> The Cheesecake Debacle > by Dido > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > How was your day? Want some tea? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You try to calm your breathing on the seat of the dark blue couch. You take deep breaths as you look around your surrounding area. This room of the castle: Luna's room, is like a house in its own right. It has two bedrooms and bathrooms, a kitchen/dining area, along with a living room/relaxation center, where you are currently at. In front of you is a silver tea set ready to be poured into the two awaiting cups. Your heart beat quickens as the door to the room begins to unlock. You steel your nerves as your dearly beloved enters the room. Luna walks in slightly hunched and with a scowl, she closes the door and looks in your direction. Now's my chance! You clear your throat and put on a concerned smile. "Hey. How was your day?" You ask your love, she looks away from your position on the couch. "Do you want some tea?" You ask hoping she'll finally say yes and indulge her life with you. Luna just grunts and walks into the kitchen leaving you downtrodden. You can hear into the kitchen, from the sound of it she's pulling out a plate. Luna opens up the fridge and grabs the pan of cheesecake and sets it down on the counter top, she grabs herself a slice on the plate and immediately retires into the master bedroom. You get off the couch and put the empty pan of cheesecake into the sink. There's no cheesecake left. Looks like I need to make another one. You sit back down on the couch and pour yourself some of the hot tea. Closing your eyes you lightly sip at your steaming beverage, with a pained sigh you start to think of how this one sided relationship came to be. Two Months Ago You had been summoned with many other nobles to a meeting somewhat similar to the Grand Gala. Mingling with the other guests you barely manage to spot the princess of the sun step up to the lectern on the podium. Everybody quiets down as her majesty begins to speak. "Hello my beloved subjects. I, your ruler, Princess Celestia: Have called you all to this meeting for a specific purpose. I believe at least one of you here today have a chance to win my sister, and co-ruler, Princess Luna's hand in marriage." Celestia began her practiced speech. The younger princess rushes onto the stage in a furious state of mind and begins to argue with her older sibling, all the while the grouping of nobles you were next to gasped at Celestia's speech and whisper heavily to one another. You know very well that the moon princess was very desired amongst the city of Canterlot, and that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you were ecstatic. You yourself had been apart of the group who actually preferred Princess Luna over her sister Princess Celestia. The nobles began talking more loudly among their friends, if you listened closely you could make out their conversations. "About time." "I've been waiting for this day." "Good thing she's gorgeous." "She's very powerful." "Imagine what we could do with power like that." That was the last straw, you could handle the nobles on most days, but this was beyond low, to use a marriage with the princess to gain power was extremely self centered and you knew there was more than one noble here that thought that power was everything. There was only one thing you could do now. I can't let them get to her. A Month And A Half Ago "I do." You say. "Then by the power invested in me... I pronounce you man and wife... You may kiss the bride." Princess Celestia says solemnly. The look on Luna's face says it all, her face is red and stained with tears from her unwanted marriage, she can't say no. She gives you a hard glare as Celestia finishes, you don't want this to be hard for her so you give a small sigh and a peck on the lips. That kiss alone made her close her eyes and let out a few more tears. You thought weddings were supposed to be happy. I promise you won't regret this... I promise. The Present You thought that when you first moved into the castle and into your wife's house/room, that you two would sit down and talk and get to know each other, but sadly she just went to her room and cried. You thought maybe you could do something for her, do something from the heart: bake her a cheesecake, hey its what you're known for. Ever since then it's been the same routine; wake up, see her off, clean everything, think of ways to get her to open up, make tea, wait for her to come into her room, ask how her day went, offer her some tea, watch her grab some cheesecake, watch her go to her room, think about her, then finally head to bed yourself, and if you're low; make cheesecake for her. It's been a month and a half of the same routine. Lets try something else. You open your eyes and sip the rest of your tea. Standing up from the dark blue couch you place the tea pot and cups into the sink, you then head to the Master Bedroom. You give a staccato knock to the bedroom's door. "Luna?" You ask, concern still laced deep in your voice. The door suddenly swings open revealing the angry woman. As you stand there she just glares at you, obviously not wanting to be bothered. You notice a small, white smudge of cheesecake left on her left cheek. "What." She says, venom positively dripping from her voice. "I just want to talk." You reply back, choosing to ignore how hateful she sounded. She slams the door in your face and you hear her walk away. You sigh and head into the kitchen to make a snack for your hungry self, when suddenly the Master Bedroom's door opens back up and Luna walks out carrying three bowls stacked on seven plates. She comes into the kitchen, places the plates into the sink and turns to you glaring, and tapping her foot impatiently. She's waiting on you, dummy! maybe you can try to get her to laugh? "C-Come here o-often?" You say unsurely. Unamused, and still unhappy she begins to walk away, back to the Master Bedroom. Stupid,stupid,stupid! "Wait! I'm sorry that was stupid of me! I actually do want to talk." You plead. She stopped in her tracks and turned back around, looking slightly more angry at you. You let out a small relieved sigh and begin, "Are you ok?" "No." She answers curtly. "What's wrong?" You ask. "Don't bother." She rejects. She obviously isn't into a talking mood, and she won't go into detail. You're barely getting anything out of her, but it's a start. You begin to ponder more questions. "Will You ever tell me what's wrong?" You ask dejected. "No." "Will we ever get to know each other?" "No!" Asking all these questions are bringing Luna to her boiling point. "Will You please tell me why you are like this!" You plead again, and again. "NO!" She shouts. "Do you even like me?!" You ask in desperation. This was your last, final question. "NO! I DON'T LIKE YOU AND I NEVER WILL! You fall into the chair beneath you dumbfounded, and crushed. Luna tears up in rage and slams her door shut. You begin to tear up as well. She doesn't like me... and she never will. that's what you've been trying to do for the last month and a half; was trying to get her to like you. Everything you've done: the cooking, the cleaning, the cheesecakes. HELL EVEN THE TEA, FOR NOTHING! You stand up shaking like a leaf. You Head of to your room for the remainder of the night. You go up to your alarm clock and unplug it from the wall. If She is never going to like me...Why bother with trying. I might as well just sit on the couch all day and drink beer. You lay down on your bed and quickly cry yourself to sleep. The Next Day 2nd person: Luna's POV You begin your normal routine: wake up, cry in the shower, dry off, get ready, eat breakfast, be told to have a good da- What? He wasn't here, he's always here.That wasn't like him at all. You look around the house/room until you get to his room. You touch your ear to the door only to hear him happily snoring away. That's it... he just over slept. You leave the room and head to you and your sister's combined court. Eight Hours Later Your exhausted, plain and simply. Absolutely nothing tires you more than hearing nobles complain about things they themselves could easily rectify. You slowly trudge your way to the door. You could really use some cheesecake to settle your nerves. You unlock the door and stumble in, you look over to where he usually sits and close the door. You gasp at the sight before you. You thought that just like every day he would be waiting patiently staring at the door with a pot of tea on the table in front of him. But alas, that's what you thought. In reality, right in front of you, there he sat at the far end of the couch, feet on the table, still in his pajamas. There's no tea set out, instead in his hand and littered on the floor are beer cans. You take in the sight before you waiting. Waiting... Waiting for what. He never turned to you, you wait. He doesn't ask how your day went, you wait. There's no tea to offer you, you wait. He doesn't turn to you... what are you waiting for. You sigh and turn and begin to walk to the kitchen, but not before looking at him one more time. You see him scratch his five o'clock shadow and finish a can of beer, he's just starting at the television devoid of life. You continue on. You open up the fridge to what you thought would be a freshly baked cheesecake, you thought. Instead of cheesecake, the fridge seems barren, but it's filled with beer cans with a note that said ' don't touch ' on them. You sigh again, heavier this time and head to your room hungry and thirsty. Oh, how you could use some tea and cheesecake... something comes to your mind. Is this because of what I said. Maybe I should have a talk with Tia... You hop off your bed and leave the Master Bedroom. You get to the door that leads to the castle hallway and hesitate. You look back at him. He doesn't turn, just drinks. You head to your sister's bed chambers. Two Days Later 2nd Person POV The couch and the television have become your life, the only times you get up: beer refill, bathroom break, and the maids bringing you pizza. Your beer is nearly empty, the door opens but you don't notice, your too engrossed in the documentary on ponies. You finish off the last of the beverage in your hand, crumple it and throw it on the ground, you'll get to it at some point... You look around for your next can, there was none left. You stand up shaking, your legs feel like cheesecake. You walk past the open doorway to the Master Bedroom there's someone standing in it, but you don't notice, you only want beer. You open the refrigerator hoping you had some cans left. You sigh. None... There's only one thing to do now. "Beer run." You say Aloud to no-one in particular. You head to the hallway door and leave. Luna leaves the Master Bedroom door frame and Heads to the kitchen. 2nd Person Luna's POV You head into the kitchen and get the ingredients ready. You begin to make the gelatinous dessert while thinking to yourself. I can't stand to see him like this anymore, I don't know why it hurts, but it does. Tia said I should give him a chance, but now he won't talk to me... You pour the mixture into the home made crust and place it in the oven to bake. I can only do this and hope it gets his attention on me long enough to apologize and try to get things to the way they were... but better. Using the pot holders you take out the freshly baked cheesecake and place it in the refrigerator. You think to yourself one last time in your room. I really hope this works Tia, for his sake and mine. You lay in your bed and grab your favorite book, and again... wait. What are you waiting for? Him. Four Hours Later You awaken to the slam of the hallway door. He's here! You literally jump out of the bed and into the hallway connecting the living room to the kitchen. You head to the couch, and there he is; dozing off. You sit on the couch next to him and shake him awake. "Huh, whazzat?" He says confused. "Are you sober enough to talk?" You ask hopefully. He nods his head and rubs his eyes, your surprised he's actually paying attention. You begin your much needed conversation, "Listen, I know I've been a real jerk to you. I've treated you like crap and never gave you the time of day to get to know you, or have a full conversation... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything. Now I know I didn't want to get married and there's no real way to change that now... I've never said it but, thank you. For being there everyday always asking about my day, even if I ignored you. I'm sorry." With that you complete your apology. "I didn't have to marry you, you know that right?" He counters. You just give him a quisitive stare. He continues, "I didn't have to, but I wan - No, needed to. When your sister announced that she was offering your hand in marriage, I had to be the one. I did it for you. The others would've just used you to further their power and political career. I would never do such a thing. I married you because, I love you Luna." He finishes. You let out a gasp. He truly did this all for you... You never knew, all this time you treated him poorly and he made sure that you wouldn't be used like a tool. Oh! You just remembered. "Here follow me." You grasp his hand and lead him into the kitchen and sit him down. "My sister gave me advice... she was also the one who taught me how to make this, I know it won't be as tasty as yours, but I don't care, I made this for you." You explain, pulling out the jiggly cheesecake. He eyes the cheesecake thoroughly as if he were checking if it were a fake in a museum. He takes a fork out of your hands and takes a bite. You watch him with wide eyes as a bead of sweat goes down your cheek. He smiles at you, and that makes your heart flutter. "Thanks, it's actually really good." He compliments. "So, does this mean you'll forgive me?" You ask hope oozing out of your voice. "I'll think about it." Eleven Hours Later You had an absolute horrid day with your sister Tia, not only did you have to deal with the snooty nobles, but your nephew Blublood had come by and inadvertently insulted you the whole time. I need cheesecake. You slowly walk to your room, with your eyes closed. You've mesmerized this path years before today. Unfortunate you did not notice the bucket of water in the middle of the floor completely soaking your black and silver sandals. Could this get any worse! You kick the bucket to the side of the wall, making it hit the mop, which in turn smacks you in the head. You were sorry you asked. Grumbling you finally get to the door, but you stopped. What could be on the other side. You were scared to find out. Taking in a deep breath you open the door and walk in, closing it behind You. 2nd Person POV You stare at the woman soaking the ground she stood on, her hair frazzled and her eyes closed. You wanted to be the first to say something. You said the only thing that mattered in that moment. "Hey. How was your day?" She gasps at your voice and opens her now watering cerulean eyes. You know today Will be different. "Do you want some te-hnnngh" Before you could finish your question your loving wide tackled you into the couch in a bone - crushing hug. She releases her death grip, "I'd love some tea." You fill up the two silver tea cups with the steaming beverage. You hand her a cup and head to the kitchen to get her a slice of cheesecake. You sit down and she cuddles closer to you. You give a warm smile at her, "So Lulu, tell me all about your day."