> A Digital Fox's Day Out > by Princess Elytra > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things were going alright for our protagonist Maika. He had a good cosplay outfit, money for souvenir, and access to many of the conventions panels, stands, and stores. One store; however, caught his eye more than the others. The outside didn't look interesting, but what he saw inside the store, was what caught his attention. It was completely filled with many objects and items from many video games and anime. One table hed replica Cores from Portal 2, another had six chaos emeralds instead of the normal seven. 'Maybe some one bought one.' he thought before reaching a table with digimon related items such as Digivices, originals and newer ones, digieggs of many variety, and the goggles of Tai from the first digimon season. Maika picked up a blue Digimon tamers digivice and a life-sized Relemon egg then went up to a weird man that looked like the man from those PS4 commercials. "How much for these?" Maika asked as the man eyed him. "About, $30. I'll throw in this D-Card Reader as a bonus." The man said as Maika paid for his items. "Sure. What would a Digimon Tamer do with out thier D-Card reader?" Maika asked as he picked it up and walked out the door with the Digivice on his belt and egg in his arms. Right before the left the store, he heard the man muttering something under his breath before gaining tunneled vision and passing out. Life was peaceful in Equestria. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming, and the CMC doing god knows what. Fluttershy was tending to her animals, Rainbow Dash was moving her clouds, Applejack was bucking trees, Rarity was designing dresses, and Pinkie Pie was being Pinkie Pie. Twilight was sitting in her library, doing what she does best, reading her books for the hundredth time as Starlight enters being lost in the castle. "Seeing how often you get lost in this castle, you should probably know where everything is." Twilight says as Starlight sits down. "I know right..." Starlight says as she sits down next to Twilight. Twilight puts her book down. "It's amazing how a pony that can control a whole village and master multiple spells at one time, gets lost every time she leaves her room." Twilight says as Spike runs into the room. "Twilight! Something is attacking the castle!" Spike said as he held a weird device in his claws. "Spike? What's that?" Twilight says before picking it up out of his claws. "It looks like something out of those moving pictures that Pinkie from the other universe showed us." Spike said as the device activating. On the tiny screen showed a white and yellow striped egg. "Why is there an egg in this?" She says as the device lights up the room and the egg from the device appears in front of the group. The egg looked like the size of a dragon egg. "Is it a dragon?" Spike asked as Twilight grabbed a book about dragon eggs. Starlight studied the egg, noting that it looked like an albino tiger. She picked the device up as it show the description of the creature in the egg. "It appears to be a monster egg from a different dimension, but I can't read the language." Starlight said as Twilight came over to look at the language. "It appears to be neighponese." Twilight said before using a translating spell. The spell does it's job as the device is translated into Equish. "The name of the creature appears to be Relemon. I need to study it more when it hatches later tonight." Twilight said before moving the egg to a safer location. That night, Twilight brought the egg outside during the full moon. It took a few hours but as the moon reached the middle of the sky, the egg started lighting up. "Starlight! Spike! Come down here!" Twilight called as Starlight and Spike were teleported next to Twilight. Spike was still sleeping, but Starlight was fully awake watching the egg dissipate leaving a small fox-like creature sleeping in front of them. "It's not what I thought it would look like, being a monster from a different dimension and all." Starlight said as she picked the fox up. "Starlight. It's just a hatchling. It's supposed to be small and adorable." Twilight said as Starlight put the sleeping fox on her back. "I know. I can't wait to see what it looks like when it gets older." Starlight said as she put Spike on her back as they headed inside. Next morning, Spike awoke not noticing the tiny fox in his bed. As he got up, he felt some other movement next to him. "What the..." He said before moving his blanket off of his bed and seeing a small yellow fox asleep on his bed. "That's not normal..." He said before picking it up and going to Twilight. Right before he enters Twilight's room, the fox starts waking up. The young fox had bright sky blue eyes and was staring up at Spike. "Twilight?" Spike asked as he entered Twilight's room. Twilight was sitting up in her bed writing to Sunset about the creature that appeared. "Spike? What's wrong?" Twilight asks looking up, to see him with the creature that was awake. "This thing was in my bed this morning." Spike said as Twilight picked the creature up with her magic. 'Ugh... Where am I..?' Maika thought to himself as he regained consciousness. He looked around before looking up at a purple and green lizard. "Twilight?" The lizard called out. 'Did it just speak?' He thought before he felt lighter than air as he flew across the room before stopping in front of a purple... Unicorn!? "So you finally awake, I was waiting to ask you questions." She asked Maika. Maika continued staring at her before trying to speak, but the only thing coming out of his mouth was some soft whines. "Wait... I forgot that you just hatched a few hours ago." Twilight said as she placed Maika on a small chair. 'Wait... What did she say?' Maika thought. 'Hatched?' He looked at the crystal wall to see a Relemon staring back. Maika gasped loudly. "That's right. It's you." Twilight said seeing Maika's reaction. "I guess we need to teach it about our world Spike." Twilight said as the lizard hopped onto her bed. "Spike... That's the most un original name ever...' Maika thought as Twilight picked him up with her magic as she got out of her bed and placed Maika and Spike on her back. 'She has wings as well!?' Maika thought as they left her room. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Finally, we have my favorite room in the castle." Twilight before opening a large door. "My Library!" Twilight said as Maika yawned. 'Of course the Princess' favorite room is the library...' Maika thought as they entered the library. 'She's so nerdy...' "Twilight... If it's not old enough to speak, then it's not old enough to read." Spike said as he walked into the library with his morning gems. "I know Spike, but I'm just trying to show Relemon where to find me when it learns to walk." Twilight said as she walked to her spot at the table before placing Maika on the table. "So what's the first thing you are going to teach it?" Spike said as he sat next to Twilight, who was searching through all of her books looking for something to teach Maika. "Advanced Theoretical Physics? No. The Biology of The Smooze? No. Here we go! The History of Equestria, the pop-up book." Twilight said as she looked at Spike. "I remember reading this to you when you were younger. You were very energetic before bed. The only way you would calm down was with this book." Twilight said before nuzzling Spikes cheek. "Twilight!" Spike whined as he was nuzzled. Maika took this opportunity to sneak away. He thought of hopping off the table, but Twilight would see him. Then an idea came, before his stomach brought everyone back to reality. "Twilight? I think it's hungry..." Spike said as Twilight picked up the blushing Maika. "My question is what are we going to feed it?" Twilight said before Maika's mouth opened showing teeth of an omnivore. "I guess it can eat anything we eat." Spike said as they left the room with Maika in Spike's arms. Maika sat in deep thought as Twilight and Spike head down to the kitchen. 'I've always wanted to make something of myself before I graduated high school... Now they won't even care that I'm gone. I was always just a face in a crowd, anyways...' Maika finished his thought as the group entered the kitchen. 'How did we get here so fast?' Maika thought as Twilight sets him on the table. Spike went to go make breakfast for everyone, while Twilight read her book to Maika. "A long time ago, back before the princesses were born, lived three tribes. Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth ponies." Twilight said as the picture of each race of pony. "They lived in toleration of each race making sure that each race stayed in there own part of the world." Another picture showing the Pegasi manipulating the weather, Earth Ponies farming the land, and Unicorns moving the sun and moon. 'They control the sun and moon!?' Maika thought as Twilight turned the page. "Then one day, a terrible storm casued by the hatred of the races further seperated them until they were close to extinction." Twilight said showing a pickture with a windego above each race. "But, six brave ponies decided to search for a new place to call home." A picture with six ponies, with one highly resembling Twilight herself. 'Doesn't she notice the unicorn in the cloak?' Maika thought before hopping forward to show Twilight her dopleganger. "That's Clover the Clever. She was an assistant to the greatest unicorn in Equestria." Twilight said as Spike returned with four plates of chocolate chip pancakes. "Breakfast is ready." Spike said placing the plates infront of us. "We'll continue the book after breakfast Relemon." Twilight said before eating her food and feeding Maika his portion of pancakes. 'These are good.' Maika thought before a familiar scene is played before the group. "Relemon! Digivolve to!' Maika's body lit up in a bright white light. "Viximon!" Maika's body became slightly bigger as he gained legs and longer ears. "Relemon?" Twilight sat their in shock as Spike sat there unimpressed. "Viximon." Maika said as he started eating again. "Viximon... What was that? You evolved faster than any speicies on the planet!"Twilight exclaimed as Maika finished his pankakes. "That was digivolution." Maika said as Twilight picked up her quill and parchment. "Can you explain that to me?" Twilight said as she placed the quill tip on the parchment. "Well Miss. Twilight, it's kind of hard to explain fully, but I can tell you the basic infromation." Maika said before sitting down in front of Twilight. "Digivolution is part of a Digimon's natural life cycle, with Digimon digivolving to stronger forms as a result of age and experience." Twilight wrote down exactly what Maika said. "Can you expllain what a digimon is?" Twilight asked, dipping her quill in more ink. "Digimon is a shortened form of Digital Monsters. Many digimon can't digivolve naturally. Which is kind of why i'm surprised I digivolved with out a D-Card." Maika explained. "D-Card?" Twilight asked as she stopped writing. "They are blue cards that help partner digimon digivolve." Maika said as he looked around. "Viximon, What are you doing?" Tiwlight asked, putting her quill and parchment down. "I'm searching for my Digivice." Maika said jumping off the table. "Spike? Do you still have that weird device with you?" Twilight asked the baby dragon, who was finishing his plate. Spike nodded before passing it over the table. "Viximon. Is this what you are looking for?" Twilight showed Maika a silver and blue device. Maika gasped before realizing something. "Since you have my digivice, that makes me your partner digimon." Maika said as Twilight placed it on the table. "Before we declare that we are partners, would you like a nickname?" Twilight asked Maika as he looked up. "My name... is Maika." Maika said to Twilight as the imaginairy contract was signed. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that day, Maika and Twilight were in Twilight's bedroom as she continued her story. "The six ponies found a new land with fertile soil, Sunny skies, and countless jewels and gems." Twilight said as a picture with everything that she described was seen. "Miss. Twilight... Don't you notice that you and Clover look alike?" Maika asked Twilight, but she ignored the question as she continued. "The leaders of each race planted a flag, naming the new land. Commander Hurricane, the leader of the Pegasi, named the land Pegasopolis. Princess Platinum, leader of the Unicorns, named the land Unicornia. Finally, Chancellor Puddinghead..." Twilight said before Maika interupted her. "Puddinghead? What kind of name is that!?" Maika asked before Twilight gave him a glare. "Young lady. We don't interupt ponies when they are speaking." Twilight said as she closed her book. "Miss. Twilight... I'm not a girl." Maika said to Twilight who gave Maika a skeptical look. "You don't sound like a boy, but you say you aren't a girl." Twilight said unconvinced. Maika puffed his cheeks out. "Digimon are genderless, Miss. Twilight." Maika said beffore hopping off Twilight's bed. Twilight just sat on her bed watching Maika walk out of the room. "Wait Maika!" Twilgiht got out of her bed following Maika. "Where are you going?" Maika stopped. "I'm hungry so I'm going to the kitchen." Maika said looking up at Twilight. "You just ate half an hour ago..." Twilight told Maika before picking him up. "In-Training Digimon have to eat a lot to keep their energy up." Maika said as Twilight stopped walking with Maika in her magic. "In-Training?" Twilight asked putting Maika down. "That's a digimon's second stage of growth. Starting with the Fresh stage, It's basically the baby stage of digimon. Next is the stage I'm in, the In-Training Stage, thats our toddler stage where we can use only our acid bubble move. After this stage is our rookie stage, it's our child stage and most Digimon stay at that stage." Maika said before walking towards the kitchen. "So Digimon in-training need to continuously eat?" Twilight asked as they walked to the kitchen. "Yep." Maika said as they walked into the kitchen as Spike was finishing cleaning up. "I'm really sorry about this Spike, but I need you to watch the castle while I'm gone." Twilight said before picking Maika up and heading out the door. Spike stood there extremely confused as he watched Twilight leave with Maika. As Twilight walks through the town, Maika sat in boredom before noticing a building with a carousel on top. "Miss. Twilight? What's that place?" Maika asked looking at the Carousel shop. "Maika. That building is where my friend, Rarity, and her sister, Sweetie Belle, live. It's called the Carousel Boutique." Twilight said as she walked away from it. "What does Rarity do?" Maika asked as they head towards a building shaped like a gingerbread house. "She is one of the top dress designers in Equestria." Twilight says as Maika faced forward. "Then what's that place?" Maika asked as they arrived at the Gingerbread House. "This place is the top bakery in Ponyville, The Sugarcube Corner." Twilight said before a burst of pink escaped the doors. "Twilight!" The Pink blob shouted. Maika was stuck under Twilight's body. "Pinkie?" Twilight asked as the pink blob looked around. "I felt a new presence in Ponyville," She said looking around the area. "And it's centered around you Twilight." Twilight started sweating, "What makes you say that, Pinkie?" Pinkie stared into Twilight's eyes. "I can see a small yellow figure beneath you..." Pinkie said as Maika struggled under the weight of the two ponies. "Maika!" Twilight exclaimed as the got off of Maika. Maika gained his breath quickly as Twilight picked him up and set him on her back. "You okay, Maika?" Twilight asked as they entered the bakery. "If you call close to sufficating okay, then yeah, I am the fucking ruler of okay..." Maika said as he was placed on a table. "Maika! Where did you hear that language!?" Twilight asked in a scolding tone. "Sorry Miss. Twilight..." Maika said looking away. Twilight sighed heavily. "It's fine. Just don't use that language ever again." She said as Pinkie was bouncing up and down. "Oh. Pinkie, this is Maika. Maika, this is one of my friends, Pinkie Pie." She said before Pinkie sped forward pushing Twilight out of the way before saying something barely comprehensible. "HiI'mPinkiePie!It'snicetomeetyou.Whereareyoufrom?Whatdoyoueat?Doyouhaveafavoriteflavorcake?Howoldareyou?When'syourbirthday?[Loud Gasp]IneedtothrowyouawelcometoPonyvilleParty.BYE!" She said before zooming upstairs. "She seems like a blast, Miss. Twilight..." Maika said as Twilight walked over to the counter. Maika sat there for five minutes before Twilight returned with three boxes of cupcakes, a chocolate cake, and two dozen chocolate cookies. "Ooooooh..." Maika's eyes widened at all of the sweets. "Maika. It's for our picnic later today." Twilight said as she put Maika on her back as she walked out of the bakery with Maika on her head and the sweets on her back. "Can I have a cookie for on the way there?" Maika asked on her back. Twilight rolled her eyes before giving him a cookie as she reached the picnic with her friends waiting for her to arrive. At the picnic, 7 ponies sat talking to each other. Maika noticed a white pony with a pink and light purple mane and a white bone with a sky blue aura surrounding it sitting a few feet away from her. 'It's probably nothing...' > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the girls sat and talked about other things, the CMC were hanging out a few feet away. They were watching Maika as he ate a small portion of food. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were absolutely loving how cute he was unintentionally acting, but Scootaloo sat there unamused. "Girls... Why do we have to watch this thing? There's plenty of other things we can do..." She asked, deadpanning. "Because it's adorable." Sweetie Belle replied as Maika looked up at them. "Girls! It's lookin' at us!" Applebloom squealed as her eyes gained little sparkles. Sweetie Belle's eyes did the same thing. "Girls... It probably doesn't understand why you are looking at it." Scoots said her wings buzzing slightly. 'If only you knew...' Maika thought as his tail flicked. His eyes wandered back to the white bone. A Glowing Blue and Orange Bone with a name written in Wingdings: I, Sans, King of Laziness and protector of my world, wish to be called in your time of need, but it can't between 4 and 5 p.m. 'That's cool.' Maika thought to himself as he went over and picked it up with his mouth. 'Tastes kinda like chicken...' He padded over to Twilight and nudged her side. "Oh?" She turned her head towards the small fox. "Where'd you get this?" She picked it up with her magic. "Hmm... I should probably get this to the lab and analyze it." She smiled and pat Maika's head. "You're very good at finding things." Maika smiled at the small bit of praise that he received. He nuzzled her and padded back to the CMC as they were coming up with ideas to have fun after the picnic. "So it's agreed?" Scootaloo asked waiting for the other girls to confirm her plans. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom looked at each other and nodded. The three looked at Maika, smiling brightly. Maika backed up out of fear before they picked him up. "Maika. As an animal with a strange level of sentience, we hearby elect you as an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Animal Division, even though they can't earn cutie marks." Sweetie Belle said, petting Maika's head. As she pet Maika, he unintentionally purred which made the girls squee. Maika's ears pinned down to block the high pitched sound, ringing through his head. An hour later, the picnic finished and the girls were packing up. Maika fell asleep before they started to clean up. "Girls. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Meet me in the throne room. Then we'll leave for The Crystal Empire for the Crystalling." Twilight smiled before trotting home with Maika on her back. Twilight returned to her castle as the sun was starting to set. She opened the door and trotted inside before quietly closing the door. "How did I get to the front door!?" Starlight exclaimed as she found herself lost again. The loud voice caused Maika to start waking up. "Starlight. Why mus you be so loud?" Maika asked as he tiredly slurred his words. He looked up at her, rubbing his eyes. Starlight realized that she woke him up. "Oh. Sorry Maika... I didn't know that you were sleeping." "It's fine... I was planning on getting up anyways. I'm freaking starving..." He said patting his belly. "We do have some food leftover from the picnic. Starlight, would you like to join us?" Twilight asked as she turned towards the dining room. "Sure." Starlight replied. The two purple ponies walked to the dining room. Next morning, Twilight was in the library as Starlight continued to find her way through the castle. "Library... Library..." She sighed. "This castle looks smaller on the outside..." She opened a door only to see Spike in the Bathroom brushing his teeth and Maika in the bathtub. "Morning Starlight." Spike said to her, his voice muffled. "Whoops!" She squeaked and shut the door. "Sorry, Spike! I guess I'm still trying to find my way around. You don't happen to know where the library is, do you?" His voice muffled even more, Spike replied. "Next door on the left!" Starlight looked to her right to see a large door. "Oh. Thanks!" "No problem!" Spike replied, before squealing at the sight of Maika in the tub. Maika giggled softly before hopping out of the tub, drying off and running out of the room. He found his way to the Library as Starlight trotted to the throne room. "Where's she going?" He asked Twilight. "She's going to help plan our trip to the Crystal Empire." She said as she continued to sort out parchment. "Crystal Empire? What's that?" He sits on the table. "I'll explain on the way!" She said teleporting away with three pages of parchment. Maika watched as the girls were pulling out furniture, bedding, and other objects for babies. "What's all this for?" Maika asked looking at the Mane Six, plus Starlight. He was the only one who didn't know about the newest princess in Equestria. "Well... I think that you should wait to find out. After all, we have to introduce you as well..." Twilight smiled as they all started getting on the Train. "Ooh! I can't wait to see all that light and love make the Crystal Heart even more sparkly and shiny!" Pinkie exclaimed bouncing in place. Maika was even more confused. 'Crystal Heart?' His head tilted in curiousity as the train started moving. Twilight shook her head. "Actually, Pinkie, the Crystal Heart is an ancient and powerful relic. Without its magic, the Crystal Empire would be lost to the Frozen North." She said as Maika started getting even more confused. "Wow, this Crystalling sounds pretty important. I'd understand if you wanted to... you know... wait to do a different friendship lesson when we get back." Starlight said, trying to get out of meeting her childhood friend. "Are you kidding? This trip is perfect! Not only do I get to see the babyandtake part in the ceremony that helps maintain the magic of the Crystal Empire, but I'm starting my new pupil off with the most amazing friendship lesson ever! I can't wait!" Twilight's wings flapped excitedly. "Right... Me neither..." Starlight continued. Nobody else said anything for the entire ride. As they entered the station outside of TCE*, Maika had to shield his eyes from the glare. Starlight sighed. "Actually, Twilight, I am a little worried about meeting Sunburst." She looked at the floor. Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Oh, trust me. I know what it's like to see old friends. But I'll be right there to help things along. I've broken the whole lesson down into a few easy steps to ensure this reunion goes off without a hitch!" She smiled at Starlight, which cheered her up a little. They all got off the train, with Twilight upfront, reading, "Step one, head to Sunburst's house and get you two started on the right hoof. Step two, get to the castle with enough time to visit the ba-" She ran into a larger pony before gasping, "Shining Armor!" The larger pony smiled tiredly. "Twilight...!" He had bags under his eyes. "Somebody hasn't been sleeping well..." Maika quipped from Twilight's back. "Wha..?! Who's there!?" Shining Armor asked getting into a defense stance, before guessing it was his imagination. Twilight shooshed Maika before replying to Shining Armor. "I didn't know you were meeting us!" She hugged him. They broke the hug. "Of course I am! It's me, right here. Here I am. Why wouldn't I come meet my sister? Though we have met before, heh-heh..." Maika looked at him. 'Sleep deprivation is a silent killer...' Twilight had a confused look. "Are you all right?" She asked in a worried tone. Shining tiredly replied. "Never better! Being a father is amazing! And wonderful, and amazing, and confusing, and amazing, but surprising too, you know? I mean, not that you'd know. You wouldn't know, I know... You know? Sorry. I haven't really slept since Cadance had the baby. Come to think of it, she hasn't either. It sure would be great to get a break." Maika's eyes widened. 'A baby!? How come they didn't tell me earlier!? Babies are adorable!' He started smiling brighter than Pinkie was. "Oh, of course! I don't know what I was thinking! You two probably need all kinds of help! I'm sorry, Starlight, but I guess combining your first lesson with this visit wasn't such a good idea." She said with some regret. "Oh, uh, don't be ridiculous! You're an aunt now! That'swaymore important than somefriendship lesson." Starlight replied with a smile. 'This is true.' Maika thought as Spike had an idea. "There is a way that Starlight can do both. You've already done the work for Starlight's lesson with this list. All we have to do is follow it!" He smiled, unaware of the faint glare Starlight was throwing his way. "Spike! You're a genius!" Starlight scowled slightly. "Yeah.... Genius..." "Then it's settled! Shining Armor and I will head straight to the castle, and you two can head straight to Sunburst's!" She smiled. "Alright, big brother, let's go see this amazing baby pony!" Twilight smiled before frowning at the older pony close to falling asleep. A few minutes later, The Mane Six, Shining Armor, and Maika were outside the nursery door. "Before we go in, I should probably tell you. Seeing the baby might be a bit of a shock." Shining said as he slowly opened the door, unaware of the small Digimon running into the room. "Come on, big brother. I've met babies before. I expect meeting this one won't be any different." She smiled as she and the girls trotted into the room, catching both Maika and Flurry Heart in the crib, and Flurry Heart's wings unfurling. She gasped, "Of course, I could be wrong." Flurry Heart cooed at Maika as he let her play with his tail. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The baby is an Alicorn?!" Twilight gasped in surprise, as a very tired pink princess looked from the crib to her. "It looks that way..." Cadence drowsily explained to the group. Maika smiled as the baby continued to play with his tail, not really caring that this little pony had wings and a horn. "But... But... But I thought Alicorn wings had to be earned by accomplishing some great, princess-worthy deed!" Rarity turned her attention to the two other alicorns in the room. "Yeah. How can ya just be born with 'em?" Applejack asked, raising an eyebrow, towards Celestia. "The birth of an Alicorn is something Equestria has never seen!" Celestia exposed to the group as her sister stepped forward, giving a curious look to the small fox, before turning her gaze to the newborn. "It is beyond even our understanding." She then shifted her gaze back to the group, as Fluttershy mumbled, "That's not very reassuring..." Maika smiled gently as he tickled the little one's nose. Pinkie gasped loudly, before bouncing around the room, seemingly shifting between reality with each bounce. "Wow! A unicorn, and a Pegasus! So she could be a super-strong flyer and have crazy baby magic!" She said before smiling at Flurry. Rainbow flexed her wings, gaining a cocky smirk. "Well, I know all about super-strong flying!" Twilight nodded gently as she stepped forward. "And I can help keep tabs on her magic!" She smiled, turning her attention towards her sister in law. Flurry gently giggled, before making soft sniffles. A large beam of pure energy escaped her horn, blasting a hole in the nursery wall, as she sneezed. The small fox, dizzily stumbled back into the room. "Did anypone get the number of that train?" He asked before gently collapsing onto the cold crystalline floor. Coming to an hour or so later, most of the ponies, minus Twilight and Pinkie, had left to do their jobs. Maika shook his head as he stood up. "That was some powerful magic..." He says, rubbing his head, trying to clear that fuzzy feeling from his mind. Twilight glanced over at the small fox, with a frown on her face. He blinks gently, tilting his head. "Did I do something wrong?" "You haven't, but what you did was reckless. You should've known that foals are unpredictable with their- Oh. You wouldn't have known, you were born not too long ago." She sighs as she sets her book down, taking her eyes off of Flurry Heart. The baby princess took this opportunity to spread her wings and fly to her heart's content, with a certain pink pony holding onto her. "At least she's having fun~" The Pink Party pony comments with a grin. Twilight's eyes widen as she picks up the fox and chases after her niece. "Pinkie! Hold her still!" Pinkie tries to hold the foal back, her hooves scraping the floor. "I'm trying!!" She exclaims as Flurry drags her through the room, giggling cutely. Feeling a soft poke on her neck, Twilight turns back. Maika stared at her, with a bemused expression. "Can't you... I don't know... Use your magic to bubble them up so they aren't flying all over the place." Twilight blushes gently, before forming a magical bubble around the duo of Pinkie and Flurry. "There we go! And just in time for the Crystalling~" Twilight grins softly, as she does a little hoof step dance. Shining Armor was breathing heavily as Rarity brushed his mane, making him look presentable. The door opens behind them as Cadence, Celestia, and Luna made their way to the Crystal Heart. Shining smiles at his wife. "Okay. I chose the honor guard, picked the purity crystal, and I know exactly who I want to be our Crystaller. So, all we need is..." He frowns gently, as the thought was escaping him. Cadence rolls her eyes, before smirking slightly. "The Baby?" Shining's eyes widen as he completely forgot why he was setting this up. Twilight trots down the stairs, holding Pinkie and Flurry. "We're Here~" In the bubble, Pinkie was being dragged along the barrier. "She's a very strong flyer!" Cadence gently smiles as she pulls Flurry into her own magical hold. Unfortunately, the youngest princess didn't like being separated from her new playmate. Slowly beginning to sniffle, tears well up in her eyes. Maika jumps off Twilight's back, before hiding behind one of the castle supports. "Hit the deck!" He shouts out to the ponies, but it was too late. Flurry began to wail loudly, sending visible sound waves throughout the area. All of them hitting the Crystal Heart square on, causing the Ancient Relic to shatter into a thousand pieces. Everypony gasps loudly as the magic keeping the empire safe, began to fade. Applejack rubs the side of her head. "I'm guessin' that's gonna make it harder to do the Crystalling." Twilight starred at the rubble that once was the Crystal Heart. "It's worse than that. Without the Heart, the Crystal Empire's about to be buried under a mountain of ice and snow!" Flurry began to gurgle cutely, unaware of the danger she created. Maika shivered gently, as the cold wind blew into the area. "Guessing my fur isn't thick enough for the real Frozen North..." Quickly trotting over to the group he looks up at the ponies. Rarity glances at Twilight and the rest of the Royalty. "So... not only can we not take part in a fabulous ancient ceremony, but we're also about to be frozen solid!" She exclaims, as she hadn't packed for freezing weather. Twilight glances around nervously. "Without the Crystal Heart's magical protection, the entire city's about to become a winter wasteland!" Applejack had a look of slight confusion. "But what about when King Sombra ruled the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Heart was missin'?" She points her hoof out. "The city wasn't covered in snow then!" Twilight begins to trot around, in her normal Twilighty way. "The Heart wasn't missing. It was still in the castle. King Sombra had just hidden it." Celestia nodded softly. "I'm afraid Twilight is correct, and the storm clouds are already forming." She explains as thunder claps outside. Rainbow Dash smirks gently, "I can totally fly up there and bust those puppies! No problem!" She boasts, flapping her wings. Maika gives her a look. "You sure? Those clouds look very angry and violent. They might cause you to crash hard, if the hard winds are any indicator." Celestia nods. "She's right, Dash. Those storm clouds are not like the ones you know." Maika kept his mouth shut at the misgendering, because the fate of the empire is at hand. Luna trots up next to her. "As the tiny vixen and my Sister stated as we're this far north, the weather has a will of its own, and now it will only grow stronger, enveloping everything in its path." "Including the Crystal Empire." Cadence exclaims as she holds her foal close. Twilight's wings spread in terror. "And us along with it!"