Deflower of the Dark Side

by Flammenwerfer

First published

Fluttershy finds Emperor Palpatine near death in the forest, and nurses him back to perfect health. He promises her great power and confidence through the 'Force,' though none of her friends are particularly convinced...

Fluttershy has a new friend who's a little... different. The other ponies don't approve, but he can't be all that bad and annoying, right? After all, he keeps talking about making the force flow through her to help her become a more confident, stronger mare.

Though admittedly, Fluttershy is curious about how exactly the 'Emperor' would make that work.

Encouraged entirely with the help of my wonderful friend anonpencil.
Included is a LIVE READING, done by both her and myself (embedded in chapter and linked here)! A shitpost of this magnitude could not have been done without her backing and help, so thank you!!! :heart:

The Dahk Sied of the Force

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“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash spoke solemnly. “We need to talk.”

The cream-colored mare in question glanced curiously at all her friends sitting around her in the middle of her living room. Each one of them held a mixture of stern, if apprehensive expressions
on their muzzles, as if they feared the conversation about to take place.

Still, that did not allay Fluttershy’s desire to know why her friends invited themselves over at the same time and insisted they sit down.

Tentatively, she softly replied with those wide, teal-blue eyes revealing all:

“What’s wrong, girls? D-Did I do something bad?”

Twilight was quick to intercept that.

“No no no! Not you at all, ‘Shy… but w-we do need to talk about your um,” she trailed off as she lost her confidence at the moment, doing her best to find the appropriate words.

Thankfully, Rarity was there to tag in.

“What she means, dear, is your new… ‘friend.’”

The fashionista spared a look to the rest of her friends, who nodded in agreement.

Even with the elaboration, Fluttershy cocked her head to the right as her left eye became veiled in her mane.

“Huh? You mean Palpatine? What about him?”

Applejack placed her stetson-hat aside and breathed a heavy sigh, deciding to take the reins on this.

“Ya didn’t do nothin’ wrong when ya found ‘im in the middle of the Everfree near death… but t’be quite honest with you, sugarcube…”

Applejack paused as she looked to her friends for extra reassurance. Each one, including the ever-exuberant Pinkie Pie, urged her on in the right path.

“He may be a bit too umm… different.”

Pinkie interjected shrilly with a most ardent protest, flailing her hooves over her head:


Fluttershy flinched, as if struck, but that did not stem the sudden tide of confessions. Emboldened by Pinkie’s admirable bluntness, Rainbow Dash spoke her mind with a conciseness that she was known for:

“He’s super annoying!” she declared. “He’s asked me every day for the past week if I’ve ‘heard the tragic tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise!’”

Twilight cleared her throat, earning a visibly shocked Fluttershy’s attention.

“And while he’s very intelligent and I absolutely welcomed the opportunity to learn from ‘Emperor’ Palpatine… these ‘Sith Teachings’ are not becoming of friendship at all! They’re horrifying!”

Pinkie careened herself back into the conversation.


“He done used his ‘force’ to choke out Winona! And he was cacklin’ like a hyena!” Applejack protested vehemently.

“And I must say that he has… ahem… politely suggested that Sweetie Belle does not become a ‘Jedi.’ He’s rather insistent and I’m not so sure exactly what that means, though I'm debating if I should fear for her safety,” Rarity added.

“And Fluttershy,” Twilight piped up once more. “Something just… doesn’t sit right with me about him. He’s powerful in the use of magic. Too powerful, I think… and it almost repels me; it feels wrong being near him,” she detailed.

“I worry about his very presence being a terrible, subconscious influence on young unicorns.”

With these grievances fielded with little abandon, and her friends staring at her expectantly, Fluttershy retreat behind her mane as her feelings were now as conflicted as ever.

Her now one-eyed gaze shifted constantly from each one of her friends, unable to conjure up the proper words to say as her reticence and guilt suddenly overrode her. Palpatine could not be this bad, could he? With how polite he was to her and how willing he was to help her ‘become more confident,’ the girls couldn’t be talking about the same individual…

…could they?

And as a consequence, her mouth produced no coherent response.

“I… umm…” Fluttershy began, but their conversation was interrupted by a sickly-sounding voice from beyond the next room.

“Oh, young Fluttershy?”

The mere sound of his voice sent Rainbow Dash and Applejack rolling their eyes. All the mares’ collective attention was drawn towards the entrance to the stairway, where a new figure had hobbled in.

Sporting a wooden cane and an onyx-black robe with hood, Palpatine, the ‘Emperor,’ and ‘Dark Lord of the Sith’ had entered the room. His steps were slow and deliberate, attributed to his age that none of the mares had any of an inclination of. His eyes were sunken and a sickly golden color. His grayed skin, wrinkled and worn from presumably age, looked almost diseased.

Even though his form was disheveled and decrepit, Twilight Sparkle felt a terrible shiver run down her spine at his mere sight. All her magical senses were noisily raising red flags and smacking her in the face with them.

Fluttershy, naturally, addressed him first.

“Oh! H-Hello Palpatine! Won’t you come join us for some tea?” she offered, hoping to straighten out all these misconceptions about the poor old man.

Palpatine chuckled deeply—evilly—as he approached the group. His next words were as cryptic as they were… annoying, at least to Rainbow Dash.

“Yes… You have entertained your friends as company. I have… foreseen it.”

Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, raised a lone eyebrow at that statement. The rest of her friends save Fluttershy seemed to echo the same sentiment.

All the while, Palpatine took a seat right between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The latter shuffled away a few extra inches down the couch, just to be safe.

“Uhhh, Palpatine?” Fluttershy began, ready to help facilitate some form of dialogue.

The man in question turned to her extra slowly with a bright, almost perverse smile.

“Yes, my child?”

“Well…” she began, having cleared her throat into her hoof. “The girls here came over to say that… ummm, maybe you’re…”

Her words meandered into nothing under the Emperor’s inquisitive, intimidating visage. Though he was hunched over and often shorter than when the other mares sat on their haunches, all knew he was the most powerful individual in the room.

Though he sat with that perpetual grin of his to compliment those piercing, unsympathetic eyes, Rainbow Dash took little issue in making her grievances known.

She stepped in on behalf of Fluttershy, slamming her hoof on the couch cushion, her face conveying a pony who was just a tad more than peeved.

“Just who the heck do you think you are?!” she demanded.

Palpatine was not fazed by her outburst in the slightest. Like he did with Fluttershy, he agonizingly slowly turned his attention to the prismatic-maned mare.

His insidious smile was supplanted by an equally dark glower as he focused the entire force of his intimidation factor on one who would dare defy his will.

“I am the Senate.”

The instantaneous confusion could not have been more tangible. Rainbow Dash’s utter annoyance was disregarded, instead letting her head cock to the right.

“What the f… what?!”

Palpatine then addressed all in the room:

“Perhaps there has been a… misunderstanding. The Force can lead to many impasses, and perhaps I have been… overzealous in my attempts,” came his cryptic proclamation…

…one that brought nary a sliver of understanding the how or why behind his antics around Ponyville.

Fluttershy continued to cautiously observe the interaction, but from how things were going thus far, she was beginning to think that a solution would be much less forthcoming than originally thought.

Twilight decided to put on the ‘brave’ face and dare ask for clarification amongst her dumbfounded friends.

“Uhhh, what do you mean by that?”

Palpatine let loose another one of his sinister, throaty bouts of laughter. He then righted his posture and cleared his throat.

“I sense… a presence here. One that has been difficult to detect for some time. I imagine it to be the source of the powah of the Dahk Sied of the Force on this planet… it lusts for control and taming. It begs to be released,” he explained.

He turned his attention to nowhere in particular, glancing around and blinking in a pensive trance.

He then nodded to himself. All the while Pinkie Pie—a perpetual eyebrow cocked and jaw slackened from the antics displayed—turned to Rarity and waved her hoof in a circular motion by her head.

She then whispered:

“This guy’s fucking crazyyyyy…”

“I see…” Fluttershy attempted to work through the awkward silence that enveloped the atmosphere.

Palpatine adjusted his hood and lay back into the couch.

“Perhaps I can explain through example, my young ones… have you all heard the tragic tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise?”

Rainbow Dash was not having it. At all. With an enormous groan, she made her feelings known.

“Oh for shit’s sake! I can’t fucking do this… I just can’t! Bye, Flutters, I’ll see you later,” she said, planting her face in her hooves.

She then promptly jetted out the window, leaving a brief, rainbow contrail in her wake.

Palpatine only huffed at her untimely exit.

“So it’s treason.”

Fluttershy turned to Palpatine after, dishearteningly, watching her friend skedaddle.


“Nothing, young one.”

The atmosphere became much heavier and awkward by the second, and everypony else but Fluttershy was beginning to think that Rainbow had the right idea.

Twilight cleared her throat.

“Yeah, I think we should all get going too, right girls?” she asked.

Every single one of them nodded vehemently.

“Right. So, we’ll continue this later, Fluttershy…” she then glared at Palpatine. “…when we’re alone.”

While the cream-colored mare was busy addressing her friends’ now-abrupt group farewell, Palpatine’s grin widened as he cackled silently.

“Gooood… let the hate flow through you.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, and the rest got to their hooves to file out of Fluttershy’s cottage. Each one bade the mare in question their own respective goodbyes, but ultimately Fluttershy was powerless to watch her friends seem so divided with her over a misunderstanding.

And in her mind, she could not bear to think how bad Palpatine was feeling.

She sighed, hanging her head low as she watched her friends depart.

“I’m sorry, Palpy… there’s just some misunderstandings we all need to work out.”

Fluttershy squeaked in surprise when she realized that the Sith Lord was right next to her without having heard his footfalls. Glancing up at his face, his eyes stared straight out the door towards the Equestrian paradise of Ponyville.


“The only misunderstanding, young Fluttershy, is your perceived place amongst your so-called ‘friends,’” he seethed.

Of course, this elicited the utmost concern out of the pegasus, and her eyes widened up at him.

“H-Huh? What do you mean by that?”

Palpatine kneeled to be at eye-level.

“Your friends would hate to see you break your reticence… because they know the truth about you: You’re powerful. More powerful than them should you do so,” he explained.

Fluttershy blinked hard, cocking her head to the left.

“What? Why would they think that? They’ve been nothing but encouraging to me!”

“Semantics,” Palpatine dismissed. “They fear you, young Fluttershy. They fear you.”

Fluttershy was speechless… why would her friends fear her? Why would they think any of this about her? All she ever wanted to do was become more confident in her own skin; she’d never hurt them at all! She loved them!

But before she could even vocalize a single conflicting emotion, the Sith Lord intercepted her:

“I can sense the fear and hate within you… but I can help you make your friends see. Placate their concerns. But we must move quickly and establish your connection to the Force,” he declared.

“We must allow the Dahk Sied to run freely through your veins.”

While Fluttershy remained conflicted, Palpatine was presenting her with an opportunity of a lifetime: to get what she always wanted out of herself. And in the end, Rainbow Dash had always told her that she needed to be more spontaneous in her deliberations.

Perhaps that would start today.

Fluttershy steeled herself as she locked eyes with the Dark Lord.

“Okay. I’ll do it.”

Palpatine smiled and cackled eagerly.

“Goooooooood,” he said. “Then your training and infusion shall begin immediately!”

The old man stood up completely and hobbled over to the couch. With a single touch of his Force, the door to the outside world closed.

Fluttershy watched curiously as Palpatine faced her from the sofa…

…and then began disrobing.

Little by little, more of his grayed, sickly skin came into view… and eventually his now-useless robe dropped to the floor like a senior who had fallen and could not get up.

Fluttershy wanted to be disgusted by what she saw… but to the contrary, she wasn’t. This was especially so since Palpatine’s body was…

…absolutely shredded.

In fact, she couldn’t look away. The Emperor’s wrinkled and tested face belied his lean, muscular pecs, eight-pack galloping abs, bulging legs and jacked as fuck arms. Further, there wasn’t a single follicle of hair on his body.

In short, she was in complete awe as she eyed him up and down. Something flowed through her, a feeling she had never experienced before, and one that gave her a tingle that went straight between her hind legs.

It terrified her.

Yet Fluttershy could not look away, and wanted to follow this through.

Palpatine cackled yet again at her reaction and sat down on the couch, spreading his legs wide and allowing now his veiny nine-inch spire to stand rigidly at attention like one of his Stormtroopers.

His girth was undeniable. His length was irrefutable.

And Fluttershy just could not stop staring. She had no control of her salivation.

“Uuuuhhh…” she uttered out in some hybrid cross of confusion and a groan.

Palpatine chuckled.

“Oh? You want… this,” he said softly, gripping his iron wood. “Don’t you? Yes… the fear and lust are swelling through you. I am unarmed. Take my weapon and suck it down. Give into your lust! With each passing moment you become more my servant!”

Fluttershy lifted a hoof tentatively, then began her slow trot over.

“Oh… okay,” she managed to say through an oddly clear head.

“Yes… young Fluttershy. Come over here and smell my balls. It is the true musk of the Dahk Sied of the Force that you hunger to taste in its purest form. Give into your desires!”

Fluttershy said nothing, as there was nothing to protest nor affirm. Palpatine knew, he always knew. And if the Dark Side smelt like two-week-old cottage cheese that had been left out on the counter combined with that of someone having taken a deuce in a pine tree, then so be it.

“Hah! Your desires! You wish for me to ‘Palpateabag your face?’ Such grotesque thoughts from such an innocent mare. But, there will be more time during your training, later!” he stated.

Once Fluttershy had stepped between his legs, she felt an invisible force grab hold of the back of her mane. With one smooth motion, Palpatine’s rod entered right into her mouth and lodged itself into the back of her throat.


“This will only be a small, literal taste of the Dahk Sied! It is time to complete your connection to the Force!”

As Fluttershy whimpered and the tears fell down her cheeks, she felt right at home. Apparently the Dark Side also tasted like plantains.

Too bad it only lasted for a few seconds before he was removed from her mouth.

With finesse and sleight of hand that nopony would have guessed the Emperor possessed, he physically altered their positions. Fluttershy shrugged off her vertigo and found herself on her forelegs, her haunches raised up and her tail drawn out of the way. Her lower lips were soaking, leaking like a sabotaged oil tank.

And without warning and over the course of a single second, Palpatine lined himself up and speared his throbbing Sithhood into her molten depths… entering into her like a raffle for a personal hot air balloon.

Fluttershy moaned loudly once she shrugged off the surprise.

“AAAHHHH! MMmmnn! Oh my Celestia!~”

“YEEEEEEEEEES!” Palpatine imperiously bellowed, then began thrusting with deep, long strokes. The head of his dick slammed against her cervix with abandon.


Everything about this told Fluttershy that she should be feeling violated… but no! She felt amazing! She never wanted this to end, and she did well to vocalize that profound tickle in her core every time the Sith Lord’s dong French-kissed her bonehole.


Palpatine gripped both of her flanks atop her cutie marks and unrelentingly continued to piston into her. All the while, he employed some of his own powers to yank her mane back during the act.

“It shan’t… be longer now, my young Fluttershy! Give in!! MMMM! Give into your lust and the process shall be complete! You will become the next SITH LORD!”

“MMM! MMM! I WANT… AH! I WANT IT ALL!” Fluttershy cried out to the ceiling.

Too distracted was she in getting her vulva spread like LuNutella on bread that she did not notice Angel on the counter.

He watched, enraptured with a combination of revulsion and piqued interest.

Fluttershy did not even notice the small camera he fished out from behind him without taking his eyes off the situation.

“MMM POUND ME! OWN ME, EMPEROR!” Fluttershy groaned.

“YEEEES!” Palpatine gutturally declared and moaned. “Your mind, like your body and ripe cherry pussy, will be… MIIIIIIIIINE!”

Fluttershy felt every compulsion to respond gutturally in kind.

“IT’S YOURS, MY LORD!!!!” she exclaimed.

“AND NOW!” Palpatine began anew, burying his dick into her with a squelch. He then pistoned with the end of each word: “You. Shall. Have. POWER! UNLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMITED…”

And just like that, the floodgates opened and his saber began to spew its Force-laden cream filling into her. At the exact same time, Fluttershy’s body began convulsing in electric ecstasy… as well as an actual electric charge seeming to manifest physically around her corporeal form.

Fluttershy orgasmed harder than she ever had in her entire life… she could taste colors and felt as if someone was using her slit as a sock puppet.

“GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH!” She cried out, tongue lolled out, to the very creators of Equestria in the heavens.


But just like that, her peak had receded, and it was over.

Her face bearing that thousand-yard stare, her cheeks were still flushed and Fluttershy panted deeply. As her breath returned to her, only then was she cognizant of being filled beyond capacity with the Emperor’s magical seed. Her flank remained dutifully raised to the heavens.

Palpatine unsheathed himself from her and stood up to his usual hunch, looking down upon the still-quivering mare.

“The process is complete… and you are now force sensitive. The powah of the dahk sied of the Force can now run freely through you. I can now show you confidence, charisma, and machinations of evil beyond your wildest imagination.”

Fluttershy only managed a weak nod.

“T-Thank you, E-Emperor…”

“Now,” he bellowed imperiously. “Become my apprentice, and discover all you could not muster the courage to do under the guidance of your ‘friends.’ Harness the Dahk Sied under my tutelage!”

His eyes continued to bore down into the used-up mare, and Fluttershy weakly nodded with more conviction than she had ever shown.

“Yes, Master!”

“Goooooooooooooooooooooooood…” Palpatine growled in approval.

“Then my apprentice, you shall be. Henceforth, you shall be known as…”

He paused as he spared a single moment of thought, then proclaimed with all the power vested in him:

“…Darth TinyCreamPone.”

The sheer power the title held sent another massive tingle up her spine and through her nethers… and Fluttershy squeaked out when she felt another minor orgasm ripple through her spent body.

“T-Thank you, My Lord!”

“Now, my young apprentice… the time has come for you to embrace your place and your new powers. We must assert our dominance on this planet.”

His orange eyes steeled as Palpatine gave his first command to his new subordinate:

“Execute Order 69420.”

A damp Rainbow Dash hummed to herself as she scanned the available fruits of the fruit merchant in Ponyville’s Market Square. Hoof to her chin, she debated whether a banana or some apples and sweet sauce would be a good post-workout snack to hold her over until dinnertime.

Those deliberations were interrupted, however, when she felt a very… wrong presence behind her. Her coat bristled on her skin and she turned on her hooves immediately in inquiry…

…only to find Fluttershy standing stiffly in front of her. Fluttershy, however, was not as Rainbow had seen her a mere day before. Here stood a mare garbed in a jet-black robe which fell down to her hooves, with some sort of silver cylinder attached at her waist.

More astonishingly, Fluttershy’s once pink, silky, flowing mane was now tied up tightly in a fancy, sharp bun.

To say Rainbow as taken completely by surprise at the new look of her oldest friend would be the understatement of the universe.

“F-Fluttershy?! What the hay happened to your look?! This is… definitely interesting but I can dig it! Especially the black cloak!” Rainbow Dash said, nodding in approval as she gazed up, down, and all around at the cream-colored mare.

She even lifted off the ground to look at her from behind and other angles… Fluttershy was sleek right now.

But incredibly uncharacteristic was Fluttershy’s much more stoic visage, and as she would make known with her next words, her coherence:

“That’s not important right now, Rainbow Dash. You and I have a much more pertinent order of business to discuss.”

The prismatic-maned mare blinked. Hard. Never once had she heard such raw charisma and level-headedness come from Fluttershy.

“Uh…” she scratched the back of her head. “Sure! Whatsup?”

Fluttershy inhaled once and cleared her throat.

“But first, I just have something I need to ask you as my best friend… have you heard the tragic tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise?”

Rainbow Dash’s blood boiled as she felt like she was about to have an aneurism.