> For the Emperor and the UNSC!: Rainblade's Discussion > by Titan Commander Sebaste > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Surprise visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainblade sat in her room at Twilight's castle, staring her hooves. It had only been a month since she had found herself in a new Equestria, stuffed in a crate, only for the one human friend she had made to find her inside. She blinked back tears as she turned her mind to her friends back in her old Equestria. Sebaste had told her that Applejack had been killed during the war that she had been kidnapped in. Twi… I hope you're doing okay… She thought. She then sighed and stood up before she began to walk out, only to turn as she heard a portal open behind her. “Sasha? You guys are back earl-” She stopped as she saw an unwelcome figure exit from it.  Four metal hooves touched the floor, servos balancing out the weight of the pegasus. Metal bat-like wings extended from her back, while her torso was fully cybernetic. Two metal rods replaced ears, which twitched as they gathered data. A robotic eye replaced on of her organic magenta colored eyes, and it glowed a bright red. A faded, rainbow colored mane fell down on one side.  “Greetings, Cyberdrone Prototype.” Rainborg Cydash said, her cybernetic eye seeming to examine Rainblade. “I see you are still functional.” A pegasus filly jumped out of the portal. She looked just like Rainblade as a filly, except with a pink coat and a light blue mane and tail. The young filly immediately slipped up next to Rainborg, eyeing Rainblade with suspicion. Rainblade leapt back, her wingblades raised. “What are you doing here?!” She growled. “And the name is Rainblade, not one of those clones!” “Ah good, that answers my first question.” Rainborg said, glancing around. “As for why I am here, it's mainly a routine checkup and software update.” Rainblade slowly lowered her wingblades, a distrustful look on her face. “How do I know you're not here to take me back to that hellhole of a group you call the New Black Legion?” She said, her voice steely. “Because, to be frank, you aren't needed there. I have multiple plans in motion currently for acquiring new test subjects to better improve my cybernetic production capabilities. Plus, your a special test all on your own here.” Rainborg replied, shrugging. Rainblade then looked over at the filly. “Who's she?” She asked, her wings whirring as they shifted. “Oh, her?” Rainborg asked, looking down at the filly with a smile. “She’s my daughter, Ravage.” The filly gave a cautious wave. Rainblade nodded in response. “Anyway, like I said, you're a special kind of test.” Rainborg continued, circling around Rainblade. “You are the first of my cyborgs to be given their free will and consciousness back. You are unique in that matter, and taking you back to the Factory would not be beneficial towards test results.” Ravage stayed next to Rainborg, one eye always on the other Cyberpegasus as she listened to her mother. Rainblade flicked her tail, uncertainty in her organic eye. “So all I am, is just a test for you?” She asked, her ears folding back. “Look, kid, we might both be Rainbow Dash, but I have very little in common with you beyond that. I cloned you into an army of cybernetic war machines for revenge. So considering that, yes, right now all you are to me is a test subject. Right now, I'm here to check up on how you are doing, making sure you haven't gone insane from the cybernetic implants, and to give your systems a small update.” Rainborg sighed, leaning on one of the walls. “I mean, who knows? We might end up becoming pals, but there's only a two percent chance of that happening.” Rainblade snorted. “Guess all that modification to yourself hasn't left much emotion in you. At least I don't treat my friends like they're test subjects.” “Actually, the modifications aren't the cause. It's mostly going through three wars one after the other that did that. And plus,” Rainborg said, before her body suddenly began changing, slowly seeming to appear fully organic, as if time had reversed itself. “I am quite nice to my friends. It's just partly leftover hatred for what Sebaste did to Midnight. And we aren't friends.” She said, her voice no longer sounding synthetic. Rainblade showed no emotion as Rainborg changed. “It's like Sebaste said, you don't go into a war without preparing to lose those you care about. And you’ve already done that to him.” “Heh, you might be right, but you might be wrong.” Rainborg smirked, before sighing. “However, I can show you a bit of, I guess you could call it mercy.” Rainborg stepped closer to Rainblade, looking her in the eyes. “If my other tests work out, I will be able to make cyborgs look like they aren't cyborgs. Synthetic cyborgs, if you will. If my research is successful, I can either rebuild your body to be as such, or craft you a synthetic body for your use. Consider it my way of apologizing for turning you into a cyborg.” Rainblade sighed. “Thanks, but… I’d rather stay like this, it helps with telling me from the this Equestria's Rainbow Dash.” “Heh, suppose it does.” Rainborg shrugged. “I can at least make you seem less like a cyborg. That way ponies won't look at you funny.” She then shrugged again. “Anyways, I’m also here for giving your systems an update. It'll increase your sensor range, hearing capabilities, energy core output and efficiency, as well as make you somewhat EMP proof. And also Zapper proof. Then there's also the sight updates and other such things.” A cord popped out of her hoof, which then extended five finger-like metal appendages as she reverted to her normal form. “Please show me your right side, it will only take a moment for the update.” Rainblade nodded hesitantly and turned. “What exactly are “Zappers”?” she asked.  “Little, highly irritating devices that can disable weapon systems, as well as our cybernetic parts. I'm unfortunate enough to have run into an annoying Displaced that just loved using them on me. I'm lucky it didn't disable any of my more important systems, like the one that keeps me alive.” Rainborg said as she placed her hoof on Rainblade’s midsection. A panel opened up, and the chord in Rainborg’s hand was placed inside.  Rainblade felt a small jolt as new data was entered into her body, deleting some old and obsolete systems and replacing them with newer, updated ones. She felt an energy field hover just above her body, before vanishing. She also felt her eyes adjust to the new information as a Heads-Up Display covered the sides of her eyesight, giving her her vital signs, power distribution and efficiency, as well as many other things that she could not make sense of. Rainborg’s hoof disconnected from Rainblade, signaling the transfer of data was completed.   “That field you felt is a very low power force field. It cannot deflect or stop bullets or other fast moving projectiles, but it keeps things like a zapper from interacting with you.” Rainborg explained, nuzzling Ravage as she spoke. “I think there was a pair of Displaced that Seb told me about that visited a few weeks ago. He called them DM and DMG…. One was dressed in robes and the other… was a dragoness.”   “Ugh...I hate her so much. She's the one you have to watch out for.” Rainborg growled, turning. “She's somewhat similar to Pinkie Pie in terms of abilities. Also,” she looked around, “Where's those knuckleheads?” “Seb’s on a mission at the moment, getting more info on Flame Tail while the other three are helping another Displaced with a demon problem. Seb should be back later today while the others… I don't know when they’ll be back.” Rainblade replied, shrugging. “Huh. Alright then.” Rainborg shrugged. “So, how have you been fitting in in this new universe?” She asked, but Ravage spoke up.   “Mommy, who's the lookalike? Is she a Changeling or something?” She asked, looking up to Rainborg while pointing at Rainbine. “I mean, if she is, she's not doing a good job at disguising herself, since you’re the real Mommy.” “I’m… a Rainbow that your mom took from another Equestria and experimented on.” Rainblade replied, her tone neutral. “As for how I’m fitting in, other than a few nervous looks, I’m doing okay.” “Experi...manted?” Ravage said carefully, confused.   “It's not important right now Ravage.” Rainborg said to her daughter. “I'll explain later.” She turned back to Rainblade. “Well that's good. Any nervous breakdowns, or any odd symptoms?” Rainborg asked. “Other than missing my friends? No.” Rainblade said. “Besides, being with Seb and the others can get… pretty exciting. I actually got pulled into another Displaced's world after the others were called over.” “I see.” Rainborg replied, servos clicking in her legs. “Well that wraps up our little session here. If there is anything you would like to say, now is the time. I have an appointment with a school for Ravage.” “A school? What’s it called?” “Ummm, Beacon or something. It's apparently a School for Displaced to learn how to use their powers or something.” Rainborg shrugged. “Wait… That’s the school that Sasha and the others are going to! Seb’s a combat trainer there.” Rainblade said. “Huh. Small multiverse.” Rainborg shrugged. “Ravage’s teacher is apparently going to be a guy named ‘Crow’ or something. I have to meet him pretty soon.” “I wish you luck.” “Ah, it'll be fine. For one, Ravage is half-demon. And I'm me! I’m not scared of some teacher!” Rainborg declared proudly, hovering in the air slightly. She hovered back down. “Well, if that is all, we shall be on our way.” Rainborg said, putting Ravage on her back. A snort of laughter from behind them caused them to turn and see Sebaste standing at the door. “Even under that metal plating, you're still the same Rainbow Dash we all come to know.” He said with a hidden smirk. “Sometimes brash and arrogant, but always loyal to her friends.” “Sebaste.” Rainborg almost half-growled. “How long have you been there?” “A few minutes actually. I just got back from my recon mission, and was coming to check on Rainblade.” He said before he looked over at Ravage. “So that's little Ravage. You’ve become quite the mom.” He remarked. Ravage stared at him curiously as Rainborg shrugged. “I guess I have. So, like I stated, unless there's anything else you need, we will be on our way.” Rainblade shook her head. “I think I'm good.” she replied. “Alright then.” Rainborg shrugged, a portal opening up. “I'll check in from time to time.” With that, Rainborg and her daughter slipped into the portal. “Heh… looks like I’ll be seeing Ravage at Beacon. Although… She might actually be heading to Signal, it’s the same school as Beacon, but for younger Displaced.” He explained as Rainblade gave him a confused look. Rainblade chuckled as Sebaste ruffled her mane. “C'mon, let's head to Sugarcube Corner, shake’s on me.” He said. Suddenly, something rolled to a stop next to Rainblade’s hoof. “What the F-!” Sebaste yelled before it exploded in a blinding flash of light, thankfully negated by the recent upgrade Rainblade had gotten and a recent addition to Sebaste's visor. “Damn it Rainborg!” The Spartan growled before he and Rainblade left the castle to Sugarcube Corner.