> Elements of the Duel > by Dashguy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Duel One - Twilight's Assignment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. The eldest used her magic to raise the sun at dawn and bring out the moon to begin the night. As time went on, the younger sister became concerned about the eldest, and the toll her duties were taking on her. One day, the younger sister asked the eldest to teach her the way to control the moon, so she could help her with her duties. However, the eldest sister refused, saying she could feel darkness in the heart of the younger sister. Day after day, the younger sister worked to vanish the darkness in her heart. At last she succeeded, yet the very darkness she purged from herself transformed into a being of pure evil: Nightmare Moon. She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Even with their combined powers, both sisters were unable to defeat Nightmare Moon. In one final effort, the younger sister sacrificed her life and banished Nightmare Moon permanently in the moon. Once again, the elder sister took on responsibility for both, sun and moon, and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since. A woman stands firm in the middle of an open-air arena, bathed in the warm light of the spring sun. “This is a Duel Disk,” she states, raising her left hand and showing the small, white, rectangular shaped device tied around her forearm by a black leather strap. “It’s a magical artifact created for the sole purpose of dueling,” she explains. “Engraved with special runes, it collects the excess magic from its surroundings and focuses it to create solid holographic projections with a high level of interactivity.” The woman is tall and stunningly beautiful, with perfect, milky-white skin, a gorgeous face and soft magenta eyes. Her hair shines with the colors of the aurora; vibrant shades of blue, green and pink, and is so long it goes down her waist, flowing softly behind her as if carried by a perpetual breeze. Her exceptionally well-toned arms give her an Amazonian kind of appeal. She wears sandals and a long, pure white, shoulder less dress with golden trims. The vertical cuts at the sides of her skirt reveal her long, shapely legs. The dress presses tightly over her firm, round butt and ample bosom, highlighting her hourglass figure. In front of her, the crowd of teenage boys and girls listen attentively, every single one of them carrying a Duel Disk of their own. As first year students of the Eos Dueling School, they all wear the same black polished shoes and gold trimmed, white uniforms, with pants for the boys and short, pleated skirts for the girls. With a soft touch of her index finger, the Duel Disk hums to life, the square shaped screen on the center lighting up. A yellow, curved blade of pure magical energy suddenly unfolds from the disk, drawing the awe of the crowd. She points out the different spaces for monster, spell and trap cards, as well as the slots for deck and extra deck, graveyard and banishment. “Now,” she looks around the presents. “I’m going to need a volunteer.” There is a long moment of silence. Nobody in the crowd dares to take a step forward. “Come on now, don’t be shy,” she says with an encouraging smile and a tilt of her head. “We’re all using the same pre-constructed decks here.” A hand slowly rises from the back of the crowd, followed by a voice calling meekly. “P-Princess Celestia…” A bespectacled boy with short, reddish hair and brown eyes emerges from the crowd, walking stiffly. “I-I would like to volunteer,” he declares meekly. The boy blushes when a couple of his classmates tease him from behind for his boldness. Celestia smiles kindly. “Thank you, Firecracker.” Firecracker’s eyes widen in surprise. He did not expect her to remember his name. His blush intensifies and he mutters a response, drawing several chuckles from his classmates. Celestia turns around and walks away until she is far enough, then turns to face him again. “Shall we begin?” She asks raising her Duel Disk. Firecracker nods and activates his Duel Disk. Two life points counters appear on both sides of the field, above their respective owners; each reading 4000. After a couple of seconds, they vanish. The screen on each Duel Disk flashes alternatively, finally stopping on Celestia. “It looks like I will be taking the first turn,” she comments. With a soft whirr, the Duel Disks eject five cards, which both duelists pick up. Celestia examines her hand briefly, picks a card between her index and middle fingers and slaps it on her disk with a swift and elegant move. “Alpha the Electromagnetic Warrior.” A mechanical monster appears on the field, emitting a loud humming sound as electricity courses through its whole body. A few students comment about how realistic the monster looks. Celestia continues her explanation. “The screen on your Duel Disks will display all relevant information, including face-up cards’ effects on both, field and graveyard, number of turns that have passed and remaining life points of each duelist.” She taps the screen a couple of times, making the Duel Disk eject a single card, Valkyrion the Magna Warrior, and automatically re-shuffle her deck as soon as she picks it. “If you need to search for a card in order to comply with an effect, like that of Alpha the Electromagnetic Warrior, you can select it from the screen and your Duel Disk will automatically take care of the process for you,” she finishes her explanation with a wink. “It’s all very convenient, isn’t it?” She picks another card from her hand and slides it on her Duel Disk facedown. It appears obscured behind her monster. “Turn end,” she declares. Firecracker pulls the first card on top of his deck. “Draw!” He bites his lower lip, his eyes dart between each card in his hand. “Take your time,” Celestia assures him with a smile. “This is a practice duel, there’s no time limit here.” Firecracker nods. He takes a deep breath and plays his first card. “X-Head Cannon!” Celestia swiftly takes the opportunity and tributes Alpha the Electromagnetic Warrior to special summon Gamma the Magnet Warrior from her deck in defense position. Firecracker is undeterred. He activates Limiter Removal, doubling the attack points of his monster and orders the attack on the opposing monster. “Double Shot!” A single blast from X-Head Cannon’s barrels reduces Gamma the Magnet Warrior to dust. Firecracker sets two cards and finishes his turn. X-Head Cannon emits a horrendous, metallic shriek and explodes. Celestia draws a card. “Trap card open,” she declares with a wave of her hand. “Rock Bombardment.” She sends Beta the Electromagnetic Warrior from her deck to her graveyard to inflict 500 points of damage to her opponent. Firecracker shields his head as several boulders fall from above around him. The counter above his head displays his remaining life points at 3500, before disappearing again. Celestia calmly explains that Duel Disks have a function to regulate the damage inflicted by the projections. “Right now, our disks are set at minimum, so you won’t feel a thing,” she assures him with a smile of amusement. Firecracker lowers his arms, embarrassed at his own overreaction. Celestia resumes her play. She normal summons Gamma the Electromagnetic Warrior, using its effect to special summon Alpha the Magnet Warrior from her hand in defense position and setting a single card. She glances briefly at his two set cards. “Turn end.” Firecracker takes a deep breath. “Draw!” He looks at his newest card and smiles. “Union Hangar!” A huge elevator rises from the ground behind him. He retrieves Y-Dragon Head from his deck with the effect of Union Hangar, and then activates both of his set cards. Call of the Haunted, to revive X-Head Cannon and Frontline Base, to special summon Y-Dragon Head. Finally, he normal summons Z-Metal Tank. He is not done yet, as he uses the second effect of Union Hangar to retrieve B-Buster Drake from his deck and equip it to Z-Metal Tank. “XYZ Fusion Summon!” Firecracker banishes all three of his monsters to summon XYZ – Dragon Cannon. They break apart and combine spectacularly to create an impressive battle machine. B-Buster Drake goes to the graveyard and its effect activates, allowing him to add C-Crush Wyvern from his deck to his hand. Celestia quickly tributes Gamma the Electromagnetic Warrior to special summon Beta the Magnet Warrior from her deck in defense position. Firecracker discards C-Crush Wyvern from his hand to destroy Alpha the Magnet Warrior. “XYZ Hyper Cannon!” He continues ordering his XYZ – Dragon Cannon to attack Beta the Magnet Warrior. “Hyper Destruction!” The overwhelming barrage reduces Beta to a pile of rubble. He lets out a small breath of exhaustion, sets the last card in his hand and finishes his turn. Celestia smiles approvingly and compliments Firecracker for both, his plays and use of the Duel Disk. Firecracker blushes when several of his classmates start cheering for him. “My turn.” Celestia draws. She wastes no time revealing her set card. “Magnet Conversion.” She adds Alpha the Magnet Warrior, Beta the Magnet Warrior and Gamma the Magnet Warrior from her graveyard to her hand. “Combination Summon!” Celestia tributes Alpha, Beta and Gamma from her hand, sending them back to the graveyard. The three warriors appear before her, splitting apart and merging into a new form. “Valkyrion the Magna Warrior!” “Trap card open!” Firecracker swiftly activates his set Fiendish Chain. The air distorts and several black chains shoot outwards, tightly binding Valkyrion. The monster struggles to no avail. “As long as I have Fiendish Chain Valkyrion won’t be able to attack or activate its effect,” he states firmly. Celestia compliments Firecracker once again. She activates Swords of Revealing Light from her hand. Several blades of light rain from above, forming a barrier between the two duelists. She sets the last card in her hand and declares the end of her turn. Firecracker draws. “Vampire Lord,” he mutters halfheartedly. He discards it to activate the effect of his XYZ – Dragon Cannon. “XYZ Hyper Cannon!” The Dragon Cannon fires, decimating Valkyrion the Magna Warrior, alongside the Fiendish Chain. “Trap card, open.” Celestia activates her set Soul Rope. Her life points go down from 4000 to 3000 and a beautiful blonde knightess leaps from her deck, guided by a golden rope and takes on the field in defense position. Firecracker ends his turn and the count for the Swords of Revealing Light goes up to one, several of the blades of light vanishing from the field. Celestia draws. “I summon King’s Knight.” A stern-looking knight appears standing next to the Queen’s Knight. They look at each other and nod, crossing their swords. “When King’s Knight is summoned while I control Queen’s Knight, I can special summon Jack’s Knight from my deck.” A taller knight leaps from Celestia’s deck and the three of them stand firmly before her. She ends her turn. “Draw!” Firecracker looks at his newest card, The Flute of Summoning Dragon. He shakes his head, discards it to activate XYZ – Dragon Cannon’s effect once more and destroys the Swords of Revealing Light. “Hyper Destruction!” The Dragon Cannon attacks, destroying King’s Knight and lowering Celestia’s life points to 1800. “Turn end!” Celestia calmly draws a card, changes her Jack’s Knight to defense position and ends her turn. Firecracker draws and his eyes widen. “This is it,” he declares confidently. “I discard A-Assault Core to activate the effect of my XYZ – Dragon Cannon! Hyper Destruction!” The monster opens fire, destroying Jack’s Knight. “Now, I banish A-Assault Core, B-Buster Drake and C-Crush Wyvern from my graveyard!” He throws his hand up and shouts loudly. “ABC Fusion Summon!” The three monsters rocket upwards into the sky, breaking apart and merging into a powerful, draconic-like machine. “ABC-Dragon Buster!” Firecracker grins, his whole body shivering in anticipation. He points forward and orders the attack of ABC-Dragon Buster on Queen’s Knight. “Dragon Burst Shot!” The attack vaporizes the Queen’s Knight without leaving a single stray hair. He pumps his fist in celebration and quickly orders the attack of XYZ – Dragon Cannon. “Hyper Destruction!” The students watch shocked as the XYZ – Dragon Cannon mercilessly bombards Celestia, kicking up a large cloud of dust. Much to their surprise, however, her life points remain unchanged at 1800. As the cloud dissipates, countless, small fuzzy monsters appear surrounding Celestia. She reveals the only card in her hand: Kuriboh. “By discarding this little one, I can reduce all the damage from a single battle to zero.” Firecracker grumbles softly. “Ultimate Combination Summon,” he declares once again. Both, XYZ – Dragon Cannon and ABC-Dragon Buster merge into a breathtaking war machine. “A-to-Z Dragon Buster Cannon!” He exhales deeply. “I end my turn…” Celestia grabs the top card of her deck between her thumb and index finger and draws in a swift, sharp motion. “Draw!” She looks at her newest card and smiles, content with the results. “I banish Alpha the Electromagnetic Warrior, Beta the Electromagnetic Warrior and Gamma the Electromagnetic Warrior from my graveyard! Combination Summon!” Alpha, Beta and Gamma split apart and merge into a new monster. “Berserkion the Electromagna Warrior!” Berserkion’s body emits an almost deafening humming sound as electricity crackles over its arms and torso. Celestia banishes Alpha the Magnet Warrior from her graveyard and Berserkion raises its coil-shaped sword above its head. “Magnetic Shockwave!” Firecracker’s eyes widen in realization and he swiftly activates the effect of his A-to-Z Dragon Buster Cannon, splitting it back into XYZ – Dragon Cannon and ABC-Dragon Buster. Having missed its original target, Berserkion’s effect is wasted. Celestia nods in approval of Firecracker’s quick thinking. She repeats the process, banishing Alpha the Magnet Warrior, aiming to destroy ABC-Dragon Buster. Once more, Firecracker splits his monster into its original components in defense position. Celestia continues, banishing Gamma the Magnet Warrior to destroy C-Crush Wyvern, followed by declaring the attack of Berserkion on XYZ – Dragon Cannon. “Electromagnet Sword!” The XYZ – Dragon Cannon does not have time to adjust its weapons before the supercharged sword hits and it explodes, taking 200 points of Firecracker’s life points. Celestia crosses her arms daintily and declares the end of her turn. Firecracker looks at his empty hands and gulps. None of his monsters can hope to defeat Berserkion in combat. He puts his hand over his deck, ready to surrender, when one of the girls in the crowd suddenly shouts. “Don’t give up!” A boy adds. “It’s not over until your life points reach zero!” Soon, every single one of his classmates is shouting words of encouragement. Firecracker smiles flustered. “R-right!” He takes a deep breath. “Draw!” He looks at his newest card and smiles widely. “I tribute my two monsters!” Both A-Assault Core and B-Buster Drake vanish in a flash of light. “Come forth, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” The mighty dragon appears on the field with an earth-shaking roar, its scales shining brightly under the light of the sun. His classmates loudly cheer for him. He retrieves C-Crush Wyvern with the effect of A-Assault Core. “I end my turn,” he declares with breath of relief. Celestia smiles proudly and congratulates Firecracker for his dueling. “My turn.” She draws a card and immediately banishes Magnet Conversion from her graveyard to special summon her banished Alpha the Magnet Warrior, followed by offering it as a tribute to summon Berfomet from her hand. Firecracker gasps in surprise. “It’s over,” he utters to himself. Celestia banishes Alpha once again to activate the effect of Berserkion and destroy the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. She orders the attack of her two monsters, knocking Firecracker’s life points down to zero. The students cheer and applaud loudly as all the remaining cards on the field vanish and the Duel Disks switch to standby mode. Firecracker takes a deep breath and smiles satisfied. Celestia approaches him and extends her hand. “Good game.” He nods and accepts her shake. Her hand is so smooth and delicate that he unconsciously holds a soft grasp on her fingers as she takes it back. She smiles knowingly, making his cheeks turn bright red. A few of his classmates snicker loudly. Celestia raises her hand to silence the crowd. “Remember, my students; it doesn’t matter if we win or lose,” she states. “The reward is the same for all of us, the experience we gain.” She clasps her hands together. “Now, I want everybody to split in pairs and test your Duel Disks,” she instructs. “Make sure you periodically rotate the pairings to duel as many of your classmates as possible.” The students quickly scatter around the arena, cheerfully engaging each other. Several boys drag Firecracker away, commenting on how lucky he was to hold Princess Celestia’s hand and asking how it felt. “V-Very soft,” he answers flustered. Celestia looks around, smiling fondly as she watches her students duel. She thinks that, while she did found the Eos Dueling School to prepare them for a career of professional dueling, seeing her students having fun was her favorite part of teaching. “Princess Celestia!” A young girl comes running from Celestia’s side. She is very pretty, with her pale skin, soft facial features and slender frame. She has light violet eyes and long, straight darker hair with a brilliant rose streak going down the middle. Her bangs are perfectly leveled, trimmed above her upper eyelids and her sidelocks are trimmed at shoulder level. She wears the same uniform as the first year students, but colored purple instead of white. Her skirt leaves most of her shapely legs uncovered and it sways widely with every step she takes, showing a bit more of her smooth thighs. “Twilight Sparkle, my dearest, most faithful student,” Celestia greets her warmly. “How are you doing?” Twilight leans forward, with her hands resting on her knees and breathing heavily. “Fine…thank you…” Celestia patiently waits for her to recover before asking. “Would you like to join me? I’m sure the first years could learn a lot from you,” she adds hopefully. “Thank you… but no.” Twilight takes one last breath and straightens herself. “I’m afraid I’m here to inform you that something terrible is about to happen, Princess.” Celestia frowns slightly. “What is it?” Twilight’s expression turns grim. “My continuing studies of the arcane arts in relation to Duel Monsters have led me to discover we are on the verge of disaster!” She looks around, leans closer to Celestia and whispers hurriedly. “Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal.” Celestia blinks puzzled. “I’m afraid you lost me,” she says with all sincerity. Twilight bites her lower lip. “The Maiden in the Moon! Nightmare Moon! The longest day of the thousandth year coincides with the Summer Sun Celebration!” She exclaims exasperated. “The same Summer Sun Celebration you will preside the day after tomorrow!” Celestia sighs tiredly. “Your diligence is undoubtedly one of your greatest virtues, Twilight, but you have to stop reading those dusty old books.” She tilts her head and adds chidingly. “There’s more to a young Equestrian’s life than just studying, you know.” Twilight mouths open and closes like a fish gasping for air. “B-But!” Celestia swiftly places her index finger over Twilight’s lips; silencing her and making her cheeks turn a nice shade of pink. “No buts, my faithful student,” she says firmly. “And while we’re on the subject of the Summer Sun Celebration, I have a special assignment for you.” “A-Assignment?” Twilight asks dumbfounded. Celestia nods. “As you know, this year’s location for the Summer Sun Celebration is the town of Ponyville--” Twilight frowns slightly. “Are you sending me there to supervise the preparations?” She asks tentatively. Celestia waves her hand dismissively. “Oh no, I have already taken care of that. You see, Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School--” “Wait a minute.” Twilight raises her left hand. “Ponyville has a dueling school?” Celestia smirks. “That would depend on you, my faithful student,” she says mischievously. Twilight’s frown deepens. “Me?” Celestia nods slowly. “Any school, no matter how small, needs an official permission in order to formally instruct students on Duel Monsters,” she explains. “Normally, I would send a teacher, but since they’re all too busy right now, I would like to ask you to handle the inspection.” Twilight’s eyes widen. “You want me to evaluate a potential dueling school?” Celestia lowers her chin with an expectant look. “Can I entrust you with the task?” Twilight immediately straightens up, puffing her chest out as she declares firmly. “Of course, Princess! You can leave it to me!” Celestia smiles satisfied. “Excellent!” She materializes a small scroll, which she hands to Twilight. “Here you will find all the details. I’ve also made arrangements for you to stay at the Golden Oak Library.” Her eyes suddenly widen. “Oh, I almost forgot,” she says with a snap of her fingers. “There’s one more thing…” Twilight’s enthusiasm suddenly vanishes, her whole body deflating. She knows where this is going. “Try to make some friends.” Of course, she thinks. “Princess, with all due respect, I’m not really good when it comes to socializing…” Celestia smiles, already aware of the way her dearest student would react. “Tell me, Twilight,” she says casually. “What is Duel Monsters?” The sudden question takes Twilight by surprise, but she answers steadily. “Duel Monsters is a trading card game were two players clash by summoning creatures, conjuring spells and activating traps.” Celestia giggles cheekily. “Nope,” she says in a singsong tone. Twilight frowns in disbelief, but before she argues that she used the definition from the school’s rulebook, Celestia leans forward, placing a hand on her shoulder and looking straight into her eyes. “Duel Monsters is a way of connecting people,” Celestia says softly. Twilight’s heart skips a beat. She can feel the heat rising in her cheeks as Celestia’s sweet perfume wafts into her nostrils. Celestia straightens herself. “The cards we choose, how we build our decks and the way we play are a reflection of ourselves. Our minds and hearts. Our beliefs and morals. Our strengths and weaknesses. When two individuals duel, they are opening themselves and trying to understand each other as much as possible.” She shakes her head softly. “You are a very special girl, my dearest student.” Twilight’s blush intensifies. “But you will not be able to grow and mature as a person and as a duelist if you isolate yourself.” Twilight looks downwards, holding back a sigh. “Yes, Princess.” “Good.” Out of the corner of her eye, Celestia sees one of her students motioning for her to come over. She gives off one final instruction. “Make sure you send me a report once you’re done.” Twilight replies mechanically. “Yes, Princess.” She watches Celestia walk away, before releasing her sigh. She closes her eyes, a purple aura surrounds her whole body and, in a flash of blinding light, she teleports away. Inside one of the tallest towers in the city of Canterlot, a young, light-skinned boy lays comfortably on a small sofa, reading from one of his favorite comic books, surrounded by four large bookshelves filled to the brim with all kinds of books and scrolls. He has short, messy hair of a pale green color and darker eyes. He wears white sneakers, blue jeans and a green shirt with a purple jogging hoodie over it. His pupils, slit like those of a reptile, and particularly developed fangs betray his nature as a Dragonute, but also give him a curiously endearing look. “SPIKE!” The sudden shouting makes him jump in shock and fall face-first on the floor. “Ouch,” he mutters. He slowly looks up to see Twilight standing in front of him. She quirks an eyebrow. “Why are you taking a nap on the floor, Spike?” She asks bewildered. Before he can reply, Twilight waves her hand dismissively. “Never mind, I need you to get ready; we have a special assignment from Princess Celestia.” Spike stands up and dusts himself. He looks at his comic book, several page bent after he fell on top of it. With a grumble, he drops the book over the sofa. “So, what’s this assignment about, Twilight?” He asks, crossing both arms over his chest. Twilight retrieves a light purple Duel Disk from her desk. She explains about Princess Celestia’s assignment while adjusting it around her left arm. Spike’s eyes widen in surprise. “Cool,” he mutters astounded. Twilight smiles and nods. “Man, Princess Celestia must really have faith in you if she entrusted you with an inspection,” he comments with a grin. Twilight smile falters as she remembers how the Princess dismissed her warnings about the return of Nightmare Moon. She shakes her head. “Oh, and I’ve got to try to make some friends while I’m at it,” she adds with a roll of her eyes. Spike tilts his head. “Geez, Twilight. What’s so bad about trying to make friends?” “It’s a waste of time, Spike,” Twilight replies with a huff. “It doesn’t matter if I have a million friends, at the end of the day; Duel Monsters is a one-on-one affair.” “What about tag duels?” Spike asks tentatively. Twilight’s expression softens. She smiles fondly, taking a step forward and pats him on the head. “That’s where my number one assistant comes in.” He blushes and giggles like a child. “Now go get your Duel Disk,” she instructs him. Spike nods and rushes to his room. Twilight’s smile vanishes. She waves her hand; enveloping an old, thick book over her desk in a glowing purple aura and making it float gently into her hands. She takes a look at the cover, Predictions and Prophecies, and mutters. “Guess it was just a fairy tale after all…” > Duel Two - vs Applejack - Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Spike don’t waste any time in taking a carriage towards Ponyville. A golden, four-wheeled coach driven by a single coachman, a Royal Guard, and pulled by a pair of winged horses, Pegasi. With a single flap of the Pegasuses mighty wings, the carriage rises above the clouds and takes into the sky at astonishing speeds. “Interesting,” Twilight comments, scratching her chin thoughtfully as she reads from the scroll Princess Celestia gave her. “It says here that the Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School specializes in several types of dueling, including Sky Duels and Entertainment Duels…” Spike asks what the latter is. “A type of duel in which the duelists seek to entertain the public by various means. Mostly by flashy and elaborate plays, but some people also add jokes, acrobatics and even magic tricks.” He admits that sounds like fun. Twilight nods, but makes no further comments. The fact a school located in a small, rural town offers such variety intrigues her. She reads further down, to a small list of five representatives: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Twilight wonders if they are all Pro Duelists. She thinks it would make sense, seeing as how the most important requirement for opening a school is to have professional-level dueling skills. She keeps thinking that’s the one thing all schools have in common; regardless of their style or philosophy, they all prepare their students for the Pro Leagues. First and foremost because Princess Celestia demands excellence, but also because tournaments are the best way to promote and build the reputation of your school. Moreover, with the proliferation of dueling schools all over Equestria, it is practically impossible to find a Pro Duelist who is not a graduate of one of them. That does not stop the occasional phony duelists, often dropouts, from trying to make a profit with their half-baked knowledge, though. The last thought makes Twilight’s lower lip curl up in distaste. She folds the scroll and places it inside her pocket. She decides they will find out if Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School is worthy of oficial recognition soon enough. The carriage slowly touches down on a large open area in the middle of the town, next to a large, three-story building. The coachman patiently waits until Twilight and Spike disembark. She thanks him and he nods. The Pegasi whiny as the coachman gently whips them with the reins and began trotting. Once they have built enough momentum, they spread their wings and take into the sky once again. Ponyville is exactly as Twilight described, small and with a heavy rural feel. The roads are made of dirt; the majority of the houses are timber-framed with thatched roofs and overhanging upper floors. Still, it is a very pretty town. Nearly all of the houses have potted plants on their windows and sides of the front door, every single one of them filled with vibrant colored flowers. A small river flows through the town, with multiple bridges strategically placed along its course. Despite its size, Ponyville is very lively; the roads are busy with people out going on their daily routines or just enjoying the beautiful day. They take in their surroundings for a while. Spike asks Twilight where they start. “The scroll said Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School is located at Sweet Apple Acres,” she replies steadily. “We should go there first.” It does not take them long to reach their destination. A huge farm fully surrounded by a wooden fence. There is a large, red barn in the middle and a smaller, orange farmhouse not too far away from it. Twilight can see plenty of pastures and several pens filled with sheep, pigs, cows and chickens, as well as a field of carrots and one of corn. A staggeringly vast apple orchard surrounds the entire area, going as far as the eye can see. Guess the location makes sense, she thinks. There is plenty of space to duel around here. They come across a young, tall girl wearing a high-crowned, wide-brimmed brown hat, standing in front of a large apple tree surrounded by wooden baskets and with her back turned to them. She has a bright orange, worn-out Duel Disk attached around her left arm. Both, Twilight and Spike watch with curiosity as the girl takes a breath and raises her left leg. Then, with a loud “yee-haw” yell, she delivers a powerful roundhouse kick to the middle of the tree, shaking it and making every single apple on its branches fall inside the baskets. She must possess Earth Magic, thinks Twilight. What amazing level of strength. “Cool,” Spike mutters in awe. The girl turns around, flicks her hat with her thumb and grins widely. “Howdy there!” She is a knockout beauty, with her pleasantly tanned skin, freckles and vibrant, emerald green eyes. Her long, blonde hair, tied into a ponytail, falls down her back like a golden cascade. Her body is well-toned, obviously from working on the farm; particularly her legs. She wears brown work boots and gloves. Her blue jeans hug her thighs and butt nicely, while her short sleeved, white shirt perfectly outlines her generous breasts and has the bottom tied up, displaying her well-defined abs. Twilight approaches, smiling politely and introduces herself as the personal student of Princess Celestia and Spike as his personal assistant. The girl swiftly grabs Twilight’s hand, shaking it vigorously and making her whole body tremble. “I’m Applejack! It’s a pleasure makin’ your acquaitance, Miss Twilight!” She lets go. “Ah’ take you’re here for the inspection thingy?” Twilight discreetely rubs her hand. Spike cannot help but stifle a laugh. She shoots him a brief glare before clearing her throat. “That’s correct,” she states. Applejack nods. “Great!” She motions for Twilight and Spike to follow her. “We’ve been waitin’ for you,” she comments cheerfully. They arrive at the area right behind the barn. She extends her hand and announces with great fanfare. “Welcome to Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School!” Both, Twilight and Spike are a little confused. Instead of some kind of carefully designed arena, they find a large, grassy area occupied by a small crowd of children dueling with each other, smiling, laughing and having fun. Next to them is a large, wooden table filled with plates of several kinds of apple dishes, from slices of apple pie and apple fritters to apple dumplings and apple crisps; plus half a dozen of glass jars filled with water and apple juice respectively. A couple of nearby trees are covered in balloons of all colors of the rainbow. Between the two hangs an exquisitely designed banner, contrasting heavily with its surroundings and with the words “PONYVILLE’S DUEL MONSTERS SCHOOL” sewn on it in a rich purple thread. “I feel like we stumbled upon a kid’s birthday party,” Spike whispers to Twilight. “And while we’re at it, let me introduce y’all to the Apple family!” Applejack points to a tall, burly young man, sitting on the grass next to a bunch of children. He wears brown work boots, blue jeans and a red lumberjack shirt. He has short, ginger hair, green eyes and tanned skin. “That’s mah’ big brother, Big Mac.” The sight of him trading cards with kids is both, endearing and comical. Applejack then nods to a pretty, teenage girl dueling two younger boys simultaneously. “Mah’ lil’ sister, Applebloom.” She has lightly-tanned skin and big, round, amber colored eyes, brimming with energy. Her long, bright red hair is tied with a large pink ribbon. She wears brown shoes, blue jean shorts and a yellow shirt. Judging from the state of the field and life points counters, she’s winning by a landslide. “And our Granny Smith!” Applejack points to an elderly woman sitting on a rocking chair, filled with wrinkles and with her dull white hair neatly tied into a bun. She wears sandals with yellow socks up above her knees, a long, light green skirt and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Three girls and a boy sit around Granny Smith, listening attentively as she tells the story of how she forcefully fused her Mammoth Graveyard with her opponent’s Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to defeat it, but had to forfeit the duel when her opponent threatened to jump off a balcony. She finishes her story commenting. “That kid had several apples missin’ from his basket ah’ tell you!” Applejack calmly approaches the snack table. She retrieves two glasses filled with apple juice and two thick apple fritters which she hands to Twilight and Spike. They thank her. She explains how she was the one who suggested opening the school on Sweet Apple Acres and, as a result, she’s in charge of it most of the time, but they do take turns teaching the children. Twilight asks her if she had any particular reason for opening the school. Applejack crosses her arms. “Money, sugarcube. No more no less.” She shrugs. “It ain’t deep or anything, sure, but it works for me and mah’ kin.” Twilight is surprised by her frankness. “I see.” Applejack grins. “So!” She pats her Duel Disk. “Shall we get down to business?” Twilight smiles. “Spike?” He chomps down half of his apple fritter, gulps down the rest of his juice and lets out a satisfied sigh. He pulls his sleeve back, revealing a light purple Duel Disk strapped around his left arm and declares confidently. “Leave it to me!” She nods, takes his glass and instructs him not to hold back. I want to see what Applejack is truly capable of, she thinks. Applejack and Spike take their positions away from each other. They ignite their Duel Disks simultaneously. The magical energy blades of their Duel Disks glow at light orange and green respectively. Applebloom shouts. “Mah’ sister is dueling!” She rushes to Applejack’s side. Immediately the crowd of children follow suit, forming a circle around the two duelists. Big Mac calmly stands up, his height allowing him to watch from the back of the crowd comfortably. For her part, Granny Smith merely turns her chair. The children cheer and whistle loudly. Two life points counters appear briefly on both sides of the field, above their respective owners; each reading 4000. After a couple of seconds, they disappear. Both duelists draw their initial hands of five cards. The screen on each disk cycles, stopping on Applejack. “Mah’ turn!” After sorting through her hand, she plays a single monster, face-down. Then, she ends her turn. “Alright, my turn!” Spike grabs the top card of his deck between his index finger and thumb and draws dynamically. “Draw!” He grins widely as he looks over his hand. He plays Terraforming, fetching Dragon Ravine from his deck and immediately activating it. In the blink of an eye, Sweet Apple Acres disappears, replaced by a huge ravine. The shape of several smaller dragons can be seen flying in the distance. Using the effect of Dragon Ravine, he discards Dragunity Phalanx from his hand to fetch Dragunity Dux, which he normal summons. The monster declares its appearance with a fierce battle cry. Spike explains. “When Dragunity Dux is normal summoned I can equip it with a level three or lower, Dragon-Type Dragunity from my graveyard!” He equips Dragunity Phalanx to Dux, immediately using the former’s effect to special summon it to the field. He thinks he’s going to show them something awesome. He raises his hand upwards and declares loudly. “I tune my level two Dragunity Phalanx with my level four Dragunity Dux!” Both monsters fuse into a cluster of stars. “Synchro Summon! Diamond spear that strikes like a lightning!” The monster descends in a flash of lightning and crash of thunder. A spear-wielding knight riding a dragon protected by crimson scales. Spike calls the monster’s name proudly. “Level six! Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana!” The crowd is in awe. Spike’s grin widens. He thinks it’s not over yet. He uses Vajrayana’s effect to equip it with Phalanx then special summon Phalanx to the field. “Now, I banish Dragunity Dux from the graveyard to special summon Garuda the Wind Spirit from my hand!” The half-man half-eagle appears whipping up a gale. He raises his hand once again. “I tune my level two Dragunity Phalanx with my level four Garuda the Wind Spirit!” The monsters ascend to the sky, fusing in a cluster of stars. “Synchro Summon! Unstoppable red spear!” Another spear-wielding knight appears riding a dragon, both of them clad fully in red and black. “Level six! Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg!” Applejack whistles impressed. “That’s some moves you’ve got there, partner!” She compliments. Twilight smiles proudly. Spike chuckles as he enters his Battle Phase. He points forward, declaring the attack of Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. “Bolt Spear!” The crimson dragon soars, rearing back its head before firing a thunderbolt that vaporizes Applejack’s face-down monster, Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves. She quickly activates its effect, tapping on the screen of her Duel Disk to look at the top five cards of her deck and re-arrange their order. Spike continues his assault with a direct attack of Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg. “Red Pierce!” Applejack banishes Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves from her graveyard. She grabs the top card of her deck between her index finger and thumb and draws with all of her strenght. “DRAW!” Her strenght is such it whips up a gale that acts like a wall, repelling the charge of Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg and lowering the monster’s attack points to zero. Applebloom pumps her fist. “Yee-haw!” The children cheer loudly. Spike grumbles softly. “I’m not done yet!” He declares loudly. He activates the effect of Gae Dearg, fetching a copy of Dragunity Dux from his deck, followed by discarding Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite from his hand to the graveyard. “I send back Dragunity Knight – Gae Dearg to my Extra Deck to special summon Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite!” Gae Dearg vanishes and a black feathered bird-man appears in its place, in defense position. Spike’s life points go down to 3600. He sets a single card and ends his turn. Applejack draws. She special summons Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji, explaining it can be treated as two tributes for the tribute summon of a Machine-Type monster. “Ah’ tribute Big Waraji to summon this fella!” A gigantic, mechanized warrior appears on the field, shaking the ground with every step it takes. Despite its size and bulk, it twirls its lance with surprising speed and dexterity. She calls the monster’s name proudly. “Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!” The monster’s defense points appear at 3500. A Superheavy Samurai deck, thinks Twilight. I hope Spike remembers Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei can attack in defense position, using its defense points to calculate damage. Applejack continues by equipping Benkei with Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer. A large, metallic crossbow materializes around Benkei’s right arm. She tilts her head. “With this, Benkei gets a piercin’ effect,” she explains. Spike watches her warily. She adjusts her hat, points forward and declares the attack of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei on Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite. “Time to pluck that bird!” Spike swiftly reveals his set card. “Trap Card open! Icarus Attack!” Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite shoot upwards at amazing speeds, reaching above the clouds and stopping abruptly. A second later, it dives down so fast its whole body ignites, turning into a fire arrow that hits Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei, kicking up a large cloud of dust. Applejack shields her face, and so do Applebloom and several of the children. Spike pumps his fist victoriously, but when the dust dissipates, Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei is still standing. “What the…?” He mutters shocked. Applejack chuckles. “That was close!” She explains how she discarded Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit from her hand to prevent Benkei’s destruction, at the cost of 800 points of defense until the end of her turn. “And since you destroyed Soulpiercer, Ah’ get to add a Superheavy Samurai from mah’ deck to mah’ hand.” She chooses Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler. The Duel Disk ejects the selected card, and then shuffles the deck automatically. Once again, she declares the attack of Benkei, this time on Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. The mighty fist of Benkei crushes both, dragon and rider. Spike’s life points go down to 2800, the resulting shockwave pushes him back a few feet. Twilight thinks the damage output on her Duel Disk must be set above the minimum. Applejack crosses her arms and declares the end of her turn. The defense points of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei return to 3500. Spike draws energetically. “Draw!” He looks at his newest card and smiles. Gotcha, he thinks. “I summon a second Dragunity Dux!” He uses the effect of Dux to equip it with Dragunity Phalanx, followed with Phalanx effect to special summon it to the field. “I tune my level two Dragunity Phalanx with my level four Dragunity Dux! Synchro Summon!” He declares loudly. His monsters vanish in a cluster of stars. “Barbed piercing spear!” The crowd watches in awe as a new Dragunity Knight appears on the field, shining brightly in gold and white colors. “Level six! Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg!” Applejack whistles. “Nice, but you’re gonna need more than that to beat Benkei, sugarcube.” Spike smirks. “I know.” He points his finger dramatically. “When Gae Bulg attacks, I can banish a Winged Beast from my graveyard to raise its attack!” He banishes Garuda the Wind Spirit. The attack of Gae Bolg goes up to 3600 points. “Battle, Gae Bolg! Piercing Dive!” The Dragunity Knight cuts through the very air as it rushes at Benkei, striking the mechanical giant and reducing its body to a mountain of scrap metal. Spike cheers. “Alright!” Applejack doesn’t look concerned, however. She calmly discards a card from her hand and a large collar made of metallic beads materializes on the field. The collar vibrates, making a sound like the chiming of a bell. In the blink of an eye, all the broken pieces come together and Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei emerges once again. She smirks. “When one of mah’ defense position monsters is destroyed, Ah’ can discard Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads to bring it right back.” Applebloom jumps and cheers. “Woo-hoo!” She blows a raspberry to Spike. “How do you like ‘em apples?” Several of the children laugh. Spike doesn’t say a word. He sets a single card. “My turn is over.” “Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws. “Draw!” Her eyes narrow as she briefly examines Spike’s side of the field. She switches Benkei to defense position and declares an attack on Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg. “Superheavy Fist Smash!” Spike grins. “Trap card open! Dimensional Prison!” The space in front of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei tears, forming a portal that completely engulfs its gigantic body, leaving no trace of its existence. Spike points a finger at Applebloom. “How do you like them apples, eh?” Applebloom’s expression turns sour. She blows a raspberry again, this time pulling down her lower eyelid. Twilight smiles approvingly. Good job, Spike, she thinks. You got rid of Benkei and even managed to make her waste her Soulbeads. She glances at Applejack, who is smiling. But it seems she’s got good instincts too. Applejack tips her hat. “Well, Ah’ll be!” She chuckles. “You’re full of surprises aren’t you?” She sets a monster. “Ah’ done here!” “My turn!” Spike draws. I bet that’s the Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler she got before, he thinks. I can’t destroy that one in battle, but I have other tricks! He activates the effect of Dragon Ravine and discards the Dragunity Javelin he just drew to retrieve Dragunity Legionnaire from his deck, which he immediately summons. “When Dragunity Legionnaire is normal summoned I can equip it with a level three or lower, Dragon-Type Dragunity from my graveyard!” He equips Legionnaire with Javelin from the graveyard. Applejack watches him attentively. Spike continues ordering the attack of Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg on her face-down monster. “Piercing Dive!” As he expected, the face-down monster reveals itself as Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler and the attack of Gae Bolg is repelled. Applejack asks him what he is trying to do. Spike smirks. “This!” He replies. “With Legionnaire’s effect, I can send a Dragunity from my Spell & Trap zone to destroy one of your face-up monsters!” With a mighty flap of its wings, Dragunity Legionnaire soars, raising Dragunity Javelin over its head like a spear, before throwing it with terrifying speed and accuracy. It pierces Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler like a hot knife through butter, destroying it instantly. Spike puffs his chest out. “That’s my Dragunity Combination!” Applejack smiles and casually rests her left arm on her hip. “That’s all mighty fine an’ dandy, sugarcube,” she says. Her smile turns into a smirk. “But you ain’t even scratched mah’ life points yet.” Spike’s expression turns sour. “Oh yeah? Oh yeah! Well—you just—uh—wait until next turn!” Applejack draws. Once again, her strength whips up a gust of wind. “Ah’ special summon Superheavy Samurai Scales!” She explains Scales can be special summoned when her opponent controls two or more monsters and she controls none. “And Ah’ bring back Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler with its effect!” She picks the next card between her index and middle fingers. “Next, Superheavy Samurai Drum!” Twilight’s eyes narrow in recognition. That’s a tuner monster, she thinks. Applejack clenches her right fist, raising it upwards. “Ah’ tune mah’ level one Drum with mah’ level four Scales! Synchro Summon” Her monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Cleave a mountain with your mighty blades! Level five!” A mechanical giant appears on the field, standing half the size of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei, but no less imposing. The exhaust fumes on its back spew fire as it twirls a pair of swords with fearsome speed. “Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi!” The crowd cheers at the appearance her Synchro Monster, its defense points flash at 2300. Using the effect of Musashi, Applejack adds Superheavy Samurai Drum from her graveyard back to her hand. She points forward. “Battle! Clip that bird’s wings!” Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi bisects Dragunity Legionnaire, taking Spike’s life points down to 1700. He shields his face as the shockwave pushes him back. Satisfied, Applejack crosses both arms over her chest and declares the end of her turn. Spike takes a deep breath. He grits his teeth, grabs the top card of his deck tightly and pulls with all of his strength, tracing an arc over his head. “DRAW!” His efforts elicit a giggle from a couple of little girls. “I activate my Spell, Cards of Consonance!” He discards Dragunity Darkspear to draw two cards from his deck. “I sacrifice Dragunity Knight – Gae Bolg!” An imposing half-man half-bird monster wielding a whip replaces the white rider and dragon duo. “To summon Dragunity Primus Pilus!” He explains the effect of his monster, which allows him to equip it with a level three of lower Dragon-Type Dragunity from his deck. He chooses Dragunity Brandistock. “Next, Dragunity Divine Lance!” A golden ornamental sword appears in the hands of Dragunity Primus Pilus, increasing its attack points to 2700. “Once per turn, Divine Lance allows me to equip Primus Pilus with a Dragon-Type Dragunity Tuner from my deck!” He chooses Dragunity Pilum. “Battle Phase! I attack directly with Primus Pilus!” He makes a wide chopping motion with his right hand. “Dual Slash!” Applejack’s eyes widen in shock. “Wait—what?” She braces herself as Dragunity Primus Pilus moves in front of her, striking twice and lowering her life points to 1300. The shockwave is so strong that it pushes her backwards and sends her hat flying away, much to the surprise of every member of the Apple family, as well as the crowd of children. Spike smiles at Applejack and rubs the tip of his nose. He explains. “With Dragunity Brandistock, Primus Pilus can attack twice, and with Pilum, it can attack directly at the cost of halving the battle damage.” He then exclaims. “If I can’t crush your defenses, then I just have to pass over them!” “Whoa Nelly!” Applejack exclaims. She laughs. “Ah’ honestly didn’t see that one coming!” Twilight looks at Applejack. She thinks that, one way or another; this will be her final turn. “Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws. She looks at her newest card and comments. “About time!” She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Drum once again. “Ah’ tune mah’ level five Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi with mah’ Superheavy Samurai Drum! Synchro Summon!” Both monsters fuse in a brilliant cluster of stars. “Shake the earth with a roar! Level six! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!” A huge, burly ogre appears on the field, behind Applejack. Its crimson metal body is so massive that, even sitting cross-legged, it is as big as Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. On its right hand, it holds a spiked club that looks like it could reduce an apple tree to smithereens with a single strike. Its defense points appear at 2500. Spike gulps. “Whoa…” Shutendoji raises its club and swings it over its head, creating a tremendous shockwave that wipes out every single card on his Spell & Trap zone. Both, Twilight and him shield their faces from the gust of wind. The attack points of Dragunity Primus Pilus go down to 2200 and their surroundings change back to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack points at Dragunity Primus Pilus. “Battle, Shutendoji!” Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji twirls its club over its head and points it towards the enemy. The upper half of the club launches forward like a missile, attached to a chain. Applejack discards Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet from her hand to the graveyard to double Shutendoji defense points. The tremendous attack obliterates Dragunity Primus Pilus, reducing Spike’s life points to zero and knocking him down on his butt. Both Shutendoji and Blue Brawler vanish from the field. Twilight kneels next to Spike, putting a hand on his shoulder; she asks if he is okay. “I think I hurt my pride,” he replies with a groan. She giggles. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He stands up and dusts himself. Applejack approaches them, putting her hat back on. She smiles warmly and extends her hand to Spike. “That was a great game, sugarcube.” He grins and accepts her handshake. “Same here.” The crowd of children, including the Apple family members, clap loudly. “I must say your duelist skills are impressive, Applejack.” Twilight compliments. Applejack blushes slightly and thanks her for her words. Twilight shakes her head then smiles eagerly. “What dueling school did you go to?” Applejack smiles and shakes her head. “Ah’ never got to go to school, sugarcube.” Twilight’s smile disappears. She asks what she means with that. Applejack shrugs casually. “Ah’ learned everythin’ ah’ know the Apple Family way: thru hard work.” Twilight’s jaw drops. “B-But that’s not—how did—” She shakes her head and points at Spike. “He’s not a student of the Eos Dueling School, but I taught him everything he knows and his dueling skills are easily on the level of a third-year student!” She looks at Applejack up and down. “Are you some kind of prodigy?” Applejack laughs flustered. “Not at all! Trust me when ah’ say there ain’t enough fingers in Ponyville to count mah’ losses, Twilight.” Twilight stands dumbfounded. “Unbelievable…” She exchanges a brief look with Spike. “Well, it was nice meeting you, Applejack.” She bows politely. “I’m afraid we still have a lot to do.” “Now wait a minute,” says Applejack, raising a hand. “You don’t think I’m lettin’ you go with just an apple fritter and some juice, are you?” She asks with a grin. Twilight tilts her head with a puzzled expression. “Eh...?” > Duel Three - vs Rainbow Dash - I'll Test You Myself! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The midday sun looms high over Ponyville. Twilight and Spike walk back to the town square, where they first arrived. “It was nice of Applejack to invite us to stay for brunch,” He comments cheerfully. “Ugh…I ate too much pie…” She whines as she trudges after him. They spot a circular marble fountain with an octagonal base in the middle and a sculpture of a rearing Unicorn on top of it. Twilight takes the opportunity, sitting on the edge of the fountain and letting out a breath of relief. Spike sits next to her. There is a moment of silence as they watch the clouds drifting above them. “I never imagined we would find somebody with high level dueling skills and no formal education here, on a farm of all places,” Twilight comments thoughtfully. Spike asks her if self-taught duelists are really that rare. Twilight nods. She elaborates. “The first thing most students do after graduating is try their luck at the Pro Leagues. Regardless of they succeed or not, their second best option is either trying to open a dueling school or becoming a teacher on an already existing one.” Spike nods in understanding. Twilight continues. She raises her index and middle fingers. “I can only think of two possibilities to explain Applejack’s level of dueling skills without a formal education.” She lowers her middle finger. “Number one: she was personally taught by a Pro Duelist.” She elaborates. “There have been several instances of Professional Duelists at the end of their careers taking on a single student to succeed them.” Spike snaps his fingers in realization. “Kinda like you and Princess Celestia, right?” He asks with a smile. Twilight blushes. She shakes her head rapidly. “N-Not at all! I mean, you can’t possibly compare me with her! She’s the creator of the game, founder and principal of the Eos Dueling School and an exceptional duelist herself!” She looks away wistfully for a moment, before turning to Spike again. “That and she does not participate in the Pro Leagues.” She clears her throat. “Anyway, as I was saying, the first possibility is that she was taught at some point by a Pro Duelist.” Spike wonders out loudly if her teacher could have been a family member. Twilight scratches her chin thoughtfully. “It would make sense, although I have never heard of a Pro Duelist with the surname Apple.” Spike suggests they ask Applejack next time. Twilight nods. He asks about the second possibility. Twilight straightens herself. “Right.” She lifts her index and middle fingers again. “The second possibility is that she learned the basics of the game on her own and acquired experience over a period of time from facing very skilled opponents.” “Do you think Ponyville is filled with duelists like that?” Spike asks tentatively. His eyes suddenly widen in panic. “What if there’s a secret underground base to train them as weapons to take over the world right below us?” Twilight rolls her eyes. “I think you should try picking a different kind of reading material once in awhile.” She stands up and dusts her skirt. “Alright, I feel much better now. We should keep going; we’ve only met one out of the five representatives on that list.” Spike hops down from the edge of the fountain. “Applejack said Rainbow Dash is in charge of cleaning up the clouds for the Summer Sun Celebration,” he reminds her. Twilight looks upwards, at the dozens of clouds occupying the sky. She quirks an eyebrow. “Well, she’s not doing a very good job, is she?” She asks drily. Something in the distance catches her eye. “What’s that?” Twilight asks, narrowing her eyes. A lone figure descends from the sky at astonishing speeds. Before she can say another word, the figure lands right in front of them, whipping up a gust of wind. Twilight squeals, shielding her face with her left arm while holding down her skirt with the right one. Spike braces himself, crossing both arms in front of his face. The wind subsides. They slowly lower their arms to see a young girl in a crouching position, her feet wide apart and supporting her weight with her right hand on the ground, while her left hand is outstretched away and pointing upwards. A pair of translucent, cerulean ethereal wings spread majestically from her back. “Whoa,” Spike mutters in awe. The girl holds her crouching position for several seconds, before straightening up and dusting herself. Her wings fold, disappearing behind her back. She is a head shorter than Twilight, with pale skin, cerise eyes and long, messy rainbow colored hair sprawled over her shoulders and forehead. She wears black sneakers with yellow, lightning shaped streaks at the sides, blue jean shorts and a black sleeveless shirt, as well as black fingerless gloves. A cerulean colored Duel Disk is strapped to her left arm. The muscles of her arms and legs are amazingly defined and contrast noticeably with the soft features of her face, creating a beauty that would surely draw her fair share of looks if she went jogging down the road. The girl quickly takes notice of Twilight’s less than amused expression. She laughs sheepishly and apologizes. “I was practicing,” she excuses herself. Twilight looks at the girl up and down. “Let me guess,” she says drily. “You’re Rainbow Dash.” “The one and only,” replies Rainbow Dash, puffing her chest out with a proud smile. “Why, you heard of me? Do you want an autograph?” She asks with roguish grin that could charm a Royal Guard. Twilight holds back the urge to roll her eyes. “No, thank you.” She clears her throat. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the personal student of Princess Celestia, and this is my personal assistant, Spike.” He smiles and waves. “We are here for the inspection on Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School,” she states firmly. “I take it you’re the one in charge of the Sky Duel classes?” Rainbow Dash’s grin widens. She points at her chest with her thumb. “You bet I am!” Twilight nods. “I see.” She rubs her chin thoughtfully. In Sky Duels, two duelists engage each other while simultaneously racing through the sky at high speeds, she thinks. The exterior element of movement is the key behind these duels, as it adds an unusual element of dodging, flying skill, intimidation and imagination. In addition, there are certain other requirements to be successful, such as intuition, reflexes, concentration, and kinetic vision as well as motor reflexes. All of these Factors result in Sky Duels practiced almost exclusively by Equestrians possessing Sky Magic. Twilight thinks that there have been a few instances of Mind Magic users like her attempting to enter the world of Sky Dueling by using artificially made wings, but none of them have been successful. None of them could reach the necessary speed, she thinks. In Sky Duels, the duelist who takes the lead at the beginning can claim the first turn. Moreover, in certain competitions, an alternate win condition is offered in which a duelist can emerge victorious by completing a certain amount of laps around the race track. “If you don’t mind I ask,” Twilight begins tentatively. “Why did you choose to teach here, out of all places?” She thinks Cloudsdale or Las Pegasus would have been better choices, since they are inhabited mostly by Equestrians with Sky Magic. “I like challenges.” Rainbow Dash answers casually. “And speaking of challenges…” She raises her left arm, her Duel Disk gleams under the light of the sun. “How about we quit the chit chat and get to the point?” She tilts her chin towards Twilight and Spike. “Do we do this one-on-one or you want me to take you all on?” Spike takes a step forward, readying himself. Twilight raises a hand, stopping him. “Can I ask you one last question first?” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes, but replies in affirmative. “What were you practicing for?” “The Wonderbolts!” Rainbow Dash replies, her expression brightening. “They’re gonna perform at the Celebration tomorrow, and I’m gonna show ‘em my stuff!” Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “The Wonderbolts? The elite team of Sky Duelists?” “No, the tap dancers.” Rainbow Dash replies sarcastically. She spreads her arms. “Of course I’m talking about the Sky Duelists! I’ve been dreaming of joining them since I held my very first Duel Monsters card!” Twilight tilts her head with curiosity. “Are you by any chance a graduate of the Iris Duel Palaestra in Cloudsdale?” Rainbow Dash laughs as if she had just heard a joke. “Me? Not a chance!” She waves her right hand dismissively. “I don’t have time to waste with all that egghead stuff.” Twilight frowns. “Excuse me?” She asks sharply. “What do you mean with egghead stuff?” Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Eh, you know, books and stuff.” She elaborates. “It’s all a waste of time, if you ask me. I mean, why would I want to spend my time reading about Duel Monsters and flying through loops when I’ve got the whole sky for me and countless opponents around to duel with?” Spike glances at Twilight. Seeing the throbbing vein in her forehead, he slowly walks several steps back. “You are aware every single one of the members of the Wonderbolts is a graduate of the Iris Duel Palaestra, aren’t you? She asks coldly. Rainbow Dash grins enthusiastically. “And that’s why it’s going to be even more awesome when I become one of them!” She looks towards the sky wistfully. “Think about it.” She extends her arms forward, placing her hands in the shape of a square, as if she was trying to adjust a picture. “The very first Wonderbolt who earned her position with just hard work, sheer determination and amazing talent!” Twilight’s left eye twitches dangerously. “Really now?” She says in a tone of voice that makes Spike go ahead and take cover behind the fountain. “In that case…” She smirks and ignites her Duel Disk, the blade glowing with light purple color. “I’m sure you won’t mind I test you myself.” Rainbow Dash is not intimidated. She smirks right back. “Bring it on.” She spreads her wings and, with a single, mighty flap, takes into the sky, landing on a nearby cloud as if it were a solid platform. She looks at Twilight from above and ignites her Duel Disk, the blade glowing in a cerulean tone. Their life point counters appear momentarily above them, at 4000 points each. Both of them draw their initial hands of five cards and shout simultaneously. “DUEL!” The screen on each Duel Disk cycles, ultimately stopping on Rainbow Dash. “My turn!” Rainbow Dash declares enthusiastically. She does not waste any time special summoning Speedroid Terrortop. “Do I have to tell you what this guy does?” She asks mockingly. Twilight does not reply. She knows Speedroid Terrortop can be special summoned if the user controls no monsters and its second effect allows for the retrieval a Speedroid monster from the user’s deck. Rainbow Dash adds Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from her deck to her hand and immediately normal summons it. She raises her fist upwards and shouts to the sky. “I tune my level three Terrortop with my level three Tri-Eyed Dice! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Magical sword in the shape of a cross! Rend all my enemies to bits!” The sword-shaped machine appears piercing through the clouds. “Level six! Hi-Speedroid Kendama!” She banishes Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from her graveyard. Hi-Speedroid Kendama streaks at full speed over Twilight’s head, forcing her to hold down her skirt and shaving 500 of her life points. Spike rushes from behind the fountain. “It’s a Speedroid deck!” He exclaims in awe. Several people around them stop to watch the duel. Rainbow Dash declares the end of her turn. She crosses both arms over her chest. “Come on! Show me what you got!” “That’s my line,” mutters Twilight. She draws. “Draw!” She picks two cards from her hand between her index and middle fingers, placing them on the opposite extremes of her Duel Disk; the word PENDULUM flashes across the blade in all the colors of the rainbow. “Using the scale one Stargazer Magician and the scale eight Timegazer Magician, I set the Pendulum Scale!” The two magicians materialize on the field, ascending in a pair of light pillars at her sides. “Now I can special summon monsters from level two to seven!” Twilight raises her hand towards the sky and chants loudly. “Swing, arcane pendulum! Trace an arc of light across the aether!” The crowd of onlookers watches in awe as the space above them disorts into a portal of light. “Pendulum Summon!” A single beam of light falls from inside the portal on Twilight’s side of the field. “Timebreaker Magician!” A young boy magician appears, holding a sword shaped like the hand of a clock and with his cape fluttering behind him. Rainbow Dash is unimpressed. She scoffs, “All that just to call some little guy?” Twilight snaps her fingers. Timebreaker Magician’s attack points go up from 1400 to 2800. She explains. “When Timebreaker Magician is Pendulum Summoned alone from my hand I can double his attack points.” Rainbow Dash blinks. “Oh.” Twilight orders the attack of Timebreaker Magician on Hi-Speedroid Kendama. “Time Blade!” The sword-shaped machine charges at full speed, but the young magician takes a side step, leaving his sword in the path of the enemy and slicing it with ease. Rainbow Dash grits her teeth as her life points go down to 3400. Twilight declares the end of her turn. Rainbow Dash chuckles. “It wouldn’t be fun if it was that easy!” She draws energetically. “Draw!” She activates Speed Recovery from her hand to special summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama back to the field. “I summon Speedroid Razorang!” The boomerang-shaped monster appears spinning swiftly around her. She points at Timebreaker Magician. “Get him!” Razorang launches itself at the young magician, who repels the attack with a single strike of his sword. A small dent appears on the blade and Timebreaker Magician’s attack points go down to 2000. Rainbow Dash orders the attack of Hi-Speedroid Kendama. “Spiral Sword!” Hi-Speedroid Kendama dives towards Timebreaker Magician. The young magician tries to strike back, but it is immediately torn to shreds. Twilight’s life points go down to 3300. She adds Timebreaker Magician to her Extra Deck face-up. “When a Pendulum Monster is destroyed it goes back to my Extra Deck!” Rainbow Dash finishes her turn. She taunts again. “I really hope that little guy isn’t the best thing you have.” “My turn,” Twilight states firmly. “Draw!” She looks at her newest card and smiles. Immediately she raises her hand and declares. “Pendulum Summon!” Two beams of light fall from the portal above them. “Return, Timebreaker Magician!” A majestic crimson dragon appears behind Twilight; its roar shakes the very air around her. She calls the monster name proudly. “And the fierce dragon of dual colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Spike cheers. “Oh yeah! Go for it, Twilight!” The crowd of onlookers stands in awe at the huge dragon. Rainbow Dash is astonished. “I-I don’t think I’ve seen that one before..." “Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon is a special card Princess Celestia herself gave me on the day I became her personal student,” Twilight explains with pride. She glances at the dragon, the memories from that day bringing a warm feeling to her chest. She turns back to Rainbow Dash, declaring fiercely. “Battle! Attack Hi-Speedroid Kendama with your Spiral Strike Burst!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon rears its head back, then unleashes as stream of energy that vaporizes not only the enemy monster, but also the cloud Rainbow Dash is standing on. She spreads her wings to land safely. Twilight continues ordering the attack of Timebreaker Magician to destroy Speedroid Razorang. Rainbow Dash looks at her life point counter, standing at 2800. “Hey! What gives?” She asks bewildered. “I should’ve lost only 300 points from that attack!” “That’s the effect of my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Reaction Force. Every time it battles, it doubles the damage inflicted.” Twilight explains calmly. She crosses her arms and declares the end of her turn. Rainbow Dash grins widely. “This keeps getting more and more interesting!” She draws with enough strength to whip up a gust. “Draw!” She activates the effect of Hi-Speedroid Kendama to special summon it back to the field in attack position, followed by activating the spell Hi-Speed Re-Level from her hand. She banishes Speedroid Razorang from her graveyard to match the level of Hi-Speedroid Kendama to it and increase its attack points by 500 for every level, up to 4200. Twilight is shocked at the sudden increase in power. Rainbow Dash declares Hi-Speedroid Kendama’s attack on Timebreaker Magician. “Spiral Sword!” Twilight’s life points flash at a mere 500 after the destruction of her monster. Rainbow Dash pumps her fist in celebration. “Booyah!” She chuckles. "Sorry 'bout your little guy!" She points at Twilight with her index and middle fingers together. “Your turn!” Spike gulps. She’s good, he thinks. Twilight draws wordlessly. Her hand contains the cards Spell Wall, Dark Illusion, Pendulum Shift and Polymerization. She Pendulum Summons Timebreaker Magician back to her side of the field. Taking Polymerization between her index and middle fingers, she shows it to Rainbow Dash. “I’ll give you a sample of the true power of my Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” She declares confidently. “I activate Polymerization to fuse Timebreaker Magician and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Her monsters vanish in a vortex of light. She holds her hands together and chants. “Brave magician of time, become the light in the eyes of the dragon! Fusion summon! Come forth! Arcane dragon wielder of ancient magic!” The new dragon materializes on the field, golden and crimson scales shimmering under the sun. A large, golden arcane circle sprouts from its back, crackling and sizzling with pure magical energy. Twilight shouts its name. “Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Rainbow Dash gapes. “Three thousand attack points,” she mutters. Twilight explains that, since Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was summoned using a Pendulum Summoned monster on the field, it's immune to the opponent’s card effects until the end of this turn. She orders the attack on Hi-Speedroid Kendama. “Shiny Burst!” Rainbow Dash covers her eyes from the stream of energy that consumes her monster and lowers her life points to 2000. Spike grins. “That's what I'm talking about!” He exclaims excitedly. Twilight points at Rainbow Dash. She explains that since Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon was summoned using a level three monster as a Fusion Material, it can make up to two attacks on monsters during the each Battle Phase, so swarming tactics won't work. She sets Dark Illusion and announces the end of her turn. Rainbow Dash wipes a trail of sweat from her forehead. She smirks. “Alright, I’ll admit you’re quite something, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight smirks right back. “And I’ll admit you’re not all talk.” Rainbow Dash spreads her wings. The gesture reminds Twilight of a bird trying to appear more intimidating. “My turn! Draw!” Rainbow Dash looks at her newest card and grins triumphantly. “But if you think I’m going to lose, you’re dead wrong!” She banishes Speed Recovery to add Speedroid Terrortop back to her hand and immediately special summons it, retrieving Speedroid Taketomborg from her deck with Terrortop's effect. "And since I control a WIND monster, I can special summon Speedroid Taketomborg from my hand!" She tributes Taketomborg to special summon Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice from her deck. "When Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice is special summoned, I can change the level of one of my Speedroids to a number between one to six!" She changes Speedroid Terrortop's level to six. Rainbow Dash flaps her wings once and soars. Looking at Twilight from above, she spreads her arms wide and declares. “I tune my level one Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice and my level six Speedroid Terrortop! Synchro Summon!” The monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Spread your wings and strike down my enemies at the speed of light!” A pure white dragon appears flying above them; its translucent emerald wings reflect the light of the sun, showering the people below with green light. It flies all around Ponyville, clearing every single one of the clouds, before taking its position next to Rainbow Dash. She shouts the monster’s name with pride. “Level seven! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!” “It’s beautiful,” mutters Spike, his eyes wide in awe. Twilight is amazed. She thinks she had never seen that monster before. “Cool, isn’t it?” Rainbow Dash asks casually. “I figured since you showed me your ace monster, I should repay the favor!” She normal summons Speedroid Pachingo-Kart. "Once per turn, I can discard a Machine-Type Monster from my hand to activate Speedroid Pachingo-Kart's effect." She discards Speedroid Menko. "And destroy one monster on the field!" Twilight readies herself to activate Dark Illusion to protect her Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, but Rainbow Dash declares the target to be her own Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, much to Twilight's surprise and confusion. "Wait--what?" Spike asks bewildered. Rainbow Dash raises her hand upwards. “At this point, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s effect activates! Dichroic Mirror!” The dragon spreads its wings, releasing a stream of light that makes Speedroid Pachingo-Kart disappear without a trace. Twilight wonders what she's trying to accomplish. Rainbow Dash enthusiastically explains that Clear Wing Synchro Dragon can negate the activation of monster effect's that targets a single level five or higher monster on the field and destroy it. “Then it gains the attack of the destroyed monster!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon roars and its attack increases to 4300. Twilight is shocked. Rainbow Dash shouts. “Battle! Attack with Whirlwind Dive Slasher!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon dives in corkscrew fashion, decimating Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. The shockwave knocks Twilight down on her butt, her life points going down to zero. Every card on the field vanishes. The crowd of onlookers clap and cheer loudly for several seconds before walking away. Spike rushes next to Twilight. “Are you okay, Twilight?” She groans. “Y-Yes...” Rainbow Dash approaches them; extending her hand to Twilight and helping her stand up. “Good game,” she states with a grin. She admits seeing Twilight go from Pendulum to Fusion was cool too. Spike crosses both arms over his chest. “That’s nothing!” He proudly explains how Twilight’s deck combines all summoning methods, including Pendulum, Fusion, XYZ, Synchro and Ritual. Rainbow Dash whistles impressed. Twilight’s cheeks redden. She shakes her head and asks Rainbow Dash where she got her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. “This guy?” Rainbow Dash asks, retrieving Clear Wing Synchro Dragon from her Extra Deck and flicking the card between her index and middle fingers. “I won it on a dart game on Ponyville’s last year’s fair,” she answers casually. Twilight quirks an eyebrow, but does not press the issue further. Rainbow Dash puts the card back inside her deck. “So, am I qualified?” She asks with a charming smile. Twilight crosses her arms. “I’ll give you a passing grade,” she replies with mock stern. Rainbow Dash laughs. “Harsh!” She spreads her wings. “Anyway, it was nice meeting you two, but I gotta go fast now.” She gives them a salute with her index and middle fingers before taking into the sky, leaving a rainbow colored trail behind her as she flew away like a shooting star. Twilight’s eyes widened in realization. “We didn’t ask her where we could find Rarity…” “Inside the Town Hall.” Twilight squeaks and jumps forward. Behind her, Rainbow Dash laughs. “Man, I can’t wait to hang out some more with you guys!” Once more, she takes into the sky. “See ya!” Spike looks at Twilight. “She’s amazing, don’t you think?” He asks with a wide smile. Twilight smiles softly. “I think she could afford losing a bit of her ego.” > Duel Four - vs Rarity - Spike Again! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It says here Rainbow Dash has a one hundred percent win ratio,” Spike comments in admiration as his eyes scan the small screen of his Duel Disk. Twilight nods absentmindedly. She’s aware Duel Disks have a function to track the wins and loses of the users, including calculating the percentage of each. She thinks she’s never paid too much attention to hers, probably because Princess Celestia prefers to evaluate students based on their performance rather than the outcome of their duels. That and the system is not perfect. You could, for example, beat the same opponent ten times to get a perfect winning ratio. Then again, Rainbow Dash didn’t seem like the kind of person who would do that, she thinks. Spike calls out her name. Twilight shakes her head and looks at him. “Are you thinking about the duel?” He asks with a tilt of his head. She smiles and nods. “I was thinking about that Clear Wing Synchro Dragon.” He snaps his fingers. “Oh yeah!” He enthusiastically suggests they visit Ponyville’s fair next time the come here. Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “Did you really believe that, Spike?” She asks amused. Spike blinks twice in realization. “O-Of course not!” He answers hastily. “I mean, what kind of fair would give a prize like that?” He waves his hand dismissively, then points at Twilight. “I was just checking if you believed it.” She giggles. “Of course.” The two of them make their way into Ponyville’s Town Hall. The inside is that of an ordinary, if slightly old fashioned, village center, with several small balconies arranged in a circle around a larger, central one. What truly gets their attention is the decoration. Large ribbons in rich shades of blue connect every single one of the balconies, each adorned with a exquisitely designed banner or a large bouquet of pure white lilies. Spike breathes. “Beautiful…” Twilight nods in agreement. “Indeed, the décor for the Summer Sun Celebration is coming along quite nicely.” Spike shakes his head rapidly. “Not the décor!” He corrects, pulling Twilight’s arm while pointing forwards. “Her!” Twilight turns to see a tall, young woman surrounded by floating ribbons of different colors, her hands glowing with ethereal light as she levitates them. She examines each ribbon individually for a moment and quickly discards them with a shake of her head and a word of disapproval when they do not meet her criteria. “How do I look?” Spike asks breathlessly. “Is my hair okay?” The woman is gorgeous. Her long, violet hair goes down her shoulders, curling at the end of her back and bangs; a single strand hangs between her sapphire blue eyes, their colors heightened by her perfect, milky-white skin. She wears elegant, wide fit pointed black shoes. A pair of black jeans hug her slender, shapely legs and butt nicely. Her white silk shirt is partially unbuttoned and slightly transparent, revealing the shape of the black bra she’s wearing. Twilight approaches, greeting her politely “Good afternoon.” The woman swiftly raises her index finger, without even turning to look at Twilight. “Just a moment, please!” She excuses herself as she keeps looking through her ribbons. “I’m in the zone, as it were.” At last, she settles for a bright red one, tying it neatly around the nearby column with her magic. She smiles pleased. “Perfect! Sparkles always do the trick, don’t you think?” She turns to Twilight, smiling pleasantly. “What can I help you wi--” She suddenly gasps in shock. “Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happened to your coiffure?” Twilight frowns puzzled. “My hair?” She runs a hand through it and realizes it’s disheveled. “Oh, that.” She waves her hand dismissively. “I just had a rather intense duel a few minutes ago.” She assures it’s nothing to worry about. The woman’s eyes widen in disbelief. “Nothing to worry about?” She shakes her head and exclaims dramatically. “Preposterous! I, Rarity, shall not allow you to walk under Princess Celestia’s sun with your hair in such a deplorable state!” With an elegant wave of her hand, Rarity levitates a nearby large, violet trunk with golden handles and a diamond pattern. She retrieves a hairbrush and a hand mirror from inside then gently places the trunk on the floor. Pointing at the trunk, she instructs. “Please take a seat.” Twilight holds back a sigh of defeat and does as she’s told. Holding the hairbrush in her right hand, Rarity spreads her arms like a conductor about to direct the orchestra and begins to brush Twilight’s hair gently. Twilight bites her lower lip, slightly flustered. “Umm, you don’t need to bother, you know...” “Tut-tut, darling. It’s my pleasure.” She glances at Twilight’s Duel Disk while carefully brushing her locks. “Besides, you are a duelist, aren’t you? You should always take care of your appearance, since you never know who may be watching you from among the crowd.” Twilight doesn’t say another word. Deciding she might as well let Rarity do her job, she closes her eyes and relaxes. Who might be watching me from among the crowd? She wonders. Some kind of talent seekers perhaps? There are a lot of companies which promote their services and products in Duel Monsters tournaments. Lately, some of them have been hiring Pro Duelists to act as representatives or mascots. Was she referring to those? “Aaand done!” Rarity declares cheerfully. She hands Twilight the hand mirror. “Much better, don’t you think?” She asks hopefully. Twilight looks at herself in the mirror. She admits her hair looks even better than after she brushed it this morning. “Thank you, Rarity.” Rarity flicks her hair. “You’re welcome.” She crosses her arms daintily. “Now, how can I help you?” Twilight introduces herself as Princess Celestia’s student and Spike as her personal assistant. He waves slowly, looking smitten. “Hi…” She clarifies. “We are here for the inspection on Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School.” Rarity gasps softly in realization. “You are from Canterlot!” She places a hand on her forehead in a dramatic pose and exclaims. “Oh, I’m sooo envious!” She waves her hands around as she enumerates. “The pinnacle of high society! The sophistication! The glamour!” She puts her hands together in a gesture of praying while looking upwards wistfully. “I have always dreamed of living there!” She giggles cheekily. “I can’t wait to hear all about it from you! The--” Her fawning is interrupted by Twilight clearing her throat rather loudly. “O-Oh, sorry,” she apologizes with a sheepish smile. “I’m afraid I always get a bit carried away when it comes to that wonderful city.” Twilight smiles sympathetically. “That’s okay.” Rarity clears her throat softly. “Allow me to formally introduce myself.” She performs a small curtsy. “My name is Rarity. I am a haute couture designer, proprietor and manager of Ponyville’s one and only Carousel Boutique, Professional Duelist and representative of Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School.” She finishes her introduction turning her nose slightly upwards. Twilight’s eyes widen in surprise. “Wait a minute! Did you say Professional Duelist?” She asks enthusiastically. “Does that mean you are a graduate? What school did you go to?” Rarity chuckles daintily. “Why, the Eros Duel Institute in Manehattan, of course.” She answers with a proud smile. Twilight perks up. “The prestigious, all-girl academy administered by Duchess Mi Amore Cadenza, the famous Pro Duelist nicknamed The Crystal Rose?” She asks with an expectant grin. Rarity smiles in amusement. “The same.” Twilight cheers. “Excellent!” She readies her Duel Disk. “We should start right away!” Rarity is slightly overwhelmed by Twilight’s enthusiasm. She asks if she could have a minute to prepare herself. Twilight nods and Rarity heads to the back of the Town Hall, levitating her trunk behind her. As soon as Rarity is out of sight, Twilight grins widely and comments. “Finally, somebody with a formal education! And a Pro Duelist at that!” She wonders if Rarity had tried entering the Pro Leagues at some point and decides she’ll ask her after their duel. “W-Wait!” Spike suddenly exclaims. “Please let me duel her, Twilight!” Twilight is surprised. “Spike?” He holds her arm with a pleading look. “Please, please! I’ll take care of the dishes and laundry for you! I’ll even sort out your books!” She frowns puzzled. “Don’t you already take care of all of that?” Spike blinks in realization. “Oh, right.” He giggles sheepishly, then shakes his head. “I’ll do it twice, but please let me duel!” Twilight sighs. “Fine, fine.” He let’s go of her arm and cheers, thanking her profusely. She puts both arms on her waist and tilts her head. “Geez, what’s gotten into you?” Spike gulps and his cheeks redden. “I-I think I’m in love, Twilight.” He confesses. Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “Again?” She asks unamused. Spike asks what does she mean. Twilight lifts her fingers one by one as she enumerates. “Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Moondancer—do you want me to keep going?” She asks lowering her chin. Spike’s blush intensifies. He crosses both arms over his chest, declaring firmly. “I mean it this time.” “Sure you do, Spike.” Twilight comments unconvinced. “Just make sure you don’t go easy on her, okay?” He nods rapidly. Rarity returns a few minutes later, wearing a lovely, wine red strapless ball gown that nicely accentuates her bust and fully conceals her legs and feet. Her arms are covered by long sleeved, darker violet gloves. She has a light blush on her cheeks and her lips painted a passionate red. A darker violet Duel Disk is strapped around her left arm. Spike’s eyes widen like plates, his entire face grows increasily redder as he opens and closes his mouth like a small fish gasping for air. Twilight is awed. “Wow, Rarity, that’s…a beautiful dress. Are you going to duel like that?” She asks tentatively. It’s not unusual for Pro Duelists to dress in outstanding ways, she thinks. As long as the outfit is not violent or immodest, they’re allowed to dress as they please. Dueltainers are particularly known for this. Rarity chuckles softly. She extends her left arm daintily, activating her Duel Disk; a lighter violet blade of magical energy unfolds from it. “It is my belief that duelists should always aim to dazzle the audience!” She exclaims dramatically, striking a pose with her right hand over her chest. “Not just with their cards and plays, but with their style, grace and beauty!” Spike applauds enthusiastically. Twilight decides this is a perfect opportunity to ask. She smiles eagerly. “Did you take part in the Pro Leagues, Rarity?” Rarity’s smile falters for a second. She gulps discreetely. “No, I didn’t.” Twilight tilts her head with curiosity. “Why’s that?” Rarity waves her hand, trying to act casual. “Oh, I just felt I wasn’t ready, you know, having recently graduated and all.” Before Twilight can get a word in, she smiles and quickly begins explaining how, as soon as she graduated, she came back to Ponyville in order to open her boutique, and later accepted to join the Ponyville’s Duel School as a means to polish her skills before making it into the Pro Leagues. “You see, my plan is to promote my own clothing line by dueling.” Twilight is impressed. She thinks that, if Rarity’s enterprise is successful, she could live comfortably for the rest of her life; even choosing when and how to retire. “That’s amazing, Rarity. You have everything planned in the long term!” Rarity flicks her hair with a proud smile. “Why, thank you.” She gestures towards Twilight’s Duel Disk. “But I still have to pass the inspection, don’t I?” She asks with a wink. Twilight nods and takes a step aside. “Spike will be your opponent,” she states. He steps forward, puffing his chest out and bows with his left arm extended to the side. “M’Lady,” he says with his best charming grin. Twilight cringes. Remember he’s only twelve years-old, she thinks. “Oh my!” Rarity exclaims. “Such a fine, little gentleman!” He giggles. Twilight stands back, allowing the two of them to take their positions in the middle of the Town Hall. He ignites his Duel Disk and immediately their life points display above them at 4000 for each. They pick up their initial hands of five cards. The screens of each Duel Disk cycle alternatively before stopping on Spike. “My turn!” He thinks he’s definitely going to impress Rarity with his plays. Picking a card from his hand, he quickly slides it into his Duel Disk. “Foolish Burial!” He sends Dragunity Phalanx from his deck straight to his graveyard, followed by normal summoning Dragunity Dux and using its effect to equip it with Phalanx. “Once per turn, when Dragunity Phalanx is equipped to a monster by a card effect, I can special summon it!” He does so. Spike continues, tuning his level two Dragunity Phalanx with his level four Dragunity Dux to Synchro Summon Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. Using Vajrayana’s effect, he repeats the process of equipping Phalanx before special summoning it to the field. “There’s still more!” He declares with a confident grin. He picks another spell from his hand, sliding it into his Duel Disk. “Instant Fusion!” His life points go down to 3000 and a beautiful bird materializes on the field, its whole body covered in crimson and yellow flames. He tunes his level two Dragunity Phalanx to his level four Mavelus to Synchro Summon Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. Satisfied, he declares the end of his turn. “My turn!” Rarity holds the top card from her deck between her index and middle finger. Her hand glows with an ethereal blue light as she draws with a wide motion, tracing an arc of sparkles in front of her. “Draw!” Twilight thinks it’s a nice touch of magic. Rarity picks a single card from her hand and reveals it for Twilight and Spike to see. “I activate the spell Fusion Sage!” She adds a copy of Polymerization from her deck to her hand, immediately activating it. “I fuse Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight Blue Cat from my hand!” The monsters combine in a swirl of light. Rarity holds her hands together and chants, “Beast lurking in the jet-black darkness! Cat prowling in the azure darkness! Spiral into the moon’s gravity and become a new power! Fusion Summon!” A lovely maiden wielding a pair of twin daggers appears on the field. Her long, crimson hair waves behind her as she moves gracefully. Rarity introduces her monster with pride. “The beautiful beast that dances in the moonlight! Lunalight Cat Dancer!” Using the effect of Lunalight Black Sheep, Rarity adds Lunalight Blue Cat back to her hand from her graveyard. Spike is momentarily smitten by Lunalight Cat Dancer. Twilight scratches her chin thoughtfully, attentively watching Rarity’s every move. Rarity normal summons Lunalight Blue Cat, tributing her to activate Lunalight Cat Dancer’s effect. She orders the attack on Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana. “Full Moon Mayhem!” Lunalight Cat Dancer charges with astonishing speed, performing a twirling leap and landing right on top of the crimson dragon’s head. It tries to shake her off to no avail. The rider counter attacks with his spear, but Cat Dancer moves faster, stabbing him on the neck with one of her daggers. Then, she turns around and stabs the dragon on the back of its neck. The mighty beast lets out a pitiful growl as it falls to the ground and vanishes with Lunalight Cat Dancer leaping away from it and landing safely. Spike’s life points go down to 1800. Rarity explains that, by tributing a Lunalight monster, Lunalight Cat Dancer can attack each monster the opponent controls twice each, destroying them on the second attack, and that every time she declares an attack, her monster inflicts 100 points of damage to the opponent’s life points. “Oh, and Lunalight Cat Dancer cannot be destroyed in battle,” she adds with a wink. Twilight is surprised by her aggressive playstyle. Rarity orders the attack of Lunalight Cat Dancer on Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. “Full Moon Mayhem! Endless Waltz!” “Whoa!” Spike swiftly banishes Mavelus from the graveyard to raise the attack points of Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg to 3300. “Piercing Strike!” Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg counterattacks, driving back Lunalight Cat Dancer and lowering Rarity’s life points by 900. She compliments him on his quick thinking. “I-It was nothing,” he mutters flustered. Rarity sets a single card and declares the end of her turn with an elegant wave of her hand. Feeling pumped, Spike draws energetically. “Draw!” He quickly activates his recently drawn Cards of Consonance, discarding Dragunity Corsesca from his hand to draw two cards. After sorting his hand, he normal summons Dragunity Legionnaire and uses its effect to equip it with Dragunity Phalanx from the graveyard, then special summon Phalanx to his side of the field. He takes a single card and holds it above his head. “I equip Dragunity Legionnaire with Dragunity Divine Lance!” The golden ornate sword materializes in the hands of Dragunity Legionnaire. Spike explains how Dragunity Divine Lance allows him to, once per turn, equip a Dragon-Type Tuner monster from his deck to the monster equipped with this card. He chooses Dragunity Aklys and activates the effect of Dragunity Legionnaire to destroy Lunalight Cat Dancer. “And thanks to Aklys’ effect, I will destroy your set card too!” He adds with a grin. Dragunity Legionnaire holds Dragunity Aklys like a weapon and launches it forward with terrifying speed. Rarity smiles and snaps her fingers. Lunalight Cat Dancer spreads her arms, twirling the ocean green cloth around them in the shape of a funnel and enveloping the incoming projectile with uncanny dexterity. A flick of her wrists and the cloth returns to its original shape, with the Dragunity Aklys projectile nowhere to be seen. Spike is shocked. Rarity explains she activated her set Forbidden Dress, ensuring her Lunalight Cat Dancer couldn’t be targeted or destroyed by other card effects at the cost of 600 of her attack points. Spike gets out of his stupor by shaking his head rapidly. He declares loudly. “I tune my level three Dragunity Legionnaire with my level two Dragunity Phalanx!” His monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Synchro Summon! Come, Vortex the Whirlwind!” The winged beast man appears with a fierce wind and a loud battle cry. Spike is quick to order the attack of her two monsters on the weakened Lunalight Cat Dancer, taking Rarity’s life points down to 2600. He takes a breath, sets a single card and finishes his turn. Lunalight Cat Dancer’s attack points go back to 2400. Rarity draws tracing an arc upwards. “Draw!” The magical sparkles fall all over her like a shower of light. Spike is fascinated. Rarity activates the spell Lunalight Perfume. “Return to me, Lunalight Blue Cat!” A cat girl with blue fur, wearing a white and golden attire appears striking a pose with her hands in the shape of paws. “When my Lunalight Blue Cat is special summoned, I can double the attack points of one of my Lunalight monsters!” She points at Lunalight Cat Dancer, the monster’s attack points skyrocket to 4800. Finally, she tributes Lunalight Blue Cat to activate the effect of Lunalight Cat Dancer and orders an attack on Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg. “Full Moon Mayhem! Final Waltz!” Spike points at his set card. “Trap card open! Dimensional Prison!” Just as space starts distorting in front of Lunalight Cat Dancer, a golden lance falls from above, closing the distortion in a flash of light. “W-What!?” He realizes with dismay that Rarity had activated the Quick-Play Spell Forbidden Lance from her hand. “Oh…” It was over. Even with 800 attack points less, Lunalight Cat Dancer had enough strength to wipe out his remaining life points. All the monsters on the field vanish. Twilight nods approvingly. Attacking with her monsters while using Forbidden spells to protect them? Not bad, she thinks. Despite his loss, Spike cheers. “That was amazing, Rarity! I couldn’t do anything!” She smiles warmly and thanks him. “I must say you’re very skilled for your age,” she compliments him. He giggles, scratching the back of his head flustered. “I-It was nothing--” He shakes his head. “I mean--I always do my best!” Twilight approaches. “An excellent demonstration,” she comments. “I think Spike and I saw more than enough, right?” She turns to see him looking at Rarity dreamily. Twelve years-old, she reminds herself once again. She shakes her head. “Anyway, we should be leaving now. Could you please tell us where we can find…” She takes a quick peek at her scroll. “Fluttershy?” Rarity smiles. “Of course. Just take the path in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, turn to the right at the intersection and keep going straight. Fluttershy lives in a small cottage at the edge of Ponyville.” She pauses for a second. “Just in case, Twilight, you should know she’s a bit timid when it comes to dealing with strangers.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” Twilight assures her with a smile. Just as she’s about to leave, Rarity stops her. “Just one more thing,” she calls tentatively. “Are you perhaps acquainted with Prince Blueblood?” Twilight tilts her head puzzled. “Prince Blueblood? You mean one of the Twin Stars of the Eos Dueling School?” “Yes! The same!” Rarity slaps both of her cheeks, looking positively giddy. “What do you know about him?” Twilight looks around awkwardly. “Not much, really. Other than the fact Prince is his name and he’s actually a Duke…” > Duel Five - vs Fluttershy - Nature of Mechanics! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slowly but surely, the buildings diminish in number and the carefully manicured lawns give away to wildly grown grass. Twilight thinks they’re approaching the edge of Ponyville. They can even see the entrance to the Everfree Forest far in the distance. Like the name implies, it’s a forest free from the influence of Equestrians, she thinks, remembering a line from one of her high school textbooks. A place where the weather changes accordingly to its own fickle mood, instead of the carefully prepared schedules of the Weather Patrols, and the flora and fauna develop themselves without aid from farmers or breeders. Moreover, the large amount of magic in the atmosphere facilitates the proliferation of strange and dangerous creatures not found anywhere else. Twilight wonders why anybody would choose to live so close to such a place. She turns to Spike, who had been quietly sorting through his deck ever since they left the Town Hall and Rarity’s company. He has a deep frown of concentration on his face. She smiles and asks him if he’s making adjustments to his deck. “Yep.” Spike replies drily. “Are you planning to have a rematch with the girls?” Twilight asks eagerly. Spike shakes his head. “Nope.” Twilight’s smile is replaced by a look of confusion. “Then what?” She asks tentatively. Spike looks at her in the eyes and answers firmly, “I’m going to destroy Blueblood.” Twilight blinks twice. Her lips quiver as she tries to hold back a giggle. Baby’s first bout of jealousy, she thinks in amusement. She shakes her head softly and composes herself. “Look, you’re a great duelist, Spike,” she says with all sincerity. “I’d say better than most boys of your age.” He puffs his chest out. “But there’s a reason Blueblood and his brother, Shining Armor, are known as the Twin Stars.” He frowns, but she continues. “They are two of the best Pro Duelists to ever graduate from the Eos Dueling School and their winning records are nothing to sneeze at.” She thinks that their jobs as Equestrian Ambassador and Captain of the Royal Guard respectively have been keeping them too busy to participate in the Pro Leagues lately. Spike scoffs. “Big deal.” He points at Twilight with his index finger and then to himself with his thumb. “I bet you and I could take them on a tag-duel.” He declares with a confident grin. She giggles, slightly flustered. “Really now, Spike…” He shrugs. “Why not? I bet you could take them both at the same time.” Twilight laughs. “Spike!” He chuckles. “It’s true! You’ve been Princess Celestia’s student for only two years, but she says you’re already on the level of a fourth-year, doesn’t she?” Twilight’s blush intensifies. She thinks that, as the personal student of Princess Celestia, her education is different from that of the rest of the students. All of her classes are in private and, with the exception of Spike, all of her duels are either against the Princess or the school’s Duel Computer, both using different kinds of decks suited for the lesson. Very rarely she interacts with other students. Not that I mind, she thinks. I get more time to study that way. Something catches their attention; a faint, melodious voice singing in the distance. Twilight and Spike share a brief look and keep pressing forward. A couple of minutes later, they arrive at a small clearing where a young girl sits alone on the grass, surrounded by what looks like an army of critters. From mice and rabbits to birds and bugs, every single one of them seems enthralled by her voice. The girl’s beauty is breathtaking. She has soft facial features, perfect, pale skin and sweet, cyan eyes. Her long, light rose hair falls down over her shoulders and back like a cascade. She is tall, slender and surprisingly voluptuous; a fact which contrasts with her modest attire, consisting of white sandals, a long pink skirt that reaches down her ankles and a natural green, short-sleeved shirt with leaf patterns. She carries a brown, worn-out satchel with her. Both Twilight and Spike do not move an inch, choosing to keep their distance and enjoy the girl’s lovely song instead. “She’s good.” Spike whispers admiringly. Twilight nods. It is not until the girl is finished that she approaches her. “Hello there!” Twilight greets cheerfully. Much to her surprise, however, the girl jumps on her toes, letting out a terrified shriek that sends all the animals scattering away. Twilight puts a hand over her mouth, gasping softly before apologizing. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” The girl says nothing, looking down at the ground and tapping her index fingers together. “Are you by any chance Fluttershy?” Twilight asks tentatively. The girl turns her gaze away, causing her long hair to cover half of her face and giving her an adorable look. “Yes,” she whispers in a barely audible voice. Twilight tilts her head sideways. “I’m sorry?” Fluttershy does not reply. Instead, she chooses to nod slowly. Twilight bites her lower lip and motions Spike to come next to her. “Right.” She clears her throat. “My name is Twilight Sparkle, I’m the personal student of Princess Celestia and this is my personal assistant, Spike.” He grins and salutes with his index and middle fingers. “We’re from the Eos Dueling School…” Fluttershy’s eyes widen in shock. She gasps loudly, putting both hands over her mouth. “Oh my!” She quickly waves her hands in front of her. “I-I’m sorry—Pinkie told me about you, but I didn’t know when you would be arriving—so I went to pick up some herbs and meet with my animal friends and and--” She bows. “I’m sorry!” Twilight and Spike look at each other, sharing an awkward grin. “It’s okay; we were on the path to your house anyway.” She assures gently. Fluttershy nods, letting out a small sigh of relief. There is a brief moment of silence before Twilight attempts to start a conversation. “So…Fluttershy, why did you decide to work on Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School?” Fluttershy fidgets. “Pinkie, um, asked me and Rainbow Dash said it would be a great idea, so I accepted…” Twilight nods. Silence again. She tilts her head and asks if she has any formal education in Duel Monsters. Fluttershy shakes her head. “Oh no, I just—like to play, that’s all.” That’s three to one, Twilight thinks with dismay. Still, it wouldn’t be a good idea to underestimate her; not after seeing what Applejack and Rainbow Dash were capable of. She shakes her head and raises her left arm to show her Duel Disk. “Shall we begin then?” She asks with an expectant smile. Fluttershy gulps softly. “Can we—if it isn’t much trouble—duel without our Duel Disks?” Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “You mean here, on the grass?” She asks puzzled. Fluttershy nods slowly. Twilight and Spike share another look. He shrugs. She scratches the back of her neck. “Well, I don’t see why not…” Twilight goes ahead and takes her deck out of her Duel Disk. Fluttershy thanks her and retrieves a deck from inside her satchel. Both girls sit daintily on the grass. Spike sits cross-legged next to them, offering to monitor their life points with the calculator function of his Duel Disk. They shuffle their decks, cutting each other’s before drawing their initial hands of five cards each. “Would you like to go first?” Twilight offers with a smile. Fluttershy nods. She plays a monster face-down and declares the end of her turn. “My turn.” Twilight examines her hand, a smile forming across her lips. I can’t even remember the last time I played without a Duel Disk, she thinks in amusement. She uses Timebreaker Magician and Timegazer Magician to set the Pendulum Scale. “With this, I can special summon monsters from level three to seven.” She picks a card from her hand and gently places it on the grass. “I Pendulum Summon Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon.” Fluttershy’s eyes widen in surprise. “That card,” she mutters in awe. Twilight picks up Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon between her index and middle fingers, holding it up for Fluttershy to see. She explains it’s a one-of-a-kind card and a gift from Princess Celestia herself on the day she became her personal student. Fluttershy gapes in silence. Suddenly, she picks her set card and, after placing it together with the rest of her deck, stands up. “I changed my mind,” she declares firmly. “I would like to duel you using our Duel Disks.” Seeing the looks of bewilderment in the face of both Twilight and Spike she adds meekly. “If that’s okay with you…” Twilight is surprised by Fluttershy’s sudden change of demeanor, but accepts her request. She picks up her cards and puts them back with the rest of her deck on her Duel Disk, followed by pressing a button to have it automatically shuffled. Fluttershy pulls a white Duel Disk from inside her satchel, adjusting it around her left arm and placing her deck inside the corresponding slot. She too pushes the button to shuffle it automatically. Both girls take their distance and ignite their Duel Disks. The blade of Fluttershy’s disk glows with a light yellow color. They pick their initial hands of five cards and their life point counters appear briefly over them, displaying 4000 points for each. The screens on each Duel Disk cycles, ultimately granting the first turn to Fluttershy. She takes a deep breath and carefully examines her hand. “I summon Sylvan Flowerknight in attack position,” she declares softly. A young knight appears before her, clad in a golden armor with plates shaped like flower petals, firmly holding a sword and a shield. “When Sylvan Flowerknight is normal summoned, I can excavate the top card of my deck, and if it’s a Plant-Type monster, send it to the graveyard.” She picks the top card of her deck, revealing Sylvan Hermitree. “Um…when Sylvan Hermitree is excavated and sent to the graveyard, I can look at the top three cards of my deck and place them back in any order.” Twilight’s eyes narrow as she recognizes the cards. Sylvans, she thinks. The archetype that pioneered the “excavate” mechanic. Fluttershy returns the three cards back on top of her deck, then picks a card from her hand and places it on her Duel Disk. Immediately the ground shakes and a large sequoia tree emerges from behind Fluttershy. It has a stern-looking, bespectacled face on its trunk, masses of moss around its mouth giving the appearance of a beard and a moustache. “When one of my Sylvans is sent to the graveyard, I can special summon Sylvan Sagequoia from my hand.” She activates the effect of Sylvan Sagequoia, excavating the top card of her deck and revealing Sylvan Snapdrassinagon, which she sends to the graveyard. Once more, she repeats the process with Snapdrassinagon’s effect and sends Sylvan Guardioak to the graveyard. “With Sylvan Guardioak’s effect, I place Sylvan Hermitree back on the top of my deck.” Spike lets out a big yawn, which earns him a glare from Twilight. Fluttershy sets two cards and ends her turn. She apologizes for taking so long. “I like to make the best use of the excavate mechanic as I can,” she explains. Twilight smiles and assures her she has nothing to worry about. “We’re not playing with a time limit here.” Fluttershy smiles and nods. “Alright, it’s my turn.” Twilight draws energetically. “Draw!” She immediately activates the spell Pendulum Call, discarding Nobledragon Magician from her hand, but Fluttershy chains the activation of her continuous trap card, Mistake, in response. She explains they will not be able to add cards to their hands except by drawing them. The sudden lockdown play surprises Spike. He leans forward, watching attentively. Twilight ponders for a moment before setting two cards and playing a monster facedown. “I end my turn.” Before her turn is over, Fluttershy reveals her second set card. “Trap card open, Sylvan Waterslide.” She explains that, instead of conducting her normal draw, she will excavate the top card of her deck and send it to the graveyard if it is a Plant-Type monster. Twilight bites her lower lip. She wasn’t kidding when she said she wanted to make the best use of that mechanic, she thinks. “My turn.” Fluttershy excavates the top card of her deck and reveals Sylvan Hermitree, which allows her to rearrange the top three cards of her deck when sent to the graveyard. “I summon Sylvan Peaskeeper from my hand.” Using her newest monster’s effect, she excavates Sylvan Princessprout. “When Sylvan Princessprout is excavated, I can special summon her in any level from one to eight.” Her demeanor suddenly changes, becoming more assertive. “I choose level one!” She has two level one monsters, Twilight thinks alarmed. Fluttershy spreads her arms and exclaims. “With my level one Sylvan Peaskeeper and my level one Sylvan Princessprout, I build an Overlay Network!” Both monsters transform into streams of light and a black portal opens below them, absorbing them both. “XYZ Summon!” A pillar of light explodes upwards from inside the portal. “Come, serene princess of all things in nature! Rank one! Sylvan Princessprite!” A pale-skinned woman with emerald green eyes appears. Her long, greenish hair is tied into a pair of buns and she wears a long, regal green dress with richly detailed floral patterns. Spike is in awe at the monster’s beauty. Fluttershy activates the effect of Sylvan Princessprite, sending Sylvan Flowerknight to the graveyard to special summon Sylvan Hermitree from the graveyard. A second tree emerges from the ground behind her. Its crown is filled with vivid green and red leaves, and a gentle, motherly face can be seen on its trunk. Fluttershy follows with the effect of Sylvan Sagequoia and excavates Sylvan Mikorange, sending the card to the graveyard. “When Mikorange is excavated, the attack and defense points of my Plant-Type monsters increase by 300 each.” Spike gulps. “That’s 3000 attack for Hermitree, 2900 for Sagequoia and 2100 for Princessprite,” he mutters in worry. Fluttershy bites her lower lip. “Sorry, I was told I shouldn’t hold back on the inspection…” She points forward and orders the attack of Sylvan Hermitree. “Leaf Whirlwind!” Sylvan Hermitree takes a deep breath and blows, scattering the leaves on its crown in the shape of a torrent. Twilight points at her set card. “Trap card open! Extra Buck!” She explains how each time a card is added to her Extra Deck she can place a Spell Counter on her card. The torrent of leaves envelopes the facedown monster and destroys it. Twilight takes the Timebreaker Magician card and places it face-up on her extra deck, a glowing counter appears on Extra Buck. Fluttershy follows with the attack of Sylvan Sagequoia. The monster tree sends its huge roots crashing against Twilight, taking her life points down to 1100. Fluttershy apologizes once more before ordering the third and final attack. “Go, Sylvan Princessprite!” The princess waves her hand daintily and releases a whirlwind of cherry blossom petals. Spike calls Twilight's name loudly. She snaps her fingers, opening her second set card. “Dimension Wall!” The space in front of her distorts, absorbing the attack and redirecting it towards Fluttershy. “Oh my!” Fluttershy exclaims surprised. Her life point’s counter goes down to 1900. “I should’ve known it wouldn’t be that easy,” she comments, slightly disappointed. She activates the effect of Sylvan Hermitree, excavating Sylvan Bladefender and adding it to her hand thanks to its own effect, plus drawing one more card. Then, she follows by detaching a Xyz material from Sylvan Princessprite to excavate the top card of her deck. She reveals Negate Attack, which she adds to her hand and immediately sets. With no more plays available, Fluttershy ends her turn. Spike lets out a breath of relief. “That was close…” He thinks they’re almost matched in terms of life points. Twilight thinks Fluttershy’s skills have nothing to envy the other girls. “My turn!” She draws and looks at her newest card. But I’m no slouch either, she thinks with a confident smile. “I use my two copies of Wisdom-Eye Magician to set the Pendulum Scale!” She declares, holding the two cards between her index and middle fingers. Fluttershy frowns. “I thought you couldn’t Pendulum Summon with the same scales?” “That’s right,” Spike replies with a grin. “But she’s not aiming for that.” Fluttershy blinks puzzled. Twilight activates the effect of both copies of Wisdom-Eye Magician, destroying them to place Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician straight from her deck into her Pendulum Zones. “Since the cards are not added to my hand, Mistake doesn’t affect me,” she explains with a smirk. Fluttershy gasps in surprise. Twilight continues by sending Extra Buck with three Spell Counters to the graveyard to draw two cards. She nods and raises her hand upwards. “Swing, arcane pendulum! Trace an arc of light across the aether! Pendulum Summon!” A single beam of light falls from inside the portal above them. “From my hand, the fierce dragon of dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” The crimson dragon roars and several birds scatter away from the nearby trees. Fluttershy’s pupils widen visibly. I was right, she thinks, her mouth curving into a joyful smile. Twilight activates the effect of Nobledragon Magician in her graveyard, reducing Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s level by three to special summon it. She raises her arm towards the sky and declares loudly. “I tune my level three Nobledragon Magician with my now level four Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters fuse into a cluster of stars. “Descend, burning dragon with the power to shake the earth! Level seven!” A fiery version of the Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon appears, its crimson body pulsating with raw energy. Twilight calls the monster’s name. “Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon!” Spike pumps his fist. “Oh yeah!” Twilight states fiercely, “I’m not done yet!” Using the effect of Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, she special summons Dragonpit Magician from her Pendulum Zone to her side of the field. “Now, I use my level seven Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon and my level seven Dragonpit Magician to build an Overlay Network! XYZ Summon!” The light of both monsters is absorbed into the darkness, and from it emerges a new dragon with scales like blades of ice. “Appear, freezing dragon with the power to stop time and space!” Twilight shouts its name, “Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon!” “From Pendulum to Synchro and Xyz,” Fluttershy mutters in admiration. Twilight orders the attack of her Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon on Sylvan Princessprite. “Absolute Zero Breath!” Fluttershy answers with her set Negate Attack. The stream of cold air is sucked into a vortex and vanishes. “Um, this card also ends your Battle Phase,” she points out. Twilight is not concerned. She crosses her arms and calmly declares the end of her turn. “It’s my turn.” Fluttershy excavates the top card of her deck, revealing Sylvan Charity and sending it to the graveyard with a look of disappointment. “I summon Sylvan Bladefender.” She tributes her newest monster for Sylvan Princessprite’s effect to special summon Sylvan Guardioak from the graveyard. A huge ogre wielding a large, wooden club appears snarling ferociously. Its attack points flash at 2400. Fluttershy orders the attack of Sylvan Sagequoia. The ground shakes as the mighty tree raises its roots, but it suddenly stops. Much to her surprise and shock, Sylvan Sagequoia is fully encased in ice. “W-What happened!?” Twilight calmly states, “That’s the effect of my Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, Absolute Zero Barrier.” She explains how, once per turn, she can detach a Xyz material, in this case Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, to negate an attack and special summon an Odd-Eyes monster from her hand or graveyard. “Now return, Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon!” “What a powerful effect.” Fluttershy mutters astonished. But it’s only once per turn, she thinks. “I attack Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon with Hermitree!” Twilight’s dragon is decimated and her life points lower to 900, but she smiles confidently. Fluttershy frowns. “Um, why are you smiling?” she asks warily. “Because,” Spike replies with a grin. “Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon has an effect that activates when it goes to the graveyard.” Fluttershy lets out a pitiful squeak. Twilight points with her finger upwards. “When Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon goes to the graveyard, I can special summon an Odd-Eyes monster straight from my Extra Deck! Arise, Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon!” A new dragon appears on her side, with streamlined, blade-like scales. The wind begins to pick up, forcing Fluttershy to shield her face. “When Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon is special summoned, I can return one of your attack position monsters to the hand!” A whirlwind envelops Sylvan Hermitree, sending it back to Fluttershy’s hand. She looks at the other card in her hand, a second copy of Mistake, and gulps. No, I’m not done yet, she thinks. I need to excavate further. She activates the effect of Sylvan Guardioak. “Once per turn, I can declare a number from one to three and excavate that same amount of cards!” Twilight wordlessly takes Nobledragon Magician from her Extra Deck and shuffles it into her Deck. The Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon rears its head back, and then breathes a stream of green energy that vaporizes Sylvan Guardioak. “Once per turn, when a Spell, Trap or other monster’s effect is activated, I can return a face-up Pendulum monster in my Extra Deck back to my Deck to negate the card’s effect and destroy it.” Spike smiles sympathetically at Fluttershy’s shocked expression. She shakes her head rapidly. “I activate the effect of Sylvan Sagequoia!” She excavates Sylvan Komushroomo and uses its effect to destroy Dragonpulse Magician on Twilight’s Pendulum Zone. “Then I detach a Xyz material from Sylvan Princessprite to excavate again.” She reveals Draining Shield and immediately sets it. Letting out a breath of exhaustion, Fluttershy declares the end of her turn. “My turn! Draw!” Twilight glances at her newest card and thinks it’s over. She activates Amazing Pendulum, allowing her to take Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician from her Extra Deck and set them into her Pendulum Scale. “Next, Pot of Riches!” She shuffles the two copies of Wisdom-Eye Magician face-up from her Extra Deck and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon in her graveyard back into her Deck to draw two cards. Twilight reveals her two newest cards, Stargazer Magician and Timegazer Magician, before sliding them into the graveyard. “By discarding these two, I can activate the effects of my Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician to destroy one face-up monster and one spell or trap card respectively.” Fluttershy watches helplessly as her Sylvan Sagequoia and her set Draining Shield disappear. Twilight orders the attack of Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon to destroy Sylvan Princessprite. “Blade Vortex Breath!” Fluttershy’s life points go down to 1500 and Twilight follows with a direct attack from Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon. “Burning Meteor Breath!” Fluttershy quickly raises her hand. “W-Wait! I activate the effect of Sylvan Waterslide!” She excavates the top card of her deck to reveal Sylvan Marshalleaf. A tiny, leaf-shaped creature appears standing defensively before her. “When Sylvan Marshalleaf is excavated I can destroy one monster on the field!” Twilight shakes her head and Sylvan Marshalleaf bursts into flames, much to Fluttershy’s shock. “When Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon is on the field your monsters cannot activate their effects during the Battle Phase.” Spike hops up on his feet. “It's over,” he states. Fluttershy’s life points go down to zero and all cards on the field vanish. She drops on her knees. “I lost…” He approaches her and pats her on the back. “Don’t feel bad, you did great.” Twilight walks next to Fluttershy, kneeling so they stay at eye level. “Spike’s right,” she says with a smile. “A Sylvan deck is one of the hardest to play, but you did it masterfully.” Fluttershy blushes and glances downwards. “B-But the inspection…” Twilight shakes her head. “There is more to evaluate a duelist than the result of a duel and, in my opinion, you are qualified.” Fluttershy smiles timidly. “Thank you…” Above them, the sun has already set, bathing the whole area in a beautiful golden hue. Twilight comments they should get going. “We still have one more person to meet.” She turns to Fluttershy and asks her where they can find Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy blinks in surprise. “Oh, you haven’t met her yet?” She mentions it’s strange since Pinkie likes to welcome every new visitor that arrives to Ponyville. Twilight quirks an eyebrow in disbelief. “Don’t worry, I’m sure Pinkie will find you two soon enough.” Fluttershy assures her with a smile. Twilight shares a brief glance with Spike. “R-Right…” She clears her throat. “Just in case, can you point us in the direction of the Golden Oaks Library?” Fluttershy nods. “It’s five houses to the east from the Town Hall.” Twilight thanks her. “Um, before you go, can I ask you a question?” Twilight nods. Fluttershy licks her lips tentatively. “Do you be--” She shakes her head. “Have you heard of Duel Spirits?” “Oh, yes,” Twilight answers casually. “I’ve heard of them.” Spike turns to her and asks what those are. She waves her hand dismissively. “It’s just a superstition; the belief that some cards have a spirit residing inside them.” Spike admits that does sound cool. Twilight scoffs. “I can understand being amazed by the realism of the projections, the pre-programmed actions of every monster cards and the levels of interactivity, but to believe that some of those monsters may be real?” She shakes her head. “That’s just silly.” Spike pouts. “I still think it’s cool…” Twilight turns to Fluttershy. “Did you want to ask something else?” Fluttershy shakes her head. “N-No…thank you, Twilight.” The three of them bid their farewells and, as she watches Twilight and Spike walk away, she lets out a heavy sigh. “It was worth asking, I guess…” > Duel Six - vs Pinkie Pie - Entertainment Duel! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite the setting sun, the streets of Ponyville remain as lively as they were when Twilight and Spike first arrived. Must be due to the Summer Sun Celebration, she thinks. Not that I blame them; it must be a great honor for the inhabitants of such a small town to be chosen as the hosts for this event. Next to her, Spike holds five cards in his hand, examining them with a thoughtful frown. “I think Dragunity Knight – Vajrayana would suit me,” he comments tentatively. “But Dragunity Knight – Gae Bulg and Dragunity Knight – Trident are cool too.” He ponders for a moment before his eyes widen in realization and he turns to Twilight. “Do you know if you can have more than one Duel Spirit in your deck?” He asks hopefully. Twilight sighs tiredly. “Are you still thinking about that, Spike?” “Come on, Twilight.” Spike protests, waving his cards around. “Are you not even a little curious about the whole thing?” Twilight shakes her head. “No, I’m not,” she answers firmly. “You know why? Because every single aspect of a card’s holographic projection, be it the number of decibels in the roar of a Luster Dragon—seventy, by the way—or the number of meteorites that fall from the sky when Constellar Tempest is activated—about sixteen—is painstakingly calculated before introducing the card into the database.” She rests her left hand on her hip and raises her right hand’s index finger in a way reminiscent of a teacher giving a lecture. “Magic only happens when you decide to do it, and it’s meant to make something specific that you choose to happen, happen.” She crosses both arms over her chest. “People who believe in Duel Spirits have tried to prove the veracity of their claims by citing cases in which a monster behaved in an unusual way as evidence. However, in all those cases, the actual cause turned out to be a mere Duel Disk malfunction. The monsters simply exhibited a pre-programmed behavior under circumstances that would normally not trigger said behavior.” She tilts her head. “If anything, you should be more impressed by the amount of work that went on creating the cutting-edge fusion of magic and technology that is the Solid Vision System.” Spike scratches the back of his head. “But what if it’s something that’s got nothing to do with that?” Twilight quirks an eyebrow. He clicks his tongue and points with his index finger dramatically. “What if some of those monsters actually existed and Princess Celestia had to turn them into cards so they didn’t go around destroying everything?” He suggests enthusiastically. Twilight smiles in amusement. She decides to indulge him. “And then she took measures to ensure these one-of-a-kind cards would end up in the hands of skilled duelists all over Equestria, such as giving them away as prizes in high profile tournaments?” Spike nods excitedly. “Yeah!” He puts his cards back into the Extra Deck slot of his Duel Disk. “Just like with your Odd-Eyes monsters!” He adds with a grin. Twilight giggles. “Oh, Spike.” She waves her hand dismissively. “The Princess gave me those cards to better teach me the different summoning methods; nothing more, nothing less.” She slides her fingers over her deck, a soft blush appearing across her cheeks. The two of them suddenly stop. At the end of the road lies an enormous oak tree, filled with vivid green leaves. It has several windows and two balconies, one on the right side of the tree and the other on top. The painting of a lit candle decorates the main door while a wooden sign confirms that this is indeed the Golden Oak Library. Twilight and Spike share a look of bewilderment. There are streamers hanging down from nearly every branch, balloons tied to the balconies and confetti sprinkled all over the crown of the tree, giving it a look reminiscent of a giant party cupcake. Carefully positioned next to the entrance are four, large dinner tables filled to the brim with beverages and snacks, the later mostly of the sweet kind. A large crowd of people gathered around the base of the tree begins clapping and cheering enthusiastically as soon as Twilight and Spike approach. Before she can make a comment, he points upwards and exclaims, “Look!” There is a young girl standing on the rails of the uppermost balcony. She strikes a fancy pose, holding a victory sign with her index and middle fingers at the height of her eyes, and announces with great fanfare, as well as a surprisingly loud voice, “Ladies and Gentlemen!” The crowd cheers and whistles loudly. “The fun is about to start!” The girl is about the same height as Twilight, and a dazzling cutie. She has light-skin, big, round blue eyes and long, curly bright pink hair sprawled wildly over her back and shoulders. Despite her youthful facial features, she has a noticeably developed figure; long, shapely legs, a firm, round butt and generous breasts. She wears a pair of worn-out, white sneakers, bright pink, form-fitting shorts under a loose, denim skirt and a white shirt, stamped with a big pink heart on the middle. As a last touch, she wears a denim jacket like a cape over her back. The girl adjusts her red, fingerless gloves and ignites the bright pink Duel Disk strapped around her left arm, unfolding a darker energy blade. She draws the first card of her deck and slaps it on her Duel Disk. “Come out, Performapal Trampolynx!” A purple, cartoonish lynx, its body shaped like a trampoline, materializes and lands safely at the base of the tree on its four legs. With a loud “hiyaa”, the girl jumps from the balcony, twirls a couple of times and lands on the back of her monster, bouncing into the air once again and landing gracefully right in front of an astonished Twilight and Spike. She strikes another pose and cheerfully introduces herself, “Hi there! I’m Pinkie Pie and I threw this welcome party just for you!” There is a moment of silence before Twilight smiles awkwardly. “Uhh…thanks?” Pinkie grins widely. “You’re welcome!” Twilight clears her throat, introducing herself, and Spike, in the same manner as before. “This is awesome!” Pinkie cannot contain her excitement. “I was so happy when we got Princess Celestia’s letter that I started preparing this party as soon as I finished reading it!” She shouts. Then she begins laughing while mussing with her hair. Twilight glances at Spike and he gives her a sheepish grin, followed by a shrug. She turns to Pinkie and smiles politely “That’s very nice of you, Pinkie, but you didn’t have to bother; this is just an inspection, after all.” Pinkie shakes her head rapidly. “Nuh-huh!” She puts both hands on her waist and leans forward with a frown that makes her look cuter instead of stern. “I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everybody, and I mean everybody in Ponyville!” Twilight nods very slowly. “That’s…impressive.” Pinkie straightens up, a bright smile crossing her face once more. “And if you're new, that meant you haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely—unless you’re one of those Dueling Robots, but those don’t have legs—that made me really sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I decided to throw a super-duper-special awesome welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville so you can make lots and lots of friends and show everybody how awesome your dueling is!” She takes a deep breath and then smiles expectantly. Twilight holds back a heavy sigh. And here I was hoping I left the whole “friendship” issue back at Canterlot, she thinks dismayed. She shakes her head, deciding to change the topic. “So, Pinkie, I take you’re the one in charge of the Entertainment Duel classes at Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School?” “Bingo!” Pinkie spins on her feet, striking a pose with her right fist next to her face. “I’m the funtastic Dueltainer Pinkie Pie!” She points with her index finger. “And I’m gonna make you smile!” Twilight chuckles softly. Figures, she thinks. Most duelists out there don’t interact with their monsters beyond giving commands, but Dueltainers are the exception. They often use them to move or fly around the field as part of their act. She keeps thinking that the power of the Solid Vision System is such that monsters can be summoned outside of a duel, even to attack, but offensive uses, beyond self-defense, are strictly reserved for the Royal Guard. Twilight goes ahead and asks Pinkie if she ever attended a Duel School. Pinkie’s cheeks redden and, with an embarrassed giggle, she admits she did not. Twilight nods sympathetically. Final score: four to one, she thinks, slightly disappointed. “Anyway, why don’t we get started? Spike here will--” She turns and looks around, but cannot find him. “Where did he go?” Pinkie giggles, pointing with her thumb behind her, towards the tables, and Twilight sees he is wolfing down on the snacks. She smiles and shakes her head. “Guess I’ll be your opponent then.” Pinkie takes the Performapal Trampolynx card, sliding it back into her deck. The monster vanishes and her deck is automatically shuffled. She cartwheels backwards, strikes a pose with her left hand upwards and declares loudly, “It’s showtime!” Once again the people in the crowd cheer loudly, spreading around to better watch the duel. Twilight ignites her Duel Disk and both players’ life points appear briefly above them, showing 4000 points for each. They both draw their initial hands of five cards. The screen on each Duel Disk cycles for a moment, until it stops on Pinkie Pie. “Alright, my turn!” She normal summons Performapal Drummerilla. The monster announces its appearance by beating the drums on its chest rhythmically and its level goes down to four. Pinkie congratulates herself for summoning a monster. She sets a single card and declares the end of her turn. “Gog fogg it, Twiwiggt!” Spike shouts encouragingly with his mouth half-full. Twilight draws. A Performapal deck, she thinks. They have a wide array of effects, but lack sheer power outside the Battle Phase. Let’s start with something simple and see what she can do with them. She immediately uses Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician to set the Pendulum Scale. “Now I can special summon monsters from level two to seven!” The crowd of onlookers watches with interest as the space above them disorts into a portal of light. “Swing, arcane pendulum! Trace an arc of light across the aether!” A single beam of light falls from inside the portal on Twilight’s side of the field. “Pendulum Summon! Timebreaker Magician!” The attack points of Timebreaker Magician increase up to 2800 and Twilight swiftly orders the attack on Performapal Drummerilla. “Time Blade!” “Not so fast!” Pinkie shouts. She snaps her fingers and Performapal Drummerilla starts beating its chest faster, increasing its attack points by 600, up to 2200. The attack of Timebreaker Magician continues and Performapal Drummerilla is destroyed, lowering Pinkie’s life points to 3400. She grins and unveils her facedown card. “Numinous Healer!” The trap card releases a shower of light that increases Pinkie’s life points by 1000, up to 4400. Twilight nods. Not bad, she thinks. Good Pendulum users should have ways to capitalize on the destruction of their monsters. She sets a single card. “Turn end!” “My turn!” Pinkie draws dynamically. “Draw!” She looks at the cards in her hand and begins addressing the crowd, “Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m about to begin my strategy!” Much to Twilight and Spike’s shock, Pinkie displays the cards in her hand for everybody to see: Performapal Lizardraw, Performapal Guitartle, Performapal Trampolynx and Performapal Hip Hippo. “Is this part of her show too?” Spike mutters in disbelief. Pinkie grins mischievously and winks. “Be sure to watch closely!” She immediately sets Performapal Guitartle in the Pendulum Zone, followed by Performapal Lizardraw. The two monsters ascend in pillars of light at her sides. Using the effect of Performapal Guitartle, she draws a card and then destroys Performapal Lizardraw to draw another one. “I normal summon Performapal Trampolynx!” With the effect of her newest monster, Pinkie returns Performapal Guitartle to her hand. “And now a Spell Card! Performapal Recasting!” She reveals Performapal Guitartle and Performapal Hip Hippo, shuffles the cards back into her deck and draws three, bringing her hand count to four. Twilight mutters, “She refreshed her hand.” Pinkie takes two cards from her hand and slaps them on the opposite extremes of her Duel Disk; the word PENDULUM flashes across the blade in all the colors of the rainbow. “With Performapal Swincobra and Archfiend Eccentrick I set the Pendulum Scale!” She spreads her arms, as if she was trying to hug the whole world, and chants loudly, “Swing! Swing! And trace an arc in the sky like a smile!” Multiple beams of light fall from above. “From my Extra Deck, Performapal Drumerilla and Performapal Lizardraw! And from my hand Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer!” The crowd cheers and whistles, but Pinkie is not done yet. With Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer’s effect, she destroys Performapal Lizardraw and Performapal Trampolynx to add Performapal Seal Eel and Performapal Springoose to her hand from her deck. She follows with Archfiend Eccentrick’s effect, destroying it and Twilight’s face-down trap Rebound, then placing Performapal Seal Eel on the free Pendulum Zone. “When my Rebound is destroyed while set, I can draw one card!” Twilight does so. The number of cards in her hand goes up to three. Pinkie grins and tilts her head towards Performapal Seal Eel. “With this little guy I can pick and shut down one of your monster's effects!” She points at Timebreaker Magician. The cartoonish eel stretches all the way from its Pendulum Zone, slaps the young boy magician on the face with its frontal fins, lowering his attack points back to 1400, and then goes back to its original size. “It’s battle time!” Pinkie declares, pumping her right fist forwards. She leans forward, and then jumps on the back of Performapal Drummerilla. “Let’s go! Drumming Beats!” The monster beats its chest, increasing its attack power up to 2200, and releases a shock wave that destroys Timebreaker Magician. “Your turn, Pendulum Sorcerer! Homing Pendulum!” Twilight raises her Duel Disk to shield herself from the pendulum strike of the monster; her life points go down sharply, to 1700. Pinkie reminds her that, due to the effect of Performapal Swincobra, she has to send a card from the top of her deck to the graveyard since she took battle damage to her life points. Twilight wordlessly complies. Pinkie strikes a pose, pointing with at Twilight with her index finger. “Your turn!” Twilight draws. “Draw!” She smiles upon seeing her newest card is none other than her Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Pinkie is as good as the other girls, she thinks with a nod. I’m going all out from now on. “Pendulum Summon!” Twilight summons Doomstar Magician and Stargazer Magician from her hand, in attack and defense positions respectively, as well as Timebreaker Magician in attack position back from her Extra Deck. She picks the Odd-Eyes card between her index and middle fingers, flicking it before slapping it on her Duel Disk with a swift motion. “And the fierce dragon of dual colored eyes, Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” The monster appears drawing the awe of the crowd. Pinkie’s eyes widen. “Woowzies!” She exclaims with childish glee. Twilight activates the effect of Nobledragon Magician in her graveyard, reducing Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s level by three to special summon it. Spike snaps his fingers in realization, thinking she must have sent it to the graveyard with Performapal Swincobra’s effect. “I tune my level three Nobledragon Magician with my now level four Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Synchro Summon! Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon!” She explains that when Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon is special summoned, she can also special summon a monster from her Pendulum Zone at the cost of Meteorburst not being able to attack on this turn. She chooses Dragonpit Magician and immediately overlays the two level seven monsters. “XYZ Summon! Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon!” The crowd cheers and whistles at the summoning of different kinds of monsters, making Twilight look down flustered. She thinks she’s not used to duel in front of a crowd. Shaking her head, she declares the beginning of the Battle Phase. “Timebreaker Magician attacks Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer!” Pinkie is confused by the play, but before she can make a move, Timebreaker Magician is encased in ice. Twilight explains, “Once per turn, I can detach a Xyz material from Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon to negate an attack and special summon an Odd-Eyes monster from my hand or graveyard!” She brings back Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, which she detached to activate the effect, to the field. “Absolute Zero Breath!” Twilight orders. Pinkie attempts to use the effect of Performapal Drumerilla, but Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon’s effect negates it. Performapal Drumerilla is vaporized and Pinkie falls on her butt with a squeak. Twilight follows with the attack of Doomstar Magician on Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer, destroying it. Pinkie’s life points go down to 2900. Twilight sets the last card in her hand and crosses her arms daintily. “Turn end,” she declares calmly. Pinkie hops back on her feet. She looks positively giddy. “Ladies and Gentleman!” She addresses the crowd again. “It looks like I’m in a pickle!” She shows the two cards in her hand, Performapal Springoose and a second copy of Performapal Recasting. Twilight cannot help but smile. Between Pinkie’s cheery, bright demeanor and the plays she made, the gesture doesn’t strike her as arrogant or insulting at all. In fact, she’s eager to see what Pinkie will come up with. “I’m betting it all on this draw!” Pinkie announces cheerfully. She grabs the top card of her deck and pulls with all of her strenght. “Shining Sugary Draw!” She looks at her newest card and smiles. “Lucky! It’s the Spell card Back to Square One!” Twilight cringes and inwardly laments the destruction of her Rebound. Pinkie discards Performapal Springoose to activate Back to Square One and send Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon back to the Extra Deck. Twilight places Dragonpit Magician on her graveyard. Pinkie continues by banishing Performapal Springoose from the graveyard to place Performapal Seal Eel and Performapal Swincobra back on her hand, followed by activating a second copy of Performapal Recasting to shuffle the two monsters in her hand back to her deck and draw three cards. “Now, with Performapal Parrotrio and Performapal Momoncarpet I set the Pendulum Scale!” Spike gulps. “Oh boy, here we go…” “Swing! Swing! And trace an arc in the sky like a smile! Pendulum Summon!” In a flash of colorful light, Performapal Drumerilla, Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer, Performapal Lizardraw, Performapal Trampolynx and Archfiend Eccentrick appear lined up on Pinkie’s side of the field. Just like before, she destroys Performapal Lizardraw and Performapal Trampolynx with Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer’s effect to retrieve Performapal Friendonkey and Performapal Whip Snake from her deck. After tributing Archfiend Eccentrick to destroy Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon, Pinkie exclaims, “Come out now, Performapal Friendonkey and Performapal Whip Snake!” A donkey wearing a diminutive top hat, oversized bow tie and sporting the biggest smirk Twilight and Spike had ever seen appears on the field. Immediately a purple cobra wearing its own top hat and bow tie emerges from Friendonkey’s saddlebag, striking a pose. Impressive, thinks Twilight. A pure Performapal deck is not easy to handle, but she does it almost flawlessly. Pinkie sets the last card in her hand, and then pumps her fist forward. “Performapal Whip Snake’s effect! I can switch the attack and defense points of a monster!” Performapal Whip Snake slithers in front of Stargazer Magician. On the tip of its tail is a heart-shaped pendulum, which begins swaying rhytmically. In just an instant, Stargazer Magician becomes dizzy and his defense points change to 1200. Pinkie points her finger. “Battle! Tail Slap!” Stargazer Magician is destroyed. She doesn’t stop. “Go, Friendonkey!” Timebreaker Magician is sent flying away with a well placed kick rear kick. “Performapal Drumerilla!” With its attack raised to 2200, Drumerilla destroys Doomstar Magician, further lowering Twilight’s life points to 1100. Pinkie smiles triumphantly and orders the final attack of her Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer. “Show’s over!” Twilight smirks. “You think so?” She snaps her fingers, revealing her set card. “Trap card open! Dimension Wall!” The space distorts, bouncing Pinkie’s attack back to her. She squeaks as her life points go down to 1400. The crowd cheers and Spike wipes his forehead, exhaling in relief. “I’m not even playing and I feel exhausted,” he notes. Pinkie snaps her fingers. “Shoot! I almost had you there!” She exclaims with a grin. “Turn over!” “My turn.” Twilight draws. “Draw!” She wastes no time in activating her newest card. “Pot of Desires.” She explains she needs to banish the top ten cards of her deck face-down in order to draw two cards. She takes the pile of cards and pockets it without looking at them. Pinkie whistles. Twilight declares confidently, “I’m betting all on this draw too!” She draws two cards and smiles satisfied. “I set Xiangsheng Magician on the Pendulum Scale!” The female magician ascends in a pillar of light, completing the scale with Dragonpulse Magician. “Swing, arcane pendulum! Trace an arc of light across the aether! Pendulum Summon!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Timebreaker Magician and Stargazer Magician, take on the field once again, with the latter in defense position. Twilight reveals the remaining card in her hand, Polymerization. “I fuse Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Timebreaker Magician!” She holds her hands together as the monsters fuse in a torrent of light. “Brave magician of time, become the light in the eyes of the dragon! Fusion summon!” The light intensifies before exploding. “Come forth! Arcane dragon wielder of ancient magic! Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Pinkie is amazed at the newest dragon, and so is the crowd, but Spike frowns. Why didn’t she use Stargazer Magician?he wonders puzzled. She would have gotten three attacks per Battle Phase instead of two. “Performapal Whip Snake!” Pinkie attempts to switch the attack and defense points of Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, but Twilight explains it’s useless. “By using a Pendulum Summoned monster on the field as a fusion material I’ve made my dragon immune to your card effects this turn!” Pinkie is shocked. Twilight orders the attack of Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon on Performapal Whip Snake, “Shiny Burst!” Pinkie’s life points go down to 750. Twilight then points at Performapal Friendonkey. “Repeating Shiny Burst!” Pinkie quickly answers with Performapal Drumerilla’s effect to raise Friendonkey’s attack points to 2200. Her life points decrease even further, to a mere 350, but this allows her to activate her set second copy of Numinous Healer to recover 1000 life points, plus an extra 500 for the first copy of the trap in her graveyard. The light of the Shiny Burst fades and Pinkie’s life points show at 1850. A small, flying squirrel with a body shaped as an ornate carpet flies around her before returning to the Pendulum Zone. Twilight narrows her eyes. I knew it. Performapal Momoncarpet cuts all the battle damage in half, so even if I had an extra attack I wouldn’t have been able to finish her, she thinks. Twilight compliments Pinkie on her defense before ending her turn. Pinkie draws. She glances at her newest card, Wonder Balloons and sets it aside. “Pendulum Summon!” She shouts to the sky and Performapal Lizardraw, Performapal Trampolynx and Archfiend Eccentrick appear once again, in defense position. Spike thinks this duel has turned into a pendulum battle. Pinkie tributes Archfiend Eccentrick to destroy Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon before switching Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer and Performapal Drumerilla to defense position. She declares the end of her turn, striking a cute pose with both hands at the sides of her head like ears. Spike snaps his fingers in realization. Of course, he thinks. If Twilight does not destroy Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer then Pinkie cannot bring it back for its effect! That’s why she fused Odd-Eyes with Timebreaker Magician, because she needed Stargazer Magician to protect her life points! Twilight draws. Her eyes widen briefly and she sets her newest card. “Pendulum Summon!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, Nobledragon Magician and Timebreaker Magician return to the field. She switches Stargazer Magician to attack position. “Battle Phase!” Taking care of targeting Performapal Lizardraw first so as not to give Pinkie more cards, Twilight destroys it with Stargazer Magician, followed by Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer with Timebreaker Magician, Performapal Trampolynx with Nobledragon Magician and Performapal Drumerilla with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. Satisfied, she finishes her turn. Pinkie draws. She laughs as she examines her newly drawn card. “This is a great duel,” she comments excitedly. Once again, she declares a Pendulum Summon, just as Twilight expected. “Trap card open!” Twilight shouts. “Pendulum Hole!” Pinkie gasps as her Performapal Lizardraw, Performapal Trampolynx, Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer, Performapal Drumerilla and Archfiend Eccentrick are sucked back into the above portal. “Awww,” she whines. She shuffles the monster cards back into her Deck. “But I’m not done yet, ‘kay?” she warns with a wink before setting a single card and finishes her turn. Twilight draws. She ponders for a moment, and then switches Nobledragon Magician to defense position. “Battle!” She orders Stargazer Magician and Timebreaker Magician to attack directly. Pinkie’s life points go down to 550 thanks to Performapal Momoncarpet’s effect. Twilight follows with the direct attack of her Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon, “Spiral Strike Burst!” Pinkie throws her hand in the air. “Performapal Call!” The stream of energy is blocked by an invisible barrier and she retrieves Performapal Longphone Bull and Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper from her deck. Twilight thinks she expected something like that. She activates the effect of Timebreaker Magician. The young magician slashes the space in front of him, opening a rift and jumping inside, with Stargazer Magician following after him. Twilight explains, “Once per turn, I can banish Timebreaker Magician and one other monster on the field until my next Standby Phase.” With no more plays, she ends her turn. “My turn! Draw!” Pinkie's smile widens upon seeing her newest card. She doesn’t waste any time Pendulum Summoning Performapal Longphone Bull from her hand. Using Longphone Bull’s effect, she adds Performapal Thunderhino from her Deck to her hand. Pinkie spreads her arms as she addresses the crowd with great fanfare. “Ladies and Gentlemen! I tribute Performapal Longphone Bull to special summon the star of the show!” A masked jester descends, clad in a brilliant gold and red coat, his whole face is concealed by a mask. The lower half of his body is shaped like a crystal pendulum. “Let’s give a warm welcome to Performapal Sleight Hand Magician!” The magician bows and, twirling the scepter on his left hand, begins swaying at great speed, lower and lower until Pinkie can jump right into his arms. Twilight and Spike watch with amazement as Pinkie holds on Performapal Sleight Hand Magician while he sways in circles around the crown of the Golden Oak Library, leaving a trail of stars behind him. Several people in the crowd begin chanting Pinkie’s name on top of the cheering and clapping. Pinkie activates Wonder Balloons from her hand, discarding Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper. A small box appears on the field. It begins inflating, more and more until it explodes open, releasing countless balloons of all colors and shapes. The attack points of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon go down to 2200 and Pinkie orders Performapal Sleight Hand Magician to destroy it. The magician snaps his fingers, materializing a giant top hat that fully covers the dragon. It begins shrinking until it disappears without a trace and Twilight’s life points go down by 300, to 800. “And for our next trick,” Pinkie announces, discarding Performapal Thunderhino from her hand. “This is Performapal Sleight Hand Magician’s effect!” The magician flicks his hand, revealing a card which he throws like a dagger at Dragonpulse Magician on Twilight’s Pendulum Zone, destroying it. “And when a Performapal is sent from my hand to the Graveyard, I can bring back Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper!” The silly-looking, grasshopper monster appears on the field in defense position. “That’s all for my turn!” Pinkie states cheerfully, still holding on her monster floating in the air. Twilight bites her lower lip. Destroying my Pendulum Scale was a smart move, she thinks. Now I won’t be able to bring back Odd-Eyes. She keeps thinking she could use Timebreaker Magician’s effect to banish Performapal Sleight Hand Magician, but none of her monsters could pierce through Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper’s defense, thanks to Wonder Balloons. This girl acts quirky, but she has excellent defenses, she thinks admiringly. Now everything depends on this draw. Twilight takes a deep breath and pulls the top card of her deck with all of her strenght. “DRAW!” Her lips curve into a smile of satisfaction. A dimensional rift appears and Timebreaker Magician returns to the field with Stargazer Magician. Twilight reveals the two cards in her hand and slids the newest one into her Duel Disk with a swift and elegant move. “I activate the Spell card, Odd-Eyes Advent!” A circle filled with arcane runes appears on the middle of the field, glowing with a pale blue light. “I tribute Nobledragon Magician and Stargazer Magician with a combined level of eight!” The monsters turn into particles of light and are quickly absorbed by the magical circle. Twilight chants loudly, “Emerge, mighty dragon with an inescapable grip! Ritual Summon!” The air trembles and from the light of the circle appears an imposing dragon with rock-like scales and golden plates along its chest, tail and back of the head. Despite its massive size, it floats like it weights nothing. Twilight shouts the monster’s name, “Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon!” The crowd is captivated by Twilight’s newest monster. Pinkie squeals in excitement. Spike pumps his fist. “Yes!” Twilight points with her finger forwards. “When Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon is summoned I can return all of your Spell and Traps to the hand!” The dragon roars, blowing away all the balloons around them and both of Pinkie’s monsters in her Pendulum Zones. Twilight orders the attack of Timebreaker Magician to destroy Performapal Teeter Totter Hopper, only to find the latter cannot be destroyed by battle the first time each turn when special summoned. Undeterred, she follows with Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon’s attack on Performapal Sleight Hand Magician. “Full Force Breath!” The dragon rears its head back and breathes a stream of white fire. Performapal Sleight Hand Magician drops Pinkie down on the ground before preparing himself to receive the attack. She quickly banishes Performapal Thunderhino from her graveyard to protect her monster from destruction. Much to her shock, however, the attack burns her life points down to zero. Pinkie mutters baffled, “Wha-who-why?” She does a quick count with her fingers and asks, “What happened!?” Twilight explains, “It’s the effect of my Odd-Eyes Gravity Dragon; you must pay 500 life points to activate card effects.” Twilight further explains that, had Pinkie not activated the effect of Performapal Thunderhino to protect her Performapal Sleight Hand Magician, she would have survived the attack with 250 life points. Pinkie mutters in awe, “Wow.” She exchanges a brief glance with her Performapal Sleight Hand Magician. The Magician does a reverence and vanishes from the field together with all other remaining cards. Pinkie suddenly rushes and grabs Twilight’s hand, holding it high while the crowd loudly claps for them. Twilight waves awkwardly with her free hand. I didn’t think she would accept her defeat so graciously, she thinks surprised. “That was AMAZING!” Pinkie exclaims, letting go of Twilight’s hand. “First you were all “Pendulum Summon”!” She waves her hands around, striking different poses as she enumerates. “Then it was “Synchro Summon” and “Xyz Summon”! And “Fusion Summon”! And just when I thought I had you, you went all “Ritual Summon!” Twilight smiles flustered. “Thank you, Pinkie. I have to say your skills are remarkable too; to force me to play all my dragons like that.” Pinkie flicks a lock of her hair, striking a pose with her fingers on her forehead and a comically exaggerated, smug smile. “What did you expect? I am the founder of Ponyville’s Duel Monster School!” Twilight’s eyes widen in surprise. “Y-You are?” Pinkie giggles and shrugs. “I came up with the idea,” she admits. “Does it count?” Twilight chuckles. “I guess it--” A beeping sound from her Duel Disk catches her attention. She looks at the screen and gasps softly. “Excuse me, but I have to take this call.” She quickly excuses herself again and rushes towards the Golden Oak library, leaving a somewhat puzzled Pinkie behind her. The inside of the library is rather small and circular, with shelves hollowed out from the tree's wood, stacked nearly to bursting with books and scrolls of all kinds. Twilight sees a few chairs and desks placed around the room, with a small writing-desk and a stool standing to her right as she enters. In the back, there is a set of stairs leading to a pair of wooden doors as well as a set of glass doors that opened onto the balcony. Twilight glances briefly at the books before taking a seat in front of the writing-desk. She presses a button on the screen of her Duel Disk and a miniature, holographic projection of Princess Celestia herself appears before her. “Hello, my dearest student. How are you doing?” Celestia greets with a warm smile. “I hope you don’t mind me calling; I was a bit curious about how your little assignment was going.” Twilight smiles, shaking her head rapidly. “Not at all, Princess!” She eagerly tells of all the events that transpired since both, Spike and her, arrived to Ponyville. Celestia listens attentively, nodding occasionally. Once Twilight has finished, she comments with a satisfied smile, “Looks like you’ve met some interesting duelists.” Twilight nods. “I admit I didn’t expect this level of play from such a small town.” Celestia chuckles softly. “Equestria is a big place, my dearest student. You’ll find the Eos Dueling School covers only a fraction of all the dueling talents in the world.” She pauses for a second. “So,” she tilts her head. “Would you mind giving your teacher a small preview of your report?” She asks with a wink. Twilight blushes softly and quickly straightens herself. She clears her throat, adopting her best “professional” tone of voice. “The listed representatives have the skills to qualify for teaching positions. The school itself it’s a—um, bit rough on the edges, but I believe with the proper counseling, it can become a fine teaching institution.” Celestia’s expression turns nostalgic. “I see.” She smiles fondly. “Thank you, Twilight. I’m very proud of you.” Twilight's blush intensifies, but before she can say a word, Celestia excuses herself, “I’m afraid I must go now. We shall continue this conversation later, yes?” Her image flickers and the communication ends. Twilight sighs. She stands up, stretches herself and begins walking around the library, looking at the books filling the shelves. She thinks the selection is far below that of the Eos Dueling School’s library, but it would keep her occupied for a couple of weeks. She stops and looks upwards, through a small, circular window on the second floor. It’s already nighttime, she thinks, gazing at the tapestry of stars that covers the sky. She keeps thinking the full moon is shining especially brightly tonight. It’s almost hypnotic. The sound of the door opening and music blaring loudly breaks Twilight off her trance. She turns to see Spike, wearing a conical party hat that nearly covers his entire head. “Hey Twilight! Pinkie brought more snacks!” He exclaims excitedly. “Wanna come? Everybody is going marching to the Town Hall together after this!” Twilight smiles, “Sure.” After taking one last glance at the moon, she follows Spike outside. > Duel Seven - Darkness Approaches > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The light of the moon bathes Canterlot, giving its ivory towers and buildings a certain ethereal quality that makes the city look like a mirage conjured by mischievous forest spirits. At the Royal Palace, Princess Celestia stands alone in the observatory; looking attentively at the night sky through the dome window above her. She sighs heavily. A sudden knock at the door catches her attention. “Come in,” she replies without looking. A young man with soft brown eyes and clad in golden armor enters the observatory. He bows deeply and removes his helmet, revealing his short, jet-black hair. “Your Highness,” he states respectfully while standing firmly. Celestia turns around and smiles, acknowledging him by calling his name, “Bold Step.” It takes a great deal of Bold Step’s willpower to suppress a smile. It is a well-known fact that Princess Celestia remembers the name of every servant and guard working at the Royal Palace, but he would be lying if he said having the Princess herself refer to him by his name did not feel good. “Your carriage will be ready shortly, Princess,” he reports dutifully. Celestia thanks him, but still requests, “Can you please apologize to the coachman on my behalf and tell him I will be heading towards Ponyville by myself?” “Yes, Your High--” Bold Step catches himself, shaking his head rapidly. “E-Excuse me, Princess?” He asks in disbelief. “Did you say you wanted to go alone?” Celestia nods. “The night is especially beautiful today and I would like to enjoy it a bit more.” Bold Step opens his mouth to object, but before he can say a word, Celestia puts her hands in a gesture of pleading, winks and asks, “Please?” Bold Step straightens himself, a prominent blush across his cheeks. “Y-Yes, Your Highness! I shall inform the coachman immediately!” Celestia smiles and thanks him. He puts his helmet on and, with one last bow, exits the observatory. As soon as Bold Step leaves, Celestia’s smile disappears. She closes her eyes, feeling a chill going down her spine like the cold tip of a blade. It makes her whole body shiver. A black mist begins pouring into the room, encircling her like a predator about to strike. She exhales deeply and mutters to herself, “At last, you have returned.” All the lights inside the Town Hall have been turned off, leaving only the light of the moon and the stars to illuminate the place. Still, it’s more than enough. Twilight and Spike wait patiently among the crowd for Princess Celestia to make her appearance. Next to them, Pinkie is brimming with energy. “Isn’t this exciting?” She asks enthusiastically. “Are you excited, 'cause I'm excited, I've never been so excited-- well, except for the time that we dueled and you were all Pendulum Summon, then Synchro Summon, Xyz Summon, Fusion Summon and Ritual Summon but I mean really, who can top that?” Twilight and Spike exchange awkward glances. Two pairs of Royal Guards, each with a Duel Disk around their left arm and carrying a trumpet in hand, position themselves at the sides of the stage located right below the main balcony. They lift the horns to their lips and blow a regal fanfare; the chatter of the crowd immediately dies down. At that moment, a dignified-looking, bespectacled lady steps on the stage. She has darker blue eyes and short, light grey, wavy hair. Her outfit consists of a pale amber skirt suit, a white collar shirt all buttoned up and darker green high heels. Despite her formal attire and hair color, she is an attractive woman, with her slender, shapely legs being her most noticeable feature. Twilight momentarily wonders how old she could be. The woman clears her throat and begins addressing the crowd. “Ladies and Gentlemen, as Mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!” There’s wild applause, and once it dies down the Mayor continues, “In just a few moments, our town will witness the magic of the sunrise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year! There’s more applause, and the Mayor concludes, “And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very woman who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria...Princess Celestia!” The Royal Guards blow another fanfare, and the curtains in the doorway of the main balcony are pulled back. However, there is no one there. After a long moment of silence, the anxious murmurs of the crowd begin filling the air. Twilight frowns in suspicion, her eyes locked on the empty balcony. “What’s going on here…?” She mutters to herself. As the crowd begins to grow more and more restless, the Mayor steps forward, raising her hands and urging them to remain calm. “There must be a reasonable explanation!” She offers. Pinkie jumps up and down in excitement. “Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding? I bet she--” She suddenly gasps and, pointing upwards, shouts, “What’s that!?” All of the presents immediately look up to see a swirling cloud of black mist gathering above them, crackling with lightning like a thundercloud. The black mist focuses on a single point, descending over the main balcony railway like a funnel cloud. It vanishes, revealing the shape of a tall, imposing woman. She is incredibly beautiful, with her intense blue eyes, contrasting noticeably with her flawless dark skin. Despite the lack of a breeze, her long, dark blue hair flows elegantly behind her, shining like a starry sky. She looks mobilized for battle; wearing a crown-helmet and with nearly every inch of her body clad in an ornate, obsidian armor; a dark blue skirt going down her ankles on the back and down to her knees on the front. The mysterious woman looks at the crowd below, her pupils slit like those of a dragon, and smiles sinisterly, revealing her sharp, pointed teeth. “Oh, my beloved subjects.” Her voice rings through the whole building. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen your precious, little sun-loving faces.” It feels as if the temperature drops with each word that comes out of her lips. Twilight feels the blood drain from her face. “I-It cannot be…” Spike quickly hides behind her, peeking fearfully at the mysterious woman. Rainbow Dash shouts, “Who are you and what did you do with our Princess?” She attempts to charge at the mysterious woman, but is quickly held in place by Applejack. “Whoa, Nelly!” She cries as she holds Rainbow Dash from behind in a bear hug. “The hay do you think you’re doin’?” The mysterious woman narrows her eyes. “Don’t you know who I am?” She asks; an indignant expression on her face. “Have the last thousand years clouded your memories?” Pinkie waves with her right arm held high. “Ooh, more guessing games! Pick me! Pick--” Before she can say another word, Rarity puts her hand over Pinkie’s mouth and drags her away to a safer distance. From among the crowd, Fluttershy watches the mysterious woman in silence, standing still like a tiny mouse attempting to avoid being seen by a snake. The woman continues to ask, “Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?” Twilight takes a step forward. “I did!” She declares boldly, glaring at the mysterious woman. “And I know who you are! You’re the Maiden in the Moon—Nightmare Moon!” The crowd gasps loudly and Nightmare Moon smirks satisfied. “Well well, somebody who remembers me. Then you also know why I’m here, don’t you?” She asks with amusement. All the courage Twilight mustered vanishes, and she finds herself trembling like a dried leaf. She opens her mouth, but it’s as if the words refuse to come out. Nightmare Moon chuckles and declares, “Remember this day, children, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!” Her thunderous laugh makes the whole building shake and the crowd shiver. The Mayor desperately orders the Royal Guards to seize Nightmare Moon. “Only she knows where the Princess is!” The four Royal Guards shoot upwards on their translucent, pure white ethereal wings, swiftly flanking Nightmare Moon in a squared formation. They activate their Duel Disks simultaneously and wordlessly play a single card each. In the blink of an eye, Nightmare Moon is surrounded by four crimson warriors, their swords aimed at her neck. Twilight recognizes the monsters as four copies of Evocator Chevalier. Nightmare Moon sneers, “Fools.” With astonishing speed, five shadows descend on the Royal Guards from above, like hawks on their unsuspecting preys, striking them down. The four copies of Evocator Chevalier disappear as soon as the bodies of their masters crash against the floor. Five hooded figures, clad fully in black, float around Nightmare Moon, their capes spreading in the shape of bat-like wings behind them. There is a loud scream and the crowd stampedes out of the building, scattering in panic and leaving the Town Hall in a graveyard-like silence. Nightmare Moon spreads her pitch-black, ethereal wings, so large they cover the entire length of the balcony, and takes a step forward, gliding down elegantly from the railway and landing gracefully on the tip of her stiletto boots. After the brutal display, none of the girls dare to make a move. Even Rainbow Dash, who was ready to kick ass and take names just a moment ago, is now warily eyeing the hooded figures above, unable to read their facial expressions or body language to anticipate their moves. Nightmare Moon calmly advances forward, stopping right in front of Twilight, and extends her right hand towards the fear stricken girl, the fingers of her armor shaped like claws. Twilight closes her eyes and braces herself, but nothing happens. She slowly opens her eyes to see a half-eaten cupcake at her feet and Nightmare Moon looking to the side, towards Spike. His right hand extended, he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. Twilight blinks and mutters, “Spike…?” Without taking her eyes away from Spike, Nightmare Moon lightly flicks her index finger and Twilight is sent flying backwards by an invisible force, falling on her back and sliding on the floor. Fluttershy rushes next to Twilight and puts a hand under her head. “Easy there…” Twilight groans in pain, but the feeling quickly transforms into horror when she sees Nightmare Moon raising her hand upwards. A wall of the same black mist that heralded Nightmare Moon’s arrival erupts from the very ground and surrounds both, Spike and Nightmare Moon. It forms a perfect dome around them, partially obscuring the vision from both sides with a dark haze. Rainbow Dash spreads her wings and attempts to charge, but the barrier sparks as soon as she approaches; twisting and snapping threateningly like an angry guard dog. She curses loudly, “Damn it!” Below her, Applejack looks around until she spots a chair lying on the floor. She holds the chair with both hands and, swinging once, she throws it with all her strength against the barrier, only to see it turn into a small cloud of ashes upon contact with the lightning. “What the hay…?” She mutters astonished. Rarity and Pinkie look at each other and nod. They ignite their Duel Disks simultaneously and summon a monster each, Lunalight Blue Cat and Performapal Whip Snake, respectively. They command an attack, only to watch in shock as the barrier vaporizes their monsters as well. Fluttershy gasps horrified. Twilight grits her teeth and, holding onto Fluttershy’s arm, she slowly stands up. Firmly walking towards the circle of flames, Twilight puts her hands together, intertwining her fingers with both indexes extended upwards. Her hands glow intensely with ethereal light. With a battle cry, Twilight points her hands forward and fires a blast of magical energy towards the barrier, but only manages to make the lightning flicker briefly. Twilight falls on her knees, exhausted. Once again, Fluttershy rushes to her side and holds her in her arms. “It’s useless,” Twilight states grimly. “This magic--it’s just too strong…” Inside the barrier of black mist, Nightmare Moon chuckles disdainfully. “Are you done with your feeble attempts, children?” She extends her left hand, a glow emanates from her armor and a long, silver blade of pure magical energy unfolds from it, curved downwards in the shape of a half-moon. Spike takes a step backwards. “W-What do you want?” He asks fearfully. Nightmare Moon tilts her head and asks back, “Are you not a duelist?” Spike’s eyes widen as he realizes the blade around her arm is a Duel Disk. She narrows her eyes and demands coldly, “Duel me.” His lips quiver as he tries to come up with a response. Pinkie breaks the tense silence by suddenly shouting, “Go for it, Spike!” Rarity looks at her dumbfounded. “Pinkie—what are you saying?” Pinkie looks at her and grins. “Well, if we cannot get him out, then he only needs to duel his way out, right?” She turns back towards the barrier and shouts again. “You can do it!” Applejack is next. She pumps her fist and shouts, “Take the bull by the horns, buckaroo!” Rainbow Dash adds loudly, “Kick her back to the hole she crawled from!” Rarity nods and, cupping her hands around her mouth, shouts, “Show her what you’re capable of, darling!” Even Fluttershy follows their example, albeit in a far softer voice tone. Twilight looks at the girls, momentarily baffled as they keep shouting words of encouragement to Spike. She shakes out of her stupor, stands up and shouts, “Remember everything you’ve learned, Spike!” She points at him with her index finger. “Show them why you’re my number one assistant!” Spike mutters, “Twilight…” He nods firmly. The overwhelming fear slowly dissipates. He puffs out his chest and ignites his Duel Disk by throwing his arm upwards. “I’ll take you on!” He declares boldly. The girls cheer for him some more. The five hooded figures above them do not move an inch. Unlike before, the screens on the Duel Disks do not flash. Rather, Nightmare Moon pulls one card from the top of her deck without looking at it. “We shall let the cards decide our fate,” she states. “The spell speed will determine initiative.” Spike follows her example, pulling the first card without looking. The girls watch with trepidation as both duelists reveal their cards. Nightmare Moon reveals Hand Destruction, while Spike reveals Dimensional Prison. For the first time, one of the hooded figures speaks. “How fortunate…” The comment is followed by a dry chuckle. Both duelists shuffle their cards back into their decks and draw their initial hands of five cards. Spike looks at his hand, then at Nightmare Moon and back to his hand. He remembers how Twilight taught him that a single card can sometimes tell a lot about the kind of deck the opponent uses, but he can’t come up with anything for Hand Destruction. He thinks that, fortunately for him, Nightmare Moon too should not be able to discern anything about his deck from a trap as flexible as Dimensional Prison. Taking a deep breath, Spike begins by playing Cards of Consonance, discarding Dragunity Phalanx to draw two cards. He thinks he’s got enough in his hand to play a solid defense. Spike normal summons Dragunity Dux and equips it with Dragunity Phalanx from the graveyard by its effect. “I banish Dragunity Legionnaire equipped with Dragunity Phalanx to special summon Dragunity Arma Leyvaten from my hand!” A humanoid dragon covered with brilliant orange scales appears on the field with a mighty roar. It has two pairs of wings, one larger and feathery and the other smaller and leathery, and wields a longsword one-handed. Using Dragunity Arma Leyvaten’s effect, Spike equips it with Dragunity Phalanx, followed by special summoning Phalanx with its own effect. He declares loudly, “I send Dragunity Phalanx to the graveyard to special summon Dragunity Arma Mystletainn!” A second humanoid dragon appears; a perfect mirror of the first with golden scales and two pairs of wings, a larger leathery pair and a smaller feathery pair. It too wields a longsword with just one hand. Just as before, Spike equips Dragunity Phalanx to Dragunity Arma Mystletainn with the latter’s effect, before special summoning the former to the field by its own effect in defense position. “I end my turn!” Twilight nods approvingly. Good job, Spike, she thinks. She won’t be able to break through your defenses easily. Nightmare Moon chuckles softly as she draws a card. She picks two cards between her index and middle fingers, slapping them on her Duel Disk with a swift and elegant motion. “Come, my servants!” Two spectral figures materialize at her sides. One clad in tattered clothes and rusted shackles; the other missing the lower half of its body and wearing a pair of oversized metal gauntlets. “I use my level three The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and my level three The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots to build an Overlay Network!” The two specters fly in circles around her, leaving a trail of ghostly fire behind. They merge above into a ball of fire that descends into the middle of the field. Nightmare Moon chants loudly, “Souls of ten thousand warriors fallen in battle! Heed my call! Revive here and now, and become a blade to behead my enemies!” The fire goes down to reveal the jet-black armor of a headless ghost knight, with the lower half of its body fused to a metallic steed and wielding a massive sword that looks more akin to a rusted slab of metal. Bluish flames erupt from the space where its head should be and between the joints of his arms. “Xyz summon! Rank three! The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!” Rainbow Dash scoffs, “Big deal! Your monster’s only got 2000 attack points!” As if on cue, The Phantom Knights of Break Sword lets out a chilling howl and its attack points increase to 3000. Nightmare Moon explains, “When The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves is used to Xyz summon a DARK monster, it increases its attack points by 1000.” She smirks, enjoying the shocked expressions of Spike and the girls, before declaring her attack. “Phantom Executioner Sword!” The Phantom Knights of Break Sword charges towards Dragunity Arma Mystletainn and, with a mighty swing of its blade, slices the humanoid dragon from its right shoulder all the way to its left hip, destroying it and taking 900 points of Spike’s life points. Spike screams at the top of his lungs. He drops his cards and falls to his knees, tightly holding his torso with both hands. The girls are aghast. Twilight shouts his name worriedly while Nightmare Moon chuckles sadistically at their reactions. She sneers, “Foolish children, this is a Duel of Darkness!” “The hay does that even mean!?” Applejack shouts outraged. “It’s simple,” calmly replies Nightmare Moon. “We duel with our lives on the line.” The girls falter at her answer. Rainbow Dash sputters, “Y-You mean he’s feeling real pain!?” Rarity covers her mouth with both hands, horrified, and Fluttershy turns away trembling. Pinkie shakes her head rapidly. “No, no, no! That’s just wrong!” She looks at the verge of tears. “Duels are supposed to be fun!” “I won’t allow this!” Declares Twilight. She begins to concentrate her magic again, only for Spike to interrupt her. “I-I’m okay, Twilight!” He assures her. He takes several breaths, stands up and gives her a confident grin. Twilight gulps. “Spike…” He pick up his two cards from the floor and turns to Nightmare Moon. “Are you done there?” He asks boldly. Nightmare Moon lets out a soft “hmph”. She activates Foolish Burial Goods to send Phantom Knights’ Spear from her deck straight to the graveyard. “I set a card and end my turn.” Spike grabs the top card of his deck, takes a breath and pulls. “Draw!” He looks at his newest card and smiles, not wasting any time activating it. “Dragunity Divine Lance!” A golden ornate sword materializes in the left hand of Dragunity Arma Mystletainn. Using the effect of Divine Lance, Spike takes Dragunity Aklys from his deck and equips it to Mystletainn. The Duel Disk automatically shuffles his deck. “Dragunity Divine Lance gives my monster 100 attack points for each of its levels!” Nightmare Moon narrows her eyes as Dragunity Arma Mystletainn’s attack points raise up to 3400. Spike shouts, “Go, Mystletainn! Double Dragon Blade!” “Trap card open,” calmly states Nightmare Moon. “The Phantom Knights’ Sword.” A short sword appears on the free hand of The Phantom Knights of Break Sword. The blade is twisted and it glows with an ominous light, increasing the monster’s attack points by 800. The Phantom Knights of Break Sword blocks the dual strike with its main blade and swiftly stabs Dragunity Arma Mystletainn in the stomach, destroying it. Spike coughs and doubles over, holding his stomach in pain as his life points further decrease to 2700. Much to Nightmare Moon’s surprise, however, he grins. “Got you,” he says softly. Taking a breath, he picks a card from his hand and swiftly plays it. “I summon Dragunity Legionnaire!” The mighty beast man appears before him and Spike uses its effect to equip it with Dragunity Aklys from the graveyard. He follows with Legionnaire’s effect and sends Aklys to the graveyard to destroy The Phantom Knights of Break Sword. Dragunity Aklys launches at terrifying speeds, but before it can hit its intended target, a black spear shoots out from the ground, intercepting it. Nightmare Moon smirks, daintily crossing her arms. “When one of my DARK monsters would be destroyed by battle or effect, I can banish Phantom Knights’ Spear from my graveyard instead.” Spike grits his teeth, realizing that is the reason she played Foolish Burial Goods. “But when Dragunity Aklys is sent to the graveyard after being equipped to a monster I can destroy a card on the field!” He points at The Phantom Knights of Break Sword. The headless knight raises its short sword and it shatters into a million pieces, but the monster itself remains unscathed. Spike is shocked. Nightmare Moon’s smirk widens, displaying her prominent fangs. “When the monster equipped with The Phantom Knights’ Sword would be destroyed by battle or effect, I can send the trap to the graveyard instead.” She shakes her head and chastises, “Foolish child, you are like a monkey trying to reach the reflection of the moon over the water.” Outside the barrier, the girls are stunned into silence. Twilight begrudgingly thinks Nightmare Moon’s balance between offense and defense is nearly flawless. Spike growls under his breath. “I’m not done yet!” He states harshly and tunes his level two Dragunity Phalanx with the level three Dragunity Legionnaire. “Synchro Summon! Vortex the Whirlwind!” The two monsters fuse into a cluster of stars, changing into a heavily armed, winged beast-man that immediately adopts a defensive stance. Spike looks at the last card in his hand and gulps hard. The fear he managed to overcome is returning, slowly but surely. With a trembling hand, he sets the card and ends his turn. Nightmare Moon draws and, without even bothering to look at her newest card, orders the attack of The Phantom Knights of Break Sword on Vortex the Whirlwind. The winged beast-man is destroyed, but as its body begins disappearing, it launches a chain at Spike’s Duel Disk and pulls out Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite to the field in defense position. Nightmare Moon chuckles and waves her hand like a disinterested regent dismissing a lowly servant. Spike clenches his fists. He wants to say something, to curse or shout, but it feels as if his body is becoming heavier with every turn. His breath is starting to become labored and his ears barely register the words of Twilight and the girls on the other side of the barrier. He shakes his head and pulls the top card of his deck with all of his strength. “Draw!” His newest card his good, but not enough. “Trap card open! Reckless Greed!” He draws two more cards at the cost of skipping his next two draw phases. Nightmare Moon scoffs, “A pitiful final effort.” Spike snarls, “See if it’s pitiful or not after I’m done with you!” He summons Delta Flyer. The small winged dragon appears with a shrill. “With Delta Flyer’s effect I can increase the level of one of my monsters by one!” Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite level increases from four to five. Spike throws his hand upwards. “I tune my level three Delta Flyer with my level five Blackwing – Zephyros the Elite! Synchro Summon!” The light from the gathering stars illuminates the inside of the barrier. “The strongest spear that can bring down an army!” A lance wielding beast-man appears riding a massive, four-winged, serpent-like dragon with dark green and purple scales. The dragon’s body is so large it encircles the whole inside of the barrier as it roars threateningly at Nightmare Moon from above. Spike shouts the monster’s name, “Dragunity Knight – Barcha!” Nightmare Moon is not impressed, but Spike is not done. He selects Dragunity Aklys and Dragunity Phalanx from his graveyard, equipping them both to Dragunity Knight – Barcha with its effect and raising its attack to 2600. “I need more power…” Spike breaths. He activates Dragon Mastery, granting his monster another 500 attack points, then his trump card, Mage Power. The stats of Dragunity Knight – Barcha calculate at 5100/3200. Spike orders the finishing blow, “Go! Thunder Lance!” The dragon rears its head back and breathes a stream that falls down on The Phantom Knights of Break Sword like a pillar of light, melting the armor to slag and releasing the ghostly fire inside. Nightmare Moon’s life points decrease drastically, to 1900, but she remains unfazed. Pinkie jumps, arms outstretched with a huge smile on her face. “He did it!” Applejack enthusiastically waves her hat. “Yee-haw!” Rainbow Dash shouts, “Alright!” She makes sure to look at Nightmare Moon and make an obscene gesture. “He can win!” Rarity exclaims with a hopeful smile. She turns to Twilight, looking for reaffirmation, but her smile falters at seeing Twilight’s grim expression. “T-Twilight…?” Fluttershy softly touches Twilight’s shoulder, asking tentatively. “Twilight, what’s wrong?” Twilight gulps and wordlessly points towards the field. The ghostly fire released from The Phantom Knights of Break Sword’s destruction drifts aimlessly in the middle of the field until Nightmare Moon snaps her fingers and it reforms into the shape of The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves and The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots. Nightmare Moon smugly explains, “When The Phantom Knights of Break Sword is destroyed, I can bring back two Phantom Knights with the same level from my graveyard, their levels increased by one.” Spike curses the monsters under his breath, but has no choice but to end his turn. Nightmare Moon draws; again she doesn’t bother glancing at her newest card. She praises Spike for lowering her life points below half, but immediately spreads her wings, making him recoil, and declares, “As a reward, I will give you a glimpse of my true power!” Her two monsters merge into a whirlpool of ghostly fire, creating a black hole in the middle of the field. “With my two level four monsters I build an Overlay Network!” A stream of black mist explodes upwards like a geyser, crackling and snapping with lightning like the very barrier around them. Spike squints into the dark mist. A pair of bright yellow eyes shines through the mist and he reels back, nearly falling on his butt. Nightmare Moon chants, her voice resonating into the whole building. “Formed from pitch-black darkness, to destroy those foolish enough to oppose me with its treacherous fangs! Now, descend!” The black mist is sucked back into the ground, revealing the details of the newest monster. A gigantic, black winged dragon, its slick frame covered by blade-like scales and plates, making it look like a living weapon. Nightmare Moon calls its name with pride, “Rank four! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!” Spike is awed by the dragon, and so are the girls, as it lets out a deafening roar. None of them had ever seen or heard about this creature. Fluttershy looks especially terrified of it. The dragon’s stats appear at 2500/2000, but quickly recalculate at 3500/2000 thanks to the effect of The Phantom Knights of Ragged Gloves. Rainbow Dash gulps, looking almost scared of commenting on the obvious difference of attack power between the two monsters. Nightmare Moon raises her hand and declares with sadistic glee, “By detaching two overlay units from my monster, I can activate its effect! Treason Discharge!” Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon roars and the baubles located on its chest and arms begin glowing intensely with purple light. Streams of electricity of a similar hue accumulate on its outstretched wings and, with a mighty flap, are shoot at Dragunity Knight – Barcha. Both, rider and mount fall to the ground, their bodies convulsing as electricity courses over them and drains their strength by half. Simultaneously, the attack points of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon rise further to 6050. Nightmare Moon takes a moment, as if she’s letting the mind of the presents process the horror that’s about to come, before declaring the final attack. “Revolt of Lightning Disobey!” Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon takes flight, charging forwards with lightning charged fangs. The barrier of black mist explodes upwards, twisting like a tornado and engulfing the hooded figures above them while forcing the girls to shield their faces from the strong wind. It subsides as the mist bursts the windows open and escapes outwards. Rainbow Dash is the first to recover, spreading her wings and shooting upwards after the black mist. “Come back here!” She stops when she sees the mist flying away at great speed and spreading over the Everfree Forest. “Nighttime…” She breathes. “Forever.” Her eyes suddenly widen in realization. “Spike!” Inside the Town Hall, all the cards and monsters on the field vanished with the black mist, leaving Spike standing alone, unmoving. The girls rush towards him, with Twilight reaching him first. “Spike! Are you--” As soon as she puts a hand over his shoulder, he falls to the floor like a puppet whose strings have been cut. “SPIKE!” > Duel Eight - Into the Everfree - Binding Chain! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight keeps calling Spike’s name over and over again while holding his body on her arms, but her voice cannot reach him. Spike’s head hangs limply to the side and his eyes have become dull and lifeless. Twilight mutters desperately, “No, no, no…” A glowing purple aura surrounds them and, with a blinding flash of light, they vanish. “The hay? Where did they go?” Applejack asks baffled. At that moment, Rainbow Dash lands next to the group. “Girls! I saw the--” she looks around confused. “Where did Twilight and Spike go?” “They just disappeared,” replies Applejack. Rainbow Dash frowns. “What does that even mean?” Applejack shakes her head. “Ah’ don’t know.” “What do you mean you don’t know!?” Rainbow Dash asks exasperated. Applejack grits her teeth. “Ah’ said I don’t--” “Girls, please!” Rarity interjects. “It’s Mind Magic,” she tells them. “Twilight probably teleported somewhere else…” Just as they begin wondering about Twilight’s possible whereabouts, Pinkie pushes both, Applejack and Rainbow Dash aside. Standing between the two of them, she points dramatically with her index finger towards the door and shouts, “To the Golden Oaks Library!” With those words, she takes off. Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity share a brief look, then swiftly chase after Pinkie. “WAIT!” The girls freeze on their tracks, not even having reached the doorway, and sharply turn around. “Fluttershy, what are you waiting for?” Rainbow Dash asks annoyed. Fluttershy gulps and takes a step aside, pointing behind her, towards the Royal Guards lying unconscious on the floor. “Are we going to leave them there?” she asks timidly. The four girls share awkward glances. “O-Of course not, darling,” Rarity assures Fluttershy. She looks at the girls. “Let’s help those brave gentlemen, shall we?” The wind begins picking up inside the library, making a few scrolls and a couple of smaller books fall from the shelves. There’s a sudden flash of light and Twilight re-appears, cradling Spike in her arms. She turns on the lights with a simple gesture and, very carefully, places the unconscious boy on the nearby chair. “Spike…” Twilight swallows hard, turns around and begins tapping frenetically on the screen of her Duel Disk. “Princess Celestia,” she mutters. “I need to contact Princess Celestia…” “NO SIGNAL.” Twilight growls, “What do you mean with that!?” She continues tapping furiously, but the same two words keep appearing over and over again on her screen, despite her efforts. Soon, she goes from tapping her Duel Disk to outright slapping it. “Why won’t you work, you accursed thing!” She screams in frustration. “NO SIGNAL.” Twilight groans loudly. She wants to grab her Duel Disk and throw it across the room, but cannot even figure how to unfasten the strap in her actual state of mind. “Damn it!” She drops her arms, exhausted. “It’s my fault…” She holds her head with both hands and repeats. “It’s all my fault…” “And how’s that exactly?” Twilight gasps in surprise and turns to see Rainbow Dash, followed by the rest of the girls, leaning forward and glowering at her with suspicion. “And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh?” she asks accusingly. “Are you a spy?” “Simmer down, Sally.” Applejack steps forward, putting a hand over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and pulling her back. “She ain’t no spy.” She turns to Twilight and, lowering her chin, says, “But she sure knows what's goin’ on. Don’t you, Twilight?” Twilight sighs heavily. “I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon, but I…thought it was just a fairy tale,” she admits regretfully. She shakes her head. “A-Anyway, I was trying to communicate with Princess Celestia, but I can’t seem to reach her…” Rarity suggests, “Perhaps she turned off her Duel Disk?” Twilight shakes her head. “No. Even turned off, a Duel Disk should still notify her of my message, unless it’s dama--” Her eyes suddenly widen and her face turns white as a sheet. “N-No…” Her legs wobble and she falls on her knees, coughing and gagging. Applejack quickly kneels next to Twilight and gently holds her by the forehead. “Easy there, sugarcube…” Rarity takes a handkerchief from her pocket and begins fanning Twilight. Pinkie follows her example, but her choice of a thick, encyclopedic book yields lesser results. Twilight takes several breaths before calming down. “I’m okay, I’m okay…” She pushes Applejack away and stands up. “I need to find Nightmare Moon…” “Whoa there, sugarcube,” says Applejack as she too, stands up. “Didn’t you see what she did back there? You can’t--” Twilight interrupts, “I have to! I have to find what happened to Princess Celestia and how to help Spike!” She turns her gaze towards where she left him, but the chair is empty. “What!? Where did he--” The girls turn to see Fluttershy walking down the stairs from the second floor of the library. She suddenly stops, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. “Oh—um, sorry—I just thought he would be more comfortable in a bed, you know…” Twilight lets out a small breath of relief. “Thank you--” Much to her surprise, however, Fluttershy approaches them and begins elaborating on Spike’s condition. “His breathing is stable and his blood pressure is normal, if slightly low. All in all, it seems he’s in a coma-like state.” Seeing Twilight’s perplexed expression, Rarity interjects. “Sorry, darling, Fluttershy here is a licensed veterinarian, you see.” “With specialization in exotic critters!” Pinkie chirps in. Fluttershy blushes. “I-It’s nothing--” She suddenly raises both hands defensively. “A-And I don’t meant to imply Spike is like an exotic animal or a-anything like that!” Twilight smiles softly. “Thank you, Fluttershy.” She looks around, to the other girls. “And thank you all for your concern, but this is something I have to do.” Applejack adjusts her hat. “In that case, we’re coming with you,” she says firmly. Twilight bites her lower lip. “Look, I appreciate your offer, but I would rather do this on my own.” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Seriously?” She points with her index finger towards the window and says, “There’s this crazy witch out there planning to bring a forever night or something and you think we’re going to stay here and do nothing?” “My sentiments exactly,” Rarity says, crossing her arms daintily. “This is a matter that concerns us all.” Fluttershy nods. “I would like to go too.” She adds meekly, “If that’s okay with you…” Applejack chuckles. “You heard ‘em. We’re stickin’ to you like caramel on a candy apple.” “With cinnamon and chocolate!” Pinkie adds cheerfully. Twilight quirks an eyebrow. Pinkie tilts her head and says, “What? Those things are good.” Twilight sighs exhausted. “Fine.” She puts both hands on her hips. “First we’ll need to find leads about the where--” “The Everfree Forest,” Rainbow Dash interrupts. She tilts her head and clarifies, “I saw the black mist thingy fly and spread over it.” Rarity scratches her chin thoughtfully. “But what could Nightmare Moon want from such a dreadful place?” Twilight’s eyes scan the shelf to her right. Once she finds what she’s looking for, she extends her right hand, enveloping a scroll in a glowing purple aura and levitating it to her. “According to Equestrian maps,” she says as she opens the scroll, revealing a well detailed map. “The Everfree Forest is the location of the Castle of the Two Sisters, which used to be the home of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna back before the--” she gulps and finishes, “Incident with Nightmare Moon.” Twilight rolls up the scroll and levitates it back to the shelf. “It’s merely a theory, but I believe that’s where she’s heading to.” Rainbow Dash spreads her wings. “What are we waiting for then? Let’s go!” Twilight raises her hand and stops her. She suggests they each take the proper preparations and meet all together at the entrance of the Everfree Forest in fifteen minutes. Rainbow Dash asks exasperated, “What preparations?” She raises her left arm and, pointing at her Duel Disk, says, “I’ve got everything I need right here!” Rarity clears her throat, getting Rainbow Dash’s attention. She raises her left arm, an unamused look on her face, showing no Duel Disk of her own. Rainbow Dash scoffs, “How can you go around without your Duel Disk? You’re a Pro Duelist, for Pete’s Sake!” Applejack crosses her arms and says drily, “It can be kinda hard don’ the farm work with it attached to your arm, Rainbow.” She doesn’t have her Duel Disk with her. Neither does Fluttershy, who meekly excuses herself saying that some of the smaller animals like to nibble on it. Rainbow Dash shakes her head and turns to Pinkie, who has her Duel Disk strapped on. “Guess you and I are the only ones who take the duelist life seriously.” Pinkie grins and comments casually, “I take mine off when working at Sugarcube Corner.” Rainbow Dash lets out a heavy sigh. “Fine.” She crosses her arms and, curling her lower lip in a gesture of disapproval, adds, “But I want you to know I’m disappointed in all of you.” The time is close at hand, and Twilight stands still next to the bed; watching Spike intently. If I didn’t know, I could swear he was just taking a nap, she thinks with a rueful smile. She bites her thumb, trying to think what kind of magic could do something like this to a person, but nothing comes to mind. Could it be? she wonders fearfully. Dark magic? She remembers having read about it before. Fueled by negative emotions such as anger, fear or greed; it’s a powerful kind of magic, but also dangerous, for it will eventually take a heavy toll on the user’s mind. Twilight shakes her head. Taking a glance at the digital clock on her Duel Disk, she decides to take her leave. She makes sure Spike is properly tucked in, his Duel Disk resting on the nearby nightstand, before turning the lights off. Her footsteps echo as she goes down the stairs, turning off the lights in the main room as she goes out the door. Ponyville is silent as the grave. There isn’t a single soul in sight and the vibrant colors of the houses have been dyed a darker hue of blue, courtesy of the light of the full moon shining brightly above them. Twilight keeps walking at a briskly pace, glancing warily to her sides every dozen steps or so. She can occasionally see the curtains behind a window move or a light flashing briefly from under a door. Twilight bites her lower lip. They’re afraid, she thinks. Everybody is afraid. She keeps thinking the people of Ponyville must be waiting for Princess Celestia to intervene. A sudden chill goes down her spine. The sole idea that Princess Celestia could be in the same state as Spike right now is enough to make her feel dizzy. And that dragon, she thinks grimly. Being able to drain half the attack points of an opposing monster is a powerful effect and could spell our doom if we’re not careful. The entrance of the Everfree Forest is on sight. Twilight jogs the last tract and meets with the rest of the girls. As expected, they all have their Duel Disks with them and more. Applejack now wears a brown leather jacket while Fluttershy exchanged her sandals for brown hiking boots. Rarity, for her part, exchanged her wide fit pointed shoes for black hiking ones and wears a fashionable, darker purple winter jacket. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie did not bother changing their attires at all. Twilight briefly laments the fact she didn’t change her clothes before leaving Canterlot. Pinkie pumps her fist towards the entrance of the forest and shouts, “Whee! Let’s go!” The canopy of trees forms a nearly perfect dome, allowing only a fraction of the rays of the full moon to touch the dirt trail where the girls steadily make their way in a single line. Walking at the front, Twilight glances over her shoulder and asks, “So, none of you have been in here before?” Behind Twilight, Applejack shakes her head. “Nope.” She looks around worriedly. “Not many folks venture around here. They say it don’t work the same as Equestria.” The group emerges from the woods, to find themselves standing on a cliff and overlooking the forest, with the moon once again shining brightly above them. Twilight glances at the canopy below and comments dejectedly, “Guess that means no map of the forest…” “Nope!” Rainbow Dash interjects. “You know why?” She abruptly turns towards Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie, leans forward and begins advancing threateningly, much like a predator ready to jump on its prey. Applejack rolls her eyes and tells Rainbow Dash to quit it. The three girls simultaneously take a step back, cringing fearfully as Rainbow Dash speaks in a low, menacing tone. “Because everybody who's ever come in has never come out!” She emphasises the last word by spreading her wings. As if on cue, the ground below their feet begins shaking. The earth cracks and the cliff gives in, sending the group screaming down the landslide. Twilight watches in horror as Rarity and Pinkie fall down the edge and into the darkness below. In a desperate effort, she digs her fingers into the ground, managing to stop her fall right at the edge of the cliff, but ends with over half of her body dangling precariously. Above Twilight, Applejack manages to catch a root sticking out and come to a stop, but as soon as she sees Twilight, she let’s go and shouts, “Hold on! I’m a-comin’!” She slides down and grabs Twilight’s arms in a firm grasp. “Ah’ got you now, sugarcube,” she says comfortingly. “A-Applejack! What do I do!?” Twilight asks desperately as she keeps hanging on for dear life. “Let go,” Applejack answers plainly. Twilight’s jaw drops. “A-Are you crazy!?” she asks bewildered. Her grip tightens. “I can’t do that!” Applejack smiles sympathetically. “Yes, you can. I’ll promise you’ll be safe.” Twilight shakes her head rapidly. Applejack chuckles good-naturedly. “Trust me on this one, Twilight. Let go, you’ll be safe and once you’re down there, don’t wait for me. Keep going towards the castle and I’ll catch you later, yes?” Twilight gulps hard, closes her eyes and lets herself go. She screams at the top of her lungs as she falls down, until she suddenly stops falling. “W-What?” Both, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy hold her by the arms as they slowly descend to the ground. Twilight is surprised at seeing the feathery, yellow ethereal wings on Fluttershy’s back. “You have Sky Magic,” she mutters amazed. Fluttershy smiles flustered. “Oh—yes, sorry for not telling you before…” Pinkie cheerfully says they should do that again. Rarity shoots her a disapproving look, before turning to Twilight and asking about Applejack. Twilight answers hesitantly, “She told me we should keep going…that she would catch up with us later.” There is a moment of silence, and then Rainbow Dash declares, “We should keep going.” Twilight protests, “But Applejack…” Pinkie puts a hand on her shoulder. She smiles brightly and assures, “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Twilight! Applejack is a strong girl!” Rarity nods in agreement, “Pinkie is right, Twilight. Applejack wouldn’t stay behind without a good reason.” Fluttershy chimes in, “I think we should respect her wishes.” Twilight nods. “Okay…” Without another word, the group continues their journey deeper into the forest. From the top of the cliff, Applejack watches her friends go. She lets out a breath of relief, before turning her gaze upwards and growling, “Are you gonna come down or not!?” A shadowy figure descends in front of her and Applejack grits her teeth. Ah’ knew somethin’ smelled fishy ‘round here, she thinks. Applejack quickly recognizes the figure as one of the five that accompanied Nightmare Moon, and a man at that. The man is huge and Applejack can easily notice his bulging musculature under his pitch-black clothes. She glances at her sides and concludes she cannot hope to climb back up, and trying to climb down would leave her vulnerable to an attack. She lowers her stance and turns her torso slightly sideways. The man continues to watch her in silence, with only the lower section of his face visible under the hood and his mouth twisted into a smug smirk. Applejack thinks the man looks like he could rip a whole tree from the ground, but she’s no slouch either. One full power kick on the right spot and he’s going down. Much to her surprise, however, the man tilts his head and asks, “Why didn’t you jump with them?” Applejack narrows her eyes and scoffs, “So you could drop the rest of the cliff over our heads?” The man laughs thunderously. “Clever girl,” he comments with amusement. “But that was just a greeting, the real suffering begins now!” The man throws his left arm upwards, revealing a piece of armor on his forearm from which unfolds a silver blade of pure magical energy, much like the one used by Nightmare Moon. He introduces himself loudly, “I am Ker! Mighty servant of Lady Nightmare Moon!” Ah’ don’t know if I should be glad or worried he wants a duel, Applejack thinks grimly. As soon as she activates her Duel Disk, a wall of black mist erupts from the ground around them, forming a perfect dome. The sparks crackling and dancing all around them makes the hair on the back of Applejack’s neck stand on end. Seeing her reaction, Ker chuckles sadistically. “Don’t worry,” he says. “The barrier is here merely to prevent you from going anywhere until this duel is over.” Applejack straightens herself, adjusts her hat and declares fiercely. “Guess I’ll have to buck your sorry ass first!” Without waiting for an answer, she draws her initial hand of five cards and takes the first turn. Her hand contains Superheavy Samurai Kabuto, Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler, Superheavy Samurai Blowtorch, Superheavy Samurai Scales and Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. Applejack thinks she’s had better hands, but her opponent looks like the kind who favors a simple beatdown strategy, so she should have the advantage. She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Kabuto in attack position. The mechanical warrior appears on the field twirling a large, metallic hammer. Applejack crosses her arms. “Let’s see what you’ve got. Turn end!” Ker draws his opening hand plus one. He examines his options calmly before activating The Cheerful Coffin, getting rid of two cards from his hand, followed by Card of Safe Return. Applejack quirks an eyebrow; it’s been a while since she had seen somebody play those cards. Ker continues normal summoning Iron Chain Repairman in attack position. “I use Iron Chain Repairman’s effect to bring back Iron Chain Snake from my graveyard!” The musclebound, gray-skinned ogre slams his sledge hammer on the ground and from it emerges a large, jet-black snake with its body in the shape of a chain. It hisses threateningly and coils itself in defense position. Ker draws a card thanks to Card of Safe Return. Applejack grins and declares, “Gotcha! I use Superheavy Samurai Kabuto’s effect to change it to defense position!” She does so. “And it gets an extra 500 defense points until the end of the turn!” Ker grins right back. “Oh, I guess I have no choice but to play these two…” He slides two cards into his Duel Disk. Poison Chain and Paralyzing Chain appear on his side of the field. He eagerly declares the end of his turn. “Now, every time I don’t attack, Poison Chain will force you to discard cards from the top of your deck equal to the number of my Iron Chain Monsters…” Applejack’s Duel Disk automatically ejects two cards from the top of her deck and the screen flashes with the message “PLACE CARDS INTO GRAVEYARD”. As soon as she complies, the very air around her twists and four black chains suddenly shoot out, tying themselves around her arms, legs and torso. “What the--” Her shocked words and cut short when the chains squeeze, making her grit her teeth in pain and lowering her life points to 3700. Ker laughs thunderously. “I should’ve mentioned Paralyzing Chain will inflict 300 points of damage every time you discard from your deck!” The chains stop squeezing and Applejack lets out a breath of relief. She cracks her neck and glares at her opponent. “Is that all you got?” She asks drily. “Mah’ little sister squeezes harder than this!” Ker lets out a soft “hmph” and comments, “Looks like you got some tolerance for pain…” His sadistic smile returns. “But we’ve just started!” With both arms tied by the chains, Applejack draws with some difficulty. She looks at her newest card, Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit, and mutters a curse. She adds it to her hand and picks a different one. “Ah’ summon Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler!” The monster appears on attack position and Applejack immediately switches it to defense with its effect. She gulps. “Turn end…” “My turn!” Ker draws and activates Iron Chain Repairman’s effect once again. A second Iron Chain Snake appears on the field in defense position and Ker draws an extra card, bringing his hand count to two. He declares he will speed things up and normal summons Iron Chain Blaster in attack position. “Once per turn, I can send one of my Iron Chain monsters to the graveyard to inflict 800 points of damage to my opponent.” He points forward and shouts, “Open fire!” The Iron Chain Blaster fires, its body exploding in the process and the shot strikes Applejack, taking her life points down to 2900. The pain makes her legs wobble and she falls on her right knee, breathing heavily. “Didn’t our Lady Nightmare tell you?” Ker asks, scratching his chin. “You’re dueling with your life on the line.” He grins sadistically as he elaborates, “Once you lose, your soul will be devoured by the darkness, leaving your body as an empty husk to rot!” Applejack chuckles softly. “Really?” She asks with a mocking smile. “That’s sounds almost as bad as havin’ to hear you talk non-stop…” Once again, Ker’s grin falters. He growls under his breath, sets a single card and ends his turn. The effect of Poison Chain activates and Applejack discards three cards from the top of her deck, costing her another 300 life points from Paralyzing Chain's effect. This time, she cannot hold back a scream of pain as the chains squeeze her body. Applejack swallows hard. Dang it, she thinks. Ah’ feel like I’ve been workin’ without a break for days. She shakes her head rapidly and draws Superheavy Samurai Soulbang Cannon. Setting it aside, she tributes her two monsters to summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The massive form of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei takes on the field. Applejack equips her monster with Superheavy Samurai Soulbang Cannon, bringing its defense points to 4500, and orders the attack of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei on Iron Chain Repairman. “This is for lil’ Spike!” she shouts fiercely. Ker activates the set trap card. “Fiendish Chain!” Multiple black chains erupt from the ground to halt Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei’s advance and keep it firmly in place. Applejack growls in frustration, but cannot do anything beyond ending her turn. Ker chuckles and points with his index finger. “Without Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei’s effect you’re like a dog without teeth.” He draws a card. “I activate Iron Chain Repairman’s effect!” He brings back Iron Chain Blaster, drawing an extra card with the effect of Card of Safe Return, and sacrifices his monster to inflict 800 points of damage to Applejack. Her hat is blown away and she falls on her knees. Ker makes a thumb down gesture and declares, “Turn end!” Applejack is forced to discard three more cards and subsequently damaged by Paralyzing Chain, bringing her life points down to 1500. Her visage is pitiful, with her body wobbling back and forth, as she gasps for air. “Hold on…” she breathes. “You just discarded mah’ Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves…now ah’ can pick the top five cards of mah’ deck and…put ‘em back just like I want ‘em…” Ker crosses both arms over his large chest, glaring under his hood as Applejack rearranges the top five cards of her deck. Once she’s done, she draws a card, which she checks is Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense, and immediately ends her turn with no further plays. Ker is briefly surprised, but quickly begins laughing. “Are you that stubborn you cannot surrender even when you can do nothing to fight back? Would you rather have me bring down your life points to zero?” He draws and declares, “In that case, I’ll grant your wish!” Ker repeats his combination. He summons back Iron Chain Blaster with Iron Chain Repairman, drawing an extra card and sends the former to the graveyard to damage Applejack’s life points. Setting a single card from his hand, he then ends his turn to make her discard three cards from the top of her deck with Poison Chain and further damage her with Paralyzing Chain. Applejack’s life points flash at a mere 400 points. Applejack doubles over, gritting her teeth and enduring the pain as best as she can. “R-Right…” She slowly stands up, first the right leg and then the left. “Now it’s mah’ turn…” Her gaze remains unyielding as she draws a card; Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads. “Superheavy Samurai Scales…” The mechanical monster appears carrying a scale over its shoulders, and on the left one a smaller, ball shaped robot appears sitting comfortably. Applejack tilts her head towards the smaller monster with a smirk. “Ah’ summoned back Superheavy Samurai Battleball from the graveyard with Scales…and I can use that little fella to do a Synchro Summon with one of your monsters…” Ker grumbles, “You rearranged your cards so Superheavy Samurai Battleball would be sent to the graveyard with Poison Chain…” Applejack chuckles. “Aren’t you a smart cookie?” Her expression turn dark and she shouts towards the sky. “I tune my level two Superheavy Samurai Battleball with your Iron Chain Repairman! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters float into the middle of the field and fuse into a cluster of stars. “Shake the earth with a roar! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!” The massive crimson ogre appears before Applejack. It immediately swings its giant club, creating a powerful shockwave. Ker holds his hand over his set card, activating it in a chain. “Threatening Roar!” His card roars fiercely, sending a shockwave that pushes Applejack back, before going to the graveyard with the rest of his cards in the Spell and Trap zones. The chains that bind Applejack shatter and disappear. She rotates her shoulders and lets out a breath of relief, but is still visibly annoyed that he cannot launch a counter attack. “Turn end,” she declares drily. “That was pointless,” Ker states with a smug smile. He draws a card, bringing his hand count to four. “But that’s okay, because now I can show you my greatest monster!” He normal summons a silly looking robot from his hand. “I tune my level three Iron Chain Coil with my level three Iron Chain Snake! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters fuse into a cluster of stars and from the light comes a gigantic, snake-like, winged dragon with metallic scales and piercing red eyes. Two huge chains cross over the beast’s chest. “Bind those who would oppose our Lady Nightmare and drag them into the abyss! Iron Chain Dragon!” The roar of the dragon echoes into the night sky. Applejack remains wary of the Iron Chain Dragon, its attack points flashing at 2500. Ker slides a single card into his Duel Disk. “A gift,” he states maliciously. A chain erupts from the ground, tying itself around the arms and neck of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The monster lets out a mechanical growl and pulls, but its efforts only serve to reveal the large, black spiked ball with a grinning demonic face attached to the other end of the chain. The attack and defense points of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei go down to a mere 100. Ker points to Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji. “Iron Chain Snake!” At his master’s command, the monster leaps with surprising agility and falls down on Applejack’s monster, forcing it down on its knees and lowering its attack and defense to zero and 1700 points respectively. “When a monster equipped with Iron Chain Snake is destroyed, you’ll have to discard a number of cards from the top of your deck equal to its level.” Applejack narrows her eyes. Ker scratches his chin with a sinister smile. “I could further destroy your deck, wait until my Darkworld Shackles finish you off or I could go for your Superheavy Samurai Scales in attack position to end you right now.” He chuckles. “Decisions, decisions…” Applejack quirks an eyebrow. “You sure love hearin’ yourself talk, don’t you?” she asks drily. Ker growls, “I've decided.” He points forward at Superheavy Samurai Scales and shouts, “Destroy it, Iron Chain Dragon! Iron Chain Blast!” Applejack quickly discards Superheavy Samurai Blowtorch from her hand to direct the attack to Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The dragon breathes a stream of white-hot flames, making the body of Big Benkei turn red, but the mechanical giant remains on the field. Applejack explains she discarded Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit to protect it from destruction at the cost of lowering its defense points by 800, to zero. Ker scoffs, “I thought you were going to let your monster be destroyed to get rid of Darkworld Shackles, but I see you can’t even defend yourself right.” Applejack shrugs. “Yeah, I’m kinda stubborn like that.” Ker lets out a soft “hmph” and sets two cards. “Turn end!” “Mah’ turn!” Applejack holds the first card from the top of her deck between her index finger and thumb and pulls with all of her strength. “DRAW!” She immediately switches Superheavy Samurai Scales to defense position and equips it with her newly drawn Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall, raising its defense points to 3000. Ker attempts to hinder her efforts activating his set Shadow Spell, but the sound of a flute interrupts the effect of the trap card and destroys it. Applejack explains she banished Superheavy Samurai Flutist from her graveyard to counter it. “Go, Superheavy Samurai Scales! Destroy Iron Chain Dragon!” Ker reveals his second set card, Safe Zone. His Iron Chain Dragon is enveloped in a blue, crystal shield and protected from destruction. Ker’s life points go down to 3500. He asks mockingly, “So that why you protected your Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei? To try to destroy my Iron Chain Dragon?” Applejack doesn’t reply. Ker chuckles. “Nevermind, it’s the end of the road for you.” He spreads his arms triumphantly and shouts, “At least take solace in knowing your mediocrity was quite entertaining!” Applejack sighs and turns her back to Ker. He asks in amusement, “Would you rather not look at death in the face?” Applejack wordlessly removes three cards from her graveyard and three armor-shaped monsters appear behind her, cloaked in purple flames. Ker is baffled. “What are those…?” Applejack calmly pick ups her hat, dusts it off and puts it backs on. She turns towards her opponent and explains, “Ah’ can banish all mah’ copies of Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor from the graveyard so you take damage equal to the difference between one of my monster’s current defense points and its original ones.” She tilts her head towards Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. “Now, I’m not good with that math stuff, but ah’ think that makes 3500 points, right?” Ker’s jaw drops. “Y-You!” He hisses horrified. “That’s why you protected your monster with Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit!” Applejack smirks. She tips her hat with a flick of her thumb and asks, “You really didn’t think you could go 'round milling mah’ deck all willy-nilly, did you?” The three Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor explode into a ball of purple fire that consumes Ker. He screams as his life points go down to zero. Once the flames dissipate, Ker appears completely still, like a statue. There’s a moment of silence and then he falls down forward, but before his body can touch the ground, it completely vanishes in a puff of black smoke. With his loss, the barrier of black mist dissipates, leaving the cliff in absolute silence. Applejack gazes at the starry sky above her. Exhausted but content, she mutters, “Yee-haw…” > Duel Nine - Into the Everfree - Cold Wave! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash flies above the group, twirling and spinning gracefully as she narrates with great enthusiasm, “And once Pinkie and Rarity were saved, whoosh... Me and Fluttershy loop-de-loop around and WHAM!” She casually lands next to Twilight, walking ahead of the group, and finishes her tale, “Caught you right in the nick of time.” Twilight closes her eyes and massages the bridge of her nose. “Two things, Rainbow.” She turns to Rainbow Dash and raises her index finger. “One, thank you, but I was there, remember?” She raises her middle finger and adds, “Two, aren’t you the least worried about Applejack?” Rainbow Dash stretches her arms upwards, puts both hands behind the back of her neck and grins confidently. “Nope! Applejack is a hardy girl and a good duelist.” She nods solemnly and adds, “In fact, she once managed to get my life points down below half before losing.” Twilight quirks an eyebrow, unamused. Rainbow Dash continues, “Sure, it was 1900 points, but that’s something only very few duelists in Ponyville can boast about.” Rainbow Dash’s grin turns smug as she looks at Twilight in the eyes and says, “Sorry to say you’re not on the list.” Just as Twilight is opening her mouth to deliver a sarcastic comment, a loud roar echoes into the night sky, making the girls jump on their toes and several birds fly away from the nearby trees. A huge lion jumps in front of the group, baring its teeth with frenzied eyes. Its fiery red mane seems to shine under the light of the stars. It has a pair of small, black leathery wings on its back and its tail is like that of a scorpion, rolled up behind it. Fluttershy gasps. “I-It’s a Manticore!” Twilight frowns and declares, “We gotta get past it!” Pinkie jumps forward shouting, “Leave it to me!” She strikes a pose, ignites her Duel Disk and draws the top card of her deck with great fanfare, immediately playing it without looking. “Come out, my friend! Performapal King Be--” A cute, pink hippo wearing a jacket and a top hat appears, much to Pinkie’s confusion. “Uh? Hip Hippo?” The Manticore roars, making Performapal Hip Hippo let out a terrified squeak and take cover behind Pinkie. She protests, “H-Hey! You’re supposed to defend us!” The Manticore pounces on Pinkie, but it’s intercepted in mid-air by a pure white cloth that wraps itself around the beast’s maw and front legs, partially immobilizing it. Rarity stands next to Pinkie, her Duel Disk ignited and with the spell Forbidden Dress placed in the appropriate slot. She looks at her and asks, “Are you alright, Pinkie?” Pinkie nervously points at the Manticore; the mighty beast rips the cloth to shreds with ease. “I think you just made it angrier,” she notes. Rarity cringes. “Oh dear…” Twilight extends her left arm, igniting her Duel Disk. “Rainbow Dash,” she calls. “Please help me out!” Rainbow Dash nods and ignites her own Duel Disk. The two of them advance forward in unison, draw a single card and summon a monster each. “Speedroid Pachingo-Kart!” “Dragonpulse Magician!” The Manticore lowers its head and snarls, taking a step back, but before Twilight or Rainbow Dash could order an attack, a dozen of swords made of light rain from above, forming a perfect wall between the girls and the Manticore. “What the--” Rainbow Dash exclaims surprised. Twilight’s eyes widen in shock as she sees Fluttershy standing on the other side of the barrier of swords with her Duel Disk ignited. “Fluttershy!” she shouts. “What are you doing there!?” Fluttershy does not answer. Instead, she walks towards the Manticore, slowly and calmly, whispering soothing words, “Shh…there, there…it’s alright…” The Manticore closes its eyes, trembling, but allows Fluttershy to embrace its head. “See? Nobody is going to hurt you…” She gently scratches its foreheadhead and chin simultaneously. The Manticore relaxes and even begins purring. The girls share a collective look of bewilderment. Turning off their Duel Disks, they approach warily. Fluttershy looks at them and smiles. “Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness.” She looks back at the Manticore. “You poor, poor little baby…” Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Baby? Little?” she asks in disbelief. “Seriously?” Fluttershy nods. She tilts her head and explains, “Look at his wings, they’re too small to allow him to fly. And his tail is rolled up; I bet it doesn’t even have poison. He’s just a scared little cub.” Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes and whispers to Twilight, “A cub big enough to bite our heads off.” Pinkie giggles and asks if she can pet the Manticore, but before Fluttershy can answer, the beast stands up, sniffs the air and lets out a low growl. It runs away and disappears behind the nearby trees. The wind stirs up and a shadowy figure descends from the sky on black, bat-like wings, in front of the girls. A tall and lean man; his long limbs and hunched posture give him an almost animalistic appearance. The upper half of his face is concealed under a hood, leaving only his pointy chin and wicked grin visible. Twilight immediately recognizes the man. She takes a step forward and shouts angrily, “You! You’re one of Nightmare Moon’s companions!” The man puts his right hand over his chest and introduces himself, “I am Nosos. Humble servant of Lady Nightmare Moon.” The girls keep watching him warily. Nosos raises his index finger, long and bony, and explains, “Our Lady Nightmare saw it fit to send us to welcome you.” He pauses and looks among the group. “And I see you already had an encounter with one of us,” he comments, tapping his chin with a grin of amusement. The girls quickly realize the meaning of his words. Rarity covers her mouth in horror and mutters, “Applejack…” Rainbow Dash grits her teeth and readies her Duel Disk. “What are we waiting for?” She asks to the group. “Let’s kick his ass together!” Nosos laughs thunderously and whips his cape, revealing the silver blade of his Duel Disk. “Come then!” Fluttershy suddenly shouts, “Wait!” She steps in front of the girls, Duel Disk at the ready, and declares firmly, “I will face him.” Rainbow Dash protests, “Are you kidding me? You’re going to duel that guy alone?” Rarity agrees, “We should seek strength in numbers.” Fluttershy shakes her head. “We need to help Spike and find Princess Celestia as soon as possible, and for that only one of us needs to stay here.” She turns to Twilight, tilts her head and asks, “Right?” Twilight bites her lower lip. She replies hesitantly, “That…would be the most effective course of action…” Rainbow Dash grumbles, “Fine.” She tilts her head towards Nosos and asks, “But what about him? I don’t think he’s going to let us pass just by asking.” Pinkie waves at Nosos. “Hey Mister Lankey Lackey!” she calls him cheerfully. “Fluttershy here says she’s going to duel you! Can the rest of us keep going?” Nosos wordlessly takes a step aside. Pinkie thanks him and turns to Rainbow Dash with a triumphant smile. “Done!” Rainbow Dash slaps her forehead and grunts, “Fine.” She turns to Fluttershy and says, “You better kick his ass so hard your boot gets stuck there, you hear me?” Fluttershy nods. With that, Rainbow Dash marches forward. Rarity is next; she puts a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder with a worried smile and tells her to be careful. Fluttershy replies she will and Rarity follows Rainbow Dash’s trail. Pinkie hops forward, holds Fluttershy by the cheeks and plants a big kiss on her forehead. “The smooch of surefire victory!” she says cheerfully. Fluttershy turns beet red and mutters a soft “thank you”. Pinkie hops after Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Twilight is the last one. There’s a brief moment of silence as they share a look, and then Twilight smiles warmly. “Thank you, Fluttershy…” Fluttershy smiles back and nods. Twilight hurriedly takes her leave. The girls keep eyeing Nosos warily as they walk past him. He grins and mutters sinisterly, “I’ll be right behind you, ladies.” Nosos watches them as they disappear behind the nearby trees, until Fluttershy descends in front of him. She folds her wings and raises her Duel Disk. “I told you I would be your opponent.” Black mist swirls around them, forming a perfect dome with walls that crackles with lightning. Fluttershy draws her initial hand of five cards. Her posture is firm, her expression unwavering, but the way her hands tremble betray her feelings. Picking up the cue, Nosos chuckles sinisterly. “Are you upset because I scared that animal?” Fluttershy frowns. Nosos continues, “It came to me, you know. I just decided to show it its place in the food chain.” He too draws five cards from the top of his deck. “If it makes you feel better, I will make sure to feed it your body after ripping your soul out from inside!” Countless branches intertwine like fingers above the girls and the light of the full moon seems to fade with each step they take forward, ultimately covering them in a veil of absolute darkness. Rarity bites her lower lip and comments, “When I said my eyes needed a rest from all this icky muck I didn’t mean it this literally…” Twilight grits her teeth in frustration. “I swear that ancient castle could be right in front of our faces and we wouldn’t even know it…” The wind howls threateningly and the light of the moon suddenly illuminates the area, revealing a massive black tree standing before them. The tree is horribly malformed, with a large hole on the middle of the trunk filled with thorns, giving it the appearance of a mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, and branches twisted like clawed hands. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity let out a collective scream. They soon realize they are surrounded by trees from every side. Some have their trunks filled with holes like eyes and roots emerging from the earth like tentacles. Others are cracked in half and leaning like snakes about to bite. A sinister laugh echoes all around them and a figure emerges from the darkness beyond the trees, fully clad in black. Unlike Nosos, however, his face is completely covered by a bird-like mask with a long, curved beak and round glass eyes. “This forest has taken countless lives, every single one of them in cruel, merciless ways…” the figure explains with a deep, masculine voice. “Their souls cannot find rest and so they take possession of these trees, twisting them with the fear they felt at the moment of their death.” He extends his right arm and points to the terrified girls with his index finger. “Now you will be sharing the same fate!” He clenches his fist and declares loudly, “I am Akhlys! Dutiful servant of Lady Nightmare Moon! And I welcome you to your final resting place!” “Pfft…” The tension is suddenly broken by a giggle. Both, the three girls and Akhlys turn their heads to see Pinkie looking at one of the trees with barely restrained laughter. “P-Pinkie, what are you doing?” Twilight asks bewildered. Pinkie points at the three. “Did you see this one?” she asks between giggles. “It has a branch that makes it look like it has this really big nose!” She extends her arms as if to emphasize her point. “And that one!” She runs next to a different tree. “Its roots look like tiny legs!” She hops to a third tree. “And this one has leaves under its branches like armpit hair!” Pinkie holds her stomach back in laughter. Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity share a brief look. Rarity raises her index finger and comments tentatively, “Pinkie, darling, I don’t think now it’s appropriate time for this…” Pinkie grins. “Oh girls, don’t you see?” She hums a little tune and begins, “When I was a little filly and the sun was going dooown…” Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “Tell me she’s not…” “The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frooown…” Rarity nods. “She is…” Rainbow Dash groaned, “Pinkie, you’re not gonna start singing, are you?” Pinkie stops. “Of course not, you silly!” She huffs, “That wouldn’t look good on a written medium!” Rainbow Dash shakes her head baffled and mutters, “I’m not even going to ask…” Pinkie explains cheerfully, “I just want to tell you the way my Granny Pie told me I have to deal with my fears!” Rainbow Dash shrugs asks what is it. Pinkie strikes a pose with her index finger extended upwards. “She said, “Pinkie, you gotta stand up tall! Learn to face your fears!” She switches her pose to a different one. “You'll see that they can't hurt you! Just laugh to make them disappear!" Akhlys watches in silence, fists clenched and cape flaring up, as Pinkie begins hopping, dancing and skipping between trees, stopping between each one to say a line in a singsong voice. “So, giggle at the ghostly!” “Guffaw at the grossly! “Crack up at the creepy!” “Whoop it up with the weepy!” “Chortle at the kooky! “Snortle at the spooky!” Pinkie stops, standing tall with both hands on her hips. “And tell that big dumb scary--” “Enough!” Akhlys’ sudden shout makes Pinkie squeak and jump on her toes, but she swiftly recovers from the shock and giggles. “Whoa! Grumpy alert!” She leans forward and says chidingly, “Don’t you know you’re gonna get wrinkles like that?” Before Akhlys can even reply, she continues, “Ohh! Maybe that's why you wear that mask!” Pinkie shrugs and scratches her head. “What’s with it anyway? Do you have a straw hidden there to sip your milkshake without holding the glass?” she snaps her fingers and smiles admiringly. “Hey! That’s pretty cool actually!” “Be silent!” Akhlys shouts once more. “I will not be insulted by a simple-minded fool like you!” Pinkie frowns and points at herself with her thumb. “Hey now, I have a name! I’m Pinkie Pie the funtastic duelist!” She grins and strikes a fancy pose. “And I’m gonna make you smile!” Akhlys wordlessly ignites his Duel Disk. The silver blade of magical energy gleams like a sword under the light of the full moon. He growls, “I will smile once you’re buried up to your neck…” A wall of black mist erupts, separating both, Pinkie and him from Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. But Pinkie doesn’t seem concerned; she looks at the girls, smiles triumphantly and does a victory sign with her middle and index fingers. Twilight’s eyes widen in realization. “She did it on purpose,” she mutters. “What do you mean?” Rainbow Dash asks confused. “Look!” Rarity interjects. The trees around them change shape, turning into normal, plain looking trees of a pleasant, dark green tone. “It was an illusion spell…” Twilight elaborates, “Illusion spells require a certain level of concentration to be maintained.” She smiles in amazement and thinks not only Pinkie dispelled their fear and got the enemy’s attention away from them, but also made him upset enough to break his concentration. “Whoa,” Rainbow Dash mutters. She chuckles. “That Pinkie…” Rarity gulps. “So, I guess we should get going…” Twilight nods. Casting one last glance at Pinkie, who has her eyes locked on her opponent while igniting her Duel Disk, the three girls keep heading towards the depths of the Everfree Forest, and the Castle of the Two Sisters. Nosos scratches his chin. “Hunting is no fun if you don’t give your prey some advantage,” he states sinisterly. He tilts his head towards Fluttershy and says, “Go ahead, decide the order of turns…” Fluttershy frowns with suspicion, but decides to take the opportunity. “I activate Mount Sylvania from my hand!” Their surroundings change into the peak of a tall, snowy mountain. “Once per turn, I can send a Plant-Type monster from my hand or face-up on my side of the field to the graveyard to pick a Sylvan card from my deck and place it on top of it.” She discards Sylvan Cherubsprout, takes Sylvan Peaskeeper from her deck and places the card on top of it. Sylvan Sagequoia erupts from the ground behind Fluttershy, staring sternly at Nosos. Fluttershy activates the effect of Sylvan Sagequoia, excavates Sylvan Peaskeeper and sends it to the graveyard. “With Sylvan Peaskeeper’s effect, I special summon Sylvan Cherubsprout from the graveyard!” A cute, little plant fairy appears on the field. It takes a look at the darkness around it and shudders. “When Sylvan Cherubsprout is special summoned, I can excavate up to two cards!” She reveals Sylvan Hermitree and Sylvan Snapdrassinagon. Choosing to apply Sylvan Hermitree’s effect first, she rearranges the top three cards of her deck and then puts them back. Using Sylvan Snapdrassinagon’s effect, she excavates a second copy of Sylvan Cherubsprout and uses its effect to special summon a second copy of Sylvan Snapdrassinagon from her deck to the field. Nosos watches Fluttershy attentively; his grin seems to widen with every monster she summons. Fluttershy overlays her two level one monsters to special summon Sylvan Princessprite in attack position. Even in the darkness of the black mist, the beautiful monster girl seems to glow. “I detach an Xyz Material from my Princessprite to excavate again!” She reveals Draining Shield and adds it to her hand, bringing her hand count to three. “Now I use her second effect!” She discards Sylvan Bladefender from her hand. Sylvan Princessprite prays and Sylvan Hermitree emerges from the ground next to Sylvan Sagequoia. The two of them form a gate over Fluttershy. Picking a card from her hand, she normal summons Sylvan Flowerknight. “Excavate!” She reveals Sylvan Mikorange. “When Sylvan Mikorange is excavated all my Plant-Type monsters gain 300 points of attack and defense!” The attack points of Sylvan Flowerknight and Sylvan Princessprite go up to 2100 for both, while the attack of Sylvan Sagequoia and Sylvan Hermitree increase to 2900 and 3000, respectively. Fluttershy takes a deep breath and declares, “I’m not done yet…” She uses the effect of Sylvan Hermitree to excavate once more, revealing Sylvan Marshalleaf and sending it to the graveyard before drawing a card. She sets her Draining Shield and ends her turn with a single card in her hand. Nosos laughs loudly. “Four monsters in a single turn! Magnificent!” He exclaims. “You will make a fine dinner for your Manticore friend!” Fluttershy frowns, but says nothing. Nosos draws an extra card and immediately summons a monster. “Snow Dragon!” A dragon with a body of ice appears on the field. Its piercing red eyes contrast disturbingly with its small size and chubby body. Nosos follows by playing the spell Big Wave Small Wave. The Snow Dragon explodes, showering all of Fluttershy’s monsters with ice and is replaced with a second one from Nosos’ hand in attack position. “When Snow Dragon is destroyed, all face-up monsters on the field will get one Ice Counter,” he explains as he picks a card from his hand. “And by removing four Ice Counters from anywhere on the field, I can special summon this! Snowdust Dragon!” A second ice dragon appears, completely dwarfing the first. Its body is covered with protuberances and its roar sends a gust of cold air that makes Fluttershy shiver. Nosos orders the attack of Snow Dragon on Sylvan Princessprite. The small dragon is quickly taken down by a whirlwind of cherry blossom petals, reducing Nosos’ life points to 3300 and placing an Ice Counter on each of Fluttershy’s monsters. She briefly wonders if he’s trying to summon a second Snowdust Dragon. Nosos follows by activating Mirage of Nightmare, setting a single card and ending his turn with a wave of his hand, seemingly unaffected by the damage he suffered. “At this point, the second effect of Mount Sylvania activates!” Fluttershy excavates the top card of her deck, revealing the Sylvan Charity spell, and opts to place it at the bottom of her deck. “My turn,” she declares. She draws, bringing her hand count to two. At that point, Nosos activates the effect of Mirage of Nightmare to draw four cards, chaining the activation of his set Double Cyclone. The card releases a gust of wind that destroys Mirage of Nightmare and Fluttershy’s Mount Sylvania. Fluttershy briefly laments the loss of her Field Spell, but steels herself forward. His side of the field is empty save for Snowdust Dragon, she thinks. I could finish this now. She points forward and orders the attack of Sylvan Sagequoia on Snowdust Dragon. “Roots of Wisdom!” Much to her surprise, however, the mighty tree doesn’t move an inch. “W-What?” Fluttershy mutters baffled. Nosos waggles his finger and explains, “As long as Snowdust Dragon is on the field, other monsters with Ice Counters cannot attack or change Battle Positions…” Fluttershy is shocked. She gulps and tries to assess her situation. In her hand there’s a Flowerbot which she drew with Sylvan Hermitree’s effect, and would’ve much preferred to excavate, and the Mistake trap, which she drew this turn. She detaches the last Xyz Material from her Sylvan Princessprite and excavates the top card of her deck, revealing Sylvan Komushroomo, which she discards with dismay. “S-Sylvan Sagequoia!” Once again, she reveals a spell, Shared Ride, placing it on the bottom of her deck with a soft, annoyed grunt. “What’s the matter?” Nosos asks mockingly. “Can’t get a good draw?” Fluttershy bites her lower lip. She’s well aware of the disadvantages of Excavate, but without Mount Sylvania, she has little control over the outcome of her draws. This wouldn't bother her under normal circumstances, but this was a duel with her life on the line. Fearing the loss of another valuable card, she decides to end her turn with no further plays. “My turn.” Nosos draws. His life points stand at 3300 against Fluttershy’s 4000. He activates the spell Surface to bring back Snow Dragon from the graveyard in defense position and normal summons Snowman Creator. A silly looking, snowman shaped robot appears on the field, its appearance contrasting comically with the fierceness of the Snowdust Dragon. It begins throwing snow around, covering Sylvan Princessprite, Sylvan Hermitree and Sylvan Sagequoia with even more ice. “When Snowman Creator is summoned, I can place a number of Ice Counters on your monsters equal to the number of WATER monsters I control!” He points at one of Fluttershy’s set cards. “And if I place three or more, I can destroy one of your cards!” Fluttershy watches horrified as her set Draining Shield freezes and shatters. Nosos overlays his level four Snow Dragon with his level four Snowman Creator. “Xyz summon!” The wind picks up, creating a twister that engulfs the two monsters. Fluttershy shields her face while Nosos spreads his arms and shouts, “Cast those who would oppose our Lady Nightmare into the freezing depths of the abyss! Xyz summon!” The ground shakes and a massive, blue-skinned ogre appears, carrying a gigantic mace made of ice. Its powerfully muscled body is covered in protuberances and patches of solid ice like armor. “Snowdust Giant!” The monster locks its red eyes on Fluttershy and lets out a deafening roar. Fluttershy takes a step back fearfully, but is surprised when the Snowdust Giant’s attack points appear at only 2200. Nosos smiles, a fearsome grin that threatens to split his cheeks. He activates Moray of Greed, shuffles Blizzard Dragon and Fenrir back into his deck and draws three cards. Nosos wordlessly detaches an Xyz material from his Snowdust Giant and reveals two of the three cards in his hand: both copies of Snowman Creator. Before Fluttershy can even ask, the Snowdust Giant inhales deeply and then breathes a stream of ice all over her monsters. The poor girl shivers, her side of the field practically covered in snow and ice. Nosos delights in explaining, “By revealing any number of WATER monsters in my hand, Snowdust Giant can place that same number of Ice Counters on your monsters! And they all lose 200 attack points for each one!” Fluttershy’s face turns pale. She checks the screen of her Duel Disk which displays the exact numbers. Three Ice Counters on Sylvan Flowerknight, lowering his attack points to 1500. Four Ice Counters on Sylvan Princessprite, Sylvan Hermitree and Sylvan Sagequoia, lowering their attack points to 1300, 2200 and 2100, respectively. “Have you finally realized my true strategy?” Nosos asks. He sets a single card and aims a clawed hand at Sylvan Princessprite. “Crush her, Snowdust Giant!” Sylvan Princessprite watches helplessly, her body immobilized by ice, as the ogre raises its giant club with a single hand, holding it over its head for a second, before delivering a devastating strike. Fluttershy coughs and holds her chest in pain as her life points go down to 3100. Nosos follows with the attack of Snowdust Dragon on Sylvan Hermitree. “Frostbite Breath!” Sylvan Hermitree freezes up to the last leaf and explodes into a cloud of powder. Fluttershy’s life points go down further, to 2500. Nosos watches delighted as Fluttershy falls down on her knees, shivering and hugging her body tightly. Everything will be over in the next turn, he thinks. Snowman Creator will destroy any defenses she tries to set up and my set Prideful Roar will ensure none of her monsters can match mine. Nosos ends his turn. “Don’t feel bad,” he says gleefully. “Your body will help sustain another life and your soul will spend an eternity in darkness with the knowledge your friends will be there too…” “I can’t lose…” Fluttershy breaths through her teeth. “My friends…I have to help my friends…” She slowly stands up. “My animals…are waiting for me…” Her legs wobble and she almost stumbles backwards. “And I still…” She holds the top card of her deck tightly, takes several breaths and shouts, “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for!” Fluttershy pulls the card with all of her strength. “Draw!” The cards in her hand are: Flowerbot, Mistake and Negate Attack. None of these cards can help me, she thinks grimly. Looking at her opponent, Fluttershy realizes he could have inflicted more damage, but instead chose his targets specifically to limit her ways to use Excavate. “Still nothing, eh?” Nosos grins and tilts his head sideways, nearly touching his shoulder. The light of the full moon makes his teeth glow faintly. “Don’t worry, I’m not without mercy; surrender and your trip to oblivion will at least be painless.” Fluttershy ignores his words and turns to her Sylvan Sagequoia. The monster is almost completely covered in ice and with its eyes closed, as if trying to endure the cold. She whispers, “I know you can’t hear me, but I’m going to trust everything on you.” Fluttershy sharply turns to Nosos and loudly declares, “I activate the effect of Sylvan Sagequoia!” She successfully excavates Sylvan Princessprout. “When Sylvan Princessprout is excavated and sent to the graveyard, I can special summon her in any level from one to eight, and I choose seven!” A cute, little girl appears on the field, wearing a long dress with vibrant colored, floral patterns. “With my level seven Sylvan Sagequoia and my level seven Sylvan Princessprout, I build an Overlay Network!” Both monsters transform into streams of light and a black portal opens below them, absorbing them both. “XYZ Summon!” A pillar of light explodes upwards from inside the portal. “Come, serene ruler of all things in nature! Rank seven! Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter!” A beautiful giant bird emerges from the light, irradiating the whole field. Its pure white body is covered with wild flowers of all kinds and its wings shimmer with orange and red tones. Nosos screams and shields his face from the light while Fluttershy spreads her arms and basks in the warmth it brings. She activates the effect of Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter. The giant bird lets out a melodious cry that shatters the ice around Sylvan Flowerknight. The young knight banishes in a cloud of sparkles, a serene expression on his face. Fluttershy takes the four cards from the top of her deck, rearranges them and places them back. She continues by detaching an Xyz material from her monster to excavate up to three cards from the top of her deck. She reveals Sylvan Guardioak, Sylvan Lotuswain and Sylvan Waterslide, sending the first two to the graveyard and placing the trap on the bottom of her deck. Raising her hand upwards, she calls the name of her monster’s effect, “Divine Wind of Tranquility!” Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter flaps its wings and creates a gale that sends Nosos’ monsters and set card back to his hand. He snarls and growls in frustration like a wild animal. Undeterred, Fluttershy normal summons Flowerbot and orders a direct attack from both of her monsters. The diminutive, mechanical flower aims his toy gun and fires a shot at Nosos, lowering his life points to 1800 and sending him stumbling backwards. Orea, the Sylvan High Arbiter follows, flapping its wings once again to create a gale. Nosos howls, his life points going down to zero, and his body vanishes in a puff of smoke, along with Fluttershy’s monsters and the black mist around them. Silence. Fluttershy lets out a breath of exhaustion. She looks at her deck, smiles warmly and mutters a soft “thank you”. > Duel Ten - Into the Everfree - Snake Fangs! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie places her index finger on top of her deck, slides her thumb upwards until she holds five cards and draws them with great fanfare. Spreading them with a flick of her wrist, Pinkie checks her options and picks two cards between her index and middle fingers, slapping them over her Duel Disk in a single motion. “Performapal Flip Hippo and Performapal Hip Hippo!” Two cute hippos, a chocolate colored one and an strawberry colored one, materialize on the field. Standing on their hind legs, they tip their hats and bow together. Pinkie explains cheerfully, “When Performapal Flip Hippo is normal summoned, I can special summon a Performapal from my hand and then change them into defense position!” She winks and asks, “How do you like my Super Defense Two-Flavored Hippo Combo?” Akhlys shakes his head. “It’s useless,” he states drily. “Every monster you summon will die in the same slow, painful way.” Pinkie pouts. “You’re no fun, you know that?” She ends her turn with no further plays. Akhlys draws his initial hand of five cards, plus one. “Your suffering begins now,” he states sinisterly as he places a card on the Field Spell zone. The ground under both duelists’ feet cracks and a thick, reddish water begins bubbling up, quickly covering the whole field. Pinkie squeaks as the water rises up to her knees. “I-It’s cold!” Akhlys places a card on his Monster Zone and a twin-headed, bright green snake emerges from below the water. The two heads hiss and bare their fangs at Pinkie. Akhlys commands, “Go, Venom Serpent!” The snake rears both heads back and sprays Performapal Hip Hippo on the face with a viscous substance. The poor hippo whines and rubs its eyes, its attack points going down to 300 points. Akhlys follows with the attack of his monster on Performapal Flip Hippo. Venom Serpent dives underwater, emerging behind Performapal Flip Hippo and wrapping itself around the hippo’s body before biting down hard. Pinkie cringes as her monster is dragged down to a watery grave. Akhlys sets two cards. “My turn is over.” As soon as he says those words, Performapal Hip Hippo falls down, sinking into the swamp. “Who—why—what!?” Pinkie frantically does a time out gesture. She begins tapping furiously on the screen of her Duel Disk, muttering under her breath as her eyes rapidly scan the words displayed. “Uhh…Venom Serpent…Venom Swamp…during each player’s End Phase: place one Venom Counter on each face-up monster, except Venom monsters. Monsters lose 500 attack points for each Venom Counter on them. Destroy a monster if its attack becomes zero by this effect.” She blinks twice and mutters, “Wow.”  Akhlys chuckles. “Do you see it now?” He asks. “The terror that awaits you?” Much to his surprise, however, Pinkie grins and nods rapidly. “Yup! Yup!” She pumps her fist and declares, “I’ll have to go all out against you!” Ignoring the low growl coming from under Akhlys mask, Pinkie begins her turn by drawing a card, bringing her hand count to four. She smiles enthusiastically and declares, “With my Performapal Parrotrio and my Performapal Swincobra I set the Pendulum Scale!” Akhlys protests they both have a Pendulum Scale of two, but Pinkie points out she can change Performapal Parrotrio’s to seven if she controls a Performapal on her other Pendulum Zone. “Swing, swing! And trace an arc in the sky like a smile!” A single beam of light falls on her side of the field, revealing a big bear dressed in regal attire, complete with cape and a crown. Pinkie announces the monster’s name, “Performapal King Bear!” The monster’s stats appear at 2200/1000. Pinkie immediately orders an attack on Venom Serpent. “Performapal King Bear gains an extra 100 attack points for each Performapal I control during the Battle Phase!” Venom Serpent is destroyed and Akhlys’ life points go down to 2700. Pinkie spins, striking a pose and says, “Hail to the king, baby!” Akhlys lets out a loud “hmph” and unveils his set cards. “Snake Whistle! Damage=Reptile!” A second Venom Serpent emerges from the swamp, as well as a darker colored rattlesnake. “Jeepers!” Pinkie exclaims. She quickly points out that, since Performapal King Bear inflicted damage, Akhlys has to send the top card of his deck to the graveyard, thanks to Performapal Swincobra’s effect. He silently complies. Pinkie sets the last card in her hand. “Alright, it’s your turn!” she declares, pointing with her index finger forward. Performapal King Bear lets out a mournful growl and its attack points decrease to 1700. Akhlys draws. “Venom Serpent! Venom Snake!” Both monsters dive underwater and emerge a second later to bite Performapal King Bear on its rear legs, lowering its attack points to a mere 700. Performapal King Bear roars and thrashes, but the two vipers have already returned to Akhlys side. He sacrifices them both to summon Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes. Pinkie watches with eyes like saucers as a massive humanoid snake emerges from the bottom of the swamp. The monster’s upper body is concealed by a robe and a golden crown in the shape of a cobra’s head. Two dozen snakes emerge from under its clothes, coiled around each other like arms. Akhlys explains, “Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes gains 500 attack points for each Reptile monster in my graveyard!” The monster’s attack points calculate at 2000. Pinkie does a quick count with her fingers and protests, “But you only sent three there!” Akhlys chuckles. “Why yes…” He reveals Venom Boa in his graveyard. “You sent this one here.” Pinkie’s face pales as she realizes it was due to the effect of her Performapal Swincobra. “Uh-oh…” “Destroy it!” Akhlys suddenly shouts. “Venom Blow!” With astonishing speed, Vennominon raises its “arms” and every snake sprays Performapal King Bear simultaneously. Performapal King Bear falls unmoving into the depths of the swamp and Pinkie’s life points decrease to 2700. She lets out a scream of pain and doubles over, hugging her torso. “I-It hurts…” Akhlys laughs thunderously. “And it will only get worse!” He spreads his arms and adds, “But by all means, don’t give up! I want to enjoy this more!” Pinkie takes a deep breath before straightening herself. She holds the air, her puffed up cheeks becoming redder, until she suddenly slaps them both to let all the air out. “Alright!” She strikes a fighting pose and says, “Bring it on!” Akhlys ends his turn. He grumbles softly and mutters, “Fool…” “My turn!” Pinkie draws. Her newest card, Performapal Recasting, is useless by itself. She sets it aside, switches the Pendulum Scale of Performapal Parrotrio to seven and Pendulum Summons Performapal King Bear in attack position from her Extra Deck. “Go for it!” Performapal King Bear roars and knocks down Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes with a single strike of its mighty claws, lowering Akhlys’ life points to 2400. Unfazed, he removes Venom Boa from his graveyard and Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes emerges once again from the depths of the swamp, much to Pinkie’s shock and surprise. “When Vennominon is destroyed in battle, I can special summon it right back by banishing a Reptile-Type monster in my graveyard,” Akhlys explains gleefully. Vennominon’s attack points recalculate at 1500. Pinkie bites her lower lip. “That’s okay,” she reassures herself. “My Performapal King Bear still has the bigger attack!” She ends her turn and Venom Swamp lowers the attack points of Performapal King Bear down to 1700. “Don’t be so sure,” Akhlys retorts. He draws and immediately plays the spell Venom Shot. “By sending a Reptile-Type monster from my deck to the graveyard I can place two Venom Counters on one of your face-up monsters!” He takes a second copy of Venom Snake and places it into his graveyard. Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes sprays Performapal King Bear, lowering its attack points to 700, while its own attack increases to 2000. Akhlys shouts, “Venom Blow!” Pinkie braces herself, but the pain still sends her stumbling backwards and very nearly making her fall into the water of the swamp. Her life points decrease drastically, to 1400. As she rests her hands on her knees while gasping for air, she cannot help but make a comment, “Note…to self…check the…card text before…attacking next time…” Akhlys sets a single card. “I end my turn.” Pinkie’s breath stabilizes, but she still can feel her heart beating hard inside her chest. “How come you don’t even flinch when you get hit?” she asks with a slight frown of suspicion. Akhlys tilts his head, a gesture that, coupled with his bird-like mask, results in an unsettling view. He asks back, “And why should I? The purpose of a Duel of Darkness is to cull the weak. It’s only natural they suffer for their weakness.” He pauses before adding, “Like you or that pathetic brat our Lady Nightmare punished herself…” Pinkie frown deepens. For the first time, there’s no trace of her usual cheerfulness. “Hey! Don’t you say bad things about Spike! He did nothing to you guys!” Akhlys laughs. “Did I hit a nerve?” he taunts. “Don’t worry, you’ll be following in his footsteps soon enough!” Pinkie grits her teeth. “Draw!” She looks at her newest card and nods. “I switch Performapal Parrotrio’s Pendulum Scale to seven and Pendulum Summon!” Performapal King Bear appears back on the field, alongside Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer, both on defense position. Using the latter’s effect, Pinkie destroys Performapal Parrotrio and Performapal Swincobra, sending them face-up to the Extra Deck, to retrieve Performapal Springoose and Performapal Friendonkey from her deck. “Performapal Recasting!” Pinkie reveals her two Performapal monsters, shuffles them back into her deck and draws three cards. Her smile returns at seeing the contents of her new hand. She picks a card, holds it above her head and shouts, “Ultimate Spicy Flavored Combo of Victory! Performance Hurricane!” Pinkie slids the card into her Duel Disk and explains, “I can return a card you control to your hand for every one of my Performapals!” Akhlys scoffs, “Predictable.” He unveils his set card, Snake Deity’s Command and reveals the remaining card in his hand, the third copy of Venom Snake. The holographic projection of Performance Hurricane darkens and sinks into the swamp. Pinkie’s smile falters. She looks at her hand, containing Performapal Extra Slinger and Archfiend Eccentrick. I can’t make a Pendulum Summon like this, she thinks dismayed. Maybe I could use Archfiend Eccentrick to get rid of Venom Swamp? Suddenly, her eyes widen as a thought comes to her mind. Pinkie clicks her tongue and her smile returns in full force. “I end my turn!” she declares confidently. Venom Swamp lowers the attack points of Performapal King Bear and Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer to 1700 and 1000, respectively. “My turn.” Akhlys draws and immediately sets his new card. “Venom Blow!” He waves his hand at Performapal King Bear and the monster is destroyed once again in a shower of poison. Akhlys ends his turn and the attack points of Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer go down further, to 500. “My turn!” Pinkie draws, adding Performapal Drummerilla to her hand. She thinks she just needs to hold a bit longer. “I end my turn!” The attack points of Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer reach zero and the monster is swallowed by Venom Swamp. “Idiot brat,” Akhlys hisses. “What are you trying to achieve?” Pinkie grins cheerfully and winks. “It’s a surprise!” Akhlys shakes his head. “Have you finally lost your mind?” He asks, tapping his mask at the side of his head. “How can you keep smiling like that even now?” Pinkie rolls her eyes and sighs exaggeratedly. “Well, duh!” She points at her chest with her thumb and answers, “How can I make others smile if I don’t smile myself?” She puts the tip of her index fingers on the corners of her mouth and pushes up, making a comical smile to drive her point forward. Akhlys draws fiercely. “Then fall into the darkness smiling!” He points forward and shouts, “Go, Vennominon! Venom Blow!” Pinkie swiftly answers with her set card. “Trap card! Performapal Pinch Helper!” The attack is negated and a cartoonish, yellow and red snake wearing a top hat jumps from under the water. It waves its tail, which has a glove attached at the tip. Pinkie calls her monster’s name, “Performapal Partnaga!” She pumps her fist and declares, “I’m going to fight fire with fire! Snake with snake!” Akhlys chuckles. “I see,” he mutters sinisterly. “So that’s your plan? Hold on until you can prepare a counterattack?” He slids a card into his Duel Disk. “You fool! I’ll dash your hopes with this spell! Snake Rain!” Akhlys discards Venom Snake, then picks four Reptile-Type monsters from his deck: three copies of Venom Cobra and one of Venom Boa. The attack points of Vennominon the King of Poisonous Snakes skyrocket to 4500. He finishes his turn and Venom Swamp claims the life of Performapal Partnaga. “It’s my turn!” Pinkie shouts, drawing a card by tracing an arc over her head. “With my scale two Performapal Drummerilla and my scale seven Archfiend Eccentrick I set the Pendulum Scale!” Her two monsters ascend in pillars of light at her sides. “Swing, swing! And trace an arc in the sky like a smile! Pendulum Summon!” Multiple beams of light fall over her side of the field. “My friends!” Performapal King Bear appears in attack position, flanked by Performapal Partnaga, Performapal Parrotrio, Performapal Swincobra and the newly drawn Performapal Guitartle, all of them in defense position. Performapal Partnaga stretches, encircling all of the other monsters together, and Performapal King Bear’s attack points go up to 3700. Pinkie explains, “When Performapal Partnaga is summoned, I can give one of my monsters 300 attack points for each one of my Performapals!” She spins her right arm and then punches forward. “Battle time!” Performapal King Bear charges and its attack points increase further, to 4200. Pinkie points to her Performapal Drumerilla and shouts, “Drumming Beats!” Performapal King Bear’s attack increases one last time, to 4800, and it destroys Vennominon with a fierce slash. Akhlys’ life points decrease to 2100. Pinkie cheers, “Booyah!” Akhlys shakes his head. “Useless.” He banishes Venom Cobra and Vennominon returns to the field with 4000 attack points. Pinkie keeps her confident look as she declares the end of her turn. The swamp consumes every single one of her monsters with the exception of Performapal King Bear, which gets its attack points down to 1700. Akhlys draws and immediately activates the spell Magic Planter, getting rid of his face-up Damage=Reptile trap to draw two cards. “I will teach you a lesson in futility.” He activates the spell Hammer Shot from his hand. “This will destroy the monster with the highest attack points on the field.” Pinkie blinks confused and points out that’s Vennominon. Akhlys laughs loudly. “Precisely!” A torrent of water disintegrates Vennominon and Akhlys waves his hand over his set card. “Trap card open! Rise of the Snake Deity!” The water begins bubbling and a gigantic tail emerges surrounding both duelists. Akhlys spreads his arms and chants loudly, “Poison and devour those who would oppose our Lady Nightmare!” A massive humanoid snake with brilliant blue scales, twice the size of Vennominon, rises from behind Akhlys. The monster’s torso is that of a woman with eyes like rubies and snakes for hair. “Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes!” “Y-Yikes…” Pinkie mutters, fearfully taking a step backwards as Vennominaga raises its “arms”, both snakes large enough to swallow a cow whole. Akhlys begins explaining gleefully, “Vennominaga gains 500 attack points for each Reptile-Type monster in my graveyard. It cannot be targeted or affected by the effect of Spells, Traps or other monsters and, if destroyed by battle, I can bring it back by banishing a Reptile.” He shouts proudly, “It is the strongest creature in my arsenal!” He follows with Burial from a Different Dimension to return his banished Venom Boa and Venom Cobra to the graveyard. Vennominaga’s attack points calculate at 5500. Akhlys orders the killing blow, “Destroy her, Vennominaga! Absolute Venom!” Pinkie sends Performapal Pinch Helper to the graveyard. Performapal King Bear is destroyed, but she suffers no damage. Akhlys scoffs, “You are a slippery little worm, but I’ll tell you something.” He raises his right hand, pointing at Vennominaga behind him. “When Vennominaga inflicts Battle Damage, it gains an Hyper-Venom Counter. Once it gains three of those, the duel will be over regardless of your life points!” He laughs triumpanthly before declaring the end of his turn. Pinkie draws. She bows, spreads her arms and begins addressing an invisible audience, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Please give an applause to my friends, who fought bravely in this duel!” Akhlys looks baffled as Pinkie places her right hand over her chest and continues her speech, “It’s true we cannot defeat Vennominaga,” she raises her right hand and declares, “But we can still win this duel working together!” “What are you talking about!?” Akhlys asks exasperated. Pinkie activates the effect of Archfiend Eccentrick to destroy it along with Performapal Drummerilla on the opposing Pendulum Zone, effectively emptying her field. Taking a card from her hand, she sets it on her Pendulum Zone. “Performapal Extra Slinger!” A young boy dressed in a colorful attire with star prints ascends in a column of light to her side. Pinkie explains cheerfully, “Once per turn, I can inflict 300 points of damage to you for each face-up monster in my Extra Deck!” There's a moment of silence before Akhlys realizes the meaning of her words and let’s out a pitiful squeal. Pinkie makes a show of counting with her fingers and enumerating, “There’s King Bear, Partnaga, Guitartle, Parrotrio, Swincobra, Drummerilla and Archfiend Eccentrick.” She nods and confirms, “That’s makes seven of them!” Performapal Extra Slinger prepares to fire a small ball of energy with a toy sling. Pinkie points at Akhlys with her index finger and thumb raised upwards in the shape of a gun. She winks and says, “Boom, baby!” Akhlys keeps waving his hands and shouting to no avail. Performapal Extra Slinger opens fire, hitting him right on his face, shattering his mask and lowering his life points to zero. Akhlys’ body vanishes in a puff of black smoke and the mist barrier around them immediately explodes upwards like a tornado. Pinkie squeaks and shields his face as the Venom Swamp, Vennominaga and her Extra Slinger are vacuumed, leaving her alone in the middle of the woods. Pinkie giggles exhausted. She asks to no one, “Did you enjoy the show?” The sound of running water reaches the ears of Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity, making them hasten their pace, until they arrive to the edge of a raging river. “I take it we have to cross to the other side in order to continue?” Rarity asks, eyeing the water with concern. Twilight replies in affirmative. The three girls begin looking around for a bridge, or at least a fallen log large enough to function as one. Rainbow Dash even takes into the sky, looking around for a while before descending and shaking her head dejectedly. As the girls ponder their options, Rarity comments about having heard once that rivers like this one were created from the tears of rage cried by ancient, sea dragons. Rainbow Dash snorts and comments that’s one of the dumbest things she’s ever heard. Twilight turns to Rainbow Dash and asks, “Do you think you could carry us across one at a time?” Rainbow Dash grins. “Is that a challenge?” Before Twilight can answer, Rainbow Dash picks her up bridal-style, making her squeak in surprise. Rainbow Dash spreads her wings, crouches and then shoots upwards and forward; once she reaches the middle of the river, she glides down gracefully and lands on the opposite shore. Twilight hops down and lets out a small breath. “Thank you,” she says. “I have to admit that was quite skillful from your part; putting all your strenght on the first flap and then gliding to better handle the weight.” Rainbow Dash shrugs casually. “Eh, it was nothing, really.” Her grin turns mischieveous. “Speaking about weight, you may want to check yours; you’re a bit on the heavy side.” Twilight blushes furiously. “W-Why you! I’ll let you know that I control my diet exte--” She doesn’t even get to finish before Rainbow Dash takes into the sky again. Suddenly, a column of water shoots upwards from the middle of the river, blocking Rainbow Dash’s path and and making her beat her wings hastily to stay airborne. “W-What the--!?” She protests bewildered. On the top of the water column stands a hooded figure, cape spread in the shape of bat-like wings. Unlike the previous foes, this one is clearly a woman; her tight-fitting black clothes heightening her voluptuous figure. Resting her right hand on her waist, she smiles smugly and says chidingly, “Foolish child, did you think I would let you cross this river without paying the toll?” She daintily extends her left hand, unveling a piece of armor from which extends a silver blade of pure magical energy, her Duel Disk. “I am Stygere. Faithful servant of Lady Nightmare Moon.” “Oh yeah?” Rainbow Dash asks as she prepares to ignite her Duel Disk. “I’ve got your toll right here, you witch!” A pure white piece of cloth suddenly wraps around Stygere’s neck swiftly and tightly like a snake. “W-Wha--” She turns around to see Rarity holding the other end of the cloth as it manifests from the Forbidden Dress card placed on her Duel Disk. “Didn’t they teach you the proper etiquette for group conversations?” Rarity asks in the same chiding tone Stygere used. “You shouldn’t focus on a single person and leave others dangling on the periphery, darling.” Rainbow Dash looks at Rarity, who winks at her. Getting the message, Rainbow Dash nods and flies back next to Twilight, who kept watching the scene with trepidation. The two of them do not need to exchange words. Looking at Rarity one last time, they quickly head deeper into the Everfree Forest. With a low growl of frustration, Stygere rips the cloth from around her neck. She descends to the ground, facing Rarity with a hateful smile and hisses, “I’ll make you regret taking your friend’s place…” Rarity flicks her hair with a confident smile and retorts, “Words are redundant; let your duel do the talking.” > Duel Eleven - Into the Everfree - Battle Mania! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight’s heart pounds heavily inside her chest, her throat feels like it's burning and her feet hurt. She thinks she’s definitely not used to running. Several steps ahead of her, Rainbow Dash moves with a swiftness Twilight had only seen among those who possessed Earth Magic. After what feels like an eternity, both girls emerge from the forest to see a large castle in ruins. A thick wall of fog surrounds it. The huge full moon shines above them, brighter than before. It seems so close that they could reach out and clasp it in their hands. “There it is, the Castle of the Two Sisters!” Twilight exclaims excitedly. “We made it, Rainbow!” Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah!” There is a long moment of silence where the two of them look intently towards the castle. Twilight asks, “Do you see anything?” Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nope.” She folds her arms. “Then again, these guys like to come out of nowhere.” Twilight’s expression turns somber. She asks, “How would you like to proceed?” Rainbow Dash blinks twice in confusion. Twilight adds, “Nightmare Moon is probably waiting inside the castle.” Rainbow Dash snaps her fingers. “Oh right!” She scratches her chin with a thoughtful expression, then takes a single card from the Extra Deck slot of her Duel Disk and hands it to Twilight. “Here, take this one with you.” Twilight looks at the card and her eyes widen in surprise. “Clear Wing Synchro Dragon?” She asks in disbelief. “But this is your best monster!” Rainbow Dash raises her hands. “Whoa there, I’m not giving it to you, okay?” she warns with a slight frown. “As soon as you beat Nightmare Moon, I’m taking it back.” Twilight is not convinced. “Are you sure? Wouldn’t your deck be severely weakened without this monster?” Rainbow Dash waves her hand dismissively. “Nah, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon only makes about twenty percent of my deck’s power.” Twilight protests, “But that’s an inordinate amount for a single card!” She frowns in suspicion. “Do you have any idea what you’re talking about or did you just throw out that number to look cool?” Rainbow Dash blushes. “S-Shut up and take it, okay?” She folds her arms and looks away. “Spike said you can handle all the summoning methods, didn't he? You should have no problems then.” Twilight sighs, but her lips curve into a smile. She slides the card inside her Extra Deck slot. “Thank you, Rainbow,” she says with all sincerity. “I’ll make good use of your monster.” Rainbow Dash grins. “That’s what I’m talking about!” She punches her palm. “I’ll take care of the last of those hooded losers; you just keep going and get into the castle.” Twilight nods and both girls begin marching towards the Castle of the Two Sisters. Rarity watches with defiant eyes as Stygere spreads her arms wide and throws her head back dramatically. A wall of black mist erupts around them. It swirls like a maelstrom, crackling and sizzling threateningly with lightning. Both duelists draw their initial hands of five cards. Picking a card from her hand, Stygere smirks and declares, “Ladies first.” Rarity doesn’t say a word, instead folding her arms daintily. Stygere begins playing Graceful Charity, drawing three cards and discarding two. She follows with the Continuous Spell, Call of the Mummy, to special summon a Zombie-Type monster from her hand. A flaming skull materializes on her side of the field, its empty eye sockets glowing with eerie light. The skull lets out a bloodcurling shriek and quickly encircles Rarity. Stygere’s demeanor changes on the fly; she becomes extremely aggressive. “When Burning Skull Head is special summoned it inflicts 1000 points of damage!” Rarity gasps in shock. The Burning Skull Head increases its speed and she screams in pain as she’s consumed in a whirlwind of fire. Stygere’s smirk widens. “Oh my!” She puts her index and middle fingers over her lips to mask a giggle. “I hope my choice of a hiding spot back there didn’t give you the wrong idea.” Stygere whispers sadistically, “I have a fondness for burning effects, you see.” She discards Skull Conductor and special summons two more copies of Burning Skull Head from her hand. Both monsters strike Rarity with a loud shriek, lowering her life points further, to a mere 1000. The shock causes Rarity to drop her cards and fall on her knees and hands, coughing and hacking. “Fascinating, isn’t it?” Stygere asks waving her right hand around. “In a Duel of Darkness, the attack and effects of my monsters will induce allucinations to your tiny brain. So, even if your body does not suffer any damage, the pain will feel very real. And once your life points hit zero…” She shakes her head. “We shouldn’t ruin the surprise.” Rarity thinks the pain is like that of a heavy fever, extending all over her body. A chill goes down her spine as she remembers what happened to Spike, and thinks about Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. Stygere waves her hand dismissively. “Go ahead and take your turn. I suggest you use it to look back at everything you left behind, to curse your past decisions and beg for your pathetic life.” The light from the flames of her monsters bathes her whole body in an orange glow, but the upper half of her face remains shrouded in darkness, leaving only her sinister smile visible. It takes Rarity more than a minute to recover. She stands up and straightens herself. Despite the fact her long hair is sprawled and concealing the left side of her face, she still maintains an air of sophistication and grace. She waves her hand, glowing with ethereal light, and levitates the dropped cards back to her hand. “My turn,” she declares firmly. “Draw!”           After briefly examining her hand, Rarity activates Polymerization to fuse Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight Purple Butterfly from her hand. “Fusion Summon!” Lunalight Cat Dancer takes to the field. The light of the full moon permeating through the barrier of black mist heightens the monster’s beauty. Using Lunalight Black Sheep’s effect, Rarity retrieves Lunalight Purple Butterfly and immediately normal summons her. The monster appears fluttering gracefully. Rarity offers Lunalight Purple Butterfly as a tribute to activate Lunalight Cat Dancer’s effect and attack all opposing monsters. “Full Moon Mayhem! Endless Waltz!” Lunalight Cat Dancer moves with terrifying speed, her daggers gleaming as she makes short work of the three Burning Skull Heads in defense position. Stygere watches unfazed as her life points go down to 3700, thanks to Lunalight Cat Dancer’s effect. She comments sarcastically, “Oh my, 300 points of damage!” Rarity sets three cards, effectively emptying her hand. She takes a moment to fix her hair before calmly declaring the end of her turn. Stygere draws. She looks at her newest card and grins triumphantly. “Foolish girl, you just finished digging your own grave.” Stygere banishes the discarded Skull Flame from her graveyard. The ground cracks and pulsates with red hot energy. She chants loudly, “Come forth, demon racing through the depths of the abyss! Turn all who oppose our Lady Nightmare into ashes!” Flames erupt from the ground. “Supersonic Skull Flame!” A demonic-looking, skeletal centaur emerges from the flames. It rears up on its hind legs and lets out a howl that shakes the very air around. Rarity swiftly unveils the first of her set cards, a Quick-Play Spell. “Forbidden Chalice!” The attack points of Supersonic Skull Flame go up to 3000. She explains, “The monster targeted by Forbidden Chalice will gain 400 attack points in exchange of negating its effects.” Stygere scowls deeply. She thinks she could have finished Rarity with Supersonic Skull Flame’s burn effect. “Fine,” she hisses. “I’ll destroy you with brute force!” She orders the attack of Supersonic Skull Flame. Rarity answers with De-Fusion to send Lunalight Cat Dancer back to the Extra Deck, bringing Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight Purple Butterfly back in defense position. Stygere grits her teeth and furiously shouts Supersonic Skull Flame to aim for the strongest monster. The demonic centaur savagely tramples Lunalight Purple Butterfly, allowing Rarity to flip her last set card. “Lunalight Reincarnation Dance!” She takes Lunalight White Rabbit and Lunalight Blue Cat from her deck and adds them to her hand. Stygere composes herself. Idiot brat, she thinks disdainfully. Try and destroy my Supersonic Skull Flame, if you can. As soon as you do, I’ll use its effect to bring back the second Skull Flame in my graveyard, and with it, I’ll retrieve Burning Skull Head to deliver the finishing blow. She threatens loudly that Rarity’s next turn will be her last before declaring the end of her’s. Rarity takes a breath and draws. She smiles, pleased with the results. She normal summons Lunalight White Rabbit and uses her effect to special summon Lunalight Purple Butterfly back to the field. Rarity slids Fusion Gate into the Field Spell slot and the space above them warps. She banishes Lunalight Black Sheep and Lunalight White Rabbit to summon Lunalight Cat Dancer once again, then tributes Lunalight Purple Butterfly to activate Lunalight Cat Dancer’s effect. Stygere scoffs, “That pitiful trick again?” Rarity wordlessly banishes Lunalight Purple Butterfly from her graveyard to special summon Lunalight Blue Cat from her hand. The attack points of Lunalight Cat Dancer double up to 4800, much to Stygere’s shock. Rarity flicks a stray lock of her hair and, smiling confidently, says, “Next time, save your words for when you have the cards to back them up, darling.” At the command of her master, Lunalight Cat Dancer zigzagges forward, creating the illusion that there's more than one of her. The maiden stops right in front of Supersonic Skull Flame and slashes its front legs, making it fall forward, before burying both daggers under the demonic centaur’s chin. Supersonic Skull Flame crumbles under the astonished gaze of Stygere. “N-No,” she mutters in disbelief as her life points go down to zero. Her body vanishes in a puff of smoke, much to Rarity’s surprise, and the remaining cards soon follow, along with the dome of black mist. Rarity turns off her Duel Disk and lets out a breath of exhaustion. She shakes her head and looks at the river in front of her, which has calmed down considerably. After a moment of deliberation, she bites her lower lip and asks herself, “How am I supposed to cross to the other side now?” As Twilight and Rainbow Dash approach the Castle of the Two Sisters, the wall of fog parts to reveal a massive gorge, and a worn-out, old rope bridge connecting both sides. On the other extreme of the bridge, a lone, shadowy figure awaits. Twilight frowns. “I guess we won’t have to be on the lookout for this one.” Rainbow Dash grins and clenches her right fist. “Great! I don’t like wasting my time with dumb games!” “I am Anaplekte!” the figure shouts in a thunderous, masculine voice that can be heard clearly even from the other side of the gorge. “Loyal servant of Lady Nightmare Moon!” Much like the others, he’s fully clad in black, but unlike them, his whole body is hidden by his clothes, with the exception of his arms. His face is covered by a plain mask with a line-shaped visor. “I commend your efforts, but this is the end of the road for you!” Anaplekte ignites his Duel Disk. The silver blade of magical energy can almost be mistaken for a sword in the distance. Rainbow Dash chuckles. “He’s full of energy, isn’t he? Will you be able to get past him, Twilight?” Twilight nods solemnly. “I can handle it.” She asks concerned, “What about you, Rainbow? Will you be okay?” Rainbow Dash grins confidently. “I’ll be done in a jiffy.” She tilts her head and adds, “Now quit worrying and get going!” Twilight smiles one last time at Rainbow Dash, before turning in the direction of Anaplekte. She begins crossing the bridge steadily. Anaplekte readies himself. “So you will be first? Fine by me!” Twilight smiles. Her magical aura flares and her body suddenly disappears in a flash of blinding light.   Anaplekte shouts, “What!?” He quickly turns around to see Twilight running into the castle, but before he can take a single step forward, Rainbow Dash descends in front of him. She smirks and says, “Hold your horses, chump! You’re dealing with me!” Anaplekte wordlessly spreads his cape in the shape of bat-like wings and shoots upwards at great speed, with Rainbow Dash quickly going after him. The chase is intense, both of them appearing as mere blurs to the untrained eye, moving in unpredictable patterns among the ruined spires of the old castle. Rainbow Dash is surprised somebody can match her speed with such strange wings. Anaplekte comes to a halt and lands on top of a spire. Rainbow Dash remains airborne, watching him warily. Her breath is controlled, but her heart pounds inside her chest. The fact she cannot see Anaplekte’s face or body greatly irks her. He chuckles softly and says, “To be able to follow my movements like that, your speed is admirable.” Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Yeah, you’re not half bad yourself.” She tilts her head and adds, “Keeping up with me with those weird wings of yours.” Anaplekte spreads his “wings” once again and says, “This is a gift of our Lady Nightmare Moon.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen in shock. “Wait—what!? You’re using artificial wings?” She shakes her head rapidly. “No way! There’s no way you can fly that fast with those!” Anaplekte laughs. “Nothing is impossible for our Lady Nightmare Moon.” He pauses and then adds, “And she can be very generous with her followers.” Rainbow Dash gulps. Her lips tremble when she asks, “So she can give others wings? Even if they don't have Sky Magic?" Anaplekte extends his left hand invitingly. “She can give you anything you wish for.” He raises his index finger and adds, “The only thing she requires is your loyalty.” Rainbow Dash bites her lower lip. “Y-Yeah…” She shakes her head chuckles weakly. “Thanks, but no thanks.” With a mighty flap of her wings, Rainbow Dash lands on top of a nearby spire, the opposite of Anaplekte. She ignites her Duel Disk and declares fiercely, “I’m not going to leave my friends hangin’!” Anaplekte folds his “wings”. He waves his left hand and a cloud of black mist begins encircling them, creating a perfect sphere that crackles and sizzles with lightning. “You will regret your decision,” he whispers with disdain. Both duelists draw their initial hands of five cards. Anaplekte plays a monster face-down, sets three cards and ends his turn. “My turn!” Rainbow Dash draws. In her hand there’s Speedroid Horse Stilts, Dragon’s Bind and Speedroid Skull Marbles; Speedroid Razorang, Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice and Speedroid Rubberband Plane. “I summon Speedroid Horse Stilts!” Using her monster’s effect, she special summons Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice from her hand. “Level two!” Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice spins and lands on the side matching the declared level. Rainbow Dash throws her hand up and shouts, “I tune my level four Horse Stilts with my level two Red-Eyed Dice! Synchro Summon!” The two monsters fuse in a cluster of stars and Hi-Speedroid Kendama appears. "And when I special summon a monster to the field, I can bring this one! Speedroid Rubberband Plane!" She continues banishing Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice from her graveyard. Hi-Speedroid Kendama fires a beam of light that strikes Anaplekte on the chest, lowering his life points to 3500. He doesn’t seem bothered at all. Rainbow Dash grunts and then orders the attack of her monster, “Spiral Sword!” Anaplekte’s monster is revealed as a fierce-looking soldier clad in black armor. The soldier tries to block the charge of Hi-Speedroid Kendama with his sword, but he’s torn to shreds. A fragment of the sword rockets towards Rainbow Dash, hitting her on the shoulder. She grits her teeth in pain, but before she can even process what happened, Anaplekte reveals his first set card. “Chthonian Blast!” Speedroid Rubberband Plane explodes, showering both players with debris. The pain makes Rainbow Dash’s legs wobble and she has to flap her wings once to keep her balance. Damn it, she thinks, holding her chest. This is nothing to sneeze at! Rainbow Dash shakes her head. Her life points stand at 2300 against her opponent’s 1800. She banishes Speedroid Horse Stilts from her graveyard to send Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice from her deck to her graveyard. “My turn is done!" Anaplekte draws. The visor of his mask is firmly locked on Rainbow Dash’s direction. “It's not too late. You don’t have to share the same fate as the others,” he says with a surprisingly soft voice. “Kneel before our Lady Nightmare, swear your loyalty to her and you shall be rewarded with a greater future.” Rainbow Dash quirks an eyebrow and drily asks, “Do you really want me to tell you what you can do with your little offer?” She tilts her head and adds threateningly, “Because there are no kids around here.” “I will be your doom.” Anaplekte hisses darkly. He activates Pot of Greed to increase his hand count to three. “Trap card open! Call of the Haunted!” Chthonian Soldier returns to the field with a raging battle cry. Anaplekte follows with Inferno Reckless Summon from his hand and two more soldiers appear at the sides of the first one. He activates another spell, Double Summon, before tributing two of his monsters. “Heed my call, absolute ruler of the abyss! Destroy those who oppose our Lady Nightmare with your ruthless might!” A huge, serpent-like dragon with a jet-black body and golden, plate-like scales materializes, coiled around the spire Anaplekte is standing on. It spreads its two pairs of leathery wings and leans forward, baring its fangs like a wolf about to pounce on its prey. “Chthonian Emperor Dragon!” Anaplekte reveals his last set card, “Nightmare Archfiends!” The last of the Chthonian Soldiers begins screaming in pain. His body suddenly bursts into a pyre and from the fire emerge three jet-black demons with rail thin bodies, glowing red eyes and big, deformed mouths. Rainbow Dash looks around in shock as the demons all float to her side, encircling her while laughing a shrill demonic cackle. Anaplekte demands, “Activate your skill!” Chthonian Emperor Dragon roars and the spires shake, releasing clouds of dust. He points at one of the demons on Rainbow Dash’s side. “Black Fire Breath!” The demon stops cackling and lets out a terrified shriek as the Chthonian Emperor Dragon rears its head back before breathing a stream of flames. The demon is vaporized. Rainbow Dash falls on her right knee, grasping her chest tightly. Anaplekte watches satisfied as her life points go down to 1100. He explains, “Every time one of your Archfiend Tokens is destroyed you will take 800 points of damage! And my Chthonian Emperor Dragon can attack twice during the same Battle Phase!” The devilish dragon launches a second attack on an Archfiend Token, but Rainbow Dash is ready. Her lips curve into a smile and a triangular dice jumps from her graveyard to block the attack from Chthonian Emperor Dragon. Rainbow Dash stands up, cracks her neck and grins triumphantly. She picks and reveals Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice to her opponent. “I can banish this one to negate one of your attacks.”   Anaplekte growls, “You sent that one to the graveyard on purpose!” “Congratulations,” Rainbow Dash says sarcastically. “Sorry I don’t have a cookie to give you.” Anaplekte scoffs, “It was all for nothing!” He points at her and shouts, “You won’t be able to surpass my monster!” Rainbow Dash throws her hand up and declares, “Final turn!” She draws Synchro Strike and adds it to her hand, before picking a different card. “It’s been a while since I did this,” she admits with a grin. “I tribute the two Archfiend Tokens to summon Speedroid Skull Marbles!” The demons vanish to reveal a toy locomotive. It’s colorful body contrasts with the fierce-looking skull on its front. The monster’s stats appear as 0/3000. Anaplekte asks, “Do you think that thing can protect you?” Rainbow Dash snorts, “I think you need a mask with a bigger hole, dude.” She tilts her head. “My monster is in attack position!” Anaplekte is baffled. He asks Rainbow Dash if she’s trying to end it on her own terms. Rainbow Dash replies the word “losing” is not in her dictionary. She points forward and shouts the attack of Speedroid Skull Marbles, “Speed Skull Smash!” Chthonian Emperor Dragon counterattacks, but not even its flames can stop the charge of Speedroid Skull Marbles. Rainbow Dash explains her monster cannot be destroyed in battle with a monster that was Normal Summoned or Set. “And you take any Battle Damage I would have taken from it!” "Impossible!" Anaplekte protests. He has no more cards to protect himself. Speedroid Skull Marbles crashes into Chthonian Emperor Dragon and his life points go down to zero. His body unceremoniously vanishes in a puff of smoke, followed by Chthonian Emperor Dragon, Speedroid Skull Marbles and Hi-Speedroid Kendama. The barrier of black mist goes last, gently dispersing until nothing remains. Rainbow Dash sits down on the edge of the spire, exhausted. She looks content with her victory, but she does not smile. She mutters to no one, "Wings..." > Duel Twelve - Decisive Battle! Friendship is Magic? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door opens with a loud creak, letting out a humid breeze that smells of moss and dirt. Twilight hastily makes her way through the halls of the Castle of the Two Sisters, the light of the moon and the stars coming through the windows and cracks on the walls illuminating her path. It is not until Twilight reaches a large, circular room that she stops. In front of her there’s a large window from which she can see the full moon standing in the middle of the night sky, like a painting. For a moment, the only sound in the room is that of her own heavy breathing. Suddenly, the air trembles. Black mist begins pouring into the room, concentrating into the shape of a sphere. It explodes, revealing the figure of Nightmare Moon herself. The light of the full moon pouring over her makes her obsidian armor shine like a jewel. It’s a beautiful yet terrifying visage. Twilight grits her teeth and clenches her fists tightly, but cannot make her hands stop trembling. Her mind is flooded with memories. From Princess Celestia encouraging her to make friends and Spike enthusiastically walking next to her, to Applejack holding her hands at the edge of the cliff and Fluttershy’s warm smile. Pinkie’s victory sign, Rarity’s brave stand and Rainbow Dash entrusting her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon to her. Nightmare Moon laughs thunderously. Twilight’s anger swells in her chest, overcoming her fear and anxiety. “Nightmare Moon!” she shouts. “What have you done to Spike!? And where is Princess Celestia!?” Nightmare Moon closes her eyes and calmly replies, “The fate of all who lose a Duel of Darkness is the same. Their souls are ripped from their bodies, leaving a living, breathing but otherwise empty husk, and then cast into the darkness.” She pauses before adding, “Their senses remain active, but there's nothing for them to see, hear or feel; only darkness. It is a state between life and death. A perpetual purgatory.” Twilight’s heart skips a beat. “N-No…” She shakes her head rapidly and ignites her Duel Disk. “I won’t allow it! I will defeat you right here and save them!” “Defeat me? You have no idea what you are dealing with,” Nightmare Moon says ominously. She extends her right hand and a stream of black mist begins flowing from her palm like liquid from a cup. As soon as it touches the ground, the mist slithers towards Twilight like a snake. Twilight readies herself. Here it comes, she thinks. The barrier of black mist. Much to her surprise and shock, however, the stream of mist stops right in front of her and splits into five equal parts, with each one of them transforming into one of Nightmare Moon’s servants. They all stand with their Duel Disks at the ready. “An illusion!?” Twilight blurts. One of them, whom she recognizes as Anaplekte, suddenly rushes forward. With a squeak, Twilight jumps backwards, evading a fist that cracks the ground. This is not an illusion, she thinks alarmed. “Magical projections!” Nightmare Moon clenches her fist and her servants vanish in a puff of smoke. “Do you understand now? You and your companions were like kittens swatting at their mother’s tail.” Twilight gulps. Unbelievable, she thinks. To be able to conjure magical projections indistinguishable from real people. Twilight feels her resolve waver as her thoughts drift to the girls and their safety. Nightmare Moon ignites her Duel Disk and the black mist explodes upwards, instantly surrounding both duelists in a perfect dome. It pulsates with lightning. Twilight thinks the barrier feels far more intense than the ones she had seen before, even the one conjured against Spike. Nightmare Moon takes the first card from the top of her deck, holding it face-down. Twilight follows suit. Both duelists reveal their cards simultaneously. Twilight reveals Spell Wall while Nightmare Moon reveals Malevolent Catastrophe. They shuffle their cards back into their respective decks and draw their initial hands of five cards. Nightmare Moon examines her opening hand, looking pleased with the contents. She sets three cards and summons The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm. A cracked knightly helmet appears on the field, held together by ghostly fire. Nightmare Moon follows with Card of Demise. She draws three more cards and immediately declares the end of her turn, sending all three of them to the graveyard. The flames of The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm intensify, increasing the monster’s attack points by 500, to 2000. Twilight is wary of her actions, but she must seize the opportunity. She swiftly draws and examines her hand. Everything she needs is there. Twilight activates Pendulum Call, discarding Nobledragon Magician to retrieve Dragonpulse Magician and Dragonpit Magician from her deck, then using the two to set the Pendulum Scale. She throws her hand upwards and shouts, “Pendulum Summon!” The space above her distorts into a portal of light. “Come to me, fierce dragon of dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” The crimson dragon appears before Twilight, its presence soothing her nerves. Twilight is about to continue when Nightmare Moon suddenly throws her head back and laughs loudly, making Twilight freeze. “I knew it!” Nightmare Moon says triumphantly. Twilight is both, scared and confused. She asks, “W-What are you talking about?” Nightmare Moon chuckles. “I knew there were only two ways Celestia would handle her dragons; either seal them here, where nobody would dare to venture, or find a suitable individual to wield their power!” Once again, Twilight asks Nightmare Moon what is she talking about. Nightmare Moon narrows her eyes. “Not only are you ignorant about the Duels of Darkness, but also the true nature of your monster?” She quirks an eyebrow. “Why would Celestia entrust you with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon then?” Twilight scowls. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but Princess Celestia chose me as her student because she saw potential in me!” “Potential? Ha!” Nightmare Moon scoffs, “You have not even realized every action you have taken so far has been according to my design!” Twilight is about to protest when the realization hits her like a fist. “You dueled Spike on purpose,” she mutters. “To make sure I would follow you here.” Her eyes widen. “And left your servants on the way to ensure I would do it alone…” Nightmare Moon grins widely; her fangs seem to glow under the light of the moon. “And now that you are here, I can finally claim the power of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon for myself.” Twilight feels goosebumps on her arms and legs, but refuses to give up. She activates the effect of Nobledragon Magician in her graveyard, lowering the level of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon to four to special summon the former back to the field. “I tune my level three Nobledragon Magician with my level four Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Synchro Summon!” Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon’s body is engulfed by flames, transforming its body into a new, fiery form. “Descend, burning dragon with the power to shake the earth! Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon!” The dragon’s body pulsates with energy, illuminating the field with a red glow. Nightmare Moon is unfazed. Twilight furiously shouts she’s not done yet. She uses Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon’s effect to special summon Dragonpit Magician from her Pendulum Zone to her side of the field. “With my two level seven monsters I build an Overlay Network! Xyz Summon!” The flames covering Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon die out and its body changes from bright red to darker blue. Scales like blades of ice protrude all over its body. “Appear, freezing dragon with the power to stop time and space! Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon!” Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon roars, its breath cold and fierce like a blizzard, but Nightmare Moon remains unfazed. Twilight normal summons Timebreaker Magician. She activates her monster’s effect to banish it along with The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm until her next Standby Phase. Pointing at Nightmare Moon, Twilight says this is for Spike and Princess Celestia and orders the attack of Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon, “Absolute Zero Breath!” Nightmare Moon calls, “The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil!” An undead knight riding a fiery steed leaps from her graveyard to intercept the attack. It freezes, complete with mount, and shatters into a small cloud of powdered ice. Twilight frowns. She swiftly sets the remaining two cards in her hand and declares the end of her turn. She thinks that if Nightmare Moon summons The Phantom Knights of Break Sword, she will use her Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon’s effect to block the attack and bring back Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon. Nightmare Moon draws. She waves her hand, revealing the first of her set cards. “Allure of Darkness.” She draws two cards, then banishes a second copy of The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm from her hand. “I summon The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak and The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots!” The two specters take on the field and Twilight readies herself for what’s about to come. “Souls of ten thousand warriors fallen in battle! Heed the call of your master! Revive and become a blade to behead my enemies! Xyz Summon!” The headless ghost knight materializes from inside a pyre of blue flames. “The Phantom Knights of Break Sword!” Twilight eyes the monster suspiciously. It only has 2000 attack points, she thinks. Nightmare Moon detaches an Xyz Material from her monster and commands, “Fulfill your duty, my servant.” The Phantom Knights of Break Sword howls loudly and the flames inside its body burst, consuming it completely. Twilight shields her face with a squeak of surprise as the ghostly fire extends to her side of the field, incinerating her Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon. It had an effect to destroy itself, she thinks alarmed. The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak and The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots appear once again on the field, their levels increased to four, in defense position. Nightmare Moon smirks and asks, “Did you perhaps think I would have to sacrifice my monster in battle to activate its effect?” For the first time, Twilight smiles. She throws her hand upwards and shouts, “Appear, swift dragon with the power to tame the storm! Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon!” A dragon with emerald scales like blades appears in a flash of lightning. It’s roar sounds like a distant thunder. Twilight inwardly laments the fact both Phantom Knights had been summoned back in defense position, or else she could have bounced one of them off the field, but is confident the second effect of her Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon can block that of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. “Foolish child, you will now experience the full extent of a Duel of Darkness!” Nightmare Moon declares as she overlays her two level four monsters. The light of the full moon permeating the barrier fades, leaving the ghostly blue flames of the Phantom Knights as the only source of light until they disappear into a black hole. A pair of wings rise from the inside. “Formed from pitch-black darkness, to destroy those foolish enough to oppose me with its treacherous fangs!” The wings flap once and the familiar shape of the black dragon emerges with a fearsome roar. “Xyz Summon! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!” Twilight swallows hard. Her knees wobble. It’s one thing to see this monster from the sidelines and a completely different thing to stand before it. Come on, she thinks. Use its effect! Nightmare Moon detaches two Xyz Materials from her dragon and commands, “Treason Discharge!” Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon begins to accumulate electricity on its wings. Twilight swiftly answers with Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon’s effect, “Blade Vortex Jammer!” She takes Dragonpit Magician face-up in her Extra Deck and shuffles the card back into her deck. Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon rears its head back, preparing to use its effect, when it’s suddenly struck in the chest by a blade of purple miasma. It lets out a pained growl. Before Twilight can even process what happened, her monster is bombarded with lightning and its attack points cut by half, to 1250. It falls to the ground, breathing laboriously. “Phantom Knights’ Fog Blade,” Nightmare Moon says calmly, catching Twilight’s attention. She explains the targeted monster will not be able to attack or use its effects, in exchange for not being able to be targeted for attacks. “But such drawbacks are meaningless to me,” she adds before unveiling the last of her set cards. “Magic Planter.” Nightmare Moon sends Phantom Knights’ Fog Blade to the graveyard to draw two cards. She continues banishing Phantom Knights’ Fog Blade to bring back The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak from her graveyard in attack position. Nightmare Moon repeats the process with The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots to add Phantom Knights’ Wings from her deck to her hand. She sets two of the three cards in her hand and activates The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak’s effect, changing the monster to defense position and further increasing the attack points of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to 4550. “Now…” Nightmare Moon’s lips twist into a smile that threatens to split her cheeks while revealing her teeth shaped like blades. She points with her index finger and commands, “Revolt of Lightning Disobey!” Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon roars, charging its fangs with lightning. With a mighty flap of its wings, it takes flight and tears through Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon like a hot knife through butter. Twilight’s head snaps back, her body launched into the air like a rag doll and falling on her back with a thud. Her life points decrease to a mere 700. A second later, the pain hits her like a tidal wave. Twilight’s scream echoes in the whole room; she curls up, shivering like a dried leaf and holding her midsection tightly, with her eyes at the verge of tears. It takes over a minute for the pain of the initial impact to disappear. Even so, Twilight doesn’t move an inch. Her whole body, from head to toe, aches. Her heart pounds savagely inside her chest. She feels like a sick, bedridden child, incapable of doing anything. Nightmare Moon shakes her head and remarks, “Pathetic.” She spreads her wings. “Now…you will fall into the darkness.” Her long, flowing hair flares up, swirling above her like a tornado. “And the night will last forever!” She throws her head back and laughs victoriously. I can’t do this, Twilight thinks dejectedly. Her tactics are flawless. She closes her eyes tightly and braces herself. Mom…Dad… “Twiliiiight!” Twilight’s eyes shot open. That voice…Pinkie? “We’re here, sugarcube!” Slowly but surely, Twilight manages to sit on her knees. “Applejack…?” She watches astonished as the five girls rush into the room and stop right before the barrier. They all look weary, but none the worse for the odyssey. “We apologize for the late arrival, darling!” Rarity says. Rainbow Dash smirks and tilts her head towards the others. “I had to backtrack to help these slowpokes cross the river.” Fluttershy meekly says, “Sorry, Twilight, I’m not a fast flier.” She smiles and adds, “But we’re here for you now.” Applejack quirks an eyebrow. “The hay are you doing sittin’ there, Twilight? “I bet she just got hungry!” Pinkie interjects enthusiastically. She retrieves what looks like a candy bar from the pocket in her skirt. “One Super Special Homemade Duel Snack with extra chocolate coming up!” Pinkie rears her right arm back and throws the chocolate bar at Twilight. It flies forward, spinning like a boomerang. As soon as it makes contact with the barrier of mist, it promptly turns into a small cloud of ash. Pinkie frowns. “Well, that’s just plain mean!” “Silence, you fools!” Nightmare Moon hisses, making the five girls jump on their toes. “The only reason you are here is because I did not feel like wasting my time! Now, be quiet and wait patiently; I shall vanquish you all soon enough.” “No, you won’t!” Twilight declares fiercely as she stands up. She turns around sharply to face Nightmare Moon. “I won’t let you lay a finger on them. And we won’t let you bring an eternal night!” Nightmare Moon scoffs, “We? Foolish child, have you finally lost your mind? You are alone.” She raises her hand and the barrier turns solid black, blocking the outside view. The only source of light is now the lightning that crackles and streaks all around them. “It does not make any difference how many companions of yours gather here, none of them can help you now!” Twilight smiles confidently. “You’re wrong,” she states firmly. Her whole body begins glowing with an intense, ethereal purple light. “Ever since I took the first step into this ancient forest, they have been at my side and I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them!” Twilight’s magical aura flares like a fire, changing from a purple light into a bright pink one. Cracks begin to appear all over the barrier, much to Nightmare Moon’s shock. “Impossible! How can a mere child like you break my Shadow Realm!?” “Alone, I can’t,” Twilight replies calmly. “But my friends are with me!” At that very moment, the barrier explodes into countless shards, each one of them evaporating before touching the ground. Nightmare Moon watches horrified as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stand next to Twilight, their bodies glowing with the same fiery, pink aura. It glows so intensely it forces Nightmare Moon to narrow her eyes. “Very well,” she hisses. “I shall send you spiraling down the abyss together!” Twilight takes a moment to look at her friends, tears swelling in her eyes. “Thank you,” she says softly. They smile warmly. “Go get her, Twi,” Rainbow Dash says. Twilight nods and turns towards Nightmare Moon. “My turn! Draw!” She pulls the top card of her deck with all of her strength and whips up a gale that even pushes Nightmare Moon a step back. “Insolent brat!” Nightmare Moon growls. Both, Timebreaker Magician and The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm return to their respective sides of the field. Twilight reveals both of her set cards, “Extra Buck! Echo Oscillation!” Using the latter’s effect, she destroys Dragonpulse Magician in her Pendulum Zone to draw a card.  A glowing Spell Counter appears over Extra Buck. Twilight follows with Timebreaker Magician’s effect to banish Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. Nightmare Moon answers with her set Dark Illusion. Timebreaker Magician is consumed by a black fog. Twilight quickly recognizes the card, as she has a copy in her deck to protect her Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. A second Spell Counter appears over Extra Buck. Nightmare Moon says disdainfully, “A petty trick like that won’t work against me.” Twilight smiles. “I was counting on it.” She sets the Pendulum Scale with Stargazer Magician and Wisdom-Eye Magician, destroying the later to set Timegazer Magician directly from her deck and add the third Spell Counter to Extra Buck. Twilight sends Extra Buck to the graveyard to draw two cards. She places her hand over her chest and chants, “Swing, arcane pendulum. Trace an arc of light across the aether.” She points upwards, towards the portal of light, and shouts, “Pendulum Summon!” Dragonpulse Magician, Nobledragon Magician, Timebreaker Magician and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon appear in a shower of rainbow-colored lights. Both, Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon and Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon growl and snarl at each other, like angry guard dogs. The girls are baffled. Twilight composes herself and tunes her level four Dragonpulse Magician with her level three Nobledragon Magician. “Spread your beautiful wings and strike down my enemies at the speed of light!” The monster fuse into a cluster of stars to reveal the majestic form of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. It too, roars ferociously at Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. “Clear Wing Synchro Dragon too!?” Nightmare Moon asks in shock and disbelief. Twilight activates the effect of Timebreaker Magician once again. “Time Bifurcation!” Nightmare Moon grits her teeth. She has nothing to stop it this time. The young swordsman slashes the space in front of him, opening a rift. It begins pulling Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon into it like a vacuum. The dragon digs its nails into the ground to resist, but the young swordsman jumps and stabs it on the neck, causing both of them to fall into the rift and disappear. Twilight orders the attack of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon to destroy The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak. She follows with the attack of Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon on The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm. “Spiral Strike Burst!” Nightmare Moon attempts to activate one of her set cards, but Twilight counters with the effect of her Timegazer Magician. “Inverse Gearwidth! When one of my Pendulum Monsters battles, you won’t be able to activate your traps until the end of the Damage Step!” Nightmare Moon shields herself with her wings, but the attack still pushes her back several feet. Her life points go down to 2000 thanks to Odd-Eyes’ Reaction Force. “You!” She growls. “I will make you pay dearly for this!” Twilight calmly sets the remaining two cards in her hand and folds her arms. “Turn end.” The strength of Nightmare Moon’s draw creates a shockwave. She looks at her newest card and smiles triumpanthly. “It’s over!” She activates Twin Twisters, discarding Hand Destruction to destroy Twilight’s Pendulum Scales, but Twilight counters with her set Pendulum Impenetrable to protect them. Twilight smirks and says, “A petty trick like that won’t work against me.” “Insolent fool!” Nightmare Moon shouts furiously. She activates her set Xyz Reborn to bring back The Phantom Knights of Break Sword and Phantom Knights’ Wing targeting it. A pair of ghostly wings erupt from the headless ghost knight’s back and its attack points go up to 2500. “These wings will protect my servant from destruction once per turn!” Nightmare Moon orders the attack on Clear Wing Synchro Dragon, “Phantom Executioner Sword!” Twilight responds with her second set card. “Negate Attack!” The Phantom Knights of Break Sword is repelled by an invisible wall. Nightmare Moon glares as she ends her turn. “My turn! Draw!” Twilight looks at her newest card and declares, “It’s over.” Timebreaker Magician and Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon return to the field. Twilight Pendulum Summons Dragonpulse Magician. She follows with Polymerization from her hand to fuse Dragonpulse Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon. “Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!” Twilight activates Timebreaker Magician’s effect, but targeting her own Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. “Dichroic Mirror!” With Timebreaker Magician’s destruction, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s attack points go up to 3900. Twilight launches a consecutive attack with Rune-Eyes Pendulum Dragon on The Phantom Knights of Break Sword. “Repeating Shiny Burst!” Nightmare Moon shields her eyes from the light as her monster is erased. Her life points decrease to 1000. Twilight glances at her friends, whom nod at her. They all declare the attack of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon on Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon simultaneously, “Clear Rainbow Flash!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon soars, its wings glowing in all colors of the rainbow. It unleashes a pillar of light with a mighty roar over both, Nightmare Moon and her Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon. The black dragon is vaporized instantly. “No, no, no!” Nightmare Moon screams as the lights falls over her and her dark aura begins leaking from her body like blood from an open wound. Her screams echo as the light intensifies, forcing Twilight and her friends to shield their faces. The light fades. Every card remaining on the field disappears and the room is left in a graveyard-like silence. Applejack is the first one to break the silence. “Everybody okay?” Rainbow Dash spreads her wings and gives a tentative flap. “Yep! Everything’s in place!” Twilight sighs contently; she takes Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and hands it back to Rainbow Dash with a soft thank you. Rainbow Dash grins and takes the card, sliding it back into her Duel Disk with a swift hand wave. Pinkie cheers, striking a pose and making a victory sign with her fingers, she shouts, “That’s game!” “Oh my, the aura faded,” Rarity comments in disappointment while looking at her hands. “What a pity. I was getting used to that lovely shade of pink.” “I wonder, what kind of magic was that,” Fluttershy says. “It felt so…warm.” “I remember reading about it,” Twilight says. “The bonds between people can fortify their magic, and the stronger their connection is, the more powerful the results will be.” “So,” Applejack begins tentatively. “Does that mean we won thru the power of friendship?” Twilight smiles. “I suppose you could say so.” “Oohh…” Pinkie’s eyes widen. She smiles enthusiastically and says, “We’re like a superhero team!” “Yeah…” Rainbow Dash smirks and nods. “I like that!” She proposes they give themselves a team name. “How about “Elements of the Duel”, eh? Raise your hand if you think it’s awesome!” She raises her hand and Pinkie quickly does the same. Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy look at each other unsurely. Applejack rolls her eyes and says drily, “Raise your hand if you think that’s the dumbest thing you've ever heard.” She raises her hand. Slowly but surely, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy follow suit. Rainbow Dash folds her arms and pouts. “You guys are no fun, you know that?” She turns her head away, only to see Pinkie still has her arm up. “You can lower your arm, Pinkie. We lost.” Pinkie protests, “But I think “Elements of the Duel” is an awesomely dumb name!” Rainbow Dash groans. “Pinkie that’s not--” “Um…girls?” Fluttershy interjects meekly. She points behind her and says, “There’s somebody there.” Twilight frowns and approaches, with her friends following her closely. A beautiful, dark skinned young girl is lying on the floor, in the very same spot Nightmare Moon stood a couple of minutes ago, unconscious. Her lithe body and soft facial features bring to mind an accomplished ballerina. She wears a long, pale blue dress with black trims and black sandals on her feet. Her long, flowing hair reaches down her waist and is of a darker shade of blue, much like the surface of the ocean under a starry night. “It’s a girl,” Fluttershy remarks in disbelief. Applejack tilts her hat up, staring with equal levels of disbelief. “She can’t be older than Applebloom…” Rarity crouches and takes a card from between the young girl’s fingers. It depicts a rudimentary drawing of a dragon and is filled with a writing she cannot decipher. “I don’t think I’ve seen this one before,” she comments before passing the card to her friends. They take turns examining it until it reaches Twilight’s hands. She doesn’t recognize the writing either. Rainbow Dash turns to Twilight and asks, “Any idea who she is?” Twilight shakes her head. She opens her mouth, but before she can say a single word, a voice echoes behind the group. “I can answer that.” The light of the sun suddenly floods the room from every window and crack, and the night steps aside for the dawn. Princess Celestia appears before the group, radiant and regal; her translucent, ethereal golden wings majestically spread open. “You have all done well.” The girls bow respectfully. Twilight, unable to contain herself, rushes towards Celestia and hugs her tightly around the midsection. “I missed you so much, Princess.” Celestia gladly returns the gesture. “So did I, my dearest, most faithful student.” They break their embrace. Under the curious glances of Twilight and her friends, Celestia approaches the unconscious girl, kneels next to her and very carefully rests the girl’s head on her lap. She smiles and gently caresses the girl’s forehead for a moment before answering the initial question, “This young girl here is none other than Princess Luna, my younger sister.” The girls are shocked. Twilight’s mouth open and closes like that of a fish gasping for air. “B-But the legend! A-And the prophecy! You told me it was just a fairy tale!” Celestia smiles knowingly and asks, “Did I?” Twilight blushes. “No…” Celestia turns her gaze towards Luna and explains, “The darkness Princess Luna purged from her body did not take a shape of its own, it transformed her…into Nightmare Moon.” Twilight’s eyes widen in realization. “That means the legend…” Celestia nods slowly. “I couldn’t let my sister go down the annals of history as a monster who tried to plunge the world into an eternal night,” she admits ruefully. “Not when it was my advice that caused her fall…” There is a long moment of silence. Pinkie suddenly snaps her fingers. “I get it!” She declares. “You knew Nightmare Moon was coming back so you sent Twilight to Ponyville to make friends with us so we could all fight together and turn Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna!” Pinkie takes a deep breath and smiles expectantly. Celestia giggles softly. “No, Pinkie. I sent Twilight to Ponyville because I wanted her to inspect your school and, if possible, make friends.” Pinkie tilts her head and shares a brief look of confusion with her friends. Celestia sighs heavily. “I was prepared to face Nightmare Moon alone, but when the time came, I couldn’t bring myself to raise my hand against her.” She bites her lower lip, tears swelling in her eyes. “Even in that terrible form, she was still my little sister…the one I had not seen in a millennia.” The girls’ eyes soften. Twilight feels her chest ache. She had known Princess Celestia for most of her life; always calm, dignified and composed. Powerful and regal, but kind and compassionate too. It is the very first time she sees her so vulnerable, and it leaves her without words. Celestia wipes her tears and composes herself. “There was no grand plan, no clever scheme…only my own weakness.” She pauses for a moment, then smiles and adds, “And the strength of your friendship.” The girls look at each other, sharing a warm smile. “There’s…one more thing, Princess,” Twilight says. “When we faced Nightmare Moon, she challenged us to--” “A Duel of Darkness?” Celestia interjects. Twilight gulps and nods. Celestia notices the card in Twilight’s hand and levitates it to her own. She gives it a nostalgic look. “I was hoping you would never have to hear about the Duels of Darkness in your lives, much less experience them,” she says with a clear hint of shame in her voice. “But after what happened, you have all the right to know about them.” Celestia takes a small breath and begins, “A long time ago, long before the rule of my sister and I, and before the foundation of Equestria itself, the people were divided in three tribes, separated by the nature of their magic.” “Ironically enough, their magic naturally complemented each other, and would have allowed them to achieve harmony easily.” Celestia shakes her head. “Unfortunately, the leaders of each tribe were interested only in power. Commander Hurricane, Princess Platinum and Chancellor Puddinghead; at their behest, the tribes warred with each other.” “It was not until the leaders managed to overcome their differences and ignite the fire of friendship in their hearts that the three tribes came together and founded Equestria.” Rainbow Dash scratches the back of her head. She raises both hands placatingly and says, “This is all very nice, Princess, but—no offense—I think everybody here knows about Hearth’s Warming Eve…” Celestia smiles softly, like an adult dealing with an impatient child. “Indeed. But what you may not know is that the nature of their magic also made them equal in combat. And, as the conflict escalated, the tribes looked for different ways of gaining advantage over each other.” Twilight gasps softly. “Don’t tell me…” Celestia nods grimly and confirms, “Dark magic.” She holds the mysterious card up between her index and middle fingers. “It allowed them to summon otherwordly monsters to fight for them using cards like this one as catalysts.” Rarity bites her lower lip. She comments, “That sounds disturbingly similar to our Duel Monsters…” Celestia closes her eyes, “That’s because Duel Monsters is a recreation of the ancient Duels of Darkness.” The girls let out a collective “what” of disbelief followed by talking over each other, until Celestia raises her hand to silence them. Twilight apologizes sheepishly. Celestia continues, “As powerful monsters were summoned one after another, my sister and I were forced to intervene and put an end to the conflict. The leaders realized the suffering they had brought and made peace with each other, declaring the foundation of Equestria, a land where all three tribes could live in peace and harmony, striving together for a better future, while asking Princess Luna and I to rule.” “P-Princess,” Fluttershy calls timidly. “If Duel Monsters is a recreation of ancient battles, then—does that mean the monsters on these cards really existed?” The nature of the question takes both, her friends and Celestia by surprise. Celestia smiles. “Yes, Fluttershy, an important number of them did exist. Although many others were created later for the purpose of the game.” Fluttershy’s expression brightens like a child who has just received a gift. She nods rapidly and mutters a soft “thank you”. “What happened after that, Princess?” Rarity asks. “Princess Luna and I sealed all the cards where nobody could find them and disposed of all the records of the Duels of Darkness, allowing the knowledge of their existence to fade with time.” Celestia looks at Luna and caresses her right cheek. “That is, until Luna’s transformation.” She turns towards the girls again. “Nightmare Moon attempted to use the powers of the monsters against me and we clashed in one last Duel of Darkness.” Celestia explains after the defeat and banishment of Nightmare Moon, she destroyed every single one of the cards they had sealed. “Save for this one.” She lifts the dragon card and it bursts into flames, turning into a small cloud of ashes in the blink of an eye. Twilight inwardly cringes at the destruction of the ancient relic, but understands her mentor’s decision. “I created Duel Monsters long after that because I wanted to transform something terrible into something harmless, something that would bring joy to others…” Celestia says as she looks up wistfully. Applejack raises her hand. “Ah’ beg your pardon, Princess,” she hesitates for a second. “But if you created Duel Monsters after Nightmare Moon got banished then how come she knew how to duel an’ all?” “Princess Luna is the guardian of the night, Applejack,” Celestia replies. “Her duties include protecting the sleep of our subjects, which she achieves by entering their dreams and dispelling their nightmares.” The girls are impressed by such a unique skill. “Needless to say, Nightmare Moon also possesed this power, and being banished to the moon did not prevent her from using it…or abusing it.” Celestia pauses for a second. “I could shield my dreams from her influence, not so much everybody else…” She massages the bridge of her nose, shame and grief evident in her expression. “I am deeply sorry, my girls. It is my fault you had to endure such a horrendous experience.” Rainbow Dash waves her hand casually, trying to play it cool. “Nah, don’t sweat it, Princess! The whole thing was like--” she pauses, trying to think for something. “A marathon!” she exclaims. “Yeah, the whole thing was like running one.” She turns to her friends and asks, “Right, everybody?” Applejack tips her hat and grins. “Just a day of harvesting apples!” Rarity laughs airily. “A day of work on the sewing machine!” Fluttershy smiles and nods. “Like trimming the nails of a big dog.” Pinkie pumps her fist. “Ponyville’s Annual Cupcake Contest!” Celestia’s expression brightens. “Thank you, girls.” She looks at Twilight. “I must say, you have found some wonderful friends, my faithful student.” Twilight blushes. “I-I think it would be more appropriate to say they found me…” “All of Equestria is in debt with you, girls,” Celestia says solemnly. “Still, I must ask you to keep everything I’ve told you here to yourselves.” It’s not an order, not even a request, but a beg. The girls look at each other and nod. “You can count on us, Princess,” Twilight assures. Pinkie takes a step forward. They all watch puzzled as she makes an exaggerated motion of zipping her mouth, crouching and scratching the ground, dropping something and then patting the same spot again. She finishes by making a square shape with her hands over the spot and stands up looking satisfied. “Sugarcube,” Applejack says bewildered. “The hay did you just do?” “Isn’t it obvious?” Pinkie asks casually. “The Princess asked me to keep a secret, that’s why I zipped my mouth closed, then locked it with a key, then dug a hole, then buried the key and built a house right on top of the hole!” Applejack nods very slowly. "Right..." A soft voice interrupts their conversation. “Tia…?” Princess Luna opens her eyes; gorgeous cyan colored ones that remind Twilight of the bottom of a lake. “Is that you…?” Celestia cups Luna’s face in her hands and leans forwards. “Yes, it is me, sister,” she replies warmly. “I’m here.” Luna slowly stands up, holding on Celestia’s arms for support. Both sisters look at each other in the eyes before embracing each other tightly, tears flowing freely from their eyes. “I’m so sorry, Tia. I’m so sorry,” Luna mutters. Celestia gently shushes her. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Lulu.” Pinkie sniffles. She suddenly gasps. “Hey, you know what this calls for? A party!” Twilight looks at Pinkie with a bemused smile. “A party?” “Of course!” Pinkie replies cheerfully. “I’m not just a pretty girl, an amazing duelist and an awesome baker but also Ponyville’s number one party planner!” Twilight does not wait until the Royal Carriage lands before teleporting to the ground. She runs towards the Golden Oaks Library, practically kicking down the door and yells, “Spike!” A second later, Spike comes running down the stairs, almost tripping on the last step. He jumps and wraps both arms around Twilight’s neck, hugging her tightly. She returns the gesture. “W-Where did you go?” Spike asks between sobs. Twilight gently pats him on the back. “There, there…” She was most definitely not kidding, Twilight thinks in amazement. In the time the Royal Carriage went back to pick up the Princesses, Pinkie has managed to coordinate the re-decoration of the entirety of the town square. Princess Celestia’s announcement of the defeat of Nightmare Moon and the miraculous return of Princess Luna is met with a chorus of cheers and applause from the townspeople. Twilight smiles contently as she watches the townspeople surround Luna, with two young girls gently placing a wreath of beautiful red and white roses around her neck. Celestia giggles and takes a step backwards, leaving a flustered but smiling Luna to interact with her subjects. Twilight’s smile slowly disappears as it dawns on her that her assignment is over. Celestia quickly takes notice; she approaches and asks about it. Twilight hesitates for a second. “It’s just that, now that I’ve finished my assignment, it means I’ll have to return to Canterlot…” She turns towards her friends, and Spike, whom look at her with a mixture of uncertainty and sadness. “Right after discovering how wonderful it is to have friends…” “Is that so?” Princess Celestia folds her arms daintily. “I believe you said Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School has the potential to become a fine teaching institution with the proper counseling.” She smiles knowingly and adds, “And I just so happen to know the right girl for the job…” Twilight’s jaw drops. “M-Me?” “To teach is to learn twice, my faithful student,” Celestia says. “I believe this is a great opportunity for you.” She smiles mischievously. “Of course, if you don’t want to…” Twilight shakes her head rapidly. “No-no-no—I mean, yes—I want to!” Celestia declares, “It is decided then. Twilight Sparkle shall act as a representative of the Eos Dueling School to assist with the development of Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School. She must periodically report to me her progress from her new home in Ponyville.” Twilight smiles brightly. “Thank you, Princess Celestia! I promise to study even harder!” “I know you will, my faithful student,” Celestia says with pride. Pinkie suddenly takes a step forward and respectfully bows to Princess Celestia. “Your Highness,” she begins speaking solemnly. “I would like to request your permission to make a proposition.” Celestia exchanges a look of confusion with Twilight. “Of course, Pinkie…” Pinkie takes a deep breath and shouts, “Group hug!” She immediately tackles Twilight, who squeaks in surprise, hugging her tightly with both arms around the neck. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike gladly follow her example. As Celestia sees the joyful smile on Twilight’s face, she feels the weight of a thousand years vanish from her shoulders. > Duel Thirteen - The Ticket Master? Battle Royale For Your Dreams! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The morning sun shines brightly over Ponyville. On the far end of the town, at Sweet Apple Acres, a crowd of children watch attentively as one of them, a boy named Chip Mint, faces against Fluttershy in a duel. For teaching purposes, Fluttershy takes the first turn. “I summon Maiden with Eyes of Blue.” A lovely, pale-skinned girl with gorgeous blue eyes appears on the field. Her attack and defense points display zero for both. Fluttershy sets a single card and says, “Alright, it’s your turn.” Chip Mint draws. He examines his hand, then summons Alligator’s Sword. The corner of Chip Mint’s lower lip curls as he glances at Fluttershy’s set card. “I think I’ll set a card and end my turn…” Fluttershy smiles and compliments him on playing safe. “My turn.” She draws and immediately unveils her set card. “Senet Switch.” Several of the children are baffled. Fluttershy takes the opportunity to ask if anybody remembers what the card does. A little girl raises her hand. “Isn’t that the card that lets you move your monsters?” Fluttershy nods. “That’s right.” “But that card is totally useless!” protests a hot-tempered boy. “Well, um, yes, some cards are better than others, but every card can be useful if you get creative.” Fluttershy switches the Maiden with Eyes of Blue to the adjacent monster zone with Senet Switch. The lovely maiden calmly walks two steps to her right, turns to face Chip Mint and begins chanting. Fluttershy explains, “When Maiden with Eyes of Blue is targeted by a card effect, like that of Senet Switch, I can special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand.” Not too far away, Twilight watches in amusement at the astonished reactions from the children as the imposing white dragon appears on the field. She remembers when Princess Celestia told her how she came up with the Senet series of cards after reading a book of ancient history on Saddle Arabia, as well as her embarrassment at how poorly received they were. It has been two days since Twilight began living in the Golden Oak Library. She decided it wouldn’t make sense to keep wearing her Eos Dueling School uniform for the time being, so she switched it for a similar ensemble consisting of a white, long-sleeved button shirt and a light purple sweater; a gray pleated skirt, light purple socks and brown polished shoes. The events at the Castle of the Two Sisters still resonate in her mind, and while it wasn’t exactly the most pleasant experience, Twilight would be lying if she said she wasn’t interested in the Duels of Darkness, from an academic standpoint. Still, she did not dare to ask the Princesses for fear of bringing up bad memories. Sitting comfortably on the grass next to Twilight, Spike looks through a thick folder filled to the brim with rare cards, every single one of them holographic and neatly organized by type. “Man, I can’t believe Fluttershy has so many rare cards,” he comments fascinated. Twilight looks at him with a smile and nods. “I admit I didn’t peg her as a collector.” Fortunately, Spike’s experience with the Duels of Darkness didn’t go beyond a nasty scare. Probably because we managed to deal with Nightmare Moon quickly enough, she thinks. Another thing I’ve got my friends to thank for. Twilight turns to Applejack, standing next to her, and asks, “So, what do you think?” Applejack scratches her forehead. “Ah’ don’t know, sugarcube.” She tilts the sheet of paper in her left hand. “This looks like a bit too much, if you ask me.” She begins reading aloud some of the listed points, “Resource Management Methods, Card Advantage Examination, Deck Thinnin' Applications, Side Deck Construction I, II and III…” Twilight frowns slightly. “What’s wrong with those subjects? It’s all basic knowledge a decent duelist should possess.” Applejack smiles placatingly. “Ain’t gonna argue with that, Twilight. It’s just that this fancy wordin’ may be a tad scary for the kids, if you get mah’ drift.” She points with her thumb towards the crowd of cheering children to emphasize her point. Twilight’s expression softens. “Oh.” She smiles sheepishly. “I guess I should make the curriculum more accessible for younger readers.” She takes the sheet from Applejack’s hands, neatly folds it and puts it inside the pocket of her skirt. A beep coming from Twilight’s Duel Disk catches their attention. She taps the screen, looks at it for a moment and then gasps softly. Her lips curve into a smile. Spike sets the folder aside and stands up on his toes to try to take a peek. Applejack leans forward and asks, “What is it?” Twilight begins reading aloud, “Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest to the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot, on the 21st day of September.” She points there are two electronic tickets attached to the message. “Dang!” Applejack exclaims in amazement. “The Grand Galloping Gala!” Twilight giggles. “This is great! I have never been to the gala before. Have you, Spike?” Spike flicks his hair, looks away and, with his best “aloof, cool guy” voice, says, “Nope, and I plan to keep it that way.” He waves his hand dismissively and adds, “I’m not into that girly, frilly frou-frou nonsense.” “Aw, come on Spike,” Twilight says pleadingly. “A dance would be nice.” “Nice?” Applejack interjects. “It’s a heap more than just nice! I’d love to go. Do you have any idea how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres if I could set up an apple stand there? We could do a heap of fixin’ up ‘round here with all that money!” She points with her index finger towards the barn. “We could replace that saggy old roof, the saggy old plow and Granny Smith could replace her saggy old hip!” Applejack sighs, looking upwards dreamily. “I’d give an arm to go to that gala…” Twilight smiles, tilting her head. “Well, in that case, would you like--” “Twiliiiight!” Twilight, Applejack and Spike turn around sharply to see Fluttershy running towards them waving her arms. She stops in front of them and, taking heavy breaths between words, says, “S-sorry—I just—finished with—the kids and—heard something—about the—” She takes one last, deep breath. “Grand Galloping Gala?” Twilight exchanges a brief, awkward look with Spike. “Yes, but--” “Umm, in that case, if it’s not any trouble, would you—” Fluttershy gulps and asks, “Take me with you?” “Hold yer horses, sugarcube.” Applejack interjects, raising her right hand. “You want to go to the gala?” Fluttershy cheeks turn a nice shade of red; she begins fidgeting with her fingers. “W-Well…yes.” “It’s because of the Royal Garden, right?” Twilight asks. Applejack frowns and asks what about it. Twilight elaborates, “It’s a large, private garden inside the Royal Palace. From what I’ve read, it houses unique species of flora and fauna, many of which cannot be found anywhere else.” Fluttershy shakes her head. “Not really. You see, since the gala takes place at night, most of the animals will be sleeping and intruding in their territory carries the risk of upsetting them, which would be bad for their health.” Twilight blinks. “Oh.” She tilts her head and asks, “Then?” Fluttershy picks up her folder from the ground, holding it tightly with both arms. “I heard a lot of duelists and collectors gather there and…I wanted to see if I could find some rare cards for my collection.” Applejack folds her arms. “That’s mighty nice an’ all, Fluttershy, but I already—” A sudden gust of wind interrupts Applejack, almost blowing her hat away. Rainbow Dash lands, kicking up a small cloud of dust. She grins and waves casually. “Hi, guys! Didja say something about tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala?” Twilight bites her lower lip. “Yes…” Rainbow Dash pumps her fist triumpanthly. “That’s awesome! The Wonderbolts perform at the gala every year!” She flaps her wings, staying a couple of meters above the ground and spreads her arms. “I can see it! Everybody would be watching the sky, their eyes locked on them when—wham—Rainbow Dash is here!” She makes an exaggerated motion of drawing from her Duel Disk as she keeps narrating, “The crowd would go wild as I take on the Wonderbolts one by one and then all of them together! Seeing my amazing dueling skills, they would have no choice but ask me to join them!” Rainbow Dash descends. She walks to Twilight, places both hands on her friend’s shoulders and pleads, “Don’t you see, Twilight? This could be my only opportunity to show ‘em my stuff. You gotta take me with you!” Applejack grunts, puts a hand over Rainbow Dash’s shoulder and pulls her back. “Wait one pickin’ minute here, Rainbow. I asked for that ticket first!” Fluttershy timidly interjects, “I asked too.” Rainbow Dash folds her arms. “So what? That doesn’t mean you own it!” Applejack narrows her eyes. “Oh yeah? Well I challenge you to—” “Girls!” Twilight interrupts. She puts her hands on her hips and says sternly, “These are my tickets and I’ll decide who gets it, thank you very much.” Twilight lets out a breath, her expression softens. “Whoever has the best reason to go should get the ticket, don’t you think?” Applejack takes a step forward, smiling eagerly, and asks, “Drummin’ up business for the farm?” Rainbow Dash steps before Applejack, grinning enthusiastically. “A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?” Applejack frowns. She steps in front of Rainbow Dash, smiles pleadingly and says, “Money to fix Granny’s hip.” Rainbow Dash steps right in front of Twilight’s face and says with childish glee, “Living the dream.” Twilight gulps. She glances at Fluttershy, who hasn’t said a single word. Fluttershy hugs her folder against her chest, looking down flustered. Twilight is at a loss for words and begins looking around awkwardly. “I—huh…” She looks at the screen of her Duel Disk and hurriedly says, “Oh my! Look at the time! I can’t make important decisions on an empty stomach, so—uh—I’ll think it over lunch and get back to you three, okay?” Without waiting for a reply, Twilight grabs Spike by the arm and teleports away. With a flash of blinding light, Twilight and Spike appear at the Town Square. “A little warning would have been nice,” Spike groans, holding his head. Twilight apologizes. “So, who are you gonna give the ticket to, Twilight?” he asks. Twilight shakes her head. “I don’t know, Spike,” she answers frustrated. “I never expected having tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala would be this troublesome…” She closes her eyes and rubs her temples. “Did you get invited to the Grand Galloping Gala, Twilight?” Twilight replies absentmindedly, “Yes, Pinkie. I di—” She opens her eyes and turns around to see Pinkie standing inches away from her face with the widest grin she had ever seen in the face of a fellow Equestrian. Twilight squeaks and jumps back. “P-Pinkie!” Pinkie squeals, “The Grand Galloping Gala! The most amazing incredible tremendous super-fun wonderful terrifically humongous party in all of Equestria!” She slaps her cheeks with both hands. “Can you imagine the kind of amazing incredible tremendous super-fun wonderful terrifically humongous Entertainment Duel I could perform there?” Pinkie ignites her Duel Disk, draws two cards and swiftly slides both on the Spell & Trap slots with a single move. Three cute, colorful hippos wearing carnival dancer outfits appear around her in a shower of confetti, streamers and balloons. The hipos dance cheerfully alongside Pinkie as she sings loudly. “Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me! Oh the Grand Galloping Gala is the best place for me!” Twilight rolls her eyes. “Great. Now we only need Rarity to yell bingo…” “What about me, darling?” Twilight turns around exhausted to see Rarity looking at them curiously. She wears black high-heels, a deep purple pencil skirt and a frilly, pure white blouse. On her right arm she carries an expensive-looking black purse with golden linings. A smitten Spike enthusiastically explains how Princess Celestia invited Twilight to the Grand Galloping Gala and sent her two tickets. Twilight shoots him a glare. Rarity’s eyes widen in surprise; she gasps dramatically and asks, “Is that true, Twilight?” Twilight sighs and defeatedly admits it’s true. “Oh my goodness!” Rarity exclaims. “The Grand Galloping Gala!” She puts her hand over her chest, turning her nose slightly upwards. “I design ensembles for the gala every year, but I’ve never had the opportunity to attend.” Rarity gazes wistfully into the distance. “Oh, the society, the culture, the glamour! It’s where I truly belong, where I will reach the pinnacle of my career and where I’m destined to meet him.” Twilight quirks an eyebrow. “Him?” “Prince Blueblood,” Rarity replies gleefully. “I would dazzle everybody at the gala with my dueling skills, and they will all wonder, “Who is that mysterious girl?” They would never guess I was just a simple girl from little old Ponyville.” She waves her hand dramatically. “Why, I would cause such a sensation that Prince Blueblood himself would be taken with my style and elegance!” She puts her hands together in a gesture of praying. “Our eyes would meet, our hearts would melt. Our courtship would be magnificent.” Rarity giggles. “He would ask for my hand in marriage, and of course I would say, "Yes!" We would have a royal wedding, befitting a princess, which is what I would become upon marrying him, the man of my dreams!” Spike folds his arms and looks away with a grumpy expression. Twilight nods slowly. “Right. Setting aside the fact you cannot become a princess by marrying a duke, I haven’t--” Suddenly, Pinkie jumps between the three of them shouting, “Wheee!” Twilight, Rarity and Spike look at her baffled. There’s a moment of silence before Pinkie pouts and says, “You guys weren’t listening to my song!” Rarity waves her hand dismissively. “I’m sorry, Pinkie, but Twilight and I are a little busy here, she’s going to take me to the Grand Galloping Gala, you see.” “Wait what?” Pinkie shakes her head rapidly. “No way! Twilight was going to invite me!” Rarity gasps, turning to Twilight outraged. “I simply cannot believe you would invite Pinkie and prevent me from meeting my true love!” She turns her head away with a “hmph”. “How could you, Twilight?” Twilight resists the urge to roll her eyes. “Look—” “Wait just a minute!” Twilight groans. She looks up to see Rainbow Dash standing on the roof of a nearby house, wings fully spread and looking down with an expression of disapproval. Twilight frowns. “Rainbow Dash, were you following me?” Rainbow Dash’s expression falters. With a flap of her wings, she comes down to the ground. “I wasn’t following you,” she says sheepishly. “I mean—I was, but—what I want to say is that I couldn’t let a goody-two-shoes like you giving that ticket away to just anybody!” “Wait just another minute!” Applejack shouts, stepping in. Twilight’s frown deepens. “Applejack, were you following me too?” “No,” Applejack replies. She points an accusing finger at Rainbow Dash. “Ah’ was followin’ this one to make sure she didn’t try any funny business.” Fluttershy chimes in from behind Applejack, “And I was following them both.” She carries a large brown backpack with her card folder inside. “Are you still trying to take my ticket?” Rainbow Dash asks annoyed. “Yourticket?” Rarity asks in disbelief. Pinkie protests, “But Twilight’s taking me!” Soon, Twilight can’t make out their words as the girls begin arguing loudly with each other. Spike doesn’t dare to step in, choosing to keep his distance instead. Twilight grits her teeth and finally snaps, shouting at the top of her lungs, “QUIET!” The girls immediately shut up, except for Pinkie Pie. “And then I said, “Digital Bugs, are you craz—” Twilight’s glare quickly silences her. Pinkie grins sheepishly. “Sorry.” Twilight takes a deep breath to compose herself. “Girls, arguing like this is not the way to solve the issue.” Rainbow Dash holds her hand up. “Say no more, Twilight!” She ignites her Duel Disk. “There’s only one way to do it!” Applejack smirks and follows suit. “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Rarity takes out her Duel Disk from inside her purse. “Good thing I came prepared.” She adjusts it around her arm and ignites it. Pinkie cheers, “It’s a Battle Royale!” She takes the Hippo Carnival and Illusion Balloons cards from the Spell & Trap slots and shuffles them back into her deck. Fluttershy gulps and ignites her Duel Disk. “I want that ticket too…” Twilight and Spike take their distance as the girls position themselves forming a circle. “Shouldn’t we stop them or something?” he asks tentatively. Twilight ponders for a moment. “You know what? Let them go at it.” She folds her arms and adds, “This is a good opportunity to see how they fare against each other.” Spike shrugs and proceeds to watch as the girls each draw their initial hands of five cards. Their life points display at 4000 for each. The screen on each disk flashes alternatively, and a number appears above their heads to indicate the order of turns. Rainbow Dash goes first. She folds her arms and declares confidently, “Turn end!” Spike wonders aloud why didn’t she do anything. Twilight explains in a Battle Royale none of the players can draw or attack on their first turn. “She probably wants to see what everybody is going to do first.” Pinkie summons Performapal Fire Mufflerlion in attack position and sets a single card. “I’m done here!” she declares cheerfully. “Right,” Applejack mutters under her breath. She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Flutist, tributing it to special summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei in defense position. The massive form of Big Benkei draws the attention of the passerby, several of whom stop to watch the duel. Applejack declares, “Ah’ end mah’ turn!” Rarity fans out her hand with a flick of her wrist. She immediately activates Polymerization to fuse Lunalight White Rabbit and Lunalight Black Sheep into Lunalight Cat Dancer. After adding Lunalight White Rabbit back to her hand with Lunalight Black Sheep’s effect, she sets two cards. “My turn is over.” “My turn…” Fluttershy activates the spell One for One, discarding Sylvan Hermitree to special summon Sylvan Peaskeeper directly from her deck. “Excavate.” She reveals Sylvan Cherubsprout, sends it to the graveyard and uses its effect to special summon a second copy, again directly from her deck. “Excavate. Two cards.” Fluttershy reveals Sylvan Bladefender and Sylvan Princessprout, adding the former to her hand and special summoning the latter to the field. She frowns and declares, “Level eight!” Twilight quirks an eyebrow. Level eight? Fluttershy overlays Sylvan Peaskeeper and Sylvan Cherubsprout to special summon Sylvan Princessprite in defense position. She follows with her newest monster’s effect, sending Sylvan Bladefender from her hand to the graveyard to special summon Sylvan Hermitree back from the graveyard. Twilight nods in understanding. Ah, I see. “Excavate!” Fluttershy reveals Sylvan Marshalleaf, sending it to the graveyard and then draws a card. “When Sylvan Marshalleaf is excavated, I can destroy one monster on the field! I choose Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!” Applejack answers, “Not today, sugarcube!” She banishes Superheavy Samurai Flutist from the graveyard to protect Big Benkei. Fluttershy is undeterred. “I overlay my two level eight monsters!” A mass of vines envelops Sylvan Princessprout and Sylvan Hermitree like a cocoon. “Come, serene guardian of all things in nature! Xyz summon!” A gigantic white tiger tears through the vines, letting out a loud roar to announce its presence. Its chest and back are covered by thick foliage like a robe and two large tree trunks hang on its back like armor, giving the monster an imposing, regal appearance. “Rank eight! Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector!” The monster’s defense points appear at 3200. “I summon Sylvan Flowerknight! Excavate!” Fluttershy sends a second copy of Sylvan Hermitree to the graveyard, allowing her to rearrange the top three cards of her deck. She continues detaching an Xyz material from Sylvan Princessprite. “Excavate!” Fluttershy reveals Sylvan Charity, which she adds to her hand. Twilight glances at the other girls. All of them watch Fluttershy’s plays carefully. Fluttershy explains once per turn, she can use the effect of Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector to declare the name of a card, excavate and, if she calls it right, add it to her hand. “Draining Shield! Excavate!” She reveals Sylvan Waterslide, to the surprise of everyone present, sends it to the graveyard and detaches an Xyz material from Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector. “When a card is sent from my deck to the graveyard, I can return a card on the field to the top or bottom of its owner’s deck! I choose Lunalight Cat Dancer!” “Sorry, Fluttershy.” Rarity apologizes as she activates her set Forbidden Dress to protect her monster. Spike smiles sympathetically. “Poor Fluttershy, they’re countering all of her plays.” “I wouldn’t be so sure,” Twilight comments. Spike asks what she mean. “Having the last turn means there’s a risk of everybody ganging up on you, which is why Fluttershy had to build a solid defense.” Spike nods. Twilight raises her index finger. “Now, it’s true that Fluttershy had her plays countered, but if you look at it from a different angle, she forced Applejack and Rarity to waste valuable cards, making them easier targets for the others.” Spike blinks. “Oh.” Fluttershy sets two cards, lowering her hand count to two. She takes a deep breath and declares the end of her turn. Twilight comments, “The real Battle Royale begins now.” “Draw!” Rainbow Dash shouts. She grins and picks a card from her hand, twirling it on the tip of her middle finger. “Since you girls were all so nice to special summon a bunch of monsters, now I can call this fella right away!” She slaps the card on her Duel Disk. “Speedroid Skull Marbles!” Rainbow Dash wastes no time declaring an attack on Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. “Speed Skull Smash!” The toy locomotive bounces against Big Benkei like it crashed against a steel wall, but Rainbow Dash’s life points remain the same. “What the--?” Applejack mutters in disbelief as her life points nosedive to a mere 500. Rainbow Dash taunts, “Did you forget the effect of my monster, AJ? You take all the Battle Damage I would’ve taken!” Applejack scowls, but says nothing. Rainbow Dash sets a monster and a single card, bringing her hand count to three. “Turn end!” “My turn again!” Pinkie declares cheerfully. "Draw!" She first switches Performapal Fire Mufflerlion to defense position, then summons Performapal Hip Hippo and Performapal Helpprincess with her effect. The cute, twin tailed girl appears striking a pose on top of the pink hippo's back. Pinkie takes a card from her hand and, holding it above her head, announces, “Ladies and gentlemen! Let’s give a warm welcome to the star of today’s show!” Hip Hippo and Helpprincess vanish in an explosion of confetti to reveal a young man dressed in outlandish, brightly colored clothes. Pinkie calls out the monster’s name, “Performapal Laugh Maker!” He twirls his cane and bows exaggeratedly, displaying a wide smirk across his face. “And for my next trick…” Pinkie announces as she plays the last card in her hand. “Smile World!” The sound of joyful laughter fills the air as countless cartoonish, smiley faces appear all over the field. She spreads her arms and declares, “Now all face-up monsters on the field will get an extra 100 attack points for each monster on the field!” Spike tilts his head puzzled. “Why would she do that?” Twilight explains Performapal Laugh Maker can gain 1000 attack points for every other monster on the field with their current attack points higher than their original ones, except for Pinkie’s. Spike counts with his fingers, “Skull Marbles, Big Benkei, Cat Dancer, Alsei, Princessprite, Flowerknight…” His eyes widen in shock. “T-That’s 6000 attack points!” “With the bonus from Smile Word, that makes for a total of 9400 points,” Twilight adds. Pinkie points at Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei with her index finger and thumb raised upwards in the shape of a gun. “Go for it!” Performapal Laugh Maker flicks his wrist to reveal four cards which he throws with alarming speed, hitting Big Benkei in the joints. The mechanical giant stumbles and falls on its face, kicking up a cloud of dust and disappearing. Performapal Fire Mufflerlion roars and its mane flares up, increasing the attack points of Performapal Laugh Maker even further, to 9600. Without lowering her finger, Pinkie explains, “When one of my Pendulum Monsters wins a battle, my Mufflerlion can let it attack again!” Applejack pales. Much to her surprise, however, Pinkie winks and points at Rarity’s Lunalight Cat Dancer. “Attack, Laugh Maker!” “I-It’s a one-turn-kill!” Spike exclaims horrified. Rarity is unfazed. She lets out a soft “hmph” and reveals her remaining set card, Forbidden Scripture. “Your petty tricks won’t work, Pinkie!” Both monsters’ attack values return to their original numbers and Lunalight Cat Dancer blocks the strike of Performapal Laugh Maker’s cane with her daggers, sending him stumbling back with a well placed kick on the stomach. Rarity’s life points drop down to 3900. Pinkie snaps her fingers, “Oh, shoot!” She giggles and declares the end of her turn. Spike lets out a breath of relief. “That was close…” Twilight looks intently at Applejack. “Too close if you ask me…” Applejack adjusts her hat with a fiercely competitive scowl. “Mah’ turn! Draw!” She takes a card from her hand and slaps it on her Duel Disk. “Ah’ call Superheavy Samurai Battleball!” The tiny, ball-shaped robot appears standing proudly with both arms at its sides. Applejack orders it to perform a Synchro Summon with Speedroid Skull Marbles and both monsters fuse in a cluster of stars. “Mow ‘em down!” A massive mechanical centaur appears wielding a spear. Its pure white frame gleams under the light of the sun. “Level nine! Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi!” The centaur rears and the dozen of exhaust pipes on its back flare up, spewing flames that flicker behind it like multiple tails. Its defense points go up to 5200. “Mah’ Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi gets 900 attack points for every special summoned monster mah’ opponent has!” Applejack plays another card from her hand. An armor with two giant horns materializes attached to Kyubi’s back. “And with Superheavy Samurai Soulhorn it can attack twice!” She points at Rainbow Dash’s set monster. “Destroy it!” Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi leaps forward and destroys the revealed Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice with a mighty overhead strike. Applejack orders a direct attack. “Another one-turn-kill!?” Spike asks shocked. “You wish!” Rainbow Dash throws her hand upwards and Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice jumps from her graveyard, spinning at great speed to block the thrust of Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi’s spear. Applejack growls under her breath, visibly annoyed her attack failed. “Ah’ end mah’ turn!” Spike wipes his forehead. “They aren’t holding back at all…” Twilight doesn’t say a word. She begins tapping on the screen of her Duel Disk while keeping an eye on the duel. Rarity draws. Looking at her newest card, she smirks and declares, “I will show you why I am the most deserving of attending the Grand Galloping Gala with Twilight!” With great flourish, Rarity activates Allure of Darkness to draw two cards. She banishes Lunalight Purple Butterfly from her hand. “Come, Lunalight White Rabbit!” With her monster’s effect, Rarity brings back Lunalight Black Sheep to the field in defense position. “Once per turn, Lunalight White Rabbit allows me to choose a number of Spells & Traps equal to the number of Lunalight monsters I control and bounce them off the field!” The lithe girl lifts her hammer over her shoulder, takes a breath and swings it in a wide arc, kicking up a gust that blows away Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy’s set cards, much to their shock. Rarity plays the last card in her hand. “Fusion Substitute!” Lunalight Cat Dancer and Lunalight White Rabbit fuse into a whirlpool of light. Rarity joins her hands together and chants loudly, “Beautiful beast dancing in the moonlight! Lively white rabbit illuminated by moonlight! Swarm in the vortex of moon’s gravity and become a new power! Fusion Summon!” A beautiful, buxom dark-skinned maiden appears twirling gracefully. Her short hair conceals her eyes while her exotic attire reveals her fantastically well-toned arms and legs, giving her a mysterious yet powerful kind of appeal. Both, her hand and feet end in feline-like claws. Rarity calls proudly, “Elegant beast dancing in the moonlit wilderness! Lunalight Panther Dancer!" “Cool,” Spike mutters in awe. Rarity flicks her hair and, with an elegant wave of her hand, commands, “Crescent Moon Mayhem! Endless Waltz!” Lunalight Panther Dancer reveals a second set of long, crimson blade-like claws from between her fingers and rushes at Performapal Fire Mufflerlion, taking it out with a swift swipe. Her attack points go up by 200, to 3000. The assault continues. Lunalight Panther Dancer charges towards Sylvan Princessprite in a series of flips and somersaults. Coming to a halt, she delivers a powerful side-kick to Sylvan Princessprite’s head, felling her instantly. Lunalight Panther Dancer’s attack increases further, to 3200. She turns to Sylvan Flowerknight. Fluttershy cringes as her monster is torn apart. The first strike lowers her life points to 2600, the second to 1200. Lunalight Panther Dancer gains another 200 attack points. Alsei, the Sylvan High Protector soon follows and Fluttershy’s field is left empty. Twilight and Spike watch as Lunalight Panther Dancer, now with 3600 attack points, makes short work of Performapal Laugh Maker with two swift strikes. Pinkie’s life points lower to 1800. She squeaks, “Y-Yikes!” Rarity banishes Fusion Substitute from her graveyard, returning Lunalight Cat Dancer from her graveyard to her Extra Deck to draw a card, which she immediately sets. Smiling satisfied, she declares the end of her turn. Spike cheers, “That was awesome!” Twilight nods in agreement. “Indeed. Rarity chose her targets accordingly to maximize the Battle Damage she could inflict.” Twilight thinks it’s to be expected from a Pro Duelist graduated from a well known school. “M-My turn!” Fluttershy draws. She activates Sylvan Blessing to draw three cards, reveals Sylvan Lotuswain and Sylvan Snapdrassinagon, then puts them back on top of her deck. She continues summoning a second copy of Silvan Flowerknight and excavating Sylvan Snapdrassinagon, which she sends to the graveyard without activating its effect. “When a Sylvan monster is sent to the graveyard I can special summon Sylvan Sagequoia from my hand!” The giant tree emerges from the ground, standing protectively before her. “Excavate!” Fluttershy reveals Sylvan Lotuswain and uses the card’s effect to place Sylvan Peaskeeper, Sylvan Cherubsprout, Sylvan Bladefender, Sylvan Princessprout and her first copy of Sylvan Flowerknight on the bottom of her deck. Taking a deep breath, Fluttershy sets the two cards Rarity bounced on the last turn, reducing her hand count to one, and carefully examines the state of the field. There’s a long moment of silence before Spike asks, “What is she waiting for?” “She needs to plan her next move carefully.” Twilight adds this Battle Royale is especially harsh since there can be only one winner. Fluttershy finally decides. “Silvan Flowerknight, attack Pinkie directly!” The young knight raises his sword and charges, but is suddenly pushed back by an invisible wall. A baby elephant wearing a top hat and a bowtie jumps from Pinkie’s deck, standing protectively before her. It trumpets and slams the ground with the toy hammer attached to the tip of its trunk. Despite its cute appearance, the baby elephant boasts an attack power of 2600. Pinkie smiles and wags her index finger, tilting her head towards her unveiled trap, Performapal Pinch Helper. Fluttershy frowns. She points at Rainbow Dash and orders the attack of Sylvan Sagequoia, “Roots of Wisdom!” Rainbow Dash calmly answers summoning Speedroid Menko from her hand. “I can special summon this guy when attacked directly! And it changes all of my opponent’s attack position monsters to defense!” Sylvan Flowerknight, Sylvan Sagequoia and even Lunalight Cat Dancer are switched to defense position. Fluttershy lets out a soft sigh. “I end my turn.” Rainbow Dash draws. She grins and declares, “I think it’s time to start wrapping things up!” She special summons Speedroid Taketomborg and immediately tributes it to special summon Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice directly from her deck. "Level five!” Rainbow Dash continues, tuning Speedroid Menko and Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice to Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama in attack position. She takes another card and slaps it on her Duel Disk. “Speedroid Ohajikid!” A small, toy-like robot dressed in stereotypical cowboy clothing appears on the field. Rainbow Dash looks at Applejack and says mockingly, “Hey AJ, I’m borrowing your tuner, okay?” Applejack grumbles as Superheavy Samurai Battleball jumps from her graveyard onto Rainbow Dash’s side of the field. “I tune the level three Speedroid Ohajikid with the level two Superheavy Samurai Battleball! Synchro Summon!” Rainbow Dash throws her hand upwards and her monsters disappear into a cluster of stars above her head. “Superfast swordplay!” A vehicle in the shape of a massive blade manned by a toy-like automaton materializes on the field. “Level five! Hi-Speedroid Chanbara!” The two sword-shaped monsters loom threateningly like birds of prey ready to strike. Rainbow Dash banishes Speedroid Menko from her graveyard. “Sorry, AJ!” Hi-Speedroid Kendama aims at Applejack and fires a beam of light, hitting her on the chest. She barely flinches, but her life points are taken down to zero. Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi and Superheavy Samurai Soulhorn disappear. Applejack tilts her hat to cover her eyes. She grits her teeth hard, but says nothing. Rainbow Dash points at Sylvan Flowerknight. “Spiral Sword!” Hi-Speedroid Kendama charges forward at terrifying speed. Fluttershy answers with her set Sylvan Blessing, placing Sylvan Guardioak from her hand on top of her deck and special summoning a copy of Sylvan Cherubsprout from her graveyard. Hi-Speedroid Kendama makes a sharp turn, returning to Rainbow Dash’s side. “Excavate two cards!” Fluttershy gulps and reveals the two cards from the top of her deck, the Sylvan Guardioak she had returned and Mount Sylvania. “I lost…” she mutters in defeat. Rainbow Dash resumes her attack. Fluttershy gasps as her monster is torn to shreds, costing her her remaining 1200 life points. Sylvan Sagequoia and Sylvan Flowerknight disappear and she falls on her knees, silent. Fluttershy takes the remaining card she had set, Plant Food Chain and dejectedly puts it back on her deck with the others. Spike gulps. “Two of them down in a single turn.” Twilight continues to watch the action impassively. “Go, Hi-Speedroid Chanbara!” Rainbow Dash shouts. “Spiral Blade!” The machine’s attack points increase to 2200 and it slices Lunalight Black Sheep in half, allowing Rarity to activate her set card, Lunalight Reincarnation Dance. She adds Lunalight Wolf and Lunalight Tiger from her deck to her hand. Rainbow Dash sets a card, bringing her hand count to one. “My turn is over!” Pinkie cheers, “My turn again!” She swings her right arm and shouts, “Shining Sugary Draw!” With great fanfare, Pinkie draws. She looks at her newest card and grins. “I set Performapal Radish Horse on the Pendulum Scale!” The cute pony ascends in a pillar of light. “With this little guy I can pick one of your monsters and it loses the attack points of one of my Performapals!” Hi-Speedroid Kendama suddenly falls to the ground, its attack points displaying as zero. Rainbow Dash cringes as Pinkie declares the attack of Performapal Elephammer. “Super Squeaky Smash!” The baby elephant raises its snout and destroys Hi-Speedroid Kendama with a single strike, like a child breaking a toy. Rainbow Dash’s life points go down to 1400. Pinkie twirls and strikes a pose winking. “And that’s all for now! Turn end!” Rarity calmly draws. She picks Lunalight Tiger and Lunalight Wolf between her middle and index fingers and sets them on the Pendulum Zones with a swift motion. “With Lunalight Tiger’s effect, I can special summon Lunalight Black Sheep back to the field!” After normal summoning her newly drawn Lunalight Blue Cat, she adds, “And with Lunalight Wolf, I can Fusion Summon a Lunalight monster banishing the materials from the field or graveyard!” Rarity smiles nostalgically and muses to herself that it’s been a while since she called this monster. “My beautiful monsters! Swarm in the vortex of moon’s gravity and become a new power! Fusion Summon!” Rarity’s new monster is a sight to behold. A gorgeous, beastly lady with soft purple skin and a body comparable to that of an elite athlete. Her long, pure white hair flows wildly like a mane and her red eyes shine like rubies. A dragon-like tail goes from the base of her neck down her back. The monster’s outfit is skimpy yet tasteful, of a wine red color. Ornate golden pieces of armor and beige patches of fur asymmetrically adorn her body. In her right hand she wields a large, curved saber. “The king of beasts dancing atop the summit of the moonlight wilderness! Lunalight Leo Dancer!” A faint blush appears across Spike’s cheeks. “Whoa…” Rarity waves elegantly and commands, “New Moon Mayhem!” Lunalight Leo Dancer leaps towards Hi-Speedroid Chanbara, holding her saber one-handed as if it weighed nothing; the crimson cape around her waist flutters like wings behind her. Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “When Hi-Speedroid Chanbara battles it gets 200 attack points!” The two monsters clash their blades in mid-air. Lunalight Leo Dancer lands gracefully while Hi-Speedroid Chanbara remains airborne. A second later, the machine splits cleanly in two and explodes, taking down Rainbow Dash’s life points to a mere 100. Rarity declares, “Lunalight Leo Dancer’s effect! I can destroy all of my opponent’s special summoned monsters!” Lunalight Leo Dancer swings her saber, creating a gale that sends Performapal Elephammer flying away and disappearing. “New Moon Mayhem! Second waltz!” Pinkie grins nervously as Lunalight Leo Dancer looms over her. She rummages on the pocket of her skirt and pulls out a small pink thread. Pinkie waves the thread around and asks, “Here, kitty?” Lunalight Leo Dancer casually slashes Pinkie, taking her life points down to zero and making her fall on her butt. Pinkie let’s out a groan. “Why did I pick today to leave the catnip at home?” Rainbow Dash grins. “Looks like it’s just you and I, Rares,” she remarks with a chuckle. Rarity smirks. “It would seem so.” Rainbow Dash asks why she didn’t attack her instead of Pinkie. Rarity tilts her head and answers, “So you could block me with the Speedroid Menko you retrieved with Hi-Speedroid Chanbara’s effect?” Rainbow Dash flicks the card between her index and middle fingers. “Gotcha, but I’m going to win this duel!” With those words, she spreads her wings and draws. “Speedroid Double Yoyo!” Using her monster’s effect, Rainbow Dash brings back Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice to the field. “Level six!” She throws her hand upwards and shouts, “I tune my level one Red-Eyed Dice with my level six Double Yo Yo! Synchro Summon!” Clear Wing Synchro Dragon descends from the sky. Its roar seems to echo all over Ponyville. Rainbow Dash special summons Speedroid Rubberband Plane and uses its effect to lower the attack points of Lunalight Leo Dancer by 600, to 2900. Rarity remarks that won’t be enough to defeat her. “That’s why I was saving this one!” Rainbow Dash unveils her set card, Hi-Speed Re-Level and banishes Speedroid Double Yoyo. The level of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon changes to four and its attack points go up to 4500. Rarity’s expression falters. “It’s over,” Twilight remarks. Clear Wing Synchro Dragon dive bombs Lunalight Leo Dancer, leaving Rarity with 1600 life points, enough to be finished by the 1800 attack points of Speedroid Rubberband Plane. Every monster remaining on the field vanishes. Rarity puts her hands on her waist and looks away pouting. “Yes!” Rainbow Dash shouts triumphantly. “The ticket is mine!” She begins flying around, twirling and spinning while repeating “I got the ticket” over and over again in a sing-song voice. “Talk about being humble in victory,” Rarity comments drily. A sudden beep coming from Rainbow Dash’s Duel Disk alerts her to a new message. “Alright! Come to ma--” Before she can say another word, several more beeps can be heard. Rarity taps on the screen of her Duel Disk. “Oh my!” she exclaims. “I got a ticket!” “Me too!” Fluttershy adds. Pinkie cheers, “Me three!” “Ah’ got one too…” Applejack blinks twice and turns to Twilight. “But ah’ though you only had an extra one?” “I did,” Twilight states. “But I sent a message to Princess Celestia about it. She apologized, said the automatic messaging system had not been yet updated with your data, which is why you didn’t receive an invitation.” “Wait a minute!” Rainbow Dash descends. She frowns and asks, “Does that mean I kicked all that ass for nothing?” Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Spike, shoot her a glare. Rainbow Dash giggles sheepishly. “S-Sorry.” Twilight sighs. “I couldn’t simply choose one of you to give the ticket to.” She smiles fondly and adds, “You’re all my friends and I wanted to make all of you happy.” Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie all look at each other in an awkward silence. Applejack is the first to speak; she takes out her hat and holds it with both hands. “I’m sorry, Twilight…I didn’t mean to put so much pressure on you…” Fluttershy nods. “Me too. I feel bad about making you feel bad…” “No party is worth making a friend feel upset,” Pinkie adds. Rarity puts her hand over her chest. “I’m sorry, Twilight. It was unfair of me to push you the way I did.” “Uh…yeah…” Rainbow Dash scratches the back of her neck embarrassed. “I think I may have gone a bit too far with the whole ticket thing…” The girls look at each other once again and say in unison, “We’re sorry, Twilight.” Twilight shakes her head. Without a word, she takes a step forward and embraces each of them. Afterwards, she smiles and says, “You know, all this watching you duel made me hungry. Who’s up for lunch?” Applejack puts her hat back on with a wide grin. “Say no more! Yer all comin’ for brunch at Sweet Apple Acres!” The girls, and Spike, cheer. As they head towards Sweet Apple Acres with renewed spirits, Twilight tells Spike, “I still have the extra ticket with me. You sure you don’t want to come to the gala?” Spike sighs heavily, making a show of rolling his eyes. “Fine, but only because it would be a waste otherwise.” Twilight smiles and, with a few taps on the screen of her Duel Disk, transfers him the ticket. “Done!” Spike gives her a thumbs up. As Twilight goes ahead with the girls, Spike discreetly takes a look at the ticket and giggles joyfully. > Duel Fourteen - Dark Maneuvers in Applebucking Season! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stands alone in a small alley located in Manehattan, surrounded by empty boxes and thrash cans. The light of the setting sun paints the brick walls orange. In front of her there’s an ornate wooden door with a dusty black lamp above it. Attached to the door is a golden metal plaque in dire need of a good polish, with the words “The Winking Pony” barely visible on it. The inside of the pub is as poorly lit as the outside. As soon as she enters, Applejack is greeted by several distrustful glares coming from a few patrons of less than reputable appearance sitting on the nearby tables. She glares right back and they go back to minding their own business. Applejack adjusts the bright red scarf around her neck to cover her mouth and conceal a soft breath of relief. She wears her work boots and gloves, faded blue jeans, an orange lumberjack shirt two sizes too big, a brown leather longcoat and her favorite wide-brimmed hat. The bartender, a middle-aged bald man with a prominent black moustache, looks at Applejack and she flashes him a Duel Monsters' card depicting a dragon resting over a mountain of gold and jewels. He nods. Applejack puts the card back inside her pocket and heads towards the end of the bar, stopping in front of a heavy-looking metal door. She knocks once and the door slowly opens. A burly man with slicked back hair and wearing a black suit motions for Applejack to come in. Once she crosses the threshold, he takes a quick peek outside and closes the door. Applejack walks down the grungy hallway. For a moment the only sound is that of her steps breaking the puddles of water created from the leaking industrial pipes above her head. A second door awaits her at the end. Applejack narrows her eyes and pushes it open, letting the light and noise flood the hallway. The first thing she sees is the steel cage in the middle of the large open room, where two men are dueling against each other. Both of them wear three strange, black collar-like devices each, two around their arms and one around their necks. Several fancy tables surround the cage, occupied by couples, individuals and groups alike. Every single one of the spectators has their face concealed by a featureless mask. The women wear exquisite dresses and the men all sport fancy tuxedos, making their affluence clear. They all watch the duel with interest while savoring their drinks. Applejack pays them no mind and heads straight to one table in particular, occupied by the only spectator who did not wore a mask: a bespectacled, flamboyant man with curly, light grayish vermillion hair. He wears a rich blue suit, complete with a wine red tie and dark brown derby shoes. The man is reading attentively from a small notebook while flanked by two tall men wearing black suits. Applejack lowers the scarf from her mouth and calls, “Baloney.” Baloney lifts his gaze and smiles pleasantly at the sight of the young woman. “Applejack,” he calls, motioning for her to take a seat. He sets the notebook aside and rests both hands on the table with his fingers intertwined. “It’s good to see you again.” Applejack nods. “Same here.” She sits and asks, “So, what you’ve got for me?” A sudden scream echoes in the room. Applejack turns around to see one of the duelists lying on the ground. The spectators break into a polite applause as two men in black suits carry the unconscious duelist out of the cage. Baloney adjusts his glasses with a smirk. “That’s Two Ton,” he says while pointing at the remaining duelist inside the cage. “He’s known for his relentless attacks and overall aggressive dueling.” Applejack frowns and adjusts her hat. "Got it." The door of the cage closes behind Applejack with a loud clang. She remembers her first time here and how that sound nearly made her jump on her toes. Now it’s little more than background noise. Applejack takes a good look at her opponent. A tall, ripped man with light brown hair styled in a mullet. He wears black boots, faded grey jeans and a jacket of the same color, open to expose his prominent pectoral muscles. Two Ton casts her a heated look that would have made most people experience a sudden toilet break, but she remains calm and answers by pulling back the sleeve of her coat over her left arm to reveal her Duel Disk. One of the men in black suit enters the cage and approaches Applejack carrying a case. He opens it to reveal three of the black collar-like devices. “Consarned electrodes,” Applejack thinks with disdain. They are special devices that drain excess magic from the surroundings, much like Duel Disks, and work by atuning themselves to them, activating whenever the user sustains damage. Or that’s what she was told. Either way, it’s the only thing around here she cannot get used to. Without a word, Applejack removes her scarf and attaches one of the collars around her neck, then the other two around her arms. The man in black leaves the cage. Both, Applejack and Two Ton activate their Duel Disks. Their life points flash at 4000 above them. They draw their opening hands of five cards and the disks cycle randomly, granting Two Ton the first turn. Two Ton’s nose flares. “My turn!” He summons Exarion Universe and set two cards before finishing his turn with a low, threatening growl. “Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws a card, plays a monster facedown and finishes her turn. Two Ton draws energetically. “I tribute Exarion Universe!” The armored centaur rears as its body erupts in flames. “To summon Twinheaded Beast!” From the flames emerges a larger centaur; its two lion heads roar loudly as the flames dance all over its body. “Attack!” Twinheaded Beast extends its arms, creating a fireball on each hand. It launches the first and destroys the set Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves. Applejack quickly takes the first five cards from her deck and rearranges them back. “Second strike!” Twinheaded Beast launches the second fireball. Applejack banishes Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves, draws the first card from her deck and reveals it as Superheavy Samurai Flutist, reducing the fireball to a harmless shower of sparks. Two Ton shouts the activation of his set trap, Beast Soul Swap, replacing the Twinheaded Beast on his side of the field with one from his hand. Applejack’s eyes widen in shock. He orders, “Double strike!” Twinheaded Beast rears and launches two fireballs in quick succession, hitting Applejack and knocking her against the steel bars. Her life points lower drastically, to 400. The electrodes around Applejack’s arms and neck glow bright red. She cannot hold back a scream as the devices release an electric shock. Her legs wobble and she has to hold onto the bars of the cage to remain on her feet. “Darn,” she mutters between heavy breaths. “Ah’ got careless…” Two Ton makes a “thumbs down” gesture to signal the end of his turn. Applejack takes a deep breath, grits her teeth and rips the first card from the top of her deck. “Draw!” She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Flutist, sacrificing it to special summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei in defense position. She orders, “Buck him to the moon!” Two Ton unveils his remaining set card, Sakuretsu Armor, engulfing Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei in a pillar of fire, but Applejack swiftly banishes Superheavy Samurai Flutist to protect her monster. Two Ton mutters a curse and braces himself for impact, but to his sudden horror, Applejack discards Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet from her hand to double Benkei’s defense points, from 3500 to 7000. Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei raises its massive motorized fist and squashes Twinheaded Beast like a bug. Two Ton’s life points go down to zero. He screams as the Electrodes attached to his neck and arms shock him. Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei vanishes. Applejack looks content, but does not smile. Only a few of the spectators applaud. She removes the collars around her neck and arms, handing them to one of the men in black as she leaves the cage. Baloney nods approvingly. “Excellent work, Applejack.” He smiles and adds, “Truly my choice of opponent was a superb one.” Applejack chuckles softly. “Yeah, thanks.” She rubs her right arm, still feeling some lingering pain from the duel. “So, about mah’ share…” “Of course.” Baloney motions to the man on his right, who throws a small bag at Applejack. Applejack swiftly catches the bag, weights it on her hand and then frowns. “What the hay?” she asks bewildered. “This ain’t even half of last time’s!” Baloney remains indifferent. “Organizing these events does not come cheap, Applejack.” He tilts his head and adds condescendingly. “You should be thankful you got that much for such a short duel.” Applejack scowls. Baloney sighs, calmly removes his glasses and begins cleaning them with a napkin. “Do you remember the first time we met, Applejack?” he asks without even looking at her. Applejack immediately deflates. She lowers her gaze and mutters, “Y-Yeah…” However, Baloney does not stop. “You used all your money to pay the entrance fee for some fancy tournament and didn’t get to win a single one of your matches.” He puts his glasses back on and continues, “You did not even had enough bits to pay the train ticket back home when I found you.” He raises both eyebrows like if he was addressing a rebellious child. “Yet here you are now, earning money while simultaneously improving your skills.” Applejack bites her lower lip. She has both eyes firmly locked on the floor. Baloney sighs. “Don’t feel bad, Applejack.” He smiles comfortingly and puts a hand over her shoulder. “I know exactly how you feel. We’re both trying to make ends meet, after all.” Applejack looks at him and smiles softly. “Yeah…” “I’ll tell you what,” Baloney says enthusiastically, with a snap of his fingers. “I’m going to prepare a special duel just for you.” Applejack tilts her head in curiosity. “There will be no other duels, just yours against some of the best duelist around here, with plenty of promotion and, most importantly,” Baloney makes a gesture holding his index finger and thumb together. “A very generous prize.” He smiles complicity and asks, “What do you say?” Applejack’s expression brightens. “I-I’ll be! That sounds mighty fine!” Baloney nods. “I’ll make sure to have everything prepared for your next visit.” Applejack smiles and nods. She puts the bag of bits inside the pocket of her longcoat, bids him farewell and goes back from where she came from. It’s not until she disappears behind the door that Baloney’s expression changes into one of complete disdain. “The nerve of some people,” he comments indignantly. “You give them an inch and they try to take a mile.” He shakes his head, looks at the man in black to his side and asks, “Can you believe she did not even thank me?” The man shrugs. Once again, Applejack finds himself standing in front of the door of The Winking Pony. Her choice of clothes and the setting sun bring a heavy sense of deja vu. She grabs the door’s handle, but does not push it open. For the second time after she began frequenting this place, Applejack hesitates. The words of Princess Celestia echo in the back of her mind, “All of Equestria is in debt with you, girls.” She briefly wonders if she could ask for some bits as reward, but quickly dismisses the idea with a shake of her head. How would she look if she went demanding compensation when none of her friends has asked for anything? “Applebuck Season is comin’,” Applejack mutters to herself. There’s no way they can harvest several acres of apples with only four people. She grits her teeth and adds, “We need the money.” With renewed determination, Applejack marches inside The Winking Pony, flashes the barman her admission card and knocks on the metal door at the end of the bar. She pushes the doorman aside and marches through the grungy hallway, ending up in the large open room with the cage. Baloney greets her cheerfully, flanked by two men in black, as always. “Applejack! Just in time.” Applejack tilts her hat and smiles confidently. “Eeyup! I’m all ready!” Baloney adjusts his glasses and, for a moment, the light from above reflects on the lens, concealing his eyes. “Excellent. Here’s the deal,” He raises his index finger and one of his men handles Applejack her electrodes. She puts them on while listening attentively to what Baloney says, “You will face three opponents. Beat one and you get to duel the next. Be warned, your life points won’t get replenished between duels.” He smiles and finishes, “Win the three duels and the prize is yours.” To drive the point forward, Baloney snaps his fingers and one of the men in black approaches carrying a bag filled to the brim with both hands. Applejack’s eyes widen at the sight of the bag. Her mind begins reeling with plans, but she dispells the thoughts with a quick shake of her head. “Got it!” Applejack pulls back the sleeve of her coat to unveil her Duel Disk and hurriedly heads inside the cage, where her first opponent is already waiting for her. “Miss me, you witch?” Applejack frowns. In front of her stands Two Ton with a look of pure animosity. But what truly gets her attention is the fact he’s not wearing electrodes like her. She thinks this is going to be more difficult than she expected, but a glance at the bag of bits resting on a nearby table under the watchful gaze of two men in black suits serves to dispell her doubts. Both duelists activate their Duel Disks and draw their initial hands of five cards. The disks cycle randomly until they stop on Applejack. “Ah’ summon Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler!” The large automaton appears on the field and immediately adopts a defensive stance, crossing its massive arms in front of it like a shield. “Turn end!” “My turn! Draw!” Two Ton sets two cards and plays a monster face-down. He shouts, “Come on!” Applejack draws. Her eyes narrow as she tries to recall their duel from the last time she came here. She normal summons Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer and equips it with Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker from her hand. “Ah’ tribute mah’ Soulpiercer equipped with Soulpeacemaker!” With the combined effects of her monsters, she adds Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter to her hand and special summons Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves, both from her deck. Applejack continues special summoning Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter. The tiny orange robot appears twirling its trumpet before blowing it loudly. “Synchro Summon!” Trumpeter and Gigagloves disappear in a cluster of stars, revealing the shape of Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi. From outside the cage, Baloney watches as Applejack rearranges the top five cards of her deck with Gigagloves’ effect before retrieving Trumpeter from her graveyard with Swordmaster Musashi’s effect. “It seems she has improved somewhat,” he thinks. His lips curve into a wide smirk. “But this show has just started.” Applejack orders the attack of Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi, “Superheavy Double Slash!” Swordmaster Musashi slices the face-down monster in half with a single strike, revealing a Hyena that vanishes with a yelp. Immediately two more Hyenas jump from Two Ton’s deck to the field in defense position. They snarl tirelessly at Applejack. She ends her turn. “Draw! Beast Striker!” A musclebound, yeti-like monster appears on the field carrying a large metal hammer over its shoulder. Two Ton discards a card to activate the effect of his newest monster and special summon Moja from his deck. The small, black furry critter jumps from his deck. It looks at Applejack with its big, round red eyes and tilts its head. Two Ton’s eyes widen in anticipation. He replaces the Moja card on his Monster Zone with a card from his graveyard. The furry critter lets out a cry and doubles over like it has a tummy ache. Its body begins to grow; bigger and bigger until it reaches the open top of the cage. A mountain of long, black fur with four skeletal limbs sprouting from the base of its body. The monster’s face twists into a horrifying skull-like shape with glowing red eyes. “King of the Beasts!” The monster’s attack points appear at 2500. Applejack observes warily as Two Ton reveals his set cards. “Beast Rising! Roaring Earth!” He tributes a copy of Hyena to increase the attack points of Beast Striker to 2850. “Crush her with your Beast Hammer!” The yeti-like beast brutally hammers down Swordmaster Musashi like it was made of cardboard. Applejack’s life points go down to 3450. The electrodes glow and she clenches her teeth hard to keep herself from screaming from the electric shock. The defense points of Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler go down to 1500 and Two Ton targets it next. King of the Beasts tries to squash Blue Brawler with one of its massive skeleton legs, but Blue Brawler holds on. Still, Applejack’s life points decrease even further, to 2450, and the electrodes punish her even more. Two Ton declares loudly, “With Beast Rising I can tribute a Beast-Type monster to make another one stronger while Roaring Earth gives my monsters piercing and weakens yours every time you take damage! It’s a perfect anti-defense combo!” Applejack breathes heavily. Sweat cascades down her forehead. Her hands shake, but she remains firm. She picks two cards and swiftly plays them, “Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads and Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense!” Swordmaster Musashi returns to the field in attack position, along with a different Superheavy Samurai of a bright green color, holding a spear. Two Ton scoffs, “Bah! Turn end!” "Mah' turn." Applejack draws. She looks at her newest card for a moment, before letting out a soft, defeated sigh. Shaking her head, she special summons Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter from her hand, tuning it with Blue Brawler and Prepped Defense. “Synchro Summon! Level nine! Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi!” The mechanical centaur’s attack points rise up to 4300. Applejack follows by summoning Superheavy Samurai Swordsman, then switches Swordmaster Musashi to defense. She takes a couple of breaths, clenches her fists and orders the attack of Swordmaster Musashi on King of the Beasts. The King of Beasts raises its massive skeletal leg and blocks the dual sword strikes, pushing Swordmaster Musashi back and costing Applejack 200 of her life points. She flinches as the electrodes shock her. Two Ton furiously asks her what she’s trying to do. Applejack grins and replies, “This!” Superheavy Samurai Swordsman swiftly impales the King of Beasts, lowering its attack and defense points to zero. Two Ton pales. Applejack wastes no time following with the attack of Superheavy Samurai Beast Kyubi. The centaur strikes on the same spot as Superheavy Samurai Swordsman, its spear piercing through muscle and fur with ease until it reaches the other side and strikes Two Ton on the chest, knocking him on his back. He groans as his life points plummet to zero. The remaining monsters vanish and Applejack allows herself a small breath of relief. She checks her remaining life points, standing at 2250, and bites her lower lip. “Too much for just the first duel,” she thinks annoyed. Two Ton leaves the cage muttering curses and glaring daggers at Applejack. It is at this point that she notices the whole room is silent. Despite the fact all tables are occupied, not a single one of the spectators applauds or makes any kind of comment. She decides to pay them no mind and keep focusing on getting the prize money. The sound of the cage door closing snaps Applejack out of her thoughts. Her next opponent is here. Applejack blinks in surprise; where Two Ton was large and imposing, the man in front of her is lanky and, honestly, sleazy-looking. His jet-black hair is slicked back with too much gel and his light beard is scruffy, contrasting unpleasantly against his pale skin. He wears tipped brown shoes, beige jeans and a peach pink shirt, partially open to reveal plenty of curly chest hair. The buckle of his belt is in the shape of a golden bull, he wears a golden pendant around his neck and an earring of the same color on his left ear. Applejack finds them gaudy. The man looks at Applejack up and down with his light blue eyes and grins lecherously, revealing a golden tooth. “The name’s Quick Buck and I’m here to…” He winks, ignites his Duel Disk and finishes, “Duel.” Applejack cringes. She hurriedly places the cards from her graveyard back into her deck, auto-shuffles it and draws five cards. The Duel Disks randomly grant her the first turn once again. Applejack carefully examines the contents of her hand. She thinks it’s a risky play, but it may be worth a try. “Superheavy Samurai Transporter!” A smaller, sleeker Superheavy Samurai appears on the field, its legs equipped with wheels. Applejack explains she can special summon it if she has no Spells or Traps in her graveyard. “Ah’ can tribute this fella to summon two monsters from mah’ hand to your side in defense position!” She picks two cards and skillfully throws them at Quick Buck. He catches them and places them on his Duel Disk with a chuckle. Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves and Superheavy Samurai Kabuto appear on the field. With Transporter’s effect, Applejack draws two cards. She summons Blue Brawler, switching it to defense and equips it with Soulhorns from her hand. “Ah’ special summon Soulhorns to the field!” Having solidified her position, Applejack ends her turn. “My turn,” Quick Buck declares calmly. He draws his five cards plus one and grins; his gold tooth twinkles under the light of the lamps above the cage. “I’m not one to reject a gift from a pretty girl, so…” He tributes both Superheavy Samurai monsters to summon Barrel Dragon. The tank-like monster announces its presence with a metallic roar that echoes in the entire room. Quick Buck throws the cards back to Applejack, who slides them into her graveyard. She quickly rearranges the top five cards of her deck with Gigagloves’ effect. “Fancy a little gamble?” Quick Buck asks. He produces a golden coin from his pocket. “I think I’ll go for your Blue Brawler.” He flips the coin with his right hand, catches it mid-air and slaps it on the back of his left. “Heads.” He repeats the process two more times and gets the same result with each. For each heads, the chambers in the cannons of Barrel Dragon spin. “Fire,” he commands smugly. Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler is decimated. Quick Buck activates Ancient Rules to special summon Slot Machine from his hand. “Attack!” The large automaton stomps Superheavy Samurai Soulhorns, leaving Applejack defenseless. Quick Buck runs a hand through his hair and shrugs. “Sorry, Babe,” he says with a smirk. “This ain’t your duel.” He orders the direct attack of Barrel Dragon. The monster aims its three cannons directly at Applejack. “Limiter Removal!” He shouts as he activates the Spell card. Barrel Dragon’s attack points double up, to 5200, and it fires three shots in quick succession. Applejack grins. “Gotcha!” She banishes Gigagloves and draws the first card from her deck, holding it forwards like a shield. The bullets bounce against an invisble wall, falling harmlessly to the ground before vanishing. Quick Buck’s smile disappears. “Fine,” he grumbles as he sets the last two cards in his hand. “Turn end.” Both, Barrel Dragon and Slot machine explode in a shower of sparks. “Mah’ turn! Draw!” Applejack normal summons Superheavy Samurai Scales and brings back Soulhorns from the graveyard with its effect. She follows with Trumpeter from her hand and immediately tunes it with Scales. “Level six! Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!” The crimson ogre wipes out Quick Buck’s set cards with a mighty swing of its club. “M-My traps!” he squeaks in shock. Applejack doesn’t stop; she equips Shutendoji with Soulhorns and launches two consecutive direct attacks to his opponent’s life points, reducing them to zero. Baloney watches Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji vanish from the field and Quick Buck leave the cage holding his forehead. He smiles satisfied and mutters to himself, “And now for the grand finale.” Applejack opens and clenches her fists. Her heart pounds inside her chest. “Ah’ can do this,” she thinks. “One more win. Just one more.” Applejack keeps thinking that, once they’re done with the apple harvesting, she can start working on her produce for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala. The last opponent is here. Applejack quirks an eyebrow as she looks at the bespectacled young man wearing a dark blue uniform, complete with black combat boots. He has short, pure white hair and sharp, brown eyes. He doesn’t come out as menacing like Two Ton or sleazy like Quick Buck. Instead, he looks confident, if not a bit arrogant. “Applejack, isn’t?” he asks casually. She doesn’t reply. He smirks and salutes. “I’m Grey Cloud.” Applejack re-shuffles her deck and draws her initial hand. Grey Cloud chuckles. “Straight to the point, eh? I like that…” He follows suit and the Duel Disks cycle, granting him the first turn. Grey Cloud summons Goblindbergh, and with its effect, Summoner Monk. “By discarding a Spell card, I can special summon a level four monster from my deck.” He gets rid of Magical Blast and a beautiful white bird flies from his deck to his side of the field. “When Sacred Crane is special summoned, I can draw a card.” He does so and immediately declares an Xyz summon using Goblindbergh and Sacred Crane. “King of the Feral Imps!” The giant, bipedal lizard-man stands in front of Grey Cloud like a guard dog. Grey Cloud detaches an Xyz Material from his monster to retrieve Kagetokage from his deck. After setting a single card, he ends his turn. Applejack scowls fiercely and grits her teeth. She thinks she won’t hold back. Whether she ends up winning with her remaining life points intact or just a measly 100, it doesn’t matter. She has to win. “Draw!” After normal summoning Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves, she equips it with Soulpeacemaker from her hand and immediately tributes it to bring Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei straight from her deck in defense position. Grey Cloud whistles at the sight of the massive automaton that dwarfes even his King of the Feral Imps. Applejack pays him no mind and rearranges the top five cards of her deck thanks to Gigagloves. She continues by equipping Big Benkei with Soulhorns and Soulbang Cannon from her hand, raising its defense points to 4500 and granting it a second attack. Grey Cloud grins, a disturbingly feral smile that perfectly displays his teeth, and declares, “Trap card open! Breakthrough Skill!” Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei’s eyes stop glowing and it becomes still as a statue. Grey Cloud adjusts his glasses and taunts, “Without its effect, your monster is nothing but a huge lump of useless scrap metal.” Applejack growls under her breath. She looks at the two remaining cards in her hand; Superheavy Samurai Scales and Prepped Defense. “That’s okay,” she thinks. “Ah’ got plenty to defend myself!” “My turn.” Grey Cloud retrieves Magical Blast from his graveyard at the cost of skipping his normal draw. He detaches the remaining Xyz Material from King of the Feral Imps to fetch a second copy of Kagetokage from his deck. “I summon Molten Zombie.” A burning undead materializes, and from its shadow emerges a shadowy lizard with red eyes like dots. Grey Cloud repeats the process of discarding Magical Blast for Summoner Monk’s effect and bring a second copy of Sacred Crane from his deck, then draw a card. “You know…” He fans himself with the cards in his hand. “I can tell what you’re thinking: there’s no way he can break through my monster’s defense easily.” He tilts his head and asks, “Am I right?” Applejack's nose flares and Grey Cloud chuckles, satisfied he elicited a reaction. “Sorry to say this is your last turn.” He spreads his arms wide and declares loudly, “I will show you the power of my arsenal deck! Xyz summon!” Grey Cloud overlays his monsters to summon Abyss Dweller and Castel, the Skyblaster Muskeeter in attack position. “By detaching two Xyz Materials from Castel, I can shuffle a face-up monster back into the deck! I choose your Big Benkei!” Applejack is shocked. Grey Cloud smirks as she begrudgingly complies with the effect. “Now, I suppose you’re hoping to protect yourself with the Gigagloves in your graveyard, correct?” He detaches an Xyz Material from Abyss Dweller. The dragon’s eyes glow eerily with a yellow light. “Until the end of this turn you won’t be able to activate card effects from your graveyard!” Applejack gulps; she has no choice but to brace herself for impact. Grey Cloud points forward and orders the attack of Castel. The half-man half-bird raises his musket and fires a single bullet that hits Applejack in the chest, lowering her life points to a mere 250 and activating the electrodes. Grey Cloud laughs as Applejack screams in pain and falls on her knees. Her heart pounds savagely inside her chest. Still, she manages to play Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense from her hand and explain between breaths, “You won’t—be—able to destroy—my—monster—this turn…” Grey Cloud adjusts his glasses. “Is that so?” He banishes Breakthrough Skill from his graveyard to negate the effect of Prepped Defense. Applejack pales. Slowly, she turns towards the table where the bag of bits was resting, only to see the bag being taken away by one of the men in black. She doesn’t see King of the Feral Imps tearing her Prepped Defense to shreds or Grey Cloud declaring the direct attack of Abyss Dweller, but the electricity coursing through her body tells her this duel ended with her loss. Applejack’s vision blurs as she falls on her back, legs and arms feeling like they’re made of wet paper. Her whole body aches. Three of the men in black enter the cage. One of them takes the electrodes from around her arms and neck, while the other two pick her up by the arms. As she’s being dragged unceremoniously out of the cage, Applejack has a sudden moment of clarity where she hears the spectators applaud fervently. The men in black drag Applejack into a separate, smaller room and dump her on the floor like a sack of potatoes. One of them digs inside the pocket of her longcoat and pulls out her admission card. The other slaps Applejack on her cheek a couple of times until she snaps out of her doze. With a groan, Applejack tries to stand up, but only succeds in remaining on her knees. She looks up to see Baloney staring down at her. His expression baffles her, as it’s not one she had seen him make before. He’s looking at her like a piece if thrash somebody had just dropped on the pavement. “B-Baloney…” she mutters. “What--” “You lost,” Baloney answers coldly. One of the men in black hands him Applejack’s admission card, which he puts inside his pocket. “I’m revoking your admission into this circuit. Please leave.” He adjusts is glasses and adds, “And make sure you don’t come back. Ever.” Applejack’s eyes widen in shock. “W-What--” She shakes her head rapidly, grits her teeth and stands up, nearly tripping before regaining her balance. “Y-You can’t do that!” she protests furiously. The men in black tense and stand at the ready. Baloney quirks an eyebrow, unfazed. “Why not? I made you, and just like that, I can discard you.” Applejack’s whole body is shaking with anger. “What the hay does that even mean!?” “Seriously, Applejack?” Baloney let’s out an annoyed sigh. “Do you honestly believe you won all your duels with your skill alone?” He snorts. “Ever since the beginning, you’ve been facing losers and bums; Grey Cloud was the only genuine article among them.” He pauses; his lips curve into a cruel smirk. “And we all saw how you fared against him.” The realization hits Applejack like a fist. Her anger fades like a spark under a storm and her whole body deflates. “N-No…that’s--” “The truth,” Baloney interjects. “The truth, Applejack, is that your little “plucky farmgirl dueling for money to support her familiy” shtick was entertaining for a while, but eventually, the spectators got bored with it and I had to come up with a fitting end for your career.” He chuckles to himself and adds, “Needless to say, they loved it.” Baloney clears his throat and finishes. “Anyway, don’t let the door hit you on the way out.” Applejack clenches her teeth until her lower jaw starts to hurt and only her work gloves prevent her nails from digging into her palms. Still, she cannot bring herself to say a single word. Instead, she exits the room, slamming the door behind her. Baloney shakes his head disdainfully. “I swear these country bumpkins…” Applejack stomps down the grungy hallway. Her mind is a blank and her body moves almost by itself. She doesn’t notice the absence of the doorkeeper, the barman or the patrons. It’s not until the front door of the Winking Pony explodes into a cloud of smithereens that she snaps out of her stupor, but by then it’s too late to evade the chains that wrap tightly around her body like snakes. Twilight stands in the middle of the Golden Oak Library, her new home in Ponyville, with her brow furrowed in a look of deep concentration. Dozens of books surround her in a perfect circle, kept afloat with her magic and forming a wall around her. Twilight scratches her chin, humming to herself. After a moment of deliberation, she says, “Maybe we should organize them by subject, author, lenght and cover color this time…” Sitting lazily on the nearby desk behind Twilight, Spike raises his eyes from the comicbook he’s reading to glance at her with an incredulous look. “Seriously, Twilight?” He puts his comicbook down and protests, “We have been working on this for over two hours!” Twilight turns to look at him. “Spike,” she says chidingly. “Any self-respecting duel school needs to have a library.” She raises her index finger and adds, “In our case, we must make sure it also fulfills the needs of the townspeople.” Spike let’s out a defeated sigh. “Fine, fine…” Resting on the desk in front of him, Twilight’s Duel Disk begins beeping. He leans forward to peek and says, “You’ve got a direct call Twilight.” She tells him to please pick it up. Spike gets a hold of the Duel Disk, taps the screen and then puts it next to his ear, speaking directly to it, “Hello? This is Ponyville’s Library!” He mentally congratulates himself for coming up with that greeting on the spot. “Hi Applejack! What’s—oh, yeah, just give me a minute.” Spike holds the Duel Disk up. “Applejack wants to talk with you, Twilight.” Twilight smiles. With a flick of her index finger, she “opens” the wall of books and levitates her Duel Disk into her hands. “Hello, Applejack. How are--” She frowns. A moment later, her eyes widen in shock and she blurts, “Wait, what!?” The cell is small, painted fully white and devoid windows, save for a slot on the steel door. Aside of a small bed attached to the floor and a toilet in the corner, there’s nothing remarkable about it. At least it’s well lit. Applejack sits on the bed, having been deprived of her gloves, longcoat, Duel Disk and, most importantly, her hat. She feels naked without it. “Darn…” She’s well aware that Underworld Dueling, specially when it involves the use of electrodes, is illegal. Very much so. But she never thought about the possibility of getting caught before. Or, to be more precise, she stopped thinking about it after she received her first share of the money. True enough, she’s lucky she was caught coming out of the bar and carrying nothing incriminating beyond her Duel Disk. From what she managed to hear, the whole place was empty, meaning they probably knew about the Manehattan Police coming for them and prepared accordingly. And since she was the only one there, the police took her into custody for questioning. Applejack thinks she was never a good liar. Making up stuff on the spot, specially under pressure, is not her forte. Omitting stuff, on the other hand, is easier. She told the police about the bar, the cage and the electrodes; the spectators, the men in black suits and, of course, about Baloney. The only thing she did left out was the part about this being her latest visit to the place. For all the police knew, she did take part on a single duel today and lost. Period. It was her first and only time there. She leans back against the wall. The first time she took part in an Underworld Duel, she told her family that she did win first place in an official tournament, but sold the prize card on the spot for money. It’s been her default excuse since then. Applejack would change her place on the top eight depending on the amount of money she got, and while Applebloom did ocasionally complain about her not bringing home some fancy cards, Granny Smith always supported Applejack’s decision. Her little sister would also try to accompany her once in a while, but there was always enough chores to do for Applejack to convince her to stay. It was one of the very few times that the sheer amount of work would play in Applejack's favor. Yep. It was all fine and dandy. Until now. Applejack massages her temples with her right hand, between her thumb and middle fingers. She wonders how long it would take Twilight to get here. True enough, Applejack does not have that many people she could call for something like this. Her immediate family is out of the question. She could have tried to contact her Aunt and Uncle Orange, but didn’t want to cause them trouble, not when they value their social standing so much. That left her with her immediate friends. Applejack keeps thinking she could have called any of them, but Twilight is the one who can probably help her the fastest. Even if it most likely meant she has to call Princess Celestia for help. The metallic clang of the door opening snaps Applejack out of her thoughts and she quickly stands up. Two officers await her, one of them carrying her belongings. “Miss Applejack,” calls the one holding the door. “You are free to go.” Applejack let’s out a breath of relief. She takes her hat, Duel Disk, gloves and longcoat, puts them back on and gets escorted towards the entrance of the police station, where she sees Princess Celestia herself talking with one of the officers, alone. Applejack swallows hard and approaches them. The officer, a tall woman with reddish hair tied into a bun and violet eyes, politely introduces herself as Chief Copper Top. Applejack awkwardly accepts her handshake. Chief Copper Top clears her throat and says, “Miss Applejack, in the name of the Manehattan Police Department, I would like to thank you for your job and apologize for the rudeness of our intervention.” Applejack blinks puzzled, briefly glancing at Celestia, who remains with a solemn, but otherwise unreadable expression. “Uh…there ain’t nothin’ to apologize for, Chief.” Applejack says with an awkward smile. “You were doin’ your job after all.” Princess Celestia places a hand on Chief Copper Top’s shoulder. “Thank you, Chief Copper Top,” she says with a smile. “We shall remain in contact.” Chief Copper Top salutes, “Yes, Your Highness.” She excuses herself and leaves to continue her duties. Celestia looks at Applejack, tilts her head and asks, “Shall we get going?” Applejack nods rapidly; suddenly feeling like she’s gone back to being a child. Outside, night has already fallen. The lights of Manehattan conceal the view of most the stars above. Twilight awaits for them in front of a golden, ornate carriage manned by a single Royal Guard and pulled by a pair of Pegasi. It stands out greatly among the other carriages in the street, pulled by normal horses. Twilight’s expression brightens. “Applejack!” She hugs her friend tightly, before asking hurriedly, “Are you okay? What happened? How did you end up detained?” Applejack chuckles. Twilight’s presence sooths her nerves somewhat. “I’m fine, sugarcube…” Celestia clears her throat and suggests they continue this conversation inside the carriage. Twilight blushes and agrees. The three of them board the carriage. Celestia and Twilight sit next to each other on the side of the coach while Applejack sits by herself on the opposite side. The carriage begins moving and, after a short distance, it takes off into the sky. Applejack thinks this is her first time traveling on a carriage pulled by Pegasi. After all, they are a breed reserved for royalty. “Applejack…” Twilight calls expectantly. Applejack nods and begins telling them everything that had transpired, in the same way she did with the police. She does not like lying, much less to her friends, but she doesn’t want to make things more complicated either. Twilight’s jaw drops. “A-An Underworld Duel!? And with electrodes!?” She holds her head with a frantic look. “W-Why, Applejack!? Why would you partake in such activity!?” “Money. No more, no less.” Applejack replies solemnly. “Managin’ a farm between four people ain’t easy, Twilight. We often need to hire temporary help, especially for the harvest season.” Twilight asks if they don’t get enough extra money from Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School. Applejack shakes her head; she admits they don’t charge their “students”, but she explains she hopes once the school becomes better known, this will attract people from all over Equestria to Ponyville. Twilight nods slowly. “I see…” She doesn’t approve of Applejack taking part in an Underworld Duel, but understands her motivation. Taking care of all the crops and animals in Sweet Apple Acres with two adults, a young girl and elderly lady must be a monumental task. She thinks about Applejack’s dreams for the Grand Galloping Gala, including fixing Granny Smith’s hip, buying new equipment and making repairs. Twilight gulps and looks at Celestia. “Princess…” she says tentatively. “It’s okay,” Celestia assures. “I told the Chief of the Manehattan Police Department that Applejack was working undercover by my orders.” She looks at Applejack and adds, “You won’t have to worry about it.” Twilight smiles brightly. Applejack lets out a breath of relief. She removes her hat and holds it against her chest. “Ah’ thank you deeply, Yer High--” “Do not thank me yet, Applejack.” Twilight and Applejack both freeze. Celestia’s expression becomes stern. “There’s still the issue of you having taken part in Underworld Duels before.” Applejack’s heart skips a beat. Her mouth opens and closes like that of a fish gasping for air. “I-I…” “Being able to read body language is a necessary skill for a ruler, Applejack.” Celestia narrows her eyes. “And I’ve had plenty of time to practice.” She pauses for a moment. “I’m not going to ask how long you have been doing this, but I do not appreciate the fact you lied to me.” Twilight’s jaw drops and her eyes open wide like plates. She looks at Applejack, then at Celestia and then at Applejack again. “Is that true?” she asks with a tiny voice. “You have done this before…?” Applejack gulps hard, looks down and mutters, “Y-Yeah…” Her face turns a nice shade of red. She cringes as Twilight begins hyperventilating. Celestia places a hand on Twilight’s shoulder to calm her down. “I have not forgotten what you have done for my sister, for Equestria and for me, Applejack,” she says, her expression having softened somewhat. “But I cannot ignore this.” Both, Applejack and Twilight watch with trepidation as Celestia declares firmly, “I will punish you accordingly.” > Duel Fifteen - The Punishment is an Advanced Class!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia raises her index finger and declares firmly, “Applejack, you are to take Miss Harshwhinny’s Advanced Duel Monsters Problem Solving class with the fourth year students tomorrow morning at the Eos Dueling School.” Both, Applejack and Twilight are speechless. They briefly exchange baffled looks. Celestia continues, “You will attend as a guest, wearing the standard uniform, and once the class is over, you are free to go.” She finishes by folding her arms. “Those are my terms.” Despite her choice of words, Celestia’s expression and stern tone make it clear her "terms" are not open to negotiations. It takes several seconds for Applejack to shake herself out of her stupor, but once she does, she nods enthusiastically and says, “W-Will do, Yer Highness!” Celestia nods satisfied. The Royal Carriage slowly touches down right at the entrance of Sweet Apple Acres and the coachman swiftly descends, holding the door open. The lights of the farmhouse shine like a beacon in the distance while the stars illuminate the dirt trail heading towards it. Applejack feels the fear and worry weighing down her body disappear. She looks at Celestia and Twilight earnestly and says, “Thank you, Yer Highness, and thank you, Twilight.” She bows her head respectfully. “Ah’ really sorry for lyin’ and all the trouble ah’ caused.” Celestia smiles warmly, and so does Twilight. “Make sure you rest properly,” Celestia says. “You have an important day ahead of you.” Applejack grins. She puts her hat on and hops down the carriage. Turning around to wave one last time, she hurries towards the farmhouse. After receiving instructions to head for the Golden Oak Library, the coachman closes the door and hops back into the carriage. A soft whip of the reins later and the pegasi begin trotting along the road. “Thank you, Princess.” Twilight says with a smile of relief. She admits she’s surprised by the nature of the “punishment”. Celestia chuckles; she too admits she would be lying if she said she did not hate Underworld Duels, but she believes this approach will be more helpful for Applejack in the future. Her lips curve into a rueful smile and she adds, “Besides, I know what it is to take a morally questionable action for the sake of your family.” Twilight gulps softly, remembering how Princess Celestia kept the fact Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon were the same person hidden from the populace. “Anyway,” Celestia says casually, dismissing her feelings with a shake of her head and putting on a more cheerful expression. “There’s something I would like to ask you to do, Twilight.” Twilight smiles eagerly and asks if she wants her to accompany Applejack to her class. Celestia smiles and nods. Twilight puffs her chest out confidently and declares, “You can count with me, Princess!” Celestia smiles knowingly. “I’m not asking you to go with her just so you can serve as a guide, my dearest student.” She gently bops Twilight in the nose, causing the young girl to blush. “This is also an opportunity for you to learn.” Twilight blinks puzzled. “But...didn’t we already cover the subject of advanced Duel Monsters problem solving?” Celestia’s smile turns mischievous and she replies they did. Before Twilight can object further, the carriage stops. Once again, the coachman dutifully holds the door open. Celestia tilts her head and says, “Spike must be waiting for you.” Twilight gasps softly as she suddenly realizes she needs to come up with a good excuse for her absence. After bidding farewell to her teacher, she hops down the carriage and goes inside the Golden Oak Library. The coachman closes the door and, a mere moment later, the carriage is taking to the sky once again. As the lights of Canterlot become visible in the distance, Princess Celestia suddenly realizes she didn’t ask Applejack for her measurements. “Oh, well.” She giggles and mutters to herself, “It’s been a while since I measured somebody by eye.” Both, Twilight and Applejack keep walking down the crowded hallway of the Eos Dueling School. Despite the fact Duel Monsters involves cutting-edge technology, the design of the school is akin to that of a classical castle, complete with a couple of spires, balconies, long stairs and plenty of richly ornate wooden doors and furniture. Twilight cheerfully tells Applejack how Spike asked about what happened last night and she told him Applejack had lost her hat and needed help to find it. She giggles and adds how he was unimpressed until she explained it belonged to Applejack’s great-great-great grandfather. Applejack grins and says, “Here’s hopin’ he never finds out Ah’ got a whole closet filled with them.” The two girls share a laugh. As they keep walking, Applejack pats her head and let’s out a soft grumble. Twilight looks at her and asks if something’s wrong. Applejack smiles and replies she’s just not used to going for too long without her hat on. Twilight apologizes, saying that kind of headwear is against the rules here. Applejack waves her hand dismissively, saying it’s no big deal. The truth is her missing hat is only half of the problem. Applejack’s pretty sure the uniform she was given is a size too small. The jacket is so tight she only needs to flex her arms a bit for her biceps to bulge out, with the fabric perfectly outlining her breasts, making them seem bigger than they already are. The skirt is so short it exposes most of her long, well-toned legs and she fears she can’t even do a small jog without risking exposing her bottoms. So, between the uniform, her pleasantly tanned skin and the fact she’s at least one head taller than nearly every single other student around here, Applejack sticks out like a sore thumb. She feels her cheeks heating up as a group of boys pass next to her and Twilight, not so subtly turning their heads to leer at her. Still, as uncomfortable as she feels, Applejack doesn’t even think about complaining, not when this was the punishment Princess Celestia had decreed upon her. She didn’t expect the Princess to go this easy on her, but she certainly wasn’t going to start questioning her decisions. Applejack glances at Twilight, who looks quite content being here, and bites her lower lip. “Uh, Twilight…” she calls hesitantly. Twilight asks what it is. Applejack asks tentatively, “Aren’t you angry about the whole—you know—underworld thingy?” Twilight folds her arms with a disapproving frown. “I definitely don’t like what you did.” Applejack winces. Twilight’s expression softens. “But I do understand why you did it.” Her lips curve into a warm smile. “And I want you to know I will be here to support you, just like you were there to support me.” Applejack smiles, a soft blush spreading across her cheeks. “Thanks, sugarcube.” “It’s okay.” Twilight grins sheepishly and admits, “To be honest, I’m kind of relieved.” Applejack tilts her head with curiosity. Twilight continues, “Back when we met, I wondered how you could have acquired that level of dueling skill in such a small town as Ponyville.” She looks at Applejack admiringly. “Now I understand you must have faced plenty of powerful duelists back there.” Applejack smile falters. “Y-Yeah…” The words of Baloney echo in the back of her mind. Ever since the beginning, you’ve been facing losers and bums. Grey Cloud was the only genuine article among them, and we all saw how you went up against him. The classroom seating is arranged in tiers, with twelve rows allowing for the seating of ten people each. Twilight looks around for a couple of places to sit. “How about up there?” she asks, pointing to the last row. Unlike the others, which are almost full, just six girls sitting next to each other in the very middle occupy this one. Applejack notices the number of looks she’s getting from both, boys and girls, and realizes going up the steps would result in giving those sitting next to the stairs a good view under her skirt. She cringes softly, points at two empty spaces next to each other in the first row and asks, “How ‘bout there?” Twilight grins. “Great!” As they take their seats, Twilight thinks she didn’t expect Applejack to suggest a front row seating. She keeps thinking giddily that Applejack must be excited for this class. No sooner they finish seating, the door opens and a grumpy-looking, middle aged lady enters. She has short, light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Her outfit is composed of a white button shirt, a grayish mulberry office jacket with a matching pencil skirt and black high heels. She wears a light magenta polo neck and matching round earrings, giving her a very elegant and professional appearance. Despite her deep scowl, she is a very attractive woman. Her sole presence is enough to make the students cease the idle chattering and straighten themselves. She looks around briefly and then says, “Good morning, class.” The entire student body responds in unison. “Good morning, Miss Harshwhinny.” The authority she commands impresses both, Twilight and Applejack. Miss Harshwhinny looks at Applejack, quirks an eyebrow and asks, “Miss Applejack was it? I believe you were personally invited to this class by Principal Celestia?” Applejack is taken by surprise by the sudden question, but manages to answer firmly, “Yes, Ma’am.” A few bewildered whispers echo from the back of the classroom. Miss Harshwhinny nods and says she hopes Applejack finds the class productive. Applejack thanks her and Miss Harshwhinny begins addressing the whole classroom, “We will start with a session of Duel Puzzles; everybody please prepare your Duel Disks.” She taps on the screen of her Duel Disk, painted with a rich magenta to match her outfit, and the digital screen attached to the wall in front of the class lights up, displaying an empty Duel Monsters board. Applejack feels at a loss. Twilight smiles and explains a Duel Puzzle is simply a fixed scenario, in which the student has to win within a single turn and can see every card on the field and both decks.  She then taps on Applejack’s Duel Disk to display the same empty board as the main screen. “Teachers have special Duel Disk which students can synchronize with for these kind of exercises,” Twilight adds. Applejack sheepishly admits she never uses her Duel Disk for anything beyond dueling, making calls and sending messages. Miss Harshwhinny asks, “Would you do us the favor of starting, Miss Applejack?” Applejack readily agrees and stands up. Miss Harshwhinny taps on her Duel Disk and multiple cards appear on the field, with a timer on the upper right corner displaying three minutes. “Ready? Begin.” The timer begins counting down. Applejack’s eyes quickly begin scanning the field. The Sanctuary in the Sky is active on the field. On the opposing side, there is a Blue-Eyes White Dragon in attack position and a Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger in defense position with a second copy of the later in the opponent’s deck. On her side of the field there’s a defense position Sheep Token, a set Celestial Transformation and Miraculous Descent, plus an active Soul Absorption. Her hand contains Neo-Parshath the Sky Paladin, Soul of Purity and Light and Airknight Parshath, Inferno Tempest and Inferno Reckless Summon. In her graveyard, there are three copies of The Agent of Force – Mars and The Agent of Judgment – Saturn. Her deck is composed of three copies of Jar of Greed, three copies of Nova Summoner and the remaining two copies of Airknight Parshath. Applejack quickly reads the effects of all cards in the field, graveyard and her hand, just in case. Her life points stand at 11200 against her opponent’s 12600. Two minutes remain. She licks her lips as she formulates her game plan. “Alright,” she whispers to herself. Tapping on the screen of her Duel Disk, Applejack begins activating Celestial Transformation to special summon Airknight Parshath from her hand with its attack points halved, then follows with Inferno Reckless Summon to bring two more from her deck in attack position. In turn, the opponent gets to bring a second Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger in defense position. She replaces the weakened Airknight Parshath with Neo-Parshath the Sky Paladin, then banishes a copy of each Agent in her graveyard to special summon Soul of Purity and Light, granting her an extra 1000 life points thanks to Soul Absorption. With all of her Monster Zones occupied, Applejack switches her Sheep Token to attack position and attacks the opposing Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The token disappears and she takes the full 3000 points of damage, but that’s exactly what she wants. She activates Inferno Tempest to banish every monster in each player’s graveyard and deck. Her life points recalculate at 13200, against the opponent’s 12600. Applejack activates her set Miraculous Descent to special summon the banished The Agent of Force – Mars. Both Airknight Parshath make short work of the two Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger and the difference in life points gives Neo-Parshath the Sky Paladin enough power to destroy the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The attack points of The Agent of Force – Mars go up to 4100 and Applejack declares the direct attack of both, Mars and Soul of Purity and light, lowering the opponent’s life points to 3000. A snort coming from the back of the classroom catch Applejack’s attention. She looks over her shoulder and catches sight of Twilight, who is biting her lower lip. Just then, the realization hits Applejack like a fist at the back of her head. “Ah!” She has no means of lowering the remaining 3000 life points. “Please take your seat, Miss Applejack,” Miss Harshwhinny instructs drily. Applejack silently complies and Miss Harshwhinny begins explaining the proper way to solve the puzzle. Applejack grits her teeth, holding back the urge to slap her forehead when she sees she should have used Inferno Reckless Summon to bring all the copies of The Agent of Force – Mars to the field. Twilight puts a hand on Applejack’s shoulder, smiling comfortingly and assuring she will do better next time. Over the next hour, Miss Harshwhinny keeps picking students at random, but consistently goes back to Applejack after every three others. Not only is each new puzzle harder than the previous one, but with every one she attempts to solve, Applejack ends up further and further away from the correct resolution. Her lips curve into a smile when Twilight solves her puzzle under a minute, but the joy is short-lived, as it becomes her turn again. It quickly becomes obvious Applejack is the only one failing. The worst part is that her puzzles are nothing special. Some involve more cards, some less, but they’re on the same level for everybody, and even the slowest students clocks at two minutes and a half tops. Just as Applejack feels the beginning of a headache, Miss Harshwhinny declares they will move on the theoretical part of the class. Applejack lets out a soft sigh of relief. Miss Harshwhinny begins her lecture about problem solving using some of the Duel Puzzles as examples, talking about the importance of not falling for the seemingly obvious solution and thinking at least one play ahead. Applejack briefly glances at Twilight, who looks completely absorbed by the lecture, and folds her arms, straightening herself to better pay attention. She thinks if she couldn’t solve a single Duel Puzzle, at least she’s going to try to absorb as much as information as possible from this lecture. But it’s easier said than done. It doesn’t take long before Miss Harshwhinny’s words become background noise and the images on the main screen become blurred. Applejack’s eyes turn watery. She tries to stiff her yawns as hard as she can; it’s one thing to wake up early in the morning to work in the fields and a totally different one to sit still and listen to another person talking. “Miss Applejack?” Applejack snaps out of her doze to see Miss Harshwhinny looking at her, unamused. “Is something the matter?” Miss Harshwhinny asks, quirking an eyebrow. Applejack’s cheeks redden. She shakes her head and answers, “N-No, Ma’am…” With a soft grumble, Miss Harshwhinny goes back to her lecture while Applejack looks down in embarrassment. After classes, both Applejack and Twilight head back to the entrance of the school. Applejack lets out a loud yawn as she stretches her arms, her joints cracking loudly. Twilight giggles, causing Applejack to smile sheepishly and apologize for doing so bad in class. Twilight shakes her head, lifts her index finger and says, “Mistakes are the proof you are trying.” Applejack chuckles and comments, “Ah’ think I’ve tried enough for today.” Their path is suddenly blocked by a group of six girls fanned out across the hallway ahead of them. Both, Twilight and Applejack recognize them as the same six girls sitting on the back of the classroom during Miss Harshwhinny’s lecture. The girl in the middle takes a step forward. She is a gorgeous, fair-skinned blonde with icy blue eyes and her long hair plaided in a braid resting over her left shoulder, a single lock going down her forehead. Waving her hand dramatically, she introduces herself and the other five, “We are the elite dueling team of the Eos Dueling School, the Nymphs!” There’s a brief moment of awkward silence before Applejack whispers, “Do you know ‘em, Twilight?” Twilight shakes her head. “Most of my classes were in private with Princess Celestia; I know practically nothing about the student body…” Applejack nods, looks at the girls and asks, “So, uh, is there somethin’ we can do for you, gals?” The blonde girl narrows her eyes. “Don’t act so casual with us,” she hisses. “You were invited to take part in an advanced class by Princess Celestia herself, which is an honor not granted to just anybody, yet your performance was nothing short of embarrassing.” “I know, I know!” suddenly chimes in a shorter, enthusiastic girl. “She sucks at Duel Puzzles and dozes off in class!” A dignified girl turns up her nose and comments, “And what’s with using a uniform a size too short?” She shakes her head disapprovingly. “Are you fishing for attention or something?” Applejack’s face turns beet red. “W-Why you!” The blonde girl continues, “Still, a duelist’s true worth can be only ultimately measured in a duel.” She frowns, points with her finger and declares, “And that’s why we’re here! Now the six of us shall determine if you are worthy of standing at the Eos Dueling School, the finest Duel Monsters teaching institution in all of Equestria!” Applejack frowns. Once again, the words of Baloney echo in the back of her mind, louder than before. “If y’all wanted to duel then you should’ve said it so.” She takes a step forwards, ignites her Duel Disk and declares fiercely, “I’ll take you all on!” The blonde girl lets out a loud “hmph” and retorts, “We are not bullies. We will face you one-on-one.” Students quickly begin to congregate around both sides until the long wide hallway is almost entirely closed off. They all await eagerly, several of them even holding cameras to record the event. Twilight tries to protest, but Applejack is having none of it. “Stand back, Twilight! Ah’ can handle this!” Biting her lower lip, Twilight takes a step back. She looks at the size of the crowd amassed for the duel and it quickly becomes obvious these girls must be the big deal to garner this much attention. A tall girl is the first to step forward from the group, igniting her pure white Duel Disk to reveal a pearly magical energy blade. She is as tall as Applejack and possesses a shapely body. Her flawless, chocolate dark skin contrasts beautifully with her long, bleached blonde hair and heightens her almond colored eyes. She declares confidently, “I’m Dazzleflash the Oread! No one can withstand the assault of my Amazons!” A chorus of cheers and whistles from the crowd fills the hallway. Dazzleflash’s boldness surprises Twilight. Amazons? Amazoness? To reveal the nature of her deck so casually, she thinks. Is she that confident in her skills? Both Applejack and Dazzleflash shout, “Duel!” They draw their initial hands and the disks cycle, granting the first turn to Applejack. Their life points appear above them at 4000 for each. Looking at her hand briefly, Applejack immediately summons Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer and equips it with Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker from her hand. With their combined effects, she special summons Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves directly from her deck while also retrieving Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter, which she also special summons. “Synchro Summon! Level five!” Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi takes on the field. Applejack retrieves Trumpeter and rearranges the top five cards of her deck with Gigagloves. “Ah’ end mah’ turn!” Twilight hears a group of older boys talking behind her about Applejack’s tactics. One of them notes how Applejack made a strong start. The other chuckles and remarks, “Yeah, but those kind of monsters won’t work with Dazzleflash!” Twilight’s eyes narrow. I see, she thinks grimly. She has that card. “My turn! Draw!” Dazzleflash too examines her hand before making her first move. “Amazoness Swords Woman!” A fiery redheaded amazon appears holding a large curved sword one-handed. She swings it once before letting it rest casually over her broad shoulders. “And I equip her with Amazoness Heirloom!” An ornate necklace with an emerald centerpiece materializes around the female warrior’s neck. I knew it, Twilight thinks. For Applejack’s deck, that monster is the worst enemy possible. Dazzleflash wastes no time ordering an attack, “Amazoness Slash!” Both monsters clash their blades. Struggling against each other, none of them moves a single inch. Suddenly, the jewel around Amazoness Swords Woman’s neck begins glowing. She lets out a mighty battle cry and pushes forward. Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi can only let out a helpless metallic groan before its body gets sliced in half. It explodes. The shockwave lowers Applejack’s life points, as well as lifting her skirt to reveal her tight white panties stretched over her firm, bulging buttocks. Twilight blushes at the sight while the group of boys behind her cheers and whistles loudly. She shoots them a glare, but they don’t even notice her. A diminutive girl standing on the side of the Nymphs squeals in delight, “That’s Miss Dazzleflash’s Giant Killer Combo for you!” Another one enthusiastically adds, “The stronger your monster is, the harder you fall!” Applejack grits her teeth and swiftly reveals two cards from her hand: Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense and Superheavy Samurai Soulbeads. Superheavy Samurai Swordmaster Musashi returns to the field in attack position. Dazzleflash is unimpressed. She sets two cards with a single, swift motion and declares the end of her turn. Her life points stand at 4000 against Applejack’s 3200. Twilight bites the tip of her thumb. If my theory is correct, then Applejack has only one card in her deck that can get rid of Amazoness Swords Woman outside of battle. Applejack draws a card, adds it to her hand and immediately picks a different one. “Superheavy Samurai Battleball!” Twilight smiles. Applejack smirks and explains, “Ah’ can tune this monster with one of yours for a Synchro Summon!” The tiny robot explodes in a cluster of stars that surrounds Amazoness Swords Woman. “Useless!” Dazzleflash roars as she unveils the first of her set cards, Dramatic Rescue. Amazoness Swords Woman jumps back into her hand, dropping Amazoness Heirloom in the process, and a new, one-eyed Amazoness leaps in to take her place. “Amazoness Queen,” Twilight mutters under her breath. The tall woman raises her large serrated sword and stabs the tip on the ground before her. She rests her hands over the end of the hilt, interlocking her fingers. Her cape billows behind her, adding to her regal appearance. Applejack grumbles, frustrated that her play was countered so easily. Her hand contains Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter and Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei. The former is useless since she only has a single copy of Swordmaster Musashi and no Synchro Monsters of level seven. The later would only make things worse with Amazoness Swords Woman. With no other options, Applejack switches Swordmaster Musashi to defense and ends her turn. “Amazoness Call!" Dazzleflash activates her second set card during Applejack's End Phase. "I take Amazoness Archer from my deck and add it to my hand!” She draws and immediately summons Amazoness Swords Woman once again. “I equip her with Ring of Magnetism!” The attack and defense points of Amazoness Swords Woman decrease by 500 each. Dazzleflash continues banishing Amazoness Call from her graveyard to allow her monster to attack all the opposing ones at the cost of being the only one able to attack. “Amazoness Slash!” Amazoness Swords Woman charges bravely, first against Prepped Defense and then against Swordmaster Musashi. Applejack watches powerless as her life points take a dive, even when her monsters successfully defend themselves. First from 3200 to 2100, and then further down to 800. The cheers and whistles from the crowd start to get on her nerves. Dazzleflash folds her arms and ends her turn. Ring of Magnetism is a perfect match for Amazoness Swords Woman, Twilight thinks. And with Amazoness Queen’s effect, she doesn’t have to worry about destruction. She keeps thinking Dazzleflash’s combos are simple and direct, but devastating in battle. Applejack practically rips the top card of her deck. She tributes Prepped Defense and Swordmaster Musashi to summon Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei and equips it with Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall, bolstering the monster’s defense points to a whopping 4700. With only a Trumpeter in her hand, Applejack ends her turn with a fiercely competitive scowl across her face. Dazzleflash draws. “It’s over!” she declares fiercely. “Amazoness Archer!” Suddenly, Dazzleflash turns away from the duel field, much to Applejack and Twilight’s surprise, and says in a surprisingly calm voice, “If this is the best you can do then you have no chance against the rest of us.” Amazoness Swords Woman and Amazoness Queen disappear. Amazoness Archer tenses her bow and fires a single arrow that strikes Applejack in her chest, lowering her life points to zero. Twilight bites her lower lip. She bypassed the defensive effect of Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall, she thinks. She didn’t even give Applejack the opportunity to use the effect of Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves. The crowd celebrates the first victory of the Nymphs. As Dazzleflash returns to the group, the short, enthusiastic girl from before raises her hand high and says, “Hi-five!” Dazzleflash smiles warmly and returns the gesture. The short girl slaps her cheeks to pump herself up and ignites her lime green Duel Disk to reveal a magical blade of a darker shade. Applejack clenches her chest, but she has no time to reflect on her performance or even mutter a curse; her next opponent is ready. > Duel Sixteen - Applejack vs The Elite! Unsurpassable Challenge!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack stares down the Nymphs’ second representative, a short, lively girl with long, wild lime green hair tied into a ponytail and big round eyes of a darker shade. The girl is cute as a button and, much like with Dazzleflash, her presence is enough to make the crowd go wild, but unlike her taller teammate, she doesn’t display signs of animosity towards Applejack. She grins cheerfully and introduces herself, “I’m Little Wings the Aurae! Get ready ‘cuz I’m gonna blow you away!” Little Wings swings her right arm and pumps her fist forwards, eliciting another round of cheers and whistles from the crowd. Applejack’s nose flares. She re-shuffles her deck, draws her five cards and shouts back, “Bring it!” The Duel Disk cycle alternatively once again, giving Applejack the first turn. She wastes no time summoning Superheavy Samurai Flutist and tributing it to special summon Big Benkei. “Ah’ equip Benkei with Superheavy Samurai Soulshield Wall!” Applejack ends her turn with two cards in her hand. Her life points display above her at 4000. Twilight thinks it would normally be a good start, with Flutist to negate a targeting effect and Soulshield Wall to block an attack, but against these girls she’s not so sure. “My turn!” Little Wings draws her initial five cards plus one. She hums a cheery tune as she plays Terraforming to fetch Divine Wind of Mist Valley from her deck and immediately activates it. The wind begins picking up and the air around them changes, glowing with vibrant hues of yellow and orange. “Come, Harpie Channeler!” A beautiful, redheaded bird-woman appears with a sharp cry, her jet-black feathers and sharp talons give her a threatening appearance. Little Wings activates her monster’s effect, discarding Harpie Lady #1 to special summon Harpie Dancer directly from her deck. Harpie Dancer appears with her wings folded around her body like a robe. She suddenly spreads them and disappears in a shower of pure white feathers. Both, Harpie Harpist and Harpie Queen appear in her place, the latter thanks to the effect of Divine Wind of Mist Valley. Harpie Harpist plays a soft tune and Harpie Channeler returns to the hand with an annoyed expression. Little Wings explains, “With Harpie Harpist I can bounce one of my monsters and one of yours!” She grins and waves, “Bye-Bye, Big Benkei!” Applejack growls, “You wish! Ah’ banish Superheavy Samurai Flutist to negate your monster’s effect!” Little Wings vigorously shakes her head. “Nuh-huh!” She plays a trap card directly from her hand, “Harpie’s Feather Storm!” The card launches a barrage of feathers that stick all over Applejack’s Duel Disk. “I can play this one from my hand if I have one of my Harpies with me and it negates all your monsters’ effects!” Applejack glares impotently as the wind begins to envelop Big Benkei. Twilight reacts quickly and flicks her index finger, enveloping Applejack’s skirt with her magical aura and keeping it firmly in place against the wind. Her cheeks heat up in a mixture of anger and embarrassment when she hears several of the boys behind her groan and comment disappointed. Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei is sent back to Applejack’s hand, leaving her open for a direct attack. “Double Scratch Clash!” Harpie Harpist and Harpie Queen charge in tandem, striking Applejack across the chest and midsection with their claws and sending her stumbling backwards. Her life points lower drastically, to 400. Little Wings sets a single card and declares the end of her turn with a wink. “Man, Little Wings is so amazing,” comments an smitten boy as he adjusts his camera to better focus on her face. Two other boys next to him nod firmly and follow his example with their own cameras. “Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji. She looks at the card, then at the card set on Little Wings’ side of the field and back to her hand again. If she wants, she could easily summon Big Benkei again and launch an attack. Two, in fact, as she also has Superheavy Samurai Soulhorns. But if Little Wings’ set card is something to block her attack, she could end up wide open. Applejack thinks she’s going to try with quantity over quality this time. “Ah’ summon Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji and equip it with Superheavy Samurai Soulhorns!” She unequip Soulhorns, special summoning it, and then normal summons Superheavy Samurai Kabuto in attack position, leaving her with only Big Benkei in her hand. “I’m done here!” Little Wings draws energetically. She normal summons Harpie Lady #2 and immediately declares, “I overlay my harpies!” A tornado of feathers engulfs the three bird-women. The students closest to the Nymphs shield their faces, the girls also holding down their skirts. “From a time that never was, answer my call!” Little Wings chants with her arms spread open. “A mirage with fangs and claws!” The wind abruptly subsides and in place of the harpies appears a fierce-looking crimson dragon. Its body flickers, almost as if it was made of smoke or fog. “Xyz Summon! Rank Four! Harpie’s Pet Phantasmal Dragon!” Applejack answers with Superheavy Samurai Kabuto’s effect, switching it to defense position and increasing its defense points by 500. “Direct attack!” Before Applejack can fully process it, Harpie’s Pet Phantasmal Dragon vanishes, only to re-appear behind her and strike her with its claws. Applejack stumbles forward. Her life points go down to zero and crowd cheers for the second victory in a row of the Nymphs. Applejack grits her teeth. She instinctively moves her hand towards her head, only to find she doesn’t have a hat to adjust. “Dang it,” she mutters angrily. In her mind she can see the face of Baloney, smirking at her as he repeats his words. Ever since the beginning, you’ve been facing losers and bums. Her defenses were useless, Twilight thinks dismayed. Little Wings returns to her group and gets congratulated by her teammates. She quickly goes behind one of them, a taller, demure-looking girl, and pushes her forward. The girl’s cheeks redden as the crowd cheers for her, several of the boys chanting her name. “Pearl Rain! Pearl Rain! Pearl Rain!” Twilight thinks she cannot fully blame them. The girl is stunningly beautiful, with her flawless, pale-white skin and soft blue eyes. Her most prominent feature is definitely her hair: it’s so long it goes down her waist and of a light cerulean that seems to shimmer. It reminds Twilight of the surface of a clear lake under the light of the morning sun. Pearl Rain bows politely and introduces herself to Applejack, “My name is Pearl Rain and I hold the title of Naiad.” She ignites her dark blue Duel Disk, revealing an energy blade of a lighter shade, and adds, “Please don’t take this personally.” Seeing Applejack’s incensed expression, a couple of girls in the crowd joke it may be too late for that. The Duel Disks decide Applejack will go first once again. She re-shuffles her deck and aggressively draws her five cards. “Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves!” She equips her monster with Superheavy Samurai Soulpeacemaker and tributes them both to bring Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei directly from her deck to the field. Applejack follows by rearranging the top five cards of her deck with Gigagloves' effect. “Turn end!” Pearl Rain calmly draws. The same group of boys shout words of encouragement, causing her to blush and smile. “I activate Moray of Greed.” Pearl Rain shuffles Mermail Abyssmander and Mermail Abysslinde back into her deck to draw three new cards. Twilight frowns. First earth, then wind and now water, she thinks. Do these girls each use a deck focused on a single attribute? Satisfied with her newest cards, Pearl Rain normal summons Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince. The floor ripples like water and a young, fit man emerges with a loud splash, clad in blue armor and wielding an ornate trident. Using Neptabyss’s effect, Pearl Rain sends Atlantean Dragoons from her deck to the graveyard to add Atlantean Heavy Infantry from her deck to her hand. She follows with Atlantean Dragoons’ effect to add Mermail Abyssmegalo to her hand, again from her deck. “I discard Abyss Soldier and Atlantean Heavy Infantry to special summon Mermail Abyssmegalo.” A column of water erupts from the middle of the field, and from inside emerges a massive humanoid shark clad in scale-like armor. The creature stands taller than even Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei and it wields a serrated sword more akin to the spine of a downed prey than a weapon proper. Applejack thinks Mermail Abyssmegalo’s 2400 attack points are not enough to break through Big Benkei’s defenses, and if her opponent tries to use a card effect, she’s prepared to counter it. Sure enough, Pearl Rain explains when Atlantean Heavy Infantry is sent to the graveyard to activate a water monster’s effect, she can destroy an opponent’s face-up card on the field. A tidal wave surges, threatening to devour Big Benkei. Applejack snarls, “The hay you will!” She discards Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit, lowering the defense points of Big Benkei by 800, but preventing its destruction by battle or card effect. Big Benkei’s body glows hot red. The tidal wave explodes into a cloud of steam as soon as it makes contact with its body. An astonished boy exclaims, “She blocked Pearl Rain’s one-turn-kill combo!” Twilight smiles as she realizes Pearl Rain must have been planning to tribute Neptabyss to grant Abyssmegalo a second attack and bring back Atlantean Dragoons to the field. With three direct attacks, she could have bypassed Gigagloves defensive effectand win. She looks at Applejack, whose expression brightened considerably. But Applejack managed to counter her perfectly. Pearl Rain’s lower lip curls slightly in disappointment. She retrieves Abyss-Sphere from her deck with Mermail Abyssmegalo’s effect, and then offers Neptabyss to grant it a second attack and allow her to bring back Atlantean Heavy Infantry to the field. “Atlantean Heavy Infantry gives me an extra normal summon of a level four or lower Sea Serpent-Type monster.” Deep Sea Diva emerges on the field. The mermaid’s angelic voice brings Atlantean Pikeman directly from Pearl Rain’s deck to her side. Pearl Rain sets two cards and calmly declares the end of her turn. Twilight quirks an eyebrow in suspicion. Strange, she thinks. Deep Sea Diva is a tuner monster; why didn’t she perform a Synchro Summon? “Mah turn! Draw!” Applejack looks at her newly drawn Superheavy Samurai Soulbuster Gauntlet and thinks now is her chance. “Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler!” She switches her newest monster to defense. “With Big Benkei on the field all of mah’ Superheavy Samurai can attack in defense position!” “Trap card open!” Pearl Rain unveils her set Abyss-Sphere. “Mermail Abyssnerei!” A beautiful armored mermaid jumps from Pearl Rain’s deck, taking a defensive stance. Applejack is undeterred. She orders the attack of Big Benkei on Mermail Abyssmegalo, “Get him! Superheavy Smash!” As she readies to activate the effect of Soulbuster Gauntlet in her hand, Pearl Rain flips her remaining set card, Poseidon Wave. Twilight’s eyes widen in realization and she gasps. The trap unleashes a gust of wind so strong it stops the advance of Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei and even knocks Applejack on her ass. The crowd explodes in a chorus of cheers and whistles, and Applejack realizes in shock that her life points went down to zero. Poseidon Wave negates a single attack and inflicts 800 points of damage for each Fish, Sea Serpent or Aqua-Type monster on the controller’s field, Twilight thinks. That’s why she filled her side of the field. She looks at Applejack, still processing what happened, and bites her lower lip. These girls have plenty of strategies and they’ve all seen most of what Applejack’s deck can do. Pearl Rain bows politely once again and retires without saying a word. The boys chant her name some more. One of the Nymphs, a sporty girl with short red hair, grins widely and puts her arm around Pearl Rain’s neck, hugging her tightly before taking her spot. The crowd cheers loudly for her as well, particularly the girls. The red-haired girl points at herself with her thumb. “The name’s Ivory Fire, the Thalia,” she says with a cocky grin. In terms of looks, she has nothing to envy her teammates. Her hair is short and wild, with a handful of locks going over her forehead, and of a bright red color, giving her a certain “boyish charm”. Her violet eyes brim with confidence. Ivory Fire raises her left arm and ignites her crimson Duel Disk, the blade glowing with an orange hue. “Let’s see if you can take the heat!” Applejack stands up. Ever since the beginning, you’ve been facing losers and bums. Grey Cloud was the only genuine article among them, and we all saw how you went up against him. She shakes her head and scowls fiercely, re-shuffling her deck without a word and drawing five cards. The Duel Disks determine Ivory Fire will take the first turn. She draws her initial hand in a pile, fanning it with a single flick of her wrist. After briefly examining her options, she summons Fire King Avatar Barong and sets two cards. Ivory Fire throws a side kick in the direction of Applejack and, without even lowering her well-toned leg, points with her index finger and says, “Your move.” A girl squeals and says, “I love when she does that!” A boy next to her nods rapidly. “Yeah,” he mutters. His cheeks redden as he adds, “But it would be better if she wore panties instead of training shorts.” The girl swiftly elbows him in the ribs. A Fire King deck? Twilight wonders alarmed. She knows what they are capable of, but in these circumstances, giving unsolicited advice during a duel would be a breach of etiquette. “Mah’ turn!” Applejack draws. Looking at her hand, she thinks now she’s going second this may be her opportunity to deal some serious damage. “Superheavy Samurai Big Waraji!” She offers her monster to bring her ace, Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei, and wastes no time equipping it with Superheavy Samurai Soulhorns and Superheavy Samurai Soulclaw, raising Big Benkei’s defense points to a whopping 4000. With a soft chuckle of amusement, Ivory Fire activates her set Threatening Roar. The card releases a shockwave that pushes Applejack backwards and forces her to skip her Battle Phase. Applejack glares, visibly annoyed she still can’t reach her opponent’s life points. Once again, she has no choice but to stay on the defensive. “Ah’ special summon Soulhorns and Soulclaw in defense position!” The monsters detach from Big Benkei, standing at its sides and forming a wall in front of Applejack. With no more plays available, she ends her turn. “Trap card open!” Ivory Fire reveals her second set card, Generation Shift. Fire King Avatar Barong disappears in a shower of sparks and Ivory Fire retrieves a second copy from her deck. She special summons Fire King Avatar Yaksha from her hand, then draws a card to begin her turn proper. “In my next Standby Phase after Barong is destroyed by an effect, I can fetch a Fire King card from my deck!” She retrieves Circle of the Fire Kings, raising her hand count to four, and immediately plays it to destroy Yaksha and bring back Barong. “When Yaksha is destroyed I can destroy one card in my hand!” She chooses Fire King High Avatar Garunix. “Fire Formation Tenki!” Ivory Fire retrieves Coach Soldier Wolfbark from her deck and wastes no time summoning it. “When Coach Soldier Wolfbark is summoned, I can bring back a fire Beast Warrior from the grave!” Fire King Avatar Yaksha emerges in a column of flames and Ivory Fire overlays it with Coach Soldier Wolfbark to bring Diamond Dire Wolf in defense position. After detaching an overlay unit from her monster, Ivory Fire orders, “Dreadful Howl!” The giant, armored wolf lets out an eerie howl that vaporizes Fire King Avatar Barong and even makes the massive body of Big Benkei crack. Muttering a curse under her breath, Applejack discards Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit to protect Big Benkei. Ivory Fire laughs slightly. She sets the last card in her hand and adopts a fighting stance, motioning for Applejack to “come” with her right hand. “Mah’ turn! Draw!” Applejack’s chest heaves and she feels the headache from before creeping back, but she thinks she’s not going to give up. In her hand there’s a second copy of Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit and Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves. After taking a moment to read Fire King High Avatar Garunix’s effect, Applejack glances at Ivory Fire’s set card. What could it be? A second copy of Threatening Roar maybe? That would stop her in her tracks, sure, but with Soulfire Suit she was safe from Garunix’s effect next turn; and she had Gigagloves on top of that. It was a perfect selection of cards, right? Right? Applejack clenches her right fist and shouts to the sky. “Ah’ equip Big Benkei with Soulclaw and Soulhorns!” The two machines take off and combine in spectacular fashion. “Superheavy Smash!” Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei crushes Diamond Dire Wolf with its massive claw. Applejack orders a direct attack. The set card on Ivory Fire’s side of the field activates and Applejack’s eyes shrink as she reconizes the artwork of Book of Moon. Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei vanishes, leaving only the projection of the back of a card. Applejack deflates; Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit doesn’t work on face-down monsters. She sends Soulhorns and Soulclaw to the graveyard, then sets Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves. “Ah’ done here…” “My turn!” Ivory Fire eagerly draws. She takes a card from her graveyard, holds it high and shouts, “Light the fire of victory in the sky!” Ivory fire slaps the card on her Duel Disk and calls, “Fire King High Avatar Garunix!” The whole field is engulfed in flames. Applejack shields her face, watching as her cards are turned to ash. The flames finally subside to reveal a terrifying yet majestic giant bird with crimson feathers and a crown of fire. It lets out a cry more akin to the roar of a dragon than the call of a mere avian. Applejack re-arranges the top five cards of her deck. She keeps her hand over her Duel Disk warily, ready to activate Gigagloves defensive effect. After retrieving a second copy of Circle of the Fire Kings with Fire King Avatar Barong’s effect, Ivory Fire takes her first card, Rekindling, and activates it while declaring, “It’s over!” Two Fire King Avatar Barong and Fire King Avatar Yaksha appear on the field in a whirlwind of flames. Applejack grits her teeth impotently and braces herself for the onslaught. The wave of fire washes over her body, taking her full 4000 life points down to zero, and the crowd loudly celebrates for another victory of the Nymphs. It’s obvious they have stopped paying attention to Applejack for a while and they simply keep watching to see the team of girls in action. Twilight approaches in concern. “Applejack,” she calls softly. “I’m fine, Twilight,” Applejack replies drily. The exhaustion is evident in her face, yet she only has eyes for her opponents. Twilight gulps and steps back. She’s so stubborn, she thinks. Ivory Fire walks back to her group with her right arm raised triumpanthly, like a fighter just having won her match, the crowd cheering for her. Pearl Rain smiles brightly, clapping enthusiastically for her teammate. Ivory Fire stretches her arms before casually placing both hands behind her head, fingers interlocked. “So, who’s going next?” She looks at the blonde girl and asks, “Sun Glow?” Sun Glow doesn’t say a word. She keeps her eyes locked on Applejack with a stern frown and both arms crossed over her chest. Ivory Fire chuckles softly. “Right.” She shares a brief smile with her teammates before turning to the dignified-looking girl. Her mouth curves into a mocking grin and she says, “I guess it’s Miss Prissy’s turn then.” The dignified girl smirks and counters, “Don’t feel bad because we’re leaving the best for last, darling.” Ivory Fire blows her a kiss and she turns her face to to mimic receiving it on her cheek. Twilight watches the dignified girl step forward. The way she walks reminds Twilight of a model walking down the runaway. In fact, she’s so beautiful she could easily pass as one. Her long, jet-black hair is stylized in curls, with two longer ones going down her shoulders. Light brown eyes exude a mixture calmness and smugness. Unlike her teammates, she wears makeup. Some dark eyeshadow, just enough to be noticeable, and bright violet lipstick that accentuates her flawless white skin. The girl turns her nose slightly upwards, basking in the admiration from her peers like a flower under the sunlight. It’s not until the cheers from the crowd subside that she daintily extends her left arm and ignites her black Duel Disk to reveal a light purple magical energy blade. “I am Ebony Moon,” she announces with great fanfare. “And I have been granted the title of Lampad!” She smirks and, flicking a lock of her hair, adds, “But you can call me the Queen of Darkness, if you wish.” Applejack hands move practically on their own, re-shuffling her deck and drawing five cards. She grumbles and asks, “Are ya duelin’ or are ya talkin’?” Ebony Moon shakes her head. “Such temper,” she comments chidingly. She draws her five cards and the disks randomly grant her the first turn. She picks a card between her perfectly manicured fingers and slids it into the Field Spell slot of her Duel Disk, “The Gates of Dark World.” A massive mechanical gate emerges from behind her. The doors open partially, letting an ominous fog pour outwards and cover the floor of the field. An unearthly light shines from the other side, covering Ebony Moon and heightening her beauty, as further evidenced by the students recording the event snapping their cameras simultaneously. Twilight scratches her chin thoughtfully and wonders if Ebony Moon uses a Dark World deck. Ebony Moon sets a single card and plays Dragged Down into the Grave. She reveals the two remaining cards in her hand, Broww, Huntsman of Dark World and Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, and tells Applejack to pick one for her to discard. Applejack doesn’t hesitate to pick Grapha, which she sees as the bigger threat for having the highest attack points. Ebony Moon complies and motions for Applejack to reveal her hand. Applejack briefly glances at her hand before reluctantly revealing its contents. Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves, Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter, Superheavy Samurai Swordsman, Superheavy Samurai Kabuto and Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor. Ebony Moon smiles confidently, points with her index finger and declares, “Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves.” Applejack is surprised by Ebony Moon’s pick, but she certainly isn’t complaining. “When Gigagloves goes to the graveyard Ah’ can re-arrange the top five cards of Mah’ deck!” She swiftly does so. Ebony Moon’s smile widens and she says, “You’re welcome.” Both duelists draw a card. Twilight bites her lower lip. This is bad, she thinks worriedly. There’s no way she would pick Gigagloves without having a plan. Ebony Moon continues. “Dark World Dealings.” Both duelists draw a card. Applejack discards Superheavy Samurai Soulbreaker Armor while Ebony Moon discards Broww, Huntsman of Dark World, netting herself a second card with her monster’s effect. She declares the activation of her Field Spell’s effect, banishing Broww in her graveyard and discarding a second copy in her hand to draw a total of two cards from her deck and raise her hand count to three. “Man,” a smitten older boy comments. “I could watch her draw cards all day…” A younger boy holding a camera smiles and says, “I can send you a copy of this video, if you want.” The older boy’s expression brightens. “Really!?” “Yup!” The younger boy answers with an enthusiastic nod. “Just ten bits.” “Ten bits!?” the older boy asks baffled. The younger boy shrugs. “I need to make a living.” The older boy looks at Ebony Moon, then back at the younger boy. “Deal.” Ebony Moon summons Tour Guide From the Underword. The cute, red-headed demon girl blows her whistle and a horribly malformed demon jumps straight from Ebony Moon’s deck onto her side of the field. She overlays her level three Tour Guide From the Underword and Broww, Huntsman of Dark World to Xyz summon Leviair the Sea Dragon in defense position. “By detaching an Xyz Material from Leviair, I can special summon one of my banished level four or lower monsters.” Broww, Huntsman of Dark World re-appears from a cloud of black mist. Ebony Moon smirks, flicks one of her curls and declares, “Now, behold my greatest monster!” She returns Broww to her hand, takes a card from her graveyard and plays it on her Duel Disk. A deafening roar echoes from behind the Gates of Dark World, making Applejack and Twilight jump on their toes. The light from the other side fades and the doors burst open, revealing a massive demonic dragon with jet black skeletal hide and glowing crimson eyes. Ebony Moon calls the monster’s name proudly, “Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World!” “D-Damn it,” Applejack mutters angrily. She mentally berates herself for having chosen Grapha for discarding. Ebony Moon sets a second card and let’s out a dramatic sigh. “My turn is over.” Applejack angrily rips the top card of her deck. “Draw!” As soon as she summons Superheavy Samurai Kabuto, however, Ebony Moon answers with one of her set cards, Deck Destruction Virus. The body of Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World melts into a cloud of black spores and Applejack shields her face as they wash over her and her monster. Twilight’s eyes widen in realization. T-That card, she thinks alarmed. “Just in case you don’t remember,” Ebony Moon begins with a smug smile. “Deck Devastation Virus destroys every monster in your field, hand and all you draw until your third turn if they have 1500 or less attack points.” She tilts her head and adds, “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that covers nearly every Superheavy Samurai monster out there, right?” Applejack is left speechless. She has no choice but to dump all her cards into the graveyard. Clenching her empty fists, Applejack glares at her opponent impotently and declares the end of her turn. “Very well.” Ebony Moon draws. She holds her newest card between her index and middle fingers and wags it at Applejack. “And just in case you were hoping to use Gigagloves effect…” She points at her second set card and orders, “Trap card open, Dark Smog.” Ebony Moon discards Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World. The demon refuses to go down and crawls up from the grave to her side of the field. “By discarding a Fiend-Type monster, I can banish a card in your graveyard.” A column of black smoke rises from Applejack’s Duel Disk and Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves is ejected from the graveyard. Ebony Moon brings Beiige back to her hand to special summon Grapha from the graveyard, then switches Leviair the Sea Dragon to attack position. Twilight watches astonished as Applejack’s life points are taken down to zero with just two attacks. The crowd of students cheer for the fifth victory of the Nymphs, their enthusiasm remaining as high as ever. Such skill, Twilight thinks. She didn’t let Applejack do anything. Applejack’s entire body trembles. This loss hit her specially hard. The voices from the crowd combined with the words of Baloney in her mind form an unbearable cacophony. She holds her forehead tightly with her right hand. Ebony Moon curtsies and returns to the group. As soon as she does, Sun Glow congratulates them all on their performance. “I’ll take care of the rest,” she declares as she steps forward to face Applejack. The hallway is quickly filled with murmurs of expectation from the crowd of students. “It’s Miss Sun Glow’s turn!” “Incoming Judgment of Light! Yeah!” “She’s beautiful, but also scary!” “Man, I pity that Applejack girl…” The murmurs grow into cheers and whistles, but Sun Glow only has eyes for Applejack. “A duelist must have a mind of steel,” she says sternly, arms folded over her chest. “If five duels are everything it takes to exhaust you, then you have no hope.” “Shut up!” Applejack shouts. She re-shuffles her deck for the last time and aggressively draws her initial hand of five cards. “Ah’ ain’t done yet, you hear me!?” Sun Glow calmly raises her left arm and ignites her yellow Duel Disk to reveal a magical energy blade of the same color. “I am Sun Glow the Aegle!” she declares fiercely. “I will be your final test!” They begin their duel and Sun Glow is chosen to go first. She draws her initial five cards. After briefly examining her options, she plays a monster face-down and sets a single card. “I end my turn.” Applejack draws wordlessly. She examines her hand, but no matter how much she tries to think, she can’t come up with any play that hasn’t been defeated before. “D-Damn it,” she mutters in frustration. “Ah’ play a monster face-down and end mah’ turn!” “My turn. Draw.” Sun Glow begins activating her own Field Spell, Realm of Light. A beautiful, massive temple surrounded by nature appears, with a thick layer of clouds covering the sky above it. “It’s a Lightlord deck!” Twilight blurts out. A few students shoot her glares of disapproval, but Sun Glow doesn’t mind, and her next card confirms Twilight’s suspicions. “I flip summon Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter.” The beautiful, white armored wolf appears snarling fiercely. It charges and pounces on Applejack’s set card, biting it in half. Sun Glow activates her monster’s second effect to send the top three cards of her deck to the graveyard and a single ray of sunlight pierces through the clouds, increasing Ryko’s attack and defense points by 100. Sun Glow continues summoning Ehren, Lightsworn Monk and ordering a direct attack of Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter. The wolf pounces on Applejack and she uses her Duel Disk to shield herself and push the monster back, but her life points still decrease to 3700. Still, that’s exactly what she needs. “Superheavy Samurai Prepped Defense!” The automaton appears holding its lance defensively. “You won’t be able to destroy this one by battle or effects!” Sun Glow is unfazed. “Ehren,” she orders. The young monk swiftly charges forward, evading Prepped Defense’s counterstrike and delivering a precise palm strike to the automaton’s mid-section. It lets out a metallic groan before its whole body gets catapulted back into the deck as if it weighed nothing. “Simple tactics like that won’t work against me,” Sun Glow points out. “Turn end.” She sends the top three cards of her deck to the graveyard to comply with Ehren’s effect and a second ray of light pierces the clouds above, further powering up her monsters. Applejack grits her teeth, then draws wordlessly. Her expression softens as an idea begins forming in her mind. She checks her Duel Disk’s screen for the data on the field and sees Sun Glow’s deck has twenty-nine cards remaining. “Maybe…” With a frown of determination, Applejack special summons Superheavy Samurai Scales, bringing back Blue Brawler from the graveyard. “Superheavy Samurai Battleball!” The tiny, ball-shaped robot fuses with Ehren, Lightsworn Monk in a cluster of stars. “Superheavy Samurai Ogre Shutendoji!” Sun Glow is quick to answer with her set trap, Vanquishing Light. Ryko lets out a howl and disappears, immediately a pillar of light falls from above like a hammer and vaporizes Shutendoji. Applejack grimaces, but says nothing. “Ah’ end mah’ turn!” “My turn.” Sun Glow draws, bringing her hand count to three. “If you are hoping to build your defenses and wait until I deck out, then you’re making a grave mistake,” she chastises. Applejack grumbles, but can’t come up with a reply. Sun Glow activates Solar Recharge. She discards Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress to draw two cards, then sends the top two cards of her deck to the graveyard. A third ray of light falls from between the clouds. “Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner.” Sun Glow discards a card and Lumina chants to bring back Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior. After setting the last card in her hand, Sun Glow calmly declares the end of her turn, much to Applejack’s surprise. She sends the top three cards of her deck to the graveyard thanks to Lumina’s effect. “Activate Garoth’s effect.” Sun Glow reveals the top two cards of her deck, Felis, Lightsworn Archer and Wulf, Lightsworn Beast, before sending them to the graveyard to net herself two more cards from her deck. Immediately, she special summons Felis and Wulf to the field in defense and attack positions respectively. Two more rays of light pierce the clouds and illuminate the center of the field. Applejack hesitates. Looking at the screen of her Duel Disk, she sees that Sun Glow’s deck has nineteen cards remaining. She wonders if she could hold until it reaches zero. Muttering a curse of frustration, Applejack draws. She special summons Superheavy Samurai Trumpeter and tributes it together with Superheavy Samurai Scales to summon Big Benkei. “When Trumpeter is tributed for a Superheavy Samurai Ah’ can bring him back!” Applejack does so and quickly orders the attack of Big Benkei on Garoth, “Superheavy Smash!” Sun Glow points at her set card. “Trap card open, Lightsworn Barrier.” Garoth closes his eyes and a sphere of light surrounds him, blocking Big Benkei’s attack. Sun Glow sends the top two cards of her deck to the graveyard. A sixth ray of light falls from above, increasing the attack and defense points of Sun Glow’s monsters by 600 points each. Applejack growls under her breath. She looks at the two remaining cards in her hand, Superheavy Samurai Soulfire Suit and Soulbuster Gauntlet. Just a bit more, she thinks anxiously. I need to hold on a bit more. “My turn!” Sun Glow draws. Her demeanor suddenly changes, becoming more aggressive. She tributes Wulf, Lightsworn Beast and calls loudly, “Descend, angel of salvation and guardian of light! Celestia, Lightsworn Angel!” A gorgeous angelic woman appears in a shower of pure white feathers. Sun Glow explains, “When Celestia is summoned by tributing a Lightsworn I can send the top four cards of my deck to the graveyard to destroy two of your cards!” She does so. Realm of Light further empowers her monsters and a beam of light shoots up from the graveyard, wrapping around Celestia’s free hand and taking the form of an ornate sabre. The angel’s attack power goes up by 700 points. “I choose Blue Brawler and Big Benkei!” Applejack discards Soulfire suit to protect Big Benkei and Blue Brawler disappears in a pillar of light. Sun Glow continues tributing Felis to destroy Trumpeter at the cost of sending the top three cards of her deck to the graveyard. “It’s not enough,” she mutters before activating a second copy of Solar Recharge and discarding Jenis, Lightsworn Mender to draw two cards and send the top two of her deck to the graveyard. “I need more light!” Sun Glow plays Charge of the Light Brigade to send the top three cards of her deck to the graveyard and add Jain, Lightsworn Paladin back to her hand. The clouds suddenly break apart, filling the whole field with intense light. Sun Glow closes her eyes, momentarily basking in the light, before discarding Jain to bring back Ehren, Lightsworn Monk with Lumina’s effect. Applejack drops her arms defeated. She knows Soulfire Suit and Soulbuster Gauntlet are useless against Ehren’s effect. As expected, Big Benkei is sent back to the deck and Celestia delivers the final blow that lowers Applejack’s life points from 4000 straight to zero. The crowd explodes in a chorus of cheers and whistles, louder than before. A young girl in the crowd groans. “I wanted to see Sun Glow use Judgment Dragon,” she comments disappointed. An older girl gently nudges her. “You dummy, if she did that her life points would have gone below 4000 and she would have been the only one in the team to win with less than that.” To win with just two cards remaining in her deck, not using the best monster in her archetype of choice and all for the sake of the team, Twilight thinks. Sun Glow…it’s not just her skills,the way she carries herself in a duel makes me feel like I could challenge her with an army and she would not back down. Sun Glow steps forward, glaring sternly at Applejack. “As expected, you are not worth—” “That’s enough!” Twilight steps between the two of them, matching Sun Glow’s glare. “I don’t know who do you think you are, but Applejack came here to learn! And you’re attacking her for lacking the knowledge she precisely came to acquire?” She shakes her head. “What kind of logic is that?” Sun Glow narrows her eyes. “That reasoning may be fine for the first years, Twilight Sparkle, but she was invited to a class for fourth year students, who are just a single step from becoming professional duelists.” She tilts her chin upwards and adds, “To come here, dressed like that and behaving so casually is disrespectful towards the students and this institution itself.” “And this is your idea of correcting her?” Twilight asks outraged. “To duel her into exhaustion six against one?” “That was merely a sample of the harshness of high level Duel Monsters, of what she will have to face if she decides to step into the competitive envirovment.” Sun Glow answers solemnly. “I figured as the personal student of Princess Celestia you would understand that.” Twilight narrows her eyes and hisses, “The only thing I understand is that you know nothing of Princess Celestia and her methods.” Sun Glow’s eyes widen. In the blink of an eye, her expression turns into a picture of fury. “What did you—” But before she can say another word, both Dazzleflash and Ivory Fire put a hand each on her shoulders. Little Wings quickly gets between Sun Glow and Twilight. “Excuse meee! Excuse meee!” She looks at Twilight and says, “I think your friend just left.” Twilight turns around and gasps; Applejack is nowhere to be seen. She quickly runs in the same direction, muttering apologies as she pushes among the dispersing crowd of students. Sun Glow watches Twilight leave, both fists clenched tightly. “Calm down,” Dazzleflash tells her with a look of concern. “A duelist must have a mind of steel, remember? This won’t do you any good…” “What she said,” Ivory Fire adds. She grins mischievously and says, “Plus, we’ve only got like thirty minutes left of the lunch hour and that’s nowhere near enough for Dazzleflash to fill up her stomach.” Dazzleflash’s eyes widen and a prominent blush spreads across her chocolate dark cheeks. “W-Why you! I don’t eat that much!” Ivory Fire’s grin widens. “Nope, just enough to feed a regiment of Royal Guards.” Sun Glow’s expression softens and her lips curve into a small smile. Little Wings gently takes hold of Sun Glow’s hands, making sure to loosen their grip, and with a bright smile says, “I heard they’re serving your favorite today! Quesadillas! We should hurry!” Sun Glow nods. “Y-Yes…” As the team heads towards the cafeteria, Ebony Moon whispers to Pearl Rain, “I swear it’s like dropping a spark on a mountain of dried grass.” “But can you fully blame her for that?” Pearl Rain asks with concern. Ebony Moon pauses briefly, then shakes her head. It doesn’t take long for Twilight to find Applejack in the plaza near the school. A large open squared area, surrounded by fancy coffee stores and restaurants and with a round marble fountain occupying the center. On the middle of the fountain is an octagonal base; on top stands a sculpture of a beautiful woman spreading her wings majestically. Four water jets would periodically shoot upwards, occasionally creating a small rainbow over the statue. Applejack sits at the edge of the fountain, slouched over and with her gaze fixated on the ground. Twilight calls her name and Applejack flinches, but does not respond. Twilight gulps. She sits next to Applejack and gently puts a hand on her shoulder. “Applejack,” she begins unsurely. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, okay? I mean—uh—losing is part of the learning process too, you know.” Applejack remains silent and Twilight wonders if she’s saying the right stuff. I’ve never tried to cheer up somebody else before, she thinks. “A-Anyway, everything is going to be fine…” “Nope,” Applejack mutters somberly. Twilight blinks surprised. “A-Applejack?” Applejack suddenly stands up and shouts, “Nothing’s gonna be fine, Twilight!” A nearby flock of pidgeons flies away scared and a couple of passerby briefly look at Applejack in surprise before resuming their walk while whispering to each other. Applejack sits down again and lets out a breath of exhaustion. “I’m a failure,” she mutters dejectedly. “What?” Twilight shakes her head vigorously. “That’s not true!” “Baloney told me…” Applejack sniffs and then continues, “He told me all my matches were fixed and I had been duelin’ losers and bums—and the only talented guy trampled me.” Her eyes begin to water and she cries, “And then I lied to you! And Princess Celestia—in your faces!” “Stop it,” Twilight says firmly. “I already told you I’m not angry and I assure you neither is Princess Celestia.” She puts both hands on Applejack’s shoulders and further assures her, “And you’re definitely not a failure.” Applejack tries to protest, but Twilight continues, “A failure would not have accompanied me into one of the most dangerous places in all of Equestria, or risked her life to save mine or stand by me against a dark magic-wielding foe.” She tilts her head, smiles and asks, “Am I wrong?” Applejack wipes her eyes with her forearm and smiles, a faint blush across her face. “Thanks, Twilight…” Still, even when she seems to have eased, she still looks crestfallen. Twilight wonders what to say until she looks at Applejack’s Duel Disk and realizes what she has to do. “Let me see your deck.” Applejack blinks twice and Twilight repeats her request, “Your deck, can I see it please?” Applejack complies. Twilight fans the pile of cards in her hands and quickly begins scanning the contents of the deck. I knew it, she thinks. “This deck is completely made of Superheavy Samurai monsters.” Applejack scratches her back of her neck puzzled. “Uh, yeah? Isn’t that how they’re s’posed to be played an’ all?” “True, but a bit of diversification can help their cause.” Twilight pulls out a single card from the deck, Superheavy Samurai Gigagloves and says, “This one, for example. You did well putting four copies of it in your deck, but let me ask you something: how many ways you have of sending it to the graveyard?” Applejack opens her mouth to respond, but Twilight quickly adds, “Beyond tributing, synchro summoning and destruction?” Applejack frowns thoughtfully. “So yer sayin’ Ah’ need to make some adjustments to Mah’ deck?” Twilight nods. “Even the most talented duelists have a limit to what they can accomplish with the same cards.” She neatly piles the deck and hands it back to Applejack. “If you want, we can look at this together.” Smiling brightly, she adds, “I know a card shop around here that also sells great vegetable sandwiches!” Applejack clenches her fists. Ever since the beginning, you’ve been facing losers and bums. Grey Cloud was the only genuine article among them, and we all saw how you went up against him. She stands up, turns to Twilight and, grinning confidently, says, “Let’s do this.” Back at the main building of the Eos Dueling School, Celestia sits comfortably in her office, watching a video in the screen of a plain Duel Disk. A soft knock at the door catches her attention and she instructs, “Come in.” “Excuse me.” A young, bespectacled woman holding a file folder enters the office. She dresses professionally, with black high heels, a pure white pencil skirt and a buttoned shirt of the same color, complete with a small red tie. Her long, dark brown hair is tied neatly into a bun. The woman has big, round moderate orange eyes and soft features which, coupled with her short stature, make her very easy on the eyes. The woman approaches Celestia, who keeps watching the video, and peeking over her shoulder asks, “Are those the Nymphs?” Celestia smiles and nods. The woman comments excitedly, “Those girls are on their way to surpass even Prince Blueblood and Shining Armor!” Celestia’s smile widens and she says she expects many great things from them. “So...” Celestia turns off her Duel Disk and, after setting it aside, looks at the woman and asks, “Have you done what I asked, Raven?” “Yes!” Raven answers readily. She adjusts her glasses and begins, “I have already placed an order for one hundred barrels of cider at Sweet Apple Acres, payment fully made in advance as per your instructions.” Celestia nods approvingly. “Excellent.” “Princess, if I may ask,” Raven begins tentatively, “Why do you need so much cider for? I mean—you paid it with money from your personal account, so…” “Oh, you know,” Celestia waves her hand casually. “I figured Princess Luna would fancy herself a drink after her long absence.” She finishes with a wink and Raven giggles in response. Celestia clears her throat. “Now, about the file…” Raven wordlessly hands her the file folder. Celestia thanks her and opens it, her eyes scanning the first page until they focus on the picture of a bespectacled, man with curly, light grayish vermillion hair. “Mr. Svengallop…” “May I ask, again, what’s so interesting about him, Princess?” Raven tilts her head. “He’s a mid-class manager at best.” Celestia smiles knowingly. "You could call it a hunch." > Duel Seventeen - Fierce Sky Duel Above Ponyville! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a brand new day for the inhabitants of Ponyville. The sun shines brightly above their heads as they carry on their daily duties when a lone figure suddenly appears, flying across the sky on feathery wings. After stopping for a moment to survey the area, the figure leans forward and descends on the market square like an arrow of darkness, kicking up a cloud of dust upon landing and drawing bewildered looks from the passersby. The figure, unmistakable female, straightens and dusts herself off. She wears worn-out, brown combat boots and matching pants of a lighter shade. Her white crop top has two vertical cuts on the back from where her brown feathered wings emerge. In her right hand she holds a worn-out, dark brown aviator jacket, complete with a faded white fur collar. In her left, she holds a black Duel Disk that looks like it has seen better times. The girl is tall, muscular, with well-toned arms, and defined abs. Her face is attractively chiseled, her eyes small and of a light amber color. She has short, boyish white hair with the tip of her long bangs, and eyebrows, of a light violet shade. The girl folds her wings and puts on her jacket, effectively concealing them from sight. She takes a look around, her piercing glare quickly convincing the onlookers to mind their own business and keep walking. “Tch,” she mutters with disdain. Not too far away, Fluttershy slowly walks with her back turned towards the road. Her attention is fully focused on the mother duck following her and the half a dozen ducklings waddling behind in a straight line. “Easy there, little ones,” she says as she leads the way. “We’re almost there…” The girl notices Fluttershy, but doesn’t move an inch. Instead, she stays firmly planted in the way with a frown on her face. “Alright, mama duck, you’re free and cle--” As soon as Fluttershy turns around, she bumps into the girl, her face against the taller girl’s ample bosom. Fluttershy gasps softly and says, “Oh dear, please excuse me.” The girl narrows her eyes. “I’m walkin’ here,” she says drily. Fluttershy flinches. “Oh, um, I’m sorry,” she says timidly. “I-I was just trying to help them reach the pond…” Fluttershy points at the mother duck and her ducklings huddling behind her. They peek warily at the taller girl. The girl scowls deeply, takes a step forward and jabs Fluttershy hard in the chest with her index finger. “Who do you think you are?” she growls. “The owner of the damn road!?” The mother duck let’s out an alarmed honk and rushes in the opposite direction. Her ducklings quickly chase after her, as fast as their little legs can carry them. Flutteshy gulps. Her whole body trembles like a dried leaf. “I-I-I…” “In my town,” the girl says as she adjusts her Duel Disk around her left arm and ignites it to reveal a gray blade of magical energy that hums loudly. “Bumping into somebody like that is askin’ for a smackin’!” Fluttershy hastily retrieves her Duel Disk from her backpack, nearly dropping it in the process, and adjusts it around her left arm. She ignites it and takes several steps back, instictively holding the Duel Disk in front of her like a shield. The girl in front of her may not be a dark magic-wielding minion of a fallen princess, but that only makes her slightly less intimidating for Fluttershy. Their life points appear above them at 4000 each. Without warning, the girl rips the top five cards of her deck, sets two and ends her turn with no further plays. “Come on!” she urges fiercely. Fluttershy gulps. “I can do this,” she mutters to herself. “Draw!” She draws her initial five cards plus one more. “Mount Sylvania!” The peak of a snowy mountain surrounds both duelists and several of the passersby stop to watch in amusement. Fluttershy follows with One for One, discarding Sylvan Guardioak from her hand to special summon Sylvan Cherubsprout straight from her deck. The massive form of Sylvan Sagequoia appears behind her. “Excavate!” She reveals the top two cards from her deck, Sylvan Charity and Sylvan Princessprout. After placing the former on the bottom of her deck, Fluttershy declares level one and special summons the latter. “I Overlay Sylvan Cherubsprout and Sylvan Princessprout! Xyz Summon!” Sylvan Princessprite appears on the field in a shower of vibrant, cherry blossom petals. The girl remains silent, watching Fluttershy intently like a hawk waiting for the right moment to strike. Fluttershy hesitates for a second, but shakes her head and wills herself forward. She detaches an Xyz Material from Sylvan Princessprite and excavates Sylvan Waterslide, which she immediately sets. She follows with Sylvan Princessprite’s second effect and discards Sylvan Hermitree to revive Sylvan Guardioak. “Miracle Fertilizer!” She declares as she plays the last card in her hand. Sylvan Hermitree emerges from below, its vibrant red leaves partially covered by snow. “Trap card open!” the girl announces loudly. She points at her set card and it flips over, revealing Gozen Match. Fluttershy is shocked. The girl swiftly chains the activation of her second set card, Threatening Roar, to prevent Fluttershy from entering her Battle Phase. Fluttershy bites her lower lip. “Sylvan Hermitree,” she declares dejectedly. The snow around her monsters explodes upwards like a geyser, sparing only the chosen Sylvan Hermitree. Fluttershy thinks she took a heavy loss, but she can still try to build a solid defense. “Excavate.” She reveals Sylvan Mikorange and sends it to the graveyard to increase the attack and defense points of her monster by 300 and draw an extra card. “I activate Mount Sylvania’s effect.” Fluttershy discards her last card, Sylvan Bladefender, to pick Sylvan Marshalleaf from her deck and place it on top. With no more plays available, she ends her turn. “That was useless,” the girl says drily. “You played a bunch of cards for nothing.” She rips the top card from her deck and declares fiercely, “I’ll show you how it’s done!” Fluttershy winces. The girl activates Magic Planter to get rid of Gozen Match and draw two cards, raising her hand count to five. She activates Black Whirlwind and summons Blackwing – Pinaki the Waxing Moon, fetching Blackwing – Gladius the Midnight Sun from her deck and immediately special summons it. A-A Blackwing deck…?! Fluttershy thinks alarmed. The girl orders a Synchro Summon between Pinaki and Gladius. “Cleave the sky and my enemies alike!” A powerfully muscled, half-man half-bird of prey materializes on the field with a gust of wind and a mighty battle cry. “Blackwing – Nothung the Starlight!” Without warning, the monster raises its sword and launches it like a boomerang. Despite the size of the blade, the sword flies with terrifying speed. It slices several branches off Sylvan Hermitree’s body, lowering its attack and defense points by 800, and strikes Fluttershy on her right shoulder, shaving off 800 points of her life. She squeals in shock and stumbles backwards. Blackwing – Nothung the Starlight catches the sword back with great dexterity. The girl’s demeanor becomes even more aggressive. Using Nothung’s second effect, she summons Blackwing – Damascus the Polar Night, fetches Blackwing – Oroshi the Squall straight from her deck with Black Whirlwind and swiftly special summons it. “I tune Oroshi and Nothung! Synchro Summon!” Both monsters disappear in a black tornado. “Tame the wind and rend my enemies apart!” A new hybrid takes on the field. Its appearance is far more human, but no less intimidating, with jet-black wings, a crown of blood-red feathers and a massive talon-like claw in place of its right hand. The girl calls the monster’s name loudly, “Blackwing Tamer – Obsidian Hawk Joe!” Using her newest monster’s effect, the girl brings back Blackwing – Nothung the Starlight to the field. “Homing Sword!” Fluttershy watches horrified as Nothung rears its arm back and launches its sword once again, cutting a chunk of Sylvan Hermitree’s body and lowering her monster’s attack to a measly 1400. She braces herself, but the impact still makes her legs wobble. Her life points decrease even further, to 2400. The girl does not wait to order an attack. Nothung slices Sylvan Hermitree vertically and the spirit of nature explodes into a cloud of splinters. “Finish her off, Joe! Assault Claw!” “I-I activate my trap card! Sylvan Waterslide!” Fluttershy excavates Sylvan Marshalleaf and the tiny sprite launches itself like a bullet towards Blackwing Tamer – Obsidian Hawk Joe. Much to her surprise and shock, however, Nothung swiftly moves in to protect Obsidian Hawk Joe, sacrificing itself in the process. Fluttershy doesn’t have the time to react before her remaining life points are shaved off with a single slash across her chest that knocks her down on her back. All cards vanish from the field. The girl looks around the crowd and, raising her Duel Disk like a weapon, shouts, “Anybody else wants some of this!?” The crowd disperses. She spares one last look of disdain at Fluttershy, who holds her forehead in a daze, and walks away in the opposite direction. Once again, Twilight finds herself at Sweet Apple Acres. Or, to be more precise, at Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School. Sitting comfortably under a nearby tree with her shapely legs extended forward, Twilight watches attentively with pen and notebook in hand as Rainbow Dash addresses a group of half a dozen children separate from the bigger crowd. “Alright, listen up! You see this slot right here on your disks?” Rainbow Dash asks while pointing at her Duel Disk. “This is were you put your cards when in mid-air! Like this!” she takes the five cards from the top of her deck and slids them all in a single, smooth move. The cards remain perfectly still in a vertical position, even when Rainbow Dash swings her arm around to demonstrate. Twilight giggles. Rainbow Dash’s teaching methods may be a bit rough on the edges, but she does know how to get the attention of the kids. At Rainbow Dash’s behest, the kids pair up and, spreading their little wings, take off. They remain relatively close to the ground, flying in circles at a slow pace. “That’s the way, guys,” she says with a smile. “Keep it slow and steady! You’ve just started, so no crazy stuff in my watch, okay?” A chuckle catches Twilight attention and she turns her head to see Applejack standing next to her, carrying a bale of hay over her left shoulder as if it weighed nothing. Her white shirt is tied down at the middle, exposing her well-toned abs. Sweat cascades down from her forehead, drops falling on her shirt and making it slightly traslucent. Her chest goes up and down with every breath she takes in an almost hypnotic motion. She looks tired, but content. “Ain’t somethin’ you see everyday, uh?” she asks. “Rainbow talkin’ about slow.” Twilight admits it’s a pleasant surprise. Applejack tilts her hat and grins. “Eeyup! She may not look like it, but she does take her lessons with the little ones seriously.” Twilight smiles as she thinks about how Applejack’s mood has improved substantially since her match with the elite of the Eos Dueling School. Thanks to Princess Celestia placing an order for apple cider, her family now has enough money to handle the harvesting season smoothly. Their little little session to work on her Superheavy Samurai deck went well too; she caught up pretty quickly and managed to improve her deck considerably. Twilight sighs softly. Looking back at it, that night at Manehattan felt so distant now. Still, she kept the whole thing about the Underworld Duels to herself. Rainbow Dash instructs the kids to ignite their Duel Disks and draw their initial hands. A sudden gust of wind catches one of the boys by surprise, ripping the cards from his hands. Swiftly, she spreads her wings and shoots up, catching the cards with ease and handing them back to the boy, who thanks her with an awed smile. Rainbow Dash smiles and winks, patting him in the head before descending. Just as her feet touch the ground, a voice from behind suddenly catches her attention, “You’re pretty fast for a shrimp!” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widen and she quickly turns around to see the girl with the aviator jacket looking at her with a wide grin. “Gilda?” she asks dumbfounded. “Is that you?” Gilda approaches casually, with both hands on her pockets, and replies sarcastically, “No, the other one, you doofus.” Rainbow Dash laughs. Both girls hug tightly. Rainbow Dash asks, “The hay are you doing here, you bird-brain?” Gilda shrugs and answers she was just passing by and decided to pay a visit. Rainbow Dash nods. “Gimme a minute,” she says and turns to wave at Twilight and Applejack, motioning them to come over. Both, Twilight and Applejack share a brief look. The latter sets the bale of hay aside and they approach. “Gilda,” Rainbow Dash says motioning to the two of them. “These are my gal pals, Twilight and Applejack.” Both girls introduce themselves. Gilda responds with half-hearted nod. “Girls, this is my old friend Gilda.” Rainbow Dash adds, “We met back in my days at the Junior Speedsters Flight Camp!” Gilda puts her right arm around Rainbow Dash’s neck and hugs her tightly. “That’s right,” she says proudly. Rainbow Dash’s expression brightens. “Hey, G, remember the chant?” Gilda rolls her eyes. “Yeah, they made us recite it every morning.” She snorts and adds, “I don’t think I’ll ever get that thing out of my head…” Rainbow Dash tilts her head, looking with pleading eyes. “Sooo…” Gilda chuckles. “Only for you, Dash.” Both girls perform a series of movements, including crouching and throwing their arms upwards as they chant, Junior Speedsters are our lives, Sky-bound soars and daring dives Junior Speedsters, it's our quest, To someday be the very best! The chant earns a good-natured chuckle from both, Twilight and Applejack. “Say, girls,” Rainbow Dash begins tentatively. “Would you mind watching the kids for a while?” “Sure thing, Rainbow!” Applejack replies cheerfully. Looking at Gilda, she says, “Make yourself at home, Gilda. Any friend of Rainbow is a friend of us!” “I hope we can hang out later,” Twilight says with a smile. Again, Gilda’s response is a mere nod. As she leads Gilda towards the snacks table, Rainbow Dash chuckles and says, “There’s no need to be shy, G.” She adds enthusiastically, “Twilight and Applejack are cool girls; you’ll get along with them in no time.” Gilda huffs. “Yeah.” Rainbow Dash grabs an empty glass from the table, fills it with apple juice and, as she offers it to Gilda, she asks, “So, how’s Griffonstone these days, G?” Gilda’s expression turns sour. She takes the glass of apple juice, gulps it down in a single swing and sets the empty glass on the table. “A gigantic dump,” she answers drily. She shrugs and adds, “You know, like always.” Rainbow Dash cringes. “Sorry ‘bout that.” Gilda waves her hand dimissively. “Forget about it.” She leans against the table, smirks and says, “I’m more interested in what are you doing teaching a bunch of brats about Sky Duels behind some farmhouse.” Rainbow Dash chuckles and says she’s just giving Applejack a hand. “I’ve already got my job as the captain of the local weather patrol.” Gilda nods and looks to the sky with eyes filled with nostalgia. “So we’ve left the dreams of being pro-duelists behind, uh?” Rainbow Dash scratches the back of her head. “Yeah, about that…” she says hesitantly. “I haven’t given up yet, G.” Gilda tilts her head and asks what she means. “I practice flying and dueling every day,” Rainbow Dash explains. She raises her left arm, taps her Duel Disk and adds, “Twilight—she even got me a ticket for the Grand Galloping Gala where the Wonderbolts will appear…” Gilda’s left eye twitches. “Really now?” At that moment, Fluttershy suddenly comes over running from the side of the barn. She stops in front of Rainbow Dash, gasping for air. “R-Rainbow—I—saw—” “Hey Shy! Great timing,” Rainbow Dash says cheerfully. “Remember Gilda from the Junior Speedsters Flight Camp?” She takes a step aside, pointing with her thumb behind her and Fluttershy freezes like a mouse having spotted a large, hungry cat. Fluttershy stutters, “I-I-I…” Gilda growls, “You?” Rainbow Dash looks dumbfounded between the terrified Fluttershy and Gilda, who looks ready lay a beating. “Uh…is there something I missed here or…?” Gilda stomps forward and Fluttershy quickly takes cover behind Rainbow Dash. “So, this is how it is, eh Dash?” she asks between clenched teeth. “You kept this scaredy cat at your side, got some new friends and left lame ol’ Gilda behind?” Rainbow Dash frowns in confusion. “What are you talking about?” “Don’t give me that crap!” Gilda says, slamming her foot down a patch of dirt and sending a small cloud of dust swirling into the breeze. “A ticket for the Grand Galloping Gala? Why don’t you admit you ditched me and got yourself a better deal!?” Rainbow Dash frowns. “What the—” She shakes her head and retorts angrily, “You know exactly why I left, G! And it had nothing to do with you!” “Oh really?” Gilda asks tilting her head mockingly. She throws her arm aggressively and says, “And I guess that chicken behind you just happening to be here is only a friggin' happy coincidence!” Fluttershy flinches at her words. The commotion draws the attention of the children, as well as Twilight and Applejack, whom quickly approach. “The hay is goin’ on here?” Applejack demands to know. “Stay out of the way!” Gilda replies. “I can handle this, girls!” Rainbow Dash adds. Fluttershy quickly moves away from Rainbow Dash and next to a stunned Twilight and Applejack. “So this is how you plan to become a Pro, Dash? Hanging in some backwaters town and teaching brats behind a farmhouse?” Gilda scoffs antagonistically, before sneering at Rainbow Dash. “I knew you were an idiot, but I never thought you would be brain-dead.” Rainbow Dash explodes. “Shut up!” Her wings flare up and she ignites her Duel Disk like a fencer drawing her sword. “I will achieve my dream! I will become a Pro Duelist even if I have to crawl in the mud!” She points to herself with her thumb. “And I’ll prove it anytime, anywhere!” Gilda takes off her jacket and follows suit, flaring her wings and igniting her Duel Disk. Glaring at each other, both girls crouch slightly, much like predators ready to jump and rip each other apart at the slightest hint of weakness from the opposing side. The whole crowd of children approach, unaware of the hostility, cheering and talking with each other in awe as if Rainbow Dash and Gilda were merely about to put a show. There is a moment of silence before both duelists shout simultaneously, “Let’s soar!” They take to the sky with a single mighty flap of their wings, forcing Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy to shield their faces, and knocking the plates and glasses on the nearby table all over. “D-Dang it,” Applejack says astonished. “Did ya’ll get a look at those wings?” “She’s a Lamassu,” Twilight notes. Applejack asks what does that mean. Twilight explains, “They’re a race that is said to possess traits from both, lions and eagles. Unlike Equestrians with Sky Magic, who generate wings using the natural magic of their bodies when needed, the Lamassus’ wings are basically another pair of limbs.” She turns to Fluttershy and asks, “Do you know what the deal with them is?” Fluttershy explains she only saw Gilda a couple of times back in the day and they never spoke much. She even admits she had practically forgotten about Gilda until their encounter at the Ponyville’s Market. “I came here to let Rainbow Dash know,” Fluttershy says with her head hanging low. “But I think I only made things more difficult…” She sniffs and apologizes. “No need to apologize, surgarcube.” Applejack comfortingly, placing a comforting hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “This ain’t your fault.” Far above them, Rainbow Dash and Gilda cross the sky over Ponyville like arrows in the direction of the Town Hall. None of them says a word. They don’t need to; they already know the first one to reach the building will get the first turn. Both duelists remain head-to-head while the Town Hall gets closer with every second. Suddenly, Gilda lets out a roar and launches herself straight at the building. At the last second, she does a sharp turn around it, while coming dangerously close to the balcony railways, and takes the lead. The daring maneuver takes Rainbow Dash by surprise. “When did she become this fast!?” She grits her teeth, resigning herself to the second turn, and flies around the Town Hall building while keeping a safer distance. Ahead of her, Gilda draws five cards, slids them on the slot of her Duel Disk and immediately activates Black Whirlwind, then follows with with Foolish Burial to dump Blackwing – Damascus the Polar Night into the graveyard from her deck. She normal summons Blackwing – Blizzard the Far North, brings back Damascus to the field and fetches Blackwing – Breeze the Zephyr directly from her deck, special summoning it thanks to its own effect. The three bird monsters fly at Gilda’s sides in a perfect arrowhead formation. “Synchro Summon!” Gilda tunes Blizzard and Damascus into Blackwing – Gram the Shining Star and uses her newest monster’s effect to special summon Blackwing – Shura the Blue Flame with its effects negated. “Synchro Summon!” she orders again, even more aggressively. Zephyr and Shura disappear and Blackwing Tamer – Obsidian Hawk Joe materializes, flanking Gilda together with Gram. Gilda sets the last card in her hand. She suddenly turns around to face Rainbow Dash. The wind carries her voice as she shouts, “I’m not the same as before, Dash!” She ends her turn and her life points counter flashes behind her at 4000. Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. She spreads her wings wide, losing some of her speed, and then flaps with all her strength to rocket herself upwards in a straight line. With both arms extended forward and her fists tightly clenched, her body pierces the clouds like a spear. Once she has gained enough altitude, she stops, leans forward and dives down. With the aid of gravity, she swiftly gets head of Gilda. “I’m not the same either, G!” Rainbow Dash shouts back. She draws her initial hand of five cards plus one and sets them on the appropriate slot of her Duel Disk to keep them safe against the wind. Picking two cards between her index and thumb, Rainbow Dash summons Speedroid Horse Stilts and Speedroid Razorang, the latter with the effect of the former. Gilda swiftly unveils with her set Gozen Match. Rainbow Dash answers harshly, “That cheap trick won’t work!” Gilda scowls, but says nothing. Rainbow Dash special summons Speedroid Taketomborg, tributing it to bring Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice straight from her deck to the field. After lowering the level of Horse Stilts to three, she tunes it with her level one Red-Eyed Dice. “Synchro Summon! Hi-Speedroid Puzzle!” A tall, gangly automaton jumps from inside a cloud. It runs through the sky at astonishing speeds with both arms outstretched at its sides like the wings of a bird. Rainbow Dash points at Obsidian Hawk Joe and orders, “Get him, Razorang!” Blackwing Tamer – Obsidian Hawk Joe repels the attack of the boomerang-shaped automaton with a single swipe of his mighty claw, but not without cost. A gash appears over his forearm. Gilda grits her teeth at the sight of her monster, his attack points lowered from 2600 to 1800. “Go, Hi-Speedroid Puzzle! Destroy Obsidian Hawk Joe” The automaton extends its left arm to reveal a wicked-looking dagger and its attack points double up to 2600. It zig zags at alarming speeds, almost too fast for the untrained eye to follow, with its blade ready to pierce its intended target. Gilda’s eyes narrow. “Take it, Gram!” To Rainbow Dash’s surprise, Blackwing – Gram the Shining Star shields Obsidian Hawk Joe from the attack. The blade of Hi-Speedroid Puzzle pierces Gram’s chest and the half-man half-bird monster falls from the sky followed by a trail of black feathers. It vanishes before touching the ground. Hi-Speedroid Puzzle’s attack points return to its original value of 1300. Gilda’s life points go down to 3600. She taunts, “Is this the best you can do after your dumb farm training, Dash?” Now it’s Rainbow Dash’s turn to scowl. “Turn end!” “My turn!” Gilda declares fiercely. She flaps her wings to gain altitude. “Draw!” She immediately activates her newly draw Magic Planter to get rid of the useless Gozen Match and draw two cards. Her lips twist into a satisfied smirk. “Blackwing – Jin the Rain Shadow!” A small humanoid bird appears on the field. Despite its size, it wields a sword confidently. Using Black Whirlwind’s effect, Gilda adds Blackwing – Etesian of Two Swords from her deck to her hand. She follows with Allure of Darkness to draw two cards and pockets the banished Etesian. “Come back, Gram!” she orders. Obsidian Hawk Joe let’s out a mighty battle cry. The wind twist and turns, and from a explosion of black feathers emerges Gram the Shining Star Once again. Rainbow Dash is shocked by this powerful effect. Gilda tunes the level five Gram with the level one Jin. “Synchro Summon! Blackwing – Nothung the Starlight!” The savage half-man half-bird takes on the field and, setting its predatory eyes on Hi-Speedroid Puzzle, launches its sword with deadly accuracy, slicing the automaton’s left arm clean and lowering its attack and defense to 500 and 800 points respectively. The blade keeps going and strikes Rainbow Dash on her back, taking 800 of her life points. She grunts in pain and flaps her wings rapidly as not to lose speed, but she still ends up behind Gilda. Gilda orders the attack of Obsidian Hawk Joe. “Assault Claw!” The half-man half-bird dives forward. Hi-Speedroid Puzzle’s attack points double up to 1000 as it attempts to block, but without a weapon of its own, it’s a futile effort. The automaton’s body is ripped apart and Rainbow Dash’s life points go down to 1600. “How do you like that, Dash?” Gilda taunts again. She adds harshly, “Maybe you should try a hair salon instead of a farm next time!” Rainbow Dash suddenly grins. She takes a single card and slaps it on her Duel Disk. “Speedroid Gum Prize!” A small, colorful box materializes on the field and immediately transforms into an automaton. Despite its cool appearance, it has zero attack points. Gilda angrily asks Rainbow Dash what is she planning to do with it. “This,” Rainbow Dash replies. “I tune my level one Speedroid Gum Prize with my level four Speedroid Razorang! Synchro Summon!” Hi-Speedroid Chanbara appears, cutting the clouds in its path like a hot knife through butter. Rainbow Dash reveals the top card of her deck, Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke, sending it to the graveyard to boost her newest monster’s attack points to 3000. She laughs. “Looks to me like you’ve only got better at running your mouth, Gilda!” Gilda growls under her breath. She sets a single card and declares the end of her turn. Rainbow Dash begins gaining speed, until she’s head-to-head with Gilda. “Draw!” She summons Speedroid Double Yoyo and brings back Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice from the graveyard with its effect. Then, after increasing the level of Double Yoyo to five with Red-Eyed Dice, she tunes them both to Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama. She banishes Speedroid Razorang from her graveyard and orders, “Fire!” Hi-Speedroid Kendama fires a beam of light that hits Gilda for 500 points of damage. She squawks and stumbles, furiously flapping her wings to avoid losing too much speed while leaving behind a small trail of brown feathers. Rainbow Dash takes the lead. Flanked by her two blade-like monsters, she points and orders, “Spiral Blade!” Hi-Speedroid Chanbara’s attack points go up by 200 as it charges Obsidian Hawk Joe. Gilda orders Nothung to intercept the attack and loses 800 life points with the destruction of her monster. Her life points flash at 2300. Rainbow Dash’s expression becomes serious.“It’s over, Gilda! Hi-Speedroid Chanbara can make a second attack!” Hi-Speedroid Chanbara makes a sharp turn and charges again, its attack points further increasing to 3400. Gilda shouts furiously, “Nothing is over, Dash!” She throws her hand out and reveals her set card, “Black Sonic!” The card releases a flash of lightning that forces Rainbow Dash to shield her eyes and vaporizes her monsters. Muttering a curse under her breath, Rainbow Dash pockets her banished monsters. She thinks Gilda let her destroy Nothung the Starlight on purpose before activating Black Sonic. After briefly glancing at the remaining two cards in her hand, she sets one and ends her turn. Gilda rips the top card of her deck. She wastes no time bringing back Nothung to the field with Obsidian Hawk Joe and shave 800 life points from Rainbow Dash with its effect, leaving her with a mere 800 points. “Destroy her, Nothung!” Rainbow Dash answers by special summoning Speedroid Menko. Nothung the Starlight makes a sudden stop and switches to defense position along with Obsidian Hawk Joe. With a growl of frustration, Gilda sets a single card and ends her turn. Rainbow Dash draws. She looks over her shoulder to see Gilda glaring daggers at her from not too far away. Gritting her teeth, Rainbow Dash banishes Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke to revive Speedroid Red-Eyed Dice and increase the level of Speedroid Menko to six. “Synchro Summon!” She throws her hand up and chants loudly, “Spread your wings and strike down my enemies at the speed of light! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!” The light of the sun shines on the dragon’s emerald wings as it manifests, making it look like a star shooting across the sky. Back at Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School, Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy watch the duel with trepidation. “They’re coming back,” Twilight mutters to herself. Gilda throws her hand out and shouts, “Trap card open! Threatening Roar!” The shockwave from the card pushes Rainbow Dash back, allowing Gilda to take the lead with one mighty flap of her wings. Rainbow Dash has no choice but to end her turn. “Cut it out, Gilda!” she suddenly pleads. “My Clear Wing can negate both of your monsters’ effects! You can’t win this one!” Gilda’s answer comes in the form of an obscene gestue. Rainbow Dash grunts annoyed. “Draw!” Gilda’s eyes widen triumphantly at the sight of her newest card, her second copy of Black Sonic. “Your little prize is not gonna stop me, Dash!” She switches both Nothung and Obsidian Hawk Joe to attack position and orders the attack of the latter, “Destroy that dragon! Assault Claw!” “Trap card open!” Rainbow Dash points at her set card. “Dice Roll Battle!” She banishes Speedroid Taketomborg in her graveyard and Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice in her hand to Synchro Summon Orient Dragon. Obsidian Hawk Joe halts its attack. Rainbow Dash explains that when Orient Dragon is Synchro Summoned, she can banish a Synchro Monster her opponent controls. Gilda snarls in frustration, but she thinks she still has her Black Sonic. Much to her surprise, however, Rainbow Dash activates Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s effect to negate Orient Dragon’s and destroy it. Clear Wing Synchro Dragon’s attack points go up to 4800. “What are you playing at!?” Gilda asks angrily. “This,” Rainbow Dash answers solemnly. She banishes Dice Roll Battle from her graveyard. “Now one of your Synchro Monsters in attack position has to fight one of mine.” Gilda is horrified. She watches helplessly as Blackwing – Nothung the Starlight charges Clear Wing Synchro Dragon. The dragon dives in corkscrew fashion and tears its foe to pieces, reducing Gilda’s life points to zero and knocking her from the sky in the process. It vanishes along with the remaining cards on the field. “Gilda!” Rainbow Dash shouts alarmed. She dives at full speed, reaching the dazed Gilda and holding her tightly from behind. Fully spreading her wings, Rainbow Dash takes advantage of a wind current to safely glide down and land back on Ponyville’s Duel Monsters School. The crowd of children cheer loudly for her, still believing it was all a show. Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy rush to her side in concern. “Don’t touch me,” Gilda hisses, pushing Rainbow Dash away. She turns her back to Rainbow Dash and the others, before looking over her shoulder and calling back to Rainbow Dash, “Have it your way, Dash. I don’t give a flying feather…” She picks up her jacket, pauses for a moment and then takes into the sky. Rainbow Dash clenches her fists and looks down. “Damn it,” she mutters bitterly. A little girl calls out her name. Rainbow Dash puts up her best triumphant grin, turns around and says, “Alright, everybody, show’s over! I wanna see your moves now! And remember, take it easy, okay?” The children quickly return to their practice with renewed enthusiasm. Rainbow Dash’s smile vanishes. “You alright there, sugarcube?” Applejack asks with a frown of worry. Rainbow Dash sighs heavily. “Back at the camp, Gilda was an easy pick for the bullies—you know, not being Equestrian and all. I stood up for her and we hit it off pretty quickly…” She pauses, looking upwards nostalgically, before continuing, “Later we made a promise: that we would work together to become Pro Duelists.” She finally admits, “I broke it when I moved here…” “I’m sorry, Rainbow,” Fluttershy says looking down. Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Eh, no worries. It was my decision after all.” She tilts her head towards the children and asks, “Can you girls cover me for a while? I need to unwind a bit…” Applejack tilts her hat. “Say no more.” As Rainbow Dash walks past them, Twilight calls out her name. She pauses, somewhat unsure and then says, “We’re here for you, okay?” Without turning around, Rainbow Dash chuckles. "Thanks."