Striped MILFs

by Holocron

First published

A rather devious Zecora sinks her clutches into innocent mothers.

There are numerous married mares that are having a tough time. But during the height of their worries, help comes in the form of the exotic zebra Zecora. Though how she helps them is a different thing entirely.

-Ball/cock worship
-Ball/Cock Musk
-Breeding by vaginal penetration reverse cowgirl style
-Lots of Cum drinking
-Minor stomach inflation
-Minor mindbreak
-Heavy and frequent mentions of cheating/cuckolding through dirty talk and humiliation
-Moral degeneration

This is a commission for TheBroJangles
Full Cover located on my FurAffinity 34403764

Because this series had to end, and it was highly loved, may I suggest reading its spiritual successor.

Writer's Gag

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The Sun rose high above Canterlot's horizon, numerous ponies woke up to the blaring of alarm clocks and noisy fillies and colts off to school. But for one family, there was no good morning. Opening his amber eyes, Night Light looked up at the dim ceiling. Groaning, the azure unicorn stallion grabbed at his face, wiping the tired from his eyes and rubbing his blue mane. Besides him, Night saw his wife wasn't in bed. Looking at the clock, Night saw it was only 8am. Back when he had a job, he would be in a torrent of panic over being late. But now, now it didn't seem to matter.

Reluctantly, Night crawled himself out of bed, his only clothing were a pair of blue boxers. Since losing his job in the Equestrian Daily, Night has been going through a rut. The constant rejections he has been receiving over the past few months hadn't helped. His mane was becoming more of a ragged mess, and his face was unkempt and growing a disheveled stubble. Sighing that today would be another day without a job to support his wife, Night hobbled his way to the bathroom to shower some of his sorrow away.

As Night showered and pondered over what job he'd try to apply for today, his wife Twilight Velvet was busy in the kitchen. Ever since Night lost his job, Velvet had worked overtime writing. As the co-writer for the Daring Do series, Velvet was always able to get a steady flow of income. But recently, with A.K. Yearling not getting in contact with her, Velvet hadn't been able to get so much as a single chapter done. But regardless of her writer's block and lack of communication, the grey unicorn mare continued to try. She had to, but as she typed away at the typewriter, her blue eyes couldn't help but notice the bills as the pile seemed to grow and grow.

"There's just no end is there?" Velvet asked herself, running her fingers through her purple and white mane. Trying to focus, Velvet ran over the notes she had been writing over the past week. "No, no,, damn where is Yearling? I swear, her ideas are always so lively and vivid. It was like Daring Do herself was there, but now...ugh nothing, not even after months. I need a break."

Getting up from the kitchen table, Velvet ignited her horn to light up the stove. Her ears picked up on the sound of Night's shower ending and she at least wanted her husband to wake up to a warm meal. She even went as far as to stay in her revealing night gown as she cooked. Not that it helped. Since losing his job, Night and Velvet had also suffered a dry spell. Nothing she did seemed to get him in the mood. Shaking her head to toss aside the pessimistic thoughts, Velvet laid some hay bacon strips on the skillet.

"Mmm morning honey. " Night groaned, his body still a little damp but concealed in a blue bathrobe. Smelling the air, Night tried to smile a little. "Smells good. Hay bacon strips?"

"Yes." Velvet nodded, putting the cooked meal on a plate. "I know how much you love them with wheat toast, so I made sure to make a good breakfast. A good start to today."

"Thank you." Night smiled, thankful for his wife's optimism. Eating the food, Night looked through all the want ads. Though after so long trying, the quality of the jobs were becoming less and less comfortable. "Nothing but petty office work and labor jobs."

"Maybe the office one?" Velvet commented, pointing to the ad.

"I'd never get it." Night answered, taking a bite of hay bacon on toast. "I have a masters in journalism and rhetoric, I'm too over qualified. Hmm...what's this?"

“Need to get out of a financial pinch?” Night Light read the ad aloud. “Come to my hut and help will be a cinch.”

“Isn’t that Zecora? That zebra who lives near Twilight?” Velvet asked, looking to her husband. “Does she do money lending now? I thought she was an apothecary.”

“Maybe both?” Night continued reading. “Will help anypony with any aid, so come and start right away...doesn’t say what the job is.”

“But if she’s friends with Twilight, then it’s worth looking into.” Velvet commented, a small spark of hope ignited in her eyes. “I’ll head there today.”

Velvet was so excited with the prospect of getting bits to support herself and her husband, she didn’t even fall asleep on the boringly long train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville. Once she arrived, Velvet wasted no time; she headed straight to the Everfree Forest, not even letting Twilight know she was in town. Though not as powerful as her daughter, Velvet was still strong enough as a unicorn to scare off any animal that tried to inhibit her path.

Thanks to Zecora’s more recent addition to the surrounding area, mostly the various signs giving any traveler better directions through the Everfree, Velvet was able to easily find her way to the hut. It was almost as exotic and tantalizing as any of the ancient homes found in the Daring Do series. It was not just some simple straw and sticks, it was carved into a massive tree. Bottles of some sweet and yet sour smelling liquid hung among the low hanging branches like glass fruits.

“So amazing.” Velvet told herself as she looked about Zecora’s abode. “It’s like all the places Yearling tells me about.”

“And what is this I see?” Called a voice, foreign yet alluring to Velvet’s ears. “Is this a pony who wishes to see me?”

Turning to the source of the voice, Velvet met eyes with the exotic Zecora. She stood tall and proud, her clothing looked little more than cloth and leather to hold her large breasts up and hide her nethers. Aside from her chest and crotch, nothing of Zecora was covered. Her black and white form swayed as she approached Velvet with the swagger of an erotic dancer. Within Zecora’s hand, there was a small bag that was dripping some strange liquid.

“Oh? I apologize.” Zecora said, lifting the bag. “I was busy gathering fruits for a stew when I lost track of time.”

“Oh, sorry if I intruded.” Velvet stated, her voice almost stuttered. Reaching into her pocket, Velvet pulled out the ad she read. “I read this and it said you can loan money.”

“Oh that, why didn’t you say so.” Zecora responded with a smile. “Come in, come in before you catch cold.” Velvet nodded her head, though the small misrhyme did sound strange, but she only shrugged it off as she followed Zecora.

Once she was inside, Velvet’s eyes were given the a sight she had never thought possible. The inside of Zecora’s home was a spectacle that put all of Daring Do to shame. Wooden shelves, lined with potions and bottles. Jars and containers filled with ingredients that varied from dried herbs, to what looked to be animal bones. The feeling of being in such a wonderous place rather than just writing about it sent a shiver up Velvet’s spine.

“Might I interest you in a brew?” Zecora asked, pouring a sweet smelling green hued tea into a ceramic cup. “We have much to discuss and much to do.”

“Y-yes, thank you.” Velvet smiled, taking the tea and sitting in the closest chair to her. Taking a sip of the tea, Velvet found its taste was far sweeter than the smell. It was as if the ripest fruits were brewed in the tea. “This tea is quite delicious.” Velvet was still nervous, and attempted some small talk to break the ice. “I...I can almost lose myself in it.”

“You may, more than you think.” Zecora said to herself as she began lighting a few incense. “Now, you are here because your money has begun to shrink?”

“Y-yes.” Velvet explained, taking another sip. “My husband lost his job and I have just barely been able to keep everything together.”

“And so you come to me.” Zecora said, walking, almost pacing back and forth in front of Velvet. “Just to be warned, this job is not for the carefree.”

“I-I’ll do whatever I need to do.” Velvet responded, her voice was in a nervous stutter. Only another sip of the sweet tea calmed her nerves. “Just so long as it is legit.”

“I understand, but you have nothing to fear.” Zecora responded with a nod. “What i need is you to be my assistant here.”

“An assistant?!” Velvet almost yelped a little in surprise. She then took a quick look around the room again, the incense smoke only added mystery and intrigue into the room. “I-I-I would love to, but I don’t know anything about potions or medicine.”

“You will not be assisting me with that.” Zecora chuckled playfully. “I have something else for you as a matter of fact.”

Zecora then turned to leave the room, exiting behind a cloth door. As soon as she left the room Velvet gasped at the air. Her breath was heavy, and her mind was becoming numb. Since the moment she drank the tea, Velvet felt her body becoming lighter. She didn’t taste any alcohol, so it couldn’t have been spiked, nor did she believe Zecora was the type to do that. But it was after the incense were lit that Velvet felt her body shiver. She only assumed it was the excitement of being in a place like this, but even that couldn’t make her body feel this way.

“What’s going on?” Velvet quietly asked herself. “I-I-I can’t be aroused, can I? I’m not even in heat.”

As Velvet tried to figure out what was going on, a faint smell wafted into her nostrils. She had smelled something like this from the moment she walked into the hut, but assumed it was just something in a bottle. But when Zecora was pacing back and forth, the scent only seemed to intensify. Velvet had no idea what was going on. Placing her hand on her chest, Velvet gasped as she felt her breast almost shake. She was only touching her chest, but her breasts felt as if they were being groped.

“What’s going-?!” Velvet moved her hand down to her waist when she suddenly felt a small surge of pleasure. Even without touching, Velvet could feel how wet her loins were becoming. “H-how?!”

“I’m sorry for the delay.” Zecora called, reentering the room. Under her arm was something Velvet wouldn’t have expected; a recording device attached to a tri-pod. “We should about to begin, while we still have the light of day.”

“Begin what?” Velvet asked, her face was in the reddest blush as the scent was stronger than it was before when Zecora returned. “W-what’s with the recording equipment?”

“I’m glad you asked.” Zecora smiled, though her smile looked more dominating than gentle. “I should tell you about the job.”

“Y-you didn’t rhy-OH MY CELESTIA?!” Velvet almost shouted as she saw Zecora removing her loin clothing. But it wasn’t the undressing that shocked her. It was what Zecora held between her legs.

“Oh, you noticed.” Zecora teased, her hand gently stroking the massive cock between her legs. “You see, I was born with this wondrous cock, and the strong musk it emits.”

“M-musk?!” Velvet gasped in shock, realizing what that smell was. She was smelling the strong odor of Zecora’s cock. “B-b-but why didn’t I-”

“Know it was musk.” Zecora chuckled, her cock growing in her hand as she gracefully pulled off her top, revealing her almost equally massive breasts. “The incense strong smell masks my musk, disguising it as as a sweet smell. But it was your tea that has heightened your body’s sense of smell...and touch.”

Shocked, Velvet threw the cup to the floor, shattering it. With a small sense of fear, Velvet got to her feet and tried to flee, but as she stood, Zecora’s musk hit her harder than it had before. She felt her pussy clench and drip, as if it was desperate to be filled with such a manly cock. The sensation proved too much, as Velvet dropped to her knees.

“Aw, don’t be afraid.” Zecora said, her voice sounded as if it were a honey laced with eroticism. “You said you needed money, and I am here to provide. Just take part in a little session and you will be paid.”

“You want take part in a porn?! With you?!” Velvet gasped, finding every breath she took only making her weaker and number. “No! No money is worth this!”

“Not even for five hundred-thousand bits?” Zecora asked, her cock was only at half mast but was more than half a foot long.

The size of what she could get paid in stopped Velvet’s words, almost stopped her thoughts. Velvet sat there for a moment, the money would be more than enough to last until the next book was sold, then after that, she wouldn’t have to worry for more than another year. Looking back at Zecora, Velvet’s eyes looked over the massive cock, she saw how it pulsed with lust and the musk almost steamed off it. Not even Night Light had made her this wet before. She wanted it but knew it was wrong.

“I...I...I...agree to your terms.” Velvet sulked, holding her head down in shame. “Just...just don’t tell my husband.”

“Oh don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” Zecora nodded, but as Velvet slowly undressed, the aroused zebra only whispered to herself. “When I am done, you will not even remember your husband.”

“So...what do I do?” Velvet asked, her body now bare and shivering in fear of what Zecora had in mind.

Though not as young as the zebra, Velvet’s body had lost none of it’s beauty. She still could seduce a young stallion or even an older colt if she tried. Zecora smirked as she now held her near two foot cock at full erectness in her hand. Without a word, Zecora guided Velvet to the far side of the room, which held an archway that connected the main room to Zecora’s bedroom. The bed was large, easily big enough to fit two minotaurs; though Velvet did not want to think of if Zecora had tried that.

“Now for the first part.” Zecora said, grabbing Velvet and forcing her body to crash against hers. “We need to get you fluffed up.”

Velvet had no time to react as Zecora forced their mouths together. Velvet’s eyes shot wide open, only to glaze over as Zecora’s exotic tongue played and danced with hers. She could feel her body becoming weaker, and her pussy growing more eager to be touched; to be filled. As the strength was sapped from Velvet, Zecora let her fall to the bed, her eyes staring directly at the throbbing, massive zebra cock. Her flank on the edge of the bed, and her face stared directly at the massive cock.

Pressing her cock forward, Zecora first wanted Velvet to really get into her task. Taking cock in hand, Zecora lifted the shaft to show off her large, cum filled, smooth balls. Without saying anything, Zecora pushed her balls against Velvet’s face. Velvet’s eyes widened as she could feel how soft, yet full, Zecora’s balls were. Velvet could only pant as she could feel the strong smell assaulting her senses. The musk was dulling her mind, and making her more and more submissive.

“There we go.” Zecora commented, her tone was a mix of sweet but controlling. “Once you just accept it, it’ll be all the easier to enjoy.”

Velvet tried to resist, but it was proving too difficult. She had almost no strength in her, but she still tried to put up some resistance. Zecora could feel it, only having Velvet’s warm breath on her wasn’t going to be enough to satisfy her. But Zecora was cunning, she wanted Velvet to accept her role here and not to fight it. As much as Zecora would love to just ram her cock to the hilt in Velvet’s mouth pussy, she wanted to break her spirit first. So Zecora instead decided to play the benevolent approach.

“Good, good. But now you must fluff me.” Zecora said, her smile looking as though she were a kind, yet dominating master. But Velvet only swallowed in fear, fear and little excitement. “You can take your time, I am quite large and have much to be pleased.”

Velvet swallowed hard, her eyes looked from Zecora’s cock, back to the zebra’s eyes, and back to the throbbing cock. She could only sit on the bed, unable to stop as Zecora pressed her cockhead against her lips, forcing Velvet to kiss the precum dripping tip. Velvet tried to pull away, but Zecora’s sudden gripping hand dug deep into her mane, pulling at her hair and keeping her in place. Velvet cringed at how strong the taste of Zecora’s musky precum was.

“I am not one to be tested.” Zecora said sternly, her voice almost bore its way into Velvet’s weakening mind. Releasing her tug on Velvet’s mane, but keeping her hand in place, Zecora’s dominating glare pierced through the mare’s mind. Velvet struggled, but she could feel her lips slowly opening. “That’s it, now hurry to start.”

Velvet was too weak to stop her, Zecora’s cock felt the oral defences were weakening. With a simple, gentle thrust, Zecora forced Velvet’s mouth to take the first four inches. Velvet almost gagged on the sudden intrusion and the strong taste. But despite the forced approach, Zecora’s cock seemed to feel good in Velvet’s mouth. Velvet and Night have been through a major dry spell, and having such a strong cock in her mouth did feel a little bit good.

“There we are.” Zecora smirked wickedly, seeing that Velvet was losing her will to resist. “So how about you cut the denial and get to really sucking me off.”

Velvet chose to, no, she couldn't refuse Zecora. With her heightened senses being overwhelmed by Zecora’s musky taste and smell; along with such a thick feeling in her mouth, Velvet was feeling more comfortable, more wanting to explore this chance. Closing her eyes, Velvet opened her mouth a little more, her tongue running over the bottom of Zecora’s cock, working up a drool to get Zecora’s cock nice and wet.

“Mmm that feels good.” Zecora moaned a little, letting Velvet know she was doing a good job. While she kept one hand on Velvet’s head, she took her other hand and started groping at her own breast, teasing and pinching her nipple as she licked her lips. “Keep this up and I’ll soon be reaming that tight pussy with my thick wood.”

With her cock now dripping with a mix of precum and saliva, Zecora felt it was time to begin the first round. Pulling her cock away for a moment, Zecora could’ve sworn she saw Velvet push her face a little forward, trying to keep the thick cock in place. Zecora had to hold in her laughter from the sight, but knew the best was yet to come. Moving her hands to Velvet’s shoulders, Zecora gently eased the mare onto her back. Velvet felt a small shiver as the soft bed embraced her form.

“Now lay back and relax.” Zecora cooed, her honey words echoed in Velvet’s ears. She could feel her muscles weaken and soften. Taking cock in hand, Zecora then gently placed it along Velvet’s pussy lips, letting it rest there ever so gently. “Maybe you’d like to feel it inside you now?”

Velvet didn’t want to admit it, but she did want to go further. Not just for the money, but she was feeling a sense of pleasure she had not known since her honeymoon. She wanted to see how much better Zecora and this massive cock could make her feel. But Velvet still didn’t want verbally confess she wanted more. She could only settle for a low and subtle nod of her head. This was enough for Zecora, for now. Zecora could only smirk, confident that before this was over, Velvet would be choking on cum and begging for more cock.

“Well, it’s a start.” Zecora replied to Velvet’s silent answer, thrusting slightly to gently rub her shaft along Velvet’s pussy lips. “And speaking of a start.” Zecora didn’t pull back to thrust herself as deep as she could go, no, Zecora wanted to milk this for everything it was worth. She continued to rub her shaft along Velvet’s pussy lips, giving them only a taste of what was to come. “I think I’ll tease you a little more. Just until you’re good and eager to let me go into your deepest part.”

Continuing to tease her prey, Zecora kept up a smooth rhythm, rubbing and pressing her thick shaft along Velvet’s wet lips. Velvet moaned as she felt the pressure and texture of Zecora’s cock rubbing and pressing against her. Velvet wanted to just feel Zecora stretch her insides, but she was still far from willing to openly admit it. But she also did not want Zecora to stop. She could feel an almost electric shiver run up her spine.

“Oh?” Zecora said, raising an eyebrow as she saw Velvet struggling to be honest with her feeling. “How about I give you a choice.” Zecora leaned in, her hands gripping hard against Velvet’s thighs. Velvet could feel Zecora’s hot breath against her cheek as the zebra temptress whispered. “If you really don’t want this, I can end it.” Velvet’s eyes widened at the offer. “All you have to do, is say you don’t want this, and you’re free to go. I’ll still pay you.”

“...I...I...I…” Velvet struggled to speak, she wasn’t sure, or could understand why she was hesitating like this.

The answer was so obvious. All she had to do was refuse and she would be free to go. She’d even get the money, it was a win-win. But there was still something that made her hesitate. Zecora’s cock. It was no longer simply lay atop her pussy. No, Zecora’s massively thick tip was kissing against her entrance. Velvet squirmed a little as she felt the slightly motion and she could feel such a force deep inside her. Zecora knew this would happen. Velvet had played right into the zebra’s hands.

“Come now, you can tell me no.” Zecora teased, becoming drunk off her overconfidence. “If you can that it. Didn’t I mention before. My cum can be quite addicting. And you drank in enough to drive a herd of mares into a heat filled craze.”

Even if Velvet said no, there was no way to escape. Zecora’s grip on her was too strong and with Velvet on her back, she would never get the strength to push Zecora off. The final tease was Zecora having her cock just close enough for Velvet to know what the alternative was, but just far enough where she could not fully enjoy it and begin to crave it. Zecora had given Velvet the ultimate psychological torture, the illusion of choice. Zecora knew the answer, Velvet was going to beg to be fucked. And even if Velvet said no, Zecora would plunge herself so deep that the mare at her mercy would beg for more.

“Please just fuck me!” Velvet loudly moaned, raising her hands to grab at Zecora’s waist. “Please fuck me! I want to feel how big you are in my naughty cunt hole!”

“But what about the video?” Zecora wanted to see how far she had broken the mare. “Isn’t that something you’d like to know?”

“I don’t care. Fuck me!” Velvet moaned, completely forgetting, or just not caring that Zecora was still recording all of this.

“And what of your husband?” Zecora asked, her wicked smile was almost monstrous and sinister. “What do you have to say to him?”

“I’m sorry honey.” Velvet moaned, her voice weak and almost devoid of any resistance. “I love you, but I can’t say no to such a massive cock when it’s so close to my whore cunt! Please, forgive me. But I can’t help myself anymore. I need to be fucked by a real cock!”

“Ouch, that sounds so harsh.” Zecora chuckled, taking one hand to grabbing at Velvet’s throat. Not choking, but rather holding a dominant expression and position. “Then it’s time to end this merry farce.” Leaning down, Zecora whispered one last thing into Velvet’s shivering ears. “Because now, I’m going to fuck you until you’re a wet, loose, sloppy hole; where you can only find pleasure from my thick cock!”

Velvet almost orgasmed just from Zecora’s words. They reverberated and echoed in her ears and through her mind. Her body almost jerked up from the feeling. Seeing the time had finally come, Zecora decided there was no longer a need for patience or subtly. Pushing forward with great force, Zecora rammed her cock nearly to the hilt in Velvet’s pussy. The mare gasped a breathless scream as she felt her insides stretch and her belly bulging out a few inches.

“Well this is a surprise.” Zecora chuckled, marveling at how well Velvet had taken the first, of soon to be many, thrust. Gently rubbing at the belly bulge, Zecora could only feel her thick cock through Velvet’s coat. “Looks like if you can take me at my deepest, you can handle my hardest.”

Without another word, warning, or care, Zecora pulled her cock back; nearly pulling herself fully, leaving only the thick head inside as she readied the next thrust. Smirking, Zecora pressed her cock again into Velvet’s pussy, spreading the mare’s legs with her aggressive thrust. Velvet couldn’t help but let out a breathless gasp and a low moan as she felt Zecora reach deeper than she had ever be touched. Even Night had never reached her sweet spots like this. Zecora’s cock, just by existing inside her, was filling Velvet more that her husband ever did or could.

“There we go, such a good slut.” Zecora chuckled, leaning in to gently caress Velvet’s cheek. The flushed looking mare seemed more relaxed, or at least wasn’t even attempting to resist or put up a fight. Leaning down, Zecora softly kissed Velvet’s cheek, the tender moment shocking and confusing the mare. Zecora wanted to toy with the mare one more time. “Tell me you want this to end, and it will be enough.”

“Y-y-you mean.” Velvet asked, but Zecora only nodded with a tender smile. “I-I-I can leave?”

“Just say you want it to end.” Zecora said, keeping her thrusts to a slow and sensual rhythm. “Do you want it to end?” Pulling her cock out slowly, Zecora made sure Velvet felt every thick and hard inch of her length and girth as it slide along her inner walls. Zecora had to hold back her smirk as she felt Velvet begin to tighten around her. “Well? Shall we end this?”

“W-w-well…” Velvet hesitated, she couldn’t explain why. It was all so simple. A part of her wanted this to end, to take the money and go. But with what has happened, with what she had said and moaned. And how good Zecora’s cock was making her feel. How could she go home and face her husband after this? “N-no I-I-I can’t…” Raising her legs, Velvet wrapped them around Zecora’s waist, resting on her striped flank. “Just fuck me! I can’t go home like this, I want to be reamed by your cock and stuffed with burning zebra spunk!”

“Good.” Zecora said, her wicked and almost evil smirk returning as she grabbed at Velvet’s hips, thrusting forward again. She knew this time, for certainty, Twilight Velvet was broken, a real milf slut.

Velvet let out a loud, whorish moan as she felt her pussy and womb being fucked so strongly by Zecora’s size. The zebra temptress leaned over, biting down on Velvet’s neck, pinching her soft flesh with her flat teeth. This wasn’t an attempt to inflict pain, but to assert dominance. Zecora was putting Velvet in her place. Zecora was now the dominator, and Velvet was the submissive slut. Velvet realized this, this carnal, almost primitive mating act, and she was cumming every step of the way. Zecora felt Velvet’s cunt tighten and become soak in juices, begging her to fuck the mare slut under her.

“Such an obedient bitch.” Zecora moaned, feeling her cum filled balls tighten and become sensitive. “Are you ready to feel my cum?”

“Y-yes!” Velvet begged and moaned, her voice only echoing in a sultry tone as she shivered in a sea of pleasure. “Fill me with your seed! I want to be knocked up with striped foals!”

“Such a vulgar mouth on this one.” Zecora chuckled, turning her head to the camera. “Sorry Night, but I’ve claimed her. She is mine.” Gritting her teeth, Zecora let out a dominant grunt as she pumped the first thick and long rope of cum deep into Velvet’s womb. The force of the hot spunk hitting her deepest parts made the milf mare arch her head back in an orgasmic scream. “This bitch is mine now, to do with as I please. And I will pump her of my spunk until she bursts.” She then looked at Velvet’s belly bulge, laughing at how she looked over a month pregnant. “And it seems she will be bearing my foals.”

After several more minutes of thrusting and pumping cum, Zecora decided to switch things up. Almost as quickly as she could thrust, Zecora fully pulled out her entire length; the sudden gap formed from lack of cock caused a small bit of air suction; forcing Velvet’s pussy closed so tight it made an audible clap and popping sound. Satisfied so far, Zecora rested her juice, sweat, and cum coated cock over Velvet’s pussy lips. Rubbing a little, Zecora all but dangled the tempting girth in front of Velvet, whose eyes followed each twitch and motion like a small animal.

“Oh, you want this don’t you?” Zecora teased, gently grinding her cock against Velvet’s drenched pussy lips. “Well, it seems my girthy length has been dirtied by your slutty juices. Clean it.”

Feeling Velvet’s leg hold weakening, Zecora took a few steps back, making sure that Velvet felt every inch of her length rub against her, teasing and tantalizing the mare to have another taste. Licking her lips, Velvet knew all she wanted was to feel Zecora’s cock in her mouth again. Watching as Zecora’s cock drifted and bobbed further and further away, Velvet somehow found the strength to shift her position, dragging herself to rest her knees on the floor.

Panting heavily, Velvet stared at Zecora’s cock. Lust and want glazing her eyes as she could see only Zecora’s thick, juicy, juice covered shaft in front of her. Even at half mast, Zecora was still nearly twice the length and thickness as Night Light. Velvet was so caught up by her craving for Zecora’s dick, that she failed to notice, or care that Zecora was subtly leading her to get closer to the camera. This way, when Velvet would suck off Zecora, the camera would get the perfect angle.

“This will do.” Zecora said, stopping and letting her cock flop a little in front of the lust addled Velvet. Pressing her finger against only the thick head of her cock, Zecora smiled at the slutty mare. “Now, how about you show me how much you want to be fucked again. Clean me off and tell me how much you want it.” But just as Velvet was about to go in and take Zecora’s length, the wicked zebra stopped her, pressing her other hand to Velvet’s forehead. “No, no, no. Not yet. First, look to the camera, and tell your husband why you’re my dirty pony cocksleeve.”

“B-b-because I need it.” Velvet struggled to say but the strong, intoxicating musk emanating from Zecora’s cock and balls was too much. She was almost drunk and dizzy from the smell alone. “I can’t help myself Night dear.”

Reaching out, Velvet started gently stroking Zecora’s shaft, letting her hand be covered in cum, juices, and musky sweat. Swallowing hard, Velvet leaned in, taking just the first few inches in her mouth. Moaning softly and compassionately, Velvet slowly rolled her tongue around the head, stimulating and sending pins and needles of pleasure through the length. Zecora actually felt a shiver run up her spine as she watched Velvet do her more dedicated oral work. Wanting to really see how far she had taken the mare, Zecora refrained from touching Velvet, letting the mare prove how much she wanted the thick, zebra dick. But though Zecora found it difficult hold back her need to grab Velvet and facefuck her, it was near impossible to hold back her dominant tongue.

“Tell your husband why you want my cock so much.” Zecora said, her voice was stern, as if she was more ordering Velvet to speak rather than simply asking her. “Look at the camera and tell your husband the truth of how much of a slut you are.”

“I can’t help myself Night Light.” Velvet replied with almost no hesitation or stuttering. “She’s so much better than you. I can’t stop myself from tasting this magnificent cock. It’s just so much bigger, stronger, and manlier than yours.”

“Good slut.” Zecora groaned, feeling a much greater pleasure in having Velvet say how much better she was. It was a feeling of dominance that Zecora all but lived for. “But now comes the real fun. Show your husband how much you really crave my cock.”

Reaching her hands, resting them on the back of Velvet’s mane, Zecora’s fingers dug hard, tugging at her messy mane as Zecora readied for the action. Velvet only moaned in an eager anticipation as she could feel Zecora get harder and longer in her mouth. Taking a deep breath, Zecora grunted, driving her full length deep into Velvet’s mouth, ramming it to the back of her throat. Velvet gagged for a moment, but only shivered as she felt the surge of pleasure run through her.

For a moment, Zecora almost believed that Velvet wouldn’t be able to handle this. But, as the zebra was about to pull back, Zecora felt Velvet’s arms wrap around her flank, groping at her big and soft ass. Almost twitching from the sudden advancement, Zecora saw this as a cue to continue. And with Velvet showing how much she wanted it, Zecora was going to go rough. Pulling back, Zecora nearly had her length run along the sides of Velvet’s throat, feeling the silky, warm moisture along her girthy length.

“Your throat cunt feels fantastic!” Zecora grunted, feeling her cock become engulfed in Velvet’s tight mouth pussy. “You make me want to wreck your throat and make you gurgle my spunk!”

Grabbing harder, Zecora decided to pick up the speed of her thrusts. Velvet’s eyes only burst wide open, then half close in lustful haze. She had no idea her throat was so durable and she wanted to see how much more she could take. Pulling against her new mistress’ flank, Velvet moaned a muffled plea for Zecora to fuck her throat harder. She begged Zecora to fuck her so hard that the tip would cock smack her stomach and fill it to the brim with her creamy, yet thick hot cum.

“Keep up that eagerness pet.” Zecora groaned, feeling the tip of Velvet’s tongue flicking at her balls whenever she bottomed out in the mare’s mouth. “Keep this up, and I’ll cum soon enough.”

The word “cum” triggered Velvet’s body and senses. Velvet’s pussy quivered and squirted a small puddle of her juices and Zecora’s white cum, pooling under Velvet’s knees. Her body shivered, becoming more sensitive as she felt Zecora’s cock swell and partially expand in her throat. Sliding one hand down Zecora’s side, Velvet wanted to help carry the zebra spunk along. Gently and yet firmly, Velvet started to hold and grope Zecora’s sack, feeling the cum churning in her balls. The warm feeling of Zecora’s balls in her hands drove Velvet to pick up the speed of her bobbing, deep throating Zecora’ full length with the reckless abandon of a heat addled whore.

“So close. So close…” Zecora moaned, releasing one hand from Velvet’s head so she could grope one of her own breasts and pinch her hard nipples. “L-look into the camera. Show your husband how much you love my strong zebra cum!”

Turning her head slightly, Velvet’s eyes looked deep into the camera. This momentary distract gave Zecora enough time to force her cock back to the deepest part of the milf mare’s throat, pumping another thick glob of her burning cum into the silky, warm fuck hole. Velvet’s eyes widened as she felt her entire sexual and nervous system catch an electric fire. Her senses overloading with the strong musky smell, and even stronger musky taste. But despite being so stuffed with cum, feeling her belly fill and bulge out even more, Velvet looking as though she was now a little over three months pregnant with cum, the milf mare continued staring at the camera. It was as if she was trying to say: “I’m sorry, but I love this cock and cum more than I could ever love you”.

“Easy there pet.” Zecora chuckled, gently rubbing Velvet’s head like she would a small animal. Looking at her newly devoted pet, Zecora smiled softly, almost in a in a tender, loving expression. “There will be plenty of time for you to savor my length again.”

“I-I-I can have your cock again?” Velvet coo, leaning down to give Zecora’s cock a tender kiss on the head. Zecora’s lips curled into a controlling smirk as she saw Velvet was not only now making out with her thick tip, but she was even using one of her hands to feverishly masturbate and make more juice and cum gush out of her eager cunt. “I want you to make me full again. I love it...when you make me full.”

“Well then.” Zecora teased, backing away from Velvet’s begging lips and made her way back to the bed, making sure Velvet watched longingly as her cock bounced and swayed so temptingly in front of her; her eyes transfixed on the thick zebra meat. “I think we can try something more enjoyable.” Laying back, but resting on her elbows, Zecora rested on the bed but let her cock stand stiff and erect upwards. Velvet swallowed hard as she saw Zecora’s full mast tower over her. “You’ve earned the chance to ride it.”

“I-I can ride your massive cock?” Velvet asked, licking her lips as she looked on at Zecora’s length. But as she stared, Velvet couldn’t help but cautiously rub her engorged belly. “But, I’ve already had so much of your cum Zecora. If I have any more, I’m sure to get pregnant.”

“There’s nothing to worry about slut.” Zecora chuckled, enjoying Velvet’s submissive eagerness. “If I wanted to impregnate you, you’d already be knocked up. Besides, I drank a potion before you arrived, I’m quite sterile at this time.” It was a lie of course. Zecora had no intention for Velvet to leave without her foal buried deep in her belly. But Zecora also wanted Velvet to willing get on her cock. Zecora could only smirk, knowing that Velvet would learn the truth in time.

“I do, I really do...but…” Velvet hesitated. This wasn’t the hesitation of before. Velvet was now solely devoted, borderline worshiping Zecora’s cock at this point. She was only hesitation because she was unsure if she could fully handle Zecora being rammed so deep in her. “When you were fucking me, you could control how deep you went. But if I ride you, I’ll be impaled.”

“Well, if you say it like that.” Zecora resorted to one final temptation, knowing she would succeed. “Maybe you just don’t want my cock inside you again.”

The words of being denied Zecora’s hard and thick embrace sent a shiver up Velvet’s spine. Her eyes remained fixed in a longing stare at Zecora’s swaying length; a tell that did not escape Zecora. Stroking herself at a casual and slow speed, Zecora only seemed to tempt Velvet with her cock. Velvet felt her pussy burn and ache to be filled and full of cock and cum. She wanted it, she needed it. Even without realizing how transfixed she was, Velvet slowly began to crawl her way over to Zecora.

“Oh? What’s this?” Zecora teased, watching with great amusement as the milf mare had reached the edge of the bed, smothering her face in Zecora’s hanging, musk scented ball sack. “Well, I suppose you can give them some attention. But I want you on this cock as soon as you’re done. Am I understood?”

“Y-y-yes…” Velvet stuttered, her mind too addled by the strong, intoxicating musk to say no.
Pressing her face a little harder, Velvet smothered herself in Zecora’s musky balls and thick shaft. The smell was even stronger than before. Even after all that cumming and fucking, Zecora’s cock was still emitting such a masculine and strong aura about it. It was silently commanding Velvet, and any mare who would ever see it to drop to their knees and worship it. She couldn’t help herself anymore. All that mattered in this moment was indulging in her pleasure.

Running her tongue between Zecora’s balls, Velvet moaned softly as she could almost feel Zecora’s thick cuim sloshing around in her heavy balls just by running her tongue hard across them. Velvet was in a trance as she continued her ball worshipping, unaware of all the happened around her. Even as she rested on her knees, Velvet ignored the vast amounts of cum and juices soaking her legs and the floor under her. It didn’t matter to her, all Velvet wanted was to keep her mind and mouth on Zecora’s balls.

A sudden feeling of Zecora’s cock twitch against her forehead, Velvet was reminded there was more of Zecora to worship. Looking upwards, Velvet ran her eyes along Zecora’s cock. Every inch, every vein, every part of the sexy fuck meat burned into Velvet’s eyes as she shuddered at the size. How she was able to get such a carnal beast inside her made the mare quiver; another gush of cum and pussy juices spilled to the ground as she thought and fantasized.

Raising her head, Velvet brought her tongue along Zecora’s length, taking in each section of the strong taste. Velvet’s eyes half closed in a glossed over lust. She want to take this beast in her mouth again, but knew she was only to clean it. Accepting her restrictions, Velvet continued. Slowly but affectionately, the slutty mare licked and cleaned Zecora’s cock. Taking in the strong flavor of both the zebra spunk and her own sweet juices. It was like a sugary nectar to Velvet. She only wanted to have more and more of it on her tongue. More than once, she considered asking if Zecora could bottle this flavor so she could taste it every day.

“Such an eager and obedient slut now aren’t you?” Zecora commented, reaching out to rub Velvet’s head, causing the mare to moan softly and affectionately at the zebra’s touch. “But let’s cut the foreplay and get to it shall we?”

“Y-yes.” Velvet nodded against Zecora’s balls and thick cock. Using this last chance to, Velvet ran her tongue along the length, desperate to have the very flavor mark her taste buds. Reaching the tip, Velvet gave the pre cum dripping slit a wet kiss and small suckle. “I want you to break me with this cock.”

“Oh we’ll do more than just that my dear slutty pony.” Zecora smirked, reaching her hands on Velvet’s waist to guide her as she slid along her cock, before lining it up to her wet entrance. “I will make you think of nothing but my cock when we’re done.”

Velvet couldn’t help but shudder as she felt not only the weight of Zecora’s words, but the rock hard tip pressing against her entrance. She knew that any moment, Zecora was going to ram her hard and full of cock. Velvet’s pussy lips gently kissed at Zecora’s thick and eager cockhead. Her need to be fucked grew and grew, the urge and desire boiling over inside her body, causing her hips to sway a little; fidgeting as she wanted to slam herself down. But Velvet remained somewhat in place, not wanting to anger or do anything Zecora didn’t tell her to do.

“I know you want it.” Zecora teased, playfully rubbing her hands up and down Velvet’s hips. “But you’re facing the wrong way. I want to see your flank bounce when you ride me.” Zecora knew her words had all but made the cock needy Velvet orgasm, a small warm, trail of her mare juices trickled down Zecora’s cock.

After some maneuvering, Velvet was able to realign herself over Zecora’s cock, gently pressing the tip against her wet entrance. Velvet couldn’t help but shiver in excitement and anticipation. Though she couldn’t see it, Velvet could feel Zecora’s eyes; her piercing gaze penetrating her to her deepest core. Velvet could not see where Zecora was looking, but she felt as if her body was being laid bare more so than it already was. It was only Zecora finally reached out and smacked Velvet's ass with both hands that the mare almost jumped in surprise.

“So tender, so eager, and so ready.” Zecora commented, her honey coated words made Velvet’s body almost melt. Zecora’s hands held and massaged Velvet’s ass as she groped and played with her mare. “Such a soft and erotic flank. I’m certain you want to start, don’t you?”

“Y-yes.” Velvet begged with a whorish moan. “Can I please ride your fat cock Zecora?”

Without saying another word, Zecora slid her hands around to the sides of Velvet’s flank, then pulled at her body. While pulling Velvet’s rear down, Zecora also thrusted her hip upwards, forcing her thick cock to impale in Velvet’s needy and wet entrance. Velvet squealed in a mix of pain and pleasure as she felt her love tunnel fill and expand from being fucked so hard and so deep. Zecora smirked as she watched her pet shiver and orgasm over her cock like a heat ridden animal.

“I think you can ride my cock now slut.” Zecora teased, raising her hands and arms to wrap around Velvet’s waist, gently rubbing the large belly bulge. “So start my dear whore.”

Velvet shuddered at the words Zecora was calling her, but it only seemed to turn her own more as she felt her body give into the thrill of how much cock was in her body. Struggling at first, Velvet lifted herself a little, feeling as Zecora’s cock slid and rubbed inside her, stimulating and driving her sweet spots crazy. Velvet couldn’t stop herself, her pussy was orgasming nonstop as she felt herself being filled with Zecora and how her slick, love juices only provided better lube for Zecora to press back inside her as she lost her balance.

Seeing as how Velvet would be too weak to move effectively on her own. So, taking some of her own strength, Zecora partially lifted Velvet, while pulling her hip downward towards the bed. Zecora managed to get a good five or six inches out of the slut mare before releasing her grip to have Velvet come back down on her shaft. Zecora’s smirk had become a full on wicked smile as as felt her cock bulge out Velvet with each thrust she pushed into the mare. It was a pleasure Zecora could only feel when she would stuff a desperate mare with cock. It didn’t matter what she promised or offer; once Zecora’s cock was fucking a mare, she didn’t care about anything else.

“How does it feel slut?” Zecora groaned, feeling his balls tighten and his cock swell and expand a little as she felt another orgasm coming. “When I cum, I’m going to stuff you full of cum until you burst.”

“Please cum, fill up my slutty fuck hole with cum!” Velvet moaned, begged, and pleaded. Arching her arms back, Velvet allowed herself better balance by resting her hands on Zecora’s chest as she continued her best efforts to bounce her flank on Zecora’s hip. “I want it! I want it! I want it!”

“Good slut.” Zecora smirked, smacking Velvet’s ass until the soft rear jugs became red and sensitive. “Time to give you a double stuffing.”

Grabbing hold of Velvet’s softness, Zecora both pulled Velvet down on her cock, while thrusting her cock upwards into Velvet. The mare screeched at the feeling of being fucked so deep, followed by a loud, sultry moan of pure ecstasy as she felt her belly expand with the vast quantities of Zecora’s thick and burning hot cum. Zecora gritted her teeth hard, nearly grinding them together as she felt her cock being tightly squeezed and milked by Velvet’s needy and sobbing cunt. It was like her cock by being crushed by a wet, silky, dripping hot vice.

But Zecora wasn’t satisfied with just having her her cock remain still while it came. She wanted to keep the fucking going. Inhaling deeply, Zecora pushed Velvet upwards, only keeping half of her cock still buried. But then brought the slut mare back down. Zecora wasn’t even going to bother to ask or order Velvet to move on her own. It was a wonder that the lust and pleasure broken mare was even capable of staying upwards. Zecora didn’t want to waste time as she started to buck her hips against Velvet’s ass; taking good advantage of how springy her bed was and how she was able to push and pull several inches of thick zebra cock into the cum stuffed fuck hole.

Velvet could only let out gasps and soft, cooing noise as she felt her insides fill with cum. Her inner wall coiled around Zecora’s cock as it continued to cum as it bounced in and out of the warm wetness. Zecora only continued to smirk and grunt as she continued to cuma nd fuck Velvet’s hole. The crafty and virile zebra knew she wouldn’t be satisfied until Velvet was a twitching, cum filled, and knocked up broken mess. But she knew that it wouldn’t be much longer. Her balls were almost spent, and Velvet was nearly out cold. Letting out one final thrust, Zecora bottomed out her cock, stuffing Velvet’s tight and used cunt, filling it with her last load.

“So good.” Zecora couldn’t help but moan softly as she felt Velvet resting her soft and rounded rear against Zecora’s waist. Taking her hands, Zecora couldn’t help but give Velvet a few gentle gropes against her flank; patting and rubbing it like a well trained pet. “That will do slut. That will do.”

Laying back, Zecora relaxed herself, savoring the side of the stiff and limping Velvet still impaled on her cock. Even limp, Zecora’s cock was still strong enough to hold Velvet’s body up. Sighing in satisfaction, Zecora wiggled her hip a little, wiggling Velvet enough to cause the mare to slump back and rest on Zecora’s chest; the mare’s head bouncing a little on Zecora’s large chest. As Velvet lay on Zecora’s chest, the victorious and sweaty zebra only sighed again, taking in the sweet smell of Velvet’s messy mane and rubbed one hand across the mare’s bloated belly, as if she were some pet that did as they were told.

“Such a loving and affectionate pet.” Zecora hummed, feeling Velvet as she seemed to cuddle a little against her chest. “But I have no time for such tenderness.” Rolling Velvet over to her bloated stomach. In a flash, Zecora was behind the mare, her cock enlarged and throbbing again. “You thought I would let you off so easily. Such a naive slut. I haven’t said I was done breeding you yet!”

Velvet was too far gone to hear, let alone react to Zecora’s words. She could only moan and coo as she felt Zecora’s cock bury itself back into her cum filled, used cunt. Licking her lips in a wicked smirk, Zecora raised a hand and brought it down on Velvet’s ass with a hard smack, making the mare yelp in pain but coo in pleasure. Zecora only laughed as she continued to fuck Velvet with no remorse or care, as well as smacking her hand again and again against Velvet’s flank; turning the sore and stinging ass red.

“You’re such a dirty and desperate slut aren’t you?” Zecora chuckled, feeling his cock swell and her cum filled, heavy balls beating against Velvet’s body as she thrust herself harder and deeper. “You’re squeezing down so hard, I’m gonna stuff your cum soaked cunt again and again!”

Velvet couldn’t resist Zecora, her cock, or how mind shattering Zecora was making her feel. She never wanted to be without this feeling. How full, how thick, how deep, and how helpless Velvet felt. She was a toy, a weak, cock addicted whore that could only find any hope of pleasure by being dominated by Zecora’s massive dick. Zecora knew she had won, at this point, all the wicked and controlling zebra was doing was using her new slave for her sole use: a fuck hole. Twilight Velvet, once a proud mother of two, wife of over twenty years, acclaimed writer, all of this meant nothing now. She was now Twilight Velvet, Zecora’s personal toy and sex slave.

“Since you’re such a good whore. I’ll give you the cum you want.” Zecora grunted, letting out her orgasm, filling Velvet’s pussy with even more cum than she had before. Feeling her cock finally soften from her orgasms, Zecora decided to pull herself free of Velvet’s snatch; laughing as she watched her cum gush out like a warm, white fountain. “So delicate. You’ll need to be better trained.” Zecora then smacked Velvet’s red and sore ass again, making the poor mare yelp in pain. “And I know I’ll love every moment of it.”

It was the next early morning that Night heard the front door unlock and open. Slowly, Velvet crept into the house, her legs shaking a little as she struggled to walk, and her expression looked almost dead. Seeing his wife in what looked like distress, Night ran to her, holding her in his arms. Velvet said nothing, she didn’t even look at her husband as she felt his warm and loving embrace on her body. After a few seconds, Velvet raised her arms and hugged Night back.

“I missed you.” Night said, hugging Velvet tighter, kissing her forehead tenderly. “I hope whatever Zecora needed helped.” Velvet hesitated for a second, the very name of Zecora made her flinch slightly.

“It...was fine…” Velvet lied, but she couldn’t tell her husband the truth; not now, not ever. “She had with her herbal remedies and we walked around the Everfree. I think she’s just a little lonely out in the Everfree alone.” Raising what looked like a manila bag, Velvet showed Night the vast amount of bits she received. “She...liked my help so much, she even paid me extra.”

“That’s great!” Night cheered, taking the money and bringing it to the kitchen. “Maybe I can come and help out next time?” The thought of Night going to Zecora caused a sense of disgust course through Velvet. Not the disgust of her husband being claimed by Zecora, but in fact the opposite: the fact that Zecora may want Night over her. The thought sickened her.

“Well, she said she would need my help some other time.” Velvet replied, not even looking towards her husband as she spoke. “I’m actually going sometime next weekend.”

“That’s good. We could use the money.” Night commented, then looking back to Velvet, his expression went from joy to concern. “But you do look pretty tired. How about you rest in today.” Velvet only nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Velvet groaned as she dragged herself to the bedroom.

Within Zecora’s hut, the wicked zebra laughed as she was reclining on her bed. As she relaxed, she was using one hand to passionately grope and tease her breast, while her other hand was keeping in place the head of Twilight Velvet. It had been a few weeks now, and Velvet had come down on Zecora’s beck and call over a dozen or so times. Velvet had no choice. Zecora’s camera or at least the fact each session was recorded was a powerful blackmail. Velvet didn’t want Night to ever know about this, and so long as she serviced Zecora, the zebra mistress promised to keep their escapades a secret.

Zecora couldn’t care one way or the other. She knew Velvet was too far broken and addicted to her cock to refuse her demands. The camera recording her fun at this point was to simply watch and masturbate to later. In fact, while Zecora was having Velvet bob her head wildly on her dick, Zecora not only had one camera recording everything, but besides the camera, silently playing on a separate camera screen was a recording of Zecora fucking Velvet full of cum and then laughing as the cum would flow out; only to have the mare slut be filled with cum again.

“How does it feel my slut? To have my cock all to yourself?” Zecora asked, refusing to even let Velvet have almost enough air to breath, let alone answer her. All Velvet could do was moan a muffled reply. Zecora only smirked, before pressing Velvet’s head hard over her cock, making deepthroat and swallow Zecora’s cock and now pumping cum. “Like I would ever give you a choice! You’re mine to do with as I please. And when you become too loose and used. I will throw you aside like a cum crusted rag.”

Velvet seemed to get wetter from the thought of being rejected and tossed away. She seemed to only pick up her vigor as she kept her head in motion, despite Zecora’s cock beating at the back of her throat; nearly fucking her stomach. Feeling a small tremor of pleasure echo throughout her body, Velvet took one hand and tenderly rubbed her belly. This wasn’t just the belly bulges of Zecora’s repeated orgasms. Zecora had in fact impregnated Velvet with what could be a young zebra foal.

“How does it feel to be a mother again slut?” Zecora asked, smiling a wicked grin as she watched Velvet rub herself. “When you pump out the child, I’m going to knock you up again, and again, and again.” Zecora let out a final grunt as she exploded more cum into Velvet’s ever expanding belly. “You are mine slut. My little pregnant sex slave.”

Cream Filling

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The Everfree Forest, a lush almost jungle like landscape that stretched between Ponyville and the Castle of the Two Sister. A dense forest filled with many horrifying and nightmarish creatures. It is a place nopony sane or mad would ever venture in. Not only does an intelligent being live there, but she makes her home of a large tree. Zecora, a zebra, as well as a masterful apothecary, makes her living within the Everfree. There she gathers herbs and ingredients, grinds and mixes them into medicines and potions, and finally sells some of what she makes to any who comes to visit and pays. Kind and exotic, she is one that many call a friend, but behind her helpful persona, the zebra holds a dark, wicked secret.

“Hurry up slut!” Zecora growled, smacking Velvet’s ass harder as she fucked the broken mare’s gushing cunt. Twilight Velvet, who had only came because of a chance to earn money, was paid well, but after one fuck session with the zebra had become utterly addicted. “Tighten your pussy some more! I will not bust my load in some loose whore!”

Velvet moaned, reveling in the humiliation and harsh words. After her first visit, the mare took her pay and left, the full load of Zecora’s cum swirling in her then impregnated belly. But she could not resist the pull to return for more abuse and humiliation. Velvet had become a slave to that zebra cock and she knew it was only a matter of time before she would give birth to a zebra foal. Using that as a reason, or rather excuse, she returned to Zecora. Only to fall for the zebra’s cock and strong musk. It had now been a few long weeks. Twilight Velvet’s belly had grown only a little in size, just enough for her husband to learn of her pregnancy. But Zecora fixed that, assisting the mare into convincing her husband that the foal was his; he was easily fooled. Though the zebra could care less about Velvet’s marriage and home life, but she only helped to keep her sex slave even more devoted to her.

“I said tighten up slut!” Zecora shouted, smacking Velvet’s sore, red ass so hard the mare screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure. Reaching down, she pulled at her mare’s mane, tugging it hard as she leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “Is this how you treat the one who sends your family money every week, or keeps your fool husband in the dark on whose foal you’re carrying?” Velvet’s ear twitched as she listened. “Or should that end?”

“No, please no!” Velvet moaned, turning her head towards Zecora. “Please forgive me, I’ll do better. Please don’t tell them!”

“Who said you could talk back to be?!” Zecora shouted, smacking Velvet’s ass again, but this time groping the sensitive ass flesh. “I only want my slave to scream for more cock, and tighten her cunt when I tell her too!”

Velvet could almost cry, but this fear merged with pleasure. It created a carnality that she was all but used to. She loved it. To be threatened, blackmailed, insulted, and borderline raped by Zecora’s massive zebra cock. She loved it all. This feeling was now more than enough for her inner walls to clamp down on the thick cock fucking her. Not as tight as she was ordered to, but it was definitely something. Zecora, however, was only a little amused. She demanded more, but it seemed that words were not enough this time. She instead continued to roughly grip and smack Velvet’s ass until her pussy eventually relented and tightened to a near crushing vice.

“That’s better.” Zecora smirked, shoving her cock in and out of Velvet’s body with no concern for the mare’s feelings. “Now hurry up and squeal! Cry out like a whore who loves being raped by my massive cock!”

Velvet leaned her head back, feeling the hard tug on her mane as she felt Zecora’s dick pound past her cervix and was almost close enough to rub up against her unborn foal. The mare’s fear of such a rough fucking only seemed to make her gush more slick juices that made the cock slide deeper. Zecora didn’t care. Velvet was hers and what she thought meant nothing. Moving her hand away from the mane, Zecora grabbed at Velvet’s hip. The MILF mare knew she couldn’t resist her zebra mistress. Crying out as she orgasmed all over the dick inside her, Velvet all but begged Zecora to fill her with her thick cum.

“Squeal you whore!” Zecora grunted, gritting her teeth as felt her cum heavy balls tensed up, releasing her load in a sudden thick burst. “Take my load and praise it!”

Velvet let out an animalistic noise. A mix of moans, begs, squeals, and gasps echoed from her open, tongue dangling mouth as she felt the bubbling hot cum fill her body. Her pregnant belly expanding a little more, sending ripples of stretching pain and electric pleasure through the mare’s body. If she wasn’t already carrying Zecora’s foal, she would definitely be pregnant now. After the last twitch and pump of thick spunk ropes. Velvet’s body lost all strength as she went limp on the bed, letting Zecora’s half erect cock slip out of her now loose and gaping pussy, watching as it winked a little and some of her cum spilled out.

“Who said you could spill my seed?!” Zecora shouted, smacking Velvet’s ass, which caused her pussy to gush out a little more cum. The mare could only gurgle a response, Zecora knew she was too fucked to even think. “Guess there’s no point to that.” She sighed, looking to her slut. The zebra had used her mare as much as possible, but over time she had begun to grow a little too familiar. It was too easy and not as satisfying to break her cunt and shape it to her cock. “Tell me slut.” Zecora leaned and whispered into Velvet’s ear. “Your cunt is getting too used to my dick; for now I want another whore to fuck. Any suggestions?”

Within Ponyville, there was a special bakery for anypony who wanted a sweet snack to eat; Sugarcube Corner, run by the Cakes and their live-in assistant Pinkie Pie. Walking through town, Twilight Velvet swayed her way to the bakery. Her erotic, pregnant body caught the eye of more than a few stallions who drooled over any hope to fuck her broken and tamed body. She would never give them the chance; she belonged to Zecora, and if she didn’t come through on her suggestion, she would be punished. Her hopes lightened up when she finally reached her destination.

Opening the door, a small bell chimed, alerting the Cakes about the customer. But it seemed Mr. Cake was out with the Twins. Even Pinkie wasn’t around, as only Mrs. Cake came bouncing out of the back kitchen. Her body was a little more rounded than hers, but Velvet could see what sex appeal the mare had. Her breasts were large, arguably even a G cup in size and looked still as perky as she was before having foals. Her flank was also quite wide, making Velvet think about how much cock the mare could take. Swallowing hard, Velvet approached her fellow MILF mare.

“Oh Velvet? How are you?” Mrs. Cake asked, smiling to her friend. Leaning over the counter, her large breasts pressed gently on the smooth surface. “I haven’t seen you since Twilight’s birthday.”

“Oh yeah, that was fun.” Velvet smiled, her mind reminiscing the party. That was before she became a slave to Zecora’s cock, so she only talked to some mares but was still under the dry spell with her husband. “But anyway, I’m thinking about ordering something light for lunch. I’m on a bit of a break.”

“A break?” Mrs. Cake asked, reaching down to a small menu. “You had to get a second job?”

“Something like that.” Velvet replied, her pussy getting wet as she thought back to her “job” as Zecora’s cum dump. “It’s challenging work, but it’s a good job.”

“Well, I’m happy you got a more steady income.” Mrs. Cake smiled, then her eyes wandered down to Velvet’s slightly swollen belly; a mix of her own pregnancy, but mostly the remaining cum from her earlier fuck session with Zecora. “And it seems you have another bun in the oven.”

“You could say that.” Velvet nodded, rubbing her belly. “I’m finally out of that dry spell, in a manner of speaking.”

“I’m so jealous.” Mrs. Cake giggled, rubbing her own belly. “Ever since the twins, my darling Carrot hasn’t been the same. He’s so focused on work and raising the foals, it’s like he forgot I have needs too.”

“At least he’s working hard to help you stay secure.” Velvet replied, patting her friend on the shoulder. “But I understand what you mean. It was revalating when I finally had that pleasure I was missing in my life.”

“I’m...I’m glad to hear.” Mrs. Cake replied, curious what she meant. From how Velvet was speaking, it sounded like she was having an affair. But she would never do something like that, would she? “Anyway, have you decided on what you’d like?”

“Actually, I’m not seeing what I had in mind.” Velvet replied, giggling a little as she rubbed her belly. “My pregnancy crazes are super picky. So I need something with really strong spices.”

“Well, I don’t think I carry anything too strong.” Mrs. Cake nodded, apologizing. “Sorry.”

“It’s no problem.” Velvet replied, her eyes then suddenly sparking with what appeared to be an idea. “Actually, have you tried asking Zecora? She’d know about exotic spices.”

“Hmm, well I can ask her.” Mrs. Cake replied, rubbing her chin. “Thank you for the suggestion.”

Arriving to Sugarcube Corners, Zecora smirked a little, eager and almost giddy with anticipation over breaking Mrs. Cake. Tucked in a small satchel bag at her hip was the various herbs, spices, and ingredients. Admittingly, she was rather annoyed that her sex slave would ask to have those materials delivered. A request that was met with now Velvet being left at Zecora’s hut, her body twitching and gushing out cum from all of her gaping loose holes. Zecora wasn’t actually as annoyed as she appeared to be, she just wanted another excuse to abuse her whore before traveling to town. Opening the door to the bakery, the zebra’s eyes met directly with Mrs. Cake’s.

“Ah Zecora! Welcome!” Mrs. Cake greeted, bowing her head respectfully, not realizing she was giving Zecora an eyeful of her lovely cleavage. “Velvet said you had some spices for me.”

“That I do.” Zecora replied, pulling a much smaller bag from her sattle. “But first, I would like to share with you and your husband my special brew.” Opening the bag filled the room with a faint, yet wondrous scent that made Mrs. Cake shiver a little.

“That smells amazing.” Mrs. Cake exclaimed, marveling at the scent of the herb. “We should have this right away!”

“Let us wait until your husband returns home.” Zecora chuckled, playing the role of the caring friend. “We would not want him to drink alone.”

Thankfully for Zecora, the wait was not long. Within less than an hour of her arriving, Carrot Cake returned home with the twins. Upon entering, he caught a strong whiff of a sweet aroma hanging in the air. It was almost like a strong series of fruits, but much stronger. It was strange, yet alluring. Following the scent, he wandered into the back kitchen where he saw his wife and Zecora brewing what looked to be a pot of tea. Before they realized he was there, Carrot got a good view of Zecora’s ass. Like most of the stallions in Ponyville, he had a guilty desire to want to have one night with the erotic zebra mare. But he was well reserved, even among his fellow stallions. Still, something about this smell seemed to start to melt away his restraints.

“Oh dear!” Mrs. Cake turned, seeing her husband, though was unaware he had been staring at Zecora. “Welcome home, you’re just in time. Zecora made this amazing tea. You have got to try it.”

“Sure, it smells heavenly.” Carrot replied, smiling warmly. “But let me first put the twins to bed, they tuckered themselves out.”

After putting the twins in their room, Carrot returned just in time to have a warm cup waiting for him. Smelling the contents, it seemed to only bring a euphoric sensation throughout his body. Once brought to his lips, the warm liquid seemed to kiss at him, making his mouth water with the strong, fruity taste. It was by far the best tea he had ever had, and he wasn’t much of a tea stallion to begin with. But there was something else, something strong about this tea. It removed his fatigue from his time with the twins, but he felt he was becoming increasingly sleepy. Maybe it was just him, neither Mrs. Cake nor Zecora seemed tired. In fact, they were just giggling as they talked amongst themselves.

“I think that walk took more out of me than I thought.” Carrot commented with a low yawn. “I think I’m gonna lay down for a bit.”

“Okay dear. Can you please turn the closed sign? Zecora and I will be baking in the meantime, we have a special order after all.” Mrs. Cake replied, smiling lovingly towards her husband. After Carrot left the room, the two mares looked to each other. “Time to bake.”

Zecora and Mrs. Cake spent up to the next hour working on the basics of the recipe. Focusing on making sure the batter was well defined and mixed well, while Zecora handled preparing the more exotic ingredients. Within another half hour, the two had finished the basics and were ready for the baking. Carefully, Mrs. Cake set the batter in a metal pan and slid it in the oven. Due to the sensitivity of the ingredients, she had to bake low; which meant this would take hours to finish.

“Ahh, looks like it worked out.” Mrs. Cake smiled, wiping from sweat from her brow. “Thank you again Zecora, I could never had done this without your expertise.”

“Not at all, it was my pleasure.” Zecora smiled, it was just about time for her to start her own plan. “But there are still one final measure.”

“More ingredients?” Mrs. Cake replied, pondering what they could be needed for as she watched Zecora leave the room to gather what she needed. “Maybe it’s for the topping?”

After waiting a few more minutes for Zecora to return, to which she had not, Mrs. Cake decided to walk into the living room to see. But as she entered, her eyes widened into a horrible display. Her husband, stone asleep, was bound and gagged against one of the chairs with Zecora, her top now removed to display her heavy looking rack, was setting up what looked like a video camera. The mare was shocked, horrified at what she was seeing, but she couldn’t run or even look away. Zecora turned to see the gaze of the scared mare and only started to laugh.

“Oh really now Cup Cake.” Zecora commented, breaking off her kind tone or rhyming speech pattern. “Did you really think I wasn’t looking at that slutty ass all day? Such a naive mare. But you’ll see things my way soon enough.”

Disrobing fully, Zecora revealed her massive, half erect cock. It twitched with anticipation, as if it could feel Mrs. Cake’s stare. The mare could only look on, frozen as she was unable to look away. And yet, she felt her body flare up from the sight, and especially the strong, musky smell that was wafting from the cock. She gulped as she felt her body tingle a little. It had been far too long since she even looked at a cock, especially one this big. Far bigger and meatier than her husbands. She looked at her bound husband, there was no way she could talk her way out of this.

“I give up. Tell me what you want.” Mrs. Cake whimpered weakly, her tone echoed of despair and defeat. “Just don’t hurt my husband.”

“Oh don’t worry, he’ll be fine.” Zecora hummed, almost purring from the joy of hearing Mrs. Cake’s sorrow. She couldn’t help but stroke her cock to near hardness from the sound. “But first, I want you over here and naked.”

Mrs. Cake struggled, unsure what to do. She thought Zecora was going to just bring ingredients. This was completely different, wrong from what she expected, or wanted. And yet, the smell that filled her lungs was making it harder to think. She did as she was told, slowly lifting her loose shirt over her body, revealing the rather erotic bra she was wearing. Zecora only chuckled, setting up her camera as she continued to watch the MILF mare strip. Mrs. Cake was beyond embarrassed, the gaze she felt on her was too much. But she still stripped, pulling down her pants to show the most scandalous looking thong that even Zecora has ever seen.

“Oh, what’s this?” Zecora teased, swaying her hips over to the mare as she looked her over. Running her hand along the underwear and bra, she marveled at the fabric. “Nice piece of material, a silky lace, and yet they don’t feel like they’ve been used properly. Have you not shown your husband?” Mrs. Cake said nothing, only struggling to avoid eye contact as the zebra mare touched her heavy chest. “Oh? He hasn’t has he? Well then, you must be so pent up. How about a video to help you relax?”

Releasing the mare, Zecora walked back to the camera, turning it on to show a previous recording. Mrs. Cake joined the zebra, sitting at the table to watch what she had to show. Her eyes widened in horror as the the figure in the clearing up picture was Twilight Velvet. The mare was completely naked, with her legs and arms spread open and tied together at her wrists and ankles. Her eyes were filled with lust, showing how broken and fucked silly she was. Her cum gushing, gaping wide, winking cunt only showed what treatment she had received as she could only gurgle.

“I took this before I got here.” Zecora whispered in Mrs. Cake’s ear. “Look how happy my toy is. How much she wanted me to fuck her wide open and feed my foal growing in her whore womb.” Mrs. Cake could only tremble as she learned the source of Velvet’s pregnancy. “I can make you feel that good too.” Her hands started feeling up and down the mare’s body. “I can make you feel like a mare again, and I’ll even pay you for your services.”

“O-okay…” Mrs. Cake moaned a little, it wasn’t the money that completely sold her. But it was the mix of everything striking her weak willed senses at once. The arousing scent, the fear of her husband’s well being, seeing her friend being fucked to the a wreck, and now the chance to feel a passion she had not felt in so long. “M-make me feel good.”

“Oh I will.” Zecora replied, her tone now becoming more aggressive as she grabbed at the bra. With a hard tug, she ripped at the soft fabric, letting Mrs. Cake’s massive G cup breasts bounce free. Licking her lips, she did not stop, pushing the mare back with a small thud. Trying to get up, she was met with the sight and strong scent of Zecora’s tight pucker and musky taint presented inches from her face. “Before I make you feel like a mare, show me how much you want it.” At that, Zecora angled the camera and began to record.

Reluctantly, Mrs. Cake leaned forward, letting out her tongue as she approached Zecora’s large and soft looking ass. Wanting to tease further, the zebra backed up and smacked her flank against the mare’s face. Mrs. Cake felt her tongue run between the ass crack and place itself a little in Zecora’s pucker. The zebra shivered a little from the feeling but only placed her hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks to give the mare more room to work her oral worship. Cup Cake was embarrassed, ashamed, and yet, she was never more turned on than she was now.

“That’s it whore.” Zecora moaned, letting out a small exhale of breath. Turning her head, she looked at the mare tongue fucking her ass with dominating eyes. “Keep tasting your new mistress. I want you to savor every flavor I will give you.”

As if in a weak trance, Cup Cake continued to shove her tongue in and out of Zecora’s ass, as if she was trying to reach her deeper parts. Zecora knew this would be easy, with the tea, her musk, and of course the mare’s tensed up lust. But this was hilarious. Mrs. Cake offered no resistance at this point. Her mouth kissed at her pucker while her tongue rubbed her inner walls, seemingly marveling at her taste. Lifting her hands, Cup Cake reached forward, one hand fondling Zecora’s balls, while the other began to slowly stroke the thick, twitching cock.

“Oh? So eager to please your mistress?” Zecora cooed, shivering a little. “Go lower, I want your tongue on my taint and balls.”

Cup Cake did as she was told, pulling her tongue out but keeping it on Zecora’s body as she slowly began to slide it down until her lips touched at the zebra’s soft and smelly taint. The musky smell was so strong, it was nauseating and yet so intoxicating. Cup Cake could feel her eyes water from the feeling and her nostrils curled, but she continued to lick and suckle at the taint while having her hands still working over the cum heavy cock and balls. Zecora felt herself getting ready for a thick load of cum, but she didn’t want to splatter herself all over the room. Turning her head back, she gazed down at the worshiping mare.

“That’s enough, I want you to taste my load.” Zecora ordered, her tone sounding too demanding and assertive to disobey. But she still hesitated. “I gave you an order whore.”

Fearing what was to come, Cup Cake released her oral hold on the zebra’s body and crawled around her. The reality of her situation only seemed to mock her. She was supposed to be a proud and loyal wife. But looking at herself, with a massive zebra cock sliding across her face, pre cum mixing with her mane, she knew the truth. She was just some toy for Zecora’s pleasure. How could she resist? Why would she resist? But this wasn’t a psychological breaking. The mare’s low self esteem made that all too easy. It was the physical breaking that was what kept her docile. Her body had needs that her husband had not given in so long. It seemed all she needed was the right push.

“Hurry up, only my load will plaster that face of yours.” Zecora grunted, pressing her cockhead against Cup Cake’s lips, making the mare kiss at her dick for a moment. “Now fully embrace this flavor.”

Placing both hands on the back of Cup Cake’s head, Zecora thrusted herself forward, ramming her hard and long cock in the mare’s wet mouth. The mare gagged for a moment, struggling to breathe but soon enough, settled. The strong scent of the zebra musk, it cleared the mare’s nostrils; allowing her to breathe from her nose, which only allowed more musk to dull her weakened senses and will. Keeping half her shaft in the mare, Zecora mercifully allowed her soon to be cocksleave to become somewhat accustomed to her girth. But this was only a small wait, a tease for what was to come.

Pulling back a little, the dominating zebra mare drove herself back into the wet and warm mouth, making sure the mare’s moist tongue took in every inch and every sensation of her taste. Approaching in a more gentle manner, Zecora began to move her hips in a more relaxed and casual thrusting, making sure Cup Cake could smother herself in the feeling. How her thick cock rubbed along her tongue and pressed at the back of her throat. Cup Cake seemed to become more and more complacent. Her head started to bob and move on its own. Zecora had already moved her hands away from the back of her head but the mare continued to faithfully service her dick. But as Cup Cake suckled and took in the thick cock, from the corner of her eye, she could see something stirring in the room. Carrot Cake was waking up.

Even before opening his eyes, his senses slowly returned to him. Carrot could still taste the tea on his tongue, and the strong smells that Zecora released into the restaurant before he nodded off. But there was a different sound. It was low, yet loud enough where he could feel it echoing in his mind. A sloppy wet, almost smacking sound. Trying to move, he found he could not move. Something had him tied and bound to the chair. Opening his eyes, he found it difficult to see at first. But slowly his eyes adjusted. When the vision came into clarity, they widened in horror.

What he saw haunted and shocked him to his core. Cup Cake, his darling, loving and tender wife. She was being violently facefucked by a cock; a cock far more massive than what he could ever compare to. A thick cock attached to Zecora no less. The zebra mare only seemed to laugh as she continued to violate Cup Cake’s mouth; giving her no time to think or even breathe properly. His wife had not noticed him, not yet. She could only feel the girth of Zecora’s cock beating at the back of her throat, sliding along her tongue and forcing its way deeper and deeper inside.

Carrot tried to scream, but he was still gagged; only capable of releasing low, muffled groans. But he had to do something! He couldn’t allow his wife to be so viciously and brutally fucked. Shaking a little, he tried to loosen his bonds, but found they were on too tight. As if Zecora meant to mock him, the restraints were in fact just loose enough to allow Carrot to flail and fail to free himself. As he shook and struggled, the chair creaked, losing full hold on the floor. Carrot’s body lost complete balance, causing him to fall to his side with a loud crash. This noise was impossible to ignore, Cup Cake heard it.

Taking her eyes from Zecora’s thrusting waist, Cup Cake’s eyes widened in horror as she saw her husband’s collapsed body and tear filled eyes. Instantly, she tried to free herself. Grabbing at the zebra’s thighs, she tried to push herself off. Zecora wasn’t going to allow her fuck hole to resist her; she also wanted to have more fun. Grabbing at Cup Cake’s head, she started to thrust much harder and deeper, making sure the mare felt every inch of her thick cock as it struck the back of her throat.

“Don’t you stop on me now my whore!” Zecora laughed, feeling her balls grow heavy with her thick load of cum. Smacking Cup Cake’s chin with her heavy balls, making sure the mare knew what was to come. “I’m ready to blow my load and you’re going to drink it all.” She then turned, staring down Carrot with a gaze that could melt his bones. “Every...last...drop…”

Zecora let out what was almost a roar of dominance as she released her vast load. Thick ropes of zebra spunk burst out of her cock, puffing out Cup Cake’s cheeks and forcing her to swallow. Gulp after gulp, the mare was forced to drink the strong tasting cum. Her belly filled within seconds, but there was still too much cum. She groaned as felt her body slowly begin to swell. Slowly, Cup Cake’s belly expanded, growing from the large quantity of zebra cum filling her. Before long she went from being a well rounded mare to looking like she had just returned from a large, hefty meal.

“Now then.” Zecora smirked, looking down to her mare. Cup Cake’s body went almost limp when the cum began to slow down. The zebra knew what this meant. The mare was broken. Turning her head back to Carrot, she only seemed to show her endless desire to inflict as much despair as possible to the stallion. “Why don’t you tell your husband what you want, my dear slut.”

“I want it.” Cup Cake cooed a muffled sound at first, slowly taking the cock from her mouth, sliding it along her tongue to take in every flavor. Zecora smiled a wicked grin, she knew she broke the mare. But she wanted more. Pulling her cock fully away, she watched as Cup Cake reached out for it with her mouth, extending her tongue to touch it. “I want that fat cock! Please give me your cock and just fuck me!”

“My, my, what a tongue you have.” Zecora chuckled, her laugh only mocking Carrot as the stallion watched, his spirit broken from the sight and sound of his wife. “But if you think I am done with just one display, you are wrong.”

Taking a firm grip on Cup Cake’s head, Zecora rammed her cock back into the mare’s mouth. The mare gave no resistance, only seemed to squeal at having the musky taste back in her mouth pussy and throat cunt again. She didn’t need any further incentive, Zecora didn’t even put much force behind her hands and Cup Cake was bobbing her head so feverishly against the thick cock. Pushing herself all the way to the hilt, letting it sit at the back of her throat for a moment. Her eyes rolled back from the sheer pleasure. But she pushed on, pulling herself back from the shaft, only to instead slide herself along the length of it, feeling every inch of it with her lips and tongue. Once reaching the balls, Cup Cake couldn’t resist suckling on them again, feeling how the cum was already beginning to bubble up, eager to fill her engorged belly again.

“There you go.” Zecora smiled, turning her gaze from Cup Cake to Carrot. “See how eager she is to please me. If only you knew how easy she was to break. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure you get the best time.”

Cup Cake continued her worship of Zecora’s thick cock and heavy balls. Their strong smell and stronger taste only drove the mare deeper into her lustful trance. She seemed to forget anything else existed. She only could feel and taste Zecora on her. She didn’t even notice how her hand had wandered down and was already slowly rubbing at her aching and needy pussy lips. Zecora could see how desperate Cup Cake was getting and all this did was drive her to be more and more aggressive.

Harder and more thoroughly, Zecora rubbed her cock and balls along Cup Cake’s face, making the slut mare moan for more abuse. The mare licked and smothered her face into the balls, feeling even the zebra’s heart beat through the thick veins. She moaned even louder as she suckled, almost taking in one of the large balls in her mouth to clean them like an obedient pet, eager to serve her mistress. Cup Cake couldn’t stop herself, every moment her tongue touched Zecora’s sack, was another moment her fingers could rub inside herself. The mare moaned a muffled cry as she began to shove her fingers into her soaking wet cunt.

“Don’t forget to do more than just my balls whore.” Zecora ordered, rubbing Cup Cake’s head. “There is still more cock for you, and an even greater reward should you obey and service me well.”

Cup Cake did as she was told, sliding her tongue back upwards to reach the thick cockhead, wasting no time to shove the girth back in her wet mouth. She moaned like an experienced whore as she took the cock deep inside, keeping her rubbing fingers at the same speed as the bobbing of her head. Zecora didn’t even need to hold her head in place or push herself. Cup Cake was now more than willing to shove the thick cock in and out of her mouth pussy with vicious drive and great anticipation. The mare was captivated, obsessed with taking as much dick as possible. Her husband, still lying on the ground in tears, didn’t exist to her. Only Zecora and her musk scented, massive cock.

“Good, good my pet.” Zecora groaned, almost feeling herself getting close already, but was more that willing to make her mare work for every drop. “You have a free hand, use it.”

Obeying her mistress, Cup Cake took her free hand, starting more along the shaft, she began to slowly stroke at the cock as it left her mouth, only to release her hold as she deep throated it. It was tight, then wet, then warm, then released by the cool kiss of the air around them. Zecora almost let out a momentary coo from the feeling. But she would never show such a reaction to one of her broken mares. She wanted to keep her mare obedient and constantly seeking her mistress’ pleasure. Thankfully, Cup Cake seemed to be a natural.

“Keep going.” Zecora commanded, now starting to thrust herself in and out of Cup Cake’s mouth. The mare only moaned a muffled cry as she continued to passionately masturbate to the pleasure and now was carefully fondling the zebra’s balls. “Almost there pet, make your mistress feed you another helping.”

Cup Cake worked her head harder and faster, taking it in deeper than before until she felt the shaft rubbing to the far end of her mouth, causing her throat to bulge. Her eyes rolled back as she was rapidly fingering herself with four fingers; a puddle of her juices was more than formed under her knelt body. Zecora smirked, feeling the hot cum rise and bubble up, ready to splatter the mare’s insides. The mare’s eagerness was well deserving of a reward from her mistress. She choked on her cock without any regard for herself. She fondled and caressed Zecora’s balls and shaft, eager to milk out the rich, thick cum.

Exhaling hard, Zecora gritted her teeth as she began to shiver with delight. Cup Cake continued to bob her head, making sure she would not miss a single drop. Carrot could only watch, tears dripping from his sad eyes as he saw his beloved wife being reduced to nothing but some cock hungry whore. A toy for this zebra bitch to dominate and use. And he could do nothing about it. He was pathetic, unable to even whine or groan a pitiful sound. His wife was lost, and he was never going to have her back.

“Here it comes pet.” Zecora uttered, pulling back, only to drive her cock in Cup Cake’s throat cunt with full force, beating against her insides as she released her load. “I want you to drink. Drink it all!”

From the moment the hot cum touched her tongue, Cup Cake instinctively began to swallow. She gulped and gulped, taking in thick load after thick load of the hot zebra spunk. Her swollen belly expanded even more, making her look more than just pregnant. Cup Cake looked more like she was a broodmare ready to burst. Zecora only laughed as she fucked herself in and out of the mare’s mouth as she continued cumming, making her squeal and moan as she drank. Carrot tried to scream, but nothing escaped his gagged mouth, only his eyes showed his sorrow. This continued for several minutes before the zebra pulled herself out of the mare’s mouth, still cumming enough to splaster another rope of hot spunk on her face.

“That was just wonderful my pet.” Zecora nodded, somewhat satisfied with what her slut mare had done. But looking down, the large pool of mare cum only told her how wet and ready the mare was. “Clean up my cock and you’ll receive your next treat.”

Grabbing at Cup Cake’s mane, Zecora tugged her mare to turn more towards Carrot. It was clear what she was planning. She was going to do more than make him watch, she was going to defile her over her husband’s bound body. Carrot could barely struggle, not that it mattered anymore. His wife was lost to him, and all Zecora was doing was making sure there was nothing left in him. Cup Cake didn’t even seem to notice where she was being dragged to, it was like her husband didn’t even exist. Gently releasing her, the mare was almost thrown at her laying husband, her dripping pussy was angled right above his horrified face, droplets of her nectar fell on his cheek as he watched the zebra’s massive cock eclipse all sight and align itself to the MILF mare’s entrance.

“Now for the real fun.” Zecora commented, looking down at her cock as it was kissing at Cup Cake’s pussy lips. “I will break her insides and you will get the best view of the action.”

Exhaling hard, Zecora thrusted her cock into Cup Cake harder. The mare screamed as she reached a strong orgasm from just being penetrated. Her juices sprayed a little, on his face. But what was was worse than that, was how strong the zebra’s musky scent was. It was so close. The mix of the honey sweet aroma of his wife and the burning scent of Zecora’s balls seared Carrot’s senses. They were becoming duller, and his attitude and struggles were weakening. Thoughts were becoming harder and harder to manifest. He was growing heavier, weaker, and more docile.

“Broken already?” Zecora commented, raising an eyebrow, yet showing a subtle sign of being annoyed with Carrot’s weakness. “Like husband, like wife I suppose. Both of you are weak.” Picking up her speed, she made sure to angle her body so that every time she would thrust into Cup Cake, her balls would smack against Carrot’s forehead. “Since you’re going to stay there, you might as well get used to the scent of my superior musk.”

With herself all set up and ready, Zecora began to thrust. Starting with a simple and slow motion, she wasted no time in picking up the pace. Cup Cake quickly started to moan from the feeling. Her pussy easily stretched for her mistress, making sure the zebra had the best access to her deepest parts. Her cervix gushed with juices as she felt Zecora’s cockhead violently make out with her womb. Cup Cake screamed out, her voice echoing throughout the room, almost shaking it from her erotic sounds. Carrot could feel his wife’s body being pressed against his, her large chest squishing on his smaller ereaction. Despite how betrayed and broken he felt, he still felt a degree of arousal. His cock, many times smaller than Zecora’s was poking at his pants, forming a small bulge.

“Oh, what’s this?” Zecora laughed, raising her hand while holding Cup Cake’s waist with the other. “Looks like you’re enjoying this too little colt. Slut, I want you to give your husband a little kiss on his pathetic cock.” Cup Cake did nothing but moan as the zebra cock slid in and out of her. Exhaling, Zecora ordered her mare again; this time, bringing her hand down in a hard smack on her ass. “I said suck his pathetic cock you loose whore!” Cup Cake squealed in orgasm from the sudden sharp pain, but did as she was told.

Leaning down, Cup Cake carefully undid Carrot’s pants, using her hands to delicately fish out his cock. Even at full erection, it was a measly several inches. Maybe average for a stallion, but not a carnal beast like Zecora. Maybe yesterday, she would’ve loved to suck her husband off, something she hasn’t done in so long. But now, with such a more alpha size stretching her, she wasn’t even interested anymore. Carrot wasn’t even worth a pity lick. But Zecora wanted Cup Cake to suck him off. Her hand raised itself again, only to smack the mare’s sore and red ass for her hesitation.

Leaning closer, Cup Cake gave the smaller cock a gentle sniff. The smell was so weak, barely any musk; how could she ever had been aroused by this before she couldn’t figure out. Opening her mouth, the mare easily took in the cock. Compared to Zecora, this shaft barely got her to shiver. Her tongue licked a little, but took in the weak taste of his pre cum. There was nothing appealing about this. And yet, as she lapped at the cock, her mistress seemed to fuck in an out of her body with such a strong series of thrusts. Was she pleasing her mistress? Cup Cake could only guess.

“How does it feel slut?” Zecora asked, groping at Cup Cake’s sore flank hard. “Do you still love your husband?”

“O-of course I still love him.” Cup Cake moaned, a shimmer of hope twinkled in Carrot’s eyes for just a moment. But the fucked silly look on his wife’s face told him otherwise. “But his penis is so pathetic and small. I can’t make love to a stallion like that. I need your thick cock in my whore cunt! Please keep fucking me. Make me feel things my husband couldn’t do.”

“Such a loving wife.” Zecora smirked, looking down to Carrot, who was still being forced to endure the zebra’s cum heavy balls rub against his face. “I don’t care about love. I don’t care if she still wants to keep your pathetic dick around. No, I only care when I make a mare do this!”

Pulling almost fully back, Zecora rammed her girth into Cup Cake’s pussy. Widening it out and fucking past her cervix, rubbing the inside of her womb with the thick and hard cockhead. Cup Cake squealed in orgasm. Her body violently shook as she leaked her nectar onto her husband’s face. She was never going to get aroused by him again, nor by anypony else. Zecora hard begun to shape her insides to fit only her size; and Cup Cake only wanted more. Her body was experiencing small orgasm after orgasm. But it was never getting a massive release like she craved. She needed to cum so hard that she’d never even look at her husband’s dick again.

“Scream you whore!” Zecora commanded, taking now both hands to smack the mare’s ass as she fucked at a much faster pace; putting her thrusts into full throttle.Cup Cake’s mouth hung wide open as her most erotic sounds echoed out. Her body was no longer her own, backing up her ass to match with Zecora’s own thrusts was all she could do to try and please her mistress. “Keep going slut, I want to fill you with my cum.” Leaning forward, the zebra grabbed at the mare’s still swollen belly. “Oh yes, I will knock your fat MILF cunt with my seed.”

Increasing her speeds, Zecora angled herself to fuck directly into the womb, cock punching Cup Cake’s inner walls with each motion and grinding against the most sweet and sensitive spots as she humped into her. Carrot was forced to hear his wife make noises she’s never made for him, while Zecora’s cum filled balls smacked and rubbed his face. Every breath of air he took was heavily laced with the superior musk of the zebra’s loins. He felt as they were swelling up, the hot and bubbling cum churned within. He could feel Zecora was ready to cum.

Pulling back nearly all the way out, Zecora smacked Cup Cake’s flank, groping them hard as she rammed herself back into the mare’s body, thrusting all the way through the cervix to release her boiling hot spunk into the mare’s womb. The mare gasped the silent, breathless scream as the orgasm nearly destroyed her mind and will to do or be anything but Zecora’s cumdump, MILF mare, whore. Her body convulsed and shook violently, nearly thrashing from the pleasure surging through her body like a magical electricity.

“Get pregnant on my cum, slut!” Zecora roared, almost commanding Cup Cake’s body to become impregnated by her seed. The mare’s body only seemed to drink up as much cum as it could. Her womb drank and drank until it could hold no more cum, leaving her belly bigger than before. Now she looked more than just pregnant, Cup Cake looked ready to burst from the loads of spunk she was carrying in her belly and womb. Despite this visible sign of reaching full capacity, Zecora was still thrusting into her body. “I want you to take all of it!”

Falling limp forward, Cup Cake tried to give her husband’s dick a gentle kiss, some last bastion of hope to him that she still loved him. But she just couldn’t, she had no interest in such a small and pathetic thing. Zecora’s cock was just too big, too thick, too virile, and too perfect. No mare could resist after being fucked by such a beast. Especially after being filled so many times with cum. Carrot could only lay there, feeling what excessive gushes of mare juice and cum was being splattered on his weak and defeated face. He didn’t care, it didn’t matter to him anymore. He lost and he was nothing anymore.

“Ah yes, you’ve done well my pet.” Zecora complimented, petting Cup Cake’s head as she pulled herself out. “But we aren’t done yet.”

As Zecora pulled her still hard girth free, the sudden feeling of being without such a cock inside her caused the Cup Cake’s pussy walls to clap together. Her over sensitive body was unable to take more stimulation. Another, nearly just as hard as the last orgasm rocketed through the mare. But without a cock to cork her wet and gooey hole.

The mare was unable to hold back the torrents of cum that were now gushing out of her loose and clamping cunt, as well as her tight pucker splattering the cum she had drank earlier. For possibly a minute longer than it should have, Cup Cake’s pussy and ass spewed the thick, white, and still steamy hot cum out, and all over Carrot’s face and chest as the mare struggled to get up. But the stallion only laid there and let it happen. He was now probably broken; Zecora could have him raise Cup Cake’s new bastard foal and he would do as he was told like a good little cuck.

“Be sure to get a good smell before I fuck my whore again.” Zecora commanded, pressing her balls harder against Carrot’s face; nearly facesitting on the stallion as the zebra rubbed and mixed the smells of her musk, cum, and mare spunk all over his face.

The stallion felt as the zebra’s balls were nearly smothering him with their cum filled form. They were soft and so strong smelling, he was nearly suffocating under the aroma that burned his lungs and attacked his sinuses. Zecora’s words felt like a poisonous sting of pain through his mind. She was making him nothing more than a toy for her pleasure. Her dominating words served to remind him of how small he was compared to her. Her balls were much stronger smelling, and held far more cum than his. She was a mare and yet she was more virile and full of passion than he was. He had never seen Cup Cake act like she was now, how she panted and seemed to only want more.

“I want you to watch as I break your wife even more.” Zecora mocked the weak stallion, making sure to rub and smother her balls in his face with each breath and word she spoke. Running her hand down her chest and to her cock, the zebra placed a hand on her balls and rubbed them even closer, making sure Carrot could almost taste them. “Be sure to remember your place now.” Spanking Cup Cake as she got up, giving Carrot one more slide of her balls. Looking to the broken mare, she smirked, knowing what she had planned for the MILF mare. “I think we almost forgot a hole.”

Walking over to the nearby couch, Zecora reclined, making sure to show off her still hard but soaked and dripping with juice and cum cock to the Cakes. Carrot remained laying, only looking up at the ceiling, as if he was staring into the abyss of despair. Cup Cake looked at the cock, cooing to herself and licking her lips as she saw each and every twitch. Zecora only beckoned with her finger as she silently commanded her slave to approach her. Cup Cake tried to get up, but barely managed to roll off of her husband and slowly crawl her way over to the cock, taking in each strong whiff of her mistress’ strong musk.

“Hurry slut, my cock is drying.” Zecora commented, watching as Cup Cake just made it to her. Carefully and struggling a little, the mare turned to try and angle her ass towards the cock. Losing patience, Zecora reached over and grabbed at Cup Cake’s waist. With a hard a swift motion, the zebra pulled the mare upwards and in a single thrust, rammed her cock into her ass. Cup Cake squealed from the sudden pain of her anal recesses being stretched out by the thick cock. “Oh yeah, that’s it. Sit on your mistress’ cock.”

Cup Cake nearly went limp from the feeling, her body slumped forward, only being held up by Zecora’s arms and the thick cock wedged in her ass. The zebra was not going to let her whore rest or relax. Adjusting and reaching her arms downwards under the mare’s thighs, and then upwards, Zecora brought Cup Cake’s legs up, propping them against her own legs. Wiggling a little to get in a more comfortable position, Zecora made sure that Carrot was getting a good look of his wife’s ass being defiled in front of him.

“Take a look Carrot.” Zecora commented, showing off her prize to the broken stallion. “Look at how her gaping cunt opens and closes with each pulse. And how my stronger cum leaks out of her stuffed womb. She’s been impregnated you know, by my superior, fertile seed. Your twins are going to have siblings. Stronger, zebra siblings.”

With her harsh and painful words given, the zebra pulled herself downwards, only to drive herself back in the mare’s ass. Cup Cake loudly moaned as she was forced to move herself up and down on Zecora’s thick cock. Her large tits bounced from her motions, and her cum filled bully churned and jiggled from the heavy load inside. The mare moaned and screamed, unable to process anything anymore. Her body was so sore, so weak, but it had become so addicted to massive zebra cock and burning hot cum that she couldn’t stop herself from moving. Unable to gain any solid footing, Cup Cake was forced to only wiggle and grind her ass against Zecora as she was lifted and dropped on the cock.

“Keep riding it you whore.” Zecora groaned, opening her mouth to deliver a strong and dominating bite down on the back of Cup Cake’s collar. The mare screamed from the pain and new orgasm from being so assertively taken like an animal in heat. “Tell me how it feels. Tell your husband what a better cock is doing to you.”

“She’s fucking me!” Cup Cake moaned, her voice was more breathy, panting, and yet erotic than Carrot has ever heard before. He would never have gotten her to this point and her every sound was a reminder of his failure. “A massive cock is fucking my slutty ass. My big, fat ass that’s always begging for cock is being stretched by someone other than my husband. My husband’s small cock could never do this to me, I need more fat cock in my whore asspussy!”

“Spoken like an obedient slut.” Zecora nodded, almost proud of her broken whore; almost. “Keep screaming. Make sure you and your husband know what only I can give you. When I cum, where do you want it?”

“My ass! I want your hot cum right in my ass!” Cup Cake screamed, her mind nearly a blank from her constant orgasms. Her bouncing body rippled from the feeling of the cock breaking through the deepest core of her anal cunt. Cum gushed out of her pussy, splattering on Carrot’s face. “My ass wants your cum, I need to feel your thick, hotness in my slutty ass!”

“Carrot. I want you to watch this.” Zecora commanded, looking down at the stallion. She could feel herself ready to cum, but she wanted to do one more act of cruelty before defiling the last hole of her new pet. “If you can reach your wife’s cunt level and watch as I fill her ass, I will leave and you two can have your old lives back.”

Could this offer be true? Could the zebra be telling the truth? These thoughts flooded the weak stallion’s mind. He had no proof she was being honest. But if she was, then everything would be fine. Everything would go back to normal. This nightmare would end. Struggling, Carrot dragged himself, still bound, but a little more flexible, he moved upwards. It was a painful stretch, but he managed to reach the height of the couch with his head. He cum and juice covered face stared at his wife’s body. Her winking pussy seemed to only mock his weakness with each drop of cum. But he did as he was told and watched.

“Good cuck.” Zecora groaned, feeling her heavy balls ready to burst. “Here comes my next load!”

Letting out a roar like noise, Zecora bit down again on Cup Cake’s other collar as she released her load in the mare’s ass. Cup Cake screamed from her climax, in addition to the violent torrent of cum filling her intestines. The mare’s boyd could not handle so much cum any more. Her full belly expanded a little more as her pussy tightened to near crushing degrees before suddenly opening a gaping wide. A sudden stream of her steaming juices and Zecora’s previous load sprayed and squirted against Carrot’s face. Though shameful, the stallion felt his own erection was at its peak and was ready to cum.

“So full, so full…” Cup Cake groaned, feeling the bubbling cum move up from her ass and past her stomach to her throat. “I’m so fucking-blagh!”

The mare’s mouth open to the spew and gushing action of the cum that was in her belly regurgitating back out. Her eyes rolled back from the climax this was also giving her, causing her body to become limp and nearly unconscious. Carrot felt the spewed cum coat his face, pushing his orgasm to its boiling point. A small amount of cum dribbled out of his cock before he lost his strength, collapsing to the flood. Smirking, Zecora released her hold of the mare, letting her fall forward onto her husband with an audible thud. Her body twitched and convulsed as cum gushed out of her mouth, pussy, and ass.

“Such a stupid couple. Thinking I would be fair.” Zecora smiled a wicked and victorious grin. “You are both mine now. And I will savor every moment of your fat and soft body my whore.” She then turned her attention to the still recording camera. “As well as make sure to record it all for my later enjoyment.”

“I still can’t believe it.” Twilight Velvet giggled as she picked up her order of sweets. Her pregnant belly jiggled as she swayed herself. Across the counter, Carrot took her money and counted her change. “It feels like not that long ago. She looks amazing.”

“Well that’s my honey cake.” Carrot replied, nervously chuckling as he handed the counted change back. “I guess I still had it in me. Will you be staying in Ponyville long?”

“For a bit.” Velvet replied, turning a little, a small smiled curled her lips. “Zecora is helping me out with my pregnancy after all. And I trust her.”

“Zecora?” Carrot asked, his face almost went blank at the sound of the zebra’s name. Did Velvet know something? He then looked to the mare’s belly. Was Zecora responsible? But he couldn’t let the mare know. He could only smile. “I see, I’ve heard she’s good at what she does. So I hope it all works out.”

“I believe it will.” Velvet giggled a little, rubbing her belly. Turning, she made her way to the door, swaying her round ass towards Carrot; a rare moment of her slutty training showing. “Good luck.”

It has been a few weeks since that day. Zecora had dominated the Cake’s home. Both ponies have been able to manage both their social and work lives, giving absolutely no indication as to how horribly tragic their personal lives have become. Carrot continued to wake up, cook the meals, help run the business, and of course, raise the twins. But it was more at night, especially during their one off day of the week, a certain zebra mare would come by the bakery. He couldn’t refuse her entry, not that she would she give him the choice.

Walking into the bakery, the zebra, Zecora made her way up to the Cake’s bedroom, leaving Carrot to finish cleaning up the dining area and kitchen alone. Up in the bedroom, Zecora found her MILF pet Cup Cake waiting for her. The mare had taken well to her mistress’ treatments. Her body was swelling from her sessions, she was clearly pregnant, but seemed to hold her thick spunk much more voraciously than Velvet. Her legs were quivering at the sight of the zebra entering. Her eyes looked at the zebra, only to shift down to the throbbing bulge waiting for her. Gulping, Cup Cake felt her pussy ache to be filled.

“So eager already?” Zecora laughed, presenting the camera and stand. “Present yourself slut.” Cup Cake did as she was told, adjusting her position to be in a more begging pose as the zebra set up her camera. Standing behind, Zecora snapped her finger, signalling she had begun to record. “Now, tell me. Who are you, and why are you here.”

“My name is Cup Cake.” Cup Cake cooed, rolling on her back to show off her heavy belly and large, milk filling breasts. “I was the loyal wife to Carrot Cake. That was before my mistress Zecora showed me what a whore I was.” Unable to control herself, the mare slowly started to rub at her quenched pussy, moaning between her heavy breaths. “Thanks to her massive cock, my body is carrying her foal and I only want more. Please fuck my mouth with your cock mistress. Your slut wants your warm milk.”

“How can I say no to that face.” Zecora laughed, walking in view of the camera, her cock now fully erect as she swayed it over to the mare. Presenting her musky cock and balls, Cup Cake wasted no time licking and suckling at them. “Good pet, she is well trained after all.”

Pulling back, Zecora aligned her thick, precum dripping cockhead to the mare’s lips and began to slowly push her way into the mare’s mouth. Exhaling, the zebra rammed her length into Cup Cake’s mouth, bulging her throat as the thick cock slid its way deep inside, hilting itself with the first thrust. The MILF mare moaned a muffled cry as she reached her climax, her hands now vigorously rubbing against her swelling and sensitive clit. Zecora only continued her thrusting, reveling in the tight and warm feeling of Cup Cake’s throat cunt.

“So good. I have been training you well.” Zecora panted, feeling her balls grow heavy with churning cum. Looking at the mare’s pregnant belly, the zebra smirked a wicked grin. “It hasn’t been so long and yet you look like this.” Reaching down with one hand, she gently rubbed the belly. Not only my foal and my cum, but you have been devouring so many pastries. I think we’ll have your confections do more than stuff your whore face.” Zecora continued to hump against Cup Cake’s mouth as she elaborated a new plot. “I think I can use your pastries other mares.”

Cup Cake shivered as she thought of how Zecora was talking of breaking more mares. The thought of another mare being subjected to what she experienced, and has been experiencing for the past few weeks. To be so violently fucked and broken, impregnated and abused by this zebra’s dominating, massive, and addicting cock. She squirted in orgasm at the idea. Her pastries would help Zecora defile more mares. This would please her, and whatever would please her mistress, would only mean Cup Cake would get the hard fuck she desperately begs for.

“You like this, don’t you whore?” Zecora asked, looking down at the mare. She only cooed and wiggled her bloated body to show her affection. “So caring and devoted. You deserve a reward. How about a good feeding?”

Cup Cake nearly gushed a puddle of mare cum from the words as they left the erotic zebra’s lips. Even as relaxed as she was, the mare started to lift and drop her head, wanting to take the work of thrusting into her mouth from Zecora. Within seconds, Cup Cake was facefucking herself as she felt the cock swell with the inevitable orgasm. Zecora only groaned as she felt her balls tighten, hot cum bubbled up, ready to burst in mere moments.

“Get ready slut.” Zecora exhaled, groping at Cup Cake’s heavy tits, pinching and squeezing her nipples so hard that milk bled out of them as she drove herself all the way into the mare’s mouth, bulging her throat as she released her full load straight in her belly. “Drink your meal. I want my foal to grow strong on my cum and your whore milk.”

Cup Cake swallowed everything, every hot and thick drop of cum that came pouring down her throat was greedily and affectionately taken in. To further show her devotion, she reached her arms up and at her mistress’ thighs, pulling her closer as to not let go, as well as to let Zecora’s pulsing and throbbing heavy balls to rest on her head as she drank. She wanted to only taste zebra spunk and breathe zebra musk. The zebra looked down at her pet, how loyal and eager she was to please her. It almost brought a sincere smile to her lips; almost. Zecora did not want to appear too soft on her pet, no matter how playful. Cup Cake, like Twilight Velvet, and now any other MILF that she placed her eyes on would service her cock and be loyal only to her cock. Her obedient, musk obsessed, and cum guzzling broodmares.

“You’ve done well.” Zecora commanded, rubbing Cup Cake’s throat as she slowly pulled herself free of the tight mouth pussy. Looking at the mare’s open mouth, she saw her cum still bubbling as she breathed outward. “I know, why don’t you go downstairs and give that cuck husband of yours a big, wet, sloppy kiss. Let him taste what I feed you.” Though she was wobbling and struggling, Cup Cake obeyed, rolling off the bed to get up and walk out of the room. Turning towards the camera, Zecora held a grin, a wicked and sinister grin that could melt the bones of any who saw it. “That is all I will allow. She is mine now. And you can never touch her...unless I allow it.”

Securing some Finances

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“I must say slut,” Zecora hummed playfully as she relaxed on the Cake’s bed. Looking down, she could see the heart filled eyes of Mrs. Cake staring up at her as the MILF mare bobbed her head up and down the zebra’s thick cock with great vigor. “It’s been three weeks already and you’re so drunk from my musk that you nearly pulled me up the stairs to face fuck your whore mouth.”

Mrs. Cake seemed to purr at the compliment, increasing her efforts to blow her mistress as her weak-willed husband handled any business the bakery was having. Even Pinkie Pie was working overtime to make up for Mrs. Cake’s absence. Not that Zecora cared, all that mattered was savoring her pet. Though she would prefer to make Carrot watch as his wife moans for a better cock. Zecora only smirked at the mare at her dick, slobbering her sloppy face across her mistress’ shaft, her tongue flicking at the cum heavy balls with each lowering motion. The once proud and loyal wife looked like little more than a used up whore. Her mane was matted and filthy with cum from the zebra’s precum and her face showed not a shred of dignity. To add to the mare’s well trained submission, Mrs. Cake’s hands were busy attending to her own needs. While one hand grabbed and groped at one of her fat tits, the other hand was feverishly fingering her gushing cunt.

“Such a loyal and playful slut you’ve become.” Zecora complimented, petting Mrs. Cake’s head. “But you are getting too free spirited.” The zebra’s words soon became cold, dominating, almost cruel in tone as she grabbed at Mrs. Cake’s head pushing her face forward as the thick cock was rammed into her throat cunt, letting out a large slush of heavy and thick cum. Mrs. Cake gagged for a moment as she struggled to swallow the heavy load. “I’ll have to train you on how to be a proper whore.” Just as she finished her sentence, the door slowly creaked open. Looking, Zecora saw the pathetic face of Carrot as he made his way into the room, locking the door behind him. “Just in time, I was almost getting bored of her. But now that you’re here...” She then pushed Mrs. Cake face off her cock, making her fall backwards so she could see her husband before their mistress continued. “I can bust my load while I see how weak you are.”

Grabbing at Mrs. Cake, Zecora had her sex slave position herself so that while the zebra sat on the edge of the bed, the mare could ride the thick cock; all while Carrot watched from the closed doorway. Reaching under the mare’s thick thighs, lifting her only enough to have her fat ass drop on her cock, Mrs. Cake gasped a breathless scream as she felt her insides getting filled with thick, hard zebra cock meat. Carrot only stood and watched, shivering as he knew this wasn’t right but he could do nothing to stop them. His wife only stared off into a euphoric trance as some of the cum she choked on gurgled out of her mouth, drooling on her bouncing breasts.

“Such a pathetic and weak beta bitch.” Zecora taunted, mocking Carrot, knowing he could and would do nothing but stand there in shame. “Couldn’t even see how much of a whore his wife was. Well I fixed that, and aren’t you happier my pet?”

“Y-yes!” Mrs. Cake replied, moaning as some more cum dripped from her fucked silly expression. Her eyes looked to her husband, what was such loving eyes had become nothing but an empty gaze, seeing Carrot only as her husband; but not her lover, not the one who fucks her like the slutmare she really was. “I can’t have such a small dick like his, I need your thick, meaty cock mistress. Please fuck me harder. Break my cunt and stuff me with your burning spunk!”

“Such a lovely sound, it always brightens up my afternoon when a whore knows her place.” Zecora nodded, pleased with how broken the Cakes had become. Switching her motions, she had Mrs. Cake sit firm on her cock but was more grinding her hips against hers. “Now tell me my pet, what of my special order?”

“The pastries are our best seller.” Mrs. Cake moaned, savoring the full feeling of Zecora rubbing her insides. “Almost everypony in Ponyville has bought them.”

“They don’t even know it, but they’ll all become my toys.” Zecora smirked, pleased with the Cake’s progress, she almost considered rewarding them; almost. Looking over to Carrot, an idea formed. “Carrot, come here.”

Carrot did as he was told, not that his opinion would matter. Once he arrived, the smell of Zecora’s musk and Mrs. Cake’s splattering juices tingled at his nostrils, making his senses shake. Pointing her finger downwards, Zecora beckoned the broken stallion onto his knees. Like a well trained cuck, the stallion slowly lowered himself. Once fully to his knees, he could not only see the cum heavy balls that Zecora held, but their musk was almost too much to bear. It was such a thick smell, he was unable to form a coherent thought.

“If you want to stare at them so much. Then have a closer look!” Zecora taunted, grabbing at Carrot’s head with the back of one of her legs, pushing him close enough to her balls that he could taste the nauseating aroma of her musk. “Such a weak bitch, can’t even handle his mistress’ musk. How did you ever put up with him my pet?” As she mocked the stallion, she forced his face closer to her balls. “Do the job better you cuck slut. Smother yourself in your mistress’ balls!”

Carrot obeyed, showing very little to no actual resistance. Only the silent obedience he was expected to have. Zecora could be much crueler to him and he knew it. His wife would howl in passion and pleasure while all he was reduced to was to satisfy the zebra’s musky balls. Her legs made escape impossible, and her sack was an intoxicating aroma that was making the weak stallion nauseous. The only things that kept him conscious was the screams his wife was making, a scream that he had never heard of but knew all too well what it meant. She was reaching an orgasm that only Zecora’s cock could bring her too.

“I don’t know!” Mrs. Cake moaned, feeling her body experience one orgasm after another. For a few moments, she forgot about her husband, her twins. If it wasn’t Zecora’s cock, it didn’t matter to her at this time. “I can’t believe I even got pregnant with such a useless stallion, and his tiny cock.”

“I know what you mean.” Zecora chuckled, keeping her leg firmly at the back of Carrot’s head, holding his face in place against her strong smelling balls, gagging him on her scent so it wouldn’t wash off easily; her hope was he would smell his mistress’ balls all day to remember his place. “Stallions like him only deserve to suckle the heavy sack of their betters. So get to it you little cuck, I want my balls to clean out that pathetic mouth of yours!”

Carrot submitted, letting his mouth and tongue roll and suckle at the zebra’s large balls. The strong scent and taste of her sweat and musk. He hated the taste, but after so long, it’s all he could remember. His wife’s meals couldn’t take away the taste, or she mixed Zecora’s cum with her batter as she had been doing with a number of frostings and cakes. It didn’t matter. The only thing he could do to ease this suffering was to leave his body, to mentally go to a happy place; a place where his wife still loved him and none of this happened, and stay there.

“Hurry up you sissy bitch.” Zecora snaps feeling herself getting close to an orgasm. “Are you ready my whore?”

“Fuck! Fill me with your hot cum!” Mrs. Cake begged, squealing more and more with a panting tone as she felt her insides quiver at the swelling cock beating at her cervix. “Feed my baby with your thick nectar!”

“Good, good.” Zecora grunted, gritting her teeth as she angled herself to wedge her cock as deep as possible. Her balls tightened in Carrot’s mouth as he could feel the pulse of cum moving through the heavy musk orbs and through the nearly arm thick length. “Drink my cum whore!”

The hot load that bubbled within the zebra’s balls. Mrs. Cake felt her insides heat up and her pussy stretch from the vast quantity of cum. Carrot’s mouth nearly gagged as the balls tightened and expanded as cum was pumped into his wife. A few thin lines of cum trickled from Mrs. Cake’s overstuffed pussy. He knew he would be ordered to, not removing his lips, he was forced to taste the strong smelling cum as it ran down the shaft and over the balls. Mrs. Cake howled for a moment, her eyes rolling back as she felt her orgasm shattering her mind. It would be hours before this cum inflation would settle, there was just so much. And she loved it. To be filled and used by her mistress brought a pleasure her marriage never could.

Carrot only continued to suckle and lick at the zebra’s musky balls. It was more like he was in a trance; going to some mental “happy place” and he chose to stay there. His wife was gone and she will never be how she was before. Zecora had taken everything from him, and all he could do was just submit and continue in some hope that maybe his wife still loved him in some deep and unseen way. But Mrs. Cake didn’t care, when her mistress was over, she didn’t even care to notice him. And Zecora only cared that he knew his place and fluffed her up so she could fuck his pregnant whore wife.

“Such a good and greedy whore.” Zecora leaned in, whispering into Mrs. Cake’s ear; making her shiver with delight and ecstasy. She then looked down at Carrot, savoring the dead, expressionless look in his eyes. “Do what’s expected you twink bitch.”

Zecora exhaled, panting a little as she pulled her cock from Mrs. Cake’s pussy, letting her cum gush out of her used and gaping hole. Carrot could only adjust himself to so that the heavy and relaxing zebra balls would rub against his lips a little more. He only seemed to let himself be smothered and pressed against the heavy sack, not allowed a moment to rest or stop. He was just a fluffer, a sissy bitch that Zecora would torment endlessly until she grew bored of him. The only joy that still existed in his heart was that his zebra mistress allowed him to still be with his wife.

“This is boring.” Zecora commented, poking at Carrot’s head. “Oh, I know. On your back bitch.”

Carrot did as he was told, being allowed to move his face from Zecora’s balls as she shifted to lay on his back. But not a moment after he was on the floor, did the zebra mare squat herself over the stallion’s face. Carrot only looked up as she saw some drops of zebra cum dripping from the large cockhead on his forehead. But it was her heavy balls that were going to land on his muzzle. Once down, the stallion was forced to breathe in her overwhelmingly smelly, musky balls. Zecora didn’t even care if he could suffocate under her balls; if anything, his breath on her balls only made her more and more aroused.

“Whore.” Zecora ordered, looking to Mrs. Cake. “Get over here and finish your meal.”

Mrs. Cake cooed in obedience as she struggled to move over to Carrot. The mare only licked her slutty lips as she took in the large zebra cock, not even taking a moment to savor the taste as she took in the first half with no effort. Zecora was almost proud of how devoted her slut mare was. But all that mattered was her tight, warm, and wet throat cunt all over her shaft. But she was not going to let her pet have all the fun, taking her hand, she placed it on Mrs. Cake’s head, shoving her even deeper on her dick.

“There we go.” Zecora commented, staring down as her mare whore sucked and gurgled on her cock. “Whimper some more you bitch.” The mare only made wet and sloppy sounds as she was forced to bob her head up and down, all over the shaft, from the hard cockhead, to her heavy balls. “Almost there, keep going and choke on my cum while your pathetic husband watches!”

Zecora grabbed at her own large and voluptuous breasts, kneading the soft bosom and teasing at her own hard nipples as she felt her orgasm coming. The zebra only fucked in and out, harder and harder as her heavy balls bubbled and churned with cum. She was going to release another massive load in her whore, and Carrot get the perfect view. Grunting and groaning loudly, she felt the sudden release of her load. Cupcake’s mouth filled with her zebra mistress’ hot and thick cum. Zecora reached and grabbed the back of the mare’s head, keeping her in place as she forced her to swallow gulp after gulp, filling her belly to way past bloating. And while she was force fed the heavy load, what could trickle out of the side of her lips ran down the shaft and dripped along her balls and leaked on Carrot’s face.

“Ahh, such a good feeling to feed my slut.” Zecora commented to herself, looking down at Cupcake; her eyes rolled back as she was passed out from her orgasms. “But I think it’s time I break in a new whore. Find me another slut to fuck.” But she could tell Cupcake was barely listening, the mare was already long passed out from the intense fucking, and Carrot’s dead empty eyes, which were frequent after such a brutal treatment, showed she was wasting her time. “Looks like I’ll have to find another slut for now.” But as she finished her sentence, an idea sparked in her mind. “And I think I know just the whore.”

On the more decorated outskirts of Ponyville stood a lavish neighborhood. Though it was more like a small collection of houses; more mansions compared to the other homes around. The largest of which belonged to the famous, or infamous, Riches. Filthy Rich, a financier and entrepreneur known around Equestria. His daughter, Diamond Tiara, who having reached near the end of high school and was preparing herself for the most expensive and luxurious college. And finally, his wife, Spoiled Rich, though she is not as well liked as the other two. Often called Spoiled “Bitch” behind closed doors and whispered under a servant’s breath. She has always been quite hated by the staff since she married Filthy.

Reclining in her expensive couch, the mare, dressed in a fine silk gown that showed off her smooth shoulders and the tops of her large, ample breasts, spent the day sipping at a rare Canterlot wine and reading some elaborately covered book; though to anypony reading the words, it was little more than some trashy romance novel. Though not a complete secret, anyone who saw the mistress’ book collection would quickly learn that she was far more fetishy and slutty than even the rumors the servants would whisper. As well, any affairs she may or may not have had while married have been so closely hidden that barely any staff have seen it, but some of the older members of the employment have known Spoiled to find some degree of “amusement” whenever Filthy was on a business trip.

“Uh madam.” One of the older servants asked, clearing his throat as he spoke. The old earth stallion butler watched with controlled composure as Spoiled simply glared at him with apathetic eyes. “A letter has arrived with you by name written upon it.”

“A letter?” Spoiled groaned a little, only getting up from her seat as she was growing tired of the book she was reading. “This had better be-” But her words were cut off the moment she looked upon the wording on the envelope. She knew that handwriting anywhere and she was beyond thankful she did not ask the servant to read the letter. “I will take this to my chambers. I do not wish to be disturbed today, for ANY reason!”

“Understood ma’am.” The servant nodded as he let his mistress stormed out of the room. It was only when she had long left that he sighed. “I don’t know what that was, but I doubt it will be any good towards the master.”

Spoiled Rich,
I do hope this letter finds you quick. You see I have grown bored of my current whore, and would like to savor your slutty holes once more. I know it has been quite a long time, but as you know, your used up cunt is forever mine. Now I want you to prepare as I will come to rape and fill your useless fuck holes, unless of course you’d like me to tell your husband of how you birthed my foal.

“That scheming, manipulative!” Spoiled spat and cursed as she paced within hers and her husband’s bedroom. “The very idea that she would dare come here, and send a letter that ANYPONY could find and read. Who does she think she-” The mare’s blood went cold as she heard a knock at the door. “W-who is it?”

“My lady.” Called what was the sound of one of the many stallion servants of the manor. “A guest has arrived. The zebra Zecora I believe. She claims that you requested her by name.”

‘That fucking bitch!’ Spoiled screamed in her mind, furious and terrified at once over this. But she had no choice now. Swallowing hard, she tried to compose herself. “Send her here. And let it be clear to all staff that she and I are not to be bothered under any circumstances.”

“Yes ma’am.” The voice replied. “I shall bring her this instant.”

Spoiled sat on her bed, trembling over what was to come. She knew Zecora was not here for a simple visit. Never had any interaction with that zebra been simple, short, or even painless. The humiliation she could face if any of this was exposed would be immeasurable. But her fears were going to be realized as she nearly leapt from her skin as the room echoed with a knock at the door. The mare’s blood froze, not even given a moment to respond as the doors slowly opened. Sliding her way in, was Zecora, and she seemed to hold a confident expression across her face. As well as what looked to be a large carrying bag slung over her shoulder. She brought something, there was no doubt in Spoiled’s mind. But she had no other way out of this. She could only accept what was to come and hope it will end quickly.

“You look well Spoiled Rich.” Zecora hummed, swaying her hips almost hypnotically as she approached clearly intimidated mare. She leaned in close enough to whisper as she continued her teasing words. “It makes me very hard to gaze upon you, my favorite bitch.”

“Stop pretending like you care.” Spoiled replied, glaring intensely at the zebra. “We both know what’s going to happen. So let’s just get it over with.”

“Always to the point.” Zecora chuckled, breaking away from her rhyming dialect as she sat beside the mare. “Fair enough, you know what to do for your mistress.”

Spoiled only glared as she accepted what she had to do, getting down on her knees as she met face to cock with Zecora’s size. The mare’s eyes widened, remembering the last time she had faced the large size, but even now she tried to resist her former mistress. But she knew there was no way she could resist for long. Sooner or later, the zebra would have her way. But this didn’t mean she had to enjoy the humiliation of being controlled by such a mare. Grabbing at her cock, Zecora rubbed herself a little, egging and mocking Spoiled as she made the half erect shaft sway up and down.

“Come now Spoiled. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten.” Zecora smirked, licking her lips as she watched the wealthy mare’s eyes glare with hatred at her. The feeling only made the zebra’s cock grow longer and harder. “Should I instruct you on how to be my bitch again?”

Zecora reached a hand around Spoiled’s head, pulling her a little forward as she shoved her cock closer. But unlike her usual approach to ram the girth in the mare’s mouth, the zebra wanted to tease and toy with her slut. So for several minutes, she instead rubbed herself along the sides of Spoiled’s face, pressing against her cheek and making sure to smear her precum and heavy musk all over her muzzle. The mare was powerless to stop her, but still groaned defiantly. Which, while it was amusing at first, was now becoming an annoyance to the zebra.

“Seems I must take a more direct approach.” Zecora sneered in a growingly aggravated tone as she stood up, slapping Spoiled across the face with her cock as she rose. The zebra stared down at the mare, who could see that it was probably the best moment to run, but she was unable to make any motion as her mistress grabbed her arms. “It would appear you need to be reeducated.” Pulling her hard, Spoiled felt her body getting limp and weak as she was lifted to the bed, all but thrown on the soft mattress before her head was left hanging over the end; with Zecora’s cock slamming a little against her muzzle. “I believe my whore needs to be reminded who owns her throat cunt.”

Zecora looked down at the mare, feeling her cock get harder and twitching out a little bit of precum on Spoiled’s neck. The mare under her only watched with very intimidated eyes as the thick dick over her was rubbing and pressing a little against her. The strong smell of zebra musk only made her a blur of noxious and light headed. But among the strong smell, the mare could not deny how wet this was making her. Her pussy was aching in a way she had not known since before she had Diamond. Zecora was a controling, manipulative bitch with a massive cock that made her so fucking turned on. Her eyes were glazing over with a primal lust as the smell was making her so weak willed.

“That’s better.” Zecora smirked, slowly stroking her cock with one hand as she gently rubbed the side of Spoiled’s face with the other. “Now tell me slut. Between myself or your husband...who’s bigger?” Spoiled hesitated, she wasn’t fully lost into lust, but it didn’t help that the zebra musk was making her pussy leak so much. “I don’t think you understand slut. Tell me, or I’ll just fuck the answer out of your lips.”

Seeing as how Spoiled was still being defiant, despite her eyes and panting breath betraying her willpower, Zecora decided to punish her whore further. Lifting herself a little, the zebra adjusted herself as to allow her heavy and musk coated ball sack to smack against the mare’s face; smothering her with the strong scene of her mistress. Spoiled choked on the smell, the only air allowed in her lungs was that of the zebra musk. But her mistress was not cruel, she had no interest in choking her fuckslut out. Zecora was more the mare to prolong the suffering; lifting her musky balls, only to drop them again and again on the mare’s face.

“Come one slut, tell me…” Zecora teased and mocked, making sure to give Spoiled little time to reply as she continuous suffocated the mare with her balls. “Who has the superior cock?”

“…” Spoiled replied, a weak whimper could only escape her trembling lips as she struggled to breathe. “You do. Your cock is so much better than my husband.”

“Is that right?” Zecora chuckled, smirking in her victory. “Then I suppose I’ll reward you for your honesty.” Lifting herself, the zebra slid her cock along Spoiled’s face. “Though I’m still going to fuck your throat cunt wide open for taking too long with your answer slut.”

Spoiled could only watch, struggling a little to keep her mouth closed as Zecora pressed her hard cockhead against her lips. But the zebra’s smirk was curling into an annoyed sneer as she was being denied her right to facefuck her slutmare. But this resistance wasn’t going to last. She grabbed the sides of the mare’s head, pressing her cockhead again her lips; a silent but forceful attempt to make her kiss the precum dripping dick. Spoiled’s lips only cringed as she didn’t want to taste any more of the slimy but musk flavored cum. But she could not stop the flavor from passing a little into her mouth; making her tongue tingle with a long forgotten delight.

“Show me what you do for your mistress.” Zecora ordered, pressing her cockhead against Spoiled’s lips, leaving a marking of strong tasting precum. “Once you beg, then I’ll fuck your throat.”

Spoiled couldn’t talk, or rather, she didn’t want to. She couldn’t admit how much she wanted to suck on Zecora’s cock. She wanted it, she needed to feel the thickness in her mouth; in a way her husband would never be able to reach. The zebra could see the struggle the mare was going through, smiling a gleeful grin as she savored every moment that the mare was suffering through. But this enjoyment was not enough to stave off her boredom as she wanted to thrust forward. So that is what she did. Without even waiting for Spoiled to answer or beg, Zecora pressed herself forward inch by inch, until she was able to get her hard cockhead past Spoiled’s lips.

Shoving herself fully past the lips, Zecora fucked her way into the back of Spoiled’s throat, rubbing the roof of her mouth, as well as along the silky smooth and warm tongue. The mare’s eyes opened wide in shock as she started to struggle to breathe as the zebra began to thrust herself in and out of her mouth. Trying to lift her arms, she tried to push the cock from her throat, but Zecora grabbed at Spoiled’s arms and pulled at them, fucking herself back in the mouth; slapping her balls against the top of her head.

“Breathe through your nose whore.” Zecora ordered, humping a little faster as she was getting in the facefuck motions. “My musk is the only thing you should be taking in when I fuck your throat cunt.”

Spoiled tried to struggle again, but the zebra’s grip was too strong, and she could feel the rapid slaps of the heavy balls beating against her head with each motion. She couldn’t escape and was only able to lay there helpless as Zecora was fucking her throat without even the slightlest consideration of mercy. She didn’t care, she had plenty of sluts to fuck whenever she wanted. Spoiled was just a good whore she wanted at the time, but would barely bat an eye over tossing her aside. But so long as the mare could be threatened and extorted, the zebra was going to keep her around; for now.

The rich mare’s resistance was starting to leave her as the reality of the situation was striking her. As well as that, there were the humiliation realization that she was beginning to enjoy this. She had always been a bit of a whore, more a gold digger than anything else. Why else would she marry her husband when he was nearly twice her age; it was all about the money he had. But Zecora was so brutal, so savage, she didn’t care what connections Spoiled had; only how wet and fuckable she was. It was horrible, painful, and utterly humiliating. And the mare’s pussy was gushing wet from excitement.

“Well, well. What is this?” Zecora chuckled, feeling as Spoiled was struggling less and less. “Looks like you’re finally remembering your place.” Releasing her hold on the arms, letting them fall to the mare’s sides as she moved her own hands to the mare’s shoulders. “Show me how much you enjoy being my cocksleeve.”

As Zecora continued to fuck herself in and out of Spoiled’s throat, rubbing the back of the mare’s mouth, the arms at her side could not help but find themselves running downwards towards the gushing wet slutmare’s pussy. She couldn’t stop herself as the pleasure coursing through her drove her hands to begin rubbing and fingering at her wet hole. She teased at her clit, shoved fingers into her pussy as she rubbed along her inner wall. Zecora’s smirk grew to a wicked smile as she saw how the mare she was facefucking was falling further and further into the mindless ecstasy. She could feel the mare’s throat started to tighten up as she continued to hump against her lips.

“There we go my dear whore.” Zecora said, leaning in a little as she thrusted herself faster and faster, beating the back of Spoiled’s throat with her hard cockhead. “Tell me, who’s better? Your mistress, or your pathetic husband?” Spoiled hesitated to give an answer, not even a whimpering moan. The zebra felt a tingle of frustration from the lack of reply. She raised her hand, smacking it down over the mare’s pussy, shoving nearly four fingers in Spoiled’s soaked cunt; almosting fisting the mare as she continued to fuck her mouth; her cock swelling as she was nearing her orgasm. “Say it whore, who’s better? Say it, say it, say it, fucking tell your mistress who make your whore body scream in pleasure!”

Spoiled’s mind was going into a spasm, the humiliation, pain, and pleasure mixing and driving her over the edge. She didn’t want to answer, she didn’t want to give Zecora to satisfaction, but she knew the zebra would do much worse if she refused. She didn’t want to say anything, but her body was crying out for that sweet release; the release only her dominating zebra mistress could give her. Spoiled’s hands tried to add to the thrill that the stronger zebra fingers were rubbing against all her most sensitive spots. She wanted to scream out in pleasure, but she only was being throat fucked when her mouth opened a little more.

“Ah, there we are.” Zecora laughed, making sure to shove her cock deeper and faster into Spoiled’s mouth. “Keep sucking whore. I want to feel you gag on my load!” She humped faster and faster, feeling as her cock swelled and her balls tightened. “Drink your mistress’ cum you used up rich slut!”

Spoiled’s eyes widened, and then her eyebrows dropped a little as she was forced to drink down the full volume of Zecora’s thick and strong tasting load. The zebra’s cum pumped like a nearly endless stream of hot spunk, quickly filling the mare’s belly. But even as her insides were being filled, it wasn’t enough. She could feel as she started to bloat somewhat with the still coursing stream flowing into her. Spoiled could only moan a muffled cry as she felt her pussy spasming and squirting out her own large, wet orgasm.

“Good, good. Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Zecora chuckled, slowly pulling her half erect cock from Spoiled’s mouth, just as she let out one more spurt to splatter against the mare’s face. “But we are not close to done yet. My cock still needs to remind your sobbing cunt who owns it.”

Grabbing the mare, Zecora didn’t give her any time to process what was happening as she was lifted and then flipped over with her ass aimed at the zebra’s thick and cum dripping cock. But Spoiled was only allowed a second to breathe, or at least exhale as she felt the zebra’s hands reach from under her arms. In a swift and hard motion, she was hoisted upward, then set to rest her flank on zecora’s lap. But the way she was angled, the mare felt as the zebra’s hard cockhead was poking at her slick, dripping entrance. Spoiled moaned as she felt the girth started sliding its way into her, widening out her pussy and rubbing along her most sensitive spots as it reached deeper and deeper inside her.

“There we go, isn’t this better?” Zecora chuckled, adjusting to keep herself at a proper angle while making sure to keep Spoiled balanced. After a few short but deep thrusts, the zebra had her mare fuck toy in a much more favorable position. “Because we need to make sure our guest gets a good look at you.”

“G-guest?” Spoiled asked, her voice sounding weak as her body was still recovering from the aftershocks of the previous massive orgasm. But as she looked towards the doorway, her eyes widened in shock and horror as her own daughter, Diamond Tiara walked into the room. “D-D-Diamond?!” Tilting her head back towards Zecora. “Y-you said…”

“I know what I said.” Zecora said, but then her lips curled into a wicked smile. “But she came to me. Turns out your daughter is as big a slut as you are.” Looking over to Diamond, the zebra only seemed to be savoring Spoiled’s suffering. “Go on, show her what I’ve shown you.”

“Of course.” Diamond smiled, showing a blush across her face as she started to take off the modest looking skirt and shirt she was wearing. Before Spoiled’s eyes, her daughter undressed to show off a number of vibrators and sex toys taped over her nipples, clit, and within her gushing pussy and asshole. “I did it like you said, it feels so good to walk around like this.” Her eyes then met with her mother’s. “You’re gonna love it.”

“Now that my surprise is over.” Zecora chuckled, reaching up to grope at Spoiled’s tits; teasing her nipples as she tugged. “Time to show your daughter how much of a cock loving slut you are.”

Spoiled was in such shock, such confusion, that she only was brought back from her daze as Zecora pulled her down she rammed her cock up. The mare felt her insides fill to the brim with the thick girth in an instant, nearly sending her already super sensitive pussy to a quick but strong orgasm. Diamond only watched with a mix of awe and glee as she saw her mother being forced to bounce on the same cock that she had only a taste of once before. Her hands quickly found their way to her breasts and pussy as she started to rub herself to the sight. Zecora only smiled as she saw mother and daughter getting more into it.

“Isn’t she something?” Zecora teased, making sure Spoiled was watching, but keeping up with her thrusts. “She was very easy to sway, I didn’t even need to fuck her slutty cunt. Her mouth was all it took. So she is still pure, and when we’re done here, you’re going to watch me mark her as mine.”

“Y-you can’t…” Spoiled weakly replied, trying to hold onto the very last bastions of reason amidst all the pleasure. “Y-you promised.”

“I promised not to lay a hand on your daughter against her will.” Zecora replied, though her tone quickly became a sound of mockery. “But when she learned of me from one of my other sluts, I was more than willing to show her what I can do.” The zebra fucked harder and faster, grabbing at the mare’s hips as she moved; making her tits bounce with each thrust. “But I made sure to save her pussy for today, where you tell her just how much of a whore you really are.”

“I-I-I can’…” Spoiled replied, trying to remain defiant, but she could not deny how good this was making her. “Not in front of Diamond.”

“Yes, in front of her!” Zecora replied, reach back up Spoiled’s front, grabbing at her chest, pinching and pulling her sensitive nipples. “Tell her who fucks you better, whos cock is making my slutmare cum all over me, and apologize for not sharing my gift with her until now!” Spoiled tried to endure, to hold onto something in her mind to keep herself from falling into the thralls of ecstasy. But it was not enough as the zebra continued her relentless assault. “Say it you whore!”

“Fine, I’ll say it, I’ll say it.” Spoiled cried out, tears in her eyes though it was impossible to tell if it was of sorrow, or joy, or some mix of the two emotions coursing through her. Looking at her daughter, the broken mare started to moan and pant as she started squirting her small orgasms over Zecora’s cock. “Her cock, this fucking fat zebra cock is making me cum more than my limp dick husband ever could. He could never make me feel this way. Your cock is and always will be better and I never want to be away from it. Fuck my whore cunt the same way you did before. I want to bear another bastard foal of yours and claim it’s my husbands!”

Diamond was in a complete loss of words. It was one thing to watch Zecora roughly handle her mother’s body. It was another thing to essentially see her mother being raped and fucked into a submissive mess. But it was quite a completely different thing to hear that last part. “Another bastard foal”. As if she had one once before. Looking down at her body, how her curves were almost like a mix between Spoiled and Zecora’s sexy bodies, it struck her; she was the daughter of these two, not FIlthy Rich!? This revelation would scare and confuse anyone. But Diamond felt calm about it, not fully calm, but aroused. Very, very aroused. She was getting so wet that she was dripping her pleasure all over the floor as she continued to feverishly rub and finger herself; even tugging at her sensitive nipples.

Zecora was pleased, very pleased in fact of Spoiled’s words. So much in fact, that she was going to take her up on the chance to knock the MILF slut up again. Not that she wasn’t going to do it anyways, having her beg for it only made it all the better. Fucking herself in and out of the mare’s pussy, the zebra was getting more and more agressive in her motions. She wanted to make sure neither mother or daughter would forget this. In fact, she was planning to mark them both as her new toys. Diamond continued to watch as her mother was having her pussy fucked all the way to her womb, the hard cockhead kissing agressivly against her cervix. The mare couldn’t take her eyes away and she was shivering with the delight of seeing it all.

“Now that you’ve been honest.” Zecora smirked, pulling her arms back a little. “It’s time for my new bitch to be bred again.”

Zecora started to really get into the habit of the thrusts, making Spoiled’s ass smack hard against her hips with each motion. The mare’s mouth could only moan and drool as the pleasure was melting her mind. Raising her hand, she slammed it down at the slutmare’s flank, making the soft curves jiggle. She only continued to fuck harder and faster, not letting the mare’s body become accustomed to this, not allowing a single moment where even a thought could spark. All there was, was the hard and throbbing fact that Zecora’s cock was making Spoiled’s pussy her own, ruining her for everyone who would follow, as well as the pleasure Diamond felt watching all of this.

“See how much happier she is when she’s honest.” Zecora asked, looking over to Diamond, enjoying how the mare was rubbing and fondling herself as she watched. “Now why don’t you come and have a closer look. Really see how I’m going to impregnate my whore.”

Diamond did as she was told, walking over not with a confident or shy stride, but more a curious motion. Her eyes remained fixed on Zecora’s hips, seeing as the thick size was beating in and out of her mother’s womb, causing an easily noticeable belly bulge. The mare’s eyes widened as she could see just how full her mother was. It was sending shivers up her spine, as well as the fact that she could only imagine how it must feel to have such a massive size fucking in and out of her own pussy. As well as the sights and thoughts, the feeling of such a thing being what made her also caused Diamond’s pussy to gush out her sweet juices in delight and curiosity.

“How does it feel my whore?” Zakia asked, Spoiled, reaching around at the mare’s hips to thrust deeper and harder into her. “Shouldn’t you feel ashamed that “our” daughter is watching her mother being such a slut?”

Diamond couldn’t say anything, she could only watch as the zebra was fucking in and out of her mother’s pussy. The mare could see as the thick cock was forming in and out of the mare’s insides. The belly bulge was getting bigger and smaller with each hard thrust. Zecora could only smile with delight as Spoiled’s pussy was tightening up as she was spasming at the feeling of her daughter watching her being fucked like the fuck toy she was. Her womb was aching to be filled with the hot and fertile load of cum again. She wanted to be knocked up again, just so the next child can watch her being bred like a broodmare whore.

“Speak up slut.” Zecora said, adjusting herself to make Spoiled look at Diamond as she was feeling the zebra cock press against her cervix. “Tell her how it feels to be my pet.”

“It feels so good Diamond!” Spoiled panted, moaning between her heavy breaths as her ass was bouncing against Zecora’s cock. “I’m sorry I’ve kept this from you. I didn’t want you to know, I just wanted this massive...fuck...cock to myself. I’m a spoiled slut who just wants Zecora’s hot zebra cock inside me.”

“Well said.” Zecora smirked, fucking at a much faster rate, making Spoiled’s large breasts to bounce and sway with each motion. “But I don’t think it’s fair keeping my size to yourself.” Her eyes then narrowed towards Diamond, who was trembling with delight; as well as a small pool of her glistening juices were beneath her. “Come, have a more intimate look at how I knock up your mother with a new foal.”

Diamond could only obey as she slowly approached the two, carefully kneeling until she was face to pussy with Spoiled. The mare’s hot breath kissed at her mother’s sensitive pussy lips, as well as the soaked zebra cock. The sensation caused the mare to shiver, dripping more of her sparkling mare juices, almost squirting a little of them against her daughter’s face. The overwhelming smell of passion and musk was intoxicating. Diamond nearly felt a mix of heat and fatigue, her hands had not stopped playing with herself. One hand feverishly fingering her sobbing cunt, shoving nearly four fingers in her, while the other was groping at her breast, pinching and teasing her nipples as she was moaning at the sight of feelings.

“Such a well behaved daughter we made.” Zecora said, not even hiding it anymore as she picked up the pace of her thrusts. This only made Spoiled’s pussy tightened and coil around the thick girth inside her. Leaning in to whisper, the zebra’s words only made the mare’s body tremble. “How about we make another, a zebra this time?” Moving in a much more deep and hard thrust, Zecora only seemed to be making the mare’s pussy more eager to take her load.

“Yes...please give me a foal…” Spoiled moaned, looking down at Diamond with passionate, motherly eyes. “I want another foal, please fuck a zebra into my sobbing cunt! Please cum in me again, make me a mother again!”

Zecora only smirked in a satifying smile, tightening her hold on Spoiled’s thighs as she began to fuck harder and deeper, ramming her cock in and out of the mare’s wet hole. The zebra’s motions were far more animalistic and primal than before. The zebra seemed intent on breeding the mare again. Spoiled could feel the already huge size swell and expand as the balls were tightening as they slapped against the sensitive pussy, nearly smacking against Diamond’s chin as she was getting ready to orgasm. At the very last moment before she reached her orgasm, Zecora raised her head and bit down at Spoiled’s neck, sending a surge of pain and pleasure through the mare as her body was driven over the edge.

The zebra’s large, cum filled balls squeezed as they released their load into the mare’s pussy. Spoiled’s eyes widened as she felt the vast volumes of hot spunk filling her womb, making her belly bulge out. Her sensitive body trembled at the feeling of the cum sloshing in her. Diamond’s own eyes widened in a delight and awe as she could see the cock pulse and twitch as it released load after pumping load in the mare. She could see thick trickles of the hot cum run down the slick shaft, or what little managed to escape the vice tight grip of Spoiled’s pussy walls. The mare’s face was in total ecstasy, she was incapable of thinking of anything other than her rekindled love and devotion to her mistress, and the new zebra foal that was being shoved into her overfilled womb.

As Diamond continued to watch, the smell that had stunned her had only intensified as she was taking in the added aroma of Zecora’s cum and Spoiled’s orgasm. The mix of sweet and musky only made her body soaked with sweat and her own juices forming a puddle beneath her. Her knees quivered as she felt herself acting on her own. Her body moved without thought, hesitation, or any resistance. Driven by curiosity and lust, she leaned forward, her tongue slipping past her trembling lips as it touched the trickles of cum running down the half exposed cock.

“What’s this?” Zecora asked, looking down at Diamond’s actions. The mare was gently licking at the zebra’s cock and cum, savoring the flavor as if it were the most delicious of delicacies. Her eyes were glazed with an addicted passion, her will was long surrendered as she was seemingly willing to become the zebra’s newest fuck slave. “This was unexpected, but I will not turn down such an eager slut.” She then looked to Spoiled, who was still panting and shivering as the afterglow of her climax had nearly driven her mind broken. “Well this one is too tired to be of use.”

Lifting Spoiled’s body up, Zecora pulled her half erect cock free of the now fucked loose pussy. The sudden lack of dick caused her inner walls to squeeze tight, causing a large portion of cum to gush out over Diamond’s face; much of it getting into her open mouth. The more intense flavor only tingled at the mare’s senses. She was struggling not to lap at like like a heat stricken animal. Being amused by this, Zecora carefully took her MILF slut, throwing her at the bed beside her to a soft thud. Spoiled was too weak to do anything, moaning as she felt herself being tossed like a used fuck doll, as well as her sensitive skin shuttering at the soft embrace of the bed.

“Well then my daughter.” Zecora teased, swaying her soaked cock hypnotically at Diamond's face. “How will you clean your mistress off?”

Diamond stared for a moment, swallowing her courage, as well as the last drops of the hot cum she had taken. She couldn’t think of anything else, all her thoughts held were the need to taste more of Zecora’s cock and cum. Leaning forward, she wasted no time licking at the zebra’s cock, kissing along the shaft to get as much of the mare juices and cum across her lips as possible. The zebra was quite surprised, as well as pleased, with the skill the mare was showing. It was her first time handling her and yet Diamond was going at it with the same enthusiasm that Spoiled once showed all those years ago.

“Looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, she fell straight down.” Zecora laughed as she took her hands, gently placing them on Diamond’s shoulders. “But now that your mouth is wet and slippery, I want to see how much you can take.”

Getting a firm grip of Diamond’s shoulders, Zecora shoved herself into the mare’s mouth, easily reaching the back of her throat by the first thrust. The mare’s eyes widened in surprise, only to half close in a soft, lustful daze. There was an easily visible throat bulge, but the zebra didn’t care. She held herself in place for a few moments, savoring the feeling of her daughter’s throat cunt quiver under the strain and lack of air. Only pulling partially out at the last second. Diamond gasped in precious air, oxygen mixing with musk as it filled her lungs, making her moan and pant, as well as the thin layers of cum and mare juices along her throat permeating across her tongue. It was like just breathing caused her to taste Zecora’s musky cock.

“Not bad for the first thrust.” Zecora teased, slowly sliding herself back into the mare, making sure to enjoy the feeling of rubbing along Diamond’s tongue as she made her way deeper. “Your mother was the same way when I first sampled her throat cunt.” She then smiled as she started to pick up a slow but steady thrusting pattern. “But just like her, you’ll learn.” The sensations of having such a warm, wet, and tight fuck hole only made her more and more aroused and eager to fuck harder and more aggressively. “Oh yes, you will learn. I will mold your body into my personal cock sleeve. Maybe I’ll breed you with some foals and ruin you for any weaker males.”

Diamond only continued to suckle, struggling at first, but managing to let Zecora move her hips in and out of her mouth. The mare’s eyes rolled back as she felt her body being used as little more than the zebra’s fuck toy. She was her daughter, and was being face fucked like a common, loose lipped whore. And she was loving every moment of it. Diamond felt a rush surge through her unlike anything she had ever felt before. For so long, she was just a spoiled brat, using others and throwing them away. But to be the one to be used, the feeling that she could be discarded like a used and broken toy, it made her soaking wet. Her pussy was gushing her juices as both her hands were rubbing and fingering herself.

“Such a good, well behaved daughter.” Zecora said, smirking as her movements began to pick up speed and force, slapping her balls against Diamond’s chin as she humped against her mouth. “I doubt this is the first time you’ve had a dick in your mouth, but to adjust to my cock so quickly. I am impressed.” Sliding her hands up to the sides of the mare’s head, her eyes narrowed into a predatory gaze. “But now let’s see if you can really impress me.”

Pulling nearly her full length out, keeping only the hard cockhead lying gently on Diamond’s hanging tongue. Thick beads of precum dripped out in the mare’s mouth, tantalizing her taste buds, making her moan a whimpering sound, begging to be throat fucked again. She wanted to have her mouth filled with the massive cock, she wanted to taste every inch of her mistress, and she needed to be filled with the hot and heavy load just like her mother. Her eyes looked over to Spoiled’s resting and still twitching body. She could see how it was still sweating and the cum that was still gushing out of her gaping wide pussy.

“Beg for it.” Zecora said, almost ordering the mare to plead to be throat fucked again like the heat stricken slut. Diamond could see the authority and dominance in the zebra’s eyes. She could only tremble in submission. She couldn’t resist, panting more as her mistress continued her command. “I want to hear you beg me to fuck your whore throat cunt.”

“Please…” Diamond begged, panting her heavy breath as she looked up at the zebra. Her eyes were quivering like the rest of her body. Her knees were soaked with her mare juices as she was sitting in her own dripping passion. She needed to feel herself getting face fucked again. The thought of being without it any longer was making her anxious and needy. “...I need it. Please fuck your whore daughter’s slutty throat cunt and fill me with your hot cum…”

“Very good. Very, very good.” Zecora nodded, almost giving Diamond a sincere smile as she readied herself. Her cock twitched against the mare’s tongue as a few more droplets of cum dripped in her mouth, making her lips quiver with an eager excitement. “I believe you have earned your treat my pet.”

With only a deep inhale as a brief warning, Zecora let out a loud breath as she rammed her cock back into Diamond’s mouth, easily reaching the back of her throat and forming a bulge in the wet hole. The mare’s eyes widened from the sudden feeling of being gagged by the thick size. They they became hazy and glazed with passion and want as tremors of lust filled her. Finally, they rolled back as she was feeling one body shaking orgasm after another. She wasn’t even a mare anymore, just some fuck toy for Zecora’s sole use and pleasure. She accepted this new life, and she embraced it with a squirting climax under her.

Zecora barely noticed how Diamond’s bodily reactions, only savoring the feeling of the mare’s throat cunt wrapping its warm wetness around her cock. The girth twitched and swelled a little as she continued to hump her hips against the mare’s lips, sliding herself in and out at a rapid and rhythmic pace. She was showing no signs of slowing down, or even showing any sympathy or mercy on her new pet. Diamond begged to be fucked, and Zecora was going to fuck her into a bubbling mess.

Zecora thrusted herself in and out of Diamond’s mouth, making the mare moan a muffled cry with each motion, leaving a swelled and deep throat bulge. The zebra’s appetite to facefuck this mare was insatiable, a craving that she was going to take on this mare’s body. The mare shivered under the pressure, feeling the rough and hard humping of Zecora’s body, she wanted to feel more and more of her new master’s cock in her body. Her pussy ached to be fuck, she wanted to have her sobbing wet hole ruined by the massive girth already marking her throat cunt.

“Very good, very, very good.” Zecora smiled, fucking Diamond’s mouth faster and faster, feeling as she was getting ready to cum. Her balls tightened as they smacked against her chin, her cock swelling in size. “Time to feed my pet.”

Zecora did a few more fast and deep thrusts before shoving her full length down Diamond’s throat, holding the sides of her head to keep her in place as she choked down the vast amounts of thick, gooey cum being pumped directly into her stomach. The mare’s eyes opened wide in shock and awe as she cooed her muffed and weak whimpers of pleasure, feeling her belly filling with the hot load, giving her a pronounced belly bulge to match her large throat bulge. Greedily and obediently, Diamond swallowed her master’s hot cum, savoring every second of it’s musky flavor.

“There, a delicious treat for my newest pet.” Zecora said, pulling her cock from Diamond’s mouth, causing some of her heavy load to pour out of the mare’s quivering, open mouth. She only panted as she shivered weakly, unable to even think any thoughts; only the satifaction she was good fuck pet. “But it seems that may have been too much for you.” The zebra looked over to Spoiled, who was eagerly watching what her master did to their daughter. “Feeling lonely? Come and clean me off so I can properly knock you both up.”

Spoiled crawled towards Zecora, sliding along the bed until her face met with the zebra’s fluid smeared cockhead. The slutty MILF mare obediently started to kiss and lick along the cockhead and shaft, enjoying the taste of both the zebra and her daughter on her tongue. The older mare lost herself in her pleasure, indulging in the delicious, addicting, musky cock that was her master’s. Zecora watched with a gleeful smirk as the mare showed her place, as cocksleeve to suck and fuck on her massive size. The zebra’s eyes looked over every visible inch of the MILF mare, her mind filling with the fun thoughts of fucking her pregnant, fucking her during pregnancy, and fucking her pregnant after giving birth.

“It seems you have fully remembered your place slut.” Zecora said, placing a hand on Spoiled’s head, petting her fucktoy. “But to really serve me, I will need much more than your and your daughter’s bodies. I want you to sign over your finances to me. I have some things that requires a more...subtle flow of income. You will give me everything.”

“Yes, I’ll do it.” Spoiled moaned, licking and suckling faster at Zecora’s cock. “But what about my husband?”

“Oh I have a few thoughts.” Zecora said, her lips curled into a wicked and almost sinister grin. “He should be returning from a business meeting in a few days if I recall.”

“Ah, it does feel good to return home after my such a long trip.” Filthy Rich said to himself, making his way into his manor, seeing the numerous staff going about their business and jobs. “Things seem to be lively today.” Walking towards his study, he noticed not a sight or sound from his family. “That’s odd, Spoiled would usually ask how things went. Or at least Diamond would ask me for some shopping money.” Entering his study, he could see a note left on his desk. He easily recognized the handwriting as his wife’s. “Spoiled? She wants me to meet in the guest bedroom. Something about changes needing to be made. Alright.”

Not noticing anything was out of the ordinary, he went to the guest bedroom, only to be struck by an unseen assailant the moment he set foot inside the room. It was some time before Filthy managed to open his eyes. But the first thing he noticed that he was unable to move. Upon a quick look, he could see he bound and gagged, left on the floor, though a sound took him towards the bed. His eyes were met by a horrifying sight. His wife was riding on some pony’s massive cock as his daughter was suckling at the pony’s large balls. The stallion tried to scream, but his shouts were muffled; but his struggles did caught the attention of the zebra, who looked at him with a confident smirk.

“Ah, you have awoken? Good.” Zecora said, her tone only seemed to show dominance over the slutmares. “As you can see, your wife and daughter are mine now.”

Spoiled moaned like a whore in heat as she bounced and rode her ass over the zebra’s cock, feeling every inch of it shape and mold her insides. Zecora chuckled as she grabbed at the mare’s sides, thrusting herself upwards faster and faster before shoving her full length in the mare, releasing another thick and heavy load of cum deep in her womb. Diamond only continued to lap, lick, and suckle along the tightened balls as they pumped their hot loads in her mother. But as she finished her last thrust, Zecora pulled herself from the gooey mess that was Spoiled’s pussy, letting her daughter to suck at the zebra’s half erect cock.

“There we go, show him how you service your mistress.” Zecora laughed as she leaned up, having Spoiled shift off her to join Diamond. Gesturing with her hand, she had them turn to show their heavy, cum filled bellies. “While you were away, I’ve been feeding them my cum, they will be baring my zebra foals now.” And to add insult to injury, she even showed a document signed by Spoiled. “As well as I now control your family’s wealth. Everything here is mine.”

Filthy could only watch as he saw his wife suck along the thick cockhead, trying to get as much of the zebra’s large girth in her throat cunt as possible. While his daughter was busy smothering her muzzle against the zebra’s cum filled, heavy balls. The sight was a living nightmare for him. He knew he hadn’t touched Spoiled in years and Diamond had just reached adulthood, but never in his darkest dreams had he thought this could ever happen. He wasn’t sure what to do. Even if he managed to break free and run, where could he go? Who would believe him? The documents even had a forged signature in his name, so he was destitute.

Snapping her fingers, Zecora had the girls move their mouths from her fluid soaked cock, allowing her to get up. Walking in a confident and arrogant fashion, the zebra approached Filthy, bending down to get a closer look in the stallion’s shocked eyes. Her lips spread into a smile that nearly froze his blood in horror. She showed not a single show of remorse, empathy, pity, or mercy. Only the look of a dominating, aggressive, and brutal predator shown in the zebra’s eyes. Filthy could see that there was nothing he could do but watch, watch as everything he cared for was being taken from him. Seeing that the stallion was emotionally distraught, Zecora turned to sit on the pony’s face, making sure her musky, heavy balls rested on his face.

“There we go, just where you belong.” Zecora stated, enjoying the suffering and humiliation she was putting Filthy through. But her eyes then turned to Spoiled and Diamond, both of which were only watching. “Well, I didn’t tell you to stop. Finish serving your mistress.”

Spoiled and Diamond crawled over to their master, their eyes set on the fat cock and huge balls that rested on Filthy’s head. The zebra enjoyed the sight of her obedient and needy cock sluts. The look in their eyes as they saw only what they wanted, to taste more of the fat zebra cock. They could barely remember what they did before, only that now they serve Zecora. Gesturing with her fingers, the zebra pointed them to continue their servicing of her size, ignoring their father and husband being under her.

Not wasting even a moment to pause, Diamond and Spoiled leaned in, making sloppy wet noises as the two kissed, licked, and suckled at Zecora’s cock. The two only wanted to taste every inch of the zebra. Not wanting to forget even a second of its flavor. Filthy could only struggle to breathe, being partially smothered by the zebra’s notixously smelly musk balls. Though he could barely see, the emotionally broken stallion could certainly hear everything. Noises that he never heard Spoiled make before, sounds that he would’ve never believed Diamond would ever do around him. His family was gone, replaced by these cock obsessed whores, and all he felt was sorrow.

“Almost there my pets.” Zecora hummed, feeling as she was getting closer and closer to orgasm. It wasn’t going to be long before she was going to splatter the inside of their mouth and cover their faces in her cum again. They spunk filled belly bulges only served a prelude to what they would look like in a matter of months. Adjusting herself, she wanted to give Filthy a better look. “Keep going, I want Filthy to get a good look of me taking his family from him. Then, maybe I’ll fuck your staff next.”

Leaning back to get the best view, Zecora felt as her balls tightened, pressing against the top of Filthy’s head before the cum bubbled up from her heavy sack, pumping through her thick shaft. Diamond and Spoiled pressed their mouths against the tip, making sure both would get a good share of cum in their hungry mouths. The zebra grunted as her orgasm released itself, splattering against the insides of the mares’ mouths, tantalizing their tongues and sending their sensitive bodies to their own climaxes. As well as in their throat cunts, the zebra’s jelly thick spunk shot out and plastered their faces and muzzles in the heavy load, leaving several long ropes along their manes and down to their tits.

“There we go.” Zecora sighed a breath of satisfaction and relief. The sight of her pets covered in her cum only made her more and more happy and amused. Leaning down, she placed a hand on Filthy’s head. “Oh, and there’s just one more thing I have, you might be interested to know.” Gesturing over to a corner of the room, the stallion’s eyes widened in shock as he saw that there was a camera set up, at an angle where it heard and saw everything. “Now it would be a shame if not only word went around Equestria of your family’s debauchery, but even videos to circulate. Now wouldn’t that be a shame?” Filthy only whimpered in a sad and pitiful defeat. There was nothing he could do, but obey whatever Zecora wanted. “Good to know there is an understanding.”

Zecora pressed herself forward a little, smothering Filthy’s face with her balls again. This time, however, she didn't show any restraint. It was like she was intending to suffocate the stallion, letting the last things he would know would be his embarrassment and the smell of the zebra’s heavy balls. He did struggle, feeling as less and less air was entering his lungs as his body attempted in vain to thrash, in hopes to throw the zebra off him. But she had him pinned down too tight, the restraints on him only seemed to hurt the more he fought back. His eyes were rolling back as he was slipping further and further into unconsciousness. It was only at the very last second, that Zecora lifted her balls to give Filthy some air, but the stallion was already passed out.

"Enjoy your new position, as all weak and pathetic males like you soon will. Completely under me, with nothing to look forward to but the smell and sweat of the superior balls that own your wife and daughter." Zecora teased, mocking the knocked out, weak stallion. With her position fully established over Filthy, she turned her eyes over to Spoiled and Diamond. She enjoyed the sight of both mother and daughter, covered in her cum as they shivered in their afterglow daze. “Such a lovely sight. Given the right push, even royalty can bend knee.”

This Land is Mine

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"You know, this is not what I was thinking when I broke you sluts." Zecora commented, laying back on the bed as both Pinkie Pie and Cup Cake were busy giving her massive cock their usual sloppy, double blowjob. All while Carrot Cake was kneeling at the end of the bed, watching the display with his emotionally broken eyes. "I think a change of pace is in order."

"Ooo?! You should fuck my family!" Pinkie suggested between licks and sucks along the zebra's shaft. Speaking only between her sultry moans. "My sisters would love to choke on your big dick! Oh! And my mommy, she would be such a cockslut!"

"I don't recall giving you permission to speak slut." Zecora replied, grabbing the back of the mare's head, shoving her over her cock. As much as she liked the enthusiasm, she needed to remind Pinkie constantly who was in charge. The mare didn’t even take effort to submit; no sooner had she seen her thick cock, she was on her knees with Cup Cake. "First you need to choke on my cock before I break your family."

Thrusting a little, the zebra started to throat fuck the mare like a pink sex toy. Cup Cup, not wanting to be punished, focused downwards, starting to make out with her mistress' heavy, leathery ball sack; suckling between each ball. Zecora, enjoying how devoted the plump mare was, only sought to further fuck Pinkie's body with little to know care for the mare's wellbeing. But the zebra was more than aware that her fuck toy was very durable, as well as she was feeling so generous with Cup Cake’s devotion, she may even reward her.

"But you do make a good point." Zecora added, thrusting herself into Pinkie's mouth as if she was trying to fuck all the way to the mare's stomach. "If your sisters or even your mother are just as fuckable as you are, then I believe I will enjoy making them scream." Her mind swirled with the thought of more easy to plow holes like Pinkie being within her grasp.

Pinkie tried to say something, but her mouth was too full of Zecora's cock to really speak up. Rather than giving her pet a chance to talk, the zebra only facefucked faster and harder against the mare's mouth. Cup Cake only remained as she was, obediently worshipping at her mistress’ balls, not giving even the slightest sign of resistance or free will. Her time with her had done its work, the bakery mare was now nothing more than a cocksleeve for the zebra. Carrot was no different, remaining in his kneeling position, watching his wife and coworker only being moist fuckholes. He was only so lucky to watch as Zecora would fill his wife with her superior cum every day.

"Almost there slut." Zecora said, rubbing her dick deeper along Pinkie's warm and tight throat-pussy. Grabbing at her throat bulge, she humped harder and rougher. "You can speak when you've been fed."

Faster and faster the zebra fucked the mare's mouth. Cup Cake could feel the balls in her mouth tighten as the cum was getting ready to flow out. Gritting her teeth, Zecora let out a deep groan as her hot cum surged through her swelling cock, pumping the thick load into Pinkie's mouth. The mare let out a muffled cry as she greedily swallowed load after load that her mistress was feeding her. After a few short minutes of drinking down her hot meal, the mare was allowed to pull her face off the cock, rubbing her swollen belly.

"Very good my pet." Zecora said, rubbing at the mare's head as if to praise her for swallowing her full climax. "You may now speak. Who would be the easiest to break?"

"Well...Marble is pretty shy, but she is submissive. Limestone might act all feisty, but she can't say no to a fat cock." Pinkie explained, listing off her family and how they could be broken. "My mom is a little hard to figure out, cause I've never seen her with anyone but my dad, and even then I don't think they've had sex since Marble was born." After thinking for a few more seconds, an idea sparked into her head. "Ooo! I know! Maud! She's quiet yeah, but she totally loves massive and hard dicks. And she lives nearby."

"That will do." Zecora nodded, rubbing her chin as small plans were forming. "And I recall she also has a special somepony?" Not that it mattered if Maud was in a loyal relationship, she would break the mare all the same.

"Mudbriar? Yeah, but he's totally boring." Pinkie commented, thinking back to the last time she visited her sister. "I mean, yeah, he's got a pretty good dick, and he knows how to use it. But yours is like bigger, thicker, harder…” Her words began to wander off as she started licking along Zecora’s soaked shaft. It wasn’t until her mistress snapped her fingers that she continued. “I'm certain Maud will want in on our fun."

"We shall see my pet, if not, I will simply break them." Zecora said, gesturing a finger to Cup Cake. "You have been very obedient today. So I shall reward you by fucking your whore womb full of my foals again." The mare was quick to action, getting up to rest her flank on her mistress' cock as she faced her husband. "Once I am finished, we shall visit your sister Pinkie."

The moment Cup Cake felt the kiss of Zecora’s cockhead against her soaked pussy lips, she dropped over her mistress, not even letting her order it. While this would’ve caused her to be rather annoyed by her sex slave’s action, her good mood softened her resolve. Smirking, she grabbed Cup Cake’s hips, lifting her, only to fuck her thick size back into her. The mare let out a whorish moan as she felt her insides being stretched and marked by the thick precum that leaked out. Carrot knew what this meant, he was going to watch his wife be impregnated by the zebra again. They only had just been lucky when the child looked more like Cup Cake and got along with the Twins. But he knew they were only pushing their luck. Eventually, a zebra foal would be born.

“Don’t you look away you beta slut.” Zecora ordered, directing an intense glare at Carrot as he looked away for only a moment. Thrusting her cock as fast and hard as she could into Cup Cake, she made sure the stallion got the best view of Cup Cake’s gushing pussy and the zebra’s bouncing balls. “Good, good, keep watching. I’m feeling generous, so you can sit there and watch. Get a good view!”

Carrot only watched, knowing he was not allowed to touch himself, which did not help as Pinkie was kneeling next to him, feverishly fingering her sobbing wet pussy as she watched eagerly. Zecora couldn’t help but smile a sincere expression as she enjoyed seeing her broken slaves behave without being told. It only made her want to reward them for their service. But this did not mean she was going soft. She wanted to be sure they knew she could remove their pleasure at any moment. Their every, happy breath was a gift, a luxury their benevolent mistress gave them.

“Here it comes slut.” Zecora grunted, slapping her balls hard against Cup Cake as her cock swelled; stretching her inner walls before bottoming out in the mare’s hole. The formally faithful wife was little more than a zebra’s whore, to be bred and sire foals that will grow to fuck more ponies into submission. “I want to hear you scream when I cum!”

Wrapping her arms around the pourtly mare, Zecora slammed her fat cock faster and faster, pressing hard against Cup Cake’s cervix while her heavy balls slapped against her toy. Her larger tits bounced hard and milk leaked from her erect nipples, she was ready to scream from her climax. Groaning, Zecora gave her pet a final push, bottoming out her full size in the mare before releasing her load. Cup Cake screamed out, her eyes rolling back and tongue dangling from her mouth as she felt her entire body become electrified in orgasm.

“There we go.” Zecora chuckled to herself, giving Cup Cake a few more hard thrusts to push as much heavy cum in her as possible. “Good and pregnant.” Releasing her, the zebra watched with an amused smirk as the filled mare collapsed forward, falling directly on her husband. Getting up, she did a little stretching as she looked to the twitching, cum leaking Cup Cake. Looking over to Pinkie, who was laying on her back, her fingers soaked in her juices as she licked them passionately. “Now Pinkie, show me where your sister lives.”

Maud Pie’s home was not a typical dwelling, it was as unique as the mare herself. An underground cavern that opened into a massive pond, surrounded by sparkling crystals. Truly, it was the perfect place for the mare, especially with her doctorate in rock studies. Over her time in Ponyville, as well as her relationship with the stick obsessed Mudbriar, he had added many plants that could survive in the darker environments. To an outsider, this home was the most beautiful home anypony could have for such a low value; and the most valuable of all features, the home was private, far from anyone to wander in.

Struggling to hold back, Zecora couldn’t help but smirk a feeling of early victory. This place was too perfect, out of the way, quiet, and almost certain that nopony would ever stumble across her as she would break her soon to be victims. Pinkie didn’t join her, she was tasked with getting the other two mares. This was the riskiest approach the zebra had taken, even more daring than meeting with Spoiled Rich. If Maud and Mudbriar were not as easy to break as promised, she would have to think of something. A small vial resting in a satchel, a memory poison that would leave the two with no recollection of her visit. She couldn’t help but thank the ignorance of the ponies for showing no interest in Zebra potion making.

As she made her way, remaining quiet and stealthy, like a shadow on the walls, she could hear faint sounds. Carefully, she continued down the crystal lined cavern, curious as to what the noise was. The smell of fresh water as well of a faint odor of passion struck the zebra’s senses. Zecora couldn’t help but giggle as she reached the end of the tunnel, seeing the bright light of the sunshine against the shimmering crystals, illuminating the rest of the open space. But what drew her attention was that the two ponies in question were quite busy. Maud was laying on her back, with her special somepony pounding his surprisingly large dick in and out of her gushing pussy.

‘Well then, Pinkie might have been right after all.’ Zecora thought to herself, unable to stop herself from smiling, her eyes fixed on the two like a hungry predator. ‘Looks like this will be far easier than I hoped.’

As Zecora pondered her next step, the two ponies continued to fuck, unaware of their guest. Maud’s body was something nopony would’ve expected. She had curves that seemed to run in her family, as her breasts were large, bouncing with each hard thrust from her lover. Her nipples were twitching and seemingly leaking out milk, whether she was pregnant or it was a family trait, it was hard to say. It was a side of her body she would never show due to her clothing. Mudbriar was even more surprising. He was one of, if not, the most boring stallion in all of Equestria, and thus nopony would’ve ever guessed he had a cock that rivaled a minotaur. Possibly something to do with being an Earth pony, but he had a hard and thick girth that his love was taking in her soaking wet entrance.

“Your fat cock feels amazing.” Maud said, her tone remaining stoic, giving no indication of any pleasurable moans. But to those who knew her, they could tell she was orgasming over and over. “Keep fucking my mantle full of your hot magma.”

“I would prefer to deposit my sap into your warm soil.” Mudbriar replied, displaying the same stoic tone as his marefriend. “I’m getting close.” Picking up his speed, he fucked himself deeper and faster into Maud’s pussy, making loud and wet slapping sounds with each thrust. “I’m releasing myself inside you.”

“Do it. Cum inside me.” Maud said, keeping her eyes on her special somepony, for only a brief moment, a twinkle of passion showed in her eyes before lifting her head back as she panted a little. Mudbriar picked up his speed, before pushing himself fully into the mare, releasing his climax into her. Closing her eyes, she basked in the afterglow, feeling her lover’s warmth inside her. “That was good.”

“I am happy you enjoyed it.” Mudbriar nodded, pulling his cock out of Maud’s pussy, leaking her wet entrance leaking out his cum. Content, he turned towards Zecora’s direction. “Sorry you had to see that. But I always want to please my marefriend when she wants it.”

“Oh it is of no concern.” Zecora said, using her rhyming tone to try and throw the two ponies off guard. Though the stoic and emotionless look on the two would make it nearly impossible to tell if her deception was working. “If I had known, I can return later if you prefer.”

“That isn’t going to be an issue at all.” Mudbriar commented, not even bothering to put on pants as his dick hung between his legs, still dripping some cum on the stone ground. “It’s actually good you came, we’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

“Oh, is that so?” Zecora asked, raising an eyebrow as she wondered what they wanted to talk about. For a moment, she felt a small chill run down her spine. “What you want to know?”

“For starters, you can drop the rhyming, we both know that’s not how you really talk.” Mudbriar started, causing Zecora’s eye to twitch. She had been found out, but how? For a second, she considered using the potion. But the two seemed far too calm to have called her out on this revelation. “Oh, there’s no need to be so tense. We know what you’ve been doing, but that doesn’t mean we’re against it.”

“You seem to be quite knowledgeable.” Zecora inquired, dropping her deceptive tone to bring out her more dominating tone. “And pray tell, how did you find out?”

“I noticed something was off about Pinkie the last time she was visiting.” Maud commented, remaining in bed as she kept her eyes on the zebra. “I know my sister, and she does seem happier. I want to know how you did it.”

“Oh? You want to know how I made her feel good?” Zecora smiled, seeing that this was going to be far easier than she thought. “Well, I am more than willing to show you.”

“I would appreciate it.” Maud nodded, getting up to walk towards the nearby pond. “Let me clean myself first.”

“Oh that is no problem at all.” Zecora’s smile was becoming closer and closer to her wicked smirk. “If anything, being cleaned up first would be preferable.” She didn’t want to say it, but part of her wanted to keep Mudbriar’s cum in her, so she could fuck the weaker spunk out of her.

“I would appreciate it if you did not use that drug on my marefriend.” Mudbriar stated, looking at Zecora’s satchel. Before she could even reply, he raised a hand to stop her. “I know it would be nearly impossible to know it, but I can tell part of Pinkie’s euphoria is a side effect of iboga, which is a mind altering herb found in western Zebrica.”

“You are quite knowledgeable about your herbs.” Zecora complimented, showing a rare moment of sincerity as she was impressed by the two. It was true that she had a mind altering drug made using such a herb she brought from Zebrica, but it was used only when she had to. Giving a little to Pinkie was only to keep her from running her mouth over what she had done to her. Not even in a sinister way but because the pink mare couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. “And yet you do not seem concerned?”

“I know the worst effects are merely hallucinations and euphoric feelings.” Mudbriar explained, sounding like he was lecturing her, which did partially annoy her. “I would assume you are skilled enough to keep the measurements at a minimum to maintain just enough of an effect that wouldn’t cause any long lasting, and noticeable symptoms.”

“I’m ready.” Maud commented, walking back to the two, showing her curvaceous and wet body as she approached. Sitting on the bed, she gave Zecora a look that for a moment, she could’ve sworn it was a lustful gaze. “Shall we begin?”

It was impossible to tell just how much time had passed since she had begun, but Zecora felt her body burning with pleasure. Maud's body was every bit as fuckable as Pinkie's, if not, even tighter and more receptive. Despite having such a stoic expression on her face all the time, the mare's inner walls were silk soft and coiled around this thick zebra size in a way a mare at the height of her heat would have. Zecora made sure to savor every moment of it, though there was only one issue; Maud's expressions.

Typically, when a mare's pussy was this eager and needy, the mare's face would have the look of being broken in, or downright slutty and whore like, but not Maud. The mare's expression remained unchanging, only letting out a small sound between harder thrusts, the slightest of a blush across her face, and her deep, penetrating eyes that seemed to try to stare into Zecora's soul. All in all it was by far the strangest experience she had felt when plowing a mare.

"I must admit, I did not expect this." Zecora commented, keeping her pace as she fucked Maud as deep as she could go. "Usually the mares put up a fight, or scream, or something." Reaching down, she groped at Maud's chest, squeezing the endowment as hard as she could, but the mare gave out not a moan or reaction. "Yet you make not a single sound. Do you feel nothing?"

"I do." Maud replies, looking up at the zebra, letting out the faintest panting sound. "You cock is much bigger and better at fucking my insides than my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? That's what he is?" Zecora raises an eyebrow, looking down to see the stallion, Mudbriar suckling at her musky, sweaty ball sack. "I thought he was some twink whore you keep around." As she continued to fuck herself in and out of Maud’s pussy, she continued to mock the stallion. “Seriously, of all the weak stallions I’ve broken, you were the easiest!”

"No, Mudbriar is my lover." Maud states, her eyes wandering back down to the stallion, only seeing the top of his head as he worshipped at Zecora's balls. "But his dick is too small to please me, especially after your cock is reaming my insides. It's making me cum."

Thrusting harder and faster, Zecora grabbed at Maud's hips, steadying her pace as she delivered more and more brutal fucking, though the mare gave no change in expression. Becoming more and more frustrated, the zebra was set to force a moan out of Maud's mouth, even if she had to break her pussy and fuck her insides to worthless fuck meat. Mudbriar remained as he was, suckling at Zecora's balls while he was busy jerking off.

"This is getting frustrating." Zecora grunted as she felt herself getting close to orgasm. Reaching up, she grabbed at Maud's chest again, pulling and pinching her nipples as if she was trying to twist them off. Creamy milk leaked out as she continued to tease at the mare's nipples. "Why won't you scream you whore?"

"I don't scream." Maud replied, giving Zecora a stoic stare. "If it means anything, your cock is making my pussy spasm so hard, I love how painful you're treating me. You can fuck me harder if you want."

"Is that so?" Zecora grunted, her eye twitching a little as she felt a piece of her pride fracture. Releasing Maud's chest, she grabbed at her sides. Pulling her cock fully out, she flipped the mare over, giving her a better angle to fuck her from behind. "If ramming your cunt won't make you scream, then I'll fuck that whore ass until you're gushing my load out your throat!"

"Whatever works for you." Maud stated, not even turning her head to look at Zecora as she braced herself. "Feel free to go as hard as you-" Her words were cut off as the zebra thrusted her slick and soaked size into her tight ass, giving her not a moment to adjust to the girth.

"How does that feel?" Zecora grunted, raising a hand to deliver a hard smack against Maud's ass, making her fuckably soft flank jiggle. "You thought I was gonna keep my dick in that loose cunt of yours? Why should I limit myself to just one of your fuck holes?"

"If I may?" Mudbriar asked, stopping from his ball suckling. "I understand this is how you usually engage in intercourse, but must you be so vulgar?"

"Shut up you hung twink bitch!" Zecora snapped, in no mood to deal with the stallion, let alone hear his voice. Reaching down, she grabbed at the back of his head, pressing him closer to her leathery sack, almost as if to suffocate him a little. "You're lucky to even worship my balls, so keep at it and shut up!"

Keeping up her pace, not wanting to give Maud a chance to settle on her size, Zecora fucked in and out of the mare's ass. She was driven, almost obsessed, to make the mare moan or scream or make some noise. It was no longer about breaking in a new slut, she didn't even care if Maud would be a comatose fleshtoy after this. All the zebra wanted was to get a reaction out of the mare. Nothing would stop her from this goal, even as Mudbriar drowned in her ball's sweat and musk as she fucked his marefriend ass like it was a gaping pussy.

“I’m gonna cum soon.” Zecora stated, continuing to pound Maud’s ass with the same fervor and devotion to breed as she had to her previous victims. “How does that sound? To have that tight ass fucked full of my hot load while your boyfriend drowns in my musk?”

“Keep going.” Maud replied, her ass squeezing against the zebra’s size as her pussy seemed to be gushing a hard and wet puddle under her; soaking her knees. “I have came over a dozen times now, so it is only fair for you to fill me up.”

Zecora only sighed, taking a breath as she composed herself. There was no way she was going to get anything out of her. Maud had to be broken by now, or atleast close to breaking; even if she didn't show it. The zebra felt as her balls were tightening, even as Mudbriar continued to give her a thorough tongue job. Zecora's cock swelled as she felt herself getting ready yo cum. Feeling mischievous, she pulled her cock all the way out, causing Maud's asshole to tighten hard.

"If I'm gonna cum, it's gonna be in your loose cunt!" Zecora grunted, grabbing Maud's ass hard as she rammed herself back in her pussy. The sudden tight warmth was enough to push the zebra over her edge. "Take my load slut!"

Zecora blushed as she groaned, releasing her orgasm deep in Maud's pussy, filling her womb of her potent and powerful cum. The mare opened her mouth only a little as she let out the faintest of a moan as she felt her belly bulging from the zebra's heavy climax. Her pussy squeezed hard against Zecora's girth, as if to keep it in place. She didn't mind. Though the mare gave barely a show of pleasure, her body was much more talkative, milking her cum for every drop.

"Oh yeah, that's much better." Zecora cooed, struggling only a little to pull herself free of Maud's tight embrace. Once free, only a trickle gushed out of her fucked open hole. "Now that's what I was looking for."

"You certainly know how to copulate." Mudbriar commented, standing besides Zecora as he admired her handiwork. "I must admit, I have never seen Maud look like that."

"Really?" Zecora asked, looking between the stallion and mare, her face showing more confusion. "She appears the same to me."

"I assure you, she is quite satisfied." Mudbriar stated, looking between Maud and Zecora. "I do not believe I will be able to please her from now on after this."

"Good to know." Zecora smirked, satisfied she at least managed to fuck Maud into submission, or as close to submission as she could. "But now, what to do with you?"

"Oo! Oo! I have an idea!" Shouted the loud and excitable voice that could only belong to Pinkie echoing from the entrance. Turning, the two saw the mare in question, but she was not alone. "I brought them!"

At her sides stood Marble and Limestone Pie, both of which were blushing at the sight before them. Looking at the three, Zecora took in the sight of the pie sisters. Limestone didn't have the same bust size as her sisters, being quite small, possibly a large B cup at best. But she had a much rounder looking ass. The zebra's eyes narrowed on the mare's body, making sure to savor the feeling before she would plow her ass.

Marble had an impressive body, her chest rivaling Pinkie's in size, clearly not wearing a bra; possibly unable to find one her size. But she seemed to have a fairly average looking flank. The smallest compared to her sisters, but still seemed durable yet soft. As well as this, both mares were in very loose fitting clothing, Limestone in a short white t-shirt with slightly worn denim overalls, while Marble was in a very long shirt that almost looked like a short dress.

"Oh, Pinkie? Wonderful for you to come." Zecora commented, turning to face the three, not even trying to hide her hanging cock. Smiling, she stared at the three. "Well then, who shall be first?"

"Please, I'm not scared." Limestone declared, not that anyone accused her of cowardice. "I'll go first."

Walking over, she wasted no time getting on her knees. Despite her bravado, her face became scarlet in a wide blush. Swallowing hard, she trembled as she reached out to touch at Zecora's shaft. Her fingers were awkward and struggled to properly stroke the size. But she seemed determined to ensure she could show off her abilities. The other two only stood and watched, though Pinkie was helping Marble unwind by slowly touching her body.

For a few more minutes, Zecora watched as Limestone picked up her pace, taking her cock in one hand, while her other hand fondled at the zebra's cum heavy balls. The mare was more talented than she expected, her mouth felt almost as warm and tight as Pinkie's, but it still lacked something. Feeling playful, Zecora reached to the back of Limestone's head. Before she could even react, the zebra shoved her thick size to the back of the mare's throat, causing it to bulge.

"Much better." Zecora groaned, shivering as she felt the full silk-like feeling of Limestone's throatpussy. "Do all you Pies have fuckable mouths?"

"You bet we do!" Pinkie moaned, currently on her knees as she was busy tonguefucking Marble's soaking wet pussy. "We Pies have the best bodies to fuck. Just wait until you meet my mommy."

"If that's the case, I'll have to savor your sisters now." Zecora replied, her lips curling back into a wicked smile as she turned her attention back to Limestone. Placing her other hand on the mare's head, her tone sounded more primeval. "Time to fuck my new slut!"

Limestone's mind was being fucked to mush as Zecora brutally facefucked her, showing as little mercy as possible. The mare's eyes rolled back as she felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. While not as desirable as Pinkie or Marble, Limestone had been with some stallions, but never has she been treated so brutally by such a fat cock. If someone else tried this, she'd sooner bite their dick. But with Zecora, this thick, meaty cock was hitting her oral g-spot as if she was going to blow her load and impregnate her belly.

Marble was feeling her own climax, Pinkie was giving her little sister a thorough stretching. The mare was teasing her clit while fingering her at a pace that was making her tremble and squirt all over Pinkie's hand and face. Zecora was enjoying the music of Marble's moans, fucking Limestone at the pace of the melody. The mare being throatfucked felt her pussy tightening, drenching the floor as her knees rested in a small pool.

"Oh fuck, your throat feels so good!" Zecora grunted, humping Limestone's face at a faster pace. "I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna blow my load and fill your belly with my hot seed!" Her living cocksleeve only squealed a muffled cry as she felt the zebra cock swell as it was straining her jaw. "Take it you fuck meat! Take my cum!"

Forcing Limestone's head to the back of her shaft, Zecora bottomed out in the mare, her balls tightening as her hot cum pumped through the zebra dick and down her throat. Limestone nearly gagged as she was forced to swallow load after heavy, jelly thick load as her belly became more and more bloated. Zecora shivered in delight as she felt her afterglow wash over her.

"Mmm fuck...that felt so good." Zecora cooed, before she pulled her cock from Limestone's mouth. This not only caused her to cough as she tried to breathe but even spit up some of the zebra's virile cum. "So wasteful, but expected. We will have to train her better."

"M-m-miss Zecora?" Marble asked, laying on her back as she presented her sobbing wet pussy towards her. Pinkie was standing at her side, holding her clothes as she smiled at Zecora. "S-since you're done with Limestone, c-can you please fuck me too?" As she spoke, she started to wildly finger herself as she moaned out for the zebra. "Please fuck my slutty hole with your fat cock!"

"Oh? You really want my dick?" Zecora smirked, looking back and forth between the four sisters. Maud was laying comfortable as Mudbriar rubbed her swollen belly. Limestone was collapsed and twitching as her steamy cum gushed out of her throat. Pinkie was standing by, eager to ride her cock like a cum addicted slut afterwards. The zebra could only smirk a wicked, almost sinister grin. "This is going to be fun!"

The train ride to the rock farm wasn't nearly as boring as Zecora believed it to be. Though she had plenty of entertainment to pass the time. Maud left Mudbriar behind, so it was the four Pie sisters with Zecora as the five traveled to the rocklands. Limestone and Marble were busy suckling at their mistress' balls while Pinkie was bouncing her round ass on the zebra's fat cock. Maud was the only one who didn't take part. Not that she wasn't interested, but more by Zecora's choice to leave at least one of the four able to think and speak clearly.

"Keep going you sluts." Zecora smirked, admiring her handiwork. Despite not showing it, she was confident she managed to impregnate all four of them, but wanted to pump several more thick loads in them just in case. "I want to soak your eggs in my spunk before we arrive."

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie moaned, picking up the speed of her ass grinding on Zecora’s thickness, wanting to stroke and milk out as much as she could before arriving. Her mistress only smirked as she felt her hips being grabbed at as the cock deep inside was thrusting upwards at a faster pace. “You’re making my pussy cum!”

“Keep going slut, I want to knock you up fully, then coat your sisters in my load!” Zecora ordered, fucking upwards at a harder speed, causing Limestone and Marble to stop their suckling as they watched in awe. Feeling her balls tightening against her, she was ready to release herself in the mare, savoring the feeling just before orgasm. “Take it my pink fuck hole!”

Pinkie’s tongue hung out as she felt Zecora’s hot zebra cum burst out, filling her womb way past bloating. She could feel every drop seeking out her needy eggs, craving to have a striped foal. Limestone and Marble only watched on, their bodies moving on their own as their hands explored each other. Their nipples were teased as their pussies were slowly fingered. Both sisters held the sight with eager and wanting eyes. Soon enough, they knew Zecora would fuck them, but the only concern was who would be first. Over the time that the zebra had fucked her dominance over the Pie sisters, she had learned their weaknesses.

Pinkie was a well rounded slut, fuckable in every possible way, as well as eager to be treated in any way. Zecora was more shocked that her toy was in the condition she was in, expecting the pink mare to be the Ponyville fuck hole. Maud was the hardest to read, but seemed to savor being taken from behind as hard as possible. Her pussy was tight and her cervix was durable, able to take Zecora no matter how brutal she tried to break her. Limestone was the most obvious when she was cumming, as well as the loudest, even screeching higher than Pinkie. She loved being pressed down, with a cock being rammed in and out of her ass, though she still came all the same when Zecora willed her with her seed. Limestone was the most timid, which only made the zebra the hardest. So much so that one thing she enjoyed doing was having the mare ride her while she reached up and teased her chest as she came all over her size.

“There we go.” Zecora groaned, finishing the last thick ropes of cum as they filled Pinkie’s womb, leaking a little out the sides of her shaft; only to gush out when she pulled herself out. “Nice and full.” Her eyes turned down to Limestone and Marble, who were both making out, their tongues embracing as they gave into their affection. “Well now, I believe you two should put your mouths to better work.”

“We should be arriving soon.” Maud spoke up, turning to see Pinkie laying with a fucked silly grin while her other sisters were taking turns licking and suckling Zecora’s cock clean. “I believe we will be there within the hour.”

“Plenty of time.” Zecora replied, looking down to Limestone and Marble, petting their heads. “Clean me off good, this cock is going to impregnate your mother soon enough.”

The Pie Family Rock Farm was every bit as disappointing as Zecora thought it would be. It was so boring, and yet it was perfect. Such a dull environment seemed to breed such sluts like Pinkie and her sisters, and she could only imagine how pent up their mother would be. In addition, the location was even better than expected. Quiet, out of the way, where no one would hear their moans or screams. She struggled to hold back her excitement, she had to keep herself as composed as possible.

Reaching the farm house, Zecora did one more look over, ensuring she looked as innocent as possible, but she especially checked if she still had something in her pocket. Patting her side, she smiled as she held something special, something she was planning to use soon. Knocking at the door, the five mares did not wait long as an older mare with her mane tied up, wearing a long dress that covered her figure, giving no impression of her curves. She looked upon the visitors through her glasses, only to give a near emotionless nod.

"Limestone, Maud, Pinkie, Marble, welcome home." The mare greeted, looking over her daughters. Turning her eyes to Zecora, her tone remained unchanged. "And who is this?"

"Greeting my dear mare." Zecora greeted, bowing her head respectfully. "My name is Zecora, and I am sorry to inform you that I have bad news to bear."

"I see. Come in." The mares gestured, inviting them inside. Turning, she called out in the house. "Igneous dear, the girls are back, but there is something to discuss."

Leaving what was possibly their living room, a taller, muscular stallion in a small shirt with denim overalls, held up by suspenders, and a dusty looking hat, walked in. He held a much more stern expression, rivaling the stoic expression of his wife and daughter, Maud. But Zecora stood calm and composed. For this to work, she had to ensure everything was handled as carefully and directly as possible. Given how she had already broken in the four mares, taming the mother would be all too easy, even if the father fights back. But she was going to try her manipulative nature first.

"What is it Cloudy?" Igneous Rock asked. As he saw Zecora, he seemed to develop a more stern expression. "I trust it is nothing too serious."

"I do not know." Cloudy Quartz replied, sitting at the kitchen table with the rest. "I only wished to have you join us before anything was discussed."

"Very well." Igneous stated, sitting besides his wife. Taking his hat off, he stared directly into Zecora's eyes, as if to get a read on the mare's intentions. "So, what is it you would like to discuss."

"Well, as you can see." Zecora started, pulling out a manilla envelope as she slowly slid it across the table. "According to this documentation, your farm and every rock on it belongs to me."

"I believe this will explain everything." Zecora commented, presenting the documents. Igneous gave the papers a brief look, his expression barely changing as he read. "I understand this may come to a surprise."

"You can skip the pleasantries." Igneous commented, putting the paper down. His gaze was stern yet piercing. "According to this document, the farmland was recently purchased under the Rich name. As well as putting your name down as the one ownership goes to should we fail to out buy them."

"It would appear so." Zecora replied, shaking her head, as if to play innocent. "Hence why I wanted to bring this to your attention as soon as I could."

"Spare me your pity. What's done is done." Igneous sighed, flipping through the pages to the end, a spot in which held a spot for a name to be signed. "I cannot challenge the Riches. But there is plenty of land to farm, so we'll have to pack up and move."

"I wouldn't say that is your only option." Zecora interjected, quite surprised how quickly Igneous gave up. Maybe this conquest would be easier than she thought. "There is a small clause." Flipping a page, she pointed to a paragraph. "It states here that in the event that the owner, as in myself, decides, I can allow you to remain on the property and pay off the amount over time."

"I doubt it would be so easy." Igneous sighed, not wanting to hope, seemingly only expecting the worse. "So what is it you'd want?"

"You're wife." Zecora said flat out, dropping her kind expression, replacing it with the wicked grin that chilled both ponies' blood. "You see, your daughters have all been very...accommodating, and so I want to share that pleasure to your wife."

"How dare you!" Igneous snapped, standing up to slam his fists on the table. "You defiled my daughters, boast about it, and now want to defile my wife!"

"Bluntly speaking, yes." Zecora smiling, her expression putting the two on edge. "I wanted to do this as peacefully as I could, but you should remember." She tapped at the document. "I own this farm, the land, and every rock and pebble on it. But I am not uncaring. I believe it is a good arrangement. You can mine and keep the farm up and running, and I have my way with your wife and of course, your daughters. If you can keep this up for a year, I'll consider the payment paid and you never see me again."

"You really think I would agree to-'' Igneous was ready to attack the zebra, but he felt the soft touch of Cloudy's hand on his arm. He could tell, even without words, that he did not want violence. Sighing again, he somewhat calmed down. "Very well, one year. But when this is over, I will see you pay for this offense!"

"Naturally." Zecora nodded, confident she would suffer no consequences. "I believe I shall take your wife now, while you and your daughters can work the fields." The Pie sisters gave no objection, aside from the look of disappointment as they got up. Igneous couldn't stop them, so only walked away with them, leaving his wife alone with their new zebra owner. "Now then my dear, shall we?"

Walking to the bedroom, Cloudy remained quiet, yet accepting of the circumstances. Not a sign of resistance nor any objections. These were not what Zecora expected to happen, and yet that would not change what was to come. Sooner or later, the zebra was going to make the married mare her next cock obsessed slut. Though the only question would be how long it would take to break her. Her daughters fell very easily, Pinkie being the easiest, with Marble and Limestone following. Though Muad seemed unchanged, Zecora eventually did pick up on her very subtle tells, and knew she had fallen. Cloudy remained as stoic as her daughter, showing no indication she would stop the zebra from her fun. It was only when they reached the bedroom, that she finally spoke up.

“It is not my place to question you at this point.” Cloudy said, her tone sounding stern and yet showed some degree of resolve. “But not only will you find this affair would be pointless, but that in the end, you will have nothing.”

“Oh I wouldn’t say that.” Zecora smirked, eager to begin, but wanting to clarify a few things with Cloudy first. “By the time we’re finished, you’ll be begging for this cock at all hours. And by the end of all this, you, like your daughters, will be bearing my foals.” Opening the door, she pointed to the large bed. “I believe we’ll start with the basics. I shall sit on the bed, and you shall show me what you can do.”

Cloudy did as she was told, walking to the edge of the bed, but only standing in front of it, while Zecora began to undo her pants. Normally, the zebra would let her prey disrobe her, but today she was feeling a little more playful. Given how easy it was to take over the farm, she would allow Cloudy to have a little more freedom. But this wasn't even close to her plans. She didn't care about the mare's opinions, only to have her break herself over her cock. She stared at Zecora as the zebra slowly pulled down her pants, filling her senses with the strong musk of her new mistress' flaccid cock.

"What do you think?" Zecora teased, pulling her limp dick into full view. "Bigger than that husband of yours?"

"I choose not to answer." Cloudy replied, not wanting to stare at it as Zecora started to slowly stroke it, making it bigger and harder. "We should simply get this over with."

"Oh? Eager to be fucked already?" Zecora laughed, picking up the speed of her jerking. "Well, get on your knees and show me what you know."

Cloudy only did what she was told, slowly lowering herself as she approached Zecora. Dropping to her knees, she got an eye full of the fat zebra cock. Her face became flushed as she received a much more potent musk as the zebra finished pulling down her pants, letting her cum filled balls hang out. Cloudy was not as experienced as her daughters, but she was known as being composed under pressure. But this was different.

"I'll take it, you're impressed." Zecora smirked, looking down as Cloudy's eyes were wide in surprise, her nostrils taking in the strong musk. "How about you get a closer look!" Taking her hand, she forced the mare's face against her leathery sack.

Cloudy choked for a moment, nearly suffocating on the thick scent. It was overpowering as it seemed to mark her. Her lips were forced to kiss and rub against the balls, nearly licking them as she struggled to breathe. Zecora, feeling herself getting harder and harder. Globs of thick precum formed like a sparkling bead at her cock tip, slowly dripping on Cloudy's mane. Feeling like humiliating her further, the zebra rubbed in her jelly like cum globs in the mare's mane.

"There we go." Zecora laughed, marveling at the ness she was making. Releasing her hold on Cloudy's head, she watched her wretch and cough as she tried to remove the scene of her musk. "Now that wasn't so bad. I think you're ready." Leaning back, she elevated her cock and balls to show off her base and sack further. "Now show me what that whore mouth of yours can do."

Unable to disobey, Cloudy opened her mouth, letting her tongue slowly against the tip of Zecora’s dick. The salty taste of the zebra’s thick precum was a flavor she had never had before. But she only wanted to maintain some degree of control, though she could feel her pussy starting to ache with a growing need. The last time she felt this sensation was her wedding night, a passion with her husband that brought their first daughter, but she quickly shook away such thoughts. She had to maintain her composure.

"Looks like you're starting to enjoy yourself." Zecora chuckled, glaring down at the mare. She could smell the heat of Cloudy's arousal. "No need to hold back." The mare hesitated, which only seemed to annoy the zebra. "Let me phrase it differently. If you don't get me off, I'll take it out on your daughters, and your husband."

Cloudy swallowed hard, she knew Zecora wasn't one to mess around with. This zebra wasn't just going to fuck her because she wanted to, but because she could. Zecora was in a position of power, easily able to take the mare by force if she wanted to. Taking in the last of her courage, Cloudy leaned back in, licking at the tip of the thick zebra cock. Leaning back, Zecora only watched on, letting her toy get more accustomed to her girth.

Cloudy, not wanting to disappoint Zecora further, slowly slipped the thick cockhead into her mouth, sliding her lips over the surface. Taking only a moment to steady her breath, she took in a deep intake of the zebra's heavy musk, sending a shiver down her spine. With her resolve set, Cloudy pushed down, taking in Zecora's full length. The zebra let out a low gasp, feeling the sudden warm, tight sensation of the mare's mouth. It was in that instant, she realized she made a major misjudgment. Cloudy Quartz was the embodiment of a fuckable hole. Her throat pussy was better than any of her daughters. Zecora had to hold back, tending her body as she felt as if she was going to blow her load then and there.

"Clever slut." Zecora praised, resting her hands on the sides of Cloudy's head. "I'll admit, that took me off guard. But not this time."

Lifting Cloudy's head a little, Zecora then pulled the mare down, bottoming out as her throat bulged from the size being shoved inside. The mare let out a muffled sound, almost like a low moan as she felt herself being roughly throat fucked. Zecora smirked, feeling as though she was getting closer to breaking this mare. Cloudy's senses were being bombarded by the strong musk with each hard thrust in and out of her mouth. Her nose pressed against Zecora's body, giving her a strong smell of the zebra's potent musk.

"Come on you slut, I want you to get a good, strong smell." Zecora mocked, holding Cloudy's head in place as her fat cock was rammed down her throat. "Choke on my cock and musk. I want to coat your face in my scent."

Cloudy felt her senses were getting duller and duller. The zebra's smell was getting stronger and stronger, as well as the brutal savagery of how she treated her. The mare felt herself getting wetter, and she felt her body was getting hotter. This was a sensation she had never felt before. She loved her husband, having birthed four children with him. But there was something about how Zecora was treating her, seeing her as an expendable sex toy. She could feel herself becoming just that. A musk soaked fuckhole for the zebra's pleasure. And while she mentally tried to fight this growing pleasure, Zecora noticed her confliction.

"What's wrong Cloudy?" Zecora smirked, wanting to hear Cloudy's pleas. "It looks like you want this." Releasing her hold, the mare pulled herself off the thick cock from her mouth, leaving a string of fuck slime between her tongue and cockhead. "How does it feel to be my toy?" Cloud said nothing, trying to maintain what little composure she had left. “Oh? Still feisty? Well, I’ll just have to really fuck some obediance into your slut mouth.”

Grabbing the back of Cloudy’s head, Zecora rammed her cock back into her mouth, this time partially standing to allow a better angle. Adjusting herself to better stand, the zebra only smirked as she started humping her hips, fucking in and out of the mare’s mouth with even more brutal savagry than before. She could feel her senses burning with the potent musk as the zebra fell deeper and deeper into her own primal urges. It was becoming apparent that she didn’t care about Cloudy’s well being, fucking her even harder than she had her prey’s daughters.

“Choke on my cock you whore!” Zecora shouted, panting as she rammed her cock in and out of Cloudy’s mouth. “I think it’s even tighter than your daughters’ throats, and those sluts nearly died on this dick!”

Cloudy’s mind was being fucked into a blank slate, her body twitching hard as she felt the hard cockhead hammering against the back of her throat. Her eyes were rolling back as tears flowed out. Every scattered breath she just managed to get out only seemed to burn her nostrils as Zecora’s musk seeped into her senses. It was painful and nauseating, her body seemed to only tighten up as she felt herself getting closer and closer to something. It is impossible to say if this was leading to an unwilling orgasm, or her death. Looking at their zebra, her eyes widened some more as the gaze staring down. That stare, that dominating look burning into her soul nearly caused Cloudy’s heart to stop.

“Keep going bitch!” Zecora grunted, picking up the pace of her thrusts, beating the back of Cloudy’s throat as hard as she could. “Shit, you are boring me!” Gritting her teeth, the zebra was getting more and more frustrated. “I think you need a better taste.”

With a hard and sudden jerk of her hands, she shoved Cloudy off her cock. The mare gagged and choked, coughing and weezing, but it was all in vain. Every breath of air that entered her lungs tasted like Zecora’s balls. The sheer aroma of her musk, sweat, and cum all mixed in her lungs. It was like a noxious miasma, a smoke that she exhaled. But this was only a brief moment of relief, as the zebra had more plans for her. Showing surprising strength, Zecora grabbed at Cloudy’s throat, choking her hard as she lifted her up. Smirking for a moment, she turned, tossing the mare hard on the bed.

“Don’t give up on me yet slut!” Zecora laughed, reaching towards Cloudy’s throat. In a display of skill and speed, the zebra clasped a collar around the mare’s throat. She coughed as the strap was tightened around her neck. “Oh? Is that too tight? How about now?” Tugging, she tightened the collar another notch, making the mare wheeze from the pressure. “Hmm, it’s just not right.” Grabbing Cloudy’s thigh, she quickly flipped her over to her back, but without skipping a beat, she turned her around so that her coughing head was hanging off the bed. “Much better.”

Cloudy barely got a moment to even process what was happening before Zecora smacked her cock hard against her face. Licking her lips, she pulled back, pressing her dripping cockhead against the mare’s lips. With a gleaming look in her eyes, the zebra rammed her thick size into her prey’s mouth, reaching the back of her throat, as if she was trying to swab and scrub every inch of her oral insides with her soaked dick. The collar tightened against the bulge growing in her throat, making her only source of air come through her nose, but this only burned as she could smell the deep and potent musk of Zecora’s sweating balls.

“Right there, like that!” Zecora panted, fucking her cock harder and faster as she was working up a sweat. Her tongue nearly hung out of her mouth as she delved deeper and deeper into an uncontrolled, almost feral-like mentality. Reaching down, she grasped her hands around Cloudy’s throat. Squeezing hard, she seemingly was set to choke the life out of the mare as she rammed her size in and out of her tight hole. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, scream while you choke on my dick!”

Grunting hard, Zecora felt as her balls tightened against her body, while her cock swelled. Letting out one more low groan, she felt herself release in Cloudy’s throat. The mare could barely get even a whiff of the zebra’s noxious, foul, and harsh air as the jelly thick cum pumped into her body. Raising her hands, she pushed and grabbed at Zecora’s thighs, struggling to push herself off. Her muffle screams only made the zebra want to fuck more of her potnent spunk into her. For a moment, she considered if some of her cum was being forced into her lungs as more and more of her load filled her. But despite how funny it was seeing her struggle and flail about, Cloudy’s hands were getting a little too close to smacking Zecora’s balls.

“Alright, you are being so difficult.” Zecora groaned in annoyance, releasing her hold on Cloudy’s throat to grab at her wrists. Pulling out only a little, the mare’s body relaxed for a moment, only enough for the zebra to shove herself so hard and deep, the mare’s eyes went wide open and started to violently chough on the forceful dick. “There we go. Be a good slut, and just take your mistress’ dick.”

Only wanting to give Cloudy a faint glimmer of hope, Zecora pulled her cock free of the mare’s throat, but slowly. She wanted to let the mare struggle with each new breath that went into her burning, aching lungs. It was only when she fully pulled out, that she released Cloudy from her grip. The mare pulled herself off, gagging and coughing as she tried to take in any fresh air. Zecora stared down at the mare, her lips curled into a wicked smirk.

"I think that's enough." Zecora commented, taking a step back from the mare. Raising her hands, she shrugged her shoulders. "Looks like you're just too tough for me."

"W-what?" Cloudy asked, looking up at the zebra. "Y-you's over?"

"Of course, of course." Zecora said, assuring the mare as she gave a composed expression. "After your daughters, I assumed you'd be just as easy."

"T-then you'll return the farmland to us?" Cloudy asked, slowly trying to get up. Zecora only gave a silent smile and nod. "Then...t-thank you. I-I-I can only hope we can move past-"

As the mare stood up, her eyes fully met with Zecora's. The stare was penetrating, but also shined with a gaze that made the mare freeze up. Cloudy didn't want to admit it, but for the moment, she assumed the zebra was going to relinquish her hold over her home and family. But the moment she saw Zecora's eyes, she knew she had been deceived. With a swift and solid motion, Cloudy felt herself being shoved back, landing hard on the bed.

"Fuck, you are stupid." Zecora laughed, pouncing on the mare, grabbing Cloudy's throat, strangling nearly as hard as she had before. "Did you really think I'd finish this quickly? You stupid whore. I am never going to stop. You're my slut now, and I'm going to fuck you for the rest of your life!"

Panicking, not only from the zebra's words, but the sudden feeling of her fall and choking, Cloudy's body shifted hard. By instinct and fear, the mare's hand raised and smacked Zecora across the face. The sudden impact shocked the zebra, causing her to release her hold on the mare. Despite having nothing more than the zebra on her body, Cloudy only stared at her in a sudden silence. Even if she knew it was an accident, the stare Zecora gave seemed to burn into the mare's soul.

"Oh, you shouldn't have done that bitch." Zecora commented, rubbing the side of her face she was struck. Leaning over the mare, she stared down at her prey. Reaching down, she felt her twitching cock swelling with a kindling lust. "I'm going to stuff your whore holes until you break."

Cloudy was given only a moment to blink before she felt the sudden hard and forceful thrust of Zecora's massive cock. The mare's pussy pussy was painfully stretched, squeezing tight over the thickness as it reached as deep as her body could go. Even then, the zebra was not satisfied. Picking up her pace, Zecora drove her cock in and out of Cloudy's pussy, savoring the feeling of the mare's struggle to escape.

"Keep fighting slut." Zecora laughed, grabbing at Cloudy's chest, groping her as if she was trying to press the endowment into her body. "You're just making this more fun!"

Cloudy’s body was in a complete panic, her instincts screamed for her to fight back. She didn’t want to do this anymore, but she couldn’t overpower the zebra. Zecora’s hold was too strong, and with every hard pistoning of her massive cock, the mare felt her strength drain from her body. Staring down, Zecora also noticed something, she had not yet stripped Cloudy’s clothing. Chuckling to herself, she shifted her hold tearing at the mare’s dress, revealing she was wearing very erotic lingerie. Raising her eyebrow, she continued to rip and tug on the mare’s clothes, showing not only was she wearing g-string thong, but even tight fishnet stockings.

“Well shit?!” Zecora commented, raising an eyebrow as she laughed, grabbing at Cloudy’s chest more. “Given your daughters, I figured you were a slut. But I didn’t know you needed cock this badly!”

Pulling away the bra as if it was some loose silk, Zecora took a moment to marvel at Cloudy’s body. She thought she was curvy before in just that dress. But she had grossly underestimated her prey. Cloudy’s tits were far bigger than Pinkie’s, and her ass looked even softer. It was no wonder this mare gave birth to so many cock loving sluts, she had the body to match. With a wicked grin, Zecora released her hold for a moment, then grasped them hard against the mare’s throat, squeezing her even harder than before.

“How dare you take me so long to find you!” Zecora cursed, fucking into Cloudy’s pussy with the intent to break into her womb. “I’m going to break that whore cunt of yours, fuck so many foals in there, then I’ll splatter my hot load all over your pathetic husband’s face!”

Cloudy’s eyes rolled back as she felt her throat and lungs burn with desperation for air. As less and less of such a vital resource went to her brain, she felt her consciousness slipping away. But did it matter anymore? To her, not so much. Though she didn’t break as easily as her daughters, Cloudy felt that the moment she lost consciousness, would be where she would lose. She could feel her body submit, regardless of her mind’s objections. It was inevitable, Zecora was going to have her and she would become pregnant with her striped foals. And yet something in Cloudy fought on. This only enraged the zebra further.

"Why won't you break?" Zecora shouted, almost forgetting she wanted to keep Cloudy alive as she continued to choke the life out of her. "Why...are fucking...stubborn?" The zebra's eyes narrowed as she looked the mare over. Something was keeping her sane, but what was it?

Choking and fucking the mare, Zecora felt herself getting close to an enraged orgasm. Despite her anger, she had to admit, this resistance, this defiance, it only made her cock twitch with pleasure. Typically, mares broke with ease and by now, she'd be savoring the afterglow of her new pet suckling her balls clean. But Cloudy was different, she was far stronger than the others, and this challenge only made her more and more desirable. Releasing her grip, Zecora slipped her hands down Cloudy's arms. Tugging at her arms, she fucked her size harder and harder into the mare's tight pussy, pressing hard against her cervix as she was getting ready for another hard orgasm.

"Can you feel it, whore?" Zecora declared, staring down as she pulled Cloudy's arms. "My fat cock is about to cum in your warm pussy. I'm gonna knock you up with my foals." Cloudy only tried to look away, but the zebra only rammed herself deeper. "How does it feel? To be fucked right in your womb?" The mare said nothing, only trying to look away.

Sneering down at Cloudy, Zecora felt her cock swelling, and her balls tightened as her hot cum bubbled up. Panting, the zebra was getting to her climax, reaching her breaking point as she could see the mare's belly bulging as the cock inside her was about to burst. Grunting hard, Zecora slammed her dick all the way in Cloudy's pussy, bottoming out deep inside. The mare's eyes went wide open as they rolled back. Her body twitched as she could feel the hot cum flooding her womb. Contrary to what was happening, a small part of her mind hoped that the zebra was only threatening to cum inside her, but now that she could feel it saturating her most precious place, she felt a great guilt and fear wash over her.

"How does it feel now?" Zecora asked, smirking down as she could see Cloudy's defiance was getting weaker. "I'm going to keep cumming inside you, you're now my broodmare." Cloudy tried to say something, but felt her body grow weaker, and her vision seemed to blur. Before she could say anything, everything around her went black.

Slowly, Cloudy's eyes opened, unaware of how much time had passed. Trying to assess her situation, she found she had been rolled over, laying on her stomach. Even though she couldn't see it, she could feel how full and bloated her belly was. There was no doubt of it now, she was pregnant with Zecora's foals. There was no way so much cum would leave her with anything less than a small herd of offspring. As she tried to move, Cloudy realized something else, her arms were tied behind her back, rendering her incapable of moving more than a small wiggle. After a few more seconds of struggle, she could hear a faint giggle.

"Looks like you're awake." Zecora commented, standing off the bed behind the mare. "I don't normally do this, but I will say this. You are by far the most difficult to break slut I've ever fucked." Her tone seemed to drift into a more condescending sound as she spoke. "But, I believe I found your weakness." Approaching the bed, she propped herself up behind Cloudy, pressing her still wet cockhead against the mare's cum stuffed entrance. "Isn't that right, Igneous?"

Cloudy's eyes widened as the sound of her husband's name. As she tried to turn her head, her neck was suddenly jerked back, revealing that not only was the collar still around her, but it now had a leash. Zecora only smiled at the sight of the mare's flailing. Unable to hold back, she leaned over the pair, placing something on the pillow in front of Cloudy's face. This was a framed photo of the mare's wedding. She was dressed in a lovely gown, while Igneous was in a handsome suit. Despite her body being bound, Cloudy tried to inch her way towards the photo, as if to protect this last bastion of her sanity and willpower.

"Oh no you don't!" Zecora laughed, pulling at the leash as she rammed her cock back in Cloudy's pussy. The sudden insertion, as well as her weakening struggle, cause a soft moan to escape the mare's lips. "There is it! That's what I wanted to hear; your whorish moans!" Fucking harder and faster, she took a free hand to smack the mare's ass. "You're not a loyal wife, you're a whore, a slut that loves fat cocks!"

“I-I-I’m sorry.” Cloudy panted, feeling her body slowly betraying her. She couldn’t look away from her wedding photo. “I’m sorry honey, I-I wasn’t strong enough.”

“No fuck!” Zecora mocked, smacking Cloudy’s ass even harder as she continued to pull at the leash, choking the mare. “You’re just a whore, a slutty btich who only wants to be fucked!”

Cloudy said nothing, only moaning as she could feel her body burning from the thick cock shoving harder and harder in her soaking pussy. She didn't want to say anything, she felt herself slipping farther and farther away. Seeing this, Zecora went further in her abuse. Whenever the mare tried to close her eyes, as if to not look at the photo of the husband she was forced to betray, she pulled at the leash, choking her harder. It took several hard tugs before Cloudy opened her eyes again, only for the zebra to growl down at her.

"Don't you close your eyes bitch!" Zecora shouted, taking one of her hands towards the binds that held Cloudy's wrists together. Pulling at both leash and binds, she choked and strained the mare's body as she fucked her cock deeper. "You're going to look your limp dick husband right in the eye when I knock you up!"

"N-no…" Cloudy moaned, trying to struggle, but every attempt to fight back only caused her a choking pain. It was as if her arms and neck would break under the pressure. Fear washed over her mind, she could feel the pain of not only her body, but the emotional ache in her chest. "I don't...I don't…"

"What is it?" Zecora asked, loosening her hold only enough for Cloudy to answer. "What are you saying?"

"I don't want this!" Cloudy screamed, her mind now fractured, fear filled her eyes. "Please, please, stop this! Don't cum inside me! I don't want your foal!"

"There it is!" Zecora laughed, taking the leash in her teeth as both arms tugged hard at Cloudy's arms. "That's the sound I wanted to hear!" Picking up her speed, her jaw nearly strained as she kept her wicked smirk. "I'm gonna knock your whore ass up then fuck your family over and over, and over again!" Cloudy tried to escape, even if it meant breaking her arms, or even her neck, it didn't matter; she had to run. But it was too late. "Scream for me bitch! Cry out while I rape my seed in you!"

Cloudy's eyes rolled back as she felt the thick cockhead force its way hard against her cervix. The hot release of Zecora's cum filled her womb, soaking her ovaries in her hot load. The mare's body shivered hard as she felt her body tightening hard against the thick girth inside her. Zecora continued to release herself in Cloudy's pussy, letting the tight feeling cork the entrance. This only caused the mare's belly to bulge out even more, swelling into a fat and round size.

"Fuck that felt good." Zecora laughed, savoring the feeling before eventually pulling herself out. The sudden lack of cock in her pussy caused Cloudy's pussy lips to spill out a large amount of steaming cum. "Such a beautiful sight. A broken mare, stuffed with my load." Chuckling to herself, she gazed at her handiwork. "How does it feel to get knocked up slut?"

Cloudy couldn't respond, not with words. Her body twitched as more cum gushed out of her gaping pussy. Zecora only chuckled on, raising a hand to smack the mare's ass hard. This caused her to let out a small yelping sound. Smirking, she struck the mare's flank again, and again, and again. Every motion of her hand brought a wider smile and crueler laugh to run across her lips. Cloudy looked absolutely pathetic, laying on the same bed she shared with her husband, her defiled pussy spilling out the contents of her vulgar betrayal of her marriage. Even if it wasn't truly consensual, to the mare, she was broken and devastated. Looked at her wedding photo, she could only cry at the sight of joy she once had with her husband.

"Come now, don't cry." Zecora commented, noticing the pain Cloudy was in. But this was not out of kindness, but merely stating the obvious. "You had no chance. And know you're bearing my foal."

She was right. Cloudy had to accept this, she had lost. She could no longer escape this fact. Her body had given into the addiction of the zebra's fat cock. Even as she felt her mind sink into despair, her pussy still ached for more. Swallowing hard, she turned her head as best as she could to look at Zecora. The zebra stared down at her like a predator who knew she had her prey right where she wanted her. With a slow but steady motion, she adjusted herself to turn and face the zebra.

"Tell me slut…" Zecora asked, staring at the mare, showing off her still hard, cum soaked cock at the mare. "Who's your mistress?"

"You are." Cloudy answered, her tone sounding weak and submissive. "You're my mistress."

"And why is that?" Zecora asked, smirking as she felt her cock twitch with an eager excitement. "Why are you my good slut?"

"Because your fat cock feels so good." Cloudy cooed, almost moaning as she crawled her way over to Zecora's cock. She could smell not only the zebra's potent musk, but as well as the sweet aroma of her pussy juices all over the girth. "Your cock smells so good, I can't get enough."

"Oh? Just my cock?" Zecora asked, raising an eyebrow, grabbing the leash. Giving it a tug, she pulled Cloudy's face towards her balls, her musk even stronger than before. "How about my balls, the same sack that impregnated your whore womb?"

“Y-yes…” Cloudy cooed, letting her head fall forward against Zecora’s balls, taking in a heavy, strong whiff of the zebra’s overwhelming scent. “These balls are so big, so full of cum.”

"Get a good taste bitch." Zecora chuckled, tugging at the leash again. "Show me how much you want them."

Cloudy obeyed, her will broken as she licked and suckled at the zebra's cum heavy balls. Taking in the overwhelming stench, she nearly gagged, but continued to service her mistress. Zecora continued to watch, periodically pulling at the leash whenever Cloudy started to slow down. Mewing and cooing, the mare pressed herself harder, nearly smothering herself on the zebra's noxious and nauseating balls and musk. With how much she rubbed her face against the heavy sack, there would be no way she could remove this scent from her senses. Any time she would kiss her husband, if she would even be allowed to do such a thing, Zecora's taste would be on her lips and tongue above all else.

Zecora watched as Cloudy made out with her heavy balls, suckling, licking, and kissing the large sack. She couldn't help but smile at her success. The mare was broken, now devoted to her cock and balls. And yet, there seemed to be some semblance of Cloudy's love for her husband in the back of her mind. After all the hard work she had to put into fucking her, Zecora wanted to ensure her new pet would be a suitable fuckmare. Rubbing her head, she smirked as she pushed Cloudy's face closer to her balls while tugging at the leash.

"Come on slut." Zecora commented, her tone settling down. "I know you can do better than this!"

"Sorry." Cloudy answered, gasping for air between words. "I'll do better. Let me suck your fat cock...please."

"Well...alright, since you're so insistent." Zecora laughed, loosening her grip on the leash, but just enough to let Cloudy slowly lift her head, running her tongue along the strong tasting length. "Come on, choke on my cock already."

Cloudy obeyed her mistress, taking in the hard cockhead, licking at the tip to savor the strong, musky flavor. Zecora nodded in approval, silently getting the mare to proceed. Moaning as she took in inch after intoxicating inch of the zebra's thickness, Cloudy swallowed as much as she could, but seemed to stop halfway down. Groaning at the tight feeling of the mare's mouth pussy, but she wanted more.

"We're not done yet, slut." Zecora commented, tugging the leash down while placing her free hand on the back of Cloudy's head. "I got one more big load in me, perfect for my whore's throat cunt."

Pushing harder, Zecora forced more and more of her thickness into Cloudy’s mouth. Pushing towards the back of her throat, the zebra gave her mare fuck pet a slow and steady pace of taking more and more zebra cock. Her eyes were glazed in a lustful daze, her mind only being filled with how good it felt to have her throat expanding with her mistress’ size. Moaning softly, she took in more and more of Zecora’s cock, her hands reaching for the zebra’s thighs to help pull herself closer. As she did this, she felt the harder tug of the leash, forcing her to take in a couple more inches.

“Don’t get ahead of me, slut.” Zecora smirked, pulling at the leash. “But, since you’re so insistent on choking on my dick, I’ll give my whore what she wants.”

Pulling her hips back slightly, Zecora managed three motions. The first was her hand pushing Cloudy’s head down. The second was her other hand, pulling hard at the leash. And the last was the forward thrust of her hips, bucking hard into Cloudy’s throat. The mare gagged as her eyes widened from the impact. Her throat pussy being cock punched hard, Zecora’s thick flare jamming itself to the back of the mare’s mouth. Her heavy balls slapped against her bottom lip with each deep and rough motion.

“I think you’re ready.” Zecora smirked, her nostrils flaring as she took in more and more air, readying herself. “I’m gonna fuck your belly full of my seed again!”

With a coordinated motion, Zecora humped in and out of Cloudy’s throat, swabbing the inside of her mouth with her thickening cock. Her hands both pushing her head down while tugging on the leash. The mare’s mind screamed as her mouth released a muffled moan of estatic pleasure. Cloudy’s pussy gushed with passion as more and more cum leaked out. Her swollen belly jiggled along with her tits with each hard motion. Every other thrust, Zecora would losen her hold, only to pull it back harder than before.

“How’s that bitch!” Zecora grunted, panting as she put more and more effort into this final push to really fuck her dominance over Cloudy. After all she’s done, there was no way she would leave any thought of remaining resistance to chance. “Be a good whore, and choke on my flare!”

As she grunted and groaned her passionate and assertive words, Cloudy could feel Zecora’s cock swelling inside her throat. Tighter and tighter, she could feel less and less air leaving the small spaces around her lips. What little air that could go into her nose continue to burn into her lungs with the noxious air of Zecora’s musk. The zebra continued to fuck in and out of her pet’s throat, even as her growing flare was getting too big to properly move with. After all her previous orgasms, her cock was much more sensitve than before. That, and added in pleasure from finally conquering the stubborn MILFmare, she was rapidly getting close to a new orgasm.

Cloudy continued to moan her muffled cry, taking in as much as she could, even as she was losing more and more air. The motion of Zecora’s hand, hips, and the harder tugs of the leash, she could feel consciousness slowly fading. The flare in her throat was so thick, if barely moved, but she felt the twitching and pulsing of the swelling shaft. The hardest and heaviest orgasm was coming, and Cloudy’s pussy pulsed and spasmed in anticipation. She wanted it, she needed it, to be filled with more of her mistress’ cum.

“Here it cums slut.” Zecora laughed, pulling and fucking so hard, it was as if she was trying to strain Cloudy’s jaw and clog her throat. “Take my seed you whore!”

Almost growling in her orgasm, Zecora released herself. The hot cum pumping out of her swollen cock filled Cloudy’s belly. The burning sensation of her spunk rushed so heavily down her throat, that some may have dripped into her lungs. The taste of zebra seed may forever be on her breath now. With how swollen and thick Zecora’s flare was, there was no way for the cum to come out, only surging into the mare’s stomach. Her already swollen belly expanded even more. Her bloated shape looked almost near bursting, and yet Cloudy’s body took this all in with a sheer ecstatic joy.

She could never go back to her husband now. Even before, a small hope lingered. But now, there was none. Zecora’s cock and addicting cum had tainted, defiled, and claimed Cloudy’s body. No hole would be off limits, no act would be too demeaning or extreme. She would live to serve and service her mistress, just as loyally as she was to her husband. A piece, just a tiny piece of her still loved Igneous, that could never be fully fucked out of her mind. But it was too small, Zecora’s cock would rob her of any remaining dignity or pride. She wasn’t a dutiful wife and mother anymore. She was a whore, a slut conquered by a massive zebra cock. Zecora knew this, she could see it in the mare’s orgasming eyes, and she loved it.

“Fuck...yes...that was spectacular.” Zecora commented, panting a little as she pulled her cock free of Cloudy’s throat. The mare, despite being unconscious, she coughed up some cum as her body desperately sought air. Given how much fun she had, the zebra was going to let that slide, for now. “It took more than I thought, but you broke. Like a good whore.” Looking over to the wedding photo, her lips curled into a wicked smile. “Looks like this land is mine Igneous. And I think the mares need more of my superior seed.”

Many months had passed since that night. Enough time for Igneous to slowly watch as his family was no longer his own. His daughters, his precious children, and even his wife were sporting well rounded bellies; dark indications of the foals Zecora had bred into them. He knew she had impregnated them, even if he tried to deny it. Every moment he spent in the mines alone, he tried to justify to himself why it happened. How he failed his family, and now even if he somehow worked up the will to remove Zecora, the damage was done. Cloudy wouldn’t want him, his daughters no longer saw him as their father, and eventually, they’d give birth to striped foals. Igneous’ legacy would die with him. At first, he was sad, he only wanted to wander into the mines, never to return. But over time, he was starting to accept the truth, he lost his family, and what little he had was nothing more than a fleeting feeling of a desperate, broken stallion

“I’ve lost.” Igneous said, sitting at the table, his expression broken and forlorn. So much so, he couldn’t eat what little food his wife made him. Across the table, Zecora was dining on the best meal Cloudy could make while her daughters were all sharing in the zebra’s massive cock for their thick milk. “I’ve failed this family as a father, a husband, and as a patron.”

“Now, now, there’s no need to feel so disheartened.” Zecora commented, smirking at the stallion as she began to finger his wife’s pussy when she was pouring her some milk. “This was going to happen no matter what, you only made it easier for me.”

“I know. I knew it when you bought my family’s farm.” Igneous replied, sighing as he got up. Turning towards the door, he hung his head low in shame. “Looks like this is the end for me. Take care of my family.”

“There’s no need for that either.” Zecora assured him, her tone sounding much more benevolent than usual. “Sit down and finish your food, I believe I have a solution for us all.”

“Seeing as how nothing worse can happen, sure.” Igneous sighed, returning to the table, but this time, Cloudy brought a better plate to him. It nearly brought him to tears, as if a part of his wife still loved him. “So, what is it you have in mind?”

“I was always planning to have you keep the rock farm, I still need someone to maintain the place while I am away.” Zecora offered, her tone remaining someone charitable, but more business like. “That being said, here are my conditions. Firstly, I own this farm, this land, and the mares here, down to the last pebble and fertile womb. Secondly, I will allow you to maintain a degree of control over the farm, but never forget who the real owner is. Thirdly, I will allow you to enjoy your wife, and even your daughters if you feel deprived enough, but you are never allowed to cum inside their pussies. You may slake your thirst on their mouths and asses, but their wombs and foal bearing belong to me.” She could tell Igneous was not enjoying this arrangement, his sorrow only made this more enjoyable. “I believe that covers my conditions, not a bad deal. Wouldn’t you say?”

“... … …” Igneous couldn’t reply at first, his mind was racing with any possible outcome that could free him or his family; but found nothing. It was like he said earlier. He lost, and this was the best he could hope for. He would never touch his daughters, no matter what desperation takes him. But he still loved his wife, even if he would just barely get some pitiable service once in the bluest moon. “Very well, I accept your terms.”

“Excellent.” Zecora smiled, her expression only bringing more unease to the stallion. “I’m in such a good mood, you can take the day off from working the fields. I’ll be in your bedrooom fucking the mares before I leave.” Standing, the sound of a faint popping sound echoed as her cock was freed from Pinkie’s gluttonous mouth. “You may watch if you like.”

“With all due respect, I must decline.” Igneous replied, hanging his head down in contemplation. “I have much to think about.”

“Very well.” Zecora replied, smacking Cloudy’s ass as she walked by. “Come along my sluts, I need to make sure I leave your eggs full of my superior seed.”

Arriving in Cloudy and Igneous’ master bedroom, Zecora wasted no time getting her camera set up. Adjusting for the light and angle, she screwed on a nice wide angle lens to get as much of the room as possible. The rest of the Pie family entered, each instinctively disrobing as they knew what was to come. Cloudy was already dropping her gown, showing off her round belly, rubbing it gently as she stared at her mistress. Zecora’s cock swelled in eagerness, ready lay the mares down hard. She couldn’t wait to fuck these pregnant sluts. Without even ordering them to, she was almost proud at how quick the five mares were preparing themselves.

Cloudy was sitting at the edge of the bed, spreading her legs as she slowly fingered her dripping pussy lips. Pinkie was laying on the bed, letting her head hang over the edge as she opened her mouth seductivly, as if to invite Zecora to throat fuck her. Maud was bent over the bed, face down ass up as she spread her round ass to take her mistress’ fat cock. Limestone sat on the floor at the end of the bed, using her fingers to open her mouth, sticking out her tongue. Finally, Marble was on her knees besides her sister, feverishly fingering herself as she panted eagerly.

"Very good. Very, very good." Zecora complimented, having just finished setting up the camera. "I want to make sure I get the best, possible angle."

Having the angle set, Zecora turned on the device. Smiling a wicked grin, the zebra turned to her five fuck mares. Each seemed eager and ready to take her size. The only real question was who would be first. This was hard to choose, as each mare was a fuckable mess, she had to think about it. Looking between the five, Zecora was contemplating hard. She was going to put this to chance. Walking towards them, she slowly stroked her cock, closing her eyes to make this as random as she could.

"Now, now, my dear sluts." Zecora offered, blindly approaching them. "Who shall be the first to taste my cock in your womb?"

"I want it." Cloudy said, fingering herself faster and faster. Her panting was becoming more and more rhythmic. "You've already impregnated my daughters, but you have yet to fill me with your seed."

"Bold words from a mare who's begging for my cock." Zecora laughed, stroking her dick as she aimed the cockhead at the mare's soaked entrance. "But you have a point. I've been filling you all this time, but I have yet to see you bear my foal. Let's change that."

Crawling onto the bed, Zecora pressed her shaft against Cloudy's pussy lips. The cockhead kissing at the mare's entrance, but only for a moment. The zebra had no interest in taking this slow or gently. The moment her dick slipped into the mare's opening, she rammed herself as deep as she could. Cloudy felt as her insides were stretched to fit the grith of her mistress.

"Grip tighter slut!" Zecora ordered, full reaching the depths of Cloudy's pussy. But she wasn't done yet. "You four. Please your mistress' sack. Suckle on my musk!"

Pinkie was the first, nearly smothering herself on Zecora's leathery sack, taking in as much of her potent musk. Limestone followed after, licking around the zebra's heavy balls. Unable to fit in with their sisters, Marble and Maud instead settled with laying at their mother's side. They wasted no time, groping and suckling at Cloudy's chest, as if they were foals looking for milk.

"Not bad sluts." Zecora chuckled, licking her lips as she began to pull out, only to fuck herself back in. "Keep going my darling, knocked up fucktoys, help me give your mother a new foal to raise!"

The mares did as they were told, suckling at Cloudy's chest, while Pinkie and Limestone shifted away from Zecora's heavy balls. Though annoyed, she let the mares get into position. Both joining their sisters at their mother's side. Pinkie moved higher, making out with Cloudy's lips, slipping her tongue into the mare. Limestone went lower, licking at her mother's clit, teasing the sensitive area while Zecora hammered her cock harder and harder into the mare's pussy.

The zebra said nothing as she huffed and puffed, keeping her breathing steady as she thrusted in and out of Cloudy's softness, stretching her inner canal as her cockhead kissed against her cervix. Her womb gushed with love juices, making Zecora's dick even more slippery as she moaned in Pinkie's mouth. Cloudy was in an orgasmic euphoria, lifting her legs to wrap around her mistress' body. The zebra raised an eyebrow at the reaction, but could only smile.

"Seems like you're ready for my seed." Zecora smirked, chuckling at she grabbed at Cloudy's hips, gripping hard as she bucked her hips harder and deeper, fucking all the way into her womb, bulging her belly. "Take my load you broken slut!"

Feeling her balls tightening against her body, Zecora's cock swelled as she shoved herself as deep as possible, nearly cock punching Cloudy's insides as she released herself. The zebra cum filled the mare's womb, swelling her belly until Limestone rolled off her, landing on Marble. Cloudy's eyes rolled back, twitching and moaning in Pinkie's mouth as she continued to make out with her mother.

"Good, good. Very good." Zecora grunted, pulling her cock from Cloudy's gaping pussy, gushing out her cum. "I believe that should've knocked you up."

Getting up, she walked over to the camera, wanting to make sure she had plenty of time left on recording. But as she checked the device, her eyes caught something out the window. Looking outside, Zecora could see Igneous. The stallion was heading to the crystal mines, but something was different. He wasn't wearing his mining equipment, nor even carried a lantern or hard hat. The zebra could only smile at the sight.

"Goodbye Igneous." Zecora whispered to her herself, her lips nearly straining from her wicked grin. "Don't worry, your family will be well taken care of, and raise my bastard foals." Looking back at the mares, she smiled, thinking about who would be next to be broken by her cock.