sent thee to command these ponies. So one must ask; art thou up to the task?”

“If you can forgive me for not being patient and losing faith in your return.”

“Thou art forgiven, for I understand all too well. However, I require thy loyalty and commitment for what is to transpire. May I place mine trust in thee to do what must be done?”

Gale gently laid her sword on the ground and turned to bow low. “My blade and life are at your command, Mother Moon. I swear that I'll repair the damage my shame has brought to the Lunar Knights.”

The blue alicorn lifted her chin. “I shalt watch thy progress with hopeful heart.”

* “She plays this game oh so well.”

The bat-pony gently lifted herself up and gave Luna a nervous smile. “May I make one request, Mother?” At Luna's nod she continued. “May I hug you?”

Star could see the smirk on his wife's face as she reached out and cuddled the armored pony to her chest, a smile forming on his own lips as Gale flailed about in surprise for a few moments before clutching tightly to the Princess.

* “You have a strange effect on her, bird-horse. She was never this... affectionate when I knew her.”

The pegasus turned away and whispered into his hoof. “You act like that's a bad thing.”

* “Not at all. That mare is putty in her hooves. You've simply given her more tools to use.”

He sighed at Nightmare's comment and found Luna looking at him curiously.

“Art thou well, Star?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I guess my mind was wandering.”

Luna released the bat-pony, whom replaced her sword in the scabbard and was eyeing the pegasus with wary caution. “Gale, allow me to introduce mine husband and Shadow-Guard, Starstep.”

Whisper's eyes widened slightly. “Husband?”

Star trotted over and gave a polite nod. “Yeah, it's a pretty recent thing. Anyhoof, it's nice to meet you, Gale.”

She looked down at the feather on his chest, then up at the one on Luna's before giving a shrug. “Congratulations? I mean no disrespect, I'm just not sure what to say, honestly.” Her eyes flicked to his wings but she said nothing about them. “This isn't the reason you called to us, is it, Mother?”

Luna gave a faint shake of her head. “Did the Grand Mistress not inform thee of the circumstances?”

“Only that I was to take the fastest fliers to meet you here and avoid detection at all costs.”

“I see. Then I must inquire—wilst thou and thy soliders protect non-batponies?”

Gale looked up into Luna's serious eyes. “Yes, Mother. We will protect the other pony races; we do have a little bit of enmity between us, but we've never forgotten that they are your subjects.”

“Splendid. Then allow us to brief thee on all that hast transpired and the task at hoof.”

Luna retold most of what had happened regarding the loss of Spurlin, the trip to Trottingham with the refugees, and the threat from the outcast griffon clans. She did leave out specifics involving the Red Griffon herself, and never told Gale that Star was responsible for the intelligence on when the griffons would be striking them.

With the story finished, Luna took on her commanding pose. “At this point, I must insist that all further information is given to others only upon great need.” She looked to her husband, “This also applies to thee, Starstep. Neither of thou shalt divulge what is to transpire unless lives art at risk.”

Luna didn't wait for acknowledgments, assuming it was a moot point. Her horn glowed bright and a sheet of blue magic washed over the stone wall, leaving behind a glowing map of the nearby valley pass. By Star's best guess, it had to be at least ten to fifteen miles of narrow roads and side passages that wormed their way through the mountains to the other side and Trottingham territory.

Around the half-way point there was a softly pulsing white glow. Star noted that many of the passages converged at this spot, including the only road wide enough to allow the herd to pass through at a reasonable pace.

The Princess pointed a slippered hoof at the glowing area. “Note this location. I suspect this wilst be the most likely of ambush points. It contains high cliff faces, little ground cover, and thick mud.”

While not a tactician, even Starstep could understand Luna's sound reasoning. Only a handful of narrow winding paths bypassed the spot, so it was almost assured they'd go through the choke-point.

“Celestia and the herd hath camped at the mouth of the mountain pass. There we shalt remain and prepare a defense.”

Gale studied the map for a moment. “Is the herd going to sit and wait for the griffons to come to them? I'll bet they'll try and panic the herd into the pass.”

“Indeed. My sister and I suspect this wilst be the case. Tis at this point that I call upon thy services.” Luna's horn glowed again, burning small arrows and unit markings into the wall. “Tonight, send thy stealthiest of ponies to assess the outcast's numbers and confirm their locations. It is imperative that they not be discovered.”

“I know just the ponies for the job.”

“Be careful of thy words to them, Gale. Tell them only to look for potential threats and report back.”

“Yes, Mother.”

“Then, thou art to report to me at dawn with thy findings, and bring an escort. I expect thee to impress upon the herd and Spurlin guards. Tis my wish that thy arrival wilst be the talk of the campfires that morning.”

At that, Gale raised an eyebrow.

* “My, my, our dear Luna is certainly setting up an interesting game. You should be taking notes.”

Star pushed Nightmare's words aside “Princess, are we just going to wait for the griffons?”

“In warfare, tis not only positioning that results in victory, but knowledge of thy enemy and timing. Have faith, husband. We will prevail.”

Gale and Luna discussed a few other minor logistics while Nightmare began to hum some old melody in Star's head. He wondered if the bat-ponies were the cause for the dark-mare's more pleasant demeanor. Despite her little snippy comments, she'd otherwise been relatively nice. He half-considered asking Luna to keep bat-ponies around at all times.

Then he noticed both mares staring at him. Gale seemed shocked, ears perked, both eyes wide, while Luna cocked her head slightly with an amused smile on her lips.

Star looked around, thinking maybe somepony had walked in behind him. Seeing nopony, he turned back. “What?”

The Lunar Knight's expression softened slightly. “That song. Where did you hear that?”

“Song? Wha...” And then he suddenly realized he'd started humming along with Nightmare. “Oh, honestly, I'm not sure. I've seen and heard a lot of strange stuff lately.”

“The Grand-Mistress used to hum that. The words are long forgotten, but she told me it had been passed down through the Masters and Mistresses, starting with the first who learned it from Nightma-...” Gales eyes widen and flicked to Luna. “I-I didn't mean to...”

“Tis quite alright. For me to deny whom I was in the past, is to ignore the mistakes I hath made.”

* “A thousand years and they still remember the tune of our song? I wonder what else my children remember of us?”

Luna used her magic to wipe away the map. “History aside, Star and I must take our leave. We hath much to prepare and thou hath a mission to complete.”

“I understand. Thank you for coming, Mother Moon. And thank you for believing in me. I wont let you down.”

“Indeed, together, we mayth yet save the refugees. I shalt look for thee come dawn. Night protect you, Gale.”

“Be well, Mother. Be well, Starstep.” Gale gave him a respectful dip of her head, which he returned.

“Fly safe out there.” he said with a smile.

Gale walked over to the exit and bowed respectfully as Luna left the room, followed by Star. But as he drew even with the bat-pony, she stiffened and jerked her head up, staring into his eyes in confusion.

“Mother Moon?” Gale called after Luna's retreating form.

The alicorn halted and looked over her shoulder, “Yes?”

“May I have a few moments with your husband?”

Luna smiled. “Tis up to him, as I am not his keeper. We hath a few moments to spare as I must offer my farewells to the others, lest the young ponies take offense with our sudden departure.” She looked to Star questioningly.

The pegasus gave a slight nod. “Sure, it's fine. I'll catch right up, Princess.” At his assurance, Luna continued on, soon vanishing around the tunnel bend. He turned to face the bat-pony. “So, what's up?”

Gale leaned in, studying his eyes before starting to circle him. “There's something odd about you. And familiar at the same time.”

Star unfurled a wing. “Black feathers?”

“No... not a physical oddity. It's a gut feeling. When you walked by, I felt like I should know you. Kind of like how I feel when I'm close to Mother Moon, but different.”

“Uh...” The pegasus backed away from the other pony. “Look, I'm flattered and all...”

Gale scrunched up her nose, ears flattening. “Not that kind of feeling. Something... off. I can't put my hoof on it.” She stopped in front of him. “Who are you, really?”

* “Don't look now, bird-horse. But I think this one is onto us.” Nightmare seemed amused by the prospect.

“A simple pegasus from Ponyville who loves Princess Luna. That's all I've ever been.”

The bat-pony closed the distance between them with frightening speed, placing a hoof-tip on Star's chest just to the side of Luna's feather. “You may be Mother's husband and I respect that, but there is something seriously strange about you. By the moonlight, I swear if you're hiding something that will hurt her, I will personally end you.”

* "I wonder if all my children have become this violent. I do hope so."

Star took a page from Lighthoof's book and gave her a crowd winning smile. “I am married to the Moon Goddess. Maybe you saw me in your dreams?”

Gale shook her head and snorted. “Not a chance. Mark my words, I'm going to figure out why you give me the creeps.”

“Look, I'd like for us to get along since the Princess loves you all like her kids. As cheesy as it might sound, my goal in life is to make her happy. So what can I do to prove it?”

"Explain why I have the urge to both hug you like Mother and run away screaming in terror?"

* "Perhaps it was something you ate?"

Star just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have an answer."

Gale narrowed her eyes and laid back her ears. "Then we have nothing further to discuss." The teal bat-pony stepped aside. "I'm sure Mother is waiting for you, but this isn't over. I will figure it out."

"Uh, well... till we meet again, I guess." Star gave her a parting smiled before trotting away with as much grace and nobility as he could fake. Once outside the tunnel, he found Luna surrounded near the passage exit by the bat-ponies, clamoring for her attention.

Luna glanced back to see Star approaching and raised her voice. “Alas, my dear ponies. I hath pressing matters to attend to. Listen to thy Knight-Captain Gale and do thy best in the coming days. We shalt all gather again one day soon.”

There were sounds of disappointment from the younger bat-ponies and scattered pleas for her to remain, but as Star drew abreast with her, Luna's horn glowed bright and in a brilliant flash, the pair found themselves outside the cave on the rocky hillside, the waxing moon shining through the cloudy skies that had finally relented their drizzling. Far in the distance at the foot of the massive cliff-face that marked Howling pass, tiny campfires flickered, marking the position of the herd.

As Luna started off, Star took to her right and glanced up at her a few times, a question nagging at him. Eventually she smirked and caught his look. “Speak, my love.”

“I... well... I think it's great you got in touch with some ponies to help us with the griffons, but I didn't count more than maybe a hundred, a third of them being my age or a little younger. The prisoner told us there was least a thousand outcasts, maybe more.”

“And so, thou questions the effectiveness of such a small force in the battle to come?” At Star's nod she continued. “They wilst assist in saving some lives, but they cannot hope to shift the battle to our favor alone. However, they art not the only ones my sister and I hath reached out to for aid. Yet, we must assume they wilst not arrive in time and plan accordingly.”

“I'm just worried about the herd.”

“Take heart, we art not beaten yet for thou did not marry a weakling.” Her ethereal tail whipped around to snap him on the flank.

Star looked up into Luna's twinkling eyes and smiled. “No, I married a prankster incarnate.”

“Ha-ha, tis true! I shalt yet giveth Discord a run for his bits.”

“From what I hear, I don't think cotton candy clouds will deter the griffons.”

“Tis a shame, for they art quite tasty.” They shared a chuckle.

The pair walked in silence for a moment before Luna spoke, her tone a bit more somber now. “My love. Where fore didst thou hear that old tune?”

* “Yes, where did you hear it?” Nightmare was grinning like a cat.

He considered saying it was just a spirit from the ruins, which was technically true, but something nagged at him not to use that as an answer. Then he remembered an old saying: 'Sometimes the best lies are the truth.'

“From Nightmare that I met in the ruins.”

“Ah.” Luna turned away and began the long walk down the hillside towards the herd, Star taking his place at her right side. “To hear that tune doth brings me bittersweet memories. Twould thou hum it again?” She looked to the pegasus hopefully.

Much to Star's surprise Nightmare began to sing the notes to the song once more. After a couple of failed attempts to get the right key, he followed along, singing the tune instead of humming for his Princess. She wore a reserved smile with a bit of sadness in her eyes, but he could sense that she was pleased.

They journeyed on in the darkness towards the encamped refugees, Star's voice echoing across the hills, a melody over the backdrop of crickets and other night insects. At some point, Luna joined in, singing the forgotten words in a language Star didn't recognize, but the haunting sound of it sent a chill up his spine and filled him with a strange resolve he couldn't explain.

During a lull in the melody, Nightmare whispered to him.

* “The last song Goldwing ever heard.”


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To Love the Moon

Chapter LVIII

By Indigo Eclipse

Dawn of the Final Day. 24 Hours remain.

Starstep blinked his eyes a couple of times, vision blurred as he stared up at the dimly lit clouds above. He furrowed his brow in confusion, his mind unable to recall when he'd gone to sleep. Even in his waking daze, he searched out for the chilling tingle of Nightmare in his head and found her preoccupied with something. As his mental probing reached her, the dark mare drifted further into the dark corners of his thoughts. The whispers of her mischievous laugh slipping through his mind.

He frowned slightly, brow furrowed in confusion. He couldn't remember any dreams from last night. Had Nightmare's dreams been so bad his mind blanked them out? Or had he had any at all? At least she seemed to be ignoring him for now, and for that he was at least a little grateful.

With his eyes now adjusted to the light of dawn, he looked about, noting that he'd slept on top of a mossy, granite outcropping, the top nearly flat and wide enough for a few ponies. His gaze drifted west, finding that his sleeping spot was at the outskirts of the refugee camp. On the other side of the camp, the jagged maw of the massive granite wall towered over them all. He had to crane his neck back to see the top edge hundreds of hooves high. He was but an ant to this massive sheet of stone.

A sliver of orange light glimmered in his peripheral, turning his attention east. The sun had crept just over the horizon, casting the faintest silhouette of Luna sitting at the edge of his granite rock. Quietly, he pulled himself to his hooves and walked over to sit at her side. There they remained in quiet contemplation, Celestia's sun ever so slowly bathing the tops of the eastern foothills in orange and yellow, and the tip of Howling Pass's granite face before crawling down its surface.

The pegasus glanced up at his wife. Her jaw was tight, and dark circles adorned her determined eyes. Only her ethereal mane moved as she stared down the sun. Together they watched it rise, side to side.

Patiently he waited, listening to the occasional gusts of eastern wind ruffle through their feathers, and jangled the chains that held their tokens of love, the wind still cool from the evening dew out in the foothill. No pony yet stirred in the camp, and the sentries were quiet statues at their posts. Even Nightmare remained silent. For the briefest of moments, it felt to Starstep as though Luna and he were the only ponies around. He embraced that feeling, wishing he could hold onto it forever.

The coolness that radiated from his wife soothed Star. It was calm, calculating, with that hint of promised rage hiding just under the ice. The nagging fears of the coming battle frosted over and fell away, leaving him more at peace than he had felt in days. No, peace wasn't the right word.

Focused. That was the crisp sharpness he had in his heart and mind.

As he was reflecting on his thoughts, Luna spoke, so softly he had to strain his ears to hear her

“All the world's a stage.”

Star looked up at her. “Bit for your thoughts?”

Luna's lips curled into a slight smirk. “I didth not think thee a wealthy pony, for I hath many a thought.”

He slyly smiled. “Well, seeing as I'm a prince now, I do have access to the Royal Treasury.”

“Oh-ho!” Luna put a hoof to her chest. “So thou didst marry me for mine fortunes!”

“And power, don't forget that. Because you know I'll use it horde all the Moon-pies for myself.”

“Oh, the scandal! Truly there shalt be rioting within Canterlot's streets. I fear the depths to which the citizens shalt go for but a morsel of delicious cake and marshmallow.” They shared a little laugh and leaned against each other.

Star nuzzled softly at her. “So, what's troubling you?”

“I fear that mine efforts might hath been in vain. That mine plans mayth not result in the desired outcome.”

Star arched an eyebrow, “To keep everypony safe from the rogue griffons?”

“Amongst other things.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Worry not, my love. Thou hast assisted mine efforts on a scale that I cannot hope to properly compensate thee.”

He was about to ask what exactly he'd done to help when the clanking of armor and chain, and the creak of faux-leather caught their attention.

Lighthoof was trotting towards them wearing a grin, his ears up and a spark of excitement in his eyes. He paused before their rock and bowed politely. “Your highnesses,” Star grimaced at the title but noted Light's smirk. “Some ponies just showed up to help us in the coming battle and you'll never believe who.”

Star and Luna shared a knowing smile and hopped off their rocky perch to follow. Light turned and lead them towards camp, stepping high, apparently oblivious to the small racket he made in the gold and onyx armor.

“So...” Star began, “Who is it? I haven't seen you this giddy since that date with whats-her-name in boot camp.”

“No spoilers from me, dude. And her name was Daisy.”

Star glanced at Luna who simply arched an eyebrow at him and gave a small grin.

As they trotted along, Star and Luna noticed more and more recently awoken ponies talking excitedly, some even beginning to follow behind the trio, which soon grew to account for a fair sized portion of the herd. Light led them to the mouth of the Howling Pass where Celestia and a few of the commanding officers, including White-Feather Alexander, were talking to a tall mare in a long winter coat. A quick glance at Luna showed she wore her usual stoic mask, but Star saw the faintest hints in the corner of her eyes or tightness in her jaw that were signs of disappointment and a little anger. It certainly wasn't who they were expecting.

Behind the new mare were ranks of Earth Ponies clad nose to hoof in heavy metal plates, polished to a brilliant shine. They were easily the size of Big Mac and Star himself had to admit that they were an impressive and intimidating sight. He imagined that if just one of those massive ponies sat on him with all that armor, it'd probably break every bone in his body. He didn't even want to consider the damage they'd do on a charge. He noticed that Lighthoof's eyes kept drifting to the ranked juggernauts of steel and wondered what his brother knew about them.

Just behind the armored ponies were ten wagons, metal plates bolted to their sides and wheels, each sporting a massive crossbow on a pivoting turret mounted in their beds. . A small stack of bolts the length of a pony laid on the wagon’s seats. At each wagon he saw three unicorns, all wearing chain and thick, grey cloth armor. Two from each team stood at parade rest before their war-engine, the third with a spyglass to their eye, scanning the skies around them.

As the trio joined Celestia, she gestured with a hoof towards them. “Commandant Frost, you know my sister, but this is her husband, Prince Starstep, and Knight of Equestria, Lighthoof.”

As the mare turned her head towards each of them in turn, her eyes hidden behind snow goggles, Star took a moment to look her over. She was tall, with an athletic build, but not anywhere near the scale of the armored Earth Ponies behind her. Frost's coat was a very pale blue, adorned with a short cut mane and tail of lilac striped with white. She wore a heavy black winter coat that draped over most of her body, accented at the collar with plush white fur. A squared hat of white fur sat on her head, her ears tucked inside. Since there was no horn, Star could only guess that she was either another Earth Pony, or a Pegasus, since her wings would be hidden by the thick coat.

Frost's attention seemed to linger a moment longer on Lighthoof than the rest before she put on a polite, yet sterile, smile. With a thick accent she spoke. “I am most pleased to meet your acquaintances, I am Commandant Frost of Stalliongrad's 3rd battalion. I have brought five units of Earth-Breakers and ten Carro-ballista crews to escort you through the pass.”

Light leaned over and whispered to Star. “Are any of those massive metal ponies mares? Think I can get a date?” He received a gentle elbow in the side in reply.

Celestia smiled, “We gladly welcome your help and I'm pleased you were able to make such good time, Commandant. Stalliongrad is quite the trot from here.”

“We would have rendezvoused with you yesterday evening, but griffons assaulted us in the pass, much to their misfortune. Will the refugees be ready to depart soon?”

Luna lifted her chin. “Thy help is most welcome, however we shalt remain to set a defense. To funnel the herd through the tight passages of the pass shalt only result in unnecessary deaths.”

Frost turned her head to Celestia who nodded in agreement. “I'm afraid my sister speaks the truth. Even with your noble forces helping to defend I fear the worst. Perhaps you would like to discuss tactics with our command staff? Together you may find a way to save these ponies.” She gestured her golden shod hoof towards the watching herd.

The Commandant saluted, a hoof smacking soundly to her chest. “Of course. We are at your command.” She spun sharply around to address her troops in a loud, authoritarian voice. “3rd battalion, defensive operation. Captains, report to the command tent after perimeter duties are set. That is all.”

“Commandant!” shouted a unicorn spotter on the back of one of the armored wagons, a hoof pointing towards the rising sun. “Incoming fliers!” Immediately, all of the heavy crossbows were drawn back by the magic of the unicorn crews and bolts with net-wrapped heads were set into the firing groves. Star could see the smooth, practiced motions of the crew and knew these were hardly rookies.

As the fliers came closer, Star could make out just three outlines and when he noticed they were far too small to be griffons, he exhaled in relief. All of the herd was now watching the three new-comers land on the outskirts of the camp and began walking towards them. Star lost sight of them, but he could hear the whispers of the crowd grow, marking their progress. Whoever they were, certainly had stirred up uncertainty and confusion amongst the refugees. Then the whispers rolled through the crowd and he made out 'bat-pony'. Along with other words of concern.

The herd parted like the sea to allow three armored bat ponies to into the area with the Princesses. Leading the trio was Knight-Captain Gale herself. Her ornate black and purple armor contrasted with her teal coat and dark-teal mane. Her vertical pupiled eyes glanced towards the 3rd battalion, a little smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. Her escort was one bat-pony Star didn't recognize, and one other he faintly recalled meeting in the caves.

The trio of bat-ponies stopped across from the Stalliongrad ponies with the Princesses between them. Celestia had an eyebrow arched at the new arrivals, a questioning look then given to her sister as Luna stepped forward to greet them.

Lighthoof gave a low whistle before whispering, “Stalliongrad and bat-ponies? This day is getting crazy.”

Luna gave a friendly smile. “I welcome thee, Knight-Captain Gale. Praytell, what brings thee to us?”

Gale bowed low, her bat-wings sweeping out, and her voice loud enough for the herd behind her to hear. “Honored Mother-Moon, we have responded to your call to aid these ponies.”

Murmurs rolled through the crowd.

Frost scoffed. “Well, this is a first. The bat-ponies helping someone other than themselves?” Frost words were dripping with spite. “I almost find this situation ironic.”

Star noticed a flash of irritation on Luna's face before she turned towards the Commandant. “There art not reasons for such harsh words. A call for aid was sent and they hath answered the call. Tis not the time for discontent between us.”

Celestia stepped forward, dipping her head slightly towards the Bat-Pony leader with a motherly smile, though Star could see the wariness in her eyes. “Luna is right. We welcome you, Gale. I only regret it's not under better circumstances that we finally meet.”

Gale's eyes flickered to Luna before she bit her lip and bowed low before the Sun-Goddess. “Thank you for welcoming us, Princess Celestia. We hope this is the first step in building friendship and trust. I know our history with you is... strained at best.”

“I share your hope. Now, is it just you three we need to make room for?”

“No, Princess. There's a hundred and twenty-seven bat-ponies at my command.” More than a few of the herd pawed at the ground nervously and plenty began to scan the skies and cliff edges. “The Grand-Mistress sent her swiftest to assist you in any way we can. We have also taken it upon ourselves to locate these hostile griffons.”

Luna tried to hide a smile as Celestia spoke, ears-perked. “Oh? I do hope you were careful. Perhaps we should discuss this further in private?”

The blue alicorn shook her head, “Nay sister, tis time the herd knew the full extent of the threat that we face.”

Celestia turned her head towards Luna, her voice lowering. “I'm not certain...”

“One-thousand, eight-hundred.” Gale's number gave Celestia pause and a couple of the ponies amongst the herd fainted at her words. “A few hundred pursue you, the rest have cobbled together a camp to the west amongst the mountain crags. Ready to descend upon you as you make your way through.”

Hurried whispers rolled through the crowd as the information was relayed to the back. Those soon turned to soft arguing and before long a few were shouting in panic. It made Star's heart ache to see the fear on their faces.

Frost sighed. “You always were one to exaggerate. We made it through the pass with only a patrol to hinder us. Not this thousand griffons that you suggest is there.”

Gale stomped forward towards the Commandant. “Are you claiming me to be a liar? Because coming from a traitor like you, it's beyond insulting.”

Frost closed the distance between them, coming nose-to-nose with the slightly smaller Bat-mare. “Traitor? To who?”

“Your family.”

“All ponies are family. If you'd ever come out of your caves instead of hiding from the world like skulking children, maybe you'd discover that. So if anyone is the traitor, it's you and the rest of the xenophobic mares running the colony.”

Gale bristled, shoving her nose against Frost's. “Yeah? Well just so you know, while you were out playing soldier in Stalliongrad, our mother died. With her last words she asked to see you one last time.” Her voice lowered to a sarcastic tone. “But then, you were always good at disappointing her.”

The revelation seemed to physically hurt the Commandant as she staggered backwards. A mare unicorn in a trench coat from the 3rd's ranks hurried towards her, but she held out a hoof, keeping the other mare at bay. She gritted her teeth and looked down her nose at Gale through her snow-goggles. “I may be a disappointment to our birth mother, but it's apparent you're an embarrassment to our other Mother.”

Gale put a hoof to her sword hilt.

“Ohhhhh buck.” Light whispered next to Star. “This is about to get ugly.”

“ENOUGH!” Luna's Royal Canterlot voice shook the ground and stilled the growing tension. She stalked forward and leaned down so only those very close could hear her. “Ponies lives art at risk and instead of focusing on the task at hoof, thou delve into petty arguments in front of thy subordinates and citizens. Truly a shameful display.”

Both of the other mares looked away, cheeks reddened.

“Wilst thou both put aside thy foalish argument in the name of the greater good?”

They looked at her then reluctantly each other, and nodded. The expressions on their faces made it very clear they were not happy about it, but it seemed to appease Luna as she returned to Celestia's side.

The Sun-Goddess turned to face the herd, her voice loud and very clear. “Citizens of Spurlin, both the warriors from Stalliongrad and the bat-ponies have agreed to assist in keeping you safe from the rogue griffons.” This was met with a spattering of nods and murmurs of approval. “Please, join me in welcoming them.” She began to stomp a hoof on the ground. It took a few moments of awkward uncertainty before the herd joined in and soon the ground was trembling from the thousand hooves slamming the earth and stone.

Celestia raised a hoof to quiet the stomping. “My little ponies, one last trial awaits us. As you may have heard, the rogue griffons plan on attacking us. I ask any pony with the courage to fight to report to the command tent. It is voluntary to enlist in the militia and you are welcome to leave its ranks once we arrive at Trottingham. For those willing to fight for their friends, families and pony-kind, please report by noon. Before then, take time to eat and enjoy the company of friends. That is all.”

The herd discussed with each other for a bit, some directing nervous looks at both the Stalliongrad and bat-ponies. A few seemed to be shouting their intentions to help with the fight. While the mood was somewhat mixed, Star believed the herd seemed hopeful. Eventually they began to disperse, making their way to campfires or towards the command tent.

Celestia turned and gave both Frost and Gale her best motherly disapproving stare. “You're both in a position of authority and I expect you to act like it. Whatever your grievances with one another are, bury them for the herd's sake.” She gave Luna a firm nod and gracefully walked away.

Commandant Frost turned to address her troops. “You know your duties. Set the perimeter and be vigilant.” She then looked over her shoulder at Gale, opened her mouth to say something, thought better of it, and marched off to catch up to Celestia.

Star strained his neck so he could whisper in Luna's ear. “Well, I don't think that's what you had planned.”

She sighed faintly. “Neigh, my love. Twas not expecting Stalliongrad so soon, and most certainly not that pony as their leader. However, tis not to say their assistance is not welcome.” She turned to face the refugee command staff, including the few griffons who had attended the meeting.

“Officers, Griffon nobles, and Knight Lighthoof, I ask that thou create a streamlined method in which we may enlist any volunteers from the herd and train them in the basics that may allow for their survival. I shalt send the Knight-Captain to join you shortly as well. Until then, I wouldth ask that thou devise any means or tactics that may tilt the odds into our favor against such a sizable force of griffons. Thou art dismissed.”

Before Light departed he pulled Star off to the side and whispered, “Hey, just so you know, when the Stalliongrad ponies showed up, a lot of those... visions got better.”

“So that's why you were excited about them.”

“Yeah, dude.”

“And when the bat-ponies showed up?”

Lighthoof lifted his head, slowly scanning the few remaining ponies from the crowd. “Well... It's a bit of a jumbled mess right now. I can't tell for sure, but it's still good. But duuuude, bat-ponies? And like a hundred of them!? In my life, I've seen like, what, two? And call me crazy, but I think the Commandant is one too what with all that mother talk.”

Curiosity grabbed Star, “So, how do you feel about that, and the other bat-ponies?”

The tan pegasus shrugged, his golden armor sliding about as he did. “Meh, doesn't bother me one way or another. Any pony that wants to help is a-okay in my book. I'll buy ‘em a round if we make it to Trottingham in one piece. Heck, I'll even buy the Commandant and Knight-Captain all they can drink if they don't kill each other.”

“Ha-ha. That sounds good, Light. I think we could all use a good drink. I'll bring Luna if you bring Celestia. ”

Light smirked. “Princess Celestia.”

They shared a grin. “Some things never change.”

Lighthoof and Star shared a brief hoof-bump before the tan pegasus trotted off into the milling crowd, his gold and silver armor glinting brightly in the morning sun. By now the Stalliongrad ponies were busy moving their war wagons out towards the half-circle perimeter, generally ignoring the five remaining ponies of Luna, Star, Gale and her two escorts.

Luna was quietly talking to Gale, a stern look upon her face. The bat-pony's tuffed ears were drooping as though she was a foal being scolded by her mother.

As she noticed Star approaching, Luna dropped the conversation and her expression immediately flipped to a welcoming smile. Gale looked away to gather herself. “All is well, husband?”

“Yeah, Light's pretty confident we have a fighting chance now. And on a side note, he's pretty okay with the bat-ponies showing up. Not nervous at all. He even offered to buy Gale all the drinks she could handle.”

Gale, now composed, arched an eyebrow. “He wishes to buy me drinks? I thought he was Princess Celestia's...” She trailed off with a glance up at Luna. Star wasn't certain if she was being tactful or unsure of the right word to use.

Luna turned her attention back to the teal bat-pony. “Social calls aside, time grows ever short and I must inquire upon the whereabouts of the package thou hath brought?”

The Knight-Captain dipped her head. “Yes, Mother-Moon. The Grand Mistress bid Granny to bring you something from the Vault. I can take you to it now if you'd like.”

“Wherefore didst though leave it?”

Gale pointed up to the massive cliff face before them. “Up there, Mother-Moon. Granny and the rest of the colony are waiting for your next orders.”

“Very well. I askth that thou all come within wing's reach.” She spread out her plush blue wings, waiting patiently as Star, Gale, and the other two bat-ponies to huddle in close. Then her horn pulsed blue and a bubble of magic encased them all. There was a flash and Star found himself at the top of the cliffs with the others, looking out over the herd far, far below. A spectacular view of the rolling foothills which they'd been traveling through was splayed out clearly before him.

He turned and found himself in front of what he figured was all of the bat-ponies from last night. The more senior, in their full pegasus style plate, occupied the first few rows, while the younger and less armored in their faux-leathers clustered in the back, excitedly peaking around their seniors to get a better look at Luna. At the front of the group was the old bat-pony Granny, accompanied by ornately armored bat-ponies who each had a black iron chain attached to their saddles. The four chains supported a head-sized box between them, draped in royal purple cloth. Star assumed the chains were used to carry the box while flying, but found it curious that they were still holding it aloft.

“I was beginning to wonder how long you all were going to keep us shivering up here.” Granny grumbled, holding a hoof up to shield her eyes from the rising sun. “You couldn't of picked a worse spot to meet up. Wind always blowing and the sun in my face.”

Luna gave a soft laugh. “Dearest, Granny. Thou couldth always turned to face the east.”

“What, and leave my rump showing to all those younglings down below? Nah.”

“What is that?” Star asked as he gestured to the mystery box.

Granny smirked. “This here is as old as the bat-ponies. We've been keeping it safe for the Princess for a long time. I'm just glad we finally get to hand it over to its rightful owner. No more lugging that darn box around anymore.”

“Thou and the Keepers before thee hath done thy duty in preserving the old artifacts. I thank thee for this, but doth should not be too pleased to be rid of them, for what wilst future Keepers hath to complain of if they art all gone?”

“The young, our health, stallions.” Granny gave a little cackle.

Luna smiled, “Indeed.”

“Still, it'll be nice to see this old thing see some use. Seems like we've been holding onto it forever.”

Gale looked up at the alicorn. “Mother-Moon. The Grand-Mistress insisted that we not touch the box once it was removed from the vault. Is it truly that dangerous?”

“Her warning is not unwarranted, yet perhaps overly-dramatic. Tis ignorance of this object that mayth cause harm to the unwary.” Her horn glowed bright blue and the cloth was pulled away by her magic, revealing a glass cube with a black orb inside. What caught Star's attention was that the orb was pitch black, a black so deep there was no reflection from the morning sun. Even the area around the orb seemed darker.

“All of thee, please stand with the rest of the colony.” She gestured to Star and the rest who'd accompanied them from below. He did as asked, watching as his wife gracefully walked within a few hoof-lengths of the cube.

“Dearest ponies, thy Grand-Mistress did not send thee to me because though art swift, rather she selected ponies she thought wouldth serve me well in the days to come. For I seek to bring balance back to Equestria. And if thou art willing to live amongst the other ponies races and put forth effort to push aside thy distrust, this is thy chance to return home. Art there any among thee whom feel themselves unable to rejoin Equestria?” A few of the ponies glanced at each other eyebrows raised questioningly, but no one spoke out, and no one moved.

“Very well then. Thy first true task wilt be thy most difficult. Tonight, many of thee wilt be sent forth to raid the rogue griffon's camp. Tis a ploy only to rile and enrage them and tis not to endanger thy lives unnecessarily. Thy goal tis to goad them all into chasing thee around the herd and return to us from the east. The specifics wilt be discussed this evening. Tis thy chance to prove thyselves to the other ponies and mine sister. Remember that many eyes wilst be upon thee. Doth not bring dishonor upon thyselves.”

“Prior to going forth, I hath a gift for thee.” She gestured her crystal shod hoof towards the box and the orb. “In honor of our reuniting after one-thousand years, I wilt gift thee an opportunity to meet thy future selves. Truly a rare opportunity.”

The bat-ponies' eyes grew wide and a few of the younger ones looked excitedly at each other.

Luna's horn glowed black and blue with purple sparks, condensing to a single point at the end of her horn. Then she leaned her head down and touched the cube with the tip. Nothing seemed to happen. She took a few steps back and nodded. “Honored Guardians, if thou wilt march away from one another.”

The four ponies with the chained saddles saluted across their breastplates crisply and marched ceremoniously in four separate directions. The chains pulled against the sides of the cube and then it shattered into a few hundred pieces. The shards hovered, spinning in place just above the orb's surface, then they circled it, faster and faster. For the briefest of moments, the cube was whole again at the same time the shards fell into its jet black surface. Then the orb was all that was left, quietly hovering in place.

The four Guardians detached their chains from their saddles and joined the rest of the colony as Luna stood right next to the orb, the rising sun at her back, the rolling hills her backdrop. The orb seemed to devour the light and within seconds they all found themselves standing in twilight, a swirl of sunlight being drawn into the orb from all directions like a feathery and wispy net. Above them, the twinkling stars shimmered in the absence of the sun's rays.

The orb pulsed a wave mixed of light and dark, washing over Luna. Her image was distorted and became transparent. As she walked around the orb, another Luna was still standing in place and yet another was gently caressing the black sphere. Star blinked and shook his head in an attempt to clear his vision, but there were still three Lunas, then four, then one, then six. At different spots, doing different things. Like the after-images one saw after being blinded by a flash of light. Moving, shifting, reappearing, vanishing.

“Thy future is every changing.” A Luna spoke.

“Every choice, yet another future.” A second Luna chimed in.

“A fleeting glimpse of possibilities.” Said a third, vanishing right after.

A Luna placed a crystal shod hoof against the black surface. “If thou art unhappy with thy future, change it.”

A final Luna whispered into Starstep's ear, “My love, learn to survive the coming battle.”

Then Star saw himself being drawn into the orb and another version of himself running away and another cowering before it.

His world went pitch black.

Nothing. No sensations, no sounds, no lights. Just a whole lot of darkness.

*** “What have you done now, foal?” Nightmare growled in his head.

“You've been pretty quiet this morning.” Star whispered, but found no voice was coming from his mouth.

*** “If you must know, I was setting up things for our little game. Assuming of course you didn't get impaled on a spear or something foalish before then.

“I thought my good night's sleep was too good to be true.”

*** “Enough of that nonsense, did you get us lost in a cave again? Truly, it is amazing you've survived this long on your... wait... this feeling.” Suspicion crept into her voice.

There was an explosion of light and billions of little glowing spots whizzed past his vision. Starstep gasped in wonder at the instant formation of stars, nebula, and early galaxies. He was floating in the midst the universe, no, he was the universe. He could feel the heat of the stars, the tingle of energy from the colorful fields of plasma and the sharp prick when one of the celestial bodies exploded in a glorious supernova.

*** “You went into the orb? Are you insane?

“For your information, Luna sent us into the orb. She said we get to meet our future selves. Besides, I thought you liked space and the dark. Why are you angry?”

The universe seemed brighter now with the billions and billions of lights filling the endless black and Star felt a presence growing stronger around him. It began to probe into his thoughts and what he could only describe as his spirit. The probing soon relented and shortly thereafter he found he had a new transparent body of white-blue energy. He laughed, turning around in space to admire his glowing vapor trail as he did.

He noticed another pony beside him, taller, slender but made of transparent glowing purple energy and an alicorn to boot.

“Whoa, Nightmare?”

The purple ethereal pony lifted her fore-hooves, looking at them curiously. “It would appear so.” She reached out and touched a thread of dark blue fire that was running from both their chests, connecting them. “Separated, yet bound. I remember all too well what comes next. We should leave.”

Curious, Star reached a glowing hoof towards a passing spiral galaxy and gasped when it shattered at his touch. Thousands of little stars scattered everywhere like dust, colliding with one another and creating miniature supernovas or began to revolve around one another in binary systems.

“Why? This place is pretty neat.”

She barred her teeth. “You foal, it's not the universe I have issue with, it's-”

“Welcome!” A warm and upbeat female's voice rang out across the cosmos.

“-her.” Nightmare groaned before drifted around behind Starstep.

A white horse-like being formed before him, glowing softly like moonlight. Her shape reminded him of the citizens of Saddle Arabia with the elongated, slender legs and pointed, lengthy muzzle. She had a lion-like tail, long with a fiery tip at the end. Her mane was made of magenta plasma, much like some of the nebula he'd admired through Twilight's telescope. Her horn was curved instead of straight and on either side were slender, perked ears, with tips that also burned with hot magenta plasma. Her eyes were pitch black, like holes in her face, endlessly drawing light from her body into them.

She touched down in front of him, her cloven hooves sending ripples of white and black energies out into the expanding cosmos like she'd stepped into a shallow puddle. Star briefly wondered how she was standing in the middle of space, but then, she clearly wasn't your usual pony, horse, thing.

“Who are you?” Star asked, in awe of the celestial creature.

She smiled, her voice full of pep and excitement. “I am the Aspect of Space and Time. Some have called me Spacey, which I suppose is suitable enough for your need to label me.”

“We should leave, foal.” Nightmare hissed. “She will be our undoing. Cry out for Luna, she'll pull us back.”

Star ignored Nightmare, enjoying the guilty pleasure of hearing the slight bit of irritation in her voice. “I'm glad to meet you Spacey. So, what do you do here?”

“I witness everything that was, is, and can be. And, Oh! You brought the Dream Aspect with you! Hello again!” The celestial mare reached towards the purple mare.

“No! Leave me be!” Nightmare held up her forehooves to ward off the strange mare.

The space mare cocked her head to the side, her right ear knocking apart a massive gas giant planet that happened to be orbiting her head. “Oh, yes, I'd forgotten she's corrupted at this point in time.”

“I'll show you corrupted, you insane, galaxy eating horse!”

“So... there's a point later in time where she's not corrupted?”

The mare shrugged her slender shoulders. “Sometimes. Your Moon Aspect brought her once. I told her the same thing. It's only a shame your version of the Moon wasn't successful. But, look on the illuminated side! Your Moon Aspect was cured of her own corruption. Not all of them are that lucky. Too bad really. She's a fun one.”

Star jerked his head in Nightmare's direction. “Any tips you can give me to help cure the Dream Aspect?”

Her black eyes narrowed. “Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Yes! Lots of love and understanding!” She lept past him and wrapped Nightmare in her slender fore-legs, hugging the purple mare tightly.

“Release me, you insufferable creature!”

Spacey vanished and reappeared floating above them, or rather, standing above them, upside down. “Or you can destroy her and let her try again in another life.”

“Do you see, birdhorse! She plots my destruction!”

“Uh, that seems a little... extreme.”

“Pragmatic would be a better word. Keeping her bonded to you has 47 to 1 odds that she will cause your death or downfall.” She whipped her tail, separating a binary star system that was floating past her rear, sending the two stars streaking into the darkness of deep space.

“Those odds aren’t very good, are they?” Star looked over his shoulder at the purple mare.

Nightmare narrowed her eyes and bared her ethereal teeth. “Don't you even think about it.”

“It would be my pleasure to release her from you.” She held out welcoming hooves, a warm smile on her lips.

Starstep frowned. “As much as I'd love to have her out of my head. I did make a promise to try and help her and her sister. I'm probably an idiot, but I don't think I could live with myself if I didn't at least give it my best.”

The astral mare shrugged her slender shoulders. “As you wish. It is your future after all. Make of it what you will.”

“Don't think this saves you from our little game.” Nightmare growled in his ear.

“So, Luna, er, the Moon Aspect, said I was to meet future me? She also said I needed to learn how to survive the coming battle.”

Spacey's ears perked and her mane seemed to intensify. “Oh? I can assist you with that. I love time! So many wonderful possibilities. There are some female Starsteps, and some who never fell in love with the Moon Aspect. Some who ate the cake and some who married those three fillies from school and even a few who married the spotted colt. Truly, you are one amongst millions.”

She sat back on her haunches, ripples of black and white energy echoing out into deep space. “Now, am I to assume you wish to speak with potential future versions of yourself?”

“If that's okay.”

Spacey nodded, plucking a massive rocky planet out of space and polishing it on her chest fur before taking a big crunchy bite out of it. She chewed for a bit, watching him with those weird light-sucking eyes. Then she swallowed and tossed the half-eaten planet away to tumble into the darkness.

“Beware, birdhorse. Stay too long and she might decide to take a bite out of you.” Nightmare whispered in his ear.

“I will show you three of your futures selves.” Her horn glowed brightly like the molten-iron core of a planet, then three silvery mirrors appeared in front of Starstep. Spacey floated just above them, resting her fore-legs over the far left one and smiled, horn still glowing molten hot. “They may not stay long and I will not call them back. Remember, these are only possible futures. You may still become them or you may not.”

The astral mare tapped the edge of the mirror three times with a hoof and the surface rippled like someone tossed a pebble into a pond. As the ripples faded, an older, ragged, greying and scared version of Starstep stared back as he was straightening his ceremonial armor of black and purple.

The older stallion gave a start and peered at his younger self. “Geeze, did I ever look that young and naive? Huh, to think this is the day I called myself. Seems like forever ago.”

When the younger Star opened his mouth the older held up a hoof to forestall him. “Now hold on. These visions that weird mare is showing you don't last long. So let me speak a little first.”

Older Starstep sighed. “Life here is one battle after the next. I spend more time dealing with funerals and doing what little I can to support Luna. Listen, the battle at Howling Pass, you can't let the griffons escape. Do whatever it takes to end this thing all at once. I'm dead serious. Even if you have to abandon the refugees to hunt the outcasts down, you can't let them get away to regroup and talk to the rest of the griffon empire. When they hear about the Princesses letting those killers get away, well, they start to rally others to their flag of might makes right.”

Young Star nodded. “I understand. Luna said I should find out how to survive the battle.”

“Honestly, I just stuck next to Luna. She insisted and she'll keep you safe, but quite a few others will go down since she's focused on keeping you unharmed. Looking back, if I could have found a way to protect myself and let her do her thing, maybe it all would have turned out differently.” The older Star shook his head sadly. “Lighthoof and I drifted apart after that battle. He never came out and said it, but I think he saw me as a coward. So, you can survive, but the way I did it, there was a price.” The mirror went blank and scattered into space dust.

Spacey lazily drifted over to the next mirror, poking her head up from behind the top edge. “Would you like another?”

“Yeah, sure.”

She tapped the second mirror three times and again it rippled. A black-coated version of Starstep looked back with teal, vertical pupil-ed eyes edged with purple mist and wearing pale-blue plated armor on his hooves, chest and head. The older Starstep grinned, showing off fangs as he recognized the younger version.

“Hello me, it's nice to meet me again.” His voice sounded odd. Like a mixture of his and...

Young Star's eyes widened.

Nightmare Starstep laughed wickedly. “I had wondered when I'd see myself. How I envy the experience we're about to have. Of hearing their screams after you let me unleash my magics. The horror of that morning...” He licked his lips. “It was delicious.”

He noticed the disgust on younger Star's face and scoffed.“Oh please, don't give me that look. You asked me to help and we still got to stay with Luna. Trust me, little one, Trottingham makes a fine capital for the New Lunar Republic.”

“Send her away, please Spacey.”

The astral mare lifted an eyebrow, “Are you certain? You still have time to learn of this future.”

“I'm sure.”

Spacey turned the mirror to dust as Starstep glared over his shoulder at the purple ethereal version of Nightmare. “Don't even think I'll ever let that future happen.”

Nightmare met his glare with a sadistic grin. “Is that a challenge?”

“I swear to you, I will kill myself before I let you take over.”

“Awww, such a spoil-sport.” She gave a mock pout complete with protruding lower lip.

Star nodded to Spacey. “Last mirror please.”

The Astral mare nodded and tapped the third on the top. Again, ripples and an older Starstep appeared in its surface. This version had his rear half rigged up in one of the pony wheel-chair systems. He was in the middle of adjusting a blue tie and collar when he noticed the younger Starstep.

“...Oh! There's a version of me I never thought I'd see in the mirror again.” His eyes lingered on Star's rear-legs. “Enjoy walking on all fours while you can. Howling Pass kinda puts a dent in your adventuring career.”

“Why, what happens?”

“Whelp, you take a spear trying to save Luna. The good news; you survive. The bad news; there are injuries that even alicorn magic can't really heal right.”

The older Star shook his head with a sad chuckle. “I know you, we, wanted to protect Luna, but you've got to learn to protect yourself first. Trust me on this. Figure out how to do that, and you'll do a lot to help her out. I learned... eventually. But by then it was too late. When I got injured, Luna did something... drastic. Unfortunately, her sister refused to help her and well, the ponies started to see her as a monster. They never came out and said it but... you start to hear the whispers. A few years later, Luna said her good-byes and went through her moon-mirror. We haven't seen her since.”

“Any advice?” Present Star asked.

“Two pieces, I guess. First, try not to get hit by spears. And two, if you can't figure out a way to protect yourself, and the worst still comes to pass, either talk Luna down or get her sister to help. I have a feeling that if they shared the burden, it might not have cost me so much. Do me a favor, and don't become me.” The mirror shattered to dust.

Starstep looked up at the floating astral mare. “Are all of my futures that bad?”

Nightmare smirked. “I don't know, I rather liked the second one. Black looks good on you.”

“Bad?” Spacey asked, cocking her head to one side. “They are just glimpses of what could be.”

“Well, buck, only one had a real answer on how to survive and it turns out terrible.”

Nightmare laughed. “You could have asked the second.”

“No thank-you.” He swatted away a comet that had begun to orbit his head. “So, is that it? No more visions of me?”

Spacey smiled. “I showed you enough to seek a more desired future.”

“But Luna said I needed to learn to survive and they didn't have the right answer and... oh!” A thought occurred to the pegasus. “You see all things that can happen, right?”

Spacey's smile broadened. “I do indeed.”

“Will you tell me the best way to survive the battle and still help fight?”

The astral mare clapped her fore-hooves together in delight, nearby planets exploding into firey fragments. “Ah! Well done! Very few visitors ever ask me directly. They seem to rely far too much upon their future selves.”

“So, will you please help?”

She placed a cloven hoof to her chin in thought. “Mmmmmm. For a price, I will help you.”

“And that is?”

She tilted back her ears and gave a sultry smile. “A kiss.”

Nightmare recoiled with a hiss. “Be wary of her, birdhorse!”

“That's it?”

“That's it, and I will share with you a way to do what you ask.”

Star narrowed his eyes. “There's a catch, isn't there? What does the kiss do?”

Spacey laughed, her expression bright and playful. “It would appear your dealings with the Dream Aspect have made you more cautious. A far cry from your impulsive past. Pony magic is rooted in your emotions, your affections for one another. Your bonds are what make pony-kind truly powerful. A kiss is simply sharing a little of your natural magic with me. In return, you receive the knowledge you seek, changing your future. But be warned; for every action, there is an equal reaction. Therefore, if I change your path, another's must also change.”


“Mmmm, normally I would not tell, yet, I will consider your willingness to help the Dream and Fate Aspects as equal payment. I will allow you to choose.”

She leaned back on her haunches, spreading her fore-limbs to the side, hoofs facing up. In her right hoof, a sphere appeared with an image of Scootaloo. In her left, a sphere showing Cheerilee. And above her horn, a sphere showing Lighthoof.

“Name someone, then kiss me and I will alter both of your current lines.”

“For better or worse for them?” Star asked, skepticism showing on his face and in his voice.

“Equal in degree to how your wish changes your life. Beyond that, their life choices are still within their hooves.”

Starstep looked at the three images one at a time, good and bad memories of each flickering to the forefront of his mind. He wondered, how much would their lives be changed because of his choice? Was there any way to protect himself in the battle to come without this mare's help? But then, he didn't believe Luna wouldn't have told him to find a way to survive if normal means would work. His future selves had presented possibilities if he hid, asked for Nightmare's help or fought anyway. None were good for anypony. So, who should he choose?

Nightmare slipped up to whisper in his ear. “If you're that determined to do this foalish deal, at least consider what Luna would do in your place.”

He cocked his head to the side in thought. Nightmare offered a good question, what would Luna do? He imaged the Moon-Goddess making a deal to save her subjects, being forced to choose somepony to alter their future. So what would she... Oh! A grin spread across his face as he realized there might be a fourth option.

He paddled himself through space to hover close to Spacey, their faces a few inches apart. “So... I just say a name and then kiss you, right?”

She gave the faintest of nods, the sphere showing Lighthoof bobbing ever so slightly as she did, a sly smile on her lips.

“Shouldn't you already know who I name?”

“No, we are outside the time-lines here. What transpires within, is a mystery to even me. That is why it's exciting.”

“And you'll give me a way to survive and help the ponies in the coming fight? No matter who I pick?” Again she nodded.

“Then, I name you, Aspect of Time.” He leaned his neck out and kissed her delicate lips. The spark of power that flowed between them lit him from hooves to tail. And then the universe collapsed in on itself, leaving Star once again in pitch black darkness.

There was nothing for a long while, even Nightmare had vanished. After a while, a faint light appeared somewhere in the distance, growing ever brighter by the second. He reached out for it, floating up until a tugging in his chest yanked him backwards a few feet. He glanced down, seeing a tendril of dark blue fire stretching from his chest down into the abyss below his hooves.

*** “Ow, what are you doing?

He opened his mouth only to get a throat full of liquid and quickly shut it. Star began to panic, flailing about in the thick fluid, grasping for the light above him, but the weird cord was pulling him down. His lungs began to burn and vision was blurring slightly.

*** “I wont let her take us both down.

Then a pair of hooves reach down and tore him from the darkness, ripping apart the cord that had held him. Nightmare began screaming in his head and he did his best to ignore her through the pounding headache as he gasped for air.

Star managed to open his eyes and looked up to see Luna smiling down at him. “I welcome thy return, my love.”

He smiled weakly back to her. “Glad to be back.” He looked between her long legs and found the black orb close at hoof. Spinning silently in midair. The knowledge Spacey had given him was filling up his thoughts, making it harder and harder to think beyond it. As he got to his hooves, he noticed all the bat-colony seemed to be accounted for, their attention turning towards him as he took the few steps towards the orb.

“My love?” Luna asked, a hint of concern in her voice.

He knew what he had to do, a clear picture of Spacey's instructions in his head. On and on it kept repeating, blocking out the words the tall, blue pony was speaking to him. A rippling shudder rolled through his body and he felt like his thoughts were pushed to the rear as another pony took control. This other Starstep spread his wings and arced them forward to drive them into the spinning pitch black orb.

The blue pony next to him cried out in alarm and many in the bat-colony watching gasped in horror. He noticed, but the other version of himself didn't. He could feel the chill of deep space sucking the heat from his body, its strange magic washing across his wings like a river around rocks. Quickly, a weight was building up, and he could feel the burning in his wing-muscles as they screamed in protest against the aching pain. He could swear he was screaming, but he didn't notice that.

His body was at its limit, frost covering most of him, wings feeling like someone had tied steel to them. The other version of him stepped back pulling the wings from the pitch-black orb. The same weird shudder rolled through his body a second time and Starstep was back in control. Only, he wish he wasn't because the cold that met him was so agonizing that he fainted immediately.

Starstep blinked a few times as he came to, the concerned face of his wife coming into view, her body and wing cuddling him close. He gave her a reassuring smile, the pain from before now gone. “I'm fine, really.” He looked over her blanketing wing and found the full colony looking at him in awe. He whispered up to Luna. “So uh, why are they looking at me like that?”

She gave him a look that clearly stated 'really?' Then she stood and offered him a hoof to up.

Star got on all fours and gave a shake of his mane, mentally still feeling the weird chill. He glanced over his shoulder and found the orb re-encased in the protective glass, held up by the four chains of the Guardians. It was only then that he noticed his wings felt awfully heavy. Curious, he spread his left wing out, discovering it had been covered in overlapping black plates that sandwiched his feathers between them, mimicking the shape of his own wings. Strangely, they were made of the same material as the orb, reflection-less, pitch-black and seemingly able to suck the light right out of the air. The front was curved over in a half-circle to fit snug against his wing's leading edge. The joints were positioned just right to give maximum natural flexing range with an unknown system of locomotion to drive the movement. The primary plates were longer than his own feathers, giving a blade-like quality to them.It was liking having shield-feathers on top and bottom of his wings. He turned his head to spread the other wing, finding they were also equally armored.

On a whim, he slashed at the air, almost stumbling over at the unexpected weight and sliced clean through the stone at his hooves. A few of the bat-ponies gasped and Luna cocked her head with an amused smile on her lips.

“Twould appear though hath found a means of protection. As Lighthoof hath become the sword of Equestria, thou hath become her shield.”

Gale marched up, eyeing Star's new wing-guards suspiciously before turning her attention to Luna.

“With his return and recovery, everypony is accounted for, Mother-Moon.”

*** “... there's a hole.

“What?” Star said out loud, causing Gale to give him an irritated glance.

“I said, that everypony is accounted for.”

*** “You wretched creature! She anchored a part of me to her realm. Tearing you from her abyss ripped a part of myself out!

Star clutched his now throbbing head. “What the heck are you babbling on about.”

Gale narrowed her eyes at the pegasus and opened her mouth before Luna lifted a hoof to stall her. “Star, my love. Art thou well?”

He felt confused, disoriented, and felt a something twisting around in his chest. “No... I... I think I need to lay down.”

Luna placed a wing around her husband. “Knight-Captain, please assess the mental condition of the colony. Not all may hath enjoyed meeting their future selves. I wilt return shortly.”

Gale saluted sharply and set off to her task as Luna guided Starstep away from the other ponies. “What ails thee, Star?”

The pounding was beginning to subside in his head, but there was a strange feeling of hollowness in his chest. Like a tiny piece of himself was missing now. “Headache, mostly.”

“Truly, it surprises me not. Though hath placed thy wings into deep space, a dangerous proposition for even I. I suspect tis only thy blessing of the dragonfire's ill effects that hath prevented thy demise. Please, allow me to assist, my love.” She leaned down, her horn touching his forehead and a soothing, cool feeling washing down over him from nose to hooves.

“That's pretty nice.” Somewhere in the back of his mind, Nightmare was coiling around the hole that was missing in her psyche, the healing magic faintly patching over it.

Luna moved her head closer, whispering in his ear. “Pray-tell, what motivated thee to attempt such?”

Star tilted his head. “Before I went to that... place, you told me to find a way to survive the coming battle.”

Her brow furrowed, “Twas not I, yet I suspect another of myselves issued this decree. She must hath had foreknowledge of harm to befall you.”

The pegasus nodded. “Spacey-” Luna's eyebrow arched. “Uh, she's the Time Aspect I met. Anyhoof, she showed me some futures and then I figured out I could ask her directly for the answer. She agreed but I had to also change somepony else's future too.”

“Tis not a surprise to me. The Time Aspect does so love her games.”

“She showed me three ponies, Cheerilee, Scoots, and Lighthoof. Then she told to name somepony before kissing to seal the deal.”

Luna nodded. “And whom didst thou select?”

Star gave his wife a little smirk. “I took a page out of your book. I named the Time Aspect herself. All she said was to name someone, not that it had to be those three.”

The alicorn's eyes widened in momentary surprise. “Tis a most unexpected choice. I am... unsure what effect this wilt have upon her, or us. Still, that aside, I am most pleased to see thy growth as a diplomat. Thou found a gap in her contract and exploited it in an attempt to protect thy friends. Well done, my love.”

Star reached up and hugged his wife, nuzzling at her soft blue coat. “Thank you, Luna. And I'm sorry if I scared you with the orb thing. I just wasn't myself, it was like another version of me took over to stick his wings in there. But I had to do something, the future versions of me she showed me... all of them are horrible futures.”

“Tis most unusual, my love. The Time Aspect doth not hath a tendency to reveal tragic futures. More often than not, they art interesting versions of thyself. Perhaps tis our bond that altered her game? Twould appear I cause thee no end to thy grief.”

“Luna, my Princess.” He leaned against her, forehead resting against her neck. “I found a way to protect myself while I'm at your side and still help the other ponies. That has to be worth a little struggle. I'm just glad you were having me do those wing exercises, these things weigh a bit.” He chuckled and stretched out an armored wing, the morning light dimming around its surface.

She smiled and kissed the top of his head. “Indeed, my love. In fact, I hath just the individual to give thee training before the battle.” She gave him a sly smirk.

“Get your wing up, higher, HIGHER!” White-feather Alexander barked, his large griffon wings spread wide, tarnished metal plates strapped to them in a more archaic version to Star's wing-guards.

Star was sweating profusely, his coat lathered. One wing was lifted just off the ground in front of him, the black, light eating wing-guards shielding his face. “Don't take offense, but you're blind, how do you even know how high I'm lifting it?”

The hideously scarred face of Alexander twisted up into a wicked grin before he slammed Star's wing down into the dirt, quickly following up with his other wing to bop Star's nose hard enough to cause the young stallion to stagger back. On reflex he put his fore-leg to his nose and found no blood. It wasn't the first time the ancient griffon had smacked his old wing-plates into his face. Star had a growing respect for the old griffon's precise control.

*** “You're not very good at this.” Nightmare said with a bored tone. “I thought I'd be amused watching you be beaten by a blind, old griffon, but it's actually just sad.

“Your Princess asked me to give you a crash course in wing-guard combat, so either learn, or quit wasting my time, fledgling.” He took a few steps back and spread his wings low and wide. “Now, tips up, let's try this again. And remember, deflect, don't block.”

The clang of metal rang out as Alexander lept forward, swinging out with the leading edges of his wings and deflecting off Star's black metal ones. He rained down a series of blows in different directions, forcing the pegasus to think fast to avoid taking the full force of the larger creature's hits. At one point he decided to lash out at the griffon but Alexander slid his own wing underneath and smacked Star on the left side of his leg, causing him to stumble. Alexander tripped up the balancing fore-hoof, causing the colt to fall to his knees.

“Better, but you're still dead.” The griffon did that weird bird head tilt, his white, sightless eyes just staring at Starstep. “Don't worry about attacking. I don't have time to make you a proper warrior. Defend, keep yourself alive. Wait for them to make a mistake, then lash out. Trip them up, push them over. Make them an easier target for your allies to deal with. You're a shield, not a spear.” His head twisted around. “Ah, refreshments.”

True enough, a young filly came into view from the camp towards them. As the filly trotted closer, he recognized Sunshine, the little spotted pony who was determined to be Lighthoof's squire. She was wearing an oversized metal helm and a long dagger in a sheath at her waist, the scale difference making it more of a short-sword for her. On her back she balanced a tray with a small keg and a couple wooden cups and something wrapped in brown paper. Star had to admit to himself that the sight was pretty adorable, like a foal trying on her parent's clothes.

*** “Except she has no parents.

Sunny reached Star and Alexander, setting the tray aside with her mouth before giving a curtsy, much more practiced this time. Star and Alexander returned with polite short bows.

“Hey, Sunny. Is that for us?” He asked, using a piece of cloth to wipe his forehead.

She gave a rapid nod. “Yes, sir! Knight Lighthoof said it were part of my training.”

Star trotted over to unwrap the brown package, finding a pair of lemongrass and apple sandwiches. He wondered where the cooks had found these with supplies running so low. He hooved one over to Alexander who began to eat it silently, his white blind eyes looking off into the distance.

“Training, huh? What for?” He poured two glasses of what appeared to be cold, black tea, handing one over to the griffon.

“To be his squire!” She jumped up and down lightly on her hooves.

Star arched an eyebrow. “Oh yeah? So he finally agreed?” Star mentally wondered what could have changed Light's mind. His brother was pretty against having Sunny as a squire before.

“Yes, sir! But he almost didn'. He straight up told me no this mornin' after the bat-ponies and Stalliongrad ponies showed up. I was walkin' away, and he changed his mind, just like that!” She giggled and hopped around, little sheathed dagger bouncing about and oversized helm barely staying on her head.

*** “I suspect my sister had something to do with this.

“Well, congrats! Just stick near him and learn for now, alright?”

She quickly nodded before giving a little curtsy. “I have to hurry back. Miss Dazzle is going to fix some armor to fit me! Bye, Prince! Bye, Mister Griffon.” She spun on her hooves and trotted quickly away.

Alexander wiped a few crumbs from his beak, dead eyes looking in the departing filly's direction. “There's a lot of fire in that one. She'll be a fine knight.”

Star finished his meal and drained his mug before responding. “You don't think she's too young?”

“Do you?” The griffon turned his head in Star's direction. A twisted smile on his ruined beak.

“Yes. She should be playing, not learning to fight.”

“But you didn't try to talk her out of being a squire. Why is that?” Alexander shook out his wing-guards and stood up to stretch.

*** “Yes, why is that?” Nightmare grinned like a cat.

“Honestly, being next to Lighthoof is probably the safest place for her. Learning to defend herself and other ponies is just a by-product of that.”

Alexander put a curled claw to his beak in thought. “Is that so? Well, if it gives you any comfort, I started learning to fight at about her age, and look at how I turned out.” He grinned that twisted grin. “Anyway, we should continue, there's a lot to learn and the day is half over.”

Star nodded, giving his wings a good stretching to prepare, admiring the inky blackness of his wing-guards. He had to admit that the warping of light surrounding them was fascinating. It had a natural effect of his vision being drawn away from the black plates. He wondered if Spacey's gift had some sort of other magical property.

The flapping of wings caught Star's attention, noting Yellow-Feather Antonio had arrived with a large bundle of four-foot long wooden rods, one end wrapped in bundles of straw and cloth.

Alexander didn't even look towards the new arrival. “You're late.”

The grey griffon shrugged his shoulders as he dumped the training spears to the ground. “I did not think there was much urgency in building these hatchling toys.” His sharp eyes took in the ancient griffon's dulled metal wing-guards then drifted to Star's black, light-eating ones. Those seem to hold his attention for a few moments before he met Star's gaze, a questioning eyebrow raised.

*** “He's worried you're using dark magic again. That little marble trick in the wagon has him cautious of you.” Nightmare grinned.

“I will assume those are the reason for the request.”

Alexander nodded sharply. “Yes, and now that you're here, throw one at Princess Luna's consort.”

“As you wish, Elder.”

Star opened his mouth to protest but Antonio had already plucked one from the pile, bounced in his clawed palm and hurled it right at him with practiced aim. The motion was so smooth, Star didn't notice the padded spear until it was almost too late, flinging up his wings in reflex and taking the full brunt of the throw. He hissed and shook out his wings, the joint and muscles at their base were burning from the impact.

Alexander sighed. “Deflect them down. Don't block. Another.”

In the same smooth motion as before, Antonio hurled a spear at the pegasus.

By the time the sun had begun to set behind the cliff-face of the Howling pass and the surrounding mountain range, Star was exhausted, bruised, and very sore. His wings were dragging now, and it was all he could do to stay upright. And while they'd both worked with him, sparring and hurling many, many spears, neither Alexander nor Antonio seemed winded in the slightest.

At last, the old, gnarled griffon raised a clawed hand. “That's enough for today. You know enough to protect yourself, per the Princess' request.”

Star flopped back on his haunches, panting. “Geeze... I haven't had that kind of a work out since boot-camp. I can't even feel my wings anymore.”

Antonio smirked. “I trained under Elder Alexander for years. You received only a crash course.”

The old griffon gave a chuckle. “And you grumbled about it the whole time.” He turned his blind eyes towards the pegasus. “For a pony, you did well enough. Wing-guards are an old form of combat created by griffons. It's very rare for a pony to want to learn it. You're not physically built for it.”

“Where did you get those things anyway?” Antonio asked as he was gathering up the practice spears.

“A gift.” The pegasus answered, giving them a look over and noting there wasn't a single blemish on the inky black plates.

Alexander nodded. “A fine gift indeed. Do they have a name?”

Yellow-feather Antonio groaned. “Eldar, I consider myself a romantic and even I find that practice out dated and somewhat pretentious.”

“For ordinary weapons, certainly. But those, I don't need eyes to see that they are very special. Perhaps the only ones in the world. At every blow I could feel them tugging at me, like they were hungry.”

Star looked at his left wing-guard, then the right. “Well... How about Solstice? Is that too weird for a weapon's name?”

*** “I would have named them Despair.

The old griffon gave a curt nod. “It's up to you. Your actions will determine if others will remember their name.” He twisted his head around, looking upwards. “It would appear our time is up.”

The other two followed his gaze to see Luna gliding down towards them. She landed gracefully and dipped her head in respect to Alexander. “Good evening, White-feather Alexander, Yellow-feather Antonio. I trust the practice fared well?”

“He should be able to protect himself in tomorrow's battle. If we survive, I would enjoy taking this hatchling under my wing and training him properly. He would make a fine wing-warrior.” He grinned, his twisted beak making a hideous expression. “For a pony, that is.”

Luna chuckled. “To hear such words from thee, tis high praise indeed.” She looked to her consort, his wings still drooping under the weight of his wing-guards and from sheer exhaustion. “However, tis a thing to consider another time. For now, we must away to the command tent for a final briefing.”

The alicorn lowered her head, horn glowing brilliantly and her magic seeped into Starstep. He could feel the exhaustion from the practice fading away, leaving only a dull aching in its wake.

“Thanks.” He told his wife, smiling up at her.

“Of course, my love.” She returned his smile before gracefully turning and walking away. Star hurried to keep pace at her right side, the two griffons following close behind.

The makeshift tent that the camp referred to as the Command tent was a patchwork thing. Originally being a large party tent, it'd been repaired and reinforced with various pieces of cloth, blankets and canvas. The sides had been added using mats from reeds reeds from the river they'd passed earlier in the journey. Star found it a little crowded as he entered alongside his wife. Already Celestia was there with Lighthoof, Commandant Frost, and her five remaining Sun-Officers. Luna's six Spurlin Night-Officers stood quietly off to one side, with Knight-Captain Gale amongst them, her eyes constantly scanning the crowd. The other five griffon clan-heads were also present; Natasha, Rita, Siegfried, Valkya, and the very nervous looking Igor. Alexander and Antonio left Luna's side with a polite nod of their heads, joining the other griffons as the blue alicorn guided Star towards the Night-guards.

They were arranged in a half-circle, looking towards the back wall which had a large hoof-drawn map of the local area, the focus laying on the jagged granite entrance to Howling Pass. Once they were settled, Captain Oakwood, the brown earth-stallion with a white officer's jacket, stepped from the Sun-Officers ranks and stood before the map.

*** “Foals, foals, the lot of them. The air is thick with fear and worry. The weak, protecting the weaker. It's like a bad play and I cannot look away.

Oakwood cleared his throat. “This is just a final briefing to bring everypony up to speed since much of the preparations have already been completed. It's important to note that our fighting force, including the newly recruited, is only at about seven-hundred. And if the scouting reports from the bat-ponies are correct-”

Star could hear Gale growling from the other side of Luna.

“Then we're facing at least twice our numbers. To complicate things, we assume they are all used to killing, having raided up and down the borders for months now. Unlike our volunteer militia, they've experienced war. Not necessary battle-tested, but they've seen death. They also suspect we'll be easy prey and they're not entirely wrong. Even though there are over two thousand ponies, the majority of them are just civilians. The outcast's overconfidence is something we're going to try and exploit.”

*** “It's not overconfidence if it's true.” Nightmare grinned a toothy grin.

Oakwood pointed a hoof at a top-down view of Howling Pass' entrance, a jagged passage cut right into two brick-like sections of stone. The passage cut and curved tightly like an injured snake for another mile then opened up deeper in the mountains where side passages spread out like streams.

“Tonight, the bat-ponies will be raiding their big camp. Causing fire and all manner of chaos to stir up the griffons. Based on what White-feather Alexander has told us, the outcasts are extremely hot-headed and prone to fight first, then think later. The ponies attacking them are sure to insult their sense of honor and really rile them up. Then, the bat-ponies will be leading the outcasts on a merry chase up and around the pass using relay teams to keep their fliers fresh and continue to harass the griffons as they pursue. Another smaller team of pegasi will taunt the other group of outcasts that have been following us. The goal is for both groups to meet up to the east and bait the rage-blinded bastards right into our trap.” He slapped a hoof onto the map.

“Outside of the passage, the Earth-Breakers from Stalliongrad will form the first line of defense from ground assault.” He gestured to a thick black half-circle line that surrounded the start of the canyon. “Behind them, the Carro-ballista crews will be fire into the griffons as they breach the mirage field, hopefully stalling them or forcing some to enter by ground and crash against the Earth-Breakers.”

*** “Did you know Captain Oakface's greatest fear is ponies will stop listening to him? On and on he drones. Do you see? You're giving me your full focus instead of that pompous wind-bag.

“-into the pass, we'll set up flak teams using earth-ponies and unicorns. The stones fragments won't fly far enough to hit the Stalliongrad soldiers outside the pass but in those tight quarters it should easily take care of any stragglers that make it in.” He slid his hoof along the map to a ring of little black dots and a rough sketch of a crown. “The princesses and their personal guard will positioned here behind a ring of short stone walls for prot-”

*** “If you'd let me, we could end this whole battle together. Just you, and me, and a whole lot of fear.” Nightmare slid along his mind like a cat seeking attention.

“No.” Star whispered to himself.

Oakwood halted mid-word and all of the ponies were now looking at Star. Even Luna glanced down at him with a raised eyebrow and Lighthoof seemed stunned from across the room.

“No?” The Sun-Guard lowered his hoof. “Do you see a problem with the plan?”

“Oh, ah.” Star resisted the urge to wilt under all the stares. His mind spun and grasped for something intelligent to say as Nightmare rolled about, laughing in glee. “Not that, I just, ah, I think the flak teams should be in the stone walls. Lighthoof and I can help watch the Princess' backs. Maybe being a little closer to the front will improve morale?” He offered in a desperate bid not to sound like a fool.

“While I'll agree with you Prince Starstep, that more protection for the flak teams would be nice, the Princesses will be busy holding a mirage field to hide our forces. They won’t have the focus to deal with mass assaults. The walls were to buffer that.” His eyes fell to Star's eerie inky-black wing-guards. “And besides, only two pegasi, with one who can't fly, isn't much of an emergency defense.”

Lighthoof raised a hoof. “We'll take Dazzle, if that's okay.”

Across from room amidst the Night-Guard officers, the yellow unicorn's eyes widened. “Me, on royal guard duty?”

Luna gave a brief nod. “I approve of this adjustment. My sister and I shalt do all possible to inspire our fighters. Tis they whom bears the greatest burden.”

Celestia also tilted her head in a regal nod. “Luna speaks true. While we appreciate the thought, we should not hide behind walls when others are at risk.”

Oakwood sighed slightly. “Very well. I'll task one of the other unicorn officers to watch over two crews to cover the absence.”

He slid his hoof along the map to a ring of little black dots and a rough sketch of a crown. “Right, so, the flak teams will move up to the crown position inside the walls, the Princesses will position at the rear of the ballastia wagons. The Princesses will be producing the aforementioned mirage field to hide our forces, providing magical back-up to-”

*** “Well, well, little bird-horse. Perhaps our dear Luna has been rubbing off on you. Still, the offer stands to turn all these raving lunatics with wings into gibbering wretches, rolling in their own shame.

The Sun-Officer was gesturing to the cliffs north of the canyon pass. “-Griffons allies and pegasi will hide under stone-colored blankets. “Their job is to intercept any griffons that decides to try and flank from above. Eventually, the griffons are going to figure out they've been baited into a killing field and push hard from the top. When the numbers become greater than a skirmish, they'll pull back down in to the canyon and use the close quarters to bait them near the flak crews-”

*** “All this planning is worthless. It will all end in tears, like it has before. I only hope Luna doesn’t take it as hard as she did last time. She left quite the... impression on the world.” Nightmare cackled and Star caught a glimpse of the memory she'd showed him before: a shallow crater with Luna on the edge, cradling the body of Goldwing.

“-And that's the strategy as a whole.” Oakwood said, lowering his hoof from the map. “Whittle down their numbers until they're no longer willing to fight us. Also, I've received word that the entire Wonderbolts force from Canterlot and the air-division from Trottingham are en-route. With a little luck, they'll arrive in time to flip the odds in our favor.”

Oakwood glanced around. “Any questions before we end the briefing?”

Star raised his hoof, drawing all eyes to him again. “Uh, so where will the refugees be?”

The Sun-Guard captain nodded. “I'm sorry, Prince Starstep, I'd forgotten you weren't here for the earlier briefs. With help from the bat-ponies, we found a bunch of shallow cave systems a little further down the pass. There are enough of them to shelter all of the non-combatants as well as a handful of guards to keep watch over them. Hopefully, they'll remain undiscovered during the battle.”

After that, there were no other questions and so the briefing was concluded. As Star exited the tent into the twilight, he noticed most of the refugees were walking down into Howling pass under the protective watch of guards. A few spared him and the Princesses polite bows of their heads, nervous but hopeful smiles on their lips. Most of the wagons and large gear had been left behind, only creature comforts of bedding and food were strapped to their backs.

*** “Look at these weak foals. Too afraid to defend themselves. Always counting on the Princesses to save their sorry hides.

Star whispered to himself. “At least they have someone to protect them. Not everypony is that lucky.” Nightmare bristled at his answer.

“What was that, my love?” Luna asked as she walked up beside him.

He nodded his head towards the steady stream of refugees. “I was just saying it's nice these ponies have somepony to look out for them.”


Gale trotted out of the command tent and up to the pair. Her eyes flickered to Star's black wing-guards and she tightened her lips, as though to hold back her thoughts. “Princess, I shall take my leave to begin the raid.”

Luna held out a fore-hoof which Gale politely kissed in reverence. “Go forth, my child. Complete thy mission and return to me victoriously.”

The bat-pony bowed low. “Without fail.” With a final warning glance towards Starstep, she took to the air on her furred wings and flapped up and out of sight, her two escort bat-ponies following in her wake.

“I don't think she likes me very much.” Star said softly.

“To be forthright, my love; most children doth not take to their new step-fathers at first.”

It took a moment for her words to register in Star's mind. “Wait, what?” He snapped his head around to look at Luna in confusion but the blue alicorn had already begun to walk away, smirking to herself.

Night had long since fallen, a beautiful full moon hanging high in the sky alongside a tapestry of stars and galaxy. Everypony was waiting at their posts, quietly talking with one another, reading from pocket novels or silently staring off into space, lost in their own thoughts. No campfires were lit this night, though they relied on dim glowing magic orbs to see by.

There was a tension in the air, a pressure that weighed heavy on their spirits with the knowledge that they would soon be in battle. Star could hear it in the voices of the unicorn and earth-ponies stationed within the short stone walls behind him.

He himself was standing to the right of Luna, her sister on her left, and Lighthoof on the end. Dazzle and Sunny stood behind them.

He sported a clean, crisp grey officers jacket with silver crescent moons pinned to the collar. And while he felt somewhat naked without a sword belted to his waist, the weight of his otherworldly wing-guards gave him some comfort. Mentally, he wished he'd had more time to train with them. He glanced up and left at his wife, who while in her usual onyx regalia, seemed to radiate an aura of confidence. She wasn't smiling as she regarded the eastern horizon. Her lips were stiff in her usual stoic expression, her eyes betraying no emotions. Yet, he could sense her... anticipation and excitement of what was to come. He wondered if she secretly craved combat, or was it just the challenge that came alongside it?

Nightmare laughed at his thoughts, but said nothing. She'd been fairly quiet since the meeting with the command staff. Star imagined that if she'd had a bucket of popcorn, she'd be reclined back, watching everything unfold like a play.

At Luna's side, Celestia was in her usual gold regalia, though there was a golden spear embedded in the ground before her. Intricate carved runes ran down the length of the haft and the pointed blade seemed made of silver. He'd never heard of the sisters using weapons, so it did surprise him a little.

To Celestia's left, Lighthoof stood in his Knight's armor, the gold and onyx plates dully reflecting the night's sky off their polished surface. His blade was sheathed and strapped to his side and a strip of cloth, blue and white, was tied around his upper right fore-leg. Star wondered what that was for, but his eyes drifted to the little filly behind his friend.

Sunny was lightly bouncing on her hoofs, an excited grin on her face. She wore a modified padded chain-mail coat, a short sword at her side, and an extra padded metal helm with an added chin strap to keep it from toppling off her head. She also had a little kite shield on her back with a crude, hoof-painted black sun and moon on white and blue fields. She noticed Star staring at her and gave him a rapid wave with her hoof, her grin growing wider.

Next to the filly was Light and his new friend, Dazzle. The yellow unicorn who'd survived Nightmare's ruins and had proven a fun pony to hang around. She was in a studded vest and polished steel helm, made for unicorns. At her hooves she had a small box opened, a prism shaped gem made of diamond laid in the velvet padded interior. She'd told him earlier that it was a magic focus the Princesses had loaned her for this task. Her green eyes met his and she gave a confident nod.

Behind the royal group, the flak team of unicorns and earth ponies were behind the small circle of stone that had originally been for the Princesses. While laid out before them were makeshift barricades in front of the semi-circle line of Carro-ballista wagons just outside the canyon's entrance. Their crews were resting under their wagon beds, softly talking with one another or playing cards.

A few paces further, just beyond the barricades, the heavily armored Earth-Breaker ponies sat in near formation, most of their thick polished steel armor resting on the cold earth beside them. They were sharing drinks and lightly eating rations, but no words were spoken amongst them. Star got a sense of a bond between the big earth ponies. Something so strong they didn't need words to communicate. He half wondered if Big Mac had a shared ancestor with these Stalliongrad ponies.

He glanced up towards the top of the canyon walls, the jagged lines that blocked most of the sky above. He couldn't see them, but he knew the pegasi and griffons were up there. Dark, stone colored blankets close at hoof. He wondered if in another life, he'd been one of the ponies up there. The pegasi were going to be in a dangerous position once the outcasts decided to avoid the canyon's entrance. Would they know the right time to pull back? Would the outcasts overwhelm and come raining down on all their heads?

Star had to shake away the worrisome thoughts and tried to focus on the fact that Alexander and the other griffon clan-heads would be up there too. If any pony, er, griffon, could keep things together, he was confident that ancient leader could.

The remainder of the forces was a militia made of the remainder of the guards and the recruited ponies from the civilians. They were behind the flak teams, deeper into the pass. While some of them were off guarding the Spurlin refugees which hid in caves, it was still a fair number of ponies who nervously waited together. Star shook his head sadly as he regarded the group. Many of them were scared out of their minds as they clutched their makeshift weapons or bits of gear scrounged from the carts.

This was all they had to stop a force of blood-thirsty griffons that outnumbered them at least two to one. Was it enough? His internal clock started to nag at him and he knew it was about time for sunrise. Thankfully, the Princesses had used a spell to keep them all from needing sleep, but based on his past experience, he understood that come the following night, they'd be absolutely, drop-dead exhausted. Magic always came with a price.

Starstep returned his attention to the star-lit eastern horizon that he could see through the gap in Howling Pass' entrance.

Star spoke, breaking the silence amongst the royal group. “Is it time?”

Luna spread out a wing and gently placed it upon his back, giving him a calming smile. “Be not in a rush, my love. For this morning, the world wilt change.”

*** “And history will repeat.” Nightmare cackled, a vision of Luna weeping over Goldwing's body flashed in Star's mind.

“I won’t let history repeat,” Star whispered ever so softly.

“Then we art in agreement,” Luna said in Star's ear before withdrawing her wing as a pegasus glided down towards them, wearing a courier's tabard. She bowed before the royal sister before quickly relaying her message.

“Your highnesses, Captain Oakwood says that the bat-ponies were successful. The scouts are reporting that the bat-ponies have met up with the smaller pegasi raid team to the east and are circling back towards us. He expects they'll arrive in a few minutes.”

Celestia nodded. “Thank you, Ribbon Dash. Return to the Captain and let him know we'll be putting up the mirage once the outcasts are in sight.”

“Yes, Princess.” The young mare bowed and flew away back into the darkness.

Celestia pointed a hoof at the horizon, her horn glowing brilliantly. Then, the edge of the sun slipped up over the eastern foothills. Moments later, a horn rang out from the Stalliongrad camp and another shortly thereafter answered from within the militia group and one more from on top of Howling pass.

With the call to arms sounded, Star watched in awe at the practiced speed the Stalliongrad Earth-Breakers slipped into the last of their armor and strapped it down. He had to admit that it put the Royal Canterlot Guards to shame considering they only used partial armor and not the hoof to tail full-plate of the big earth-ponies. They finished suiting and tightened their ranks to be five-deep in a half-circle around the wagons and canyon entrance, standing at full attention as the first glimmers of the sun reflected off the wall of steel.

Behind the armored warriors, the ballista wagon unicorn crews were scrambling out from under their wagons and using magic to draw the massive bowstrings before loading pony-long bolts of wood and steel. Once loaded, they lined up extra bolts for easy access next to the wagons and took their positions. One at the back of the bow for aiming, one down below to assist reload, and one with a feather in their helm with a spyglass hanging from a strap around their neck. Star noticed that some of the bolts had basic spear-heads, some with a complex bundle with netting and some with cone-tipped micro-kegs.

Star's ears swiveled as he heard the scrape of rock and raised voices of the flak crew as they paired off into teams of unicorns and earth-ponies. He remembered reading about the old tactic in battles long past, and while a very old concept he had to admit that in theory it sounded like a good idea. The unicorns would lift large rocks up and the earth-ponies would buck them, splintering them into high-speed shrapnel pieces. Not a lot of range, but the damage to fliers who got too close would be devastating.

Other than that, he could see the militia being formed into loose ranks by the Spurlin Officers. The normal guards seemed calm enough on the surface, though the volunteers next to them had fear, nervousness and despair on their faces, and were clutching their makeshift weapons tight. Star admired their bravery to step up and protect the rest of the herd. He made a mental note to make sure they were honored after the battle.

Minutes passed and the sun crept up a little more, a full quarter of the orange ball peeking over the foothills though right above them, the moon still hung in the sky. A twilight coloring of blues and reds painted the scattered clouds, the twinkling of stars still there, though faint. A tense hush had settled over them. A tightness that clutched at the chest. Even Nightmare in Star's head was wound up tight, though it was more in gleeful anticipation. It reminded Star of a filly about to open her Hearthwarming gifts.

There, just in the orange glow, Star could just make out little bobbing black specks, ever so slowly becoming clearer as they flew closer. Time seemed to crawl for him as he waited, and waited, curiosity and nervousness writhing in his belly.

The clop of hooves approaching distracted him for a moment as Commandant Frost marched up, still in her furred hat and heavy trench-coat. She halted before the royal sisters and saluted. “The ballista teams are ready to open with fire-bolts on your command Princesses.” She tilted her head to the side, looking beyond them to the nervous Militia and Spurlin Guards. “I hope the explosions won’t spook anypony.”

Celestia gave a nod of acknowledgment. “It will be fine.”

Luna lifted her chin, “Remind thy teams not to fire prematurely. Tis better to allow a few of the outcast to pass than risk injury to the bat-ponies or pegasi raiders.” Star got a feeling there was more to Luna's words between the lines.

Frost bowed low. “Of course, Princess. The crews are well trained. We won’t hit our allies.” She turned to face the horizon.

The specks had grown larger and behind them a thousand smaller specks had come into view. On and on they came till Star could make out the shape of a handful of bat-ponies and pegasi, flying as hard as they could right for Howling Pass. He couldn't help but notice the slight bobbing flying style of the bat-ponies compared to the even flight of the pegasi.

Luna looked to her sister. “Tis time, Tia.”

The white alicorn nodded. “I'm ready, Lu-lu.”

Both of their horns lit up brilliantly, white and blue. Moments later a shimmering field rose up a hundred yards from the Earth-breaker ponies. It was like looking through rippling water, or heat rising from hot metal. It slightly obscured the other side, making the dots of the approaching horde wiggle and shift.

Star arched an eyebrow. “Can't they still see us?”

“Neigh, my love. To them, the canyon shimmers and wavers, but no pony to be seen.”

He could just make out the bat-ponies and pegasi as they dove together, plummeting towards the rocky ground and pulling up at high-speeds to rocket towards the pass. There were a handful of griffons right on their tails, but the majority were racing to catch up. Star could just start to make out the sound of so many flapping wings. There was no rhythm, just chaotic noise.

The pack of bat-ponies and pegasi breached the mirage field, racing just over everypony's heads at twenty feet, not even slowing as they banked and wove their way down the jagged, curved passage of the canyon and out of sight. Just then, the few griffons that had kept up with the ponies flew through the cloak. A few gave a surprised squawk at the sudden appearance of so many ponies below them, the rest were caught up in the chase. They flew just over the Stalliongrad forces, the royal group and right into firing range of the flak crews. By the time they realized what was happening, it was too late as the unicorns lifted large rocks for the earth-ponies to buck them into screaming fragments of stone. They outcasts got the full force of the splintered rocks, the bits biting deep into flesh, snapping delicate wing-bones or hitting the soft spots of their bellies. They fell, tumbling to the earth with screams of rage and surprise, the twenty or so foot fall was bone-crushing for many and the few that were still conscious afterwords were bound and gagged by the officers who watched over the flak-crews.

Star immediately returned his attention to the fast approaching horde. A few hesitated, obviously confused by the disappearance of their lead fliers. The rest, however, charged mindlessly on. Many had soot or fire marks on their bodies. Star assumed it was from the bat-ponies' raid.

On they came, 400 yards, 300 yards, then 200. In the back of Star's mind, Nightmare was grinning broadly, her cat-like eyes wide and bright. He resisted the urge to ask her what about this made her so happy, knowing he'd probably regret it.

The horde was at 100 yards, just outside of the haze that marked the mirage field, the sky thick of screaming, blood-thirsty outcast griffons.

“Now!” Celestia commanded in the Royal Canterlot voice and as one the ballista fired in a resounding chorus of slaps. Star watched the ten bolts arc up and into the midst of the first wall of griffons that passed into clear sight. A unicorn in each of the crews lit up their horns and the kegs on the end of the launched bolts exploded in a ground shaking display of fire and smoke. At least a hundred or more griffons fell from the sky and landed at the armored Stalliongrad pony's hooves in a smoldering heap. The Earth-breakers never flinched.

“Ballista Crews, load Fire-bolts!” Frost shouted, her voice cold and clear. “Fire on my command!” Star glanced over to notice the teams had already drawn back the massive bow and immediately fitted the required bolt.

The griffons not hit by the explosions were in chaos, some continuing to push forward, some retreating back out of the haze, causing some in the approaching horde to hesitate. None of them quite knew what was happening. The few that pushed on while the ballistae were loading were quickly met with stone-flak, the little pebbles from the impacts clattering off a light barrier Dazzle had erected over the royal group. Tiny specks of red had also begun to mist the yellow shield. A thunk above them cause Star to duck and look up reflexively. A fallen griffon had collided with the top of the barrier and tumbled off to one side. He watched an officer bind the fallen and drag him away.

A slower wave of griffons slipped through the mirage wall, dodging the chaotic first wave as they passed. Their eyes went wide moments before Frost gave the command and many fell in the new burst of explosions from the ballista bolts. They too fell at the Earth-breaker's hooves as the heavily armored ponies remained waiting in battle formation.

A handful survived the second attack and retreated back, screaming a warning, their feathers singed and smoking. The horde milled about in confusion as the few with grand macabre pony adornments shouted orders from the back of the crowd. Some were calling for a ground assault, gesturing towards the earth while others argued for a mass air assault. Clearly there was no unified command structure.

One griffon with a pony fur cap, the sight of which horrified Star, managed to bring a sizable force with him to the ground. They charged forward with a screaming warcry right through the field and face-first into the Earth-breaker ponies. The big stallions and mares reared up, smashing beaks and limbs with the bone-crushing armored hooves. The griffons retaliated, claws scraping across the armored plates, some launching themselves onto the ponies in an attempt to grapple. The claws did little damage and the ones clutching the ponies simply got rolled under the huge Earth-breakers, the mass of the pony and armor knocking the wind out of them. A few got lucky, managing to slip talons between joints or in the eye-slits of the helmets, but it did little to help them push through the wall of steel and flesh.

Above, one of the outcast leaders took a large group up high, and once above the top of the canyon and the mirage, screamed in rage at all the ponies and dove down towards them. They were met by the disguised pegasi and griffon allies. Hooves and claws and blades met mid-air in the largest aerial dog-fight Star had ever seen.

Another outcast leader wore a ton of jewelry, his body covered in glittering gold trinkets and chains. He organized the remaining outcasts into a long line and charged them straight at the mirage. As Commandant Frost saw their change in tactic, she ordered her ballista crews to switch to net launchers.

The outcasts flew into the mirage in a long stream, the first of them catching nets that tangled many together, plummeting them to the earth. Unfortunately, the time to reload was too long to stop them all as they streamed in. The flak crews soon had plenty of targets bearing down on them, stone fragments costing the assaulting forces dearly. More and more outcasts slipped through, diving at the militia. Some of the volunteers lost their nerve and either ran or huddled in on themselves. The rest raised their weapons and blocked the first wave. In moments they were swarmed by the outcasts, fighting for their lives.

The gold laden leader followed the last of his group, nimbly dodging a net-launcher and laughing as it took out a griffon next to him. He paused just inside the mirage, surveying the pony defenses then his eyes looked down and noticed the Royal sisters. He barked a sharp order and in moments, Star's group was surrounded by at least twenty outcasts, most armed with blades that looked pony in origin, the rest with jagged spears.

Some of the outcasts seemed nervous as their eyes kept drifting towards Luna and Celestia. The rest wore a sadistic or confident grin. There was no warning or warcry as they charged in from all sides. Lighthoof's blade shattered his first opponent’s longsword like glass and followed up with a slash to the neck, coating his golden armor in red mist. Sunny, without hesitation, slipped up behind an outcast that was flanking the Knight and stabbed him in the hind-leg. The wounded griffon spun in rage and got a face full of magic from Dazzle sending him spiraling out into the dirt.

Luna and Celestia used gold and brilliant blue bursts of magic to strike down any griffon who came too near, heads down, horns leveled threateningly.

Star ripped his eyes away from the magic show as a couple female griffons charged him together. He put his lessons from Alexander to good use, deflecting the blows from their worn swords with his black wing-guards. One of them made an overextended thrust and Star deflected the point of the blade into the dirt and followed up with a quick smash of the blunt edge of his wing to her face. She recoiled, screaming as black smoke rose from the bruised eye. The other female seemed confused for a moment, but shook it off and dove in, sword forgotten to claw at him in rapid swings.

Her talons screeched off the inky-black plates over and over, Star kept his shields up to deflect her wild swings. Then she suddenly stopped and staggered backwards, looking at her talons in abject horror. Apparently her bare palms had touched the plates and the flesh was smoking black, edged with frost.

Nightmare was cackling in mad laughter as the two terrified female griffons retreated.

Unfortunately for Star, four more griffons took their place, these armed with better cared-for swords and bits of armor. And strangely, Solstice felt heavier somehow. With a grunt, he lifted his wing-guards up into a defensive stance as another griffon charged in.

While the battle had started off in the ponies favor, the sheer number of attackers began to whittle at their strength. Even the Earth-breakers began to lose members as a few were swarmed by six or more griffons, pulling and ripping at their armor until a weak point was exposed and swiftly exploited. The ballista crews began to suffer casualties as the flak-crews were engaged by a swarm of their own. The remaining members of the Carro-ballista took three wagons and circled them into a little fortification, firing off nets and jagged bolts into the fliers not engaged on the ground.

Up above, the aerial defense was pushed down to the tops of the canyons. And while the pegasi didn't have the strength or claws of the griffons, they were far more nimble and had a better time at avoiding injury. The ally griffons held their own for a while, Alexander and the other Clan-heads putting up such a show of force, some of the outcasts went out of their way to avoid them. But even they were eventually pushed to fighting amongst the ledges and outcroppings of the upper canyon. The sheer numbers the outcasts were throwing at them was simply too much.

On paper, it didn't seem like that many opponents, but now that Star was face to face with the reality, he felt a twinge of panic in his gut. He thought he'd done fairly well so far, keeping so many at bay with his Solstice. At least six laid unconscious at his hooves, but there were plenty more willing to attack the Royal group. To make matter worse, with every griffon taken down from touching their flesh, his wing-guards seemed to tug on something inside him. He couldn't quite explain it. He was beginning to wear out and a quick glance over his shoulder told a similar story for Lighthoof, Dazzle and even Sunny.

The front of Lighthoof's armor was coated with red and the edge of his blade dripped liquid. He was breathing hard around the hilt in his mouth, wings flared and quivering, sure signs of a pegasi in distress. Behind him, Sunny's eyes were scanning left and right, a determined expression on her scratched and bleeding face. Her helmet was missing, probably lost amongst the fallen attackers.

Dazzle's legs were quivering, her horn lower threateningly as she stared down a fresh group of attackers. Her magic lanced out a brilliant yellow, through the floating diamond focus and split in a rainbow of colors to blinding the charging outcast so badly they stumbled into their own allies, causing a tangle of limbs and wings. She attempted to finish them but the magic bolts she fired seemed dull and only singed their feathers.

Luna and Celestia seemed fine, though the tip of Celestia's spear was bloody with her waving and twirling it about in her magic. Luna supported her sister with blasts of blue magic that crystallized any flesh it touched and blue barriers when an outcast attempted to attack from the flanks.

Star deflected a sudden thrust of a spear, avoiding following up with his other wing to punch the griffion in the beak with a bare hoof. Something was certain now that something was wrong with the wing-guards. Sure, they seemed to critically injure those he hit, but the burden on him it produced was putting a tremendous strain on his spirit.

He internally groaned as the spear wielder got back to his paws and two more griffons landed beside him. Together the three charged and Star knew he was in trouble. He deflected one, two blows, but a third gave him a little slash on the cheek. Tiredly, he did all he could to hold off their onslaught, his body was willing, but the spirit seemed drained from him. Half-heartedly he deflected, blocked and dodge, but suffered numerous cuts and bruises for all his effort.

***"Let me help. Together we can finish them all."

Star stomped down on an overextended thrust from the spear wielder and head-butted the griffon in the face. The outcast tumbled backwards, screeching in rage as his two allies closed in again.

"I don't need your help." Star growled.

***"Just ask, and all this will be over. Then you and I can love Luna together."

The blue-grey pegasus screamed in rage as he bounced back the blows of his two attackers and gave them both a smack across the face with the leading edges of his wing-guards. They recoiled in pain and horror, clutching their faces and rolling around on the hard stone, their painful cries filling Star's ears.

Immediately he felt the willingness to fight drain out of him and his heavy wings drooped, the edges scraping the granite.

A part of him saw another griffon diving down at him and for some reason, he just couldn't seem to care.

***"You stupid foal! Ask for my help, you idiot! Ask!" Nightmare was screaming at him.

"Go buck yourself." Star mumbled.

A flash of gold and onyx caught Star's attention as Lighthoof lept forward to cut the diving griffon out of the air, landing in a protective stance in front of his friend. "You alright, dude?"

"Huh, oh, yeah. I'm sorry, Light. I was just a little winded." He could feel a little of himself returning, the grip Solstice had on him was easing. A loud horn sounded somewhere in the canyon, causing Star's ears to flatten.

Cheers began to echo from above, the voices of pegasi crying out in joy.

To the west, the bat-ponies had returned with twenty or so Wonderbolts in their blue uniforms right on their tails. Behind them was the Trottingham royal air-force of a hundred ponies, dressed in green, forest patterned outfits and armed with small crossbows strapped to their forelegs.

Even with the new arrivals, the outcasts still outnumbered them. Yet, it gave them pause and Star could see the minute conflict of fight or flight in their faces. However he noticed the gold laden outcast leader watching his group from just beyond the circle of outcasts surrounding the royal group. The leader turned his head to regard the approaching air-force with disgust, decision weighing on his mind before he pulled a gold plated horn from his belt and gave a mighty double-blow. At first, nothing happened so he blew again. The outcasts began to disengage and fly away from the ponies towards the east.

As Star watched in bewilderment, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye and turned his head just in time to watch the gold-laden outcast rip a spear out of a nearby griffons claw, bounce it in his palm to balance and hurled it right at the royal sisters, whose attentions were focused in another direction.

He didn't hesitate, springing on his hind-legs with all his might, flapping his wings in a futile gesture to gain a few feet of air. Everything seemed to slow down in that moment.

Nightmare was screaming at him, Luna's head spun, eyes widening. Fear, disappointment, anger; emotions so pure rushed into Star through their link. But it was too late, he was committed, all he could do was try.

There it was, right in front of him, he twisted his body, bringing his armored right wing down on the shaft of the spear. He could feel it connect, snap the hardened wood. He wasn't sure what happened next but he felt the wind get knocked out of him and he fell to the ground hard, gasping urgently for air, a hot pain lancing through his chest. Spots filled his vision as his panicked eyes looked around, his legs scraping at the hard stony earth in a futile effort to escape the agony.

Someone was shouting at him, or it seemed like shouting. His ears were ringing for some reason. He willed himself to focus his eyes and looked up into the worried face of Luna. She used her hoof to gently lift his right wing and looked underneath. There was... something in her expression that Star couldn't quite comprehend. He wanted to call it relief but that was under her mask of cold fury. Their link had grown cold as though she had muted it, hiding her true feelings from him. Tears suddenly rolled down her cheeks and she gave a mighty wail of despair. It broke Star's heart to hear her weep over him.

He took a ragged breath, pain lancing up his side as he did. Carefully he began to lift a hoof to comfort his wife, to let her know he was still alive, but the alicorn scooped him up in her forelimbs, crushing his legs to his side, preventing him from moving, burying his face in her chest fur.

Her wailing faded and she gently laid him back on the ground before turning to stalk away, silent tears rolling down her cheeks as she marched towards the retreating outcast griffons. Rage so deep, Star was certain her onyx slippers would snap with every step. Celestia hurried up to her sister, pleading with her as Luna's horn glowed brighter, and brighter. Above, the moon seemed to grow in size with every second that passed.

“No, sister.” Luna's voice said in cold fury, loud enough for Star to hear. “Never again wilt these creatures harm our ponies.” Her horn was now blinding blue light, the moon now so close that Star was certain a pegasus could fly to it. He could feel the ground under his side begin to tremble.

“Do not do this, Lu-Lu! Remember the pact! We've won the day, you don't need to do this!”

Luna twisted her head to look at her sister. “Hide behind thy pact, sister. A thousand years and thou still cannot do what must be done.”

The ground around them began to shake violently now, pebbles bouncing on the rocky surface. Above, the moon was dominating the sky even while Celestia's sun was three-quarters over the horizon to the east.

There was a sound that defied words. Like a pressure in the ears, or deep rumbling of the earth that cannot be put into form. The retreating outcasts were pushed from the sky and tumbled to the ground. Even from Star's vantage he could see them struggling to lift themselves from the ground, a terrible force was pushing them into the earth.

Celestia put a hoof to her lips as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Please... Lu-lu. Don't. Our ponies wont see you as anything but a Goddess again. Something to be worshiped, to be feared.”

Luna looked to her sister. Sadness and rage in her expression. “Then assist me and we shalt bear the burden together.”

The white alicorn turned away. “I can't, I could never.” She looked away, closing her eyes before beginning a sad, slow walk away from her sister as Luna focused on her moon.

Star noticed Lighthoof and Dazzle at his side. He turned his head to them. “Help me up.” He coughed out, his breath still painful. The pair gave him an incredulous look before glancing at one another.

“Hey, dude. Just relax, it'll be fine. The outcast pulled back.” The Knight glanced at the wood haft of the spear sticking out of Star's side and grimaced.

“Light, bucking get me up, please. Hurry.”

The tan pegasus gave a heavy sigh. “I never could say no to you, dude.” He glanced at Dazzle. “Can you pull the shaft and keep him from bleeding out?”

“Yes, but you should still support him.” She used her magic to yank the shaft out of Star's side, an inch of the broken wood had embedded itself into him, though thankfully, Star had broken off the head of it in time.

Together they got him to his hooves, supported between their bodies, Dazzle's magic pressing a cloth compress to his wound.

Luna was pressing the gravity of her moon down on the screaming griffons while Celestia was walking towards the trio, head held low. The ponies all around them watched their princesses with conflicted faces.

“P-princess -cough- Princess Celestia.” Star managed to voice above the rumbling.

The Sun-goddess lifted her head, eyes widening at the sight of him. “Star! My little pony, you're alive? Then why... ?” Her attention redirected to her sister.

Star began to understand the vision Nightmare had shown him before. It was beginning to make sense and he was determined to help Luna stop history from repeating.

Celestia quickened her pace as she closed the gap between them. “Star, please, help me talk sense into her. She must stop this madness!”

“She's not doing this for me. I'm just one more pony that got hurt trying to protect you. But it's not you who needs -cough- protecting. It's us.”

“You don't understand. This has happened before. If she does this... What she's doing is...” The alicorn shook her head. Her eyes looked out across the watching pony citizens. “I couldn't.”

Lighthoof frowned. “Star, what the buck are you doing. This is between them.”

“You're right. -cough- Buck that hurts... It is. That's the point. Nightmare Moon happened because the day Goldwing -cough- died, Celestia walked away.”

Nightmare grinned a cat-like grin. Eyes bright in his head. She was enjoying the anguish that flickered on the Sun-Goddess' face.

“How dare you.” Celestia started. "You-"

Star interrupted her. “Don't believe me, ask Luna yourself.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at the pony, judging his words before turning her attention to her sister who was still pressing the moon's gravity down upon the helpless griffons. Slowly, painfully crushing them.

“Sister... is what he says... true?” She asked, hesitant, a little fear in her voice.

Luna turned to meet Celestia's gaze, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Tis truth. I bore the burden of mine actions, alone. Slowly, I did become the creature they saw me to be.”

“Then stop this. Let them go. We will deal with them later.”

“Neigh. You know they will return and harm more ponies. I shalt not let this come to pass. No more will perish at their talons.”

Celestia looked out at the destructive force of Luna's moon. “What you're doing is monstrous.”

Star stumbled forward out of Light and Dazzle's hold to fall at the white alicorn's hooves. “Then please, for Luna. Be monsters together. I beg you.”

Celestia looked down at the injured pegasus, his useless wings and a pleading look in his eyes. “You don't know what you're asking.” She glanced over at Lighthoof, her champion of ponies in his blood-splattered armor and calm expression.

Lighthoof gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll always be there for you, Princess. No matter what you do. I'm your knight after all."

A tear rolled down her cheek as she turned back and walked to Luna's side. The white alicorn took a deep breath before her horn lit up in a brilliant display of gold and fire, nearly blinding every pony. The sister leaned against one another, horns touching and creating an aura of purple magic.

The ground's trembling increased and Star could see the orange glow of the rising sun flare for a moment. Nothing else happened for a few moments, but then a wave of fire was seen rushing towards them from the sky. It reminded Starstep of the illustrations Twilight had shown him of solar flares, only this one was heading right for them.

He had only time to blink before the wash of plasma energy slammed into the gravity pinned outcast griffons. When his vision returned, there was nothing but ash, drifting about in the breeze of the aftermath. The ground where they'd been, the stone was molten, a glowing orange, the sand turned to bits of blackened glass. Only scorched earth on a scale no pony had ever seen before remained.

No pony or griffon said a word. The world had stilled in awe of such power.

Celestia and Luna released their magics, the moon returning to its proper size in the sky, and the sun lifting above the horizon. They embraced one another, weeping silent tears, their necks touching with their heads over each other’s shoulders.

Around them, the ponies dropped their weapons and bowed low towards the alicorns, their twin-goddesses. Even the griffons lowered their heads in respect. Star could see Alexander on a rocky ledge above them, grinning his twisted grin as he caught a bit of floating ash in his talon, grinding it in his palm.

When Star looked back to the royal sisters, he noticed Luna looking right at him, her piercing teal eyes seemed to sparkle as she gave him a smile. But it was not a smile of contentment, or love, or passionate joy at connecting with her sister.

It was a dark smile of triumph.

Nightmare's earlier question came back to echo in his ears. “Can you love a monster?”

Without a doubt, he now had his answer.

Yes, yes he could.